postcard ideas

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  1. Ja du lilla gumman, det trodde jag inte för 10 år sen att du skulle sticka virka och sy, du är jätteduktig. Skam den som ger sig, jag tror att tröjan kommer att bli jättefin på dig.
    Kram från mamma

  2. hej min lilla storasyster!
    tack för din text

  3. Gud vilket underbart vackert tyg, till ett underbart bra pris. Jag skulle föreslå några stora fina mjuka kuddar att ha i den gråa soffan, som du gärna kryper upp i, eller varför inte ett mystäcke med ett annat tyg på baksidan. Bra fyndat Hanna, jag tror du går i mammas fotspår i alla fall.

  4. Jag hade ingen aning att det verkligen var så, så stolt över det lilla ynkliga knytet, som är din lillebror. Han är fortfarande lika söt, numera nyser han inte så mycket, men han har en massa andra ljud för sig, en del trevliga och andra mindre trevliga.
    Jag kan i alla fall tillägga att jag har världens underbaraste barn, båda två, så det så. Jag älskar er väldigt mycket.
    kram från mamma

  5. Hoppas det blir ett 1:a handskontrakt snart, det skulle innebära ett mindre problem för er. Klart att du har körkort snart, ett annat problem är då ur världen.
    Alla blir inte små grå gnälliga tanter en del blir stora gnälliga tanter?
    Kram ej ännu tant, men ack så gnällig ibland.

  6. Jag håller på Totoro, jag har fyllt tre år för länge sen, men har inte fått se filmen än. Påminn mig nästa gång jag kommer upp, att vi ska se den tillsammans.

  7. Bummel, rosa rockar! Och, lite grodor och Hello Kitty på kudden gör varje pojkvän glad!

  8. Oj vad mysigt, jag vill också läsa barnlitteraturkurs igen! Ska förvisso få läsa bilderboksanalys i höst, det ser jag fram emot. och i väntan på den kursen botaniserar jag bland alla underbara bilderböcker, barnböcker och ungdomsböcker på bibban.

    Får man läsa Det var en gång – och en gång till? Jag är nyfiken!

    Skön semester!

  9. Ooooh, det blev snyggt! Önskar jag vågade “blomma ut” sådär! Och tröjan är ju supersnygg! :)

  10. En sån sänggavel har jag funderat på i flera år nu, fast jag hade tänkt lä’gga ett lager vadd mellan skivan och tyget. Tänk om jag skulle se till att komma till skott någon gång!

    Välkommen till de nordiska stickbloggarna, det är kul att vi börjar bli fler svenskar där!

    Jorun i Luxemburg

  11. Hej, Hanna!

    Found my way over here through the Nordic Knit Blogs webring! Welcome to the ring! Your projects look great – can’t wait to see more of them in the future!

  12. Jag tycker bättre om den övre. Dels är den snyggare (ännu bättre utan igelkott, tycker jag personligen), dels kan du ha den på sånt du syr, virkar, broderar, knypplar i stället för enbart på handstickade saker. Svart är alltid snyggt.

  13. Grymt snygg pysselväska! Wow! Nu vill jag också ha en pysselväska. Har en tygkasse som jag brukar samla ihop stickprojektet i, men den är för tunn – stickorna letar sig ut! Måste sy en betydligt stadigare. Fast först ska jag sy en rosa tygkasse (som senare ska få nåt snyggt, ännu inte valt, tryck i vitt) åt en kompis som har födelsedag om två veckor. Mera pyssel åt folket! (eller åt Folke, som min pysslande kompis brukar säga)

  14. Välkomen till Nordic Knitblog :-)
    Visst är det härligt med stickning, man kan alltid ha en liten stickning med sig och ta fram.
    Här fanns det mycket fint att titta på.Gillar den gröna halsduken särskilt och den fina koftan.

  15. hei! fin blog! fant den gjennom nordic knitblogs, som jeg også nettopp har blitt med i. den røde duken er jättekul, og garnet er nydelig! jeg har forresten kjøpt helt ok saks på ikea til 49,- (sikkert ennå billigere i sverige …)

  16. hej hanna!

    fick adressen till din blog av par. fint o rosa!
    ah jag blir sa inspirerad av alla projekt du har pa gang.. kanske far jag ta pa mig pysselhandskarna till helgen!!

    ha det fint, kram

  17. Men göta petter så mycket roligt du har på gång, jag blir så avundsjuk,jättefina garner och grejor, det ser snart ut som hemma hos mamma. Fullt med bra ha grejor, bra Hanna, du går i mammas fotspår.
    Kram morsan

  18. Jag gillar den svarta bäst. Syns bra och passar som sagt på alla arbeten du gör. Kan man inte ha valfri bild, något som passar ihop med dig, ditt namn, födelsedag, födelseår, stjärntecken eller något annat, det vore väl kul. Finns det ingen groda, du har ju gillat grodor sen du var liten (Prinsessan, grodan och bollen) eller den gröna grodan med fläckar på. Nja du kan ju tänka på det.
    Nu vill jag snart se väskan.
    kram mamma

  19. Den svarta! Den svarta!
    Strunta i igelkotten!
    Du får behålla lapparna i 20 år, om du inte är extremt produktiv, så satsa på något “sobert och tidlöst”.

  20. Det verkar ju ändå som om du använder grejorna du köper! Själv tycker jag det är roligt att köpa, men jag hinner aldrig använda i samma takt som nyheterna strömmar in. Jag gjorde just ett garnfynd på eBay (lite mindre fyndigt när jag insåg hur avgrundsdyr frakten från USA blir, men ändå ett superfint garn till bra pris)
    Jag får smuggla in det någon kväll när familjen sysslar med annat…

  21. Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens;
    Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens;
    Brown paper packages tied up with strings;
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels;
    Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles;
    Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings;
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes;
    Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes;
    Silver-white winters that melt into springs;
    These are a few of my favorite things.

    When the dog bites,
    When the bee stings,
    When I’m feeling sad,
    I simply remember my favorite things,
    And then I don’t feel so bad.


  22. herlig garn! blir nok bra vanter til slutt. tvåändsstrikk høres spennende ut, det må jeg sjekke! (må bare finne ut hva det heter på norsk …)

  23. mmm, den genseren blir superkomfy! sokk og vott ser bra ut – har forresten funnet ut at det heter tvebandsstrikking på norsk.

  24. Du är verkligen flitig Hanna!
    Tack för fina ord; ja, jag har sett Jennifer Murphy’s nallar, de är också rara.

  25. hi!
    tried to respond to your comment on my blog by return mail but it kept getting bounced back, for some reason.
    love the blog – seems we have alot of common interests (flea markets, old textiles, bits and bobs of ribbon, quilting….)
    keep it up!

  26. A wonderful needlebook.Looking forward more of Crazy and silk ribbon embroidery.I’m also very fond of it and we had on QS a RoundRobin -RR.

    I wish you good luck
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

  27. the needlebook looks amazing! but does it open from the top or the sides? i cant quite make out how it works. but beautiful embroidery – ribbon work is a challenge, isnt it?
    i made needle books for my sisters last year for their birthdays and they really appreciated them. but mine pale in comparasion to yours – i made mine simply out of felt and with a bright button closure.
    excellent needle book link also!

  28. what a super cool needle book! i did a pillow in the same technique for my mother once. it’s such a fun way of using up old bits and pieces of fabric and trying to fin clever ways to embroider everything together. :-)

  29. Stora och många grattiskramar från familjen Selberg i Södertälje!

    Vad roligt! Jag ska strax gå till mormor/farmor och gratulera henne på Inga-dagen och då ska jag skriva ut den här sidan och visa henne.
    Ett stort grattis till körkortet, Hanna!
    Kramar till er bägge från
    släkten i Tälje

  31. GRATTIS till er båda för ett lyckat kap. Ni är så söta!
    puss från mamma/svärmor

  32. Den är jättefin och det är jag som äger den, tack hanna
    kram mamma

  33. Kudden blev jättefin och visst är det härligt med tyger och band.
    En njutning för kropp och själ.
    Bra Hanna, du har blivit såååååååååååååååå duktig!
    POK mamma

  34. Alltid lika inspirerande att lasa om vad du haller pa med! Men, hur hinner du med allt?

    Grattis ocksa till forlovningen!


  35. Hej
    Är bara inne på en snabbvisit. Lycka till med livet som förlovad!! Själv har jag varit det min DH i 27år(och gifta i 17) Så jag kan rekommendera det!

  36. gratulations!!!
    paer i hope you dont stop climbing – i can see at your fingers that there are not so many cuts…..
    keep on pulling strong fantomas?

  37. Haller med dig… aven om det ar svart ibland, alla dessa saker “som ska hinnas med”. Men visst, efter en trakig dag pa jobbet sa finns det inget battre an att koppla av med nagot annat som stimulerar kreativiteten.

    Har for tillfallet – i varan pyttelilla lagenhet – tva projekt pa gang; scannar alla vara gamla foton som sa smaningom sak bli en ny hemsida och sa har jga kopt massa parlor och gor massa roliga halsband o orhangen! Kul! Sa en minimal lagenhet ar just nu full av foton och parlor! Men vad gor man inte for lite roligt har i livet?

    Kram, Tina.

  38. hej!
    Jag går för närvarande en kurs i tvåändsstickning i Orsa. Ska flytta hem till Umeå vid jul, och är på jakt efter en kurs att gå där. Vad är det för kurs du går? Kommer det att bli någon fler till våren?

  39. I just discovered your blog, but I can’t help it : CONGRATULATIONS! Keep smiling :-D
    Now, I’m off to explore the rest of the site ;-)

  40. Ja, snälla mammor är härligt! :) Har redan använt symaskinen för att göra hållare till mina stickor och en massa haklappar.
    Och loppis är toppen! Fynda där gör gott för själen… :)

  41. what a coincidence!! i was in town today doing a little window shopping for the first time in ages and in 2 stores i happened upon this very book for the first time. LOVE! ive been admiring these girls for a while – did you catch them on that sewing show on tv4+ (cant remember the name right now but with isabelle soemthing and andreas something or other). then i come here to check in on you and there it is again.
    i found it a little expensive so couldnt buy it, but its on my list!

  42. Your needle case is very nice – it is obvious that you put a lot of attention to details. I would have been very touched if someone had offered me such a gift – your Mom must have been too! :-) I think that the fact you created this with pieces of fabric she gave you is adding value to it. Great work!

  43. i absolutely LOVE this – and totally want to try one of my own. you have a great eye for embroidery and do lovely work. i especially like the closeup with the funky flower buttons and embroidered purple flower. your mother must have cried when she got this. a great gift.

  44. Amazing – I especially like the small bouquet, and the fact that you used many little treasures – it is a truly unique piece of art!

  45. wow – that bag is SO beautiful!! I never thought I would feel an urge to sew, only knit, but after finding your blog, and seeing the needle book and now the bag, I find myself dreaming about sewing :) This is really inspiring!

  46. wow!
    i love the flower buds you made with the round beads and embroidered leaves. also really love the clear button flowers with stems in a row. great!!

  47. GRATTIS till er båda för ett lyckat kap. (I stole this ’cause I get everything, but the last word. Is it ‘couple’?)

    I’m a bit late, but I’m sure you’re still happy. I like this system of engagement without any pressure. :-)

  48. Tack, nu fick du mig verkligen att känna mig gammal!
    Hjälpte de dig att inse varför vanten ser ut som den gör? För om du vet vad som är fel med den så tycker jag faktiskt att du ska börja med en ny.
    Jag är nog lite tvärtemot de andra, jag tycker inte att du ska avsluta “den fula”, det är ju inte kul med nåt man avskyr blotta åsynen av.
    Och för att du ska få lite stick-inspiration innan januari, kolla om det inte finns nåt stick-café i Ume. Eller gå in i en garnaffär och kolla om de vill starta ett. Där kan man alltid få hjälp av nån!
    Kul att gröna tröjan blir bra!

  49. Förresten!
    Tvåändsstickning är ju svårt, så att det inte blir så bra på första försöket är väl fullkomligt normalt!

  50. Haha, jag visste väl att du skulle känna dig gammal… *fniss* Men det är du ju inte, bara äldre än mig! ;-)

    De på kursen fattade inte vad jag gjort fel, men jag tror jag vet. Använde fyra trådar när jag stickade mönstret på handryggen – antar att det blev opropetioneligt på grund av det? I alla fall är det förklaringen till varför det blev så smalt!?

    Jo, som vi säg i norrland, jag ska nog börja på en ny vante och se om den blir bra. I så fall repar jag upp hela den första och gråter en stund medans.

  51. for meg handler uansett strikking mindre om det ferdige produktet og mer om prosessen – helt fra det er en fantasi og en drøm, via garnbutikken og til selve strikkingen. herlig! om sluttresultatet blir bra er det en ekstra bonus!

  52. Here’s another German word “Umweg”. I had been wondering about the t-shirt undies lately, myself. I forgot the original’s site name and forgot the new site’s name (get crafty had been taken over by supernaturale). So, via a Umweg, that would be you, AND you’re on the other side of the pond (cause I’m in the US) I found it! Thank you! Isn’t this just funny!

  53. Hi,
    I’m glad you like Bloglines too, I think it is super. I really like the way it suggests other blogs that might interest me. I found at least ten new knitting blogs that way!

  54. Oh, that looks avesome. I´m thinkin to make something like that myself, there´s always room for another bag and crazy quilting fascinates me.

  55. as i understand it, the pippi socks (which i love and hope to make some day) were originally knitted with silja sock yarn from gjestal – i don’t know if you can get it in sweden but here in norway it’s very affordable. let me know should you need help getting hold of some.

  56. … (I’m officially freaked out by the pics. will have to collect my thoughts and get back to you.) ;-)

  57. amazing pictures! looks like you had a great time. and it’s amazing how different our winter experiences are being only a country apart. (are you in the north, perhaps?)

  58. The photos are absolutely fantastic! Very beautiful, and sometimes eerie. But in a good way!
    I want ice on the lake too! Stockholm is all thaw now, it’s horrible!


  59. Hej Hanna!
    Vilken UNDERBAR sida du har! Jag sitter h?r p? jobbet och bara kollar och kollar p? allt fint du har gjort, gl?mmer bort (f?rtr?nger)att jobba!
    Blir inspirerad som 17 av alla roliga saker du hittar p?! Jag vill ocks?.

    Minna (ingers syrra)

  60. Hanna…du har blivit uppm?rksammad p? Enblogomdan…

    Trevlig blog om ditt intresse…

  61. Oh, I understand completely. I am a horder of notebooks. Mine are mostly empty, because I am never sure if what I put in it, is worth the notebook’s beauty or coolness! ;-)

  62. I just recieved Knit1 too (my wonderful boyfriend bought a subscription for me!), and I like it, although I don’t understand why they only use Lion Brand…

    Eagerly expecting no 2.

  63. Hey! I commented on it too!
    And I also mention that the reason why they use Lion Brand yarns only, is that it is a joint venture between Vogue Knitting and Lion Brand. In other words, Lion Brand pays for it.
    I’m perplexed that they sell it in Sweden.

  64. I have the same problem… I live in Italy and the only one magazine which shows young and amazing patterns uses a kind of yarn that I can’t find.
    However it’s hard to find out foreign knitting magazines or books because this is not a common hobby here.
    Internet helps me a lot.

  65. lucky you! Nice stars! I love the red ones. When I get my sawing mashince, can I copy them? LOL (laugh out loud)


  66. Hi Hanna!
    I usually watch Sex and the city too, especially while I’m knitting or ironing my boyfriend’s ties on Sunday night… but it’s over and I think I can’t replace it.
    I’ll miss these four fabolous girls a lot..
    I think I’II confort myself by watching “The wonderful world of Amelie ” (I hope it’s a good translation) or “You’ve got mail” or ” Notting Hill”…
    Sooo sweet…

  67. Marvellous! Your socks are so lovely.. I think I’ll ask my grandmother to teach me how to knit them. I hope it will be a productive weekend!
    Thank you for the inspiration!

  68. Yay!! These were good practice for you-know-what! ;-)
    What yarn is this? I don’t nomrally like the self-patterning sock yarn, but this is nice.
    I’ll make the announcement today.

  69. Jod?, nog finns det ett svenskt ord f?r knitalong….
    Sticka! hade en t?vling i h?stas och Jorun i Luxemburg vann.


    Ett bra ord, eller hur?


  70. That’s very tempting. Especially now that I have some sock needles. I need to practice, I need to practice, I need to practice…


  71. Beautiful sock. I have yet to tackle one – I feel the urge now that I see how well yours turned out!

  72. Hello Hannah!
    What a coincidence! I just got a picture of my fadderbarn from Benin! It’s an adorable girl of 4, and I’m so excited! I can’t understand what took me so long, I’ve been thinking about it for years!

    I think you will be very happy with your decision, I know I am.

  73. My 2005 starts as well as I’ve never thought. My sister in law gave me her christmas present: a huge (250 gr) , lovely, colorfull and soft woolen ball. I’ve immediately started knitting a cute phildair sweather for my niece.
    I feel so inspired that I think to start my knitting blog. I wish I won’t give up…
    Have a crafty 2005!

  74. I think you should do a non-itchy wool or wear tights underneath.
    The “equipment” is called a swift. Your pictures are really nice. : )

  75. I love your yarn! Why do you think the yarn might be too itchy? Does it feel itchy? Why don’t you make small swatch, wash that and see how that feels on your legs?
    Hey, we need to talk!

  76. If you really want to use the yarn (I think it will look great!) do a small swatch and keep it pinned to your trouseres so it’s next to your skin for a while. If it starts itching, get a new yarn, and save that for something else. If it doesn’t itch, go right ahead!

    Godd luck! :)

  77. Your colors are so pretty!! I think my yarn for the long socks is going to be itchy too, so I’m planning tights underneath.

    Can’t wait for socks!!

  78. Sorry to hear about your crash/accident and that screen cleaner is too funny.
    See, questions like that you need to raise at the KAL blog, as there are 20 people ready to answer questions like that.
    The math is pretty simple. But first, is your swatch 9x11cm in blocked or unblocked state? If unblocked, don’t worry. In any case, what youd need to figure out is this:
    if 20 st = 9cm then you knit at (20:9=) 2.22 st per cm.
    so if you need to knit something that’s, let’s say 33cm wide, you would have to cast on (33×2.22=) 73 st. If you were ‘on gauge’, the pattern would tell you to cast on 66 st.
    With regards to row hight, i.e. you getting 11cm with 36 rows instead of 10cm – it’s not as crucial, because you can measure as you go. So if the pattern says knit 36 rows and we know that is 10cm, then you knit for 10cm without counting the rows. In any case, your row gauge is
    36r:11=3.27rows, instead of 3.6 rows; which means that for 10cm in height, you would knit 33rows.
    See, it’s simple math.
    Please post questions like these, if they concern sock making, on the KAL site, that’s what its for!
    I cannot wait to get started and those shoes are going to be GREAT with the socks!

  79. Jag ?r s? avis p? dig f?r att du pysslar och fixar! Och hittar s? mycket fina grejjer p? loppisar. Jag kan virka men inte sticka. Eller jo, jag kan sticka, men jag har gl?mt hur man b?rjar l?gga upp lixom, d? blir det knepigt!

  80. i feel your pain about the car situation. i did the same thing a few months ago! totally wrecked the car which never made it back from the shop and when last heard of was sitting at “skroten” in v?ster?s. poor little car.
    and now i have to decide if to get a new car and if so, which one. its been a drama – mostly because i’m making it into one. but i defintitely need a car and soon, but can’t quite bring myself to making the committment. it feels BIG.
    let me know what you decide – maybe i can become inspired by you?
    and yes – the shoes are the cutest!

  81. Oj, m?nga projekt blir det! Du verkar v?ldigt kreativ, vad kul! Retrotyget k?nns HELT r?tt! :)

  82. LOVE the green-red fabric. Love it. I’m very partial to the funky 70ies prints. Yes, I got your email, but haven’t gotten to sitting down and replying yet. How do you say in Swedish when you like something very much, like Americans say LOVE IT?

  83. Hej igen! Jag skrev min c-uppsats i historia om den adliga mannens fadersroll! K?nsroller s? att det skrek om det, intressant!

  84. Du kan undvika “stegarna” genom att variera vart n?gonstans du har stickorna. Ex. sticka ?ver tv? maskor p? den sticka du har ig?ng. D? flyttar du stegarna stegvis och de blir mindre och inte lika synliga. :-)

  85. Wonderful recycling idea! I really like it! :)

    Just came across your blog, and I am happy to meet you!

  86. Vad fint det blev! Och speciellt med Regiasockor i sig, i den där supersnygga färgen :)

  87. Fina bilder, mycket fina bilder, det m?ste jag verkligen s?ga.
    Du ?r s? p?hittig. Tack f?r att jag f?r vara med p? din sida.
    Puss mamma

  88. i’ve wanted to try, but have yet to accomplish it. sounds like you have inspiration at hand, so don’t let it pass.

    “ugly” just means not what you were expecting; as for “useless” or “bad,” it is an intangible representation of a moment in your life; how can that be useless or bad?

  89. I am so in love with the denim basket. Someday, when I un-earth my sewing machine, I might try to make one. And you’ve been Tagged. Stop by my blog for details…

  90. I don’t think you can make bad/useless/ugly art… not all people will love what you make, maybe not even yourself, but others will be absolutely mad about it ;)
    my mother is a painter, and she had an exhibition some years ago. there was a painting that she didn’t want to bring for it, she thought it was horrible… I talked her into it, and it was the first to be sold :)
    so just jump right into it, I’ll be looking forward to following it! I can’t wait till my exams are finished, so I can be creative again!!


  91. M?nga tack f?r feedback p? svenskan, s?nt tar jag emot med gl?dje.
    Roligt att du ska b?rja en artist journal. Det gjorde jag i 2004, fyllde tv? stora skissb?cker. Du ska inte alls bry dig om vad andra tycker eller tror, just do it! Det som ?r viktigt ?r att du upplever det.
    En inspirationk?lla: Keri Smith och en till – superbra: Danny Gregory!

  92. Every once in a while I run across someone a lot like me…I’m amazed at how you have the same obsessiveness and willingness to try new things. I’m looking forward to seeing your journal pages. I have a cloth journal I’m just starting and a paper one I’ve been thinking about using for colored pencil drawings. If only there were more time ,eh?

  93. yay! i have been wondering about gesso for ages. get busy, girl, and post them pages! i want to see what you’re up to!

  94. so this is what happens when a girl leaves town for a few days!
    i’m flattered, hanna!
    and yes, i have played along!

    thanks for thinking of me, sweetie!

  95. Hehe, kolla vad smarrtigt!

    1. Total amount of music files on your computer:
    M?ngder av mp3or! N?stan bara bra musik.

    2. The last CD you bought was:
    Infinitive Mass

    3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
    Christian Walz “Wonderchild” (mp3)

    4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
    – Lars Winnerb?ck “Om tiden ville fatt”. Men det k?nns or?ttvist att bara v?lja en av hans l?tar!
    – H?kan Hellstr?m: “Minnen av aprilhimlen” K?nns or?ttvist ?ven f?r H?kan Hellstr?m…
    – Goa psykadelik trance: I am God =??? varf?r gillar jag den?
    – Kent – “Just like money” Mycket bra engeslk l?t med favvo-Kent!
    – Alla l?tar p? K?ldolmar och kalsipper! Hahaha!

  96. Om du hittar ett m?nster som du gillar, s? kan du ju f?rs?ka hitta liknande garn i Sverige.
    Det finns ju liknande garner som man kan ers?tta med….
    Man kollar stickfastheten….. och antal meter p? garnet.
    Om det st?mmer s? kan man byta ut garnet.

    Och om du hittar ett fint garn, f?rs?k hitta ett grundm?nster som ser ut ungef?r som det du vill g?ra, och som passar till garnet. Sen kan man l?gga till grejer….. eller ta bort.
    Jag vet, det k?nns lite stort i b?rjan, men det ?r bara att prova! Det ?r det man l?r sig p?. Det och en massa t?lamod s? kan man komma l?ngt!
    Beh?ver du hj?lp, s? hojta! Jag kan lite i alla fall, och annars har jag kompisar som kan en hel del!


  97. Jag tycker ocks? tr?jan p? omslaget till Garntj?nsts senaste ?r snygg! Det fann en del snygg design i den tyckte jag ocks?, men jag f?rs?ker att inte best?lla mer garn just nu. M?ste g?ra klart det jag h?ller p? med. Men det r?cker v?l med att se vad du har best?llt sen f?r att jag ska falla till f?ga….:)

  98. I like your cellphone cover very much! I have one but it is pretty ugly. It was one of the first things I ever made, and you can tell! I should make another nice one like yours!

    I am glad that you cellphone will be warm!

  99. I can help you with German. I think Marika explains that the Sommerliche Top is just rib. Try for German yarns. They’re bound to ship to Sweden.
    I get like you when I see Dale patterns I like.Though I can get Dale yarn and patterns online.
    Don’t you tempt me now with Swedish stuff!

  100. Tja!
    jag har b?rjat min virkagrytlapparp?l?pandebandkarri?r! Var p? Myrornas p? S?der ig?r och de hade hela kassar med garn (nytt) f?r bara 20-50 kr styck. men jag k?pte bara en – och s? gjorde jag en riktigt AJA BAJA- jag b?t nystan mellan tv? kassar!

  101. Hi Hanna

    I just came across your blog, and I love it! You have great style, and your crafting is very cool. I shall be visiting again!

    I found you when I Googled my name during lunch today (I was bored!); I’m Trudie Bamford, who wrote the book Viva Vintage, which you mentioned in one of your posts. Thank you so much for recommending it, and I think its so cool its in your library!

    Since you are into crafting, knitting, etc, you might be interested in my new website, Hip Knits, which sells unusual yarns online, some of which are unavailable in Europe. Come and visit me!

    Keep up the crafty goodness,

    Hugs, Trudie

  102. I’m moved, when i’see all this socks and these crocheted mats. How many love is these knitting things.
    (excuse my english)

  103. Great finds! There is nothing like second hand shopping. I love it!

    This bowl you got is so pretty! Very Shabby Chic! :)

  104. Kolla h?r vad man kan g?ra med fina gamla b?cker!
    Vilka h?rliga fynd du har hittat! Har lust att ta semester och bara shoppa fleamarkets ett par dagar!

  105. m?ssan ?r j?ttefin och jag hade den n?r vi var p? promenad d? det var -5 grader, s? det s

  106. Det var hemskt roligt att titta p? alla bilderna vad fint det ser ut, nu blir man ju sugen att g?ra n?t nytt tokigt igen, vi f?r se vad det blir. Vart ska jag leta efter damen med de 200 bilderna p? sitt tokt?cke. Jag vill se dom ocks?.
    Man blir verkligen inspirerad, forts?tt jobba Hanna
    kram mamma

  107. Jag f?rst?r inte hur du kan hitta s? mycket fina grejor, sk?len var j?ttefin, men de gamla stickb?ckerna g?r ju inte av f?r hackor heller. Snart f?r du komma hit s? vi kan ?ka p? loppisrunda tillsammans.

  108. Sy sticka l?sa m?la, ja allt du n?mner f?rgyller tillvaron d? kv?llarna ?r l?nga, m?rka och kalla. Att man dessutom kan gl?dja sina v?nner med sm? trevliga hemmatillverkade grejor g?r ju saken inte s?mre. Jag ?lskar dig Hanna f?r att du har s? mycket gl?dje och sprudlande energi i dig.
    Puss fr mamma

  109. Nä nu blir jag avundsjuk, det var ju jag som skulle göra den där först.Nu får nog morsan sätta fart, jag vill också ha en sån FIN korg
    puss från mamma

  110. Den bl? nallen l?ngtar efter en matte, han vill inte ligga i ett sk?p, d?r ?r b?de m?rkt och kallt.
    Jag l?ngtar ocks? efter dig och alla dina tokiga ideer.
    Du har gjort s? mycket fina saker.
    Kram mamma

  111. That little knitted diaper is too funny!
    I don’t see children wearing these things now, but they are very cute.

    I am happy that you found such an interesting book! :)

  112. Lycka till med din nya ide, det ska bli kul att se dina skapelser senare.
    kram mamma

  113. I love those old childrens clothes! I have a bunch of old knitting magazines, especially from the 40’s and I tell you, I could almost consider having a baby only to be able to knit those clothes for them!

  114. hey hanna it looks GREAT! what did you color the paper with? i’m excited about your project and will be checking in on your progress. finding a basic book you like is half the battle!

  115. welcome to the club! i know exactly what you mean. i always thought stamps were a little tacky until i saw an example of someone who REALLY knew what they were doing and then it all fell into place for me. stamps can be very very cool and also creative, even though it sometimes feels like cheating a bit. is a site i really love which i think shows rubberstamping at its plain and steamlined and tasteful best. there are also lots of cute ideas on although some of the cards and things there are not quite my taste.

  116. Very nice entry–I have many emails in my inbox! I really like your blog, so I put you on my sidebar at my blog. I would love to hear from you sometime!

  117. I think you won’t be happy when I say this… but you could have gotten the pattern for the lovikka mittens for free from me ;) I have an old Swedish pattern my mom scanned for me :)
    The yarn (Hjertegarn) is Danish, but I don’t know how much it is here…

  118. wee wonderfuls and hope are both sites i really enjoy too.
    the link you have here to the scrapbooking post doesn’t appear to be working, though. or maybe the problem is with my computer?

  119. she looks LOVELY hanna! you have really gotten the hang of this! im still trying to not be intimidated by my paints!

  120. my inbox has been causing me so much stress lately. this is a great way of looking at it. I’m feeling calmer already – thanks! :)

  121. Also working on a pair of Lovika mittens… haven’t made it past the thumb opening… it will be next winter before they are completed. Like the lovely pink color you are using.

  122. Very warm mittens for a cold period this winter and the next one.Good luck finding more yarn.
    I’m listening at Sv?lh?let by Mikael Niemi.Much better when he reads then when you only read the stories.I love listening to Sara Lidman reading her books.Just so fantastic.A good idea to listen to something when you knit. I’m going to the library finding more books .
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

  123. You have some lovely things, Hanna! I am a collector too :) I really like the pink and green fabric. I am not so good at sewing, but hopefully I can make some things for the summer season.

    Thank you SO much for stopping by my blog–it was wonderful to hear from you! :)

  124. those blue buttons are beautiful! It’s always good to have lots of fabric and trims on hand for when the spirit moves you. at least that’s how I justify collecting so much more than I use!

  125. Hi Hanna!
    Thank you SO MUCH for visiting my site! :) I am so happy now because I have the opportunity to explore yours – – your site is so BEAUTIFUL and INSPIRATIONAL! ;)


  126. they’re so great! i love the way you combined 2 colors on these. and what colors!!! i have also made lovvika mittens a couple of times and find them fun and easy to knit and they’re as warm as they are attractive.
    not sure about shrinking them… maybe someone else with more felting experience has some advice?

  127. The are beautiful mittens, Hanna! I love that pink. Have you thought about putting them in the wash to felt them a little so that they are not so big?

    Hope all is well :)

  128. Hi :)

    In my pattern for Lovikka mittens, it says that one shoul use a brush of some kind, to “rug up the surface” but I read about Lovikka mittens on the internet, and it said, that they originally were felted, so if I were you I’d felt them :) I have a pair that fits, but (some day when I have time) I’ll felt them by hand, so that they will fit my hands perfectly :)

    the colours are really nice – mine are just boring white ;)


  129. I love you to. H?r sitter jag och blir alldeles gr?tmild ?ver att du gjort ett s??????? fint collage.
    TACK lilla gumman, vi ses snart
    pok mamma

  130. You have too much time on your hands! ;-) But seriously, that was actually quite a nice idea for really ugly books. Although you must admit there are a lot of beautiful book covers out there as well! Like…ehm…ah…let’s see now…

  131. Oooh, that is so coool! Just wish I had the time to do it… cause ugly books I have a few! ;)
    Pretty wristwarmers!

  132. excellent post! i LOVE the books and the labels look completely perfect on them. great idea!
    also – how did you know i have been lusting after “pulsv?rmare”??? at the top of my knitting list when i get back to knitting.

  133. Hej,

    Tycker ditt garn ser superh?rligt ut. Lite som om man klippt mupparna och sedan spunnit :-) Fantastiska f?rger!!

  134. Wow! That yarn looks like so much fun! A great spring knit! Can’t wait to see how it will look on you!

    Have a nice weekend, Hanna! :)

  135. Allts? nu f?r du sluta! Jag sitter ju h?r p? jobbet och blir alldeles sur f?r att jag inte kan bra ?ka hem nu direkt och pyssla collage!! S? underbart inspirerande! :) Och till din mamma. Verkligen verkligen fint. Kram!

  136. Can anybody tell me where I can buy Phildair yarns and patterns, nowhere in UK seems to know anything.

  137. They’re fantastic!!! I love, love, love your colors. They look yummy. Now I have to run downstairs and get some Good-n-Plenty candy!


  138. It always amazes me that people can actually knit socks. That just looks so hard. Yours are fabulous, I love the colors, and I’m also loving your shoes! You have so much wonderful stuff on your blog, total eye candy.

    Thanks for visiting my site!

  139. Taipei-skor? :-) Tycker jag k?nner igen dem.

    Coolt med s? l?nga sockor, grattis till att du gjorde klart dem!


  140. Do-Re-Do…do it more.You really succeded in making soft mittens,romantic mittens.Wellcome spring….where are you?-23C!!!!
    Lovely knit-alog-stockings just perfect these days.

    I have this book just now and yes it’s really worth washing woolthings in warm water.And the decorations…so many possibilities.

  141. Ooooooh! Great job, they came out so cute :) I think the embroidery was the perfect touch. I’ll have to check that book out, it sounds like it has some fun ideas.

  142. Hej hej

    Jag har kikat runt lite h?r. Det fanns mycket sp?nnande, gillade speciellt den fina kassen med Dunderklumpen och v?nner. Det tr?kiga var att jag ?terigen blev lite ledsen ?ver att jag inte kan sy… :-(
    Det finns bilder p? filtapelsinerna och dockorna nu p? min hemsida (apelsinerna hade trillat bort n?r jag gjorde om sidan s? det var bra att du p?minde mig, ?ven bra att du la m?rke till fell?nkningen i pysselmenyn).
    Roligt f?rresten med fler som gillar barnlitteratur. Jag har min magisterexamen i det ?mnet! :-)

  143. Lovely photos, Hanna!

    Did you see the note on my blog about you? I just love you style :)

    I hope I hear from you soon!

  144. Love the tote- you can never have enough. The serendipity gloves are wonderful, too. I like the movie, too- great for when hubby’s gone. :o)

  145. Men Guuud! Vart har jag kommit ? till himlen eller? Vilka fantastiska saker du g?r, jag k?nner inspirationen p? varje liten gnutta av din sida. ?lskar fullkomligt dina kaffeunderl?gg! Och klubben ni har och v?skan du gjort! M?ste genast kika mer!
    Min ull(ja)m?ssa blir nog klar lagom till m?rkret i november ? Men fin blir den nog. ;o)

  146. Oh Hanna
    I saw Kuan Yin in a buddist temple in Xian,on the back of the wall where we saw the sculpture of Buddha.Oh I remember her….I have a little one I bought.I visited Beijing and Xian in November 2004.

    Your collage make me feel so nostalgic.Kuan Yin is someone the women can trust on or…..The women have a hard life in many countries………..also in China.
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

  147. oh thats pretty.

    and I LOVE those gloves you made, the socks!! and the flower pin.
    thanks for stopping by and saying hello.

  148. Du kan du!! J?ttefin tavla!
    Jag f?r s?n lust att g?ra s?na tavlor jag med… men tiden r?cker liksom inte till. Ack ja…

  149. Hej, jag har läst din blog i “smyg” länge utan att kommentera något, men du gör fina och härliga saker och verkar ha massor av roliga idéer. Och nu har jag tagit mig “modet” att starta en blog, där du är omnämnd i mitt första inlägg. Många bloggar om stickning har jag upptäckt med detärr färre/ingen om träslöjd så jag tänkte att min skulle ha huvudtema träslöjd…

  150. you’re right! you look like an anim? girl! a nordic anim? girl! and the shoes show them off perfectly.
    when will you use them? all the time! keep those legs warm and stylish!
    (i fear i have overused the ! but can i help it if you’ve done it again?!)

  151. ?ber-sweet! Ojoj, vad det regnar h?r. Tr?kkigt. Saknar dig, speciellt nu n?r du har s? fin m?ssa!

  152. I found your blog while reading shoes and ships blog. I had so much fun looking around at all your crafts and knitting and more. You are very creative and i’m excited to come back and see the great things you will post.

  153. Glad p?sk p? dig ocks?, du har bloggat mycket l?ngre ?n mig, underbar blog du har och vad vackert ditt lappt?cke med filtade tr?jor blir!

  154. Ojd?! Tack f?r upplysningen, jag m?ste genast kolla upp det n?r jag kommer hem till min egen dator! Nu sitter jag tyv?rr p? ett segt modem hos mor och far. Fast lite konstigt ?r det, f?r det har funkat fr?n andra datorer tidigare. Jag kan inte heller se dem sj?lv h?r…

  155. Ooooh, I just love that white and pink hat! SO CUTE! What a pleasant little surprise in those bags of feathers.

  156. Nu g?r det att se mina bilder, blogger ogillade nog skarpt passagen… s? nu har jag flyttat dem till annan plats!

    Vilken tur att du p?pekade! Tack igen!

  157. I love the Dymo! Tape me down memory lane… What a fun idea to use it on cards etc. I’m pinching it. And I’m linking to you in my next posting :)

  158. funny pictures from a very fun day. that lady in the background made me laugh out loud. what a riot. thanks sweetie!

  159. Extremt söt! Det är ju nästan som att man vill ha en liten rabbis själv… Undar vad katterna skulle säga om det? “Titta- lunch!” ;)

  160. Hanna,

    I really enjoy your blog! I am a fellow knitter from the United States, and I need some help. I am wondering if you know how I might be able to order some Hjertegarn (Hjerte Blend) from a web site? I travelled to Denmark in the fall and bought lots of beautiful yarns, but now I have run out in the middle of knitting a dress for my daughter! We have nothing like it here. Do you know of a web site that sells this brand? I’ve done a lot of googling but cannot find a web site, and I don’t speak the language.

    Thank you for any advice you can give. Best wishes on your knitting!


  161. Hi Hanna!
    I don’t know if you’ve ever taken a look at Grace from Knitty… it seems speedy to make and needs only three skeins of yarn. I think it’ll be perfect with your big hank… candy color and vintage style..

  162. Hanna! Thanks for those pictures! You have inspired me to have an art party one of these days where I’ll invite friends to make collages, etc.

    I really enjoy reading your blog. You are always up to something delightful.


  163. S? fin!!
    Jag h?ller p? med en likadan, till min syster. Fast i bl?tt garn men lila paljetter… Massor med paljetter, antagligen alldeles f?r m?nga. Ingen aning om det blir snyggt eller inte. :)

  164. Jag var ocks? p? Ljungvists garn i tisdags eller onsdags! Det var d?r jag fann mer Muskat-garn och det skitlena, randiga garnet. Det ?r f?sta g?ngen jag k?per akryl och jag vet inte vad det ska bli ?n ? en m?ssa kanske (fast det ?r v?r nu). Hmm ?
    Jag blir himla inspirerad av din sida ska du veta! Var hittar jag din nalle?

  165. I love that little stamp too! I think I have seen it before–I started a stamp collection when I was six years old! Haven’t touched it lately though. The parcel sounds sweet!
    Thanks for visiting me by the way!

  166. FABULOUS bags. great details. i just love them! you are so talented. can’t wait to see what you make next.

  167. hej hanna,
    tack for din comment pa min blog! sitter just o kollar pa din. gillar dina randiga knitted saker. i have to learn how to make stripes when knitting. i don’t know after switching colors, how to make that one row of the wrong color disappear. ar du svensk o bara skriver mycket av din blog pa engelska? nyfiken. skall kolla lite mer nu! hej sa lange.

  168. i agree! scrapbooking is nothing for me and i prefer, like you, to have the photos the way they are, in plain albums :)

  169. Hey – you didn’t leave your email address …
    That’s quite funny, your kitchener technique. See, when it says “turn work”, this just means that you got to the end of the row, and now turn around so you can start a new row. Jut as you do every time when knittig flat. What you did with your sock is “turn inside out”. But it didn’t say “turn inside out”, right. It said “turn” or “turn work”.
    Yup, I have a serious fabric addiction, too. And yup, I’m behind with reading up on you. And lotsa other people. It seems that our little trip to California did not have the desired relaxation effect on me. I came back and didn’t feel like doing anything when I got back, including blogging! Imagine that!
    Lovely gifts your mormor gave you.

  170. oh i looove rachel ashwell. i have watched all of her show based on her shabby chic style. i totally understand why you adore her creations. i do as well. i have all of her books i have been able to find.

  171. HI! And, yes, I just happen to be an idiot for collecting anything that can be further utilized for my habitat. Which brands of yarn possess the desirable qualities for two-end tubular knitting? I cannot locate Neveda’s “Misty” dress yarn or “Newo-Lon Sport”.

  172. I like Shabby Chic stuff too. As “froggy” mentioned, there used to be TV show which was cool. She was always putting together beautiful parties by picking up fabrics from India, or inexpensive items in Chiatown. I loved that. If you can find it, you’d probably like “Found Style” by David and Amy Butler.

  173. Hi :)
    I’ve been knitting the Danish designer Marianne Isager’s cardigan “Sukkertr?jen” and when knitting the shoulders, you also have to knit some of a row, and then turn. She avoids the holes by wrapping the yarn once around the needle next to where you turn… and then knitting them together on the next row.
    I can find the description of it and send it to you, if you’re interested? Oh, and would you like it in Danish or English? Maybe I can translate it to Swedish… :)

    Elisabeth – who adores that little cardigan set!!

  174. So very cute! The clothes are so cute too!

    Thank you for writing on my blog, Hanna! It was so nice to hear from you… I am back to blogging now :)

  175. Very inspiring for us all.
    A good idea to catch the day and be both abstract and realistic when you create.Perhaps you can find something you even have hidden for yourself.Fascinating.Symbols you know……
    ulla in the north of Sweden

  176. “egentligen st?r det ju ljusbl?tt men jag g?r min i gr?nt eftersom jag inte vet vilket k?n b?bisen ?r”

    why, oh why?

  177. S? s?t!
    Attans att jag gl?mde skriva en kommentar till din f?delsedag.
    N?ja, grattis i efterskott! Hoppas du hade en underbar dag!

  178. Found my way here today and enjoyed my visit very much. Got all inspired to set up my sewing machine and rummage through my fabrics! :-)

    I’ll be back. =)

  179. Well I realize that I got into a section that was not all in english, so therfore I guess I can’t ask for the pattern on those cute coffee cup matts. I have never seen that pattern on something that small. I wish I could have it if at all possible, I would appreciate it. The shawls were pretty too.

    Thank You,

  180. What a wonderful idea! Now I want to try that with my journal. I’ve tried to use pencils and markers and stickers and stuff, but it just wasn’t me. A collage would also be a great way to reuse some of the magazines lying around my place. Thanks!

  181. That little tank is so much easier to care for than the huge “real” fish tanks that we have here! I love it :)

    Hope you are having a good week, Hanna!

  182. Lovely colour combination on your vest. Yikes, so many ends to weave in? Thanks for visiting my site and dropping a comment. I read your blog too and I love all the creative things you do -especially those beautiful quilted bags. You’ve got a great eye for colour! And I wish I had a knitting guru too!

  183. Little you, little me. But now with that easter-chicken and our fishes (pock-pock) and the little buss it feels like we’re not alone. Maybe a movie tonight with some nice garlic to go with it.

  184. Hej mammas lilla gull, det var m?nga fina bilder p? allt du gjort, jag blir s? mallig och stolt att du kan s? mycket. Synd bara att du inte h?ll p? s? h?r n?r du bodde hemma, t?nk vad mycket det hade varit d?.Jag ser fram emot n?r du kommer hem n?sta g?ng, vad ska vi d? hitta p?.
    Kram mamma

  185. dear hanna,
    i just got your beautiful postcard!!!!!!!! (Myra?s swap)
    This is so fun, to find people all over the world that likes the same things :)))))))
    Perhaps we could make a craft swap too, you do such beautiful things, what do you say?????????????

    (I am doing changes in my blog and then i will add you to my contact list!!!)

    take care


  186. hej hanna! jag fick just ditt vykort for the post card swap. min forsta! va overaskad o glad jag blev. gillar hur traden i fagelns nabb ar till en fagel nest. (heter det fagelby pa sv.?) fageln kan “make stuff” som du kan!
    jag har menat att skriva tillbaka till dig efter din senaste comment pa min blog, men har inte gjort det an. skall fortfarande forsoka forklara vad jag menade med att sticka rander. men just nu maste jag ut. ville bara skriva en snabb tack sa jatte mycket for vykortet! din journal du visar har ar fin hors, kerstin

  187. Wow, what a year for you. Congratulations on your new crafty life!
    Fun story about the picture, too. (What *were* you thinking??? *lol*)

  188. Congratulations on a wonderful year of discovery of your creative side! I had a similar journey in the last year or so and I’m happy to be sewing and knitting and crocheting again. One day, I hope to paint too. Thank you for an inspiring blog, and may your creativity continue to flow and blossom!

  189. happy birthday blog! ;)

    jag funderar ibland p? det, hur man skulle g?ra om man med sitt pysselsinne kom till en s?dan marknad du var p?. jag skulle vilja k?pa allt … och antagligen inte ha en m?jlighet att b?ra det. och s? ska man v?lja klokt och inte ?ngra sig n?r man kom hem att man inte k?pt den d?r tygbiten eller s? … *phu* pysselparadisen kan vara lite jobbiga ibland ;)

  190. Hanna-
    I just received my postcard from Myra’s swap today! You are incredibly talented! I love it! Up on my bulletin board it goes (when I need some inspiration) Thanks!

  191. N?r syster var h?r var vi i just en s?n pysselbutik! Syster tog n?gra kort som du ska f? se n?r de ?r framkallade. Vi var b?da r?rande ?verens om att det var tur (f?r din pl?nbok, och mentala h?lsa) att du inte var med. ;-)


  192. One magazine from Somerset shines above the rest if you prefer more textiley mixed media–Belle Armoire!

    Like your blog–nice and fresh!

  193. Soon our dream house in Rbck will be on sale! 200 square meters filled with crafting and love!

  194. Oj, har du inte h?llit p? l?ngre ?n s?! Det trodde jag… :) Grattis till ett ?rs bloggande!
    Jojo, p? den d?r marknaden hade man nog kunnat g? totalt b?rs?rk!! ;)

  195. GRATTIS! Jag bara ?lskar att ha en s?n kreativ dotter, som ger mej s? mycket inspiration och gl?dje i livet. Jag har tur som har f?tt dig, v?rldens gulligaste pysselunge.
    Kram fr?n mamma

  196. I loved reading this post about your creative journey and Happy Birthday to your blog! I have no doubt that I will be writing something similar on my blog’s birthday which by no coincidence happens to be my own.
    I wish you the best in all your creative pursuits!

  197. Hanna, your cards look so beautiful all in one photo like that. Do you mind if I add that picture to the photo album as well. I love the card you sent me. I have it up on my inspiration board and smile whenever I look at it. Thanks so much!

  198. IKEA Kungens Kurva har p “Work”-vningen inrett vrldens underbaraste sy-/craftrum, har du inte sett det, s ta en kik, IKEA r vrt en besk nstan bara fr det rummet!

  199. I’m so proud of you for participating in that. I was too scared to swap when I saw the level of talent that was participating, but yours totally measure up! congratulations!!

  200. It’s amazing how you can carve out a space when you want one, eh? I had 1/2 of our guest room, but since the kids have thier own rooms now, I’m sharing the office, but at least it’s a space. Maybe we can dream about a true studio space, eh? I’m sure it will happen eventually! :-)

  201. Awwww, I love your cute monster! And I too have been stalking the Month of Softies for a theme that workked for me, except I’ve been lazy lately. Thanks for the reminder!

  202. Dear Hanna,
    Thank you so much again for the lovely postcard! It is displayed on my wall and I always smile when I see it. I am so glad that you like my cats. I love your Month of Softies monster too.

  203. vilken cooling! ;)

    jag hade inte en tanke p? att det var monstertema n?r jag gjorde mitt lilla monster i g?r. jag f?r haka p? n?sta m?nad i st?llet och se vad det blir :-)

  204. N?r jag som mest beh?vde inspiration ? hamnade jag hos dig igen! :)
    Vilket s?tt monster du gjort (viskar det s? att h*n inte h?r ?) ;)

  205. T?nk att “vi” inte skriver s? numera. Nu klickar ju jag mest p? datorn, och f?r skrivkramp n?r jag skriver ‘riktiga’ brev! N?r vi f?r brev fr?n makens mormor blir jag alltid inspirerad att skriva fin fint… men min handwriting ? is out of practice :)
    -Ja, yoga tror jag att jag ska gilla. Enkelt att g?ra p? plats, och jag m?r s? bra efter?t !

  206. hehe. i keep them in a box. silly, but true.
    so about those stripes… i’m going to explain in
    english because it’s easier for me. say you’re kniting
    blue and green stripes. when you switch colors on one
    side it looks fine, but on the other it looks like
    blue stripes and then one row of green, one blue and
    then green stripes. (ok, this is hard to explain!)
    maybe i’ll have to knit some and send you pics. or
    i’ll look up instructions online.
    i like your monster! rolig!

  207. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks so much for your comment on my blog :) I like yours too. Wow your postcards look terrific! And the monster is very cool. Thanks for all those links (Camilla is amazing isn’t she, I really want one of her crochet softies).

  208. I love your site. You have the most interesting links. Part of the fun of blogging is seeing everyone else’s favorites. Oh, and neat ATC. And thanks for visiting my site :>

  209. Thank you so much for visiting my site and giving me the information on fabric postcards. I am so excited about trying these fabric postcards out.

  210. Follow your bliss, right? It sounds fun–I may have to give it a try myself!
    It’s good you keep it as it makes you happy–sometimes it’s hard to let go of our babies.

    Have a great weekend creating more cards!

  211. Hej! Jag älskar ditt ATC kort. Of course you need to give yourself that one – and I love what you wrote: “What a great gift creativity is.” That is so true – for the giver and the receiver :)

    I am also so glad to have found the aisling links – wow! Inspired me to re-post a project I did last fall :)

    Well, today it’s time to sew – FINALLY. I have been waiting for “time” to sew the outdoor patio chair cushions, and now…. today. Finally.

    But first it’s off to the ballpark.

  212. h vad roligt det r att hitta gamla fynd i mammas gmmor. Nallarna och syetuiet r jttegulligt. Bra att du tar hand om dina grejor s att jag kan fylla skpen med mina grejor
    puss frn mum

  213. Hullo there Hanna,

    thanks for the birthday wishes, love your crosstitching! Used to do it when little myself. You are always into something! Great ATC, thanks for sharing..


  214. hi hanna! ive seen your comments on myra’s page and thought i should come check out a fellow hannah. your postcards are BEAUTIFUL!

  215. Fint som vanligt! Jag blir s? imponerad av allt pyssel du g?r och din f?rm?ga att fynda fina saker.

    Och s? undrar jag om det ?r okej att jag l?nkar till din blog fr?n min hemsida?


  216. That is so cute! There is not really a specific English word for that, other than tote (which just means a bag to carry things!) I love that fabric.

    I hope you are doing well, Hanna! :)

  217. Hanna,
    First thank you so much for your wonderful so wonderful atcs. I got them today. My envelope to you is sitting on my desk, without stamps, but ready to take to the postoffice. I am lazy these days, it is finally warm and it has made me a little lazy…sorry about that. Happy about finding your nice blog too. I like the little pouches for pencils, in English it is called a ‘pencil case’. Thanks again for you atcs they are really delightful!!!


  218. ?h! Det rosa pennskrinet ?r s? s?tt att jag tror jag svimmar! Snacka om fint! Verkligen!
    Hur g???r man!!?! :-)
    Du g?r s? fina saker!

  219. Paper back for me? Cool! Btw, do you know if I still have “?nglar bl?ser h?rt” at home? Puss!

  220. I just found your blog…what a wonderful place! I love all your vintage fabrics. and the die cuts are so neat! thanks for sharing all these wonderful things!!

  221. all the girls had them in norway as well! they are called “glansbilder” here. i have no idea if kids today still collect them, but i doubt it.

    i wonder what happened to mine …

  222. In Denmark we have them too… we call them “glansbilleder” almost like the Norwegians :) we used to trade with eachother…

  223. hello there! you have a great blog here! i enjoy looking at your many art projects =) that pencil case you made is soooo cute! and these postcards are wonderful. =) keep creating!

  224. I shipped your card out TODAY! (Sorry for the delay, just now had a chance to get to the post office.) Den kommer nog fram 4-5 dagar :)
    Kram/ Steph

  225. Hannah,
    this is coming at you with my bum wrist & fingers!

    Sorry the post office tore off part of the card–it was a quote from one of my past teachers:

    “Art is a metaphor for life.
    You learn to trust yourself,
    love yourself,
    and respect yourself.
    Make peace within,
    and life is a meaningful journey.
    Free Yourself,
    live an authentic life.”
    —-Sharon Kagan

  226. I am so totally and completely jealous…it looks like a fantastic swap and the items in it were fantastic! You did a wonderful job and measured up to some pretty great ones!

  227. So glad you got my card! It was done on the computer, I made it to look somewhat like fabric.. all of the cards have been wonderful! I’m thinking of starting a postcard swap soon too so check my blog periodically if you’re interested!

  228. Nice work.You really give us so much inspiration we have to try to do cards too.

  229. coola grejor. Det var kul att se alla korten, de ?r j?ttefina, men allra b?st ?r v?l i alla fall din grejor
    puss mamma

  230. Precis det d?r Regia garnet har jag liggandes p? lut till ett par sockar ?t min mamma. Nu fick jag ju se att det blir s? snyggt som jag hade hoppats p?. Perfekt! ;)

  231. Kul med uppdateringarna p? din boksida! Jag gillar verkligen “En ? i havet”-serien ocks?, men du verkar ha missat en bok? Det finns en som heter “Havets djup” ocks?. Vidare vill jag tipsa om att det finns en bok som bygger p? “Den allvarsamma leken” fast med omv?nt perspektiv, “F?r Lydia” av Gun-Britt Sundstr?m. Jag har inte l?st n?gon av dem sj?lv, men jag ?r nyfiken p? dem, s?rskilt nu n?r det talas s? mycket om Doktor Glas/Gregorius.

  232. I love Bloglines too. I have almost 200 subscriptions on there to keep an eye on what everyone is up to (you are on my list!)

    Another great site is . I think you would really like it over there, all DIY crafty things.

    Thank you for the links that you provided, I will look at them :)

  233. I don’t remember if I thanked you for your card or not! Did I tell you how much I love your card?? It was the first one I received and is definitely one of my favorites :o)

  234. So much goodies. Love the pastel rug. And this shelf is wonderful!You’re very capable to have brought everything home on your bike!

  235. Fin iPod!, jag har ocks? en rosa :)
    Kolla p? min blog, jag har stickat flera fodral till min efter en beskrivning p? n?tet…
    /Ingela, med nacksp?rr och stickf?rbud :(

  236. Ohoj! Kom ih?g att Luxemburg ligger precis p? gr?nsen mellan Tyskland och Frankrike! Vi har dessutom b?de kaffebryggare och balkong – och g?stsoffa om det kniper…

  237. That’s a great loppis article – ?h vad kul att f? strosa omkring en s?n i Sverige! Jag skulle nog kunna hitta massor av skatter :) Barndomsminnen som bara den.

  238. How fun! How can one ever be in the mood NOT to shop for stuff like this? And such devotion to carry it all home on your bike!

  239. Hi hanna! Great blog you have here and nice you swapped an ATC with rene who I’ve corresponded with for many years in the mail art network but in the 80’s I knew her as Pandora! She must have started mail art when she was about 5 as she looks so youthful!
    Yes, and what a great thing these video blogs are. I’m really hooked now I’ve sussed out how to do it! I’m sure Archie will be making more films too. Thanks for the nice comments!

  240. now it looks much better :) no, it looks really good!!
    how does one get a free trial issue of Interweave Knits?? Sounds too good to be true ;)

    have a nice day :)

  241. Hi, Hanna, yes, this was a fun project. I’m looking forward to the next one. It’s almost like having a class with homework (fun homework).

  242. Hi Hanna :) I like your new design in here a lot! Very pretty.

    I had some Barbie stamps similar to those when I was young–I stamped everything with them! How fun :)

  243. Hi hanna!!! got your comment on my ATC blog entry. I was in fact browsing _your_ blog to look for your ATCs when your comment came in.

    BTW, I got interested in ATCs partly because I saw you mention them on your blog :-)

    I see you love Totoro and Princess Mononoke, too! They’re two of my favorite films. Ok, I’ll go check out your Flickr album now :-)

  244. Hi again, Hanna. I have a question, where do you find people to swap ATCs with? Did you join an egroup for that? I’d love to know, I’m joining as many groups as I can so I can find new artists. Thanks for your help!

  245. Hej Hanna
    Skriver p? svenska… eftersom man k?nner sig mer exotisk s? h?r i det englandiska spr?ket ;-) Tusen tack f?r rara rader hemma hos mig & Rutan Knutan, vi ?lskar ju bes?k & kanske speciellt Norrl?ndska ;-) (sm?rar lite) Din blogg inneh?ll ofantligt mycket nyttigt & sev?rt & herrejisse vilken rackare p? engelska du ?r!
    Hoppas solen skiner i Ume & att sommaren inte ?r s? l?ngt, l?ngt borta…

    V?lkommen tillbaks till oss!

    Sommarh?lsning/ LISA & RUT

  246. wow! Swedish monopoly money….cool.
    I’ve been noticing the most interesting stuff at garage sales is often the children’s stuff. I found my mini-journal among children’s coloring books and I found a “Mummy Rummy” card game with beautiful Egyptian graphics. I almost hate to cut them up.

  247. Tack f?r en s?n rar och v?rmande komplimang :) !
    Mmm. Jag tror inte att jag ?r s? v?rst duktig p? att skriva, men jag skriver ?nd? :) Och tr?nar p? svenskan, fast d?r ligger nog massor av stavfel och uttryckskonstigheter !

    H?r har du minsann gjort det nytt och fint. Jag gillar verkligen hur du visar upp shoppingfynden och detaljerna i ditt pyssel. Inspirerande och helt enkelt ‘entertaining.’


  248. Hey, I am always glad to contribute to artistic addictions! I can’t go a day without using flickr myself. Glad you are enjoying the pro account. Thanks for sharing links to my site!

  249. I know I spend WAY too much time on Flickr, but it’s been good for my creative side. One of my contacts called Flickr “the new obsessive compulsive disorder”and there was a discussion on FlickrCentral called Flickr is Crack so you’re not alone! I had a week away from Flickr when I went to Big Bend Park and didn’t miss it too much but when I got back I was still addicted. July is almost here…hope you have a great vacation. Bring back photos!

    Postage from U.S. to Europe is supposed to be 87 cents for a 1-ounce envelope. Sometimes I use old stamps left over from childhood stamp-collecting so it adds up to more than 87.

  250. There is so much inspiration to be found via flickr – no matter what a persons skill or technique or interest! Vive flickr!

  251. Underbara frimärken! Jag har själv blivit “smittad” av tradera och köpt en hel del frimärken där.

    Jag har kollat på din sida hur många gånger som helst men kom på idag att jag har faktiskt aldrig lämnat någon kommentar. Jag gillar verkligen alla dina collage och trading cards. Jag håller själv på att grejja med ATC och lite annat smått och gott fast jag byter mest på

    Hur som helst…jag skulle lägga min röst på “the officer stamp” för det var så detaljrikt och vackert.

    Ha en härlig helg! :)

  252. I adore all your new stamps– saw them on Flickr. My faves are the red flowers and that comical crow. Stamps are one of my favorite collage elements too :)

  253. Hi, I’ve been enjoying your blog. It was fun reading about the different things you have posted. I think my favorite part was the flea market, but I liked it all. I was looking forward to seeing your crazy quilt things, but couldn’t find the photos. I have made crazy quilt items for years, but not as often now that I’m crazy about paper crafts like journaling and altered books. I found your blog from reading your letter to gluebooks.

  254. Kul att se att du gillar frimärkena! Hoppas du kommer över “ångesten” och helt enkelt vågar börja använda dom!

    Får man inte rösta på dom andra frimärkena? För min favorit ?är geten! Men av dom där 5 får jag väl välja kråkan.

    Ha det bra!

  255. Those are great amigurumi links! Elisabeth D.’s is such a find. I can’t wait to see your bear too.

    I’m loving the new look of your blog! :)

  256. Why would I wanna sit here and work when I could be at home cutting and pasting! This gluebook thing has got me paralyzed with intrigue. Tack tack tack for sharing your web discoveries :)

  257. Aloha and just let you know that i got through your site by Little Mochi..what a cute blog! I visited your blog and it have gallery of dolls that I would like to purchase ” the money” it’s so stinkin’ cute! If you sell them, link me there and see what you have..*Thanks*

  258. can you believe its finally summery? i thought it would never happen. e and i had margaritas outside last night after a long day of working out in the garden. happy happy!
    looks like the very adorable robin also had a fun and busy day! (holding the flowers = a great touch)
    excellent bag by the way.

  259. i love the crow bird stamp! it’s so cute! =)

    i’d probably arrange them all on a card and slip it into a plastic sleeve, and stick the sleeve on a page in my journal. that way, it’s sort of displayed, but i’d still be able to take them out and really look at them =) enjoy your stamps!

    — ian =)

  260. looks wonderful. what a photograph! i love the way the newsprint in the background is whitewashed so the image really pops out.

  261. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Although I don’t knit, I LOVE the color of these socks. Great inspiration for a color journal spread. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Angela in NV

  262. Vilka gottisar! Fina tyger!
    Och ja, stolen är jättefin som den är, men färgen är klumpigt påmålad och flagar så det sticks… Inget bra jobb. Blir finare med ny färg. :)

  263. What a lovely gift, I suddenly found myself wanting to make a doll when I saw those blue eyes. I also love your Regia socks. You are so creative, iHanna, your blog is inspiring!

  264. hanna, all your atc swaps are lovely! makes me want to try my hand, but i need to get some other projects done first. so nice to meet another hanna! i think they are great!

  265. Great! Lots of beautiful ATC’s! When I’m returning home I expect to find as much ATC’s in the mail too. It’s simply a great concept!

    By the way, I love your blog. Beautiful layout!

  266. yay!!! it got there safely. i’ve been worrying about it for days hahaha. glad you liked the stuff. til next time!

  267. I love your first card! I love this idea! I’ve just joined the flickr atc group and can’t wait to begin. This just may get me back into making art! Yay.

  268. I love looking at desks too. No face yet on my blog. Why? A little discomfort about my professional real life clashing right into my blog life. Not ready yet to reveal my thots on knitting and such to people I know in my professional real life. By the way I love the black and white print on your skirt. Hee hee, it is what I may wear on my days off but not in my professional real life! Haha I wonder whether I’m making sense!

  269. You look so pretty in your dress; that’s a wonderful design. Your desk looks so colorful, too. I have two desks because I want to keep the glue away from the computer. But it still seems like there’s not enough room!

  270. Love your new ATC’s! And that dress is wonderful. I love your desk photo too, it looks like a creativity factory.

  271. I would love to go to some Swedish flea markets! Problem: I might buy everything in sight ;)

    Your pictures here and the rest at flickr really capture the experience though, it’s like almost really being there in real life !

    Ha en underbar semester – ser fram emot en massa bilder sen. Kram!
    PS – you have mail!

  272. No way!! That is an amazing haul of stuff!! I am so jealous, I wish thrifting in Hawaii was like that!

  273. H?vdar best?mt att man f?r gilla rosa, fluff och gulliga figurer trots att man ska r?knas som vuxen. Gillade det inte som barn, men nu! Det finns ingen b?ttre f?rg, och n?stan allt jag k?per har rosam?nster eller fluff eller gulliga figurer. Och Hello Kitty ?r s?t…..

  274. Tror att om du gillar Totoro s? kommer du ?lska “Princess Mononoki” och “Spirited away”. Den sista ?r min absoluta favoritfilm, s? s?t och samtidigt otroligt djup. B?da tv? ?r “riktiga” sagor som de flesta m?nniskor med lite barnasinne ?lskar….

  275. Hanna, this is fabulous! Love the colors and composition, and especially the red marks –the perfect touch! You made great use of those lovely stamps. That should be a real keepsake!

  276. I think it’s wonderful! Very soft and sweet (I love birds, and this makes me want to hold the “babies”)!
    I’m going to have to do a grey page in my journal. Your creativity really inspires me!

  277. Hej hej!
    Har gl?mt att svara p? din kommentar…
    Jag tror du klarar Clapotis, den ?r inte s?rskilt sv?r. Min ?r stickad i silkegarn som jag f?rgat sj?lv.

    Den har gjorts i alla m?jliga sorters garn….. v?lj ett som inte ?r luddigt bara, eftersom man ska tappa maskor.

  278. cute, i’ve been seeing these all over the place. what kind of croqueting needles do you use for something like this? i’ve learned how to knit a scarf in the past few months.

  279. what do i think? i think she’s adorable! and pink! love the ribbon around her tummy… maybe she needs a playmate?

  280. At first look I thought it was a bear, but now that I can see the whiskers it’s clearly a cat! Either way it is a cutie! :)

  281. I crocheted a shawl like this too in a pinkish purple acrylic last year. And I love your knitting in the sun photos – so cheery and that table is so chic! Mothers are the best!

  282. Oh, it’s lovely! Gorgeous colours and I really like the stylised way you have presented the crow – it’s really sweet. I like your blog too by the way – that cottage you stayed in recently looks so beautiful and idealic!

  283. I like your painting. Isn’t that a great feeling when you try to make something and it turns out?

    Also, wanted to mention that my grandma had one of those address things like you found at the flea market too. She lived in Ohio, USA. Small world, no?

  284. aawww it is SO CUTE!! I just love it :)
    almost every time I come here, I get inspired to try something new… really great!

  285. Neat book! My favorite page is the second one down with the rhino (?) and elephant (?) next to the piglet. Is there a pattern for these two? If so, I’d love to do a swap for a copy of it!

  286. This is terrific! Thanks so much for sharing inside your book. LOVE 70s crafts and the fabric prints of that era. I think I like that quilted leaf the best.

  287. i saw this card on mimi’s site and the minute i saw it i thought “that looks like hanna” and sure enough it was! i love this. and i know just what you mean about the square – i like that shape too. i started making cards in square shapes rather than rectangles and it felt so much better somehow.
    GREAT job. i especially love the black and white drawings…

  288. Hi Hanna,

    I have been wanting to try this, too. Tim Holz has more tips on distressing. I tried this with drops of food dye & watercolor on tissue paper. I didn’t get good results on plain paper. I don’t know if it’s practical for you to order from U.S. companies – the cheapest place I’ve found for the distress ink pads is Blockheads

  289. Jo, frresten, fr jag be dig om en sak? Jag ser att du har min bloggadress i din lnklista, men den r under “In Swedish”. Jag skulle bli vldigt glad om du hade den under de andra (engelsksprkiga) bloggarna eftersom den ju inte r p svenska och det skulle vara kul om ngra engelsksprkiga hittade dit frn din sida.
    Men det r frsts bara om du vill :-)

    S blir jag fortfarande s loppmarknadsinspirerad av dina inkp! Jag letar loppmarknad hr i trakterna, men det gr dligt :-( Allt jag hittat till hittills har bara varit enstaka frsljare (dvs bara en person och inte flera) och urvalet trkigt och priserna ondigt hga. Men jag letar vidare :-)

  290. I love arts and crafts days. I just posted on my blog about all the crafty things I want to accomplish this summer. Your site is lovely by the way.

  291. That is a lovely red bag. I like kid’s illustrated books very much too! If you can’t bear to cut them , you can photocopy them in colour (assuming that they’re old enough so that copyright would have lapsed) and use the photocopy for your collages. Have fun.

  292. I really like your distinction between seeking fame and finding kindered spirits. Part of the reason why I hover between having comments on my site and not is because some days I’d rather “publish” into a vacuum, than publish for feedback…

  293. I also think the kindred spirit search is the main reason people blog- it was certainly what got me started.

  294. Hanna,
    Thanks for visiting my site. I love this little bag. I’d love to make these as gifts. I think homemade gifts are the best, they’re from the heart. Thanks for directing me to your great blog. I might just stay awhile. :-)

  295. I agree, I started blogging in order to get in touch with kindred arts and crafty spirits. Having noone to share my enthusiasm with about these things in my own offline world (not to say that I don’t have friends, just that none are interested in the world of visual art or craft) I looked elsewhere for people to share with. The online craft blogging community was so fresh and innovative and I knew that I wanted to connect with these people – and I have! And it is so inspirational to have contact with people interested and enthusiastic about the same things that I am!

  296. hi hanna, nice to see you’re back.

    That wood piece may have been an old piece of type for some kind of a letterpress. Type was mostly cast in metal but occasionally larger pieces might be made of wood. That’s my theory, anyway.

  297. Oh man oh man!! This is soo where I’m at right now. These crazy quilted atcs ROCK! I’ll make you somethin’ to trade for #1 if you want :)

  298. Beautiful! I especially like the last one… :)

    Thank you very much for allowing us to be inspired by your stuff! I have started collaging again after reading your blog. :)

  299. I love the one with the sea otter (?) on it and the bird one, of course. Fabric scraps are wonderful.

  300. What great finds! This is the sort of stuff that always gets me in trouble. When I find things that I think I might never see again, then I have to buy them.

  301. These are just lovely. I must remember to try this when I have some free time.

  302. Oh, these atc’s are just lovely. I’d offer up a trade, but I haven’t made any atc’s in soooo long. You’ve inspired me though – I’ll have to start making some mini artworks again. They’re so satisfying aren’t they? And fun to trade too!

  303. What you should have been looking for is a marche aux puces. That’s a fleamarket. Literally. But you did find some good stuff. And great photography material, too.

  304. The bear is totally too cute with his little flowers and all.
    And: I think perhaps I’m sneaking out into the night to steal your mother’s ring. It’s absolutely irresistible. Does she live far from Oslo, Norway?

  305. Oh, your blue bear is very sweet – how tiny! I’ve always wanted to learn to crochet but have never got around to it. And yeah, those mugs are a lovely gift idea.

  306. I painted plates for relatives here in Germany when my son was about 1 1/2 years old that were very similar. It wasn’t easy with him but we had a lot of fun. I don’t know how they were received, never heard anything. What a shame-that’s how in-laws can be.

  307. Little Blue Bear is so sweet! How on earth did you crochet something so tiny! I love his face. And your ring is quite striking.

  308. These are really wonderful.
    I love the Chinese matchbooks and old labels…yum.
    If you scan them for downloads, please let me know! :)

  309. oh my goodness! i had a desk just like that blue one with all of my miniatures in the cubbies and my current obsessions on the top shelf…a trip down memory lane! i just love when home companion does inside the artist’s studio type articles…those are the best ones!

  310. ?h vad bra att allt kom fram – t?nk att jag har b?rjat samla mera sm?tt o gott till dig! Det ?r s? kul att skicka pysselpost :)
    Your outside balcony fika table looks perfectly perfect. So inviting and fresh. There isn’t much that beats a little sunny spot with a magazine and a cup of tea. Or coffee (!)

  311. Sommaren har varit bra och l?ng, men snart b?rjar det n?rma sig arbete igen!

    Har inte ens t?nkt p? att jag inte skrivit ut n?gon mailadress. Borde jag fixa. Min mail ?r iaf:

    Ja, gr?nt ?r sk?nt :) ?r f?r tillf?llet v?ldigt f?rtjust i gr?nt.

  312. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the compliment on Clapotis.

    As for looking at studio spaces, it is something I enjoy as well, especially since I don’t have a space of my own. Your little balcony table looks like a place I could inhabit, so welcoming.


  313. hi hanna,
    they are beautiful! i love all the different colours and textures – the one with the little butterfly is gorgeous…
    thanks for the inspiration, and also for visiting my blog :)
    suzy x.

  314. That is a very cute baby set, and your knitting looks wonderful. I really like that green :)

    Thanks for your comment on my cardigan. It was great to hear from you!

  315. I am hooked also! Too bad I don’t have an ipod – yet! Maybe for Christmas?? I have been watching so many vlogs too. I think it’s possible to add a podcast or vlog to iTunes, I need to check out the How To. Until then I’m listening on my earphones as I sit at my desk at work. Jag gillar verkligen Sommar serien – du ska veta att det ?r musik i mina ?ron att lyssna p? svenska ett par g?nger om dagen:)

    N?r b?rjar iHanna podcast serien?? ;)

  316. They are all so wonderful. You are very clever with the fabric ATC’s. Super idea and now I have a use for all the tiny scraps of fabric I never bare to throw away!

  317. Hi Hanna!

    Thanks a lot for the greeting on my blog! I have already a banner, but the guy managing the server is on holiday (I need access to the server). I will also move my blog to www. (hopefully this week).
    I really like your blog, I am checking every day for new updates!


  318. Hi Hanna!
    Thanks for your comments on my blog! I love your blog, too! You make so many nice things! Beautiful collages! And nice to know, I?m not the only one having to study, when the urge to create is so strong! I?ll write more later!
    Best wishes, Bea

  319. Loved what you wrote about treasure hunts…I totally agree:-) I love going out on weekends when I can to see what they have at the garage sales. You did great shopping! Looks like you got a lot of nice things. Love the pic of you with your new halter..the background of that photo where you live…gorgeous!

  320. Oooh! A shopping list ;)
    I looooove that bike! I have a nice bike, but it’s not white with pink flowers – although I did put a lot of flower stickers on it like any good 30-something mother of two should!

    Perhaps you could celebrate half-birthday? That would be in October, yes?!

  321. Tiff, 29 and a half year, oooooiii, I like that! I think I will! And I have a bike too, but not this one! hehe.

  322. Hello iHanna,

    I really like the idea of emptying ones whishes into a detailed whish list. I make lists all the time, lists with books I’d want to have on my book shelf, good personality qualities I’d like to accuire, things I’d like to accomplish in my life etc etc. It’s half-way to fullfilling ones dreams ;o)

    Regards, mamatherapy

  323. It’s fun to write wishlists! I love somerset studio magazines, they’re so beautiful aren’t they? I can find them here only in Borders, but I don’t like to shop there because I want to support all of the little independent bookstores. For Somerset though I just have to go there and then pay the ludicrous international shipping price on top of the magazine cost, ick! It’s worth it though because it is such a beautiful magazine.

    That bike is so cute. And I know what you mean about Artfest – it sounds like marvellous fun.

  324. Oooh, I love your list. Reading it was like a scavenger hunt–clicking on the links and seeing all sorts of drool-worthy, artsy goodies. What a great idea.

  325. too much fun! All your cards looks so wonderful all together like that. Glad you liked the butterfly card- I wanted to send you something you could reuse for collage :-)

  326. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for stopping by at wishthimble…glad I found your site – it’s fantastic! Another great place to add to my long list…
    Best, Fran

  327. Oh, I love orchids! I always wanted to have one! But I don?t know where to place them, as they don?t like direct sunlight, right?

  328. Tack! Jag har faktiskt dig i min lista p? favoriter… Din artjournal inspirerade mig till att b?rja med min en g?ng i tiden. /Fillan

  329. I was fascinated by your description of the different notebooks and journals you have! You sound like you really stay open to new ideas and sources of inspiration…and you’re ready to capture them, either in words or pictures. I like the effect you got with the water soluble pastels for you IF submission. I just purchased a new box of 60 Faber-Castell watercolor pencils, and I’m planning on using them today. Fun! I browesed through some of your collage and watercolor work…it looks lovely. I’m looking forward to taking the time to look at more :>


  330. Interesting. Even the photo looks good. I’d just throw everything into a pile and snap a picture and leave it like that for a few weeks. Eventually, I would use everything in the pile at a later date and it’ll clean itself out of necessity. You’re very organized and I admire that.

  331. Well Jerry, I don’t know about beeing organaized. I had to do some digging to find all these books, and the #9 seemed to be lost forever before I found under a pile of paper. :-)

  332. I LOVED this last post. Love a sneak peak at someone elses stack of notebooks. Your descriptions were so interesting–I totally have a big blank notebook with thick pages, that I can’t seem to write in because there’s so much pressure to make it good. I like my cheap drug-store notebooks best–the kind I can cover with a collage, and give up half way through if I fancy to. It’s so fun reading your posts by the way–I share your appreciation for all things arty.

  333. That’s a lot of nice notebooks. I like that you wrote something about each of them. The illustration friday picture is sweet too – I like the effect of the text around the drawing.

    Thanks for the nice comments in my blog. Looks like we’re neighbours, I live in Norway.

  334. Hee, hee! I nearly bought that Mini Traveller notebook, too! But then I remembered that I have to watch my spending… Did you see the new notebook I got yesterday? I started to collage in it today, but havn?t been in the right mood! How?s your essay going, by the way? And before I forget: Welcome to Studio Friday!

  335. Hello Hanna! It great to read about notebooks as cherished, appreciated things! I thought it was just me who had a love of fresh new notebooks but I’m finding a lot of bloggers who share the same feelings! And the French certainly have a way with lovely stationery.
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog the other day! It was lovely to hear from you! I’m kind of new to blogging but am already addicted. I am loving looking at your website- it’s so beautiful and organized. I will return for more reading! Thank you!

  336. Oooh Hanna, I loove that you even numbered your journals, great photos, too! Awesome!!
    I love your blog design, it looks really great!
    So great that you also have a ‘teNeues’ journal, they are cool, aren’t they? Mine is almost full as well. I liked that it had blank pages. I had written in 2 with lined paper before so it was nice for a change and felt like ‘freedom’ somehow, hahaha!
    I should try to find another blank one I guess. I like number 9 a lot. It looks so loved ;-) And it looks as if it has a very soft feel to it and is very bendable. Intriguing because I don’t like stiff books too much but can’t seem to find those soft ones anywhere really.


  337. i dig, dig, dig it. i think i like (what looks like dark green) the splotches of alternative color all over it, like the darkness attempting to creep in. but it doesn’t look like the darkness is bad, something to be afraid of. and yet, she is ….

    thought provoking for me this saturday!

  338. Jag har ett likadant tidningställ! Fast i köket. En likadan (faktiskt exakt) vattenspruta också… inköpt i Ullared. :) Jag har två då’ra, men en har pajjat redan. Hoppas din håller bättre, för de är fina!

  339. Wow, I’m so impressed! He’s one of the cutest bears I’ve ever seen. My bear that my mom made me 26 years ago is still number one, but James here comes in a good second place! :)

  340. Just bought the Jul-Aug copy of the Somerset Studio magazine today, the bold black letters at the top, “FREE Artists’ Papers and Clip Art Pages” got my attention. Oh. My. Goodness. J?sses mig. Det finns s? mycket i den- alldeles i din stil!

  341. i like the composition of the notebooks.. i’m quite envious of the diversity of the notebooks you are using.. i’ve been using the same size – same coloured notebooks after notebooks for years now.. maybe i should change this habit :)

  342. Another interesting post on your blog, Hanna!
    I have made a link to you blog on my site.

    Kind regards,

  343. Can’t wait to find some time to check out those links!

    Hanna, I’ve loved reading your blog and looking at all of your creative pieces! From knitting to journaling….gotta love it!

  344. Hej,
    j?ttekul att du vill vara med i min craft challenge! Jag hittade inte din mejladress, men om du skickar mig din (post)adress s? skickar jag ett materialpaket :-)
    astrud242004 (at)

  345. Fantastic linkage, Hanna! PS I tagged you for “5 idiosyncrasies” (see my site)– have you had this one yet?

  346. Hi Hanna, great that you have decided to hop on the studio friday train :-) You have a great selection of notebooks/sketchbooks! I like reading about how you are planing to use them or are using them.

  347. Great links! Thank you for sharing. I love this kind of stuff. I alter books too but find them diffficult to photograph because of the glass I use (like a frame) but picture this: I cut into the center of these books, like a box cut out and I then use these cut outs to make little books, I have some pictures of these at my journal (typepad). The rest of the book I use as a box for assemblage. I’ll have to figure out how-to photograph these.

  348. Ooooh thank you so much for this awesome list. (I love lists) This one has so many great links, yummy inspiration for mixed media! You are fantastic. :) And I’ve definitely linked you.

  349. oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I must say thank you! I’ve been a little dry lately and these two posts are just inspiring me like mad. I’ve had the Artist Way on my shelf for years… I think I’m going to read it.
    You basically rock, I love coming and peeking in your window.

  350. Hanna, I don’t know how you have time to search out all these websites, but so many of them are real gems. I just had to order a copy of “Tub Legs” when I saw it, so am waiting anxiously for it. Thank you for posting these links and I hope school is great for you!

    Someone gave me a copy of “The Artist’s Way” a few years back & I just couldn’t make it work. I know half a dozen people who have told me the same thing. The first few chapters were worthwhile but overall I think I am put off by Cameron’s language. While it gets a lesser rating on, the book that I’ve always considered to be “my muse” is Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. It’s a slim volume that speaks volumes!

  351. En av de l?rare jag hade n?r jag l?ste svenska pratade om att skriva p? morgonen, han var helt fr?lst p? det. Hade d? kanske h?llit p? i en tre m?nader eller s?. Han tyckte det var s? nyttigt, sp?nnande och n?stan lite som typ meditation eller hur jag ska s?ga. Yoga kanske. Iaf som jag tolkade honom n?r han ber?ttade om detta.

  352. What an empowering article. Morning is an important time. I have been writting to. But not three pages :)
    I think I will have to check out her book. Thank you for your increadble site.

  353. What a great entry! However, I’d have to argue (lately anyways) that the most important thing for an artist is not writing but having ones children sleep in until those morning pages are done being written :)

  354. Hurra Hurra Hurra! Heja kreativa ide?r.
    One of my faves:
    – Danny Gregory. Here is a neat list.
    I agree – Keri has put a lot out there to inspire.

  355. I really need to learn how to do this myself. There is a real technical side to sewing huh? Unfortunately I shy away from most things technical. But I guess it is a matter of just sitting down and learning to do it – the second time is always easier. Pretty buttons by the way!

  356. hi hanna,
    thanks so much for visiting my site! i’m so glad you left a couple of comments so i could find your little corner of the world over here. i have been a couple of times but i don’t think i’ve left a comment. i think i started to once and then my computer froze. : P

    your blog is absolutely wonderful! i love all of the links and pictures! this entry about sparking one’s creativity is great. i have tried to find keri’s book at the library but no luck. :( i guess i’ll just have to break down and buy it. (you are soooo lucky you found that cool book at the thrift shop!)

  357. those are so great. i don’t know much about atc’s but it looks like you got a whole bunch of pretty mail!

  358. ok, now i see why your first comment on my blog was for my entry about things i bought at the thrift store…you are obviously as obsessed as i am about rummaging through heaps of garbage just to find a few treasures. isn’t it soooo much fun???

    i love the halter-top you found. it’s cute!

  359. Felicia is the sweetest thing! And what a lucky girl you are to get such a nice surprise in the mail. I am just heartbroken for Theresa and her family. Why must these things happen to good people or anyone for that matter?

  360. My heart goes out to Theresa! So sad! And look what great treasures she sent you! An old Beatrix Potter Book!

  361. so comfy and beautiful! i’ve got to make some sandwich now-you’ve got a yummy looking sandwich on your table!

  362. I love your balcony, it looks so perfect and dreamy… you couldn’t of said this better, I think you absolutely need to step outside the clutter of everyday life to be inspired or just simply be. :)

    That was so funny, I clicked on the porch to see… and realized “hey that’s mine”, you’re so sweet!

    p.s. ( just in case you missed it) I left a little note for you about the Dover books on my blog comments yesterday too.

  363. Oh wow, I looooove it!! What an awesome space to be sat in, wow!! I love your chair and cushions, so gorgeous, sigh!
    I think I’d never leave again if I was so lucky to have this fantastic balcony…. :-)
    What a space for collecting ideas and reading and relaxing. Fantastic!

  364. carla pott said…
    Nice work you have here.
    I’ve seen your nice comment to my illustration at I.F. and came for a visit to say hello and…I could see some people are having problems connecting that illustration with reflection…;-).
    But I don’t believe that illustrating reflection should be done in a way which represents something of very deep meditation.Reflection can be about stoping for simple things.I seldom have time to stop and think about everything…Illustration doesn?t need always to be obvious, it can just try to pass a feeling.
    When I did that illustration it was really in a time of reflection, though it was made for a magazine,and that’s why it has that meaning for me.
    Now I will stroll around your blog :-) greetings from Lisbon

  365. I’m SO jealous of this space! Although I’d probably have difficulty leaving it to actually create something! It’s actually a work of art in and of itself–really beautiful!

  366. It’s good to see that someone else is as abig a notebook freak as I am. What IS it about these things–they’re addictive. As are the art supplies. And pens–lots and lots of pens. It’s a disease, I think. :-)

  367. I just love the little haven you’ve created for yourself on your balcony! What a perfect place to regroup and have some ‘me’ time.

  368. Those are lovely colors, Hanna! I am really into sock knitting right now. So, why no blog reading for a week?

    See you later~

  369. I totally hear you on taking a break from reading–esp. other blogs. It can be very decieving how much time I spend doing that in a day! One thing I’ve done this summer is not watched any tv at all. I attribute my increased creativity to that–to the lack of images passively imprinting themselves on my mind. As my husband put it, before it was hard to recall when I’d done art or written two days in a row, now it’s hard to recall two days in a row when I haven’t. LOVE the sock yarn. I sooo want to start knitting, but I’m terrified I’ll be horrible at it. Any ideas as to where I should start?

  370. I love your balcony! It looks like the perfect place to be when the sun comes out! Beautiful quilt and cushion, too!

  371. That’s a really good idea. I should start a paper journal. I think I’m going to be bad to it because I will forget. I also like quotes printed on paper in my house. I have some quotes in my bathroom framed on the walls.

  372. I really love this idea – thanks so much! I already have a collection of quotes so it will be a great way to visit them more often :D

  373. Although these are not my color either, I still like them! Beautiful yarn! I?m nearly done with the zebra socks, but I don?t like them all too much. Well…. but I have new sock ideas already in my head! I had to stop myself from buying new yarn, when I went shopping on monday. Want to reduce my stash first…

  374. OK. Enough is enough. I need to get a creativ journal. I am inspired. I will see if I can get one today, that would be nice. Thanks for all inspiration!

  375. I have used that quote page before to paint quotes on my painted furniture….my customers always loved it! Sometimes I will do lines to songs that I find inspirational as well!

    I know what you mean about the blog reading….it soaks up a lot of time….sometimes I only allow myself only one early morning a week to surf!

    MAN….I’ve got to finish knitting this tank top….summer’s almost gone! BAAAHHH!

  376. OH….I DID mention you this week in my blog….hoping the Collective Souls will find inspiration from your work!

  377. oh wow* i love the tweed theme, a small fashion obsession of mine, i guess because i feel more at home at the library? very neat. collaging is meds for the soul! :D

  378. What awesome links you’ve compiled! I had fun checking each of them out. I feel honored that you linked me as well! :) Thank you.

  379. Oh, I can’t see the first one, but the second one is great. I haven’t done anything in my art journal for so, so long, which is ok as I obviously haven’t been in the mood. But you’ve inspired me to pull it out and at least flick through it. While you’re thinking of Autumn, in the southern hemisphere we’re getting ready for spring – both beautiful times of the year!

  380. Your cookie tray is charming and the flower is so delicate. I’ve never heard of it before. It looks very whimsical to me, as if it came from a small girl’s imagination :).

  381. I can’t see the first page either. The second is sweet, reminding me of tradition. Doesn’t Summer last until October? I have noticed fall to thought I was crazy.

  382. those cinnamon rolls look so delicious.

    Everything looks wonderful, I wish we had more of an autumn season here, I love the colors… it’s not as wonderful in California as on the east coast.

  383. I like the baking, too. And the blueberry, and the flowers and…oh, I can’t choose!

  384. It’s hard to choose they are all so wonderful but I think I like the fushia flower and the autumn leaf the best!

  385. I love all of the pictures, but the cinnamon rolls probably are at the top of the list… Now I need to go make some. Thanks for the inspiration.

  386. Oh, that food looks yummy! I love to cook, but unfortuneately haven’t found the same passion for baking – I’m really impressed by bakers! And those flowers are gorgeous.

  387. I love the picture of the red berries, and also the cinnamon rolls; they are making me hungry!
    No autumn colours here in Japan yet, but I’m looking forward to them. When the Japanese maple trees go red they look spectacular, I’ll have to post some pictures.

  388. so beautiful pictures! I can literally smell it all, it’s like my grandmothers kitchen when I was younger (she doesn’t bake anymore)! what a luck I bake myself ;)
    do you make lingonsylt? Every time I go to Sweden, I have to buy a big pack of it for my porridge :D

    hugs Elisabeth

  389. Hi Hanna,

    …do you have a recipy ( or however you spell it;-) ) for the cinnamon rolls??? I have been after this for ages…….!!! I would be very happy if you could give it to me…..!!!!



  390. 31th of august: the first art journal picture had a wrong file name, now changed! Hope it is visible to you all now. :-)

    Thanks for commenting everyone!

  391. OhMygod. That is SOOOOO beatiful!
    I?m most def no art connoisseur, but I lovelovelove Lady with dreams of becoming a star.
    Just go girl! Beautify the world with your smart and pretty art!

  392. Hi Hanna-

    Thanks for the picture advice. One of my new students, Victor, just so happens to be a web genius. I told him about my pic problem and your suggestion. He said he would help me! Yipee. And he said he would help with changing my theme and putting a little more personality into the site.

    I love your cookie picture- it looks so warm and bright. I just made chocolate chip cookies tonight. Yum.

    Thanks again-


  393. Tell him it’s great, I really love this and it looks really nice next to your heart clock. You’re so lucky that your honey is artistic!

  394. First off, I’m so inspired that you got your guy to paint! It sounds like such a fun time–the two of you at the kitchen table. And secondly, the pictures of things that smell good–what a COOL idea. It’s such a fun way to reinterpret something that is usually so mono-sensory. I’m continually inspired by visiting your site. :)

  395. I’m willing to pay a lot of money fot that amazing painting! Please tell your boyfriend to get in contact with me as soon as possible!

    /Art C.

  396. That is COOL! Showed it to Fred, my finac?, and this is really his cup of tea. I guess there will be a new painter in the house this weekend! (And it’s not me…)

  397. I am not to modern myself but that looks down right fun I think I will have to try. thanks for the inspire.

  398. Your favorite tool makes me smile. I just finished two glue sticks and still have to buy new ones. My favorite glues? UHU and Pritt. best quality. Your quilt sounds interesting…I will have a browse around your site…will you show us a photo when the quilt is finished? What a great project. If one could glue a quilt as opposed to sew it I’d be all in for it, hahaha! :-)

  399. Tine, for sure I’m gonna show the baby quilt with all it’s gloryful misstakes here. It’s a baby quilt and it’s taking me for ever to make. But soon, I promise!

  400. Unfair! We don’t even have a spot of autumn here in Stockholm yet! It’s summer green and 20 degrees out! I’m suffocating!

  401. I think my favorite tool is my brain, too! And I actually thought about writing about it, too! But I didn?t and now that I read that in your entry, I had to laugh out loud! Great! And hooray for glue sticks!

  402. Hihi, I also use lots and lots of gluesticks, I buy them six at the time… I’m glad I’m not the only glue-addict here… :))

  403. I just bought some sepia-toned decoupage and used it last night to “age” some photos for a collage-very cool new tool. One of my favorite tools recently are these rubber alphabet stamps that you can either use a stamp pad to use or apply paint on them directly. I have used rubber cement for ages, but am now thinking of switching over to something less messy and acid free.

  404. Glue is great. I should run out and buy a bunch of glue sticks, because it seems like I never have one when I need it.

  405. Hi hanna, thanks for the nice comments onour Scrapiteria blog. I thought I would pop over and write one here. hey, your Pritt Sticks are a different colour to ours in the U.K. which are white! I use them all the time so i suppose they are my favourite tool too and the nice scissors that Angelica sent me from Texas.

  406. Great collage.What came to mind was the standards by which women always feel the need to judge themselves by. I love the texture too–with they layered paper.

  407. i am glue stick lover. i use UHU and anything that can stick my work perfectly. nice site you’ve got here.

  408. I love this collage. Reminds me of myself on some days, when I can smile through all the clutter and energy (good and bad) that surrounds me. Is she smiling just to keep from screaming ?

  409. The collage is great – love the warm colours. I went to the violet magazine site and read the editors notes and it sounds really really cool! Love how you recycled the old vest too. You’re so clever!

  410. I saved this sweater altering to my favorites. I loved the gloves you made. I’m going to try to make some. I found some alphabet stamps on Tattered Circus you might like and posted them on my blog. They are really ornate though. Every Sunday night when I walk my dog I check out all the “trash” people leave behind. Since we had a holiday, Labor Day, on Monday, last night there was a lot of trash on the street. And I found tons of crafting stuff, including two sets of alphabet stamps and tons of other cool stuff (6 packages of sequins, one bag of feathers, plastic tracing templates and tons of rubber stamps). It was a teacher throwing out her stuff because I found some grade books etc. Perhaps she had enough with her hoodlums. :) Let me know if you want one of the stamp sets and I’ll send it to you. I don’t need three sets! I figured out the pictures on my site! Whew. Thanks for your help.

  411. That’s cool! I think it’s fun painting my own versions of ‘famous’ artists’ works. It’s evem how many famous artists began themselves – by copying the ‘old masters!’

    And what a special touch – a flower in a vase by the bedside :)

  412. Very creative !!

    Just now I am busy thinking about having a bag with my own style like yours :)

  413. I thought you said you weren’t a fan of Modiran…but did a darn fine interpretation of him here. Very girly. Delicate. And somehow intriguing.

  414. i have the book “second time cool” and it is so brilliant! it’s jampacked with so many great ideas and inspiration. i had no idea it was published in swedish too.

  415. Ooooh, what a great creative nap that baby will have!! It looks gorgeous, such a pretty quilt!!!! Wow, I am in awe, hanna :-) It looks absolutely perfect to me!! WOW!

  416. What a beautiful, thoughtful gift for a new baby. I’m sure it will be treasured… and after baby quilts are outgrown they make great wall hangings.

  417. Great job! Maybe it will be the beginning of a whole new passion and the reason for collecting tons more fabric… hmm, sounds like fun!

  418. This is so cute. I’ve been interested in quilts lately, been reading too many Japanese magazines.

  419. j?ttefin! jag hade t?nkt g?ra ett t?ckte till lilla thea, systerdottern, men har inte f?tt tummarna loss ?n … s? tack f?r inspirationen! :^)

  420. My favorite searches on ebay lately are: celluloid charms and vintage wedge shoes…quite a mix there. Thanks for the blog comment. I love the collage. I’ll look for the book between bidding on 1970s footware Boston is a great place-so much to do on a daily basis and so much I haven’t explored. Oh, I put together your package and will be sending some time next week! :)

  421. Stickpausar! Det vore n?t det! Folk tar ju r?kpausar mest hela tiden, man borde f? ha stickpaus ist?llet! Mycket mer h?lsosamt. :)

    Vilket j?ttefint bebist?cke! Blir nog j?ttepoppis. :)

  422. I am a Shabby Chic fanatic, and I’m so happy to have found a blog for Shabby Chic. We are on a very limited budget, but I am crazy about Rachel Ashwell’s fabrics. Does anyone have suggestions on where I could fine designs similar to hers but more affordable? I especially like her ultra-faded florals.

    I could talk about Shabby Chic for hours and hours if I could find someone else with the same fervor……….

  423. i don’t even know where to begin complimenting you on this assemblage hanna. it’s just perfect! i suppose my favorite part would have to be the bird (of course! i’m obsessed…) i especially like how he has been cut out, and the background he’s on. magnificent job!! :)

  424. you inspired me to make another quilt. I helped my friend once make a quilt. Had no idea what I was doing, but its still turned out kinda cute.

  425. Den blev ju j?ttefin, du ?r j?tteduktig. Ett veck h?r eller d?r g?r v?l inget. H?rnen har du f?tt mycket fina och att du sydde kanten f?r hand p? baksidan ?r ju ett stort plus. Forts?tt i den andan.
    kram mamma

  426. I’m going to make a collage this weekend with the theme of people who make me mad….use it as an outlet. :) I love this one Hanna.

  427. Love the pictures-such vibrancy in color and composition. You can call me Mel, Hanna. I give you permission. :) I just got done (5 minutes ago. I’m hiding out in my office) showing my students some photographs by Friedlander. He has an exhibit at the MOMA in NYC. Google him and check it out. He is known for his multiple perspectives-taking a picture from the inside of his car and framing it through the car window. He is also known for the layering in his photos. One picture is of two people taking a picture of Mount Rushmore but the monument is reflected in the windows behind the picture-taking couple. Very cool stuff. We had ten minutes today to fill after a Current Events class, so I took them to the classroom and showed them his photos. Thanks for the encouraging words.

  428. Hanna,

    I looove the color of your kitchen. So warm and cozy. I wished I had color on our walls in the house but we haven’t had the guts yet to paint them ourselves.
    I love how you hung the frame just in the center of the bordering line. just perfect designwise!! Your little bouquet of clover leafs is sooo gorgeous. The perfect finishing touch :-)

  429. I especially love the picture of the growing coffee beans. Coffee is my new obsession and I am learning os much about it lately.

  430. Good for you on the healthy recipe experimentation! I am also mucho inspired by that fabulous tablecloth– nice table setting :)

  431. Beautiful photos!! Great art for on the kitchen wall. I also like to put food like pasta, dried tomato’s etc. in glas jars on a shelve in my kitchen.

  432. I love how you’ve made the best of your kitchen even though there are things you don’t like about it (but I must say that I just love your orange walls and am planning on painting my kitchen a similar color soon!)

    Those are wonderful photos — so crisp and fresh looking!

  433. Det var ett bra tips men jag skulle anv?nt mjuk vaxduk ist?llet l?tt att torka av etc.

  434. Hmm, now you’re on to something! But what has happened with your dolls? You don’t make those amazing things any more?

    /Art C

  435. The pink typewriter rocks. Parker, my dog, got a haircut yesterday so he did look like this shaggy friend, but now is shaved and very happy and wiggly. Sending your package today. It is in a shrinky dink box. :)

  436. Oj, jag har inte sett att jag fått kommentarer, trodde nog det skulle komma mail om det. Har inte kollat igenom alla funktioner än märker jag.

    Iaf är Skiva hur bra som helst!

    Nå, nu måste jag se om jag kan göra något åt problem.

  437. what a fun idea! and they turned out beautifully! i might have to try this with my bill-binder – might make the job easier.

  438. beautiful beautiful pictures! i am getting so anxious for fall weather here – i can’t wait until the trees start dressing up in reds and yellows!

  439. Beautiful! The fall is almost here in Norway as well. I was thinking of collecting some of these colourful leafes and try to press them and use them for some sort of collages later on in the winter… We’ll see…

  440. Beautiful pictures so fun to watch. You almost feel you are expierencing the changes of fall right their.

  441. Beautiful beautiful pictures and you have inspired me to do the same thing today. I have so enjoyed your blog and spent a very long time reading it. you are one talented lady.

  442. Oh congratulations, he is adorable!!!! So beautiful and the blanky is so sweet!! It looks so soft and cozy :-)

  443. Congratulations.I felt the same 26 years ago ,my sister got a son and then I got my first child for 21 years ago…

  444. Wow, these pictures are beautiful. The seasons in Florida are pretty much the same – in the summer it rans everyday and you go to the beach. In the fall and winter it rains everyday and the tourists go to the beach. 60/70 degress is too color for the locals. And that last picture looks like a painting. And thanks for your visit and comment on my “studio”.

  445. congratulations, hanna! i know what you mean about feeling that you are having a child even though you are not pregnant… i have been feeling that way since my little sister announced her pregnancy. i can’t wait to be an aunt!

    p.s. thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me comments! =)

  446. congratulations! my son has a few ‘almost aunties’ in his life, and they are the best ever! as clearly, you are. what craftiness you’ve been up to!!

  447. Congratulations. He is beautiful. Being an aunt is wonderful. Oh the craftiness that can be released.

  448. Those jeans look totally awsome I want to do something to a couple pairs of mine to spruce them up. Anyway cool stuff you make me want to go shop. I shop with my husband becuase I have no one else to go with and he isn’t always the best fun, although he tries hard.

  449. Thise jeans look awesome!! I need some new ones, too. I looove jeans. The socks have great colors, I love them! And that notebook is so beautiful! So many magical goodies you got!!

  450. lol. I drive my mom nuts picking out of the trashgreat pieces of material ribbion and other stuff she wasted

  451. Your doll is very intriguing, and I find interesting the fact that you are interpreting her “scariness” as a mean to, literally, block the blocks! This must be quite an experience, to let go of the thinking and just create. I love to see your art (in each and every form!).

  452. What a neat idea to use a magazine cut out for the eyes and mouth. She will certainly be a good muse.

  453. Oh wow, Hanna!!! She is absolutely AMAZING!! I LOVE her so much, she is so inspiring! Just some arms are missing on her maybe? :-)
    Keep making more of them!!!!!!! You have so much talent!!

  454. Oh soooo amazing, the little dragonfly! And he blends in so well with the pattern, what a shot! At first I thought he was maybe a fake one, haha. Amazing, Hanna!! I think you are right and he needed a little rest on your pillow ;-)
    Your art journal pages are beautiful and inspiring!!!

  455. I wanted to see your photos bigger, but Flickr thinks they are private. I love the look of the artjournal pages from what I can see in the smaller photo. Doesn’t it feel great to finish the journals?

    I had a dragonfly under my windshield wiper yesterday and today. I kept wanting to stop and get it out, but I was late for work both days. Then I would forget when I got back into the car. We live on a creek and get lots of them. They are so pretty.

  456. Oh! I bought those jeans this weekend too, and I’m wearing them *right now* lmao You’ve obviously got fabulous taste ;)

  457. i enjoyed your site…
    i love collect and sell all things shabby…. from rose pictures to big old doors made into tables… saving old junk and turning it into something beautiful and useful is so rewarding… if you ever get to indiana come see me…. i have little sahbby rose scraps from the 1890s…. pretty cheap too… and i sell to a lot of shabby artists who get windows and old relics from me for their projects…

  458. Flea markets always cheer me up. Your package is sitting in my office at work waiting to be mailed, patiently. My wallet was stolen at work last week, so I had no access to money, still don’t until Monday. But, I haven’t forgotten you and hope that when the package finally does arrive, it will be on a grey windy day and you will need some more cheering up.

  459. Great job! I think lots of first dolls have a scary look. I thought all mine had a Frankenstein look because I wasn’t satisfied with the craftsmenship! I hope this is the beginning of a Hanna world of doll people :-)

  460. Do you know the source for the first quote in your post? I really like that…

    Kudos to you for healthy cooking and eating… and healthy thinking as well!! I feel so much better about myself when I eat healthy, don’t you? What an inspiring meal!

  461. Hi Hanna! I hope your back is feeling better by now! Mine bugs me too a lot of times. It can be pretty nasty. I love your flea market finds. Especially the beautiful fabrics you got there and your skirts! But what I really envy are the beautiful duvet covers! So neat!!!

  462. Hanna, you are sooo inspiring! I love your new muse! I don?t think she looks mean, but it would do no harm, if she did – in order to scare the inner critic and the creative blocks away! WoW!

  463. I love your notebook and the pen you got there! I?m a little addicted to buying paper goods and writing tools myself ;-))

  464. Snart ska jag prova att g?ra ett collage, har hittat lite bilder i en tidning som jag f?tt en id? av. Ty?rr f?r jag v?nta n?gon dag, har inte riktigt tid.

  465. Jag kan vl bara gratulera till dig som har blivit moster till en sn st liten kille. Mnga grattishlsningar ven till mamman och pappan som har gjort ett jttebra jobb. Morbror P r vl lika stolt han, som alla andra i slkten

  466. what a beautiful stamp — very unusual and so personal! thanks for sharing the history of how you got it and what these stamps are traditionally used for — so interesting!

  467. Unusual indeed Hanna but soooo beautiful and you are right, it looks like a little piece of art. :-)
    Wow! What a great thing to have!!!

  468. Ooooh,m it is soooo cute!! What a fabulous gift for your friend. Wow! The teeth are funny, hahaha! I love how you worked with the wool around the edge, too. Love it!!!

  469. in the small image the cat looks sooooo cute and then wow what teeth a total surprise but I just love this its so neat, on the edge and out of this world.

  470. Your drawings are so much fun and so colorful too. I really love that fabric scrap. The colors are amazing! It sure would look wonderful with jeans!!

  471. Oh wow, Hanna! Great colorful doodles! I think you have to visit the boring class a lot! I want to see more of this!!! Cheers me up! Wow!

  472. Very nice pictures of the leaves and the trees and the sunlight and shadows – your eyes know where to point the camera, how to frame such interesting pictures. (Plus the 300D isn’t half bad either!)
    You continue to inspire, and of course the “studio” of an artist is all over the place! I can’t wait to read more about the newspaper you and your friend have made!

  473. Oh, your pictures are so lovely! And it?s already so autumny in Sweden! Makes me want to go there right this minute! If all goes well I?ll come to Sweden next year! Something I wanted to do since my childhood (ever since reading my favorite Astrid Lindgren books, LOL).

  474. Love the leaves… I miss them here in California! Have a blast doing the paper… some of my best memories from high school are newspaper related, and it got me where I am now (among other things, I’m a writer…). Have fun!

  475. Gorgeous, Hanna! I love the colors and textures of autumn and you’ve captured both so well in these series of photos!

  476. H?rliga bilder som alltid! Jag ?r inte alls avundsjuk p? att du f?r anv?nda dig av en digital systemkamera. ;) Och Str?mb?ck ?r verkligen s? vackert. Min mamma har en sk?l som ?r gjord d?r p? glasbruket. Det tycker jag ?r roligt d? dom ju i stort s?tt bor n?stg?rds med Str?mb?ck.

  477. Beautiful pictures Hanna!! I’m such and autumn lover myself. I don’t understand how people can get depressed around this time of year because everything is so beautiful outside and there are so many beautiful colors to look at. I also love it to make it warm and cozy inside during this time of year. I’m so jealous of you and your ocean view. Sounds amazing!

  478. Sounds like a lot of fun you were having! A zine about creativity seems very interesting, too – maybe one day you will even write a book about it?

  479. I have fallen in love with your work and ideas, it is all so beautiful. I am such a fan of compositions like you do and am making a gothic art journal for all my poetry. Do you think you could possibly email me some tips, or things that I could use? A lovely long list. Thank you!

  480. Oh, this looks like a lot of fun!
    Yepp – still on for a magazine trade – I’ve got a stack all ready for you – now I’ve gotta get it all packed and off in the mail – maybe by this weekend :)

    Vill du ocks? ha en Micron penna, eller finns dom att f? tag p? d?r?

  481. Hanna, you SHOULD make a zine about creativity. That’s why I come to your site–you have so many great links and idas and references!

  482. omg, those beads in photo #2 are *gorgeous*!! I wish we had cool fabric and craft stores where I live :( you’re lucky if you can find plain buttons here *cry*

  483. that newspaper looks great! and your school sounds like so much fun… wish i could study something creative. right now i am trying to learn a language, which is great but not so creative – more memorisation.
    i think you already have a zine about creativity – your blog! but if you did a print one that would be great too…

  484. Oh wow, this is so neat!
    The mini format makes it easier, doesn’t it?!
    Great colors you worked with! Such an inspiration :-)

  485. I love the mini book idea. That little book I sent you is such an inspiration to me.; They have them in all colors at this great paper store here in Cambridge, PaperSource. I think they would be nice for little love notes to husbands, boyfriends, lovers on the side :) etc. Today I went antiquing in New Hampshire with my parents, visiting from California. I found a series of Craft books from the 70s (20 books for $17). I will post pages from them and photo copy some pages for you. They are incredible-full of ideas and such good bargains.

  486. Oh, I so ‘know’ what you are talking about. I ‘get’ you, truly. I have those moments too, where I think that everyone is so much more talented than I am. What I have learnt through my recent art classes is that art, and crafts are learnt. Therefore anyone can be as ‘good’ as they want to be. It’s a journey too, and it’s that which we love the most I think. The journey of creation.

  487. Lovely post, Hanna. I think you wrote about what many of us experience through our lives.
    Congratulations on your anniversary!

  488. And yet, from Sweden came Ikea and H&M… :))
    Hanna! I know what you mean. I feel like that all the time! It’s a terrible feeling, but I also think it’s good. Being ‘afraid’ prevents you from stopping to think. And what I also wanted to say: I love the things you make! I get so curious when I come to see your blog: “what kind of wonderfulness will Hanna have produced this time?”. Please, go on! :)

  489. Hanna,

    So many delicate sensitive spots you touched. I think it is this struggle of losing yourself in all that only to find yourself again. Growth! Growth on so many levels! :-)
    Such a beautiful rose you got! Congrats! :-D

  490. Thank you for writing about this. I love the image of the “fog of fear” – that rolls in to my world more often than I wish it would. Keep owning the thought/fact that you do amazing things and that you are on the right path.

  491. “I love that I find more than I lose these days.” – what a great sentence!
    Lovely post, Hanna, thank you.
    : )

  492. Hanna,
    As many others have already said, I feel this way, too! In fact, I think I am still at the stage where I lose more than I find… and every once in a while I get a quick glimpse of the freedom that would come from escaping “the fog of fear.”
    Thanks for sharing.

  493. Hej! Hanna.
    Du har skapat en otroligt inspirerande sida som jag n?stan alltid ?ppnar f?rst. Jag blir ALLTID glad.
    Fast jag inte ?r s? modig som du, jag v?gar inte ens b?rja med att g?ra n?got kreativt… inte ens n?got litet litet. Men du har inspirerat mig till att b?rja t?nka i nya banor, jag har b?rjat se p? min omgivning p? ett helt nytt s?tt. TACK… [{{kram p? dig}}} BTW jag v?ntar p? att din Prins ska fria s? att du f?r en ring till ; )

  494. So true! It’s seems to be an ongoing quest to find that harmony… after all these years I still haven’t found it.

  495. thats a lovely post! i know the feeling – it is SO hard to stay on the path!
    hang in there and stay warrrmmmm…
    in canada, bragging is also discouraged from early and i still hate talking about myself at all! crazy-

  496. Congratulations, Hanna! I love the part about bragging so much! I have been raised to be overly modest in many respects and I think it is so important to value ourselves more! It?s just what I needed to read these days, as I keep forgetting what I have accomplished this year! Thanks!

  497. Hanna, I love that you looked beyond material items for the lost and found topic. And, oh my, girl, can I relate! I constantly have thoughts like that creep into my head poisoning the flow of creativity. But when the going is good and the inner critic has gone to take a coffee break, that’s when the magic happens! I don’t yet know how to have more magic and less poison, but I hope someday be closer to an answer!

    Please know that your blog is international and you have bragging rights galore, okay? :)

  498. Hi, this shabby chic thing was something a distant relative to my husband did in the 1940’s but she was a (very) rich person and could do just what she liked. So its not a new style its just something rediscovered. It’s a mix of french southamerican british chinese style that was popular at the time among wealthy persons. Its soOO beautiful and I love those soft-pink-yellow-cream coloured roses.

  499. I’m following your fab links, and discovering, finally, my way in to the world of podcasts… Thank you!
    And…. I am getting ready to stop screen gazing and cyber dallying, and to start some making over here… : ) xxx

  500. (Ps, what am I doing? I’m going utterly insane from the sheer boredom of having nothing to do at work, and so I’m pining away for Home and all the crafty projects I have there to occupy me!)

  501. Thanks for the sweet comments about my scrapbooking case! I like the idea of having a picture of it on it … hehe … that’s just trippy enough to be cool ;)

    I hadn’t heard that CraftyChica was doing a podcast, but I can’t wait!! I’ve been loving the CraftyPod cast too.

    Love your site … very nicely put together. I’ll be back! :)

  502. I really like that quote by Miles Davis. Very cool. (I named my son Miles by the way!)
    What am I doing? Trying to forget that tomorrow I have a job interview for a very uncreative job :op

  503. i love love love the stamps, i am constantly making
    swirls. they are my favorite. i have linoleum and
    cutters, but have never tried it. my dad used to carve
    linoleum blocks and we would all make christmas cards
    as a family! maybe i will do that this xmas with my

  504. I love swirls and spirals too! I don’t have a tattoo but if I got one that is what I would get. :) (Don’t tell my husband! He thinks I’m a conservative housewife… Hehhehe).

  505. beautiful stamp “tool” you know I have made stamps but never to use for other art a good idea I think I will have to try. Beautiful.

  506. That stamp look s great! I want to try stamp carving now… could be great for putting on stationary and fabric too.

  507. Mycket st nalle och mycket st Felix, de passar verkligen ihop.
    Tk vad flickorna i Ume kan.
    kram mamma

  508. Hello Hanna!

    I enjoy your blog a lot, it is really inspiring! A couple of years ago me and a friend did Christmas cards by carving in linoleum and then printing with it…… It?s real fun…….. Your little swirl is beautiful……
    Keep on creating!!!!

  509. Wow, a crafts club! I would love to do something like that. But unfortunately none of my friends living here are into crafting.

  510. Hi, Hanna — thank you so much for blogging about my podcast! I’m glad you’re enjoying it. Kathy’s new show is just wonderful — tons of crafty ideas in her second episode. I wish all my craft stuff would just unpack itself so I could dive in! :-)

    I thoroughly enjoy your site – wonderful visuals and great good cheer!

  511. Do you have the graph, or know where I might find it online, for the Jolly Roger? I’d like to knit and felt a purse for a friend using the Jolly Roger but can’t find the graph chart free online anywhere.


  512. Oh, miss Foxy is just adorable. I am so jealous of your ability to crochet. I have to learn, I really do.

  513. I saw an exhibit of his paintings at the Tate in London last winter and loved them. I never associated Strindberg with painting so it was a lovely discovery.

  514. Sicken s?t nalle du har virkat! Min fransos har inte f?tt n?n nos ?nnu, jag m?ste sk?rpa mej… men jag har i alla fall decouperat en ny bricka med j?tte s?ta nallar!

  515. Det var denna jag s?g i delar va? Den blev i s? fall fin :)

    Och ja! Jag f?r flytta in i l?genheten. Tjoho s?ger jag!

  516. So brave to go to a silent retreat. One day I would like to but I just can’t seem to keep all my thoughts to myself – which is why I like your number 19. I believe that if you find someone who says meditation is easy, that person may not be telling you the whole truth. I LOVE your idea of keeping track of the books you read. I think I will start this.

  517. Wow, I?m amazed by how much you read! I do read a lot, too, and maybe more than I think, but still I wonder how you do it all? Do you ever sleep? ;-))

  518. 52 novels in a year! i’m so excited for you … i try to do things like that all the time, and it never works out! for now i’m keeping track of everything i read in a book my mom got me with a velvety cover … it’s meant for this specific purpose, and it’s amazing!

    i know i couldn’t handle 10 days of silence, but i envy you for trying it out! meditation is amazing … i keep trying to get into yoga for that purpose!

    glad to get to know you better!

  519. Hanna, you’re such an inspiration; I am so happy to see you doing and sharing so much creativity. Now I think I’m going to have to make a list of books I read this year.

    And if anyone else likes microwave popcorn – the tv program “America’s Test Kitchens” sampled different brands of popcorn and their tasters concluded that Newman’s Own Butter – Old Time Picture Show popcorn tasted as good as or better than “regular” popcorn and without the sogginess that came from melted butter. (but they said to stay away from Newman’s “organic” popcorn.) This website will tell you where to buy it in your area. I’ve got to try this stuff!

  520. I love your site and I feel the same way about starting a new journal or creating art journal pages!

  521. Hanna! Your motto is so good……… I?m very much “into” being aware of my breathing right now, to just let it go, let it flow…… I also collect mottos and wisdom words to make embroidery works of……. I?ll think I?ll do one of “Andas in. Andas ut.”

  522. That’s great – the little movie is cute. I used to have disco balls hanging up all along the window in my old house and it was so pretty, alas I got rid of them when we moved (they were cheap little ones and the mirrors were falling off of the foam balls). I love seeing your home (I’m a bit of a voyeur, yes!) – those curtains are fabulous – what a beautiful print. I’m going to be on a mission to find something kind of like them now!

  523. Oh, I can’t tell you how much I’ve been wishing for a disco ball! Everyone thinks I’m just joking, though. A small one like yours would be nice. I’ll have to keep my eyes open for one.

  524. I need more shiny things in my house. You inspire, dear Hanna :) Ig?r skickade pappan min en bild av Umesn?n i deras front yard och en varm ?ppelpaj inne i k?ket. Myyyys!
    Ja, ljus ?r alltid bra.
    Kram :)

  525. cute little hair things…it’s hard to believe it’s snowing in some parts of the world. it’s been so plesant here and is just now beginning to get cool.

  526. It’s beginning to get that way here too…cold, dark and cloudy. I just went to a candle party and stocked up for the winter last week. A smile a mile wide hit my face when I saw those wonderful flecks of light being spread all over your room from that disco ball. How fun! thanks for a ray of light today

  527. Hmm, I’d look for an afghan crochet pattern, and just shrink the squares (somehow). This coming from a non-crocheter though, so…!

  528. SNOW??? You lucky pig. It’s 22 here today, I don’t get it we should have snow now not summer weather. I love your disco balls and the pretty light :o)

    Please send me some snow!!!

  529. This is lovely! I really like the contrast of crochet and fabric – looks very soft and cuddly.
    I can’t believe it’s getting icy in Sweden already… must be a long winter ahead.

  530. Honestly? I love him. I mean, come on, he is PINK. I happen to love PINK. Pink a lil ribbon to his chest and he is aperfect Breast Cancer Awareness critter.

  531. Love your mini book. I’ve been meaning to try one since I saw Keri’s. You’ve given me more motivation.

  532. Great post, Hanna! I love your art journal spread– cute skeletons (can skeletons be cute?! hee!) I’m off to check out some of the links now– thanks!

  533. Haha! I say, sometimes I think there are “spooky” things going on when I am clicking through my favorite sites. Tonight I have been procrastinating a big project – writing the school newsletter. Then I come to the bottom of your post where it says “I should be writing” and think, Yes! I should be! So, while I won’t be art journaling, I am off now to finish my project :)

  534. Oh wow, hanna! I LOVE your colage! It is sooo beautiful! The contrast between the colorful roses and the darkeness and greys is beautiful!
    I’m not sure about Halloween either I must admit. I might just scare the kiddies off with my cute golden Maya dog, hahah…she only looks cute but she is darn dangerous aaaAArrrrRRrr!!!


  535. i love that spread in your art journal. gotta be honest, when i look at your artwork, it makes me want to go to the store and buy paint and paper and begin on my own!

    which i’ve tried before, always to horrible results …

    but you are an AMAZING artist! i’d like to talk to you via e-mail about an art venture …

  536. Awfully cute. And how serendipitous – I just bought my first moleskine journal yesterday and posted about it in my blog! Ha!

  537. Hanna – I just made an entry with lots of lovely Dia de Los Muertes links you might enjoy exploring too.
    Your journal looks great : )
    Thanks for your cyber visit earlier, too. xxx

  538. I just love your crocheted little animals! they are sooo cute :) makes me want to crochet too – but I’m strangely afraid of beginning, since I really suck at “controlling” crochet *hehe* but I hope to get there soon, at least I get inspired to do so, every time I come by here.

  539. Molly is sooo adorable! I want to cuddle her! I?m working on a little knitted mouse and hope to finish her soon. By the way, I just tagged you :-)) Hope you don?t mind!

  540. hanna, your projects are always so cute. i love your little mole friend, and the bunny, too!

    and your mirror ball by the window creates such a beautiful effect in the room!


  541. ja, din *** (censurerat f?r hemlighetsmakeriets skull) har kommit fram, s? j?ttefin och inspirerande och anv?ndbar!! TACK!

  542. Save all of your little balls of yarn and the little pink square you just finished! I’m knitting and crocheting lots of little pieces right now because I want to learn “freeform”- see some samples here

  543. after you take out the pages you want, buy a clock kit and put the covers in a frame and make them into wall clocks for children.

  544. How do you do those squares I crochet a little and never learned that pattern tried and tried but never got it right

  545. I am still peeking in my mailbox all the time and hope My will arrive soon :-) I can’t wait, I am sooo impatient to get my My!

    I was up for adoption already once in my life and it went well so I’m already adopted but then as an art mentor i’m up for adoption again! ;-)

  546. I think that I really should nead a mentor. Someone who tells me to work on my projects instead of surfing the net ;)

  547. Hei!
    N? har jeg fulgt med p? bloggen din noen uker, og jeg er helt betatt! Det er en stor glede ? f? ta del i din kreative verden p? denne m?ten. Hvis du finner anledning er du hjertelig velkommen til ? bes?ke min blog. Der kan du jo ta en titt p? skjerfet jeg laget til kj?resten min i bestemorsruter. Jeg synes det ble en ypperlig kvalitet – hullene gj?r skjerfet lett samtidig som det isolerer godt. Kunstdukken din er forresten HELT fantastisk!!! Tipper mottakeren ble hoppende glad for den :o)

  548. Miss My is very Beautiful! : )

    Maria’s suggestion of a ‘get off the net and on to your other projects’ mentor is a good one for me, too!


  549. I love this magazine cover creator! I already bookmarked it and will use it for my christmas presents, I think! So much fun!

  550. Ooooh! Such wonderful treasures! I’ve filled my house with them…nothing better than discovering something that someone feels is Junk and with just a little love and care, it becomes a masterpiece with a new life! Love the mittens! oxox

  551. Great to read about people from your homeland. It’s always wonderful to learn about successful and inspiring women that you haven’t heard of before. It’s got me thinking about women that inspire me.

  552. I loved how you did this….the photos of the women you chose are so powerful. Thanks for playing. hugs,

  553. That’s a greate idea. I might do my own list. I think it’s so wonderful to feel that you are somehow linked and inspired by other woman that came before you… woman artist have been repressed for so many centuries! Long live creative woman!

  554. Those orange buttons are so pretty! Beside books, I have many little trinkets and collectibles on my shelf. Some can even be seen in my post today.

    Have a happy weekend, Hanna ;)

  555. I am so ‘into’ round…I notice when I do any art I love circles and roundness of things. Just very neat you put words to that thought!

    Love the post prompt about what is on our bookshelves! Tomorrow I shall post that on my blog!

  556. Round Things galore on my shelves too!
    Same baskets as you have… : ) Also some stones, and pictures.
    Have just bought some lovely vintage craft books, which will be on the shelves when I stop gazing at them…
    There’s a pic of a little of my bookshelves in my last SF post.
    I love reading your posts Hanna, and seeing some of your world. Thank you.
    : )

  557. thank you for giving us the chance to peek at your shelves! i love the button jar.
    my apartment in tokyo is small but has many built-in shelves, some inside cupboards, which i am very grateful for. 1 cupboard, with a single deep shelf inside, has become my desk – it is great because i can just shut the door on any mess. another set of shelves has become my “studio” – it has all my sewing and art supplies.

  558. you gave me some ideas…. i didn’t enter this week because I couldn’t find anything round but I think I might have.
    thanks for the help!

  559. What a lovely tribute to your dad – I loooove looking at those tiny train model worlds!

    That question about creativity in men & women is one to ponder – When I thought about this, I started to think Yes there is a difference, “Men are more function oriented, women are more comfort oriented” and then I thought, No… Not always true.

    Then I thought, My boys like to try anything I am doing – beading, crocheting, collage, drawing, painting, etc and everything their dad does – building with wood, fletching arrows, inventing tools, tying fish flies…

    I don’t think I could say there is a real difference between men and woman when it comes to creative expression (if there is one thing I have learned in life is there are no absolutes, there are always exceptions!) Maybe traditon and personal interest plays a roll though. Percentage wise there may be more women knitting than men, for example.

    This is a long comment – I like how you wrote about your dad on Fathers Day – I called min Pappa ig?r, och nu k?nner jag mig inspirerad att skriva mera – det f?r bli ikv?ll i s?fall f?r jag ska faktiskt jobba nu (!)

  560. I too have wondered where my creativity came from. At first I immediately thought of my mother, who sews. But then I realized that my father is an avid woodworker, carver and house-fixer-upper. I remember sitting on his workbench, playing with sawdust as he worked away on something. I did the same with my mother’s sewing table. I suppose his form of creativity wasn’t as evident because it wasn’t labeled ‘crafting’ but it definitely influenced me.

  561. Hej. Ett tips r att gra som en bekant till mig. Hon tog sin favorit-plansch av Bruegel lackade den och bestllde en sk namnbricka med mlarens namn inkl fdelse resp dd. Mnga tror den r ktam(skratt)
    Ps Hennes ram r guldfrgad lika s namnskylten.

  562. I SO agree with you on the colour! My philosophy is, you HAVE to wear bright colours when it’s grey and gloomy, to brighten up the day! I have a tangerine orange coat which I wear in the winter, along with rainbow coloured knitted gloves ^_^

  563. i dig pink and orange together…i just crochet a scarf for my niece delaney jane – fuchia and orange. i sit and crochet while watching
    tv too. very relaxing

  564. What a luscious color! I hope you’ll take a picture of you wearing it when you’re finished. I agree, bright colors help make the grays go away.

  565. I like what you have to say about the deeper side of a topic. makes me aspire to be a better writer. I’ve definitely been seeing the sharper side of things, I’ll look more for smooth and round!
    Thanks, Kathy

  566. Positive inspirational people? I think you fit that profile perfectly!
    Your dinner party looks and sounds wonderful!


  567. so true….i have found so much inspiration through the blogs that
    i visit daily. everyone has been so kind and helpful

  568. I absolutely LOVE your shirt. I have a sewing machine, but I am not very good with it. Great job on the shirt you can actually wear!!

  569. Wow! I?m envious! This shirt is sooo beautiful! I?ve never tried to sew stretchy fabrics, so I?m in awe! And you look really great in it too!

  570. adorable. i guess we can add haute couture to your resume.

    I bought the art book you recommended, I am doing a daily art journal. I am trying to water color my daily activities. You inspire me!

  571. What do I think? I think it’s lovely and I’m very impressed that it was your first venture into sewing with knits!

  572. Thanks for posting all those wonderful pictures! I’ve finally finished my first art journal page and my notecard with your beautiful butterfly & roses pictures!
    You have a very creative & wonderful blog!
    Thanks again!
    Take Care!
    Justine >:)

  573. Ooooh, I LOVE it!! and such the bod you have…if I looked like you, I’d be making tops like that every day! :) smooches, tracy

  574. Thats fantastic, I LOVE the fabric!

    Perhaps you’ll post a tutorial on using double needles? It’s something I’ve always wondered how to do… :)

  575. I am so impressed!!!! I couldn’t make a shirt if I tried. I have never had the courage to sew clothing, maybe one day. I love the fabric also. The fit is perfect.

  576. LOVE your art doll!!!! I need to go back and read all the details, but just wanted to tell you Maj is awesome!

  577. Just love it! You did very well!!! I have not yet cracked the mystery of the double needle, even though I have two….

  578. Oh my gosh, that is great. I can see how it would create a “magical” feeling to create her. She is beautiful.

  579. i heart that bike! thank you for the wish list idea, and for reading! i want to look around at your blog now:)

  580. This is so true — one of the reasons I LOVE Studio Friday! Just think all the wonderful inspiration and craftiness I would have missed out on… Thanks for the reminder, H!

  581. I just love you needle books. Last christmas a friend gave me one of her homemade needle books and now I can’t live without it. Maybe it’s time for me to give a friend a needle book. I really like crazy patchwork!!!

  582. I like the picture of your dinner best! It looks really delicious. How did you make the soup? And Swedish bread is soooo good too.

  583. hanna! this t is fabulous! i love it alot…..
    p.s.the cat is not in the jar,although it is meant to look that way,it is a transparency that i put into the bottle with a tweezer…silly girl!

  584. I like the nasturtiums best (at least I think that’s what they are!) because they are in that stage of wilting when they look like crumpled silk. It makes me want a fabric with that design and those rich colors.

  585. ?h, ?nskelistor ?r alltid roliga att g?ra. Sj?lv mailade jag en till min mor senast ig?r :)

  586. I’ve added a couple of things to my list, courtesy of your suggestions!
    I love ScrapCast but was so bummed that nothing has been posted in the LONGEST time. :(

    Thanks for the suggestions!

  587. I was gonna post my Christmas List to Santa too—
    I hope he’s good to you this year! Fingers crossed for a crafty haul!

  588. Nice list. We have ?hlens stores here too, so I’ll go there to check out the japanese stuff.

  589. wow, that is so awsome. I have to stop by your site everyday to see what you are up to. love the pictures.

  590. The book is great! I’ve got it. I do love the mittens and I’ve knitted a pair of the ones that are striped black/white. Unfortunately they came out too small so I put them behind glass in a frame from IKEA and they now hangs on my wall! They are nice to look at…….

  591. I love the lights! So beautiful! They put up light chains here in the city , but it?s nowhere near as elaborate as in your town!

  592. WOW! I had no idea about that–something my swedish friend here never told me. The streets look beautiful though! Make sure you get out each day for some sunshine; good for the soul.

  593. Oh I know, the darkness when one is so high up on the planet. Once saw a documentary on TV about I believe it was Finland’s most northern city and theior sidewalks in dsowntown are having heating from underneath to melt the ice away and they have daylight lamps in their houses to keep deprerssion away and get daylight and all.
    I hope you are not all that far up north though…Your lights look beautiful!!!


  594. Hallojs! Jag googlade p shabby chic och kom in p din sida. Vad hnde med tyget med de rosa rosorna? Blev det ngra gardiner?

  595. Hi Hanna-

    I love the Lynne Perrella book (her newest one) Alphabetica. It is on my wish list too. She has a three page spread in this month’s ME Home Companion Magazine.


  596. Hanna, I want to be eight years old again, too — I also have quite the wish list. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that you get lots of the goodies on your list!

  597. luv the colors!…but really.. with a background like that to work in-ANYTHING can turn out great (your backyard?)…
    I think it has personality without the handle ;)

  598. Ha! I wouldn’t have noticed the missing knob if you hadn’t have pointed it out. You live and learn huh? I always think about buying furniture and doing it up, but I’m so slack I know that I’d get half way through and abandon it. I swear though, your little chest of drawers looks great in the photo.

  599. I love projects like this. You have made a perfect winter mitten scarf and sock chest of drawers :)
    Once I transformed a plain white ‘fake wood’ door into a nice warm faux wood look. It made a huge difference.

  600. Hi Hanna!
    I’m Francesca, your swap pal from Italy… I’m sorry but I’m little late with your box (craft swap, but I PROMISE you will have it in few days… : )

  601. Oh I looooove yoru wild thing monsty!!! yay for unleashing the inner child and sending your IC off packing to the ICC!!! Sooo wonderful, Hanna, keep painting, I absolutely love it, you passion shows through it and keep on shining your light!!!!

  602. Mysig bild inne i Gammlia stugan, vilken k?nsla du f?ngade i det ljuset!
    Maybe maybe maybe (hoping!!) we will also enjoy sleigh rides and craft shopping and fresh tunnbr?dd and gl?gg at the Gammlia Christmas Fair next year… there may be a small small chance, I hope the chance grows as we save our money this next year :)
    Sn?n ser verkligen fin ut ocks? – klart att det k?nns det mera jul och vinter med sn? :)

  603. Oh, what I would have given to be there! Thank you for sharing your pictures with us. Looks like it was fun for all!

  604. I love learning about all of the Swedish holiday festivities. I love the picture of the holiday view.

    The bazarre bizarre is coming to Boston. So many crafters will be there who I visit their blogs faithfully. You can check it out on my blog. There are two girls who make great books out of duct tape and other industrial supplies. I can’t wait to go and buy all kinds of presents! Happy Holidays Hanna!

  605. ohh Hanna!!! These pictures are wonderful, get one right in a Christmasy mood!!! And I have been reading about you havin gl?ck….would you have a recipe for gl?ck??? I have been looking for one, but could not find one…..
    Anke from ABEurope

  606. Oh, the fair looks wonderful. How I wish for a white christmas – though I think that I’ll have to go and find one, it’s not going to happen here anytime this millenium! Isn’t christmas marvellous?

  607. hej hanna!

    well… I love languages! and lately I am interested in northern europe too. Swedish seems interesting and I love the way it sounds when spoken. So that’s why! If I ever find a class I will take it but for now I just have to start on me own.

  608. Fun!!

    Looks really great Hanna! I almost can?t wait until I can fix my own craft corner when I have moved.

  609. WOW!!
    Hanna, YOU are amazing!! I am sooo happy that Lee’s advice helped!! It looks fabulous! I love the before-after shots. Sooo neat! We should start a new series at SF, hahah! The before-after series! I am thrilled about your newly found work space, this is sooo wonderful and exciting and you will be able to create lots of new Art Muse Dolls!!!

  610. Ooo, that’s a Good Dream to have brought True!
    I can see you’ll enjoy many happy hours of creating in your lovely new craft corner. : ) xxx

  611. very nice craft corner indeed! doesn’t it make
    you happy to sit there and create! i think everyone
    needs their own little space like that!

    thanks for sharing

  612. Don’t you love getting organized? It makes me feel like all is right in the world!
    Loved the holiday lights link… and isn’t Lisa Vollrath the best???

  613. Ooh, that looks great! I don’t have a studio either :(
    Mostly I use the little Japanese-style room that is kind of part of the living room, so at the moment it looks like there has been an EXPLOSION there – so much fabric and ribbon everywhere. But we have people coming for dinner tonight so I have to clean up!!!

  614. hej ihanna, det finns en V?LDIGT bra webbsida om man vill l?ra sig att bli mer organiserad i sitt liv och det b?sta av allt; den ?r helt gratis. sl?r i mitt tycke alla b?cker om att organisera sitt hem och liv med ljus?r…..enjoy …by the way..g? till table of contents till v?nster s? f?r du b?ttre ?verblick…

  615. sooo amazing!
    Hanna, you are an inspirational woman! I’ve read your blog for the first time in April 2004 when I moved to another city with my L.
    Now I live in a big city and in a tiny flat.
    Sometimes I feel a little bit gloomy but you help me everyday to find my hidden creativity after a looong and nasty working day, your strength is contagious.
    Great work woman!

  616. December indeed!
    Very nice candles, I love them. I am also a big believer in homemade gifts – giving and getting. The snowy paper and pretty tags are perfect for your candles..
    Yes – live with a smile, a positive outlook, hope and optimism. :)

  617. Congratulations on the new family member ;)
    Yes, I understand that thought process, and my hubby is rather the opposite, which isn’t always a good thing – but maybe we balance eachother out.
    I think you will have so much fun with your camera – the more you learn about it’s functions and abilities, the more you start to imagine what you can do/ and if you haven’t got Photoshop yet, I hear there is a freeware called Gimp that is getting good reviews. (I have photoshop so I haven’t tried Gimp though)

  618. Congratulations Hanna! Your photographs are always so beautiful, I can’t wait to see more gorgeous photography from your new camera!

  619. I am sure you will use and love your camera. Cameras as a huge purchase decision, but I think you made the right one. I had the same thoughts when buying my Canon Rebel Digital, and I knew after using it for the first time that I made the right decision! ENJOY!

  620. Oh!!!!Hanna I love the download page. Did you write and I missed it?
    Thank you so very much ….Please forgive me for not seeing the page until now.
    I feel so happy because I love those beautiful scraps. You’ve given me a Merry Christmas and I hope you have one too!

    Thanks again,
    Kathy aka meggiecat

  621. I believe in the “abundance” theory. That since I work hard and live right, I will always have the things I need. Maybe not always the things I want, but the things I need. My mother thinks that if you trust god to provide you will always be fine.

    Just a couple of theories. Pick one or both or none. Enjoy

  622. Oh, vad kul med en ny kamera OCH ett nytt pysselh?rn!! Hurra f?r dig!!
    Hoppas julen blir pysslig och fotogenisk. ;)

  623. Thats such an amazing camera! I’m ~just~ the same; I pay out the smallest amount of money and then fret that I’ve overspent, cant afford it, will get overdrawn at my bank…!

    (I think that stems from the fact that I did spend a lot of money on a video-camera a few years back and just have never used it :( I just dont get the opportunity, or rather, I’m just not creative enough to make one!)

    I just bought a camera too – this one, infact. Well actually my parents paid half, and I paid half, for christmas. It’s not nearly as spangly as yours, but it’s the best camera I’ve ever owned, and I can’t wait til Christmas when I can use it!

    Yay for cameras :D

  624. hooray for you… you deserve to treat yourself to something as grand as that fabulous camera every now and then!

    looking forward to see what lovely eye candy we will soon see from you!

  625. I love your blog! I am reading back and finding so much that is interesting! Thank you for sharing.

  626. Now all you need is a good looking boyfriend to take photos of. Oh, I forgot, you already have one. Damn. One day you will belong to Arty, and Arty only.

  627. Posy, I too love the look of shabby chic but quite expensive for the majority of people. I have found a couple of websites that are more reasonable than others that deal in her fabric and as for furniture I do alot of looking for that diamond in the rough…slipcovers are a great option too in that you can purchase plain white twill and accent with a couple of the shabby chic pillows. Happy treasure hunting:)

  628. Yay! Take a lot of pictures! We love to see them.
    I understand that fear of spending too much money feeling, too.

  629. Great Ta-dah! pics, Hanna!!! Love the snow :-) It does look very crsip and that hat is so cute! magenta-pink-red hues and combinations are my favorite ones, as you know ;-))

  630. wow….gotta love the new camera! i have a scarf i am crocheting but ran out of yarn and have to order more!

  631. ?h, den boken ?r jag sugen p?, juletok som jag ?r! men jag har ju inga pengar s? jag f?r t?nka lite f?rst :-) men en fr?ga: fr?n vilket ?r ?r den?

  632. I like your photo experiments! It always fun to experiment. And I love the hat. Fantastic color. Of course you can wear strawberry coloured hats… who say’s that you have to be a kid to wear color? I love color!! I was shopping for hats and mittens this weekend….no luck, but I did buy a big scarf in grey and bright orange stripes. I always say … you can’t have enough colorful scarfs to get you through the winter ;-)

  633. I like your December calendar page better than mine. I bought some alphabet letters with sticky on the back last night at the hardware store that are suppose to be used to make signs. (very cheap too $1.89 for three sets) I’m going to use them for my January calendar. Congrats on the new camera too!


  634. How excitiong to meet a favorite photographer! I wonder what it would be like to take photographs for a living – always out finding interesting subjects. I imagine it would be wonderful fun!!

    I love those “Writing well is the best revenge” t-shirts also, though I’m not sure I am worthy of donning such a claim :) I’ve been reading “fussy” for a few years – Eden Kennedy has a great writing style that I love.

    Nu ska jag jobba h?rt i dag – snart ?r det jul lov!!

  635. Merry Christmas Hanna! It all looks so delicious. Hope you and your family and a warm and happy holiday!

  636. I Love your Art dolls Hanna!

    De ?r otroligt vackra!

    God Jul & God Forts?ttning



  637. I just love ATCs quilts. they are way to cute and lovely. what a great idea for the scraps also. :) you rock. thanks for the idea.

  638. These are absolutely adorable creatures !!
    I would want to show Totoro to my little sisters too, i loved the anime when i saw it years ago. It is quite remarkable, cause usually i do not like cartoons!

    ( btw i am from Finland too)

  639. I would like to thank you so much for sharing these..
    They are lovely pics and will love to use them in my work..
    It was very kind of you to let us print these…

  640. Looking forward to another year of reading you, and seeing the things you create! I loved reading your retrospective :o)
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  641. I absolutely love the crafts you make and find it inspiring. I have been getting more crafty lately as well – taking up crochet and learning how to start ATC’s… (I will post some soon on flickr!) Anyhow, just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and keep on creating!

  642. Thanks for sharing your creativity, I have enjoyed your blog. Best wishes on the new shop!

  643. Hey Hanna! Surfing to your blog and discovering a new post is like getting a treat! Keep up your wonderful work!! I wish you a fantastic and creative 2006!

  644. I?ve just found your blog and was really impressed by your creativity! Bookmark on you! Happy new year!

  645. Looks like you have had a lot of fun projects this year. I love the animals you have made. Good luck with the next year, and a happy new year!

  646. Hanna, I’m so happy I found your blog a few months ago – I’m looking forward to another year of reading it!

    And I love the wish for an energetic new year – what a great thought!

  647. I simply cannot believe how many creative things you have created! I love the bag, redo gloves (must learn to do that!) and the cute baby hat for big girls. You are ready for your own line of something! Everything! Write a book! Open a store! We want more! I will keep you inspried with index cards/quotes and you keep creatin’ away baby! ha!

  648. I wholeheartedly agree with #19.
    Some blogs are just too “sunny day” for me–and it feels quite false–but that’s just me–warts and all.

  649. Hey, I recognize those coffee stickers!
    (I guess I’ve missed some of your entries back a few months!)

  650. How did I miss this? The carved stamp is wonderful! I have a thing for swirls myself–they show up in my art all the time.

  651. Your work is very creative and I love checking back to see what you’ve been up to lately! Happy New year, and here’s to more sewing maching excercise for the both of us. :)

  652. Lovely to read your words and see your beautiful pics, always, Hanna!
    Happy to have cybermet you this year, and wishing you much Joy in 2006.
    xxx : )

  653. So many lovely projects! Where do you find the time? I enjoy reading your blog. I’m looking forward to your new projects! I wish 2006 will be a year for you filled with joyful, positive and creative power!

  654. Happy New Year to you Hanna!!! :-)

    Such a fantastic year you had! Wow! I tried to make a collage like you did, too but gave up, naughty me…. It was too tough to decide! What you said about the giant leap of confidence is true. It was the same for me. Just huuuge!! Isn’t it wonderful?! My hangs above my desk and keeps me company…my muse, so lovingly handmade by you. Thank you!! I hope that you will give more people inspiration muses like My !!

    That birdie house is soooo cute, Hanna!!! My Soul Birds would love to move in there for sure :-) Such a gorgeous yellow, too! Oh and the snow….sigh!

  655. HAPPY NEW YEAR HUN! All the best for the year to come and many more creative projects. (Please not the change on my blog address!) HAVE A GOOD ONE!

  656. Hi Hanna-

    Great creative retrospective. You are a creating frenzy. I just got back from a European vacation of sorts. You can check out what I found on my newest entry. Happy New Year!


  657. You made sushi?! That is so cool – I am impressed!
    Yepp, it’s a new year and a brand new page in the book, so to speak. Much happy to you, I’m glad we “met” last year :)

  658. Those wrist warmers are awesome. I am on a project frenzy right now as well. Sooo many things I want to create, I’m going need more than 24 hours in each day! Happy New Year!

  659. The shawl is lovely, I’m beginning to see the beauty of garter stitch shawls. The fact that your mum made it makes it extra special :) The green crochet edging gives your wrist warmers just the right feminine touch. What better way to start the year than with a frenzy of projects!

  660. hey there … i love those wrist warmers. can you shoot me out the guage on those? or the size of the needles you used? i entered my e-mail, so hopefully you’ll get it.

  661. Just recently discovered your blog, and I love your scarf and fingerless mittens – the colors and the patterns are great!

  662. I’m curious about the yarn you used for the wrist warmers. They look so neat, and the crochet trim is the best!

  663. I love the scarf – it is so beautiful. Pink and green are my favourite colours too – but green before pink, haha! And I’m so totally impressed because yesterday I did my first few crocheted stitches ever, thanks to lessons from my partners mum! I can’t wait to make my first scarf. Although I’m having trouble with tension and speed (gawd it’s so awkward) you’ve inspired me to persevere. =)

  664. I have a pink crocheted ruffley scarf too! I like the way you wore yours with a black coat and pink gloves. Your dad is amazing, can I come and live in the yellow house with the swimming pool in the backyard?

  665. I am coveting that scarf! So pretty. And your Dad’s train display is amazing. I think he’s out done the one at Epcot Disney World!

  666. i love love love your dad’s miniature world! it’s so cute. i love the little house that is under construction (hee!) and the little woman in the swimming pool and the apple tree…agh, it’s all wonderful!

  667. Jeg ble tipset om bloggen din av zigzagandpurl
    N? har jeg bladd meg igjennom det hele. FANTASTISK.
    Her hos deg m? man ha god tid.
    Jeg kommer igjen, dette var utrolig morsomt.

  668. I love your scarf! It looks so great! I think I?ll try to find out how I can make a similar one! Do you just have to double the stiches in every new row? Or is it more tricky?
    I need to show your dad?s train world to my boyfriend! He?ll love it just as much as I do! Great pictures, Hanna!

  669. Aww, cute whale! I am just learning to crochet – woo boy, it’s a little more tricky than I thought! So I have the utmost respect for your skills.

  670. Your whales are so cute! They would look great in a bathroom. Saw your Dad’s train village, also – pretty amazing; that must have taken a lot of time & care! Have a good new year!

  671. Hey, Hanna! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I haven’t visited yours before either(I don’t think) but it looks really interesting. I will definitely be checking it out often. Your dad’s train is awesome! What an incredible assemblage artist he is! Love that winter picture of you in your spiffy swirly scarf. You’re no slouch in the talent department either — but no wonder — as your mom and dad are artists, too. Loved Mom’s whale. Speaking of love — Queen Elisabeth is outrageous – I adore her! Ohyes, this comment is *supposed to be about “I spy with my little eye — I love your entry. I ALWAYS check out the stuff left over on my table after a project and usually find some really great stuff. Take a look at my mail art in my picturetrail and you’ll see how I’ve used some of it. (There is a link on my blog.)
    You go girl —
    Until next time,

  672. Ok, here’s what I see…
    A cartoon like creature – square body, two eyes at the top and they have slanted lines going thru them (one eye is in green section). Then the nose looks like a very small backwards L. The mouth is at the very bottom -dark orange line.
    That’s the best I can do!:)

  673. the graphics on the paint tubes definitely look like eyes to me…the paint squares on the bottom remind me of a robot body…so it’s a chinese new year robot!


  674. Hanna, you are so onbeam, making Chinese New Year cards.
    Thank you for that reminder!
    I love your light imaginative touch and your sweet inspired-ness.
    Always a treat to visit. I enjoy ClothPaperScissors too. : ) xxx

  675. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you for the posting help on my site! Your blog is inspiring me, I wonder if I should learn to crochet so I can have a swirly scarf?
    I sent my husband the link to your Dad’s train world, we keep saying we want to do this. Keep up the fun mess! KAthy

  676. Hej o tack f?r titten!
    Kul att du gillade min fot :o)
    Jag ?r f?dd i hundens ?r, s? d? kanske jag ska fira hela detta ?r?!

  677. ojoj… du ?r klar med dina ochjag har inte ens b?rjat. Nu blir jag lite stressad. Jag m?ste nog se till att b?rja snart.

  678. Looks a LOT like my newsprint pad after a few hours of the idea of Chinese New Year Postcards..please post when you can..really want to see them!

  679. Awesome photo! Love it! I see a face with the two postage stamped images being the eyes and the actual stamp being the nose – maybe that smudge of orange paint is the tongue sticking out sideways!

  680. s?ta valar! jag var seg och hann inte ladda ner beskrivningarna medan de var gratis. du har inte lust att dela med dig av dem, ifall du har dem kvar?
    isabelle + @ +

  681. Hello, just found your blog and it is so inspiring. Thank you for these lovely scans of “glansbilder”. I love using them.

  682. These are lovely! I haven’t saved or downloaded them b/c I don’t have a color printer, but it’s a pleasure just to look at them! Thanks for posting.

  683. I just found your blog (through meggiecat’s) a few minutes ago. I saved it to favorites to check in with every day. Yeah, I’m a big blogaholic. Thank you for the beautiful vintage pictures. :) Now I’m going back to read the rest of your blog.

  684. Oh my gosh. This sounds so familiar. The list of projects in my head is almost paralyzing at times. Thank you for the links. Luckily, even though I like and am inspired by them all, I’m not tempted to add too many of them to my project list.

  685. Thank you, Hannah, for your generous offering of images! I will use some on my Valentines, I think. (I just found you via Meggiecat.)

  686. wonderful images! thanks so much for putting them up! i can’t wait to use these on my atc’s.

  687. Oooh, jag vill ocks? g?ra ett s?nt d?r knapphalsband. Men jag fattar absolut ingenting av beskrivningen. G?r du det? Och de s?ta tofflorna. Men d?r fattar jag inte heller hur det h?nger ihop. Kan du inte g?ra b?da tv? och f?rklara? ;)

  688. hi! i’m new to this blog scene and i found yours through meggie cat. i wanted to take a moment to say “hello” and to thank you for all of the wonderful ideas and inspirations. between you and meggie cat i will have a very busy year crafting my fingers to the bone(happily!). i LOVE the little knitted “Kate the Cat”! i don’t knit, but she sure is cute! thanks again…

  689. Thanks for stopping by. You have a great blog here and I’ve been reading many of your posts and look forward to seeing what great crafts you do in 2006, Happy Crafting.
    By the way great mittens!

  690. I really like those! I’m inspired to make a pair. What a great idea. And I really like the pink ribbons – it makes them very feminine.

  691. Thanks for hosting these lovely images on your website! Perfect for Valentine’s Day!!

  692. oooo, that is a great use of a “ruined” sweater! lovely blog you have here, i especially loved your year of projects in review. :)

  693. Those are so cute! Now I’m wondering if I should shrink one of my old sweaters for the purpose…

  694. These caught my eye right away…as I love to knit as well as digital scrapbook! I’ve got my eyes open for an old wool sweater…lol

  695. Hi Hanna, I’m going to work on changing my attitude towards doing certain things for example I hate doing household chores I see it as a punishment (especially washing up after dinner) A friend sent me this link and I must say that it encouraged me in thinking different in many areas of my life, especially the creative one ; )
    I love your site. It very often makes my day THANKS!!!

  696. This is my first visit to your site and I am excited to explore! I am sure I will be spending a lot of time here! I have been doing art journaling for several years now and am always excited to find vintage pictures that I can paste in my book!! I loved the downloads. Thank you for sharing!!


  697. I love you scraff, would you be willing to share the pattern?

    And your Dad’s train is absolutely super. It reminds me of a trainset friends of mine had on their attick when I was a lot younger, brings back happy memories :0))

  698. Very cute indeed! I love the hat- what a nice pattern and the color you chose is really nice. Your mom is very lucky to have such a creative daughter ;o)

  699. The hat is a dandy!! Your mom is lucky to have it and I am sure all the love you knited into it keeps her head warm and toasty when she wears it :)
    The snowy background is grogeous as well, beautiful.

  700. Thank you so much I have looked all day for vintage printables…thanks to meggiecat for the link here…you are quite talented and I appreciate the gift…

  701. Me too…I don’t like to put sad things in my blog so my blog is my “happy home” where everything is fun and pretty…. :)
    Snow, you have lots of snow there, the cold wether that comes from Russia is arriving this week here in France, I think we’ll have snow they predict -10? that’s a lot !!!!!

  702. I agree too, I think that blogging can help us to give the right weight to the things happened. Sometimes we feel angry for something that don’t worth, or we don’t notice little things which could make us happier or simply better. Blogging teach us to look through all is around us and choose the positive ones. Hope you’ll have a great week!

  703. Thanks for Bea’s delightful news, Hannah!
    And thanks for all the great choices you make about what you include here.
    Warm wishes to you,

  704. Thank you so much for the beautiful downloads. I will use them in Valentine cards.

  705. Thank you, Hanna, for sharing your thoughts with us. Of course it?s impossible to always be happy and cheerful, even though one would wish it was that way!

    If you check my webpage, you?ll see the little embroidery I?ve made inspired from a quote I found here on your blog: “Andas in. Andas ut. ” Remember?


  706. I agree about staying postive on your blog. Sometimes sharing sadness comes across wrong. Although, bloggers are such encouragers that I want to tell them “I NEED YOU ALL TODAY!”.

  707. Hi Hanna! I love all of your red threads! If you are looking for some way to use it, maybe you can think about joining my new project – details on my blog. It’s all about crafts – more than just knitting.

    Your blog is an inspiration to me – you always have so many lovely projects you make and work on. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  708. There can never be enough of that cake left for your breakfast. You just want MORE and MORE..

  709. I was looking for pink sewing thread on the other day (that my sister could sew some PINK purses and bags) but it was quite hard to find proper pink colour. All of them were more like purple or brown to me. Yours look real pink though :)

    Thank you for your blog, I still have lots and lots to explore here. I really like all your stuff, especially collages!

  710. H?rligt med s? mycket tr?d! R?d tr?d beh?ver jag alltid, min ?r slut just nu, s? jag ska ox? ge mig ut p? jakt!!! Har sytt en liten svart v?ska idag med plats f?r tr?d, broderisax, m?ttband, n?lar etc. Med ett r?tt hj?rtabroderat utanp?!!!

  711. Those spools all look so pretty together, I have a similar arrangement of pink, orange and red on my desk right now.
    I know what you mean about finishing things, I have to force myself to stop working on everything long enough to finish one project.

  712. I love your page ! I discovered it by accident looking to buy bokm?rken in Sweden!

  713. The pink red threads are so gorgeous, leave them somewhere so that it will inspire you! I have recently begun to like red and white fabric and I’m going to try redwork embroidery one of these days!

  714. Thanks!!! I’ve used stickers like these before for scrapbooking, cards and gifts. I can’t wait to use these, they’re great!

  715. You make me want to go out and buy paints! I think I’m low on my stash of paints! I haven’t finger painted in a long long time! Seems like fun!

  716. What fun! I think it is the hardest thing to create without expectation of a certain result, and these kind of exercises are great for loosening up and banishing the inner critic.

  717. I love your blog and today was very inspired by the list of things to make if you had time. I now have my own list started and ………….well I may just do something now! Your personality shows through your writing………..and makes you so very likeable!

    thank you


  718. Hey Hanna, we have the same bedspread, good choice! ;)

    Thanks for the review of 52 Projects, I’ve been wondering about that one. A project category would be great!

  719. Hanna – you know what? I was going to do a review of MY new 52 Projects book on my blog this week ;) How funny! I thought it would go along very well with the whole Project Spectrum idea!

    Great minds think alike!

  720. I absolutely feel like the only person out of everyone in my circle and family that makes things for birthdays, or any other event/occasion, and get bought gifts back, and wish people would do the same thing back for me. I know the feeling exactly!

  721. Thank you for your generosity! I found you through Meggiecat. I love the images!
    Take it easy

  722. The 52 projects book sounds great.

    I’ve been handmaking gifts for years and always felt like people thought I was being a cheapskate by not buying them something. I realised this year that they really do appreciate them and a few people have said they are going to start making things too. Maybe your creativity will be catching.

  723. Please please come save me from this mundane life!!!!! I live vicariously through your web site!!:)

  724. These images are wonderful! I adore vintage pics – I downloaded the entire set! – They’ll be great in projects or for inspiration :) Thanks for sharing!

    (p.s. I also found them through meggiecat)

  725. In case any of you are interested, you can purchase used copies of Rachel Ashwell’s books from for a fraction of the cost of the new ones. I don’t know if the overseas shipping costs might be prohibitive though.

    Wherever you live, look for used copies of her books. They’re too good to check out from the library, and then have to return them!

  726. Amazing green shade, Hanna. I can’t knit in the round, unfortunately I learnt with the straight needles and the right-hand method so I find it soo difficult.. I’m looking forward to your result, I know it will be a success!

  727. that yarn makes me drool. wow! i am such a sucker for crazy green colorways. beautiful! can’t wait to see it worked up!

  728. What a gorgeus yarn! It will be great to see your moebius shawl grow, so I hope you will post more pictures of your work in progress. Btw – thanks for the funny link to the addicted knitter :-)

  729. HA LOVE IT! I have some similar “stuffed animals” when I tried sewing for the first time. Regardless of how ugly they turned out, my kids loved them.

  730. Thanks for more inspiration. I have been wanting to experiment with doll/softie making but have been really intimidated since I cannot sew well. You are right though, challenging yourself is the only way to move through the anxiety and get to the good stuff!

  731. I love your positive attitude–doing something even though you don’t know how is absolutely the best way to get creative. I love it!

  732. I love this post! Mostly because of the serendipity of it – my last post is about ’embracing mistakes’, about how we need to make mistakes in order to learn. That is exactly what you have done here. Look how far you have come! I have no doubt that any bear you made now would be exceptional. But you had to make this little fellow in order to learn.

    Great post. =)

  733. I love the story, and the bear is kind of hugable and loveable.
    I read your blog almost every day, and I want to thank you for the inspiration and nice stories that brighten up my day. Hugs from Marit

  734. ‘If you can’t make a mistake you can’t make anything’ goes a little saying in the elementary school, and can’t we all learn a thing or two froma a kindergarten student?
    We have all had those ‘accidents’ and that is part of the creative process. I think the bunny teeth on the bear are great! Talk about wimsical! Inventing your own creatures like that – look out George Lucas :)

  735. Dear Hanna!
    I?ve just discovered your wonderful B-log this week. I find it most encouraging and inspiring, you should know! It has been so interesting to surf around reading about some of your projects, observations and comments. I think I recognize a lot from my own way of living. I don?t have a blog myself, but now I certainly wish I had one! (Unfortunately I?m not very good at IT, but maybe I could find someone to help me?)

    What I do mostly is different types of collage. But I love all sorts of knitting and sewing as well. Actually I am studying to become a teacher. One of my subjects is ?h?ndarbejde? of course. Actually that is how I found you, I was surfing on the Internet to look for ideas. This summer I?m going to make a project for my examination. I want to do something with recycling/redesign. On the net I found a very appealing Swedish book and from there, incidentally, I found you! Thank you good fortune!

    If you would like to see one of my projects, please go and see some of my Art-Money at I?m sure you will like the concept!

    Love from
    Hanne, Malling, Dk

  736. Hi Hanna, you did it again, you created something extraordinary!

    By the way, I received your postcard and it is gorgeous! Thank you very much! I will treasure it.


  737. Oh what a lovely little thing he is!!!
    In order to learn we have to make mistakes. It can be so painful though and disappointing but it’s part of it. It pushes us to become something greater and to train our skills.

    And now, you are looking back at Urban and are able to love him despite his faults. You also managed to accept yourself in the process which is ultimately what it is all about ;-)

    What a treasure Urban is!! You should create a great piece of art around him with him in the center!!

  738. love the pictures, but I need captions to explain them to me. Is any of the above moving water. I would have thought it would all be frozen.

  739. These photos are absolutely stunning, especially the first one – there’s such a special atmosphere to it! Great work!

  740. The bear is beautiful!!! You know, perfect isn?t interesting…… in fact it?s a bit boring……
    The quote from Tine is so good and so full of wisdom, even though one has to remind oneself of it over and over…..
    Thanks for your soooo inspiring blog!!!!


  741. They’re simply beautiful Hanna! Thanks so much for sharing about how you put them all together. I’m very intrigued by the altering process.

  742. Each one is so beautiful! Your photos of the dogs, the way you altered them and mounted them on collages. The ten people who received them are truly lucky!

    When I try to make collages like these they always curl and bubble. Do you have any tricks to help everything stay flat in the end?

  743. They are just lovely. Its great that you shared how you made them and I am totally intrigued by how you altered the photos. Can this be done with ordinary photos? I need to investigate…

  744. Oh you have that pattern? Good for you! I do too but I know it’s really attractive and hard to get by so you might want to publish it here, perhaps?

    Some great site you’ve got!

    All the best!

  745. WOW! Those are great! I wish I had gotten one. I’m glad you liked the one I sent your way ;)

  746. Whomever gets them is “one lucky dog”
    that is some old american phrase…
    thanks for sharing your process-
    they are GREAT! and I love the fact that you took the photos yourself in Asia. This was the exact project for them, eh?

  747. I really love them and appreciate the tutorial. I’m going to try some cards of my own. Thanks!

  748. I think these are just beautiful, Hanna! I linked to this post in my post about the Project Spectrum Postcard Swap – I think people can be inspired by your lovely creations.

  749. hej Hanna!

    I’m passing by every now and then, to see what you’re up to… ; )

    I’m knitting this one as well! Found it on the web and loved it. My moebius is also green, but more of a “milky green”, if that makes any sense. It takes quite a while to knit though… and Ive kind of put it on hold for a while know, having summer in Oz now and all… we can compare when they’re finished though! And yep… the casting on WAS tricky, however I’m hoping the end result will be so interesting I’ll forget about that…

    All the best to both yourself and P!


  750. aw, honey, I am all most 50 years old and I am STILL young.
    don’t let fear keep you from living in the moment, at least some every day.

  751. I sometimes also get things I’m buying myself gift wrapped so I can open it later on – it’s fun to open gift wrapped items! Enjoy the weekend!

  752. Your postcards are wonderful!! I’m so impressed! And thanks for sharing all the creative process!!

  753. I wake up every day as Miles Davis says thinking about something to create. Usually it is scrapbooking or the loppis but life has become wonderful without the stress of a 12 hour job like I had before!
    Carpe Diem!

  754. try being 40 and see you life sailing past. i don’t think it matters
    where we are in life, we can always do more to improve and to
    live life to the fullest. take time to write down or think about all that
    you have accomplished, you will be amazed!

    happy friday…

  755. square journals are the best! I love the way they feel in my hands!
    Hope it gets filled with good wishes and good happenings!

  756. i must do the same thing-buy something for myself and have it wrapped-i love the idea.

    i had a similar fear about time in the past and my siblings would always laughed at me everytime i tell them about it. i always fear that time is not enough with all the things i have planned to do in a day.

  757. I’m going to hit 40 this year, and I took wonder how much time I’ve got left to do the things I am meant to do here. Sometimes I feel like I haven’t accomplished much of great importance, but if I take a moment to reframe that in my mind, I realize that is not true. So, at this point in life, I’m really trying to cherish the journey each and every day instead of worrying about when the trip is going to be over.

  758. Yes to be 30 can be a crise time but as E.H.Eriksson says a crise can be a developement if you can solve the “problems “you are facing.
    Learn to live just now and enjoy every minute,thatsd life.Difficult but often when i read your blog I can see you enjoy your creative life.
    I’m 56 and still I live.What a happiness.Even if you get 17 lives you have no possibility to do everything.
    Love the new day and happy birthday in advance.
    Ulla in the northof Sweden

  759. Well if 40 is the new 30 then 30’s have to be the new 20’s – and you’re not supposed to know what you want to do yet – right? So you’re OK! I’m 37 – I was an accountant turned SAHM but don’t know what I want to be when I “grow up” yet except NOT an accountant anymore. But it’s cool…it leaves so many possibilities! Take care!

    PS LOVE your clock!

  760. Your art is always a true bliss to the eye – you are such a talented girl! These cards are yet another proof of your skills. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work. I always feel inspired and happy after a visit in here :o)

  761. Lovely clock!
    I’m reading an excellent book just now called Time Alive by Alexandra Stoddard. The first section is about living in the present. Life is not a race, and today is the only day that we have to fully embrace life to it’s fullest. Tomorrow will come, but we can only live for now. Let’s make the most of it, and really take stock of all the greatness that happens in this one day, and look to tomorrow with enthusiasm.
    Hey, I’m 40 and getting even more excited about life and what it brings!

  762. time is going to pass whether we fret about it or not. it is what we do with the time we’re given that means the most. it looks like you are dong the most with your time. good job!


  763. These are so beautiful! I love the colour and the texture and that the dogs come from your travels. I love how they are each unique but still look like an overall set. Absolutely wonderful!

  764. What a beautiful clock. I’m sure it will look just right in that future home of yours.

    I have also had that feeling of time going by and wondering (and worrying) if I will create the life I want in the time I have. But when I think back to when I was 16 and I already thought I was too old to pursue some dreams (like being a dancer) and then to when I was 24 and felt to old for some things, I wish I could go back and tell my younger self, “You are not too old, dive in, go for that dream, believe!” And so I imagine my 60-year-old me looking at me now saying, “Jamie, don’t you give up now, girl. You are such a young thing. You have all the time in the world.”

  765. Great pictures as always Hanna! And this weekend has really been sunny? maybe the spring is round the corner?

  766. i love this picture. it looks like sweden to me – sweden at its absolute best. cold, sunny, snowy, pure…

    thanks for the nice comment about my square, hanna! i tried to write to you but i can’t seem to get through….


  767. nature is the best medicine for the soul and your pictures help me to keep mine in peace. Great, thanks

  768. Beautiful photos, Hanna. We didn’t get one bit of snow in Vancouver, where I live, all winter, and now our tulips are up!
    Enjoy the last bit of winter you have, it looks wondrous. :)

  769. Inspiring! Thank you for your art and your thoughts. I visit your site almost daily because you have great things of your own posted here as well as fabulous links that swirl me away into serendipitous creative mode!

  770. Hi Hanna!
    How are you? do you remember me? you italian swap-pal? wonderful dog… I love your happy new year cards!

  771. Happy day it is that I have found your site, by you finding me! Now that is a valentine! I will come here often and I hope you do the same! Paths cross for a reason and valentine paths crossing are always full of blessings

  772. Thank you so much for publishing the snow pictures. We have had such a warm winter here (North Carolina) that we have not yet had any snow at all. I dearly love snow (those who have moved down here from colder climates tell me I wouldn’t love it if I had to live in it for a chunk of the year, though) and have been sorely missing it.
    When I was growing up we would have 2-3 good 1 foot+ snow storms taht would keep us out of school for weeks. Since mid high school that has almost completely stopped.
    I miss it. Your pictures really are beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

  773. I would love to join you looking through all those fabulous books! What?s that “Welcome Home” book about? Looks lovely!

  774. Min barndoms somrar r fyllda av kafferep med slkten dr koppar med sm sm rosa blommor dominerade… Jag undrar var dom kopparna finns nu, har inte sett till dem p evigheter.

    Rolig artikel att lsa! Trevlig helg!

  775. ack! cold coffee?!? blech! sorry, hanna, it’s got to be piping hot for me!
    love the teacups. funny as i have been working on the same kind of collection myself. pinks and golds, often mixing and matching cups and saucers. pretty!

  776. Cold coffee sounds yummy. I usually add too much milk to my hot coffee anyway, so it becomes lukewarm right off the bat.
    That quote from your mother is great, too. :)
    I had a big sigh over Andrea’s tea cups. Aren’t they lovely? Makes me want to start collecting.
    Have a great weekend!

  777. The story of your mother is very sweet. I always thought of coffee as the “adult” drink.. maybe that is why it took my years and years to finally give in to it ;)
    The pot holder in your picture is nice.

  778. My nephew when he was about 4 years old he loved cold coffee. Not that he drank a lot of it – but he’d be a grandmas and want his cold coffee. For some reason – I loved seeing the label on your coffee jar as if yes I’m seeing a little portrait of your world.

  779. I SO want to serve you some delicious lukewarm coffee in Stina’s beautiful rosy little cups she bought about a month ago. Consider yourself invited. I’ll just pop out for some soy drink (Alpro, the good stuff) and put on the kettle!

  780. Great idea, these look amazing! I’ve got a few sweaters in the lurch, waiting to become new items. It never occurred to me to consider gloves–brilliant!

  781. Underbara! (som allt du g?r) ?r de s?d?r stela av sig sj?lva? Ser lite ut som fantasifulla skulpturer p? bilden…

  782. can you explain how you cut these out!? Jag har fler barn trojor jag kan anvander…

  783. Wow these are great! I keep searching when I’m thrifting for the perfect jumper to felt and I haven’t found one yet. I will have to just go for it soon with any old jumper. I would never think of making gloves, such a good idea!

  784. Oooo frappe, love it, my family cant understand how i can drink iced coffee……yum. Only in the summer though, too cold at the moment

  785. Hello! I found your site while I was looking for images of vintage roses. I absolutely love your site! It’s very inspiring :)

  786. ok, I felted a sweater that has been sitting on a shelf in my closet for years. Now I just need to work up the nerve to put the scissors to it.
    I’ll post pictures tomorrow.

    I am thinking that I can do the mittens from the sleeves, and maybe a hat or pillow for the lower edge. I don’t want to waste any of it.

  787. I love blended iced coffee drinks, but I don’t care much for regular cold coffee. That doesn’t stop me from drinking from the same cup of coffee all morning when I’m too busy to drink it fast enough to enjoy it hot!

  788. Hi Hanna – Thanks for stopping by my blog. I know I’ve been to your blog in the past, but it seems like a long time ago! I was just looking around at all your fun stuff, especially the collage and the art journals. I read your bit about making a stamp – I just went out yesterday and got a carving tool and some blocks to make stamps. I love stamping and then working an illustration around the stamp. I’m going to try it out later this week. These gloves look wonderfully warm:>

  789. This is such a clever idea! I am kicking myself, I just tossed some old Benneton wool sweaters that I’ve been holding since we moved to warmer climate (ten years ago – it’s time to get over it!). It hardly ever gets cold enough here to wear wool, but they would have made beautiful mittens.

    Thank you for the visit and the tip. I am off to try it now. Kathy

  790. These are so cool, what a great sweater to work with! I love the cuffs and the way the pink stripe extends to the thumb!

  791. Wow Hanna, they look so alluring… I’m sure that if you find a recipe that turns out exactly that it might be you’ll start to enjoy yourself. I’m not a serious cook and I’ve never deal with compicated recipe but I choose a few ones and try them several times just to show in case of friend’s party..
    thank you for you support!

  792. It looks very nice to me, love spinach and feta.
    I always try to see it as a creative process, it helps.
    I read a recipe and change it so it suits me. So far it has gone well :D

  793. The carving looks great!

    I’m taking a printmaking class right now and my hands have been permanently scarred! Argh! I know that heating the block is supposed to make it easier to carve, but my hands STILL bleed. Mostly, it’s my left hand – the one that I use to hold the block in place. I’ve got mirror image marks on my pointer finger of that hand, done about two minutes apart.

  794. girl, you gotta get the mastercarve block–cuts like butter!!!
    Hope your hand heals soon, I wanna see the stamped image!

  795. cute rose stamp! we had an artist at the center where i work who did an entire installation of roses – fabric, real, silkscreened – she silk screened roses onto industrial rolls of tyvek and wallpapered the gallery. it was very cool!

  796. Hanna, I hear ya on the bloodshed, I stabbed myself at least a couple of times when I was carving stamps, but it does get better with practice. And I agree with snowbear, I’d love to see the stamped image!

  797. So funny Hanna, I always drink my coffee so slowly and forget about it and by the time I drink it it’s luke warm either or cold. Hahah! I don’t mind it though, better than too hot and your burn your tongue, hehe :-)

  798. Det r exakt min mammas kommentar ox, aprop kaffe!!!! Om det stmmer, blev jag inte vuxen frrn jag var 25 r…. o ibland undrar jag om jag nnsin blivit det! :-) (Jag r 42 nu….)

  799. oh my gosh, this is soooo cool. What else have you made with wool sweaters? I want to do that!!


  800. hey, that sweet square isn’t too holey to make a scarf! Just make it long enough to wrap around your neck a couple of times….Or….You can attach it to a nice cozy flannel on the back side. :) oxox

  801. Hi Hanna,
    I got your comment about our ATC trade– let’s do it! Sorry it’s taken sooooo long! Would love to put together a package of goodies to send to you too– where’s your wishlist? Send me a note back and I’ll send my address :)

  802. Some lovely bird house ideas there! I think I will try a small patchwork wallhanging myself soon, thanks for the inspiration.

  803. Beautiful stamp! I bought some linoleum and the carving tool about a month ago, but still didn’t find the time to try it on.
    You should sit on the sheet for a while before you start carving. It warms it a little, and it should be carved more easily.

  804. The muffins look great! feta and spinach goes together so well.
    You can make a pie stuffed with that mixure too. Tastes like heaven.

  805. The little kitty is so cute. I love the fabric you used! I hope to get better in my sewing skills and make this one day soon :)

  806. completely adorable. i have to try that pattern. your fabric choices worked great!

  807. what a fascinating book hanna!

    i would love to come back later and read on! beautiful site you’ve got.

  808. T?nkte helt fr?ckt kommentera p? modersm?let… :)

    J?ttes?t tygkatt, blir n?stan frestad att sy en sj?lv, fast jag har ju ingen symaskin… f?r nog ?gna mig ?t mitt lilla planerade projekt med loppisfyndad billig trik?tr?ja och textilf?rg.

    Nya Harry potter ser fin ut, jo, men jag m?ste skam till s?gandes erk?nna att jag fortfarande inte har l?st femman. Har den engelska versionen st?ende ol?st i bokhyllan sedan snart tv? ?r tillbaka… Jag har uppenbarligen helt kommit av mig i Potterl?sandet.

  809. I saw Kaffe on a show years ago- he was knitting up a storm. Didn’t know he was into fabrics and design as well. I’ll have to keep an eye out for his book!
    Hope you’re feeling better. Great post!

  810. Well, I am inspired!
    Yes – those studio pictures are the just the thing for Art Studio. So inspiring. I haven’t participated in Studio Friday yet, maybe now I will begin :) Later. Tonight. After I get home from work :)

  811. Thankyou for sharing that amazing book. I looked at the paper weight fabrics and they are brilliant! I?ll try to get my hands on some of that fabric.

  812. omg! I have EVERY book–needlepoint–knitting–patchwork–design–you name it I got it–my absolute most favorite needlepoint designer except for maybe Elizabeth Bradley–Fab book-fab foto!

  813. Luscious says it all! Thank you for the introduction!

    I’ll be back, have to show my son the Swedish HP cover.

  814. this is the cutest cat i’VE ever seen….(oops on the caps slip).
    You’re so talented! oxox

  815. I keep thinking to take part in the Studio Friday thing but then Friday comes around and I forget. hahaha

  816. Oh what a cool Harry Potter cover! How can you put off reading it for so long?? it would be agony for me! read read! ;) Loving the chairs on that book too!

  817. Holy moly! I am from a place that gets snow once or twice a year… or maybe not at all. The fact that the streets here look like an ice skating rink.. WOW! cool :) and ouch if ya fall.

  818. i think that’s a great idea hanna – tack sa mycket! i’m always one for tutorials and always grateful when the pros share their wisdom :) as i’m a relative beginner i find tutorials really help – i usually print them out and keep them in a folder…there is only one problem…never enough time in the day to try them all out!! have a lovely monday x

  819. Tusen takk for at du deler!
    Jeg vet jeg kommer til ? bruke disse. Og jeg tror jeg vil dele med mine elever.
    Jeg har ikke min side oppe ? g? enn?, men jobber med saken.

  820. Hi Hanna! Thanks for popping by earlier:) I must say I love your blog! And so much to learn from you. I got myself a sewing machine last month but I haven’t had the chance to get my hands on it yet…hopefully soon!

    Hope you have a nice day there-!


  821. Hi Hanna, thanks much for the fun feedback at Flickr re: my birdhouse collection! I pick them up at various craft and garden shops around town. Would be glad to send you a birdhouse of your own if you’re in need of one pronto. =)

  822. I’ve also been looking for nice price books on the bokrea. So far I’ve found a few children books besides a cooking book “K?rlek, oliver och timjan” by famous Anna Bergenstr?m. I have a few cooking books by this lady from before and had been thinking of buing this book for a while. I finally decided to do so when I found a receipy of Chilean pirogues. I love all kinds of pirougues!

    The book you’ve found, “Svenska skrivregler, seems really interesting. My husband and I are thinking of bying it!

    Best of luck with your practical occupational training at the local newspaper!

  823. What a nice shirt…I am beginning to like pink after seeing all of your ideas. We brought almost 800 sek worth of books…Chick lit for me, guitar notes, Flera spr?k lexikon, and Kalle Anka!…Love the paper! Where can I find it?

  824. Nice idea to publish a list of tutorials that you have used. I also love to find them. The instructions are so much better from “real people” than from books I think! Thanks for taking the time – I will check these out.

  825. Wow – those look wonderful. Almost makes me wish that it was cold enough to ever need gloves in Austin TX – HA!

  826. S? sk?nt att ?ka skidor och mysa i fj?llen med b?cker, pyssel och familj. Vilken gullig bror du har – han ser s? fin och sn?ll ut. Ja – Danny Gregory boken ?r en bra en – lite i boken finns p? hans “blog” i ett eller annat st?lle, eller p? ett eller annat vis.
    Looking forward to seeing your scans !

  827. I have that Mosaic book and I really like it. It’s worth buying for the colors alone! Very inspirational. I never read it cover to cover though, so I can’t tell you how “memorable” and “wonderful” the text is ;o)
    I don’t have a scanner, but I could send you a couple of photos of pages so that you can see if you’d really like to buy it or not.

  828. Thanks for the great tutorial links! Your slipover mittens are beautiful. I wish I had a slipover like that to redo :-)

  829. I have looked in vain for this magazine and cannot find it… some of the copies you scanneed in did not come out complete and I amd dying to have the best copy…Can you send it to me direct!?

  830. I will have to think on this – that is a great challenge. Many of your inspirations are ones that also inspire me. Lovely pink roses! (Project Spectrum!)

  831. You know what? Even reading your list is inspiring! :-) I will make a list too… will let you know when it’s online.

    Happy Weekend

  832. your list is inspiring…in fact, just the fact that you compiled it is inspiring besides all the wonderful things you listed…thanks for providing new places for us to be inspired by!!! kind of like an inspirational PAY IT FORWARD!!! (hmmm…that may have to be the title of today’s post for me!!!) :)

  833. I loooove your roses so much Hanna! What a great style you have and that glitter on it is awesome!!!! They belong in a frame and need to be hung on a wall!! Just beautiful! You love roses just as much as I do, don’t you?! ;-)
    You inspire me to sit down and make some of my roses again, hehe.

    It’s so great to be reading your list of inspiration, how wonderful that you took the time to do this!!

    Have a happy weekend!!

  834. An inspiring list! It made me want to get right up and make things. I’m honored that you included CraftyPod on your list. I get inspiration from the beautiful things you post here, too!

  835. amazing list especially when each one of them is being realized without knowing it. i am tempted to make a list of my own but i just have not much time now-maybe a bit later.

    thanks for sharing them.

  836. great list! While i was reading, i kept saying “yup” “uh huh” “yup” “ou, yea, good one!”…inspiration is everywhere!
    Thanks for sharing. :)

  837. great tutorial, it helps a lot people who needs to learn the basic skills. Thank you for sharing.
    Incredible eyelashes!

  838. Your kitties are so cute together! Now you’ve really caught my interest with the little window sitting creatures. Can’t wait to see them.

  839. thank you Ihanna :) I wish you all the same :) and go check my woman day in my blog the song in the post “Le bon Dieu est une Femme” is for you too :)
    Big Kiss

  840. Thanks so much for the link to the Boob Fairy. Personally she was a bit obsessed with me but I’m going to link to that song in one of my future posts.

  841. I hope you find your kitten soon, Hanna. We were hoping to find a puppy, but our new place doesn’t allow pets, so we’re going to get a ‘studio fish’ instead.
    Nice post! :)

  842. Oh cats are such wonderful animals! no wonder you love my Early so much ;-)
    I hope you will find the right buddy cat for you soon. Early send you lots of kisses this way!! He said that he will keep an eye out for him or her for you and let you know as soon as he sees him/her!!


  843. I have two kitties that will be 8 this year, and they are one of my biggest passions. My grey one Torry is currently lying on his back with all four paws in the air. My long-haired black one Coal is waiting patiently for me to stop typing and start petting. You definitely need to get one!
    Is it just me, or does anyone find these kitty eyes a little disturbing? They’re so big and dark! It makes me think the cat laid into the catnip a little too hard.

  844. My daughter got a kitten earlier this year, and though she officially belongs to my daughter, she is my unofficial studio/office kitty. She’s always in here with me (and is currently clawing the heck out of my toes!!). I love having her here.

  845. i am allergic to cats-sad to say and i envy those who can actually take good care of them. the picture is awesome. i really like that cat in shrek 2.

    all the best in your search for your special kitty friend.

  846. Good luck finding your kitty! The right one will come to you – I had to wait awhile for mine – but they do eventually come if you are looking.

  847. I would like to make some ATC’s…do you have a *how to *blog on making them? I scrapbook and since visiting your website now have another project to add to my list of stuff I wanna do! Bought the paper at ?hlens and LOVE it! More roses!!!

  848. Lovely cat — the photo behind the curtain is fantastic. I’m like you — never enough cat photos.

  849. i know what you guys mean about those kitschy little stamps – they are pretty tacky. my friend (who loves them) recently had a baby, so i found a website that could take a scanned impressions and walked me through making good images so they could make rubber stamps of the baby’s feet. she loved them so much she had hands made, too, and stamped the inside each page of her baby’s first photo album. it was neat to put a personal touch on her gift without being tacky.

  850. Thanks for the links, Hanna! I’m just as much in need of a pet cat. I used to have a white Japanese Toby….I hope you will find one soon!

  851. A great project, I wish I were half as creative!!!! Welcome back! We have to chip in and buy you a laptop so you can write when you go on hiatus!

  852. hanna!
    i am melting here! each of these photos is so sweeeeeeeeeet!
    thanks for sharing them today!

  853. I especially love the “peek-aboo” baby. Black and white is such a marvelous medium for pulling out the subject in the photo. I just love your work. Thanks for sharing!

  854. yeah yeah yeah the kid is cute…but the puppy! adorable. Is that a Jack Russell Terrier? He looks like my JRT, Louie.

  855. These are just gorgeous. I haven’t taken any black & white for ages and it makes me want to go out snapping!

  856. I just adore this top. The colors and patterned material is the best! I wished I had this material for a top for myself. GREAT JOB!

  857. I am in awe of your fabric choices you use for your projects! Llove this fabric! Your Pointy Kitty is adorable. I just started cutting my pattern out this morning.

  858. I have trouble reading and understanding patterns so I will do what you do with the gloves. Trace the outline of maybe a pair of capri pants or top and I use that as a base pattern then the rest is the creative part. Your gloves are so cute!! Great Idea you gave me for using 100%wool. I love everything you do though!

  859. Found your weblog after your comment on my latest bag – thank you so much! Your work is very inspiring, you seem to love it as colorful as me :D Will come back to see more from you.
    Very nice shirt by the way!

  860. I love that silly flick (watch it over and over), l o v e pink, recycling is great and your gloves are so lovely!

  861. Hi Hanna: I just wanted to tell you that I loved your page in the VV fatbook. Very nice indeed. I agree with you, though, I am not hooked on doing them either. I would rather be working on more one-on-one, or one-to-none art projects. These swaps are a lot of work! A couple of times a year would be more than enough.

  862. i love your chunky book page! you put a LOT of work into this!! ;) I am in the vintage valentine book as well, and haven’t received the book yet, so it’s fun to get a sneak preview of one of the pages.

  863. Hi there, This looks wonderful! I have many ‘chunky’ books also… great stuff. Cheers, LJ

  864. Boy, have you been busy! You have such good ideas! I think I may try the chunky book, maybe I can organize one here in Sweden!?

  865. yes your totally right 40 it’s too much, but I guess a max of 10 people for one is enough and do it 1 time a year I guess it’s ok, guess I’ll be trying with a small group. :)

  866. It looks great! That’s alot of work put into this Chunky Book Page. Good job! Thank you for visiting my blog the other day. Your blog is full of wonderful creations. I just finished making my Cashmere top and the Pointy Kitty.

  867. What fantastic photos!! the hand is wonderful!! I have a nine month old and I know how hard it is to get them to stop, even for a moment.

  868. I am still getting used to flickr but I am certainly hooked. It is so interesting to see what sort of things people post there!

  869. OH NO!!! the guilt of making you wait!! Though, I must say, I hope it was worth the wait. I can’t wait to see what you make. I know you were wanting to play with India ink so I’m super happy I was able to send it to you.

    Thanks again for your paitence and understanding in the wait. Things are much different now a days, so next time around, much more speedy return.


  870. Oh what goodies! I am waiting for my new crayons( Caran D’ ache:)) and I just received vellum writing pens! Guess I am going to be busy this l?rdag!

  871. good stuff! I love all the lovely paper and things I see but I have no idea what to do with it! I can’t wait to see what you make!

  872. Vacker bild av fj?drarna. Och vilken smart l?da. Den kan man ha vad som helst i!
    I love the way you assemble your words and pictures here – very nice!

  873. These are lovely. I like the picture of them all stacked up in a pile and I agree with the comment by Hanne that the one with the star in the middle is my favorite.

  874. i like the one all the way at the top the best – and they look so great all together, don’t they? fun!

  875. I like the pink and brown with the little blue roses and a ribbon tag. I think that tag adds that something special. Fun! I never thought about doing fabric ATCs like that!

  876. My favorite is at bottom right, the peach one with a diamond pattern. I like the way you added just one simple piece –a sort of out-of-shape diamond with a rose in it. Simple, elegant, well balanced design–hard to believe it’s a tiny ATC.

  877. Hi Hanna, thanks so much for commenting on my blog! I had to check yours out, and may I say that I absolutely love these fabric ATC’s!! I love the “messiness” or “primitiveness” of them, and the mixture of fabrics- very nice! I’ll check back!

  878. Thanks for visiting my “Studio Friday” entry. I’m a member of Flikr as well and would love to browse the pictures you have talked about. I’ll have to check into it. Thanks for your comment.

  879. They are all beautiful. I used to make atc’s a lot but haven’t made any for so long. Yours are truly very pretty. I think you’ve motivated me to play with atc’s again!

  880. Are they hanging ornaments, or – ? (ooo I’m gonna feel silly when someone answers that!)

    I like the first blue one best; I like the way a bit of it sticks out of the rectangle ^_^

  881. I’ve always wanted to make a quilt using that technique, never quite gotten around to it though. my favorite is the second row, right side, with the star shaped bit.


  882. Oh wow!!!
    I am thrilled with excitement here hanna about Ella!!!! She is absolutely amazing! the green makes her so magical, like one of the fairy gnomes from Astrid lindgren’s ‘Ronja’, you know, almost like the flying raven creatures (those were by far the scariest things). i love the sparkles and glitter of her hair, too and that diamond she carries…sweet!!!!
    Did you make other art dolls beofre her and My? I wanna see them all!!!!

  883. Hanna, I love you but you need your head examined. (You’ll get it for your birthday, don’t worry!) That’s a really weird looking creature. I like her jewelry though. ;)

  884. Hanna,

    I love your art dolls. Your work is rich, bright and a complete delight to the eyes. I love it!

  885. What a cool and creative creation! It seems to be an fun technique to work with, this three dimensional collage technique. My guess is it’s more difficult than 2-dim? Good luck with your future assemblage projects, because I guess this is just the first one. I look forward to see the next one :o)

  886. Really like this doll. She seems beautiful and fragile and at the same time wild and natural! Perhaps she’s a good witch that will bring us spring sooon!

  887. Love this!

    Reminds me of things that my brother would do to my Barbie dolls when I was a child. However, this one is ART and not tragedy. Ha!

    xo – Chel

    PS – Thanks so much for your comment on my cercles d’ame piece on my blog. What a wonderful thing to know that I have new readers!!

  888. Love the little cat you got there!! Very comforting looking and Ludde is so cute, too ;-) (great name, I love the sound of it!)

  889. I love this assemblage. I like it more than the previous one, because of the conflict that seems to be between the doll covered with “blood” and the roses, the coffee cup and the naive brades. It doesn’t look like a second-piece-ever at all.

  890. The flowers are very nice! The first p?sk lilija jag har set! I don’t think that my ihannah vision of my dog at my feet and my cat on my desk is going ot happen! Please send me some inspiration!

  891. Hi Hanna! Thanks for visiting my website — I’m glad to find yours. I’ve been looking at all your craft projects and photos and you’re so creative. Looks like you have a lot of fun, and I agree with your belief that everyone should participate in creativity in some way. Also think it’s great you’re supporting an animal shelter!

  892. Thanks for the photos of you. Very photogenic and I love your glasses. Maybe one of these days I’ll actually put a picture of me on my blog. Maybe….

  893. Hi Hanna! Another crazy cat woman here! Thanks for including the link to my Totoro/cat bus creation. It’s a tic-tac-toe board, but I lilke your idea of making it into a quilt! It would be pretty easy to do…

  894. What a lovely blog you have, and I adore your creations … including the pointy cat!

    Thank you for stopping by.

  895. hi hanna!

    thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comment…

    can i just say that i totally love your blog!!!!! it’s got cats, crafts, art, cool thrift finds….what more could you ask?!

    i’ve got 5 cats: 2 females and 3 males. we used to have 7…but we gave one away because he didn’t get along with the tribe and the other one, we had to put down bec. he had a bad heart :(

    i absolutely love, love, love your stuffed cat toys….can i buy one (or two)??! they are wicked cute! please email me at i would be happy to order some cat toys!!!

    take care,

    from one cat person to another, mary ann :)

  896. Well, I try not to post about cats too much — but they slip in quite frequently… especially today. Thanks for all the cat links. Love that cat tic tac toe quilt!

  897. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! These are wonderful photos. Happy Birthday – what a fun mirror of faces too!

  898. Hi….Thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my blog…I then came to visit you and lo and behold, I find lots of good stuff! :-)
    Crafts and lots of happy cats! I am attaching a link to a post I made of my favorite picture of our little cat (he’s one year old), Atticus. He cuddles up with me while we sleep (like under my chin all night cuddle!) and when I leave for work in the morning, I miss him the whole day! Is that weird? When my husband greets me when I get home, if he’s holding Atticus, I find my eyes go to Atticus first! Fun blog! I’ll be back! :-)

  899. Oh you have to love the kitties! I’m loving all these cat related links and images – just wonderful.

  900. oh, you’re such a baby…I was born in 1964. It’s so amazing that people born after me are adults….and that I’m old…hahaha…oxox

  901. oh, you’re such a baby…I was born in 1964. It’s so amazing that people born after me are adults….and that I’m old…hahaha…oxox

  902. What happened with Kerstin, wasn’t that a good name? I thought it was a great idea. ;) Smilla was a nice choice I think! It suit her!

  903. ?h, katt! vad mysigt h?rligt underbart! jag dr?mmer sj?lv om en katt men tyv?rr kommer det nog aldrig att h?nda eftersom det finns personer i min sl?kt som ?r j?tteallergiska.
    men hon ?r s? s?t lilla smilla, hoppas du postar fler bilder av henne l?ngre fram :-)

  904. I’m so happy for you and Smilla! What a wonderful view! She already looks like she’s at home.

  905. What a love she is! I love your view.. it’s fresh, cuddly and full of all the things that Spring brings!
    ~ Gabi

  906. Smilla! love the name. Loved the book and the movie. Is that where you came up with it? Enjoy!

  907. you know i love you and please don’t be mad .. the peace you want to use is spelled like this PEACE.

    Piece is like one part of something, like a piece of pie or cake.

    I think you are amazingly good and using the English language.

  908. I love your picture and hope that you enjoy your beautiful cat as much as I have. My old boy turns 18 years old this month and still is very happy and healthy. He has brought so much joy to our home and will always be my friend. I hope the same thing happens to you! Best of Luck, Leticia from Sonoma California, USA.

  909. ?h vad kul!!! You found your creative spirit! May Smilla bring you joy and happiness. Trassel is still in transition so she is not so loving yet but I am waiting! GRATTIS!!!!!

  910. hurrah!
    my kitty is named smilla too! she is actually playing one of her favorite games right now which is trying to nibble on my hands as i write this.
    lucky you! grattis!

  911. Ahhhhhh! What a sweet kitty! I am so happy for you. A pet/friend adds so much to your life. They love you unconditionally! Even when you are crabby! Have fun!

  912. GraTTis!!!
    Jag mor hon leva!
    Happy first day to Smilla!
    I am a little afraid to pet Trassel the Terrible;-)

  913. oooh what a lovely cat! (I just picked up a copy of SMILLA’S SENSE OF SNOW from the bargain bins the other day… what a coinCidenCe! ^__^)

    your kitty looks very sweeT. I love cats~

  914. haPpy birThday! I wonder when i could eat cupcakes as lusci0us-Looking as those… ^^*

    health and haPPiness to you, Hanna… Your art is just g0rgeous, and reading this bLog I think you aRe t0o!

  915. Sounds soooo wonderful!!!
    Oh Smilla is just the cutest thing!!! She would love to play with my Early mouse I bet you ;-)))


  916. The 30th needs double parties, and double wishes too, so, waiting the 24th April:
    happy birthday!!!

  917. Oh, happy birthday! I’m sure you must have had a fabulous party with all that pink. And I’m glad that Smilla is settling in well – kitties are the best friends anyone could have!

  918. Hihi, d? kan du s?ga som min sn?lla lillasyster sa n?r vi var sm?: “N?r jag blir stor ska jag ha katt, f?r d? kan inte Inger komma och h?lsa p? mig.”

    Det ?r syskonk?rlek, det!


  919. Happy Birthday Hanna! Now I know why you loved the pink house in my blog. I’d love to have you and Smilla across the way. Maybe she would want to come play with Artemis and Tosca? Do cats do play dates?

  920. K?re Hanna- et stort tillykke med f?dselsdagen og de f?rste 30 ?r! T?r man sp?rge hvorn?r den “rigtige” dato er??? Jeg er bare s?dan en lidt astrologisk interesseret person – og derfor nysgerrig p?, om du er v?dder eller tyr. Jeg kender dig jo bare her fra bloggen, men jeg tror, jeg h?lder til taurus…
    Mange hilsner – ogs? til frk. Smilla
    Hanne dk

  921. it doesn’t get much better than pink cupcakes, does it?
    j?ttegrattis, hanna! helt r?tt att dra ut det hela och fira flera g?nger!
    stor kram fr?n

  922. Maybe you should potrait things that are outside of your home. I find it comforting to remember that there exsists a whole universe of activity which I am not an active participant in.

  923. Such a lovely party! all of the pink goodies! I hope you have a very happy birthday, Hanna!

  924. of course i do!
    these turned out SO cute! and you did such a great job using up every little bit of that cap. it’s nice that they have each other, too, isn’t it?
    i love these – you are just getting better and better! (its the age – wait till you’re 35!)
    stor kram

  925. Oh isn’t he the cutest thing?! Oh but Miss Smilla is the Queen!!!
    I love how he lies in the bottom pic. Oh he looks so lonely…

  926. Hi Hanna!!! Late happy birthday from me too!!!
    I really love your blog and keep coming back…its a very nice mixture of things you write about…..!

  927. I think your collages are great. Dragonfly in the window is my favorite. Big Hank makes me smile. I love the picture of the kitty patiently waiting for attention. My Kitty gets between me and the screen and demands attention.

  928. Hanna–
    Your collages are delightful! I can tell you had a lot of fun doing them, just like you do with everything else.

  929. A beautiful view from your studio with a new friend who will guarantee to warm your heart and comfort you always.

  930. Lovely collages and great blog! I agree with you 100%, i get little work done when there are so many great blogs to read….like now!

  931. I love those collages, the colours and textures are so beautiful! And thank you for posting the pictures of your cat, they are very cute.

  932. hi hanna!

    love your collages! i like your goal you’ve set for yourself, about collage-ing each day…that’s sounds like a lot of fun… and my cats are constantly demanding my attention, in fact, one (t.j.) is napping (his favorite past-time) beside me. can you hear him snoring?

    anyway, great art work…you go girl!

    :) mary ann

  933. Your collages are all wonderful! I love your dragonfly one for the great blue hues and big Hank for the humor! The penguin card is a lot of fun, too! He looks a little grumpy and I like that!

  934. Wonderful photos. I love the view from your kitchen window, and the pitcure of your friend laughing under the table made me smile ! Happy easter and birthday to you!!

  935. My mother loves fishes patterns and I would like to receive one to put in a towel.
    I will realy apreciate if you coul give some.

  936. Loved the view and the detail of the rotting wood. Vey striking imagry. I too have a favorite picture of a friend lying on the floor laughing her brains out. Thank you for causing me to remember that happy time. *smile*

  937. Even though you couldn’t find a snowbear–my collage is the best!
    Thanks again!
    Ps. I love penguins—it’s Charlie of course!

  938. Thank you so much for allowing us to have access to these!!! I’ve been searching for butterflies for some time and these are ‘exactly’ what I was searching for, am thrilled to bits. Thanks so very much …
    Hugs Sandie in Aussie

  939. Happy Birthday Hanna. I’m like you 30 :) hehehheheh and it’s beautifullllllllll

  940. Happy Birthday Hanna! Enjoy every minute of being 30- the best age! I hope you had a wonderful day.

  941. Happy Birthday from me too. What a cute little baby you was – and what a lovely grown up person you are now!

    I clearly remember when I was 30. A wonderfull time and challenging too; my first daughter was almost one year old and I was still in the establishing phase of my career as a ceramist. Today I?ve totally quid the clay and use all other sorts of materials to express my creativity, but still what I did then, is part of what I am today.

    Best wishes for the year comming.

  942. GRATTIS!! Vilken h?rlig lycklig m?nad Du har haft! Jag tycker ocks? April ?r en fin f?delsedagsm?nad- det var i April min ?ldsta on f?ddes :)

    Ha en sk?n avkopplande dag – och ha den ?ran!!!

  943. Congratulations Hanna!! I wish for you that this new year in your life will be as inspired as the previous one(s)!

  944. Happy Birthday Hanna!!! This is my 30th years too. We’re a bunch of thirty girls on the blogosphere, aren’t we? I wish you’ll have a great 2006! Enjoy it!

  945. Happy Birthday!! My 30th is coming up soon too… I think it’s going to be a very lucky year for us. :)

  946. Happiest 30th birthday Hanna! I was 30 many moons ago, but you know, it keeps getting better :)

  947. Grattis i efterskott! Hoppas f? se m?nga fina grejer p? din blog under ditt trettionde ?r i v?rlden :-)

  948. Hanna!
    I always read your blog and guess what…… I also became thirty yesterday!!!!! I like being thirty, I have been twenty something for ten years so it is good to have a little change.
    Hope you had a really pleasant day.
    Birta in Brighton

  949. Happy birthday, yesterday. I was just telling my husband (I’m 33) that this really seems like the perfect time of life. I’m loving it!

    Nice blog- I’ll be back!

  950. what a beautiful Easter!

    And I can’t wait to tell my daughter; she just asked me earlier today what people in other countries do for Easter and if the Easter bunny went all over the world, and I had no clue. Now I have a bit of information I can share with her :)

  951. What fabulous door decoration, even the hook is beautiful – looks like something made by art glass ceramist artist Ulrika Hydman-Vallien! And the easter egg looks exciting, probably stuffed with your favourite candy. And, your mum has made the qutest three-felted flower arrangement!!

    This year our easter decoration was made of tulips on the kitchen table and eggs in a bowl that was dropped with stearine before boiled with onion “shells” (makes a beautilful marmorated affect in white-brown). Besides this we ate lots of great easter food such as gravad lax, pickeled herring and a fantastic lamb roast with potatoes au gratain.

  952. thank you for sharing your wonderful holiday traditions!! all my grandparents are from Sweden and I crave to know more of my ancestry and their traditions…you have given me a great gift with this post. your photographs are beautiful and I just LOVE the little felt flower on the tree…thank you!!

  953. That is a wonderful wreath with those soft feathers! Also, I love the photo of those fish — so Swedish I think! And Easter witches — that sounds really cool. Happy Birthday. The 30s are super cool.

  954. Je sius brasilianne
    je ne sais pas parle Francais, mas j’ame le magasin “Marianne Maison” qui j’ai achett en juin 2005, et je veux assigne, tous les
    moins. Je vais savoir comme je fait. Pardone moi pour ne parle pas le Francais et merci.

  955. Gostaria de assinar a revista “Marianne Maison” , mas n?o estou encontrado como faze-lo, Gostaria de uma ajuda. Grata.

  956. I really love your photos. Easter witch, huh. My daughter would love this idea, she’s really curious about all types of witches these days.

  957. What wonderful easter pictures! And I love the witches!!! Thank you for commenting on my blog, and please come back again!

  958. Happy Birthday Hanna! You sure do have a lot of creative people in your life! I agree with you. I LOVE so much to receive and give handmade gifts. I cherish the thought and time that went into making something JUST for that special person!
    Smilla has also been a lucky kitty! She has a lovely quilt of her very one! Lucky Smilla!!!
    Thanks for sharing your treasures with us! April is a sparkly month for you, indeed!!
    ~ Gabi

  959. each picture was like an easter egg treat! Thank you for sharing such pretty fun things with us! I loved the white bell like flowers coming up and the gold tin fish! So French!!

  960. You received wonderful presents from the ones that love you! I like the quilted chicken the best; it’s fantastic!!

  961. What a wonderful bunch of presents!! And a pink party too?

    Glad to hear you had a great 30th birthday Hanna!


  962. Happy birthday Hanna!

    thank you for all the great, inspiring things you tell about in your blog! Everytime I read it, it makes me want to run right away and do something creative that I love!

  963. It?s lovely that you?ve been soooo spoiled by everyone…a definate sign of how deserving you are! I like checking out your blog, there?s always something new and lovely to see!

  964. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for visiting my blog and saying hello. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and seeing your photos. It’s lovely to see what’s going on in your corner of the world.
    Happy 30th birthday! Looks like you were spoiled with some beautiful presents and a lovely party…..lots of fun by the sound of things.
    I love your beautiful cat Smilla! I’m sure you’re enjoying her very much and I’m glad you have found each other. She will be great company for you.

  965. Love the perspective of some of your photos. Happy Birthday!
    FYI you gussed wrong about the fireworks on my site. Also the image has not been digitally manipulated. Guess again?


  966. Hoppas du hittar massor med bra saker p? Panduro. Och f?rl?t f?r att du inte fick n?got hemmagjort av oss. Verkar som att den genen helt d?tt ut i min familj. Larsa fick v?l hela mormors pysselgen ;D


  967. Actually the website listed is my husbands, but he’s far more talented than I!! I’m his sherpa and childherder. I love your creativeness. It inspires me!! I have a secret job of shaking down the second hand stores. They see me coming and give up the goodies when I walk through the door. I love LOVE recycling, and I love what you have done with your duvet covers. Makes my heart warm to see old things get new love. I stumbled across your blog and I feel that I am a LUCKY girl. Thanks for the good karma. xo CHER, slave to yarn and fabric

  968. I love that leaf. Such a delicate, ethereal object – and yet it survives outside — like a butterfly.

  969. Eye yi yi! LOVE your blog…I visited you a while ago but haven’t been by in awhile. I am SO marking yours as a favorite. Love your style, the flavor, the flowers, the colors, the animals, the pink typewriter, etc. I just know I will always find something happy! :-)

  970. Hi Hanna! Thanks for visiting my blog and saying hello to Oscar cat. I was not buried under all of those plastic bags – but thanks for asking! Your blog is great!

  971. I’m late for the birthday party! Glad to see it was a success! Pink looks good on little bro and Dad–they should wear it more often!
    Many happy returns of the day as Pooh would say…

  972. Editor in Chief, that?s really a project! And how I know what it is like, to be to busy to get into crafting. .. To mee it can be very frustrating, even though this other task might be quite exiting as well… I?m now at the last stages of writing my bunch of synopses, God, it has been a hard days work and I?m r e a l l y looking foreward, longing to rush into a pure art-working periode…

  973. Hej Hanna!

    Rosburkarna ?r v?ldigt fina o inspirerar mig genast till att g?ra ngt liknande….skruvar man av locket blir de ju fina lyktor f?r v?rmeljus ox?…..
    p s Kul att du blivit katt?gare… v?lkommen i klubben! Visst ?r livet rikare med en mjuk kelig v?n o som n?gon sa “ett hem kan inte kallas hem utan en katt” :-)

  974. Gold Fish Babies!! How exciting!
    I have a small bog garden and the plants that I bought to put in there came with eggs! Now I have baby gold fish too!

  975. i love that birdhouse! (and i had so say it in english because swedish “f?gelholk” doesn’t seem to be the proper word … it just makes me think of wooden home made birdhouses like the one i did when i was 10 y o)

  976. Such a great weekend Hanna, hoping to introduce a lovely and productive may.. I love your photos, as usual.
    p.s. brave girl, you are not scared of lizard, are you?

  977. ooo I love owls, birds, eggs, nests etc They’re very popular at the moment aren’t they?! Lovely birdhouse! Enjoyed the links too thanks! :)

  978. This turned out just wonderful…I love it! Love the pink, and the feather, wow!!! So glad you had fun with your pockets:)

  979. Have you read the book or seen the movie Smilla’s Sense of Snow? It was an international best seller by Peter Hoeg. One of my favorite movies, then I got my hands on the book a couple of months ago. Really enjoyed it.

  980. Wow, what an amazing looking horse! It’s almost giraffe-like. And the name is perfect. What else could you name a horse that looks like that?

    Also, though there aren’t any picture of her in this entry, I wanted to say I think Smilla is beautiful.

  981. i love your portrait. the way you are holding your frog. and your pink coat and glasses.

  982. I see the dilemma: how much do you want to tell about yorself and what is relevant?! Or is it too boring to talk strictly on work and your new creations – a bit of a balance! And a most intersting subject to consider…
    Anyway, I think you run a great blog.

  983. hi hanna! thank you for the sweet comment on my self-portrait post–i appreciate it. your photo is fantastic! :) xo, celia

  984. I love your portrait! What a cute little lizard. Um, I don’t mean you. I mean Elektra, hehe. I only recently learned that frogs are a symbol of transformation – very powerful indeed! I love all the pink too. It feels like a happy day.

    Thanks for coming by my blog today and leaving such a nice comment! I’m glad the new SPC is launched so you could join in!

  985. well i’m glad you shared this. i think it’s beautiful. i love pink too! also, can you please email me your address? i think there was a mixup with your zine and would like to get it out to you asap. thanks!

  986. I love this. Pink and yellow is one of my favorite color combinations. Love all the layers too, just like this weeks theme for Book of Dreams. Great work!

  987. Hi! Just wanted to say thanks for linking to my blog :-) and also that I really like your art dolls – very creative and definitely original. I really like Emelie’s face and cute little outfit – she almost looks like a fairy of some kind, flying through the air!

  988. Oh my goodness, very creative and cool! I love it. You commented on my site so I followed your link to your page… I love it! I will definitely come back here. i just love your eye for things, and obvious crafty talent!

  989. you do wonders for pink; it’s not my favorite. but on you, it’s lovely. Elektra must like pink, too. guess she doesn’t change colors? A pink lizard would be something to see.

  990. Sounds like a good friday! I’m listning to Sade – lovers rock and drinking tea. Really nice photo of Smilla!

  991. Love the photo and the lizard. It’s a great shot. Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to more SPC.

  992. Love your entry!! I think you are doing the right thing by grabbing your hammer and putting those pictures up!! If we wait for men to do everything, we’ll be waiting a very, very long time! HA!
    Your cat is gorgeous and looks very strikingly like my own!!
    have a lovely weekend!!

  993. What a beautiful and inspiring altered book page! I got stuck with my altered book, too. Maybe it?s because I didn?t have an inspiring theme… Your post got me thinking. I love the idea of a book of dreams.

  994. I’d forget about doing anything, just go sit in the sun, we don’t have much in wales so you need to grab the opportunity whe you can!

  995. Hanna, the birdhouse looks perfect in its little spot in your home. Yay! And I LOVE all the owl links. I am on a big owl kick myself!

  996. I had the greatest find on the weekend, very happy with myself, a little shop full of shabby chic treats at a cost of only a fraction over the purchase of an ebay DIY job. As Im usually one to invest the effort in my own creations due to the expense of most shabby chic shops I was most impressed … Im also assuming that due to the lower price tags this shop might have a large turn over in stock, all one off pieces… I’ll keep everyone posted, all the same, for those interested in checking it out its called “Favourite things” on pittwater rd in dee why… pretty cool little place so i thought i’d give it a plug, great to see a shop open up in the lower end of the $ market, well done guys!

  997. You are a genius, thats just what I need, I’m fed up with rolls of wallpaper falling out of my wardrobe everytime I open it. The pattern of the fabric is lovely and bright. I’m really excited about making something I need for a change.

  998. i am SO glad you commented on my site otherwise I may not have found yours :-) you have such talent and i really enjoy seeing your art…i will be back!

    ( i do feel a bit guilty that i would encourage you to doodle hand tracings during class as i am a teacher!)

  999. Great paper basket, love the fabric.
    Thanks for your comment on the mittens. I made them from a pattern for children’s mittens, from this book, and i just made them a little longer. The original mitten is a bit wide.
    I only had a copy, now I’ve lost it :(
    I’ve used Pt2 from Per Tryving instead of Tove.

  1000. LOVE this idea. Is there anyway you are doing another one? Would love to join in. I am an artist who works in photography textiles and paper. I also work alot with found objects. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thought your work was fantastic. Love your blog.

  1001. It turned out so well, Hanna. Congratulations! and you know, this is the month of GREEN for Project Spectrum, so this is a great post! :)

    Best wishes,

  1002. Ohh! Nice to see how it turned out. I couldn’t imagine that it was liked that it should be when I you where knitting on it!

    Really great!

  1003. Clever AND pretty idea for wrapping paper. Right now, they all fall over everytime I try to pull one roll out of the closet.

  1004. Love the colours. It’s great on you! I haven’t said hello in a while, but I’m still reading your blog :) Have a nice day. Come visit my blog!

  1005. I love this doll… swaying in the winds, looking all fresh like a tree sprite~


    i agree it’s very straNge but oH so charMing. i wanna put one in my wind0w to bring me good fortuNe~

  1006. Your Book of dreams is very nice… :)

    Mange flotte detaljer, og lag p? lag… :)
    Takk for hyggelig kommentar p? bloggen min.

    Have a nice day!

  1007. Someone else who loves that fabric bag for paper rolls. It’s so nice to be able to see what you’ve got! And nothing decorates the studio space better than studio supplies.

    I’m loving your work! Thanks for your comment (long ago, but I just got back to blogging) on the Gruffalo–have you seen The Snail and the Whale (written and illustrated by the same team)?

  1008. Supersnygg! Och den ?r ju GR????N!

    Kanske jag ska ta och k?pa en s?nd?r h?rva och sticka en till… Jag var inte n?jd med den jag gjorde f?rst, trots att den ocks? var gr?n. Konstigt, ?r inte alla gr?na saker snygga?


  1009. This is the burk that was displayed when I opened “interestingness” page in Flickr this morning. I was so excited for you, I am sure you thought I had gone insane!;-)

  1010. Eeek eeek eeek! Your work is SO lovely! And I am in love with that tin too! Vintage office supplies? Does it get any better?! Cheers!

  1011. your cat is precious! your ‘lazer robot’ is too funny! Our dog will chase for HOURS until she can’t move! A nice robot when you want to entertain them from sitting down! :)
    Have a lovely Weekend!!
    ~ Gabi

  1012. Your kitty is adorable! I wish I could get my two to walk on a leash. Thanks for the link to the knitting bloggers with cats, something else to join :)

  1013. I recently got one from China, but I haven’t quite found out how to lay on the color, so that it spreads evenly on the surface of the stamp…
    maybe need to use a brush

  1014. Hej Hanna, nu har jag sent omsider skaffat flickr konto (fast inte pro, ?n). Och jag t?nker och klurar och undrar hur man g?r f?r att s?tta ihop flera bilder, som exempelvis den du har h?r ovan med h?sten etc. Tyv?rr har jag inte kommit p? hur man g?r … g?r det att g?ra direkt, eller beh?ver man ladda ner ngt program, eller g?r man det f?rst i ett annat program “hemma” p? datorn, eller m?ste man ha pro?

  1015. Your a lovely friend to part with things that you’ve made, after all the time it takes too make them.

  1016. ah hanna. du är en otrolig inspirationskälla! jag beundrar ditt skapande.
    ha det gott!

  1017. The doll is quite a find! I love the band and always need more* just in case *I need it for a future project, LOL!! We must go till loppis tillsammans, I need your eye!

  1018. I also waited and bought a *second hand*cat. Trassel and I are still a little scared of each other, but yesterday she, the dog and I went for a walk! Pictures on Flickr.

  1019. So, you?re a listmaker, too! I couldn?t survive without making them. Love your little Ikea chest of drawers! The colors are so beautiful. Ah, and Hanna, maybe there is nothing like the right decision concerning your choice on which journalism route to take. You can?t know right now how you?ll feel about your choice in the future, or how your career chances will be. The best thing to do will probably be to just do what you?d like to do now. Will be difficult of course, if you love both kinds of journalism about the same…

  1020. J?ttefin byr?! Jag har en likadan, bara tr?kig tr?ig. Bra id?…

    Kanske skulle du k?nna efter mer, och g?ra f?rre listor? (fast jag vet att de ?r bra, att f? ut och strukturera alla susande tankar) Ibland kan listor vara ganska stressande och begr?nsande…

    Huvudsaken ?r inte alltid att veta vart man ska, ibland ?r resan n?jet i sig, det ?r liksom den som ?r livet. Bara du inte gl?mmer att stanna till och skapa vackra saker :)

  1021. Hei Hanna!
    Tusen takk for hyggelig kommentar i bloggen min. M?nsteret til jakka eg hekla finst i dette heftet: Eg har desverre berre ein fax med m?nsteret p?, visst ikkje kunne eg sendt deg eit eksemplar :o) Trur storleikane er opp til 6 ?r, men det er veldig lett ? gjere m?nsteret om til ein vaksen. Du har ein kjempekjekk blogg, ein av mine desiderte favorittar. Ikeaboksen din vart superfin!

  1022. Hvor lyder det sp?ndende med det marked, jeg ?nsker dig held og lykke! Ogs? med alle dine lister og overvejelser…

    Jeg er sp?ndt p? at h?re, dine overvejelser om at skrive p? svensk. Selvf?lgeliger det lettere at skrive p? sit modersm?l. Ens sprog er ogs? meget mere levende og nuanceret. Det savner jeg ind imellem ogs? p? min egen blog… omvendt er det fantastisk sp?ndende at kommunikere med andre end ens umiddelbare venner, landsm?nd og nordiske naboer.

  1023. Lists are good. I make lots of lists. Some of them turn into art!!
    With so many ideas and thoughts and things I want to do floating around in my head all the time, making a list sort of lassoes everything in and lets me use my time for doing instead of just thinking about it.
    More lists to the people!

  1024. ah… lovely plate, mug and drawers!

    You sound like a very busy lady with all the fun things to do. It’d be interesting to see the things you sell at Design Market. :)

  1025. The drawers are so cute! I love the idea with the scrapbook papers! I need to find this little drawer at my IKEA :)

  1026. f?rresten, var har du hittat det d?r fatet? (f?r jag antar att det ?r likadant som muggen.) jag gillar det!

  1027. Now if I was not afraid of my sewing machine, I would try that! That is a great idea for storing the paper rolls. My rolls sit in a magazine rack here by the computer and my little one is always playing with them, spilling them out onto the floor. Nice that is it up so high!

  1028. Your dolls are wonderful!
    A little weird, but in a good way :))))

    (I also love what you did with the Ikea-drawer… I have the same one!)

  1029. Fina grejor! Ibland fattar jag inte att folk g?r sig av med s? mycket fint. Men tur f?r oss som hittar det! :)

  1030. I think you actually payed 25 SEK for the home archive but it’s still really nice. I found two bigger home archives in the cellar at work.. I have to examine them closer some day.

  1031. Thanks for sharing your thoughts… I think we all have our moments like these :)))
    Good luck tomorrow with the market!!

  1032. Oh, now I see. I just made a comment on this photo at Flickr, wondering if it was the same – or two different girls… and now you tell me: it?s both!

    Wish you luck with the marked. Can?t hardly wait to hear how it is!

  1033. Hanna ! what shall I say! I am new to your blog and i am just amazed at what you do and what you write.
    I am an architect from Kuwait . I went to school in the United States of America . I live in Kuwait now for 2 years. I always wanted to establish my own business in creating crafts and art work and Architectural Interiors. I work in the morning at a very boring , yet good pay-job.
    i dont know how to start this business/art/craft/boutique.. ! . to be honest with you .. I have no time. !!
    Hanna where do you get the time to do crafts and write and stuff?

    Hanna You inspire me !

  1034. I can so relate to the way you feel and for myself I know where it comes from and I know that I can’t change it ever and nothing will.
    Keeping my fingers crossed for you ! Wear your braids tomorrow as crossed for good luck! ;-)

  1035. This is a great response to this topic! It’s interesting how we change and aren’t always aware of it until we look back. And interesting, too, that some things remain the same throughout all the changes. Thank you for sharing this!

  1036. “Ihanna & Mum Shop” – how absolutely cute!

    And you should know, I?m very happy for the outcome of our swap too, your pink and rosy papers and stuff… Actually some of it is on my desk right now – as part of a collage. Hope to get some time for gluing/sewing it together soon. I?ll blog it then, so you can see it!

  1037. I loved the “Extreme writting Pens” photograph… you captured it very well .. it reminded me of the colors you see around a city in night time.. very bright and cheerful..
    WHen are you starting your shop? is it gonna be an online thing or do we have to be in Sweden to see and buy stuff ? “:)
    I can;t wait..
    Hanna i really do thing you can make money with the stuff you create.

  1038. aaaawww a very cute happy summery/springy cat..!
    I say make more! and stuff ?m with some pot pourri!! mmmm ?t?ll be a happy cat who smells greaaaaaaaaaat :) ( as apposed to Pheobe?s Smelly Cat ) (friends )

  1039. I’ve been reading your blog for almost a month now. I’ve greatly admired all of your stuff, including this summer kitten! I’ve been SO shy to comment, and I was blown away when you found my blog and commented. I won’t be so shy in the future. I love your blog so much! And yes, you should do more kittens!

  1040. Love your sweet little meow-sie kitten! Summer? I’d go for this one year round! Her name should be “More!” :-)

  1041. Hade precis samma problem s? din mammas beskrivning hj?lpte j?ttemycket, tyv?rr vet jag inte hur man g?r n?r man avmaskar, men jag f?r v?l leta vidare. Tack i alla fall!

  1042. Ha Strikkelise, thanks for the tips! I looked at the edge of the tin can and found this text:

    this label is issued by the imperial tobacco company (of great britain & ireland), limited” so I guess you’re right! doesn’t smell anything though, I think it must have been used for lots of other stuff before it was sold. To bad such a cute package should be tobacco!

  1043. Your strange little fellow reminds me of the tree spirits in Princess Monoke, their little heads would rotate and make rattling noises!

    Very cute.

  1044. The sweater bears are just absolutely adorable! Hope you did well at the market you deserve it :)

  1045. Love the grey sweater bears!!! So cute! I?m very impressed by the sheer amount of little critters you produced! Wow! Hope the market was fun and went well for you!

  1046. A really sweet collection! I love that little yellow guy. Good luck with the market!

  1047. The first picture with Smilla made me smile so big when I opened your blog! Congratulations! Everything looks perfect!

  1048. way to go! You pulled that out of your magic hat! I can’t wait to hear how it all went!
    good luck!

  1049. hanna those are great creations… how did the market go? tell us more about the market. i hope you have pictures of the market and ur table..
    by the way,, everything you created looks great.. even the pink price tags.. very professional :)

    you know what else you should sell?
    the cute collage boxes you made the other day.. and maybe make a little box for every cute teddy bear you created so it can be bought as a gift for someone ;)
    way to go girl

  1050. wow, that yard ribbon is sooooo cute! and your crafts are very beautiful! i love seeing your living room into a studio… it is always inspiring… not to mention, its wonderful to see the mass making of products… (oh, do i make sense?!)

    beautiful site!

  1051. Its so good to hear you had a positive experience. The past few fairs I have done I hardly sold a thing but it always makes it worthwhile the people who come by and who are genuinely interested about the work. Its almost as good as selling, the fact that people like your stuff. Well done! If you are ever interested in swapping one of your wonderful sweater teddies let me know :D

  1052. Congratulations on the sales! That is great news! Thanks for capturing the beautiful pictures too. (I love your pink/red top!)

  1053. oh my god this sounds like bunch of fun! i wish i was there.. i dont think we have something similar to this here in Kuwait ..maybe when i visit Sweden one day i will go to these fairs!

    oh and thanx alot for the pictures.. they help put the thing alltogether:)

    can you make big softies , like extra large ones.. for cushions or (like a bean bag? ) ?

  1054. Fantastiske teddy-bj?rnar! Eg forelska meg heilt i dei to som var laga av gr? ullgenser! Super-s?te! :D

  1055. Fantastiske teddy-bj?rnar! Eg forelska meg heilt i dei to som var laga av gr? ullgenser! Super-s?te! :D

  1056. These are beautiful pages here. If that podcast inspired this in anyway it must be worth a listen. I’m off to do that now.

  1057. I love the teddies, so cute….I always find something to look at in your blog and love the collages…..keep it up, great stuff.
    Pink is also a fav colour of mine

  1058. just discovered your website and links to other artists. its truly enthralling. question–did you just glue paper onto the front of the drawers to create that effect? i have some ikea drawers for this entertainment unit that we are converting to a dinning room hutch and i think the paper would add neat accents to the room…just wanted to ask how to get the clean flat look you achieved. thanks!

  1059. I’ve never seen a cat basket like this before, I love it, and yours turned out beautiful. Smilla is such a gorgeous kitty!

  1060. this looks nicer than the ones i’ve seen in stores. Smila must love her new bed. she looks like a fine companion.

  1061. your pages are so nice. i love all the greens. it reminds me of spring. but it’s my favorite color anyway. what lovely work you do!

  1062. I just love that basket and may have a go at that, could not work out the instructions for the knitted one though. Well done, and if it gets cat approval, what more can one ask……..

  1063. Congratulations on getting out there! Glad your work sold! SO cute and all your little plushies make even my toes smile! Best of luck on your continued success!!!

  1064. What nice feeling on the photos – it resembles of the design/antique market in Camden Town. The closest I come this type of market nowadays is Street, and I haven’t been there yet this year – I look forward to!!

  1065. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful tutorial! I will make the bed for our new kitty. I love that it uses all materials I have on hand including the foam rubber. ( it came as packing material and really is like new) I look forward to your blog each day. You are such a creative woman!

  1066. beautiful choice of colors and papers. I have several of those drawers guess it’s time to change them a little ;)

  1067. Ja, r dom inte bst s sg! Mammorna allts! Bra id om barnbckerna, det finns ju s mnga som r himla braiga och fina.

  1068. oh that’s such a cuuuuuuuuuute book you got there :) . It’s mothers day here in France too today !

  1069. I came upon your blog. Not sure how I found it, maybe searching for art journal pictures? Anyway, I just wanted to say that for some reason I’m very drawn to reading your blog. You seem to “normal” :) I like your perspective and your honesty. Very refresing! And I love the links you provide. I’m a mixed media artist and find so many blogs have the same thing over and over.

    You might enjoy my friend Charlott’es blog, too. It’s at

    Thanks for writing for us!

  1070. Congratulations to your mother who quit the bad habit of smoking!!!

    “Totte bygger” has always been my favourite Totte book. My daugther got this from a friend of mine at Christmas and nowadays we read it every day. Other favourites of ours are “Barbapapa” and “Lotta p? Br?kmakargatan” for their awesome illustrations.

  1071. Herre min je va mycke fint du har gjort, jag blir s????? avundsjuk.
    De gr? nallarna ?r helt suver?na, katten var ocks? helgullig.
    Du ?r gulligast av allt.
    Puss fr?n no smoking mom.

  1072. great idea and I think I will try and do one! I picked up childrens books at the loppis 6 stk for 10kr! I am going to use them for my altered book, for my daughter.

  1073. congratulations to your mom!! what a wonderful accomplishment! i have just passed my three year mark since I quit, and my mom just quit about a month or so ago, too (something i never thought i would see!). i wish everyone could find a way to quit, it is just such a terrible risk to our health!!

    such lovely things you always post here — books and art and supplies such a feast for the eyes :)

  1074. Well done to you!
    I did my first craft fair in April and the whole experience was similar to yours :)))

    Love your cat basket by the way (too bad I don’t have a cat…)!

  1075. I love all you pages. I could so use the letter stamps…lucky you. I really like seeing your close ups of your pages too.

  1076. Hi Hanna!
    Just love your pages made for your BOD.
    They are so inspiering and incredible beautyful.
    You are a true artist.
    And also: Thanks alot for your kind comments on my blog!
    I just happend to read your blogpost about swedish kids-books, and I had to smile, because I have those books from the ’70 as well. My mom is swedish. ;-)
    Are you swedish? If you are, maybe I can leave my comment to you in Norwegian next time? Probably easier to understand than my poor english. ;-)
    M? s? godt!

  1077. this is such a beautiful idea! One of my friends from high school and I wrote letters and letters and letters–I still have most of them.

    I love the artistic ideas in your blog. Keep it up!

  1078. A great idea~ I’m inspired to do the same – think I still have a lot of old letters from one of my dearest friends, and I think she’d be thrilled to “borrow them back” for a while. Maybe I’ll even sew her a bag for them to go in, that she can keep :)
    Du ?r b?st som delar med dig s? mycket inspirerande!

  1079. Purrrrrr-fect. Thanks for the tutorial. Come winter I think our kitties will need one to fight over.

  1080. for your box of dreams, a poem by County Cullin from the Harlem Renasiance.

    For a Poet

    I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth,
    And laid them away in a box of gold;
    Where long will cling the lips of the moth,
    I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth;
    I hide no hate; I am not even wroth
    Who found earth’s breath so keen and cold;
    I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth,
    And laid them away in a box of gold.

  1081. this is so adorable and i have tons of thrifted fabric…my hubby says they will probably ignore it, but i bet at least one cat will dig it.

  1082. That looks so great, Hanna! Tom says I can get a cat when we move into our new place (yay!), and I’m so going to make one of these when we do!

  1083. I’d have to agree with all the positive things that have been said about your creativity. I am jsut beginning to rekindle my creative side again and new to the blogging world. Yours is a site I never miss.
    This summer…I plan to travel a bit, have fun and enjoy life.

  1084. hi, Hanna, thank you for visiting my blog. I really like yours too. I have seen through it. I just love the white little chair with the flower on. Lovely! Are you from sweden? I just saw that the other comments was in english, so I had to write in english too. I will link to you tomorrow.

  1085. Please, what is kubb? Thank you for seeing me at madmommy; I’m always glad to meet new friends. My kitty’s name is Mom Cat (she had several litters before we adopted her from the wild outdoors, although you’d think she’s always been a regal indoor princess cat by the way she took over our house, our lives, and my chair!).

  1086. You have a wonderful website, so inspiring! My summer plans, I will go to Greece. This year we will stay for two weeks in the beautiful island of Crete.

  1087. School?s out for summer: Lucky YOU!

    I look foreward to be able to say the same at JUne 22 – right before Midsummer?s Day.

    And by the way – my summerplans includ going to Stockholm 2 weeks in July. More about that on my blog, soon…


  1088. My summer plans are unsure, but my bf and I’d like to visit Finland or Denmark.. I want to travel and have a lot of sightseeing, knitting and taking undreads of photos… if I couldn’t I’ll simply reach my enlarged family to our mountain home. . in a green and peaceful place. I love summer so much…

  1089. Hei igjen Hanna! Jeg fant filen med vintage glansbildene. De var nydelige! Bruker ? kj?pe slike glans som jeg bruker til ulik dekorering. Har lastet ned noen av dine. Takk skal du ha!

  1090. I wish you wonderful holidays! The summer break starts here on the 7th of July and the very next day we are flying to Australia for a 5 week holiday, can?t wait!

  1091. Hi! My english is not great, but i have to tell you that I love your blog. Beautiful collages, good pictures and you are also a fantastic writer!

  1092. This is really beautiful. I like those perky chalky flowers, and of course the copper crown is wonderful :)

  1093. Jeg har ogs? mange brev fra venninner, spesielt ei som jeg skrev masse med. Det er morsomt ? finne igjen de gamle brevene. Lurt ? la henne f? de. Det er artig ? se hva man har skrevet for lenge siden.

  1094. De sokkene var flotte! Likte s? godt fargene p? de. Syns du tar bildene s? stilig, fra en fin vinkel! Kattepusen din er jo kjempes?t. Liker s? godt den r?dlige fargen p? katter. :o)

  1095. They are lovely! I prefer thick socks too, as currently knitting a thin yarn pair and it has taken me months…..

  1096. they’re both absolutly gorgeous. It almost looks like that cat just poured herself in to the basket like water on the first photo. beautifull job hanna.

  1097. S?g en R?ttvisem?rkning d?r vid fikat ocks? – ?nnu en bra anledning att ?ka dit och fika! :)

  1098. Ohhh Hanna!!! How wonderful!!! this cafe looks so nice and how wonderful that you are selling some of your things there!!! Congratulation!!



  1099. Wow! This is just the cutest little caf? – to me it seems to be the very quintessence of Sweden + summer + atmosphere. A glimpse like this makes me wish I lived in Sweden – not in Denmark!!!

    Just perfect surroundings to expose your homemade animals, they all look real wonderfull. They will be in great demand if poeople in Ume? have eyes to see with – and i?m sure they have!

  1100. The caf? is simply beautiful, I’m so happy to see you sell your stuff there; they matches perfectly together!

  1101. Just for the “multicultural” sake, we do have a word for it in brazilian portuguese, it’s estojo. As a little pouch to keep your writing stuff organized for school.

  1102. Det var v?ldigt trevligt ig?r! D?r ska vi h?nga fler g?nger! Och jag hade hellre varit p? stan idag ?n hemma… tack f?r krya p? kram! Och det kommer blir fler av den burken, n?r jag gjort fler ?mnen.

  1103. Seems to me you put a lot of good stuff on your blog. I love your photos and your crafty excursions. Keep it up!

  1104. Pelargonium er virkelig flott! Jeg har flere stykker jeg ogs?, og kunne tenkt meg flere. De blomstrer s? lenge, med store blomster. Kjempefin den hylla blomstene sto p? ogs?. Og kattepusen Smilla er virkelig fotogen! :)

  1105. Mmmm .. I just looooove pelargoniums!!! Currently we only have one which we’ve received from a biologist friend of my husband. It’s one that scents pepper mint!!

    Ha, ha … what a fantastic cat you seem to have. She really seems to know how to chill out in the sun!

  1106. I totally agree what you say about thrifted items! But of course: you ?re same nationality as Pippi the “tingfinder” (what?s that in english by the way??)

    Enjoy your weekend – or was it summer holidsay – for how long??

  1107. I love thie idea of of thrifted items as an art supply! They are my favorite art supply too! I am fascinated by the secondhand….it stimulates my creativity so much when i imagine where the object might have been before it wound up in a secondhand shop!

    You photos and blog are just lovely! it I love your Book of Dreams! Just beautiful! :)

  1108. A girl after my own heart! I love thrift stores ! My dream is to take a cross country trip and stop at every thrift store on the way!
    You items are the best and the presentation excellent. Great collection!

  1109. Helt enig, Hanna! Jeg er nok ogs? en s?kalt shoppaholiker n?r det gjelder bruktbutikker og loppemarkeder, jeg bare elsker ? finne ting som jeg kan bruke som de er, eller lage noe om p?. Den dagboka du fant s? virkelig fin ut. Dukkene ogs?. Har alltid v?rt s? glad i dukker, i alle st?rrelser. :o) Likte ogs? det stoffet med roser som du fant. Blir nok noe fint ut av det n?r du f?r sydd.

  1110. I put my dogs water in an upside down ornate glass jelly mold from a thrift shop. It looks so much nicer than a stainessstell dog bowl.

  1111. f?r ungef?r ett och ett halvt ?r sedan s?kte jag bilder p? langettstygn p? internet, och hamnade p? din sida. Uppenbarligen har du och jag samma intressen (second hand-shopping, b?cker, inredning, hantverk, skrivande) och jag blev fullst?ndigt inspirerad av att l?sa vad du skrev, titta p? dina bilder etc., s? sedan dess har jag frekvent ?terv?nt till denna blogg f?r att samla inspiration.

    Keep writing! Din blogg ?r den b?sta jag hittills l?st!
    Kramar till dig

  1112. I had to call my husband over to look at this post, your Smilla could have come from the same litter as our Sully! He actually asked me “When did you make that???” I had to show him that the picture wasn’t of our cat!
    I have started 3 of these (one per cat!) from your excellent tutorial!

  1113. Wow! Thank you so much for all the wonderful linkage. Amazing. I’ve been reading your blog for a while now. Always an inspiration!

  1114. How can I choose only one thing? There’s a treasure inside this post! I’m so undecided .. I could fill a year up, thank you Hanna!

  1115. FANTASTIC LINKS! Thankyou so much, I never would have found all these wonderful projects on my own…where do I start???

  1116. Trevliga l?nkar, jag l?nade n?gra till min blogg, ?r det ok? Jag h?nvisade snyggt och prydligt till dig, med en liten komplimang. De japanska sydda dockorna ligger lite pyrt till hos mig, n?gon blir s?kert sydd…

  1117. I’m glad you enjoyed having your first customer entertain you. As a mother, I sometimes find that grown ups have difficulty accomodating enthusiastic children, so you’re very sweet. I’m sure my son would have loved to “help” you and if he had any money, he would spend it on one of your pretty cats.

  1118. I am having trouble finding something to prepare my pages with for the altered book… there is no Gesso i Sveirge…can you tell me what you use for the base coat on an altered book?

  1119. That’s kids for ya!
    My cousin, who is 6, had a similiar “issue”, i was hadsewing some dolls at my mothers house and she came over to watch. She asked if i’d make her one, i said “yes, as soon as i finish these”. “Whose will these be for, then?” she asked, intrigued – i kid you not, her eyes were intrigued. I explained that these would be for a fair, and that mum’s were gonna buy them for their kids. She looked at me, paused, and went “Will i have to pay for mine? I have no money, i’ll ask Aunt for it!”. Aunt being my mother.
    I just had to share this, i’m affraid it’ll get lost in my mind alongside with other memories.

  1120. Kjempes?te sm? fat du har kj?pt! Artige sm? figurer p? de ogs?. :) du har sansen for litt spesielle figurer har jeg skj?nt. ;) koselige m?nster p? stoffene ogs

  1121. Vilka fina tyger, jag gillar s?rskilt Hello Kitty-tyget eftersom jag tycker att hon ?r en s?n s?t liten figur. Var har du hittat det tyget ???!!

  1122. Hi Hanna
    Thanks for dropping by my blog and saying such nice things. I have been reading your blog for a while and really enjoy it. I have a tray next to my sewing machine too, but it is now full of pencils, buttons, bobbins etc., as well as needles and pins! So much for being more organised!!

  1123. How inspiring, I want to sew this little creature right away. Thanks for the pattern link! I think I just decided to buy fabrics right now … I’m gonna become a sewing girl too ;o) First fabric will have to be cheap ones though from IKEA as I’ll most likely make many mistakes in the beginning!

  1124. your moopy looks great! and the craft cafe selling your things is like a dreamspace!! thanks for stopping by jumilla bugs and leaving a comment!

  1125. oh yes mini-moopy is cute and the little guy is the cuttest, such a great smile he makes me smile when I look at him :)
    That blue fabric with the roses is to die for….what a gorgeous fabric :)

  1126. fabric pile-lovely. can I hide too? I have that feeling, oh, 20 times a day or so, but kids and tidying usually win. something I have to work on for sure. hope to get out some nice things like this to beckon me to play more this summer!!!

  1127. These are wonderful. I was doing the same thing a couple months ago. I learned a lot about light and shadow, about what makes me look good.

    I especially like your photo with both you and your cat looking in the mirror! And I love your cheerful sweater :)

  1128. Loved looking through your blog.

    Loved your softies I am a big fan…I haven’t made any yet but I really want to.

    and your baby is so cute…I love his cheeks.

    Fun and happiness. Nice to see!

  1129. Bildene dine var virkelig gode, og morsomme! Du er flink til ? fange gode ?yeblikk med kameraet! :) Fint speil ogs

  1130. Hi,

    I just linked to your blog from (I’ve lurked here once or twice before). Some thoughts:
    –I am so impressed by your English
    –Love your photos of your kitty (Smilla)
    –Loved your cat cozy on May 26…I had linked to it earlier from Whip-up
    –I will be visiting family in Norway and Sweden this August, so I’m pleased to read about Swedish culture on your blog! : )


  1131. Love the one where your reflection is also on the window glass and of course the cat being around makes me chuckle!!

  1132. I’ve done selfportrait for a while, – and you are so right about documentary.
    After a while you get to know yourself begger (I did :-)

  1133. Hej Hanna!
    Lika kreativ som vanligt ser jag h?r! Tack f?r fikat idag! Om det ?r lika tomt i min kalender som det ?r nu ska jag ta med mig Anders och komma f?rbi igen p? onsdag kv?ll. Annars f?r vi h?ras av.
    Lena (G)

  1134. Kul id?!
    Jag har ocks? f?rs?kt at n?gon bild genom spegel.
    (Speglar i tr?dg?rden kan vara r?tt? efektfulla, i m?rka h?rn och d?r tr?dg?rden “slutar”.)

  1135. Nu l?mnar jag S?tergl?ntan och mj?jlighet till att komma ut p? n?tet, s? jag t?nkte bara passa p? att ?nska trevlig midsommar!


  1136. Vad mycket du l?r oss om svenska traditioner :)
    Men var inte den l?ngsta dagen ig?r? Jag var iallafall ute hela natten d?. Svenska sommarn?tter ?r det finaste som finns. Glad midsommar!

  1137. precis en s?dan syre?n bers? hade min mormor. d?r drack vi saft och nybakade bullar och d?r inne hade vi v?r lekstuga. i dag finns den tyv?rr inte kvar.

  1138. Hi Hanna, I love your description of the Swedish Mid-Summer festivities. I have a few Swedish friends but this is the best description of the occasion that I have heard/read.

    I also love your photos! What camera do you use? They are so crisp and clear….

  1139. Thanks for the lovely pictures, and for sharing some of the midsummer traditions with us…..the sad thing is…nights are drawing in again towards winter but then on 21st december when it is dark and midwinter, I can be seen saying hey the days are getting longer. Happy midsummer, hope the sun shines for a long long time

  1140. Wow, how WONDERFUL that you celebrate Midsummer that way!!! Amazing! I would love it if it were a more prominent celebration here in the states….i fear it is too “pagan” for many Americans! LOL!
    I wish i could wish myself there to drink ?marrow into the bones? and dance all day….
    i think i will make a flower wreath! :)

  1141. I always love seeing the pictures of the landscape and nature that you experience. Thank you so much for sharing them! Maybe one day I will get to travel to Sweden and see some of your beautiful land for myself!

  1142. J?ttes?ta!
    Jag brukar ocks? dr?ja med att sy ihop och avsluta virkade djur. Det ?r roligast att virka dem :)

  1143. De bamsene var kjempes?te! Ogs? s? sm? som de er, ser i forhold til penna ved siden av den ene. Sikkert mye pirkarbeid.

  1144. Oooh, I just have to have one of your kitties, and one of these adorable monkeys! Please make some available soon, because I want to buy some! I also love those spring photos, lilacs are my favorite flowers, and I’ve never seen white bleeding hearts before! Happy Spring!

  1145. Thanks for the interesting facts about midsummer! I had so looked forward to come to Sweden this year, but with the pregnancy and the fact that we?ll need most of my husband?s vacation time that?s still left for the weeks after giving birth, we just couldn?t make it. Now, we are planning to go next year. And – if possible – I would like to celebrate midsummer, too! That would be so great! Thanks for giving a little taste of it with your beautiful pictures!

  1146. This was beautiful! Especially the lilac bower – I love lilacs. Ours bloom in early spring here. Thank you for sharing all the interesting details of Midsummer’s Eve in your country – I wish we still danced arond Maypoles here (they did when I was little) and May baskets, too. It’s such a lovely way to welcome in summer. Hope your Midsummer’s Eve was happy!

  1147. I just thrifted a dymo label maker myself this week–99cents! I only got one roll of green tape with it. I hope they still make the tape!

  1148. Lovely finds – the fabric is all so pretty. But that vase is so chic! Isn’t thrifting fun?

  1149. Great thing this dymo – I would like to find one too… Actually, I go to Sweden in 5 days – for 2 weeks holiday – and I will be very aware if I should see some sign saying: “Loppis”. I?m going to stay in a house in Sollentuna at Stockholm, so you are welcome to give me a hint if there is anything in that area you know, I just MUST go and see.

    You?re welcome to mail me then – or make a comment on my blog Heaven & Earth

  1150. I?m in love with rose-striped fabric! And the garden stick! How very beautiful! I?m curious to see what you will do with the wonderful fabrics!

  1151. Hmm…maybe I’m gonna go triftshopping today! OT: About the swap, I’m in the middle of making some buttons and others stuff. As that’s ready for swap, I’ll mail you!

    • I had big plans to try dyeing with Kool-Aid while on vacation, but here I am on the Big Island and can only find grape, strawberry, orange and “tropical”. I have had this frustration on the mainland but expected more choices here. Can I mix unsweetened Jello with Kool-Aid to get more colors and if so, does Jello have enough acid or do I need to add vinegar? Mahalo for a reply! Kristy

  1152. H?ftigt! Men jag h?ller med – det ?r ju skitl?skigt att man ?ter/dricker s?nt d?r…Vet du om det ?r tv?ttbart – allts? h?ller f?rgen?

    H?rlig r?dorangef?rg iallafall. Jag kan se ett par sk?na vintervantar framf?r mig, som skulle pigga upp i m?rkret!

  1153. I used to love drinking the Kool-Aid, but nowadays I?m not so much into artificial tasting drinks, hee, hee. So it?s great that this stuff can be used for other purposes than drinking. I love how the yarn turned out! So vibrant! I wonder if the German version of Jell-O can be used for dying… ah, and thanks for the links, as I may want to try dying yarn one day (for knitting a shawl or socks with).

  1154. I have never tried using Kool-Aid of Jello for dye, but have heard of others who did. I love the results you got with yours…..colors are so brilliant!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog…….I love visitors!

  1155. It’s amazing (and a bit weard) how soft drink can turn white yarn into something so beautiful … wonder if the coulours last with washing?!

  1156. Oh! This is so beautiful and special! I would want this cottage too!

    Thanks so much for sharing it. Those wallpapers are a treasure :)

  1157. That?s one of the reasons I love Sweden: these little red, wodden houses! Wish it was mine! Can?t you recommend me a teacher?s job so I will consider emigrating – and finding me such a house where I can live an artistic Findus- &- Peddersen-crazy- but- poetic- style- of -life

  1158. Okay…I just literally gasped when I saw these walls!!! What inspiration! So TOTALLY just like collages and with the wood grain behind it? Just breathtaking. I even keep going back to look at them while I’m in the middle of typing this!! :-) Thank you for sharing Hanna!!!!

  1159. Two things…number one – wonderful photos – you have SUCH a good eye! And number two GOOD GOD A’MIGHTY those sunset photos are phenomenal! The colors, the mood, and coolness it evokes is so calming. I’m glad I saw these right now. Thank you.

  1160. I’m going to the Flickr and see if you have more cabin photos. We have a small red stuga but not as rustic as this! This is really beautiful!

  1161. wow!! i am loving these photos soooo much!! most of the furniture in our house is from reclaimed wood that probably came from buildings like this one. there is so much history there!! i love to just ponder what kind of lives past inhabitors had there…i especially love the photo of the wall that was first covered with news print, then twice covered with decorative wall paper…thank you for sharing these!!!

  1162. Haha! He’s adorable – that hair is really something else!

    I loved your last post too by the way. The photos are just scrumptious.

  1163. LOL! I say that to my boys all the time when they ask me something crazy! Can you recommend another area with more loppis marknads? There is nothing here in Stockholm!

  1164. Hello my name is Julia and i’m from Holland. Compliments for your blog :) I really like it! About the wallpaper>Beautiful!! > It reminds me of the brochures from the fashion label Noa Noa . They are from Denmark and I think you should love that label :)

  1165. my first visit to your site and I have fallen in love with these walls…….don’t think that they would be quite right in my house but I can still sigh over these photos!

  1166. Presangen fra deg til brudeparet var veldig original og flott! Den ble de nok glade for ? f?. Det var fin symbolikk i den. :)

  1167. Dear Hanna,

    I think your wedding photographs are lovely. Actually some of the sweetest I’ve seen in a long time. While every shot might not have been “perfect” you captured sweetness and love and romance and all the things that are supposed to be present at a wedding. I especially loved the wedding bouquet.

    Your blog is delightful.

    Best wishes,

  1168. I just looked at the photos and they are sooo great! Must have been a lot of fun taking them!

  1169. They are a beautifull couple !! Best wishes for the future . Things can’t go wrong with your tree in their garden:)

  1170. I like this present very much .
    Ilook every day on your site it is very inspiring site!!
    Big complements!!!
    Miek Vugts

  1171. hi hanna, your handmade crafts are so beautiful! i bet that your friends loved the gift!!
    thks for stopping by my old blog, jubilee’s artbox, a while back to look at my handmade paper books.

    i wanted to let you know about my new blog that is all about independent stationery design. tutorials, tidbits, features of current stationery designers — it’s just starting up, but we’re adding new content daily, and also hoping that crafty types like you will stop by with comments and suggestions. over time, we hope that it will be a community for stationery and paper craft designers.
    please do stop by and say hello when you have a chance! ;)

  1172. Jag ?LSKAR gamla hus! Ju ?ldre och ruckligare desto vackrare, oftast. H?rligt med tidningspappret och de gamla tapeterna.

    Ja, man f?r se till att bli en mini-martin och l?ra sig renovera helt enkelt. Eller l?ra sig att bo enkelt och utan moderna bekv?mligheter :)

  1173. Oh can see why you fell in love with it. My grandmother had a summer kitchen (a separate building outside the main house so you wouldn’t heat the house up with cooking) one of my favorite memories is that every spring when we opend the summer kitchen up, we would give it a good cleaning and re-paper the walls with newspaper. I used to love to sit and read all the layers of print and it has become an influnence in the art I create.
    Thanks so much for stopping by my site and your nice comment.

  1174. Fantastic colors and a much easier til make a carpet this way.

    I just love your blog!

    Greatings from a journalist college from Norway

  1175. The rug is going to be beautiful. How lucky you are to find the balls of fabric. Someone’s unfinished project. Will you show us again when it is finished? I think that is a great thing to do while recuperating from back pain.

  1176. I agree with you about the colours here, they make me smile too and remind me of summer memories! This will be such a beautiful rug and I cannot wait to see the finished project!
    I hope that your back pains go away, such discomfort is NO FUN especially on the weekend!!
    Feel better!
    ~~Have a great weekend!!~

  1177. i hope you feel better soon! back pain is never fun. i really love the rug you’re making. i’ve been wanting to knit or crochet something out of fabric for awhile now… it looks wonderful!

  1178. I am so glad to see your rug!!! I am creating a reading nook on our back porch and I need a rug to cover up the ugly grey floor paint. I thought of crocheting one for myself because I have a lot of fabric, but I wasn’t sure if it would look good.

    Now that I see how fantastic yours looks, I can try one for myself. I’m glad to be able to choose my own colours. I doubt that Ikea would have exactly what I want

    Thanks :)

  1179. Hello

    thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. I’m hoping that your back pain is easing. Your blog is wonderful – straight into my bloglines! Have you joined the Euro bottle swap then? I hope so.

    Love this rag rug – I was looking at an old book that showed yarn balls for rug making only last weekend – how odd!

  1180. Hanna I hope your backpain will be soon over and I think your such a creative person .These colors are so beautiful :)

  1181. i love those colors together….have fun..and i hope that you feel better soon…try some herbal tea, like chamomile and lavender…

  1182. Those colors are happy, vibrant wonderful. the rug is to die for … .what a happy layered treat! Hope you are better now

  1183. color punch! WOW!
    this would be great in my new room! so bright.. a great wake up for the eyes and tootsies. SUMMER, at your feet!

  1184. Thanks for making me smile. The rug is great. I love the things you make. Get better soon.

  1185. Hope you get better soon (I sometimes have back pain – so awful).

    I love your rag crochet… it is very inspired!

  1186. what a great cat basket!!! thanks for stopping by my blog and for the tip for the tutorial! i love it :)

    btw…if you are interested in some fabric, i’d be more than happy to send you some for your upcoming projects :)

  1187. This certainly brightened up my day! Love the carpet and I hope you don’t put it on the floor – way too beautiful! And I do hope you are feeling better by the time you read this! I’ve been plagued with back problems so I do “feel” for you! Feel better and keep up the beautiful work!

  1188. I love the colors in your rug! Very vivid! Thanks for visiting my site (My Love) – have a fabulous day!

  1189. I love your craft projects! Like this one and the died yarn… I am going to explore your site some more now.

  1190. We say in the states that people who grow beautiful plants have a “green thumb” Have you ever heard of that?

    Beautiful plants and fairies.

  1191. Hi Hanna – I still check your blog regularly, and have linked it to my own. I just LOVE your colourful photographs. You rag rug is spectacular and I agree that you geraniums are looking pretty too!

    I make ATC’s myself, and also have a fear of cutting into precious scrapbook paper too! One which I overcame in my last batch of ATC’s ! If you would ever like to swap with me let me know! Here’s a link to my blog, which I know that you have visited once before:

    I’m interested to understand where you picked up the phrase ‘a wee surprise’ etc… Have you ever been in Scotland?

  1192. Oooh, pink – so pretty! I love geraniums (or pelergoniums depending on what you call them there!) – they are so hardy and the flowers so old fashioned and sweet. Your atc’s are great – who doesn’t love faeries? Looks like you had a good trade too! If you are ever up for an atc trade let me know as I used to make them and have been fiddling around with small scale work lately. Blessings to you!

  1193. Hmmm….totally yummy rug! Makes me want a lollipop! I think I MUST make one for myself now! Thank you for the inspiration!!!!

  1194. I love this idea! You’ve just inspired me! I have loads of fabric in my sewing room AND need an outdoor patio rug. A great summer project. Cheers!

  1195. I think the camera case looks lovely! It is probably just fine for taking along on outings with no threat of rain or mountain climbing! Nice job!

  1196. O Hanna , your such a creatieve person. Look at that camera case now!! Soo beautifull. I really love the colors and the design. I linked to your site on my blog because I visit your site almost every day and I’m always so curious what’s going on here at your blog :)

  1197. Wow, I am impressed — they look wonderful and you sure know how to crank ’em out, don’t you? They do look like fun to make, I think I will have to try these out sometime!

  1198. Hannah ~

    Love these! The bead work looks very time consuming through the quilting but the end result is worth it! Thanks for sharing!

    :+) Kristina

    PS: Love your Finland pix on Flickr – makes me so want to go there!

  1199. I left but had to return when it hit me…BELTS. You can do the same thing but bigger. We must make a belt too. Oh, and again a choker, just now thought of that. I’m gonna have fun with this!!!!!

  1200. Hi Hanna
    I love your fairy cards. Really pretty!! And thanks for your comment on my blog =) Greetings from Alaska! Astrid

  1201. Oh aren’t these adorable! Great job Hanna…love the buttons and how you can totally personalize these sweet babies!

  1202. simply adore your blog ! You are most certainly gifted ! Me, I keep buying fabrics and buttons, but never do anything with them. I can’t sew. I think I must have been a creative tailor in a previous life. But this seems a project I could manage though. I’ll certainly try it out

  1203. Really beautiful postcards! I love the first one, but the get well card and your envelope are all stunning!

  1204. These are all so lovely – what a thoughful friend you are. The envelope is particularly striking – such fun!

    I adore the bracelets in your last post too. They look absolutely gorgeous – the fabric is beautiful

  1205. Hi Hana,

    Yours is the first blog I’ve ever read and I find you and your work very interesting. Where are you based?

  1206. Thank you for your comment on my site! Now I have discovered your blog and I am coming back :-) You have lots of beautiful,creative things here!! :-)

  1207. so funny to hear about everyone talking about cutting into their favorite things–paper, fabric, coats….
    Life is too short–enjoy!
    Too many people die with their music still in them—somebody famous said that once.
    Glad you kicked that fear to the door as you say.

  1208. great present! Planting a tree is what we did for my son at his first birthday party–it is his very own tree to have in the garden!

  1209. The envelope is great!
    The cards are beautiful too, and I completely identify with that feeling you described – going to the post office to mail the postcard.
    Are you familiar with Postcards4peace.livejournal?

  1210. I like the tiny teaset Hanna ! Some day I’m going to decorate a dollhouse.:)
    Beautiful links .Thank you!

  1211. I love your fun pages. I love the bright colors and love all there is to see. I love that big circle on the green tissue! I did that with a cup of coffee. Now you have inspired me to do it again on tissue. Thanks

  1212. I love these pages and the playing with dolls post and am just having a grand time!!! so now back to playing and enjoying myself immensley!!!! love your work!!!!

  1213. Wonderful socks! I agree that you could -and should- wear them everywhere. I believe more people should wear cool, funky, kinky socks. Socks have become so boring. All plain white, and the “no shows.” I hate those! Be proud of your socks, people! Go out there and strut. Make other people’s socks jealous!

  1214. Your sweet post brightened my day! That glass mat is gorgeous! Thanks so much for the comment you left me, I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it! Love your site, I’ll definitely be back! :)

  1215. Nice! I loved when I went in school and mom took me to the city and we bought new stuff for the school start!

  1216. Helt enig, Hanna. Din pen er sk?n, jeg elsker notebooks, prikker og Anne Claire Petit’s h?klede kreationer er vidunderlige! Sig til hvis du selv f?r lyst til at g? i gang med at h?kle. Jeg har m?nsteret p? en elefanten, der ligner til forveksling.

  1217. I have one of those Indiska pens! Mine is purple with colored hearts on it! I don’t like to write with mine either, but it does make me happy! Jag ska reser till USA i Sept eller Okt…l?mna listan till mig om det finns n?nting du ska ha!

  1218. How do you upload the pages? They are so clear and the detail is amazing! These are also my favorites (of the day) I love the flower underl?gg! And was the mini te set 60:-????

  1219. so much the same here, I also love school starting because of all the new note books….yet I always end up with more than I ever could use, but that’s a nice side effect of course of note book collecting…

  1220. I found this entry through Google. Those are some beautiful dolls! Wonderful work. I’m a designer for Dolls United, a dollmaking magazine. If you would like to share some of your techniques with us, stop by our website or you may e-mail me directly. We love all types of dolls!

  1221. Wish I could get my cat to walk on a leash, she’d lose some weight! Your kitty is beautiful, and so smart!

  1222. Smilla is such a sweet kitty! She looks like she’s enjoying herself! The trees do look like something from Nightmare before Christmas! They are eerie!!
    ~ Gabi

  1223. She has a spot on her nose like my little monster Smudge. :-) Smudge can sort of walk on a leash, too.

  1224. That’s wonderful how you can go for walks together. Face shows a lot of character :)

  1225. Hanna,

    I would love to get either of my cats to walk on a leash. Amazing how hard it can be to drag a 10 pound cat down the block!

  1226. Okay…SO much going on with this post! First, YES your Smilla is magnificent! Her eyes are so expressive. I adore that you walk her on a leash and she climbs the trees to JUST before she pulls on the leash. Very clever. We tried training Atticus on a leash but we only succeeded in “dragging” him as opposed to “leading” him. :-) And then I love the pictures of those silk spinning worms on the tree branches. Very surreal.

  1227. A cat you can take for a walk! Wow! that’s rare. Sounds like you have fun on your walks!

  1228. I LOVE your art journal pages; so full of color! You have great style. I love how you have organized your blog and that you have a link explaining who you are and what you are all about. :)

  1229. What a beautiful day! Those little houses are so pretty and I love the fabric {totally understand the falling in love thing}.

  1230. What an incredible post!! I’ll need to look at this one again ! Lovely pictures – love “tree climber girl” title! Thanks for the great post!

  1231. about the picture of the gate:

    it is Nyköpingshus, a historic castle where they play theater every summer. I haven’t been to a show but I would love to go sometime. More about the history of the house here and some info in english about Nyköping Castle too.

  1232. We need to do a swap here in Sweden…you put in 10 items , than take 10 out…then it goes to some one else till it gets to the last person who should end up with what ever is left…we used to do these with buttons, fat quarters; scrapbook items…whatever we had extra!

  1233. I LOVE fancy socks on a girl. I also like to wear fancy socks myself. Do you think you could make me a pair of long striped socks? ;)

  1234. Just stumbled upon your AWESOME vintage pics … thank-you, thank-you for offering them! They are exactly what I have been looking for for soooo long to do some vintage/heritage scrapbooking layouts! :)

  1235. Smilla is beautiful and a fine companion! And how wonderful to be able to walk in such a beautiful spot with her.

  1236. Delicious! What lovely shops you have visited! I like the arrangement by colour and the breathing room around the displays so the yarn really pops out at you.

  1237. I love your pictures of the town! I must visit your country someday!!!
    Thanks for the links with more information on the house and castle.

  1238. That is a cute pin – I love the pearl middle!

    What I am REALLY curious about is, is what the orange berries are?

  1239. ah, it is so dry here, that all our flowers are finished. I think the poor London bees must be starving.

  1240. Love the little pins you have made and your flower photos are gorgeous! Can I ask what camera you use? Could you possibly E-mail me?

  1241. Flotte bilder, og n?leputa var s? s?t! Fint stoff ogs?. Blomstene er nydelige. Elsker ? legge ut bilder av blomster jeg ogs

  1242. Oh so lovely. Your garden must be just beautiful. And that little flower you made is an absolute delight!

  1243. Thank you for all your great comments!

    Kate, the orange red-berries are krusbär! Sour and sweet at the same time, great jam and marmelad. Gooseberry in english I think. :-)

    Kristy, my camera is nikon d50, heavy to carry sometimes, but I love it so much!

  1244. I would love to visit 100% ull too! Your yarn looks so pretty, I’m sure it will turn into something pretty.

  1245. Oh, that fabric is so nice…I have seen alot of cabbage roses on fabric but the shading on this is different. (I scan my fabric to use later in scrapping and other art…just an idea)

  1246. Oh, the Pettson and Findus Books are my absolute favorite ones! I love the illustrations sooo much! So nice to see the place where they live!
    Lovely pictures!

  1247. Oh, I love your sewing stool! It?s beautiful! And great to hear you?re creating more ruffles! I?m looking forward to seeing them :o)

  1248. Hi, thanks for visiting my blog!!! and for joining monthly mosaics at flickr! I love your pirate hand warmers and all your wonderful arts and crafts!! Will be back to visit again soon!!!

  1249. Happy August to you too! Cute wrist warmers and the green yarn you are winding up looks lovely! I am going to go try a mosaic now – thanks fo r the idea!

  1250. Thanks for mentioning me, Hanna! I?m very happy about the scarf! I intend to make some more like that, too!

  1251. thank you for sharing that great link on mosaics and inspiring me to do them myself! they are little works of art in themselves aren’t they, a little bit like kaleidoscope images!
    x barbara

  1252. Fabulous! OMG I love your collages! And I wanted to let you know that after your discussion on tip-ins and reading the linked article that my best friend Natalie and I are SO pumped to do it. We’re preparing to go back to college, she goes to a university in Evansville, Indiana and I go to an art school in Sarasota, Florida, so we’re going to do a tip in book this fall and mail the pages back and forth. Just last night we got together with about 30 magazines to cut stuff and had a James Dean movie marathon. You’re inspiring girls thousands of miles away!!! We’ve considered when the project is finished we’ll scan our pages and post them as a blog, so if that day ever comes I’ll send you a link. But again, WOW, I especially adore your bird page, and I think it’s fine/awesome with or without the added paint.


  1253. I LOVE the child’s play collage! So cute, playful and colourful. I could look at it all day, it really makes me happy.

  1254. Yes I did love them! Hanna knows what I like so it couldn’t be wrong. Now it only has to become a bit colder here before I can use them!

    Thank’s again Hanna!

  1255. That is such a cool bird bath. I could see the kiddos getting involved in a project like this. As for me, my creative roots come from both sides of the family tree.

  1256. What a creative mom, that is such a good idea. I recently started experimenting making little mosaic things with concrete and it really is a versatile and cheap material. The bird bath is so inspiring – thanks to your mom for the idea and you for the tutorial!

  1257. OH, what a great idea and so much fun! Thanks so much for sharing the pictures in action! You can defintely see were your creative roots come from!

  1258. I have the rubarb leaf and the dry cement ready. My husband is playing Playstation so I am off to find a son to help me. This is a great idea, thanks for sharing! I will be sure to post a pic when we finish!

  1259. Flotte bilder! det ser ut til at b?de moren og faren din er kreative mennesker. Jeg tror nok at jeg ogs? har f?tt mine kreative evner fra begge sider av familien, men antakelig mest fra morsiden. Morfaren min var fantastisk b?de til ? male, bygge ting, snekre, osv.

  1260. I thrifted the “Fri hekling” book earlier this summer and I love it. Lis Paludan has made a lot of cool crafting books, you should look for one of her Christmas books (Julebog), they are great for inspiration, not only for Christmas!

  1261. Jag fick fri virkning av min mamma f?r ett par ?r sedan n?r jag ?nskade mig en basic virkbok. Inte riktigt vad jag hade t?nkt mig, men nu ?r jag ganska f?rtjust i den. Den ?r verkligen bra f?r inspirationen.

    Borde inte vara alltf?r sv?rt att hitta den p? antikvariat.

  1262. Those shawls are AMAZING!!! Wow!
    I really love old craft books…sometimes i think alot of Newer books have a “sameness”…to me, the old books are so imaginative and inspiring! :)

  1263. Jag veeet – man har fullt upp med att bara hastigt skriva ner alla ideer p? kringflygande papperslappar med hopp om att dom dyker upp igen den d?r dagen n?r barnen somnat och golven bl?nker och allt i strykh?gen ?r mirakul?st sl?tt, vikt och borta! Och jag har nya rubberstamps h?mtade av v?n fr?n USA & nytt embossingpulver och jag hinner inte ens ?ppna paketet.. snart ?r det h?st och b?ttre fokus… kanske

  1264. absolutely beautiful collage!

    i don’t know what’s worse…having too many ideas and no time/space to get them all realized, or creative dry spells! But i am very sure that all the lovliness in your head will find a way out!

  1265. Hi Hanna, I love this collage. It’s great! I recognize what you are saying but don’t you think the other way would be worse :-)

  1266. how wicked cool!!!! great idea!!! i’ll have to check these out later…but for now, just wanted to bop by & tell you i have something of yours over at my blog {smile}!

  1267. ohhhhh these are precious!!! i hope they sell fast for you!!! that is funny that you mention the kids because i have similar blocks that someone made me (they are of photos) and diego LOVES playing with them…. oh best wishes on your sales….. hey, i like those pirate cuffs too :D

  1268. Hanna……Thank you for your comments on my blog. To answer your question. The flowers on Millie’s quilt are simply 4 pieces raw edged and placed on top of one another. The leaves are raw edged also. These were sewn together, starting with the largest. Oh yes, these were all sewn onto the square of fabric underneath. Once complete they are put onto the square that would become the quilt. If that doesn’t make sense…….write me again!!!!! Linda

  1269. hello! i just ran across your blog thru wipup. I love your stuff. I’m always looking for new inspiration! Thanks for posting your work. your blocks are adorable! I’m due with my first baby in Nov and i love collecting ideas for what i might make for her. Thanks again Hanna!

  1270. What a great idea. I would love my home too, more a stay at home, mixed media type and I had to leave my favorite tools acylic medium and the computer and the digital camera and the printer of course!

  1271. ?h, det h?r har jag t?nkt p? m?nga g?nger, vad jag skulle ta med till en ?de ?. S? nu ska jag g?ra mitt f?rsta sf inl?gg minsann!

  1272. Hanna, jeg elsker Pedersen (som han hedder i Danmark) og Findus. Deres hus er vidunderligt, det er pandekagerne ogs, deres jul – det hele. Da vi til jul s julefilmen i biografen, grinede jeg hjst af alle. De historier ville jeg gerne vare med i ….. En eventyrlig verden. k.h. Mette

  1273. Vilken h?rlig bok! Underbar inspiration, m?ste f?rs?ka hitta den sj?lv! Den bruna sjalen ?r s? himla vacker.

    F?rresten har jag ocks? Roligt att virka. Visste inte att den ?r dansk, men trevlig ?r den :)

  1274. That vellum writer pen looks very cool! Can I try it out while we’re stranded on the island? hehe :)

    Love that photo of your kitty, btw! She’s too cute!

  1275. I hope you get to your writing! I LOVE to write and wish I did more! Sometimes I think a place like this Island of Paradise is just the thing I need to really get myself motivated to do more!!

  1276. I too would take a pen & paper but would have bow down to technology by taking my digital camera…

    I love the picture of your cat…gorgeous!

    Ouissi x

  1277. Pens are definintely a good idea! I think you should bring your lovely cat along as well! I think a cat would be perfect company on a lonely island!!! I love the photo of your cat… the pink feet are sooooooooo cute!!!!!!
    ~ Gabi

  1278. “All of the latest pens bought this week is favourits of mine right now.”
    Oh. – I like that statement. It’s so right when it comes to pens.

    I did the same as you: brought my journal and pencil to write and draw for later inspiration!

  1279. Jttefina bilder, kul att de har gett s mycket inspiration till andra. Vi r ett bra team Hanna. Jag r inte trtt p allt pysslande med dig, du fr snart komma tillbaka, det r s roligt nr du r hr.

    kram frn mamma

  1280. Yes, I agree with you. I’ve got Lisa Bergene’s “A passion for patchwork”. It’s a very nice book, full of good ideas. And it’s much easier to read than Japanese… Although I also have quite a few of Japanese books!

  1281. The cat’s and flower looks so lovely. I also love her designs and was looking in her books in the store, but they are quite expensive. Glad I can loan some from the library too ;)
    Hope you get lots sewn with her designs. What next ?

  1282. And I have only a few hours left of my vacation and it feels, hmm, don’t know. It feels ok, I think! I’m calm, have prepared everything so I think it will be easy to get up in the morning and go to work.

    Nice painting to!

  1283. Hey there! Thanks for the comment about the dragonfly over on my blog. I like yours! You are very crafty, eh? I think the skirt is great, good save from that ugly grey dress I think!



  1284. That skirt is great! And those shoes make my heart flutter ::sigh:: I’m glad I’m not the only one who still has a stack of t-shirts from 1996 :D

  1285. Hej
    Tack f?r bes?ket – kul med nya bekantskaper. ?r alltid s? impad av dem som ids skriva p? engelska, jag ska b?rja undervisa treor i engelska i h?st, kanske borde jag ?va upp mig… ?r nog lite ringrostig.

    Snygg kjol! Sj?lv har jag just varit p? rea och k?pt en h?rligt fladdrig sak f?r 250:- I ny f?rg f?r mig: gr?gr?nbrunaktig nyans.

  1286. Fin kjol! Har du provat att sy efter Amys m?nster? Jag ?r s? d?lig p? inches hit och feets dit:(
    Vilka superfina skor!! Var har du hittat dem?

  1287. AHH!!
    Jag har precis en exakt likadan pall!! Har din en l?s l?da med fack som ligger p? en ram och under den en st?rre l?da?

  1288. Sp?nnande att se alla dina f?rdiga grejer, sj?lv har jag tillverkat lock till burkar halva dagen, fors?ttning f?ljer i morgon. Men locken ?r s? tr?kiga att g?ra…

  1289. Hi Hanna,
    From this photo it looks like you had a very peaceful and relaxing afternoon…. Looking forward to seeing your finished project shots.
    Cheers, Louise

  1290. Hi!
    Your cats are so lovely! I have these scandinavian craft books and made the cats and the sitting chicken too
    I love to read here!

  1291. Oh what I would do to feel summer rain! we are sunny with blue skies but really cold here downunder…

  1292. Your shop looks wonderful! You and mom sure have been busy. My favourite items are the Art Dolls :) If I think of anything else to say, I’ll let you know

  1293. You have done brilliantly! My website is taking me ages!! My brother in law is supposed to be helping but we are going at snails pace!! I will take a longer look later. Good Luck with it.

  1294. Hi there! What a great shop! Congratulations to the both of you. I am impressed! Even more than I used to be ;o) Have fun being shopkeepers :o)

  1295. Grattis!!!! Kjempefin og inspirerende butikk du og din mor har ?pnet!!! Utrolig flott! Skriver elendig engelsk, s? jeg h?per du forst?r norsk..hehe! ?nsker dere lykke til, skal spre det gode budskap til mine venner og kjnte jeg!

  1296. Hello,
    Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I have enjoyed peeking in on yours. I love the shop you have created with your mother. Such a variety of whimsical wares! And that fish pond – goodness how wonderful. Your collages are great, I love Lynns books too. Come visit again some time…

  1297. Now I know how I will spend my lunch and probably my lunch money. Off to Borders I go! Thank you for the book recommendations.

  1298. Have had my eye on that book. Will have to look into it. Thanks for sharing Hanna.

  1299. Congratulations on getting your shop launched.. Getting my website completed and a store front finished is on my to do list so it’s very inspiring to see someone else do it! I love your dolls.

  1300. Hej!
    Fotoramarna till bilderna i min blogg brakar jag s?ka fr?n internet. Provar olika gratis ramar. Man f?r upp en hel del.

  1301. CONGRATULATIONS on setting up your new site!
    I stumbled across your blog about a month ago by Googling amigurumi- just wanted to tell you you’re an INSPIRATION to me. I’m glad to know there are others out there who have to make something every day- and actually do it!
    to answer your questions- (I’m from California, by the way) centimeters dont bother me at all, but a lot of Americans cant seem to relate to them. So I guess is depends on where most of your customers are? I think it would be neat if your site was in Swedish as well as English. Even though I cant read it… my best friend ever in the whole world is from Sweden, but it didn’t seem to rub off on me to hear her talking to her family. :-) Since your work is so personal & handmade, I think it would be a nice touch, people like to know about the the artists whose work they collect.
    I hope it’s a huge success!

  1302. Hi Hanna…This is SO wonderful. All those shades of green just come together like a rainbow! Great work! And I need to tell you, I just LOVE your blog! I pop in now and again and just love how you are all over the yard with the variety of things you create and participate in. Reminds me of … me! :-) Take care!!!


    And PS…BEST of luck on your “I Shop With Mom” adventure!!! Marvelous stuff you have….I NEED to get me one of your sweet little baby kitty kats! :-)

  1303. The kitty pat cats are so lovely, and a wonderful idea. Your cat in the bag, my cats do the same thing, any box or bag left out quickly becomes home.

  1304. Truly beautiful layouts and ideas you have with your collage. You have such an inspiring creative spirit. Your blog posts are so uplifting and real “eye candy” for the soul.

  1305. I totally agree!!! I love your collages, you have lovely taste! I hope you realise your dream and creat such a studio one day!

  1306. Isn’t that fun! I did a Collaborative Art Project or Journal Project the last couple month. It was a lot of fun making in others book pages. I like your style in your journals!

  1307. Either I have been to your dreamland or you have been to mine. We have the same dreams. Love your pages too. I even day dream about the art parties and I love the term “Art Party”. I’m gonna have one soon, can you come?

  1308. I for sure want to come and visit! Those pages are beautiful and very inspirational, Hanna!

  1309. Hei! Tilfeldigvis fant jeg siden din, og syns det er masse fint her!
    Har begynt ? gj?re akkurat som deg, klippe ut bilder fra interi?rmagasiner og lime inn de bildene jeg liker i notatb?ker.
    Hilsen Katrine

  1310. hey congratulations, fellow shop owner!
    Thanks for the mention and it looks like you are well on your way to your dream come true. It’s nice, isn’t it?!!!

    Best Wishes for you and Mom and much success!


  1311. when our house was being built, i made a journal kinda like yours…i still have it (it’s been 3 years!) & i think i might look for it & post it too…i love anything old & cottage-y too!

  1312. hi hanna!

    i’m happy that you enjoy your freebie! have fun filling your binder!!!!

    & i’m so happy for you & your new shop…i will be checking it out now!

    have a nice weekend!

    mary ann xx

  1313. Hei, jeg fors?kte ? “Contact iHanna” men det kommer bare en melding om “illegal access”.
    Jeg har et vottem?nster til deg :)

  1314. Jeg elsker bare Peddersen og Findus, skrev faktisk en hyldest til deres “simple-living” livsstil (p? min blog i g?r….nu vil jeg se om jeg kan finde et godt svensk link jeg kan tilf?je…)

  1315. Jeg ogs? elsker Pettersen og findus-b?kene, eller “Gubben og Katten”!
    Det h?rtes ut som en fin dag p? loppemarkedet, jeg er glad i ? g? p? loppemarkeder, men har aldri pr?vd ? selge noe selv.

  1316. Right now, this time of year, it is flea market season around here. There are fairs every other weekend, garage sales every weekend all over the place, and the weather is nice. Book a flight and come over!
    Of course, I would love to wander through some Swedish flea markets, its almost more fun than going to regular stores :)

  1317. This is probably my first time commenting here, although I’ve been following for some time…I learned about Artsy Mama’s book of dreams from you, and started my own just now, so wanted to thank you, and these cushions are SO cute! I like the white ones best, but they’re all fantastic!

  1318. I love flea markets! Both selling and ofcourse buying are fun for me and I love to find glass bottles and sewing supplies or different coloured bowls. Unfortunately we don?t have so many around here, maybe one a month nearby…I wonder when the next one is??

  1319. these are great!! so pretty and so sweet! BTW i got my beautiful blocks from you-thank you!! what a treasure!!

  1320. This is the first time i react but i am reading alreaydy for a long time you have a great site and the pincuchions are marvelous succes MIEK

  1321. Hvilken trivelig blogg ? bes?ke. M?tte innom igjen! Dere lager nydelige ting begge to; mye fint ? lese ogs?. I likhet med Linda, klarte ikke jeg heller ? motst?! :-) Gratulerer!

  1322. Vilken supers?t liten mullvad! Han p?minner mig om en barnbok jag hade om en gullig mullvad i snickarbyxor som samlade p? bra saker. =)

  1323. I’d be happy to make you happy! That is a lovely assortment of tools you have there! Would you also include your sewing machine?

  1324. Great tools! And DOH…another one here forgetting about the camera!!! The layout of your tools is very neat…I think I should do a layout of my tools! Great inspiration!

  1325. LOVE your tools…they are mine too, but I have even more and I miss them (coming in a shipment as we have just moved overseas). But I would have to have paint and paper and beads and deckle and so much more. I only realise how much I use now that I don’t have them!

  1326. absolutely YUMMY collection of tools you have! I especially love your Nikon ( I have one!!)!! it’s my favourite!
    ~ Gabi

  1327. I really love how you arranged your tools and labeled them so clearly! Makes a very pleasing design, as well as being truly informative. Interesting too, how your tools are so diverse, from knitting needles to paintbrush. Go Hanna!

  1328. Hi Hanna
    well so happy to hear from you and glad that there are others too that love your work and appreciate you as much as I do and enjoy your art and just your good soul!!! Hope you and Smilla will have lots of art time!!! and love to see how our pets all love to be with us as we create!! my little wiener dog loves to be up here in her little bed watching me!!! (unless of course hubby is home and has food downstairs!!!!) so hope your hubby has a great time and you have some great art days!!! will stop back to see what you have been creating!!!
    big hugs Love Linda

  1329. Oh he is adorable!!!! I am sad I haven’t been here in a while and seen all your fun things!!! I am trying to knit!!! and still learning a lot!!! (need to!!!) but wish I could make little things like this but can’t crochet!!! but love him! and saw your fab felted mittens on your flickr account!!! did you knit them or use an old sweater!!?? they are wonderful and OH LORDIE those dolls are just fab!! you rock girl!!!! your work brings out the kid in me and I’m sure in a lot of us!! in a “grwon up” sort of way!! so sofisticated and yes fun and unique!!!! thanks made me happy today!!

  1330. Hanna, It was so nice to read so many nice comments that others haven sent you, you really deserve all the praise, I really enjoy participating in your art while reading your blog, I am sure you will have a great time with Smilla and your creativity these two months, good luck with everything!

  1331. Dear Hanna, people simply love you. You give us daily a magic touch to keep in heart. The *magic* that help us to face up days. Maybe you have more lurker than you think, surely.

  1332. Crafts are really what keep me happy. And my beautiful children. :) But I love just sitting down to hook (rug hooking) or practice my knitting or perhaps bead something. We are fortunate to have an outlet. I just love looking at all your great projects. Thanks for sharing all your crafts!!

  1333. Having conscious positive moments can be relatively easy, I think. I do it all the time when appreciating the environment around me. It’s staying positive that’s a bit tougher – especially out there in the big old world! When I’m feeling grumpy at someone, I remind myself that their attitude is about them, not me, and I feel less inclined to take that negativity on myself. Or I remove myself from the situation to get a better perspective. Some activities I do to stay positive are knitting, listening to upbeat music or a podcast, yoga, going for a walk, reading, or just thinking about how rich my life is when you compare it to how the “average” citizen of the world lives. In short, looking at the big picture helps! I hope it helps you too!

  1334. Perfect thing to read and learn from – thanks – I did get into something a few years ago about attitude and selfmade moments – it was something like “when I get up in the morgning I check my state of mind and adjust it to a merrier level if needed, and then I hope that it will spill over on my spouse and that then when my level gets down – he in turn will spill over some positive attitude on me” kind of…
    If I find it I willpost it here! Stay happy

  1335. I read peoples blogs because I go home with this renewed spirit of creativity. After I got out of college and wasn’t around the art crowd anymore, it was hard to get back into the swing of things. reading people’s blogs (like yours) makes me run home and knit at the end of the day

  1336. I have learnt that seeing the beauty around me has a postitive effect. The colours, lovely, shining people and the change of seasons, that?s what I see when I look around. If you concentrate on the lovely things that give you pleasure, the ugly things that weigh you down have less and less power over your mood. Life is good and good things will come your way if you believe it!

  1337. I always feel negative. Maybe i’ll take a page out of your book and try to start being a happier person. I feel like I always take things the wrong way and expect the worse, because when it’s better, it’s WAY Better then I thought it would be. Drives my boyfriend crazy.

  1338. I haven?t read the article yet, will do it later, but I have thought about this question now since you post it. And what?s my answer then? I try to live after the rule, ?give a smile and you will receive one back?! At work I get angry at my pupils sometimes, but most of the time they supply happiness special the younger ones. I most of the time am happy, of course I become sad, angry or whine over things and I can be very pessimistic but it doesn?t last for so long. I don?t have so many reasons for being unhappy quite simply. I don?t create the unhappy thoughts…

  1339. I had to laugh. You sound like me……..I have more incomplete knitted projects than completed ones………..and, they do get ugly don’t they. All wadded and knotted together in a paper bag sitting behind something on my shelf. I usually put something in front of them so I am not reminded that there is ANOTHER unfinished project!

  1340. Love the new yarn and color and yes I too have a lot of UFO’s right now but sure do love knitting and the relaxation it has for me!!! can’t wait to see this done!!!! have fun!!
    Hugs Linda

  1341. Beautiful, Hanna.
    Yes, time taken surfing for Beauty…. sigh.
    Seems like I need a parallel surf-Life somedays, if I am to get anything happening off-screen!
    It’s a new equilibrium we all have to find, I guess.
    Good weekend wishes to you.

  1342. I absolutely adore orchids! My mother is an avid collector and has been for most of what I can remember. I just this year bought my first orchid from the Maryland Orchid Society. I think I have the orchid bug now too :P

    Sometimes I also feel like I’m just looking at other people’s artwork and not making much of anything. You just have to remember that your brain is swelling up with new ideas and you’ll be twice as fantastic next time you decide to do some artsy stuff :)

  1343. Hi Hanna…
    Just came across your thought about feeling ungratified…thought I’d tell you that (besides the joy of creating something where there was nothing) you’re adding something only you can add to people’s lives when you give something your hands have made. Also, found out one day that my dad (who’s 83 & the “gruff” type) has a secret stash of all the cards & little booklets I’ve made for him over the last few years. Someone you know might have a secret stash, too. Keep going.

  1344. Your orchids are so beautiful, and thanks so much for the links! Some of them I already knew, because I spend endless hours surfing art (especially on flickr) instead of working {;c), but the others I didn’t, and everything is just beautiful.

  1345. Lovely orchid and fantastic links – I will probably spend hours looking at them all more deeply now. Yes, I spend a lot of time looking when I should be making too!

  1346. Lovely orchid and fantastic links – I will probably spend hours looking at them all more deeply now. Yes, I spend a lot of time looking when I should be making too!

  1347. Jag h?ller tummarna f?r att min orchide ska b?rja blomma om f?r tredje g?ngen, det finns tv? knoppar… F?r det ?r s? fint! M?ste kolla igenom alla l?nkare senare, f?r det b?rjar vara dags att g?ra lite collage f?r min del

  1348. Love those colors! I’m off to find the Knit a river site! Basic knitting I can handle, it is socks that give me problems!

  1349. Jag fredrar din fina bla mlning framfr fyra bla r i Sverige (oroad).

    Rk ur munnen? Vad hemskt, det r ju bara september! Bst att du snabbar dig med vantarna :) Du har ju sytt mnga fina vantar av filtade trjor, kan du inte gra ett par fingerlsa? (jag skulle vilja se fler ullsaker frn dig, de r alltid underbara)

  1350. Oooh, it makes me feel all wintery, even as we head into spring. I really like it – it’s cute – don’t you love mixed media?

  1351. Underbar bild! Kikade p? den skrattande kr?kan – den ?r ?nnu b?ttre! Jag n?stan l?ngtar till frostn?tter och r?k ur munnen… 25 ?r i Norrland s?tter sina sp?r, trots att jag numera ?r noll-?tta.

  1352. Tack s? mycket f?r inspirerande bilder och ideer. Det ?r verkligen j?ttekul att titta in hos dig och din shop!
    Du har inspirerat mig att g?ra n?gra egna armband, efter jag l?ste den h?r posten satte jag mig ned och gjorde n?gra sj?lv. Det var i juli jag gjorde dem, men b?ttre sent ?n aldrig att tala om dem. Se dem g?rna p? min blogg under lappteknik!
    Tack ?n en g?ng f?r en blogg att h?mta inspiration ifr?n!

  1353. Your little alien is adorable! Is the fabric some sort of knit? Like a t-shirt? It’s hard to tell from the photos. It’s very cute though!

  1354. hi!,i love every thing u made,specially the cat stuff!!!love it lovei love it..i love cats so much…!!!.
    Did u ever make clothes for your cat?.
    I have fabric to make same to mine an i do not know how,do you think you can help me.thank you very much.


  1355. Hanna, where do you live in Sweden. Frost … burrr! Thank graceious we’ve still no frost in the Stockholm area! But perhaps I should start considering bringing in our olive tree and the scented pelargons from the balcony…

  1356. It looks like terry towelling fabric – soft interlock with a tiny loop pile, usually cotton ( or a cotton poly mix). These aliens are very appealing…so simple and graphic looking

  1357. Hanna, my dear creative role model, I have a couple of meters of some stunningly beautiful ribbon to show you. Storloppis today you know, I think I’ll have to MMS a picture, I can’t wait til tomorrow!
    (I love posting messages in English!)

  1358. Hur s?ta ?r inte de h?r! Du ?r s? duktig (om jag f?r anv?nda ett s?nt “pr?ktigt” ord)!! Keep up the good work!

  1359. I LOVE this penguin. I lived for a year in Norway and I can relate to the scandinavian icyness it evokes. Except…you don’t have penguins there…but we do in Australia!

  1360. Can you tell us where you found the pattern and tutorial for these? They are lovely!

  1361. Mia, sorry, I can’t give you a pattern since I made them up as I went along. But there are a log cabin squeare in every quilt book, and they are not that difficult to make. good luck!

  1362. I believe the Dalecarnian horse is mostly bought by German and Japaneese tourists here in Stockholm :) But I’m growing more and more fond of them, they’re so bright and colourful.

    Now I want to go to a flea market too. But I don’t have any space or money, and I know that if I find something nice I’ll buy it, so I try to stay away :(

  1363. Your photos are amazing! I would have just been bouncin’ off the walls trying to see everything at once! And the war ephemera/food coupons?! Man…you scored big time! What a cool cool find!!!

  1364. It’s true…blogging is a full-time job! I’ll sit down at the computer and give myself 10 minutes to play and before I know it, two hours fly by! It’s like a time warp and the only indicator that that much time has passed is my sore bottom! :-)

  1365. I like flea markets a lot, by the look of your foto’s they are a lot tidier in Sweden than they are here in Belgium.

  1366. Oh, the ephemera you bought sounds very interesting. I imagine there were lots of cool items in the bag. Great post. It dovetails somewhat with what I’m doing on my site. Keep up the great work.

  1367. Wow. I wish I could go too. I LOVE flea markets but haven’t found any around here yet. That was such a great idea taking your camera along. I really enjoyed it. Det var kjempe godt.

  1368. WOW! That flea market is so clean, and tablecloths! I am impressed. Here in the U.S. stuff is generally thrown on tables or just left in boxes for buyers to rummage through (while standing in the dirt) although being in doors helps. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a lot of fun + there are tons of great finds at great prices, I am a frequent visitor to several in our area.
    I am not from Utah, but have been several times on ski trips. Many wonderful climbing areas, your fianc??s trip should be amazing.
    Cheers from Tennessee!

  1369. Thanks for your nice comments. Evinrude: no, I don’t have a pattern, she comes from my own imagination as most of my crocheted a animals. Sorry, but I hope you can make up your own pattern. Good luck!

  1370. I agree with the above commenters. In my area antique stores or flea markets are more like a hunt. Most of the areas are so jam-packed with years worth of stuff and dust that it’s hard to shop sometimes. I have been to places where there was so much stuff that you had to stand back 5-6 feet from it just to not knock over things.

  1371. I loved the tour! Thank you so much for that. I’ll be dreaming of the wonderful ceramics tonight!
    I loved the owl.

  1372. Love your creative mess!! It looks like you had so much fun and just let the creativity flow. I wish I had more time for fun like that but my full time job gets in the way of my playtime! So it’s only nights and weekends for me.

    I also think you cat is the sweetest thing! I have a male cat the same color. Here’s a digital LO with him:

    Anyway keep creating…love to see all your wonderful items on the blog, and have a great day!

  1373. What a sweet kitty!
    It’s so nice of kitty to “hold down” that stuff for you so it doesn’t “blow away”. ^_^

  1374. My cat always sits in my rubbish pile… she loves sleeping in & playing with the bits of paper I throw away!!

    Ouissi x

  1375. Hehe, love the creative sparks flying in all directions!! Sweet Smilla, too ;-)
    Great tooting your horn!!

  1376. Oh! I love to spread out and create too! it’s hard to keep all of my supplies in one place and I tend to spread out from my studio into the kitchen and also dining room !
    I love your little companion… I think I have learned that all studios need a companion!!!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  1377. Aww, so sad the snow globe broke! Could you salvage the inside and create a new snow globe? I know Martha Stewart has instructions on how to make one out of a glass jar with lid. Just a thought!

  1378. Hej Hanna, de vanilje-hjerter man kan se i nederste venstre hj?rne er de hjemmebagte, det ligner de?! Jeg sp?rger, fordi jeg blev lidt “hooked” p? den slags, da jeg var i Stockholm her i sommer. Jeg har pr?vet at bage dem herhjemme. Men ikke i hjerteform – for det har jeg ikke.Men findes der hjerteforme??

  1379. Oh, I remember how I loved snow globes when I was a child. I can swear they were plastic back then, much bulky and less sophisticated than the ones there are today. So sad to hear it broke…:(

  1380. haha, du g?r som jag. Breder ut mig ?ver hela soffbordet med massor av pyssel, fj?rrkontroller, kaffe och TV… Inte s? bra f?r ryggen kanske, men mysigt :)

  1381. all of us are connected by our tools! here’s a story – i spent a fab day at a friends being arty the other day, problem is it took me over an hour to pack for the day! 5 baskets later, I had all my tools that i thought id need for the day, and many more still at home! ahhhh, to be a hoarder of art stuffs!

  1382. September is a blur! I’m hoping things settle down in October and I can actually remember it when it’s over. Enjoy!!

  1383. If you are anything like me, yes, you will buy the onesie and frame it, unless someone stops you of course…lol….this is how I am. But, oh how fun to have these excertions from the everyday! –Lia

  1384. oh, I forgot, I took a kelly kilmer class and learned how to sew a “signature”, hope I remember the term right. It was a lot of fun. my daugther ended up altering the little book for her best friend before she left for college…I’ll try to post on my flickr. (artjunkgrl)

  1385. Great little book! Bookbinding is so awesome – the process kinda frustrates me but the results are always really cool. And isn’t it nice to have your very own sketchbook or journal that you actually made?

    Owls are very popular at the moment it seems – and who wouldn’t love an owl? They’re so elusive and proud. I love them too.

  1386. Hi Hanna,
    Welcome to spending the rest of your life addicted to making books! And I’m with you on the owl love too.
    Cheers, lj

  1387. jag har nyligen f?tt den boken (barbaras b?cker) och den ?r j?ttefin och inspirerande, t?nkte sj?lv b?rja pyssla ihop lite b?cker till helgen. s? ja, den boken rekommenderas!

  1388. That is a great idea! I usually wrap up presents in plain white paper and then decorate them myself. A block of Christmas themed shapes would make decorating those presents this year much faster!
    I will definitely be doing this.
    Thank you for sharing the idea!

  1389. Hej Hanna,

    You probably can’t make this other person stop making them, but I think you should contact her and tell her that you have seen her cats and ask her to at least “confess” to where she got the idea.

    Or you could get people to leave spam comments on her blog. ;-)

  1390. Det er lidt sv?rt med de id?er, for hvem kom f?rst….!? Jeg har tilf?ldigvis syet mig en kat i dag, men efter et m?nster fra en Kaffe Fassett bog. Lidt pudsigt nu jeg l?ser p? din blog her til aften.

  1391. Hanna – I would open my mouth to her, and send her an email. You should not feel sad about someone else stealing your creation or your pattern. She should be the one that feels sad and low for stooping to that level. At least if she was going to use your pattern, she should give YOU the credit for it – not taking the credit souly herself. Did she say it was her idea – or she just neglected to credit you? Because if she didn’t say it was her idea and just made them – maybe she forgot to link you and credit you – maybe she just needs a reminder. But if it was intentional and she wants to get full credit – then I would definitely toss her a friendly email asking her what’s going on!

  1392. I would definitely contact her and let her know that she is “hurting your feelings” by not giving credit where credit is due.


  1393. Most definitely confront her.
    Or perhaps she will read this post, since she linked you she is surely a regular reader. and she will contact you, apologize + give you credit (HINT HINT to the copy cat if you are reading these comments).
    I dread the day I might have to deal with this.

  1394. A stamp? I was thinking it was a piece of wedding cake when I first saw it. very cool. I really like the pink typewriter… do you really have a pink one?

  1395. Hanna, I know how you’re feeling right now and it sucks. When it happened to me I wrote a cease and desist letter to the person and luckily the person in question acted quickly, removed copied items for sale and photos of copied items from Flickr. Hopefully it will go as smoothly for you.

  1396. It?s happened to me a couple of times too – I blogged about something new I tried and a couple of days later I see similar photos on flikr or another blog. I couldn?t be sure if someone was copying or if it was a coincidence so I let it slide. As for the cats, they really are almost identical to yours and I think you should contact the person who made them and ask that she refer to where she got the original idea. Phooey!!! Things like this shouldn?t happen but unfortunately there will always be a few people who have no respect.

  1397. I feel very strongly about this. I would feel horrible if it happened to me. Unfortunately I notice it all the time on Flickr, and you’re right – inspiration, ideas, that’s great. But when it’s clear that the person copies you shamelessly and doesn’t bother to ask you or credit you, I would definitely write to her. :(

  1398. If Copy Cat tried the pattern just for herself; write her in a nice way reminding her about your cats.
    But if CC is selling your cats without your admission you need to act promtly and check up on copyright law.

  1399. hi there,
    Here in Italy 99% of the people don’t believe in copyright and just go ahead and copy without a second thought. How many times I’ve helped people, given advice and had my ideas and patterns copied !!
    pisses me right off !!!!!!!!!!! I like to give credit where due, for example to feature someone on my blog and show their artwork I always ask for permission.
    Best say that it’s copyright even if it’s not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they will think twice …
    chin up
    joan in italy

  1400. Is she selling them? If she is, that is not cool. Not sure how to handle that. But I would email her, “thanking” her for being inspired by your work but gently reminding her to give you credit somewhere on her site, per your copyright. And then you can post who she is on yours, so the word can get out…kind of like the blacklist on Backtack. A little harsh, but we need to be sure this kind of behavior doesn’t proliferate on the web. If she recants and maybe truly meant to give you credit and forgot, you’ll see it pop up soon on her site. Good luck!

  1401. i have had a look on her blog, but i don’t speak norwegian so i don’t know if she is selling these cats. does she say they’re of her own inspiration? if she just thought your cats look cool and that she would like some, too then i feel i couldn’t condemn her, although she could have said “hanna’s cats looked so cool that i tried making one too”, or something to that effect whereby it would have been clear where she got the idea from.
    i am unsure about exposing her like this, including blog URL, before she has had a chance to even defend herself. it’s a very difficult situation, but i feel everyone is innocent until proven guilty. i hope it was just an oversight on her part, and that she will make a statement on her blog and of course explain it to you.

  1402. Hi Hanna!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and inviting me to yours. I am blown away by all the pretties in your shop. I love the inspiration wall you created with chicken wire–great idea!!! I’m off to explore all your different categories!!


  1403. I LOVE the chicken wire idea! So creative and it has such an interesting “feel” to it.

  1404. I like the photo vinyl pocket idea on the door that is kewl.

    Rootbeer RULES! I need a good movie tonight too! ^_^ Have a great weekend dear.

  1405. Hi!
    First of all, sorry if you feel sad ’bout what I did. I just thought the cats were really funny, so I made a couple for my younger siblings. I have NO plan of selling them at all…
    Of course I should’ve said where I found my inspiration, and I’m truly sorry for not doing so, sometimes things just goes to fast…
    I have removed the post on my blog for the public, and I hope things will work out, and once again, sorry…


  1406. Oooh, I love inspiration boards – and yours looks very interesting and pretty. The wall photo album is such a neat idea! I have so many photos just lying around and stuck to the fridge that could do with a decent home. Did you make it? Or did you buy it like that?

    Glad things got sorted with the copy cat too.

  1407. Hei Hanna! Jeg la merke til disse kattene hennes, og tenkte med det samme at her har hun kopiert dine. Skj?nner meget godt at du er lei deg. Jeg ville sagt det til henne, uten tvil. Bedt henne fortelle om hvem som inspirerte henne. M? si at kattene dine er MYE finere. Bestandig inspirerende ? bes?ke deg. Er veldig treg med ? legge ut min katt, skal gj?re det snaaart. Hun vises p? bordet jeg dekket til hobbytreff; der hang hun og passet p? godterisk?len :-) :-)

  1408. It?s not fun to be copied without credit, as she probably did.
    But it?s hard to know sometimes when it is an original idea. I saw a pattern similar to yours in a book from 1983. You have probably not seen it, but I just wanted to point out that it?s difficault to tell sometimes who has the original idea.
    But I really like the things you create. Hope you?re not afraid to keep posting :)

  1409. Ser helt underbart ut! Lustigt, f?r jag har varit p? jakt efter s?dana band till sk?p, t?nkte g?ra om min garderob. Nu blir det ?nnu en sak att leta efter p? loppisar. :) F?r spetsliknande band till sk?p verkar vara l?nl?st att hitta ute i “vanliga” aff?rer.

  1410. Wow! I love those lace paper borders! I also love ephemera, and this Friday I plan on going to the flea market for the first time since I started getting into the world of crafting… I just know it’s going to be a blast, and I’ll take many photos! Yes! :-)

  1411. Dear Dronninge [aka Copy cat in my post above],

    I accept your appologie, and I have to write this as a comment here since I don’t have your e-mailadress and you haven’t written to me in person.

    Let’s consider this forgotten!

    You are very welcome to continue to visit my blog and be inspired, but please, next time, try not to copy but to be inspired, try to add you own personal touch to the project and give credit to where you found your inspiration if possible.

  1412. J?ttegulliga! Och underbara bilder, s?rskilt den i blommorna.
    Var k?per du ?gonen? Skulle vilja ha s?na, de ger varelserna liv p? ett helt annat s?tt ?n broderi (som ?r jobbigt i virkat) eller p?rlor.

    Det som mest kommer i v?gen f?r mitt skapande (f?rutom studierna) ?r att l?sa andras bloggar (och f? ?nnu fler id?er som man aldrig hinner genomf?ra…). Man kan ju l?gga ambitionsniv?n lite l?gre n?r man bloggar om pysslet, typ en titel, foto och tre rader (mer som dokumentation). Fast jag ?lskar att l?sa dina ber?ttelser, s? sn?lla forts?tt.

  1413. Oh my! What lovely treasures you have found! Love love love the paper borders! Love your sweet little amiguri in your other post too :)

  1414. I enjoyed your site and your crafts. Doing a monthly mosaic is a great idea!
    I’ll look for you in the future.
    All the best from Chicago.

  1415. smilla looks so contented in her basket, and the basket is beautiful, my two wouldn’t sleep in a basket if their lives depended on it, it’s much more fun to sleep on the computer keyboard!!

  1416. Gorgeous little critters, made all the more delightful because they are pink! I luuuurv pink – anything pink is just right in my mind.

    I wish you could send some of your rain over here. We’re experiencing the worst drought in 100 years where I live, and we have very strict water restrictions. So tell those clouds to swing over to the southern hemisphere.

    Happy days!

  1417. Men vilka s?tgrisar!!! Eller ja, jag ser ju att de ?r tv? s?ta nallar s?klart. :) H?rligt med rosa ocks?! Ang bloggandet, ja, jag fastnar g?rna framf?r datorn d? det finns s? m?nga inspirerande och roliga sidor h?r ute. Sedan s? ?r jag som mest kreativ p? natten och d? jag bor i l?genhet ?r det sv?rt att skapa utan att f?ra en massa v?sen. *ler* Som svar p? fr?gan: bloggandet tar faktiskt en hel del tid fr?n mitt skapande, ? andra sidan f?r jag ju tillbaka massor av inspiration som jag kan anv?nda och jag f?r helt enkelt vara lite mer effektiv d? jag sitter och pysslar.

  1418. Your notebook covers are beautiful – I rather like it that the letters from the original notebook are showing, but if you don’t maybe you can paint over them with acrylics? I’m so happy that you write so much! It’s always fun to read you! I look through all my “blogroll” everyday, and even when no one updates, I know I can count on you!:)

  1419. what a beautiful blog you have!
    those are great pictures.
    the pink bears reminded me that
    i used to call my husband “pinkerton”
    the first few years we were married.

  1420. Oh, I love the covers~~ so inspiring…luv the “blue feeling” one! I like that they are all different!

  1421. I use to go to the fleamarket and buy antique furniture…now I buy bits of paper, stamps; lace, tags, things that nobody wants…your lace boarders are a dream come true!! I have yet to come across such a find!! Lucky you!!

  1422. Dina amigurumis ?r alldeles alldeles… underbara!
    En kompis till mig letar kamera och jag skulle g?rna tipsa om din! Jag gillar ljuset och sk?rpan som du har i dina bilder. Otroligt fina bilder du tar. Vad ?r det f?r kamera du har?

  1423. ??????? s? fine de er; du er knallflink :-) Har du forresten sendt noe mail ang. Rudolf?? ( overivrig :-) )

  1424. The books look great! I do that with all of my visual diaries for school – as you said, it just makes them more personal and a bit more fun to look at. That owl is so darn gorgeous – the brown fabric I love!

  1425. Thanks for your comments everyone!

    Linda V: du har inte l?mnat n?gon epostadress, men min kamera heter Nikon d50 och jag gillar den verkligen och rekommenderar den g?rna. Fler foton tagna med samma kamera hittas p? Nikon d50 pool p? flickr!

  1426. dette er en smart ide! Vi laget noe lignende da jeg gikk p? skolen, limte samme materiale p? plexiglass -da kan du se n?yaktig hvor du stempler :)

  1427. What a great idea… I hadn’t much use for foam rubber until now, and now I think I will be obliged to try it out. I’m very excited at the thought of making my own stamps cheaply. Thank you for sharing!

  1428. Tack! Ett tips som passar mer f?r mig kanske, f?r min kompis ?r ute efter en kompaktkamera! (Men jag vill s? sm?ningom ha en system…)

  1429. Var hittade du de d?r d?skalle p?rlorna?

    One little puzzle fits in a matchbox, like the one I found on a flea market earlier this autumn!

    Nice things!

  1430. Oh, very cool swap! I think we are the same kind of “crazy” because I love small things, skull beads, and swaps :o)

  1431. Oh, I can understand you so well! :) Swapping is so much fun, and I really loved this matchbox swap. I wish we would have opened a Flickr group, and that way we could have seen all the lovely boxes. Mind you, I think I’m much older than you, so you can imagine what my friends are saying everytime I scream, “I got a package! I got a package!” :-))

  1432. “You just have to see the joy in the small things around you girls!”

    Thank you….i am really really needing to be reminded of that lately. :) Your blog makes me smile.

  1433. T?ndsticksaskar ?r ju snajsiga till julkalendrar ocks?.. ;) Vad s?ta de d?r katterna var som du sytt! Mjauilicious! :D

  1434. I love all your pictures!You are so good at crochet[im hopeless]and i love your softies,i adore the little mole!the matchbox looks great with all those pretty beads by it….i think matchboxes are super cool things you can do so many things with them! :0

  1435. I love that scarf!!! In Australia we called those little squares “granny squares” and I used to hate them but you have put a new light on them for me! I can?t believe where your fianc? is sleeping!!! And congratulations on being part of the Knitty calendar, FANTASTIC!

  1436. J?ttes?t halsduk! Jag beundrar dig f?r att du orkade sy ihop s? m?nga rutor (det ?r mycket roligare att virka dem!). Lat som jag ?r burkar jag alltid anpassa mina virkprojekt s? jag kan virka ihop s? mycket som m?jligt :)

  1437. Hi Hanna,

    I REALLY like your scarf. The color combination is great. You did a GREAT job.
    I have also been knitting and crocheting lately… soothing this time of year.


  1438. Skjerfet ditt med mormorruter ble jo virkelig s?tt og originalt! Moren min holder p? ? hekle meg et pledd i slike ruter. Det er s? fint!

  1439. Sikke et sk?nt halst?rkl?de – det passer lige til efter?rsvejret nu og her!

    Her i Danmark har vi lige f?et efter?rsferie – h?rdt tiltr?ngt!

  1440. ?h, vilken fin sjal! :) J?ttefint att du virkade en b?rd runt om. Jag f?rs?kte sy ihop ett ?verkast av mormorsrutor en g?ng, men tappade t?lamodet, s? det blev en filt till min katt ist?llet. :)

  1441. I LOVE your scarf. I have done a whole small blanket in them…for my lap and I love it…it’s so cosy and warm. My cat (who I had to leave in Australia) used to LOVE to snuggle on it. She thought it was extra cosy and warm too. Congratulations on being picked for the knitting calendar! AWESOME! And congratulations on 2 years engagement…so when’s the big day?

  1442. Coolness … the scarf and the beautiful autumn pics! The picture of the cat is really catching my breath! How focused her eyes are … I wonder what she’s studying so concentrated?

  1443. Congratulations on winning the Knitty calendar contest – your knitting always looks so good in the photos, I’m not surprised you won.
    Congratulations on the 2-year anniversary, too – I think you’re much warmer (& safer!) on your own bed than on that cliff! (I would be afraid to fall asleep on a ledge like that – I’m too restless a sleeper :)

    Thank you for the nice comment.

  1444. What beautiful photos… I love your pink outfit (& lovely handmade scarf) against the fall background, perfection! :)

  1445. Ja, visst ?r det kul att trolla lite i tv?ttmaskinen med ullplagg. Det ?r sp?nnande varje g?ng att ?ppna luckan…

  1446. i’m happy to hear that you like the machbox. i had so much fun putting it together. have a nice day :o)

  1447. Visst ?r det l?tt att hitta saker man gillar p? Lagerhaus! Jag ?r speciellt f?rtjust i all svart/vitt det ?r nu, jag ?lskar den f?rgkombon ?ver huvud taget, och s? brukar dom ha trevliga rosa kitschiga saker. Som sagt – det ?r l?tt att hitta saker d?r! Och billigt ?r det mesta ocks

  1448. I love the Buddha photo!!
    IT sounds like a perfectly marvelous shop and i admire your strenth of resolve to to buy one of each pretty thing :)

  1449. oh yes, I loved this post…loved the colors on the photos, some of the objects too (the zinc containers are amazing) :)

  1450. Oh yeah. I love shops like this too – but these days I have to restrain myself and walk right on by. If I go in, I’m done for and will spend money like I’m a millionare, which I’m not. These days money is saved for art supplies – I swear, that is all I buy. Even my clothes are coming from cheap chain stores now – just so that I can buy more art supplies. If they weren’t so expensive I may have a life of retail shopping outside the art supplies store, but they aren’t, so I don’t!

    Love your goodies. :)

  1451. yes, it was fun to come along for the ride! great pics and thoughts. good eye candy too…and I didn’t have to get tired, lol, it was far more relaxing reading about it (and quite funny about the “Man” part in the store…been there). I love visiting your blog.

  1452. i love your little creations. you must have magic hands — anything craft you set out to do, you do beautifully!

    i love bookbinding! i wish i had more time these days to bind notebooks again. =)

    — ian from the philippines

  1453. oh. my. gosh. thats a terrible fear of mine and to think i really dont think im that original :P if it happened to me id be rightfully pissed, but she posted an apology which is cool, but it wouldve been cooler i guess if she asked you, or posted sooner? keep being original as its a proven fact your creations are exceptionally unique!


  1454. I love your scarf!!! I can’t get the hang of crochet, but you have inspired me to try again.
    And congratulations about the Knitty calendar!!!

  1455. S? flott den puta ble! Nydelige stoff og fargesammensetting ogs?. Den likte jeg virkelig! Holder ogs? p? ? lage puter n

  1456. Oh, this is such a fun post. I LOVE these types of shops! The black and white containers are FABULOUS, and about the cups – I agree with every word you say. You can always display them, instead of using them! ;-)

  1457. Hanna, I can believe that you made it! It’s so very pretty. But I know the feeling of making something and not quite believing that I actually made that.

    Good job!

  1458. oh, this is so pretty! isn’t it nice to get something done that you have wanted to for years? makes you appreciate even more!

  1459. Interesting photos – and those containers do look useful :o) My husband actually loves a certain kitchen store that is full of useless and/or expensive gadgets – actually, I think he likes it more than I do!

  1460. The colours you have picked really made the whole project sing – it does look very professional! Great job Hanna!

  1461. Delikat og s?t; du er s? allsidig! Bestandig inspirerende ? titte innom. Rudolf rednose er vel i hus. Han har v?rt med p? bes?k til Linda, og p? hobbytreff i g?r kveld :-) :-)

  1462. Your pillow is lovely! I love your blog site – Thank you very much for visiting mine and commenting! :)

  1463. so pretty! they defintely have a romantic-ness about them with the ruffled edge and pretty pearly buttons. i really like these…they make me long for cooler weather….sigh.

  1464. they are very pretty. and i saw your photo for the knitty calendar today – so cool! congratulations.

  1465. i love that picture of the toadstool mushroom :) the soup does look tasty, mmh must have lunch soon! have you seen that you’re featured on whip up? well done!

  1466. Knallfine pulsvarmere; her har du f?tt til s?rpreg ! Dikt i masker er en vakker bok, en nytelse ? bla i :-)

  1467. It looks to me like your kitty is an insipring artist too. Checking out the new goods you bought. How sweet is that. My kitty loves to explore the bags it all came in when I come home from shopping.

  1468. That’s the most incredible little mushroom. It’s like a picture book. Wow. We don’t have those here.

    Yummy soup! Tis the soup season!

  1469. what a great looking mushroom! yes, isn’t soup season the best of the best? making a pumpkin soup here a little later… lovely photos!

  1470. oh, can I please hop on a plane & come visit sweden again??!! The thinly-sliced cheese on bread can not be reproduced, nor can the northern sky.

  1471. That mushroom is so cute! And I love the plate that the bread is on. I wanna see the whole thing! Great Pictures

  1472. you have the most wonderful colourful blog I have read in ages and I love the way you express yourself – I have just made soup too – so while it cooks I will have a look round your colourful world! Thank you

  1473. I saw you on WhipUp and realized I haven’t been to your site in ages. I’m sure you’ve been busy from the looks of these front page posts. WOW – this scarf is absolutely wonderful. It makes me want to learn to crochet. I live in Texas where we rarely “need” scarves but I think I might have to make an exception for this! Really great — I love the colors too.

  1474. I want to come over for soup! Seasons are all about food for me, and I love to bring out the hearty soups in fall and winter. I need to take more pictures of my cooking! Thanks for the inspiration.

  1475. soup is my favorite fall food, and my favorite thing to cook. this sounds like a wonderful (and healthy) recipe! your photos are really so good and your description of what inspires you about autumn. thank you.

  1476. Your photos are gorgeous and yes, another great thing about fall is the “home made soups”.


  1477. Beautiful pictures, I guess I would love fall time more if we had plenty of sunny days! But you never know in Germany. It could be all November foggy! And that is no fun.

  1478. Congratulations on being May! Great picture :) I visited your photo diary as well, more great pictures. I’m not a great photographer myself, but I wish I knew how to continue taking ok pictures now that winter is coming. I’ve got a Canon Digital IXUS 700, so that’s not helping either. I guess I’d have to set up some good lighting in my studio for capturing my crafts and use a tripod. It’s so silly with a tripod for a tiny digital camera though :)

  1479. Kalenderflicka!! S? himla kul och vilken fin bild! Har du tagit den sj?lv? Jag har ?gnat en l?ng stund med att titta p? dina bilder i fotodagboken. Fast n?r jag kom fram till den gamla fotodagboken s? fick det r?cka f?r ikv?ll. Men vilken rolig id?! Och j?ttefina bilder tar du!

  1480. I live in Florida and I haven’t seen the elf. But I did want to comment and let you know that I love looking at your pictures. You are so creative, inspiring!!

  1481. vilken h?rlig fotodagbok! jag ?lskar i synnerhet dina smillabilder, hon ser s? mjuk och gosig ut :-) och vilken kul id? med en dag d?r man provar p? s?dant man inte brukar g?ra, som att spela kyrkorgel!

  1482. … och nu n?r jag har tittat p? stickbilden f?r maj m?ste jag s?ga att den ?r helt underbar (fast som svensk upplevs den nog lite mer som juni, juli, augusti ?n maj ;-) ).

  1483. hi hanna! i have a question — how do you blog Flickr sets? =) I only know how to blog individual photos from Flickr.

  1484. Im really desperate to visit a swedish flea market like the one you visited above!! after having moved here from england in september ive noidea where to go. I would be most delighted and greatful if anyone could give me details. Please contact me on Thank you!!!

  1485. Everyone: Thank you!

    Strikkelise Ja, jag fick vottem?nstret. Ska bara skriva ut det ocks?!

    Malin I have taken a lot of winter pictures with our Ixus 400 and it works fine, just use it a lot and add light! :-) Have fun taking lots of photos!

    Linda V Det ?r min pojkv?n som tagit bilden, men det ?r jag som st?llt dit honom och planerat hur allt skulle se ut. Det var kul att leka fotomodell! :-)

    Maria Ja, visst ?r det sensommar mer ?n v?rm?nad, men jag ?r g?rna Maj!

    U L A N I don’t think you can blog individual sets from flickr really, I have made small pictures from my sets with photoshop and published them here with links to the sets. Magic! ;-)

    Anneli Jaaaa, det ?r sant. J?ttekonstigt men sant.

  1486. Kolla vad jag har hittat!! V?rldens gulligaste Hanna i v?rldens mysigaste blogg! Den gjorde min dag mycket mer rosaskimmrande ?n n?r jag vaknade med magsm?rtor i morse! Shit vad du e pysslig! Kramar din klassis M

  1487. The scarf is just great – bizarre (because it’s made from granny squares) and hilarious (because it’s made from granny squares). And it’s cute as a button.

    Hey, great photos – and especially the photo layout.

  1488. ?h, Gud, det h?r beh?vde jag verkligen inte nu! (borde l?sa i retorikboken och ha ?ngest) Men tack s? mycket f?r tipsen, det ska bli ett n?je att utforska halva natten och plugga resten :)

  1489. Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog. Hanna, the book will roll up and will fit inside the round cylinder! Does that make sense? Obviously the book will be soft bound and not very many pages. I am looking at making a small journal with about 12 pages and a soft cover! Linda:-D

  1490. Nu hittade jag ?ntligen l?nken till Majbilden. Var inne och kollade n?gon dag sedan, m?ste ha varit blind som inte hittade d?. En s?n vacker st?mningsful sommarkv?llsbild – klart du passar p? att sticka!

    Tittade igenom dina bildsamlingar. Kul och inspirerande!

  1491. I have absolutely no idea how I’m seeing this post today for the first time! I had two large sheets of this foam, and I gave them away on the 19th, in a crafting forum meet! This is such a cool idea! I can’t believe I’m going to have to buy me new foam, when I had so much of it! LOL!

  1492. Hej!

    Vilken underbar skaparlusta du sprudlar av! Vill bli som du ;-)

    N?r jag t?gluffade f?r l?ngesen hade jag med mig en tjock bunt med gamla G?teborgskort, lim, hopvikbar sax, en tjock, rosa penna som det blev lack-blank f?rg av, osv… S? ?verallt jag kom s? skickade jag modifierade G?teborgskort till mina v?nner (med collage av diverse papper uppsamlade p? platsen jag befann mig).

  1493. They’re great! What a nice way to while away the time – collage is one of my favourite things to do on a rainy, not-much-to-do day.

    I wanna see one of your handbound books – so do finish one soon!

  1494. very cool collages. I love making collages. I’ve been looking around your blog and your shop you and your mom make great stuff. Found you on Whip Up. Keep the ideas coming. Adorable stuff!

  1495. Oh, tjusigt! Jag tycker ocks? om att g?ra egna vykort av gamla tidningar och s?nt. Ofta s? blir de ju skojiga och myckte mer personliga d?. :) Den med fj?rilen ?r min favorit!

  1496. Oh, I love these!!! marvelous job. I have been wanting to do this but never get around to it–have you done one’s with fabric also? anyhow, hope you have a great class and I can’t wait to see what you make next!

  1497. Hi!
    I think this personn is someone of good faith,a lot of people don’t know what copyright is until they have their own ideas stolen! I know how much this can be awful. And by the way, your pattern are really great! I love them

  1498. I stumbled in here after finding traffic coming from you to Soul Food. Your work is totally inspirational and I would just love you to come across and participate in the Soul Food Community. Cool work!

  1499. I just discovered your website and have added it to my favorites. You has such inspirational stuff here! I look forward to reading more about your creative adventures!!


  1500. I purchased a set of 30 Caran d’Ache water wax pastels for less than 145 kr on Ebay and shipping was 75 kr… I love the brushes and have asked my sister to go to the art store for me before she comes to visit in November! Golden gel medium is on the list!

  1501. Hmmm…listen to crafting talk? that sounds too weird to me, but since you recommended so many, I’ll give it a try! Thanks for all the references.

  1502. Perfect timing! I just got an iPod and have been trying to find some great crafty podcasts to listen to. Thanks so much!

    ps – I just found your blog and I love it. :o)

  1503. thank you so much for sharing this Hanna! I put the podcast on the kitchen computer and listened while cleaning yestersday! I listened to craft sanity–it was awesome! I live in the stone age compared to you, so thank you for enlightening me!!! xxoo Lia
    p.s. can’t wait to listen to more today!

  1504. Your collage postcards are ART not craft. Just great. I have a whole stack of not so great postcards. Now I’m inspired to try to “improve” them.
    Thank you.

  1505. dear hanna, for some reason (i don’t remember which) i put your blog under favourites some weeks ago. i just looked at your ‘altered books’ and ‘collage & clippings’. i like them very very much.

  1506. Jag gillar ugglorna…. riktigt retrofula…. p?minner mig om utst?llningen Stig Lindberg p? Nationalmuseum som jag nyss sett. Massor av 40- 50-talskeramik o porsli i glada f?rger o m?nster, crazy former o m mycket humor!!! Rekommenderas!
    H?lsn. Helena

  1507. jag skulle s?ga att shabby chic handlar v?l inte om rosa v?ggar, utan mer om en lantlig, feminin stil, lite slitet. man kan ju inte bli annat ?n k?r! :P

  1508. I live in a house that is finished and yet never finished. I?m always getting carried away, moving furniture around, moving pictures around and changing the uses of different rooms and corners. I think it?s become my main hobby…and I love it. It sounds like you need to make your own list of 101 things in 1001 days!

  1509. This is something I haven?t started yet…but now that I have an Ipod I really should start. Thanks for the tips!

  1510. lol… my name is ella.. is that really what i look like…. WOW i must look pretty good… =]…. good work hannah i like you ella doll its very intreging

  1511. I love collecting pieces (and trades with other artists) that will go on the walls, but my problem is they are not framed so the remain packaged up + not on the walls.

  1512. wow – where do you get your energy! what a fantastic week filled with more creativity than I manage in a month – and your mum sounds just wonderful! – I’m off to check out your links!
    take care

  1513. Hei! S? snill mamma du har som har strikket det nydelige sjalet til deg. Det blir godt ? slenge rundt seg en vinterkveld. Dere hadde det nok koselig sammen da hun var p? bes?k. ?nsker deg en fin s?ndag, Hanna!

  1514. Busy week! But it sounds like you had a wonderful time even it was a little stressfull. Awesome shawl! I bet that took a long time to finish!

  1515. I am joining Hagit in the excitement! The small crafty swaps are best on Swap-bot! The box you received is very pretty and I would not have thought to cover our solstickan…they are such a classic!

  1516. Hi Hanna,

    I am loving the new look of your site, and especially your store that you share with your Mum! So many goodies. Hope you are well. Nice to see all your creations. I also am very very fond of your owl collage!


  1517. tjenixen! vilken supercoool sida!!! Du g?r ju galet snygga och roliga saker. Maste kika in igen. Och det ?r inte utan att jag undrar hur du hittade till mig….? :-)
    Ha det fint och forts?tt skapa! (jag sitter h?r och syr getingbyxor jag)

  1518. Lots of fun stuff happening here. Owls, cats, birds! I’m in envy of your owl candle holder. Very sweet.

  1519. I love your collage and the frame is just perfect!! Ebay is very dangerous…believe me, I’ve spent hundreds of dollars there! :-)
    When I first saw the fabric pictures I was sure they’re paper, because that’s what i mostly buy there. Thank god I’m not into fabric yet! Oh, and your bird is so cute!

  1520. Hanna!
    Your blog is amazing. I adore your collage work. and I’m in love with your wee hand sewn bird. Would you like to do a trade with me sometime? I can send you some vintage goodies and a some of my collage work, and maybe some of my handmade ornaments.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I look forward to reading you.
    – Meegan

  1521. Hello from France
    I like to read of you and look at your pictures, it is every time a new pleasure. I get curious, inspired, we never have enough time, enough fabrics, but it is so nice to find time to communicate about creation.

  1522. Fy f?r sn? och svensk vinter! (jag hade tur som ?kte iv?g lagom till sn?kaoset). J?ttes?ta p?sar, jag beundrar dig som har t?lamod att brodera vackra rosor.

  1523. I love your winter pictures! The red berries and dark twigs against the snow! The dry grasses in the snow, with the forest and sky in the background! The bare trees! Wonderful.

  1524. i love the little skull lavendar bags, very cool idea, you should make more of them, they would make really good christmas presents :)

  1525. hi hanna,

    some beaders i know say that when you’re copied is when it means that you are doing a good work, being creative and that it is a sign for you. it means you are a professional. i tend to be like you and think it’s just bull, it’s good to give people that started the idea credit, and then again we’ve discussed copyright issues so many times!!! they say that if you copy instructions and rewrite as is it is infringement, if you make your own pattern then it’s ok. BUT, i am sure there are ways to go around this, like if this person here is selling them, the smart thing to do would be to at least create her own faces, right? change the style… even if that tail stands up etc… there is a style that is perosnal to each and no two faces are ever the same.
    take care of yourself, do something about this, if you have a brand on it, i hear that your items are automaticaly copyrighted as well

  1526. Hi Hanna! Gorgeous cat owl collage! The frame is perfect. And looks like you got yourself a fantastic bundle of fabric on the way. Also wanted to say thank you for your kind comments on my blog (I tried to reply but your email address bounced).

  1527. oh – lovely lavender! fabulous bags – I must stop reading blogs right now and go and make something!!!
    thank you

  1528. decor8 is not worth visiting – all the photos are fuzzy and there is so much ripped off from other sites, bleh.

  1529. Oh, I can almost smell those sachets! They’re beautiful! And your flickr photos bring a whole new world, too. The berries are beautiful and also that mushroom you once posted a picture of. Don’t tell anyone, but I didn’t even know such polka dotted red mushrooms really existed!

  1530. I have bought cut fabric squares from Ebay before and they were always cut nicely and a wide variety of fabrics! Perfect for quilting, fabric ATC’s or collage work! If you don’t like them, send them to me…You know we cannot get such good bargains here in Sweden!, LOL!

  1531. Jag fotade ocks? r?nnb?rsklasarna under sina sn?t?cken h?romdan, d? n?r v?rlden blev vit h?r i Ume?…hur fint som helst! Tr?kigt att det t?ade sedan. Nu ?r det ju bara halt ?verallt, och inte alls lika vackert.

  1532. Hanna, as always I am in awe of your creativity and talent in so many areas! I love the lavender sachets with the ribbon embroidery…those will be such nice gifties for the holidays. Keep up the great work, I love reading your blog and seeing what you are up to.

  1533. they look really cool. I just made a rice heating bag with some lavendar in it too. it smells so good when i heat it up, just makes me relax.

  1534. Hey Hanna.
    Don’t be content to just visit Soul Food. With wonderful work like this you should be over here publishing on some of our weblogs that form the Lemurian Constellation. Your work is just spectacular.
    warm hugs

  1535. That is a beautiful rug. Great job!!! I have been making a few rugs of my own………..canvas, painted ones, and I did start to knit one. The knitted one is almost done, and is a round one like yours, but I just can’t do the last few finishing steps. I kind of have a style that supports the country braided rug, and a bit of contemporary too. Those colors would work GREAT in my home. I am envious.

  1536. Oh how great. I love fabric strips, but I have been knitting with mine. Colourful bags on huge needles – and they kind of hurt the fingers too!

  1537. Hello :)

    I too LOVE shabby chic, and anything with roses. I am an artist, and I paint and distress old furniture and unique pieces for OOAK furniture art.
    I love pink, but many of my custom jobs ask for white. What do you think? And thank you so much for having such a cool blog about shabby chic! :)

  1538. Your rug is really beautiful, so colourful and jolly, it is a little bit of summer in the winter.

  1539. The rug is wonderful! It will be really wonderful once winter rolls around again for you with all those lovely colors.

  1540. Beautiful colors in your rug! These types of rugs always remind me of cozy nights in front of fireplaces. Of course I’ve never done that (not much need for it growing up in So. California, and although a bit more chilly in No. California not enough to fire it up) … so I’m not sure where this “memory” comes from. Ah, maybe from reading Laura Wilder’s “Little House on the Prairie” books when I was a child.

  1541. absolutely sensational!!! I love it the colors the size everything it’s perfect!!! and yes I am sure your hand hurt!! what a beautiful result though!!! love it!! hugs Linda

  1542. Jag ?LSKAR Marie Claire Id?es – s? snygg och inspirerande (och dyyyr, p? plats i Frankrike ocks?), k?per med den hem s? ofta jag kommer ?t n?r jag bes?ker Frankriket. Och att virka med en fransk beskrivning ?r alltid en extra utmaning :)

    Sticka & virka ?r ocks? h?rlig. Jag tycker den ?r befriande, allt ?r s? “fulfint”, s? fullt av skapargl?dje. Visste inte att hon har gjort en v?skbok, n?r kom den?

  1543. Hey Hannah — oh yes, the thrill of foreign magazines…YUM! I subscribe to the French Marie Claire Ide?s — even when the projects are dissapointing the photos are a delight. Still enjoying your blog (WONDERFUL RUG!) Your friend from the South (well, most places are south for you..)

  1544. oh, i have been wanting to make one of those for a while, for my kitchen!

    yours looks so lovely! great, great work.

  1545. Jag l?nade Sticka & virka p? biblioteket och ?r glad att jag inte k?pte den. Jag hittade ingenting d?r som jag ville g?ra! Allt var s? knasigt :-D

  1546. Yes! The bags are cool aren’t they. I got the idea from a book called “Fast Knits: Fat Needles” I havent made one for myself yet, but people who have them say they get LOTS of comments. A couple of friends who have one each go out together with their bags, which is very sweet.
    Thankyou for your comments on my blog too.

  1547. Thankyou for sharing the images from your magazine. So much creativity to inspire out there just makes my heart sing excitedly.
    I love the photo of your mother all tucked up with magazine and snoozing cat beside her.

  1548. De er s? vakre lavendelposene dine; tittet innom shopen om de var der jeg :-) ?nsker deg en god skapende uke!!

  1549. Hi! What fun your post was. I also posted about books as my big studio indulgence. Hey, if you like house and design and art magazines, and don’t mind out of date ones (in English), I can send you an envelope full. Just e-mail me!

  1550. I want that cozy quilt you’re snuggled up in! I’m a book-a-holic also. I’ll need to find a way to get my hands on a some great Swedish craft books — they look fantastic. And of course Country Living is awesome for inspiration.

  1551. congratulations, hanna! i wish there was a bookbinding class i could take here where i live.

    your book looks great! i’m sure before long you’ll be selling some of your creations in your store. ;-)

  1552. I totally get yourr excitement. There is just something about a blank notebook that is brimming with possibility. Your book is lovely. And now you can make many many more…

  1553. Hey Hannah, Your bookshelf is also weighed down with a giant fuzzy kitty! Thanks for the inspiration, Melissa

  1554. Welcome to the world of bookbinding! I’m like you – blank-journal-obsessed – and when I took a bookbinding class about three years ago, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities. I’m now a book-making crazy lady! Congratulations on your first book – it looks awesome!

  1555. Hi! What a beautiful blog you have, Hanna! I’m amazed at the number of things your dip into. Your book is splendid! What will you do with it once you’re finished–journal or scrapbook, mabye? Bookbinding, now that’s something I’ve always wanted to try too. You give us much inspiration–thank you! Happy Days! :o)

  1556. Hi Hanna! How impressive that you actually made a book! I like to journal also (although I’ve never tried an art journal…I’m starting to get inspired to try). I’m so picky about the paper in journals and can rarely find the kind I like. I like the kind that’s kind of rough, not slick. I can’t imagine knowing how to make a whole book — you must feel sorta goddess-like!

  1557. I love handmade books — I love making them, holding them, writing in them. And yours is simply beautiful. Nice work!

  1558. Beautiful wrist warmers! It’s odd, but my hands always seem to get cold when working on the computer … even if it’s a warm day. As for the unmounted stamps, my friend orders some from a company that uses acrylic blocks as the temporary bases. This way you can see where you’re placing your stamps. I’m unclear as to what she uses to keep it on the acrylic.

  1559. I LOVE this rug! I have been wanting to make one of these for so long and I even found one of those giant sized hooks at the thrift store. I’ve really got to do this! Thanks so much for sharing.

  1560. Verkligen fint tyg! Det ?r roligt n?r tyg man k?pt f?r ett bra tag sedan kommer till anv?ndning. Jag ?r en s?n d?r som k?per tyg som kan “vara bra att ha”!

  1561. Love it! The fabric reminds me of wallpaper I grew up with. I like the embroidered/machine stitched identity tags. Did you make them?

  1562. It’s awesome, so retro. I like that lining! I love orange and about anything in orange. Well done. Looking good. I love to recycle old stuff myself too. ;-)

  1563. This is fantastic! Especially for a first try – wow! I think the lining fabric is wonderful – it certainly goes well with the retro fabric. Good stuff!

  1564. From reading your blog, this really IS you – great job!

    “The huge punchmachine” sounds really good – but I can’t see your photo (it’s private) on flickr? ;-)

  1565. Great collage! It looks like it was lots of fun to make too. (And your purse yesterday? I would never have guessed it was your first…very well done.)

  1566. Hi,
    You said in a google search that I did you have a free patten for making Lovikka mittens. I have a pair for which I lost the mate and am wanting to make or buy one matching glove. I have had them foramost 35 years and they are the best.
    thanks you your help,

  1567. hannah, i LOVE this collage. it completely delights me. i know the feeling of your art not feeling the same in a scan as it does in person. sigh. but know that this comes across beautifully–and it made my day!

  1568. Your site is truly an inspiration!
    Your stuff too for that matter, my friend’s mother is tying to make one of those little patchworkbags as the ones I bought in your shop

  1569. this is AWESOME Hanna! I also saw the site you refer to at the end, and I LOVE her art collages. makes me want to try a big one.
    again, you did a magnificant job with this collage. ~Lia

  1570. Fantastisk! Jeg har ogs? noe retrostoff liggende som jeg fant p? loppis for over et ?r siden som jeg tenkte ? lage veske av. Men n? tror jeg jammen jeg skal tr? til med en kjole i stedet. Takk for inspirasjonen!

  1571. “What big eyes you have”
    “All the better to see you with my dear..”

    Oh, that was a wolf. Still, love the big eyes.

    Get better soon!

  1572. Sigh. I do a lot of different crafts but I gotta tell ya, bookmaking is one of the most satisfying ones (followed very closely by collage). I just love taking paper, cardboard, glue and maybe some twine and creating a book. A real book. And it’s one of those crafts that even though I now know how to do it, it doesn’t make it any less magical. I just swoon everytime I make a crisp, clean edge. I’m sure boxmaking won’t be too far in the future for you. Another joy to create. Have fun with this new found love Hanna!!!

  1573. thanks for the health warning – I’m typing at arms length. that is one scary bunny. hope you feel better soon…. try drinking a lot of whisky

  1574. I am so happy for you! It looks great. The feeling of accomplishment is beyond words isn’t it? As an art teacher I get to see kids get to this point everyday…….when they do something that had no idea they were capable of:) WOW……Keep up the good work!!! Linda

  1575. These lavender bags are adorable. You should put them on an Etsy shop and sell them. What cute little stocking stuffers they would be:) I live outside of St. Louis, Missouri and there is a lavender farm not a mile down the road. I love driving by with the windows down….smelling the sweet smell the flowers bring. They have a little shop on the property where they sell lotions, pillows, shampoo, soap etc. all made from their lavender. You can also pay 12.00 and cut a bouquet of lavender yourself. Really lovely little treat!

  1576. I love the bag with the crocheted flowers – very pretty! However, I don’t really like that living room – it’s too white, cold and elegant. It could use that colorful rug you made! ;-)

  1577. ?h, v?skan med de virkade blommorna ?r j?ttefin, ?lskar hur du kombinerade med broderiet (jag ?nskar att jag orkade brodera – och sy v?skor…)

  1578. Du ?r en fena p? handledsv?rmare. Den d?r buteljgr?na ?r vacker som en victoriansk princessbakelse. Du ?r s??? kreativ!

  1579. I SO love your collage! SO much pink and fun and color and texture and fun! It makes me happy!!!!

  1580. hi Hanna,

    I adore the pink crocheted flowers. It turned out lovely!
    I absolutely love Yvla Skarp’s home, thank you for posting a link to the article and all of the photos. I dream of a home like that myself as well. I hope you’re feeling better soon! – M

  1581. I love the crocheted flowers. I may have to do that for a few things I’ve been making lately! Crocheted flowers are all the rage lately!

    I found your blog through whip up (I think) and I’m enjoying it very much!

  1582. Hej!
    Glad you are better! Love those gloves and hat and Basig Gray is my absolute favorite paper! I don’t want to use mine because I love it so much!

  1583. Hello :) I’m Sandrine from Belgium ! I’m working in a sweddish store with yellow and blue flag LOL ! I’m happy that I found your blog ! I love your creations and all the things here ! I’m happy happy happy !! Big smooches :)

  1584. good you’re feeling better! but it’s this time of year … you’ve been really productive despite it all. the beads really prep it all up. well done!

  1585. Wow, that dressed up sofa looks great! I have a similar story – when I moved into my apt. a large sofa was already in it – very old and not pretty, but SO comfortable! So I put cloth over it (I don’t know how to sew, so just used a bed cover), and I won’t throw it away. I love it! I’ll upload it to my blog so you can see :-)

  1586. Fantastic job on the arm chair cover!!!!! I need to do that with a couch and an arm chair and have been so nervous. One day huh! I am truly impressed.

  1587. so nice site you’ve got. i enjoyed looking at the pictures. hey, i have got exactly the same old boring desk ( i use it for my sewing)and you gave me an idea to make it lively-the problem is when can i do it.

  1588. so nice site you?ve got. i enjoyed looking at the pictures. hey, i have got exactly the same old boring desk ( i use it for my sewing)and you gave me an idea to make it lively-the problem is when can i do it.

  1589. Stolen du trakk om ble veldig fin! Jeg likte fasongen veldig godt ogs? – god gammeldags. :) Sikkert veldig komfertabel ? sitte i.

  1590. I am very comfortably inspired after reading your post today Hanna! :-) Awesome job brightening up the old chair!!!

  1591. I just love that pink dress for little girls – I have to make it. Is it any way possible to obtain the pattern?

  1592. The chair looks comfy for the kitty; they don’t care how something looks anyway! I am the same way about thrift store finds – even if, in my imagination, I can “see” how something would look refinished or redecorated, I’m just too dang LAZY!

  1593. Hei Hanna
    Can you do a tutorial on this crochet scarf, or direct me to the pattern? It looks super in the mohair! Thanks, Gill (in Norway).

  1594. Vilka snygga sjalar. ?r den bl?a ocks? en sjal? H?ller med om att stickning ?r perfekt att ta med n?r man ska pyssla utanf?r hemmet. Jag brukar ta med n?r jag ?ker t?g eller buss, men oftast s? blir det inget f?rdigt av det. hihi

  1595. Hanna! I just found your blog. So fun! And my favorite thing is the bag with the embroidery and crocheted flowers.

  1596. Crochet is great because it is so portable – and no worries about losing stitches either.
    I love kanzashi flowers, but I am not brave enough to try one yet!

  1597. Great scarf! I just started knitting, I guess I will try crochet soon too :)
    Thanks or the link to that video. I am at work and I had a paper napkin right beside me. I tried folding it – it#s really easy and looks good!

  1598. Hello!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog!! I love your blog. The white bunny is so cute. I never learned to crochet, but someday, I hope to figure out how to do bead crochet:)

  1599. how funny…earlier today i was thinking of ribbon candy that we always used to have at Christmas when i was a little girl…these scarves look just like ribbon candy to me! :) Absolutely beautiful!

  1600. ?, vilka fina sjalar! Jag ?nskar jag kunda ha mohair och ylle, f?r det ?r s? vackert. Men p? mig kliar det som fanken :(
    S?ljer du dem i shoppen? M?ste kolla!
    Trevlig helg!

  1601. Bea is hysterical with laughter. She thinks your big eyed bunnies are “pretty silly.” Cute cute cute.

  1602. Wow, the Martha btton wreath is so beautiful and simple!! I’m so jealous of Xmas – I’m going to make me one! :)

  1603. what shop is this? I want to call them. I am looking for plastic candelabras. let me know!

  1604. yeah the button wreath looks pretty good, I haven’t really started decorating yet, thinking about doing the tree on the weekend,

  1605. I like Martha’s button wreath too! Too bad I don’t have enough buttons to make one. I’m trying to post a picture a day of how I’m decorating this year. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get 24-25 but I’ll try to come up with something.

  1606. Dend?r Martha hon kan hon. Du ocks? f?r det ?r s? roligt att l?sa h?r f?r det ?r alltid s? himla inspirerande, vad du ?n skriver om! Tacktack!

  1607. Hanna:
    15 kr for a lim stick r dyrt!
    Kolla p Ebay! Jag briker kp 6 stk frn Panduro 49 kr! med alla storlet till 20 gr

  1608. Well, I did have big plans but they just haven’t happened this year….again! I don’t know, christmas comes up so quickly and BAM, I’m all out of time. I do have the tree up, and lights out, and candy canes in a vase on the table though, so it’s a little festive around here. I love christmas so much but this year I’m leaving the organising up to everybody else!

  1609. oh, I love the matchbox ornament link, this one uses the inside so nicely unlike other one’s I’ve seen! I usually don’t get too crafty for christmas either but this year I’ve made a few simple ornaments. I told one of my friends the other day and she remarked, “you just have TOO much time on your hands…” tsk tsk. Anyhoo, I did re-vamp a glass vase I had pinecones in for fall harvest time. I put those away for next year, cleaned up the glass, and put vintage ornaments, bells on the bottom that were leftover from last year, and a white bow and voila, a ‘cottage-vintage style’ decoration. I love taking things I have and reworking them. It’s so much fun to see the change a bit of ribbon or such can do! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and thanks for sharing all the links and ideas! ~Lia

  1610. Hei Hanna :-)

    Jeg syns ogs? begge var veldig vakre! B?de veskene dine, som egentlig var geniale i sin enkelthet, og interi?ret. Jeg likte s?rlig godt den med blomstene.

    Vi har et helt nytt tomt rom som jeg pr?ver ? finne ideer til hvordan innrede, og bildet du lenka til hadde mange detaljer som jeg ?nsker ? bruke. S? takk for titten :-)


  1611. Your fabric choices are perfect. Festive and bright. I lost a rather large branch on a Japanese maple in the storm. I was thinking about using it in the house somehow. Love your idea of decorating with your hearts.

  1612. I saw those branches, too. A very easy but beautiful project. They would look gorgeous next to an enlarged photo that you took of the snow and red berries.

    Love your hearts.

  1613. hej hanna!

    vilken inspirationsk?lla du ?r!
    just d?rf?r vill jag sprida kreativiteten vidare och l?nkar till dig p? min sida. hoppas du tycker det ?r ok.
    keep up the spirit!

  1614. Well, I sure do like those rooms! Check out this owl sweater on Urban outfitters. I love how the sleeves are slightly flared and have buttons. Love the underwear.

  1615. Jttesta uggletrosor!

    Fr man pengar fr att ge blod i Ume? Det fr man inte i Stockholm (men jag fr nd inte ge eftersom jag var i Colombia i somras). Om jag behver extrapengar fr jag slja en njure p svarta marknaden eller utstta mig fr plgsamma medicinska experiment (de gr reklam fr dem verallt p min skola – exploatering av svltande studenter :) )

    Din titel lter lite skrmmande, som att det var illegala pengar eller slda israeliska blodapelsiner eller nt.

  1616. hej! god jul!
    wOw that’s a wonderful angel + so neat you’re miss may!
    nice to meet you. i love your creative + clever blog.
    i just found you from a comment link on pinkmohair :D

  1617. N?, h?r har det heller inte hunnit bakas n?gra julkakor ?nnu. Men i kartongen med julsaker, som fortfarande ligger kvar i k?llaren, ligger bland annat en hel samling med kakformar med olika djurmotiv och v?ntar. Dottern kommer f?rmodligen att bli s??? f?rtjust n?r vi v?l kommer ig?ng och s?kert accompagnera med ‘pepparkakeland’, som hon l?rt sig p? dagis nyligen.

    Mmmm… mohairsockor ?r lyx f?r kalla vinterf?tter. Och t?nk att Kappahl har s? coola grejjer!

  1618. Kitty var j?ttes?t, du ?r s? duktig. :) Jag tycker ocks? att man ska k?nna sj?lv vad man vill g?ra och vem man vill vara, men jag vet, det ?r inte l?tt. Jag jobbar fortfarande p? det. Men jag vet vad jag vill g?ra idag: julpyssla. :) Nu ska jag kika in hos din kompis en sv?ng ocks?. Ha en trevlig m?ndag!

  1619. YAY for HELLO KITTY! She was born in 1975 in England (not in Japan as is commonly thought.) I have been a fan ever since. I’m going to do a post soon about how I became a fan and I’ll let you know so you can check. It involves a police station. I have the toaster that toasts HK’s face into every slice of bread. Last week, husband came home with the Hello Kitty popcorn maker from Target (
    I had a HK rice cooker but it finally broke. I wanted to use it for plants but husband threw it away.

  1620. Du lyckades verkligen med din virkade Hello Kitty!

    Och tack f?r det d?r om vuxna och leksaker och normer och f?rv?ntningar. Det ?r typ vad jag pluggar lite just nu k?nns det som, och det du skrev var befriande att l?sa :)

  1621. she did turn out great! yes, I too grew up with hello kitty-
    i just saw you mentioned my knitty girl!
    thanks! i didn’t know you were in the calendar- i may have to get one-
    as usual, so many fun things to look at here-

  1622. Quite a list you’ve got there! You made me remember that I have to renew my subscription to ME Home Companion!! I just *HEART* that mag. don’t you?
    Til next time….

  1623. I love all of your suggestions, Hanna, especially the book on the Leonardo Trait. I have the Junk Market decorating book and really like it. It was on a sale rack for $7. As for the cup and bowl, why not decoupage them to wood and shellac over, then hang them on your wall. You’ll never have to wash them like real dishes.

    Rock on.

  1624. I always see such cool things on your site and come away giggling with the “I want that too’s”! The Leonard book sounds cool and it reminds me of “How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci,” which is one of the most amazing books I’ve read. The bookshelf is totally awesome, too.

  1625. I too have large amounts of books, coffee mugs and art supplies, and just a lot of magazines in general. The books I refuse to get rid of, so I’m now at almost 1300 (and only in the 10 years since I graduated college), but the other things I pare down once in a while. The magazines I’m going through right now.

  1626. Vet du vad, din lista fick mig att sitta upp halva natten och surfa. *fnissar* Porslinet ?r helt underbart,tidningarna vill jag ocks? ha, ja…min lista kan nog bli lika l?ng som din. Tack f?r alla tipsen!

  1627. The Leonardo Trait would be a great gift. I’ll make sure Santa knows you want one so he can drop by and pick up a copy before he hits your house.

    Thanks for the plug!

    Angie Dixon
    Author, The Leonardo Trait: Living the Multipassionate Life

  1628. Great kitty! and I really like the moles too. Ok, and the bunnies :)
    I’m 28 and I’ve always collected toys.. for a while I tried to hide it and say they were for kids who come visit my house but eventually I had to admit that there aren’t that many kids visiting here :)

    I also hate dirty dishes..

  1629. Hi!!

    Lovely cats!! and lovely books too!! I am buying some of them, the ones I could find at Amazon, I can?t understand how it works the page you sent, as for prices, etc….
    Thank you for sharing!

  1630. It all looks wonderful, I’m sorry that it was a bit of a disappointment (but we just won’t talk about that). Sometimes meeting really great people + making connections can make a disappointing show a bit better.
    Great building!

  1631. Looks like a great place, too bad the business wasn’t so good.
    I grew up with those exact same small vintage santas, and I would love to buy some if there are any left!

  1632. Hey i love this idea but live in the uk and don’t know what other drinks are like Koolaid (any ideas). Also do you have to put anything else in with the drink so it does not run in the rain etc etc.

  1633. Oh your pictures are SO sweet! Bummer that you didn’t sell out! I made a bunch of blank journals and put them in a bazaar this year and didn’t sell enough to recover my rental fee either. But I was okay with it…I met some good people and got lots of support and ideas for next year. So the stuff I “earned” wasn’t just monetary. Your stuff is so incredibly super cute so please keep it out there! Another time, another place, your ship will come in!!! :-)

  1634. Ser underbart ut! Brukar vara s? mysigt p? julmarknader. Framf?rallt blir man s? inspirerad av alla p?hittiga och duktiga m?nniskor!

  1635. I love them! I’ve always wanted to be able to do something like this – I just love their style and look.

  1636. Hanna–These are SO, SO FABULOUS!!!! You are very talented in everything including collage! I hope you do more of them in the new year too! ~Lia

  1637. I love your site and check in a couple times per week, but today you popped up when I accessed Stumble!!! HOw cool is that?

  1638. Better start saving up if you want to take a course in Tuscany with Ltyne Perrella !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are not cheap.
    Maybe I should start some courses up !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
    joan in italy
    3 hours away from Cortona

  1639. that cup and dish are soooo beautiful! A rose-printed set of coffee cups and dishes is also on my list! I collect anything with roses! I loved this blog and I’m going to add you to my blogroll – would you do the same please? Love and merry xmas!

  1640. you are so funny! that’s such an amazing wishlist. i wouldn’t mind some things either. been treating myself for years though with marie claire idees. sooo fabulous. in germany, you can buy it at the kiosks at railway stations and here in lux, i just buy it anywhere. but i’m a visual junkie and like all kinds of magazines. runs in my family. :)

  1641. S? vackra, du ?r j?tteduktig! Jag skulle vilja g?ra en “riktig”, och se om n?n f?gel skulle vilja bo i den :)

  1642. Very, very beautiful bird houses. I love it. They can decorate nicely. How about a fake little bird by the door?

  1643. ?h, s? heldig mora di er! S? fantastisk flott fuglehus, og for noen ideer du har og s? flink du er til ? sette dem ut i praksis.
    * SUKK * Du setter terskelen for oss andre veldig h?yt ;)

  1644. Awww, they’re so cute! I just got a whole heap of old flannel shirts (that pattern) off of my grandmother that I plan to cut up and use in toymaking. The fabric is just nice and soft and perfect for making critters!

    These look great – looks as though you’ve been very busy!

  1645. Merry Christmas, have a happy one and a great new year too. Your work is always inspirational and I hope to get into collage one day when I get a moment!

  1646. lovely! I’ve seen so many cute little toys like this on blogs I’m starting to feel sorry for not having kids to buy them for!!

    I’ve added your blog to my blogroll – would you the same if you like mine please? congratulations! I know well it’s not easy to find time for blogging when you have your own business but you blog is so full of great ideas!

  1647. The mountain cabin in the snow with the fireplace, and cozy kitty on your lap while knitting, sounds so dreamy! :)

    Happy Holidays & Best Wishes for the New Year!

  1648. Hope you have a wonderful christmas dinner at school today. I’ve never hear of a jumper made on circular needles before. Sounds fantastic.
    Hope you have a wonderful christmas. Such an exciting time of year. I’ve started posting again on my blog, well it is christmas after all. Love from – Julia x

  1649. Hope you have a wonderful christmas dinner at school today. I’ve never hear of a jumper made on circular needles before. Sounds fantastic.
    Hope you have a wonderful christmas. Such an exciting time of year. I’ve started posting again on my blog, well it is christmas after all. Love from – Julia x

  1650. Oh, det ?vre fotot ser ut som taget ur en tjusig inredningstidning – j?ttefint! Du och din blogg ?r s? himla inspirerande, det ?r n?stan (men bara n?stan…) s? att jag f?r lite julst?mning. God jul du ocks

  1651. Hi.

    I have been reading your blog for about 5-6 months via Bloglines. I remember when you first got your cat (Smilla?), and I have always thought that she was so pretty. After all this time of admiring your blog, what finally got me to comment is the fact that my husband found an abandoned kitten at a job site this last week and he e-mailed me a photo… She looks kind of like yours!

    He is on his way home now and I will meet the kitty in about an hour. (We already have two cats, one dog, a snake, and a mouse that the snake rejected.)

    Anyhow, I feel kind of like a dork because I pick that reason to comment. If you’d like to see a picture of the kitty, I have posted the photo that my husband sent on my blog.

    Now, I’ll go back to my semi-silent admiration of your site. Happy Holidays. :-)

  1652. Hi,

    Thanks for the kind words! I love your blog. Craftsanity was so fun to do, and I’ve heard from a lot of crafty people from all over the world. It’s been great. Take care.


  1653. Det var mange inspirerende linker p? en gang, takk for at du deler dem med oss. Godt at du er kommet i julestemning – jeg h?per du f?r en riktig god jul :-)

  1654. Jag gillade ocks? vad jag s?g i senaste Cutting Edge n?r jag var i en tidningsaff?r h?romdagen. S? jag k?pte den och ?r nu sugen p? att g?ra ugglan, grodan, apan, Wee-juldekorationer mm. Ha en sk?n jul!

  1655. Hanna-
    so glad that you found me, so that I could find you!!
    Love the Christmas cards ~ I can never seem to make Christmas cards!!
    I always have a block. Anyway, they look great. :)
    Happy Holidays~

  1656. God jul till dig ocks?, Hanna!
    Om du ?r i Storstaden n?got s? kan du v?l h?ra av dig?
    Numer ?r jag dagledig …

  1657. K?re Hanna

    Gl?delig jul – vi har jo samme tradition her i Danmark med at fejre julen d. 24 – s? du har ret: i dag er i det i dag – nu er det NU

  1658. Happy holidays and best wishes! My thanks to you too – even when I don’t comment, I always read, and I enjoy your blog tremendously! Thanks for sharing all your experiences and photos! I hope you get wonderful presents and enjoy a wonderful holiday. :)

  1659. GOD JUL! Idag ?ppnar vi presenter ocks? – s? ska det ju vara :)

    Varmaste ?nskningar till ett gott nytt ?r!


  1660. Jeg har sagt det f?r, og jeg skal gjenta det til det ikke lenger er sant: Jeg elsker disse lenkesidene dine! Du er et lokomotiv ut i webverden, du er en fly, et akebrett, en sykkel og pilspiss, du er kraften og energien, du er en kjemperask bil og en elefant, du er selve primus motor … Tusen takk for at du tar deg tid :D)

  1661. What a beautiful site! Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing all your wonderful inspiration. I look forward to visiting more often.

  1662. Hi again,
    I love your blog, every time I visit I try to learn something more about what you are up to. I love it that you work on crafting with your mom and that you are so proud of her work. I checked out your online shop and it is so wonderful.

    I mentioned you in my blog so hopefully you will get some new visitors just like I’ve gotten many visitors from you! I love it! Great cards, too, very creative.
    best, susan

  1663. Hei!

    S? mye fint p? bloggen og p? “shoppen” din. Jeg blir s? inspirert av alt du og din mor har lagd – tror jeg m? g? og strikke litt… ha en riktig god romjul og et godt nytt ?r.

  1664. A belated Merry Christmas to you, Hanna! I hope it was fantastic and my best wishes to you for the New Year. Keep up the fantastic blogging – I really enjoy hearing about what you have created…

  1665. Hey and Hi! I was in that chunky book too! I’m going to go look at your page in my book. Wow, it makes the planet seem smaller to connect with someone who lives so far away. I live near Portland, Oregon. I love your blog; you do wonderful art.

  1666. hey! ville bara s?ga att din blogg ?r grymt fin och att du inspirerar mig till att ?teruppta mitt pysslande. tacktack!

  1667. Hej fr?n Finland! Jag b?rjade min egen blog i september och har umm…I found your blog through some bloghopping and wanted to ask you if it’s ok that I added you to my link list. I think your blog is very inspirational, thanks for sharing! Feel free to visit me some time! And happy new year 2007! -koria.

  1668. Kjempefine bilder. Det aller f?rste bildet er min favoritt. Det ser abstrakt og nesten ikke helt ekte ut. Jeg f?r veldig lyst til ? lage noe n?r jeg ser p? det! Godt nytt ?r!

  1669. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Crafty New Year, in deed! Thank you SO much for your blissful inspiration! Looking forward to your continued adventures!!!


  1670. Love your pics and I couldn’t agree more in terms of how taking pictures makes me feel. I wanted desperately to get out and take some on Sunday but alas kids, play dates and other household concerns took precedence… but I’m with you. Not sure what Lina and Yvonne have said but happy new year.

  1671. Great photos!!! Christmas gets so fun again when there are little ones about to show their excitement and wonder of the day! I love all the photos and your little bed set is very cute =)

  1672. Men sn?lla du, jag ?r vr?limpad ?ver att du bloggar p? engelska ?ver huvudtaget!! :) Jag ?r helt kass p? att skriva engelska!

  1673. Hanna,

    Sometimes when I think of all the crafts/decorating/writing etc. I want to do, I am paralyzed and cannot do anything. I was looking back at your archives while you were on holiday and I thought, “Look how MUCH this girl has accomplished!” and you became sort of an inspiration for me in the New Year. But you can never but pressure on yourself to create – if you take a step back and just relax, you will feel better.

    I will buy your book, so save one for me!

    I think your photographs make your blog wonderful. You have a unique way of viewing the world where everything seems to have great value and wonder. Please do not stop the photos – I will be so sad.

    Finally, it was your blog that got me into blogging and inspired me to look more into living creatively. A big thanks to you!

  1674. I do understand you, I?m at excatly the same considerations – and my head is humming with id?as, plans and New Year?s resolutions.

    Happy New Year Hanna and never mind the spelling, I think you get the message through anyway

  1675. There’s probably just as many spelling errors in my posts if not more. I kind of like that about blogs. It makes it feel all the more personal and not so polished and corporate like so many other things in our lives.

    Happy New Year to you Hanna! I can’t wait to see what creative and amazing things you will be up to in 2007! All the best.

  1676. jag h?rde att du tr?ffat Signe och Helgalisa, nog ?r det roligt med den lilla v?rlden!

  1677. Your English is great. I am so impressed. I took 4 years of Spanish and can barely order a beer?!?!

  1678. H?ller med Anneli – ?r superimpad att du skriver p? Engelska. Sj?lv blir jag lite r?dd f?r att bara kommentera p? Svenska… och dina stavfel har inte tagit bort fr?n det du s?ger – if you know what I mean.


  1679. iHanna, please don’t change a thing about the way you post! You’re such an inpsiration. And as for the spelling errors, I’m sure if I checked mine, there would be just as many lol. What kind of book are you wanting to publish? I’d be interested in seeing what it’s all about. I’m trying to write one also, but I’m only in the very beginning stages~I have to wait for the inspiration to come to me at times to create, anything, but especially with the writing. It seems I can go on & on with trivial stuff, but when it comes right down to it, I can be a procratinator….Have a great New Year!!

  1680. Ville bara s?ga att jag ?lskar din blogg precis som den ?r – s? inspirerande, h?rliga glimtar av “din underbara v?rld” (iallafall det som skildras h?r). Gillar stavfelen ocks?, och sluta f?r guds skull inte att fota!

    Vad ?r det f?r bok du ska g?ra? Det l?ter sp?nnande…

    Gott nytt ?r!

  1681. Men vad ?r det du g?r och funderar och planerar oc vad ?r det f?r bok du pratar om? The dog? Jag har nog inte f?ljt din blogg s? bra ska jag erk?nna.

  1682. Hi Hanna,

    Today I stopped by to wish you a Happy New Year, and catch up on your blog.
    The post that you wrote about not sleeping on the 3rd, I had that same trouble too.
    It was as if I would sleep for a few minutes, then wake up again.
    I had a heavy weight in my heart too. I think it may be because I want to get so much done this year! Yet, I feel it so strongly. So, I changed the look of my blog, and started some new art projects! I felted mini fairy size purses. It was fun!
    Take care.
    I like your blog!!!
    Amber Dawn
    Inventive Soul

  1683. Hei Hanna!
    Jeg m? le n?r du n? kommer med din spellinglist!!! Jeg har faktisk v?rt ofte innom din blogg for ? se hvordan diverse ord skrives p? engelsk! Hihi, men jeg synes ikke det var s? mange feil hos deg, sikkert mye verre hos meg…eh! M? ellers si at jeg elsker bloggen din, du er til stor inspirasjon!

  1684. I really like your art piece. Your explaination of the meaning behind it lovely. That doll quilt is too cute!

  1685. Hello! Please don’t stop taking and posting pictures of your work, it’s very inspirational. I love your gifts – and I totally agree with you that there is a special satisfaction in getting AND giving handmade gifts. Sometimes people will comment that “you could sell this” – but I seems to never have anything to sell – as it’s already given away ; ).

    Keep up the good work.

  1686. Jag f?r v?l g? mot str?mmen och s?ga att det faktiskt ?R irriterande med stavfel. Jag tycker det tar fokus fr?n inneh?llet i en text, som ju ?r det intressanta. Men engelska ?r ju inte ditt modersm?l s? det ?r inte s? l?tt att undvika stavfel – d?remot ?r det bra att du ?r s?pass ambiti?s att du faktiskt kollar upp vad du brukar stava fel p?! Jag som oftast ?r f?r lat f?r att ta ner min ordbok fr?n bokhyllan n?r jag sitter vid datorn och skriver, har uppt?ckt att det finns bra lexikon p? n?tet som man kan anv?nda om man blir os?ker p? n?got ord – t.ex. Cambridge Learner’s Dictionary.

    Tack f?r ett inspirerande ?r! Jag brukar l?sa din blogg ganska ofta, och ?r som alla andra imponerad av din kreativitet!

  1687. That doll bed is divine and the little quilt, adorable. I love the heart in the little tin box. I want to know what all of those words say going around the outside.

    Thanks for the kind thoughts on my blog! I enjoy hearing from you. For the writing thing, you just have to sit down and do it. Don’t think about it too much.

    Your spelling is endearing.

  1688. I love the photos most of all and often get sad when I cannot see them up close! You should write a book…you are so good at how to and using what you have to create something new! Gott Nytt ?r!!!

  1689. I really love your idea of finishing off the year in such a way. I really was very happy for 2006 to finish as it meant my chemotherapy was also over. From now on though, I plan on writing a little piece at the end of each year. thanks!

  1690. I like the things you’ve made, especially the little quilt. If you’d like a peep at my artwork in the Uk have a look at Have a great new year. Sue

  1691. Hanna,
    Oh, I love that little black bulldog too! We have a minature schnauzer and she loves to walk – the only thing is that she stops and smells everything and she chases all squirrels. I have friends who have the King Charles spaniels and you are so right – they are so sweet and dear too. I grew up with a Saint Bernard then had cats for a long time and now have our sweet dog, Maggie. I love both cats and dogs – they give you so much unconditional love.

  1692. Vilken supergullig klocka!!! Sj?lva armbandet med kittytrycket var ju bara det j?ttes?tt. Nu hade jag egentligen t?nkt att g? och l?gga mig, men som det nu ser ut med alla roliga l?nkar s? blir jag v?l sittandes fram till sm?timmarna. Tack f?r det! *fnissar*

  1693. ?h, jag hade ocks? en Hello Kitty-klocka en g?ng, en rund liten en, den m?ste ligga n?gonstans och skr?pa.

    Broderi ?r det enda jag inte har lust att pr?va mer (?nd? ska jag snart ha en trosbroderiworkshop). Det ?r alldeles f?r t?lmodigt f?r mig, men otroligt vackert och beundransv?rt. Ser fram emot att se fin f?gelkuddeversion… (har en fr?n IKEA, den ?r s?t)

  1694. Happy Name Day! I used to have a European friend who celebrated her name day – I thought it sounded like a fabulous idea! The goodies your mum sent look like fun.

    Now, I’m going to go check out some of those links…

  1695. Happy Name Day to you!… and thankyou for sharing so many great links. I often visit your blog and always find it inspiring.

  1696. Happy name day! Your prezzies look great. And so many links! I’ll try and check out a few now.
    Cheers, lj

  1697. Oh my, Alicia’s studio is exquisite! That bird pillow is pretty, too. I am getting really interested in embroidery lately, I’m going to have to start exploring that a little more! Thanks for the great links.

  1698. Happy name day! sells the lim sticks for 49:-…you get 5 in different sizes from 10grams up to 35 grams. When I go home in february, I know they are way cheaper there!

  1699. Hi Hanna!

    Thanks so much for your visit and your comment.

    You are really onto something by keying into a relaxed brain. I’ve done many different types of meditation in my life, and I find that yoga also helps my brain grab ideas and pull them out of the air. I’m most relaxed at the end of yoga, and it’s amazing how focussed I am at the same time.

    Is that your collage at the post’s top? Wonderful!

  1700. *hehe* I have precisely the same! All day long, I can go and never get inspired to do anything, but when I try to fall asleep, I see paintings, knitted stuff, crochet, all sorts of crafty things I want to make! But I never get to write it down (lights have to be out for it to happen I suspect), and in the morning I wake up with a feeling of a lot of exciting things I could go and do, but I can’t remember a thing of what it was!
    I think I’ll start meditating when my exam is over – the brain sure does need all the rest it can get, and if I get more creative doing that, then it’s just a big fat bonus for me ^_^

  1701. A belated, but heartfelt Happy Name Day, to you, Hanna!
    The miniature Elm Cottage is so cute, and I love the colors of Alicia’s sewing studio – thank you for the links.
    Wishing you a happy and bright New Year!

  1702. Oh, I want a Blythe doll too! Alas the cost is just to much *weeps* but save up for one! Because they are just so COOL!

  1703. I know the feeling! Last semester I did yoga once a week and it really helped me organize both my creative and school thoughts. Now, I haven’t even started my semester and I can’t sleep at nights because of all new ideas popping up in my head! I won’t have time to do yoga this semester at all!!

    Been reading your blog for a couple of months now and really love it, both the crafting and the articles/posts!

    :-) from Cecilia

  1704. Beautiful collage.

    I also come up with lots of ideas when doing other things or relaxing, but by the time I get to a point where I could work on them, I’ve already forgotten them (even if I write them down, I forget that I wrote them down, so I don’t go look). How do you remember to work on the ideas?

  1705. Tthe collage is great, makes me ache for summer weather. I guess I shouldn’t complain, I do live in Florida. I also do some of my best thinking at night. It’s a catch 22..I get a lot of ideas worked out, however, I have an early wakeup call with a 3 year old!

  1706. mille merci c’est si joli .Ton blog est si mignon. Merci

      [translated with Babel Fish;
      thousand thank you, it is so pretty, Your blog is nice. Thank you]
  1707. J?ttefina m?ssor – och inspirerande! Var fick du id?n till den ?tervunna m?ssan med p?rlor? Anv?nde du n?got m?nster som jag skulle kunna ta efter?

  1708. Emma: M?ssan bara blev till, n?r materialet fanns d?r. Jag har klippt p? fri hand i en tovad tr?ja, och bara m?tt efter mitt eget huvud. Det var l?tt. P?rlorna har jag sytt p? lite som det k?ndes bra, det var l?tt. Bara att experimentera! Lycka till, mejla mig n?r du har gjort ditt m?sterverk!

  1709. I love that description — ditto to everything. I especially like the idea of having a tech office next to the studio — so often I sit down to paint and end up browsing the Internet instead. It’d be great to separate them. I’ve been working on a large painting in the dining room this week, and I get so much more done since I am not next to the computer.

  1710. Ooh that sure sounds like one lovely, lovely studio! One that I would also love to have! I love the idea of SPACE! And you are right, dreams are good!!!!

  1711. What a lovely description! More room would be lovely for me as well, my studio now is a tiny room with my animation desk taking up nearly half the space! That’s pretty wallpaper, love the big flowers.

  1712. ?h, skulle inte vara helt fel att ha en s?dan studio hemma. Jag ?r ig?ng och ska flytta och nu kommer min studio tyv?rr att bli mindre (i ett h?rn av k?ket), s? nu ska jag dr?mma om en studio d?r jag ocks? kan ha en f?t?lj och h?rliga tapeter. :)

  1713. Ja, ett pysselrum skulle inte vara helt fel! Jag sitter mest i k?ket men m?ste plocka undan varje g?ng. Jag tror det skulle bli mer gjort om man slapp det…
    Ditt dr?m-pysselrum l?ter v?ldigt fint!

  1714. Oh, my! Those pink fabrics are beautiful! I have pink on the brain right now … every time I sit down to work on a creative project, pink is the first color I think of.

    Enjoy your fabric!

  1715. Dear Hanna,

    Hi. I’m Bridget in Canada. I just wanted to say I discovered your blog about a week ago and really think it’s cool. (I only found the newest entries today though. i had searched a combination of words to get ideas about embroidery or recycled jeans purses or something and found your november 2004 pages.) Anyway just wanted to drop a note and say hello. Oh… and i made myself a recycled sweater hat this winter too. I think really smart people have these hats. Okay that’s all for now.


  1716. I just loved the link to the DIYpage where they showed the movie of making a scrap book with enveolpes. Never thought of making hte spine like an accordion (sp?). That will give lotso f room for the photos. Thank you!

  1717. Liker arbeidsrommet ditt, – plass til ? rydde bort saker man har og som ikke er i bruk akkurat n?. Nydelig tapet.
    ps. Ikea er en av mine favoritter ogs? :-)

  1718. Hi there,
    Great hats!
    Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Sorry for short comment, my fingers going numb!

  1719. Oooh lovely, and so well thought out too! I vote for keeping the computer in a seperate room- in the same room there’s just too much chance that you’ll/i’ll spend all the time on the internet instead of making things.

  1720. Har du sett p? IKEA Kungens Kurva, p? arbetsrumsv?ningen? D?r finns mitt dr?marbetsrum, en rosa v?ggm?lning, plats f?r symaskin, f?rvaring, ett litet minik?k, arbetsyta, dator… V?ldigt trevligt, och alltid ett m?stestopp n?r jag ?r p? IKEA. Jag ser inte fram emot den dag, d? de byter ut det mot n?nting annat!
    Jag gillar din nya bloggdesign – pretty, pretty! Och trevlig present fr?n Indien!

  1721. OOOH! So many wonderful things on this list! It’s hard to know where to start isn’t it? Looking over your list, I see things I’d like to try too, such as creating a zine and screenprinting!

  1722. Vilken inspirerande lista, jag vill ocks? g?ra s? gott som alla de sakerna. Ett zine ?r l?tt gjort (bara man l?gger det p? lagom niv?), kan du inte g?ra ett om pyssel? D? vill jag hemskt g?rna k?pa ett ex, du ?r min pysselguru :)

    Fint du har gjort h?r, f?r ?vrigt. ?lskar bannerbilden, den ?r inspirerande, representerar din blogg perfekt ju…

  1723. The black and round one is a great sculpture – but I think the red is more comfortable – it simply looks more cosy. I?d go for the red! Maybe I?d consider a new cover though. Imagine some delicate patchwork… or fabrick with turquise, yellow, white and green stribes, or what about roses or, or ….

  1724. love the new banner! i would choose the red one b/c the design has more character. plus i’m more into traditional furniture vs. modern furniture.

  1725. Most Definitely the one on the right (red one). I thought the one on the left was a satellite dish and you were trying decide between getting satellite or a new nice chair! LOL! I guess that answers your question!
    On the banner, I would like it more if everything was standing up and the view was from the front instead of above it, but that’s just my “angle”…xo Lia

  1726. I love the new banner!

    I like the red chair on the right. As much as I like modern furniture and looks, sometimes the decor can look ‘cold’ and uncomfortable. The red chair on the right looks perfect to sit and read a book in, plus you can always recover it in some sort of funky print to match the room you want to put it in.

  1727. Great banner! It’s a good size. Not too huge so it takes a long time to load.

    I like the red chair better because I could reupholster it with any fabric I wanted :)

  1728. OMG, I feel like my mind have been read. I have try some of those myself, like making clay beads and making paper at home with old telephone books, and have some potted plants i’m proud of, but i’ll really love to learn how to weave and to succeed felting something. Great list :)

  1729. I love the red.
    1. because it’s red and everyone needs a little red
    2. seems more like a piece that would be used all the time. the black one seems more like an occasional piece
    3. the black is almost too contemporary for most spaces. did i just say that? i can’t believe i think something is too contemporary
    4. the arms on that chair are so divine – it’s just a great find

  1730. Bannern ?r s? passande till inneh?llet! :) Gillar den! Ang stolarna skulle jag nog v?lja den r?da, f?r den passar in i min gammeldags inredning. Den svarta ?r ocks? snygg, stilren, men nej, den r?da f?r det bli f?r min del.

  1731. the black one looks cold and like one can’t sit there for hours without getting a hurting back… the red one looks really comfy, and like it has thousands of stories to tell, if one just sits there long enough…
    oh bugger, I’m already in love with your red chair O.o please, send it to Denmark if you’re tossing it *giggles*

  1732. If the red chair was my old chair — or a chair from someone I knew — I would choose the old chair. I don’t like used furniture if it comes from a stranger.

    The red chair looks more comfortable.

    If it were a choice between a thrift store red chair and the black chair, I would choose the black chair.

  1733. What about paper marbling?

    I make my own paper and I marble rice paper…so fun.

    I like your new header.

    Please visit my blog, I have you listed under inspiration.

  1734. Sv?rt val… Den svarta ?r snygg, men den ser mer ut att h?ra hemma p? ett caf? eller s? (i och f?rsig ?r de mysigaste fikastolarna de gamla n?tta, som p? mitt favoritcaf? Edenborgs), s? om det var hemma hos dig (eller n?n annan) skulle jag v?lja den r?da, den ser gammal och mysig ut.

  1735. I’d pick the old chair because I love the wood, it looks comfortable and I would be able to change the fabric and upholster it in something cute. Can’t wait to read the chair story :)

  1736. like the new banner.
    also – like the red chair – it looks much more comfortable than the trendy one – it also looks like its had a life – and a usefull one at that. yes – the red one gets my vote.

  1737. Oh I LOVE the new banner and I love the red chair!! way more cozy and also would be easy to upholster if you hate the fabric or replace it because a little worn!!! and I am not fond of furniture with metal on it unless it is outdoor furniture!!!!! I just like the warmth of wood and fabric!!! Hugs Linda

  1738. Oh rughooking is a blast and have to try felting for sure!! if you need a pattern for a bag etc let me know I have I think all that are online or printed!!!!! and the rug hooking is fun and have done both on over dye wool and canvas still have to finish of course because I always get side tracked with something else!!! hope you’ll give it a try!!!
    HUgs Linda
    oh and designed years ago a doll pattern but printed it out myself!!! and only sold a 20+ or so!! rest shared with friends!!

  1739. While the black one is cool and modern, I’d vote for the red one any day of the week. I’d bet that it’s comfy and soft. Plus I like the worn look of it.

  1740. Love your new design!
    I would take the old chair, looks a lot more comfortable and you can cover it easily with a beautiful fabric. I have a similar one in my living room.

  1741. Um, I’d take the red one. Why? Because it’s really hot here at the moment and the black one looks like it is vinyl and it would get really sweaty – ewww. But I like them both. Great new design!

  1742. almost everyone takes the red one, so do I. Strange to consider that if you would post the same question on another blog, the readers would choose the black one.I think it has to do with the kind of people that read your blog Hanna

  1743. Svarer deg p? norsk her jeg!
    Jeg liker ogs? den r?de stolen best! Jeg synes den er utrolig stilig og den er sikkert god ? sitte i ogs?!? Har lyst p? 2 s?nne stoler selv jeg, skal lete rundt p? auksjoner og lignende. Banneret ditt er kjempeflott. jeg har fulgt bloggen din ca et ?rs tid og synes det beskrives deg godt, veldig spennende!

  1744. Maybe I?m the only one, but I would choose the black one because I found it so beautiful and great! Also the black one should be perfect among my furniture?s. It?s a bit 1950?s over it and that what I like. Even if you can see that the red one has a history. And I know that the black one is nice to sit in too even if the red one maybe are even more comfy.

  1745. Definitely the red one – it looks more comfortable, as if waiting to be sat in it, with a pillow, a blanket, a pair of knitting needles and a cup of tea! ^^

  1746. I’d chose the red one because it looks more comfy and old. the black one is too modern for me but that’s just me and my style ;-)

  1747. definitely the red one. it’s more cozy and inviting. perfect for curling up with a book and a hot cup of tea. to me, the black chair seems cold and rigid and uncomfortable.

  1748. The red one – much the same reasons as Melanie just said. I actually like the old banner better but they are both nice.

  1749. I like the red chair. I like the rug under the black chair, but not the chair itself. Why do I like it better? I like that it’s old and unusual and comfortable looking and that it has possibilities. It could be slipcovered or patched in an artistic way, or it could be completely reupholstered. Or just left as it is. It’s nice.

    I like the new layout but what happened to your shop?

  1750. I like both chairs SO much.


    I am sorry that it took so long to reply to your comment, which was a reply to my comment. ;-) Anyhow, our kitten’s name is Kin No Neko. My daughter selected the name because she is into all things Japanese. It means cat of gold or golden cat. (She has golden eyes.)

  1751. The red is cool, old, and vintage. The black is just cold man, cold. It looks ‘spacey’, like Red Dwarf-ish. My husband would totally love it. I have a blue leather like your red one, mine is wing-back though.

  1752. Hi Hannah,

    I really like those wrist thingies (pulsvamrere? Great name!) could you tell me how you made them? Or could I buy some from you? I loved your glas jar picture so much I used it on my site (I hope you don’t mind, if you do I’ll remove it, of course) Check it out, it’s next to the Thank God It’s Friday Riddle.
    Anyway, keep up the good work, I really like your stuff!

    kind regards,


  1753. Oh… I didn’t mean to say I didn’t *like* the black chair. It’s also nice. (I didn’t realize they were your chairs!)

    I had a book about upholstery once and I think you can strengthen the springs by re-tying them. If they’re the zig-zag kind and not the coil boing-y kind. Otherwise if you do decide to throw the chair out, at least now you can be sure someone will probably be glad to rescue it and give it another chance. *s*

  1754. I love your list~you are like me….more ideas than time & energy. lol
    How is your book coming along? Good I hope!!

    Til next time….

  1755. That’s a great combination of fabrics. On of the man reasons I love reading your blog is that you take on those projects that I keep meaning to do, but don’t quite manage, so I am inspired every time.

    When my mom taught me how to use my sewing machine in September (the one I’ve had for years and years) to make simple curtains, she made me iron everything. I got very annoyed by all the ironing required, but it is true that it makes all the difference. And I haven’t even tried quilting yet.

  1756. Way to go! I am seeing so many gorgeous quilts out there in the blogging world that I’m starting to want to have a go myself. I can’t wait to see your finished quilt.

  1757. when i first was looking at the pictures – i thought you had a hello kitty sewing machine…

  1758. this is a georgeus rug and i wish i could do one..what an inspiration you are.i have back troubles every day and i know how you feel…hang in there…i love to crochet and just started to again but my trigger finger and tendunitus are acting up…beautiful rug.

  1759. See, this is why I love blogs – you discover wonderful new things. I have never heard of Lisa Larsson, but I love this sculpture.
    I think a pretty washing machine would change my whole approach to doing the laundry. You couldnt help but feel cheerful…

  1760. Oh wow, this girl is so beautiful!!! Now I’m going to send you a few drool worthy pics – expect an e-mail.

  1761. i would choose the red one – looks so comfy and i like that it is old and looks worn…
    the black one is not my style but only you can make the decision….. :o)

  1762. Oh I would have gone for the red chair! I have a friend who is taking a reuphostering class so I’m starting to see potential in stuff usually deemed as “junk!” And that black chair reminds me of a set of doll furniture I had when I was little. he he he!

  1763. Thank you so much for the wonderful links!!!! You’re SO good about that!

    Oh and BTW…adore your new banner! Bits and pieces of your tools! :-)

  1764. I like the sculpture too. Until you get your pink or flowered washing machine could you try painting some flowers on the one you have or throw a piece of pink material over it?

  1765. Hi iHanna,
    thanks for passing by and leave a comment, I’m sorry you didn’t understand a word, I was just recommending some blogs I’ve found out recently, yours it’s one of them ;)

  1766. What a fresh new beautiful look your blog has Hanna. I love all the bright pinks and the touches of green! Just like your embroidery!

  1767. you have a beautiful site.i enjoy reading your posts and looking at the images. you are truly a creative woman. by the way, i like the sculture, also.

    i like your name-reminds me of my favorite niece.

  1768. I used to cross stitch all of the time. I haven’t thought about it for years. I have done some needlepoint recently though. Thanks for reminding me!

  1769. Hei Hanna!

    Puta di med den broderte rosa er nydelig. Den passet ogs? veldig godt i stolen din. Jeg likte ogs? baksidestoffet s? godt, da kan du jo snu den n?r du f?r lyst til ? se noe annet. Det var lurt.

    Bloggen din er blitt s? fin, banneren var virkelig stilig. Det er g?y med litt forandring.

  1770. Me too – I love (old/used)suitcases!

    By the way I?m going to have my first authorized bookbinding course ever – in ten days when the winterholidays start! Can?t wait, I?ve made “books” for more years now, without knowing how to do it actually… but I?m sure this will improve the quality!

  1771. So fabulous. I just started taking a bookbinding class a couple of weeks ago and am addicted! It’s just so much fun. Have you tried the metallic embossing powder with the heat gun? So much fun.

  1772. Wow, what a wonderful tool bag. I love the pockets full of tools and supplies – it looks like a real treasure.

  1773. Ah, I want one too. I actually have an “old” suitcase like that, which I bought on sale at The Container Store, I think, many years ago. I keep watercolors and brushes in it. But it doesn’t handle being handled very well. So I can’t take it places with me.

  1774. What a fantastic idea. One of the bookbinders in my group has a crafty (bookbinding) basket, which I love.

  1775. oh wow, FIVE???!!!! such beauty too!!! i never ever finished one journal with writing or artwork because i would get bored of one book… so then i’d find another pretty one and do my stuff… so in the attic, i have a ton of half finished journals haha… i love the mandala one btw!

  1776. The journal pages are beautiful! My latest journal is an altered book too, and I don’t think I’ll ever go back to using plain sketchbooks.

  1777. What a great concept! Are there vintage travel stickers on the outside as well? I really love items like that. It feels authentic and has a great, unique look.

  1778. I love the madala one as well. I would really like to try this but something is holding me back. I guess I’m afraid it’s going to look like a 3 year old did it!

  1779. Jag lskar tulpaner. Jag vill ta dem! Min moster fyllde 60 igr och fick 30 st av mig och min bror.

  1780. Thanks for the mention, Hanna. I am honored I could inspire you a bit because you have inspired me to no end. I’m thinking about trying the art journals that you were encouraging me to try. I wish we could make some hot cholocate and work on bookmaking together.

  1781. I have just found you blog today and it’s wonderful, very inspiring and I will certainly be checking back often!

  1782. This is Hilarious! Is it okay to post it all here?

    1.Bridget needs your support?.
    2.”Bridget needs rehab,” Jax responds.
    3.Bridget needs to get a backbone and stop picking at her own leftovers. Go after Nick like there’s no tomorrow?
    4.Bridget Needs To Change
    5.Bridget needs Nick right now, more than ever. (this must be about a TV show. I?ve never heard of it!)
    6.Bridget needs a smoke. (HA ha. I don’t smoke …anymore.)
    7.Bridget Needs a Ride.(This is often true.)
    8.Bridget needs to learn not to give it up quite so easily! (LOL! This is from a book review.)
    9.Bridget needs me in her life. (Aww. How nice.)
    10. Bridget needs rescuing

  1783. Ah, this is great! I think I’ll add it to my next post. I love the first one – it’s something we should all do! Ok, I’m off to google…

  1784. What a fun game, Hannah! Thanks for the heads up – I’ll add my own to my next post also… :)

  1785. Hi Hanna,

    Thank you so much for mentioning my blog.
    I’m so happy to have found yours, love your blog!

    ps. Hanna means flower, in japanese :)

  1786. This was so fun! I’m thinking of posting about it too. Problem with my name is that it’s a US state, so I get things like “Georgia needs a transit system”…that may be true, however, as I don’t drive!

  1787. These are wonderful! I should try making my own, too, because you’re right – most journal pages seem too thin.

  1788. very very beautiful books! how clever of you! I would love to find a book binding course near me. I really enjoy playing around with paper. looking forward to seeing the next one out of the press

  1789. Hej!! Visste inte att ni hade ‘Garage Sales” i Sverige! Kul :) H?r b?rjar dm dyka upp i Mars, elle s? fort det blir lite varmare.

    F?rresten – paket till dig skickades p? Fredag. Det blev lite dyrt s? det kommer om 3-4 veckor. Hoppas det ?r okej. Tidningen “Home Companion” med Kaffe Fassett ?r med, och s? lite annat.


  1790. Hana, as usual your links are wonderful. I didn’t realize that XT had started scanning in interiors – so fun. Desire to Inspire posts lots of great interiors, too.

    Love the casita. Most people would hate that kind of thing but I love it. They live near where I used to live so it really made me sentimental!


  1791. Beautiful photos on those flickr links!!! A home must evolve…I started with white walls, wooden furniture and a bit of blue here and there. Now there is only one white wall left in the house, red, yellow and aqua have taken over and I am always adding something. Remaking old furniture and sewing curtains and covers can give a room a completely different look and it?s so much fun! You will have the home of your dreams someday!

  1792. Haha, roligt! S? h?r ser min lista ut:
    Linda needs to be a part of a loving, committed marriage.
    Linda Needs Mental Help.
    Linda needs a new best friend.
    Linda needs some help with her appearance.
    Linda needs as much free space at the front of the platform as possible.
    Linda needs to be bright
    LiNdA NeEdS HeLp
    Linda needs to provide a fast response to …
    Linda needs people to make telephone calls
    linda – needs your thoughts & prayers


  1793. This was such a colorful post to read! (And how neat to see one of my cupcakes in your flickr mosaic! Yay! I’m glad you liked it).


  1794. I want to paint and redecorate my house as well. I seem to be safe from a major overall merely because I can’t decide on colors! Maybe someday…

  1795. ?h, jag vill ocks? g?ra om mitt hem (och de d?r f?rgglada livfulla fotona inspirerade verkligen), kanske dags med ett nytt stort projekt? :)

    Dina konstsidor ?r alltid s? vackra, du ?r inspirerande, Hanna!

    Har du sett det h?r? :)

  1796. Hi Hanna!

    Wow! Your blog is even more inspirational than I remembered! Thank you for sharing all this eyecandy with us and getting us inspired! And thank you for the mentioning of my blog!

    Happy Creating! :)


  1797. Happy Valentine’s Day Hannah! I was perusing the web looking for ideas for collage greeting cards. I’ve never made any and would love to learn. I somehow found my way to your blog in the process. What an incredible blog you have! I’ve so enjoyed it here, searching through various posts. You have such a wide range of creative interests and super, duper ideas. I’m going to post a link to you at my blog, so I can find my way back again. xoxoxo

  1798. Det d?ra ?hl?ns-tyg-boken turned out to be really nice! Eller ?r det bara du som ?r en bra fotograf?

  1799. Vad duktig du r Hanna! Mina bilder ligger i en skokartong huller om buller, inte konstigt att jag inte gr ngra collage…

  1800. Men s smart!!! Mina papper ligger i mappar och ldor och allt mjligt, s de r aldrig p samma stlle. Om jag hittar ett sdant stll s tjuvar jag nog din id

  1801. ?h s? duktig du ?r! Tycker verkligen att de ser alldeles perfekta ut jag. :) Smart att g?ra med tjockare papper, det ?r alltid s? tr?kigt n?r det syns igenom p? andra sidan.

  1802. this is a great idea and a big encouragement to people like me who are about to disappear under a mountain of collage material

  1803. I’ve realized since packing for our up-coming move that I have just way too many magazines. I’ve got to make time to go through them, tear out what I want to keep, and get the keepers filed. I’m so far behind on this project. Thanks for the reminder and your visit Hannah. I wish you could find the magazine in your country. Perhaps you could find a copy on eBay.

  1804. How cool! Would the instructions on how to make one of these be too difficult to post as well? I think it’s a great idea!

  1805. Hi Hanna!

    Thanks for your comments on my Blog. Yes, that Country Living is out now – the cover I show is the “back cover” tho (it’s a double issue!) I’m pretty sure it’s the March Issue.

    That card thing is so cool! But HOW do you get it onto your blog?? I can’t find any way to get the code or copy it.. :-(

  1806. lskar att beska din blogg, fr alltid roliga tips :) Men det gr t mycket tid… hur hinner du gra nt annat r surfa, typ allt pyssel?

    Gillar ditt sjlvportrtt (bedrande spegel!), s himla rttframt och enkelt, fortstt fota! (sjlvportrtt r intressanta…)

  1807. Ooh, I love the card generator you found, I’m gonna have to take a peek at it. Are you working on your own e-zine? If so, can’t wait to see it, you’re such a creative girl.
    Til next time…Kelly

  1808. Please oh please tell us how to make this, I have tons of junk mail I would love to recycle instead of throwing it away and this would be a great thing to make with it all. Thanks!

  1809. Oh my – How do you make these? They are absolutely fabulous! Please, please let me – us – know how to make them! Where in the world can I find instructions? It is just a super idea! Have a wonderful day!

  1810. Hi! Love your blog and follow it faithfully. For those first using the card generator, create the card then right click on the image and save it to your computer, then you can use the image. Love this tool and the cookie one too!

  1811. I am so amazed and impressed by the books you are binding. Should you just happen to come thousands of miles to Virginia any time soon and just happen to feel like teaching bookbinding, eh, just let me know. I’m in.

  1812. Jag har en p? svenska som heter “Stilrent utomhus” och en p? engelska som heter “Pure style” (som fanns p? svenska f?rr och hette “Stilrent inomhus”).
    “Pure style living” ska tydligen vara n?n slags sammanfattning av de andra tv?… s? den ska jag nog inte ha. Kolla p? biblan, de brukar finnas d?r och det ?r ju alltid bra att titta f?rst ifall man inte gillar dem.

  1813. Great journal spread Hanna! I heard white out pens are good! Haven’t tried it myself yet..going out this weekend to pick me up some…I had the same thought about a white pen! I tried a white Gelly Roll pen but doesn’t seem to write well. And the hunt goes on! hehe xoxo Nance

  1814. Beautiful!

    Hanna, I thought of you when I saw these needlepoint kits on Ebay. They look kind of hard but I might try one, a few stitches here and there.

    See the others that this seller has as well. They are based on traditional Hawaiian quilts.

  1815. Hanna, I need a white pen, too! hope you will let us know if you find a good one. Nance, thanks for the tip about Gelly Roll white – I really like their other colors, though!

  1816. Hello Dear Hanna! I would be very happy to send you a white pen!!! There is a Japanese book store in my town that sells white Uniball Signo pens for $2.50 US. I went on a white pen mission a while ago and I found that these are THE BEST!

    Just send me an e-mail and let me know!!!

  1817. Hi Hanna & everyone: I’ve been unable to find this pen locally or for less than $8 online ($3 plus $5 shipping). I did spy a lot of 5 and a lot of 12 on ebay that I might be able to get for less than retail. Would anyone be interested in buying my extras if I do win at auction? (my cost plus shipping – probably 39 cents for US)

    ps: any suggestions of local retailers would also be appreciated

  1818. Have a good rest! This box is just SO pretty! I understand it’s justa button box, but I think it would look fabulous on the wall, as a shadow box! :)

  1819. I like your blog! Lovely buttons. I’ve always been mad about hard cover note books. Your art work is wonderful too.

  1820. Underbart vackra dagb?cker! Precis som Nina tycker jag att de ser ytterst proffsiga ut, ?tminstone p? bild.
    Citatet ?r v?ldigt mitt i prick, k?nner s? v?l igen det. H?ller sedan i h?stas p? och l?ser om mina dagb?cker fr?n de senaste tre ?ren – varje kv?ll l?ser jag det som finns skrivet fr?n samma datum de tidigare ?ren. Oerh?rt intressant!

  1821. Det var f?r v?l att det inte var rabatt p? tygerna! Jag har inte h?mtat ut paketet ?n! Men till veckan ska det bli av!

  1822. I love the pictures and even though I could not translate it( I tried) ……..the pictures do tell much! I have not commented in quite awhile so it is time to encourage you to please keep blogging as I enjoy your blog and look for it daily! Thanks for sharing all that you do!.


  1823. Visst ?r kuddarna underbara!
    Himla synd att jag inte lyckades h?ra telefonen s? att vi kunde tr?ffas, jag hade den l?ngt ner i kassen….

  1824. Jeg m?tte smile da jeg s? bildet av undulaten. Det er f?rste gang jeg har sett en undulat som matcher interi?ret :-)

  1825. Jag var ocks? p? Syfestivalen! K?pte bara grejjer till scrapbooking… Tyckte ocks? tygerna var lite dyra. Vet du n?got st?lle p? n?tet som s?ljer lite udda och coola tyger?
    Ha det bra!

  1826. Du f?r ringa n?sta g?ng du ?r hemma i kringelstan s? vi kan tr?ffas!!

    Du piggar upp mig med all din kreativitet, som en vitaminboost varje dag n?r jag g?r in h?r och tittar p? allt fint du g?r!

    Kram, kram! /lillkussen

  1827. Hi Hannah, I adore budgies, and it’s the right thing to give them free fyling time daily. Your pretty picture is now my screen saver — your budgie is “famous” in France! Still enjoying your blog! Melissa

  1828. This is just great! I love the colors and the aged patina look it has.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I really enjoyed visiting yours!


  1829. Those are so cool. Every one of those projects looks like something someone could and would make today.

    I used to spend hours pouring over craft books in the 70s and early 80s, when I was a kid, and now I have no idea where they are. Probably in my mom’s attic because we never throw anything away. I’ll be there in two weeks and I’ll look.

    (Incidentally, I found a bunch of bookbinding books I didn’t even know I had in a recent reorganization… I’ll be giving it a try. Which supplies would you recommend as most essential?)

  1830. Vilken flashback du bjuder p?! De d?r kinesiska tossorna har jag sytt fr?n den tidningen och det m?nstret f?r hur l?nge sen som helst. Vilket ?r ?r den utgiven? Jag gissar p? 1979.

  1831. Hihihi, jeg har de samme bladene som deg (i norsk versjon) og deler din facinasjon! Har tenkt p? ? pr?ve de t?flene blant annet! Mange gode ideer i disse bladene ja!

  1832. ?h, nu blev jag minsann supernostalgisk! :) Min mamma prenumererade n?mligen p? Allt om handarbete n?r jag var liten och jag bara ?lskade sektionen med barnpyssel. Det fanns n?mligen ett tag tv? sidor med saker som barn kunde g?ra sj?lv. Urskoj! :) Tyv?rr tror jag de ?r kastade nu…annars verkar de ju vara en guldgruva fortfarande.

  1833. oh, love these! I have lots of oldies too, both books and mags and refer to them often. things have not changed much I think and I also find that older books have more basics and less glitz, so that helps me get the job done! yes, the colors and clothes are a hoot, but there is a treasure trove of fun stuff in these oldies! So many things to try, wish I could do them all! esp. some of the fab. needlepoint and embroidery in them. xo Lia

  1834. These magazines are wonderful!
    I’m lucky enough to have a mum that still owns loads and loads of these sorts of magazines :)

  1835. Nu f?r jag lust att sy. Har tagit fram symaskinen och redan sytt en liten gardin till d?rren till bakg?rden… men nu vill jag pysselsy!

    Och gissa vad som kom i posten idag!? Och gissa vad glad jag blev n?r jag s?g tidningarna!! Har suttit uppe sent och bl?ddrat – och blir mer och mer inspirerad! TACK!!!
    Kram :)

  1836. Min mamma hade ocks? Allt om Handarbete, jag ?lskade dom d?, och ?lskar dom fortfarande. M?rkligt nog ?r det just dessa ?rg?ngar som g?r att f? tag p? – fr?n slutet av 70-talet. M?nga fantastiska projekt, fortfarande! N?r min syster fick en son, gjorde jag en horoskopdocka ?t honom, ett lejon f?r en lite Leo!

  1837. That scarf looks so soft! And such a lovely color! Thank you for visiting my blog :) I am really enjoying participating in the One World One Heart Giveaway.

  1838. The dolls – and their new wardrobes – are adorable! I’m so happy to have heard from you again – I lost a lot of my blog contacts when I switched computers. Glad to see you’re still creating!

  1839. These dolls are wonderful! Great job with the dolls and their clothes.

  1840. Hej Hanna!
    Tack för att du besökt min blogg och för den trevliga komentaren!
    SÃ¥ jättefin bok du har gjort!!! är det indet svÃ¥rt? Skulle önska att jag kunde! /Gunnel

  1841. Ooh, what a lovely thing to do. I adore your softy cats and would love to have one if I win. Thank you so much for doing this, how kind.

  1842. oh what a cool idea!! I love it ^^ crossing my fingers for you in the other draws!
    I love all the things you make, both cats, artdolls and ATC’s :) all very cool!

  1843. I would love to give Maj a loving home ;-) What a great idea this is!You are already added in my links.

    Good luck in the draw!

  1844. Hej!
    Jag har precis haft en “giveaway” p? min blogg! Och mitt namn blev draget i en annan “giveaway” hos Amy Elise Designs, jag vann j?ttefina sm? kort med kuvert :-) En liten kissekatt skulle jag nog ?nska mig om jag vann h?r, f?r jag ?r tyv?rr allergisk mot riktiga katter…

  1845. Mia, just touches my heart, I would be honored to win her…. I also am giving away two dolls from my blog for this giveaway, I do hope you will check them out and sign up….

  1846. Hi Hanna,
    Wow–what delicious goodies! You have been very busy! If you want, you can sign me up for drawings for all of them–they are all so beautiful!!! If I had to choose only one drawing, I guess it would be #5–softie cat in floral.

    You are such a sweetie for doing this!!!

    Want to exchange links to each other’s blogs?


  1847. What wonderful fun~! I love the pin cushion, the softie cats, and.. oh heck, I love it all! Sign me up!

    xo – Chel

  1848. A pincushion near my sewingmachine would be lovely and now you give us all a chance to get something from your world full of creativity and kindness.I wish you the best.
    Ulla in the north of Sweden

  1849. A lovley idea, a cat or an ATC please. I’m really curious about ATC’s I’ve never actually seen one. Crossing my fingers. Have linked to you.

  1850. These dolls are delightful, so whimsical. And you did all this without patterns, that’s a skill.

  1851. you sweet thing. I love calling by your blog because I am always surprised by what you are up to and leave with a smile. most of all I love that you and your mum are such good friends – I like to think that one day my daughter martha and i might be posting about the things we have made together and maybe selling them too – she is so creative.
    so – if I have a chance of having a bit of you in the north of england, one of those cats would like to come and live in my shed I am sure.
    take care and thank you

  1852. I love your Hello Kitty clothes! So cute and fun!

    Love and hope can always been found in little things … thank you for sharing.

  1853. Oh, anything would be lovely….home grown lavender, that would be wonderful!

    Hope you have visited me to enter my drawing??

    thank you!!

  1854. Please enter my name in your drawing, I would love to win your lovely handmade goodies….come by and enter mine as well….

  1855. What a perfectly timed post. I am not in the best of moods today; in fact, it’s been a rough morning. And here I come, checking my daily reads, and you offer up a serving of hope. Thank you so much.

  1856. Well said. It seems like sometimes it would be easier to give into all the ugliness but that would just add to it.

  1857. Smukke ting du har til din give-away, pincusion, ATCs or the flowery cat, alle er v?ldigt s?de. Jeg har bloglinet dig, for jeg kan rigtig godt lide din blog.

  1858. my 6 yr old son loves the little kitties you made! He has insisted i put him in for the drawing! (Not that I would be unhappy to win them for myself!) ::smiles::

  1859. How generous of you! I would be so happy to have a lavender bag.
    I enjoy your blog.
    Thank you

  1860. I needed to read a message of cheer today, thank you! There is always something hopeful and positive on your blog, Hanna! From the roses to the hand made crafts, I always stop by to see what I may not be seeing as I go through my new life here in Sweden.

  1861. I made my first etsy purchase this week too, a wristlet to hold my keys and phone when I’m doing errands. Thanks for the inspiring links

  1862. Jag ?lskar den boken! Befriande fulhet liksom (?h, jag ?lskar modellerna!), s? inspirerande! Definitivt v?rd sex av fem stj?rnor :)

  1863. Jeg har lige k?bt en anden bog p? Amazone som jeg vil anbefale: “Childhood Treassures” – den tog helt vejret fra mig – s? smukke er dens illustrationer… den kom ,med posten forleden. M?ske skulle jeg skrive om den p? min blog???

    Jeg vil ogs? straks tjekke din anbefaling. Er den lidt i stil med Doredo? Sp?ndende men ogs? lidt grim?

  1864. I’d love to win a kitty cat. their sooo cute. Please enter me in your drawing. Have you visited my site for my drawing ? Please stop by if you haven’t.

  1865. Nice post. Beautiful flowers. fun socks. Just remember we’re on this earth to love one another…so all that love you have is natural :-) and more people should be that way.

  1866. You are right that something doesn’t have to be perfect nor pretty to be inspiring. The book you mention seems to “think outside the box,” that is inspiring!!

  1867. H?rliga urklipp! Den d?r bruna f?t?ljen med prickar ?r fr?n en annons som alltid f?r mig att stanna till och titta lite extra l?nge :) Jag ?lskar mina gamla inredningstidningar. Det spelar ingen roll hur mycket jag ?lskar mina b?cker, de h?r tidningarna f?r dubbelt s? mycket k?rlek.

  1868. I love it! I have the same sort of notebook but mine is in a photo album with sticky pages because every now and then creativity strikes and I rearrange the items on the pages. It’s fun to see what others have done with their inspiration paes.

  1869. Hej!

    JAg gillar din inspirations bok! Det ?r verkligen ett m?ste att ha ett st?lle att samla alla ideer som man ser i tidningar. Vi verkar ha lite sammma smak!

    Ha en fortsatt trevlig kv?ll ;-)!

  1870. Himla mycket fint var det p? syfestivalen. Du har f?tt med mycket fint p? dina bilder. Kanske ses vi d?r igen n?sta ?r.
    kram mamma

  1871. You are so generous and talented! These gifts are wonderful! I would give that little ~blue cat~ the best home as I have 3 felines.. my babies! I blog about them and in fact I am celebrating my 1 yr. blogging and yes our world of bloggers are a wonderful commnunity ~sharing one heart!~ Nice to meet you.. come over and *enter my draw for gifts* Good luck to me and to everyone else! :(NG

  1872. Such wonderful giveaways!! Please enter my name into your draw:-) If you haven’t already done so, please come visit me and enter my draw as well! xox

  1873. Such lovely items you’re giving away! Please put my name in the hat! Happy Spring!! Our snow is finally melting here in Minnesota:)

  1874. 1, 2 4, and 6 I just love lavender and kitties!Please enter me in your drawing. Thanx soo much. :)

  1875. I would like to enter your contest please! I would like to win Maj…….now i’m having a menopausal moment…did i already enter?

    love violette

  1876. Jisses, ska du redan sluta? Vad fort tiden går!
    Ska du vara hos dina föräldrar hela sommaren? Då kanske vi kan träffas och göra nåt, kanske lite DoRedo? Eller en garnrunda ;)

  1877. Gratulerer – og lykke til i medieverdenen!
    Du har ?penbart talent!

    (Congratulations and good luck in the world of media, you’re obviously talented!)

  1878. Congratulations and best wishes! I love your blog, it’s been so inspiring to me. Keep up all the wonderful, creative good work!


  1879. I’m always happy to see you have a new post! I know it’s a cliche, but I can’t help but say that every end is a new beginning. I really wish you a wonedrful summer, the best of luck, and lots of creativity wherever you go!

  1880. Congratulations Hanna! When I think back on my life, I would love to be young again like you and have all doors waiting for me to open them…I know it seems daunting sometimes though…I wish you wonderful choices and the courage to go your own way!

  1881. nature, my family, learning something new every day, laughing, colours, cuddling, & knitting which often gets me up in the morning. :)
    i love your posts!!

  1882. ?h, ?lskar dina anteckningar. Visst ?r det roligt och stimulerande att “klottra” samtidigt som man h?r en f?rel?sning. Jag g?r precis likadant, k?nns som om jag kan koncentrera mig b?ttre d?. :)

  1883. Grattis Grattis Grattis! Och vad roligt att det g?r att skriva kommentarer h?r igen. :)

  1884. Jeg husker ikke om jeg allerede har kommentert en gang p? bloggen din eller om jeg bare tenkte det, men i alle fall: Det er en kunstnerisk reise ? titte p? alt du har lagd og kreert! Du er s? utrolig kreativ! Jeg elsker ? “snoke rundt” p? sidene og hente inspirasjon eller bare titte :)

    Sender en god tanke i en trist tid. Jeg lover – det kommer bedre dager!

    Hilsen norsk blogger som fant bloggen din gjennom en jungel av andre blogger,
    Am?lie :)

  1885. Jag måste vara trög eller nåt…. är han ditt X nu? Skickar en stor kram, och önskar att jag kunde ge dig den på riktigt.

  1886. I am so sorry Hanna (I feel so insensitive). Art is therapeutical, and I think it’s a great outlet.Thanks for sharing your pages and feeling, and Nancy’s comment. I have a lot to learn. I have my journals, but I can’t write anything meaningful because I’m always scared to show it. I hope time, art, family, summer, will help you gain strength!

  1887. I know how much it can hurt to “lose” a partner. I’m glad that you’re reaching out to the Internet and making contact and staying in touch. I hope that you will continue to share your beautiful work with us, even when it is happy (or sad).

  1888. Vid at jeg sender gode tanker i din retning, jeg k?mper ogs? selv for ikke at drukne i samme sag.Flot at du kan bruge din kreativitet til at arbejde med det. Stort knus herfra.

  1889. Big huge healing hugs and girl, your going to be OK..why because you have this big art community to help you pull through it all! Journaling and art is definately great therapy…let it out with art darlin! If you need anything you know how to find me! :) Your journal pages are so beautiful! Much love and more hugs!

  1890. Hey girl! Time is the great healer. You have such a wonderful passion for creative expression – it makes perfect sense to release yourself emotionally through your art – your up and wonderful days as well as the low and sad days.

    It may not be exactly the same situation – but when my mom died I made it through those sad months mainly because I turned to making art.

    Good vibes your way and much love.


  1891. I didn’t realize this is why you’ve been away from blogging. I’ve missed your posts so much. I know it’s difficult to go through a breakup but you don’t have to do it alone. Reach out – you’ll find support everywhere you look. I’m glad you’re back!

  1892. sooo sorry…. i was there myself a few years ago …….. my life altering changes changed my art…and it was good…..i wish the best for you….with every ending there is a NEW BEGINING…..

    hugs & art….colleen

  1893. ?h … k?rlekssorg. S?rj, tills du ledsnar. Men se till att komma ?ver honom sen. Vare sig det blir ni igen n?gon g?ng i en framtid eller ej. ?h, se till att ha roligt sen. Kanske ?r du aldrig mer singel mer inom kort, vem vet?!

  1894. I kept checking your blog and knew there was a reason for your absence. There will be parts of him with you for a long time but all of this is preparing you for the next good man that enters your life. I am glad you are back but write when you only feel up to it. You need to care of yourself.

  1895. Honey, a very wise woman once said about men.

    “They are making them things everyday. Move on.”

    easy to say…hard to do, but give it a try.

  1896. I can say from my own experience that the things that hurt the most become memories to treasure, even though it may take a while.

  1897. A huge hug, dear Hanna. There’s a quote here that sounds like “in life, when you close a door, immediately you open a bigger one”. I know, is so sad and so painful but this is a new beginning, and I really wish that this will be a great path, rich of satisfaction, love and happyness.
    You are not alone, don’t give up!

  1898. welcome back lovely hanna, I am so glad you have found a way to create and release this stuff you are living with – your work is so inspirational. love yourself
    and take care

  1899. Jeg elsker den sang! I har ved Gud så mange skönne viser og sange i Sverige i det hele taget!

    God sommer – og held og lykke fremover

  1900. ?h, bara att se barnvagnen p? foto gjorde mig glad! Tack f?r en glimt av f?rg, gl?dje och inspiration – den var verkligen underbar!

  1901. K?re Hanna

    Dejligt at vide du er “p? banen” igen, jeg har savnet dig! Og jeg er glad for at vide, du har en god familie der st?tter dig! Opbrud er altid h?rdt, men det er ogs? mulighed for udvikling. Der er noget andet som skal ske…

  1902. How pretty! People around here mostly use strollers these days — it’s super rare to see a baby carriage like that, but I think they’re so cool.

    I’m glad you’re posting regularly again, sorry about the sad things and congratulations on the happy things :)

  1903. Jajam?n det d?r var det coolaste jag sett p? l?nge! Varf?r har ingen t?nkt p? det d?r tidigare? Hur naturligt och ?rligt som helst, ideen kommer nog direkt fr?n hj?rtat… Vi kan bara st? brevid och inspireras!

    Vad roligt att du ?r tillbaka och grattis till utbildningen, jag tycker mycket om dina inl?gg!

  1904. Glad to have you back, and i’m sorry to read about your heartbreak. Here’s hoping that blogging and art can help fix you.

  1905. I’ve been reading your blogs for quite a while and thought I’d comment today. My heart goes out to you. The hurt will pass. Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful thoughts and art. You are an inspiration.

  1906. My computer crashed a month ago, now I have a new one, and I just discovered that you’re back blogging! I’m so glad! No blog inspires me as much as yours, keep up the good work. You don’t know me, but I admire you and the things you create.

  1907. ?h vad h?rligt! F?rg f?rgyller verkligen tillvaron! Den sufletten skulle jag g?rna ha till min Bugaboo. Trevlig blogg f?rresten, hittade hit idag men jag kommer ?terv?nda fler g?nger. :-)

  1908. Oh, I love wabi sabi. I think Keri Smith writes about it too. It’s interesting that you write about it in connection to people. I have a slight problem with that. But in relation to art, I really like it. I always find collages, paint, creativity to be pretty, even when others will say “it has no composition”, or such. I think I can appreciate things that are worn, simple, shabby. Now I just have to work about the people part! ;-)

  1909. oh yes! i love new journals. but more than that i love filled and-working-on-being-filled journals! pictures of new blank journals leave me slightly cold. my most favorite pictures are like the one you posted above… of the messy edges of people’s filled journals. or of rows of filled journals. or of open pages of filled journals. or of… oh you get the idea! :D

  1910. I have been reading your blog for a couple of years now, it was one of the first I found (after loobylu)when I first found out about blogging and craftblogs. It has been an inspiration to me, as I have reclaimed my art and craft life. It’s really nice to find that you are blogging again, as I was missing you. Take care, and good luck as your ‘new life’ begins.
    I have a favourite quote from Leonard Cohen:
    “Ring the bells that still can ring,
    Forget your perfect offering,
    There is a crack in everything,
    That’s how the light gets in.”
    I think it’s very Wabi-Sabi, and maybe you will like it too.
    Louise. XX

  1911. all of this makes such perfect (!) sense to me! the Buddhists have a saying ‘80% is perfection’ and that is what I aim for – as good as I can manage. You would love a book called ‘The Four Agreements’
    maybe that link will work – it is a book that has helped me for many years and I have bought more copies for friends than i can count!
    the beauty of your handmade books is that they are YOU and not some sterile store bought thing!
    keep going like this – it is wonderful!

  1912. Glad you are back to posting and congrats on having the school recognise what we already knew…that you are indeed a journalist! That photo of the completed journal is like a piece of history you can always relive.

  1913. You know, there’s a book called Wabi-Sabi for Artist, Writers…etc. Something like that. I remember when I felt everything I wrote and created HAD to be perfect, wonderful, amazing — all in the first try. Now, I strive to make messes…that way, you always have a mess, and the beauty that comes from it can be fully appreciated. :)

  1914. I so agree with what you wrote in this post. We crafty people try so hard to make perfect things and we forget that they must have some imperfections because they are more real that way. They reflect the moments of creating – the mood, our thoughts, which can never repeat exactly the same. Thank you for reminding is about that. *^v^*

  1915. Open your shop and I’ll definitely come to do some shopping! (even though I live quite far away, but it’ll be another reason for me to visit my beloved Sweden again!). Stick to your dream, girl! *^v^*

  1916. I would definitively visit your shop. I read one of Victor Frankl’s books many years ago, and he is absolutely worth reading. Thank you for posting a quote from his writing :-)

  1917. Det l?ter som en h?rlig dr?m som s?kert kan bli verklighet, jag skulle g?rna bes?ka din mysiga aff?r. Har liknande dr?mmar sj?lv.. att f? inspirera andra genom att g?ra det man sj?lv tycker allra mest om skulle vara ett privilegium! Sk?t om dig och v?rda dina dr?mmar!

  1918. What a beautiful post, Hanna. I like that it applies to life, and people, too, because it seems to remind me to live in the moment (such a cliche but so important).

  1919. I used to be a Moleskine addict. But then, I found I wanted to work on larger paper. That, and you can’t paint very well on the pages of the sketchbook….and the pages ARE very narrow. The only one I’d use today would be a planner….and maybe not there. They’re so expensive and NOT the best; my current journal is a big sketchbook gotten on sale…and I love it to death!

  1920. Oh, I am really restrainig myself on not buying a moleskine. They’re so outrageously expensive, and I’m 100% sure that the people running all the “moleskinerie” and “moleskike love” groups on Flickr and such are from the company…sigh… I won’t last forever, I know, but in the meantime I found a great sketch book with heavy papers and a rubber band and it’s spiral, which i like better, so I’m sticking to it. :) I also love ink roller black pens, but in my journal I am now experimenting with acrylics. Tons of them. It’s lots of fun. I really like your page, and I wonder whether I could ever write/create anything in my journal outside of the comfort of my house.

  1921. I agree – the thinner pages are not the best for painting or most markers. Maybe better for pencils. I do love the size, for carry around anywhere, and they are pricey – so when I buy one it’s always like I am giving myself a present – a present I will love and use! I just bought a “watercolor” moleskine and have several others – lined pages, blank pages, and one called sketchbook that has thicker pages. Also have a couple small ones. I do not work for the company that makes them, or get money for saying these things… but they all serve their own purpose somehow.

    I also have several large sketchbooks, and some medium sized sketchbooks! I love sketchbooks! Not jsut moleskines :)

  1922. loved your post and agree with you. I have been looking at the Moleskin Notebooks and have not got one yet, I have got a journal that I take with me, I add pictures, diagrams, journalling , ideas and do not know what I would do without it. The moleskin to me just looks like I would not want to mess it up.

  1923. I see your points, but I still love them. I think it’s the binding and the elastic closure that I love so much. I carry my journal with me almost everywhere, and it’s the only brand that’s been able to stand up to the abuse, and still not get in the way of itself when I’m writing. The only brand that comes close is Cachet.

    As for the expense, per page, the journal isn’t that expensive; the other Moleskines with fewer pages are certainly pricey.

  1924. Hi Hanna,
    There is a good description of ‘Wabi-Sabi’ in Gwen Diehn’s The Decorated Journal.

    Sorry to hear of your recent disappointment, but glad that you are back to posting again. Onwards and upwards. That shop you’re planning sounds lovely…I bet you could make it a reality sooner than you think.

  1925. I’m so glad you visited my blog!

    Moleskin: I used them many years ago when I was a journalist needing notebooks to write in. I don’t understand what the hype is all about, except maybe the fact that the company was bought by a U.S. company and they have promoted it to the heavens! Of course, Hemingway and Chatwin and other famous writers used the original. My favourite is the Memo pockets, a little file folder to tuck in receipts and important things as you go about your day!


  1926. Hihi… ingen irritation h?r inte, bara ren gl?dje ?ver att du ?r tillbaka som fullfj?drad bloggare igen!

  1927. Oh you just have to make that dream a reality now that you have that gorgeous ribbon holder. I will definitely come and visit and buy something just so it can be wrapped up in a pink ribbon.

  1928. Oh you just have to make that dream a reality now that you have that gorgeous ribbon holder. I will definitely come and visit and buy something just so it can be wrapped up in a pink ribbon.

  1929. its definately a ‘girl’ thing – I have so many new note books – and pens – and I write ‘important things’ in them – or start new diaries – but always get distracted and don’t continue – i wish you well with your journal – and like the thoughts on moleskins – I was wondering about one and now think I won’t – helpful. thanks

  1930. Beautiful room! Bright and airy like I like them. I can see how you’re inspired to sit there daily, write, read, draw and sip coffee…
    I really enjoyed your post. And aren’t Moleskine journals the best? I just love the feel of that paper, how my pen glides on it..
    Thanks for your visit and your comment :-)

  1931. Hanna, jag tycker definitivt ocks? att dagboksskrivande ?r v?ldigt givande! Just nu blir det visserligen inte mycket av det. Framf?r allt beror det p? tidsbrist, pga sm?barnslivet jag befinner mig i. Det uppfyller mig ocks? med en slags tillfredsst?llelse, samtidigt som jag k?nner mig hyffsat tillfreds med mig sj?lv numera. Men under perioder har dagboskskrivandet varit en ventil n?r jag g?tt igenom sv?rbearbetade h?ndelser eller funderar p? obegripliga relationer. Dagboksskrivandet har ?ven varit ett medel att dra upp m?l, f?rv?ntningar och beskriva dr?mmar jag har. En kul sak, var n?r jag var singel senast. D? skrev jag upp en “kravlista” p? hur min (blivande) man ska vara. Funderade en hel del p? det och listan utvecklades med det. Tittade p? den senaste listversionen en kort tid efter att jag tr?ffat min nuvarande man – och ins?g att matchningen var perfekt. Och det var extra kul att kunna checka av listan och k?nna att jag hittat den man jag s?kt efter. S? visst har dagboken varit ett starkt st?d i mitt “levande”. Om jag hade mer tid skulle jag dock g?rna skriva ner insikter jag f?r inte minst som sm?barnsmamma och jag skulle vilja dra upp framtidsvisioner, dr?mmar och m?l jag har f?r att f? dessa mer klara f?r mig.

    Ha en fin midsommarhelg! Det ser underbart fridfullt ut i ditt kontor!

  1932. I’ve been thinking about honesty in journalling. Honesty to oneself is always important of course, but a journal, as reading material for your future self, and perhaps for others if you choose to share it with them, is a medium through which you convey your selfhood. I think there is room for making yourself feel better through it by writing yourself as what you think of as an attractive person (you don’t even have to lie to do this; connotations can do it all). But further than this, I’m quite open to writing down events that never happened, perhaps ones that would never happen or that I’ve lived only in my mind. I’ve found, crazily, that sometimes these do take place, later on, perhaps in some other form, and probably because I thought & wrote about & became responsible for them, but nevertheless, is that not a form of self-betterment? Becoming your alter ego? Or even re-writing your own history if your memory is as weak as mine?

    I got a bit carried away in writing about this; I think I’ll copy it to my journal to remember it. ;)
    I love your garden-room, and your handwriting!

  1933. I am with you! a diary is so important to me and i write all the time-
    it is like an old friend-
    what alovely room to write in!

  1934. Such a beautiful, sunlit room… if I had a room like that, I’d write every day… oh, excuses excuses! … actually, I do write almost every day.

    I’ve kept a journal since I was seven (which was actually a Nancy Drew diary); I am not sure I can even say what it means to me since it’s been such an integral part of my life. But I can tell you that when I don’t write in a journal regularly (I’ve occasionally gone up to six months), I start to feel very fragmented.

    I understand my own feelings better if I write them… In fact, it’s almost as if writing is how I actually process my life, like some people dream. Because my minute-to-minute thoughts are very analytical, very curious, very problem-solving, and rarely about myself (I’m one of those people who’s constantly still asking “Why” like a little child… why is the sky blue… why is the bridge built like that); my journal writing is almost all emotional. I guess it’s where I get in touch with myself. Sounds so cliched, but it’s true.

    Sorry, I guess I just wrote a blog post. I might have to steal my own comment back for that very purpose.

  1935. A masterpiece!! You decoupaged the suitcase brilliantly! Love it.

    Glad Midsommar!

  1936. Wow, den blev ju skitsnygg! Jag gillar i och f?r sig den r?da f?rgen den hade fr?n b?rjan ocks?, men den blev ju mer enhetlig med den gula f?rgen. En bra id? och ett snyggt utf?rande! :)

  1937. Nice to see the suitcase finished! We had a great day in the park!! We have to have more of does days I think! Kram!

  1938. You take such beautiful pictures, girl! *G* And your creature’s great.

    Looking at your profile on Flickr, I found Amigurumi…not only do I LOVE cute critters AND crochet, but read Japanese. *G* I’m so excited to get started on one today. If you ever need Japanese craft mags translated…let me know! *hug*

  1939. Jag har ?gnat en l?ng stund ?t att l?sa ikapp din blogg och fastnar p? detta inl?gg. Vilken jobbig period du g?r genom :-( En stor kram till dig. Sk?nt att se att du har din familj n?ra. Dessutom m?ste ditt skrivande och skapande vara nyttigt f?r dig. Det ?r s? m?nga tankar och k?nslor som beh?ver uttryckas. Dessutom ser jag att du avslutat din utbildning (grattis!) och jag f?rst?r att du verkligen st?r p? tr?skeln till en ny fas i ditt liv. Jag ?r s?ker p? att det ordnar sig p? ett bra s?tt p? dig. Men ta och vila dig i sommar. Kram!

  1940. I have recently discovered your blog and it always lifts my heart. It’s fresh and it’s real. I thank you

  1941. Oh, such beautiful babies! And I love the sheep, too.

    My brother is 19 but sometimes he still looks like the little boy he was, too. He has a very bashful smile.

  1942. I am so pleased I stumbled across your blog, via RadioGirl. Both you and your visitors go some way in making sense of journalling, and I now see it’s more than diary-entries. Think I’m getting closer to giving it a go.

  1943. I love your little softie, the pictures (great colours), and the little story about your adventures in the garden. It really gives her life!

  1944. I love coming here, looking at the pictures, reading. It is raining hard in Flanders, but your blog makes my day.

  1945. I found your blog through Artsymama and just love it! You have a great style. I’ll be back often.

  1946. I too have cats…two to be exact…a mother and daughter…very big and smallish, both about 10 years old. They play with our little Bichon dog and it’s quite a lot of fun to watch. Hummingbirds are my favourite ones to talk to….and magpies…magpies never shut up and hummingbirds never sit still!! Your cat is beautiful…even when she’s wet.

  1947. She is delightful! I know just what you mean about talking to animals. I talk with my dogs and cats daily :) Thank you so much for visiting my blog the other day. I appreciate it :)

  1948. Hej Hanna

    Kender du “En Sk?rsommernatsdr?m” (supersp?ndenede krimi) af Arne Dahl? Der beskrives en svensk midsommerskik: pluk 7 forskellige blomster og l?g under din hovedpude, s? vil du dr?mme hvem der bliver din tilkommende mand. Smuk id?!Jeg har t?nkt at unders?ge det n?ste ?r…(h?ber jeg husker det)…

  1949. I’m an animal person too, cats, dogs, fish (!), if it has a beating heart, my own goes out to meet it. It’s a well-known fact that petting and interacting with an animal lowers the blood pressure and just plain makes us feel good! When we commune with another creature, we expand the love that is in us. And Mother Nature appreciates it!

  1950. I’ve never considered myself as a cat person until I moved in with two two cats and fell in love with them completely! I always stop and chat with the stray cats and my husband always greets the cats in the street with a raised open paw… I mean, hand. *^v^* Smilla is so cute, I wish I could see more wet pictures of hers (I cannot access them since they’re marked “private”).

  1951. These pictures are great. I love the cat basket; what a great way to keep her close but comfortable. Our cats are not allowed in the office/studio because they’re too rambunctious and they like playing with the art supplies as much as I do.

    I think the drawings are very good.

  1952. Jttefin, man blir verkligen glad av att se den! (och den passar dig) Bra jobbat, jag beundrar alla som syr klder…

  1953. S? smukt et rum, helt vidunderligt!!!

    I det hele taget ser der rigtig dejligt ud i dine for?ldres hus og have!

  1954. HeeHee! I’m a complete kid too when it comes to animals: cats, dogs, squirrels, chippys, toads, dragon-flies, birds, bees (I like to gently pet the big fuzzy ones when they are busy in a flower) and pretty much any other creature. I’ll stop and say hello. Try to lure them over for a pet, or just stand and quietly watch them. I’m never too busy for a one on one with a neat looking bug either! I’m so glad I’m not the only one.
    Love your site!

  1955. I once read somewhere that one who keeps a journal has a narrated life – a life with an extra layer…. I like that.

  1956. I had to check out your blog… The name Hanna got me . I have a Hannah. Inspiration to do something with my piles of fabric.

  1957. I’ve always had that feeling, ever since I was little, that I noticed more than those around me. I’ve never heard anyone else say it, though.

  1958. this is so nice – I love the bold colours and design – wear it with pride and enjoy!
    Love to you

  1959. Your skirt is so cute nice job! And it’s very summer-y. I have only made one so far but should get on that since it may warm up here sometime soon. :)


  1960. Fantastic!! I have the same kinds of piles of fabric in my closet! I too need to get out my sewing machine and make some new skirts for summer!

  1961. I love Teesha’s play zines! Eye candy! Yes indeed! I have only the first one and hope to get the rest before they are gone! I thumb through the one zine I have over and over!

  1962. Thanks for all your nice comments girls!

    Linda: the rose is German and called Gerberos s?ger min pappa. Det ?r en kl?ngros som v?xer p? en spalje i tr?dg?rden. Otroligt vacker, en av mina favoriter ocks

  1963. Du r en stor inspirationsklla och jag blev s glad nr du terupptog bloggandet. Jag lser hr och hos mnga andra och stter ofta p ordet ephemera men jag lyckas inte klura ut vad det betyder p? svenska. Skulle du kunna hjlpa mig att verstta?

  1964. I’ll look into the links later, but your pages are really bright and lovely! I have to try water colors too. So far I only have acrylics, and I adore them. I’m really interested in journaling now, trying to find my “place” in it, and getting a little confused, so your posts about it are really interesting to me!

  1965. Helo there :) I’m wabi sabi too :) Your words are wise and touh me deeply. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! And greetings from Poland!

  1966. Hello :) You have beautiful room to write in it :) And I have a diary too :) I write my diary since I was a child :) It means so much to me! Take care and send you warm wishes from Poland!

  1967. Vad fint! Jag skriver ocks? n?gra rader varje dag. S? skriver jag ?ven i barnens b?cker. De har varsin bok f?r sm? h?ndelser, hyss och framsteg.

  1968. Mia,
    Ephemera har ingen bra versttning till svenska tycker jag. Det r typ sm bitar av gamla papper, ephemera kan vara biljetter, kuponger, brev, inkpslistor – snt som finns kvar nr dagen r slut och som de flesta mnniskor slnger bort. Snt kan man spara och integrera i konst eller i sina visuella dagbcker. :-) Hoppas beskrivningen hjlper. Jag lskar ephemera (bde ordet och de sm pappersbitarna).

    thanks for your comment! There are so many styles of visual journaling, just try a lot of different books, papers, paints and collage and have fun. In time you’ll find what you like best. I’m still experimenting!

    thank you girl!

  1969. Heisann. Takk for koselig hilsen p? bloggen, for noen nyyyydelige collager du har laget. Fantastiske farger og veldig kreativt arbeid. Utrolig flott. Jeg kommer tilbake for ? se hva du finner p? neste gang. Ha en fin sommerferie…

  1970. Hi Hanna!
    Thank you for visiting my blog. So glad you did because it brought me to your wonderful blog. You do just about everything don’t you?? I’m right there with you. I love watercolors. They can create such magic and you’ve made magic with yours. I don’t think I’ve ever met a medium I didn’t like. I love to sew too, but I can’t sew properly like you. I just use fabric and make art quilts.
    I want to be in your shop dream…..count me in for sure. I bet you can make it happen!

  1971. its been so long since i did a mosaic ~ this has me wanting to pull out the hammer and begin the process. really beautiful pot : )

  1972. oh how wonderful : ) i have all these coloured painted papers that i have yet to play with ~ this is such a fantastic idea ~ thank you :)

  1973. What a lovely quotes! Especially this about writing! I’ve got one little notebook to write down my favorite quotes, and I write part of them in my diary too. Thank you for sharing these!

  1974. Great idea! I used way too many post it notes hehe! I love the quote, “If I don’t write to empty my mind…I go mad.” That is so me! LOL But so true! Thank you for sharing this! xo

  1975. Oh, vad sjyst du f?r till det med din ros-stil. ?nskar vi hade hus, eller ?tminstone sommarhus n?r jag ser dina bilder.

  1976. I love these. I love pink in the summer, it all looks so “summery”. The mosaic pot turned out really cute too.

  1977. Love it! Very juicy looking.And it blends in so well.
    I like fruit labels too if they are a bit larger and alcohol bottles have some cool labels. I should start saving more of them. :)

  1978. I love the shabby chic style too! Those are beautiful cushions you?ve made. There?s something soothing about those florals.

  1979. Very pretty! I’ve always wanted a hammock to lounge/read and soak up the summer breezes! Unfortunately the only place for one is the front yard between the only trees suitable for a hammock..but who on earth wants to listen to traffic going by whilst reading a good book! Love the cozy spot you created! :)

  1980. The shelf and chair turned out wonderful! I love how you bring old things back to life! See those little weedish white flowers(in the grass) in your last photo posted here?! My sister and I used to take the longest stemmed ones and tie them into chains and make neclaces and a crown of flowers for our hair LOL My girls do that now! :) Great post!

  1981. Thanks for visiting my blog! Love yours! Just added it to my favorites. I ready about 20 blogs each morning over coffee. I get so excited to find fresh ones!

  1982. paint truly is magical ~ such a difference!! we just finished painting our kitchen and it is transformed!! hmmmm, i have some chairs in the garage that could use some work :) And I love the idea of a little herb shelf to put my paints on ~ rather than the haphazard scatter where they currently live … thank you!!

  1983. Wow, I am so happy to meet you in the blog world! Your blog is amazing! I feel I have a lot to find out…can’t wait to read all your blog!

    I love this mosaic pot a lot! Wonderful job!

  1984. Thanks for those links–I enjoyed reading about the health benefits–I’ve been journaling pretty much all my life–very glad I did and do! I’ve never tried it with a moleskine though–maybe I will next time. Your pages are looking good–I think it’s one of the things that you do best!

  1985. Oh, your pages are so inspiring. I too have been working with watercolor in my journal. This week I made big lettering with a tiny brush and sumi ink (worked great) and then different colors of watercolor (also worked great). This was painted on top of acrylic which I thought might repel the paint but it took it just fine so now I have a new tool to play with. I find the journal the perfect place to try new things and just experiment. I never expect it to be all that ‘pretty’ – for me it is all about doing something I haven’t done before.

    Bloglines finally let me add you to my list so now I will receive every post; I’m so happy!!

    Really love your blog.

  1986. This is amazing crochet! I am looking for a book called Ava’s Dolls and Puppets. It is mostly knitting. I am interested in seeing what people are doing with crochet too.

  1987. i am always gluing things into my moleskin journal … i like images with my words too, lol …

    thanks for sharing these wonderful bits of you …

    : )

  1988. Hi Hanna!

    Thank you for the nice comment on my blog. I don’t read Swedish, but I love the look of the journal. I understand the Life After God sentence. LOL! I love the page with the rose, and the dresser. So beautiful, and the writing looks really neat with the open space in those photos. Your blog always has the best ideas.

  1989. I really like your blog! It’s so inspiring and full of lovely thoughts and ideas. I’d like to add it to my favourites…

  1990. oh they look so beautiful and comfy ~ i also like the reindeer pattern .. hmmmmm ~ is the canadian in me, lol … so comfy cute!!

  1991. Just a note to say that your blog always gives me inspiration when I need it. You are so creative and industrious. I’m an artist and crafter but must constantly search within and outside myself for the energy to create. Your blog gives me that energy. Thanks and keep up the wonderful work.

  1992. if you move to the closest chinatown, you can wear pajamas to buy milk. or to do laundry at the launderette. or to go grocery shopping. or maybe pretend you live in a chinatown, and try it where you live? ;-)

  1993. Hello – what an amazing fabric stash you have! Love your pjs and journals – and also that you’re into so many different things – that’s cool! :)

  1994. on the rainy night like this what else does the girl needs?! Cup of hot coco, comfy arm-chair, book and THOSE cute pajama pants… and I already can see myself in heaven :)
    They look so comfy and soft!

  1995. Great job! I love lounge around the house clothes! That’s awesome that you made the pattern yourself!

  1996. Great pj pants Hanna! I love wearing pj pants…so comfy! Hey now if I can wear scooby-doo pjs to the store you can wear these! ;o)

  1997. Hej d?r! Underbart med tygerna som ?r sorterade efter f?rg. Sj?lv har jag f?rgordnat mina b?cker i hyllan:) Ta g?rna en titt p? min helt f?rska blogg.

  1998. Hej Hanna – hvordan laver man s?dan en flickr billedmosaik?

    Hvis jeg skalhave bare en lille chance for at vise nogle af mine Pariserfotos p? min blog, s? m? jeg vist t?nke i billedmosaikbaner…

  1999. Just wanted to say that I think your blog is beautiful, and it has been inspirational – both for my crafting, and for my own (new) blog.

    Hope you don’t mind, but I’ve written a couple of lines about your blog and added a link as part of a review series I’ve just started on my blog.

    keep being creative

  2000. Yeah!! I just bought a set of 4 hardcase suitcases, with the hope to decoupage them for storage for my growing family! I love how yours came out (love the sweet fabric you used!) …thanks for sharing your adventure, truly an inspiration to me!

    (I wish you would come over and do another one with me…doing it with a friend and coffee sounds like a dream!)

    mama to 6
    one homemade and 5 adopted

  2001. Marvelous – made three so far and am in th process of doing a base for one of them. Have you ever made a frog pond? If so anything you could share as to how to go about it would be so appreciated.

    Thand you


  2002. Wow! Look at that fabric stash and the PJ’s are fantastic in Alg! Kanske jag ocks? har en litten norrl?ndska nu att jag b?r i Sverige! :)

  2003. right now I have the only one wish – to understand swedish :) But thank god for my danish husband which was used to satisfy my curiosity here :)
    I like the quotes you chose but most of all I like what they make you think of :)

    list of what I have done during the year… I probably should make a list of things I’ve made but decided that they aren’t what they should be and through them out… horrible habit!

    Cute skirt drawing :) I wonder how it looks “live” :)

  2004. oh, how pretty those china patterns are, and I love the lace on the clothesline. I’m going to think about your journal idea, I haven’t written/drawn in mine lately. Beautiful blog~

  2005. I think it?s lovely that you see your mother like this – she must be a special lady to have created such a bond with her daughter.

  2006. Lovely card! Like your mum, I love blue and white china and pottery, and I like to mix them. My kitchen cupboard is a mish mash of white and blue dishes. I’ve been wanting to crochet a rug like that. Yours is beautiful.

  2007. As always, beautiful photos Hanna! And I’ve never heard of it but that stompa bread looks delicious.
    Your mom seems like so much fun! Love the clips in her hair.

  2008. Blue is my favorite color as well, and I love the images you have here. I also love what you said about your mother being in bloom—it brought a tear to my eye!

  2009. It’s my favourite colour in the whole world! and that turqoise bow… perfection, girl!

  2010. Awe, I might just knit that little kitty! I’m glad you’re looking on the bright side of things and calling that creation a dress. Its very cute :)

  2011. I love your dress! Perfect fabric, great shaping, and that neckline is lovely. Have a wonderful time wearing it!

  2012. Lenge siden sist jeg la igjen kommentar, men ikke lenge siden sist jeg var p? bes?k i bloggen din :o) Den er en evig kilde til inspirasjon for meg. Bildene dine er alltid en nytelse, og det er en ?re ? f? kikke i din Moleskin og andre journaler. Denne gangen tok jeg meg tid til ? kopiere masse av lenkene du tipset om tidligere i sommer, til min Bloglines. Du er selvf?lgelig p? plass der for lenge siden ;o) Ha en fortsatt super sommer!

  2013. Great dress! Your sewing skills are amazing! I wish I could sew clothing, but I am afraid in a few minutes of wearing something I made the seams would come undone and well…you know the rest LOL EEK! hee hee! xoxo

  2014. oh i am so happy that you found me and i found you…any blue is my favorite color…i love the cat…how fun…see you soon…blessings, rebecca

  2015. hello.
    i googles something and came to this page. old, old post, i realise. but i like the image and am wondering if you’ve still been keeping an art journal.
    i’m a journal artist and i love that time and space it gives me.

  2016. :) yes , really nice. a good memory shot!
    i love coming here after being away and reading all your old posts! you have such great and inspiring ideas!

  2017. Love your blog–I’m envious of your constant creativity. I sometimes feel like I have to pry mine right out of me! Thanks for these inspiring links.

  2018. great links that i am excited to explore over the next week :) and YES you should totally open an etsy store ~ your art is so beautiful and its funny because the other day when i saw your super adorable teddy, i was thinking that you should sell them on etsy *hint hint*

    i’m totally commenting for the kiss ;-)

  2019. Oh wow! So much stuff to explore. I’ve already ordered Kira’s zine as well, and I adore Love Life. Thanks for all the links, I’ll have to come back during the weekend and check them out.

  2020. Thank you so much for the beautiful reminder to appreciate the little things (like talking to your mother—mine’s visiting me this weekend!), and for the link to the Epiphanies. I’m glad that you found it useful!

  2021. Hej Hanna, For a long time now I have been visiting your blog regularly. Your posts give me loads of inspiration and also information. Especially a post like this where you provide links to tutorials and techniques, which I have found really useful.

    Tack sa mycke & Hej da

    PS my svenska is limited to a few words and phrases. I love the sound of Swedish, it reminds me of my own mother-tongue Gaelic (Irish). Especially the way Swedish is spoken in the south of Sweden, it has a special lilt.

  2022. hey thanx for the compliments on my art… your jounal page is awsome… and i long to sew but not very good.. everything i sew comes apart …
    have a wonderful day!

  2023. Hi Hanna,
    Love this post, and I am looking forward to reading thoroughly through all your links.
    I recently moved from Ontario Canada, to Calgary, AB Canada, to work in a yoga studio and find some new opportunities. Feeling the strong need to journal!!
    I really love the shot of your desk with everything on it.

  2024. Excellent idea. I will have to try that once I have my garden planted. I think I would put another leaf on the outside, so the bottom has the same texture.

  2025. Loads of energy in this post! I love it :-) And thanks for all the great links, particularly the mention of Kira’s Page to Page zine, which I ordered. Hope you had a great weekend in the country!

  2026. We all need downtime too… moments, hours, maybe even a whole day (or more), of repose, rest, quiet. think of today as rejuvenation, rather than feeling like you didn’t take advantage of the day.
    I SO enjoy your blog and your artwork-I wish I was half as creative and self-challenging as you are. You are one fantastic Swedish woman! If you ever come to Alaska, I would love to visit with you.

  2027. What a cool page! Love all the beautiful colors.
    Today I grocery shopped. Not too exciting, but it had to be done! LOL!

  2028. I love the vivid combination of colours!
    I did make some effort on Sunday – we decided on a spontaneous photoshoot in a punk style and it was fun and turned out better then we expected! (it was just for fun, I’m not a model or something! ^^). To continue the creative time spending and to get some inspiration we visited the National Contemporary Art gallery in the afternoon.
    Thank you for the compliment on my photos, please come back for more to

  2029. I am taking full advantage of my downtime right now! I spent most of my weekend being a couch potato hee hee! I think we all need a bit of time to just be!! *hugs*

  2030. i love this page, hanna! i also like that you are aware of your day and your mood and will try again, without judgment. being kind to ourselves is the first step to living out loud, in my opinion.

  2031. Oh. . .I like white too. . .my favorite color combination in the whole entire universe is pink and white, so your picture made me smile. LOVE IT!!!!!

  2032. goodness gracious…i am glad i could somehow be inspiring! it’s inspiring to me in turn! you did a lovely job.

    i think you know more about clothing and the like that you think you know. the only thing to know, really, is what you love. find what you love, what compliments you, and you’re on the way. :)

  2033. Oh I love this one! I made myself a pair of patchworkpants in the beginning of the 90s – I should have kept them… ;-)

  2034. That is one fabulous skirt!!! I love patchwork but it never occured to me to make a skirt. And using the vintage fabrics is perfect. I have tons of vintage scraps that would be great for something like this. Thanks for the inspiration! Oh, I just remembered that I picked up a package of bias tape today to make a wrap around skirt. I may have to try another skirt soon!

  2035. Hanna I love your patchwork skirt… so funky !!! Think I will have to make one for our Australian summer…. you have inspired me!

  2036. art making outdoors…sounds like a winner…and a challenge to have only a few tools and materials…blessings, rebecca

  2037. Love all your action packed posts! And I like the to go bag you have as well as your skirt and dress. The fabric on the dress is too cute. Love it.

  2038. You are no nerd at all!!
    I just have to poit it out that your doughnut makes a perfect match with my not so slender Springfield-self.

  2039. What a beautiful flowers! Don’t you think that flowers from garden, meadows and fields are the sweetest in the world? I love them!

  2040. What lovely photos you have shared here. I love your blog and your journaling style.

    Have a wonderful day,

  2041. ?h, Frankrike, jag saknar Frankriket! :(
    (jag kom inte heller iv?g den h?r sommaren, men jag fick hela v?rlden p? bes?k i st?llet)

    Jag tror att gatan ?r det konstigaste st?llet jag har varit kreativ p?. Men det ?r v?l inte s? konstigt med gatukonst?

    Btw: You are tagged! :) (for the eight random facts challenge – check my blog for the rules). Feel free to participate, or not…

  2042. Hi Hannah,
    Ardeche looks amazing!! What a wonderful place to camp, relax, and create! Thank you so much for sharing your story–I really enjoyed it!


  2043. oh i can see a mural in that church photo…i make art everwhere…best place for me was in palm springs, ca…at la quinta resort…summer 2005…blessings, rebecca

  2044. really like your self-portrait, very cool. i’m fortunate to be able to travel once a year overseas for a cool class or two since we have nothing similar in our hemisphere. to me the internet is most inspiring and helpful. great spreads, especially like the textures in the second spread. and what a great idea to start the day in a special way. will think about it…

  2045. I love all your art but of the three spreads above I think the second one {pink and green} one is my favorites. I really love that quote as well.

    I found your blog through the comment you left on mine… if you were wondering who I am :D

  2046. bummer… your enlargements aren’t viewable; I get a message saying I don’t have permission.
    the top image is full of yearning it seems, for a more settled life, and the desire for the wedding and a family? you are still very sad about the breakup with the boyfriend, yes?
    I like the colors and the quote in the middle one. And the person just diving in; into creativity, life, experiences?
    The expression on the face (yours?) in the bottom image is rather poignant. Searching for something? Lovely shade of brown on the left side. I would like to see more texture, but I think that is just me! and it’s a bit hard over the ‘net :-) to feel the textures. the map is a good addition-adds to the context of the piece. I wish I could read the written sections, but I think there are many clues to who you are just from the images.
    I really like your work. expressive, creative, introspective… I haven’t yet delved into collage, although my crazy quilting is an attempt at it. It’s so hard to clean up glue and paint without running water :-) but someday I will try it.

  2047. Girl, you are my journaling guru! *^v^*
    The first spread is dark but not sad, in fact the image of the bed peaks comfort and calmness to me. The colours are great, these are the ones I’m going to choose for my Autumn palette in my clothes, I love violets and dark reds.
    The second spread carries so much energy, so much movement, and the images are very refreshing, you just want to get up and start doing something. ^^
    I love the last spread, it shows that you’re occupied by many things and that’s good I think, there is so much to choose from when you get bored with one thing. ^^
    I totally agree with what you wrote about attending the courses, I feel the same, as if I was isolated from all the opportunities of getting new skills and learning great things in person, from the masters.

  2048. Hi Hanna – thanx for visiting my blog. The photo above is wonderful – you can almost taste the freshly made French bread and Camembert, washed down with a full-bodied bottle of vin rouge of course! Even though France is a neighbour country I’ve hardly explored it at all – it will have to go on my must visit list. Looks like you had a lot of fun with the brochures!

    Sue (Lancashire, England)

  2049. These are really beautiful pages. I especially like the last two ~ your self portrait is arresting and the colours and textures in the middle page are really appealing. I love love love your calligraphy.

    I find the internet incredibly inspiring too. It’s a fantastic medium for visual art. My creative output has increased markedly since I’ve gone online. I’m just about to try art journalling, after seeing lots of gorgeous examples ~ including your own! I think I’m going to borrow Melissa’s fabulous idea and calligraph some of my blog entries.

    Great post, iHanna!

  2050. Thanks for visiting my blog, I love your journal pages, it amazes me how so many people journal yet their journal styles are so unique

  2051. Your cat is beautiful! I wish I could go out with my cat on a leash but she prefers to go out alone, jumping off the balcony and coming back the same way. The paw photo is the best! *^v^*

  2052. Hi there :) Your cat is so cute! I have similar photo of my cat’s paw – isn’t it adorable? ;) Cute fingers :)

  2053. Underbart att h?ra att jag kan inspirera! Du har tagit j?ttefina foton av katten, det blir ju s? bra ljus n?r man ?r ute ocks?. N?rbilden p? tassen ?r s? gullig och den i skogen ?r fin :)

  2054. That’s a great skirt- I have bad memories of patchwork skirts from the 80s but this one is making me think that maybe I should try make one for myself. Lovely colours

  2055. The one where she is standing up is suitable for LOLCAT captions. Maybe “Hark! I heareth a birdie!”
    Anyway she is lovely.

  2056. oh she look like my mr fuzzy pants…except he is black and white…is she a raggamuffin???…missed you while i was gone…blessings, rebecca

  2057. Hanna, sooo lovely!

    Did you know that I have your crow painting and I moved with it, to an island?? Of allll the things I had to bring, and I chose you painting to go first, and this trip I have your mom’s potholders!

    So talented.

  2058. Man alive that cat paw just makes me all soft inside. There’s something so, so, so magical about cat paws! Love your cat!

  2059. how fun!! I love that the embellishments filter down instead of up. Can’t wait to see the next one.

  2060. This is soooo lovely! I love the transparent pieces and the square shapes. And the little angel… perfect! Absolutely beautiful.

  2061. ?h s? fin! Personlig, handgjord och h?rligt plottrig, men ?nd? stilren med det bleka och det vita. Bra jobbat, Hanna!

  2062. Very nice, however I must admit I’d have totally covered it with bits and pieces ! It’s my failing you see, I always go with the more is best approach, even though I know understated usually comes out best ! – Julia x

  2063. This is so lovely! I adore the way all the buttons and marbles trickle down to nothing at the bottom. And that small bit of lace below the mirror . . . perfect.

  2064. Love it! Just the right amount of stuff on it. I also really like the picture of you crafting with Smila beside you. Cute. Thanks for the comment on my blog…still haven’t done any journaling, but definitely feeling inspired and encouraged.
    Have a good week,

  2065. Very nice! I love that you didn’t cover the whole thing. I probably would’ve been tempted to completely cover it. Can’t wait to see the other one!

  2066. oh hanna…congrats for having the courage to open the shop and tell people you are in business…i have an empty shop just waiting for me to find the courage to offer my art to the world…i applaud you…blessings, rebecca

  2067. This is something I have been contemplating for a while…trying to figure out which way to go. I have a picture site and a blog so now it’s on to the next step!! Thanks for the information and encouragement. As always, your blog is a morning “must read” for me. Take care…

  2068. Hi Hanna!

    I just bought the vintage papers for my collage work. I hope you continue to sell ephemera with text other than English especially if you can find any Russian items because my husband is Russian and I want to make collages involving his family. Thanks so much for letting us have the chance to see and buy your wonderful work and flea market finds!

  2069. What a gorgeous mirror,
    I really like white~on~white colourways!
    The photo of you and Smilla is beautiful too ~ you look so cozy…and thanks so much for visiting my blog. Your comment was a lovely surprise. =]

  2070. I like the way you use the magazine cutouts, I’m still hesitant to do it, but these are the early days of my art journalling. ^^ There is a true happiness beaming out from the first spread and I like all the textures. The second spread is striking because of the interesting text layouts.
    I agree that you have to love your creations, when they are loved they give back this feeling in the form of true self-satisfaction from our work and appreciation from others. *^v^*

  2071. They are both so beautiful, but if I have to pick a favorite I would go with the first one.
    You art is so inspiring!

  2072. I love all your recent pages! Hard to pick a favorite LOL! I really like how your pages have lots of layers … that’s something I’m still working on. But no matter what, I’m having fun … that’s what counts, right?

  2073. i dont know which came first, the hen or the egg, but I do know i just LOVE your journals!

    the colors in the first one are fantastic and i love the movement on the page of the second!

  2074. How can one not be happy looking at those beautiful colours. I love the first one because the colours speak to me but the second one has a different charm. Lots of life in those pages!

  2075. I really love the colors in the first journal page. There’s just something about the way they come together that keeps me coming back.

  2076. I have a love-hate relationship with my creative side. I love creating, but I don’t know what to do with all the stuff i made. One side of me wants a clean place to live with only the things I need – my other side wants to own all pretty things and keep them in cute little boxes. I’m in the process of moving to a smaller apartment now, so this is my biggest dilemma at the moment. :)

    I think your list-spread is really cool! The wavy lines and colors are great. And the first spread really makes me want to create!

  2077. Det vita huset ?r ursnyggt! Jag k?pte ett s?dant p? Village ?t en v?n och ?ngrar verkligen att jag inte k?pte ett ?t mig sj?lv ocks?… :-(

    L?ser f?r ?vrigt din blogg regelbundet och beundrar din kreativitet! Skriver du n?got om ditt l?sande nu f?r tiden? Bokkanalen verkar ligga nere (precis som Bokm?rkt…). Jag l?ser massor men hinner aldrig skriva om b?ckerna jag l?ser.

  2078. I really like your art journal. It’s very inspiring. I’d like to try one of these myself one day. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment.

    Take care,

  2079. LOVE these journal pages. Especially with all the writing. I can’t wait to really peruse your blog. I think I’m going to love it. So tired now. I’ll be back!!

  2080. Beautiful white forms, especially the first two pics, and the last one too. That little bird… so sweet.
    see you, g

  2081. Gillar verkligen listorna, s? fina b?de visuellt och inneh?llsm?ssigt! (?lskar att skriva listor, ?nskar att jag kunde g?ra det s?d?r estetiskt tilltalande…)

  2082. Hanna, this is so inspiring! I love the idea of spreading paint across journal pages – I’m going to try this soon, I just have to!

  2083. Thanks for sharing your process and your ups ‘n downs of doing an art journal. I keep more of a scrapbook than a journal; it’s notes from art classes, ideas (mostly images from magazines or printed off the web and glued in), color schemes (again, images glued in), some quotes from various sources, and whatever I find inspiring.
    I’m going to Ireland in the spring, and I will be keeping a regular written/photography/scrapbook journal, but it might be really fun to do an art journal too. But hmm, maybe I should do one about AK too… now to find the time…
    thanks again for sharing!

  2084. I love the background and the divine text you wrote. Very cool. I have a hard time with some paper holding up to paint without falling apart but if you glue stuff on top that helps I think. Thanks for sharing your spread!

  2085. This is fabulous! I so need to try the credit card painting technique … I have a huge stack of them waiting to try it, but just haven’t done it yet. I will have to pull one out and try it asap … you’ve thrown down the gauntlet LOL! And I love how you filled the page … it’s so full of movement and energy. Your use of several different colors of ink for the various bits of journaling and doodling really add to it. Just wonderful!

    I will try it soon … I will try it soon …

  2086. Wow, I think this is one of the best pages I’ve seen you do. It’s lovely. I don’t use a brush at all, I use a sponge, the same as we use for dish washing. I learned that from Celine Navarro, and it’s great. I also don’t clean it, because it absorbs the colors, so I can just use it for a whole page, and clean only when I’m done. I like the plastic card technique, Lisa Volrath also uses it. I have to try.

  2087. This page turned out beautifully. I’ve been wanting to try art journaling myself, and have also found it difficult to decide what to write. I guess it really is better to just write what comes to you because, well, it’s a journal.

  2088. S? vackert, Hanna! H?rligt eldig och varm! Det ser ut som att skriva ?r hur l?tt som helst f?r dig – har du n?gra tips p? hur man b?r sig ?t? Jag tycker definitivt du ska skriva vad du beh?ver uttrycka, det ?r v?l d?rf?r man skapar? (skrift, papper, “konst”, textilt och annat!)

  2089. Hey, Hanna! I love this page! But don’t worry about what you write on your pages. You don’t have to record deep thoughts. No one is going to read it and say, Gee, you don’t write the right things in your journal! There’s no right or wrong. Anything goes in your journal…it’s what you want it to be. Write lists, random thoughts, song lyrics, or nothing at all. I’ve seen a lot of journal pages with no writing. There are no rules!

  2090. Ooooh I love your blog! I’m glad you stopped by mine, because now I was able to stumble upon yours and your shop and purchase your vintage pages! I am such a sucker for old text and the like, I love using it in my artwork and journal collages. Hooray!

  2091. This journal page is so alive with your color and images! I don’t keep a journal consitantly but we are taking a trip soon and I am preparing my journal pages (and will try this! color technique) so I hope to fill it up!

  2092. i love these and what a wonderful way to spend your time ~ i did a couple of pages while i was only holiday but really want to start making a habit of it and building it into my time …

    thanks for being such a beautiful inspiration :)

  2093. congratulations !!! yippee!! :) i will be making my etsy rounds this week now that i am home from vacation :)

  2094. love love love the colour :)

    i write poetry bits, scattered thoughts, quotes i love, words to inspire and sometimes little messages to myself :)

  2095. I LOVE your art work .
    Colorful , great !
    Rini from the Netherlands
    Can I give you a place on my favorites ???
    I hear from you ???
    Love RINI

  2096. love all the white! we are getting ready to landscape the front of our house . . and i’m hoping to do all white flowers!

    white is so fresh and so clean!

  2097. The plastic card trick is a great idea. I spent a bunch of money on palette knives … but who needs them? Your background looks amazing. :)

  2098. I love these pages! The pictures you chose are outstanding and the fire colors really brings them to life. I feel your pain about writing over paint. I’ve vowed myself to actually JOURNAL in my journal.

    Now I have another excuse to avoid my homework tonight…I have to try that credit card technique!

  2099. Ya know, in the past I’ve hated white with a passion. Most of the time, to me, it seems like such a blank color. Cold, like you described it. But these select few items remind of smooth milk and serenity. Thanks for bringing white back into my palette.

  2100. That looks wonderful. What is the recipe for the cement mix. I tried to make one once and the cement broke around the edges.

  2101. Oh it’s so wonderful and good to do a good cleaning now and then. I’ve had to do this many times – things accumulate, and then it’s time to clean out again.

  2102. Hi Hanna,
    I was just looking at your collage prints at Etsy and they look great. I am curious – what do you mean by a magazine printer?

  2103. Hi Hanna,
    I was just looking at your collage prints at Etsy and they look great. I am curious – what do you mean by a magazine printer?

  2104. Thank you Miss Hanna, for liking my video and saying sweet things about my art.
    I DIG your journals.
    – suze

  2105. sounds like a wonderful problem to have! but I do know how that can be…it almost seems I cant be more creative with less “stuff” to work with! i ordered some of your vintage book papers and envelopes so I’m glad you are cleaning out your stuff and sharing, thanks! and your prints at etsy are just beautiful!

  2106. Thanks for sharing your feelings like that,even though you made me cry too.
    I found my special place that makes me smile,makes me feel safe and after moving around a bit,I came back and I’m here to stay.
    I hope forever.
    Best of luck to you,wherever you go.
    Just remember,you CAN go home again!

  2107. As you beautifully said, “the calmness comes from within me, not from the rooms where I?ve lived or the town itself”, so stick to this thought and think about your move as the new beginning – new challenges, new experiences, new people to meet, new things to do. It doesn’t mean you’re going to forget everything that you’ve experienced here in the place you’ve lived for the last several years – all of those won’t lose their importance and they will stay in your memories, in your art, on your photos, in your thoughts. But now it’s time to change and we all need that from time to time, and the Universe knows when it’s a proper time to impose it on us, I think! Good luck! *^v^*

  2108. Hanna, you are wise and have such a positive beautiful perspective.
    The town you are leaving I also once had to leave, and it was not my choice, and I was much younger. In time, I have been able to return and visit, and the rest of the time I have memories that make me smile.

    I’ve lived many many places. And you are right, the true happiness and peace within happens no matter where you are. Besides, even when I lived in one of my least favorite cities, I found things to love. (But I am glad I don’t live there anymore!)

    Good luck with your new adventure and move to the next place. You are still in the beautiful land Sweden, so no matter which town you are in, it can’t be too bad ;)

    Love to you – keep in touch (skicka g?rna din nya address s? kan jag skicka ett paket d? och d?!)


    PS – Speaking of literature, all this made me think about the short novel by Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist. Have you read that one?

  2109. I feel for you because I know what it’s like to find home and to have to leave it behind. Though, you are right. If you can find peace within yourself, then you are already home – with yourself. Best wishes to you as you undergo this change in your life.

  2110. best wishes on moving!!! you have some beautiful goodies in your shop :) i think its SO WONDERFUL that you have a shop with your mum… and your handmade envelopes are delightful!!! YOU HAVE INSPIRED ME WITH SOME IDEAS NOW :D

  2111. :) have a wonderful safe move ~ today i drove from my city to my parent’s town for the weekend and i remarked that if a highway can be a home, this is my home because i’ve been making the trip for so many years that memories roll by my head with each hour passed … it is my reflective highway …

    i also studied literature :) xox

  2112. Thanks so much for the link. What suziblu said really struck a chord with me too. I really liked her paintings and loved the video, in all its whimsy. What a fantastic way of sharing the process of making art.

  2113. Hope you find happiness and joy and plenty of creativity in the new place, Hanna! And I hope that you keep up your wonderful blog. I have found so much inspiration here!

    I have loved a place since I was little, I’ve moved away, but always returned. It will always be home, no matter what happens. It’s the nature and the people of this northern island that pulls me back, even if most of my family is gone from there now. But I can’t get enough of it, as it brings me such calm and joy.

  2114. S? vackert du skriver om det. Och jag f?rst?r s? v?l din k?nsla.

    F?r jag fr?ga vart du ska flytta?

  2115. Wow!!
    Putene dine var knallfine!!!

    Lager du slike p? bestilling?;)
    Jeg bor i Norge…

  2116. I think a lot of people are sort of going through changes right now. Maybe it’s sort of harvesting good thoughts and accomplishments and then moving onward. Good luck in your new home!

  2117. I think these are all wonderful spreads. So very different each one. Displaying a different mindset. I love artists who can change color palettes on a dime without leaving a stilted or unnatural affect. These are very inspiring. I REALLY need to get back in the art journal habit. It just makes an artist grow by leaps and bounds.

  2118. Now I’m back “perusing” your blog! I still love these journal pages and now I need to add that without love I would be blank, barren, empty. Without love I would create nothing.

  2119. Hanna….you are wise beyond your years my dear. You are a very special and talented girl. Being at home in your own skin is what makes life livable. Loving that home inside your skin is what makes life fabulous. You’re gonna do great things with your life. Great things.

  2120. Good luck with your move to your new town Hanna! It sounds like your years at university were very rich and much more rewarding than simply an education in literature. Best wishes on your next grand adventure! :-)


  2121. Dear Hanna,
    Thank you for yet again bringing inspiring links to my attention! I just printed the “Excellence through Simplicity” article and will try to find a quiet moment to read it thoroughly soon (if you visit my blog you?ll see why I am in lack of quiet moments these days. All for happy reasons but still it drains my energy because I am not able to refill it the usual way (by crafting, writing etc). Thank you again – you are a gem :o)

  2122. Thank you for all these beautiful links. I especially loved the article on Virtual Hugs. I, too, have found them to be unexpectedly uplifting and loving and powerful.
    Namaste, ihanna.

  2123. i love this post and i can relate so much, i don’t think i have found ‘the’ place yet {maybe i need to go back to buenos aires, i don’t know} but i also tend to look back {i just posted about nostalgia today}. overall i love the life i’ve built and that is the most important thing.
    good luck, hanna, in this new phase of your life, i am sure that feeling will go with you anywhere.

  2124. Hanna,
    This post is so full of wisdom, meaning, and heart. It definitely brought a tear to my eye. Home is definitely within…it is what we take with us wherever we go…even when we pass to the other side.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. They resound in many.


  2125. I love love love you art your journal look and your blog Keep it up the world can not have enough artists

  2126. Best of luck Hannah! In a few weeks I will have to leave the home I have lived in for the last 10 years and I think it?s going to be a “special day” too.

  2127. Hey, I came across your website while i was looking for something i could make for my friends birthday! I love all the presents youve got, amd hopefully ill give my friend something just as special! :)

  2128. I am getting out my journal right now to do a little creative healing. I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself and had completely forgotten that writing things out is sometimes a great release. thanks for the reminder hanna.

  2129. K?re Hanna

    Min store datter er netop flytte hjemmefra denne weekend. Og ikke bare til en anden by – men til et andet land! Det har f?et mig til at t?nke meget over hvad “hjem” egentlig betyder. Og jeg deler dit synspunkt: “at v?re hjemme” m? bero p? en indre f?lelse. At man st?r ved sig selv og evner at hvile i sig selv – uanset de ydre rammer. Det er selvf?lgelig lettere sagt end gjort, men vi g?r alle vores bedste…

  2130. What pretty books! Maybe you could do a vintage type theme with the darker covered one or you could do a Christmas one even. I have seen people do sort of Altered Journal Scrapooks for Christmas and since it was given? For Christmas in the 1800s then it kinda goes. Whatever you do with them I am sure they will be happy!

  2131. Varf?r inte saker som f?r dig att m? bra? En bok att ta fram i sv?ra stunder, s? du ser att det finns bra saker ?ven om det k?nns jobbigt just d

  2132. you make me want to dig out my kniting even if it is 95 degrees…the cat purring and the yarn becoming a sweater…lovely boks to fill with love…this is joy personified…blessings, rebecca

  2133. oh … it is so time to pull out my knitting, i picked up a beautiful vintage hat knitting book at a thrift store over my summer holidays and am itching to try out some of the patterns :) i love a new fresh empty book, so full of possibilities ~ yay you!!

  2134. I love the ladybug stitch marker, it is adorable!

    Good score on the journals. What about making a a dream journal? You could paint, draw, color, collage and write your dreams. Just a thought.

  2135. Oh, I love seeing people’s houses, and I agree, you can know a lot about the person from their house. I should take some pics of mine. It’s changed a lot since I started crafting.:)

  2136. It’s true – by seeing someones home, you feel you get to know them better.

    And I absolutely adore the blue book shelf!

  2137. Jag vet vad du menar med kreativa m?nniskors hem (och bokhyllor!), hemma hos mig har jag hanterat n?stan allt i inredningen, m?lat, sytt, gjort om, och en stor favorit hemma ?r min nya syh?rna, helt oumb?rlig. Och bokhyllan (ok, just nu bara b?cker p? golvet, jag letar efter begagnade billyhyllor) speglar definitivt mina kreativa intressen – jag tror att majoriteten ?r stickb?cker, och resten ?r inredning – romanerna ?r f?, och f?r det mesta i pocket.
    Trevligt bor i alla fall din kompis Sandra!

  2138. oh i love the rocks with the candles…how much fun is it to live there??? sandra looks like a bundle of joy…blessings, rebecca

  2139. Oh, Hanna! I love it! Are you calling me crazy?! lol. I think everyone should make at least one, so I am very proud of you for that! :) Lia

  2140. Inchies . . . wow, who knew? These are really exciting, and Lia’s post about making them is very helpful. I can’t wait to dig into my own inchies! Thanks for this great inspiration!

  2141. i love glimpses into peoples homes and creative people all tend to have such beautiful homes full of life and energy, colour and style … an expression of who they are … thanks for sharing your friend’s beautiful home…

  2142. Wow! Great home. I love her sense of style. The colors are all so lively and clean. It looks like the kind of place a pixie would live.

  2143. Oh, wow! I’ve never heard of these before. I’ve started doing small paintings(4″ x 5″) lately and really enjoy it. Going seriously tiny sounds like fun.

  2144. Lia, haha, noooo, who would call you crazy with your 1000 inchies project? I love that and you know it. I think the whole idea of people making “inchies” is crazy though, and fun and great. I’m amazed that they have a name, a use and a big audince now.

    I was going to write about the concept of marketing something like this on our blogs and letting it spread through art world yesterday, but I was to tired to get anything out of my head. And with my post I’ve allready spread the idea even wider! How fun is that? Now Diane and maybe even more people will try it!

    Yay for sharing ideas!

  2145. I really like Sandra’s house. I love the colors and her style.

    So true about getting to know someone by the books on their bookshelf! I’ve always felt the same way.

  2146. Hall?! Japp, jag ska f? glas?gon, jag tog mig till slut i v?g till optikern och fick veta att jag ?r n?rsynt p? b?da ?gonen, har brytningsfel p? ett ?ga och skelar p? b?da. Inte konstigt att jag b?rjar bli r?dd f?r att k?ra bil, haha. Hur ?r det med dig? Kramar!

  2147. now how does one get 1″ canvas??? i have enough trouble with the 48″ X 30″ canvas…the brushes to do inchies must be micro size…blessings, rebecca

  2148. Wow! Those are beautiful photos. Makes you think twice about the things we tend to take for granted in our busy daily lives. By the way, the comment you left recently is so true.

  2149. Your inchie is little ,but great in art ;o)))
    I like to work on inchies and I make 100 for a swap , and now 30 also for a swap .
    Rini from the Netherlands .

  2150. I tried to do an inchie, but it wasn’t for me. It reminds me of when you wrote about doing the fat book swap and all the work that went into it…I enjoyed it, but that was probably the last time i did it, lol!

  2151. these are gorgeous shots! just catching up on your posts- hope your new home is as enriching as your old one- good luck in the move!!!

  2152. beautiful images of nature’s gifts…free for the seeing…to be an artist is to see…you are an artist…blessings, rebecca

  2153. Gorgeous pictures — so crisp and fresh-looking that they’re helping me wake up this morning!

  2154. Hate spiders,but I love that spider web!
    I wish I could get my Smokey Sue to walk on a leash!

  2155. Great links! That Suzie Blue chic is great. She seems a little out of her mind, but she owns it, and I love that. I’ve been wanting to start an art journal for a while now, and I think I’m beginning to really get inspired for it.

  2156. Will definitely have a look at your art journal links when I get the chance. Sounds like a great idea… Love your blog and thought I’d just say hello.
    On Aug 11 you did a post titled White white white… I really liked the little white bird – did you make it?

  2157. Thanks! I LOVE those Suzie Blu videos, she’s so funny, and I love her attitude. One day I’m going to be able to write as much too…

  2158. thanks for the links to the art journal sites..i have kept one for decades…not just one…but i love to encourage other to do so…i will send them there…blessings, rebecca

  2159. Loved the Suzie Blu videos! Thanks for sharing! Loved her shes funny sweet and love her little silly songs! Now I got to go visit her blog! Loving all the colors in your journal pages girl! :) xo

  2160. Beutiful pictures that really captures the autumn spirit! The one with the heavy wet spiderweb is really artistic, and I looove it!

  2161. I think I would feel right at home there. Our own home is in a constant state of renovation, so it is haphazardly decorated, but I am hoping it will not always be so.

  2162. That Suzi Blu is such a hoot! Love her personality and desire to share with others. Thanks for posting about her new videos … will be watching for more of her. And the other links are great, too … I browsed a little yesterday, but will take more time today to really read them over. Thanks!

  2163. HEJ

  2164. Superfina, Hanna!
    Jag har snart en etsy-shop jag ocks?… om jag lyckas ta mig f?r att fotografera och l?gga in n?t, n?n g?ng.

  2165. Those are so cheerful! Love the fabrics you’ve put together … you have such a good eye for color!

  2166. The pillows are beautiful! I came across your blog by accident and now enjoy reading it each day, especially your visual journal posts. All your art is lovely.

  2167. I can join you in most words! To improve the list I?ll only add “simple living” and “everything swedish”….

  2168. Those pillows are beautiful. I love log cabin blocks, and the colors are so bright and happy!

  2169. what a great list…i am not sure i am that much but will try soon…missed you…happy fall…blessings, rebecca

  2170. These photos are just beautiful: they really capture that crisp freshness of a brand new morning.
    (thanks for your comments on my blog by the way: your blog is delicious! :-))

  2171. hi! please write to me at my email! i will send you a paper packet. looking forward to hearing from you! hugs :)

  2172. hi
    i wonder, do you know whether there are any instruction of how one oneself can make such notebooks? I really would like to make some myself, but I dont know how.

  2173. Here’s a late reply, just saw your link to this book sold at Amazon, it is in the North Light book club library.

    I want to start doing this also, with watercolors, may do an oil on paper now & then, probably some pencil/watercolor & ink/watercolor combinations.

    Will order some sketchbooks, the smaller travel size for their portability. I was an art major in college 30+ years ago, and want to reconnect with Art. I’d recently ordered a couple of books so I can get started doing watercolors. I’d tried them years ago after taping a few of Frank Clark’s PBS shows, I know I can do it, just need to “get to it”.

    I’ll order a couple of brushes I need-1.5″ wash, #3 rigger (script liner)-I have a #8 round, 3/4″ wash, these are reccomended from Charles Evan’s “Watercolors In A Weekend”, one of the books I got, glad to have gotten it, as it is not as hard as it might look.

    As far as the Journal part goes, this doesn’t have to be “everyday”, I’d say a consistent attempt at recording from the beginning of the book until it is filled. I should go go practice doing some watercolors now…


  2174. Oh my gosh Hanna! These pages are all so wonderful and beautiful! Love it love it love it! WEEEEEEEEE I got goosey chickens! hehe Glad you are feeling better darlin! More More More! Emotions are great aren’t they!? :D Loves ya!

  2175. hanna…we are at the ball…come if you can…i am saving a dance for you…anyway love the caran d’ache…i use them for my marbles…so have used them for many years…i am very comfortable using them…probably because they are so crayon-like…and i have always loved crayons…loved the musings…blessings, rebecca

  2176. Wow, your watercolours look so professional (what is the brand?), I’m using the ones that you got after your brother! ^^ But I promised myself that I’d buy the proper ones when these ones go out, maybe next month? For now I must replenish the acrylics supply, I seem to be missing some vital colours. And a bottle of a varnish, I never used it before, there is so many things I need to learn and try out in painting! ^^

  2177. Oh great pictures, makes me want to get my watercolours out I havent used them at all this year….. love your blog :o) Yx

  2178. What a colorful and inspiring blog reading today! I want to go jump in a pool of paint and then color my hair with crayons!

  2179. I can TOTALLY relate with missing your Moleskine! I had a Canon spiral bound, my first one, and swore at it all the time. Now I miss it. But I think since everyone is hearting their Moleskine’s that maybe THAT will be my next purchase.

    Cool finds on the paints! You’ve also inspired me to get some Neocolor crayons. I only have kids’ Crayolas and they don’t work very well.

  2180. Ah, vackert! Och inspirerande! Har l?st din blogg ett tag men inget sagt, kanske dags: Jag gillar den!

    Ah beautiful! And inspiring! I’ve been reading your blog for a while but haven’t said anything, maybe it’s time: I like it!

  2181. 1. Aren’t those watercolor crayons the best? I finally caved and bought the 15 pack and LOVE THEM. I use them on everything…backgrounds, doodles, coloring…

    2. My very first visual journal was a Moleskine, and then I kept changing and changing em around….and while I love the journal I have right now, I’m feeling SOOOOO nostalgic for my Moleskine! And then, I saw that art journal vlog and am like…awwww! Luckily, I have a plain one around here somewhere….I might switch back.

    I’m so glad to see you posting again! I was sad when you were sad…

  2182. There’s nothing like new art supplies, even if they’re just new to you LOL! Have fun with those watercolor crayons … they are so wonderful! I bought the 15 piece set and so wish that I could’ve bought an even bigger set … someday … but for now, I really want a new box of 64 Crayola crayons. Tried a technique from Nance’s (crowabout) blog with them and it was so fun! But our current box is missing way more than half … the new box is going to be mine, ALL mine!!

  2183. I adore every one of these photographs. I thing nothing is more beautiful than pans of watercolors lined up in a metal tray like that. If you dont have magnesium blue please get it and think of me. It is the dreamiest, most astonishing blue and separates on the paper into a thrilling granular mystery.


  2184. Hallo Hanna, First picture, first cushion. I’d like to buy please. Can you email me with a snail mail address, and send me details of costs of item and postage.

    I will then send you payment through post. Let me know soon.

  2185. oh my – i had completely forgotten about sandybell! thanks for all the flood of childhood memories!

  2186. Ah, two of my childhood favorites here, Annie and Charlotte’s Web. I think Laughing Yoga is certainly achieving it’s goal, to make people laugh. Can’t wait to see what you’ve been up to creatively.

  2187. Hmmm fruit…I dunno :) laughing thinks he nipped from the bottle too many times hee hee Great post thanks Hanna! I found a few YT videos that will get ya gigglin…got to go post em! :D

  2188. How cute that is! Excellent choice of fabrics. You may have also read that “windfall” also can mean “an unexpected gift,” as in seeing this post today. :-)

  2189. Diane: No! Is it true? I just looked up the translation for the Swedish word. I had no idea. I was thinking it would be a great name for a blog, and now it’s even greater! thanks!

  2190. Hi Hanna!
    I think your pear is perfect! I?d like to see a whole bowl filled with these – in different colors of green, yellow and other autumnal shades.
    Have a nice weekend!:)

  2191. She is Adorable!
    You sound like a very proud mommy of your furbaby.
    I can’t wait to see more.

  2192. No wonder you are in love with that pear! Looks delicious ;) And fits so perfect with the real fruits! Enjoy looking at it and of course using it.

  2193. Your kitty video is wonderful ~ anything but boring! Smilla is beautiful & precious. Your choice of music set the mood perfectly. Keep up the good work. I’ll be waiting for more. I enjoy your blog. You certainly have a lot of talent.
    Best wishes from Texas.

  2194. Smilla is adorable! We’ve tried to put various cats on a leash, but it didn’t work out that well for us! Thanks for the up-front on how easy it was to make your video. Maybe I’ll have to make one of our kitty-kitties!

  2195. Excellent debut as a movie director, Hanna! Congrats to the star too of course! Hope to see many more. Great when something you think will be difficult turns out to be painless, in’t it?

  2196. This is very cute. You’ve inspired me to buy a leash for my own purring monster and bring her outside. She’s not sure if she likes it yet. Your video is well done, much better than some others I’ve seen out there.

  2197. That was so cute! Directed by Ihanna! You know the most frequent question people ask me is if I
    “know” I Hanna, LOL! You are famous!

  2198. Happy October and a very Happy Birthday to beautiful Smilla!
    Does she get a birthday treat?

  2199. Hej Hanna! Vilka underbara bilder! Blir varm i hj?rtat av att bara se dom =) Kul att du kollat in v?ra bloggar. Vi jobbar tappert vidare. Hoppas att det g?r bra f?r dig och att du snart hittar det d?r dr?mjobbet! Stoor kram!

  2200. Happy birthday to Smilla, it’s great that you can go for a walk with her like that, my cat just goes down the balcony and into the bushes, whoops, she disappeared!… She would go mad if i tried to put a leash on her.
    Yeah, and Jackie Chan’s films rock! ^^

  2201. Happy birthday, Smilla! Love your October page … I haven’t done a calendar page in ages and just might have to make a quick one for this month. I love how you made each square a bit different … will try this, too.

  2202. Marvelous post as always Hanna! Happy birthday Smilla!!! xoxo I love that photo of your art journal stuff on that table…so inviting and serene! Lovely! Hey dearest I will be over here at LJ till I pay my darn blog bill lol

    Love you!


  2203. a book…yeah!!! for you…i have no idea what thursday is…but i cannot wait to hear…we have a rainy noreaster today…dark and dreary here…sunny toughts for you…blessings, rebecca

  2204. I love the footed bowls too! I just moved into a townhouse that my aunt lived in and decorated, and most of her things are still here. Among them are lots and lots of antique and vintage dishes, serving vessels, and lamps.

    My great-grandmpther collected owls: owl figurines, owl drawings, owl bookends, owl lamps, and so on. She kept most of her collection on top of her piano, and your glass owl reminded me of it!

  2205. You’re a confirmed roseaholic, Hanna! The sickness is incurable I believe, but very pleasant to have…

  2206. Wow- this looks great, i’ve been interested in Lulu for some projects a friend and I are working on. It’s good to hear your experiences, and as soon as I am able to afford the book i’m going to order a copy for myself.

  2207. Hurrah for big, horizon-expanding projects! I can’t wait to order my copy, and curl up somewhere far away from the computer to enjoy it. :-)

  2208. You’ll be so excited to have your book. I know that soulmama did something similar, and had her blog from the first year made into a book.

  2209. Hanna,
    I applaud your courage and wish you all the luck on your book – what a wonderful idea. As soon as I can I am going to purchase the book.

  2210. Congratulations! Now a published author!!! Looks like I’ll be putting this on my Christmas Wish List, Hanna! Love it!

  2211. Oh, and be sure and put the link to purchase the book on your sidebar so everyone can find it easily!

  2212. Beginne jeden Tag mit Sonne im Herzen ……
    start every day with sun in your heart.

    I wish you a good start and lots of luck with your book.

    Hello from Hamburg

  2213. Just watched your Cat on a Leash video, Adorable! I especially like when she stops to smell the Daisy!
    And Congrats on your Book!
    Sandra Evertson

  2214. Wow! S? imponerad och t?nker _absolut_ skaffa mig ett ex av din bok! F?rmodligen n?gon i present ocks?. Stort grattis och jag ser verkligen fram emot boken!

  2215. That is so $&^*(&^%$ cool!! Yay! I am still cussing up a storm how cool it is! heee heee
    much love and hugs!

  2216. Ohmygosh, Hanna! This is SO wonderful. I loooove the cover! I can just imagine how it’s chock full of creativity and color throughout. Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl…ha ha…(just had to say that…lol…). Congratulations! It must be wonderful to see your creative journey together in one beautiful book! yippee! xo Lia

  2217. Hi,
    I was looking at a comment from my blog one year ago tomorrow (today’s commenter stopped blogging around a year ago), and there you were. So I came by for a look. It is funny because just a few weeks ago I started playing with art journaling and artists books. And then I get to see what you have accomplished in a year of blogging. Congratulations. I may try the self-publishing thing someday, just to have a hard-cover souvenir of my blogging but I’m not quite ready to undertake it yet.
    All the best.
    I hope you love your new Lulu book.

  2218. Evening sky looks like something I’d like to attempt to paint in watercolors or even if I got brave- oils! Very moody shot, appeals to me. Can feel that cool breeze blowing.

  2219. i am playing catch up…your book looks divine…good work…i know it was not easy…the photos have been amazing recently…love the shoes and dog…how cute…the pink embrodery looks like fun…blessings, rebecca

  2220. YUMMM! Do you want to come over to my house and take pics for my blog? You’re so much better at it than I am! :)

  2221. YUMMM! Do you want to come over to my house and take pics for my blog? You’re so much better at it than I am! :)

  2222. Det r s snyggt!
    Jag har haft samma mnster bokmrkt och uppsatt p to-do-listan i evigheter. Dina bilder sparkar igng mig, mste ut o leta garn :)

  2223. That’s it! I’ve got a bunch of yarn that I wasn’t sure what to do with, but ripples keep popping up and now I MUST make one LOL! Love your bright, cheery colors.

  2224. Varit d?lig p? att kommentera h?r p? sista tiden men jag l?ser s?klart allt som vanligt. Det ser h?rligt ut med alla f?rger!

  2225. oooh, i like it. i would like to make one too, some day. what stitch do i use? is it braided?? no, is it a crochet stitch? thank you.
    and i just love your blog.
    i have bookmarked it to come back again for all the inspiration you give.
    Thanks so much.

  2226. One of our most used wedding gifts is an afghan. In fact, I spent this morning wrapped up in it, with a hot cup of coffee in my hand. Bliss!

    I love the colors you are using in yours.

  2227. S? underbara f?rger, man vill ?ta dem som plockgodis!

    F?r du inte ont i fingrarna av att virka med bomullsgarn? Jag tycker det ?r ganska h?rt mot nagelbanden och fingertopparna (de blir h?rda och spruckna).

    Utst?llningen ?r i Haninge och heter P? andra sidan muren, h?r kan man l?sa lite mer (och h?r: Fast det ?r lite hemligt att det ?r jag, Lina, som ?r med… :)

  2228. Hej v?nnen!

    Kom hit f?r att titta p? dina fantastiska collage och f? lite ispiration till jobbet. Sitter med en webbplats som ska designas och t?nkte testa lite collageinslag.. Och vem skulle vara b?ttre att v?nda sig till f?r inspiration ?n Du?.. Ingen.

    Hoppas du har det ok. Att allt blir lite l?ttare varje dag. Att du hittar mysiga, roliga, fina, vackra och sp?nnade saker i vardagen trots allt.
    Jag va f?rresten ute i skogen i l?rdags. Str?vade, eldade, fikade och t?nkte p? dig. Skulle ha varit fint om du ocks? va med. S? trist att du flyttat.

    Blir s?? inponerad varje g?ng jag g?r in p? din blogg! Du har skapat s? fantastiska saker och s? oootroligt mycket dessutom. Dina fotografier ?r underbara och du ?r s? modig och frikostig n?r du delar med dig till v?rlden av ditt innersta som du g?r. Saknar dig. Saknar din sprudlande smittande kreativitet, pysselkv?llar och marknads?ventyr.

    Ha en fantastisk dag v?nnen! Kram! / sandra

  2229. Hurray for you! How very fun that day must have been. Your book look lovely ~ congratulations to you for your new little bundle of joy!! ♥

  2230. Hahahahaaaa I felt like giving you an applause when the music stopped. I love it!! I’m working on my own book over at Blurb. Is your book for sale at Lulu?

  2231. It looks fantastic! I was just over looking at Blurb thinking about my own book… I’ll need to check out Lulu.

  2232. Hanna! This is so great (book, and video!) The best bits of the video are your very dynamic cat!

    Sorry for the exclamations….but not really!!! You have been inspiring me for about a year now, and I am very happy you have this book :)

  2233. How cool! I have missed a lot of posts here and had no idea you were working on your own book. It looks great! Now, I have to catch up on what else I’ve missed.

  2234. This is wonderful, Hanna! I really enjoyed your video. How exciting to have your own book!
    Best wishes,
    Ellen in Canada

  2235. What a great idea! I’ve recently destroyed my favourite sweater with ink and since then I’ve been thinking what to do with it as I don’t want to throw it away. I think I’m definitely going to try doing a bit of patchwork on it too! Thanks for sharing!


  2236. Congratulations! That has to feel wonderful and the video was really fun. I have to learn how to do the video thing – love them.

  2237. Weeeeeeeeeee!!! What a beautiful treasure! I am sure you were shaking with excitement! I am lol I have got to learn how to make videos! I am so technology challenged lol…More importantly I have a book idea I want to do…I think it’s time…don’t you! Your such an inspiration Hanna! Thanks!

  2238. That was SO cool!
    The first question that I get is ” Do you know Ihannah?” when I say that I live in Sweden!. LOL!!”!
    The book is fantastic and I MUST do one! Jag vill!

  2239. Oh my how I love this video!!!! I watched it several times and showed it to my children (we are ALL cat lovers). What a wonderful, sweet kitty and a beautful song. Smilla is gorgeous! Thanks for introducing me to Cat Power as well. I hope to see more of Smilla at YouTube in future. You are talented.

  2240. I did not know that you had written a book and of course I must buy a copy! Not enough to just visit the blog, lol! H?r det s? bra!

  2241. How fun to share the arrival of your printed book with us this way! I really enjoyed it. A Creative Year looks fabulous. Congratulations on getting this done. I have no doubt that editing it and laying it out was a labour of love. Wishing you much success with it!

  2242. Congratulations on your book. Thanks for the e-mail too. The video was a lot of fun too. I like seeing your cat playing with the yarn.
    My two cats usually ignore the yarn when I’m crocheting. They do like to sit on the keyboard when I’m typing though.

  2243. I found Violette recently, too, and I fell in love with her attitude towards life and art! *^v^* I’d love to visit her house one day, although at this stage of my life I feel I need MY home to be clutter-free and toned in colours. Although I’m thinking about adding some Violette-style accents here and there! ^^

  2244. Violette is one of my idols, too! I’m not sure how I found her site though, maybe through yours a long time ago… it’s been such an inspiring journey, collecting all of my favorite creative blogs….

  2245. The online creative community is small. We keep finding everyone through everyone else’s site. I love Violette. She’s so inspiring.
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.

  2246. Oh Hanna! Congratulations! That is so so so so awesome! I’m SO happy for you! I’m gonna go to and buy me one!!! Yay!!!!

    PS…VERY cute video!

  2247. Violette was one of the first people I met online! She is soooo cool and to see her video was the best! Wonder if we can talk Teesha Moore into a video! hehehehehehe I tried do collage in bed but didn’t work out so well…I have way too many things I want to take in there with me I’d need a wheelbarrow to carry it all in! lol Get rested up girl! xo

  2248. How funny, I was crocheting while reading this post about crocheting before the computer. I really love your blog!
    I will check out the homes now, but I agree already, the houses in MtV cribs are really creepy, I think, I would be very unhappy in a house like that!

  2249. Hi there! Thanks for the nice comment on my blog…I just saw it today…Your blog is lovely and you have fab stuff going on here….Luv your artwork and pics…Keep up the great work!!!

  2250. ?h Hanna, du tar s? fina och f?rgglada bilder j?mt, jag blir glad n?r jag ser dem!! Du ?r s? inspirerande. Puss&kram

  2251. Sounds like a lovely time, the little doggie is soooooo cute! Glad you got to see your friends and make new ones! :) In your last post you mentioned magic cottage…and that put a spark in my imagination! Will show you soon what I am up to! ;o) Much love and hugs! Nance

  2252. Men vad imponerad jag blir – b?de av bok och video! Och allt annat du g?r :)

  2253. Oh my what a feast for the eyes this post is! Love all the yarns in the basket. And that doggy is the cutest!

  2254. Knit Lab looks awesome! I love all of the colors and when paired with coffee, conversation, and craft, it sounds magic.

  2255. I have a Question!

    What program did you use for your layout and is that the file that was used to upload the manuscript with?

    vEry cool and inspiring what you did

  2256. Well, congratulations for your book, I’m sure it is fanatstic. I just discovered your blog, j’adore…

  2257. I do not speak English but I wanted to ask to you if you sell yours crochets?
    the six best one!

  2258. i commend you for doing this…making your creative year available to others to see is very giving…thank you…blessings, rebecca

  2259. Hi Hanna,
    I JUST noticed a bunch of comments on my blog that were never emailed to me. I just wanted to thank you for the kind words you sent me.
    I am going to check out your blog.

  2260. it *is* a fun pattern, I am working on one now too – I love the texture. Good luck with your project, it looks great!

  2261. Ciao, I from Milan, Italy. I read and love your blog, from many years, and the photo of Stockholm (i love it!).
    Sorry me for my english. Bye bye.
    Anna Maria

  2262. Love the colors you’ve chosen. The yarn is delicious. I don’t knit or crochet so I like seeing what other people do! Then I can always tell my mom to try and knit ____ for me. :)

  2263. Vilken mysig halsduk! J?ttesnyggt m?nster, det passar perfekt till det flammiga garnet. Ger mig stor lust att l?ra mig sticka ordentligt. N?r ska jag ta tag i det? Om 5 ?r? Eller direkt efter en kuggad tenta? :) (om en vecka m a o)

  2264. oh lovely texture…your blog is beautiful and the photographs are just lovely. i am off to check out your book. it looks absolutely amazing!

  2265. Hej
    Snygg halsduk. F?rs?kte l?sa m?nstret….har du n?gon ?vers?ttnig f?r engelska sticktermer?

  2266. i love that scarf! the pattern is original and beautiful.
    congratulations on your book and interview, hanna!
    i am also in love with your cat.

  2267. Lucky girl!
    Thanks for the inspiring links.
    Have a great weekend and snorgles to Smilla.
    My Smokey loves to curl up where I’m working(playing?) too!

  2268. LOL! wonderful photo! I’m married and I STILL do this sometimes….hhhaaaaaa…..thanks for sharing! xo Lia

  2269. I support Lia, I’m married too, and I can also work on my art in my bed, it’s probably the size of the bed that matters here – big bed helps when you want to occupy enough space for the paints, journal, scraps of paper, ect. (while He takes to bed his laptop or books, and let’s not forget about the cat! ^^)
    Happy weekend! *^v^*

  2270. ?h vad mysigt det ser ut!

    PS: Kommer kanske f?rbi KnitLab imorgon, beroende p? hur det ser ut p? tentapluggfronten (f?r ?gonblicket tornar m?rka moln upp sig vid horisonten, framemot midnatt blir det nog regn och ?ska) Just nu tror jag att jag blir galen om jag f?rs?ker proppa in n?t mer, d? kanske h?nderna beh?ver jobba lite i st?llet – eller f?tterna och h?fterna som i dans. Ses kanskekanske imorgon iallafall…

  2271. love your blog. thanks for the video links. i’m a knitting newbie and couldn’t figure the pattern out. the video helps so much.

  2272. This pattern is really good for multicoloured yarn! I downloaded this pattern last winter, but haven’t tried it yet. It looks great! And I also want a cat like yours to keep me company when I knit. :) She’s lovely!

  2273. Oh that looks like fun! I do that with my books before I go to sleep….I love spreading stuff out and just letting thoughts go.

  2274. love the links you shared! I have been enjoying your photos on flickr!! ;)

    I remember those days of “just me” now my life is filled with 2 boys & a hubby…crazy life!

    xo ~Izabella

  2275. Suzi BlU,
    To answer your question I used Microsoft Word to
    edit the text that I copied from my blog. The images
    moved around a lot, but in the end it looks like I want it too. I downloaded a word document from where the borders/margins were correct to the book format Iwanted and when you upload the document lulu-site converts it to a pdf, but you can also do that before you upload it so really you can use any program (for layout I recommend Quark Express or Illustrator or InDesign if you know them) and send the file as a pdf to lulu. I hope that helps?

    Good luck, can’t wait to read your books everyone!

  2276. Thank you for posting the link to the happiness project. I like the picture of your stubby bits of crayons, they have been well loved! :-)

  2277. Your cat looks like the perfect friend. Great links, as always. Creating happiness is one of my main topics of interest lately, so the links are timely too:)

  2278. that stella is a beauty! k?nde igen garnbilden ?verst och klickade och s?g att jag skrivit en kommentar p? den p? flickr, kul!

  2279. Aah, that looks nice! What a wonderful, fluffy cat!
    Being single looks very attractive right now…
    Luckily I have a crazy husband who gives me all the freedom I need!
    Great happiness link, by the way.

  2280. This sounds like a good challenge. I think a writing process needs limits and goals and this one has both of them. I hope you’ll have happy moments writing and hopefully we’ll get to read your text at the end(a good change to brush up my Swedish).

  2281. Wow, vilket projekt, helt galet!

    Kul att ses i s?ndags, fast lite… skumt :) Var inte heller s? pratsam (och tr?ffade syster fr?n Norrland f?r f?rsta g?ngen p? en m?nad, s? pratet gick till henne).

    Kanske ses igen d?r n?n annan s?ndag, n?r paragraferna inte snurrar lika fort inne i min hj?rna… (men det var sk?nt att anv?nda h?nderna n?gra timmar, precis som det blir att dansa med f?tter och h?fter imorgon).

    Lycka till och bon courage f?r ditt stora galna projekt! Hoppas man f?r l?sa n?n liten bit sen…

  2282. Welcome to Nano, Hanna! My name there is Lindan, and I’ve “won” it three years straight. This will make year #4. Feel free to be my buddy, as well as anyone else who is reading this blog. Having encouragement makes all the difference! Remember, it’s just 1,667 words a day, very do-able!!


  2283. Go Hanna! I think it’s great that you are going to join in. I’m tempted…..two more days to decide. Good luck.

  2284. Oh jej! En till! Toppen! Tro mig Nanowrimo ?r underbart! Du kommer att ?lska upplevelsen!

  2285. Hi Hanna
    Found your page via my blog stats page. Thanks for the link and loads of luck with NaNo this year!


  2286. Love all the swirling color and thanks for sharing the links. Plan on sitting down with my coffee cup and going through them.

  2287. I’m gonna do it. Gulp! I’ve got the bones written out, and I’m ready to fill ’em in. Between this and school, I’m gonna be one busy gal. Love Tom Robbins and Neil Gaiman!

  2288. Hi hanna, I signed up too! maybe we can be writing buddies over there? I’m registered under the name of “fanstasyscribe”.

    Good luck to you~

    and I love your posts…you’re so inspiring!!

  2289. Hey Hannah,
    First: what a great blog you have here. Very inspiring (I started artjournaling about a week ago). And second: thanks for these great tips for nanawrimo: I’m too facing the challenge to ‘cough up’ a novel next month and will need all the support I can get, I suppose.

    Goodluck with your writing and journaling. Nice to meet you!
    Greetz ‘n Cheerz!

  2290. 3682 r bra! Du ligger ju fre schema! Och du, oroa dig inte om det inte kommer ut ngot bra, det gr ingenting. Det mste bli dligt frst fr att kunna bli bra. Det kommer tro mig, det kommer, hang in there s kommer det till slut (det kommer fortare om du slutar oroaa dig). Kom ihg, det behver inte bli bra, bara det r femtiotusen ord! Det kan bli bra i december, november handlar bara om att f ut det dr frsta utkastet, f ur sig iden, testa vgar, knna efter!

    Gillade ocks de dr med “tabsen”, mste sett det i ngon av dina lnkar, det blir snyggt! Ska kanske leka hrmapa :)

    Lycka till och hang in there!

  2291. Awesome post. I might make tabs, now, too…I started a part-time job, so I need a calendar and don’t like carrying a planner AND journal!

  2292. lovely journal pages!! That’s really inspiring. Oh, and these sets never have a 9 – you just use the 6 turned upside down. :)

  2293. I began writing for the Nano challenge yesterday, and felt the same as you when I finished my work today. Seeing how far I have to go is making me slightly anxious. Word count 3,718, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. Right now, it’s just one big draft. When it’s complete, it can be refined and shaped. Good luck on tomorrow’s plot!

  2294. Det sn?ar… jag surfar med modem hos mor och far. G?r inget kreativt, men har l?st Sk?na Hem och dr?mt om lite nya inredningsprylar.

  2295. I somehow missed this post so I’m coming back to leave my comment now. I like the way you place shades on the face of your self-portrait, I’m still learning how to do it properly with colours (it’s much easier with a pencil).
    And I like all the sea creatures, too, but mainly the seahorses, they are cute! *^v^*

  2296. Pink and red are one of my favourite combinations, I love the bold colour palettes, the one that clash at first sight but then they seem so vivid and so in place. And the page with hands is such a bold statement.
    Creating backgrounds for future spreads is fun and it’s a great way to try out some colour/techniques combinations, I ran out of gesso and I’m using acrylic paints right now to prepare the pages, so my backgrounds are colourful from the very beginning! ^^

  2297. I love the pattern! I must give it a try.
    I’ve been meaning to head over to Knit Lab to check out the yarn selection but I’ve been busy. Knowing that there are such delicious yarns there, I must go asap!

  2298. Hej! Du har en svensk lsare iaf. Jag kikar ofta in i din blogg och inspireras av din kreativitet och tittar p din vackra katt!!! Du har s sant, det r inte bara att du r partisk, du har en otroligt bedrande katt….

  2299. Love the tabs … a great idea that I just might “borrow” LOL! And your current calendar page looks so sweet … I really need to start doing them again, I miss them …

  2300. Wow, I didn’t know you were doing a writing challenge as well as suziblu!! That’s a lot.

    I was really interested in your comment that “it was going nowhere” (or something like that). Do you remember in Suzi’s #2 vlog, she says towards the end “no purpose, no result………just this, and you’ll get used to having it”

    That really was wonderful because there’s so much pressure on everyone to perform. I think it’s easier for me to refuse all that since I have CFS and am pretty much dropped out, anyway:=)

    What I’m trying to say is that, for me at least, in art it’s the process; not the product.

    Also wanted to mention that I love the idea of monthly tabs!! Why didn’t I think of that? Thanks — and hope you don’t mind if I steal:-)

  2301. I have a question — how do you prepare backgrounds in advance? Unless you’re using separate pieces of paper or more than one journal, it seems to me they would all stick together.


    I like the first reference (moleskin), but the other 2 are very thought out. I can’t work like that or nothing will flow.

  2302. Hannah – I think the majority of any creative endeavor is “putting your butt in the chair” and just doing it.

  2303. Don’t worry about the quality, that’s what the second draft is for, Hanna! You will be surprised when you read it over in December how much of it IS good writing, or at least a diamond in the rough. Don’t let your Inner Editor out of the cage *at all* during November- it is the enemy right now!

    You will be amazed when the characters start leading you down the path by the hand, taking you places you never anticipated. It’s pure joy when that happens and your writing catches fire! So have faith and keep writing…

  2304. Great idea to do a journal page about the 30 days…to let you feel better..I only have 2656 and I’m beginning my 4th day…I can see what they mean by not letting yourself get behind. I already feel it!

  2305. I’ve enjoyed visiting your blog! And yes, Smilla is a beautiful girl! I should post a pic of my cat, Bliss, as I think she’s a stunner too :)
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. I’ll be sure to visit you on Etsy. I’ve recently signed on as well :)

  2306. Naomi Mmm… coffee! :-)

    Joanna Thanks, I usually feel i need to add more, and lots of words, but the hands do really speak for themselves huh? Good.

    Ninacolors When I’ve finished a spread I turn the page and paint it so that it can dry until next time. Sometimes I open the book and paint a page in advance without adding to it yet. Sometimes I prep a page by using crayons and that’s not very messy… :-) And about the links, I think you can get a lot of inspiration from looking at art even if it’s not what “you” do yourself?!

  2307. ….yes! Sock Monkeys are completely original, strange, odd, charming, whimsical and full of unique character. A pink one would add the adorable-ness to the S.M. equation. I like her!

  2308. I haven’t and I won’t because… I don’t like monkeys. I don’t know why but I’m just not fond of them, I love other animals but not monkeys. I could always make a sock cat though! *^v^*

  2309. ?h, n? fikk jeg skikkelig lyst til ? lage s?nn ape, (eller kanskje en hund eller katt),jeg ogs?; ut og shoppe sokker :D

    Takk for inspirasjon, bloggen din er herlig!!

  2310. Thanks for the links. I’ve wanted to make a sock monkey for years, and never thought to look up the instructions on the net. Duh! How is your writing coming along? So, far, I’m on schedule. Fingers crossed to stay on track here.

  2311. I love your pink sock monkey and your diary sketch too! I’ve never made or owned a sock monkey but it’s definitely on my craft to do list. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2312. Hej!

    Ser att n?gon mer ?n jag letar efter samma m?nster som jag (en tr?ja med en tiger och en med en elefant). Please, help!!

  2313. I’m right there with you. I love it and hate it all at once. But at the end of the day, when I’ve done my word count, there’s a kind of pride that shows its face. I’m a little behind on word count since I haven’t done my daily writing today but I’ll get there. We’ll all get there.
    If you want to add me as a writing buddy, here’s the link to my profile:

  2314. Take heart! I think the “bla bla bla” is just your mind clearing itself for more creative works to come out =)

  2315. I’ve heard twice, once from some author and once – from some painter’s diary – the following – they both used to get up in the morning and sit down to their writing/painting, and kept on doing it for several hours no matter what, because they knew it was their job, so they devoted a good part of everyday to do it. It’s probably the case of getting used to some routine, to practice the skills, talent may be there but it’s a hard work that brings the real fruit! Keep writing! *^v^*

  2316. Sidan i dagboken ?r verkligen superfin, tittat p? den m?nga g?nger nu, gillar den!

  2317. Excellent post – thanks for the links. That nano wallpaper is great. I am 10260 but of course I have not written a thing today. I had better get to it.


  2318. I’ll bet your mom was over the moon about your lovely book!

    And these cats are amazing – It’s so crazy how they’re chained together with that delicate gold chain. Plus – green noses! I’m so glad you gave them a good home. They’re awesome.

  2319. Happy birthday to your mom! *^v^* The colours on the kitties are just perfect! (for me, anyway), although porcelain is not my cup of tea, I’m always scared with any figurines and I’m very careful not to break them. Cute, though!

  2320. Happy Birthday to your Mother. It’s my mom’s birthday too! How wonderful!

    I love the magazine flower! How did you do it?

    And those cats are adorable. Kitsch is good if you ask me! ;-)

  2321. Sock monkeys and monkeys in general freak me out, but I love your sketch! This summer at the Minnesota state fair my sister saw a long “formal” gown and an upholstered chair made of sock monkeys. Definitely concept pieces.

  2322. Happy Birthday Mom!!! Isn’t it great that we can still give our Mom’s treasures that we make! The child within us must never be silenced! :) The pink kitties are cute! I am trying to make friends with pink! I really am! I like weird oddities like collecting Pez dispensers and Scooby Doo’s and Penquins! LOL What can I say! hee hee! Much love!

  2323. Thanks girls!

    Yes, she was a bit crazy, bragging about to everyone and showing it until I was embaressed. She loves it!

    I made the flower by cutting strips of paper from a magazine and then stapling them together with a stapler in the middle while folding the stripes. They became kind of a flower, and it was very easy!

    Pink is good, just tell yourself that!

  2324. Your mom is so blessed because it’s not everyday that mothers get to receive books written by their own children.

    The cats didn’t make me smile as much as your statement. :-)

    Have a good weekend!

  2325. hi hanna,
    i just took a sweet little stroll through your blog; loving your sock monkeys, journal pages, your tidy box of collage papers, and magazine ribbon on your lovely gift to your mother. i’m sure she is tickled pink and so proud of you!

  2326. wow, this is really great :) i’m happy for you and hope someday to purchase your book!

  2327. They look amazing…you have given me the perfect idea for some Christmas gifts! Now, where did I put my buttons?

  2328. Men hall?! Allt s?nt l?ser vi ju! =) Vore s? himla shysst och kul om du ville komma! Vi f?r h?ras n?rmare om det! Kramar!

  2329. oh Im in love with your blog. I adore shabby chic and have done for some time. Ive only just started getting into creating shabby chick clothing and handstitched toys for younger children…I just find the colors are so soft and beautiful for babes and toddlers.

    The color palattes for shabby chic literally make me drool ….Im a hopeless fabricaholic :)

    Look forward to reading more on your blog!


  2330. ?h, s? fina! Jag ?lskar limpistoler! Fast man br?nner sig l?tt, men det ?r h?rligt att dra loss limmet fr?n fingrarna efter?t.

  2331. Definitely! Some of my choices would be the same as yours: Pippi Longstocking. Hello Kitty, fabric, cute animals make my heart melt and beautiful landscape photos make me dreamy. I think I’ll make the spread in my journal about it! *^v^*

  2332. What a lovely collage – it certainly makes me happy [especially as it has so many CUTE dogs!]. Flickr has some fantastic pictures.

  2333. Ljuslyktorna blev ju superfina! Tack f?r inspirationen! Nu vet jag vad jag ska g?ra med mina gamla IKEA ljuslyktor. :)

  2334. Mmmm,I love crafty days like here on your photos!
    It’s a pity I have to work so much lately, I miss my long, creative days…

  2335. I absolutely LOVE your journal cover! But then, I love all things shabby chick. I use composition books for my written journals and always cover them with collaged creations, like I did here.
    BTW, I love your blog, and have a link to it on my site.

  2336. I love it. Very yummy looking! I love the sight of all those pages with so many colours and textures. Just a question, did you glue pages together in your book before working in it to make them stronger?

  2337. I totally agree about the glitter – I’m currently working on a painting which says about the need of glitter in our lives! *^v^*
    Decorating the covers of the journals is a great way to extend what’s inside, I haven’t done it with my current journal because it has a nice cover with old photos on it, but I may do it with my next journal, which is a year calendar and has a boring dark blue cover.

  2338. I haven’t created an altered book for such a long time… always so rewarding.

    Happy working, g

  2339. Hi Hanna: I love these altered journals. Just saw an article on Craft zine on repurposing books and now am plotting a future project…yours are beautiful!

    Thanks for your kind comment on my article on bicraftuality… I have the photos posted on my flickr page as well and you might be able to see better detail there if interested.

    Kristina’s photos!

    I’ll be keeping an eye out for your book… ;-)


  2340. Hanna du är så bra. Jag har också en liten bok men det är så ful om man jämför med din :) Fina bilder också, man blir alldeles glad, som vanligt!!

  2341. that last photo is so, so cute. reminds me of one i have of my dog sticking his hid out from under my comforter. so sweet. beautiful quilt too. i’ve been wanting to try my hand at quilting for a while now, maybe my little beagle needs one of his own… haha

  2342. Adorable! Both, Smilla and her blanket, great job! I’m thinking about making some high sided fabric&wool basket for my kitty, she seems to get cold lately.

  2343. Gud va s?t hon ?r! Fullst?ndigt underbar! Hon ser dessutom lite mer kattunge-aktig ut p? de h?r bilderna ?n de jag sett tidigare, gulligt! Och en kattfilt ?r v?ldigt bra att ha, speciellt om de ?r lite l?ngh?riga och tenderar att l?gga de d?r h?ren precis ?verallt…

  2344. Hanna, thank you for visiting my new blog and leaving a comment. I think you have some blog! You?re very creative!

  2345. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and suggesting a name for the snowman!

    Your blog is beautiful and I look forward to looking at all the lovely things you create.

  2346. I MISS YOU! But I miss Hanna more. I’m sending you a real letter my lovely, that’s what taking me so long.. :)

  2347. I have a serious journal/notebook fetish. I love them all. I can’t think of a better addiction to have! :)

  2348. Serious notebook fetish here too. I seem to collect them like my life depended on it. I have so many I need to get a bigger office drawer.
    Im working on getting over that stupid “it’s too nice/beautiful/odd to use for just doodles and jotter”, it’s damn hard. But Im getting there!
    The Lurel Burch was a really cool one!

  2349. I presently have 25 untouched notebooks and sketchbooks. And that’s not counting the 4 or 5 others that I’m still working in. They are addictive, aren’t they?

    And don’t worry about being behind on Nanowrimo. Everyone I know who is participating is behind, including myself. We’ve got the first half of this month done so only 15 more days to go! We can do it!


  2350. i love blank books, too! you should check out – there are so many fabulous handmade notebooks out there!!!

  2351. Hello,
    I just wanted to tell you that this post made me smile. I LOVE Smilla’s blanket! I noticed you have some written text in there, did you write on the fabric yourself, or happen to find it that way? You’ve inspired me to make a quilt for my cat Marvin. He loves quilts, and it’s about time he had his own : )

  2352. Hi Hanna
    I have the black cat journal. And I have another source for you – Archie McPhee They have lots of other black cat stuff as well. Since I own a black cat named Sabotage (Sabo for short) I am always on the look out for black cat stuff. Smilla is quite a lovely cat.

    I really enjoy reading your blog and get lots of comfort and inspiration from you! And I too have a blank journal/notebook fixation!

  2353. First I got to say: Love your blog and congratulations to your bookrelease! Journals is addictive. Since you are Swedish I have to ask;
    Har du sett de superfina och v?ldigt billiga pocket-dagb?ckerna p? Pocketshop designade av fantastiska Lotta K?hlhorn?
    (English:Have you seen the superbeautiful and cheap paperback-journals at Pocketshop designed by fantastic designer Lotta K?hlhorn?)

  2354. Fantastiskt! Jag gillar kreativa id?er. Det g?r mig s? v?l till mods och lycklig att g?ra om saker, ?teranv?nda och g?ra nytt av s?dant som ?r skr?p f?r andra.

  2355. I listened to you about twelve times in the editing process, and enjoyed it every time! Nobody likes hearing their own voice on tape — including me. But if you give it another listen, I think you’ll hear yourself saying lots of lovely things.

  2356. I’ve been reading you for a couple of weeks, and you inspire me tremendously! I don’t want much for Christmas, but I am going to ask for your book! :)

  2357. It was so much fun Hanna to finally hear your voice! Thanks for doing the interview, I really enjoyed it. :)

  2358. I’ve just heard the interview, and I think it’s great. It was really interesting to hear your thoughts about your book project :-)

  2359. Hi Hanna!

    What a sweet little quilt for an even sweeter looking kitty, Smilla!

    I found out about your blog from hearing your interview on You have such a pretty accent!

    I love your arts and crafts! Thank you for sharing them with us! You are very inspiring!

  2360. Love Richard Scary stuff! I forgot until my daughter got a few books awhile back. I want to cut them all up. Or I guess I could photocopy them instead. :)

  2361. Hanna! This interview is wonderful. I truly enjoyed it. And how sweet to hear your speaking voice too. Again, congratulations on self-publishing your book and on this great interview. Keep going!

  2362. I’ve been listening to the podcast, really inspiring to hear! And I actually got interested in maybe doing it myself… Maybe an edited nanowrimo-book? :)

  2363. Oh, I have a journal/notebook fetish too. I think I need to start making them myself to curb my appetite. Don’t feel bad, I’m way worse behind on my novel. I’m not sure if I can even recover at this point, due to finals at school. Good luck, and keep it up!

  2364. Well done! Really inspiring! You?re very good at expressing yourself not only in writing – but orally as well.

    Also very nice to hear the sound of your voice. I have been following you for asome time now – at Il Bloggo – and you sounds excatly the way I expected. Your voice seems somehow so familiar – even though I?ve never heard it before…

  2365. Hi Hanna! I love your blog and all your crafties! And your kitty Smilla…oh she’s sweet enough to snuggle!

    One odd thing I have to say is that…and it just might be me…that lump of yummy looking icecream looks like it’s in the shape of a hen almost (if she were covered in sprinkles of course)..her head would be to the right. Maybe I’m just crazy, but I thought I might share that!

  2366. Yay! Hi Hanna! I didn’t know about your awesome blog before your interview on Crafypod! You did great and were very brave!

    Good job with the interview too, Sister Diane!

  2367. Thanks for your comments girls!

    Try to find a children’s work/play book like the one I have with number and letters and tasks for kids to draw in, I use my little brothers old book that was going to be thrown away anyway, love it! It’s great if you don’t want to cut in the nice text books!

  2368. you know, im a bit jeaulous (how do you spell this???)
    of you being alone in your bed and doing the things you want. Sometimes it is so wonderfull to live in your bed, listen music until you fal asleep, reading, drawing, eat, make a real nest and then curl up in it and fall asleep, my cat would’nt mind but someone else would I think,grrrr!

  2369. Hello my dear hanna, I have nominated you with the “Blog Roar Award” (please see my latest post). Also, I started a new blog titled “Glamour Girls”~I think you might like it, check it out when you get the chance.

  2370. I just listened to the podcast (my first time listening to a podcast) and you sounded great! I really enjoyed hearing what you had to say about your blog and your book. And you’re accent is super cute.

  2371. hi, just wanted to say i listened to the craftypod interview tonight while i was sewing and thought it sounded really interesting. good luck with your book : )

  2372. I love the photo with your hand smeared with paint! I use to have paint up to my elbows and I don’t mind.

  2373. This is really amazing! I have exactly that boring desk. Hmmm… Should I go for a project and fresh it up?

  2374. Hi Hanna,
    Come on, girl, you can get there with the NaNo challenge. You could do those extra 6,000 words in an extra session or two. Go, go, go!!!

    Here are the links to the couple of entries I’ve made about movies that are somehow journal writing related.

    There would be heaps more to add to these, so I reckon go for it and make a cool list. ;-) Oh, and I just love your key dangles. Very pretty. ;-)

  2375. Um, why didn’t I know about your book??? Well, am checking it all out now. I suppose that’s because I’ve been so busy. You really do go, girl. ;-)

  2376. Oh yeah, I’ve made a blog entry about your book tonight. I hope it’s ok to use an image of your book in the post. If you don’t want me to, just let me know and I will remove it. ;-)

  2377. I really loved listening to your interview. You sounded lovely, clever, honest and cute. Your accent is so sweet. Congratulations on your book, what a great project.

  2378. I have thought about it, it’s almost here! I actually started a list of things I would like to do next year, it doesn’t have more than two points so far, but anyway…

    And the 6 000 words is not much at all! You can do it, have you tried the sprints? Don’t lift your fingers from the keyboard for ten minutes, take a break and then get back there for ten minutes. Try to make a new record of words each time. It’s amazing how well that works! You can do it!

  2379. Hanna,

    (My daughter’s name is Hannah!) I just listened to your CraftyPod interview. You were great. You didn’t sound the least bit like a moron!!

    Keep crafting!

  2380. What a coincidence! Today I was in a bookstore and ask about Astrid biography! They wold order it for me during that week!

  2381. I’m glad I stopped by to remember about the interview! I love your voice! You did a great job. I can’t remember if I said this already but congrats on the book–now you have my brain cels spinning.

  2382. Thank you so much for this wonderful post today! I had never heard of Astrid Lindgren but after reading your blog I will order some of her books. I especially loved listening to her voice as she read the story. Thanks Hanna again!

  2383. Hi Hanna
    I just found your blog via WhipUp. Love it.
    Your art journal inspires me. I save a lot of clippings and small bits of paper and don’t often know what to do with them. But this speaks to me to bring them altogether in this form. Thank you! ♥
    I also want your book, as a gift to myself!
    Hugs, G

  2384. Oh yes and I forgot to mention that I LOVE the pink kitties with the green ears! G

  2385. Hullo!

    I stumbled across your blog a few weeks ago.. and wow! – inspiration, creativity, playfulness, experimentation, and really, really beautiful work! I love your photos and your out-of-the-box approach; you’ve really inspired me and I keep coming back to keep the ideas flowing.

    Thanks for sharing.. and give your kitty a pet or two from me! :)

  2386. I loved Pippi! I remember once trying to get my pigtails to stick out horizontally from my head with a coat hanger, but couldn’t get it to work!

  2387. I grew up with Astrid Lindgren’s books too.
    Pippi especially is being passed over from generation to generation. In Holland she is called Pippi Langkous.

  2388. You’re so damn right! That is exactly why we make art/write/create, it “asks be made and there is no way to avoid making it.”

  2389. Underbart skrivet! Det g?r rakt in i mitt f?rstenade kreativa hj?rta. Tack! Jag ska genast f?rs?ka besegra draken och inta min kreativ tron.

  2390. Just wanted to let you know that I find your site always inspiring. I have so many ideas to explore and watching the process with you gives me confidence to follow my creative soul. Thank you so much!

  2391. That is one gorgeous crown!

    I feel exactly the same way about creating. I don’t do it to have something useful or that will bring food on the table. I create because I have to. I make paintings and drawings and all that other stuff that has no other purpose other than just being there, created by me, because I have to. If I don’t create, it’s like I’m not breathing right.

    You should wear your crown to write the rest of your Nano novel!


  2392. Aww, it’s cute!! I like all the little sequins. If I were a princess, I would insist on sequins.

    You are a very wise and thoughtful princess too! I have to admit that I am one of those people that questions why we make art..yet still create. I find that I always have an excuse. I love ATCs because one collects them. (That’s doing something with them right?) Another reason I like to give on why I create art is because it’s cheaper than therapy! =cD

    Oooh…and I agree with Sharon. Smilla must have a little kitty princess crown too! We love Smilla. You know, she really needs an official fan club!

  2393. You just put it right. If something has to be made it will force you to make it. The idea, crazy, useful or not does not let you escape with any excuses. You can’t eat it OK but you can LOOK at it, enjoy the result of the flow. It’s for your health!

    Keep up and stay happy :)

  2394. But Hanna, you’re 1/3 artist, 1/3 crazy person and 1/3 princess. That’s why you’re so lovely and fun.

  2395. On my list of blogs, your’s is in the top 3…. I always check yours out first. Love the crown…

  2396. On my list of blogs, your’s is in the top 3…. I always check yours out first. Love the crown…

  2397. Hi Hanna,

    I just wanted to tell you I really enjoy your blog. I find it very inspiring. I also like the way you write, and you seem like such a sweet person (so does Smilla).

    Take care,
    Halifax CA

    ps- does “smoshes” mean kisses? I love this word!

  2398. I loved Pippi Longstocking as a kid! Actually, those are books I re-read well into my teenage years.

    I am not familiar with her other books — I will have to see if I can find them here.

  2399. Seahorses are the best! *^v^* I must think about making some bookmarks for myself, I keep sticking old bus tickets and shopping lists in my books… ^^

  2400. people need to be crazy to make invention! just go!- make things- design things- have fun! thats what life is.. Btw. how about an elf hat for christmas? heehee

  2401. I love the colours of the felt in the sea horse book mark. I’m sure it will make you smile every time you look at it, I would ~ love Julia x

  2402. Pippi was my hero when I was a girl. Sadly, I didn’t grow up to be nearly as brave as she, but I still wear the funky knee high socks:)

  2403. Hi Hanna!! Your bookmarks are SO cute! I think everything you make turns out so pretty. =c)

    Oh, I do have a suggestion for the bookmarks though. I know that I’ve bought bookmarks before that come in little plastic sleeves. That way you can still take them out and touch all the arty textures, but they are protected.— Yay, here, I found a website that sells them! Just Google “bookmark sleeves” to find other sites better prices and shipping details. I just looked real quick to see if I could find just one to give you an idea.

  2404. ?h, jag t?nker att det ?r precis s?nad?r som dels prinsess-sj?lade vuxna vill ha eller kanske ge till sina barn och som dessutom skulle kunna st? p? en byr? i ett inrednings-reportage. (= sell sell!)

  2405. I’m sure people would like to buy your crowns! It is beautiful! I feel exactly like you about being creative! I used to think I couldn’t draw, now I make a living on my doodles ;-)

  2406. the bookmark is beautiful…looks really well made…and i want to be the queen of creativity…so make me a cfrown…blessings,rebecca

  2407. Fantastiskt vacker prinsesskrona! Helt otroligt!!! En s?n skulle man ha till vardags n?r man g?r och handlar p? ICA :)

  2408. i completely agree with you… there are so many times i feel i have to explain everything i do in a creative way and why do i do them!! “because i needed/wanted to” doesn’t seem to make some people understand :/ anyway, love love love your crown :)

  2409. She sure is a cute little monkey!And so kind of you to make her such beautiful clothes. Yep, monkeys don’t belong in the Scandinavian climate so she’ll be better inside the house till the spring comes or maybe you’ll end up doing her a whole winter wardrobe.I hate it too to be forced to use flashlight!

  2410. Aw! She’s super cute! You did a great job.
    Does it really get dark during the day over there? I didn’t realize Scandinavia was that far up north.
    Take care : )

  2411. She is adorable! You did a very good job dressing her up. Maybe she needs a little scarf and hat to keep her warm?

  2412. Wow…I have been thinking of the crown for ages…you have made one so pretty! I love it. I listened to your craftypod interview the other day and it was just wonderful. THanks!

  2413. Hanna, that is really cute!! I wish i could make stuff like that, but everytime I try, it never turns out right. :)

    have a good day!!

  2414. Oh my, that is too cute. Her little heart tee shirt is something I’d probably wear if only it were a little bit bigger.

  2415. Oh my god. This is the cutest, best thing I have ever seen! I need one I need one!!!!!!!

    I wish I were good with fabric, I’d make one. If she’s ever mean to you and you want to put her up for adoption….?

  2416. Oh Art Princess,

    I fear that I am going to JUMP on my UPS man (and not in a good way) if he does not get here soon with my IHANNA book!!!!!! I am tracking it via UPS online and it’s in L.A. It’s been in L.A. for two days. So far my only bad thing to say is that Lulu is making me very impatient!!!

    I have heard wonderful things about your tome and can’t WAIT to see it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  2417. What a delicious monkey! She’s got such a happy face.

    I have tagged you for a meme (apologies if you hate them)

  2418. I wanted to let you know that you inspired me to make a crown for my mother for her birthday. It ended up rather different from yours (I think I should have used more sequins), but thanks so much for the inspiration!

    If you’d like to see mine (and read all about my trials and tribulations while making it), you can read my blog post here:

    Thank you again for the inspiration. Not just on this project, but every day.

  2419. Hi, Hanna. I am reading your blog from Tokyo.
    Wendela is the loveliest socks monkey I have ever seen! Socks monkey is hot here in Tokyo as well, but I have not seen such a cute one. I fell in love with her. Her T-shirt lookes like the one I got in the street market in London.

  2420. monkey!
    Hanna, your photos are always so strikingly clear and beautiful. Can you recommend a digital camera?

  2421. Thank you for posting this, it’s very nice. I’m one of those people who does go over past events and think “why did I do that? what was I thinking??” even though I know it’s not good for me…But it’s true, it doesn’t do any good to do that.
    Take care

  2422. I like your blog. My cat is called Smilla too, I thought she was unique. She is a pretty silver tabby. Your cat is lovely too. Did you name her after Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow?

  2423. Recently I attended a workshop with the swedish designers 2 x Breiditis who made up the do-redo concept (book, workshops, do-it-yourself-kits etc). It?s long time since I experienced so much crafting creativity and inspiration. Your gloves are really a great example of what results you can have!

  2424. Very beautiful and how clever to use a sweater to make them! I love the decorations on them. One of a kind (well two of a kind actually!)

  2425. I love these and agree with you the color is beautiful and that sweater would cry out..”Do something with me!” I have many thrifted sweaters waiting to be used for rughooking…maybe I should try some gloves…my son keeps stealing mine to put on his feet to be a monkey…hehe
    Thanks for the ideas..
    Love your blog

  2426. Beautiful things in your shop. Maybe when I’m richer I’ll be able to buy something but not just yet.

    Your little collage is beautiful. I love the colours.

    About Nanowrimo. You did great! Was this your first time? Just the fact that you tried and made it THAT far is a feat in itself. Good for you to treat yourself to a new Moleskine (I still haven’t tried them… I’m resisting…)


  2427. Hi Hanna,
    I love that song! I’m a sucker for old fashioned, simple romance.
    Oh and those gloves you made are beautiful. What a great idea to use an old felted sweater.
    Take care, and have a good night!

  2428. What is your favorite kind of Moleskine? I work in a shop with every kind…I can grab you some. A Christmas present, perhaps? ;)

  2429. Thank you for that link to an amazing article, Practice Creativity. I’m bookmarking it so that I can read it again and again. There are some great lessons in it.

  2430. Not only “Everyone else is doing stuff, I can never be as good as those people?”, but also “Everyone else is selling their art stuff and I don’t, what’s wrong with me and my creations?!…” These are my lines but I try not to think this way and just keep on doing my job (sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t, but I don’t give up! *^v^*).
    I totally agree with you – you’ll never know unless you try, unless you are brave to try new techniques, to practice, to allow yourself some mistakes but keep on doing it. There is no other way! *^v^*

  2431. Du har s? ret, man kan komme til at bruge FOR meget tid p? at blive inspireret, s? der ikke er tid NOK til at v?re kreativ.

  2432. Thanks for all the links! And omg how cute the coyote was!
    I have to say that I’ve done exactly that. I started playing in an art journal and now my usual journal looks a lot more creative, even though it’s just a painted page, some sticker and doodles. Creativity spills, everywhere.

  2433. Yay! Lots of links to explore. I actually posted a link on my blog this morning to a meditation pod cast. They have a links page which links to yoga pages, forums, and other related topics. Maybe, there is something on creativity in there.

  2434. Have you ever seen Wreck This Journal? Go to Amazon and check it out.

    I think it is interesting what you said about all the creative things out there for us to envy. It does get disheartening at times, and for me I just have to decide not to surf–because what happens is just what you described–a feeling of discontentment. After all, we are just seeing a slice of a person’s life that they’ve chosen to reveal (and probably a lot of editing has happened) but we look and decide that we must be some kind of imbecile because we don’t home school, or make amazing scrapbooks with a page for every day of December, or document our child’s life with gorgeous photography. What we are not reading about is that maybe so-and-so ignores her children because she is on the computer so much or that mr. husband is lonely because his wife is out shopping all the time for crafting supplies, etc. I don’t know, I’m just rambling here. I can just see that this world of blogging can very easily get out of hand for me. I need to set limits or it all can go so terribly off-balance for me. At the same time, I’m thankful that there is so much inspiration out there just at my fingertips.

    Well, check out the journal. I bought one but haven’t yet had the courage to take pen to it yet. I will, though!!!

  2435. Hurra for bullar! Swedish cinnamon rolls are the BEST .

    Now it’s time to make pepparkakor – nice and thin ones, authentic Swedish pepparkakor :)

  2436. I’m going to try these! I love to bake!! Your posts are so fun to read : )
    Have a good night,

  2437. Thank you for sharing those cinnamon rolls with us! They look yummy indeed.

    I also came here to say that I’ve just given you the “You’re An Amazing Blogger” award!

  2438. What a fab royal blue. What a great idea too and a wonderful way to dress up a pair of gloves. Hmmm, you’re giving me ideas.

    You have so many beautiful projects, your site is a real pleasure to browse.

  2439. Mmmmmm… cinnamon rolls… *drools*

    They look yummy. And your video was cute. Hooray for Smilla making an appearance!


  2440. Oh, such a cute wall paper! :-)…I quite liked the video too..

    Glad I stumbled to your site..will be back for more

  2441. Kannelbulle was the first thing I learned to bake since moving to Sweden. I still make them every other month, but the kids eat them faster than I can freeze them!

  2442. Hi Hannah,
    I’ve been to the Ardeche too some years ago and it was one of my most memorable holidays. We were on a campground directly beside the river. The frogs were croaking during the night. We lit campfires almost every night and slept outside the tents because it was so warm. There were lots of little empty bays where you could lay and bath naked if you wanted to. Yes I probably will go again one day. And Avignon is not far for a city day trip.

    Love your blog:-)

  2443. OOoooo ya cinnamon rolls! You put me in the mood to bake~! Come see on my blog! I think I will make cinnamon rolls very very soon! They are a favorite here at my house! Great video! xo Nance

  2444. Hi Hanna!

    Thank you so much for the bookmark!
    I’m the lucky person you sent it to :-)
    and it’s really beautiful – my friends are of course very jealous..

    I’m looking forward to looking round you site..

    Thank you,


  2445. The purse you created is fabulous; I hope you make more and place them in your Etsy shop!!!!


  2446. it is very cute…wow such a tailored look. I have to confess though, I’d need a bigger bag, you should see the load of stuff I carry around, a couple quilt books, an embroidery handbook, embroidery thread oh yeah and a QUILT!…lol, I get to work on my quilt during my lunch break…yeah!
    Glad you have created such a lovely solution to keeping your gear with you.

  2447. My daughter is presently 700 cranes into folding 1,000. She’s doing it for a wish. (I think that it has something to do with a certain boy that she met!)

  2448. I’m really good with origami and can tell you that if you’ve never done it before, the crane is not the easiest to do. It’s not the hardest either. But yours came out really nice. You don’t have to use only origami paper, as long as your paper is not too thick or stiff and not too thin that it might tear. I’ve done origami out of candy wrappers, bus tickets and restaurant bills. Once you get started, though, it’s hard to stop!

    I love your coffee mug with the blue cat! So cute!!!

  2449. Thank you for the link to that tutorial. No, it isn’t you, I think origami is one of those things that looks easy but actually isn’t. I was surprised at how difficult it can be, especially trying to learn from written instructions!
    Yours looks great, and I like that you took its picture on the dough : )

  2450. So cute! I love Hello Kitty! Even though I am not much into pink (think I’ve said that before lol)but I would definately sport one of these bags!! Great work! Nicely done! xo Nance

  2451. Hanna. Have you forgotten that we folded cranes this summer, sometime around my birthday? With the papers I received from my cousin?

  2452. It?s a wonderful idea decorating this gloves with crochet!
    I have a pair of boring red gloves , I will try to do something with crochet and spangles.
    Your blog is full of wonderful ideas!

  2453. Those cakes look absolutely divine – I’m quite hungry now! Thanks for your comments on my Flickr pics. I was looking at your blog for hours yesterday and I love it! Could you post the recipe for those cakey things I MUST have some! I’m off to make some cakes of my own. Cheerio, friend! x x x

  2454. Love them, you are so creative. Maybe I will use them in my journal (to be started (again) next year!!!

    The red ones link does not work, just FYI

    Happy Holidays

  2455. Fun labels. I was just looking for something like that. I printed the Colourfull ones no problem but the link to the Red Labels doesn’t seem to work. I’ll try to use a label on my next journal page.
    Thank you for sharing these goodies with us!

  2456. I miss your wallet lying on a desk in front of me at Str?mb?ck and that you would always drag that big pink thing with you at the fika break and that we always deserved a treat because we were suuuch talented writers.

  2457. Oh, and did I mention that I love using my English skills even when I don’t have to? Like right now? No? Yes? ;)

  2458. I’ve been looking for something like this for AGES. I buy up premade labels like this whenever I find them and use them on packages I’m sending out and on Christmas presents. I’m down to my last 2 labels and was wondering what I was going to use for tags for the rest of our Christmas presents.

  2459. Oh Hanna these are all so beautiful!!! I’m so happy my videos helped get you to start painting!!! Yea!! Keep it up girl!! Oh and I posted a new one the other day. ;)


  2460. There is a similar story about an Irish Saint, Brigid, who removed her eye to fend off a suitor. Her shrine was near to my home when I was a child and we used to visit it often.

    Hope you all had a wonderful time, those buns look scrumptious.

  2461. We don’t have any of such traditions in Poland, I’m afraid. Maybe a “Little Santa Clauses” Day on Dec 6th, when we give each other very small presents left secretly in the shoe overnight (you have to be careful when putting your foot into a shoe in the morning! *^v^*). But I have no idea where this tradition came from.
    I love you candle-and-crystals arrangement, I wish I had some more flat surfaces to put candles on. *^v^*

  2462. i also love traditions and would like to pass them to fiona. it would be great if she could remember them when she gets older.
    those buns look so yummy! thanks for all the links, hanna!
    i also wanted to tell you that i heard your craftypod podcast {late, i know} and i loved it! you have the sweetest voice.

  2463. Hi Hanna,

    wow what a story, I had not known of St. Lucia before. Beautiful image of the little girl. Having lived most of my life in California and now living in a place that has snow, ice and coooold weather, I understand the need for some sunny cheerfulness in mid December. Swedish people have a very wise custom/tradition to create a reason to celebrate. Those buns look really yummy.

  2464. This is so interesting. She looks so pretty in her St. Lucia clothes. Sadly, my family doesn’t really have much in the way of xmas traditions. However, in terms of food, one thing that we always have at my boyfriend’s parents at xmas is what we call “carnips”. This is carrots and turnip cooked and mashed together with butter and brown sugar. I have never liked turnip other than in this fashion. His family is British, and so they also have yorkshire pudding and roasted potatoes. Nothing as fascinating and unique as your Swedish customs :- (
    Take care :-)

  2465. This little girl looks like she was plucked out of fairytale from very long ago! What a beautiful holiday photo!

  2466. Hello!
    These are great labels. Great idea to make your own and kind of you to share them with others! Your “This is my family” pages are so pretty, clever and creative. I think personal collages would make a great gift for family members and am seriously thinking about doing that for next year.

  2467. Hanna, these are such amazing resources — I’m just googly-eyed and grinning — I’ve been a bit down lately and all of a sudden, I feel all giddy and ready to start being creative again. Thank you!!

  2468. these are beautiful pictures! last night a swedish colleague invited us to christmas drinks. and a cute little swedish girl came dressed like on your photo and sang songs to us. and we had all these goodies and swedish cheese and more. didn’t bring my camera, so this is delightful to relive. wishing you a cheerful christmas season!

  2469. Hi. I’ve got two posts about your blook and your process. I was hoping that you would take a peek and let me know if I missed anything. Yours is the first blook I’ve found that was from Sweden. If you know of any others, will you let me know? Thanks. And by the way, congratulations on your book!

  2470. Oh dear, you sound really sad … It makes us that way doesn’t it when we are ill, everything else looks bleak. You’ll be better in a day or so, and everything will be a lot happier ~ love Julia x

  2471. So sorry you and the family are feeling poorly. Over here we would say take two aspirin and have some chicken soup and a nice long sleep. If that doesn’t help, have a hot toddy! But that’s just folk remedies. The best solution is lots of water and lots of rest, which you are doing. Be better soon! The world will look brighter tomorrow!

  2472. Oh, no! I’m so sorry you’re feeling ill, especially this time of year! The other commenters are right: the world does look bleak when you’re feeling lousy. Rest and heal, and we’re all sending you bright good-health vibes! And I’m sending you a big hug.

  2473. It sounds like you had the same illness with the exact symptoms, that we had, here, across the world, a few weeks ago. Despite how awful it is, there is something very cleansing about getting through an illness like that. Coffee and alcohol always taste awful to me afterwards but water and juice, just right. It takes time to return to normal. Take it easy and enjoy the season.
    Thank you for sharing that angel and link.

  2474. This is an illness that has been making the rounds of our area too. I guess it’s just that time of year. Too many things to do, too little time and the body gets rundown. Take good care of yourself and your family and all heal in time for Christmas….

  2475. I’m so sorry you were sick! It’s horrible being that ill. You just can’t do anything. And I’m sorry this year has been a bad one – but I’m sure 2008 will be a lot better!

  2476. Hi Hanna,
    A book that I think every crocheter must add to their list is Crochet Me! Edited by Kim Werker of (I think I’ve got that right) Anyway, I love every project in there, except one. Very cool stuff.
    A very cheerful Christmas to you and your family.
    Ellen G.

  2477. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks so much for all the links!
    I love your sketch too.I’ll let you know if I think of any magazines you might like. Have a happy holiday : )

  2478. Thank you for recommending the zines, I really like the Astarte Megazine!
    I sprinkled some crystal sugar over my kanelbullar, isn’t it the same as pearl sugar? Maybe not, and I’m afraid I cannot get pearl sugar in Poland, I may try IKEA’s shop though! *^v^*

  2479. Har h?rt mycket om Cloth paper scissors senaste tiden, var f?r man tag p? dem h?r i Sverige? Pres stop?

  2480. I love your gorgeous little red head! She is just so cute! Thanks for stopping in to my blog. I love when people leave me a little comment, and your blog is wonderfully inspiring!

  2481. I know what you mean about reading books and magazines about these amazing artists and being able to contact them and have them see our art! It’s wonderful!
    Your canvas came out really nice. I might have to try that (didn’t even notice that article in C.P.S., how odd…)
    I recently found that old CDs are great to use as paint palettes! I have a ton of CDs that have no use so this was a great way to use them up. And after that, you could even use the CDs full of mixed colours and add them to collages or something else… Hmmm… endless possibilities in this wonderful world that is arts and crafts!


  2482. Hi Hanna

    I have an ongoing Google Alert looking for blogs about “art journaling” and it returned your post to me. I thought – ooh, must see what zines iHanna suggests. What a pleasant surprise to find my own Astarte’s Mega-Zine heading the list! You made my day.

    I have enjoyed looking around your site – I think I remember the old il bloggo site. I also went to and bought your book, thanks to Kelly Kilmer’s glowing recommendation and I listened to your interview on Crafty Pod.

    I think you should be writing for Astarte’s Mega-Zine, you know? Then you’d never have to buy it!

  2483. Vilken f?rgglad, h?rlig blogg du har! Tack f?r bes?ket p? min :)

    Jag s?g en mycket fin Hello Kitty-v?ska lite l?ngre ner p? din sida :)

    Ha en bra dag! :)

  2484. Here’s hoping that you feel better SOON! Christmas is such a stressful time and soooo many of our blogger-friends seem to be feeling horrible right now. At least you are in good company!

    Thanks for the link to the crazy angel! Adorable!

  2485. Smilla looks so comfortable. My Diesel also loves to sleep on windowsills (especially in summer.) Fluffy fur… I love it!

  2486. ‘Use everthing without hesitaion’W – I’ll ahve to remeber that, and I’m sure I’ll get a lot more sewing and crating done ! ~ love Julia

  2487. Hope you continue to have a perfect Christmas and holiday break. Enjoy unwrapping those prezzies! Cheers, lj

  2488. My Dear! I wish you neverending inspiration, awesome ideas and lot of time to do your projects! Merry Christmas!

  2489. Merry Christmas, and God Jul new friend Hannah! I too, am getting the present I most want this year- your book! And I bought one for my step mamma and another for my arty girlfriend! Thank you so much! You’re truly an inpsiration!

    And if you want to know how I found you, thank Jodi up there. :)

    xoxo Annette

  2490. Just found your blog thru Suzi Blu and wanted to say I love your blog and your projects! Merry Christmas to you and your family. :)

  2491. Happy Christmas Hanna and Smilla (and family!)

    Hey, not to be nosey, but what was the present that you knew you were already going to get? I hope it was something fun for you to enjoy.

  2492. I love your redheaded girl, you’ve done a great job with the patchwork background!
    Every word of encouragement is valuable in the world of an artist, but to get such words from another artists we admire – that’s something really big! *^v^*

  2493. Your houses look gorgeous! I’ve been telling myself I would make them for years now, but you have the best solution – invite somebody to do it with you! Next Yuletime I will! *^v^*

  2494. How wonderful! Your brother’s house had me laughing so hard. I love the idea of all these colorful little houses lined up along the dining table. They’re all so pretty, and looking at the photos, I can feel the fun you all had making them together.

  2495. Wow! These are gorgeous! i definitely want to do some haunted gingerbread houses for next Halloween with my niece. We did a gingerbread tree this year, but it didn’t turn out that great. I didn’t have any candy to use for decoration. Next time, I’ll make SURE I have a bunch of stuff on hand…I love what you’ve done here!

  2496. Oh, that looked like great fun!..and the houses have smiles! That was SO cute! Made ME smile :)

  2497. Wow, you’ve been busy! Lovely houses. BTW, you won the magazine giveaway in my blog a while back ; can you send me your address?


  2498. Wow that is a long thought provoking post.
    You have certainly made me sit back and think about what direction I want my life to take in the New Year.
    Have a happy New Year.

  2499. Wow! Such a great post! Look at all these amazing resources. You’ve given me some new directions to explore today in my quest for a focus for 2008. Thank you! :)

  2500. Oh, Hanna! This is such a good post and much aligned with the things that I have been thinking about during the cusp of the new year. While I think that changes and goals are possible all year long, there is something pristine and hopeful about a new year that makes so much more seem possible and more exciting as well. Good luck with all your ventures!

    Thanks for the good links. I am checking out nozbe now.

    Happy New Year!

  2501. Happy New Year Hanna!
    I, too, plan to create and write more in 2008 – here’s hoping I lose my blog shyness and let loose…I have a few projects I should post!
    All the best.

  2502. What a sweet thing to happen upon your blog and find all this creative juice. Thanks so much for the link to the article. Now: I must snoop around a bit…

  2503. This was a wonderfully inspiring post. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and goals for the new year. Maybe it will help me and others to be more focused as well. Wishing you continued success and realization of your aspirations in 2008.

    Your blog is a recent and happy discovery for me.

  2504. I have been working on my goals for 2008 but after your great post I feel very inspired all the way over here in Northern California! Thanks Hanna for the “icing on the cake” for my plans in 2008!

  2505. Hi, thanks for that post. It was very inspiring and got me excited about the new year ahead. Have a peaceful and happy time. Best wishes, Clare :)

  2506. Dear Hanna

    You know I read your blog frequently. It?s always so interesting to see what you?re up to. I feel like dropping by, visiting a good friend for a cup of coffee and a catc-up on what?s new.

    Happy New Year!

  2507. this was a great post…i always find new years resolutions to be so interesting, and every time i read about them, my own list gets longer!

    good luck with yours, and thank you for inspiring my creative side of resolutions. happy new year!

  2508. I love your new year’s resolutions and my need to adopt some for myself. :) Love your blog and your photos. Have a joyful new year! Gina

  2509. Excellent consciousness-raising post! Do check out the Nano goal-setting forum for the upcoming year, it has quite a lot of interesting stuff there which ties in to what you are talking about.


  2510. A wonderful, thoughtful post, Hanna. It makes me want to pull out the paints and journals right now… and it’s still 2007 here for two and a half more hours!

    I think the first thing I write on my resolutions page will be to take a book-binding class this year.

  2511. Happy New Year Hanna. Thank you for this wonderful post so full of amazing links.

    And for the beautiful Paz poem. I have written this on the first page of my diary, and in my New year blog post.

  2512. here’s to all your goals…i have been a fan of gtd for years…visitng you always brightens my day…may the spirit of a new year fill your home with an abundance of love, laughter, and joy…may the magic of the moment bring peace to your heart all year long…may your creativity take you to amazing places and may you experience the resulting bliss…much love to all of you and your family…rebecca

  2513. Oh, such a great post! Full of inspiration and great links and hope!
    Wish you a happy new year and good luck with all of your goals!

  2514. Well darn. I thought I had commented here already. I guess I forgot to click the Submit button!

    I love the idea of a Happiness Project. Can’t wait to see what you’ll do with yours.

    I hope your New Year celebration was fun. Mine was spent with loved ones.

    May 2008 bring you many happy moments.

  2515. Your Happiness project sounds awesome – it’s a great idea and exactly the kinda thing I’d love to do myself!

    Inspired, partly by you, I bought Moleskine notebook at earlier today. Where do you buy your Moleskine books? I ordered a package of three books. I’ll make them into my very first art journal!

    I’ve had a lot of thoughts about changes I’ll do with the new year coming (I’ll write about them in coming entries in my blog), one of the headlines being “creativity”.

    I’ll continue reading your blog for more creative ideas! Keep up the good work! Happy New Year!

  2516. Congratulations! Fully deserved first prize, I love your bag, great idea for a pair of old jeans, must dig into my wardrobe in search for a pair! *^v^*

  2517. THAT is amazingly AWESOME!!!!! ok, to be nosy… I love the pens in the pocket..are those bookmarks? are those art journals inside the bag?

  2518. What a great idea!

    Happy New Year Hanna! (I’ve still be reading your blog – just lacking in the comment department! Sorry!)

  2519. What a cool bag! I have a pair of corduroy pants that won’t be wearable for long so I might try this instead! Congrats on winning the contest! How cool is that. You always inspire me!

  2520. He’s so cute! Love the tiny tail!
    I like your homepage btw, haven’t seen it before and found it today.

  2521. Tiny elephant is indeed gorgeous, and your story is precious too! Thanks for sharing both with me :)

  2522. Hi Hanna,

    this bag is great..I have saved several of these(tops of jeans) while working on my denim quilts…and your bag has inspired me to get busy and make one. I love the thrifted curtain fabric. it is all too cute! I can see you have a thing for totes and bags! I say you can never have too many!!

  2523. Aw, thanks for making me smile! He is so well made, and I love his face. You have such a great imagination. Have you ever worked with kids?

  2524. It’s a press stud (in English) or a snap (in American English) :)

    The bag looks great, lots of useful pockets! I’m working on a similar thing with a skirt.

    Well done on winning the contest! x

  2525. I love your Blue Elephant!!!

    I’m taking a break from blogging
    but I just wanted to say I love
    your talent.
    My ds,ddil&dgrnd live in Sweden.

    Check out my blue Elephant on my blog if you have a chance to. You’ll have to scroll the pages to find it. I think I posted it either Dec or Nov. It is a Birthday Gift I made some years ago. A collage.

    Also check Out the pink pony I made if you get a chance. I traced a Vintage Dala as a pattern and twicked it. So it is larger. I posted that in Dec. I have a bit to learn about measurments. The belly to the legs I need to learn how to get the measurments just right.

    Have a Very Blessed Happy Creative New Year!!!

  2526. I came here via Whip Up and was wondering how did you manage to sew the lining to the bag. Did you use a sewing machine or did you sew it by hand?

    I have a few old jeans in my to be recycled pile but never knew what to do with it.

    Thanks for sharing. :*)

  2527. I know I”m a little late, but this post makes me want to run to my studio and start making stuff! Alas, I cannot this morning, but I have a few things I can do at the table in front of me while I wait for my husband to wake up.

    I, too, collect quotes, both from strangers and from people I know; I used to have books and books of them filled in college (students say the funniest things, especially in times of crisis. I have a whole page of quotes from the 1994 Northridge earthquake). Inspirational quotes I usually put in my journal somewhere.

    Merry belated Christmas. I hope it was wonderful.

  2528. I spelled tweaked wrong above I noticed.
    Maybe that isn’t the right word. I made
    adjustments might be a better word.

    I forgot to say I love the cute story
    that you wrote to go with the Elephant.

    Have a Very Blessed Creative Year with
    Dreams Come True!!!

  2529. Your bag looks great! I did the same a few years ago, only with my dad?s jeans, and since my dad is a big dad, my bag is a big bag. I lined it with a duvet cover from the 70s (brown flowers), braided a belt to draw in the waist, and sewn on a couple of handles. It?s not particularly fancy, but it?s one of my favourite bags. Recycling is good!

  2530. What a lovely blog! I have only recently found it and look forward to looking through your posts. I’m going to start by digging into all these great links. I’ve just stared a blog myself to move me along, so I know what you mean by being inspired by the new year!

  2531. hey! thanks for commenting on my blog.
    this is my first visit and i love the feel of your so far. that elephant is too cute and, wow, if i saw a bag like your recyled jeans one for sale, i would totally buy one! guess i better check out your store now…
    nice to “meet” you,

  2532. awww..the elephant’s so cute and the story that comes along with it. love the tail – its a novel way of doing it!

  2533. Hei Hanna, supers?t elefant og historie. Og rammene rundt bildene gj?r dem litt ekstra…hvor finner man dem?

    Ihanna er favoritt-bloggen min og jeg leser den nesten hver dag, en typisk “lurker”, kanskje p? tide ? si hallo:)

  2534. I love the little elephant. He’s adorable and the material is such a pretty blue. I also am in love with the jean bag you made. I have hung onto an old pair of Levi’s that I haven’t worn in 20 years (aaaaaaaaaaaaah lol) and is a tiny size too. If I can just locate them, maybe I could recycle them and make a bag. thanks for stopping by my blog and I am enjoying yours as well.

  2535. annual craft report..neat! I know I look at FO pics on other blogs and all, but your idea of one finished picture of each on flickr sounds great and looks good, too! I think I may need to head to my acct and do that same. Thanks!

  2536. It’s also been a process with me….making a mental list of projects to get on with and which ones to “drop”. I think though, that a mental list is not adequate….I need to see it on paper….yet another project!! Excellent post Hannah!!
    By the way….pattern for wrist warmers without pearls….any suggestions???

  2537. i need to do this!! sometimes i feel so unproductive, but when you see it all written out like this, maybe it’s not as little as i would imagine!! Great projects here Hanna!! And i think i’m IN LOVE with your elephant!!

  2538. You’ve been productive and creative! I will take pictures of my 2007 projects that aren’t on Flickr yet and will try that folder for a year idea.

    You’ve been tagged on my blog, if you want to play.


  2539. Jag ?lskar f?rg papper (passion sedan barndomen) och klister och ?r st?ndigt p? jakt efter n?got nytt att l?ra mig. I n?gra ?r har jag gjort handgjorda kort men st?mplar och d?rf?r b?rjat med scrapbooking men inte helt k?nt mig hemma och s?kt mer och tillbaka till vad jag gjorde f?rut, innan jag blev uttr?kad universitetsstudent. S? i julas k?pte jag en bok om ATC och pang! S? kom minnen om att g?ra handgjort papper, skumma b?cker med tidningsutklipp etc tillbaka. I min jakt efter att l?ra och inspiration till handgjorda b?cker hittade jag s? din blogg och ?r k?r! S? mycket h?rlig inspiration du bjuder p? och JA! nu vet jag vad det ?r som det h?r kreativa ?ret ska handla om. Sedan tidigare har jag drivet att varje dag ska vara kreativt men nu ska jag G?RA, inte t?nka!

  2540. Hello,
    I’ve been looking at your blog for several days, and I’m totally addicted. You seem to be a wonderful person, creative above all.
    Could not resist and just bought your book on LULU.
    Thanks for your wonderful blog !
    Cecile, from France

  2541. Tsss ;-) du ?r mitt hemliga fan. Jag har l?st din sida i ?r men ?r lite blyg n?r det g?ller att kommentera. Jag blir s? oerh?rt inspirerad och glad n?r jag l?ser h?r ska du veta.
    *fniss* Jag vankar av och an, v?ntar p? ett bokpaket med flera artjournal b?cker. ;-) Ha en go helg!

  2542. ?h, det var et herlig b?lgeteppe ja:)))
    Hekler p? mitt andre teppe jeg n?, det er s? g?y!
    Hva med ? hekle et ripple-skjerf av eventuelle rester?
    Det har jeg gjort, i alle regnbuens farger:)

  2543. wow! your ripple afghan is gorgeous. I would be proud of it too. love the colours, and I can imagine how lovely it feels too, all that cotton knit. lovely.

  2544. I found your blog from the Lixie Knits It podcast and it’s been great visiting you. Yourr afghan is very beautiful – these bright colours are really lovely to see at this time of year.

  2545. Hi there and CONGRATULATIONS!!! Looking at your ripple afgahn makes ME smile too :-) And I know exactely how you feel about finishing such a big and beautiful project (check out my blog, I finally finished my hexagon blanket…) It has been a while since I left a comment as I have been unbelievably busy for months – but I have managed to blogsurf a bit and your blog is still on my top 10 list. Stopping by ihanna has been a golden moment during many a long working day. Thank you for being such an inspiration to us all :-)

  2546. Hi Hanna,
    I love your ripple afghan. It is beautiful I am making one too although in a smaller size I think. I hope mine is as wonderful as yours when it is finished.
    I have been reading your blog for a little while but this is my first comment. Thank you for sharing all your lovely ideas and creations. I have ordered your book and it should be here any day now. :)
    Love NB x

  2547. I’m making this scarf now too. Except after I knit a few inches of the original pattern, I decided I didn’t like the purled side. So I frogged it and started knitting some variation I made of it.

    Instead of knitting one side and purling it, I alternate it each stitch, so it’s kinda of a ribbed stitch look.

  2548. S???? fint! Jag vill ox? g?ra en s?n. Jag har iallafall stickat f?rdigt mina gr?na pulsv?rmare under julledigheten.

  2549. Great job! It turned out fabulous. It almost makes me want to do something other than sew…but I leave that to other people to do! Maybe I could give my mom the link to this and hint for her to make one. :)

  2550. Yes, you should be happy – it’s beautiful. The colours are so cheerful and bright, just the thing to keep you cozy on a cold winter’s day.

  2551. HI again! I just left a comment on an older blog post you made.. but I hadn’t seen your book yet.

    I just wanted to say that my heart skipped a beat and I am seriously so excited because #1. I’d love to get your book when I get the extra cash and #2. That is exactly what I’ve been thinking about doing myself but didn’t realize it was possibly so easy!

    I have recently been gathering my old writings from a number of places (Livejournal, Deadjournal, Myspace journal and a craft blog) which I’d love to put together and make my own book.. if only for my own keepsake..

    Thank you so much for EXISTING and I’m so happy to have found your site today =]

  2552. This is beautiful. You should be so proud to complete such a project. I’m not sure I’ve ever finished any of the afghans that I started. I can finish the baby blankets, but I have a difficult time keeping committed to the larger ones.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment.



  2553. This is beautiful!! And the bright colors really are a wonderful lift at such a dark and dreary time of the year. Congratulations on finishing such a huge and lovely project!

  2554. That’s a colorful and beautiful afghan. You should be proud! It’s a good feeling to finish a project.

  2555. mmmm, ljuvlig! Jag vill, jag SKA l?ra mig virka! F?rgerna ?r helt underbara och visst ?r det h?rligt n?r det g?r att kombinera det gamla hantverket med n?got nytt och s? blir det s? vackert!

  2556. Brag away woman! That has to be the most beautiful afghan I’ve EVER seen in my life. Those colors, so vibrant. It just makes me happy to look at it. Where did you get the pattern?

  2557. Beautiful! Just looking at that vibrant thing brightens up my grey, rainy day here in Seattle, Washington. I enjoy your blog. :)

  2558. So pretty and such a bright spot in the midst of winter. Such an great accomplishment. You have every right to brag.

  2559. Wow beautiful, I love it! well done you!!!
    It’s sure to bring many smiles with its bright happy colours :o)

  2560. I LOVE this! I want to rush to the craft store right now and buy a ton of yarn to make my own!!

    How many thingies of yarn did it take?

  2561. ?h jag ?r helt k?r i din filt. Den ?r helt,helt underbar! En s?n vill jag ocks? g?ra. ?r det j?ttesv?rt? F?ljde du en mall eller har du hittat p? en sj?lv?

  2562. This is FANTASTIC! I LOVE it!!!!
    Wow, I would love to have one of these on my bed…what a happy colour scheme too. You’ve inspired me to learn to crochet!
    :) Tere

  2563. Hanna! Happy to have you come play with the team! I love your journal pages. I know for those who regularly share their journal pages online it’s an odd challenge to ask them the journal their blog – and especially for you since you made a whole book of your blog. That is really cool. But so is printing and pasting your posts on a page with your own notes written in, don’t you think? Your page where you used new favorite papers is what I call Me First Journaling. You are free to use the remainder once you’ve saved a little bit for yourself. Helps us to become less precious with the stuff we hoard :) I’m off to browse around here. Thanks again for sharing with the team.

  2564. Fantastic post! I loved reading it, and enjoyed your journal pictures!!! How clever that you made your blog in to a book! I will definately be checking back!

  2565. wow – Hanna – such a cool and inspiring post – going back to savor – love the book – and of course the journal pages…

    xox – eb.

  2566. Did you make up your own pattern for this elephant? My sister-in-law is decorating her nursery with elephant theme and green color and I thought she would just love this!

  2567. You are very productive already, joining so many craft-alongs! *^v^* I absolutely love the spread with you on the sofa, it’s so colourful, cheerful and bright, that’s the future we want to choose!
    The beginning of this year brought me back some inspiration for new merchandise for the Polish on-line galleries, I’m finishing a new batch right no and I’ll show it soon on my blog.
    Keep creating! *^v^*

  2568. Hi! Your colorful blog entries and journal entries are really wonderful… a shot of brightness much needed on such a dreary morning in my neck of the woods! I fight with myself too, about hoarding paper and pretty things to use on “just the right thing”… you are on to something… I’m going to start using more pretty things “just because I like it”! Thanks for joining our group… any chance you’re related to the organic cotton hanna andersson?!? :D

  2569. Love this post, all the great ideas, and your passion for journaling. I am fascinated by the book version of your blog! I’m going to check that out!

  2570. Oh he is sooooooo cute Hanna!!! And how sweet that you gave him to your Mom for Christmas. :) I’ve made a couple of needlefelted bears myself, so I know all too well how time consuming they are to make….and how painful they can be to make as well. I stabbed myself more than once with one of those barbed needles. Ouch! Hope you’re needlefelting experience was pain free. :D

  2571. Oh . . . so adorable, it made me forget to breathe for a minute! I cannot imagine the dexterity needed to needle felt something that tiny. I would have perforated myself for sure.

  2572. Hanna, he is absolutely adorable! Because you know I love anything small enough to use a matchbox for a bed.

    More please!!

    (PS. Thanks for the sweet words too! :) )

  2573. Thank u for a terrific site… makes me happy to come here all the time.

    totally cute teddy


  2574. ADORABLE! Love the little bed and quilt, too! My daughter has been making ‘Cute’ softies, too…I highlighted them on my blog in my last couple of posts!

  2575. Hi :)
    Did you see? In the left cup of coffe there’s a shape of a hart :)
    Your works are amazing, sooo cute.

  2576. Hanna,
    I love your first ever sock monkey!

    I also really liked the layout with the squares that I think you thought looked scrapbooky. I actually liked the linear, organized look as a contrast to the usual layering and such that happens in my journal and others I’ve seen. Thanks for the visual inspiration!


  2577. Wow, he’s so cute and so tiny. I just got the stuff to try to make these… Is it hard? I’ve seen some really cute ones on the internet. I hope I do as well as you!

  2578. Wow! What fabulous inspiration! And I love the layout of the squares, it reminds me of Etsy. Those papers are beautiful, too!

  2579. k?nner igen mig i det d?r att sugas upp av datorn s? mycket att det egna blir lite lidande. Jag fastnar extremt l?tt och b?de vill och inte vill slukas upp av fl?det. Det kluriga ?r att jag vill kunna allt och l?ra mig allt underbart som jag ser samtidigt som frustrationen ?ver att ingenting blir gjort v?xer n?r jag sitter vid datorn. S? nu har jag b?rjat k?pa b?cker om skapande n?r ekonomin till?ter s? jag kan inspireras n?r datorn ?r av. Det ?r ocks? d?rf?r jag vill skapa varje dag f?r g?r jag det f?r jag tv? saker: det f?rsta ett konkret bevis p? att dagen g?r och det andra s? leder det till att jag i sm? steg l?r mig mer och mer.

    Senaste besattheten just nu ?r altered books och art journaling. Det passar mig precis f?r det ?r vad jag gjort tidigare och vad jag ?lskar att g?ra. S? nu undrar jag om du har n?gra bra tips p? ing?ngar till denna ljuvliga v?rld s? jag inte beh?ver tokscanna n?tet i evigheter. Jag har b?rjat g? igenom din lista med underbara bloggar men det ?r som du s?ger: ett mentalt klister till viss del.

    Glad ?r jag att jag snubblade ?ver din blogg iallafall och jag f?ljer dig via bloglines s? jag ser n?r du uppdaterar :-)

  2580. oh dear! you are great! please don’t change and start writing in swedish :)
    you did a great job with those cans!
    I risk to be unpopular here but I like cands “naked” so much! At least once a month I sit down with an intention to “dress up” few cans and… it always ends the same – I put all the cans back… “naked”.
    Does it happens to you sometimes too?

  2581. i love the wallpaper wrapped cans you’ve created!!

    i also have trouble with finding so much inspiration on the web and needing to pull myself away so i actually do some creating! it’s a tricky balance!

  2582. I’m going through similar self-pondering ups and downs now…

    … you should do what makes you truly happy and feels right…

    … but I would be very sad if you started writing in Swedish :) … except that I would still visit to look at your photos…

    … you could always write in both languages like Belinda at…

    … and I really like the long link lists even though I don’t usually have time to click through all of them… they’re like a great bookshelf to browse.

  2583. I was immediately drawn in by your colors. Rich clear tones that sing out. Yummy. Good for you for using the “saved papers’. I am trying, I am trying. Little by little (usually I wait until they get torn, wrinkled, or dirty, then because they are wrecked, it’s all right to use them – not because I am trying for distressed effect though!)

  2584. I love your journal pages – those lace up pink boots – please!The colours and images are right up my street too.

    I found your earleir posts about making a book of your blog very inspiring. I tried book slurping with booksmart but there was too much wasted pages with it. Maybe I’ll play with it another time when I have more time to concentrate.

    Was thinking about joining in with CED too….

  2585. I just found your blog a month ago, and I am enjoying it so much. I work in different media than you, but you are so inspiring, because you love what you are doing so much! I hope I can keep reading you, although, as Alison says, we can still look at your pictures, and I know a few Swedish words….

    Do what you love most, at the moment!

  2586. Hej Hanna,
    When I started my blog I was actully
    going to make a separate blog just
    for links to other blogs and I didn’t
    do it. The list can get so long.
    When I didn’t have a blog I’d go to
    Violettes and link there to peoples.
    In Favorites the list can get pretty
    long also.

    I know what you mean about getting away
    from the computer and actully doing art
    yourself. It takes time to blog. I haven’t
    figured out yet the happy medium.

    I wanted some ispiration one day and I
    thought about going around blogland but
    told myself no you have your own ideas.
    Use them!!!LOL!

    I opened comments back up on my blog. I
    don’t know if you got a chance to see the
    pink stuffed pony I made by using a Dala
    or the Blue Elephant Collage, since I had turned
    off comments. I turned them back on. They are
    in December archives. I don’t remember the dates.

    Have a Blessed Happy Creative Year!!!

  2587. I forgot to say I love the Pink Stars.

    I never seen a Black Dala or one with
    material on it.

    Have a Creative Blessed Happy Year!!!

  2588. thanks for your comments girls1

    ieva: I promise I’ll keep writing in English for now anyway, I like you all to much to stop.

    Flassie: the black horse is from IKEA once upon a time, it’s kind of a vintage item with a modern twist? They sold all kinds of crazy horses back then, polka doted and others. :-)

  2589. I wrote a diary when I was little, but not now. I would like to have one, but I’m not good in expresing my thoughts on paper.
    I really love the room. And I would like to have a place like this to sit,relax,read,sew…but the most important is to relax :) In the summer I like to sit in my back yard and read (but because of the wind it’s hard to keep the book pages together: )
    AAAAnd your blog is amazing :)

  2590. I am amazed at the blogs I see in 2 languages, I feel so inadaquate with just English! I just stumbled onto SuziBlu…wow, what an amazing artist/video blogger she is, that would be cool indeed to meet her.

    I love those polka dot papers you found, you will have fun creating journal pages with those.

  2591. Hej Hanna

    Du f?r g?ra precis som du vill med bloggen bara du inte l?gger ner =) hemska tanke!

    Jo jag ville be dig om att tipsa om dessa sv bloggerskor du skriver om…jag k?nner faktiskt bara till dig som ?r svensk och har en s?n h?r kreativitetsblogg :/ dela med dig =) !!

  2592. Oh Hanna, I hope you continue to write in English because your blog is one of my favorites and I am sure the favorite of many English speaking bloggers out there! Maybe you could think about in Swedish certain days of the week and writing in English the other days…just a thought!

  2593. Hi Hanna,
    I’m SO glad I looked at your knitting posts! I started that same scarf but stopped after I made a mistake, because I couldn’t figure out how to fix it! Your scarves are beautiful… it really is a great stitch pattern, isn’t it? I love how it looks with varigated yarn… so much so, that I may need to go and start a new scarf right now! Take care!

  2594. it’s lovely!! your mom does great work :)

    and i know what you mean (from your previous post) about getting so lost in all the great blogs out there its hard to find time to get all that crafting it inspires done!

  2595. patchwork is lovely of course :) but my eyes cought up a snow ball! I’m amazed by them! To me it’s one of the most amazing creations on earth – better than TV, vacum cleaner or even a car :) I don’t own it yet but I’m in love with one of “medusa copenhagen”…

  2596. Don’t stop posting in English! We’d miss you!

    Why don’t you do a paragraph in English and one in Swedish? You wouldn’t have to think up 2 paragraphs, just translate one.

    Good luck with your goals!

  2597. I really like those cans. I often do that..recycle cans and use them at my work table but I didn’t think about wrapping them in wallpaper. Great idea!

  2598. Hanna, those socks are beautiful!! Well done on them :o)!! I have a stripey (chocolate brown & baby blue) sock that I started last year…and I haven’t finished them yet. This gives me some inspiration to get back to it and finish them!! Thanks & I hope your week is off to a great start.

  2599. Oh, the colors are just so beautiful! That comfy pic of your ripple afghan working on your sock is just PERFECT!

  2600. Rainbow socks are great, I could do with a pair, too, the weather is gloomy over here… (wait, I do have a pair of rainbow socks in my drawer, yikes! *^v^*).

  2601. Hanna–
    Your colors blow my mind. I’m a rainbow person, too. I love the colors on your blog–especially your mother’s tablecloth the other day. From what you’re doing these days, I foresee a bright year for you in 2008.

  2602. I love the socks. So full of yummy colours! At one point in my life, I used to be known for always having crazy colourful socks… Hmmm, maybe I should start again!

  2603. Ahhh! you like the frenchie bulldog too! I was watching youtube videos about puppies and came across it and I was like YES that is dog for me. I dont go on long hikes just eat cupcakes and sit around the house so its perfect for me.

    They are very expensive tho I just found out so I need to start saving money. they are sO cute.


  2604. Farver ! Det l?nges vi efter- i s?r denne vinter , der her i DK , bare har v?ret gr? og trist.
    Selvstribende str?mpegarn – det er alts? sjovt at strikke med!

  2605. So beautiful! And I loved seeing you linking your work to the colors that inspire you in the natural world.

  2606. HA! :D I LOVE your AJ pages about your blog! How fun! I agree… usually it is the other way around. Interesting perspective to do it this way…. :)

  2607. Hi Hanna!
    Hey, wanted you to know I put a link to your blog in my current post, where I talk about deciding to focus on one skill. You had mentioned the same sort of “problem” in your own crafting life, so I hope you don’t mind that I mentioned you in my post. Let me know if you’d prefer I remove the mention and link, ok? LOVE your blog… so colorful and cheery and SO much to look at… I keep finding more and more cool stuff! All my best!

  2608. I have a book of quotes – I used to collect them – once upon a time. I like the idea of “color and design” to the blank pages… I used to keep quotes in a lined book (not so much fun to be free in a book with lines – but I didn’t know better at that time).

  2609. What a great idea! I have a computer file, too, but that’s so impersonal and cold for pages of wisdom. These are beautiful.

    If you like, you can find great quotes at also sends out regular e-mails with great quotes, if you subscribe, and Real Simple magazine’s web site offers a Thought of the Day e-mail with fantastic quotes.

    One of the most recent Beliefnet quotes from my files:

    “If the average person realized the power he wields over his life and destiny, he would live in a perpetual state of wonder and thanksgiving.” — Earl Nightingale

  2610. oooohhhhh, I just LOVE your stripy rainbow socks and your ripple afghan!!! The colours you have used are just so yummy and delicious! TOO CUTE!!!

  2611. Det var en god ide!
    Alle mine citater st?r i alle mulige b?ger og h?fter.God ide at samle dem i een bog. Og en god gave ide!

  2612. what a lovely idea! like so many, i jot them down in whatever notebok i am using at the time , only to not be able to find them later. this is great!

  2613. What a lovely idea! It could become a great tool for cheering yourself up if you are feeling down, or inspiring yourself if you’re feeling defeated.

  2614. I am a big fan of this and have a little book of quotes myself; pretty handmade paper for wise words. You did a lovely job with your books.

  2615. Great idea….. thank u for good ideas on your page…..

    Quote i live by

    imagination is more important then knowledge.


  2616. Vilken kul id?!
    f?r se om jag f?r till det sm?ningom. f?r ta maken till hj?lp om jag ska l?gga det p? youtube. Men det ?r kul att l?ra nytt…

    V?ldigt fin gl?djefilm :-)


  2617. Oh, I just love it Hanna! I never noticed before that we are both Anderson’s/Andersson’s!! :-)

  2618. That’s very inspiring! Lots of those things make me happy, too, especially cats, snow (no sign of it outside, *sigh*) and glogg! *^v^*

  2619. Very cute idea for a list – I got the book 14,000 things to be happy about and am making my own version this year :o)

  2620. i have quote book too. But can you believe it that I was sure that I’m the only one at my age writing down quotes and using my own hand for that? :)
    Lately I’m hooked on “City of angels” so my fav quote is from there, when Seth talks about Maggie:
    “I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss from her mouth, one touch of her hand, than eternity without it. One.”

  2621. Lovely. I’d add: yoga, coffee, cold sunny days, handknit afghans, candles, hot baths, pasta, homemade cake, watching DVDs all snuggled up on the couch, pyjama days, magazines.

  2622. This is great! Our winters here in northern California are nowhere near as cold and dark as yours, but they are gloomy and chilly. I like your video a lot.

  2623. Wow! These are great! Love that! Love the way you use some color in the book too! Great!

  2624. Oh nice! You look really happy with your family and as always, Smilla is soo cute!

  2625. what an adorable book! i love to keep quotes as well. do you have a machine that makes the spiral binding?

    i loved your happiness video too! it made me smile. :-)

  2626. I am amazed that your printed a whole book! I just started my blog, so I should “take a leaf out of your book” and start a folder just for that purpose. Thank you for the idea!

  2627. Oh, Hanna I just loved this!!! What a wonderful project. I like the cat best I think.

  2628. Hi Hanna,

    That piece of fabric at the top is very “you”, full of “Hanna colours”. We have that sock monkey book at work and it’s great! Thank you for the link to the Universe, I’ll check it out :)

  2629. Hannah, I love seeing the book I sent you in your Wendela’s hands… So cute… Hope you and she enjoy it. Hugs…

  2630. Dear guy,

    I love that your handbag, because I want to do something like that and search on goggle your blog. That’s so cute handbag from old jeans. Can you tell me more about the detail? How to sew the bottom, the line and inside?


  2631. “There is no such thing as too much pink!”


    Thank you for visiting my blog! Sorry you it’s not in English. It used to be, but then I changed it since around that time most of my readers were Dutch, but perhaps I should change it again?

    Love you blog here, I visited it before and fell in love with your sock monkey! I’ll definitely stop by more often!

    Hugs from the Netherlands!

  2632. Hi! I’m delurking to ask about the Page by Page book? Mangazine? in the picture. What is and where did you get it!!!! Thanks for a great post!

  2633. I LOVE the new banner. I used to have quite the hate relationship with pink. I am quite short, and sometimes (more when I was younger) referred to as cute. Pink seemed to go hand-in-hand with this, and in a effort to be taken seriously, I hated pink.
    Needless to say, I’m over it, and now love pink. Particularly fuchsia!
    Lovely bag, I say, and not too much pink at all.

  2634. I absolutely agree – there is no such thing as too much pink! The bag is LOVELY! It brings a bit of Spring into my world just by looking at it. *^v^*

  2635. Lovely! I’ve been thinking about making a tote, you’ve inspired me to dig through my stash again to find something fabulous! :)

  2636. The video is a realy good idea. I have to learn how to do that.

    Here are some things that make me happy and which I have posted on my blog:

    Music by mood – Cheering up music

    A list of pleasures

    I also had a pack of old business cards and on each of the blank sides I wrote a “pleasure point” and I coverd the printed front with a picture or sketch related to the topic. When I don’t know what to do next I get those cards out.

  2637. Hi, Hanna. Love this jeans handbag! I always fall in love with things you make – there are always something original and inevitably attractive. Congrats for your win – I am wondering which Japanese amigurumi book you are expecting to receive. Have you ever seen amigurumi made by Tomoko Takamori, a famous amigurumi artist in Tokyo? You can see her lovely works at her blog ( (sorry, texts are in Japanese only).

  2638. Definitely love this idea. I’m obsessed with bookmaking! You’re making me want to grab my stuff now… but I can’t – musn’t – not right now anyway. Too many things to do!

    Anyway, I’m so loving your blog right now. Am definitely off to subscribe.

    Glad I found you!

  2639. Hi! Hi!

    How funny! That fabric is on my bed… a duvet and matching (but really faded!) pillows! It’s from Ikea (maybe you know that?) but I don’t know if it’s available any more… okay, just checked their website and don’t see it.

    To be honest, I have been looking at this duvet for several years and am happy to send it to you (and see what you do with it!) I just need something to protect my comforter… do you want to do a trade?? That would be fun! (I don’t mean to suggest that you make a lovely handmade quilt and I send off my $29.99 Ikea duvet from 2005! No! No! I mean if you have an old and cheap queen-sized duvet and you want this one, it’s yours!)

    If you want me to send a photo, let me know… the duvet isn’t as bright as your pillow, so you might not want it… the green seems to be less sharp. It’s a queen-size duvet cover with the paisley on the one side and blue with red polka dots on the other… I don’t think you’d want the pillowcases, they’re pretty faded.

    I DO hope this is coming across as “one crafty lady to another” and not creepy, eerie, “trade me your bed linens, my princess,” witchy. I promise I’m not witchy!

    Great blog! Bye!

    Miss Mama

  2640. It is really, really, really beautiful!

    If it’s not sold already please let me know – I would really love to have something so gorgeous and happy making :o)

  2641. Den blev otroligt fin! Vilket garn anv?nde du, hur m?nga nystan gick det (ungef?r)? En ripple afghan har st?tt p? min att-g?ra-lista l?nge, men jag kan inte best?mma mig f?r vilket garn och vilka f?rger.

  2642. I don’t personally buy art but that’s because I am a sad junkie and all of my hangings are historical maps. But I know that ACEOs (they’re just ATCs but for sale) can sell fairly well. Or just make a bunch of ATCs to trade? It’s a little smaller than the size you are working with now… 6.35 x 8.89 cm (2.5 x 3.5 inches).

  2643. Hey what a great idea! I am very impressed that you’ve made one everyday. I know that some people do sell their cards, or you can trade them… I found a great group at You can trade your cards with other artists, it’s quite fun and inspiring!

  2644. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your layouts! Your square cut-outs are THE coolest! Love the journaling surrounding the picturs! Awesome!

  2645. They are lovely! I think selling them by the set (like a week, or a month) would be great.

  2646. I think they are beautiful but I wonder whether they are most powerful as the set for the year – wouldn’t you like to have them, themselves altogether at the end of the year?

  2647. Hi iHanna, as I like your daily art cards very much, I would say that it’s a good idea to offer your cards for purchase. I’m sure that you will have masses of orders :) how about selling prints or little card books of your art? Perhaps in this way more art lovers could hang your art on their wall… :)

  2648. I think this project is wonderful. I would like to buy them. I think the set of the all year should be really interesting as a book. Keep going you are doing a great “job”!

  2649. Hej. Hanna !
    Jag fick lite olika galna ideer vad du kan g?ra av dina bilder.
    1.Du skulle kunna v?lja n?gon bild fr?n varje m?nad och g?ra en ?rskalender av dem (du vet s?dana d?r som man alltid f?r reklam om g?r din egen kalender-inf?r-det-nya-?ret-julklapp-till mor-resp-far-f?r?ldrar.
    2.G?ra memory av dem.
    3.Mina barn brukar komma hem fr?n skolan med tr?kiga anteckningsh?ften(r?da,gr?na,gula osv)som de f?r i varje ?mne.Dina bilder skulle vara kul att ha p? framsidan p? svenska resp matteh?ften! Fast det kr?ver v?l kontakter inom ‘antecknings h?fts tryckar branschen’.
    4.Trycka vissa eller n?gra av bilderna p? T-shirts.
    5.G?ra tygv?skor med tryck av dina bilder eller p? ?rngott,p?slakan,k?kshanddukar,pennfodral, brevpapper,skrivbordsunderl?gg osv.

    Du borde nog ha workshops f?r kreativt intresserade s? sm?ningom ; )tillsammans med din mor.

  2650. When it comes to selling art, the best advice I’ve ever received was: “Just raise the flag and see if anyone salutes. If no one does, just put the flag back down.” Made perfect sense.

    In any case, congrats on completing your own 31 days of ‘dailies’. :-)

  2651. Hanna–
    Your cards are delightful. Please don’t think of selling them until you’ve finished the year–it might inhibit your style!

  2652. Hi,
    Thanks for the words about Daily Collage Project. While selling has it important share the main motivation it’s the pleasure of express ourselves through creation.
    DCP is about a mixture of a regular discipline in finding materials and creating a new piece every day.
    About your thoughts you could put your work on sale and just wait what could happen.
    Congratulations for your cards creations and your site.
    ;) dilarp

  2653. Hi Hanna!

    I’m sure you’d be able to sell your cards if you wanted to. Doesn’t it feel great to know that we made it through the first month so easily? It definitely is a habit that was quickly formed.

    I just saw your spotlight on Go Make Art! Congratulations on that! It was very cool to see a name I knew in the spotlight!

    One last thing. Would you email me your postal address? I’d like to send you something.


  2654. Hs. Hanna,
    I loved the hearts on Go Make Heart that you made. I too like sending postcards to friends whether for valentine’s day or poetry month.
    Thanks for some gorgeous hearts.

  2655. ?h, vad h?rligt det ser ut! H?r har sn?blasket bara vr?kt ner…inte alls s? mysigt som i din tr?dg?rd. Ses p? tisdag. Kram

  2656. you should do them as magnets so people could buy a series of them and then arrange them as they wish. or trade and collect or whatever. they are lovely. I wish I had the constitution to keep up such a project.

  2657. Hey Hanna! How are you? I don’t see anything new posted, so I’m wondering if maybe I’m not on the right page? I’m looking for new “Hanna art”! Hope all is well! K.

  2658. Thanks for the reply.. and thanks for commenting on my new site =] It’s for a class.. so that’s why it’s not very far along yet!


  2659. Well done on the bag sales! I’ve been wondering about that zine. Might give it a try, maybe even tonight. Don’t you just love the internet!Looking forward to seeing your journalling kit……

  2660. I love your Dream Book spreads, very inspiring! Must get the Astarte magazine soon, I got one issue and I loved it, and now when there is an article of somebody I actually know and admire as an artist – there’s no way I could miss this! *^v^*

  2661. Fantastiskt snygg banner du fnulat ihop! Och jag skulle l?tt k?pa fina 10×10 kort. D? skulle jag rama in dem och ha dem ovanf?r min s?ng och sen vakna med ett leende varje morgon!

  2662. well done, that must have been so much work!
    i’m hoping to make some kind of blanket for my new niece or nephew, due in july, but i’m with you on the wool thing, it’s so expensive to use cotton or other natural materials! even for a small baby blanket! on the other hand, if i’m going to spend hours making it i probably don’t want to be handling acrylics for so long.

  2663. It is fun to read about your daily art card project! I am doing a similiar project. I have been creating one atc each day since November 28th. Today I made ATC #68 and I’m still going strong!

    You will definitely be able to finish the project! Not only is it a good daily creative practice, you will learn a lot along the way too – about your work habits and and artistic style and other lessons too.

    As for selling … people will definitely want to buy your cards and you should feel free to do so. Except for 30 that I am selling for charity, I am keeping all of mine until they are finished. I want to see what 365 ATCs looks like!

    Best of luck to you! I look forward to seeing your daily cards as you make them.


  2664. Hi Hanna,
    Really great artwork, Hanna! I especially like the way you’ve displayed all of them on flickr…
    now if i could just figure out how to do that myself!
    And yes, I’d purchase your artwork…
    it’s lovely…
    all my best,

  2665. ohh I love these! I don’t do valentines, since my hubby hates the commercial aspect of it… but these are so pretty and wild and just how I love postcards to be! so maybe I should make him a valentine this year anyhow? :)

    thanks for always inspiring me!

    *hugs* Elisabeth

    • If you use scraps.. nothing commercial about it. You have everything already and your not spending money. Teach him the story of the real St. Valentine..

      Then give him the gift of a heart, from the heart ♥️

  2666. Your postcards are so cute! *^v^*
    BTW, I received your parcel today (sugar all over the envelope, but not a single pearl missing! ^^), thank you for it and for all the interesting collage papers, I can feel the kanelbullar coming this weekend! =^v^=

  2667. These are beautiful – thank you for the instructions! I can’t wait to try my own (once my sewing machine is back from the shop).


  2668. What a beautiful project and so generous of you to post instructions! Your creativity is matched by your kind-heartedness!

  2669. That fabric inside is so yummy! I do the same thing when photographing my creations that can’t be scanned. Except that I go for a black background. Sometimes, I’ll notice only after that there was lots of cat hair on the black background!


  2670. I would choose bag number one…’s inner lining has a nostalgic look to it. I love it and the comfortable feeling it gives me. The whole idea of the bag being jeans is great…so unique!!

  2671. Didn’t you participate last year too? I’ve added your link to the list – THANK YOU for participating this year. Your bags are extremely clever, they’d be great going to the beach too. Please add my name
    With joy,
    Lisa Oceandreamer

  2672. These are marvelous! I have always wanted a jeans bag, since that is basically my “uniform” every day of the week! I would be thrilled to be added to your drawing, and love either the Blue Rose or Pink Ornament. Thanks so much for participating and offering such a wonderful giveaway.

  2673. Gorgeous bags, I would love to be in the draw for either of them. Many thanks for your generousity and please stop by and enter into my gift draw.


  2674. I would choose bag “summer flower”… because those flowers make me smile, and think about spring and warm days! I miss Spring so much! But the other two are equally fabulous! :)

  2675. I like them all – they are fabo, but I think my fave is Bag #3! Please enter me into your draw! Thank you!
    PS: I have a give-away on my blog too!

  2676. I like bag #1 – the blue rose…. I love jeans and I love the jeans bag!!! Please enter my name in your drawing.

    Until later,

  2677. I would choose Summer Flower because it looks so fun, and reminds we of… well, summer!

  2678. OH MY. This makes me so insanely happy that it should be illegal. :)


    *crosses fingers and prays to win said bag*

  2679. Oh my goodness! I’d die to have that pink ornament one! You just gotta pick me!!! Take a peek at my giveaway too!

  2680. I love bag #2! I’ve always wanted to make a jean bag–but how cool if I won one! YAY!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog & entering my giveaway!

  2681. I simply love the blue one and would love to win because….we can’t wear jeans to school. If I won the bag, I could carry it to school and pretend I am wearing some cool jeans. :)
    You have been added to “my favorites’ on my blog. Come on over and visit.

  2682. Your bags a wnderful. I would pick # 2 the Pink one! But they are all great. Count me in!

  2683. I just love the lining in the first purse shown…they’re all gorgeous but that’s my favourite, anything with roses in it! lol Please enter my name in your draw and make sure you come over to my blog to enter my own giveaway if you haven’t already done so!! xo

  2684. I like them all, but if I had to pick one – I’d say #2…. I love the lining that you used for that particular bag!

    I’ve had you on my bloglines for quite some time, but will add you to my site link list tonight (which really needs updating – it’s been ages)!

  2685. I love bag 2! :) well done!

    You have been on my bloglines for some time now – I am in the process of making a favourite links list on my blog – just a bit slow!

    Please enter me in the draw!

  2686. They are all fabulous, but I’m partial to number 2! Stop by my blog to enter my contest, too.

  2687. I like them all but like the pink one just a bit more than the others…a daintier print. Please add my name to your draw.

  2688. I would love the first bag, but I also like the colors of the second one as well. Ahhhh decisions! I would love one of your bags, so please ad my name to your drawing and make sure to visit my blog for a chance to win my OWOH giveaway. Thanks!

    ~*~Nan in NJ~*~

  2689. I love your bags!
    I am in love with bag #2! Don’t know why, but it jumped right out at me!

  2690. hanna – thanks for sharing your colorful kit and stunning pages with the street team. i realize you made this post last summer…look at that sunshine! amkes me anxious for whinter to go away :)

  2691. hanna – another post from last summer that you are sharing with the street team in february! you’re making me miss sunny days and barebfeet. love that you said having your art supplies with you was calming. nice big box filled with comfort. terrific EVIDENCE journal pages! thanks for playing!

  2692. What a clever idea!! I love them all but bag #2 is my favourite. Please enter my name and if you haven’t been to Esprit yet, please come by and enter my giveaway!

  2693. Your bags are SUPER cute. I love them all! I wouldn’t care if I won any of them! :) Sign me up Hanna! They are just awesome! (Being a mom now I don’t get to shop for myself anymore!)

  2694. Pink Ornament please! Oh wait. I didn’t win yet! ;-)

    I mailed something for you tonight. So check your mailbox in the next two weeks. I’m also in OWOH so check out my giveaway.


  2695. These bags are super kewl! They look so comfy…like a great pair of worn in jeans…just my style! My favorite would have to be the pink ornament…it just speaks to me! =)

    I would love to be entered into your drawing! Thanks!

  2696. I would be oh so happy to have bag #2 Pink Ornament, but it was hard to decide- all are cute!



  2697. I love them all. But, I’ll probably pick #1 – just because I saw it first and fell in love immediately. ;-) Well done you! You’re sooo creative and talented.

  2698. What a nice idea! Please add my name to your drawing and visit my blog for a chance to win my OWOH giveaway. Thanks!

  2699. I love these bags! So difficult to choose one, but probably #2 because it’s so pretty! I wish I was talented enough to make one of these myself.

  2700. Hi Hanna, I really love what you are doing with the watercolor paint. I am more the acrylic painter, but I LOVE the collaged pages you made!! I will make a note to myself to use them more! Hedwig (from Holland, i was in France last year too, but in the Provence)

  2701. I’d choose bag no. 3 because the weather is awful in the UK at the moment and the bright flowers would cheer me up.

  2702. I love blue rose! You are so talented I love your work. Just looking at your blogs makes me inspired. Thanks for sharing all that you do!

  2703. Oh I love them, for my daughters…
    So offcourse I leave a comment and in the meantime, I keep my fingers crossed ;o))
    Please take a look at my OWOH giveaway too!

  2704. This is such a cool bag! Please add my name to your list. ^_^
    I have a giveaway up at my blog to.

  2705. I love bag #2 – your bags are so cute..have you done any for kids? They would be a hit for easter! :)

  2706. You are too cool. Those pages are fun and inspiring and I love them. Working outside in the back patio is so freeing and almost like meditation. The scents of flowers and the sounds of the birds really enhance the sense of oneness.

    Thanks for sharing this lovely work, Hanna

  2707. Wouldn’t it be cool to drape over one of those bales (?) on your stomach and hang your arms over and paint with your journal on the ground?

    okay, maybe it’s just me.

    Anyway, you continue to make me eager for the weekend, when I can go outside and work on my pages all morning!! Thanks.

  2708. Me, again.

    I have wanted your book for a long time, and I’m just going to jump in and get it! It’s such a great idea, to let us take your blog with us wherever we go. I think I’ll take it to Hawaii!

  2709. Yes…I love this bag. I had one years ago it was a favorite of mine!!!! Stop by to see what I have for you!

  2710. I have loved your jean bag design forever! So lovely. It would be hard to choose, but I guess I’d say #2. I like the red patterned lining. And I’d be happy to swap blog links w/you! I’ll add you to my bloggers I heart page. :) Jessica

  2711. Your bags are gorgeous! #2 is my favorite. The colors of the contrast fabric are beautiful! Glad I found your blog :)

  2712. Oh, How Pretty!

    Please do include me in your drawing.

    I just LOVE the middle bag!

    If you’d like to visit my O.W.O.H. Template/Banner give-a-way, you are more than welcome.

    It was nice “meeting” you.

    :)… *Linda*

  2713. They are all fabolous – but if I had to choose I?d say #1 because of the way the coloured pensils pop up of that pocket. And if I actually had this bag I?d bring it toschool and show it to all my crafting classes, sure it would start a new fashion!

    Talking about linking your blog to my blog roll I?d say Il Bloggo was the fist on my list ever. But to be honest – for some tecnical reasons it has?n?t appeared for some time.I don?t no why really. Actually I discovered some images were missing to – so thak you – you gave me an oportunity to adjust that!

  2714. What a fabulous jeans bag! I LOVE it! I’d love to enter your giveaway! I’m having a OWOH giveaway too, if you’d like to stop by! =)

  2715. hanna,
    i actually was so inspired by yours, that i made one! check out my blog. i couldn’t find enough bright fabrics to make more but i will go shopping tomorrow. it was such fun.

  2716. How Gorgeous! Please count me in! #2 is my fav by far!

    I would love for you to stop by my website and enter for a free pair of sterling silver, ornate Bali beads and korean jade earrings i?ve made.

    peace, light & love
    Courtney/ Dublin, Ireland

  2717. I agree. The heart in art is wonderful! I love the lock!

    And on being an artist: it’s not something you have to proclaim. You just are. Everyone can see that, with or without you being willing to accept that being an artist is nothing more than being creative and embracing that.
    It’s like Picasso said:

    “My mother said to me, “If you become a soldier, you’ll be a general; if you become a monk, you’ll end up as the Pope.” Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.”

  2718. Please count me in!! I just adore your bags!!
    Be sure to come check out my blog giveaway too!

  2719. Your bags are super great and they have a lot of room..that is essential for me!…Since it is valentine’s month #2 is my pick!
    Great blog!

  2720. #2! #2! I love it! Long long ago, (1974,) when I was learning to sew I made a bag like this.

  2721. Wow, this is really super. Please enter my name into your drawing and be sure to stop by and visit mine.

  2722. I like bag #1. My husband doesn’t wear his jeans out anymore. He mostly wears shorts and they don’t seem to have the same oomph for bags like yours!

  2723. Very nice. I’ve got to put your link on my blog so I can get back here easily. Are you an artist because you say so or because you create art? I’d say because you create. You can create with words, paint, fabric, flowers and so many others but I think to be an artist you have TO CREATE something. It doesn’t matter if others agree with you, you just have to CREATE SOMETHING and you are an artist. Maybe not famous but still, an artist.

    Thanks for reminding me to download Lisa’s valentine stuff. And I am going to draw a heart in my journal tonight and see where it goes.

  2724. Happy Valentine’s Day! Your bags are just super gorgeous! I’d love to win one.

  2725. OMG, these are fabulous! I’m dying to win one of these! I’d pick #2 if I had a choice… love the orange in it, but gosh, who would be picky!? They are all three fantastic!

  2726. I would just love one of these bags you have created and would carry it each day until the purse wore completely out!!! They are just beautiful. Please go to my blog and sign up for the collage I am giving away. Thanks.

  2727. Hello,
    I love hearts ! Actually it’s funny because I just began a block of the month in quilting in our blog about hearts !!!
    Love your mosaic, need to make one.

    By the way, I’m currently reading your book, I love it !

    Cecile, in France

  2728. I love the heart symbol. Oddly enough the journal page I just posted on my blog has a heart in a hand. Love all the sewn hearts and the mosiac.

  2729. I have a big heart :) I would love to go into your draw

    I love the pink ornament jeans bag – I love all your bags they are very delish!


  2730. These are such clever bags and I believe #2 is my favorite…yet all are fabulous!
    please enter me into your draw….blessings, Abigail

  2731. hello! i was just stopping over after you left your sweet comment at my blog and whoa! love these bags. i was just looking at your photos and not reading along for a bit. then i saw that you are participating in OWOH, too! and your giving a bag away. well you Rock! i’m a levis girl so if i were so lucky to win one of these, i’d pick the pink ornament bag. clap! clap! clap! thanks for a shot at it!

  2732. Jag tyckte om bilden d?r hj?rtat var som en f?nster man kunde se ut ur till naturen. Visst kan det vara s? att man kan se k?rleken som ett f?nster att tolka sitt liv igenom. Ibland ?r utsikten klar och solig, ibland molning och regning. Ibland ?r f?nstret ?ppet, ibland st?ngt. Ibland immigt.

  2733. I would chose bag #3 it speaks to me. the colors and the flowers are beautiful. I would pick it because my friend would like it and she is having surgery so i would share it with her.

  2734. What a cool way to journal…just lay the background then write! I have seen others to this but for some reason I have not done it before and the lightbulb finally turned on! Duh…where have I been,under a rock? Doh…

    Love the whimsey in your painting and the feel of your journal…thanks for sharing!

    Jo Anne

    p/s you might have to scroll down a few posts to see my GPP entry!

  2735. These bags are fabulous. So glad I found your site! This is a great idea and I would choose bag number 2.

  2736. i’m so glad you wrote about this… i’ve always loved to draw and paint hearts, but in the last couple of years thought (something like) “really, lynne. you *should* move on!”. ha!! silly! so, like you being inspired by gunilla gkyttla, i’m inspired by both you and gunilla to keep drawing hearts.

    i’ve often thought about how we seem to need to have our thoughts/ideas ‘verified’ or made okay by others before we feel we can proceed. what IS that about? whatever it is i’m working to move beyond it…

    thank you for your blog… thank you for sharing your heart!



  2737. I?m a great fan of Gunilla Skyttla & Raine Navin! My mum gave me their book “En Livslevende Bok” for my birthday 4 years ago – after a summer holiday in Sweden. Now you remind me, I?ll go and find it somewhere at my shelves. It?s a wonderful book!

  2738. I’m also rediscovering the HEART symbol lately. Such as in my Daily Art Cards. Maybe if I embrace that symbol and what it represents, love will come into my life more easily.

    My dear, you are an artist because you create FROM THE HEART.


  2739. Hi Hanna!

    You just posted to my blog that you wished you had mini composition books in Sweden…I can send you one if you want to email me your mailing address.

    Please email me!

    Smiles! Jo Anne

  2740. OWOH is an awesome idea…. I am from Ontario, Canada! So fun to read blogs and “meet” such talented artists from all over!! :-)

  2741. Beautiful Valentines. I’m going to try to do some of these myself but don’t have any hope that mine will be a spectacular as yours. Thanks for the tutorial.

  2742. I read your heart post and it was very intense!! Loved every word of it…

    If I win I choose #2 pink ornament… i love it and it has paisley which reminds me of hearts.
    great blog

  2743. I would pick #1–I love it! I have added you to my link list on my blog. Thanks for all the LOVE-ly inspiration!

  2744. Hanna, What a wonderful post. There are so many great ideas here. And of course you are an artist! You don’t need an education to call yourself one:)
    Happy V-Day!

  2745. I know already, I’d take the one with the orange and pink paisley lining. How cute!

  2746. Really inspiring work, I simply adore the hearts! It’s so great to find a blog where the owner isn’t afraid to “think outside the box”

  2747. Gosh, I LOVE them ALL! But if I HAVE to choose, I’d say Blue Rose…I love the fabric used…These are really cool!

  2748. Ah he is a very cute little squirrel. I almost couldn’t spot him in the pictures at first. Much better looking than the one that my little red riding hood met up with. It’s nice when they chirp back at you .. they make such odd little noises.

    Great looking shoes too.

  2749. He’s very cute! We have a big park in Warsaw in the middle of the city where there are lots of squirrels and they come to you to be fed with nuts, practically directly from your hand! *^v^*

  2750. Red squirrels are so distinctive with their tufted ears and colouring. Quite beautiful actually. All we have here in BC are big fat grey squirrels…who are cute in their own way, but can be quite pesky. I love your pictures…thanks for posting them. Like your shoes too!!

  2751. I have a cheeky little fellow living on my deck. He comes right up to the screen door and taunts my cats. Sometimes I cannot believe the range of sounds he makes…chirps, barks, growls and I swear I he has laughed at me.

  2752. He IS cute! I just put up a picture of a cute Canadian squirrel on my blog; they’re so nice to come upon.
    Tere :)

  2753. Hi, I love your work! And I love ALL these bags, but if I had to choose just one, it would be #2 – Pink Ornament. I love that bright pink contrasted with the denim. Your blog is so inspiring, keep up the great work :)


  2754. When I was 14 yrs old, walking to school, I noticed a squirrel that seemed interested in me. I thought “maybe he is tame”, so I made a clicking sound with my mouth and he came closer. I just happened to have nuts in my pocket, so I gave him some and he followed me for about 15 minutes.

    Obviously in those days I wasn’t concerned about rabies!

  2755. Wow! What a great giveaway! I have been wanting one of these bags for a while now!

  2756. Oh, those are super fun! I would dearly love #2, if my name is so lucky as to be drawn! :D I am off to browse your etsy shop!

  2757. Hi Hanna,
    I had to do a double take here. My neice’s name is Hannah and she makes jean bags very simuliar to yours. I thought she started a site and didn’t tell me. Anyway love your bags, they are so hip! I like #2 the best. I will check out your Etsy shop now. Visit my giveaway.

  2758. I would love to win your giveaway. Please stop by my blog as I am also a part of this event!

  2759. Very Cute! Be sure to stop by my blog for a chance to win my heavenly smelling OWOH giveaway!


  2760. Hanna – I just joined your Yahoo group, and I love bag #2 – it’s me!

  2761. Love the new shoes! I love shoes that come from secondhand more than any other – its like you saved them from their ultimate death, and the death of a perfectly good shoe is a horrible thought…

    That squirrel is awesome too! I have a squirrel at my apartment complex that meets me at my door before I leave work, and I give hima snack. Hes pretty fat now. I named him Charlie!

  2762. Your bags are awesome! My fave would have to be #2 pink ornament. I had a friend who made similar bags and bought one from her years ago, I used it to death, they are such a great idea!
    I hope you’ll stop by and enter my giveaway too!!!

  2763. Bonjour Hanna and thank you for your visit. I added a link to your blog to be sure to come back soon to see more of your beautiful works. Your 3 bag are so pretty, It would be a pleasure to win one. Please count me in your give away. Au revoir. Pat

  2764. AAAH!!!! You participated, too! Michelle told me she bought your book and asked me if I “knew” you and I told her OF COURSE! EVERYONE knows IHANNA!!! LOL! I also participated and managed to get a figurine of the Lila Sj?gren from K?penham! I SO hope that my recipient likes my stuff!

  2765. Love your mermaid. Love the squirrl photos, my daughter and I love squirrls. And your jeans bag is cool. I found an old jeans skirt the other day cleaning out the closet and was thinking of making it into a bag, now I know I will. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  2766. I’ve named her Sirena! I just love my little new mermaid friend! She is on a shelf in my craft room and I can brag to my crafty friends that ihanna made me that doll – hee, hee! That was such a fun swap! Thanks for all the wonderful goodies you put together for me!! xoxo

  2767. If I win this my teenage daughter and I will be fighting over it! I would love to win, please enter me in your giveaway. I’m having a giveaway, too…please stop by :-)

    Best Wishes,

  2768. Lovely! Please include me in your drawing and if you haven’t already please stop by and enter my giveaway also!
    Patti V

  2769. Soooo cute!!! I love walks like those and you did such a beautiful job telling the story!! Thanks for visiting my blog, yours is amazing! Will be back, that’s for sure!

  2770. I like the first bag best although #3 is a close second. The pockets all around the bag would sure come in handy. I liked seeing what the ladies in your mother’s group are doing.

  2771. I am always so inpired when I read your blog. This post has inspired me to start a crafting night with some of my buddies. Maybe a small group with my church or something…..

    Thanks for the ocnstant inspiration!

  2772. ok, that last comment I just left has so many spelling errors in it, I was mortified! Let me try again!

    I am always so inspired when I read you blog. This post has inspired me to start a crafting night with some of my buddies. Maybe a small group with my church or something….

    ok, there. I feel better!

  2773. Linked you with my blog “Wednesday’s Child” and made little heart cards. They came out SO CUTE. Thank you for the tutorial and the idea. My Valentines are going to love getting some art in the mail.

  2774. What fun bags. I think I would pick bag #2, but would be extremely happy with any of them. Please count me in.

  2775. I just LOVE your mermaid! She reminds me of a plastic version I had as a child for the bathtub… one of my favorite toys ever. I think the swap idea is cool. I’m going to have to learn more! Tak!

  2776. Oh, how fun! I suppose I like bag #2 best, though I’m really hard pressed to choose a favorite… thanks for your wonderful blog, I’m going to have fun looking through your archives.

  2777. i know that i have commented on this blog but can’t seem to find my comment…

    Just let you know this mermaid is cute!

    Much cuter than the barbie doll

  2778. I love your purses! I think I liked #1 the best, but they are all fabulous! Please enter me in your drawing! Thanks for doing this, too!

  2779. Great inspiration to get out of the house to do your journaling…I am going to hang on to this, so that when the weather gets warm I can grab my bag and head outdoors!

  2780. If you have not already visited my blog, please drop in and sign up for my One World~One Heart giveaway of ‘Masquarade’.

  2781. I love all your hearts! the door one is my favourite. I have to say I unashamedly adore hearts and put them everywhere. I used to want to be (my idea of) pale and interesting and profound and cool but now I use bright colours without restraint and hearts and spirals!

  2782. Denim purses are so fun and funky!!!

    Please include me and thanks for your generosity!


  2783. so many people have entered to win your bags, they are so amazing. please count me in. as for which one would i choose….i think number two or three..but all three are cute

  2784. What a fantastic giveaway gift! You are so talented! All three are wonderful, but I ADORE Bag #2. Thanks and count me in!

  2785. Don’t know if you already did your drawing, but even though all the bags are beautiful, I think I like the 3rd one the best…either way if I can still enter please add me into the fun! Love your site & will link to mine…Have a great day!-Tina

  2786. you look like you are having so much fun! And what a gorgeous countryside! Lovely.Looks like you put a lot into your pages, wish I could see all those details! I love your blog header, too.

  2787. Great kit! I agree that when you are out of the house, less is more. ILOVE the print on those bags! Your journal pages look fabulous; great color choices.

  2788. That’s definitely something I want to try. My goal this year is to finally hang things on the wall such as my own creations, prints and paintings I bought or received as gifts, vision board, inspiration board… I don’t know when I’ll be able to do this but I’ll definitely share pictures with you when it’s done.

    Thanks for the inspiration.


  2789. I would choose the second even though I love them all but red is my favourite colour and I love the energy of the lining with the denim. These bags are fantastic. Please feel free to enter my draw as well.

  2790. If you have not already visited my blog and entered my One World~One Heart Giveaway, please accept my invitation and do so. I would love a chance to win.

  2791. LOVE the bags, please sign me up & I’d love for you to come on over to my blog & see what I’m giving away.

  2792. I even have a frame in the garage that is just waiting for a coat of paint…maybe it’s been so long I’m not sure it is till there.

  2793. I would love to win one of your bags, I will link you to my blog tonight.I love the first two bags. Please call on me and enter my draw.


  2794. Definately bag # 2 – love the fabric!

    And thank you for stopping by my blog and entering my giveaway.

  2795. Ooooh, I love the pink ornament bag!!! These are so cool! What a great idea to offer choices ~ Thank you so much for visiting my blog, too ~ it’s so nice to meet you! xxoo, Dawn

  2796. This is exactly what I want to make for my favourite postcards I received via Postcrossing (and maybe some other things for inspiration). Now cards are hanging on strings attached to the bamboo stick but it’s not practical.

    PS. I just love your blog :-)

  2797. Hej! Jag tror att jag ska g?ra om det hj?rtat jag fick av dig till en brosch n?r det inte funkade som halsband! Det skulle vara fint att ha hj?rtat p? min jacka eller p? min v?ska… Kram

  2798. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

    Please enter me in your drawing, and stop by my blog to enter mine, too!


  2799. Wow, that heart is so sweet! I’d really love to try sewing, but I’m so scared of it! I want to try just the simplest fabric hearts, and I still havne’t dared. :)
    Good for you. ;)

  2800. Hah, you caught the bug! I’m the same way, I hardly ever know what jewelry I’m wearing or if I’m even wearing any. My mother-in-law has been working with beads since she started making beaded roses with her mother during the Depression in the 30’s and she makes most of her jewelry. Every year when we go on vacation together she visits this one jewelery supply shop. Until this year I have always been able to resist picking up yet another craft, but this year I got hooked. I now have jars of beads and drawers of tools and my dear relatives keep giving me more. It is a useful skill, though. You’ll never have to buy another present for your friends again, just more beads to make them a special something.

    I love your heart. It is very sparkly, shiny and cool. Hm, maybe it could be modified into earrings? . . .

  2801. beautiful heart necklace. My mom makes jewerly and she loves it. Its really addictive.

    If you didnt read the reply on my blog comment, thanks for the tutorial on book binding! I knew you would have one…I will show you the first one I make!

  2802. I probably have more beads than I know what to do with, but I love each and every one of them, and love to bead in any way I can!!
    Your jewelry is gorgeous!

  2803. Love, love, love the heart pendants! SO CUTE!!! I actually have wanted to try doing some beading–there are so many gorgeous bead books here in Japan.

  2804. please enter me and come on over to my blog and enter my giveaway if you have not already

  2805. OMG! i love bag #2. if i don’t win…. i’ll be heart broken because i just tossed out some old jeans so i couldn’t make my own :-/ how awesome are you! eee!

    i’m participating, too!

    -angela in oregon

  2806. Hi,
    Your giveaway is Delightful! I just added my giveaway today. I know it is late and didn’t make the official site, but I am hoping it is the thought that counts. Please enter me in your giveaway if you have not drawn already. Thank you! Artful Blessings, Kathryn

  2807. These bags are so beautiful! I personally think number 2, “pink ornament” is gorgeous with the dark denim and rosy fabric. You’re an inspiration iHanna! Thank you for all your posts that keep me company here in Wuerzburg, Germany.

    My best wishes for your happy creations,

  2808. Hi H – Happy Valentines day! Four years of marriage feels good (most of the time!!!). We’re ofcourse hoping to double that! Thanks for fixing us up! Love C

  2809. LOVE the valentine art journal spread– gives me a happy feeling :) Have a great V-day!

  2810. Happy Valentine’s Day! I started working on a journal page for this occasion but it’s far from being finished. I’ll post it when it’s done and will let you know.


  2811. That’s adorable! I think you could make a whole jewelry set that way — how about earrings, like Simone said… AND a bracelet AND a ring?


    Welcome to the ranks of Beady-Eyed Women!

  2812. I LOVE YOUR BLOG! Thank you so much for visiting, leaving comments and joining the carnival! I’ll be posting your picture as part of a mosaic I plan to make. Credit will be given to you and you’ll get a link back to this sweet blog of yours! :)

  2813. oh Hanna. Please tell me.. how do you have time to do all of these awesome projects?! You have inspired me to make an “art journal.” I have so many magazines just sitting around…. I just need to get something to organize my craft supplies first.

    Let me ask, though. I understand an art journal must get pretty huge as the pages get filled.. Is there a specific kind of book that you’ve found is best to use?

    Thanks =]

  2814. Hi Hanna,
    I really love your blog, so had to make the heart’s chase at home as well as heart journaling. It’s all on my blog.
    Thanks for inspiration and fun !

    Cecile, in France

  2815. A coworker of mine was really into beading and made really interesting pieces of jewelry. She showed me different techniques in magazines. She invited me over once to bead with her and was kind enough to let me use her supplies, it was fun but I couldn’t get into it as a hobby. It felt time consuming and I was all thumbs when it came to handling the delicate glass beads. I love what people produce from this craft though, it’s gorgeous!

  2816. Oh, I recognized the cover of one of the books that you picked up. I didnt know what is was right away (from the swedish title) but from the cover I can tell that it is The Time Traveler’s Wife, and its wonderful! You are sure to enjoy it. Its one of my favorites…good choice!

  2817. I absolutely loved “The time traveler’s wife” – I think you will enjoy it! To this day, it is one of my favorite books…

  2818. Jag hittade inte s? mycket hj?rtan hemma…
    Undrar om det skulle g?ra n?gon skillnad i hur jag m?r om jag lade till flera… i alla fall s? h?r dags om ?ret :-)
    Det ?r sk?nt n?r v?ren kommer… ljuset idag i S?dert?lje var underbar, som p? en sommardag… Tyv?rr bl?ste det och var KALLT!!! FRRYYYYYYSS!!!!

  2819. Yay! You received my goodies! And you deserve every inch of it for bringing such inspiration to the blogging world.


  2820. Love seeing the postcards you got! I sent one to you and was happy to see you got it! I enjoy reading your blog too!

  2821. Hi Hanna! Just letting you know that im a mega super fan of your blog! So much creativity and inspiration in here! Keep it up!


  2822. Hannah–
    Your flower photos perked me right up. That reminds me that there is an orchid show here this weekend. I must remember to take my camera~

  2823. I wish- for my little plant to grow.. :D rain makes all the seed die, they need the sun.. sigh! and this is lovely.. Hanna :)

  2824. Wow! I wish I new how to make books. Now you know you’ll never be without one again!

  2825. Var har du f?tt tag i det rosa hologrampappret? Det ?r j?ttekoolt ju! Skulle vara perfekt till min systers f?delsedagspresenter.

    ?lskar dina f?rgglada hj?rtan med, de lyser upp i det vintergr

  2826. I love your blog!Your post on how to turn old picture frames into an inspiration board was genuis. It also set off a landslide of ideas on how to finish decorating my house (finaly!!!). I have been looking at craft blogs for a long time and nobody inspires me like you! Have a great day!

  2827. WOW..What a great view. I love this colors…Thanks for reminding me that a lovely season is just around the corner…and life will be an explosion of colors once more.

    ps>: I think I missed the results for you bag contest. I have been looking into see them in your etsy shop…I can get lost in words very easy…Thanks!

  2828. Thanks for all your lovely comments girls!

    Sama, the pink flower that is looking like a rose is called ranunkel, a bit like pion! More flower photos here!

    Anary, thanks for your comment and asking about the bags! I haven’t updated my etsy, I’ll post here when I do – promise!

  2829. To get an API Key for Aksimet you must create an account at there you find yr key at the “My account” page. This is what I now the only way to get an API.

    Jisses va l?skigt det ?r att skriva p? eng. Men kanske fler undrar s? jag t?nkte att det ?r dax att ?va lite. ;-)
    Ha det b?st!

  2830. I was just coming here to tell you that to get an API Key, you have to sign up for an account at You can delete the blog and just keep the login for the key only.

    Also, for responding to comments in your own comments, I use a plugin called Comment Email Responder (see here: It’s really easy to set up, and lets you reply to a comment in your own comments, while also automatically emailing whatever you say to the person you’re replying to. (Hope that made sense!)

  2831. Hi,

    just enjoyed your blog, your wonderful pictures ( I’m a Nikonfan too) and your blogger tips!


  2832. thanks for the blogging tips, i was just thinking last night about updating my blog template as i’m getting a bit bored of how it looks now. blogger templates are quite limited though, unless you want to pay for a specially done one, so i’ve set up a ‘dummy’ blog, which i use to play around with colours and layout, which i’ll just delete when i’m finished with.

  2833. I love your inspiration board – so much cooler than mine! Thank you for your lovely comments on my blog xxx

  2834. great advice and links! Thanks so much! I love to do things that make more traffic to my blog. Who likes to blog if no one is going to read it?? Thanks again!

  2835. Inspiring to read! I’m going to clean up my blog right away!
    And I had noticed the adsense bar but they are so discreet so it doesn’t matter.

  2836. Very nice changes, I like them. Thanks for the links – I’ve been wanting to add a subscribe to comments one plug-in.

  2837. Love your photo and it looks like a great hat.

    Blogging has inspired me to make so much more effort with photos than I ever thought I would – I’m a Ravelry addict too and am getting near the limit of my free Flickr account because I took so many photos of my knitting :o)

    Some of the photos that you see on blogs are just mind blowingly amazing – definitely a BIG inspiration

  2838. Hanna, I LOVE ranunculus! I used them in 26 art cards I made for a book. These are beautiful.

    You have a great blog. And I just got your book, and I’m taking it on a trip with me this weekend. I can tell just by perusing it that it’s fabulous, just as I thought it would be.

  2839. I love the scarf and hat! They look great on you. I?ve been reading your blog for a few months now and I just love it. I think it?s great that you make it a priority to create something everyday.

  2840. Chock-full of tips, Hanna- thanks! But I have to say I do not much like the long, unrelieved gray with text. It does not draw me in or encourage me to look. Maybe some images interspersed would help.

  2841. Can you imagine what a magic machine that spinning wheel must look like to the kitties!? lol

    That really does look like a lot of fun! Good for you for taking the opportunity to give it ‘whirl’ ;)

  2842. I tried spinning a bit on a hand spindle. I’d like to try more but I’d need to get the roving and I’ve lost my spindle sometime in the last several moves I’ve made. I brushed out my poodle-chihuahua mix and showed my husband how I could make a simple yarn by rolling the fibers with my fingers on my jeans. It really does work but a spindle is easier of course. At least indulge in a hand spindle if not a wheel and imagine yourself to be like the peasants of long ago who spun the wool as they walked around tending their sheep.

  2843. I was wondering about the OWOH too… you sent an email saying you’ve drawn winners, but I can’t find it anywhere… had fun looking through your blog though! LOL

  2844. Oh, very fun! I’ve heard that drop-spindle wool-making is very meditative and soothing! Thanks for the invite to see your fun time!

  2845. this is really really cool – thanks for sharing – and I agree – journal supplies at the ready DO make one feel calm – oh yes!

    xox – eb.

  2846. Oh, I’m so, so, so looking forward to receive the jeans bag in the mail and take it with me where-ever I go! Woo-hoo!

    I’ve always wanted to try spinning – it must be so relaxing and rewarding at the same time! And weaving – that’s also pretty high on my priority list of things I must still do!

    :) Caren

  2847. i really really love this! will have to keep my eyes open for a nice wooden tray. :)
    your crockery is very pretty too!

  2848. Hanna, where do you get your energy from? It’s amazing, not only sharing your wonderful creativity, also all the link information. Thank you so very much.

  2849. What a great idea to make polka dots from vintage texts! Such a beauty!
    Life can be a bitch sometimes, but you really just need little things to be happy, like having coffee from a pretty mug from a pretty tray:)

  2850. This tray is so stylish – I just love the simplicity of the design and the cream-colored text circles against the pure white – so appealing!

    The photos on your blog have such a magical quality to them.

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog – it is always so nice to receive a comment from you.


  2851. I love your tray!!! What a terrific idea, too ~ text is so beautiful to me whether it be printed or handwritten….I have just repurposed a tray very similar to yours, too…I’d love for you to drop by and see…xxoo, Dawn

  2852. Thanks for all your lovely comments girls!

    PJ: Yes, those are bookmarks I made to sell and no, it’s not my art journal but my diary that gets an occasional collage or drawing sometimes.

    feli: I did join the lining with the bag as I sew together the bottom and then hand-stitched the top edge of the lining to the jeans bag this time. I don’t know how to explain it better, ask again if you need help.

    Stephanie: I did nothing special on the other side, it has buttons and it still has. The lining stops things from falling out at the front. I made the strap from the leg, yes. :-)

  2853. What a lovely tray. I have 3 wooden trays that need to be painted so maybe I’ll do some decoupage on them too. I love the simplicity that you created with the punched out paper on white. Very elegant too.


  2854. Absolutely gorgeous! I love your tray….and the breakfast looks pretty enticing too! There is something so healing about creating a piece of art. If we all “played” a little more we would be far less stressed.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I look forward to seeing you there again.

  2855. Shai gives good advice. Raise the flag and see. Seeing all the cards together makes fascinating viewing. They are delightful!

  2856. I love this idea! I’ve been thinking about how to create something everyday. This has totally inspired me to work it! Thanks for your inspiration!

  2857. Oh that’s lovely! And coffee looks good too.

    Your book arrived today and it’s perfect – what a great job you did. I’m happy to finally have my own copy.

  2858. What a gorgeous transformation! A little French-chic… Thanks for stopping by my blog, you are quite inspiring. ;-)

  2859. Damn! You always make things look so effortless, and you’re so clever. I never would have thought to cut out text in the shape of circles…I love this.

  2860. hanna, I love your style; i love your mantra; that you create with your inner child. i abandoned imperfection a long time ago and found it so freeing. Good on ya! That tray would make dry bread taste like foie gras….LOL. Love it.

  2861. these are absolutly beautiful! Im have just gotten into collaging, and I like to do smaller pieces, because they are not so overwhelming. I’m gonna try them out, i’ll post them when they are done!

  2862. These are wonderful! And they’re so well put-together. What kind of glue do you use for your collages?

  2863. Wow, I love these! And what a great way to use up scraps and utilize Michelle’s idea of a Pandora’s Box! Thanks for stopping by my blog so that I would know where to come find you *grin*

  2864. These bookmarks are awesome! AND below, your spinning….I used to spin and dye my own yarns…it brought back so many memories!!!!

  2865. Oh wow – those are gorgeous!

    oh and BTW, Guess what… Tag! Your it! (Sorry, I didn’t start this, just following the rules!)

    Here?s the rules:
    1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
    2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
    3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
    4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

  2866. How lovely!!! It is truly one of a kind. The joys of creating indeed! Looking forward to your future entries in decoupage.

  2867. Fabulous bookmarks,

    How do you get them to look so delicate? Is it just practise? I would love to find an online resource which gives the basic process. I digress though, they are beautiful and laminating them is such a good idea!

  2868. I love this photo!!
    Your new camera sounds exciting…I’ve been dreaming of my own camera for a while so I’ll be looking into this one! {just found you through dunesza} :O)

  2869. Cool projects here. I was just wondering last night what I could do with magazine pages, as a way to reduce waste. I really like your moleskine pages.

  2870. I absolutely love the bookmarks…great idea for the little scraps you have left and don’t want to throw out!! :)

  2871. Great minds think alike….I have a plain old wooden chest I’ve been thinking about collaging.

    Did you finish the tray with something to make it waterproof?

  2872. Wow, I LOVE these bookmarks. I see they’re for sale, but would you be willing to make a trade? I have ATCs, a forthcoming issue of my new art zine, magnets…let me know if you’re interested and I’ll break out the stash!

  2873. I am learning so much from Michelle’s latest Crusade. I never realized that my journals and art kit were a kind of artistic comforter for me, too. Maybe that’s why I always have them with me. Thank you for your insight! I really enjoyed your al fresco journaling adventure and that gorgeous photo. Thanks for sharing! — JeriAnn

  2874. They are beautiful! The reason I haven’t started my own collection yet is because I cannot afford them, but if I were a millionaire, I would definitely fill my shelves with dolls! (Pullip, Blythe, Dollfies, any kind). *^v^*

  2875. Thank you all!

    Mel: I’m a glue stick kind of girl, any kind goes! I don’t like to use glues that need two tools like a jar and a paintbrush, and I don’t want to get up to rinse the paintbrush either. Glue sticks work for me.

    Julie: Thank you for calling these “delicate”! I think it must be practice and following what you like. I collage until I’m happy with the result and then they are done! So practice and having a collection of papers you like is a good resource to become happy with the result.

    Robin: I’ll e-mail you about a trade. anyone else?

  2876. thanks for your nice comments girls!

    ainelivia: I don’t have a lot of energy, but what I have I use to be creative and nothing else! ;-)

    Tere: Ha, it looks effortless? Thank you, I can tell you that it’s not always so. And the circles comes from a punchie that punches circles so that’s where I had the idea! :-)

    Honor: A little French-chic? Who that – I’m not!

    Marcia: I sealed the tray with the decoupage glue that is also a varnish. I think I painted over the dots two or three times, I think that will make it waterproof enough.

  2877. I have a few Blythe dolls and enjoy taking photos of them. I learn so much about photography though the dolls. :)

    These Japanese dolls are so unique and lovely. Thank you for sharing.

  2878. Wow, wow… look at all the storage space! Wonderful! How I’d love a workspace like that, although I can’t complain too much… my studio is tiny and dark, but at least I have a studio.

  2879. Wood always caught my interest, I may start working with it one day, when I have some space for a studio (no wood chips allowed in my bedroom!…). *^v^*

  2880. ???h vad kul att f? kika in i Surolles verkstad. Jag har en j?tte fin liten broschyr av honom p? min anslagstavla som jag fick p? en m?ssa d?r han deltog.

  2881. Hej – har der ikke lige v?ret skrevet om ham i Hemsl?jden – dette pr?gtige svenske tidskrift som jeg er helt vilm med… s? vild, at jeg abonnerer -selvom jeg ikke bor i Sverige. Nu m? jeg ind og kikke i bunken: det er vel ikke dig der skrev den artikkel??

  2882. I used to spin all the time! I still have my spinning wheel and a drop spindle, but I never seem to have the time. Reading about it makes me want to find the time because it’s such a relaxing hobby. Glad you had fun trying it for the first time!

  2883. Jag vill ox? ha en s?n verkstad. ?ss? ska jag ha en keramikverkstad och en f?r silversmide och en mysig f?t?lj att sitta och sticka och virka i.
    Kreativitetsbomben har exploderat!

  2884. The photo is magical, there is an atmosphere and I find myself wondering what is happenning both inside and outside this house.

    Once again the info contained in your post is so comprehensive and useful. Thanks Hanna.

  2885. Great photographs! I have often dreamed of an entire summer travelling about in a car/bus, collecting things along the way that I could not possibly get if I were travelling any other way. I am sending wishes for you chance to travel again this summer. Thanks for sharing your little bit of heaven on earth.

  2886. I look forward to your posts!

    I made some dice not to long after I seen Keri Smiths paper ones. I wanted them to be more permanent so I put them on wooden cubes. I posted them with some of my abc D weekly Wednesday photos. They are in this months blog entries. I also posted a link to Keri Smith’s paper dice.

    Have a God Blessed Creative Healthy Year!!!

  2887. oh, wow, I am just now looking at this, and it’s so cool! I want to make one and take pictures of the evolution of it! And then, use those photos to make collage! And then, make a collage out of the collage! It would be like a history of inspiration!

  2888. The second month of Daily Art Cards was harder for me too. Not the fact that I had to do the cards but I was often lacking inspiration. I’m not giving up though. Hard to believe we’ve already made it through 2 months!


  2889. How wonderful that you actually work on your journals outside, and it looks as though it was a beautiful place, very inspiring. Ux

  2890. Oh yes, I’m on the move, too! I’m painting again on canvas and I think I’ve started a new mini series, I’m very happy with what I’m creating right now. *^v^*

  2891. i love your perspective of leap day. too many people view it as just another day of work.

    as always, so inspiring to come here and see what creative projects you’ve accomplished. You are always up to something artsy or crafty! Your daily art cards are great!!

  2892. I know I’ve already commented, but I have a question. Did you name your new little kitty Smilla because of Smilla’s Sense of Snow? or is Smilla a common name in Scandinavia, or does it mean something special, like, ‘Fabulous Flower’ or something? I love the name.

    Could you take a movie of your little kitty and post it here?

    Take care!

  2893. You have so many photos on your Flickr!! it’s incredible!

    You are my favorite person ever!!

    well, except for my mom.

    Oh, and my partner.

    But you’re very close to being my favorite person ever!

  2894. Such a sweet post….You are so very right, we should look at everything a little differently ~ and be thankful…little things can make us smile so easily! xxoo, Dawn

  2895. It is a very cute mug! And I agree with you, sometimes we forget to notice the little details and they turn out to be the things that make us happy.

  2896. Thanks for this beautiful reminder to appreciate the little things. I was browsing around and saw your memo holder (? I think?) that you got at the flea market and painted white. I did one last year! It’s on flicker at

    Kind of hard to see in the pic, but it hangs in my kitchen and I just love it. I throw my keys and sunglasses in it. :)

  2897. Thank you so much for the use of your images. They are beautiful. Love your site. I have been collecting images and little findings for years. After looking at your pretty things, I surely feel inspired. I hope I can take a leap and just try to make something….I am new to collage, mixed media and blogs. But I truely love it all.
    Thanks again

  2898. Vilken fin kopp! Vilka otroligt roliga och bra meningar… svettigaste semestern – klassisk Punk — morsgrisen. En s?n vill jag ocks? ha :-)
    Va kul att du hittade till min blogg. Jag kollar ofta p? din. Du g?r superfina saker!

  2899. I love your little mug! jag alskar? Is that right? I tried to learn Norwegian once, but lost one of the disks!

    Thank you for sharing your happiness with us.

  2900. I forgot to post what makes me happy:

    my two nephews
    paints and pencils
    the cool mornings – mornings are the BEST
    my little dog scout (
    Project Runway
    new elections
    people opening up
    my partner
    baking cupcakes
    a favorite mug

  2901. Reading great inspirational blogs about knitting and stamping and creativity make me happy. Happy YouTubes make me happy, and sunshine and flowers and a good cup of “real” hot cocoa with whipped cream and sprinkles on the top! Thanks for sharing this great little part of your world with us….Stay Happy!

  2902. Hi Hanna,
    LOVED your video, wow girl, what a beautifull piece of work!
    What makes me happy? Do you have a moment?? (there is no order in it): my girls and husband, my two cats, when my desk is ready to work on, my espresso coffee, mmmm, painting with acrylics or coloring with neocolor II, writing/creating in my journal, the sun shining, my laundry neat in the closets, NEW art material (stamps, paper, glue, YUM), scrolling on the net and being inspired by art of others, sharing art, finding a nice postcard in the mail… AND LOTS MORE!
    PS i read your comment on Michelle’s crusade page. You can also use a big eraser for cutting stamps and if you want me to, i can send you the adress of somebody who has the soft cutting material in Holland.

  2903. How inspiring! I think I need to make a video of all the things that make me happy. Thank you for sharing.

  2904. I clicked on your first picture to see it better, and it says it’s PRIVATE.

    Do you have something naughty on there?


    Love watching people bind books. Want to learn. Will keep reading about it.

    Rock on, sister!!

  2905. This book is gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the photo on it as well, and, well, you’ve given me a marvellous idea! I already have the perfect photo for my next book.

  2906. The book looks great, I make my own also and have never brought one since learning how to a few years ago. It is so much more personal and fitting to have them suiting your theme/idea/ personality ;D

  2907. I love the book!! I don’t have money to go somewhere and learn how to do it myself, so I hope you could direct me to some website that has guidelines/a tutorial for making my own book? It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just down to basics :)

    *hugs* Elisabeth

  2908. Hej Hanna!

    Dina bokm?rken ?r j?ttefina, de ser riktigt proffsiga ut! Och de kan v?l vara konst fast att de ?r anv?ndbara? Jag tycker att de ?r konst ?nd?. :)

    Hur har du laminerat dem? Jag har ett bokm?rke (i vanligt papper) som jag gjorde n?r jag gick p? dagis (f?r ca 25 ?r sedan). Jag tycker det ?r j?ttecoolt, men ?r r?dd att jag ska ta s?nder det. Jag kan inte fatta att jag inte t?nkt p? att laminera det innan. Du ?r smart!


  2909. Hanna, how sweet these are!
    I made a bunch of hearts for mailart last month and it was great fun. I am not much of a ‘heart’ person, but I’m liking the shape more and more.

    I was reading your book at lunch and I really love it. It makes me feel like I’m right there with you. It’s so pretty, too!

    Take care.

  2910. I just read this post from your book, and I think the word that’s probably most like Lagom is ‘tepid’ in English. It’s not cold but not warm, either. I always try to keep my coffee heated, but I’ve actually gotten used to drinking it cold. When I’m in the middle of a fantastic work project or I’ve mixed my paints just right, I can’t be bothered to heat it up, I just have to sip it as is!

  2911. Usch, mina fobier f?r knappburkar har inte blivit b?ttre. Haha…

    Jag gillar framf?rallt lycka hj?rtanet. Men det ?r ju min b?sta gr?nf?rg det d?r ocks? s

  2912. Lovely buttons, just lovely. I hope that you share your heart garland. Pretty please?

  2913. Everything is so pretty. I love the heart buttons & the hearts your making. I can’t wait to see your garland. I read your blog every day. Out of all the blogs I read yours is my favorite. I’m learning how to comment on blogs. I was so shy about it. :)

  2914. I like old latin texts personaly but I like the use of the hebrew and madonna picture. It gives a very thought provoking image. And I loved that green wallpaper I had to have it :P

  2915. ?h, vad fint du gjort med de hebreiska psaltarpsalmerna!Tack f?r att du t?nker p? mig. Allt gott. Kram

  2916. Looks lovely! I started bookbinding last year – not very formal, but effective. You might like a journal that I made, kind of like yours it’s on my blog, if you click on category ‘art journal’ and scroll down to a post called ‘ups and downs’. PS just been shopping on your etsy site!

    Kel x

  2917. This is beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing. I just discovered your blog and I really like your philosophy and your art! Thanks for sharing.

  2918. Hi, I’m here via Lady Lulu’s blog – and I just wanted to say you have a lovely blog, very inspiring, and I’m adding you to my friends on Ravelry:)

  2919. That tutorial is so well designed and pretty — it’s a work of art in itself, Hanna.

    The process is very similar to the one I use for my map magnets, except I use wood pieces instead of chipboard, and the watercolor paper prints that didn’t work as prints. They’re time-consuming, but people seem to love them and they made GREAT Christmas presents this year.

    You can also take one image and cut it out across multiple pieces of wood/chipboard, so that it makes a magnet set, almost a puzzle.

  2920. These are so pretty! I’ve been wanting to do a project with decoupage, but I’m not quite ambitious enough to do a piece of furniture. I think I’m going to send this tutorial to my 12 year old neice also, I think she’d like it. Thanks!!!

  2921. Thank you so much for the tutorial. I can’t wait to try it. All the things you make inspire me. Your such a sweetie for doing this.

  2922. Oh my goodness – what beautiful magnets! See, those little chipboard pieces just called to me in the store: “We belong with Hannah.” I couldn’t imagine what you’d do with them, either, but it’s best to listen to these impulses. And now it’s so wonderful to see them become these gorgeous magnets! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

  2923. Okay, every single day I read your blog and my jaw is just hanging open while I drool over everything you do and try to think of something to say in a comment besides, “This is cool,” You are so cool,” “How do you you do all those cool things you do?” or “I wanna be cool like you when I grow up.”

    So, it’s time to quit being a peeping tome and come out with it. You really are so cool. :)

  2924. You want scrapbook paper? Okay! You asked for it!!! LOL I used to work in a scrapbooking store and have tons of paper so as soon as I get a chance, I’ll send a package out to you. Just let me know which colours you would prefer (I have pretty much every colour available.) And I’m definitely sending you the roses printed ones!


  2925. So glad you stopped by my blog, and I’m so thrilled you’re joining in on the inspiration challenge. I love your blog, and I can’t wait to see what you make from the inspiration piece!

  2926. Hello!!, i like so much your blog, and this video, colors, coffe, cinnamon rolls, cat, simple and beautiful things.

    grettings and good easter.

  2927. LOVE the card. It’s too cute in pen with the fun colors. Can you link this post to my blog in the Mr. Linky box? It’s at the very top of the challenge post. I’m hoping everyone will link back to my blog so all the participants have an easy way to see all the projects! THANKS so much for playing along. I love seeing everyone’s ideas!

  2928. These are amazing photos Hanna. The first one looks like a jewelled butterfly or winged insect,whose wings are encrusted with coloured jewels, the colours are so lovely.

  2929. Just wanted to tell you how inspirational and dedicated you are. You have given me loads of ideas and motivation. Many thanks!

  2930. I love the art cards and wish I had the time, inspiration and workspace to do them myself.

    I’ve also finished your book. Now it’s filled with bookmarks of pages I want to go back to and spend more time. I hope you’re considering doing more books. :)

  2931. Pink and red go beautifully together! *^v^*
    I love your finds, especially the clasp for the bag (in Polish it’s called “zapięcie do torby” =^v^=) and the white bag.

  2932. i love your finds
    and especially love that fabric,
    too cute…

    creativity is about loss of control….
    i like that…
    i really do.

  2933. Orange & Pink are fantastic! I just started a thread at an etsy forum last night to see what people thought of the color orange – it seems to be an upcoming trend & tons of people replied that it is very popular. It seems that bright colors will be the way to go this spring vs. pastels.

  2934. I LOVE thrifting! I did some this weekend and found two shepherd lanterns for $6. One is teal… one is yellow… and I love them! I LOVE that white suitcase… oh, the things you could do with it!

  2935. We have a wonderful loppis and I am such a collector, they have begun to hang on the things they know that I like! I love the fabric strips and saw some, but what will you do with them?

  2936. This is so sweet!
    I like seeing your cards. It is inspirational, and I’m glad you’re consistent with them.

    Did you mention National Novel Writing Month on one of your blogs? I thought it was you, but anyway, I signed up for this year’s! I’m excited about it. Even if I can’t finish, I can try. Thanks for always giving me great ideas.

  2937. Love the teapot and napkins. I went antique shopping today. Isn’t it overwhelming how much good stuff there is to see? I really like the quote you added at the bottom. Makes me feel better about my messes:)

  2938. Hi Hanna, nice post! I love thrifting too! Most often I just look at the stuff and try not to buy too much – On one hand I hate to have my rooms overcrowded with items, on the other hand I realize how a special item, the right piece in the right place – can create a “twist” and contribute to an inspiring and beautiful atmosphere!

    I haven?t been at any fleamarked for very long. But now it?s easter/spring/holyday so I think I?ll look out – and maybe be lucky to find…

  2939. Love this post! Everything you found is “a must have”. The quote is great, I’m just in the mids of a super mess, cleaning out my old studio space for a move. When everything is out on the floor I start to craft all night. It’s great with Craft-Mess :-)
    Hej fr?n Inger Carina

  2940. i will buy this soon…thanks for sharing…i have missed so much lately….hugs and happy st. paddy’s day…rebecca

  2941. superbe , j’adore la realisation de la viergeet l’enfant ! un gros gros bravo !

    bisous de france.

  2942. Hello Hannah, :-)

    This is my first comment in your blog but have been reading it for a little while, now.
    I saw this book at the bookstore and was wondering if I should buy it or not. I already have “Craft Inc.” and was thinking it was perhaps the same thing. By your review, it seems similar but quite different at the same time.
    Thanks for talking about this inspiring book!

  2943. Heja!
    Du lyckades, och bra ocks?!
    Och det ?r klart att jag l?ste ?nda till slutet, men s? ?r jag ju stickn?rd ocks?.
    Anledningen till att framkanten ?r bubblig ?r f?rmodligen att det ?r f?r m?nga maskor. Om antalet varv du har p? 10 cm inte st?mmer med m?nstret, s? kan det bli s?.
    Ett tips f?r framtida framkanter; plocka upp ungef?r 3 maskor p? 4 varv, det brukar bli bra.

  2944. Wow, Hanna, what an achievement! I think it looks gorgeous and I can see how much work went into it. You should be very proud :)

  2945. Hi Hanna,
    Wow! This is beautiful. No wonder it took you forever, it’s so intricate. You really should feel proud.
    I wanted to tell you something else, too. As you may remember I’ve gone to Korea to teach English, and I’ve been here three weeks now. It has been the most difficult and emotional experience of my life (I wonder sometimes why I wanted to come!), and I have relied on my journal to help me during the rough patches. I call my family as much as I can, but I can only cry on the phone so much and I don’t want to worry them, so I turn to writing and it helps more than I could have imagined. There is something that happens when you take the time to write down your feelings. It forces you to figure things out so that you can put them into words. What a comfort it can be.
    Anyway, I thought of you the other day when I picked up my nearly finished journal to write something down. Maybe I’ll become a journal collector like you before the year is over :)
    Take care,

  2946. Wow, Hanna! That gorgeous sweater is worth all the trouble, it’s super gorgeous. Congrats for a craft well done. :)

  2947. I’m definitely a knitting nerd :o)

    There are many ups and downs in a big project (and sometimes for me in a small project too!) but so long as it ends on an up that’s all the matters.

    Really great cardigan.

  2948. It’s a beautiful sweater, and no one will ever notice your mistakes, only marvel at how lovely it is. So cool that you finished it! Congrats!

  2949. I wouldn’t think of any other colour of your sweater than pink! *^v^* It’s beautiful and all those “mistakes” you are talking about can be regarded as “interesting features”. At least that’s what I always tell myself when I knit something “not totally absolutely as it was in the pattern”!… Great job and good luck with your next project! *^v^*

  2950. Koselig at du stakk innom hos meg! Her var det mye fint ? se p?. S?t jakke du har strikket. Ser du har gitt ut ei flott bok, gratulerer med den!

  2951. Very pretty! I have yet to knit a sweater. What pattern is the new sweater you are now working on?

  2952. It’s a great sweater – congratulations! I enjoyed reading your post about your odyssey throug knitting. I’m with you – I don’t know if I’d be able to cut through my knitting like that … And really, those mistakes are things only you will notice. You should only look at all you did right!

  2953. Oj, vad fin din kofta blev. Och tio hurra f?r att du hade t?lamod att slutf?ra den, den sista str?ckan med montering och pillerill ?r alltid s? sv?r att g?ra tycker jag.

  2954. J?ttefint!

    Du hittar p? en massa roliga saker och ting att g?ra, och jag blir j?tteinspirerad varje g?ng.
    Kramar fr?n Ume

  2955. I have seen a few other posts about this book lately and I am growing more and more eager to make the purchase. Thanks for sharing!

  2956. Wow, vilket m?sterverk! Jag ?r djupt imponerad… Och s?rskilt av att du delade med dig av misstagen ocks? (f?r de syns verkligen inte, nej). Bra jobbat, Hanna!

  2957. Hejsan, ?lsklingsinsprationsHanna!

    I dag har jag snott en bild fr?n din sida f?r att g?ra reklam – f?r just dig. Fast egentligen vill jag beh?lla dig f?r mig sj?lv.

    Glad P?sk!

  2958. Oh, those are so cute!

    What is Pink Thrusday?

    I found a crayon colored
    Easter Egg in a vintage
    book my ds & ddil gave me.
    I posted it today on my blog.
    It is from Sweden.

    Have a Very Blessed Happy Easter
    and Blessed Week in the Lord!!!

  2959. Oh, This look’s like fun!

    Did you see the felted animal’s at the Helping Amelia blog entry I made? I found them afterwards on Katherine Dunns site. Check out her paintings and blog when you get a chance. You’ll probably have to click home when you click that link, if you want to check out her blog.I just put a link up to the felted animals. She is on my list also.

    I put up a link to your flickr photos of the feathers and your blog in the Easter greeting.
    It wouldn’t work in comments. What I found for
    the Thrusday before Easter was Holy Thrusday.

    Just below the Easter blog entry I put up a Sark Journal I bought at Goodwill.

    Thanks for stopping by and have a Blessed Easter.

  2960. Thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. I had fun making those projects for the challenge. I love the bright colors on your art card.

  2961. I love the idea of weaving a card with yarn – not just paper. Your card is very sweet. I also wanted to let you know I have “tagged you” – I hope that is not too presumptuous. It’s a neat one – “describe your life in six words.” My blog has the details. All the best, Laura

  2962. Very nice. I’ll do these with a baby theme to go into the party favors for a baby shower next month. Thanks for the great idea!

  2963. Nice work!
    I just finished the sweater from the cover of that book (after starting it 8 years ago). The directions are not what they could be….

  2964. OOH! Awesome! I love how you wove in the heart image. One of my favorite parts of making tutorials is, frankly, seeing what you do with them – you always take the project in a beautiful new direction.

  2965. great idea! I do love decoupage and I have to admit I buy scrapbook paper and I don’t scrapbook, lol. Good way to use it.

  2966. These are the neatest little “witches” I’ve ever seen. :) So cute to see the personality of each one. I bet my little girl would LOVE making something like this. Thanks for sharing!

  2967. This looks like so much fun! You have such great ideas.
    Thank you for the encouraging note, Hanna. It made me smile!
    I will keep reading your blog, as it always cheers me up.

  2968. Wow..coming from a snowless region, and having lived around no snow for the last 11 years, I am so JEALOUS of all you people with snow pics! :D

    I love the bag…very bright and cheery, and funky.

    Can’t wait to see the results of stamp carving!!

  2969. I love all three of your stamps…

    You’re right about visiting and encouraging fellow challenge participants. Getting your comment on my blog rekindled my spirit on the stamp project.

    I think I will abandon the L stamp for a hot air balloon as I am obsessed with them too.

    So many projects, so little time.

  2970. Hej v?nnen,

    vad kul med allt du pysslar. Du g?r s? fina grejor och det verkar s? himla kul! Sj?lv ?r jag mest begravd i tr?kiga b?cker ;-). Kram Chitina

  2971. Excellent post – and I love your stamps! This is a craft I’ve always wanted to try, too, but haven’t found time. Thank you for all the great links – you may push me down the carving path yet….

  2972. You could use erasers to make your own alphabet stamps. Just remember (I didn’t) to reverse the letter on the stamp!!! My erasers are Hi-polymer by Pentel but I also have some German brand. They are white polymer and look like the sheets you carved.

  2973. Your stamps are great! I especially like the little bird.

    You’ve inspired me to dig out my stamp carving materials. Such fun!

  2974. I would LOVE to try this! Thanks for the info and the links…much appreciated. Great post!

    Thanks to Joanne S (commenter) also as I wouldn’t have thought of using erasers.

  2975. iHanna, Thanks for the comment on my stamp carving efforts! The package said it carved like butter and it guess it did compare to linoleum! Yours turned out so fun! :-)

    Have a great hair day! Becci

  2976. Hi Hanna! I love your stamps you carved! They are sweet and darling, I love them just like they are… I especially like the photo of you carving, with your drawings in the photo… it’s an awesomely clear photograph… thanks so much for leaving the kind comment about my carvings, I’m so glad you stopped by!

  2977. Oh, Hanna, these really look charming. I love that heart! Thank you for sharing photos of your process. Michelle is an awesome person and very giving.

  2978. I love all three stamps you have made, especially the heart…
    I really love this post and am inspired to carve my own stamps now, thanks so much for the links and knowledge!

  2979. Such lovely stamps you’ve carved! I’ve also been dreaming of those soft carving blocks, but of course they’re not available in Finland either. Once I tried carving an eraser, it’s quite similar material, but so much smaller:)

  2980. I used to keep a diary but for the past year or so, I’ve been writing my Morning Pages (write 3 pages of uncensored thoughts first thing in the morning – or approximately 30 minutes) and keeping art journals. And between all of that, I feel I express myself more than enough (plus the blog and other art expressions.) So no more diary per say. But I still have all my diaries since 1990. It’s fun to look back and see how I evolved.


  2981. I recently accepted that I was not so much a diarist, but that I often have a singular thought I needed to mull over so my diary has become home to collages. I limit the times and supplies I use in creating the actual piece, and allow myself to focus on the thought as I work. Blogging about it afterwards also hopes me sort out my real feelings on the subject. If I have a rant I need to get out, I put them in the same book.

    I think that sharing your diary is very brave and not for everyone. I don’t share everything I put in it, because if I knew from the outset, that something was definitely going to be made public, I may not be completely honest with myself as I made my collage.

    But I do love checking out other people’s work and sharing some of my own.

  2982. Your diary looks imaginative and filled with art! I love the collages you make.

    I started to keep a diary in 1984 and it has become a habit I can’t kick :)I need my book & pen to think. Mostly I write/think about my projects but I also try to write about stuff that happens. It’s great – when me and my friends disagree on what happend “back in the days” I have my great big journal-stash as the key of all answers :-)

    Now I must go to the cupboard and pat my pile of diarys. mmmmm
    Hi from Carina

  2983. Hanna, your stamps aren’t infantile at ALL. They’re marvelous!

    I’ve really enjoyed carving my own stamps, although I can be a little dangerous with the carving thingamajigs. Thankfully, no serious injuries.

  2984. Love the tote. Am jealous of the snow. It is beautiful here, today, but it’s just been so blahhh with no nice snow to show for it all winter long. Virginia really has no idea what climate it wants to be in so it wavers all winter long. Drives me nuts.

  2985. ohhh so cool! lovely work there!
    i do lino sometimes but cut my finger last time :( blood all over the place… will be doing it again soon though! :)

  2986. I love journalling, and I love combining it with my art. I don’t necessarily write to “change,” but I do sort things out, whine, complain, celebrate, and the like. I’d like to think that some future grandchild will pick this up and find it fascinating, and maybe know the woman I was…not just “grandma.” Lord help me though, the books will probably end up in an antique/junk shop.
    Your pages are wonderful. Thanks for sharing them and for the links!

  2987. I was a prolific diary keeper, until about 5 years ago when I realised the keyboard had replaced paper and pen for the majority of my writing-time. In high school, my (still) best friend Bell and I used to keep a shared journal/diary, and keep it for a couple of days each, then swap / write / read the previous entry. It was always filled with lyrics, poetry, drawings and a fair bit of angst!

    I don’t know if I would have time to dedicate to keeping a journal now, but then my blog is like a journal for me now.

  2988. I absolutely agree that the ?form? guides us when we create – i find it much easier to work in a bigger journal or on big canvas than on the smaller pages. Maybe I should make it a challenge for myself and have a small A5 size journal just for extending my own boundaries, who knows? ^^

  2989. Hanna, I love your blog. Your stamps are great. I totally understand how frustrating it can be when you’re not able to get the supplies you need.

    I’ve been hunting for the Staedtler carving tool set with artists blocks and so far I’ve been unable to find them here in Germany. The irony of it is that Staedtler is German!!!!

    Great job connecting, overcoming obstacles and above all creating! Your fan in Wuerzburg… tj

  2990. I do keep a journal in a moleskin cahier (unlined). I don’t write in it daily, but when I need to mull things over, or make a list of books to read, or leave myself a note for further thought. I would like it to be more of a creative endevor, but as creative as I get with it is pasting in the tickets, fortune cookie fortunes or stray piece of fiber.
    Oh and I would LOVE a diary club!

  2991. I’ve kept written diaries for nearly 20 years now. And I keep them for my kids too. Recently the diary and the art journal kind of blend and I’m not sure where one starts and the other ends. And why not? A diary club? Sounds like fun!

  2992. I think a diary club is really an excellent idea. I’m going to go check out Anders J, too. I love Scandinavian design, if it’s possible to love the whole thing–I’m sure it’s as diverse as American design. I am going to Hawaii soon and I’m prepping a few pages of my journal to ‘talk to myself’ in during the trip.

    Your book is really wonderful, did you add more to it? I am almost finished reading it, but I’m going slow now because I don’t want it to be over. I know it’s just like reading your blog, but it’s portable and intimate this way. So I guess reading changes with the form, also!!

  2993. There is nothing wrong with your hand-carved stamps, they turned out great! They are all very sweet, you will use them all the time! :)

  2994. that’s so cool about what’s happening with your writing journal. that happens in mine from time to time though it’s mainly with drawings and not with collage so much.

    i’ve always kept a diary, but lately i haven’t been writing as regularly and i’m just getting back into it. i like to write every day if possible.

  2995. It looks like a beautiful, flowing, sea creature to me (maybe a jelly fish?):) I really like the yarn too, beautiful!

  2996. Have been doing “Morning Pages” for several years now, but it was only when I found your blog that I got the idea that the journal could also have some collages, art, or ATC type stuff pasted into it. Tack sa mycke for the inspiration Hanna.

    Have just posted one of my recent collages on my blog. What do I write? and why? well like one of the quotes in a diary page you posted, like Lord Byron, I often write to empty my mind.

  2997. That’s very pretty and I love love love those colours! (Very similar to what I am using for an afghan at the moment, actually, but yours are a bit more vibrant.)

  2998. Hi, Hanna;
    I don’t know your email address, so I am writing you here.
    When I go to your I shop with Mom, and I click on the pictures of the new bags that are in the shop, I can only get your collage bookmarks to come up.

    Also, if I want to join your I shop with mom email subscription, do I need to join a group?

    Thank you.

  2999. Hej! Vart har du tagit vägen? ;/ Jag har mailat dig….Kramar M (japp börjar bli nervös)

  3000. Hi Hanna! Thank you so much for your visits to my blog! I don’t know how I missed your carvings before, but they are wonderful!! I am glad to find your blog because these bears are SUPER CUTE!!! I am almost 37 years old and still a huge fan of Sanrio…so, you are correct: cute is here to stay! Have a great weekend and I will see you again soon :)

    (I also love your journal pages!!)

  3001. Hej!
    Tack för besöket och kommentaren i min blogg och flickr kontakten!
    Jag “hittade” dig pga att jag goolgade på mixed media från svenska sidor och hittade då både din blogg och flickr!

    Det är så få svenskar som gör mixed media men hur många som helst utländska, hur kan det komma sig!? I alla fall känner jag att det är något jag vill pröva mer och mer!

  3002. These are super kawaii! *^v^* They remind me of one of my childhood favourite tv series where the main character was the plush checkered dog, made from the red checkered fabric, which had lots of adventures around the flat, mainly in the kitchen. I loved it!

  3003. :o)

    i love the random 5 minutes after it was back
    in your hands shots…

    and glad to see that the camera is healthy again!

  3004. Lovely photos! I would be interested to know the songs on your cute cd! If they sound anything like your cute pictures and your cute blog, I want to download them too! :) Let us know one day!

  3005. I’ve asked myself this before too. I’ve had dreams that I planed for–figured out what I had to do to get there–and half way through the process I realized I didn’t want that after all. I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up and I’m 26! Sometimes also, I think that the comfort of what is familiar drags you away from your dreams. We ask ourselves, “is it worth the stress of leaving my comfort zone? Maybe I’ll just wait and see what happens…” and time floats by. But creating a pretty pink bedroom is certainly doable! Go for it!

  3006. jeg elsker ogs? at fortabe mig i dr?mme! Mine er bare mere hvide end pink – men det skal ikke skille os…

    God weekend!

  3007. I use my diary as a sketchbook and as a notebook, but I find it very difficult to write down my deepest thoughts… I only started my visual diary this year, and I find it very exciting to see it evolve!

  3008. Hanna! How did I miss this post? Did you come and leave a link on the crusade? Anyway – great images! Love seeing you carving with your sketchbook designs on the page and the testing out of the images. Great stuff! Do I spy some of my packing tape on your cutting tool? Cool!! I’m adding your link to the crusade list now.

  3009. I think your stamps are charming! Wonderful work for your first experiences in this rubber. When I took a class on carving, the instructor had us start by making a very simple 4 cm square block with freehand parallel lines closely spaced, running across the surface. By doing this, we developed a feel for the rubber and for the carving tool – learning to feel how deeply we were cutting, and how to control blade pressure. The resulting stamp was great for texture backgrounds; by turning it, you could create a basket-weave look or use it in a variety of repeating patterns.

  3010. Hanna!
    i love your stamps! your birds are wonderful!! i am so glad that you got your stamp carving rubber in time to enter the crusade!!

  3011. Your stamps came out great! I can’t believe the heart was your first one – that is a complex design to start off with, but you did such a good job carving it. Can’t wait to see what else you create with those blocks!

  3012. I think your images are quite charming, and I’m very happy you were able to get involved and that you shared your efforts.

  3013. Hei Hanna, fun to see your stamps! I really love the birdie! Should you get bitten by the “carving bug”, I can give you a couple of german adresses, for buying carving blocks online… It is a bit closer than the states, but it might not matter in the end…

  3014. I see you in that room & you need to go for it. Never let anything hold you back. Your dreams are one step forward to reality.

    I love the room. I’m in love with that chair.

  3015. Vilken h?rlig bukett med v?rblommor. Passar underbart i v?rv?dret som vi nu har f?tt :-)

  3016. What a gorgeous journal page – I love how you used the watercolors. Your pouch is the coolest!

    What an incredible time to dance all night with friends and spend the day soaking up the sun. I know what you mean about feeling the sun inside you. I just posted about my longing for that feeling. Come and see what the weather is like in Maine today – my latest blog post will make you shiver.


  3017. Hanna, I really enjoyed your stamp creations, especially that heart with swirls – they are all very stampworthy and not infantile at all. Some of us would love to get the effects you have gotten – we all have our own style but usually like everyone elses.. at least I have found that to be true for myself. Enjoy using these and hopefully you won’t use up all your material too soon!

  3018. Very sweet. I love the flowers and the case. Aren’t creative weekends great? We have tulips in the house right now, and they are beautiful.

  3019. hey hanna,
    loved seeing your stamps. i found carving difficult at first but as with all things, i am sure with practice one gets better. the big thing is to use the stamps and whatever they are, i am sure you will use them once you have put all that effort in. i love your blog by the way. visit it often . you are so prolific. always something new to see.

  3020. I think your stamps are so darling and turned out wonderful. Love that little bird and the flower stamp is gorgeous :)

  3021. hi hanna! happy to see your creative projects! the journal is splendid! I think you should make more of those lovely linen japanese pencil cases and sell them! they are so pretty!

  3022. i think your art journal page
    turned out lovely…
    very pretty…

    and i have to say
    if you decide to make more of those pouches
    i may just have to break down
    and purchase one…
    i have been looking for something to carry
    my “special” pens without losing them
    in my backpack…
    and this is perfect.

    no pressure to make more though.

  3023. Your stamps are wonderful! I am very interested in your drawings in your sketch book. The little owl is so adorable, then again…I have a thing for owls! I would love to see the owl carved! And share that journal with us!!!!

  3024. Hanna, your journal and painting of the tulips just took my breath away! I love the colors you used…and the whole thing has a fearless form. The pencil case is very delicate as well :o)….all in all, your post inspired me!! Hope your April is off to a good start!

  3025. Perfect timing! I’m starting my first quilt, for my best friend’s wedding – this afternoon!

  3026. You have made my day! I can’t think of anything more wonderful then knowing I have inspired creative work in another part of the world. I can’t wait to see the finished quilts!

  3027. Like you, I enjoy picking out fabrics and piecing (sewing) the pieces together. I am very bad about finishing a quilt … it takes so much time and I am impatient!

    Happy quilting!

  3028. January 2007? I think I started my wall quilt back in 1999… my husband thought it would be less expensive for me to make something for the wall than the oil painting we were looking at… he really has no idea how much this giant stash of fabric has cost me & the time alone! oh my.

  3029. I started a quilt, too – I’m using fabrics my husband bought for me when he went to Gabon. It’s a lot of work.

  3030. you are so lucky to do that with you mother. precious. hope you finish it! :) ..cause i want to see it!

  3031. I discovered that we have two things in common:
    1)I also have a quilterqueen mom.
    2)I like to quilt, but prefer the first part when I can choose colours, put them together and mix and match. When the pieces are sewn together, the workprogress is normally slowing down…
    Good luck with your quilt!

  3032. Good luck with this quilt Hanna! and thanks for the link!

    Vilken h?rlig beskrivning av din mamma! Jag och min mamma har alltid haft v?rt syintresse tillsammmns. Det var hon som l?rde mig att sy kl?der n?r jag var ungefa?r 9-10 ?r. Och vi har sytt ihop, f?rst min akl?der och sedan k??der till barnbarnen. Quiltingin har jag l?rt fr?n annat h?ll, och sedan ?r det jag som l?rt mamma. Min ?ldsta dotter syr, n?r hon hinner ………hon har tre sm?barn, men min yngsta dotter syr inte (?nnu i alla fall)

  3033. I love the idea of creating something together, mother and daughter! I tried making quilts some time ago and it’s not my favourite craft but I always admire somebody else’s work. *^v^*

  3034. Which ones are the easiest to do? Maybe you can start with those that require the least time to make, and gradually build up to the more complex ones! It might get you into the groove much faster. :D

  3035. I’d definitely start with the coffee! That’s the sane way to approach this problem… I have a bazillion half finished knitting projects. I go in spurts with my knitting. But the unfinished things sit there and nag at me. I’m thinking of unraveling a few half finished projects that no longer interest me.

    These days I’m more likely on a photo expedition than sitting and knitting.

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Yours is great. You have so many great creative ideas.

  3036. I like the idea of making a bag with that felted red sweater, and that would only take an afternoon. It might look nice with something fun embroidered on the front, too. I also like the idea of that embroidery kit using different colours…but maybe that’s because I’ve been wanting to do embroidery later :)

  3037. 1. Frogga tr?jorna om du inte vill ha dem. Sticka inte klart f?r att du “m?ste”.
    2. G?r en v?ska. Det kommer att bli j?ttebra, och du f?r utlopp f?r en massa saker p? en g?ng.
    3. Prova broderiet med de f?rgerna du har. T?nk p? att f?rgerna kan se f?rf?rliga ut live, men vara j?ttesnygga i broderiet.

    I ?vrigt f?resl?r jag: G? igenom dina projekt och k?nn efter om du verkligen vill g?ra dem.Ta bort de du inte vill g?ra, s? att de inte belastar samvetet. Forts?tt med dina andra projekt, men ta fram ett UFO d? och d?, och avsluta.
    Tex kan du ju h?lla p? med det du g?r just nu, men f?rs?ka att inte starta n?t nytt innan n?t av det gamla ?r klart.

    S?ger hon som ?r expert p? UFOs ;)

  3038. I love your style of painting – it looks like a really beautiful journal page. And that pencil case is lovely. You could make smaller ‘purse’ sized ones. You are so creative! I wish I could sew!

  3039. I’ve been where you are now, Hanna, and I know how it feels. Here’s what worked for me: I looked at my to-do list and sorted everything into categories, depending on which projects I liked the best or wanted most to finish and which ones I had lost interest in for the time being. I put away all the ones in the second category, to revisit at another time. “Out of sight, out of (your busy) mind.” Then I considered my priorities on the remaining projects, putting the ones I was still really excited about at the top. I was surprised at how quickly I worked through those. Now when I add new things to do, I consider where they fit in my priorities, sometimes based on when I need to do them for a show or a book, but mostly on which ones I’m most excited about. I was surprised to learn that not all projects are worth finishing and I stopped being a “compulsive finisher.”

  3040. Loved looking at all your heart shapes…I used to have a heart shaped tattoo on my right forearm; it was homemade and the second one I got. It’s covered up now, and I miss it still.

  3041. If I were in your shoes, I wouldn’t start the embroidery kit because, well, it’s untouched and you don’t seem to like much about it except the roses. You could always try to sell it to someone else and wait until you find another kit which you like even better.

    Maybe you should start by the cotton summer thing first? Seeing as summer will be here in a matter of months (then you’d be able to wear it _this_ summer!)

    I don’t even want to think about my crafty to-do list. I have a cross-stitched piece that’s been unfinished in a drawer for 5 years now. And it’s been whispering my name lately… Grr! And beautiful funky yarn that’s been waiting for at least 2 years to be turned into something useful.

    I should be able to send you a package next week (if I can get the right sized box, finally.)


  3042. H?ller helt med Marika, g?r inte sakerna bara f?r att du “m?ste”, g?r det f?r att det verkar vara ett kul projekt!
    Men om du nu vill g?ra dem alla, s? f?rsl?r jag att du b?rjar med det som g?r fortast. Att se ett projekt bli f?rdigt brukar ofta s?tta ig?ng viljan att f?rdigst?lla n?sta och d?rp? n?sta och n?sta.
    Lycka till med vilket du ?n v?ljer!

  3043. 1. B?rja med kaffe
    2. P?b?rja den r?da tr?jan/v?skan – det l?ter roligt, fritt och kreativt och kanske inte lika betungande och tidskr?vande som att sticka en hel tr?ja…
    3. Fixa pappersg?rarramen s? du kan p?b?rja ?NNU fler projekt :) Alltid kul att prova nya pyssel…

    Bon courage!

  3044. Wow you were able to get your cat to walk on a leash! We keep our cats inside because of all the wild critters and cars but maybe we could try a leash.

  3045. That looks so easy. Daughter is asleep so I’m off to my stash to see what I can find!

  3046. Bonjour,

    I think I would try to use two projects in one, double effect ! Like : make a bag with the red felted sweater and embroider roses on it, or make the lining with striped fabric, see the idea ? This is what works best for me ! Also, you could just take time to watch spring, don’t know for you, but here it’s coming and blooming !!!


  3047. I have felt this way many times. I recently took a short break from even thinking about it. My mind gets carried away with me until I am in some kind of unreal world that is much worse than the actual projects I have in front of me! Thinking too much can definitely freak you out!

    I’d say make the paper frame first. It’s relatively easier, and that way, you can make paper when you feel like it, and not have something you have to do FIRST before you make paper! Then, I think I’d felt the red sweater, because felting is kind of a mindless exercise and when it’s done, you can then start planning your bag! These things that are the first steps to other things can help to free your mind up a bit and get you looking forward to something.

    That’s just my two cents worth. Now, I have to go get started on one of the FIVE things I have to get done this month!

  3048. Oh, I think I misunderstood! I thought the red sweater wasn’t felted yet! Well, then, I’d definitely make the bag out of it. Maybe even put trim on the bag from the striped stretch jersey!

  3049. How precious are those pictures. I love the one where your grandmother is looking out the window. Beautiful! I love your blog its so inspiring and creative.

  3050. Really lovely and endearing photos from your grandmum’s house.

    I have just come out of a quiet period where I didn’t take too many photos, but spring is almost here and the snow is almost melted, so I’ve been photographing things that are peeking out in my gardens. :)

  3051. You have my sympathy. So much I want to do, but so little time. This is just how I feel all the time, with projects all around me just waiting to be started, finished, or changed. At least we’re never bored! It’s a blessing. And coffee is always a good start.

    Last year I had a thick felted red sweater that ended up as hearts. Big potholder-hearts, and some smaller ones that I embroidered with silver threads and pearls. They looked good in my windows for christmas:) But you make lovely bags, so why not give it a try.

  3052. Gorgeous sweater! I too have been making a sweater from Poetry in Stitches for years (the green one with the blue vine and leaf pattern). Sometimes when I need to stay inspired I flip through the pages of the book. I’ve always flipped right by this sweater because I didn’t like the bobbles (so 1980s), but you’ve turned it into a thing of real beauty. I love it! Great job. It was worth the time invested. Thanks for the inspiration. Now to get back to my own WIP …

  3053. wow…my name too is Ella. I really do not look anything like that.
    Ella G of Adelaide, SA

  3054. So many treasures!

    When I was a kid, I had one of those metal holders for 45’s. I have collected a lot of transparent glass over the years, which eventually turned into collecting Pyrex. I collect (and used to sell) vintage children’s books.

    So many vintage treasures!!

  3055. I love the owls! They are so cute. The pictures you took are so inspiring! The colours, the textures… I love it all. I plan to go to flea markets more this summer and I’ll bring my camera to try and get some more inspiration. Thanks for sharing all this!


  3056. Oooo look at all of those colors. My living room, kitchen, dining area are all a very muted even dark palette, but my bedrooms and my dishes are FILLED with happy colors… which I prefer. I agree that flea markets are an excellent source of inspiration. I also find fancy store windows to be inspiring as well.

  3057. Hello, I went to our local flee market on Saturday, with the intention to by china for my mosaic project and bought some really good porcelain/china for 250 SEK altogether it included 8 porcelain cups and 8matching saucers in the most beautiful dark green with a gold trim. 6 porcelain cups, 7matching saucers, and 6plates with a rose chintz design similar to your pot. 4 porcelain plates and 3 matching flat bowls in blue rose design. Heavy! But I had my husband with me (heh heh)
    The green set is so attractive I have not broken them yet :)
    Anyway looking for inspiration I came across your beautiful pot it?s really pretty.
    I too will also try furnisher more than anything, especially with broken china, but for now I think I will start with a box.
    Good luck with your dream!

    May your hands always be busy!

  3058. I’ve been peeking at the crusade site for awhile now maybe ill give the stenxils etc a go :) Love the pics!

  3059. I love the pages you made with your stencils! The pictures look fantastic and the terrace sounds beautiful…no way I could ever carve with the knife..I can’t hold it steady without my fingers hurting!

  3060. Look at you! You’re so meticulous! These are great and I look forward to trying mine.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3061. Hanna – thanks for sharing your stencil cutting experience. So happy you found a happy ending with the bird and a few of the words. I appreciate that you admitted cutting the words wasn’t so easy – good information for those who are just beginning. Great pages!

  3062. ?h s? fina, bravo Hanna! Du vet v?l att du bara beh?ver sprayf?rg s? kan du g? l?s p? gatan i st?llet med dina stenciler… Bara ett tips :)

  3063. Hannah these are great. I love the way you used them too. I know what you mean about wanting to cut out a way more advanced stencil as a beginner. I slaved away and made myself a little cuckoo doing my monogram with the curly cues BUT it is so worth it. Anyway, I love your stencils, I think they are masterful and in no way look beginner!

  3064. Yes,,, coffeeee.. I agree finish some of the smaller objects then move on.. like paying off a couple credit card balances..

  3065. wonderful pages – and so much candy here – I had to come back again – a sharp knife does make all the difference – but it is hard on the fore finger – love your site here…

    xox – eb.

  3066. I so know this feeling! I have way to many projects and not enough time. I’d start with whichever project you can finish first and give yourself a sense of accomplishment.

    Thanks for visiting my blog and for the link to the flicker group.

  3067. Hi Hanna. I love your journal page ! I love the feet on your bird ! So fun and springy. Sounds like you have an awesome place to play on a fine spring day !
    Take care, Kim

  3068. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for your comment on my stencils ! I used a stencil burner – it gives you more control when cutting the stencil and less pain in the fingers than a knife ! I haven’t tried words and bridges yet though – thanks for the tip about the stencil font !

  3069. Hi Hanna,
    they look Great! Had not thought about cutting into thick paper for a stencil… I might give it a try! Thanx for sharing,

  3070. Your pages are lovely and lively and the colors are delectable!

    I tried cutting out of cardboard with my Excacto “scalpel” and didn’t enjoy it, although the backgrounds I made for my bird stamps are useful. If I was smart, I’d stop here but n-o-o-o, I’m waiting for the half-off coupons so I can buy a stencil burner. Well, we’ve been warned!

  3071. Ah, the slow journey back into sunshine – nice. I love that you say you see your new journal pages and they surprise you. That is so great.

  3072. they are so sweet, i would never have the patience to do it right! lol

    I was hoping you could help recommend some books to get me started. I am very interested in the mixed media, folk or primitive art. I would like to do paintings like that but I have a lot to learn. I would like to do stuff in the vein of you, Suzi Blu, Paulette Insall, Kelly Rae Roberts, and Tascha. I?ve searched for books on mixed media, it?s hard to find ones that are not just on collage mixed media. I would appreciate it if you would recommend some books to get me on my way.

    thank you,

  3073. Congratulations on your milestone day! It’s great to be able to look back on something and feel a sense of achievement. Imagine how you’ll feel on day 365!

  3074. Hanna that’s awesome! Congrats on your accomplishment. It does feel good to make something, no matter how small, each day.

  3075. Wow, Hanna. You are such an inspiration. I think I’m going to start next year with a project like this.
    (right now, too busy)
    I have been enjoying your cards. Thanks for sharing!

  3076. Hanna, well done on your words! I like the font you used and your pages are great! I used a knife through acetate and it was really easy as it was very thin!

  3077. My goodness – congratulations! How exciting to look at 100 cards, all made by you. What a great way to feed your creative soul.

  3078. Hey congrats! I was just thinking about how you were going with your cards this morning… and here they are. Well done. Love the sock monkey! ;-)

  3079. (I’m behind on blograding/commenting,sorry)
    I’m in the same spot on a red felted sweater (two actually) and a series of picture frames waiting to become papermaking screens. The latter had been waiting on me to get a staplegun, but I got one of those in December so it’s just waiting on me to figure out where I put the screening material…

    So I vote for those two, because seeing you do those might inspire me to do the same :)

    I too have a really huge long list of crafts to do, projects to make, people to make things for, etc!

  3080. They are very nice shots. I especially like the calendar one, but they’re all nice.

    (Which reminds me I should someday source a calendar with the month Juli :) )

  3081. I want to start joining the Crusades this month. I wonder where I put my acetate! I think I gave it all away :(

  3082. Congratulations – a big achievement to keep this practice up every day and the cards themselves are really wonderful. Love the sock monkey one :o)

  3083. Hi, Hanna. I found your blog after you posted a kind comment on mine. Such great photos and information you have here!

    Enjoy the remainder of your Thursday!

  3084. I was admiring some of these photos on your Flickr page earlier. Unfortunately I live the other end of Europe so I definitely shan’t be visiting the Garden but thank you for sharing these lovely photos.

  3085. Who needs a garden if you have a beach-chair like this. I’m sure it comes with buzzing bees and cocktail drinks too:-)

  3086. I am in love with this quilt…

    I have made one quilt out of old t-shirts. It came out nothing like I had pinned it, but I love it just the same.

    Fabric arts and I have a complex relationship at best. :)

  3087. gorgeous quilt. I keep telling myself I will make a quilt but so far nothing.

    (ps. it’s the same with kids and fabric on the floor, especially the under 3 crowd)

  3088. Beautiful! I think cats are secretly crafty. They always seem to be attracted by what we’re working on be it painting, sewing, knitting, paper crafting… Diesel is just as bad as Smilla for that.


  3089. Hi Hanna, that “turning off the brain” modus you are talking about seems to me to be the perfect state of being in order to create! You are experiencing “Flow!” GREAT! Just keep doing it! (This is also a note to myself… ;))

  3090. i know how you feel with your cat getting in the way. my cat loves to attack my hands while i’m painting or drawing on the living room floor. its funny but keeps you from getting any work done. i love the colors you chose for the quilt. i also love to sew but am not very good at it… ive just come to the realization that the crooked seams and unfinished quality is what makes it creative and beautiful!

  3091. Your quilt looks to turn out very nice. Lovely fabric and lovely colors! And very much your colors.
    I don’t think I’d make a quilt for myself in pink, but we’re all different and I admire people how go others paths than me. ;-)

    About quilting the thing: I just HATE it when the layers go this and that way. I dislike it so much that I’ve started contemplating handquilting my projects if I want them to be perfect. Now – how’s that for a lunatic?

    Smilla looks to be a cat of the kind we adore – loving and playful. A joy to the home. :)

  3092. This is much prettier then my corkboard..and probably woudl have ended up being even cheaper if you find a frame at a Gsale :) Hmm..I might just have to try this out! Thanks for posting it!

  3093. What is is with cats and ANYTHING on the floor..they always have to lay on..especially if you are using it. A book, a pattern, wrapping a present…and esp boxes that are way too small for them lol!

    Lovely’s so cheerful! That background sounds perfect!

  3094. I love your inspiration board! So much classier than my cork board. I’ve had one for years, and like yours it is covered with a variety of things… photos, cards, art, charms, color charts, jewelry, etc., etc., etc.

  3095. The quilt looks lovely. My dog use to do the same thing. I could never cut out fabric while she was in the house.

  3096. This is going to be one beautiful quilt! Thanks for sharing the process and the cute pics of your cat. She is quite charming, I’m sure she thinks she’s helping. ;-) Good luck with the machine part.

  3097. Hi Hanna,
    Your Smilla is so pretty :)
    I envy you; I’ve only made two quilts but I’m hooked already, except now that I’m Korea I’m without a sewing machine (and I’m still looking for a fabric store). My favourite part is laying out the pieces to see how they should fit together! Can’t wait to see what you come up with.

  3098. I SO understand! But my teenage kids don’t quite get it, to the point where they are concerned I’m becoming a Crazy Cat Lady. You know that video circulating on YouTube with the Russian woman who has 130 cats in her house? Yeah. They think that’s what will become of me once they fly the nest.

  3099. Gorgeous quilt, Hanna! I really enjoy seeing your beautiful work, especially your daily art cards. You are so productive with your art. I wish I could be the same!

  3100. Your quilt is perfectly lovely….as is Smilla!!
    I have a collection of souvenir dishtowels that people have given me over the years and I plan (at some time in the future) to make them into a quilt. You have given me some inspiration to dig them out and see what can be done!!! Thank you …as usual a great post!!

  3101. Visst f?rst?r vi…killarna h?lsar s? gott till deras favorittjej (f?rutom sin matte d?!!!)

  3102. Hanna, I LOVE your Smilla posts. The photo of her face wrapped in her fuzzy tail…beautiful, you should print it out and frame it.

    Thank you for the wonderful post about podcasts. I too feel they have so much to offer, and I find I get really attached to certain ones. They have been a comfort to me last few weeks, being in such an unfamiliar environment and away from my craft supplies. I listen to them and it reminds me of how important and fulfilling art is in my life, and as I slowly find supplies here and there I listen to them for ideas.
    My favourite is Craftsanity. Thank you so much for the links to your favourites :)
    Have a good weekend,

  3103. A walking foot attachment will help keep the quilt from wrinkling when you sew. It has feed dogs on top. and the machine has feed dogs on the bottom so they work together to push/pull the mass of the quilt under the needle. They can be purchased or borrowed from someone with a machine like yours.

  3104. Hello from Slovakia!
    I am an avid reader of your blog … though so far have not really commented.
    Thank you very much for this entry and the podcast recommendations. :)

  3105. Hey there, stopping by via Shai’s 52WoC challenge, sounds like a great book, owning my own business is not something I personally aspire too, however maybe reading this book would change that! I’m really into arts and crafts and things like that, maybe I’ll find my niche in the market one day. All the best with your own ventures, I’ll be dropping by to see how you’re getting on :-)

  3106. thank you Hanna……I needed these words today!
    Thank you for being such a positive force in blogland and life.


  3107. Jag har en precis likadan gungstol fast om?lad…nu tror jag att jag ska ut och k?pa lite vit f?rg ;)

  3108. Oh, I’ve just about given up on trying to find any decent Podcasts, so thanks for the recommendation.

    And it looks like you have a lot to figure out. I love to see people talking like that :)

    “Thought become things” is SO true. And don’t forget to think of things in the present tense ;-)

  3109. My store carries something like your clear sleeves. Only mine are more like pass protectors. You might imagine a photo ID would be inside and then hung from a lanyard. They come in varying sizes. But I’m sure they don’t have sticky on the back. Let me know if you want me to look into them for you.

  3110. This is a cool project. I have only made paper beads by rolling triangles of paper into tubes. If you don’t feel comfortable wearing them you could use them to add a little razzmatazz on a journal spine… Just a thought.

  3111. Hi Hanna,
    Those are great! I love that they don’t require any fancy materials. The first thing I thought of when I saw them was this project I’ve been wanting to do from Purlbee:

    I always have vases of twigs around my place because they’re easy to take care of (you can’t kill them, unlike plants) and they add a spot of nature inside, and these pretty beads would be perfect instead of sewn or knitted balls!

  3112. The Caffeinated Crafter;
    only crochet in this book!

    absolutly no mystery to crocheting. My wee duck is only made with little loops going through each other in the round. Ask someone to show you and you’ll be crocheting like crazy soon! It’s a lot of fun!

    to get you started all I have to say is: get going girl! To practice painting all you have to do is start painting. It’s acrylic paint and a brush on canvas or paper!

    The background collages and other techniques you can pick up from books, but to find your own style of painting you need to try it out. Try to copy Suzi and Paulette to learn how to do it, both make excelent videos as you know, but then try to find your own style of painted girls/figures/people! I don’t own any books on painting but I do love the inspiration and tutorials that you’ll find in the magazine Paper Cloth Scissor so I recommend you to check that out!

    Good luck and let me know how it goes! Have fun too!

  3113. They really do look like candies:-)))You can use them for a mixed material collage or candle holder decoration etc.

  3114. If you don’t already have it, Lynne Perella’s Artists Journals and Sketchbooks is worth every penny. It has TONS of ideas and techniques. I never met a collage book I didn’t like, but this is a tried and true favorite.

    Oh, and on the pockets – I’ve seen them in offices I’ve worked in. Maybe try the catalogs of the big office supply stores?

  3115. Enjoy your book selection. I’ve just finished Corey Moortgat’s book – thoroughly recommend it for the ideas behind the creative process and the art itself.

  3116. Oh my goodness if you can’t be a little crazy, how are you going to stand out in the world!?!

    Love the beads, especially the turquoise ones! For a finer, less ‘chunky’ bead you can put the pulp in a blender. Not your favorite Margarita blender of course, but an older blender!

  3117. I love all the textures you’ve used on the pages. It’s so fun how you’re willing to try pretty much anything when it comes to your art and crafts. I always get inspired when I visit your blog or your Flickr.


  3118. This is amazing with layers! The colors are beautiful, too!

    I’m going to get out my bandaids tonight…

  3119. Hanna – great post! Love your process photos and the finished piece. The cork is a great stamp (you know you can carve a little something out from one side of it?) But the band-aid? Very clever. We should add that to the list of our Cheap Trick crusade from last year. Thanks for sharing your work, especially with the street team.

  3120. Too funny ! Your plaster as a stencil ! The GPP street team crusade has made us stencil crazy ! The strangest part is that it looked really good ! I love the colors in your mixed media piece. Very Perella-esque. Keep on having fun, but stay safe ! Those fingers are valuable !!!!!

  3121. Isn’t fun to just use whatever is at arm’s (or bloody finger’s) reach?! Yesterday I painted with a baby spoon.

  3122. Hanna – great journal pages and collage! The colors are lovely! And your bandage makes a nice little dot stencil! :)

  3123. Talk about art being in your blood! Scary, creative, innovative and great pages — it’s all here. How excellent!

  3124. I like your stencils… I love letters, numbers and text in art! I just stumbled on to your site and I am sure to stumble back by.


  3125. (Catching up on posts missed while away)

    Those would look great with felted beads. You could prehaps make discs instead of spheres for a less chunky look.

  3126. i feel like i went on a journey with you, a good one. :) hope your hand is ok. i’m going to grab my corks and some band aids and add them to my creative kit! thanks for the great ideas :) i just wont cut myself though.

  3127. I absolutely love what you have done. Did you use a model to copy from when making your stencils? I fancy making some too – you’ve inspired me. Pippa x

  3128. Skulle jag bara ha tid skulle jag g?rna g?ra dagliga konstkort som du g?r, men kanske n?r barnen blir lite st?rre…
    H?rlig bild med siffror! Jag gillar siffror…

    Jag ?r bara lite nyfiken…bor du i Sverige eller utomlands?

  3129. wow ~ thats so cool…all the textures and found objects as tools, very exciting to see so thanks for sharing! :)

  3130. Just looked at your previous posts and I now know how you made your stencils. I’m going to have a go too! Always love your work. Pippa x

  3131. Zentangles are addictive! Once I get started, it’s hard to stop. I make one after another after another…

    I too like doing the Daily Art Cards to try new techniques (except for this month since I’m doing my Inspirational Deck.)

    Have a wonderful weekend. I’m having a craft day tomorrow with my mom and my friend Ceecee!


  3132. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.

    I LOVE your black and doodles, something I always find myself doing on edges of paper. Working in 10×10 cm is a great suggestion, can give one a great sense of accomplishment.

    Nice creative space you have here.


  3133. Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog! Your watercolors are awesome and I love the way you doodled over them. I’m off to check out Zentangles, you make them sound so cool!

  3134. wow Hanna, thank you for being you…this is beautiful..I love the look of watercolor, and you make it look so fun. The same thing that Jude does with cloth, very liberating…and the zentangle..I love to doodle,,,had never thought of it as meditation,,but it IS! Now I can tell my mom that I am meditating every day for at least 20 minutes!!
    Hope your weekend is a grand one..thank you so much for sharing your brand of creativity with the rest of us.

  3135. I love this idea, I’m going to show it to my hubby. He’s already made a ‘dry’ pond with slate chips and lily pads he made from sheet metal.

  3136. I landed here through stumbleupon. I’m also on etsy and make switch plates. I use a pencil eraser the same way you use the cork. I love the primitive look you get with it. Great blog, I’ll visit often!

  3137. Thank you for letting me know flickriver! I have never heard of it and I am not exploring flickr as much as I wish I did, because it is a great medium, but I am glad that I discovered this way of watching pictures!

  3138. I absolutely love the antique nature of these buys. Stumbled across your blog whilst searching for places looking to sell antiques. I have to say, the buys on this page are excellent and look like they each carry with them years of history in themselves, regardless of the value of the items. Its an absolute antique treasure.

  3139. I cut with a knife too, and I would have got fed up of cutting those little words :)

    I love the bird, and I like the way you have flipped it over to use it facing both ways….

  3140. Haha har de ett namn? :) S?na b?rjade jag klottra n?r jag pluggade till Frankriket och hade daglig tillg?ng till reservoarpenna. Den bl?a bl?ckf?rgen ?r fin, och linjerna blir ?nnu h?rligare att dra.

  3141. I came here by way of Leah @ Create Everyday. This is so cool! Love the colores esp the one dark design that looks like a piece of fabric or perhaps wrapping paper – it’s rather feminine looking. The band aid is like a blessing in desguise. Love it when that happens.

  3142. I just love the wet paper watercolour you created here! The softness of the colours and the way they bleed one into another, unconstrained by the drawn lines, is a thing of beauty. I love it :)

  3143. They’re so cute! I’d probably end up with a mess in my hands, so I’ll content myself with the pics of that cute turquoise necklace.

  3144. Zentangles is a great name, thanks for pointing out that link – I’ve been doing those since I was a kid, I just didn’t know there was a name for them:) I usually colour parts of mine in with the pen.

  3145. Your cat looks like an incarnation f my stepmom’s cat, Ginny. He (yes, he) was a little oranger, but had the same moustache and beard/Errol Flynn look. He was 20 when he died, but he lived a good life.

  3146. Have you every read Ann of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery? Dd went and bought the movie with Megan Follows starring as Anne. She rented Anne of Avonlea. I picked up Anne of Green Gables The Continuing Story at the Library and watched it.

    Is your birthday passed? Did I miss it? If so Happy Belated Birthday! I’ll play a tune on my Violin and Mandolin in Honor of your Birthday too!

    God Bless Your Creative Life!!!

  3147. Happy birthday! *^v^*
    I’ve just joined the local library and rented “The Time traveler?s wife” you recommended, I’m going to start reading it soon. Have you read “The Shadow of the Wind” by Carlos Ruiz Zafon? It’s a great book, I’ve just finished it and I’m enchanted with the story.

  3148. First: thank you for sharing your creativity!

    On my reading list for the summer are, among others, Olav Duun and Knut Hamsun (Norwegian classics), “Skyskrapertrilogien” by Tove Nilsen, “Jerusalem” by Selma Lagerl?f, any book by John Irving… I’ve been into Scandinavian litterature lately, and have sooo many books on my list… It’s a good thing to be a teacher with a nice summer vacation… :p

  3149. Here’s a romance that brought tears to my eyes. What a love story: The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. WUAHHH

  3150. Hi Hannah– Love the patina of the wood in the photo and the imagery of your day in the yard. I’m so glad you opened the floor for book suggestions as I’m in need of some good fiction lately.

  3151. Ooh! Flassie, I agree. I loved the Anne of Green Gables books as a child and have been lately wanting to re-read them. And Scrowlscrowl, I read the Pearl as a child too. A wonderful quick read.

  3152. Oooh The Time Traveler’s Wife is LOVELY. That’s a very good read!

    I highly recommend:
    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
    Sloppy Firsts by Megan McCafferty
    Veronika Decides to Die by Paulo Coelho

    Great summer reading. ;)

  3153. So when are you publishing your second book Hanna?

    My reading tips are:
    To a God Unknown (John Steinbeck)
    Hiam (Eva Sallis)
    Beowulf, with footnotes!
    Mrs Dalloway (Woolf) + The Hours (Cunningham)

    I’m going to read House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, which I believe is great but I can’t really say yet.


  3154. Have you read I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith? I love it. If you have and enjoyed it then maybe The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets by Eva Rice would appeal – it had a similar feel to me. Have you seen Great book swap site.

  3155. Hej!
    Tack sn?lla f?r bes?ket hos mig!
    Jod? jag har gjort tv?larna sj?lv, tycker det ?r mysigt att ha dem framme, f?r de ?r b?de fina att se p? och luktar gott :)
    Vilken h?rlig blogg du har..har tittat bak?t bland inl?ggen, skall kolla lite mer t?nkte jag :)

  3156. Congrats on your 4th year of blogging!

    1) I live in Montreal, Canada. A city full of culture and inspiration. As for the “work with” question… if you mean actual work, then I’m a childcare provider (I work in a school with kids between 8 and 10 years of age but I’m not a teacher.) If you mean what type of art or craft do I work with… then I’d have to say mostly paint, pens/markers of all kinds, paper, glue.

    2) My favourite subjects of yours… hmmm tough question. Obvisouly, I love when you write about your art but I also like your posts on trifting.

    3) And finally, my life’s passion… ART art ART… creating, seeing, appreciating it… what/who inspires me… too many things to start listing… nature, my friends, colours, textures, artists who love their art, kids, animals… There are so many inspiring blogs and books out there that sometimes, I spend a whole weekend’s afternoon on the computer doing nothing else!

    Sophie (and Diesel, my purring furry baby!)

  3157. Happy bloggiversary! *^v^*
    1. I live in Poland and I am a housewife by choice and a mixed-media artist by passion.
    2. I love reading about your journaling (constant inspiration) and your quilting (because I don’t do this myself so I love seeing it on other blogs ^^).
    3. My passions are: knitting, painting and medieval crafts. I’m inspired by many people (you, for example! ^^), among others: Suzi Blu, Violette (, Sharon (, Tascha (, and many more.

  3158. 1) Where do you live and what do you work with?

    I live in the seaside town of Weston-super-Mare, near Bristol in the UK. I create and curate- I use all sorts of things for my own work, and find all sorts of artists for the exhibitions i’ve curated.

    2) What are the subjects in my blog you like best? (I write about a lot of different stuff)

    I like the day to day insight into someone elses life- it’s nice to see how creative people live their lives.

    3) What is your life?s passion and what / who inspires you? (except me)! ;-)

    My life’s passion is probably the pursuit of sleep- as much and as often as I can get it! I think I am happiest when I am curating exhibitions, pulling togther artists and artwork and letting new audiences experience it. I find my friends inspirational (in particular my friend Ally ( ) and Alys ( I am collaborating with Edith Abeyta at the moment and she has blown me away with some of her work. (

  3159. I second all the recommendations for Steinbeck- he’s one of my favourite authors of all time- I love his book ‘Travels with Charley’ where he journeys around the US with his dog, kind of like an early Bill Bryson.

    I always return to the childrens books by Laura Ingalls Wilder when I am feeling in need for some cozy reading.

    Any book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Angela Carter or Kurt Vonnegut will keep me happy!

  3160. Yaaaaaay! Happy Blog Birthday! For your Question #2, I’ll say that I love the fact that you write about all kinds of different things on your blog. I’m always getting new inspirations from the things you share. I can’t choose a favorite!

    I look forward to years five, six, and beyond… :-)

  3161. Wow, I didn’t even know what a blog was four years ago! Happy blogiversary :)

    1) Where do you live and what do you work with?
    I live in Arlington, Texas & I am a graphic designer at an advertising company. Hopefully one day Funky Finds will be my full-time gig!

    2) What are the subjects in my blog you like best? Crafty projects

    3) What is your life?s passion and what / who inspires you? I love promoting creative & talented people who inspire me daily. My fiance, Joe, also inspires me constantly. He’s always in a good mood & gung ho about anything & everything!

  3162. hello,

    I am french mother, I have one children two old years and I search pattern mini moopy to macking toys for my baby. Thanks very much for yours reponses.

    Bye bye, Yamina.

  3163. Thanks for your lovely comments!

    sanchez; the pattern is now for sale at Carly’s blog here – it’s a great pattern!

    Good luck with the sewing!

  3164. happy blog bday!

    1) Where do you live and what do you work with? I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am a software developer who likes to get away from the computer sometimes and scrapbook, sew, read and write.

    2) What are the subjects in my blog you like best? I’m new around here but I really like your photographs and different craft ideas

    3) What is your life?s passion and what / who inspires you? all aspects of art are my passion: music, drawing, body art, fashion, poetry, digital illustration and web design. i find new inspiration everyday.

  3165. 1) I live in San Francisco one of the most beautiful and progressive cities in the world. And I also know that I was very lucky to have been born and raised in such a place and try never to take it for granted!

    2) I am an environmental scientist for the State of California and love my job! I feel most days I can make a difference in the world through my career and get to travel extensively in California as well.

    3) My family and friends, the beauty and diversity of California, the everyday people I meet are what inspire me the most in my art. And yes, reading blogs like yours is the “icing on the cake”!

    Happy 4th blogging birthay, Hanna!

  3166. Happy Blogday!!! WOW! Four years…..Congratulations!

    1. I live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia and I’m an Artist and full-time Carer. I have a home-based studio where I teach a couple of art classes a week and the rest of the studio time is all mine!

    2. I only discovered your blog in recent months and I enjoy the projects you post about but I love that your blog is full of variety.

    3. My life’s passion would be my family and my art. I am inspired by too many things to list here but I will say that the Blogosphere has opened up a whole new world of inspiration for me in fine art and mixed media. LOVE it all!

  3167. Hej Hanna – happy birthday :o)!!!

    1. USA
    2. I like reading all of your blog posts… I know that’s not really constuctive, but they’re all good. I like reading your posts on creativity and I really like it how you share your resources and links that you find helpful. I really like reading about the creative lifestyle you live.
    3. My passions are making things, reading, taking pictures, and running. My family inspires me, as do a whole bunch of crafty bloggers…you’re one of them!! Books are also good sources of inspiration.

    Have you heard of the website ? It’s a great way to track what you’re reading/have read/want to read. I love it!!! I would recommend that you read A Year In Provence by Peter Mayle. It’s a super funny one :o)

    Take care & have a lovely day!!!

  3168. Happy 4th birthday, iHanna’s blog! :)

    1) Where do you live and what do you work with?
    I live in Manila, Philippines. :) I work in the advertising industry but in June, I’m moving to the media industry. I’m so excited!

    2) What are the subjects in my blog you like best? (I write about a lot of different stuff)
    I love reading about your creations! I particularly enjoy taking us through the different steps you go through to make the project come to life. The journey is always inspiring, creative and interesting.

    3) What is your life?s passion and what / who inspires you? (except me)! ;-)
    My life’s passion is writing. My husband inspires me a lot, as well as nature, my own experiences and other people’s stories. :)

    Time to celebrate!

  3169. Hi Hanna! Happy Blog Birthday :)

    1) I live in Halifax, Canada, however right now I’m in Daegu, South Korea. I’m an art school graduate, and right now I’m here teaching English. I still don’t know what I want to do with my life…just that I want it to be creative. I have worked in art galleries and as a furniture finisher in the past, which was fun. I also have a degree in Psychology and worked with disabled people for a while.

    2) My favourite posts of your are the ones where you show us your workspace, or a work in progress, where we can see all of your materials–very inspiring. My other favourite posts are Smilla posts :)

    3) My passion is to make things. I love projects, and making things out of nothing. I also love to tinker around the house and try to spruce it up with my creations and thrift store finds. I love animals, particularly pigeons.

    4) Books I have read that have stuck with me, include:
    -In the shadow of Man by Jane Goodall
    -Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
    -The Water Method Man by John Irving
    -The Red Tent by Anita Diamant
    -Misery by Stephen King
    -What is The What by Dave Egers
    -Vive Le Vegan by Dreena Burton (cookbook! I love cookbooks :)

    I look forward to many more posts. Your positivity is such an inspiration.

  3170. 4 years wow! Congratulations


    1) Where do you live and what do you work with?
    I live in Oxford, England and work in academic publishing.

    2) What are the subjects in my blog you like best? (I write about a lot of different stuff)
    I love the variety. I mainly knit so I really enjoy those posts but I love seeing all the crafty stuff you get up to.

    3) What is your life?s passion and what / who inspires you? (except me)! ;-)
    Making is definitely my passion – whatever medium a FO gives me excitement and feelings of achievement. The craft blogging community is definitely my biggest inspiration – wonderful to see what ‘real’ people do.

  3171. Happy birthday to your blog. That’s fantastic. I will answer your questions but will probably make a blog entry out of it and link to this entry. Hope that’s ok with you. Congrats on reaching a very cool milestone. ;-)

  3172. My current crime addiction is Henning Mankell’s Kurt Wallender series. Also like Anita Shreve. Have recently read Anne Enright’s The Gathering, and John Banville’s The Sea.

    The music book looks absolutely wonderful, what a great find.

  3173. Joyeux anniversaire !!

    My blog turned out one just recently… I guess I missed the blog train, although I have a website for 10 yrs.
    1) I live in France, am a quilt/knit/craft shop owner, designer/writer pfff ! and wife, mother of 3, etc…
    2) what I love is the variety, and the list of links you give in your posts, I even bought your book, am currently reading it when we have sun in my garden, I love it, gives me inspiration
    3) creation ! I NEED to create/make something each day or the day seem wasted !

  3174. 1) Where do you live and what do you work with?
    I live in southern Ohio. I am a full-time art education major. When I’m not at school, I Etsy…

    2) What are the subjects in my blog you like best? (I write about a lot of different stuff)
    I like seeing your artsy stuff and photos.

    3) What is your life?s passion and what / who inspires you? (except me)! ;-)
    I want to one day be someone’s inspiration… and I’m inspired by those who do what their heart tells them.

    Currently reading lots of how-to books on knitting. :D

  3175. wow, thats a lot of blogging! congratulations!, in answer to your questions…

    1. i live in an area called rutland, (but am originally from near liverpool) in the uk, i used to work for a company called coats crafts uk designing cross stitch and all sorts of other needlecraft kits, but left when we moved. am now at home with the kids but doing some freelance deigning for myself and others. i work mainly with fabric, felt, embroidery thread and buttons.

    2. i was very intrigued by the book you put together, that is how i came across your blog, when i listened to your ‘craftypod’ interview.

    3. making softies is most definitely my passion, it’s not what i do all the time as it’s just not practical or commercial to do so. i find trawling second hand shops and markets hugely inspiring as i love finding old clothing and textiles in fabric i can reuse

  3176. 1) I live in Carinthia, Austria. I teach business english to adults, am married and have three sons (16,14 and 12yrs.) and in my free time I love to work with fabrics and garns.
    2)I love your photography and little glimpses into young, swedish life. All your entries on sewing and decorating and all your inspiring links.
    3)I think my life?s passion is making things. I love the way different colours make me dizzy and I love making things without knowing how they are going to turn out beforehand -little adventures in craft that are unique because I made them.

  3177. I loved The Time Traveller?s Wife too. I am reading If You Could See Me Now by Cecilia Aher and on my bookshelf waiting to be read are Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones and Life Of Pi by Yann Martel.

  3178. This is the first I’ve been to your blog. I’m so glad I’ve found you! Your blog is very inspiring and so fun to read. I love your collages!

  3179. Happy fourth blog-birthday!

    I live in a little town in Southern California.
    At the moment I’m immersed in working in dirt, gardening – but when I’m ‘arting,’ I work with everything I can get ny hands on, from watercolor to mixed media – though my first love is drawing, and it always seems to come back to that…
    I enjoy seeing your art and crafts, your living and work spaces with your WIP – and the finished art too, of course – and your kitty :-)
    Books – I just saw you were reading The Time Traveler’s Wife – I loved that. I haven’t been in much of a fiction mood lately, mostly reading non-fiction – You Can Heal Your Life (Louise L. Hay), and also, A New Earth (Eckhart Tolle) – but when I have been in the mood for fiction, I have been reading snippets of Fool On the Hill.

  3180. Maine, USA A small college town. I am mostly, usually, unemployed but right now I’m working a temp job at a garden center.

    I am an artist working in watercolor, collage and fabric. I love when you make something, like the Valentines, that get me excited to try to make them –and they came out so cute. I also carved an alphabet of stamps out of erasers. Thank You for those two great ideas.

    I am an intuitive artist. Stuff just comes to me and my art works best when I don’t try too hard or think too much. I ALWAYS think too much!!!

  3181. Congrats!

    1. I live in Springfield, VA, just outside of Washington, D.C.

    2. I love your blog period! I really enjoy the photos and the crafts “in progress.”

    3. My life’s passions are my visual journals, and all of my art! Include also; teaching, reading, and most of all, my family.

  3182. happy bloggyversary :)

    1. i live in edmonton, alberta, canada and i work with stones and metal, paint and tissue, light and cameras, ink and paper.
    2. i love your passion, the way you write about your crafts and art and the way you photograph your projects and the way your love of art dances off your words and images with such style :)
    3. my life’s passion is writing and photography, light and ink :)

  3183. Happpy birthday!!

    You know where I live. Ume?

    I like everything you write because it’s you that has written it!

    Everything inspires. Life itself and all beauty there is. You know that I like woodwork a little more than everything else that I work and create with.

    Love you!

  3184. 1) I live in northern Alabama and I am a collage and mixed media artist and graphic designer.

    2) What are the subjects in my blog you like best? I enjoy your blog because it gives me a glimpse into your life with your art, your kitty and mom. I love your bright colors in your art and the fact that you are so passionate about everything.

    3) What is your life?s passion and what / who inspires you? (except me)! Yes, you do inspire me. Also nature, other artists, blogs, TV, watching people, my fur babies and just about everything else in life inspires me to want to create. I’d have to say that my life’s passion is my family, my dogs, my friends and trying to live an artistic, productive life.

  3185. Happy blogday!
    1.I live in Kent in the UK, I’m a stay-at-home mum and I have just recently started knitting and sewing (& blogging!). So far have just knitted scarves and sewn bags, but hoping to spread my wings a little!
    2. I too enjoy all the subjects in your blog. I think the amount of variety is what makes it so interesting.
    3. My lifes passion – I would have to say my two gorgeous sons! Inspiration – again, my kids, colour, nature, and all you amazing people out there in blogland!
    PS. I also loved The Time Travellers Wife – I just hope the movie is as good.

  3186. 1) I live in rural West Virginia (US). I’m an entomologist by training and inclination, but I’ve made my living teaching and researching molecular genetics of microbes. I write and take pictures, play music, knit, spin, and do all sorts of sewing. If it’s fabric, I have to try it!

    2) I love your enthusiasm for all the things you do, and I admire your willingness to try many different things.

    3) My inspirations are nature, fiber, and all the amazing things that other people do. Trying new things keeps me excited about life.

  3187. hello iHanna, happy blogversary!

    1. i am from general santos city, in the southernmost part of the philippines. i recently quit my job as a banker to join my husband in dublin, ireland.

    2. i love to read all your posts, and especially likes your cat’s pictures. i love cats!

    3. i love snail mails, and sewing and dabbling on some crafty projects every now and then. i get inspired reading craft blogs online, japanese craft magazines, beautiful fabrics, at home on a rainy day among many things.

    thank you for asking, i’ve been lurking here for a while now! :-)

  3188. 1) Auckland, New Zealand – I sew, garden and make jewellery. I’m trying to find my artistic side, I know it’s in there somewhere!

    2) Would have to be your art cards – they’re awesome, and of course the craft. But it’s all good.

    3) Passion is learning new things. My inspiration would have to be my daughter.

    Book I’m reading at the moment: Creative journal writing : the art and heart of reflection / Stephanie Dowrick.


    1)I’m a german gal living in New Zealand and work in counselling.

    2)I like the variety of subjects and the combination of top notch photography. Regarding our little exchange about the subject of envy: I WANT your camera and wish I would be as creative as you are. I also like that you allow us to have a peek into your creative day to day life. I also like the reports and photos of your cute cat Smilla.

    3)My life’s passion is Philosophy, Positive Psychology and not forgetting to have fun in life. I get inspiration from people who went through tough times and still manage to enjoy life. People who fight for their values and fairness in society.

  3190. I live in California. I love reading about new projects and ideas and I am inspired by a lot of other blogger artists. Happy Birthday!

  3191. Hi! Happy blog-birthday. I visit your blog for the first time and it?s very beautiful. I?m living in Germany.

    Have a nice day!

  3192. Hey there!

    I’m from Connecticut, USA….and just started reading iHanna a few months ago. I was looking for inspiration before I began my first crocheted blanket, which was an awesome project to take on) So I like the yarn stuff, because I’m still new to it. And posts that are about making new things/new looks out of old stuff, like renovating a living room chair. And both you/your moms quilted things are awesome, because they are so original and non-traditional.

    Personally, I love/enjoy coming into a space and making it better by arranging, adding, and removing furniture, paint, and artwork. I like making, and finding (and buying–i do have some guilty shopping habits) things for my living space, wherever it might happen to be. So interior design is my big thing, even though I’m graduating this semester with a degree in Fine Arts/painting.

    As far as books I’ve read recently, “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien was good, a war story, but much more personal than most military things–usually i don’t go for that stuff. Also, “Atonement” by Ian McEwan (i might have spelled that wrong)

    Anyways, keep up the good work!

  3193. Happy blog birthday! I’m de-lurking to answer your questions…

    1. I live in San Francisco, California and work on a NASA project developing an airborne observatory for infrared astronomy. My degree has nothing to do with science, so I help with project management and organizational type things.

    2. There are so many things I love about your blog! I love seeing all of your clever crafts, and I also love your photos of flowers and things you’ve found that inspire you. One of my favorite posts was about your grandmother — I thought it was absolutely beautiful.

    3. Right now I am passionate about knitting and sewing — I am inspired by the past, by my family, and by various cultures (especially Sweden, where both sides of my family came from a few generations ago).

    Thanks for your wonderful blog!

  3194. Great work! I have been working on a Poetry In Stitches cardigan for my daughter for over a year, and just finished knitting it today! I share your tiredness! The only thing keeping me going is the hope that it will still fit my sweater next winter! I appreciate your notes about assembly, because I am dreading cutting into this work after the time it took to complete! Congratulations on finishing your project and keep your fingers crossed for mine!

  3195. Congratulations!

    1) I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and I work as a web programmer.

    2) I love your posts about creativity.

    3) I am passionate about making things with my own two hands. I find inspiration all around me.

  3196. How nice to have a reader from Slovakia! Hi, and thanks for commenting for the first time, it takes a bit to get used to it but comments make me smile so feel free to write any time!

  3197. Hej Hanna!
    Jag bor i Pite? i Sverige och arbetar som hantverkare.

    Jag l?ser helst om kreativa saker som kan inspirera mig till andra kreativa saker.

    Passionen i mitt liv ?r just Livet! Att leva h?r och nu. Sv?rt, men jag f?rs?ker varje dag att komma ih?g det.

    Just nu l?ser jag Kicki & Lasse av Peter Kihlg?rd

  3198. I live in portland, oregon USA who has been an indie shop owner – turnded electrician! I work with music, words, yarn, and fabric.
    I like to read about what goes on in your life…how life there is different from here….
    I am inspired by my family, friends, and nature. My passions are many, and include fiber arts, knitting, reading, gardening, and dreaming.
    thanks ihanna!

  3199. Happy blog birthday, Hanna! Love love love what you do in your blog. So, very well done. Thanks again for participating in 52WoC. And, I’m so pleased to see the turnout for your getting to know you post. Great job!

    Here’s my response:

    1) Where do you live and what do you work with? Adelaide, Australia. Work with b5media.

    2) What are the subjects in my blog you like best? (I write about a lot of different stuff)

    Love all your creative ideas posts. Tutorials are great too! Some stories from your personal life are also charming.

    3) What is your life?s passion and what / who inspires you? (except me)! ;-)

    Art. Creativity. Writing. Making things. Love. My kids & husband. :-)

  3200. Happy blogoversery and hope to be here on your 5th anniversary!
    1) I am from Romania, I live in Holland, and I like to make all kind of crafts, quilts and scrapbook (sometime with my little angel Miriam)
    2) I like the crafts ideas first of all, but you are in my bloglines so I keep an eye on everything you do:)
    3) My passion is my family, and I am working on making life my passion. Inspiration? To difficult to say…

  3201. How about unraveling the cast on edge, and knitting it a bit longer? or cutting it (I know – yikes!) above the ribbing, knitting a few more stripes, and then grafting it together? Both ways would give you a longer sweater.
    Thanks for dropping by, and thank for the comment!

  3202. Happy birthday!
    1) I live in Kalmar, Sweden, and I’m studying to be an optician.

    2) I love reading about your knittng, sewing and crafting, but also your photos and your cat Smilla.

    3) Right now school takes up most of my time, but I love knitting, sewing, photography, trying new crafty stuff, making things up and writing short fairy tales. Inspiration comes and goes, but I get a lot from my sister and travelling, and of course the wonderful world of the world wide web.

  3203. It’s beautiful and so you! I agree with Malin about adding a few inches to the bottom. I think that a few more hours of work will make the dozen hours you already put in worth it in the long run. It may make the difference between a sweater you’re ok with and one you wear for years. I love the sleeves.

  3204. I just started reading Heart of Darkness, the book on which Francis Ford Coppola based the film Apocalypse Now on. I loved the movie, so I hope I like the book to.

    Otherwise I would recommend:
    Bonjour Tristesse by Francoise Sagan
    Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
    The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon
    Ett Nytt Land Utanf?r Mitt F?nster by Theodor Kalifatides


  3205. Pink and red, why, oh why, I still haven’t knitted anything in that colour combination?!… *^v^* Your sweater looks great, I like the long ribbed cuffs, well done!

  3206. Hi Hanna,
    Just try cutting with a xacto blade–#11. You may like the results better than using those tools–less crumbs! It’s loads of fun–yes?!

  3207. Hurray!!

    1. I live in Stockholm and work at a newspaper as a editor (redigerare s? p? eng?).

    2. I love your posts about your visual journal and your posts about changing thrift-founds! You make so many beautiful things.
    3. My life’s passion.. small question. I love art, I love writing, I love creativity, I love home furnishing, I love color. In one word? Creativity in all it shapes.

    I hope to read a lot more of you!

  3208. Looks good! Hopefully you can make it longer like Malin said… (I don’t know much about knitting but what she said sure sounds great! lol)

  3209. Happy Blog Birthday, Hanna!

    1. I’m a blogger, dancer, former engineer, and mum of 2 in Winnipeg, Canada.

    2. When I’ve popped in, I really enjoy your photos the most.

    3. My life’s passions are my family, my blog, my friends, my home, … I guess, my life :) And my inspiration comes from everything and everyone that touches my life.

    Great site!

  3210. It sounds like you have had soooo much fun! Your number stencils are great and your pages look Fab! I love the colours. How funny, and fantastic, is it that we look at every day items and find ways to use them in our art….love the plaster stencilling!

  3211. Hanna, this is sooooo cute :o) I love it. It looks adorable on you. Maybe as you wear it a little bit more it will stretch out a bit?! I hope so :o) It’s nice. I like it.

  3212. Feliz Cumpleanos!

    1) I live in New York City and I work with pretty much whatever strikes my fancy.

    2) I really enjoy your posts on paper crafts,quilting, and thrifting.

    3) My life’s passion? Wow! I guess I would have to say making the world beautiful for my loved ones and it is my loved ones and the world in which I live that inspire me.

  3213. A belated Happy Blogaversary, Hanna! I picked a rose for you – your favorite color, too!

    1)I live in McKinney, Texas, and I work on a computer retouching images in Photoshop.

    2)I especially like your collages and your home decorating projects.

    3)I think my life’s passion must be fixing my house, experimenting with making art, photography, and historical explorations. I always seem to have a variety of projects “in progress”. I want to enjoy the journey that is life!

  3214. OOh, JUGGLING BALLS!! :-)

    They are lovely – I love your fabric choices. These remind me of a book I had as a kid, about patchwork toys. I wish I’d kept it – and I wish I could find one online now!


    I have lots of fun fabrics and could start early to learn how to do fabricky stuff!

    So cute.

  3216. Hanna, I am SUCH a loser! I missed your blogversary !! Happy Happy!

    I live in California, and I love everything you write about and all the photos you show us and the great tutorials. Your blog is a very inspiring place to be. I love your enthusiasm, and Smilla.

    I think my life’s passion is learning. Just about everything interests me, I’m curious and I try to teach myself whatever I can.

    Thank you for being here!

  3217. I adore these balls! They remind me of Christmas ornaments my mother used to make when I was a little girl.

    Great photo of the ball in mid air!


  3218. Hanna, happy blogiversary! We are all lucky to have your blog to read, so thank you a zillion times over.

    1) Where do you live and what do you work with?

    I live in Chesapeake, Virginia, in the eastern U.S., but I’m really from the West Coast. I mainly work with India ink and watercolor (hence my Etsy shop name, paintandink), but I also play with acrylics and markers and colored pencils and make a lot of collages just for me.

    2) What are the subjects in my blog you like best? (I write about a lot of different stuff)

    I really love all your subjects, because I love the way you don’t hesitate to try something new, and you fill your life with color; I identify most with your journaling posts, but your other subjects inspire me to explore new media.

    3) What is your life?s passion and what / who inspires you? (except me)! ;-)

    My life’s passions are the people I love (especially my husband), living a full and rich life, writing and painting, and I am inspired by all the things I’ve experienced in my life, the places I’ve gone, the things I’ve seen. And I’m driven by an innate sense of wonder, possibility and curiosity.

  3219. James Conrad….very dark stuff.

    “Loitering with Intent” by Muriel Spark is my latest completed read. Humorous & mysterious, it gives a bit of insight into the writer’s creative process. Did the heroine steal her characters from real life or did the characters steal their lives from her novel?

    I also enjoyed “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime” a few years back and more recently “I Had Brain Surgery, What’s Your Excuse?” (What is it with me and altered brains?)

  3220. Alison, just ordinary stuffing from the fabric shop; it’s white and look like cotton but it’s not organic. I use it for all softies and now balls! :-)

  3221. Hi
    I`ve also made these balls, and have also fallen in love with them. And as you, surprised that I actually loved making them. I stopped at two.. Great balls and great fabric.

  3222. Oh, goodness! I am so tickled that you linked to my moleskine!!! Doing a little happy dance here!

  3223. Hej Hanna, I love it how you wrote “There are 245 days remaining until the end of the year – please, let’s all take good care of those!” It really hit me, and it’s always good to be reminded that every second, every day, is precious. Thanks :o)

  3224. Those little balls are so cute! If you made a tutorial, I’d definitely use it to make some of my own.

    Though I’ve never been able to knit, I’m finding a love for handsewing lately, and for exactly the same reasons you describe. Although for me the time to kill is while I’m watching my daughter play at the park or swimming pool.

  3225. I live in Vancouver Canada.
    I love the variety of topics you cover in your blog, and the photos that accompany your posts. There is always something inspiring to read!
    My passion is to express myself in different ways, either with crochet, photography, painting or drawing. I also love to travel!

    Happy Blogging Anniversary!


  3226. Hey Hanna, thanks for the too links about note/sketchbooks (the one of the Pearce Sisters, and Book by its cover), i am a little obsessed with other’s sketchbooks and am always happy when I find other websites about that.. or books or anything. If you hadn’t seen it yet, you should check out the book of Jenifer New called “Drawing from life: the journal as art” it’s amazingly interesting..
    Anyway, love your blog, your pictures are absolutly beautiful and your posts so full of joie de vivre (means.. wonder, joy..)
    Thanks :)

  3227. Thank you for sharing your stencil experience. I love that your journal pages feel so much like spring!

  3228. ooh ooh ooh. it looks like you did them on the machine the stiches are so tight. i would love a tutorial if you post one!

  3229. hi! i made some of these when i was a teenager, for the children i was babysitting. i mostly machine sewed though. i’ve been thinking about them lately, i have a lot of baby presents to make… i used to put a small bell into the centre. if you make them with different fabric textures and patterns, like corduroy, cotton, linen, velvet; dots, stripes, solids… they keep babies entertained for ages!

  3230. Your flowers are a breath of spring air on this cold, rainy New England Day (only 9 degrees C !)! My tulips are growing but I seem to have so few this year – pesky squirrels I think !!! I am waiting for the lilacs to bloom – that is definitely my favorite scent of spring. Love the gardening shoes !!! So Cute !
    Happy Spring !

  3231. can’t let Ireland lag behind so here a comment from a blogger in Ireland! love you blog and belated congrats to your bloggoversary!

  3232. And there was me, me from Poland! *^v^*
    I agree with what you said about the craft community on the Internet, it gives us so much inspiration, support and homey feeling.
    Thanks for the compliment on Lupinette, I will wear it one day, when I’m a bit thinner. I can feel this process started already, when I went away from the candy shelf in a shop today empty handed! *^v^*

  3233. Oh, I am totally here for the crafty stuff. And the pictures. Very rare is the blog that can hold my attention without pictures (out of the 109 feeds in my bloglines so far, only 1 has no pictures…and even she has pictures periodically.) :p

    Oh, I’m in Australia. Though I am not from here.

  3234. I didn’t get a chance to comment last week, but congratulations :). I love your blog, I’ve found so much great stuff here about art & inspiration.

  3235. I share the same feelings about my blog. I love the craft and art blog community. I have only discovered this world in the last year. I can’t believe you have been doing your blog for 4, wow, congratulations! Your blog is very homey and inspiring. I’m off to read your about page now.

  3236. Hanna, your links are so well organized!! I’m amazed!! My links page sometimes overwhelms me when I go through it! Hope your week is off to a good start!

  3237. Hi Hanna, I just started reading your blog a few months ago. I missed your blogiversary post, so happy fifth year blogging! I’m also from the US, and I’m on my seventh year blogging – I feel like I’ve been doing this since the beginning of the internet, hahaha! Keep writing beautiful posts, Cheers, Sarah

  3238. hittade precis hit d? jag s?kte efter riktiga bilder p? den rutiga moleskin boken och blev helt glad ?ver ditt dagboksintresse! jag f?ljde embodiment ett par ?r sedan men det slutade med att alla verkade mer intresserade av att f?lja trender (? la Nylon) ?n att g?ra n?got personligt.

    sj?lv ?r jag mer n?rdig. det g?ller pappret, pennan, utf?randet och tiden. n?r, var, hur och varf?r.

  3239. The lamp is gorgeous ! Such a work of art ! It would make a beautiful statement in a room.
    Nice to hear about your great cousin to cousin relationship too ! Aren’t girlfriends the best ?
    Cheers, Kim

  3240. i love this post. i just re-discovered you and have added you to my blogroll so i don’t forget to visit more often! thanks for spreading the good stuff around :)

  3241. OMG.

    I love that.

    I mean, a deep rooted love that will eventually force me to try and make my own piece in attempts to connect that love with a real object but will only be left short when my own lamp doesn’t live up to the sheer beauty of the original.

    Really. I love that.

  3242. Love the lamp! Very cool.

    I used to say that about myself too, that I wasn’t a creative person. I said, “yeah I can draw a chair and make it look like a chair, but I am NOT creative”. haha! I really believed it too. So glad that I didn’t listen to that Inner Critic voice that kept me from doing art.

    But I agree, being creative is an everday thing. An attitude, a way of life. You don’t have to be a painter or a sculptor, etc. It’s in the perspective of how one views the world.

    Love visiting your blog. :)

  3243. I think your cousin needs to re-think. She IS creative and I very much like this lamp. I’m sure she could sell it for a good price. But I would keep it, it’s looking great.

  3244. I think it’s absolutely beautiful! It’s elegant, modern, but has a lovely cozy glow. Really great!

  3245. I totally agree with you about the crafty/blog community! I have had so much fun exploring in the last few months and find myself craving to know more. I didn’t get to comment on your blogoversary post but I am in the Utah Mountains in the US and have 4 kids that keep me pretty busy – lol. but I find that I escape with my sewing machine and online friends. Always look forward to your posts!

  3246. Hej Hanna!

    Jag f?rst?r vad du menar! Jag ?r ocks? en s?dan som tittar och tittar p? andras bilder och “Wow” h?r och d?r! Sedan samlar jag p? intryck och inspiration och g?r och g?r n?got – helt annat.F?r n?r det har “g?tt genom mig” s? ?r det n?got annat n?r det kommer ut, inte sant?
    Och jkag kan g? och “v?rka” p? saker l?nge, l?nge, sedan kommer jag ig?ng. Ibland tycker jag att jag st?r stilla ibland g?r det rasande fort. det ?r som en resa inte sant!?

  3247. hanna,
    i agree with you. i also know what i like and can i just say it is mostly all the things you mentioned; i love bold, strong colors; that is what usuallly catches my attention; texture also makes my heart sing. i love seeing pieces that are kinda abstract and pieces that integrate all the elements so cleverly. i love the look of stitching and just wish i was a bit more handy with fabric. this is a great post.

  3248. 800 is cool! Thanks for this post…I love reading about what inspires other people and checking out new links.. I am a troubled soul though.. I don’t have a list of things that inspire me or make me go wow at the moment seems that they come and go with my mood and are ever changing. Bad? I think a little bit..because if I don’t stick with one thing, I don’t think I can ever be fantastic at anything. I’m tired of being a “dabbler”..

  3249. love the color and the texture of these pieces. so latered and touchable and yummy! have you seen cat colliers quilts…amazing!

  3250. I am here from CraftyPod and soooo happy to find your blog! Your space and projects are just lovely. I would love a tut for the patchwork balls. Handwork of all kinds has long been my favorite form of relaxation, especially when the project involves happy fabric and colors.
    Thanks for sharing, Hanna.
    Suzanne G in NC

  3251. Hi Hanna:
    Your post strikes a chord with me. There are so many roads to go down and so much out there to experiment with. You mentioned polymer clay….that is something I have dabbled in ….I belong to the Canadian online PC group Clayamies…..their site is Check out the members list and their various webpages and blogs…..there is much to admire,inspire and aspire to :-). Your posts continue to give me lots to think about. Thank you so much!!

  3252. Hi darling,sorry for my delay,I only saw your comment about Frida at On-my-desk blog now and came to have a look at your site. I just can say I loved it. Your creations are full of enthusiasm and a fresh atmosphere, I`ll be a usual reade from now :)
    And about names…I do use to name some stuffs of mine. My first car`s name for example was George (cause of George Harrison),and when I sold it and bought another one I started a “dinasty”:George II,III,IV :P
    My computer in Rio is Iggy (my London`s one doesnt have a name yet,need to change it!),my mug is Cleopatra, my blog is Charlotte,etc,etc,etc ;)

  3253. Hi, I just popped over from Craftypod (uh. . . I think? I’ve been surfin’ today! :)
    If you enjoyed The Time Traveller’s Wife, I can suggest the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldan. Great reading and, although there are 6 books in series, you will be sad when the last one ends. Great for long cold winters as the main character’s lover is capable of warming the coldest afternoon. :)
    I love your blog and will be back. Thank you for sharing.
    Suzanne G in NC

  3254. Hi, Hanna- I found your website just this week and couldn’t be more thrilled! Your blog makes me go “wow”…I’m finding so much inspiration here!

    I really appreciate this particular post. Lately, I feel like I’ve been all over the place with my artwork and would like to focus on what is truly filling–or the ‘wow-factor’ (thanks for passing along that expression).

    As it turns out, I get giddy over the same art themes as you. I am familiar with a couple of the artists you’ve mentioned and I’m very excited to check out the two that are new to me.

    Thanks very much for helping me get a start in my exploration!

  3255. OMG! Den ?r ju helt undebar! Om hon b?rjar att serietillverka s? har hon en best?llare h?r! Och kreativitet finns i oss alla, de flesta vet bara inte om vilken kraft de innehar.

  3256. So good to have just read this post – thanks for such a great, positive and inspirational piece. You’ve just given me a jump-start when I really need to get back on the creative blog bandwagon. Thanks!

  3257. You have an eye for beauty – I rarely fail to say ‘wow’ when I follow one of your links! I’m in love with the work by Susan Sorell in particular, thank you for that one:)

    I’m a dabbler by nature I think – there are so many artforms I want to try, I sometimes feel I should try & slow myself down, but as it is I often barely get started with one thing before I’m racing off to try the next. One day I’ll slow down long enough to work out what I’m really drawn to…

  3258. I too want to say congratulations. Blogging is not easy for me, though I love to have blogged! Your passion and consistency is fabulous! Thanks for being there!

  3259. Hej!

    Vilket fint mosaikbord och vilket fynd p? loppmarknaden. I min k?llare ligger det mosaik och krossade kakelplattor och v?ntar p? att f? bli till ett fint bord, men de f?r v?nta ett tag till. Det finns s? mycket annat som jag vill g?ra f?rst.

    Det h?r ?r f?rsta g?ngen jag kommenterar p? din blogg, men jag har varit h?r och tjuvl?st ett tag. Jag b?rjade f?rs?ka skaka liv i min egen avsomnade kreativitet f?r tv? m?nader sedan, och din blogg var den f?rsta jag hittade n?r jag s?kte efter inspiration p? n?tet. Du har gett mig mycket att fundera ?ver och inspireras av. Tack f?r det!

  3260. Beautiful mosaic table! You are so crafty!

    You should be receiving a box in a few weeks. I don’t know exactly how long it will be since it’s by boat.


    PS I’m having a small giveaway on my blog: an altered CD.

  3261. Thanks so much for sharing these ideas and artists. I have really enjoyed Laurie Mika’s work for so long… And bold colors are a favorite for me, even if they are lighter colors, the more saturation, the better–hot hot pink and really orange orange, for example!
    When I got home from a vacation, I felt a little lost, out of touch in a weird way, with how to express with art what I had experienced, so I went to some of the great art books I have in my library and just started looking at my favorites, to get some wonderful inspiration. and of course, your book always helps me open up and allow my creative instincts to start working again.

  3262. You think it turned out “okay”? It looks faaaaaaaaaaabulous. You’re so humble. ;)

    Blues, greens and browns are my favorite colors so yey! I love it A LOT!

  3263. Hanna, you are so talented!!! Wow :o) I’m amazed. That table is beautiful. I’m so happy you’ve been enjoying the nice weather and hanging out outside… it sounds so lovely!! Take care. xox, Linnea

  3264. Ainelivia,
    thank you! My daily art cards are 10 x 10 centimeters, that is about 4×4 inches. I think it’s a great size but I might go a little bigger later this year. All are made on watercolor paper.



  3265. Wow, you actually made this amazing table? It’s really spectacular. I love all those shades of blue. It’s like the sea…

  3266. there’s something about magnolia trees that always make me want to paint. probably the gradations of colour. i’d never thought of them as being comical though. :)

  3267. I love magnolia trees – ours are all long bloomed out so it’s lovely to see your Dads and the inspiration it has given you

  3268. So glad you shared with us all the images of the beautiful magnolia. The colors are incredible! Agreed – it is all about documenting life in all it’s forms and glory.

    Just love your blog!!

  3269. What a beautiful pieces of life post ! I love magnolias so much ! I have a small two year old tree in my front yard. You can actually see how many flowers you will have in the fall when the soft furry buds form and lay dormant for the winter. This year we had a record snow fall for New Hampshire and my poor baby lost all of its buds due to the weight of the snow ! It was completely buried for most of that harsh, harsh season so no flowers for me this year! Leaves are just starting to form now so hopefully it will survive its ordeal and I will be sure to build it a winter tent for protection next year !
    Thanks for sharing your dad’s magnificient flowers with us all !

  3270. What a wonderful post. Your sketch turned out well, too. I love to see the plants and animals that populate peoples’ lives. I’ve never seen a pink magnolia and didn’t even know they could grow in colder climates. The magnolias I know are the typical “Southern” (U.S.) magnolias with white blossoms and they keep their leaves all year. The ones in my neighborhood are just starting to bloom.

  3271. Knns ju exotiskt med den blomman! Som om det vore i ett annat land…
    Roligt att bde mla och skriva om trdet/busken.

  3272. Oh, I really like your Magnolia journal page
    and the photographs! We have a couple in the
    park I walk through daily.

    God Bless Your Creative Life!!!

  3273. Don’t worry – the mind needs a break now and then. Sometimes there are more important things in life than writing a blog. It should be fun and not a strain. You’ll be back in your own time:-)

  3274. Hi Hanna,
    You know, when I think of beautiful words I think of a Canadian band called the Tragically Hip. The lead singer, Gordon Downy, is a poet. You should check them out, they’ve been around for decades (makes me feels so old!) and they have tons of albums.

  3275. I’ve been looking at all the pictures you’ve taken and wow, are they ever breathtaking. And your watercolor makes me drool. Absolutely lovely. :-)

  3276. Wow you took some amazing pictures!!! I love to learn new words too. Although I don’t always use them but it’s fun to learn the definititions

  3277. Hanna! The “blurred” photo above, of the bee is beautiful!! I hadn’t noticed the bee at first… I love how fat his little body is, with those thin little legs. You should frame this one.

  3278. That Shoshin word is something to remember when ambitions and pride threatens to push away the fun in doing something.
    Thanks for letting me know about it!

    My goal is also to become a writer!
    And I want to combine my writing with illustrating, that’s my dream.

    The pisture really is wonderful!
    The eveninglight shining through the wings of the bumble-bee… Magical!

  3279. Hi Hanna, I’m glad to see you discovering mindfulness and beginner’s mind. I may have mentioned Natalie Goldberg a while back; she talks a lot about mindfulness and writing. She has a new book out, too, that I’m hoping to read: Old Friends from Far Away. Check the related video on the page.

    My friend’s eight-year-old daughter writes wonderful little stories. I think she truly has “beginner’s mind”; she uses words in ways adults would not think about, but they work beautifully. She lately has been calling her new favorite words “juicy”; “oh, that’s such a juicy word!”

  3280. what a great post, hanna. i love beautiful words like this too. the word antevasin (between worlds) was one of my recent favorites from the book “eat, pray, love”.

  3281. I should really revisit that book. It’s been sitting on my shelf for too many months. Your papers came out beautifully.


  3282. Jag har inte boken du skriver om, men jag blir v?ldigt inspirerad av dina bilder. H?r beh?vs det mer lek med f?rgerna!
    (F?rresten, jag ?r glad att du har hittat orden igen.)

  3283. Oh my. Thanks everyone for all the beautiful comments! Maybe one day, if everything else fails, I’ll make another one!

    And as you all might understand, Hanna is a big inspiration to me when I do (ocationally) try to be creative.

    I’m the happiest on earth for having such a source of beautifulness and inspiration in my family.

    /Charlotta (the cousin who made the lamp)

  3284. Yes, lend me some sunshine, please! It’s been cold and rainy since Sunday over here, phew… I must dig out my journal and do some paint and background experimenting, I’ve been neglecting this part of me recently. ^^

  3285. He he he you look all perky. I’m sitting in the office at the moment and would rather sit there with you:-)

  3286. This looks like such a fabulous and fun project! The colors are so vibrant, and each page has its own wonderful energy. You have a very cool blog… and thanks for visiting mine :>

  3287. You do look happy! I fingerpainted with my daughter a few months ago and then used the pages to make Valentine’s cards for friends and family. It was SO much fun!

  3288. Isn’t it such fun to play! The inner child comes out to play. I’m sooo going to have to try this! Thank you.

  3289. Beautiful works just bursting with vibrant, happy color! You sure look like a happy lady in the middle of it all!

  3290. Love this post so much – I will try and adopt a shoshin habit and your last photo if fabulous for sure whether it is bokeh or not

  3291. You look so happy surrounded by those beautiful pages!

    I like your copied hand, too – I put a copy of my hand in my gluebook recently as well, oddly enough.

  3292. Ah if only it wasn’t so cold here, though mittens and an irish coffee would be suitable outside :D Great pictures and very lovely looking kitty!

  3293. very cool and cozy verandah!
    and smilla, yes, she’s very lovely. i would want to see her picture sleeping on your bed comfortable. :)

  3294. I liked how your picture turned out using the self timer. I should try that sometime. Next year I may stop over in Stockholm if I make it to Russia. My cousin lives there and I’ve always wanted to visit where my grandmother’s family lived.

  3295. Ah wow, underbart!
    Om inte klockan vore 0.33 och jag d?dstr?tt hade jag satt ig?ng att leka med f?rg jag ocks?! H?rliga bilder!

  3296. What a perfect place to create! Your pictures are lovely, and as for Smilla… I know that look only too well. I don’t know how cats manage to be so demanding just with a look. ;-)

  3297. I too get sucked into surfing instead of doing my blog or other tasks I have intended to do! I think of my best posts while lying in bed next to the kids while they are dropping off to sleep – but then I can’t write the ideas down and the are frequently lost… I adore your photographs…

  3298. I love the photos and the little peek into your life. Its always fascinating to find out how someone else lives and thinks.

  3299. Hello pretty girl!

    Remember us? The boys that came ’round your house last winter? Hope you are fine and enjoying the summer. We heard you caught a bird, good job! We only catces flies…they taste nice but are not so exciting as a bird. We only see them from our windows and balcony. How do they taste?

    Lol from Ramses and Diesel

  3300. Wow, what a bright and sunny room to sew in :o) so lovely. You look really content sitting there sewing and listening to podcasts. That’s the life! Summer dinners are the best. I can’t wait to have one and eat outside. It’s a rainy one today, however. Take care & keep creating! xox, Linnea

  3301. I love this! I’m totally addicted to broken china mosaics and now I sell broken china to fund my addiction. Check out my art at my website.

  3302. so, you were the winner of my 1000th visitor giveaway on my blog, for the collage art house. I’m just putting the finishing touches on it. What is your house number, so i can personalize it to you? You can send me a quick e-mail. I’ll post a pic on my blog when it’s done, or i can make it a surprise for you if you like.


  3303. Ooo, you have a wild beast in your yard too. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I enjoyed your comment. I’ll have fun browsing yours.

  3304. Oh, what a view! I would like to come over and have a drink right now—and I’ll bring my sewing machine too!

    Now you don’t have to hate me anymore–I came back.
    New skin and all.

  3305. OH my, what an adorable cat! I can see why you would be absolutely smitten with her. My little dog, Cody, manages to wrap me around his little paw with a similar look. He demands his food and also sleeps on my bed. Basically, he runs the household. lol

    I loved your pics and, of course….a girl definitely needs a drink when she’s busy creating. ;)

    I’m off to pour myself a glass of wine before dinner.

  3306. {squeal!!}

    i love finding new blogs
    and especially love when someone
    who’s blog i admire
    {that would be you}
    posts links to blogs that
    they like!!

    can’t wait to check ’em out!!

  3307. oh noooo! you did not just give me a dozen or more reasons to stay on the computer! ;) wonderful links…but i’ll take your advice and just bookmark this post. xx

  3308. Wow! Thanks for the link! I am glad you like my blog! I never knew you had a list of blogs and am always on the look out for new ones, thanks for sharing the link.

  3309. Well, aren’t you sweet? Hey thanks for the linky love. Somebody has already taken my old URL! How do ya like them apples?!
    I love my new space and your place is looking swell too.

  3310. it’s awesome, hanna!! i’ve been thinking about embroidery a lot lately. think i’ve gotta give it a try.

  3311. …doodling with your floss… I like that. I think I’ll try this during summer. In my opinion, you could just frame it as is and hand it on the wall. It’s beautiful without having to be anything other than what it is.


  3312. Oooo, very nice! I really love that you just went for it, no pattern. Free-style is my favorite stuff, and is incredibly therapeutic. Thanks for constant inspiration!

  3313. Beautiful and very inspiring! I’ve been working on embroidering a monogram for my daughter, but when I’m finished with it I want to try out this free form style, including all the glittering beads :)

  3314. Oh my gosh Hanna! I have never heard of freeform embroidery before and yours is so beautiful! Even though it’s free-from everything looks so perfectly laid out. You are a true artist! I guess it was meant to be! My favorite bits are the little red “stars”. So cute!

    I love that you are so crafty! =cD I don’t get to do many crafts, so I really enjoy getting to see what you’re up to!

    Love to you!

  3315. Awww! Pictures of Smilla are such a treat! She is the prettiest, fluffiest sweetest kitty I have ever seen. (I have four kitties of my own..please don’t let them know I said that, they will get so jealous!)

    Just so you both know, Smilla is worldwide. I saw a peachy colored kitty the other day and the first thing I thought was “Awww, that kitty looks a little like Hanna’s kitty Smilla!” —- I am a world away in Florida, USA! Hehe. Just so you know you are in my thoughts. You are a wonderful person. ;)

    Love to you and Smilla!

  3316. This is absolutely lovely and it looks like it was so much fun to do. I’ve only done wee bits of freeform embroidery to accent other projects, but I may have to try doing it as a project of its own after seeing yours. It *is* like doodling with floss!

  3317. This looks great! It totally looks like a little sketch… I agree with your Mum and think it would be sweet incorporated into a bag. x

  3318. I love this idea! It’s beautiful!
    I like your mom’s idea too!

    You know what I see in it is the word
    love. It look’s like an owl. The o and
    the e look like the eyes and the v looks
    like the beek and the swirls above it’s head
    remind me of ideas swirling around it’s it head.

    I read in a book that at any one moment, your
    brain is creatively performing about 400 billion
    actions. We are only conscious of around 2,000.

    In the same book I read that if we could hear the electromagnetic waves that are produced from chemicals that are produced when we think, it would sound like the most exquisite orchestral symphony.

    Your always so inspiring. I like your comment
    about the bees at Leah’s blog!

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  3319. Hanna, I removed your photos from the post, I’m so sorry about that. After I had posted them I wondered whether or not I should have asked your permission. Thanks for being so understanding about it.

  3320. If my kid took me to a flea market on mother’s day, I’d be a happy camper! I love your wool yarn. Perfect for pompom making. I don’t know how much a SEK is in US dollars but it looks like a great find!

  3321. That flea market looks so wonderful! I could spend days digging through treasure after treasure…and the lamp is awesome.

  3322. Hello Hanna. You have the most amazingly inspirational blog and I have just spent ages looking through the archives – lots more to go yet. I love your art and craft, and also your style and attitude and humour. Will put you on my blogroll to visit regularly. Keep up the lovely inspiration.

  3323. Thank you for sharing this. It’s important for us to delve deeper in our creativity. To be real and honest; to explore some of the dark and ugly things. I’m not sure this is a popular trend or idea, but it is important to give our feelings and experiences (positive and negative) a voice, or in this case a journal page!

    Reading your post, I am reminded of this passage I read in a book this morning:

    “There is a form of creativity that reaches for the stars and is sunny and bright, but there is another kind, just as fruitful, that is dark and deep, more hidden than visible, motivated sometimes by anger and envy. This deep source of the creative spirit is difficult to express in our world because we have difficulty appreciating the positive qualities of the dark emotions. But they give a person depth, strength of character, and an earthy honesty and counter any tendency toward the sentimental and the naive.” (Thomas Moore, A Life at Work).

    This is obviously something I’m passionate about! Hee hee! :)

  3324. Well, ugly is the opposite of pretty, so they both has to cooperate together somehow. It’s good that our perception of what is ugly and what is pretty is very relative! *^v^*

  3325. This is a great post. I especially agree with you’re saying that one shouldn’t worry about impressing others with our sketches; I think that is one of the worst distractions from just playing, doing and growing.

  3326. Lovely cards! I tend to have the opposite problem – I’m always reaching for the skulls & black paint, and have to remind myself occasionally it’s ok to make a ‘pretty’ page, and I like bunnies too:)

  3327. Wow, what an important posting. Your cards are great, and what you say is so important. I think I always try to make pretty, and right now I’m at a difficult/ugly time, I should try to take out my skeletons too! Thanks!

  3328. Jag har funderat en del p? just att plocka fram sina gamla skelett ur garderoben och “m?la bort dem”. Kanske kan man l?mna vissa otrevliga tankar/minnen om de finns p? papper, bearbetade? Jag vet inte vad som fungerar b?st. Den senaste tiden har jag ist?llet jobbat i motsatt riktning. Jag tror mycket p? tankens kraft och har f?rs?kt m?la och omge mig med positiva bilder, f?r att p? s? s?tt t?nka positiva tankar. I vanliga falls dras jag l?tt till det dystra och negativa och det vill jag ?ndra p?. Jag vill vara en GLAD konstn?r!

    Jag hoppas det ?r ok att jag skriver p? svenska. Det ?r l?ttare att uttrycka sig d? men jag kan skriva p? engelska om du f?redrar det (med risk f?r vissa felskrivningar!). S?g bara till.

  3329. How true. I just got done reading 100 Demons by Lynda Barry. It is not beautiful, but so real and transparent.

  3330. I absolutely love your blue mosaic table! You’ve inspired me to try something like that for my “cozy corner of the deck” also! Thanks so much for sharing!

  3331. Girls, thanks for your lovely comments!

    Thank you for the quote, I think it is so true and I’m passioned about this subject too. I guess it is a take on art. Are you making the world pretty or discovering the world with your art? I’m all about the later! :-)

    in this post I was not talking about ugly as the opposite of pretty, but more about the ugly as the bad, horrible, scary and dark in our life and inside our brain. The opposite to that kind of ugly is something calm and happy I guess. I was talking about how to let those feeling out in our art in any way that is meaningful to you.

    Totally, if you feel that you will share every page of your art journal, how can it then be a journal, that’s what I think. It will be something else, something official or you are one brave girl! :-)

    Haha, is it a problem really? I think what I was saying is that I think more of use could not only explore the “darker sides” but that we need to see more of this kind of art now! Maybe I’m tired of the butterflies? I think it’s great that you have found imagery that you like to play with!

    Elin, it’s fine writing in Swedish to me, I’m just so happy that you take the time to comment and share your thoughts! Thank you! Jag tror p? balans. Ibland beh?ver man t?nka positivt och g? fram?t, ibland beh?ver man t?nka ?ver det som ?r jobbigt och bearbeta det b?de i prat, text och bild. Allt har sin tid.

  3332. That Flea Market looks delightful! I thought it was cute to see that a Flea Market half way around the world would have the same banana boxes as one here in Canada would! Love the lamp! If it were me I would have bought it anyways and threw out something else to make room for it! Thanks for sharing your Mother’s Day with us!

  3333. Thanks for that post, Hanna. It is very nice that you are encouraging people to be real, and I find that you life this out as well… your creations are always very real, and I feel that you strive to make your life and crafts reflect your feelings. I think that this rawness is a big part of art, and how it can be so restorative. Art has helped me the most when I have created pictures of what I felt inside me.. and often it was not pretty, but it was my expression, and it helped me more than I can say. Thanks Hanna :o)

  3334. That is so funny! I don’t knit, but I can crochet…I should try this. It is so mischievous and I would love to see people’s reactions as they pass by. You may need to go under cover and snap a few photos.

  3335. Love the idea but I’m still a bit too scared to do it… I’ve only recently started writing words on rocks and leaving them around town. I love guerilla art but lack the confidence to do something big yet. One day…


  3336. i have been diggin’ the knitted graffiti – i have seen a bit. i always wonder do you stitch it around the pole?

  3337. ” I use my diary to write everything and sometimes my pages are unreable but still, I?m glad I made them. I hope you?re not keeping that journal of yours to impress others? ”

    Those two lines right there made me think. I just kind of sat there and thought for a bit and I was like, wow, that’s very true.

    So therefore I am making a page in my art journal with your quote :D I hope that’s quite alright with you, haha. You are such an inspiration!!

    As a college student – I’m only 19, turning 20 soon – I feel like a lot of the people I am surrounded by don’t understand the true meaning of creativity and finding beauty in art and the little things in life…I know so many people who indulge in such superficial things. Your blog is such a great getaway from all of that. It definitely inspires me to go on with my art journal, and find a way to represent myself through my artwork, instead of expensive bags and clothing.

    Anyway, much love from New York. Hope all is well!!

  3338. I luuuurve the idea of Guerrilla Art!! It’s so cool. So is that idea of writing words on rocks and leaving them around town….I want to try that!

  3339. Thanks for your nice comments! I too love the idea of leaving rocks with words or just little messages on paper or post-it notes. I wanted to do that, but never got around to do it.

    Laura, I think you knit it at home and then just sew it onto the pole or handle or what ever you’re tagging and then run for it! ;-)

    Have fun!

  3340. Thanks for your comment!

    Gail, I’m glad and honored that you will use a quote from me in your journal (even though I have no idea what the word unreable came from, hehe)! I think it is so cool that you turning 20 is finding this out already. I’m 32 and I’m just in the past years understanding this a bit more!

    Take care in New York and stay creative!

  3341. Thanks, Hanna! I love the photo at the top of the post and would love using it. Would you mind?

    “Bossy tone”? Me? Okay, I get that from my mother.

  3342. Hanna,
    long time that I haven’t commented…
    But I’dlike you to know, that I just love the things you do! You are sooooooo inspiring, it’s incredible. Thank you for sharing this all with us.

  3343. Hi Alyson, thanks for asking about the image – feel free to use it on your site! You can see my hand bound diary, a romance novel, the studio-book and one of my favorite pens on the stairs outside the house! All a girl needs on a summer day! :-)

    Loved the book and am so happy I got to read it!

  3344. Casapinka,
    so glad you came by to comment, I am happy about my world aren’t I? So glad you pointed it out, I tend to forget sometimes! hehe.

    Take care!

  3345. Every Christmas, I?m thinking about buying a lot of plastic baubles, and then decorate a tree somewhere, just for the fun of it. I would love to see the faces on people, when they pass a Christmas tree in the middle of a park, or along a trail in the wood, or anywhere, where you don?t expect it. Maybe this year I?ll do it… More creative graffiti to the people!

  3346. You aren’t joking about the difficult to maintain thing. I’ve been meditating for a few months now (and LOVE it), but practicing mindfulness as an on-going state is new for me. (I just finished reading A New Earth and I’m trying to implement its lessons)…

    I love the results of being mindful so I suppose it’s just something I have to remind myself to focus on minute by minute.

    Thanks for the inspiration and the reminder!

  3347. Love that word….I try to be mindful everyday. It really causes a peace within that you can’t get from objects, people, or situations. Nice post :)

  3348. I like your guerrilla art piece! I felt the same way when I made chalk meditation drawings in public places. I haven’t done it in a while–thanks for the reminder. Amazing knitting needles too!

  3349. oh yes, the dark side! We all have one–glass half empty, or half full? Answer: BOTH!
    Bravo–love the skull with that eyeball poking out.

  3350. i have been very interested in this subject
    for that little bit
    {while trying to get rid of heart palpitations}
    so i am happy that you posted this today…
    and now
    i am going to check out
    what you linked to…

    and love the journal page, :)

  3351. thanks for sharing this idea of right mindfulness…it’s very inspiring and makes me want to dig deeper. love the “you” on your page :)

  3352. I love the books by Thich Nhat Hanh (for example “La plenitude de l’instant”). I have them in French, but I guess they must exist in English.
    Also Jack Kornfield’s “A path with heart”.

    Love your blog, btw.

  3353. The beads looks cute because of the paint. i’ll try to make circle beads and add it in decorating boxes.

  3354. Hanna, me encanta! I love your graffiti. I love guerilla art! Your piece is beautiful. :o) Peace, sister.

  3355. Thich Nhat Hanh has the ability to express Buddhist concepts in such an easy to understand way, especially mindfulness. i went to a 5 day retreat with Thay and nuns and monks of Plum village in the early 90’s, an experience that lives on in me still.

  3356. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you for your post! You always say things I need to hear! I think Mindfulness is a great mantra, and something good to live by. I wanted to tell you that I posted two art journal photos in my blog, which is something I’ve never done before… and I just wanted you to see them because I know you appreciate honesty and art and expression. I hope you are on your way to having the best weekend ever!

  3357. I love this post because I am trying to work on this right now too. I really need to figure out what I am doing everyday and be more in the moment. It seems I get to the end of the day and flop down to go to bed without having had my calm and mindful moments! Thanks for the links too. :)

  3358. You can use cereal boxes, pasta boxes, just about any kind of cardboard packaging will work for a postcard! No need to ever buy them again!

  3359. Vad fint och bra med ?tervinning! Pizzakartonger ?r ?ven det ultimata materialet att sk?ra stenciler ur :)

  3360. Oh my goodness, that quilt is gorgeous! I too absolutely love pink but as I have 1 husband & 2 sons there’s not an awful lot of it in our house!! I have recently started making my first quilt (blue, natch!) but your post has really made me want to make a lovely pink one just for me!

  3361. It is absolutely gorgeous! One of a kind. You are so talented and patient! If I had more space to work (and a sewing machine) I think I would try doing one. Again, so beautiful! And I bet Smilla loves it too.

  3362. How very beautiful. I’m glad to know I can look to your blog for advice when I finally tackle a quilt of my own. :o)

  3363. Fab. I’ve been saving all kinds of containers since (gasp!) there is no recycling program to speak of where I live. And yes, it is a major world city. Shame. Shame. Shame. In other places where I’ve lived, I’ve found ways around it when there wasn’t easy recycling, but here it’s pretty much nonexistent. *sigh* I’ll add these to my project list. Cheers, Hannah! U rule!

  3364. I love this quilt! I now have plans to make one of my own. What colour, what colour?

  3365. Boktips!

    Att leva ett liv, inte vinna ett krig av Anna K?ver
    Vem ?r det som best?mmer i ditt liv av ?sa Nilsonne
    Lev livet fullt ut av Eckhart Tolle
    A return to love (den ?r fantastisk!!!) av Marianne Williamson
    … och n?gra till som st?r i bokhyllan hemma.


  3366. It looks so cozy! This blanket and a bowl of strawberries, what else a girl needs?
    BTW, I was cheering for Sweden last night in the Euro 2008! *^v^*

  3367. Thanks for your sweet comments. Recycling is a good thing, specially if it saves you money if you ask me.

    Cami, thanks for commenting, your blog looks great. Love the photos of street fair you took! I hope you’ll find some place to recycle, or do it yourself creating with your trash. Any tin cans can be turned into all kinds of containers for pens etc.


  3368. Wow! I love this quilt – even at the end of a brutal heat wave I want to curl up with it!

  3369. Your quilt is delightful ! You have a real artist’s eye for quilting – it really looks like a piece of art with the added bonus of being so cozy and sweet! I so admire your talent ! Sewing makes me very frustrated so no fabric quilts for me – paper might work but not so cozy to watch movies under !
    Cheers on a beautiful job,

  3370. Oh, what a lovely quilt. What an effort you must have put into it. I understand you love it!

  3371. There is nothing like snuggling in a handmade quilt and watching a movie…it makes everything better! I love all the different fabric combinations as well…beautiful job Hanna!

  3372. Wow! It turned out so great! I just got my sewing machine fixed and am slowly working back into it so this is inspiring for me to finish my quilt I was working on. :)

  3373. Very cool idea for a color chart! I haven’t really played with watercolors but my daughter loves them lately (the black) and so I think I should try stuff with them. I love all the colors you did. Pretty!

  3374. I love (really love) this quilt. I can tell because generally, I don’t like pink, but I think this is quite lovely. It’s so very cheerful, if it were mine I think it would bring a smile to my face every time I saw it.

  3375. you are so inspiring! what a wonderful piece to have and enjoy. love the pink colors. Thank you for the tutorial too. finishing a quilt is the hardest part, at least for me it is!

  3376. Love the color chart idea. I need to make one for mixing also and hang it on my wall. Pink is not my color but I LOVE the pink quilt.

  3377. The color mixing chart is wonderful! I’m still learning a lot about color, especially with my watercolors. I’ve just bought a few colors that aren’t in my basic set, but I also wonder whether sticking to the basics might not force me to get creative about color mixing–thanks for the inspiration.

  3378. oh my, I just love the color mixing chart! it’s fabulous! well done!

    (oh and thank you for your visit and comment on my blog!)


  3379. Wow – THANK YOU for all the wonderful new links to check out. I’ll never get off this computer! Particularly the journaling and web dev ones (right up my alley).

    I love your stuff!! And I always look forward to seeing a new post from you in my Bloglines.

  3380. Thank you so much for including me and my little round ladies to you list of wonderful blogs! I will enjoy looking at all of them.

  3381. Hey thanks for visiting my blog and for all the wonderfull links you have posted here…it will take forever to get through them all….one at a time methinks! beautiful art every day… I cant think of anything better!

  3382. I love your color chart and the photo of your paintbox and supplies. There is something so wonderful about seeing other artists materials and spaces. thanks for stopping by my site too! Roxanne

  3383. Hanna,
    Thanks so much for mentioning my blog–even though I’m a middle-aged American baby boomer–not a Swedish chick (a smile). I can’t wait to start reading your other recommendations!


  3384. I feel like I won an academy award! Thanks for the link love Hannah! I’m still making my way through your last list. I can’t wait to look at these too! Happy Monday!

  3385. Thanks so much for including me Hannah!

    Your blog is GORGEOUS. It makes me want to craft, and I am the most non-crafty person you will ever meet.

    Thanks for being a creative drink of water to our tired eyes.

    All the best,


  3386. What beautiful photographs and art. I’m starting a new digital photography class today, and what a role model you are for me. These photographs are stunning and I’m smiling from ear to ear!


  3387. What a fun way to use unmounted stamps! Now I’ll want to buy some of them to use them like that! I love how your papers turned out. One question though, how do you use them after? I’d like to see something you made with your hand painted papers…


  3388. Wow Hanna! Look at all this great stuff! LOVE seeing all the photos – all the textures – all the colors. Thanks for sharing all of this with the other crusaders. I’m sure you will inspire those who haven’t started yet.

  3389. Yeah! What a cool way to use crayons! I love your results. This will be a fun way to spend an afternoon.

  3390. I love your visual essay. Great photos — awesome compositions. I too love your final papers and just have to go make some! The swirls are my fav. I can’t wait to see what you do with them.

  3391. Looks like you had great fun ! The colors and textures are great ! Those big stamps are just perfect for this technique. I especially love the shot of your floor work space and your lunch, too funny !;-) Doesn’t your back get sore ? Ah what we will do to for our art !

  3392. Kimbo, are you kidding me? I couldn’t sleep after this – I was so exhited (brainwise) and strained (muscle-wise) that I could hardly lay down flat! ;-)

    Thanks for commenting!

  3393. Hey Hanna! I’m glad to see that you like the house i sent you :). It looks great on your wall there. Thanks again for visiting my blog!

  3394. Hello, iHanna! Just popped by to have a look, and I love this blog you’ve got here. I’m going to put you on my resources list on my blog…you’ve got a lot of good stuff here…I think I’m inspired to get going on my own art journal now…

  3395. Jazz, so glad you like my blog and feel inspired to art journal. I keep two different books at all time, the writing and the arty – but they do tend to seep into each other these areas. :-)

  3396. “Spread your kindness around because you can?t save it for later!” I love that phrase! Very well put!

    What lovely gifts for you! You deserve all of it.


  3397. Ahhh I just finished using that book. It’s excellent but I wasn’t able to do all the exercises in it because it was from the library and I sort of skipped some of the more “down” prompts that I wanted to avoid. :) I love that tote! What great gifties!

  3398. Thanks for this creative (and inexpensive) idea! Now I know what to do with all those old crayons I found. I am just wondering if my pens will write over the wax, even with paint on top.

  3399. Wow, you are reading Sapkowski! I loved his very early short stories, I read them ages ago (well, in fact about 15 years ago! *^v^*).
    In return I can say that I read something by a Swedish author recently, namely Marianne Fredriksson “Anna, Hanna and Johanna”, and I loved it!

  3400. love your your wax rubbing on lace in particular will have to try that..i think it would look effective done in a light crayon with black paint over it..thanks for your great comments on my blog

  3401. Marcia, I don’t think you will be able to write on the wax but you could paint over the rubbings on the area where you plan to write.

    Joanna, no I can’t way that I’ve read it. Like I wrote, I bought it for my brothers birthday and I’ve yet to read Sapkowski!

  3402. Hanna – wonderful work! I had some issues using stamps but am going to go look for more and try again. – Nicki

  3403. Hanna – more terrific textures!!! I love that you have a new “eye” with which you look at everything. You’re right, these would be great “as is”. Try looking at the soles of your shoes! Book covers are a great idea too. Thanks for sharing all your tips AND enthusiasm.

  3404. Hi Hanna I love your inspirational blog and your textures. I used colorpencils as an experiment and they work fine too. Also trie soft pastel.

  3405. Wow Hanna, these are so great ! I love the bowl/plate design – and that orange is so vibrant ! I reminds me of your quilting fabrics ! Just beautiful and very inspiring to keep on rubbing !!!!

  3406. I love it! I love using EVERYTHING but sometimes it looks like leftovers. These do not convey “leftovers” at all!

  3407. Another fun idea! I’ll have more fun to play with paints during summer so I’ll try some of your ideas and I’ll re-read the Collage Unleashed book. It’s been 2 years already since I last opened it!
    Thanks for all the inspiration.


  3408. Isn’t is great when your artist’s eye sees the possibility of creation and beauty in any thing ? I love how you used you lovely scraps !

  3409. I love the collages. Completely gorgeous. Also, is that jar cover in the first photo made of cinnabar? It’s so pretty.

  3410. Thanks so much for the shout out!

    Because of it, I got to discover your wonderful site. Your dedication to arts, crafts, fun and beauty truly inspire me to nurture my creative side everyday. I look forward to visiting your website again & again.


  3411. What a GREAT idea. Thanks for sharing. I do enjoy making collages with magazine photos. It’s easy to get lost in it once you get a few pictures and quotes cut out. Maybe we’ll wrangle up some old ones and collage this summer.

  3412. If it could be you now without the gray hair here’s some {{{HUGS for you HANNA}}}.

    I’ve wrapped strips of material into a ball
    for later use. I started making a rag rug
    but I noticed that if the strips are not
    the same size it doesn’t look right. One
    part of the rug is more bulky. So I made
    sure that the strips were more even. I am
    making it on a kiffty knitter loom.

    I’ve felt a bit down lately myself. I usually
    pray, read, sing, walk, create, clean or cry
    if I am feeling a bit down. I found myself
    cutting out paper doll’s lately. The ones
    that connect hands together. One was more like
    native american and the other with a head shaped
    like a heart. I can’t find them though. I don’t
    know if they ended up in the recycle or not?

    Thanks for sharing!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  3413. Cutting out inspirational pictures from a variety of magazines is a hobby of mine too and calms my nerves. If I don’t have the strength to do anything else, cutting paper always gives me a sense of achievement, because I think about all the things I could do with those pictures: collages, envelopes, get inspirations for paintings…

  3414. Wow, thanks for the advice! I was scratching my head for ages over some journal pages, something was missing… so I did some rubbings from a wooden Indian carved round table top. First I used a single colour on white paper. It looked ok but a bit boring. So then I cut up part of a Starbucks bag I had saved and used 4 colours one on top of the other on the brown – pink, red, yellow and gold. It looked fantastic!

  3415. I just started a new journal today and I plan on doing just that. For the last few years, my journals have all been words–words–words. I am ready to play again in my journal. Thanks for the reminder.

  3416. How beautiful to see this talented mother/daughter team’s work side by side !
    Cheers to blue and pink ladies !

  3417. Beautiful quilts!

    I like those containers made out of
    material in your mom’s sewing room.

    The hammock look’s inviting.

    God Bless Your Creative Life!!!

  3418. I love the photos of your mother-and-daughter quilts side by side! They’re lovely together, and show so much individuality as well.

  3419. Hi Hanna

    GREAT resists you made!!! And I am with you on the big stamps: better use them for resist than for stamping LOL.

  3420. Hi Hanna

    oooh the bowl-resist thing is WONDERFULL!! And the quilt rulers LOVE THEM! (Yakks, I don’t have a quilt ruler…. YET)
    The colors are so vibrant, thanks!!

  3421. I agree with everyone that both quilts are beautiful and that you are both very talented. I like the baby quilt too. And thanks for telling us how she made the squares: I don’t think I would have figured it out. I’ll have to try that one day… when I do get a sewing machine!


  3422. Thanks for all your sweet comments girls!

    Cami, the jar is not a jar, it’s a stamp with a rose on, but I agree with you, it’s very pretty! :-)

  3423. Hanna,
    Fabulous textures and details. Perfect as a beginning or an end in and of themselves. I used an old gold embossed copy of a book that held Shakespeare’s poetry but now I must try some plate rubbings. You are obviously having fun!

  3424. This post really made me laugh Hanna. I am a champion cutter outer and have been since childhood. It is one of the relaxing joys of my life…lol I have lots of scrapbook filled with all sorts of cuttings, pictures, photographs, greetings cards etc and when I need a little inspiration I look through them. Great fun indeed.

  3425. Thank you for your kind words. Re: workshops or eBooks, I’d be happy to swap a workshop and a zine of your choice for your book!

  3426. I haven’t seen the old/new photo project before…..I love that idea. I have been wanting to post a photo of me with a mullet in 5th grade……it was brutal….but it would be so funny!

  3427. I’m currently participating in a project called “Scrap your Day” where on the 25th of every month, for one full year, you take pictures all day and can then make a scrapbook layout (if you wish) about it. The idea is to have consistent shots like the clock in the morning and before going to bed, every meal of the day, a view out the window and a self portrait. But each month brings other challenges like doing still life with objects at home or doing different angles. It’s fun and you can join in any time. Go see for more info.

    Love the picture of the little woman! You could go all around town with her and take pictures in different situations. Would be fun.

    Oh yeah, I just remembered: Keri Smith posted on her blog about a guerilla art project done by students. They took photos of themselves in certain parts of the school (you could do it anywhere really) then printed the photos and posted them near where they had taken the photo. Pretty cool.


    PS Can you tell this subject is inspiring me? lol

  3428. I think we are checking the same sides when it comes to photography projects.:-) I’ve seen the LP pictures too and it’s on my list of photoprojects. I haven’t seen the past and present photos though and I will defintitley do this one as well.

    You might also want to try this project: “Make photos of yourself during an ordinary day of your life” which I’ve put on my blog some time ago. Just click on my Name/Website link.

  3429. I always forget, but doing things like this always does make me feel better when I’m upset! I keep inspiration books for all kinds of subjects — a few for my maps, one for our house, one for just life in general — but it’s the making of the books, the cutting, gluing, etc., that is the real inspiration.

  3430. I always wonder if I am ever going to
    see my son and his family in your photos.

    He has been riding his bike to treatments.
    He has two more weeks before a rest. His
    operation won’t be till September. He still
    has hair on his head and a beard. so he hasn’t
    lost that. He use to shave his head in summer.

    I have a brother that whittles wood into things
    while he is out camping.

    Those carvings on the shotguns look cool too.

    I’ll have to ask my ds & ddil if they’ve been
    to that museum. Look’s like a fun place to go.

    God Bless Your Creative Life!!!

  3431. I love wooden carvings… often my family goes skiing in the alps I beg them to bring something back, but it’s really expensive and the younger carvers aren’t that good. I have a fabulous little lion, bear and a cow though… oh, and a really beautiful tiny Madonna. Loved the cow you show here, wish Sweden was a bit nearer ;-)

  3432. Lucky you to have Nordiska Museet nearby! It?s the best craft- and design inspirational museeum I have EVER seen.

    I have been there only twice, but I still dream of these visits! Last time two years ago I was there with my teenage daughters – your post makes me remember. And makes me wish to visit Stockholm soon again.

  3433. Thanks for pointing to that museum, especially now because in a couple of weeks I will spent one day in Stockholm.
    Do you have any recommandations for craft and textile fabric shops?

    Hello from Hamburg

  3434. Oh I was up there yesterday! At first I even thought that was me in the picture next to Chaplin, she looks at lot like me. :)
    Did you visit the Smoliansky-exhibit? Great one, I highly recommend it!

  3435. I’ve been wanting to do a photo book of my most recent trip to Big Sur……posting the different outings we did on my blog helped me sort through….although I have sort of lagged behind, and have a few more excursions to share.

  3436. I would like to make a photo book of my cahiers (books, notebooks, drawing books, i can’t seem to find a name for them, but they are something like the work of danny gregory with more collages), another one for my paintings with some pictures of how i work, my environment, and maybe one of pictures of my dog.. i have so much of them.

  3437. WW:
    Yes, trips are great to do as album books I think, combining journaling and photos, maps and ephemera from the trip too!

    maybe a good word for your cahiers would be Art Journals? That’s what I call mine that are filled with collage, acrylic paint and writing too! I hope you do make books of them with pictures of your work and work space – it sound lovely! Let me know if you publish it!

  3438. I want to make a book of photos of my bears and my other plushies. I looked into BLURB but couldn’t get the software to work. THey just updated it so maybe it will work for me now. No ribbons and flowers on that one!

  3439. theresa: I bet it will be great. if you don’t want to download software but work online or in a desktop publishing program and then just upload a pdf, try

    I will have to buy that one when you’re finished!

  3440. Darn it, Hanna! I was going to get so much work done this morning. But, nooooo–Hanna has to go and post not just one but 36 beautiful and inspiring photos, compelling me to go see each of them, and each one leads to another, and, and, well, here it is almost noon and I’ve gotten no work done. Still . . . had a lot of fun–thank you!

  3441. love the quilts, your mom has a beautiful smile and I love the quote by Erma Bombeck.

  3442. Wow. You must’ve been reading my mind. I was thinking about coming up with a different kind of photo album. Something that’s like scrapbooking, but not necessarily too ornate or fiddly. Where I can easily just slot things in & choose to doodle, colour, paste or paint.

    At the moment, I’m really just enjoy making mini books whenever I get the chance. I haven’t made one in a while, though.

    Anyway… looking forward to find out what you come up with! :-)

  3443. Lovely pictures! I had to look a little bit extra at the one showing tyvekbeads. Have you ever tried making pearls from magazines? I did it as a child and this semester i took it up again. I showed the kids (and teachers) in the school where I work. Many got absolutelt hooked. It?s more fun than you can imagine. Try it! :-)

  3444. How cool! I can’t wait to see your finished pieces!

    You are so inspiring, the way you explore so many different forms of creativity.

  3445. Isn’t it great when you have people who can walk you through the process of a new technique?

    I can’t wait to see the finished pieces!


  3446. *sigh* I SO want to learn some kind of glasswork! I figure it will be lampwork, though, since I can’t afford a kiln, lol!

    Can’t wait to see your results!!

  3447. I’m with you there, I’d like to try pretty much everything. That stash of glass is awesome. Definitely better than what I see at the local Hobby Lobby. Can’t wait to see how they turn out.

  3448. That’s so cool. They sell fused glass jewelry at craft fairs here and I always wondered how they made it.

  3449. I see exactly what you mean, I want to try all crafts too ! I just took a weaving lesson, and it was great, another idea to use my scraps of fabrics.

  3450. Very cool! I have never heard of fused glass. I think its good to try different crafts too. You never know what it might open up for you, and you are so lucky to have a teacher!

  3451. Absolutely beautiful! I am inspired…I’m going to have to try this…I have always loved glass. Poor hubby–another hobby he’s going to have to support!

  3452. I am just figuring this out. Today coming home I was in a foul mood, I went into my craft studio and started cutting away, before I knew it I was happy and singing along with the radio.


  3453. Wow! I would love the tutorial, they are so creative! Please email me when a tutorial is posted! Thanks!

  3454. Hanna, your new earth art card is gorgeous!I interpret it as a flowering of humanity’s consciousness! Well done!

  3455. Thanks for linking me, Hanna! I’m still thinking about that beautiful glass-work you did. I’m jealous…I want a glass workshop in my basement…and there’s no way I can afford one!

  3456. OK Hanna, you have to share the recipe for lavender chicken!
    I used to write in my journal constantly,and it was my constant in keeping me even-keeled. Bbut over the last few years, I kind of gave it up and write very irregularly.
    At the moment, I am trying to rediscover it. Luckily, I work in an environment that encourages self-exploration. If I need a mini-break, I can write!

  3457. Even mundane issues can turn out to be really interesting reading!

    Yesterday evening I incidentally flickered our “family-meeting-journal”. It?s a simple book where we (me + my daughters) wrote notes from our (intendedly) weekly family meeting or house meeting. It was supposed to be a sort of democratic forum and practical way to organize everybodys schedules for the upcomming week, discuss family matters – no issue too big – or too small to be mentioned. It was also a way I tried to involve my kids in housework and stuff like that. Someting like: hi guys, lets make a plan. We?re almost out of bread so who?s going to bake a new bread tomorrow? Okay, you do that, okay, then I?ll do the laundry say…

    My kids loved to act as secretaries. To write down – in headlines – what we decided, and who was going to do what, and of course the financial balance: the pocket money!

    All pages beautifully illustrated.

    Some of the stuff is only few years. And it?s so funny to read it over. And one suddenly remembers a lots of situations! Little sacred moments. But also discussions and sometimes disagreements. Anyway, its great to look at now. So just imagine what it will be like in another ten, twenty ears.

    My warmest recommandetion of noticing and writing about the mundane! Mundane notes will only become more and more interesting as time goes by!

  3458. Thank you Hanna! But I think I will need a translation…I don’t currently know anyone who speaks Swedish! Except for you of course. :-)

  3459. This shop is lovely! My favorite spot is Paper Source. Fortunately…or unfortunately for my wallet…there’s one about 5 minutes from where I work!

  3460. hello Hanna,

    your rubbings look great ! The one made with the melting pearls ( that’s what we call them) give a nice rubbing, but I also love the big ones with your stamps, especially the one with the swirls !
    You should use it more often : it is a beautiful one !!!

    If you have trouble with big stamps you can try this : ink your stamp and lay it upside down with the stampingside above, lay your paper on it and rub it with a rubber roll ( don’t know how to name it…) or put something soft ( a steady foam for example) under your paper and stamp on it with the big stamp.

    It mostly gives a bad impression because the mousse between your stamp and the wood doesn’t “bounce” enough.
    I use for my unmounted stamps mostly EZ mount from Sunday international. You can use them with your acrylic blocks and they don’t take so much place as woodmounted stamps.I order them in the USA.

    Inge from Belgium

  3461. Hej Hannah,

    You have a very beautiful blog here! very creative….do visit mine when u find the time…mine is still new…have a lot of things to post…so it will happen slowly….

    jeg synes jeg kommer here igen og igen….:-) was trying my danish on you….i stayed in denmark for 3 yrs..have visited sweden too..beautiful place….have a good day!



  3462. Incase you did not get my danish…I meant “I think i will visit ur blog again and again”…sorry its been a long while since i learnt danish….and dont know if i typed the right words! anyways….have a good day!


  3463. Thanks for your lovely comments!

    Veda, I got your Danish just fine even though I’m Swedish and don’t know either if you typed the words right! hehe. Glad you like my blog and you’re very welcome to come back and visit or link here from your new blog! I’m off to explore yours now!

  3464. I love the beads, they look fabulous and so much richer than regular paper.
    I would wear the necklace, and so should you. It’s different and you won’t see anyone else wearing the exact same necklace.
    It’s good to be slightly different and not a sheep!

  3465. Hyggeligt hvis vi kan snakke sammen p? dansk, det g?r det lettere for mig :-)
    Din hjemmeside er meget flot, tak fordi du linker til min
    Hilsen Inge

  3466. Wow, such eye candy! I don’t think I could’ve resisted buying one of those gorgeous leather journals! Looks like you had a great time.


  3467. wish I could have been there, the leather journals look great and I’d love one of the hats to wear at winter bike rallies

  3468. Very nice!
    And actually there was a viking market/camp here in Vestfold as well this weekend. Stepson was there and told us it was great – and that he wants to join the local viking group.

    I think I might have to give needlebinding a try someday. The end result is lovely…

  3469. Hey hanna…check out my blog…I have tagged you….answer the questionaire !!!and pass it on to 2 more blogger friends of yours!


  3470. Oh WOW Hanna! U have taken me back to my time in denmark. I just love Scandinavia…for its people, culture, shops, creativity, style…everytime someone says they had been to or from Norway, sweden or denmark…my face lights up….One of the best places I have been to….I will really cherish it….thanks for taking us back to the viking age!


  3471. That seems like so much fun! I was at a tour on Konsth?gskolan, and i visited their glass-workshop. It was so exiting! All the beutiful stuff and the amazing techniques…
    I would love to try it sometime, but I dont know where to find a kiln. Or the other materials for the fusing. Perhaps there’s a course somewhere that I could take…
    Good luck with the goal!

  3472. A couple of years ago I made my own paper from nettles and petals from marigolds. It was great fun and maybe worth trying again, just need time and som space…

  3473. Hej Hanna!

    Vi har bes?kt samma marknad! Jag k?pte en del p?rlor till kommande projekt.

    Din blogg ?r en stor inspirationk?lla f?r mig.


  3474. Is it Christmas?!

    I love the shop! I’d probably just ooh and aah over the items for sale. I love paper too but haven’t gotten around to buying some. There aren’t that many good paper stores here!

  3475. Amazing photos Hanna. I would have been seriously out of pocket if I had been there…particularly the beads and the lovely hats.

  3476. I love paper and stationery shops too. My favourite in London is Paperchase. It is a huge store and they have amazing prints on their products and everything is colour co-ordinated.

  3477. I know just what you mean about having all of the scrapbooking albums. I started making tons of them when my little one was born, and now, 6 years later, I have run out of room for all those albums. Also, a lot of times the scrapbooking act felt less like making art for myself and much more like making something because I’m supposed to, for the family. Doesn’t do a lot to make me feel creative.

    So now, I have photo albums with just photos, and I keep a school album with a few pages devoted to each school year. I think it would be good to have some more theme albums (I have one for Halloween that I love), but I have so many creative projects to do, who know when that will happen.

  3478. Waow, what a wonderful and fully documented post, as always. Thank you for being so inspiring every day.
    Cecile, from sunny France

  3479. I have taken a couple of classes with Traci – her classes are fun and you end up making lots of art. I love how she leverages her art to make more art using copies and prints.

    My favorite thing is to dye the paper towels – did you try this? I have a stack of dyed paper towels and love the colors that result.

    Fun stuff!

  3480. Thank you so much for posting this. I love multicultural crafts of all kinds. For me, this is so unique and I never would have gotten to see it otherwise. :o) I want to try that needle-binding technique! Also I love the shapes. So cute!

  3481. Yes this book is completely amazing and awesome. Thanks for reminding me of it. It’s going on my wishlist now! :o)

  3482. I got this book a while ago but still haven’t actually got the paints out and played Traci-style. I shall, though. One day soon! That clip was so inspiring – thanks for putting it up. I love watching artists at work.

  3483. Tack f?r recensionen! Jag har inte h?llt p? mkt med collage innan, men det h?r fick mig att bli riktigt sugen! :) /Karin

  3484. I paged through this book at the store but didn’t buy it. Maybe the layout? I’ll have to go back and look again. I did laugh when I saw the crayon cookie idea-it’s an idea that’s been around for awhile as a way to recycle crayons/make your own large crayons for toddlers. I love them!

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I’m pretty pleased with the smashing I’m doing-it was time :)

  3485. What a wonderful woman and her artwork is awesome! I love the texture of her pieces and think it is cool that she makes most of her pieces and collages them together. :D

  3486. I hope you play a stringed instrument, with such incredibly long and lovely thumbs!

    A Jealous Mandolin Player

  3487. Beautiful and Lovely!

    I was wondering what size
    are your Daily Art Cards?

    God Bless You and Yours
    and Your Creative Life!!!

  3488. Hanna, Thanks for sharing your beautiful things with us :o) It’s so wonderful to feel peaceful, calm, happy, and helpful. I hope things keep up this way. What a beautiful ATC, too. Have a lovely weekend!

  3489. Thank you for sharing this link. I think I will add three beautiful things to each of my posts too ! I great way to be grateful for life’s beauties !

  3490. I like your mirror very much. So much that I decided to make one too, but with (dark)blue buttons.
    I wanted to look like Delft blue (dutch tiles). I’m almost finished, just have to glue the buttons on the mirror. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3491. What a lovely blog post Hanna. We should all be grateful for what we can see around us, feel, touch and experience.

  3492. love your mixed media collage. Thanks for sharing your creativity with us. Brilliant Blog Award coming your way via my blog, if you want to play.

  3493. I love her work and wish I could go to the gallery! Thanks for posting the photos on flickr! Your art cards are so cool and I am happy that you have taken collage forward for us few artists here in Sweden! Now, to order a book! :)

  3494. Flassie,
    thanks for your comment! My Daily Art Cards are 10×10 cm, about 4×4 inch I think. It’s the perfect size for me and I don’t want to change it anytime soon! :-)

    thanks for your comment! It sure is nice to feel helpful, it makes me giddy sometimes. :-)

    Thanks for the Brillante Weblog Premio Award you sent my way, I will check out the others you’ve awarded though I don’t always post it forward on my blog. I’m honored that you enjoy my blog! Thanks for your support and comments too, I always appreciate them!

    thanks for your comment! Grateful-lists are so nice to keep(Ophera keeps a written one by her bed every day for example), in any form! Don’t forget to visit the blog Three Beautiful Things that I’ve linked too!

    thanks for your nice comment!

    Laurel and Jennalee, Thanks for the Brilliant-award, this one is spreading fast! I’m now up to four or five I think! Amazing, as it makes me really want to keep blogging on! :-)

  3495. Thanks for your comments and visit in my blog. More reviews to come I hope, I like writing! I hope you will like Traci’s book as much as i did!

  3496. Vilken bra l?nk! Jag skrev lite tacksamhetsdagbok ? la Oprah f?r l?nge sedan och det p?verkar verkligen hur man t?nker. Kanske dags f?r det igen…

  3497. Wonderful collage, Hanna!

    I loved your gratitude list too. Simple pleasures are what make a “normal” day rather magical and abundant.

  3498. Elin, ja jag tycker om den bloggen f?r att hon oftast inte bara skriver saker hon ?r tacksam f?r utan ocks? skriver det p? ett poetiskt och vackert s?tt som andra kan uppskatta och bli inspirerade av! Jag ska nog ocks? skriva tre saker varje dag i min dagbok ett tag nu i sommar. Med b?rjan idag!

    Chantal, thanks for the praise of my collage. I like it too! And yeah, it’s cool how if you notice the little things they seem to become more important and as you say, magical! Thanks for the visit!

  3499. These are gorgeous!

    You can get postcards printed from your photos from and from I haven’t tried either of them yet, but I have some friends who use CafePress to print and sell their work. These photos would make lovely cards!

    I’m having a very small giveaway on my blog–some beautiful skeletal leaves for collage or other papercrafts. Feel free to drop by and enter!

  3500. Hi!
    I read your posts every time they show up in my feed, so you can say I almost visit you daily :-)
    I’m not that good at commenting, though, – sorry!

    I just love these two art quilts, very summery and very girly in a way. But more … I do not know how to write it here, but they speak to me.

    I printed cards the other day on our (laset-) printer at home. I got the ticker paper, the cardstock, at the paper supplier. I had to look the printer up in the manual and put the preferences to “thick” and then choose a better print (more ink dots) than the “normal” setting does.
    I think the photos (thank you-crads) came out as well as at the print house, – I did cards there this spring.
    For the print house I had to make them a pdf-file with the photos and the text on the backside, and then they did the rest. I wanted to be there for the color adjustment, and that was a good choice since I saw some cards they just printed for somebody else…

    Sorry for the long ramble!
    have a nice day!

  3501. I love your blog too. The colours are wonderful! I’ve awarded you a brilliant blogger award! Check my blog for what to do next.

  3502. Thanks so much for the great idea and encouragment!
    My first attempt came out GREAT!!! My family was so impressed.

    I had no idea that Quikcrete came in so many varities. The one I picked was chunkier than I would have liked but still came out great. The concrete dye looks really nice but it’s a lot thicker than I imagined. I would have stirred it in with the water a lot better at first and in a bigger container. It got very messy. Gloves are a must for my next one. It really really dries out your skin. I even put on moisturerizer before and after, and it still dried my hands to the point of peeling on my palms the next day.

    Any helpful hints on how to clean up the rough edges? Hammer, dremmel, leave it? I want my parrot to be able to enjoy it but I don’t want him to cut his feet.

    Thanks so much for the great idea. Now my options are only limited be my imagination.

  3503. I forgot to mention that I used cooking oil spray to spray the leaf and it worked great. My leaf turned out more shallow than I wanted it because of my patting the cement to make it firm and eliminate air pockets. Keep that in mind when you make your mound, that it will flatten a little with all of your patting and shaping.

  3504. Beautiful library and scarf! My knees go week everytime I walk into a library or bookstore. I think I could spend days/weeks there!

  3505. That is the coolest scarf! It looks just perfect for wearing when you walk to the library on a brisk day. AND, the library is AMAZING. Soooo, many good things to love about Sweden. :)

  3506. That scarf is awesome. Reading all your wonderful knitting posts even makes me want to try knitting again. Maybe the fourth time would be the charm. Or the fifth. Or the thousandth…

    And the library too… oh my goodness… wow…

  3507. I got her book from amazon two days ago. I think I would get a lot more out of watching her video, but it’s a bit pricey.

    The book is ok, but I haven’t learned anything new yet. I’m a little more than half way through, and I’m still hoping it will be worth the money. It’s a great book for newbies, but for those who have been doing mixed media for years, it’s same same same (so far).

  3508. What a wonderful library! And what a fun scarf!

    Let us know how you do with the spindle. I have one but haven’t tried it yet. So many crafts, so little time.

  3509. i love the scarf, hanna! it would make me smile to wear a scarf like that… and i *am* a scarf connoisseur! and the library is amazing. i love anything round…

    thank you for stopping by yesterday!


  3510. Oh Hanna I am so jealous of your library AND your scarf! I can’t seem to find a public library here! It’s so sad. As for the scarf, I think I could make one! :o)

  3511. The Stockholm library is lovely – and pictures don’t capture how high the ceiling is… it’s kind of like a cathedral for books – just fabuluous. Very cool scarf too!

  3512. The library looks awesome…I wish ours was that big! And I love the scarf…how fun and festive!

  3513. I definitely need to try out some new pens! I do have many kinds of colored pencils though… Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comments! Roxanne

  3514. Ahhhh i am such a pen/pencil/marker hore! Your post is really interesting, on one side I can see what pens we don’t have in canada and on another side i can see that some of the pens you’re using are really internationals. makes me think of this great post of danny gregory
    and you would like to discover new pens, I can also suggested this i did a few months ago.
    Oh, and I love pink!

  3515. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for the info. I’m a big fan of gelly roll and micron pens. They are the best :o)

  3516. Another great post Hanna! It’s always good to learn what pens work for different people. I have a ton of different pens and markers that I use regularly. I’ll have to try the Vellum Writers though. Never tried those before.


  3517. Thanks for the info on pens, as you describe the vellum writers they are just what I am looking for, so I am off to source them.

    I can get White Gel Pens-Hybrid Gel Grip (point is fine) locally, so if you can’t find them email me and I can send you.

  3518. Love your pens–I’m a pen addict myself. I even have a secret place I keep my favorites (like my Sakura Microns and my beloved Pilot Varsity pens) so they don’t get borrowed and forget to find their way back to me).

  3519. Hah! I love the sincere intensity with which you select & use your pens. People make fun of us, but they just don’t understand!

    Thanks for stopping by Among the Burrs & Stickers, too–lovely to have new & surprise visitors.

  3520. Hanna, thanks for directing me to your post! In the meantime quite by chance I found out that a pen I’ve been using for handwriting in journals is PERFECT to use in art journals!!! It’s by Rotring and it’s called “Tikky Graphic” and costs about ?2.50. I have a 0.1 nib and it goes on supper smooth, doesn’t smudge, totally clear over thick acrylic paint. I think it will be the same on crayon, I just did a tiny squiggle. Super easy to write with it on the acrylics is the main thing for me! Only downside is, it only comes in black. Thanks again!

  3521. I love, love, love pens! I have many of these same pens, although not the Gelly Roll ones. And that metallic blue looks fantastic.

    I love Microns, although they certainly are expensive. Funny, I had to talk myself into buying my first set and now I go through them like there’s no tomorrow (but that’s because I do mostly line drawing).

  3522. Hi, I am wondering… Is the lime in the concrete bads for the birds? A few years ago I made a concrete pond and in doing the research I found out that the lime in the concrete is toxic to the fish.
    I want to make one of these bird baths but anyone know if it is toxic to the birds and if so, can I paint it, or is paint toxic?
    Thank, Carla

  3523. I enjoyed reading about your pens Hanna. I have masses too but my favourite drawing pens are Rotring Rapidograph pens of all different sizes from the largest down to .13 which is incredibly tiny and I used for my really delicate work. Gel pens are also great. I want to try the new “sharpies” which are all the rage too.

  3524. Ming Ching;
    thanks for your comment. As it says in the post I used 2-thread 100% itchy wool. This sweater uses 750 gram yarn according to the pattern but I have no idea how much I used. So any kind of thin wool will work, just do a swatch before you start knitting up the whole thing!

  3525. I think it’s a great idea. I recently discovered, and one of the first things I found was your page. I put you on my network. I hope you don’t mind.

  3526. Dawn!
    No, I’d be happy to be in your and anyone else’s network! Did you know that you can “give” links to me by writing a tag that says:
    as one of your tags? It will show up on my page and I’ll know you think it’s something I should look at. Pretty cool I think! :-)

  3527. Hur s?tter jag fast sj?lva s?nggaveln i s?ngen d??
    Vill bara s?tta en vanlig sp?nplatta, som s?nggavel i en 90 cm s?ng.

  3528. Great! I had seen that trick about giving links to others, but I didn’t know if you’d want someone too. I’ll keep it in mind as I surf.

  3529. My birdbath had a white film whenever the water evaporated, and my husband said it was the lime leaching out of the concrete. I bought a concrete sealer which should stop the leaching. You can also use polyurethene, but the concrete sealer leaves a more natural look. I just put it on today, so I’ll let y’all know how it works when I fill it again.

  3530. Oh thanks for the links!

    I’ve been looking for new ideas
    for Christmas.

    I put a few up. I’m am going to
    put up more later this week.

    One is a link on how to sew a Cloth Baseball.
    One is cute slippers I found at MaryEngelbreits.
    She has a case for glasses too I will post later.
    I posted two book idea links. One is like postcards of a trip someone took. It’s so cute.
    The other is cute too.

    GOD Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  3531. Karin!
    Jag vet inte hur du vill g?ra, det finns s?kert massor av olika s?tt att fixa det hela p?. Min s?nggavel g?r ner till golvet bakom s?ngen ocks?, s? den st?r mot golvet och ?r fasttryckt med s?ngen. Det har varit stadigt i m?nga ?r. Lycka till!

  3532. my delicious page is out of control! i use it to keep track of tutorials as well and recipes! i’m getting close to a thousand links, eep!

  3533. I love your lemonade jars! Such a summertime thing… lemonade is! What I love about summer? ah… well today sitting outside and reading, painting inside… listening to music on NPR… wearing wrap skirts with african prints… thanks for making me think and be thankful! Roxanne

  3534. Your labels are so so pretty. Here are some things that I like to do in the summer:
    – go to the farmer’s market.
    – ride my bike around the neighborhood
    – go berry picking
    – eat dinner outside on my kitchen steps
    – take cold showers
    – pick flowers
    Have a great Monday, Hanna. Your creativity inspires me.

  3535. hey
    thats such a nice decor piece!! i am also planning to do something similiar. what glue did you use for sticking those glass gems to the wood? was the glue transparent?

  3536. Mmmmm… I love berries!

    My husband just brought a big bag of lemons home from the store so I can make lemonade this week; I can’t wait. Lemonade is summer in a glass.

  3537. Oh yes, the berry-season is upon us, no doubt! Both the cloudberries and the blueberries is starting to ripen up here in the north, and it’s a fun time with lots of exercise(!) and time out in the wilderness. I love it! I work all summer so my time to enjoy it is a bit limited, luckily it is light all night, so I take loads of pictures whenever I can!

    Ps: what is fl?der? Looks good too:)

  3538. Thanks for your lovely comments! Alison’s “lemonade is summer in a glass” is so well put! love it!

    fl?der is Swedish and it is that white flower on a big bush, you can use both the flowers and the berries and it’s the best lemonade – my favorite!

    I think it the whole bush is known as Elderberry in English, but in Latin (I googled it) it’s called Sambucus nigra! :-)

    more information in Swedish and in English about the European Elderberry

  3539. Love book shops, love this one! would love to vivit but, alas, it will be a while before we are back in Sweden.

  3540. this place looks like such a treasure…makes me want to run out and sit for a while at my local coffe house :) perfect.

  3541. iHanna,

    I put up more links to some tutorials at my blog plus a link to this blog entry of yours.

    GOD Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  3542. What a lovely place! I am so envious…I wish we had something like this nearby…

  3543. Summer is my favorite – even if I think I am melting. I spend as much time as possible near the beach and I LOVE to take a walk and get ice cream around dusk.

  3544. Wow……..these are wonderful! Thanks so much for taking the time to put these links up! I really love the paste tutorial!

    Love, Violette

  3545. Ooooooh, great links. Thank you! I’ve given up on knitting — let go of it, more accurately — but I have every intention of becoming a quilter. My grandmother was, and someone has to carry on the family tradition. The diagonal strip quilt is absolutely delicious, and it does look like fruit stripe gum, like she says!

  3546. Hanna, that looks awesome. There are lots of coffee shops around here, but I haven’t found one with a nice homey feel like that one. The commercial coffee places are a bit sterile feeling sometimes…cough*starbucks*cough. I once found a really cool place in Michigan though ( called the Raven. There were books galore and couches. It was wonderful!!

  3547. Thanks for all your lovely comments girls!

    Ildi, thanks for sending me images of your finished project! Loved seeing them and so glad that I inspired you to action and make your own mirror!

    Vals, thanks for your feedback! I think I used Elmer’s Glue that works on wood, glass etc. It’s a white glue from the US (thank you Lia!) but it dries transparent! Good luck! Let me know how it goes! :-)

  3548. ohhh Hanna that looks amazing!!!if i had one of these nearby i’d spend lots of my time there! :)

  3549. Oh my – that does look like a lovely place to while away a good few hours reading or crafting. If only there were a similar place near me!

    I also love the fact that it is run by Librarians – those clever library people always do things so well :-)

  3550. The cafe sounds wonderful. I think it is so important to have inspiring public places for people to relax and be :)

  3551. Oh, my heavens!! I can’t WAIT to do this!! Before I did paper crafting, I was heavily into the baking arts, and this is just what I’d love! I’m getting married soon, and I think I should make our cake!

    Thanks, Hanna.

  3552. I’m very happy to find people who share the same interest and love for this pm beads!they are lovely!
    I had the same problem with their shapes after drying but i discovered that if i let the pulp uncovered for a day or two and then mix with the flour mixture (i like the best)they do not loose so much their shapes.
    and if you rub them with sand paper or a special craft tool (sorry my english is not the best) with sandpaper on its head they’ll look gorgeous.try and smile!

  3553. Your cakes look wonderful and professional. Wow, I’m really impressed!! I want to make those for my wedding… not that I’m even engaged or anything. I’m planning ahead! Please share more tomorrow – I’ll be back!

  3554. Oh, I love cakes like that. They remind of, for some reason, of Alice in Wonderland… when she’s eating those little “Eat Me” cakes. :) Thanks for sharing! I can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures!

  3555. Oh Hanna, I am so envious. This is a real booklovers’ cafe and run by Librarians, that’s a great idea. Wish I could be there. Hej da

  3556. Hanna hanna! Jag har s? fullt upp just nu att jag inte ens hinner maila dig. Men du ska veta det att jag, vi – b?de jag och Mikael ?r s? n?jda med alla bilder – och all annan hj?lp vi fick av dig att vi inte vet var vi ska ta v?gen. Du ?r s? proffsig….jag j?mf?r alla br?llopsbilder jag ser med dina…? dina vinner i alla fall! Jag som inte tycker att jag fastnar p? bilder, tycker att jag ?r fin p? varenda en! S? fint i din blogg ocks?…jag har skrivit ut den i f?rg f?r det ?r s? kul att ha kvar det. L?mnar adressen till varenda en! Du ?r b?st Hanna…kanske ska du s?ka jobb som fotograf – varf?r inte starta eget! Kramar i Massor! (skriver h?r f?r jag vill att ?tminstone dina svenska l?sare ska veta hur bra dy ?r!)

  3557. I love this, especially all the handmade touches. My son and his wife had a black and white wedding as well, and I loved it. Thanks for all the wonderful pictures.

  3558. I had a black & white wedding too – so I definitely love what they did. All those personal touches really look great!

  3559. AH I so love the little candy bands and that idea with the snap shot camera’s is just brialliant. I think would be fun to have something like that next to the normal pictures. And love the placing stones. I used to paint them too when i was little and write names on it and give them to my family (when i was 6 or so…)

  3560. That all looks so fantastic! I especially love the little named pebbles. Having all those little handmade touches makes it all so much more personal and special.

  3561. What a fabulous theme. Black, white and red are so elegant and classy. It sounds as if a wonderful time was had by all. The goody bags for the kids sound yummy…lol

  3562. How cool is that? The B&W polka dot theme!! Thanks for the inspiration. I’m planning a B&W wedding theme right now!!

    Congrats to the bride & groom too!!

  3563. What beautiful decorations. I love weddings that are not your typical colors. It really shows the personality of the couple. Everything looks fabulous! Are you going to show us pictures of the ceremony?

  3564. Thanks for all your lovely comments, I know the bride will be thrilled to know you all liked all her beautiful and smart wedding decorations! :-)

    Tracey, my official wedding pictures will be posted next week, so come back then! :-)

  3565. Hi Hanne,
    I think you should visit Wee Wonderful’s wee shop and scroll to the end of the page for some lovely patterns of robots, bunnies etc.

    I bought her first pattern book: PUT-TOGETHER BOOK NO. 1 Kitty, Bunny & Bear and I think these are adorable and fun to make. Mine can be found here:


    Oh, Scotty;

    Oh, and I just found this, isn’t it pretty:
    A teddy pig! :-)

    Good luck!

  3566. Hi Hanna
    Thank you for a absolutely lovely blog. I have bought your book and get so inspired – every day.
    For some years I havent been creative – but now I’m started again – thanks to you and your great blog.
    I have signed up for the CollagePlay and look foreward to started. I can say how much its mean to me to get started.
    From Siffe/Denmark

  3567. Hi Siffe!
    so glad you like my blog and the book and that you’ll play along with us in some art adventures! I think it will be awesome! I just saw your post about my book – Thank you so much! Take care!

  3568. Thank you so much for the mention!! I am shooting for next Monday the 4th…that will give me time to set up on Flickr!! :O) Happy day my dear! xoxo Nance

  3569. Nancy, I’m so excited about this arty adventure! What will happen, what will be create? I can’t wait! :-)

  3570. I really love this caf? and the ideas around!
    This is the first but not the last time I visited your site!

  3571. lovely pictures

    I really like what you created for the black and white wedding, especially those polka dot cameras with a message on the back, very clever

  3572. Very cute shoes. And I love finding heart shaped rocks, too! It’s great that you’re documenting your life like this. You are finding and making treasures. Have a happy Monday.

  3573. Jag har nu stickat klart min 3:e mssa. I’m crazy… fattar inte nr jag ska anvnda dem alla. :)

  3574. Thanks for visiting and commenting my blog. I’m reading yours for a while now but I’m not a big commenter myself. Love your photos and omg the shoes!!!

  3575. Hanna, you sound so happy! That’s so fantastic! I love your cute little fox and knitting ATCs. Keep smiling!

  3576. Oh, you stole the greek temperatures!!! Seriously, it’s good for you to have greek heat right now, because Greece has the sahara heatwaves…

  3577. Thanks!

    Karmology clinic; Ti kannis?! Ha, yes, you live in Greece, how nice it’s a lovely country! I love the heat, at least when I don’t have to go somewhere with the non-ac buses! The beach is perfect! :-)

  3578. Oh wow, the fox is GORGEOUS!!!! Really hot here in London too, but not much fun nowhere near the sea and in a fully carpeted flat done in pre-global warming era ;-)

  3579. I was going to mention how lovely your pages were, then I saw those shoes and lost my train of thought. Those shoes are awesome! I want a pair. :D

  3580. Hi, Hanna! It is meltingly hot here in Minnesota (USA) as well! I have awarded you the Arte y Pico Award, so if you’re interested, come on over and check it out!

  3581. Thanks for all your comments girls!

    Bruden Maria, jag ?r s? v?ldigt glad f?r att du och Mikael gillar bilderna! Nu har jag ?ven postat dukningen och idag ?ven ett par av br?llopsfotografierna som jag redigerat! Titta f?rbi igen och kommentera g?rna! Jag skulle g?rna vilja jobba som fotograf p? glada br?llop, vore inte det ett h?rligt jobb! Kram kram kram!

  3582. Your wedding photography is breathtaking and the bride and groom so lovely together. You did a great job; I think you’re ready to hang out your shingle. xo

  3583. These are stunning wedding photographs, Hanna. I think you’re ready to go professional, too. Seriously. Your work is so intimate and lovely, and yet real. If I were ever to get married, I’d hire you in a minute!

  3584. These photos are intimate and beautiful! You should have no problem working as a professional. No problem at all!


  3585. What a beautiful couple and you captured their special day in such inspiring ways. Excellent job!!!

  3586. Oh, lovely. You’ve captured just the sort of things I love to see….not the posed stuff, but all the little bits and pieces. You have the talent to truly make a career of this!

  3587. I love your pictures! That is exactly the type of photography I love. I would love to see more pictures!

  3588. Stunning photos. You’ve captured the intimacy between the couple so beautifully that I have tears in my eyes! Brava!

  3589. Beautiful wedding. Beautiful photography. I love the storyboards. Very fun. I’ll have to try that one of these days.


  3590. Knitting Again is absolutely gorgeous. With all of the various intriguing elements, I could gaze upon it for hours. Your little fox is so precious. It has been rainy for the most part this summer here in Manchester, New Hampshire, USA. Fortunately it isn’t hot, hot, hot at the tree house.

  3591. These are absolutely superb photos. You have captured so much tenderness and love. From looking at the photos one would never know that the groom had a difficult time smiling. He reminds me of my ex-husband who also feels awkward in front of cameras. Anyone would be lucky and honored to have you as their photographer. I love photography too – I’m no where as good as you, and the thought of shooting a wedding or any event where the subjects are moving is well, intimidating. At this point, I’m better with things that don’t move. I’m in love with still life and admire those who can capture moving life. May you travel all over the world and capture all of those little and tender moments. Well done iHanna, well done.

  3592. Vilka underbara bilder! Jag ?nskar att du fotat v?rt br?llop (f?r 12 ?r sedan!). Ist?llet har vi fula studiobilder som jag hatade redan d? men tyckte att vi borde ha i alla fall.

    Nu ska jag l?sa i kapp p? din blogg – jag har haft semester och du har varit produktiv…

  3593. Absolutely stunning photos Hanna! You have done such a beautiful job capturing such a special moment. I love your idea of the traveling photographer. You have a great eye for detail! I love the hardness (im not sure that is the right word) of the groom and the softness of the bride together. Beautiful, beautiful couple!

  3594. Hanna, these are absolutely lovely. These are just the kind of wedding photos I love–they have so much meaning. You’re a fabulous photographer!

  3595. Greetings from Washington (state, not D.C.), USA. I love your work and I’ve been reading your blog (very inspirational) for a long time, but I don’t believe I’ve commented much, if at all. Sorry. I had to comment today because these photos are incredibly wonderful. I was surprised to find myself becoming quite emotional over the wedding of people I don’t know. I’d love to tell you which picture is my favorite, but it’s impossible. They are too beautiful to put one above the rest. Congratulations to you and best wishes to the happy couple!

  3596. Hanna- these photos are remarkable! You seemed to capture the romantic yet celebratory feel of the day. I wish you had shot my wedding! I used a photojournalist who did a great job capturing the moment but I think I like your point of view a bit more!

  3597. Hi Hanna, these are beautiful, very special pictures. You are just so talented. I know you don’t get involved with blogging awards, but I nominated you for one anyways. It always makes me smile when I come across your name in the blogging universe and I just wanted you on that list. So thanks.

  3598. Your fox and flowers are adorable!

    I love love love the wedding photos you took. You are so multi-talented my friend!

    love, violette

  3599. WOWed with that journal. would love to see the end result with your journaling-!!!
    the wedding pics are seriously amazing

  3600. I can feel lots of love in this post! Love for and from your readers. You are one cool creative soul my dear and I hope that one day we’ll get a chance to meet in real life.

    Love love LOVE your journal spread! Those colours… yummy!

    Isn’t paper addicting??? I love the stuff!


  3601. :) I hope you like your grabbag!!! The Japanese papers are very expensive so I included smaller pieces of those (but that way I could give you more of them) in the bags. :)

    Thanks again!!!


  3602. Sophie, I’m so glad you can feel the love and happiness I’m experiencing right now! Papers are so very adictive and I’m very grateful that you shared so much of your stash with me! Thanks again my dear! If you ever come to Sweden…

    Kelly, yes! I loved these papers and I know they are expensive, that’s why I’ve never owned any papers like these before! I’m so glad I splurged and I’m very thankful that you are sharing your stash like this! Thanks!

  3603. More beautiful stuff!
    I just tried to write to you through your ‘Contact Hanna’ form, but it won’t send for some reason.

    I just wanted to thank you for your thoughtful comment to me, and for all your inspiration.

  3604. Chris!
    isn’t it me who should say thank you for all your lovely comments you send me? Anyway, the comment page is down because I got so much spam from it that I couldn’t keep up deleting in my inbox! I’ll fix it soon I hope! :-) Glad you came by and said hi!

  3605. I’ve heard from photographers that shooting a wedding is the hardest thing to do, and your photos are wonderful.

  3606. Oh Hannah- your blog is so inspiring and honest – I am glad there has been an outpouring of appreciation to you.

    Your journal spread is lovely. I keep trying to make an artist journal myself – but I don’t journal :(

    But I am sure it will inspire me to some great feat of colorful layers!


  3607. Ahh! Hanna! You really should look into becoming a professional photographer for life events. These photos are FAB-U-LOUS!— The couple is SO cute! =cD So sweet. The wedding looked so much fun! Much happiness to them.

    Thanks for sharing with us Hanna. You truly are an artist of all media!


  3608. A wonderful selection of photos Hanna. I treated myself to a moleskine but never thought of putting inspirational pictures in it as well. Thanks for the idea. I love the picture of the lady walking the line and the textured heart. You find such magical things to show us in your blog.

  3609. tack f?r alla roliga tutorials! var hittade du datumst?mpeln? jag f?r b?rja raida alla (halvkassa) secondhandaff?rer i gbg… :)

  3610. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. Thank you for the comment about my pin cushion. I did not realize it was a lotus flower! I made it from one of those Japanese craft books that are written in Japanese. Wish I could get translations for them. I just have to look at the directions and figure them out. There are some really cute stuff in them.
    I am enjoying looking at your blog.
    Have a Blessed Day,

  3611. Hej!
    Tack f?r titten p? min blogg!

    Du g?r ju s? fina saker och ?r s? kreativ! T?nk om jag hade br?kdelen av din kreativitet! V?ldigt fina saker du har p? Etsy. Jag har ocks? en shop d?r, men f?r tillf?llet har jag inget i den. Har gl?mt att betala… :-)

    Ha det bra

  3612. Thanks so much for stopping by and
    the Take Care Message!

    I am feeling a lot better now.

    I added the Eye glass case links to
    that same blog entry. If you click
    Flassie it should take you there.
    The two links are in red. One link
    is a photo of them and the other link
    is the tutorial.

    Thank You so much for putting up the
    links to all the tutorials!

    GOD Bless You and Yours and Your
    Creative Life!!!

  3613. Wonderfully inspiring pages. I too bought a bag of Kelly’s papers and they are beautiful and fun-but I tend to be kind of a hoarder-but after seeing your pages I am inspired to use these treasures. Thans!

  3614. Vad bra att vi hade Greekska v?dret! It is gone now…it is only 17 here in Uppsala…lots of rain and clouds!

  3615. I have started cutting all of my boxes to be used for postcards, ATC’s and collage backings…barely anything goes to ?tervinning :)

    Zuzu has an altered shopping bag on her site that was made from newspaper by the shop owners…it is wonderful to see all of the new “green” art that is coming out of recycling. I received several rolls of “spill” paper from the local newspaper and am trying to make my own version of the “altered shopping bag”

  3616. Thanks for your kind comments on my blog, Hanna.
    Looking forward to working with you in CrowAbout’s group. Hey, gotta make that cat toy, my cat “nephew” will love it. And I saved those paper-making links. That is another on my list of crafty things to do before I die!

  3617. Hello Hanna follow your blog for a while now and found a dictionary Swedish Dutch dated 1907. When I saw it I thought perhaps you would be interested in having this. Send me an email if you are. Very inspirational your blog and all the links you provide.

  3618. Oh I love it!! And I know that feeling of “I have this amazing new notebook, and it smells like fresh paper, and it’s destined for something amazing but I just can’t bear to take the plunge and write in it!”

    I think I have at least two or three at home… thanks for the inspiration- maybe this will help me use them!

  3619. Your spreads are great, as always, and thanks so much for the labels! I absolutely love these simple labels,and I’m always looking for places to buy them, when I could actually just print them! Thanks!:)

  3620. OMG… I love that book. I never quite got the hang of that kind of exchanges – but the creative love that awakens in my heart when I watch the spreads you made… I’m heading for NK right after work, that’s for sure! Toying with colours, words, doodling, feelings and quotes, I don’t have to exchange it with anyone else, I’d want to keep it all to myself, as a reminder – of joy!
    Thanks for priceless inspiration!

  3621. The swap is a great idea,and it’s so great how the Net brings the world together. Makes me want to try it or to dust my own Moleskine off for doodling.

  3622. Hanna, I get such a rush reading your blog. Even if I don’t have the energy to read.. if I just glance and skim with photos and bolded key words, I tingle.

    I have two questions for you.

    1. How do you organize your magazines, clippings, collage pieces, etc? Right now, I’m stuck with cutting and using them as I go through magazines.. Do you have some kind of organizational system for certain pictures and phrases you may want to save/use at a later date?


    2. How do you have time in life to do so many wonderful craft things AND write about them?



  3623. Thank you for all your lovely comments! You make me blush!

    So glad you I make you tingle! :-) To answer your questions:

    1. How to organize your clippings?
    I have a very cool folder hanger that you can view in this post:
    Folders filled with frogs and birds – but I tend to use transparent A4-folders right now and just fill it with whatever I have until I need another one to fill and stack them all in a big plastic box that is on the floor! It’s not organizing, but I love just digging through these folders to find anything that catches my eye. I seldom look for a “special image”, I go with what I find at the moment. Ask again if you want to know more.

    2. Time for wonderful things?
    Wouldn’t it be a sad life otherwise? ;-) Well, I’ve been in school and then out of a job and I tend to do what I like on my spare time. I like to create and I love to write about it. And I haven’t had kids, a dog, a full time job, a big house or a garden so most of the time I can sit and just DO. If you’re looking for more time to create, turn of the TV sometimes too!


  3624. Cool pattern on the book covers! What great finds too. It has been far to long since I have been out thrifting. :(

  3625. Your Moleskine is such an inspiration.

    They’re expensive here, too, and I have recently started buying other notebooks I found at a local art supply store, but there is something very unique and special about a Moleskine, so I just indulged in a new one.

  3626. I have never quite adjusted to the idea of turning books, an object of beauty in itself, into something where you rip the words out. However, if it saves them from landfill, and they contribute to more beautiful objects of art, so be it!

    Great finds Hanna. Was delighted to discover recently you had linked to me on your links page. Guess I better update that blog, eh?


  3627. Ah bummer – you beat me to finishing this idea! When I saw your moleskin the other day, and couldn’t find one for myself at NK, I thought of making one – and while starting up that work, I thought of making a card in this style. And now you made one…! Oh well, you’re an amazing inspiration, so I’ll forgive you…! ;o)

  3628. I LOVE the colour purple. It’s my all time favourite colour and about half my wardrobe is in in assorted shades of it.

    Embrace purple! It’s the colour of magic, after all!

    Your accordion card looks great.

  3629. Hanna, I just now saw your post on my blog where you left the link for this great tutorial. Your pages are gorgeous! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this. I’ll definitely include this in my technique book.

    I recently did a resist technique that ends up looking like batik. You use gel medium on the stamps then paint over with watered down acrylics. similar but a different look when done.

    I’m so blessed to have fun art friends like you that teach me new things to try and play with :)

  3630. I like purple, but I know how you feel… I haven’t been very fond of yellow for years and years. And now, suddenly, I love it. I think, perhaps, since I have become more acquainted with the warm and lovely yellows, instead of just the garish or cold, greenish-yellows.

    But these days, I actually have come to love almost all colors. I’m still wary about mauve, though, which is like purple gone bad.

  3631. purple used to be my all time favorite color.

    i dressed all in purple,
    i loved prince…
    purple rain was my favorite movie…
    i had purple shoes to match
    all my purple sweaters…
    my scribblers and binders, all purple…
    i had a purple marker that i used to
    scribble on school desks with…
    i used purple flirt in my hair…
    wore purple mascara.

    i had forgotten just how obsessed i was.

    in my grade 12 yearbook,
    all the comments written by friends
    include something about purple.

    and i love the card…
    very, very pretty!

  3632. I have a moleskine that I have been petting for a while too. I have never used one before. Your pages look great–have fun with your book exchange project!

  3633. OHHHH purple is my favorite color – deep, jewel toned purple. I just found your blog tonight – believe it or not, but I sat on the floor surrounded by a bunch of fabric trying to figure out what to do with it and decided to go explore…I am in love with your blog! I wish that I had just a tiny bit of your creativity. Unfortunately I spend more time searching for that perfect project and never finding it. Anyway, just wanted to say hello!!!!

  3634. What an amazing idea. I wonder who thought of that. How lovely to have spreads from other artists in your very own book. Good luck with the exchange and I hope the postman keeps them all safe. Your spreads are gorgeous and colourful.

  3635. You have some wonderful finds Hanna. I absolutely love that little heart shaped green bowl. So very pretty. I love looking around shops like that. We call them charity shops in the UK and you can get some real treasures there and lots of good quality books which would be too expensive to buy new. Happy thrifting.

  3636. The “Ideas with fabric and quilting” link isn’t working for me… it could be an issue on my end of course, but you might want to double-check before your readers, desperate for some fabric & quilting ideas, decide to riot. Gotta watch out for rioting crafters- they’re armed with needles, scissors and hooks! :)

  3637. M?ste f? fr?ga dig en sak.
    Lim, vad anv?nder du f?r lim n?r du arbetar i din ArtJournal??
    Nyfiken, f?r jag har inte hittat n?got som k?nns “perfekt” ?n ;-)

  3638. Lovely post!! How could anyone NOT want to do this after reading this and feeling your joy? I have that book but when I first got it, wasn’t inspired by it. But the past week I’ve seen it praised twice now, so I must look at it again when I get my books out of storage!

  3639. Your pillows are beautiful and so well done! You seem to have some fabulous fabrics at your fingertips. I love the teacups one!

  3640. Love your pillows. Scrap quilts are always my favorite! Love your art journal too, especially the way the staple looks like a clip in her hair. Thanks for the nice comment about my new blog design. I’m learning.

  3641. Jessica!
    thanks for checking my links! It’s now fixed.

    tack f?r bes?k och kommentar! Jag anv?nder alltid limstift, det jag hittar billigt ?ven om jag f?redrar det fr?n Pritt eller ett gr?nt som heter scandi stick. eftersom jag klistrar s? tunt papper kan jag inte anv?nda n?gra rinnande klister, men man f?r prova sig fram tills man hittar en favorit! Lycka till med din egen art journal!

    thanks for commenting on the collage, I loved doing it so much!

  3642. If I could afford it, I think I’d buy just about everything you make! I love your colourful creations and I love that you use “what you have.”


  3643. S? fina kuddar! Och jag blev j?ttef?rtjust i dina sm? miniartqyults p? etsy. Mycket l?ckra!
    “utspridda” stygn var ett roligt namn p? broderistygn. Men jag vet inte vad de heter, jag kallar de f?r “str?sselstygn” – det ?r det som ?r kul med fritt broderi, man syr som man sj?lv vill!

  3644. Log cabin’s are one of my favorite designs. Do you just grab a fabric (in it’s light/dark value)and sew or do you try to plan what fabric goes next?

  3645. Thank you sweeties!

    I don’t plan very much – I just grab what I think will look good next to the previous piece of fabric…. So it’s not made blindly, but not planning ahead either! I make something I think will be pretty and hope for the best!

  3646. Jenny,
    ?h DET var d? en komplimang!

    vet du vem Gunilla Skyttla ?r? Konstn?r som bl.a syr och hon kallar det n?got fint:
    Stygnskv?tta! ?r inte det ett aldeles underbart fint ord?

    Jag h?ller p? med det just nu, p? ett av mina dagliga kort som idag blir i tyg! Jag blev inspirerad att g?ra mer broderi n?r jag s?g dina atc ig?r! :-)

  3647. These photos are amazing! You have a wonderful eye for things. Your warmth towards these people also shines through. I love all of them!

  3648. Superfin kudde! Jag har planerat att g?ra en j?ttel?nge, nu fick jag lite inspiration!

    F?rresten, jag har gett dig en award p? min blogg! Kika f?rbi och skicka vidare :)

  3649. oh, I’m definitely infected. I work at home, and I’m at the computer all day long, and I can’t help it. I check news, flickr, blogs, comments, all day long…I know it’s terrible, but I’m not sure it’s something I want to correct right now…I do need some distraction during the day. I guess when you’re at the office you talk to people. I read online. :-)

  3650. I can so-o find myself in this! Sometimes I cannot help it, but now I am aware of my own habbits and try to focus when I turn on the computer (or go back to it).
    I can use the livewriter program (free) and have downloaded it to my computer. That way I can write my posts without being online or have to be at my blogs dashboard to get to the writing. If I really want to write something/ make a blogpost, I do that before I take a “break” and read my mail/ my feeds… And the best part by live writer, for me, is that I can save the drafts right here on my computer, so now I have several small bogpost in my files with thoughts I have collected when surfing or during the day.
    I’ve been facinated by GTD, too. Right now I use the flylady dystem and is also getting inspiered by what Lisa Call did this summer (selling a house/ buying a house while doing her artwork and so, – all by herself!)

  3651. Hi you!!!, i wish i could, but you make a great artdolls, you must teach me!!! when you came to Argentina we exchange creatives waves!
    Nice to meet you!”
    nos vemos

  3652. ?h kul att du ocks? gillade GTD! Allt ?r s?klart inte relevant, mkt jobbsnack, men jag har b?rjat anv?nda mig av en hel del saker och det fungerar ju faktiskt!
    Ett litet smart program att anv?nda sig av heter Things, kr?ver dock mac. Smidigt med inbox, next action, someday och today. Jag gillar det! Du hittar det h?r:

    Intressant inl?gg dessutom, jag ?r definitivt smittad! Just nu tio flikar ?ppna, fast jag egentligen hade t?nkt att jag skulle blogga lite och sedan skriva. Hm..

  3653. So there’s a name for this LOL! I’m infected, too … just the other day, I was on a blog that recommended another blog, so I clicked through … and lost 4 hours there! I’ve learned that if I need to get stuff done around here, I cannot get on the computer until AFTER it’s done, or else …

    My worst habit is that I have a routine … I check each tab, then my favorite Yahoo groups, then my favorite blogs, then my email. Well, that’s not bad, but then I find myself starting over again, just in case something new was posted in the last 15-20 minutes! It’s a sickness …

  3654. Thank you diagnosing the sickness for me, Hanna, I’m definitely bitten by the same bug. Mine must be even bigger and fiercer than yours, because you seem to get all sorts of crafts done and you blog almost every day, and always about interesting things. My bug have kept me shy of my own blog the last couple of years, even though I really want to. And you’re right, all this checking this and that on the internet leaves you feeling empty and tired, even if I started out looking for inspiration.

  3655. sounds like a really good book! i also like books that inspire me to take action in that way.
    i will have to check it out {but only after i read the ones in the list before it!}

  3656. Hi Hanna, I’ve not read the book, but I read a lot about it and various sites that are promoting the David Allen way, and it seems to me like the book itself may create more mess, because it’s more lists, more stuff to do and change…I’m not sure. In any case, could you explain why having lots of emails in the inbox is problematic? I have 9000 (really…), some dating back to 2000… but since they’re so old and I keep them as reference and for sentimental value, how does that affect my productivity? Many thanks in advance!:)

  3657. Wow. Haven?t heared of that book so far but sounds pretty interessting! I?ve got to order it via amazon and probably a copy for my mum as well, she?s in strong need of a helping hand when it comes to organizing things ;)
    Thanks for sharing this book review with us

  3658. I have always been a list maker. That sounds so organized. But if you were to look at my notebook – it’s A MESS. Lists are in the front of book, back of book, back pages of other lists, scraps of paper here and there. No sense to the lists. Things I want to do now mixed with things I KNOW I’m not going to do for ages. It’s crazy. I NEED the book… Thanks

  3659. I’m infected too! I work from home and it’s very easy to get distracted, especially if I’m working on something difficult. Like Irene, I also end up felling drained after too much time online.

    Thanks for the link to the curiosity bug article. I definitely recognize myself in there!

  3660. Hanna,
    This post completely resonated with me. I have felt the way you wrote about so many times. I love your blog and I also have the curiosity bug :o) right now I have 15 tabs open on my browser, too… the number doesn’t seem to get any smaller. I have heard a lot about GTD, too, but haven’t read the book. I’m going to see if they’ve got it in the library. We can improve!! Take care & I hope you are having a beautiful Thursday.

  3661. Oh I have a bad bad case of this- I do what Jennifer does and cycle through my tabs once i’ve read things once in the hopes that something new has been posted. And yet all the time I am beating myself up over the fact I am wasting time and not making art. I’ve just spent about three hours just skimming through blogs and have 9 tabs open and yet to start my own blog update for today. I need a cure for this badly!

  3662. Thanks for this! I am always so busy multi-tasking I have a really hard time getting things done. Thanks for sharing!

  3663. Fun fact: if you write about GTD a bunch of guys come around and market their GTD-site though I didn’t let them market their stuff here since they are not interested in what I wrote, what this blog is about or anything else but themselves! I did the delete-thing… ;-)

    Anyway, Hagit,
    having a lot of e-mails stored is not problematic for me either, the problem is probably that I check them and don’t answer them and then the important ones keep going deeper and deeper into the pile and disipears! I get so much e-mail notices and stuff that I need to be more organized to know what’s important and what’s not! I don’t know yet how to manage it but I’ll figure it out while I go along! Any mess is not disturbing perhaps if you are always sure of what is important to do next. I’m not. I get sidetracked ALL the time! How about you?

    I think you’re going to looove this book! :-)

    Thanks for your comments girls!

  3664. That is so cool! When we travel to the stuga, I always want to go on Saturday morning so I can stop at all of the loppis marknads between Gavle and R?ttvik.

  3665. Super pictures as usual, Hanna. You have a gift for photography. BTW, I want all those beautiful books. I can just imagine them gracing my bookshelf, looking so elegant!

  3666. vilken mysig butik, synd att den ligger s? l?ngt fr?n mig. f?r f?rs?ka komma dit n?sta g?ng jag h?lsar p? sl?kten i s?rmland :)

  3667. I love that distressed green dresser. Looks like it might have a nice bit of history to it. The plants in the pram are gorgeous. What beautiful and interesting photos you take Hanna.

  3668. Hanna, I hope you’re having a creative, peaceful, and fun Sunday. Thanks for all of the tutorial links. I really like your valentines day cards as well… they are unique and sweet! Take care.

  3669. My husband loves this book and introduced me to it, and I often implement parts of it to try to keep myself productive. I’ve found it helps a lot with fighting my tendencies to get overwhelmed by all my ideas and projects and interests.

  3670. Love the recycle use for light bulbs! Makes me glad that I saved the light bulbs that I replaced. Figured I’d come up with something. :)

  3671. Hey hanna, my hubby is reading the exact same book at the moment ;-) he says that i provides great tips for multi-tasking.

  3672. Thank so much for sharing this tutorial! I know lots of little ones that would love to roll these around, and I agree that they would look so sweet in little bowls around the house!

  3673. My daughter is just learning to sew, and so (no pun intended!) these tutorials are just what she needs. Plus, these are very cute and would make great gifts for her little cousins. :)

  3674. A gift for everyone — what a great way to pay it forward!

    The balls are beautiful and I’d bet they’d look good piled in a large bowl on a coffee table. A good use for all those fabric scraps we can’t part with.


  3675. That is so cute! I want to make a bunch of tiny ones for my cats. Totally linking to this in the Daily DIY today!

  3676. Hi Hanna,
    These balls look great… I will come back later to download the PDF when the link is fixed.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3677. Hello Hanna!
    These are so beautiful. I can’t wait to try make one from my little boy. I’m having trouble finding the .pdf however. It brings me to a magnet tutorial. (Although that looks fun too!) xoxoxo tj

  3678. Hey everyone!
    I couldn’t find the link myself so it’s not strange that you didn’t see it – it was wrongly linked and I’m so sorry! I hope you can get it now because I’ve fixed the link! Let me know what you think when you SEE it (use it/read it)! ;-) XXO

  3679. Hanna,
    Your tutorial is awesome! Thank you for re-linking for us. I’ve never paper-pieced so I appreciate a project that is achievable and fun. xoxoxo tj

  3680. Wow, I’m brand new to the crusades projects. I’m going to participate in the next crusade so I thought I’d check out what everyone was doing on the last one.
    When I saw the picture of you sitting amidst your creations I had to giggle …..that picture of you and your creativity amassed before you might as well have been a picture of my brain. Once I get going on something the whole world stops …too bad I have children and a full time job ! You have to totally be an artist to get this.

    …can hardly wait to join the next one . Great seing your work !


  3681. hello Hanna,

    the balls look so cute ! I can image they are very calming to make and afterworths seeing the smile on the face of the child that gets it…

    thanks for the tutorial, I printed it out, cause it looks tempting !

    Inge from belgium

  3682. These are all so cute! Your handstitching looks so neat and tidy too.
    This would make a lovely project for autumn and winter evenings, to make just in time for a Christmas present for a little one – well if I could get at least one whole one finished :)
    Thank you for the tutorial!

  3683. Thanks for your comments, so happy you liked this project! i did too!

    If you give it to a child please send me a picture – I’d love to see the smiles too! :-)

    A pile of balls on the coffee table is my kind of fun, since I don’t have any kids but love toys anyway! :-)

  3684. Hey Hanna-

    Thanks. I have a few people in mind (myself included) who may benefit from reading this book!

  3685. That online store has yummy stuff! No wonder you indulged yourselves! I can’t wait to see what you did with the wet felted balls. They look like candy in that photo!

    I checked out Byron Katie’s website. Will have to go back. Sounds interesting.

    Summer vacation is almost over for me. Work starts officially on Monday. I’m looking forward to it though. It means a new group of kids, new activities, new challenges…


  3686. The fabrics you chose just swept me back to my childhood days. They reminded me of my bedroom pillows! Oh how I loved them. :)

  3687. These. are. precious. I don’t have a crafty bone in my body, and boy I wish I did have it. I want to make these!

  3688. I think there are enough serious grown-ups in the world ! Let’s hear it for “giddy girls” !!!

  3689. Jag blir s? glad n?r jag l?ser det du skrivit, vad sk?nt det ?r med folk som har barnasinnet kvar l?ngst ut ist?llet f?r att stoppa det l?ngst in s? det bara kommer fram n?r man dricker f?r mycket vin. ;)
    Jag har ?ntligen f?tt till lite l?nkar p? min blogg, s?nt som jag blir inspirerad av, och nu finns du d?r!

  3690. Haha this was an awesome post, i love how you are so free and at ease with who you are, imagine this world if everyone was like that. It would be soooooo amazing :) i love those fabrics too.

    Thanks for the inspiration that you give us . your great!!!!! :)

  3691. What an inspiring entry Hanna! I have been dealing with clinical depression for most of my life and am still trying to figure out how to be happy.(The older I get ; I’m getting better.) — Your description of being the bright girl in a world of grey made me grin. I dress weird too, hehe…

    I don’t think it’s childish to love the things you love. I think it makes you young-spirited and interesting. Life it WAY too short to be so proper. Have fun and follow your heart!

    You have brightened my day you giddy girl you!!

  3692. I am so trying to get back to that fun child again! After having three kids, I think I felt like I had to “grow-up” and be responsible (which meant you couldn’t act kooky). But after 9 years I am ready to let my inner child break free and loosen up! Who am I really living for…Me or the rest of the world? I choose me!

  3693. That’s a great quote to start the day!

    Can’t wait to see the magic with the woolen balls. They are lovely just the way they are.

    Finally: in your moleskine I see the word “flickdrom”. I don’t know what it means, but it sounds fun.

  3694. Toni, the “crafty” does not come from your bones but your heart, I feel it in your comment already that you have it, and if you have the wish to make… you should absolutely try it out, I think you can make these! Good luck! :-)

  3695. Every time that I see some felted ball or pebble or mitt, I want to try it. It looks soothing and meditative to do.

    The red butterfly is the sweetest thing ever!

  3696. I have some rose petal beads made about 100 years ago by my grandmother. You would think being rose petals they would smell nice, but they stink. But they are really interesting. A matte black.

  3697. Great list of tutorials! And I’m looking forward to your tutorial on layered pages … I still struggle with doing layers well.

  3698. WOW. You are the most amazing teacher. I love how you’ve written up this tutorial and the pictures…so vibrant they just JUMP off the page! Stunning! I’ll be linking to this today!

  3699. Jag gillar verkligen dina art journals!
    Du verkar vara s? or?dd i ditt skapande, men det ?r v?l d?rf?r det blir s? himla bra!

  3700. i love, love, love your artwork! and your website. and your photos. and your links. and, and, and…

    it’s so inspirational! i come and look and browse and click and get new ideas almost every day. i’ve been separated from my art supplies for almost a year while volunteering in england, but am going home in a few weeks and am going to pour all the art piled up inside onto page after page after page… i can’t wait!!

    i love lynne perella, too – have you read her book “Artists’ Journals and Sketchbooks”? if not, you definitely should. but i have a feeling you already have..!

    anyway, sorry this is so long – have a beautiful day and keep up the wonderful work!! =)

  3701. du ?r en m?starinna p? kollage! vilken energi du har, hela tiden! jag ?r helt m?ll?s, t?nk om jag hade ens en mm av din energi, vad mycket jag skulle skapa…
    alltid lika kul att se dina uppdateringar och jag ?r usel p? att l?mna kommentarer efter mig, ska f?rs?ka sk?rpa mig.

    ha det g?tt!

  3702. Oh WOW! Amazing! Thanks for showing us how you did this.

    If you click on my name you’ll see a reversible circle skirt link I added to Christmas in July. I noticed you wanted to make skirts, so I thought of you when I seen it.

    GOD Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!

  3703. This is wonderful as a tutorial, thank you. I recently got into journals and drawing something every day, and your site never fails to inspire me to try harder. I adore what you did for week 3!

  3704. Hanna, I wish I knew about this collage sheets before ! Maybe you talked about it and I missed it ? Anyway, it’s wonderful, I love your pages !
    Cecile, in foggy France

  3705. I am sorry it was such a disappointing turnout. I love the notebooks! You did the binding yourself?

  3706. I hope you are not too down about the turnout and sales! I think the notebooks are fabulous, and all of your work is fantastic! Some days are better than others and it’s hard to pinpoint what people are looking for.

  3707. Lovely notebooks (and your mom’s stuff is gorgeous too!) I need another notebook like I need a new hole in my body otherwise I’d definitely buy one of yours.

    And about the market, at least you put yourself (and your stuff) out there! There’s always a next time and I’m sure that will be even better.


  3708. Hanna: I like the idea of creating not only inside but on the covers of altered books. I’ve not ventured down that path but now I’m anxious to try!!! And just curious ~ do you put sealant or final coat of gel medium on top of the final coat on the cover? Love your blog and your artwork!

  3709. I just started to mosaic and LOVE it. Your pot is beautiful!!!! Could you please tell me what 3SEC is in US dollars? I am just curious how it compares to our prices. Thanks in advance. Karen

  3710. Thanks for all of your comments!

    3 SEK is Swedish Crowns and if you want to know how much that is you can go to and type

    3 SEK IN USD and then press search and the answer will be there! Try it out, I use it all the time. Thanks for your visit, did you see the most recent creation, my mosaic table too?

  3711. Thanks for all your lovely comments!

    I never seal pages inside the book but for protection because I really put my journals to use I’ve sealed the cover with acrylig glossy medium. It works fine! Let me know if you try altered books, and have fun with it!

  3712. Thanks for your comments gals!

    the group Crow About is onging and made by Nancy Baumiller. You can read more about the groupe here and send her an e-mail and ask to join, she will then send you an invitation to our flickr group where you can find new Collage Elements each week to download and print! Lots of variety and fun! I love it!

  3713. Fantastisk ?r allt jag kan s?ga just nu. Man blir liksom n?stan m?ll?s n?r man kikar in o ser dina h?rliga ArtJournal-sidor.

    Du.. jag funderar om du vill ha tavlan personligen. Om vi helt enkelt skulle ta o ses o s? kan jag k?pa en bok av dig samtidigt. Vad s?gs?? Om inte.. s? skall jag skica iv?g tavlan i helgen.

    Kram Jenny

  3714. Indeed a wonderful interpretation of collage and layers!! I love how you showed your process and then got lost in it..which is what is intended to happen!! Love that!! Loving what your doing with the images provided! Great work dear!! Thank you for the mention!! xoxo

  3715. When my DH was still living so far away I used to have a diary to keep him informed of everything I did but never gave it to him, decided to keep it to myself as my diary. When the kids appeared I stopped writing but maybe I’ll buy the book!!!!!!!!

  3716. I’ve been convinced forever that writing is my meditation and my therapy. When I sit quietly with my journal it’s like I can access a wiser person within myself who knows all the answers to the questions I have and who loves me despite my clumsy moments. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.

  3717. Hello,

    I really enjoyed your blog and hearing about whta you are reading. As a teacher and journaling advocate, I agree that Lynn’s book is a wonderful one.

    I also thought you might be interested in reading my book, Regina’s Closet: Finding My Grandmother’s Secret Journal which shares the long-term benefits of journal keeping and that is for the benefit of future generations!

    Happy writing!

    PS. VIsit my blog,

  3718. hi
    your postcards very beautiful very nice.
    i make postcard too.
    i live in iran.
    bye mahsa

  3719. What a great folkloric necklace! I can see why you feel happy wearing it. Just the thing for a gray, rainy day!

  3720. This necklace is so so wonderful! It reminds me in some ways of Andrea Scher’s superhero jewelry, because she used bright colors, too. I love how the necklace makes you smile… I think it would make me smile, too… just seeing it on someone else. Take care & have a wonderful weekend!

  3721. En av de b?sta grejerna du bloggat om p? sistone, det ?r helt fantastiskt! Mycket bra att det ?r i ull ocks

  3722. Hanna,
    Thank you so much for linking to my tutorial :o) I love your collections of links and how they lead me on fun new adventures. Take care & have a wonderful Sunday!

  3723. Aww shucks thanks for the link :D As always you have wonderful links to peruse :D

  3724. Amazingly beautiful texture and colours. You are multi-talented Hanna and have a wonderful sense of colour.

  3725. I absolutely love the vividly brilliant colours and patterns of the left hand page in your altered book. Amazing.

  3726. Congrats Hanna! You must be on cloud 9 right now! I am always amazed by your beautiful talents and am inspired. I have never been good at keeping a written journal (because I don’t like my handwriting)but maybe I will be able to express myself better with pictures. I am going to see if I can find this book right now! YAY!!!

  3727. Grattis Grattis Grattis!!!
    This is fantastic news! I will have to be on the look out for this one, how wonderful! Eleven pages! Of course you should be dancing and not apologizing for your excitement, this is fabulous news :)
    You are one of the most productive journal page creators I know of :)

  3728. Thank you, Hanna, for publishing such a great post about the book! And you have many pages in it because your work is wonderful!! THANK YOU!!!!!

  3729. Congrats Hanna! I did my own happy dance a couple of months ago when I got my copy and saw my pages in there. Such a rush! I love the picture of you peeking through the 1,000 on the front. It would be neat to see a photo montage of all the artists in the book peeking through their own personal copies.

  3730. Congratulations! What a rush it must be to see your art in printed and published form! And it’s ok to toot your own horn once in a while.


    PS I’m having a giveaway on my blog.

  3731. Oh, Congratulations on being published in this amazing book. I picked it up off the shelves a week or two ago during one of my artgroup meetings (held at a bookstore) and was delighted and shocked to see so many of my flickr friends. I really wonder how I missed the boat.

  3732. congratulations hanna! I saw your spreads in there when I got the book and loved them. You should be proud! I’m doing the happy dance with you. :)

  3733. Congratulations Hanna, and you SHOULD be over the moon and proud of yourself! Your work is wonderful and I am so happy to see you be recognized.

  3734. Congrats Hanna!!!

    What wonderful pages! I’m going to
    have to put that book on my Christmas

    I put up a link to some recycled knitted Espadrilles. I seen them on one of those links you put up a bit ago. They used flipflops. I bought those stick on flip flops to make something else but I might just have to learn how to knit after
    seeing those cute Espadrilles.

    Thanks for the Sunday Tutorial links. I like
    the Newpaper yarn idea.


  3735. Bravo, f?licitations !

    Congrats on your publication, I know how you feel, and it is good !

  3736. I read this book 2 years ago and am still struggling with it :D
    The website has been talking about GTD since 2003 or so. Specially interesting are the articles on managing email.

    I would also recommend “Time Management for System Administrators”; although it is targeted at SysAdmins, it has many practical advises, and it takes advise from many other books, including GTD. GTD is a lot for the “big boss” (who here has an assistant?). TM4SA, otherwise, is more for the person having to do everyday work in many projects.

    PS: “I get overwhelmed with ideas, inspiration and want-to-do-right-now-thoughts.”—I could have written this!

    PPS: Quick correction: “invisible task you need to check off WEATHER you write it down or not!”. “Weather” should read “whether”. The weather today is rainy ;-)

  3737. I’m so infected… 8-S

    Now I even added your site to my RSS reader, which already has more than 20 thousand unread articles.

    It is a pain in the ass to be so curious.

  3738. Grattis!!!
    Och kul att h?ra mer om boken, jag ?r verkligen sugen p? att inf?rskaffa den!

  3739. Congratulations! And thanks for this post because now I have something else to add to my wish list!

  3740. Well done, you go girl! I’ve been reading your blog for such a long time now and I’m completely convinced of your talent. So it’s lovely to know that you’ll be getting out there to other artists and in such a lovely, well-designed book. I’m also going to have to put out some heavy hints about wanting this for my birthday…. :-) Bev

  3741. What strikes me most is the joyful color you are surrounded with ! I have a friends who reads “auras” and long ago he told me that I was a bluey-green mix. I think you must be a rainbow !!!!
    Thank you for your insightful and thoughtful comment on my post yesterday. You really made me pause for thought !
    May your day be filled with sweet creation !

  3742. Hi Hanna
    OFF COURSE you are PROUD!!!!! (And I am green of envy ;-))) 11 pages WOW! Going to have it ordered soon!

  3743. Great post with so few words!

    Love the colors and photos!

    I put a link to your blog and Lani’s blog
    too about the 1000 journals. I also put a
    link up to your book and Violette’s too.


  3744. WOnderful pictures, so inspiring, here it’s raining, kids are back at school, you really gave me a bit of sun in my day.
    Thank you !
    Cecile, in France

  3745. Congrats!
    I’ve seen this book and plan to buy it. I was blown away by the sheer volume, and then when I LOOKED at the pages, it is so awesome!!

  3746. OK, I give in. I’m too much of a collage and art journalling nut not to take the bait.

    What, who or where is ‘Crowabout’?

  3747. Hanna, Your pictures have improved so much in the past couple of years. They are awesome and you should look into selling prints on your website! Or maybe using them in your art pages. You have inspired me so much with your different crafts and attempting anything.

    Thank you!

  3748. GET WELL SOON!!!

    Love the Crow about! What a Hoot! LOL!
    I like the man’s glasses! The whole page
    is awesome!

    I really like how you put your blog together.

    If you feeling good enough there is a link
    on my blog to a contest to win a autographed
    book and limited edition print. I don’t know
    how long the contest is open though. I don’t
    know when she is going to pick a winner.

    GOD Bless you and Yours!!!

    BE WELL As Violette would say!

  3749. That little pink nose is just purrfect!

    Very inspiring post. Very calm. I love your close-up shots. What is that dried flower at the beginning? It’s intriguing.

    Get some rest. And have a great weekend.


  3750. Those are are beautiful photographs, with post to match! I think I might need to check out the Nathalie Goldberg book, sounds very interesting. Soon I will be getting a better, fancier camera, so that I can take some still shots….can’t wait to see what the silence whispers to me!

  3751. Hanna, this post gave me such a perfect moment of peace, both through the writing and the pictures. I feel rested and inspired, thank you.

  3752. Hi Hanna,
    thanks for commenting on my blog so I could find yours! I LOVE these pillows. It’s been a long time since I’ve done any patchwork & my log cabin blocks tend to be traditional American type of fabrics. Your fabric & color choices are wonderful & romantic which I like very much.

  3753. I found out the contest ends Friday at Midnight EST. Hopefully you’ll be able to get in on the contest!

    GOD Bless and Feel Better Hanna!!!

  3754. Do you know something?
    Your blog (meaning, I suppose: you) always inspires me to look at things anew. This is so great!

    I hope you are not getting sick, and that you feel better right now!

  3755. You’re not even the last one to have it! I don’t have mine yet, and I don’t know why – I can’t quite believe I’m in it, till I see it, and yet I’m putting off the day that I get it. Aren’t our egos tricky? Congratulations on your pages!

  3756. Oh Hanna, that is so good! I can just see you and my life is so close to that, I had to read it out to my husband. It’s the very definition of a juicy, succulent life.

  3757. I love your blog and creativity and beautiful photos.I?ll put a link to your page on my blog if you don?t mind.

  3758. Poetry… I haven’t cut-and-glued in public yet but I did allow myself to draw in public. Once last summer and once this summer (at a family gathering too.) It’s a start.

    It smells like autumn here today. I’m happy.


  3759. That is so me. The way I’ve expressed it before is that I am interested in EVERYTHING. I even clicked away from this comment to check on an email that messenger informed me had arrived. Like you say, it’s the tabs that do it, I can have two email accounts, blog comments, google reader and 6 blogs that I want to comment on all open at once!

  3760. How wonderful! Reading your latest post, I see we have a lot in common, though I have not managed to do creative stuff in public, except for write in my journal, I glue stuff in later.

    My husband refers to my “mess” as creative chaos, others just seem to think I’m terminally untidy.

    So what joy it is to read about your creative life and know that there are others out there.

    How about you offer collage/journalling courses on the train?

    You say you’d like to “find peace in contradictions”, I think life is all about contradictions and paradoxes. I’ve been trying to simplyify my life all this year. The boxes just seem to outwit me. Much joy to you

  3761. What a great post. How nice to define ourselves as all the different layers that make us up. Depth and color and intrigue are found in it all. I think it would be sad to simplify this life!

  3762. What an intensely creative person you are Hanna. I will never know how you find the time to do so much but I love reading about it and looking at your lovely pictures.

  3763. Anther lovely entry, Hanna, and incredible photos. I too am mostly drawn to bright colors, but then again, sometimes not. It has everything to do with my inner thoughts.

    I am a Natalie Goldberg fan, of her writing books, at least.

  3764. Hanna, I felt such identification with you, here! At the beginning of the holiday crafting, two tables filled with supplies exploding all around, but somehow I still find what will work for the projects. Sometimes something surprising! Don’t you love taking all your supplies with you? It gives me a sense of ease and comfort, knowing they are at hand if I want to work. I finished charms this morning at the office before 8am, with wire and beads!

    And the words ‘succulent woman’…


  3765. Oh my, these look amazing, really great :D

    How did you get the ball stuffed so full? I’ve tried stitching juggling balls before, but a full fill was so hard to achieve. Any help?

    How does the finishing/closing stitch look? I had problems with that too :S

    Great tutorial and stitching

  3766. Wow!! I JUST got this book from the library and haven’t had a chance to look at it. You are absolutely right…it’s definately a book to peruse at leisure and really take in all the art. — I didn’t know you were published in it!! I can’t wait to go home now and search through and find your beautiful pages!

    I am so glad that you blog, Hanna. I really love your postings….your thoughts, your art, your beautiful pictures…Smilla!! (More Smilla, please! She’s so pretty!)

    Thank you for sharing your soul with us. =c)

  3767. Thank you for all your lovely comments my friends!

    You have to get the book now!!! I was hesitating and waiting too (waiting for what?) before I bought it, my ego being afraid (and tricky as you said) but I’m so glad I did splurge now! I couldn’t believe that I would be in it and presented in such a nice way, but I believe it now when I have my book. Way cool.

    Thanks for the congratulations and praise! I can’t imagine how it would be getting a book like this on the library, our library here has nothing on this subject to my knowledge, Nothing at all!

    I’m so glad you like my blog!!! Thank you both from me and il gatto, she is out in the rain so no photos right now but maybe soon?

  3768. Jason the Juggler,
    how on earth did you find this my wee blog?! Anyway, I stuff everything with little chunks at a time, not a bit load at once. In this way you fill it out slowly and it gets to be very hard. Maybe you did you filled yours with big bits and had “air holes” then? I don’t know. On the sewing I can’t explain it in word and I think you should ask someone to show you, your mom or a friend that knows sewing!

    Good luck!

  3769. Congrats on you being published! Your pages look great! I know how you feel – totally surreal, right? Btw – thanks for dropping by!

  3770. You’re definitely very creative, and I love reading about it. I also think I’ve noticed your passion for writing in the last few months, where your posts have become longer and more pensive, and I find your writing very interesting and real.

  3771. Hagit!
    did you notice that, how cool! I’m glad and I hope I will keep it up and that people like you will keep writing. I often feel that I want to express many things that I don’t have the words for in English – but I’m not letting it stop me. I’m still practicing!

  3772. I don’t think you are wasting time while you have this icky cold ! I think you are resting and having some introspective moments that maybe you needed ? Sometimes our bodies know us better than we know ourselves ! Maybe it was time for some slowing down ?
    Just thoughts I got while reading your thoughtful post. I love reading your musings,Hanna !
    Hope you feel well soon !

  3773. I love coming to visit your blog so much! Your creativity inspires me to keep working on SOMETHING…I just want to do something creative every day, even if it’s just 10 minutes of something-thanks for all of the inspiration you give!

  3774. Hej. Jag ?r supernyfiken p? hur det ser ut hemma hos dig. Har du m?jligen n?got album p? eller kommer det n?got s?dan inl?gg snart? Kram.

  3775. Hehe

    I certainly don’t think this is a wee blog, look at the comments! If you want to see a wee blog, see mine :P (shameless promotion)

    I’m not sure what you mean but I found out some ways to get a tight fill since, but thanks anyways.

    I think I could make some more of these balls, they look pretty cool, definitely should try my hand at it.

    Here are some juggling prop sites, have you seen these balls? They look pretty nice, but I don’t think the quality is as good as yours, what do you think:

    You could be serious competition :P

  3776. Hej Hanna!
    Tack f?r kommentaren om mitt l?v. Det var ju en s?dan d?r ?vning som alla startar med, men det blev ?nd? bra tycker jag.
    Visst ?r du kreativ, och ?r du lite mindre kreativ rent “praktiskt” ibland s? tror jag att du st?ndigt ?r kreativ i tanken inte sant???
    Jag har ocks? en dunderf?rkylning just nu. All min energi efter sommaren f?rsvann i ett nafs, men kanske ?r det s? som f?reg?ende kommentator sa, attkroppen vet n?r vi beh?ver vila.
    K?ner s? v?l igen ming i dig, n?rjag var yngre kunde jag inte se ett TV program utan att sticka. Nu kan mycket v?l ligga i soffan och sl?titta p? TV och k?nna att jag inte beh?ver/m?ste skapa hela tiden. Men ?r man en kreativ person s? ?r man, man har n?got inom sig som bara m?ste ut inte sant?!

  3777. I like that you put a lot of photos on your blog. I’m one of those who put only one or two and most times, I have to force myself to find a photo.

    I’ve noticed that you’ve done “less” this summer than in months prior to that and it’s ok. I’ve been so busy with ATC swaps and Chunky book swaps that sometimes it feels like I’m doing too much.

    I think I’ll take my cue from you and will go out for a fall walk sometime soon to take beautiful photos.


  3778. I love your blog! I always love to come
    I really like how you have your
    blog set-up. Wonder how you manage to
    find your older posts to add to your
    newer entries?

    I was reading in a childs herb book about putting garlic in a piece of cloth and pin it to the inside of your shirt to keep from getting sick.
    Don’t know how people would feel about being around someone that smells like garlic. There are always those garlic capsules though. It mentioned to eat garlic everyday. Put it in your food.

    Grace and Peace Be Multiplied to You!!!

    GOD Bless You and Yours!!! Feel Better!!!

  3779. Sometimes even the most productive creatives need to take a little time out to care for themselves. Stay well!

  3780. You are certainly an immensely creative person and that does not only mean the crafting part, but also your writing and ways you choose to find yourself. Creativity has many layers and you are certainly snug and warm in your coat of inspiring ideas.

    Here is a book suggestion for making handmade books:

    Angela James, The handmade book
    80 pages filled with bookbinding projects and loads of step by step photographs. Great!

  3781. Thanks for all sweet encouragment!

    In the top right corner of my blog there is a little white space with a search button next to it, can you see it? It’s magic and I don’t know how I would do without it! I enter words like “goals” to find that post where I wrote about goals last! It comes with wordpress (my blog) and I love it. Anyone can use it too and search for stuff. You can also visit The Archive and browse through a category there if you want to look backwards on iHanna’s life! ;-)

    Bless you too my dear!

    Sophie: It’s way cool that you’ve noticed that, and I know it’s okay because it’s the way it is. :-)

    Nej jag har inget album om mitt hem, men jag ska t?nka p? saken! Nyfikenhet b?r uppmuntras! :-)

  3782. Being a translator, I have always been a lover of words! You should really check out, it’s not really useful or anything, but it’s FUN! Look for me there, I collect words sometimes :-)

  3783. You’ve certainly inspired me with all your pretty words to read Foolsgold! I’m a nerd for new words – there’s nothing like a beautifully constructed story or poem for me.

  3784. I love, love, love that sweater and the buttons happen to be one of my favorite colors. I am scared to make such a sweater – I only knit scarves, fingerless gloves and hats for kids. That’s it. I can’t knit a sock to save my life so I’m terrified to try a sweater. OUTSTANDING JOB!

  3785. It’s almost looks like a chartreuse yellow green,
    translucent pear color. I wonder what the color is called from a box of crayons? I love them.
    I have some buttons on my favorite flannel shirt that are the same color, only pearl like. Not translucent.

    I found a really neat website with a lot of links to tutorials. It’s at the top of my blog at the moment if you want to check it out. It’s called One Pretty Thing.

  3786. Vilken s?t tr?ja!
    Ville bara s?ga att jag best?llde boken som du tipsade om i somras, “F? det gjort!”, och den kom idag… Vilken uppenbarelse!! Stort tack f?r tipset! :)

  3787. I love words too! I like this: “If you put two favorite words together you?ve got the start of a poem!” So very true.

    Love the green buttons. Green is so “alive”, so powerful and vibrant. And full of hope. Great choice for that sweater!


  3788. Hi Hanna!

    Love the snot green buttons ! Excellent choice ! I would have clapped gleefuly instead of shrugged so I guess my taste is more like yours than your mom’s.

    Here are two words on my list today :

    sweet gratitude

    (poem starter? maybe !)

  3789. I love that photo of green thread and buttons. I think that shade of green is gonna be my favourite colour from now on!

    Your cardigan looks fantabulous! Good job, Hanna!

  3790. I love your notebook! So beautiful and inspiring! I toss my clippings in a drawer, my husband calls it my “crazy pile,” until I can put them into a binder.

  3791. thanks for the link! i wasn’t going to check it out but I am glad i did, it made me smile and it was needed:) you do such a good job here, keep up the good work!and have a nice day:)

  3792. That was wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing such a lovely discovery. I have a smile on my face now…Thanks!

  3793. Har inte kollat, men fick en pl?tslig l?ngtan efter att se Billy Elliot och h?ra l?ten Cosmic Dancer med T-rex… M?ste jag se om, snart!


  3794. Love this video – thanks for posting it! I posted a link to it on my blog and credited you with a link as well for directing me to it.
    All the best, Ren

  3795. Wasn’t this video great ? It reminded me of my group of girlfriends with whom I always dance (usually to Abba or Boney M or Pet Shop Boys or Depeche Mode) ! I am imagining happy Hanna dancing in bright socks rights now ! Dance the night away girl !

  3796. Wasn’t this video great ? It reminded me of my group of girlfriends with whom I always dance (usually to Abba or Boney M or Pet Shop Boys or Depeche Mode) ! I am imagining happy Hanna dancing in bright socks rights now ! Dance the night away girl !

  3797. Your button collection is amazing!!! I especially love your yellow and orange collections! So juicy and happy colours.

  3798. One day dd and I were talking and I told her I’d like to be 4yrs old again. She said, she’d like to be 7yrs old. My dgrc is 4yrs. old.

    The first dress I wore to school was brown and cream colors with the words Button Button Who’s Got The Button embrodiered on it with buttons.

    I really like using buttons to change the look on an outfit.

    I changed a baby boys coat with teddy bear pockets into a girls coat by adding two vinage buttons one on top of the other and tiny silk flowers next to the ears of the teddy bears.

    As always your such an inspiration and great writer.

    I found the search button that you spoke of at the top. Thanks for letting me know.

    God Bless and Grace and Peace Be Multiplied to You and Yours!!!

  3799. Wonderful button collection Hanna. Buttons are endlessly fascinating. As a child I had a huge collection of buttons and I assembled all the small grey ones (boys) and small coloured ones (girls) and pretended they were children in school. I made classrooms out of narrow strips of paper and I moved the children around for their lessons. Ahh childhood….

  3800. there is something therapeutic about sorting buttons, I keep a box unsorted just for the days when I feel the need to run my hands through them- maybe I’m just a little weird?

  3801. christy: as I say in the text, this is not my collection, it’s my mothers, but I agree with you about the orange ones! they are juicy!

    maria: I thought you’d say something like that – but this post was not written for you! :-P

    cathy: thanks for sharing your childhood memories, I enjoyed reading about your classroom button play! :-)

    guzzisue: I don’t think you’re weired at all. I keep uncut magazines to cut to pieces for days when I need that therapeutic something, I guess it’s the same meditative thing! :-)

  3802. It was fun for me to read some of these headlines… jag kan svenska (lite gran)! I lived in Sweden for 15 months when I was in my early 20s… my oldest son was born in Uppsala!

    Thank you for the inspiration, as usual!

  3803. Buttons are great.. I have often organized and put them into piles onto to have put them into a single container for the love of thumbing through them all to find the one!

  3804. I found a website with an Evening Primrose that looks like the peachy pink shell like buttons that you have in your photo. Check it out at the link after yours that I put up on my blog when you get a chance.

  3805. Hehe… n? och jag ?r v?l den enda som inte gillar knappar ocks?.

    Jag har nominerat dig i min blog, ?ven fast jag egentligen tycker det ?r tramsigt.

  3806. No comments needed, but I’m going to leave one any ways ;) Those are SO cute!!! I Love the bracelets!! Very very cute!

  3807. The mirror is absolutely beautiful! And I think the quote you posted is equally awesome – so I put it in my signature line of my emails. Thanks for sharing it!

  3808. I know you said no comments needed but I’m going to comment anyway. :) Those are the cutest bracelets. I love the green one. I love your sweater too. :)

    I’m going to have to try the button candle holder. You have inspired me. I haven’t checked in a long time. I decluttered & redecorated this Summer. Missed reading your blog.

  3809. I love them. I just discovered button bracelets myself and I’ve made quite a few. My 5 year old grandson even made one for his Mama.

  3810. Oh! Your mothers buton collection is just fabulous! Yellow buttons are the hardest to find for some reason. I hunt for button jars in antique stores here in New Hampshire and the yellows are few and far between. Thank you so much for sharing!

  3811. Hey there! I know I don’t comment much, but I truly love your blog and all the inspirational crafts you show. So, I’ve nominated you for the I Love Your Blog Award — come by my blog to retrieve your ribbon!

  3812. What a great post Hanna. will put this book on my wish list. as I read down I saw the photo which contains a quote from Lauryn Hill song “everything is everything”. and then I saw that you saw it on my blog. And I’m so glad that you found it as inspiring as I have.

    best wishes for lots more journalling

  3813. What lovely gifts! And this post is so full of colour and joy today! A delight for the eyes. So great that scrapbooking supplies have arrived to your corner of the world.

    I don’t know if you know this but there is a wonderful company in Sweden that produces GORGEOUS rubber stamps. They are called Magnolia stamps and their website is My mother and I just made an order with them, not that we needed more stamps but we just couldn’t resist!

    Have a wonderful day.

  3814. Thanks for looking at it for me, it was most helpful and definitely gave me an insight, this will help me finish on my balls :D

    Now let’s find some fabric huh :D Ultraleather perhaps?

    This is going to be tough, I’ll contact you again with results XD


  3815. Those are wonderful gifts!!! I also love Traci Bautista’s book and dyed paper towels…you can use them for almost anything.

  3816. That’s all wonderful! And I believe the perforated paper is Brailler writing! And for the person above who wrote about Magnolia stamps, it’s Panduro that markets them! Your sweet owls are wonderful, and I really like Jeanine’s work, and it’s amazing to see that even her backgrounds, before becoming “real” work are gorgeous! Enjoy it all! I really like the quote you put at the beginning. :)

  3817. Apple!
    What do YOU do with dyed paper towels? Please let me know, I’m a bit hesitant on what to do right now… I guess decoupage glue would be a nice start?

    I was thinking of Braille too, but it’s just plain paper with punched holes… I think Braille is more like marked dots that are raised but not punched through? And don’t tell me you’ve got Panduro in Tel Aviv? :-)

    Thanks for commenting!

  3818. Oh my! Thank you for all the nice things you had to say. *blush* You are very kind!

    The textured paper is Braille, from books for the blind. Isn’t it interesting?

    The two papers you showed were actually made in a Traci Bautista class I took earlier this year. The dots were made by sponging paint through a stencil made from what we call sequin waste. Hmmm. I’ll try to post a photo of what I’m talking about.

    As for the paper towels – you can rip them into pieces and glue them on things, just like paper collage. I use matte medium. The inks will smear a bit from wet glue, but sometimes that looks neat too!

    I can’t wait to see your paper towel painting/dyeing results!


  3819. Love, love, love the stickers! Makes me wish I live in Sweden. Or at least spoke the language so I could drool over the website. Have fun with all the stuff and don’t forget to show us what you do with it!!

  3820. I made one of these also, only used a sunflower leaf. I painted it green, going darker in the veins of the leaf, then sprayed 2 coats of polyurthane. It is very pretty, gave it to me sister-in-law for her birthday. I have molded many more of the same leaves, before they dried up & died. I would like to have suggestions from anyone about how to make a permanant mold from some other substance. My family wants to me to try to sell some of these. Any ideas? Thanks. Patty

  3821. Hanna! You are a lucky lucky girl. I like that needle cozy and I don’t even knit! I hope Helena doesn’t REALLY mean she only likes blogs with cats! Or, maybe her cat only likes blogs wif cats.

    Anyway, I also just found out that you are in the 1000 Journal pages book! And my friend just told me she ordered it for me for my B-Day! So, I get to see all those great pages, including yours.

    I love those painted paper towels, don’t you? I made some last year, but I think since they aren’t acid-free the leftover ones seem to be turning. I am going to dissolve some egg coloring tonight or tomorrow and use them on watercolor paper! Acid free, and so toothy, I can’t wait to sketch over the paint!

    Thanks for inspiration, as usual.

  3822. Decoupage glue would be a nice start. That’s pretty much all I do with mine. I just use them as backgrounds or I cut shapes out of them and just use them as collage elements.
    Sometimes I don’t even dye the paper towels. I use them to clean up messes and to “undo” a painting mistake I have made and they always come out looking dyed without any effort.

  3823. Thanks for your lovely comments ladies! Makes me smile, you are so generous!

    thanks for letting us know about the Braille – it sure creates a cool mixed media texture! I know what sequin waste is – yes, finally something I know! I’ve got it in some swaps and gifts (thanks miss KoolAid!) over the net, but haven’t seen it in Sweden (as usual)! I will use mine like a stencil soon because I really like the look of that! :-)

    Thanks for the advice too, “happy mistakes” are the best art form, right? :-)

  3824. Wow, I saw these on flickr and instantly added them.. these are such a great idea and I can feel the sympathy you had previously not wanting to edit a nice old cover but these are just gorgeous!

    Keep up the great work!

  3825. What a wonderful, colourful blog post Hanna. I agree with you about the gorgeous fabric used on the needle holder. Congrats on your blog giveaway win. I love the colours of the paper towels too. What would we do without colour in our lives?

  3826. iHanna,

    I love your little tutorial. Using wrapping paper or Origami paper is a great idea. I am going to link to this on my blog. Its great. Thanks for sharing.


  3827. Thank you for your tutorial! I visit your blog everyday and now I want to ask you if you mind if I put your tutorial on a Dutch blog where we show all the dutch scrappers and stampers new discoveries?
    Sorry if my English is not so well!

  3828. I love it. I can’t wait to try it. I have the largest collection of journals. I can’t stop collecting them. Every time I go into Border’s (American Bookstore) I walk out with a new journal.
    I have a large pile of paper I can use too. Thanks for inspiring once again.

  3829. I can not believe it! I wrote a tutorial for the exact same thing!! It will be posted in my friend’s online magazine when it comes out. haha! I’ll let you know. (My method is slightly different…)

  3830. Oh my – thanks for sharing this and perfect timing. I am at home with my daughter who is getting over being sick. I was feeling crafty but tools and toddlers don’t go well together – but this project is one I can do today while she plays!

  3831. Vackert!!
    Fick du mitt meddelande om tr?ff?
    Har du kanske tid p? s?ndag?
    Skulle kunna komma till dig om du ?r villig o bjuda in en fr?mling ;-)
    Kram Jenny

  3832. Very lovely books!
    I thought of using fabric pieces instead of paper. Should also work because the modge podge will protect it from fringing.

    On the other hand I like the look of my very plain daily moleskins so very much. They have my colorful life inside.

    I take your inspiration and will see what happen.

  3833. I love your books and what a great tutorial! I have been working in comp books myself lately and loving it.

  3834. The notebooks look great. You’ve both done a great job of personalizing them. And I recognize a lot of that paper! It’s great to see what you’re doing with it.


  3835. These are lovely. I started one today with bigger patches even – but I still did not get to finish it! Things are so crazy in my house lately. What is funny is that we are both clearly using paper from Kelly Kilmer – we have some of the same stuff!

  3836. You always have such wonderful pages! So creative and fun!! I’ve been admiring your work for a while, but finally thought I better say something! :)

  3837. I have just found your blog through Google and got so excited after reading your first two posts that i had to come and let you know how fab i think your blog is before hurrying back to read the rest. You’re very talented and these notebooks are fantastic. I feel inspired to make my own.

    Thank you for sharing,
    Lea (all things shabby chic) xx

  3838. funny! I can never decide either what colour to pick… is it to wear? paint my bathroom? eat? roll around in? have to say though, once I painted a large canvas prussian blue as an undercoat and I couldn?t paint over it! just sat and stared at its rich deepness…
    I am having a giveaway on my blog if you would like to join. I am looking for business tips useful for me and as a bonus useful for everyone else reading too.. I have had some cool ones! would love to see you there, x clio

  3839. Thanks Hanna for your nice comment!

    I love to read and be inspired by your blog but when it comes to leaving comments I’m terrible, so bear with me.

    Hmm… will have to start using my box of crayons before I could tell you what colour I am. ;)

  3840. What wonderful colors! Here in New England the color this week is a blaze orange, which is startling against the dark gray stormy skies we’ve had lately. Wish I were as accomplished as you are at capturing the colors with a camera.

  3841. I love the picture with all of the elements together. Acorns are such amazing treasures. Autumn is definitely here! Hope you’re having a great weekend Hanna.

  3842. Delicious colours Hanna. I love pink too and I am not surprised your pink crayon is so worn down. Did you know that some prisons paint the walls pink? Apparently it is such a loving, harmonious colour that they hope it will quell agression and anger. Who could get angry and shout when they are in a pink room…ha ha?

  3843. Hi Hanna !

    I have a box of these water soluable oil pastels. Like you, I absolutely love the vibrant colors and how wonderfully they blend. The only problem I have is that I have had trouble writing on them once they have dried, which I like to do in my journal sometimes. Have you faced this ? Did you find a writing tool that works ? I saw that you stamped on one of your cards. Maybe I could use ink and stamps instead of trying to write ?
    I would love to hear any advice or experience you have about this !
    Those daily cards are so gorgeous and inspirational, by the way !

  3844. Cathy!
    I didn’t know that prisoners did paint pink but I totally understand why! :-)

    Oil pastels are resistant to most all pens and do destroy them if you try (clog them up). Try to varnish your page as described in this post (!) or blend all the oil out with water before writing. I think that should work! Stamping also is good idea.

    Thank you my friend – next one will be all about orange! ;-)

  3845. Lovely backgrounds – I especially like the random factor of creating them big and then cutting them into pieces for other work.

    For Kim – I have found in the past that if you cover them with gel medium then you can write on them with several pens. I tend to use the thin sharpies, pitt pens and white gel pens. It usually works fine.

  3846. I LOVE your blog — I only just discovered it a few weeks ago, and have been back every day since. I’m glad you enjoyed the article in Kira’s Page by Page zine — I still haven’t received my copy and am just about rabid to see it — it’s my very first published writing!

    Can’t wait to see what you do next!

  3847. Hanna, What are and where do you find the cheaper version of the moleskein books. I love them but they are a little pricey.


  3848. The ribbons are great! And the complete look of the potholder is so sweet and you’re right you’ve found the way to keep the fabric the most important thing in the project!

  3849. Happy Birthday Smilla! I love the potholders. The fabric is so cute & it really does look like her.

  3850. I love Portfolios! I always seem to forget I have them, though, so thanks for the tutorial and reminder to use them! I need to go play!

    And thanks for the great entry in my Moly for Moly X 28…It looks wonderful… :)

  3851. I love Portfolios! I always seem to forget I have them, though, so thanks for the tutorial and reminder to use them! I need to go play!

    And thanks for the great entry in my Moly for Moly X 28…It looks wonderful… :)

  3852. Okay, that is a MUST DO for this weekend – so happy I’ll have more time for crafts with the rain coming. I love this – thanks for sharing!!

  3853. I find it interesting that of all the samples it’s the one in Swedish which I don’t understand that is the most attractive to me – possibly because in not knowing the words it becomes a purely visual pattern that I’m not trying to interpret. :) Or maybe that’s it just that I like purple!

  3854. Wow, what fun is WORDLE!!! This could become an addiction!! Thanks for sharing – love your blog – jill

  3855. Love, love, love. I have a well documented addiction to notebooks, but I always feel like they need something… more…

    Can’t wait to try this!

  3856. Smilla says thank you for your comments.

    hi yourself. I learned to sew in school and then by trial and error. Good luck!

    glad you visited! Love your blogs!

  3857. What a wonderfully talented family ! Your bro has a great eye ! It is also great that he has his sister encouraging him !

    I love your quote. Embracing our “child-like” qualities seems to be a theme in a few of my blog friends’ posts today ! I love it !

    Going to get my crayons out today and see what Kimbo feels like doing !

  3858. Hanna, Naomi is such a find! That article hit the mark with me, let me tell you! Sharing with art and writing friends…Thanks!

  3859. I had to read that quote three times before reading on – it’s so beautifully poignant ..

    Thank-you for sharing it ..

  3860. Tack f?r tipset om gelmedium ovanp?, jag tr?ttnade kvickt p? mina vattenl?sliga kritor eftersom det inte gick att teckna ovanp? dem. Nu kan jag f?rs?ka igen! Rolit! :)

  3861. Hi Hanna,
    You and your brother do great work in Photoshop! It’s addictive, isn’t it? To answer your question about how I achieve the effects in my photos — I work in Photoshop as well. I have not done any online tutorials but the cat will be out of the bag soon, so I will let you know that I am working on a second book that will be published by North Light Books in April 2010 — you can guess what the subject matter will be, eh?


  3862. My hope is that he, like me, one day will find his own voice through creativity.

    I like that. Creativity makes people grow and it is also the best for a society it there is a lot of creativity. Even for the economics. I wrote about that very shortly in my blog yesterday (but in Swedish)

    Creativity is good for every individual, and good for the society.

  3863. I like what you have to say here. Your and your brothers art is awesome. I love the homie skeleton…Yes, cool for Halloween.
    I like the idea of playing…with art…I do this myself…it’s all a fun game…and I often make people happy as a result. That I do believe is the very best part.

  3864. Awesome post. I too have a Micron pen, and I love it. They’re $2.99 where I am, so I try to get the coupons, because I’m a cheap college student. :)

  3865. I like taking flower photos. I like ur sunflower photo where the background is the blue sky. its really beautiful.

  3866. beautiful captures.
    I did the Ali challenge as well. I have only posted a few of my pics. I will post the final project when I am finished. =)

  3867. I just stumbled across this post…
    Very cute! I have never used water soluble pastels (only the regular pastels, which I don’t like much) but I will definitely have to try it.

  3868. Stunning photos – I love all the natural mandalas that surround us, it just shows the power of the mandala form.

  3869. I feel all creative people ask themselves these kind of questions. So you are so not alone on this one. The answers will come to you when you least expect it. So let your mind marinate for a bit.

  3870. Thanks for your brain map! Does it help you to write out all of the questions? I know it does for me. It’s like taking a crazy mess (such as your bedroom) and making it Martha Stewart-esque organized.

  3871. I’m not very good at English, but i love to read your blog..

    just be you!

    I like to draw, paint or work with fabrics

    Is it ok? that i have your link on my blog?

  3872. love the drawing of the brain even if I cannot read the language describing what is in there.

  3873. I am having a pretty nice time not answering any of the questions in my head… :) I put my inner voice on “do not disturb”…just like the answering machine.

  3874. I don’t think you are a mess – I think you are at a cross roads. My sweet Russian grandmother, Bubbie, who has been gone now for 14 years, always said “When you don’t know what to do, do nothing !” Enjoy the pause time… it is all part of the process…the answer will come when you are ready…

    (i think this is some advice for myself as well…it is the Russian grandmother, babushka, talking through me…Da !)

  3875. I understand… I’m there too. Questions questions questions…

    I’m doing Nanowrimo again this year so if you do too, we can at least encourage each other.


  3876. Hanna,

    Love this post! I just got my first water soluble oil pastels and I love them! Thanks for the idea of doing doodles and then the water. Can’t wait to try it this way!

  3877. Yes – questions about what to do. I also have many many tings I want to do. How to take a deciscion?

    I find the best way is to start out concentrating on one thing at a time – for a short time. Say a week per activity. Then after you’ve done that you might feel what you actually liked the most and decide to do just those things. Because you can not do all at the same time and do it good! I’m an artsist working with several materials – and I always concentrate on some few materials at a time (say drawing and enamel) – and then I have another periode when I work more with other materials (for example oil painting and collage)

    Then you might have to put some things aside for some time. I’ve just moved to Lonodn and I have to NOT work with my graphics for some time now. I’m limited to painting and works on paper that can be made at home (I miss my studio!)

  3878. Wow you’re thinking about next year already! Good idea. I have so many of the same questions. There are so many things that I want to make and do but so little time – I want to do it all at once!

  3879. Thanks for the birthday wishes over at Patricia’s!!! Stop by and check out my Tea Party today…for my Birthday!


  3880. I can appreciate the not knowing which way to go. There are so many things I want to do I can’t seem to devote myself to just one. But it’s so much more Wonderful to be brimming with ideas and projects than to have an empty head!

    Now, you’ve tickled my fancy with this Nanowrimo thing. I’ve always wondered how anyone could write a novel. Maybe this is a way to learn how to do it?

    Add that to the “brainstorm”!

  3881. I agree with Kim’s granny Hanna. Do nothing for a while and relax. The answers will come when you least expect them. Sometimes it helps to think about things last thing at night before sleep and see what dreams reveal. You have so many varied talents that it must be difficult to focus on just one. I am sure things will work out to your satisfaction though.

  3882. Did you have a book signing with your last book?
    If not I think it would be great if you did.

    I see you have your Father’s Mother on your mind
    and a whole lot more.

    I got two dvd’s in the mail of Dr. Daniel Amens. Waiting for his book called Change Your Brain, Chage Your Life.

    So much to know about the Brain. It’s not fully developed till age 25. We need to protect it and
    love our brains Dr. Amen says.

    So many things we put in our bodies effect the brain.

    I’ve been planning to draw the brain. I did a
    Head and Heart one because of a show I watched
    that talked about the Mind and Heart Conneciton.

    Click on Flassie when you get a chance and check her out.

    You’ll figure it all out! I love your blog!!!

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  3883. These are absolutely wonderful questions to ask oneself as the New Year approaches. You really are a deep within, writer. I think these questions can be helpful for other artists, also.
    I also enjoy viewing your art – it’s fresh and new with each post. I can’t remember who wrote this quote –
    ~I want to be at once the bow and the arrow.~ This is so true for many artists. Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog about the cake. Have a great rest of the week.

  3884. Love the drawing of your brain! Mine feels much the same most of the time. It’s good to have plans and goals even when they end up changing completely :)

  3885. cool questions.. lots of them! do what I do and make endless lists everyday and feel like you are organizing things!
    good for you for filling your notebook, I always have the last few pages blank… have to make an effort to finish it all

  3886. Thanks again for all your wonderful comments! Please let me know if you post pictures of your own book somewhere so I can have a a look and be inspired back! :-)

    the “cheaper Moleskine” are not as cool as the real ones, these didn’t even have an extra pocket but I like them anyway. Found in a store called jula here in Sweden… hehe.

  3887. I need to fill just one moleskin. I have them for all occasions and have not yet to fill one. I need to just keep it all in one and move on. This was inspiring. I love that you ask yourself the same questions we all do, well in the similar anyway.

  3888. Nice Blog Hanna! I am looking fo a pen like this to write on my journals too. Would anyone help me telling where i can buy these online. I always buy in amazon but they don’t have this item and also if they send to south America.


  3889. hullo,

    i miss seeing your colourful, inspiration updates! where have you gone?

    hope you are well and full of creative energy-

  3890. I love your photography, Hanna! I had sunflowers all over the house for almost two weeks and just now had to let them go. But it’s amazing what a difference they can make!
    Thank you for checking out my blog. I just finished all three plushie hearts and my other projects and now I can visit the blogs I’ve been missing! Yours is always great.

  3891. Hi, Hanna;
    I remember a quote someone shared with me once. I don’t know who first said it. But it came to me in a time when I was trying to juggle two relationships and finding it painful. He said, ‘He who lives a thousand lives, a thousand times must die.’

    I remember it whenever I have so many roads to choose from, because I am only one woman. And because of that, at any one time I must pick one road, and the others will then be lost to me, at least until the two roads meet again and I choose again. This is a common conflict for us creative people and people with passion. We want to live many lives, but at any one time, we can only live one. The others must die to us.
    I don’t mean to get real serious here, it’s just that I think I know how painful it can be to make these choices. I think Cathy suggested doing nothing and the answer will come. That often works, because I find myself thinking of one or two things more often than all the others, and find that I’m being drawn to my true desire. Sometimes, that doesn’t work. It can prove very challenging.

    But try to know in yourself that you are intelligent and passionate, and what you do at this moment will be done greatly and with love. How many people just go through life not wishing to do even one thing, much less a dozen? You are a gifted person, seeing great potential in so much of living. It is good.

    I wish you peace in making these tough choices! We are behind you.

  3892. It always helps me to do a mind-dump and get all the questions out there. Later, when I least expect it (usually in the shower!), the answers are revealed.

    I’ll look forward to seeing how things progress for you.

    Have you already started on your next Moleskine?


  3893. i think crafting is my anti-depressant too. thanks for sharing all that you do. i hardly ever comment, but i do enjoy reading!

  3894. I can’t even remember how I found you but I was hooked when I did find you. All my blog friends are famous to me. It is so hard to put yourself out there and sometimes I read blogs and they cover up things, hold back. You do not and I love that. You feel the way all of us do and you express that.

    I think that craft for a month is a great idea. I can work on all my lost projects.

    The questions are a great idea. I have plenty of moleskins to fill.

  3895. so glad you’re doing aedm this year!

    and it’s so true. i know i often look outside myself for answers when they’re always inside me when i can get quiet enough to listen for the answers. xoxo

  3896. I love the idea of doing your own writing prompts. I am going to try that. Glad your feeling back on your path again.

  3897. Hanna, this is such a great post. It really, truly is.

    Also? That quote is quite a gem. Lovely. I’m sure I’ll think back on that a lot, as well as your own words.

  3898. I love the patchwork notebooks! I’m inspired.

    I can relate to your feelings of vertigo. I have been there. One thing that really helped me was to write down one of my heart’s desires every day. Then take one step (small is good) toward that desire.

    For instance, today, my heart’s desire was to sew something beautiful. But, I don’t know how to sew. So today,I took an introductory sewing class.Very basic. That’s one step toward my heart’s desire.

    Answers are in the journey – not the destination.

    Peace, joy and abundance!

  3899. I’m glad you shared that, Hanna. I feel like a crazy woman every time i just HAVE TO create something and that’s (a small) part of the reason that I miss you so much! I mean, I know you’re a bit nuts too, but I like being nuts togehter.

  3900. I, too, feel like I have many questions now, and I really identify with craetivity being an anti-depressant. I just love all the color and beauty and me-time and thinking time it gives me. And I’ve been wanting to commit to art everyday ever since you started your cards. I think photography would probably be the simplest for me, because I have my camera with me everywhere I go always. So I can find a photo a day to take. Yes! I’ll do that! :-)
    As always, thanks for the inspiration.

  3901. Hanna, I love the way you share your process with us ! It is the same process so many of us are going through and your way of expressing it is so very relate-able.

    The thing that rang the truest for me today was how we have to learn to trust ourselves as our own teachers, that we really do know what we “have” to do…we just have to trust that voice. Also focusing on what might be more “difficult” once in a while rather than getting distracted from our purpose by doing the “easy” work… Like you said, it is one thing to pause in the midst of chaos to rest for awhile but it is also sometimes necessary to give ourselves a little kick in the behind so we get back to “work”! I am looking for that kick, right now, I think !!!
    Again, thanks for sharing stuff in that great IHanna way !

  3902. Thank you for encouraging us to ask questions Hanna! Your opening quote really stuck with me because I have been working on jewelry nonstop lately… I find it to be very meditative and it allows me to clear my head, ask my questions, and find the answers.

  3903. Hanna, I don’t think your previous post was negative; it was a “pondering”; serious dreaming out loud. It seems apparent it gave many of your readers food for thought, which is about the best thing a writer can do. I know your post helped me sort through some of my own thoughts and for the first time in a long time I thought about planning (I’m so disorganized). I look forward to your (and my) creative November!

  3904. This is such a great idea! I think I’ll make a list in my journal. I’ll start by listing the kitty on my lap…

  3905. Neat idea! If anything, I’m excessively idea-rich and a bit time-impoverished. Thanks for even more inspiration : )

  3906. you have the greatest links ever!! I made a post with my faves (though I am not done by far-I am searching your archives:) on it, also letting everyone know where I found the links!! thank you so much for all of this inspiration (I knew your site was inspiring, I just didn’t realize how many links you have on here)

  3907. Hi:
    Just came upon your blog from some quilting blogs, and one posted the happy dance guy. Thank you for posting it, it made me laugh.
    Then, I saw your question: What makes you rich, if not money? I will give you my answer: “The blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.” Proverbs 10:22–The Word of God.

  3908. Rachel,
    aren’t cats the greatest thing? I feel grateful every time my cat Smilla graces me with her presense and snuggle up (not too often unfortunately…)
    I hope you’re having fun with your blog? I think it is great!

    time-emboverished – haha, love that expression!

    Bunches of yarn,
    I believe it’s our own thinking that does so much of the “addeth sorrow”-doing!
    Thanks for taking the time to comment!

    Wow Kate,
    that’s super nice of you to say! Thank you, I am flattered! :-)

  3909. Love of course!


    have access to water

    have access to food and care

    can swim

    hundreds of thouthands of ideas :)

    some special friends and family




    a camera (to see the world in different ways)

    notebooks to be filled

    magic everywhere


    good thoughts


  3910. Hmm let’s say imagination, colors, the sun, happy people passing by on the street, the diversity, school (education), family…. Love that, it is indeed a good journaling idea :) writing that down right now.
    You really bring different topic every posts that make me think and are always new interesting ideas, i love it!

  3911. If only we could always sit down to create and feel no pressure! Thank YOU for all the links! I still didn’t make it through all of your archives yet!!I keep telling myself I won’t look for new links because I can’t keep up with what I have found but I just love finding (great) new sites!!
    hope you have a great day, and thanks for the comment!!

  3912. Let me tell you about money, sweetie.. Your blog makes me rich with happiness. I love your musings, your philosophies, your searchings, your yearnings, and your photography and art. Keep it up. You make life better!

  3913. how long were you there? at the Buddhist monastery retreat? It sounds like it would be a wonderful experience!!

  3914. Hi Hanna,

    You are great!! I wanted to ask a tech tip…how do you make a mosaic using just one month of favourites on Flickr?
    I also signed up for an online drawing course after hearing about it on this site:

    A neat site that you might want to check out – I don’t think it’s completely in swing.
    And I think I’ll sign up for Art Every Day or Creativity Every Day. November can be such a blah month otherwise.


  3915. Oh, my cats, for sure.

    I also feel rich when I’m cooking. I’m always so please by the alchemy of taking a few ingredients and focused time to create a lovely meal. What many people see as a chore, I see as a slice of focused creativity that feeds me in more way than one.

    Great post, Hanna!


  3916. I think so many times we run around looking for something, but we don’t know that’s what we’re doing. We shop, we eat, we play games, we blab, we think we are getting somewhere. I think it helps so much to write. Writing makes us stop doing all of that because we’re busy writing. We’re using our hands and minds and focus by writing. And it’s not even the writing that matters, it’s the internal dialogue. If you can exercise all that seeking seeking seeking energy by asking yourself questions and answering yourself, it really calms the mind, calms the spirit. And we stop trying to do things like shop, eat, talk about nothing, to make ourselves feel like we’re doing something.

    Thank you for these posts. It has helped me to focus.

  3917. These are beautiful. I have been searching for a long time for a simple pattern to make a stuffed ball. This one seems to fit the bill for me. I looked at many of those 6 piece beach-ball type patterns, and every picture I saw of them.. did not look round at all. i’m not sure if the makers did not stuff them fully, but yours do seem to be beautifully round. The corners of the pentagons do not even protrude. I have a large project that I need the perfect ball pattern for.. and I think this may be it ^_^ thank you so much. P.S. what are your thoughts about how well this would work if I did it about 10x the size?

  3918. I see digital picture albums the same way that you do – and as some of the examples on BLURB. I want the albums to tell stories, put pictures in context, give the background of why I even took the picture in the first place, in kind of a simple way. I use s/w (ms Picture IT 10! and Photoshop) to lay out pictures, text and “stuff” I scanned (Cannon 8700 flatbed) and make 8 1/2 x 11 layouts. I first print the picture in draft form on HP Photosmart 7960 to make sure the placement is good, spelling/punctuation is correct, then print on HP Premium Plus photo paper. After 24 hours of air drying then I place the album sheets into archieval photo protection sheets (from and into 3-ring albums. Everyone thinks the albums are just great, from young ones who love to see their pictures in context and to older ones who appreciate the text, which tells the story. I never put anything on the web since I thought I was the only person who thought about digital picture albums this way, a lot of people use typical scrapbooking techniques – and they are interesting and fun – it is just that is not the direction I want to go. I would really, really like to see the work of others who are going in the same direction!

  3919. would I be completely missing the point if I said that my favorite part of this post was the beautiful photo of the lanterns!?

  3920. Tee, glad you liked the pattern and will use it. I think it would not matter how large the patches were as long as you did the proportions right! Good luck, let me know if your big balls work!

    Thanks for commenting here!

    Have fun!

  3921. It’s so funny: I was obsessed with books before art, too! And I LOVE Scandinavian literature. Thank you for this recommendation!

  3922. Hanna, every time I read your blog, and I’m feeling down, I am inspired to run to the drafting table and pick up the pen, the paintbrush, anything, and just get to work.

    This lantern photo just makes my mouth water! Delicious!

  3923. Underbart inl?gg!! Jag har exakt samma funderingar och vet varken ut eller in, ditt tips om att skriva ner fr?gorna ?r s? smart och enkelt att jag tror jag ska g?ra det redan i kv?ll/i natt. Tack! (du f?r dessutom ytterligare en omn?mning i min blogg)

  3924. Jag l?ste Stieg Larsson serien f?rra ?ret precis innan jag skulle ?ka utomlands i ett halv?r. Det var precis i juldagarna och jag var ju sj?lvklart tvungen att hinna klart innan jag ?kte. S? medan julst?ket p?gick i huset, satt jag i ett soffh?rn och str?ckl?ste de tv? sista b?ckerna. S? bra! L?ngtar nu efter filmatiseringen som v?l kommer till v?ren, ?ven om jag ?r lite r?dd att bli besviken p? den. Man skapar sig ju sina egna bilder av allt.

  3925. RuggigHund,
    Ja, flickr ?r en plats d?r jag st?ndigt hittar bilder som f?r mig att tappa andan! Tack f?r kommentaren och bes?ket!

  3926. Your blog is a real find. Thanks for the vote of confidence, and adding me to your links. What a fantastic source they are!

  3927. I just wanted to let you know that a couple months ago, I found a huge old white picture frame. I absolutely couldn’t let it go, but I also had no idea what to do with it! And then I saw your pictures of your inspiration board, and decided to create my own!

    (I hope you can see that!)

    It’s filled with pictures I’ve clipped from magazines, photographs I’ve taken, postcards I’ve received and letters from friends. Maybe not strictly an inspiration board, but definitely one of my favorite projects!

    I read your blog everyday and it always inspires me to go off and start a new project, thank you!

  3928. If you can only have one photo to remember a trip, your lantern photo is a sublime choice. Amazing color.

    (you have a beautiful blog!)

  3929. Wow. Do I LOVE these links! You always find neato stuff. Have you committed to doing the NaNo this year? I’m not sure…

    I rarely have lots of photos at my blog, but when I was uploading them I thought of you, because they actually turned out pretty well, and they are really colorful. Your photos are alway luscious and colorful. Anyway, check them out if you wish.

    Have a lovely week!

  3930. I find that daily journaling is a great brain dump. I pose all of my questions and ideas and they all seem to eventually come together like a plan that I had only dreamed of. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the progress that we want to make, and I am in the baby step phase myself, at least it keeps my from being stuck and I’m getting closer to my goals all of the time. Thanks for posting, I enjoy your blog!

  3931. What if and you DID and it’s wonderful.
    I love doing this too. I take my scraps to my grandchildren and to gether we sit and make scrap collages, they are only four years old. I have blogged our collective creations.

  3932. I’ve thought of you often when I come across stuff that I want to throw away but can’t make myself. It needs to go to someone that will appreciate it and use it. Do you mind sending me your address so I can pass it along?

  3933. What a lovely stash of fabric and so much potential for inspiration. Sometimes it is just lovely to look at for ages before you do anything with it, just absorbing the colours and patterns.

  3934. Love your blog. My husband’s family heritage is Swedish and I am very interested in your writings. I would love to go “thrifting” with you.

  3935. Hi Hanna

    ive been following your blog for quiet a while now and absolutely love it! you are so inspirational. Those artworks that you made are so beautiful and i love them.

    It would be so great if we could all use each others trash to make art! Whenever im throwing something away i always look at it again to see if it is reusable, sometimes it stays around my room for months but i believe that eventually i will use them ;)

    Thanks Hanna and have a beautiful day!

  3936. Ever since I have started reading your blog & doing more art journaling I now save all my scraps, cut out magazines & use what my loved ones discard. I have a big box full of loved scraps waiting to be put in my journals. Your always such an inspiration.

  3937. I love your Hafiz quote, and your post is resonant with my philosophy about our funny, messed up world — namely, everything is beautiful given enough love and the willingness to see =)

  3938. The Hafiz quote is wonderful . . . you really used it and your words to capture the connection between the creative work we do and spiritual work we do . . . sometimes, I will give myself a challenge – especially when I travel – to make a collage a day only from things I find or can pick up for free. Very fun!

  3939. I’ve read your blog for a year now; and I thought it was time to come by and say hi to you and Smilla again.

    Thanks for brightening my days; I’ve learnt so much from you!!

  3940. At last, some Smilla pictures :-D
    Love, love, love them. Beautiful cat –
    beautiful pictures.

  3941. She’s so beautiful. Every time you share pictures with us I get cat envy. She is one of the most beautiful cats in the world. Smilla you will always be a beauty.

  3942. I struggle with the same thing–having too much to do, not enough time. In my saner moments, I can see that all that I have planned is impossible to fit in the time allotted but it still doesn’t keep me from making similar plans the next day. Good luck with the “extra” week!

  3943. Thank you for sharing pictures of your diary. I love looking into to people’s pages, you can see all the creativity spilling out. Your to do list will get done eventually. Just space what you have to do out. Sorry about your broken glasses. I know exactly how you feel.

  3944. oh, hanna –

    i feel like you and i would be such good friends if we were ever to meet! your photos and entries are always so beautiful and insightful and inspirational, and i always look at myself in a new light for just a moment before i move on to the next thing waiting for me…

    you’re so brave in sharing your journal.. i don’t think i ever could! i need to start writing in mine again; it’s so small and i don’t really feel like it’s MINE. and that’s intimidating.

    thank you for being an inspiration – i hope your glasses get fixed soon and that you have a wonderful, beautiful evening.


  3945. thank you for that special glimpse inside your diary-I really enjoyed it!! thanks for the comment on my girl too:) I am working on another one now that I want to add to my art journal but the next one I want to try to put her in pj’s (I am still pretty new at this drawing, but I am having so much fun with it!)
    Oh, and I have read Sushi for beginners but I don’t really remember it…..I do love Rachel’s Holiday-have read that quite a few times. Well, I hope you have a good evening! I gotta get back to my drawing (could get more done if I wasn’t drawing, browsing the internet AND watching Ghost Whisperer:)

  3946. Dear Hanna,
    Thank you for sharing your diary with us. It touches something inside me to get writing again. Even I don’t have a blog I still ask myself what to share for example on flickr or what is considered private. I think we all do. Your former post about creative questions and goals got me thinking and now I’m looking for my own answers.
    Take care and just do one thing at the time.

  3947. What a beautiful diary! How often do you re-read your entries? I have started so many times, only to rip the pages out and throw them away. My problem is mostly based on fear. Fear of someone reading it, fear of being “found out”, and maybe just fear of what I really think and feel. Your writing inspires me to become a little braver!

  3948. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for sharing this one with me. I do like the way the prompts came about in your journal. Great stuff. ;-)

  3949. Thanks for the NaNo link! I’ll be writing for the first time this year, and I’m sure it will be a great help! Good luck with your novel as well. I wish I could write in Swedish AND English like you do. My family all came from Sweden one hundred years ago, but my grandparents decided not to teach their children Swedish because they wanted them to be “more” American. Very silly, and now Swedish-Minnesotans think of Sweden in terms of lutefisk at Christmas and wooden horses.

  3950. ?h, jag k?pte ju en Moleskin i somras – efter att ha l?st om en du gjort (fast f?r att skicka iv?g, tror jag), och nu blir jag s?d?r sjuuukt sugen p? att b?rja greja med det jag t?nkte g?ra d?… M?ste jobba undan n?gra gamla “m?ste-surdegar”, och sen j?klar!

    (Och ju mer jag l?ser h?r, desto mer blir jag ?vertygad om att vi m?ste ta den d?r fikan snart…!)

  3951. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your beautiful diary, Hanna….it has definitely inspired me to get back into my journaling.

  3952. Thank you for sharing your diary with us. I remember you were intrigued when I once mentioned that it was common for Victorian women who were close friends to share their diaries with each other. It is a rather intimate gesture, don’t you think?

  3953. I have just finished actually reading the NaNo book and it was great! I love her idea about phase outlines and the part about setting writing goals by writing down the next four things that will happen to the character/plot. Intend to try the “dice” game for not-quite-random plot developments as well. This will really be helpful come November 1st.

  3954. hey, beautiful diary pages!

    all my plans to start keeping a journal again, so far have failed! i want new, better, more relevant, more beautiful journals than the previous ones… (i kept diaries from the age of ten (1st entry is a list of my birthday presents, including ‘this diary’…) up to maybe a year after college, but while i can’t throw them away, i know they aren’t very good, i used to write to fill time, but when i was a teenager i was too scared to write what was really bothering me, and later, i only wrote when nothing exciting was happening, because when things were happening i didn’t have the time or energy to record them!! so the fear of filling yet another beautiful book with irrelevant musings keeps me from really trying… even though now would be a good time i suppose. i will have more time at home now (thought not the amount of time it would take to gesso and glue and watercolour as much!)

    anyhow, yours are inspiring and artistic and i love looking at them on your blog!

  3955. I love doodles. When I doodle ideas can just pour out of me, I need to do it more.

    My favorite her is your word bird. Very cute.

  3956. Autumn definitely is my favourite season. Everything changes: smells, sounds, colours… It’s sunny here today so I’m packing up my camera and going for a walk. You’ve inspired me to get out of the house and look at nature’s beauty! Thanks!


  3957. It is my favorite too. It does not last long enough for me.

    Beautiful photography. I like the birdbath pic.

  3958. hey that is the cutest sock monkey ever i got one too but shes small im making a big one today and clothes cheers

  3959. I love autumn as well; it has a beauty all its own, aside from its gorgrous reds, yellows, and oranges. All of your photos are gorgeous; my favorite is the next to last one…a dying daisy still so utterly gorgeous.

  3960. Snowberries even looks cold and autumn-y. Your photographs are lovely as usual Hanna, capturing the essence of the scene very well. Good work!

  3961. Hanna,
    I love your pictures :o) Beautiful! Autumn is my favorite season, too. Hope you’ve had a great weekend.

  3962. Autumn is my favorite as well. Always has been, and then my husband and I started to date during the Autumn of 2002. For us, it is like spring!

  3963. ?h wow, Hanna, underbart, verkligen! Jag hade helt r?tt n?r jag t?nkte att din dagbok m?ste vara full av h?rliga saker n?r jag skrev att jag var nyfiken :)

  3964. beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, autumn is definately my favourite season too, its so beautiful, with all the different coloured leaves and everything else. Seasons are so fascinating and beautiful. have a beautiful day hanna.

  3965. interesting stuff here…thanks for sharing…especially about what not to do. ;-)

  3966. Thanks for taking the time to share that! That sort of experience with unmounted stamps is one of the reasons I don’t generally prefer them, although it is the least expensive way to get some really creative stamps.

    Lately, what I’ve done — and it works well for smallish alphabets like yours — is I’ve purchased an assortment of clear acrylic blocks in various sizes and when I want to use one of my unmounted stamps, I use doubled-sided tape, stick the stamp on the acrylic block and position it over the art piece, stamp and go.

    Not having a foam cushion isn’t really an issue for smaller pieces of rubber, so this technique has worked well and most of my unmounted stamps are small.

  3967. Hejsan. Jag har en liten fr?ga till dig, eftersom du ?r lite av en expert p? omr?det ;) Vad anv?nder du f?r lim n?r du klipper och klistrar med papper?

    Annars ?r det en fantastisk blogg. Inspirerande.

  3968. Ah, someone else who forgets all the time what the next idea/project is…. I am not alone.

    This is wonderful Hanna, it’s so time consuming but well worth the doing. I like how you’ve even put an ink-pad in with the stamps so that there’s no need to hunt one down….

    I hope your glasses get sorted soon, I know how annoying that can be when they break. I’ve always kept my old pair as a spare, just in case.

  3969. Vilket jobb! Beundrar ditt t?lamod med “pillet” ;-) Fin bilder ocks?.

    Du Hanna, nu vet jag att det ?r snart ?r hundra ?r sen du vann tavlan hos mig. T?nkte att jag kanske skall se till och l?gga den p? posten ?t dig.. f?r jag vet inte n?r jag hinner ta mig iv?g till andra sidan stan nu ;-)

    Kan du maila din adress igen… f?r jag hittar den inte bland min mail nu.

    Kram Jenny

  3970. I really enjoy doodling and love looking at other peoples’ doodles too. I often go back through my pages of doodles and decide that some are worth making proper drawings of. Great fun. Love the cat Hanna.

  3971. What a fun stamp set! Very clever way to personalize it!

    Oh, and how about making lemon meringue pie with those lemons, for a change? ;-)


    PS Expect something in the mail soon…

  3972. i have been lurking about enjoying your blog for some time now. i thought it was time to say hello and let you know how inspiring it is. at the end of the day i like to be able to say i have done something creative. sometimes it is just a little art with the kids but it makes me feel fulfilled.

  3973. Really wonderful photos! Such creativity to boot. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments. Tack s? mycket!

  3974. come ON!
    this is awesome!!
    It’s great to see it all finished, shiny and neat, ready to do your bidding.

  3975. I loved this! Would they be good to make ATCs with? I’ve GOT to try this. Thanks for taking the time to show us. Love your site! HUGS

  3976. your fall pictures are very beautiful. your whole blog is amazing and creative. I am glad I stumbled into it whilst clicking random links through other people’s blogs. :)

  3977. Thanks for stopping by Hanna!

    Beautiful the photos. I am wondering if the yellow flowers are St. Johns Wort/Klamath Weed is another name.

    Are the berries edible?

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  3978. lovely photos! I will be working on Halloween, but my son is “too old” for trick or treating, so I won’t miss too much-when I get home I hope to get him to watch a good Halloween movie on tv with me(and I will bring some candy for us to pig out on too:) that is one of my fave things anymore, getting him to just come out and watch a movie with me(when I CAN get him out of his room) I hope whatever you decide to do that you have a great time!!

  3979. wow.
    are so talented
    at many things!
    those photos are wonderful.

    and i have read the kite runner…
    it was a very good but sometimes
    hard read…emotionally hard.

    have you seen the movie?
    for once, they did a good job…
    usually, i find the movie
    is always such a disappointment
    if you have read the book,
    but this one was well done.

  3980. These photos are stunning. I have a few favorites already.

    I have read Kite Runner, good book. I love good books and snuggling up with a hot drink and a good read.

  3981. Flyga drake var bra, jag l?ste den i b?rjan av h?sten. Nu p? morgonen har jag precis l?st ut L?t den r?tta komma in…

  3982. Beautiful photos Hanna !

    I was thinking about doing something for the Day of the Dead as well but not sure what yet. If you want just a mini challenge, Inspire Me Thurdsay
    ( is using Day of the Dead as the inspiration theme this week !
    Cheers to the beauties of Fall !

  3983. Living in a country that is so influenced by the american traditions, it never occurred to me that Halloween is NOT an international celebration! How sad is that???

    Make Halloween your own. But please, I beg of you, don’t dye Smilla black! She wouldn’t be Smilla then! ;-)

    and Happy Halloween nonetheless!

  3984. Hanna, you are so funny! “…eat a whole bag of candy to celebrate you sure ain’t dead!”. That really made me giggle out loud, silly! I LOVE it, and I’m sure going to remember that next time I eat a candy bar.

    Sorry that Halloween isn’t so fun for you. I LOVE Halloween…my husband and I even got married on Halloween because we love it so! I think it’s because we celebrate it a little differently than a lot of our fellow Americans. We aren’t into the hokey, ugly decorations of grinning pumpkins and goofy looking ghosts and bats and of trying to scare people or watching gory movies. (Read up into the original history of these icons and you’ll find that they actually have European roots and have been SO Americanized that a lot of people find them silly. =P )
    One thing may be that I am pagan and believe that the festival of Halloween (also called Samhaim) means that the seasons are changing big time…the year is coming to an end really. The trees and plants are losing their leaves and going into gentle sleep for the Winter until they are revived again in the Spring. Though in the Winter,the world is covered in bright white and lights, some of us feel that time of year as a time of darkness, where we reflect inside ourselves (sort of like the trees going to sleep) and try to get ourselves sorted out for the next year, so we can be green and refreshed when we reawaken! It’s not a sad time, though it can be a time to really think about how fragile life can be and sometimes people can perceive this as being macabre, but really, I don’t think so as much. I think it’s a welcome rest to be surrounded by dark colors and thoughts just for a little while. Sometimes it’s fun to play in the darkness. =c) That’s where the scaring people and the superstitions about black cats and ghosts and all that come in.

    By the way, I have owned many a black cat and have only found them to be a little strange, but mostly sweethearts!!
    Not to try to make this the longest comment ever, but I am originally from the state of Texas where there are a lot of Mexican heritage people in some parts. The Mexican people have a super neat holiday called Dia De Los Muertos which is a day (Nov. 2) that they honor their friends and family, ancestors who have died. This festival is brightly colored and can be joyous (because they believe that on this night their loved ones can “visit” with them, in a way) and features lots of neat decorations of colored “sugar skulls” and bright colored flowers. It’s also a time to celebrate that we ARE alive and to be happy that we are still breathing and dancing… and able to eat loads of candy!! =cD

    Thanks for the smile today, Hanna! You are wonderful. Give Smilla-baby a kiss-kiss for me!!

  3985. Smilla is adorable. I think she rather stay her cool orange self than be dyed black. Though not to many people celebrate Halloween where you are, in our lovely world of blogs you can celebrate with all of us. I love your socks, Hanna!!
    Vannesa at: had a Halloween party about two weeks ago. I was part of it. You can go there and check it out if you want to feel some more Halloween spirit.
    Pumpkins and kisses to you.

  3986. i need a lesson today! those socks are so cute, and like it or not you look happy halloweenish in them :) so adorable!

  3987. Hanna, again you have written my exact thoughts … it’s freaky! : )

    “… thinking I need more when I need less! …” YES! I have begun whittling down my yarn and fabric stashes … using what I have instead of purchasing more (well … ahem … without purchasing too much more). I’m always trying to improve!

  3988. Huh!!!!huh!!!! Cute doll and very funny indeed. Your imagination is too good. I would like to work on such cloth doll making.
    Am from India, Bangalore-the silicon valley of South India.

  3989. Thanks for your lovely comments!

    Roopa, how fun – as far as I know you’re my first visitor from India?! Glad you found your way here, making dolls and experimenting with clothes for them is great fun, you should try! :-)

  3990. Nicole,
    thank you, what a great compliment! I just visited your blog, did you know?? I didn’t comment but glad you did instead! Take care! :-)

  3991. Thanks Leaca, do you meditate? I wonder where I will ever say I’m a meditating person… I so want to, I long to do it… but when? :-) Tomorrow perhaps (so much for being in the now)…

  3992. Hanna… Lovely series of fotos, you’ve captured the unique mood of the day. Happy Halloween and enjoy the beginnings of winter. It’s lovely to see especially with the warm summery day we are enjoying in Texas.

  3993. I totally understand just NOT liking a holiday! Personally, I love Halloween; it’s my favorite one. But that’s probably because of my time in wicca, and my knowledge of the origins of the holiday, which is Celtic and not Nordic, but still… I love the colors, the change of season, the magic of everything. I don’t care about trick or treating, but I DO love the acknowledgement of the dark and mysterious part of the cycle of life. And I’m really looking forward to Day of the Dead this weekend! I am honoring my mother in that.

    I know I’ve gone on about my own stuff, but I guess when you love something you want to say! Lucky Smilla, to have such a loving companion with an artful heart!

  3994. wow beautiful photos. i really like the rose and it does represent summer and winter in one!
    Early morning are just the best, so calm and fresh.
    i also, saw a lot of photos of mist in alot of blogs, must be halloween :)

    take care and have a great weekend.

  3995. Dimjuset ?r helt fantastiskt om man kan f?nga det s? bra som du g?r. Det ?r lite klurigt, brukar bli m?rkt eller se ut som sn?ov?der.

  3996. Your photos are always stunning. I love the rose so much. I love every photo. I really couldn’t pick a favorite. We get lots of fog here in the MidSouth, USA. Sometimes it’s so thick you can barely see in front of you, especially the valleys. I love to meditate. I try to meditate every night. Did you know journaling is a form of meditation? I find when I meditate deeply my day seems slower & I take everything in more. All the small things that add up to the treasures you hold in your heart dearly.

  3997. Oh Hanna, how beautiful! Both your photographs and your words.

    I agree with DeeAnn that journaling can definately be a form of meditation! I think pretty much anything that brings you into conscious-unconsciousness can be considered meditiation. I do yoga as meditation. My mind won’t shut up for a second so the movements of the yoga poses keep me in the “now” because I’m concentrating on doing them.

    My favorite photograph is of the Maple (?) leaf…that is so gorgeous. It looks like it’s glittered with tiny pieces of glass.

    You know? As I type that, maybe even photography can be a sort of meditation. You are still and quietly observing your surroundings. What a great excuse for you to take even more photographs (and hopefully share them with us!)

    Thank you Hanna, again, for sharing your art and thoughts with us!

  3998. Hej Hanna,
    vilka fantastiska bilder, helt underbara! Du ?r s? m?ngsidig och kreativ, och det ?r en ren fest att se vad Du g?r! (Jag ?r sparsmakad med linkar, men Du ?r f?rst?s med!)

  3999. Your drawings are beautiful, I love the little skull notebook too!

    Thank you for being part of Dia de Bloglandia!!


  4000. I love the pumpkin. Nice work.
    I have Rosetta Stone for Spanish. It is one of my goals this year to learn.

  4001. Happy Day of the Dead!
    the pumpkin is fun…wondering if you use a special needle in your machine for sewing on paper?

  4002. Your drawings are wonderful. They would make great cards for next year, don’t you think? Thank you for participating in this Dia!

  4003. Those to DACs are great!

    I know what you mean when you say your drawings sometimes impress yourself. I’m like that too.

    Happy November!


  4004. woweeee! those scissors and pen are super fantastic! so are your drawings! it’s so much fun to impress ourselves, great work! thank you so much for sharing your dia de los muertos experience!

  4005. What great drawings. And I love your journal pages. I saw a version of the pointy kitty you made once, in a zine I was reading,and I thought of you. Isn’t it interesting when we surprise ourselves with what we create? It’s like we are being gifted by our muse, which is also ourselves, and we realize that we aren’t kidding ourselves about being artists. We ARE artists! I really enjoy the character and style of your pieces, and I love it that you are part of this party!
    Happy days of remembrance!

  4006. I love these photos but can feel the cold in them. I am sort of looking forward to winter here but partially dread it as well. Thanks for helping me see some frozen beauty. :)

  4007. Thanks for your nice comment in my blog the other day; I’ve enjoyed my visit here. Seems like you make pretty things and drawings all the time :)

  4008. Your drawings are truly great. I really like the idea of having a day when we are celebrating the dead, reminding ourselves of where we come from and that there isn’t so big a gap as a lot of people think.

  4009. Thanks for all your comments on this post girls!

    Chris, I agree with you about creativity being a gift from ourselves, both back to ourselves and to the world (others)! I think it’s both beautiful and amazing. Thanks for your comments once again, you’re so generous with them!

  4010. Thanks for your comments girls! I’m not really sad about not having Halloween, so don’t worry about me! :-)

    I think this is maybe THE most difficult thing in a creative life… Keeping enough to always have something to play with but finding a balance so that you don’t feel weigh down with “stuff”! Good luck with using what you have! It’s what I always TRY to do but somehow the stash still grows… How is that? ;-)
    PS: this could be the beginning of another post, right? hehe.

  4011. Thanks for your lovely comments!

    no idea what the yellow flower is called (it’s on a bush), but the berries are said to be edible! I haven’t tried.

    gkgirl, you’re too kind! :-)
    finished the book now (in tears) but haven’t seen the movie. Thanks for recommending it!

  4012. Hi Hanna !
    Thanks for the fun naming game this morning ! I love naming things too, especially people ! I have nicknames for everyone (sometimes the people know about them and sometimes they don’t ;-) ) I have to say though, I do not always name my art… I don’t know what that means…?
    It must be a challenge to name a piece every day! I tend to be “punny” or like play on word titles so it’s so okay if you don’t like the titles I chose for some of your pieces. I had fun doing it anyway !
    081021 Love Flight
    081027 Talk to the Hand
    081029 Eye See Says the Blind Man
    081003 Whoo Knows ?
    081010 The Best Jeans I Ever Owned
    I am sure it will be lots of fun seeing what people come up with ! I will check back later !’
    Thanks again and cheers !

  4013. Thanks for encouraging comments!

    for me meditating is trying to still my thoughts so that I can just “be” but I understand how journaling is a kind of meditation too, yes. Anything that “empties” the mind, like walking, meditating or zooming out before sleeping, is good for you. Thanks for the reminder!

    wow, thanks for your lengthy comments lately! I’ve read and want to respond to a lot in them, but where does the time fly?! I agree with you too, yoga is a great meditation practice – both for the body and the soul! Photography being a meditation is also true, that was what I was thinking about as I wrote this post of course. I think anything creative can become meditative – when you get caught up in what you do you forget about the future and the week that is coming! Thus, you go into a meditative state, wish is a wonderful feeling but not the same as meditating “for real” at least not for me! ;-)

  4014. Thanks!

    Bree, messy creative life – messy brain, right?

    I think these backgrounds will work with any mixed media project, ATC’s too! I hope you do try, it was great fun. Thanks for coming by and commenting! :-)

  4015. 6. 081016 L?ves the autumn bliss. Lite svengelska men roligt…
    16. 081027 Hands up!
    23. 081003 Bert-?ke Warg
    24. 081023 You and me Song (?r egentligen en titel p? en Wannadies l?t men det f?rsta som d?k upp i mitt huvud.)

  4016. Hanna, I started naming in the card’s comments themselves before I read the rest of your post- sorry. Would this be a better way so you don’t have to go through everyone’s post for each card? Let me know and I’ll re-do them.


  4017. Lin,
    it will be easier if I get the names in a list here in my blog but don’t worry, you don’t have to re-do yours! I’ll check them out at flickr. Thanks for helping Lin! :-)

  4018. Oh Hanna this can be sometimes very dificult to name a piece of art.
    Sometimes I do not get further then the colors I used. Not very unique. I’ll give it a go.
    21 Kiss the Prince
    22 Bambi Love
    01 Can’t use my eyes they roll out

  4019. Imelda,
    thanks for helping out, love the romantic suggestions! I too give my art color names, but because I use pink a lot… hehe, it becomes a bit boring after a while! :-) Take care! I’m still loving the book you sent!

  4020. Hej Hanna! Det ?r sent, men jag tar de f?rsta tolv nu i alla fall:

    01. 081024 Moster Maria
    02. 081021 Fj?riln vingad …
    03. 081022 Mattskuren
    04. 081017 Wow – it’s NOW!
    05. 081020 Lillan l?ser
    06. 081019 Pippi p? gr?sl?k
    07. 081018 Ugly uggla
    08. 081016 And the leaves they are a-falling …
    09. 081015 What would it be but a joyful soul
    10. 081014 Notorious
    11. 081010 Raspberry Clouds
    12. 081009 Lace Lettuce

    Om Du gillar dem, kommer jag tillbaka imorgon eller s? och tar mig en dust med de ?vriga ;-)!

  4021. 03: Sometimes You Just Need to Breathe
    07: The Tears of a Rainbow Maker
    09: Lacy Illusions
    10: Blooming Blue Jeans
    11: Healthy Wisdom
    12: Saving Life, Living Green or Green Living
    14: Weaving a Nest of Thread
    15: Joyful Souls
    16: Color Change
    17:The Respect of Now
    18:The Playfulness of Being Wise
    19: Herb of Bird
    20: A leading thought of many dreams
    21: Blue Flight of Wisdom
    22: Searching for Wild Roses
    23: Sweet Admirer
    24: Overwhelmingly Concerned
    25: Trying to find her way or searching for truth
    26: Anwsered Prayer
    27: Idol Hands
    28: The Breathe of Spring
    29: The Power of Inspiring Thoughts
    30: Peacefully Creating
    31:Creating the Life She Wants

    Hope I named them all. That was fun!
    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  4022. Sorry about that I went by the last #s in 0810 instead of
    1,2,3,4. Hope you can figure it out or I can redo later.

  4023. Here we go:
    1. Eyes Wide Open 2. Fleur de Rose 3. And together they flew away 4. Pink. Now. 5. The girl in the window 6. This bird rocks 7. 15, going on 5 8. Smell the colours 9. Second life 10. One blue rose 11. Magic garden 12. Hidden thoughts 13. Dance of the butterflies 14. On wings of a butterfly 15. Bambi’s new friend 16. Hands up 17. In the Scribbles or Merry little forest 18. Buddha says Hi! 19. Smell the roses 20. Do or Don’t 21. Wordy frog 22. Waiting for the rainbow 23. Idea Owl 24. Adopted Sisters


  4024. I love this book!! I totally identify with Allen’s notion that everything is work. It seems like when I leave the office, or “work” for the day, my time at home can be just as stressful. I am still stuck in my old ways, but GTD is helping me overcome them. Thanks for mentioning this Hana, and I would def recommend this book to anyone!

  4025. no names for art, sorry, but I did want to say, I LOVE the owls! My Univerisity’s mascot is an owl :D

  4026. Missed reading your blog while I was on holiday!!!
    8. 081016- Autumn love
    12. 081009- Loops & Needles
    13. 081028- Summer buzz

  4027. ok here’s my go;
    3. angel love
    7. owlord won’t you buy me..
    21. froggy paradise
    22. and the sky is blue..
    24. *i am so sweet*

    they are all great bye the way! love and light

  4028. i’m thinking this would be a fabulous gift for my 6-year-old niece for christmas! i’ve been looking for some fun stuff to make this year since the budget is tight around here, and i think this is super cool!!

  4029. I have dried up for names too…boo hoo…lol but I do think 081028 should be “orange is life”. I love that picture with the little orange flowers.

    081018 should be “the word tree”
    081025 should be “dark flight”

    and that is me finished. I have had a look at the others and they are much better than mine. Hope you find nice titles Hanna.

  4030. 1) She turned white as a sheet in the midst of her an atmosphere filled with colors.
    2) Chasing Wild Roses
    3) Love on the Thrown of Wisdom
    4) Curtsy to the tune of Now
    5) Embracing the Imagination

  4031. Why does this happy post of yours make me teary-eyed? It’s so open! I think I’m a little emotional from the election here, and it’s spilling over. Life is good.

  4032. 6) Holding Steady
    7) The Beginning of Wisdom or Learning to be Wise
    8) Winds of Change
    9) Material of a Joyful Soul
    10) Quilting Eggstaticlly
    11) Flower Stitches
    12) Pink Palette
    13) Rippling Ribit
    14) In the Shadows of a Dream
    15) Fa La La La La La Fawns
    16) Learning to Let Go
    17) Inspiring Ideas
    18) Meditating on Creative Thinking
    19) Just the Right Touch
    20) The Wisdom of a Healthy Lifestyle
    21) A Frogs Life
    22) Blue Heavens
    24) I Like You, I Like You Alot or I Love You, I Love You Alot

  4033. Hi! I’m over from How About Orange? and wanted to say I *love* this idea! I’ll link to you if I ever get it up on my blog. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  4034. Also important: what did you name your NaNoWriMo novel this year? I haven’t named mine yet, and the poor thing feels very sad. Back to work, but it was fun to take a break and look at your art!

    Perhaps in honor of my Swedish heritage, I will name my novel “Uff da!” or “Lutefisk”. Julekaga! No, “Lutefisk”. I love lutefisk. Very cool.
    Andrea in Minnesota, noveling at 3 a.m., not making much sense in English OR Swedish

  4035. In love – true love…!!!
    Being in love makes me feel lightheaded, lighthearted, on the verge of a giggle, excited and almost upset, sometimes anxious and always VERY alive!!! My stomack spins in a strange fashion; a tickely and pleasant tumbeling feeling. My heart pounds with fast and heavy beats. My cheecks blush and my eyes sparkle. This wonderful state is awoken by all the true loves of my life, from time to time. It does not have to be a constant feeling of joy or happpiness, as the TRUE LOVE always lingers underneath and sometimes bursts the surface of everyday life. Like watching my beloved daughter being absorbed by a craft project. Or watching my dear, wonderful Superman relaxing on the coach watching soccer. Or preparing a meal for my family. Or going for a walk by the lake. Or spending time with dear friends. Or making some kind of art or craft project. Or reading the most beautiful, everyday-wisdom-packed, colourful and always, ALWAYS inspirational blog of yours. Thank you so much for making me feel in love, alive and inspired!!! THIS is true love ;o)

    PS: I wrote in English this time to make sure all your foreign readers would get my important message too! :o)

  4036. 81024 the better to see you with
    81021 in flight
    81017 the time is now
    81016 autumn bliss (the words on there were perfect!)
    81009 over the garden wall
    81027 stop, be still
    81029 in my mind’s eye
    81030 underneath the layers
    81011 don’t
    81007 rain leads to rainbows
    81003 the wisdom of knowing nothing

    yep, that’s how i name art too, i listen for what pops into my head and go with it!

  4037. I love looking at your journals. They make me want to attempt to make an art journal — I am not in the least bit artistic, thought. My results always look like my dog did the work.

    Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  4038. Flipping head over heels in love with your art journal. Everything about it is so great with all the layers, paper and color to look at.
    You did a great job.

  4039. Vilka UUNderbara kort! Sj?lv namnger jag mina m?lningar INNAN jag m?lar dom. Antingen en hel mening som jag sett i en tidning tex. “Hon vattnade alla blommorna b?de p? baksidan och framsidan av huset.” Och sen m?lar jag utifr?n det, eller s? om det ?r ett portr?tt eller liknande s? har jag ett namn, ?ven ett p?hittat, i tanken. tex. “Nu ska jag m?la Milea och hennes undulat”.

  4040. Wow, this is so fantastic! I haven’t covered the outside of my art journal. I think I want it to be ‘hidden’ like you did in the beginning.
    So this journal is an altered book? Does that mean that you just gesso over the pages and then put your own collages and art in there? How do you get it to close? My art journal has gotten so fat with collaging that I cannot close it anymore.
    I want to see more of the inside!
    I love love love this post!!!

  4041. I just found your blog via How About Orange. I think I love you too. I fluffy heart you.

  4042. your journal just looks amazing! thanks a lot. you are wonderful and so full of love light and creativity. so inspiring!

  4043. Hanna, do you know what you’ve done?

    Never mind, I won’t tell you. I’m going to announce it on my blog because it’s just too wonderful.

  4044. I LOVE your art journal!! I am going to use an altered book for my next art journal:)

  4045. I am so glad Chris bragged on you at her blog today! what a fantasticly wild and wonderful artfully altered Corw About art book journal! It looks like it is filled with layers and layers of yumminess!

  4046. Lovely photos…. I read Wherever You Go There You Are several years ago and loved it. It’s in my pile of books that I sometimes pick up and reread sections of every once in awhile now.

  4047. Love it! I am linking to your amazing project from my Christmas workshop blog posts. May I add a photo of the journal?

  4048. How inspiring to see those huge photos of his art. Wow!
    Hannah, I opened my ETSY store today, Thought I’d invite you to stop by if you have a minute… ;-)

  4049. Incredible art Hanna. No wonder you had to buy it. So complex and imaginative. I could never produce something like that – my mind doesn’t stretch that far…lol. I had a look at his website and he has some amazing artwork. Thanks for bringing him to our notice.

  4050. I love your art journal I want to put out my hand to touch it. I just dont seem to be able to to rip and paint in a proper book I make mine from scratch but maybe I will look out for a really dull one you have inspired me. Jean UK

  4051. I love those little owls! We don’t have enough decent thrifty places in Cardiff, and certainly not enough places selling cute owls!!!

  4052. Lots of fun and pretty things here. I love thrift store shopping!
    You made out like a bandit!!!

  4053. Such neat things… I love that map box, naturally! I get confused by labels, too, and often make too many labels and get too specific with the organizing and then can’t find anything…

    … and it’s amazing to me that someone would even turn all those tickets in! What a great surprise treasure.

  4054. Oh, how I covet those tickets! I could find a MILLION uses for them.

    But for now, how about filling in the holes on the ugly napkin holder (papier mache would be quick but would it work?), then sticking random tickets all over it like a crazy patchwork. Then varnish/glaze it and you have a terrific new storage unit for letters…pens…paintbrushes….whatever. I can already see a row of bottles of glitter glue in mine!

    I need to get to the charity shop NOW!!

  4055. I love the owls. I really love the owl candle holder. I would have screamed & snagged him right up if I saw him. I love everything. I like the doll head. Maybe you could turn her into something goth for your journaling.

  4056. Oh Hanna! I am overwhelmed with joy! I heart this journal! You always find a way to touch my heart!
    Much love and hugs!

  4057. I received the newsletter and I like the way you set it up. It looks more your style now.

    Great idea about selling packets of book pages! I should probably do that with french pages eventually…

    Guess what I found in my mailbox today! Goodies from Sweden!!! I loved everything and Diesel wouldn’t stop smelling the softie and the envelop! I guess she could smell Smilla on them… ;-) You’ve definitely made my day and my week a lot better!


  4058. Hanna! Thank you for including my fabric collage in your collection of favorites! I am so happy you like it!

    I love your blue jean bag design – will be you be making more?


  4059. Congrats on your sale. I am waiting for my first one. I just opened my store this week. Looks like fun. I used to make jean purses like yours years ago (1970’s) vest, hats, skirts too. Great fun. Looks like they are coming back.

  4060. Thankyou for including one of my little creations in your etsy picks! If you were interested in a trade i’m sure I could make use of some more of your book pages- I love confusing my Uni tutors with Swedish text in my drawings!

  4061. Your handbags are cool. If I didn’t have a freeze on my spending, I’d be over at your shop right now. There are really awesome things there!

  4062. Hej jag ?r svensk!, jag har inte l?st n?gra av de b?ckerna men kanske ska eftersom du rekommenderar dom!

  4063. Oooh glad you liked my suggestion. You have given me some confidence just when I have to come up with names for 12 paintings going in a show soon. Thanks! It was fun.

    Maybe I should post the paintings and play your game, lol.

  4064. great names on terrific cards. I admire you card makers as this is such a small platform on which to make art. This definitely comes under the heading of art every day! Why not? Sometimes it takes more than a day to create something but each line put in counts no matter how long it took to do it or not. Consider yourself right on schedule…even if you are not on a schedule! LOL

  4065. These are great. I have not been able to keep up with all my goals. I have to work harder at it but I have been posting to my blog and to flickr every day. For me that is an accomplishment.

  4066. Hi Hanna, You may have written about this in the past, but I don’t remember :-) Are there any “rules” for your cards? for example, how much time do you devote to them each day? and how big are they?

  4067. Hi Hanna I love how you used the suggestions. And I you are doing a daily art card you are creative everyday so also on AEDM.

  4068. Glad to help out a little on the names, Hanna. Your cards achievement is certainly one to be proud of- only a little more to go! I think it would make an interesting gallery display, actually. Is there a gallery near you who might be interested? Doesn’t hurt to call someone up and ask!

  4069. Great choices for the titles (and I’m not just talking about mine! ha!)

    You know, sometimes starting a project and accepting to end it before its time is an accomplishment in itself, especially for those of us who like to work on something til it’s completely done.

    And if nothing else, we, at least, will have an art card for every day of this year. THAT is quite a feat if you ask me! I still can’t believe I made it til now with these cards.


  4070. Zom!
    You’re welcome to use my idea to fish for other peoples great titles on your paintings if you feel like it! I had so much fun reading what you’all suggested. Thanks for helping out and good luck with naming your new paintings!

    Lynn! I feel so after schedule all the time that I really should do as you suggest and consider myself “on time” all the time even when i’M NOT (ever?). When we add things to our to do list all the time how will we ever catch up, right? ;-)

    Posting every day is most definitely a big thing and something to be proud off. Love your photos, especially the winter ones – looks so beautiful. It was cold here today and I thought it would be nice to skip winter… But maybe when the snow comes… :-)

    My biggest rule is “no rules” but the size is 10×10 centimeters or there about. I haven’t made one exactly each day but some days I make three and catch up. I have no time limits but if I’m tired it’s a quick no-thinking collage, and if I do art journaling the style from the page spills over. When I feel finished I’m finished, I think it takes from 5 minutes to an hour? Maybe. :-) Thanks for asking and commenting!

    I’ve been thinking about that A LOT but I don’t seam to get there. I think it’s because I’m scared…

    Miss KoolAid,
    I totally agree with you! Sometimes it’s good to give up, specially for us who strive so hard at tasks we give ourselves! But this one I want to see through for sure. I loved the names you submitted, all of them. Especially “adopted sister”, it was a favorite. Thank you again!

  4071. oh, but you have been keeping up with aedm, doing your cards every day and inspiring with your great posts!! keep up the great work, girl!

  4072. Hi Hannah!
    I?ve nominated you for the creative blog award because you are a constant source of inspiration for me. Check my blog for the details.

  4073. Leah,
    I have not been creative every day even with the Daily Cards as they are not daily these days but I know what you mean. I probably have done something creative every day anyway (posting, updating etsy, writing in my diary) and I shouldn’t beat myself up – why do we do that ALL the time? I do it way to much!

    Thanks for the visit and the award – how nice of you! I’m so glad that I inspire you!

  4074. Excellent post! Thanks for posting about the 29-gifts challenge. My 29th day was yesterday. I’m a natural giver so it’s easy for me to informally continue this challenge.

    I feel that I have slightly abandoned my art journaling this year so I think that I will make 2009 about my art journals. I have so many blank books! Of all shapes, sizes and colours! I even bought more saturday at a warehouse sale. One of the journals is handmade in Belgium, limited edition. Worth over $50 and I paid it $3! Insane, no? It’s gorgeous and I want to make special and pretty things in it.


  4075. Me, again. I just went to Diane’s and is that wonderful, or WHAT? You are so nice.

    And look here at sweet little Smillahead! I love that.
    That’s a great comment, that a full notebook is a happy notebook. It makes me feel like I can give it all I’ve got.

    Thanks for the links. I’m checking them all out!

  4076. Come to think of it I do have a bunch of unused blank books laying around…I guess I could start a new art form…I never really “got” what one “gets” from making such books, even though I often find myself intreged by looking at those of others (sometimes) ;-)
    I’ll think about it after I finish the large art quilt wall hanging i am currently working on…

  4077. Oh s? mycket roligt att titta p? h?r, b?de i ditt inl?gg och i l?nkarna! (Blev larvigt nostalgisk ?ver Konsumm?rket p? ditt art-journal-uppslag… Minner om tjusiga tider d? Domus i Esl?v var v?rsta grejen, typ…!)

    Tack f?r all inspiration! Jag vill nog g?ra en art-journal n?sta ?r, p? n?t s?tt. Vill ha en st?rre bok ?n den jag har i ?r, kanske rent av A4… vi f?r se. Men definitivt inte A6 so jag har nu – det ?r f?r pluttigt. Men visst – det funkar till det jag g?r nu – testverkstad. Men ska jag g?ra n?sta ?r ska jag vara mer dagboksm?ssig, mindre temam?ssig. Enklare s?. Nu m?ste jag ha n?n slags kronologi, och det ?r h?mmande som tusan. D?lig id?. Men en 2009-bok k?nns som en bra id

  4078. is this all YUMMY, or what?

    and I love learning Swedish names for things. I try to pronounce them, but I think I just manage the English with a bad Swedish accent. hah!

  4079. Okay, I bet I pick cards other people have picked already, but I don’t want to read people’s comments because they might influence me! So, here are some suggestions of mine:

    16. 081027 Hand of Fate
    8. 081016 Place of Resting
    6. 081019 Patchwork Song
    12. 081009 Slices
    17. 081029 Eye Fly

    Isn’t it interesting, looking at someone else’s work and trying to name it? It makes you look closer and more carefully…

  4080. I really need to fill my books. You have such interesting pages. Makes me want to grab my books and get to work. I did start writing more since I started visiting your blog. You inspire me. =)

  4081. Yes! 2009 should be the year of the Art Journal and I think they are such a wonderful combination of a journal and scrapbook for you or others to look back at. Love your journal spread too as usual. Lots of fun images to look at.

  4082. I love your pages and Smila is so cute sleeping there. I like to a mix of text and images. Sometimes pages of one then the other. It does make a journal come alive with all the color and images.

  4083. I am really thinking about getting a sketchbook and doing an art journal. There is also an exhibition focusing on this at Art House in Atlanta, Georgia. You might want to google it for more information.

  4084. Thanks as always for the links.

    If anyone wants yet more information on art journaling, that is what my blog is about. Come by for a visit.

  4085. hi there! i am from the philippines. can you send me the postcard pls. i am very curious. i will also give you postcards from my place in exchange. hope we can swap.


    here’s my add to reply.

  4086. I just received my prints; and I love them (especially the owl). Gonna put in frame and hang on wall in my room. Thanks heaps!!!
    oh… and I linked to this post in my blog :)

  4087. Thanks so much for your wonderful, positive comment on my blog. I have spent time perusing your space, which is amazing, so full and alive and real. I love that your blue days make you appreciate the sunny moments, and the way you embrace all areas of your life with tremendous initiative and creativity. I’ll be back again and I hope you’ll visit too.

  4088. Hanna!

    Once again you inspired me. I’m starting another art journal. Reading your entry I got a new idea I wanted to try. I love your owl. I’m owl crazy too. He’s the cutest. I love how pink she or he is. I love the give away idea. I try to give something away every day even if it is small. I love Smilla so much. I know I keep saying that. She is so beautiful & always makes you smile.

  4089. Beautiful and cozy fleecy scarf !!! I love it with the night gown !!! I stayed in mine all day yesterday… aren’t those days great ?
    Have a cozy one !

  4090. Cute fabrics! That scarf looks like it should keep you warm on the snowiest of days. I have tons of fleece piled up just waiting to be made into things… I guess I will add a scarf to the list. I love warm and cozy!!

  4091. Oh, I like it!! That looks so snuggly!
    It’s cool when you are in the pictures. We rarely get to see you and you’re so pretty modeling your lovely art!

    Aww, Smilla is the kind of cute that just demands kisses!

  4092. Very cozy sweet scarf…like the description of all the parts coming together.

    Wear it in good health!

  4093. Oh, how beautiful! And isn’t it fully – I was just thinking about your granny square scarf from last year the other day. Now I can think about this one, too! :-)

  4094. Great scarf! It looks so incredibly cozy :) That would be a great gift to make for family and friends too — who couldn’t use a scarf? Was it a pretty quick project?

  4095. Beautiful scarf! The colours are yummy and fit you perfectly.

    Today is one of those days when I wish I could have stayed home in my pyjamas all day!


  4096. This scarf looks so comfy and so warm, and Hanna, I think I would know your signature on it even if you didn’t tell us it was by you!

    And it comes with a kitty!! yay.

  4097. Wonderful scarf Hanna. So pretty and cheery on cold winter days. What a good idea to improve the warmth by adding a fleece to the back. Very creative. Love that Smilla too.

  4098. Like Katie, I collect blank books…….I used to have a sketchbook journal that I would fill with words and drawings top to bottom…..but I got out of the habit…..I am inspired to make a better effort now, thanks!

  4099. Wow, imagine my surprise when I checked your site this morning!
    I’m glad that you posted this though. Hopefully it will cheer up and help other people in similar situations.
    And I got a new assignment for that class… I have to design a whole loft now instead of just one room! I’m somewhat overwhelmed, but I’m listening to the advice that you gave me and I’m looking at your site for inspiration!
    Thanks for everything Hanna :]

  4100. thank you so much for that post!! I find myself getting discouraged much of the time because I am not as good as this person, or I don’t know how to do what that person has done-but I try to remember that I AM creating every day now, after 22 years of not picking up that pencil to draw because it was too late to start now – that I am better today then I was last month, and next month I will be better than I am today (as long as I continue to create)……maybe I will never be as good as some of my favorite bloggers, but I will be as good as I can be, I will do my best, and I will continue to grow!
    I hope you have a great day, and thank you for your wonderful blog!!

  4101. Sound advice. Beautiful response to her comment.

    I know exactly what you mean about the “not crossing things off my to-do list” at the end of the day. I get like that too.

    Remember to give yourself permission to be imperfect. That’s one advice I like to give myself once in a while.


  4102. I love your patchwork scarf – it does look really warm and comfy. I’ve been making a bunch of patchwork scarves, using tweeds, for Christmas presents. I like seeing how all the different fabrics combine and how even if using the same fabrics for two scarves, they both can look completely different.

  4103. Great post! It is also hard when the people around you are not creative and just ‘don’t get it’ when you have finished working on something, that’s why I love reading blogs, so many different ideas and talented people out there.
    About posting comments, I actually took action on this and posted a pledge this week to become a better commentor, I am aiming for a few a day….

  4104. Your response to this comment was wonderful. I have seen so many people both young and old get discouraged for whatever reason – and your response to this comment was so encouraging and kind. I enjoy your blog and it if full of inspiration – but your thoughtfulness is even more inspiring.

  4105. Hanna, I have felt so stressed for time, and so unproductive, so I hear you about those issues. I have taken breaks from the blog and they are worthwhile, but I also feel that visiting others and also blogging helps to fuel me, too. So it’s just a balance, like everything I guess.
    Your letter to Allison was so right-on! A single image does not tell the whole story of its process! And we creative people (I mean, we who acknowledge that we are creative) are often not meeting our goals. It’s frustrating!
    But one other thing that I remind myself a lot, and it’s a personal issue for me, but it might help Allison, too. Quite often we mysticize the work of other people. We look at it as perfect or not achievable because we ourselves did not think of it or go that way. And we look at those works with only partial understanding because, of course, they didn’t come from us. So when we (I) find myself doing this, I try to humanize the art piece, and remind myself that just because it didn’t come from me or look like my style of working, that doesn’t mean it is not just as imperfect or subject to human limitations as mine is. And that’s what makes our work so great and always unique! At every turn, something an artist does could have come out looking like something else! It could have been a very different thing! But it’s not a mystery! It’s a process. The process of self-expression.
    Anyway, I try not to mysticize the work of people I admire quite as much as I used to. I can still admire and aspire to their achievements, while also being proud of my own.
    Sometimes young people don’t meet up against this realization, but I’ve had to meet it time and again!

  4106. Hej Hanna

    Jag har smyglast pa din blogg i nagra manader nu och uppskattar en liten injektion av farger varje dag i blogglasaren. Tankte bara rekomendera en bok av Emma Pihl som heter “vinnare i din egen tavling” fran betydelsefullas forlag, hon skriver mycket om att jamfora sig sjalv med andra och liknande teman. jattebra lasning, och mycket peppovningar for att inte dras ner i negativa tankar!

    Simma lugnt!

  4107. A lovely response letter to Allison. I feel it does remind all of us that we are creative. We shouldn’t compare our creative outpouring to others. What we create is so individual to who we are right now and where we have come from.
    I understand the need to take a blog time out. Keeping a blog takes a lot of energy and creativity. Sometimes you need to put the creativity on other things. If you take a time out, we’ll all be here when you return.
    Hugs to you.

  4108. Hanna,
    thank you for sharing this. You are so talented with words. Your blog and creations are certainly an inspiration to me. Enjoy your Friday!

  4109. Your scarf is so beautiful, Hanna. I think it is the prettiest scarf I’ve ever seen. Ever! You’re awesome.

  4110. I heart this tutorial. I’ve been itching to start an art journal and I think this is a great way to start it, with the cover! I am still collecting my papers for getting started, but I will post (or put a link at least) once I get it done and started. I might mess around with a trial run in the next week or so, I hope! Thanks for the great how-to and inspiration. :)

  4111. Loved reading those encouraging words! Can’t wait to see your guide to Stockholm, if only I was going there soon! :)

  4112. You are very funny today.
    And isn’t gesso amazing? Thank goodness for Michelle Ward!

    Now, to Diane’s podcast.

  4113. Thanks for the two shout-outs! Glad you liked. Wouldn’t it be cool if all of us online buddies all over the world could somehow get together in one room for a holiday crafting session?

  4114. I love this latest journal page! I haven’t journaled in two monthes. This spread may just draw me back into it.

  4115. I love gesso! I have to buy it in a big jar because I use it so much. Did you know they now make a clear gesso?? It has the gritty properties of a white or black gesso, but it’s perfectly clear. I haven’t played much with it yet, but I bet it will be great.

    Thank you for sharing your experiments – so many interesting results!

    (I love your cat. She’s sweet and cute).


  4116. This looks very cool!
    Thanks for the nice comment in my blog. Everything is well here in Norway. I hope you’re well too.

  4117. Rosie, glad I’m only giving you enthusiasm and not my procrastination infection… ;-)

    I’ve heard about it but don’t think it’s sold in Sweden. Sounds kind of strange to prime with something invisible but I bet it would be fun to play with. And there is black gesso too, I’ve heard!

    Anette, glad you’re well!

  4118. Nicely done! Experimenting with textures is awesome- I particularly like the bubble wrap bit, as I’ve never thought to use it that way and it brings up all sorts of ideas.

  4119. Are you kidding? How fabulous can you BE!!
    I am reading this whole thing again.

    I love what you’d done!

  4120. Hanna, you are so right about the crusades. They are good on several levels. Mostly,t o me, because they give us the courage and motivation to try new things because Michelle approaches them as the most natural thing to do, experiment with art to make self-expression even more enriching.

    I always want to work with bubble wrap when I see your experiments but I always forget! I’m going to do that tonight. I have only half a gesso experiment in waiting while I finished other things. Thanks for the continued inspiration.

  4121. Chris,
    thanks for the cat link, how adorable that cat is! He looks just like the one I was wanting before I got Smilla, but that kitten was to expensive for me at the time and now of course i wouldn’t trade Smilla away for anything. Have fun with the bubble wrap, it’s awesome pattern making! Did you want kitty-cat-at like the one I sent to Diane? I have several left… Maybe we should do a trade soon? :-)

  4122. hanna – bravo for taking the time to play with gesso! thank you for sharing all your results with your readers and the team. the best way to get familiar with something new is to just use it. i love seeing that you kept going, trying to investigate all the properties of gesso. a special thanks for the kind words about the team. my favorite thing about it is meeting kindred spirits (from all points on the globe) and that we all learn from one another. it’s so fun to see how each artist takes on the challenge, and how they share their work and their enthusiasm. thanks again hanna!

  4123. What a great group of samples! I confess I too did not know what Gesso was (I think I originally thought is was a glue) about 4 years ago. I like that you shared your frustrations with not knowing sometimes what specific products are…we all find ourselves there sometimes!

  4124. Great playing with gesso, Hanna ! Looks like you had a wonderful time ! I love the swirl stamp with the orange paint on top !
    Cheers, Crusader !

  4125. Thanks so much for sharing all your experiences, Hanna. I’m just getting my feet, or I guess my fingers, wet, and all your info really helps. I’m making a lovely list for Santa – thanks for the inspiration!

    Merci mille fois!

  4126. Oh! I’ve always wanted to try bubble-wrap stamping! (Really, I just keep forgetting about it or I get lazy!) Yours turned out so cool! Fun, fun!

    Hanna, you have always been a true artist in my eyes (and I’m sure so many others!). What does it take to make ourselves feel like an artist?
    I do understand what you meant when you wrote that using gesso “makes you feel like a true artist”. There’s something just so “official” about using it, I think!

    I am intrigued by all the neat textures in your house! Youv’e inspired me a neat journal idea! (and I don’t even journal, but I wish I did!) I think it would be a neat afternoon to go through every room in the house, making a journal page for each, describing each room with only rubbings and markings.

  4127. Thanks for explaining gesso. I guess-0 I might have some and used it when I took an acyrlic painting class, and when I took the collage class too… I think that is what I spread over the top of everything to stick it all together and when it dried it shone.

    Or maybe it was something else! I think its called gel. Is that the same or different? LOL

    I Like all your experiments and it makes me want to go play with my gel and some grocery bags now. At least with the grocery bags and some fabric. Maybe make some ATC which I am not sure the defination of those either or why people make them but I got one in the mail recently and it was pretty.

  4128. When I was a senior in high school my best friend was an exchange student from Sweden–Anna Dufva. She told me all kinds of cool stuff about Sweden and I always wanted to go. Reading your blog today rekindled that. What a lovely place?!

  4129. Thanks Hanna, I’m printing this out, just in case I make it to Stockholm. I’m a fan of Liza Marklund’s fictional investigative journalist “Annika Bengtzon” novels which are set in and around Stockholm; so with your tips and photos you’ve given me some idea of the sights and sounds and colours of Stockholm. Tack sa mycket. ( and that’s about the level of my svenska)

  4130. Hi!
    Thank you for this guide! I’m an italian girl, who always read your full-of-energy blog! One of my dreams is to visit sweden (but Finland and Norway, too), I think this guide will be usefull for me! :)
    Thank you also because your creativity is an important ispiration for me (and sorry for my bad english!!!).

  4131. oh, wow. I’m going to print this out and read it while I’m supposed to be working.
    Do you KNOW how much I want to go to Scandinavia?

    I’m sure I’ll be back with about a gazillion questions.

  4132. I am soooo wanting to come and visit, but I’m afraid its going to be a few years to save for it. It is on my list of things to accomplish though!We had a friend from Sweden stay the summer with us when I was in Jr. High school. My sister and him played bassoons together in the Colorado Symphony. He was crazy fun!

  4133. Love this list! I hope to one day be able to visit every single one of those spots and more!


  4134. stockholm is on our to visit list, probably in 2010 as we hope to be travelling to a theme park in Finland. So, I will bookmark this page but will window shop only as not much room on our motorcyle.

  4135. I’ve been to Stockholm several times and some things are famialiar but this post makes me want to go back again.

  4136. Thanks for your lovely comments! Yes get your fingers wet!

    acrylic gel medium is what you’re talking about, not gesso! It dries transparent and can also be used as a glue – gesso on the other hand is white and stays white when it’s dried as you can see in my examples above. It’s like white paint but a used as a primer mostly.

    The definition of ATC’s is Artist Trading Cards and those are made, just like any other art, to express something artistic! I’ve made many many a few years ago and traded them over the net! Have fun!

  4137. Thanks for this post. I happened to be in Stockholm the weekend before last and would have loved your hints on Gamla Stan. I was looking for special craft/yarn/fabric stores but missed out. I went to Panduro, but that is too much for just a short trip and in my humble opinion not inspiring in itself.
    Anyway, I had a good time and enjoyed the city and this short trip very, very much. Memories came back while reading.

    My recommandations:
    – Of course a (longer or shorter) boat cruise through the marvelous Sch?rengarden, those hundreds of little islands.
    – If you look for a perfectly situated hotel with atmosphere: Check out the Anno 1647. It is supposed to be the oldest of Stockholm. It’s not that cheap, but special (I got invited *hihi*)
    – Near the Hotel is a typical Swedish restaurant directly on Slussen. It serves very Swedish food and has a wide range of beer. Good atmosphere here as well and good value for money.

    I plan to do a blog post myself, but fear it won’t be today or tomorrow, so that’s why I wrote here in the comments.

  4138. Hi Hanna,
    LOVE your pages!! You are right about post coming into craft paper: good start for something arty! Love the waste sequins and the bubblewrap too and i feel with you for reading Cloth Paper and Scissor or Somerset Studio and not completely understanding what they mean… OR KNOWING that the stuff is not available (not in sweden for you, not in holland for me) GRRRRR. (And sometimes it makes me laugh: in CPS i read about wonderunder: should be the best. then in my small quilt shop i saw it, bought it and found out in holland it is called vliesofix, very common overhere, different brandname LOL) Thanks for sharing!

  4139. Love this Hanna. Never thought of having this sort of thing as my background. I downloaded the largest size as I have a large screen but I cannot see all of it. What I can see, though, is wonderful. Thanks very much.

  4140. You can buy printer paper that makes stickers. These would be cute for children to color and play with.

  4141. I am book marking this for the next time I go to Stockholm ! Gorgeous city and I’m sure it will be even more fun with your suggestions :) Thanks – I know it takes quite a while to compile these things :)

  4142. Hey, I invy you for being able to draw so well!
    I bought a sticker-machine in Uppsala back in summer, but haven’t been using it so far. Coincidence, that you mention stickers, maybe.

    Anyway – great doodling!

  4143. Whoa, these are great. I especially like what you did with the sequin waste and the bubble wrap on that brown paper. I have a pile of that stuff somewhere. And I’m with you about the new mystery products in CPS — I still don’t know what Lutradur is and maybe I don’t want to! :) Thanks, Kim

  4144. It’s funny isn’t it that we think we need a reason to do stuff? What about just playing?
    Making your little creatures and copying them, colouring them and sticking them in your journal pages. It is just so much fun, isn’t it?
    Yet I found myself asking the same question just last night when I was journaling. I think it is the wrong question. Not to ask “why did I do all this work”, but “why not do this play”?
    Thank you for the reminder. I am going to go doodle some little creatures of my own now. :)

  4145. YOU have inspired me! I NEVER would have thought of the bubble wrap! I can’t wait to try it!!!! I love that you used the packing paper to expirament on! I remember having some punchinella at one time…only heaven knows if I can find it now…cool!

  4146. Your little creatures are truly delightful. I would love buy a coloring book of them for the kiddies in my life. *hint hint*

  4147. Hey, very cool!
    Guess what? I’ve tagged you–and so you are it!
    Have fun!!!
    See my latest post for all the rules; no cheating!

  4148. Hi Hanna, thanks for sharing how you used gesso. I really like the look of the foam flower stamp. Now to go find the bubble wrap!

  4149. Happy Thanksgiving, Hanna!

    I know it’s a very American holiday – but it’s a very nice thing to have a day specifically dedicated to that for which we’re thankful (like creativity, paint, stickers, colour, crayons, and people like you!), where we can realise that we are blessed in so many ways and how surrounded we are by people who love us.

    Thank you for your blog, it inspires me every day!


  4150. Stickers! Heck ya girl!! So very cool! I really love that cat!! I could just see that cat on so many products…journals by iHanna, stickers by iHanna, etc…you get the picture…a purse would be cute too!! Well?…what you waiting on girl?! Get busy! lol Loves ya!

  4151. I love deco tape too! I just bought some on etsy and I can’t wait to get it and play!

    Hope you have a lovely day, Hanna! Say hello to Smilla for me.


  4152. Hanna, your examples, explanations and enthusiasm are so inspiring. I did a little bit of playing with gesso for this crusade but did not give in completely to spending enough time and making enough messes to really enjoy it. Now I think I shall go and make messes. Thanks for your inspiration.

  4153. Great stuff, indeed, but I wish they had it with basset hounds on! I have five very real hounds right now under my desk. I’d love hound tape to send out with my Kennel Christmas Card.

  4154. Neat! I have seen some “deco tape” in stores but never thought to use them for crafts! I’m still not sure what I would do with it if I had some, but it looks like you put yours to good use! Hello Kitty is TOO cute and I don’t think it’s silly at all for wanting to get some. ;) I think the quote you chose for this entry explains it all!

    Have fun!

  4155. So cute! I’ve been collecting the tapes now too…and I share your passion for Hello Kitty….the original..I think it was 1973 red dress style…my FAVORITE for sure. Although I will admit I am also a sucker for Little Twin Stars and My Melody.. :)

  4156. A little now fact about Hello Kitty. In Japan there are 46 or 47 prefectures and each one has their own Kitty Chan charm. I live in Saitama and Sai in Japanese is Rhino, so our Kitty Chan has a little Rhino outfit on. I had been living in japan for about 6 years before I found out about this. One of my school managers was a BIG kitty fan and he TOLD me all about it, it had almost the whole lot.

  4157. I am in love with that lacy black deco tape!

    Even though I don’t really know you, I thought of you today…I bought my first tub of Gesso!! And some acrylic paints, too! I’m so excited!!!

  4158. Art journaling will change your life. Thanks for your colorful inspiration!
    [… and if you just cannot stand a page… GESSO to the rescue!].

  4159. This is a secret of mine. I still love buying teen fashion magazines. There layouts are so full of color and fun so much more than the adult ones. I use them for collages and visual pages in my journals. They work out great. Now I have admitted out loud. I do love the deco tape. I have to look for them when I go back to chinatown.

  4160. Happy Thanksgiving from the states Hanna! I don’t think I have ever had more than 1 role of deco tape… but I remember that tape fondly. It was yellow with monkeys. I was 5. I think deco tape may make it to my holiday wish list…

  4161. Hanna I read everything you write and have so many interesting projects and thoughts running through my brain because of your writing. You are such a huge inspriation and I appreciate your links too. I know how a fountain pen can make you fall in love with life. I have a very old “Waterman’s” that belonged to my husband’s dad and it still works miracles. My journal loves it and so, I hope, do my pen friends, who are true “pen” friends. Keep blogging dear Hanna. You are the “wind beneath my wings”.

  4162. I have a Papermate (the ones that write upside down). My mum bought it for me when I started secondary school and I think it cost her about ?3. Today, 27 years later, I still use it everyday. It’s my work pen, journal pen, letter writing pen… everything. It’s never needed any repairs or a new nib, just some cheap refillable cartridges and the occassional wash through with warm water.
    I agree that a good fountain doesn’t have to be expensive and can improve how your thoughts flow onto the paper. And as an added bonus, almost anyones writing looks smarter in real ink!

  4163. Oooh I haven’t used a “fancy” pen in years. Now I’m going to hunt for one!

    I also think it’s the natural time of year to get a little sad with less and less daylight. It’s hard to find energy. But keep your chin up Hanna. Your handwriting is wonderful and I always love how your bring together your languages using words in both Swedish and English. It’s lovely!! xoxoxo tj

  4164. When I was in 5th grade, my teacher required that all of our work (besides math) be done in fountain pen. Genius idea! I still have my lovely purple flowered pen bought for the occasion… though I haven’t used it in ages, it would be nice to get it out, buy a new cartridge, and let the words flow. Hope you’re having a great Friday.

  4165. My mother collects pens. I am a ballpoint Bic kinda girl. Well thank heavens for her pen habit because she was able to make one of the most important moments in my life a little bit more special. When my husband and I were to be married, we had a small ceremony with just immediate family and two witnesses to sign our ketubah (Jewish marriage contract), prior to the whole big 120 guest ceremony. We were going to sign the certificate with a cheap-o ballpoint pen, and my mother pulled out her gold Cartier pen from her handbag. Wow, what a pen. It added gravitas and class to one of the most important moments of my life – my wedding.

  4166. Your words transport me back in time to when I wrote letters in longhand and pen! Fountain, ball point, fine points…sent by snail mail states and countries away… My MIL has saved every letter I wrote her (30 years worth!!!). She wrote me back also using pen and usually long yellow legal sized pads, sometimes white note paper…writing in all directions especially at the end. MIL as my last by hand mail recipricant and sender…now she has dementia and no longer writes…probably what got me to blogging to have people to share my life with in this way if not in longhand or by fountain pen.
    enjoy yours!

  4167. Great inspiration, Hanna! I’ve only been working on mixed media art for a year now and I know how hard it is to not compare what I do to all the beautiful work I see. Fortunately I just love the process of creating and people are so kind and encouraging. Thank you for all you share on your blog.

  4168. Hi Hanna, I can identify with how you were feeling today. I have days like that too. I haven’t used my fountain pen in ages – my husband bought me a beautiful pen set for my 30th birthday – I can’t remember when I last used it. Maybe it is time to get it out. It was interesting that you mentioned that it writes over gesso – I never thought of that, I’ll have to give it a try. I hope your spirits are lifted as you use your new pen!

  4169. I’m getting a kick out of your kick with pens! I love the Hello Kitty tops! I can see why you want them.
    And the journal covers are sweet too.

  4170. Hi Hanna,

    I believe we have Pip journals here in The Netherlands. I’ll have a look around. However, I don’t believe that it’s exactly this same cover, so I’ll take a photo first which I’ll send you. I’m about to move though, so it may take me two to three weeks before I can get back to you on this. Is that ok with you? Let me know.

    Have a nice weekend,


  4171. It is a dutch studio! I’ll check out online shops but could swap aswell but I see sophie is looking out aswell !

  4172. This made me smile. Maybe because I have black dogs following me sometimes, just left of I don’t know where. But also because I know how a fountain pen can help. When I got the advance on my first novel, the first thing I did was go out and by a Mont Blanc Meisterstuck. A big fat pen!
    I’m left handed and always smudge when writing in ink but ten years later it’s still the object I most love. It even beats my Apple MacBookPro.

  4173. Hello Hanna,

    I loved reading your blog about your gesso-experiments : it was interesting, recognizable ( gesso was a secret for me until one year ago and the hunt for stuff that’s “special” ) , informative and the photos tickle to try things myself !!


  4174. Hanna,

    I’ve been racking my brains trying to remember where I have seen the notebooks before and now remember: it is at a store nearby my home (Expo) and also in one of our national department stores (V&D). I’ll check whether they still have the line you are interested just in case it is the one you have your heart set on. I couldn’t find that specific collection online; however, maybe Mijk can.

    If you follow the link Mijk provided, you’ll see that there is another beautiful collection. Maybe you prefer that one? Let us know. And if you need help translating, don’t hesitate to ask.

    Keep you posted,


  4175. I’m so pleased to learn that you have discovered the therapeutic qualities of a fountain pen! I’ve have a pencil case with several very nice ones – each of which I purchased as a “CHEER UP”! I also have bittersweet memories of my favourite ever Schaeffer, black laquer, gold nib, which I lost (foolishly, I took it everywhere with me!) and have never been able to replace.
    But, Hanna, if you can find a cheap enough “calligraphy” fountain pen, with the flat nib you mentioned, PLEASE treat yourself to one. Although these nibs do scratch if you’re trying to write free-flowing prose, they are wonderful stress relievers when you’re practising (or making up) alphabets. To avoid scratching the paper, always form your letters using downward strokes. Doing this makes you slow right down and concentrate really hard on the formation of individual letters. Just writing the alphabet becomes an exercise in stress relief, whilst simultaneously being the creation of something beautiful.
    Try it!
    Your website is lovely, interesting, inspirational, and many other adjectives. To use a line from Mr. Shakespeare in a rather different context, it “shines like a good deed in a naughty world”. For those of us feeling the naughty world nudging us rather too sharply at the moment, your good deed is a gift from heaven. Thank you!

  4176. I’ve loved the idea of “art journalling” since I first heard the term on a limenviolet podcast when Violet was talking about her art journal, and thought that would be a neat thing to do, but I had no idea what an art journal was. I’ve kept a written journal for years and years, but was intrigued what an art journal was, how you do it, blah blah blah. How excited am I to find that it’s much the way I keep my travel journals; those have my train tickets to my destination, little maps of places I’ve been, receipts from events attended there, business cards for shops I visit… so how thrilled am I to find that I’m already an art journaller! Art journalling is now on my 2009 to-do list!

  4177. I can SO relate to what you’re saying in #4. It’s a curse and a blessing. I think people like us can accomplish great things due to this inner drive of ours, but it’s difficult to know when it will be ‘enough’. When are WE proud and satisfied (for more than a day) with the things we did?

    Lovely post and although I will miss your blogs, good for you for taking a break when you need one!!!

  4178. hahaha, sorry Hanna, for all the torture—who started these memes anyhow?!!!!
    Sometimes I do them and sometimes not and sometimes I choose not to pass it along. This time however, I did and well, look what you wrote about! All good things to know about you even the things you think are not so good–thank you for sharing what you feel is the not so good things–hey, we all have them!!! Congratulations, you are only human. I love your kitty head with the quote “you are never given a wish without being given the power to make it true”.
    I will meditate on that today.
    Thank you. And thanks for the lovely words said about me. ahhhh shucks.

  4179. I’m a rebel too. I like a lot of freedom. Too many rules make my crazy. I can follow them but it’s only a matter of time that I just lose my mind with all those rules. The reading books thing. My rule is that by page 100 of a book if ,unless it’s super long, the story doesn’t grab me, I just move on. I love reading. No one has time for a boring book. It’s very liberating. Try it. Love the whole list. Thanks for sharing.

  4180. Hanna, you already ARE a better person. The only thing you need to do is listen to your own inner voice and not the outside voices that make you feel you are not good enough. What do they know? Do they know you as well as you know yourself? No, they can’t! So why should you value their opinions?

    Shell, you are much more forgiving than I am. Two chapters is all I give a book. If you’re not interested enough by then, you’re not going to be interested enough to enjoy the book. Ditto new television series. If the first episode doesn’t make me care enough about the characters, I don’t bother watching any more. The last series that did this for me was “Mad Men”, which had fabulous reviews everywhere, but which I found empty and soulless. Life’s too short for soulless!

  4181. Oooh the sweater and the top look really great.
    I love Gudrun’s clothes, though I only get one or two items sometimes when the sale comes round. I agree the catalogues are wonderful inspiration and I now have a collection of them.

  4182. I so identify with no 2 and needing downtime/alone time to recharge the batteries.

    And the good girl. oh if you and the book don’t get on, give it to a friend. maybe later you’ll come back to it.

    Will miss you when you take a break, thank you for all the wonderful inspiration and know-how that you have shared on your blog. Will you be closing the blog? Or just leaving it for a while?

  4183. I stumbled onto your blog in a long chain of links….I’m glad I stuck it out till here…you have an awesome blog and great talent!!! This is so inspiring…Can’t wait to try it out…I’ll have to buy or make a notebook first…
    Thank you for sharing your ideas..

  4184. I’m always in awe of people who can sew and knit. I can do a bit of the sewing. The sweaters are both lovely. Your inspiration board is so cool with the frame. Nice picture of your gram.

  4185. Ja, jag har ju min h?g kvar jag… Men den blev verkligen grym, mycket snygg! Och du har absolut r?d med ett par skor fr?n Gudrun. K?p ett par rej?la och dyra skor ist?llet f?r m?nga billiga. Skor m?ste f? kosta!

  4186. HA HA HA your post made me laugh as it reminded me strikingly about some of my own aspects:-))) I don’t think you need any advice on how to become a better person. As far as I can make you out by reading your blog frequently you’re doing just fine without anyone giving you advice.

    I’m myself are not good at being constantly told on how I should do things. Let me be and I will do my utmost best. My blog for example reminds me to write about things I enjoy or like to learn about and then to share it with others that might be interested. I could do much more with it, but I just haven’t got the time for more at present.

    I sometimes also struggle to let go of set goals and I have just written a blog about it today.

    I also like to try things at least once, especially when it comes to food:-)))

    Your blog and all you have put into it so far is a great inspiration and I do hope you still get the things out of it for yourself!!!

  4187. So cute! We have a Saturday Market vendor here who incorporates these tapes into duct-tape wallets. It’s crazy how many different designs there are!

  4188. Used these images for tags for the kids in my church. Added snow glitter and they were perfect. I am thankful for giving people who enrich others with thier talent.

  4189. Hello, /Thank you for your video. I have been making a Swedish coffee bread for many years, but after traveling to Stockholm to visit family, my family wanted the real buns. The video really helped to see how to actually make the buns. God Jul! Denise

  4190. Hi Hannah,

    I was in town today and looked for the journals you have pictured but they are no longer sold. The new collection, however, is available both in the stores as online (see Mijk’s comment above).

    I hope you find something that pleases you,

    Have a nice week,


  4191. Love all the turquoise and the dress!
    I have a turquoise dress too!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  4192. Oh, I really like the shirt and all your creativeness!!!

    Click Flassie and check out the Dice I made for gifts
    one year when you have a chance.

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  4193. So good to find you…I love your work and inspiration board…I have always wanted to do one of these…I think I will also embark on this process come January..Your work is very inspirational.

  4194. Lovely knitting Hanna and I love the pink striped cardi. Gudrun Sj?d?n’s wonderful clothes and accessories are a delight and I hoard my magazines to look through at leisure. She has a wonderful sense of design and colours and never seems to put a foot wrong. Lucky lady.

    Just to tell you again that you were one of the winners on my greetings card blog giveaway (I actually made all nine people winners…lol) I sent a message on your message box but I am not sure if you received it. I need to have your snail mail address as you are the only winner I haven’t sent the cards to.

  4195. Aren’t these lyrics stunning? They just ring, and I can identify! I don’t know about doing that livin and givin just because of the hereafter, but I do know that it keeps you grateful, alive, and alert!

    Thank you for these great links, too. I am ready to start a gratitude journal. I have many years to make up for…

    As usual, a blog post filled with nourishment!

  4196. Hanna, I love Dolly, I love those lyrics, I love hyacinths ? and if you think that sweater is outdated, give it to me, I’ll wear it!

    Thanks for the great post, enjoy your day,

    Minneapolis, Minnesota

  4197. Oh no. I had forgotten about this and now that you bring it up I am wanting some again. I rationalize it in that my daughter loves hello kitty and tape and I would really be getting some for HER to use right? :)

  4198. I hope you feel better soon! I hate feeling like that this time of year but when it happens, it happens and it seems that if you surrender to it and try not to stress about what’s not getting done, it will be over with sooner. Take care of yourself! Lots of tea and funny movies!

  4199. So cute! I would love to live in Mushroom Land. I wish I could find cute ornaments at my thrift shop….it is always so picked over by the time I get there. Maybe I need to start going at the crack of dawn.

  4200. Hej Hanna!
    Cute Mushroomland!
    I put a link up to those different cards by Lynn Gordon.
    Some of them are about 52 things to do in New York,
    Chicago and San Fransico . Remined me of the
    things you posted to do in Stockholm.
    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  4201. I made my mushroom comment in the below blog entry.
    Do know how I did that but I did.

    Dd has a snowman my son bought her when she
    was young. He got it at a school Santa Shop.

    God Bless You and Yours and Merry Christmas!!!

  4202. I love the Mushroom Forest ! I can smell the sweet smells of moss under foot and the pine sap in the air. What a magical place to visit !

  4203. can you email me at
    I just wanna know how many journals you have… and where the best place to buy them is. Cute mushrooms XD

  4204. Hanna,
    This made me smile. After watching the Dolly documentary on SVT earlier this year, I became a convert.

    Just haven’t got to grips with flowers yet. See one of my potted plants went to that big Plantagen in the sky.

  4205. Wow. You really made it so realistic we could smell it, but not so realistic that its not filled with fantasy, too. I love that little flickr set. Shiny mushrooms and friendly.
    I am liking making theatres and dioramas and scenes. I hope to make more. This one is really cool, Hanna!

  4206. Villken s?t liten ber?ttelse!
    S? fint st?lle du har skapat med den r?da stugan och sn?gubben. F?r att inte tala om svamparna!!! Precis s? h?r gjorde jag n?r jag var liten. Byggde upp milj?er, varf?r g?r jag inte det nu??!! Du ?r s? inspirerande!

  4207. I wonder if left large it would have been good for someone with dreadlocks? My Grandson wears his hair that way and I am sure now the hat I knit him will be too small. Hoping he can stretch it over all that hair… Love how you photographed this so well from all angles yourself! Looks great felted.

  4208. Gorgeous hat Hanna. I love that pink and green combination. When I worked as a midwife I used to dress the babies in special care in pink or green babygrows with pink or green cardigans to match. The pink felted flower really sets it off. I am glad you were able to reduce the size.

    By the way I still haven’t had you snail mail address to send you the blog giveaway cards.

  4209. Thanks for lovely comments!

    Cathy, I’m getting to my email sooN! I hope…

    Samantha, I won’t be posting the pattern, it is in Swedish and it is not my own. Sorry about that. Anyone interested in knitting it should visit Garnh?rvan and buy the pattern for dragspelsbasker from them!

  4210. Hanna, I love the colors of the beret and the flower is a winner on it. The scarf is in such yummy colors, too, all of your colors are so happy. It brightens my day to visit your blog! I’m so glad that you shared the hat, we would have missed out.

  4211. Hooray for zines! I am so glad you liked Odd Ball Charm… Alma is simply the best! An inspiration.

  4212. Deborah!
    Thanks for commenting! Your zine about personal symbols looks really great too! I’ve got a few symbols of my own and I need to read that zine of yours. I’m snagging one in your Etsy right now! :-)

  4213. Thanks for sharing your great finds, Hanna ! That zine looks like a blast !

    I have a feeling your zine turn will come ! Good luck finishing that Christmas shopping !

  4214. Aw, Hanna. I’m sorry you lost your beret. I loved it. You can make another one. I know it’s not the same. I love zines!! I hope you do make one next year.

  4215. Lovely stuff. Swapping is such fun. I’ve just become involved in swapping postcards and cannot believe how much time I am putting in to making 2 today…HOURS…of course my thread keeps breaking for some unknown to me reason…so that takes more time, but even so…I am putting lots of me into them. Fun too.

  4216. you are SO right about glitter. I never used to use it, and now I’ve gone crazy. I went and got 5 kinds of martha stewart glitter earlier this year, and I’m having fun with it now! Your tree looks awesome.

  4217. Myh 3 year old has decided our house needed some more glitter.. Can I say I will probably hate glitter till she is 23?

  4218. I bought the Cavallini vintage bird holiday postcards last year..opened them up this year…I have to tell you…that is the most sparkling silver glitter I have ever seen.. the post cards are drenched in it and they really are amazing…if you see them in a shop, well worth a close look.

  4219. I just discovered your blog a few days ago, and I’ve been looking back through the archives and admiring all of your projects. You are so creative! Your blog has given me all sorts of ideas for my own art and craft projects. I’ll definitely be returning to your blog again!

  4220. This zine looks great! And the little inclusions are fun looking, too! Yay! This makes me wanna try it, too. But, I fear, I’d need a printer first… aye?

    Sorry to hear about the hat. I know exactly what you mean. My thing is hating when I’m almost done and drop a stitch and then can’t seem to pick it up and lose the whole piece. I’m a geek like that.


  4221. Welcome to the Glitterolics anonymous! I love that you used the packaging as a mould. Too bad that it broke but like you said, we have to learn from our mistakes!


  4222. Hi..found you in a google search..adding you to my blog if thats ok?
    Just started doing journals…passed the fear bit and experimenting with textured backgrounds at the mo life at a crossroads…loving the blog about journalling..thanx for sharing

  4223. Oh I reacted to the same qoute and even printed the email, and SuziBlu, well you know I love her!
    Great qoutes and yes, I’ve started thinking about the new year, it’s getting closer!

  4224. I’ve always said I don’t want my life to be small. But now I realize that’s the glass half-empty way of looking at things. Instead, I should say I want my life to be big, huge, giant, full to bursting with possibilities. Thanks for the inspiration!

  4225. Good quote. I’ve been thinking along those lines myself lately. And about my projects for next year. And- I’ll be looking forward to following your blog in 2009,too!

  4226. Wow ! That is some Christmas gift ! How wonderful that the universe wanted you to have your beautiful cap back. I love this story…somthing beautiful happening to someone beautiful.

    Happy Giving Season !

  4227. Hanna, I am so happy you got your masterpiece back! Good job not giving up. Happy Holidays. xoxoxo tj

  4228. “I signed a release form” – it sounds like your cap was held in prison and they had to release it after some paperwork, yikes! ^^ I’m glad it’s no longer lost!

  4229. Is this cool!? I’m glad I found out what you lost!
    I love it when great luck happens. This is very pretty.

  4230. Lovely story…so happy that it had a happy ending.
    I’ve lost a crocheted hat on a vacation trip. I loved my hat too…I hoped someone found it and loved it too and kept wearing it for me.

  4231. A truly happy ending. Glad you got your beloved hat back. Also proves if you go the extra mile, you’ll be reward.

  4232. What fun, Hannah! I made some this week as I was giving my Advent angel gifts…didn’t have a chance to take a pic of them, but I so enjoyed myself!

  4233. Hanna, these are FABULOUS!!!

    I have to post all my presents to people, so did them a couple of weeks ago, but I’m DEFINITELY going to make something along these lines next year. They are GORGEOUS!

    God Jul from England and may your creativity reach new heights in 2009!

  4234. These are so pretty! I am so late with Christmas projects I have been thinking of calling them New Year Gifts. The glitter would be so apropos, like bubbling champagne in the middle of a confetti party. I’ve got to see if I can find some of that stuff!

    feliz navidad!

  4235. Oh my gosh! What a fun tutorial! I love love altering composition notebooks (mainly because you can get them very cheap at Target or Wal-mart after school starts for the year) so I stock up. What a great way to use up patterned paper scraps and gift wrapping paper. Love how your Mom used a picture from a magazine to cover the inside. The notebook came out very pretty. Thanks for sharing! Will have to try this after the holidays!

    – Alma =)

  4236. I love this project, Hanna. I made a bunch of tags this year, but I love this newsprint or bookprint effect, and the glitter! That hole punch tool is fabulous, too!

    Thanks for another cool tutorial! God jul och gutt nytt 09!

  4237. Oh, Hanna! I just noticed that we were commenting on each other’s blogs at the same time! hA!

    Thank you for your kind comment!

  4238. Those are gorgeous ….like a gift in itself! I think I will try some, but I will begin in October next year..

  4239. My tags aren’t as nice or fancy as yours, but I’ve been bitten by the tag-making bug this year too! I’ve been using them around the house for labeling purposes, not just as gift tags. It all started when my mom bought me a tag-shaped punch from Creative Memories. I’ve been prone to using rubber stamps on them.
    These are the tags I’ve been making…

  4240. I like the little deer and the snowmen are so cute! You can never have too many tags! I saw a cute wreath made out of tags, you could always use any left over to make one to enjoy!

  4241. Oh, Hanna, I absolutely love your snowman! And, know what? Your extra tags in that pretty container look like a gift by themselves! You could make some general ones….like for birthdays…and give them as gifts!

  4242. I’m so happy you found your hat again! I was sad to think of all your hard work being lost – but now the hat is back from its adventure, it will always be a magically special hat!

  4243. Hanna,
    Gorgeous as always. I was just wondering, you said in Sweden you exchange gifts on the evening of the 24th, after stuffing your self full of food. So, what do you traditionally do on Christmas Day- the 25th? Just curious as we do the stuffing ourselves full of food and exchange gifts on the 25th.
    Merry Christmas to you!

  4244. I was surprised to see all these fabulous colours in your knitting work.
    I like to see your rainbow blanket and I like your socks, too.

    That’s great !

  4245. Lovely tags Hanna. If you put all your creative projects for the year in one room it would be completely overflowing and coming out of the doors and windows…lol. Have a great Christmas and New Year and I am glad you got that lovely hat back.

  4246. how wonderful, and what a beautiful hat. sometimes you have to go back to understand what you have!

    merry christmas

  4247. Toppen! Grattis till ingivelsen att g? tillbaka och leta d?r! Och det g?r man naturligtvis bara med grejer som verkligen betyder n?got f?r en – egentligen borde vi bara ha s??na saker ? h t …
    ?nskar dig en god varm jul och ett superbra nytt ?r!

  4248. I missed you! Your comment was so funny, and I hoped it meant you were back in action! (At least the action I can guage, which is the blog–I’m sure you’re in action all the time.) You know, gratitude has carried me through so many things, and it is a life-saver. I think it may be right up there with love as the most valuable thing ever. It keeps us humble, it keeps us giving, it keeps us recognizing things outside ourselves. Thank you for reinforcing this today.

    I’m grateful I can now feel my fingers…

  4249. Looks like you had a lovely celebration. Love the photos. The candles are so soothing and that shot of you and your brother in the ornament is perfect!

    Can’t wait to read the next post.

  4250. love love love the ball with photo in it….
    family is what it is all about
    and friends
    my greatest gift is giving
    and being surrounded by

  4251. I love how your listening to gansta music and doing art journaling with all your christmas paper and tags. Sweet pictures you have showing your Christmas eve.

  4252. I like the personal statistics idea. I do a version of this. Not with the great questions you listed. Going to try that maybe tomorrow or Wednesday. Great ideas, Hannah.

  4253. Such a great way to reflect on the past year and get ready for the new one. Happy New Year, Hanna! Best wishes to you. :)

  4254. Happy New Year Hanna and thank you so much for stopping by my blog…if you had not it would have been my loss. I have been peeking through your blog and am loving all your good stuff. I look forward to seeing more in the new year. By the way..before blogging I would never really had anything to review…what a great idea!

  4255. Vilken bra id?! Som den dokumentationsfanatiker jag ?r, s? har jag mycket att g? igenom men det beh?vs verkligen. I mina m?rkare stunder k?nns det verkligen som om jag inte har gjort n?got alls men n?r jag ser tillbaka i mina papper och p? min blogg s? ser jag ju att det har h?nt en hel del det senaste ?ret. Kul!

  4256. Sometimes I think you are a genius. You should bottle this kind of stuff and make a fortune. It’s all so simple but it’s ideas that sometimes need to be spelled out before they sink in to my little brain. I’m going to print this entry off and re- read it and then start to make lists…I love lists…

  4257. Happy New Year to you Hanna! Here’s to a brand new year of creativity, adventure and wisdom.
    Thank you so much for sharing your life with us!

    P.S. I’m glad to read that I’m not the only one with lists!! Hehe!

  4258. “This is the greatest post I have come across so far.I am really pleased to post my comment on this blog .I love your blog by the way, I am gonna have to add you to my list of watched blogs .Thank you for this very useful information. stored it.Thanks again and keep up the good work.”

  4259. I definitely resonate with this post. I am a list maker. I love my lists. Sometimes I make graphs, too, so I can see my lists in a visual form. Your post gives me new ideas for lists. And some good ways to spend my New Years Eve. I prefer reflection and spending time with my journal.

    Another list making aid is the site That site has helped me in so many ways.

  4260. I picked my word last night, while reading Christine Kane’s article. In 2009, I need to focus on “Change.” See the change, be the change. 2008 was all about “new” and I did experience a lot of new things.

    A poem a day sounds like a fun thing to try. It’s been so long since I’ve written poetry. I think I might try it, at least for a week.

    Looks like we both need to get out of our comfort zone in the new year. We both need to seek adventures. And we’ll share them with the world!

    Happy new year dear friend, soul sister!

  4261. I picked my word. It is “abundance,” because I am tired of living in lack, of not having enough or not being enough, of focusing on what is missing. I have a mantra. It is, “I am enough.” I also have a theme. 2009 is the Year of the Business Woman, as I confront my fears of stepping out into the world and asking for legitimacy from the world of money, authority, business, publications, and so on.

    And you know, I don’t think you should kick yourself for not challenging yourself this year. I think the way to really start this new life of challenge and adventure is to take it slow in the beginning, take baby steps, be aware of where you want to go, even if you’re still journeying in that zone of comfort. Last summer, I decided I wanted to join in with Dragonfly Reflections on her 100 days of sacred art… but I didn’t feel like I was up to it, felt like it was too much.

    But I kept the idea in my mind, doing a piece every now and again, taking on the Be Brave challenge, doing prompts from Illustration Friday and Inspire Me Thursday, and then, all of a sudden, I realized I was there. I was ready for my daily painting challenge. And here I am at the end of the year, and I have been creative almost every day since then. If I had forced myself into a place I didn’t feel ready for, pushed too hard, I might have broken, lost the fire, but I let it come more naturally, and it evolved into a new habit. One that I would like to take to the new, next and REALLY scary level in 2009.

  4262. Hanna, I hope you don’t mind I gave a shout out on my blog about your post on the end and beginning of the New Year. I’ve been inspired by your writings. I love those daily art cards. I wish you all the best in 2009. Breaking that comfort zone is easy. Do the thing you really want to do but is so scared to do. That one action will open you up in so many unexpected ways. I’ve been doing a lot of breaking comfort zone and it has been amazing.

  4263. I will be artjournalling this year. Still hesitating between do and dare as my word… I think I ‘ll go for do because that was my spointaneous reaction when my husband asked what my plans for the new year were..

  4264. Tittade in p? din blogg idag igen f?r att l?sa ditt inl?gg en g?ng till om att g?ra en sammanfattning av ?ret som g?tt. Tidigare idag tog jag en promenad och funderade ?ver mina planer f?r 2009 och jag kom fram till att det h?r ?ret ska g? ut p? att V?GA. Jag ska inte begr?nsa mig sj?lv med mina r?dslor. Vilket sammantr?ffande att du skrivit idag om att v?lja ett ord f?r 2009!

  4265. oh, I’ve been so busy!! Just catching up!!

    ARe you going to make another book of your blog? Because you give the best inspiration…


  4266. Ah damnit, you blogged about the word before me…
    Jag har ocks? lite problem med ?rets ord, inte alls lika enkelt i ?r som det var f?rra ?ret. Jag tror att jag beh?ver g?ra just vad du skrev, brainstorma och fundera p? vad jag vill, vad jag dr?mmer om, vart det h?r ?ret ska g

  4267. What an excellent post, thank you! I’m still reflecting on 2008 and thinking, plotting & planning 2009. Personally, i always feel so hopeful on New Years day. I know my word will either be conscious or discipline. I was in auto pilot most of ’08 and i do not want that for this year!

  4268. I am so happy I stumbled upon your blog. I am inspired by your word challenge. I thought long and hard about it, and then just put it aside for the day….of course that is when my word came to me. It is “move” I have been struggling with sever health problems for the past 4 years. Breast Cancer that metasatisized to me bones 2 years after my initial diagnosis. Life has presented itself with a myriad of challenges to say the least. Thinking about the upcoming new year and what I wanted to project into the universe and into my thought process, of course health would have been a word that came to mind…but move turned out to have even greater meaning. First of all, I find myself being more sedintary than I like (justifiably yes, because of pain, and discomfort) but it usually compounds my problems instead of alleviating them because I feel so blahsey, and useless when I sit around too much. Whenever I get up and get “moving”….even for a little bit I always feel better. Also, I need to “move” forward from a bad relationship break-up that has been emotionally devastating. I need to keep “moving” away from falling into old patterns of comfort….and the grand finale is I need to actually buy a house and MOVE into it. It’s funny how this word can encompass so much of what I want 2009 to be about. Of course i will also focus on “moving” into a complete healing. I am so very excited about this new word and all it entails. Thanks again. Happy, happy new year.

  4269. I am there, Hanna! My journal is going with me to work tomorrow, and I am going to see where it takes me. I am kind of a rule person, but I also have learned that breaking rules is okay. I used to bead myself up over doing that. But even nature breaks rules sometimes! Why can’t imperfect humans? I think creative people often forget that creativity can’t be restrained. It must LIVE!

    Thanks, Hanna. And Peace Out!

  4270. Happy New Creative Year Hanna ! Whatever you decide to do it will certainly be creative.
    I wish you the best, and thank you for your inspirational blog.

  4271. Eckhart’s book is beside my bed all the time to remind me that real power resides in the NOW. That book also greatly shifted my consciousness and I’m happy I’ve discovered it.

    Indeed, being totally present is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves and others. Happy new year!

  4272. Happy New Year Hanna! Perhaps my word would be “fearless.” I am starting a journal to help me turn my hobby into a bit more of a profession and I picked a lovely montblanc pen I received as a gift this year to do my writing. I was inspired by your lovely pen post.

    Thanks as usual!

  4273. thanks for sharing. these things seem so simple but can be very complex and to most of us living this way is completely foreign. you and eckhart are right – the time is Now.

  4274. I haven’t read eckhart tolle, but it sounds very similar to other things I have read, workshops I’ve taken. I think it’s all part of the same revolution.

    Hallelujah. We can so change the world.

  4275. I haven’t read this book yet though I wanted to in 2008. I need to renew my membership to the library so I can borrow this book. Thanks for your thoughts on this subject. It’s always great to get a different view and perspective.


  4276. I was unaware that this year was an art journal year- four empty ones are waiting for me to begin,…I also recieved an Echart Tolle callendar for christmas and gave his books- NEW EARTH” to friends this year- Must be the collective consiousness nudging us forward into accountability, thoughtfulness, integrity ( Kendalee’s word for the year) and responsibility. No wonder I am intimidated by the blank pages of the beautiful journals awaiting vision. “LEAP” is a great start! Thank you for this provacative post for 2009- optimistic- and promising.

  4277. den d?r baskern ?r s? himla fin! mormor stickade en till mig f?rra ?ret, och det ?r definitivt m?ssfavoriten i ?r med. s? m?ngsidig, mysig varm och icke frisyrf?rt?rande :) j?ttefina f?rger du gjorde din i, och kul och ov?ntat att filta den…

  4278. I love the quote by Tolle. Really powerful. Thanks for all the wonderful links. I’m going to check them out this week. It is true we have to get our minds together to really hear ourselves think and feel our feelings. Then we can truly create from a more authentic place.

  4279. Wow, what powerfull and wonderfull responses to a touching blog…. I want thank all of you for touching my heart so


  4280. AWESOME post! Thank you so much for sharing what you’ve learned, and what you’ve found to be important. I will definitely check out the links you provided for us. In the past I tried to read Tolle’s books, too, and had the same experience. I’m encouraged to know there’s still hope for me! Thank you again, and Happy New Year! All my best, Kathy.

  4281. You know, it’s funny; but it seems like the most profound discoveries are ones that we already knew. When I was at my previous job, they put a lot of stress on the teachings of Dale Carnegie. He isn’t a guru in a normal sense of the word, but he did teach a lot about how to treat people and how to understand them-as well as get your message across so that they can understand you. Tolle sounds a lot like thatt. I know that I need to be more in the moment-and that I can be a better person by paying attention to what is going on around me RIGHT THEN, so why in the world don’t I do it?
    Really makes you think.
    Thanks for the profound and thought provoking words today!

  4282. Dear Hanna,

    Thank you so much. I have followed your advice and have just started listening to the series and I love it. I guess I am in a moment in my life where I needed this. I have felt so lost in the past few months and it’s like something has opened up inside me. I can move forward.

    Not sure if it makes sense, but I just wanted to say thank you for your post on this. I think this could and can really help me.

    Love, Anna Deise

  4283. So glad you got your hat back! It drives me nuts when people act so callous and assume that little things have no value. They are always the worst to lose because they are irreplaceable! Your story was so nice for me to read because of its happy ending, and the image of the little windowed train station office. Yay for getting your striped hat back!

  4284. Hello Hanna,
    Gott Nytt ?r!!! :)
    Thank you for this post and the links. In fact I think we share a story here. I was interested in the books by Eckhart Tolle but the first book I got from me was kind of “boring”. (I thought it is because I bought the Czech version and not the Hungarian or English. ) then somehow I found my way to the the Oprah web classes and I was sold to the “story”. I already got the book and it is one of the must reads for this year. (Though I admit the audiobook version sounds even more interesting.)

  4285. Thank you for telling me about this iPod series. Also, your post is very important. What I have found in my years of reading and thinking about these issues, which are VERY personal, and also political, is that I must make these practices habitual. People are creatures of habit. We will do what we always did, and it’s hard to get out of that pathway. Our assumptions, the things we ignore, the things we focus on, our reactions, are all very difficult to change. Once we figure out what we want those things to be, we have to practice them until they are habit. I’m sure you know this, but I only say it to remind myself that behavior is the key. Habit makes all the difference. So I am going to go to your links now, absorb, ponder, sort things out and reaffirm my ethics and my choices. And I hope this year to make them all habitual. A habit of behaviors. I will get this book, too. Thank you, Hanna!

  4286. Thanks for a very interesting post Hanna and links to others. I think New Year always brings us a time to re-evaluate our lives and make a fresh start. We are very lucky – in 365 days time we will get another one…lol.

  4287. I have been reading this book all over Christmas. I can only do bite sized chunks because it is so profound I am afraid i might miss something important if I read it too fast – it has helped me enormously – and you too? – ‘how do you know this is the experience you need? because it is the experience you are having’!
    the ‘pain bodies’ freaked me out – but make perfect sense- itsn’t it sad how much wrong view I/we all have?
    anyway – I got another blank book for Christmas – I have to start using them! the one I got from you is still untouched!
    lovely post Hanna
    thank you

  4288. Little breaks help one to see things anew… creativity and such would not be possible without.

    Happy reading and exploring… and here’s to a promising 2009 for one and all!

    be well, g

  4289. I have been so inspired by your blog! For years I’ve wanted to create things and have so many ideas in my head.. but I just don’t know how to make them come out.. so I stick with what’s clean and crisp (but not always even!). You have inspired me to just do it. I am starting an art journal for the very first time and am excited to just let whatever is in me flow!

    Mind if I feature you and use a couple of photos on my blog? (

  4290. “more legs” now there is a poem! AND foder for an art card! I would love to go through that drawer of cards, spend hours ooohing and ahhhing and becoming inspired- Your talent is delightful!

  4291. I am 59 years old and reading this book and listening to the series changed my life! Yes, it is all stuff we’ve heard or read before-why didnt I listen? Because we always are looking for what we think is going to be some profound answer to life- but it is really simple. Trust in the Now-Live in the Now-it’s all you need. I have really enjoyed your blog and creative ideas and hope that the “Now Year” continues to be enlightening for you. Thank You.

  4292. Hi Hanna!
    Congratulations on finishing your year-long project in full! I have really enjoyed seeing your work evolve. You have really outdone yourself with the posts about the New Year. I plan to follow all the points in “How to end the year in a reflective mood” and remind myself of what I’ve accomplished this year.
    I have chosen ‘release’ and ‘thrive’ as my two them words and I plan to be creative every day, although I have decided not to stick to one particular thing. Baby steps. Last night I covered a plain notebook in fancy wrapping paper. :-)

    Best wishes!

  4293. What an amazing accomplishment Hanna! Congratulations on a year-long project. I am proud of you. I also really appreciate your mentioning on an earlier post that you didn’t make so many rules about your art cards. That you would only beat yourself up if you made it too strict and couldn’t stick to the rules you made. This particular thought really resonated with me. You’re really an inspiration. I look forward to your creative adventures in 2009! xoxoxox tj

  4294. Hanna, I just have to say that you constantly inspire me! Your work is so lovely – fresh and natural and honest.
    Many years ago (yikes, maybe 12?) I wrote a haiku every day for three months and it was wonderful. I may get back at it.
    Thanks for being you!

  4295. Thank you, Hannah for being so inspiring. I have started daily art cards for this New Year. The idea of creating small daily, really resinates with me. Sues

  4296. I love your last 2 cards.
    I don’t think I’m ready to look through my piles of cards yet. But I do enjoy seeing the piles. I know that, like you, there will be some cards I don’t like but that’s the thing about being an artist. You don’t always like what you create.
    I did embark on the daily poetry train. Some are in french and some in english. Whatever comes easiest on that day. So far, it’s much easier than I thought it would be to write a short poem every day. I do it just before going to bed, when I’m the most tired and my thoughts are more fuzzy. Some interesting word choices happen then.

    Words are fun.

  4297. I love the artwork of your daily cards. A poem a day is a wonderful idea and a great way to be creative. Have fun, Hanna.

  4298. Oh your cards are so inspiring! Sigh. I want to make my own but I don’t think I can do it..with all the projects that I’ve already started (project 365 – take a picture everyday, and 50 in 365 – 50 books a year) LOL. But I will start my own art an art studies student I really need one, but I have been inspired by you, and not inside the classroom

  4299. Congratulations on your accomplishment! Having tried to do daily atcs last year I know how hard it is (I didn’t even get halfway through).


  4300. happy new year!

    i’m so impressed with your ability to make a commitment and stick to it! especially for a whole year.. 365 days is a lot.
    i wish i knew your secret; i definitely lack stick-to-it-ativeness. one day i hope to be able to actually finish something i start (maybe i should start with something that lasts a week, instead of a year?!).

    i was looking through your daily art cards.. i think my favourite is the philosophy cloud. he’s so wide-eyed and colourful! very cute.

    thanks for sharing,

  4301. What a wonderful word ! Sounds like it will bring so many wonderful creative adventures…maybe scary at first, but with all of your talent, your appreciation of life’s beauties and your strong and curious spirit, it is sure to get easier and easier ! Bon Voyage, Hanna !

  4302. I really thought I had my word I thought it was doen which just means do because I have been waiting for wo years too. But reading this it must be open. I need to open out to the world a lot more. Live with an open heart be vulnerable Dare.. Ok I’ll write a post of my own before hijacking your comments..

  4303. Wonderful word – wonderful post. Inspiring. Introversion only means you gain your energy from “alone time” – unlike extroverts who gain energy from being with others. I think my word for 2009 will be “fearless” – maybe trite, but something that I need to be more. Thanks for inspiring me to find a word!

  4304. A great word, Hanna. It is scary pushing past what we are use to. Once you start doing it, you’ll be having so much fun you won’t even notice it. May your Outgoing lead you on merry adventures.

  4305. I think that you’d be a wonderful person to sit, fika with, create something alongside, people watch, whatever. I believe that you’ll have much success being outgoing in many ways and situations.

  4306. Congratulations on choosing your word for 2009. It sounds like you have come to an excellent for yourself and are already receptive to and empowered by the change. Go for it!

    I’m still working on my 2009 word and I found your post positively inspiring.

  4307. Hanna,
    Thanks for sharing. I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, and I’m always inspired by your creativity. I can relate to your social but introverted personality because that describes me perfectly! I can function well in small groups and even at work (I’m a teacher), but I don’t know that I have the courage yet to throw a party. I think at the end of the year you’ll be so glad for the way you’ve pushed yourself. My word this year is focus, and focus means several things to me. I’m going to focus on what means the most to me–my family, my work, my studies, and my creativity. I’m also going to focus on one thing at a time, and to be “in the moment” more. No more multi-tasking! (or at least I’m going to try!) Have a wonderful year!

  4308. Hanna, it’s so difficult to do things that aren’t habitual! It feels strange!! I’m glad you are being mindful and giving yourself time. There is no rush. It took us years and years to make our habits, and it will take time to make new ones.

    I have looked for the book you recommended, but I guess I will have to get it online. I cannot find it anywhere.

  4309. what an accomplishment! It’s really something!

    I have noticed that you have talked more about writing the last few weeks, and it seems like you are ready for the poems. Best to you! Just think how cool it will be when 2010 comes, and you have accomplished this as well!

  4310. My word is Explore. And I’ve already started… Great post. Put yourself out there! Maybe someone will want to exhibit your 365 cards, Hanna! Ask around!

  4311. Great tips! Thanks for sharing them with us. And, I definitely love your art cards daily last year. :-) Looking forward to more creative stuff from you in 2009.

  4312. I love your word! You sound so much like myself, and I truly need to be more outgoing. I’m very social, but never the one to make the phone call, send the invitation, make the arrangements, and have recently begun to shy away when I receive them. So my word this year is “yes”, yes to adventure, to parties, to making MY party happen, to my ideas and taking action. Thanks for the inspiration to pick a word this year. Best of luck in getting yourself out there in 2009!

  4313. Happy New Year, Hanna!!

    It’s funny because Leap doesn’t feel speedy to me, but everyone has their own associations with words, so I know you will find the “just right” word for you and 2009. I know for me, when I hit on my word, my whole body tingles. :-)

  4314. Ah! You’ve found your word!! I love it!! I need to bring more of that outgoing energy into my life in 2009 as well.

  4315. I would dance and play and sing and paint and imagine and watch and run and jump and swim and fly and love….

    That is what I did as a child…

    That is what my spirit still does on a good day…

    How can I make it so any day…


    Of this Precious life….

  4316. All I can say is, “Wow.” I am amazed by your catalogue of crafty accomplishments.

  4317. Hi, I’m glad you put a link to this older post, which I haven’t read yet.
    Funny – in fall I was invited to Stockholm from my best friends for their 25th wedding anniversary. As a gift I gave them the project “25 hearts” – 25 heartyly presents. I finished 5 so far, there is no hurry. So far I haven’t posted it, because of a lack of photos. During our walks and boat ride in Stockhom I forgot! Me, who is always taking photos.
    I’ll let you know when I put something on my blog.

  4318. What a good question! I’ll have to think about it and answer in a post of my own I suppose! I love your little sketch and how wonderful that you went to a sketching group! There’s nothing of the sort close to my home (except for people over 60 I think.) I think that I might have to start such a group one of these days. So many ideas, so many plans, so little time!!!
    Can’t wait to see the rest of your report. Your projects are inspiring. You make me want to try new-to-me things.

  4319. Knit. If I had to pick one, it’s easy for me. But, I find that I am called to more and more crafts – I think it’s the high-tech business world I spend so much of my time in. It’s the antithesis of “hand crafted” – and it makes me tired. The crazier my day job is, the more crafting I feel compelled to do. Other choices would be sewing and paper crafts – no drawing (no talent for that, sadly).

  4320. Your output of creativity is truly inspiring. I do more writing: poetry and my one woman show. Taking pictures. Do more recordings of me reading poetry for my blog. This is all things I’ve done in the past and doing much more in 2009. Glad you went to your class to be more of your word: outgoing.

  4321. This is so beautifully said! Whatever I create this year, I intend to have fun doing it as “Playful” is my word for 2009. Since reading this and seeing how you included hearts in so many of your creations this past year, I love the idea of in some way, integrating my intention into my work (which is really my play!).

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  4322. wow! you had a VERY creative 2008-I look forward to seeing all your new creations to come:)
    If I had to choose one thing-that 1 thing that I want to do daily, even when I don’t do anything else, it’s drawing-whether it’s a simple sketch/doodle, I want to pick up that pencil (or pen, though I’m not a big pen sketcher, though I would like to get used to it) and do SOMETHING…..thanks for asking that question, it made me think about it:)
    hop you have a creative and peaceful week!

  4323. Wow!!! What an idea…. I never knew that buttons can accessorize something so well.. The candle holders are really cool. Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea.

  4324. Amazing list of creations. I love the poetry cardigan. Pink and green go so well together. However long it took it was definitely worth it.

    I would agree with trish above. Definitely picking up my rapidograph pen daily and drawing something.

  4325. Great post! So many beautiful, creative and colorful things! You’re definitely living the creative life! :)

  4326. Such a pretty blog. You have amazing energy and creativity! I like to try new things as long as it doesn’t involve expensive supplies.

  4327. I LOVE to try new things! I carved a few stamps in 2008 and love using them. I even carved a new one this week! I sign up for a lot of swaps for ATCs and Chunky book pages that have either a theme or technique I’m not familiar with. I’ve discovered a few artists and authors I didn’t know and have discovered new things about myself too!

    In 2009, my big new thing is that I want to teach art journaling to kids during summer, in my living room. It’s a big deal for me but I’m ready for it.

    Beautiful projects again!

    PS The depression is in the past now. I’m ceasing the day. I’m making my creative dreams real!

  4328. Oh, Hanna, I am feeling like I’ve been utterly lazy after seeing this, at least creatively! It seemed like so much of what I learned this year has had to do with the field of education and a bit of technology! It’s been simply amazing stuff, though.
    And then I got to thinking…I did learn a lot of photoshop stuff! And, I am learning to use more of my own images in my art. What else? I got brave enough to submit my journals to Stampington and got published in one magazine and then invited to do an article for another one this year. I started my blog. No cool pics, but maybe not so bad after all?
    THis year…well, I REALLY want to learn Photoshop, and I want to take some photography courses. I definitely want to work on drawing skills, and I’m sure there’s more!

  4329. I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with some of the inspirational energy I have bottled up in me. Your website is insanely fun and I love looking at all of your amazing creations. Even though I left all my creative supplies at my parents when I moved to my Tiny Brooklyn, NYC apartment, I might have to splurge and resupply my stash to start an art journal for 2009. I do have a blank moleskin sitting on the shelf that I could easily convert… and I have had many past moments of enjoyment through art journals — before I let my busy life get in the way.

    Thanks for sharing your creativity and hopefully I’ll join the art journallers starting this weekend!!

  4330. A delight and treasure trove of crafts you made in 2008. I adore your Mermaid and you Valentine hearts. I think maybe I like to sew more this year. I only do a bit of sewing.

  4331. Would you consider making and selling prints of your sketches & paintings? I’d love to buy one of the tape & scissors…”she liked to make pretty little gifts for her friends…” !

  4332. Wow, this is a really inspiring post!

    Photography and Love. This is what I want to do with my time. I have just discovered the yummy world of Amigurumi, and I finally got the Diana cam I’ve been dreaming of. Putting art into everything in my life, watching art films, and being inspired by those I love…I want to spend my life that way, not just this year, but everyday of all the years to come. Paper and Pastels also touches a special part of me, and I’m also looking forward to this coming year.

    I’m really excited to see more of your work, happy creative beginnings!

  4333. Just what I was planning to do! *Grabs a journal*. Hahaha! What a beautiful journal you got there! I wish that you’ll post even more pictures and inspire even more people.

  4334. I always come across posts like these long after they’ve been posted. It’s a shame there aren’t more low-cost fountain pens. Most people see the price tag attached and are convinced that the Bic sticks they prefer to use and lose and throw away are cheaper in the long run, never doing the math.

    My first fountain pen was a Sheaffer cartridge pen that the gentleman behind doesn’t think is a very good one, but I liked it (and still do) just fine when I bought it to use as a sketching pen.

    That was a bit over 10 years ago and now I have three Sheaffers (not counting the calligraphy pens), three Pelikans (again, not counting the Pelikan calligraphy pens I have), two Parkers (one of which is the much-maligned “21”–mine’s been a great pen in the time I’ve had it), an Esterbrook J, a Waterman 12 1/2 and a few no-name pens.

    If there were still a company like Esterbrook (Pelikan’s M200 series is the closest to that right now), maybe fewer people would be allergic to writing with a fountain pen. :)

    Note for lefties out there: my sister’s a southpaw who’s never had any trouble with ink smearing. She holds her pen and writes like the mirror image of a right-handed person, so her hand never crosses over wet ink. And she’s got much better handwriting than I do.

  4335. Hi, Hanna–It truly is inspiring, all the work you did last year. Your photos are sooo pretty. That SketchCrawl sounds great, and I know what you mean about going out and being among people while working. I have never been to a class by myself, and I don’t really know why! I’m not very comfortable in groups, but I also wonder how I can really be comfortable to create my work around people. It’s intimidating to me!
    It’s been so busy this year so far that I only just now finished my first journal page, and I thought of you and how you inspired me to make this my journaling year. I feel so free!
    Anyway, I guess if I could do one thing for a year, it would be painting. I love all the techniques, and the surprises.

  4336. Me again. I’ve been relishing all your photos, which I didn’t have time to view properly the first time I came by. But your posts are always worth multiple visits. It is satisfying to hear about all you accomplished last year, and it wasn’t even about ME! So YOU should be so proud of stretching yourself, being open, being brave, and being willing to share it with us. I’ve loved your contributions to the challenges over at Michelle’s site!
    My weekend will be filled with journaling and with using some of the lovely materials you recently sent to me. I’m very lucky to be here on this earth at this time, when you’re here, so I can see how much one artist can do!

  4337. Your mittens are very cool. You amaze me with your output of creativity. I love coming here and get inspired by all you do. Smilla is cute in the tree.

  4338. Gorgeous mittens! I need a new pair myself but I’m not ready to make them yet. Maybe I’ll figure out something soon.

    I love the photos of Smilla in the tree! She’s such a cutie!


  4339. I’ve made several of these before using a book called Patchwork Puzzle Balls by Jinny Beyer.
    You should try to make Temari next. They are fun and a lot and much easier than they look!

  4340. You’re not putting down your beautiful and timely and functional and pretty mittens, are you? They are wonderful and fluffy!

    I hope you got my package. It makes me nervous when I send things internationally, so I hope they got there!


  4341. you are a sock monkey lover too!!!i love your monkey i have three.Sock,Monkey,and Bubbles.SOCK MONKEY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4342. Ja, egentligen kanske det r det men jag tror jag fastnar p alla oskrivna och skrivna regler om vad som r vilket och kors och tvrs. De kreativa grnspoliserna. Jag har ju kikat runt hr hos dig lite grand men ja har nnu en del kvar men det finns s mycket hr att inspireras av…

    Diptychs r s himla hftigt. Jag har inte riktigt den diciplinen d men ja kommer med gldje komma tillbaka och kika p er frd.

  4343. What a great collaboration project ! I will be watching the photos play out for now ! What fun ! Thanks for the Art Slam link too. I will check it out .
    Cheers, and have fun finding rainbows !

  4344. I can’t wait to see your rainbow pictures. Looks like a fun photography project. I love how digital cameras have made taking pictures fun again for me. I wanted you to know, Hanna, there are two blog awards for you waiting at my blog. Whenever you can, go on over and pick them up.

  4345. I’m really happy to be doing this with you Hanna. I love our takes on the words so far! Both of your photos are absolutely lovely. I personally like your walking photo BECAUSE of the blurry factor (looks more like walking and mine looks more like posing! haha)
    Thanks for playing with me!
    *big hugs*

  4346. I really can’t wait to make one, ive been reading a book about them called ‘sock monkey syndrome’ that’s what started my interest in sock monkeys.
    thanks for this site, its been a great help in my search to make one
    luv Dawn x x

  4347. What a great way to use all that digital imagery and countless files! I want to do this too. Maybe once I get my iPhoto organized I’ll join in the fun. PS – Your button photo is amazing! xoxoxo tj

  4348. It’s all candy for the eyes!

    I’ve taken a few photos for today but I didn’t have time to upload and edit them yet and I have to go back to work. So you’ll see them much later. I also had to create my own rainbows…

    I love the photo of the fruit bowl! Looks so juicy and happy!

  4349. How lovely to receive such nice gifts Hanna. I love the tea set. Gorgeous colours. Lots of eye candy as usual in your blog.

  4350. Sophie, I can’t wait to see what kind of rainbow you created and took photo of! Tomorrow I hope for… “inspiration”… hehe.

    Jenny! Vad bra att jag ?ntligen postade bilden d?, tavlan sitter precis i ?gonh?jd vid datorn, s? jag ser den glimma till ibland medan jag bloggar! Tack igen, jag hoppas du forts?tter m?la och s?g till om du fixar en kurs i m?lande, jag vill ocks?!!!

    Thanks for all kind colorful rainbow comments my friends!

  4351. What a great idea! If there are no rainbows, create one!!

    Queen of my House is truly awesome. How lucky you are to have such a beautiful thing!

  4352. Congratulations on your mittens. I’ve also been wanting to knit some patterned mittens for a long time and not doing it. I’m hoping to make some really cosy thrummed mittens this year sometime.
    Maybe you would next try making a pair of photographer mittens — I spotted this pattern on ravelry and put it in my queue!—fotografvotter
    I don’t think I commented here before but I’ve been inspired by your blog for a long time now. I’m really hoping to do some art journalling this year and just follow my creativity generally. Thanks for blogging!

  4353. I love this- but I am a bit concerned because it seems like maybe Sophie has stolen my cat! I was sure I was looking at a photo of my cat curled up when I first saw the image. I’m going to see if I can find a team partner to do this with.

  4354. I love your CAT and enjoy reading about all of your creations! I’m really amazed how much energy you have ;) and I’m very happy that I can get so much inspiration browsing your blog. (For eg. after seeing your Daily Card Project I came up with a challenge for 2009 – Around Europe without Leaving your House; this basically is an invitation to take a virtual trip around Europe which will be done reading at least one book written by a writer of each European country. By the way, I’ve started with Sweden!)

    Keep creating! Greetings from the other side of the Baltic Sea – Lithuania ;)

  4355. Gaah. I love the expression on the kitty’s face! Haha. Thanks for sharing this idea… :) Your mom is great, now we know where you got your talent from.

  4356. Men s?tast i v?rlden! Och j?tteskoj att du hittade till mig fast jag varit borta s? l?nge. Tack s? mycket! Nu ska jag kika runt och se vad jag missat sedan sist, misst?nker att jag kommer f? en v?ldigt kreativ l?rdagskv?ll. :))

  4357. Povel Ramel har sagt en sak om inspiration som jag p? ett s?tt gillar.

    “Jag tror inte p? inspiration, jag tror p? arbetsgl?dje” och p? ett s?tt ?r det nog s? att arbetsgl?dje ?r viktigare ?n inspiration n?r den blir till ett hinder. N?r man inte kan hitta vad det ?r som just g?r att man blir inspirerad. Jag vet inte riktigt vad det ?r, det ?r allt och inget samtidigt, som inspirerar. Sv?rt, sv?rt!

  4358. It’s passion… It’s love. You’re right…it is everywhere! It’s really eveident in the blogging’s community!

    I think I am easily inspired because I live with my eyes wide open…my brain open to new things…and old things…and just the DESIRE.

  4359. I don’t know what to do with it!! It is everywhere, in everything, everyday, and will always exist as long as our minds are open to it.

    Sometimes it is overwhelming, but I could not live without it. Inspiration allows me to be free!

  4360. To me inspiration is a state of mind

    With inspiration I’m happier and live my life better. I use it try to fill my life with light and grace. To give to others. Sometimes it transforms on paintings, journals, cards, little bags and collars, that I give here and there.

    To wander with my camera gives me tons of inspiration. The sea. Nature and childs.

  4361. Inspiration seems to connect memories, pictures, colors… in my brain, its somehow larger than the origin. Its make me happy, active, no one can stop me at that moment.
    The result can be making food for the family, a painting, something wooly, o piece of furniture, a poem…
    The trigger can be someting I have read, seen or tasted.

  4362. Great post. I have not really thought about it much until recently but I have noticed that I go to great pains to be inspired. It is something I need.

    Great collection.

  4363. Love your calendar, and the tabs. The stamp set actually DOES have a “9”…it’s the “6” used upside down!

  4364. It is the warm tingling sensation that begins above your stomach and explodes through your soul and heart. It can be a fleeting thought, a glimpse of beauty, or the gentlest loving touch. It is ethereal, elusive, and priceless.
    Love your blog, thanks for sharing your beautiful soul through art.

  4365. hanna,

    thanks for popping by the site and having a go. Close, but no banana!

    Think like a guerilla, a daring, cheeky, outsider artist…

  4366. hey!!

    adore your page, check in every day!!

    inspiration is coming from random places these days, im doing something totally normal and suddenly an idea for a journal page jumps into my head!! i had one the other day when my dog was trying to do some thing and it was totally obvious that he was never gonna be able to do it and he was still trying, over and over and over!! he does that all the time, nomatter what he wants to do and it just came to me, that that is what im doing im trying to do things and even tho im not able to do them yet i am still trying!! and will continue to try!!

    just been brave enough to add journal pages to my blog for the first time, come check them out??


  4367. I really like these “thought questions” you pose, Hanna.
    I’ve been pondering some of these same things, lately. I’m inspired by nature and by the mundane details of everyday life. I love watching the many different birds at our birdfeeders. Their colors, their interactions, their beauty fascinates me. They simply Are. My dog inspires me because she never quits. She watches and waits for squirrels; she always takes her best shot at them; and even though they get away 90% of the time, she does sometimes catch one. She doesn’t rest on her laurels, though; she goes right back to patiently waiting. I’ve taken to carrying my smaller camera everywhere. Most of the time I don’t use it, but every now and then opportunity presents itself!
    I’m inspired by the simple kindnesses of people during my day; a nice comment on Flickr stream, a few chocolates from a friend, the way my boss always says “thank you” when I finish a project. The best thing for me when I’m inspired is feeling more connected to other people; and I hope I can occasionally pass along some kindness to them.
    Thanks for continuing your work on your blog; I usually stop by every few days.

  4368. N?r jag blir v?ldigt inspirerad kan det f? mig att s?tta ig?ng och skapa sj?lv. Du vet man k?nner att man m?ste f?r man blir s? sugen n?r man sett n?got speciellt. F?rger f?r mig inspirerad.

    Sen kan man bli s? inspirerad av starka personer som ?vervinner sina hinder eller reser sig efter ett fall. Alla kan om man verkligen tror p? det sj?lv.

  4369. Jill, you’re not the first to ask about the necklace… but it’s bought a long time ago in a store in Sweden so I don’t think you’ll be able to hunt one like it down. Sorry and thanks for asking.

  4370. Your magnets are lovely ! I heart notebooks too !;-)

    Let us fear but do it anyway
    Let us do this today
    Let us create something every day
    And keep that fear at bay

    Yay !

  4371. Kim
    I love love love your poem – thank you, it’s not cheesy at all, I think it is diary worthy and I’ll write it into my diary for sure! I don’t know what’s up with the comments… I’ve been getting several doubles and triples, but I delete those don’t worry!

    Maria I didn’t know that, but I’m so glad you enjoyed!

  4372. I’ve been stalling for a looong time on starting a journal. I’ve been so inspired by all that I see but was so STUCK. Last night I grabbed the book and pushed the voices down and sat at my computer and wrote all the quotes I found on blogs that inspired me! I later went back and played with the letters, embellished a little and I did NOT want to stop! So this is very timely for me….if anyone out there is STUCK and WANTS TO DO IT…start with quotes!
    I love your blog and I’ve been lurking for a while now! Thanks so much for your wonderful inspiration. I truly look forward to your posts!

  4373. I’ve been stalling for a looong time on starting a journal. I’ve been so inspired by all that I see but was so STUCK. Last night I grabbed the book and pushed the voices down and sat at my computer and wrote all the quotes I found on blogs that inspired me! I later went back and played with the letters, embellished a little and I did NOT want to stop! So this is very timely for me….if anyone out there is STUCK and WANTS TO DO IT…start with quotes!
    I love your blog and I’ve been lurking for a while now! Thanks so much for your wonderful inspiration. I truly look forward to your posts!

  4374. It’s so true what you said – when we start to think, and analyse, and choose – what to put on a blank page, how to do it, what media to use, the fear of spoiling the page becomes enormous and it stops our creative process. I think your next magnet might be something like this: “Don’t meditate – create!”, or something similar. *^v^*

  4375. What you have to tell yourself is that if you don’t like what you did, you can paint over it. Hate your handwriting? Write it down, then collage over the top. Made a painting mess? Out with the gesso! And never, ever think you have to chronicle everything. Thereby hangs a tale that leads to weeks of not doing anything because you haven’t written about ‘that’ day yet.
    Now, where’s this etsy shop, because I need me one of those magnets…..

  4376. Thanks for a great and inspirational blog entry, Hanna! I love journals, and you made me wanna make my own too :) Guess I have to look for some bookbinding tutorial…

    I hope you’ll share some pictures when your book is ready :)


  4377. This is one good habit that I have too – and I am also in the habit of carrying my journal with me. It is so theraputic for me. I keep getting new ones – but I know I will fill them up. I wish I had had this habit when I was younger – don’t ever stop.

  4378. Oops. Left my comment on the wrong post – oh well. I definitely need to learn this habit and put into practice.

  4379. i’ve been keeping a diary since I was eleven. I love my diaries. They are filled with my dreams and secrets. They are my confessors as well. I was inspired by how you put fabric on your journal. I didn’t have fabric glue, I used the cheap photo glue I have. Voila, it worked. Now my journal has a beautiful new look.

  4380. Jag har inte microv?gsugn men blir n?stan sugen p? att skaffa en… Men vanlig ugn fungerar v?l det med?

  4381. Oh I know exactly what you mean about being bothered when there’s no room on the train. I was just on the subway trying to balance my moleskine on my bag and trying to write readable in it.

  4382. thanks for the link to the etsy seller! I added him to my faves so I could buy one when i have the $.
    but really, what i want to do, is learn how to make my own!! I’ve never been a sewer, is it hard to learn to make them? any good how to sites or articles you could point out? I’ll have to come back and search your blog, I bet you have some info. under bookbinding, duh!
    I just love your blog-I sometimes forget to stop by (I have to many on my list) but when I do, it’s always full of inspiration-thank you:)

  4383. I thought the same thing so I took a workshop to do just that. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever made! I will never make another, as a consequence I will most likely leave it blank and fill the store bought ones which took less effort, less personal investment, less poked fingers and frustration.

  4384. Oh, this is a fantasy of mine, buying handmade journals! As I move along on my journaling year I am hoping to learn more and more what I like in the journals I’ve already bought (many of which are not independently made!).
    I am enjoying catching up with your blog after being SO busy.

  4385. hanna – i heart your shape ;) and i love your pages – and that photo is adorable. thanks for coming to play, and for sharing your joyful pages. obsessing is a good thing *wink*

  4386. I’ve been writing in a diary (I prefer the word journal) since I was 13. It’s been 34 years already! I have two big boxes full–I find the older I get, the more interesting they are though. I love the fact that when I’m gone, my son will read them all one day. That’s a great thing to leave your children I think.

  4387. Jag har ingen bra definition, men en sak vet jag, jag blir inspirerad n?r jag blir intresserad, och det blir jag av b?de din blogg och dina texter och dina bilder. De ?r vackar och kraftfulla. Jag blir ocks? inspirerad av att interagera med andra kreativa m?nniskor, p? det s?tt som du hittade till min blogg, jag till dina bilder osv, och det utbyte som uppst?r. Det driver mig enormt!

  4388. Nice that you have found me, and now I have found you. You creative brain is not unusal, it has got plenty of friends I think. Me anyway. There is some much that inspires and is interesting out there. Sidetracking is quite normal. That is what it is all about isn`t it?
    Have you tested Angelina fibers? If not, I can send you some, and a book that I have written about how to use them. I haven`t had time to look through and read about all of your creative projects…but I will have a closer look.

  4389. Lena! Thanks for coming by, I’m not sure I know what my Big Worthy Projects are this year, that’s why I feel lost. And yes, getting sidetracked and inspired is good. Not getting back to your foucs (ever) is not though. :-) Would love to try out some angelina, I think it’s a kind of plastic to sew with? Correct me if I’m wrong!

  4390. Julie!
    your to funny! ha! great shape, huh? I wish.

    obsessing is a good thing if you’re not constantly doing it I think. Or being obsessed with just one thing, that’s not so healthy. But as we’re multi-obsessed I think we can be calm for now…

    Thanks for the ♥-felt comments girls! I do heart my art journal.

  4391. Trish,
    tell me about having to may blogs to read… I know all about it. There are lots of tutorials and books on book binding, and there is many ways to do it. To make a proper book you have to do a gazillion steps, but you can also just do it the easy way, I made my art journal with the tutorial Teesha Moore has on her site. You can do it!

    Thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it!

  4392. How about discipline. Don’t sit in front of the
    computer first thing. Do the meditating and
    creativity b/4 going to blogs. Put a timer on
    and only alow a certain amount of time in
    blogland and that is it.

    I don’t sign up to be a follower to blogs.
    I just go there when I have the time or
    when the computer will let me in. Sometimes
    I can’t get into comments because we are using
    the laptop and have low connection most of the time.
    I can’t always get to my emails either.

    There is life outside of the internet that is worth living.

    We don’t have to do it all either and remember you have
    your own ideas and don’t need inspiration from others.

    Just look at the blank canvas and fill it up
    with your own ideas!~Flassie

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Disciplined Life!!!

  4393. Hi!

    I see you’ve discovered my blog, and now here I am at yours! I can completely identify with traveling the Internet via links and then more to this blog and that site. One can find so much! But, on the other hand, there is work to be done.

    I have to say, I’m really enjoying all your creative stuff here! I just took up knitting, so I’m a real newbie at making stuff and I feel a little funny wandering a truly crafty person’s site. But I’m having fun.

  4394. Oh Flassie, you’re being harsh on me today! But I need it, I know.
    And you’re funny, as some of my creative work is done in front of the computer – so just walking away is not always the answer, sorry. Though a low internet connection might be the answer, I do have a little switch that closes the line on my laptop… If only I could use it when I need it! :-)

    Lee Ann – I looove your blog so I’m glad you’ve found mine and having fun! Welcome and enjoy your stay! Knitting is great meditation after writing, for example.

  4395. I have to agree. I’m a great procrastinator, and I work alone at home, so I can find myself surfing blogs for hours, instead of working. But even worse, I dream all day about crafting in the evening, and when the evening comes, I’m still glued to blogs and Flickr and inspiration, and then I can understand how “bad” that is, in the sense that the real thing is crafting itself, not just looking at pictures. So I think we need to learn to disconnect from the computer, but, oh, it’s SO hard! So I guess I haven’t said anything too helpful here, huh? :-)

  4396. Hanna!!!

    This post *perfectly* captured what has been driving me crazy about myself lately. A gazillion open tabs, hours (!!!) spent lurking, getting ideas for new projects, etc. etc. etc. !

    I’m so glad to know I’m not the only person who struggles with this. I know that the temptation of so much easily accessible inspiration overwhelms me … yet I continue reading, surfing, posting.

    And now: inspiration from you to help me get things under control. Thank you, thank you!

  4397. Oh, it is comforting to know that I am in good company! I get SO sidetracked and lose focus so easy, then I become brutal with myself which doesn’t help the problem. But I am realizing the benefit of “the next step”, and it usually involves avoiding the computer until I have done something creative myself. I am currently reading “Life is a Verb” by Patti Digh and it is WOW! Best Wishes on the battle.

  4398. I didn’t mean to sound harsh. It was just an idea
    I thought I’d write down because you asked for

    I do know how it is to get caught up searching the
    internet and know that I myself need more discipline
    to stay offline.

    One other thing that helps is that I share the computer
    and only get to use it when dd isn’t.

    I am making banana bread at the moment and thought
    I’d get online to write down a quote I made up and put
    it in draft. While doing so I made up another one. So I
    guess the computer is a creative place to create.

    LOL, about low internet connection just might be the anwser!

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Ideas!!!

  4399. thanks for the advice!! I am going to check out her tutorial. I signed up for a class with Zura, from creative clown, and there’s directions for Japanese stitching (I think that is what it was called) it looked like it might be ok? not sure though-I know me, I wouldn’t keep it up if there’s a gazillion steps, I don’t have the patience-
    hope you have a great weekend!!

  4400. I call the internet The Rabbit Hole, and you can go down, down, down seemingly forever, into the twisting, turning darkness. It sucks away my concentration, disrupts my creativity and productivity as you say…and I also love it. Trouble in paradise: me online.

  4401. It is true you can get caught up with all the stuff happening online. I don’t twitter at all. I don’t do facebook that much. That helps me. I have lately been cutting down on my blog list. Going to places I really love and inspire me.
    I’m not that big on lists and timers. Sometimes if I have things to get done, I like to go online at night. Leave the daytime hours for projects I want do. Then at night, when I get on. I feel more centered and quiet to make my rounds.
    You’ll find the way that works for you, Hanna.

  4402. Jag har best?mt mig f?r att jobbkv?llar f?r jag surfa lite direkt efter eller innan maten n?r jag kommer hem. Sedan str?var jag efter att helt st?nga ner datorn runt kl ?tta och d?refter l?sa eller g?ra n?got annat, f?r att inte bli sittande eller vandra mellan den och det andra jag ocks? skulle beh?va g?ra. Det funkar ganska bra hittills men jag ska blir b?ttre. Det ?r mitt b?sta s?tt att undvika klickandet… annars blir jag fast.

  4403. If I had took the time to actually blog instead of just surfing away wherever the internet takes me I could have written this post. I do think providing links in such a post is evil ;)

  4404. Det var ledsamt att läsa, men vilken fin tribut till Sune du gjort här! Bröllopsbilderna du länkar till är grymma, väldigt inspirerande!

  4405. Ha!! Hanna, I was on Ravelry about to write you a message there and I saw the listings of your recent blog posts. Now, I thought I kept up very well with your blog but I missed this post! I just HAD to click on this title. Naughty Hanna!! I’m so glad Smilla is okay. (of course I knew she would be!) I’m sure she stuck her tongue out at you for this! Hehe. You are too funny!

    Oh, I LOVE your wheat kitty! All the crazy patterns and colors and big head and long arms. I am so into folk arty cat stuff. ;)) Too darn cute!

  4406. Felicia / U2Kitteh Yay me!
    You make me so happy, I fooled one! That’s so funny, and by the way, Smilla was with me on this joke, helping me type it! ;-)

    I will write a post on knitting soon as think I might have something to show, at least some fun photos but nothing finished! Thanks for making me smile! Hugs!

  4407. By clicking here and there from various comments and bloggers, I landed here and found some inspiration and shared interests. Just wanted to say hello!

  4408. Oh my goodness. I can relate to this so well … procrastinating, bumping around the web when there are other things, which I am more passionate about, waiting for me to tend to them. Oh, and the bookmarking! I bookmark this and that, with full intention that I will have some use for it, but all that it does is make my list long.

    May February prove to be less procrastiny (not a word, I know) for both of us!

  4409. Hello Hanna,

    Love your hearts ! that’s what our world need !

    I like the way you made the different hearts with the dots, the text,…

    love from Belgium

  4410. Fascinating project. Had never heard of Sune Jonsson. Thank you for introducing him tome. I love the simple honesty of photographing people sitting squarely looking in to the camera. Wonderful collection.

  4411. I’m so glad to hear I’m not the only one who does this… it’s just amazing how the time disappears when you’re online! Sometimes it can be dangerously time-wasting, but it’s also true that you never know what you will find – sometimes you do come across something really inspiring that really does set off new ideas, maybe even a project!

    lovely blog hanna :)

  4412. Sune Jonsson continues to inspire :)
    I love your idea to make a series of modern versions of living room scenes. And in Sweden, living rooms still have a kind of formal look that seems to ask for a little reverence in the casual everyday.
    I hope you do take on the project and publish a book. I would buy it!

  4413. Thank you so much for sharing all of this with us. I did not know about him. I love black and white portraits and I spent several years in my early twenties taking them and learning about them, with my own darkroom (before digital) and studio lights, all my friends and family had to sit for me, it was really an exciting time for me. But I stopped to pursue my writing. I love learning about photographers and portrait photographers, so this is a treat. I am going to do some more research on him.

    YOU are always full of surprises. Love these photos, too. I guess my favorite thing about photography is the the ranges of tones in black and white images. It’s almost limitless.

  4414. oh, Hanna, how I relate. I am stretched to the limit sometimes with all the sites I love to visit! and sometimes I resist the compulsion, but then I find out I’ve missed something good and I swear I won’t miss it again! But there is no time, really, in our finite lives for all of this. I tell myself it’s okay if I miss something. It helps me calm down. I do think that having a lot of interests keeps us young and keeps our minds strong and actually can make us smarter. But I know in myself that there’s a difference between quantity and quality.
    On the other hand, what if you hadn’t taken the time to share those links with me? I would never have found such great sites! And I wouldn’t have heard about Sune Jonsson! Yours is definitely a blog I will keep as a go-to.
    It’s always difficult to balance, but the worst thing would be to get down on yourself about it. When I do that it makes all of it bad, and it’s not bad. It’s not a value judgment kind of thing. It’s clear and simple behaviorism. We just have to learn to select other behaviors. When I feel out of control about it, I tell myself I will reward myself at the END of the day with a couple of hours of blog-surfing. Then I can relax and produce art at the beginnig of the day or right after my job, rather than making the blogs the first thing I do.

    I hope this doesn’t sound preachy, it’s just what I do. It’s a difficult problem sometimes.

  4415. Hi Hanna! (Guess what? My name’s Hannah with an H ~_^)
    Haha, I know this goes against the message in your post, but I’m awfully curious now and would love to know more more about “Lisa’s Lists”. Is there a link to her website you could share?
    Thank you thank you. :)

  4416. ROTFLMAO! I was just doing this yesterday :-) And now I’m writing a blog entry about this :-D

  4417. Doing this is so much fun – I made a mixed media book for my cousin using a Halloween poem. It was so much fun to make. I must go looking for this book.

  4418. Sounds like a wonderful project. I just put a hold on the book right now. Hopefully, I can read it soon.

  4419. Amongst the many projects on my to-do list, there is an idea for a children’s book. I know what the story is about but I don’t know yet how to write it down. I know what the illustrations will look like but I haven’t achieved that look yet. When I’m ready to create my book, I’ll certainly look into this one for inspiration and help. Thanks for letting us know about this book.


  4420. I don’t have the talent to draw or paint but I will try. Thank you for the inspiration Hanna! take care. xx

  4421. Oh, I hadn’t read that. I have been so busy with translating Konsten att d?lja en massaker that I haven’t even had time to open Svenska Dagbladet for a few days. Plus, the basset pups in the kitchen are taking up more and more time.

    I must take some pictures !

  4422. Jag ?lskar min och vi har den p? kylsk?pet trots att Magnus ?r lite mer en Guitar Junkie. Jag ?r skrivare f?r oss b?da. TACK HANNA!

  4423. Your reminder to notice the ordinary is extra-ordinary, as it seems to me that many (most?) people think we only learn in life’s big moments. Life is lived in the small moments, learned in the gestures and subtleties. Anyone can sit at a funeral; if you want to tell me a great story, tell me about dressing for one. I love to visit writers’ homes, see their rooms, and look at what small objects they kept nearby. From now on, I’ll bring a camera. Thanks for the suggestion.

  4424. Hanna, thanks for that review. I was so intrigued with the idea behind the book that it just fell into my amazon shopping basket………oh dear!!!

  4425. Oh I think they’re lovely just as they are.
    Definitely put them on Etsy. Worst thing would be they don’t sell and you get to take them back for yourself and make a pretty mobile or something out of them :)

  4426. Rhomany,
    thank you for your encouragement and kindness! I did put one up with just that mindset, I will just see what happens… They can be next years Valentine cards if they don’t sell as the art they were intended as. Or I’ll get a frame just like the one I imagine and give them away?! :-)

  4427. These are charming and unique and I love them. They would be nice for mobiles, or as tops for hand-made heart-shaped boxes, or as a surprise in a big envelope to someone you love, or any of a number of things! Hearts are for all year!

  4428. I love terry taylor but have only read the first one. This one looks amazing. I just can’t buy all the books I want to have! I will check it out in a store some time and lend myself some moments with it!
    Great review.

  4429. I’m always inspired when I visit your site. These are beautiful, and I love that you share your vulnerability. I can so easily relate to you and feel inspired to just do it, even when I don’t have the nerve!

  4430. I think they are very sweet too. I think they would look very cute framed.

  4431. Actually they’d also make a spectacular really large art piece framed as laid out in the 4th from last photograph. Like a quilt block of gorgeous hearts.

  4432. Hi Hanna,these hearts look lovely! And do not forget to ‘heart’ yourself for trying to make art. Good Luck.

  4433. You are crazy. Crazy-gifted, that is. These hearts are GOR-GEE-US! They are so bright and full of passion and fun. I love them and I totally think you should sell them in your Etsy shop. I love all of them and would have a hard time choosing, but I would hang it up on the wall in my toddler’s room. :)

    Oh, hey, I made those kitty coasters for Chris on Prism Trail and saw your comment. If you are interested, I can make you a set. I have one set for sale at, but I can do a custom one for you if you so desire. Let me know. :) Carrie

  4434. Gorgeous hearts!
    Have you ever played with beeswax? Natural beeswax dripped on and then flattened with a quilting iron seals all edges and makes the piece appear more as a whole and does MAGICAL things to collage paintings. It brings out the colors more. Try it sometime as a finishing seal and let us know what you think!

  4435. Hanna these are beautiful…some people seem to get sick of heart and heart-shaped ornamentation around Valentine’s day but I never do. Who could get tired of one of the most international symbols on earth! xoxoxo tj

  4436. Your hearts are beautiful. I buy the last one, if I money to. I hope you list them, I’m sure they will sell out. Love in real life is big, messy, glittery and colorful.

  4437. The pictures have a solitary and hauntingly feeling to them. I have children picture books on my mind. I have been thinking of writing my own.

  4438. Its really nice, i love those colors and flower designs, very creative. I love to collect colorful fabrics for my room and couch but really collecting is only what i do… i never do have time quilting anymore… but i do appreciate quilting just like your work..

  4439. I love them! My boys will love them, i can imagine them flying around the house now. At least they are soft.

  4440. Hej! Thanks for your kind comments on my blog. I agree with you on arty photo shots. Especially ice and snow can be inspiring. Love your photo with the ice best. Tack! :-)

  4441. How true. But I have no intentions, but I should.
    Love that that phrase, the squirrel in me. It does say alot about me too. cute blog.

  4442. Laura, thanks! I know what you mean about scatterbrain… hehe.

    Shell, I can’t wait to read your children’s book! Get to it girl!

    Ellen, thanks for the link. They call daily photos (taken with a phone camera) momentiles – that is just so cute!

    Thanks for commenting.

  4443. Inspiring…this is a great post. I love “hand it over” + the colorful pen photography mixed in. Add in a poem…very well rounded! :) Have a great weekend!

  4444. I love the hand picture and all those juicy pens. I love pens!! I have an obsession with fine point pens. We must create through our fear. Fear is just love being all cranky.

  4445. Hello Ms. iHanna,

    I enjoyed the post on being an innerpreneur. I would definitely say that this describes me as well.

    I wanted to pop over and say thank you for your visit to my blog and for the comment on my interview with Zom. I really admire the fact that she always has something fresh and interesting to offer us.

    All the best to you. :)

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie
    The Artful Paper Doll

  4446. Thank you for the great links. I was especially interested in the idea of the ‘innerpreneur’ because I too feel like this is exactly what I’m doing!

  4447. Just wanted to say thanks for mentioning Your Photo Tips.

    I love the definition of an “Innerprenuer”. It’s real passion that can drive a person to success in whatever form that’s measured. I find that most truly “successful” people are the ones that ended up doing what they love in order to better themselves. Of course helping other people along the way seems to also be a large contributing factor as well!


  4448. Hi, i felt the need to write a comment on your blog today because you need to know, i visit your blog everyday (the morning usually) and you always give great ideas and inspire me, and you are really courageous to post so often and I love it, and you should never stop doing what you do, you are so creative and colorful. Anyway. I’m an art student (and have been since 5-6 years now, i’m finishing my third year at university), I paint, draw, take pictures, make collages, videos, “art” and I could say that when i’m gonna be big, i want to be like you!! In the way that you achieve so much projects, even if you say you have some unfinished things or whatever, you still post almost every two days and show beautiful works of imagination and innovation… I won’t comment this article because i havent read it yet but you’ve got a fan in montreal, canada :-)

  4449. Thank you for this calm and collected ‘Lookabout’, Hanna.
    Lots of lovely treats and treasure trails to follow.
    I always enjoy a visit overhere!

  4450. I too am a pen obsessive. Can never have too many. I love going up to London and looking around the stationery shops for writing paper and pens etc. etc….. lovely. The hand shots are great too. I have some photos of my elderly mum’s hands. They are wrinkled but still beautiful.

  4451. I too am a pen obsessive. Can never have too many. I love going up to London and looking around the stationery shops for writing paper and pens etc. etc….. lovely. The hand shots are great too. I have some photos of my elderly mum’s hands. They are wrinkled but still beautiful.

  4452. Yay! I LOVE your photography, and the black and white of your hand is beautiful! It reminds me of palmistry (fortune telling by reading hands) for some reason.

    Eeek…I am still having trouble getting started in my art journals and it’s already February! I need to not fear!!

  4453. Yay! I LOVE your photography, and the black and white of your hand is beautiful! It reminds me of palmistry (fortune telling by reading hands) for some reason.

    Eeek…I am still having trouble getting started in my art journals and it’s already February! I need to not fear!!

  4454. Hallol Hanna,
    I look for your blog with joy and I like your creativ, colourful, happy and poetic products.
    Best wishes to Miss Smilla from my cat Pauline.
    Greetings from Germany,

  4455. I love how you have put this together – your “lookabout” Can’t stay and chat – have lots of links to explore!!! Thank you for sharing.

  4456. This is soooo cute! You make me wanna play with fabrics :) I’ve actually been thinking about it since I bought your beautiful Summer Picture.
    Thanks for sharing – and thanks for inspiring :)


  4457. Oh, So Beautiful! What to do when you can’t sleep. Great idea!

    Click Flassie and click on the Win a Date if you want to
    get in on a Photo Party over at Randi’s blog. Wide Open
    in the photo is her Journaling Card Set. The other is a
    game from Sark.

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  4458. Art quilts are one of those things that I LOVE to look at…yours is no exception to the rule! But whenever I sit down to make one…..the magic doesn’t happen. Yours are amazing!

  4459. I LOVE this art quilt!! I have so much fabric stashed away, but when I try to do something like this, it doesn’t quite “work” for me… you definitely have a gift!!

  4460. I LOVE your art quilt! I have a huge stash of fabric, and have tried to do things like this, but they never quite “work” out for me… you definitely have a gift for it!!

  4461. Remind me I tell you about my job as a lifestory writer. I quilt words for people as a profession. I am in the middle of one now so I can’t make it too long now.

  4462. This is a wonderful tribute to your grandmother. My grandmother is one of my greatest inspirations in my creative life.

  4463. I love this tribute to your grandmother. I just found the first thing I ever embroidered (with my grandma’s help) – and have thinking about doing something special with it. Enjoy every moment you have with your grandmother.

  4464. S? fin denna quilten ?r !!! Och s? s?t din mormor ?r ! Jag kan f?rst? hennes irritation n?r det uppmanas ?verallt att g? till internet f?r att f? mera info. Om man inte ?r bekant med det mediet m?ste man ju bli aningen frustrerad!

  4465. Hanna, this is an inspiration. I am following the links and finding so much there to respond to. Thanks for those.
    I have been so busy I am catching up again. I love that quilt on a later post. so much texture and prettiness.

    Hope you are well!

  4466. Hej!
    Vilken tjusig farmor/mormor du har. B?de d? och nu! Och j?ttegullig kvilt, jag gillade speciellt att du anv?nt s? mycket olika material. Hur stor ?r den?
    T?nkte passa p? att tacka dig ocks?, jag blev s? inspirerad av din etsy shop att jag tillslut v?gade ?ppna min egen. :)) Tack! Fast jag k?nner mig lite splittrad, f?r nu har jag tv? bloggar, en p? engelska och en p? svenska. haha Vi f?r se hur det g?r!
    Ha en trevlig helg!

  4467. God Bless your Grandmom on celebrating her 90th birthday! Your art quilt is beautiful. If I make a quilt, I do one on both of my grandmothers. My gram , the one I grew up with, died when she was 96. My other gram I recently was gifted with a picture of her who I never knew about. I love this picture of her. It is so beautiful.
    One day I learn how to quilt and actually do this. Thanks for sharing your quilt and your story.

  4468. Your quilt tribute to your grandmother is lovely! My grtandmother was also born in 1918 which, as she likes to say, was “a hell of a year”! Aren’t we lucky to have had our beloved grandmothers for so long?

  4469. This is wonderful! I’d love to do this with my moms picture! Thank you so much for sharing it! Pure inspiration!

  4470. What an inspiring idea. I love the photo and all of the bits that you added to the quilt. What a treasure to still be able to spend time with her and continue to hear her stories. A Happy Birthday to your Gramm, too!

  4471. Your quilt is very lovely as is your dear grandmother.
    I made one about my grandmother too and gave it to a cousin for her wedding. It was one of my first art quilts and can be seen early on on my blog:
    My grandma’s name was Ella so the quilt is named Ella too.

  4472. Your quilt is very lovely as is your dear grandmother.
    I made one about my grandmother too and gave it to a cousin for her wedding. It was one of my first art quilts and can be seen early on on my blog:
    My grandma’s name was Ella so the quilt is named Ella too.

  4473. Your quilt is very lovely as is your dear grandmother.
    I made one about my grandmother too and gave it to a cousin for her wedding. It was one of my first art quilts and can be seen early on on my blog:
    My grandma’s name was Ella so the quilt is named Ella too.

  4474. Jag kan inte sv?ra p? att det ?r desamma, men p? Stockhome finns liknande anteckningsb?cker (superfina!), och omslagspapper dessutom!

  4475. Jag har en h?g med deco tapes som bara ligger, du f?r g?rna en del om du vill, eller om du vill byta mot n?got konst-igt?

  4476. Oh I love this quilt, so full of memories, must be very precious to you.
    And your grandmother is gorgeous. My father is about her age, born 1915, and still rather fit.
    Love your blog btw. :o)

  4477. What a beautiful project!! Your grandmother is beautiful, too, and she sounds like a wonderful person. You are lucky to have her.

  4478. you’re so creative. =)

    your hearts post inspired me to make my valentines:

    never be afraid to share your art & perception of the world with the world! your hearts are beautiful, filled with creativity and colour and vivacity, just like you!

    i wish you a wonderful valentine’s day spent with the people you love!


  4479. Anteckningsb?ckerna ?r fantastiska – jag ?lskar gamla b?cker, s?rskilt Wahlstr?ms flickb?cker fr?n 50-60-tal. Och det h?nder lite d? och d? att jag k?per b?cker p? grund av deras fina omslag, fast jag ?r helt ointresserad av inneh?llet (nu senast en bok p? tyska – jag kan inte ett ord tyska!). R?da Korset ?r s? bra – b?ckerna kostar 1 kr/styck, man f?r m?nga b?cker f?r lite pengar! Hade jag mer pengar, s? skulle jag k?pa en hel h?g av dina anteckningsb?cker! F?rresten, hur binder du b?ckerna? G?r du det sj?lv, eller l?mnar du in dom n?nstans? Jag har b?rjat med chunky books (det k?nns som n?got f?r dig!), och n?r sidorna v?l b?rjar droppa in, s? ska dom bindas p? n?got s?tt…

  4480. Oh, hanna, why you gotta go and diss this piece? Feeling insecure? That’s silly. Cuz it rocks! Totally. If you made it today, it wouldn’t look as good, so how’s that? (Please, I’m 52 and wearing glasses, don’t hit me! lol)

    No really, it SEEMS to me to be a very emotional piece, and that’s how you were feeling when you made it. It’s litterally filled with comforts and that’s prolly how you feel about her, right? She comforts you?

    I’m telling you (and go look yourself if ya don’t believe me – google her), Jenni Bowlin would be dead jellus if she saw this. She hand sews stuff like this all the time, and this rocks hers.

    I had a wonderful relayship with one of my grandmas and with my mom too, but I think I’d make my quilt about my daughter, cuz lately I am completely wowed by how she’s grown up and the decisions she makes right now, and I just admire her so much (and am gratified to be her creator).

    Happy Day O Love to you,
    Aimeslee xoxo
    My Paper Paisleys Art Adventures Blog

  4481. I’m getting this sinking feeling you are going to succeed in influencing me to attempt hand-sewn miniature art quilting now. IT’S FREAKING COOL. Love it! :-)))


  4482. What a beautiful quilt and homage to your grandmother. (BTW Happy Valentine’s Day!) She still has that wonderful smile, and you are so lucky to be able to talk with her. I only knew one of my grandmothers, but she taught me to embroider and to crochet; I think I still have the first piece I did, but I have let the skill fall by the wayside. Thank you for sharing your piece and your thoughts about it.

  4483. That is a beautiful tribute to your grandmother; what a wonderful thing to have and hold and treasure. If I was going to make one; I’ll bet you could guess what subject matter I would choose.
    Happy Hearts Day!

  4484. Hi there,
    I have stumbled across your blog by doing just what you described. Procrastinating and surfing blogs looking for interesting things. Well I am glad I did because I found you. I love your blog and your creativity. I will be back.

  4485. Thanks Christy! I had a nice cozy stay-at-home Valentine, sewing and listening to Suzi Blu Radio all day. I got handmade pink and red socks from my mom! :-) Hope yours was more romantic?!

  4486. Rebecca,
    I wasn’t gone that long, was I? Enjoy the links.

    thank YOU for all the inspiration you provide!

  4487. Oh, Thanks to Linky Love Links!
    They are fantastic!
    If you get a chance check out a
    book I bought in a Thrift Shop.
    The illustrations are done with one-line.
    The book has great reviews. 5stars.
    Click Flassie to see the page I first seen
    when I opened it up.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  4488. Hi Hannah,

    Wow, thanks so much for including my blog in such a great group of links! Your blog always brightens my spirit! So filled with creativity.


  4489. I must have timed this comment perfect cause I was just gonna ask you to kindly visit my blog and if I could add yours to my link list!


  4490. what a delicate, ethereal, lovely piece of journal cover! haven’t seen anything as lovely as this.

  4491. Hi Hanna, I’m extremely honoured to be included here on your link list,with so many other creative bloggers I admire (and some new for me to explore)
    I always enjoy visits to you blog.There’s always something new and inspiring to look at and I love your ‘can do’ attitude!

  4492. what a wonderful story about the buttons and dresses. The quilt is lovely, as all yours are. I love the story about your grandmother too…she sounds like quite a woman!

  4493. Oh Hanna this is so lovely ! What a wonderful gift to yourself – filled with such love and careful detail. Just what you deserve!
    Happy Monday !

  4494. Kim!
    Thanks for that, aren’t we all worth making ourself gifts!

    Don’t miss my journal page in this post because I wrote your poem (if you remember) in my diary! Hehe, just though I’d tell you! :-) Take care

  4495. I love what you did with this journal — it’s at once ancient and modern, just like the thoughts that will go into it. I’m so glad you shared it!

  4496. How did I miss this ? I always read your posts ! I think you must have posted it when I was away getting some love therapy back at home with my family !

    So glad I inspired you! That page in your journal is so great as is the entire post. (I love new pens too – they are full of juicy and colorful possibility, aren’t they ?) Makes me feel good. I still think the poem is kind of cheesy…but maybe cheesy in a good way !;-)

    I hope you have a fearless and playful day ! Keep putting those gorgeous pens to such awesome work ! I am going to try and channel that tiger today too …
    Hugs !

  4497. It is beautiful. I would worry that it would get dirty. Do you keep it at home?

  4498. Really beautiful and creative as well! I am a journal keeper and will definitely use this idea. Don’t know why I never thought of it! Blessings, Olivia

  4499. Oiii.. thanks for lovely comments!

    I visited your homepage a while back… do you know you’ve got a snake in your studio? hehe. And yeah, your paintings are magic, absolutely beautiful! Oh, and about your question, no I don’t worry about that. I don’t worry about things like that, I worry about what to do with the rest of my life… hehe. I like shabby chic so if it gets dirty I’ll throw it in the machine! And no, it doesn’t stay at home. My diary goes with me everywhere in my bag. :-)

  4500. Cait!
    thanks for visiting my blog. Off course you can link to me, I’d be honoured coz you do such cool things! Love your cutie pie amigurumi and all that embroidery joy! Thanks for visiting!

  4501. Awww, that makes me miss my kitty. He had to go back to Michigan, but now my grandma is in love with him. I couldn’t bear to take him back from her now :).

  4502. These should help me have pleasant dreams tonight.

    I like that you’re posting your updates on twitter. I think I may prefer twitter to Google Reader.

  4503. I am so glad you like my paintings. I love your blog, it is one of my favourites.

  4504. Underbar! Jag ?r ocks? ett fan av vitt p? vitt. V?ldigt snygg etikett ocks?, har du best?llt dem n?gonstans?

  4505. I have a stubborn cousin too! Beautiful photos as always…they always inspire me to capture “blessings”.

  4506. Hello from Finland! I occassionally visit your site and look at your great snapshots! No time to read everything you write… Have a nice day!

  4507. Hi Hanna,
    I’ve been checking in on your lovely blog for quite awhile, it’s a terrific destination for my wandering mind! Thanks so much for these latest links, they’re fantastic as well!

  4508. the portions are fun I agree, yet the whole is magnificent, so much to see. I especially like the tag which has 2009 on it, (can’t read it all)

  4509. hanna – i’m swooning over your circles! i agree with karen, the whole is magnificent, but i loved seeing portion of your portions. it’s interesting that you are drawn to abstract too – it’s something that intrigues me and i realized that portion control is a way to get to un-controlled, random looking work. i like that you observed “not trying so hard” got you there. perfect! or, more like “imperfect on purpose”. thanks for sharing with the crusaders!!

  4510. I too love the shabby cottage look. The best thing about it is that when the furniture gets a little beaten up from the kids jumping from couch to chair, it actually improves the look!

    Seriously though, you can get some of that roughed up look from older pieces of furniture, by painting them in a darker color and then lightly sanding the edges.

    By the way, I hadn’t seen Rachel Ashwell’s book, but now I am going to make a run to the library myself!

    Thanks for a great article.

  4511. These circles remind of of bubbles, layers upon layers, like in a bubble bath. I love how the glimpses previewed the whole which I think is also spectacular. Very nice portion control Hanna, bot in the wonderfully rich page and in this post!
    Cheers, Crusader, and thanks for sharing your magic bubbles !

  4512. Karen!
    Thanks for the nice comment! The printed tag says;
    I am a poet too. February 2009.
    Simple as that! :-)

  4513. Michelle!
    thanks for your lovely comments and fast visit, hehe, I don’t know but I’m wondering if you live by the computer? I’m going through the crusaders right now commenting and swooning too! I’m thinking that maybe some people could think this to be “junk”, the background paper behind real art? I think one can get beauty from those serendipitous papers, but most likely in the end they will be a ugly mess. To me, this take practice and patience and the right mindset to create! If you know what I mean? :-)

  4514. whoa…..this is a tough call….your portion control pieces are interesting…sure….but this spread is magnificent!! really… it’s really really good!!

  4515. Julie,
    thank you!! I want to say “you’re kidding right?” but I won’t. I’m just going to go back and look at the page again and ponder your comment! :-)

  4516. came upon this in my love for patchwork. Love the idea and was so distracted by your pics because I LOVE your patchwork SHIRT! ha ha

  4517. Hi! I think I’m drawn more to the portions, but the entire page is just wonderful, too. It reminds me of a comfy old crazy quilt.
    The colors are inviting.

  4518. Hi sweetie!

    First, thanks for stopping by the junkin’ yaya and leaving such a sweet comment!

    As an abstract artist (since 1979) I am so glad to hear that you love abstract! You will totally enjoy it….I love your circles and then the bits and pieces of the fish! Very creative….keep up the great work!

    xo…deb (the junkin’ yaya)

  4519. Hi Hanna,

    Lovely, your spread. Indeed so much to see and to kind of explore. When I saw the third picture my first thought was: yes, what a beauty. This one would do fantastic as a separate peace of art, imo that is, I like sunny colours. Oh, and abstracts are my passion too!
    Great work!

    Regina, St. Maarten, DWI

  4520. Wow! So much to explore. I just kept looking & looking. I love the colors too.

  4521. the definition…I couldn’t have said it better. You can own a bizillion businesses but if you are not passionate about the business’ in which you operate…you are never wealthy…nor fulfilled.
    surfed onto your blog, very inspiring. thanks for sharing!

  4522. Hanna, your circles are fabulous. I like the portion photos, but the whole page is pretty cool! thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind comments.

  4523. Hi Hanna
    I am in love with circles (and dots) too! And for others it may seem junk, i think it is WONDERFULL! I specially like the red/white little dot paper. The piece makes me linger for SPRING!

  4524. Those pages again!!! I wish I could make pages like this… many things going on…but SO beautiful! I wonder about my calling every day….and I also wonder WHY I wonder about my calling every day….there is a whole lot of wonderment over here…

  4525. You sure do have some wonderful thinking going on these days, Hanna. A lot of rich and meaningful things to think about. Thank you for sharing the process with us. It is really and truly very inspiring.
    Thanks for the links too- I have be checking out amanobooks journal prompts – so juicy !!!
    Happy Thinking and Creating !

  4526. Your circles are great! So much complexity and mystery. I never get tired of circles-they are one of my faves.


  4527. I love your list. Makes your life simpler when you pare it down what you are truly called to do. Then from there, you can soar a lot better in life.

  4528. Funny, I?m doing that for a long time. I?m often buying magazines and then I?m sorry to throw them away couse lovely images in them. For some images I feel like they express my curent emotions so well, like they are made for me (girls in cry, sad people, couple in love, happy people… it depens, ), and others are so idilic (beautiful nature, smiling friends, cute animals…) exactley how life should be. PICTURE really do SPEEKS THOUSAND WORDS.
    So I cut and save some images and I?m always thinking how I will do something with them one day (and I usually do).

  4529. Red chair, definetely, but I wouldn?t leave it as it is. There would be much work on it! I like modern and new-stile furniture but this chair you picked is in my opinion just ugly ( black leather – I hate leather) and looks uncomfortable.

  4530. Wow, Hanna! I love your altering. It’s been a while since I’ve altered a book. Yours are great. Thank you so much for posting the issue with my comments field on my blog. I’ll get this fixed this weekend and will let you know. I can’t wait to explore your blog further.
    Amy aka AnLiNa

  4531. Hanna, I am definitely going to make time and look through all the journalling links you have put here. Your pages really excite me, so much that I want to try it myself. Have I got time?? Maybe I should make time.

  4532. Karen!
    I don’t think you have the time to waist not starting – art journaling is the so much fun and altering a book makes it a cheap adventure! :-) I hope you try it – this weekend perhaps!?

  4533. Wow this is a nice find Hanna ! I so love anything ocean myself. Those illustrations will make for great pages, like always from you.

    The Dront ? I dront know. (Hee, hee !) Maybe he is the large, clumsy part of the inner you (don’t worry though, because I think we all have a little dront inside us !) that wants to become a sleek, graceful sparrow and fly away ? He’s fun to have around anyway, I think, even if he is flightless and a bit accident prone !
    Happy Creating !

  4534. Cool post. I like your blog in general, it’s very colorful, unique, and lively. Keep doing your thing – being super creative that is.

  4535. Hi Hanna,
    Your piece is really awesome! Like so many others have written, I like the portions, but the entire piece is really beautiful. You really did a nice job!

  4536. I love altered books. I have a book I brought just for this purpose and haven’t done a thing. Something I have to do. Just looking at this book and the other two posts you linked to, inspires me.

  4537. Hanna, This is incredibly fun, one of the coolest pages I have seen in quite awhile. Your creativity is amazing!

  4538. Thanks for the beautiful vintage pics. They were just what I was looking for to do some vintage bookplates.

  4539. thanks so much for posting this! great to get new people to check out what wendy has to say about journaling. and just wait until you see what the give-away is next week–yowza!

  4540. Hi Ric! Glad you came by and visited my blog! I love giveaways, and podcasts and… lots of things that are free! :-) I love your blog lots!

  4541. iHanna,
    Thanks for linking to me! Wendy is just awesome. She lives here in Austin and I’ve learned most of what I know about book-binding from her. If you want to find examples of her journals, she’s in a bunch of books on journalling. I’ll look them up, as I think I have most of them in my library and send them to you.
    Anyway! I’m heading back to my studio so I can get to work on my dragon.


  4542. I’ve read the diaries of Anais and Virginia. I loved them both. They are both so fascinating. I’m going to check out the blogs you talked about. I want Rice’s book so bad. I tried getting it from the library, but it’s not there yet. I always love coming here, Hanna.

  4543. Hi Hanna! Thanks so much for sharing all this with me! It actually answers some questions I emailed you a little while ago.
    I am totally going to check out the podcast.

    You are the best, as always! ;)

  4544. Hi Hanna

    I love biographical writing too – I have read some Anais Nin and Sylvia Plath is a real favourite of mine. This poetry book sounds really interesting. Thanks for sharing – need to check out the podcast.

  4545. Growing up I found journaling to be the only way to express myself when things at home became too much to handle. To this day I still journal, and is the key act the main character in my novel “Writing in the Margins” does to cope with his changing life. If you’re looking for a good read about journaling and its affects check out my website. Later days, and thanks for the blog.
    Kenneth Rogers Jr.

  4546. this is awesome. i have so fallen off the journaling wagon and this might just be the thing to get me back on! thanks for sharing this. =) ps. i love your blog! long time reader, infrequent commenter. now that i have an rss reader thingie i’m definitely adding your blog to it! thanks for being awesome.

    hugs! erin

  4547. Dear Hanna – Thank you again for all your fine work overhere. I enjoyed a great voyage of exploration over the weekend, looking at your archives of journalling and following great links. Such a lot of treasure you’ve shared. Grateful to you, and glad I can pop in to enjoy your creativity. xxx

  4548. Hanna, what a lovely scarf. It looks so fancy and awesome. I love how the blue color changes and shifts throughout the scarf. You inspire me! Have a great Monday!

  4549. Hi Linnea!
    Yes, it’s a fun colored yarn and it’s even cooler when mixed up with the black stripes. To bad I didn’t come up with it on my own… hehe. Thanks!

  4550. Thanks for sharing all this info. I’ve been browsing inspirational journaling books for long time now…you’ve got some great picks listed here…I’ll be updating my amazon wish-list accordingly! :)
    enjoyed your blog.

  4551. Love the colors going on here ! Pink and orange are the perfect combo for February !Smilis understands tote perfectly ! Tote=Sleep on, just like anything else new and clean, in cAT language.

    Happy Tuesday !
    Love Kim

  4552. I always thought cats assumed anything you brought home was something to lay on!
    Orange & red and pink sound like summertime!

  4553. Someone must think they are so cute as to write what they did and to post it three times. I hope you can remove this message.
    I really like your blog. I am just getting started in art journaling and I love to get ideas. I am taking some classes at “Virtual University” (an inexpensive way to continue with lifelong learning).
    I took a journaling class last term and this time I am taking a class called “Memoir Writing: The Journey to Me.” It is a fun class.

  4554. You completely ROCK, Hanna. Thank you so much for these links and the podcast head’s up. I am having trouble with my journal, and I could use this inspiration!

  4555. Smillis would like my cats and vice versa! Any time fabric comes out, or bags or blankets or clean sheets – I have four-legged, purring visitors. Your Smillis looks like one of mine, except Bailey doesn’t have any white and weighs more than most small dogs. He’s 16 years old and diabetic, but is still the ruler of the house.

    Check my blog out tomorrow – you’ll find your name there!

  4556. Jo, thank you for commenting so I could remove those 3 spam comments from darling Javier! They must have slipped my spam deleting program, how strange! Anyway, thanks and yes, I totally agree with you that lifelong learning is a joy to enjoy and pursue, I haven’t tried online classes yet, but there are SO many nice options everywhere right now!

    Take care!

  4557. That is a beautiful little book indeed! I’m also trying to write poetry daily this year, but I’ve not been as diligent as I’d like to be. You’re inspiring as always, sweet Hanna.

  4558. Hi Hanna,
    what a great booklet for poetry!!! OOOO i can SOO imagine almost taking a trip to dublin to buy such book again. (Sometimes i buy lOTS of things, trying to avoid this LOL). I am sorry i do not read your language to taste your poetry. But you made me think about committing myself to poetry… THANKS for making me think,

  4559. Shelly, thanks! I think poetry and diligent to go well together, but it’s fun when it “comes”. Doesn’t poetry seem divine in some way? !:-)

  4560. I love poetry too. It’s funny, I usually only feel fueled to write it when I’m traveling (and I don’t travel very often). Have you ever read the book Poemcrazy? Oh, I do love it. Lots of inspiration there.

    Your love of creativity inspires me always, but today especially.


  4561. Hedwig, no worries, I want to go to Dublin too… hehe. I’m so glad I made you think about poetry… I had forgotten about writing poetry all together in prior years, but this year I’m such a darn poet it makes me smile! It is such fun to write it, and not at all as much work as say… a novel?! ;-)

  4562. Jeannine,
    I wrote poetry prose when I was in Asia once, and those are my most favorite poems – actually the only ones I’ve written in my diary because that was the notebook I had with me when I was inspired to write them. Inspiration came from Amos Oz, and his poetry prose book (The Same Sea) that I soooo love.

    Anyway, no I haven’t read Poemcrazy but read Foolsgold: Making Something from Nothing and Freeing Your Creative Process that is by the same author last year and was inspired!

  4563. I used to work at Goodwill years ago…and it always killed me that they threw away old books! I was always thinking “Someone could USE those wonderful old books! How can you just throw them away??”

    I find that old books are easier to find at garage sales. And they’re usually cheaper too (I found some once for $.25 or $.50 each)

  4564. I love words too. I started writing a poem a day for the almost a month in January. Things happened. I’m trying to do at least three days a week of writing poems. There is a freeing quality writing poems for your own pleasure. You can write about anything and do any style you want.

  4565. I so agree with you about writing poetry. When I am paying attention I can find it everywhere – in ads in the paper, in words on tv…everywhere! What a great idea to do some every day and all in one place (mine tend to be on napkins, scraps of paper, etc…but it’s fun finding scraps of poems years later and finishing them. =])

  4566. Hi Hanna
    What a wonderful idea! I used to write a lot of poetry – haven’t written any for such a long time! I’m taking a photo a day for the month of February and last year I created a mandala each day for a month. I art journaled everyday in January. Maybe March will be poetry month. Thanks for sharing.

  4567. Beautiful journal for your poetry. I’m using whatever is available at the moment. I’ve been writing my daily poem (missed only 2 days so far) and I’m really enjoying it. I find that it’s a great way to end my day. And I know what you mean about the “Depressed Writer Mood That Can?t Sleep” and spilling out a bunch of poems in one night and not writing for months after. It used to be like that for me too. I still have some dark/depressing poems but there’s more light/happy ones now too.


  4568. oh this is wonderful! you’ve done a fabulous job with the circles…complex & vivid colors and images…lovely!

  4569. Thanks for sharing your sparkles with us ! There are so many moments that truly shine…we just have to remember to acknowledge them. You always do such a good job at that, Hanna !
    Cheers !

    PS – I want some home made knit socks ! beautiful and cozy!

  4570. Wonderful photos – I love to find beauty and something special in the everyday things around us. I love your mom’s socks – I need to get confident enough to make a pair myself.

  4571. Vardagsbilder, va kul! T?nk att vardagen kan se s? vacker och sp?nnande ut p? n?gra f? bilder. :) Tycker tavlorna som du m?lade n?r du var yngre ?r s? otroligt snyggt upph?ngda, ?lskar b?de motiven och f?rgerna p? ramar och v?ggen.


  4572. Wonderful post, very inspiring. My life is quite difficult at the moment, and it gaves me the oportunity to think at everyday’s little pleasures.
    Thanks a lot, Hanna !

  4573. Beautiful cat and lovely tote you have made. I really like those stripey pyjamas too. I love anything stripey.

  4574. Hanna, I love these art collages – they would make awesome scrapbook pages! thanks for sharing them. I think you would’ve won the competition too!

  4575. GORGEOUS! The pleasing colours soothe and pop all at once- just like life! Beautiful. I agree with Megan you would have won hands down.

  4576. Ah, Hanna, you win the contest to my eyes already. These pieces and the experience you had creating them are all about the moments when that inner artist takes over – it is such a joy when that happens ! The way your wrote of your experience is so great too – I could feel the aches – the ones in your knees but more the ones in your soul as you listened to the need to get it all out of you… The end pieces are like precious babies…full of the light of their creation. Brava !

  4577. I appreciate seeing your before and after shots. I have only made one collage of this type and I forgot how the paint and stamping brings out the best of it.

  4578. I think you would be the winner!

    Love the colors and the before and after!

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  4579. Hi Hanna, just saw this before I go to work. I like Google Reader to keep up with my blogs. I have just been reading about Event Box for the Mac; it is supposed to let you combine updates from Flickr, Twitter, Google Reader, Facebook and other networks into one easy location. From what I’ve read, it sometimes crashes at first, but I think there is support to help fix it. I plan to try it when I have time. In the mean time, I use Tweet Deck for Twitter – it allows you to make groups for your contacts, to search, and to translate all within a desktop client. I can put people who tweet too much in a separate column and not have to scroll through all their posts.

    Hope this helps; have a great week.

  4580. Well well, what a wonderful surprise! Hello Hanna! :)

    I’m so glad you enjoyed reading about my home and crafts and that you’ve discovered my blog! I hope you’ll visit me again soon.

    Best wishes from Portugal,


  4581. I so love your blog, Hanna.
    It’s full of vibrant colors and positive thoughts and feelings!
    You’re awesome :)

  4582. Great collages & great essay! I also like the before & after shots. I’m a beginner so it’s neat to see how others proceed.

  4583. I use google bookmarks and back them up to to the computer.
    If you use Firefox there’s an addon called GMarks which allows you to have your bookmarks right there in your brower, which makes them drag-and-dropable from GMarks into Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, even Safari.
    This means all or selected bookmarks are available from home, work and on my iPhone. And, the more things you bookmark, the more similar things google will find for you when you’re searching.

  4584. ooh! Just read about the bit where you want to publish a list of articles. You can do that with Evernote. You can add article links to it using the webclipper, then put them into a folder and mark it as public.
    I have one here for recipes if you want to see it in action
    Again, cross platform (PC, Mac, iPhone, Windows Mobile) and also available on the web for all browsers. And the best bit is being able to search for text within a photo. Very easy to organise too and it keeps the original links.

  4585. hanna – i love this post. i love the pure enthusiasm you have for creating, and the confidence you have to claim you are an artist. of course you are, but so many shy away from the title, so bravo! *claps* LOVE seeing the process here, and those final pieces are so authentic and rich with juicy layers. i really dig all scribbles.
    you ARE a WINNER!
    Really,…… come see!

  4586. I’m glad you tried out Delicious! Yes, we have some work to do making the Linkrolls feature a little easier to find. And actually, the “tags” field looks like it doesn’t work, but that’s a bug in the preview function (we’re working on fixing it). If you copy-and-paste the code into your blog templates, your linkrolls should filter by tag as expected.

  4587. Well done on winning this months crusade Hanna…it was my favourite piece too! Oh and btw I just got my prize from Michelle for winning in January and she really rocks when it comes to gifts…on my blog if you wanna peak :lol:

    Well done again!

  4588. Hi Marcia!
    thanks for your comment and willingness to help! I guess it’s because you were in a hurry that you misunderstood my question. I’m not looking for a RSS-reader but a place to store bookmarks for articles and specific blog posts! :-) Though now that Britta came to rescue with her comment I think I’m saved anyway! Though I think TweetDeck sound interesting… I love that you put away people who “tweet to much!”, haha, that awesome. I don’t even like twitter that much, hehe. Take care!

  4589. Rhomany!
    Thanks for your comment(s) here. I like the Evernote-thing, it looks really cool for the receipt collection you’ve got going there (you could really use this to store craft ideas, patterns, art journal prompts with images) but does it publish as a link list to your web page within the page ? I just did this with delicious as you can see on my read these articles list and that’s what I wanted. Thanks for your info though, I think geeky stuff like this is interesting! Also visited your blog today, love the journal pages you’ve done recently!

  4590. Britta! I like Delicious and will keep it now that it can do what I wanted it to do all a long… :-) How did you find this post? Anyway, I think it would be very helpful if you added a little text at the linkroll page saying what you just told me, that it’s the preview that doesn’t work… VERY helpful, because I’ve been wanting this for months! :-)

    Anyway, big Thanks for your visit and your help!

  4591. Hi Cathy! JoAnn has all kinds of lovelys I can tell, but not for me. I just read this: Q: Do you ship internationally?
    A: No, at this time only ships within the United States, its territories and possessions.

    To bad for me, but there must be somewhere else so I’ll keep looking!

  4592. Goodness Hanna! I didn’t realize you were going to post that photo…! I feel famous. We really love the quilt. Speaking of quilting irons, I am having the same problem. I can’t find a mini crock pot/ slow cooker here for beeswax either. If I find a place to get them in Germany, I will let you know. happy creations…xoxo tj

  4593. Hi!
    Every time I visit your blog, I find something interesting in it. Your blog gives me inspiration and happiness to my days. Thank you :)

  4594. Hanna, Thanks for the link to Daisy Yellow! You are definitely on a creative roll and it’s so much fun to watch and enjoy. I love delicious; the link roll feature works great although to your point it’s not intuitive. Have a great week!

  4595. Interesting stuff. I’ve heard really good things about Blurb so far and I think I’d probably go with them if I ever need to make a book.

    Money should be the same everywhere. It would be easier on everyone.

  4596. You are so creative. I l actually got a glimpse of seeing your face!! Nice to see you. I dig the calendar and the t-shirt. I never thought of even doing something close to that. It’s a great idea. Thanks for sharing all your great creative adventures.

  4597. Very long post ! But I read it entirely. First, congrats on your winning Crusade 28 !
    Second, bout Blurb, I made a book with them, was very happy with the result, and fastness, it was sent from Netherlands 4 days after my order online, so really fast.
    Layout : you can of course make your own on your computer and import it as full page, but beware of quality, what you see on the computer is not what you will get if your picture is not large enough.
    You have also a personal printer via Flickr, Mom made calendars and notecards and was very happy with the result.
    Going to work now !

  4598. Hi Hanna , Congrats on the Crusade! You could also try printing postcards through MOO and sell them in your Etsy shop.

  4599. I recentyly made a book and had it printed and an independet prinf fanatic and then hand binded by a binder who works for love and a bit of profit.

  4600. What a great post! I was just chatting with my Australian soul sister about checking out Cafe Press and she spotted your blog and sent me over for a lookie. I love, love, love your calendar and the message on your t-shirt is perfect! I’ve printed note cards and calendars using Shutterfly but recently printed Moo cards and postcards from Moo. I prefer Moo. I’ve used both Shutterfly and Blurb for books. Shutterfly is very template driven so I prefer Blurb as I can customize the design and work on them on my local computer. Cheers to seeing our stuff printed on things!

  4601. Oh, now I see how I found you. Megan (first commenter on this post) is my Australian Soul Sister and fellow crusader. I was just catching up on GPP and noticed you had won! Congratulations! You are definitely in the groove – keep groovin’. You are a true and authentic artist who inspires so many! Thank you for showing your process. I can’t wait to go play! You have a great eye for color and composition in all that you do – photography collage. You’ll love the creative surprise package that Michelle sends to each Top Hat Pick. Have a lovely day! oxox kathryn

  4602. Great post and very interesting! I’ve been thinking about making my own calender and a photobook to design myself, I’m definetly checking out some of the links!
    And your calender is really nice.

  4603. Thanks! Great collection of all the sites. You should check out Spoon Flower – they print on fabric. :-)

  4604. Hi Hanna, I’m just catching up now, so I hope this isn’t too late. I use Google reader, and it’s fantastic. So in it, there are two good options for marking interesting stuff one is the “star” – you just mark everything you want with a star, and it’s kept aside so you can go back to it. You can also tag it and add notes, so it’s easier to find. But my very favorite things is the “share” option. It builds you a web page, and whenevr you decide to “share” (press of a button” any blog post or flickr pic, it logs it like a post. So as I read my blogs, I press “share” whenever there’s a tutorial I like, just inspirational pictures, or great posts. Well, it’s not exactly bookmarking, but it’s almost, and I fnd it to be very useful. You can see my shared items page here:

  4605. Beautiful calendar, just beautiful.

    I ordered postcards from (through flickr). The postcard quality is very nice and the color is great – and shiny. I recommend them. moo is located in England so I can’t imagine you’d have any trouble with currency and shipping?

    Thank you for your post – I’m glad it is long. I censor myself a lot. I want to stop doing that. There are some people (like you, like me) who have a lot to say and share. That’s a good thing!

  4606. Hanna! Look at your precious sweetie!
    I like your bowl. I think it would be perfect for keeping polymer clay beads in. Or doll heads. Or silk flowers for assemblages.

  4607. Oh, my, this calendar idea is BRILLIANT! I am going to do it. Yes. I am. This post is filled with ideas, I can’t stand it! I am going away for two days without my computer, no blackberry, nothing. How can I follow all your links?! I guess I’ll have to come back. Honestly, Hanna, I go back to your posts two or three times before I can see everything, because you pack them so full.

    The little journal you sent to me, Le Petit Journal, is going with me on my trip. I was so inspired to take it and to take my two favorite pens and have it with me like a friend. You have started it up so pretty for me, that its really going to be a blessing to have. I’ve been busy busy and so scattered with everything to do that I really need your little gift with me to help me center myself again. So, I wanted to say thank you.

  4608. Hanna,
    You might also try Vista Print ( I ordered business cards from them. They were good quality card stock, I could design them myself, and best of all they were cheap. They do other paper based printing (don’t think they do t-shirts yet) including promotional materials.

    Amy in Austin

  4609. Cute pictures – I love crocheting baskets and bowls. My Grandma also used to make rugs out of fabric. Enjoy your day!

  4610. I really like your cute container and ball. Cute photos of Smilla too!

    Click Flassie and it will take you to a blog entry about
    a book about Swedish Quilts.

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  4611. Wow, that bowl is really amazing ~ very professional looking! Was it hard to crochet with such thick material?

    I always thought that cats’ relationships with yarn was just a cliche.. until my kitty, Lili, decided to have some fun. The yarn is now hidden in the basement because otherwise we’d be completely trapped in a feline web by now. Teehee! :)

  4612. I love your site. I have had cards printed by Moo and I absolutely love them. I live in Canada and they were really quick and efficient. Their postcards look good too. i wouldn’t accept us cheques either;)

  4613. I think your boring gray day is beautiful! Are you the Hanna Anderson(clothing store) hanna? if so how do you have time to do all of these wonderful beautiful things you do?

  4614. I agree that you have very beautiful boring days! Looks like a day I’d like to enjoy as well :) I like the window one… I’ve been seeing some really cool shots like this and wanting to capture something similar, but it’s hard when I haven’t much been in a car since June (thanks public transit!) I also really like the last photo with the pink effect. Great pics!

  4615. Kim, thanks for your generous comments, you are great!

    Lisa Heany, no I’m not that Hanna Andersson. I guess you would know that if you read my blog, hehe.

    Alicia! Thanks for your comment! I think public transportation would be perfect for window photos, buss windows are always beautifully dirty and yummy! If you’re on the subway with not much view; a self portrait series in the window!? That would be so cool! Take care!

    Thanks for your comments, they really do makes my days more beautiful and sunshiney… :-)

  4616. I second VistaPrint – I’ve used them for postcards and business cards. Their quality is really good and if you sign up for their mailing list they e-mail special offers to you all the time!

  4617. well ok then! kidding, I have started to read your blog, but I am new at the blogging stuff, am I supposed to go to your blog everyday or do you sign up for email alerts? You are very talented, I will be reading you more often!
    Lisa Heaney

  4618. These pictures make me so excited for my holiday. I am visiting Sweden for 1 week at easter. I love your country!!

  4619. Sj?lv har jag varit n?ra att k?pa din bok… Tyv?rr har det inte blivit av. Jag gillar det du g?r! :o)

  4620. I am so behind, Hanna! Your blog is a joy to read. Love these photos of you, and your precious Smilla.

  4621. I have to put some of these books on my “to buy” list! I love the covers of “Art Circus” and “Stitch, Cloth, Paper & Paint” – thanks!

    I also wanted to tell you that I am looking for artists who would post about the inspiring things around their studios. Please see my entry here:

    I would love it if you would do a post about stuff that inspires you and post some studio photos to share and then link from the comment section of my website. I love to learn about the things that inspire other artists that they keep around them every day.


  4622. Hanna – I totally recommend Creative Entrepreneur. When I gave away my extra copy on my blog, I totally thought of you. I have had a hard time getting through it because I am not a disciplined journaler, but I think you will really enjoy it!

  4623. Gosh I would love a copy of this book, it looks wonderful. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous books with us.

  4624. Great Book!
    There are some tutorials online, but take your time looking. Some are better than others.

  4625. Hanna,
    I have the Cloth Doll book. It’s an interesting book, but may not be one I decide to hang on to. If I decide to give it up, I’ll send it you.

    Amy in Austin

  4626. Lisa.
    thanks for your compliments! You are not supposed to visit every day, but when ever you feel like it. If you want to know when I or others post to their blogs, you could sign up for a rss reader account at for example Google reader and just visit that site once a day to know if something is updated. But I like it when you come by and add a comment too – it’s greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    Thanks for your compliments! How fun that you will come here and visit – where in Sweden will you visit? I hope you have a great time.

    Val, thanks! SNow is so nice, yeah?! I miss it too, it melts away too quickley! But alas, spring is beautiful too, I hope it comes soon!

  4627. Thank you for the list of books. There are so many treasures. What books inspire me? Believe it or not Anais Nin. When I saw your posts a few days ago about her I squealed in delight. I found the most delicious magazine this weekend that I splurged on. It’s from Somerset Studio & the magazine is called Journaling. I thought you should be in it. The magazine is full of inspiration. I get a lot of inspiration from Somerset Studio and blogs.

  4628. Hi Hanna !
    Lynne Perella’s book was the one that started it all for me too ! When I saw the artwork in it’s pages, I felt a thrill inside, like I had finally found the art that was meant for me !

    I also love Lynne’s book “Alphabetica” ( which shares the art work of a group of art journal artists around the theme of the alphabet. I get inspired to try something new every time I open it.

    Another book that has been great fun with techniques to try in my art work is “Artist Trading Card Workshop” by Bernie Berlin
    ( What I love about this one is how clearly the how-to’s are set up and how easy the steps are to follow as you try out Bernie’s techiques. The trading card techniques are easily applied to art journals !
    I love, love love books too. If I had an unlimted budget, that would be the #1 thing I would spend my money one, even before art supplies and funky shoes ! Thanks for sharing some of your favs with us !

  4629. Once again, Hanna – you have totally inspired me! Thanks for the book ideas and mostly, thanks for sharing ALL of your ideas and work.
    So many times, if I am stuck on a bit of artwork, I go to your site for inspiration. Your collages are so fresh and “painty” that I usually have to rush back to the worktable and paint! :-) You are awesome. I really appreciate your boundless creativity and the fact you share it with the world.

  4630. Wow, so many wonderful books Hanna. All those delicious illustrations. You are making my mouth water and my book token which I had for Christmas is burning a hole in my bag…lol. Must spend it soon.

  4631. Hi Hanna! =c)

    I have Mixed Media and I totally love it. I think that the bright colors and fun patterns they use are your style. There’s a bit of everything (fabric, paper, assemblage,etc) and it’s also very humourous! It was written by two artists who only knew each other through the internet until the book was finished! There is also lots of pictures and step by step instructions for everything. It’s great. ;)
    I want to get Exhibition 36 so bad! If you end up getting that one please give a review as I can’t seem to find it around here to flip through.
    No thanks for showing me TWO books that I hadn’t ever seen and now must have (Creative Paint Workshop and Collage Journeys). Hehe, just kidding! You are too wonderful for sharing. THANKS!

  4632. This is so cute, Hanna! I feel like I’m seeing doilies everywhere on the Internet today. I wish I had a bouquet of them right now, I’d make me a beautiful bag like yours!

  4633. Love the bag ! Wish we could head out on a flower power field walk together ! I am in the same religion as you, my friend ! In Art We Trust !
    Groovy Baby !

  4634. You girls are too funny. You make me laugh out loud. Thanks.

    I’ve updated my link list, thanks for letting me know your blog moved – put now… that update? ;-) take care!

  4635. Isn’t that Perrella book awesome?! That’s the first one I ever read, too. And I love Susan Tuttle’s book. I go to it again and again.

  4636. Oooh, I’m so jealous! I want to learn to sew!! Your bag is So cute. ;) I agree with Shellyfish…where are all the doilies coming from lately?! I like the pink and red varigated colored one.
    Goodness, now I have to learn to crochet, too?! Ahh!!

  4637. Creativity is my religion. I have to use that line, Hanna. A sweet bag. Once the weather gets warmer, I’m going to go out to my park and take pictures of all the sweet flowers. I can’t wait.

  4638. Fin artikkel og flott kalender! Fulgte kath_red da kalenderne kom ut, og der var det hva det kostet for folk utenfor usa ? f? tilsendt bok/ kalender som gav stort utslag for valg. Jeg vet ikke hva har om det?

    Quiltegruppa mi trykket kort og hefte i fjor, og vi fikk veldig gunstig pris hos et lokalt trykkeri. Laget pdf filer til dem ogs?, og s? fikk vi se pr?vetrykken (papirtykkelse + farge) f?r hele serien ble trykket. Vi regnet ut at med fjor?rets kurs p? dollaren, s? ble det litt billigere ? f? dette trykket i usa/ utlandet, men med portokostnadene, ble det omtrent samme pris (+/ – 300 kr).

    S? sjekk litt ut p? lokalt/ lite trykkeri: for oss trykket de opp i lite opplag og s? etterbestilte vi ettersom ?konomi/ salg sa det :-)

    Ser fram til videre gang i dette!

  4639. LOVE your craft-filled place here…and such lovely bags all over! Thanks for visiting me this week–nice to meet you! :o)

  4640. I would recommend the Creative Entrepreneur. It’s amazing – and really gets me thinking!

  4641. Oh, If I only knew I could of made my own bags years ago.
    Dd brought home an Amy Butler Purse Pattern. Oh brother.
    I had to end up going to the stop to look at the one that
    was made. They had it locked to something so I coundn’t
    take it off and really look at it good. One gal tried to explain
    to me about it. I still had to figure somethings out. I wasn’t
    use to going by someones pattern. If I make the purse again
    I will hand stitch some of it. Because of the type of vintage
    sewing machine it was a bit hard to do one part of the purse.

    I did make a reversible purse pattern from Martha Stewart.
    Oh, Brother that was something to figure out too. I finally
    did after watching the video but still I wished who ever makes
    videos to stop putting a lot of focus on the person and more on
    the project. I so like making the reversible purse.

    Click on Flassie and it will take you to the Amy Purse I made
    and a link to two reversible purses I made. One adult and
    one child.
    I had to finish up on child I made at my sil’s on Christmas eve
    and my little gnph was watching me sew it. He kept saying you
    really know how to knit good. LOL! I told him I don’t knit, I wish
    I did but it was hand stitching. I told him his grma knits beautiful

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  4642. PS. I mean shop and not stop. LOL! I think I made
    another error but you can probably figure out what
    I mean.
    Anyway, Thanks for the reviews! I am really wanting
    to make purses. I’d like to learn how to make beaded
    ones too.

  4643. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


  4644. LOL! I just noticed the mistakes. I finally read the words
    on the patterns.

    Love the bag your mom made!!! What is the
    little pouch she made with it?
    Doesn’t it remind you of a women’s top?
    If you added more length and left it open
    at the bottom and added a seam and connected
    the straps to make a sleeves, it could become a top.

    That ruffled one is cute too.

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Lives!!!

  4645. LOL! I just noticed the mistakes. I finally read the words
    on the patterns.

    Love the bag your mom made!!! What is the
    little pouch she made with it?
    Doesn’t the bag remind you of a women’s top?
    If you added more length and left it open
    at the bottom and added a seam and connected
    the straps to make a sleeves, it could become a top.

    That ruffled one is cute too.

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Lives!!!

  4646. I have always enjoyed your blog, especially the links to tutorials. Really Fab! Thanks! I own three of the “Pretty Little” books mentioned above. The only one I do not own is the “Pretty Little Potholders”, because like you, I cannot see why I must purchase a book for such a simple item, if only for creative ideas. I can’t say I have made many projects from any of these books though. The most recent one I bought is the “Pretty Little Purses and Pouches” and I must say, it is my favorite of the lot. I will most definitely be making some of these bags.

    The book I made the most projects from since I received it are Sew Pretty Christmas Homestyle and Sew Pretty Homestyle, both by Tonne Finnanger; In Stitches by Amy Butler; Seams To Me by Anna Maria Horner and most recent, Sew Darn Cute. I have posted many craft (sewing mostly) book reviews with detailed photos on my blog, so please feel free to visit I know I always appreciate other bloggers posting reviews on books as it helps me decide if I want to buy it.

    Thanks for a great, informative blog!

  4647. Julie, thanks! I think it’s a pretty name that suits the effect it makes – both on the page and my mind when looking at it… :-) Love the dreamy treas you photographed in Wonderland too!

  4648. Hanna – it’s always a delight to come here – you are so full of enthusiasm and your colors cheer me right up. Fabulous brushy things going on here! Thanks for sharing withe team. You reminded me about the brayer – going to get mine out today!

  4649. Michelle, I would love to see what you do with your brayer and get additional inspiration on this crusade. I haven’t tried mine yet, I need to spread out some newspaper and just DO IT! :-) Thanks again for a great crusade! Now visiting the rest of the team members.

  4650. A WEALTH of great inspiration here! I’ve enjoyed all your links to previous posts too…thanks!

    I have so many old Indian blocks that I’ve never found a good way to use to print….I’m going to do a rubbing with them, just never thought of this before!!

  4651. Carmen,
    thanks for the comment! Maybe dreambrushing is something I’ll be famous for?

    Thanks for visiting right back and doing the crusade! I don’t know what “indian block” is? but if you mean wax rubbings I guess it’s something that has structure? It was a fun crusade that one too! :-) Let me know if you post about it, I’d love to see it!

  4652. Oooo some lovely brushing going on here, Hanna ! As always, your colors make me happy too ! Love the dreambrushing !

    Happy printing !

  4653. Hanna, it’s a delight to learn your new terms for things, and you can bet I’ll be doing some dream brushing! I love to spatter paint, too! I love it when it’s so wet, and you spatter and also drip at the same time, and it runs down the canvas!! What is that!? Edge Spatter!!

    Love your colors. What are you doing for Easter?!

  4654. Hi Hannah, As usual, a wonderful and inspiring post. I love your bright colors and the fact you can still see what is underneath.
    We did a project with our kids at church and used toothbrushes for spatter paint. The kids loved it and there were some interesting effects.
    Thanks again Hannah.

  4655. Great stuff Hannah! I must try the dry brushing over a journal page of collaged papers now! Fabulous!

  4656. Fantastic! Love your drybrushing and especially the “dream brushing.” Also think the page absolutely rocks. Thanks for reminding me of the EDGE….. forgot all about it!

  4657. I loved reading this post and can’t wait to try out the ideas. I’m almost ready to begin a new journal. I have a lot of scrapbooking paper and a glue stick. In the past I have covered my journals with the paper and topped it with a self-sticking laminated sheet. I’ve never tried it in patchwork and I can’t wait! In fact I may do it tonight. Thanks for sharing!

  4658. Awesome! Love it! One day I should put
    a photo up of the one I made. I need to
    learn how to make that what is it called,
    A gusset? Is that it? Do you know what
    I am talking about? So many questions. LOL!

    I like yours it’s whimsy and full
    of delightful surprizes!

    God Bless You and Yours and
    Your Creative Beautiful Life!!!

  4659. PS. I like the yellow walls It reminds me of
    the Book The Persistence of Yellow.

    Really like that rug too! Did you or a family
    memeber make it? My mil has one that a
    friend made in Sweden.

    Have a Creative Fun Filled Day!!!

  4660. Hi Hanna,
    wow you had a GREAT weekend. ANd made such WONDERFULL pages….Dream brushing is going to be added to my art & crafting vocabulary! Hedwig

  4661. Dreambrushing is lovely! You’ve inspired me to take out my paints and brushes now that I completed all my swaps.

  4662. oo, dream brushing!! love that! and it’s perfect for the CED theme this month!! Can you describe the process more? I wasn’t sure what you meant.

  4663. Great colors in your pieces, and great information. I really enjoyed your insight to the challenge.

  4664. I was just taking a quick tour through your blog, all your work is very inspirational, I love the colors and freedom of your pieces keep up the great work…..

  4665. Great post as always Hanna. I’m glad you enjoyed some time out away from blogging and computers. Very interesting information on dry brush technique too.

  4666. Hanna those splatters on red are delicious. And love your new words! Thanks for sharing them with us.

  4667. Hanna – firstly, you totally rocked my little world with your package, many thanks! Second – love all the smooshy paint here – you are not afraid of color :) I see some dirty brushing in addition to your monoprints. As you learned you don’t have to use acetate – try a file folder, or any smooth paper that won’t soak up the paint, and will let you release it in a monoprint – like a magazine page. Thanks for sharing your continued study of brush effects with the team!!

    • Oh! File folders and magazine pages! Great ideas. I’m going to do monoprinting with my 1 year olds. I’m a Toddler Teacher. I think they will love it. I believe parents will too.

  4668. I’m definently going to try this out soon. Perhaps I’ll sit down and journal tomorrow- it’s been way too long.

  4669. Whoa, like the dry brush technique, I will definitely try this out on my art journal. Thanks for sharing!

  4670. Oh my! That left hand side in particular is just so beautiful. The colours are divine…

  4671. Your print is beautiful, I love all the colours and the randomness.

    I am reading the Twilight books now too, I am almost at the end of the second one and can’t wait to start the 3rd… they are addictive.

  4672. You had such fun with your experiments Hanna – love your approach to colours!! And yah boo to your old art teachers… you are so outside their lines now!! ;o)

  4673. That is realy interesting.
    My pages of the alteres books look like yours. I could be your mother and live in a Germany. But I love art and colours, too.
    Every time, when I look for your blog I am surprised and very pleases to see this. Good luck to you, Hanna.

  4674. Your pages are beautiful!!!
    I just finished the “Twilight” books. I started reading them just to see what everyone was talking about – and then couldn’t put them down either. Enjoy – they get better.

  4675. Hello, long-time-no-write. Just tweeted about your tutorial as part of my daily how-to:

    Thanks so much for putting this together.

  4676. Those colors are gorgeous! This makes me want to start working in my art journal again. Thanks so much, I’ll be linking.

  4677. I LOOOOVE the color here! AND you’re right, it’s so easy to get pulled here and there….so many things to try…to little time….

    thanks for the great inspiration here

  4678. These are wayCOOL! the last one is just brilliant! The yellow monoprint is
    . . . yummy! It’s good to paint ‘outside the lines’. . . .

  4679. After a winter of drab colors your smattering of colors delights my soul. I’ve never done monoprinting before, but you make me want to. BTW… I was “sucked” into the Twilight series by my stepdaughter. I initially read it so I could bond with her. Well… I’m not proud but I’m on my third reading of the series. I’m also being dragged to a midnight Twilight dvd release at our local Borders this Friday night. If nothing else, the books are total fun. Enjoy and thanks for a great tutorial!

  4680. Hanna, you always make me smile.
    I love those photos of Smilla.
    Aren’t journals so great, friends, comfort, challenge. As unique as the person working them.

    I try not to feel guilty about not journaling much yet this year. There are so many things that crowd in. I still am training myself to make journaling crowd other things out…

    Thanks for always being.

  4681. That quote underneath Sweet Smilla is so funny!

    Lovely gifts!

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  4682. What a perfect bag to add to your shop before easter. I think putting two different reds together is hard but it looks like you did it perfectly. In America, the bunny “hides” Easter eggs, so somehow it strikes me that the bunny fabric is inside the bag — a hidden surprise! It’s wonderful… tj in germany

  4683. Hanna, I love your bright colours an how you messed about with it. I followed all your links and I too started art journalling in a big old book with pictures in it and funnily enough mine is about animals too. I shall put up some photos later. But I digress, this is lovely!

  4684. Even though I’ve been quiet, I still read your blog!

    How much are you charging for that bag? I love it. Email me back, maybe I can save you the Etsy fees, and do a paypal transaction for the bag ;) Let me know! (Or maybe we can swap yarn for the bag?

    Hope to hear from you soon!

  4685. This is just faboo — too, too fabulous! I love all the textures and interplay of color. And I love “dreambrushing,” a great neologism!
    I wish you fun with your brayer. Mine is one of my top three art tools, ranking just after my brushes and paints. I especially love to use it with recently used stencils — talk about cool monoprints using negative space. Happy experimenting!

  4686. Thank for your kind comments girls.

    Maria, tack f?r l?nken! Den f?rra med pyssliga tatueringar var helt underbar, hur har det g?tt med din tatuering? Sj?lv jag t?nker p? Anna varje g?ng jag ser geek craft om tv-spel p? n?tet t.ex.! :-) Kram!

  4687. LOVE the way you describe the veins created when the paint pulls between the layers of a monoprint. I’ve been working with them, too.
    Your colors are luscious.

  4688. What a gorgeous mandala you have created! The colors are so vibrant and happy. All of the details hold my attention. As you look at your mandala see yourself as the center. Consider the elements directly around you and then move outward to edges of the page. What do you see? What relationships do you see with your Self and the world around you?

    Thank you so much for playing. Your mandala is so unique and I’m sure it will inspire so many.

    {soul hugs}

  4689. Thanks for all your comments.

    Kathryn, thanks for you kind words!
    To tell the truth when I look at my mandala I see nothing. I could be that rose, I get that. I’m the middle because I am full of potential and beauty, but radiating from me right now is… nothing. All the spaces around me are still empty in the mandala. They have colors and are pointers, yes, but no words or meaning are (yet) within them. I left them blank on the paper. I guess that should tell me something? Oh yeah, now I see… one of the spaces (cake bites) of my mandala is filled with text… I think that is a pointer I should take. I long to write.

  4690. I always love hearing (and seeing) your Perspective!!
    You have the loveliest blog ever, and I’m truly grateful for it and you.

    Blessings :)
    , Tess

  4691. Love that mandala. Such pretty colours, and as someone commented, happy colours. You have cheered me up no end…lol.

  4692. Hanna, Wow!!! I’m loving your creative adventures with paint and a brayer! Isn’t it addictively fun? Thank you for your extra kind words about Daisy Yellow. You are a true creative soul with the ability to inspire and motivate us to get out paint and create something.
    Best wishes ~ Tammy

  4693. I made postcards by attaching 6 postcard size collages to a regular sheet of copy paper then taking it to Kinko’s (copy shop) and color copying it. About $1 per sheet, I think. Nice quality reproduction. Then I cut them apart with a paper cutter. On the back I used a rubber stamp made for postcards with the word “postcard” at the top and a line down the middle. The cards looked rather nice IMHO.
    I have used Snapfish to make a photobook and was very pleased with the results, but want to make a birthday book for my soon to be 21 year old. I figured I would get around the layout issue by creating the pages in Photoshop and then using each as one big borderless print/page in the book. I am going to check out now. Glad I found your blog. I got lots of great ideas from just this one post!!!

  4694. I love Tammy too! I found her blog about two weeks ago. Like you, she is one of my favorite blogs to visit.

  4695. i have a few tools from my old days that i have always loved…one is my palette knife and the other is my brayer (we’re talking old, like high school which was 30 yrs ago – yikes!)….i’ve lost many things over the years in various moves but my art tools are more precious to me than jewels…

    i love your artist candy popping out of the little brown bag, i ask you, is there anything better than a visit to the art store and coming home with new toys?? i think not….

  4696. I love your blog! I just have a “small” problem. I follow a link from your blog, then another link, and another link, etc. I finally realized I need to stop looking (at least so much) and start doing. I am new at all of this, and it is so exciting to see what everyone is doing. So much talent out there!

  4697. SO beautiful! What stunning colors… looks like you really are having a good time, and I’m heading over to your recommended blog site to check it out! Thanks for sharing with us!!!

  4698. oh wow! great post and great links, thank you so much:) I bought a soft brayer recently to use just for rolling out the bubbles in collage papers, but I’ve been using a pampered chef rolling pin thingy for awhile now (with my paints) I’m going to check out those tutorials now
    thanks again!
    p.s. I just found a podcast with your interview-about your blog book, it was fun to listen to and your book is definitely on my wish list!

  4699. Hanna,

    Yes, I love Daisy Yellow too. I think I probably discovered it through your blog or at least an indirect link from your blog perhaps. One of the things that I love about her blog is the excellent cross-referencing she does with previous posts.

    I’m enjoying your blog more and more these days too!


  4700. reminds me of a Dresden plate quilt pattern…and that’s a wonderful thing…lovely colors and like the lace…

  4701. Great Blog with very good posts .Can you please tell me that how much time you take to create this wonderful blog,although i am new on internet but your work is very good and i appreciate your work.

  4702. Hanna! I love what you are doing with the brayer. I might have to own three. I have one for rubber stamping. I have another one for flattening out bubbles when adhering paper to journals. Now, I think I need a brayer for painting. ;)

  4703. Thanks for the link to Daisy Yellow – what a wonderful blog! I have a brayer, but haven’t done anything like this with it – I’m inspired!

  4704. The only thing you can count is change. I’m loving the juicy vibrant journal pages.

  4705. I have the Collage Journeys and Susan Tuttle’s book, they’re both great! Thanks for the other recommendations too, I love new books;)

  4706. If I remember it correctly, Suzi also says (lol like Simon says):
    “You gotta go where the fun is, where the passion is”.
    Great pages!

  4707. I love what you do with these pages (dream brushing!!!!!), and I love what you do with your pages in Photoshop. A pleasure to look at.

  4708. I love the photo of your psychedelic cardstock! Just so you know, Hanna, you keep me so inpsired. Your blog is a real treasure.


  4709. oh good an adventure…changes look good..i am celebrating my 3rd blogacersary this week with a BiG GiVeAwAy…please come join in and spread the word…blessings, rebecca

  4710. This quote immediately came to mind and I thought you would like it :)
    ?It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.? – Charles Darwin

  4711. Fantastic as always!
    I think I need a brayer.

    Your blog is one of my favorite
    to visit! I love the whole set up.
    Your a Genius I am sure of it!

    God Bless You and Yours and
    Your Creative Life!!!

  4712. What a lovely tote and gorgeous kitty…….my kitty always gets IN any tote, handbag, bag, ANYTHING that collapses on itself…too fun!

  4713. I saw your mandala featured on the Souljournal blog, and just wanted to tell you how much I love it. It seems full of lighteness and encouragement . Thankyou for sharing.


  4714. Would work with Canvas? Or would the water not soak and spread like on the paper?! I would love to make some on canvas if it would work!

  4715. Thanks for the referral to Tammy’s blog–beautiful knows beautiful! I love my brayer for doing gelatin monoprinting with acrylics, but I wish I’d bought a wider one. Oh, well–just an excuse to go out and add one more tool to my kit.

  4716. I was wondering the same thing Ellen Groskorth!

    Miss You Hanna! Hope everything is OK!

    God Bless You and Yours and Your
    Creative Life and Health!!!

  4717. Hey, there! Been out of town. Catching up again.
    You are so generous, showing your journal pages! I enjoyed having my journal with me on vacation, but have not shown pictures yet. shy…
    Hope you are well, Hanna!

  4718. Hi Hanna,
    I hadn’t realized you had been at this for 5 years ! What an unbelievable document to all the changes you have been through.
    We will miss you when you go for your break but I so understand wanting the energy to go to a different part of yourself, more in the “real” world of experiences.
    I wish that you find that red shoes, red book, red word passion that you are looking for. I have a feeling that maybe if you look less and rest a little, it will find its way to you…You deserve it.
    Cheers to doing what we need to do for ourselves !

  4719. Thank you Kim, so much. I guess resting would do something to my mind I can’t take right now, but I know what you mean.

  4720. i thought about commenting while you were away, but figured you probably needed the pause.. though i did miss you, smilla, and your wonderful photos and inspiration. welcome back (for the time being). :)

    i’ve been doing a Daily Art Card for almost four months now, all ’cause of you and yours last year.. (and i’ve only forgotten a day once or twice!) thank you ever so much for stirring up my imagination and my often-absent determination ~ and from across an ocean, too! you are more powerful than you know… ;)

  4721. Oh, Hanna, I will miss you and this blog, but I do understand! Nurture yourself and fall in love with that red noetbook. I’m keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  4722. hey, thanks for your comment a while back.

    im sad to hear you wont be around here for awhile, but i understand why you must take a break.

    I’ll just have to browse through all you past entries in the meantime.

    take care

  4723. I’ll miss your creative adventures. Follow your muse and play out in the sunshine with Smilla and enjoy your life. We all need a break from time to time.

  4724. I was wondering if you were letting your blog go.
    I know someone else that is letting hers go. She
    is just keeping her flickr.

    It’s spring and what a better time and thing to do, have
    a break from blogging. You have long winters and really
    do need to be out enjoying the sunshine and your life.

    Enjoy Your Time Away! Know that you will be missed!

    God Bless You and Yours, Your Creative Life,
    Writing and Your Health!!! Enjoy

  4725. Dear Hanna,

    I’ve just discovered your blog and have been enjoying earlier posts a lot the past two weeks. For a couple of days I felt myself waiting for a new post. Such a pity it will be one of the las for a while. But I can relate to mixed emotions about giving energy to blogs or the internet. Sometimes you need to keep the energy to yourself. And it takes courage to say farewell to your virtual world for a while.

    So…enjoy the spring (and summer)…hopefully you have better spring weather in Sweden than here in the Netherlands! And I really hope to see you again in the fall!

    ~ Mandy

  4726. I’d better post my first comment before your break. I have been enjoying your writing, links and photos for a couple of months now, and thank you so much for sharing.
    I can relate to the language thing, the mother tongue is so much closer to the heart but English just goes out further, as there are so many more readers to it.
    I hope you get your shoulders down, your eyes to the sun and your heart on paper in the coming months.
    God Bless

  4727. Hanna, enjoy your blog break. We will miss you but I am happy you are taking some time for yourself. We will all still be around. Spend hours writing in the sun with Smilla at your side. Enjoy the beautiful warm days. I have several loved ones begging me to start a blog. I just could not do it. I would have to give up my writing. I do understand the next journey you want to take. Enjoy every moment.

  4728. I suspect I’ve had some similar feelings myself lately. I recently posted on my blog about how, the more I craft and interact with the crafting community, the less I’ve been writing and drawing/painting. And it’s not like I don’t have the time to sit down with a note/sketchbook -no less time than I used to, at least- but all I can seem to do is craft and write blog entries about craft, as if my creativity is finite and can only be channeled into a very few ventures at one time.

    I was struggling to figure out how to describe the difference between writing for a craft blog and the writing I used to do and you hit it on the head- writing with passion. Thank you; having the appropriate words to describe my feelings has always helped me with dealing with them. It’s not like I’m not passionate about crafting, but the passion is in the craft, not writing about the craft. I’m not ready to back off from craft blogging just yet -I’ve only been at it a couple years, not five- but I need to learn to balance these things somehow, to juggle my mental energies above a beginner’s level. I also need to learn how to channel a little passion into the writing-about-craft.

    If blogging about creativity begins to inhibit it, that kind of kills the point, no? Enjoy your much-deserved break, and we will be here when (or if) you return!

  4729. Dear Hanna, I have also enjoyed your blog for some time now – I love your craft and I love your writing. Wish you all the best!

  4730. Hanna, I will miss my daily visits to you but totally understand your need to take a break. Enjoy your creativity, enjoy your soul writing, enjoy your time away, enjoy your life!

  4731. You spoke right to my heart, right to that writing I’ve just started getting, fighting, struggling back to.
    The notebook is pink and the dream, big. Let’s make some of those dreams the reality. Follow the passion.
    Lycka till, jag ?r s?ker p? att du kommer att g?ra r?tt val.

  4732. Hi Hanna
    Have a lovely inspirational break and I hope that you will find what you’re looking for. I have only recently come across this blog and have enjoyed it immensely – ideas, colours, Smilla and you. All fabulous.
    I have a crate of empty notebooks and have a morbid fear of filling them so I hear what you are saying. I hope you fill many lovely red moleskines! Take care and come back soon. Kram, Ellie x

  4733. Thanks for sharing your experience. Like you, I think I would really enjoy designing a book. I’ll have to wait until I don’t think it’s too much work :)

  4734. Hi Hanna, Reading your post reminded me how difficult it can be to make the time to write, and then I recalled this poem that I wrote a long time ago about
    Wanting to Write…….
    Wanting to write/ you’ve a feeling of 49 percent/ the prompting of guilt?
    Wanting to write/you’re hanging suspended/ in silence as before thunder/ you don’t breathe and you can’t hear
    Wanting to write/ you go for the warmth of wood/ in the familiar kitchen/ carpeted with heather and damp grass
    Wanting to write / in the brown desert / you worry about the ducklings/ the eggs cracking / the placentas
    Wanting to write / you lack rigidity / you let yourself go/ crooked, fractured / in the washouse like a stage set /over it’s dark edge you / send your working cries
    Wanting to write / your body is laughing/ you survive and emerge/ with rotary blades / whirring on your heels.

    i had forgotten about this poem until I read your post, about how all the feelings and emotions that emerge each time I write, and how some are wonderful, and some are difficult and sometimes painful.

    Go for it, have a writing holiday, as long as you need, fill those notebooks, I wish you will find your passion on those now, but soon to be filled blank pages.

  4735. Lilli, thanks! wait… but then you might need to wait quite a while… it does take time, days really, once you get into all the details of images, text and sequence! But in the end, you have a book that you have made yourself. I kind of like that.

  4736. I can’t wait to get mine! It certainly looks like a lot of work but I’m sure it’s worth every hour and every dollar spent!


  4737. I LOOOOOVE making blurb books. I’ve custom designed a few pages but mostly use one of their many formats. I want to go preview your book…must go back and see if you provided a link.


  4738. H?ftigt! Verkar som det kommer bli en v?ldigt vacker bok, det blir v?l l?nen f?r m?nga dagars arbete! Mycket bra titel ocks

  4739. Lovely photos and a very detailed post… I know you spent a lot of time on it! Thank you for sharing it with all of us… beautiful work!

  4740. Oh my! What a lot of possibilities that just created in my brain! Sandwiching things together to make material that can be sliced, re-stitched, manipulated. How wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  4741. That is some really cool stuff! I can imagine using it to make some fantastic faerie wings!

  4742. Du har ju lyckats riktigt bra med din Angelina! Jag har ftt fr mig att inte jag inte gillar detta materialet, men det r nog bara fr att jag misslyckats med mitt. Jag hade fr varmt strykjrn s det blev en dd brungr frg, jag fr vl testa igen innan jag ger upp!

  4743. Sweet! It’s funny to me that so many things I passed up at scrapbooking/stamp shoes during my initial “art phase” are now seeming like they might be valuable tools…able to be added to projects here and there. Can’t wait to see what you make with these..make a quilt. Mama loves looking at art quilts.

  4744. Thanks girls! I think these could be fun to play with in the sewing machine. I’m going with black thread…

    Tracey – wow, now that you say it – I can too. That would be awesome. Mind if I steal that idea? Love it!

  4745. Julie!
    thanks for commenting, and yes mama, an art quilt it is! or – will be, soon. :-) Take care!

  4746. Tack Gunnel, jag hade en bok av Lena Blommg?rd som jag ska skriva om senare som talade om exakt hur l?nge jag skulle stryka och vilken v?rme, s? det kanske hj?lpte? Det skimrar galet mycket om mina sm? kreationer. Trevlig semester! Var ska du ?ka p? Kreta?

  4747. Thanks for all the great photos! I heard about Angelina fiber when one of my readers told me how she made some Angelina-like fibers with plastic easter grass (I don’t know if they have it outside of the USA). I went back and modified my post to link to this blog entry of yours because of how detailed it is on Angelina fibers! Thanks

    p.s. here’s the post where I added it.

  4748. Jag har hrt talas om det dr Angelina i ngot sammanhang alldeles nyligen, men nu minns jag inte i vilket.

    Ja, visst var det en grisbjrn p min sida, eller grishund?

  4749. I never heard of Angelina before, what great fiber to play around with. For sure I am going to have to try it out! Thanks for the great post!

  4750. Heather, thanks for linking and letting me know!

    Maria, tack fr besket! Visst r grisbjrn ett s himla bra ord!

    Lydia, thanks. I think there is so much fun materials out there. Wish I could test all of them for your and not be ruined… hehe. This is worth the money though!

  4751. I have used this is some of my art quilts and it does give a nice added sparkle. Have fun with it.

  4752. Nice to see that you`ve had fun with Angelina. It is a really amazing fibre.
    I`m looking forward to see what you`ll use it for. You`ll probably come up with something very exciting…

  4753. This is amazing Hanna. Endless possibilites. Those iridescent, shimmering colours are practically edible.

  4754. I have been wanting to try these for a long time. As you know, I’m working on my journaling this year, but when I get into fabrics and textiles, I’m def. going to do this! Your information makes it seem even more real and do-able!

  4755. I am taking a break from blogging. Thought I’d stop
    in b/4 I did.

    Thanks for sharing the links and books and info!
    I put another link up to your blog and your book.

    God Bless You and Yours Creative Life and Health!!!

  4756. Nice review of the book and the product. I’m going to buy the book, even though I can’t read Swedish because I’m always interested in seeing how others use it. We carry Angelina at We have 13 new metallic heat bondable colors you might want to check out. We ship wordwide.

  4757. Happy 1000th! Time passes so quickly, doesn’t it? I’m glad you had an official celebration with cake :) Thanks for the recipe

  4758. Thanks! That sounds like it’s me who is turning 1000, but sometimes it feels that way… hehe. :-) Have some more cake girls!?

  4759. Your cake looks wonderful, Hanna! I think I’ll make one on my next birthday.

    Happy birthday! I hope this year is full of happiness and creativity for you. And congratulations on your 1000th post!

  4760. Susan! Only wait if your birthday is soon, otherwise, you need one soonish! They are yummy! :-)

    Maria, jag vet att du t?nkte p? mig, men nej, inget paket. H?ller utkik p? m?ndag igen.

    thanks for the congrats!

  4761. Hej Hanna!
    Vilken inspirerande och rolig blogg. Jag har just hittat den och jag kommer att f?lja dej.
    M?ste nog best?lla boken!
    H?lsar Ann

  4762. Happy blog post! Happy Birthday! Wow. I am a terrible baker, but that cake looks tasty, tasty! I will have to come to you to try it :)

  4763. Hanna,
    I’m so surprised…I thought that you were probably in your early twenties. Anyway, hope the birthday is a wonderful one. I’ve been reading your blog for a long time and feel like you are a friend. Happy 1000th also.
    jaYne @ The Oddbird Studio

  4764. Happy Birthday! WOW…1000 posts, that’s quite and accomplishment! You are so talented and inspirational and I truly enjoy reading your blog daily. Chocolate cake is the best kind of Birthday cake to have!

  4765. Happy Birthday, Hanna and also to your 1000th post!! Your Birthday chocolate cake I know is delicious.

  4766. Found lots of info on Angelina fiber when I Googled, Hanna, including a pack of 6 colors that I am ordering to play with for some ATC’s. Can’t wait! Thanks for introducing me to this beautiful, dreamy stuff! I’m going to make some gorgeous cards!

  4767. happy birthday and congrats for the 1000th post! i have surely enjoyed the posts, i just love your blog. keep them coming!

    thanks for sharing the cake recipe with us. i am very much into all chocolate related and will definately try this one out next! you know, i enjoy seeing dl used in measurements, that makes me feel like home (im from finland but have been living the last few years in UK and now in germany)! at least in UK nobody understands what a dl is, they always use ml instead.

  4768. Kongratulationer p? f?delsedagen, Hanna, och till den tusende posten. Himmel ocks?, tusen stycken?! Det ?r ju fantastiskt m?nga. Kladdkaka ?r ocks? fantastiskt, blev v?ldigt sugen nu, pga dina fina bilder… Hm, undrar om vi har kakao hemma? :)

  4769. Hej Ann, tack f?r bes?ket och kommentaren. Du har ocks? en otroligt fin blog med mycket fint i. Bes?ket d?r g?r mig glad att du hittade mig. Lade till din blogg till min link love list. :-) Hoppas du gillar boken, den ?r absolut f?r n?gon som dig!

  4770. Lin, thanks for commenting and letting me know you’ll play with this fun stuff. I think it would be awesome on ATC’s! I might need to make one or two too, it was so long since I made any atc for sure. Maybe time to play? Let me know what you do, OK? :-) Hugs!

  4771. this is an easy, delicious recipe- i will be eager to try it when I return from my italian Holiday. Thanks for the recipe and clear instruction.

  4772. Congrats Hanna — 1000 posts is an amazing milestone. Glad you celebrated with your cake. Your recipe made me smile with the international instructions! Although I have not read all your posts, the ones I have enjoyed have kept me company in a foreign land and keep inspiring me to create no matter what. Thank you for all you share…!
    xoxoxo TJ at Studio Mailbox

  4773. happy birthday – hanna!
    i wish you all the best on this lovely spring-day. hope it was a wonderful party for you!!!!
    thanks for all you share with us – of course i’ll try your Kladdkaka-cake ;-))
    greetings from vienna

  4774. Your making your own diary is so inspiring to me! I’ve been keeping diaries for 16 years and have never been able to have that kind of personal, tactile relationship with my diaries– I buy them at bookstores and fancy boutique shops and build connections with them that way, but I would love to have the artistic abilities to make them myself….

    Just started blogging about my experiences with my childhood journals, looking back on them, etc. Would love you to check it out as a diary lover =)

  4775. Congratulations to your 1000st blog post and to your birthday (a little late…) – hope you had a nice birthday party, and I wish you that all your dreams may come true!

  4776. heey,

    happy (late) birthday!

    my birthday is in 7 days, maby i’ll make your cake!


  4777. Hi have heard of this a while ago, we call it ‘angel hair’ in the uk. Have also used it by mixing the colours I want, ironing it and when its cooled stamping an image on it using a permanent ink and then cutting the image out.
    PS – read your blog all the time! I seem to be cardmaking less and journaling more!

  4778. happy birthday to you
    happy cake day to you too
    happy birthday deal journal girl
    happy BIRTHDAY to you!!!!!!

    are you singing?

  4779. This post was perfectly timed for me. I have been struggling with feeling artistically inspired and inspired to write at the same time and feeling like I am leaving pages unfinished. A lot of times I will just do a single page with kind of a “message” to myself. For instance, all my last page said was “Make yourself happy”. On other pages I have left room for journaling, but haven’t been inspired. I think I need to let go of feeling the need for the pages to match the words. I used to scrapbook so I think this is a holdover from that. This post was really helpful.

  4780. I like this Hanna, great post and I look forward to more.
    I have been using a larger journal and sometimes just leave some of the pages for journaling. But I haven’t been so pleased with how it looks visually. I like the writing over the collage.

    I love it when you post about art journaling.

  4781. About three months back, I started pasting images on journal pages then started writing over them. I never thought of doing themes, or lists. Now you gave me new ideas. I liked how you showed your journal pages with pictures then after with the writings.

  4782. Hi Hanna. Happy (late) birthday and 1000th post. Your cake is not on my Weight Watchers list, but it looks too good not to try. I’ll let you know how it turns out for me.
    You are an inspiration and I love your blog and all of your ideas.

  4783. Happy Birthday and 1000th Post!
    I’ll play a tun on my Mandolin in Celebration of You! Here’s to a Very Happy Healthy Long Life!!!

    I’ll have to try that cake. I planned on making a Lime Loaf Cake soon. One of my neieces is a Pastry Chef. She makes cakes. I have a photo of her at one of my dd’s BD parties when
    she was a toddler. It’s so funny. She put her fork in it and instead of just a bite the whole piece of cake ended up on her fork and she had the funniest look on her face.

    If you get a chance click Flassie and check out the magazine. Do you have one similar in Sweden?

    Thanks for Stopping By!

  4784. Hey just read your article. That sounds pretty good, can’t wait to try it out. You should post it on ( ) too. I have found a ton of food and drink recipes that have come in handy at BBQs. They have a ton of articles on how to make everything. Plus you can put a link to your page and they have graphs to track how many hits you get on your articles. Thanks so much for posting your article.

  4785. Awesome post! I’m just getting started (again) journaling. This time I’m art journaling without rules!!

    Thanks for sharing!!


  4786. dang! i missed the cake! happy birthday and 1000!!! whew!
    you have shared so much of yourself hanna – what a gift.
    and this! a terrific post about writing. thank you for breaking down your process to encourage others. i look forward to the follow up posts. (i’m need a magnifying glass so i can see if you’ve listed you-know-who in your music faves *wink*)

  4787. Thanks for your comments girls!

    Michelle Ward: No, I haven’t! Though I have listened to the first five seconds of their video, the one you have on your sidebar… many many times now!! ;-) *wink wink*

  4788. Big ::HUGS:: to Hanna!
    Happy belated birthday from me and add my congratulations to all of the anniversaries coming up! Wow!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you for this posting. This is exactly what I’ve been wanting to hear about, and especially from you as I just love your style and colors in your journals…yet I am so afraid to jump in and try it myself!
    Woohoo! I am so inspired to maybe pick up my old neglected journal tonight…
    Thank you Hanna!

  4789. Felicia (U2kitteh )!
    thank you!
    How strange (serendipitous) that you just commented tonight (here at least). I was reading back on e-mails and found yours (again!) and I’m mad at myself for not responding sooner (or at all yet), so it’s not just you who is neglecting important stuff (like journaling). :-)
    You have to do some art journaling play this week my friend! Just don’t think to much, have fun, play with your materials! I was affraid at first too, I hesitated for weeks and read books about it instead. But there is nothing better than just jump in! Do it girl!

    And thanks again for your e-mails and mucho love! Hugs back at ya!

  4790. Hi Hanna! Thank you for your kind ‘virtual hug’. It was sweet :) And I’m glad you like that song…I’ve actually got a lot of my friends around here hooked on it too.

    I also really like your newest post. I was reading it earlier today actually and the first thing that caught my eye was what you wrote about listening to new music and how it makes your heart glad. I was JUST talking to my friend about that the other day. We were saying how we don’t understand how there can be people in the world who don’t like music. How can anyone not like music?? Unfathomable. :)

  4791. I’m late with the wishes, but here goes, anyway –
    Happy Birthday! and Congratulations on 1000 posts!
    That’s a lot of posts – and that cake looks very tasty. Hope you had a great day.

  4792. Hi Kelly, thanks for coming back here and making a commented even though you already read the post! There must be lots of girls like you who visit here and never comment I guess… Hi all!
    I get why some people don’t like music; I totally adore silence and I need it too! Maybe they just haven’t been looking around for the right kind of music for them? This is what I’m investigating right now: my taste. And finding tunes you can fall in love with is just… lovely! :-)

  4793. Hi HannaI! I just joined this month’s crusade on using words, and typically for me, did it the other way round. First joining by writing and posting a haiku with my digital collage, and afterwards reading your entry!! Seeing all your excellent words on writing in journals, I simply have to sit and read everything very carefully tonight, as I don’t want to miss it, I long for more information on this topic. So thank you!!
    And: I love your journaling…

    Regina Dwarkasing
    St. Maarten DWI

  4794. Thanks Regina, I visited your blog and am fascinated by your art piece – wow! I’m glad the information here is helpful, more is coming soon, I promise. I think I’m in love with this subject + my art journals, they are my babies! :-)

    Take care!

  4795. another great post hanna! thanks for sharing with the team. LOVE text as background, especially *found* words. i also like toner-transferring typed text so it gets blurry and unreadable….the backward words just filling the space. so interesting how swedish looks on your page, definitely exotic – fab!!

  4796. When I first started keeping Art Journals I was more focused on the ‘art’ side of them, not so much the ‘journal’ side. I’ve kept a written journal since I was little and for some reason I thought it best to keep those two separate. Lately I’ve been adding more text to my pages, or even journaling about my day. It seems to make more sense now, and my Art Journal is what it says on the bottle: a journal with art in it. ;)

  4797. so cool, Hanna! I love your pre-colored word pages! Brilliant idea.I just inherited a beautiful but beat up French LaRousse dictionary that would be perfect for this. Time to grab my pastels and create my own rainbow paper !
    Thanks for all the inspiration, as always, Crusader !
    Cheers !

  4798. I couldn’t agree more — blank books are so beautiful with potential. Yours is beautiful on its own, of course! Gorgeous book. Makes me want to get back to making my own.

  4799. Yay, Hanna! You’ve done it. (again) I’m proud of you, because sometimes if I don’t have the paper I want, I get frustrated and don’t do it. But I bet you kick ass on these pages! I bet they are so fill with bliss when you get done!

    I made mine out of cardboard and glue. It is holding up okay, but this one looks SO much sturdier and comfortable.

    Thanks for the links. I’m loving these sparkleface pages.

  4800. This is gorgeous, Hanna! I adore blank books, and I’ve got quite a stash packed away, awaiting me! Have fun working in this one.

  4801. Hi Hanna! I have another journal up for a give away and only one person has commented. Pretty good odds right now of winning I’d say. Not much creative going on in my life right now, so enjoying what I see on your blog!

    Amy in Austin

  4802. It’s a beautiful journal Hanna. Someday I am going to give it a try, how great to journal in a book you made yourself. Thank you for link to Sparkleface. Lots of eye candy inspiration!

  4803. I think this is beyond my skill set but I would love to learn. I’ve just started to make my own journals. Yours are all beautiful.

  4804. Your posts about text/words in art journaling have inspired me to get started on my own. I’ve kept a written journal for years but never an art journal. I was so excited by the first of these three posts, that I immediately pulled a blank notebook off of my shelf and got started. Because I tend to be a very linear thinker, one of my goals for my art journal was that I would make pages as the mood struck me and then write on them later as I was inspired by the page(s). This is going to result in something that isn’t in any sort of chronological order. Normally that would bug me but I’m really excited by the prospect for this book.

  4805. hanna – another terrific post. i know you put alot of time and heart into this. you had me at “beautiful” and “meaningful”. perfect. thanks for sharing with the team, and getting us to think more about text/writing. what a lovely connection you made with karlee. that is the icing on the cake. have a lick :)

  4806. to continue when nobody gets it. ( don’t give up )

    to share when others don’t give back. ( do not give
    to recieve, be a cheerful giver, do it out of love,
    because you enjoy it )

    to be unselfish. to myself. ( Love
    yourself, treat yourself with kindness )

    to be selfish, when one needs to be
    ( to say no when you need to say no ).

    Hope I got it. I

    Your a great teacher, Hanna!
    and yes you are making sense.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  4807. Hi Hanna, thank you so much for this series of tutorials on art journalling and incorporating text, it’s so helpful and inspirational.

    Speaking of text, and quotes etc to include in journals I came across this one recently quoted in a crime fiction novel of Mari Jungstedt.
    “you are not alone. if among a thousand stars only one looks at you, believe in the star’s meaning, believe in the gleam in its eye…”
    Carl Jonas Love Almqvist.

    I’ve used this quote in my journal, i love it, and I think it says something similar to your own piece of stream of consciousness quoted in your post.

  4808. PS. Make friends with an Octopus reminds me, to make peace with my passed, make peace with what is, or to make the best of what is
    going on in life that isn’t so good. An example might be; instead of avoiding what is and being fearful, have faith and pray and press on.

    Like being understanding, of where someone is coming from. If they make a remark that makes you feel hurt, understand it is coming from fear and forgive them for it.

    If it is jealousy, feelings of lack or not enough, it is coming from what is called, fear. So we need to understand and let go of the little stings in life and continue to love, what one could call the octopus.

    I am sure there is more to ponder about this
    headline of, make friends with an Octopus.

    I love what ainelivia found in a book had to say.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  4809. Wow Hanna! I really like your post. I love the quote and think Flassie has the meaning right. I needed to read your posts and comments this evening. It has been a hard evening and I’m going something in my journal I haven’t done in a while – I’m writing about the evening and my feelings about it. I may paint over it tomorrow night, but at least tonight, I’ll be able to go to sleep, knowing that my internal debate and angst has been captured in my journal and I don’t need to wrestle with it in my sleep.

  4810. Hi Hanna! BEAUTIFUL, thought provoking journaling going on at your home! I really like what you’ve done with your altered book/journal… now I’m inspired to do something different than my usual, thank you!

  4811. Text tips:
    1) Write some words backwards.
    2) Use Rubber Stamp letters.
    3 Use Rubber Stamp Words.
    4) Stencil letters.
    5) I bought a couple of vintage ad newpaper templates
    at a yard sale that someone found while digging in their yard.
    If you have something like that you could print it in your journal. Seen a group of them on ebay from the 60’s.
    6) Isn’t there a way to write a secret message with milk?
    Have you heard of that? It will appear over time on the page.
    I think there is a way to bring it out.
    Some of these ideas you might of already used.

  4812. Text tip: How about adding a stencil with words on it.
    Add the stencil itself and glue it onto the page.

    Do you remember when you were a kid making a
    page full of different crayon colors and than coloring
    all of it over with a black crayon? You draw over it.
    How about writing over it in words, poem, quotes,
    sentences. I don’t know what that is called. But some
    of the black crayon is taken away and the color shows
    through. You could probably even just use one color
    under the black.

    God Bless You and Yours and Your Creative Life!!!

  4813. I always enjoy looking at the complex imagery on your pages, and seeing your writing. Something about your Swedish, too, makes it so visually cool!

  4814. Wonderful and informative post! Love the bits of foreign text. Obviously, you can actually read it, but for those of us who can’t, it adds that extra bit of mystery.

  4815. Click Flassie and Check out the interview at Anglea’s.
    Violette gave me the added insight to continue when
    no body gets it.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  4816. Hi Hanna! I meant to do this a very long time ago, I have been a regular reader of your blog for a long time now, but somehow could never come up with a meaningful comment. Your blog is wonderful – I have never imagined a person can be so devoted to crafts and working so hard to achieve and develop so much in such a short time. You have inspired me in so many ways – from starting to create my own little things at home and think about projects to creating my own new blog.. Thank you very much for all! I have marked your blog in my blog list – hope this is ok ;) Please come to visit when got a min to spare:

    Warm regards,


  4817. Thanks Lynn,
    all my creative work is a work of love. But maybe it’s even more evident in the heart quilts? :-)

  4818. Oh Hanna I didn’t know I’d be tempted to start acquiring an entire collection! I am so happy to see you keep making mini quilts… !!

  4819. I love all your beads – maybe if you strung them on black nylon or satin cord you’d feel better about wearing them in public – a string of all the colors would look very summery like a rainbow sherbet – your beads are very bohemian and different from anything else you’d see – stand tall and wear your creation

  4820. Christy, thanks! I had fun taking and playing with these photos! I saw the thread spools you found in your mosaic at your blog – they are awesome and so cute! Thanks for sharing. Wood spools are the best!

  4821. Hi Hanna !
    I started a weekly meditation class about a month ago. I am absolutely loving that one hour a week of concentrated mindfulness. It has been spilling into the rest of my world in many ways. I know deep, deep inside that being mindful whenever we can is the real key to living. You can just feel it on your soul when you give it that gift !Being creative and crating art is one of the best ways for me to do this, besides the meditation. It is such a mindful place to be, me with my paint, paper and my imagination…

    Your plans some wonderful ! A perfect summer ! Handstands, eh ?
    I need to work on my lists !
    Hugs, wonderful Hanna !

  4822. Hi Kim!
    I’m so glad you are getting to know meditation practice, and that it’s spilling into your life. How could it not, it’s a powerful thing. Thanks for sharing, makes me happy for you! Let me know if I can see your list, I’m curious! :-) Hugs!

  4823. Hi Hanna,
    I like your today’s post and for sure will come back to read again and follow some links.

    Concerning the handstand: Three years ago I flew to Goa, India, for the purpose of learning handstand (against the wall, I have to say). Good enough reason I thought
    (plus my visa was still valid, plus a great yoga teacher I met before was spending his time there and was teaching me). So, you are not alone :-)

    Concerning Stockholm: On my summerlist stands: bicycling through Stockholm (and the Archipelao).

    I’m glad for you that you finally manage to get some meditation time. I remember your wish and your struggles before.

    Take care

  4824. Oh my, Tally, thank you!
    Yeah there are lots of great links hidden in todays post, you have to come back. :-) Did you learn handstand, can you do it? I wish I could go to Goa for that, but not right now. WHEN you come to Stockholm let me know and we will have a creative crafternoon somewhere there! Okay?

    And about the mediation; you remember?! Hihi, that’s cool. It’s a constant struggle but I won’t give it up! XOXOX

  4825. wow lucky you
    i’ll be envious
    why not?
    so much
    cool stuff
    lucky you
    lucky you
    lucky you

    blogs rock
    blogger rock

    inspiration soars


  4826. Oh! What glorious gifts! I’m loving the pretty paper with feathers. *happy jig* And the giant gold H is magnificent… my name is Hannah, too… except I get an extra H at the end of my name. ;)

  4827. you cute thing. thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for the humble little gift. i agree with you, finding friends through blogs has been very enriching. to think that we might never have met if it wasn’t for our URLs. YOU ROCK hanna. xo
    p.s. gee…..can you tell i like red? *wink*

  4828. lynn: yes, some envy won’t kill ya, right? hehe. It’s a good one this bag.

    ainelivia: Maybe that is the prerequisite for a great gift: it turns us into kids that are running wild inside a candy shop?

    Friday: Thanks for commenting! Aw, lucky you to have two H in your name! Luckely I have invented an I in mine, coz I am iHanna! ;-)

    Michelle Ward: Red is the color of passion, it goes with everyone who is great. *wink wink*

  4829. Hi Hanna again, as I said I do handstand against the wall. Yes, I can still do it and I am very proud about it. The trick is to use your abdominal muscels. Core strength is the magic word. I always concentrate on them in the beginning and once I’m up.

    Be careful with offering a date. I might actually come ;-)

  4830. Those are some awesome gifts! My blog does not yet give me those sorts of benefits, but you never know.

    Actually, it’d be fun to find some craftbloggers I admire and send them a package of stuff like that. Giving gifts is so much fun, and it’s time to spring clean my stash anyway. Hmmm…

  4831. Corvus,
    thanks for your comment! It’s not the blog that offers the benefits, but the person behind the words. You reaching out participating in things (prompts, swaps, crusades, giveaways etc) and maybe offering other people inspiration, which is why I’ve received such goodness I think?! I hope! :-)

  4832. What a fantastic list, Hanna. You’ve really written about a LOT of things. Hope it continues but in the meantime, ENJOY YOUR WELL-EARNED BREAK! :)

  4833. What a great list and it’s so nice to have access to all of these “sparky” ideas in one spot! I’ve bookmarked it so I can come back and go through it as I need inspiration. I’m already mulling over and making plans for a few of these ideas.

    Thanks for the inspiration and enjoy the respite of your down time!

  4834. What a great post! Just what I need right now – to get me out of my slump. I can’t wait to take some time and really go through this list.

  4835. Hanna, I have always been wowed by your creativity! This is an awesome list, and one that I know I will keep coming back to over and over! Please keep in touch.

  4836. Great list, Hanna!. I’ve been inspired by many of these in the past; it’s nice to have them all on one page. I wish I could do all of them!

    Enjoy your break. Hope to at least see you on twitter..

  4837. Aren’t lists fun? I just love them! And yours is great! Lots of things I want to try on there. Proud to say that quite a few I’ve already done!


  4838. An awesome list, Hanna. I’ll miss you, I do hope you have many adventures while your away. Take care.

  4839. Thanks cuties, for your kind comments! :-)

    Kate I
    Let me know if you make anything inspired by me, I love to know about such things – it inspires me in return!

    Thanks I hope it will take care of that slump. I’m never in one, I just change clothes and do something else. If I can’t write, I watch telly and embroider… ;-)

    I won’t die. I will come back, don’t worry. And will upload to flickr too, when I have some art journaling to share! And your blog I will visit, it’s a favorite!

    Yes, I will twitter for you!

    I could do lists all day long. They are fun fun fun! There are so many things left to do and try… Do you have a bucket list yet?! I wanna see!

  4840. Hanna, have a wonderful blog break. We will miss you. I love the list. I have spent forty five minutes reading all the links over again & finding new ones.

  4841. This list is amazing Hanna. So much good advice and good ideas. No excuse for lack of inspiration now. Have a nice time away from your blog and I hope you return refreshed with lots of new ideas.

  4842. Thank you, Hanna!!! What a wonderful list! I’ll take it and read one by one of your posts, and I intend to do as much as possible. I’ll have a lot of work to do while you take a break. But I hope you come back soon!

  4843. found this post on Twitter! what a fabulous list! i stumbled it so that i could come back to it again and again.

  4844. Hanna,
    I just found your blog today and I love it already!!!
    I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this! At the moment I am in a creative slump, and reading this has sparked my creativity.
    I look forward to reading your new posts (but as I can see-you are taking a break from blogging for a bit-ENJOY!) so I will catch up on your old posts in the meantime.

    Thank you once again for the inspiration!

  4845. Thank you for such a great list, this will keep us busy for some time.
    And thank you for your blog, it’s an amazing source of information and inspiration. As someone who’s been keeping a blog for seven years (though not all on the same blog) I can well imagine you’d like to take a break.

    Enjoy your time away from your blog, but do promise to come back!

  4846. What a fabulous list! I’m going to start a list of my own but I’m sure I’ll be including some from your list because it has such wonderful ideas.

  4847. I just found your blog via a link on I love these notebooks (and much of your other stuff)! How did you bind them? Do you have your own machine that does those fancy bindings?

  4848. Thanks for your comments girls!

    Sparkleface; it’s true art love for sure. I just love your stuff, and I had your flickr stream open in my browser for a few days and just looked at loooked! :-) You inspire me, so thank YOU girl!

  4849. Thanks for your nice comments!

    kim taylor
    Thanks, glad you like the notebooks. Let me know if you’re interested in buying one and I’ll check if I havet that one left. I usually sell them at craft fairs or at my etsy shop. I have a special machine, yes. :-)

    Take care!

  4850. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you so much for summing this all up – huge work! It gives all your readers lots of ideas and you also gave us some time to accomplish them! We will definitely miss you – I already am, so get some really good rest, try out the life without blogging, start missing your blog and do come back to us fresh and rested :)

    Har det bra,

  4851. Hanna, I wish you the best for YOUR summer. Hopefully you can pursue whatever you take your blogpause for. Your meditation, your writing,…..
    I won’t be here in time for your “last” post, because I’m off for new adventures myself for the next week.

    Watch out with offering a creative date in Stockholm. I might actually come to Sweden. Last week I spent at the Baltic Sea near L?beck already doing all kind of nice things. That assured me of doing island-hopping between Finland and Sweden.
    In case you won’t read your contact page you could sent me your email adress, if you like to.

    Now girl, take care and enjoy your time

  4852. Well, thank YOU girls for stumbling, twittering, blogging and linking this list – and being inspired by it. That’s why I wrote it! Yay you all!

    Tally I hope to see you and anyone else comming into Stockholm this summer for some creative talk and blog gossiping… hehe! Check out my Stockholm Guide and then feel free to contact me as you know my word for this year is outgoing, and it’s so happening this year! My mindset is shifting as we speak.

  4853. The list of your “fans” is long and I am one of them.
    You are an creative wonderful young woman!!!
    Greetings from Germany, Sigrid

  4854. Enjoy your break Hanna!
    Thanks for the creative ideas, I might print it off for my high school students, if that is OK with you.
    Thanks for keping a blog all this time, you were one of the first blogs i found when entering the blogging world, and I have always enjoyed stopping by.
    Taks care and be happy! Lou X

  4855. People give you their opinions and thoughts. You will see that many of these deviate and betray truth. Truth is solid, forever, unchangeable. Eckhart sparked something so gradual yet also unmoved. Enlightenment was always lingering, but unlike truth, it deceived me. No wait; IT WAS MY EGO THAT BETRAYED ME! Its not my life, I AM LIFE. I love you all. Goodnight.

  4856. Hello Hanna,
    when you set up your pages in Indesign, how exactly did you do that…
    Did you make pages of the exact size of the Blurb book or somewhat bigger ? and did you make PDF’s from every page, that you inserted in the Blurb book one by one ?
    Thanks for sharing,

  4857. I just found your blog and love it! My husband spent time with Jon Kabat Zinn in a workshop at the Omega Institute. It was a positive life changing event. His books are really fabulous. I hope you have a wonderful break and look forward to your return! Thank you!
    p.s. love the list…it is so-o uplifting. : )

  4858. What a fabulously full list of creative ideas. Anyone who reads this list is sure to flying off into a creative whirlwind. A blog post like this takes time to build. Well done!

    I think you are wise to know when you need a break. Be sure to swing by to let me know when you are back. You will be missed!

    {soul hugs}

  4859. oh, my lovely hanna, i miss you already!

    i hope that you are fiercely enjoying a beautiful beginning to the summer, that you are inspired beyond measure, and that your heart is happy.

    i haven’t read this post yet.. i’m saving it up for when i run out of ideas or need a push towards creativity! :)

    thank you for your colour and your effervescence, and for your willingness to share it (and your and your journey through the art world (and the ‘real’ world)) with us!

    with love,

  4860. I LOVE her. I just finished making one, but it doesn’t really look like a girl. I wish it did. How did you make her look like a she monkey? I LOVE THE CLOTHES! I looked at them and couldn’t keep my eyes off her!

  4861. Dizzy, thanks!
    I think all sock monkeys are kind of boyish, with big ears and stupid faces huh? Hehe. I know mine was until I made her some pretty clothes and put them on, and then the face (which is still the same) changed to a more feminin look. I think it’s all in the way you look at the softie and think about it. Try sewing a skirt for yours and you’ll see! Have fun!


  4862. Hello. I am busy browsing today, looking for others like myself who love creating art and crafts–whatever form it takes–and I found ‘you guys.’ And, iHanna, your brilliant 100 Ideas to Spark You Into Creative Action was just what I needed. As I read it I thought I might not make it to the end before I’d leap up, rush upstairs to my overcrowded art-craft room(s) and create something fun. My art/craft is not so much a hobby as it is an addiction. I would hate to do without the satisfaction I get when creating. As I read the comments from your follower-fan-friends I thought (and don’t misunderstand this), “These folks are as nutty as fruitcakes. How delightful–they are just like me!” All that’s left to say is: Thanks! Nutty is Nice!!! Hugs.

  4863. hello, i am fasinated with this material.but i dont have any idea to get it. does some one know how can i get it? i am residing in sweden.

  4864. Oh, MAN…at this time, creative inspiration isn’t my problem; finding the time to do all the stuff racing through my brain IS! And this incredible list is NOT HELPING! lol

  4865. How lovely moleskine you have… i arrived here beause i’m searching some inspirations about girl’s diary and their kind of writing…
    nice to meet you.

  4866. Nice loppis!
    Could you please tell me where is the loppis that you have been?
    mostly loppis I’ve been I could’t find many nice stuffs like I saw in your blog.

    Please let me know where is the loppis. Thank you. :-)

  4867. Loppis is a Swedish flea market with a mix of junk and great finds, and I do love them. I like different ones around the country but can’t give tips as Sweden is huge. Try or to find a flea market near you in Sweden. Good luck, and have fun! Don’t forget to bring small change and water. :-)

  4868. Thank you very much for tutorial. I never sew, but when I sew this your ball i decided to change and yesterday I created ball for my little allex. Is not best, but is my first creation.:o) So thank you!

  4869. Jana, your son is so cute and looks so happy with the ball, thanks for letting me know that you made one.

    You did a great job with the sewing, I’m so glad I inspired you try it out. The look on Alex little face is priceless!

  4870. Okay, I know that I’m very late to the party but I just received postcards that I ordered from and I was very pleased with the results. No affiliation with the site — I just had issues with the quality of the first ones I ordered and saw that site mentioned on the Etsy forums. I couldn’t be more pleased, and they often have specials going on. Just wanted to pass along the info. Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  4871. I would love to see pictures of the bridal party. I am getting married May 1, 2010 and would love to do a themed wedding. Groom is thinking groomsmen in white tuxs, Bm in black dresses.

  4872. I’m a journal junkie! I continue to buy them even when I don’t need a new one, and most often a make my own anyway! I suppose I figure you can never have enough pages to fill.

    I stumbled across here and have been exploring the archives all night. If I knew how to sew I think we could be twins! I look forward to reading more and am glad to have found your blog!

  4873. How to you add your artwork to your blog? Are you scanning the images or are you photographing them and uploading as a photo? It looks great — and that’s why I’m asking. thanks, tess

  4874. Thanks for your nice comments girls!

    I have a good camera and a scanner. The images in this post is from a photo of my art journal that does not fit into the scanner. I lay it flat on the floor and take pictures when the outside light is as good as possible – or I go outside. :-)

  4875. Thanks for commenting, I’m glad you’re enjoying my writings! The archive is huge as you might have noticed.

  4876. A great list! Thanks a lot for this inspiration.

    I just found your blog and already love it. This morning I won’t care about cleaning my room, I’ll read your blog ;)

  4877. I just received my newest batch of MOO cards. Back when the first launched I did the Flickr thing, but this time I chose some great Nut and Bee cards. I actual just posted about them. Gotta love MOO!

    I’ve had the best time going through your archives. You are wonderfully gifted, and I enjoy looking at all your projects. I hope you are enjoying your blog holiday!

  4878. The pink & yellow sock monkey is a bit cuter then the traditional one. Yet I still find them creepy & disturbing. Think its because as a child I only saw photos of them in knitting magazines and had contact with a couple of real little monkeys who were really mean creatures. When I was pre-schooler my gr. grandmother had a mean little monkey and you stayed away from his cage if you knew what was good for you. Then when I was a bit older one of the neighborhood teens had one and it used to escape all the time and we would see it swinging in the trees. And we were warned not to let it near us because it would bite. So sock monkeys remind me of these scary little creatures I grew up staying away from. Then I married a man whose neices and nephews had sock monkeys which they thought was so adorable. I kept my fear to myself so they couldn’t terrorize me with their oh so cute sock monkeys. lol To each their own.

  4879. Thanks Hanna. I just found this blog invaluable as we’re setting off from Yorkshire on Monday for our first visit to Stockholm. Pat is hoping to find time to visit the Garn shops and she’ll be bringing knitting too

  4880. I love your deco tapes. I only discovered them when I started my Etsy shop this year and wanted something fun to wrap my parcels. Then I discovered RetroNaNa and went crazy! It is so fun wrapping up my bags and purses now to send along and my buyers love their parcels! Joining you in your obsession! :)

  4881. You’r pages are wonderful. How would some one find out how to do what you have discovered???? You would not beleive how hard it is to find glasses to go to get ideas. I have three books need working on, army, heritage, and a travel one.
    You are very good. admirer.

  4882. Tilding,
    jag k?per de flesta tyger p? loppis. Dunderklumptyget ?r ett gammalt p?slakan f?r barn, visst ?r det s?tt! :-)


  4883. Thank you for taking the time to write this! I just moved to Stockholm and was hoping to find a good guide to continue my craft life. I will miss Micheals back home, but looking forward to checking out Stockholm’s craft scene!

  4884. Thanks for this, I live in Stockholm and was having a really hard time finding art supplies. Pandora is not very good, in my opinion, and I’d been to the Kreatima store, but couldn’t remember the name, and wanted to make sure they have what I’m looking for! Boy, do I miss the States where you can buy a child some colored pencils for a reasonable price!

  4885. Hi there… what a cool idea for a cross-Atlantic project! Because of your lovely blog, I’m so inspired to do fun, crafty things with my friends across-country. Thanks for the idea and for the pics… totally awesome. Hope you return to blogging soon–you are great!

  4886. tack, hanna, for your comment on my blog!

    i’ve been catching up on the several years’ worth (!) of your blog posts and have been really inspired by your past self – enough to catch up to my daily art cards though i’ve fallen so far behind! i do miss reading about your colourful, beautiful, crafty projects but hope that you are having a wonderful summer and are getting all the rest you need!

  4887. wow, i havent seen these before! i really like them, do you know were to buy the decotapes?

  4888. Thanks for all your comments!

    as you can read in the post the shop where I bought these is called “RetroNaNa?s Shop” and you can find it at Etsy. :-) I don’t know if she still keeps these, but check it out.

  4889. I love sock monkeys too. I have a purple striped one with white legs and hands with a little hat to wear in the snow with a little purple pom-pom.

  4890. So sweet Hanna. I liked heart shaped simple form of cake made for Maria and Mikael.

  4891. Lovely scarf! I have some granny squares I crocheted ages ago with a blanket on my mind. I’ve given up the original plan, and was looking for an inspiration for a scarf. Got it here, thank you!

  4892. The bags are delightful. I also make them out of white material, with gingham tops, onto which I have embroidered small flowers, so they look very like your lovely bags. How lovely to see the photos too. Best wishes

  4893. oooh – your images are wonderful. Would love to do a home magazine swap with you if you are ever up for it! I love european magazines and we do not get them all here!
    Thanks for stopping by – so good to see you :)

  4894. Hi everyone, I was searching for a very long time and I finally found a tutorial on how to weave a box out of newspaper, since the owner of this site doesn’t seem to have a tutorial for us.

  4895. I have a pullip dolls, and they are SO cute! I love mine. Sadly, they are really fragile and..well it was sad/ :(

  4896. Your sewing room is awesome! And I love your pyjamas, they’re gorgeous, just the thing for lounging around the house.

  4897. Hi!……congratulations by your job, like me. bye, bye..from Per?.

  4898. I just discovered deco tape and it’s so exciting! Those ones you picked out are really nice. I love the Hello Kitty stuff.

  4899. thankyou hannah for your wonderful inspiration. You are a true artist and a beautiful soul for sharing what I was trying to do but not courageous enough. thankyou again debzee in the desert

  4900. Thanks for letting me know this tutorial was useful.

    Julia, your magnets looks very cool and cute – well done! :-)

  4901. So glad to inspire!

    Debzee darling, thank you, but I don’t know why you say you’re not courageous enough? I think you are. Just make up your mind to try something a towards art making and do it, I think you can! Pretent it’s for play, coz it is! If I can, and a few years ago I didn’t know anything, I think you can too! Good luck!

  4902. Yeah! She’s back! I have been back to your blog many times in the past few months to unearth your creative wisdom. I never come away uninspired! You are a gift to this blogging world Hanna! I will look forward to seeing your creativity in action with your posts! Glad you missed it!!!

  4903. Thanks Eden!
    First I didn’t miss it at all, worried I’d get to caught up with it again, but now I just think I have to give it another try. I need it. Glad you enjoy it, thanks! *smiling big*

  4904. Hej Hanna, it is great to see you back again and welcome, hope you had a relaxing and creative break…. I can only agree with Eden, for tis true, that your blog is inspiring and rarely do I leave without your having stimulated some idea within me, thank you

  4905. Carol Ann (ainelivia)! Creativity has not stopped, never, but changed, morphed and come out in new ways. We’ll see. I feel so happy that my blog inspires you, thanks for commenting and checking in on me! :-)

  4906. Don’t think I ever left a comment on your blog, but I’ve read quite a few of your posts, so I’m glad to see you’re back! Oh, and I completely agree with your statements about the creative habit and sharing. I’ve expierenced this so many times before.

    Love the photo and the autumn colours. And as you’re back… looking forward to seeing more!

    Greetings from the other side of the Baltic.

  4907. Kristina, thanks! Always happy to meet a new commenter with a creative fun blog to check out. Love your beautiful photos too! When my mom saw my autumn photo she said:
    – Oh, that could be an embroidery! :-)

  4908. Great to see you back in the flesh so to speak! Have been following your postings for the past few months but it’s not been the same.

  4909. Dear Hanna,

    It’s lovely to read your words again. I have missed your blogging in the past few months. I look forward to your words and your projects.

    Creativity is vital to us. It’s like oxygen or water. Without it, we start to wilt like a flower. Keep on creating, keep on living.

    Welcome back!

  4910. ♥ Super triple happy with cherries and whipped cream on top! I’ve missed your creative inspiration + positive spin on the world of art and creativity. Welcome back! ♥

  4911. She’s back!!!! She has been very missed! Welcome back! I am so glad you are posting again. I hope you had a great and well deserved break. I missed my favorite blogger. Like everybody said you always make us feel more creative.

  4912. I am very happy that you are back; I always enjoy reading your thoughts on creativity and seeing what you are working on! You are a true inspiration :-)

  4913. Hi Hanna,

    I’ve never commented on your blog because I stumbled over it after you’d decided to take a hiatus. I thought to myself – that figures, I find a fantastic and creative blog, and the author decides to throw it in! So I am really pleased to hear you’re back!

    I don’t remember exactly what brought me to your blog in the first place, but I do know which page – it was this one: and the third photo of the bee just captivated me, and gave me some ideas which I tried to capture photographically too.

    I look forward to reading what’s to come!

  4914. Wow, thank you girls! YOU are my inspiration to write! But you’ve got it wrong if you think I ever “left” you hanging, I was always with you! ;-)

  4915. Woohooo! I’ve been checking back every few weeks…so excited to see a new post. I love all the creativity you share.

  4916. Welcome, back! I clicked on your link, and there you were! I am so happy to be reading you again! I’ve missed you.

  4917. So glad you are back…missed you tons.

    I’ve been saying for years that I strongly believe that EVERYONE Is creative in some way, shape or form. Look what happens when people get together-they get stuff done! How? By being creative!!!!

  4918. Oh the godesses have answered my prayers! Several of my favorite blogs were either finished or on a break these last months. I felt like I went to summer camp and when I got home everybody had moved away. It’s been lonely without you Hanna, but I sincerely hope that upon your return you do what’s best for you and your creative path!! xoxoxo tj in germany

  4919. AUGHHH!!! I’m so GLAD!!

    Yay yay yay!!

    How are you, Hanna? Thank you for visiting me while you were on break! It always makes me happy.

    Yes, I made plans to create a plaque for my renovated art studio which just say ‘Mindful’. I think that will be my word for next year. (Peace is still holding sway as this year’s word.) It is surprising how easy it is to not be mindful. Being mindful helps with everything: with creating, with choosing happiness, with keeping from harming little creatures, and with being good to ourselves.

    Thank you for being so good!

  4920. Yeah! You are back! I am so happy to see you online again. Your picture is beautiful as well. Oh for the fall colors… Because of our really dry year here in TX, we will miss the changing of the leaves, such that it is. Of course, now that we are getting rain again, the plants are confused. I had an Iris (yes an Iris!) bloom today! In October! Unfortunately, it will be coldish soon and then the leaves will fall right to the ground.
    So happy to see you back!

  4921. Welcome Back Hanna!! Hope all is well with you!!

    Some people post once a week or three days a week.

    A depends on whats going on in their lives.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  4922. I can’t wait to see it all finished! Please Please, post a pretty pic so we all can ‘oogle over it! I was just thinking I wanted to do free embroidery on some white fabric yesterday, but hence I need a new purple erasable marker to mark with! On my GoGet list and on my ToDo list.

  4923. Oh! Looking lovely! You got me feeling up to some embroidery.. got a pair of unfinished legwarmers lying in some obscure corner of my closet, waiting to get embroidered. Maby they’ll get some attention this weekend =) Thanks for the inspiration!

    Storkramen! / Sandra

  4924. It’s beautiful with all the little details and colors that you have going on. Lovely!

  4925. It’s beautiful with all the little details and colors that you have going on. Lovely!

  4926. Hanna, thanks for this post. I read it a few days ago and it’s been in my mind ever since. I have let my creative habit slide over the years as I got busy with other things in life, and I’m trying to get it back. Your blog has always been an inspiration for doing that. I’m glad you’re back to blogging!

  4927. S? roligt att se att du ?r tillbaka! Det kommer att bli ?nnu roligare att l?sa dig nu, n?r jag ocks? uppt?ckt art journaling, du ?r verkligen n?gon att inspireras av. F?rresten, hur g?r det hos Suzi, vilken workshop g?r du?

  4928. I have been wanting to do embroidery on a small scale like making it into a pendant, because I don’t think I have the patience to do a bigger project, this is still a challenge for me to be patient I had to finish it so I can see the result right away! I get this catalog The Peruvian and they have gorgeous embroidered pendants. What you said is so true about collecting and storing stuff and that somehow you feel burden by it. Thank you for the inspiration, I love your blog and everything in it. I don’t know how I discovered you but I’m sure glad I did.

  4929. Sounds like a fun challenge. I can’t wait to see the finished project. I love your freeform embroidery and I wish I were half as good as you are. But for now, I’ll stick to my counted cross-stitch in that part of the crafting world.

  4930. It’s so good to see you back. I have been reading your Creative Year book over the summer (again) and it is still inspiring me. I can’t wait to see what projects you do next… Ali

  4931. You’re baaaaack!!! I can’t believe it! I’m so excited to read all of your new posts. You are the one who got me started into kournaling, and I’m so happy to hear from you again. Also, you were the one who inspired me to put a blog of my own (although mostly it’s just a pixel blog and is still under renovation as of the moment), but I really am ecstatic right now. I’m so glad you’re hiatus has ended. :D

  4932. you know, this is a leap of bravery, and look how awesome it is so far! and you created something lovely that didn’t exist before! very cool.

  4933. I’ve just started using angelina, however I’ve been using it in card making! Use clear rubber stamps coated in ink, then iron angelina over the top (using baking parchment of course!) and you have a beautiful little piece to stick on a card or make a brooch out of! Possibilities are endless, but try this to get a picture, motif or pattern on your angelina! Really works well, especially with the fusable film aswell!!

    • Looks like beatiful effects for a card or even a mixed medis piece on canvas. What did you use to get it to adhere to the card?

  4934. Can I just say I’m happy you’re ‘back’? And that I soooo know what you’re talking about when you say you’ve already got enough stuff for ‘later’? I’m always putting things away, waiting for ‘the right moment’, or for when ‘inspiration will strike me’. One of my early new year resolutions is to do things NOW. And if that means that ‘later’ I will have to somehow get more stuff, so be it. ;)

  4935. ” I sometimes feel the burden of those things wanting to be used, and it is a nagging uncomfortable feeling that I would like to avoid more and more in the future.”

    Oh yes Hanna I so know what you mean; and I’ve filled several shopping bags with stuff, that I realised I’d never get around to using and taken them to our local charity shop, where one of the volunteers, who is a keen quilter, says she will package them up as scraps for quilting and they will sell.

    The photo of your work looks delicious and I too would like to see a photo of the finished work.

  4936. I promise, I’m not just teasing you girls but thinking about the process here. The finished embroidery will be featured in many images, as soon as I sit down and figure out how I want to hang it.

    Ainelivia; I’m still thinking I need to “craft/use it all up”…. I can’t just abandon it, but maybe I will sort some things away when I get a change to go through it all. :-) It’s a difficult balance for sure, because it is such a thrill to use new materials… and to buy them! :-)

  4937. I am so happy you are back! I thought I would click and see if it was possible and yah…. It’s weird but my immediate thought was that I missed you. We don’t know each other but I missed your posts.

    Thanks so much for the beautiful pictures and great thoughts. It really hit home on the other post about surfing the net and reading books and watching tv is not creating. I get so enthralled at what others are creating (and loving it) that I miss the time to do the creating myself.

  4938. What a great challenge for yourself! The glimpse of embroidery is lovely. Looking forward to seeing the finished piece.

  4939. welcome back! i am so happy, i have missed your blogging. your posts are an inspiration to me. i love the variety, the colors, the essence of creativity.

  4940. Hi Hanna,

    I got inspired by your big blanket project and decided to make one of my own in ocean colors because I sometimes go live on the beach summer time. I found an easy ripple stitch pattern on line that is very similar to yours. Thank you for giving us a close up because I was debating whether to crochet in the back loops to give it a ripple effect or not. I see you did not do that and I am just doing the same. It is nice to have an easy project where you do not have to count stitches and I can watch tv with my husband and take a break from making paper beads. Janice Mae

  4941. I tried doing this by using paper from our shredder, and I even shredded newspaper because they dissolve easier in water. I then, made a batch of glue by mixing cornstarch and water. This is a lot harder than just rolling strips of paper into paper beads but the outcome is all worth it.

  4942. I am so glad you are back! Embroidery is absolutely beautiful and I amo also looking forward to see it in full beauty! With best, Helena

  4943. Thanks for posting these in order. I haven’t seen them before and appreciate watching them in order. Ok back to watching! :)

  4944. Thank you so much for these — they’re awesome and inspiring! Does it say anywhere online how to make the base pages of the journal — just the blank, bound pages before they’re painted? Can they be bought or made?

  4945. Good morning Hanna, you are my best find this year! I love your blog and you are the first one I open on my lap top every morning. Today, I am very happy to see your new post and the “new” thing I am into art journals (thanks to you). In answer to F (comment above), I found this tutorial in youtube: Your Very Own Hand Cover Journals by Baronessnz (just search her).

  4946. Hey, Hanna! SO glad to see you’re blogging again! Thanks for the mention…NaNoJouMo is getting off to a great start! (And I LOVE the Teesha videos…)

  4947. Nevermind… I was still watching through the videos when I made my last comment. I found the answer. Thanks again for sharing the awesomeness!

  4948. Great minds think alike! Jag h?ller ocks? p? att pussla ihop en playlist med hennes filmer i r?tt ordning, och h?ller ocks? p? att skriva ett blogginl?gg om henne… S? det kan bli!Jag gillar att se hur enkelt det ser ut i b?rjan, och hur hon sen utvecklar det, det visar att n?r man tycker att det ser ut som skr?p, d? ska man bara forts?tta. Eller, det l?rde jag mig av Suzi Blu och mixed media – bara forts?tt s? blir resultatet oftast bra!

  4949. This is a wonderful resource, it helps me because there are products I’d like to buy for art journalling, and I don’t because I don’t know how to use them. It is like going to a class.

    Tack sa mycket Hanna :-)

  4950. I always loved her journal pages but could never figure out how she made them. I’m so happy that she made these videos and that anyone can watch them! I’m sure it will bring more people to the dark side, I mean art side, of life! (Sorry for the bad joke. It’s really late and I’m still buzzing from my daily writing for Nanowrimo. And I refuse to delete any writing at this point in time! I blame it on Nano!)

    I think I need to go to bed! LOL

    Can’t wait to see some of your artwork and projects!

  4951. Glad you all enjoyed this!

    F, or if someone else wants to make the journals: Teesha is thorough – she has made two videos showing how to make this exact little journal with 16 pages – they are in the end of the playlist above! Teesha shows how to make this Art Journal from a 22×30 inches Fabriano watercolor paper and how to sew it together. To me it’s more like a little booklet, because my own Art Journals are heavey recycled books, but it’s easy to make. Try it out!

    Malin, hehe, yes, like minds for sure!

    Sophie, yay you! Congratulations on doing NaNo again this year, I’m both envious and proud of you! :-) Good luck!

  4952. Du ?r s? duktig Hanna och g?r s? fina saker. Alltid sp?nnande att titta p? ditt skapande! Kram

  4953. I caught it too! I already did one page “Teesha style” and last night I went to the art store to get the paper to make the journals she showed us how to make in the videos. I can’t wait to get started on that! Your pages are gorgeous and while they are done in the same style they are definitely unique! The thing I love about this technique is that you can be totally goofy with your images. They don’t have to make sense and they come out looking so cool!

  4954. Some bugs are good for us (-: your collages are so colourful and quirky, have been watching the videos and they are wonderful.

  4955. Hanna-beautiful pages! Your blog has been SO inspiring for me-i an in awe of your creative spirit!!

  4956. Hanna – I just worked my way through all of Teesha’s videos. How fun that she did that! I have seen her work in real life and it is even more amazing – she is fearless. Thank you for sharing the fever, and your own pages – especially with the Street Team as we visited the Dark Side :) Love the black backgrounds and all the details you have added by hand. Great to see you back blogging!

  4957. WOW j?tte fina.
    Kikade in hennes videos sent ig?r och jag skall absolut testa ett par “Teesha”-sidor i min AJ.

    KRAM Jenny

  4958. Thank you for the Teesha bug! :-) I actually think I should try that too, although I am not much of a journal artist… (I think the link that you refer after Diana Trout name is not the correct one…) Thank you again, I guess it is a first time I thank for the bug, and I am actually microbiologist :-)

  4959. Thanks for your comments girls!

    Michelle – yes I would think that to about Teesha as she “slapped everything down” so fast and “without thinking too much” – fearless and fast! Love it. :-)

    Tack Jenny, ja jag har gjort sidor inspirerade av henne f?rut, men detta var lite extra kul efter att ha tittat p? hennes videos. Grattis till b?bisen f?resten! :-) Kram!

  4960. Yeah, I caught that bug too! I think it was just what I needed to get back into art journaling.

    I have one question for you regarding journaling. When you write on a page like this, does your text have anything to do with the collage you made? I guess it’s something I’m struggling with. I feel like there should be a connection between the two but it doesn’t always work.

    Your pages are beautiful. I love the vibrant colours on the black backgorund.

  4961. Sophie, thanks!
    I saw your collage in your blog and smiled that you’ve got the Teesha bug too. About what I wrote: The text on this spread (on the left page) is about where I found the inspiration (Teesha’s videos), how fun I had putting the girls together with their different body parts and how much I enjoyed making a page with black background, then I filed the rest with doodled dots (on the right).

    I usually don’t write this much on a page, and most of the time the paragraphs I write are not important and not related to the images at all. I just write what comes up in my head when I hold the pen ready to write… For soul searching and other kinds of writing I have my diary as you know. I think the trick is not to over-think it, just do it and see if you like how it looks – if not, glue another image on top of that! ;-)

  4962. Absolutely caught the Teesha Bug! First of all, I couldn’t wait to get through all the videos before deciding I just *had* to know how she makes her booklets/journals. Then, since I don’t have (m)any art supplies, I went online and ordered a whole bunch (spending a lot… concentrating on the items Teesha recommended…etc…) I’m still waiting for most of them to come in the mail, and itching to get started.

    It’s wonderful seeing what other people get when they try out her technique, and your work (and blog) is some of the most inspiring material out there. So glad you’re back to blogging!

  4963. Oh I love your pages. Doing them on the black pages was so inspired. What a great job. I watched the video’s today and loved them. There is so much richness in these pages too.


  4964. thanks for the videos. I am just starting to make journals and this was a fabulous intro for me. Much appreciated.

  4965. I?ve also caught the Teesha bug, and there are worse flus you can have! I?ve never done any art journalling like this before – the Moleskine I bought for Suzi?s Goddess & Poet class is the first ever art journal for me. So it?s both so much fun, and rather difficult. A simple thing like doodling – how do you actually doodle? My mind runs completely blank, let?s just say there are plenty of dots and circles… And making the people, it?s difficult! Whimsifying them – that?s hard! And what do you write? But it?s still fun, and I?m pretty happy with what I?ve done so far, for the most of it. I enjoy the bright colours, so very unlike everything else I?ve ever done so far. Also, I?ve been looking for inspiring art blogs for a while, and now I?ve found so many of them – I guess I?ve been searching at the wrong places!
    Oh, and your pages – they are gorgeous! I?ve posted mine so far at my blog, they still need words, all but one.Oh, I can?t wait for more Teesha videos!

  4966. Wow, these pages turned out amazing! What I’ve always loved about your journal pages is that they are so colorful. The black background definitely makes the color pop!

    My favorite part is especially the red-headed vampire, hehe. I’m red-headed and not particularly into vampires, but I am on the gothic side so I like a lot! =cD


  4967. I love the generosity of the mail art world, and maybe the internet art world? I?ve come in contact with lots of very sharing people on the mail art side where I trade, for example, most of my Prismacolor pencils are RAKs. I wish I had more to share, but since I haven?t don?t art for that long, and since I?ve only done mixed media for the past 6 months, I haven?t acquired a huge stash. Yet… :D So my sharing times are yet to come…

  4968. Hanna, I’m slow to post as I’ve been experimenting with the methods in the videos. THANK YOU so much for posting them! Your pages turned out great, too. It may be getting dark outside, but you’ve got a creative light to brighten your life.

  4969. I?ve been looking at Teesha?s publications too, and I think I?ll buy some next month – as a Christmas present for myself… I?m not sure what to start with though, I?m thinking maybe her journals, I need to take a closer look at the way she does her pages…

  4970. I fell in love with Day of the Dead this year, it?s a wonderful holiday, both sad and joyous. But I see that you was way ahead of me again… I did a painting in memory of my mum and my cats this year, I think I?ll do this as a tradition, do a memorial painting every DOTD. I also tried to do petite dolls before I did Suzi?s workshop, I must say that mine looked a bit wonky… But when you learn Suzi?s techniques, it?s so simple, and they turn out so pretty. So far, it?s the best thing I?ve ever done, taking Suzi?s workshops. But I also want to learn other styles and techniques, so only time will tell what I?ll do next…

    Yes, doodles… I need to practice more, so that?s what I plan to do, have a pad in my bag, and in front of the TV (I never watch though… I?m always at the computer), and then doodle, a lot. But I found a fast “cheat” way to doodle – rub ons, swirly rub ons, works great!

  4971. I love the girl in your journal spread – isnpired by Suziblu perhaps, but definitely Hanna ! Always fuin to push ourselves to try new things isn’t it ? Good luck with the drawing !

  4972. There are so many wonderful and inspiring artists and *YOU* are one of them. What a fabulous journal. Teesha’s latest videos are a great primer for trying out her style. I’ve done very little in the way of zettilology. So many techniques and ideas and so little time!

    Thanks for always sharing great links.

  4973. Thank you for this idea! I should defenitely try art journaling – it looks like a lot of fun. Thank you for interesting links as well!

  4974. Oh Hanna you sweetie. Our internet router crashed for a few days and I was finally online now wondering what the heck is going on at my blog and here you go again!! I’m so happy to make you smile with a little postal surprise. You deserve every kindness you receive, as you have given so much to your readers. Happy creations… xoxoxo tj

  4975. Oh finally a virus I’m happy to catch. How “sick” am I that I already have a journaling plan for the recovery from my upcoming tooth surgery… ?? xoxox tj

  4976. You have me hooked on suzi blu also aside from other artists you introduced us to. It’s wonderful and I am grateful for sharing them to us. Btw, I bought your book from and waiting by the door for fedex guy.

  4977. TJ, there you are! I was wondering if you read this. The you are so kind, I just must blog those photos I told you about from my town… if I can find them again in all the photo folders on my computer… hehe. :-) Soonish, maybe. I won’t make a promise since I have so many things to write about that I don’t know where to start. Thank again sweetie you!

  4978. tee hee, not only did I catch the bug, I passed it on to a group of teenaged journal artists I was working with. Thanks for the link,

  4979. Hi, it’s good to have you back on the blog :) glad to know you try drawing, it’s a freeing experience! I don’t know if you know about him, but Danny Gregory wrote a book called The Creative License: Giving yourself the permission to be the artist you really are. This book is what inspired me to keep an art journal and draw as much as possible, so much that I have two copies: one for me and one to loan (not sure of the right word here) people. Anyway, he has a blog here and you can easily find his books on amazon, they aren’t very expensive :)

  4980. Sounds like you’re having fun! Nice yarn!
    I’m knitting today, too.
    Det skal bli en aviskurv n?r det blir ferdig., Har bare en kortside igjen n?+h?ndtak, s? skal den sys sammen og t?ves. Er s? spent p? hvordan den blir.

    Happy friday 13th :D

  4981. My Christmas came early today from lulu. It’s your book! I haven’t opened it yet, because it’s not even December yet. When I do, I will try and do as much creative stuff from your book. I’m sure I will be making a lot of pretty things which I will share in my blog and this time will post link to your site, I just learned how to put links today. Thank you for constant inspiration. I’m just a beginner knitter but can sure appreciate yummy yarns like yours. I am just confining my self to scarves and shawls although I’m pretty good crocheter. I have this really nice expensive yarn that I got a few years back but I don’t think I can take up the challenge of knitting socks. I would be happy to give it to you as a present for being a constant inspiration to me and my sister.

  4982. Drawing is such a mystery. It seems like you would just be making marks, but then you find yourself in a state of love.

  4983. Gah!! So much pretty yarn!! I can imagine how soft it is! I love the stripes and the red and grey color combo. Can’t wait to see your finished socks! =c)

  4984. Hi there !

    I wanted to Thank you for making such beautifull labels.
    I use them often for sending my books.

    greetings From Holland Xx

  4985. You can stabilize cheesecloth in an embroidery hope and use it for experimenting with your favorite stitches using threads and yarn that’s too thick to stitch well on more tightly woven fabrics. It’s great fun!

  4986. I seen this site for the frist time. Sometimes I think Im the only shabbychic woman ha. love shabbychic love it. been working on my place for 2 years. ha it takes a while. email me if you want any shabbychic fans. waiting to meet you all . I have look i love her new book it is me shabbychic girls.glenda.

  4987. Such beautiful yarn!
    Is Syfestivalen a craft fair??
    or is a gathering where you can purchase craft fabrics, yarns, etc?
    Looks fun!
    Can’t wait to see your socks!
    : )

  4988. Jag stickar p? min andra dragspelsbasker nu, fast kanske tar garnet slut f?r tidigt… nackdelen n?r man ska vara sparsam och anv?nda s?nt man har kvar sedan tidigare.

  4989. Thanks for your comments girls!

    scrowlscrowl: Felting is so much fun, good luck with you newspaper holder thing. Glad to see you used the labels!

    Janice Mae: Oh, thank you! I hope you enjoy my book!

    U2kitteh: Hello there! Yeah, I knit a bit more now and it looks nice. The heal and toe will be red too of course… Classic socks but extra ?ber soft! Mmm….

    Acey: Wow, thanks! Love your blog too, will come over to read more soon.

    Marie: Sorry for mixing up the words, it is definitely a trade fair with shops and companies selling fabric, yarn and other craft materials to the public. Nothing handmade, but still many projects made up for inspiration of course. Socks are being worked on today!

    Maria: Jag h?ller tummarna f?r att garnet inte ska ta slut f?r tidigt!

  4990. Thanks for your lovely comments girls!

    Helena, yes please try art journaling. You simply must! :-)

    Gabrielle, search my blog for Gregory and I think you’ll find he is read and mentioned in a couple of posts here… But thanks, it’s great advice for anyone interested in drawing!

    Zom, yes I agree – beautifully put and so true. Maybe true not only for drawing, but for creating in general (at least for me). You are just “doing” and then you look up and are amazed at your creation… :-)

  4991. Thanks so much for the labels, I’ll be linking. Your yarn is gorgeous! I just made a stop by the yarn shop over the weekend. I can’t wait to dive into my pile!

  4992. oh! i’d almost (almost) forgotten how very much your art inspires me. absolutely love the bright colours and collage! just the right amount of inspiration at just the right time..

    thank you ms. hanna!
    love from
    ingrid and *her cat, lily

  4993. Mindy, glad you like!

    Rachel, how fun that you came by after I recently heard your voice in Diane’s podcast. Just listening to you made me wanna think up some fun tutorials, but I don’t have any in the works right now, so we’ll see what I come up with! :-) Good luck with the knitting!

  4994. Thank you for letting us peek inside your journal!! It’s absolutely awesome….love that gold fish!

  4995. Wow, what fun! I am definitely going to subscribe to your channel and to Teesha’s as well.

    Thanks so much for your nice comment on my blog! Stop in again sometime.

  4996. That yellow wallpaper would not have been my first choice either, but i find that i need to balance my love of color with something more subtle or it’s “OVERWHELM city” for me. So, yes, this cover is quite cool, growing on me too!

  4997. Hi Hanna, I hope you’re not serious about writing in Swedish, if you are give me a time frame here, I have to check out our local college and see if they teach how to write and read Swedish, it looks not easy at all but I will if I have to. This is one of the Hanna attitude I got from you “you can do it” right? I am now fearless in trying new things because of you, I am now on page 165 of your book, I cannot wait so I started reading it. I could have finished this already but I am taking my time. You have inspired me with amigurumi, so I made an amigurumi Snow Man a spoof of the real snow man you have because I live in California and so my snow man is just right for our climate. Thanks for all the inspiration.

  4998. Maybe it’s a European thing? I never find cool patterned wallpaper here in the States and I yard sale and thrift shop a LOT! Therefore, I am incredibly jealous of your tulip wall paper, hehe. Just joking. Hanna, if anyone were to deserve to find such pretty things, it’s you, because of all the creative things you find to do with them!

    What I do a lot of are napkins with pretty designs on them. I know you have done gorgeous things with these before too. I need to go through your archives and be inspired! — The fancy napkins are a bit expensive here (at least 2 or 3 U.S. dollars a pack)…do you think they are very pricey (for napkins!) when you get them in Sweden?

  4999. Thank you for your visit to my blog, I appreciate you taking the time to comment. And getting comments on old posts makes me revisit and remember – love that! :-)

  5000. Thanks girls!

    U2kitteh, I think US bloggers do great paper finds at some places, but maybe it’s different in different cities? And I don’t know that Sweden is a great place for paper thrifting, I do a lot of thrift shops too and it’s a rare occasion to find anything ephemeral or paperish (except books)! Beautiful napkins can be expensive here too, I would say 4-5 US maybe? Decoupage can be fun, it was a while since I did that.

  5001. Thank you, sweet Hanna, for the pimping – this explains my new readers today and yesterday! I?m working on three more Petite Zettis, I hope to get them done this weekend. Two will become Christmas presents, I hope they?ll like…
    I did find some wallpaper with medallions, pink background, white medallions, for 10 kr for each roll when a paint store closed a few years ago. You can have one if you want to!

  5002. Hello! I happened to run across your site searching for wallpaper and I love all your artistic creations! Your an inspiration . Love journalling and doing altered books. Great site, I’ll be subscribing so I don’t miss anything :0)

  5003. A friend of mine had so much wallpaper left over from her home remodel that she started wrapping gifts with it. I loved getting a flowery elegant gift. Thanks for all the tips!

  5004. When I moved to London from Minnesota I had to get rid of tons of accumulated stuff. I had so many wallpaper sample books that I think I made two trips to the thrift store with them! This was before my journey into mixed media and book art…. ooooh I wish now that I would’ve known people to randomly send them to! Oh well, I can only hope they went into the hands of happy people and that the paper is being up-cycled into wonderful creations! Your brown paper has a great texture — I don’t think it’s ugly at all. It looks like a wicker basket or a woven matt. It would be cool if it was used to cover little boxes for displaying art on a shelf or at an art sale!!

  5005. off to breakfast, but i will watch videos later, but I have to say, you are right on about TED talks. it’s like meeting new, creative thinkers and doers through wonderful film and sound!

  5006. I couldn’t wait to read antoher post, but i’m late for breakfast. these are great ideas and that cover is great. i’ve never worked with wallpaper.
    your kitty page from the later post is SO CUTE!!

  5007. Oh, I’ve had the bug for a coule of years now! My one daughter does journaling like that, too now! And on Flickr there are so many more fans; a constant souce of inspiration.

  5008. The video about “moments” almost made me cry. It’s so beautiful but it also reminded me of how many moments I have wasted in my life.

  5009. Are you girls not using a blog reader subscribing through the RSS feed? Then you would’ve noticed me coming back at once when I started writing again! :-) But glad you know now, and glad to be back!

    Christy, ahem… hehe, I know! Longer than I had expected but summer just didn’t want to end…

    Doris, I know the moments video is very cool but fast, just as life is. Sometimes we don’t notice the “moments” until they have passed… Always good to be reminded about how fast life passes by! Take care!

  5010. Love your 100 Ideas!! Really reading these blogs makes me just so excited to do so many things.

    Sounds like a BUCKET LIST.

    Thanks for your push to get into action and right here at Christmas, that is really needed.

    Happy Holidays

  5011. Love it, Im gonna try some pages with black backgrounds to. I love the inspiration your blog and work gives me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5012. Thanks for your comments – I’m so happy to inspire! Black is really cool, who’d a thought one could get so inspired by black backgrounds? But here in Sweden it’s so dark these days, it feels like a natural color to gravitate towards… though I need sunshine soon. Let me know if you post something with a black background here!

  5013. Hanna – you have done black very proud! There are so many wonderful things going on here that I didn’t even notice it was a black background at first (and of course you showed us). Some terrific pen work on the black – the colors really pop. I’m happy to see you finding value in the *dark side* .
    {insert evil laugh}

  5014. Oh, this is awesome! =c) Thank you for showing us a step-by-step of one of your creations..especially this one! I’m still very new at art journaling so it helps! You have been such an inspiration…I had never even heard of art journaling before I found your blog!
    I have to agree whole-heartedly that Sakura Jelly Roll pens ROCK! They are worth the extra money because they work on EVERYTHING and last and last. Looks like I definitely have to try some of those Neocolor crayons though…they just pop off the black background! So cool!

  5015. Hanna, even your skulls look like happy, ecstatic dead heads! I love that everything you make somehow radiates joy even when it begins with a dark coat of dried up black!!

  5016. You’re back!!!!

    I haven’t checked in for so long, which means I have a lot of back reading/looking to do. What a treat! I really love your blog, your ideas and you art. Thank you, Hanna. You are amazing.

    Now, where did I put that black paint…

  5017. Glad you liked the pages – black is the new pink around here!

    TJ – aren’t all skulls happy? He-he!

    Genevieve – yes, I’m back! Go find your black paint and join in the fun of art journaling and iHanna inspiration! ;-) I haven’t been at it for very long, you’ll read back in no time. Glad to be back!

  5018. I read this beautiful post yesterday evening (i worked in the morning then went to my evening class, full day) and i painted for 4 hours and made 5 journal pages. Inspiring post, I say. Thanks!

  5019. If you check out my blog ive posted a photo of my black background art journal page, i made after being inspired by yours!!!!!:)

  5020. What a lovely post! Inspiring as always. I agree with you that we should enjoy the process of creating more than the finished product itself. This is definitely something I want to do. Be in the moment while creating.


  5021. Thanks sweet Sophie!
    I think I’m always in “the moment” when I’m truly creating, but sometimes when I look at projects strewn around me I think I’m in a hurry to finish them… hehe. It’s complicated. I was reading your blog post about not getting comments but still posting – I was reading it in google reader and didn’t click through to comment… guess I’m guilty of not always letting you know that I do read and wait for your projects to be posted! Hugs back!

  5022. Hej,
    Du har s? himla sk?n inst?llning till ditt skapande som jag verkligen ?nskar att jag hade. Perfektionism ?r ett gigantiskt hinder i mitt fall. Jag m?ste verkligen ta tag i det och jobba med min inst?llning. Tack f?r att du skriver, visar och ber?ttar. Det f?r mig inspirerad och nu ska jag b?rja jobba med mitt s?tt att t?nka kring mitt skapande.

    Ha det b?st!

  5023. Awesome. Love the Neocolors – can’t believe how well they pop. I have *so* got to try that. I know I have some stashed away somewhere…thanks for inspiring me to hunt them out.

  5024. I agree with you completely, Hanna – the best creations are those that have been created without thinking about the outcome. The process has to be enjoyed and not rushed, but sometimes it’s so hard to achieve this… We get inspired and want to have the end result here and now! So don’t be in a hurry and create only when you feel there’s nothing else you’d rather be doing.

    Looking forward to seeing more of your embroidery.

  5025. I always find i have the most fun creating things , when i just sit down and experiment with some materials.HMMM yoiuve got me inspired to have ago at free form embrodiery.So must go and buy some threads now….

  5026. A good reminder: Keep our eyes on the process not the outcome.
    I like that! I really enjoy embroidery and hand stitching and for a while I did not have my sewing machine and I thought once it is fixed I will be on it all the time…not so…I have discovered a love affair with
    my slow, meditative hand embroidery and hand stitching. Thank you
    for sharing.

  5027. I just wanted to drop by and let you know that I?ve linked to gift tags/labels that you designed. The post is located here. There is also a text only post for slower connections just below it. Thank you for sharing your art so freely. I would love it if you would let me know if you have designed other tags or labels that should be included. And please, by all means, share this post. Stamp out store tags! ;)

  5028. We also have this expression in french. ^-^ “Mieux vaut tard que jamais”
    Your pictures are all so beautiful. Everything is so colorful and artistic!
    I discovered Dia de los Muertos a few years ago via… craft blogs! I didn’t know what it was and fell in love with the idea. In today’s society, we tend to not speak about our lost ones and I think we should celebrate them like they do in this great celebration. :-)

  5029. Wow! Love the photos.
    What a celebration….I am originally from the southwest and I can only imagine the music you heard.
    Thank you for sharing the photos.

  5030. Thanks for taking the time to comment in my blog! I’m so glad I inspired you, creativity is important everywhere. :-)

  5031. Hanna, Have a wonderful vacation! I have no suggestions for you cuz I’ve never done one. I can’t wait to see what you post from your travel journal. I like how you’re making yourself use the travel journal by not bringing your regular journal/diary!

  5032. Thanks for the links. WOnderful synchronicity. I just made Teesha Moore’s 16 page journal as my travel journal. I will only be gone 9 days, so I just needed a small one.

  5033. Wow there are lots of cool links there.Now youve made me envious .I wanna go on holiday now to so I can keep a travel journal to.I love the idea of making your own special notepad to take with you.Cool idea with the mixed paper to.normally when i go on holiday,i just bring my art journal and an old decopaged lunchbox with some basic art supplies such as glue, list of quotes, scissors, paintbrushes, mini watercolour kit, water and beaker, mini tubes of 5 acrylic colours, artist pitt pens, some pens,an evelope to hold applethera I will be collecting and cellotape.But I never thought about making a special journal to take on holiday with me.I want to go on holiday so i can make one to.:)
    Have a fun time art journaling on holiday and keep us posted with your pages from being on holiday.

  5034. Hey,
    that sounds like fun, girl!
    Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.
    And if you are more occupied with travelling than journaling, than let it be that way.
    I write this, because that always happens to me.
    Well, I do write, but it takes so much time away from the actual experiencing the foreign country.
    So often I “only” write into my moleskin – and even that is sometimes a task in between my travel activities.
    Have a great vacation, Hanna,

  5035. yes! I enjoyed these videos, too! It’s always fun to watch her work, because she’s so comfortable and free and expressive.
    Congrats on making your first travel journal!! Mary Ann is truly an inspiration to me. I recently got a sewing machine, and will be sewing pages when my December crafting is done.

    I hope your vacation is one of your dreams come true! Thank you for all the links.


  5036. wow! Sorry I’m late to this, Hanna, but these pages are GREAT! Love the colors and the non-colors (ha!)



  5038. Dear Hanna,
    do you know the book of Willy Puchner (an author and painter from Austria) : “Illustriertes Fernweh” (Vom Reisen und nach Hause kommen).
    Maybee this book can give you some inspirations.
    Have a good trip!
    Alles Gute, Sigrid

  5039. you amaze me with all your creativity!! its so awesome how you post this stuff for others to see. smilla is so cute when she is in the tree!

  5040. Thanks for your comments girls!

    Zom! I am only going to be gone for 7 days (!) but when I started making pages it was so much fun I went over board with it… hehe, now I don’t know how to handle the big bundle of papers! :-) What will you bring on your trip and where are you going?

    make a life Thanks for your list of supplies to bring, those are great. Now if only I could fit it all into my bag!

  5041. Tally! If anyone knows how to travel it would be you, hehe. You give good advice, and I know you are right. But I also know I enjoy writing, so I*m hoping I will have time to do that – at least at breakfast or at the beach or maybe on a buss. We will see, I will let it happen if it does, I promise! :-)

  5042. Thanks for your comments girls!

    Chris, non-colors are great, huh? Thanks for all your nice comments. I think the trip is a dream come true – I long for sunshine and adventure. And journaling about it!

  5043. Mariyam, I think SuziBlu is a great teacher if you want to learn how to paint at a lovely dream. If you want to learn how to do some layers and art journaling I’d take Julie Prichards online classes Layer Love!

    Any good editiong softwere will add text to scanned images, like photoshop or free Gimp. Good luck!

  5044. I hope I?ll get some art too, the first pieces should begin to drop in soon, if there will be any. I hope so – this is such a fun idea!

  5045. very creative book and yes it makes me want to make one right now.
    I too sent out two pieces of art, got thanked for one, not the other (was it that bad?) LOL and have received none to date.
    Maybe they will come later….one can hope.
    It’s fun to try it.

  5046. There is something magical about tiny things! What a sweet little Zen present. Lucky you!! happy creations from tj

  5047. Hanna – I wish you exciting, safe and inspiring travels. If you get stuck at Frankfurt airport I’ll come get you!

    My travel journal is an altered book and I’m sad to say I’ve sort of fallen out of love with this medium. My next one will be loose pages. This way I don’t have to bring the “whole thing” along AND I can decide later how to bind it all together or whether or not to combine it with other trips. I love postcards and brochures in foreign languages… if you bind your book after-wards, you could work all those extra loose things into the journal plus you could print a few pictures of the trip and include those too… the main thing is to have fun!! xoxox tj

  5048. These are lovely calendars! Thanks for commenting on my blog. Yes, what does one do with all EVERYTHING one makes? A house can only hold so much and not everything is retail appropriate. I feel I may be over run one day!

  5049. They are beautiful, both your calendar and your book. I think I?ll publish my art journal on lulu when I?ve filled it. Someone asked me if I would sell my journal, but that will never happen – for me it represent the period of my life when I got really serious about my art. But if I can take some good photos of the pages, they will end up as a book, I think.

  5050. Hey, I’m not wee! Haha. Glad I inspired you, it’s usually the other way around.

    xxx/the “wee” cousin.

  5051. That exact same journal and postcard tin was on my Santa wishlist the other week too, as were Prismacolours. I caved in and bought the Prismacolours for myself though!

  5052. On the art front, I’d really like a set of the new Golden “open” acrylic paints. I’d *love* an artful trip to Tuscany (in my dreams!). I also admit to wanting a few tubes of lipstick from smashbox. ;)

    Prismacolor pencils are so nice – I even love the way they smell when freshly sharpened.

  5053. Thanks for your comments!

    Rhomany, I think I probably will have to buy it all myself one day, I don’t know anyone who will give me these things, but I like making wish lists just the same. Later I look back at them and see if I ever got the things I so longed for and if it was as good as I thought! :-)

    Jeannine Oh, I’ve never tried the Prismacolor pencils but it’s what SuziBlu recommends in the class I’m taking with her. What are “open” acrylics? And do I need those too? ;-)

    Take care and happy December!

  5054. makealife, I didn’t make a book but sent out one of my collage pieces. The exchange was for “anything handmade” or art related, so getting a whole book was a bonus I didn’t expect!

    Lynn, people are just late – and lazy! I know I am, and I’m always feeling bad about not sending out “thank yous” in a timely fashion! I hope you get some art back, but maybe we will have to look at sending things out this time as RAK “random act of kindness” – I didn’t get a thank you either. Take care!


  5055. Mia, tack f?r din kommentar i min blog! F?r mig blir det aldrig s? d?r “perfekt” s? jag str?var heller inte efter det… Jag tror inte jag tror p? att n?got kan vara “perfekt”, f?r i s? fall – med vems ?gon ska man m?ta resultatet? Kanske handlar det om att vara i nuet och njuta av “g?randet”, och n?r man ?r klar bara l?gga undan det man skapat i en bok eller en l?da. Inte titta p? det s? kritiskt. Ibland beh?ver det g? en tid innan man kan uppskatta det man gjort. Jag tycker det ?r suver?nt att du b?rjat jobba med ditt s?tt att t?nka – jag tror p? dig!


  5056. Hehe cute wish list picture.A few things that are on my wish list besides the books are:
    a box set of artists PITT pens brush
    a special mosturizor

    You get the pictur?!
    Merry christmas

  5057. You might have seen mine on my blog- I need to get up to date with all of these awesome ways to spice up boring text only posts! Is there a site you go to in order to create the visual wish list?

  5058. Bra ?nskelista – jag skulle inte tacka nej till n?gra av sakerna. Det ?r ingen st?rre mening att jag skriver ?nskelistor, jag f?r aldrig n?got p? dom ?nd? – jag k?per helt enkelt det jag helst vill ha. Eller byter till mig det. Men jag kan i alla fall hj?lpa en medm?nniska med k?pst?llen! En tjej hos Suzi rekommenderade f?r prismacolors, frakten var inte speciellt dyr (jag tror hon sa $5 ungef?r), s? det ?r d?r jag kommer att k?pa p?fyllning sen. Twinkling H20?s, Golden-produkter, och troligen svart gesso hittar du p? och runt Hornsgatan i Stockholm, jag har k?pt en del twinkling H20?s, dom ?r trevliga.
    Hoppas att du f?r en massa fr?n din lista!

  5059. AlyPolyvore that you could check out for visual collages online! It looks like it’s mostly clothes, but I also think you can add your own images (download/upload them) there if you register!

  5060. Malin!
    Jag l?r inte f? n?got fr?n min lista, men som Tomten s?ger, ?nska kostar ingenting… Det ?r mer som en p?minnelse till mig sj?lv ?ver vad jag vill ha/ska f?rs?ka skaffa n?gon dag n?r jag har mer pengar. I vilken butik hittar jag Twinkling och Golden? K?nns som ett bes?k i mellandagarna is comming on… :-) Din bokid? ?r underbar – s?g till om du vill ha hj?lp, jag b?rjar bli expert p? bokdesign, hehe. ?lskar det!

  5061. Hanna – fabulous! Love that you showed us the *evidence* of your mom loving blue with those photos. The pages are terrific, and it sounds like you had fun working in a color theme. Color is a great sign to have for someone. It means they can be in your thoughts alot too. Thanks for sharing with the team!

  5062. Gorgeous, gorgeous blues!! I love that you have a color associated with your mom! As much as I love color, (and boy do I lOVE it), I don’t think of people in a color…which is a cool concept. I don’t know if I have a color…hmmm. Making your own rubber stamps is FUN…as is making your own stencils.

  5063. Thanks Michelle, haha there is *evidence* everywhere in my parents house that mom loves her blue. Even the coffee machine is blue, as well as her ipod, sofa etc.

    Dawn, thanks! :)
    No, not all people have a love-to-death-color. Some like plain black, others favorite vary. I’ve been pink since I was a little girl, it would be odd to change even though b/w are favorites in clothes right now. I’ve made both stencils and stamps before (in the crusades actually), love making stuff I can use over and over again!

  5064. This is very creative and beautiful, Hanna! Blues and greens are definitely my colors too. (I think it’s because I’m a Taurus,an Earth sign in the zodiac! My birthday is May 18)
    Working in pinks would actually be the strange thing for me! I should try it sometime and see what happens, right?
    I agree pink is definitely your color though! Whenever I see pink and orange I think of you.

    I think it’s incredibly sweet to have so many wonderful ways to think of your mother. I bet she has a long list of things that remind her of you, too! =c)

  5065. Hi Hanna…I have been hung up on blue lately, it seems :) I noticed that you are taking Mary Ann’s class too. It’s almost here! I’m wondering if I have enough paper after seeing your massive stash!

  5066. Thanks for your comments girls!

    Mary, I’m not taking Mary Ann’s class, coz’ I can’t afford to right now, but I’ve been very inspired by her images and blog. I think you will love her class, and if you don’t have enough papers you can always collect more as you go along. Save all envelopes you get in the mail, save wrapping paper, magazines, postcards and everything that you think looks nice. I’ve been collecting for years, but I love using it up too… :-) Take care!

  5067. Oh…I misread then…yeah, I’m collecting everything…even little tea tags…You have some great links on your site…thanks for the tips!

  5068. WOW pretty page hanna!!!I love seeing your pages as they are always so inspiring.I have noticed that you work in an old book.How do you prep the pages?Or do you just get started?Does all paint work on iT? Id love you to share some tips on how you do them as id love to try!!!
    Merry chrismas(okay its a bit early but its the thought that counts)
    Makealife xx

  5069. Hey they look good!May have to wish for some of them for my birthday(as i have already told my xmas ones).The books on my wish list
    Journal Revolutio:Rise up and create
    The decorated Journal
    1’000 artists journal pages
    Green guide for artists

    YEah but when you get those books please post reviews as they look fab!!!

  5070. makealife The books on your list are great, and in the 1000 Artist Journal Pages you’ll find me among many other great artists! :-) Love the Decorated Journal too, recommended! take care and merry x-mas to you too!

  5071. The books all look wonderful! I have to make an individual wish list for my books as well because that’s one thing I can never seem to get enough of!

  5072. Ooo, delicious books! I love the cover of the painted pages book. I’d like to check out Mary Todd Beam’s “The Creative Edge.”

  5073. *Drools* I want all of those, lol!
    Anyway, mine is Nick Bantock’s,
    Urgent 2nd Class: Creating Curious Collage, Dubious Documents, and Other Art from Ephemera

  5074. Thanks! I’m using these fun red labels for Christmas! I printed them on a creamy color and they look great!

  5075. I noticed the paper with the Hebrew writing on it! Fun. Love how you are doing this. I’ve been sewing fabrics to paper today making holiday cards. Have a great trip.

  5076. They are gorgeous! I was thinking of making a calendar using photos of my girls, but now I am going to combine them with art and textures and make something much more creative!

  5077. I love my twinkling H2Os, and I’m almost out of them! I had to buy them for myself, since they were having a sale. I will probably have to go without for awhile, but they are definitely nice. The Prismacolors are good, but I like all kinds of colored pencils.

  5078. Hanna, I can’t think whether I have one or two specific colors, but my mama loved green. And I am inspired to make a journal spread for her, now.

  5079. My wish is for the new book on artists’ studios, by Lynne Perella. I can’t get it yet, but one day!

  5080. This looks so pretty and dramatic and cheery. I love your pinks and oranges and lavendars and yellows and all those happy colors you are known for. I am not taking Mary Ann’s class, either, but I just got a new sewing machine and after Christmas I will be playing with paper and fabric for myself!! yay.

  5081. HANNA, I think, you are the most creative woman I ever could find. . . .
    Your sunny coloured sewing papers are wonderful for your travel journal.

  5082. I hope Santa Claus is very generous with you and all your book wishes this year! happy holidays Hanna… and I’m looking forward to all your creative inspirations in 2010!! xoxo tj in germany

  5083. I dont really tell anyone either.I dont really mind sharing my personal art with people I know cause Art is a big part of me and i ONLY come WITH ART not without .So its not really a issue with me wether to tell them about my blog or not as far as my personal art is concerd.But generally I dont say unless they ask what my art is or if they do art to then i do tell them.But mabey i should as i hardly get any comments on my blog(sob)…..

    Merry christmas

  5084. Like you, I don’t like to tell everyone. My coworkers don’t know about my blog (except for one, who showed interest in knitting), and I don’t feel comfortable letting everyone know. I even deleted my website address from my Facebook profile when I began receiving invites from people with whom I was not comfortable to share what I do.

    I don’t think it’s wrong to keep it quiet – like you said, that way you have the visitors you want to have, not just curious (and sometimes judging!) people :-)

  5085. I’ve been a silent visitor of your site for a very long time. I ran across it because I was seeing your name mentioned on many of the blogs I visited and curiosity got the best of me. It turned out that your blog is one of my most favorites to visit – one that I make sure I have no distractions so I can actually absorb what you are saying. So thank you for that and for coming back to the blogging world!

    I don’t blog as often as I would like, but when I have time I do share my work on my blog. No one I know in real life (except maybe my husband) knows that I have a blog. It is something some people may run across or that know me from an online community. I have my blog posted on my facebook account, but honestly I’ve been uncomfortable with it there since many people don’t know what I do. I make art because I can’t stay sane without it, it’s a part of me. But I make it at home when I have time alone and tend to keep it to myself.

    Sorry, I’m babbling. There’s nothing wrong with being quiet about it with people you know in real life – the important part is that you do share it and that there are people in the online community that appreciate your posts.

  5086. Hi Hanna, you should be proud, because you just don’t talk about crafting or journalling you talk about life and how not to be afraid to try new things. I am not an artist, I cannot even draw but I am drawn to your blog because you encourage us to try new things. I love reading all those links you shared with us. I am thinking, how can one be so young and have so much insight? You make your parents proud and I salute them!

  5087. I think like any relationship, we need to choose how much and with who we share things. Of course on the internet we can’t control who’s visiting our sites — we can only control what we post about. I try to keep mine somewhat “professional” in the sense that I don’t have to worry about a future employer finding it. Somehow I am trying to be more and more authentic publicly. As a foreigner here, when I tell people I blog then I’m pegged with the stereotype of being lonely and unhappy. In the end, I don’t really care what most people think. My blog has given me a huge sense of accomplishment and has really helped my creative confidence. You just keep shinin’ Hanna girl and try not to worry…. xoxo tj

  5088. I hang with many of you, me too find uncomfortable to share my blog in real life. I would like to show my art to people who have similar interests. My art do not fit to my offical, working me. I am struggling very much to say honest, meaningful, genuine words and not to hurt myself or my dear ones. Or not to say anything that someone can use against me at work or future work. And it is frustrating! What is meaning of the art if I sensor myself all the time?! This is very important issue, thanks Hanna for taking it up.

  5089. I once gave my blog address to someone where I worked. I got in trouble because of something I wrote and lost my job. It wasn’t anything, no names etc, but they still fired me. We have freedom of speech but not the freedom to work and blog. So do be careful. I use the delete button more often and never give out my blog address to anyone who doesn’t already know me, how I express myself etc.

    I have been reading your blog for quite awhile and you get me to think about my art and my life. thank you.

  5090. Oh, I feel the same way! I told my closest friends when I started, but they probably glanced at it once. LOL. They don’t really care about mixed media. I was just telling someone today that I am SO new in this journey that I don’t believe anyone that says they like what I am doing unless they are a complete stranger. They have no biases towards me. I am also an introvert, too.

  5091. I have Fabric Art Collage and absolutely love it! I am looking forward to checking out Ruth’s new book!

  5092. I don’t tell a lot of people. Of my 12 or so coworkers, only one knows about my blog. And she’s the new girl! Some people, you just know they’ll “get it” and others won’t give a flying hoot about it. Like you, I don’t tell some people about my blog because they don’t need to know that side of my person. And, I believe, they don’t WANT to know it.


  5093. I’m one of the “silent” people who often drop by without commenting but I’m always inspired by your art and writing.

    I too am selective about who I tell that I have a blog. Most people just don’t get it so I just do the things I enjoy…art, photography and writing…for my own pleasure more than anything else. My online contacts on the other hand, really do get it and I love the connections that I’ve made through blogging!

  5094. I seem to be in line with the rest of the group, I dont tell people I blog….my close friends, they might look at it once in a blue moon, because they are not interested in mixed media, art. But besides that just my family, and they dont even look at it. Is there a stagima attached to blogging, I dont think so. But if you tell someone about a blog you might have read…they just assume that person does not have a life. They do not know how authentic a life can be led by having a blog and having a meeting people who are of the same mind as you are.

  5095. I don’t generally tell people. It’s funny that I’ve been blogging for ten years and people I went to school with will stumble across it all the sudden and be all “I had no idea”. It’s not that it’s a secret. Maybe just a part of me I know they do not understand – the need to create and document, some things are just easier left unsaid I suppose. Then again, when you’ve got awesome blogging buddies, it doesn’t much matter if the other people know about that part of me or not :-)

  5096. I am a frequent visitor of your blog. I came across it on Michelle Wards blog. Your blog is a real inspiration to me. I also don’t tell people that I have a blog, I don’t tell that I make things either(I don’t dare to call it art). For me it is fantastic to see what other people like you make and think. Most people want that everything has a purpose or goal and I don’t know how to explain to them that is is mostly for myself that I create. It makes my life richer and it makes me feel happy.
    Thank you for your wonderful blog, I hope to visit it often in the New Year. My best wishes for you and your family.

  5097. That’s interesting because I’m exactly the same. I’m an introvert too, and I don’t write personal things on my blog but it’s like my private world still and I sort of want to keep the internet and real life separate. I haven’t told anyone about my blog, but my parents know I have one. I think maybe it’s because I don’t know anybody with an interest in craft, and they wouldn’t get my blog at all and probably think I’m rather odd!
    Love your blog btw :-)

  5098. oh, i know exactly what you mean. sometimes i part of me wants to share my blog – my thoughts on life, things i hope will inspire, photos, art, experiences.. – and part of me is too shy to open up to “new” people.

    i absolutely love you and your blog. i’ve been following for almost two years, i think, and you have inspired me in so, so, so many ways, including creating a blog of my own. i admire you so much and would love to meet you someday! i think we’d be great friends.


  5099. I have been struggling with the same thoughts for a long time and when I read your post, I thought, “I’m not alone!! Someone out there understands!!” So thank you for posting about this. :)

    The knitting I share on my blog is extremely personal to me…and when I think about it, it’s kind of weird that I would feel protective about something, but then put it out there on the internet where anyone and everyone can see it. But then there’s something slightly anonymous about being on the internet and I like that. The times I have shared my blog or my knitting with people I don’t know very well in “real life”, I’ve regretted it. Part of it is that I feel extremely uncomfortable receiving praise and don’t like the attention: “You made that?! That’s so amazing!” (I immediately get embarrassed and want to point out all the flaws to them.) Or I feel like they don’t understand why I knit. “You should sell your sweaters! Can I pay you to make me a bunch of stuff??” (Well, money is not the point for me.) OR they don’t get being a knitter at all: “What are you, like 80 years old??” (Come on people, have an open mind.)

    I’m pretty sure a lot of this has to do with being an introvert. I really don’t know *how* to field the questions and comments I get from people who aren’t good friends and who aren’t into crafting, so I prefer to keep quiet. And, I’m protective. But the extroverts I know don’t get it and think I should be out there bragging.

    Thank you again for posting this. I’m so glad someone else understands.

  5100. Hanna, I feel sad reading this that I dont’ leave comments more often on your blog. I know so well the feelings you describe. You post something that is very close to your heart or something you’re proud of and then no one says anything, and it makes you wonder if anyone saw it, and if so what did they think? Since I know that feeling, I should be better about leaving comments on my friends’ blogs. I apologize that I have not commented here more.

    I tell anyone that seems that they might want to know, that I blog, but very few people in my real life visit it, since none of them are artists or very interested in art.

    In the past year, I have shared a lot about my personal life, whereas before that I rarely did. I share some of my art on my blog, but not many of my journal pages because I write very personal things in my journal. I’m not that brave! :)

    Thank you, Hanna, for all you do and share. You are someone I admire very much. Not just as an artist, but as a person! xoxoxo

  5101. am another of your silent visitors, when I read your post this morning I felt, wow, I am not the only one feeling like this. Yes Hanna it is the response that matters. Sometimes that response is positive and sometimes can be negative, and sometimes indifferent. I believe it’s not about me or my blog or my work, just that sometimes people who don’t, don’t understand and don’t know how to respond.
    Have been following you for a long time now, and today’s post shows why again and again I come back, because I relate to what you are doing and saying. So thank you for that and for sharing your feelings around this subject. Tack

  5102. Hi Hanna,
    well, it depends.
    I did told quite some friends of mine. But they seem not to look. They also don’t comment. Strange feeling. If a friend of mine would blog at least I would fly over the posts every week, even if the topic doesn’t interest me, because in my blog there is also quite a bit of my life.
    With collegues I’m very careful, because it’s my private life. I do blog about part of my business, being a teacher, but just on selected topics, eg art, crafts.
    With more or less strangers I’m much more less shy, same as in online world. Because they don’t know me in “reality”.
    But most of the people don’t know about blogging life.

    I love your blog although I#m not into mixed media. Because I know how good a comment feels I have the habit of commenting on your blog and on others that I like as much as possible. It is a matter of telling how much I appreciate the effort somebody else puts into her blog. Because that is what I do.

    Have a very good time on your travel. Btw. where are you heading to?

    Greetings from my snow-white wood

  5103. I completely understand! My blog is my place and sometimes I too only want people who are interested in the topic to view it. My sister sees it, but she already gets me. I feel like I want to share it when it “becomes great” or when i “become great”… however just so you know, your blog rocks and I check it out from time to time because you really inspire me to want to be a great artist and to keep exploring… Thank you!

  5104. Hello Hanna,

    my mom is a blue person too :)
    Nice page you made and I love the photos of the blue evidence.

    I’m into purples/pinks, but I’m also a blue person ( not the navy blue, but the aqua / turquoise,…) These all combine perfect with pink!

    greetings from belgium

  5105. i found your blog through wishstudio and am so glad to find it/you! i appreciate your ponderings on how we share our blogs (and LOVE your colors and how you play and how you are beautiful and how you mention acrylic paint between your toes!!!). i just began a blog in october and find that sharing my he(art) is very personal, even though i do so publically! i haven’t figured out the balance yet of when and whom i share my blog with, but am grateful to be in good company with such discernment!!

  5106. I just love the neocolor on black! I might give it a whirl in my own journal. The background with the mountains is also very fun! Looking forward to seeing what I might come up with :)

  5107. I went out and bought black gesso after reading your post. And then saw the neo colors on Yellow Daisy so had to go get myself a box of them. Now the smudgy scraping. I am going to be very busy!! Thank you so much for putting all this together. Yippee!

  5108. What a neat idea! Trying on other people’s styles sounds like a fun way of experimenting to find out what suits you best. The scraping technique looks like so much fun, I need to check out her stuff =)

  5109. What fun you had making these pages, it is so obvious. And inspirational. going to play now as soon as I throw the chicken and veggies in the slow cooker…allows me all day to play art.

  5110. i just wanted to say I enjoy your blog all year long and just wanted to wish a wondeful time this holiday season. Thanks for all the wonderful gifts you give in your blog all year long.

    Happy Holidays,

  5111. Those are fun pages. All different because of the techniques but similar because they are by you. You infuse them with your essence, your being. (Whoa! That was deep!) I need to play in my art journal today. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5112. Wow that looks wonderful! I love all the colours on the dark background!
    Did you just cut the face out from a magazine?


  5113. Hanna, your creative energy makes me smile. I love these ideas, I’m happy I’m not the only one addicted to black gesso! ~ Tammy

  5114. Looks like you had a blast! I love them all…all very different, but oh so much fun! Don’t you just love to play and watch to see what happens? Thanks for the inspiration!

  5115. DELICIOUS! I really love your Michelle inspired gesso scrape.. DIG IT. Love the charcoal too…and LOVE the black with neocolors….it’s electric. Great inspiration here..thank you, iHanna~ xo

  5116. I am so glad you started posting again, you are really inspiring :) i hadn’t time to properly sit and play with my cahier, now you just gave me the need to do so, thanks :)
    as always, diversity and colors

  5117. I’m definitely a closet blogger. I want to preserve my blog as a place that I’m free to say what I want…if I want to rant against some crazy insanity in the world than I’m free to do it without worrying whether or not someone I know will judge me harsly for my views.

  5118. I was very impressed reading your post about this issue. You are so fantastic to describe feelings and thoughts. My english is far too bad to write so nuanced about my own thoughts. But one thing I want to tell you: On my blog I can follow new postings from bloggers I have added – when you have made new postings these are the ones I seek first. ALWAYS inspiring and creative. You make me want to keep on following the creative way in my own life – allthough it is often difficult with minimum of time.

  5119. I do not promote my blog to people I meet. If it comes up in conversation or if we share an interest in art/writing/creativity, I might mention it, but like you, I’m quite tender and protective towards my blog. Sometimes people will email me and say “let’s trade links” and I think “well, if you like my blog go ahead and link to it and if I read yours I will link to it”. I read every blog I list on my blog roll because for me, I enjoy connecting in a meaningful way with others. Although I write about my personal thoughts and creativity (because, like you, I love to write), I don’t keep a blog to talk AT others … I think of it more as a conversation, a mutual exchange. I stay away from blogs where the author is constantly promoting …

    Hanna, you strike a lovely balance in your blog between the personal and the creative. You encourage others and provide inspiration. I don’t always comment (because I am shy) but I am always happy to see that you’ve updated your blog. You keep on doing what you do! ♥

  5120. I LOVE that quote! Thanks for sharing – it rings so true. :) I just found your site this past weekend, and I must say – I love it! Your creativity is inspiring.

  5121. Merry Christmas Hanna. I love this quote! And I also wanted to let you know you’re to blame for me sitting around crocheting pretzels!! :) Happy creations from tj in germany

  5122. Oh Hey, You’re back! Hooray! I haven’t stopped by in SUCH a long time, because I thought that you weren’t blogging anymore! But you are! I have some lovely catchup reading to do! Thankyou!

  5123. What a wonderful quote and how true it is!

    Merry Christmas Hanna! I got your book as a present from my husband yesterday. I can’t wait to start reading and getting inspired for the new year, a creative year 2010 for me!

    Linda from Finland (though living in Germany at the moment)

  5124. Takker for linken, – sitatet traff spikeren p? hodet!
    Alltid hyggelig ? f?lge bloggen din. Gledelig jul og godt nytt ?r til deg!

  5125. Hi Hanna! You are back!! :) Welcome back to blogging – I’ve been missing your posts. I hope you are having lovely Christmas moments!

  5126. I too am a closet blogger. I do not share it with anyone I know personally. I didn’t even tell my own family about it for a very long time. I found you because I started an art journal last year and this is one of my favorite places to come to for info but more importantly inspiration! Thank you so much for sharing your heart and soul with all of us, who come here to be inspired!
    Happy wishes for 2010!

  5127. Thank you girls for all your kind comments on this post. Others inspire me, I inspire you, you comment and inspire me right back… Isn’t it neat, the way the internet works for us? :-)

    Maria, tack – vilken fin komlimang! *glad*

    Yasmina, the face is from some magazine I think. Faces are everywhere, have fun cutting them out and doodling on them. :-)

    Take care!

  5128. ohh..thanks for putting this list together!

    I know Traci Bunker’s book will be great…she’s a friend and one of the most gifted artists and teachers I know. I’ve taken several of her workshops.

    Also, the Pod Post gals, who wrote Good Mail Day, are featured in my book, The Creative Entrepreneur. I find their work delightful and inspiring, and the techniques they show translate to mixed media, not just mail art.

    It’s so wonderful to see so many new visual journal titles…kind of an endless well of inspiration!

  5129. Hi Hanna,
    I feel exactly that way myself, often. I only share with people that already have some of ‘all this’ in common, maybe we meet at an art or a photography event, or I know they journal. I do think it is the introvert thing in my case, the self-protectiveness, the privacy. Sometimes it even limits my blogging, and that is truly sad. I think that is okay, you don’t invite everyone into your home, why not apply the same filter to your online home?

  5130. Hope you had a Very Merry Blessed Christmas!!
    Have a Happy Blessed New Years TOo!!

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  5131. Thanks Zoom, happy new year to you too! How did the travel journal work out? Mine is full, will blog about it later! Link lists are fun to make, I kind of get caught up in making them sometimes… :-)

  5132. Yay! These are my favorite kind of collages you do! Lots of fun little images so it takes a long time to really make sure you’ve seen everything.
    I really want to work on being much more creative with paint this year (you are such an inspiration with all of your experiments!) and thank you so much for the link about using wrapping paper! I have always saved wrapping paper and lately I’ve been obsessed with printed tissue papers. This Christmas I scored some blue shades with pieces of glitter in it! I won’t say I was more excited about the tissue paper than the gift, but it was real close! =cD
    Happy New Year, Hanna! Can’t wait to see what you learn about and create next year!

  5133. I do tell people. Usually it comes up some way or another, because my blogging and my art work is so much a part of my life. I have the same thing you do though, sometimes I worry about showing too much of myself. Or thinking perhaps people won’t like what they see? Sometimes my reaction to that is to not tell people, other times I tell them straight away, just giving them a head’s up where it comes to who I am (still time to get out of this deal). But mostly, it just comes up when it comes up. All my colleagues know about it, and pretty much all of my friends. Some of them found out by themselves (my colleagues) others I told (my friends).

    But yeah, I don’t think many of them ‘understand’. My colleagues often don’t ask about or comment on it, although I know they’re reading (I can see the company server address in my stats) and to my friends I am ‘the Internet-girl’. Now, I know this is an endearing term to them but it also annoys me. I don’t want to just be the ‘weird one’ with the blog and the art. I don’t want to have to explain every time why I keep an art journal and why I post about some things and not about others. So part of the reason I tell new people about my blog is that I hope to meet people in real life that have a blog and are into the same things. Basically, to meet some ‘online friends’ in real life. It has worked once or twice, I now have two friends that blog and are also into art and design.

    Wow, well, sorry for this rant, but I can just really relate to what you’ve been writing and it’s an issue I’ve been thinking about for a while. Do I want people to see the ‘whole’ me (including the blog), or would I rather keep a distance? And if so, why?

    Oh and yeah I do the same thing. I leave private stuff out of my blog too. I think that only makes sense when you don’t know exactly who’s visiting your online home ;-)

    Love, Anna Denise

  5134. SO MUCH to read, here! Love it when you link.
    RED red red! Great pages. You brought so much together and made it work.
    Glad you had a good trip. I know what you mean about having so much to do you don’t know how to start. One day at a time, my friend. That’s the only way!

  5135. “Es eilt die Zeit. Sie bleibt nicht steh`n, bald schreiben wir 2010….”
    I wish you a colourful, creative, inspiring and HAPPY NEW YEAR.

  5136. I think I’m reconsidering doing this with my 3-yr old grandson maybe even my 7 yr old granddaughter. Maybe out on the driveway in the shade – it, and them, can be hosed off.

  5137. Thanks for your comment! If I had a kid I would do this every day, at least for a few minutes that they could sit still. Great links on how to make your (or other) kids interested in art at Daisy Yellow Blog, to check out.

  5138. Those collages are perfect! Wow, she had fun and it shows! Isn’t it such a great feeling to see young kids create with such joy and freedom? Glue can always be cleaned off or scrapped off. Wait til she gets her hands on acrylic paints! lol


  5139. Sophie, I don’t know if she or I had the most fun? I truley get your inspiration to create with kids after this little session though – it’s a engery booster for sure. Thanks for the fab Christmas card – it was the best one I got this year for sure! Hugs back!

  5140. Wow! I’m so behind on my blog-reading, I just now saw this! I am honored indeed. Thank you for this very kind post. I’m so glad you’re enjoying Make & Meaning. I think you’re right – the time for more of this kind of discussion in our community has arrived. XOXO!

  5141. Hi Hanna. You’ve been quite eloquent on this topic. Like you I am very introverted and for many years, I didn’t admit, even to myself, that I am an artist. It’s not something I spend a lot of time talking about, especially since my day job is at the opposite end of the spectrum from art. I find that I don’t want to “market” myself, and that’s how I see those people who are so good at putting themselves out there, proclaiming their space in the blogosphere. At the same time, I’d love to be able to build up a presence so that someday, maybe, I could make a living, even a meager one, from my creativity. I do talk to people I work with now about my creative endeavors and some of them even visit my blog on a regular basis. The downside of that, is that I have to edit what I say, and not just because of my coworkers, but because my family also reads my blog… so that stuff ends up in my journal, where it really belongs, anyway. Happy New Year!

  5142. Thanks so very much! I luv victorian things and luv to do decoupage. These images are so difficult to find in an affordable lot. I can’t thank you enough and when I use them I will for sure let you know!

  5143. This was such a great entry, thank you for sharing it. :) It looks like you two had a lot of fun together, and made some amazing art in the process.

  5144. i wish you a sparkling, creative, adventurous year ahead, filled with all sorts of yumming goodness and lovely memories. thank you for your inspiration and for your color – you stretch my mind every day!

    happy new year, hanna!

  5145. Wonderful post as always! I love reading your blog, because 99% of the new blogs I find and love are through you. I also have an interest in many things and am working on trying to figure out how they can all fit into my work. Here’s to creativity in 2010!

  5146. Instead of a favorite color, I have an array of colors I love and use them often, as evidenced by the state of my paints. Magenta, turquoise, orange, copper, indigo… I love your monochromatic pages, and find it intriguing to think of people in terms of color! Happiest of New Years, Hanna, cheers! ~ Tammy

  5147. Hanna!! This is quite possibly the single most useful and interesting blog post I have ever read!! First of all, I, too, adore Cathe Holden’s blog!! And I went to every site you mentioned and subscribed, joined and learned to much!! Thank you for all the work it took to put together this post. You are such an inspiration to me. I wish you blessings of creativity in the new year!

  5148. Thanks, Hanna! This is some excellent food for thought for the new year. I wish you all the best in 2010!

    Alice (a usually silent visitor)

  5149. I was in JoAnn’s the other day debating whether I should finally get the 1000 Journal Pages book when I flipped to a random page and I recognized one your spreads [I took that as a sign of having to break down and buy it =) ] I always love seeing your work, I can’t wait to see what the new year brings!

  5150. Hi, Hanna. It has been far too long since I last commented. I read almost every day, but … keeping in closer contact with others is on my goal list for 2010.

    Many of your goals are much like my own, especially focus. I need to finish some projects, bring them to fruitation as well as start some new projects. I also want to try new and more physical activity.

    Anyhow, merry new year to you, Hanna. I hope that it is a beautiful and bright one.

  5151. You have a very poetic thought process, Hanna! I love reading every one of your blog entries. I so appreciate all that you put into them ; so many cool links and ideas! One of my resolutions for this year is to be more involved online with other artists. I am hoping that it will enable me to be more brave about trying new things and sharing them.

    I, too, wish you a wonderfully creative new year!
    and as always, please give ::kisses:: to Smilla-kitty!

  5152. Sorry to reply twice, but I just reread your blog entry again and want to add more…
    I would LOVE to see an art book from you, Hanna! Your blog and your art is very unique and that’s why I love to keep up with what you are doing. Your projects are bright and colorful and so…free and fresh feeling. One can’t help but smile and be inspired to want to try to make something too. Your blog entries are not only about art, but about the mind and spirit too. This is something missing from almost every new book out about art journaling. I don’t know how you would transfer this into a paper book (can’t insert clickable links!), but you are very in tune with the need to make the journey to know the “self”. I really enjoy reading self-help articles too and I love how you incorporate everything together.

    Just wanted to add that! =c)

  5153. Happy New Year, Hannah!
    Children are so free and inspiring. I love her coloring. My friend brought his young daughters to the office one Sunday and they colored on old kraft envelopes. I loved the results. I still have one that I copy to use for backgrounds.

  5154. Happy New Year to you too Hanna! I see, you posted a lot of stuff that I need to digest, and I am looking forward to visiting all those sites. I guess you will keep me company in the next few days over coffee at 10 in the morning.

  5155. How about bubbles? He needs a cute name as he is a cute monster.I got some books,pitt pens box set, alphabet stamps, a atomical horse model and a few more lil goodies…

  5156. Of course, I have to comment on Smilla! My little Kin is lying in exactly the same way right now, a little ball of fur. Sweet and sweet.

    You got some great loot for the holidays. This year, we decided not to exchange gifts, but to spend time together and buy ourselves what we needed. So far, I’ve bought lots of socks, especially the kind that go over the knee, and a toy Diana lens for my DSLR.

    Keep warm!

  5157. Oooh, someone must have been quite a good girl to get all that fabulous stuff for Christmas LAST year! Hehe, that’s totally a silly joke you all have! =cD

    I will add my suggestion of name for the lil’ monster…how about Mochi Monster? (Could be pronounced Mochee or Mokee?) I bought some wool yarn recently called Mini Mochi that I just LOVED because it was so soft and colorful. The company’s mascot is a Scottish Fold cat named Mochi and they named the yarn after him/her because it was soft as a kitten! Here’s a link :

    We were technically not going to exchange gifts this year to save money but everyone found sneaky ways of getting around it. There weren’t lots of gifts this year, but what we received was thoughtful!
    My family put in together to get me a sewing machine (so now I can try to make some of the pretty projects you’ve shared!) and lots of little supplies for art journaling…another obsession thanks to you, lol. ( I just realized this!)

    Happy, happy! ;))

  5158. Wonderful presents! I don?t know, I immediately thought that your little monster looks like a Fred.
    I got surprisingly many presents, I don?t expect much, since I?m single and very grown up, but I got quite a pile. No fun creative presents, but still good: lots of tea, a book, lip balm in a pinup tin, among others. And apparently have more presents to receive – lovely!

  5159. My 5 year old loves this kind of thing. She’s very creative, and far more artistic than her peers. I didn’t even realise that until some of her friend’s mothers pointed that out, and showed me what their own offspring drew.

    I love to foster her creative streak, not because she’s good at it, but because it makes her glow with joy.

  5160. The first name that poped into my head for the monster is Stewy (short for Stewart.) I have no idea why.

    You got lots of stuff! Very cool. The only crafty thing I received was Red Heart Eco-Ways yarn. Two skeins. Oh and a photo frame with a sort of paper pad as the frame so you can doodle around the photo. The other things were cookbooks, socks, DVDs and money.

    I think I’ll have to try and make myself a little monster too! I have tons of old clothes waiting to be reused for something else…


  5161. The first name that came to my head was Sleepy, because of his eyes. He’s so appealing. I am coveting your scissors and the embroidery thread! I rec’d a very comfortable chair for my studio and a reading lamp to put beside it. The best gift? Having my kids get safely home the week before christmas and mere hours before a huge snow blizzard. Happy New Year, Hanna

  5162. thanks for your comment, cat is beautifull, nice blog, i will come back

  5163. Gorgeous, gorgeous things! And yes on more creative projects. Looking forward to what you might have in mind.

    On the name of your monster… Well, PATCHES came to mind when I saw him/her/it? :-)

  5164. Wow! Happy New Year and thank goodness i found you through Creative Every Day! I am quite sure that our paths have crossed before, but i am definitely going to follow you now for sure. What a full and informative post! I am going to bookmark so that i have some more time to follow and check it all out! Amazing! Thank you and i look forward to 2010!

  5165. Would you post a tutorial on some cool embroidery stiches ? one of the things I plan to do this year is learn to embroider….

  5166. usually read along silently but I just LOVE your curtain fabric so much I had to mention it! Now it is time to stop gloating over my new notebooks and start the process of filling them …

  5167. Such wonderful photos and words! I?m looking forward to following all of your projects in the upcoming year.
    Best wishes Anette Linnea

  5168. Wow! I’m totally enjoying your blog! Just browsing around I’ve loved the links, and I love the idea of having a journal just for blogging! I’m pretty new to the whole blog thing, I’m learning so much. I look forward to reading more great posts during Creative Every Day 2010!

  5169. Hi Hanna- I know in the blog world this post was AGES ago ;) but I just had to comment. I absolutely love these spreads, they capture the frenetic joy of the holidays so well! Jumbled and busy – but happy! I wanted to make some stuff similar to this, using the detritus of the Christmas season, but I just didn’t quite have it together enough to gather up enough bits and pieces. Maybe next year! :)

  5170. I used to visit your blog very often, but quit flickr/reading blogs for a year and now I added you to my Reader, because your collages are always so inspiring. I don’t tell people I put pictures on flickr or have a blog (since yesterday ;)), they’ll find out when they’re close enough. And I never give my real name or put a picture of me online.

  5171. Betsi, thanks for your comment! I looove getting comments on older posts, as it lets me know there is a lot of value in the archives of my blog too. I sometimes forget to look back on what I’ve done, so when I get a comment on an old post I take the time to re-read that post.

    I had to be in a hurry to gather some of the cool wrapping paper after present opening – or it would all be tossed away. You could also collect cards and gift wrap at your own or someone else birthday and make a very colorful page! Thanks and have fun with your journal!

  5172. Wow, Hanna – what a lovely review! Thank you so much for this thoughtful, detailed post. I totally love knowing that you and your Mom made Kanzashi together, and the flowers in your photos turned out beautifully. Can’t wait to see your hat project tomorrow!

  5173. I like the idea of having strangers read what I write and visit me. I also decided to sort of stick with general stuff related to my life and creativity. I think you touched on the fear I have or have had in that the people I want to read it are those who are interested in the same things and have the same passions. Sometimes we don’t share the same passions with the same people and we don’t feel the need to share I guess?

  5174. Sorry the review was so late, I’ve really been wanting to write about it like for ever, but yes, it’s a new year and a new me! ;-) Thanks for the book, you did a wonderful job with it Diane!

  5175. It IS amazing how much they don’t look like fabric. Wow. I might give this a try. I also think that my daughter might like it, especially since she is a whiz at origami.

  5176. wow.i never knew you could do a type of origami with fabric.Sounds guessing you made the flowers in the pictures(or your mum), there really pretty.

  5177. Thanks for your comment!
    Jodi, I think it’s because we’re so used to seeing fabric sewn and folded flat – this is kind of like sculpting with fabric. I which I was good at origami, it is a very cool paper craft, but I always get mixed up in the instructions… :-)

  5178. I love it! The Gift of 365 Days filled with Happiness!!

    I had to laugh too at that. My dil had written something
    in Swedish and I thought she said, something about us
    needing to rally for happiness. She laughed. Thought it
    was a good idea and than told me it was something
    totally different that she had written.

    Thanks for the emboridery link. I’d like to learn too!!

    Have a God Blessed Happy Year!!!

  5179. A great review. Now I’m definately adding this book to my list. Thanks for visiting me at my blog. Happy New Year!

  5180. So nice to have you back! I have every now and then looked if you have written something to your blog and today was my lucky day :) Your writings always cheer me up and give hope that life can be happy and full of joy. Thank you for that!

  5181. Love your hair in the washmachine self-portrait!!

    The hat is darling!!

    “Fashion is a kind of communication. It’s a language without words. A great hat speaks for itself.”

    “Whenever you wear your hat, your day will be special.” ~Margo Nickel

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  5182. love your hat.I always get side tracked when im ment to be tiding my room, ill find a cool craft suplie i forgot about and woosh ill be off crafting.

  5183. Stunning! YOu look so chic in your red hat shrunk accidentally on purpose. Came out great and now you are an official felter.

  5184. I must let you know, I am absolutely in love with this post, Hanna. :-) I keep re-reading it and take notes about it.
    Thank you so much for sharing this information, for 2010!

  5185. I like your new hat. It reminds me of a flapper from the 1920s or 1930s. I love clothing from that era. Good job, Hanna.

  5186. great review – this sounds like something i could really use! i just ordered the book. : )

  5187. That hat is gorgeous! I just wanted to say that I love your blog, and I linked to it in my blog (not that anyone ever reads my blog), but I wanted to give you a heads up anyway.

    Thanks for all of your tips and tricks. I seriously rely on them some days.

  5188. Hi,

    Found your blog via ‘what atie did next’. I like your work and you sound very interesting so I have added a link to your blog on mine! Will enjoy reading your blogs.


  5189. Lovely hat – good story – thank you for comment on my wee blog – managed to make mosaic – not sure what I’m doing half the time – or the other half for that matter – this bit of snow we’re having has addled my brain!

  5190. i love love love it! I have bought a cat hat at a bazaar but now can’t find any! I want to have other cat-eared hats in different colors, and didn’t know what to do, but today you gave me the perfect idea!!!

    Now, why didn’t I think about it before? Hmm, oh well. Gotta go get some new balls of yarn, in yellow… brown… blue… pink… lavender… * then fades*

  5191. I haven’t used Flickr myself, but have viewed many photos on there. I love how it creates these mosaics! Yours are so colorful and beautiful. I love color and rainbows and the mosaic style is a nice marriage of those two loves. Thanks for sharing.
    P.S. Thanks for leaving me a little comment, too : ) If you are at all inspired to participate in my “Doughnut Dreams” project, please do! The DD blog is listed under my profile.

  5192. Lisa,
    yes rainbow colors are a favorite of mine too, as you can tell by these mosaics and some patterns I’ve knitted in the past! :-) I don’t see many donuts here in Sweden, but love your banner quote No matter what your dream in life, no matter what your goal, keep your eye upon the doughnut and not upon the hole. – that’s a great quote! :-)

  5193. Thanks for dropping by my blog. It was a nice surprise to find out that I had tried the experiment Michelle suggested two years ago. Funny how that happens! I love all the inspiration you have going on here. I downloaded some of the vintage pages. They’re lovely and since I’ve never worked with vintage, something I’m looking forward to trying out. Many thanks!

  5194. I am absolutely downloading this desktop wallpaper. Great idea! In the last few months, I stopped putting my own photos up and have begun to instead download the free wallpapers of artists that I like, just as I’m doing here, and it makes my workspace seem so much more fresh and creative.

    Thank you, Hanna.

  5195. LOVE the hat! I have such a love/hate relationship with crocheting hat-1 out of 4 (or 100!) tries I get it right-nice work!

  5196. what fun! Something I want to do this year. Do you have trouble getting your pens to write on top of the paint?

  5197. Wow, your friend Nina has some drawing and watercolour skills! And those spray pictures are really inspiring, i sure will try that this summer! Tonight I am inviting a few friends over and we’re doing a sketching night (drawing until we fall asleep), but you spray day is another good idea, i love it!

  5198. Aw, I love your new notebook design. You have the greatest ideas and I’m so glad that you share them with all of us.

    Have a nice week, Hanna.

  5199. Marcia, some pens will work on spray paint, others not a chance. I’m not sure which one is the best yet.

    Gabrielle, yes Nina is good. You’ve got some very cool stuff in your own drawing books as I see in your gallery! :-)

    Jodi, glad you liked the desktop design too!

    Have a nice week girls!

  5200. Brilliant idea – shrinking the hat!!!! I ended up with one I knitted (first hat ever) that ended up so big it looked just like a salad bowl sitting on my head! I had it completely unraveled before I heard Diane’s ever present voice saying “pictures”!
    Your hat is just beautiful! And I have many of the same colors left from a gift I made this year – now I know what to do with the leftovers!
    Love that you added a Kanzashi flower! Really, Hanna, a very striking hat! Well done!

  5201. Oh Hanna, what a great review! Really, you need to recover quickly from you procrastination flu because you have a gift for writing and this review is proof!

    I am delighted to hear that you and your Mom played with Kanzashi together – I love the results – beautiful! I never get tired of seeing them in new fabrics, patterns, textures, petal combinations.

    And you are doing a great job with your photography by the way!

  5202. Wow, sure brings back some great memories! We did have a lot of fun, didn?t we? :)
    Jag h?ller p? med mammas 70-?rspresent f?r tillf?llet, och anv?nder n?gra av papprena fr?n den h?r dagen. Det ?r hur kul som helst att ta fram dem och f? nya id?er f?r vad man ska ha dem till!

  5203. Nina, yes girl we sure did have fun!
    Vi m?ste v?l ses snart igen och ha en “kreativ dejt” tycker jag!? Jag gillar de h?r fotona s? mycket, de ?r s? f?rgglada och somriga, s? jag var bara tvungen att blogga dem fast jag var blog-ledig n?r vi sprejade och det ju g?tt ett tag sen dess… :-) Fota presenten, jag vill g?rna se den om jag f?r! Kram!

  5204. Thanks for your nice comments!
    Pam, we’ve got so much snow here in Sweden right now that I’m glad this hat is so thick and cozy! :-) It’s perfect right now, and the rather big kanzashi makes me look a bit like a little girl, but I just love it! And at heart I am a just a wee girl coloring the world with my crayons… Thanks for stopping by! The “writing flu” as you called is bad but I’m taking little writing tasks now as a daily medicine, it might help I hope! Hehe.

  5205. I just found your blog yesterday through another website , I think it was { Rag and Bone } not for sure about that. Anyway I just wanted to say I love your ideas about covering notebooks. I had actually been wanting to do that do one of my sketch books but only painted it copper and added glitter,while it is pretty it’s not exactly what I was after. I truly was afraid I would mess it up. But I have definitely been inspired here. I Know I can do it now! I also love your free printables, I saved A few for later use, my ink is running low! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5206. So glad people still find there way to this post with so many goodies, and that my wee blog keeps inspiring people to be creative, even with older posts that I did write a while back! New content all the time, welcome back!

  5207. umm…AWESOME! All my spray paints are sitting inside forlornly, waiting for the weather to become warm again. I’m so jealous of the amazing spread she has! I have a tiny, tiny balcony and a tray table. haha. I love your altered book!

  5208. Wow, that’s very meticulous sewing! I love the colors since it is very bright and it looks very happy and cheerful.

  5209. Dawn, Nina only has a balcony too, so don’t be jealous. We set up outside in a green area with a pick-nick table and carried out boxes and papers there together! ;-) If you need space, you will have to find it, right? Sweden is covered in white – I’m longing for summer too!

  5210. Do you have to grind the sides once they are cool or do the just come our with smoth edges?

  5211. How fun & what a great look. i love how the journal covers turned out. All the color and texture and depth is so lovely.

  5212. Regina, thanks for the visit to my blog! I haven’t been to your blog for a while, you’ve created so much nice stuff! Love your paintings!! :-)

  5213. Every time I see this hat, it makes me smile. It’s a perfect Hanna hat! And that self-portrait in the washing machine is the best thing ever. I totally need to make a felted hat now…

  5214. Spraying is so much fun!! Although i’m loving the snow, I am equally eager to get back to warm weather because spritzing inside is a stinky bad deal. Is your round lacy-edged stencil a white paper that is normally used beneath a plate of cakes? We have the same one in Germany and I’ve used it too…!!! Hee hee.

  5215. I especially liked the postcard named “Criscross” :-)

  5216. I wore it today out in the snow – makes me smile too! And the flower was properly admired by the crafting ladies tonight! :-) Yes, you- should make a felted hat – it’s easy! Go girl!

  5217. Ooh! This looks like it was so fun to do! My favorites are the ones you sprayed the small dots on (like the one with Bambi, and the colors on that one too!) , but I also like the page on the left in your art journal! Since I’m still new to art journaling, I wondered if anyone else did that sometimes..just leave a page without writing on it. I understand! I think having that blank space there in the middle of the starburst would drive me crazy though…I’d have to put something there, but it’d have to be something really, really good to have that much attention pointed at it! =cD Anyway, they are all awesome, Hanna!

  5218. TJ, yes it was a “cake paper” used as stencil, I loved how it turned out. I’m going to go out tomorrow and snap photos of all the snow -I hope for sunshine and cold weather a few more days! :-)

    U2kitteh; yes, some pages are best left alone even though the beginning though was to “add on”, but I agree with you they both need something in the middle… maybe the word of the year…

  5219. Well well Mrs Prichard, thanks for the compliments! Did you try spray paint yet? Such a messy joy, you would love it!

  5220. They are sooo beautiful, Hanna!!

    I can’t wait to get some warm weather up here in Norway. Then I’ll have to get myself some spraypaints, that’s for sure! :D

  5221. Oh my heavens, the Bambi one makes my heart skip a beat it’s so fantabulous! Quite possibly the coolest piece of art I’ve seen all month, and I’ve seen some VERY cool art!

    You are seriously tempting me to try my hand at spray paint, but I have no idea how that would work into my apartment life. :)

  5222. Nina lives in an apartment too, and carries her stuff to the green area outside her house when the weather permits! Right now everything is covered in white snow, so no spray painting. There are small spray craft bottles on the market I’ve seen, maybe those could be cool to try?

    Besti, I knooow – Bambi is so cute, it’s a little napkin that I decoupaged on there. ♥

  5223. fina :)
    kul med spray, eller hur?
    jag glommer hur bortskamd jag ar med min studio i tradgarden… hade jag inte den hade jag ocksa vart tvungen att vanta in varen.

  5224. Hej,

    Jag heter Sheetal och bor i S?dert?lje. Jag ska be dig om help. Jag skulle vilje att l?ra mig att sticka f?r att jag surfade p? intenet och hittade din sidan.

    Vill du hjalpa mig att ge Knit lab addressen? Var ligger Knit Lab i S?dra ?

    Tack p? f?rhand.

    V?nliga H?lsningar,
    Sheetal Oza.

  5225. The doily is pure genius! (As usual, clever girl!) Thinking of using your idea on some of those lacey hearts.

    Thank you for a BIG, inspiring splash of color in the grey and rainy week here in Seattle.

    I was moved to pull out the spray paints yesterday and saturate some old book covers with color. GORGEOUS!

    Since it was RAINING – as always – I did it on my balcony, using a big cardboard box as a “spray booth”. Worked great!

  5226. Somehow I missed this post before, only saw the post with the resulting postcards – how weird! Oh well, so glad I’m seeing it now. This is AMAZING. As soon as the weather gets warm I think a little art money is going toward spray paint and a drop cloth so my landlords don’t get too upset (they live downstairs!).

    All those stencils and colors and patterns… this post is so beautiful to look at! Sorry, I’m gibbering a bit, I’m just lovestruck by the idea of spraypaint now. :)

  5227. the spray paint looks so fun :)
    i love all the layers you can create!
    thanks for commenting on my blog too!

  5228. Yes I have to admit I have caught the Teesha bug too. That is when I got really serious about my art journaling. But it didn’t start with her, it actually started with Lisa Vollrath on her website >> Go make Something/Ten Two Studios. I love her videos! If you haven’t already Check her out!!

  5229. Heehee – I caught the Teesha bug too!
    But I haven’t been brave enough to post any photos yet…
    I LURVE your blog!

  5230. I found another great way to use matchboxes – mini chest-of-drawers! Try gluing four boxes together, two on the bottom, two on the top. wrap colored paper (be it sparkly, scenic or plain) around the outside of the boxes, hiding the original text. You can paste a colorful rectangle on the end of the drawer (these are the sliding things that open up out of the matchbox casing), or paint it, and stick in paper fasteners for the handles. Once the chest of drawers is dry you stick in your four drawers – and there you have it, a mini chest-of-drawers to put away all your jewelry, beads or other delights!
    And I’m sorry if I didn’t explain it fully, or if it didn’t make sense but its the best I could do ;)

  5231. love it! loving all the community created by #craftsocial! i’m in and will post on my blog too!


  5232. Jag vill ocks? vara med. Men jag vet ju inte vart jag kommer bo i Australien.. Attans. Attans. Men om det kan vara hemligt vilka vykort jag f?tt till den 30 april n?r jag ?r hemma igen s? ?r jag l?ttpl?tt med! Puss saknar dig, och v?rldens finaste vykort ever som du skickade till mig! Tack.

  5233. rootmix, how fun – a new visitor to my blog, yay! You’re welcome to join, your blog looks yummy!

  5234. Charlotta, you are welcome to join of course! Start making your postcards baby! Saknar dig ocks

  5235. This is right up my alley. I’m definitely in. Do I need to send you my infos or do you have everything needed for this?


  5236. Count me in Hanna, sounds like fun and daunting. One of my New Year’s resolution, try something new, learn something.

  5237. This sounds like a great idea…and I’m not saying that just because I love postcards. I will be spreading the word via Livejournal :)

  5238. Thank you girls for coming aboard our Postcard Ship and setting creative sails with me! Eh… hehe, so glad I took the leap to start this! We are already well over 10 – yay!

  5239. This sounds like fun! I wonder how watercolour would hold up in the mail? I’m thinking sending them out in the open as regualr postcards would add to the character. I’m sort of new to your blog. I had it bookmarked once and changed computers and lost it… (I’m also new to blogging but hope to figure out how to add a button.)

  5240. It’s not so easy to do a good enough already written essays, especially if you are intent. I consult you to define buy essay and to be spare from distrust that your work will be done by essay writers

  5241. Yay, let’s play!

    Bridget, I’ve gotten watercolor postcards and they were fine though not “perfect” when they arrived. Watercolor is such a beautiful medium, I love watercolors!

  5242. This sounds like fun -I haven’t joined in a swap for ages. and I just love getting mail! Can I join in please?

  5243. makealife, thanks! You don’t want to join us? Maybe you could embroider something? :-)

    Fiona, yes yes yes! You can join, I just added your addy to the spreadsheet I created to keep track. Yay!

  5244. Hello! I’d love to take part in this. I’ve never participated in any kind of swap before and I don’t usually show my “efforts” to anybody, but I’m going to approach 2010 as a year of adventure and try new things.
    I’ll email a couple of crafty friends and see if they want to join in too.
    Good luck everyone and happy crafting!

  5245. I’m in, Hanna!
    I will send you my info in case you don’t have it handy, and I will be ready to send right on time!

    Thanks for the fun idea.

  5246. Chris, I knew I could count on you! :-) Always.

    Jennie, I’ve been waiting for you all day! There is plenty of room for you!

  5247. These are all so neat! I’d love to join your postcard swap! I’ve never done a swap before, but it seems like it would be so much fun! I love your site, the colors are just wonderful on this cold winter evening!

  5248. Your postcards are all fantastic. I especially like the one with strips sewed onto it. I’ll have to check out your postcard swap. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my snowflakes and the tree. It was fun to join in on Michelle’s crusade.

  5249. I’m going to sign up. This will be a great challenge for me. I will now send you my info.

    Thanks for hosting this. It’s going to be fun!!

  5250. I would love to play. Thanks for the great inspiration.

  5251. Chris gave me the heads up for this, Hanna. I’m in too!

    From your neighbour in the Netherlands :-)

  5252. cute thanks for zhe comment on my blog.What do you ue to draw on the doodling or do yo just get the ideas whilst your sewing?

  5253. What a great idea, Hanna! I’d love to join the swap :)

    Best wishes from Norway!


  5254. Flott video, Hanna!!
    -your emboidery group are making absolutely fabulous ART!
    oooh, where did I put my neadles and scissors??! I want them right now!! :P
    Du er en fantastisk “inspirator”, Hanna! :)

  5255. I see swaps all the time and have never participated! I am excited! I found you through Julie Pritchard’s Blog!
    Please count me in.

  5256. I’d love to play, too. This will be my first time. Do the ten postcards need to all be different, or can they be 10 of the same?
    I also found you through Julie Prichard. (It looks like there’s another Marie. I live in Utah)

  5257. Hanna,
    ik vind dit een heel leuk idee en ja ik wil er wel aan meedoen
    lijkt me heel leuk om te doen.

  5258. Hi Hanna. I’m a regular at checking out your site, but I don’t always comment. I have emailed my info to you and would love to join the swap. This will be my first one.
    Thanks for all of your inspiration.

  5259. Wow! Beautiful pieces of artwork!!

    I watch Antique Road Show and some of those embroidery school samplers are worth a lot of money now.

    I don’t know how to vote on youtube. Fantastic video and beautiful amazing embrodiery!!

    I really want to learn how to do faces. I’d love to learn your techniques too.
    Amazing and Beautiful!!

    Here is Jenny Harts site. I seen her on She’s Crafty.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  5260. Hej Hanna, thanks for dropping by, have responded to your comment on my blog, when I worked out how to!!. Imagine I don’t know how to leave comments on my own blog.

    Your collage sewing, not sure how to describe is wonderful, beautiful colours and how you have achieve a design just with stitches. I am in awe. Cheers

  5261. Oh this is great Hanna ! Perfect for the post cards too. How long a stitch do you use ? I have sewn and perforated the pages instead. Will try it out soon.
    Haven’t started yet ! I am getting very inspired by you and by Julie though…
    Have a cozy evening.

  5262. Lovely and awesome!!

    I’ve sewn on paper before. Nothing fancy though
    like a dsil did one Christmas many years ago. She
    made a Christmas card with paper and material mixed.

    I have a vintage embroidery postcard that a dear friend
    gave it to me. He had some others all put into picture frames.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  5263. I am going to try and so some of my scraps tommorow…..I have started my postcards got about 5 done.


  5264. I’m a scaredy cat Hanna! I want to play but I’ve never made mail art before. Please count me in if you don’t have enough people on the last day.
    Oh Hanna, we love you so! ;))

  5265. Wow, thanks for sharing these! Now, I’m super inspired and pumped up for the postcard swap. :)

  5266. Hey Hanna…I have to admit…sewing scraps of papers together is my new comfort food..less calories too. It;s the perfect stormy day activity! Can’t wait to swap ’em out.


  5267. I read this earlier tonight, and haven’t been able to get them off my mind. I must get Mister to carry my sewing machine to the studio so I can do some!! Thank you for always being here, with such new and exciting inspiration.

  5268. Hej!
    Det ?r roligt att sy i papper, det g?r jag ganska ofta p? mina kort.
    Dina kort blev l?ckra!

  5269. Thank you for sharing this inspiration, I love it when fibreart my first love combines with my new love of paperart.

  5270. Thanks girls, sewing papers is fun, so glad you’re inspired too!

    Kim, I don’t know how long my sewing machine stitches are, I’m not very savvy on the machine… hehe. Maybe in the middle length I think worked, but the top stripe papers are cute sturdy so it won’t tear if you do it like this I hope! :-)

  5271. To be added to the postcard exchange you need to write me with your snail mail address, whole name etc. Please I need you to read the rules, then go to my contact page and join!

    Welcome everyone to join the swap!

  5272. Hello Hanna,
    as said before that is a very inspiring post and so simple to do. Thanks for sharing. I like your blog a lot!
    A childhood experience came to my mind: The first thing my mother allowed me to sew on – with her rather old sewing machine – was our local newspaper :-)
    Gotta try this one very soon.

  5273. I am absolutely in love with this! I don’t sew much, mostly do mixed media (painting and drawing) but the last few days I have gotten the itch to sew! I did some hand stitching on a journal cover last night and I think I will have to try this out tomorrow to go inside my new journal!
    Thanks so much for sharing!!

  5274. I’d love to participate. I’m in a creative mood this weekend, now that my chest cold has departed. I think I’ll get started on making my postcards – right away! I’ll e-mail my details to you. What fun!

  5275. Thanks for the little tutorial. It looks like fun and a good way to use up scraps of paper. I’m going to try some of these.

  5276. I love this drawing too Hanna, it’s almost like Zentangle which I just recently got acquainted with at the Craft and Hobby show. I also read your earlier post about the zentangle and I cannot wait to try my hand at this fun way to draw. Thanks

  5277. Cute drawing! I have “The Creative License” but not “An Illustrated Life”….but it’s going on my “to buy” list right now.

    I find inspiration in all kinds of books. Quilt books are great for color inspiration and I love nature books for texture ideas.

  5278. I just read the Creative License last week! I agree that it’s an awesome, particularly challenging my thoughts of inadequacy and really helping me to become more observant about my surroundings and to record them :)

    I always find inspiration in Japanese magazines and craft books, and there’s this Japanese catalog that I always flip through to get my creative juices flowing. Other than these I look at nature guides and architecture books too :) .

  5279. I bought The Creative Licence and An Illustrated Life only a couple of weeks ago, and I love them both – 2 of the most creative & inspiring books I’ve ever bought!

  5280. oh, you’re right – “The Creative License” really did change the way I look at things. it makes you SEE.
    another book which I think is a must would be Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way”. another eye-opener for me.

    and I love this quote by van Gogh.

  5281. Thank you for reviewing these books! I’ve seen them on when looking for art journaling books, but I wasn’t sure if they would be what I would want. They sound very good as I do want to get to a point where I feel comfortable just drawing in my journal without collage. (It is strange because I used to love to draw all the time when I was little, but now I’m afraid?)

    I love your doodles! Your people characters are definitely evolving and you know always love the presence of a kitty (and the way you spell miau!) — A drawing with this much detail…so many little things to look at is something I aspire too. ;) It just LOOKS like fun to do!

  5282. Nice idea!
    But why 10?
    This is much work and very expensiv on postage.
    I think 3 or 5 would have been much better. Just a thought, hope you don’t mind.
    Enjoy your sunday!

  5283. The Creative License is ordered now, I can?t wait to have it! Thanks for the tip!

    So far Julia Cameron?s books have been those where I find a lot of inspiration to try new things. Also I find gardening books very inspiring, love the colours.

  5284. Love this idea. I had great fun sewing together a tag I made for a gift a while back.
    I stamped a crow on a piece of brown paper bag. Cut it out and stitched the square to another piece of brown paper bag. The look is fabulous. Addictive! : )

  5285. What a great idea!!! I just sent you my info. I can’t wait to start making my postcards. This is going to be quite the lovely journey! How inspiring….and we all love getting surprises in the mail.

  5286. Va kul! jag har just tyssnat igenom alla hans poddar igen! De ?r s? himla inspirerande!

    Nina och jag pratar om att Crawla lite snart – ?r du m??

  5287. Va kul! jag har just tyssnat igenom alla hans poddar igen! De ?r s? himla inspirerande!

    Nina och jag pratar om att Crawla lite snart – ?r du m?? :)

  5288. Am I too late to join?
    I really hope not…
    This sounds like so much fun!! :D
    I want to start making postcards right now…

  5289. I recently started doing this with cereal boxes and other thin cardboard packaging from food. I didn’t think anyone else did! What a great way to reuse stuff and reduce the amount of rubbage in landfills. Glad you posted about this!

  5290. I would love to share in the fun! I’ve never participated in a postcard swap…I usually just enjoy other people’s creativity, but why not share some of my own? This will be fun!!

  5291. With so many fantastic reccomendations, i have to get them! (^_^) I’ve just made a journal, so these would be perfect inspiration!

    Thankyou! And thankyou too, for your comment on my blog :o)

  5292. Right after I’ve read your post I ordered the Creative Licence and An Illustrated Life!
    Thanks so much for sharing, I can’t wait to hold them in my hands ^^
    Cheers, Julia

  5293. This is just amazing, I checked out all the photos of this piece on flicker and can’t get over all the elements you used to create such a beautiful work of art.

  5294. omg – these are so fab! thanks for directing me to this archived post (and the others) about felting. i’m having a gas trying it…and appreciate you sharing your own adventures with me.

  5295. OM goodness! This is fabulous. It has so much texture. I loved
    reading about the story of when you were making it. I almost
    felt like I was an angel watching you stitch with your friend : )
    This cloth holds good memories…lovely.

  5296. How wonderful! I am most drawn to the musical ground and colored cheese cloth, though it is all so beautifully put together! I use to embroider when I was much younger, but kind of lost touch with it. This makes me want to start back up again :)

  5297. I gasped so much when I saw this, the details are amazing and I just love the colours. I wish I could do something like this :)

  5298. Hanna, your detail, your imagination is incredible! I think the tulle and the cheese cloth are just perfect for the branches! I love all those shiny sequins and buttons! Oh my goodness, what a work of talent and patience this is! There are so many tiny stitches! Wonderful!!! I would love looking at this every day!

  5299. What a lovely piece. I’m so glad I found your website. You’ve already inspired me to higher goals.

  5300. wow that is so cool how long did it take you?
    I just completed my first art quilt to, but it is way smaller!!!!(its on my blog if you are intrested)

  5301. makealife, I saw your quilt – it’s very cute! I’ve done smaller quilts before, but this took many days to make – I have no idea how many hours and I don’t want to know! ;-) It’s all hand sewn, even the edges!

  5302. This makes me want to get out my embroidery thread and get busy! love all the little details. Beautiful!!!!

  5303. Hi Hanna. Your quilt is just beautiful! The fact that it was made with love shines through.
    You are always so inspirational.

  5304. I’m so excited! I just sent my information over to you. I’ve never participated in a swap before, and I’m totally geeking!

  5305. This is fantastic, very magical. I know what you mean about loving a piece and the associated memories from while stitching it.

  5306. !!! … i haven’t even finished reading the post yet, but i absolutely had to comment right this second! oh, it’s *beautiful! i can’t imagine how much work you had to put into it.. absolutely lovely!!

    also, thanks so very much for the comment on my blog ~ you inspire me so very much and it’s such a treat to hear from you! now.. back to this blog post.. hehe.
    with love,

  5307. I just found a picture of your beautiful ripple afghan and could not be happier . You see I made one for my son but now seems a little too narrow I love the way yours looks so finished off with the border. could you please tell me how you did it and is it just on the sides or all around Thank you Judy

  5308. Hi Hanna,
    I love the way you express your love for your creative work.
    I like your tree and I like how detailed you write about all the details.
    Reading of summer sun while here it’s so very could. Everything is frozen.
    Because it matches one topic of my blog I would like to ask you if I could post the picture of your tree and introduce you?

  5309. I love your photos, I think they came out great. And it’s amazing to see how cool everything is up close. This is a beautiful tree, and you know I love TREES!

  5310. I so love this, where are you going to hang it. I used to needlepoint a few years ago and found it very calming. Dont know why I quit.

  5311. You did an outstanding job with this piece! I know firsthand how much love and dreaming and memory/philosophy of life goes into this level of creative embroidery. There’s nothing else that’s quite the same – pure color and soul.

  5312. Indeed, Danny Gregory’s books are very inspiring and gives this little push you need to get started. I especially loved the pep talks. Actually, I own two “The Creative License”, one for me, and the other one for friends i think should read it. For inspiration, i also like to flip through “street sketchbooks” by Tristan Manco, and I have a lot of art books, and i read your blog (you are inspiring too!),,, and sometimes Illustration Friday Blog.
    i liked The Illustrated life, and own it, but i never went through reading it all, it’s pretty but very big and long.

  5313. Oh Hanna, this is absolutely gorgeous! And so inspiring! It makes me want to play with fabric and embroidery floss and sequins… I only need more free time and more space to work with!

  5314. I love your embroidered tree. It is beautiful and I especially like the little bees on it. I’ve never been much of a sewer or embroiderer myself, but I almost feel inspired to become one now, if I thought I could create something half as lovely as your tree. Thanks for sharing.

  5315. This is stunning! I love the movement and livliness of the tree! Completely gush worthy =)

  5316. this is absolutely amazingly beautiful! the work and the detail are just splendid:)

  5317. Hanna, this is really stunning. I love the free work look of it. And I can totally relate to how it felt to do it – that is how I feel about applique. Beautiful work! Very inspiring too.

  5318. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. It’s always nice to have visitors! :-)

  5319. I absolutely love your tree, it’s beautiful…. i want to make one! I was surfing around looking for inspiration this afternoon, i think i just found it- thank-you. x

  5320. This is just beautiful Hanna and it’s great how your stitches have such happy memories too. Congratulations on a magnificent large-scale masterpiece!! xoxo tj in germany

  5321. This looks like you have at least your 10 participants needed…;0
    Good for you Hanna, it will be fun!
    xoxo tj

  5322. Trees are one of my favourites to photo and draw. You tree is wonderful and how you have made use of the stitches sequins buttons to create texture and colour and shape is magical.

  5323. I signed up and am really looking forward to this! I got started on my cards yesterday! Thanks for hosting this swap!

  5324. Fantastic!! I’ve only done one free style embroidery project and that was waaaay back in college. Yours in beautiful. Not only your needlework, but the overall design. Great job!

  5325. Woohoo, this sounds like a load of fun. I’m off to make my cards and can’t wait to start checking my mailbox after Valentine Day! Thanx for hosting this, we have some brand new handmade paper just waiting for a project.

  5326. Wonderful cards, the oriental batch looks really interesting. On the Give Love and Be Creative did you paint the background or is it digital. Whatever, it is neat.

  5327. Oh my….this is breathtaking! I have never, ever seen anything like this, not even at art shows I’ve been to. I’m so glad you’ve posted so many pictures. Even still, I wish I could see this in real life; I could look at it for hours! All the pretty fabrics and teeny little stitches. You have such patience! =cD
    This is one of your most incredible works, I must say.

  5328. I really loved your sewn papers, and they?ve been in the back of my mind for a while. So when I had to decorate a cover for an art journal, I immediately came to think about them. Yesterday I finished my journal, and I have to say I?m very pleased with it, I?d really like to keep it, unfortunately I?m giving it away… :(. But I?ll be making more art journals, and will probably do some more sewing in paper too! Drop by and see what you think!

  5329. Your mini quilts are so pretty. I don’t often work with fabrics but that might have to change!

  5330. Thanks for sharing. I love this! Might just have to dig out my sewing machine. I’ve been threatening for a while… Found you through CED. B.

  5331. Hanna, your Valentine postcards are so bright and wild. I love them.
    I’m thinking of sewing some together to make a wall hanging.
    What do you think?

  5332. Thanks for your comment! Janet, I think fabric is lots of fun to work with, but “slower” and in a need of more planning than paper works… :-)

  5333. Love the idea of a mini quilt that you could put in an envelope and send. I daresay they could even be sprinkled with perfume to keep you uppermost in a loved ones mind.

  5334. I’m in! I just finished my first official mail art swap today and it was so much fun that I am going for more. ~ Tammy

  5335. thanks for the ideas,i?m always looking for inspiration..
    happy weekend!
    ps. you may come back, you will understand everything now;)

  5336. I just wanted to say that I love your blog, but I have a problem. Every time I read your blog it makes me want to try something new and I have already moved my crafting space from a corner of the living room to our spare room when I took up sewing and I am still running out of room to store all my supplies! Your latest posts have made me want to try embroidery again! I used to do it years ago and I find myself drifting over to that section of the craft store now. I’m not sure my craft room can take much more!

  5337. OH my, those mini quits are so cute! How big are they? I am “gathering” some ideas in my mind.. And I love how you did them. In my mind everything I make has to be perfectly symmetrical, and then I see other people’s work and see how they don’t force that kind of perfection and everything still looks perfectly amazing in the end! I need to let loose in that way.

  5338. That is some beautiful and happy pages, Hanna!
    Am loving the colors!
    What acrylics are you using? fluid acrylics?

    God helg!! :D

  5339. Those bright colors are gorgeous!!! I also like the stencils that you made. Polka dot paper is one of my favorites too. I forgot about spraying water on the acrylic paint. I am going to try that.

  5340. Hanna! These are really luscious and fabulous. I love the colors you choose!
    Don’t you love spray painting? If I’d known about it when I was in high school, I’d be in BIG trouble!

  5341. hanna – i love the view from the top of your work space. great colors, fun shapes! cool that you tried spraying with water, and with paint. lots going on….very joyful. thanks for sharing with the team! (i’m working on my postcards this weekend!!)

  5342. You are absolutely my favorite journal artist and this blog entry is one example why. I love that you are so willing to try any and all techniques and always freely make it your own. That’s how this stuff should be!

    My favorite on this spread are actually your cut out iHanna shapes! They are the first thing I noticed and I went, “Way cool!” lol Also, the spray/mister technique is one I can’t wait to try!

  5343. WOW these are so fun and colorful! I love all the elements and the top view makes me want to not walk but run to my studio to play!

  5344. January looks great. You seem to maintain your focus and inspiration. Thanks for the great desktop artwork. I will passing your link around as well.

  5345. Thanks girls!

    scrowlscrowl – I’ve not tried fluid acrylics yet, these are a mix of Windsor & Newton Galleria Flow Formula Acrylic and some tubes of Liquitex Basic Value Series = quite cheap paints! :-)

  5346. Thanks for the tutorial. The sheets are lovely! I will have to see if I can track down my old sewing machine. How fun!

  5347. LOVE your brilliant colors and unusual shapes you chose.
    What a treat for the eyes in a season where all we mostly see white, grey & blue.

  5348. What lovely warm colors, really welcoming. But the best bit for me? Those shapes you have cut out – I think they’re awesome, like some organic thing that’s growing.

  5349. Wow, what a tonic to the soul! These colours really lift the spirit of winter away and I love the idea of freeform stencilling. I am a real beginner so have lots to learn.

  5350. I love this tree! thank you for the pictures up close & personal.
    All the details are so beautiful and thoughtFULL; I especially like the groups of flowers & the bee sequins.
    Happy days,

  5351. Hi Hanna, Thank you for this beautiful and inspiring tutorial. I too have been intrigued by the idea of sewing on paper. I especially love sewing paper and cloth together. There is a lovely play of the textures and colors. Your blog is lovely and I hope to come back regularly.


  5352. Vibrant beautiful pages!! Happy and Fun, Fun Fun!!

    Wouldn’t Pop-up be fun in some journal pages?
    Or make a card and attach an envelope that you
    can put in a Pop-up card.

    I have a link up on my blog on to how to make Pop-ups,
    if you’d like to make some. I made a Valentine Pop-up and
    a Silhouette Pop-up card. The Silhouette card you’ll find a
    how to at One Pretty Thing.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  5353. Wonderful, inspiring and playful. Can’t believe even the two
    of you could accomplish in 1.5 days….

  5354. Hanna- thanks so much for your comment on CraftTestDummies…I thought I’d see what YOU were up to…and WOW! What a great blog! I love your painting & stencil making…so vibrant and fun! Craft on, lady!-

  5355. Oh Hanna ! I love your pages so much ! I need that kind of color around me these days. And that organic shape is just awesome. Wonderful job, Crusader ! ;)
    (BTW – I am having fun working on my postcards ! )

  5356. Nice idea to use paper into pages that are different.
    Making the postcards has been very fun and keeping the
    ideas flowing.

  5357. I signed up! I just wanted to let you know I’ve completed 4 of my 10 postcards and I have posted photos of them on my blog. I’m new to mail art but I’m having lots of fun. This is my first swap project and I’m really excited!!

  5358. Ooh, how pretty! I love how you all had to take turns sewing to get it finished, lol. Sounds like it was a marathon!
    I would like to try this in a (much!) smaller version. =c)

  5359. These are great! Thanks so much for sharing them with us! I have decorated some of my backs, but these are great for when I can’t think of anything to put on the back. Like Monique, I have some vintage postcards that I’ve scanned and had forgotten about those, so thanks for the reminder, Monique!

  5360. Looks great ! I will add a little quote like you did to my cards. I already did the backsides.
    I am loving this, Hanna ! Can’t wait to send them out !

  5361. I love these! But I’ve already done the backs of my cards. Wah!! I think I’ll download them anyway and use them as an excuse to make some more cards……………..

  5362. Great, great idea :D and unfortunately I cannot join this swap :( :(. Please say that there will be another one?! :D :D

    Greets from Bosnia :D

  5363. I wish I had a bit earlier to visit you. Hopefully for the next time I would like to participate for this fun creative event. Smiles~

  5364. Thanks for the background – super idea. I will also wait with showing my cards till later. They have to be a surprise – still they will be to me;-)

  5365. Oh, vilken rolig variant på lapptäcke! Tror jag ska låna den där iden om att sy fast lapparna på ett tyg istället för att sy ihop alla de små lapparna till ett stycke… det känns lite som ett ngt för stort projekt just nu…

  5366. Wow the colours are fab!!! I think that I’m going to try that technique in my art journal!

  5367. Hi Hanna,
    I found the 10 handmade postcards a little daunting! So I didn’t sign up for the swap. But I’ll look forward to seeing all the results.

  5368. Wow it looks great! Did you treat it with anything or are you not going to use it heavily so it can be washed fine?

  5369. This is a lovely, eloquent post about something so important to me, focusing on the joy of simply creating art without worrying about the end result. That’s everything to me.

  5370. what a great job!! :) wonderful!

    I just started my own crafts blog, check it out if you like :)


  5371. So cool! Now when you snuggle up in it, you’ll see things in the pictures you may have missed. I really love the square with the acorn…I just realized I don’t think I’ve ever seen an acorn still attached to the tree. Am I that sheltered?!

    Mmm, and you can totally email me that yummy chocolate there with the nuts on it, hehe!

  5372. This quilt is great…it’s not only art but will hold memories for years to come…love it!

  5373. Hanna!
    Thank you so much for these. I originally wasn’t going to need them, but now I see how fabulous they are, and I’m using them!
    You think of everything.
    Thank you thank you

  5374. Wow! The colors and the tree and all the little details. I love this! Very beautiful and inspiring.

  5375. This makes me want to dash for the bookstore to read a non-school book! I haven’t gotten to get crafty in weeks, and I think it’s beginning to effect my well being. :)

  5376. This looks wonderful!
    I wish I had read it before I threw away all my wrapping paper …

  5377. Off to bring my postcards to the Post Office right now !
    Congrats on having your mailbox so full with well-deserved treasures ! Cheers !

  5378. Such lovely mail! Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Oh zines … yes, zines … I’ve been composing a new one in my head, maybe it’s time to get to work on it?

    I love the quote at the end of the post. I often procrastinate or hesitate to send mail because I don’t feel I can put together anything “grand” enough. I’ll have to work on this! :)

  5379. Jeannine, making a zine is so much fun even though it takes a lot of time I think it’s worth it. Please do it! And I already know that you DO send out grand stuff, and I also know that if you chose to send to “the right person” (like me, hehe) it’s easy to be “grand” – I adore everything I get in the mail! :-)

  5380. I’m back to thank you again! I used yours for the swap, but you also inspired me to design my own custom postcard backs using photographs, and to attempt a tutorial in this post!

  5381. What fun, Hannah! I will have to wait till Monday to mail out postcards, we had so much snow here I couldn’t get out today. I did get one lovely postcard already though. and have posted the process of making my postcards onto my blog and Youtube. IT was a great experience, thanks for dreaming it up.

  5382. The must have been the best mail day ever! I am in complete envy of your new zine collection =) I just found my postcard addresses in my darn spam box- are you not swapping this time?

  5383. Wow you weren’t kidding! I had a good mail day as well, and it’s a good thing because I live for good mail days :-) I didn’t get any snail mail letters today, but I did get a package and a magazine so I can’t complain. I can’t wait to see what you do with some of the new goodies you received!

  5384. Hey knittingoutloud, thank you! But you can’t see the yummy red photos here? Not sure what you mean, the photos are both click-able and visible to me – what browser are you on?

  5385. knittingoutloud: The source code was messed up, I’ve fixed it now. Thank you so much for helping me see this so that I could fix it!

  5386. What a fabulous mail day! I?m a bit envious! I?m expecting lots of great mail – both little envelopes and bigger packages, both art and supplies, but I?m not seeing much of any of it. I look forward to moving – I will have a proper mail box, not just a mail slot, meaning I won?t have to go and collect bigger packages, they will fit in the box!

    I have thought about zines – I haven?t seen any irl yet, but they do intrigue me. I have thought about making my own, but I wouldn?t even know where to start, what to do. Joining a zine swap sounds like so much fun, but I?d be too intimidated to do it. Can?t you do a zine tutorial, or something? Just share the basics?

  5387. What an awesome mail day! Please send my your address…even though I messed up in the signing up for your postcard swap, I’d love to send you one of mine! No obligation!

  5388. Thank you Virna for your kind comment! Hope you had a great Valentine.

    That gold fabric is just delicious!

  5389. Thank you for including my photo above (pinkangel) – have added my link too :)
    Thank you for organising, I had a great time making the cards and can’t wait to see what arrives through my letterbox soon!

  5390. hanna, thanks so much for sharing my photo!

    i had such fun with this project and am so excited to see what others have made for me.. i will certainly appreciate each and every postcard – i know how much time and effort and thought went into every one!

    thanks again for organising this whole grand swap! i was thinking yesterday about how i would have matched everyone up, and i can’t even figure out where to begin. we’re all very grateful to you!

    much love,

  5391. Hanna, thank you so much for envisioning & coordinating such a wonderful, global exchange. Making the postcards was so creatively healing to me….you have no idea! Hugs, ~gina

  5392. This was such a fun swap. I’m anxiously awaiting all the postcards and I know they’ll be terrific.

  5393. Hanna, This is my 1st swap, I had so much fun making my postcards. It was great to complete something and send it off. Thank you for making it easy to do and for hosting the swap. Sues

  5394. I truly enjoyed being apart of this event. I hope you host more and share other events like these so I can participate in more swaps. Thank you.

  5395. Hanna–just like many others have said, thank you for taking the time to organize this swap. It was really fun to do and I can’t wait to see all the lovely hand-made postcards that come my way from the many talented artists involved. :)

  5396. Thanks for posting my photo. I had fun working on the cards and I hope everyone that gets one likes them!

  5397. Hanna! So much fun to do these postcards. I’ve just received my first one and it is BEAUTIFUL. Thanks again for organising.

  5398. I enjoyed my first swap so much it didn’t matter that I had to paint into the wee hours of the night to complete the cards: I woke up the next day so full of energy! I can’t wait to see what I will receive! Thank you so much.

  5399. Thanks for hosting this! I’m just starting to get postcards and it’s so exciting to wait for the postman every day!

  5400. Hanna!

    Tack tack tack! a million times for organizing this! I loved this project and I will for sure participate in other activities. What a great way to network, be crafty, Spark Creativity, receive and send fun mail, and forget about winter for a little while :)
    I cannot imagine how much work this was for you, you are amazing!!!

  5401. I think that I’ll put up my postcard post on Wednesday. I took a project idea (for photo wall hangings) that I’ve been pondering for years and decided to finally try it using the postcards. So much fun.

    Like the Terminator, “I will be back.” :)

    And to all that created the lovely postcards above: BEAUTIFUL, CREATIVE PEOPLE YOU ALL ARE!

  5402. Yay! I got them done although a couple days late. I uploaded them to flickr and the to the group, too. Thanks so much for organizing this! It’s been such fun! Let’s do it again soon! See you at #craftsocial!

  5403. What an amazing experience. Thank you, Hanna, for organizing! And thank you everyone for the lovely cards!

    Keep on crafting!

  5404. Thank you so much for organizing this Hanna!

    It’s so much fun and I am incredibly excited to check my mailbox now :-)

  5405. That’s great fun. I hope my creations find their way to all recipients and can’t wait collecting mine over next couple of days/weeks.

  5406. Hej Hanna!
    S? fort jag tittar in till dig s? blir jag s? sugen, p? allt m?jligt arbet? i ateljen med h?nderna. Idag blev det mest datorjobb f?r min del…och lite rita m?nster ocks?…

  5407. I know I’m echoing what everyone else is saying, but I really enjoyed making the postcards and participating in the swap. It’s SO wonderful to know that there are other people out there who “get it” and that we can all get together via the internet and the post to share our creativity and inspire one another.
    Hanna, you are a STAR for taking the time and trouble to organize this.
    Big love to all my fellow postcard swappers!

  5408. Hello Hanna,
    This postcard swap that you organised is so great. I wished I could have entered, alas, I was a little too busy lately. But if you ever organize another one, I’ll make sure to enter. Or maybe I’ll just organise one when I’ll have some time! :)

    In the meanwhile, I will make sure to check out Mr. Linky’s links! ^-^

  5409. This has been so fun!

    Nothing like producing art for other artists, to get the ideas flowing. Thank you, Hanna.

    I gave my work/studio address for this swap and my mailperson is in love with each and every piece delivered. So much more thrilling than invoices and special offers!

    Thank you also to everyone who made art for this. It’s a thrill to see what you’ve all created. What a treat!

  5410. I’m certain I sent my address when you first announced this idea.
    I’m certain I’ve sent you 2 emails asking WHERE DO I FIND MY ASSIGNED ADDRESSEES?
    I’m certain yesterday I received 4 mail art pieces.
    I’m certain there will be individuals who will NOT receive mail because I still haven’t heard from you, still can’t find any links to where I can discover who I’m to mail to, etc.
    I’m certain I feel badly, but I no longer have a window of time to create the art to send to these individuals.
    I’m certain it sucks getting lost in the cracks.
    To everyone who sent ME mail art, I love them, and I honestly appreciate it.

  5411. Hi Toni, I’ve sent you your addresses several times. Maybe they are in your spam folder if you’re not getting them? Please check there,. or try to contact me from another email address. The cards should already be finished, so I don’t understand what you mean that you don’t have time to create them? I hope we can solve this!? I’ll resend them again right now!

  5412. Hi Hanna! I asked to join, but then didn’t send my information because I chickened out! Silly me, cluck cluck! Maybe next time I will not be so shy. ;)
    I am not surprised at how big your swap got…we all love you so much out here in internetland!…and it seems everyone wanted a chance to play with you!
    I have totally been enjoying all the beautiful art everyone has been posting on the Flickr group.
    I’d say, for hositing first swap and for one of this giant magnitude…WELL DONE! =cD ::clap::clap::clap::

  5413. This is such a great post … organizing a swap is hard work and I think you’ve explored the process (pros and cons) with honesty and tact. I’m sorry I couldn’t participate in your postcard swap, but do look forward to seeing the artwork!

  5414. Hi there Hanna! Thanks again for hosting such a wonderful swap, I had a great time making my postcards and I can’t wait to receive whatever people have sent.

    We don’t know each other but I was wondering if I could ask for a favour? I’m currently trying to help my 6 year old niece earn her “Cool Collecting” Brownie badge. She thought postcards would be nice to collect so I’ve been asking on my LJ and various other places if people would be willing/interested in sending her an age appropriate postcard, handmade/bought doesn’t matter. Since you were able to reach so many people on your blog I was wondering if you would mind posting about this.

    People can email visit my blog to contact me about this. I still had a great time participating in your swap and I’d love to do it again in the future. Thanks for taking the time to read this :)


  5415. Hi Hanna! I really enjoyed participating and I got my first post card in the mail today! I’m sure it was a huge logistical nightmare for you but think about all the art flying across the globe because of your wonderful idea! My cards got out a little late because the addresses were in my spam folder but they were sitting waiting to be mailed! I LOVED this swap and THANK YOU THANK YOU!

  5416. Hanna, I have had such a good time watching all the postcards wing their way about! Thanks for the links in this post…so much fun to watch others create!

  5417. Dear Hanna,
    You did a wonderful job of organizing and hosting this swap. I applaud you. I was thinking of hosting a swap myself but I’m not sure anymore! Maybe during summer when I have more time to myself.

  5418. Dear Hanna,

    Oh dear, where to start. I was imagining how difficult it was going to be to organize so many people. And I KNOW for a fact I was one of those annoying people! I am sorry!
    As for Americans not including USA in their address…well.. many Americans forget that there are actually many interesting and different countries around this beautiful globe… and it does not cross their minds often. heh, I use to be more that way.. Partially it is because our country is so very big and we tend to get a little absorbed sometimes… Like I was just thinking about the Olympics and how I live so close to Canada, yet I forget all the time that they speak French there! Sooo bad. Serious.
    Anyway enough about that.
    I appreciate all that you did, I had so much fun with it and I have been feeling extremely inspired lately to DO more, and to meet more creative people no matter which planet they come from :)
    That inspiration would not exist without your idea for this swap.

    That said, hope you get to unwind from it all! Take care :)


  5419. Oh! I just looked at your blog YESTERDAY and I so wish I had seen the swap in time to sign up! I really, really enjoy sending postcards and letters right now, and this would have been a fun challenge for me. I’m considering hosting my own now, a small one, since I didn’t get to participate in yours. ;) Thanks for the wrap-up post!

  5420. Thank you so much for organizing this wonderful swap. I’m sure it takes a lot of time and energy to keep everything straightened out and running smoothly. There will always be problems but for me, I had a great time.

    I do have to apologize to the people who received my postcards as I forgot to put my personal information on them! I was in such a hurry to mail them out that I forgot!

  5421. Dear Hanna,
    I am extremely grateful for all your efforts. Thank you for organizing this postcard swap. I can’t imagine how much time it took out of you! Please take heart–your rules were extremely easy. Please also know that it was a wonderful experience & a joyful pleasure to participate in. It couldn’t have come at a more perfect time in my life; my creative soul needed it. The postcards are trickling in my mailbox & bring a smile to my face. I’ve gotten 4 so far and thanked each person by visiting their blog/flickr.
    Again, I am so honored & blessed by what you single-handedly did. Thank you, Hanna.
    p.s. I am grateful to have married an Englishman because when I write to my mother-in-law in the U.K., I always include “U.S.A” in the return address. (I shall lovingly remind my fellow Americans to do the same :)

  5422. I didn’t realize how many people were in the swap! Kudos to you- you are far braver than I! Thank you so much for hosting, I have received 2 beautiful postcards already and had a lot of fun! I’ll be posting the photos soon =)

  5423. Hanna – this swap was a real joy to take part in and now that the postcards are coming in it is exciting too! I remember I wrote to ask you about organising a swap myself and i really appreciate this post and the details of how you found this. I really admire the approach you took and the skill you have in managing the IT part! I have decided i simply don’t have the time at present – and for this I really want to thank you – because i might have launched in without this honest feedback!
    so – well done Hanna! and thank you to all my postcard makers!

  5424. I’m certainly not organized enough to do something like this, which is why I’m glad you are! I have received five postcards so far, and I’m looking forward to the next five!

  5425. I didn’t mean to sound so SNOTTY and ARROGANT on that comment up top!!! Oh my GAWD! It was frustration and disappointment coming through. I apologize for that, for my tone, all of it!!

  5426. oh wow!
    these pictures are breathtaking and beautiful.
    thank you for posting them!

  5427. Thanks Libby, for your kind comment on the photos. I love when nature just gives you opportunities like this one! :-) And yes, I do love snow.

  5428. Thanks for all your efforts. This has touched a lot of lives and pushed people to be creative and share their creativity!! That is quite a feat.
    I am sure this was a ton of work.

  5429. Hi Hanna, This was the first time I’ve ever tried anything like your postcard swap, and I had a blast. It was a total challenge to create something, but I sent them out happily. I have now received two fabulous cards, and can’t wait to see what comes along.
    Thank you for hosting such a fun event.

  5430. We didn’t get a lot of snow so far this winter. At least here in Montreal. This past week, we could see grass in a lot of places though everything still was frozen. But we got a nice cover of snow last night and we should be getting more in the next week. I don’t usually like winter but fresh white snow is so pretty!
    Beautiful photos as usual.
    Have a great weekend.

  5431. How pretty…love the red coming through the white snow…all are wonderful winterland to behold.
    Here we have sun and spring flowers bursting forth.

  5432. Hanna, My first swap *ever* has been a lovely experience. You’ve done a fab job organizing, providing creative ideas, communication and positive feedback. I especially like that you stayed involved and added ways for us to get involved… and of course, Mr. Linky. ~ Tammy

  5433. Such awesome photographs as always Hanna! Can you believe I’m 30 and I’ve never seen snow in my life? I live in Florida! (USA, hehe…) — I think it really says something about you that though you’ve probably seen snow all your life you still find it beautiful and special enough to take pictures of it. It also speaks of the artist in your heart that you capture is so well.

  5434. Really beautiful shots, Hanna. The time I spent in Sweden was in the dead of winter and it was so beautiful that I have about a zillion photos of snow!!

  5435. Thanks a lot for the swap, my first ever. I really liked it and will join anotherone. A really good work. Thank you!

  5436. Hi Hanna (Hi Diana).
    I love love love this book! And by sheer luck, Diana was one of my postcard swap recipients, which made me a *little* nervous but I got over it :)

    Because of her book I immediately bought sakura glazing pens–why are resist techniques so beautiful/addicting? I need to get Golden “Flow Release” as well. Does anyone else is have a hard time keeping track of all the acrylic medium/additives that are out there? Here is more info:

    p.s. here in the States we call “rubbing alcohol” for over-the-counter or store-bought isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol) or ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
    p.p.s. yes, I am a big nerd

  5437. Hi Gina, thanks for your helpful comment my dear! I think the book is great because there are not as much crazy new stuff I need to get, but yeah, some things sounds like fun to try out…

  5438. Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll look out for this book! I am pretty new to art journalling but i love playing around with paints, it’s fun!

  5439. Thanks for commenting Karen! As a newbie I think it’s great that you paint and experiment, but if you ever need a boost of creative inspiration to get you started this will be a great book to have on your shelf close by… :-)

  5440. I love Journal Spilling, too! It was the first art journaling book I bought. It made me love my watercolors.

  5441. I bought this book several months ago and just love it. (I get to take a class with Diana in May!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I have been journalling for years, but this book continues to inspire me and I keep returning to it to try something new. Have fun playing!

  5442. Thanks! Paula, you lucky girl, I have never taken a class in anything mixed media, I get so darn jealous every time I hear that someone did. :-) One day though…

  5443. I love your site. It’s sweet, tasty, honest and filled with the wonderfully simple things in life “)

  5444. The book looks bursting with cool projects! I hope to get my hands on a copy. Thanks for sharing :)

  5445. Found your blog while making a search for a decent version of Hokusai’s Great wave.

    Thank you for sharing, and the article was definitely an interesting read. I will be watching the recommended movie soon.

  5446. I’ve been dithering over whether to buy this book for a while – I love the flowers and want to find out more. Your review was so clear and helpful – mind made up – off to Amazon to order it later! Hoorah!
    Thanks, Jen x

  5447. I love red and pint together – the hat and flower are a perfect match! You never see much felted crochet – it looks really good as the texture is still visible. Almost makes the winter worth it! Jen x

  5448. It makes me incredibly happy that you are enjoying my book. You folks are really lovely! This has absolutely made my weekend. Thank you to the commenters and to you, Hanna for such a generous review.

  5449. Thank you Hanna for organizing this swap! I have already received 4 awesome postcards! Mine will be in the mail tomorrow… a little late but they are coming!!!

  5450. This has been a wonderful experience. My first postcard swap! I’m loving getting such beautiful mail. Thanks to all of you

  5451. It’s me again! I got your beautiful postcard in the mail! I’m so incredibly honored to have received one from YOU! I love the texture and colors are just so “me!” Thank you Thank you!
    (mine was the beautiful one with the two flowers sewn into it) I will post pictures soon!

  5452. I’m starting to think I was the only one who sent postcards without envelopes and with regular postage. They are on corrugated cardboard, but should meet the postal regulations. I hope they all arrive, as I didn’t include a return address! I made 12 cards, which tile together into a larger picture. You can see the whole picture at So far I have received 5 cards. Mine were mailed a bit late because I missed the mail on Feb. 13th, Feb. 14th was a Sunday, and Feb. 15th was a holiday in the US.

  5453. Hanna, you did a great job hosting this swap. I enjoyed making and receiving, I have received 6 out of the 10 so far. It had been a long time since I had last participated in a swap and this one was easy…the rules were very clear and the timeline was generous. Thank you for taking on this huge responsibility. You inspired me to join SwapBot and now I am looking forward to doing more. Thanks again!

  5454. I was just treating myself to Diana Trout’s amazingly creative paper quilt in Cloth Paper Scissors this month. It’s actually on the cover as well. Gorgeous!

    Thanks for the heads up about her book. It looks like so much fun. I see that you can order it straight from her, here.

    I hope to get in to her class at Journalfest next October, which I have discovered is (almost) right in my own backyard.

    Hanna, I think I hear America calling you!!!!!!


  5455. Your paper cloth is even more gorgeous in person!! I love the way the threads and sequins are sandwiched and peeking through the layers… thank you so much for the beautiful postcard that came today. I have loved your swap and have been such a lucky recipient of beautiful artwork. You’ve got some serious arty connections girl! xxx tj in germany

  5456. I love this book, and you did a great review on it! Funnily enough, my friends and I did an ‘inspired by Diana Trout’ journal playdate last week, and my friend Julie at Juliesopenwindow blogged an interview she did with Diana. It must be Diana Trout week LOL

  5457. TJ, thanks for your comment! You must try to make some “paper cloth” yourself, it was such fun to finally get to use all those thin papers I’ve been saving on. Glad you liked the postcard too! Yay!

  5458. These are cute! I’m so late checking out all your latest, I’m sorry! But pink is you and you are pink!

  5459. Hanna, I have been meaning to check out the Flickr and to go to the Mr. Linky Links. I will do it now. I’m loving getting these little art treasures!

  5460. oh, my heavens. Hanna, you can’t seriously think you made mistakes, can you?! Your swap was SO organized and easy to understand, and you were SO attentive, the swap almost did itself!! You were fabulous.

    I have gotten five of the postcards I’m waiting for, and sorry to say, one seems to have gotten destroyed, judging by the information given by the sender, but I’m holding out hope that it gets to me. But every time I’ve gotten one of my postcards it brings a BIG smile to my face! It’s a joy, and it gives more joy when I add it to my gifties through the last few years and plan how I am going to organize and display them. It’s a simple but complex thing! Love it.

    Thanks for all your hard work. I have been going through Mr. Linky bit by bit when I have time to visit everyone. We are all geeks, but we’re unique geeks! Hey! There’s a title for your next book!!

  5461. Hanna, thank you for bringing me to Diana’s blog. I look forward to seeing her postcard video when I get home. My allowance doesn’t call for more books right now, but I am going to put this on my to-get-list!

  5462. HANNA!!!

    I’m reading this at work and I can’t WAIT to try it. Do you KNOW how many paper and tissue scraps I have?!? Do you KNOW how much I want to make it my OWN? I am going to dive into this when I get home. If I don’t show you the results in a week or so, it means I glued myself to the table and I can’t get to the computer!

  5463. oooh such yummy papers!!
    I think I can even spot the postcard you sent me in that papercloth you made. Am I right?
    Lucky me to get a piece of this !! :D Thanks!!

    I feel like spending the night making a papercloth myself. If not tonight, I will certainly do it later…or sooner :P
    Thanks for sharing so many great ideas, Hanna!!

    Need a new journal?
    I’ve sewn a “junk journal kind of book”. I made it after reading your “sewing on paper”-blogpost (you are so inspiring!!)
    Check out my blog and join the draw if you like the journal :)

    hugs, ?shild

  5464. Hi- I just got the book a week ago and have been reading it. I have not busted out the paint to actually DO any of the processes but I like her approach. Thanks for the review!
    Aloha, Kate

  5465. Wow, this was fun and now I’m getting some amazing postcards in the mail. Thanx for doing this Hanna

  5466. wow, i’m adding this to my list of “things i want to make”! gorgeous colors – i wonder if it’s too stiff to embroider by hand?

  5467. Hi Hanna! I haven’t read your blog in years–but I’m so glad I’ve found you again! This paper is lovely… I am so inspired by all your creative energy bursting from the seams here.

  5468. I do not currently have a blog, but all my cards have been send off. I’ve really enjoyed the challenge of making my very first postcards, and have continued to make some more inspired by some of the lovely postcards I have already received.

    Thanks everyone!

  5469. Wow love this idea it is going on my loooong crafty to do list, but some day I will get it all done and then i will be soo happy.just a question:How did you come up with this idea?I always think this is an intresting thing to now. Its like being able to read someone crafty mind . Call me weird but I’d like to know.PEACE!
    Ps. thanks for commenting on my blog:)

  5470. These are great and so fun. I tried the same thing using
    tyvek envelopes recycled with papers on them, that works too!

    I love the fabric paper it works for all kinds of fun things.
    Thanks for sharing your tutorial.

  5471. I am so in love with your blog and your creative work! I came here to say thanks for the comment in mine, but I am totally stunning with what you do, all the colors, the sewed cards. Even, today (once more) I was trying to put my mother ‘s sewing machine to function and I couldn’t, I also like to do handmade things and I could do so much more and different ideas could come out with the machine working. :) I feel a little upset because of that!

    Anyway, you are an awesome artist for sure.

    Much love,

  5472. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of the hard work you put into this fun swap! Every day or so my postie delivers another beautiful work of art in my mailbox. It certainly has brightened up my dreary winter days!

  5473. Thanks for commenting!
    Sewing machines are just supposed to work, right, not be stubborn and want to rest. I hope you figure it out Joana! I will keep my fingers crossed for it to work soon! :-)

  5474. Oh Thanks for your comment Corrine, I’ve got some tyvek that I got in a envelope, I don’t know what to do with it… Any ideas? I would like to try to “burn it” I think? Ever tried that? Will have to google up something one of these days… ;-)

  5475. This has been a very good experience. I’d never thought I’d be designing custom postcards. This challenge really made me think of new ways to reuse materials and even my own designs. Thanks so much for setting this up! I’ve gotten 4 postcards so far.. they’re great :)

  5476. Your postcards are so pretty. Thanks so much for that tutorial on the fabric paper. I really have to try that….and after seeing your cards it’s moved to the top of my list of experiments.

  5477. This has been on my to-do list for a while. A friend just made some, if you look at my blog it is the Book RR with the tags…..she made it with her paper fabric. It’s awesome!

  5478. This is such a friendly, well-written, well-illustrated tutorial. Like everyone else, I can hardly wait to start making messes!

  5479. I was the lucky one to get the sixth one shown! I love it and the texture! Thanks Hanna!

  5480. Fun and gorgeous. It never occurred to me you could iron your paper cloth! My poor iron. First linoleum, now this!! Hanna, you’re great! xxxtj

  5481. Thank you very much for such a great tutorial! I was just going to ask how, you think, such paper cloth could be applied but then I found your next article on cards from papercloth. Great idea! Thank you!

  5482. The postcard you made me is there among your pictures:) Yeeey!!

    I love it! Am now looking for a nice frame and some space on my wall where I can hang it :P
    Thanks, Hanna!!

  5483. I have linked to my page, again thanks for doing all the hard work, to make this swap so amazing.


  5484. I have linked to my page, again thanks for doing all the hard work, to make this swap so amazing.


  5485. Oooh, your Mum is clever – these cards are beautiful! I wish I had a sewing machine so I could try something like this…

  5486. “Rose! Thou art the sweetest flower
    that ever drank the amber shower:
    Even the Gods, who walk the sky,
    are amourous of thy scented sigh.”

    ~ Thomas Moore

    These are so very beautifully made. Thank you for showing us your technique!

    I am inspired!

  5487. I just LOVE this and can’t wait to try it out! thanks for the demo!

    Come by my blog , I’m having a charm swap that might interest you!

  5488. I was a lucky recipient of one of your mom’s beautiful postcards. It is even more lovely in person as the fabric is so shimmery. I love mine!!

    I sent a thank you email to her….I hope she received it.

  5489. Thanks for your kind comments girls! And oh, such beautiful poem Genevieve!

    Donna, no she did not use a sticky backing, just another piece of cardstock to hide the seams – except the border it’s on both pieces to keep them together. No glue used even! :-)

  5490. I’ve been looking for rubbing alcohol everywhere here in the UK, and when asking for it I get strange looks, esp. when I explain that I want to use it for mixed media work… I just googled Isopropyl alcohol and to my surprise I found it at Maplin’s, an electronics store. It is used for cleaning taps and disc drives.. Who knew? ;) Will try and get some next time I pop into town.

  5491. oooh this looks lovely and so much fun!
    I found you via crafty crow and must pass this link along on my blog too in the next day or two!
    Thanks so much for sharing!

  5492. I also received one of your mom?s postcards. It?s so pretty :)

  5493. How lucky to have a mom who is also an arty friend!! Her roses are gorgeous. Happy creations ladies…xoxo tj in germany

  5494. I’ve made the postcards, but I can’t mail them because I don’t have addresses! I know I’m in the swap because I’ve received a few, but if you could resend the addresses, I’d really appreciate it. Thanks!

  5495. I was lucky enough to get one in the mail and they are so fun! I love the simple, basic idea of it and how she pulled it together with the great decorative stitching and the fun fabrics. She did such a lovely job! I really appreciate mine and plan to hang it on my wall!

  5496. Oh my goodness! These are adorable! I’m going to be sorry I wasn’t in this little swap of yours!

  5497. I LOVE your paper cloth postcards! I’m going to have to try your technique! Wonderful!

  5498. Let me know if you ever need a fill in because I can whip up postcards pretty quick. SO sad I missed this!

  5499. Thanks for your comments girls!

    Rosalind, I’ve e-mailed you the addresses again and hope that you will receive that mail and send your cards out ASAP, people are waiting eagerly to get their postcards by now. Let me know that you got it! Thanks!

  5500. Thanks for sharing so much detail. It really helps to make selections, what with soooo many books to choose from and a tight budget.

    Enjoying your blog, nice to ‘meet’ you.

  5501. I love this! So beautiful and simple. I featured this tutorial and linked to this post in my Friday Favorites! ~Lanie J.

  5502. Hi, I’m loving this! and wait in anticipation every day to receive my posties, hope you are enjoying the heart brooches my fellow swappers, must do this again, love from Australia xx

  5503. Great review on “Exploring Colour”…..Off to to check it out! Thanks Hanna :D

  5504. I love hearing about great crafty books – especially as I love working in fabric! I do have colour-stress and would like to be a bit more knowledgeable about how it can all come together. So the Exploring Colour book looks great! Thanks Hanna!

  5505. Hi Hanna !
    I have a friend who is a great sewer and loves, loves, love textiles of all kinds. She has recently gotten into wet felting and has down some great scarves and things. Her biggest challenge is the color mixing. She often calls me as I seem to have the eye for it. This book sounds like just what she needs. I think it is time to buy a surprise giftie for my friend !
    I also wanted to tell you how much fun I have been having receiving incredible postacard from all over ! I love it ! I haven’t posted much about it as I have been so busy but I wanted you to know how wonderful it was to participate in the postcard swap this year ! Thanks for that !
    Cheers, My Friend !

  5506. Thanks for your comments girls! Jen, I think you will like this book, maybe you too will do a “pink collection” (thinking about the postcard you made!), hehe.

    Kim, this book is not so much about color mixing (how strange it is that color is spelled different in English and American English, I always spell if different these days, hehe) but I think it will help in terms of thinking about how you approach and use colours both in arts and crafts! :-) So happy you are enjoying the postcard swap! Your blog always inspire me. take care!

  5507. hey – thanks Hanna – this is just great – I love new inspiration – this might be just the thing to get me using all those blank notebooks i have!
    Thank you

  5508. Wow! I’m so glad I joined this swap. I discovered that I could, indeed, make postcards using fabric AND I’ve received so many unique and beautiful postcards in return. What a wonderful idea and thanks again for organizing the whole thing!!

  5509. Your dream board is really fantastic! I’ve been wanting to do one of these for awhile. Maybe after seeing yours I’ll be inspired to get busy!

  5510. I love your Dreamboard! You’ve got some really neat pictures there! I love your bottom line…. MADE BY YOU!

    Perfect :D

  5511. Your dreamboard has a certain energy to it, like spring, happy and light. Don’t worry if you’re not sure yet what things mean or why you felt drawn to certain images, sometimes the lightbulb moment comes later (even months later!). I love the typewriter!

    Oh, and if you hadn’t written this is your first dreamboard, I would have thought you were a dreamboard veteran :)

  5512. Thanks you girls!

    Loes, thanks for your advice, I think I know what most of it means but I’m afraid to pursue it! Hehe, it’s my first dreamboard yest, but you might say I’m a collage veteran, and I guess many of my Art Journal collages are dream boards in a smaller style. :-)

  5513. I love your vision board – really great! I made my first board not long ago, and I hung it on my refrigerator. Now, I often stop and look at it while I’m in the kitchen and it reminds me of all the things I was thinking when I made it.

    I had an idea to do a mixed media , wall art vision board that would look more like art than a vision board. You’ve inspired me to pick up that project again. Thanks!

  5514. Hi sweetie!
    Thanks for joining us on our HUGE vintage Yaya give-a-way! Love your inspiration board….and it looks like you have some really inspiring pictures on it! xo…deb

  5515. Thanks for your comment, Heather your vision board is beautiful and I envy you being so brave and taking that leap this year. I cheer you on so much! Yay you! :-)

  5516. amazing board! FILLED with so many wonderful images! Thanks for stopping by my blog to see my board too and leaving such wonderful comments!

  5517. I’m drawn to the whiteness and the purity of your dreamboard. It seems to me it’s definitely a celebration of womanhood. Thanks for including the closeups… the typewriter, the music, the cat, the large window, the light, the spring of it all. This is simply lovely.

  5518. Welcome to the Dreamboard Circle! I’m so glad you were inspired to participate and invite all this delicious energy into your life. It looks like there’s clarity, creativity, vitality, prosperity and a whole lot of pretty on its way! Here’s to your dreams!

  5519. How wonderful! Remember you can always add and subtract from it. I guess subconsciously I have made my own, by filling my bulletin in front of my desk with things that inspire me. Certain Styles that I’d rather “be more like”. People’s faces that make me happy (that I know), Quotes that I hear sometimes, and sometimes little thoughts that come into my head. Yours looks fabulous! Thanks for this post, I am feeling inspired to take a closer look at mine and “edit”.

  5520. I’m a huge fan of vision boards and inspiration boards. I usually have some version of one at any given time. They are so much fun to make and also a great way to help me focus!

  5521. What a wonder dream board and thinking list!!

    I’d like a typewriter too and was thinking the
    other day that I need to fix my violin.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  5522. Oh, I love your dreamboard!

    I have just started making dreamboards as part of an on-line workshop I have been taking and have been surprised at how fun it was! And interesting….

    I had some of those same feelings that you mentioned, plus wondering if I was doing it “correctly”…..

    I put my dreamboards on my blog—you can see them if you like by clicking on the “workshops” category.

    Thanks so much for sharing!

  5523. signing up for a journal making class today for Oct Art and Soul.
    yours look like fun!

  5524. Lynn, I’ve never taken a class like that – I envy you for having that possibility! You’re a lucky girl. I hope you’ll learn lots of fun new things. Who is the teacher?

  5525. Pink and Yellow makes me think of all the Easter clothes
    my mom would sew for me each year. I like how you move your writing around on the journal pages, keeps the visual interest going and the mosaic, so pink, love that.

  5526. Corrine, bet you were pretty in pink and yellow! Hehe. I love making this collage pages of “my life” and of the most recent clippings from magazines. :-)

  5527. lovely, lovely! i always enjoy getting peeks into your journals.. so very inspiring ~ makes me want to go grab a glue stick and a magazine right now!

    happy march to you (twenty days til spring!)

  5528. This looks like such a fun journal/diary. I love the bright colors and all the clippings from magazines. Terrific idea!

  5529. Wow, what a beautiful first visionboard! So rich! I love that your dreamboard put you in touch with a sense of gratitude the things you surround yourself with, and opened you up to a list of things possibly just around the corner. I’m sure as you gaze at it over time, even more will be revealed! Many blessings to you as your dreams unravel, completely made by you!

  5530. Wow, your dreamboard is just bursting with energy! Sometimes it takes a while of living with your board to discover what it’s trying to tell you. One of my favorite things to do is to dance the board — turn on some music, or not, and dance what you see. Here’s to your dreams and longings!

  5531. Hanna, you did a wonderful job and just thinking about keeping track of all those people is enough to drive one nuts. I’m happy that I got to participate. It was fun making the postcards and challenging our small town post office to figure out how to mail to more than USA and Mexico. I have received 9 postcards and feel blessed to have communicated with so many people. I wish a couple of them had put email or someother return type address on their cards so I could tell them they arrived.

    Thanx again

  5532. Wonderful dreamboard – it is very expressiv, dynamic and flows really well! They are so much fun to create and inspiring to have on display in your space. I made my first (and only one so far) this New Year’s Eve and it makes me smile every time I see it :-)

  5533. Hi Hanna! These are so nice. I’ve never done collages before. I have a question about making things like this — what kind of glue do you need? I feel like it’s a silly question, but I don’t even know what to look for at the stores. (Usually I just jump right in and try things, but I’m hesitating because I don’t know anything about glue.)

  5534. Thanks for commenting and giving feedback on the swap!

    Surfbunny, I too wish everyone would’ve put their e-mail address on their card, it’s nice to get back to people and say thank you. I’m going to emphasize that if I do another swap! :-)

  5535. Thanks for your comment!

    Bridget, not a silly question. I use a glue stick for this kind of collage and most other art work too. It’s just handy to have, and I use up glue sticks like others drink coffee! :-) Go out and buy one, and start to cut and paste! Happy gluing! :-)

  5536. Oh, I was so lucky and received one of these! It is even more beautiful in person :-) Please tell your sweet mother thank you from me!

  5537. Hanna,
    I like your creative diary collages – although I can not read them, but I can see. And I see your free and happy view of the world.
    Keep on being happy and colourful.

  5538. Hi Hanna! Here is something to add to your diary, if you wish. I just mentioned you in my Doughnut Dreams blog post, as one of my sources for inspiration to pick up my paint brush again.
    It’s amazing to me, the connections, ideas and love that can be spread all over the world, just by typing on the computer.
    Thank you for the time you take to share and your continued inspiration! Lisa

  5539. These are so pretty and they are cheery. I like your inspiration board and that mosaic Friday! Your images and thoughts make my day. Thanks for being Hanna!

  5540. I have had so much so far with this. I’ve only gotten 6 of my cards, but the ones I have received are just GORGEOUS. I hope you do something like this next year, or even later this year!

  5541. I would totally love to have stickers by the Hanna! I love stickers, and I’d probably share them with my penpals and have one in and/or on all my journals somewhere. Even the ones I’ve already filled.

    Which reminds me, I should check out your etsy shop sometime to see what you already have.

    This isn’t an insult or anything, but you’re the wost thing to happen to an overly-creative girl with no income! LOL!

  5542. Thank you for sharing this very important part of your life, Hanna. It’s funny, I was just recently thinking about starting a creative journal/diary again. I really miss the interior and creative process of it. I used to write in a journal my entire high school & college years and, lately, I wondered why I stopped and that I should start doing this again.
    The article about “nice bloggers” made me smile as well. ;) We’re lucky that “un-nice” bloggers are a rarity in our community.

  5543. i’ve always wondered what a dream board was! thanks for sharing yours – it’s beautiful.

    i think that all our lives, our dreams, our hopes, are constantly moving and flowing and changing, and perhaps taking (or creating) a “photo” of all of it is a bit uncomfortable for this reason. i think it’s an important thing to do, though, to document one’s life. maybe you’ll learn to love your dream board soon!

  5544. Oops, a bit late posting about my postcards. I’ve just added my name to the list. Thank you for hosting this swap, I’ve had a great time making and receiving postcards. I’ve gotten five just in the past few days!

  5545. Another person who makes fabric paper, KOOL!
    I go back and forth between muslin and newspaper. Happy happies.

  5546. Hey Hanna – thanks for the kind words. I’m so glad that you like the Julia book – it was such a priviledge to work with her on it. She is very sadly missed.

  5547. Wow. The colors in this are amazing. I think I would fall under the “want to be one” category. :)

  5548. Thanks Jennifer, being an artist or not is up to you. I both want to be one and am one, on some days, other days I feel I can’t even use my paints properly at all! Other days yes, I’m on top of the world! Hehe. ;-)

  5549. Yes! Totally agree. Just discovering that for myself. Lovely pages.
    Wish I could get my photos that clear, I lose so much detail.

  5550. The eyes have it, so fun that they are different and the blue
    hair, we should all have blue hair at least for a day!

  5551. Thank YOU Maggie! I’m sorry it took me a while to review the books but I really appreciate both and have been SO inspired by the projects in there. I think your publishing is very cool indeed, and needed in the world of fiber art! XOXO

  5552. hi! i’m eleni from greece! you create fantastic journal pages!!!!!!!!!please visit me too! i adore journaling!!!!!!!!

  5553. i am simply in love with the way you use color. i want to dive right into your pages, snuggle in, and live in the bright swirling brushstrokes!

  5554. I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE their eyes! They look like they’re wondering or dreaming or pondering on a new idea!

  5555. You wouldnt be able to make a pair for me would you?? How much if you did? I would be willing to pay…IF you would or could, let me know and I will give you my size…or if you can help me find the pattern..that would be cool! Thanks, Kelly

  5556. I am glad to see that Smilla has such a pink
    tongue and a lovely pink flowery bed to
    take her naps…

    Is she named after Smilla’s Sense of Snow?
    What a great book that was, I loved it.

  5557. Corrine, thanks. Hehe, yes she is named after Peter H?eg’s book, but the bed is mine, she just thinks that it’s hers! :-)

  5558. Smilla is beautiful! I’m definitely a cat lover and recently had a scare when I thought one of my cats was going to die. Luckily she used one of her nine lives and has made a recovery.

  5559. Oh i love the wonderful whimsical imagery you are using and the juicy colours too! What paints do you use? They are so vibrant!

    Love, Violette

  5560. Oh my gosh Hanna you made my day. I always love pictures of Smilla. She gets prettier every day. She thinks she is ferocious too, lol. Really that is not your bed, lol. You have the honor of making it for her. :) Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  5561. I haven’t been to your blog for ages and now I feel totally inspired. I never heard the opening quote. It’s instantly made me appreciate my own sweet cat even more!

  5562. “Eine Katze ist nur technisch ein Tier,
    ansonsten ist sie g?ttllich.”
    (R. Lynd)

    That means, a CAT is only physical an animal,
    otherwise (for the rest) she is divine.
    I think, we all can see it!
    Greetings from me and Pauline (my dear old cat)
    to Smilla and you. Sigrid

  5563. These colorful characters are 100% Hanna style! I feel like if I saw those somewhere anonymously, I would still know that you made them. Keep on creating!! xoxox tj

  5564. Violette, thanks for commenting! These are a mix of different acrylic brands, but I think mostly caran d’arche water soluble crayons on top of a gessoed page, and then mixed with water. They are my favorite colours! Metta!

    TJ, thank you for your kind comment and the link to your postcard request. I think it’s cool that you see my style so clearly, and I don’t… :-)

  5565. Oh Hanna, I love these! I also feel so encouraged when I see the affirmations of “You are an Artist” and the like! Love the vividness of your pages! Yeah!! Thanks for sharing :D

  5566. Wow! That is some decoration you have there on your bed!! :D
    Smilla looks adorable -as always. I think she looks like a queen!


  5567. Oh, she’s such a pretty pretty pretty Smilla baby! I just wanna rub my cheek on her soft fur and cuddle her all up. She’s like a peachy fluffball, hehe.
    Thank you for sharing pictures of your sweetie!

  5568. I read Almas blog all the time. I even got a book on making zines from the library. So glad your reporting on the zines that you received. They all look lovely


  5569. Beautiful photos!!! I wish I could touch everything your photographed. Great info on Zines too. I know I will try one eventually- on my long, long list of things to make.

  5570. That must have been a fun mail day when you received all of those zines! I don’t know much about zines so thanks for doing this post. I’ll start paying more attention to them from now on!

    Sadly I was one of those people who forgot to add my info to the postcards I sent out. And I know better….I just got in a rush and forgot.

  5571. Yup, zines have been on my “to do-list” to try out for years now, finally I’ve made one. It’s time consuming but lots of fun! :-)

    Janet, you postcards are just as appreciated without the e-mail, thought maybe it’s hard for people to let you know! Don’t worry, you’ll remember next time! :-)

  5572. Oh, how lovely! Thank you so much for featuring these. :) I just might have to work up some nerve to create one of my own.

  5573. What a lucky, lucky mail day!! I’ve been meaning to make a zine for years now. Wouldn’t it be fun to have a European swap? Someday, someday…!!! Where is yours? I don’t remember it in your etsy shop. xoxo tj

  5574. Yippee! I see you received one of my zines! Alma’s swaps are always the best and I enjoy creating my own zine as much as I enjoy receiving them! Thanks for spreading the good buzz about zines.

  5575. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you so much for the nice words.
    I love handmade items and I also love to share my ideas with other. That is the basic reason I create zines. I love learning about others as well. This exchange was sooooooo much fun.
    I hope you will join in the next one which will be posted soon.
    I am soooo loving your blog.
    thank you,

  5576. they look super yummy!
    lucky you!
    you visited my blog and asked if i painted my tissue before i did my collage.
    after i put everything together, i smear an extra paper with acrilic inks and i went around kind of distressing the whole piece.
    the other colors are part of my collection of tissue papers which are already colored with designs.
    i hope this helps you
    i am honoured to be asked by the famous YOU
    i thank YOU for making me feel special!

  5577. What a fantastic collection of zines -I love the different approaches and especially the ‘handmadeness’ of them. I’ve dipped a tentative toe into the zine/booklet sphere! and would welcome any feedback.
    Love reading your blog – such an eclectic mix of ideas and inspiration.

  5578. I have making a zine on my to-do list. Thank you for the inspiration. (PS I haven’t forgotten your package for winning my blog competiton, I will send soon!)

  5579. I received my postcards and I like them all. I’ve hung them up on my bathroom wall and enjoy looking at them. Thanks to all of you for creating and sending me such wonderful cards!!! I made a photo of them, just click on my name.

  5580. i’ve been wondering how miss smilla has been doing ~ as beautiful as ever, i see! isn’t it lovely to have such a good friend?

  5581. This book was what got me started on art journaling… Actually I didn’t get/read the book, I saw it on book depository and was interested in what it was about… after a lot of googling I got hooked. However your review reminded me that I should actually go get the book which started it all… out with the credit card then…

  5582. hanna – it’s always so fun to visit here. your work is so full of color and life. love to hear your enthusiasm too. the clear gesso is a great tip, especially for the pretty tissues that we don’t want to paint. i agree with you, the rustling of the tissue is such an attraction.
    thanks for sharing your fabulous work with the street team. i appreciate that you showed the *in process* photos too. xo

  5583. Michelle, thanks for this great crusade, I’m sorry I missed February. I hope you are feeling better now! I took the liberty to share the beautiful postcard you sent me in the swap, talk about layers there! Love it!

  5584. Wow, gorgeous, electrifying and so PINK! Pink and polkadots
    and texture
    what more could you want…

  5585. Thanks for the link! Your page looks so pretty and colorful. Did you paint directly on the tissue paper? Mine always seems to tear when I do that.

  5586. Corrine, haha, pink – that’s me for sure!

    Spooky, I love your blog! Yes, I did paint on the tissue paper while it was laying flat on the surface where it could dry. No tearing, but then I started with a layer of gesso and did some more painting later. Go to the crusade page and Michelle explains more about it.

  5587. Inspirational as always. I’m almost sure Eric Carle (The Hungry Caterpiller) uses painted tissue paper for his collage illustrations as well.

  5588. Your tissue looks fabulous Hanna! And it looks quite sunny in Sweden. I’m sew jealous. I mean so jealous. hee hee. I’m going to have to hunt for transparent gesso. What a great idea! happy creations from tj

  5589. These pages are beautiful. You’re so inspiring, Hanna. I’m a tissue paper hoarder and if anything is polka-dotted, I must buy it (ha). I love that white lace deco tape. It totally caught my eye!

  5590. I really like your pages. They are always so colourful.
    Thank you for the inspiration.

  5591. What a great post! I love reading your thoughts about new experiences and finding out what works and what doesn’t for you. I wish I could go on a trip so I could have a travel journal of my own. Maybe I’ll make an imaginary trip!

  5592. Love the way you used the tissue paper. And the crayon scribbling seems perfect for the page. Can you tell me where you got the lace deco tape? Is it sort of transparent?

  5593. Hi Hanna ! I was already inspired when I saw what Michelle had put together for the tissue paper fun, but your bright and colorful play has me totally itching to get to it ! I am just back from vacation in Mexico and I have visions of the tropical colors dancing in my head. Tissue paper, here we come !
    Thanks as always for the inspiration here ! Cheers !

  5594. Hanna, your pages are so fun and colorful and your post full of great ideas. I have now added to my list to try sewing on the painted tissue paper. It really does feel like a completely different material once you add gesso and paint.
    Thanks for sharing all of the fun details that went into your pages!

  5595. Zura, the best deco tapes are transparent and very fun to use as the last layer on top of things. I got mine from Japan, bought at etsy. Click on the link in this post to the post where I wrote about deco tapes and you might find the link to the seller there. Otherwise just search for deco tape at Etsy or Ebay. I have black lace one too. Fun stuff! :-)

  5596. I enjoyed looking around your blog very much. I especially enjoyed the paper cloth tutorial. Thanks so much!

  5597. fantastic art!!!!you are a great artist! please visit my blog whenever you can! i’d like your opinion!
    thank you!

  5598. ooooh! more fabulous colorful pages. i was scrolling down through thinking to myself how cool they must be in real life, and how i would love to run my fingers across to see how many layers are there…and then you surprised me with that simple favorite message…and in *the best* colors too! thanks luv :) xoxoxoxoxoxo

  5599. Now I know another way to use my tissue stash! I also use it
    under paintings for texture.

  5600. Love all of your pictures, as always =)
    Funny how coincidents appear. I just recently bought a roll of sandwhich paper, which is very similar to your tissue paper. When the March Challenge on Art Journaling said “listen to the music” I got out my credit card and scraped acrylic color all over the paper (see here:
    But when I used it in collage, the color would dissolve and smeare other scraps. What kind of color did you use to color your paper? Do you know any varnish or something, that would prevent my color from dissolving?
    I haven’t said it yet, but yours is definetly my favorite blog I’m following and I tend to almost always buy the books you are reviewing ^^

  5601. Hi Julia, thanks for commenting. I’m so glad my book reviews are useful when you pick books – that means a lot to me! I don’t know if there is some plastic in the sandwich paper (to prevent the grease to smear?) that makes the paint not stick enough, or if it’s the watercolors you used that smeared? I painted mine with a layer of gesso and then acrylic paint on that, after it dries they are all waterfast! :-) Take care!

  5602. Hi Hanna,
    seeing your pages makes me want to pull out my neglected journals! Today it’s raining and I did just THAT. Spent all day playing and really got lost in it all. I wish I would make more time to do it daily…I just love the whole process!
    Thanks for all your inspiration always!

  5603. OMG, Hanna. Thanks for the shout out!!

    It’s so ironic how you found Smilla, and then several months later, my husband found a sister-looking kitty of yours.


  5604. Thanks for the quick reply =)
    I’ll experiement a little more with different colors, gesso and if that doesn’t hep, different paper too.
    have a lovely sunday

  5605. OH what a feast of color you have here, hanna! just beautiful and so inspiring ! you are going directly onto my sidebar and my google reader!

  5606. Thanks for all the inspiration!
    Your art journal makes me want to work more with my own!

    (har l?nkat till dig fr?n min blogg, hoppas att det ?r ok?)

  5607. Thanks for commenting! Aimee, your blog has been in my Link Love list for quite a while, so glad you’ll be enjoying mine!

    Metamorphosis, thanks! I’m delighted that you are linking to my blog, thank you! Y0urs is beautiful too, adore the rainbow tunic you designed – wow! Extremely cool. :-)

  5608. I saw this book from Lis Paludan on a blog (I think it was another one ;-) ) and then HAD to buy it. It’s so cool, even though I can’t read the language it’s inspiring me every time I look at it !!

    Vintage books are so cool, sometimes they should reprint them :-P
    Lucky you to be able to find such treasures at your library too :-)

  5609. There is so much awesome info on your blog! Thanks so much, it’s helped me loads with my textiles project!

  5610. Wow! Thanks for this review; this book sounds amazing and just what I need. I may take a trip to the bookstore (unfortunately, the library doesn’t have it!) to grab a copy for myself. Gonna check out her website, now!

  5611. So glad my Angelina experimenting could be of use to you as you use it yourself. It’s a cool material. I need to still use mine; I think I’m saving it for that “special project” because it is so darn pretty… :-)


  5612. Thanks for commenting!

    Sylvie, I’m glad you could find a copy of this great book, just looking at this post again and those images (just look at that bird!) inspires me all over again, so glad you came by to comment on it almost three years after I wrote the post about it! Yay!

  5613. Kira thanks for commenting, so glad you found a new book to check out, I know you’ll love it! :-)

  5614. I’ve written this down for my reading list. Looks perfect for me! I can always count on you to find great books!

  5615. Thanks Kari, it’s nice to know you find my picks enjoyable! In a post yesterday I was told that a reader “always buys the books I review, I feel so honored that I can help find great books. After art and craft books are my big big passion!

  5616. Hanna,
    Thank you for the review of Tranquilista. Yay for your pink journal and noir sharpie to accompany your reading. I can’t read if I don’t have a pen in hand! Keep up your oh-so-creative work!


  5617. I love your journal. It’s an amazing work ! I just discovered this form of art and I can’t wait to delve in

  5618. wow, that sounds really interesting.

    I picked up at the bookstore (and then consequently read straight through for 2.5 hours) How to be a Creative Entrepreneur…or something similar. By Lisa Sonora Beam.

    #1: ABSOLUTE eye candy. THe entire book is gorgeous
    #2: Really, really great stuff. I mean..really great. I took notes on almost everything, and I am still going to buy it.

  5619. A cute owl in a pink forest, today the sun is shining here and we
    are all in the pink. Thanks for sharing. Pockets, yes…

  5620. Hoot hoot Hanna! Great notebook. Hope we can see some of what goes into it someday. Those corner pockets for the inner covers are genius. Happy creations from tj

  5621. such fun and colorful journal pages :)
    i love japanese tape too, do you have washi tape? i like the variety of colors and patterns offered, and it’s very nice quality.

  5622. Thank you Kimberly for your visit at my wee blog!
    I’m honored both for the RT tweet and your visit, it made my day! You truly rock at all you do! Thanks for writing this great book!

  5623. Dawn, thanks for your comment!
    I’ve read Lisa’s book too and I love it. I think Tranquilista is a good compliment to The Creative Entrepreneur, not as colorful but lots of info on working for yourself in all kinds of ways! :-)

  5624. I love the colors (as always) and especially the owl! I hope we can see more of your watercolors in the near future.

  5625. This is awesome.

    Thanks for the idea to sand the surface – hadn’t thought of that but it makes perfect common sense.

    I beg to differ with you on the “perfect” score. I think taking the time to make exactly what you are in the mood for, is perfection in and of itself.

    I know that I need my books to inspire me from the cover on in.

    It’s all about creating joy in your life – which you seem to have an amazing knack for.

    Thanks for sharing!

  5626. i heart those crayons! and i do the same, i buy one by one, i think it is chaeper and then it allows me to experiment with every cingle one of them for a while ;-)
    wonderful colorful layers!

  5627. Hello,
    We are a small group of New Zealand and English embroiderers who plan to visit Sweden this Sept. We have a contact in Goteborg of Pian Bates but wonder if you know of other groups we could meet with. We will be in Karlstad, Enkoping and Uppsala, Stockholm and Goteborg.
    Thanks for any help you give us.

  5628. i’m in awe of all the pretty creations on your blog! i wish i could sit down and learn from you. GORGEOUS!

  5629. Ok, now I want to go on a trip. I’d really love to see the sun again! :-)

    I bring a small book and almost the same pack as you, with the addition of a few plain old #2 Ticonderoga pencils. Somehow, I always find myself needing those.

    Every summer, we go to nearby Seabrook at the beach in Washington State and this year, hopefully also to Big Sur, one of my favorite spots on the planet – so far.

    One day, I will make it to Europe!

  5630. travel journal huh. this is a great idea, though i don’t travel alot, i think i’ll still try to make one.

  5631. I made mine with a squirrel that had an acorn that said dairy around the rim.

  5632. So much fun stuff in your tissue paper play ! Love it Hanna !
    Isn’t that transparant yet durable paint paper sweet to work with ?
    Always inspiring to visit you, Miss Hanna !
    Cheers !

  5633. AMAZING! Thanks for sharing so many pics & info.
    My life has been SO crazy and I hope I get to this challenge before the month is out.
    LOVE LOVE LOVE your pages

  5634. Thansk for your comment!

    Sophie, I think April is the Fake Journal month? Maybe that’s a month to do a fake trip journal! :-)

    Genevieve, yes come to Sweden and visit me! :-)

  5635. This is a really cool idea! I always try to make a travel journal but it usually sadly falls by the wayside. Just means I’m having too much fun, I suppose! But thanks for the really in-depth look at your creative process.

  5636. So much juicy stuff here, Hanna ! Oh, there are some many wonderful arty things to explore and discover in this world – sometimes it is so hard to choose.
    Thanks for all the inspiration and happy creating !

  5637. This paper is beautiful. Thanks for a wonderful way to use some of my beautiful papers and scraps. Btw, your blog is amazing, so much rich information. Thanks again.

  5638. I stumbled upon the Country Channel one day when looking for info about Angie Hughes and what a treasure! I have been watching Kerr Grabowski’s dvd on screen printing and can’t wait for the weather to warm up and get outside to do some experiments. Thanks for all the links and have a creative weekend. Cheers.

  5639. I totally agree with you about Alisa Burke and Sherrill Kahn.
    They are so free and bring such texture to their work. Fun videos and lots of information you shared as usual.
    Your tissue paper posts have inspired me along with Kim Mailhot (a pal) above and I gave you a shout on my blog yesterday. Keep inspiring us all.


  5640. THank you so much for this post. The DVD instructional video is so well done & it’s what I need–an approachable/kind/friendly method when it comes to sewing!
    And that indian block print looks so cool. I just visited their shop. Tempted to buy all the shapes but must control myself. :)

  5641. Ooooh. Beautiful papers. I can’t wait to see what you’ll be doing with those. And it makes me want to paint my own. I haven’t done crayon rubbings in forever!


  5642. I love the second from the bottom with the crayon rubbing layered with the crayon resist swirls- great color combinations!

  5643. I completely agree with the title of this post :) sometimes there is just no need for words or writing and we can pour our minds onto paper with colors…

  5644. Yum…color is good for the soul…filling paper with it is good for so many reasons.
    Visiting your color was good for me today too, Lovely Hanna !

  5645. I love tissue paper, use it all the time for wrapping gifts. I actually wanted to use it in my recent work but couldn’t quite figure out how to do it – very fiddly.
    You’ve inspired me to try tissue paper more extensively in my journal. I’ve used it only sparingly.

    Love your pages!

  5646. such wonderfully luscious colors; I love all of them!!! I agree– painting/coloring IS theraputic! (and I’ve gotten paint on my socks- and shoes- before… I have to be careful when i do my painting on the floor!)

  5647. Beautiful colours and pages in the making! And yes, paint under the nails (and all over the clothes) is now a daily occurence!

  5648. that’s just what I’ve been doing lately… I haven’t had time for much else with my mom sick and everything so crazy, but it is quite a soothing end of the day activity. :)

  5649. Hello! I come to your blog via Kelly Kilmer’s website, she featured it!
    Dang girl! I am lovin’ on your blog and journals right now! I love the messy colorfulness of it! Reminds me of being a little kid and not having a care in the world… you inspire! Consider me hooked!

  5650. Total introvert here!! :-) Blogging has long been a great outlet for me because it allows me to socialize in a way that’s less draining and in my own time and space. And I really appreciate that about it.

    Another great book on the topic is, “The Introvert Advantage.” I found it really helpful and reading parts of it with my husband (who is an extrovert), helped us to better understand each other.

  5651. Hey!
    Good post.
    Somewhere along the line I got labelled shy & introverted and bought into it hook, line and sinker. Then a funny thing happened as I dug deeper and deeper into my creativity — I broke out of that label. I no longer consider myself shy at all – the opposite, really, and have taken on a new word: middlevert – I blend intro and extro into a new kind of vert that’s totally me!

    Thanks, Giulietta the Muse

  5652. Thanks Hanna for the insight. I definitely have traits of an introvert and love spending time at home.

  5653. i’m definitely an introvert, and your comments on privacy really hit home. i have a new friend, and i’ve known she blogs for the whole time i’ve known her (3 months, give or take), and just recently told her about mine! and guiletta, i really like the term “middlevert” — i go from being very introverted to very outgoing within just a meeting or two (or less, if the person i’m with is very outgoing). but i really relish my quiet alone time, too.
    great post and food for thought!

  5654. I can totally relate to this. I get involved with lots of people online because it allows me to keep them at a distance. If I get overstimulated I can just switch off the computer. Similarly although I teach, in teaching you are still professional and keep people at a distance, maintaining control over how you interact with people, how much and why.
    I laughed when you said you were territorial and didn’t like surprise visitors too. I’m totally like that and not even because the house might be a mess. I just resent people trying to decide for me when I’m going to see them! I like at least 3 hours notice to get used to the idea that there will be someone else in my space.

  5655. Thanks for your quick and kind comments!
    I don’t think shy has anything to do with being an introvert, but its a common misinterpretation I think.

    Everyone needs other people and company, just more or less and to bigger and smaller extent. I think the best thing is if you don’t like the label, make your own or don’t use them. :-)

  5656. Rhomany, thanks for your great comment! You must go read the blog of Patty above if you haven’t already, and the specific blog post I link to she talks about how she can be an introvert and a public speaker – I guess it is the same with you being a teacher? You decide – not others! :-)

  5657. I am such an introvert that I could be considered a hermit. No, wait, make that I AM a hermit. I don’t leave my house very much. People freak me out! I am the person who looks like a deer in headlights at parties. I blank out and can’t speak to people. But put me online and I’m a social butterfly because it’s on my terms and schedule. I am territorial about my studio and desk. I’m just really sensitive about things and I need my space to feel safe. Leaving this comment feels like a very extroverted thing to do so I’m gonna shut up now and go hide. :)

  5658. Thank you so much Vickie for “sticking your head out” for us and making a comment! I hope you are a happy hermit with close relations to some good people that nurture you too?! Take care!

  5659. Oh thank you Hanna for portraying us “introverts” in a good light! I get the impression that we are always supposed to refrain from being quiet or self-contained! We “should” go out there and talk and meet people and tell everyone what we’re doing whether we are ready to or not. Being a rather private sort, I’ve had my struggles with trying to balance what’s comfortable for me sharing about my life/self vs. not being too quiet hence people may think I’m aloof or don’t care. Which is so not me! I do know that as a young child I would often get upset at big family gatherings. And now, I realize I was getting way too stimulated and I just had to go off by myself and re-group. I needed to re-fill my well.

    I also, totally agree that INTROVERTS are way more creative!!!

  5660. Only child, mostly introvert here. I agree so much with the “want to share when you want to share” comments. I began blogging as a way to get out of that introvert shell. In small groups I am fine, but the big parties make me want to cringe, run and hide, drain indeed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this. I don’t know if we are more creative, just more comfortable being with ourselves and no one else, so maybe we get more done???? Can’t answer that one. Fun to think about it though. I know some pretty darn creative extroverts….

  5661. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for bringing this subject up. I don’t think people would call me an introvert person, but according to the definition (and my husband and myself) i am one. LOVE to be with people, but i see too much, hear to much…. i need my own space. Thanks for reminding me. (and it is not for labeling, only for understanding and dealing better with things). One on one contact i like very much or with one other familiy, but in bigger groups… not really my cup of tea!

  5662. I had no idea why I feel so protective about my private space, like my working desk, for example, or what is up on my computer screen. I love to share what I have created with people, but only when I decide to do it ? not when prying eyes come to visit in my home or look over my shoulder!

    That is so me. I joked to my husband the other day that I worry the kids will think I have some mysterious secret life because I don’t like them hovering over me when I’m working on the computer. I can’t concentrate with people watching me!

    I am a classic introvert, and I’m so glad you did this post. I think you are right about introverts being drawn toward blogging because it puts them in control of how much they share and when. Plus it’s easy and can be done from home! It’s certainly been a great thing for me because it shows me how not alone I am in my desire to be alone ;-), which has given me more confidence, the feeling that I’m okay just the way I am, even if the majority of the people in the world don’t understand it.

    I don’t know that introverts are “more” creative (maybe a different “kind” of creative?), but I think people are surprised at their creativity because they are generally so quiet about it.

  5663. Wow, thanks for commenting! I don’t know about “more creative” either, I don’t think that was my point, but rather the correlation between being an introvert and being a creative person. It works well together I think. Very well for me, as one of the best ways to “restore energy” is to be creative – ie. not resting but “doing something” – alone. :-)

  5664. Hi Hanna,

    I’m an Introvert (an INFJ/INFP to be more exact). I need silence and mental space to feel nourished.
    And yes, introverted and Introvert are slightly different. The latter being the psychological make up, a trait. Us Introverts can enjoy a good party as much as anyone and can be far from shy. We just need to recharge in quiet and alone.

    Blogging is great for Introverts because we can connect with others in our own time, and people aren’t ‘in our face’ as we say. We can visit other blogs in our own time as well.

  5665. Hanna, thank you for this post!
    and yes, I can totally relate, too.
    and yes, I’m turning into a hermit more and more. and I love it.
    and alone time is absolutely essential for me to breathe and create.
    people who know me were surprised to learn that I started blogging. I think most people regard blogs as exhibitionism and usually they’re right. somehow, I managed to keep my privacy. and you wouldn’t believe how often I get these surprised reactions that I don’t blog about my daily life or post pictures of my family. or myself for that matter. :)

  5666. Oh my. I found your post through Twitter and I’m reading and nodding along…thinking YES!

    Then I see you’ve linked to ME! (thank you!)

    And (cue twilight zone music) – I wrote about introversion and blogging yesterday.

    It’s so great to meet you, Hanna. I’m looking forward to reading through your archives. :)

    PS – I hadn’t heard about the “territorial” aspect of being an introvert before. And it *totally* describes me. I can’t stand having people read my screen over my shoulder.

  5667. I really love this post! I may be going somewhere in western Europe this summer, so I need to think about what I am going to pack in terms of art journaling supplies. This post definitely helped. Thank you!

  5668. Hanna – this is a beautiful post and one close to my heart. I am definitely an introvert. I need a lot of space in between activities to rest, reflect, and sift through my experiences – that’s where the seeds of my creative works are born.

    As a child, I always did better on classwork I took home, than work I did in class. I needed the space to process my work at my own speed and pace (either faster or slower than in the classroom, depending on the subject).

    I do love being around people and having fun but do not wish to draw a lot of attention to myself; I am perfectly happy and content to observe everyone else.

    As for blogging, I read somewhere that introverts/highly sensitive people like being recognized or noticed without a lot of promoting on their part. I agree with this. I have pushed myself to promote things here and there but I really don’t like it – it makes me very uncomfortable and unhappy. I do like it if someone likes something I post in my blog, certainly, but I don’t court it or say “look at me! look at me!” Lastly, I will say, I have no problem sharing things about my life with others through my blog, but it is more in the spirit of meaningful connection (shared interests, common ideas) than exhibitionism.

    Thank you for posting this – very thought provoking.

  5669. Thank you for this post, Hanna. I also clearly thrive on alone time, I can be overstimulated by a lot of time with other people, and I am cautious about the telephone or people coming over. I know other members of my family are like this as well.

    I feel the most recharged when I’ve been doing something creative: art, music, journaling, crochet. Creativity gives me fuel for my life.

    I enjoy reading your blog!

  5670. I’ve known for a long time that I am an introvert. I don’t like big crowds and I do need my alone time after a party or gathering. I think you’re right that blogging is our way to share our passion with lots of people without the crowded feeling.

  5671. Oh, dear, you’ve just made me want to doodle and paint, although I’m not generally a very good doodler (don’t allow myself to let go enough). Lovely background papers!

  5672. Aha. I am definitely, in most ways, and introvert. Territorial to a fault! I think I’ve often had that labelled as “shy,” as others have said, and felt that that was a bad thing. I’m learning as I get older that being introverted does not necessarily mean “shy,” nor are either of those traits bad things in themselves. Interesting post, something to think about.

  5673. I love reading all these comments and know that I am not alone! I am an introvert through and through, and my husband is the complete opposite! There are times where he laughs at me and my “reasonings”. For a long time this used to bother me and I tried to be more social, but never felt like myself. I LIKE who I am, so why should I try to be something different….I embrace my introvertedness! GO INTTOVERTS!!

  5674. mhmm!! I am an introvert, and have known for a long time I was. Though, it was only until this past year did I find out that the MAIN reason that differentiates me from an extrovert is that I. NEED. TIME. TO. MYSELF. I need to come home from work (in customer service, so I’m always “on”), go to my room and check on blogs and facebook and other such things. Time alone. Only after some time can I come out and chat with my roommate and feel more re-charged. My roommate is so the complete opposite. We could go to a party, and I’m ready to go after maybe 2 hours. Enough talking with people! Get me home where I can RELAX. Whereas, she’s just gearing up. So funny how different we can be?

    I also like blogging because I can still be “out there”, but behind a computer screen. Great topic.

  5675. Wow, you described me perfectly, I have always known I was an introvert but have never strung it all together quite like that! I so NEED my time alone, if I don’t get it I am cranky and stressed and out of sorts. I just recently started blogging (two months ago) but I am finding it to be the perfect form of creative communication, I keep finding like-minded people, and inspiration, and a sense of belonging to a community that I have never felt before. I love your blog (found you on twitter). Thanks!

  5676. Great articles and it’s so helpful. I want to add your blog into my rrs reader but i can’t find the rrs address. Would you please send your address to my email? Thanks a lot!

  5677. Your friend that is an introvert is exactly like me. My friends have said your exact same words when they explain me. I am very shy but ironically known in my town as one of the sweetest girls in the world. I spend my days creating, writing and chasing storms. I would rather do these three things than anything in the world. I love to be social online because I can turn off the computer at the end of the day and be alone. Being introverted is my sanctuary.

  5678. I’m definitely introvert and I find that blogging online lets me voice my views behind a shield. Also, doing anything creative allows me to express myself without having attention placed on myself and it’s a chance for me to get away from people and have time on my own.

  5679. This is SO me!
    I’m a classic introvert, plus I’m shy and quiet so I like to nearly always be alone. I blog, I make jewellery, I design t-shirts – everything I like involves creativity!
    Strange really that I’ve NEVER met anyone that understands – at school I was just ‘the quiet one’ and people tried to force me to be a dentist or doctor etc because they couldn’t understand that I get good grades but wanted to do a creative job ‘making things’ lol
    Thanks for the post, made me happy :-)

  5680. I have been checking out all my fellow participants in the tissue challenge. Yours is amazing! Love all the bright colors!

  5681. I have always thought I was an extrovert until these last few years when I have chosen to have a solo studio. I’ve discovered that I love the time alone!

    I think that raising children has affected that as well. It feels like it’s my turn now.

    It is all about balance.

    I can really get inspired by interaction with others, but also love my solitude to recharge my self and reconnect to what matters to me.

    My most treasured alone time is out in the woods at my house and also, working in the garden. I feel so open to everything then and seem to pick up unformed ideas that later translate themselves into art.

    It is a lovely, nebulous process that I gives me incredible energy to create!

  5682. You have described all those quirky elements about me so well in your post theres little I can add :-) I want to thank you though for doing so, because it brings more clarity and understanding especially concerning blogging. I began my art blog in order to force myself to share what I was discovering in the way of art journaling and mixed media and yet I tell few people about the amazing world and community I have found by blogging. Now I understand why, that introvert gene strikes again! I want to thank you for sharing your own process because it helps me to understand my own.

  5683. I LOVE the magnets! I also tried the morning pages thing in my diary and it just made me depressed for the rest of the day, but writing and art journalling has really helped me so far

  5684. Wow, Hanna. So many resources – materials and links and tips and stories put together in one post! I can believe how you are doing this :) Do yo have a team working for you? :) Thanks for all the hard work and sharing!

  5685. Hanna, I am printing this out so I can read all the comments, but I had to say that I have a friend who calls herself an extroverted introvert. I love that! I also think that part of this feeling of being an extroverted introvert is something along the lines of what Jung talked about, the person who lives in her mind. Her intellectual life is more pronounced and vigorous than her persona or outward life. I feel this expresses me, while at the same time many people see me as an extroverted ‘people person’. Very interesting!

    You rock. I would love to hang out with you, even if we said nothing at all!

  5686. Oh, Hanna, I am finally doing the journaling that I said I was going to do in Jan 2009. And I love it! You are right. I am fillilng pages with paint. Also, canvases. I posted a few pics on myblog, but I have done more work that isn’t posted. It’s SO not like me. But it must be me because I’m doing it! And it’s great. It frees you up and you don’t worry about whether you’re making it for someone else or if it’s perfect or what time it is or any of that. And after awhile, your mind just gets free and you find out exactly what you were thinking that you didn’t even know.

    Did I tell you you rock? I didn’t want to forget.

  5687. I’m also an introvert and have been recently reading about this personality trait because I’ve been misunderstood all my life also. I can so relate to so many of things you said. I’ve also felt so alone though because of being an introvert and in a way it never bother me until recently. I do have a very difficult time finding friends; I guess I’m a friend snob and I don’t usually approach anyone to befriend. So its really difficult to deal being an introvert.

  5688. Hanna, you even lay out your pad thai ingredients on your chopping board so pretty!

  5689. I love this post and I love reading comments from my fellow introverts. I have always been an introvert. I think we are very creative because we live within ourselves. I love being alone . I feel smothered when people who are extroverted want to push you to socialize because they think being alone is not good for you . People who are very close to me know, but I have throughout my life been given lectures about why solitude is not good for me. I also agree with Nelly, It is harder to make friends . I often come off more unapproachable . I would love to have friends who understand my nature and I do better on one to one.I really count on my online community!!

  5690. This looks like a lot of fun!
    I feel like starting now!
    And I know how you feel about the paint everywhere! I get it on my face, on my hands … At the moment I have lots of yellow paint in my hair! Oh dear …

  5691. I have followed your blog with interest for a long time.. and I love your creativity. I had never made the link between being introverted and creativity before.. I don’t know why. It had just never occurred to me. I remember as a child being extremely quiet and introverted – if my head wasn’t in a book, I was writing stories in my head, or knitting and crocheting. Like you, I was always asked what was ‘wrong’.. then as a teenager, I came to the realisation that I would have to learn to be an extrovert in order to fit in, so I did just that.. now, the best part of a lifetime later, I’ve just given up work (I couldn’t face talking about all the life-changes so I didn’t blog for months!), and now I have just begun to wallow in the silence of creative thought and my own inner voice again. I read your blog again and immediately understood that I’m reverting to my original type.. and will now live being introverted to the full.. Thank you for sharing all this. It has truly struck a chord.

  5692. I love reading this blog, because you have so many creative, interesting ideas and as an introvert myself, I feel that I can identify with everything that you have just said. I still prefer mostly my own company and like nothing more than curling up with a good book.

  5693. Thanks for your post, when I read Fiona’s comment, I realized that I had taught myself to be extroverted to survive, but as I grow older, I realize how much I need the inner life, and now I am making changes to get more of it.

  5694. I love these recent posts. I’m not a shy person, but my need for “alone time” often edges on the extreme and while most days I’d much rather do something quiet and on my own, I often feel guilty or even sort of neglected when I see my friends going out and doing stuff even though I choose not to go along. It never made sense until I read an article in Body and Soul about being an introvert and had my “Ah Ha!” moment. So these articles and blog entires have been great resources to me. I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Thank you for sharing them.

  5695. Thanks for posting so much info about introverts. I certainly belong to that category. I open up once I get to know someone, but I hate talking to strangers. I have many friends who tell me they thought I was being rude or didn’t like them at first. We are a very misunderstood group, so thanks for spreading the word!

  5696. That book sounds very interesting! Everything you described from your own childhood and from the book sound just like me! I’ve always know I am more introverted and quiet, it’s just who I am and I embrace it. Thanks for reviewing the book, I’ll have to check it out :)

  5697. Have you read The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron? It is a must-read for anyone who’s been called “shy” or too…. sensitive, quiet, internal, whatever slightly backhanded descriptions extroverts often use to describe introverts. Waiting to evaluate the “lay of the land” (person, environment, job, etc.) before you share personal info just seems like good sense to me! I haven’t read Lee Ann Lambert’s book yet, but I’m adding it to my list. Not all introverts are highly sensitive, nor are all sensitives introverted, but there’s a huge overlap. Thanks for such a thoughtful post!

  5698. Very interesting blog post – I think I am way more of an introvert than I realized seeing as I fit a lot of the criteria that you listed above! Thanks for the post :)

  5699. Wow–it’s always so good to be reminded of this difference in my personality. I am definitely an introvert, although I’ve become much more extroverted with the help of my very vivacious husband. I do enjoy spending time with friends and all of that, but I NEED “downtime” to think, stare out the window, create, and just . . . be.

    Another way I heard someone describe this once was to evaluate where you draw your energy from. Do you feel energized after being with others, or drained? When you recharge your emotional batteries, how do you do that? For me, recharging is definitely done in an internal way, not external. My husband is the total opposite. There’s no “right” or “wrong” way–you just need to know WHICH you are, so you can recharge in the way that’s appropriate for YOU… I didn’t know that for a long time, and I’d wonder what was wrong with me. Now that I know my personality type, I make sure to carve out that time of solitude, so I can enjoy the social time.

    Sorry for the long response! This is just a really important topic for me. Thanks for helping me think through it again. It’s always nice to know there are others out there. :)

  5700. Thanks for the interesting perspective on introverts and the book review! I’m also a creative introvert and I live in Israel, where introversion is regarded as some kind of social disease. ;-) One of the reasons I love photography is because it’s a socially acceptable way of being creative at a big social event like a wedding or bar mitzvah. Nobody notices if I hide behind a camera, even if I’m only photographing the cutlery, whereas pulling out a copy of “Living Introverted” and sitting in a corner would attract attention.

  5701. Thank you for the resources! Yes….my name is Susan and I am an introvert:) And happy to be! As long as others know, I can be myself…

  5702. Thanks for writing about this! I am definitely an introvert. And I’ve often worked with extroverts that didn’t understand me. They would think I was quiet or afraid to speak up. But the truth was, I liked to mull things over in my mind before I offered my opinions. It’s great to read about this – and certainly helpful in my dealings with people. Thanks for the book recommendation. :)

  5703. Great post, Hanna! I never connected being overwhelmed at the mall, in a crowd or at a big party with being introverted! I’m comfy and outgoing with a small group of friends, but outings wear me out and I need to rejuvenate at home. Blogging is perfect for me, because like many of you, I can maintain the personal space I need. But the most wonderful thing is that I’ve found a community of people like me who think creatively and create art! I can totally relate about disliking drop-in guests. Random thoughts but truly your post has gotten me thinking. Thank you.

  5704. Thanks so much for the list. I had watched the Angie Hughes program, but did not realize there were so many others. Perfect activity for a gloomy, rainy Monday! Have a great week.

  5705. Hi Hanna!
    Just love this post, incl. the Amy Tan quote and the great resources.

    When I took the Meyers-Briggs in my 20’s and found I was an Introvert, that explained so much for me.

    Had I known, I would have made totally different career choices — but at least I learned when I did and am constantly learning how to live healthily as an Introvert in a world designed by Extroverts. A much smaller percentage of the population is Introverted.

    It also helped me define “my normal” — based on how I thrive, not an extroverts idea of reality, like, “You should get out more.” Uh. No. I need to go IN more.

    I have the same reaction to my personal space and books! I went so far as to wrap all my books in a plain brown wrapper with a tiny label, as a visual design thing, but also so casual observers couldn’t see my titles easily.

    Can’t wait to check out the Introvert resources.

    Oh — and I am greatly influenced by Jung’s work — and wrote about some of these ideas in The Creative Entrepreneur (which I think maybe you’ve read?) in the section on Modes of Functioning about how to have a healthy relationship with the creative process.

    Extroverts tend to just “get over it”. Introverts need their own strategies. Typically: ways of solving their own problems creatively.

    Yay, Innies!

    xoxox Lisa Sonora

  5706. I came across your site through Twitter as well. I feel better knowing that others share my being territorial, not wanting people to just drop by and wanting to interact only with small groups of people. At this point I’m not wanting to interact with more than one person at a time as it drains the life out of me. My step mother always said I was antisocial, but now I realize that isn’t so. I just really need my alone time, in fact, as time goes on, I find myself withdrawing more and more. I have health issues that make my mobility a real problem and people just don’t understand how much energy physically and mentally it takes for me to leave my apartment. Some days I do feel a bit lonely, but for the most part I seem to manage to fill my days and I can’t really tell you that I have accomplished much. I’ve taken up painting, journalling and spend time quite contentedly with my kitten. When my first cat died just over a year ago, coming home from the vet’s office after seeing my little girl euthanized, I was desolate. For the first time in almost 13 years I entered my apartment and my faithful companion wasn’t there to greet me. I’m having health issues and unable to work at this time and may never be able to again. When I left work, I didn’t know that my feline companion was ill and I think in a way that my illness peaking when it did allowed me to spend those final months with my girl. It was always just the two of us. Yes, I am very introverted and I really don’t like answering the telephone or having visitors stay too long. It’s really hard for me to interact with others for long periods of time. Strangely, I managed to survive in jobs where I was in constant contact with great numbers of people. Maybe that burned me out, I really don’t know. Thank you for writing about this “affliction” that so many people don’t understand. I cried reading the other posts. Everyone is so open about being introverted here. And yet I know that tomorrow, as another day dawns, people will judge me as being mentally unstable because I need to be alone with my thoughts.


  5708. Oh… Hanna, I’m sorry for calling you Teresa. I had a blond moment. So sorry. But your blog is on my nominated list, and I do love your work and your love for colors.

  5709. Thank you for this list!!! I’m a high school art teacher and I’m going to be including textile arts next year. These are perfect sources of inspiration for myself and my students. Thanks!

  5710. I remember that brown and orange era quite well! Brown has never been a favorite color of mine but after seeing your beautiful quilt I have changed my mind about it. Paired with the pink on the back it’s just perfect.

  5711. What a gorgeous quilt, in fact they both are! Beautifully done and the browns and pinks work so well together.

  5712. Gorgeous quilt! And yeah, I remember the Swedish brown and orange era very well. We even had a brown bathroom!

  5713. I hated those browns!!!!!!!
    In the 70tis my room was always white with a certain shade of blue – same as it is today, after many moves.
    From what I remember brown was more in the early 8otis. Back then I lived in so called WG’s (Wohngemeinschaft), sharing a flat. I could never ever understood why my flat mates used brown TOGETHER with a very dull green.

    Enjoy your quilt!

  5714. This quilt is so gorgeous I love brown & pink mixed in with one another, but the pink poke-a-dot is just so adorable. I admire your talent to under take this project, and yahoo for the recycling! Nice work.

  5715. Congratulations on a BIG project finished Hanna. You deserve to celebrate these moments because there is a huge sense of accomplishment when you complete a UFO. Your color combos are gorgeous. I can see you snuggled beneath it while taking the train to Germany for a weekend of crafternoons…!!???? xoxo tj

  5716. this is completely gorgeous! i’ve only made one queen size quilt and it took me forever but i so love it. i do have plans to sew some more. thanks for the inspiration.

    i also noticed that you entered to win a spot in my upcoming e-course “Inside Out”. i wanted to send you a reminder that the course starts monday. i blogged a little about it today if you want to check it out.

    take care and happy day to you.

  5717. Yours are the yummiest quilts ever! Beautifully done. I admire your patients in thrifting the fabric, bit by bit, to create your masterpieces. I could not choose between the two. They are so pretty.

    I loved the browns and oranges of the Seventies (Taco Bell Colors back then) but then drifted away on onto other, sunnier combos.

    Now brown is back among us. But really, did it ever leave? Ahhhh… brown, my coffee and my chocolate.

  5718. What a terrific list of textile related videos! I’ve already started exploring them! Thank you!

    What about individual hand embroidery stitch videos? Everyone needs to know how to do a French knot at one point or another in textile pursuits! I like Mary Corbet’s Needle ‘n Thread videos: . Some of them are a bit scratchy / fuzzy, but they’re all really thorough and they’re great for learning individual embroidery stitches!

  5719. I love this idea and think I will have a go – the end result is so cheerful – perfect for making you smile :)

  5720. Fantastic! I’ve been trawling the internet trying to answer 3 questions and here are all the answers in one blog post! I am inspired and off to dig out my wsop. Thank you :)

  5721. That pretty much sums me up! Interesting to read such a clear account because I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently since a misunderstanding with a couple of friends who I felt were putting a lot of pressure on me (because they don’t like being alone) and they thought I was avoiding them (because I need time alone and can’t see them as much as they want). It was so hard to explain that I do love to spend time with them but it has to be balanced with time on my own. And even if I spend a few hours just sitting around chatting to one of them, to me that is not relaxation, that is activity. To truly relax I must be alone.

  5722. Great post! I’ve always been an introvert since childhood, but I had learned to blend well in the crowd so as not to be noticed. Back in high school, my classmates thought I was a freak. lol But if they only knew that the hollywood movies and music that they enjoy were mostly made by introvert people, I think they would have changed their opinion of me.

  5723. Wonderful quilt!!

    I tried sending a message to you using the contact form on your website, but I don’t think it got through? I was wondering, if you could tell me what the “jewel-it glue” that the tutorial about bookbinding, you linked to earlier, is called in Swedish, since I don’t know what glue to look for in Denmark. I hope you can help me!


  5724. Thanks for all your wonderful comments girls!

    Elisabeth, I don’t know what kind of glue that video used but if it’s a bookbinding glue you probably need to look in a specific paper shop that sells those kinds of things. But I think you should try any regular white glue that dries permanent, make a small book or test-glue with what ever you find. The most important thing is to experiment and maybe you can even use something that you already own! good luck with your journal! :-)

  5725. That is sososososo cute, they look soooooo fuzzy, I love things that are sort of messed up and “wonky”.

  5726. Beautiful quilts. Quilting/patchwork is something I’d very much like to learn. It would be great to create something that looks beautiful & can be used to keep me & my favourite people cozy.


  5727. Thanks so much for sharing these links Hanna! I’ve seen the Talking Threads but wasn’t aware of these others. I’ve become quite absorbed in watching them. Thank you.

  5728. Hi Hanna I just wanted to tell you that I’ve made my own blog and that you can see my project in freeform there. I’m so exited about this and will I manage?
    Have a nice day.

  5729. ?h? vilka fuls?ta sm? kycklingar! H?r i Paris koncentreras det stenh?rt p? ?ggen, men v?ldigt lite p? kyckling faktiskt!

  5730. Wow, a personal yearbook. Wouldn’t it be fun to have all your friends sign their photos and write you little notes on the pages like you do with highschool yearbooks?

  5731. I am well overdue for making a photo book. I went from having adequate free time to zero free time so my documenting has suffered greatly. With any luck I’ll get in accomplished before summer’s end, but a girls got to have goals in life, right? :-)

  5732. Thats a great idea. I have been wondering how to make a lot of fotos into something worth having for a little girl I am sharing some time with. She stays with me every third weekend and a lot of fotos are documenting her stay with me. This was just what I needed, thank you for sharing your idea.

  5733. Thank you, Hanna. I so want to make a year a photos. We creative types are usually organizationally challenged, I know I am, so this is really helpful!

  5734. thanks for comment and the birthday wishes, hanna! i simply love your papers and collage things i got on etsy and can’t wait to use (and blog about) them. actually, i might just save them forever because they’re so pretty!

    i would love to make my own blog book ~ but i can’t figure out how to download my entries without having to type them all out. when i try to download it, it copies all of the HTML and none of the actual text or photos! very frustrating. when i have $50 to spare, i’m absolutely going to buy your book! make more, i say! :) and by the way, i think your voice on the interview was so sweet and you have such a beautiful accent – it was such a treat to get to listen to you!


  5735. Nice review of this book. I sometimes have to let books gestate on my shelves before I get around to making anything out them. That tote bag looks pretty nice though, I may have to check this book out. Thanks.

  5736. Kate, thanks for your input. I agree, sometimes you need a bit of time before knowing where to start. “Gestate” – great word, I had to look it up coz it’s a new word to me. Love new words, thanks.

  5737. Thanks for the tip! That might actually be really useful.

    I have the same thing. I’ve got so many pictures on different hard drives, because if I leave them all in my iPhoto library, the program usually crashes. I am pretty sure I won’t be able to turn them all into books, since there’s just too much and some things are too long ago to make sense of the exact order and date. I really hate this, since like you, I love documenting life and pictures.

    I try to just keep up with art journalling and let that be the one thing where I make sure I have a continuing line of documentation in my life.

    Take care!

  5738. This is amazing, you did a fantastic job compiling your book and the photo spreads draw me in. Thank you for sharing this great idea

  5739. I love your blog and read it nearly every day. Your work is very inspiring. When I say this photo book I had to let you know how amazing it is. Your photography is beautiful. My favorite spread shown is the one you call your stylist page. It’s gorgeous. Thank you for sharing this with us.

  5740. Beautiful way to display all of your photos! I love grids too – I like making digital collages in Picasa for my blog with a bunch of square photos – I’m inspired to do my own book now, thanks!

  5741. absolutely beautiful! it all looks so very professional. if you don’t mind my asking – how much does it cost? it looks like it’d be super expensive..

  5742. i have been thinking about diong one of these for awhile… it feels a bit wrong, though. everything in me is telling me to do it the old fashioned way, even though i have no interest in scrapbooking. haha

  5743. Hi Hanna,
    Would you mind sharing how you set your ID document up? I am not super familiar with the program and was wondering – did you set up each page as it’s own file, then convert all files to PDF when done? Then upload to Blurb?
    Also, are you happy with the softcover? Does it open fairly flat?
    Thank you so much! Love your blog – it’s my favorite!

  5744. Very cute idea! I just had the photos printed out, but this is so much cooler. It’s so satisfying having a book with your photos in it.

  5745. I am so inspired to make my own photo book! Your book looks so yummy with all those photos and grids and such! Of course I love our Team Diptych book but I think I want to make my own with lots and lots of photos. For inspiration. And smiles. And memories.
    Hugs and purrs,
    Sophie and Diesel

  5746. such a great idea! i’ve been flirting with the idea of doing something like this, but in my mind it would be too boring…yours proves to not be. thanks for the tip!! xx

  5747. This is a great idea! I love storing photos the old fashioned way, but do think this looks really cool. I will eventually do my own cookbook using blurb though, gathering all my favourite, reworked recipes in one place. I’m also thinking of doing the blog- a book per/ year.

  5748. You did it!
    After your last post I was expecting something like this :-)
    Gorgious work, great looking and really appreciating one’s photos.
    I have been pondering about making photo-books for years now but always drew back because of the time involved and me having so many interests.
    But just last week I was discussing it with one of my online-sewing-friends from my projekt ‘monthly.fabric.pages’. We are four woman working of and on on this project and I thought it would be so nice to put all the results and the work-in-progress shots in one album that would be possible for all of us to get.

    I wish on a lottery win so I can quit working for money. Serious.
    Greetings to my beloved Stockholm area (I have to tell you: I started to watch silly movies on TV just because they take place in the skargard ;-)


  5749. this is very cool!!! i really want to put this on my “to do” list. thanks for commenting on my blog and leading me to your wonderful, informative and beautiful blog!

  5750. Hello, thank you for starting my day of with something great! Going to make time to make a zine this weekend fingers crossed!

    alice (UK)

  5751. Oh my goodness, Hanna – that is just beautiful. I will have to think about doing something like that (but for now I am concentrating on working mindfully, on one or two things, not my usual kajillion)

  5752. Hi, Hanna! I loved the Archive-Along. And your book, A Creative Year, has a place of honor on my shelf. I love that book, as I’ve told you many times, and hold the thought of making my own blog book. But your idea of the blurb photo book is such a great one! I have so many photos I can’t even say. I would imagine there are a dozen books of photos just in my latest iPhoto account!

  5753. Hanna your photo books look amazing. What a wonderful way to compile all that hard work and talent you have behind the lens. Happy creations, tj

  5754. how fun and inspiring :) i love the design! (i’m studying to be a graphic designer so good design is really something i look for)
    i am planning on self publishing a book through blurb or lulu..not sure which one yet, but it’s possibly going to feature my art journal pages.

  5755. This is a happy post! I am happy to
    see your photos. Happy Spring!

  5756. Yes, I can tell you’re in a happy mood. Your photos are wonderful! I especially like the one of the spring leaves and the sewing machine. Happy day to you!!!

  5757. Lovely photos. I think the first one would look amazing in a frame. Maybe a black frame for contrast.
    Have a happy sunday!

  5758. Smilla looks so adorable. My daughter’s boyfriend gave her a cat which we name Julius for Christmas and he has completely stolen my heart. I told her that she can move out of the house only if she leaves Julius behind. Simila does look so soft and cuddly. I saw one of your videos where you had her on a leash taking a walk in the woods. I tried that with Julius (he is only 7 months old now), he does not want to move when I put it on him instead he just rolls on the floor. Your photos picked up my spirits today. Thank you. Janice

  5759. I love your photo book idea.

    Through your link I went to for the first time. It’s kind of eye opening. I’ve never thought about people publishing their own books and selling them online, not without going through a publishing company of some sort. Amazing.

    What an endeavor.


  5760. Oh Hanna, you really put your words onto my sleeping wish.
    But…… time, priority.
    Right now I have a lot of time due and a book starts to develop in my head, but I know as soon as I start working again prob. next monday, I won’t even get to crafty things. And when I will be able to pick up my sport it’s a matter of priority.

    Your book looks great :-)


  5761. Thank you so much for linking to my book, *Number 47*. It has been a long time since anyone has done that! I’m honored. :) I love all your posts and read your blog daily. :)))

  5762. Thanks for your comments!
    Becky, I think your book project looks great! I’m so glad to know you read my blog too! Thank you sweetie! :-)

  5763. Thank you for sharing thoses beautiful images with us, Hanna. :)
    It reminds me I still need to give Blurb a try, someday!

  5764. Thanks for answering the questions and giving us more information about doing a blurb book. I’m definitely considering it. Yours look great!!!

  5765. Thanks Janet! Let me know if you make one or need any additional help! I love making books! :-)

  5766. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you so much for your thorough answers. I can’t wait to do one of these with ID. I think the template idea will make things go faster, but still allow the customizing that you speak of. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer the questions and also for inspiring us!!


  5767. Looks like fun! What is that fabulous store you are in? All those yummy things make my head spin. I agree with you that everyone should have a pair of red shoes! I have some lovely red clogs I bought about a year ago, and keep them in pristine condition because they are one of my most treasured possessions! Happy belated birthday!!

  5768. Oohhh…gorgeous! I must ask, what camera and lens do you use? Such gorgeous pics :)

  5769. Happy Belated Birthday, Hanna ! It looks like you found some perfect ways to celebrate. Those shops sure had colroful and happy things to peruse ! Hard to leave there without some gifties for yourself.
    Artist Date are the best !
    Cheers !

  5770. Belated happy birthday to you Hanna! No wonder you like all those pretty colors and flowers…you’re a Spring baby!
    What store is that you went to? I want everything pictured! — If I had a bajillion dollars, I would buy you everything you wanted for your birthday…nah…just for being you!

    I love your photography! Thanks for taking the time to take the pictures, upload and share them with us!

  5771. Artists Dates are the best!!! And you’re so lucky that you have a friend that likes the same stuff as you!! Love all those pictures, too btw!!

    Hope you had a Happy Birthday!

  5772. Such pretties. I went to a discount store tonight and thought of you when I saw some rose printed teacups. Too bad I didn’t have my camera with me…

    Happy belated birthday!

  5773. Happy birthday Hanna! I loved looking at all your pictures on this post. :) No, I LOVE all your picture-filled posts! The romantic teacups are my favorite.

  5774. Hi Hanna

    i saw your comment at Jo’s place and came over to visit you, many many minuted later I am still here and wanted to thank you for your wealth of ideas, the tutorials are great, and all so beautifully presented.
    I have much more to read, but wanted to convey y appreciation..

    Thank you

  5775. Hanna, SO lovely. Your watercolors are inspiring…I need to get back to using them again. An almost perfect thing to do in a way for summer…we tend toward the lighter things in summer?food, clothing, etc. Why shouldn’t art be the same way!

  5776. Happy Birthday to your blog!
    I love your work. So inspiring!

  5777. I’m so drawn to your colors in your mandala-flower!! The writing is so interesting both before and after you watered it!! Lovely work Hanna! Congrats on your 6yr blog-versary :D :D

  5778. This is a wonderful idea, just right for my love of books and pictures. But I think it would take SO much time! Certainly it would be worth it for family memories though maybe not of most of the photos I take. Your ideas are intriguing. Thanks for sharing.

  5779. Happy Birthday Blog from an old friend! I love that quote by Einstein you have there. And your mandala is pretty cool too!

  5780. Happy blogiversary! Grattis p? den stora dagen! ?sch, vet aldrig om jag ska kommentera p? svenska eller engelska hos dig – r?cker det om du kan l?sa eller vill jag att resten av v?rlden ska kunna l?sa ocks?? :D
    I?m also loving Teesha?s new videos, and I?m actually sewing lots of panels for some fabric journals of my own. I think I?m stuffing a bit too thick – my panels are a lot less floppy than Teesha?s. But it might still work… I?ll sew a bunch more before I try to make them into a journal cover…

  5781. Happy belated birthday! Looks like you had a fab day out- I’m sighing at the sight of Indiska. Really miss it!

  5782. Happy birthday to your lovely blog Hanna!
    I love those amazing colours! And the very positive, cheerful mandalas.
    And isn’t Albert great! Every time I hear something about him, it happens to be something wonderful! He said ” imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited but imagination encircles the world” which I think is pretty cool! but that quote is beautiful!
    have a lovely day.

  5783. Underbar blogg! Var har du kpt dessa fina hrklmmor frn Vintage Stories? r det frn Kappahl? Jag r helt sld!

  5784. Vera, tack! Ja de ?r fr?n KappAhl, liksom p?rlorna. De har ju en helt underbar kollektion med rosor och annat s?tt d?r nu, deras Vintage Stories ?r urgullig. Man vill ju bara ha alltihop. Skynda fynda!

    Julie, yes. True, such is life sometimes.

  5785. Thanks for stopping by my blog, it’s nice to meet you.
    Glad to have found your lovely blog. I can see I will need a bit more time to explore!! :)

  5786. ???!! De sm? muffins-formene var utrolig s?te :D
    Hvis du stryker dem (evt. presser dem flate i en haug med b?ker over natta), kan du bruke dem i collage!

    I totally love those cute little muffin-moulds. :D
    I tried using patterned muffin-moulds in a collage once. Super-fun!! :D
    I think yours would be absolutely perfect for that!! -they are so PRETTY!

    I hope your week is a HAPPY Happy week!!

    PS: My kitty-cat-babies are sending lots of hugs to Ms Smilla…


  5787. What a gorgeous cat! So fluffy and soft looking!

    My cat loves our bathroom floor too. It’s not heated, but there is a spot where the central heating pipes lead to the bathroom radiator and the floor is quite warm there. That’s where you find him!

  5788. Smila is such a beautiful cat!

    Our cat loves to sleep in the bathroom sink (when there isn’t any water in it, of course). It’s so funny to open the door and see him curled up there.

    Cats are so quirky and fun!


  5789. Oh yes, this is wonderful. Runny ink is so satisfying. I am also loving the kitty pic and the lovely photos.

  5790. That’s a smart kitty! And so pretty.
    I think that my favourite photo is the 5th one, where she’s seen from above, slightly off the rug. And I could so kiss the belly on the last photo…


  5791. Normally I don’t care for cat posts on blogs (not because I don’t like cats) but you post so beautiful, that I really get the sentiments.

    For both of you: enjoy the spring now.
    I hope the weather is as lovely in Stockholm by now as it is in Hamburg.

  5792. So cute! I must tell you though, that here, where it is hot most of the time, my animals like sleeping in the bathroom too but because the tiles in there are the coolest place in the house! Funny how things are so different and yet so much the same :)

  5793. Your Smilla is a queen, and you must be The Queen Mother of Photography!! I totally love those Smilla Pictures.
    I’m so happy to tell you that two kittycat-babies recently came into my life-like a dream come true. I LOVE them with all my heart.
    They are less than 4 weeks old, and they are the CUTEST! Sorry Smilla… but you have some competition here on being the most gorgeous cat!. :P (see pictures on my blog if you like). They could be related to your Smilla, don’t you think..? Similar colours and everything. I think your Smilla looks a bit like both of them. They must all come from a Royal Kitty Family..

  5794. Oh that face! ::kiss::kiss::kiss::! Smilla is such a pretty baby. I love seeing your photographs of her. She is awfully photogenic, hehe.
    Thanks for sharing, Hanna!

  5795. i love that paper lace. where did you find it? would love to get me some.

  5796. oh, it’s so nice to see your furry friend again! she looks absolutely beautiful – and i think she knows it, too!

  5797. Great work!! There are so many different ideas for journals we could keep -but sometimes just not enough time. How many journals do you keep at the momet, Hanna? I’m working on 3 right now, but I’ve got a few more that I haven’t finished completely. If only the days were longer, with extra time for “us journalers”. :P How great would that be!! Your blog is my favourite!!

  5798. Scrowlscrowl, thanks for your lovely comments! I try to keep just one Art Journal at a time, and then I write in my diary too. I love the feel of a finished book so I keep working until the last page most of the time. This one with colour collection is just a “side project” hehe. Oh, and your kittens are SO adorable, and you’re a help-mom now, that is just so cute! Smilla sends her best!

  5799. Hanna, You just have the absolute best ideas….whether they’re your own or you “collect” them! This is an awesome post! I did a series of color books with a photography group and have been meaning to blog them. I need to get my rear in gear!

  5800. I just love seeing what other people concoct in their color collection journals! I also love that Julia Caprara book and have been filling a Purple journal for more than a year now. Guess I took the “or the rest of your life” part of her remarks quite seriously.

  5801. What a great idea! So simple and I’ve heard it recommended before but seeing your journal pages and reading your description made it really click. To see how many variations there are one needs to become an explorer, hunter and gatherer. What fun. Blue/Green, here I come! Thanks for the inspiration.

  5802. Wow, thanks for your enthusiastic comments!
    Please come back and let me know if/when you post images of your own colour collections so I too can have a view of others work! My book is not full yet, but I will keep adding to it so it might be a work in progress for quite some time! :-)

  5803. I am going to make one too! And I like blue/green like Nancy S, so it will be intereseting to see what we will come up with!

  5804. I’m doing color collections with my kids at school, putting it together on big posters for the classroom.
    Because of your last post on the book I started to consider making myself a colorbook, one color for a double page with an emphesis on my fabrics and yarns.. But dedicating a whole book to one color sounds even more tempting.

    How did you wire-bind your journal? Do you have the Bind-It-All? Here in Germany I have easy access to plastic binding, but those I don’t like.


  5805. Barbara, how fun that you will make one! Let me know how it goes!

    Tally, thanks for your sweet comment on Smilla photos! I think a bind-it-all sounds great, but I have this huge heavy machine that I bought before I knew about the smaller ones. It makes the holes and binds it with wire (and takes up a lot of room) so I make my own books. Maybe I should try to make a few with cardstock for the etsy shop? :-)

  5806. Just be careful, before you know it she will learn how to open the fridge door, and you’ll wake up to milk that has gone off.
    My cat who sadly isn’t here anymore used to! He would only do it at nighttime, and get to cheese or milk if he could… We ended up having to get those hooks that you can get to stop children going into your cupboards, and the saleswoman asked how old the child was. ‘It’s not a child, it’s a big ginger cat!’ ;)

  5807. Once again, you inspire me with your photos and your project. I have a love of bought journals and notebooks that I find to small to journal nowadays so I think I will use them to explore different colours. I think that the great thing about this kind of book is that you don’t have to worry about composition and content as long as you keep your colour theme going. Expect to see some of these on my blog in the future!

  5808. Wow, I can’t say enough how much this post has inspired me. I am so excited to pull out my art stuff now that I am wishing my laundry pile away…. so excited! Okay, off I go! Creation time.

  5809. Thanks for commenting! Haha, Eveline that is a great story! I don’t think my cat is that advanced (or strong). But cats do become our babies/children, don’t they? :-)

  5810. I’ve seen your Pink Sketchbook on flickr before and immediately I knew I want to make one for myself. it will be red.
    I have this huge collection of red clippings and ephemera and it’s just a perfect idea to celebrate my favourite colour.
    thank you for inspiring me yet again. :)

  5811. Thanks for your lovely comments girls! Druga, red is a great choise! I think red and pink together (and orange!!) is the best! Let me know if you post it on your blog!

  5812. Your sketch book is amazing!
    I’d love to have such commitment!
    I hope your keeping it out on show – it’s art in its own right!
    And kudos for keeping the cover so clean!


  5813. Hi Hanna! I LOVE getting a glimpse into your design process and into the beautiful finished product. I’ve been thinking lately of biting the bullet and creating a photo book of my own. Please don’t feel that you need to answer if this is an uncomfortable question, but do you have a preference between Blurb & Lulu now that you’ve used both services? I’ve heard good things about both and was just wondering…

    Thanks again for all of the wonderful knowledge that you share with us all! :)

  5814. Thank you for this idea! I’m hoping by sitting down and taking the time to work on one colour journal at a time, that I will get inspired and get back on track with painting. I’m thinking that the blue/aqua/green range is where I need to start. It’s refreshing mentally to look at and the range of colours excites me. Hope this will be the inspiration that I’ve been searching for and desperately needing. I appreciate your idea so much and can’t thank you enough. By the way, I’m also starting to make journals, some as gifts for friends and maybe the others will be wanted by others who see them. I have this wonderful stash of Japanese papers to put on the covers. Hoping to make a few tonite and then work on my colour sketch book which will take me to the palette and canvas tomorrow or so I’m hoping. :)

  5815. Hanna, The photographs look so clean and crisp, a wonderfully fresh design. I’m into grids as well, I love linearity I guess. This is a perfect way to enjoy our endless digital photos rather than attempt to pare down to a few for framing. Thank you for the inspiration!

  5816. Thank you so much for this tutorial. I have a space on my wall that I just want to add color to. I think this is the answer! Your blog is so inspiring. Thanks :) I’ll be linking on Facebook.

  5817. This is a very adorable inspirational mosaic…it really makes me smile. I love the owl card, for some reason, I am stuck on owls lately and can’t get the darn things out of my head!

  5818. Hi,

    Thank you for the inspiration in this mosaic. I especially like the yellow-pinkish pictures, they make me feel very happy!

    Regina, SXM

  5819. Thanks Cammi, sock monkeys are lots of fun. Yes I made the clothes, but can’t really give any directions coz I just “made them” – no pattern just trying it out. Good luck with the sock monkey you and your mom is making! :-)

  5820. Love these postcards and everything about them. Yes! How inspiring! I was busily making suminagashi papers today for an upcoming project.

  5821. It looks like fun, and they came out beautifully. But I know if I did it they wouldn’t be so beautiful. Maybe it would be a fun afternoon spent with the kids though! :) Thanks for the idea!

  5822. The only art form I had time to do today is a visual journal page. But I had fun doing it. I so love your blog, so very interesting. I love these quilted postcards.

  5823. So amazing and colorful. I have no room on my table for my machine right now . :( too much other art going on. :) Maybe next week, the stitches can come back for a visit.
    Enjoy your art making, Hanna !

  5824. Thank you for the images to create will be nice to have them at the ready for those spontaneous times of creating! You are lovely for sharing..xoxo

  5825. Thank you for the images to create will be nice to have them at the ready for those spontaneous times of creating! You are lovely for sharing..xoxo

  5826. gorgeous postcards! what a wonderful surprise for someone’s mailbox! :) thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind comments. i love projects that use up leftover scraps or recycles materials in some way. funny thing: i ran across your blog a while back but forgot to bookmark it and couldn’t remember how to get back to it. but now here i am, hooray! what a lovely coincidence.

    happy art making!


  5827. These are so pretty! Thank you for re-inspiring me. I used to make handmade cards with sewn-on fabric and haven’t in ages…thanks for the little nudge.

  5828. Love the owl collages and you are so right about putting those beautiful pieces in a frame – they look like a gallery piece that way !

    Enjoy the creative flow, Talented Hanna !

  5829. Kim, Queen of Arts, thank you!
    I’m hoping to find flow in writing an article but it is kind of not coming when one wants it to flow… Maybe I will wait and see tomorrow if it “happens” then. :-)

  5830. Those collages are fun! I kinda like the messy white around it but it does look great with a mat and frame.
    Loved the newsletter. I ordered your zine and can’t wait to look at it!

  5831. Beautiful! I agree it should be framed. I love owls too and I don’t think they could ever be dated. I will never stop crafting with them.

  5832. This is wonderful Hanna. Went to your Etsy Shop but you are all sold out!! So I’m getting a Zine, for some of your wonderful inspiration. Looking forward to that.

  5833. The owl collages are great and the framing really sets it off quite well. The square format is interesting and unique too as a lot of work tends to be in a rectangular format. Very nice work!

  5834. I ordered my copy of the zine, and can’t wait to receive it! Also looking forward to learning more about the process! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us, iHannah.

  5835. Oh, I want! *eyes bank account* My artjournaling has been sadly slack lately, and I could use inspiration.

    I’ve had blog readers tell me I should write a book on t-shirt reconstruction lately, and I’ve been considering a zine instead, if only because I’ve heard multiple people say they’ve taken a loss working with publishers, particularly in the craft book market (t-shirt books are particularly saturated, I think). Zine-wise, I’m at a bit of a loss on getting started (I’ve got all sorts of excuses, though).

  5836. If you’re selling BW photocopies and as I see from the Etsy is already sold out, how about a full-colored .pdf for us foreigners? :) We’d love that!

  5837. Very cool ! I especially love that it is distinctively Hanna in its voice and content. And it sold out too!!! I want one….will you reload ?
    Here’s to listening to those creative voices loud and clear ! You go girl !!!!

  5838. Jag s?g zinet i din etsy-shop i veckan, och drabbades av ett enormt ha-beg?r. Jag kan tyv?rr inte k?pa det nu, s? jag h?ller tummarna f?r att det kommer att finnas kvar ett ex till mig i slutet av m?naden… Jag h?ller ocks? p? med ett zine, tanken ?r ocks? att s?lja det p? etsy n?r det ?r klart – du ?r definitivt en av mina stora zine-inspirationer!

  5839. Thanks everyone, you’re too kind!

    Corvus, why not join the I love zine swap? It will give you a deadline and get you started. I’d love to read a zine about t-shirt re-designing for sure!

    Everyone: I’ve re-listed the zine, check out my etsy shop. Thank you!

  5840. Hi Hanna! Do you plan to do this zine as a e-zine too? It seems really wonderful, but till I can’t make money transfers through the net, then… I would be still interested in your story.

  5841. This is such a fun idea. I’m already thinking of some things for mine. When I get some pages done I’ll share.

  5842. Thanks for your lovely comments!

    Tammy, I will try to write some notes on some of the pages, about the colours and what they mean to me etc, but nothing more. It’s a collection of colours to me, not an artsy book. Though I like that the pages are so pretty- they make me happy. :-)

  5843. I’m so glad you posted again on this. i’ve had your first post queued up in my rss reader for ages, to remind me to start a purple book. But I haven’t started yet and it was beginning to slip my mind. This has reminded to get back in there and do it. Must get a spiral bound notebook for this.

  5844. i’d like to start a purple journal. i guess i have one started. but it is a altered book cut down into a triangle. i started it in a class. but i like the spiral idea. i intend to get a sewing machine. can you/do you sew in your spiral bound journal?

  5845. Purple is popular, let me know if you post any pics online! I’d love to see!

    Brigitte, I don’t think sewing is very easy in any bound book, but I managed to sew a few lines across the ribbon page on my sewing machine. If you make the spiral book yourself I suggest you sew pages before binding them together though. :-) Have fun! Thanks for commenting!

  5846. I somehow stumbled across your blog and I am loving it. I want to live where you live, I LOVE pretzels…..I also noticed you like owls…I am in love with owls too.
    I just wanted to say hi. Love all your art that you do. So fun!
    I have started journaling lately and have missed that. I want to start a color journal too, that would be fun!!!!

  5847. This is a fun post! I love the part about sipping lattes slowly in cafes while journaling. Ahhhhh…. One of my favorite things.

  5848. Thanks for sharing such great ideas! I like what you have done so far. I actually did start mine but haven’t posted any pictures yet. I’m chugging away through my blue/green palette – who knew there could be so many shades of a color? Thanks again for the inspiration!

  5849. hi Hanna, do you have any contact info for the person who made the 50 Ways zine? I want one!

  5850. Love the pretzel sightings! Great photos and what an intriguing concept. It’s given me something to think about – what when I see it jumps out at me? What calls to be “sighted”? Hmmm…

    And great editing on the pink one!

  5851. Hanna, you are so right. I want to take note of things like this better. Time flies by sometimes! I like seeing curlicues everywhere!

    Pretzel town sounds great. I think I’m going to try taking my journal to the coffee house, too.

  5852. I’m catching up, here. Are we to make a journal of our favorite color(s) ? I would love to do a green one! I love pink and yellow together, but pink and orange and lime green… ! awesome.
    love your journal.

  5853. Oh, Hanna, I love the fact that it’s so personal! I read it cover to cover as soon as I got it, and loved looking at and feeling all the papers you included! I haven’t done any collaging since my trip, but your zine is a great inspiration and nurturing of taking papers and having FUN!

    Thanks for taking this plunge!

  5854. Chris, you make me smile with your “are we to make”? You don’t have to my dear, hehe, but you sure can be inspired around here, huh? The assignment though, if you choose to accept it and have time for another journal/sketchbook (?) is “to collect a colour” and learn about it, see previous post about my pink book. I picked pink because it’s a favorite, you could pick your least liked colour or any one you want to spend time with. Then go explore! :-)

  5855. The “50 ways to alter a postcard” zine is made by my friend Pam. I’m letting her know that you are interested in her zine, but I don’t think she has it for sale…

  5856. I am doing this! I see now! I am doing green and… lime green! And other greens, too!
    I will send you a photo if I don’t blog about it.

  5857. Shut UP! six years old? SIX?! This is fantastic!

    I am so afraid to smear things. What happened to me, that I am so afraid? I am afraid to put too much, too little, too big, too small. I need a good talking to!!

    Happy Happy Birthday Happy iHanna!

  5858. Hanna, I’m so happy you’ve shared your Swedish “hearty” pretzels. The fact that there is pretzel carpet in this world takes my breath away!!! This seals the fact that someday I will have to investigate your twisty town! Thanks for making my day. Happy creations from tj in germany

  5859. That is one Prince of a Pretzel! Now, of course, we’ll all be seeing them everywhere. Lovely, creative post, as usual. :-)

  5860. i love this mosaic. do you make it on flickr or do you use a special photo program?

  5861. So funny I just watched Pippi L?ngstrump last night
    and there was a pretzel sign in the movie.

    God Bless You and Yours!!!

  5862. Those colorful gifts will become treasured
    creations. Happy late Birthday!

  5863. Hanna! I’m sorry my birthday wish for you is late, but WOW! You got some pretty, colorful things. Those owls are cool! And a great zine. So nice.
    Thank you for the shout-out. I’m so glad you like my little painting. I think painting may be my favorite thing and I’m learning a lot. And the things you share on your site always open the world of arty possibilities up to me and make me want to learn more of everything.
    take care!

  5864. such wonderful goodies!
    I love reading this theme of posts by you.
    owl ‘towl’ is really cute and I love Chris’ painting!!

  5865. hanna! loving these huge paintings! isn’t it fun to paint as far as your hand can reach? even better when you can create with abandon since it is less precious surface you are working on (aka cheap). you have some terrific backgrounds here. can’t wait to see what you do with them next! going XL suites you :) thanks for sharing with the team!!

  5866. I love the colors in these pieces! What sort of paint did you use? Liquid acrylics? Thanks! (:

  5867. Big rolls of brown kraft paper are my *favorite* thing to paint on.

    I use them in workshops to cover the floors and tables, and then keep using them under my work surfaces. Just love the random splotches that build up.

    These papers get used in collage and to make journal pages. So much fun.

    thanks for sharing. now I want to go paint!

  5868. rainshadow: just ordinary cheap acrylic paints, different brands in different sized bottles. Mixed and had fun, so the colors are random but very “me”.

    Lisa: thanks for you comment, I wish I could take a workshop with you and we could paint some big papers together! Come to Sweden and play with me!

  5869. How fun! In the US, you can get rolls of brown paper (the heavy duty kind) at the dollar store. I love that stuff! I’m going to do this with my preschool son soon! We painted wood blocks & boards yesterday, but this sounds even more fun. He loves squeezing paint out, so a big canvas is a great idea for him.

  5870. Very cool, Hanna! I have a huge roll of red…well reddish brown…rosin paper from the hardware store. Looks like I need to get moving and use it! As always, I ‘m inspired!

  5871. Love it, I’m an art journalist also. I am hoping to post a video clip tonight about how I used a cut up brown paper bag to stencil and color using color wash/spritz/misters.

  5872. I love these paintings and I adore your postcards in an earlier post.
    I love Kaffe Fassett’s philosophy about colour if in doubt add twenty more. This can also apply to our art, I never just stop, I always end up going back and adding more.
    Thank you for visiting my blog too.

  5873. wow, love it! the way you use colors always makes me so happy. i discovered brown paper a little while ago, and used some it to make blank art journals for my etsy shop! ( i need to get my hands on some more – it’s so much fun to paint on..

  5874. Hanna, I’m going to borrow this, because just today I got a whole MESS of brown paper in a shipment, and I’ve been dying to go huge. I want to make another piece for this challenge, because my first one just wasn’t huge enough! And you have really done it right! I love orange right now, and all your bright colors do it a great service. So pretty!

  5875. Oh, that looks like so much FUN! :-D I even have a big roll of brown wrapping paper that I bought for my Christmas presents (I like the simplicity against a pretty ribbon, and it’s cheaper than wrapping paper), so I may have to try this after clearing off my desk.

  5876. Go big or go home they sometimes say. And this is big! Looks like it must have been freeing and a lot of fun. Love the close ups.

  5877. Hi Hanna! Thank you for this post – it not only made me paint (using paper bag, although I covered it with gesso), but it motivated me to continue with my blog in english and to participate in different projects like this Crusade no. 40… Thank you again!

  5878. Hi, I just stumbled across your blog by accident and it is amazing! :) Very inspiring. I’m currently in the process of making a zine as a college project and was searching art zines on the web and found this, I will definatley come back and look through everything again cos I thought it was brilliant! Just thought I’d let you know :) x

  5879. I have just been watchiong G. Lynn Nelson on a DVD called Living the Questions. Its awesome, the DVD and the spiritual journey.
    I have written letters to friends, long long letters for the last 60 years.. now I e.mail forever… documenting my life and thoughts… does that count as journaling, or does one have to have one’s thoughts flow through pen to paper… …..
    Also I guess I am writing to others, but each person is different so I express myself differently to each of them…. mmmm any thoughts?

  5880. love all the colors, and the little things you’ve hdden in the painting. i’m going to have to find some brown paper bags.

  5881. Thank you sooo much for your wonderful ideas & tutorials. You are my daily inspiration for color & projects. Just finished my first paper cloth and hope to make a wallet and maybe a table runner. Did have trouble applying glue to the paper before I placed my final piece of tissue. So I just kind of dabbed it on. Again, thank you for sharing & your wonderful sense of adventure!

  5882. How I love this idea, Hanna. :) From now on, I will be on the lookout for some recurent “signs” from my city.
    Now, where’s my camera? :-D

  5883. What great work! I look forward to seeing what you do with it.

    I am new to your blog, but have put it on my Google page. I don’t want to miss anything! Off to check out all your other work.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5884. These are lovely! Sometimes i use brown paper for painting on and then use in collages but not often enough. Thank you so much for the push to do it more often and to “go big or go home!” ha…….

    I’ll ask Roger about the song he created to see if he can make it available as an MP3!

    Thanks for posting on my site.

    Love, Violette

  5885. these are amazing! i am re-arranging my house -turning my livingroom into an art/sewing/yoga play room. going through my art + sewing supplies now and moving them over. just came into my bedroom with my laptop to get away for the chaos for a bit and here’s this wonderful new post from you! now i want to get back in there and get my new room set up so i can make some mini journals!

  5886. Andrea, haha, I’m so sorry for messing up your planning and creative space organizing (are you taking over the whole house?). Though this is a tiny project, you’ll have both time and space to do it.. . hehe. ;-)

  5887. This is so wonderful, Hanna. I love the look of the jurnal, the size that you played with but most of all the questions that you asked yourself inside the little treasure. You always inspire me.

    I have been a little quiet in the creation area the last few weeks. I am starting to get “itchy”, you know, I need a paint brush in my hand very soon !
    Hopefully this week will have some time for ME !
    Happy creating, Inspiring One !

  5888. I love all ways of making books/journals…love yours, lots of ideas here…just finished my cloth photo book and blogged it for Monday.
    Fun to see you at my blog today! Thanks for the visit!

  5889. Hanna – I love this little journal. The colours you have used are gorgeous – very spring-like! I have done so much fabric/textile work lately, I forgot how much fun it can be to journal and paint. I am now getting the urge to paint again! I like the look of Michelle’s latest Crusade too!! :)

  5890. Thanks for kind commenting!
    Susan, yes, I painted both sides before starting to make the book but added the collage images later on, see previous post about painting XL. :-)

  5891. Hej Hanna
    Jag tycker s? mycket om dina tankar o funderingar, denna “bruna bok” ?r toppen.
    Tack f?r att du delar med dig.
    Thanx for sharing

  5892. These are gorgeous! AWESOME and what a great idea to use cheap brown paper – I have a roll in the basement, I’m off to paint now.

  5893. This is gorgeous! And I have a huge roll of brown paper for pattern making at home…My upcoming three day weekend might just involve a lot of paint. Thanks for sharing this! :)

  5894. “Out of the night that covers me
    Black as the pit from pole to pole
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.”

    Funnily enough, every single art journal I’ve ever made contains Invictus in some form. It’s memorized by now.

    Beautiful work, as always!

  5895. Great job Hanna! Your booklet is beeee-YOU-tiful. I also did the Crusade. It was my first one, (I still need to formulate my post) — but I had such a good time! Big is fun fun fun… happy creations from tj in germany

  5896. Wow, super inspiring! I’ve always had a fear of going large…something about the giant size and being in your face just scares me! Using brown paper seems a lot less intimidating of course… still scary though :)

  5897. Thanks for sharing…it’s fabulous how you are exploring the sizes and that is a lot of journaling :) Very vibrant and lovely…woohoo!

  5898. Thanks for all the nice twitter RT’s and comments on this post! :-)

    Corvus, it is a beautiful poem. Very strong. Did you see the movie? It was Nelson Mandela’s favorite poem when he was in jail according to the movie.

    TJ, of to check out your page in the crusades!

  5899. It is interesting, until I read about your zine I did not know anything about these… I only knew that there are e-zines that are fully digital and you can get it through the e-mail. So, I am very thankful to you to learn so much more about zines. And it truly seems to be fun to make it (especially if you know what you want to express with it). Thank you!

  5900. Brava to you for all the hard work and love you put in all you create, Hanna, including this zine. You inspire in so very many ways.
    Cheers, Talented One !

  5901. I always love reading about your creative process. I really enjoy reading your zine and looking through it over and over. I’m still thinking about what my zine will be about, when I finally make one. Too many ideas!

  5902. I ordered my copy and soooo looking forward to it. There’s something special about zines and yours is definitely a labor of love…so many details and handmade parts with it…not just a bunch of papers folded in half and stapled. So excited and thanks for writing a bit about making a zine…it’s something I’ve thought about it, but it’s so easy to talk myself out of it – haha!

  5903. My grandmother came from the old country. Actually, Finland, but she was Swedish. Everytime we went to visit her in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, she would have her cinnamon buns ready for us. We called them biscuits though. I would love to see your recipe. There were only a few notes left from her, through my mother, but I learned so much from your video. Do you have cardamon in your recipe? I have now added toasted almonds to my filling because she frosted hers with a sweet almond/powdered sugar icing. Living in Texas, my friends want “sticky buns,” so I am making an almond flavored sticky goo to bake them in. I’m morphing them into Texan Swedish Biscuits.

  5904. Barbara, thanks for your sweet story! I don’t have the recipe I use in English or with US measurements, sorry, but please go to the above linked page bullbaket where you’ll find images, recipe (from a original Swedish chica!) and description! You can add some cardamon too, yes, it will be delicious!

  5905. what a cool thing to make! it sounds beautiful and I love the name.. congratulations, it must be a labour of love!
    hey, had an idea, you could sew the pages together instead of stapling? like those old fashioned books where the sections are sewn.. might work, just a thought
    and thanks for taking part in my draw, your comments are much appreciated! x clio

  5906. One of my favorite things about your zine is the title. It has so many layers! I loved your description of coming up with the title and the new doors it opened in my creative mind. Beautiful.

    I bought a stapler with a super long neck. One of the best purchases ever.

  5907. Thanks, I appreciate you understanding the greatness of the name, hehe, I don’t think everyone does but I love it personally. :-)

    Also,, I think I will buy a better stapler for my next issue, it will be quicker than sewing.

  5908. So exciting! I’m so happy you put those special touches in it and every one is unique…so cool! Can’t wait to get mine in the mail…thanks :)

  5909. Du anar inte vad jag har tr?nat efter ditt zine! Det ser helt fantastiskt ut, och jag hoppas att du kommer att g?ra fler (jag tror inte att det finns kvar n?sta m?nadsskifte eller s?). Men jag ser att du har bytt bort zinet ocks? – ?r det n?got du kan t?nka dig att g?ra fler g?nger? Jag h?ller p? med ett zine, och s? har jag alltid konst att byta med. Vad tror du?

  5910. “Will I buy your next issue?” Hanna I can’t wait. I’m learning so much from this one. have put together a blog piece on Metta Zine No 1, and will let you know when I post it. I loved reading here about what you’ve learned, and really look forward to your next issue. all the best

  5911. Oh, these pages are funny – i`m very curious which colour the skirt will have in my copy! Can?t wait to get mine… Thank you, Hanna for inspiring me. You really inspire.

  5912. I think it’s good you decided to have a variety of colors for clothes, the same thing over and over would just be…redundant and not fun. Creative freedom is awesome! I also don’t mind if she has different poses too. But a single pose can be more memorable. I’d like to see more clothes designs!

  5913. I’m so happy you made a 2nd run of your ‘zines… don’t forget to reserve some for “back issues” to bring out a few years from now…! Great job hanna!! happy creations, xoxo tj

  5914. Hey those are great! I love the combination of sewing and paper. I’ve been following you on flickr but just discovered your blog! Great read!

  5915. Oh i love love love this Hanna…..i want to make one! Hooray!!!!!!! another project.

    Thanks so much for the wonderful tutorials….you’re the best!

    Love, Violette xox
    p.s. i ordered your zine and can’t wait to get it! xo

  5916. Hi Hanna,
    So, I’ve been following your blog through Reader and have never really commented before. Thought I would drop in and say “Hi”. I just purchased one of your Zines from Etsy! I think it’s great you made these by hand. I can’t wait to check it out. Keep doing what your doing:)

  5917. Wow, I love your big paintings ! And what a wonderful idea, just using the cheap brown paper. You are so right, one of the reasons I am afraid of BIG is that I don’t want to ruin very expensive canvasses LOL You inspired me, I will try this too !

  5918. Hanna, it thrills me to think that you are waiting for my zine eagerly.. I can imagine you are as nervous as i am with mine. I agree that you cant pdf a zine, mine has flip downs and fold ups that you wont get from a pdf.. not to mention its a more personal thing.. I’ve chosen an ATC and a blank to go in each of mine… i cant wait to get yours in the mail your such an inspiration and an amazing person :)

  5919. Oh, your zines makes me sooooo inspired to make one my self!
    They are just lovely!

    (…maybe this will be a good summer-project to do together with the kids?)

  5920. That is so springy :-)

    Much more than the weather here in Germany *shiver*
    But my days in Denmark some days ago were full of sun. Hopefully she was and is in Stockholm as well.

  5921. Tally, yes the sun is warm in Sweden, and kind and generous. Sometimes, when it is not raining…

    Lillkussen, to make a mosaic you visit, under “Choose how you would like to select your photos” you chose “Flicker faves” and then add your flickr name: charlottae, and the mosaic is made and can then be saved or uploaded to your flickr account if you’re logged in. Yay. Let’s see yours now, though you have many “sames” as me, because I looked at yours and stole some coz you have such great taste!… hehe. Kram!

  5922. Your pages are absolutely gorgeous. Thanks so much for all you share. I have recently been reading the Where Women Create Inspiration book where you are featured in your studio. It was a great article and I really admire all that you create.

  5923. here is the way I like the pics going horizontally (o being i like) :xoxxxxxooooxxxooooxooxoxx, oxoxooooxoooxxooxoxoooooo

  5924. Oh Hanna, I laughed when I read you words on adding glitter. So much you :-)

    I wonder why the German word ?ber- made it into international blog-speech.

  5925. Very cute – I love the bits of pink ribbon peeking out !
    I am working on purging and cleaning my studio armoire this week – big beautification which means I will actually be able to find things when I am looking for them !Yay !
    Enjoy your magic drawers !

  5926. OMG I missed this the first time! LOVE LOVE LOVE these! You are inspiring me to try this! I know the crusade is over and I just could not do it! WORKING LARGE freaks me out- you inspired me I am going to give it a go! Beautiful works of art!

  5927. Oh I love this! =c) This looks very different from what I’m used to seeing you doing. You are great at everything. ;) I especially like the little dots everywhere.

    I got some brown paper to try going XL but haven’t had the chance to play yet…now I really want to do it! =cD

  5928. Hanna,

    I do love this, it does remind me Alisa Burke’s doodles but so different because its yours. I am wondering is this painted or did you use markers? I know you mentioned a black marker but all that color could be both.


  5929. Hej Hanna,
    Vilken fantastisk teckning! Den sprakar av liv. S? vackert med den oranga (oj, stavar man s?) f?rgen och det gr?na. J?tteh?ftigt!
    H?lsar Lina (B:s kompis J:s flickv?n)

  5930. hello hanna
    what a wonderful drawing, very lively, and i see the pink and orange combination again. just lovely

  5931. The colours are a bit of a mix in my brown paper doodle… The blue and orange are acrylics, then there are some markers, pens and also crayons! :-) Just added what ever I found… mixing it up.

  5932. Love the photos of the lovely and oh so smart Smilla ! I think she lies on the diary because it makes her feel close to you.
    Enjoy a creatove weekend, wonderful Artist Girl !

  5933. I have a theory about why you cat uses your journal as a pillow. My two cats love to use my large journal as a place to lay as well. I believe they can feel/see/sense the love we put into our journals. Our cats love to sleep at our head on a pillow and a friend a long time ago told me our aura comes out of the top of our head, I believe they like to be near our aura.

  5934. I made one of these leaves this winter while in Florida…I made it with a huge elephant ear leaf. I used quik-crete, but the one without stones. My leaf came out great. Definitely seal it or paint it with non-toxic paint. I plant to make more with different leaves and try the garden stone…LOVE IT!

  5935. Smila is using your journal as a pillow because she knows you will want to write in it. I love the windflowers … such a lovely name

  5936. smilla is one beautiful lady! i always thought that cats just liked to be the center of attention, but i really like what brian said. my cats adore lying on whatever i’m working on, and love the sound of crinkling paper under their paws, too.

    your journal pages are amazing! i wonder, do all of your pages have some doodles or bits of collage in them, or are there some pages – or many pages – that are exclusively writing? thanks so much for the inspiration, love, hope you (and smilla) are having a beautiful weekend!

  5937. I believe cats are artists in their own way. Diesel loves to jump on the table when I leave a freshly painted background to dry so now I have to find other places to let my art dry if I don’t want her playing in it.
    Your journals/diaries are always such inspiration. Thanks for sharing them with us.

  5938. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos! I grew up near woods and there are days I desperately miss my time wandering around and soaking up the beautiful nature. Beautiful flowers and photos, Hanna!

  5939. Thanks for your lovely comment! Alison, your blog title is like a continuation of the title of this post, haha, how fun! Love your blog name!

  5940. Your photos are always a source of inspiration. I love the shot of Smilla with the flowers out of focus in the front. Simply lovely.

  5941. Love your photos!
    Does indeed look like a happy bee.
    And I can see why the garden makes you happy…it’s awesome!
    I can tell you and Smilla enjoy it!

  5942. This is amazing and so beautiful !! I love all the bright colors, I am so much a colorgirl too ;-) Love how you filled the book too ! I am waiting for my order of very cheap brown paper LOL Once it is here I first will go for the XXL size, but after that a booklet like this is very tempting ! Thanks for sharing xx

  5943. Brown paper is so magical and diverse…I think the colors really pop, looks so fun! Thanks for sharing…

  5944. Agree with the idea of long-term projects, somethng to pick up and work on in quiet moments and there is no sense of rushing to finish. Really like this quilt, though it seems quite complex. Looking forward to seeing photos of the quilt complete.

    Have just managed to do that blog post that I mentioned about Metta Zine, bit delayed, it’s up now.

  5945. Wow! Keep us up to date. I love the brown pieces in the first picture, I think they’ll go really well with the orange. Is this going to be just a patchwork or are you going to try to incorporate an actual pattern?

  5946. Yes, this one will be groovy.
    Haven’t had a long term project for a while. I’ll have to plan for winter…

  5947. I love that you shared these pages with us. That bowl of berries!

    I think Smilla likes to be near your essence.

    I can’t believe I still haven’t started a color journal! Where are my priorities?!

  5948. Ah yes!Projects! Goals, spiritual activities, beliefs and principles and good family, friends and creativity.Can’t beat it! Love the colours!

  5949. Det r ju fantastiskt, grattis! Skulle nska att jag var en av dom som kunde leva p mitt skapande – just nu kostar det bara, men drar inte in ngot. Men en dag, s…

  5950. hanna, that book looks terrific! congrats on being featured in it. i can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!

  5951. Congratulations! How cool that you were included. Of course, with your talent, you absolutely should be in there. I’ve put the book on my Amazon wish list.

  5952. hello hanna, i am so happy and absolutely thrilled to be in the same page as you are, and many many thanks for the mention here in your fabulous blog! will definitely blog about your post! ♥

    cheers from dublin,

  5953. Thanks for your comments girls! I’m not one of those who can live from her craft, not at all, I don’t know if that came across in the post, but I’m honored to be in the book. Thanks for your support!

    Odette, thanks for your visit! I really enjoyed my stay at your blog, it looks lovely! I think I forgot to comment but glad you found me!

  5954. Kate,
    How cool that you are in the book too, thanks for commenting here! I’m going to keep reading today and during the weekend, coz it is raining here and I don’t want to go outside for my walk today… hehe. Take care! PS: Your stuff/site looks fab! Well done!

    thanks for your comment too! I so agree, the design of the book is very important for me too. I love books that look good and are well designed!

  5955. Hanna, I have seen this book and it is AMAZING. It is definitely on my To Get list! (I was on a birthday-gift shopping jaunt and the birthday wasn’t mine!!)

  5956. Oooh these are great – I love the colours you have used and your mark making really appeals to me. Very cool indeed!

  5957. Hei Hanna. F?lger bloggen din jevnlig, men er ikke s? flink til ? kommentere. Skal bli litt bedre p? det tenker jeg. Det er jo g?y ? f? kommentarer! Jeg bestilte akkurat boka fra forrige innlegg og gleder meg vilt til ? f? den! Bloggen din er sv?t inspirerende. N? har jeg ikke gjort NOE art journaling p? lenge, men tror jeg skal ty til m?neds sider med ruter for hver dag sik du har gjort -og jeg ser Teesha Moore gj?r, s? kommer jeg nok i gang igjen! Uansett v?r i sommer s? kan man gj?re kreative ting. DET er iallefall flott n?r man bor i Skandinavia! Bloggen din er en kjempeinspirasjon. Linkene er en fabelaktig bonus!

  5958. I’m so encouraged by your having completed this personal challenge to do a collage every day for a year. It gives me hope that I will be able to do the same.
    I particularly like the frog one with the typewriter. Now I need to go to your Flickr account and look at them all.

  5959. Oh Hanna, thanks SO much for the sweet mention of me! I am so happy to hear that you are enjoying my vids!! I have been a fan of yours since I started Art Journaling!!
    Thanks so much!! Much LOVE
    Paula, aka Journal Artista

  5960. Hi Hanna – just stopping by! Love this post. I LOVE getting things in the mail, so especially related to the descriptions of all of the fun things in your mailbox and the people they came from. Are you Swedish? I spent one summer in Malm? in college and loved it a lot. Don’t speak much Swedish though, unfortunately :)

    Have a great night and can’t wait to see your collages that you mentioned!


  5961. Oh Paula, wow, how fun that you already know my art journaling adventures and now I get to see yours too, in motion picture – I love youtube videos because it is so much fun to watch others create and listen to them talk about it! :-) Thanks for your visit to my blog!

    Kirsten, thanks! Yes I’m Swedish for sure. Glad you like my country, I do too, especially now in the summer when everything is blooming! And next week the Swedish princess Victoria is getting married in Stockholm – big event here! :-) Take care!

  5962. Those textured photos look so dreamy.
    Thanks for the links and the quick how-to.
    I will definitely try something like this soon.

  5963. how funny! I JUST bought Susan’s book yesterday and posted it on my blog. It looks glorious :) I can only imagine the awesome things you’ll do when you learn it.

    I am planning (thanks to you!) to do a book using InDesign and Blurb. Was there any website in particular that you used that helped with using InDesign?

  5964. You will also get some great results with your texture if you change the Blending modes (to the left of the Opacity setting) in your Layers Palette.

  5965. Thanks for your comment!

    Tichat, hmm… I don’t think I know where it is, probably boxed up somewhere if I have some left, but not sure I do. Sorry, can’t help you… :-/

  5966. Thanks for your comment! Dawn, Susan rocks, I know you’ll love her book! I know inDesign already so I didn’t need a tutorial on it, but the help-files are great when you want to create a “master” for page numbers etc, plus, be sure to download the correct book format from Blurb before you start! Let me know how it goes!

    Marie, thank you for the advice, I’ll be sure to try that too! I’m a newbie at digitally altering photos! :-)

  5967. Thanks for your comments Linda! I’ve made one collage vision board – a l Jamie Ridler, and it was fun, and I have it up so I can see it right now, but I don’t need to make new ones all the time. I like making collages in my diary too, they are like mini inspiration boards of what I’m drawn to on one specific day. :-)

  5968. I definitely agree, do you follow along the moodboard collaging on jamie ridler’s site? That’s a lot of magazine cutting and collaging fun as well! I think most of all I like collecting just the bits of the magazines that I really like and then incorporating it into my life through art journaling… it’s like really getting use of it all :)

  5969. yes yes yes!
    this is exactly how I feel about magazine cutting.
    I use it to pull me out of dark places and, for me, it has all of the benefits you listed!
    I like your relaxed sorting process. I need something like that. Right now they are mostly in random piles in my art room. Organising by size seems like a good idea.
    I have an envelope in which I put words/letters or very tiny images that I’ve cut out (because they are small and get lost in the piles).
    Thanks for this great post!

  5970. Hanna, yes I agree magazine cutting is SO therapeutic. I do find my brain works in a strange way though… I can’t seem to go through a magazine and find images and text at the same time! It seems that I have to switch into a visual mode to find the images that appeal to me, and the text just passes me by. So, I then have to do a second scan to look out for the phrases that speak to me.

  5971. That’s what I do sometimes, too. I sit and cut magazines for all the reason you mentioned. And it is Therapy! When the time comes I’d like to make an entry in my visula journals I have tons of stuff to choose from.

  5972. Ah, I so feel what you mean on this! ( love the vision board by the way!)
    I have a magazine addiction myself! I do several things with the info I rip out of magazines:
    1-Put images/info in my inspiration Journal, it’s a journal of just seemingly random images, text, patterns, sayings etc that have things that inspire me, no overt-thinking allowed! I started by wanting to sort them by category, but gave up that idea and just let it flow the way it does.
    2-Images for my collages
    3- Images for dream boards and things like that
    4-Keep articles that I want to read, or projects I want to try and I put those in binders with sheet protectors.

    To keep it all under control ( or at least attempt to!) I pull the images out and put them in file folders until they can be put into said spots!
    love this post!

  5973. I also love decluttering by cutting up old magazines – and recently I include my kid in the process, letting him rip up the ones I’m done with and make his own collages – he loves glue!

  5974. Oh, I’m glad you have found it as therapetic as I have, thanks!

    Leah, I know it is fun to cut magazines with kids, I did that with my cousin and lots of glue, hehe. And when it comes to glue sticks, I’m like a kid myself, love that stuff! :-)

  5975. Oh Hanna, I got in so much trouble with this, lol. I sneak into the recycling center’s big magazine dumpster and get magazines. (They are too expensive to have a subscription to and then cut up!)
    One time I filled up the whole back of my car, but now I have magazines all over the house! I am trying so hard to get rid of them but I think they multiply!

    I LOVE the idea of maybe doing a magazine clipping swap. Sort of like an art journal challenge or something. Everyone send out a small envelope of clippings to a partner and then everyone make a spread or spreads using the clippings they got and they like. — I am sure this is not an original idea ; I am not on swapbot or anything like that.

    (Also, I think you have more interesting magazines! =cD I see lots of stuff in your pictures I could have fun with!)

  5976. thank you. i’m going to do it your way. i’ve always just saved the magazines till i was starting a project then scanned them for things that jumped out at me. it’s not particularly relaxing or theraputic then.

  5977. U2kitteh, wow you! I would totally do that if I know how to and where, steal from the recycle bin! I too think magazines are expensive and most of the time there ain’t much I want to read in them. These interiour design mags are donated by a friend. :-)

    cyndee, I bet you are mor organized with your magazines saved, but I don’t have room for all of them here.

  5978. Oh, the joy of slice and dicing a magazine! I also end up with a big slippery pile of glossy pages on the floor, the table, my lap, waiting to be bundled up into zip-lock baggies for future collage projects. I know of someone who saves her words and letters in a cheap notebook, each fastened down me with a light dab of glue stick for easy acce3ss later. Seems like something I would like to try.

  5979. Thanks for showing me how you used my “sidewalk raindrops” image to enhance your photos. They came out really nice. I am still rather new to the whole idea of altering digtal images and creating digital art. (I say that even though I have been dabbling in it for a few years now, but I’m a slow learner!)

    The book you mentioned and linked to, Digital Expressions, sounds interesting. I may need to check it out!

  5980. i love this so much i could write a song about it! magazine is therapy, medicine, a retreat to an internal world that i could never do without!

  5981. You have given me a lot to read and look at, which is one of the great perks of visiting you regularly! And all the color, of course! Inspiration: Hanna.

  5982. Oh, I’ve been so bad at Twitter lately. But I DO love cutting out magazine pages. Most of the mass market magazine issues are not what I want to save, so I cut out pages that have good bits on them, and then save the cutting of the bits until the day I’m going to use them. That way, the smaller cutting gets me in the mood and starts my creative mind working on the page. I also love doing a Teesha-like journal page now and then, and I cut out patterns in random shapes, like fish or car shapes or whatever I need for the page at the time.

    Alternately, sometimes when I get an old magazine issue at a library and want the page, I scan it and it’s in my computer, ready to print and cut. There are images all around us! yay!

  5983. I should really start on cutting out magazines, j since I have a whole stack. I just can’t get myself to do so since it reminds me of how much money I used to spend on different magazines, haha! :)

  5984. I love these! the dino will hit home here!! thanks for visiting me always nice to “meet ” new friends!

  5985. I re-found your site after searching for the “How to find your own answers” post I so enjoyed a few years back. And that combined with the fact that today’s post was so helpful, I wanted to say hello and thank you!

  5986. Thanks! So glad my blogging is inspirational to people, and Greta, how cool to know you remembered the name of a post and googled it to find it again – makes me very inspired to know! I hope you find the answers to your questions.

  5987. Hey Cindy, thanks for stopping by my blog too! :-) I don’t think we can ever learn enough about making any kind of art – so in that sence we will all be newbies for ever! But dabbling is fun, and I enjoyed trying something new! Thanks.

  5988. Thanks for sharing the Mirkwood template link- that’s a useful site! I can’t wait to try this project out – maybe people will return my books if I put these on them as a gentle reminder of who the book belongs to. Maybe.

  5989. I love your grid and these pages. As a matter of fact I like all grids and use them a lot, even unconsciously. Grids just seem to pull things together and give colors a way to relate.

  5990. Thanks for your comment Jo! I noticed that a lot of your collages are squares and rectangles, and I really like them – and I adore your blog and the way you write about each piece. Mine (the collages) are a bit more random messes, hehe, maybe my blog too. ;-)

  5991. I really like the cover of your journal. It’s YUMMY!

    Funnily enough, I met Alan Cohen when I was 18. He was presenting at a retreat I was at in the States. I have “The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore” in the bookcase by my bed.

  5992. I like grids a lot and my newest sewing project will include grids although it’s so ‘typical’ for patchwork. None the less, it will be mine.
    I really like your journal page. For my taste it is my fav of yours so far.
    Ah, and for frogs, yes, last year I thought pretty much about them. Considered them as a symbol for me, but that is not true. More in the sense of ‘kissing ……’.
    On flickr there is a group of frog lovers. They invited me once to share my frog picture from Bali. On that island there are many, many frogs. Alive and in stone. Holy beings there.

    Stockholm is a lot in TV this week, you know why. Bet ya I watch sometimes just to see this city :-)

  5993. Lelainia: Thanks! The cover is stencils and spray paint – oh what fun it was to make it! :-)

    Tally, glad you like at least one of my spreads, hehe. And I agree, it’s not my usual mess, it’s more orderly and maybe therefor more you? Did you see decor8’s great huge guide to Stockholm? Check it out, and then come by again! I’d personally love to go to Bali and kiss frogs there!

    Katilady, thanks for your comment! Octopus – how cool! Do you know why you’re drawn to them?

  5994. Hanna – terrific post! LOVE hearing you enjoyed the last crusade, and very cool to see XL and XS next to each other. I agree it’s good to shakes things up a bit. Whatever new thing you try you always end up with a slightly altered perspective when you go back to your default mode of operation. LOVE your grids. Cool that you already had made them, and just revisited for a little vamping up. I am also a lover of symbolic images. I will think of you when I see tiny frogs :)

    Thanks for always being such an enthusiastic team player. xo

  5995. THANK YOU! Hanna! I have stopped doing Michelle’s Crusades…and I have been thinking about jumping back in. This is just the push I need. I also love grids :)

  5996. Cool Grid Hanna!! Love that little birdie too! I think you are so right about changing things up a bit to get us out of our comfy cozy at times stale box!! It works for me! Love all the pictures you posted here :)

  5997. I love using grids in my journal too. I tried Juju’s technique on some journal pages last year and absolutely loved that process (they are on my flickr somewhere).

    I’ve never played in a street team challenge before but definitely will this time!


  5998. I love the lesson that you posted here, thank you. And what is art if not to teach us about life :)

  5999. Thanks for sharing about the crusade and the grid format is something I do as well… maybe it’s something about structure in the background :)

  6000. Your grids are beautiful! I love the idea of using them for the background when drawing. Thank you for the inspiration!

  6001. I think that a dream board is the best use for the magazine clippings. Also I put them in a *library pocket* I made.

  6002. Your grid is so pretty. And how clever to paint and write over it. Love it a lot!

    You spoke of symbols, so I hope I may tell you here that I have a 4 week class on discovering your personal symbols that will begin June 22, if you’re interested.

  6003. Hi Hanna — so glad you’ve been getting so much mail art. You deserve these treats because your blog has given us so much happiness over the years! Have fun and keep on creating… your friend in germany, tj

  6004. Wow Hanna your groovy grid rocks! I will have to go check out the latest Crusade. I’ve been gone a week and it’s fun to come back and see what I’ve been missing… juuuuu huuuuuu!!! tj

  6005. What great pages, and your journal looks so enticing. I want to get my hand on all those tabs and see what is hiding in there. Lovely :-)

  6006. great grid page! love the colors and seeing how you took the next step with sketch/journaling over the grid!

  6007. Hi hanna i have been following your blog for awhile and been trying to find the courage to try my own art journalling. After seeing the link to the grid challenge, it was just what I needed to take the plunge! Many thanks

  6008. You have such an excellent blog! I’ve been browsing new and older entries for a week or so. I have always loved collage work and have done alot of my own over the years. Thanks for sharing!

  6009. I do the same thing, love that brown kraft, then save it and rip it up to make new collage backgrounds! Love all your pinks!!!

  6010. Oh, gorgeous, Hanna! I love it…hopefully lots of folks will be playing with red! Thank you so much for your wonderful compliments…you made my day!

  6011. I have fallen in love with painting on brown paper because of your posts! Thank you.

  6012. I use brown paper on my work table, too. when the last piece was sufficiently colorful I turned it over and made a mess on the other side over a couple of months. Then I cut it into 8.5 x 11 sheets and bound it into a journal. It’s such fun to write or draw on.

  6013. hanna, i love it! i use newspaper on my desk. i save it and make journal covers out of it or journal pages (after backing it with masking tape) if you go to my etsy shop ( and look at the two 8″ x 10″ journals, their covers are made with that newspaper. anyway, love the paper, can’t wait to see what you do with it!


  6014. I love these!
    I also save the papers under what I work on.
    I currently have some gessoed brown craft paper someone had used to map out a mural and I rescued it from the recycle!
    My niece was herre last week and just yesterday I found the coolest ever drawing of a whooping crane from where she had practised for her dads fathers day card. She’s 10 years old. How cool is that?!? Saving it for sure…

  6015. Gorgeous ! You could scan it in and use it again, printed out. I always think I am going to do that, but I never do. I like using my treasures up too – makes room for more to grow.
    Have fun with it, Hanna !

  6016. Hee hee. I LOVE the brown kraft paper too! I use it personally on my own workspace, and we go through rolls of it in our make and take studio. They always become little works of art themselves!

  6017. This is absolutely gorgeous. So much wonderful detail and colour, I just want to keep on looking at it. Thanks so much for sharing this beautiful piece of work. You are amazing!

  6018. Sheila, I like to look at it too, that’s why I took so many photos of the details I guess. Now I have the photos to look at and they make me happy. Thanks for commenting! :-)

    Melissa, I feel like I’ve just started exploring embroidery too, hehe, and yes, it is a wonderful world to wander into…

  6019. This is fantastic! I love all the little mixed details. This is not just beautiful eye candy, but very tactile as well. I love running my fingers over embroidery and feeling the different stitches. I recently purchased the book Stitch Alchemy by Kelli Perkins. It has some cool ideas about using paints on fabrics…check it out!

  6020. How much do I love this??? It’s fabulous and I so enjoyed reading how you describe the feeling of just stitching…free stitching and how it makes you (and me) happy! You’re speaking my language!

  6021. I too, love a grid, love the patchwork. Great look with the pages. I’m always tell my students (and doing it myself) to cut it up and reassemble it.

  6022. Hanna,

    This is so beautiful! I wish I could touch all the textures you added on there. And the fruit netting… oh my! I love it. I can only imagine the number of hours that went into this. You have a lot of patience. Bravo!

  6023. It’s gorgeous and so intricate, just like the mind of Hanna! BTW there is a fabric medium you can get at most craft stores to mix into the acrylic paint to make it lighter and easier to stitch through.

  6024. As I have told you once before when it comes to art and crafts, you have an explosive mind. Absolutely stunning.

  6025. Thanks girls!
    MissKoolAid, I am NOT counting the hours, I don’t want to know how many hours it took, hehe, but indeed, they were many. :-)

    Lin, wow, I didn’t know that about acrylic paint, cool! Though I’m going to start experimenting with sun dying for fabric this summer so expect more fabric experiements from me! As always… ;-)

  6026. Love this!! I sent it to a friend who loves hand stitching too. I will have to give this a try! Thanks for sharing!!

  6027. Love to cut out stuff from magazines too! then I sorted them by: flowers, figures, insects, animals, etc. and put them in big envelopes, so they are easy to find when needed.

  6028. Oh wow! The embroidery looks like it has taken a long time… I’m always in awe of stitching work…it’s so detailed and small! So delicate and beautiful…

  6029. No one but another embroiderer understands what time means when you’re making a piece like this gorgeous thing! Some embroiderers and hand quilters are using the term “slow cloth” and I think that’s very appropriate. Hand stitching has always been slow work where good craftmanship is an essential part but I like the random stitching so much more than the traditional techniques. Do you know of Jane Dunnewold’s book “Complex Cloth”? She dyes fabric using Procion MX in very little water to produce cloth that looks much like yours. The hand of the fabric doesn’t change, doesn’t get stiff, though if you use fluid acrylics thinned further with water you’ll still get the intense colors without much change in the texture of the cloth.
    I spent the first 3/4 of my life as an embroiderer, hand and machine making abstract art. I loved it but now my fingers don’t like holding a tiny needle so I’ve given that up. I’ll just enjoy your work and be very satisfied.
    This work is so beautiful it brings me to tears. Good for you. Keep it up, Hanna.
    What size is this piece?

  6030. the way you have created texture here is wonderful, and the colours and use of simple stitches to achieve this, another wonderful Hanna creation. Beautiful

  6031. This work is absolutely stunning! You’ve framed it beautifully & so glad you sold one to someone who feels like you do about it. I can’t keep gold off my edges or inside the work, either!

    Did you see your lovely postcard in yesterdays post? Thanks again!

  6032. My mother used to frame her embroidery the same way, cardboard and all. This piece is really beautiful and I love
    the gold edge detail against the black.

  6033. Hi Hanna, thanks for coming by and visiting my blog and leaving a note so i could come discover your wonderful blog. Lovely embroidery piece with great texture and color!

  6034. yes yes YES!!!
    Love it! I totally ‘get’ this :-)
    Random pieces like this are ones I often love the most. One of my work surfaces is covered with packing paper too. It doesn’t look this cool yet though :)

  6035. I can’t believe I didn’t comment on this when I first saw it!

    I love your grid page. The little bird is darling. And I love that you showed a before and after photo of this spread. So fun.


  6036. I would never have thought of journalling or drawing over the grid – using the grid as a background. Clever, clever. I would never think of half these things:)


  6037. So cool. I love that you share so many of your thoughts.
    I also love the crusades because they push my creativity. Some of my favorite paintings were inspired by techniques I learned from Michelle and fellow crusaders.

  6038. think this looks refreshing and creative in itself!
    I also love experimenting and doodling on something on my work surface when I’m doing some creating and this is a lovely lovely idea!

  6039. this is so, so beautiful! i can absolutely see how much love, thought, and time you put into this. just lovely!

  6040. FABULOUS!!!! Love the grids – love your choices – love your list. LOVE that the underneath is colored – really gives an interesting look to the grid. Thank you Hanna for sharing your enthusiam for making grids – and for recognizing the coolness of having *evidence* pages in your journal of the things that speak to you at this moment. Those little squares are not only storytellers of style, they will conjure up all kinds of memories when you look back on them one day. xo

  6041. Love this! I think I will do something similar in my journal. Love the papers you have and I think it’s a great way to see how our tastes change and stay the same over time!

  6042. I love, love, love the grids. I really like the idea of doing this with paper. It is a great reminder of what you have…I store mine in a box and then I forget what I have. Thanks!

  6043. Thanks so much!! I am a teacher and something like this is
    sooooo niiiicccee!!! Thanks Again! Ronda

  6044. I really like your colors and patterns. It makes me want to cut up stacks of papers and glue like a maniac.

  6045. What about expressing your experience of the newly held royal wedding? Your own colours and perhaps some keywords. It was amazing.

  6046. Here’s your assignment for the little notebook. Gather whatever kind of paint you have in the colors that are on the cover: hot pink, green, yellow, orange and some white to make pastel tints of the colors. Use a sponge to wipe smudges of color onto the first 10 pages, going for an all-over color but nothing realistic. Now there’s no fear of the white page. Collage some of your new goodies onto the pages, choosing the same four colors. Add some more things to the pages. Add some more. Write somewhere with a black pen. Add penwork with colored pens. Go to and watch Teesha Moore’s videos about journaling. It’ll change your journaling life.
    Have fun.

  6047. Jo, wow, thank you for a great assignment!
    I don’t have a fear of white pages normally, but even I get a bit intimidated when I get a beautiful handmade book that I want to make even more special… I like your idea, but what will I write? I need a topic. :-)

  6048. I think the theme of the book should be flowers. The leaf looks like hosta but I don’t recognize the flower. Nevertheless, you could write about gardening and why you garden or why you don’t, and about flowers you bring into your home, about flowers you see in other gardens. Find poems or phrases about flowers, especially yellow ones.

  6049. I love grids too. Maybe its a virgo thing – or a first born thing – all the structure and uniformity. I’d been looking for a challenge group to follow – thanks for the push I needed Hanna.

  6050. I haven’t had a good mail day for at least a week. I find it utterly depressing. Maybe I will send away for something bright and happy :-)

  6051. Wow, Hanna, super-duper amazing work! Love at first sight. I love the photographs of your art in all of its loveliness, it makes me happy too! [Thanks for pointing me in the right direction to find my missing magic wand.]

  6052. Awesome! I’m really drawn to your pages. The painted background really adds to the look of the whole. I think you are so right about looking back at these pages later when the papers will be all used up or you have gone on to other likes. Now *I* need to go do a grid page.

  6053. Hi Hanna – After a long long long day at work, I am relaxing at “your place”. I am always refreshed by the beauty you see, create and share on your blog. I am very appreciative. :-) Thanks – Genevieve

  6054. Hej Hanna!
    It must be nice to receive so many goodies in the mail!
    I just wanted to ad something you might know already: the flower on the little notebook is a ‘gul n?ckros’, so maybe your theme should have something to do with water(lillies)?
    And I want to thank you – better late than never – for the lovely zine I received a few weeks ago. I hope to start journaling very soon now!
    Tack!! H?lsningar fran Amsterdam!

  6055. Glad to see the fun mail keeps rolling in… that postcard is so hilarious I nearly fell off my chair! Maybe you could use the journal for some of your flower/nature photos. It looks like a good fit. Happy creations,

  6056. Jag ?r glad att du gillart! Och vilken fantastisk brevsk?rd – det ?r s?nt som f?r en att forts?tta med mail art!

  6057. Beautiful pages, and a beautiful blogpost. And yes, I am so glad I found the Crusades, do other things, learn new techniques, I agree, it’s a lot of fun !

  6058. Thank you so so much for commenting girls!

    Anita, so glad you like Mettazine! Please go to etsy and rate me as the best seller ever if you have the time! ;-) Oh, of course it’s a water lilly, I didn’t think about it but now I see. I thin I will write some summer time poetry in this book, both about water and flowers and sea gulls (I hear them now).

    TJ, hehe it sure is hilarious that postcard. :-) Don’t mess with us altered artist, we’ll cut you up! ;-)

  6059. I have used the rhubarb leaf, makes a nice bird bath or stepping stone. Try using a large hosta leaf, this leaves a nice pattern in your bird bath.

  6060. I love the look of these pages and the fact that this is in a way a reflection of you at this moment. Amazing that you could remember something about each piece of paper – wow! Thanks again for all you share.

  6061. Oh Wow Hanna……..are these ever sweet goodies! I especially love Malin’s mini zine…… adorable!

    I love your jasmine Ordinary sparkling moment!

    Love, Violette xo

  6062. this piece is so beautiful and intricate. you have inspired me to get out my embroidery and try something as magical.

  6063. “Read: don?t throw away your messy artwork and trials, someone else might like it and that might just make you appreciate it a bit more too? ”

    oh, yes yes! it’s a bit like there are things we don’t really like about ourselves – our physical appearance, maybe, or something about our personality – that we are surprised to find others admire. a great reminder that we are all kinds of wonderful. love these collages, including the last one!

  6064. I’m with you on moths being a bit scary – especially big ones flying around at night!
    Love, love, love the owl collage.
    Thanks for sharing!

  6065. Very pretty collages…I love the process of collaging…sort of moving in and out of planning the layout and just randomness!

  6066. WOAH! This is fantastic! Thank you so so much for stopping by, for your sweet comment, and for revealing yourself :-) I am really glad I found you (or rather that you found me) Your blog is amazing. (are all these tiles stuff you did??) Very very inspiring. I can’t wait to explore your blog :-)
    Thanks /C

  6067. aahh… click the image and links appear in Flickr (believe I was a little impatient there, huh?) Gottit :-) Thank you for great inspiration. Just awesome.

  6068. oH, Iii, thank you girls! *smiling over here*

    Linda, yes, that is a good way to describe the collage process!

    Silvia, the mountain says thank you! :-)

  6069. Hi Hanna, I so liked the Moth Collage that I went over to Etsy and bought it, my Friday Treat to myself. And tomorrrow shall cruise to Ikea and get that frame. Thank you (-: Carol Ann

  6070. if you use less water with the twinkling h2o’s, so that the paint is thicker you will get more pigment. and a lot of the colors can be vibrant, but i agree, some can be too ‘soft’ for my taste.

    as for the golden fluids, do you know anyone in the states that could purchase them for you and ship them over? for me they are $4-$10 a bottle, and the shipping shouldn’t be too bad as they are lightweight.

    good luck!

  6071. Hanna, I think your problem with the Twinkling H20s is that you have the pastel colors. I have 2 large sets (about 48 colors!) and find the jewel tones much more effective–stunning, really. It’s the colors you have, not the product as a whole.

  6072. I use a different brand of the shimmer paint and I have found the same thing- you can barely see them unless you shift the paper around and catcht the light. I may try less water as suggested above, but I have jewel tones and they are a bit darker but still not what I expected.

    Dick Blick sells art supplies at a good discount. It’s an online store – don’t know what your shipping would be since they are based in the states. Still, the prices are good and I’ve been very happy with my purchases from there.

  6073. Wow, paint is so expensive in Sweden – or maybe just Golden! I don’t even have a closeby source in Italy, so I use other brands. I actually discovered some Liquitex paints that are twinkly sparkly as well…it’s really fun! The shimmer is not too gaudy, but still adds a nice shine to things!

  6074. I’ve used and recommended those paints for years. Here’s what I like about them:

    -Obviously the mica in them that makes the shimmer effect. I find these look lovely layered over dyes, inks or other paints, to “guild the lily”, as it were.

    -You can take a whole colour pallet with you in a very minimal package. I own about 3 sets that fit nicely into a small box in my travelling art supplies collection.

    -The hard cakes last FOREVER. You can get alot of mileage out of those wee pots. One set lasted me through more than 10 classes of 8 students, all of which used TONS of paint.

    -The cakes dry when you are finished. You don’t ever get ugly, messy pooling of water when you are finshed using them.

    -Luminart stands behind their products-any problems (like once I had a single half filled pot in a brand new set by accident) and they immediately sent out a replacement. They were SUPER nice!

    I would suggest that you use a small width, medium density bristle paintbrush. Dip it in water, but don’t try and take any of the water off-you want it very wet. Swirl it around in a circle over and over to “wake up” the paint in the pot. Once you get the paint moving, you won’t need as much water on the brush. As always, the more water you use after that, the thinner the paint will be, so the less intense the colours will appear.

    I think you’d probably be happier with the jewel toned colours if you are looking for more intensity on the page. I tried the pastels too and didn’t like them as much. My personal fav are Kits # 1202 or 1252. Those are the ones I buy most often. Copper Penny is my fav colour.

    Hope this helps! Perhaps if you write Luminart and explain what youw ere hoping for and what the problem was, they may offer to send you a different set. It never hurts to ask! :)

  6075. Hanna,

    I too love golden fluids and got such a deal on a bunch of colors that I am set for a long time. You can use glazing medium or matte fluid medium to extend the paint. Also add water for lighter shades or a more watercolor like look. The nice thing about them is a little goes a long way.


  6076. I?ve never tried Golden paints, it?s a bit too steep for me… But I have lots of the twinkling H2Os, and I do love them. But if you want the most colour possible from them, paint them on top of for example acrylics, then they will pop! And as the others have said – especially the jewel tones. I always use them for eyes and lips and such, and the olive vine one gets used on my mermaids. Also – you can either let them stand for a while with a little water in them, or just dip the paintbrush in water and swoosh it around until the paint softens – more water, less intense colour!

  6077. I love these pockets… I miss the old library system sometimes. I loved looking at all the people who had checked the books out before me and how far back the dates went. Great idea!

  6078. I have been wanting to try those twinkling H2Os, but now I’m not sure. I’ll definitely try to find the jewel toned ones if I do! I haven’t tried the golden paints either. I usually just go for the cheap stuff. ps, I like the quote at the beginning!

  6079. Dear Sweet Hanna! Your work is just so beautiful! Your embroidery is just luscious! I can see love and happiness in each and every gorgeous stitch!! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful creations with the world! You are truly an inspiration!

    When I was in college, I was best friends with an au pair girl named Maud that came to live in the US from Sweden. I still have a huge soft spot and love for Swedish people, Sweden as a country, Swedish music—I can still sing “Happy Birthday” in Swedish, ha ha ha—everything Swedish I love! And I still crave LaKrits (I believe that was the name)–a Swedish candy that we could only find in one specialty store here in the US–so delicious!! small chocolate circles covered in black licorice! Oh I haven’t thought about all the fun that Maud and I had in so long! (this was all in the 80’s)

    I’m so glad to have found your blog, your beautiful work, your sweet spirit and personality! Thank you again for sharing so much of yourself with us!!!


  6080. Hanna, I just wanted to tell you that I came home from vacation today and your zine was in my mailbox! How inspiring it is! Thank you!!
    Megumi in Connecticut, USA

  6081. Thank you everyone who commented! Your input is so helpful and great, I’m glad we all have different experiences that we can share and learn from each other! Thanks!

    Lelainia, your input is great and I appreciate it. I was suspecting I got the lightest colour of the palette by mistake, I hope I can try the other colours some day! I too appreciate the smallness of the jars, they truly are cute! :-)

  6082. Thank you Carol Ann for buying the collage, now I know it will get a good home. Feel free to send me a photo of where you frame and hang it, I would love to see how it looks on your wall! I shipped Friday so you should get it this week. Thanks!

    Katilady, thank you sweetie, I dig the owl one too!

  6083. How funny-I was *just* looking at the exact same colour and size of poppy yesterday at the Farmer’s Market. I am going to buy myself a pot of them next week if the vendor still has them.

  6084. I love those poppies! I have several in my garden and they are gorgeous!

    Note to self – must plant more and must use them for art inspiration!

  6085. Love your yummy backgrounds. I love to make these too and have recently done a whole ‘set’ of them on card stock to create pages for an art journal I am planning. You papers are very inspiring.

  6086. Thank you Christy for coming by and commenting. I’m painting papers to bind into a book too, not these though. I love to make books but I’m a slow book binder. :-)

  6087. I also love this magazine and have friends in France who send me copies from time to time. But I also found it for $95.00 as a 12 issue subscription on amazon. com. So decoupage to your heart’s content!
    Bon chance!

  6088. These turned out so pretty. I especially like the idea of recycling old papers. Now I have a new use for the million flyers that campus leaves on my door. Thanks for sharing.

  6089. Hanna, these papers are really yummy. I just want to delve right in there and use them myself. I love making my own background papers too. It is always very satisfying.

  6090. Very nice! It is -by the way- a very good idea for making gift paper with kids. The haphazardly play with paint allows for impulsiveness and non-traditional tool for making swirls and stamping can be used.

  6091. beautiful papers! i always wondered what kind of paper you used for this! i shall have to give it a try soon.. thanks for sharing!

  6092. I love these! What fun you’ll have choosibng which ones to use. I love to make background papers. It’s so much fun and so relaxing for me.

  6093. Beautiful colors. I’ve always liked seeing printed or handwritten text underneath color because it give such interest as wll as a sense of mystery. It’s especially meaningful when you’re adding color on top of your own writing.

  6094. Mmmmm. I love poppies! There’s something so lush and delicate about them. Plus their seed heads are so fun to craft with!

  6095. Hanna you big paper painter! I don’t know how you get so much artwork AND blogging done. Amazing. The new banner on your page looks fresh and sassy but still very YOU. Keep going, and happy creations from your friend in germany, tj

  6096. Absolutely beautiful papers! I have done some in the past and now you have inspired me to make some more, that and I want to work on a sketchbook with just backgrounds and pattern papers.
    I love your use of colours too, very vibrant.

  6097. I love your ideas!!! Can I ask where are you taking the pictures, photos from? Do you cut them out of magazines etc? I always wanted to make my diary special, but it looks like I don’t have enough ideas.
    Anyway, great blog :)

  6098. Thank you for your comments!

    Ula, I save everything that is pretty and because I work with collage I have a lot of pretty clippings around here! I cut out magazine images from interior design mags and also use quotes, headlines, stickers and parts of ads and articles that I think are interesting. Just cut, glue and enjoy! :-)

  6099. Thanks for popping in girls, and commenting! ;-)

    Melissa, you craft with the pods? What do you do? Tell me! :-)

  6100. I use them dried, in my shrines, or in dried flower arrangements. I’ve often though it would be fun to stamp with the tops, they have such a neat circular shape. This year I grew the little icelandic poppies, they’re beautiful, but don’t have the big seed heads like the oriental ones. I’m hoping to get an oriental poppy next year.

  6101. Yay, so glad you like it! Thanks. Making my own speech bubbles seams to be a theme in my life lately. Everyone has something great to tell me these days…

  6102. Such glorious color! Love the wild and random strips – fun to see your process photos. Love that you made a *comic* of your strips. Clever girl. Thanks so much for sharing this brilliant work with the team – sure to inspire your readers and the crusaders!!

  6103. love the colors and patterns on your torn paper. a great idea. so many things that could be done with the strips.

  6104. Hanna, your blog is always so fun to visit. I love finding new people and things, plus your trademark colorifics. yum.

  6105. Hi Hanna!

    You have just inspired me to use up my paints and glitter before they expire and harden to paint printer paper like these, cut them up in triangles and turn them into paper beads :)

  6106. Oh I do like the colours – and that bug paper is too cute! Cool idea using the fact book as the base. I’ve been eyeing off my husbands old text books from when he did his panel beating apprenticeship.

  6107. oh how beautiful! I love the little conversations throughout. You did the Crusade so quick!! Love it :)

  6108. So bright and witty – I love it. Seeing all those wild colours together made me feel happy :-)

  6109. I was fortunate enough to find your blog on a random search on the web.
    I think your work in general is very inspiring and these pages were wonderful!

  6110. i love these! i love how you recycle the old books into your art journals. i’d like to try that. thanks for the inspiration!

  6111. Hi, there! Oh, this post made me happy. I have just learned the joys of both fluid acrylics and twinkling H2O’s. I haven’t read the other comments yet, so I hope I’m not repeating anything, but the H2O’s I have a pigment pots of dry color which come alive in acrylic media and/or water. And they are awesome! They are intense. I have never tried the watercolor pots, but I probably wouldn’t like them, either. my pigments have a shimmer to them, and when used with less of the wet media added, the colors are very vibrant and shimmery.

    I LOVE Quinacradone Magenta, but I have it in a different brand. However, the Golden fluid acrylics I have nickle azo gold and dioxazine purple are so great, I love them!

    You make good stuff.

  6112. What a fun page. I’m with you on using more personal images instead of magazine photos. Your girls are cute.

  6113. I like your new header! This spread turned out so pretty- I’ll have to try this technique out!

  6114. Hanna, you’re awesome! I was ripping strips while laying around recovering from surgery. Your comic strip turned out fab!! I love your girls… happy creations, tj

  6115. Prima hyskor och hakar… de kunde konsten att uttrycka sig frut!

    Och sljdfrken tycker att du skulle kunnat gra ditt eget H istllet fr att kpa ett ;)

  6116. I love this!!! It reminds me so much of Violette’s colourful and whimsical style! The idea of using your own art to make more art is wonderful and the speech bubbles are perfect! I actually found some post-it notes in this shape! I will have to put some in the zine you inspired me to make!

    I wrote a bit about Metta Zine and will be writing more as this is Zine Month on Craft Dinner!!! Your zine oozes charm and I delight in it! Thanks a million!

  6117. Oh so many lovelies! I’m not surprised you want to dive right in and use them, so would I. But enjoy your time in the sun, they’ll still be there when the colder weather hits.

  6118. Thanks for sharing and they are so cute. BTW, I love your mom’s dress, did she made that herself?

  6119. I am in love with those bird rub ons. Who makes them? I think I might have to acquire some or else die of envy. This is such a great collection of items to play with.

  6120. I absolutely LOVE your cartoon-y, colorful interpretation of Michelle’s challenge! So cool!!

  6121. Nice things you’ve got there, hope they inspire you to have a nice time. I have to congratulate you, your new heading is lovely. Such beautiful colours. Enjoy.

  6122. I’m just like you having more fun outside this summer than in. I have lots of ideas and projects to do but the sun keeps calling me. And I love pink and green too. It’s what I’m decorating my craft room in.

  6123. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous ! I love your strips backgrounds and your little chickies and their blurbs are so cute !
    Beautiful work, Mistress Crusader !

  6124. yes! your papers are simply divine, and i agree wholeheartedly, the plastic credit cards are gifts from above, i have dozens and they are priceless bits of magic! greetings from california

  6125. Oh thanks for commenting!
    Sl?jdfr?ken! Trevligt med ett bes?k av dig! Jag har ju redan ett sl?jdat H, det ?r jag mycket n?jd med! Detta var s? billigt att jag bara k?nde f?r att dekorera inte t?lja denna g?ng. ;-)

    Elliot, I got them from a friend in Australia. The rub-ons up stairs down stairs are made by a company called Ruby Rock-it, I hope you can find some online. Thanks for your visit!

  6126. Pink and green are great together. Reminds me of watermelon and all things fresh.

    Happy summer days to you.

  6127. oh gorgeous!!!! love the colours and particulary all the water colour very inspiring I’ll be back to take a better peek!
    Tamar x

  6128. Thanks so much for visiting me on my blog and giving me the opportunity to come and visit your fantastic blog, full of happiness, color, and textures. I love these treasures, enjoy finding your way with them.

  6129. my comment is not going through. just saying that i heart your pics and wondering if you used any macro lenses..jeez what’s wrong with my pc?

  6130. Hello Hanna,
    Thanks so much for dropping by my blog and posting a link to your mosaic.
    To play Flickr Favorites, please add a link back to my blog so that people can check out the other links too if they like.
    If you have any questions playing the game, please don’t hesitate to ask me. Thank you.

  6131. Can’t wait to see your video! Your journal is beautiful…love all the colors and the beads/charms on the spine… so cool!

  6132. I just posted my summer travel journal! I’m going to bring it to New York with me. Your journal is simply gorgeous and very inspiring.

  6133. Thanks girls! Yes, a video, hehe. We’ll see if I manage to upload it, right now I’m to tired to think about it any more.

    Nancy, your summer travel journal looks great! Thanks for pointing me to it.

  6134. this is awesome and i’m looking forward to the video!

    i also went to egypt this past winter, and am looking forward to staying home all summer :)

  6135. ooh beautiful journal :) I tried to make a big fat journal with a fabric spine, and it fell apart after a few weeks, so maybe you are onto something! Lovely as always.

  6136. Very cool! Love your colour choices!

    I just created a travel journal cover yesterday too (though I haven’t yet posted it). But I did it in reverse – cover first and I will fill the book as I travel. I just got a new passport and figured I’d create a journal to go with it! First trip next week. Upon seeing the cover my daughter reacted so favourably, I will likely post it later this week.

    Always enjoy watching your creativity!

  6137. Hi Hanna! Great journal. If you like the fabric, but want more stiffness, you might try attaching an interfacing. We have fusible ones here in the US of various weights. If you don’t have any there, I’d be happy to mail you some. Another alternative is to make bookcloth, which is a paper backed fabric used for spines in bookbinding. Both hold up very well.
    Amy in Austin

  6138. Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. In any case I?ll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you write again soon!

  6139. Oh my goodness! That is just beautiful, Hannah! I love the cover story – you are so funny. Thank you for the inspiration. When is that video coming? I cannot wait! I also wanted to tell you that at the moment I am reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by your own Steig Larrson (deceased, I understand). and using your bookmark. A bit of armchair traveling! It is also deadly hot here.

  6140. pretty pretty! i do love having peeks inside your journals. :) what do you use to glue the fabric to the covers? everything i’ve tried before is messy and make the book look sloppy. thanks, lovely!

  6141. love the colours and the energy in the pages! also the girls having a conversation…cut out – what a fab idea!!

  6142. Very inspiring!! I am doing stuff in my regular art journal this vacation/staycation (loved that word), but I am also doing a comic strip- type diary on album pages and I really like the way it’s turning out, even though I see many things about it that I would do differently next time..

  6143. Thanks for commenting! Amy, thanks for the great advice, I know you’re a book binder pro so I know it’s good advice. I am making my next journal with a paper reinforced spine and book cloth as you suggested, I have got some yummy stuff here to try out! Thanks!

    Diana, thanks my dear. I crack myself up with my silly wordplay sometimes. :-) So glad if someone else gets it as they are quite far-fetched sometimes hehe. I hope you’re loving Stieg Larsson’s books as much as I did and enjoying your “visit” to Stockholm. When you come IRL we’ll have coffee!

    Ingrid, I can’t remember what glue I used, maybe just my regular glue stick (it’s not too wet and the paper is scrapbook papers so it didn’t bubble at all this time). Sorry, I can’t remember! :-/

  6144. Funny and interesting!
    You made a good job, both with the journal and the video!
    Your journal is different from my (very personal) idea of ‘travel journal’, but I really appreciate it! I love collecting ephemeras like you!

  6145. I’m sitting here at my computer listening to the music and exercising my belly… not that I know how to belly dance but what I’m doing is surely better than just sitting.
    I like your journal and the video lots better than the music but it’s sure appropriate. You did a great job with the video. I never thought about using the laptop camera to do this. You are so creative!

  6146. ?bercool video! Vilken fin bok, s?n vill jag ocks? ha! Jag har l?tit laga min symaskin, s? jag kanske m?ste sy ihop en rolig bok med olika papper…

  6147. Your journal is incredible! Thanks so much for sharing. I’ve been a silent reader/admirer for a while now and finally got up the courage to leave a comment. You have a wonderful blog and are very creative.

  6148. thanks so much for sharing! i love the idea of the video ~ it’s so much more personal than photos.. and your journal is incredible! how did you manage to make just the right number of pages? i did a little travel journal when i went to germany in december, but had many extra pages by the time i came home.. (and i worried about having too few when i made it!)

  6149. great video, hanna! very inspiring. i’m going to be making another one of my own soon, i’m only a couple pages away from finishing my journal.

  6150. Hanna,
    What a detailed project. You put so much time into it! How nice to have that journal to remember your trip. It is very inspiring. I have photos and mementos from studying in Spain many years ago. They are now all falling out of the album. Perhaps it is time to put them together in a project. Thanks for sharing!

  6151. What a great blog entry! I loved both the flip through and the close-ups of your travel journal. Travel journals are my favorites and yours is my favorite kind of travel journal. Thanks for sharing.

  6152. Hanna, you’ve outdone yourself! Videos are so fun and I’m so glad you shared your Egyptian journal with us…hmm I don’t know about all this movie editing. Do you work on a Mac or a PC? I just use the iMovie in my MacBook and it’s pretty easy… Anyway, can’t wait to see your next journal. You’re amazing! happy creations from germany, tj

  6153. Great music and great job on the video :) It was lovely to see the flip through and I love how you added in so many elements and ephemera in different interesting ways. Very cool!

  6154. Hanna, this was such fun and so inspiring! Your laptop camera worked great for this. I haven’t yet given in to journals, but you’ve almost convinced me to try it.

    The belly dance music was perfect! It made me smile as I remembered my belly dance classes from years ago. And of course it set the perfect mood for your travel journal.

  6155. Oh my! I love your journal and the music was great…even my hubby asked what are you listening to? This is a wonderful reminder of your trip….very inspiring!

  6156. That was fun to watch. I love the music you picked. I was dancing in my seat. Next year I’m suppose to go on a trip and I will definitely be making a travel journal.
    As always, thanks for the inspiration.

  6157. Absolutely loved your flip-through. You did an amazing job on the journal! Makes me want to travel so bad! And thank you for the links to other flip-through videos, that’s my weekend sorted. ;)

  6158. So nice, Hanna! I’m working on a Travel Journal from 5 years ago (yeah, I know), and after looking at yours it needs a lot of work! Yours is very inspiring.

  6159. Fabulous pages, I can see why you are loving it. I love the vibrancy that the strips give to your pages and the great journalling on top to bring it all together.

  6160. I enjoyed watching the video and it was a great journal that I’m sure you will enjoy taking out every now and then and leaf through again.

  6161. Hello Hanna,

    what a nice handmade papers you used to rip in strips !
    I love the colors and designs on them : they remind me of the Dutch clothes factory ” Oilily” !
    I also like that you used your own drawings to make your page in a comic page ! :)

    greetings from Belgium

  6162. Beautiful spreads! Love the colours!Congrats to your drawings – it’s great that you can do so many things and use it all!

  6163. Okay, it is SO cool that you included these photos. I am blown away at how great your journal is. It’s refreshing to see it with your writing all included and your explanations. Congrats, Hanna! You inspire me again!!

  6164. This is a beautiful cover, and I look forward to updating myself on your journal inspiration. I’m actually working on journal pages this year instead of last, when I had officially ‘planned’ to. But I’m going to Paris in October and this is fantastic motivation and inspiration from Hanna! for me to do it!

    Love all your ephemera.And the music from the next post is so cool.

  6165. Oh my my my… amazing! You do have a lot of writing; I think when I make my next journal I’m going to leave totally blank pages so there is room for a lot of writing and to attach random paper items. I like your style a lot, thank you for sharing. You’ve re-inspired me to try my hand at journal making again. Thanks!

  6166. Since I have stumbled upon your blog I can’t but help and visit it daily. I absolutely love visiting. I am so glad you post often. I just enjoy seeing what you are up too and what you are creating. I dabble in some crafts but wish I did it daily. Life is so busy right now.
    Thanks for all the inspiration!

  6167. Thank you Meghan for taking the time to comment! I am sending you a little bit of creative time for this week, please use it as you want to, maybe do a doodle or whatever?! I think you can do a little something if you try! Please, for me? ;-)

  6168. ooh i like the smilla-cuddling the best!! I do a lOT of jack-cuddling each day. I also have so many ideas and things “planned”, and then never do them!! Urrggghhh…like right now I have sitting next to me a book on drawing, a book on hand lettering, and a book on using the right side of your brain. Plus I need to learn InDesign because my vacation where I am going to make a book from is coming up in a week and a half, AND I am going to make a travel journal for that (inspired by YOU!), and I have to fit laundry in there as well…and some sort of exercise. And work.

  6169. Hi Hanna – beautiful journal. Love the way it looks half-open too with all those yummy colours & strands poking out. You are very inspiring.

  6170. Those watercolour backgrounds are yummy! I love the combination of ochre and blue.
    My summer is also filled with wants and musts.
    Give Smilla a cuddle for me! ;-)

  6171. Ser rackarns bra ut, tycker jag! Du borde anv?nda ockra oftare, det blev snyggt, s?rskilt med det bl?! Och din iHanna-tjej ser ocks? bra ut! Jag har sett Neko-katter p? den japanska bokhandeln p? Tegn?rgatan i Stockholm, ta en kik n?sta g?ng du ?r i krokarna! Dom har en massa mat och godis ocks? (mums!), och Hello Kitty-saker och manga, bland annat. Men jag gillade din lilla Maneki Neko, s? s?t!
    Jag gjorde klart mitt zine ig?r kv?ll, hoppas p? att kopiera v?ldigt snart s? att du f?r ditt ex!

  6172. so much of my day is filled with cleaning, picking up, feeding, teaching my kids and house that I hope to fit in one creative thing for me each day… it doesn’t always happen but I feel so much better when I do. Thanks for the inspiration and reminder.

  6173. “I also strongly believe that YOU and everyone on this earth are creative beings. Creativity comes in many forms and flavors, and happiness comes when you find what is right for you in your life. It might take some digging inside of you to find it, but when you do you?ll be happy you took the time!”

    ..beautiful! :)

  6174. That is the same book that started it all for me ! Loved the interview at Dirty Foot Prints, Hanna. It is so fun to know more about some of our favorite artists and what inspires them to inspire us. And isn’t Connie great ?
    Happy Creating, Talented One !

  6175. h du inspirerar mig ngot grymt! jag har gjort dagboksliknande grejer innan, men mer i collage format.. inte s mycket frg..

    Men nu ska jag dra igng redigt.. har brjat lite smtt med en bok till min blivande son..
    Det jag vill sga r.. Tack fr underbar inspiration! Dina bcker r en underbar balans som r svr att uppn.. det ska lagomt till.. eller som michelangelo sa om sina stayer.. jag slutar att hugga dr huden brjar….:)

    Keep it up!

  6176. I just started an art journal – literally, the glue is still drying on the first pages – and I love your blog. Thank you for the wonderful combination of eye candy and know-how!

  6177. I saw a window the other day with a whole bunch of those cats and my youngest daughter loves them. They were all waving at different intervals. I also saw one this past weekend at a jewelry booth so maybe it’s a sign? Good luck must be on its way. :)

  6178. Just thinking about all the things I want to do at the same time, also. Even having a whole day off, sometimes it’s like I don’t catch up. I should be used to that feeling. I love the blue/green and ochre. Really nice.

  6179. I had the same thoughts the first time I used the Twinkling H2o paints. Maybe I will try again with the tips suggested here.

  6180. This is so not working for me! I love the look of yours, but when I scrape after spraying my paint just scrapes away. Do you have any idea what I’m doing wrong??

  6181. Oooh I (heart) this!! Sometimes you post stuff that makes me want to throw my laptop down (okay, set it down gently) and try it RIGHT AWAY…this is one! =cD

  6182. …and in the interview Hanna said,
    “It is because this practice I sometimes dare to call myself an artist these days.”
    – at which point Genevieve fell off of her art stool!

    You are SUCH an artist!

    You are so talented and fearless in your art journal – such an inspiration to me – such amazing color, content and always new techniques. Thank You.

    Great Interview!

  6183. okay, so i’ll scrap my post in draft on this exact technique then. lmao

    i love it, used it for my recent atcs. love the colours in your last pic.

  6184. Thank you for your always lovely and generous comments!

    Hey Susan, if you have problems still: spray the paper with a light spritz of water, just a few drops, then wait a while, so that the surrounding paint will dry but the paint under the water drops will not, and then, dry scrape again, lightly. Maybe your first layers is too wet and you took all the paint off when you did your second scraping? Good luck!

  6185. Thanks for your comments!

    Anna-Sofia, tack f?r att du tog dig tid att kommentera! Balansen har jag hittat d?rf?r att jag s?kt en himla massa, den varierar med dagsformen, men jag blir hemskt glad att du ser den och uppskattar den. Tusen tack!

    Thank you for your comment and for correcting my mistake! ;-) I AM an artist, I know, though it is true I don’t always dare to call myself that. I appreciate your generous words though, and take them to heart!

  6186. WOW! You are being published everywhere!! I am going to go check this out and try to get it. how cool. I just got an ezine that Diane of Craftypod recommended and I think zines are amazing. In fact, you’re even on Diane’s blogroll! It’s hard to get on that blogroll!

    I saw the book Craft Corps and found you in there and was very happy. One day I will buy that book, too.

    I remember your stockhold guide. STUNNING!

  6187. Hi! Me, again!

    I just purchased this ezine and it looks so great! I’ve printed out the pages I liked most and after work I’ll be devouring it. I even added the missing S on your name in my printout of the table of contents!

    Thanks for the head’s up, Hanna. Have a great weekend.

  6188. hanna, thanks for linking to me! i’m glad everyone’s enjoying this technique. your advice to susan is spot on, it’s exactly what i would have said. :)

  6189. oops, forgot to say that i love how your papers turned out, especially the one where you can see the text thru the paint and the colors in pictures 2 and 3.

  6190. Thank you Jessica, for turning me onto your article when I was in painting mood! I wish more people would point to content on their blogs that they think a blog friend would appreciate and like! :-)

  6191. Thank you Chris, for commenting here. I’m so glad you liked the zine too and could find something new from my blog once again. And your comment about the missing S made me laugh out loud, it would be you to notice that!

    Did you know that the form is Swedish from someone being called Anders’ son (the son of Anders), so the two S are of course a must. When we stopped giving the fathers name to the son and started using a inherited family name it became one word: Andersson. I guess some people simplified their name back when the moved to the US, because one S is much more common there. :-)

    End of history lesson. Take care!

  6192. Congratulations, it?s looking good! You certainly is starting to get around! And it?s such a good feeling being published – I?ve been there and done that too, and hope to do it more. And I wish you?d always get a copy of the publication, but that?s unfortunately not the case… :( I?m also in the Schmapp Stockholm map, at the Aquaria page, yes – fun thing, even though it doesn?t pay!

  6193. Glad to know you’re having a good summer, Hanna. :-) Enjoy the sun while it last and, being in a northern country as well, I know what I am talking about. :-)

    I was wondering if you finally god the books I sent you? I sure hope so.

    Take care!

  6194. Thanks Christine! Thanks Fanie, and no, the books has not arrived yet, I’d forgot I bought them from you. I will let you know when I have them here. Thanks!

  6195. i feel that…this has been the most incredible summer i’ve had since i was much younger….beautiful, incredible and unruly weather..the end of a severe drought…..abundance in the gardens

    waiting for ripe tomatoes..


  6196. I think it’s always good to put your mark on a journal, no matter what you choose in the end. So it really becomes personal! Since I started making my own journals, its easy to incorporate the paper I like to use, such as watercolor paper, painting papers or generally heavier-weight paper. I realized that I like making journals that don’t have that many pages as well! I like being able to “finish” a journal in a shorter amount of time…it’s less intimidating when there aren’t sooo many pages :) I usually have multiple journals going, so I don’t really finish faster, it’s just separating different topics, themes or interests…how I like to use them. Or maybe I just like to make them… hehe!

  6197. I’m addicted to them, won’t use anything else! I have a whole section on my blog for them and was recently interviewed by moleskine’s blog.

  6198. I love your cover. I have used them for art journaling and sketching but not for writing. Paper seemed to thin, but I may have to rethink that and try one for writing. I use the small cahiers in my purse for notes. I like that I can take them on a walk. They slip in a pocket easily. For me I love a journal with no lines. Its hard to find them here. I see all these beautiful covers and I am dismayed when I open to find them all filled with lines… When I use the large sketchbook, I always alter the cover, it makes it mine that way.

  6199. I always look for the blank page journals. And now, I check that I like the texture and weight of the paper. I have resisted the call of the Moleskine so far. Mostly because I’m trying to use up all the bought journals I have before acquiring a new one.
    Your cover does remind me of my childhood diaries but, like you, I still love stickers even at 30+, as you say.

  6200. I got a moleskine for the Sketchbook Project, but I haven’t used them much. I haven’t started this one, but when I worked on a previous moleskine, I thought it would be too fragile, with the thinner pages than I’m used too. But it held up under all sorts of abuse! I really like them. I won’t be as afraid to work in this new one for the project.

    I have a lot of un-used journals. And several I’ve made myself that I’ve used. It’s funny how I’m so hesitant to use the journals I didn’t make myself. I prefer the unlined ones, too, but I will just gesso over the ones I have that are lines. I often have to do that, anyway.

  6201. When I was in Norway, then I thought about buying one Moleskine, but it didn’t happen… and I am a poor writer anyway :-) For cra ft-ideas I use my own journal that I made some time ago… In Estonia they don’t sell Moleskine (probably because of the price) and therefor I have no need to think about how good it would be…. :-)

  6202. I love moleskine… I have quite a few of them and I have different criteria depending on what I am going to use it for (other than collecting dust because I am afraid to use them)… if I want to be able to be free to draw or collage or art journal as well as write I get a plain unlined book. If I want to keep lists or track something, I usually get the quadruled reporters style book. If I want to just write a journal, without sketching or collage of any sort, I get lined books. I find I feel wrong about collage or paint or drawing on lined papers… i’m just weird that way.

    Moleskines are pretty good for me, I usually take over a year to complete any book, if I ever do.

  6203. Like Chris, I just got my first moleskin for the Sketchbook 1011 Project and so far I am really liking them. We are using the Cahier version, which from what I can tell is smaller and thinner than the bigger notebooks; I really like the simplicity of it and the pocket in the back. I did end up taking mine apart and rebinding it though, I wanted to paint the pages and they were just a bit too flimsy for me to feel comfortable doing it in the book. It was super easy to sew back up and I didn’t lose the creaminess of the paper so I am pretty happy so far. :)

  6204. I’m a huge Moleskin fan. I love their watercolor notebook and their storyboard notebook. I’ve actually switched to a Border’s generic version of their plain notebook, b/c its cheaper, but the quality is definitely lower. I have to prep my pages with gesso or paint in order for the ink not to show through to the other side. But right now, this works for me.

  6205. i’m experiencing my first big moleskin for the sketchbook project (a little smaller than the one you show above, i think).. i’m not sure if i like it yet; i prefer something a bit larger, so i have plenty of room to play!

    i just noticed that you linked me in your Mega Link Love – thank you so much!


  6206. YAY! I signed up about a week ago!
    As I’m from Australia I chose ‘if you lived here…’ because I thought it may be an interesting theme to portray my life in.
    I wish the expo was coming international though!
    I can’t wait to get my book!!!

  6207. I signed up and got my journal a couple weeks ago, but haven’t started yet! Love the concept though! I’m in the face in the crowd group.

  6208. I’ve been thinking about signing up too! Life has been so out of control lately (bad luck times 1000) that I’ve put it off. I love the idea though. Have fun with it!

  6209. Oh I’m so glad you signed up!! I can’t wait to see what you do! I signed up too, I picked “facing forward” and I really am not that happy with the paper in these journals and want to rebind or glue the better watercolor paper inside. Any suggestions?

  6210. heehee, i was intimidated when i heard that you and suziblu signed up! i think it’s going to be wonderful knowing that our sketchbooks are mingling and socializing and becoming friends throughout their journeys in art musems across the US.

  6211. Thanks so much for sharing this! I had not heard of it before but am sold! Sounds like so much fun. I can’t wait to get mine.

  6212. Wow hanna — glad you are in the sketchbook project too! I chose “trying to figure you out” because I thought it was a good theme for me always investigating the german culture and their pretzels!!! Looking forward to see what you make inside your pages, tj

  6213. Thank you girls, for all your support! If we mess up our books, who cares? I think it will be fun to work in it.

    Eden, I got the same question in the mail about flimsy pages. I think it says on the Art House site that you can use other papers inside, rebind it or add to it in different ways just as long as it continues to be about the same size? Try cutting down thicker papers and rebinding it perhaps? I’m not sure what I will do with mine yet, I’ll let you know when I start working in it.

  6214. Thank you for your comments! Saying “Moleskine” is kind of confusing since there are so many different kinds, and the one I was taking about is the notebook writing kind, it has thin papers and a green label. There are also the purle “sketchbook” kind with cardstock like papers inside, suitible for collage or painting. Anyway, fun to read what you all like to use!

    Ingrid, the booklet sketchbook I received has a red cover and it’s the exact same size as the “Moleskine plain notebook” with black cover that I’m writing my diary in – even though that one is thicker of course. :-) By the way, did you see that Connie posted about day 31 of July on her blog? You must submit your already published interview to her site now!

  6215. What have you done to me lol I’m sooo tempted even thought I’ve never filled in a sketchbook before. I’m the sort of person that needs a deadline to do anything, so maybe this is suited to me, what do you think? Should I go fir it???
    PS. Are the themes running out – because the Grids and Lines theme isn’t showing for me?

  6216. H ~ terrific to see you in the spotlight as you are such a generous soul and fabulous advocate for journaling and many other art forms. You encourage curiosity and expression by sharing your authentic artistic self and we LOVE that about you.

  6217. Fern, yes, I think you should sign up if you are tempted to join in. You can do anything in your sketchbook so just have fun with it! I won’t “draw” much in mine, just play and doodle. And yes, there are a certain amount of notebooks for each theme. They say that themes may fill up quickly so sign up now to make sure you get the one you want before it fills up! Yay creativity!

  6218. Haha I went for it – and I chose the ‘It will be fun, I swear’ theme (I thought it was appropriate!) Thanks for the push, I’m excited :-)

  6219. Hello Hanna, :-D

    I just signed up for this project as I felt in love with the idea. I chose the “It’s raining cats & dogs” subject.
    Thank you for bringing this up! Now, I have another thing to add on my “To-do” list! :-p Doh!

  6220. Yay, I’m so proud that I’ve lured you guys in to this too! Hehe.

    Fanie, your sketchbook will be so beautiful, if you don’t finish in time you can send it to me! ;-)

  6221. The most important thing when I get a notebook is usually… the look. Before, I used spiral bound sketchbooks, pretty big, but now I use the big (as in the “normal size”) sketchbook or plain moleskines. I like to alternate between the two, because i’ve noticed I work differently depending of the model; in the plain I usually sketch a lot more because there are more pages, and in the sketchbook i take more time for my drawing, i paint more… It takes me 3 to 4 months to complete one, and I am filling the 23rd one right now. I am addicted to moleskines and havent found anything of the same quality (the paper and the binding) so far. Yes, it is pricey, but it’s worth it, and if you’re afraid to pay you can always find some lower priced on internet (amazon..).

  6222. These are charming and I loved your tree from last year, it was spectacular. The green linen sets off your pink stitching!

  6223. Hi Hanna! I turn to your blog again and again for inspiration. Your ATCs are no exception – so inspirational!

    Here’s a question, though: When you assembled all of the layers in the 2nd card, how did you get them to “stick”? Are the tiny embroidery stitches actually holding the piece flat and together, or is there something like net that I’m just not seeing?

    *Maybe* – if we’re *super-lucky* – there will be a video tutorial of your technique one of these days!!!! I have an OK grasp of the embroidery part; I just can’t figure out the assembly! :-)

    Thank you again for everything you’ve posted!

  6224. Thanks for commenting! Robin, I used pins to temporary put the bits in place and then my stitching is what holds it all together. The Angelina fiber is also a bit sticky when you iron on it, so maybe that helped but I don’t think you need it. Just cut little bits and pieces of pretty fabrics and pin it all together with quilting needles and start sewing! Then I glued the fabric to a atc-sized cardstock! Ta-da!

  6225. Love it! It looks amazing :) One thing I really want to do it’s to start in the all atc thing, I think it’s a great way to practise collages and other stuff (like embroidery :D)

  6226. Wow, these are great work. I’ve never seen embroidery like this – 2nd and 3rd photo. They are amazingly beautiful.

  6227. Thanks! Susan, no I haven’t heard of the Sister Trading Card-project, it sounds like a very cool idea! If only there were more hours in a day I’d participate in even more creative projects! :-)

    Evelyn, thanks, I haven’t seen anything like these either, I just made them up when looking through my materials here at home.

  6228. I love your embroidered ATC. I have only made a few ATC’s but I really like your thought about them being practice for larger pieces. Embroidery for me comes so easily, but mixed media, well, that is another story. I just dont think in layers, I guess!

  6229. Yay for mankind!!

    Don’t you love little things you can work on wherever you are? I am working on little things right now, and I cart my bag of goodies around with me everywhere. It is not only good to keep my mind off the time it takes to get anywhere, but it also keeps me inspired for the big things I can’t do unless I’m in my studio!

    Rock on, sister friend!

  6230. I love the vibrancy of these pages – there is such life in them. Thanks for all you share.

  6231. Hanna, your work is always such a delight, and this is no exception! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to catch up with the team, but I’m glad, because somehow I missed this post among your others. LOOK at those colors! I love it that you’re using some of your own images and working them up. This is a really appealing comic for kids. (I always wanted to draw comics as a youngster and now you’ve planted the seed in my mind again)

  6232. Hi Hanna,

    Lovely post as always. I read your site avidly from England and you’re a great inspiration. Sewn ATCs are beautiful – keep up the great work with your site!

  6233. I just wanted to let you know that I just ordered my book for the Sketchbook Project because I saw it on your site! I chose the theme “It will be fun, I swear.”

    I showed my mom, and I think she’s going to get one too! Thanks for sharing!

  6234. Your embroidery ATC’s are just lovely and I can understand you keeping them! I wouldn’t be able to give them away if i had made them!

  6235. i do love your post,there are something eye-catching in general, it goes into my pile of ?thing I desire.?

  6236. i ordered mine last saturday! cant wait to work on it. i chose “a day in life”. im from australia!

  6237. Hej Anna, tack f?r din kommentar! Visst ?r sommaren h?rlig, fast just idag sp?regnar det och jag sitter inne. Hoppas p? sol snart igen! :-)

  6238. Great post, I love the sunshine lace! I have been reading your blog for awhile but haven’t commented before, so thought Id say hi!

  6239. Hannah, this is a lovely, lovely post. And it makes ME feel alright!

    OMG love the table cloth! LOVE it!

    And your shot of the flower is so cool – reminiscent of winter trees. I had to take a second look!

    Didn’t know cacti grew in Sweden! That image is a huge surprise. After having photographed hundreds of cactus flowers in the sunlight with many, many failed attempts, I have to say you did a beautiful job of capturing the transparency in those petals.

    And the lace shadows – loved that one too. Loved them all actually!

    Thank you so much for the reminder to wander outside – away from my computer – and smell the flowers and soak up the beauty around me. I am headed right out to the garden!

  6240. I am glad you take advantage of the lovely weather you’re having! I wish I got a little of it here in the neighbouring country, too though. I guess we’ll have to take what we have and do art journaling and crafts when it’s raining or cold! :-)

  6241. Hanna, You’ve done it. It was the flip video that pushed me over the edge, to finally pull out the box of treasured items collected on our big adventure last summer. It’s never too late. I want to make a travel journal! Thank you as always!

  6242. I keep several moleskines in different sizes all over the place. In my bags, my craft studio…I have stickers all over one of them, too! From cute stickers that I find to the silly labels on bananas. It’s fun, colorful and expressive in it’s own way, too! Happy sketching!

  6243. So cute and clever! You’re post definitely made me smile! Loved your new yoga pose!

  6244. Hi there, I dont know if I am writing in a proper board but I have got a problem with activation, link i receive in email is not working…

  6245. …och hur f?r jag tag i den? Efter att ha sett bilderna och rubrikerna s? inser jag att det ?r n?got jag skulle gilla att l?sa. :o)

  6246. Hi there, I dont know if I am writing in a proper board but I have got a problem with activation, link i receive in email is not working…

  6247. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE “sunshine lace”! It’s the perfect description of a beautiful sight. It reminds me of the patterns in fallen snow that form around the little pagoda-things in Japanese gardens…or the powdered-sugar designs stenciled onto chocolate cakes. I think both of those things should have named as wonderful as “sunshine lace”.

  6248. wow, this looks beautiful, and informative. congrats on such a wonderful product!

    btw, i linked your bookmarks in my last post. hope that’s ok.

  6249. Wow what an inspiring shop!!! Those colours and all those buttons! Oh my gosh I know that I wouldnt be able to save my bank balance in there! haha

  6250. My goodness, Hanna – these are exquisite! You have such a talent for stitchery – not only the technique, but an amazing modern design eye. Thank you for sharing these!

  6251. Gosh what a gorgous shop! And all those scrummy buttons – YUM!

  6252. What an absolutely spectacular place. Just your look see is enough to inspire someone to create. Thanks for sharing. xox Corrine

  6253. THIS kind of yummy goodness is why I wish I knitted or crocheted! One day, I will…

  6254. Wow how fun is that! What an adorable and cool store. LOVE THE BUTTONS! I would have a hard time focusing though! I would probably want them all!
    I look so forward to checking your blog everyday! So inspiring!

  6255. My feet would be glued to the floor for hours, as I made eye contact with each and every button – so, thanks for saving me the trouble and taking photos. I think that will be my bedtime reading tonight. Awesome shop!

  6256. oh my Hanna – beautiful pictures but how did you leave there without leaving all your money? ;) What a fun day you must of had!!!
    I know life is good for you with dreams of all those yarns and all those colours

  6257. Hanna,
    I have one roll so far, and it is cute, but it is barely sticky. It can be lifted and moved around, but does not hold anything. Is that true with the tape you have? Do they appear to have different levels of stickiness? Let us know after you’ve tried them out!


  6258. I also caved in too! Bought a bunch on etsy. I love these tapes because they are quite thin, almost tissue tape-like. They add so much happiness to a journal page or mailer!

  6259. Hanna, what Beautiful and Inspiring pictures you took for this magazine!! Wow!! You know a lot about creativity and it shows. Like you I think there is SO SO MUCH in the subject of creativity. It would be fun to read, just a little about what it takes to inspire you, or how you view a single aspect of creativity (color, texture, composition).

  6260. I’ve been reading your blog for a little while now and I appreciate all you share. I agree that the patterned tape is super yummy and I coveted it as well. I didn’t like the price too much so I found a way to make my own. Hopefully this is a tip you’ll use. I have a blog post with examples, but basically it uses fabric tape (like what you use for wrapping up gauze) and watercolors. The blog post is:

    Take care.

  6261. Thank you for your lovely comments!

    Pam, Cactus does not grow wild in Sweden for sure, but my dad had these inside before and when he planted them outside in the garden they have actually survived several winters and this summer showed us these very short blossoming flowers. I took the photo and they next day the flowers were wittering away. :-)

  6262. Thank you for commenting!
    Chris, it was a sunset viewed from an island that I captured.

    Cindy: Thank you, I was quite happy when the name “sunshine lace” came into my brain, I love combining words like that. So glad you noticed and thought of other places where it can be viewed! :-) Take care!

  6263. Thanks for commenting!

    Anna, vad kul att du gillar tidningen! Du kan k?pa vissa l?snummer p? hemsidan, och om du blir medlem f?r du den i brevl?dan i forts?ttningen. V?lkommen!

    Eden, thank you! I am always thinking about creativity. I will try to write more about it as a subject of thought later this autumn. :-)

  6264. Thank you for all your kind comments! Kathleen, I managed to leave with my money because there was just too much. I wanted it all and decided not to buy anything – this time. I will some day though, the noro yarn is creating a lot of cravings inside… :-)

  6265. I?ve been having washi tape cravings lately too… I haven?t succumbed to them yet, but I have a feeling I will…

  6266. Thanks for commenting, sorry if I create new cravings in you girls, hehe.

    Adrianne, it is masking tape so it is not very sticky but I haven not had any trouble with it falling out of my books, it stays in. I think if you do peel it it will always be removable in some areas. But maybe there are different kinds, these are good ones. :-)

    Julie, thanks for the link to your tutorial, it looks awesome. I will have to try it out!

  6267. Thanks Hanna, have been looking for these tapes in the Uk without much success, thanks to you have found a supplier. Julies post looks great, good idea. (-:

  6268. Hanna, I think I finally get it!! Thanks to you, I’m beginning to see why I want to journal. Your pages are so lush and inspiring, and that alone makes me want to start. But the end of this post says it all: because it’s easy to forget.

  6269. Great idea! I bought some deco tapes and stamps via internet from Corea last month and they are certainly worth recording. I spend doing it this afternoon, right after I read your post :-)

  6270. Love this idea! I tend to forget about new things if I don’t use them right away and this is a great way to keep track of my stuff and to see how long I’ve had it.

  6271. You know, Hanna, I never make an evidence page. This is a great idea. Mostly because, I am so slow finishing projects sometimes that I don’t get to use the new things I have until much later, and I would love to use them right away, NOT for a project, but to practice or try out! I will do this next time, make an evidence page and then I can refer to it to remind me of those new bits I want to pull out of their container and try soon.

  6272. Fantastic idea. I love the idea of keeping a bit of the new supplies right away. Might help me be more willing to use new items instead of just looking at them, and saving for a suitable project. Your evidence pages look so fun too.

  6273. where do you get this washi tape?!? i do love how you are always coming up with new ways to express yourself – it’s very inspiring.

  6274. What a fantastic idea! I really wish I had been doing this all along, and you can bet I’ll be doing one from here on in! It gave me quite the smile when I saw my name and the goodies I sent. THanks for the continued inspiraton!

  6275. Wow! so beautiful! I love the pink and ALL the texture…I love the three pieces of yarn? sewn at the bottom of the piece. You put a lot of work and time into it, and it shows! Love it!!!

  6276. Hi, I totally love your ripple! I’m nearly finished mine and wanted to remind myself of the ripple I saw with the great border. I’m so happy I’ve found your blog because it was your ripple. Most people leave a border off but I think it stabilizes the blanket sides and stops it from stretching. And I think it looks really beautiful. I have pink in my ripple -17 colours but I think my border will be purple. Like you it is my first big project – have only done scarves before. I would also do it all again and will one day, the colours make it so much fun. But I want to do a granny next. I love everything about yours. Thanks for sharing it!

  6277. Hanna! Your piece is so lush and beautiful! Love it!!!

    How does your creative process work when you do mixed-media embroidery? So you start with a blank “canvas” of sorts and just start adding to it – or do you have a central image that you base it on?

    One of these days, I would still *love* to see a video of how you create! It would add even more to your legend as an inspirational! :-)

  6278. this embroidery, i think, sums up exactly how the summer is: bright, hot, blazing, colorful, with occasional hints of blue and green (at the ocean or in the pool.. or in tall cups of cold water). it’s beautiful, hanna!

  6279. Hanna,
    Lovely, lovely, lovely. This piece is so beautiful and inspirational…thank you for sharing it with us. I wanted to tell you about an embroidery artist that you might find interesting…Susan Sorrell. ( I have taken one of her online classes (organic design) and it is really amazing as it gets more into the creative process than the finished outcome. You might like her work and her ideas.
    Yours is the first blog I check every day. Thank you so much for feeding all of our creative souls.

  6280. Add me to your fan list! I am in love with your work….Thank you for sharing the extra close detail….so many million stitiches….I think of summer zinnias and dahlias….blooming now at the height of summer….I owe you an extra thank you for your Evidence pages…..You single handedly got me “moving” out of a major dry spell….I am so very grateful that you spend so much time sharing your energy with others….


  6281. Mmmmm! I love the colors and the stitching. You have totally inspired me to take up embroidery as a hobby. I want to start dying my own threads next. Thanks for being so awesome!

  6282. Amazing and inspiring! Can’t look at it and not smile at all the bright and happy colors! Amazing work!

  6283. Hi Hanna! I love this piece…a true work of art! How big is it? Can I commission you to create one like it for my home!? :-) I cannot stop looking at it.

  6284. I love the “feminin” Q in the word turquoise! :))
    It’s funny that I have just finished a wallet for my shop with a recycled fabric in this color! Well, it’s the color of 2010, ok!
    I think it’s a beautiful color to use in art or for accessories, but not to wear it (my mother has some turquoise t-shirts, but I don’t like them).

  6285. Hi iHanna,

    Fantastic, this turquoise spread you made! I did not know that this (my) colour was the colour of 2010, must have missed something…
    This colour has the power to make me happy, not feeling blue, but feeling turquoise. Must be the green/yellow/sun in it, don’t you think? Moreover where I live we are surrounded by the most wonderful turquoise seas. Thanks for paying attention to my favorite colour Hanna,
    Regina, Sint Maarten, Netherlands Antilles

  6286. Turquoise, ahhhhh, turquoise. Lovely spread and I like the teacup as
    water jar. Something romantic about that…xox Corrine

  6287. oh glorious turquoise!! You could just call it teal i guess. is there a difference?

    I think you are right in that 2010 is the year of the turquoise. I see it everywhere, but it is such a glorious color. I LOVE it.

  6288. Loving this! When I am asked what my favourite colour is, I always say turquoise.

  6289. Beautiful! I love turquoise and am inspired to do some painting and journaling with it now. Thank you for sharing! I want to learn more about color…

  6290. Evidence pages are great, thanks for commenting!

    Laurie, if you read my last post about washi tape you can find out more about it and where I bought mine! :-)

    Paula, yay, the postcard you sent is up on my wall and I smile too every time I see it! thanks!

  6291. Wow, thank you all for your lovely comments on this embroidery! Reading your comments makes me so happy, thank you!

    Amy, thanks for the link. I know of Susan Sorell’s work and I am a big fan of her colourful expressions! I would love to take a class from her sometime.

    Jo, wow, are you comparing me to THE Julia? Haha, I’m am very flattered indeed!

  6292. Sarah, thank you for commenting!
    I don’t think I could create something like this on commision, but I have created two pieces that are in pink hues, I will post about the other one later in September. One of them will be for sale, so if you are interested please contact me about it. Thanks.

  6293. For notebooks I will use nothing other than a large Moleskine sketchbook. The price is a little high, but for the page thickness and quality along with the lovely cover itself makes it worth it. Plus, since I don’t journal as often as I should, I don’t go through as many journals as I should either so that saves on the cost for me.

    For pens, right now I am using a Sharpie pen. Although it’s the best I’ve used so far, it is not the pen of my dreams. I have no problem with the nibs, generally it’s the writing on different textures that it gives me issues with. So I will keep using the Sharpie pen until something better comes along that suits me better. Maybe I will try the pen you were raving about in this entry.

  6294. The Sharpie fine point is my favourite so far. But you do have to be gentle with it. My first one’s tip got hurt in the process but I’m on my 3rd one now and it works fine for daily writing/drawing.

  6295. I’m a definitive moleskine addict, i have my stock for the next 3 years at least. As for pens, I like variety, so for writing and drawing I love Faber-Castell Pitt artist pen (all colors with B end, and the smaller ones too, and I am very careful with them so they last me a few months at least, and I keep the old ones for other projects), sakura gelly roll (i have all colors but always carry a white one with me), the infamous Pilot G-TEC-C4 in black, a pentel brush pen (very expensive but waterproof and incredible line variety, so worth the price), i like the pilot G-2 07 in black for writing, and have a few similar Zebra pens in different colors, a white peel-off china marker and a brown pilot fineliner i recently bought…

  6296. I absolutely love those pilots! But I use the vball grip 0,7 and I’ve used them for at least four years. It was love at first sight and I never looked back. And they work great in moleskines too!
    It’s almost boring, I’ve found the perfect pens and the perfect notebooks, the search is over.

  6297. I alway buy a recycled Strathmore sketchpad. They’re cheap and environmentally friendly so I don’t get that guilty nervous freeze where I can’t bring myself to mark up a nicer notebook. I usually use pencil on that, or plain old ball point pen. For poetry though, nothing beats typing. I can type a lot faster than write, and I can almost keep up with my thoughts when I pour them into my word processor, plus it’s so very easy to edit. Your pen looks luscious though. Have fun with it!

  6298. I am always trying new notebooks/journals, as I’m a paper addict. I do love Moleskins for their quality paper, which holds up well to various mediums. As for pens, I am a huge fan of the Sharpie pens. I haven’t had a problem with the point breaking but I do recognize that they don’t write well over layers of mediums and I do have to push on them harder.

  6299. you cleared up a mystery for me about the sharpie pens. I didn’t realize the nibs were getting pushed inside I thought I was wearing them down to nothing! And it happens so quickly (2-3 weeks of daily writing and a bit of sketching) I was wondering why they didn’t produce longer lasting nibs. But now I see they are inferior rather than merely disappointing. I use picadilly press spiral bound notebooks for my writing journals. I detest trying to fit my thoughts and handwriting into a smaller more precious sort of journal. The paper is quite smooth and I would love the sharpies for this task if only they lasted longer! My husband has a horrible habit of “acquiring” my writing instruments so I do not like to get attached to very expensive pens in case they migrate to his work room rather than mine. All my gel pens and other art journaling writing stuff is HIDDEN so he cannot get them.

  6300. I am smitten with the uni-ball gel impact pen (the 1.0 mm size). The ink is shiny and blakc. The line is smooth, fluid, and inky. I use it primarily for writing in my private notebook journal (a cheapy spiral bound notebook they sell for schoolkids). My thoughts are quick and this pen keeps up with them. Writing with this pen, my letters are loopier and freer and it loosens up my thoughts as well. I do love my pen!

  6301. I just found a new-to-me pen from Sharpie, they call it the Sharpie Pen, and it’s like the ultra-fine-point marker but intended for writing, I guess. I haven’t used it enough to decide if I’m in love, but I do like the idea of a Sharpie that writes this thin. I’m pretty gentle with my writing pens, so hopefully I won’t wear out the nib. If I’m writing a lot, like on plain paper, I just use a cheap ball point pen, but if I’m writing on some kind of art project, I usually use Sharpies so far, but would prefer something that writes more like the cheap ball point pens I love (but on paint, shiny paper, plastic, etc) so I’m starting to understand why so many artists are always searching for the perfect pen.

  6302. i am looking for the perfect pen that writes smoothly on oil pastels and watercolor crayon? like you, hanna, i may be a bit too hard on the pens since it seems i go through so many!!!

  6303. Love it, how did you do this? Did you use a computer program? I love to visit your site daily! Just makes my day!

  6304. Thanks for commenting!
    Yes, the photos are put in a “dirty viewfinder frame” in Photoshop. Have a great day!

  6305. Oh, I LOVE it. Lately I have been so drawn to this hot pink color. I am just starting my first art journal now and the idea of doing monochromatic pages definitely has inspired me to dive in! Thank you!

  6306. Chel, thanks for commenting! I think monochromatic pages are a great start to explore in a new Art Journal or if you are new to art journaling, that would make it an exercise in colour with not so much need to make it perfectly pretty! :-) Enjoy!

  6307. ack……….. My wrist is in a cast and I’m using a speech recognition program so sorry that the above comment didn’t make sense. I meant to say I love your pages!

  6308. ooh, very nice! i shall have to try out a monochromatic page soon.. only question is, which color should i choose to explore first?!

  6309. Loving your monochromatic pages, iHanna. My favorite so far was the turquoise, but they’re all so nice!

  6310. I am not a pink person, but let me tell you that your pages just changed my mind… so pretty!!!!!! I think I’ll start to explore this color and all the combinations you can make with it. Thanks for sharing.

  6311. Hanna…love the pink… like Ana, I’m usually not into pink but those pages are lovely. Your photos in the previous post are great…I like the dirty lens effect.

  6312. Wow, Hanna. :-) I love this monochromatic serie. You’re making me ponder about doing the same, eventually.

    Did you work with red, yet? If not, that would make one interesting and vibrant color. Woah! :)

  6313. Hello, lovely blog you have here and great art. :)

    I created a special blog for bloggie artists to join specifically for the Sketchbook project. I would love to add you….FREE marketing for your art and a place to share in the journey and meet new bloggie artists and friends. You can find it here:

    If you would like to join, please email me and I will add you to the blog to post whenever you would like. :)

    Happy Sunday!

  6314. Even though “they” say to look at the big picture, I think looking at the details is even more important.
    Love you little detail shots.

  6315. Your art journal pages are so amazing. I’m so intimidated by blank pages that it takes me forever to fill them. Maybe I’ll give this colour thing a go…

  6316. Stumbled onto your blog today, i was on the internet ‘researching’ how many people gesso their art journal pages. I have had it open all day and keep going back to it, it’s just wonderful. Love this color, i tend to lean towards a robins-egg-blue shade of it. Speaking of which i was inspired to go work on a favorite but neglected piece that has been mostly done *forever*, just needed to have the pieces assembled. I was definitely going to post a note later but when i saw that you, too, save the little Cotman wrappers i had to do it right now! Just within the past few days i cut the middle squares out of the entire set of wrappers and glued them onto a large gift tag as the beginning of a new collage. Bookmarking your blog in my favorites; thanks for sharing!

  6317. Thanks so much for sharing all these great images.
    Have a great day. Come visit my blog sometime.
    I will be back to see you again.
    Kim :)

  6318. I love orange. One of my favorites. And it plays so brilliantly with turquoise!

    Beautiful work, Hanna! Makes me want to play in my journal today!

  6319. I’ve always considered yellow as the colour of creativity.
    Aniway, I really love your monochromatic pages! :)

  6320. Oh! Juicy is right. I love ORANGE! and all of the many forms it takes between yellow and red. and I love the Kandinsky quote.

  6321. Thanks for commenting on the pink pages!

    Fanie, yes I did a ruby red page – that’s where this series got started! Oh, and thanks for the books. I haven’t read them yet but they have arrived finally. Thanks! :-)

  6322. Orange, ooh, orange, one of my favorites and mixed with a little pink and some orange red, what more can you ask for – oh, turquoise… xox Corrine

  6323. I too love orange – especially with turquoise and blue. These monochromatic pages are such fun, Hanna. Soaking yourself in a color and all it inspires is a great idea.

  6324. this page is so vibrant! i would love to get inside your head while you create – you must do a video tutorial someday. (or maybe you have – i am not always on top of things like i’d like to be.) :-)

  6325. Fantastic looking page. I used to detest orange, but in recent years have come to embrace it as a really exciting and sexy colour. ;-)

  6326. Wonderful, colorful fabric beads. I have only ever done them with paper….I will try some with fabric….thanks to your nifty little tutorial here reminding me to use up some of my fabrics ….I also like the fact that the rolled beads can just “chill” on the straw until ready to decorate:)

  6327. These are scrumptious! I can imagine a whole curtain of them swaying gently in the window. The glitter thread really adds a lot. I see a lot of orange in there; maybe you will continue to mix it with your pink?

  6328. I loved sharpies until I started trying to write on top of Neocolors, Acrylic paint and gel medium. It would ruin them in one sitting. Now I adore Staedtler Lumocolor permanent markers which write on ANYTHING and never dry out. I have yet to run one out either.

    For paper I like hotpress 140# watercolor paper and make my own notebooks from that. I haven’t found a bound book with hotpress yet but I would enjoy the neatness of it since my own books are umm… rustic at best.

    I’m enjoying this blog, thanks for writing!

  6329. I’ve made beads with rolled paper, but I never thought of making them with fabric. These look great, and I love the addition of the glittery threads. I may have to make some myself!

  6330. i like how the raw edges of the fabric looks on your beads. i will try fabric, i’ve just been experimenting with the paper beads. thanks.

  6331. Great idea!
    I’ve seen people doing those with paper, but with fabric I like it much better.

    Hanna, I got a question… do you prepare your blogentries offline?
    If so, how do you do it?

    Greetings from Essen, Germany

  6332. your work in your journal is always so inspirational. thank you for sharing it. Orange is one of my favorite colors.

  6333. Just catching up with so much of your beautiful work! I love making paper & fabric beads, you are good to share the how to. Love too your bright journal pages your gentle photos & I can’t believe I didn’t comment on your amazing mixed media embroideries. I remember looking at them in amazement then & Ii’m still amazed! For my special birthday I got enough presents to go out & buy an Embellisher machine.Ii’m just learning but I dream of making a piece using hand stitch, machine stitch & the embellishing machine & the other embellishing ! You inspire me, thanks! ;)

  6334. The bag is so cool. Really interesting stuff. It’s not common seeing bags made from an old jeans.

  6335. Tack s? hemsk mycket for instruktion om avmaskning!!
    Jeg ?r dansk och stickar efter en svensk beskrivning – sv?rt!!!

  6336. hanna – love the linear layout.
    love the foreign text.
    love the quotation marks.
    love the one RED letter.
    love it AS IS.
    hang on until crusade number 45.
    (yes, that means not september, but october)
    thanks for sharing and getting it in before the end of the month.

  6337. Thanks Michelle dear!
    I will leave it as is until October though I’m dying of curiosity of course, hehe. I think I will do more spreads with words, I feel a colourful one coming on too as I’m surfing around looking at fellow crusader’s work!

  6338. I’ve been writing with the same fountain pen for about 15 years now. It’s a black Parker falcon my aunt gave to me when I was a teenager. She didn’t like fountain pen. It is amazing and it never dries up. I use cartridges, usually black or blue. I found that it’s cheaper in the long run to use cartridges than to buy new pens. It’s simple yet beautiful and it’s my writing companion.

  6339. Love that it doesn’t all tell a story, because it is hard to make good design with letterforms that people recognize. Love the quotation mark and the bold red letter. YES!

  6340. Thanks Quinn for coming by and commenting! I love those big quotation marks that they print in the newspaper to mark a quote lifted from the text. They are so yummy! :-)

  6341. I noticed a speaking bubble in the paper today and realized how easy it would be to cut one out of paper. I think the big quote marks would be easy to make a stencil out of to use again. See what you’ve started? ART!

  6342. Thanks for coming by my blog and your kind comment. I’m looking forward to seeing your text piece with color…but I always love black and white…I’ll check by later.

  6343. Love the black and white Hanna.
    And the red really makes the page!
    Great contribution to this months Crusade.

  6344. Great page, the swedish words give it an extra dimension. I was so happy to use dutch words in combination with english words on my pages. Got some comments on that. Looking forward to what is going to happen in october’s challenge.

  6345. I love these Hanna! Much nicer than the paper version I think, especially with all the sparkly embellishments! Gonna try them sometime…

  6346. You know, Hanna, I just find your blog so easy and so inspiring and interesting. I love clicking from one place to another and finding so much. You give a LOT. I would love it if you published another blog book. I know it’s hard, though. But at least I have them all here, when I want to see fun and beauty!


  6347. Love it, Hanna! It’s big, bright, and just pops off the page! I have some forgein text a friend sent me, and I may ending doing yet another text page.

  6348. I so agree that exploring color is a topic with no end, there is something so soothing about the monochromatic pages that makes you want to just dive in and stay awhile. xox Corrine

  6349. Hanna, I thought to your monochromatic pages last Saturday, when I discovered in our local library a little book written by Michel Pastoureau about colors and their symbolism. I noticed that there are “monochromatic books” (same author): Black: The History of a Color and Blue: The History of a Color.
    Probably they don’t interest you, but I thought it would be funny to communicate it to you during your monochromatic adventures :))
    (sorry, I’m tired, english is difficult for me tonight)

  6350. Thanks for commenting!

    Corrine, yes, once you start making a monochromatic page you’re kind of drawn into the making. And it opens your eyes to that colour – you see it everywhere. :-)

    Thanks for the links Silvia! I love the look of the blue book and how it at amazon says that it describes how “the rarest of all colors became the commonest“! Colours are interesting and of course they have a history too, I didn’t even think about that before! :-) Black is a page I haven’t done, but maybe my previous post on text could do… hehe, lots of black typography there. Sleep well!

  6351. I’ve seen this post before, but I did not comment, I guess. I love your list of things that are on your grid. Thanks for all this detail.

  6352. I love this green page the most of all of your monochromatic pages, probably because green is my favourite colour. Just looking at that first photo of all your green pens lined up makes me want to start making some of my own pages.

    I have made some monochromatic pages in the past, which were really fun, and I would definitely agree with you that they would be great for beginners. It makes the selection of collage, paint, etc. so much easier. I’ll have to make some more of these pages someday soon, and I can’t wait to see some more of your pages!

  6353. Hanna, I want this collage. I’ve seen it again, and I want it. It shows as 11.00, and I will wait to hear from you to see if I can buy it with a check instead of with paypal?

    thank you.

    Paypal might be okay, too. I think this is very lovely!

  6354. Thanks for all your lovely comments!
    Chris, it is so fun to see your way though the months passed, hehe, and so cool that you leave comments here and there for me to know where you went and what you read! Thanks! The mountain collage is available in my Etsy shop now, thanks for asking! Please pay with paypal, checks are a hassle to send overseas. Sorry.

  6355. Forgive me for not commenting on your last few postings, but believe me I have been LOVING your monochromatic pages! So inspirational for someone like me that still doesn’t have a lot of confidence in the way my pages turn out. I have simply been journaling lately (just writing), but your pages are making want to get back into the visual part so much! — Monochromatic looks fun and un-intimidating! Thank you for all your beautiful art and that take the time to take pictures of it, upload it and share it with the world! It is appreciated more than you know.

  6356. Hello!
    Your button collection is awesome. I am doing an article on collections. Can i use a picture of your button collection?


  6357. Thanks for commenting everyone! Preena, glad you asked, thanks. But I do not know what you’re writing for or where the image would be used so the answer is no, you may not use my photos. If you write me an email sometime maybe we can talk about it, but then I would have to know more about you and what you write for. Thanks!

  6358. Thanks for stopping by my site today Hanna. I clearly came on a good day since green is my favorite colour. I love the idea of the monochromatic pages. My daughter adores your pink page. Will be back to visit again!

  6359. I love this so much, and your color pages are so inspiring! I’m not a beginning art journaler but sometimes I get “journal block” and this would be a great way to break out of a funk, I think.

    I love the little yarn sample too – it was the first thing my eye was drawn to when I saw this post. What a great find!

  6360. Love green too ! My Fav I think ! Do you know that it is the color that the human eye sees the most different shades of ? Makes sense, when you think of all the different greens in nature…
    Monochromatic is fun but the green page makes me want to put a pink or purple or orange or something beside it. Interesting…
    Happy Colorful Palying, Brilliant One !

  6361. I loved your mosaics. I found my eyes wanted to race from square to square but my mind wanted me to linger on each space and take in all the details. A delightful problem to have!

  6362. Thanks for commenting Cindy! Glad you like my mosaics. Isn’t it great that people share so much of what they do for our enjoyment? :-)

  6363. these mosaics are bursting with color and inspiration! thanks for sharing those links, too. i can’t wait to go through them! i love cathe holden’s stuff, too. lot’s of (free!) fun. ;) and thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such nice comments! :)

  6364. thanks for sharing all the links…love your journal pages…and the fabric beads several posts ago are amazing!

  6365. If I hadn’t known before that we were kindred spirits, I would be assured of it today simply because of that line from How to be Alone. It’s my favourite line too.
    And I’ve watched/listened to it at least 4 or 5 times now…
    I love your mosaics… always so inspired and inspiring.

  6366. Miilifiore beads aren’t quite as easy as they look, but close. Especially if you stick to basic designs like jelly rolls and bullseyes until you learn to reduce them.

  6367. Oh, how I love this, Hanna! :-)
    It reminds me a little of when I was a teenager and write down all the things I wanted in a boy. :-p
    It’s funny that your signature is in the “Approved by”. Love this! :-)

  6368. Thanks for commenting!

    Fanie, to have an imaginary boyfriend is probably a bit juvenile but also childish fun! ;-)

    Aly B, thank you too, all my favorite colours in this one. :-)

  6369. I like the idea of having a pretend boyfriend, then you don’t really have to keep him happy! This is great. xox Corrine

  6370. He looks like he might be cranky?

    I have an imaginary boyfriend who does a lot of charity work and movies and looks a lot like George Clooney.


  6371. Is it true that in Norway they take the whole month of August off? Or is that Sweden or all of Scandinavia?
    I like this grid. Thanks for the links, too. I get to surf this weekend. Good!

  6372. The inspiration mosaic looks luscious on the full screen, wow! Thank you for your sweet words about my flip-thru – now that I figured out what I’m doing I’ll make more! You are awesome, Hanna!


  6373. I sent my daughter (13) the link to your post and told her THIS is the kind of boyfriend she may have ;)

    I love your art!

  6374. it?s very wonderful!

    n?r jag jobbade p? Myrorna p? S?der, s? kom det in en man, och han s?g ut ungef?r som din l?tsaspojkv?n – j?ttetjusig! och till sitt stiliga friserade huvud hade han snickarkl?der, och det var n?nting med den brytningen som gjorde att det blev s? himla snyggt. den karlen fastnade i mitt minne!

  6375. this is just
    way to
    pitter-patter heart
    into full color
    (& getting your hair
    stroked at night!

  6376. I love this!

    I’m working on a quilt for my daughter (her name is Hannah Andersen) and this would be a wonderful sort of thing to do in the white parts of the quilt :)

  6377. Interesting article! I was coming here (as I come almost everyday) for something on journal and creation, but this is different, and not. A movie I adored when I was younger is “Little Princess” (I used to watch it in french “La Petite Princesse”. It may not fit your list, but still. It is the story of a young girl who’s father leave for WW2 and he puts her in a private school for wealthy young girls. Except one day, news come and her father is deceased. She then becomes a servant, with another little girl in a similar situation, and she has a wild imagination that helps her go through this rough time (sorry for the possible mistakes, English is my second language). It is a beautiful and inspiring story.
    I loved the movie on Julia Child, and never had the chance to watch the one on Frida Khalo, but I have her journal (complete scans and translation) and she is very inspiring. :)

  6378. (Hanna… Chanel, with only one N)
    I loved Julie&Julia and Chanel. I’m going to see “Eat pray love” when it will be here in Italy (I read the book two years ago).
    For your list… uhm, I really appreciated a film about Maria Montessori, but I don’t know if you can find it in english or swedish (probably it is an italian “product”).
    Have you ever seen “Miss Potter”? It’s about the life of Beatrix Potter (I’m sure you know her books). There are some scenes about her creative process, images from her books and a focus on her being “a strange woman” for that period (you know, a woman who wanted to work…).

  6379. Gabrielle, thanks for your comment! I write a lot about inspiration, and it can come in many forms: movies too right? I think your suggestion might fit, I agree that it is an inspiring movie (and a great great book if you ever get the chance to read it)!

    Silvia, thanks for correcting the mistake in Chanel, I will fix it! I hate when add spelling mistakes like that! Would love to see the movie about Montessori, I will look for it! And yes, I’ve seen Miss Potter – I forgot about that one. It is inspiring to see how passioned she is about her art and book writing, and how she strives to be taken serious. Very sweet movie! :-)

  6380. Hi Hanna,

    i love all of the movies you have listed. I saw Seraphine last year and I loved it. It was really mysterious and obsure, if those are the correct words to describe it. I haven’t seen Eat, Pray, Love yet. It’s out in theatres here but just not in my town yet. Thanks for reminding me of all of these great movies. I don’t know if it fits but Amelie was also creative and inspiring as was Penelope.

  6381. Jane, Amelie is a very creative person with a great imagination. I love that movie, and now that you remind me I really enjoyed Penelope too, though that would be the modern twist on the epic fairy tale: girls need a man’s love to save her… though it has a unexpected (and maybe a bit feministi) twist if I remember it correctly?

    Druga, I think The hours was strong and strange, but I don’t remember being very empowered by it, rather the opposite… :-/
    I read the book The Hours before I saw the movie and I recommend that too, Michael Cunningham is a great writer!

  6382. Couple of oldies:
    One Thousand Pieces of Gold
    Babette’s Feast (Babettes Gaestebud)

  6383. Oh! A great one is Hocus Pocus – if you see it as “creative, empowering women who don’t need man”. And who doesn’t like witches? :)
    If I may twist this in another way, there is also Kill Bill volume 1 and 2 that clearly proves you can be creative, persevering and reach a goal without too much help (just think about the “toe” scene)…

  6384. I watched Julie and Julia recently and was surprised at how much I liked it and even related to it. It made me happy to be a blogger!

  6385. Interesting post. I watched Julie and Julie recently and loved it. I can’t wait to see Eat, Pray, love. I got a lot from the book and if the film is done well, I’m sure I’ll get something from extra from that too.

  6386. Thank you Anna! You make me inspired back by commenting and telling me such things! I like your ORT-jar with old embroidery thread ends. Fun! :-)

  6387. I love this post Hanna, thank you for sharing. Many of the movies here in Germany get wacky new titles and I have no way of knowing what they were in English without lots of research because they’re often not even a close translation of the original… xoxo tj

  6388. These all look fantastic! I don’t have any fabric scraps because I don’t really use fabric for anything, but it’d be fun to pick up some of the scraps they sell cheap at fabric stores to do this with!

  6389. These are beautiful. I can’t wait to give this a try. I, too, hope you will show us what you use these for.

  6390. Thanks for commenting!
    Jessica, thanks for the help! I was searching in google and came upon the link but it didn’t show up so that’s why I thought the whole archive was gone. I’m so glad to see that its still there and thriving – there is an incredible amount of cute stuff to download from your site! I love it!

  6391. Hi Hanna,
    First, thanks for your website! I am currently devouring your archives and that’s really interesting!

    I didn’t know it was possible to paint fabric simply with acrylics. I guess you need to do something after painting to fix the colors on fabric? with iron perhaps? Since I love creating with it in art journal (even if I don’t journal on the painted backgrounds…!!), I think it would be wonderful to express myself on fabric, just with acrylics!
    Thanks in advance for your further information!

    You could make a patchwork with your painted pieces of fabric… ;)
    All the best,

  6392. Oh NO! I haven’t even received my order from Interweave of five DVD’s that were on sale… and now there’ s another one that I really really need!

    I love how in the sample segment when the instructor was commenting that you don’t have to buy a lot of materials Pokey from Inverweave interrupted her. Just a coincidence I’m sure, but it was amusing.


  6393. Anne-Laure, so glad you found my blog and letting me know you reading from the archive and enjoying it. Thanks! Of course it depends on what you are going to do with the fabric if acrylic paints will work for you. It hardens the fabric a bit, so embroidery is difficult but a few washes I’m sure it will take (no you don’t need to affix it), acrylics is water proof. Try it out! And what my patches became will be a post soon, so you’ll see your patchwork idea was close but not quite! ;-)

    Diane, I hope you will recieive your DVD:s soon and have fun with them. You can always buy this one as a download, then you don’t need to wait for them to ship! ;-) Yeah, you don’t need to buy aaaanything, just this video and this and that… ;-)

  6394. Ja, ujuj, snacka att kliva ut ur sin bekvämlighetszon helt plötsligt… Det ska bli spännande! Fick ditt zine, sååå fint! Mejlar sen.

  6395. Hi Hanna,

    Thank you for visiting my website and your lovely comments! My goodness, your site is gorgeous and so full of inspiration! I see that you, like me, enjoy a variety of creative pursuits :) My efforts look pathetic next to yours, but one thing I am learning is that it is not always the final product that matters, rather it is the process itself.

    I am definitely going to try painting on fabrics!


  6396. oo what lovely colors you’ve combined!! wasn’t this a fun challenge!! i also love your post on painted fabric…i have had fun with that too! using some quilting scraps i bought, pre-cut, from the thrift store…perfect! hope you have a great weekend!

  6397. Jean, thanks for commenting! I love combining colours and painting, I think the card scraping kind of lends itself to combining colours in unusual ways… :-)

  6398. I’d love to do the classes, but I’m not sure how it works. Do I have to be at the computer at a set time to take the class?? I’d be happy to sign on if I don’t need to be at my computer at a specific time. My schedule is so erratic. Let me know!

  6399. I love scraping! And I just read some inspiring bits about scraping paint in L.K. Ludwig’s new book Creative Wildfire. I also am gearing up to do Michelle’s crusade, and hope to have time for it this weekend.

    Your pages are SO beautiful. I think they look like you. I love that plastic card, too.
    I bet your classe is so cool. I’ll see what I can do about getting it!

  6400. That’s great! I love painting with card too.
    Your page is really nice.

    Thanks a lot for your answer about acrylics on fabric. I will try!
    I tried transfert but I was not successful…

    Have a good evening!

  6401. Thanks for all your lovely comments!

    Baye, an online class is like a homepage where you log in at your own convenience and any time during the two months it will be available! It’s easy, fun and a great way to expand and get a push to learn new things and meet new people! I will post on my blog when you can register (will be next Monday) and then it will start in October. I will be happy to help if you have any further questions!

  6402. Hey Hanna! I love your pages, they are so vibrant and pop! I can’t wait to see how the gel medium transfer turns out.

  6403. I LOVE your pages….. the colour combinations are so happy! I love that you have used the same credit card for years!!!!

    Your blog is fantastic!!!!! I’d be really interested in the online class. What would be required computer wise? I am not great with technology! I have a laptop with Windows 7!


  6404. Thanks for your enthusiasm Missyk! :-) I have several cards, hehe, but they are all getting to look like that, very “used”. :-)
    About the class, you don’t need anything special of fancy. If you can watch video and download pdf:s to your computer from your browser you will be all set to learn, journal and have fun! :-)

    Take care!

  6405. hanna – thanks for revisiting your scraped pages to share with the team. it’s always a joy to see your vibrant colors. love the close-up of the card! i often retire a card after several pages because it is just so fabulous – crusty layers of evidence…i tuck it in an envelope or staple right onto a page.

    congrats on the collaborative class! wishing you much success.

  6406. Your scraped pages are incredible. I was just at Jean’s site and love what you did and love what she did…and they are so different! I primarily make repurposed jewelry but I have done a couple of collage classes and hope to do Jean’s background class when life gets back to normal! I am also going to run over and see that journaling class. Looks fantastic!

  6407. Thanks Hanna! That really means alot. I do love my new banner, I just put it up. I love it because other than a crop job and some tweaking with color it is completely sans photoshop. Behind the bench I am sitting on there is a huge thick pane of glass and my husband managed to catch at just the right angle to create the work of art.

  6408. Oh what a color fix you gave me this morning… thank you! The class sounds great… I’ll watch your blog for more information!


  6409. Your pages are great – and I’ll admit I let out an “oooo” at how pretty your student card is! I’m looking forward to seeing your gel medium transfer revealed!

    And as for 21 secrets: **gasp** I highly suspect I won’t be able to resist! :D

  6410. I totally love scraping paint as well…very fun! And congrats on teaching with Connie…sounds like more journaling fun…yay!

  6411. TIP: Sometimes if you do this from magazines, the paper won’t come off all the way and the image is really cloudy. If you rub a little oil (jojoba or olive) the paper becomes translucent and the transferred image much clearer. Of course if you are adding layers on top or using markers the oil can ruin the marker so watch out. You can also add a layer of gel medium on top and then it won’t be oily.

    Credit for this is Rebekah Patnode, who unfortunately doesn’t have a blog or I would link here.

    • I have also found that putting a coat of clear nail polish gets rid of the cloudy image and helps protect the image from wear and tear.

    • can I transfer a toner copied picture onto a prepared wooden surface board?
      by prepared I mean it has a white coating already on it.
      I don’t want to waste either, the picture or the board so I wanted to ask first.
      yes I do use Matt med for transfers but so far I have painted the surface
      first, but I don’t want a paint around this picture.

      • Judy, it’s not a works-every-time kind of thing, so I suggest you practice a few times on other surfaces if this one is precious to you. But yes, it should work on wood too, painted or not, although the background might show through of course.

        Good luck.

  6412. wow, the painting and the transfer is a lovely combination. quick questions- does it have to be a photocopy or can it be a printed image- say from a home printer? If the later, does it have to be a laser printer?

    I would love to try this method! Thanks :)

  6413. I’m following blogs from Michelle’s site – and this is an amazing journey! LOVE your post and your work, I can’t wait to try this myself! Very cool!

  6414. Thanks for commenting! Just like CT says above you can do this with magazine images and also prints from your home printer! I’m not sure it would work with laster prints, so no, you don’t need a laser printer! :-) I hope you will try it out and let me know what works for you!

  6415. Really gorgeous. I love the look of black pattern on color, or black lines on color. Hmm, time to get to down to the basement and work on something! Thanks for the post, Hanna!

  6416. Hope it works with laser printers. I’ll try & see. Thanks for sharing this process & love the how yours turned out.

  6417. The transfer you put over the page is fab, and I actually love the way you put down the paint in sections rather than lengths. Lovely colors you used — what kind of paints are they? xo-teri

  6418. Love the look of your card – so much depth. And the pages have turned out great. Huge congrats on your class Hanna.

  6419. He looks a little like Tom Cruise.
    I love pretend boyfriends, lives, careers, houses, planets, lives. It is so fun!

  6420. Thanks for commenting! Zom, he totally looks like Tom around the eyes – wow, I didn’t see that until you said it! *smiling*

  6421. Hanna – your color palette is to die for. Such awesome layers — you know, the credit card you used (in the first picture) looks pretty cool as art too! Great work. -Kim

  6422. Ahhh… thank you! A Portugese friend of mind had sent me some mail art using this technique. He tried to explain it to me, but our language barrier left it too ambiguous. Now I know!

    And thanks for stopping by MY blog! :-)

  6423. I sometimes use the technique on textiles, as a background or complement for embroidery. I use my own photos, cut them and mirror them in Photoshop and then print the image.

  6424. Thanks for your lovely comment!
    Elisabet, I’d love to see your work sometimes and learn about your process of embroidery! Oh and yes, I’m thrilled to get a comment from you! How is it going with the blog? XOXO

  6425. Nothing has happened so far with the blog. I need your help! But as soon as I have a blog I will be able to show you what I do.

  6426. HI!!
    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your comment. And I LOVE this image transfer and you know I am digging those colors!!! I have tried image transfers before and I love the effects and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. You have an excellent transfer here!!!!!

  6427. Hi Hanna!
    I got here eventually…so thank you again for your visit and lovely comments!

    I’ve never tried this technique before but I LOVE the effect, I definately will be trying this (if i ever get the time!)…so please be braced for lots of “HELP!!” emails! x;0)

  6428. Intriguing & exciting – I look forward to seeing more photos. Just like all your art work it is full of fabulour colour combinations, imagination and texture. And as always I find myself inspired by your art. Thanks Hanna!
    Kat X

  6429. i really love painting on fabric, and making something with said fabric is just as much fun. i love the bright colors here and can’t wait to see what you make!

  6430. Can’t wait to see the bag!! I love Alisa’s DVD and her online classes too. Great colors!!!!

  6431. Can’t wait to see the bag! I’m really enjoying seeing this process as I haven’t painted on fabric before and you have really inspired me with this post and the last one. I can see fabric painting in my future :-)

    There’s a giveaway over at my place at the moment if you’re interested in taking part…

  6432. Hanna, you did this SO well! I have never done one of these. I have thought about it before, but I am scared it won’t work for some reason so I’m just being silly. I love my matte medium. I use it all the time. I think it’s my favorite supply! You’ve made some beautiful pages, here.

  6433. Actually, Hanna, I relish the day when I can explore more fabricky things because I don’t sew yet, but I have plans to do so! I think painting fabric sounds like great fun. Right now, I’m working with paper towels and brown paper bags. In fact, I will soon be doing a background painting on brown paper bags a la Hanna!

  6434. Hi Hanna! I love this transfer! I am curious about what brand you use of matte medium, I live in Sweden so it would be great to get a recommendation. I have never dared to buy any in fear it would be the wrong kind for using as liquid glue…

  6435. Hey, thanks for commenting!

    Tamera, I’m not sure what weight (it doesn’t say on the bottle) but one is fluid medium and the other one is gel medium, both works as glue/transfer medium! :-)

    Jen, the best thing about matte medium is that it doesn’t matter what brand you use – all of it is sticky like glue! I’ve used one from Liquitex and it says matte medium or matte gel medium on the bottle/tube. I hope you try it out!

  6436. Hey Mimi, thanks for commenting on my blog too, and thanks for the flickr message, I was thrilled that you wrote me! I love your embroidery and have added you to my Link Love List. Your artwork rocks!

  6437. I think you and the whole project will be brilliant. I am SO looking forward to it!

    Good luck (not that you need it!)


  6438. I can’t wait! And I’m so glad you’re a part of this! Roll on Monday, I’ll be the first one in the queue to sign up!

  6439. Hej Hanna! Och tack fr besk och kommentar p min blogg! Jag har varit urdlig p att uppdatera och lsa bloggar p ett tag – var tvungen att ta ett break, det stod mig upp i halsen ! Men nu knns det som det r kul att kolla runt igen fr att f inspiration
    Detta du h?ller p? med ser v?ldigt sp?nnande ut! Och din artikel om kreativitet i senaste BRAK tidningen var mycket bra !!! Lappt?cket h?r ser s? lockande och fr?scht ut !!!!

  6440. I had promised myself not to take an art journaling class anymore, after some disappointments (no new stuff), but this sounds so exciting that I think I’ll break this promise!

  6441. Thanks for your support ladies!

    Gunnel, kul att du gillade min artikel och kul att du tittar f?rbi h?r p? min blogg! :-)

    MarjaS, haha, what classes have you taken already? One can never learn too much… I think this will be something very cool, and you will absolutely get a lot for your money in 21 secrets! I hope my part will be something a bit different than what at least I’ve seen around… hihi!

  6442. This is such a great idea! I love image transfers and haven’t done any in a while! An image transfer is a great idea for a spread I am doing right now! I have the perfect image and I am trying it in a sepia tone to see if that works??? I’ll let you know how it turns out!

  6443. I’m so excited for you! Yes, sometimes we just need to make that leap of faith and I have every confidence that you will be a marvelous teacher. Good luck!

  6444. Hanna!!! I’m so excited you decided to make 21 SECRETS your online teaching debut!! You are a natural at it–and I know this is only the beginning for you!!!!

    BIG Hugs,

  6445. I hav enter into this Challenge as well.
    Lov the bright colors of the page..
    btw, i will enter the 21 Secret Class…it’s seem so fun !!

  6446. I hav enter into this Challenge as well.
    Lov the bright colors of the page..
    btw, i will enter the 21 Secret Class…it’s seem so fun !!

  6447. Hannah! You rock too :-)
    This bag is great, gorgious, fantastic.
    You know me a little and my taste. This makes my fingers itch and I have to admit I would like to have one like yours. Maybe it’s because of the grids *rotflol*.
    Dear, have so much fun carrying around.


  6448. Thanks! I don’t know what it is with grids… there is something I love about them, even though I am more drawn to uneven messy grids I love the order they present too.

    Corrine, thank you! I’m so glad my fabric beads have found a place where they will be happy too!

    Antoinette, I wish I could produce a couple of these and sell but that will not happen. Nobody would pay for the amount of time that went into this one. I hope you can make your own happy-bag!

  6449. Hanna, that is the BEST HAPPY BAG I’ve ever seen!! I would so love to own something like that!! It’s a walking piece of inspiration!! You need to tell us how many compliments you get on it!! I’d be predicting….HUNDREDS!!

  6450. I love this bag…so bright and colorful…I want to make one for fall using darker colors. I’m curious to learn more about your online class…I’ll keep watching and waiting…

  6451. Thanks for commenting! Mary, I want to do more bags too, this was a lot of fun to make. Please let me know if you make a painted bag, I want to see that one!

    Eden, well… I’d get a lot of compliments if I was going somewhere with a lot of peeps like you guys… I’m not sure everyone appreciate this kind of bag as much! ;-)

  6452. Oh my, how scrumptious this bag is, Hanna. You’ve outdone yourself and created some major loveliness. The handle itself is a work of art with the multicolors and intensity of stitching. I love patchwork messy patchwork, too.

  6453. Wow, that is one fabulous bag, Hanna! I love it and can totally see why you’ve called it the happy bag. It would make me happy too!

  6454. your happy bag is very appropriately named…..not only is the bag colorful and happy, but it’s making me happy just looking at it!!! great job sewing this together…..tons of happiness going on here!! happy weekend to you!
    p.s. thanks for stopping by my blog and saying hello! :))

  6455. I love the happy bag….My favorite colors too…..My garden is mostly greens and pinks now….Great way to preserve the summer….with a bag…Did you make your own pattern….? Love to see closer how you did the zipper….Now I know what I am going to do with my paint on fabric project….Thanks so much for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6456. Thanks for commenting! Susan, it’s my design. Not a pattern at all I just sewed my painted patches together and then decided it would become a bag. Then to make the top match the bottom I added the two pink stripes at the top with a zipper in between, if that makes any sense… :-)

  6457. oh what an awesomely FANTASTIC bag!!!! It is so glorious and delicious. I love your photography just as much as your colorful work :)

  6458. Absolutely amazing bag, Hanna! Thank you so much for sharing all the gorgeous photos with us! All the incredibly details and colors make me smile every time I look at it! Truly a pleasure to see!

  6459. What an exciting bag! I love the idea of bringing mixed media into other forms. Somehow it seems connected to me trying to do the tshirt. I guess it is the thing of wearing your creativity. Thank you for the inspiration.

  6460. Melydia, thanks for commenting and linking to your review. I love audio books too, right now I’m also listening to Maxim Gorkijs biography about his childhood. Great read too. Smilla is named after Peter H?egs book yes indeed, but she has no sense of snow, she just hates that stuff. ;-)

  6461. That book has been on my shelf for awhile, but I haven’t read it yet. The Swedish cover is MUCH better!

  6462. The book looks gorgeous and I’m going to go look into it right now!

    My cat is similar, although she can be quite disturbing as she always wants to cuddle and will brazenly crawl across me to sit right on top of my book until I pay attention to her.

  6463. This is simply amazing, I can see why you call it your happy bag. Makes me want to paint fabric too (although I am not very good with a sewingmachine, so no idea what I would do with the fabric LOL) Thanks for sharing !

  6464. Oh its beautiful I love it and you have inspired me to get out all those samples of painted fabrics lurking at the bottom of my fabric drawer in my studio…. I want to make one of these ……. perfect for me at the moment it will serve as a stopgap between a changing bag and a handbag as my little one is at the toddler stage now. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures.

  6465. Hi Hanna! CONGRATULATIONS!!! What a wonderful experience for you and one that I am positive you will do extemely well! If I weren’t in school already, to finish my degree, I’d sign up for this in a heartbeat! Have fun, and yes, your Swedish accent will be loved by all, I promise!
    Take good care of yourself,

  6466. I loved the book, but somehow it was not very popular here in The Netherlands. It ended up quite soon in the sales baskets. A pitty!
    [or not for the people who could buy it cheap :-)]

  6467. I absolutely love the quote you shared from the book. LOVE it! Thank you!
    Your kitty is beautiful. And lucky you to have a kitty who loves to snuggle and purr – I mean how could anyone stand having a kitty this beautiful who simply prefers to sit across the room and stare.

    Give her an extra pat from me!

  6468. Thank you sweet Lisa, I think it will be awesome this class. I’m looking forward to learn a few new tricks too – and play lots! :-)

  6469. Thanks for commenting you guys!
    Pam, I knooow, it’s a great quote right? I love great quotes and I can tell you understand to appreciate them too. I mean: “my bride of quietness, you will craft nothing less than epic with your life”… wow, what a beautiful sentence! :-) I just keep re-reading it.

  6470. Ohhh, i wish i had read your post earlier. I signed up already but would have gone through your link instead. Can’t wait for this!

  6471. Awww, thank you Danielle that is so sweet of you! It doesn’t matter, I think everyone will benefit anyway. It will just be fun to have you in class and see what you create! :-)

  6472. Thanks Carin, so glad you are joining us and will be spending some quality time in your art journal! Get your tissue papers ready for some fun too!

  6473. What an undertaking,,,this is a mega project you are a part of….sounds like it will be something worth looking into…..Could you please tell me who the other artists are who will also be teaching in this project?

  6474. Hi Cynthia, it will be an awesome class. My part is small but the whole is magnificent! There are some cool teacher there: Kira, Dawn Sokol, Connie Hozvicka and lots of other talented people! You can read more about it at Connie’s page Dirty footprints studio! I’d appreciate it if you get the class you buy it from me at my latest blog post about the 21 secrets class (then I get payed), thanks! :-)

  6475. great, I can’t wait, I’m so curious…I think it will be very interesting …I’m glad to meet you (I’m still taking care of your owl I got for my birthday)



  6476. Oh hi Sophie, I’m thrilled to get news about the birthday-owl. So glad he lives with you and that you will come to class… Its strange talking into a camera – but fun too! :-)

  6477. Thought I’d let you know that I blogged about your venture. Hopefully all the information is correct!

  6478. oh my gosh Hanna this bag is an explosion of juicy colourful goodness……i am so in LOVE with it!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting on my video….you are so sweet!

    I will tweet about your wonderful class……

    love, violette xo

  6479. Oh wow oh wow I’m so excited! I just this minute signed up (using your affiliate link of course) and I can’t wait!!! :D

  6480. I am vowing to make myself a Happy Bag this winter. I LOVE what you’ve created here – it makes me smile too!! =D

  6481. Hanna I’m sure you will be a great teacher… so happy to hear how you just keep spreading the enthusiasm! You’re amazing. Happy creations from your friend in germany, tj

  6482. Very pretty tea dying and yes, that couch instruction is hilarious. I wonder if the person silly enough to ask the question was silly enough to do it.

  6483. Love the pictures of your process, especially the first one with the scraps hanging to dry, with the sun shining through them! And the silly couch answer just made me laugh during my lunch break :D

  6484. Oh my, that couch comment had me laughing out loud- hilarious! Your tea-dyes fabric scraps look fab though. I just want to dive right in and touch them all. Would look great for the first Creative Revolution prompt!

  6485. Hanna, The light + fabric in your photographs is just gorgeous! The summer light in TX is so harsh, except early and late in the day. The dyed fabrics look like prayer flags in the sun. I’ll tune in to see how they turn out.

  6486. I’ve been toying with the idea of dying fabrics with tea for a while now. Your photos sure are inspiring. I just need to get a new clothesline to hang the fabric to dry…


  6487. the vision of tea-dyeing a sofa is fabulous! made me laugh! what great pics you took of this process – it looks like so much fun!

  6488. This post made me laugh…as I too have hung pieces with tea and rust all over them on the washline..but mine also had old rags and ratty, torn strips, etc…your display looks pretty. Anyway, I was behind a tree as some exercisers were jogging by and one woman said…euhhhh she is washing that stuff,,,she should THROW IT AWAY!!! I had to laugh then as I did just now.

  6489. As a picture framer, I have done many embroidery pieces. We never use corregated cardboard in any framing job as the glues and processing contains acids which can outgas and so, even if not touching the work, can contribute to deterioration. We use acid-free matboard or foamcore. Also, spray adhesive will hold your work as well or better without soaking into the stitching.
    Beautiful work, Blessings.

  6490. What yummy fabrics! I bet you’ll make some fab stuff with the. I mean, how could you not be inspired to created with something as lush as that!

    Love the look of Malin’s zine!

  6491. I’m also a great admirer of Janet Bolton. I first saw her work in a book (“Quiltebogen, Kendte quilters ideer og teknik” by Michele Walker, translated into Danish) that I bought in Copenhagen almost 20 years ago.

  6492. That pile of fabric is so yummy!
    Thanks for the links. Interesting blogs… not like I need more to read but they’re going on my Reader!

  6493. Hanna,

    What an awesome list. A perfect thing to have around when you get in those creatively stuck modes. Having on your sidebar is a great idea. I may just print and hang in my studio…


  6494. Hi Hanna–You are such an inspiration to me. A friend and I have started an art group…women in my area who need to make time for art…we call it RAW for “random art workshops”. Many of my friends are totally new to art journaling, and i have recommended your blog to them. You are so generous with your knowledge and sharing of your experiences. Plus I just LOVE the colors you use! I have just started a blog of my own…stop by to see some of your influence!

  6495. What a fun idea! It would be interesting to see the number of different countries from which the ten postcards originated. A company like Hallmark should sponsor something like this for a new postcard printing line for next Valentine?s Day. Postcards are great for an occasion to send a greeting to many friends and family

  6496. There’s no question how beautiful your pages are Hanna but the card is just equally gorgeous! xoxo tj

  6497. Hanna – this is so awesome! I especially like securing creative time alone. Introverts unite! Alone, of course. ;)

  6498. My sister and I always make presents for her friends for the holidays. I’m thinking these would be a great idea with some new cute pens this year!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6499. 50. Visit Hanna’s blog for some insanely fabulous inspiration!

    Thanks for this gift

  6500. Hi Hanna. I discovered your blog recently and I find it very inspiring.You gave me desire to jump in and play in the 21 secrets!

  6501. Hellow!

    I love your site, It is a pleasure to visit.

    I have added your site to my site.

    Please link my site to your site.

    Thank you!

  6502. I so love the colors you used! You have such fun fabric. I’ve done a few with soft florals and lace, but now I must try some bolder colors! Thanks for the info on the Creative Revolutionaries. Off to check it out now.

  6503. Nice nudge – I can’t remember the last time I played with fabrics. I’m sure I have some scraps stashed somewhere, in addition to the almost-forgotten larger boxes with larger pieces. Maybe it’s time to get them out of the closet :)

  6504. I love this idea, Hanna. :) I don’t know why, but I tend to not bring my camera with me, unfortunately. And it’s always during thoses moments that I could catch an interesting subject! Doh!
    It make me shy sometimes to take pictures of people without them knowing… But I’m getting better at it since I’m hanging with a friend who always does that. ^-^ And, by having a blog, it also helps me because I know that I have to take pictures for my blog.
    So, from now on, I shall always bring my camera with me around! ^-^ AND take pictures. ;-)

  6505. Yeah, you! I lov Diana’s idea too but haven’t gotten aound to doing any of the nudges yet. Have a few projects I want to complete (or be as close to completing as humanly possible) before 21 secrets start. Only one more day to go- woohoo! Tissue paper at the ready lol!

  6506. I know, it will be so fun to see what you and the other students do in my class and the other classes too. I’m sneak peaking right now… Hehe, it”s looking good.

  6507. Thank you for having a blog – you are so inspiring and full of ideas and links and colors, reading you always makes me want to create something

  6508. Perfect post! I’ve been contemplating some of these very same thoughts lately, and that book sounds like the answer…I will try to see if I can find it here at a library.
    Thanks for posting such a thought provoking post! :D

  6509. Wow, this journal entry is “perfectly” cool. It turned out so groovy with the two profile shots page-to-page. I totally agree with the “a lot of work” stage. Happy creations from germany, tj

  6510. Wow – such a truly beautiful post. I am so grateful that you linked to my blog – so happy to connect on such a powerful topic. And you are SOOO very much enough :).

  6511. Happy Birthday Smilla! Hope Hanna gives you lots of treats to celebrate! You must be a Libra, like me. I just had a birthday too. ♥

    I love those pencil labels, Hanna, so cute!

  6512. Jeannine, happy birthday to you too! :-) Smilla says she is not at all happy with her celebrations around here… but she is glad you are thinking about her! :-)

  6513. Kristin, thanks for commenting! Yes, I have seen those lacey labels, creative prompt is on my rss-read. I love them too! There are sooo many good ones out there! Only wish ink wasn’t so expensive and would run out so fast… hehe.

    Lisa, thank you. Smilla is a sweet heart! :-)

  6514. Free printable labels are fun. I still use the ones you created.

    Happy birthday to Smilla. My Diesel turned 6 back in April.


  6515. This is one of those projects that, the minute I see it, I have to do it, like, immediately. I happened to be at the dollar store today and grabbed some cheap composition notebooks. They worked great and had the added benefit that I didn’t have to do anything about the binding edge – I just ran the paper up to the taped edge that was already there!! I think I’m going to use these as Christmas gifts – they’d make great teacher gifts. Thanks for the idea.

  6516. Takk for masse inspirasjon! Jeg har kost meg i bloggen din en stund n?, og s? kjekt at du er fra Sverige!!
    Kommer nok tilbake til deg, skal du se:0)
    Ha en str?lende helg!

  6517. Thank you so much! Linen, yes I drew and painted the map. The idea comes from Jeannine who commented just before you did. She wrote so inspiring about naming your inner places I just felt compelled to make my own map of my “inside”. Fun!

  6518. Oooh, I’ve to draw my inner map!!! Thank for inspiring me!
    I love the photo with autumnal leeves: they have a strange and fascinating color (here in Italy ruby red leeves are coming!).

  6519. Hello, Hanna!!
    Thank you so much for leaving the encouraging note on my blog. This is my first time here and I immediately felts a warm embrace…it’s very beautiful and a reflection of your soul :) Namaste!

  6520. Such lovely peaceful pics, and that map is just fabulous! I can see myself doing that. So cool! Thanks for sharing!

  6521. it is absolutely gorgeous!
    I love that you included so many photos of detail – I looked and looked, soaking it all in!
    simply beautiful :)

  6522. Thanks for commenting Liberty!
    Haha, yes a lot of images… I get kind of in love with my work and take a LOT of photos! :-)

  6523. Hi Hanna – I love the map like everyone else! :) It reminds me of a map I did a loooong time ago – I think it was in one of SARK’s books (Creative Companion?). I think it would be fun to do a new map and then dig out the old and compare topography. :) Thanks for the great ideas.

  6524. These just sing . . . I’d say your inner landscape is a place of sacred joy, according to your title and this beautiful piece!

  6525. Working on the 21 Secrets and still putting out intricate art! You amaze me! I’m still trying to get my tissue paper piece finished for your class.

    Great job on the videos, by the way. You seemed a little nervous–certainly understandable for your first lesson. That just made it more endearing. I found it comforting that I wasn’t the only one that was nervous.

  6526. Hanna, this is soooo beautiful! did you start it with a fabric base? and then add as you go? love to try something like this someday! How big is this piece of embroidery?

  6527. Thank you all so much for your kind comments!

    Carol W, oh wow – that is the nicest thing ever! Thank you!

    Baye, I did finished this piece long before the 21 secrets class was even invented, I promise! So glad you enjoy the videos, thank you for your feedback on the videos. I enjoyed talking about art journaling (a lot!) but as English is not my first language I stammer a bit every now and then. Can’t wait to see your tissue paper pages! :-)

  6528. Herm, thank you!
    I didn’t write as much in this post because this is part III in the series and I explained a bit about the materials and base of this embroidery in my first post about the green embroidery earlier this year. Check that post out!

    The embroidery is 23 x 23 centimeter (9×9 inches).

  6529. Oh Hanna, this is just wonderful! Honestly, I could drown in it it’s that scrummy. And thanks for all the detail shots!

  6530. Got me missing Japan with this post, I was stationed there for 4yrs and let me tell you the BIG Buddha himself is ginormous LOL. Love this post

  6531. This post really resonated with me. I started an abstract painting a while ago (inspired by Kelly Rae and Pam) and it sat for a while, a couple of times. It’s progressing but slowly. I love to let it sit out and when I have a few moments, here and there, I just dabble a little more. It’s a wonderful break between feeding children, cleaning children and entertaining children to just add the perfect green, or blue, or pink.

  6532. Great post! Ooooh….I love the colors you’ve started with so far! I agree….it’s not as easy as some think. Keep on keepin’ on!!!

  6533. This is something that’s been percolating in my head, too. While I have long had an admiration and love for abstract works, learning to work with paint myself has definitely changed that love, deepened it, and created new awareness.
    When visiting the Hirshhorn a couple of years ago, I spent an extended period of time in a small gallery of works by Amy Sillman. I suddenly wasn’t engaged with just the visual presented to me, but much more so with the How. In one of the canvases, there was a small area of a green glaze–I suddenly realized what a choice that was, not mere happenstance. Not only did the artist likely blend that specific shade of green, but then she chose to add a glazing medium to get that effect. And those were all choices made even before paint met canvas.
    I suppose this is a much longer way of describing what you said so beautifully–I found that I had earned my “artist’s eyes.”

  6534. Linen and Tulle (you don’t have a name? it feels kind of strange calling you buy your blog’s name), thank you for commenting! Glad you find time to paint while taking care of the children, and that this art form inspires you too! :-)

  6535. Angelique, oh thank you for your lovely comment! I think your description is wonderful and it helps deepens my understanding of abstract. Thanks for the link too, Amy’s work is very different from what I have in mine for my abstract painting, but it is very cool and yummy colours! Thanks for sharing!

  6536. oh, I totally agree that it’s easy to create a mess! it’s making it seem easy that is so hard…perhaps one has to try it before judging… this is a great topic…because I think a lot of folks don’t understand or appreciate art that is not so “mainstream” or “beautiful”…

  6537. Hanna,

    For me abstract art is so attractive (I think) because it gives me the freedom to undergo the work itself, its atmosphere, to enable it to resonate with ‘something’ inside myself. Not judging/observing a subject, a picture, but just the feeling. And you are so right, it ain’t easy at all to make abstract art. Thank you for choosing this topic in your post!
    Sint Maarten

  6538. Hi, Hanna! I have always been drawn to abstract art of all kinds. And often I have heard people comment that it looks like a child could do it. So, when I started seriously following my arty muse, I realized what you mentioned, about how it is not as easy as people assume it is! I actually love abstract expressionism, too, and that is definitely NOT easy, not something that’s readily accessible. But it pleases me so much aesthetically that I know it speaks to me. I love your explorations, always. You are willing to be daring! Bravo!

  6539. Hanna, how healthy this is! I have turned back from my younger needs to be perfect or expect perfection or even love something that is perfect. That can really feel so dull. There is no where to go from perfection! It is static and not dynamic. Something I wrote about in my blog speaks a bit to this. Lately I have wondered what exactly people expect. From themselves, but mostly from others. Leave others to be what they are, with flaws and mistakes. And I try to allow my art to be always moving!!

    I will be in Paris soon, and not back to visit for awhile. I’m glad I got to see what you have been up to!

  6540. ooh, I love the russian owl! :)
    in my opinion painting the cover of the journal it’a a good idea. it’s a little too golden/brown for my taste. I don’t know what kind of colors you have to use on leather to have a lasting result. mmmhh.
    I’m not a collector, but I really love watch others’ collections, as my mum’s collection of “presepe” (you know, a typicall italian representation of Christ’s nativity).
    Have a funny week end, Hanna! :)

  6541. Beautiful. I love owls.

    I evidently collect Peeps – those sugar-coated marshmallow chick blobs they sell at Easter. Years ago I purchased some small plush Peeps (chicks and bunnies), and ended up using a pink chick as my mascot on I became associated with Peeps by some local friends who are also members of Markeroni and (another group I am very active with), and since then I have accumulated two additional Peep plushies, two t-shirts, a bag, a coloring book, and other assorted swag. My friends just give this stuff to me when they find it. One even took me on a visit to the only Peep store in the nation (which, luckily, we happen to live near).

    I never intended to collect Peeps, but somehow it happened. Even my husband has been known to buy me a Peep or two from time to time. But I can’t say I mind. I love them – both as toys and as food.

  6542. So the collection grows…! Your mom is awesome. I love the cell-phone purse the best. If that leather journal were mine, I’d hack off the cover and use it as a stamp or make rubbings with it and either make a new cover or just use the paper up…! Have fun…

  6543. You were into owls long before it was a trend and I love that. You’ve got very distinct likes and dislikes and I also like that. Therefore, I would say go ahead and paint the owl journal cover! I think it’d be worse if you never ever used it than to make it into something you really like and then will enjoy using. It’d be really pretty in pink!
    I LOVE your cell phone purse! Your mom is awesome! =c) My favorite owl in your collection is the clear pencil cup though, hehe.

    I collect black cat – anything! My collection grows in leaps in bounds in October because of Halloween, though I don’t like anything that also features anything else Halloween-y. Just cats! =c) ( I even have a black cat tattoo!)

  6544. I love this….the colors, the stitches….I have been looking at what Pam G. has been doing & I’m getting inspired to try embroidery again….great piece, Hanna!!!

  6545. Fun post!! Love all of your things you shared. Your mom is uber talented, I can see where you got your creativity from… it’s in the genes!

    Just watched a movie on Frida Kahlo…. feel a connection with her now. Fun to see your Frida journal.

  6546. I, too, say paint the cover. It should be interesting to see how the leather takes the paint.
    Currently, I collect a few things: ladybugs, bats, monkeys.
    I’ve always loved owls too but don’t collect them. When I see owl objects at thrift stores, I immediately think of you. Too bad shipping is expensive or I’d send you quite a few things. (Or maybe it’s a good thing that shipping is expensive!)


  6547. I have a collection of Edgar Allan Poe related things- various action figures, art pieces, books, etc. I also collect Mexican folkart (Day of the Dead items, sacred hearts, Virgin de Guadalupe items, etc.)

  6548. Thanks for commenting and letting me know you are all very liberated about painting on precious leather journals! Now I am inspired to do it!

    And also about your collections… wow how fun it is to read about those! Sophie and U2Kitthe should download the Halloween pdf – both bats and black kitties in that one – made me think of you!

    Oh, and TJ – I can not believe I didn’t think of rubbing or stamping with it. Thank you for that idea! :-)

  6549. Hanna –
    Thank you for posting these photos/sharing your work. I’ve been wanting to do something like this and you’ve inspired me to get going! Perfect timing with winter coming on.
    Faye (in Minnesota)

  6550. I’d be interested to see what you’d do with the journal if you decide to paint it! I love it as is, so I’m having trouble visualizing it as pink. I’ll bet you would come up with something fabulous.

    I collect owls, too. You have some nice ones.

  6551. I’ve been keeping a journal for quite a few years, but have only in the past 2 years begun drawing in it as well. Love it!

    4 years ago my husband gave me a plain black journal that I hadn’t yet used. But I’ve recently begun exploring art journaling and, with us possibly looking at spending a year in Korea I’ve begun creating background pages in that journal to be used in Korea for writing or drawing on. I’m going crazy with the gesso, with collaging and with various paint techniques. Love it too!

    I’m becoming free… So I think you should paint on your journal cover if that’s what you feel like doing. Go for it!

  6552. I too love Jude Hills’ work! But I fell so lazy when I see all her projects on the blogg. She is showing something new almost every day. I’m longing to see the result of your work as well, Hanna!

  6553. Elisabet, thanks for commenting! Comparing yourself to others is never easy – everyone else seems to be doing so much more, but I agree, Jude is hard to keep up with. :-)

  6554. I have been a fan of her site for quite some time , too. Recently I started a flanell quilt that I pick up and sew on every now and then all due to getting inspired by her blog posts. Good luck with your project, looks very interesting. I have tea dyed some cotton fabric before and it is a great way of getting it to look kind of vintage..

  6555. Lisbeth, thanks! I like your “primitive stitchery” pillow too, isn’t it nice to have an embroidery project around to stitch on… :-)

  6556. your post just makes me want to pick up a needle and start stitching! i can’t wait to see what you do with this project.

  6557. Thank you Laurie, stitching is fun when you take the time to do it. To me it feels like a bit of a labor to “get started” on a project and once I am sewing I don’t want to stop!

    Christine, thanks for your comment!

  6558. I love this painting! It’s so beautiful and so is the post, the way you described this whole new process for you. I’m so relieved that I’m not the only person in the world who occasionally brings artwork into bed. Your friend in germany, tj

  6559. TJ, thanks! What a gift it is to be able to love what we create! I wish I had a huge white wall where I could hang everything I create to admire it for a while and see the collection grow! Maybe one day…

    Cynthia, thanks for your visit! So glad you like the painting too, I wasn’t sure anyone else would “see” it my way… :-)

  6560. I love that you are exploring abstract art and totally know what you mean about feeling good about the process but sometimes feeling lost and confused. I think it’s that struggle and process that makes the whole thing art! You are working with the painting, the colors the movement, etc to make something emerge… it’s definitely so freeing and above all – FUN! I will definitely have to try this more loose and free expression method of painting…rather than a really controlled drawing or such…which is still fun, but so different!

  6561. IYou have inspired me to take a painting to bed with me tonight…one is really giving me brain-ache – I just don’t know what to do next…it’s not finished….and I like it….
    so maybe if I let it be near my dreams tonight, It will ‘speak’ to me tomorrow…!

  6562. I love it, too, Hanna. The combination of colors and circular movement seem like peaceful spots in an otherwise linear and angular world.

  6563. I don’t think it’s silly at all!
    I think this is a beautiful painting. I love how it looks. ♥
    And I know that wonderful feeling of having created something we truly love – it’s awesome! It feels so good :-)
    I’m glad you felt that way :)

  6564. I love how you love this painting.

    Once I painted a self-portrait and I loved it so much I didn’t leave the house for a couple of days because I didn’t want to leave it.

  6565. Claire, thanks for your comment and honesty about your own love for painting. I hope you still paint and fall in love with your creations every now and then!? :-)

  6566. i had a friend that was an abstract painter who always kept turning his canvas as he worked. he painted really large pieces, using brushes, rollers, pallet knives and whatever he found.

    nice job. looks like it was fun.

  6567. Lovely… I see a fairy world with a floating purple castle…
    I have an easel in my bedroom and when I create a painting I really love, I leave it on there so I can see it before going to sleep and as soon as I wake up.


  6568. Hanna, This is so very wonderfully YOU! The color, the happy look and feel, the hidden layers. How fun to expand into something new, with all of the art you have created over the years as a basis.

  6569. Nice ! How did you paint it ? With a brush ?
    That’s difficult to make abstract and you did a good job, I think, for your first try!
    Have a good day!

  6570. I recently found Jude’s website and some other stitching artists…it has inspired me to start embroiderying again…I ordered one of the samplers that Charlotte Lyons offers and I’m working on that. This weaving piece looks very inspring too…love it! Show us what it looks like after you do more to it.

  6571. I love these pages, Hanna! They are deliciously colorful. I’m also a freak for incorporating found dated items into my journal pages. (Big fan of parking meter receipts and library stamps.) Thanks for sharing your creations!

  6572. Thanks Kristin! I glue in all kinds of stuff, but the date is a stamp. I found the date stamp a few years ago I fell in love and I use it all the time now, it’s a favorite tool! If you don’t own one yet you must get one!

  6573. I love your grid! I like how it manages to look both ordered and disordered at the same time. I’ve been rather obsessed with grids in my own art journal and sketchbook journal lately, and I think your page has given me some new ideas that I can’t wait to try out.

  6574. Beautiful! I can appreciate your apprehension when beginning to make abstract art! I too am embarking on this journey with my painting and at times I say to myself, “what a mess I’ve made” and other times I love the piece. I have promised myself that I will continue to experiment, as I love abstract. Your painting is gorgeous! Can you share what materials you used to create it, meaning, brushes, palette knife, stencils, etc. I love it.

  6575. Thank you for all you lovely comments!

    Anne-Laure and Patti, I didn’t think to share what kind of materials I used because it was so simple. Just one flat quite soft brush and acrylic paint on a gessoed canvas. No stencil used, the circles are painted freely.
    Now that you remind me of it I will try my unused palette knife next time! On my wish list now is an easel, I have never tried painting standing up.

  6576. I actually think “grids and lines” was one of the hardest prompts for this project, just because it is deceptively simple. I love that you’re cutting it back even further too, using it to explore rather than making complex sketches using grids and lines.

    Simplicity can be hard, especially if you’re used to art journalling and adding, adding, adding. The pages you’ve made/ shown are fabulous though in their simplicity. Can’t wait to see what else you make for the project.

    Oops, just jammed the printer for the layers of tissue print out! Gues I’ll be stamping instead lol!

  6577. That’s great! I hesitated to join sketchbook project, since I heard about it late, and the prompts kind of intimidated me. But I absolutely LOVE your interpretation of “grids and lines”. I love simplicity as well, and yes, it’s super hard to hold yourself back from adding more. :) Can’t wait to see more!

  6578. I think those pages are beautiful so the whole sketchbook will be beautiful as well.
    I think that the beauty of a project like this is that everyone has a different view of how their sketchbook should be filled and it creates a wonderful eclectic collection.

    Kudos to you for trying the “simple” route. I know I have a hard time holding back when creating.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  6579. wow! this looks so cool, never thought of making grids in my art journal page, what a great idea, I only have one question though, in the second picture I see a pink flower near the # 3 is that a stamp? I like how it looks kind of faded how did you do that? thanks so much for sharing with us

  6580. Great blog post! I love grids too and minimalistic art. I have a tendency to overdo everything too and often don’t find out until harm is already done. I often read your blog and find it very inspiring, but am a bit lazy to write as it takes me a lot of time to formulate correct English phrases. Thanks for letting me accompany you on your art journey! I want to go in the same direction!

  6581. Thanks a lot for sharing your thoughts about sketchbooks with us! It is always so inspiring to see what you are doing. I am almost always keeping things too simple and I am struggling with the challenge to add thing. I’m looking forward to a class IRL!

  6582. Hi Hanna….every time I come by your blog, you have something different going on….love the variety and love your art!

  6583. Hanna, I really really like these pages! I struggle a great deal with keeping it simple in my art, but I think I need to give this one more go!

  6584. Thanks for the lovely comments!
    Clemencia, to answer your question, the flower is a small stamp for children that I own, and it looks faded because I used a pink inked stamp pad on a acrylic background painted pink. Kind of neat effect (that I didn’t plan), huh?

  6585. Mary, thank you so much, I like variety I guess, and there is so much beauty to see and explore!

    Jodi, thank you so much, I think it is quite incredible that my “happiness photos” can make other happy too – what a gift that is! Happy autumn! Lots of Yellow leaf photos to come, I was out walking through piles of them today and it was lovely!

  6586. Wow, Catherine, thank you! I’m not sure yet but I promise there will be more abstract paintings soon. I’ve got three on my desk right now… :-)

  6587. I’m glad you love it because it is magnificent! Well done for being so brave and at the same time giving me courage to be brave too!

  6588. Hi Hanna! Thanks for stopping by at my blog and also over on my Flickr! It looks as if we share a few interests and collecting ephemera is definately one of them :)
    The journal page with the strips of paper is a really good idea!
    I have also taken part in an Art House Sketchbook Project, it’s fantastic to be a part of a project like that! x

  6589. I’m not a girly girl but I surprisingly find your scarves so cute and pretty! :D

  6590. Thanks for commenting!
    Silvia, thanks for the link! I’ve never carved a pumpkin, but if I would it would look like that owl one! Thanks!

  6591. Hellow!
    I love your site, It is a pleasure to visit.
    I have added your site to my site.

  6592. Beautiful pictures, as always. Question: i have seen a picture of your camera before, and I am wondering a few things: do you have an education in photography? have you studied it, or is it just a hobby?? (i wonder because I have to change my camera soon, and it’s not a good one and I just want a better one, not too complicated, that has a good focus and all that..) anyway.. i was just wondering :)
    Keep up posting often, it is wonderful to be able to come here and see new things so often :)

  6593. i am loving what you are doing with your sketchbook! when i read your topic i had no idea what you would do with it so it has been fun to see your pages so far.
    i was really working on my own a few weeks ago but then started some other projects. thanks for reminding me that i’d better get it back out and get to work!

  6594. Thanks for all the stimulating ideas. I know I’ll refer to your list when I journal … need a new theme, etc. I’m rather bored with ATCs and stamping cards, so need to return to my artist journal and just have fun. I’ll be sure to return to your page again and again.

  6595. Hi Hanna! Did you receive my message a couple days ago via your blog contact? Let me know your thoughts… you can email me back.
    Many thanks!

  6596. Hi Hanna, :-)

    You’re making remind me that I yet have to draw in a lot of the pages of the Sketchbook! :-p So, yes, there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. Phew!

    And I also believe that “to keep it simple” is the key to finish this sketchbook on time. ;)
    Yours looks great, so far! :-D And you didn’t chose the easiest subject, so I’m impressed.
    And I had forgotten about my account on Arthouse. I will need to update it with my sketchbook pictures!
    Take care, :)

  6597. “Before I became a intensely creative person I was intensely obsessed with something else: books! I was a reading girl and books was my passion!”…. One would think that with all of those books you have read, you would know that the proper grammar would be “an intensely” and “books were”….. No big deal tho

  6598. This is so beautiful! I love the detail and all of the delicate little bits to look at. There is so much to see:)

  6599. I found your site from Pumpkin Delight. I love it. I?m going to poke around a little bit, but don?t worry I?ll put everything back where I found it!!

  6600. Hanna, as always, you bring me such inspiration!
    I have been thinking about weaving cloth to embroider on for a little while now and this post, right here, is definitely going to be my diving board. I will be starting this weekend (after a trip to the thrift store in hopes of finding vintage sheets or curtains to cut up and use!)

    This piece is so peaceful. So beautiful.


  6601. Hanna, it’s beautiful. Mouth dropping beautiful. Your work always inspires.

  6602. Hanna these are both stunning! I love the Grandma quilt, it seems to me very, very vintage. This blue one reminds me of the 40’s and 50’s and kitchen towels and curtains… Wonderful! Makes me want to learn to sew!!! More please!!!

  6603. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about this post Hanna! You made so many good observations and it made me realize I’m really “over-thinking” and “over-planning” mine. It’s a SKETCH book for cripes sake!! Emphasis on “SKETCH” and not necessarily intended for “finished” work. Best post I’ve read anywhere in a long time. Keep up the great work! Happy creations from germany, tj

  6604. Hanna!
    I really enjoy looking at your embroidered pieces. You have such feeling for putting the fabric, stitches and colours together. Yes I agree with the previous. More please!!

  6605. Good point. I am parto of this project and I was procrastinating for the same reasons. I did not procrastinated my sketches, then if I keep it simple I can put everything I have sketched and then I’ll be happy and less stressed out. Tha is the point…we should enjoy the ride and sketch for the pleasure it gives! Thank you so much for sharing your insights! Nice to meet you through this amazing journey!

  6606. hanna – love hearing about this piece, and your venture into abstract. fun colors and composition. i really connect with this genre and can swept away for hours just painting to see what emerges. so let me ask you this – did taking the painting to bed affect your dreams that night??

  6607. Thanks for your comment! Michelle, painting is a lot of fun. I don’t remember any specific dreams from that night, but I’m sure I was painting abstract in some dream the week after so I was sure working to solve the problem full time! :-)

  6608. Oh oh oh! I love those mushrooms! This last summer we had no rain to speak of and my entire haul of black trumpets was a total of five small ones. Such a bounty! Suck a basket! Beautiful! I trust you had some good meals from those.

  6609. Just found this blog, and I love it!
    With notebooks, I tend to go back and forth between the large Moleskine, a medium Ciak (shorter but fatter, and better paper), a small Miquelrius flexible notebook and my most expensive (but worth it) notebooks so far; the smaller sized Adam’s journal.
    That one does have lines, unfortunately, but I find I can ignore them while drawing.

    As for pens, fountain pen only!
    Current favorite; Pilot Prera with an M nib (which is more like an XF in western terms) with Noodler’s ink, usually Bulletproof Black.

  6610. yikes – book references in your entry – and I cannot resist going in search for them! I am a paper nut, a bookaholic and a writer (who wishes she had artistic abilities, too, but alas, I must be happy with my stick figures and hippy flowers that I can muster).
    So happy to find this spot and see what’s up in art journaling! I do treat myself to those Somerset magazines from time to time and ogle the Art Journaling editions. Hope to learn by reading about it and listening to all y’all who do it so fluently.

  6611. I love the stamp that you mentioned! I noticed it right away and until you told me otherwise, I thought it was a paper doily that was dyed green. I love it, though! I was excited to see this update about art journaling, especially after reading your recent interview on JournalingSaves.

  6612. I love it! I’m still working on making marks on the page so I am excited for the day when I can experiment and play with abandon :)

  6613. Pretty good idea. However, if you go real big let’s say 4’x12 the paper will tear. I’ve been painting XL for years. Pollock style. Brown paper is a great idea but does not structurally hold up when trying to stretch

  6614. I’m so late, Hanna, once again! My sister in law used to collect owls. I saw so many of them and the surrounded us when I lived in her home. I still think they are so sweet, but I could never have them all around me again…
    I don’t really collect anything, but I do have a vast supply of papers and surfaces for collaging on and with! does that count?

  6615. My theme is lines and grids, too. I am just now getting started on the drawing after preparing all the pages. Yours looks so cool, and i’m naturally drawn to grids and geometrics. But of course, your colors are what get me. yum!

  6616. Oh, your sketchbook will be fantastic! I love this project because we all can do very different things, and they will all be in the same traveling exhibit together! I am scared about ‘messing up’ my sketchbook, but I have to allow it to flow and be organic. That is what I’m reminding myself when I feel the ‘planner’ working ovetime!

    rock on, Hanna!

  6617. I don’t know how you did this, but you are insanely talented. I wish I could do such art half as good as you?

  6618. Oh, thanks for your comment! I don’t think the “artistic abilities” needs to be in drawing or not, but you can play in an art journal with colours and collage without knowing anything, though you will not learn if you don’t do it yourself and try different things. I hope you try art journaling too, it is a great compliment to writing – and you get to buy more paper and pens! ;-)

  6619. Thank you so much for commenting!
    Erica, I like your self portrait in your art journal that I saw on your blog and I’m glad I inspired you to try a monocromatic page too! Take care!

  6620. Kate, thanks for your lovely comment! I am not sure that I am anything like “insanely talanted”, you should’ve seen my first tries at collage and art journaling, then I was a beginner that did not know anything about layering or my style… But after a few years of doing it constantly I’m getting to a place where my pages are layered, colourful and very “me”. I think anyone could go there if they wanted to, if is so fun to play and have fun on a page! Take care and be good to yourself.

  6621. I love these pages, these helped inspire me to use collage more in my journal, I find that I am drawn to it more, still learning how to use the collage and paint together! Great pages!

  6622. allts? vilken inspiration man f?r av din blogg!! heelt otroligt! du har verkligen en otroligt fin g?va och det ?r s? fint att du delar med dig!! ?h, man vill bara pyssla och s?tta ig?ng och vara kreativ! helt fantastiskt! man blir s? glad och inspirerad som sagt, ?r otroligt glad att jag hittade din blogg, har blivit lite beroende, haha! :)

  6623. What fun!!!! Love these pages….and you are right….it does give one oxygen! I always feel refreshed and energized when I get to play in my journal.

  6624. Hi Hanna

    Just realized you’ve actually tried out the “flower-pattern” AND found yourself/ your ATC included in my book!

    I always feel a bit the same way when I see my book – or other pieces “of me” in somebody’s blog posts: Surprised – and also a bit confirmed/ honored: somebody appreciate my stuff.

    I’m always happy to see what people are doing with the inspiration. Because whatever they make up from a pattern or idea of mine – somehow the result always ends up with a little twist/ something “extra” that makes that very piece individual – and especial theirs.

  6625. these pages are bursting with energy and life! looking at them, into them, is as boosting as downing a big cup of coffee.

  6626. Hello IHanna
    Many thanks for your kind comment.
    I love your free use of colour and collage in your art book it makes an exciting page!
    M x

  6627. Oh these pages have so much to look at. It looks like you had so much fun doing these and completely let go. I hope to be that brave in my art journaling one day. Your inspiration will make that day sooner rather than later. Thanks

  6628. you have put so much thought into your sketchbook. i am very impressed and it makes me want to “step up” the creativity on my own. thanks for sharing.

  6629. I like your pages, the symbolism of the lines and how you have used that in the spreads. Thanks for sharing

  6630. Jag tycker mest om det andra uppslaget, det ?r s? avskalat men ?nd? inneh?llsrikt. Lite “less is more”.

  6631. Fantastic pages! I have been diving in to my art journal much more lately and love it! Thanks for the inspiration, they look great.

  6632. Inspired as always by your art journaling projects! I am intrigued by this method of picking a theme (lines,grids,etc.) and filling a book with it, just like the colors ones you were working in. I absolutely want to try this!
    I love punches too and agree that the simpler ones hold so much more possibility than the fancy shaped ones! (Also, I can’t afford all the pretty ones I want!)

  6633. You go girl! My book is still sitting on my table. UNTOUCHED. Yikes! Maybe I’ll fly to Sweden and steal yours, leaving my blank one in it’s place…??? Happy creations from your friend in germany, tj

  6634. This is totally amazing, Hanna. You have such skill with fabrics and stitches. The complexity of the layers of texture, the subtle colors – just a gorgeous piece.

  6635. Hanna, I sure wish I could see yours in person. i don’t know if I’ll make it to SF. My sketchbook is not going to be any fatter than it is now, which is about an inch and a half thick. I’ve already bulked it up with surfaces, such as the punched squares you mention (although I cut them by hand), and tissue texture, but after that it has been only penwork. It’s holding up fine so far.

    I love your interpretation of the theme. So graphic and expressionist. Great work!

  6636. Great pictures! I have a HTC Desire so if you remember the name of that app I would love to know it!
    I was going to go out this weekend taking pictures of Autumn, the trees around here are looking glorious!

  6637. beautiful photos Hanna, love the colours and the black and white ones add an atmosphere that goes with the season. autumn and winter my favourite times.

  6638. Lovely! I adore autumn as well…the colors are just so rich and vibrant. There’s that crisp clean scent….and pumpkin lattes and pumpkin bread!

  6639. Oh, Hanna, these photos are amazingly beautiful ! You captures autumn, my favorite season too, so perfectly in mood and in sight. Brava !

  6640. Great pictures, Hanna! It looks like the Retro Camera app. It’s fun, right? Just one of the resons to get an HTC Desire… (-;

  6641. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I’m stuck inside this weekend, so looking at your photos was like taking a walk. :) I love the shot of you in the leaves; I like your gloves as well.

    Enjoy your weekend, Hanna!

  6642. First – I love how your “Slow Cloth” project turned out.

    Although a bit more structured, only because I have an end result in mind, I am currently in the middle of a project in which I am also weaving my base and then embroidering on the surface – if it ever, ever gets off the loom that is!

    Are you familiar with Saori weaving, Hanna? If you like I will send a couple links – let me know. I think it would be a perfect fit for you.

  6643. Thank you for sharing all these fantastic images of your corner of the world.

    I love that you find so much in each season to celebrate that each one becomes your favorite in it’s turn. You are definitely a person who can find beauty and wonder in little things and lives life with passion and curiosity.

  6644. inspiring. I’m going for a walk. I was going to have coffee and sit here and write but I think I need to get outdoors and it will likely replace the need for coffee!

  6645. Hi Hanna. Love your pictures, especially the black and whites. There is something about black and white photos that let you really SEE the object, rather than the colors. Autumn and Spring are my two favorite seasons, although Summer and Winter do have some glorious days. Continue to enjoy and create.

  6646. I love your pics! Yes, some photos look like RetroCamera and the other ones like they are taken with Vignette

  6647. Fun photos. I really like the one of the lonely sheep and the one of you in the leaves.
    I love autumn too. Definitely my favourite season.

  6648. Questo ? il blog al femminile che preferisco. Sempre pieno di idee e di immagini bellissime!

  6649. So pretty.
    Yeah, it’s really nice when the weather allows me to use a blanket, make hot chocolate, sit home in the rain and paint. These photos are so nice. Thanks.

  6650. They are really cute, I like them so much, anyway I found this website that can create a super-realistic doll heads of anyone from just a photo. Imagine making doll of yourself, your kids, your boss or your favorite celebrity!

    Apparently they can make the heads in many scales to fit Barbie-like dolls, Tonner dolls or even smaller figurines like Polly Pocket.

  6651. I love these pictures. Your artistic tools show wear meaning they have been being used for creating. How wonderful!

  6652. Thanks for promoting my give-aways! I always get a ton of hits whenever you mention me! I love your Halloween pages!

  6653. aw, I can’t get enough of those two cute ghosts on your journal page! and Charlotta’s pumpkins are awesome!

  6654. Wow, those photos are stunning! I don’t celebrate Halloween (here in the UK) as it has become such a commercial “holiday” – I think your way is so much nicer!

  6655. Thank Rachel for your comment! Halloween has entered Sweden the past couple of years, but I’m not that impressed though I must say I’m drawn to skulls and darkness in the autumn… :-)

  6656. Amy, thanks for your comment! Light play is extremely fun – and easy. Just take photos in a dark room with one candle and experiment a bit with it.

  6657. This is so interesting. We celebrate All Saints Day on November 1st. It’s a very somber day for us and we usually go to the graves and clean them, bringing fresh flowers, some have mass. Growing up in South Louisiana it was very much a tradition tied to the Catholic church and our French heritage. I’ve since moved to the northern part of the US and I rarely hear people mention it.

    Your photos are really amazing. I love the idea of the candles at sunset. It seems more celebration of their lives rather than the somberness that we have.

  6658. These photos are fabulous. I love the glow you have captured in the first few pictures and the ones with the light play are great.
    We don’t celebrate Halloween much here in Australia either but I like the ritual you have and what it means.

  6659. That is so, so beautiful Hanna. I remember celebrating All Saints Day when I was a kid by dressing up as a saint and going to church. I forgot all about it–thanks for the warm memory.

    BIG Hugs!

  6660. We celebrate our All Saints’ day on the 1st of November and the tradition is more or less the same – a few days before the graves are ornated with flowers and on the day we light candles. (I don’t know where and when the tradition came from to Lithuania, but it’s a really nice way to remember the deceased. Halloween seems somehow ‘cheap’ compared to this, but it’s getting popular among the young ones.)

    I always dream of going to the cemetery when it gets dark, but usually we end up going early in the morning, to avoid the traffic jam – thousands of people flood to the cemetries and there’s always a problem where to leave the car. So you are lucky to have captured the stunning view! And I love your ‘dancing lights’, you could have fooled me that you’ve been to some very special fire show.

    P.S. ‘Memory grove’ is a very novel idea to me, considering our countries are only about 300km apart. Our people prefere the old fashioned way to be burried in the ground, we haven’t even got a crematorium.

  6661. I have to say, it’s one of the Swedish traditions I really miss, for many of the same reasons you’ve given here. And it’s just so darn beautiful seeing all those lit candles and the “granris” (my head’s gone blank- I can’t think what it’s called in english lol).

  6662. How beautiful! I haven’t thought about All Saints Day in many years! Growing up Catholic in northeastern US, it was one of the many days that were included in church services, but not a big deal. There was/is nothing at all in this area relating to visiting graves of relatives on that day.

    The only tradition that includes candles to this extent here is the fairly new idea of lining driveways with paper bag lanterns on Christmas eve. It been growing over the past twenty years and can be quite beautiful in neighborhoods where many people are participating–we have lots of long driveways here in suburbia!

    Halloween is a big deal around here with much decorating, partying, and, of course, treat or treating by the kids.

    Your light photos remind me of some I took couple of years ago. I got into taking close-ups of the fire in the fireplace. I was amazed by the perpetual changes and stunning, bright colors on the black background. I used some of them inside glass coasters.

    As ever, you have started an interesting conversation and lit a few creative “fires” in a few of us, too. Thanks.

  6663. Hi!
    Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog. I adore this post about All Saint’s Day. The sense of memory, passing time, and the closing gap between generations has often inspired my work. Beautiful photos too!

  6664. These all sound wonderful. You might want to consider looking at for #2 – I’ve never used it but it was recommended to me. (Not that I would ever want to make a font out of the secret code I like to call my “handwriting”.)

    #16 – Oh, I would LOVE to go to JournalFest! Maybe someday they’ll hold it closer than 2800 miles away from me! :)

    #18 – I love this idea. How do you put it together? A small binder, or what?

  6665. Thanks for commenting!
    Melydia, yeah,, there should be a JournalFest in each city, don’t you think? I live in Sweden so I can’t even calculate how far away (and how much it would cost) for me to go there… But maybe some day… *living in wishville today*
    I have several ideas about calendars but non is “finished” as of yet. Will post if I make one though.

  6666. There are a lot of things that I would like to do, too, but I?m too lazy to list them all! For instance No 19, Chinese paper cutting. Are you attending a course?

  6667. Hanna, I love Ur list! I haven’t done a creativity list in years. I wish I saved my older ones because it would b interesting to c what I still am passionate about now compared to what Ive given up for whatever the reason. U could so do,a,calendar so easily with all the pretty pages u’ve done. Yep, journalfest is on my wishlist too.

  6668. Elisabet, I dare you not to do paper cuttings this month! In the class (that you are already taking!) 21 Secrets on of the parts is actually called Ancient Chinese Papercutting Meets Modern Art Journal by Emma Peabody! I haven’t watched all the videos of hers yet but I am looking forward to do it.

    Anette Linnea, thank you!

    Eden, I have made several creative lists on my blog with links to tutorials etc, sometimes I revisit and get re-inspired by them! Lists are great ways to inspire and remember your ideas by.

  6669. There is never enough hours in the day, is there? But what fun you have to look forward to while experimenting with all of this!

  6670. Karen, no not enough hours. It becomes more evident when you make lists such as this one, though it also explains what you should prioritize in life! :-)

  6671. First of all Hanna, your blog is beautiful! Secondly, I love your list! I think I have one of these in my head, but writing it down would be great fun, and inspiring, I think. I think I’m going to join up on Listing Tuesday, because I LOVE making lists.

    If you make that font, I want to see it! How amazing would that be!

  6672. Oh Hanna! I wish you much luck and enjoyment fulfilling your list! =c) I don’t feel I say it enough, but thank you for sharing your incredible journal of creativity with us. You are so very talented and inspirational.

  6673. That’s a nice list. I constantly make lists of my own but just don’t post them.
    I’ve been thinking about doing something for 2011 like when we did Daily Art Cards. That was fun and I kind of miss the challenge. If you want to do something, I’d play along for sure.

  6674. Oh my goodness. You are so creative! How do you keep those creative juices flowing? Most of the things in your list I didn’t even know you could do. If you an on-line class…sign me up!

  6675. oo, what a great list – i want to make a bunting, too! did want to let you know that the link to Aimee’s blog doesn’t work!

  6676. Hanna I do love visiting your blog.
    I am a list maker but usually not big ones like this. For me the thought of a list like this is overwhelming but I like the quote at the end. Makes me see it differently and now I want to make that list

  6677. i DO love to make lists and i, too, feel horribly limited by time. you have inspired me to make my own list of creative things i want to do.

  6678. Great list, Hanna! Thank you for sharing it with us! I’m definitely a list-maker, too. I have two small white boards hung on my craft room wall that allow me to keep track of crafty projects I want to work on in the near future, and crafty projects that I need to make in the next month or so. Keeps me on track with prioritizing my crafty projects, but also lets me choose what I want to work on at that moment depending on how I’m feeling. Glad to know others love lists as much as I do!

  6679. 2011 seems like a good year to make something every day… I mean why not? I still love looking in my daily art cards book from last year.

    I want to start or do something big on 1/11/11… somehow I’d like to make a journal where you just fill in a small section or square everyday… like one of those funky calendar ones…

    I’ve also been playing with the Sketch app on my iPhone, it would also be cool to do something digital every day and then get it printed into a book at the end of the year…

    So many ideas. So little time…!

  6680. Ooh, something every single day of the year? Impressive! I’m not sure I could handle that. I have trouble just writing in my diary every day, and I completely failed at Thing-a-day last February. If they do it again in 2011 (as of this writing their URL is broken) I’m hoping to participate.

    However, my sister and I have agreed that 2011 will be our year to learn crochet, so it will certainly be a time of creative challenges, even if it’s not necessarily every single day.

  6681. I’ve been also thinking that 2011 will be a very creative year and I want to do something big. But I’m not sure yet the exact plan. I think I’ll need to do something that changes so I won’t get bored. I guess I have a few months to think about it.

  6682. I’m a chronic list maker and #1 & #2 are already on my list of creative things I want to do! Although I want to make miniature bunting for my bookshelves rather than full size, and I want to finish the lino-cut font I started for a project years and years ago.

    You’ve inspired me to publish my own list, maybe it will give me the incentive to strike a few off!

  6683. Hi Hanna,
    Been reading your blog for two months now and I love it! I’m very new to the idea of art journalling and I’m getting so much inspiration from creative people out there…
    I’ve been looking at the ‘art postcards’ class in 21 Secrets and was wondering about committing myself to making one each day of 2011 – interesting to see that you’ve done that before. I’m sure I would quickly get disappointed if I missed a day, so maybe i should aim for 100 in a year? A bit of time to make a plan before 2011!
    Keep writing the great posts!!

  6684. i’ve had a crazy busy year that has included a difficult pregnancy and my regular journaling and blogging habits have been completely derailed because of it. since our son is due any day now (or rather due 6 days ago and still not here), january sounds like the perfect time to take up the art every day challenge with you.

    let us know what you’re going to do, some form of accountability would be most helpful!

  6685. Like I said yesterday, I would definitely join you for a daily art project.

    This november, I’m doing Nanowrimo again. Tried getting into Nanojoumo but the prompts did not work for me.

    Your collages are gorgeous. I’m due for a good collaging session.


  6686. One tackles huge lists of projects the same way they tackle anything else: one step at a time. If the entire list is too overwhelming, it helps me to mentally “put away” all of it but the step in front of me… then do it again, and again, and again.

    I once walked 750+ miles in less than two months that way.

    My list? I have a Grey Knit Wrap dress I want to sew, and ideas for two different reconstructed dresses (which I’d like to make tutorials for as well). I have a host of projects in process: a helmetliner, my first socks, my Wonder Woman shirt. I’d like to make a polymer clay tutorial for a piece I think would make a good holiday gift, and I may well have my first craft show coming up, so there’s a lot of potential preparation there. Oh, and I want to build a trebuchet.

    My projects list, in fact, is insanely long. I think I need to have a go at reducing it.

    AAaaand I have a full time temp job that I have to drive an hour each way to get to, which really eats my time. Ahh!

  6687. Oh Hanna,

    These collages are great! You’ve done them partially digitally? I love collages. Must try more. SO much to do!

    Thank You for the inspiration.

  6688. Your sketchbook is going to be beautiful, Hanna. :) You’re defenetely going to finish this project!
    I’m very behind for the sketchbook project. Each time I see one of your post I’m like “Ah!! I still have to finish this project!” Eheh! ;)

  6689. The right page of the pink squares: it’s so dynamic that it’s hard to stop looking at it!

    They’re all really great!

  6690. That first collage is so terrific. I can totally see why you’re drawn to make these because you’re great at it, obviously you’ve just got an eye for this art form. I’ve only just started this myself and already I love it but I’m not nearly as awesome as you yet. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6691. Fanie, hehe, I get why you are “later” than me coz your work takes a bit longer. My “keep it simple” creates quick collages, maybe you need to fill a couple of pages with “quick sketches”? :-)

    Adrianne, thank you! How cool that you like the pink page. Me too!

    Michelle, hi! From pintarest right? So glad you found your way here too! Welcome back!

    Kate, thanks sweet you!

  6692. I do art every day, not because I should, but because I need to, for my sanity. Certainly art before laundry! But a series of like items, drawn/collaged/written each day, that might be interesting.

  6693. I take photographs everyday, I make an art journal page almost every day and everytime I need to send a letter, I personilaze the envelope (even if it is something for the bank or papers I have to send back to my employer!). Like Tammy said, a series of like items each day during 2011 would be fabulous. I am considering mail art…

  6694. your journal pages are such a delight… what is a quick creation to you, would take me days to complete! you amaze me!

  6695. These collages are fantastic. You have a great eye for layout and design. I love the scraps you’ve created and found. I look forward to seeing your other collages. I too am creating daily. My play is all over the medium map and includes some collage, photography, and ikebana. I find creating every day even on the days when I’m out straight and tired, opens me up and new ideas flow. I’m pushing to blog daily too so that cuts in to some of my creating time. Have fun! We are nearly 1/2 way through the month. Crazy how time flies.

  6696. I love your work. The collages are beautiful and it was fun to read your “story” about the family collage and imagine what their life is like :)

  6697. These are wonderful, Hanna! So are your journal pages.
    I am doing AEDM for the second year and I love it. I’m also doing the 21 Secrets workshops, which is amazing. I try to do something creative every day whether I’m involved in a project or not though. It keeps me sane! LOL

    I’ve been looking around your blog and your tutorials and have really enjoyed it. I’ll be back soon! :)

  6698. you always inspire me, hanna, to get my journal out and paint, glue, stamp, and write my day away.. these pages are spooky in all the right ways!

  6699. Ingrid, thanks for always being such a great commenter/cherer of me and my stuff! I wish you a great weekend full of art and light, not darkness! :-)

  6700. Aimee, thank you for commenting and inspiring the list earlier this week. I guess it would take me for ever to write such beautiful messages in the artsy way you do… Your posts always amazes me!

    Elisabet, haha, did you recognize the headline? Fun!

  6701. When I found Leah’s site last December I interpreted Creative Every Day as Art Every Day, except you only had to post/check-in weekly. Now I’m not sure that was the correct interpretation. I started Jan1st and am still on track for finishing up the year with some kind of a little creation in my blank books (on #4, may need to start #5)! Posting daily in November is harder than creating I find.

    Next year, while I will still create, it won’t be in this fashion. I am thinking bigger projects, like painting (52 painting in 52 weeks?) and working on art journals, versus daily little drawings.

    Love seeing your creations and following your SBP, Hanna!

  6702. The crying baby is just the BEST! =cD I want that on a T-shirt for next Halloween, hehe. That is so my style! ;)
    I’m very interested in your exploration of darkness because it is so different from your bright, energetic works. May I ask, why all this darkness lately?

  6703. U2Kitteh, hehe, crying baby with a black cat under his arm maybe? I think it is the season that is darkening my art journal; dark outside and day of the dead etc. No worries. :-)

    Melanie, you noticed! Isn’t those dirty clothe piles something that belongs to “the dark side” (as is all never-ending-chores)! ;-)

  6704. What delightful pieces. I’m taking part for the first time this year too and it’s been such fun, in terms of both getting stuck into art every day and seeing all this wonderful art created by others like yourself.

  6705. Love this spread! I find the baby really cute, actually! Your art journalling is so much like my mums cooking – she makes it all sound so easy, but then when I try… aaaargh!

  6706. Man Hanna, I love your dark side! This is super fun because I think of you as such a sweet Swedish arty girl. Now we know there’s more to you…! Love love love it. Your friend in germany, tj

  6707. hej Hanna! Jag gillar verkligen det d?r med art journal. Som dagboksanteckningar fast utan s? mycket ord. ?nskar att jag hade tid och ork att ?gna mig ?t det….

  6708. very dark, i do find it interesting that you put the laundry day clip in the collage. a little darker side of realism. obviously a little inner message from you.

  6709. you go girl, good for you! i did it a few years back and then after 2 weeks started struggling. glad to hear you’re enjoying it. maybe one day i’ll try again :)

  6710. So nice Hanna… Today I bought some christmas fabric in Ikea.
    You gave me the inspiration to embroider on it with bright colors.

  6711. This is so lovely. One of my favorites. Although it seems like everything you post is my favorite! :)

  6712. Oh wow, thanks so much for mentioning my zine – I am honored that you would blog about it! I hope you enjoy :) I just love sharing my crafty thoughts with others and do hope it helps to inspire and just spread the crafting fun… it’s the process that we must all enjoy :) Grazie again!

  6713. Looks like a beautiful book. I borrowed Ingrid Eggiman-Jonsson: “Yllebroderier” from the library some time a go. Wonderful book from the same tradision as yours. It is from 2001, but you might still be able to fine it. Good luck with your embroidery! It is great fun, isn’t it? :)

  6714. Anne Berit, thanks for the recommendation. I’ve read that book many times, I love it! I have even made a pillow inspired by her work (pink birds), I should take photos of that and blog about those too some day. And the new book Yllebroderier, by Hemsl?jden, is beautiful if you’re into embroidery!

  6715. Thank you Elisabet, I’m counting on it! You will let me know when I can attend one of your wool embroidery classes that is not to far away I hope!? :-)

  6716. Linda, thanks for the comment and the tweet – and the great zine. I’m the one who is sending you a big grazie this time! I’m looking forward to the next issue.

  6717. Melydia, there is plenty of time. Can’t you try my approach: keep it simple? :-) Give it a try now! Nudge nudge!

    Edit: And the number of willing artist are still incredible even though not all of us will be able to finish the sketchbook and send it in in time. It is the thought that counts! :-)

  6718. Wow I’m proud of you! You just keep at it. I had no idea there were so many participants… I wonder how many of them haven’t even started yet… I am their queen!! Man I need to get moving if I think I’ll ever get something put together for this… I’m starting to panic!

  6719. dom ser hur trevliga ut som helst! det ?r s? l?tt att bli helt zine-beroende, hittills har jag inte sett ett zine jag inte gillat… jag har lite sketcher som jag t?nker ska ing? i mitt n?sta zine, men jag m?ste f? lite kreativ lust f?rst, jag har inte kunnat m?la p? s? l?nge, och nu har jag panik f?r saker som m?ste vara klara f?r brevl?dan alldeles f?r snart. yikes!

  6720. i am so impressed by your sketchbook pages! i drew a blank when i saw your theme and would not have known what to do for it but you keep coming up with amazing ideas! i painted the cover of my sketchbook but have not done anything else with it (the cover) yet. my goal is to finish the whole thing by the end of november, like you, but i still have several pages to complete.

  6721. Best Laid plans! I went to sign up a day late. :-o

    I love these crisp blue and white pages! Inspiring as always.

    Thanks Hanna. I will be watching your book evolve with interest and cheerlead from the sidelines this year.

    Go Hanna!
    Go ART!

  6722. This are terrific booklets! They look great. Also, they’d be a good way of re-using paper.

  6723. Thanks for taking the time to comment!

    Genevieve, even if one is not participating, I think it is a great practice to set a theme for one self and “fill” a small sized notebook with trials and sketches for bigger work. It is interesting to work on a theme like this me thinks. :-)

  6724. Malin, ja visst ?r det? Det ?r som karameller, zines, man vill bara smaska i sig fler och sen baka n?gra egna! :-) Ett zine om tatueringar kanske? Har du sett den nya boken Bl?ck? Mycket fina bilder.

  6725. Beautiful work!

    I am inspired to try the scribbly thing ya got going there on top of the art work. Is that pastel? Crayon? Adding just one more dimension to an already gorgeous landscape, is very creative. I love it.

    I have decided to call my endeavor:
    Art Every Coupla Days –
    because somedays that’s how the dice roll.

    I am a word collector too.

    “Translucent” always gets me – right here. (heart)

  6726. Genevieve, thanks! Scribbly is one great word too (as is translucent), yum! It is white crayon (caran d’arche, mah favorite). Art Every Coupla Day sounds nice, but will it keep you going/creating for Every Day? Maybe Art FOR every day is my way?

    TJ, hehe, I didn’t think about the lucky number thing, but you’re right, it is a smiling number. Hihi.

    Lisa W, I think my hands are permanently sticky after all these ones! ;-)

  6727. I love the all-white collage! It’s very unusual.
    You started me on the art journal path. It’s very liberating. I’m a writer, but I don’t put any words on my journal art. I just want the pictures at this stage. Is this common?

  6728. Laurie, how happy it makes me that you’ve found art journaling! I don’t write much in my art journal either, but a lot in other notebooks and online. I don’t know if it is common among writers but when I started art journaling it was difficult to find space to write on in my very filled pages, that I know. :-)

  6729. these actually look really interesting when grided together as you have sown at the top. could be a fun way to display them. my favorites are the one that say “han sag” because i think the subtlety of color is lovely and the one with the little street and buiding hiding there because it has a playful quality. and art every other day is still pretty awesome!

  6730. Oh my goodness. Those are sure inspiring! I checked out your other post too about the zine you made, what fun! One of these days…maybe one of these years is more likely, but one of these days I’d love to make a zine!

  6731. Lovely to see all your work… I think AEDM can be a great routine and energy booster with the collective energy of everyone creating :)

  6732. Here’s the deal: Just keeping going is the most important thing! We all love the neat idea of making something every day. But even the people who have done that for a month or a year, say that they wouldn’t do it again. It’s a GREAT discipline! But something happens to my art when I try to do it. I don’t like it as much. I’m just a person who needs to let things germinate, I guess.

    I always love your collages. Fun. That’s what they say!

  6733. I am leaving my cover for last! It’s getting spots and stuff on it! I’ll probably cover them all up, but I may leave them and turn it in that way!

    I had no idea there were that many participants. That’s really something, Hanna!

  6734. great collages, Hanna ! So juicy with little surprises here and there.

    Love your collected words! Want to start my own collection !
    #1. wee

    Cute, isn’t it ?
    Have a great weekend !

  6735. You are at the top of my blog list and I read your blog all the time and you are a true inspiration to me. Collage is a #1 creative love for me and I am doing a 4X4 every day this month and hope to keep it up. It is exciting each day to to start with a blank card and then see what the finished collage looks like. Everyone loves surprises, right? You also inspired me to decorate in my daily journal and what fun that has been! It breathes life into what may or may not have been a boring entry. Thank you Hanna. Please don’t ever stop inspiring all of us.

  6736. I adore making art with my grandchildren. I have quilted it, framed it, pinned it to the fridge. They are six and they just keep getting better and better and better at it too. Amazing how this encouragement helps them grow in this area.
    This childs piece is exciting!!! Glad she looked in the “bin”.

  6737. Thanks a lot Hanna, Saar is so proud to be on your blog…I said she would be famous, then she asked “What means be famous?”

  6738. Ninox, how fun that you will join us! Yay! Please sign up using the link on my blog (in the sidebar) and I’ll earn money and be very grateful to you! :-) I hope you’ll have fun in the class!

  6739. Thanks for spreading the word about the podcast, Hanna! It was the first time Aimee and I had talked in real life, and we’ve decided we’re definitely related. Or at least, we’re sharing the same brain. :o) And thanks for reminding me about Dawn’s upcoming book — I have a boy who loves to doodle.

  6740. Thanks! Lisa, I enjoyed the podcast even though I don’t have children. It sounded like you two were old friends, haha, how fun, I hope you get to see each other some day.

  6741. I couldn’t agree more on the abundance of inspiration! Sometimes it can fell like an overwhelming task to blog it all…you seem to be great at giving updates on all your projects anyway. Enjoy some rest :-) And I signed in for the mailing list, thanks for the link.

  6742. Thanks Valeria, inspiration is good, overwhelm not so much. I don’t send out that newsletter very often but when I do I to fill it with fun stuff that I sell and create and think about. :-)

  6743. Hej Hanna!
    Du ?r som jag – en f?rg ?lskande kollage kreatrix! Kul att jag hittade dig och h?r kommer jag f? stanna ett bra tag f?r du har hur mycket som helst att bjuda p?. Har precis kommit ut ur den kreativa garderoben och famlar i ljuset av efter alla ?r i skuggan men trots att jag vinglar lite g?r jag det med ett barns gl?dje och nyfikenhet.
    Skapandet ?r sj?lva vitsen. Processen lugnar, helar och lyfter. Resultatet ?r en bieffekt. Livet ?r en KONST! V?r story. P? ?terseende D=

  6744. Tack Charlotte, f?r fina ord och din kommentar s? att jag nu hittar till dig! Underbart att du b?rjat skapa, det ser h?rligt ut redan p? din blogg, det det blir bara b?ttre/roligare/mer givande ju mer man l?r och ju ?ldre man blir! :-) P? ?terseende hoppas jag!

  6745. I love this embroidery and find it very inspiring. I am just taking up embroidery again and am in awe of such beautiful work.

  6746. Cyndi, thanks for taking the time to comment! Children are so inspiring when they are allowed to be free and creative on their own terms. I know Saar is proud of her work, one can tell. :-)

  6747. Thanks! Corvus, I thought you had such habit? And its a kidney? Are you kidding, I was thinking it was a lunge… hehe, that is why I named it Breathing map! Hilarious.

  6748. In “trust this” it’s beautiful the way the handwriting is juxtaposed with the large block letters over on the left:)

  6749. Thanks! Herm, the collaged size is 13?13 centimeters (5?5″).

    Bobbi, thanks for noticing those details. Makes me giddy.

  6750. these are positively beautiful!!! i so enjoyed the titles that went with each piece; sometimes words can distract from the visual but these captions only enhance your work.

  6751. It’s snowing here in the norht of Italy (where I live), too. I can’t believe it, it’s a strange thing for us!
    Hanna, today you came into my mind when I saw google’s homepage (dedicated to Pippi Longstocking’s 65th birthday)! :)

  6752. Silvia, snow in Italy must be strange, maybe as strange as seeing my favorite character Pippi at the Google headquarters online. Thanks for letting me know, I hadn’t seen her there yet! I started an Astrid Lindgren group at flickr once. :-)

    Effy, thank you, that was what I was feeling too when I created them… :-)

  6753. just wanted to say that i really enjoy visiting your space here. thank you for sharing your amazing creativity.
    wishing you a happy weekend
    ginny x

  6754. It’s snowing here too, but sadly nestled at the base of the Rockies it’s not a strange thing for us. I should really live at the equator.

    Great collage!

  6755. Winter is definitely not my favorite season. I think I am part bear as well. But there is beauty to find solace in everyday, even in the cold and dreary grey.
    Love your attitude of gratitude, Hanna !
    Warm winter hugs to you !

  6756. Wow, these are fantastic. I love the seals on the ice, the white paper with holes in it and the flower, they run seamlessly together. Excellent!

  6757. Love it!!

    An easel or standing can make a big difference? Very interesting! You did a beautiful job. I hope Santa bring you a nice easel!

  6758. Oh, how I smiled when I saw your lovely painted gal today! She’s fantastic! =cD I love her hair, her dress and her big eyes. She’s definitely got a groovy retro 60’s thing going on. Love it!

  6759. Hanna, she is adorable!! I just love the red dress and the way you’ve journaled in the hair and the outline of her flying bod!! I love to listen to music when I create!!! Just gets everything working together !

  6760. Thank you girls! Eden, music really makes the spirit lift, I will try to remember to listen to music more often and paint more too, it is so much fun. :-)

  6761. This made my heart sing! Just what I needed to see on a cold, dreary gray day! I loved your class on 21 Secrets and have been playing with tracing paper (easier to print on but not the same nice transparent quality) and love the energy of color of your work. Totally inspiring me today. Thank you!

    xo Lis

  6762. Thank you Lis! How happy it makes me that you are playing with new papers and experimenting with it because of my class! That truly is awesome to hear. Thank YOU!

  6763. I love those. They are so bright and cheery. I haven’t tried that “secret” yet, but I’m going to soon. I, too, like that it can be a stencil as well. Very pretty.

  6764. Oooohhhh….love this lovely girl! How much fun are you having?! So cool! I’m swamped with running a store during the holiday season…but looking towards peaceful January to dive back into my journal and personal work. Yay!

  6765. Thanks for commenting Kimberly! I haven’t had time to try all the classes in 21 secrets yet either, but I plan to do another one soon! :-)

  6766. Thanks for taking the time to comment! December is busy for many people, but taking an hour here or there to calm down with painting is well worth it if you can find the time. :-)

  6767. this comment is to thank you for the inspiration: I published my “nature calendar 2011” on Lulu and now it is traveling to my home :)
    It’s a simple calendar: each month has one of my photos of plants, fruits, flowers…

  6768. I love these pages iHanna! I am a big fan of Connie too. I have been doing her BIG classes on Dirty Footprints Studio…it has been a real horizon blower-outerer for me!
    ( I LOVE your little aside about leaving an easel out so people know you are an Artist! I had family over last week and they still don’t quite ‘get’ the whole Artist ‘thing’… It’s like they are waiting for me to get over this ‘phase’, and on to the real world…haha! Well I’ve been a full time artist for 10 years now…I have my own gallery…! Hello! Artist! My father in law even tried to give me a quiet little talking to about doing too much painting…he meant well…but…!
    I suppose it’s just hard for people who haven’t accepted creativity into their own lives to understand!

    Love to you!

  6769. Well, well, well, leave it to you – m’dear – to think of using it as a stencil as well! Hadn’t thought of that! These are so happy and fun – thanks for the treat.

    I have been paper cutting a bit, myself. I’m slowly snipping up an old book, making Christmas cards lately. If you look real close, you can tell it’s a copy of Jane Eyre. :-)

  6770. Genevieve, I didn’t invent it as a stencil, hehe, it was suggested in the class, though I have used papercuts as stencils before. Your papercut Christmas card is oh so beautiful! Love the text-background against the red. Thanks!

  6771. You sure are! :-) I love this :-) Wonderful, magical pages (and the scissors too :-)

    You won the postcard giveaway :-)
    Will you email me your snail mail address?
    :-)Thanks for playing

  6772. Hello! My name is Charlotte and I just love Pullip dolls,
    my friend Zali told me about them 6 moths ago an I am going to get one or two for Christmas. my friend also has 3 Pullip dolls that she gets second hand or broken and her aunty fixes them.
    there are some Pullip dolls that are quite cheap from a website culled Pullipstyle it is a really good place to get them!
    I also have a blog… as you will see from my posts I love art and craft too!!

  6773. you are SO very magic! I get so much inspiration and comfort from reading your blog… so I believe your magic is spreading out into the world.
    thank you for sharing this magical glimpse into your dazzling pink cave. I love the page and the process and that you have sparkly scissors!

  6774. Magic girl! Your big round pink cheek circles are so perfectly great. Looks like you’re having so much fun…

  6775. Thank you for your kind comments girls!
    I am always so moved by your words, you are all so generous back and it feels good to be apart of your world. Thank YOU!

  6776. Thanks for the lovely words on my blog…I really likem these…collages scare me a bit, I never know where to put stuff, lol…I really like the first one…all the blues are very soothing.

  6777. Thank you back Evelyn! :-)
    Collage is not the easiest art form (if any art form can be “easy”) but practice makes better, and I think my collages are getting better with each one. Blue is soothing indeed, as is the winter white that surrounds me today.

  6778. I think your collages are really beautiful, you should be very proud. :-) Emerald Eye is especially gorgeous!

  6779. Number 30 has to be my favorite! i can see winter in all the blues, and there seems to be a Christmas sort of tree on the left! Birds in winter have always given me hope!

  6780. Wow! These are beautiful. Love that you’ve taken this challenge & molded it to fit your way. That’s the most impt thing. Not feeling guilty or placing unrealistic expectations on yourself to do it a certain way.

  6781. these collages are amazing, hanna! they’re all so different but they all have your signature style. so beautiful and colorful – and so MANY of them! congrats on making it to 30!

  6782. Wow! Looks extremely tasty! I’ll give this recipe a try! Thanks a lot for sharing this

  6783. Oh Hanna, what a beautiful tutorial for making Saffron buns. I have downloaded the recipe card for reference in the kitchen, but i am bookmarking the post because it is so beautiful!

    I love that God Jul is printed on the yeast packet during the holidays. I just love it!

    And the Saffron packets! I am going to check to see if Cost Plus World market imports these. I like the idea of the packet so much better than the tangled mess in a tiny jar which is the way Saffron is usually available here.

    Thank you also for the beautiful button you created. Very, very sweet of you to go to all that work.

    Happy St. Lucy Day. I will think of you as I make your Saffron Buns!

  6784. Doing the same thing every day for a year is not an easy task. I think we all know that. I remember when we did the Daily Art Cards, I switched formats quite a few time because I was afraid it would get “boring.” I think that having a year-long project where you work at your own pace is a better solution. So writing, for you, should stay fun, of course. I have read a few people mention which might be something that would interest you.

    Whatever you decide to do, and however you decide to do it, I will be here to encourage you.

    And as for those commenting about your spelling… I have seen blogs by Americans which had a lot more spelling mistakes than yours and English is supposed to be their primary language! So don’t ever feel bad about it. I think your English is absolutely fine!


  6785. I have to agree that you have very VERY good English grammar skills. I know you were Swedish (I am in 21 Secrets) but from the blog, it is hard to tell. Oh, well. Take it as a compliment of how well you DO in that they didn’t know you are Swedish. Ha.

  6786. Dearest Hanna,
    You’re just so great. I can’t spell and I can’t retain information. A blog like yours has always impressed me because I would never be able to work at the same level in German.
    People are so critical. Let’s feel sorry for their miserable judgments that are based on lack of information.

    Here’s to 2011. Here’s to whatever you decide to do, daily or not. I’ll be here reading…

  6787. I think your writing is phenomenal since English is your second language. That is amazing to someone like me who only knows a little Spanish & French. I would never be able to write a blog in those languages. Or much of a sentence. What appeals to me the most is your sense of passion that shines through your writing. No amount of correct grammer or spelling can be a substitute for.your creatitivity and enthusiasm

  6788. Oh boy, the old English grammar gripe again. :-/

    I have been reading your blog for a while and I must say that as a second language your English is extremely good. I know many native-English born speakers who do not write or spell nearly as well as yourself. You communicate clearly and I love the pictures and ideas in your blog, so please do not give up. That being said, there’s absolutely no reason why you cannot write in your journals in Swedish: it’ll look just as good to us I am sure, as well as add in a bit of mystery about what is being said.

    From there you could tell us as much about the page as you wanted while still maintaining some privacy. Except those of your readers who speak Swedish, and of course I do not, but maybe I could learn some words this way. . . . Foreign language was my WORST subject in school. I gave up with Spanish and just did American Sign Language, so I am always impressed by those who are multi-lingual.

    English was my best subject in school and so I tend to zoom in on errors and spelling issues. (Restaurant menus and pamphlets, beware!) I have not noticed anything too horrendous about your blog posts, so don’t worry so much, please! Just keep drawing/painting!

  6789. Hi Hanna,

    This comment is just about the spelling subject, as I am in a somewhat likewise position. I can only agree with the other commenters with regard to your English: the fact that they did not know you are Swedish says it all!! Yet I perfectly understand what you are feeling about not being perfect in English, I am from Holland. I always seem to lack enough variation in words, and in popular speaking and in expressions (not meaning slang ;-). The only way I try to solve it is by reading as much as possible and the many blogs are indeed good for that. I personally love Nina Bagley’s Ornamental, especially for the beautiful use of English. Could you recommend me some more, please?

    Tonight I will get back to the art part of your post, promise!

  6790. They must need their heads examined :)

    Honestly Hanna, keep it up. Your English is great. I’ve lived in the UK 19 years now and still feel insecure about my use of English, especially when blogging. Just ignore them. Like Regina said; the fact they didn’t know you are Swedish says it all.

    Not sure yet how I’ll go about being creative every day next year with a new baby and all. I think I need to come up with a plan of action too. Poetry is definitely quite high on the list. Can’t wait to see what you decide (sorry I can’t come with any advice).

  6791. Lussebullar *suck*

    Tried making them several years in a row after I got my own home, but failed miserably. Think it’s got something to do with the difference in flour. I have the same problems with Swedish breads. I keep meaning to look up the Swedish embassy site to see if their recipes differ from Swedish ones to see where I go wrong. Thanks for remninder. Yours look truly yummy though. Send some my way, and some kanelbullar, please!

  6792. Look out blogland! You mess with our wonderful Hanna, and we might come out swinging! English is a very difficult language for anyone to master, especially as a second (or third) language. You’re doing amazing and I am so glad that you chose to blog in English so those of us that don’t read Swedish can still enjoy your thoughts. Unless it’s a lifelong goal of yours to master English grammar, I’d leave the grammar book on the shelf and focus on your passions. We come to your blog to enjoy your art and your unique thoughts, not to read perfect grammar. Keep up the amazing work!

  6793. You write beautifully in English! It’s so hard to learn to speak a different language than what you are used to; to WRITE in a different language must be such a challenge, I can’t imagine! Please don’t be discouraged – you express yourself wonderfully. :)

    As for writing, this summer I wanted to concentrate more on fiction writing. Once a week I took a pen and a notepad to my local library. I didn’t allow myself to bring my journal and I allowed myself only one “writing” book to refer to for prompts. My assignment was to write fiction for one hour. Even if I wasn’t writing and just staring off into space, I had to stay for an hour.

    I actually got into a great routine this way and writing longhand was a nice change from tapping the keyboard. Doing this weeky (instead of daily) was doable but not overwhelming and I’ve come to enjoy this process. I did more fiction writing this summer than ever in my life.

    Good luck with whatever you decide! Let us know how it goes.

  6794. Hanna I’m so sorry to read that you got exposed to rude nasty comments! I can’t understand people doing that – it’s so mean.
    I, too, have seen *many* blogs and websites by people who have English as their first language that have WAY more mistakes than yours does! English is ridiculously confusing with all sorts of random silly rules. Very hard to learn – most people born to it don’t know all the rules!
    Every time I read a post by you I am in awe of your command of English. It inspires me. Even the times when you say something differently than I would, I always know exactly what you mean! You communicate extremely well and I love reading your blog. To me your words often are poetry.
    It is hard to return to a project once stopped – I relate to that.
    I wonder if the Writer you think of needs to write on the computer? Perhaps it could be an easier project to stick to if it involved a less distracting ritual (I am terrible at wasting hours online when I only intended 10 minutes so I admire you turning it off). There is something satisfying about making a nice hot drink and getting cozy with pen and paper – maybe in a nice writing book. a very different feeling than going onto the computer to write.
    I love your 7/30/12 idea! awesome :)

  6795. Oh, Hanna, just ignore those idiots! I’d love to see them even try to speak another language, let alone write in one. You write beautifully, and I’ve read many an “American” blog with far more mistakes than you’ll ever make. The most important thing is to just tell your story…and to share all of your wonderful ideas. You are such an amanzing woman and such an inspiration. I’ll be anxious to see what you decide to do with the writing. My journals pretty much have as many words as they do art; words are important to me! But it’s not a structured sort of writing. And, as for those folks, no one put them in charge of the world: i Think they have way too much time on their hands.

  6796. Hi Hanna!

    I have to agree with everyone else and say that your English great. I’m, in fact, often surprised that you get some of the slang that you do. I think your blog is great and people are missing out if they are stuck on grammar. Don’t get out the grammar books, it will only make learing English a more onerous task and you don’t want to dread writing. I think you have a great flow and I love reading your posts. Don’t let anyone deter you. i also think you should throw out all of the “rules” and just write in whatever language, whenever you feel like it. I write in my journal everyday, even if it’s only a few sentences. I find I miss it when I don’t. I’m not sure that the computer would have the same effect on me. Good luck in whatever you do.

  6797. Hi Hanna
    Be true to yourself, grab your whishes with both hands and stay tuned. Lot of good whishes for 2011.

  6798. Hanna, your English is beautiful. You are beautiful. Those people who wrote the nasty comments are just petty and jealous. It empowers them to tear a person down. I know it hurts sweetie. Just feel sorry for them and hope their lives get better.

  6799. Hi Hanna,

    I didn’t realize you are Swedish and not a native English speaker so your spelling can’t be bad. I find it very helpful to have the spell checker on which shows me what is wrong and then I can find the right word. My big help is which has German, English, French, Spanish and I think Chinese and Russian now as well! No Swedish though I am afraid.

    Well a project to write every day is a quit a big task. I wanted to do that but with a busy life and job that’s difficult. But I have several blogs both just writing what comes to mind and my poetry and a fantasy story and I just make sure that I write as often as I can.

    Maybe it has something to do with the high expectations that we have about ourselves. If we just keep it simple and have fun – it might work then…..

  6800. Yum yum yummmm!!! I eat these every year, sadly, this will be my first year without. My apartment doesn’t have an oven and I don’t think these would work by cooking in the microwave. Oh well, next year. :)

    Thanks for sharing, great photos!

  6801. Hi Hanna! I just wanted to encourage you first, that your English is amazing! I’ve been following your blog for two years now and I never suspected English to be your second language. In fact, I’m still kind of surprised that it’s not your first language! I mean, I’ve seen some of your work when you’ve used Swedish on your collages so I suspected something but never did I suspect that Swedish was your first language! I just assumed that maybe you were living abroad somewhere and had a vast knowledge of different languages.

    Secondly, I totally understand your desire to write more frequently because I feel the same way! I write almost daily as well between my blogs and my journals but I want to start writing poetry and fiction more frequently also. It’s hard to find the time and the motivation (and even harder to have the time and motivation line up!). So if you think of a good plan, please share it with us! I need some ideas!

  6802. Anyone focusing on your spelling is missing out on what is so special about you! Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  6803. Regarding your spelling woes… I’m a stickler for good spelling and grammar and honestly, your blog is better than many others out there for whom English *is* their native language. Don’t let the negative comments get you down — for every person out there griping about your spelling, there are many, MANY more of us who love your blog and your writing just the way that it is.

    Thank you for sharing. Your art, blog, and writing are so inspirational!

  6804. Hi =D
    Don’t worry about your english, it’s fine! From my point of view anyway, I’m from germany XD
    But I do love english and adore great sentences, phrases and words… that was why I learned the language in the first place (apart from the obligatory school english, ugh)
    I started to watch my feavorite movies in original, cause I wanted to hear te real voice of, say Frodo ^^
    and with the time I began reading the books in english, when the author was english, too. Today, I prefer english over my mothertongue, german. I dream and think in english, which can be frustrating when you have to answer people in german, cause you’ re in germany …duh -.-
    my point is, if you really want to get better and feel at home when using english, continue reading blogs in english, start to read the books, listen to podcasts and watch movies in this language 24/7! I think you’re already really good at it, but if those comments get to you, than do something that is fun, rather than buying a grammar book… I don’t even know the german grammar rules, why would I bother with english? At some point you just get the feeling for the language, you know? no ugly grammar books needed ^^
    cheers, Julias

  6805. Hello Hannah,

    I think your english is really good. I’m from the netherlands and know how hard it is to speak or write in a different language. Always looking for words or how to write things down. But you’re doing great, please go on in the way you do! Love your blog.
    And people who are nagging about spelling and grammatics…well…they read it or not…their choice. Let them write in Swedish (or Dutch, also a nice and easy language lol) and then we comment their writings.

  6806. U are okay just as u are.
    I love u just as you are.
    No pressure fr me.. I love you for all you create.. xo
    your pages are beautiful. xo did u visit my blog today? Did u see what I created today?

  6807. Oh, Hanna, sign me up for Creatday, please. I find it is a constant battle to find enough creative time. (My whine for the day.)

  6808. I figure too many ideas is better than not enough. I have tons of the things myself and absolutely no time, but I write them all down. Then I just get to what I can, and if I can’t get to one right away that’s okay! It’s written down, I can come back to it some day, if it’s a good enough idea.

  6809. Hi Hanna, I’ve read your blog for ages & rarely notice anything wrong with your English. If I do, who cares? English is my first language & like a previous commentor I gave up on foreign languages along time ago & learnt sign language. So anyone who can write as well as you do with English as their second language is to be admired in my books. I have just started blogging regularly & have to reread what I’ve written a number of times before I’m happy with how it reads.

  6810. I absolutely agree – I am a bit of a stickler for spelling and grammar but I think your English is great, I have also seen much worse from English blogs! And anyone who didn’t realise you are Swedish cannot have read much of your blog!

  6811. Hi Hanna…..
    I LOVE your blog and I have your Mettazine… so much inspiration!!! I admire you for writing in a language that is not your first…. it’s not an easy task.
    As far as the art challenge…. in my opinion setting goals is a good thing. I’d look at it as if it were a diet… it’s a challenge by you, for you, and you have no one else to answer to but yourself. If you have an off day… it’s OK. Start the next day fresh and new. Most of all… relax and have FUN!!!!
    Hugs, Emie

  6812. Thank you Hanna for your inspiring and well written postings.
    Spelling issues…some people just always have the half empty glass of milk instead of the half full glass…sad for them.

  6813. Spelling and grammar? You do a great job in English–better than many native speakers. Here in the US, few of us master any foreign language in school. You not only write clearly, but you have your own distinctive style and voice. Pat yourself on the back, for you are awesome!

    (By the way, I’m surprised you write so well without reading lots of books in English. Perhaps you underestimate how much you read.)

  6814. Hanna!

    You must be kidding! Your English is better than many of the English speaking people I know! If someone whines about a blog because of the spelling or grammar, they are not worth having as a reader anyway. It’s the content, the inspiration, the thought-provoking comments that make me choose a blog. One of my favorite crafty blogs is by a sweet person who can’t spell well at all. I could care less. I can understand her perfectly well.

    I’ve been trying to learn Spanish for years now, but I haven’t learned it well enough to even attempt to write a blog in it!

    Gretchen Rubin had some interesting ideas on setting writing goals in her Happiness Project book. Maybe some of her ideas help you create writing goals for the new year.

  6815. hanna – great to see your *hang-ups*! so fun to hear that you love seeing your own work on the walls. love the idea of changing out the collages in your frame. always fun to see your fabric work, in addition to your paper work. LOVE seeing your inspiration board. *jots down a note for future crusade idea* thanks for showing us what goes up in your home, and thanks for sharing with the team.
    merry christmas!

  6816. Thank you Michelle for inspiring this post and many many art journal pages in the past year/years! :-) I already look forward to January’s crusade! Take care!

  6817. Oh Hanna, what an inspirational post! i have to admit I lingered way longer than I have time for soaking up all your creative inspiration!

    Your advice to take some crafty time – especially now in the midst of holiday crazy – so so true. Creativity is rejuvenating and if it doesn’t release endorphins, it must release some other little chemicals that makes us feel good!

    Your mixed media embroideries are incredible – I would give almost anything to touch and feel and see these in person. You SHOULD be proud of them and hang them for all to see.

    And your inspiration board! Brilliant! I MUST have one! Just put it on my list for 2011! I have no idea WHERE I will hang it – my wall space is as non-existent as yours – mainly because I have every square inch covered with photographs, art and crafts and I would hate to take any of them down! However, I am eyeballing the hallway doors leading to the bedrooms! Seriously. The doors are already framed with molding, so hanging an inspiration frame on the door would set it apart and create beautiful visual spaces.

    Happy holidays to you!

  6818. I’m joining in the comments late, just to say that as an English speaker living in a French milieu, who teaches English to native English speakers and second language students, I am awed by your level of English. I know how hard it is for my students to express themselves in English and all the work they do in order to do so. I also know how different my ability to express myself in my 2nd language is and how challenging it is to convey my ideas eloquently in French (and sometimes in English) so I admire the effort that goes into your keeping an English blog. I don’t know that I would be able to do so, especially as consistently as you do!

    Suffice to say, it took me a long time to realize that you weren’t a native English speaker and as a teacher who is always looking out for French to English translation mistakes, that speaks volumes. Besides, we all make spelling/typo mistakes from time to time and I would be hard pressed to find any blog out there without mistakes in it (the same is sadly often true of published news media, novels and various other forms of print that are supposed to be held to a high caliber of writing).

  6819. I plan to decorate the walls of my place with my own art and photos, as well as the art of artists I admire! I have a pile of things stashed away for it too.

    Now I just need to get a job, so I can get my own place and all. Some day!

  6820. Very pretty. Love the silvery flower.
    It’s true that there is so much to fill up gratefulness that it’s sometimes overwhelming! I’m glad you had such a sweet day as this.

  6821. Hanna! WHAT a triumphant painting. I love these colors, especially her green eyes!

    I always stand up when painting. It was a revelation to me how much I love doing that. I don’t listen to music, but I do listen to podcasts, or I have the TV on to something that doesn’t have to be looked at but I can listen.

  6822. Wow. I would feel so accomplished after finishing those 30 collages!
    I love the birdies and Watch Your Step.
    Thanks for sharing these, Hanna!

  6823. Hanna! Hanna!
    I’m glad you’re in the swap too. I have never heard of these I don’t think. I am going to try them, maybe not before Christmas, but I hope!

  6824. Hey, Hanna. I am WITH YOU on this.
    I have decided to join the Fiction Project, which is from the art coop people who have the Sketchbook Project, which I’m doing this year. The sketchbook has taught me that I can be productive every day, as long as I know that I can do a bit at a time, or more, or change it, or add to it. I always got so nervous about journaling or sketching because I gave myself so many rules. My biggest ‘rule’ about fiction is that I have to please everyone so I wind up not finishing. I’m going to use the Fiction Project as a way to break through, like the Sketchbook Project helped me do. And before I even work on the fiction project, I’m going to ease up on myself. It’s okay to write fiction, unbelieveable things that may make sense to some people and not to others! It’s okay to show emotions that some people might not like and some people might identify with! It’s all real, in the end.

    You have a real talent. Rock on!

  6825. Your art is beautiful & colorful. Looks great on your walls. I LOVE your inspiration board, what a great idea! Thanks for sharing how important it is to hang up our own art…it is!!

  6826. Well, my english is bad (my first language is italian) and so I can’t notice if your english writing is good or not. The only thing I can say is that I re-started to read and write in english thanks to your blog, some years ago. I needed to understand what you were writing!
    I love your blog because you have soooo much to communicate and your writing is inspiring, and you do it very well.

  6827. I love to write to, in English (on the blog and in my school program) and in Italian (in my journal and when I do some creative writing). I tried the NaNoWriMo for 2 years in a row, and that was a great help, but a lot to write, maybe too much with a busy scheduled. I suggest you read their Pep Talk on the NaNoWriMo’s website, they are so inspiring!
    And also for inspiration, I just found this blog about writing and creativity:, it’s just great! I’m still exploring all the posts and links.
    Have a beautiful day! (or I should say goonight right now)

  6828. I guess you can tell from the typos that English is not my first language, ooops! I meant “I like to write too” and “busy schedule”. :-)

  6829. Beautiful video, Hanna! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful holiday baking tradition! Next week I will bake my family’s tradition kuchen (a Lithuanian sweet nut paste filled pastry bread recipe has been passed down for generations.) Since I am living half a world away from my family, I won’t be able to bake it with my Gramma this year, but my husband and I will enjoy the delicious tradition and think happy thoughts of our family. Happy Lucia!

  6830. Oh Hanna, I so enjoyed your video! Especially the rolling of the buns in two different swirls at the same time. I can see your mom has made this many, many times before! Thank you for sharing!

  6831. I like saffron buns, because their shape remembers me an S, the initial letter of my name :))
    I can’t say nothing about the taste (I’ve never tasted them), but I promise to try yor recipe soon!

    Here in Italy we had a great Lucia day. Do you know that this is an important festivity in the north of Italy, too? Lucia (with her donkey) brings gifts to all good children the night between 12nd and 13rd.
    It’s my favourite day of the year!
    Near my village we had craft fairs, music and theatre on the streets, candy markets…

  6832. I know I’m late, but Happy Lucia Day! =cD What a neat tradition of the bread baking. Looks SO yummy! I agree, your mom is expert at making them!

  6833. Your post is very inspiring. So much that I think I will go finish getting more of my art hung. :-)
    Merry Christmas.

  6834. Jag skulle kunna tänka mig att vara med – du har alltid så kreativa, inspirerande ider :) Hälsn. Anneli från Kalmar

  6835. Oh, Hanna. Your writing is beautiful and I enjoy every single post! I actually am usually somewhat sensitive to spelling and grammar, but I think that no matter what I would never be turned away from your beautiful photos, ideas, and inspirations. You’ve been one of my very favorite bloggers for several years now… and I was inspired to start my own blog because of yours.

    Perhaps the bright side of the woman’s comment about your spelling/grammar is that she was unable to tell that you were not a native speaker! I think that says loads about how good you are. ;)

    Keep your chin up,

  6836. Hej Anneli fr?n Kalmar, tack f?r den gulliga kommentaren i min blogg! Jag ser fram emot att starta tematiska blogginl?gg med mycket foton, det ?r ju s? kul att titta igenom gammal sk?pmat. :-)

    Paula, thanks! What fun to see your favorite photo themes once we get started!

  6837. That sounds like such a fun idea. Don’t know if I’m in yet or not, have a bit on my plate in the new year, but will sure enjoy looking through your themes. I’m just about to get my first DSLR. I can’t wait.

  6838. This is really awesome, i love it! There were several I wanted to slow down to look at more.. you do great work and I always find something inspiring in your blog!

  6839. Your video made me cry! And I’m so touched that you included images of things from me as well. It’s completely amazing. I’m gonna shout it from the rooftops of my blog and FB! Girl, you’re incredible. xoxo tj

  6840. Wow,, is this what they mean by seeing your life flash before you?
    I see color and nature themes. cool!


  6841. Hi, Hanna. If there’s one place I miss when I’m too busy for blog surfing (blurfing) it’s your site. I haven’t even been able to move from this post for about an hour, because of all the great links you have shared here. I’ve now got several new sites to inspire me! I hope your writing and poetry is going well. I am now going to continue through to your latest post. I don’t want to miss even one!

    Thanks for all the reference material you share over at Pam’s blog Gingerbread Snowflakes, too!

  6842. This is the second time today I’ve heard about the ribba frame from IKEA and both times it looks fantastic. I’m going to get a few.

    I usually send my art out before I can hang it. I’ve not really hung any of my watercolor paper paintings and collages. But you’re right; I should. It will be good therapy, and a validation from inside myself.

    Isn’t Michelle awesome?

  6843. Is it not amazing!? How fast the eye can be? Faster than the brain! I recognize so many of these images, Hanna, even though they are flicking through so fast they make their mark! I’ve been with your site through so much of this. Love it. the socks! the quilts! the eBooks! Smilla’s yawn! Your books! The snow!

    i wonder how I can make this my screen saver?

  6844. Love your fabric art (if only I had time!) The ribba frame of Ikea makes your collage really stand out. Next time I visit Ikea I will look out for them.

  6845. Hi Hanna

    I made them this afternoon with my 4 children, they were fabulous…and they are almost all gone!!!
    Thanks for the recipe!

  6846. Want to know some more about your “powerful” influence? Here is my story: I checked out a few of your suggested creative blogs in your sidebar. Came across
    Fell in love with her messy quilting journal covers, bought two of them for a great deal, was greatly inspired, and started my own little messy quilting sewing projects. So awesome. Love it. Feels like drawing to me. So it was your link that brought me there, actually. Thanks :-)
    – Susan

  6847. Susan! Quilting, journaling and making a mess are favorites for me too, so I’m glad you’ve found a new creative outlet to play with. Merry happy December to you! :-)

  6848. Oh yay! I love drawing lab. Your picasso dog looks so much better than mine. Maybe I’ll try again.

  6849. Spooky, thanks! I think that is an exercise you can do many times, though “the surprise” part will not be as fun when you know what the outcome could be… Have you done all the classes in 21 secrets yet? I need to finish a few more, yours included!

  6850. Thanks so much for the post. I usually wear my scarf like other way but I am just starting my scarf collection, I having a whopping collection of one.

  6851. Hi Hanna…love your Picasso dog! You have been very lucky with all your wins :) I wish Susan, the first commenter, had left her web address, I’d like to see her quilt project. Have a great holiday season!

  6852. Hi Hanna…love your Picasso dog! You have been very lucky with all your wins :) I wish Susan, the first commenter, had left her web address, I’d like to see her quilt project. Have a great holiday season!

  6853. Well, det ?r v?l helt enkelt ett av problemen vi som best?mmer oss f?r att blogga p? engelska m?ste st? ut med. Jag ?r ?vertygad om att vi blir b?ttre och b?ttre och allvarligt talat, om folk har problem med min stavning och grammatik f?r att jag inte har engelska som modersm?l d? ?r det faktiskt deras problem.

    But when it comes to writing, becoming some kind of writer is still my dream and I thougth I’ll make it happen this year. I found this great diary in Australia with a page a day, and my new years promise is to write something, anything, every single day. Not a letter, not a blog post, not journal about my life, but fiction writing. It doesn’t have to be good, no one has to read it. It’s just me doing it, learning, moving forward. It what I dream of doing and what I wanna do, I’m going to stop holding myself from it. Die internet, die mailbox, die facebook… At least during those moments when it’s just me and my writing.

  6854. I was just looking and reorganizing all my flickr photos and was shocked to see that I had photos going back to 2004. Where did all that time go?
    And if I am not mistaken, you and I have been swirling around each other in flickr, blogs, etc that entire time – it is always nice seeing your name in comments or a fun tweet!

  6855. I’ve made so drawings that are very unlike anything I usually do and post on my blog but still haven’t got around to posting it, must try harder really :) I like your dog too, I’m going to listen to this podcast too for some inspiration and see what happens :)

  6856. Thanks for all your lovely comments!

    SaraOoo, Sama? is it you? are you back online? yay, this makes me very very happy, I didn’t know! Though did really enjoy your last blog and I MISSED you! will visit your knew one and read back so I am up to date on your projects! :-)

  6857. Yeah, that’s me! I’m back. Or sort of. I don’t know, I haven’t decided if I wanna blog or not (quite obvious in my going offline and back online and than offline again), yet I’m doing it again… We’ll see.
    Thanks, you just made my day :)

  6858. Yay! Love your dog… and yes, you can surely do the exercise many times… they really do all come out different!

  6859. I went through this book over the summer. I really enjoyed some of the exercises. This one is fun! Yours looks great!

  6860. These are so cute. I love how each one seems to have her on personality. I especially like the one in the green dress. So cute!

  6861. Your mother’s angels are beautiful. And your photographs are a joy to look at.
    Merry Christmas, dear Hanna! I hope it is filled with peace, love and laughter.

  6862. ……may love, joy, peace and goodwill be your gift at Christmas…..may the Wonder of Christmas be with you forever……. and may God shower you with blessings all the New Year through…….. xx Gypsy Purple

  6863. These make me smile, and your mom must be making so many people smile! I love this tradition; I hope she keeps at least one each year. Wouldn’t it be fun to see angels past and present gathered in one spot?

  6864. These are wonderful, what a great tradition. Merry Christmas, God Jul, agus Nollaig Shona Duit Hanna, thank you for all your wonderful inspiration through the year. Seasons Greetings to you and your family.

  6865. oooh, they are all wonderful!!!
    I like the photo of the angel with the leafy garland in his/her (well, have angels sex?) hands. I saved it in my flickr favourites.
    Hanna, Merry Christmas to you and your family! A big thank you for inspiring me so much during this year!!!

  6866. Wo-Owww! Thoses Christmas Angels that your mom makes are -awesome-!! :-D I love all the little details she puts into them. :-) Such hard work.
    And your photographs certainly do them justice. :-)
    Have some happy holidays with your family, Hanna!

  6867. Three cheers for Hanna’s Mom! Please congratulate her from me and a very happy Christmas to you both. Thanks to both of you in your different ways for being such sources of inspiration, and I do hope you keep sharing your creativity with us all here!

  6868. Those angels are cute !!
    It’s seem not easy for me to sew them into this gorgeous piece.

    MeRry ChRisTmas and HaPpy nEw YeAR.

  6869. it’s really cool!!!
    I can’t wait to see the individual pages…
    Which spiral binding machine do you use?
    Warmly Sophie

  6870. Thanks Sophie, glad you wanna see the Christmas inspired pages even though it is after Christmas! :-) I have a heavy professional spiral binding machine, not one of the scrapbook cuties like the pink cuttlebug, hehe.

  6871. Thanks for commenting Jennifer! :-) Hope your Christmas was good, I see you’ve made Christmassy pages too! Yay!

  6872. hi i am just wondering if you can think of any place or website that you can get sock monkey clothes for a sock monkey that is 20″long. I keep looking for them but i just can’t seem to find any. Please help!!

  6873. Looks nice from what I can see.
    I like the idea of making a Christmas journal to use year after year. I think it would work better than a December Daily journal, at least in my case.
    I look forward to seeing your completed pages.

  6874. I cannot believe that in the middle of it all you just “threw in” another art journal this year! I get a picture of you sewing next to your mom working on her amazing angels. This is just terrific. I’ve always wanted to start a journal/altered book to put in all the wrapping paper I fall in love with. For some reason I can remember papers from YEARS back (and sometimes not the gifts — is that wacky?). So proud of you girl! Holiday hugs from germany, tj

  6875. Can’t wait to see the individual pages! I almost made a Christmas Journal this year…hopefully seeing yours will give me the extra motivation I need to sit down and create. I also love that you plan to continue filling it next year! I become easily worried that I won’t “correctly” use a journal I make, so I end up not making one. Thank you for showing that it doesn’t have to be filled all at once – it can be a wonderful work-in-progress. Thanks, Hanna!
    Sunshine and hugs from Okinawa, Arielle

  6876. Love your December journal and it looks incredible! I worked on a little spiral index card book journal last night and they are so much fun. Need to take pictures and post to my blog but first there is this matter of shoveling lots of snow off my sidewalk :-)

  6877. Very cool…I also started a December holiday journal and scrapbook…but totally behind as I print photos in bulk! It’s amazing how the time just flies, but I love the idea of a special journal for December…because during the holidays there’s always more to record!

  6878. For months I’ve been thinking about sending you a note! Thank you for all of the ideas and art that you share with all of us who are all over the world!

    I, too, love your mother’s angel dolls and I’m glad that you got to keep one of them.

    Have a wonderful New Year!

  6879. Thanks for your sweet comment! Karyl, I’m so glad you took the time to comment, I appreciate that you let me know that you find inspiration here on my blog! Have a creative New year you too!

    Linda, I’m not sure I will print any photos for my journal, I have a digital album in the making for those. :-)

  6880. Beautiful photos, I’m particularly interested in the tablecloths because they look very similar to traditional Hungarian embroidery (my family is part Hungarian)!

  6881. Thanks Margaret! The tablecloth is my mothers but I’m not sure who made it. Its not embroidered though, its a woven fabric in red and white, perfect for Christmas. :-)

  6882. Interesting post.
    Yesterday I saw some pillows in one of ikea shops here in Italy, they were embroidered with similar tecniques and subjects. I found them really beautiful, but I can’t imagine they were inspired by traditional swedish art/craft.
    I also made some dreams about making that pillows, but, well, I prefer reading about your progress :)

    Maria’s pincushion is lovely!!!

  6883. This type of embroidery is mostly new to me. I really like the piece that you are working on at present. The little pillow that your friend made is especially cute too.

    I look forward to following along as I learn to embroider.

  6884. beautiful AND inspiring!! looking forward to the finished result :)

    glad you had a joyful christmas!! happy new year to you!! it is always a pleasure to stop here and see what you’re doing even if i don’t always let you know i’m here. xxx

  6885. I just got a set of unlined Moleskines for Christmas- as a writer and sketcher, I would like to be able to do both in these books- however, unlike iHanna I prefer lines when writing in journals. Does anyone have any ideas about how to create lines on some pages, while being able to leave some pages blank? I’ve searched everywhere for a rubber stamp that would allow me to stamp lines onto a page, but alas have found nothing. Any ideas? (I’ve thought of making my own linocut to use, but I am not skilled enough with a gouge to make nice, neat fine lines.)

    Thanks, fellow moleskiners!

  6886. Hannah! My fellow blogger Traci Bunkers has very cool rubber stamps, one is called journaling rubber stamps and even though the lines will not go all the way over a page you could do rows in columns with it! I have one and I really like it. For me I would rather take a sheet of lined paper and put it under the page in your book, as the moleskine has see-through pages you will be able to write “on the lines” without actual lines! Try it out. Good luck!

  6887. Oj vad fint det blir v?l ylle broderier nu till v?ren 2011.
    min engelska ?r d?lig s? det f?r duga med svenska.
    ha det bra och kom nu med nya ide?r ………………

  6888. Thanks for your comments! :-)
    Margot, det g?r lika bra att kommentera p? svenska, jag hajjar ju b?da. Hoppas du ocks? broderar flitigt, fast det tvivlar jag inte p?. Du ?r v?l st?ndigt syende eller stickande… :-) God forts?ttning.

  6889. A, your own photos are oh so magical and romantic, love them! Thanks for stopping by and commenting at my blog Azzari!

  6890. I love embroidery, and seriously need to do more (rather than just doodle patterns)! I typically find myself ripping out a fair number of stitches, though.

  6891. Hanna, I love your pages. You inspire time infinity!
    I’m not even going to tell you that next year is my real journaling year, not like 2009 and 2010, but really truly. Probably!
    I don’t have a binder, but one can’t wait until everything’s perfect, or until one has lots of time, as you say, one must stop just jotting notes down in address books and scribbling on loose papers, and make one’s visual journal! yes, she does!

    but enough blabbing for now.

  6892. Great thought-provoking post, Hanna. I’ve been playing around with ideas for 2011 in my mind and it is time to start writing out my ideas. I’m toying with certain projects – keeping or letting them go in order to take on some others. Happy New Year!!!

  6893. Thanks Tammy! I have a tendency to take on too much online, all those challenges all look like fun but how can I jam it all in?! :-) I hope you share your plans, any daily project plans? I’m thinking daily poetry. Happy New Year sweets!

  6894. Your enthusiasm makes me happy! Happy New Year to you and best wishes for all your creative goals and projects in this fresh new year!

    Say hello to Smilla for me.


  6895. Hanna, I’m in. Love the idea of pulling together themed photos and exploring old photos looking for common threads (no pun intended)!

  6896. Hi there. :D I’ve been enjoying your blog for months – maybe a year even. It’s so colorful and inspiring. This post came along at just the right time. I have been giving my creative dreams a lot of thought lately because I feel a bit unfocused. Thanks for the link to the e-course. I am definitely going to sign up.

    Happy New Year!

  6897. Hi Hanna, it’s been a long time ….

    The main point is in actually DOING.
    There is a proverb by the classic german writer Goethe, which my mother wrote me into my personal book when I was a child (she already knew me well by then :-)
    The translation would somehow be: It’s not only about talking, one has to get into action.

    For the last years I was online into goal setting, motivation pages and so on and so on.
    It takes so much time, unless one sticks to one system.
    All those pages are beautiful, but online pages stuff up one brain.
    I did learn a lot, but as often: Enough is enough.
    You know enough, my dear. Decide, if you want to play or if you want business. For the latter you need a plan (but not x-online pages).
    Keep your hands busy.

  6898. Wow, definitely thought provoking post with a lot of things for me to explore…thanks for sharing. I really like that last quote by Henri Junttila… sometimes we try so hard to figure it ALL out…when really we don’t have to know it all. Just do what makes you happy!

  6899. I read something on a non-creative web site if there is such a thing :) that only about 2 percent of people actually write out and verbalize their goals and exactly what they want. Just doing that is I think very powerful and puts the energy behind it so it can come true!

  6900. YOU just gave me my one little word: DECIDE
    And that is just what I need to do! Thanks!

  6901. I love this time of year also. My word this year is EVERYDAY. Live it, notice it, enjoy it. I’ve decided on my project this year and added it to my blog. I’m calling it 12/365/2011. I’m nervous because I’m not a finisher but there isn’t a better time to start!

  6902. Hanna, this is just wonderful! The buns look so delectable. Thank you so much for this and for everything you share with us throughout the years. Your blog is really a treasure and Smilla is a star!
    Happy New Year –

  6903. Naaw, “my favorite swedish blogger”, thank you!

    Interesting post. I’ve been thinking in this paths too, it’s action that counts. Doing things, keeping busy, but sometimes it’s just more fun to procrastinate!

    Ooh, I had totally forgotten about the year word! I used to do this and I remember it actually being pretty good when I wasn’t sure how to handle something. I should pick a word this year…

  6904. Hanna you said, “I can?t follow through. I have lots of fear. I hesitate. And OMG I procrastinate. Still, I harbor hope that next year will be different. And it is such a beautiful idea!”

    and that’s exactly how I feel too!

    This year I want to fall in love with my body. I never have and it suddenly, at age 34, feels incredibly important to do. Not because I should but because i want to.
    My first step toward this is to try exercising entirely for the purpose of changing my body into a strong, fit one… because i would enjoy that more.
    I’ve never tried this before and I have fear and doubt but also hope.
    I’ve never had a Year Word but maybe I will choose one this year :)

    thanks for your honest, genuine sharing post that encouraged me to share a bit of myself :)

  6905. love all this post.. every bit of it.
    my word for this year is COURAGEOUS.
    I want to believe in myself more, be more courageous re my art, my life.. etc.

  6906. I really like the link about “discipline” and poetry that you posted. I also totally agree with the idea of “enough is enough”…there are so many outlets available to list goals, plans, lists, words, etc for the new year that you could get so caught up making lists that you forgot to actually get things done! I get a bit overwhelmed by that.
    A lot of people have been talking about picking a new year word but I haven’t thought much about it…maybe I should! We will see.
    Great post, thanks for sharing your 2011 goals!

  6907. Hi Hanna, Happy New Year! I really loved your post. The way you set goals and write about them is inspirational to me!

  6908. I’m notoriously good at getting stacks and stacks of ideas and plans and just not acting on them. Sometime this isn’t a bad thing- I consider writing down ideas and then leaving them a while as a way of letting them percolate, letting the best ideas rise to the top like cream- if they still interest me a bit later, then I know it’s the thing to work on.

  6909. Hi Hanna…love what Tally said. I think we (at least I) get caught up in following someone else’s “plan” because it sounds so good but it may not be the plan for me. If it works for that person, then great! My word for the new year may be “enough.”

  6910. I love this embroidery. It is of such interest to me to see a pattern from the 1800’s inspiring a modern piece. Also, I’m so glad to read that you are moving forward, not back, and leaving in imperfect stitches. I sometimes have trouble with that!

  6911. Hi Hanna! I clicked on your blog link through the Slice of Life Project on Flickr :) Love the recipe card! Thanks for sharing – I think it will fit in perfectly with a scrapbooking project I’ve been working on. Look forward to working with you as the class starts! Happy New Year!!!

  6912. Happy new year Hanna!
    I, too, wish for a year filled with moments of happiness every day.
    Your blue bird is absolutely adorable and I love the pattern page. You could definitely photocopy it and use it as a collage paper!

  6913. Happy New Year. I hope you have many, many happy moments. I love your new journal can’t wait to see it unfold. Love the vibrant colors of your bluebird!

  6914. Thanks sweets! Happiness is a good goal, for everyone. I will make more patterned pages and remember to take photo copies of some of them to make more collages from. Great idea! Cheers!

  6915. It sounds like a decision and a priority.
    I wish you a fantastic New Year. May all your wishes get fulfilled.


  6916. Good luck with your goals for the new year. I too intend to extend my creativity and pay more attention to my sketch book making it more of an ‘art journal’. I love the look of art journals but haven’t used one in that way- mine is usually a mass of drawings, lists, measurements and are rarely very beautiful. So having gained some inspiration here I’m going to give it a go.

  6917. Hope you have an amazing year.. looking forward to many more beautiful and inspiring posts from you :)

  6918. Happy new year Hanna! Hoppy you have a really happy, creative new year. I can’t wait to see what you get up to. I just adore the bluebird and the pretty patterned page next to it. It makes my smile from top to toe!

  6919. Love this post Hanna! It really speaks to me and where I am at the moment. My word for 2011 is “develop” (which I’ve blogged about). .

  6920. Great goals for the New Year! Loving your new art journal & can’t wait to see how you fill it. Here’s to a fabulous 2011.

  6921. I’m so impressed by all your achievements…well done! Hope 2011 is a good creative year for you! Best wishes, Julia x

  6922. Wow that’s an amazing list of achievements! Congrats! I wanted to say a big thank you to you for inspiring me in 2010 to be fearless in creativity! I hope 2011 will be a most marvellous year for everyone!

  6923. Do Less, BE more or at least do the same amount, but BE more, is my new philosophy for 2011 I think ! How wonderful that you have so many things to celebrate, Hanna. You are living a creative life and enjoying that. That is a gift in itself ! Cheers, and I wish you the happiest of creative New Years too !

  6924. hi Kim, do less? I could not accomplish that, hehe, it sound awfully difficult to achieve?! I always want to do so darn much when it comes to my creativity plans… :-) Cheers, and thanks for the idea to celebrate instead of just listing stuff. I’m doing art journaling right now, to celebrate a bit.

  6925. Congratulations on achieving so many things! Some of them were really big too, being published and teaching in the 21 Secrets Class. (I am kicking myself for not taking that class.) I really enjoy reading your blog. Keep up the wonderful creative work in 2011!

  6926. Hanna, u crack me up when u said “I’m not lazy”…. Pretty obvious to all of us and I love this list. Many many things u did will just be paving the way for more accomplishments in the future. Congrats girl!

  6927. Karis, thank you. Yes some of the small are indeed huge for me, I agree and I don’t want to belittle those either. Thanks for reminding me about them. :-) See you around in 2011! Have a great week!

    Eden, you don’t see me as lazy because you see my blog. Still I have this image of myself because I sometimes am very lazy, hehe, even though I try not to be! The images we have of our selves are not always what others see, but both are quite true. ;-) Thanks for the congratulations, you sweet!

  6928. All your little things add up to such big things, I think!

    I really enjoyed this summary and I like the quote that you shared at the beginning. You are always a huge inspiration to me, Hanna.

    Happy 2011!

  6929. Wow, that’s a great achievemnts list! You’ve been so productive. You’ve spurred me on to keep track of my achievements this year (and thereby motivate myself to keep going too) .

    Good luck for your writing goals for this year. Writing is high up there on my list of goals this year as well, so will look forward to hearing how you get on.

  6930. What a fantastic list of accomplishments! My biggest three for the year were: starting a blog, opening an Etsy shop & finishing a 5k training program. Happy New Year! Here’s to an even better year.

  6931. Jodi, your blog inspires me right back and I’m glad you will keep posting your lovely photos to it during 2011! :-)

    Carin, going back reading old blog posts helps a great deal to keep track of creative things. Then I write lists of read books etc. I love personal statistics!

    Danielle, wow! You have achieved BIG things! I’m impressed especially with the running since that is something I think about but never do. :-)

  6932. Any achievement, big or small, is worth being noted. And I think your forgot one thing on your list: inspired tons of people worldwide to be creative!
    Happy new year dear friend!

  6933. Oh, Sophie! Yes I forgot that one – thank you thank you thank you for reminding me. I’m going to add it to my list, it feels like the most important one to me! :-)

  6934. Thanks for the link to your previous post on being an introvert, I must have missed it. Interesting reading, I am super territorial – I can’t stand anyone touching my notes!!! :)

  6935. Hanna that photo is absolutely WONDERFUL! I love it.
    I agree 1000% about magazine cutting.

    fellow creative introvert

  6936. Christine, thanks! It’s not to late to look back at your achievements -and never too late to celebrate it all! :-) So, let me know if you post it on your blog so I can celebrate you!

  6937. Trekky, glad you found the post on being introverted helpful. I think it is a great thing to be introverted and I embrace it even though others might think it is a bit strange sometimes… :-)

    Libby, yes magazine cutting is the best. I need a new pile soon to “digest” or “gnaw through”, hehe. Take care!

  6938. Hanna this self portrait is fantastic! And it is very different than the image I have of you in my mind. (A very “busy” person, always creating & writing). And here is the other side of you, the introvert…the stillness! This is why self portraits are so fascinating…

  6939. Thanks a lot Hanna for helping me with the blogg! It was one of the best things you did last year, from my point of view. And of course you did a lot of good work for the embroidery guild!

  6940. Oh Hanna, these are my most favorite posts!! Because they really excite me with all those wonderful, crazy ideas!! I’d love to have you guest write for me sometime!!! Also, I cracked up when you mentioned that you’d go thru your fabric stash and GET RID of unused fabric….is this true??? I hold on to all my fabric, (the quilter in me)!! Love to just go and look at them!! I think CHOOSE is a wonderful word for you my proactive/ go get em/ always busy hands/ smart/ bloggie bud :D

  6941. Hanna you are an amazing organizer. You categorize your creativity AND you make lists within them. I wish you could come swim in my head and put my thoughts in order. This makes is so official!

    I’m interested in your photography project… what are you up to? A blog photo project? Do tell!!!

  6942. Hurray, a new postcard swap!
    The last one was the first time I did something ‘official’ with my creativity. It was a bit scary, but above all a lot of fun.
    And it was the start of a year filled with creativity

  6943. Greetings iHanna –
    Thanks for the post! I have some electric red yarn I got at a thrift store that I’m going to try to re-dye! I’ll try a tea + jello mix and see what happens. Thanks for the research! I’ll check out your Etsy shop, too. -M

  6944. You are so very motivated! It’s all I’ve been able to manage this year to put forward one solid (though very large) goal I can actually work on, and one really really big hope, which I’ve been working on for… oh, a year and a half. Your goals and inspirations are, well, inspiring.

  6945. Hi Hanna

    i know the feeling of being organized,…you put all those little things (sraps of paper, fabric, buttons,…) in different boxes…after a while you have to reorganize because the boxes become to small. When everything has his place, I’m too tired to start creating something…I think for me it’s better to be a little more messy, chaotic than too organized!!!!

  6946. Thanks for commenting! Being organized is never an easy task. I’m planning to write more about it on my blog this year. Recycling is great, when you’re on a tight budget! :-)

  6947. Eden, thank you for your generous words! I don’t see myself as a go-getter but maybe I could choose to be in the new year?! A lot of my fabric stash is from thrift shops and have been sitting in plastic containers for years (I do not have room for all of it unfortunately) and I find it very difficult to sort stuff away, but I hope to either use it for projects (sew more) or give it away (maybe mom will add it to her stash, hehe). XOXO

    Sophie, thanks! I will do my best to achieve at least some of this during the year!

    TJ, you are putting me on a pedestal now? I want to be organized, I want to do a lot, it is not the same thing. I looove making lists though, but my lists from previous years, as organized as they look, are quite similar to this one but not accomplished (yet). ;-)

  6948. I do the same thing on my desk except my box is still ugly. I need to take a cue from you and decorate mine. Good thing this project is simple enough that even my lazy self can accomplish it. :)

  6949. Elliott, thanks for taking the time to comment! Mine was ugly many months, but when I noticed it was here “to stay” I prettified it!

    Libby, glad you like it! As Queen of Disorder I bet you have a few boxes around that can use some decorating, then!? ;-)

  6950. Hi Hanna

    I got a really brilliant tip about storage of scrap paper from Mary at Green Paper when I took her wonderful collage class. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind me sharing it with you.

    Basically you sort your scraps by size, you have three trays that fit into one another. Each smaller than the other. The papers start of in the big tray and as you use bits the scraps left get smaller they progress through the trays. When you need a ‘little something’ you know where to look!

    When you clear your desk you just sort it quickly into the appropriate size tray.

    Mary explains it much better but it really does work! and she manages to clean off her desk in under a minute….. impressive!!!

    This way when you are looking for a scrap piece for a collage or project they are available by size. Does that make sense? It works really well for me.

    ps I LOVE my collage it arrived safely today :)

  6951. Karen, thanks for sharing that. I’m not sure it would work for me because I have such big piles of paper that they really need to be put away regularly, but sorting after size is absolutely easier than any other way. Glad you got the collage and like it. *happy*

  6952. All three layouts are lovely but I really do like the second one from the top. The straight lines of colored paper dances before my eyes. It’s odd how my exploration on the web today for inspiration has been turning up these simpler pages with an actual white background. Reminds me of my start with creative memories as a scrapbooker. The colors on the white page just burst. Anyways love what your doing!~ I’ve been really wanting to get my first moleskin and this might be the big push I needed. Thanks.

    As always very inspirational!

  6953. I loved this post so much. You inspired me to do the same and I used some of your headings. I hope you don’t mind! It really helped my in finding my blog groove again. All the very best with your intentions, I am sure you will exceed your own expectations and blow us all away!
    Kel x

  6954. What an excellent write up! You could have very well been describing me. I show very traditional signs of being an introvert. So much so that my husband and I joke that I could easily be a hermit.

    I’ve always been an introvert – socially awkward, preferring to stay at home by myself with a book or painting rather than go out with a group, that familiar feeling of being drained after spending time with others, writing instead of speaking, etc. I even have to have time alone away from my husband after spending a day with him.

    It’s funny you mentioned being territorial about things. The thing that caught my attention was the computer screen comment. I have always been territorial about what’s on my screen – doesn’t matter what it is, what I’ve typed, who’s reading it. Until I give you permission to read it the content on the screen is mine! I thought that was just one of my weird quirks.

    Thanks for writing this.

  6955. Wow What an amazing post!!! I think it fits me pretty much!!!
    Thank you for writing about us Introverts!!! I always felt bad being one…when I was told I was one way back when!! Thank you for helping me understand myself better!!!
    As MArtha would say”It’s a Good Thing”!


  6956. I find it so hard to throw any scraps away because I can’t help seeing future potential in them. I’m the same with buttons, ribbon, interesting pieces of recycling…….. Anyhow the result is that I too am always fighting with a house full of clutter. I do try and organise but when containers get full, new ones are then started & then soon I have no room for all my containers. I think your idea of setting a time limit & if not used then scraps are thrown is a great idea. I’ll try and be brave and try this…

    Happy New Year
    Kat X

  6957. Thanks for commenting!
    Cheryl, wow! Thanks for sharing your book, I loooove your photos and oh my, I’m so envious of you being in that beautiful place. I mean snow and winter IS beautiful too… but I know where I’d rather be! Tahiti!!! I think you will look through it many times and enjoy it. I know I love my photo book so much!

  6958. Wow… amazing how your winter pictures look like scenes from around here (Saskatchewan, Canada)… and I’m with Smilla, I want summer back now everything feels boring boring!!

  6959. I tried to look at the snow photos, but I just keep going back to Smilla. She has been a constant in our blog friendship, perhaps what first drew me to your blog and made me comment, and then I got to know you! It was so crazy when I ended up with a lost kitty who looks so similar.

    Ah, I’m just reminiscing out loud. Since I can’t pet Smilla, I’m off to find my Kin instead. :)

  6960. Thanks girls! Pam, Canada and Sweden has quite similar weather with the season and all (I’ve heard, I haven’t been to your beautiful and much bigger country yet!)

    Lanie, thanks! Smilla likes the rugs too!

  6961. I love the minimilist look! I normally am very happy to overdue it with color and find the white shockingly bright behind the colored paper. I am going to try it. I do believe that you are right. Even if it is a few strips of paper it does take skill in picking them out and placing them on the paper to be pleasing to the eye.

  6962. LOVE that christmas tree and the pretty kitty – what personality she projects from that picture!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Looking forward to your Strathmore work!

  6963. Love the kitty, love the rug, love the bird feeder (it’s huge!) and love LOOKING at your snow in photos.

    We hardly have any snow on the ground at all. Just a touch of white here and there. It’s gonna snow tomorrow though. I was meant to live in Florida or Arizona! Hopefully I’ll get a vacation to a nice warm climate sometime this winter–my fingers are crossed.

  6964. I love your winter photographs and, of course, your kitty (cats have such a special place in my heart! Love that she’s so honest about her kitty boredom — isn’t that just how they are?!). =)

    Thanks for visiting my blog — I’ll be back to visit yours again, too!

    Happy creating!


  6965. beautiful photos…looks chilly out there. thanks for participating in artJOURNALING daily :) wishing you a prosperous and beautiful 2011!! artful hugs..xo

  6966. Just wanted to add another bit to the therapeutic aspects of cutting up magazines…it may not be a popular view, but I think it is equally important. Cutting/tearing is an aggressive act and getting to act on something aggressively can be really important. We are so limited by what is socially appropriate and are required to contain the aggressive/angry/hostile feelings we all naturally have. Cutting a magazine is a healthy way of expressing those energies. It is the act of destruction that is so often a part of creation. We often fear these aggressive energies, but this is a way to embrace them and see their value in a full and complete life.

  6967. Thanks for commenting on my blog and being such a creative inspiration to all of us! Traci, I really enjoy your art journal posts lately! Let me know if I can be a guest poster in the project!? :-)

  6968. smilla looks like such a cuddly sweetheart! i enjoy looking at your photos of winter wonderland. i grew up in the snow but now live in the sunny desert.

  6969. Love your black and white photos particularly the Birch, though Smilla is definitely the star of the post, she is so cuddly. Happy New Year Hanna.

  6970. Yes, it’s true that your winter pictures remind me of Canada. ^-^ We currently have lots of snow, like you do.
    And I love thoses pictures of “the lady of the house” with this carpet. :-) The colors are beautiful.
    Gotta love cat pictures, too. ;-)

  6971. I agree with Kelly, this post is very inspiring for all of us. :) I also used some of your heading in my personal journal and wrote about the things I wanted to do in each part of my creative life. But the list is sooooo long. :-p I will have ot cut it in half.
    I yet have to write a blog post about my goals for 2011, so this reminds me to do it. ;)

  6972. Thanks, so glad I inspired you to write about goals and plans and visions etc. I didn’t realize the headlines were as good, but you’re welcome to use them. Let me know when the post is up on your blog so I don’t miss it!


  6973. I sure will! :-)
    By the way, I was wondering if you were using some kind of a blog/Wordpress plugin for your blog’s comment/reply via email? I would like to have something similar on my blog, so, if you have any recommendation… ;-)

  6974. Love what you did! I’m pretty sure your year will be very creative. I’m hoping to fill my art journal, I finally started after being so reluctant. Thank you for the inspiration =)

  6975. Well, thanks for the comment Cath! I wish you all the creative joy in the world with your art journal! I’m sure you’ll have fun with it! :-)

  6976. I love the words ‘Be Delicious’! And the ‘Vingage Stories’ tag – that’s really a clothing tag?? That is seriously cool! :D

  6977. Melanie, thanks! Hmm… now that I think about it maybe it was from the cloth company but came with the pearls I bought at the same time? Yes, it’s a jewlery price tag then. Still seriously cool. :-)

  6978. Thanks Laurie, glad you enjoyed all the journal pages! I just had to post all of it… almost all of it. There is more to come. Let’s make this year, all of us together a great one! Love how you describe your word!

  6979. so many juicy things on your pages ! You have wonderful collections of images and stuff, Hanna. It must be a pleasure to play in those bright and colorful pages.
    Your unique IHanna style makes me smile.
    Happy Creating !

  6980. This is such a great post, and such a great journal! I’m wishing now that I had made my own instead of using a tightly-bound pre-made book.

  6981. I was hoping to get a blog post up this week and haven’t managed it so far. I think you’ve inspired me to get into gear already!

  6982. Wow, this is so nice you’ve inspired me to open my art journal again! Only now I want to use recycled envies in mine like you have (I love to use recycled materials all I can). So how big are the envelopes you use? The book looks fairly large – I don’t get envies that big!! LOL

  6983. Wonderful pages! I love using postcards as flaps in my journals too. I like to make my own journals as well and incorporate envelopes as pages. I like the bottom picture the best with the picture of the kitty and the photo of the heart that reminds me of a Polaroid.

  6984. I am trying to get caught up and I have to say that even though Christmas is over and behind us – most of us – not me really – I was swept back into the beauty and joy of the season looking at these images. Thank you for a lovely, lovely post.

  6985. You are going to find that once your embroidery is completed, those few stitches you are not happy with now will blend in and make no difference in the beauty of the piece. Wool embroidery – has always been my great love – I love how it feels and how forgiving it can be. Sadly it seems to have fallen out of fashion in this country and it is very hard to find wool embroidery thread.

    Can’t wait til you are done!

  6986. So many snow images coming from my friends in Scandinavian countries. What a storm.

    But your kitty has the right idea! Isn’t it nice for her that if she runs out of food, it will be YOU that must brave the elements to see that she has more? No wonder she is enjoying herself so much!

  6987. Pam, thanks for commenting and visiting! No worries about Smilla, she doesn’t mind your mistake coz’ she can’t read! Hehe. I don’t mind either I’m just glad you are visiting. Thanks, I really like these Christmas photos. Maybe my favorite part about winter & Christmas is the candles, the light in the dark! Take care!

  6988. Har du sett att Bodil s?tter upp en f?rest?llning, Enligt Bodil Malmsten? Turligt nog ska hon ?ven komma med den till Ume? s? jag har k?pt biljett!

  6989. Thanks for all your lovely comments!

    Susan, the books is not that large really even though it is way bigger than previous books I’ve made, it’s because I couldn’t stop sewing pages and adding stuff when i was making it! I love to do that! The envelopes are standard size here: 23×16 cm (that is about 9 x 6,2 inches), so open the book will be just 32 cm wide. Start saving your envelopes!

    Spooky, thank you. I would’ve mentioned where I got the postcard if I had remembered… I think that maybe it must be from one of her first books? It is a tear out kind of thin postcard, and I know someone sent it to me as a gift with other papers to play with. Maybe it was MissKoolAid? Sorry, I don’t know. :-/

    Maria! Synd att du inte ska komma till Sthlm och se den, d? hade jag joinat s? klart! Vilka var ?rets b?sta b?cker 2010? V?ntar p? din lista!

  6990. I love what you’ve done so far! My art journaling hasn’t been that colourful this week except for my Sketchbook Project journal. I really need to finish it quickly!
    And the Keri Smith postcard… not from me but I can tell you it’s from her “Living Out Loud” book (I still have mine in the book!)

  6991. Hi MissKoolAid, thanks for clearing that up about the Keri book. I haven’t read any of her books but I’m of course a fan of hers anyway. :-) Yes, the sketchbook project. I just ripped the last pages out. Need to fix the cover, scan the last pages and then send it of to the exhibition people! Phu, what a huge project it turned out to be!


  6992. the pocket and flaps are my favorite part of art journaling… i love the pages that constantly play peekaboo!

  6993. So inspirational!!
    If it wasn’t after 1 a.m already I would start working in my art journal right away after reading this, it gives that much energy and ideas.

  6994. Oh what a great idea! This looks like a nice challenge to take on that’s not overwhelming. What a great collection you’ll have at the end! I think it would make an awesome book because it’s such an inspiring idea. It’s great for you too because I’m sure you’ll see your creativity evolve as the days go by. I’m excited to try this challenge. Thanks for sharing such wonderful ideas :)

  6995. Fantastic! Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m on the hunt for a simple (yet creative) craft project to teach at my church’s “lady’s craft day” this spring and I think this will be perfect.

  6996. Oooh, you didn’t do your updates! *taps Hanna on her hands* Baaaad blogger! ;-)

    Thank you so much for the link to this plugin. I have another one on my blog but I’m not quite sure if it’s working. It’s supposed to but I’ll have to make a test, sometime. *adds on to-do list*


  6997. helt fantastisk! jag har haft funderingar p? att g?ra n?got s?nt h?r ocks?, men det har hittills stannat vid funderingar… blir v?ldigt frestad och inspirerad av din art journal m? jag s?ga… kanske jag rent av kommer mig f?r att g?ra verklighet av funderingarna…

  6998. Thansk for all your sweet comments! I really appreciate it!

    Malin, tack! Kul att du gillar den, du har ju bidragit med biblioteksfickan! Sj?lvklart ska du ocks? binda en egen bok, du g?r ju redan fina b?cker och har s?kert hur mycket papper, kort och material som helst att anv?nda! Mejla om du har n?gra fr?gor. Ser fram emot att se din bok!

  6999. Your check-in post is simply stuffed with all sorts of goodness and inspiration! It makes me want to do more, more, more with both my journals and my own check-in posts…(hope this isn’t a duplicate posting…it seemed my last comment didn’t make it through)

  7000. Thanks for your comment Michelle!
    I’m sure not all my check-in posts will be this filled, it does take a lot of time to photograph, edit, upload and write posts like this one and yeah, I could’ve made another whole painting in that time! ;-) I’m glad it inspires though and maybe more people will will try to create something this next week. the page you posted is just totally delicious. I’m looking forward to the tutorial!

  7001. So cool this new journal, love it!
    Can i find a tutorial on your blog of making (sewing) a journal like this?

  7002. Hi Hanna…I’ll be sure to check out the blogs you have listed…I’m always up for checking into new blogs…you never know what you might find. I love your journal pages…I saw the cover at Flickr and I wondered what the inside was like. I like your first week of journal pages. You are so diverse and talented…love your blog too!!!

  7003. Thanks Sophie!
    Did you notice the owl tag? :-) So cute! I also have the envelope laying here with all the owl stamps! There is no journal-tutorial on my blog, sorry, but there are a lot of binding tutorials on youtube etc., and good books too. I’ve just sewn the spine together and then glued it to the cover. Kind of hard to explain, maybe I’ll do a tutorial the next time I make a journal. :-)
    Take care!

  7004. Aww, Mary! Thank you so much! Coming from you who do such cool stuff too, that is a great compliment. Thanks!

  7005. ‘Cut it, paste it’…’ the book mentioned in ‘interesting books’, I bought it a few weeks ago, It’s very inspiring for making collages.

  7006. I love those beads! what a wonderful way to recycle newspaper in to something beutiful!

  7007. thanks for sharing all these blogs with us. i love seeing what others are doing and could just spend hours browsing and getting inspired. :-)

  7008. YAY!!! I love your links, because you ALWAYS find such awesome blogs. I have found many I follow through your extensive lists :)

  7009. I didn’t know you could create folders for Google Reader. This opens up so many possibilities. A folder for new blogs is a smart idea.

    I’m off to check out your new finds. Thank you for sharing!

  7010. I hv a new xlarge folio size a4 moleskine to play in too. I got the hardcover black one.. the size the folios come in.. but I love it. I’m using mine for my creative biz plan/journal.. I can’t wait to fill it up.. I’m a sucker for notebooks and journals too.. u aren’t the only one! hugs

  7011. wow, what beautiful pages! all of them! i guess i’m partial the the squirrel and the little peak at the bird the most. makes me want to search for vintage books just to cut the images out of. thanks for the inspiration, hanna!

  7012. Oh, Hanna, I love this! Thank you for sharing it with us. I want one! I have to go find one and get it. LOVE!

  7013. Hanna, this is just so yummy and inspiring. I am making my way toward having more bravery with sharing my pages. I recently shared my whole Sketchbook Project journal on my site, but I am hesitant to share the writing I do in my other Journal. I’m loving the backgrounds and papers you are sharing here, and I’m working on getting ahead with surfaces so I can share them before I write in them. In any case, share or not, journaling really does something to open a person up and break down walls. Rock on!

  7014. Thanks for commenting everyone! I knew this was something that would get you guys craving…
    I got it in my local book shop, and they have the Peanut celebration edition too, hehe. It has writing paper, it’s a plain notebook not a sketchbook, I wouldn’t use it for paints etc.

  7015. Chris, thanks!
    I saw your Sketchbook pages and you’ve done a great job with all those yummy colours. Mine will look plain boring next to yours, but I’m glad it is finished and ready to be shipped now. About writing/sharing. I don’t share all my pages and if I write a lot I don’t share it all, maybe just details or before finishing with writing. I think 2011 will be a good journaling year, there is just so much inspiration everywhere for art journaling right now! YOU rock on!

  7016. Those pages are so fun to look at! I love the Smilla card. And I agree that the white page (with polka dots at the bottom) is pretty just like that. It does not need any writing on it.

  7017. Wow, that is a wonder to behold! The editor’s notes are pretty cool.

    Washi tape is so cool. I found some beiges and whites that I really like.

  7018. Hey! Thanks for taking the time to comment again. Jodi, it’s so fun to see you around here. Love the crochet you’ve got going. Too cute!

    MissKoolAid, thank you! Sometimes I have a hard time “stopping myself” before adding to much, but clean pages open up for some calmness within all the craziness inside the journal, hehe. :-)

  7019. wowee hanna! what a magnificent spread of pages! love how you record what has passed your way this holiday season and what ideas you are stacking up for next year. so many terrific layers to behold on every page. love it. thanks for sharing this with the team!!

  7020. Oh! This is amazing-what a great idea and I love that you have a binding machine, I’ve been wanting one of those. Thanks for sharing this awesome journal!

  7021. your december journal is so colorful and festive! thanks for taking us on a tour through the pages. i am so excited now to sort through my own piles of “junk” and get to work.

  7022. wonderful!!! i love this book and you have inspired me to put it on my list for next year, to make my own and jot down xmas memories! great pages, hanna!

  7023. Thanks for writing about Google Reader…. I had heard about it but didn’t know anything about it. I’m going to give it a try and you’re the first blog to go on my list!

  7024. Hanna,
    Your December journal is stunning! I love the bold colors of the scraps, and the unique nature of your project — it turned out great. :) You’ve inspired me to incorporate my collection of birthday cards (years and years worth) and paper scraps into a new journal – thanks!

  7025. Your gray pages are wonderful, and I love the message too! I love color too, but I’m definitely going to try some gray pages! Thanks for sharing yours and inspiring me! :)

  7026. This is a wonderful Nudge, Hannah, and your journal page is – as always – very inspiring. Thanks so much for giving me a nudge this week.

  7027. Working with gray is so fun! I had gray gesso for awhile, and it was certainly a new experience! What else is fun is doing an underpainting in the shades of gray, then going over them with paint – you get all these wonderful shades you never knew could exist because you usually paint on white…it’s so cool! :D

  7028. Thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate that!
    Kira, thanks for the idea, I don’t think I can get gray gesso here but I will try to paint over it – it sounds like it would be fun. Yay, now I’m inspired too!

    Diana, thank YOU for allowing me to inspire and do a nudge, it was really fun!

  7029. Ruth, thank you so much for the link! I have no idea how your word of the year could be”silly”, I think it is awesome and your word did “choose” you too, just like mine did! To walk forward, with intention. And you’re into embroidery too, it’s one of my goals to explore textile art even more this year, I did some last year and I fall deeper and deeper in love with it. Read back in my blog, for example my post on creative ideas for 2011, I think you will like it. :-) Thanks again for the link to your chosen one word! ;-)

  7030. Thank you so much for the link! I need to get out of the post-holiday funk and get posting again (well, actually, it’s not post-holiday funk, it’s pre-interview cramming, but that’ll be done tomorrow).

  7031. i love this creative nudge — and i like how it represents the “gray” areas of life — that nothing is ever in black and white.

  7032. I love how your workshop page is coming along. I’m loving the workshop! Your insights about art are interesting. I’m happier when I create too and you’re right, it’s easier when there’s a habit.

  7033. Hanna, I so agree about feeling better when I do just a little bit of art!! And your monster ROCKS!! Love those lips :D

  7034. Hanna – you go girl! You are off to an amazing start in 2011. I love the collage with the strips. It’s like the “log cabin” style in quilting. I’ve thought about doing an entire journal just with quilt patterns. Now it’s back in my head again! Thanks a lot…!!! LOL

  7035. I might do it to my journal too. I just love the idea of using strips of paper to make you think. Sometimes art journal pages that require a little bit of patience are the ones that I reflect a lot and usually love the outcome.
    The sketches are looking amazing. The art journal ideas makes me want to just grab my journal and do something.

  7036. As always, one awesome post! I did a gray page last night – not my favorite color either, but I like the page, and I am thinking that I might need to play with this color some more. I’ll be playing with some of these other ideas as well!

  7037. Wow, overwhelmingly wonderful, Hanna! Thanks for sharing all the details – and I agree about the cover paper!

  7038. Hi Hanna,
    Love the journal, each page is a delight. I have a binder as well. Just need to put some things together. I was hoping to make journals tihis year. You are so inspiring.

  7039. Hanna, your doodles and drawings have such a unique character! I do love the page of repeated strips of paper, and I’m so happy you had fun with the creative experiments this month!

    I’m liking the idea of 1) having a list of creative things to explore the following week and 2) the gray page!

  7040. fun fun fun collaging done! really get me back into the christmas mood. nice ideas. i love my coil binder, so cool these binders are.

  7041. Beautiful book – what a good idea! You make me feel like starting a monthly journal – how fun would that be to see how much one could collect and recycle within a month… Love your work – always exciting to check what you have been up to…
    H?lsa Sverige och alla svenskarna.

  7042. hi miss hanna! i just stopped by to get some journaling inspiration and saw you linked to my work in your list of things to try!! haha! i love that, thank you!!! xoxo

  7043. This is wonderful! Thanks for sharing…I am struggling a bit with the concept of evidence pages (read your washi tape entry too!) so hopefully have a better grasp on it now.

  7044. Cute! I so want to learn how to make these. So far all I’ve been able to make is a scarf with lots of random holes and extra stitches in it.

  7045. those are very fun! neat to see some of your other creations. I’ve never learned to knit. my mother used to crochet and tried to teach me several times, but me being left handed and she right handed, i could never figure out the switch. one of my goals for this year is to post something different every Monday. So far, so good!

  7046. Hey, thanks for commenting! Knitting is so much fun once you master it. Just keep practicing and you’ll get lots of joy from your needles!

  7047. I like this phrase about handmade objects in your post: “this is what the world (and I) need”.
    Can I add a thing to this? I think the world really needs crafters’ work, because it’s often ecological, less “resources wasting” than industrial process.
    Don’t you think it?

    I’m knitting a pullover for me right now, with short sleeves :)

  7048. oo they are gorgeous…love the colours and heel and toe details!
    I wish I could knit as I’d love to make my own clothes but I wouldn’t have a clue where to begin! My mum tried to teach me to knit many moons ago but it was too much for my pea brain to get to grips with! x:)

  7049. I’m learning… actually taking a knitting class next Monday to learn more. My cousin has a blog and hosts “fibers on friday” and right now has a sock challenge going on!

    Love your socks … they looks wonderfully warm!

  7050. Thanks! They are very warm and cozy indeed. Learning how to knit is an investment of your time. I enjoy it a lot even though I will never make the most advanced things, I’m happy with scarfs, socks and simple patterns.

  7051. Oh, this looks like just the kind of thing I’d love to do while I’m organizing my studio! Being creative in the middle of it!

  7052. wow, how late could I BE?! But I’m here, that’s the point. And I love Smilla! I watched Smilla’s Sense of Snow this weekend and thought of you.

    My Scoutie gets SO BORED, and when we had all that rain rain rain storms days and days, she actually blamed me for it. She’s definitely a california girl.


  7053. oh, this is a stunner. And what a great idea! I love Diana Trout, but hadn’t seen the nudges! I’m behind, again, but I can start whenever I wish!

    you rock.

  7054. The red in your socks really pops! Knitting is like a big jigsaw puzzle of fiber, with some sort of magic holding it together. Knitting is definitely a mystery to me! Stay cozy!

  7055. Need to go check out the nudges, these are new to me! Loving the monochrome look with the pop of bubble gum pink, especially the crisp blacks and charcoals.

  7056. again hanna, you blow us away with the layers of interesting items that make the pages special because of the meaning and descriptions you share. FABULOUS! thanks for sharing more of your work with the team! you inspire us all to keep at it.

  7057. Had a great time looking through all your pages. How good of you to have a binding machine, nothing can stop you now.

  7058. Ohhhh.. I love the guy in the first photo. Bravo to you for journaling every day in this new year!!!!

  7059. Thanks! I never thought I’d like Christmas imagery as much as I did while putting this book together, hehe, I thought it wasn’t something I could love but now I think I do. Christmas (and the memories of it) is fun! :-)

  7060. Hehe, thanks. NaNa, I know, I made it I made it! :-) I’m very proud of my brown quilt, I use it ALL the time when sitting by the computer and writing, I guess it is a bit cold here in winter.

    Take care!

  7061. This is beautiful!
    I’ve been reading your blog for about three weeks now, and I’m so glad I found it! I love looking through your old posts while I’m at work, there is so much inspiration throughout this lovely blog of yours. You’ve inspired me to start journaling again and your creativity is contagious. Thank you for updating and sharing your love for art!

  7062. Sarai, thanks for taking the time to comment! I’m thrilled you are looking back and finding inspiration for your own life. Your blog looks great, nice photos and nice writing, glad you commented so I could check it out too.

  7063. I just love your socks! No matter they are made from two different yarns. At least you had enough for a full sock! My practice sock – ran out 2/3 of the way through and had to use another gray yarn to finish.

    When i made it – that did not matter because it was a practice sock! But – it is so comfy – now I wish I could have made two!

    The red accents are just perfect with the gray yarn. I just know wearing these will brighten any day! How could you not smile wearing them!

  7064. My eyes are happy! Beautiful, festive post filled with your journal pages. Inspiring. Uplifting!

    Thanks for the reminders of why I love the holidays so much.

  7065. Hanna…Your christmas journal is a wonderful keepsake…love all the stitchery you did on the pages!!!

  7066. Hi Hanna,
    I was over at twitter and noticed you twittered this post, so I thought I’d hop on over–it’s been so long and funny to see you’ve linked me here!
    An old link, I’m afraid–I am at new digs now:

    Glad to see you are still here, doing what you do! I’m back to making books–at least for the moment.
    Happy New Year!!!!

  7067. Well, these pages are stunning!! I also love the idea of ‘subpages’. Thank you for sharing this. You’ve inspired me!!

  7068. Inspiration galore indeed! I have to tell you, whenever I’m in need of color or inspiration, I scroll through your blog. It really is delightful!

  7069. Inspiration? Look at Lynne Hoppe’s Tumblr….that thing lights up several times a day…all amazing! She has excellent taste. It keeps me happy.

  7070. i don’t know if i could rest my bum on there!! it’s soso pretty!!
    the stitching in the heart is unique…does it have a name??

  7071. This is too beautiful to use as a bicyle seat. Love it!!! Thanks for the links in the previous post…cheers!!

  7072. Only you would think of this lovely way to find comfort while riding a bike! And look at how beautiful! And i love the flower embroidery.

  7073. I absolutely love the heart embroidery. That is such a nice combination of color and stitch. Great work!!

  7074. This is really beautiful stuff, Hanna. I love how inspiring your blog is. I aspire to that some day. These pretty reds and pinks always pop right out at me! You’ve got it!

  7075. Just how thick IS this journal anyway?

    Still holding on to “the spirit” around here so this was a joy to see today!

    I know where to go when i need a winter , my tree is packed away, pick me up!

  7076. Thanks for your comment!
    Pam, hehe, I guess I got a bit into the flow while doing this huh? Many pages later… it’s quite thick but closes anyway. There is a photo of the whole thing in earlier posts.

    Silvia, thanks. I don’t know if mushrooms are very Christmassy, but to me they feel that way even though they grow in the autumn. :-)

    Cyndee, hehe. What does the images make YOU think of? ;-)

  7077. This is great. Seeing all the stitching on your pages reinforces my desire to buy a sewing machine. Did you write on the journal pages shown later, or were the pages kept entirely imagery?

  7078. Pure brilliance, Hanna! Thanks so much for sharing all the delicious pictures! You’ve definitely got a gift for making things fit together. Loved the heart snow and all your stitching! Beautiful!

  7079. Too pretty to sit on! What a lovely idea. I shall have to get a bike now, so that I can make a saddle warmer ;-)

  7080. really like the addition of stitching in this journal. one of the illustrations in -Craft and Decorate for Christmas- the boy and girl in front of the fire, i recognise, it comes from the Odhams Childrens Encyclopaedia, it’s a 1950s book and i still have my copy, so i guess there was a Swedish edition too!!

  7081. I am a teacher. I have kept a journal for over 30 years. A few years ago I came upon G. Lynn Nelsons “Writing and Being” in a teachers group gathering which was starting to form a writing project group. We were told to choose a book to read and then share with the others in the group. At the time I was working at letting go of a lot of things, material as well as emotional. When I saw this book I picked it up and, as I skimmed through it, it opened up to chapter four on “Letting Go.” I was surprised at this and closed the book. I opened it again and once again it turned to chapter four. I knew then that I just had to read it. I felt the book had found me.
    Just like Mr. Nelson, I believe that journaling should be used in the classroom. I have my students writing in their journals almost everyday and I feel that this has made them more comfortable with their own voice and words.

  7082. I wish I can make a journal as cute as what you created. It’s very inspiring! Nice design. :D

  7083. Oh, wow! Thank you for linking to me! I can’t wait to explore all your other links. I love your blog too and find it endlessly inspirational!

  7084. Be careful about using anything oil based. Anything with oil in it should have a base coat of gesso/dried acrylic before working on it so it won’t eat through the paper over time.

  7085. So cute, Hanna! Lots of elements of the holiday and everything it brings. Love the Christmas erotica too…San-ta Ba-by…he he!

  7086. Wow, your december journal is fabulous! Love the look of it and how you are capturing all the tidbits from the season…very cool. I will have to do this next year!

  7087. Thanks for sharing…gives me more stuff to explore…woohoo! oh, I also listen to paperclipping, love it!

  7088. I’ve been reading your blog for a couple of weeks, and I just wanted to come and say ‘hej’! You and your posts are so inspiring!

    (from a fellow creative Swede, now living in London)

  7089. I like roses too, but indeed, it is very, very difficult to draw
    or paint them.
    I did a lot of collages with the queen of flowers: THE ROSE.
    And I can not stop to do this.
    I found a lot of wonderful poems and createtd Haikus with this subject (them). Here is one:

  7090. I love this! It’s so cute. Do you have a little white, wicker basket on your bike too? Because this would so go with that look!

  7091. very interesting monster and an aligator dog. hanna your creativity is amazing. love the colors you are using on your pages. good bold colors for this time of year.

  7092. It isn’t necessarily a girl thing. I have notebooks with sayings, bomber art, plain leather bound. They were mostly empty, because I’m a perfectionist, afraid of mistakes. One day, I just started writing in them. I don’t even scratch out the mistakes.

  7093. Your alien drawing is great! It makes me laugh (a good thing of course!) I like the collage on the page next to the alligator dog and the rose. I am trying to do more drawings in my art journal. I am not practicing though, nearly as much as I should be!

  7094. i love the monster and it looks like a she-monster – shester. lol i love your journaling and the color, amazing color.

  7095. This thing is the HAMMER!
    Is that a “real spiral” binding (one long piece of wire cork-screwed up through the pages) or is it one of those that are pinched? I can only get the pinchy kind at my local stationers and pages seem to work themselves out of it. Yours looks amazing!! Your friend in germany, tj

  7096. Uhm, what matters to me?
    My first answer is… colors and details!
    I experimented a lot (when I was at university) with black&white photos (I was able to print them by myself at home in a darkroom), but I noticed that I wasn’t really satisfied, even when photos were good. I’m always looking for colors.
    And I love capturing details.

  7097. Hi Hanna

    You are still as creative as ever I see. Good for you doing a photography course. I am in love with my little camera too and I agree about it being difficult to decide what to keep and what to get rid of. I suppose digital photography has made it possible for us all to take several shots of the same thing just in case. We would never have been able to afford to do that in the “old days” of film. Your photos are excellent btw. I love the candles and the cat. I suppose I delete about half of all the photos I take. Like yours, my hard drive cannot cope with keeping everything. Have a great week.

  7098. Thanks for commenting! It is indeed easy to fall in love with photography and a good camera, it’s like a companion that helps you document the details of life. Love that.

  7099. Thanks for all your lovely comments!

    TJ, it is a pinched spiral, but it’s metal and I close them quite hard. I’ve never had any problems with pages getting out of it when they shouldn’t… :-)

  7100. I’ve never asked myself that when taking or editing pictures. I’ll have to try it and see how it alters my perspective.

    I really like the one you took of your cat. You can almost feel him laying in the light of a fireplace.

  7101. Hanna, After a year of playing in PS, I finally read a book on PS to “fill in the gaps” and learned about the power of Bridge ~ it definitely works for me, and I have too many GB of photo, to be sure. After I cut out the obvious yukky shots, I find it difficult to weed through the photos I take of each subject… I like the idea of considering what is important to me when evaluating. Good idea. It also makes me realize that I should be taking MORE photos of certain things and maybe some other things I overdo. Great post.

  7102. Steph, thanks for commenting! I took a quick peek at your blog too, you make such pretty things. Love your collages!

  7103. Only 325 days left until Christmas, Hanna! I’m already excited about finding the “perfect” gifts to make for my family and friends! Never to early to start! And you’ve inspired me to create a folder for Christmas-inspired ephemera so I can make my own Christmas journal this year.
    Thanks for taking the time to share some of the details that really make your journals yours. Loved all the pics of Smilla throughout, and your use of art deco tape made me smile. Very cool, Hanna!
    —Arielle from Okinawa

  7104. Love your monster : ) Your blog is inspiring. I would like to post as often as you. I feel much better when I have time to journal too. Thanks for stopping by!

  7105. What a bright, energetic and fun journal this is and a great idea to record all through December as it goes by so fast and it is always so hard to remember what actually happened. Hope you have lots of fun with your new binding machine.

  7106. I’ve just received my first strathmore visual journal in the post and I’m so excited to start filling it!! Thanks for being such an inspiration hanna x

  7107. I enjoyed this set of images very, very much! Especially the tulips – so welcome in the dead of winter!
    That central question”what matters – what is important – what is it you want this picture to say – what is the center of interest – why am I taking this image…… I find that when i take a moment to ask that question my images immediately improve. Great advice to pass on to your readers,

  7108. Oh, I love that pale blue one with the pink bird and flower! Was that also a lined notebook?

  7109. I have these paints and never used them as I had no idea how to… Now I am keen to give them another chance, thanks so much for the inspiration.

  7110. Beautiful mosaic! I have set it to my background now so each time I hop onto my computer I am inspired anew! Thanks for providing these, I love em all!
    Also, I am really liking the crinkle look of the notebook cover… Sometimes, a little added texture is all that’s needed!

  7111. Thanks Eden! I enjoy sharing my new finds with you all, there is room for everyone on the internet and I love that!

  7112. These are great links; thank you! There are so many fantastic blogs out there and it’s always fun to see what someone else is reading. I really like the embroidery link!

  7113. Thanks for the great links. The embroidery link is fantastic! Run don’t walk to get Heather’s book. I am new to paint and paper and her book is fantastic. It gently guides you through how to paint with watercolor. I love it. Have a great weekend and thanks for being such an inspiration yourself!

  7114. Det er alltid interessant n?r du publiserer disse listene, Hanna. Noen av disse har jeg p? min Favorittliste, andre var nye! Takk for at du delte!

  7115. Oh, Hanna, you always have so much inspiration here. Thanks for that. And I love how you are surrounded with color ! So great !
    I hope you are having a cozy creative day ! Cheers!

  7116. glad you enjoyed the links and the inspiration these ladies provide! :-)

    Kim, thanks! Yes! I had a great day, did some embroidery and a new journal! Hope you have a great week too! Take care!

  7117. Thanks for this list Hanna, I love it when you share new-to-you artists as they are usually new-to-me too!

  7118. Okay, now I HAVE to go home after work and make a book like this! Wow! Absolutely fantastic!

  7119. Hanna,

    What a wonderful opportunity! Looks like everyone had fun. Those painted papers + sketchbooks look amazing! I hope you’ll get to have this much fun again teaching what you love. (You could teach to teenagers too.)

  7120. Thanks sweet Lin! I don’t know if it is a “natural gift” to teach, but maybe it is? I like how it sounds and also how it felt to teach, thank you! :-) I will look for more opportunities to teach for sure.

    Melanie K, yay! Send me pictures of your book!!

    Sophie, thank you! Do you remember/know how jealous I was back when you did your summer class? It all looked so good and you did such fun things. Maybe some day…

  7121. Sounds like it was a great success and the created notebooks look wonderful!
    Your pupils are probably all full of ideas now :-)

  7122. I really wish that you lived nearby so that I could take one of your classes. They turned out beautifully and this looks like a lot of fun.

  7123. Hi Hanna! I just found your blog today, and have really enjoyed looking through your posts, as well as the links you have shared. So much inspiration! I have “dabbled” with an art journal in the past, but I am now making it a part of my daily life, and I really enjoy seeing how other artists and creative folks approach their practice. I look forward to visiting your site frequently!

  7124. what fun! it definitely looks like a good time was had by all. great pictures full of inspiration. congrats, teach!

  7125. It looks like you had lots of fun teaching theses ladies, and so did them to be learning from you! :-)
    Sincerely, Hanna, I wish there was this kind of workshop where I live. Yours looks awesome! You should offer this workshop at schools or libraries around your area. I am sure they would be very interested.

  7126. Oh, your class looks like it was wonderful. Congratulations! I was wondering if that spiral-binder machine thing was yours? What are the pros/cons would you say?
    As always, you are an inspiration.

  7127. Looks wonderful.
    I wonder what do you use for front and backCovers? Hard cardboard, or?
    Thanks for a lovely blog.
    Frk. Hverdag

  7128. Yes please on the spiral binder! Could you give us more information on what make it is, cost etc please? It’s jumped to the top of the I want list…

  7129. I have the exact same one, which was a present from my boyfriend last Christmas. XD But given that it’s limited edition, it would break my heart to use it. So I bought the normal, black ones instead. Moleskines in the Philippines can cost good money. I got a large plain hardcover for Php1200. Gaah.


  7130. looks like a very fun and satisfying class! and such a feeling of accomplishment for the students to take up spiral bound journals of their own making.

  7131. I, too, have struggled with planners. Not only do I, like you, have very specific requirements, those requirements have changed through the years. For example, during grad school I found it very beneficial to have a PDA that I could sync with my computer, had a built-in to-do list for long-term assignments, and repeating events (like classes and meetings) were easy to add. (Before I got it, I forgot to go to class on a couple of occasions. Whoops!) For a few years after graduation I was quite happy with a month-view planner, but these days I’ve found my small Moleskine planner to be working out quite well: the left page has the week and the right is plain lined, which I use for notes and to-do lists. And it fits in my purse. :)

  7132. Wow – awesome Hanna! I’m trying to use a calendar to plan this year instead of reacting to whatever I find out in the blog-o-sphere.
    Funny all my lists and dates were also randomly entered in one of my art notebooks too!
    Well done by book-making friend…tj

  7133. It looks like you lead an amazingly creative group! And is that a pretzel stamp I spy??? Makes me want to jump on a plane to Sweden and join your next class…!!! Great work Hanna… from germany, tj

  7134. Thank you so much for posting this! I still have yet to get a planner organized for the year and this means I can actually make one instead of just randomly piecing together papers in my purse.

  7135. wonderful books, and I must say, you gave the perfect description of a born teacher—loving it from the planning to the teaching to the feedback and to the exhausted high. I spent 40 years teaching and I loved that feeling. Go for it every chance you get.

  7136. Thanks for commenting!
    Melydia, I’ve tried digital options too, but never ever loved them as much as pen and paper where I can use different pens, colour, doodle etc etc. :-) This one is just printed on one side so it is similar to yours with a blank left page for notes and list. Very hand!

    TJ, how is the plan working so far? Good I hope, better than my lists/plans I hope! ;-)

    Amy, I hope my tutorial will be helpful, at least a bit. I’ve used a recycled file folder for mine, it works great.

  7137. Thanks for all your lovely comments!

    I got my spiral binding machine a few years ago and the brand is RENTZ. It is very heavy and quite big, and not cheap either! I’m sure you could find something more affordable these days. Plus you all know I live in Sweden right? So I don’t think it will be helpful if I tell you where I got mine, hehe.

    Ellen, do you mean pros and cons of a spiral bound book? I am a fan of bound notebooks so I don’t use notebooks with spirals as much, but of course they are quicker to make. :-)

    Rikke, I use a thick cardboard bought at the book store in big sheets. When cut down I cover them with pretty papers on all sides.

    TJ, yes a pretzel stamp indeed! Not mine though, but I thought of you when I saw it of course. :-)

  7138. Isn’t Amanda awesome? Her art’s amazing, too!

    Your binder reminds me of my R+H one. It’s little like that, with great planning pages and so many things you can put in it to expand it. This year, though, I bought a ring-bound planner with monthly and weekly spreads…and haven’t used it much. I wonder if I should go back to that little binder so I can have tabs for projects and such. Will explore your links for ideas!

  7139. Kira! Do you have online images of your calendar? I would love to see it. I have started lots of calendars through the years but they are seldom filled… I hope this one will last me a year – or more. :-) Though I tend not to look at the other tabs for projects etc. I need a routine for that too! :-)

  7140. Great post, Hanna. I’m a planner girl, too, and love my small 6 ring notebook that I bought over 20 years ago in Hong Kong. The leather feels so good and it’s the perfect size for me now that I’m retired… was too small for a few years there. Like you, I need to make many of my own pages though I buy some from Franklyn Covey, especially the monthly calendars. I like your idea of dream planning vs set appointments.

  7141. Beautiful work! The ATC size is one of my favorites, too. It’s not too overwhelming for some experimentation. I am so going to try this!

    Here’s a question: Did you attach your woven piece to a base fabric before doing your embroidery?

    Thank you for the inspiration!

  7142. Robin, about your question. I did pin the woven fabric strips to a background and then I hand stitched all over like you can see on the green piece. After it was all secured I did the embroidery. When that was finished I glued everything down on a atc-sized cardstock piece of paper. :-) Hope that helps?

    Thanks for commenting!

  7143. What kind of paper did you use for the covers? Did you just cover the cardboard? I was wondering because it feels like they might get torn apart very easily..

  7144. I love lists! And I have several half-finished notebooks laying about with lots of different things in (lists of things to do, books I want to read, books I’ve read, artists that inspire etc) and since I started art/visual journaling a few weeks ago I’ve decided to incorporate those list into my main art journal. I like the idea of writing down creative ideas, but 100? Seems impossible! But I accept the challenge!! :)

  7145. Sara, thanks! I am list lover too and my list of books I want to read is way too long – always! :-) Let me know how the 100-list did work out. And if you make them in your art journal, don’t forget to add a tab so you can find them later. Love tabs!

  7146. I just started blogging regularly to focus on and value creativity in my daily life, and am working in an art journal to make sure I create art daily. I also keep files of ideas for decorating, crafts for my kids, projects for myself, all sorts of things. I really like the idea of having a kind of “master list” of ideas to jump start my creativity, and I can really see that list having a place both on my blog and in my art journal. Thank you for the idea! I have been reading your blog for a week or two now, and really enjoy what I find here!

  7147. Thanks Andria for stopping by to comment! I like the name “master idea list” though the expercise is importent while you are writing the list too, because the writing itself is helpful for generating new ideas, at least to me. Love your latest post about learning how to draw. We are never ever to old to learn new things!

  7148. Love the owl as I love owls! I have been finishing some canvases so I can make more with ideas in my head. I keep putting extra paint in my journals while I am at it so it looks like I am accomplishing a lot. :)

  7149. This book is just delicious! Such wonderful colors and designs! Not been experimenting to much this week, hopefully get to do some next week!

  7150. I’m a list-lover too. But they are in 4-5 different places so I think it’s time to put them all together. Once again, dear Hanna, you have inspired me to get creative.

  7151. I love those pages! So raw!
    This week, I experimented in the kitchen a bit and with my camera.
    Have a lovely weekend.

  7152. Hi Xav! I paint regular printer paper with acrylic paint, and the acrylic (it’s a kind of plastic paint) makes the paper a bit stiffer and not easy to grease or stain. Then I glue that paper to a sturdy cardboard to make it more colorful. This method is easy but makes the covers sturdy – they won’t tear I promise.

  7153. I love these pages! They are very inspiring. I have been using a lot of graphite this week but I’m itching to work in my art journal to play with color and paint.

  7154. Hi Hanna…I got out my oil pastels this past week…the first time in a long time. I experimented with collage (putting two magazine pics together) this week. I always enjoy your colorful pages. I also enjoyed looking at your workshop photos…it looks as if all of you had a great time creating books.

  7155. Thanks for sharing your insights. Before I thought i’m not
    creative, i don’t have a talent like that. But when I read
    your article, I now know I have this hidden talent. I will
    try your tips to come out my talent.
    keep on posting useful tips…

  7156. V?ldigt roligit att titta in p? din blogg ? se vad som
    skapas. En fr?ga, vilket lim anv?nder du till collagen?
    : )

  7157. Hi Hanna! Such gorgeous splashes of colour; I love them both! And, I know what you mean about the collage part; it’s just too much fun. I think I am going to get out my own pastels today and just do a bit of play. Thanks, as always, for the lovely bits of eye candy and the inspiration.

  7158. Oh this is a lovely, lovely book! I’m guessing it probably just feels good in your hands, am I right? Love that bulky paper…and your page with the pinks/oranges/yellows is yummy!

  7159. I do most of my creating on weekends, so I haven’t been experimenting until today. I’m drawing and painting faces, which is new to me! I found a grate tutorial by Milliande, and followed that. And you know what, I like my first face drawing/painting! Next week I’m planning on experimenting with making fridge magnets, after finding your tutorial from way back yesterday :)

  7160. I can’t tell you how excited I am that all of your tutorials are now in one place. Thank you so much for doing that. Happy Valentine’s Day, Hanna!

  7161. Thanks Erica, so glad you are digging the page. They’ve been in a category called “tutorials” all the time, but I think a page overview makes it easier (and more fun) to check them out! I’m so with you on not going with the commercialism of the holidays, but I opt for handmade instead of boycott. :-) Anyway, Happy anti-Valentine’s Day to you!

  7162. Happy Valentines Day! I LOVE that you talk about the practice of self-love & appre iation because that is just as impt as loving others.

  7163. Danielle, yes it is indeed. All year around of course, not just today though I thought it was a good reminder today that the little things we do are so important for self-love which leads to happiness.

  7164. MMM, semla….I’d love one right now! Apparently you can get them here in London, but not anywhere near where I live…
    Thanks for putting the tutorials on one page! I did find your fridge magnet tutorial last week, I’ve ordered some magnetic thingies online and will make some next weekend! :)

  7165. Oh, I hope you’ll find a semla soon Sara. Or you could bake them. I did once, not as fluffy as bought ones but quite okay with lots of yummy cream. :-) Happy creating!

  7166. Hi Hanna, your Tutorials Overview page is just scrummy! I took a listen there to Liz Lamoreux and what a powerful mp3. Thanks for the recommendation! Happy Valentine’s Day!

  7167. Happy Valentine’s Day! You are so generous with your writing. My daughter would love making the heart.

  7168. Happy Valentine’s Day! So excited to go back and check in with all of those yummy-looking tutorials.

    Also, I LOVED the Hunger Games! Hope you do as well!

  7169. Great job on your tutorial landing page. This will be huge – especially for new readers. Trying to get through archives on a blog that is new can be so intimidating and time consuming. I love that you have made it so easy for all of us new readers and old readers alike. Thank you!

    You have inspired me with your descriptions of how you practiced self love today. So many simple little things and they can make such a difference. But what I loved is seeing them as giving love to myself instead of seeing them as something I should do or a chore.
    Again, thank you for the insight. Very valuable to me.

  7170. So pretty! I have been making my own planner for years, but mine are not as pretty as this one! I love the pretty dividers.
    I have a trick that may help your left-handed readers. I am left-handed, and discovered that turning the notebook upside down and backward (with the center of the notebook on my right side) before adding pages works SO much better.

  7171. This is so great, Hanna! Beautiful and functional at the same time, with yummy bits like postcards. Terrific.

  7172. Your planner is fabulous! I seem to be hopelessly disorganised this year so far and I’ve had oodles of ideas that I just keep forgetting to write down (and then I forget them – eek!) so perhaps a planner is just what I need! Thanks for the inspiration as always!

  7173. Hi Hanna
    Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving lovely comments
    I love the idea of making your own planner. This would be good to organise all my ideas, right now they are on all sorts of bits of paper floating around the house – not good if you want to find them in a hurry. I have In Design but I don’t use it often enough, so this will be good practice. Thanks for your step by step photos.

  7174. wow! i love this and the idea that i could somehow finally get organized. i will have to make one for myself. thanks for the instructions.

  7175. Love the pink glitter and the yummy pink pens! So bright and happy! Definitely going on my crafty to-do list! Thanks, Hanna!

  7176. Love your binder, if you want more possibilities you can buy binder mechanisms and binder board at Sl?jd-detaljer. I have done a lot of binders, here is an example on how I do them, this one is not decorated at all.

  7177. I love your cover! Thanks for sharing. I love planner and the more personalized the better!

  7178. Lovely planner! And especially I love the idea of using a ready folder and cut it down to proper size. Well done!

  7179. I have one solution for sticky pages … I rub candle wax over it. Honestly it works like a charm and NO drying time! I have a block of the wax and that is what I use.

  7180. I love reading your blog. There’s always something interesting and this time also usefull.
    I have a solution for sticky pages also :) I’m using this product to protect pages after finished.. love it, smels great and gives a nice finishing touch. Sharon at Norah’s faces tought us how to use it.
    Ups, almost forgot the link:

  7181. Great post! I started doing visual journaling only last year and have really fallen in love with it. I use the moleskine sketchbook large one it takes a good amount of beating up for sure! I tried the water color one and for me the paper was great but the format I just did not like as much. The sketchbook is the perfect size and great paper. I am on my second one! The plain moleskine is great for just collage with a gluestick but not as good for paint and layers.
    For me I really just worked through the judgement (of myself, comparing) and kept working on different mediums of it until I found what I really like. You can get a glue stick, magazines, bubble wrap, and cheap paint!
    Sorry, I got pumped up talking about it!

  7182. I use the Moleskine Watercolour journals – large or A4. The landscape nature doesn’t always suit me but I can live with it. I think they are beautiful and take any and every art journalling beating you can give. I’m yet to try the Sketchbook one yet but adore the watercolour. Here in Australia we pay $32.95 for one you pay $15 for, so I order mine online from the US and I think they are brilliant value. HTH!

  7183. I love your blog! I really enjoyed your answers today as well! I had another idea for the sticky page question, and have found a similar problem when using a gel medium as a final coat. If you apply a light coat of baby powder to your page, it takes care of the sticky problem!

  7184. thank you for all the information. i am new to art journalling & have not looked into different types of journals yet. could you tell me what you mean by “altered book” please? thanks again.

  7185. An altered book is any regular published book that an artist takes and “alters,” often by collaging and painting the pages, or gessoing the pages and using it as a journal. If you search for the term on google, you will find a lot of information. :)
    I find that different kinds of acrylic paint are stickier than others. The cheap paints are actually less sticky than the more expensive liquitex and golden paints. They just don’t have as rich color. I use clear transparencies over some pages that are really sticky. Drying it in front of a heater also works for me.

  7186. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments! Let me know if you make a planner on your own, I’d love to see!

    Karin, tack fr lnken! Din prm r superfin! Jag har faktiskt kpt en monterbar prm-mitt, p Svanstrms, men inte hunnit anvnda den nnu. Funderar p att montera den i en bokprm frn loppis! Ngon gng… :-)

  7187. Thanks everyone for commenting and adding in your own ansers to the questions. With art journaling, there is no “right” answer, just many different ideas! That’s why I love it!

    Raylee, Karis has written a very good anser below your question in the post, and I plan to write a tutorial on how I alter thrifted text books into art journals by tearing out pages, using gesso to paint on and generally making them into something artsy and fun! Also, I’ve written about my altered art journals a lot on my blog, and I show lots of pages from my own if you look in the archive in the category art journaling! :-)

  7188. I have used lots of moleskins. The watercolour ones have nice thick watercolour paper and do there job well, they do not curl when loaded up with water. However be careful that you purchase the version of this notbook WITHOUT the pre made rip lines, or else the idividual pages will fall out, if you make them to heavy(collage and paint). Also Personally I did not like the long, skinny format of these notebooks and lastly you cannot use stamps on these as the surface is to bumby, even after you prep it with gesso.
    Love your blog hanna:)

  7189. Thank you for answering! I’m working on my art journal lately and it has become less difficult to stop writing and write only something simple because I’ve two separate journals.
    Sometimes I do have the problem of sticky pages when I put way too much paint, when I dilute my paints it doesn’t do that. I’ll try the baby powder method.

  7190. Thanks Banco, for linking to me from your blog and writing about your notebook uses! I love watercolour papers too, but I usually (these days) bind my own in a size I’m more comfortable with than the Moleskine one.

    Cath, my pleasure! Writing is good for the soul, as is art and messy pages, so I think a balance betweent the two is a good thinkg. Diluted paints is another good way to create colour washes that won’t be sticky, thanks. Enjoy your art journaling!

  7191. thank you karis & ihanna for answering my question, i am looking forward to your tutorials & will look at the archives. thank you for the inspiration & the information.

  7192. Great tutorial, Hanna. I’ll bet that you’ll be drawn to use it because it’s pretty and pink.

  7193. Vilka underbara sepia f?rgade foton!!!! Kul att g? in och l?sa din blog…
    Vi ses

  7194. Thanks for commenting! Quick nature photos are so much fun (and easy to snap) with a phone camera and a nice app! :-)

  7195. The photos are wonderful! I love nature shots…one would never know they taken with a phone camera….fantastic!

  7196. What’s the programm that you use to do those layouts and what is the name of the font you are using on them? By the way, LOVING YOUR PLANNER!

  7197. nice shots. love how you changed the coloring. we haven’t had much winter here yet. although they are telling us we will get a little snow tomorrow. i noticed daffodils in bloom on my way to work this morning. way to early, i hope they don’t get froze.

  7198. Wonderful! The textures and colors mix so well, and at the same time are unrestrained and somehow show the joy bursting out. Spatters make it all the more, well, I don’t know how to say it, but just *happy* I also like how you went around the frame/edge of the canvas to show the painting continuing on and on.

  7199. It’s a beautiful painting Hanna. For me, the thing about painting is that I never know what I’ll get. It’s very intuitive for me so a bit scary also. If you want to make another painting, don’t try to do what you already did because there is a bigger chance that you won’t be happy with the result. See it as a new exploration of colour and texture and let it take you somewhere different. And if you don’t like the result… you can always put more gesso over it!


  7200. Definitely go for it… I think it’s easy to be intimidated and many of us feel the same way – doubts and fears as you do while our painting supplies collect dust. But you just have to approach it like playing around…just like when you art journal all the time…not that you are going to create a masterpiece every time. Happy painting and creating! :)

  7201. I know how hard it is to gather enough strength and to believe in yourself, that you will paint even better paitings. I get that too – I paint one that I like and think “oh, this one is good, I can’t give it away as a present to anyone as I might never reapeat this or, even better, exceed myself again”. But that is rubbish – the more you do something, the better you get at it. So don’t stop and whenever you feel the urge to paint, just do that! I know you are a “do-er” so you will be fine.

    After sometime you will find your own style and you will start to see that “thread”. It takes time, but it’s possible.

  7202. I have another solution to the ‘sticky pages’ problem: spray some talcum powder (baby powder, you know what I mean) on the page. Use only a little powder. I got this tip from a printer, and I know it works.

  7203. Thanks for your sweet comment! You are SO right, one should not think too much (or maybe not at all) or one starts to hesitate.. It’s just bette to just start and do it! I know this, but right now I haven’t had time to DO so then I start to “think”. :-)
    Sophie, you’re so right, if something is not the way I want it there is always good old gesso to the rescue!

  7204. This planner is gorgeous! I love how you’ve customized it so completely! This post really inspires me to get organized and make myself a planner like this, even if my schedule isn’t really interesting enough to really need a planner.

  7205. hanna, this is beautiful! isn’t it just perfectly wonderful to create something you’re so proud of? the feeling is incredible, and, in my case, anyway, i always want to show it off like a little kindergartener. :)

    hope you can paint soon!

  7206. Simply beautiful! I did not come from a place of fear, but of eagerness and enthusiasm….I have no doubt there is whole wall of these waiting to be born from you. Those detail shots are delicious. They will fill my brain this morning as I dream of spring.

  7207. Oh, I don’t think it’s cheating, shopping is as much of an adventure as any other :)

    I love those bright coloured Pitt pens!

    I just have the black set and the sepia set, I love them to bits.

    Fab doodles.

  7208. hanna – terrific evidence page! great way to try out the pens and have a record of the effect and colors on the page. love to see your doodle page too – making the most of free time! thanks for the reminder to store pens laying horizontal. and thanks for sharing your *evidence* with the team!

  7209. Thanks for taking the time to comment! Sarah, oh no! Now I absolutely need a set of sepia too… hehe, I think this will be an ongoing obsession to get all the colours! And yes, shopping is an adventure too, I agree. It’s my favorite Artist Date with myself!

    Michelle, thanks for a great crusade!

  7210. even your doodles are exquisite! i’ve been poking around on your blog and i love your work. i also love how it covers so many mediums. super inspirational. :)

  7211. I love my pitt pens!!! I didn’t know they were supposed to be stored horizontally–I had always been told to store pens flat.

  7212. I love Pitt Pens! Love, love, love them! I would marry them, if I didn’t already have a great Lovin’ Man of my own! Also loving your painting in the previous post. Great work!

  7213. I don’t want to seduce you into buying even more art supplies, but have you tried the pitt big brush markers? They are to die for! I use them a lot in my mixed media works, especially the black one for lettering. They will write over anything and are waterproof. Just thought I’d mention them ;-)

  7214. Such great toys, Hanna ! I love Pitt pens too. I use them all the time but I have to be patient when I use them in my journal as they can get easily ruined if your acrylic paint is still damp in any way when you write over it !
    Love those colored ones…something to add to the wish list !
    Happy Creating !

  7215. I love Pitt pens!

    One thing you can do with them to create even more colors is to mix them together. I DO wish they had a more true-to-fire-engine red, though. I find that I get a better, darker red by mixing it with maroons or blues. I wish they had a blender pen. :-) Dick Blick has a nice set with many colors– I got a 48 color set and I still use it frequently. I made this picture using both Pitt pens and sharpies:

  7216. this is a lovely painting and you know what you need to do is get the paints out and play again..its only paint after all and who knows what more wonders you will create..fear often holds us back and if you dont play with paint how will you know what else you can achieve..that is all I do just play with paint and ideas and sometime I amaze myself too and wonder where it came from.

  7217. Hanna, This canvas is dreamy and makes me smile!!! I understand the crazy feeling of looking at a painting you’ve done and not quite knowing how you did it… We paint for the joy of painting, right? If you grab your colors and just play, your creative mind will paint something new and unique. You never know what will happen!

  7218. oooooh, those look great! I need a set of really good black pens. Mine seem to “run out” or at least appear that way, very quickly! Maybe I should store them horizontally?!

  7219. Thank you for share this information and your experience about pitt pen. Love the gray shade and the moleskine journal you stock-up.

  7220. Go for it, Hanna. This is what’s inside you, waiting for your brush to release it. Just do it? Take out a canvas, set up your palette, grab a brush and PAINT.

  7221. Oh I love you doodling the look of those pens Hanna. I may have to order a set. The greyscale ones look really good for shading and I like that they are waterproof. Thanks for sharing

  7222. I love the colours in your painting, so happy and fun. Love the texture you have achieved as well. I often feel the same as you when something of mine just ‘happens’ and i really like it. I think that maybe we shouldn’t focus on re-creating that painting again but the feeling and atmosphere that was around at its creation. Have fun with your next one. Can’t wait to see it

  7223. Hanna, I can not thank you enough for making this tutorial! I have so many things going on in my life (like keeping track of my eight (yes, eight!) doctors and appointments), that trying to fit everything onto my wall calendar is just too hard. I’ll be working on my worn planner now, soon, as soon as I can get some materials together. You make it all sound so easy, and I believe I can do this, too! And I have no talent at DIY stuff at all.

    Thank you again, a million times over!

  7224. Great you show us all of those fantastic pens. I have a set of black Pigma Micron fineliners. They are great to draw with, but I think you don’t need all the 6 sizes. They ran from 0,2 to 0,5 mm, that’s a bit much. I am going to have a look at those Pitt pens. Thanks for sharing your pages with lovely doodles.

  7225. Hanna, I just visited your blog thanks to your guest blog post on Julie’s blog and I couldn’t stop reading! I love all the inspiration that can be found here! You’re listed under my favorites from now on! (and I love Sweden too…I have even lived there for a while. Such a beautiful country!) Thanks!!!

  7226. Hi Sandra, thanks for taking the time to comment! So glad you like my blog/writing! Love your quirky and fun designs too at a quick glance. See ya around!

  7227. Nanna, as I mention in the post I’ve used InDesign for the layout. I’ve used several fonts in this project, the one on the tabs a typewriter font called VTPortableRemington, I love typewriter fonts!

  7228. Hi Hanna! I’ve been visiting your blog for a few weeks now, and you are definitely one of my very favorites! I enjoyed looking back at your post about your goals for creative actions for this year. I had started a list of my own about a week ago, and added a few more ideas based on your list. Thank you, also, for all of the art journal inspiration!

  7229. Wow! What beautiful photos! I particularly liked the ice on the river and the one with your shadow on it. They would make a great series printed on 30x30cm canvas and hung in a straight line along a wall in a monochrome room. If only I had a monochrome room…….

  7230. I just found this post. I love Portfolios! In a class, I learned that using Golden’s Polymer Varnish with UVLS (matte) will keep them from smudging and allow you to write over them with a pen.

    I also like Caran d’Ache Neocolor II. However, don’t use the Golden product with them–it’ll eat the color away from the page. Learned that the hard way. :(

    I LOVE your site and your work, by the way!

  7231. Just found this post today. Is there any way I can get a copy of your zine, either in PDF or hard copy form? I didn’t see any in your Etsy shoppe. Thanks so much!

  7232. Oh-oh-oh! Great choice of pens! :-) I’ve been drawing with the same ones and -adore- them.
    This is so funny, I saw the Charlie Brown moleskin books today and really wanted them. I’ll probably wait for them to in special, as well. :-p
    Very inspiring pictures and work, once again! :-)

  7233. “Been there, bought that!” Hilarious girl. This is evidence of your awesome stash and love for quality tools. Good for you, love it!! xxx tj

  7234. Just read your article Hanna, wonderful idea collecting colour. have been looking at your posts on the planner, and can’t wait to try it. Your planner is much more flexible, and just what I need. thanks

  7235. i love pitt pens but had no idea they were to be stored horizontally! so much for reading the directions! ;-) your post makes me want to start some doodling….

  7236. I love it! The colors make me drool and the tutorial makes me want to go give it a try. I will let you know how it turns out!
    In the meantime, keeping making your beautiful art!

  7237. Thanks for letting us download your inspiration mosaic – I love to have your inspiration mosaics on my desktop at work! They give me bursts of ideas in between boring office tasks and remind me of the great stuff outside of my uncreative job! Thank you!

  7238. Bonnierose, thanks for sharing your lovely work online!

    Melanie, thanks for letting me know you use my mosaic at work – what a great idea to keep you inspired throughout the day! Have a great week!

  7239. I love your winter photographs. I have often wondered what winter is like for people so far north. I have frequently heard tales of a dark and challenging environment. Your pictures add beauty to those tales.

    From: A fan who lives in Virginia, USA; a place where one snowflake panics the population.

  7240. This was a great trip through PittPens. They are my favorite go-to pens for sketching and coloring. I love the Black SF (super-fine) and the brushes. While the sepia hold my heart, I love the shades of gray, too. I love the work you have created here with the bright colors. I haven’t thought of doing a border of flowers around a page, so thanks for the inspiration!

  7241. I love your winter photographs. I have often wondered what winter is like for people so far north. I have frequently heard tales of a dark and challenging environment. Your pictures add beauty to those tales.

    From: A fan who lives in Virginia, USA; a place where one snowflake panics the population.

  7242. Wow. What a great idea to make your own planner. I always try to find what I want and never seem to find Exactly what I have in mind. This is an idea to keep in the back of my mind to do for 2012. Thanks for sharing.

  7243. Hannah, this is just fabulous! So much more fun than my boring dayplanner. Ugh! Thanks for the great tutorial and links.

  7244. Love this. I have to ask–where did you get that plastic paper? It’s awesome.

  7245. There’s so much unbelievable talent out there…thanks for sharing! I always find something to be inspired by when I come by your blog!

  7246. I’m really drawn to this. I’ve been enjoying your mosaics for ages now and this one is definitely my favorite. It’s so happy. It is joyful inspiration.

  7247. Gorgeous! I’m such an organising nerd, and I don’t want to override the diary my best friend bought me for Christmas but it will probably take me another 10 months to get around to making a planner – perfect timing :P

  7248. Oh wow – this is fantastic! All these years I’ve been searching for the “right” daily organiser/filofax, and I could have been making it for myself all along. TFS this incredibly clever idea!
    Helen — Firenze Cards

  7249. HEJ! ? vad fint du har! Fina saker! Jag vill l?nka fr?n mitt kafferep till dig!
    Hoppas du har en fin dag!

  7250. What a beautiful mosaic again! Your pink yarn sounds wonderful–what a cheerful scarf that will be. Thanks for sharing this great inspiration!

  7251. this is amazing — thank you so much! i happened across your blog today from a link in craftzine (great work on the planner!), and when i found out you were swedish i immediately scoured your blog for recommendations such as this. i’m headed to stockholm on vacation this summer and will be printing this out to bring with me! thanks again!

  7252. That is so lovely! I think I need to do some Filofax-improving soon… I like mine but I think I could like it more! Which might magically make me use it, too.

  7253. Love this!
    I’ve used this technique with my art students.
    I kept all the painted paper that I used to cover tables with, at the end of the 8 week workshop… we would create these paper weaves.
    Thank you for sharing this project.
    I think I’ll add one to my art journal as well :]

  7254. Nice!
    I used to make cards for Christmast weaving wrapping paper, had forgotten all about it – thank you for reminding! This years cards…

  7255. thanks hanna for drawing my attention to your inspiration list, it’s lovely! really enjoying the colors and intention. have a happy march!

  7256. Hej!
    Har just startat en blogg om min kreativa vardag, mitt senaste inl?gg handlar om Art Journals. Jag har l?nkat till din sida f?r att visa vad det d?r. Har sj?lv b?rjat nosa lite p? omr?det.

    Kika g?rna in
    PetraMaria :)

  7257. What fun! It really is all about creating unique textures, isn’t it. When you add the wonderful colors, you’ve made fabulous art. Thanks for sharing your play time!

  7258. I just bought a brayer! Can’t wait to try it out tomorrow, and I think I’m going to use this post (and daisy yellow’s that you link to) as my inspiration :)

  7259. Vad kul att du kikade in hos oss idag! Jag blev ?nnu gladare n?r du p?minde mig om det h?r pysslet, jeeezus, har jag fl?tat mycket papper i mina dar! N?ja, det var minst 25 ?r sen sist dock :)

  7260. Great tutorial! I posted a link to your blog from mine! I write a weekly blog about getting organized and thought this tutorial was perfect for it! Thanks for sharing!

  7261. Hi Hanna!

    I just discovered your blog, and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. Your art journaling is really inspiring, and I love how everything you create is beautiful, colorful, and unique all at once. I’ll definitely keep reading your blog, and maybe someday I’ll even try art journaling myself! Thanks for being such an inspiration. :)


  7262. Hi Hanna!

    I just discovered your blog, and I’ve been obsessed with it ever since. Your art journaling is really inspiring, and I love how everything you create is beautiful, colorful, and unique all at once. I’ll definitely keep reading your blog, and maybe someday I’ll even try art journaling myself! Thanks for being such an inspiration. :)


  7263. Hi Hanna,
    This is so ironic because after I saw you on Blazer I signed up right away to your blog newsletter…and on Sunday I started working on a paper weave of my own. When I saw yours this morning – I thought wow! Just when you need help – it come to you unexpectedly. What I wanted advise with was…I was using a magazine and cutting my pictures in 1 inch strips and weaved them together to try it out, but then when it came to gluing them it was a whole other challenge. The glue makes the magazine paper wet and not easy to work with and it was challenging putting them down and then putting your next piece in place. Do you have any tips? Looking forward to hearing any help you can offer.

  7264. Thank you Hanna for this – i am pretty disorganized and have tried many different planners……lately i’ve been drawing a weekly calendar and filling it in in colour. But i like your idea!

    Love, Violette
    p.s. thanks for the fabulous links too!

  7265. I am your newest follower and I absolutely love this. You are so creative. I would have never thought of this. Thank you so much for sharing! I would be honored if you would link up your super cute blog over on my blog stalkin’ page.

  7266. WOW these are cool and so textural! Good idea working on them in a big batch. How else could you even hang onto them? Will you cut and separate them now??

    It would be cool if you cut six of the squares in the shape of a ‘t’ and then assemble it into a cube!!

  7267. This is so beautiful! It kind of looks like candy up close. I had never heard of “inchies” before but it sounds like it could also be a great small-scale art journal project. Thanks for sharing!

  7268. I’ve done the proverbial collage inchies, in fact did a tutorial on it at one time.

    I’ve never sewn inchies. I’ve thought about felting inchies though. Thought that might be fun. I’m wondering what it will be like when you cut them. Hoping they don’t roll up on you. I can’t imagine you could sew them together when you receive all the others. I like your idea of the black background.

  7269. Hanna. These are just lovely! You have inspired me to get out the embroidery supplies! Something I can work on during my son’s baseball games, yay!!!

  7270. TJ, they are for a swap so I will not keep mine but get a batch of other colours that are already cut up, though I like the cube idea. Cubes are fun, makes me think of the collage cube I once did. :-)

    Kris, thanks for the link to your tutorial, yours are wonderful with one word + one little collaged woman image.

    Sarah, yes, embroidery is perfect to bring when you’re out and about, the inchies have been in my bag for a while now. Have fun with your embroidery, just sewing little stitches if so much fun. :-)

    Thanks for commenting!

  7271. Wow, those look great! Embroidery is too slow for me, but I love how yours turned out. I think it’s a great idea for a group to do something like that.

  7272. Hi Hanna, I just did a post on my blog about inchies, so I was very interested to read your post today. Love the shades of pink. Since I don’t embroider myself, it’s interested to see how you translate that talent into inchies!

  7273. Hanna, I do have a love affair with Pitt Pens, just a note that the fine, super fine, etc. come in a limited number of colors (including sepia) and all of the colors come in brush tip. As for a better brush tip red, Sakura makes a vivid red in brush tip. I learned a secret about the brush tips – when they dry out, pull the tip out gently with your fingers or a tweezer, flip it around, and push back in!!! Voila, new marker!!! I love the idea of shading with grays, honestly I didn’t know what to do with the grays, silly me.

  7274. i just want to get my hands on these – love all the texture and different stitches. i, too, enjoy embroidery but have never entertained the idea of “inchies”. you are always about ten steps ahead of me!!!

  7275. hi hanna, thanks for the pitt pen info, they are so fluid. my post this morning is very pink too, i dont have your patience though.

  7276. These are great and your embroidery skills are tremendous! It made me laugh, though, because it takes me ten thousand years to make a couple of decent French knots, let alone a whole field of them! Lol! I’d still be making those inchies when I was too old to even see them anymore!

    I think it would be cool to cut the inchies into strips (the way you’re sewing them) and back them with something sturdy – maybe even leather. They would make an incredible textural cuff bracelet!

  7277. Hi Hanna,

    Thank you so much for doing this article on self-love. It is so important to be reminded of this often. Self-love is like taking a bath or shower, we need to do it frequently.

    Big Hugs

  7278. By sheer coincidence I’ve finished “The artist way” some days ago :)
    Now it’s in front of me on my bookshelf, I can see it! :)
    I really enjoyed the book.
    Thank you for suggesting “walking in this world”. Can I hope for your review about it?

  7279. I think it’s awesome that your joining in too. I love your blog and I think it’s great that I can read your experiences and compare it with mine at the same time!
    Looking forward to it :)

  7280. Hi Hanna. It has been about a decade since I read The Artist’s Way, but I am familiar with it and things such as the morning pages.

    I noticed that the Amazon description says, “At first and for a long way into the book, we encounter the wheel-greasing exercises that worked magic for millions … Cameron re-introduces the basic tools the daily morning exercise of hand-writing three free-flowing pages and the weekly solitary “artist’s date,”… ”

    It sounds like I’m probably safe to dive into the second book? I think that I’m going to go ahead and order it. I feel bursting lately, with creativity and motivation and an urge to do a diverse number of things, but I need to harness all that energy or I ultimately don’t accomplish much at all.

    Hi, Smilla! :)

  7281. wow, after all those wonderful reading and writing and workshop suggestions I think I better go take myself out for that walk…!

  7282. I am soooo not a morning person. I feel like I do my best work in the evening. That being said…I run my own company and also have a 3 year old daughter. By the time I get her in bed at 7:30, all I can about is going to bed myself. Maybe I should switch and try this out! Thanks for the post!

  7283. Julia Cameron has a third in the series called Finding Water, which follows the same format. I’ve been writing morning pages for 6 years now, and last summer I went nearly 2 weeks without writing anything. Normally I write at least 4 days a week. It’s gotten so that I feel out of sorts if I don’t have enough time at the notebook. Good luck with Walking in this World

  7284. Love all the bright colors, Hanna! They make me smile! I think I may have to try this idea on a slightly smaller scale to make some greeting cards! Thanks for the inspiration!

  7285. I’ve been wanting to do a travel journal for some time now. In my online research, I keep coming back to your posts. Any chance you might teach a travel journal class online this year?

  7286. Thanks for all your kind words!

    Arielle, I am not teaching a travel journal class but it is a good idea. If you want to take a class I would recommend Mary Ann Moss’s Remains of the Day, you’ll learn to bind your own journal and then you can use it as a travel journal I’m sure! I haven’t taken it myself but I know you’ll be inspired by her” It’s about every day ephemera but if you know what trip you’re going on you can use papers that are inspired by upcomnig travels!

  7287. Silvia, did you do the morning pages and exercises? It’s the kind of book that you can’t just read through to get something out of (to me), you need to do the exercises weekly! I’m going to read the second book for a few weeks so if I do a review it will be a while until then. :-)

    Wendy, I’m not a morning person either, but the morning writing is not about creating something of quality; it’s just about the doing; the process, to get you started. Sometimes my brain does not cooperate at all and I can’t do them or I don’t have time, but when I do I usually feel good about it.

    Kerrie, thanks for pointing out the third book. Julia has written a lot of books. I want to read her book on writing too!

  7288. Hanna, I would like to tell you thank you for a blog that always inspires. I have a job that allows me to be creative and inspire others to create, but then have little energy left over to just play myself. But your blog makes me want to push aside that tired feeling and make time to journal and stitch anyway :) Also, I would buy that sad bunny if you would want to part with it or would ever paint another one. I love her.

  7289. Thank you for sharing.
    Your drawings are delightful! What a treat :]
    Also, thank you for sharing all that useful information.

  7290. I have been enjoying your blog so much! Thank you!

    My cat, Babi, and your cat should totally hook up! He’s like her with the long collar fur but he is black and white. He has 3 black dots on his head that look like a skull face. You’d love him. ANYWAY! Give Smilla a big hug from me and Babi. And thanks again for providing me with many smiles and inspirations.


  7291. I just read your recommended links – soooooo inspiring.
    I used to say about myself that I couldn’t draw – well, that is not true!! I am going to get out some acrylic paint and start right now (it is 10.30 PM where I live – now you see how inspired I am. My kids are asleep so I better use my free time wisely :-) Thanks again for your links.

  7292. wow, this is so cool! i love the different textures and subltly varying shades.. are you going to embroider over the lines or leave them as is? i have to admit, i want to shrink down so small that i can take a walk in your pink embroidery pastures..

  7293. Lovely. As I look at this, I think, what color would I do? Do I still have a hoop? Spring is on the horizon. A new project should be in the works.

  7294. I didn’t see this post when I came here before…love these embroidery inchies! I guess you will be cutting those apart to send to various people?

  7295. Hi Hanna, I just got back from a weekend out of town to find that you had posted a link to my blog. Thank you so much for that! I am continuing to get so much inspiration from your blog, and appreciate your support of mine as well!

  7296. Hanna,

    These drawings of yours are so darling! Makes me want to draw and paint more. Which is why I made myself a new journal with different types of paper for different types of medium.


  7297. What delightful drawings of your kitty and bunny girl. Watercolour is excellent for shading and I agree about white. I tend to go a bit mad with colour sometimes and forget that less is more.

  7298. Kul att du hittade till mig. Vilken fin blogg du har. D?r har jag mycket att l?ra. Och vilka fina bilder du g?r. Jag tycker mycket om bilderna du h?ller p? med nu.

  7299. I work with teachers all the time on setting SMART goals for their classroom instruction and lesson planning. A typical goal will sound something like: “After I implement {fill in the blank with a strategy or planning goal}, 80% of my students will score proficient or advanced on the unit test in three weeks.”

    Sometimes this plan works – and everyone’s happy. More often, though (since we work with human children), it crashes and burns. This is when teachers think they’ve failed and often want to give up.

    I believe, however, that a SMART goal is nothing more than a hypothesis. We learn equally as much whether our hypothesis is proven or not proven. We may actually learn more about ourselves and our processes with the latter! (The former feels great, though!)

    The bottom line is that some goals – even SMART ones – often appeal to our head, but can’t be carried out in our heart or by our hands. I like the way Julia Cameron put it in Week 2 of WITW – “Part of us knows we’re more than they see; part of us fears we’re less than we hope. This inner friction is painful.”

  7300. Thanks Robin for your thoughtful input on this! How cool that you work with this, I feel like a beginner at setting goals for myself that are smart enough… But I guess that is what I wanted to say in my post too, that even though I did fail the goals that are clearer (SMART) they still feel better than the more vague ones! I don’t know why that is, but that’s the way it feels to me. An important lesson for me.

    Will read week 2 today, now. :-)

  7301. For the last few years I’v struggled with setting SMART goals due to fear of disappointment and failure. When it comes to my art making though the only goals I have are to experiment more, learn more, and have fun! You have such an inspiring blog – thank you. Also, I like what Robin writes above, that a SMART goal is a hypothesis – I might have to adopt that!


  7302. Sara, thanks for your input! I think your goal of playing and experimenting in your art are awesome! The only reason to set further goal is if you need a push, and that might not be needed if it’s mostly for yourself and for fun. I badly want to write but don’t so I DO need a push! Try setting a smart goal and see how it feels, it hasn’t been so scary as I thought it would be before trying! :-)

  7303. I’m also struggle with setting goals., especially SMART ones. Maybe because we were supposed to use them in a certain place I worked and I therefore asssociate them with work. Maybe because I failed already so many of my personal goals. But I also see that it is in a way easier to follow specific, SMART, goals.
    Since two years I set New Years goals now, and to my surprise this year they keep playing in the back of my head and I work on them. Not according to a plan, but still doing it.
    Typing this I notice/feel: SMART goals are too scary for the moment. However, maybe as hypotheses.

  7304. I love this blog entry! (I love your whole blog, actually!) I love to do lists and setting goals for myself. I always feel somewhat lost if I don’t have some sort of goals, both short-term and long-term, that I am working towards. I think the important thing to remember is that while you can’t fail if you don’t set SMART goals, you are also unlikely to achieve very much either. So, in a way, by not even trying, you are still failing, so you might as well as least attempt to achieve a measurable goal.

    With writing, I think it’s important to be gentle with yourself. Like… you can set a goal of 1000 words a day, but tell yourself that if you want to just sit there and type the word “pickle” 1000 times it’s okay. If you expect to write 1000 brilliant and insightful words, it’s really ease to seize up and write nothing.

    For me, I find setting time goals for writing is more effective that word counts. If you want to go longer, great, but if you just scrape by at minimum, that still works. My rule is that I can’t use the internet, answer the phone, or move from my seat. If i want to stare blankly at the screen, fine. Eventually, I’ll get bored enough to just start writing.

    Another thing I do is start my writing session by writing “I don’t want to write today because” and I let my brain get all of its excuses out of the way (sometimes I end up with really funny bits of writing when my imagination gets going!). Letting myself make the excuses… and then moving past it to write, really helps me. Good luck!

  7305. I’ve learned “achievable” is very important to me personally when I’m setting goals. In the past I’ve tried to make New Year’s Resolutions to draw something every day, but it just never worked out. Some days I’m just not in the mood to draw, even a scribble, and somewhere around the middle of February I’d find myself hopelessly behind.

    This year I decided I’d try something a little more realistic and set a goal of three drawings a week. Not finished drawings necessarily, just something down on paper. This has worked out far better than I ever imagined! In fact, If I hadn’t been sidelined by the flu for a couple of weeks, I’d probably have enough drawings to equal the number of days in the year to date, and I’m not far behind as it is!

  7306. I find that I also avoid goals that involve a certain amount of time. Even if I make a to-do list for the day, it usually includes about three items that must be done without any excuses. If I add more, I fear failure.

    While familiarizing myself with Journaling Saves and the Walking in This World project (thank you for mentioning that!), I read a post there about perfectionism. While I knew that this had been a problem for me, I thought that I’d overcome it. Instead, I realized that it is worse than ever. I think that is what’s behind the avoidance of time-related goals in my case. (In the past, it has kept me from journaling since I’m the type to rip pages out if the penmanship isn’t “just right”.)

    I am working on a really big afghan right now. I have been feeling overwhelmed by the number of stitches, how little progress I see after an hour of work. I’m going to take some of the ideas presented here and use it to help me move forward. I mean, I can crochet for two hours a day… yeah, in that time the blanket grows by an inch at most, but after a month of two-hour crocheting jaunts, it’ll have grown by a few feet. I’ll be almost done!

    Thanks for letting me *think through my issues out loud* in your comments. :D

  7307. I used to teach and we had to set SMART goals as a district, but I never thought of doing that with myself and my art. Interesting. I guess I always saw them as sometimes impossible to reach given that all students are different, but I might try to devise some for myself/my painting and see if that doesn’t put a different spin on things. However, I don’t want to take too much of a rigid, “mathematical” approach as I used to see these goals as a teacher. I always see painting and creating art as more free than a measurable goal, but maybe I have to be open to seeing it differently!

  7308. SMART goals, is a positive technique to use. I believe it keeps you focused.
    Because art is such a “free” flowing element, if your goal is not met for the month… continue it over to the next.
    Soon, you will be on track and have momentum.

  7309. What a great post + discussion in the comments! Eye opening to say the least.
    I rarely set time/quantity goals for my projects. And I find that by doing so, I achieve far less than I could. So I will definitely look at my list of goals in a different way and set deadlines or quantities where I can.

  7310. Hey Kate! How fun that you want to join again, that must be because I did quite okay as a swap organizer? :-) Glad you signed up again! Yay you! Thanks!

  7311. i signed up! i’m not asking any of my usual friends though, they’re laggers! LOL. thanks for the invite, i’m super excited!!

  7312. Oh wow!! Girl, you are OWNING your pink!! I am wild about your inchies, the shades, the textures – total yumminess!!

    OK, so are you going to replicate this with other colors????

  7313. Wonderful idea Hannah. Wish I had time to participate… maybe next year. Thanks for your comments on my blog re Adobe.

  7314. I’m excited, Hanna! I’ve been wanting to do a swap or a challenge of some sort, and this will be my first one! I signed up already; thanks for organizing it!

  7315. I read somewhere that everyone working in Thomas Edison’s lab, including himself, had to meet quotas for inventions. It boggles the mind, and I picture a bunch of white-coated guys madly conducting experiments and blowing things up. It makes sense that you have to produce a lot in order to create something unique. Personally, though, I’m with Julia Cameron- the creative instinct doesn’t withstand the pressure very well. If it did, there would be a lot fewer blocked artists in the world, and we all would have withstood our critics to go on to great artistic success and happiness! :-) Art and joy go together. More of both is better.

  7316. I think I would like to join this one too but just want to check what the deadline would be for mailing them out once I receive the addresses (just making sure I can commit enough time!)
    Viv x

  7317. Thanks everyone for your enthusiasm! You make this so much fun. Laila, already lots of people have signed up (since I posted yesterday), I’m sure there will be thousands of postcards this year too!

    Viv, the deadline for signing up is March 18th. I will get you your addresses before the month ends and let’s say the deadline for getting your mail in a post box will be April 8th. No later than that! That gives you a whole month of creating your postcards. I hope you can sign up! :-)

  7318. Hi Hanna! This will be my first time ever doing this type of thing…I’m so excited. I’ve submitted my information and will look forward eagerly to April! Thank you for initiating this!

  7319. This is a great idea… but unfortunately I don’t have the time to do it. :( I’m pretty busy, plus whenever I start art projects I tend to go all out. I might not even finish one postcard in a sitting. I hope next year I have more time to do it!

  7320. I found this blog via another blogger and I just had to tell you how nice your blog is. You are a very creative girl. Lots of inspiration to find here!
    =) Tone Misemor

  7321. He, I do have a SMART goal now: making 10 cards and sending them before April 8th for the postcard swap!! Totally fun and totally SMART!

  7322. Hanna, are you kidding? This is NOT cheating! This is the evidence I needed at this very moment, even though (I’m really late seeing it)!! I am so in love with pens right now that I want to take the rest of the day off work to zip out and get me some of these pens. Your journal work is so great. I love your drawing of the orange haired girl!

    Nice to be catching up with you again. Hope all is going great with you. You truly are an inspiration to me.

  7323. I love it that you do this! Flickr is so filled with great things. A person could just float in there for hours. I love my Flickr buddies.

  7324. okay, now I’m putting this on my list. ‘take all skinny paper scraps and weave them into a new work’

    thank you.

  7325. Hanna, I’m not going to comment any more, or you’re going to think I’m a stalker! But I have been away too long. And these posts just always give me something to think about. What a great idea this is! And I was thinking that the paper scrap weaving from the previous post would be so cool with a few square embroidered after weaving! And then, holy moly! maybe a little coin purse or even a tote! Varnish or laminate, put a liner inside— a woven evidence of all the great paiinting and color work we’ve done! And some cool beadwork, too.

    I’m definitely calling in sick tomorrow…

  7326. Thanks for commenting!
    Chris, I already know you’re a stalker, my favorite one. You need to sign up for the postcard swap too, don’t miss that post before you go to bed. Want you joining, so start making some postcards while you stay at home tomorrow! :-)

    Take care!

  7327. They’re looking great, Hanna! So much fun and bright, yummy colors packed into each creation! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos!

  7328. Well.

    That does it.

    I can’t read any more of this wonderfulness today. Can you SEE all those cool drawings?! The colors and the attitude? I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking: There MUST be a whole book of these, and I must order it so I can read it and look at it!

    Are these using your Pitt pens? I love the way they are looking. And your photos are so crisp. I am going to work more on getting mine bright and crisp like this.

    Thanks for all the coolosity!

  7329. Way back before blogs I hosted a postcard exchange for about 3 years, so not so many people participated. The rules were to make 5 postcards and send them to 5 assigned people. It was great fun and we made many friends and lots of cards were exchanged over time. Your idea of a massive swap sounds like a good way to do it. I know that all who participate will love the process of making and giving… and receiving.

  7330. Jo, this is a handmade 10 postcards exchange, though there are over ninety people joining already, can you believe it? Haha, I’m stunned. Please join us if you have the time, you could do your daily collages on a postcard for 10 days, I bet they would be awesome?

    Thanks for taking the time to comment!

  7331. ?h s? fint! f?r lust att k?nna p? dem, strukturen ?r s? h?rlig. finns tapetduken n?nstans att se? jag blev nyfiken…

  7332. Ah! Don’t you just LOVE sewing paper? What is it?
    Wish I could participate this year … so many nice folks out there who read your blog. Have fun!

  7333. Thanks for your comments!

    Lina, tack, det blir cool struktur n?r man m?lar med roller. tapetduken ?r en liten gr? sak men ganska s?t, har inte fotat den men ska kolla om jag hittar den i n?n l?da. :-)

  7334. I love seeing your postcards in progress. I have mine underway, and am having great fun with them. I decided to wait until I’m finished to blog about my process, but I’m taking photos as I move along. There are so many ways to make them, and I finally settled on traditional collage, but I want to try some sewn fabric/paper pieces, too!

  7335. Hanna! I can’t wait to see more of these with all of your beautiful art papers and stitching! It is addicting to make sewn cards! I blogged about this a while ago. I run a girls’ artisan camp in the summer and had them make a bunch of collages with magazine cutouts, art papers, laces, trims, etc on Tyvek envelope sheets. Then, I stitched the Tyvek in interesting ways, cut the collages up and sewed the pieces onto different shaped note cards and postcards, even book marks. The girls loved the end result of about 5 or 6 cards they could use for birthday wishes or thank you’s

  7336. this is going to be so much fun. i finished my first postcard yesterday. so many ideas for the next.

  7337. I love making postcards and getting them in the mail is great fun too!
    I signed up. Also spread the word on my blog as well as putting one of your buttons on the sidebar.
    Thanks for hosting this!

  7338. Cute thief indeed! Squirrels are very clever so no matter what you did to try and keep him away, he would still find a way to get to the food!
    Hope you’re having a lovely weekend!

  7339. Oh, this thief is lovely – I could not tell him to go ;-) By the way – the house is beautiful, I really love the yellow color!

  7340. Hi Hanna, these photos are great, as I scrolled down the photos to the largest one, I was getting more and more excited, that is a Red Squirrel!! They only live in a few places in the British Isles cos they’re being chased out by the more aggressive grey ones, so it’s so lovely to see a red squirrel. There are loads of squirrels in our garden though all grey. this one is so cute. thanks for the link and glad u like my take on the iHanna Planner. have a good weekend.

  7341. Oh my goodness!!! “Awwwwww….” indeed! That has got to be the cutest little thief EVER!!!! LoL

    Thanks for sharing and making me smile!

  7342. I’m post card makin’ CRAZY right now, this swap is perfect for me! I’m buried in scraps and glue, pens and paint and markers, Oh my!

  7343. The cutest thief ever!Did you hear the news reports about the “cat burglar” that goes into all the neighbors yards and steals their stuff. You should look it up if you have the chance. It’s really cute.

    The squirrels look different where you’re at than in Texas. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one quite like that before.

  7344. First thanks for the nice comment on my blog. And I love that picture of the red squirrel, we have a squirrel a grey one that runs back and forth in the backyard on all the fences, with food.

  7345. Yes, squirrels seem to always invite themselves!
    Thank you for sharing your photos, brought a smile to day :]
    Wonderful bird feeder.

  7346. Ok so I am not the only one who likes his/her ears! My gosh I love it! Like someone else said we have plain old squirrels here! Our squirrels do not have ears like that!!!! So cute! Love the bird house too!

  7347. So totally loved this last year- Headed out for Dog walk and to start thinking about what this years PostCards will look like.

  7348. Oh I hear ya, we’ve had quite a winter here too. Luckily we’ve only had one or two ice storms and those scared me! The last one I walked to work by hugging trees, street parking meters, fences around stoops…lol.

  7349. My youngest daughter (a figure skater) would like to know if you can ice skate down the street. She has images of doing leaps and spins.

  7350. I’m really looking forward to this. Now just have to work out how I will create my postcards! Decisions, decisions…

  7351. that ice is a trickster! a few weeks ago i put on quite a show downtown by slipping and falling on my caboose (and taking my daughter down to the ground with me)!

  7352. I love the bright yellow house and this little marauder is really a cutie. Alas, we have no squirrels on the island that I live on – hard to believe , but I miss them!

  7353. This is amazing! I have been stuck on the crusade- I love the idea of a little book! You are always so creative! Love the stitching and colors! Awesome!

  7354. Very, very cool mini-book, Hanna ! I love that Michelle’s stamps make a visit there too. A great little document for where you are today.

  7355. I love how you sew together your own books! That’s a really interesting way to keep a journal. The whole thing looks so interesting, and sort of vintage!

  7356. hanna! how clever! it looks like a passport!!
    love how you stitched together the booklet.
    love how you made pages to document all your many facets.
    love how you used the printables – glad they were useful ;)
    fantastic idea! thanks for sharing your forensic report with the team!
    no doubt you will motivate fellow crusaders to jump in!

  7357. Great interpretation Hanna. I love the idea of a book about you and all of your interests, etc. A great keepsake for you to look back on. This would be great to update at different times in our lives to see how we have changed. The free printouts are great too and the owl stamps are so cute

  7358. Hi…love that you’re documenting you in such a creative and fun way! I clicked over from Creativity Prompt and am enjoying your work!

  7359. LOVE this – I would really like to do something similar and this inspires me to move on it….I think a whole journal of evidence is an awesome idea.

  7360. This is a brilliant idea! I tried to fit everything on the two pages of my journal spread, and this little book you’ve made is a fabulous idea! I love it that you’ve left space for your lists and making sure you put lots of YOU in it. I love this idea.

    As for her labels… I printed out several pages! I’ll be using those soon on the older challenges I’m planning to do (there wasn’t room on that spread that I tried to fit everything on-HA). And don’t think I won’t use your little booklet idea! I may stitch the whole book into my journal!

    Thanks for a fun post, Hanna.

  7361. it’s fabulous this little ‘me-book’…and of course I love the owls…so happy you recycled them!!!! Thanks for sharing all your little magic ideas!

  7362. I love this idea! It’s good to reflect on who we are and where we are, at certain times in life, such as major birthdays. I can see this project being a regular thing, perhaps every few years? So you can see how you’ve changed etc. I also like the idea of sewing brown paper together into a book…might have to steal that!

    ~ Sara

  7363. This is amazing Hanna! So love the way you have used the printables and designed your album. I’ve not come across Crusade until now. Was directed by Creativity Prompt. So glad…. it was lovely to see your work! Thank you for sharing.

  7364. Oh, I love this! You have inspired me to start my own little inchie embroidery and I am so enjoying the soothing repetition of sewing french knot after french knot! I love how you included beads into your stitches too.
    Rachel x

  7365. Interesting project, thanks.

    The brown paper style reminded me of some of the utility documents I’ve seen from World War II. An example would be my mother’s ration book!

  7366. Sewn books are so much fun! I want to try this project too. It has been too long since I rolled up my sleeves and got into some serious creative project making!

  7367. Hanna – girl, you can make a paper bag look like an evening gown!!
    You are amazing. The mini-format was an excellent idea!! xxx tj

  7368. I love this! I just started a project for myself to celebrate my upcoming 49th birthday … 49 by 49 … little postcard paintings of the guardians, spirits and guides operating within my life. Guess it is more of a X Files kind of self portrait project?
    :) Lis

  7369. BTW, does anybody else notice how darn cute Hanna’s nails always are? Sorry what a strange comment but I totally see your sweet colors and wonder how you manage to make all this art AND keep your manicure up!

  7370. Nice book, Hanna! I like Michelle’s comment that it looks like a passport. I love the “see”, “hear”, “feel” etc. labels, but for some reason I can’t get them to save to my computer. I like seeing how you incorporate stitching into your paper arts.

  7371. TJ, wanna know a secret? I have never had a manicure in my entire life. Sad, huh? Have you? If you look close it’s cheap but wonderfully blue nail polish, not covering all of my thumb as it is wearing of as we speak… ;-) But thanks, I do love me some colours!

    Thanks everyone for lovely comments!

  7372. Oh, Hannah, This is wonderfull! I’m looking forward to see it full of your swedish words! Love, Nathalie

  7373. great little book and great ideas!! i love owls and shelves full of books too! :)

  7374. Maybe the bonus of being so creative is that you’re a super good painter and don’t “need” anybody else to paint your nails. Clearly I’ve just gotta get brave and buy some sassy colors…!!

  7375. Your pale pink inchies were so adorable I was inspired to make some of my own and put them on a scarf! I haven’t assembled it yet, but I’ll leave the inchies as a solid band (I embroidered lines between them) and sew that near the end of the scarf. I posted pictures of the WIP on my blog:

  7376. Hi!
    Long time since I made some inchies. Think I might do some this wekend. You inspired me. I most often make mine using wet and needle felting…but now I feel like some embroidery would be fun. I just have to finish the ATC swap and the DIY postcard swap that you got me started on first ;-)

  7377. This is just SO cool. I especially like the stitching. And the passport idea!!!
    all I can say is wOW! btw: your nails look great, too.

  7378. Your inchies are just wonderful! I haven’t thought of embroidering them, but now I may have to try it. I love inchies! I like all of yours, but esp the light pink notted ones. Great job on them! :)

  7379. I so understand, since the time London got buried in a sudden heavy snowfall about 6 years ago. There was thick ice on the ground – I fell very badly hitting the back of my head and got mild concussion. Since then as soon as I see even the slightest bit of ice on the sidewalk I’m terrified and tie heel crampons on to the underside of my walking boots. There is nothing, but NOTHING so wonderful as the CRUNCH sound they make as they bite through the ice!!!! Everyone should have a pair, but they are difficult to find…

  7380. Hi

    I love the little book you have gotten all ready for your I am sure ‘fun facts!’

    looking forward to seeing them!


  7381. I’ve never heard of inchies before, but how cute are they?!
    I look forward to seeing what you do with them.

  7382. I really like the results Hanna. The colours are gorgeous and I can’t wait to see where they end up.

  7383. All signed up and starting to create! Thanks Hanna. It was a fun swap last year and I am looking forward to this exchange. You’re the best! :-)

  7384. They turned out beautifully, Hanna! So pretty and happy! Thanks for sharing your pics!

  7385. 9 days later than the last post here, but still joining in. I’m very glad I stumbled across this swap. Now I only need to decide the “what” and “which style”. Amazing!
    Thank you a lot for organizing things.

  7386. Funnily enough, I named my first baby doll, Yummy. From a perspective of multiple decades later, it still seems like a good choice. Today, I think I would apply it to dark chocolate.

  7387. :)
    My boyfriend has a little farm in Sicily and he grows 150 trees of oranges. So delicious fruits!

    Yumminess for me? hum..
    … a pile of books full of great illustrations on my bedside table
    … a box with a lot of bottons in all colors af the rainbow
    … zines
    … vintage treasures (of any kind)

  7388. Already so many comments on this wonderful post.
    I think that you had a great idea of turning this Crusade into a mini book. I love that you kept it simple to start with. The use of the printables is a great touch (and thanks for the link to the red labels!)
    I hope you’ll have fun filling in the pages and learning more about yourself.

  7389. For the moment it is colours, bright and clear. They are eatable. I also like brown paper and the tags you refer to. Reminds me of quality for some reason. And Tasha Tudors books are always a returning choise when in need of immediat inspiration.

  7390. As a Swede living in the UK I also like the word ‘yummy’ (what would be the equivalent in Swedish…?). It just seems to convey exactly what you are talking about when you use it. If something is yummy is pleasing on so many levels! So, what do I find yummy at the moment…? The fact that spring is on it’s way, the evenings are getting lighter – yay! And the inspiring art books I borrowed from my local library. Oh, and cheese – because it eating cheese makes me happy! :)
    ~ Sara

  7391. I love that you sewed all the pages together; it looks awesome. Funny that someone else mentioned your nails. I was thinking your nails matched the wee metallic blue spots on the title page :-)

  7392. What a fun way to play with colors! I love how the weaving looks. Makes me want to turn it into a journal cover or placemats or something.

  7393. They’re beautiful! I haven’t worked on a small project in ages. This may inspire me to try something.

  7394. Sigh, so great to see what you do with these books, I love it!
    Have a nice weekend – Irma

  7395. I did an altered book once – wish I had this tutorial at the time! I had several pages fall out. I think I should have checked the spine closer, or I might have laid on too much gesso on the inner pages.

  7396. What a great post. I’ve been making my own since I got into art journaling and art a few years ago, but I’ve not repurposed an old book yet, you’ve given me great tips on finding the right kind for the beating I give it. Thanks so much

  7397. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for this great tutorial!. For sure I’m going to try it one of these days.

  7398. I signed up the other day, for the first time. This sound just too fun!

    des moines iowa usa

  7399. I have understood, in my head, how this whole process would work, but seeing it laid out this way is fantastic. Might take my lovely daughter by the thrift store this afternoon to pick out a book or two to alter–I know she and I will both enjoy the task!

  7400. This is really useful, thanks for posting it. Your books are so pretty! I’ve always been a bit icky about ‘wrecking’ old books, but you’ve taken all the guilt away, just like that! ;)

  7401. I was just going through some old books…I found some I’d forgotten about…some that will make great art journals. Thanks for posting about this…I needed the reminder to use what I have and not purchase any more paper for journals….Can you elaborate in another post on how you do your covers?

  7402. Thank you for this wonderful tutorial, Hanna! I have been art journaling, but only on loose pages. I have a few of these books sitting around, so I can’t wait to get started. I think we are rescuing books and giving them a new life, not abusing them!

  7403. Thank you for explaining how to use existing (published) books for your art journals. I have found a few “promising candidates” at recent book sales, and I now I know to check for sewn bindings. Thanks for the tip! Your books look fabulous!

  7404. i never, ever get tired of seeing your art journals! you gave me the very first inspiration to start my own and you continue to do so today, more than 4 years later.. i’ve been so, so busy as of late that i really haven’t found time to do anything in my art journal, but to see that you still carry on gives me hope.

    beautiful stuff, keep it up!

  7405. Thanks everyone for signing up! Susie, of course I’m adding you too!

    Now the sign-up time is ended though, I will get back to everyone next week. :-)

  7406. Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog, I just stopped over to see yours and had to laugh. I just started my first Altered Art Book. Having lots of fun with it. Enjoyed your tutorial. Karen

  7407. Thank you for being so inspiring and for taking the time to share your ideas online – seriously, in lack of inspiration you are the first I visit! It makes me want to do things I never did in a long time, like altered books. What I have done for a few years is buy agendas/planners on sale – when it’s too late in the year to start a new one, and I keep them as “emergency” sketchbooks/art journals. I have 4 or 5 now, never used them, but I buy a lot of sktechbooks & journals for the future, to be sure I’m never out… Anyway, now I’d go to a thrift store to find a cute and old book on something silly and have fun with it. taking out pages is a great idea – first books usually have a lot of pages and to go thru them is just scary, but that way you have place for big collages and not that many pages to fill.

    Off to walk the dog/laundry/make my 10 postcards now!

  7408. Hanna, this has been such a great summary. Thank you for the work you put into it. I have a small box of old books waiting just for that!! Gotta play with my kids first though before they let me play with my “toys”. (I better don’t show them yet what I will do to some of my books). And to me it is recycling as well. I also keep some kids clothes that are not good to wear anymore when I like the prints etc. Love working with those. You also inspired me to sew paper – loooooove it!!
    Have a splendid weekend!

  7409. This was great information. Can’t wait to try it. I’ve heard of this on lots of other blogs but nobody ever took the time to explain it like you did. Thank you.

  7410. great post, Hanna! thanks for sharing your process. I’ve just recently become addicted to book arts (having taken a book arts class from Albie Smith at An Artful Journey last month…I’ve posted all the books I created at the retreat on my blog!). And I’m very interested in altering books like this too. My first thought was completing removed the original signatures and sewing in new ones with a heftier paper, but I like this idea of altering the original pages as well!

  7411. Yes, as Barbara might say, your blog is Yummy! Also on my list:
    – new delicious papers – small 6 x 6 pads and patterned origami
    – new books from the library
    – Washi tape – finally available in my local art store!
    – oil and water soluble pastels – smooth and yummy!
    – lists have just joined my list

    Take care Hanna, you rock!

  7412. That’s a very nice thankful thought, Hanna.

    When you think about it – 92, that’s impressive! You should get your grandma to tell you how much the world has changed in her liefetime – I bet it will be hard to believe the things she has witnessed. (My boyfriend’s granddad will be 102 this year and, when we made a book about him for his 100s Birthday, it was really interesting to flick through his photos and think about the things he has seen – the whole century, hard to take this in…)

    Wish your grandma strength and good health and don’t forget to brighten up her mood with your visits.

  7413. Kristina, thanks for your lovely story about your boyfriends granddad, how cool that you made a book for and about him! I sure have talked many times with my grandmother about old times, and I’ve got tapes with her voice etc etc. Could be a book too, some day when I have the time to compile it all.

  7414. Oh, how could I miss this and with so close a margin? The postcard swap was so much fun last year! You lucky people! Well all the best!


    p.s. If you find that you need one more just let me know I’ll cook together some cards real quick, if not I’ll just have to pay more attention next year.

  7415. That is a lot to be thankful for. To have your grandma here with you and you being able to appreciate her, what a wonderful exchange! I am sure she is just as tickled to have you there, helping to care for her. It is more and more a rare thing that family members will take the time and energy with their elders. There is so much to learn from them, if only how to be present and live the moment fully. You are blessed.

  7416. You are blest! To have your grandmother in your life… the stories she must tell :]
    Thank you for sharing, and your altered book is delightful to see.
    As always… your site is a treat to visit.

  7417. Hi, Hanna!
    Sent my application for the postcard swap via the contact link/page the other day. Hope I was in time! Checked out the flickr photos…so creative! If nothing else, can’t wait to see everyone’s photos from this year’s swap…


  7418. How lucky you are still having your granny. Mine became 104 years old, born in 1891. She was a strong lady. Hopefully your granny will feel better when the spring is on for real. Seems your granny is a strong lady too living alone at her age. I wish her all the best.
    I got to know a story about my granny after her death, and the story was not known in the family at all. One of my customers came to me and offered me a photo. She did wonder whether I knew the couple on the image. I saw at once it was my granny (very young at age) but the man beside her I didn’t know. Well, it turned out to be her first fianc? and nobody ( in the family) ever knew she had been engaged before marrying my grandad. My customer was kind enough to give me the photograph, and now it’s amongst my treasures.
    Lovely Sunday to you.

  7419. Yummy things to me right now:
    -photos of animals that make me want to cuddle with them or scratch their heads/bellies;
    -new art supplies (in reality or in photos);
    -handmade journals;
    -vintage finds;
    -fruit smoothies;


  7420. Excellent post. I had picked a small children book to alter but only made one page in it. After reading this post though, I want to dig that book out of hiding and start playing in it!
    As always, thanks for the inspiration.
    I really hope that one day we’ll get to create beautiful things together in person.

  7421. Hello Hanna and fellow Postcard Swappers! Not only is this my first swap, but it’s also the first time in a long, long time that I’ve made a commitment to be creative AND to create with a deadline! Getting started wasn’t easy and I’m learning as I go, but I have been having lots of fun. Thank you to Hanna and all of last year’s participants who shared their 2010 swap experiences on their blogs. You have all inspired me. I’m so excited to see all of your wonderful creations.

  7422. Hello,
    Congratulations on your sketchbook joining the exhibit tour. I enjoyed browsing your page scans; this looks like a fascinating project. And thank you for commenting on my blog — great to meet you!

  7423. Oh yes!!! The Sketchbook Tour.
    What a wonderful idea, right?! Love this project.
    My theme was “Nighttime Stories” I had a blast!
    Also, receiving a text message every time someone is viewing your sketchbook, is awesome!!! :]

  7424. I’m so impressed by your “addiction” to books of all kinds. Seems nothing can stop you from explore new things. And the very best part is you sharing with all of us. Thank you for your generosity, I really appreciate it.

  7425. Wow, what a great little book — lots of inspiration here for a new journal-maker like me! Thanks for the link to Creativity Prompts, too!

  7426. i am so impressed with what you did in your sketchbook with, what i consider, a very challenging theme! i wish i could go see it but there are no exhibits near my home.

  7427. Fantastic post Hanna, thanks for the information and tutorial. I have never altered a book. I have to get over the guilty feeling of ripping pages out of a book. You have given me the inspiration to try it.

  7428. I have a bit of an obsession with grids and lines myself, so I absolutely love these pages! I love how simple and minimalist they seem. Sometimes my own journal pages just seem so busy (not that busy is a bad thing), but it’s nice to keep things simple sometimes as well. Your pages are always inspiring – now I feel like creating some grids-and-lines pages myself! Thank you very much, Hanna!

  7429. Thanks for this how-to. I’ve always wanted to do this but instructions that I find make it seem so difficult – yours make it seem that I can do it. Now to be on the search for a book with sewn-in pages.

  7430. Your sketchbook looks fabulous! The lines give so many opportunities – you have done great work interpreting the shapes and the moves of the lines.

  7431. these are beautiful pages. The sketchbook project has caught the imagination of so many people, I would love to see the exhibition too…

  7432. these are beautiful pages. The sketchbook project has caught the imagination of so many people, I would love to see the exhibition too…

  7433. these are beautiful pages. The sketchbook project has caught the imagination of so many people, I would love to see the exhibition too…

  7434. I didn’t really ‘get’ it. In stamps theree’s the pop-up part, that the ink goes onto. How do you make that? Sorry.

  7435. Do you know how to make a travel journal? I’m going away next week, and I would like to make one.

  7436. oops! Please disregard my recently sent email regarding the swap as I just now found this post!

    Okay … back to making my cards …

    thanks for all the inspiration and motivation you provide :)

    xo Lis

  7437. Lis, no worries! Your on my list and I am so glad that you wanted to join the swap! You’re not the only one that is worried, it was better when I did send out confirmations but it wasn’t possible this year (a lot of other things going on too in my life).

    Take care!

  7438. You are such a champion for hosting this event and dealing with everything related to it. I admire you! I am looking forward to seeing where my postcards will end up.

  7439. Thanks Sophie, I think it’s you all who help me make this event so much fun that are champions! ;-) Hugs right back!

  7440. oh, the pictures are just wonderful — i am going to bookmark that album so i can go back later and look in more depth! what a terrific idea!

  7441. I guess it’s too much to ask that you make 280 cards so we each can get one in the mail? ;-) I’m enjoying making the cards for the swap very much, so thanks for the initiative!

  7442. Now you have gone and done it! Making embroidered inchies looks like something I just have to do!

    Yourrs are beautiful.

  7443. Oh and I love the magenta series too! All together – the pink and the magenta – they are sooooo delicious.

  7444. I am so looking forward to the exchange! Thanks for sharing that wee glimpse of your cards! Can’t wait to see them all!

  7445. Oh I’m so excited to go blog hopping and see everyone’s progress. I have not taken the leap to start a blog, but I have been taking some progress pictures. Thanks again for the inspiration and organizing such a great event!

  7446. Hi Hanna, I got my addresses yesterday, and it jump-started me to finish my postcards. I had gotten them started, then stalled out for a bit. Now I’m excited all over again. I’ll be blogging about it VERY soon! Thanks for your hard work getting all of this organized!

  7447. Hi, Hanna. thank you for sharing your process and your beautiful book. you’ve inspired me… i just took a course on self-portraiture with vivienne mcmasters called You are Your Own Muse.
    I’m considering a book on me…just considering! found you through shutter sisters btw. thank you again!

  7448. Caatje, I think I could probably make 280 cards and still enjoy making them, but to buy postage with for ever ruin my economy! Thanks for making me smile! :-)

    Bev and all, tanks for your sweet comments! I enjoy seeing your postcards too!

  7449. wow, an amazing count. can’t wait for them to start arriving in the mail. i’m almost done. still got a couple to go.

  7450. Yes, I’ve started to send out addresses. Tonight I was at #160 I think, now it’s late and I will continue tomorrow. Once all of them are sent I hope I will feel creative to finish my own big pile of cards! :-)

    I look forward to see your cards/process and blog post about it all! :-)

  7451. OOOH! I didn’t take process photos! I love this idea, though. I want to do a big, long post all about how much FUN I have. All about MEMEME!! And mypaints and sewing machine and inks and glue and heat gun. I’m going to work on it and try to piece things together from photos of the past. If not, I guess I’ll just have to make another postcard and take photos of that! HA

    Thanks for all your hard work, Hanna! Next year, there will be so many of us, we can swap 20 each! Pretty soon, everyone will join! We can send out to complete strangers! Martha Stewart, Ellen Degeneres, Rosie O’Donnell, the woman I work with who does lots of crafty stuff, people from down the block, I may teach my puppy to make them, EVERYONE will be sending postcards to EVERYONE! You may have to share your email duties.


  7452. Hanna, isn’t it great to just look through every page and see what your friends do? I liked doing this. I was going to do the fiction one, where we write and illustrate it? But I just can’t spend the money or get it done on time, so I am thinking of using one of my own moleskines and make my own sketchbook with words and pictures, and it will be like a one of a kind zine!
    Thanks for sharing these photos. I don’t think I can get to the tour so it’s great to see them. I will check your flickr page, too.
    My comments are long today. HA!

  7453. Hi all, I just got my addresses too and am very excited. Is there a particular size the postcards should be? What size are people making them?
    Michelle in Australia xx

  7454. I have started many journals before this year, as you know I’ve wanted to have a journaling year for a long time, and now this is it! I have never bound my own book (except for a few pages, sewn in the middle with duct tape covers over cardboard). But I love little books on sale, journals no one did anything with. I got a bunch in a good size which were on sale and the more you got the cheaper they were. I was really happy, and knowing they weren’t fancy does help with getting started! However, I have been hesitant to share any of my pages. I showed some about a year ago in a book I never finished, but I felt so uncomfortable after I shared them that I stopped.
    I may just send you a few pages. Or, I may get brave and put them on my site! So many things to blog about right now.

    Thanks for this tutorial! Gesso Rocks!!

  7455. So much fun! Played around with a sketch today, looking forward to see all the grate designs people make.


  7456. Yay Hanna ! Thanks for all this hard work to make this great project work ! I am excited to see that my postcard penpals are from all over the world ! So very cool !
    Tomorrow and Friday are two days dedicated to POSTCARD Making ! Can’t wait !
    Cheers, My Friend !

  7457. I’m having so much fun making my cards. Are people sending them as postcards or in envelopes? I’m afraid they’ll get damaged if I send them “bare” thru the mail. How do you attach the back to them? Is glue good enough?

  7458. Loved the book you created. Great idea. I checked out your old knitting post, I am on Ravelry there as well. I just signed up for your newsletter and was sorry to miss out on the postcard swap. I hope to join next time.

  7459. I hope I made it in time! I think I sent it by midnight your time, but daylights savings trips me up a bit. Cheers!

  7460. Erin, no problems, no worries! I added everyone who entered on the 19th too, it’s just that when I’ve made the lists it’s too complicated to change everything, but I haven’t sent out emails to everyone yet. It takes a while to get through 280 emails… Who knew?! ;-)

  7461. Could you please delete my name off the list of visting blogs, so that I can post the direct link, instead of the blog link, I am so sorry I thought I was doing that and I was not


  7462. Kim, I’m so glad you’re making postcards and enjoying it. I bet they will all be awesome and beautiful. Thanks for joining in! Cheers right back at ya my friend!

    Lee, I’ve fixed the link while looking through the list already! :-) Plus I’ve removed sweet swappers who have not written about their postcards because that’s what we’re interested in here, not links to all the participants but to peeps who take the time to share something creative! ;-)

    Debbie, you’re not the only one that have asked about how to post your cards. I mentioned it on the swap page: it’s up to you how you want to do it. I know it’s postcards that I am making so I make a point of making mine sturdy enough to send without an envelope! But if your cards are delicate or has small details I suggest putting them in an envelope.

    Again, if glue is “good enough” for your postcards depends on what kind of glue, and what materials you’ve used… I use a glue stick but will also sew around the edges with a sewing machine. It’s secure and also fits the style of my cards.

    When hesitant: experiment more! Send a card to yourself (or a neighbor) and see how it looks when it arrives…

  7463. what an amazing store. i am biased of course since we are a little buttonmad ourselves ;-) super photos and blog. cheers

  7464. Sorry Hanna, I was to fast (typically me) & I?ve just shared my blogg link & not the direct link to my postcard-post. Delete it & I will do it again & correct.
    (I have done one post about the swap, and there will be a couple of more posts as well)

  7465. Madde, no probelm, I’ve fixed it already. Glad you’re sharing – your postcards looks exciting! Naked ladies… wow! ;-)

  7466. This is a beautiful project! May I ask what paper cutter you have? It looks very good – I just bought one on Amazon that I’m less than thrilled with.

  7467. Hi Hanna
    ……….. love these yummy things
    – buttons
    – beachy sunbleached wood/shells
    – vintage finds
    – salvaged treasures from old houses
    – watermelon
    -beach homes

  7468. So thrilled you read my blog the other day. I made some more progress, can not wait to post the final results, interesting progress every day. I feel lucky to be in such a cool group of folks. :)

  7469. Hello, I’m koni from Japan.
    Thank you very much for letting me in this great project! :) I’m making postcards with happiness. English is still difficult for me, but I also enjoy reading your blog too!

  7470. These are striking words! And, I believe we all need to be reminded from time to time that we are unike. Right here and right now are kind of my mantra this year, and I’ve been so into it that days just passes without my registration. To be creative can be so intence and so inspiring that meals can be forgotten. :-))
    Wonderful weekend to you!!

  7471. Hello world…I’m so excited to see what comes through my very small English letterbox…Hope my 9 bears and 1 dog enjoy their new international homes. Best wishes to all.

  7472. oops…Hope my name doesn’t appear twice on the list…my computer went a bit wobbly!

  7473. Thanks for coming by and commenting!

    Amanda! I will give it some thought about doing templates, though mine are in Swedish and I would need to tweak them a bit to publish them on my blog. :-)

    Rose, thanks for your comment too!
    I’m Swedish so the paper cutter I bought is from a Swedish shop. The brand is called Peach and I’m not sure you could find it where you are… I think it’s something you want to buy from a real store to see and test it out a bit maybe.

  7474. This is SO powerful and I really really needed to read this and hear this and KNOW this. Thank you so much for sharing it- I posted about it on my blog (thanking you, of course, for introducing me to this…) Thank you, thank you!

  7475. Thank you so much for sharing this lovely video with us… it is truly powerful and I have been touched by the sentiments. Beautiful! And thank you for stopping by my blog and taking the time to leave a comment… so nice to hear from you!

  7476. Okay, now you seriously make me want to start creating my own altered books! :-D I seriously need to take more classes in bookbinding/making and the such, this year.

    Thank you so much for sharing this great and creative tutorial, Hanna. :)

  7477. I’m really impressed to see how far along some of the other participants are! You guys are really industrious. Can’t wait to see what lovelies show up in my mailbox!

  7478. So super cute hanna! I love the embroidery! I am a HUGE fan of anything ocean and it’s just so lovely! I love coming to your website! It’s so inspiring!
    Off to work! Wish I could stay home and create!

  7479. About mounting an embroidery, you can do as you wish. There are hundreds of ways to do and you really need to feel what is right for every piece of work.

  7480. B e a u t i f u l ! Need I say more?

    I would love to have it hanging on my wall.

    I hope you are starting a book / e-course about this !

  7481. I am about to finish my postcards! I’m so excited about what will I receive :) I blogged part of the proccess so you can take a look!

  7482. Gorgeous, Hanna. It’s wonderful that your fish have seen the world already! I think this is art – I would certainly hang it on the wall. Great interview, I enjoyed reading it and learning about your creative process, especially the bit about it being unconscious. Love that! I’m not very good at following rules!

  7483. Oh, this is gorgeous! What a great project!!! I bet you are so excited to have it finished!!! I think it’s so neat that so many people contributed to it!!!

  7484. What a beautiful collaborative piece! I don’t think that the way you framed it makes it look like a painting because there’s already so much texture on it anyway.

  7485. so cute!
    can you tell something about its dimensions? I can’t imagine if it is small or big; well, it seems big, but the photo of the back suggests me it is small… clear my confusion, please! :)

  7486. I love this – the ocean and fish are one of my favourite themes, and I’d love to do an embroidery piece that is as beautiful as this! The waves background is the perfect setting for all the fish, coral and seaweed.

  7487. I’ve really enjoyed looking through the other websites listed here- lots of inspiration! Thanks so much for organizing this!

  7488. Hi!

    all this information is great! I am going over to Stockholm and other cities in Sweden this summer so it’s good to know about all of this nice places to visit. Thanks!!


  7489. I got my 1st card in the mail today via Janet B in Palmdale, CA. LovE it!
    Still working on getting mine done, almost there…….also just posted my link above!

  7490. Your collaborative embroidery piece is such a fun idea! How interesting it must have been to get it back and see how it had changed/developed over all those months. Very cool!

  7491. The embroidery project is amazing. What a talented and dedicated bunch of girls you are!

    Congratulations on winning the giveaways. I, too, only enter if I REALLY want to win and so it’s always amazing when I do.

    Are you still taking part in Walking in This World? I am on week four of the project. I’m trying to find some others that are still doing it. :)

  7492. So awesome ! I love how your ocean turned out with all of those talented hands playing a part in it!
    And congrats on all your prizes. Funny how that often happens in clusters of good luck !
    Happily finishing the last of my postcards…
    Happy Creating !

  7493. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments!

    Silvia, thanks for reminding me about the size of this one…. I try to remember to write down the dimensions of my work, I know it’s interesting to know and hard to tell by looking at photos online. The ocean embroidery is 18×18,4 centimeters (about 7×7 inches), so not that big really. :-)

    Jodi, thanks for your kind comment too. Of course I’m still doing the Walking in this world, I am not a quitter mind you! ;-) I was reading chapter four this Sunday, so we’re synchronized you and me still. Last week I did morning pages 4 days, a wonderful shopping artist-date but no walk. Don’t feel like talking a walk today either. It’s been snowing again, now I want spring! How about you?

  7494. This was wonderful – thank you for sharing! I’m also a huge fan of what you said about creativity being your religion. Love that!

  7495. You have made some great textured inchies.
    While these are not strictly fibre-related, they are inchies. Every Inchie Monday is a blog where you have a word prompt to kick-start your creativity.

  7496. I did enjoy reading about you at Carina`s craftblog. You are creative in so many ways. Carina`s blog was well worth a visit.

  7497. Hanna,
    I really love your little “Evidence” book. I will try to make one soon, hope it will be at least half as much fun and interesting as yours.
    The only thing stopping me from starting it now is that I need to clean and tidy up my craft room. I have several unfinished projects going on and all the “stuff I am using for them is cluttering up my work space. Maybe, I should journal about that, huh? Anyone with any suggestions on how not to get too much going at once?

  7498. This book has been lying on my coffee table for months now. I love it! There’s just so much eye candy in it that I can only take a few bites at a time or I get overwhelmed, so I am slowly savoring it over time.

  7499. Hi Hanna,

    This book is a big favorite of me ever since it arrived with the mail from the US to me. Every day during my morning coffee break I browse through it, all these great collage artists and their work, so inspiring. Good choice to review, thank you so much,
    Regina, SXM

  7500. Beautiful and powerful! I’ll be watching and listening to that again and again. Thanks so much for sharing!

  7501. Hanna, I have this book also and enjoyed the variety of styles and techniques. It got me working in some new areas. I have a six-inch high stack of collage books on my coffee table to delve into at will!

  7502. Hi! I just linked to my post about the cards I made – I have to say, I had serious doubts about linking after I saw all the lovely postcards that people have made! They are such works of art, all of them :)

  7503. Best quote ever!

    ?The joy of juxtaposition is endless?.

    Uh oh.

    I think I feel a collage coming on!

    Another “collage-ish” quote I love is this one:

    “Arrange whatever pieces come your way.”
    ~ Virginia Wolfe

    I have it up in my studio, on my inspiration board.

    Will go out and look up this book.

    It sounds wonderful and inspiring.

    Thanks, Hanna!

  7504. I’ve posted my cards off! It was quite a wrench letting go of them ;-). Looking forward to 2012 swap already!!

  7505. Thank you Hanna for the beautiful comment you left about my paintings. I felt deeply understood as you had understood the paintings. You have given me a precious affirmation.

  7506. I am so excited, will be mailing them off tomorrow. YIPPEEEEEEEE Thanks so much for all the fun, it’s brought a lot of cheer to a drab month!

  7507. Hi Hanna! I’d be so thrilled to win a space in the class! I love art journaling! My question for you is what are your favorite print magazines both to read and to use for collage? I just subscribed to Cloth Paper Scissors, but I’d love to know some international magazines that I could read!

  7508. Thanks Moira! I think I’ll collect some questions and answer them in a later post or create whole blog posts if they are big topics… Though I can say right away, my favorite magazine have been Cloth Paper Scissors! I also really enjoy Swedish interior design magazines that I’m given for free from friends – like Sköna hem etc. :-)

  7509. Jamen sj?lvklart vill jag det, vara med i klassen :) , sp?nnande!
    Du ?r en inspirerande kvinna s? jag har egentligen en massa fr?gor till dig. Men jag v?ljer en: 7 ?r ?r absolut en imponerande tid att blogga (&p? samma st?lle) – hur har ditt f?rh?llande till bloggandet, de poster du g?r, det arbeten du presenterar osv f?r?ndrats/utvecklats under ?ren? Vad gick du in med f?r tanke, intention, id? fr?n allra f?rsta b?rjan & hur det ser ut nu?
    (jag, det blev tv?, eller 1,5 fr?ga)

  7510. Can you see my raised hand?? I would love to attend this class and get some creative sparks glowing where I live.
    I enjoy reading your posts a lot. I don’t have a question right now, but if something pops into my mind I will let you know.

  7511. Hi Hanna! I’d love to try an art journaling class. As I’ve commented before, I’ve been journaling in earnest since the beginning of this year, and just “eat up” everything I can find on the subject. As a new blogger, I guess I would ask you how you built up a readership in the early days? That might be a post that other new bloggers would want to read about too!

  7512. I would love to take this class. I’m short on free time these days, but art journaling has provided a great stress reliever for me.

  7513. Hi Hanna – I have a question – how do you ‘break in’ a new journal? I have some very beautiful but very empty journals that I just can’t seem to bring myself to use? I’m thinking taking part in the course might just give me the incentive to begin, and would love a place!

  7514. this sounds like so much fun
    April is my month
    and a pink moon will bloom as well
    I am getting ready for that
    YES! – I would be tickled pink to win your generous give-away
    please count me in…

    xox – eb (short for ebullient)

  7515. Hi! My question is about blogging. I have been toying with starting a blog, mostly to document my creating for myself. I am exploring many media to find what I truly want to pursue and I am basically reserved bordering on shy. How do you open up enough to make an interesting blog, yet maintain some privacy? Have a wonderful weekend!

  7516. I would love to play, the workshop sounds stunning. I want to know what is the best advice you have ever received in regards to creativity in any form?

  7517. i would love the opportunity to win a spot in the Creative Sparks workshop.

  7518. Hi Hannah! I’m just getting started in art journaling. I bought my first journal (a Moleskine watercolor) but based on your inspiration, my next journal will be an altered book. I loved the post you made explaining what to look for and how to alter it. :)

    My question…I found a great coffee table book on wildlife at a used book sale…with the sewn signatures and a beautiful cover. The pages are medium weight, but a bit glossy. Do you think if I gesso the pages, will the gesso stick and give me a good surface to work from?

    (And I’d love a chance to win a spot in the class!)

  7519. Hands up! Hands up! I wanna join the class too!
    Congrats for your sixth ‘blogday’!
    This is my question for you : Don’t you miss writing in sweedish on your blog? My blog is not even one year old. I started it in french, my mother language, but did not get many visitors since art journaling is not very popular in Europe. So, I decided to swich to english… but feel something is missing.

  7520. Thanks for the great giveaway. I personally love your posts showing your art journal pages & your creative process. I also like when you provide links to what inspires you. My question is how do you get out of a creative rut or what do you do to get ideas flowing again?

  7521. This is an amazing giveaway! Thanks for hosting it! My question: What is your favorite color to use in your art journals? I know it’s kind of a dumb question, but I really want to know. :)

  7522. I am signed up for the class already, but maybe I can still win a spot! I have signed up for the next 21 Secrets too … that was such an amazing class!

  7523. aah, 30 days of creative play in April… who could resist an offer like that…?

    and the question? oh, there are so many of them… :)
    is there anything you can’t imagine your art without? like a tool/a colour/favourite type of images, that sort of thing.
    can I ask one more?
    what is your favourite part of creative process?

  7524. I’m sooo furious with myself that I missed the sign-up date.
    I had enormous fun last year (and so did my mailman astonished by frequent cards from all over the world :) ) and I’m really disappointed that I didn’t make it this time……. :(

  7525. Hi Hanna!
    This is a grat giveaway! I truely?d love to join.

    My Question: Do you start to draw the figure of a picture first and add some background later or do you begin a piece of artwork with painting a background first? How do you manage to bring a (drawed) figure into a picture? Which steps do you do in which order?

  7526. Hi Hanna!
    Thanks for this opportunity to win a spot to play :-)
    My question would be concerning a topic you brushed in this post. You said, a whole year had passed without you taking a class or even noticing you didn’t. Do you have any mechanisms, traditions or the like, to remind you to think about what you actually want your life to be like and what you have to adjust accordingly? You know, like hidden (or not so hidden) reminders that make you more aware that time is passing by and you’re not doing the best you can with your life… Do you know what I mean?

  7527. I so want to take this class! My question is when you are feeling uninspired, what materials do you go to for inspiration?

  7528. I would love to take class…Thank you
    Patricia G

  7529. What a fantastic giveaway! I would love the chance to win this class!
    What have been your favourite projects in the past 7 years?

  7530. I’d love to win a spot in the class! My question is: how to find time to make art? Do you reserve a large amount of time, or do you find time in smaller increments?

  7531. Hanna, I’d love to win a spot in the class. I’ve been a follower for some time and I especially love your monochromatic pages. My questions are: what got you into Art Journaling in the first place? Do you blog in English, or Swedish? Are you the clothing designer Hanna Andersson (sorry if that’s a dumb question)?

  7532. Oops, forgot my question! My question is, what do you like better about the journaling, the art part or the writing part?

  7533. Hi Hanna,
    I would love to enter the contest to win a spot in the class. It sounds wonderful! :) Cheers, Pam

  7534. I would love to win a spot! Art journaling has opened a whole new area of being creative for me and I’m loving it!

  7535. I would like to know how you do your layers on art journal pages. Do you have a particular set-up that you use over and over, with different materials? Thanks for a chance to win a spot in the workshop. Sounds like it would be fun.
    Aloha, Kate

  7536. I would love to win. I am new to the art journaling world and looking to learn!

  7537. I am just nearing the end of my first sketchbook and this is certainly a practice I want to delve into more deeply and keep drawing, painting, gluing and more. I’d love to win a spot in this class!

  7538. Hi Hanna! Thanks for the opportunity to take the art journaling class! I don’t have a specific question, but just looking for ways to get out of my comfort zone and put myself out there!

  7539. I would LOVE to win a spot in this class!!! How cool would that be!
    I just got done taking an online class with Alisa Burke and something totally sparked with me! I was so sad when the class ended that I made up my mind that I am treating myself to more online classes. The possibilities are endless!
    I guess one question I have for you is do you work full time? And how did you get started in your blog? 7 years ago is a long time in blog land!
    Take care! Oh and pick me!!! :)

  7540. I LOVE the journal in your mosaic…2nd row, 2nd image. It’s SO colorful. How did you make the cover? I am also intrigues by the small journal in the first row, 2nd image. What did you use that one for. It’s a little chunky and I love that!

  7541. Hoppas jag inte ?r f?rsent ute nu. Men ja, jag vill g?rna vara med. :o)

    Som nybliven tv?barnsmor funderar jag just nu p? hur jag ska f? in mer skapande i mitt liv. Hur g?r du f?r att vara kreativ varje dag?

  7542. I love reading your blog, so many inspirations and good articles. I would like to know how you come up with your blog ideas & posts? I would like to write more on my blog as well, but I’m a very visual person and often feel “blank” when I want to write more.
    Take Care & Have a great day. :)

  7543. I’m having so much fun looking at everyone’s posts on their cards. I sent mine in the mail yesterday and I can’t wait to see what comes to me!

    thanks Hanna!

  7544. Hi Hanna
    Here I am, waving madly from Australia. It’s a long way, and very expensive, for me to even consider any sort of decent in person class/retreat such as Artfest. I have plans to take some of Traci Bautista’s online classes.

  7545. Hi! I’ve been stalking your blog for quite sometime. I’m sorry I don’t comment more often but your blog is so inspiring! Thank you!

  7546. Sharing the process (first post). Finishing up my postcards this weekend. Can’t wait to get them in the mail! Thanks, Hanna for putting up the link widget. I have loved visiting everyone’s links!

    (Mistress of Mayhem)

  7547. Oooh, me me me! Of course, the immediate questions that pop into mind are those you’ve addressed before- how do you find the time, the inspiration, etc. This is probably because I have no time nor inspiration right now, but that’ll change soon.

    Do you work with an overall idea of the outcome you’d like in your head, or just wing it as you go along?

  7548. Hi ya
    I would love to win a spot in the class. Have really been into my journalling this year and have found it to be very helpful. I like that I can just do a few minutes if thats all I have to spare – and sometimes that few minutes is what helps me get through the day. All work and no journalling = no fun.
    Thanks for the opportunity

  7549. Now I?m done, time to send them away. I have recived my first card, very exciting. Looking forward for the others.

  7550. Yes, yes, classes and learning are so good for creative growth, I’d L-O-V-E a Creative Spark!

  7551. I’d love to win a place in this class =)
    I’m wondering: if you could do anything at the moment (if something restricts you because of something, money or anything ignore it) what would you do?

  7552. You blog is wonderful. I am sorry I missed the postcard swap this year. Hopefully you will host it again next year. This class sounds very inspiring.

  7553. All done, they’ll be going to the post office tomorrow. Can’t wait to receive my postcards now :-). It’s been great fun so far.

  7554. I NEED this workshop. It would be such a treat to win it and get moving creatively. Thanks so much for your wonderful and inspiring blog

  7555. Hej Hanna, jag ?r g?rna med om du ska ha n?gon fler sketchbook-dag. Jag har har m?lat och klistrat s? l?nge men skulle beh?va lite hj?lp att komma vidare.

  7556. oh, Hanna Hanna Hanna!!

    I’m always LATE!!
    Well, not always… But you had to TELL me about the postcard swap, and NOW, I think I’ve missed out on this fab. giveaway!

    it’s my journaling year.
    just saying…

  7557. Am I too late?!?!? Like Chris above me, I’m always late, too! So sorry if I am :(
    Great post, love the grid of photos and images at the start of this post! Hope all is well, Happy Spring!

  7558. I lost my list of the folks I am to send cards to! I was having computer problems and someone deleted all.
    Do you still have the list?
    Tack så mycket!

  7559. I need a creative spark at the moment – I would love to win a spot in this class. Thanks Hanna and Spookey for the opportunity!

  7560. I have been loving looking at everyone’s cards. Thanks Hanna for organizing such an amazing event. :)

  7561. I would love the opportunity to spark up my artistic side. I may be too late. I just wanted to see if there is still an opportunity. I am getting interested in the altered book art.

  7562. This post card swap has been a real joy… I’m so glad I was able to participate! I put my blog up there to share the cards I sent, along with posting them to the group pool on Flickr. Thank you Hanna… and everyone else. I look forward to doing it next year too.

  7563. Hej Hanna!
    Jag r?kade l?nka till min f?rhandsgranskning.Jag har gjort en ny l?nkning men kan inte f? bort den gamla. Kan du ?tg?rda det?

  7564. en workshop i Paste Paper, vill ha !
    verkar s kul!
    Svrt att hitta en blogg i Sverige/vrlden med mer inspiration n din!!!!!!!

  7565. I’m so happy I’m doing this swap. I’ve just finished making my cards and they will be winging their way to their new homes tomorrow :)

  7566. Absolutely love your collage, Not here. Very special and even almost without colours there are still a lot of colours. Does this give any sense?
    Love it!!

  7567. I love this – I would love to make one and frame it. My kids’ room is space themed. I wonder if I could make it little Constellations – oh that would be cool on a dark navy blue/tie-dye background.

  7568. Beautiful collages, Hanna. I’m thinking I might need a little original Hanna-art in the house… :-)


  7569. I am sure you will need a swap break after this week, Hanna ! But it has been such a fun think, I hope you will find energy to do it again next year !
    Your new collages are spring-y and light. Love them.
    Thanks for all the inspiration.
    Hugs !

  7570. Your use of masking tape is really inspiring :) It’s creativity at its peak I think ? taking something so simple and ordinary and using it to create something… Thanks for sharing!

  7571. Interesting timing on this post, Hanna! I just worked in my art journal last night by laying down masking tape in a grid (like a street map) over a page painted with green watercolor, then stippled pigment ink over the top. When I pulled the tape back up, I had this great little map-looking area in the corner of my page. I worked the idea of a road into my journaling on the page. Also, in your “also enjoy” list, I see a post about security envelopes, and I included a page from my art journal using security envelope linings just yesterday! I think maybe we were on the same wave length…
    I love the pages you shared here. Congratulations on the sketchbook viewings. That must be very gratifying!

  7572. Hi Hanna, thank you for visiting my site and asking me to link info on your site. I have received two cards so far, and will post about all 10 at the same time once received, and will come back to add the link…..thanks so much for all your hard work. This was my 1st post card, and so much fun! Warmly, Sam

  7573. This is so inspirational, Hanna! When I perk up (I’m very ill with a cold and can just about surf the net and my favourite blogs) I think I’m going to play with masking tape in my altered book. Thanks for the inspiration! ~ Sara

  7574. hi hanna, your collage is gorgeous!…… i have found some books at the “op shop” & sort of followed your instructions….. to “alter” a book, … not completed yet but having fun doing it!…. thanks for the tutorial, it was very clear & helpful.

  7575. Love, love, love it Hanna. The use of masking tape in all of these ways is great. I like your thoughts on getting outside of the normality grid. I haven’t done that for a while and think it is about time I did just that.
    Thanks for the prompt.

  7576. I love your approach here. Yes, we can create with just about anything if we just give it a try.
    I love looking at your grid pages and I especially love the one with the peek-a-boo windows!
    Congrats on the 4 views for your sketchbook!

  7577. Lovin’ this masking tape grid! You are the grid master Hanna!! And your sketchbook has been viewed 4 times? That is just amazingly terrific news… America loves Hanna!! (Or at least Rodney does hey??) xxx tj

  7578. I love the grids and how your pages look. I guess I am not understanding. Are you leaving the masking tape in your journal?? Or are you painting around it and peeling it off?? I would suggest you not leave the tape in your journal. It will not stick for very long as it dries up very quickly and and will fall off of your pages within a couple of years. Ask me how I know !!

  7579. I had to write goals into my lesson plans for many years, so your topic is very familiar to me! The words measurable and achievable were key — no verbs like “student will APPRECIATE Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons” because there is no way to measure appreciate. I don’t worry about those verbs too much in my personal life, but I’m still a goal setter and a list maker. While I can’t achieve everything I plan, at least I know I’m set on the right course. Great post!

  7580. I love my masking tape. I’ve used it to both paint and draw alot. Worked with both acrylic, watercolour, coloured pencils, pen, pencil and ink etc ontop. It’s so freeing… It wont last forever though but that is also kind of nice i find. (work i’ve had for over 4 years now are still fine though so…)

  7581. Hanna, thanks for hosting such a huge swap! How do you do it? This was fun and I can’t wait to keep peeking in my post box. Best wishes from germany, tj

  7582. Oooh! Love your use of masking tape! It’s one of my faves – love that it comes in so many widths now. Washi tapes are so tempting and lovely but nothing beats the good old masking tape. Loving the whiteness here.

  7583. Woohoo, put cards in the post today. It was so much fun making them. Thnx Hanna for organizing this!

    Love, Maja x

  7584. Whew! I temporarily forgot I had signed up for the swap! Thankfully I remembered on my day off! ^_^ All made, addressed, and ready to send. Thanks for the opportunity! It really was neat to see what I could do with a deadline!

  7585. Seems you had some lovley wether today. Here it’s been raining all day. Looks really tempting these waffles of your mum. And yes spring is finally here. Wonderful season we have in front these days. All the best to you and Smilla.

  7586. Ingrid, ja visst ?r den bra. Jag tycker om hans m?nniskor. Du m?ste skriva i din blogadress ocks? n?r du kommenterar s? folk kan hitta din fina blogg och komma och bes?ka dig. Tittade igenom flera inl?gg bak?t idag, mycket fint att se hos dig!

  7587. The Ocean Embroidery is wonderful, fanciful, magical and it makes my eyes happy. Now I am curious. Will the 12 of you take turns hanging it in your homes?

    I love that this is a beautiful artwork created by a group of friends.

  7588. Talking about weather… here in Italy we are having crazy hot days, so strange for this period of the year (27? C!!! Oh, my god!).
    I’m photographing signs of spring like you and blogging about them (mostly about colorful flowers).
    I like the shawl, it will be perfect next autumn!
    Milla is adorable :)

  7589. Oh how I am loving your lovely Spring post!

    Is that “Lingon Berry” jam, I see on your waffle?

    I just found out that we actually have a Lingon berry farm within 40 minutes of my house right here in the PNW!!! So guess who will be out picking and making jam this year!

    I am going to go crack open an “Ikea” jar of Lingon berry jam that I have in my pantry right this minute and celebrate spring in Sweden – cause it sure isn’t spring yet here!! We had a dusting of snow again last night!

  7590. awesome. the other thing i like about masking tape is that it darkens and stiffins when it ages which will go really nicely with the found vintage text / imagery

  7591. jttefina! lskar att collagera!!!
    Det blir inte bara fint, det r roligt ocks, eller hur?

  7592. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you so much for hosting this huge international swap. I have just uploaded my postcards and written about them on my blog!
    I had such a good creative time making them. i have been pretty busy lately & it was just what I needed!!! yours, lenna

  7593. Book by Nick Horny. HA! I know that was a slip but it’s a funny one. Gorgeous photos as always! :)

  7594. I love your collage work! Sometimes I find it difficult to make it all “fit” together, but it is so much fun!

  7595. Tack! Thanks! Collage is so much fun, I totally agree. I love finding just the right piece that will fit with the others and moving things around to make it pretty and just the way that feels “right” to me. :-)

  7596. Your collage work is beautiful! I love the layering in collage. It’s almost therapeutic! :)

    Also, I’m hosting a giveaway, too, on my blog today, so stop by and check it out! Happy Friday! :)

  7597. Hi Hanna, i really enjoyed participating in this swap, it was a lot of fun making these postcards. I tried to make them special, so each card is related to one another with the photo and song!
    thanks for the initiative!

  7598. So, true, collage is so fun to make and to look at all the small detail work other have put in to it.


  7599. Beautiful capture of the cat! Fun to see that the spring is heading your way, we still have to may to see the crocus bloom.


  7600. Hello;
    Despite the delay I have finished my 10 cards;
    On Monday I will send them. I hope they all reach their destinations!


  7601. Hi Hanna,
    This really is a terrific page of typography! You laid it out beautifully, and like Michelle, I LOVE the one red letter!!! Brava, girlfriend, you rock! Hope all is well!

  7602. These are beautiful! They look great framed as you have them on Etsy! Thank you for the post card swap Hanna, it was kind of you to do all that work! Karen

  7603. This swap is so fantastic! I’ve already received 4 awesome post cards & am looking forward to getting the rest. I also love how people have responded to my emails thanking them & visited my blog. What a great community! Thanks again for organzing this.

  7604. I did get my cards out on Friday, right on time. I really enjoyed the project and I hope all on my list like the cards! :)

  7605. Hi Hanna, I love your notebooks. I was wondering…Do you bind them yourself? What kind of binding system do you use? I have been interested in making notebooks, as well, and have been looking into personal binding systems (as opposed to taking them to a copy shop to be done). Thanks!

  7606. Thanks Andria, I make them myself, I don’t think there are any “copy shops” here in Sweden like there is in the US…? I have a big office machine called Rentz that I use, bought in Sweden too. :-)

  7607. I like smelling them and I like touching them and I like holding them! Once a notebook junkie… always a notebook junkie!

  7608. Thanks for your answer, Hanna! We have copy shops attached to office supply stores, and they make photocopies, bind books, that sort of thing. Sounds awesome to have access to such a great big machine of your own!

  7609. I always look for old books with interesting covers and titles too. I received a few interesting ones from the 70s and 80s that I plan to turn into note/sketchbooks.
    How many pages do you usually put in yours?

  7610. Sophie, I think there are about 100 pages (thin printer paper pages) in these, not for wet media but great for writing or sketching with pencil or crayons. Will you bind yours with a metal coil? If so maybe we can do a swap…

    NaNa, yes, I agree. Will never grow out of my notebook addiction! :-)

  7611. Those cards are just adorable. I have seen so many wonderful cards in the postcards swap pool that I wish I could receive one of every player. Thanks for reposting the link with all the postcards links, I had lost it.

  7612. I love your mum’s cards, the paws and stitching are super touches and that little girl is so cute! I also love the fact that you got those mother-daughter teams participating, what a great way to bond! Still sulking at having missed this year’s swap!

  7613. Thanks for playing along Caatje and visiting fellow swappers too! :-) Imagine getting 270 postcards during a month… hehe, overwhelming!

    Grace, I know! You need to sign up for my newsletter so you can be sure to get the news quickly next time!

  7614. Hanna, I subscribed immediately when I found your blog, which is fantabulous. I spent at least an hour exploring when I got here. It was just unfortunately it was past the deadline! Never mind, there’s always next time right?

  7615. My mom and I get together with my sis once a month and have art night. I love the creativity I express when I’m with family and feel safe! I’m happy to see others doing the same! I Love your blog- it’s so inspiring!

  7616. You can tell your mum she did very well, the paws and that supercute little girl. I love these cards. So far I’ve got 6 cards and it’s still so exiting to open the mailbox . Loved this whole thing.

  7617. Wow your mum’s cards are ace! I keep trying to get my mum to be crafty but she just won’t play! I won’t give up though!

  7618. Hi Hanna, you inspired me to buy a wire binder a few weeks ago (it was your GPP Xmas ‘book’ that did it!) and I just LOVE being able to make my own notebooks! I made one for a friend with lots of little ‘to do’ pages etc and it was so cool to be able to personalise it!

  7619. Thanks so much for organizing this swap,Hanna! It’s been so much creative fun.And I love checking my mailbox everyday knowing there might be some postcard magic! :)

  7620. I love your mom’s postcards…would love to be getting one! I wish, wish, wish, that my mother lived close enough for us to “art around” together.

  7621. When I lived in Korea and my mom was in Texas we used to send home made post cards to each other all the time, so when I read about your post card swap I told her about it and encouraged her to sign up. She ended up having such a good time making cards that she made over 25!

  7622. Your mom’s postcards are gorgeous! As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree… Your talent surely comes from her (at least part of it.)
    It might be fun to eventually have a mother/daughter swap. I think that it’s a great bonding experience.
    I will add my mom’s blog post to the link list now.

    And yes, everyone loves Smilla! >’.’

  7623. Thanks so much for hosting this swap. It was so much fun and I get such a kick everyday when I get home and find a new postcard waiting for me.

  7624. Oh, this is so inspiring! Many thanks for sharing your sketchbook!
    I signed up for the tour 2011, what a journey so far. I love receiving a text every time someone opens by sketchbook… incredible, chills run up my spin! :]

  7625. i, too, really enjoyed participating in the sketchbook project. i love the approach you took and wish i could check out your book but it is not going to be near me. it has been so inspiring, though, to see the photos of it.

  7626. Thanks April & Laurie, so glad you are inspired by my book. I am so glad I took the time to scan and photograph it before I sent it of to the exhibition, if I hadn’t I wouldn’t remember it as well. Would looove to go to the exhibition too, but yeah, very much too far away for me! :-)

  7627. Love your Moms cards and so proud that I got one! It was the first one I received and my heart leapt when I saw it among those dredded bills and junk mail.

  7628. Hello Hanna! I had a GREAT time participating in the swap this year!!! Just thought I’d share with you what I made.
    Thanks so much for continuing to inspire and spread good cheer throughout the world! Cheers!
    -Dori, Dreaming Bear

  7629. Yvonne, your cards are beautiful. We say in English, “Like mother – like daughter.” Hanna has worked so hard to coordinate such a huge postal event, I’m so happy to see how many creative people (and moms) have supported her!! She deserves it. Best wishes from Germany, tj

  7630. This was my first year participating in this postcard swap. So much fun!!!
    Thank you for coordinating this – awesome job! – and I look forward joining in the fun again next year.

  7631. This is great ihanna! I loved being able to be taken through your sketchbook project piece on the slideshow. Great stuff..well done. Its been a fun project…and allowed us all to see peoples work from around the world. Good luck with new work.

  7632. Hanna, this is beautiful to see it in video format! You did a magnificent job incorporating so many different versions of grids and lines. I loved the sewing patterns, the stitching patterns, the building plans. Truly brilliant.

    You were smart to scan and make your own video. I paid extra for them to do it and I still haven’t gotten my file!

    Your arty pal in germany,

  7633. hi Hanna, thanks for introducing me to Jennifer. The book looks like something I’d enjoy. I’ve used wire and fabric together to make flowers but not quite in the fashion of the wire flower in the tutorial with the sewn-on fabric petals. Very clever!

  7634. Hanna, I have to tell you that this sketchbook fills me with awe. You have lines, grids, and drawings and you’ve made action and arrows, your own little box to write in, and this is so clean and still fun and active!

  7635. Thanks everyone! Dori, I’ve added your link to the growing link list of people who has shared something of postcards or postcard process on their blog to my post Sharing the Postcarding Joy, please visit some of your fellow creative swappers and leave some comments if you have the time! :-)

  7636. Thought I’d pop over to say thank you so much for doing such a great review. I really appreciate the time you took to read the book and write the post. Absolutey fabulous and from the bottom of my heart- thanks. :)

    Ps I’d love to see a pic of anything you make.:)

  7637. A sketchbook theme is a neat idea. I’ve never considered that. I’ve always just drawn randomly. It might be neat to grab one and actually work with one coherent theme and see what I come up with. A new creative project for next month:)

  7638. Thank you for sharing all this info. on these lovely books! Books are wonderful, love to read! :]
    Love to see your creation of something made with wire and fabric.

  7639. I was one of the lucky recipients of these beautiful cards…the fourth one in on the top row. I love it. Hanna, you are so blessed to be able to share creative activities with your mom! Thank you for coordinating this swap.

  7640. i just realized i got one of your mom’s cards. i love it, it is so cute and whimsical. i posted it on my blog last week. tell her i loved it.

  7641. Wonderful sketchbook. So sorry I missed it when the exhibit opened in Brooklyn. Perhaps I will have another chance to see it when all the books return home to New York after the tour.

  7642. A big, belated, Happy Birthday!!!
    I love your blog just the way it is, regular features nor not. I think that as long as you have fun doing the blogposts, it will show and seep through to your readers!
    Enjoy the sun and the flowers,


  7643. Marjanne, thank you! I agree with you: fun is key when you blog about your passions. This blog is my passion and I really enjoy it. So glad you like it!

  7644. Happy birthday! And congratulations on the snow melting. Ours took a long time to go away this year (I’m near Philadelphia in the US), and while not nearly as long as yours, I understand how exciting it is to finally have it go away! :-) I’m glad you took some time for yourself this weekend to enjoy your birthday. I noticed that when I contemplated having particular “features” for different days of the week, it made the days speed up and left little room for any other topics, so I can totally understand and respect your decision to keep things spontaneous. I always look forward to your posts!

  7645. Sometimes it helps to have a book that has been cut into shapes, to get over the natural inhibition, taught at our mother’s knee, to never ever “deface” a book. I find that once it has been cut it no longer stands as a book to be read, but as a canvas for creativity…

    So I’m working on a teapot shape to fill with recipes for a friend right now… the shape often provides inspiration of its own!

  7646. Happy Birthday. I’m like u if something doesn’t inspire
    Me, I drop it. You inspire us with your art and here’s to another year :). Enjoy your Birthday week!!

  7647. I very Happy Birthday to you!
    What a wonderful way to spend “your day” :]
    Enjoy reading your posts, your blog/site is very inviting… always gets me inspired to create something “artsy”
    Happy Monday!!

  7648. Happy Birthday :)
    and keep up the good work :) Love your blog. And a cat pictures, I would love to have an orange one again. Used to have two.

  7649. Happy Birthday (a little late) !!!! I hope you continue to celebrate throughout the week. Your blog is such an inspiration and don’t worry about us, we will be here.:) I have my 3rd orange cat and after years of cats of all colors, I think orange cats have the best personalities. Kind of unique, quirky even, and so loveable.

  7650. happy, happy birthday, my beautiful friend! you bring so much joy, inspiration, and color into my and so many others’ lives. thank you for being you!

    i agree with you about the weekly posting – i’d so much rather be spontaneous and post about something i’m really passionate about in that moment! when something begins to feel like it must be done, the spark of love is lost and i’m sure that the readers can see that. good for you for being honest with yourself and your readers and sticking to what makes your heart do somersaults.

    kisses to your sweet smilla! have a beautiful day and a lovely week~

  7651. Happy birthday, Hanna! Your blog is wonderful, what you’re choosing to do or not do is absolutely working!

  7652. Yay! Happy (late) birthday! I knew your birthday was this month, but I didn’t know what day. Please enjoy your next trip around the sun!

  7653. Your birthday artist date sounds like it was fun and inspiring. You’re not a “schedule/feature” type blogger. You’re a freestyle blogger and I think that’s what your readers like. I know I do.
    Love the photo of Smilla.

  7654. grattis i efterskott. h?ller med om att det inte f?r bli f?r m?nga m?sten
    det d?dar fl?det.

  7655. Happy (belated) birthday! I like your blog and get inspired no matter whether you have regular features or not, so don’t fret about it. I can’t say the same for my own blog, I just can’t seem to blog regularly! But then I’m not as inspiring as you.
    ~ Sara (PS: Glad p?sk i f?rskott)

  7656. Belated birthday wishes! And you know, there are lessons to be learned from our animal friends and days when we are just to soak up the sunshine and simply enjoy the moment without tying it down to anything else. I too have felt that pull to create something and then think “oh, I should be documenting this!” Talk about killing spontaneity!

    Meanwhile, goodness flows in through my mailbox … thank you again for organizing the amazing swap. It has been a life saver as I not-so-patiently await Spring!

    xo Lis

  7657. Thanks for your sweet comments. Your post cards from your swap are turning up on everyone’s blog posts, they are super as are your doodles above. xox Corrime

  7658. Lovely! I just love the immediacy of black and white doodles. They are graphic design, they are the coins of your imagination. They are delightful!

  7659. happy birthday! it is a busy life, isn’t it. i, too, have trouble keeping up on all the wonderful things to do.

  7660. It is funny… I keep running across your blog from different places. I think the universe is telling me to stalk you. :)

  7661. Even though I love my handmade journals, I find that sometimes I doodle away on loose paper… maybe because there’s no pressure!?!

  7662. Thanks for commenting! Zom, I used my new favorites, the Pitt brush pens, S and M. I love those pens. I just listened to you interviewed by R?ce – how great to hear you talk about your painting process, learning new things and journaling (oh and the birds in the background!)! :-)

    kimberlee, I love my blog reading stalkers, so feel welcome to browse around! ;-)

    Linda, I think to me it is about format. Different format, size and brands of paper invites different kinds of expression. And it is good to change things up every now and then, try new things… These papers are BIG pads of drawing paper – great for experimenting and doodling. :-)

  7663. Hi Hanna, thought you might like to know I referred to this tutorial on my blog, because I am starting to prepare an altered book journal based on it!

  7664. Ooh, I like QuinnCreative’s comment–“the coins of your imagination”–nice! I’m a big fan of the black-and-white doodle look. Hanna, I hope you’ll check out my blog post today–you inspired me to create something for my daughter with something that she drew. So, thank you for that!

  7665. Wow, they are all Hanna special. Lovely colours and really nice design. You are very talented Hanna !
    Happy Easter !

  7666. De ?r s? fina allihop!! Jag v?ntar fortfarande p? tv? kort, h?ll tummarna! Det h?r har varit ett fantastiskt swap, tack f?r att du organiserat alltihop!

  7667. They are so bright and cheery, Hanna ! They all make me smile. And I was lucky enough to receive one ! Yay !
    Thanks again for all the hard work you did to make it such a great swap.
    HUgs !

  7668. Happy belated birthday!!! These cards are amazing….love the color, the stitching….everything! Thanks for hosting the swap…I had fun making my cards!

  7669. Are these just glues down collage elements with random stitching? They’re lovely, wish I would be getting one come in my mailbox. I hope your postcard swap goes smoothly and is successful.

  7670. Love those cards. Are you doing a tutorial on them? I think a lot of people would love that. Helen

  7671. Hanna!!

    Hanna Hanna Hanna!!


    I got your card and it is the most luscious, cheery, artful, fun card, ever and I want a tattoo of it.

    (I won’t say where.)

    Thanks for this swap. I’ve made some sweet bloggy friends and I have gotten my cards, too, and look forward to doing a special post about all of them. I thought I signed up for your newsletter! I’m going to go do that now, and I want to hear the MINUTE you have a swap going on!


  7672. Oh, my stars! I missed this post! I am going to make some of that paper cloth. Your postcard is so yummy with all the paper cloth on it!

    I want to pay you for all the goodness you give me. Tell me how to do it.

  7673. Oh, don’t you love seeing how each person doodles in their unique way? These are sweet! I don’t think I’ve seen much of your doodling before! I love doodling.

    Thanks for sharing!

  7674. What a great find!!! I can’t wait to see what you do with it! Those papers are fabulous!

  7675. What a great find!!! I can’t wait to see what you do with it! Those papers are fabulous!

  7676. S? flotte postkort. Gleder meg til neste ?r. Ny runde med kort.
    Kanskje starte litt f?r med kortlaging. :)
    Jeg venter fortsatt p? 2 kort.
    Ha en fortsatt fin p?ske.

  7677. Beautiful postcards, Hanna! (I wish I had been on your list…) I love your style and your colors. Major “eye candy”, as they say!

  7678. such an awesome book! wow :-)
    Happy Belated Birthday!
    I haven’t been commenting for a while but I am always excited when I see a new post from you in my RSS reader :-)

  7679. A very belated happy birthday to you, Hanna. I’ve been having trouble posting comments to your blog, finally got through today on other posts so am trying here again!

  7680. Thanks, again, Hanna! Your postcard swap got me out of a serious creative rut. I had so much fun playing and creating and I haven’t stopped! :)

    I’ve been posting my process on my blog and hope to get all my cards uploaded to the flickr group this weekend.

    LOVE your postcards. Beautiful collage-y goodness!

    Looking forward to the next swap…

  7681. Hi Hanna,
    I just wanted to say a BIG thank you for your postcard swap this year. Coming home from work to see what the postman has delivered has been so exciting and the artwork that everyone has produced is so inspiring! So a big BIG thank you Hanna for organising it!
    M x

  7682. what a great find!!! I love finding “treasures” like that in unexpected places!!!

    Also, I’m having a give away over at my blog if you’d like to come check it out!


  7683. My favorite thing in the world is to find awesome books at the thrift, Journals are a super hard find! I recently found a Kelly Raye journal and got it for $2!!! Score for both of us!

  7684. Your postcards are so bright and happy! I feel lucky to have one of them in my collection now.
    I’m still waiting on postcards but the ones I received so far are all gorgeous!

    PS I don’t if it would be possible for you but is there any way you could remind the swappers to let their swappers that the postcards arrived? My mom and I only received 4-5 notices.

  7685. Hallo every wonderful people out there, I am so glad for all the beautiful words you say about my cards. Thank you! Many thanks, I am so happy. Love from Hannas mom Yvonne. Many thanks to my daughter too, I love you.

  7686. Your postcards are so beautiful and your skills at hostessing such a huge event are amazing!
    I’m sad to admit that I didn’t get through all the swappers either. I do hope to try and connect with more in the next weeks, but it was a HUGE amount of blogs to visit. After many hours I let go and realized I did my best in the time I had. I’m looking forward to visiting my post office box this week though because I’m thinking the last few will be there which of course will lead to more connecting!!
    It’s been terrific — thank you Hanna!! Happy Easter, xxx tj

  7687. vilken underbar id?, jag som letar snygga skissb?cker i tid och otid, s?klart skall jag g?ra sj?lv. TAck

  7688. I have a first edition of The New Diary as well (in English). It’s in about 9 different pieces these days and I keep meaning to buy a new copy. It’s still my go-to book for ideas and inspiration when I’m journaling.

  7689. The scan of 22 postcards can be a very nice, sweet & brilliant wall paper.
    I’m so much fun to get myself in this swap.

  7690. The new diary is my absolute favorite book on journaling and it just doesn’t seem to go out of style! Wonderful finds!

  7691. Love the prepped pages and hope to see more soon. Art Journaling is on my plan tonight too, hope it works out!
    Sunny greetings – Irma

  7692. so beautiful pages…just wishing to art journal!
    i also saw traci’s pages on her blog and I was asking which stamps I wanted to buy…which ones did you buy and did you also buy the wooden blocks?



  7693. Thanks! :-)
    Sophie, I mounted the stamps on wood blocks that I got in a craft store (see the whole project with tutorial here), Traci got lots of fun stuff in her shop!

  7694. I love the colour combination with the blues and greens (I’m into green this week – must be the warm weather *teehee*) The alpha stamps are gorgeous! As is your page! Can’t wait to see the pink one ‘grow’ – have fun art journaling! (there’s nothing better then that!)

  7695. Beautiful pages, Hanna! Love your mix of green and turquoise -so pretty! Thanks for sharing your happy pics!

  7696. Oh Hanna, art hasn’t been a part of my life in so long now and it’s SO nice to be back at your site and looking at your beautiful work, especially your art journals! Your colors are so uplifting — I think of you whenever I see orange and pink!

  7697. I really like your pages, but I’m curious about your feelings while prepping them. I have read about a lot of artists who prep pages so they are ready when they want to journal, but I find that I prep them and then when I’m ready to journal they don’t speak to me so I just make additional pages to work on and those prepped ones are usually just skipped over, never used. Do you find that?

  7698. Hanna, your collages looks so great. Whenever I try I just feel it looks so silly or unfinished. Your colourcombi are yummi as ever.
    Think I have a code to crack when it comes to collages. Enjoy your days filled with sunshine!

  7699. The bunnies make me smile and think of one of my cards in the swap. When I made it I was sooooo waiting for spring and then the snow started falling. The result was that I had to glue small dots onto the card and draw small snowflakes on them.
    You are as inspiring as always!

  7700. Thats a gorgeous little notebook & an absolute bargain! I have been surfing the net looking for ideas as I am itching to start my own art journal & I just found your blog tonight. I will be back for more tomorrow :)

  7701. This page of bunny sketches – charming and funny and sweet and – well I guess you can tell I love it!
    Sketch more often!

  7702. I love that cute little bunny, Hanna! You are so committed to creativity – I love it! Hope you have a great weekend and enjoy these last days of April!

  7703. Finally got the finished postcards uploaded to flickr and the post on my blog. Thanks, again, Hanna! Great fun and inspiration.

  7704. It was such great fun making and receiving all those beautiful and inspiring cards! I only received six but I really don’t mind because those are brilliant!

    Thanks a thousand times for organizing, Hanna!
    Love, Maja x

  7705. This is too awesome! I love your bus stop. Don’t be so humble… let’s pretend they named it after you…
    What an awesome reader to send that in! That’s the best part of blogging. All the crazy connections…FUN!

  7706. I have enjoyed seeing your collage pages and collage dream board!
    I love and dream of many similar things….yoga, creating art, open spaces, light and windows!

  7707. Actually, I was beginning to wonder if there were a connection because almost every single time I come for a visit, there it is at the top of the page – Hanna Andersson.

    So thanks for clearing things up for me!

    Not only are you famous, Hanna but you are well loved! The responses you receive from your readers makes that obvious. And may I say, it is well deserved.

  7708. Makes you wonder if that clothing company ever receives phone calls, emails or other communications wondering if they’re related to YOU!

  7709. Now you have to go to Portland Oregon and get a photo of you under that sign!
    With the number of people in this world, it would be a surprise to not have someone else with your name. On Facebook alone, there are at least 7 other women with the same name and surname as me.

    And yes, I think you are kind of famous now in the blog world!

  7710. i thought, maybe you were the same hanna andersson that makes children clothes when i first stumbled across your blog also.

  7711. I have an uncommon name (in combination with my surname) and I would be delighted to see my name on a bus-stop! Like TJ said, don’t be so humble … and yes, blogging/Internet does this and that’s why I love it so much! Isn’t it wonderful and magical that I type something here for a Swedish girl that I never met… ?!!!

  7712. Beautiful bunting! Great colors, and very festive. I’ve considered some paper versions that I’ve seen online, but I have yet to try it for myself. If I get ambitious with this new sewing machine of mine, maybe I’ll tackle a fabric version, too!

  7713. I hadn’t realized we missed your birthday Hanna! Hope it was a terrific day. Your flags are beautiful and you’re right hanging onto fabric is no good. This is a perfect project to display beloved prints…

  7714. Hi Hanna! I’m an addict when it comes to all kinds of bunting! Yours it really cheery and summery, I especially adore the triangle made off cupcake fabric! :) I think I might have to sew myself some bunting, too!


  7715. Hej Hanna!
    I’ve never made bunting either – apart from crochet of course. I’ve been thinking maybe I’ll make some for when we go to Denmark next… bunting kinda needs to hang in a garden to look its best I think – like yours, delightful! :-)

  7716. Seems like I choose a good day to have a look into your blog again:
    Happy belated birthday, my dear.
    May the sun shine on you always.

  7717. Hi Hannah, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.. your blog is very colorful and spring-like – and creative. Do you live near Seattle? I moved up to an island north of Seattle from Portland about 10 years ago.

  7718. I love theses crafty flags, as well. :-) You remind me that I -need- to make one during this spring, as well.

  7719. Don’t worry, you’re not the last crafty gal to make bunting. I haven’t done any… yet. I love the fabrics you used and I think I’ll eventually do the same thing but mine will have to be hung indoors.

  7720. Thanks for taking the time to visit and comment!

    TJ and anastasia, no problem that you didn’t know about the birthday, I don’t mind if nobody will notice I’m getting older… ;-)

    Donna, I don’t live very near Seattle, I don’t even live in the US. :-) I’m Swedish and that is where I still am. Glad you enjoyed my blog, welcome back!

  7721. I have to admit, those are some very pretty pages! It reminds me of when I did a journal in the Mary Ann Moss’s Remains of the Day journals and so hard to USE the pages already filled with images I loved! Hmmm … I need to go look at that journal when I get home from work. I know I did use it … but I can’t remember how I did it now!
    I love how you made this one though! I want to make one like this with old hard covers. It is always so hard for me to commit to making a book though. I never get exactly what I want and I always wonder how can that be if I made it?
    We creative types … never satisfied! LOL!

  7722. Hi Hanna, your pages looks great but if you hesitate the time is not right I think. Be in your flow and the time will come to fill your beloved art journal. I especially like the last spread with the lovely dots. :-)

  7723. Melanie K, haha, you’re so darn right! We’re human and we’re never satisfied, I guess that is the biggest problem. Thanks for pointing that out to me! :-) I’m very Mary Ann Moss-inspired with my journal making! :-)

    Laila, thanks! Maybe you’re right too. I am creative in other areas, maybe the journal will be a summer journal, hoping we’ll have a summer in Sweden. It was beginning to look like winter returned this week… :-) Take care!

  7724. Is that your journal for the 2012 sketchbook project? or just some ephemera from the last one you’ve added to your art journal? You’ve inspired me to join the current sketchbook project, but I haven’t started yet. That little notebook is so forbidding looking.
    I love the picture of your signatures. It makes me want to see what’s on every page! I consider putting the pages together, collaging, and all that part of creating the art, not just the drawing and painting in it. So to me it is beautiful as it is.

  7725. This is what I call “the problem of beautiful backgrounds”. They are sitting there, so beautiful and gorgeous, and you don’t want to ‘ruin’ them.

    Maybe a little raw umber to grunge them up? teehee. That would be hard. Glazes and small writing are kind of all I would be able to contribute.

    Please post again when you do continue. I would be very interested in what you do.

    • I too get the problem of “beautiful backgrounds”. Last year I filled an altered book with lovely collaged pages with the intention to paint and journal over, but with some pages this was very hard to do. I thought it would make it easier for journalling to have prepped a whole book but it had the opposite effect.

      My conclusion is that the collage IS the journal. It is what we create at that time and perhaps should be left, at least for now. I have a habit of cutting-up and re-doing my old work in time and feel that, sometime in the future, I will be ready for doing something else with my little collaged book.

  7726. Maybe the art of collage on these pages IS your statement, IS your journaling. Maybe they are done! I find myself revisiting even journals that I have deemed finished and being compelled to add something or write something on a painted page that I could not bear to write on originally. Keep that in mind and enjoy the beautiful book just as it is. That’s my two cents.

  7727. I like it soooooooo much, just the way it is, it’s so lovely, from all angles and sides…I’d leave it alone and go create somewhere else (:

  7728. I agree with what Laura has said…it’s what I was thinking as I read your post: perhaps you were “art journaling” as you created the journal. The pictures and colors and words and patterns are all there! I love the look of all the collaging…so much to see and enjoy!

  7729. Oh my goodness! I love bunting flags too! I have some hanging across our fireplace year round! I love the idea of hanging them outside though! We are so lucky to live in a very friendly neighborhood…we all take turns hosting parties…and this year we will host an ice cream social….so I think I know what I’m gonna do for decor! Woo hoo! thanks for always being YOU.

  7730. Love Love these pages! I am wordy when it comes to my journaling a lot, but there are times I can just put a quote a short bit or a word to describe whats going on in my life! Love the pages, have I mentioned that ;-D

  7731. My name is “Linnea” and often I have to tell the story about Carl von Linn?.
    In Denmark there is af book about “Linnea i malerens have” – a book about Monet.
    The most common confusion is about a shoe-company called “Linea” – I often has to tell that I have nothing whatsoever to do with them;-)

  7732. Wonderful thrift score! I love those variable page notebooks. Almost makes me scared to start writing in them. I think Doma is the name of a Korean stationery company. I lived in East Asia for several years and the I could peruse stationery stores for hours! There was just tons of eye candy like your notebook. Drool!

  7733. LOVE your journal! I agree in some ways, it seems like these pages are “finished” with the exception of maybe a single line of text or a quote … they really seem like a visual diary. Just my reaction; I also have several types of journals ongoing and there is something refreshing in just images/designs/colors conveying my mood versus words. Totally inspiring me! Will love seeing what you end up doing.

    And the bunting flags? Oh my, I now have another (!) project on my list (so you are not the last person to make them … it will be me if I ever finish the other 1/2 finished projects cluttering my home!)

    xo Lis

  7734. I don’t “write” in my journal every day. Sometimes days go by and then I might do3 or 4 pages at a time. Just go with the flow as the old saying goes……Love your blog…

  7735. Beautiful book but i know what you mean – all that lovely stuff there it is hard to know where to start to adding to. I usually just close my eyes (metaphorically of course) and slap on some watered down gesso. i find that I do so much more when I start with the blank page.

  7736. Thanks for commenting and helping me out here!

    Kelley, no this is not a Project Sketchbook sketchbook, it’s my art journal and I’m keeping last years memoribilia in it now. I haven’t signed up this year, I’m concentrating on my own for-keeps books when I feel inspired to journal. Thanks for your kind words about the pages in my art journal, you’re right: they are good as they are. Yay!

    Zom, hehe, yeah umber is nice but nope, not for these pages. But I like your idea of “small writing”, I think that is the way to go. Just wait until I feel I’ve got something to write, or do my actual morning pages in this art journal instead of my diary then. Thanks!

    Laura, yes you’re so right and thank you for writing what I needed to read, what we all need to be reminded of sometimes. :-) Collage sure feels like my medium more and more. The problem with these were that they were finished before I started working in the book, but if collage is my “statement” maybe I need to add some more collage bits and pieces to the pages and that will make me more satisfied with them. Thank you!

    Orly, haha, you are the art journal pro so thanks for that! And yes, I like these pages too – a lot – don’t know what I was complaining about? I might write something later but also learn to leave pages “alone”. They don’t need to look finished and full just because my other pages usually do. I don’t need to overfill every page, right? Thank you! You rock!

    Andria, of course I was “art journaling” while I made the book! You’re so right. It’s not just book binding it’s creating a yummy inviting page right there and then, and almost every page in this journal feels this way to me. Thanks for writing that sentense, love that idea! :-)

    Lis, thanks for your kind words on the journal pages, you make me smile when you come visit me! Have fun with your projects and then bunting flags galore, right? :-)

  7737. A few years back now, I adopted Kindness as my religion. When faced with a decision or a problem, I try and ask myself “What would love do ?” or “How can Love be applied here ?”. It is not always and easy road to follow, but I think many of us are waking up to the notion that shining light and love on things is the way to live our precious lives on this planet. I see you beautiful creative, kind heart, Hanna. Metta to you to, my friend !

  7738. Aww Kim, thank you!! Your kindness is shining! I can feel it all the way to Sweden! I wish I could say that I am as kind as I want to be, but it’s not always easy. Your religion rocks my friend!

  7739. I love the Martin Luther King quote. I came across another of his wonderful quotes that I wrote about last week:

    “Occasionally in life there are those moments of unutterable fulfillment which cannot be completely explained by those symbols called words. Their meanings can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart.”

    I think one leads to another. Approaching life with love brings fulfilment and happiness we may not otherwise find. I try but I have to admit it’s not only hard, I don’t always succeed.
    Hope you’re having a love-filled day.

  7740. I saw those two quotes too and love them. I hadn’t written them in my journal but now, I think I will.
    It’s not always easy being kind and loving in today’s society. But I think that if we are aware of not being completely kind when it happens, it’s already a step forward.
    Your wire flower is pretty. :-)

  7741. You’re first quote is very moving, especially in the light of recent events. I’m so torn about what has all happened, but I’m leaning towards this quote. Hate isn’t cured with hate. I’m going to copy this one down and remember it. Thanks!

  7742. oh, what a funny book!
    I always find faces everywhere, but never thought to photograph them… good idea for some “photography homeworks” :)
    I’ll join flickr group for sure!
    I like also the book about hearts: this winter I photographed a pink heart a thread accidentally made on my pincushion. Now is the header of my blog!

  7743. I saw the book at my local bookstore and flipped through it. I love finding faces in objects. The ones I easily see are on tree trunks of course. I should start taking photos of my found faces. It would be a fun project.

  7744. I was interested in your post and fascinated to hear a book has been written on the subject. I’ve been taking photos of ‘faces’ for several years, when ever I see them. They are great fun and you’ve given me the idea to show a couple. If I do I’ll link to your post!

  7745. Thanks for the “heads” up on this book. It looks really interesting and the concept is really neat.

  7746. Thanks for commenting on this post everyone!

    Silvia, can’t wait to see your face photos!
    Sophie and Sandie, indeed a really cool photo project to keep in the back of your head when outside taking a walk or while traveling. Let me know what you find!
    Seth, haha, yes, absolutely a “heads up” for this one! I love all kind of crazy photographic adventures!
    Hagit, wow, I looove your found faces – they are amazing and so funny! Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos from Israel! :-)

  7747. Thanks for your lovely comments! I was posting the quotes thinking of “recent events” of course, but not wanting to be to political. So glad you like them, and my blog! :-) And the wire flower, oh my lovely wire flower!

  7748. This is such a neat idea, Hanna, and will really encourage me to take a closer look at things around me. I am amazed by how many people have commented above that they’ve already been doing this!

  7749. I love that stuff! I was turned on to it a few years back and it is amazing! So much easier than trying to keep white spaces white. Is this your favorite brand?

  7750. Thank you Hanna, I didn’t know about such option. Of course, in here I might not get it without ordering from abroad, but still, its great to know what possibilities there are. Beautiful page you have – great colors!

  7751. This looks like so much fun! :]
    Very creative indeed… thank you for sharing this clever technique.
    I love playing around with painted paper backgrounds.

  7752. I love this idea…this is something I’ve done for years! My recent siting…we live across the street from our community park and we walk there everyday. I see a smiley face on the doggie poo bag dispenser!

  7753. Thanks for commenting!

    Kimberly, just like I wrote in the post, this is the first time I try this stuff so I don’t have a favorite brand, though I really like the tip of this bottle for writing with.

    Helena, not sure what you mean with “in here”? There must be some art shops where you’re at? I found mine at a very small art shop slash gallery. :-)

    April, thanks for all your lovely comments lately! It makes me happy each time you take the time to comment. Let me know if you try the masking thing!

  7754. When I’m overloaded, I do a little yoga/meditation time then I write…I get everything out of my head and empty the trash….and then I start to create…it always works!

  7755. Yeah, it’s very hard, when you have SO many things you want to do. So many ideas! I make a list sometimes and it helps with anxiety, but sometimes my response to overwhelming ideas and wants is to just not do anything. I think it helps me to get things in perspective.

    Have a great time in Gotland!

  7756. I have never heard of this. This can give so much freedom! It will mask over colors you’ve already laid down, right?

  7757. I love this – and the colors you used are wonderful! I’ve used oil pastels to make a “resist” but hadn’t heard of this technique before. Now I’m tempted to get some masking fluid and experiment too :)

  7758. When I don’t know where to start, I make a list. The problem is that I have lists all over the place so I don’t know which to start with! ;-)

    Enjoy your trip!

  7759. :), I’m sorry, “here” is Estonia. I just made the search, and there might be masking media in one store but also it might not be :-) We really don’t have good hobby shops in Estonia, especially when I compare to Norway where I lived last year. Panduro is a great shop in Scandinavia but unfortunately we don’t have it in Estonia. Hopefully it will get better.

  7760. I know how that feels. I am chock full of ideas right now and it feels both wonderful and overwhelming, because you can never do everything you want to (well, maybe if I just drop sleeping all together and live to be 200 years old I could). I am working on an idea right now that I really like (drawing tag sheets and border sheets and stuff for a handmade book), but I just wish it didn’t take so much time to do. I have a whole list of stuff I want to try out and work out after this, but I just can’t get to it right now, so it just sits there on my work table taunting me. Grrr.

    But still, I guess having an overflow of ideas is preferable to having none at all. You will never ever be bored! ;-)

  7761. Mr. Gwacka rocks! I hear you on the overwhelm Hanna. It sounds like you’re doing exactly the right thing: changing your scenery and taking a break!

    Lately I’ve been trying to do without laptop and email on weekends. It’s making my Mondays horrible but I seriously need to stop being “wired in” to everything. It just gets distracting and too intrusive. Our brains need to shut off sometimes! Best wishes, xxx tj

  7762. okay, so I had to share these websites with you! There are some great quotes, funny stories, and classic pictures that would be great journal fodder in here. (This is just the sort of thing I like.) Today they linked me indirectly to this gem: here – this book was meant to be a serious English phrase book from Portuguese. This is what babelfish must look like to those who speak multiple languages . . . .

  7763. Hanna, this is a great set of reminders to us. I think the mundane parts of our lives can crowd out the important, enduring qualities of existence and being human. Thank you for sharing this.

  7764. I haven’t read the comments, so I hope this isn’t repetitive, but I think there is value in making this book, whether it’s filled further with journaling, or not! This is a beautiful book that will endure, and is already filled with your spirit and energy and your creative judgment! It can be finished as is, if that’s what you feel!

    It’s hard sometimes, to know when to stop, whether you are holding yourself back out of fear of the unfamiliar. I sometimes don’t know if I’m not stretching myself because I’m uncomfortable with a new practice, or if I truly feel that I’ve reached the completion of a project. It’s the dynamism of creativity. What a challenge it poses sometimes!

  7765. Hehe. I always smile to myself, and truly, when I see the clothing store, I often have this thought: Hanna Andersson the clothing company can only WISH they were the real Hanna Andersson, the artist and book maker and self-publisher, and blogger!

  7766. Wow! This collage page is fantastic! :]
    I have a hard time with unfinished projects, so… I stay focus, get it done, then reward myself for completing the task.
    It could be something simple like… taking a warm bath, going for a run, shop for a treat, etc.

  7767. I think that your watercolour flowers are very, very pretty.

    I need some blog-spiration… okay, that sounds stupid. I need some INSPIRATION, so I’m off to look at your recommendations. Thank you!

  7768. Heavens! It’s a good thing I subscribe to your rss feed, or it might be weeks before I found out about this post. Am rather nervous and yet so thrilled to get a mention by you…thank you, sincerely. So happy (and relieved!) that you enjoy some of the nonsense I post, I am not half as dutiful a blogger as you. A little shocked that you are sending other readers my way…I feel like the housewife who gets very important visitors on the day when the house is a mess, the baby is screaming and the underwear is hanging in front of the fireplace to dry! :D Should really be writing more, and of better quality than I have, lately!
    Cheers, my dear, and thank you again. I enjoy your posts and art journal photos so much, too. XX Nat

  7769. Hi Hanna, I first thought your ball WAS crocheted. How cool…..
    Do you avoid stitching into the ball itself ? I really liked it.

  7770. Amazing! I once learned (as a child) how to crochet and knit a ball, but I’ve never seen an embroidered one. Awesome!

  7771. Amazing! :)
    I really like the colors you used. I’ve noticed they are the same of your last watercolor paint (“Blessed spring”). I couldn’t imagine that pink, yellow and green match in this good way!

  7772. Looks like a very involved project…good for building patience as well as sewing skill! What will you do with it? Is it for decoration? I like the colors you chose.

  7773. Thanks for commenting!
    Laila, yes, you avoid stitching into the ball, you don’t have to. You just cover it with the stitches.

    Andria, I’ve made it as decoration and because it was fun sewing it, but it is made from wool so it has a nice bounce to it if you wanna come play ball with me!? If I ever have kids I’ll make them lots of toys like this one. :-)

  7774. Oh, Hanna, I hung onto every word of this. I am right there with you.

    I am very accept of myself, yet I sometimes have to purposely stay aware of the fact that a blog doesn’t represent an entire person. There is so much talent and inspiration online, and it’s easy to not think about all that has been put into what we see. And not just the obvious stuff either, like a lot of stitches in a blanket, but the working and cleaning and thinking and family and money and and and…

    Thanks for writing this.

  7775. Ooh, that’s a long way for me to come to play ball! It would be lots of fun, though, and I have a ready and willing two- and three- year old to play with your delightful handmade toys! :-)

  7776. Vltalig som alltid, rak & dmjuk infr livet. Jag tror ocks p att genom att fokusera p det roliga, positiva, kreativa & vackra s blir det roligare, mer positivt, kreativt & vackrare. Allt annat finns, sjlvklart, men det blir s mycket enklare och lttare att handskas med genom det positiva ljuset. Heja & hurra Hanna. You’re doing good girl :)

  7777. I’ve been dealing with this very topic on my blog lately as well… because I do share the downtimes and often I hesitate to click publish because I felt like it was weird to ramble on about my issues…afterall, I don’t want to spread negativity! But I found that instead, many people connected to the truth and really take heart in seeing both ups and downs…because it is more authentic. Suffice to say that it is okay to show what you want, I think we all choose what we want to present of ourselves. Just like when we clean up a bit before going out to the store – LOL! I think it’s great if you’ve decided that the blog is for good times, you have that purpose! Everyone just has to find what works for them.

  7778. My wise old granny once said: If there’s nothing bad, there’s nothing good either, and: you can reach as high as you’ve been down low. I don’t think I really understood what she ment at the time but I certainly do now and I still think she was a wise old lady.
    So Hanna, when you have hard times and the rest of us too, remember it pays off in the other hand. That’s a really comforting thought for me at least.
    With all that said I think it’s important to focus on the bright sides of life.

  7779. I love this post Hanna. So true and very well said. I wrote about this very topic a little over a year ago here.

    I too try to always focus on the positive. Things aren’t always peaches and cream, but that’s why we have choices. We have a choice on how we react to things and we have a choice about what we choose to, and choose not to, blog about. Yay, Hanna! :-)

  7780. Oh, Hanna, this is so wonderfully written and so very true. I also try to focus on what’s good in my life, but at times, I share the not so good as well…like my dad, for example. I know it’s going to creep into my art and my blog, so I just put it out there. No long hairy details, but parts. I also know that it’s brought me so much comfort and love, along with so many prayers. Knowing I’m in so many people’s thoughts has helped so much. I know I have deliberately stayed away from blogs that are nothing but negative…I don’t need that!

  7781. Very well-written and thought-provoking post, Hanna! Thanks for continuing to share you self-proclaimed “authentically messy” life with us!

  7782. oh Hanna this post reached right out and grabbed me.
    Thank you so much for your authenticity in THIS post!
    it brought me so much comfort to see some photos of mess! it helped me feel less alone.
    Every time I see photos of the home or studio of another artist, I search for the mess – wanting to feel like they are a real person that I can connect to.
    I’m so inspired by this post of yours that I have an idea in my mind of posting on my blog about it – encouraging others to take photos of their authentic mess and share links to their blog where they share it.
    would you mind if I did that? I would give you credit for inspiring me of course :)

  7783. This is a wonderful thought provoking post, thank you.

    As for me, my blog is just a part of who I am, but it’s the part that I love a lot, my artsy part and for that part it is totally authentic. I know who I am and I have no need to express everything that goes on in my life there, nor do I have the need to hide anything. But my blog is about arsty stuff, so the subjects will be related to that somehow. Even if something sad happens, like my cat dying about a month ago, I’ll try to include related journal pages or art in it.

    I don’t shy away from personal stuff, but I see no need to elaborate on it either. I’m not an exhibitionist who needs the world to know everything. That’s what my journals are for, to get out all my loose thoughts and emotions, to blow of steam or to just put in a picture of my sisters for instance. A blog is a public place and it’s good to remember that.

    Also by focusing on the positive aspects of life and art making on your blog, you get a more positive sense of your own life. I have always had this delusion that I didn’t do enough, produce enough etc., but by blogging about what I do I kind of scare that criticism away. When I check back on my blog I get happy from it myself!

    I think only people with half a brain would think that a blog paints a full picture of a person. I for one never thought your life was perfect and I sure know that mine isn’t, but if your goal is to inspire people you are doing a great job, my friend!

    PS. I love the pictures in this post!

  7784. Hanna, great blog topic. I think most of us come from the same place as you – setting a tone on our blogs to present the positive side and admitting our vulnerabilities from time to time. I look at it like this: if you visit my home I will clear the junk off the table and put on a fresh cloth. I will try to make things look the best they can, which is different than it might look on a daily basis. I treat my blog the same way. Putting my best face forward. There are some things I prefer to keep private but I am not afraid to expose some personal things because it allows the readers to invest in me and connect on another level. In real life we are drawn to people who are positive, enthusiastic and encouraging because they make us feel good about ourselves – so it would make sense that we seek that same quality in a blog author. We love to visit you because it is a happy place, filled with vibrant color and cheer. You are a generous open soul, and we are uplifted when we peek into the creative life you choose to share. xo

  7785. What a wonderful resonant post! Authenticity is a tricky thing. It’s like it fades in and out of focus for me. I’ve had old friends read my blog and think that I’m some sort of super mom who never yells and always has the perfect craft project. I wonder sometimes how bloggers that I admire manage to do what they do, and then I realize that people were thinking that about me. It was kind of a surreal moment. Knowing my own messy, crazy life and seeing how my friend perceived my life through the lens of my blog.

    It’s good to know that other bloggers struggle with this too. Thanks.

  7786. Thank you for these honest words :)
    There should be more people who are as self aware as you seem to be.

  7787. Det ?r ju de sm? outtalade och hemliga egenskaperna som g?r n?gon intressant. Och det ?r det som g?r att alla orkar forts?tta eftersom alla vet att alla andra har mornar med gr?t i halsen och kv?llar med o?ndlig ensamhet. Det ?r ju det som g?r dig s? fin, att din blogg inte ?r en fasad utan en helt underbar inblick i den t?rtbiten som ?r helt perfekt. D?r allt ?r rosa och solen skiner och du aldrig spiller ut lim ?ver hela bordet eller klipper dig sj?lv i fingret. Det g?r dig b?st. Och g?r att jag l?ser, f?r alla h?r vet, att bara f?r att man inte skriver hela sanningen g?r inte att det blir osant.

    Du ?r finast. Forts?tt s?h?r. S? att b?de du och vi kan forts?tta inspireras och leva p? v?r glada fluffiga t?rtbit n?r allt annat bara ?r regn och slask.


  7788. Ah yes, this talk of ‘authenticity’ doing the rounds in cyberspace… I’ll tell you what, I must confess to be ever so slightly sick of hearing about it because, as you rightly point out, there are plenty of websites that claim to be authentic, and yet they all edit their content. Mind you, I am not against the editing per se, not unless someone really wishes to see pics of my dingy bathroom or of the cracked drive outside, but rather I am not comfortable with this idea that a blog becomes your brand and that you should present its content in a certain way. Clean, edited, always focused.

    I have noted though that people do not like it very much when writers of blogs change tack; once you start sharing things that are not-so-perfect you’ll also come across people who say your blog isn’t any longer what it used to be and it’s now negative/boring/fill-in-the-blank.

    I rarely share anything of a personal nature on my site not because I don’t want to (I often burn to do just that, particularly when life is a mess, as you say), but because revisiting it at a later date makes me feel queasy and ill and, once again, wounded or sad, depending on what it is that I talked about. This therefore may be interpreted as some sort of distance that I willingly place between myself and my readers, while in reality it’s a distance that I place between myself and unhappy memories, a block that I want to place so that I shall never revisit the mess. All who have emailed me know how open and immediately sharing I become once off the online, public stage and I guess that this suits not just my writing goals but my personality too. I am not interested in fleeting, shallow relationships but in all-encompassing-and-deep ones. And one cannot interweave profound relations with 10,000 people.

    This is my first time commenting on here, hence I would like to thank you for your contribution to the creative landscape and all of your commenting readers for providing interesting insights and entertainment all the time. All the best!

  7789. I love your authenticity. It is what keeps me coming back and reading. Being authentic doesn’t mean you need to share everything; it means that what you share should be “real”, genuine, and yours. What you share definitely is ! And I think this world has enough focus on the ugly, bad, terrifying, depressing. Focusing on the good, light, joy-filled everyday moments helps balance all that grossness out at least a little.
    I thank you for being you, Hanna !
    Cheers !

  7790. Thank you for writing this post Hanna, it’s so true. it is good to keep a positive outlook, though that doesn’t mean that there won’t be days that there is self-doubt and anxiety, I think that is part of the creative process. So cherish those days you stay in bed the whole weekend!! Duvet Days i call them. Whenever i am in that mood i always think of myself as a hen, sitting on her eggs, keeping them warm and waiting to see when something will hatch. all the best Carol Ann aka ainelivia

  7791. Dear Hanna,

    You work magic with your words and your images. This post resonated so much with me. I, too, chose to focus on the good parts of my life for my blog. Yes we edit ourselves when it comes to blogging but I think that it is necessary in a way. Your blog would not have the same feel and the same following if you blogged about the dark bits. We are all human and we are aware that perfect is not of this world. So, keep being yourself. You are a beautiful soul and such an inspiration to many many people.
    Love and hugs,

  7792. I agree with you! Sometimes when I’m feeling down it’s the upbeat blogs full of dreams and positivity that inspire me. That’s why when I blog I try not to talk about my frustations (that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen sometimes), I like that the people who read my blog think about me as a fun person full of energy. Sometimes it happens that I’m not full of energy but so what? We all have our defects =) It’s all right.
    Just be true about what you believe, nothing else matters.

  7793. I know what you mean! I also write about things that inspire me or make me happy – and I sometimes forget that it’s not just me doing that, it’s all bloggers. I sometimes think that other people have these charmed lives because they have so many nice things to write about and beautiful pictures to share, but I think we are all the same in that way – keeping the “mess” out of sight and just sharing the beauty.

  7794. very well said. we are all here to share some part of our lives, the parts we need to reinforce or have no other way to acknowledge. sometimes it’s good to share those other sides with our readers just so they know we are normal. whatever normal is. thanks for sharing.

  7795. Hanna, I’m impressed with your post, with the honesty and the way you’ve addressed the not-so-perfect part of life. Yes, we’re all messy, but who I really relate to are the people that carry on despite the fact….I think you’ve done that here. There’s too much negativity out there, and we can let any little thing become an excuse for not even trying. But where’s the fun in that. I’ve decided I’m going to get in the game (blogging/living) and give it my best shot….I won’t always do it right, or beautiful….but it’ll be a lot more fun. Like you….I’ll be learning something new, either about myself, my art, or others….and that will make all the difference :D

  7796. I can just agree with what you write!

    I like the saying that you should treat others like you want to be treated, and I think the same thing works for blogging. Blog about topics that you want to read about and in a way that would make you want to read about it.

  7797. So true, so true… very well said!
    Thank you for your honesty. I believe…we all can relate.
    It is good to know you are not alone, that others have the same “not so perfect” days.
    It can not be sunny everyday, rain is sometimes good! :]

  7798. True: there is a part of us that we show on our blogs. The part that is inspiring and also nice. But everyone knows that there is no perfect person and that seeing images from someone’s life and art, that these images are just a tiny part of that life.

    I do feel though, that the art that one show on your blog, shows a bigger picture of yourself. That is, if you are able to express your authenticity in your art! :-)

  7799. I love this post, Hanna. It is right on the mark. Authenticity is such a vital part of blogging, making art and writing. Not always easy to show our “flaws.” Thanks for this one!

  7800. Thank you for a chance to win a spot in this class. I have watched the promo video, and am SO intrigued by the techniques she describes. I will include a link to the post I wrote for my birthday, 38 things I have learned in my 38 years. It was a different kind of post than my usual crafty-type, and took awhile to compile all those “deep thoughts”. :-)

  7801. Hi Hannah!
    I looked for the link but can’t find the one I am thinking about! I took a class from alisa burke and I like how she states that in order to do most art all you need is a pencil and paper ( referring to sketching ).
    I loved her class! Looking forward to win a spot in this class! Off to go and watch the video!

  7802. I’ve been really into art journaling lately. Once summer hits, I find that I really plug into my creative side and try to listen to what she wants from me. I check out art books when possible. I surf the Net for interesting blogs, websites, or Flickr pages regarding art journals. I would love to a chance to take this course. You can see the result of the last class I took HERE:

  7803. Hanna, thanks for posting about authenticity. I’ve actually been criticised for sharing too much on my blog – but for me, this is my life, how I live it, and if people choose to read or not read – fine!

    Lately my art stuff has had to take a back seat as we recover from the January floods and the forced renovation of our house. I would really use a creative kick in the pants, LOL!

    Here’s a post showing some backgrounds that I really like – and that I’d completely forgotten about!

  7804. I had to smile about that part where you said that your blog gives this image of a very perky person. Sometimes I read back my blog and look at the pictures and think “Wow, she has an incredible creative life! I wish I was her.” ;-)

    Of course everything in my blog is true and real and I am quite creative, but it doesn’t say anything about all the other parts, like fighting to get up on time in the morning, my love hate relationship with my desk job that takes way too much time, my struggle to keep my house somewhat tidy (I never go further than ‘somewhat’) or just the daily grind that can get people down or all the insecurities that bug any living person.
    It’s good to have a place where even you can have a completely positive view of your own creative life. ;-)

    As for a link, I do have a blog, but I’m giving you one of Ric? Freeman Zachery’s blog, because this post just spoke to me on so many levels. Ric? is a very outspoken blogger and I don’t always agree with everything she says and thinks, but I love her candour and this post was spot on.

    PS. Don’t count me in on the give away, I have too much going on already!

  7805. Wow, this class sounds like ‘just what I needed’…background inspiration!! I looked at Kate’s promo video and now I can’t decide if I want to do this class right now or that I can (read:must!) wait another two weeks or so because I have so much going on…Anyway, thanks for telling us about Kate’s class and thanks for giving us a chance to win a spot in her class! Which would make my decision so much easier if I won..;-)

  7806. There are so many wonderful post from different bloggers,
    that is difficult for me to find one that is a favorite….
    Thank you for the opportunity, you are doing a wonderful job.

  7807. I would love to have space in this Bodacious class. I need some thing to inspire me to put color on these journals I have made. I make journals and I don’t want to mess them up because I don;t know where to start, especially when it comes to color. Thanks my journals and myself would greatly appreciate this opportunity

  7808. I think that this is one of my most favorite posts on my blog:
    It is about using Kuler (from Adobe) to make up all kind of colourcombinations. The fun part was writing a PDF with the instructions to make colour charts with Kuler.

    And my recent posts about my Little Guide Book for this year are my favorite as well. This art journal evolved after my search for my Little Word for 2011 into a soft reminder of good advice that I give myself.

  7809. Oh, I’d love to win a place in this class! I’m fairly new to art journaling, etc and a recent major move and crisis has meant that I am just now getting back into creating after a month or more.
    I have a new blog, so not many posts yet – but I do have a favorite in which I write about the importance and power of our thoughts, words and deeds in creating our reality.

  7810. Oh, I would really love to be able to see how this class will be. Since over a year I have been art journaling and I must say, I am getting better at it. But sometimes you get stuck. Everyone knows. My favorite blog is from Samantha Kira Harding, but it has already been shown.
    I also like from a dutch blogger.

  7811. Thank you for offering a chance at this class. I am new to all of this and I think backrounds are a great place to start.

  7812. I just learn about your blog and LOVE it it’s jummy as you would say. It’s one of the most inspiring blogs I know.
    I love your bookreviews and your posts about art journaling. I’m very jalous of your style it’s so colourful and happy.
    Another inspiring blog I love to read is

    Love and kisses Marieke

  7813. this is a beautiful post, hanna. i’ve been thinking about this for a while – honesty and intention and geniuity. it can be really difficult to find the balance between openness as you are and presenting yourself as the person you want to be. hm. maybe i’ll publish my thoughts about it in the future. wonderfully written!

  7814. hello, my friend – just a little note to say that your views on the world, whether about yoga, mindfulness, happiness, frustration, or life in general, in addition to your beautiful and determined creativity, are what brought me to love your blog so dearly.

    lots of love!

  7815. I would love to participate in the class and my reason is that I am new to this side of crativity as I am a textile person. But so far I love what I see around me in the cyber art space and I have learnt a lot from your blog Hanna!
    in this blog you can see fantastic books

  7816. Oh thank you for the opportunity to win a space in the Bodacious backgrounds. I’ve actually been a bit “missing” in my creativity lately and this sounds like just what I need

  7817. Hip, hip… hooray!! A giveaway, love it!
    Thank you for the opportunity :]
    This class sounds fun & creative.

  7818. This sounds like a great class. Sounds very inspiring and like it will be a lot of fun too!

  7819. Thank you, Hanna! I just got an email from Kate about winning, woohoo! Looks like I will be needing some spray paints, too!
    I love your bunny. The page looks truly finished now.

  7820. You have so eloquently put into words why I don’t have a blog. I don’t want to only post “perky” days, yet I don’t want everyone to go running for the hills when I am truthfull. I know one day I will learn to walk the tight rope between too much/not enough. Thanks for being so honest about this.

  7821. Adding the handwritten text and the bunny makes the page complete! It’s totally YOU now! YAY for pens and bunnies!

  7822. I’ve enjoyed traveling around your blog this morning…it’s fresh and clear…just what I was looking for this morning. This post especially resonates with me…and I’m going back to read it again. I’m at a bit of a cross-roads and “authenticity” is something I am striving for.

  7823. I love these pages, but I REALLY love the bunny. My Sarah (one of my 7-year-old twins) has a ratty old bunny that she’s carried around with her since before she could walk. She’s drawn several sketches of Bunny with pencil, but this might inspire her to add some color!

  7824. Congratulations to the winner. Have fun with Kate’s class! I really enjoy journaling before/after pages, or process pages; they are very inspiring!

  7825. It seems a lot of us have that moment of doubt about pressing the ‘publish’ button when we’ve written something personal, or something that might reveal us to be not quite the springy joyful person we’d like everyone to think of us as. I have many times, and each time I ‘dare’ to press it, I find that people are grateful I spoke about something they feel too, or are interested or just leave a few kind words. I think it’s an integral part of being an artist of any kind to be authentic, and it isn’t always easy when it means opening yourself up. But so worth it! Thanks for this post Hanna. :)

  7826. Hanna!! Love these extra embellishments. I’m glad you shared it. Since I’ve been journaling this year, I’ve really learned that I am hesitant to add more things, because I don’t want to ‘mess it up’, but usually, the more full of detail, the more fun it is!

  7827. Hanna, I’m so sorry to be behind so much on my blog reading. I love your blog, no matter what I find, here.

    This is a joy to read. Your feelings are ones I’ve shared, and I do share them sometimes on my blog, where I think most people prefer that I be funny instead of confessional. I think sometimes being funny all the time means that I don’t take my art seriously, and I often do. It is very important to me, and on my blog it often looks like it isn’t. So I struggle with many of the same feelings you do. I know that most of the time you DO try to be more upbeat and inspiring on your blog, but as a long-time reader of your blog I have seen some of your other sides, and they have endeared me to you and given me a great deal of trust for you. You are an honest, kind person who sometimes just want to scream in frustration, I think. We hear you!


  7828. Hi there, I found you via Sherry (above) and she mentioned this post, I am so glad I saw it and came to read this. I enjoyed it and I am loving your blog….your photos are simply wonderful… a new friend!

  7829. Wow, i thought I was the only one that sits and cuts up magazines! my mom thinks I’m crazy! But I can’t stop, it’s addictive! I have several bristol boards full of images and i just started a binder with printer sized paper loaded with images! I like fashion and celebrity images, and just everything that I either want, or like! It’s all about visually appealing and personal interest images!

  7830. Hi Hanna…thought I should come check out what you’ve been up to. I love your journal pages….and the bunny is the right touch.

  7831. Love, love, love that spread and both those sayings are fabulous (like seeing a bit of swedish on your blog every now and again!)!

  7832. The whole spread is great– the quote is very interesting– I’ve thought very often that you can tell a great deal about a person by noting what they like, or what they are passionate about. My favorite part, though, are the pretzel legs!!

  7833. Great quotation. And I really love the watercolors on your journal page. Can you believe I only JUST discovered white gel pens maybe three months ago? I love the look of outlining bold black letters with the white gel pen; can’t believe it took me so long!

  7834. Love the bright colours and the different writing styles, and of course the cute easter chicken! Cheers to you!

  7835. Your new proverb is perfect…and one I need to apply to myself. Not for the crochet, but for oh, so many other things!

  7836. Still receiving cards at this date – Such a joy! Again so glad to have met you and been part of this project. It really is awe-inspiring. Hanna you are truly amazing for putting this idea in the works.

  7837. Thanks for the links! I had just visited Brian’s site the other day. Did you see the photo down a ways that shows the outside of his large journal, which is bursting at the seams? Gave me inspiration to get the front and back covers of my art journal collaged! My mom has told me about Ree’s site. Boy, is it ever jam-packed with “stuff”! Thanks for sharing.

  7838. Thank you for the amazing shout out to my blog! Thank you so very much! You inspire me so very much I am happy I can do the same for you!

  7839. As much as I love the pages I’ve already decorated and created upon, I do love the blank pages…I actually run my hands over their smooth surface and feel the “joy” of what awaits as I get ready to create something new!

  7840. The row of cats is adorable. Such fun stamps!
    My art journal is begging me to play in it. I haven’t touched its pages in over a month!!! Time to get back to it, me thinks!

  7841. Love all the collaged, ephemera-l pieces on your journal spread. Great cat stamps, too! I don’t usually “get into” cartoon-style stamps, though that’s been changing over the past year or two. Here I see how fun it can be to include that sort of graphic on an art journal page!

  7842. Nice spread, and do I spot some cat marks on the floor at the right side as well? Love the cat stamps. And I wonder do you sew the page and then glue it into the book? Could be a little tricky to put the book to the machine.

  7843. These pages are way too adorable… WOW!
    Love the transparent pocket. It is always fun to add pockets to your journaling pages. Fill them up with little “artsy” surprises :]

  7844. Laila, yes those are little cat paw marks (from a stamp) there too. I did sew papers to some pages (recycled envelopes mostly) before I assembled the whole book. Now I’m working in it with a glue stick, stamps, writing and paint, further adding to the pages and making it a journal in progress.

    Thanks for commenting!

  7845. Can I just say DITTO, oh what wonderful things you create. and yyyaaaaayyyy I’v found another Art Journal artist. I so glad you wrote. Thanks

  7846. I just found this wonderful blog called Spirit Cloth. I’ve been so inspired that I think I’ll try something like that. Nice mosaic.

  7847. Thank you for visiting! I am so inspired by Regina’s work and her piece for the ebook was wonderful.

    I love your site–it is cheery and full of inspiration. I will have to spend more time going through your posts.

  7848. it is winter here now. i want to improve my painting, also my writing & add to my altered book journal” flights of fancy” that was inspired by your blog.

  7849. the tutorial link for the Patchwork ball is broken and I so want to make one. can you fix it? :)

  7850. I like doing that stuff too. I really enjoyed creating my own blog with wordpress and adding stuff to it.
    I had to re-subscribe to the RSS feed. The old one didn’t work for me.


  7851. though i only understood about a third of what you wrote (hehe!), i am excited to see the changes you make! the site already looks cleaner and warmer. looking forward to seeing more!

  7852. As I rolled down to see each card, I kept saying to myself: “That’s my favourite!” Then I saw the next one: “No, THAT’S my favourite!” And so on… I can’t pick just one, sorry! :-)

  7853. hi hanna, thanks for visiting our blog. i like the first one….its so inviting & relaxing, which is a good thing to do when it is hot.

  7854. My favourite is the first card, I like its brights colors and how differents parts are linked (two different doilis, similar flowers on the paper and on the teapot… I’m not sure to explain clearly what I want to say).

  7855. I am changing my blog as well, but the changes are a bit limited because of Blogger. But it is always fun to play around and see what you can do. Can totally relate to that bit of ‘geekiness’, I also love to play with all that webstuff, HTML and CSS!

  7856. You might discover your style when you are making art for several years, so that you can compare your work and developments throughout the years. I think that then you are able to see what you do and what is repeated in your work.
    Just have some patience! :-)

  7857. What a neat idea…….June is just about over but I am going to give this a try for the next 2 months……..thanks so much for sharing.

  7858. I really needed to read this today! I too have struggled with this notion of “finding” my style … playing around with other styles and worrying about making it my own. For me, I think there is a natural period of exploration, trying new things on and then relaxing into the process of allowing integration to happen.

    Just do it – yes! I guess I take comfort from all of this because to me you do have such a unique style: your use of clear, rich colors, playful graphics, balance of images and decorative elements … I love your work! But yes, to know you also wonder at times, that relaxes me and when I relax, then my true voice can be heard!

    Loving your index cards! Happy summer!
    xo Lis

  7859. I prefer the first and the last one – the milkcan (?) and the bright colours has a ‘summer afternoon’ feeling, the last one feels like early in the (summer) morning, and the day is open to be filled with whatever comes…

    Oh my, I should return to my box with index cards and make a few… maybe tomorrow?!

  7860. Picking a favorite from these beauties is not easy! I like them all but if you twist my arm I’d say the one at the top (love all the bright colors!) and the one with circles.

  7861. Really, seriously, I have to pick just one? Here are my two favs… the card with the circle windows and the cat card with the ICAD label. All of your work is fresh and fun, Hanna.
    Happy Day to you!

  7862. Oh, my goodness! I made my WordPress blog changes for almost the exact same reason. When was first set up, the person that helped me (claiming to be a professional), purchased my url from a server that retains the rights to the name, so I can’t even change to a better host. I also was unable to update WordPress for sql reasons beyond my comprehension, as well as add certain widgets and such.

    Hence, the move to

    It was scary unsubscribing from the old feed. Something in my head kept saying, what if you lose her? AS IF!?! Ha.

    I really like to work on the behind-the-scenes stuff too. Oh, that reminds me. I need to create a summer banner; I’m stuck in spring. I also need to organize my tags. I’d like to simplify them so that I can create a tag cloud or just a reasonable tag list.

    Looking good, Hanna!

    • Jodi, how cool that this post speaks to at least one person who “gets” my techy issues a bit, so glad you left a comment! WordPress is great, as long as the server cooperates with all the things you can do with it, right? :-)

      Can’t wait to see your summer banner!

  7863. Kitty Cat= gorgeous. What a cutey. And thank you for the news of the new url. I am a subscriber and love your blog.

  7864. I am still very much at the stage of using models from others. When I sit at an empty page I can usually do a very rushed piece meal background and then get stuck. I just love reading people’s blogs, especially yours, and this post was especially helpful. I’m just going to keep on keeping on. I am happy to be inspired by others. It could take years before I start creating original stuff that will inspire others, I am fine with that. I will just create and create and create……….

  7865. Oh, what a sweet project!
    Your cat is great! I really want to learn how to crochet this kind of toys, this summer (I’m going to order a book about this topic!).
    I want to tell you that, by mere coincidence, my italian etsy team is working in this days to a similar project. We are realizing various objects with hearts and we are going to sell them: all the money will be donated to an italian medical organization that helps people with a particular heart problem (a member of our team has this illness).
    A lot of work about heart in Europe, from Sweden to Italy… isn’t it funny? (and important)

  7866. Yes, Hanna. Searching and searching for something is probably the same with everything. You look for something you already have!

  7867. You always inspire with your daily or weekly projects. I am making my own paper tape rightnow, and haven’t even started putting it on anything!

  7868. Yes, they are waiting on me, and I have my pens and pastels all ready! Can’t wait for this weekend.

  7869. Hanna, thanks so much for including my thoughts in your post. I’m glad you found my blog, and I love perusing yours. It’s nice to know there are others (around the planet) thinking about these things, and sending positive into the world. I’ve been trying to remember to consciously practice “loving kindness” as I think Pema Chodron leads us: “May you enjoy happiness and the root of all happiness. May you be free from suffering and the root of all suffering.” When I remember and do this practice, the way seems easier.

  7870. Hanna! This is absolutely brilliant! – I literally went WOW! when I read this! I am obsessed with how music and art play off each other and am absolutely going to try this tonight! — What music were you listening to for each picture? (Thank you for sharing!!)

  7871. oo, this is beautiful! the first doodle (the last one shown here) one is my favorite, but i do love the boldness of the others. i wonder if different kinds of music result in different sorts of patterns and lines? i shall have to give this a try!

  7872. Oooh.. I remember we had to do that in Art school… I still remember which music was playing! It IS fun to do, isn’t it?!! LOVE your colourful scribbles! Enjoy the festival!

  7873. Love your index cards! And love that you found something that works for you! Reminds me of your collage-a-day that you were doing when I first started reading your blog!

  7874. I like the size too. Even if I spent the whole day doing other things, I can still take 5-10 minutes before going to bed to fill my index card.
    I love your last one. For some reason, I like grid paper on lined paper… Maybe because they are so similar yet different…

  7875. Your index cards are fantastic! I would not be able to choose a favorite from these because they’re all my favorites. I agree with you that this is the perfect size to do daily. I don’t think I’ve spent more than five minutes on most of mine.

  7876. Hi Hanna, seems you have been really creative in June. Love your art, and especially your midsummer card. I’m sewing most of the time but the last days I’ve been knitting socks for my husband, and then there is my shower buddy to finish.

  7877. Okay now I have to buy some index cards (or steal from work!) I have been following your index project but today it just seems to click with me. So much going on that it would be nice to do a small ‘bullet’ point type project instead of my journal (which is 8 x 8). I always feel like I have to finish a page also (though I feel free to go back to add things later). The blue one with the horse and rain drops and swirls? LOVE IT! Can you give hints on how you did it? Do you have stamps? Just beautiful!
    You know … an index card is easy to put in a printer too to print something off …. hmmm….

  7878. I love your index card collages. I like the format too, and so do my two kids (age 11 & 6) who have declared that they don’t just want to do index cards for the summer but for EVER!! It’s fun thinking of things to do on them each day and they have turned out to be a bit of an art journal for me too, capturing memories, thoughts and feelings of this summer. Thanks for sharing yours :-)

  7879. i absolutely love that, even on the mostly grey one, you have a bold, tiny splash of bright pink. it’s like a reminder that, even on the days when you’re tired and things are going badly, there’s still something beautiful that can be found – even if it’s something small.

  7880. Love your index cards Hanna! Am especially fond of the Dala horse ones (Need to get me some more horses). I keep thinking this would be the ideal format for me, but it will have to be at a later point as baby still takes up most of my time. I have shedloads of old index cards to use though.

  7881. Hi Hanna…your cards are outstanding!!! Your mini collages have so much pizazz!!! I agree with everything you said about why you like this project :D

  7882. These are so cool!!! I also believe in daily creativity and have been making 3 image collages for a while on an almost daily basis – I love this idea of using index cards for its portability!

  7883. The owl is real cute! (Seeing this ATC, I should work with fabric more… maybe start small too? ATC’s are so cool to make!)

  7884. I love your little embroidered owl…so sweet! I think you’re right about practicing on an ATC; that’s good advice for trying out any new medium, because you are working on a small scale, but still end up with a great little project in the process!

  7885. He’s very cute and what a lovely idea for an ACEO! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comment. :)xx

  7886. Yep, I agree that these cards are a great little way to get motivated to make art every day, and they are sure addicting! well said, and gorgeous fun cards too!

  7887. Whew! I’m relieved your new site posts are coming into my reader! I love this ATC — you are amazing to do such a stitching project in such a small format — it’s a HOOT!!

  7888. Oh Hanna, this is so cute! I love owls and don’t do enough of them. Should add to my long list of to-dos.

    Ahem, like I said, every time I leave here I just want to drop everything and do your latest project lol!

  7889. I love your index cards too! I just came across your blog. I may have to do this myself. Wonderful little expressions of art. I need more art in my life and this looks like a great way to jump start my work. Thank you for sharing.


  7890. i adore your work. if i just have a little more time and working habits … ah. actually i’m interested in backside of atc, embroidered or “plain” paper. what do you put there?

    • Urula, thanks commenting!
      A quick tutorial on how I do add the backing (it’s paper) to my ATC’s is comming, probably next week!

    • Tack Kerstin, du har rtt. Det r som om de utvecklas och blir mer och mer “egna” ju fler man syr – precis det jag gillar! :-)

  7891. Do you trade any of these or are they all spoken for? I would love to trade one of these for my hand drawn girl atc’s, you can find them here. Only the blonde girl has been taken, the rest is still available. You can mail me. If you don’t trade these that’s okay too, they’re still amazing ;-)

    • Caatje, most are already traded, and I’ve only traded embroidery for embroidery – they are a lot of work these ones! And some of them are “keepers”, I kind of fell in love with them and think they need to stay with their mama! ;-) Thanks for asking, maybe we can trade another time when I’m making paper ATC’s again.

  7892. A whole flock??
    For some reason I’m loving the orange guy, upper right corner best. He looks like the wild party guy owl!
    Looking forward to your tutorial…
    Best wishes from tj

  7893. This is a great idea!! I saw a huge pack of index cards @ Dollar Store & couldn’t figure out why I would need them; now I see why! LOL! Excellent ideas of small pieces of art. I followed Happening on Chaos Ranch here (hi, Sharon – I’m following you!). I’m already seeing creations of mini-collages of magazine scraps! Thanks!

  7894. Okay, how can I thank you for bringing all these inspiring artists to my fingertips? This is such a wonderful practice and a great way to relax. I really look forward to doing that this weekend, because the week back after our Fourth of July weekend has been MADNESS!

    Have a lovely weekend, my friend!

  7895. Hi Hanna….I love them!!! “A whole flock”….That’s a hoot!!! Looking forward to your tutorial too :)

    • Jen, thanks for asking – and reminding me about this. I thought they were up on the link love page but they aren’t! I’ll fix it as soon as I can. Didn’t think anyone would miss them but glad they are appreciated. :-)

      You can find a few of my latest favorite links in the post Bombarded by inspiration! Enjoy.

  7896. Aren’t you the lucky giveaway winner! Congratulations on all of the goodies. I will have to check out the fun Etsy/web site links.

  7897. This is SOOO incredible. I am inspired and in LOVE. I do have some questions though. What program did you use to create your templates? Also, how difficult was the template making process. I, like you, know exactly the design and layout i want my planner to be but am not always good at creating these on the computer. Do you happen to have your templates as download links? THanks so much!

    • Hi Kara, glad you like my planner. Thank you!

      As mentioned in this post I use InDesign for the design of the pages, and I do think you need to know a bit about it to use it, but you can always learn if you want to! I did. To me the process of making templates wasn’t easy, but I’ve used this program for a few year now.

      My own pages are in Swedish and not downloadable right now, maybe next year I’ll create something to share. Good luck!

  7898. So much happy news and beautiful goodies and to top it off, a wonderful flower bouquet… I love peonys! Enjoy your goodies Hanna!

  7899. I love mail love! And to embroider a little bear on a bear?! fabulous! Thanks for these links. I’m going to follow them and see what happens. Your postcard swap turned me on to quite a few sites I hadn’t known before!

  7900. Friday I was going to comment here, but got interrupted, as I often do.
    First, the varieties of your cards always amazes me. Second, I think creating something every day is such a good way to improve, to learn, to relax. I have often thought of doing that for myself, and life is so busy I just don’t know what happens. Something must be cut out of my day, but what?! Maybe sleeping!
    I think this is a good practice. Maybe for my birthday month (September) I can create something every day. The last day of the month I go on a trip, so this would be great timing!
    Thanks for your inspiration. And I’m sorry I missed your birthday!

  7901. i love this one even more than the first! it’s so wonderfully colorful, and i adore the variety of patterns.. in every square inch there is so much to be seen!

  7902. Hi, Hanna, I just got a brand-new Watercolor Moleskine, so I may give your patchwork tutorial a try! Thanks for sharing this with us.

    Your work is always so beautiful and colorful–and I admire your ability to do art every day, no matter how you are feeling. I am working toward that goal myself.

  7903. A quick question: Do you cover the final product with varnish or something? Otherwise I am wondering if the papers will get very scuffed or beaten up.

    • Sandra, glad you like the tutorial too. If your notebooks will be put in your handbag or be handled a lot I think its a good idea to use some varnish and add one or two coats of it on top the paper patchwork. This will protect the papers as well as make them stick better.

  7904. Heheeheee… love the title to your post!
    Great idea, thanks for sharing.
    Isn’t it fun to carve your own stamp?! :]

  7905. Ooh, all those colors! Just beautiful. I fell in love with your little owl stamp, what a cutie!

  7906. Hi, Hanna! I want to say, that this technique is very original and impressive. Useful for russian scrapers. Best regards!

  7907. Vibrant and personal! A great example. I don’t tend to use moleskins as a lot of my work is quite thick so I use ring bound books but I could definitely see myself applying a technique like this to my current blank covered one. I’m thinking of coming up with a personal logo and then having it made into a stamp too. Can’t decide on what my logo is though :/

  7908. Oh, how I love that owl! When I was a child, I had an owl done in crewel hanging over my bed … I remember my mother working on it for days!

    This is a great technique for glueing down the fabric – so neat and tidy!
    and I am loving your pimped out Moleskines :)

    xo Lis

  7909. Thanks for this tutorial – it’s good to see close ups of the process! I think this would work well for fabric postcards too, and save the chore of satin stitching round the edges.

    • Viv, absolutely! This way would work well on a fabric postcard project I’m sure, though I think the stitching around the edge also adds its charm. :-)

  7910. These are so pretty, Hanna ! Love these stitched up, special ATC s fill with Hanna magic.
    You are filling your summer days with such good arty play. Inspiring as always !
    Enjoy, Lovely One !

  7911. Thanks for showing how you make your embroidery into ATCs. I think you are right that those final details can make or break a project. It’s so simple when you show how you do it, but I have a feeling that if I had been left up to my own devices, mine would have turned into a wadded up mess! So thank you for preventing that!

  7912. I love your embroidered owls!!! What a fabulous blog you have!!! Thanks for your comment on my olive grove from Tuscany….yes, it is a lovely place for a painting trip but it is sooooo hot and buggy:)……..ahhh what fond memories of being attacked by the biting flies………what joy to be in nature……………although the owner said that tree was planted by his g,g,g,g,great grandfather,,,I was in awe of it….and it was actually much larger than I depicted it as my canvas is only 20x20cm…so I had to “downsize” the beauty. But I love going to Tuscany…..I always feel like I am in a dream world…that is until the bugs start biting,,,then I wake up…………….have a wonderful evening.

  7913. How cute. Do I recognice the owls? Are they the same as you embroidered on your ATC cards ? Wish I could handle my pc as well as you can yours but that’ll have to be something to stretch to.

    • Laila, thanks! They weren’t sketches for the embroideries, but owls are on my mind… they’re probably related in some way, cousins maybe. :-) Scanning is easy, then you can play around in many ways, just experiment a bit. :-)

  7914. Hanna, you’re awesome as ever! “Million Dollar Baby” is hysterical… but I also liked your original reference to your green, “Fake Grass!” And I love Dot’s portrait!

    • TJ, thanks my friend! So glad I made you laugh, hehe, you post was hilarious too. You do know your way around words… and colours, no doubt, what ever you say yourself about that! ;-)

  7915. Hanna – love your cheerleading for a journal as playground! Love seeing your mixes right on the page, then put to use on the other pages. Love your color names and descriptions. Love that you connect mixing colors with mixing words – both poetic. Yay for being mad scientists with the brush and the pen. Thanks for sharing with the team.

    • Michelle, thanks right back at ya for inspiring me to mix colours more, and see their true potential, not just grabbing a jar of paint and slabbing it on. Here’s to hues and shades! :-)

  7916. Dot is so beautiful!
    Words for colours are so interesting – specially in a foreign language.
    In French, the word for redhead is “roux” (for males)/”rousse” (for females). I’m amazed that there is only one word for red hair. In my native English we have graduations of redhead from “strawberry blonde” to “ginger” to “titian” to “auburn”.
    I want to go and make a journal page about redheads………………….

  7917. Thanks for stopping by my blog. You’re right, a sketchbook goes everywhere with us and that is pretty much what I have decided the one for the project will be.

    I love the idea of naming colors myself… nice rainbow!

  7918. “.. the Art Journal is an ongoing experiment, and it should never become a fixed idea or filled with similar pages. An Art Journal is a workplace, not an exhibition.” i love this! and it’s so full of truth. such a good reminder, thank you!

    your color names are so great – phosphorescent light is magical, and the color is gorgeous, too!

  7919. Great post – I too am happy to be reminded that our journals are meant for playing and experimenting! I become afraid to use my journal for anything less than a masterpiece. needless to say it’s pretty empty right now :)
    Think I’ll go smear some paint around!

  7920. Great work! Love your rainbow with all the colours. And of course the million dollar baby must be the greatest name ever for a colour! Love your journals, dear Hanna!

  7921. “If you want beginnings I could give you a whole list, but the most important things is always to begin.” yes, yes, yes! this, i think, is one of the Very Most Important rules of creating. :)

    • Thanks Ingrid, it is, but I do understand how it can be difficult sometimes to “just begin” – it is hard some days, for me too. But it is the way to go, with art as with most things right? :-)

  7922. I love Dot and her friend ! And those bright spring greens and pinks – so Hanna-rrific !
    You made me want to play, Miss Hanna !
    Cheers !

  7923. Fabulous cards, and a wonderful insight into your creative thinking and process. I too am a big fan of “intuition”. I start with a background and a central image and go from there. Many roads to follow! Hugs, Terri

  7924. Wow!!! How wonderful greens! I love that colour! And you made such fantastic artjournal pages! What a feast for my eyes!

  7925. Ooh, these are too cute!
    I instantly fell in love with them…. ♥…..
    Thank you for sharing this, it does so much inspire me to try this, too.

  7926. Great idea. the only worrisome thing is that you should mount your art on acid free cardboard…not recycled cardboard. The acidity in the board will migrate into the fabric and threads over time.. the same goes for the glues used…don’t use anything but acid free glue sticks.

    I have watched my early craft works (from the 60s and 70s turn ugly golden brown due to acidic glues and plain old cardboards…and wound up taking some museum conservation classes to learn more about how to create art that will last.

    Hope this helps! Your ATCs are wonderful!

    • Thank you Mary Anne, for chiming in and talking about archival issues. I’m not that concerned about here it though, these are tiny works for trade. And since I mostly make collages and all the papers I use are non-archival I don’t think about their longevity… They will last as long as they last. But for bigger works, or when selling, this is important indeed!

  7927. WOW! What a fabulous Red page! I love your Santa, the butterflies, the superman shot and that blue chair. Such a wonderful representation of the color – thank you for taking the time to share it with us here, xo

  7928. I just discovered your blog via the Craft newsletter and it’s amazing!!! I will become your newest follower. Love the owls…….and I’m fascinated with ATC’s. I def need to start a collection! :-) Thanks for the inspiration.

  7929. Always so many cute ideas and clever and creative works of art on every post here!
    I love coming and catching up! thanks for your visit today too at my birthday party!

  7930. I just love the index card a day. I have been doing then since June 17. It has been fun but days a challaging too. It pushes me, which is good :)

  7931. WOW!
    These index cards are so full of yumminess… love them all.
    I think you should stay on the “crooked road”, your artwork is fantastic. <3

  7932. I have managed to restrain myself from the index cards. I keep telling myself I will need them next semester in school.

    And thanks for the wonderful comments on my site. I feel like I have been visited by one of the Goddesses of Creativity.

  7933. Such lovely cards! I’m thinking of starting up this challenge again as I got sidetracked with the journaling that came bubbling out after an online class. Your post should be required reading as it contains wise words indeed!

  7934. My first time seeing your website. And what a perfect post to read. I’ve seen so many awesome art journals in various forms and have been so wanting to give it a go. But my OCD keeps hindering me. What if I don’t like it? Then I’ll want to rip it out and then will I like my book with ripped out pages? I know dumb, huh? Perfectionism sucks, but after reading this post and following it to read how you make your own background paper, I think I can give it a go.

    I can’t agree more with Ingrid in pulling your quote that the most important thing is to begin.

    Thanks for the inspiration. I’m making a goal to give this a go over the weekend.


  7935. Wonderful pages! You had FUN I can tell, and I especially like the portrait of ‘Dot’.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  7936. Love the way you handled this crusade. After reading your post I finally got inspired to make my pages. Thanks

  7937. Great RED pages! I like your style. I too LOVE journaling and wish I could do it all day every day. Nice to meet you! Looking forward to your purple page(s) now!!

  7938. I would have never thought of doing this – scanning something direct from my notebooks and then letting my amazing sweetie who does wonderful things in photoshop clean it up!

    thank you

    AND – I LOVE LOVE LOVE your owls. Especially the pink one – the bright brilliant neon flashy pink one!

  7939. These words are brilliant! And I have just finished copying them into my book of quotes.
    “I think when you ask youre at the beginning stages of making creative work. You just dont know where to start and want an quick answer. A starting point, a straight road. But the creative process is a crooked road, and sometimes a ditch is the best place to find inspiration and have a pick-nick at.”

    The ditch is where the good stuff resides!

    I thoroughly enjoyed this post. Thank you so much!

  7940. This inspired me so much that I took a sheet of adhesive layers, put it in the color laser printer, and printed out three of my own paintings on it! Now, I’m going to pull off the labels and put them on my brown moleskine for the sketchbook project! SO COOL!

  7941. U make me smile!

    I am learing photoshop with Marie Otero and loving what it can do. Isn’t it great? I’m going to get a bunch of old photos of my mom and enhance them so the faded colors look fresher and her features are clearer.

  7942. I adore your journal! And will go check out this girls work…thanks for the great inspiraTion..and did I say I want that blue chair…lol…xxx

  7943. Wow! So much vivid goodness – those journal pages rock. Love your young friend’s names for the colours – kid’s really do get down to the essence of things ;-)

  7944. Dear Hanna, Thank you so much for answering my question! I tend to work rather intuitively, as well. If I over-think what I am doing, the piece often does not work out for me. At least with paper works. When I work on fabric, or with beaded jewelry, the story is a bit different. There tends to be more planning there. I guess because fabric is more expensive than paper! :)))

    Take care, blessings,

  7945. I’m right there with you Hanna, I start whereever and whenever I feel like.. ‘just begin’ is the best advice!

  7946. That page journal is so powerful!! And I don’t mean it because Superman is on it!!
    It really is great!
    I have started a mini art journal but it is so not saying much. I need to be bold as this one!
    I you dare me to anything, I go for it!! So journal, here I come!

  7947. “Where to start – right here, right now” – completely agree with that !
    First time visiting your site but loved seeing your index cards and how you create them. And also that the creative process is a crooked road. I think it is a crooked spiral road because things circle in and out. And yes, everyone has to find their own methods , but some starting points , like your suggestions, are always helpful .

  7948. You are so creative…love your cards and your journal pages. Naming shades of green…how about Kermit green? :) Miss Dot is such a cutie…love her pink hair!

  7949. your photos are so clear and breathtaking. it makes me want to buy a new camera pronto and learn how to use it!

  7950. Wonderfully creative photos ~ “Summertime and the livin is easy'” So the song goes ~ Stopping by from Creative Everyday
    Hope you will come visit: A Creative Harbor and other blog is Share the Creative Journey~ namaste, Carol ^_^

  7951. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my post.
    I’ve been dreaming of playing with my paints and making a similar palette to what you have posted here. Now I am even more motivated. Your results are so happy!
    I also found it difficult getting started with the creative naming of colors. Once a theme came to mind, the process became fun. This is what I love about taking part in the GPP challenges. They push me to follow through with an idea that takes me over the difficulties and up to a new level of joy in creating.

  7952. I love the vintage Dala horses as well, they remind me of ones my grandma used to have up in her house. I especially like that white vintage Dala – beautiful!

    Love the post! :)

  7953. Ohhh, Hanna! I’m SO jealous of your visit with the Dala horses. Even more reason to visit Sweden! Love your photos. :-)

  7954. Hanna, Hanna, Hanna! This post is brilliant!

    When you told us that you were planning to share photos from your trip to Dala’s “hometown” I was really excited. If I had had any idea of everything you are sharing – I would have been over the moon! I am over the moon now for sure!

    This is all so much work for you and I can’t thank you enough for sharing how the Dala’s are made with all of us who will no doubt ever get to take the tour in the factory as you have.

    I am more in love with them now than ever. I really should think harder about learning to carve.

  7955. oooooo…that red flower is so pretty! All the photos are great! Interesting about the Dala horse in the above post…I await further information about them :)

  7956. Oh, the Dala Horse makes a wonderful canvas for creativity of all kinds, Hanna ! Love it. Can’t wait to see the arty celebration of this lovely Swedish tradition !

  7957. TRULY INSPIRATIONAL!!! I’ve been searching for some inspiration for creating my own planner.. and I found it here! Thanks so much!! I’ll be blogging about this on my blog this week. :)

  7958. I love your owl cards! I trade atcs and was wondering if you would be interested in trading with me sometime! I create in many mediums and styles. Please take a look. you can also see some of my atcs here!



    • Kathy, my owl ATC’s are all spoken for, sorry, and right now I don’t have the time to trade. Please remind me again in the autumn and I’m sure we can figure something out. Yours are so pretty, though my favorites were among the already traded, hehe. :-)

      Take care!

  7959. Thank you for inspiration. I love them and use to decorate my jackets with a dalahorse botton. Buy small horses, make holes in them and sew them on to my jackets.

  7960. Dear Hanna
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos and knowledge of the Dala. I’m from Australia and only through Pam did I recently discover what a Dala is. Naturally, I have fallen head over heels for these beautiful horses. I love the scratchy one, so original, the elephant and pig, very different. Sweden will have to go on my wish list. It’s going to be a fun few weeks with this craft along. It will be interesting to see what everyone comes up with. Can’t wait.

  7961. Absolutely terrific post Hanna — yeah Swedish horses!!

    I actually have one of these that I made my poor husband drag back from a flea market while I was pregnant. I wanted it for the baby’s room not realizing just how heavy they really are. Everyone who comes over loves it and wonders how I have it though! It is a treasure!!

    Best wishes from tj

  7962. My dear friend, I always find your post inspiring. Especially love the ‘rainbow’ and also how you name the green hues.

  7963. I’ve always loved Dala Horses. My mom has had a small one since I was a baby and I always loved looking at it. Maybe one day I’ll be lucky enough to buy my own in Sweden!

    These posts were really fun. Thanks for sharing this beautiful craft.

    • Yeah, but Julie, you need to start painting with oil paints thought, paint that takes for ever to dry coz I don’t think it’s possible with acrylics… ;-)

  7964. Oh Hanna! YOU are the BEST! I am sitting here completely enchanted. Seriously. I don’t know why these beautiful horses have such poser to enchant me but they do. And your most excellent posts of your factory tour – well I am sitting here grinning from ear to ear. Pure magic to get to enjoy an up close and personal visit. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I know i said that before – on your fist post but it bears repeating again!

    And I love the video! Seeing the whole process take place in less than a minute! And yet you get an appreciation for all the work that goes into each one.

    Did you see that tee shirt the carver was wearing? Now THAT is cool! I don’t wear tees much but I would wear THAT one every day!

    This settles it! When I move to Sweden, I will work in a Dala factory!

  7965. Love the factory tour! The handicraft is amazing, I would love to see it in person someday. Reading this makes me want to take a painting class. :)

  7966. This is so amazing! My family is Swedish and I think we have a few Dala horses somewhere. I like wondering about how the woman who paints got her job.. what sort of interview might she have had? These are so, so beautiful and knowing they are handmade every step of the way makes them so much more special. Thanks for sharing, lovely!

  7967. I’m glad that you pulled this from your archives for Seth’s Buried Treasure. Passion, balance, writing from the heart…I’m stumbling a bit these days in my personal writing and I’m finding myself shortening my thoughts as a result. But a red journal…what a creative and brilliant idea. I know just what I’m setting out to find today. And if I can’t find one that is red to purchase I’ll create a red, vibrant, passionate cover and devote myself to filling it. Thanks for the inspiration Hanna!

  7968. Sherry, thanks! It’s fun that it’s afternoon here when you start your day, but yeah, the buried treasures are fun! Glad you enjoyed!

  7969. ‘An Art Journal is a workplace, not an exhibition’

    Yes! Absolute truth. And this gives permission to do anything without fear of criticism.

    So why do I still hold back?

    Thanks for visiting my blog, I’ve subscribed to yours.

  7970. wow, these posts are great!! Since I have Swedish heritage (my grandfather on my Dad’s side came over from Sweden when he was a boy; my last name is Ahlstrom), I have seen Dala horses all my life around our house, and even have a few of my own now for my own home, but I have never seen anything about how they are made and painted– thank you so much!

  7971. Hi, Hanna!
    Can you email me and let me know where your Flickr group is? I thought I belonged to your group, but I can only find the DIY Postcard group.
    Thank you! Happy Weekend!


  7972. I love owl, and your owls are real cute!

    I agree with Mary Anne about the acid-free stuff. It’s a pity if hours of work are put into the stitching, and they discoloured. If unlucky, they will turn colour within a short time and cause heartache. I believe a true fabric ATC has material like Timtex or similar for the centre. Perhaps you can try stiffened felt?

  7973. hi hanna, i just want to say thank you for all the information you post. i have found your blog to be one of the most informative & inspirational. you are so giving & i am so happy to have someone like you when i need some help. i have found a lot of answers to my questions just by reading your blog almost everyday.

  7974. Seth got me digging into the ‘burried treasures’ a while ago… it is indeed fun to look back and find your own words that you’d forgotten…

  7975. Great rainbow of greens. It reminds me of the multi-layered arbor in an English garden.

    Snow doesn’t have to be white. Somerset magazine loves my submission of a magenta winter sky. Isn’t creativity awesome!

  7976. I am much like you. Your post resonates with me. I love using bits and pieces of things others leave behind, especially the jetsom and flotsom of life that others pass over. I can see why this is a favorite buried treasure. It’s an awesome post with some pretty super bits of fabric.

  7977. I left a comment at the fabric scraps post because it resonated with me. I also like the other posts for all their information. You have a very interesting blog. I’m glad for Seth because I found your site.

    • Thanks for taking the time to comment on my posts! Makes me so happy just to know that someone is reading old posts too! :-)

  7978. Great way to spend the day, and butt therapy to boot. And that sewing machine makes great stamp perforations if you’re into making your own stamps!

  7979. So cute! I kind of backed off ATCs when I started getting into sewing. I never thought of doing embroidered ones. Do you know of any ATC swaps that are embroidery or fabric based?

  7980. Hi, Hanna: Thank you so much for including my Pink ICAD in your Mosaic. I am very flattered! Actually, tickled pink would be more like it! ;)

    I too love Pinterest, and probably spend too much time there! tee hee

    I do have a few Mosaics myself but have not been keeping up with them. I think I will use your post as inspiration to do a “summer colors” Mosaic.

    XOXO, Sandra

  7981. I joined Pinterest at the beginning of July and try to visit it only once or twice a day. As for Flickr, I want to start using it more often to share my photos and to view the photos of others.
    Your mosaics always inspire me and I love to see what catches your fancy.

    • Carol, you could, but since the paint is rather wet it would probably mix with the crayon colour and make a (pretty) mess… Try it out and see how it works out, no harm in trying.

  7982. hey hanna I think you can help I have been trying to write a journal, but I have never done that.. is about college how can I start, how to do it?? pleaseeee help me!!

    thanks a lot

    • Ari, the only way to start is by getting a notebook and start writing. Write about your life, what you eat, what you like, how you feel, what you do… Try it for a month and see if you like it! A great starter prompt is to describe the room you are sitting in: how does it look and what things are you surrounded by?

      Good luck!

  7983. I have about 4 pages left in my art journal that I have been working in on and off for the last year. I can’t wait to finish andhave a beautiful document.
    Your cards create that too. Love the everyday thing !
    Happy August, Lovely Hanna !

  7984. I just love your blog and really love those index cards. I guess you’ll have to buy a big scrap book and paste them in it… or else make an e-book with your scanned photos but it’s really not the same as the original art, is it?

    I participated in your postcard swap and am hoping that you’ll organize another. Is that cheeky of me?

    • Rockyann, thanks! A big scrap book is a good idea except I’ve written on the backside of each card! ;-) E-books are great too, but I still need to figure out how to store these cards. Still pondering it. Postcard swap will be annual, so sign up for the newsletter to know when the next one is on! There will be one next year!

  7985. Wonderful, all those cards. You could bind them with loose bookrings, they come in different sizes. For an example: I have made a book of loose cards a few years ago this way, it’s on my flickr if you want to know what I mean. You can see it at flickr.

    Another option would be a simple slide in photoalbum. I usually store the loose cards that I make that way, but you may want something a little more self made than that.

  7986. These are so simple yet so powerful. I love them! What about trying binder rings to bind them? It would be a looser binding, but might work well for the medium.

  7987. I’ve been seeing Pinterest popping up on blogs, and I really must try it out. I have many many magazines that need cutting up, but I also see so many pictures online that I love.
    Thanks for continuing to be an inspiration Hanna. I’m slowly learning to move past my fear.

  7988. Fantastic… always a pleasure to see what creativity you are stirring up. :]
    Love your collage work !
    Can not wait to see the index card book, very inspiring.

  7989. How about ‘binding’ them together with 2-3 of those large rings? That way it really doesn’t matter how thick the stack is.

  7990. I wonder how this large stack of cards would work if you bound the edges together to make a long, “stretchy” concertina, like some children’s alphabet books?

  7991. I love your cards, Hanna…what a great collection! I, too, was thinking that binder rings might work. With all the thickness and quantity of cards, they probably won’t be all that “loose” once they’re all together. I hope you’ll share what you decide to do!

  7992. Congratulations on taking the time to organize things better on your blog, Hanna! :-D
    I know it sure is a huge task that takes lots of time (when we should be crafting or drawing instead, isn’t? ;) ), but it’s really worth the trouble and I am sure you will now love the way your blog is.
    I am the kind of person who -loves- change (especially to anything that’s blog-related), so I love what you did. :)

  7993. Hanna, I actually own that dark blue one!! I cannot believe the price you typed. I got mine at a German flea market and I think I paid 10 euros for it…!!
    It’s so heavy I was always worried it would fall over on my toddler and break his toes. But it is a beloved decoration in our home, and now I’ll always think of you when I look at it!!
    xxx tj

    PS – that phone booth is CRAZY amazing!

  7994. Beautiful cards, all of them. I especially love the postage stamp grid and the bird clothing label. Right now I am putting my cards in a photo album w/the plastic sleeves, but really want to do something else with them when they are all finished. Not sure I want to punch holes in them for binding though. I may just make some kind of box or basket to hold them all. Still thinking about it.

  7995. Once again! From the bottom of my heart! Thank you!
    All this Dala gorgeousness! My eyes are happy!
    I want to sit on one of the Dala statues! OMG – how cool is that? Oh to be a kid again. In Sweden. Living next to a Dala factory!
    Love, love, love the vintage replicas – the white especially. I bet it was hard leaving that one behind.
    Pot holders! Perfect for using Carina’s Dala fabric. If I have any leftovers from the apron, I am definitely making matching pot holders!
    Beautiful post Hanna. I appreciate every single minute you invested in making it.

  7996. I love the horses and still can’t decide which one I would want. They are all so wonderful! I just about fell off of my chair when I saw that huge rooster outside though! Wow! That thing is amazing. I love it.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to show us so much loveliness!


  7997. Thanks for posting about the Dala horses.
    The wood craft are magnificent.
    I like the big rooster, reminded me about the Portugal rooster.

  7998. i loved the photos in “sewing with other people’s trash” – it inspired me to want to sew with my smallest discarded bits.

  7999. Great advice, We just did an exercise at work that helps with the creative flow. We were given only ten minutes to think of, sketch out, and name a superhero. The limited time helped to just go with your instincts and trust your own creative aspects.

  8000. We bought one when we visited the Mora area a few years ago. My horse is red and it comes out of the boxes every Christmas.
    Lots of cool index cards on your blog lately, by the way. I have not done any paper creativity play for a long time… I am the kind of person who’ll have periods of the one kind of play and then I’ll switch to another and then come back to the first again..

  8001. The vintage one with the blue… OH WOW!!! And I remember the time (in the seventies!) when ‘Kurbits clogs’ (we called it ‘swedish clogs’) were very fashionable in the Netherlands!

  8002. Oh, I love dalahsten, they are so incredibly simple yet truly beautiful! (I have always wondered why so expensive too :( ). I need to have one, it’s pretty much like having a matrioshka!
    Thanks for visiting me, Hanna, I have been following what you were up to for several years now, having you visit my blog was a real ‘wow’ for me, as your blog has been my inspiration in many ways for a looong time! Thank you :)
    Warm regards from Poland,

  8003. I appreciate reading book reviews by people that do not work (you don’t, do you?) for the publisher of said book. This is refreshing and honest..just like the rest of your blog. :)

  8004. I think it’s hard to capture a book in just a photograph, or a few. A book is meant to be held, explored, pages turned and enjoyed. But it seems, from the photos I see here, that most of these books are meant to be more like sculptures, set up to enjoy from the outside more than anything. I have a certain amount of interest in that, but I’m with you–I like the mess, the media, the chance to turn pages and see into the heart of the creator. Thanks for the interesting review!

  8005. Thank you for the book review.
    Always refreshing to hear the truth, and if…
    it is not all that you thought it was cracked up to be, even better!
    I what to hear others opinion on a book, don’t want it candy coated because it might upset someone.
    Thanks once again. :]

  8006. CONGRATULATIONS on your new home!
    you are for great fun!
    i too for the very first time i have something of mine and i am so thankful and yes it is fun decoarating and making it yours
    Congratulations again and cheers!

  8007. Congrats with your new home. I hope it will bring you all the luck you want. It’s always exciting to decorate ones new home. I myself just moved into a new studio and I really love my new space, it works so well for me too.

  8008. Congratulations to you! Take days one at a time and before you know it you will be unpacked and “home”. Can’t wait to see your decorating posts..I’d love an iHanna touch in here. xx

  8009. Leave it to you Hanna to write about something like moving to a new place – even one of your dreams – ang making it into such a sweet and touching story. I simply love this post.

    I wish you every possible pleasure and happiness in your new apartment at the top!

  8010. Hanna, I’m so happy for you!
    Did you bring Smilla with you or did she have to stay with your mom?
    I can’t wait to get glimpses of your new home.

    • Thanks, yes this change feels really exciting. :-)

      My cat Smilla is not moving with me at this point, and that makes me very sad of course. She is so much of an outdoor free cat that a new apartment life would be really horrible for her at this point. Maybe I can try to have her in the apartment later in the autumn, or at winter, I’m not sure how she would react. She is really happy as it is now, she has her tribe almost intact – it’s only me who misses her… But we live in the same town, so I’ll visit her often (and my other family members too, hehe).

      Hugs back!

  8011. congratulations on your new home, hope you will feel AT home there! Nothing (to me) is more important than having a place of your own. To me my home (a three bedroom row house that I have all to myself, yay) is like my safe haven. I hope yours will feel that way too.

  8012. So happy you found your new Home! Must feel like a new and different life that is starting, isn’t it?
    Love to see what you are doing to this new Home – keep us posted about the things that you do to make it really your Home!

  8013. Congratulations on your new home! Hope you have lots of fun as you decorate and make it your own space!!!

  8014. Congratulations on your new home! I can’t wait to see your decor posts. I know they are going to be gorgeous. Did you bring Smilla with you?

  8015. hooray, hanna, and congratulations!! i’m so excited for you! i have longed for a home of my own for a long time, too; i think that, especially for introverts, to have a place familiar and quiet is very important. i like dreaming of what my someday place-of-my-own will be like – i hope it has an art studio, as well as big windows and a beautiful kitchen, and i look forward decorating it just so.. yum.

    again, big congratulations – and welcome home!

  8016. Your new home will no doubt be as colorful and creative as you are! I so enjoy reading your blog and seeing your artwork. I look forward to seeing what you do with the new home! Congrats!

  8017. Love this, my favorites are definitely the vintage looking ones…but I can’t believe how expensive they are?! Wow. I love seeing all the creative things to do with Dalas. :)

  8018. Synd att jag inte kunde hjlpa till att bra UPP kartongerna ocks!

    Det kommer bli toppen med lgenheten, det vet jag!

  8019. Hej jag hittade till din blogg idag och har lagt till den bland mina inspirationsbloggar. Wow vad du r inspirerande!

    har en liten frga: Var kan man f tag i9 datumstmplar som du anvnt lite hr och dr? De r s fina.

    • Hej Karin, kul att du hittade hit och vill komma tillbaka! Din blogg r ny men ser ocks fin ut, hrliga foton! :-)

      Mina datumstmplar har jag hittat dels p loppis (man kan ha tur ibland!) och dels p bokhandelns kontorsavdelning, typ Akademibokhandeln eller Swanstrms. Prova dr. :-)

  8020. Tack fr snabbt svar! D ska jag ta en titt i eftermiddag.

    Nej jag har precis startat den nya bloggen efter flytt frn dr har jag bloggat ngra r och dr finns lite mer saker jag gjort :)

  8021. Hi Hanna…great news about your new place! I’m a homebody too…it’s an effort to get out sometimes. :) I ask myself: is that normal? I can’t wait to see how you decorate your new home, if you want to share that with us.

  8022. Hello Hanna,
    I can relate to the transition period at the moment. Had to move in with the inlaws when we returned from living abroad. I cherish the two rooms we have to ourselves and try to make the place as comfortable and adjusted to my needs as it’s possible while still living out of boxes. I’m used to an independent life and living with people that have there own rituals and ways of doing things, is not easy for me when I’m supposed to “just” fit in. Can’t wait to move on and I think your drawing is a good idea I should try as well to keep me focused on the good to come…my own home. Great post!

    • Kemp, long time no see! Thanks for your comment. :-)
      Transition periods are tiring, and to move in with others is difficult when it is not your own first choice. I’ve done that too, and it is tiring. I hope it works out for you and that you find a place of your own too soon! Take care!

  8023. pink monkey and pink owl…yay! I love it…and your sense of color and composition. hope you are really enjoying your home…

  8024. LOVE that pink owl. Love owls in general, but your sketched one is sooo cute. Cute little monkey too, I like your style. Isn’t paper weaving fun, I find it so relaxing.

  8025. Have fun getting settled into your new place! The last line of your post made me laugh out loud. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able to “fortune-journal” like that?! By the way, I love the lettering on your “Home is where my heart is” page…I wonder if you would ever consider doing a tutorial of some sort regarding lettering? Every little tip or trick is welcomed!!

  8026. I love to see how you reuse your doodles. I really want to start doing that and stop buying pre-made images that anyone else can get. It is such a good way to personalize your artwork.
    I love your cards. They are so colourful.

  8027. Thank you for sharing this with us! I have a Dala Horse my husband brought back for me. My ancestors are from Sweden and I hope to be able to visit there some day. My maiden name was Olson. I have Swedes on both sides in my family. I will be back to visit and look around your blog when I have more time!!

  8028. “May your bobbin always be full”…love that!! I was also interested in your quote, as my maiden name is “Cooley” (but I don’t think Mason is a relative of mine). I have a new-found appreciation for a sewing table’s delights!

  8029. I am so happy that I stumbled across your page! I have a studio FULL of art supplies that I have gathered over 20 years’ time. Whenever I meander through a real honest-to-goodness art supply store I am reminded of when I was a child, how my grandfather would take me out and help me pick out these wonderful sketch pencils ( he was an amazing artist!) and pads of paper. I love the way the art stores smell! I had picked up some water soluble crayons at some point but didn’t realize they were what they were. Thanks to you and your site here, I am getting ready to break them out and make my grandfather proud! I am working on my BA in photography and art and I am hoping to discover new ways to use all of these mediums together! Thanks again!

  8030. Love the roses and the sewing paraphernalia. I sew and it’s fun to see these things in a new light.

    Also, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a kind comment about my magnetic poetry. I’ll have to try your suggestion.


  8031. Love love love this idea for a post and what you have on your table too! I am also a rose fanatic and your pink roses {my favorite} are beautiful!

  8032. I LOVE that phrase — “May your bobbin always be full!” Any sewer can truly relate! Great post with really pretty eye candy! Hugs, Terri

  8033. Loved the glittericious pink planner. I have tons of scrapbooking scraps that I feel would look great on a planner of my own but was not brave enough to venture to do this work! Thanks for posting! You make it look so easy!!!! :-)

    • Ingrid, thank you! Love that; a big stack of what seemed like little things – how true it is, in art as in everyday life and everything that is in progress in life. Thanks!

  8034. So cool to have that documentation of 60 days in the life. I love your artist discipline, Hanna ! And I love love love your turquoise and pink style !
    I hope you will be happy in your new home !

  8035. Good luck and much happiness in your new home! Your pile of journaled ICAD’s is amazing! What a great reminder of how productive and creative you can be just doing one small thing a day. Hugs, Terri

  8036. Your cards are gorgeous!
    So true that “1 thing in = 1 thing out” is easy to forget. But I’ve been good at doing this with clothes this summer. I just need to do it with everything else now!

  8037. It must be so satisfying to see that pile of art. I participated in your postcard swap and I made 10 collage postcards and when I finished, I just kept going through them and looking at them… lined them all up together… then in pairs… etc etc.

    Lovely to look at. Good luck in your new home.

  8038. I am more of a lurker than a commentator, but I couldn’t let this post go by without saying something. The colors you shared are beautiful, and I thank you for pointing out this very interesting tool that you found. I’m going to use it to post my favorite colors in the near future, I’ll be sure to come back and let you know when I’ve done a similar styled post. (I hope you don’t mind.) Thanks so much again, Hanna, I look forward to your next blog entry, xox.

    • Thank you Erica, it’s always interesting to know what posts speaks to people and what makes lurkers come out of the shadows… :-) I’d love to see what colour-combinations and names you come up with of course!

  8039. ooooo…..I must go play and share on my blog too and I’ll be sure to link back to your blog as the person who introduced me to it!

    • Geri, yay!
      How fun this will be, to see what color-combinations others can think up and what cool names they will have! Let me know when the post is up! :-)

    • Thanks Christy! I just wrote down some words and the site algorithm made the mixes… Love it. What colours will you make? :-)

  8040. S lckra collage, och vad du r diciplinerad att gra ett varje dag! Men det r nog det som r grejen, att utmana sig med ett om dagen, liknande att ta en bild varje dag. Det r nog d man liksom “gr vidare” man tjer p kreativiteten och ideerna.

  8041. Hi Hanna…I’ll have to check out that color tool… thanks for sharing about it. I like your colors!! Your index cards are super, as usual(in the post below)…Keep using turquoise…it’s sooo pretty :)

  8042. Ooh! So beautiful! I think the one you named iHanna is spot on! =cD I see all your colors in there in just the right frequencies. What a neat program!

    I ADORE the Swedish Forest variation. I am a very blue and green kind of girl. Must try this program to find out! =cD Thanks for sharing!

  8043. Wow…have to comment again. I just went to play and I’ve got goosebumps. — Have you considered that maybe your favorites are your favorites for a reason you’ve never thought of?

    Of all the terms I put in, I keep getting these gorgeous shades of blue and green — from things I would never consider as “blue and green”. Maybe I am attracted to these things because they give off a blue amd green vibe — or — since they give off a blue and green vibe I am attracted to them?

    Does this make sense? Am I crazy? =cD

  8044. Thanks for this link – it is great. I wonder if this is what synaesthesia feels like? I’ve blogged about this & put a link to your site – hope that is ok! :)

    • Nolween, new books rock! Digital expression is for Photoshop Elements but Elements is a lighter version of “real” Photoshop so I’m sure if you have the suit you could do everything that can be done in Elements. :-) I haven’t started reading it yet, but I want to explore digital collage a bit this autumn/winter.

  8045. Hanna … if you are interested, Quin is leading a workshop at ART yahoo groups on her book RAW Art Journaling. We have JUST started … here is the link if you are interested …

    you have to become a member (I don’t think that would be a problem, lol) … Diana Trout led a workshop recently on her book Journal Spilling.

    I am to lead a workshop on the Art Journal Workshop at some point (not sure when…)

    Come see us!

    • Melanie, thanks for the invitation. I’ve joined now and hope I can get some inspiration to do something in my art journal that I haven’t touched for 2 months now! Thanks!

  8046. I had to laugh as I read your post because 1) I just ordered from amazon and totally did the pro/con for each book 2) I have several of those books and love them and 3) I just took The war of Art off my bookcase and it is sitting next to me to read.

    I can’t wait to hear your reviews.

    • Samantha, haha, yes the pro/con thing is mandatory but exhausting because I want too many titles for my budget, always. But the books I settle for are often a positive and inspiring experience. Will read the war of art too soon, I started reading it on the train and must continue soon. Thanks for your comment!

  8047. The best thing about books is that you use your imaginations and not someone else’s.
    50 people can read the same book and come up with 50 different scenarios.
    You just have to love books and the amazingly talented writers.

  8048. Last week, I placed an order with amazon, as well. I pondered The War of Art for a long time, and finally bought The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the 5 Skills of Disruptive Innovators. It was a struggle, and I’m glad you bought the other one. Maybe we can review them on our sites. Oh, and thanks for the mention, Melanie!

  8049. The Art Journal Workshop (I bought stamps from Traci last month, so I had to have hers) ; Painted Pages; Collage Journeys and Scraps. Amazon has been my best friend lately, stacking up for the impending Swedish winter, lol! I bought The Steampunk Bible and Steampunkery last month and am enjoying them, too.

  8050. Janet Bolton! I was lucky enough to attend a workshop she did in Bath a while ago – she’s a lovely lady and her art work is gorgeous. I snapped up her book immediately – I hope you enjoy it and have a lot of fun with your sewing.

  8051. Hi,
    I was wondering where you got the ring binder spine. I have been looking everywhere online and I can’t seem to find one that is 8.5 inches. Thanks for the tutorial! It is truly inspirational especially for someone heading off to college like me. I was looking for a planner online that would fit my needs and couldn’t find one that was in my price range or had all of the things I need to keep organized. Thanks again!

    • Dia, thanks for your kind words! I’m not sure you’ll need a binder that is that exact size – but maybe try they have lots of options there! I’d get something like their Recycled Chipboard Binder and start with that. It is 12 x 5 x 12 inches, and if you want it a bit smaller you could cut it to size like I did. Have fun!

  8052. That stack of new books looks VERY inviting! I bought Scraps not long ago, and found the pictures just so delicious. I’ve definitely found lots of inspiration in those images. I look forward to your reviews. I have a couple of the books, and have been interested in Ahearn’s book since before it came out. Cut It, Paste It, Sew It sounds VERY fun, too!

  8053. I have the same Digital Expressions book right beside me. I am also taking a Web Design class this semester in college so I will be really focused on Photoshop and digital art for the next few months.

  8054. Nice pile! I see cups of tea in your future. Love Cas Holmes and have Cut It, Paste It on my wish list so am looking forward to your review. Another really great book along the lines of Cas Holmes is Drawn to Stitch.

  8055. I’m a ‘bulk writer’ and an art journaler who binds her own books… I bought ‘Cover to Cover’ (by Shereen LaPlantz) last month and I am in love with it! For art journaling I guess I would go for ‘raw art journaling’… I’m not much of a textile type and I find collaging fun but not personal enough (for me) Have fun with all the books!!!

  8056. Thanks for siting my book, Collage Journeys. I really liked The War of Art. Even though it’s a bit self-helpy, the message is powerful, and it hit home.

  8057. Thank you iHanna! I so appreciate your compliment on my blog! :) It looks like you’re in for a GReat time of reading and experimenting! I SO miss being able to buy books. I live in Colombia where the mail system is very third world. But…I’ll be ordering books sent to my son’s house for when I visit the States in November and really appreciate your reviews and input! Hope you enjoyed that beer!

  8058. Great lists, and a great exercise, too, for looking back over the summer. Sounds like there have been some big developments for you (wow, getting drunk for the first time, lol!). I look forward to seeing your project with your dad’s old ties, because my mother just gave me a beautiful pillow she made with my grandfather’s old ties…a real keepsake that I will treasure (and, sadly, keep stored away until my little girls are a little older, and able to treasure it with me!).

    • Andria, did I write that the wrong way? It was my bro who got drunk for the first time, not me, hehe… I’ve been there, done that. ;-) Would love to see the pillow your mom made, it sounds like it could be really cool, thanks for sharing that story!

  8059. Hi Hanna, I’ve been more or less away from blogland for quite a while, so today is the day I will go through your blog. So, the clicks from Germany are from me :-)
    Since last week I finally have a fast connection *yeah and hurrah* (not possible before) and a real flatrate.
    Pinterest I discovered before and instantly fell in love. Now I really can enjoy it. This visual way is MY way of collecting inspiration and tutorials.
    My worry is it might get down and all my links are lost. I stopped bookmarking now because I hardly looked at bookmarks later.
    Tonight I even dreamt that there is a law that will forbit capturing pictures from website.
    Happy pinning

    • Tally, Germans like you are always welcome to browse back and forth, and leave a comment to let me know what you’re up to! Thanks! :-)

      Pinterest is addictive but fun, I will start follow ttally there now! :-) Visual bookmarks are probably the future, huh? Pin it, and move on baby!

  8060. i love your list! now i’m inspired to wear a skirt and ballerina shoes( i’m blue jeans type of girl).

    celebrate to the fullest! your life is WONDERFUL. :)

  8061. I’m an art quilter and have been trying to figure out how to use paper on fabric and them free motion quilt it, so I think I’ll try this. From all my research on making paper fabric, if you use 1 part glue to 4 parts water, it is much less stiff, which is the result I want. But we’ll see. I’ll let you know when I try it. Thanks for the information. Carla

  8062. I’m just finding out about inchies. Love what you do here. From some that I’ve seen, the inchies are sewn in 2 or 3 layers and quilted. Do you have to do that–or can you just leave them as one layer. How do you bind the edges?

  8063. very inspiring it.
    what a great idea for creative everyday .
    I just bought my smart phone too.
    taking pic each day too.
    thought to join with you the 5 lists after my short break.

  8064. Sounds like you had a great summer :) I wish I lived somewhere where it was cool enough to sleep with the windows open. I’ve also been loving my local library this summer and reading lots of books!

  8065. Aw, Hanna. *hugs* I understand this. So often, I have mentioned something that I planned to do in a post, and then I wasn’t able to complete it. It makes me feel so bad. Of course, this happens to me a lot offline as well, with things that I tell myself that I will do… and then don’t.

    But, that said, I’m glad that you’re back. You are missed when you don’t post.

  8066. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Most of your readers/friends will totally understand. Hope you are settling in to your new place! Looking forward to seeing you here again, whenever (and however often!) you are moved to post.

  8067. I enjoyed looking through your mosaic…great picks! While I miss your posts, I (and most everyone else, I’m sure) understand that there are times when the “stuff of life” has to come first. No pressure! We enjoy whatever and whenever you post! :-)

  8068. I understand completely! Your last few weeks sound like mine. I’ve had good intentions to pay everyone blog visits, post, etc., but Blogland had to wait because things in real life couldn’t. Just had an opportunity to spend some art time today, and it was food for my creative soul! Felt sooooo good! Hope you have some art time soon! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8069. When I saw your blogtitle (and ONLY the title) you got me humming that same song immediately! Ha!!! We all know what you describe dear, and I guess we all know the feeling of ‘guilt’ about it – mostly because we let ourselves down while the readers forgive. I do. I love to read your posts – if it’s the next day or the next week!

  8070. oh Hanna life sometimes gets in the way of all our best intentions…. don’t be hard on yourself… when i saw your blog title i knew immediately where it came from… u’ve brought me back memories of my teenage years and the Animals were one of my favourites… it’s a lovely sunny late afternoon here in London and i’m on the patio with my cat Earl Gray and i’m just going to get out that CD and play it, i’m already humming it…. all the best and tag det langsammet, hope i said that right XX

  8071. Blogging is not a life or death thing, lovely Hanna. If life gets in the way of completing blogposts, the wonderful thing is that the blog and your readers will still be here when you get back into it. Be gentle on yourself. Life is hard enough on us !
    Happy Creating !

  8072. Don’t let the stress get too big. Take time to breathe and doodle.
    Big changes in my life right now are making me more tired too. I’m lucky enough to be able to come home between work hours which, I know, is not the case for most people. Maybe you could make yourself a mini zen garden (sand + mini rocks + small fork to make sand doodles) or a portable shrine to meditate (in a small tin box.)
    Big hugs,

  8073. hi hanna.your tutorial has been really helpful for me.student life can be quite demanding if u dont organize your schedule and i’ve only use a normal notebook since the cost of buying the planner is quite i can do one for myself.thanks a bunch.lots of love from malaysia. :)

    • Eyda, thanks for leaving a comment. I too think planners are expensive, but be aware that it takes quite a lot of time to make your own too, and being a student is time consuming. Let me know if you make one, I’d love to see it!

  8074. Graffiti can be very interesting sometimes.
    I like the first set of photo: the doodling looks like an amusement park…

  8075. Hi Hanna,

    You will see some really nice ones (although the cops don’t think so) driving on the 5 freeway towards Los Angeles:) You are right, this would look nice too transferred on paper, cut up in little triangle strips and roll them into paper beads. Thank you for the visit, you made my day! Janice

  8076. Hi Hanna,

    Don’t despair, this will give us a chance to look through your older posts, always enjoyable and inspiring. Janice

    • Oh, thanks for your kind comments, you made me smile this morning!

      Janice Mae, I think you’re already like that? Able to enjoy the simple things in life, and if not, you have to practice a little every day. It’s easy! XOXOX

  8077. Hi Hanna…you always have the most interesting things to blog about :) As they say, art is everywhere! I also loved reading about your new books…I have slowed down on purchasing books. I have been considering Sarah A’s new book. Now, that the weather is cooling off here, I’m thinking of getting my embroidery out again :)

  8078. Hanna, I’m so happy to see your colorful stack of index cards! We have to take care of ourselves and know when we need to cut something out. Congratulations on your new home, may it be full of light, love and of course, color.

    • Thanks for your kind comments on my blog, and for sharing the “the color of”-post you made, I just love it! I do miss the ICAD because I have not been able to fit in new daily or any art this month. I will work harder to find the energy/time for creating – from now on! :-)

  8079. Hi there, I just dropped by to say how much I love the way you have created your blog, easy to follow and read, with heaps of interest:-)
    I just adore your mirror….it has given me an idea for some garden mirrors I am going to mosaic…just love the way you have scattered the buttons to dwindle out, and leave space and air at the bottom….very peaceful….sometimes simplicity is better than overcrowding…thanks for the fresh look at things :-)

    I have photos up at webshots and picturetrail, but the embed code looks huge LOL

  8080. I’m always fascinated by graffiti, as well as other expressions of public art, like the many murals we have in Philadelphia and some amazing mosaic works.

  8081. I really like this. I love it that something was made more beautiful. And I love how you put it: Found Doodles!

  8082. Wow! That’s great! Will “they” remove it or will it be allowed to stay on the building? I’m so glad that you are still here. For some reason my blog roll hasn’t updated your link in two months. Hmmmm. Anyhow, glad you’re still posting. :)

    • Kimberly, thanks for commenting! Try unsubscribing to my blog and then subscribing to the new feed at – that should update your reader when I post! I had to move to a new server etc. and made some changes. Glad you found your way here anyway. See ya around!

  8083. Cool doodles! I usually do backgrounds in my journal or go through magazines and catalgues and cut out images

  8084. This evening I’m doodling too. I’m alone most of the days and usually I do something crafty, exept houskeeping. Lately I have been making paperbeads and now I’m onto something nice using them. I like your free doodlings and it seems you were relaxing doing them. I hope you enjoy your new home.

  8085. You’ve got a fun case of the Doodles! Love this! Sadly, it appears that when I have a quiet evening at home I blog hop instead of getting into my art space. But that’s about to change right now….

  8086. I love this! Lately I have been doodling on little cards that I might use as postcards. Now I might try this in my journal. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8087. So fun! I haven’t doodled on a whole page in a long time!
    So many changes in my life right now, I need to rethink how I spend my free time…

  8088. Im impressed. I get stuck when I doodle. They become more and more complex and then I’ll start drawing something rather then doodling. Or I just draw the same thing over and over. Very boring. Yours are inspiring.

  8089. Evening is over. What did I do? :-) Free motion stipling (stitching) h, drawing, or, let’s say: doodling with my beloved Artist Pitt Pens. And I had got out my water colors for the first time since long.
    It feels so unbelievable good to return to my pens and colors. I don’t know how long it will last, it depends on how hard my rope is calling, but for now it is so much fun – and so very satisfying.
    Hello to you in Sweden

  8090. Usually, when i have an evening all to myself, i pick up my needles and knit! But I am now so crazy about your doodle diary pages that I am going to incorporate black pen doodling into my journals. A very good thing for those little private times.

    I just love your pages, Hanna. thank you for the inspiration.

    • Thank you for sharing your planner, how fun to see all those great planner images, nice work! I spot some templates by Amanda in there too.

  8091. some of my best dodles come when I talk on the phone. I talk on the phone for long periods of time a few times a week to my Mom and my sisters back home in Canada. I always have a pen and paper there beside me.
    Have to say though that if I have an evening free to do some arty play, I like to swirl the paint around – twinkle h2os or regular craft paint. It is all good to me !
    Love your doodle page, Hanna ! Doodle ON!

  8092. I felt very inspired by your review, Hanna. The book looks really interesting, and your descriptions make me think that this will work well for my little sketchbook journals that I carry with me for doctor’s appointments and such. In fact, I have one tomorrow morning, so I’ll be thinking about this while I doodle. :)

  8093. Thank you for sharing your book review. Your thoughts on the book are valued :]
    Seems like a wonderful book for anyone interested in the basics, love it!!

  8094. I bought this book to take on holiday….. and loved it. It was great to have time to really ‘read’ it.


  8095. Thanks for this review. It’s on my wishlist and now I know it will stay there to get bought some time in the future. I like that it’s not another standard mixed media art journaling book, but has more content. Look forward to reading it.

  8096. Great doodles, those most have taken you quite a while to finish. I love a good pen, too (my favorite is Pilot Precise V5). And when I am alone for the evening I will usually bake something (like cupcakes (-:) Once again I love your doodles!

  8097. It’s good to find so many different approaches to journaling. Even if it’s less art and more text, it holds so many creative possibilities. Creative thinking is art, too!
    I always enjoy your reviews, Hanna. Thanks for turning us on to new things!

  8098. This is so yummy. I want to do this! When I have an evening to myself, I’m afraid I watchTV! Because I have to share the TV and I watch things only I like. But when I’m not on my own, I do my doodling, penwork, painting, and tearing tissue paper. It’s really relaxing and bonding to do this while being able to talk and interact with the family.

  8099. Thanks for the lovely review, Hanna! I love beginner’s mind, and I’m a writer at heart. I love the photograph of the side of the book dividing the landscape into a horizon line! How wonderful an idea is that! Thanks, again.

  8100. I’ve been pondering about getting this book before. Your review says: Go for it.

  8101. Thanks for the book review. I don’t purchase many art books but may look for this one because it seems like it would help with those “blank” moments I get stuck in from time to time.


  8102. Great doodle pages. I usually doodle on scraps of paper and they get lost. Having them in a book is a great idea.

    I’ve been looking back through your archives. I particularly like the 3×5 card idea.


  8103. i really like this 5 list blog post. it was fun to see your old 5 lists blog post. i wonder what you will think of this current one yrs from now. Oh, & i’m sure those upcoming self portrait pics are gonna be fun.

  8104. I have so many books on creativity and journaling…but this one looks great! I think I have been tempted again;) I love reading your blog and I love Scandinavia…just got back from visiting my two (grown) children who are living in Oslo!

  8105. thanks for the book review – it is always interesting to see what is out there. i agree that the word “raw” means something a bit more uncomfortable or painful than what this book looks like.
    thanks for stopping by my blog. i always feel a “brush with fame” when you visit. :-)

  8106. Thanks so much Hanna, collage papers arrived safely, thanks for the lovely doodled envelope mail art, that’s going in my keepsake book, and inspired by your post i have gotten Quinn’s book, cheers Carol Ann

  8107. My art journal is also my prayer journal. I don’t know if that is really interesting, but I experience it as both fun and interesting.

    • Christy, don’t be too modest – it’s you and not anyone else who decides what is interesting in your life, never forget that! I think a prayer journal sounds very intriguing – do you write your prayers or…? I’m curious now! :-)

      • I have a variety of ways of praying with art. I color, draw and doodle many of my prayers. Sometimes if I am drawn to an image, I illustrate it, asking for illumination of its meaning for my life; often just a playful dialogue and communion with the sacred in color.

  8108. I love to make patchwork out of odd things that aren’t fabric!

    • Angela, me too, love sewing together papers! What else do you make patchworks with? Curious! :-)

  8109. Oh gosh I really hope I win this, I added the book to my Amazon wishlist right after reading your review. One thing about my creative life- I work a lot better if I drag my art supplies into the living room as opposed to working at my desk. It’s annoying, but true.

    • Erica, thanks for commenting! That is a fun fact indeed, especially since I’ve just moved and now my desk is in the middle of the living room (I’ve just got one room), but the desk is my main creative place so now it’s the main furniture piece in the apartment too! :-)

  8110. Crossing my fingers and toes, it is on my wishlist as well!! :) The book looks fantastic, thank you both for the giveaway.

  8111. As i commented on your review, i would love this book. It’s on my wishlist ;)
    Something about my creative life ? I discovered I could be an artist only 3 years ago.

    Thanks a lot for the giveaway <3

  8112. My inspiration is strongest at about 4:30am, so I keep a pad and pen beside the bed. I write down all the ideas and then go back to sleep.

    • Zom is it the European in you that wants you to wake up and create in the middle of the night? Thanks for the reminder, I’m going to bed now and putting an open notebook by my bed because I’ve been dreaming very vivid images lately but then I forget so quickly what it was about!

      • I am not sure how I have given the impression that I am european, though I like it…
        The truth is that I am an american who lives in Australia. Not nearly so romantic.

  8113. I realized late in life that I was creative, even though those closest to me saw it all along. Now I can’t stop creating and think about it all the time.

    Thanks for the opportunity! Good luck everyone!

    • Verna, thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! Always fun to find new names/see new faces around here!

  8114. One fun thing about my creative life? When I need to go to the art store to buy a new art supply (color, or album, whatever), I also buy at least one Copic pen, one oil pastel, one prismacolor, one 1 oz Golden color….it ends up costing more than an insignificant amount!

    • Lucie, you are not alone. I also love new pens and think a black marker is better than dark chocolate! ;-)

  8115. I started my own business using my creative side! I taught myself to weave and cane furniture and it turned into a full time job!!!! I love your website and even tho Im a newbee, i can promise you Ill be back!

    • Another newbee! Donna – everyone is welcome to join in and you’re welcome back too. Had to google “caning furniture”, never encountered that phrase before but now I know. Cool stuff indeed! :-)

      Thanks for commenting everyone! This is fun!

  8116. I actually have to work in cycles- six weeks of art journaling, then a total switch to four straight weeks of doing nothing but making beads, then three weeks of making jewelry, then three more weeks of art journaling, then three weeks of drawing, etc. I just all the sudden *SWITCH* when the time feels right and focus only on the one thing. Then I switch again. I just can’t seem to do more than one sort of creativity during a “cycle”, as much as I would love to…

  8117. Art Journaling, scrapbooking, card making, quilting, needlepoint are all things I love to do…They gave me confidence to try new things. My husband was building a deck/handicapped ramp for my dad and his help all abandoned him after the first day so my crafting experience gave me confidence to dig in and help out. I cut boards, screwed them down, worked on the roof and I loved every minute of it. Now I am planning on making my own shelves to stain, paint and collage the shelves. They will hold my inks, paint, glitter, and stamps.

  8118. Oooh! I just added this book to my wishlist! My interesting fact is that I started developing my artistic voice after working as a freelance writer doing arts reviews for a few years. I was tired of always thinking, “I could do that!” and decided to actually do it! Now, I’m working as an arts teaching and spending all of my time, just about, in creative pursuits. :)

  8119. Hi Hanna
    I decorate my pages with rubber stamps I made myself of my spirit helper animals (I work shamanically) and also of Tibetan meditation symbols – I like them because they’ll just look interesting to others but have masses more significance for me!

  8120. I find the most rewarding part of making anything is the problem solving. I tend to make unusual things, and so problem solving is a big part of it. More than anything, I love a good construction challenge, although making things pretty is fun too. I love that art can encompass many things, aesthetics (of course), engineering, science, psychology, pop culture, humour, etc, etc, and any combination of those. Art journaling allows
    me to brain dump all the other things I am thinking about and focus on one thing in particular if I want to. It’s my favourite tool to clear my mind and focus my attention.

  8121. I like to draw pics from Bible verses I’ve read. I’m not at all creative and just started this art journaling thing less than a month ago. I’d LOVE some more sources of info and inspiration….

  8122. I haven’t tried Art Journaling yet but have seen so many other people out there doing it and I find it very intriguing. Hard for me to just let go so this might just be the thing to get me started. I love bright colors and the ability to bring a simple line image to life then give it to someone to brighten their day.

  8123. An interesting thing? Right now, what’s grabbed my interest is using what I have aleady…making it work, and trying really hard to not buy much, ’cause I really do have more than enough! And, I’m managing to make some really cool things!

  8124. I don’t really know what fun or interesting thing I could say about my creative life. My life is all about creativity whether it’s in the act or the thought. I have to be creative in most aspects of my life. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn’t.

  8125. Right now I’m experimenting with encaustic painting, which is painting and collaging with wax layers that you melt together. It’s definitely a fun medium, and one in which you have to let go of the end product, because you can’t always control how the wax melts.

  8126. What a great giveaway! I would like to do more journalling. One of my favourite art experiences was teaching 2 children’s art courses at Haliburton School of Fine Arts (northern Ontario) Loved it and learned a lot! That is what I want to do when I grow up/retire – teach art to children>

  8127. I’m a closet crayon doodler! I must be in my second childhood.

  8128. I think the most interesting fact about my creative life would be that 98% of the time I don’t plan. I read about people who plan journal pages/paintings/ out first but I can’t seem to work that way. If I feel the need to paint or work in my art journal I just whip it out and go for it. No planning, just emotion :)

    I have my fingers crossed for this book; it has been on my watchlist since you did the review! xxoxx Rhiannon

  8129. Ooh! I really want this book!! I hope I win :) My creative life… hmm… I teach elementary school art, so I get to be creative every day.

  8130. Gosh my creative life has been on strike lately! I wish I could strike a deal with it but nope not lately! Dealing with so many health issues it’s been very hard to do anything creative. So I have been reading a lot of books lately and puttzing around online at all the fun art blogs. Love this new book

  8131. I have been wanting to get back to a regular art practice after years of being away from painting and am now making headway on this goal. Interestingly it wasn’t art per se that got me moving – it was writing with fountain pens and doodling page numbers or bits of paper as I was between thoughts. Now I’m playing with ink and even mixing my own colors to use in my art journal. I would really love to win this book and get more inspiration. Thanks for a fabulous giveaway and amazing blog!

  8132. Hip, hip… hooray, a giveaway! :]
    What is fun about my creative life…
    I get to wake up each day doing what I love, making art.
    How could ask for more in life? <3

  8133. :-) This book looks like good fun :-D
    *It was you Hanna who inspired me to dare to start an art journal*
    :-P I have a way too huge stash… I can’t toss a good piece of paper, label, plastic bag etc as long as it seems useful or pretty… It overgrows me… aaaaarrrgggghhh:-P

  8134. With my craft it is like other things in my life. Everything is changing all the time.
    30 years ago I was a classic lace maker. Than I began to make quilts. About 10 years ago I discovered crazy quilting. And now I do mixed media, paper collages, journal making. All is on my blog :)
    I follow your blog for a while now and one day I try journaling without threads!
    Would love to get that book and try something new ;-)

  8135. I am a creative dabbler. I love to try all sorts of new crafty projects. While I know that’s sometimes viewed as a negative thing (I don’t excel in any one art medium), I like to think of it as continuing to learn new things – and I love to play with incorporating ideas I learned making one type of art into another type of art. Keeps things interesting! Thanks so much for this great giveaway, Hanna!

  8136. I love your blog and the book looks great. Whether I’m allowed to enter or not (I’m from New Zealand) I’ll share something about my creative life. I’m a big time Left Brainer and very critical. I have had to accept this and go with it. I spend more time reading blogs about creativity than doing it. I’ll have to look at and analyse other people’s processes until late at night until I find the courage to make a mark on a page. The silly thing is that when I do make a start, I usually like what I have done and shouldn’t have wasted a whole lot of time. But that is where I am at and I am happy with the baby steps I am taking. :D

  8137. OOOH, thank you for this giveaway!!!
    Fingers crossed! :)

    In my creative life I’ve noticed a thing: I’ve changed my mind about a lot of things! Let me explain with exemples:
    – I wasn’t interested in patchwork, now I’m obsessed
    – I wasn’t interested in making amigurumi (I though they were a stupid thing to make), now I’m making a lot of amigurumi
    – I hated collage, now I want to try
    – etc etc.
    Probably it’s not a strange thing, probably it’s simply part of the process of rediscovering your creative soul. But for me it’s amazing!

  8138. I’ve discovered that I feel less inhibited when using coloured pencils. They’ve helped me loosen up and actually draw things instead of just doodling. I’d love to have this book–it looks awesome!

  8139. A wonderful giveaway indeed. I have this book on my (long, very long) wish list.
    What I think is fun about my creative life is how it is slowly taking over more and more of my time and space. I used to be this person who made something like once every few weeks on a whim on a small table, clearing everything away afterwards. Now my entire house is my art studio. I have places to work all over the house and work at them on a daily basis. I have truely developed an artistic practice, which I think is just wonderful. I have also found I can’t do art for a living, it has to remain a passion, a pleasure with no strings attached. So I keep my day job and my only wish is that I can one day cut down on that to have even more time for artsy endeavours! ;-)

  8140. Hej Hanna!
    I daydream… I think that’s a very important creative activity! Just sit and look at the clouds and let my mind flow with them. No plan, no goal, just ideas drifting through my mind.. sometimes the ideas stick, sometimes they don’t. Sometimes they come back another day. But the important thing is to be open to them… :-)

  8141. Books always make me happy. Whether I make them myself or look through other people’s books. I cannot imagine a world without books.

  8142. Hei.
    For en flott giveaway.
    Jeg har startet litt med A.J. Skal bli spennende prve videre.
    Kjpte en tegnebok til 29,- kr.
    Et sted m man starte, utforske og leke.
    Ha en fin dag. :)

  8143. That’s exactly what I need, a chance to win a book to cheer me up while living with my in-laws:-)))

    Ok here is something hopefully interesting: When it’s a grey, rainy day outside and my mood in heading down a spiral I imagine every raindrop being a little, red cartoon-like heart that is falling on and all around me. That makes me feel warm inside again. You can also try to cartoon-paint ugly environments in your mind.

  8144. I’m always shifting my focus to new crafts, it’s a little bit weird but I’m always looking to find something new to discover, sometimes I’m watercoloring, other times just using acrylic, knit, cross stitch, everything at once!

  8145. I don’t know how interesting it is, but most of my friends don’t even know that I draw and paint. It’s a secret!

  8146. For a few years Ive been trying to ignite my creative side through creating art. Ive long been a writer, but now I doodle, play with paint, charcoal, pastels, and crayons.

    I remember being freely creative as a child, but as adults and other kids chastised me for using materials in ways aside from their intended purposes, I shied away. I remember a 3rd grade teacher giving me a good scolding for coloring a forest scene in different shades of green, yellow, and violet. Trees are not yellow or purple! she angrily declared. Even now, her response boggles my mind. It was almost like my vision scared the people around me making me feel like a freak.

    Anyway, I guess all I can say about my creative life is that I am in recovery. ;)

  8147. My interesting craft thing – I’m more renowned for the mess I make then the things I make :D I’m ever so slightly proud of that too…

    OH! And I totally forgot! I insulted the entire Barcelona first division football team once at the airport with my sketchbook alone! (it was an accident, they forgave me, we laughed, they autographed and drew in my sketchbook and then my evil art teacher took the sketchbook to mark it and never returned it).

  8148. I am inherently not creative – or maybe I am… I tend to be very linear in thought and I am a law teacher. But at home, I knit like crazy and cut out all kinds of things from magazines and just make collages in sketch books with pictures and words that I love. I want to be creative, but somehow I have always equated “creative” with “artistic” – which I’m not. I can’t draw to save my life. But colors and textures and words appeal to me and I’m trying to let that side of me speak more loudly than it has.

  8149. This is a great giveaway! Something interesting about my creative life is that I cannot focus on just one thing at a time! Every time I sit down to work on art projects or journaling, I bring out all of my materials and use a bit of everything in what Im doing.

    Btw, LOVE your blog!!

  8150. Oh how I would love to have this book! Not sure how creative or interesting it is, but I like to use found ephemera in my art journal (receipts, scribbled notes, advertisements/posters, ticket stubs, leaves, etc). Thank you for the giveaway!

  8151. Hi Hanna, normally I don’t win anything but it’s impossible without trying. Something fun about my art…..well I get very very inspired by just looking at my colours, paints, crayons, markers and all that holds colour. That’s fun to me. Something interesting is that I need variety to be able to do my best. A bit of this and that works best for me.

  8152. My creative life centers me. When I don’t make time for it on a regular basis I feel out of sorts. I’ve only discovered this side of myself in the last year or so and am so at peace when i’m sitting at my art table playing with my “stuff”

  8153. hmm… my creative life is like this “focus madly and doing 1 type of arts, stop, and then try another, then goes back.” I started playing with art journal a couple of years ago, stopped, picked it back up, stopped, then played with the Wreck This Journal book recently and still doing it. I did try other things in between. Like making felt creations, rubber stamps, leather stuff (now). I think I will always be making, drawing something, or thinking about things to make. Creating has and will always be a part of my life. :)

  8154. Being creative is the best stress reliever I know . . . whether it be sewing, journaling, crocheting, or whatever I am doing at the time. This books looks wonderful!

  8155. What I love the most when working with color and paint are the splotches all over my hands and underarms. I wear them as a kind of embellishment over the next day, not worrying about cleaning them thoroughly since they remind me of the fun I had ^^

  8156. An interesting thing about my creative life… I find that being creative is not about the supplies you have. I find I am more creative when I restrict myself to just one or two things. If my project still lacks a little something after I have created it I can always go back and add :) Athough I do like to drag all my supplies out from time to time and just look through them like a kid in a candy store…

  8157. I have several four-legged assistants in my creative endeavors that tend to inspire my work! It’s a fact… does that count? I know you have your creature, Smilla- right? >^..^<

    I love your blog, thanks for the inspiration- I won't forget it.


  8158. Hi Hanna ! This book looks like a really cool one to add some new bits to your journaling style. Thanks for the giveaway!
    One thing about my creative life is that I think I actually get withdrawal symptoms when I don’t art journal. It is kinds of an itchy, grumpy, lost feeling that always feels better when I fill a page with something from inside me. I have always said that art journaling it the best therapy there is !
    Good luck to all !
    Cheers !

  8159. I suppose my first art journal was my high school notebooks. When I finished school, I went through all my folders and cut out all my little doodles and pictures I’d drawn when I should have been studying and stuck them in a sketch book. I still have it in a box somewhere :)

  8160. I have found that nothing energizes your creative life more than making a definite commitment to it. I recently helped organize a Visual Journaling group which meets monthly so I know that I willing be working in my Journals on a regular basis. We have a specific challenge for a page each month which we view as a group at the meetings, along with other activities. This, too, is very stimulating. So, whether to a group or to solely to yourself, make the commitment!


  8161. An interesting thing about my creative life is that the direction it takes is not always the one I expected! Sometimes the end product is nothing like what I intended and those are the projects I like the best! Love your blog, it’s an inspiration!

  8162. I have noticed how much more creative I am when I shed all expectations of quality in the results of my crafty endeavors. Most importantly, I have much more fun when I decide to “just do it” instead of dream of having the perfect project.
    I love your blog, thanks for sharing, and inspiring us!

  8163. I also love a good doodling session on brown paper (esp with colored pencils!) and of course, washi tape! It is so hard not to buy every single pattern I see! Beautiful moon pic too…I completely enjoyed your review of “Raw Art Journaling.” The title of the book sort of stopped me from buying it but now I’m burning with curiousity as it sounds very interesting!

  8164. Jag hoppas p tur…

    Mitt kreativa liv lyfts fr tillfllet upp av min femriga dotter som lskar att pyssla och rita med mig. Det r mysigt och vldigt inspirerande att skapa med henne vid min sida. :-)

  8165. I love being inspired by new books, trying new ideas. This book would be great.

  8166. I find that sometimes I have to pretend I don’t want to do anything creative and then sneak up on it and “phazhoonka”! There I am creating! :)
    I love that book – I’ve put it on my wishlist at my favourite book store.

  8167. Having my art journal in my car has made me relish the construction that has plagued our town this summer. 20 minute delay? That’s 20 blissful minutes of art journaling! Time I wouldn’t have had otherwise. (of course I get so lost in the creative process I don’t notice the line of cars moving again so I’ve been beeped at a lot! Oops!)

  8168. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway! I don’t know if this is particularly “interesting”, but I would say that an ongoing characteristic of my art and crafting life is its lack of focus. I try so many different things: collage, mail art, crochet, sewing, polymer clay, art journaling, painting, card making, rubber stamping, book arts, ATCs and postcards, etc, etc, etc. I can’t even focus my art space…I spread out from living room, to dining room, to basement. It’s getting epidemic! While I love doing all kinds of varied things, I sometimes wish I could focus a bit and make more than just a few of any given thing!

  8169. Very nice post, Hanna. Congratulations on the magazine giveaway; I have never heard of Uppercase, but it looks interesting. I also enjoyed looking around Annie’s web site. I like the variety of what you are enjoying now, especially that gorgeous moon. How wonderful to take the time to notice!

  8170. my sun conure Skye hangs out on my shoulder all day while I craft. I would love to win that book. And your blog is awesome.

  8171. I have started over with a second batch of kiddos. The oldest three are 22, 19, and 15 the two youngest are 2.5 and 11 months so I have very little time to sew or journal however I read blogs for the inspiration and enjoyment as the kiddos play or watch tv. I can be available and more aware of what they are doing when on the computer and I don’t get as grumpy when interrupted every two seconds as when doing art. : )

  8172. Thanks for the chance to win this book!! What I’m noticing lately about my creative life is that the more I do creative things, the more I’m finding inspiration in the everyday and mundane. If I work in my art journal more, I’m drawn to drawing everyday objects (which I don’t usually do), or if I draw, I find I want to work on 3D projects. It’s a circle, it seems.

  8173. I love your planner! I have been wanting to do this for years, but never got to it, and seeing this sparked my interest once again! I have a question though: Where did you find a binder with such small rings?

    • Ashleigh, thanks. I’d love to see your planner when it’s finished. The binder rings are normal European size for a 2-ring binder. I started with a A4-size that I cut down to a more manageable size. Maybe something like this would work?

  8174. Love these doodles. I also started a little blank book, but tried to restrict myself to the zentangles. Silly, cause you should not restrict yourself when drawing – or doodling.
    I like the way the doodling can be as personal as one’s handwriting. And you’ve gotta love that black against the white paper!

  8175. Oh, I love that picture of the moon. I feel a werewolf must be lurking in the shadows!

  8176. What a creative way to doodle. Normally I am not in favour of grafitti, but sometimes there are real artists at work and it is more than just making markings on a wall. These pictures show a genius at work! Wouldn’t it be great to work on that grand scale…

  8177. The two books at the bottom are also in my collection…. :-) Scraps has also been on my wishlist for a while, but I can’t decide whether I need a new book on collage…
    Most books are so much the same, it is only the style of the author that seems to differ, not the techniques that they explain.

    So I am looking forward to your reviews and opinions, especially if you look at the books with the perspective from a ‘seasoned’ artist!

  8178. A fun or interesting fact of my creative life? LOL I guess that the fun thing is that I try to make art (art journaling) and mostly just use junk to make it. So I have a little workspace with drawers and containers full of little scraps of paper and self made waste papers. A box with ‘texture’ tools, stamps made from foam glued to cardboard and so on.
    It even does not look much like real things – it just looks like junk!

  8179. Wow! Great post, you`ve really inspired me to do my own personalized planner, thank you! :) I`ve just found your blog,but I`m defnitelly going to read it from now on… all the best!

  8180. A fun or interesting fact about my creative life, hmmm… A rather funny fact is that I quite often get ideas (for some of my work) while brushing my teeth or having a shower. It can be rather frustrating actually. If I have to do something uncreative I also find myself a lot more creative. That “I just can’t help myself from creativing something” sets in and I end up forcing myself to stay focused on the boring things. I’m a firm believer in that crativity generates more creativity and inspiration and that you have to work for it. (sometimes very hard!)

  8181. Creative is when I start.When I accomplish it brings me joy. It would be great to win the book. Thanks for a chance.

  8182. I enjoy creating at my art desk the most when my pup Bella curls up at my feet to stay close to me while I work. :-)

  8183. Well, I guess it would be that even though I’m in my early 50’s I’m still growing, learning and trying new types of artistic things and that I just keep adding them to my list of things I do instead of really stopping any. (I have not actually tried art journaling yet, but it’s like an itch I can’t quite reach to scratch! I’ll get to it soon and when I do, watch out!) I sometimes — knit, embroider, make art quilts, bead, make mail art, I’m into photography, love to write letters — you name it, I probably do it.

    Thank you for the chance to win. This looks like a wonderful book!


  8184. I have recently had a break through in my art journaling; I am using new types of found materials and exploring layering more. For whatever reason, I feel most creatively charged late at night when I should be sleeping instead.

  8185. Jag behver en piska i nacken fr att det ska bli bst. Jag behver en deadline. Jag behver ett stopp. Jag behver en grns. Utan piska, grns, deadline & stopp blir det fr mycket, fr mycket av allt, ingenting, blekt och ibland ointressant.

    I need a serious deadline, I need a stop, limitations – thats when Im at my best. Otherwise its everything and nothing, pale and mushy.

  8186. I finally moved all my creative stuff upstairs into our large and sunny attic room. The funny thing is I could have done it years ago but never thought I would need this space, love this space. It feels great to have my own creative space. I can see the sky from my working place – right beneath a window. I call it my “window to heaven” …
    I enjoy reading your blog so much. It is a wonderful source of inspiration (like sewing paper). Thanks for sharing.

  8187. Hello! How fun to read everyone’s tidbits about their creative lives :)
    I have four fantastic kids that are always helping me in my creative life…they offer me inspiration most importantly, but so verily often they offer me those little happy mistakes that take my arts in all kinds of wild directions! Sometimes they put handprints or fingerprints or crayola marks or extra drawings on whatever I’m creating, heehee!

  8188. Well….I’m usually in my pajamas LOL and I love that moment when I’ve planned out the process or design and all of a sudden that AHA moment happens and it ends up looking nothing like what I planned ;-)

  8189. Icollect forgotten notes from the sidewalk, empty sticker sheets, and people’s trash (mostly paper) to use in my journal. also, when i spend some time with my art journal i can feel the tension disappearing from my shoulders – it’s great meditation!

    thanks so much for offering this giveaway, hanna! i have one going on right now, too; it’s open til friday. check it out here!:

  8190. In the past I’ve always wanted to be able to express myself with art journaling but I was too critical with myself. Recently though, something has changed, I’ve been enjoying the process more and I care less about the result, which I think is the real point.
    Fingers crossed for this awesome book and keep up your wonderful work.

  8191. An interesting thing about my creative life is; the busier I am the more art I do, when I actually have time and I sit down to do some “art” I am blocked! What is up with that?
    Thanx for the opportunity to enter Hanna

  8192. Great giveaway Hanna! The interesting thing that I’ve discovered is how intertwined my art is with my healing and ability to find hope and even joy while learning to live with chronic illness and disabilities. The fun is in the journey of learning, exploring, experimenting and connecting with others.

  8193. The tidbit about my creative life that’s a bit interesting is that the jewelry I make for others is so very, very different from what I make for myself. It’s almost as if I can’t merge the two styles, or make something in my personal style for someone else.

  8194. Lovely giveaway Hanna! Hmmmm…something interesting about my creative life? Well, I have a lot of strange rituals that I “need” to do while I do art: specific painting shirts, sci-fi on TV, a fresh cup of coffee, a specific paint water jar, a clean work surface. I have a hard time concentrating if I don’t have all my items in place.

  8195. the most interesting thing: i’m 52 and just getting started in art. it’s Fun!

  8196. I love your talent. You are so creative. I particularly enjoyed the Heart Kitty project. The story and pics were great!!! Did you ever find out who received your cat?

    • Cara Lee, thanks for commenting and your sweet words. No, I didn’t find out who got it but it still feels great to have crocheted that little cat for someone else. :-)

  8197. My creative life takes place all over the house. If my ‘extra’ desk is taken up with school books, then the top of my washer/dryer becomes an area to paint and let things dry. And I would rather have a shopping spree at an art supply store or book store than any jewelry store.

  8198. What a pity you had to part from your cat, never easy to part from good friends. Your photos looks great as always. I did enter your giveaway but I don’t have winning luck. As a matter of fact I’m holding my own giveaway right now. You are welcome to enter it if you like.
    Have a nice and creative weekend!

  8199. While I’m working on artsy pursuits I watch movies and TV shows on my laptop that’s propped permanently on my desk. People always ask me how I’m not constantly distracted but I really prefer dialogue over music, not sure why. It has to be something I’ve seen before, not something new so it feels familiar and inspiring. I watch the same dozen or so movies over and over again. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8200. I have a cat with the same type of fur…a big mane and tufts in her ears and between her toes. It’s generally unruly and always makes me giggle when I see her preening like a feline model, not realizing how silly she actually looks.

  8201. I have recently renew by knitting abilities and am thoroughly enjoying it. I first knitted in my preteens to 20’s but gave way to crocheting the last 30yrs. Tried a couple of yrs ago but couldn’t do it. We have a craft group and work and they all knit so out of self defense I started again and am loving it. More than that, I am trying to watercolor and sketch. Wish I had your skills Hanna!!!

  8202. Ooh, this book looks so great! Congrats to you!!
    For me, creating “anything” has a magical way of impacting all areas of my daily life. I’m so much more happier and “alive” when I take time to create. Maybe it’s a little tag, maybe it’s a huge painted canvas…but creating is something I couldn’t and wouldn’t ever deny myself.

  8203. I discovered that I don’t need the latest and or the best to be productive…I have learned to improvise and just let the art happen. It makes me happy!

  8204. One interesting thing about my creative life… I’ve been creative and playing with different things since I was four years old. Though I only started art journaling about a year and a few months ago. I just recently worked up the guts to start new journals too… I got over the fact that I thought I had to do every journal in a row and finish a journal before starting another. Those thoughts are over!! Thanks for hosting this giveaway! :)

  8205. My creative tools, a journal and many art supplies are always close at hand laying open even when I am doing commercial work, waiting for a little bit of attention during a busy work day!

  8206. Hi Hanna,
    I missed being #100 but I’ll still have a go at it. You want a story about creativity. Well somedays I start my day in my art studio. I mean before everything else. No breakfast, still in pajamas, I just jump immediately into creating. I get lost in that world and it makes the day wonderful. I do eventually get dressed and have breakfast but it becomes more like brunch since its so late when I get to it.


  8207. This is amazing & truly inspiring! I have been searching for a good planner and you have definitely encouraged me to make my own! Yours is great! One question though, how did you attach the silver hole punch thing (sorry not sure the exact name) into the inside of the folder? I think you said you just bought a plain cardboard folder so how did you Attach the 4 rings? Or if its a binder how did you cut it?Thanks!

    • Thanks Mands for commenting.
      The ring binder mechanism was already in the folder, it’s a ring binder folder or what ever it’s called. You also have the option of buying a ring separately in a well stocked office supply store – and attaching it yourself, but then I guess you’d need tools. The cover is cardstock so it was easy to cut through with a craft knife. Let me know what you make! :-)

      • Great! Thanks so much for responding and I will def keep an eye out for that. Again, such a wonderful job! I plan to keep looking out for more of your creations!

  8208. A fact about my creative life, although I’m not sure how interesting it is, is that i go though periods of scrappers/journaling block where I just feel very non-inspired. But when I’m in the zone, I get all kinds of stuff done!:)

  8209. Hanna, Thank you for including my pastel chaos video, I’m happy that you liked it! It’s wonderful because I am always inspired by your art and words.

  8210. I’m inspired by YOU, Hanna! I enjoyed looking through all of these links…I love the fun places you send me off to. I bookmarked the stitched self portrait tutorial and the paper towel cards…fun future projects. The levitating photos were uplifting (haha), and that ideal bookshelf is such a simple but clever idea! Great stuff!

  8211. I will make for myself and give as a gift and give a couple of sets to my church for their auction. My projects will consist of bracelets, necklaces and earrings and decorations on my hats. Thanks because this tutorial is easier than the one I read today. Now I have something to do with my fabric scraps.

  8212. I am known to get so excited about a project that I stay up all night working. Granted I may have to redo what I did in the wee hours, but I love going to sleep with that excited “I made something” feeling.

  8213. Hello Hanna,

    Something interesting strange about my art journaling? I started it when I also started with a meditation group. Somehow it helps getting more creative. After a while I noticed that I picked up this new hobby at the same time I started joining the group. Funny, isn’t it?

  8214. My post from Friday was about some of my favourite things! How funny!
    Glad you could spend quality time with friends, family and Smilla!

  8215. So glad you have discovered Uppercase magazine! It’s produced right here in Calgary, and the editor also has a little shop downtown with some great books, stationary items and art shows. Best wishes, EG

  8216. Very inspiring indeed. I loved all of these links.

    I’m having a bit of fatigue over something that I’m working on. Have you ever worked on a project for hours and then realized it’s just not right. I had to put it down and walk away. Maybe I should do a watercolor bird for a change!

  8217. I am so glad that you shared this. I was immediately drawn to the right-side page of the journal in the first photograph. Since you first posted about Raw Art Journaling, I have found myself doodling a bit more. I’m trying to *let go* and not be disappointed when a doodle looks haphazard or childish. I’m making progress. :)

  8218. I am loving the workshop on Raw Journaling … having a lot of fun. Though some of the exercises I don’t ‘love’ … I am learning what I do!

  8219. I love these water-colored pages! Quinn’s exercises are so much fun…
    thanks for sharing your sweet confetti lines, I can’t wait until my things arrive and I can re-join some of the fun!! Best wishes, tj

  8220. I’m a swirls lover too :) Great idea from Quinn’s book…I may have to take another look at that one. I’ll have to check out the links from a few posts ago…or is it one ago?

  8221. I love the combination of the two pages: I don’t exactly know what I like the most: the lady with the big tattoo and the handwriting on the left or the colourful doodles on the right side… So I have to conclude: I love both of the pages! I think there is a kind of balance between the pages that speeks to me ( I hope my doodle-english explains it well!)

  8222. Beautiful :-) Perfect for Christmas

    I tend to make all my flowers in paper, adding buttons (follow my link to take a look) – yours will sure last a lot longer :-D

  8223. I love the confetti lines and doodles, and the beautiful effect of the watercolors. There must be something in the air, making us all doodle; I just posted a doodle-style spread on my blog yesterday.

  8224. I always love to see pages from your Art Journal, but these are magnificent!! I also liked the black and white doodle spread. Just wonderful inspiration!!

  8225. That’s kinda cool. I showed it to my grandma and she liked this idea. I sent the link to her email that way when she goes back home to Alabama she can make it. I might make one for our front door.

  8226. Ohhh, I love the colors. . . and the design. . .and the composition! It’s beautiful. And I have to confess, what gives me the biggest thrill is seeing what people do with the exercises in the book. So many different approaches and so many incredible results!

  8227. Love the wreath! I also think it’s marvelous of you to say you were tired of making it. I have the opposite problem–I enjoy making it, then I don’t want to keep it. My fun is done when I’m finished working on it. The roses are so clever, and I would have tried to trim the leaf fabric before sewing–you’ve saved me a lot of work!

  8228. This is gorgeous! I’ve never tried one, for the exact reason you mentioned — I can design it quickly in my head, but carrying out the deed with my hands takes an eternity (and never quite matches up to the design in my head :-D)

  8229. That green paper is REALLY pretty! Somehow when I do these kinds of DIY projects, they never look as “finished” and attractive as other folks’!

  8230. Yes!!
    Love this idea.
    I have taken many tin cans… paint the inside a bight color and collage the outside.
    Last, fill with brushes, pencils, etc. “fun stuff” <3

  8231. Great idea! I’m all about upcycling… I actually use nutella bottles for all my pens and pencils on my desk!

  8232. At our large local DIY stores (Homebase/B&Q) it’s acceptable to take small samples of wallpaper for free. There’s always a reel unwrapped especially for this purpose. So I abuse that a little and have a nice stash of wallpapers samples which I use for all sorts of things. A good way of instantly adding colour cheaply to a room is to get a canvas or piece of wood etc and staple wallpaper over the top to make free art. Then when you get round to properly decorating you can tear the paper off and use the canvas as you originally would. I still have three wallpaper canvasses in my living room where I never got round to changing them and people just love them- more then my actual work!! (the cheek)

  8233. OHMY.. if only I THINK about moving… I have too much (exciting!) other things going on (find out on my blog) to even think about boxes… I do love your labels though! I will remember these when I find a new house and need them…. next year or so…

    • Happy Birthday Marit! I hope you’ve had a great day. :-) And congrats on the mag-thing, the pretty site design is a great start!

  8234. Love these labels, thank you for sharing!
    The colors are fantastic :]
    Super cool… always a pleasure to visit your blog <3

  8235. Thank you for the lovely labels… so much work and so many things to move… and then making these little presents. Because they are presents… on a much colder and windy day!

  8236. Thank you so much Hanna, I will be moving end of this month and I am just about to start packing up!

  8237. What a thrifty idea!!! I also like to make useful pretty things from bits and bobs I have around. Recycle Art is hip.

  8238. Hanna, I have started art journaling. !!!!

    It’s all because of you, really. For years, I have been amazed by your journals and I always had that little thing in my head to get past, the one that told me that the journal had to be PERFECT. Because, so many times in just my writing journals, I would rip out pages that weren’t neat. I stopped doing that when I started the morning pages earlier this year (again, thanks to you; I still do them occasionally).

    Then, on Pinterest, you linked to the journal with the vertical columns. That was it. I’d had enough of NOT art journaling. So, I’m on my second day and I look forward to every day forthcoming. I started with the column idea because it’s not overwhelming, but I feel confident moving on from there.

    Also, the posts about doodling helped me out a lot too.

    So, none of this has to do with this post in particular, which is amazing, but it’s just a big THANK YOU!!!

  8239. Hello!
    and oooh, perfect timing as I’m attempting the same project as soon as I get the wooden blocks in the mail! Followed a link from an April post on “Love Letters” blog about BigHugeLabs (a fave) ~ was checkin out your great tutorials, and voila!!
    I just LOVE your idea to paint the blocks :D and really enjoyed the stepped out photos and instructions.
    I bought 3 sheets from Traci a few months ago and now you’ve motivated me to finally order the wooden blocks. I agree that it’s tedious and plan to skip the foam.. but def cheaper! (I have crap toy, blind melon & labelmaker. can’t wait to finally use ’em)
    a new fan,
    – vicki xo

  8240. WOW – I have a sewing machine (vintage) but i’m clueless! Love the look of freehand sewing and always wish I had the guts to try it with paper. Your work is super lovely and the colors speak to me as well!!

    Seems like we’ve got lots in common. Photography, morning pages, art journaling, book making and i have a real true love of teaching. I haven’t organized anything on my blog into “tutorials” per se, but I love to show a WIP and see the magic unfold. Thanks for taking the time, it’s appreciated! :D

    – vicki xo

  8241. soooo simple ~ and soooo pretty!
    When you mentioned that thinner papers work best, it reminded me that I made a handful of handmade papers that would work GREAT!
    And I discovered the cheapest and BEST paper to use: newsprint! Many artists simply paint old newspapers, lol, so you’ve probably done that yourself! I used a pad of BLANK newsprint I found at a tag sale, for $1.
    Thanks for the inspiration,
    – vicki xo

  8242. hi hanna, thank you for the tutorial, it was very clear & comprehensive & answered some questions i have been wondering about. i am going to make a cover your way.

  8243. Love,love,love this sooooo much! Beautifully done, and I will try this….Oh, check your tension on your stitch or adjust pressure foot for thicker fabric??? I break needles all the time when I change from light to heavier fabric.
    Well you have sparked a fire under me that is forsure! I will be reading this over & over, you can be sure…….Thank you very much…love & light Debi

  8244. Beautiful journal cover, Hannah. I love the look of your freeform stitching. Lucky you with all those journals to make this fall!

  8245. Wonderful colorful covers. I love them. And yes, somebody should really invent unbreakable needles, I’m sure every sewing machine user would be willing to pay a little extra for that. ;-)

  8246. It’s a wonderful cover… I learned to makes books like these when I was at school. But we used plain fabric for the covers… And… by the way… my little animals are a 365 days project. I started on august the 4th and sometimes I make books (one-of-a-kind) and will use them for those or maybe… I’ll make 365 Atc’s… I just don’t know yet… First I have to make all 365!

  8247. i have picked up her book several times and thumbed thru it. i guess i’m going to have to go back and buy it. thanks for the review.

  8248. Hi Hanna…I have Collage Journeys and you remind me that I need to get it out again and take another look at it….thanks!

  8249. i’ve been looking for a planner that calls out to me and has everything i need: a weekly/monthly view, 2-page weeks, just space to write with no lines on each individual day, weeks that start on Monday and don’t make my weekends smaller, space for weekly notes, a page at the end/beginning of each month for notes, etc. i haven’t been able to find one that fits my ever need because i’m picky (plus, i’m very artsy and would love for that to be portrayed on every monthly overview) and it never occurred to me that i could just MAKE one.

    thank you so much; you are a lifesaver!

  8250. Vad kul! Och grattis! Och vad mnga jrn du har i elden! Jag r alltid s glad om jag fr ynka fem minuter hr och dr (smbarnsmamma trots allt)

    • Tack Carin, ja det blev lite vl mycket just nu, men det blir ju s ibland. Jag jobbar om dagarna s har inte s mycket tid heller just nu, men alltid kul nr ett projekt blir nstan-klart och man ser resultatet. :-)

  8251. The site looks really good, Hanna. I can’t even imagine how must work and organization it must have taken to accomplish all of that. Congratulations!

    Have fun at the meetings. :)

    • Thanks Jodi! I can’t say I did this site in a very organized way, jumping from one task to another, but in the end, once you go back through everything a couple of times, you can finish even in that way! :-) How is the yearlong photo project going, did you end or take a break (or just not posting about it)?

  8252. How wonderful you are a free spirit! To see such beauty and then paint it out…
    I am still looking for Jane Davies, book, you suggested…I enjoy visiting.
    love & light ..Debix

  8253. Congrats for getting the paints back out again…feels good, doesn’t it? I’ve been working in paper, glue, and tape; I could stand to pull my paints out again, too! Love your journal spread…thanks for the peek into your journal.

  8254. Yes you inspired me to journal, too!! I love your yummy texture cover and stitching. Show more soon!! xox

  8255. I am a horrible friend. Not knowing you moved. Congrats to you!! How great to have your own place just as you want it. I look fwd to seeing what you’ve done to it!

  8256. I just bought the Raw Art Journaling book after your posts! Looking forward to trying some things out.

  8257. Just gorgeous! I love the blues and greens. Did you realize that we cannot see things on Flickr, because it is set to private?

  8258. This is beautiful Hanna! I’m always inspired by blues and greens, it makes me want to go create a page in that color palette right now. I have also put the Raw Art book on my Amazon wishlist!

  8259. Hanna! How fun to pop in to check what you’ve been up to and see a Katze AND raw art influence…
    You always make my day!!
    Best, tj

  8260. WOW Hanna,
    I’m so happy that your skills and creativity have come together for such a great organization.
    They are so lucky to have you!!
    xx tj

  8261. This is “fabulous”!
    Love the color scheme, quote, and doodles… great journaling :]
    Thank you for sharing <3

  8262. Hey Hanna! Just want to show you how much you inspire me. Click on over to my blog and see my reference to your page and my new art journal cover!!

    Thanks for being such an inspiration!!!

  8263. Your page is really great! I love the colors, the doodling … and the title goes so well with it!

  8264. Such a beautiful page, Hanna…I love the shapes and colors. I enjoy seeing how Quinn’s book is inspiring you to create beautiful pages in your journal.

  8265. I have MISSED doing things like this. I love to come here and be inspired and “live vicariously” through your creative work :) Men nu tusan blir det andra bullar. Jag skall dra fram mina pyssliga material och art journals. Annars tinar jag bort och frsvinner helt !

  8266. Hi Hanna…came by to say hi and see what you’ve been up to. Love these thread ATCs. What a great idea to use up those little thread. I also love the journal pages below…your pages are always so inspirational.

  8267. i love these little thread bundle creations! they are bursting with the potential of becoming.

  8268. Thanks for the link. I have just become a member of the guild, however I still didnt get any information about a group in Uppsala. I somehow find it hard to believe that there is no embroidery group here where I could meet fellow stitchers. Do you happen to know anything about it? Thanks

    • Agnes,
      Welcome to BRAK! :-)
      But no group in Uppsala as far as I know, sorry. All the groups are here. If you want to start one you could ask for member addresses where you live (to contact and maybe become friends with). Everyone who is a member can start a group and invite others! :-)

  8269. These are gorgeous! I always figured orts had that name because I ort to be able to figure out a way to use them – thanks for the inspiration!

    • JoAnne, I used a small bead on top of each sequin, and that sewn on bead holds it in place so there is no need to sew the sequin down too. I hope that helps. Take care!

  8270. A reader in Japan just told me she is making these for family members this year and linked in her e-mail. I totally missed these the first time having just started blogging and getting to know everyone in November of 2008.
    I just pinned it! I love this idea for Christmas ornaments! Great PDF. thank you Hanna.

    • Thanks Pam, so glad you’re finding gems in archive of my blog and leaving me comments! :-) Thanks! Let me know if you make some Christmas balls, I love the idea too!

  8271. I never knew what a rose hip was…. thanks to your beautiful photos I am now learned on the subject. :) How are you doing Hanna? :)

  8272. Not to be rude or anything, but why not buy a binder instead if doing the extra work?

    • Alyssa, I understand it’s not for everyone, hehe. But I did my planner for the same reason I make collages, and a skirt, and knit my own scarfs, and paint my furniture and write blog posts and take photos. I love to create! How about you?

      • Ya. I like to create. I’m an amazing drawer, ( I draw anime), I love to sew :) ive made a bunch of bags, I used to knit, and I’m really good with technology. My tech Ed teacher was so impress by how much I know.

  8273. Many poetic lines here, Hannah, and lovely images. There is much that I appreciate about autumn, if I can get it out of my head that winter is coming fast on its heels. This year, I will try my best to appreciate wintertime, too!

  8274. i love this letter you have written and captured through your camera. i am going do the same on my blog…thank you for the inspiration:)

  8275. I really like your embroidered ATCs, Hanna. The next read on my feed reader was a friend that does a lot of creative endeavors, so I immediately linked her to this post. Today, she wrote about ATCs, so I just had to share your site because I think that she’ll love it.

    I want to do a November challenge so badly, but I know that it would probably be wise for me to pass this year. Still, I’m going to tempt myself and take a look.

    I have just started to learn embroidery. I really like it. I want to do it without a pattern, like you are, but I thought that maybe I shouldn’t. YOU’VE CHANGED MY MIND. I have fabric. I have cloth. Transferring patterns can be a pain, so I’m freestyling it, yo!

    Thanks for the inspiration, Hanna. xo

  8276. Update! I just signed up for AEDM. I thought that the rules seemed very forgiving, which is good for someone dealing with health issues. I must add to that, though, that I see art as healing and meditative, so one is good for the other.

  8277. Your blog is absolutely that and more! I visit often and now you have filled whatever time I may think I have with pulling out my sewing basket…oh thank you, another project…no time to feel blue this winter. Thank you for all your inspiration♥

  8278. thank you dear Hanna for the lovely mention!! ah yes, I do love hand stitching..I enjoyed the other links you posted too. thanks!! xo

  8279. Hannah, I’m living with all my interest and my full-time job. Don’t come back to you and comment as much as I would like to. Huuuh, embroidery! I did some on my m.f.p. , but now it is more the idea of sitting down and actually embroider.
    I love the comment above from Prudence Puddleduch: No time to feel blue this winter.
    I wish somebody would remind me of this in case of blue-ness and remind me to sit down and read this post again.
    (btw, I love the color blue, what a shame that I suffer of blue-ness sometimes less, sometimes more, sometimes too much)

  8280. Hanna, such beautiful reds and yellows in your surroundings. I love all of the seasons, but certainly fall/autumn the most.

  8281. I’m sure your paints are so happy to be out in the fresh air! It is interesting to see what you paint ~ the textured cats ~ after a long break from painting. They are unique just like you!

  8282. I love thew idea of using “leftover”threadbundles. I think the ATC’s are really nice.

  8283. Dear Hanna!

    Thank you so much for showing my beautiful sides in these talented pictures!
    I love you too!

    Windy hugs, Autumn

  8284. I agree with you…the art journal as a whole is just about the most pleasurable thing of all, no matter what the individual pages may hold. I like your flower doodle…a beautiful page.

  8285. That is so true! Even my first ‘art’ journal which was nothing more than me tearing out cool things from magazines and printing from the web – makes me very happy! And realize just how much I WANT to do to brighten my home…. just never enough time!
    I love your doodle – what great colors too.

  8286. Oh Hanna, this a simply beautiful in every way. Thank you for giving us this gift of love.

  8287. Such a pretty flower.

    I really like to colour in my doodles too. I mostly use gel pens, coloured pencils, and markers. I’m moving to that point where I will have something to look back on in my journal.

  8288. Hanna! You’re so awesome. I LOVE your embroidery! I think embroidered flowers are so pretty being able to play around with different shades of greens and pinks

    I LOVE your embroidery thoughts – I’ve just finished stitching the cover of my new art journal. I seriously think you are going to LOVE IT! Please please please have a look!

  8289. I love this page. Did you hear Rice’s interview with Dawn Sokol? V. good.
    It really gives some perspective on journaling, for me.

    This is gorgeous.
    Take care!

  8290. Yes, your blog is definitely a sharing of BLISS!! It always brings me back to creativity. Thank you.

    I’m waiting for my computer to be fixed at home before sending my photos over to Michelle’s crusade. It’s a great topic this month, but then, it always is!

    I’m sending out some ATCs because I feel like it, so you may get one at your old addy.


  8291. Beautiful page, Hanna! Love the colors you chose! Thanks for sharing with us and brightening my morning!

  8292. I just visualized happy Hannah on her sofa and had a smile on my face.
    Visualizing was easy because just yesterday night my own little book made me happy.
    enjoy your day

  8293. What patience you have! Beautifully done. This creation put me in mind of a FREE
    class being offered on Oct. 31…by my friend on Willowing.. take a look at Your gorgous flower with extreme detail put me in mind of the mandala. Debi♥

  8294. Thanks so much for sharing your art journal. I’ve just started one at the beginning of October & am really enjoying the process. I’m getting lots of inspiration looking at your pages.

  8295. I love the colours in this page! And I do love pages in my journal, but I love so much more the WHOLE journal in it’s entirety. The way it bulges with paint and gesso and the way the book my hands…delicious, and motivating to keep filling journals.

  8296. Hanna, terrific post. There’s NOT A DOUBT IN MY MIND that you’re an artist. It surprises me to witness any doubt coming from you but I suppose we all go through that from time to time. Art is about well-being….well said. I love that you have to turn off your brain. I’m guessing that is because you have so many ideas, not because of the little voices that make us self-critique. I LOVE your bouqet of pen colors. Exactly what I would like to have on my table daily. How fun to give as a gift too – disguised in cone shaped wrapping as if they were flowers :) Beautiful pages! Thanks for sharing your perspective with the team. We always appreciate that you write and create from the heart.

  8297. Hanna,
    Such a wonderful page and I think you stated it perfectly, ‘so easy and yet so hard’. I love your bouquet of pens, too. Thank you for the inspiration!

  8298. I don’t know… I feel like an artist, and I love to think of myself as an artist, however if someone asked me to describe myself, it is not a word or description that would come to mind. I feel almost silly calling myself an artist. To me, someone who is an artist is someone who does it as a full time job. For me, art is something I do as a hobby when I have time, although I am always creating in some form or another. I don’t feel like I deserve the title of ‘artist’… maybe that needs to change, and I need to start believing a little bit more…

  8299. I believe in you and your art Hanna! Yours was one of the very first blogs I ever found, and you are an amazing creative woman…!!
    Well done on the Crusade.
    Best wishes, tj

  8300. Hannah, I am new to your blog and to Stockholm. I stumbled upon you while trying to locate an art supply store, (which I have thanks to you). You are undoubtedly an artist. I think of creativity as the spirit within us that pushes our expressions out into the world. Filling a small space with the sound of what moves us allowing it freedom. You have a beautiful spirit that is obvious in your creations. I wonder if there is an artist living, (or dead) who hasn’t had the same doubts. Thank you for sharing your art, it resonates with me.

  8301. I can really relate to your post Hanna. I feel self-conscious stating out loud that I am an artist, although I know I need to believe it. I loved your pages, and am inspired to try this challenge – although I’m running out of time! Thank you…

  8302. I love your doodle-filled heart, and I agree with you completely that, above all, art is about well-being. It is nourishing and energizing (once it’s had its way with draining you of all energy!).

  8303. Love your art and statements! Your heart of art is gorgeous! Keep aying it – you must believe it!

  8304. The other day, a friend of mine was talking about me to someone, and she said, “Sandra’s an artist” and I immediately thought, “Who? Me?” I make art; but often feel like I’m not a “real artist” because I’m not selling my work (yet) and it’s not in galleries, etc.

    By the way, I DO think of you as an artist, Hanna. One of my favorites.

  8305. I believe you are an artist, too! And you inspire me to grow up to be one ;-)


  8306. It took me quite some time before I dared calling myself an artist and/or writer… and when I first used those words, I was a little scared like I would be punished for it or something… but I truly felt/feel that way, ‘in my heart’ as you call it, and there’s no doubt anymore. I love your shiny vibrant ART (in capitals dear!) Keep on rollin’!!!

  8307. I was visiting a church with a friend and the preacher started his sermon by asking “Who is an artist?” At that moment I acknowledged myself and raised my hand. Now I can proudly say “I am an artist” outloud to the world and it feels good.

  8308. beautiful pages with powerful sentiments! i may have to make my own statement for the crusade later today – thanks for the link.

  8309. Art like Beauty is in the eye of the beholder….If women didnt posess more than their fair share of self doubt, there would many more famous Women Artists. So lets take example from our idols ladies….less doubt and MORE ART!♥ Happy Halloween from Canada

  8310. Hannah, your art is colorful and refreshing like a spring rain dancing off flower petals! And, I totally relate to your statement: “My well-being comes from colours, new combinations and moving my hands with the brain turned off.” That’s a not only a necessary space to visit but a welcoming one!

    • Thanks for your lovely comment, Barbara Marie, such poetic comments make me smile! The brain is such a useful tool, but its great when it is almost silent for a little while too, right?! :-)

  8311. This is so great, Hanna, and a wonderful source for contemplation. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself so often!

  8312. I love the altered table Hanna, you turned it into a real beauty! Oh yes, altering ‘the oldies’ is so fulfilling!

  8313. Love it Hanna! And turquoise is such a nice cheery colour to have around…especially now heading into the Swedish winter!

  8314. What a gorgeous colour, it must make you feel wonderful recycling for your little nook, giving it your own special touch.
    Glass top tables make a wonderful light box too…place a light underneath and voila…every creative person needs a light box at some time.
    Lovely blog and I love your journal pages (although I could not access the link to look at further pages, do I need permission?).
    Thanks for popping by for a visit recently.

    Jacky xox

  8315. I agree with Tarsh, it’s the entire journal, the weight of it, the drips and drops and rainbow goodness of it all. And I like that you are creating doodles plus journaling, a lovely combination.

  8316. I love “before and after” features, too, and will look forward to seeing more corners of your home. You chose a perfect color for your table, and did a great job making it exactly what you wanted for your space. I agree that we would all be better off if we looked for what we need from among what we already have, instead of rushing to buy new. I don’t always manage to live that way, though!

  8317. Hej! Mlarfrg r toppen. Dels fr att det piggar upp, och fr att det ger mbler nytt liv, s behver man inte kpa nytt. Finfint med din pigga frg!

  8318. Fantastic! I feel the same way; art is my happy place. And you’re right, sometimes it’s hard to turn off the “can’t” part of your brain. Good job fighting off the negativity!

  8319. I love this blue!!! Blue’s my favorite color anyway! Hanna…I got carried away and commented on an old post…the button candle holder post…I didn’t notice the date…way cool though!

  8320. Love this colour! And you are right, why buy something new when you can turn something into your own style and colour!
    I still love my purple painted bench that I use as coffeetable in the living room

    Somewhere in the near future I will have to move, but I still can’t make up my mind about how I want to furnish a new home… :-)

  8321. What fun to see ‘meneer de uil’ (mister owl, as he is called in Dutch) in Swedish!!
    Here it was always broadcast just before bedtime, as a kind of bedtime story. And at the end he then said something like ‘And for now, close you eyes and shut your beaks, goodnight! They are still broadcasting it, but I’m not sure whether that are reruns or new episodes. In 2005 it was elected ‘best childrens program ever’. Aaahhh, this is so nostalgic!!

  8322. Oh, my!! Hanna, you just gave me the most awesome “flashback” ever!

    I remember listening to this show when I was extremely young. (6?) It was dubbed in french, as well. :) Now, I can’t remember the title of the show in french, but I do remember the characters very well! How beautiful they were and how calm they seemed.

    Wow, thank you for this! It brings back some long forgotten memories. :)

  8323. Hello Hanna
    Thank you for looking at my blog, I’ve also linked this blog. I can’t wait to complete the list!

  8324. Oh my god! You just put me on a sentimental journey! Meneer de Uil and De Fabeltjeskrant! I still know most of the characters and can do their voices too. But I guess that goes for many many Dutch people who grew up with this series. Thanks for a blast from the past!

  8325. Haaa… Caatje is right! I grew up with ‘meneer de Uil’ – my favorite was ‘louike de vos’ (the fox) … I didn’t know you had it on television too?!! Thanks for the sentimental journey!

  8326. I didn’t know the show is so well known !
    My favorite were the brothers, gebroeders Bever.
    (I was a bit scared of ‘meneer de uil’ )
    I like the page, it reminds me of a soul collage card…

  8327. I’m just catching up on the last few posts — so much loveliness, I want to comment on every post! Your place is looking so cozy and your art journal is always gorgeous. Thank you, as always, for lots of insight and inspiration — and for introducing me to Mr Owl, who I will enjoy sharing with my children this week! :)

  8328. Ohh, Meneer de Uil! Lovely to see him again. He is indeed Dutch and was a great hit – not just for kids! At thta time we had no tv ourselves and only got to watch it when we visited my aunt. She loved to watch the series as well, even by herself. :-)

    There were so many life lessons to learn from this show, even for grown ups. Thank you for sharing this!

  8329. Hanna, you have a lot of Dutch readers it seems, and we all have fond memories of De Fabeltjeskrant. And you also. It sounds very nice in Swedish.

  8330. The owl says… oogjes dicht en snaveltjes toe, in dutch, witch means shut your eyes and keep your beaks closed… The Fabeltjeskrant was a bedtimestory for children… and growups… This was the way everybody was sent to bed…

  8331. Well, I watched the whole film, even though I didn’t understand any of what they were saying. What great puppets. Do you love the craft the went into this? The scenery and the characters.
    Thanks for sharing this, Hanna.

  8332. Hanna, this is SUCH an improvement. You’re right; it’s so worth it to reuse someone else’s discards. I hardly ever see anything new that I am in love with, but the thrift stores are filled with cool things!

    We have an IKEA pine coffee table that I want to paint. You have inspired me to do a blog post about it when I do!

  8333. This reminds me of when I started watching the BBC series Upstairs, Downstairs (I know, I’m 40 years late!), and the second episode was in black and white. They had a notice at the beginning about how there was a strike, and some of the episodes were black and white. Anyway, it is really interesting to look at something so familiar, but in black and white. It’s a great training for seeing your art and photography in a new way.

  8334. You are right. Leah is an engaging teacher.

    I like this idea of inkblots. In the second photo, I keep seeing two bison coming out of the pages.

  8335. Love these Hannah… and I enjoy Leah too. I’ve been linking up for Art Every Day Month – it’s quite a challenge for me with my little zoo. I’ll have to try the inkblots this week – a nice something different in my art journal. xo!

  8336. Inkblot number 2:
    Left page — a dog’s head in profile.
    Right page — a rabbit standing up on it’s hind legs.

    I’m off to see my shrink now, Ms Rorschach ;-)

  8337. What a fun thing to try! I really liked Leah’s examples. In your first ink blot, I see a little owl on the left page, just under the pink ink. And I totally see those bison that Jodi sees (I probably shouldn’t have read the comments before I tried to see pictures myself!).

  8338. On the left one, I see a dog up on his hind legs…you can see his legs, and his tail. I see rabbit ears at the top of the second one! Hehe. That was fun. I enjoyed the video, too. I must try this!

  8339. Oo, fun! I’m so glad you shared the inkblots! I hope you’ll share what you do with them too!

    In the top one, I see a fat little elephant on the right page. hehe. And in the second, I see a face covering both pages.

  8340. In image 2, I see a dog heads in each side, mirrored images of course.

    In the first one I did see a bison on the right and on the left , the beginnings of a Kachina doll….although that could be a product of the Southwest arts show I went to today. :)

  8341. In the first ink blot I see a struggle of good and evil. A monster with long claws and the diminishing good that’s still inside. The monster persona is more represented on the right, while the normal person persona that’s faded and disappearing is represented on the left.

    In the second ink blot I see Big Foot’s feet prints (look at it upside down).

  8342. On the last one, on the right hand side page I see a gorgeous little creature, looking upwards. She has little black (grey) bunny ears.
    I am off to check out the video and see what I come up with. Thanks for sharing.

    Jacky xox

  8343. I so agree with you – and you saw I touched briefly on this on my post today too. We do forget to use our imaginations and get so caught up with perfection.

    The babies look like scan pictures – new life waiting to be born… just like our art. Great imagery and symbolism.

  8344. In your work, I can see horses and in the top one I can see a man’s face but he also has a tusk coming out of the right side of his mouth, (on the left as you look at the page). I just see odd shapes everywhere these days!!
    Thank you for such an ineresting post.
    Gwen xx

  8345. I love ink blot art ! It is so freeing to let that imagination just play. I love the black and white effect of your Babies. Awesome play, Hanna !

  8346. What a lovely exercise. I love how intuition is brought to the surface with these. In the first inkblot I saw a white bird rising up agains the dark shadow at the top of the page. I really like the twins, and how they’re almost the opposite of each other.

  8347. This was a really great post and I loved the thoughts on imagination… I think that the whole AEDM thing is pushing me to think more openly… the twins are quite fascinating and I will be interested to see you make of them xx

  8348. Hanna, I was doing some research about diy planners and I found yours… I love it!!!!! Thanks for the tutorial, that’s exactly what I needed to make my 2012 planner/organizer. I can’t wait to see what it will look like.

  8349. This is dazzling…………I like the thread nests…… I know what to do with the thread patches I get when my bobbin isnt in right. Thank you for the inspiration Hanna♥

    • Debie, right? Thanks for leaving me a comment and calling my little cards “dazzling” — wow! Glad you can think positive about your bobbin misshaps from now on, hehe, personally I hate when those happen! ;-)

  8350. Hi Hanna, what beautiful things you’ve made here. I wonder, do you do anything to protect them when finished? Watercolours……water, raindrops ??

    • Laila, thanks for your lovely comment my dear! I have not used anything to protect the watercolour surface, I want to keep the feel of thread and fabric. So no, don’t think they would hold up very well to a tropic storm, but I made them as artist trading cards and I hope whomever gets them will keep them safe. :-)

  8351. The top one nr 1 (top blob) looks like ET wearing sunglasses and smoking a cigar….

    I love the elephant, I saw two penguins.
    It looks like a messy technique, I’ll try it in my ‘messy ‘ art journal.

    • Cynthia Eloise,
      I usually draw the ATC size onto a bigger piece of fabric and create it before cutting it out, in that way at least I have some edges to hold while stitching. :-) Thanks for leaving me a comment!

  8352. Your work is simply beautiful.
    I now have something to teach myself.

    • Caatje, thanks, so glad you enjoyed my embroidered ATCs. I love your pink inktense flowers a lot, they are oh so pretty! I’m drawing flowers in my art journal too right now… Or I don’t know… flowers, doodles, mandalas, patterns – a mix of it all just filling the pages. Yum!

    • FranT, thank you for leaving visiting me too and leaving such a sweet comment! I totally love your drawings and doodles!

  8353. I haven’t done anything with fabric for year… just got tired of it after graduating as a ‘textile teacher’ (I went to art school to become a teacher in art/painting/drawing and textile’fabrics’) Seeing your ATC’s, it’s for the first time I feel an itch… it might be something to pick up again during the cold and dark December evenings… your ATC’s are really inspiring!!

    • Marit, what an honour it would be to be the one who started the textile itch back up again. I hope you give it a try, making ATCs are addicting. Let me know if you make some and we’ll trade!

  8354. I love your inkblot pages! And I enjoy reading about your process because when I do this exercise, I too seem to get stuck with seeing the same things over and over. Leah’s practice is really inspiring and I am having fun working with it … here are some pages I did recently (they are wayyyy at the bottom.)

    As the days are getting grayer here, I come to visit you for a dose of vibrant color and inspiration!

    xo Lis

  8355. Oh how i love this journal – it really makes me happy! You are so incredibly talented Hanna!

    Love, Violette
    p.s have you used safety envelopes in juornals before – you know the ones they hide things in – they have cellophane windows?

    • Thanks Violette,
      so glad my journal can make you happy too! :-)

      This entire journal is made out of mostly envelopes – all different kinds, some have those transparent windows. Sometimes they are difficult to work around (filling the page with the colours I want without covering the window too much) but they do give the page and extra dimension and a peek of what’s coming. I like that. Sometimes cut out the front of the envelope with window and sew it in, as an extra pocket. Have you tried using them?

  8356. Wow! Absolutely fantastic looking stool Hanna! That must really cheer you up each and every day, especially if you see the table too.

    Christmas presents- 98% bought and wrapped! I’m on the ball this year. I’ve just got to get my husbands presents (but now what I’m getting him so is just a matter of ordering) and exchange some sterling for kronor (for my teenage nieces and nephews) and I’ll be all set!

  8357. Love the stool…a perfect color for a great transformation. I think a little shop full of painted and decoupaged furniture would be amazing. When I was teaching, I always used a stool at the front of the classroom, and I was always planning to decoupage it to make it more personal and ME. And you know what?…I never did it! I’m looking around the room for something to decoupage right now…. :-)

  8358. Beautiful stool, Hanna! In some of my travels, I actually came across a small store where the lady painted and decoupaged old furniture. The store was so bright and happy! Wished I could have fit a piece in my suitcase. If it’s your dream, I say pursue it!

  8359. I have a stool just like that from Ikea. I painted mine too. I painted the legs red and left the 2 steps a natural wood color. I love it.

  8360. I painted my stool red acouple of years ago. It goes along well with my other red details in the kitchen.

  8361. amazing transformation! you are right, painting furniture is a hard job — but you made it look effortless!

  8362. Hi, Hanna. Your new stool color is marvy, and I loved the table, too. I think one reason things are monotone in the stores is because it’s a safer way to sell something. It’s less costly, as you said. But it does make shopping kind of a bore sometimes. It’s great to find lovely things on the web from people who have excellent creativity!

  8363. Love the stool! Such a pretty color :]
    Those bags, to die for!! BEAUTIFUL <3
    If only the website could be translated in english?!
    darn it…

  8364. At first, this spread looked like two bison heads, with the mouth open (especially on the left side) But your elephant is fun. I missed your first inkblot post so I’m going to go check it out.

  8365. Even though I saw your babies on the later post, this inkblot looks to me like handcuffs. Or something with horns. Isn’t it wild how we all see different things? I’m going to try this with paint tomorrow. I don’t have any india ink.

    Thanks for the video!

    • Thanks for your lovely comment!

      Colours and pens and comments about the fun of it makes my heart sing. Come back soon again!

  8366. Sometimes…there’s no place like home :) I noticed your blue stool…love it! I am getting inspired to get out my embroidery again…now that winter’s almost upon us here. I was looking at all your stitching…lovely!

  8367. Okay, YOUR doodles are fantastic. It’s really cool that you brought something happy and joyful out of a place of such doubt. The doubt seems to never be gone completely, but it is a great impetus to break free, isn’t it?

    Pens are my new favorite tool! And you know I love my some gesso and gel medium. But I’m becoming addicted to pens!

  8368. Vad hrligt att hra ngon som knner s fr sitt hem. Tycker alla bara stressar runt idag. Det ska renoveras, stdas eller fly hemmet genom att aktiveras utomhus. Ne, tacka vet jag hrliga dagar hemmavid. Just nu r jag mammaledig och fr inte till den dr knslan riktigt. Stressar mest runt fr att f det att fungera. Men den tiden kommer om en s dr 15 r nr tonringarna vgrar vara hemma och jag kan skapa hur mycket jag vill!!! *Lngtar* ;-)

    • Anna, tack fr kommentaren! Jag har precis flyttat och ntligen ftt ett eget litet bo. Det r fantastiskt. Jag tror p devisen att gra det bsta av den situation man har just nu, inte att vnta p bttre tider… Hoppas du fr till det innan barnen blir tonringar, och att ni fr mysa hemma i ledighetens alla msten – trots att allt inte r perfekt nnu.

  8369. Love your blog, especially all your crafty posts and art journal peeks!! You’re just amazing! I smile every time I come on your blog and there is a new post, I check back everyday in anticipation! :)Oh, and your tutorials rock, you should do them more often, Hanna!!
    Hugs and Kisses from England,
    Becca :)x

    • Becca dear, thank you for your generous comment – you so made me smile and think about my next tutorial. It will be a good one, I hope. :-)

  8370. How wonderful that you feel so cozy and nested in your home, Hanna. I think that is wonderful. You can travel so many placed in your amazing imagination anyway ! Enjoy your cozy nest !

  8371. So great that you have settled into loving your home! What a great shadow you caught on the wall. I had fun with your links…especially the plastic toys and painted stones.

  8372. Hi Hanna
    I’m having trouble opening the PDF for your lovely patchwork ball. I can see the picture of it, but get this message when I attempt open. Any ideas, I’d love to make one. Thanks.
    Error 403: Forbidden
    You don’t have permissions to access this page. Please check file and directory permissions and .htaccess configuration if you are able to do this. Otherwise, request your webmaster to grant you access.

    • Sue, the file is there and I can see it and access it without being logged in to my blog. I don’t know why you can’t get it, maybe it is the settings of your browser, or you need to update your pdf-reader-program on your computer. Ask a friend to try from a different computer, perhaps, and see if that works. Let me know if you need any further help.


      • thanks Hanna. I think it is something to do with using Chrome on my iMac, even though other pdf files open OK in this browser. Have managed to open your tutorial using Safari. So will now be able to sew the ball for our grandson’s christmas present:)

        One last question – did you use synthetic stuffing used for toy making or something else? Thanks and regards – Sue

  8373. These Dala are beautiful ! We have fallen in love with the Dala. My husband works the wood and I am a painter. I am sure he will paint some himself as he is very talented. We also love the Tomte and Nisse and perhaps they will be coming along soon too. Perhaps a few Julbock will show up. I am happy to say that we can enjoy having our own and giving them as gifts. Get your crafting knives out folks and start whittlin’! These are so much fun !

  8374. Just one last thing this evening. I believe that the earliest Dala were true red like the many of the ones made today. It may appear that they were more orange because many of the older Dala have faded because of oxidation. Reds oxidize more quickly and dramatically than other colors and depending on the pigment used the red could take on a more yellow or golden cast over the years. That is why we often see older vehicles with the red paint looking faded. In recent history, there has been much improvement in red paint to help retard the oxidation process. There are also UV retardant polys used to help items painted red maintain their true color. I am sure many of you know this but I thought I would throw this out there for those who don’t. By the way, all the colors are great. We are lucky to have many choices. Happy Holidays! God Jul !

  8375. I love my Lamy! I did the same thing as you when I got it — opened my journal to a blank page and doodled my heart out! What size nib did you get? Mine came with a F, but I bought the EF because I like thin lines. It’s so cool you can switch them! And you have the same one as me — pretty turquoise!

  8376. That’s the fountain pen that I had put on my wish list! I was hoping to get one for Christmas. I’m curious too, which nib size did you get? I’ve been wavering between the fine and medium nibs.

  8377. I hadn’t seen these pens before but they look really nice. I may have to put it on my wish list… It looks like it makes gorgeous doodles.

  8378. me tooo and it’s a similar color :)) ….try Noodler’s ink, Hanna….especially the bullet proof ones….enjoy!!

  8379. This is by far one of the best tutorials that I have seen to date. I’d go as far as to say… I love you for posting this!! Haha!

  8380. Jag hller med Anna W, sknt att ha en sn knsla fr sitt hem istllet fr att stressa ver snt som behver “frbttras”… Jag gillar mitt hem ocks! Tack frresten fr den grymma lnken med alla plastleksakerna – fr mig att ngra alla man slngt sen man var liten! :)

    • Karin, kul att du kommer frbi och kommenterar! Knns som om alla mina lsare r frn USA, s jag blir extra glad nr jag fr svenskt finbesk! Ja, jag har hittat massor av kul pyssel med plastleksaker p senaste tiden, tror jag dras till dem fr de r s hrligt plastiga och frgglada. :-)

  8381. I got mine just recently too, same colour! Would you believe they sell them in WH Smith here in the UK? I was *so* excited when I saw it! :)

  8382. I don’t know the branch – but I’m a junk when it comes to pens… I totally understand your excitement! Enjoy, enjoy beautiful one! Go doodle some more!

  8383. How nice to hear about a new pen! I’m a pen addict. I think pen addiction can end a relationship. Often, it’s a difficult choice.

    I’m going to go check this out. If it can make me doodles like this, it’s worth the tole!!

    p.s. I’d guess the tv show, but I’m behind on your postings, so I’m not sure what you’re watching, yet.

  8384. I have this very same pen with a 1.1 cursive italic. I really love it. It’s a happy color.

  8385. Be careful with the Carbon ink (i’m assuming it’s the Platinum brand). You can use it with fountain pens, but it has the potential to clog the feed. Make sure to rinse the pen out often when you are using that type of ink. Here’s a discussion on the Fountain Pen Network.

    If you want something waterproof, I’ll second the recommendation for Noodler’s brand. My favorite shop is Goulet Pens (No affiliation) I don’t know if that will help with the duties/taxes or not.

    Anyway, enjoy your pen! If you get hooked, there’s a whole world of fountain pens out there…

  8386. Hanna, The photo of your blue sweater and shiny pen is so crisp and lovely. I’ve been contemplating the purchase of a Lamy Safari and I will be curious to learn how this compares to a rapidograph or pointed calligraphy nib. Your doodles are so happy!

  8387. I just ordered a new set of Prisma pencils and am going pay duty on them :( I have put Lamy on my list for next month, lol! Beautiful doodling and love the ink color. Tack fr att hjlpa mig ge min konst missbruk! :)

  8388. I have a pen like that too. In a different color. I got the medium nib. Did you get the adapter so you can fill it with different kinds of ink? Oh my. Now I want to doodle all day! Have fun.

  8389. wow, beautiful! I love seeing dyed fabrics and how people use inks and sprays, but usually shy away myself, because I make a mess :) tee hee!

  8390. Hanna, I had so much fun doing that earlier this year! Your pile of fabric looks wonderful – so bright and full of sunshine!! I am sure you will so enjoy using them! =)

  8391. Beautiful images – as always! I love my Lamys too, I think I have five. Not the pretty turquoise, though… I have had no problems with Platinum Carbon Ink in mine, but it is probably wise to rinse the pen every second refill or so.
    Seems to me that the Carbon ink doesn’t really go well with the Moleskine paper, though. Otherwise I love it – waterproof. :)
    Underbara doodles! :)

  8392. Haha! I just kindof-accidently-slipped this book into my Amazon Christmas order for the dog! Oops, silly me…..^..^

  8393. What a beautiful idea! I have a small black notebook that I would love to turn into a planner by covering the outside with some pretty fabric, however I’m not very crafty….=/ You did an amazing job! What a gorgeous planner!

  8394. I am getting one for christmas either pullip Kaela or Yuki…I can’t decide

  8395. Thanks for your honest opinion iHanna. I appreciate it. You do great book reviews.

  8396. I appreciate that you give your honest opinion about books, and that you explain why you think that way.

    I must say, at Amazon I especially look at the negative reviews. In general they tell me more than the raving positive ones without explanation (even more since I read somewhere that people are being paid for reviews. But I don’t know whether that is true). And then I decide if what they say is important for me or not.

  8397. Hannah, I own this book and I could not agree more with your review. I bought it on Amazon, so I did not know when buying it that it was mostly a gallery of the author’s work. It has lovely photography, and I like her work, so I do find the book great for visual inspiration, but I thought from the subtitle there would be more content about sketchbooks and more mixed-media instruction.

  8398. I do think reviews should be honest – and actually, I don’t think this was a negative review at all, just because you pointed out some things that you didn’t love – overall, I can tell that you enjoyed the book and your review made me want to go read her blog!

  8399. Great honest review, iHana….I’ve come to realize this on many other books..and it is even more upfront in my mind as we write our book. Learning about publishers and which one is affiliated with each type of book too…very interesting to me.

    That is a very pretty book though…

  8400. i also have sarah’s book, and i couldn’t agree with you more! it’s a really pretty book, but like you, i was hoping for a little more instruction. thanks for mentioning the mini notebook…..i had forgotten i was going to start one of those!! :))

  8401. How cool you were quoting me. I also loved that Sarah herself responded to my amazon review. I think that speaks for her as a person.

    I had the same double feeling you seem to have about the book. I love love love her artwork, but I was disappointed in the content. It’s really a book to look at, not a book to read or learn something from. And Sarah’s work is definitely good enough to be looked at often!

  8402. Great review…I definitely think the point of reviews is to help others see or know better what the book is all about. I think with the online shopping, we miss out on the flipping through a book in the bookstore, to see if we really want to buy it. Reviews really help us – so don’t stop!

    About pretty books, I think they have their place… oftentimes our expectations of something alters our view of the final product. It all depends what we expected from the book to begin with! For those who are visually inspired this would be a great book. For those who want instructions for projects…maybe this is not a fitting book for them. We all work differently and have different goals, so again… depends what you are looking for. I think this book would be great to have on the coffee table or creative loungy area…would be inspirational in my mind!

  8403. Hi Hanna, this book was on my amazon wishlist for some time, and then i read a couple of reviews, Caatje’s among them and decided not to get it.. i want books that give me information about techniques and fuel my creativity; though this book is beautiful, it is more a magazine as you say than a book that provides something to jump off from….

  8404. I love that stool! It’s one of my favorite colors. I wish my husband liked painted furniture, because I would fill my house with it, if he did!

  8405. Thank you for yet another wonderful book to chase after! I found a small, blank page, hardcover book at Winners recently and love the doves on the front. Thanks to you and your great information, I can start small in this art journaling adventure.

  8406. This was one of just four books I put on my Christmas list, and I am hoping very much to get it. I read the reviews on Amazon, including Caatje’s, so I feel like I am going into it with my eyes open. And I’m so glad they are open, because the pictures look beautiful! I think I understand what this book has to offer, as well as what I am not going to get from it, and I’m all right with that! Again, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book.

  8407. I’m so glad you’ve signed up for Flattr, Hanna! You ARE a content producer, and you definitely put so much time and heart into what you share here. I think it’s important for any blogger to not be afraid to make this effort evident to her readers once in a while, and to ask for support if she wants it. So, bravo on both counts!

    • Thanks for the first flattr click and your comment on the blog Diane! One of these days I will take the time to subscribe to your craftypod podcast and pay for it, as you well deserve – because I do miss it.

  8408. This is a great book review Hanna. I agree with Leah, above, who says “I don’t think this is a negative review at all.” Nor did I find Caatje’s review to be negative… It sounds to me like you both enjoyed the book very much. But the challenge with buying books online is that we can’t flip through them and get a true feel for what we’re getting – and that is where accurate and honest reviews come in. It’s okay to have a book that’s mostly visual inspiration (I adore Sarah’s work as well), but you need to know that’s what you’re getting BEFORE you spend your money, and I strongly agree that this book is mis-named and a bit mis-represented — but gorgeous, nevertheless!

    • Kim, thanks for comment and your support! I’m a big fan and I will be waiting eagerly for the list of the best books you’ve read this year to come up on your blog in a month or so?! I read the hunger game on your recommendations this year and loved it!

  8409. Hi Hanna,
    my plan was to sent you an email, but I coulnd’t find your adress. So I use this for my question.
    Me and my friend Kris are leading and joining several Round Robin Projects and we’re having a blog where we share al the nice things everybody made. At this moment the blog is mostely filled with pictures, but we want to do something else too. So we’re looking for guestbloggers to inspire us and all of our readers.
    And because we both really love the things you make and you inspire us, we want to ask you if you want to be one of our guests?
    Let me know, and if you have any quenstions you can send me an email.


    • Marjolein, thanks for asking! I’m so glad I inspire you guys! I don’t think I can do it right now, but please ask/remind me in January (and on what theme/topic you want it) and I will be happy to make a guest post of some kind for you.

      Take care!

  8410. it’s amazing how music can lift the spirits. i notice when i walk in the morning, my walk seems so much shorter and easier when i listen to music. some good music and a glass of wine really brings out the creative juices.

  8411. Hanna, what a vibrant fun page. Love the colors and the starkness of the black – gets my attention, especially since it is hand-written. I am humming along as I read your list – love that! I’m dialing up P!nk right now and will replay it about 7 times. Definitely an energizer. Love what you said about music being able to lift your mood. I’m a believer in that! Thanks for sharing with the team!!

  8412. Great colors! And a lovely idea to journal your playlists.
    Art inspired by music has such an accessible, familiar quality, don’t you think? Adds a dimension to your work that others can relate to and enjoy because they know the music; it’s always fun to see how someone else interprets a track you know well.

    Thank you for introducing me to Spotify…I’ve been trying to figure out a way to share my playlists with friends and on the blog, and 8tracks just wasn’t doing it for me (will only upload tracks purchased from iTunes, it seems).
    XX Nat

  8413. Love your cheery journal page. You will love looking back on this page in a few years to remember what you loved now.

  8414. Sweden is my favorite place in the whole world. I’m especially fond of Dalarna, the land of my great-grandmother, Anna Lena. But every trip to Sweden (there have been 12 now) includes some time in Stockholm. I’m a big lover of folk art, so always go to the Nordiska Museum and Skansen, but I haven’t done the flea market scene. You can bet I will next time. Last time I was there my sister and I were lucky enough to be invited to a family wedding that took place on Dalar Skans. A cherished memory for sure. Thanks for this post. I know it had to take a long time and a lot of thought. Oh, and if we have coffee, may I please have kardemumma bullar?

  8415. I need to check out some of your songs – I tend to listen to the same things all the time. I really like the prettiness of your page; it’s very uplifting. Thanks for sharing with us.

  8416. Thanks for this review. I’ve been reading raves about this book. It is nice to read a balanced review that gives a realistic picture (so to speak) of what the book is about. I have a lot of cookbooks, and I try to avoid buying those that are mostly pretty pictures, however lovely and appetizing the pictures may be. There’s a place for pretty art books and pretty cook books. I prefer art books and cook books to have useful information most of the time.

    As for how the author received a book deal, I imagine that having a popular blog with beautiful artwork had a lot to do with it. In addition, she may have had friends in the publishing world or artist friends who have written books who helped her get in contact with the right people.

    Painted Pages looks lovely, but I think I’d rather read the author’s blog. :)

  8417. Well let me tell you, that is a PINK page!! good advice you give to. I love your big, blue bird!

  8418. Love that I am on the other side of the world also listening to Regina Spektor and Pink :-) Must check out your other fav’s

  8419. hi hanna……great advice, its good to go back to the basics to get started sometimes. your pages always look so effortless, i think pretty just flows from your fingers to the page.

  8420. I always have trouble with the timezones and figuring out the time ‘overthere’… luckely I don’t have that with you… so good afternoon dear!!! I love your pink journal page nd the idea of building a rainbow. I do wish I had the time, but I’m building my own rainbows nowadays… no time to play along, sorry. I wish you a colourful and bright weekend! Go pink! YEAY!

  8421. Hanna, thanks for dropping in on the blog. We always hope for a white Christmas here. You never know what you will get in Missouri. It can snow anytime from November through March. This is my first year living here, but my husband was here last year. Every year is different. At least one can hope.

    I love your idea of picking just one color. Mine would have to be purple or green.

  8422. Hanna, you are the hostess with the mostest (as we say of a good hostess). I can’t think of a better introduction to the color pink than a splash of pinky pink in your fun journal. Your work is always fresh + fun!

  8423. Your colors were warm and cheery and allowed the “tunes” to pop off the page. Thanks for sharing, Hanna!

  8424. Many thanks to you, Hostess of Pink! :-) Thanks for the look at your journal spread, as well as the good advice to focus, start now, and keep ourselves in the moment instead of worrying about getting that fabulous, fat journal NOW! It’s a good lesson in patience, diligence and, of course, art-making fun.

  8425. oww, such a great idea! <3 I'm in love with Mail Art! If you do this next year, please let me know, I'll share it on my blog, so we could make the event bigger & bigger.
    So sad about the missed sign-up date,

  8426. That is one very sweet page.
    As for daily habits: I think things can only be a real habit if it’s okay to skip a day or two or three every now and then without beating yourself up over it. I consider writing every morning my daily habit. What it means is that I write about 80 tot 85 % of the days and the rest I don’t have time, am running late or just don’t feel like it. What makes it a habit is the fact that I keep coming back to it without any pressure and become grumpy if too many days pass without me doing it, because I start to miss it. I think forcing yourself to keep up a really daily habit is almost undoable. We’re people, not robots. Congrats on almost finishing your journal. I wish I could leaf through it!

  8427. I just love your blog. Your work is fantastic. On your site, is there any tutorials that show how you can make an art journal? I visited many sites, but they just can’t compare to your work.

  8428. who said your habits had to be daily?…..i think we put too much pressure on ourselves sometimes…….take away the deadlines & let it happen . i find the creativity begins to find its own rhythm. ….gorgeous, colourful butterfly page, i like the bluebird page too.

  8429. Very pretty! I try to journal daily, but I agree with Raylee above, who says we should take away the deadlines and just let it happen. So much more fun that way, too!

  8430. Hi Hanna…this is a beautiful page and so is the pink one below. I have learned not to make any pledges to myself to do anything each day….because I will break it for sure :)

  8431. Very lovely journal page.
    Such an inspiring post as well…”I enjoy my time with this journal”, so true.
    Thank you for sharing :]

  8432. Yes, Advent is such a great time. We celebrate it here too and the windows truly are a sight these days. I hope you have a joyful Advent too.

  8433. Hanna, I find it interesting that the mini-collages are 4×4″ and this summer we did the 3×5″ index card challenge. It makes sense as a size for experimenting, for all of the reasons we love index cards! I love a teeny weeny canvas for drawing, painting and collage.

  8434. Hi Hanna – I’m trying to contact you via email. Could you please email me at shannonganshorn at gmail dot come? I want to tell you about my new project and see if you can participate!!!

  8435. I’m with you Hanna – love candlelight, especially on the table on December evenings. I think this is the longest ever Advent season – my first candle is already getting very small and we have another week to go. I’ve become a big fan of the battery powered votives….look lovely around my nativity with no worry about fire.
    Happy Advent to you too.

  8436. I think about you when I see owls too. I see a cute owl at flickr or on pinterest and I think… Hanna would love this! This vivid red ink is wonderful, and everything just pops against the red. Cool pages.

  8437. The red ink is a great addition. Red always scares me a little–to bold. But here it has a heart-warming feeling. And I love the work you put on the rest of the page.

  8438. Cool spread! I think of you when I see owls too (and Mon from Bohemian Twilight). I don’t use red much. Must try using it more- it adds such a lovely pop.

  8439. Since my family is basically been here at earliest since 1633, no much of our “heritage” has survived. I so very much enjoy this sharing of traditions from other countries. While we have many traditions, like (usually me) reading the real story of Christmas, Jesus’ birth, from the Bible, followed by reciting (again, usually me :) The Night Before Christmas, until the children were old enough for one of them to do this, we didn’t do much besides open one present (*always* new pjs :) The other one I remember most was mama spending much of Christmas a.m. in the kitchen so we could all enjoy everyone’s company, while also enjoying a Christmas Big Brunch after opening presents. Now, my family enjoys cinnamon rolls, or maybe doughnuts, (depending on how far the “baker” (again, *me* :) got with her chores, followed by opening presents, and *then*… the big breakfast brunch. Those special traditions, which surely they brought over with them from Scotland/England/Wales, simply didn’t survive all those years down to us, so it is especially warm and rewarding for me to enjoy those of others, such as yours, so Thanks you, iHanna.

  8440. Another vote for the red ink! Works really well with the watercolours. Great spread. I find the owl a bit scary tho lol!

  8441. Hej Hanna! Jag r fortfarande fascinerad av det dr med Art journal, men har inte kommit mig fr att gra ngot liknande…

    Svar p din frga hos mig: Pumlor r runda kulor, ett ord som kanske bara anvnds i norra Sverige?

  8442. I too have been noticing the presence of light in the darkness this year. It feels good for the heart and soul !
    Wishing you a heart filled with light, Lovely One !

  8443. Interesting topic and I think we often has problems to face…so the deep writing can be a bit too revealing at times. I find myself going in and out of journaling a lot versus just putting down a few descriptive words… it’s definitely a journey of thick and thin.

  8444. My handwritten journal varies a lot. Sometimes it is like the morning pages, where I just write and write for a few pages, kind of a stream-of-consciousness writing. Other times, my mind is heavy and I need to unload it, I have to work things out on paper. Sometimes, I’m just chatty with myself, jotting down little bits or working out the details of my upcoming day.

    I think that it’s kind of like being a friend to myself. It’s difficult to express any other way, but that’s really what it is for me.

    Good thoughts, Hanna.

  8445. Sometimes using images is needed to explore myself and my life, other times its words.
    Sometimes I make soulcollage cards, sometimes I write stories .
    I have learned over the years I can trust my (creative) instinct to choose the right tool…

    A definition of deepwriting? A mirror .
    (I guess I am in a visual mood)

  8446. I started journaling about 2 years ago. I know for a fact that through these particularly tough years I’ve been experiencing, writing has definitely helped me keep my head straight.
    I love your description of how your journaling sometimes jumps around, deep stuff in the middle of lunch…and beyond a list of daily activities. I find that I always start out with daily stuff, but the stuff that really seems to count the most and needs to come out is all the stuff after that.
    Thanks for this post! Happy Christmas Hanna! <3

  8447. Deep writing for me requires deep emotion. I need to be feeling something to really write hard. Tears usually accompany this process- not because of sadness but more out of intensity. I find I often get carried away with what I write and I don’t always stay true to my emotions when I do this so I thoroughly edit what I write over several occasions until what I’ve said feels timeless and pure. Otherwise I look at it and feel like I was just caught up in a moment and being over the top. When I work at it and finally get something down which I feel is honest and a true representation of myself I feel success- not for what I’ve written but for getting to know myself just a little bit better.

  8448. So glad you talked about how titles of books don’t necessarily match the content – it can be very misleading IF one doesn’t read any reviews.
    I like reading the negative reviews on Amazon too, as they come across as more informative (generally).
    I’m off to check out Sarah’s blog now!

  8449. I like your string of lights, Hannah. Last year at Christmas, we strung up some light-up stars between the two windows in our living room…stars my husband had when he was a boy. I told him to leave them up all year, because they make me feel so happy, warm, and magical when they are on at night. So, of course, they are up still to celebrate this Christmas, and I plan to keep them there long after.

  8450. I love pink lights! I have some that I have up in the bathroom. I discovered your blog and work recently. I’ve been really taken by the postcards that you made, the index cards, and the collages that are on your flickr site. I love your use of color as well as the way that you mix painting and collage. Thanks for sharing.

  8451. I agree. Leave them up all year! I used to have pink heart fairy lights which now live I my daughters bedroom and we used to have a gold fairy light garland over our bed head that had each light set in a gold fabric flower. After a while the little flowers started to break so I took them down but I love having lights up all year.

  8452. I have a whole curtain of christmas lights at the back of my hourse which has huge sliding doors. I keep them there all year long, just because I like them. ;-)

  8453. We have lots of lights here in Nova Scotia this month to brighten up our dark nights. I have a “Charlie Brown” tree with birds and white lights that I leave up in our living room all year round to cheer me up.

  8454. I really liked the comment by Jodi Anderson: “kind of being a friend to myself”. That is exactly how I feel when I write down my deepest thoughts. :o) I have written diaries and morning pages. Today, I do not write at all and I miss it. I miss my friend. ;o)

  8455. The candle is lovely. Just launch yourself on your next project – your embroideries are always so gorgeous.

  8456. happy christmas!

    I love your candle embroidery….. and how you snatched every possible moment to work on it. It is a very strong image that works very well.

    ps your pink fairy lights are SO sweet! I can see why you will be keeping them up!!!!


  8457. Stopped by to check up and see what wonderful, creative things you were up to and to say thank you for the wonderful posts over the past year. You help keep me energized and inspired. Thanks for all you do and have a great holiday season and an exciting new year.

  8458. Wishing you happy holidays Hanna — I hope lots of your wishes arrive from Santa!!

    I hadn’t realized Suzi Blu’s book was already out there, thanks for sharing, I must investigate!!

    xxx tj

    • Happy Holidays to you too TJ, and to your family as well. I bet it’s great to be “home” now at Christmas? Wishing you all good.

  8459. I am a wish list addict. I wish everyone had one because it would a) make gift buying so much easier and b) I think it reveals quite a lot about people and their aspirations. I’m also a generous spirit and if I know someone has a wish list I occassionally surprise them with random gifts from it just to make them smile. Plus I always find I want things that people don’t want to buy me, like bundles of paper or a special pair of scissors- they’re not ‘normal’ gifts and people feel funny buying them for you unless you clearly say ‘buy me crap off my wish list’ and then they don’t feel so bad for getting you blue tack or a knife sharpener but youre happy because you get exactly what you really want and not another bottle of bubble bath. All hail wish lists.

    • Haha, thanks Lianne for joining me in loving wish lists! I wish more people were like us though, wishing for glue and papers – it’s easy to get and cheap. I think it’s easy to give great gifts when we really want anything (almost) from the art shops! :-) Merry Christmas!

  8460. Haven’t Pinned yet ! So many cool things so little time !

    I am wishing you the sweetest of holiday times, Hanna, and many wonderful gifties !

    • The same to you and your family Kim! I think you need to be on pinterest, at least once a week to check all the good things coming up there. Take care and merry x-mas!

  8461. Hanna, have a wonderful holiday and I really hope that you get all that you wish for,
    you are a giving person and I really thank you

    • Your words warms my heart, thank you Patricia! Here’s to another great year of sharing and creating!

    • Thanks everyone, you’re so sweet. Smilla and I are enjoying family, good food and having a nice time.


  8462. detta med ATC
    sg p en repris p TV och blev intresserad
    vilken grupp r du med i …
    skte p ATC och hittade dej

    • Hej Md, vad kul att du hittat min blogg! Vad var det fr program p tv dr de pratade om ATC? *nyfiken* Jag r med i broderiakademin och du r vlkommen som medlem dr. Vi har lokalgrupper runt om i hela Sverige och en del aktiviteter. Kolla in hemsidan eller hr av dig till mig igen s hjlper jag grna till.

  8463. oooh, LOVE these photos of you!
    girl on film!!!
    love the idea of revisiting favorite posts.
    i’m going to click over and read those now.
    thanks hanna, for always being such a
    loyal and enthusiastic crusader.

  8464. Love these pictures of you! They are so happy and fun! Love the posts you looked back on too. Happy new year Hanna! Gott Nytt r Hanna!

  8465. Your authenticity post was a fav of mine. I appreciated the honesty. I love your self-portrait pics – they are so happy & cute. Happy New Year!

  8466. Hanna, I can’t believe I found this article of yours! I’m new to visual journaling and collaging and was just sitting here, looking at a ton of magazines I’ve amassed and wondering if it’s better to cut the images I like ahead of time and put them in folders, or leave them in the magazines and go hunting for them when I’m actually doing the collage.
    You’re ideas are brilliant and will also give me a lot more space in my house and save a ton of time! Thank you!!!

  8467. Fab tutorial – thank you! My planner this year is a blank notebook that I’ve written the dates in, so that I can keep the back free for the dozens of lists that stitch my life together! – it’s awaiting a funky cover though, and it doesn’t feel so good using it before it’s properly ‘finished’.

  8468. i have just written a blog post about how fussy i am about diaries- but this is seriously amazing!
    i was given an amazing diary for christmas, but now i’m already excited for next year- i can already see myself planning something like this, oops!
    skye x

  8469. Love your photos, Hanna…what a great smile in that first one! Happy New Year to you, and thank you for ALL of your interesting and inspiring posts!

  8470. love your series, hanna! So joyful. You daily self-portrait sounds like an interesting project too, hmmmmm. And thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment! A warm and creative New year to YoU!

  8471. Oh my goodness- I can’t believe how much you have achieved, and how much information you have on hand. Such as, you know how many books you’ve read (thanks to your planner). I am so impressed. I hope 2012 is an even better and brighter year for you.

  8472. Oooh! This is a very lovely review of a year – terrific accomplishments and memories too. Bravo to you girl!! Thanks for sharing with the team, and leading by example how to celebrate our Ta-Da’s. Well done girl….and as Cath said, hoping 2012 is even better.

  8473. I enjoyed seeing your review of the past year…my, my…how do you do all that? :) Keep doing what you are doing and have a great 2012.

  8474. Hanna, you sure have achieved a lot this year! And it was a great reminder for me, a reader, of some of the fun things in your archives to go back and look over. Think I may keep track of my achievements this year too since it kind of fits with my word for the year (gratitude).

  8475. I love your photo video of accomplishments – and that list is amazing! I like the idea of celebrating what you accomplished last year instead of setting unrealistic expectations for the new year. I have a few loose goals to help move me forward, but now I’ll definitely find a way to chronicle/journal/remember my accomplishments as I go through the year. It’ll take some thought to see if I can compile a list for this crusade. Congrats!

  8476. Oh my heavens, you are making me want this pen more and more! That is it, I have to put it on my Birthday list…wait Valentine’s Day is first! LOL! Happy New Year! I can’t wait to see all the fun and creative things you do this year :)

  8477. Wow you did so well! I found your blog while searching Google for a tutorial on how to make a cat bed! I’ve fallen in love with your blog and will be back to read all about your adventures! Lots of love xx

  8478. Ohhh! Something wonderful for my 2012 Wish List!!! I adore pens and LOVE fountain pens!!! If I am lucky enough to get one, I wonder if it will help me doodle as superbly as you!!! Happy creating & Happy 2012! Hugs, Terri ♥

  8479. My dear friend, i miss you so much ..
    Thank you so much for your visit.
    I gonna to compile the list like yours too :)
    Wishing you a happy new year !!!

  8480. I LOVE LOVE LOVE fountain pens! They make me journal so well!
    The words just flow out with the ink! It’s like dancing on paper, if you get the right pen, ink and paper!

  8481. Happy New Year Hanna!!! Starting with refilling ink is always a good thing – if not the best! I LOOOOVE pens! (all sorts!) May 2012 be filled with joy, happiness, warmth, love and ink!

  8482. The lights are gorgeous!

    One of the challenges of having Christmas in summer in Australia is that it gets dark so late that Christmas lights are almost superfluous. Makes me (almost) yearn for a white Christmas.

  8483. This is genius! I’m trying to get back into some creative exercises & this may get me going. Thank you for sharing & reminding us to celebrate our accomplishments.

    Happy Creative New Year

  8484. I’m new to quilting and wash wondering what you did with the edges of the photo fabric when sewing it to the background fabric. Thank you!

  8485. Hi Hanna! Happy New Year, and it looks like Happy New Fountain Pen Ink!!! :D
    Fountain pens really are fun to use, and it looks like you’re getting the hang of the nib right away! Thank you for your kind comments at my site… I am SO happy to be able to put making art at the top of my priority list again!
    Here’s to much wonderful doodles and the making of stuff in 2012!
    All my best,

  8486. WHAT a major WOW.
    You blow me away.
    and that’s not easy.

    Awesome work, Hanna
    Happy New Year to you!


  8487. Hanna this pen fascinated me when you first shared about it. But I always push down pretty hard on my pens. Do you find that the nibs split easily? I don’t really push as hard doodling, until I start to get really INTO it. I’ve never tried it with a fountain pen, but when I used to love writing with fountain pens I had to give that up because I kept ruining the nibs.

    I’m such a delicate lady-like flower of a girl, you know.

  8488. Dear Hanna;
    I am so sorry that I have not been here to wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I think you are so groovy. I hope your new year is absolutely stunning.

  8489. I love this post. Your voice is authentic and always gets me nudged to follow my own voice.

    For me, deep writing is something that makes time slip away and everything disappear, just like when I am immersed in painting or doodling. Deep writing is also sometimes scary. When I feel that I am getting to the very nerve of something and I feel anxious or exhilerated, I know I am writing deep.

    I like Quinn McDonald.

    take care

  8490. Im working through a black cartridge ATM but I’ve just bought a pack of multicoloured cartridges that I’m desperate to try. I love fountain pens. They make my handwriting look so much more elegant and they just feel right.

  8491. Stories like this always may me smile in gratitude. You and Jude are creating a special kind of magic using feathers. Thank you for the inspiration.

  8492. Happy New Year Hanna. Your feathers looks great and I’m sure Jude will put something magical together with all those feathers. Exciting to wait for the result.

  8493. Vilken hrlig historia, och vilket fint broderi! Synd att jag inte hrde om det tidigare, hade grna varit med, men det kommer skert fler sna hr fina grejer. Jttefint tyg du har anvnt ocks! (brukar inte kommentera p din blogg, men lser allt o var med i din postcardswap o r jtteglad fr din blogg som r s inspirerande!)

  8494. Hi Hanna,

    I was wondering where you found that plastic glitter cover? Do you know where I can find something similar? I really want to make something similar to yours because it looks so great!


    • Eva, sorry, I have no idea where you can get that kind of paper. But any paper will look great, and you can add some glitter yourself with a glitter glue. Good luck.

    • You can buy glitter spray paint lots of places. It might even be easier to put on than glitter paper. :)

  8495. Hanna…love the rich colors on this spread. Your feather stitchery is lovely…and thanks for the tip about the pen below…I’m always on the search for yet a better marking pen. Have a great art-filled new year!

  8496. oh, hanna, this is absolutely gorgeous! love love love the colors, swirls, shapes, and patterns, both the cover and the pages.. i so wish i could spend some time browsing through your journals – with sixteen filled ones to look through, i think i would just about explode from inspiration. thanks so much for sharing!

  8497. Thanks for the great idea. I was able to find the glitter paper at a craft store called AC Moore here in the US.

  8498. Hi Hanna,
    I get your blog as an email. I just love what you have done with the free style circles or doodles. You might be interested in Traci bautistaFREE class with Strathmore
    Paper. It is very interesting and your work reminds me that you are so far above the over 2000 people taking the course. It is all on video and it is for a month.
    I just know you would love being part of it and your talent is amazing and refreshing.
    I just wanted you to know about the class.
    I really liked how you did the composition notebook journal. Very nice. It is the Strathmore Workshop.

  8499. What a lovely art journal!
    Already off to a great start, I see :]
    I am working on creating an alter book/filled with pages from THE BOOK OF DAYS 2011- with Effy Wild.
    The group is really great… such inspiring ladies.

  8500. Gorgeous cover, Hanna! Can’t wait to see how you fill up your new journal! So exciting!
    Big hugs,

  8501. Hanna, what a wonderful, colourful start to a new journal!!! Everything you make puts the biggest smile on my face. Your art is happiness. True!

  8502. Hi, Hanna: I am making my own planner for 2012. I’m going with a one-page-per-day format, in InDesign. Do you have any idea how I could generate the dates automatically, without having to hand write them in?

    I’ve been searching all over the Internet, and even visited the DIY Planner site, but am having no luck.

    Thank you!

    • Sandra, good luck with your calendar. I don’t think there is a date function in InDesign. The quickest way would be to make a week and then print them and number the pages by hand, that’s what I did with mine. :-)

    • If you don’t want to hand write them, a date stamper would be the quick and easy way to go, just rolling it around to the next date, like the library uses.

  8503. Hanna, I love the colors on the cover of this journal…definitely something I would love to pick up and work in all year! Your colorful spread is so beautiful and energizing…I can only imagine how fun it was to play with paints and create!

  8504. Dear Hanna! All the best to you in 2012! Let it be the best year yet – both personally and professionally for you :) You have been amazingly productive in 2012, keep it up and keep inspiring others – what you are doing really really rocks!!!

  8505. Hi I just stumbled onto your site through a linklist of recent fountain pen post.

    A word of warning. While the Lamy is quite solid, I’d still advise against filling the converter directly from the bottle. It is better for the fountain pen if you fill it by dunking the nib into the ink and then sucking up the ink through the pen into the converter.

    Reasons are numerous but one sticks out: prevent damage to the converter.

    Like I said, Lamy are quite solid but other converters, should you use them in the future, can easily crack and leak if you have to remove and reinsert them over and over again.

    Other reasons include keeping the pen healthy. If your ink only come from cartridges or a separately filled converter, then the ink will travel only one way. Over time, a long time if the pen is used regularly, dried ink will build up inside the pen and you’ll get flow issues. Filling the pen directly from the bottom will make the ink flood the entire nib and section of the pen, essentially rejuvenating the pen.

    For the Safari this isn’t much of a problem because you can take it apart completely for cleaning.

    Again, I suggest filling from the nib and only taking out the converter when you do a very thorough cleaning, like taking the pen completely apart.

    If you want more information on fountain pens, there’s an entire forum filled with nuts like me at

    Chris: I’m not Hanna but if you’ll allow me to, I’ll give some information about this. I own several Lamy pens and teach how to hold a pen and write and such.
    Lamy has 2-3 kinds of nibs. The swappable steel, swappable gold and the nibs that aren’t swappable.
    The steel are quite strong, nail-like but given sufficient pressure, any nib will split. The gold are very springy and would get damaged or sprung. Originally, fountain pens were portable versions of dip nib pens and often had very soft, flex, superflex or wet noodle nibs that spread their tines incredibly with very little pressure.—pg-2.html for examples.
    Even today it is best to have the only pressure on the pen be the weight of the pen itself. I test this myself with a kitchen scale. Most of the time my pressure is around 20-35 grammes, or the weight of the pen itself.
    Fountain pens, real ones, good ones, don’t require any pressure whatsoever to produce their line.

    While the lamy steel nibs can withstand quite a bit of pressure, I wouldn’t recommend it. I give fountain pens as gifts quite a lot, only to people who know what they are and can use them. But even among those are people who press very hard or hold the pen in a bad way. A 100 euro pen was damaged by someone who used fountain pens all their life. She held the pen in a very crooked manner and pressed too hard while she thought she didn’t press hard at all.

    I’m rambling on again…
    I would suggest checking out and making sure you don’t have Death Grip. This is a way of holding the pen that destroys your wrists, gives wrist cramps etc. Tripod grip is the preferred way as it doesn’t give those problems.

    Try it out. Lamy nibs are cheap and easily replaced

    Hope this helps

    Oh and one more thing, using many different colors. Mixing inks is dangerous in that it can result in SITB. Stuff/sludge in the bottle. Or worse, SITP, stuff in the pen. Some inks are safe to mix, others not so much. This means that unless the ink cartridges you have specifically state that they can be mixed, don’t put a different color cartridge into your pen without first cleaning your pen.

    If your pen was inked only recently, like a few weeks/months, then all that is needed is to hold it under lukewarm or cold water, letting the water enter through where the cartridge goes and exit through the nib. This flushes the old ink out. Takes a minute or two. Then stand the nib up on a piece of tissue paper so the water is drawn out of the nib. Some like to let it stand like that for 24-48 hours, but I believe 5 minutes is sufficient. This ensures perfect pen health, no SITB, rejuvenates even the most stubborn pen, etc.

    Welcome to the world of fountain pens :D

  8506. Your blog is a treasure. I`ve read many of your posts and will return. Your art journals are divine. I love primary, bright colors.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your nice comment. I wear a small glove to keep my hand warm when I sew. It helps.


  8507. Sounds like a great challenge for us embroiderers. It’s so easy getting stuck using the same kind of stitches the whole time. I can’t add anymore to my plate at the moment, but I’ll definitely keep looking it up for inspiration. Thanks for telling us about it!

  8508. Lovely feathers – I love your story too. It was such a great project to be involved in.
    These are mine :-)

  8509. Wow! That’s a beautiful painting!! A great start for your journal. Thanks for all the inspiration, I’ve been reading here for years, and it’s always interesting andfun!

  8510. Hi Hanna! Your embroidery start is quite impressive! I like the crazy quilt idea… maybe start small so it’s not overwhelming… but that way you have something to show all your work and progress on, in one place! Happy Stitching! :D

  8511. 17 ? That is amazing !

    I work continuously in one journal until it is full, not really paying attention to the year. They are amzing documents of moments of my life though, and I love them ! I recently said that if I had to leave my house in five minutes due to a fire or something, I would grab my kitties and the dog, my lap top and my art journals. Irreplaceable and much loved.

    Thank you for sharing your process so generously and openly with us all the time, Hanna. You are amazing !
    Happy New Year !

  8512. What a nice drawing of Smilla! How much you must miss her.
    I have been drawing patterns lately, they are so fun to draw and it’s so relaxing.

  8513. What a great drawing! I have been really slacking on the drawing and art journaling since my foot surgery! Hoping to get back at it soon!

  8514. Such a lovely picture! I’ve just started an art journal this year, however, I can’t draw at all, so I need lots of practice!

  8515. Your planner idea is awesome and very very pretty I have been wanting one for ages but I wanted A personal one and gave up trying to make one as it didnt look right once I had finished but you have really inspired me to make my own! have you ever considered making a business out of this as i think people would love it !!! Thank-you for the help and inspiration !!

  8516. Oh my!!! I am blown away by how prolific you are! You must have the energy of two four year olds! I’m tired just looking at your wonderful list, but inspired at the same time! :D You do so much and so well… looks like you were a very busy girl, and I dare say you enjoyed yourself! Happy 2012!

  8517. Your fly stitch work is great! I didn’t get started this week due to being out of town for the holidays and cannot wait to get home and start!

    I also want to take a moment to invite you over to my blog to read about a quilt show I am hosting.

  8518. It’s always surprising what you find when out on walks. I always carry a camera in my bag now to capture all those surprises. Love the scooter!

  8519. Hanna, Hope you are keeping warm! I so enjoyed your photos, especially the boat on the water, that would be an interesting sketch.

  8520. I’m enjoying the TAST this third time through. There are so many great variations for the Fly Stitch! It looks like you are experimenting with thread as well as stitch. I’m excited about doing this and expanding my knowledge!

  8521. Congratulations on your stitching. I feel it is lovely that you are sewing along with the TAST group. Im trying to stitch with them as well. Kathy

  8522. Hanna, what a great idea! Even a tape dispenser can look as it belongs to you, this made my day. Thanks for beeing such an inspiring person.

  8523. Hello Hanna,

    thank you sooo much for the mention of sequin waste and where to find it!!! I live in Germany, where really no-one has heard of art journaling and have been looking “for the tiny holes stuff” for quite a while… trying to figure out what it is and where to get it, without much success. well, until today :)

    Apart from that I like your blog very much!

    penny lane

    • Thanks Penny Lane, I live in Sweden and I haven’t seen this stuff much here either, but on etsy etc there are plenty to be found and bought. Have fun with your art journaling and painting!

  8524. Now why have I never thought of doing that. Thanks for the great idea, Hanna. I’m going to pretty up my tape dispenser right now.

  8525. No wonder you’re filled with afterglow after making these lovely colored sun-balls. I really adore the colors in this spread, looks so summery. Thanks for sharing.

  8526. I love this spread! I love bright, happy, sunshiny colors. I’ve been playing in my journal lately, too, and just posted a new spread today.

  8527. Oh wow, this is such a fantastic spread! Like I said on the previous one, I would frame and hang it :-) And I can really relate to “the afterglow of painting”! makes me want to get my paint out NOW!

  8528. I can see why you’re glowing! This is utter happiness. Glorious color. The best kind of attitude, expressed withut words. (And I don’t have slather on the suncreen *grin*)

  8529. After I saw this happy-feeling art of yours, I did two more pretty pages in my collage journal! Thank you for the inspiration Hanna~!

  8530. It’s a cold, grey and rainy day in the Netherlands… kinda depressing weather really. Thanks for lighting me up with these bright pages!

  8531. What a great list!! You GO girl!! I have bookmarked you so I can come back and see what you are up to again – although I think I may pale in comparison ;) Have a great weekend!

  8532. Hey Hanna,
    I love your planner! its is sooo pretty! I;m trying to make one of my own, but i cant seem to find any GOOD templates.. any ideas> i checked && DIY planners…. i dont really understand the InDesign…

  8533. Is it awful that the biggest reason I wanted to upgrade my phone was to have a better camera? I have an LG Esteem and it’s got a decent camera, MUCH better than my old one at least as it’s got flash and the pictures are just nicer in general.
    I use an app called Little Photo that has lots of fun effects.
    What you said about it being a camera with internet capability is so true! I hate talking on the phone so the included camera makes it bearable to have one, hehe.
    Did you know that they have memory cards that have wifi in them so you can send them directly from your point and shoot to the computer? I’ve never used one, but I’d like to know how they work!

  8534. I feel so inspired right now! It really shows us that the limitations we think we’ve are just in our minds!

  8535. Hey, I was wondering where you found the winking lady photo that’s featured in one of your pictures? It’s super cute and I’d really like to include in my own templates if possible. :)

    • Hi Eva, No idea where I found her, but there is a lot of free images online, I bet you can find something similar. Search for vintage illlustrations etc.

  8536. Limitations truly exist only in our minds! Equally inspiring story about Johan Venninen was aired in the Finnish TV last winter. He too was blind but did not let it keep him from doing stuff. He lived alone doing what ever he wanted. We went out to the sea to fish using his home made homing beacon (based on how well various radio stations could be received), sharp ears (he could distinguish different parts of shoreline by the sound of waves) and homemade 3D-maps to navigate. He welded and built all kinds of things, but he is most famous for the cellar or vault be blasted out into a rock face at his summer cottage. Yes, you read it right, blasted out. With dynamite. He was an explosive expert before he lost his sight in two explosion related accidents.

    Talk about accomplished people. We definitely have no excuse.

  8537. Please check the link to the index card party– doesn’t work and I wanna attend!

  8538. Hanna, The photos you’ve shared are ultra retro and cool too! I love playing with the phone apps on my phone, the imperfect nature of the shots is indeed the charm. I’ve not taken any self-portraits, and that is a great idea. I’ll give it a “shot!”

  8539. This is fun to read about. I do have a new iPhone and have enjoyed taking pics on it a lot, but have never used a photo app. I love your sampling here. Especially the roses!
    Hope you are doing well

  8540. Great circles! Painting does leave an afterglow. Finishing a piece is such a sense of accomplishment, too.

  8541. Little Smilla! I love the spirit and feel of this one.
    Right now I’m drawing trees and houses. They are odd and kooky. I love all the colors.
    I shared a bit on the site, but I’ll share them all when it’s done.

  8542. Oh, to be so organized with my journals! I never named any. I must do so.
    The first one this year is the sketchbook projects, because it’s due soon. It’s really freeing me up. Sometimes it’s nice to just lay things down and see what they do on the pages. This spread you’ve made is SO fantastic. I love the colors and flow! Everything looks alive on them.
    take care Nice catching up a bit with you.

  8543. such happy colors and freedom~ love the spread and how you wrote about it! just what I needed on a cold, gray day…

  8544. I am so glad that you took the time to play with your paints Hanna (and so beautifully!), and thank you for reminding us to “take care of our time”. I really, really love the way you worded that. — Time truly does go by too quickly when we’re taking it for granted! <3

  8545. Wise words and so beautiful colours. I really like the way you treated it with the white pen. It’s so clean and airy. Thanks for sharing.

  8546. That turned out so nice! And I like your approach to the whole thing too. I haven’t done much yet this year either and love your thought to take care of time.

  8547. I love blue! It is probably my favorite color.

    I know exactly what you mean about time passing and not getting any art done. I’ve gotten very little done this year, so far. I’m trying to keep up my Etsy shop as well, and it’s more work than I had anticipated.

    I notice you are using Marie’s watercolors. I had Marie’s gouache, but it had a rather funny smell and I had to throw the tubes away. Have you noticed anything about the regular watercolors?

  8548. Thanks for this, Hanna. I’ve been focusing on things other than my art as well, and am feeling that deep need to get back to it (even though my time has been well-spent in other ways). I love the look of your white pen on the blue watercolor…beautiful!

  8549. Hi Hanna!
    Thank you so much for listing my Sketchbook Project 2012 post as a source of inspiration! I couldn’t figure out why on such a random day I had a big spike in readership, until I visited your site and saw your post! Thank you VERY, very much! And I appreciate your sentiments regarding time slipping by. Time is such a precious commodity because when you think about it, that’s all we really have, and we trade it for money and belongings, or for making lasting impressions with our written words or our art, etc. You are incredibly productive and I am alway so impressed with what you accomplish, so don’t be too hard on yourself!
    All my best, and thank you again!!!

  8550. hyeee! i’m from malaysia and i just found your tutorial on making our own planner. actually i’m looking at shop but not one suit with my taste…then i google and found yours…love your tutorial and it give me some ideas to do my own…thanks yaaa!

  8551. Beautiful tide of creativity. Love the white on blue–winter colors, but also summer colors. Thanks for reminding us to keep creatively busy!

  8552. this is beautiful and brilliant! <3
    i've just gotten into planners, this is so inspiring!

  8553. Hello,
    I love your tin cans that you covered with wall paper….. They turned out really nice! Hope it’s okay, I have featured them on my new blog. I did a post on using tin cans for craft organization and I thought your cans would be a great feature.

    Thank you so much for sharing :0)

    • Jamie B, glad you liked them and I hope you do something with your own tin cans at home… It’s much nicer if you ask BEFORE taking someones images and showing them on your own blog (or you could just make your own content) but since you’re new at blogging (I’m guessing) I won’t complain too much… Be well!

  8554. I don’t know if there is a specific word for that thing either, but yours sure is a cute needle and thread holder! Your pictures and projects are making me obsessed to want to paint everything white. It just looks so nice and clean and pretty. =c)

  8555. This is eye-popping and hugely inspiring. Thank you for sharing so much Hanna. It is great to see such an organised list and with so much creativity – such energy there. I hope you were encouraged yourself by just how much you were able to achieve.

  8556. Riktigt fin blev den!

    Jag har mina broderinlar i pgende projekt oftast. De resterande har jag fastnlade i ett urklipp frn Alladinaskens skyddspapper. Tyckte det var lite kul en gng i tiden. Nu har jag funderat p att ge dem en finare nldyna att vara p…

  8557. Wonderful collages Hanna! I love your art because it’s always so bright and cheery! I always leave here happy!

  8558. I am onto my second Lamy, my first one was a red safari, and as someone who is not particularly mindful of what happens once it is in my bag (along with whatever counts as a sketchbook at the time I can say I highly recommend these. I favour the safari (only because I can’t put 500$ up for the one I really would like :P) Currently I have a clear with turquoise ink.. my previous was red with turquoise ink. Oh in case you are wondering.. the red one was lifted from my possessions and not returned by some ill mannered fiend.

  8559. Love these collages – why have you kept them hidden for so long (LoL)
    We seem to have a few of the same papers!

  8560. That is awesome. LOVE IT. I totally understand the need to make your own. I bought a planner last year, fell in love with it, went to buy it again this year, THEY DON’T MAKE IT! Just aweful. And I can’t find one like I want, like you, that I can carry around in my purse. You have given me some fabulous ideas and I will have to see what I can create in InDesign for myself. Have a fabulous day.

  8561. The collages are gorgeous as ever Hanna! I haven’t made my goals yet either. January always sneaks off so fast, gone before you hardly catch your breath. My husband and I always schedule a little road trip (with just the two of us – no kids invited!) just for the purpose of time to talk and set goals. We do it in February because we learned a long time ago that we never get around to it in January!

  8562. I have over a dozen different fountain pens (they’re so pretty and each one writes with a different “personality”!). Many are vintage too.
    I was just going to refill them today ( I love the ritual of filling them with all the different colored bottled inks…I’m amassing quite an assortment!) when I read your blog post!
    Your doodles are wonderful and a great way to enjoy the flow of the fountain pen!

  8563. Pretty! Where on the page do you normally start doodling with? I always find that when I get back to my starting point it seems disjointed – my starting points are very obvious to anyone who searches for it.

  8564. Your doodles are so pretty! Unfortunately I’m very talented in making circles look like eggs and doodling flowers where each petal has a different size lol.
    Your post makes me want to use my old fountain pens again (I used to only use fountain pens but my favorite one broke and always made huge ink puddles on the page. Maybe it’s time to get a new one?)

  8565. Hej Hanna!
    Himla kul id. Jag var tvungen att testa och det gick bde snabbt och blev vldigt fint! Tack fr tipset. Jag har bloggat om min variant av tejprullarna, men frsts lnkat till dig.
    Hoppas allt r bra med dig. Tnk vad tiden gr. Bokmrkt har jag inte uppdaterat p mnga mnga r. Men jag lser fortfarande mycket. :-)
    Kram / Helena

  8566. When I first started reading your blog a few years ago (before I knew about journaling or anything!) I remember a posting you did about pens and I didn’t understand. How can someone get obsessed over pens?— This posting today made me giggle because now I completely understand how easy it is to have “favorite” pens! =cD You have shown me such goodness! — I’ve never used a fountain pen before, that looks so fun! My favorite pens to write and doodle with are Pilot G4 gel pens. ;) Pretty simple!

  8567. I love your doodles! I am taking Joanne Sharpe’s Letter Love class, and got some new pens for the occasion. It is amazing how some feel like “work” to use, and some just slide across the page like silk!

  8568. This post sent me over to your Etsy store to do a little shopping! I love your art, and decided that it’s time I had an iHanna original (or two!) in my collection!

  8569. I have always had a love for pens, pencils and paper and your comments gave me the final push to “indulge” myself. Yesterday, I ordered the Lamy Safari pen that I’ve been thinking about for a couple of months! Now, it can’t come quickly enough!

  8570. Hi Hanna – Your blog came up when I googled art journals, my new creative attempt. I enjoyed my visit to your blog, and will be back. I hope you don’t mind that I linked to your blog from my post. Love your work!

  8571. This year I have chosen to set no goals for myself. I think that sometimes we do need to set goals for ourselves and reach out to our dreams, while other times we simply need to let things be, and live each day in the moment. Your collages are great, by the way! My favourite is “Yay Girl”; it makes me smile!

  8572. Oh wow you wouldn’t know it was the same thing!! Your ‘after’ is fantastic!!

    I’ve missed you Hanna — I’m so happy to see you’re still busy creating and inspiring.
    Best wishes from Minnesota…
    xx tj

  8573. Love, love, love this color in your photos! I find myself using lots of teal, orange, and blue…maybe not all together, though! :-)

  8574. Super snazzy way of using up all those old bits I’ve been lugging about over the years. I’ve decided to make some b&w versions and put b&w portraits on front, and then some colored ones, with colored portraits on those. Great inspiration thanks!

  8575. Turquoise is one of my most favorite colors! I saw a coffee table painted turquoise a couple years back and i still can’t get it out of my mind! I am pretty certain my own coffee table will be turquoise one day soon!

    This post simply made my eyes happy! Thank you!

  8576. Love these colors–you have a real eye for colors that brighten the season. I still like Payne’s Gray and Titan Buff, but those are my go-to colors. Today, when I was foam-marbling papers, I reached for blues and greens!

  8577. I love your collages Hnna. They are so fun! And they are very distinct, so very clearly yours. Love them!

  8578. This is my favourite colour. For me it’s optomistic, youthful, the colour of the swimming pool in summer!

    sherrill, montreal

  8579. I adore the planner and I’m going to start on mine tomorrow (as I am finishing my cross-stitch project) but I was wondering what the exact name of your weekly pages were on the DIY Planner website? I couldn’t find them. :(

  8580. perfect little plant stand. it really turned out nice. i too had a pink room as a teenager, everything pink, even painted the furniture. loved it at the time, i still like pink but in moderation.

  8581. Hi Hanna…I love the pink stand…great color choice! I makes the green leaves in the plant really pop!

  8582. Hi Hanna,
    I was wondering if you will be hosting the annual art postcard swap agian this year.
    It was one of my favorite 2011 art projects. I hope you will host it again.

  8583. Hi Hanna, you’re right, it isn’t ok with delayed post but what a great day you must’ve had. Nothing better than a mailbox filled to the edge with goodies. It seems to be candy all of it. Enjoy!!

  8584. What a wonderful, very playful and inspiring site!
    Thank you for sharing :]
    Oh yes… the mystery of the Postal Office. You are not alone on this one…
    Glad your things arrived safely.

  8585. Better late than never, I guess..I can’t believe they all showed up at the same time! Must have felt a little like Christmas! That magazine looks so fun!

  8586. Turquoise and pink! I am in heaven. Can I please come over!

    LOVE the pink plant stand. The shade of pink really does make me smile! And so beautiful with the green plants spilling over it.

    I am so happy you are enjoying your new space so much.

  8587. Very mysterious indeed. Where does it stay, when it’s between addresses? But…you received it and it looks like a wonderful package. Flow is my absolute favorite magazine. I even had the good fortune to have some of my art journal pages published in their special winter edition. I’m still very proud of that! Enjoy all those goodies!

  8588. Men s konstigt! Jag skulle nstan hra av mig till posten fr att frga hur det eventuellt kan komma sig.

    Men r det inte s ocks att man i Kiruna har lagret fr post som inte kommit fram men som heller inte har ngon avsndare. Och att man kan efterska bortkomna frsndelser dr?

    Fast detta mste ju bero p ngot annat.

  8589. jag har en del post som jag fortfarande hller tummarna fr, fast egentligen r jag rtt sker p att allt r borta och kommer att frbli borta. tyvrr. men dom gnger saker dyker upp s blir man ju vldigt glad frsts – som en ovntad frsenad julklapp.

  8590. I’m signing up now! Time for mail!!

    It’s so weird that your mail was delayed so long. Is that when you moved to your new place?

  8591. Oh, I love this added color in your scheme! It’s a great pink,not baby pink at all!

    I want MY OWN PLACE now!!!!!

  8592. yes, I love all your styles! The kitty that I bought from you, and the little journal you so generously gave me, and the wonderful zine you made!! You have a charming style! Your green flower made a wonderful collage, by the way.

  8593. absolutely gorgeous beautfiul and fun, and the feel of a pen on a paper is the most important for me when I pick out a pen to use. I have been really forgetful about getting this pen! I want it! I’m going to order one and some refills. A person only lives once!

    I’ve been working with my pens constantly, Hanna. But I must say, I had my sketchbook project journal almost finished, and then I took it almost all apart and didn’t get it done on time. I felt so dumb about that, but I just could not send out something that was not the way I liked it. I probably used half my pens on that book! I was sad to have to do that. It feels like a death. But at least I took some photos.

  8594. You are so right about staying in touch with your art. I have been going through a horrible time at work and getting ready for an audit, and didn’t do anything for a long time. And now that I’m working on postcards and charms, I feel like I started over, forgot my favorite media and techniques, and it’s slowly coming back to me.

    Thank you for this reminder to others.

  8595. Thank you for sharing this wonderful link !
    I like very much the layouts of this magazine.
    When I post of the mail I always have a small fear that my mail does not reach his addressee. But I like writing and receiving from beautiful enveloppes !

  8596. Hi! Thanks so much for visiting my blog and your sweet comments on my art journaling. I’ve loved looking at your collages, what gorgeousness! Hope you’re having a wonderfully creative day.


  8597. loved being included in the pile of books. i have mine too…am awaiting delivery of Elisabeth Blackcadders ‘Flowers,

  8598. 2nd to what Katherine says. Love love love your sparkly pink planner! But where on the DIY Planner site did you get your pages? I’ve been looking for perfect planner pages for a while and I think yours are the ones for me but I can’t find them. Thanks!!

    • Amy, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! The pages I’m using are made by me for personal use at first. Then I was planning to release my own pages for sale via my blog, but haven’t done so yet. Let me know if you would be interested in purchasing my designed pages as a printable download. :-)

  8599. My day was wonderful, and I’m glad you had a good one. Your doodles never fail to be a delight. My postcards are almost finished and ready to send out.
    Take care!

  8600. love your doodles…. especially the cat.

    glad you had a happy day….. i watched the film Valentines Day for the first time and I loved it! It made me smile :)


  8601. I love taking & editing pictures with my phone too – so much fun! I love the effects you used on these.

  8602. Hi Hanna! I am not sure yet if I will participate in the swap this year, but only because of some crazy time consuming things going on — but I just wanted to tell you (and anyone else who is considering the swap!) that the swap you organize is AWESOME and it is SO much fun! I recommend it to everyone! I am happy to see you charging just a teeny bit — you provide so much inspiration and artistic beauty that I am in FULL support of a teeny tiny payment in order to help you maintain all the lovely goodness on iHanna. Just saying. :)

    • Aww, thank you Denice, you’re too sweet!

      I’m hoping that people with a lot on their plate will make 10 postcards and then come back here to sign up before March 10th! There is plenty of time to make a few cards here and there, several weekends full of time… ;-) I’m hoping you will join Denice, and that what ever is on your plate is creative and enjoyable.

  8603. What a great idea! As a huge postcard fan, I can’t resist. I belong to Postcrossings, but very few people there want a handmade card. This is so much more fun. I’m signing up now because it will take a while for me to make the cards.

  8604. Hanna, I’m in! Your swap is one of the very few swaps I do each year. You have done a great job organizing the swap the past two years and inspiring us with your postcard artwork, but I know it’s a lot of work! Thank you!

  8605. I loved this last year and made some lovely new blog friends too. I’m a bit stuck for time this year, so will have to give it some thought, but will try and see what I can reschedule/forget about/ignore to make the time and then sign up if I can!

    It’s a lot of work for you and I know I really appreciated your hosting last year xx

  8606. I haven’t taken part before, but am definitely considering doing it this year. Just need to make sure I feel a bit better before I commit to it.

  8607. Yippee! I had been thinking about last year’s swap and was wondering if you would be hosting another one and voila! Here you are! It was so much fun to receive mail from all around the world … and once I settled into a rhythm, 10 cards wasn’t too much to do. Off to sign up!
    xo Lis

  8608. Inspiring!! I pushed all aside today to start on some collage postcards and had a blissful few hours, jouned later by me 4 year old grandaughter who loved all the cutting and sticking.
    If i get 10 done by the beginning of March I’m in – and i fully support the charge you are asking for. Thank you for this fabulous project!!!!

  8609. I missed last year and really missed it when I saw all the wonderfulness out there. Sooooo I had to sign up for this one. Really looking forward to it. xox Corrine

  8610. I’ve signed up! Have followed your blog for a few years, love your work! Wasn’t brave enough to join in last year but ready now! Thank you Hanna for doing it again this year. I’m so excited, already made a start on my cards :)

  8611. Definitely an important topic and I also support Diane at CraftyPod through flattr… it’s an interesting experiment!

  8612. Hi Hanna-
    I think it is so very cool that you took the initiative to charge for your postcard swap. I know you put a lot of effort into this (and your blog :) ) so it’s only fair for you to charge for this very special postcard swap.
    I don’t know if I will have time to participate in it this year, as I am rather busy. But I really am thinking about it… ooh, so tempting.
    Much hugs! :)

  8613. Hanna, I love Craftypod and I also have purchased her podcasts and I listen to them over and over! I’m about to listen to the letter writing one, because I’ve been thinking about that wonderful old habit of writing letters for several weeks now. I’ll also listen because, well, it’s Craftypod!

    I have postponed making art my living because I am anxious and also sad about the state of DIY sustainability in the age of the internet. But I know that anything one is that passionate about it worth working through the hard times for!

    Time to go listen and doodle!

  8614. This sounds very cool! I sent payment via paypal and put my contact info in the instructions to seller box. Is there somewhere else I should be sending to? Want to be sure I’m signed up! Thanks!

  8615. Last year, I joined a lodge in California that promotes Swedish heritage and culture. In an effort to become more involved, I just became the newsletter editor.
    It seems that most of the posts I have read about the Dala are copied from each other so it is hard to find unique information.
    But, your blog about the Dala horse if fasinating and really informative. (I’m gradually checking out the rest of your blog too. Love it!)
    Would it be alright if I use your photos in an article I’m putting together for the newsletter? If so, please let me know which ones I am permitted to use. Thanks so much!

  8616. Well, I keep dropping in on your blog via “Dala”! I think it’s time for me to say, “thank you” for sharing every cute thing on the subject… even the Pig! I am now working on some embroidery projects for my sister and I to enjoy together as her health continues to improve…! Pigs!… she’s going to love it!!

    Love your blog! Love it! Love it!

  8617. Hallo lovely Hanna! I just wanted to check with you – I paid on Paypal but wasn’t sure if there is supposed to be a sign-up page afterwards? If so I completely missed it. Sorry! Do I need to do anything or are the address details on the paypal thingiemabob ok? Thanks x

    • Melanie, you’re fine! There is a sign-up page after the paypal payment is set but not everyone is re-directed, not sure why. But I’ve got your information through paypal, postal address and e-mail, so I use that and everything is okay! Just make sure to check the email address that you’re using through paypal because that’s the one I will send your 10 addresses to!

      To everyone else: make sure you have the correct addresses at your paypal account before signing up! Or add it in the message field there. Thank you!

  8618. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to be doing this again. I LOVED the cards I got in return and my mixed media cards I did last year kicked off a year of really exploring paper, paint, glue, etc. for me. Thanks for doing it again!

  8619. I am a “newbie”, discovering myself artistically each day. I stumbled upon your website tonight
    while searching for art journaling ideas, and saw the info about this postcard swap. I decided I want to just go
    for it, and just Do It!! So, whoever ends up with mine will have to realize these will be a beginners attempt!
    My question is, do I make the back like a regular postcard, or an art piece? I assume that we mail the postcards in another
    envelope. Sorry for the long message!

    • Hello Janice,
      because everyone is welcome there is a huge variety of people in the swap. Some are quilters, others artists but most of us happy amateurs that dabble in a little of this and a little of that. The outcome of the postcard can be anything that you like, as long as its from the heart it will be welcomed!

      To your question, should it be a regular postcard or an art piece? Why not both? I have done a collage on one side, and then a “regular postcard backside” with the address and a message to the receiver. If your card is fragile you could put it in a envelope, but you don’t have to!

      For the first year of this swap, I made free printable postcard backsides, you can find them here on the blog. Let me know if you have further questions.

  8620. Hi Hanna,
    I signed up for the Postcard Swap and I’m so excited about participating. I guess in my excited state, I wasn’t thinking clearly and I failed to send you my postal address on the note in PayPal. How do I get that info to you?

    • Hi Anne,
      I have your information as paypal sends along the address you signed up there with. No worries! :-)

      I have contacted a few whos name’s are missing but anyone who hasn’t heard from me are fine if you got your paypal receipt via email.

  8621. Oh, I’m a nut about index cards too! I like to write art ideas on them and put them into a greeting card for my sister. Lately, I’ve been thinking that I’d like to use the index cards more than my “idea” notebook… we’ll see, I’ll probably use both!

    Your cards are lovely… like little scrapbook pages!

    • Rachel, no problem – I got it through paypal, you’ve signed up with the same address there that you used when commenting on the blog. Take care!

  8622. I think I might do this. Have to decide if I want to commit the 6$ since postage went up and mine always have to go hand canceled!

  8623. This is exciting, particularly since I use “In Stitches” as the name for my blog on Tumblr. I’ve been trolling for ideas and interesting things to put into it (am tired of just my own company) and this is just what I’ve been looking for to add more interest!

  8624. Hej Hanna
    Hoppas du sett att jag kr i r. Undrar om du har en swap-tag (heter kanske inte det,men du frstr nog vad jag menar). Vill grna ha det p min blogg sida.

    • Ingrid, ja kul att du vill vara med i vykortsbytet!
      Jag r inte helt sker p vad du menar med tag, det betyder etikett och det har jag inte hittat p ngon, men om du menar en knapp/bild att lnka till swappen med s finns det tre stycken olika i inlgget ovan… Funkar de?

  8625. That turned out so cute! Love it!!! That is a great idea for old hardcover books, and it will be so fun to flip through and see all the different postcards!

  8626. That’s a great idea! I’ve just been using cardboard and loose metal rings to keep everything together! You are genius! How exactly did you attach the ring mechanism to the book though?

    • I’m not entire sure how dad did enitrely. I will make a film next time (when he helps me again). I think you need a Brass fastener or grommet tool + some muscle to fasten it!

      See DIY Paper Binders, it might help

  8627. What a smart way of collecting the cards! I love the handy aspect of the ringbinders, just not the covers and the office look of them.

    Is there aby chance that your dad will show us how he put the ring mechanism into the book cover? That would be super (and he’ll get to be famous…)! :)

  8628. I just signed up for the swap. Hopefully this will be the right project to get me back into the groove of creating art.
    I love your little ring binder! I was planning on doing something like this but had no specific idea in mind. Now I think I’ll copy you and use it for my postcards!!!

  8629. what a great idea! i have hanging the postcards i receive all over my studio but will run out of room eventually. a book is a perfect place to keep them. thanks for sharing.

  8630. I’ve recently started to save postage stamps when they are well designed and have cute subjects. I often glue them on my moleskine pages.
    I also like drawing faux postage stamps. They are fast creative acts and I really enjoy drawing one of two faux stamps when I have 5 minutes to spend in art making :)

    • I’m really really considering using my favorite stamp designs for a moleskine cover… love my notebooks pimped!

  8631. Hi. I LOVE this tutorial. I’m going to college soon and i can’t wait to make a planner (: Do you know if they sell binders the size of your finished binder? I think it would be easier to buy a small binder instead of cutting a regular size one. Thanks for the tutorial (:

  8632. I am SOOO disappointed that I can’t do the swap this year. I’m going to be on holiday and just won’t have time to make and send them in time. Wahhhhh. I love your post card swap and thank you for doing it. Maybe next year.

    • Rockyann, there will be another one next year! Enjoy your holiday and think of me who is always staying at home… Waaaah!

  8633. Yay! I LOVE the magic feather ATC, Hanna! Thanks so much! I am catching up on sleep and trying to cure a cold, but post coming in a few days about mail art. What do you mean “throw away your embroidery attempt” you must be crazy! It’s gorgeous, and perfect, and I am delighted. Thank you!

    • Nat, so glad you’re back safe at home (what an awesome trip you did!) and that the ATC arrived to your satisfaction. Will you join the postcard swap then? I want a postcard from you! *hint hint*

  8634. hej
    hur kan jag ladda hem din postcardswap-grej till min bloggsida?

    • Ingrid, spara ner knappen genom att hgerklicka och vlja “spara bild som” och lgg den t.ex. p ditt skrivbord. Ladda sedan upp den till din egen blogg och lnka bilden till mitt inlgg om swappen. Vet inte exakt vad du vill ha hjlp med, du fr frga igen om du behver mer hjlp. :)

  8635. This is so funny, I was actually thinking the other day how I love stamps and I even started re-collecting them to creative projects.
    I’m even thinking about getting different beautiful stamps that so I can send them to the DIY postcard exchangers. It would be nice for them to get a pretty stamp instead of a regular mapple leaf and/or Queen Elizabeth one. :-p

    • Fanie, indeed, postal stamps can be beautiful but sometimes they are very boring indeed. But the Queen Elizabeth one (in pink!) can be pretty, especially when repeated on a big surface… Or, since you’re an illustrator, should draw your own stamps! Wanna make the official diy postcard swap stamp of 2012? Now that would be cool! Hehe, maybe it could feature me and Smilla… ;-)

      I love Cathe Holden’s printable repeat stamp pattern (intended for a postage-stamp-quilt)!

  8636. Such a cute cute bag! How will you be able to decide between this one or your happy bag as to which one to use each day?! Fabulous job on the bags!

  8637. It looks very “Hannaish” but a bit paler than usual. Isn’t it fun to make something that actually is ment for use. I’m always so happy when I’ve made something out of scraps and then use it. Love your new bag and the earlier made as well.

  8638. WOW!!! I still remember that other gorgeous bag with the hand painted fabric, and now this one – they’re fantastic! So inspiring it makes me want to sew my own bag right now!

  8639. Jag tycker att det r fantastiskt smart att sy sina egna vskor -just fr att man d kan bestmma alla praktiska detaljer som man tycker att man behver (som t ex en pennhllare). Jag har planer p att gra en sjlv, har till och med ett mnster, s snart s. Mste bara klura ut precis vad jag vill ha fr fack och andra finurligheter…

  8640. Hi Hannah!
    I signed up and paid through paypal, but I’m not sure if I registered on the sign in page. I thought I better check, just in case I missed it. I’m excited to participate in this swap this year! Thanks so much for doing it. I’m eager to find out how many are in this year and sooooo looking forward to seeing what wonderful mail will be arriving!
    I’m off to work on my cards!

  8641. i’ve got a good start on my postcards. i’m so glad you are hosting this swap again, i really enjoyed participating last year. i just posted my first batch on my blog.

  8642. It is magnificent, Hanna! Beautiful and better than any mass produced bag on the planet.

    • Thanks Corrine! It would be a lot of fun to sell bags too, but OMG they take time to make, and with all these details I would have to charge more than Gucci… ;-)

    • Ginger,
      hosting a big swap is fun but very time consuming, not sure you realize how big my swaps has been, taking my hours and hours to organize all the e-mail and questions. It’s too bad you feel this way, but I’m sure you can find lots of free swaps elsewhere. I am grateful there are so many who are willing to support a fellow blogger and artist, by paying for the services provided… I’m also hoping that by taking a small fee people will not sign up and forget about their undertaking here. Last year a few swappers didn’t get all their cards and I think that is so sad. :-/

      • I’m really happy to pay, especially such a small amount – it must take you hours – and we artists give a lot for free already i reckon!!! your blog is inspiring and has set me off on all sorts of other projects – thank you!!!!!!

  8643. I absolutely love it! The crochet pocket is very cool.
    Did you use a pattern to assemble the bag or did you just make it up?

  8644. Love it! :)
    Do you use interfacings when you make bags? Because this one seems to me really “solid”.
    And for the doily-pocket… curious, I had the same idea some days ago! :)

    • Silvia, not in the magic bag but I thought it was a bit too floppy, so this one I’ve used a very sturdy interfacing and its much more to my liking. It can stand on its own and I like that. :-) What do you use for yours?

    • Hi Moni, of course you can post them on your blog, I love seeing “in process” and “the finished thing” too! You ccan also add them to the flickr pool if you want to! I would love to see them. :-)

      I will send out the 10 addresses sometimes after the swap closes!

      • thanks for the answer
        I’m doing 20 cards, because even my 10 year old daughter wants to do.
        send two postcards to every address you’ll give me.
        We’re having a lot to create together
        I add images on flickr

  8645. I’ve noticed this bag is sturdy by the photos :)
    I use different kinds of interfacing: one is adhesive (I can buy it here, in a small local shop of sewing stuff) and it gives a “rigid” look to the bags, one is similar to a white felt sheet (I but it on line) and it gives a softer look.
    Sometimes I don’t use interfacing: I have a lot of upholstery fabric’s samples (a gift of a friend) and they are sturdy enough to be used alone.

  8646. I love this (as I love all your collages). You are right about the fields of color adding balance – that’s a wonderful lesson.

  8647. Love your new bag Hannah! The crocheted elements are such a nice touch – it gives me a lot of ideas.

  8648. It is always so weird to me when I look at older work and I love it so much, I am always so critical of the work I am doing ‘in the moment.’ I also like this piece :) It has a lovely composition and nice contrast which makes it quite successful!! And hooray that it sold!!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog today and your kind comment on my drawing, it is much appreciated.

  8649. Beautiful! … Don;t you just love pinterest? I know that some artist are fretting over copyrights and such, but for me it is the wonderful visual bookmarking system that is really energizing by mind and creativity :)

  8650. beautiful and I love all the pink… it does make me think of bravery! I love how you learn from your own past work, great idea…

  8651. Hi Hanna,

    I just joined and I am SO excited!!!!
    Just a small note: The payback account is in my husband’s name. So it would be great if you just change the first name on my address when send it out.

    Thanks :-)

    • Bhupali, I will make sure your husband doesn’t have to send out your postcards! ;-) Thanks for signing up. Have fun creating your cards!

  8652. Wow…I love your postcard inspiration board on Pinterest. I have it bookmarked, and it will likely give me TONS of inspiration as I have more time to explore all that is there!

  8653. What a great bag! I especially like the pen loop (as I too am always digging for a pen in the bottom of my purse) and the crocheted pocket (such a sweet detail). Fabulous!!

    • Thanks Andria! I got my first compliment at the sewing shop (had to by pins because I can’t use those with small heads anymore) where the shop keeper lady asked if it was made by me – and I smiled big. :-)

  8654. Thank you!!!
    I could write you a page letter explaining how much I love your blog. I just found it and it gave me that odd feeling you get when you read a like-minded blog. The odd feeling that a complete stranger seems so alike to me!
    I am A COMPLETE AMATEUR/NEWBIE/LIKE BRAND NEW BloggER/Creative Writer (these have recently come about from me forever thinking about it and my creative chattering mind, ideas and brain farts spilling out of my brain).
    An intermediate craftster
    and a professional/natural born performer (singer/dancer/actor) and I’d like to think of myself as an entrepreneur… in the making.
    I am so excited and inspired by the postcard swap, Starting the 100 list above (like I don’t have enough unfinished projects to finish), exploring your posts and receiving your rss feed and newsletters.
    I am also so new to the blogging world… I am still learning the ropes. Is there any chance we could be email-pals (like the old school pen pals)? I understand your letters may be few and far between, as I am sure you are a very busy girl.
    Thank you again in so many ways.
    PS I am so new and in desperate need of your inspiration and advice that I couldn’t find another way to contact you… First newbie question: Is commenting on one of your fabulous posts the only way to contact you on your fab blog?
    PSS I also have another link/website relevant to me (It’s a headshot and bio on my employer/training home’s website) :
    1 000 000 Thank you’s

  8655. What will I do? I think I’ll fill a book with color, collage and myself ;-) (wait, I’ve been doing that for years already)

  8656. Hello Hanna,
    I would like to ask you a question,
    I have to pay to participate in the swap or is not required?
    thanks a lot!

    • Hi Ambra, yes it’s true just as the first point states: 1. Join the swap by paying the 6 dollar fee via paypal and then filling in your information on the sign in page! Do this before the 10th of March 2011.

  8657. It’s more than the field of colors, it’s the blending of the bright, warm colors that makes me feel like I’m having a good morning already!

  8658. Hanna…love the colors in this collage. I also love the bag you made…I’ve been wanting to make one but I’m not sure where to begin. I also enjoyed looking through the postcard board on Pinterest. :)

  8659. I just found your tutorial today via Pinterest. I love how you describe altering books. I’ve been altering books for quite a few years and found out the hard way about finding one with a sewn binding. Some of my first ones are falling apart. But I learned something new from your post about taking some of the pages from the middle of the signature. I never thought of that. I just take them out at random and I think this will be better. I was going to repin your tutorial on Pinterest, but I wanted to ask you if it would be ok with you if I did. I’m off to explore your links to your journals.

    Thanks for posting.

    • Tricia, thanks for your comment on this tutorial, I appreciate knowing that you enjoyed it and took the time to let me know that it was of value. Not sure you can pin from my images on the blog, because flickr has changed the settings so now they don’t show up on pinning… but if you find it on pinterest again you could pin images from there – I don’t mind, just write “by iHanna” or something in the description. Thanks and welcome back to my blog anytime.

      • I’m using your method for taking out pages now and it is working so much better! Thanks again.

  8660. I find this a great idea and a wonderful way to know other people and other people’s work. This will be my first time. Hope to do it ok.

  8661. Hey, Hanna! It was great to see your comment on my post! How’ve you been? It’s been TOO long! I’ve enjoyed browsing your blog and catching up. You’ve been busy. Lovely photographs – that’s the most snow I’ve seen all season and I live in the “snowbelt”! Your diary is lovely. I’ll be back to sneak a peak when time allows :o)

  8662. I have joined this swap and am sketching out my postcards. I want to add Hanna’s button to my “NEW” blog (not published yet) but I can’t figure it out. Can anyone help me please.

    • Candace, so glad you joined and will start blogging! How to add the blog button to your blog kind of depends on what platform you are blogging on, but you can start by reading the tutorial How To Put A Button In Your Sidebar, and if you need further help get back to me. :-) Share the link to this post on facebook if you can’t figure out how to on a blog, that’s awesome too. Thank you!

      • Thank you for the help. I was talking to a friend and decided I should just use my old blog but I want my button, LOL

  8663. Wow. That’s beautiful. I’ve done a few afghans and they do take patience. But they are so worth it in the end! I myself am working on a all single crochet blanket, almost done!

  8664. She knows how to make herself a wonderful photo opportunity, even if she’s undercover. I notice she’s right over the radiator. Smart cat. That’s a lot of snow–but it does look beautiful!

  8665. Hi Hanna, lovely card! I like it as it is, specialy the way you ‘covered’ prins Charles ;).

  8666. Possibly a couple of little stamped images with that lovely colour would complete it.

    I LOVE stamps and I don’t think they’re ephemeral at all. They’re tiny little bits of history and culture from every corner of the world. Reminders of things that happened and things that we humans want to commemorate. Stamps rock!!!

  8667. i’m a bit of a stamp junkie myself! i just to bid on just random lots on ebay and see what surprises i find. they come together perfectly in your postcard collage!

  8668. I like how you used the beige to tie them all together. I was just looking at my collection of foreign stamps last night, and wondering what to do with them! It’s nice to see what other people do with them!

    • No Lisa, you haven’t missed anything, you were just a little eager. The swap has to be closed before I can distribute the addresses. I hope you have them now and have posted your cards.

      Take care!

  8669. Whom ever receives a post card from you Hanna are very lucky… this is beautiful… I just finished a post card today! I have to officially sign up today!!! I know it closes tomorrow…
    Again, thank you for inspiration and a beautiful blog!

  8670. I am really looking forward to the postcard swap to begin. I made all my cards on Sunday and cannot wait to share them :) I like this stamp idea a lot! And agree that it is some kind of meta-postcard. Lovely.

  8671. Signed up!!! You just have to fill in the paypal form yes???
    I’m so excited!
    AGAIN Thank you.

  8672. Oh my goodness, I am such a slow navigator around the web and such a slow typer… I was number 2 there for a second… I have pretty much blogged and advertised my whole exciting postcard journey… I am LOVE this project.
    AGAIN THANK YOU ihanna and I would love to be in touch with you regarding a swap idea you have inspired! 4 postcards down… (3 blogged about so far) … and 6 more to go

  8673. I’ve added mine ….. and there’s another post before that one that shows how the backgrounds came together

    I still have to finish off the other 5 but they are almost there, so I’ll definitely be ready in time for the off, excited!!!

  8674. PS it may just be down to my technical incompetence, or it might be because I don’t have a tumblr account myself, but Liz (#4 and #5 on the Mr Linky) I couldn’t figure out a way to comment on your site, but I think your cards are super! Especially that Aussie flag – my I hope those sequins all hold on tight in the post!

  8675. Thanks for adding me! I was happy to see on Twitter your site was back up so came over to add myself, and there I was! Will be back later today when I have time to visit everybody else’s links too. Heading out with the youngest in a few. :)

  8676. Lovely postcard — I so love using old postage stamps….happy swapping – just too much on my plate at the mo to join in, but look forward to seeing what others are doing. Glad your site is back…I noticed ;-)

  8677. Glad you are back, I thought oh no, not right before the swap! Looking forward to it. Nice, nice stamps. xox Corrine

  8678. Hi Hanna!
    Just signed on for the Postcard Swap, after trying to get in for 2 days. I am very excited to be a part of it – thank you for making it happen.
    Greetings from sunny South Africa,

  8679. I love, love, love the postcard collage you created for the swap…I am a HUGE fan of postage stamps in my art and crafts!

  8680. Welcome back Hanna! Looking forward to getting my 10 names and sending out these postcards. I so love using stamps in my work too. They are such beautiful tiny works of art themselves! I especially love the old ones and ones from foreign lands!

  8681. so glad you are back in business Hanna! must have been frustrating for you. how great is it that you are able to use your saved postage stamp treasures – I am still hoarding all my treasures ;)

  8682. Glad you’re back, Hanna. I always enjoy your colourful posts. I was afraid I lost you forever. Maybe I can ask you a question now? (before you’re gone again ;-)) Is there a Swedish (fairy)tale about two goats, or more precisely: two goatheads fallen in a river or something? I had bought an Ikea fabric last year with a winterdesign, snowy mountains etc, but also two goats on a bridge and what seemed to0 be two goatheads lying in the water. Does that ring a bell?

    • Angeline, yes it does, a fairy tale I’ve heard many times. It’s originally Norwegian, but we’re close to them. It was first written down 1840 by Peter Christen Asbjrnsen and Jrgen Moe in Norske folkeeventyr. There are acctually three goats, and it’s called De tre bockarna Bruse in Swedish, and you can check it out in English called: The tree goats named Bruse. :-)

      • Hanna, thanks for your effort and the info. It’s an entertaining story, although I’m not totally sure that it’s that story that’s depicted on the fabric.

  8683. So glad you are back–I’ve been blocked for days, and even my email came back as “you are blocked.” So, what a relief that the postcard swap is still on! I’m excited about this. Can’t wait for it to begin!

  8684. How nice to hear!!
    My cards are mostly done, but I completely forgot to document my process!! So, I’m going to make another one and do that. And I’m glad you got the issues settled and we can all get back to iHanna love!

  8685. Hanna, The postal stamps are so alluring, such wonderful designs! I love stamps as well. Thank you again for coordinating this most wonderful swaps. My postcards are all stitched and ready to roll.

  8686. Oh my goodness, I missed you and your blog!!! I can’t count the amout of times I just jumped on to check… My postcards have been getting lovely feedback from my tumblr blog (brand new to the blogosphere) so I do hope whom ever receives them enjoys them. I have had a lot of people let me know how fabulous the idea is and want to be apart of it!!!
    Speaking of collages… I just made my 10th card (although I too now have a DIY postcard addiction and I believe it won’t be the last) and it is a collage of Classic movies, both old and new… It is one of my favourites! Mine are all soooo different too!
    Thanks again ihanna and I’m glad your back!

  8687. My postcards are ready to go. I will be out of the country until March 20th starting tomorrow. With you change n dates, unfortunately, I won’t be able to send them until then. I hope that doesn’t disappoint anyone. I wouldn’t have signed up if I had known I couldn’t get them out before I left. so sorry

    • Debbie, I have not moved the date of sending out the addresses, they will arrive before the 12th as promised in my first post. But if you can’t get them out before the 20th that is no problem, I’m sure, since mail will arrive on different days in upcoming weeks – depending on where they are going in the world.

      Have a nice trip and don’t worry about sending them out a little later than everyone else. :-)

  8688. Oh, I missed the swap this time :( I wasn’t sure I’d have the time to participate until Friday and for some reason I couldn’t access your blog until Saturday morning. Not your fault though :D There has been some trouble with my internet provider recently. But count me in next time!

  8689. Just blogged about the process of making my postcards. Really enjoyed it and so looking forward to the exchange! Thanks so much Hanna! Check out my link, number 23.
    Lena L
    Melbourne, Australia.

  8690. Hi, Hanna, Love these pages! I have been collecting postcards for many years. I would have signed up for the swap but I am in the midst of a lot of stuff going on right now and would not have had time to do it justice.

    Maybe someday you and I can trade 3/3 or something.


  8691. Very inspiring layout! Such intriguing images to carefully look at and discover in each part of the page.

  8692. Thank you, for hosting this Hanna! I am so excited, I posted my postcards today, can’t wait to receive mine in the mail!

  8693. Very cool… I like the idea of series… really exploring something in many variations to fully immerse yourself!

  8694. I wish I could just jump into your art journal today! I love postage stamps, the mystery of far away places, and the journeys mail art goes on- you’ve captured all of that here!

  8695. Thank you for hosting the Postcard Swap, I had so much fun creating my cards, mailed them off today and now I am excited about about what I will receive! The idea of all the beauties in the mail around the world just makes me smile.

  8696. Very cool! what do you use to color on top of the black and white photos? I’m trying to work in series too… I tend to flit from one thing to the next.

    • Marcia, thank you! I use all the colours in my artistic arsenal to colour things in; crayons, pens and often acrylic paint. :-)

  8697. Making the cards the night before we are suppose to mail them out. Well I have posted a blogpost with the sketch to give the curios ones a peek.


  8698. I worry about piles too…..can’t help it.

    These are fantastic…vibrant and playful. I really like them!

  8699. I just know I’m going to be staring out the window for the postman every morning now! lol – can’t wait to see the others!

      • Oh Hanna, I only just spotted this now! I’ve been terribly lax on twitter lately. However, I’m writing a post this minute on all my postcards so I’ll tweet the link!

  8700. Thank you Hanna, for this opportunity. I feel honoured and excited to be involved with such creative and likeminded people. How lovely that we can connect all around the world. You also inspired me to get back into the studio after a little spell away. Thanks again.

  8701. I think this is why I like making postcards so much – I can explore, create, push, learn, repeat myself, and develop my style without creating a massive fire trap in my house! I make it – I mail it away – I make room to create some more. Your boyfriend series is fantastic!

  8702. I finished my cards Monday and I’ll get them sent out tomorrow, hopefully. I blogged about the swap and posted my cards….Thank you for hosting the swap Hanna! It’s been fun time….now, I’m looking forward to getting some creative mail. :)

  8703. Hi Hanna I was wondering what size binder you used for the planner BTW I love to read books I read 8 books last summer

    • Hailey and Marina,
      it is easier to buy a finished calendar or a binder in the right size if you can find it, I couldn’t so I made one – maybe that is not for you guys. :-)

  8704. Creating a series is great… I’m having a ball working on my “Secrets of the deep blue Sea” – series; I get to explore all the pretty blues and greens!!!
    I don’t think I’ll ever really have a problem with art piling up in my house. I’m such a slow poke and perfectionist when it comes to creating art and above all when I’m done with something I mail it away :)
    Well, keep up the good work! I’ll sure be back to see/read more!

  8705. Hey there! I think I have finally figured everything out here! Still have a couple cards to make and then all will go in the mail by Friday. Had to work a couple of days this week. Everyone has such great talent this year. So looking forward to meeting new people here!

  8706. Very new to all this!! Embryonic blog!
    Post cards done and sent – loving seeing all the wondrous creativity from all around the world!!

  8707. I finally posted and left my link!

    I hope this is your fourth annual swap, because that’s what I said! And I don’t like to lie!


    • Thanks for the e-mail Chris, and your post. Sorry, but this is the third year, but don’t worry, I think we’ll do it again in 2013. I’ve had so much joy from it this year! :-)


  8708. Hanna, these collages are getting even more luscious, with layers, textures, colors, and things to discover all around the surface! Your boyfriend is quite a catch!

    I really enjoyed that podcast with Mary Beth Shaw. It sounds heavenly to be busy creating a body of work! Seriously, it’s an artist’s xanadu.

    Thanks so much for your support and inspiration, Hanna!

  8709. Nice! I’m loving stamps right now. I had a lot of them for a long time, and just used most of them for an Artfest swap. I wish I had done them justice, some of them rocked! It was fun to put one on each of my postcards for the swap. And I’ll definitely be getting more and using them!

  8710. Well, I love your wise old owl, I agree with Parabolic Chris that you are awesomesauce, and what’s more, I’m here to say a very loud THANK YOU because one of your fantastic meta postcards arrived in my mail today!

    I’m super happy to be lucky enough to receive a card from the hostess with the mostest :)

  8711. The postcards are all sent (one to Sweden and the rest to USA) Ive got one (so wonderful) and now I cant wait for the mail to come…

  8712. These are so rich! All those things to look at–so great. I love the concept of “meta” too. I first got it in college…I’d heard of metaphysics before that but didn’t really understand what the term meant, but when I encountered “metadata” in college and realized it was data about data–whoa!!

  8713. wow Hanna!! you sure had a lot of stamps!! your cards look fantastic – I love all the little extras you included – the rub ons and also your handwriting – I also noticed a date stamp – nice touch!!

    • Thanks! Yes, and you can’t even see that I’ve taken any stamps from the box where I keep cancelled stamps! I need to do more postal stamp projects! :-)

  8714. These are totally wonderful! Great inspiration for my stamp collection…which I keep thinking about…but haven’t done anything with! Ever.

  8715. These are great. Do you mind if I use the idea to make some cards???? I bought a lot of stamps at the flea market the other day. I wanted to buy more, but ran out of money. There is a man who sells them for 25/$1. I do love them and enjoy using them!!!!! Your cards are great.

    • Melanie, I wouldn’t mind at all if you do postal stamp postcards. I would love to see your version of meta postcards!

  8716. Love these!

    You know what would be great? If you created a flickr group where where we could all upload free postal stuff that anyone in the group could use for collages & such. I have a ton of stuff I wouldn’t mind sharing :)

      • Yes, that group exists but every stamp I checked was NOT creative commons use. And there are lots of free use groups, but not one specifically for stamps.

    • Karla, thanks. There are already some awesome groups on flickr to join where you can share vintage imagery with others. I like Collage Images (not for posting art) where you can share your scanned ephemera with others. Just do a search and you will find lots of fun stuff (I did one for postal and there are quite a lot of stamps in that group).

      There is also a group called Free Collage sheets where the latest image was called Pink template printable – postal stamps I will print for sure. :-)

      I’m sure there are more groups if you look around.

      Caatje, thanks for your suggestion too.

  8717. Hanna – you are a STAR!! this is so brilliant – i got my first card yesterday and 2 people have received theirs and emailed – it is really LOVELY to be connecting with all these wonderfully creative women from all over the world. What a fabulous idea you had!!!

    • Aww, Sandra, thank you very much. :-) So happy the swap brighten your day, and that reports are coming in about received postcards. Still awaiting my first…

  8718. I put my cards in the mail yesterday–I had them finished but at the last minute decided that they needed to go into envelopes. Hanna, this was delightful fun! Can’t wait to see what pops up in my mailbox!

  8719. These are so fantastic!what a grt use for all those stamps. I missed doing the swap this time around but I knew that I was over-comitted already & wouldn’t be able to do my cards. Next time hopefully!

  8720. You are on a roll here and I could see why you didn’t stop. Meta cards are fantastic and look at all the history that’s moving all over with these cards. xox Corrine

  8721. i went to the mail box today and to my surprise i had a postcard from you. love it, thank you very much. it made it thru the mail all the way from sweden without a scratch. love all the detail/stamps. thanks again, it is always a fun swap.

  8722. What a pity I could not participate in the swap this year. I love postal stamps!

  8723. They are great Hanna & they makes me think about where my stamps ended up? As a child I collected stamps, filled an album, got stamps as presents….did not everyone collect stamps as children?

    • Thanks Madde! Hmm.. no, I don’t think I had a stamp collection though I collected napkins from vacations and of course lots of other stuff, like scrap die cut (bokmärken). Still have that collection. Love those pretty images!

  8724. Hi, I know it was a huge joke about the couch! BUT…..I have a small settee that has a white background and would love to tea dye it, Do you think it would work to use a sponge brush to apply the tea and tea dye it without ruining the settee? It is light enough to set out in the sun to dry. I don’t know if anyone has tried that.

  8725. hi that is awesome! I love the wild animals from “SWA” (South West Africa) which no longer exist, it is now called Namibia.
    I received my first postcard today, so lovely and got an email that someone received one of mine. So glad that it made it through the postal system!

  8726. Your cards are amazing!!! And thank you again for organizing this! I had so much fun making my cards and can’t wait to see what I get. Looking forward to next year’s swap…

  8727. You must be quit a snail-mail writer to collect all those stamps :) Stamps are so much fun, artwork miniature.


  8728. Thank you so much for organising this Hanna. I have thoroughly enjoyed making each postcard and even got a new friend involved too! It’s such a great way to share a little love and creative inspiration. Thanks again.

  8729. Hanna, thank you again for hosting such a wonderful event that brings artists from around the world together. I am so grateful to have you in my arty life!
    Hugs from MN, USA
    xx tj

  8730. I think I may need to try these myself!

    I LOVE them!

    Do you have any of the stamps with the lilies of the valley left? I would love to trade something of mine for some of those. They are one of my favorite flowers and I had them in my wedding bouquet!


  8731. Wow! These are SO beautiful! They are, as your friend commented, like miniature art galleries, but also slices of history. I recognize some stamps that I know I have in my collection. I also notice that you have British stamps with Queen Elizabeth II on them in both “old” money (the ones with D or 1/- on) and “new” (the ones with p). Britain switched its currency in 1971 – I remember it!!! And your little stamped bits and rub ons really add so much to the overall effect. I love ALL these cards!!

  8732. The simple beauty of your candlelit house reminds me of a line in a Neil Diamond song –
    “Songs to fill the heart, like white candles on a winter’s night, they touch the spaces between you and I….”

  8733. Hanna, I’ve been making extra postcards since the swap! I like the idea of a mini-theme, that might go on for a few cards and then switch to something else. I like the small canvas (like the index cards of last summer), the freedom to stitch them in any way I like, the fact that there are two perfectly good sides to work with, the fun of holding them in your hand and of seeing handmade postcards in your mail box! Really I like everything about them and perhaps we should send them year-round (autumn swap…?)

    • I agree with all you say Tammy except for the all year round bit – it is SUCH a rich and enriching experience (and time consuming) i think it might feel a pressure to do more – but i DO LOVE it!!!

  8734. All super reasons to make and post whatever we do. Your ring binder for holding the post cards is the best, mini books of delight to view again and again. xox Corrine

  8735. yeah, it’s cool to see what people do and how they do it. And I’m going to make a binder, too. I love what you did with yours.

  8736. I am loving see what everybody did and feeling so inspired by the different directions. It’s so much fun to get them in the mail, and I want to make (and send) more too, a personal way to add a note to a package or just say hello. Thanks so much for this, Hanna, and I’m so glad I decided to join in despite my initial insecurities!

  8737. I SO love your postal themed postcards, Hanna….just gorgeous! I will probably be back on board with you next year…I’ve missed it!

  8738. I love how the light dances around in a holder such as that. I really love the scented wax warmers I have. There are a couple of openings in them and the light from the candle is just delightful and magical.

  8739. My 4yr old granddaughter is loving seeing all the cards (5 so far) and it promotes such wonderful conversations about different countries etc – she wanted to make one, we did and sent it to her cousin in London, but she wonders why she is not getting one each day as i do! I explained the swap and she wants to join in next year! How about a children’s post card swap? maybe at a different time of year? Maybe Autumn swap as Tammy suggests?

  8740. I love that it is in Spring, as I am in a good mood anyway and the swap is making me even happier. Great timing. Last year I made each postcard with whatever crossed my mind, this year I made a themed series, I love the complete freedom. I love the colourful mail I get and it is so inspiring to see what others are doing in their postcards, so many materials and so many great ideas! Thanks for hosting this, it is just lovely!

  8741. i wish… i really wish i could join this extraordinary snail mailing of postcards… LIFE became a bore when the computer era invaded our home and places of solace. Please include me in our lists. In my 4 decade of existence i have never outgrown my love for papers, letters, cards, stickers, pens and everything delightful and pleasant to the soul. I almost given up though when i would write to friends and get nothing not even a thank you but maybe their lives changed and they don’t have time to write and doodle. More love and arts :) thanks you for this great great art! :)

    i hope they would re-create pen pals with a twists of hanna’s idea… :) ..but I missed it too….sniff sniff :)

    P.S. my ever first time to post a comment as in first time… :)

    • Thanks Marge, for leaving your very first ever comment on a blog and for letting it be mine! :-) I’m sure there are letter swaps you could join too, if you want real letters… or else you’ll just have to wait until the next time I host the postcard swap.

      Thanks for commenting and take care!

  8742. Its a really expressive piece & its great. I love the blue frame-fabric wich “talks” to blue on the madonna-cape. & its nice how you use the red, cerice and orange/yellow. I think you can have it up all year round :)

  8743. Really nice Hanna, and I think your thoughts about a general love between mother and child is a good one. Who knows what Madonna was ment to represent from the beginning, might as well be the love from her to children.

  8744. Great idea using your stamps that way! I have tons of vintage, non cancelled stamps I want to do something with. I got in the habit of buying fun stamps last year – I declared it the Year of the Card for myself. Ha. I sent 476 cards, some to people I just read about in the paper. It was so much fun! And I love this postcard swap! And – that quote. I sent it to a friend (and myself.) It’s wonderful. I will keep it close by. – Diane

  8745. Hello fellow creative peeps! Just posted on the blog….hope you enjoy! It’s so much fun for me to see all of the magic happening around this event! Keep on creating!!!

  8746. Hi there – so fun – I just mailed all my postcards out – posted them on flickr, on my blog (2 different posts) and then added my link above
    So fun!!!

    • Cathy, thanks for doing all of that and sharing your awesome postcards. Spent some time on your site and love it. Oh, and your Blurb-books… So pretty!

  8747. I really love it Hanna – I like the mix of fabrics, clear contrasting colours and the borders. You deserve to keep it and enjoy it each Christmas – it will become a tradition to get it out and set it up for display each year.

  8748. Wow Hanna! These are all so beautiful. And on one hand I totally love your idea. On the other, I would never be able to part with all those wonderful stamps. We are collectors of contemporary commemoratives mainly because we enjoy and appreciate their beauty. And now, whenever I receive a package from another country, I save the stamps. I am thinking a collage.

    I won’t be participating this year, but I am seriously thinking about next year! So keep me in the loop please!

    • Thanks Pam, you’re so sweet! Join the newsletter if you want to know when the next one is set up, or maybe check with Diane, I’m sure she will join next year too! :-)

  8749. Stunning! Beautiful! Brilliant! Gorgeous! Breathtaking!

    I completely love it! The design, the colors, the attention to details. You have inspired me greatly with this piece. Perhaps one day I will be able to create a Guadalupe embroidery.

  8750. Hi there!

    I recently took a glass fusing class in Florida where the instructor used broken pieces (that were re-heated to round out the edges) as layers onto a square piece of glass which we ultimately fused into a pendant. Long story short, I ended up loving these little creative pieces better than the big pendant so she gave me some of them and I used them to make my own earrings and such and I wear a different set practically every day! Anyways, I can’t find a place locally that does glass fusing (I had planned on asking them if they had any similar pieces they did not plan to use) and I just love the little ones you’ve made and posted pictures of on here. So my question to you is if there is any possibility I could purchase some of your pieces so I can continue making my own jewelry which is much more satisfying! Haha. I wanted to do the glass fusing myself as well but the kiln and materials is just far too expensive. Hope to hear back soon and keep up the great work!!


    • Alycia, don’t know what to say to this…. 1) I live in Sweden, 2) this was my first and only try at glass fusing and 3) this post is from 2008… Good luck with your jewelry making, I’m sure you can find someone closer to you that could help you out!

  8751. Hanna, I love these! They are very striking and definitely have similarities that tie them together. Maybe you can glue them into your art journal? Definitely don’t throw them away. Put them away for awhile and look at them again in a month or six months, you might be surprised by how much you love them after some distance.

  8752. I love it Hanna. And, of course, I particularly love the way in which you’ve made an immediately recognisable religious icon by using the colour blue. Since time immemorial blue was associated with deity because the pigment was so rare and costly either to buy or create. I love the way in which limitations to art help us create something that is truly ever-lasting, even from a cultural perspective.

  8753. I totally understand your love of notebooks and journals! Love what you’re doing and came across your work on Dirty Footprints Studio. Hope you don’t mind if I pinned your work to one of my Pinterest boards.

  8754. Jag tror att det r jttebra att bara gra, ven om man sjlv inte blir s njd med resultatet. Det kan vcka ngon id som leder till ngot annat sedan, men nd r det ltt att fastna i tanken att det alltid ska bli ngot bra av varje projekt. Jag sparar i alla fall det mesta jag gr, ven om det inte r bra, det gr oftast alltid att teranvnda p ngot stt.

  8755. Oh, Hanna, keep them for sure…I’m loving the play and what happened as a result! Like that brown kraft paper as well. I bet that you’ll find something very cool to do with them.

  8756. Oh Hanna, I LOVE the outcome! Love that rustic look with the brown paper as a background. The colour-scheme is very Asian looking and wonderful composition. Just beautiful in their simplicity. I can relate to the difficulty of minimalism. I love layering too. Minimalism in anything but collage for me ;) I caught my breath when you mentioned throwing them away. Too beautiful! Umm…are they not postcards right there? ;)

  8757. Definitely do not throw them away! I do a lot of things I am not quite sure about at first, but I just put it up for later. You will be surprised how you will look at it from a different angle when you pull it out later. Also, where do you get your Japanese magazines???? Here in the states, I am thinking probably an oriental store?

  8758. I love you showing these experiments – looks like a great exercise. DO NOT throw them away…I know a few artists have a box where they put ‘unfinished’ or ‘currently unloved’ pieces and then pull them out for later use on another piece. You may be surprised where they turn out to be the perfect piece – you can chop them up for use too of course :-)

  8759. I’m also working through Jane’s book and am still working on my series though I even went so far as to copy her theme of palm trees. I’ve done 4 but now that I have the idea was thinking of trying my own motif. You’ve inspired me to do that. I think these all definitely show as a unified series and I like that some are a little simpler while others are full of layers.

    I’ve read over and over to not toss out any works, whether exercises or paintings you’re unhappy with because they can all become fodder for future works. You might look back on it and suddenly see an inspiration for a new collage, or cut one of these up and use it as a layer in another piece. I have a bin that I keep all my unsuccessful or incomplete pieces so I can flip through them when needed. Though I don’t think I’d be cutting these up – I really like them!

  8760. oh, wonderful! I just took my book back out so I can check this out! Love what you did and how you did it! The process is the fun part, and your pages are beautiful in design and composition, too. I try to learn so much…thank you for sharing and inspiring…and for visiting my blog! hi! I am now a subscriber…. Kath

  8761. I love them. Apart from displaying the whole series, you can copy them to postcard size, use them for journal covers, print and make notecards or tie a ribbon around them and send them to me ;-) but seriously I would love to see what you decide to do with them.

  8762. I love these! I’m a postcard and stamp collector, so you can imagine my joy and excitement to come across this post!

  8763. A great exercise to get the creative juices going.

    One thing that I have learned from the past, is to save things that you don’t like that much in a seperate box. Wait untill next year and open up that box of ‘rejects’. You might have changed your opinion about it – or you might want to work further with them. A lovely process of learning…!

  8764. Well worth the wait. In the years I have been following your blog, I have seen you grow as an artist and writer! I remember the arrival of Smilla, early mixed media projects and photos of Mom’s cement leaf bird bath. You inspire me to be better, IHanna, lol! :)

  8765. Jag lr mej s mnga nya tekniker av dej, vad spnnande med det dr pappret! och alltid lika kul att lsa dina inspirationsinlgg :)

  8766. I also watched the TED talk by Susan Cain: The power of introverts – and LOVED it. I really can relate and think that she’s helping to bring a positive look at introverts!

  8767. Such a wonderful and creative idea… love it!
    Thank you for sharing the book, your thoughts, your illustration, and your experiences with the project. :]
    What fun…

  8768. What a neat page. Gives me an idea for later tonight when I am not busy at work! Maybe I will try this idea and post in the morning when i get off work.

  8769. great idea!…….it makes me happy to see your paint box & all the paint patterns on it!!

  8770. As a collection they are certainly interesting. And I think it’s still minimalistic because you used only a selection of papers and colours.

  8771. oo, i love this! i’m the exact same way – filling the pages with color and depth, but being enchanted by breathing, airy, white pages.. thanks for the inspiration, lovely! i’m going to give this a try.

    • Oh thanks Ingrid, both for the sweet words and your tweet about this! :-) Let me know what restrained things you come up with in your lovely journal!

  8772. Love this idea, and your red shoes! Mine would be rather boring as I wear pretty much the same thing every day (yoga pants with matte medium all over them, colorful polo shirt). Found your blog through Ingrid P. and love it!

  8773. It’s definitely a way to challenge yourself! I often feel in between the two extremes as well… I like to say that I like my space not too messy, not too neat. It’s like Goldilocks… finding what is “just right.” :)

  8774. I have to try this too! I’m not a maximalist, not as such, but I have the habit of not stopping in time. I keep on honing and tweaking and often for far too long, and eventually the piece I’m working on doesn’t breathe anymore.

    That’s what I love about your restrained collages: they breathe. The white frame of the uncovered page allows room for the imagination and feelings to soar. A whole book/journal of these. That would be a treat!

  8775. I lvoe these! And, I have to admit, that I could benefit from doing this as well…and I think I just might! Like you, I seem bent on filling up that page….no white for me! And, yet, I could use that white, that bit of breathing space.

  8776. I love these quick collage pieces framed by white. They are totally perfect!

  8777. Just the post I needed to go with my newly acquired journal. It will be just right for minimalist collages. Something I have been wanting to do for a while now. I admire the restraint that is somehow complex too.

  8778. Hanna, love these! Such sweet little compositions. Love that they are created from the remnants of other work. The white looks so clean and neat, and directs attention to the colors and patterns at center stage. I like what you said about being interested in things you don’y usually do. Fun to try on another approach just to see how it fits, right? Thanks for sharing with the team!! And thanks for the postcard…arrived today!

  8779. This is great–I see the binding as trachea to let in air to the pages that are lungs! OK, so I’m weird that way. But I love minimalism. And I love your collages that are still unified. And I thought Michelle was done with the Crusades, so now I’m doubly glad!

  8780. I have been a lurker here for soooo long. I thought it was time to tell you how much i LOVE your art, your spirit, and your blog. thanks for being here! Jan

  8781. I love this kind of posts, when you write about yourself and what art is teaching you about yourself :)
    I know to be a minimalist. I’m an essential girl, I strongly believe in “less is more” diktat.
    But I noticed that I’m like you an a little detail: I can’t leave empty spaces when I draw. I have to fill the page with a lot of little details to be satisfied. I think I’m ill of a sort of “horror vacui” :)

  8782. Wow, Hanna! We’re so much alike when I read your first paragraph. I really don’t know if I can live with such a minimalist approach. I think I’d feel anxious leaving that much white space in my own journal! LOL Having said that, there’s something very zen and calming when I look at your pages. I love them. Maybe I’ll be brave enough to give it a try :o)

  8783. Very cool! I decided I needed a whole book for the previous crusade, so I love seeing that someone else started a whole book for a crusade too! I like your small clusters of images on your pages, they’re kind of nicely focused on their few elements. If that makes sense. Great work!

  8784. Great quote and very cute supplies. I too have the problem of keeping things for later or the “perfect” project. I’m trying to clear things out this Spring cleaning season – thanks for sharing. Giving me a little push!

  8785. It does feel really good to make something special for someone you care about. Lovely stash, please do show and tell. xox

  8786. One project….i’ve got the embroided-house-project, the bra-project, the naked-ladies-project, the web-page-project, the book-project, the story-project, the…

      • Ive painted naked ladies (on paper, canvas, bowls…), Ive made postcards (now for two years in Hannas Postcard Swap my motif was naked ladies, I did series each year) I have embroided a lot of ATC with naked ladies & now Im making bigger embroiderys with the ladies… Im thinking of doing a lot of them but Ive only done one and a half so far.

  8787. I read this at the perfect time. I have a new smaller notebook and have been toying with a couple of ideas of how to fill it and use it for bits and pieces I collect for inspiration. This idea is perfect! Then I don’t have to totally fill all around the ‘inspiration’ piece, but still have the pleasure of creating a little treasure of a composition AND use up my stacks of bits and pieces. Genius. Thanks!

  8788. I am so happy I can finally get to see this – thank you so much for all your help. So well worth the wait. Totally love your mom’s amazing and delightful angels and have bookmarked this post so i can return to it closer to the holidays. Makes my heart happy!

    Any being who can create angels with this much personality and whimsy must be a truly special individual.

  8789. no time for projects (other than knitting expereiments) just can’t stop doodling – and now i’ve found Zentangle!… porject is to get enough doodling done so tha tit is out of my system enough to do something else!

  8790. I have a collection of Dala horses. I am of Swedish descent and love Swedish folk art. This was so interesting to me. Thank you! I hope it is OK if I pin your photo painting the horses on Pinterest.

    • Hello there! Thanks for leaving a comment Merrilee! Pinning is okay, I appreciate if you add “Photo by iHanna” too, that means a lot to me.

  8791. Wow! You sure made a great job of minimalising. Love these pages.
    I always enjoy my “end of month, and the newspaper’s finished blog cruise ‘n comment” time. It’s been lovely to meet you and your work via the Crusades. Thanks for sharing what you do with everyone. May the rest of 2012 be filled with creative happiness for you.

  8792. Cool idea. I think your drawing is really funky and fun. I’ve not come across that idea before. Thanks for sharing.

    Kat :-)

  8793. What a wonderful idea, I think I might try it myself. I too struggle with white space, but looking at yours is just a pleasure. I think we enjoy simplicity in others’ work, but struggle for it in our own. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8794. Oh I loved seeing those tulips. Its dark and overcast today so I just don’t feel very uplifted and those tulips sure brought a smile to my face.


  8795. I completely agree. Your folders are beautiful and now I know exactly what to do with our ugly box files. It’s been irritating me for a while but this is a perfect solution.

  8796. Hanna, you are as cool as ever! I love your pages and I love even more how you created an entire book to practice this. The centers are still colorful Hanna but the pages are a whole new feel…
    I spy an Australian stamp that I also received from your postcard swap! That gave me such a smile…
    Best wishes from your old pal, tj

  8797. Thanks for sharing this technique. I don’t like these ringbinders either, I have here in this room alone 40 black, plastic ones on the shelves! And probably 20 lying around the house…. :) They are so practical, but so far from being fun or decorative, or nice looking. I think i will transform the ringbinders that hold my sketches with fabric, that will at least brighten up part of the room!

  8798. Don’t you love that about Spring? All fresh colours appearing, the cold moves away so now and then and the sun gets brighter. It is my favorite season!

  8799. hello hanna!
    thank you for commenting on my blog. i love this idea and your photos are beautiful!
    smiles~ jill

  8800. I love the colors of spring. These tulips are so beautiful. The colors and the photo are just absolutely amazing.

  8801. Lovely work – I love your white space. I also keep a little sketch book for mini collages using left over bits and pieces, but quite often end up cutting them up or pulling bits off at a later date to use them for new ideas! Your work is very inspiring and and I love your use of colour. Thank you for sharing.

  8802. How cool is that! Simple yet endearing. Great collages, great work on doing the minimum. I found that I had the chance to check out your lovely way of collage that perhaps I otherwise would not have been aware of. Thanks for sharing with us.

  8803. That quote is great. I haven’t been very well, things beyond my control, and I’ve been frustrated over what I can/can’t do. This helped.

  8804. What a wonderful and inspirational mosaic! I love having something like this on my desktop to inspire me when I’m being creative.
    Also, I wanted to let you know I tagged you in a game of blog tag! There is no obligation to play along, I just really like your blog and wanted to share it with others. You can view the rules on my blog, and if you want to play along that would be great!

    Have a great day!

  8805. I whole-heartedly agree with your quote Hanna….never enough time to create!! I have a similar quote on my watercolour website. your collage is yummy!!! thanks for the close up pics….it makes all the difference to be able to see the gorgeous details

  8806. I am drawn to examples of minimalism that I see, but I tend to end up with pages more like these! I love the busy-ness! I was inspired to shamelessly imitate your postage stamp postcards, Hanna…if you want to check it out, please visit today’s blog post at Thank you for your inspiration!!

  8807. These are nice. Very different from your other work. It’s good to push yourself in new directions even if you decide that minimalism isn’t for you!

  8808. Love your opening quote! I find that when I’m trying to go to bed, I suddenly have some ideas and want to keep doing things, but I know it would be crazy living! If only we could get lost in time :)

  8809. I am indeed a person who has little bits of this and that laying aroung… I might throw them on my next ‘chronicles’ page indeed – thanks for the inspiration!

  8810. awwww thank you Hanna!! I am honored to be included as an inspiration to you with my behold tulip!! you my dear are a complete inspiration!!

  8811. i have received 9 – is there a lonely post card lost and alone on a forgotten heap somewhere, or has a postman been tempted and unable to resist taking one for him/herself to have and to hold?

  8812. Hanna – great spread! Love all the activity going on. Love the quote “you can turn the page”!!!! That is exactly what we said when talking about a Minimalism page….there are always more pages in a journal! Love the NONrestraint :)

  8813. oh! I see your apron right here :)

    Love your journal and how wonderful that you completed the very last challenge. I clicked over to Lynda Barry’s 6 minute journal. I think I’m going to try it.


  8814. I have several embarrassingly large boxes of snippets and ephemera. I like sparse pages, so I have tons of stuff I haven’t used. But while I swear I like sparse pages, I admire people who make visually interesting pages, too. I love these pages you did, the color somehow pulls me around the page. I’m not ready to turn it over yet!

  8815. Mammans krlek till sitt barn r det strsta av allt. Du har fngat det p en super vacker bild. Jag gillar den verkligen. Its very nice. Mom

  8816. Hanna! Your sense of color always takes the prize for me! But this has been a bit eye-opening for me because, when I think of keeping things minimal, I tend to think of the central part of the work being left open. However, I’m enjoying your take on this challenge. The open space around the collaging really frame them well and give the viewer breathing room!

  8817. Hanna, I so tire of being late visiting your wonderful pages. I have told my boss that from now on, I will continue to get to work on time, after the shower, the dog walk, the lunch-packing, the half hour commute, but that I am going to read your site before I start working. It’s just the way things have to be.

    So of course, I was placed in the middle of the room so that my activities could be more closely monitored.

  8818. I was just complaining yesterday about how much I hate hand sewing and I need my sewing machine fixed asap. However after seeing this I’m quite a bit more apt to give it a try again. :)

  8819. Wow this is beautiful. I think I might make a fun, super busy collage this weekend just to use up my bits and pieces if nothing else.

  8820. I am a bit late, but now you can find the link to my post-card-blog-post as well :) They are also added to the flickr-group! So far I have really enjoyed the swap, I am so happy I participated :) I have received 8 cards so far, and am hoping the last two will show up as well!

  8821. I think I’ve probably got some of these binders stored away, but I hardly ever have them any more. But at the office! oh, boy. I think I will do this with the binders at the office! They won’t know what hit them!

  8822. You are so right! Lately I’ve decided to USE the things that I think are ‘too pretty’ to use because I don’t want to run out. And when I put them in gifties it’s so rewarding. Lately I’ve been wanting to make gifties and send them out, and even though it’s slow, it’s very rewarding. I know who will appreciate handmade goods!

  8823. Your Easter decorations made me happy too.

    I put lots up too…. (I put pics on my blog too!) – I’m not ready to take them down yet!

    I especially love the sweet yellow feathers!

  8824. I love those Easter branches that bloom inside… yes, we do that with Easter too. The little blossems held the promise of sunshine, no matter what weather it is outside. Your Easter decorations are cute!

  8825. Love the Easter decs – i used to do this when my children were small but don’t do it now – you have inspired me to revive the tradition!
    Your post card swap has caught the imagination of my 4 year old grandaughter – she has already made and sent 3 cards, I have pictured her latest one on our blog.

  8826. Lovely and sweet spring time treats ! I created an Easter Tree with my neice and nephew this year. It was full of creatures and eggs that we created together. Love that !
    I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful Spring, Hanna!

  8827. we’ve had very similar weather this year. snow much later into spring then usual. we had a beautiful sunny easter weekend though. but wet and dreary today.

  8828. Funny post! :)
    April is having a strange weather in Italy this year! Instead of the normal sun and warm air, we have cold wind and rain __
    But, of course, no snow :)

  8829. We’ve had just the same in England.

    Yesterday huge hail stones that fell for ages and completely covered the grass – so much so it looked like snow and there was thunder too. Today its blue skies and sunshine!

    I liked your story:)

  8830. Love Alice’s story. And how wise she is to spend April Weather inside, letting her imagination travel wherever it want to go.
    Enjoy your cozy creative time, Hanna !

  8831. Ok, now I’m inspired! I can never find a planner that fits just right for me. Thanks for the inspiration!

  8832. I just love the peacock page! I love all of your work, and I hope you feel better soon!

  8833. I’m so sorry about your back, Hanna. I know how it is for me, when I try to sit and my back is arguing with me. I sit a lot at work, so I usually have to take time off. I hope this gets better for you right away.

    I love your peacock/bird pages. I’ve had so many peacocks on my site lately, but it never gets old for me. They are so beautiful but their faces look so fierce! I love the white markings on their faces, too.

  8834. So sorry to hear about your back pain…I hope you get some relief soon! The colors in your journal are just beautiful.

  8835. I loved this peek at your pages…. the peacock is stunning. I wonder if you will journal on this page or leave it as it is?

    Hope your back feels better soon.

  8836. Pink is much more fun!

    I loved your pimped journals…. and your tutorial for the patchwork ones :)

    • Thanks for leaving a comment!

      Marit, I think you would’ve kept it, hehe, you wouldn’t have seen the pink version if you liked the first one enough to keep it. It’s a good thing that we are all different and that it’s allowed to change some things to you own liking! :-)

  8837. ooh! I was just looking for a new podcast to listen to while I’m painting … thanks for sharing!! and i’ve seen the link for caine’s arcade a few times this week and finally watched it — wow! Also, the link for your friend’s zine isn’t working.

    • Thanks for commenting! I did post the cute and awesome video that’s been around the blog world a few times because like you, I know not everyone takes the time to watch it the first time. And it’s so worth 10 minutes, totally made me smile.

  8838. Thanks for including a link to my podcast at Creative Mojo. And now I am off to see your daily inspiration page.

  8839. Thanks for the great links, Hanna! I love looking through the links to put on your Inspirations page! Thanks for keeping the inspiration flowing!
    Big hugs,
    P.S. Just wanted to let you know, I couldn’t get the Scrap2Treasure Zine link to load. Doesn’t look like it has a full web address. Found it through a Google search and looks like it’s full of fun ideas! Thanks!

  8840. I’d love to participate in a swap in the autumn, for the first time. And I always appreciate the archive bit of a good blog.

  8841. I just took the survey! Hope you get some good feedback.

    I love your swaps! I’ve done it the last two years and had so much fun. The postcards I received were beautiful.

  8842. Would like one again this summer! Maybe quarterly…it helped me get motivated to create and complete!
    Love your web site and the archive list will help me pick up articles I have not seen before!
    Keep writing and creating and inspiring us!
    Tusen takk!

  8843. i think its a fab idea, id love to join for the first time, it sounds so exciting!

  8844. i filled in the survey saying only 9 cards had arrived – the 10th then came through the door!
    it’s been wonderful but quite a lot of work for me to do the 10 cards and then all the follow up which i have LOVED but once a year is enough for me. xxx

    how many participated altogether this year?

    • Sandra, thanks for joining and filling out the survey! I thought it would be a good time since all cards really should have arrived by now, but alas, I got one today too! Better later than never, as they say. :-) I thinok once a year is enough for many, and you are most welcome to join in Feb/March next year again. Last year we were over 200, this year about 120 I think.

  8845. Lucky you with all that gorgeous handmade mail! I wanted to participate this year but found out about the swap the day after it closed :( So, I would definitely love the chance to play this fall. The nice thing about the swap is that if someone doesn’t have the time or interest for more than once a year, they just don’t join in – it’s more about you and whether you enjoy it enough to balance the amount of work it takes.

    Anyway, my vote is YES, do it again in the fall :)

  8846. Hi Hanna, first of all yes please I would love to be in your swap coming autumn. I have missed your archive and I think it’s much easier with those blogs that have an overview over the content. Smart of you to bring it back I think.
    By the way, isn’t it your birthday tomorrow? I think it is so a BIG Happy Birthday to you!! I hope you’ll have a day with that special Queen feeling.

    • Thank you Laila! You made me smile, for making me feel the work with the archive is worth while – and for remembering! Thanks sweet one!

  8847. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I love Ali too but the Project Life is just too big for me. I lose interest quickly. I think I’m going to try this project though. I can’t wait to see your pictures.


  8848. I would love it if you did another swap this year! I participated last year, but I wasnt able to this year and I really was sad about that. Its such a great thing because if people dont want to participate, they just dont sign up! I loved the swap last year and got so many great postcards. Im looking forward to doing another one! And btw, LOVE your blog!

  8849. I’m going to go check it out and see if I won’t be overwhelmed.

    But more than that, I am very sorry about your back. I know how frustratingly boring it can be. I am thinking good thoughts for you.

  8850. Hi, Hanna: I know how back pain can be! I’m sorry and I hope you feel better soon.

    I would have taken part in your recent swap, but I just started a new job and I knew I wouldn’t have the time to do justice to the postcards! So I would be interested if you did a swap in the future.

    P.S. Did you see my question way back then about the lily-of-the-valley postage stamps? I would love to trade for some, if you still have some! Thank you!

  8851. Happy happy birthday Hanna! Mine was just two weeks ago, we’re Aries companions!
    If I’m having a particularly low day I watch the Muppets Movie while doing some easy crafting that’s just a piece for me and drinking a glass of orange juice mixed with fizzy water (yum!). Especially the songs Rainbow Connection and Moving Right Along. Jim Henson knew how to go straight to your heart!

  8852. Happy Birthday! I hope is is filled with cake, flowers, and fun. That seems fair, doesn’t it? If I’m having a bad day, I give myself an hour to feel really bad, sad or mad. In that hour, I can’t do anything else. Just feel my big emotions and pout. Usually, after about 15 minutes, I’m really sick of it. Then I hold my cat till I am ready to face the world again.

  8853. Grattis Hanna! Hoppas du har en fantastisk dag!

    If I’m sad, I dance the blues away! I stick on some up beat music (radio/cd/ spotify) and just dance till I feel the blood pumping, and the laughter bubbling. If the kids join in, I usually reach that point a lot sooner because they don’t give a toss, and just go wild.

  8854. The best thing I do for myself is getting a massage every week. With fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, getting a massage is more like physical therapy. My husband can tell if I’ve had to miss a week (which doesn’t happen often!) by my pain levels.

  8855. Many Happy Birthday Wishes to You! Thank you for the present for one of us! A nice cup of tea, a good book, and music … makes my day better!

  8856. Happy Birthday, Hanna!
    I hope you have a wonderful day.
    and my idea for sad moments? well, there is something that AWLAYS lifts my spirits – quite simply really – getting my hands dirty with paints and inks. even if I don’t create anything amazing, it’s the very process that makes me instantly elated.

  8857. Happy Birthday !!!
    I would love to win this great zine – such great inspiration fo rthose days you just need a way to press the start button.

    One of my favorite things to do when I need a little pick me up is change things around on my altar in my studio. On the altar I have sea shells, some of my painted rocks, notes from friends, art work I love from some of my friends and some of my own and lots of othe rlittle things to play with. I change the vignette around, give it some new energy and sometimes light a candle there too. Or place a flower from the garden in a small vase there. It is a little creative space that reflects my heart and things I love.
    I hope you have a sweet sweet celebration of all the wonderful things about Hanna !
    light and Love !

  8858. Happy Birthday! I love birthdays, always have. My activity that keeps me ballenced, that I could not do without is at least 20 minutes of meditation every morning. Sometimes it goes longer, usually it’s great and I have to tare myself away, but every now and then I spend the time watching the clock. Either way I feel connected, loved and ready for the day. Of course, there is also my art journal.

  8859. Happy birthday Hanna!! I hope you have a great day :)

    What I do to make myself happy is to go to the forest. It’s the perfect place to think about things and leave the bad behind. I always feel so much better and happier when I leave the forest!

  8860. Happy Birthday Hanna! I hope you have a wonderful day and an even better year to come:)
    I try to write in my journal as much as possible. I don’t have any set rules but I usually write almost every day. I find it keeps me grounded and helps get rid of negativity in my life. I also mark out some time each day to lose myself in a good book.

  8861. Happy birthday, april girl!
    I’m an april girl, too, eh eh :)
    Thank you for this giveaway! I read an issue of this zine some time ago and it was lovely and inspiring, so… finger crossed for me :P
    When I’m not happy-happy (or when I’m a bit sad) I…
    … go for a walk in the nature
    … listen to energetic music (disco dance of the 70s works well)
    … eat dark chocolate
    … take a nap
    … clean the home (it helps me to give order in my brain and heart)
    … watch some “Friends” episodes on youtube :)

  8862. A very happy birthday to you, Hanna. Hopefully you are feeling better now. What I do when I feel a bit low (and that happens to me, yes). Play with my pet rat, called Smilla (where did you get that name? from your cat !! LOL) or I wath a video from The Ashton Brothers, they are great performers.
    Would love to win a ezine.

    • Cindy, w-w-what? There is a rat named after my Smilla? Super cool! She would be drooling with happiness if she could meet your pet, but probably your Smilla wouldn’t be very much longer! Makes me smile to know, thanks for sharing!

  8863. Happy Birthday! I tend to buy Starbucks frappucinos to treat myself. Thanks for the chance to win!

  8864. happiest of happy birthdays, hanna! i hope you have a magical day.
    it’s a little thing, really – and maybe even a bit clich – but i do love getting flowers for myself. either i buy a cheap bouquet or little potted plant (i bought two potted pansies for less than 2 a few weeks ago!), or i go on a walk and gather dandelions or other wild flowers that i see. the bright colors and the presence of something living in my room makes me super happy.

    all my love!

  8865. Happy birthday!
    I hope you have a wonderful day.

    I would love to enter the drawing.
    On a day when being low (or being happy as well), I enjoy making myself a nice footbath. Just fill up a tub with hot water and some foot bath salt and that’s it! It is so nice to put your feet into the hot water and relax… :-)

  8866. I hope you’ve had a wonderful day even with your back hurting. Normally I don’t have bad days but the times I do (a couple of times a year) I allow myself to have that day. When my creativity is low I normally go read archives so thanks for bringing yours back.

  8867. Happy Birthday to you!! I just found you via &Stitches, and what a nice surprise to find so many inspiring posts that are new to me.
    Ok, about what I do to cheer myself up, of course I embroider. But I also buy flowers or plants.
    Thanks for the lovely giveaway, I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

  8868. Sending Happy Birthday wishes your way. Hope you have a great day since this is your very own special day. You really have me thinking now as to what I do for myself when I am having a bad day. About the only thing I can think of is that I pop the top off of a Pepsi.

  8869. Happy Birthday, Hanna!!!

    To treat myself, I get my nails done (painted and manicured professionally). I am SO not a material girl, but I LOVE the feeling of being pampered. That hour is all for ME and no one else! :) A few times a year doesn’t break the bank and it always gives me a feeling of being special :)

  8870. Happy Birthday! When I’m feeling low I like to work on my art journal. Usually something unexpected results and I’ve forgotten why I was having a bad day in the first place! Thanks to you and Tammy for the opportunity to win the e-zine!

  8871. Happy Birthday! I love going to a thrift store. I don’t even have to buy anything. Something about looking at the random collection of things makes me feel inspired.

  8872. Happy Birthday to you! This is a great giveaway! Something I do for myself is to take time to look through old magazines and rip out pictures/words/letters that I love for inspiration. This always makes me happy and calm!

  8873. Happy birthday!!
    I love looking through photos of my children all through their ages and now of my grandchildren to cheer me up and remind me of my many blessings and all the happy times we have had. since reading all these wonderful blogs about journaling i hope to make some of the pics into memory books for even more enjoyable viewing.

  8874. Happy Birthday! Mine is in 2 months and it’s the big 4-0!
    When I am having a rough day I like to take a nap!

  8875. Happy birthday, iHanna. :) I hope you have a beautiful day filled with love, laughter and light.

    To keep balance in my life, I spend a lot of time hanging out with my husband. After working and dealing with rude customers all day long, it’s nice to enjoy some one on one time with someone who loves me unconditionally, just for being me.

  8876. Happy Birthday!

    Hope your back is feeling better :)

    If I’m feeling a bit miserable…. sometimes a little treat like a magazine to read in a nice bubbly bath does the trick. Flowers are always good. I love flowers! A bar of good chocolate! Getting outside always makes me feel better…… though sometimes I have to force myself if the weather is yukky. The number one thing though to feel better for me is to put on my radio/music and get out my supplies and get messy and forget about stuff that probably doesn’t matter anyway.

  8877. Happy happy birthday! Thanks for the joy you’ve brought me this year through finding your postcard swap and participating!

    It depends on the weather/time of day/other responsibilities, but some things I might do if I’m feeling blue:
    *take a walk
    *watch the birds outside
    *order a treat–art supplies or a book I’ve been wanting
    *let myself read for a bit while the kid(s) entertain themselves
    *knit–it’s hard for me to just *be* but often when I’m feeling out-of-sorts, the best creative thing I can do is let the wool run through my hands while I knit something
    *call my sister!

  8878. Happy birthday! Thank you for another year of inspiration!

    When I’m feeling down I like to play with my art supplies, watch a favorite movie, or play some music. I also try to get in exercise almost daily to keep my mood up in general.

    Enjoy your special day!

  8879. Happy happy happy birthday! Depending on my mood I will either create for fun (so no working on projects) or watch an inspiring or funny/feel good movie. Also a piece of chocolate never hurts.

  8880. A very happy birthday to you – wishing you many more. I always call brother or sit and read some of my favorite poetry or take an extra fun walk in the woods.

  8881. Oh, auguri to you from Italy! Happy Birthday – I do hope you have a great day!

    I think we all have down times at some point, sort of the cycle of life routines. It’s nice to have an arsenal of pick me ups though – I actually have certain songs that instantly give me a happy upbeat feeling. Also, going to do some outdoor activities or taking a walk on a nice sunny day – really picks me up!

  8882. A very Happy Birthday to you Hanna! Remember to live in the present moment…the NOW…. yesterday or tomorrow doesn’t matter, only right now, and you will find happiness in accepting whatever fate gives you at this moment. Be grateful just to be ALIVE.

  8883. Happy Birthday! I do lots of things for myself but the biggest? I don’t allow myself to feel guilty for taking “me” time. The kids will all survive for an hour.

  8884. Happy Happy Day!

    If I can get into my studio and just play with some stuff I always feel better. Or I go for a walk outside if the weather is good. Walking always clears my head and makes me feel better.

  8885. Great giveaway! One of the best things I try to do for myself is take time out for a walk where I clear my mind and enjoy nature. Thanks again for giveaway.

  8886. Happy Birthday!

    I try to start my mornings with candlelight, coffee and soothing instrumental music. Then I go for a morning walk in the woods. If the weather is nice enough out I spend a few minutes playing simple rhythms on a hand drum to relax my mind.

    By the way, I enjoyed the Swap so very much! Thank you for all your hard work organizing this!

  8887. Happy happy happy birthday Hanna! I hope you are having a wonderful day!

    One thing I love to do for myself is log onto Google Reader and catch up with all the blogs I follow. All that creativity in one hit is just YUMMY!


  8888. Happy happy birthday! I love to go get a salon pedicure…feels so good and the aromas combined with that soft chair on massage mode is heaven! And I love the colors and their names…waitress red, smiling annie, and so on! Bliss!

  8889. Hi Hanna,
    Hoping you are having a most happy birthday. I do several things for myself that make me happy and lift my spirits. Love to get near the water and watch the swell and eddies over the logs and rocks. Nothing soothes me like the water. I also love to sit quietly and stitch. Love my needlework time.

  8890. happy birthday hanna!……i like to swim or just look at water……..very calming & meditative……( our blog birthday was yesterday too).

  8891. Happy Birthday Hanna!! When I’m feeling a bit blue I do any number of things.. I like to watch some Mystery Science Theater 3000 or any other funny show on I sometimes indulge in some tragedy-turned-happy-ending type show on tv. Or watch some of my favorite artists on or
    Or just paint my finger and/or toenails – usually purple in my case ;o)

  8892. Hi and Happy Birthday! I just discovered you in a roundabout way–you know how that goes when surfing. So glad I did as there seems to be lots of inspiration here. What do I do for myself? Every few years I go on a quilting retreat to a fun place with a great teacher. I save up and then spend all of the money necessary to make it fabulous from start to finish. I make new friends and come away refreshed body and soul. Worth every penny!

  8893. Happy Birthday! Don’t be bummed about getting another year older, be thankful for another beautiful year of life! :) As a pick-me-up when I’m feeling down, I create something in my art journal, or I go to bed an hour early and relax and read. I’m pretty darn exciting! Lol!

  8894. Hope you had a fun birthday. As I get older I find a birthday is more about having a nice lunch with friends or doing something little that is fun. I try to make some time every day to do something arty, whether it is making a background page or adding something to my art journal, or scrapping or whatever. Enjoy!
    Aloha, Kate

  8895. I like to drink coffee and read blogs that inspire me to create and play. (Of course, step two is creating and playing.)

  8896. Happy Happy Birthday Hanna!!! I Love your blog – thats what i do if i’m blue – i visit you! I also love Tammy’s blog and just purchased ALL of her zines. They rock!!!! I don’t want to win I just wanted to wish you a great week (birthdays in my world last a week)

    Oh, and for all of you who don’t win you REALLY need to purchase DaisyYellows Zines!
    they’re awesome!

  8897. Congratulations!
    What I recommend is going for a long walk – preferably by the sea or a lake. Inevitably your spirits are lifted and your perspective shifts.
    You have access so much nature in Sweden, so there’s no excuse :-)
    Bring your camera and when you start feeling you want to take pictures you’ll know that you are on the right track.
    Many happy returns,

  8898. Ett stort GRATTIS till dig om n en dag frsent!
    Hoppas dagen igr var bra.

    A big CONGRATULATION to you even if its a day late!
    Hope your day yesterday was nice.

    Today it is actualy my birthday…. :o)

    To keep in balance I take two ZUMBA workout pass every week. Its fun, gives you new energy and gives you a feeling of that you are good to your self.
    And to feel better when Im low, a long hot shower washing away my problems and worries down the drain is a good trick for me.

    Have a wonderful day, mine is going to be nice even thou I have to work.

  8899. Hip hip hurra Hanna! I take photo-walks to make me happy – me & my camera & the world! I take photos, I stop a lot, and I see, watch, observe and contemplate. Thats a good thing for me & it gives ideas and thoughts for my creative life.

  8900. Happy Belated Birthday. I hope you enjoyed your day!

    The zine looks wonderful.

    What do I do for myself? I make time to sketch daily.

  8901. Happy Birthday dear Hanna, thank you for all of the PINKS and the MAIL ART and the JOURNAL PAGES and the beautiful STITCHING and your happy outlook on life. It fills our world with smiles. And thank you for your kind words about the Zine!

  8902. Happy Belated Birthday!!! Hope you have a fabulous year!

    When I’m done I tend to do one of three things or all three:

    1. Go for a photo walk in my neighborhood especially now that it’s spring and capture all the lovely greens and pretty flower colors.

    2. Go window shopping with my camera. Nothing brightens a mood better than capturing no and usual things and vibrant colors and let’s forget that little stop at your favorite coffee drink house for a little snack.

    3. I go and create something even if it’s simply doodling in my art journal or writing lists, for some reason that helps.

    Hope you have a great day!

  8903. Happy Birthday, Hanna! I hope that you have had a good day and that it will continue through the evening!

    What do I do for myself when I want to keep life in balance? I make something for myself or for someone for whom I care! It could be knitting a few inches, cooking/baking something, journaling (both art and word), making books, spending some time with a group of friends… All of those things help me to work through the things that rattle in my brain and/or to keep things in perspective.

    Thank you for sharing all of your good ideas with all of us!

  8904. Hi Hanna, I hope your birthday was great. Remember, when considering the alternative, it’s best to just keep having those birthdays! I enjoy your happy and colorful art on Flickr, and usually forget to come to your blog, unless someone reminds me. Thanks to Tammy….

  8905. I just started attending yoga classes. Love it! I am learning how to relax-what a gift! Happy Belated!

  8906. I’m a believer that happiness doesn’t always show itself in the overflowing bubbles of emotion, but I can often find it as I practice being thankful and mixing layers of paint – COLOR!!

  8907. Enjoy your Birthday Week! What makes me feel happier? Well, yes, arting around, of course, and stroking my almost one-year-old Siamese kitten is always so relaxing and hearing her purr makes me happy, too.

  8908. Happy Birthday, Hanna! I hope you had a wonderful day. Making arty things makes me happy.

  8909. Happy, happy birthday, fellow April-born lady! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity; I love Tammy’s blog and have been eyeing those zines of hers. When I need a pick-me-up I might have a cup of tea and read a magazine, or listen to upbeat music that I enjoy, or create a simple collage or throw some paint around for fun.

  8910. So many gorgeous postcards on your inspiration board!! I think a blog archive is a MUST…it is so fun to go back on my favorite blogs to see “how it all began” as well as how the blog has been developed over time. Thanks for adding it back!

  8911. i wish i were a better stitcher but for now, I just do it on small projects, sometimes art journal pages and taking it one step at a time. thank you for the generous giveaway :)

  8912. I do art when I’m feeling low – especially drawing and painting faces. It makes me feel like I accomplished something, which lifts my mood! Happy, happy birthday, Hanna! You inspire me so much!!

  8913. I listen to music that I love (at the time it’s Jack Johnsons In between Dreams from 2005) and make art in my journal. This makes me happy almost every time!

    Happy birthday – I had mine last week :)

  8914. I doodle while I watch/listen to classical music or children’s television!

  8915. This winter I bought a beautiful boho style handbag with embroidery, applique and beading on it. I decided I wanted one in different fabrics and colors suitable for summer so I’m working on embellishing a handmade bag with needlework. Lots of fun!

  8916. Hi Hanna,
    This is the first time I’m doing a planner. So how do you make the tabs not overlap each other? What is the measurement for each one? Thank u and I luv ur planner! It’s do pretty in pink. :)

    • Gina, you could attach loose tabs one by one. If you start with the top one you will know where to add the next one “below it” on the next tab page. Good luck.

  8917. Oooh! This zine looks lovely! I recently made a kitty baby quilt for my sister’s new baby. It involved a lot of cursing on my part, since I’d never made a full size quilt before, only art quilts, but I managed to finish it and it looks beautiful! Yay! I’m a collector of fabric but hardly ever use it! I’m trying to work on changing that in 2012!

  8918. I recently bought all of the zines based on your recommendations — so if I win, choose someone else! — but last week I felt very down so I decided to let my sad emotions out on the page… and ended up doing a series of sad girl paintings which I ADORE. I’m not sad now, but I’m still painting my girls!

  8919. Thanks for this wonderful giveaway, Hanna! (And congrats on being published!) One of my favorite stitching projects I’ve done was to repair my favorite jeans. Dye had been splashed on the front of the jeans, making them face “wear only when painting” status; however, my brilliantly creative cousin recommended stitching to cover the spots. I chose to do a Lord of the Rings theme, with greenery and vines covering the spots on the front (“growing” from the bottom cuff) and a stitched Galadriel jewel on the back pocket. So much fun! And they came out of the jeans’ drawer even more often after the stitching!
    Thanks again for this awesome chance!

  8920. Hi Hanna,
    Thanks for offering such a cool give-a-way….looks like fun. I’ve been stitching practically forever…it started with counted cross stitch on aida cloth, then advanced to 32 ct linen and pulled thread, drawn thread, etc. Love old samplers and enjoy stitching reproduction samplers. Years ago (in the 70’s) I bought denim shirts and stitched all kinds of cool symbols on them. My husband still claims its his favorite.
    I’ve just started art journaling which I’m loving it and having a blast! So far no stitching in it yet, but that can’t be far behind!!
    Thank you again for the offering

  8921. I had not embroidered for years. However, this past winter after my mother passed away, I dug out some of her embroidery thread, flour sack dish towels, & old iron on patterns and started stitching. I found it very therapeutic and relaxing. I look forward to making several projects for friends and family!

  8922. Happy birthday, Hanna! Wishing you another year full of art, crafts and everything nice! :)
    Things I do for myself? Hmm, it’s got to be one of the following: 1) play with my art journal, 2) do reiki, 3) create with my son (he’s two years and has an art journal, too! :) ).

  8923. years ago i did a City and Guilds Modern embroidery course but have not done any for years – inspired by following all these blogs some of my doodles have now been printed on canvas so that i can embroider on them (i pick them up next week)- can’t wait to see how they turn out

  8924. Happy birthday (a little late)!
    When I’m down I clean my room and start a new project – usually something I have been thinking about doing for a while.
    The e-zines look fabulous!

    Hugs from Kirsten in Norway

  8925. In 2010 we had a sewing challenge in our quilt guild. And in my series of 4 (each season) I did what I called freebroidery… it felt really liberating just to put down fabric without piecing and then embroidering different stitches all over to hold it all together – so thereof the name freebroidery…

    The zines look great!

    Hugs from Kirsten in Oslo

  8926. Cool! I just had a birthday giveaway too! Wishing you a very happy (be it belated) birthday and hoping you have a wonderful creative new year ahead of you. Enjoy!

  8927. grattis! :)
    I do art, I cuddle with kitties, I knit, I drink tea with sisters, I watch stupid TV like Jersey Shore…

  8928. This zine looks very interesting. Right now I am stitching “Christmas stamp pockets”, a pattern from Hatched and Patched (I am trying not to make Christmas presents in the last minute this year).

  8929. Happy belated birthday! Thank you for doing a giveaway. I’m currently doing a Lifebook for year 2012 to document all the happy, strange, unhappy, memorable moments in 2012 and am planning to do a mini zine about my travel to Cambodia. I spend a lot of time on swap-bot lately looking for swaps related to mail art and journaling. Even though I may not have time to do all of those swaps, it makes me happy just to see so many people are creating things. Take Care :)

  8930. Thanks Hanna! I only just noticed there were some comments that hadn’t been approved! I am thrilled you like it!

  8931. Hi Hanna
    When I’m sad I go shopping ….. nothing better to get back your good mood!!

  8932. I’m a little late making the rounds, but I do hope you had a good birthday. This year was #45 for me so I just wanted it to be over with but my family managed to make it a very nice day, after all. When I’m down, I like to sketch little imaginary animals, people, or robots. Just silly little figures that make me smile.

  8933. A belated happy birthday to you. Just looking at your blog makes me feel happy but otherwise I like to work in my journal.

  8934. I haven’t done much embroidery since I left school but I do enjoy adding small motifs to my quilts!

  8935. Walking along the beach always lifts my spirits! I wish I lived nearer to the sea!

  8936. I love your colourful doodles Hanna!! I too have been doodle obsessed – last month was straight line mandalas and this month it’s been all about the fantasy flowers – repeating patterns trying to achieve depth and variation in line. It’s a lot of fun and I am really enjoying myself!

    ps. I have a spring birthday too! happy belated to you :)

  8937. I always love circles and swirls too. They seem to find their way into most of my work, although I’m not opposed to some nice grids as well.

  8938. This past few years I’ve done a few embroidery pieces, nothing too elaborate, mostly sayings. I’m really enjoying it. I hope to keep getting better. This zine looks absolutely fabulous and inspiring. I’m always looking for ideas and ways to expand my knowledge and skills. I haven’t been too creative with my journaling, though. This is a wonderful giveaway. It would be wonderful to win.

  8939. Aww, Hanna, I just made my husband pause the TV so I could tell him that you quoted me in your blog post…thank you!! Your journal spread looks amazing. I love circles and swirls myself, though there is the definite order of grids in much of my work. Very interesting to look for recurring patterns!

  8940. The bright colours are so uplifting! It’s a gloomy autumn day in New Zealand today so this spread really brightened my day =)
    I am really into drawing swirls & raindrops at the moment. There is just something about the shape of raindrops that I find quite relaxing to draw repetitively. They usually develop into a paisley type shape after drawing lots hehe.

    Rhiannon xxoxx

  8941. Wishing you a Happy Birthday. I go shopping without kids usually to the quilt shop or art store, buy a Vanilla Latte, read my blogs.

  8942. I gave been stitching since I was little but not on a regular basis! I just found an old embroidery book I am dying to delve into! Looks like a fab book!

  8943. Beautiful journal pages, Hanna! I always look forward to your posts – your artwork never fails to make me smile! I love your use of bright, happy colors and your style in general. Thanks for bringing a big smile into my rainy day!
    Big hugs,

  8944. I’ve always wanted to learn how to stitch, so I don’t have a story to tell. Hopefully I can still enter this giveaway though, because I would very much like to learn. Winning a zine with tutorials would be a good way to start out on this stitching adventure.

  8945. I love embroidery and love to do it, but I have a 3 year old and a 17 month old that don’t allow for scissors or time for it. Sometimes late at night : ) Prior to that it was the cats that chased the thread and chewed on it.

  8946. I’ve done small samplers but never felt ready for a “project”. I just received a stitched sampler in the mail from across an ocean. It was found at a flea market and the finder searched out someone who may be descended from 8 year old Betty who stitched it. It has found it’s way back to family and I am feeling inspired to pick up a needle again!

  8947. Hoppas att din rygg blir bttre snart! Jag lskar Ali Edwards, men jag r s upptagen med att frska anvnda upp mina leveranser s att jag kan investera i olika sdana i hst skulle jag bomba! Ser fram emot att se vad du “se”

  8948. The photo’s look so yummi, I love embroidery! All those colors and the soft material, must start doing it again.

  8949. My favorite embroidery project is a baby quilt I made for my son before he was born. I’ve also enjoyed stitching bibs for the babies of my friends and relatives. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win again! Your birthday week is a fun celebration for everyone!

  8950. Happy Birthday Hanna! May this coming year be even better than last year for you :)
    To keep balance in my life, to lift my spirits, I play in my art journal. That has given me more peace than anything ever before.

    Tammy’s ezines are so much fun and so inspirational, thanks for the opportunity to win the newest!

    xoxo MotherDana

  8951. I used to do counted Cross stitch a lot. I’d like to try some sashiko embroidery soon. This looks like a great resource!

  8952. Happiest belated birthday!

    Giveaway sounds amazing :)

    I enjoy long walks in the nature with my dog, thats what keeps me balanced :)

  8953. Happy Birthday! I’ve been reading your blog for years and enjoying it, and I wish you happier times, lots of creativity, inspiration and love! :-)
    For me, what always makes me feel good is art and creating (although when I’m not in the mood, it’s probably just pinning and less creating ;-))

    • Dear Hanna, happy belated birthday!

      One thing I am doing for myself is NIA. To me it is a lovely way to concentrate, feel the moovements, the rhythm…..

      Thanks for the chance to get an e-zine of DaisyYellow as a giveaway from you. I started my first Journal yesterday. I am looking forward what will happen. *Many surprises await you!* (TDCC)


  8954. So colorful and beautiful! For me, it’s also circles, and dots and flowers. Oh, and hearts! But I try to keep the hearts down to a certain minimum ;-))

  8955. Happy birthday Hanna. Making things with my hands make me pretty happy. Sometimes if I don’t feel so good I blast music really loud or go for a walking nature to find an equilibrium. Hope you got the cards i sent. Best wishes

  8956. I’m just learning to embroider and have been doing a lot of flour sack towels as gifts. I like them but am ready to branch out and learn some more stitches and make some small pieces to hang on the wall. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win!

  8957. Happy Birthday! I like to play with colorful things, like organizing crayons and pencils.

  8958. Hope you’re feeling happier about your birthday now that the pressure of the moment has passed ;-) Besides the obvious making art to make myself feel good, I sometimes just have to veg out with an old movie on the TV. Relaxing, no expectations and just a tad bit of guilt afterwards to get me up and moving! Don’t forget to celebrate your un-birthday now!!!

  8959. hi hanna, that was amazing!!!!…… i have never seen that done before……. .thank you !!

  8960. I made a bag for my dance shoes, instead of buying a new one. I used old t-shirts from dance. I love that bag!

    • Madeleine, thanks for taking the time to comment – it means a lot to me. I hope you will bring your camera out too for some colour capturing in the moment. It’s such a joy.

  8961. Hello Hanna,
    I do not do a lot with stitching, because it makes me itching. Know what I mean? Not very good at it, but it does look beautiful. A few months ago I made a nice card for a collague who was leaving and I stitched a border on the card.
    Nice give away.

  8962. Awesome ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ !
    Your photos are colorful and it makes me happy (◕‿◕✿).

  8963. Happy Birthday Hanna ヽ(*⌒∇⌒*)ノ

    What do I do for myself when I want to keep life in balance?
    – journaling
    – crafting ( i love making something)
    – spend time with family and friends
    – learn and try something new
    – play with my cat ( =①ω①=)
    – praying and be thankful

    I’ve been your blog reader for long time and this is my first comment (^_^) . I love your writing because it’s inspiring me to start my creative life.

    Thanks Hanna 。◕‿◕。

  8964. Wow your photos are so beautiful. Your camera can take really crisp shots, I’m jelly because my camera is a POS but I can’t afford anything better right now. Which is extra sad because I’ve already owned this one for years…

  8965. One thing lately is to work on my art journal. Sketching and watercolor makes my heart sing these days. It is so simple, not messy and I can just pick it up and go town!

  8966. I took a redwork embroidery class years ago at a quilting convention and really enjoyed it. I was all gung-ho for a while but had trouble finding patterns I liked. I love having needle in my hand, whether it is for applique’, quilting, or embroidery and it has been far too long. I think I must take it up again!

  8967. Hi Hanna!

    I am a first timer, however I am most definitley IN!
    I am not big on journaling, so for this project I will focus to push myself to journal. Ali’s daily pages will definitely help in that aspect.

    I will be sure to check back here for some inspiration

  8968. I just complete my first stitching swap with The Wild Olive! it was so much fun and an easy swap – my swapee love hers. I still am waiting on mine to arrive! thanks!

  8969. Recently I wanted to make a book with photos of family members holding hands and struggling with the way I had to connect the pages I decided to sew the pages together with a blanket stitch. I’m not an embroiderer but I remembered the boxes I made when I was young using postcards stitched together with a blanket stitch. It was a fun project, taking up lots of time, but it made me wanna do more with embroidery stitches.

  8970. Happy birthday, Hanna! And you know what makes me happy? Reading your blog, because your pages are always so colourful!

  8971. I am new to the stitching world; I picked up embroidery as something to do between classes at college!

  8972. Bit late to the bandwagon but Happy Birthday! I hope you had a fantastic day and that this next year of your life brings you what you wanted and more, and when it doesn’t that everything and everyone you need to make you smile or see the brighter side is there too.

  8973. I do cross stitch mostly because its a connection to my mom. Before she died we used to go from store to store gathering up supplies and patterns and kits and the like. Now I go through these things and its like shes here touching them with me. Each item is a hug or a kiss. Each item has her hands on them and thats enough for me.

    Recently I did a small cross stitch pattern for a swap and it was so much fun to make this tiny bunny and share a peice of my memories. A peice of my mom. Its a hug from me to my secret sister. :)

  8974. I take time to read and to try to draw, color, or paint. Basically I try to add color to my life. Hopefully add some way of learning with art and connecting to an art community whether its online or in real life I try to connect.

  8975. I’m inspired to stitch by the things I find in antique stores. Recently I purchased 2 giant jars; one was full of old wooden spools and the other was filled with embroidery threads. I put the two ideas together to stitch some wall decor ideas. Please enter me in the ‘zine contest!

  8976. Happy Birthday! After a rough day at the office I spend my downtime in creative play, painting or working in my art journal.

  8977. Wonderful post! I love how you make it doable by posting photos (instead of layouts), and I love how something so simple tells a super-interesting story. Thanks for sharing, and for the inspiration to do this myself.

  8978. Daily life comes with such awesome images… we just have to look! Glad YOU did that, I love the photos of your morning travel!

  8979. Great photography and I love your journal. The flowers and all of the wonderful colors are inspiring. I just wrote a blog post on color and how it inspires me to paint. I can see that you are influenced by it as well.
    Have a great day!

  8980. Great post! I love doing the 365 photos thing to really notice and appreciate daily life. I love looking down too. I found an awesome puddle last week shaped as a heart!

  8981. Oh my, this is the giveaway I hope to win out of every giveaway I’ve ever entered before! I’ve always wanted to own some of this decorative tape, and this is my chance.

    Pro of blogging: getting to ramble on about things I like to people who enjoy the same things. My most recent example of this is Pottermore and art journaling!

    Con of blogging: Sometimes I fall out of the habit of blogging and I feel pressured to start writing regularly.

  8982. Love me some washi tape!

    A pro of blogging for me is connecting with other art journalers and creatives, since I don’t have anyone in my day to day life who understands this obsession. A con is the time it takes… I’m a busy mama you know, so don’t get to write as much or as in depth as I’d like.

  8983. Well, the pros would absolutely have to be connecting to people all over the world in ways marvelous and unexpected. I recently read a blog and recognized a Maori ceremonial cloak. A woman’s little girl was just starting school and they put the cloak on her the first day of school. We spent a year in NZ when one of my girls started school. I also spent a year in Sweden (in Orebro) and now keep reading about how wonderful iHanna is in other people’s blogs. Lots and lots of connections. For me, the downside is actually spelling. I have a little dyslexia and my spell check won’t automatically read my mind and is clueless sometimes about what I want to say. Also those “tests” to make sure I’m not some spamming bot are actually tricky for me. I fail a lot. Apparently just the kind of thing to also pick out my weakness. But I persevere. I will not be mistaken for a bot. Congratulations on 8 years. That is quite an accomplishment. I’ve barely cracked a month (he he).

  8984. Ooh! I love tape! I would love a chance to win this giveaway.

    Pros: It’s a visual diary of all you have done. It’s fun to connect with other people.

    Cons: I fall into the comparison trap a lot and compare my artwork and life with everybody else’s.

  8985. What a great giveaway. I ordered from Cute Tape last week thanks to the mention in your blog (enabler!) and their offerings are WONDERFUL; super fast shipping, too. So I’d love to win, I’ll just get that out of the way, ok?

    Blogging pro: sharing art, ideas, highs, lows…life. My blog is called Chaos and Art – enough said! And what a huge pro to see your followers growing!

    Blogging con: time; it evaporates and then there’s the feeling that you NEED to post something, anything.

  8986. Funny thing is, I draw patterns for other people to stitch, but don’t actually have many finished projects myself! This is because I decided that my first real project should be huge, and until I finish it I feel guilty starting up anything else.

    This is also because I tend to stop working on said huge project for months at a time, then pick it back up and stitch obsessively for a few weeks, then stop again.

  8987. Draw. And I need to do more of it lately- seriously neglecting the ol’ drawing side of myself.

  8988. What a great giveaway; who wouldn’t love some fab tape??? I just celebrated my one-year (congrats on EIGHT!) and the pros are definitely the supportive and inclusive community as well as getting to know people from all over the world. I like having a place to share my art and ideas and online discoveries with others. The cons? Hmmmm – maybe how much time I spend following all my fave blogs and reading and commenting. But I enjoy it so much, is it really a con? I know, maybe a con is that I feel intimidated to share my efforts when it seems like everyone else is so much more talented and creative – so what’s that, blog talent envy? Luckily I’m usually able to channel it into learning or inspiration once I remind myself that I too have my creative moments!

  8989. Congratulations on your blogoversary!! Keep up the good work! :)

    What I love about blogging is that you create an online journal of your life with photo’s and all.
    However one of the downside of blogging is that some people sometime seem like they’re out to get you in the comment section (I mean, seriously, why would someone do that?!)


  8990. Wow 8 years! Congrats! One good thing about blogging is the community & making good friends from it. The one bad is trying to write when you feel unmotivated, forced or have writers block. Thanks!

  8991. congrats on your blogoversary! i love your blog (follow in reader). i love this tape!

    the lows are definitely not enough time to devote as i would like
    the highs are when i post something that connects with someone and they like it enough to follow or leave a comment —

  8992. Eight years, wow, that is amazing. Hard to believe, that’s a very long time and your posts continue as always to inspire and are creative every time I see one. Congrats to you. xox

  8993. Congrats on your blogoversary! I’ve just recently found your blog and I love it, you truly inspire me! :)
    The one good thing about blogging, well the best thing, for me is the people I’ve found, the friends I’ve made. Nothing better in the world than a good friend! :) The bad thing is feeling guilty about not having enough time to leave a comment on every blog I’d like to.

  8994. Of course I’m impressed with eight years (i’m soon to be 4 myself). Congratz :-) One good thing about beeing a blogger is that I always think, contemplate and reflect upon things. Things wich I write about, take photos of…. one bad thing is that I’m “tied” to the computer every day to make a blogpost. (I have to get better at pre-posting a blogpost or two once in a while, or even don’t post each day…)

  8995. Congratulations, Brilliant Blogger Girl ! 8 Years is an amzing amount of time and dedication. How wonderful !
    Thank you for offering such a sweet treat for your celebration. I would say one down side of blogging is finding enough time to comment and visit other bloggers. And yet, it is the community and friendships that I have received through blogging that is my very favorite thing about it! For me, the good definitely outweighs the bad !
    Here’s to IHanna blog – a wonderful, creative, inspiring place in Blogland !
    Cheers !

  8996. Good thing: having a “soft spot” for all those beautiful thoughts and ideas to fly away and land, somewhere besides my head. It feels like such a relief sometimes to sit and write and know that someone, somewhere is receiving the words I send out there.

    Bad thing: when I write something really deep and emotional and no one comments! Oh, well :)

    Thank you for this opportunity! Have a perfect day :)

  8997. First I want to say, your blog is great. I wish I found it sooner. You’re a great inspiration in so many ways. I really love your work and your creativity! <3
    Thank you for being such an awesome person.

    I love sunflowers, clouds and my blue sapphire ring. On days when I'm feeling down, to make myself happy, I wear the ring and take pictures of the clouds. I find it helpful when I write down my feelings and draw/paint sunflowers around the entry in my diary. And I often make backgrounds that are sky blue and paint clouds at the top and sunflowers at the bottom, kind of like a sunflowers field.
    I hope I gave a good answer for that question. :)

    • oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY <3 May you find joy and happiness everyday of your life!

  8998. Congratulations on 8 years! Your blog and art have been a source of great pleasure to me.
    I’d love to win the giveaway because I’ve just about mortgaged my life to for more washi tape.
    Pro of blogging – writing again, and having someone read my words. Con of blogging – forgetting to blog, because I’m so busy reading other people’s blogs!

  8999. I don’t usually stitch. But I am currently preparing for my wedding this October. And I’m making some DIY projects.
    I have this idea to make my own clutches and some clothes. Like, nice tops with embroidery on them. Especially being a graphic designer, I want to incorporate that using vintage methods and unique ways.
    I’m currently looking for inspiration, and your blog is the best to read. <3
    I hope I win this book to make my projects more fun <3!

  9000. I read blogs! I love seeing all the happy creative colourful things out there. Most bloggers are really positive writers too, so I usually cheer up just reading their blogs and looking at their pictures and videos.

  9001. As my friend K says, “Can you ever have enough washi tape?” has some of the, well, cutest tape I’ve ever seen!

    The pro of blogging is actually seeing my words go out there into the universe, and actually touch someone’s life–someone I have never met, perhaps, but someone who I reached and in whose day I’ve made a difference.

    The con? I’d say it’s getting slightly depressed because no one left a comment. Then I start wondering if anyone is really reading!

  9002. The thing I like best about blogging is that it makes me think about and appreciate my art and craft more. It makes it mire special because I publically acknowledge it.
    The worst thing for me is wondering what people think, if they even see it at all. Also, I got to a point where I was spending more time blogging than creating, and I didn’t feel like that was right.

    What’s your high and low Hanna?

  9003. Happy Blogaversary! The thing I love most about having a blog is being able to connect to people with the same interest as me. I missed that when I closed my old blog and it led me to start another one. The worst thing about having a blog is the feelings of guilt when you don’t post anything for too long.

    I’ve seen washi tape all over the internet but I’ve never had any. Looks like fun stuff!

  9004. The good thing about blogging is the inspiration I get from other blogs. The bad things are the time I spend looking at blogs rather than being creative and the money I spend because I see art things on blogs that I want!

  9005. Happy Blogaversary!

    Good thing about blogging: It’s an opportunity to share your creative vision and energy with others

    Bad thing about blogging: When you feel like no one is reading your blog and you feel all alone in cyberspace.

  9006. Hi! Love that photo of the washi tape re-done keyboard! So cute!! Ok so I love that with blogging I can learn from others and share my own knowledge letting others learn from me. The low for blogging is that I feel pressured to blog every day or pretty close to that – otherwise I feel like I’m neglecting the few viewers that I have! I hope other people don’t feel that same way! I would love love to win the tape!! Fingers are crossed!

  9007. Happy 8th blog birthday Hanna! Thank you for all that you do. I wish you more amazing years in blogland!!

    And now for your question:

    The good: A great outlet to express individuality and creativity and nurture a sense of community.

    The bad: Lack of time to periodically churn out quality blog posts.

  9008. OMgoodness! I would love to win more washi tape. I am an obsessive collector of it and really have to force myself to use it! It’s so pretty blah, blah, blah! I don’t have a blog but the plus is getting to learn so much from everyone sharing tutorials/videos and info about how they made their projects. The bad is how much time you can drain away looking at all the blogs. But that is a choice. I sometimes turn away from the computer so I can get some of my art done!
    Aloha, Kate

  9009. Ohhh I love the look of washi tape but haven’t been able to fit it in my budget! I’d love to win some!
    Pros of reading blogs: I love to see what other artsy people have been doing, and other art journal blogs can help inspire my pages. I also love reading tutorials, life advice, and other random peeks into peoples’ lives.
    Some of the cons are that sometimes I spend too much time looking for tutorials and browsing art journalists’ blogs that I neglect my own journaling, writing, and photography. It’s also too easy to start comparing what I produce with what others produce. I’m working on kicking those bad habits though! (:

  9010. Happy Blogaversary! eight years is amazing! i don’t have a blog myself. but i sure enjoy reading them.
    pros of reading blogs for me. the inspiration that i get from them. the connection to other people with similar interests. the biggest con for me, is that they are very addicting. i could spend hours reading them.

    thanks for the opportunity to win some great tape.

  9011. Happy April Birthday!!! I go for a walk and enjoy nature when I want to feel energized and it does make me feel better. Or it could be nothing more than a nice cup of tea or making some scribbles on paper. I would love to win Tammy’s e-zine….thanks!

  9012. I love washi tape! Blogging not so much LOL It is hard to get into a routine so it is sporadic. And there are so many great blogs out there to read I don’t have much confidence in mine.

  9013. My favorite part of blogging is the inspiration it gives me to keep creating. That’s probably also the downside. I sometimes feel pressured to make something to put on my blog, but that has also inspired some of my coolest projects.

  9014. Happy Blog-birthday!

    Hahaha here goes.
    Pros of blogging: Its an awesome form of journal-ing thoughts that’s easy and I love to write and think of words to use so its a good practice for me. Also, at times I try to blog in 3 languages (English, Chinese, French), so that I can practice my Chinese and French haha! I think its also a good way to track my personal growth. I’ve looked at my earliest blog posts and I wonder that I can write something as immature as that! Its a reflection of my heart and the things I care about, and the things I want to share with the world.

    Cons: Sometimes, knowing that people read my blog, the posts begin to get fake. Its a challenge to always be authentic – and sometimes you don’t really want to be too authentic cuz after all, anyone can read it!


  9015. I just got my first order from Cute Tape and I am loving all the tapes. There are so many ways to use it. Congratulations on eight years! I always enjoy reading your posts and find out about so many cool things. Best thing for me about blogging is it’s been one of my motivators to make creative time a regular habit and priority for me as a stay-at-home mom. The worst is when I feel I should post something but it’s just not in me. I’m finding ways around that though.

  9016. I’m new to art journalling and don’t a have blog. I’m sothankful for the blogs. They are very helpful in getting me started with all their fun, creative ideas. The only problem is that I get so caught up reading them that I don’t have time to work on my projects.

  9017. the good about blogging is meeting new people, seeing amazing art, and learning, the bad about blogging is thinking about topics for the blog. I like to keep my blog upbeat and happy, with art, and sometimes tips, but somedays its hard to be upbeat.

  9018. i don’t do much blogging myself but I love to look at other people’s blogs! I really enjoy seeing all the talent and being inspired by all that I see. I am also appreciative of all the knowledge and support that is shared. On the other side sometimes when I read a blog or see photographs or art I start to compare myself and if I’m not careful I can get down on myself for not being more talented, or having it all together or having what sounds like a better life. I try to stop myself and remember what I like about the blogs I follow is that they are positive and that even though the writer may have issues they usually focus on the positive. Or when they do share some concern, it is done in such a way that I feel closer to them for sharing an experience I can relate to in some way. The one thing I find most sad are the posts where you can tell someone feels like they have to post (to reach some goal or build business or something I guess) but that they have lost the joy of blogging and it appears they feel trapped into needing to blog or feel guilty for not blogging. Thank you Hanna for your wonderful blog!

  9019. I am reminded of when I commuted in NYC. I lasted a year. Now I am back to greenery and nature. Thanks for reminding me that beauty is where we are, everywhere.

  9020. I blog because it keeps me connected with the very larger world much beyond my town, state, and country. I am an introvert and the internet, with its ability to communicate when you are feeling that you are in the right place, is so wonderful for me.
    The down side of the internet: I am intermittent with my blog. It is hard enough to keep up with a life that has become increasingly global even if one is sedentary, much less the special connections that one makes through the internet.
    Mail art helps me. I send people that strike a chord with me cards and they often send me cards back. It’s a way of communicating and letting people know that I appreciate them without having to always use words and email.

  9021. Congratulations on your 8th anniversary – what a milestone!

    What I love about blogging is sharing my creative process with my readers and the dialogue that happens – it inspires me to keep going and creating even when my spark seems so dim.

    What I dislike the most about blogging is feeling pressure to post regularly and come up with new ideas to post. Some months I just want to be quiet :)

  9022. I recently discoverd washi tape and now I’m hooked!

    Pro of blogging: Getting to share my Peace Corps experience with friends and family as well as introducing them to a new culture.

    Con of blogging: I get so busy during the week that I don’t feel like updating which means I don’t update for a couple of weeks. Therefore I have to summarize all of my activities which can lead to a long post.

  9023. A definite pro is, like many others have already mentioned, the connection between people who in real life would never meet. Blogging is sharing with certain randomness: you never know who might read your words and see your pictures. And the other way round, too: you never know where reading one blog may lead you, what treasures you might find (like the washi tape I found through your blog, or this blog. Blogging has made me feel even more that we live in and share one world.

    And the cons? You take a change when you write about things important to you. What if no-one reads it? What if no-one sees what you see? Reading blogs is can be rather time consuming, but Russel Ray has come up with a solution, blog camping. Sometimes it also can be a little depressing reading about all the wonderful things other people are doing. You know, the I-wish-I-had-the-time/money/opportunity/luck/idea/whatever -kind of thinking. While reading blogs can be and is inspiring, it can also be not. But these are anxieties we all have in our real life too. There is never enough time to do it all. Just do what you can, now.

  9024. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HANNA! Blogging, hmmmmmmm. I love all the cool photos bloggers include with their posts. A downfall is I can spend sooooo much time blog
    hopping that i don’t get anything else done!

  9025. Washi Tape! Yay!

    Happy Blogoversary!

    Pro blog reading: discovering so many tricks, DIY and ideas to try out in the future, keeping up with everything and having always so many posts to read, discovering how rich and large the blogging (art/craft/journaling) community is..

    Con blog reading: sometimes feeling like I should create more, and wanting to write a blog too, but I tried it before and I just don’t keep the habit…

    Thank you!

  9026. Congratulations on your blogoversary! (Would so love some washi tape :)
    For me the best side of blogging is being connected to artists around the world. Not only because of the tricks and ideas, mostly because it’s comforting to see so many people thinking along the same lines.
    The bad side is the ups and downs – sometime all you can think of is “Oh, need to blog this”, like 5 times a day and then 5 days go by without a single post because real life takes over …
    Bye, Kitty

  9027. I am not a blogger, but I read them almost daily. All kinds of them. The cons I think are blogs that aren’t regularly updated and become outdated. It’s no fun reading the same articles over and over again because there aren’t any new ones added. The pros I think are reading the ones that are very well written and thought out with a lot of detail. It keeps me interested in the blog itself and makes me want to read more from that particular site.

  9028. When I’m having a bad day or just a rough time, I always listen to music. It calms me down and brings me to a peaceful place, almost instantly putting me in a better mood.

  9029. Jösses amalia vilken kreativ och super duktig tjej du är, allt är så superläckert, gillar allt jag ser.
    Glad att du tittade in på min blogg och lämnade en kommentar så jag hittade till din,
    kram Lena

  9030. I am now blogging for about 3 and a half years. I started very slow, but now I do it at a regular basis. A pro is for me: I keep busy, because I can only blog when I have something to blog about, don’t I? And I love the contacts with other bloggers. A con is in my opinion that it gives a bit of pressure to publish a post, plus I tend to keep hanging on the internet too long and that’s contraproductive. But I love all the creative inspiration!
    Happy blog anniversary.

  9031. I don’t blog but I love to read them. The great thing about blogs is hearing from people who enjoy the same things that I do. Seeing the way they do things, how they work art into their lives and looking at their pages provides tons of information. The only downside is that one blog leads to another and another until it takes all morning to read my blogs. This is usually a good thing, since I really enjoy it, unless the kids are needing me. Then it is difficult.

  9032. Amazing giveaway, thank you!!! :)
    The thing I like best about blogging is that I can document my life together with knowing other people in the world. The thing I don’t like is that it needs a lot of time, if you want to write a good blog.

  9033. Congratulations!!
    I don’t have a blog but I love reading a wide variety of blogs on a regular basis! the best are a mix of subjects with lots of pictures!!

  9034. Eight years of blogging !!! THAT in itself is an accomplishment, never mind all the “Hanna juice” it took to make all the wonderfully creative things you actually put in the blog. I am new to your blog, and I love it. Congratulations, hi five yourself, eight years is a huge accomplishment. I have been blogging for a couple of years and have given plenty of thought to the pros and cons of blogging. The pros are numerous, mainly that I get to share different parts of me and my creative life with people who actually spend some of their precious time to read about it. All the giddiness in me when I am doing a project gets shared -that is a big deal to me. The cons … well … There is only ONE real con. It is not the lack of time, or the computer and techi malfunctions that come with the territory. The ONLY real con to blogging is that not all of my readers blog, themselves, this leaves me with an emptiness that I find difficult to put into words. They, thru my blog, get to know me, and feel like, over time, they have become closer to me, but unfortunately I cannot reciprocate the closeness … blogging fills me with joy – or so I think until I see a comment from someone who doesn’t blog. They seem, unreachable, and that doesn’t even begin to talk about all the readers who don’t leave a comment, those, to me, seem to be floating out in cyberspace, hidden from my view. If only they all knew how much I long to know them, their interests, their weather, their creative endevours and thoughts, their little spot in life where they find refuge. Those are my pros and cons, how about you? Do you agree?

  9035. The photos of these fabrics are absolutely luscious! I don’t use a lot of fabric in the things I do, but I am always so drawn to it. Ribbons, as well. I love those measuring tape ribbons…how fun! I can’t wait to see the results of your artist date.

  9036. …then I think you should get a pink shirt with mushrooms :)
    (Ive passed 40 and love my pink t-shirt with little My)

    • I don’t have a problem with wearing pink + mushrooms, just with making the sweater… I can, but I don’t have the time for everything I want to do! Gaah, where can I buy more time?

  9037. Happy Blogaversary! What a great milestone. And what a great giveaway! I’m with everyone else…washi tape is SO-OOO-OO much fun, and can be used in so many ways. Thanks so much for the giveaway opportunity.

    The best part of blogging has been making connections with people all over the country and the world who have interests similar to mine. It is so energizing to make those contacts and build those relationships.

    The worst part of blogging is the pressure to be consistent about posting. I am seldom consistent about anything, so this has been a real exercise in discipline for me.

  9038. This is a great giveaway! I think pros of blogs are that you can connect with other like-minded people with similar interests and get inspired. Cons would be that it is very easy to get caught up and spend a lot of time reading and commenting on blogs.

  9039. Congrats on your 8th anniversary blogging, that’s something to be proud of! I don’t have a blog myself but I enjoy reading others’ blogs. I’ve learned so much about art journaling just from reading blogs. The negative would be that I spend too much time online and not enough time arting! Thanks for the chance to win!

  9040. The best thing about blogging is meeting other bloggers online and exchanging ideas! The thing I find most challenging about blogging is waiting… and waiting… to get a reader base built up. It seems like it takes forever!
    P.S.- I <3 washi tape!!!! I've taken on a new obsession since I started doing mixed media collages. :)

  9041. Love your blog – congrats on your anniversary. I am coming up to 2 yrs blogging. Best thing — blogging makes me want to get things finished so I can share them, and I love reading people’s comments. The down side is spending too much time on the computer once I’m there. Thanks for the great giveaway opportunity.

  9042. I haven’t added any posts to my blog in quite some time, as I can only be obsessed with one thing at a time, and right now it’s art journaling’s time to be obsessed over! But the good thing about blogging — the immense amount of creative talent and ideas that are available!! The bad thing about blogging — I find myself losing myself in time (in a good way) because I still want to look at “just one more blog”. =)

  9043. congrats on your 8 years. i would agree about fabric store shopping, dangerously enjoyable. i’ve never seen the ribbon that looks like a tape measure. i can think of all kinds of uses.

  9044. I blog, but hardly. I guess I don’t like that I can’t seem to get the hang of it (well not yet at least). I follow quite a few blogs and am amazed at the work that gets put into it all the time. I love reading about all different things on this world wide web and seem to find more everyday! Thanks for the contest and thanks for keeping up the great blog!!

  9045. Congratulations on the blog anniversary! Best thing about reading blogs is finding so much inspiration to go make something. The down side is spending too much time on the computer instead of making something. Thanks for the give-away and have fun taking photos for Week in the Life.

  9046. I don’t blog, but I love reading them. I love to see the pictures that are posted (so inspiring!), but I also find that I get very distracted looking at other people’s work and forget to create my own.

    Thank you for hosting the contest. I hope I win! :)

  9047. The best thing about blogging for me is meeting people with common interests. The bad thing is finding the time to do it all. I was able to type posts and comment on some blogs but never was able to respond to comments and connect like I wanted to so stopped all together. :( I hope to return one day though. Thanks for the chance to win. I haven’t tried washi tape before.:)

  9048. Not a blogger but a HUGE follower on many blogs! I love to read and find inspiration! I can imagine it takes up quite a bit of time! Bit I would imagine it’s very rewarding!!! Congrats on 8 years!!!!

  9049. The best thing about blogging? No doubt about it, the amazing sharing that goes on with such generosity all over the craft blog scene. I have learned SSOOOOOooooo much since keeping my own blog and reading hundreds of others.
    The down side is – quite honestly – this …… I sometimes feel there is an expectation to be upbeat and cheerful when I blog, for who wants to read the mundane or the sad, which we all have in our lives, and I struggle to post consistently cheerful posts. If I am absent then people are concerned, so what to do, be honest and lose readers? be absent and lose readers? be less than honest and lose your authentic voice?
    Answers on a postcard please, preferably a handmade one!

  9050. I can always count on delightful color when I stop by your blog!

    Highs of blogging: Getting feedback on my art work, feeling that I’ve created some beauty that others appreciate. Lows of blogging: Sometimes it is difficult to know what to do next, or finding the time to post! Having a consistent schedule & posting at least once a week. More often would be better…

  9051. Hmm… good thing is that you get to put your ideas and projects out there for people to see and to get their feedback and thoughts on what you’ve been doing. The bad thing is that sometimes it’s easy to let the blogging part take time away from the creating part! I tend to let my blogging slide in favor of creating these days, but I used to be the opposite. And washi tape? Love it! I made a tin inspired by Daisy Yellow, too!

  9052. Congratulations on winning Moira! I hope you will like the zine as much as I did. Lots of cutness inside. :-)

  9053. thanks for celebrating with us. may this be a beautifully artist year for you.
    I don’t blog myself but spend a lot of time enjoying artistic blogs. Best part – being inspired and enjoying the wealth of colors and happiness. Worst part, the more I enjoy looking the less time I have at my own art table.

  9054. Happy blogversary! Wow, 8 years.. yes, I’m impressed! I’ve blogged for a while than I stopped and now I’m back, with a new blog and a new purpose. I feel pretty much like you, blogging helps me paying attention to the details, the simple and beauty in daily life, and of course, sharing this is the biggest pleasure. It’s also a great exercise for expressing myself.
    Washi tapes are just perfect, love them! Thanks for the worderful giveaway!

  9055. Good thing- the public sketchbook aspect of it all. Want to know why, where, how? Look at my blog. Want to see what I’m about. Look at my blog. And I feel that’s the same with other creatives. Their work is great in it’s own right but to explore their blog is far more intimate.

    Bad thing- little brothers snooping, ditto creepy ex boyfriends, ex-friends. Part of the territory but still damn irritating, especially when you can see the search engine terms they’ve been using to find you. Cringy!

    • Thanks for the blogoversary wishes Julie, 8 years, how did time fly so quickly? I must becoming a blog institution… :-)

  9056. The best thing about blogging is the wonderful and encouraging comments that I receive from people all over the world – it really serves to remind me that there really are some kind, thoughtful people out there.

    One bad thing about blogging is that it is hard to stick to a schedule and keep posting regularly, even on days and weeks when I don’t feel like it. Even this isn’t really that bad though; it is just that I am so bad with procrastination!

    This is a great giveaway, so thanks very much for it! I haven’t used washi tapes before, but I would love the chance to try them out.

  9057. Happy Blogoversery to you!!
    I have been drooling over Cute Tape for a while now, I keep changing my mind which ones I want to start with :)

    For me, one of the best parts of blogging is the inspiration. I can sometimes get lazy if left to my own devices, but because I have committed to regularly scheduled posts on my blog, I get off my duff and find inspiration. The process keeps me active and arting, even when I think I’m having a day when I’d rather hide in bed all day!

    Really, the “bad” part of blogging is the same answer…sometimes I’d rather hide in bed all day long, but no! The blog pulls me out cuz I’ve committed to being active!

    Thanks for the great giveaway and opportunity, I LOVE the questions and all of the answers here…I really can feel the ethereal connection to everyone, cuz I feel the same :)
    xoxo MotherDana

  9058. The best thing about blogging is being able to visit so many ‘friends’ in a day:)

    the worst thing is when you go on a little ‘blog hop’ – and find a really great blog… get distracted and then can’t find it again :(

  9059. Marvelous week, Hanna ! Aren’t you amazed by how many sweet things there are to notice once you start looking for them ? Here’s to small graces everywhere !
    Cheers !

  9060. I love the inspiration that I have gotten from bloggers. I have tried new art projects, recipes, outfits, yoga poses, music, movies, books… that I never would have dreamed of if those in my blogging community had not shared with such passion and excitement!

    Lately I have been struggling with having to decide if I want to blog and read blogs or spend the small amount of free time I have actually trying the things I like to read about. There has been a lot less blogging and more creating. Good and bad both I guess.

    My creating has included lots of washi tape… that’s what led me here… a new inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on 8 years!

  9061. oo, i would love to win this! i haven’t yet been able to find or play with washi tape, and i think it would be a lovely creative adventure.

    creativity and inspiration definitely have their own ebb and flow, and it’s tough to keep writing when you are having a dry spell. however, the connections i make through the process of sharing are absolutely incredible. i have met so many wonderful friends through my site and am humbled that i can touch lives through my writing!

    thanks, hanna! happy 8 years!

  9062. The best thing about blogging is being able to share! I share my life with my colleagues and my family (mostly), through my blog, which is primarily an online journal. It’s also a good record for myself- where I’ve been, what I’ve done, how I’ve grown.

    The worst thing? Feeling guilty when I haven’t updated in a while….

    Washi tapes are really great! I have a couple, and always want more! They are so easy to get addicted to!

  9063. love love love tape, and YOU are the one who got me started on it! I would collect a million kinds! And I actually make my own sometimes when I don’t have the perfect pattern.

    I’m so sorry I missed your birthday, my friend, and I am sending you heartfelt happy Blogversary regards! I would not be the crafter/artist I am without your site and encouragement!

  9064. Happy blog anniversary! Thanks for this great giveaway. I would love to win it. I’ve been looking for this tape everywhere locally. Really wanted to start using it. Keep up the wonderful blog and celebrating your life. I love it!

  9065. I’m a newbie in the blogging world–only a little more than 3 months. The sense of satisfaction I get when I put together a post is the pay off for me. Just as in creating art the joy is in the process. But then the downside since I’m new is the lack of comments and feedback. But I’m determined to carry on and I recently read about a site that will collect your years worth of posts into a book form. That’s appealing because I’m an art journaler so my blogging will be another journal on my shelf!
    I’ve never even heard of washi tape until just recently but I love the way it looks.



  9066. LOVE your blog! Really enjoyed your washi tape ideas. Would LOVE to win some washi tape.

  9067. Happy anniversary, i love your blog, dont always comment but always read it. I love the tape holder, and am going to use that idea for sure, loving the small tin with the tape, i have just the right tin for it. Thanks for being so inspriational.


    • Lee, thank you for your kind words! It’s great to know you read and find inspiration here, even though you might not always comment, thanks for letting me know!

  9068. I am new to reading blogs..past month or two. A friend told me about Pinterest and Many of the great pins lead to amazing blogs like yours! I looked for washi tape and eventually you end up on a great site. The blogs are a great way to see what other like-minded folks are doing, and get some creative inspiration. I found you through a link, but then cruise your blog and find dozens more! I love it.
    Only problem is…I find so many great ideas and I know I couldn’t possibly live long enough to do all of them. Not to worry though, I will give it my best effort!
    Thanks for sharing so many great ideas, and being the inspiration that busy moms often need. Happy Anniversary!

  9069. The nicest thing of blogging is the possibility of sharing your art with likeminded people, especially if you haven’t that kind of people in your circle of friends. What I dread the most is feeling guilty for not posting regularly and that’s because it takes a lot of time. I always am amazed about the enormous amount of posts that other bloggers, including you, Hanna, come up with. So I’m more the blogreader type than the blogging type.

  9070. Congrats on eight years of blogging! May 20 will mark my 6th year of blogging but I haven’t done a tenth with my blog that you have done with yours! A lot of that has to do with the biggest “con” for me when it comes to blogging: time! When I have to choose my time & energy expenditures so carefully, blogging, sadly, often gets moved to the bottom of the to do list. On the positive side, I feel good when I blog because the self-expression in a public, supportive forum is so freeing. It is all about finding the balance.

    Thank you Hanna for all the incredible inspiration!

  9071. Fina washiider! Jag har tv oppnade rullar, som vntar p vad de ska anvndas till. Vet inte om tid finns kvar att vara med i utlotningen, men jag svarar nd. Det bsta med bloggandet r att det gett mig en hel bunt nya vnner och kontakter. Flera som jag trffat i verkligheten ocks.
    Det smsta mste vara att det tar tid. Tid som jag inte alltid fr in i mitt liv. Mvh Maria

  9072. Grattis till jubilet! :)

    On the good side – my blog-writing has got me to know quite a few awesome other bloggers!

    On the bad side – well, the only thing I can think about is that it takes some time?

  9073. oh washi tapes are so so lovely~ I have been blogging for a few years now, for me the most exciting thing about blogging is being able to put my work out there which would otherwise be impossible. The internet has become a main channel for people to share ideas, their works and for me, to learn from others. The downside is that I usually spend a lot of time coming up with ideas for blog post and actually writing them.

  9074. The best thing about reading blogs is getting to know others like me, and being inspired by their work. Though I value solitude, the community nature of blogging as opened up a world of art and creative minds and inspired and supported me, even when they don’t even know I am lurking on their site. The best thing about writing a blog is getting my thoughts and images down on “paper” and occasionally having someone write and say “hey, that’s cool”. I like the ability to reflect on where I have been and how far I have come.
    The worst thing????
    Worrying that what I have to say will not be interesting, and/or not writing down the things I think might be interesting and those thoughts get lost forever.

    Happy Anniversary!
    I love your blog!

  9075. For me…blogging has been fits and starts. I am so inspired by ihanna…it’s the blog I’ve followed the longest. My challenge has been actually blogging! LOL! I have two part-time jobs and two kids! What I love the most about blogging is sharing what I have to offer with so many who have shared what they have to offer. This exchange, across continents and oceans, is inspiring, energizing and just a lot of fun. Thank you, Hanna

  9076. Blogging is about connection. I’ve come to deeply value the people who leave comments because I can experience real connectedness, and it’s wonderful. And while others have said this, too, the time it takes me to think of, write, and edit a blog post is a big chunk of time out of my day. Blogging 6 days a week can be a lot of work. So far, not bad enough to make me quit.
    Eight years–that is amazing and wonderful! I’m happy to have enjoyed much of your blog! Congratulations for sticking with it!

  9077. I hst r det tta r sen jag brjade blogga ocks, och din blogg var en av dom frsta jag brjade lsa, och den enda jag fortfarande lser. Tror att det betyder att du gr nnting rtt… :)
    Jag har diskuterat bloggande med ett par killar p jobbet, dom tycker att det verkar vara det meningslsaste man kan gra, och att dom som bloggar inte kan ha nt liv. Mitt argument r att bloggare ofta har mycket mera liv n dom som inte bloggar – vi mste ju hitta p saker att fylla vra bloggar med, ist fr att sitta av vr tid framfr TVn! Dessutom – tack vare att jag brjade blogga har jag trffat p trevliga, inspirerande mnniskor, jag har blivit bra mycket bttre p att rita, jag har publicerats i bcker och en kalender… Och det r bara till att brja med!
    Ngot dligt finns egentligen inte, om jag fr dligt samvete fr att jag inte har skrivit p ett tag, det har ju inget med bloggandet att gra, det r mera det kroniska dliga samvetet man har fr att inte rcka till – typiskt fr alla kvinnor tror jag.
    S fr mig r bloggandet “the silver lining”, det som piffar upp vardagen och gr den till nnting speciellt.

  9078. I would love to participate in an Autumn postcard swap. I missed it again this year, but I lovde seeing your postcards, and the other ones that you received. Also, this would probably get my butt in motion to keep creating. Plus, I think the way you handled it this year was a great idea, helping to offset costs of mailing. When I did ATCs (how I miss them!), some of our hosts did that, especially for an oversized swap. Great idea, and great blog. Love coming here, it makes me smile :)

  9079. One good thing about reading blogs is the inspiration! Decorating, photography, crafting, cooking…. The bad thing is that I don’t get anything done!

  9080. WOW! Thanks for celebrating your bloggy bday with such a great giveaway!!

    What’s to Love: the inspiration, the connection to the art tribe community, the tutorials, and free downloads!
    What’s not to love: the time that it takes to oogle and drool through blogs, taking away from CREATING TIME!

    • Julie, yes paper towel holders are awesome for keeping your tape from rolling of the table! AND it’s pretty, huh? :)

  9081. I read your blog for a few weeks now and its very inpiring.

    I just started blogging and here are my two cents.
    Good thing about blogging: It’s a great way to share my ideas, projects, photography.
    Bad thing about blogging: Sometimes a lack of time oder ideas to post regularly.

    Happy blog anniversary! :)

  9082. thanks for all you do Hanna!! I love reading your blog – and since I have you on my blog roll on my blog I get to see when you’ve posted a new entry!! congrats on your anniversary – that is quite an achievement!!

  9083. Hi Hanna,

    Uhhh I love this idea with the tape, instant satisfaction for the impatient, time-restricted creative soul. So here we go-my entry to the competition. I would bring a new shine to some otherwise old, tired objects that my heart just doesn’t want to let go off yet:-)

    Take care and keep going…I always enjoy visiting your side.

  9084. The high for me in blogging is that it is a great way to express yourself and the low that it can be stressful sometimes to always have new stuff on your blog, which is why I am on blogpause for a long time now.

  9085. Oh, I love Cute Tape!! I would love to have more tape because it’s the most cheerful thing in the world! The down side of blogging is that I can’t seem to stick with it … lack of time and intimidation by the technoannoyance of the software. The good thing is that, when I do it, it pushes me to do things I might not otherwise do and be able to take an objective view of myself. I am going to push a bit and make a goal to do at least one post a month.

  9086. These are really interesting. It’s amazing how much we forget that we see and do on a daily basis. I think I may have to do this, even though I think I can’t fit one more thing in. But only documenting vacations is kind of missing most of a life!

    • What Chris says is SO true! Isn’t funny how we mostly document vacations–the exception to the rule of what our lives are like?? That makes me see so much value in these photography/ documentation challenges and projects that I see online.

    • Indeed how true. I love taking photos of new places and city streets, but I often find that it’s the personal photos I enjoy most and look at over and over again: family, our rooms, portraits of a younger me, my cat, and things in my life etc.

  9087. What fun, Hanna! I love blogging; I get to meet so many people and glean so many ideas. Bad? I never have the time, it seems, to do what I’d like. Far more posts get written in my head!

  9088. Sometimes the non-planning feels like such freedom, and other times it’s just plain intimidating. But a person can end up with the best results that way! I was right there on your wavelength with this creation–from map to cute little creature. Embroidery is not something I do, but I always enjoy seeing your projects.

  9089. The best thing about blogging is that I document my life. I can go back and see what I have done. Especially good at days when I feel like I have done nothing at all.

    The worst thing about blogging is that it is addictive… My family often think I should get away from the computer…

  9090. I like the result of your intuitive work! Most times that’s the way I prefer to work, with too much planning my inner critic always gets annoying. You know, right and left brainhalf.

    • I know all about the IC (inner critic guy), he thinks he is my best friend right now. I have a post planned about the IC. Stay tuned.

  9091. Such a cute map-turned monster!

    Being a cross-stitcher, I live on plans and patterns. Couldn’t do them any other way. And going in without one seems scary. But ATC size seem less daunting and much more doable. I may give this a try. Btw, is that paint splattered on top, or was it on the fabric already. It’s hard to tell from the pics.

    • Thanks Carina, cross stitch is something very different and not something I would or could wing either. This is more like slow drawing. Super fun!

      About the fabric, it’s one that I dyed myself, so it looked like this when I started to stitch. I like the look.

  9092. Happy Blogoversary! The best thing about blogging are all those new blog-friends I have got:-) The worst thing is feeling panicked about not having time to keep in touch with everyone:-(

  9093. Very cool, I think something showing up all the time in your work, means it is part of your personal visual vocabulary! I think circles are the start of everything :)

  9094. These are fabulous- you do have circles all over it, even the washi tapes! I love circles, they are so amazing- a shape that can be found in so many things and stand by itself. It’s like the little black dress of art to me.

  9095. I use circles all the time too (and hearts). They are so expressive. And with a bit of doodling, can easily be turned into all sorts of things.

  9096. Hello Hannah…

    I am just a blog reader :) and I love to see nice and inspiring things from blogs. But, sometimes I’ m just reading craft blog without action in real life because I’m too lazy hehe… that’s bad thing about blogging (^_^).

  9097. These are SO cute! I wish my mother would get involved in some way like this. She has so much talent that she doesn’t use…
    May I ask how OLD/YOUNG your mother is??

  9098. I really thanks to the Internet very much. Because of it, I can read all wonderful life in a far far away of the place I live in.

    I do not know any form of art. But, when I feel sad, I always look to certain picture, photo, or some other artwork and I then feel much much better. In the time of happiness, when I see those works, I can feel a great enjoyment.

    Now, I have a project of my own. I want to start to draw and play with colors :D.

    I hope someday could write a blog displaying my future works too :)

  9099. Holy crap, that’s one of the most amazing T-shirt surgery videos I’ve ever seen! Thanks a ton for sharing that.

  9100. I’ve been AWOL from online for a few crazy weeks, so I am late to say so, but Happy Blog Birthday anyway, Hanna. It is always so lovely and cheerful here. Thanks for all you do! :)

  9101. The best thing about blogging is getting to “meet” new people who share your interests. I have found several new blogs to follow simply by clicking on the names of people who leave comments on my blog. I get to see so many different worlds.
    The worst thing about blogging is that it is so easy to let lapse. There is no alarm ringing “You forgot to post on your blog!” and you have to keep up with it on your own. I’m not good at that. I tend to not post unless I have something interesting to share. Sometimes that means going weeks without posting anything at all. But I’ve been getting better. :)

    Happy Blog Birthday!

  9102. I love them!! Especially how the blue looks like it’s peeking out of the white.


  9103. Oh, I love these! How do they stay up? And how far up do they go? I like the selvedge on the outside, too.

    • Thanks Amy, they are thick wool so quite sturdy. I think they would stay up anyway, but as you can see I’m wearing them on top of a long sleeved top and that helps them to stay “up”. :-)

      • If you measured them correctly, you could attach the ‘sleeve’ to the sleeve of a t-shirt, transforming it into a cool weather garment.

  9104. Hi Hanna, cool !! I had seen the video of Katwise earlier. She is really something. It struck me that one has to collect quite a few sweaters to make a coat like hers. Perhaps I should let Sandra try to make something.

    • Laila, yes she is cool. I imagine she goes through quite a lot of wool sweaters making just one coat! But it’s good, because who would wear all those second hand, already felted/worn sweaters anyway? I love how she turns old into new! :)

    • Kathryn, thanks! If I would’ve found more colourful sweaters I might have gone rainbow, hehe, but I’m glad you think it looks sophisticated! :-)

    • Lynda, thanks! I sure did use a serger if that means overlock sewing machine? That’s mom’s fancy sewing machine to me, sorry for not writing it out! I think you could do it on a ordinary machine too, but using the overlock machine is fun!

  9105. Yes. And I recently got GPP stamps in circular shapes, just like my first GPP stamps, and I also got the sunburst stencils. Can’t resist!

    • Sandra, not sure about socks but maybe if you have huge socks to begin with. It will shrink quite a lot in the washing machine when you felt the wool… But why not give it a try!

  9106. Brun r den frg jag anvnder allra mest (tillsammans med bltt och vitt), fast det syns sllan i mina mlningar. Jag blandar alltid frgerna fr att dmpa dem lite och d r brun (r umbra) alldeles perfekt. Det skulle vara en utmaning att gra en brun mlning dock, men jag gillar din kombination med rosa.

    • Tack fr kommentaren Elin. Det r sna knep man (jag) r dlig p eftersom jag inte gtt ngon konstutbildning. Jag anvnder alltid frgerna direkt ur burken, och glmmer blanda egna kombos… fast nr jag kommer ihg att mixa lite mer r det roligare att mla! :-)

  9107. This is very nice. I’m not a ‘brown’ girl either but the pinky rosey hues make me love this. Also that bird in the hand image is so sweet. Love how it comes together as a whole.

  9108. the brown lend a nature look and feel to your page, which is visually very appealing. i need to branch out to different color combos since it is so easy to get in a rut with our favorites.

  9109. As always, very inspiring! I love the warmth of these pages. They are soothing without being boring…bravo for brown! I don’t use a lot of brown either but it is an excellent idea to try unfamiliar things.

  9110. I love DIY clothing and what we can come up with. I love that Serger you use! think I’m going to get one too, great video!

  9111. Thank you for the great tutorial. Once I got over the tearing out of pages, I have been having a wonderful time drawing and playing in my new “book” I’ve found that the Derwent Inktense watercolour pencils, plus fine line markers have been great on the surface. I love how the images you leave in create a starting point for wonderful things.
    Thanks again

    • Carrole, thank you for sharing your newfound love of working in an altered book! I think it’s a great material to work with because it is so cheap & full of “starting points” like you say. Have fun with your journal!

  9112. hi! I am a book lover and hoarder however the desire to own this one was not there either. I would check it out from the library & read it. I like to own books I will reference or drool over for many years to come, not look at once and then shelf it.

  9113. Thank you very much for your lovely comment. Never knew you were reading my blog…I often look at your pages and I am a big fan of yours!
    Have a wonderfull day! – Irma

  9114. Thank you for another honest book review. I, too, saw the call for answers to the questions and did not find them very interesting. Certainly not the kind of questions I would label “secrets and passions.”

  9115. Hanna,
    You know I wasn’t going to read this post because I was not enamored of the book but I am glad I did. I looked at the book in a store and perused a lot of it. Some of the comments were encouraging but many were not. It seems to be rampant in the mixed media world that no one can write a book on their own. Their are some cases like Violette, Misty Mawn and Katie Kendrik’s books. Most other have dozens od=f artist participating. If I buy a book by an artist I would like it to be there work, not all their friends too. Ok off my soapbox I liked your review because it was really honest and to the point.

  9116. Hi, Hanna: If I wanted to ask you one thing, I would ask how on earth you find the time to be such a prolific artist, especially since you have a “day job”? You are always busy doing so many fantastic projects! I admire you for it.

    I do have another question that is unrelated: Did I somehow miss the washi tape winner? Or did you not choose a winner yet? Thanks! :)

    • Sandra, I don’t have as much time right now as I did a year ago, but I try to do a lot in the weekends, and I don’t have kids, that helps.

      To your unrelated question: I was late picking a winner, but now it’s done. Ingrid won the 35 USD gift certificate for Pretty Tape. I wish everyone could win, but 99 people entered so it’s not possible. Better luck next time!

  9117. hi hanna,
    thanks for visiting & commenting on our blog. it is encouraging to get positive feedback.
    my questions for you……
    when & why did you start creating?
    what kind of art/craft did you begin with & how has it influenced your art journey?
    if you could have a lesson with any artist (past or present) who would it be?
    thank you,

  9118. As I was reading your post I thought each close up was its own page- it wasn’t until your last photo I realized that they were from just ONE journal spread. Wow- so many fabulous details and layers!

    • How cool, wow, I didn’t think about that possiblity. I usually share the big spread first and then the details… but this time I wanted to mix it up a bit. I hope it wasn’t confusing. I’m working in a coffee table sized altered book, so I can put a lot on the page. I love the mix. :-)

  9119. I think the questions I have are a bit more non-art related. Most of us work at other jobs (our art doesn’t support us or our families), so I am interested in how they organize their time and ‘plan’ their time for creating. And if they keep sketchbooks and journals, do they go back and revisit them?

  9120. i like to see the details, then the how the whole page as a unit! well use of the color brown. i like the textures you used too. :)

  9121. Just getting hooked on Washi tape — LOVE it and now I’ll be wanting it ALL! Guess I’ll be needing a couple paper towel holders soon?!!! Assume I missed your giveaway, but glad I found your blog!!!

  9122. Thanks for an honest review! I read Seth Apter’s blog, and many other artists who appear in the book, and i also read the posts with the questions, and my feelings were similar, some answers are interesting and thought-provoking, while others are boring. I think what I’d like most to know is, when you started thinking of yourself as an artist, or what made you understand that the things you make are worthy/art. Also, I wonder to what extent you feel that an artist can or should be true to themselves, and to what extent they should produce crowd-pleasing art. I sometimes feel that certain artists that I appreciated have made a shift, and started making less interesting art, because they’re busy making birds-flowers-crowd-pleasers (since they want/need to sell…). Do you ever feel that problem? (for example, if you want to make a black collage, but you stop yourself and make a pink one, knowing people will like it more).

  9123. Oh, what a great walk !!! Love it ! And that bus ? Wouldn’t it be great if every bus was like that on the inside and out ? ;-)
    Happy Exploring, Talented One !

  9124. Love that bus! I am sure there would be many more smiling commuters if all buses looked like that :-)

  9125. What fun photos…especially that BUS…love it! That’s quite a step down from those pink doors, too. It’s a perfect time of year for ice cream…enjoy!

  9126. Hanna, I like your analogy of unplanned stitching (stitching without a map?) to slow drawing. One stitch or line at a time and the work just evolves, very calming. I did a bunch of freeform embroidery doodles (for lack of a better word) last year and it was really fun to just go with it, just seeing only one step ahead at a time.

  9127. I just hopped over to see your magic mixed media bag and WOWZAH… I LOVE it!!! I will have to dive into my fabric stash to see what’s left in there and try this myself… it makes me happy just to look at and I can see myself carrying a bag like that… now I only will have to make it. Uhhmmm.. do you got a bag filled with hours for me?!

  9128. Hi Hanna, I love this piece. So yummi colours. I have been painting onto fabric myself lately and I use a bit of embroidery too. Very cool way to work.

  9129. Fun, fun, fun! I love that idea!

    (and I will most probaby copy it some day… do you think the same thing will work on cotton tops as well?)

  9130. darn – the only photo I took yesterday was of a plant pot, probably not very interesting to the world at large :)

    I also used to use Vignette a lot, and retro camera, but am now totally addicted to Instagram, have you tried it since they brought out the Android version?

  9131. Aw, I wish I’d seen this sooner! It looks like a cool project. The only picture I have from yesterday is a completely uninspired photo of a few sheets I picked up from the thrift shop.

    I like Vignette, too. Lately, I’ve been trying out Pixlromatic, and that’s got an amazing number of creative filters and options. I was so excited for Instagram, but I actually am a little disappointed with the available filters. I thought there’d be more. You can’t beat Instagram’s built-in social network, though. None of the other photo apps come even close.

  9132. What gorgeous pages! I love your found poetry. I don’t read Swedish, but I love the little word snips on the page and the idea of it anyway. I have a bag of words somewhere that I lovingly cut up from a magazine article filled with beautiful words and images. Sometimes I pull one or two out to inspire me to write something. I hadn’t thought of using them in a collage. I might just have to try it.


  9133. I love this kind of play !!! Words are my favorite !
    Oh how I wish I spoke and read Swedish ! It looks delicious !
    Happy poetry hunting, Beautiful Artist Hanna !

  9134. I’m using ‘found poetry’ quite a lot (besides writing my own haiku) – especially lately as I am working on ‘Letters from the Wasteland’. (You can find those on my blog, but see them all together in my gallery here)

  9135. Hi Hanna !
    This is a timely giveaway for me ! I am very lucky to be going to a private workshop with Elizabeth Bunsen to learn some fabric altering techniques using natural materials in about a months time. I will be returning home with some fabric treasure that will need to be made into interesting pieces of I am not sure what yet but it will involve sewing ! ;-) How wonderful it would be to have a pincusshion made with Hanna Love to sit beside me and help me with my sewing.
    Thanks so much for the chance to received a giftie from you !
    Sending you love and light and hopes that your energy flows back to you soon !

  9136. Craft projects for the summer… well, I have all these unfinished clothes I started making ages ago that I should get back to (need to get a new sewing machine first though but I can’t make up my mind whether to get the more affordable sewing machine or the fancy this-is-the-one-I-really-want-but-it’s-rather-too-expensive one…).

    Okay, I totally love you for the “I don’t get domestic giveaways”. I don’t either. I haven’t done any giveaways yet, but if I end up doing some one day, you bet they will ALL be international (with the exception of something that is regional only, e.g. a cinema ticket for a certain country). Heck, I might even have some that will be “the more unusual, exotic and exciting your locale, the more likely you’ll get a prize”. :-)

  9137. I would love to win a pincushion (especially the green one :-) ). I think I never will get too many of them.
    Summer crafts? I don’t get much done during summer, but making hexagon flowers is nice to do outdoors when the weather is warm. I also use to knit a little.
    Thanks for giving me a chance! Hope you soon will have the energy back.

  9138. love the pincushions!

    i’m working on a green & pink quilt for my baby cousin. it’s been on hold since december!

  9139. I really want to get a couple of dolls made over the summer. The clay dries so much faster in the better weather, so I can work more quickly! LOL!

  9140. This summer I am hoping to make a wedding quilt for my best friend and a quilt for my brother to head off to college with! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  9141. These pin cushions are so sweet- and so are you for having a give-away even though its hard for you to let your handmade items go :) I would treasure one of those pretty pin cushions! It might even prompt me to do some embroidery in my journals which is something I’ve always been meaning to do.

    I am sorry to hear you are low on energy – I understand totally. I hope it is just a phase and is soon to pass.

    My summer project is to make more hand carved stamps to incorporate into my work – I want to explore it thoroughly and build up a great supply of them!

  9142. Your pincushions are lovely! My favorite is the first one. I love pastel colors and small flowers. This summer, I would like to make a lap quilt with vintage fabrics. I have never quilted before so I am excited to start. :)

  9143. My summer project is clothes – I’ve got (bought and given as presents) a lot of fabolous fabric. I intend to make some dresses, easy, simple models, since I tend to like patterns and a lot of color. I’ve made one that I like and there’s more to come :)
    Lovely pin-cushions, Hanna!

  9144. Hi – hoping the comments on your beautiful blog and pincushions will give you a boost! This summer I hope to finish a quilt I’ve started…Winter Dresden Plates.

  9145. I really need to start a quilt for my baby, due in July… I’d probably be doing that this week if it weren’t for SMS! : )

  9146. What a cute giveaway, thank you. I recently started a little patchwork and love the dresden plate design so this summer I would love to make my first proper quilt. So far I have made a bag, a table mat and a tiny pincushion in dresden.

  9147. Those are adorable! Great job!

    I’ll be working on some cute summer dresses for my little girl :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  9148. I want to start sewing current clothes and bags I can wear in summer! Thank you for the giveaway!

  9149. My project is a hand pieced hexagon quilt using new and vintage fabrics – size to e determined!

  9150. One can never have too many pincushion. I even belong to a pincushion group. Really like your idea of using different color ways for the same pattern. My big projects are two Christmas quilts and I also want to make some aprons. Thank you for the giveaway and I am a follower.

  9151. I really want to make my first dress from a pattern this summer!

  9152. I love pin cushions. I have yet to own one of my own though so your little beauty would certainly have a well loved home with me. I currently use a cup that gets knocked over at least weekly. Not ideal.

  9153. Log cabin is my favorite! Although I’ve never attempted it myself…maybe I can add that to my list if summer projects! My main focus this summer will probably be learning to block print and incorporate it into collage work.

  9154. Beautiful pincushions in your giveaway and you can never have too many

  9155. These pincushions are so darn cute!! Not the usual red tomato, what a breath of fresh air. Well, this may not sound like a big project, but I find I spend SOOOOO much time every time I make a card or an altered project just going through stacks and stacks of paper to choose just the right combinations. I learned from an excellent video on YouTube by Dawn McVey for PTI how to choose and mix patterns easily. My project for the summer is going to be to categorize my scraps by color and pattern scale to make choosing easy. That will free me up to be able to achieve more in much less time!

  9156. It’s a little late for me to get started on it but I’ve really been wanting to make my bed a light weight quilt for the warm summer months. I think I’m going to use the swoon pattern. I also hope to get a tree skirt made for my christmas tree and a few matching table runners

  9157. Summer projects…not enough summer to do what I’d like. Need to clear out the art room and destash. I’m in the mood to make journals, explore the possiblities of TAP, and figure out the tech end of my camera. Some handstitching would be nice, and maybe carve a stamp or two. Oh, and I did I mention there’s not enough summer?

  9158. I’d love a handmade pincushion. I have one of those cheap tomato things. I am cutting out blocks for a queen-sized quilt for our bed – hope to get it finished by the fall. Thanks for the chance to win.

  9159. I am planning to complete some of my almost finished quilts and prepare them to be quilted. I hope to have a quilt for each of my grown children’s families ready for Christmas. I love pincushions, thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  9160. What pretty pincushions! I have been wanting to make myself a gathered fabric baguette handbag but have yet to start. That will be my next major project to focus on I think.

  9161. Hanna, I would love to win one of your pincushions! I have just started working on a three-piece series for one of our walls. Then this summer I hope to complete a 9-piece fabric picture wall hanging. I keep changing my mind as to what I want it to look like so I’ve still not started it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  9162. The pincushions are darling. I hope to tackle sewing with the granddaughters this summer.

  9163. These are adorable! I have a thing for pincushions…maybe because the represent the intersection of decoration and utility. I love the fabrics you have used. I guess the biggest project I should focus on this summer is getting my Etsy shop up and running! I have to face my dreaded enemy, Procrastination, and get it underway. Beyond that, I have plenty of collages, sewn paper projects, and art journal pages to work on!

  9164. I could use a pincushion in the living roo for when I do handwrk. I am always just sticking the needles or pins into the arm of the couch and hearing all about my bad habit when someone else sits down in my seat. Love the swedish notebook in your shop.

  9165. I would dearly love one of your pincushions. They are so perfectly matched in colour.

  9166. Those pincushions are so pretty. I would love to have one. I would really like to make another advent calendar this summer.

  9167. the pincushions are super cute !
    this summer i want to try and sew a few easy T-shirts for my little boys using some found material… i dont know if you can consider it a “small” project, considering my sewing skills…..

  9168. I think it’s obvious these are the cutest pincushions that have ever existed :) . Last summer, I bought a big tub of catnip (2 pounds), some stuffing, and a bunch of fabric, as well as thread and some pins. I have a sewing machine that I don’t remember how to use, and four cats who go through catnip toys like they go through coats. This summer, I’d really like to figure out how to use the sewing machine and make them some toys! If I get the hang of it, I want to donate some to our local shelters for the kitties there to enjoy! (Oh, I just followed you on Twitter!).

  9169. What a great giveaway! I love making these discoveries in little forgotten paper bags… I have been clearing out a space for a studio and sorting through all my art and general making supplies so I have found a few forgotten treasures as well. :) This summer I am making a whole heap of little quirky-folky fabric hearts for a sale in July. Lots of little detailed sewing (must remember to avoid having too much coffee on those days, I find!!) and mad piles of fabric, chopped up old jumpers etc with buttons, beads and pins escaping everywhere. Meanwhile, I am getting my first bee-hive up and buzzing!!

  9170. Lovely pincushions! This summer i would love to make a quilt for my bed…

  9171. I want to learn how to knit, when it’s too hot to go out doors.

  9172. My big craft project his summer is a vintage window I salvaged out of someone’s garbage. It has about 9 panels and it’s rectangle shaped. I want to paint each window with glass paint and then hang it from my porch as a suncatcher/privacy screen.

  9173. I’m working on a project from the moda bake shop and i really need to make more progress!

  9174. Since I got rid of my last child, I am turning her room into a craft/sewing room. So my summer project will be ‘getting organized’ and sewing up some loose and easy tops to wear during our heat of the summer.

  9175. Love the pin cushions! I have so much planned for the summer and everyday! Getting my sewing machine back out. Crocheting crocheting crocheting. Art Journaling. And so on…
    I am currently reading your book. Thank you for sharing your life. Hope a bundle of energy finds its way to you.

  9176. I like your writing style – to the point – and I agree about the domestic thing! Your pincushions are lovely. Good advice about adding email addresses in the entry forms ! Oh yah this summer I hope to sew my ‘bee’ quilt together once all the blocks are back.

  9177. My summer project is getting back to my embroidery, which I haven’t done in years! This is a perfect little motivation to get started. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  9178. The pincushions are so sweet! I am going to make a quilt for my son, who is getting married this summer. Glad to have found your blog!

  9179. They look lovely. This summer I would really like to make myself a summer skirt, and hopefully I’ll manage it. Dressmaking is still rather a new pursuit for me!

  9180. these are adorable. I am a beginner quilter/sewer but I want to make a quilt for my queen size bed this summer. plus a million and one other things that i want to do

  9181. I need to make a travel sewing kit for handsewing (or win one on SMS giveaway day!!)

  9182. Your pincushions are awesome! I love the look of the log cabin block, but can never seem to sew straight enough to make them look good. And I totally know what you mean about making stuff you don’t feel comfortable giving away. I have a pile of necklaces I’d love to pass on, “but who would really want them?”

    My UFO/WiP list is huge so my goal is to get all caught up this summer so that I can spend fall focusing on opening a shop & making Christmas presents. :)

  9183. A big in size project project I will start is a beanbag chair for my daughter’s bedroom re-do. A big in time project is my first pieced quilt top (cut and now ready to start sewing). Keep your fingers crossed! Thanks!

  9184. I’m off on holiday soon so I’m taking my hexagon project with me!

  9185. I really want to make my daughter a backpack for school in the fall and since i am a bit intimidated by this project I think i had better get an early start. :)

  9186. I would really love to make up a few baby quilts, as there are several girls I know who are expecting.

  9187. What adorable pincushions!

    We are moving to a new house, 500 miles away, so I’ll have a ton of huge projects to keep me busy this summer, starting with unpacking & organizing, through painting and making curtains & whatnot, all the way through completely re-doing my kitchen. xo

  9188. I’m really hoping to finish my son’s quilt by his 3rd birthday this July-it’s the first real quilt I’ve ever made (it’s going to be twin size)

  9189. What I am really going to do this summer is…get quilts put up on my newly thrifted EZ3 quilt frame and do some hand quilting. Thank you for this giveaway.

  9190. I love your pincushions! I’ve actually been wanting to make a few tiny ones to add to my collection…tuffets looks cute from Miss Rosie’s patterns. Thanks for the chance!

  9191. I need to make an ironing board cover!! Mine is burnt and marked and miserable and it doesn’t make all that pressing any fun at all

  9192. I’m going to try to learn quilting. I’ve never done it before, but it’s my goal.

  9193. winter will be here soon, and the days are already much colder. not much, if we compare to your country but for us, cold enough to enjoy being under soft and cozy quilt :) My projects for this winter are all baby related as my brother’s first baby will arrive in august. I’m really excited with a new baby in the family and the first project in my list is an baby quilt.
    Your pincushions are adorable, specially the ones with the rose fabrics and a vintage look, i love them :)
    Thanks for the nice giveaway ( your blog is on my blog list for a while already :)
    greetings from Brazil!

  9194. I am going to be doing some more handsewing/transportable projects for the summer so this would be wonderful! Hoping to work on some Hexis!

  9195. I would love to have one of your pin cushions. My handsewing is not so hot so it will have a place of honor in my craft area!

  9196. I want to get quilts made for 2 of my kids. Thanks for the chance to win!

  9197. Your pincushions are so sweet and it is always good to have one handy, especially if, like me, you sew all over the house. I hope to finish my string quilt this summer. It has always gotten the spare bits of time between things; but, what it needs is a chunk of time for just it!

  9198. I love pincushions and you have created some very pretty ones. Thanks for participating in the blog hop. In the summer, I am looking forward to getting some quilts made- I am a teacher in my professional life and the summer is for quilting .
    Regards from Western Canada,

  9199. I think the pincushions look wonderful! Anyway, I want to free motion quilt a lap-sized quilt I’ve almost finished the top for. I’ve never done FMQ before, though, so I feel like I need to practice on less important things first to kind of build up my confidence / skill levels before tackling this top I’ve put so much time and effort into.

  9200. Oh these are so sweet! I have lots of projects swirling in my mind right now! The only one that involves sewing is going to be adding a fun border around my denim duvet! It is my all time favorite comforter and it is showing the signs of all the wear around the edges! So I found some fabric and will be adding a border around it! It’s still fairly cool here at night so it’s almost time to store it for summer! So perfect time to get it ready for fall/winter!

  9201. Log Cabin is also my favorite block! And I love pincushions! I actually need to finish up so many projects! But I know I’m going to start something new, I just can’t help it. I did see a adorable backpack that I want to make for my grand-daughter. We are going to take a plane trip this summer, and I thought it would be cute for her. I would fill it with goodies too to keep her busy!

  9202. You are too kind :)

    I like your drawings. Simple but beautiful! I think that is the trick with watercolour engraving. Not to make it too complicated.

  9203. Those are really pretty. I particularly like the one with small pink roses and the flower button.

  9204. I really need a new pincushion, so if i don’t win one of these, that will be on my to do list. I also really want to make myself a cute bag – I always seem to be sewing for other people and not myself :) Oh, and I am in Australia, so I really get you on the international thing :)

  9205. This summer I am making and trading ATCs with an online friend, and I am also hoping to learn how to make either a fanny pack or some kind of little pouch that can be attached to my belt.

    About the domestic giveaways- believe it or not, some bloggers don’t have a lot of money and can’t afford the extra money to send stuff overseas, but still want to give things away to their readers when they can. And then there’s people like me without transportation to the post office, so I can only send things nationally by going to my mailbox across the street from my house. I can only send packages internationally by going to the post office, which I can’t get to. So…

  9206. I love pincushions (^_^)/
    My summer project are i want to make a bag from felt and learn embroidery.
    Thanks for the chance Hanna :)

  9207. i really want to start on my first quilt

    thanks for the giveaway!

  9208. I want to make some new potholders to replace my crappy ones!

  9209. S fine!!
    Snnen min fr et nytt sskenbarn, s jeg planlegger strikke noe til han eller henne. Vet ikke helt hva, for det m jo vre litt fargenytralt.
    Ogs skal jeg strikke en rff vest med flette-mnster til snnen min, for da jeg strikket den (i februar), ble den for stor til ham og da gav jeg den bort.

  9210. I want to finish up some of my quilt-a-longs. Thanks for the great giveaway! Have a Happy Day! :)

  9211. I am sewing some dresses for my little granddaughter. What cute pincushions.

  9212. I really want to finish a skirt I started two years ago that I’m mostly making up as I go.

  9213. As it is winter I need to get on with the quilts and knitting that I don’t do during the heat of summer

  9214. I’d really like to make a start on my patchwork bedspread

  9215. I want to do another landscape quilt this summer . Thanks for the chance to win.

  9216. This summer I am planning on making several bags

  9217. Love these sweet pincushions. This summer I’ll be making an apron from some Liberty fabric-yum!, a quilt for me-finally-from my beloved stash of Regent Street, and a few baby quilts for friends.

  9218. I feel like it is meant to be that I win one of these. Firstly, I am new to sewing and I NEED a pincushion, secondly the log cabin is my favorite quilt as well.

    I would like to attempt a lap quilt for my mother this summer! It would be my first quilting project as I mostly do paper crafts, but I would like to give it a go!

    Thanks for the chance to win this adorable pincushion! BTW, I subscribed to your blog posts via email. We seem to have a lot of the same interests, judging by your bio

    Have a great day,

  9219. What a gorgeous pincushion :) I’ll be trying quilting this summer starting with a pillowcase and working my way up.

    Thank you for a great prize and the chance to win it.

  9220. I would like to get going and finish up the t-shirt I started a good while ago! :)

  9221. I’ve actually started a Granny Stripe crochet blanket. That’s my big project for this summer.

    Your pincushions are just darling!

  9222. I love pincushions! I have to finish three quilts which are graduation presents for my three daughters.

  9223. Your pincushions are beautiful! This summer I want to work on making fabric book/journal covers, and maybe fabric bowls and boxes.

    Have a good weekend!

  9224. First off, to get an iHanna creation! Bliss. I want to make bags….bags and bags for bags.

  9225. these are so beautiful!!

    I haven’t tried it but I want to.
    I wonder… what if the engraving was done before painting?
    I have done that with acrylic paint. Maybe the watercolour paint would still puddle in the engraved lines and become darker there. Then you would not have to rush!
    I love your blog and your sharing. Thank you for making my life more colourful and beautiful and for being you. :-)

  9226. Well, continuing my previous comment. I have bought papers and several types of coloring tools. But, it is a great surprise for me because I only use it for a while, but, my wife started to draw directly when she saw the papers and color pencils. And she is still drawing everyday :D

    I did not know that my wife able to draw. Well, now, I am very happy because I have not only beautiful and great wife, but also an artistic wife(I do not know whether “artistic wife” is a perfect word to express my feeling or not, since my English is extremely bad.)

  9227. I’m only posting my cards to my blog now. I had a little unexpected accident with my hand that included surgery, etc. and I didn’t realize I hadn’t shared any of the cards. I’ll be showing all the cards received and more of mine throughout this week. I had a blast participating! Thank you!

  9228. Thanks everyone for commenting and visiting my blog. I’ve notified the winners, and they are 4: Oddbjörg, Kim, Tina and Jamie. Congratulations!

  9229. I found your site during the Sew Mama Sew giveaway and I am so glad I did. i am now following you via email subscription. I hope your brother had a wonderful birthday and has a year filled with health and happiness! I look forward to your future posts and seeing what you have to say and what you create!

  9230. You are wonderful! thank you! I have been trying to find a perfect project for my borrowed children! And this IS the perfect project!

  9231. About that little birthday wish – well just so you know it must have worked! My energy has been low for awhile also, but now – after your wish – it has popped back – I am back!
    So – thank you!

    LOVE the long, long candles in so many pretty colors. What kind of cake?

    I didn’t enter the giveaway – I have plans for a few mini pin cushions on my own – but I just have to say that your pin cushions are lovely. I adore every single one of them.

    • Pam, it’s a vegan chocolate cake (no eggs), rather simple but super sweet and what my brother asked for. Have you seen the needle holder made out of a plastic bottle cap covered with fabric (like this), they look like fun!
      Thanks for commenting on the blog and on my flickr photo of the magnolia flower. It’s my dad’s beauty, I have to snap a few photos each year because it is so awesome! :-)

  9232. I just love your collage work! I need some tips or helpful hints or something. I would love to do more collage in my art journal, but I just have difficulty in achieving the look I want. That doesn’t stop me from trying, though! I get a lot of inspiration from your blog, so thank you so much for sharing!

    • Melody, you already know the trick: keep trying. Mine didn’t come together as easy when I started as they do now. :-) Another trick is to not focus on the end result (how you want it to look and already have the finished image in your head). Just go with the flow. I had no idea how I wanted this page to look when I started, so I just picked out images that I liked and put them together.

  9233. I always see my art journals as an ongoing reflection of my life and myself. One spread will only give you a snippet of who I am, it’s the whole of all the journals together that is me until now. Tomorrow a new spread will add more to my story.
    I read a journal artist somewhere (forgot her name) who said the journal acts as a witness to our life. I like that. That’s exactly what it is to me. By the way: Love your snippet! ;-)

  9234. I was so happy to discover that I won! It’s not so often. Thank you so much!
    Have a nice day!
    Oddbjrg (som kanskje kunnet skrevet p norsk i stedet ;-) )

  9235. oh, so cute! :)
    I imagine my inner critic in a very different way: she is a rigid, skeletal, tall and serious woman. She wears formal clothes, has tidy hair and a super neat look-
    A sort of Fraulein Rottenmeier *___*
    And she says to me… “be clean, be efficent, be productive, wear as a woman, not as a girl, you are not a girl, tidy up your closets, wake up soon”…
    oh, so boring!

  9236. since I can’t figure out how to respond to your comment on my blog, and your inner critic picture scared me for a minute when I pulled it up (in a good way though), I thought I would answer you here. My costume for next year’s Animazement will probably be Steampunk in design – Victorian/African safari …. my daughter will probably go as a pony again, but I will also probably make her a Lolita outfit—as soon as she figures what kind of Lolita she wants to be.

  9237. One of my very favourite quotes from an amazing author, combined with one of my very favourite flowers – magnolias. They are truly stunningly beautiful, I agree.

    This is a wonderful way to begin my weekend, so thanks for sharing this, Hanna. And enjoy your rendezvous with your pink love.

  9238. Love Magnolias too, and chersih them when they bloom since they last such a short time. And you are so right about cherishing each and every season.

  9239. I’ll be interested to read your review of One Artist Journal – could be tempted!

  9240. The pages hold so many glimpses of you, what you find intriguing or interesting. As for my journals, I think if you looked at them in a stack, and paged through, you would capture a glimpse of me. I don’t know if I really have ever gotten myself onto a page, but I keep trying!

  9241. These books all look interesting, Hanna…I appreciate the suggestions. Orly’s book of her journal looks pretty amazing. I have such a bookshelf of books I should spend time with, and yet I’m already contemplating another Amazon order…I just can’t stop myself!

  9242. What a fun spread, Hanna…so much to look at and enjoy! I love collage more than any other approach to art journaling…perhaps it reflects layers of complexity, or a short attention span, or a secret love of busy-ness and color that is not always reflected in my life.

  9243. I’ve met mine to & I don’t like her at all. (well sometimes it can be kind of good to listen to a critic, at least for a little while, it kind of makes me do better at times) I often manage to ignore the critic – I’ll wear what I want in wich colour I like. I will paint my fingernails in any colour and I will continue to do odd jobs, strange jobs and volounter jobs if i like cause I’m having fun and it feels good. If I feels good everthing around me gets better and so on. The wings of a butterfly….<3

  9244. You have a successful blog and fans all over the world, like me and would you be the person your IC suggests you ought to be…the blog would be a desert.

    I have my own IC and at times it is hard to keep the lid firmly on the pot I’ve put her in, especially during times of great vulnerability…however over the years I firmly established what makes me happy and brings me joy…keeping these moments in my mind and looking at things that remind me of positive feelings and moments I had I know I only temporarily allow my IC to shake my inner child’s foundation.

  9245. When I was looking for an image of my IC, I was expecting to find a monster, but the image that felt right was that of a little girl.
    Now I know it’s the girl I had to be in school.

    ‘Don’t make mistakes, don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t waste paper, don’t be silly, it’s not good enough, you can’t do this’ .
    Everything my teachers ever told me, she now tells me.

    But instead of fighting her, I learned to let her play with me.
    It has made such a big difference!


  9246. Oh my! I LOVE Icky. What a great example of getting out of that box and picturing your inner critic, Hanna. We should all make inner critic dolls!

  9247. Oh, I wish I had read this last Summer when I traveled to Stockholm! I’d love to visit that cozy yarn stores you mention.
    I visited the library, and it’s true, totally worth a visit!

  9248. My IC has this unpleasant habit saying to me from time to time: “All u make is Rubbish. Stop fooling urself!” I wouldn’t know how to draw it, but it must be something nasty and disgusting.

  9249. Hi Hanna…my inner critic has been visiting me the past few weeks. Like an unwelcome guest, I think he’s finally going :) I have to say, I think that Icky is kinda cute!
    Thanks for the information about Orly’s book and the other books.

  9250. Thank you so much for the mosaic. I have set it as my backround. Now every time I turn my computer on I will have a beautiful backround for inspiration.

  9251. Hanna, you have a lovely site (or blog)…
    The mosaic is great, and that book by Merlino is already in my Amazon cart. ;-)
    I loved the Stepping out of Line quote you have there. I must be ready too.

  9252. That particular magnolias are one of the heralds of spring here in the south of the US. I too love how the flowers appear with little, if any, leaves. Of course, the regular magnolia is everywhere. And I love to bring a bloom or two inside as they have a very strong lemon scent.

  9253. Beautiful. So well put together. Like the way all the colors play off each other.

  9254. Very inspiring post iHanna :) My IC is a well known character, who himself uses name eoR

    This is because I have born in the year of a horse in Chinese astrology. And since all creatures usually have their alter ego, then there is no better one than donkey for a horse.

  9255. Great post, Hanna! The inner critic is so tricky, it’s good to call him (or her) out. Mine has an authoritative man’s voice and tells half-truths. So part of what he says is true, but I have to dig out the part that isn’t!

  9256. The third atc – the one with the universe – reminds me of pictures from a paleontology museum.
    You have knitting and embroidery cafes up there?! I’m awfully jealous (?!). When I knit or embroider in public, people usualy avoid me … well, except drunk men … but that’s another story. My so called “group” just called it quit for entire summer and better part of autumn. I’m probably only person there without tremendously large vineyard to take care of (and a 9 to 5 job).

  9257. I begin each semester of cartooning I teach by having the kids visualize and draw their inner critics but I never thought of making them into paper dolls! What a fun idea! (And oddly, I’ve never drawn my own inner critic so I’d have to give it some thought as to what it looks like!) Icky looks a little shocked to have been drawn out into the light of day! As always, a fun, inspiring post!

  9258. such a wonderful interpretation of that ‘inner critic’… we all know the critic (too well sometimes, i’m afraid!) :-)
    i love how the hands move so we can see those eyes. Great! xoxo

  9259. Dear Hanna,
    I love your planner. You did an amazing job at making it. I have been searching online for a long time trying to find templates, ideas, tutorials etc. on them. I was wondering what all the tabs on your planner say? Thanks

    • Thanks Amy,
      the tabs are vision, projects, next (thing to do), ideas, writing and books (what I’m reading).

  9260. Thank you so much! I’ve loved these since I was a child & never knew this much about them. Really want to attempt a needle felted version myself….

  9261. I love how your page looks. They colors are lovely together and your goals are great! This summer I want to make the most of my free time by doing a lot of street art, snail mail, and other creative things.

  9262. This looks like it really was a fun time, and to do an ATC kit every summer – love that! The pink one is my favorite, I just love trees!

  9263. Be outside! Paint, garden, paint some more, sit in the shade and read, paint more, cook on the grill. It is the only time I feel there is enough room for me and my art supplies.

  9264. I love your art journal page and I think this is a great idea , I’m definately going to make my own manifesto too.
    Some of my favorite things are watercolor sketching outside, BBQ’s at the local park and reading. Doing the manifesto will help me come up with even more ideas. Thanks.

  9265. – sit in the evenings outside (so far, I hadn’t had much change.. it’s too cold and rainy) and re-read some books. – watch tour de France (!!) – Bind a new art journal – finish that canvas I’m working on – smile – get Featuring issue 2 out – create – smile – create – read – create

    (I should write a Summer manifesto too, don’t you think?)

  9266. Great idea!! I need to make a list too. Have one in my head but that is all the further it gets! Thanks for the nudge.

  9267. Brilliant post! LOVE the paper doll totally!

    If my own IC gets too rambunctious the best way I have found to banish her is to pull out supplies for making some of my favorite Christmas crafts. In a twinkling – gone!

  9268. Well since you asked! My favorite thing to do in summer is to meander through my garden first thing in the morning, coffee in hand, wrapped up in a blanket to ward off the morning chill and search for the newest flowers or buds or seedlings. It is a ritual I don’t miss because just as it is in Sweden, winter is long, ling, long.

  9269. What a great idea, Hanna! :-D I may just take it and write my own summer manifesto. Because summer is so short, in Canada, it’s a great reminder to not loose a minute of the sun.

    For me, I guess that one of favorite activity is biking with Olivier, my partner. Also, any type of gardening is a must, for me. Either in my community garden or just watering my plants, on the outdoor patio. :)

  9270. Hanna, I love your summer manifesto. I always make a summer list, but making it into it’s own art project is a great idea. What a beautiful visual reminder to get out and do those things. Your blog is beautiful.

  9271. Here in sicily (south of Italy) summer is so long!!!
    It started 2 weeks ago and it will stay with us till the first days of october (hot hot hot, we can reach 45 C in July).
    I have projects for this sunny season, like: taking photos of me and friends/family, starting an embroidery project (ready in my mind), sitting on the balcony late in the evening enjoying fresh air and read novels, drawing and journaling a lot, learning new crochet stitches, sewing something for my home.
    uh, and I want to go to the beach, of course!

  9272. The summer weather definitely makes it great for spending time outside. The manifesto ideas is great… a way to get into the right mindset!

  9273. I love your embroidered tree! I must admit that I’ve never done embroidery, not even in school. But your free-form embroidery is so much different from what I always thought embroidery was like, I’m actually starting to think about giving it a try.

  9274. Vad kul att blddra p din blogg, det var visst ett tag sen jag gjorde det. En riktig energiinjektion i ett ordnat kaos liksom :)

  9275. I must live in a cave because I hadn’t noticed all these things.

    In the U.S., we’re used to negative press. It seems as if every country’s media has something bad to say about us. (Yet some of those same countries are the ones who think Americans should help them out financially.) So I believe very little of what I read. We are all – across this world of ours – just human beings, going to work, coming home for dinner, trying to get through the day and waiting for the weekend.

  9276. Hi Hannah….
    I linked through Pinterest to this old post of yours. I love what you have done with a DIY planner! I wonder if you ever posted your actual pages for sale? If so, where could I find them?
    Hope you are well.

  9277. I can’t take it. This is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! We get our fair share of Sanrio here…my daughter and I are both huge fans…but this fat guy..I want to squeeze him!

  9278. woah. Where are the other comments on this post?! Why aren’t people talking?

    Anyway, I don’t mind whatever you wish to share on your own blog, so something like this is welcome. It gives me information I wouldn’t know otherwise. As you know, I am not on Twitter much any more and when I am I rarely can go back far enough to see everything I’ve missed. This is great because you’ve given me the information I need to update on this subject. It’s very intriguing.

    you are so right about people’s perceptions and how stories are presented by journalists. Especially online, where every bit of info can be shared instantly and then misinterpretted by hundreds of people in just a few minutes.

    It’s sad to me that the reader does not take more personal responsibility for what they are reading. We need to try really hard not to believe everything and certainly not assume the story is complete when it’s from only one source. We’ve all seen our own family members let things get out of hand because no one stops long enough to think about what the real intent to meaning is. So we should be even more patient and thoughtful with online information.

  9279. you inspird me to make my own blog i dont have a web site yet but i shold have one in about 2 weeks!

  9280. I think we feel a lot more pressure when our time to work in our journals is limited. I think that’s the major benefit of the “art journal every day” movement–by doing a little bit every day, we relieve that pressure of, “okay, I’ve got time now; I better make it good!” The best thing to do is just what you did: pull out the paints and go for it. After all, there won’t be any flow on the page until the paint gets flowing!

    On a side note, I was inspired by your list of “100 ideas to spark you into creative action” and have created the same sort of list for my blog (crediting you for your great inspiration, of course!). Thank you for keeping those creative ideas coming!

  9281. The key that always works for me is to differ my work. There’s always something that get me going. If nothing else works I’ll read a book and most times I get lots of inspiration from them. Good luck with your flow, lets hope for a less tight scedual and a big overflow.

  9282. To quote Juliana Coles, “You begin by beginning. Touch your stuff” This ALWAYS seems to work for me. Although I must admit I have never really gotten an art block. I always have a million ideas/thoughts in my head. Too much so at times.

  9283. Hey Hanna, you quoted me, cool!!
    I love these pages, not sure about needing to continue. Most of the time though, I keep on transforming and changing, and layering, concealing and revealing my visual information. It can take hours till I’m happy. So I think no expectations what’s so ever works best. We gotta understand deep inside of us, that creative blocks are an integral part of the process, they are desirable, they are helping us grow. XOXO

  9284. What do I do at times like that? Hmmm, surf the internet and visit blogs like yours, to find comfort in the fact that other artists have that same feeling every now and then.

  9285. I usually do one of these –
    Just pick up materials and begin, whether I’m inspired or not – something usually clicks after a while and I can get into my project
    I do something else, take a walk, go out – when I CAN’T work on my project, I crave doing it more & going for a walk usually calms my mind enough to let some ideas flow.

  9286. I have a glue journal; one for doodling; ideas with pictures; one with color combinations..I think I have started at least 12, none of them finished. :) What I do have is a space of my own and just leave it until the feeling comes back (which as you know due to the daylight could be at 3am).

  9287. Absolutely beautiful! So inspiring! I’m trying desperately to move away from my terribly rigid journaling style and I needed to see this to show me the way! Thank you! Love all that pink!

  9288. Michelle, you have a rigid journaling style? I love your beautiful art, the icads and the latest tutorial too. But I’m glad we inspire each other! :-) Thanks for leaving a comment!

  9289. Love, love, love this!!! I am feeling stuck like you were yesterday and now you have inspired me. Thank you.

  9290. Dear Hanna, I tell you, I LOVE your journal! It’s so beautiful and bright and just — happy! And, I want to thank you so much for the sweet pin cushion you sent across the world to me here in Texas USA. It’s so dainty and lovely! You know what, it’s a real coincidence because I used to do lots of miniature quilting some time back, but I’ve gotten more into paper crafts lately. However, there are SOOO many beautiful fabrics out there and I’ve been replenishing my stash in order to get back to a bit of quilting. I’ll definitely be using the pin cushion at my desk, and I’ll think of you every time I look at it. Thank you again, and I look forward to seeing your beautiful creations here on your blog.

    Hugs to you,

  9291. Love the HOT colors! Some of my favorite papers come from magazines. I like the glossiness of them and love to use them in backgrounds as well as collage in the forefront. I really like the way you’ve used a variety on one page–drawing, painting, collage, etc.

  9292. Happy happy midsummer to you! We had our longest day of the year yesterday. And it wasn’t long enough! Always much to do. And isn’t life grand that way?!

  9293. THIS is so lovely Hanna-ness. I like it a lot.
    I used to be afraid of layers, but you and others have taught me they definitely make a difference! No more whiting everything out! Just find good spaces and accentuate them with layers! I like this. And with your great reviews of 21 Secrets last year, I joined this year and have learned one of the most fabulous thing from Alma Stoller. I wish I had been able to take your class. Rock on!

  9294. Me, again. sorry for all the comments, but this so strikes my familiar button. It’s funny how, when I have time I often don’t flow well. It does take a long time to get going. Sometimes it helps me to have things half-started, so I can remember what that flow was like and then continue. I’ve always enjoyed editing more than writing. Odd. In any case, having read your next post I see that you triumphed!

  9295. OH-MY… that Flickr ‘little girl’ link/group is AWESOME!! I love the idea! Gonna find me a photo and try this some time soon…

  9296. Ah….summer! So beautiful in my part of the world where winter is King and Summer, the beautiful, wild Queen. I hope you have many long, light filled days to dance and create!

  9297. I’m always such a fan of the art journal pages you post. They’re so messy and colorful and perfect in every single way. When I make journal pages and attempt to replicate your style they just come out stiff and uninspired. D:

  9298. Lovely links! BTW, my husband and I will be visiting Stockholm and Gothenburg (Gteborg) next April. I saw (and bookmarked!) your Stockholm guide; are you at all familiar with Gothenburg? Anything we simply must not miss? Thanks!

  9299. This looks so good!! There’s such a transformation from the first layer to this layer. You’re great :-)

  9300. There is something so sweet and maybe a little melancholic about the “Sometimes I’m still that little girl” project. I think I’d like to try it myself. And I had such a great time scrolling through the photos of the Underground New York Public Library…loved it! Thanks for the links.

  9301. I love Instagram! I usually take all of my photos at once, and then edit & upload all at once. So it’s kind of two different steps. But I find it works out pretty well. You took some nice pictures :)

  9302. Jag har nnu inte provat p Instagram (jag vet… hur kan jag inte ha gjort det som alla gr?), men jag har hela tiden knt mig lite tveksam till communitygrejen. Jag vill vlja vad jag delar och inte… har inte satt mig in i Instagram exakt, men i morse fick jag ett tips frn en kompis som just provat. Hon tipsade om Tadaa som hon tycker r mycket bttre n Instagram. Kanske ngot att prova?

    • Elin, jag fick tips av min kompis om ett annat stt att anvnda appen. Fota med vanliga telefon-kameran, importera det/de foton du vill visa och lgga upp och gr det i efterhand. D kan man vara med i communitiet men bestmma sjlv vad man vill dela, t.ex. foton man tar i sin kreativa process! Det absolut bsta med instagram fr mig r att jag kan flja favoritbloggares foton, det finns sjukt mycket fint att titta p och bli inspirerad av. :-)

      • Jan, thanks! It was fun taking photos with instagram. 10:00 in Sweden is AM (morning). When it’s 10 PM it says 22:00 since I’ve set the clock on the blog to show the 24 hour time setting. :-)

  9303. These are some great links, thanks!

    I moved to Sweden about a year ago and because of work I barely get the chance to explore Stockholm/Sweden (I did use your old guide back in the days!).
    In a few weeks I’ve got a week off work and a friend is visiting, so I’ll make a list based on the to-sees mentioned in your post ;)

  9304. i am always amazed at the quality of photos from the new phones. i just got a smart phone and the pixels are as much as some cameras. i agree with you about the stopping and titling the pix. when i’m taking picture i want to take pictures. my new phone doesn’t even ask if i want to save them, it just does.

  9305. Hanna, I’m so glad you could join in on the instagram fun. Your frustration about stopping and editing and writing about your image can be resolved (I think) by not taking photos through the app. I’m not sure how it is on android phones, but on the itouch and iphone, the pictures can be imported from your cameras photo library. Often I take my instagram pictures through the regular phone camera and then later on in the day when I have time, I go back and edit and upload them to instagram. Also, you don’t have to filter your pictures, you can just put them in instagram in the square format with no filter, which I end up doing occasionally because none of the filters do the picture any justice. Instagram updated their app about 8 months ago or so and now you can upload your pictures, using a filter, but without the borders. My iphone is so old the upgrade won’t work, but I can’t wait to do away with most borders.
    More than the filters, I really love the social network aspect, and realized that Flickr has really dropped the ball by not creating something similar. When I sign into flickr now I feel like so many of my contact’s pictures are all instagram, and people are using instagram more because of the ease of having it right on their phone as opposed to going to their desktop to share. I think that flickr would have a whole resurgence if people could just easily upload and access contacts images through an app. The flickr app is a mess and hard to navigate.

  9306. I have to say that I have gradually been more creative with my iPhone and it crashed yesterday and I lost everything. But I’ve had a satisfying discussion after the restore, and I think it’s on my team, now. (especially if you slip the $20 in that little slot on the side)

    As always, your images are evocative.

  9307. Hanna, this is so great. I love that you offer so many links. I often lose track while I’m trying to follow them! And that’s great! It would be awful it there were not enough links and I ran out of inspiration.

    I’ve been lucky enough to be able to take a cruise which will stop off at Stockholm. Not sure if we’ll go with that option or if we’ll just take our own trip to Scandinavia, which is more costly but will allow me to see what I want for as long as I want. I’m so looking forward to it. Maybe my smart phone will be working perfectly for me by then!!

  9308. What an amazing idea. I need to make one then send her on a little holiday to give me a break! Not too long…I don’t want to be cruel!

  9309. Hanna, I just discovered your blog and love it. Thanks for all the inspiration! I am living in Uppsala for a year, do you teach any classes?

  9310. Congrats on being such a big part of the embroidery magazine! That’s awesome. Also, what are you drinking? I have decided that I need to know. :-)

  9311. Good morning Hanna, well done on your embroidery mag! I am doing some doodling on t-shirts with fabric markers as well, and upcycling some t-shirts into skirts. Love your blog.

  9312. What’s new with me? I’m hosting my very first swap on the blog, and I’m doing lots more art, and I am way in the groove. As for YOU, young lady, congrats!! How exciting! To be one of the Editors!

    I have always enjoyed your embroidery and admired it.

  9313. There is nothing more frustrating when you have art time and are lacking motivation! I will often tidy up a bit and pull together a few things that “speak” to me… usually it doesn’t take long to spark an idea and get creating!

  9314. Congratulations on the embroidery magazine–what a great accomplishment. And those new supplies? Sound like a fun weekend coming up!

  9315. I love indoor plants. They keep me from going crazy in the winter plus they add oxygen to the air. I have a built in table/nook in the kitchen that gets lots of morning light. I usually put the plants there in the winter. Right now, I have most of the indoor plants on the front porch since the weather is nice. The only plants inside are my philodendrons and my orchid.

    • Hi! I’ve always wanted to put some of my plants outside in the summer but am afraid they could get bugs and then I’d be passing those on when it’s time to come back inside. Do you ever get bugs? thanks, jan

  9316. I just found this today and I’m totally in love :) So much so that I took my fabric and acrylics and painted away :) Waiting for my pieces to dry now to finish them up, you can have a look

    thank you for inspiring me

  9317. I love the start you have made! I think that the less time I have, the more pressure I put on myself to do something worthwhile so I don’t waste the time I have…this tends to lead to an instant block! :)

    I try to just grab some paint and put it down, even if I am not feeling it, usually eventually I get into the flow. Other times I need to stop trying and go for a walk or fold the laundry. Usually I find myself inspired again.

    Other times I will go to a page I have already started, and look for an image. Or pull out what I can and just make marks and play.

  9318. Don’t you love the new direction you find when you come back with fresh eyes.

    I have piles of collage fodder that I store and keep, but when I am actually creating I tend to use whatever is closest and generally that is scraps from other projects.

  9319. I start re-organizing my “stuff” and I usually find something that inspires me to create. Most of the time I forget all the cool, creative things that I have acquired.

  9320. I love finding the marks of creativity left behind. A whole other piece of art, isn’t it ?
    Happy Creating and happy Summer, Hanna !

  9321. I love the look of all the paint that gets left behind. I agree with Kim, above, that it looks like an artwork unto itself. And what a great reminder to get yourself back to creating when you put aside some of those more practical matters! I’m getting better and better at having a daily date with creativity, even if it’s just a quickly stolen moment. Good luck finding time for yourself!

  9322. Hello Hanna,
    I love your blog site. I live in the USA with my Swedish wife. We are having a child and are preparing the nursery. The nursery is going to be one of a Swedish theme. You have a great photo on your site (below the being an ambassordor of Sweden paragraph) that I’d like to blow up and hang on the wall. I would appreciate your consideration of allowing me to use the photo, or another photo that you could recommend for our nursery. Thanks so much for considering our request. Sincerely, James & Anne Louise.

    • Hi James,
      since it’s for private use I’ve sent you the link to the original file so that you can download it and print it if you still want it. If you print it and hang it, I would loooove to get a photo of the nursery where it will hang. Thanks and enjoy your baby time! Take care.

  9323. I have run away to try and find some quiet time and space to create! I arrived past 10pm…it is now past 1am and I can not sleep… I hope to get up with the sun and paint and collage and commune with the Muse.
    It has been too long….wish me luck.

  9324. In early morning(4 am) or in early evening(7 pm) I love to walk(well, for me it is a kind of sport). While walking, it is a great pleasure to observe everything, from the most beautiful into the ugliest one. But yes, I seldom taking photographs, since I am not good at taking any photo.

    Learning other people experience through photos like this is very enlightening. It is quite similar by enjoying sketches.

  9325. Delighted to learn that you are doing reviews for Goodreads. May I suggest a book for you to read? It’s called “Other Waters” by Eleni N. Gage. It’s about a young woman who is juggling two cultures, one as an American doctor and the other as the daughter of a doting family from India. Warm, funny and about following your dreams.

  9326. Now in summer time I found it more difficult getting time by My self creating.
    The family comes first but the need of create are enormous.
    All the thougts of what I want to do.
    But Soon I Will get some time ( I hope :-)

  9327. Hi! I found your beautiful blog wheb googled for fabric beads. I love your colourful works! Sunny wishes from Finnish woman living in Crete! x Teje

  9328. I love the evidence left behind after being creative – sometimes more than what I’ve actually made. I have been trying to make time, if not every day, at least a few times a week to actually craft – it keeps me sane!

  9329. dear hanna,
    im creating my own planner as well, but i have no idea on what to actually put in it? :L xxxx

  9330. That’s a summer breakfast at its finest! Strawberries are super healthy too.
    Now that you asked–I’m enjoying mochi green tea ice cream as of the moment. ^-^

  9331. Those strawberries look so good!
    I just enjoyed sleeping in…and when you have a three year old and a five month old, that pleasure is quite rare! ;)
    I’m hungry now…and I think I know just what I want for breakfast.

  9332. Wonderful pictures of berries. Beautiful berries! Are strawberries your favorite? I love raspberries and blueberries the most.

  9333. mmmmmmmmmm and if you eat them with a shortbread cookie it tastes just like….
    what else but Strawberry Shortcake!!!!! Thats a treat in America, is it for you too?

  9334. Sommarblommor efter vgrenen nr jag r ute och springer. Det r s vackert och doftar s gott att det knns overkligt ibland.

  9335. I met mine a couple years ago. I was trying to wrap my head around how this little creature could live in me, and why on Earth she was so darned mean! I decided to knit a stuffed animal of her, to give me something to physically attach these feelings to, in hopes of “getting them out of me.” I ended up with the cutest little gargoyle you ever saw, immediately named her Gretle, and now I love her. I try to remind myself that she learned these mean things when we were very little, and she was never able to grow up out of them. So, when I hear her in my head, it’s like hearing those mean thoughts in a 4 year olds voice, and suddenly, they mean a whole lot less to me :)

    • Thanks for commenting and sharing your own inner critic story! I love gargoyles, so ugly and so beautiful at the same time (I have one in my book shelf from la Paris)…

  9336. Thanks for the great links, Hanna! And congratulations on being published in the e-zine! So exciting! I’m currently living on Okinawa, so I see shisa every day. Are you going to be able to post a photo of your shisa on your site?
    Loving all the beautiful photos you’ve been sharing with us! Your site always makes me smile!
    Big hugs,

  9337. I tried to draw a mandala in my journal last year, but it came out so ugly :(
    I usually like my drawings, but not the mandala I made, because it looked so “crowded” and “stuffy”.
    I like your mandala because it’s fresh, simple and elegant. I have to try to draw something similar and avoid to indulge in tiny tiny details like I did last time.
    Lesson learned! Thank you for inspiring me!

  9338. How beautiful! Never tried drawing a mandala, but I’m going to go and research about it because my niece mentioned something about it yesterday. Blessings!


  9339. I really like your planner. I cant find the pages that you used. I really like them! Cant find them anywhere! Could you be able to post them as a PDF? I love your work!

  9340. I’ve never tried drawing mandalas. Yours turned out beautiful. Guess I need to try this. Thanks for the inspiration.

  9341. I love this kind of notebook, Hanna. I’ve kept many over the years, especially for home decorating and crafting. I have a separate notebook just for Christmas, too. They are so fun to flip through, especially years later when my tastes have changed and I wonder why on earth I chose some of the images to save!

  9342. I enjoy drawing mandalas, too, though I haven’t done much of it lately. The mandala you have posted here is beautiful! I agree with you about enjoying the meditative nature of creating one.

  9343. Those old Strepsils-tins sure inspire me! I don’t know what is it about them but I just L O V E them and other similar mint tins are equally great too.

    I’ve meaning to make an inspiration book myself but so far haven’t got to it yet. I’ll try to catch your inspiration to energise mine!

  9344. oh, yes, I have a little (pink!) notebook where I glue images that inspire my crafting (mostly sewing).
    I really like this kind of posts, Hanna! Family life, summer, creativity … :)))

  9345. Jttekul att lsa och se bilderna frn vra trffar. Tack fr att du inspirerar mig till en massa roliga saker, vi har s kul tillsammans. puss mom

  9346. I love putting together journals of inspiration. I just finished one with pictures of other peoples art journals that inspire me, and I have a lot with decorating ideas that I love. It’s so addictive to put these kind of journals together. I just love the pictures of your inspiration book!

  9347. I have avoided facing my inner critic for the longest time… but your post about making an inner critic is so light hearted and inspiring that it has encouraged me to actually do it. Thanks for offering the tools to face it.

  9348. OMG! How did I not know this was an art form? I have done this for years – my doodle of choice. The absolute best way for me to relax. Now I’m inspired to do them deliberately. Thank you so much for this post!

  9349. I love these! Even with out ‘detail’ they have such depth and richness. Thank you for the inspiration.

  9350. Gorgeous flowers! Love how you have displayed them in your post!
    That’s my favourite subject as ell.

  9351. Hej Hanna!
    Fljer din blogg d och d och den r s inspirerande! Har sjlv brjat med art journalling och det r s kul…. Det hr uppslaget med blommorna r somrigt och hrligt…. gillade ven idn med ett summer manifesto som du skrev om tidigare i somras.
    Lycka till framver!
    Hlsar Helena

  9352. I like that you included a picture of the buds. Most people only think to photograph blooms, but there is beauty in the anticipation of a flower bud.

  9353. Fabulous Hanna! I LOVEd your “answers”! Love that laughing dummy./ mannequin thingy too! It made me chuckle!

  9354. I love how you can hover over the pictures and read more information. For example, the question on one creative wish for everyone had a heart image, but it wasn’t just simply love that you wished each person could have, but “self love and confidence in whatever you make”. That is great!

    • Well Diane wrote out the secret of the alt-tags… I would’ve kept it, hehe. And maybe it’s kind of like cheating. I hoped the images would “speak” by themselves but of course it depends on what kind of questions you’re asked – and what you want to say in your answer if that is possible. As a experiment it was super fun. I will look forward to the next person in the series to see their images. You should volunteer!

  9355. Hanna, How fun!!! I’m so happy to see your cheerful selections for your interview answers. The only image I was unsure of was the heart with the pins… I was thinking {before I saw the alt tags} that you meant loving the entire process, start to finish, and your intention is even deeper. Lovely ideas and lovely interview.

  9356. I love it when I just meander and follow links and see where I go. Just yesterday I had an idea of drawing a mandala image to incorporate some symbols for a logo design. It is for an event a coworker is organizing. How fun to navigate today to your blog post (thanks to Creative Every Day) and see your beautiful mandala. What a great video. It surely has me inspired to pick back up a regular practice of making mandalas. Thanks for the inspiration. Hope all is well on your end of the blogosphere.

    {soul hugs}
    Kathryn, Collage Diva

  9357. Oh! I just loved those artjournals! Try the local library for new supplies. Sometimes the library sell books that noone longer wants to borrow. Library books are often better bound than the ones you find in the flea market, and cheap!!
    And the librarians will be SO happy to know their “darlings” will be art, rather than to recycle.

  9358. I am inspired to paint flowers again. It’s been a long time and I love it. You can always put as much color as you want, and they can be real or whimsical. Yours are on my desktop now!

  9359. I really enjoyed this image-only interview, Hanna! It’s a clever idea, and I thought the images you selected really showcase your style!

  9360. Oh my gosh, these are fabulous! I love love love them! I have never tried a mandalas. You inspired me! I did just try Zentangle and love it! I need something relaxing and this looks just like the ticket!

  9361. Loving these simple yet at the same time complexe doodle mandalas. There is definitely meditation involved in their creation. So very good for the Soul.
    Happy Summer hugs to you, Awesome One !

  9362. Thank you for sharing, I hope you don’t mind (per another post) I’m posting this to my pintrest page. I just love this idea!

  9363. I copied that first quote onto a waiting journal page…all prepped and waiting for some magical thing to write…thank you!

  9364. What a fantastic quotation from Francis Bacon! Your mandalas are lovely…I’m happy that you are finding so much pleasure in creating them.

  9365. I LOVED IT! is there anyother way to make a simple,cute,AWESOME planner?
    um….NO! my friends and family love my planner thanks to…(drum roll)…YOU!
    Thank you so much i can’t belive it:)


  9366. Thanks for the link to Japanese Sashiko embroidery. I’ve never seen it before.

  9367. I did not know that the labels come in such great colours. This may just push me over the edge to get a label maker!

    Mmmm.. pink labels!

  9368. Hi Hanna!

    I haven’t left a comment here in ages but I always read your posts of course!
    I too have a vintage Dymo, like yours except all black (it was my mom’s) and I bought the same package of colours as you! I love my Dymo!

    PS. Like you, I still have a lot of supplies in boxes since my move… when I open a box it’s like shopping all over again! Except I don’t have to pay…

  9369. Wow, pink embossing labels? I didn’t even know those existed! All we have in the UK is black, blue, red and green. Is there a part number for the pink dymo tapes on the packaging? With a part number I should be able to track them down and see if we can get them here as well. Thanks. 8-)

    • I don’t have the packaging any more and I got it at a scrapbook store in Stockholm, Sweden. I’m sure you can find better ways to find new sources for your company than asking me…? I’m pretty sure the labels are not from Sweden! ;-) Good luck.

  9370. Oh I love that transparent tape. I wish I had kept my label maker from when I was a child. So instead I bought the Smash one but the only colors they have are red & black & I’m not sure if other brands will fit. Looking forward to more of these posts in the future.

  9371. Lovely flowers. And lovely jug! That fact that it was a present from your mom makes it even more meaningful. :-)

  9372. Great article – I love this idea of being true rather than original – I think it takes some of the pressure off of making art. Trying to be original is intimidating sometimes.

  9373. “Learning to find your truth is difficult….but once you do, your art will set you free.”- Julie Prichard

  9374. Thank you, it is really I never think to make for me a present…You have give me a

    gift I must be more considerate with me. Sorry for my English and thank you very

    much for all your post zouzou

  9375. I have to say that I ADORE the colors on your blog. They are so comfortable to me that it makes you feel liked a kindred friend.

  9376. Det dr grubbleriet dyker med jmna mellanrum upp hos mig ocks. Varfr gr jag det hr? r det hr bra? Vad ska jag satsa p? D brukar jag frska pminna mig sjlv om att jag gr det hr fr min egen skull. Jag mr bra av att mla och drfr mlar jag. Om jag ska m dligt av det kan jag lika grna lta bli.

    Ett annat knep jag brukar ta till r att upprepa fr mig sjlv: Jag kan gra vad jag vill! Fr det r ju sant. Det r ingen som tackar dig fr att du sitter hemma och inte gr det du vill. Tvrtom. Nr du gr det du vill tillter du andra att gra det de vill, och det uppskattas. Det r i alla fall min erfarenhet. S mla rosa och klipp och klistra om det r vad du lngtar efter. Det r du, och d r det bra. Hoppas du fr en hrlig helg!

  9377. I enjoyed both your article and the one by Jennifer Louden. It’s easy to forget to be true in the quest for originality. I sometimes for example struggle with the fact that I love to draw women/girls, because right now the mixed media world is overwhelmed with everybody drawing girls (preferably with butterflies and birds), but then I remember that I’ve been drawing girls since I was like six or seven years old (35 years ago) and they accompanied me all through my life, apparently I just like drawing them and I might as well accept that that is a part of who I am. It’s good to broaden one’s horizon, but it has to be done through the heart and not some quest to be unique and different. Thanks for the reminder.

  9378. They are all lovely, Hanna. I like the bits of pink that run through all the photos, but feel especially drawn to the yarn and all its pink possibilities!

  9379. Thanks for this post – you’re 100% right. Creating for the sake of making whatever your urges produce – that’s the truth. Those times to create like this are often the most unplanned, the most relaxing & where time flies for me. Thanks for being inspiring! I’m off to read the Voodoo Lounge post now.

  9380. Just listened to the podcast.. and wanted to come back & say thanks again! It was very interesting & inspiring, too. I like how Jill’s teaching ethic/class planning comes from her desire to do more geniune work & teach what “comes from her heart”. I was always opposed to copying, but after listening, realize how it is important… we just have to keep working from there to create our own style. Now I have another podcast to look forward to each month.

  9381. I had to smile at the art journal set up with the coffee cup being so close to the water container. There’s an accident waiting to happen! (of am I the only one who would confuse cup and container in such a situation?) ;-)

    • Caatje, I always have a cuppa close. I haven’t drunk from the water container but I’m often close to dipping the brush in the coffee… ;-)

  9382. I love your two art journal work space photos…seeing peeks at people’s creative spaces really inspsires me!

    On a different note, Hanna, do you have your email address on your blog somewhere? I never know how to respond to your comments on my blog, because they don’t come with an email attached, and I can’t find it here. Thanks for your help! :-)

  9383. My husband bought me that pack of Dymo tapes and at first I thought the colors wouldn’t be useful to me at all. But now I love them! But I had no idea the white one was transparent; I haven’t used it yet! I’ve been using my Dymo especially for my ICAD cards. Thanks for the Flickr group link; I’ll be sure to check it out!

  9384. It’s so interesting that you’d post about photos today, when I just posted about photos! I am loving instagram and it’s moved me along to using photos in a lot of new ways. I love the editing apps, too. Even when I have very little time because of my other art projects, the new digital editing software and apps make it fast, interesting, educational, and easy!

    I want my photos to shine as big as yours on my blog. I’m going to look at changing my layout. It’s too constricting!

    Rock on.

  9385. I vilken affr hittade du dessa?? De rosa r ju helt fantastiska, mste inhandlas! Min dymo kommer frn Clas Olsson och dr fanns bara de gamla vanliga svart, bltt och rtt… Dags fr lite variation! :)

  9386. I really like these, but every time I buy one it breaks. I think maybe I don’t know how to be nice enough to it? Love all the tape colors. yum.

  9387. These are so pretty! You have great style. I like the poetry of the mandala shape, and I love using parameters like this quite often when being creative. It seems geometrics and math have so much to do with creativity sometimes…

  9388. Hi, I wanted to comment on this blog post because it is very recent but I was just wondering for this blog post for the DIY planner. What was the font you used for the tabs? I absolutely LOVE the font!


  9389. Hrligt collage! det riktigt kliar i mina fingrar att testa nt liknande, jag blir s inspirerad alltid nr du visar fram nya tekniker!

  9390. shazaam! you did it. And it felt fantastic. Now do it some more. And thanks for reading and taking action on my words, that is high praise indeed!

  9391. Hi Hanna! Just popping back in to let you know that I have blogged today about two pieces of art that I purchased from your Etsy shop. I thought you might find it fun to see your work “in situ” on my Art Wall. You will find it here: wall art. I love having your work on my wall to inspire me daily!

    • Andria, thanks for the comment and the link! Loved seeing my art on your wall, and beautifully framed too. Just seeing them there inspires me to make another collage! Thank you sweet one!

  9392. Ty for all that great infos & links dear! Ill check all and your tuts too.

  9393. Wonderful post! I love Featuring magazine………I agree about the articles……it’s great to have an art magazine that goes beyond, “pretty pictures”.

    I also love the look of your blog. Nice and bright,and easy to read.:)

  9394. Hi Hanna! Thanks for the great review! I mentioned it on my blog with a link to your post. Is that ok? thanks, jan (I’ve been a lurker of your blog for a long time…you always have such great posts!)

  9395. Nice review! I’ve been keeping my eye on Featuring. I love Andrea Joseph’s work. She’s got her drawings on really gorgeous bracelets, now. I got one of her zines and was blown away by how cool it is.

  9396. I’ve been seeing this magazine referenced here and there, and was interested to read your opinions about it…thanks for the review!

  9397. Hi Hannah Love your creativity … I have followed you for many years now and you just keep on being so inspiring.


  9398. Looks great! I think I want to do something similar in the future, after my ongoing project perhaps….

  9399. Love this project! It reminds me of when I was very young and my grandmother taught me to embroidery by stitching a sampler – made up of rows of different stitches. (I believe I still have that sampler somewhere). I am looking forward to seeing your finished project . . . and thank you for bringing back a very special memory for me.

  9400. Me neither!! I just uploaded a photo of my desk a few days ago. On the one hand, I love the mess and I know exactly where everything is, I swear! On the other, I need to clean at least a little bit up before i can start anything new :)

  9401. They tell me there’s wood under the piles of paper and art supplies that has collected around my computer. I’m not convinced, having not seen any evidence for quite a long while.

  9402. I love your blog but rarely comment, had to today because I relate so well to this and love your sense of humor as well! Thanks for keeping it real and keeping us all laughing.

    • Thanks Maureen and everybody else, for taking the time (and courage) to comment. It really means a lot to me. :-) Makes me wanna find my desk and create something right now!

  9403. I do the same thing….Eight hours of creating and four hours to clean up and organize it all…lol…On the other hand, when I clean up, I have to figure out where everything goes or make room for things that are no longer neatly packaged. It always reveals a treasure that I had forgotten about….I also like to think….It’s kind of like the old saying. A messy cook is a good cook…I say,”a messy artist is a great artist”

    • Melissa, love that saying! A messy artist is the one creating indeed, a neat one is probably just thinking about creating! :-) But sometimes I wonder why the cleaing up needs to take up so much time (take time & energy away from starting and just creating)…

  9404. Ahh, you are a girl of my kind.

    My desk tends to be buried in things as well. In fact, it’s very rarely a workspace, and much more often the place to put all kinds of things (because if they are visible I won’t forget about them). That includes anything from film festival flyers, my sketchbook, invoices, essential stationary, some decorative items, little packets of sugar (so I don’t have to run to the kitchen), a fruit basket and whatnot…

    • Alua, I agree. It’s great to box things away, but once they’re out of sight I SO forget about those projects and never finish… The balance between keeping it in sight and having space to work on is difficult!

    • Denice, thanks for the sweet comment. So sweet of you to let me know you were visiting, I’m always happy to inspire!

    • Jennifer, thanks for the award. I’m so happy that my blog inspires you since we share many interests like journaling and adoring pretty roses… Yum! :-)

  9405. Hanna, yesterday I went to IKEA and saw that they have new notebooks with owls, white (no lines) papper… There were other stuff with owls as well. It was their back-to-school-things at IKEA Family. I thought of you :)

    • Lotta, tack fr lnken! Sg att de har uggleomslagspapper ocks, s stt! Och burkar… mste nog dit snart. Plus att nya katalogen kom frra veckan, och h s mycket fint de har… Funderar p en turkos hurts med hjul…. :-)

  9406. I fully embrace the quotation by Anais Nin! I am always trying to tidy things up and keep my desk clear so I have space to work, but within moments it is completely covered again. I have to believe that I actually like to work that way, or it wouldn’t keep happening!

  9407. Great photo of all the delicious supplies on your desk…fun to see what you turned them into, too! I too take huge piles off my desk and just transfer them to the floor when I need space to work. You can’t imagine what things look like in my art room right now!!

  9408. I tend to work in a tidy and organised way but it’s AFTER that everything explodes and takes several attempts to put away.

  9409. I love looking at snapshots like these and I make a lot of them myself too (don’t always post them, but they are made, yes they are). There’s something inspiring about watching other people’s materials and goings on in the creative field. So keep them coming please! As for a name: creativity is snapshots seems very catchy to me.

    • Thanks Caatje, I think I will keep the title Creativity in snapshots, at least for a while… Too bad I take more photos than I have time to edit & upload… Or maybe it’s a good thing that life is preventing me from blogging and not the other way around. :-)

  9410. I’m a pile maker, and tend to work on new projects right on top of existing piles. Then it gets too much for even me, I clear off my desk. Usually I find some little bit of something that inspires to me get creating and the clean up is over. My husband calls it my “comfort clutter”.

  9411. beautiful – this is a wonderful sampler and your suggestions are greatly appreciated – perhaps I shall give it a try as well :)

  9412. Those teddy bears are so sweet, and I love the little owl timer for the kitchen! The embroidered bracelet is just amazing…what a treasure to wear; I bet it looks great! I love snapshots like these…please keep them coming, and call them whatever you like! :-)

  9413. I think ‘creativity in snapshops’ is more catchy. I love to do paper sew journals too. One question? I include all types of paper, small 3D items, etc, but I also like to add pictures. What’s the verdict on acidity in the paper leeching into and ruining the photographs? And I suppose, does it really matter, b/c most (if not all) my pictures are backed up digitally. What are you thoughts?

    • Hi Melissa, I’m not a scrapbooker so when I use my own photos I use laser prints from my computer, not copies on photo paper. I don’t care about longevity or acid free surroundings, but to many others it’s a BIG thing. But if you ask me, just go for it and do what feels right. If it doesn’t hold together for ever, so be it… ;-)

  9414. Hello Hanna,

    I just came by to tell you, I’ve linked you…Well,but before that, this page is totally adorable!!! *staring hard* ^^
    Ok, then, I’ve calmed down. I finally made a blog, too. (you probably remember, I’m the german oh-THAT’S- punchinella girl). I’d be happy if you came by sometime^^

    Anyways, lots of love,
    lucy aka penny lane

    • Lucy, what an awesome blog you’ve got going there. I hope you will have as fun with yours as I have with mine. And come by again soon. Thanks for the link love!

  9415. Oh, that looks good ! I love holding a book filled with beautiful pages in my hands (and not just at the computer) . Really great that you made one!

  9416. I love your note books and would love to sell them in my shop, could you email me.
    Ps. What is your etsy shop information and I will go and look at what you have to sell.

  9417. Creativity in a Snap

    Life in a Snap

    Snapping a Creative Life

    Hmmmmm….I might have to use one of those!


    • Hi Gerti, all of those are great, I hope you will use one of them. I think I might stick with “snapshots”, I really like that word! It just says exactly what they are.

  9418. I love the painted backgrounds already, and you haven’t even begun to stitch, these should be petite goodies when you are through. xox

  9419. Can’t wait to see these finished. I’m so interested in adding a bit of fabric into my art journals. Thank you for inspiring me with exactly what I need! :)

  9420. SNAP! Another of my tricks is the ability to take a desk of ANY size and quickly reduce the working area to a maximum six inch by six inch square. Try it for yourself….. it works every time!


  9421. I love this!!
    If the pages in the middle of the signature have cool pictures on them that you want to leave in, you could leave those in and take out other pages in the signature. It shouldn’t make much difference as long as you take out pages that are made of one piece of paper – that is, opposite each other in the signature.
    Now I’m thinking about how to make a “photo album” using copies of photos and cutting windows for them, with other pages for backing. Thrift store, here I come!

  9422. Wow Hanna! I am so out of touch with what you have been up to. What a treat to come visit and see a 2-meter stitched snake!! I love this, TAST sounds like a great project… what will this become at the end? A quilt?? Your old friend, tj

  9423. I love this! I love your magic trees! And I love the whole idea of having an embroidery evening with a friend – a very cool and different kind of ‘girls’ night in.’ Looking forward to seeing more of your magical painting on fabric. Thanks for sharing this, Hanna.

  9424. I love your trees ! Magic indeed ! Such love and care and creativity in each one. I could see a whole orchard of them…
    Happy planting, Beautiful Artist girl !

  9425. Thank you so very much for this, Hanna! I am starting to become more interested in embroidery myself, so I was actually hoping that you would share more of yours. I love trees, so these ATCs are just about perfect. And magic indeed… I love how although they are such simple shapes, they somehow suggest so much. I think the third tree is my favourite, but, really, it is hard to pick a favourite. Oh, and I also love your sun, with its bright and glowing colours…

  9426. I love to crochet. I have a few UFOs that just need finishing, but mostly I finish my projects now. MOSTLY! :)

    These colors are lovely and they remind me of sweet treats, like cupcakes. I have always wanted to try the hex. I’ve been keeping two crochet projects going at a time for a while now… I have a blanket that I’m crocheting, which is going to take a lot of time, so I call it my background project. Then, I find small things to work on to give me the satisfaction of completing something. I’m also trying to use up some of my stray yarn, so all of this is super satisfying.

    I look forward to updates on your hexagon project!

  9427. Oooo I love yarn! And those colors are great! I have been obsessed with making crochet African flower hexagons, which may or may not eventually get made into a blanket. :) They are so fun and portable, and you can make so many different color combinations!

  9428. Like them too.
    Like specially that you crochet them together as soon as one more is finished.
    From tiny blanket to small blanket to whatever whenever.

    Just don’t like sewing in the many yarn endings.

    Have a fun day!

  9429. like Robin, i love that you are joining as you go…did you just figure this out? if so, please share!! it will be beautiful WHENEVER you finish it. i think the best part of connecting as you go is that when you finish the crochet, the blanket will be done too! (none of that…oh now i have to stitch them all together part…)

  9430. Thank you so very much Hanna, for spreading the word about my book. I appreciate your kind words and your insight, and honor your less favorable words as well (-; I would like however to offer you and your readers a new look into my process. Through my eyes, and my eyes only of course, a beauty of a journal spread lies in the mystery, in its complexity, in sometimes not knowing exactly how it was done. The use of Photoshop became a part of my visual expression through my life experiences. More over you can hear in an interview I gave with Art & Soul Radio
    I don’t use it to “enhance” any part of it, I don’t use it to add “doodling”. It’s an integral part of my work. I combine sometimes several of my journal pages and work with layer modes and transparencies, fonts, etc. This unique process gives my pages the depth and the mystery I’d like to convey to myself and to others. This is definitely not a How To Book, and as such the way I got to the result is irrelevant and shouldn’t be of any concern to a viewer, or definitely not “confuse”. My goal in journaling is mostly self expression, I utilize all that is in me, and all that I learned so far. If my pages move someone’s heart to feel, to create, to grow, that’s all a bonus. Photoshop is not a tool to make things prettier, or to “cheat” with. It’s another tool to make art…that’s what mixed media is all about. Combining my physical pages that include, collage, painting, writing, with digital tools of layering, that’s the true meaning of Mixed Media for me and for many others, with out all of these being a part of a whole, my work wouldn’t be mine. With gratitude, Orly

    • Thanks sweet Orly for reading and adding your thoughts! I feel honoured that you read my blog. I think I’m just like any artistic person; curious about the “how” of a peace that inspires us! Though mixed media on paper is what I love most I do get how a computer could help you deepen and mystify your pages. I was this close to taking your class in England this year, but then I chickened out/decided to save… Maybe one day.

      Anyway, hope I haven’t offended you. Thank you for making this book, and sharing your thoughts in it and online.

  9431. At my local charity shop I am known for buying all their yarn. Nothing is left behind when I go in. A few months back (possibly a year, I had a baby at some point after it) I bought this massive load of cream yarn for pittance and now I’m hoping to finally make a cream lacey crochet blanket out of it. Just bought a book on granny squares. Feel very encouraged by your efforts so I might start tomorrow. It’s a king size bed too (that’s not so great) :/ hope I can do as well as you.

  9432. Oh, Hanna, this is lovely! I adore the fabrics you’ve chosen and how they all look put together. What fun to wear this!

  9433. Craft with mom ..really sounds great for me.
    I wish i can start this culture with my daughter :)

  9434. You did a great job with this one Hanna, very nice put together and beautiful colours too. I bet your friend (lucky creature) will love using it.

  9435. I love aprons! I have my old grandmothers aprons at home, but I have been thinking of making my own too. Thanks for the inspiration! (And I just love that you have Spiderman in there too!)

  9436. my first real visit to you, (I’ve had a list of places to visit, but just not enough time!), and this was my first post I read – love it! the apron, the story, and especially those tights! :-) looking forward to exploring further, and I could just be tempted to also make a funky apron!

  9437. Oh my gosh. how adorable, I love the fabrics you chose, and it all words together so well. Love this!! Makes me want to brave my sewing machine and give it a go…if it didn’t hate me as much as it does.

  9438. White washed doilies are very pretty! This post makes me want to go check out my local thrift stores even though the last thing I need is more stuff. :)

  9439. Pink, pink, pink and…sparkly, sparkly, sparkly! What is not to like about this delish planner? Great job!

  9440. Hanna, we have some lovely linen and tatted lace and other doilies. Would you like to have them? I would send them out to you if you’d like. Except for a few bits, I really won’t be able to honor them appropriately.

    These are so white and pretty.

  9441. Hanna, really. Really! This is so lovely. I haven’t been to flickr much lately, but I have to get over there and look at the fun pictures you always have there.

    The variety of your fabrics here makes me remember that I really want to buy lots of fat quarters from spoonflower. Have you seen some of those amazing fabrics?! Completely original and I can pick out just want I want!

    This makes me think of bunting, too. Time for Halloween bunting!!

  9442. Hi, Hanna. Thanks for being direct about your reservations about this book. I like Avineri, too, and would find the same thing troublesome. I also wonder sometimes if digital manipulation of a collage or painting is a fair way to display it in print. It might suit the publisher to make the book as ‘bling-y’ as they can, but for me, it is cheating. Just as I wouldn’t want something on etsy to be mis-represented when I purchase it, I don’t want a book to be confusing.

    However, I bet it’s bold and interesting, just like all of Orly’s work!

  9443. This is the neatest apron I have ever seen in my life. Glad to see my favorite superhero on there as well. Great job, ihanna! :D

  9444. Wow, Hanna…so much for me to look at here. Thanks for keeping me busy. The links on your inspiration mosaic alone have taken me some time to get through…good stuff!

  9445. Very creative photos…! I just love finding something NEW on the blogs I visit – instead of the same things, subjects, colours etc. etc. over and over again (too many blog are too boring because they’re much too similar!) Your blog is different… I LIKE! :-)
    *SMILES* from Lisbet

  9446. I love this! Am definitely going to try something similar for my sister’s Christmas presents – they’re all very big into baking!
    a x

  9447. Beautiful! My mother made mountains of these–tatting, crocheting, lacemaking. Always white or off-white. Never crooked or off. I love looking at them, but I’m glad I don’t have to iron and starch them anymore!

  9448. The numbers on the bridge indicate to me that it Will be carefully stored somewhere, ready to be used somewhere else.

  9449. I love your nail polish colour!!

    Love then photo of the numbers on the bridge, at the moment my creative life is marked by paint and finishing art journal pages…could be worse!! :)

  9450. Great color combination! Are you going to add turquoise to your knitting? Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment!

  9451. Haha…. I also felt an urge for knitting! I have bought one of those quick knit rings in order to make a knitted hat for myself :)

  9452. Im knitting! (and thats so strange, because I dont, usually I dont, never) But me and my neighbours are going to make some knit grafitti in our village (everyone will know for sure who did it) and thats something I dont want to miss :)
    Love your wristwarmers.

    • You’re knitting, wow! And yay! Isn’t it fun though? I’ve got knitted graffiti ideas in a box, to chicken to hang it up (yet)…

  9453. I haven’t knitted in years but I might make me some wristwarmers like these when days get cold(er) – and reading? Last summer I read ‘The art of Fielding’ – Chad Harbach and ‘A visit from the goon squad’ – Jennifer Egan. Both books were good reads, but I don’t know your preferences of course…

  9454. Hanna! The sight of these papers all piled up makes me happy. Well, they aren’t piled, really. When I was making a whole bunch (gaggle? herd?) of bookmarks with papers sewn and then glazed, I thought how great it would be to make book covers the same way! And then of course I got busy and forgot. YOU would have added it to the list! But I am a novice list-maker. Now, from all this blabbing, it’s hard to actually tell that I’m talking about book covers that wrap onto books to keep them protected from sand and juice and coffee and bathwater! Bookmarks AND book covers? too much fun!
    I love forward to seeing your journals. I always do.

    Off to revisit your patchwork book covers.

    • Chris, I’m into matching your books right now.. you could then make a book cover for the novel you’re reading and then a matching bookmark for that book! Thanks for shopping by and commenting. Happy weekend!

  9455. Oh, I remember this now! I remember pulling out all my papers and sorting them. There were thick papers, thin, cardstock, papers that have surfacing agents on them, papers with glitter embedded, patterned paper, plain paper, pink paper, black paper, and even paper with holes in it. Because I LOVE paper and tend to buy too much. So, I remember sitting down with these and sorting them all out. I put them in separate sections of my paper file. And now I realize I completely forgot to cover one of my hardback journals with them!

    I know this long story may be boring, but sometimes I honestly can’t believe how easily I forget things or get distracted! Luckily, I have a long weekend again, and can play with papers all day tomorrow. (and sew them together)

    Have a great weekend, Hanna!

  9456. I am reading The Night Circus by erin morgenstern. It’s magical. I am also reading the children’s book, Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild (true spelling!). It’s a classic. I just started it, but it is supposed to be delightful. I could use some delightful after being so busy for so long!

    Pretty wrist warmers!

  9457. I’m mad about Instagram, so I am keeping my eye on things to take photos of. However, it’s been so busy this week I haven’t done much of that. Otherwise, my creative life is filled with making postcards for swaps, and working on collages for a collaborative journal I’ve started with a friend of mine. I love it when you can put paint, stamps, stencils, collage, stitching, and pockets on loose pages and then send them to someone!

  9458. Oh, do you not LOVE Emily’s pages?! I am putting mandalas on my list, right now. (That list that I forgot to put the paper piecing book covers on, remember?)

  9459. Hanna, I’ve been stitching journal pages like a madwoman (which is how I always feel when I am stitching, like a magician or a wizardress). I love the array of papers on your table, the inspiration of so much color and pattern and chaos.

  9460. I’ve been wanting to make an apron for years, and it never, ever occurred to me to make a patchwork! I make patchworks constantly, with no end in sight, and no project in mind. And so this has inspired me. Thank you Hanna!!!

  9461. Eye candy, absolutely! These photographs and these colours and of course, these gorgeous flowers, are breathtakingly beautiful. Don’t worry – you will see them come alive again and delight in them, in all their natural glory – wait just a few short months, and you’ll be able to fly with delight upon seeing all these blooming in spectaculous
    splendour next year. Thanks for sharing – it’s made me smile and it’s made my weekend that much brighter.

  9462. Emmm….that should’ve been spelled ‘spectacular,’ rather than spectaculous, but then, I suppose that newly-invented (by me) word works equally as well, lol.

  9463. I love these! I make my art journals and photo books and now I want to try patchwork covers.

  9464. Last night it was only 6 in Uppland, so this is the perfect photo to save of what was and what will (hopefully) return. They are very pretty, Hanna!

  9465. Hi Hanna,
    I love your idea! I’m making my own planner now, but I have a feeling yours is much much better…! I’m having lots of fun, but I couldn’t find any templates that work for me in the Internet, so I’m making my own using Microsoft Office Word.
    I have one question: What is this plastic sparkly pink cover you used to cover your planner??
    Sonia. :)

    • Hi Sonia, so happy you’re making your own planner! I think yours will be awesome too.

      Sorry: Can’t say anything about the pink paper though, don’t remember where I got it here in Sweden. I think you will find some kind of cover that makes you happy too. Think: plastic vinyl, fabric, scrapbook paper, glitter glue… Anything is possible and the best thing is that you can change it when you get tired of it! :-)

  9466. My husband asks me why I have to have piles of “stuff” (the svensk ord) :) all over the floor. I tried to tell him, if I put it away, I may forget about it, so I have to keep it close to me. Seriously, I also take stacks off of the desk when inspirations strikes, so it ends up on the floor. Glad att jag r inte ensam!

  9467. The multi-color roses look like Joseph’s Coat. They’re gorgeous!

  9468. Yeah, I take photos of food too, but usually with hubby sighing in the background “It’s gonna get cold. Why ten pictures from ten different angles? Come on! It’s gonna get cold!” lol.. I document food for a few different reason. Food being beautiful in its own right is only one of them. For me it’s also about honouring/ celebrating the little things that make your life unique and special, the things you enjoy/ find pretty. Digital cameras have made that so much easier.

  9469. Great question and post. You photograph food and you do it well. As a professional photographer I may be a bit skewed from a non-pro take but for me it boils down to:
    1. Technology has made it super easy with phones and sharing apps, and editing abilities.
    2. The opportunity to shoot food is frequent. I’m eating all the time…so there is always a food photo shoot opportunity.
    3. There is beauty in food, natural ingredients, the processes.
    4. There has to be some type of sub-conscious tie in to the fact that it sustains life…

  9470. I take pictures of food mainly for one reason… torture my daughter :) You know, yummm, look what mom made, remember this comfort food??? Or if I’m at a really good restaurant I’ll send a picture to her and say..wish you were here. I know, I’m a meanie, but she will do the same thing and hey, this is pay back from those teenage years!

  9471. I love to take photos of food because of the colors! We grew yellow tomatoes this year and I loved how they looked in my red colander. So I had to snap a picture of them. Or dark cherries on a blue dish towel. Nature provides the best still life’s!

  9472. So wonderful… it is always fun to get a sneak -peek inside someone’s art journal!! :]
    I am really enjoying the collage on this page, nicely done.

  9473. I love your binder. I live in the U.S. and all the binders I’ve seen have the metal strip all the way down the entire spine. Where did you buy yours? I’d be willing to pay to have it shipped to the U.S. if I can’t find anything here.

  9474. Hanna, I would love, LOVE to see a zine from you again! You are so creative!

  9475. I love cross stitch, and have not learned how to do embroidery. Thank you for the links! You showed several notebooks you covered a few months ago, but I cannot find them. Do you remember the title of the post?

  9476. Nice stitch – it has a dainty quality to it lending itself to those starry flowers and little sprigs. Hope you feel better soon. But at least the muse is in. xox

    • Thanks Corinne, I think the muse is much healthier than me. She gets more exercise, food and care! :-) And sprigs, that’s what they are! I love that word, so cute.

  9477. I havent tried pistil stitch either…must give it a go! I love the green linen thread against the pink.
    Looking further down your blog posts I saw your photographs of food and the flowers in the first photo (with the strawberries) look like they are pistil stitched.
    Hope you’re feeling much better and getting over your cold.

    Jacky xox

  9478. here via Jude forum…I started tast to but wayway behind
    I loved the color and the circles and stitch…there comes a story out of one of your coldnessbubbles..


  9479. Oh all your projects in the works are fun. That fabric would make a great pillow, or background for further stitching, almost anything. Great sox. xox

  9480. Sounds like fun, I love lists too, so I am definately going to try and do this. Can’t wait to see the next list!

  9481. Great pics, and what a beautiful cat! I have worked in bed when my husband has been sick, and I like cozying up in my recliner with a few supplies at hand.

    • Sandie, I was more thinking about doing the lists in a journal you already have. At least, that’s the prompt and we’ve started the prompts this week. Making a whole journal and swapping/sending it will take a few weeks, but all you’ve gotta do is ask someone you know online if they want to do a swap with you. Tammy asked me last year and I loved the idea! Good luck!

      Would love to see your seasson list though!

      • Oh I get it. That’s what I get for coming in when the project is underway. But hopefully not too late to join in. I will create my own journal this time and hopefully arrange a swap in time for the next …. there, I am already thinking ahead!
        I’ve really got into list making lately so this should be fun. Thanks for the idea.

    • Hi Sandie,

      I would be interested in a journal swap…let me know if you are still keen!

  9482. This is such a fun project, Hanna! I love that you and Tammy are sharing it with the rest of us so we can play along if we want!

  9483. Hi, love this tut. I wanted to pin it on pinterest but it says “can’t pin this image”…
    I’ll bookmark this instead, thanks.

  9484. oh, Hanna, this is wonderful! I didn’t know you and Tammy were collaborating on prompts until she told me — but there can never be too many lists in the world! Love the sewn pages on your journal!

  9485. It’s so cute! I’d like to learn it!
    Thanks for sharing it and for the comment on my blog.
    Ciao :-)

  9486. This is so much fun. I’m in! I will put your button on my blog when I do my next post.

    Also, I wanted to invite you to participate in a challenge that Carolyn Dube and I are hosting at ARtists in Blogland. It starts October 1 and would jive nicely with what you’re doing. Hugs, Jessica

  9487. Hi Hanna…I love patchwork of any kind…your covers turned out really great!!! This is a great idea for journals too…..list prompts.

  9488. Hanna, I think there is a much bigger “change” in Sweden from winter to spring, than in north Texas where our winters are quite mild. And so I loved your comment about putting away the winter boots!

  9489. So beautiful and fun. I love this fabric too! The green polka dots really make it. They should be a pleasure to meditate on now. xox

  9490. Hanna, Your ‘lessons learned’ notes are quite helpful. I can see where you would be tempted to try to perfect a stitch that you don’t adore, but it is really just enough to try it, and move on. Beautiful photographs of your finished stitch work.

  9491. Congrats on being in &stitches e-zine, how super! And thank you for the mention, Hanna. The color leftovers on the jar in the photo are so very “you” aren’t they?

  9492. i love hellokitty, but for some reason i want that book and i love those wrist warmers fashionably adorable

  9493. It would be absolutely great if you wore those green goggles today. I’d love walking through town with you ;) I’m wearing green jeans so we would match. See you soon.

    • Thanks Kaisa, for letting me know. She makes me smile too. Maybe I should use this image as my profile picture! :-)

  9494. Hanna – I saw this blog entry several weeks ago during a very foggy moment – I cannot believe I didn’t thank you profusely for including my mandala journal on your inspiration links. You are such a sweetie – thank you very much!!! Ever since I found your blog last year with your postcard swap you have been a great inspiration to me!! Thank you:)

    • Emily, thanks for coming back and commenting too. I adore your journals and is amazed by how many beautiful mandalas you produce each week as I see them “coming alive” on instagram. Impressive and inspiring! Thank YOU!

  9495. Oh Hanna, I am so glad you brought this stitch to my attention! Somehow, I have managed to miss it completely every single time I leaf through my stitch guides looking for stitches for the St. Nicholas embroidery. I have several tiny flower boxes to fill soon and this will be perfect!

    LOVE the pink linen. And you are right – stitching on linen is just heavenly. Your sample looks like happy stitches dancing!

  9496. I just read Tammy’s list, and then came over here and read yours. It’s fun to follow along with you both on this project. And what a fun and colorful way to keep your lists!

  9497. I appreciate Ken Follett, too!
    I don’t know a thing about Katarina Mazetti, but her surname sounds so italian (I’m italian) that I’m going to look for some informations about her (wikipedia?).
    Thank you for sharing your list. I recently wrote a blog post about the books I read this summer and the drawings I made of their covers :)

  9498. I love how you doodled the lettering in your lists! And I love that you are reading in both Swedish and English. Cheers to your bilingualism, Hanna!

  9499. Although I often make girls out of various parts from catalogs, but I’ve not made a glorious creature. This looks like fun.

  9500. How great, but I’m sure you’re a great inspiration to alot more people than your mum. You’ve inspired me all the time, but I guess you knew that already.
    It’s nice to know though that one inspires other persons. We all could become better to tell one another I think. Thanks for beeing so inspirational!

  9501. On the top of my reading list is Mend It Better by Kristin M. Roach. It’s a how-to book on how to mend and patch clothes in a contemporary and creative way. Dating the page of the book list would give me a record of what I’ve read. Love this idea! — Julie

  9502. OK, I’m not much of a traveler but now I want to visit Stockholm! And yes, live that crazy dream! Go for it – it’s fulfilling, I speak from experience ;)

  9503. Hej Hanna!
    Vilken fin blogg du har och vilka bra och inspirerande tips!

  9504. I love you, vldigt kul att lsa vad ngra slarviga skisser kan stlla till. Du r min ngel.

  9505. The no thinking part is definitely good ! I love using bits too. I have been neglecting my art journal for the past 6 months or so. I can feel the desire to get back to it rising in me. I think the fall and the dark will bring me back to it.
    Happy creating, Amazing One !

  9506. I often create the base of art journal pages by either using up leftover paint on my palette or gluing down random paper that’s on my workspace. It’s fun and you never know what you’ll end up with! Yours is very happy looking.

  9507. The no thinking is the best for me too. Love freeing up the mind and letting in wander in your pink garden of collage. xox

  9508. i agree…….some of my best work (in my opinion) starts this way, with no real plan just making a start with something.

  9509. Hi Hanna….This is my very most favorite way to fill a page. I don’t know what it is about paper and glue…but it’s a very fun and medatative way to visual journal. Love your page!!!

  9510. this is great……i love portraits! your combination works so well!!
    yes….sometimes i paint on fabric.

  9511. This is great! Not only if you just feel like manipulated some different materials and textures but also a great starting place if you feel daunted by a blank page.
    Thanks for sharing this post!

  9512. Looks great. I really enjoy the sketch coming through the embroidery, gives it depth somehow. Great Fun!!! xox

  9513. This is my very favorite approach to art journaling…I love the process of selecting and arranging all of those disparate elements into a collaged page that appeals to me. I often think that I need to go back to add paint or journaling to “finish”, but I’m not sure that’s truly the case!

  9514. Amazing!
    I like how paint and thread work together… they blend perfectly, so in the final photo you can barely discerne paint from stitches!
    And thread gives “intensity”, expecially to the hair.
    Love love love!

  9515. Okay I look at this and go “wow” and know that I will not be able to do this myself… So envious of your wonderful wonderful work!! You are brilliant!!!

  9516. So the next envelope you receive is not decorated, because I was in such a rush to get it to the post office, now I wish I would have taken an extra moment!!!

  9517. I have not done any sketching on fabric, but I love how yours turned out, and definitely think I need to try this out!!

  9518. oh, Hanna! I’m late once again! What was I doing on the day you posted this?! I’m so silly

    (actually, it was my birthday, but I honestly can’t quite remember what I was doing. HA!)

    I’m doing a collaboration with someone now, too! It’s great fun. And it DOES fill a person with trepidation when you send it out, doesn’t it? But it’s rewarding and fun and an ‘in love with life and art’ kind of thing, isn’t it?

    I would love to immerse myself in this list prompt project you’ve got going on. I must go read more now, but I wanted to blab first.

  9519. I’ve never worked with embroidery this way before. Thank you for sharing this example.

  9520. This reminds me of Andrea Joseph’s ball point pen sketches. Just awesome! Mom has a great sense for pattern and flow. I like this a lot. This is truly an inspiring thing to see before my weekend away from the office! Please tell her thanks for me.

  9521. Also, tell her I can’t read Swedish, so she can call me later and tell me what her comment says!

    oh, and I think you’re an angel, too!

  9522. Hanna, I have an ugly little secret to admit:

    I so much admire the way you journal and I always start out to put little bits of the pretty scraps I save, onto pages and journal that way. And every single time I try to do this, I end up thinking too much!! I try and try! You have a lovely gift of being able to do this, and I get all my papers ready to use, and my glue and even my sewing machine. But then, I can’t just relax and do it!! I can’t decide what paper to use where to put it, what if some of it gets covered up, or some of it is shiny and some of it isn’t, and on and on and on! I am going to practice more this weekend.
    Also I am going to try not to comment again. This is too much blabbing for you to read at once!

  9523. I love your lettering!! :) I can hardly wait to see what the prompt is for this week, I scraped into loading my page just in time.

  9524. This is so lovely. I really like the painted backgrounds and the sewn on pieces. I will be putting together my dream travel list and post it to my blog soon. Hugs.

  9525. I’ve been doing a sort of journal for a while (for myself)but love the idea of creating one for someone else as well…what a fantastic idea! If anyone is up for a swap let me know!
    Here in the UK we are moving into Autumn…this is my favourite season of all as I love the colours of the changing foliage and the glow at sunset and the mist in the mornings and the first chilly nip to the air…oh and being able to light the fire and wear boots again!!!
    What bliss!

  9526. Please let me be your guide if you ever make it to San Francisco! I live an hour north of SF but my son lives there. I too have Italy on my dream places to go. Rome, Florence, Venice and Tuscany are all on my list. Alas art journal festival is no more. I got to go to #2 and #3 which were fabulous. I wish it would happen again!
    Aloha, Kate

  9527. Oh, wow! I heard about this list prompt and I was going to do it yesterday. This is interesting to see where you’d like to visit.

    I do follow you on instagram, and I’m going to have to go check out your photos.

  9528. Spnnande! det brjar klia i mina fingrar, jag tycker ocks det r befriande att gra collage. Och fint & trffande citat du hittat!

  9529. Hi Hanna,
    Very striking! And as you said depressing. I like your page, it makes me think thoughts that lasts for awhile. It’s some of the same feeling I get when I’m reading one of Piet Hein’s tiny poems called: Huskevers. That poem is quite different but still a bit similar.

    • Laila, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog about this journal page, it means a lot to me! Poems can be strong and hold a lot of meaning too, I agree. Making us stop and think for a while…

  9530. It is a powerful page Hanna. When someone I knew died suddenly I spent a day art journalling, it was very absorbing and cathartic. I celebrated her life and felt I really found a way to deal with things that are hard to express when words are not enough.

    • Sandie, yes art journaling can be very healing! No matter if you throw out “the bad” on a page or celebrate live and the good parts it’s healthy to “get it out”, examine it and use it. :-)

  9531. I would absolutely drool all over the stuff when it came out of the enveloppe… what a gorgeous little pieces! Yes, paperscraps are treasures and it’s even more special when we share and exchange and mix them with each other and with love! Tammy is very talented and so are you! Enjoy playing with your journal, and thanks for the link to FEATURING :)

  9532. Oh Hanna! What a lovely surprise in the mailbox. Send me an email with your address and I will send some goodies out to you. Hugs.

  9533. Love your list. Totally agree that the short 5-item list is a smart way to go ut each and every entry could make its own whole journal!

    Inspiring! If you make it to San Francisco feel free to ping and we’ll get a coffee and talk crafts! :)

  9534. I love this idea and I am trying to catch up on the lists. This weekend I have finally posted my journal with a couple of the lists on my blog –

  9535. It was a great exhibition. So if you are in the neighborhood…. Thank’s for a great day Hanna (but I do look old holding my glasses like that)

  9536. Thank you for sharing pictures of your trip to the museum. Amazed by how small the embroidery art piece is.

  9537. Im a great fan of museums!! (not only because Im a History teacher). Ive just met your blog and love it!!! full if inspiration!! as museums are! thanks for sharing it!!

  9538. love the way you journal. i’m feeling the need to cut and paste lately. i have a lot of loose pages that i want to bind together but am not sure how i want to do it. how do you assemble your loose pages into a journal ?

  9539. A lovely building and beautiful art. I especially like the pressed leaves and petals. And your lunch looks like a work of art, too!

  9540. Yum! Great page and nice to see the fruit names in Swedish! I really like the way you mixed the collage pages. Thanks for visiting me today… xo

  9541. h, knner att jag borde brja en art journal jag ocks! Du gr s himla inspirerande grejer hrrdu! Gillar verkligen den dr bilden o texten!

  9542. Oh wow. My husband bought Caitlin Moran’s book for me… and you are the second blogger in two days who has linked to that book. I’m going to crack it open today! I think the universe is telling me to do it.

  9543. Yes, yes, YESSSS… finally another woman who calls herself ‘feminist’!!! I use that ‘title’ ever since I read Marilyn French and Benoite Grould (aaages ago… when I was young, lol). People didn’t understand me then and they still raise their eyebrows when I call myself that… what the ??? How can you be a woman and NOT be a feminist? Caitlin Moran is amazing… I love her style and how she shakes all the ‘sleepy women’ (well, the ones who hear her toot anyway…)

  9544. Hi Hanna – I’ve been meaning for ages and ages to write you a note and just say how much I love your blog. I’ve been reading it for a few months now, and I keep meaning to write and tell you that. But, since I mostly do my blog reading from my iPhone, it’s a little harder to leave comments. Anyway, I truly enjoy your embroidery, your paper art, your warm and open way that you write and share. I feel like even though we’ve never met in person, that I have a friend in Sweden! (I’m writing to you from Florida in the USA). Thank you for taking the time to do your posts – they are a little spot of warmth and comfort in the big world. Your true admirer and blogland friend, Jane

  9545. TRULY amazing–WOW! At each photo I was thinking how brilliant the item was. I so love art museums! Extra bit here…I just read a book, The Madonnas of Leningrad, that has the most vivid descriptions of works of art that you feel like you’re there. Thanks for sharing your photos!

  9546. Fell upon this book ‘by accident’ while purchasing similar books on Amazon. I love Amazon because it gives you a chance to preview books you would never think of reading or buying, especially if they are not found at your local library.
    “Writing and Being” by G. Lynn Nelson is a fabulous find. For the last year I have kept it on my side table and open it every day. What a great little book and source of inspiration. I’d love to take his classes.

  9547. This makes me smile. I know just what you’re talking about! I have heard so much about that book. And I enjoyed your Tweet about this so much. But sometimes one has to come over to the actual blog, to the SOURCE! and relish the details.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend, Hanna!

  9548. I think you could make a spectacular paper bowl! I really do — and I would love to see one Hanna-style! :)

  9549. Oh my indeed!! I love paper art and these photos are truly amazing. I’d want to read the bowl rather than fill it!

  9550. Vilket konstverk till art journal-sida! Den skulle jag vilja ha som poster p riktigt!
    Jag tycker ocks att det r konstigt, och framfr allt vldigt trkigt, att s mnga kvinnor inte vill kalla sig feminister. Egentligen r det ju inte bara en frga fr kvinnor utan fr alla mnniskor, jag r vertygad om att ven mn skulle ha mycket att vinna p ett mer jmstllt samhlle. Fr mig r ordet feminist i alla fall positivt laddat och inget jag tvekar att kalla mig eller st fr.

  9551. could you imagine a whole store of washi tape? i might die. i wouldn’t know what else to do. the blue polka dot here is my fave : )

  9552. I love washi tape, I just ordered some yesterday! So when they arrive I will definately be doing this prompt. I love how they all look together on your page. Love the neon pink one too, and the red grid.

  9553. As usual I LOVE your photos! The bowl is exquisite! I would love to pin it on my Paper Art board. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like it before. Any more info about it that you can share? I am thinking I will need to attempt one of my own now….and yes it does make me SIGH.

  9554. I like dots and grids, but mostly dots and of course my washi-measuring-tape. A great swedish on-line-store is:

  9555. Do you have the individual labels? I need a bunch of kitchen & not so much of office, seasonal, etc…. so I hate to waste so many labels…

  9556. Jag har en syster som sger att hon inte r feminist, och vi har diskuterat saken flera gnger. Jag frstr inte hur man kan vara kvinna utan att samtidigt vara feminist. Som du sger, vad r problemet? Rstrtt, lika ln, rtt till abort, rtt att anvnda p-piller, sjlvbestmmandertt?

    • Malin, ja s sant. Men ven icke-feminister har ju rtt att ha sin sikt… hehe. Men visst r debatten om “fr livet” lskig? Helt sjukt konstigt att kvinnor vill ta bort rtten fr andra kvinnor att gra abort om de vill/behver! Jag blir rdd nr jag hr om sdant. Inte behver man tycka att abort r en bra lsning, men fy fr att stta sig p hga hstar och bestmma ver andras kroppar!!! Grr!

    • No I didn’t fall silly! I most likely would not have survived to tell the tale.
      It is beautiful there. Come visit and we’ll go hiking!

  9557. looks like fall in your part of the world. we are finally getting some usual fall weather, our first rain in months. time to snuggle in with a fire and hot chocolate. great colors this time of year.

    • Thanks for kind comments! Oh and April, can I borrow the cat photo from your blog and write about it here too? I didn’t have light/time to take photos before sending it t you… :-)

  9558. Mycket snyggt! Jag har gjort ytterligare tv buketter sedan jag bloggade om dem, en som gbortspresent till en kompis och en som jag satte i personalrummet p jobbet. Det r ett s bra pyssel, gratis material, snabbt, enkelt och blir s oerhrt fint. Tacksamt jobb liksom. :)

  9559. What an awesome idea, Hanna. These are so beautiful, too! Sometimes a great idea doesn’t really look great at the end, but I would love to make some of these and give them away, so everyone has leaf roses.

  9560. I have a collection of leaves that I’ve glazed, but they’ve been in a box all year. Time to take them out!

  9561. Looks great. Do you print them out on sticker paper? I like that you left lots of room for details on the actual swap.
    Aloha, Kate

    • Thanks Kate B! No, I don’t use sticker paper because the one I have tried was not very sticky. Instead I print on office paper and use a glue stick to stick it down. I’ve got a tutorial on how I make fabric around cardboard to create a firm ATC. :-)

  9562. Hi Hanna!
    I can totally feel with you… I want to do sooooo unbelievable many different things… I’ll never have enogh time to realize all these inspirations I get both online and offline.
    Your blog is giving me so much inspiration for a few days since I have discovered it, that I can’t await the moment I’ll have my materials gathered and an open time space :)
    Thank you for the many ideas which fly around my head because of you, I love your colorful, joyful style!

  9563. Beautiful photos Hanna! The very first photo is my favorite as I am partial to hand pics given all I have been through with my own. Great photos of hands show them as the wonderful, complex, essential things that they are and your knitting photo does just that! As always, inspiring post!

  9564. Either my computer monitor has suddenly gotten a happy color card OR as I am assuming, your photos are just full of gorgeous color. Great snapshots. And it’s encouraging that you, like me, have so many interests. At least you’ve posted more than once in the last couple weeks. Maybe I’ll download some photos from my Blackberry and post on my blog. Thank you for sharing.


  9565. Rayna’s book is fabulous! It has inspired me to make my own free form pieces although I haven’t gotten into it as much as I wish with every other iron I have in the fire! ;) I have a few current obsessions (sculpture, drawing) but all involve a single theme: animals….I can’t get enough of creating/drawing/painting/sculturing my own twist on a wide variety of critters. My latest show is called “The Motley Menagerie” and that about sums things up!
    hugs, M

  9566. My obsession latest week have been watching Gok Wan (brittish fashion stylist) on Swedish BBC lifestile, where they have Goktober:) Gok is very creative when it comes to fixing accessories and fixing high street fashion, his fantastic creativity is the reason I stick watching show after show :)
    But today is EFIT day (Swedish one-photo-per-hour project), and in a couple of hours I will upload my photos.

  9567. i’ve been wanting to try this type of quilting but haven’t got to it yet. i know what you mean about obsessing over an art form. i get overwhelmed with ideas.

  9568. Obsessions are well known to me, but I prefer to call them different areas to work within. The last month has been about making rag dolls. It’s so fun and I can’t stop. Some times it’s all about painting/drawing other times yarn and hook and so on. The only thing that helps is to work through the obsession and then start something new. Good luck with your obsessions.

  9569. Seriously, if you come to Knitting and Stitching next year, you can sleep on our sofa bed. It is a small flat, but I go to the show nearly every year (too ill this year) and we can find some fun places to journal. Sometimes accommodation is the biggest cost, so that leaves more money for travel and art supplies.
    I can’t remember how we first got in touch, but it is at least 2 or 3 years now.
    Kel x

  9570. Hello, just loved this artical about the freeform and would love to know how to start one of these quilts out of old clothes just wasting and do not want to throw away. Can you please have more on this subject I have searched and having a hard time with the syeps to do this. lso can you recommend a book that would be benifical to doing this and places to see pictures ect for ideas,
    Thank you so this peice has inspited me,:)

  9571. oh, the video by Robin Ferrier is so beutiful! :)
    THanks for sharing!
    About obsessions… uh, recently I became obsesses by bows and snowflakes and I’m using these two “subjects” in different crafty things :)

  9572. With me it’s all about knitting the last weeks and then I focus on drawing etc..

  9573. Oh Hanna, for once I miss an English word for my first thought about your jar of creativity. Anyway – it makes me smile.
    What an extraordinary idea of reminding oneself :-)
    Wish you tons and tons of creativity, my dear.

  9574. Hello Hanna… such a sweet reminder of keeping our creative juices flowing!!
    Love your recipe too. :]
    For me, I need to have color and patterns.

  9575. It looks to me that you’ve priced it pretty perfectly!
    But you’ve really hit on one of the stickier issues in pricing: WHY you’re selling it matters. If you make something laborious, and sell it just because you have too many, you’re going to think about your time differently than if you made it TO sell, and if you were building a whole pay-the-bills-business around handmade journals.
    If this was your main product and main way of paying the bills, everything about the making would be different, so the price would be different. For example, you’d probably buy supplies in bulk (at a discount), and make them in a more efficient way, in order to make your time investment line up with what the market would bear.
    When I see arguments over how to price something, it usually comes down to that issue: people have different reasons for selling, and so they approach it differently. On the flip side of that fact is that you can’t compare your prices to other’s, because you don’t know their motivation (or their system).

    All that to say – it’s a lovely journal and I’m glad you’re sharing it with the world!

  9576. This is an always returning issue you pick up here. It’s very difficult to price ones own makings. What I’ve landed on is this. If I don’t price it for what I feel is the right/fair price for me, how can I expect others to? I have to appreciate my own work/time and things, if not I can’t expect anyone else to do it either. And , it shouldn’t be cheap just because I had fun making it. My advice, appreciate yourself and your time!
    Good luck.

  9577. I agree it’s so difficult to price such handmade works. I think when we try to price lower, it changes the product itself… whereas if you do what you want to do first, then you have to find the right price. Even though it’s all worth the money, it doesn’t mean you’ll find a customer either way… so it’s definitely a challenging situation. I also started selling some journals because I made too many to use myself… but then I started to think that perhaps I like journals a certain way and others might not… it’s hard to know!

  9578. I made some handmade sewn pages journals with a hand stitched sturdy binding and machine stitched appliques on the front and back covers. I had over 10 hours of time in the making of the journals. I put them in my etsy shop for $85. I did not sell one journal. I had the same journals at the Art is You artist trunk night sale last year. I got a lot of nice comments and how it was a “fair” price because people could handle it and see how much work went into the making of them. Again not one sold. I have sworn off making more journals. It looks like to me from the sites where you can see what sold, that $40 is about the limit that people are willing to spend. I do not know how to reconcile working for $4 an hour to sell them that low so I have stopped selling journals. Very discouraging.

  9579. I’ve something similar too! Mine are made with small papers and have some kind of prompt in each one. Mostly for writing but for other arts too. It helps in those not creative days.

  9580. I totally love the same colors you do…just a few shades brighter. I’ve been working hard the last couple of days to get caught up with the List Journal project and expect to post the results on my blog very soon. After that, I’ll be able to just follow along every Saturday! Fun project!

  9581. WoW, i am amazed, i can already feel the ideas brewing, i would love to know where you get you inspiration and creativity. Me feeling suddenly jealous. :(

  9582. Awesome journals, Hanna ! Such a fun place to play. I love the idea of journaling and adding to pages created by someone else. Especially with someone like you, with such a great eye !

  9583. Lovely. I am very tempted, but my big stack of ready to use journals tells “no no no!”. I also like the idea of working in a journal somebody else made, it’s like a collaboration almost.

  9584. This is still a problem with me. I actually cringed that you mentioned the price of a journal, because after all my lecturing about underpricing myself, I think that perhaps I do it all the time. It’s true that the reasons affect the prices, and because have a day job to earn my serious money, I “sacrifice” the journals. BUT if I continue this way, I will never be able to do what I love for a living, and I am trapped at my day job for the rest of my life. Which is a pretty sobering thought, if you remember that I peel vegetables and make sandwiches. :( While trying to be modest, I venture to suggest that I think I am, and probably everyone on this planet is, too good to spend the bulk of their lives making sandwiches, when they happen to be creative, artistic people. So…the question is still hanging up there, for me. I would love to do my books and art for a living, wouldn’t you? :)

  9585. Okay, if this is still available after the first of the month (low funds at the moment) I will scoop this beauty up! If it’s gone will you be making more?

  9586. Lovely photos, Hanna! I really like your pink umbrella, as well as the photo of your feet–always fun! My other favorite is the one just below that, of the raindrops making little circles on the water’s surface with the leaves underneath…beautiful! When the rain is coming down hard outside, I love to hunker down indoors and think about how snug, warm, and DRY I am!

  9587. I love a rainy day inside reading. Then when I’ve got cabin fever, walking out in it is the BEST! Then back in for hot chocolate and a view out the windows. I love how leaves are heavy with water but still light!

    I am putting your red leaves on my desktop! so pretty!

  9588. This is great. I have picked out a deck of cards to alter just for my own purposes, not for a trade. There are trades out there but I didn’t want the deadline or theme parameters. It is a GREAT idea to have a whole deck of altered cards!
    I loved the info on the art journal card. I didn’t know about the dimensions being important! I may have to just send some of these out for no reason!

  9589. I love all the autumn colors in these photos! so beautiful, and that mushroom is great, I’ve never seen anything like it.
    What a fabulous rainy day you had!

  9590. Your photos look just like they’re from Oregon! Love the photos :}
    Here in Portland, OR, we have two seasons: summer and rain.
    I enjoy gardening in the rain, actually. I have one of those rice paddy hats that keeps the drops off my head.

  9591. Gorgeous photos – thank you for sharing your day with us! I like to paint, and read, and sometimes snuggle up on the couch with my dvr! I have a question for you — would you send me your email address? My email is corspokoli(at)gmail(dot)com. Thanks!

  9592. Hanna, Yes, I get it. I tend to dwell on the negative also, but it is art that helps me balance that out with positive thoughts, colors, words. A thoughtful list for you this week.

  9593. This is a wonderful dialog about pricing handmade journals. I too have had a lot of internal grief trying to figure out how to price my handmade journals. They take a lot, lot, lot of time to make, and it is not simply the time but yes, Hanna, collecting the items to include, composing each page, the look and feel, even the palette so that it is pleasing to the eye, to the touch. And the covers take time and creativity to craft. Having held one of your handmade journals in my hands and used it for journaling our List Journal challenge these past few months, I feel confident that others will cherish your works of art!

  9594. Love the photo with the shiny scissors and the pink cloth, lovely textures. I really do want to do EVERYTHING all the time, every medium, every color, every texture, and sometimes I actually get frustrated because it seems that not enough happens!

  9595. I’d be up for a postcard swap, even if I need to send them overseas. I decided to start doing swaps again and then save the ATCs, inches, postcards in my own art journals that never seem to get started. Or if I do start them, I promptly forget them. Maybe my 2013 goal will be to create in my art journals as well as make art. What a concept.

    Also, Hanna, I am trying to figure out when I actually signed up to follow your blog. Whenever it was, I must have been a fugue state. And I’m so glad I did. I am loving your blog. You give me an incentive to write more from my heart AND possibly post photos of my daily life.

    Thank you all over the place,
    Marrianna in Flagstaff, AZ, USA

  9596. I’m in. What’s 5 more? Lol. Love the washing tape! Are they special ordered or just found at the craft shops?

  9597. Yes, please, another postcard swap would be great!!! Start soon and maybe have them due by the end of November???
    Aloha, Kate

  9598. That first picture of the Hello Kitty tin was so delighting! Funny thing. Nothing special in it as such but still so up-lifting.

    That 5 card swap sounds fun! I have missed all the previous ones but this one I would not. That’s promise. And though the year is coming to an end, do we have to have the whole thing done by the end of it? Couldn’t we begin soon and have our cards done and ready by Christmas and have the actual swap (posting and all) after that and don’t mind if it doesn’t get all done until January?

    I think I would vote for sculls. Those pink sculls got to me somehow :) Maybe it could be a kind of a Day of the Dead or Halloween thing to contrast all the Christmas stuff? Nothing dark and depressive but fun with pink sculls and stuff, you know. Something along these lines.

  9599. Wonderful!

    Here in the US, we are witnessing a terrifying presidential candidate, M. Romney. He terrifies me because he truly believes he, and all men, are superior beings to women. I could almost (not really) live with that except he will wipe out years of progress, slow as it has been. In our best interests, of course. agggggggh!

    The women who are afraid of feminism will take us all down. I say: “If you want your lives a certain shape, stay where you are and don’t venture into the world. But DO NOT limit my world because of your fear!”

  9600. I love this idea! I just paid my $4. Now I have to get to work.

  9601. I’m so glad you decided to do a fall swap. Great theme too!!

  9602. Love it! Have mentioned it in my Stonechat blog but how do i share a swap button?
    Couldn’t get it to work.

    I love that it is only 5 this time, love the theme and if i get a chance i will join in. I have just become Granny to twins, so life is a bit hectic!
    Check out my Twinwatch blog if you are interested.

    Have had fun picking out 5 empowering aphorisms.
    Great Hanna – thank you!

    • Hello! saw where you are the grandma of newborn twins! How fun. I have boy/girl twins who are 7. Everyday is a new adventure. Enjoy every minute of it. Hope you can join the postcard swap. It is really a lot of fun!!!

  9603. Yeah! I am excited about the swap! I signed up and posted a short blog post about the swap too. I love mail art – I’m excited to see what empowering messages I get!

  9604. nu mste jag frga, vad skriver du med fr penna p akrylfrgsbakgrunder? det ser s fantastiskt ut med sdana sidor i dina dagbcker, men jag frstr alla mina pennor, de liksom “fastnar” … :(

    • Hej Kristin, det r viktigt att frgen r helt torr och helst ganska slt, vilket den blir om man “mlar” med ett gammalt plastkort istllet fr med pensel. Jag kper alla mjliga pennor och lskar pennor, och tycker de flesta vattenfasta brukar fungera bra fr mig p mlade sidor. Helst svarta, de syns ju bst frsts. Fr lnge sedan skrev jag ett inlgg om pennor som kanske hjlper? Det finns ven fler inlgg om olika sorters braiga pennor p bloggen. Hoppas det hjlper ngot?!

      • Tack, ska kolla in inlgget med pennorna! Och mla med ett plastkort mste jag testa, jttetack fr svaret!

  9605. I am so happy you are doing a mini-swap and the way it is organized is genius! I love the theme! A word of explanation about my gmail account/address: It is in no way meant as a derogatory commentary about women! When I set up the account, my husband and brother-in-law were both telling me and my sister that we were “psycho”. We scare the boys a little, I suppose. We are passionate, and if that is psycho, then I’m proud to be psycho, and most of the women I know are a little psycho too!

  9606. I love your Dr Marten’s!!
    I wish that my feet were compatible with those absolutely fantastic boots. But my upper part of the foot (fotrygg) is too high, and it is a pain I cannot stand to any longer to make them fit! Fab!! :)

  9607. The kalanchoe are the most perfect hot pink, as are your boots! Place of mushrooms looks ready to saute and enjoy! xox

  9608. I love your nature’s photos!
    I like those white “fruits”, but don’t know their name: I’m quite sure we haven’t them here in Italy. And the mushrooms… oh, they are so different from the mediterranean mushrooms my dad picks up every autumn :)
    And this differences are so interesting to me :)

  9609. Great walking shoes !!!
    Those mushrooms remind me of my grandmother who was from Russia. She made the best pickles wild mushroom in fall…yummy !
    Emerson forgot one thing – your camera ! ;-)
    I hope your weekend has some more good walks in it, Lovely Hanna !

  9610. i am IN! i love this swap and have met such wonderful people by participating. Thank you for this opportunity.

  9611. I make notebooks & other paper goods & is SO hard to price them! I start off with a price that is closer to what I think it’s worth…. but then disconnection notices start coming in & the fridge is empty & I start to marking things down in the hopes that somebody will just buy something!

    I think your journal is great! I adorable nice fat notebooks (I like my journals to typically last 6 months to a year) & mixed papers :)
    And I am loving your blog!

  9612. Hi,
    This might sound stupid, but do you write a message or something on the back like you’re sending mail to someone?? or do you send it blank so they can use it or something.

    • Hi Holly, not a stupid question at all. A few in previous swaps have made blank backs and send them in an envelope, but my intention is for this to be addressed postcards with a handmade artwork in front and a personal message or just a simple hi, hope you’re fine-message on the back along with the postal address. :-)

  9613. Hanna, I like the way you use your journal to take a written “snapshot” of a point in time in your life. My lists were more “all time” favorites but I would like to do more of this, more “a moment in time” sort of journaling. How fun that a very simple prompt yields such different results.

  9614. I love the first picture of the Hello Kitty Tin. It gives me an idea of what to do with the altoid tins I have that I don’t want to throw away.

  9615. Hanna, I love the colors on your pages and the little chameleon looks perfect and adorable there :)

  9616. This journal is so cute! I like the colors, the bright colors in it! I especially like looking at the chameleon! Totally adorbs! :)

  9617. I’ll be totally honest, I have NO idea where to even start with that theme!! :D but I’m totally in as I loved the last swap so much

  9618. Those pages are really fun! Lots to look at. I also like seeing pictures of messy desks. Mine is always a disaster!

  9619. These pages are abolutely gorgeous. You make me want to get to my worktable right now! Not that I can right now, but I sure would love to do some cutting and pasting for the fun of it. ;-)

  9620. your post today prompted me to take some photos of my mess, i tend to spread out around the house when creating, but everything comes back to my table to be sorted at some stage………well it had to be today as there was no room left on the table to work!
    your colour combinations work so well on these pages.

  9621. Haha not fair…. I am neat…always. It’s true! :) I do love looking at your pages.

  9622. Love the orchid!! I really want to pursue growing some plants indoor. Any good book suggestions? And floss…embroidery floss…my first love! I do miss it’s calming effect on me! And lastly magazines! I ADORE my magazines…something about flipping thru them and reading at my leasure!!

  9623. Well…as all your readers must already know!! Those words are the truth!! Thank you for all your inspiration and instruction :D

  9624. Very beautiful photos with amazing colurs!
    Embrodery is fun but also time consuming, big stitches might be the key.
    Good Luck!

  9625. Hanna, one of the reasons you inspire me is that you aren’t afraid to let go. I have a hard time letting go and putting layers and layers of things and lots of detail, but I do like seeing that, so I don’t know what my problem is. However, I’m never afraid to take a photo of my messy table. Sometimes those nice, neat, orderly studio pictures just make me feel cold.

  9626. I read your interview with Eden and then I followed the link here. Sometimes Hanna I am so happy about your journals I just smile. I remember the two you made and sent to me years ago, little ones that still make me happy. I’m off to visit your other links and your shop. I want to see all those inside pages!

  9627. Love your pics! The orchids are gorgeous! What was your lunch? I’m always looking for new ideas for lunch!

  9628. Love the orchid (and the shot)! And the embroidery floss looks very yummy. Makes me want to go cross-stitch something. Ha en trevlig helg!

  9629. How creative of you to use EXAMPLES of each of the items on your list. I can only imagine the amazing piles of ephemera in your stash! And where do you find wallpaper?

  9630. Sexy flower! :D I have a thing for threads, too! They always make me be creative but I always end up procrastinating just because I can’t think of anything to sew. Hahaha

  9631. Wow! After I watched I went to her blog and read about her ‘Blog Acadamy’. A two day workshop offered in NYC, on ways of inspiring and taking a blog to the next level. It looks like they will take it on the road if there is enough interest. I wonder if we could convince them to come to Stockholm? Would you be interested?

    • Hi Karen, yes, wouldn’t it be super fun if we could have a Blog Academy in Sweden! I love the idea, and would absolutely be interested. I think blogging is one of my biggest passions! :-)

  9632. Your blog is such an inspiration – a minefield of clever tips and tricks, useful links and exploding with life and colour. I love it. Thanks for sharing this.

  9633. Love this. It has inspired me to make my own. Still finishing it, but I am using the Circa system from Levenger. (Staples also has their own compatible brand). So far I have made dividers from some of my prettier scrapbook cardstock and working on a design for the weekly pages. When it’s finished maybe I’ll post it. Thank you for your inspiration.

  9634. Thank you, Hanna, for posting such an inspiring talk and website. I am still searching for ways to keep myself feeling comfortable with my self, my life, and my choices. I have 2 grown daughters who I will share this post with. They are beautiful, strong, independent young women and I am so proud of both of them. Looking forward to the postcard swap, thanks for hosting <3

  9635. I love, love, LOVE these pages Hanna! So incredibly inspiring! I am trying out a new style of journaling (New to me anyway) and your work has been a beacon for me in learning to loosen up and go wild on a page to see what results (rather than overplanning!) Thanks for sharing! hugs, Michelle

    • Michelle, thank you! That coming from you, an artist I admire, means a lot to me. You always inspire me, so it’s nice to know I can do that for you too! :-)

  9636. I just had to say, after enjoying your blog for months now, that I LOVE those photos you put on there. So colorful, so inspirational! Thank you for sharing them with us!

  9637. Hanna,
    I’ve been following your blog for a few months now, thanks to Tammy and daisyyellow. I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE this spread. So fun and colorful. Your pieces always have so much fun and playfulness about them. Thanks for sharing!

  9638. We love you in Canada, Hanna. I kept scratching my head and asking myself “Where did you go? Why did you leave?” and “When will you be back?” So glad to see you and your beautiful projects gracing my life once again. Take care, Susan

  9639. I signed up Hanna, but might have payed twice, because my internet went down. Won’t you please check?

    • Eurika, thanks for joining us! And yes you did pay twice. I’ve sent you a refund of the money today. Thanks for letting me know!

  9640. I just want to thank you for showing the world (well, me) your art journal. Because it feels like the project that I´ve always been waiting for. My journals has always been sort of like a clipbook/a collage of things that I like, and like you I kind of obssesively collect “pretty” papers and intresting pictures and quotes, but has not been to sure why But I´m at least going to try to create an art book because yours seems so amazing and pretty. Thank you for sharing your ideas and inspiring me to create!

  9641. Hi Hanna
    Just joined your swap and looking forward to post my cards

    Siffe from Denmark

  9642. 1) I’m right handed, but left footed.
    2) When my OCD was at it’s worst I couldn’t turn in a full circle without “unwinding”.
    3) I don’t like the way that fleece feels.
    4) My first car was a stick shift.
    5) In high school I would ask the people giving me pedicures to leave my calluses on because it was painful when I had to re-acquire them for dance.

  9643. Coffee hot and very strong french roast
    I sing to my five dogs every day
    I have an obsession with collecting kindling for our woodstove
    Raking leaves is one of my favorite activities
    I am left handed but I play gold right handed

    Great list! xox

  9644. I cannot resist your postcard swaps, Hanna! I’m planning something ever-so-stitchy for this swap.

  9645. i Remeber doing something similar to this at school but im not quite sure what the technique was. all i remember is putting a white thick paint like substance onto my picture than putting my paper ontop. i let it dry and used a damp rag to rub off the picture paper. i forgot what this technique was called? help

  9646. Had to laugh at your bikes :-)
    Mine features a lovely grey called “fehgrau”.
    “Feh” is a squirrel, not in Hamburg, but in Russia (I just learned that while commenting to you. Googled it. Before I thought it’s a German accent from some other part.)
    Makes me happy. (Not you, as I know you.)
    There are many photos on my blog. One today.
    My bike is called “Velofeh”.
    She has to train for her X-mas trip.

    grey-pink greetings from Hamburg to Stockholm

  9647. I’ve been trying to slow down and not take on more projects, but I was really regretting not doing the swap this time. Then this morning I saw you extended registration for a few more days and I took it as a sign! I’ve got a lovely long weekend coming up and lots of good postcard ideas.

  9648. These are lovely Hanna! I was sad that I couldn’t do the Girl Power swap, as I *love* the postcard swaps you host… but I am neck deep in a big, bold painting goal, so I decided I’d better skip the swap and FOCUS! Still, I love the theme and your art is beautiful {as always!}
    Happy Swap Week!

    • Thanks Denice! Sorry that you couldn’t join the swap but happy that you are having a bold painting goal and sticking to it! That’s girl power too! I know you can do it! :-)

  9649. Hurray for your date extension – I just signed up. I love taking part in your swaps Hanna! Thank you for organising it!

  9650. loving the pink and orange, today I am gathering emphera for a swap i am in, and finishing off some collage postcards

  9651. Hanna, I put my cards in my flickr page, and used that as my link, because I’m not prepared to blog about them. Is that going to be easy for people to check out? I also added my six cards (one won’t be swapped) to your DIY flickr pool.
    Thank you for a fun swap!

  9652. Just so deliciously yummy!!!! And greeeeen!!! One of my most favoritest colors!! Thank you so much for sharing- and I love your “Smart” term!! Can’t wait to see your little pinky smart girly! Woo HOO!! Must. Create. Something. Now!!!!

  9653. not much to show of mine just yet :) but I hope to get them finished off and blogged & Flickr’d by this weekend

    Looking forward to finding out who I’m sending to :)

  9654. pink and orange is always a winning combo.

    I also put faux postage on my mail art – my faux stamps are too big too, but never mind :D

  9655. Love it! Green is my favorite color, but I like them all, and especially all different greens together, so this whole book is just lovely to me.

  9656. Hi
    This is my first SWAP …. i havent any to blog about yet just your tag Hannah.
    There are allready created a lot off beautyfull cards

  9657. I went through a massive “green phase”…everything I bought was green, including my car, my sofa, everything! Since then, several years have passed and I don’t gravitate toward green at all. But it is so appealing in this little book! What an appealing square shape, too!

  9658. How smart! And how filled with variety and inspiration. Love this Flickr slideshow. I didn’t know we could do that!

    • There is no obligation to do it, don’t worry Chris. The sign up is closed now so it doesn’t matter much for now. You already helped spread the word via twitter, thank you!

  9659. Looking forward to doing this swap – worried I haven’t got any addresses yet to send to…?!

    • Helly, so glad you could join! I’ve just now sent out the postal addresses to y’all. Check your paypal email first, and if no email from me let me know!


  9660. This project has been so much fun and I’m sorry to see it end :) Thanks so much for the inspiration and list prompts!

    • Jenni, how sweet of you to say, thank you! Everything good has to end sooner or later, but we’ll come up with fun stuff in the future too I’m sure of it. :-)

      And remember, we’ve always got list it tuesday to join and be inspired by.

  9661. Love the Swap, love the theme, and so glad i pushed myself to do the cards and join in.
    My 5 year old granddaughter would love to swap with other children from across the world, so if anyone knows another child who would like to join, let me know!

  9662. I don’t have a blog so if there’s some way to post my pictures, please let me know. Maybe, Hanna, you need to make me a member of the Flickr group?
    Cards are going out Monday.

    • Hi Laurie, great that your cards are finished!

      Sharing your postcards is not a must, but if you have a flickr account you can visit the swap group and join yourself, it’s an open group. Once you’ve joined you can add in your postcard photos there and comment on others cards too. Let me know if you need any help.

  9663. darn, over so soon? it’s been fun seeing what you guys come up with. I keep thinking I’ll go back to all the lists and do my own. maybe I still will. (or I can just make lists of “things I keep meaning to do”)

  9664. Random things I know a lot about:
    Knitting, farming, prevention of anti-social behaviour, the Dances of Universal Peace, Permaculture, Esalen, Buddhism, Gestalt, Trekking in Nepal, Gardening, Counselling, Massage, Wales, child development, photography, jiving, country walks in the UK, Newgale Beach, Community living, textile arts.
    Wow – it was fun writing that list!

  9665. cute journal page! those random facts and question lists are still common, especially when blog pass on awards to other blogs. in fact i answered some questions, last wednesday.

  9666. Hanna, what kind of pink paint did you use for that pink journal page? It looks so yummy!

  9667. Hi Hanna… your email with the addresses! I also don’t have a website or flicker account but will be taking pictures of them prior to sending them out…..this is so fun. Thanks for hosting!

    • Hi Christine, It’s free to make an account on flickr, but no obligation if you don’t want or need one. Documenting the process is added fun, but the putting it online part is not for everyone and I totally understand that. It’s all totally okay. :-) Thanks for joining!

  9668. These are gorgeous, Hanna. They are so bright and cheerful and, well, sunny! I need to start doing some embroidery like this – it looks like so much fun.

  9669. 11/27/12
    Did you send out addresses, I was away from the computer traveling and have carefully gone over my e-mail upon return but I am not seeing them. Just checking – so that i am not holding anyone up . thanks- cvb

    • Carol, yes of course the addresses has been sent out. I emailed you twice but your inbox was full (my email to you bounced back to me) so I left a comment on your blog about it, did you see that? I will resend the addresses now. Please let me know if you receive them! Thanks! :-)

  9670. I love this!
    I know-
    how to play the ukulele
    and-I think you and Tammy should do another collaboration for 2013!

  9671. I love this pink journal, I especially like the pink paper with red strawberries and the pocket in the back with extras, how neat.
    Yes I am the same way, I can never just decide on one type of journal, I love trying them all! I think it can help to stretch the creativity to switch around and try different journals.

  9672. This post sent me to your green journal – and I was already buying it in my thoughts only to find out, it is already sold. So lovely the chosen papers.
    Do you own a Bind-it-all? Or how do you wire?

    I’m thinking so much about Stockholm lately. My beautiful light chain I bought in Gamla Stan makes my November happy and today I wandered around Hamburg already lit like wonderland. Water reflections like in Stockholm. I told my girlfriend about my Nov-Weekend some years ago in your town.

    Best wishes

    • Tally, thanks!
      Mine is not a bind-it-all but yes, some kind of binder is in my possession. ;-) I will take photos of the process when I make my next batch of books!

      Sweden is just rain rain rain today, but once it stops I’ll take a walk in town and look at the lights for you. :-)

      Do you like blue as much as green? I have a blue one that isn’t listed yet, and a mixed one with lots of different colours. Or I could make you a green one in about two weeks. Let me know.

      Take care!

  9673. I am thinking of making a similar journal for a friend to give to her on her birthday. Your journals are encouraging me! Thanks for sharing.

  9674. Love the colors in your backgrounds Hanna, these are some of my favorites!!
    Looking forward to seeing my card in the mail <3
    Thank you so much for putting this together for us!

  9675. Hanna…I have always been so inspired by your bright colors! Your art just makes me happy. Thank you for hosting the postcard swap!

  9676. Which white pen(s) do you recommend? I’ve been so disappointed with white just not showing up on paint.

    • Sassy, try Elmer’s Painters pen in white. I’ve tried them all, and while it’s not perfect (it does dry out after a short while sometimes), it’s the one brand I’ve found to have a nice strong opaque white look, and it’s non-toxic and odorless.
      Hanna, good to see that it’s FLORESCENT pink that you’ve been using, no wonder it pops like that! Must get some! TY!

    • Sassy, I’ve posted a sampler of white pen trials today. I’m often disappointed with my white pens but I love it when it works. They key is to write slooowly. :-)

  9677. great colors to start with. this is such a fun swap, thanks for hosting.

  9678. Love this!! Absolutely love it! I would also like to know which white pen you are using. I’ve used the sharpie paint pens and the Sakura ones, but yours seem to show up better. :-)

  9679. Gorgeous! I think I’m going to have to get some fluorescent pink paint and try it out in my journal!

  9680. Hi, iHanna. I really enjoyed seeing your journal pages especially since I’ve been craving pink lately. You seem to specialize in pink! Very cool. Now if you translate this into fabric and stitch? That would be very cool too!
    Have a happy holiday season with lots of stitching!
    best, nadia

    • Nadia, thank you commenting and especially for connecting the painted heart with my embroidery because I didn’t! Not sure why, it’s so obvious that this could be a “sketch” used for textile work as well. Thank you!

      Best stitching wishes to you too!

  9681. Hej Hanna!
    I don’t often use white pens, so I can’t give any recommendations… ;-)

    But you might want to check out this page cultpens.. looks like there are quite a few white pens.

    And uh, yeah, sorry about pointing in the direction of a site that isn’t good for anyone with the slightest pen addiction. Not that I know what that’s like of course. ;-)

  9682. It’s true….there are many a white pen in the pen grave yard here. I’ve settled on a white sharpie poster paint (water based)… Perfectly opaque every time. Other than that I like white acrylic ink and a nib.

  9683. ” try to talk to your pen and tell it how much you love it”
    ah! Maybe that’s what i’ve been doing wrong! I always yell at my pen & call it names when it doesn’t work >.>
    white paint pens are supposed to work well..

  9684. Thanks so much for a perfectly timed post: my family is bugging me for some Christmas gift ideas and now I have some!

  9685. I haven’t published a comment on your blog before…but feel VERY compelled to on this topic having tried virtually EVERY white pen on earth…to my frustration. UNTIL, I found the perfect one!! It has yet to fail me and writes on just about everything. No streaking. No delays. Perfectly white. Pentel Sunburst Medium Gel pen is a GEM!!! Try it.

  9686. Thanks for all the good advice on white pens. I don’t know a crafter who doesn’t struggle with these. I particularly liked the advice of telling your pen you love it! My new favorite white pen is the Stampers Big Brush Pen by Faber Castell Design Memory Craft. I had them in all the other colors and couldn’t wait for the white to come out. Now that I have tried it, I am in love! If you don’t have one, you must try it (and no, I do not work for Faber Castell!).

  9687. Great post. I, too, have been totally frustrated with every white pen I’ve tried, except maybe for the Sharpie Poster-Paint fine point white pen.

  9688. I too have that love hate thing going on , I find that I love using a white pen it works over anything and stays white

  9689. My favorite white pen is the Sharpie water based paint pen. It’s amazing, it will write on anything, and it’s opaque and lovely, and you can get the fine tip, which is great for writing. I also love the Uni Posca pens, but the white one isn’t opaque, so it’s not as good.

  9690. I love the mosaic, which is one of my favorite pastimes. You can stitch quite a few memories together with that technique. And you make snow sound like a winter’s blessing.

    • Quinn, yes I do think of snow like that. At least I did yesterday… today we might have gotten a bit too much for urban life, lots of problems in the traffic but I will try to keep thinking of its magic and not the problems it might create in the city! :-)

  9691. Yes, s l o w l y is a wise move, and one I often forget. I haven’t found the ideal white pen yet, either. Particularly after they are about a month old. I have had some luck with the same ones you use, and I have found a pen that is really a Wite-Out applicator, but looks like a pen. Wite-Out is made to cover typing mistakes. As you suggest, I do have to tell it how much I love it, but when it gets going, it’s good.

  9692. The Uni-ball Signo is my current favourite white pen. It works absolutely perfectly for what I use it for – which so far is mainly adding white details to watercolour sketches. I agree that the Sakura Gelly Roll is the easiest to find, but it is not as opaque or as smooth writing as the Uni-ball.

    I have noticed that acrylic paint is often problematic for writing over with any kind of pen. I have actually ruined some of my felt tip pens by writing over acrylic paint with them. I am not sure what it is about the acrylic paint surface, but it seems to be especially hard on pens, and I don’t think I’ve ever used any pen that works perfectly on it.

  9693. Massage, time to create and a TED Talk…you know how to live it up girl (so jealous of the TED talk!)! And yep, I’m in on the pattern a day thing..I’ll post mine on instagram later :)

  9694. Hi
    That top photo (of the dala horse) is infact by me (the TEDx speaker).
    See ALL my Dalas at and thanks for liking it. Made me smile to know someone liked it :)


    • Hi Shai, how fun that you found your way to my blog and took the time to leave a comment and your link! I appreciate it, and your art – keep up the good work!

  9695. Yes, I signed up for “Ticket to Venice.” Someday I hope to get there. Looking at the project seems like it will be fun! Come join. You’re not the only one not traveling there anytime soon.
    Aloha, Kate

    • Kate, thanks for letting me know that you’re taking the class. I think we should all go to Venice soon, before it sinks. But a virtual tour might be the trick during winter. :-)

  9696. I just thought about throwing my white pens away but now I will give them a second ( tenth!) chance perhaps talking helps :-) and patience … thank you

  9697. UniballSigno gelpens write pretty good over acrylic (unless it’s too textured). I use them in my journals all the time, they do rub away though and are not waterproof, but since I have no intention of rubbing over them extensively or putting anything over the writing that’s no problem for me.
    Another choice for writing in gel pen might be the Sakura souffl pens. They are more permanent, but they do empty out pretty fast and the line is thicker, so you can’t write really fine with them.
    However if you want your writing to be really permanent and opaque nothing beats the UniPosca paintmarkers. They come in all sorts of nib sizes from very wide to ultra fine (0.7 mm). I am so in love with them that I splurged on severals sets in different widths just so I could always grab them. As the name says they are filled with acrylic paint. I have not have one fail on me yet and they seem to last quite a while (as in they don’t empty out quickly). They are not cheap, but they are worth every cent.

  9698. Hoping I have added my blog ok – I’m not very computer savvy :[ I really enjoyed this swap – made me think about my own experiences (or lack) of empowerment and think about my daughters’ places in society and what will the future hold for them…. Off to admire more postcards :)

  9699. Hej Hanna! Will you do an accomplishment list again this year (didn’t see it on your list)? Great list though- lots of fun things to do.

    • Hej Carin, vad roligt att du r med och gr mnster! I will do the accomplishments list this year too, it’s a favorite habit at the end of the year. It’s not on this list because this is the “Creative Christmas” list. I might do a “End and Start the year” list too… :-) But promise I will get started on the list of achievements. Will you make one?

      • I think that kind of list is creative too, so I guess that’s why I thought of it for this one. Yes, I probably will. I have been thinking a lot about it the last few days.

  9700. Great list! :)
    I totally agree about planting Hyacints bulbs. I used to have some of these amazing flowers in winter when I was still living with my parents.
    Now that I have my house I want them again :)
    I’m going to buy some bulbs this week (I haven’t found them last week)

  9701. I love your holiday list, so many good ideas. Yes I agree with trying to keep it simple but fun, and I love pinterest for keeping track of recipes and crafts!
    Happy Holidays to you,

  9702. Hanna, what a great list of awesome ideas for the holidays. We have a tree, but or kitchen seems bare, so I’m using your bowl idea!

  9703. The angels are so cute! very inspiring also! That the angels embrace and protect you for the New year! Thank you for sharing your creative life with us. Merry Christmas!

  9704. lots of ideas! those gift tags look like something I’d enjoy doing. and I need some! {:-


    • Deb, thanks! Sooooo glad you like the tags and are inspired by them! :-)

      Glitter, glitter, glitter!

  9705. Any book that gets me motivated on the business end of things definitely is worth a read. I posted about your giveaway on twitter.

  9706. Interesting! I’m so curious as to what is a douche-free bio?! Or I guess, what comprises a douchey bio?

  9707. I shared your link in the Norwegian Epla forum and suggested all the other sellers to take part in your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  9708. Thanks for this review. I read the book “I’d rather be in the studio” and would like to read “Market Yourself” too!
    By the way, I put a link toward this post on my facebook page ;-)

  9709. I have linked to you blog on mine SiffesPlanet … and it will show on Facebook via Networked blog . I really would like to read and DO that book ;-)

  9710. Hanna! I am going to be catching up today and so I will try not to leave 15 comments at one time. BUT! I have to tell you that I got your postcard a couple of days ago, and it’s so fabulous! I love the colors, layers, boldness, and the great message!
    Thanks for another great swap. I got another card, but I can’t find her blog or flickr, so I’ll email her and thank her.
    Have a lovely holiday. I can see you are making such yummy things.

  9711. This sounds like an awesome book! I could really use it right now in my life; I’m trying to establish myself as a writer, and I’m also interested in one day selling prints of my photos and artwork online as well.

    I shared a link to your post on my blog here.

  9712. So lovely! :)
    I noticed you’ve already sold one of them, probably my favourite!

    Recently I accidentaly felted a sweater (gosh! -____-) and saved for future projects: I was thinking to bags or pencil cases, but now that I’ve seen your little cats I want to make softies, too! Probably tiny bears :)
    Love softies making!

  9713. Ditto Julie Prichard, I use a very heavily pigmented acrylic ink, Art Spectrum’s, and this works with all my dip pens/nibs as well as brushes, so I can get the line and the weight I want every time. I gave up on disposable pens ages ago, because I don’t use them up quickly enough, and they dry out on me! :(

  9714. I love the simple shape and how captivating the little faces. You are so right about putting eyes on any softie – you DO want to say “well – hello there – nice to meet you” – ha! I usually do! Nice to know i am not crazy after all!!!

    Now that you have dipped back into softie making, I bet we are going to see more! Addicting!

  9715. Dear Hanna,
    your blog is an inspiration to me all year round, so I just want to take the time to thank you for creating and sharing all those beautiful things.
    Happy holiday season and keep sharing!
    Lots of Love, Pia

  9716. I tweeted, my tweeter name is @Kelley23 and I also shared link on my facebook page Daisy I added your blog to my “must read” blogs bookmark on my computer..thanks for a chance to win this awesome book, I could really use this books help right now as I’m hoping for the new year to finally step out and begin showing and marketing my work for the (gasp) first time..Happy Holidays!

  9717. I have the best luck with Silver Metallic Sharpie pens in different sizes. It shows up better on dark or bright colors as well as just about any paint surface. Glad you wrote about the white pens. I wondered how other artists felt about them. I don’t use them.

  9718. There is a Swedish bakery nearby. The shop is decorated with colorful dala horses. I love dala horses! The pastries are the best I’ve ever tasted.

  9719. I have been coveting this book for months and would love a chance to win it! I tweeted at Julie Dumas@glasstation coveted book. Thanks!

  9720. Sounds like a fantastic book. Would love to win it. Here’s my tweet:

    Darlene Koppel ‏@koppelstudio
    Book Giveaway – Market Yourself – on ihanna blog - …

    A business tip that I follow: I’m continually experimenting with different art media to help me come up with new products.

  9721. Theses are sooooo adorable, Hanna! :-D
    It’s funny that you are talking about making more plushies, because I’ve been thinking of doing the same, as well. I just need to get that sewing machine working, again. :-p
    Much hugs to you during this busy holiday season! xox!

  9722. I love these cards! I love how you combined the typography, message, all over collage. It’s new but still very Hanna. I also love the little stamp you created. I hope to make it in to the next swap.

  9723. They look fab Hanna! There’s something a little cartoony about the first two that really suit them. Ka pow! And the rest really suit their messges too. They’re great Hanna!

  9724. These turned out fabulous! I hate it when markers smear. Don’t underestimate the power of your own handwriting. I don’t know why so many people think because they used their own handwriting it is no good. You did beautiful collage and washi tape plus your own stamps. Very cool. I would have loved to receive one of these.
    Aloha, Kate

  9725. Your postcards are fabulous just the way they are – bold, colorful and amazing! I would not change a thing. They are a reflection of you – fun, powerful and enough. Happy Holidays!

  9726. I’ve been working my way through your list and all of these great links. Thanks, Hanna!

  9727. This post is great! I have some very temperamental white pens too. I can’t wait to check out your other pen posts. I can never, ever get enough pens. Sometimes I buy multiples too. Just in case of emergency. :)

  9728. I’d really love to have a copy of this book. Having followed also Tara’s blog for quite some time it is easy to believe in your recommendation & hope starting to make a move towards a con amore business, mlise

  9729. Crazy cat lady? I mean, all those kitties running around your house……. (snicker)

  9730. You have THE cart I want! I have looked all over for it, and IKEA doesn’t have it (at least in the US). I so NEED this cart!!! I want to store my paints in it …. I just may have to see if you will buy me one and ship it to me …. wonder how much shipping would be? lol

  9731. I was able to copy the web address and then paste it on Facebook. A first for me since I’m still learning how to use my iPad. Thank you for the great book review.

    Marrianna in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

  9732. I’ve never seen that cute owl in italian ikea shops. Really a lovely thing to have at home :)
    Are there other kinds of animals in the box?
    And that measuring tape is great!
    Happy Santa Lucia day!!!

  9733. Here’s the comment I left on my business facebook page:
    Tara Swiger is this really cool, fun lady I met several years ago through Etsy. She spins and dyes yarn, teaches folks about marketing and has become an author in the past year. This blog article, by iHanna, is a review of Tara’s book “Market Yourself”. Check it out.

  9734. Hanna, I agree. With watercolors I want an absorbent surface and index cards just aren’t the right paper for them. It’s like work to paint them. Still, I like the playfulness of your index cards! But I do love acrylics on index cards.

  9735. They may not have been the right surface for the watercolours but they sure are pretty! Hope you had a nice Lucia.

  9736. Maybe this book would help me figure out what I want to be/do when I grow up?
    I’m still trying to figure it out!

  9737. My current favorites are the Uniball Signo and the white gellyroll. Although white ink in the rapidograph is pretty darned fabulous on black paper. The sharpie poster markers (water-based markers) are amazing but the width of the line is too wide for most of my journal writing. Great topic.

  9738. Hi Hanna…you are a bright light…I love these little watercolors. I also adore the black and white collage you did a few post below…I may have to try that.
    Happy Holidays!

  9739. Your postcards are bold and beautiful! And I love how you decorated the backs with deco tape. So colorful and upbeat.

  9740. Thanks, Hanna, for the link to your recycled book/postcard binder. I wondered how to contain the Autumn 2012 DIY postcard swap. I’ll look at some of your other links. I thoroughly enjoy your blog posts because I learn something new all the time. I’m using a somewhat new MacBook Pro and don’t have the skills to include links in my blog posts. I gotta change that one way or another.

    Marrianna in Flagstaff AZ USA

  9741. Hanna, these are beautiful. Lucky, lucky you, but as you say – you get what you give and you give lots! I hope to participate next time :)

    • Thanks Tammy, most happy you pinned the quote so I could find out about that site you used to make an image out of a text (I’m guessing you did that)… How very cool. I will have to try it out soon!

  9742. Hi Hanna!
    Happy Holidays! You have so much to look at on your blog that is colorful and fun, it’s hard to know where to start and hard to stop! You’ve done some really wonderful work and it’s a joy to see.
    All my best,

  9743. Wow! It looks great! These meditation cushions are very well made. Upholstering could really make it look good as new! :)

  9744. OHMY… Hanna, that’s fabulous! I don’t understand why I haven’t thought of it – and you’re right, I’ve never seen it before. What a wonderful idea!!!

  9745. So glad the card made it to you! It did say “the world is YOUR oyster” but that is mail art, right? Looks like you got a lot of other wondeful cards too!!

  9746. This is such a handsome mat! I would never have thought of this! How ingenius!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and little Smilla and all your family!

  9747. Hanna, thank you for sharing cards with all of us who couldn’t get them ALL!!! I was so charmed by the cards I received, and empowered to make even more. There are so many talented people out there, and you bring us all together.

  9748. I love your journals. I am wondering why I haven’t gotten myself one yet…

    Color! lots of lovely color, Hanna!

  9749. Love the picture of the glitter and the tree looks so good! Does the majority of Sweden celebrate Christmas on the 24th? I didn’t know that. Do you start in the morning or in the evening?

    • Thanks Mary!
      I think most Swedes celebrate on the 24th, today, and all day long in different way. This year my family will gather for Christmas lunch around one o’clock and as usual open presents in the evening – it’s all about letting the kids wait the full day… hehe. I remember as a kid how the day snailed on… and on and on…

      Merry Christmas!

  9750. I drew a Christmas star, as well as wrote the words to silent night. Then I drew the town of Bethlehem at the bottom of the page.

  9751. God jul Hanna! Hoppas du har en helt underbar jul och fr ett fantastiskt nytt r (det r klart du fr!)

    I am totally in love with your Christmas tree and reindeer spread…it is so cute! And I love your collaged spread too. I’m all bout the paint, and don’t usually do collaged journal pages, but whenever I see yours I think I must give them a try!

  9752. Congratulations, Hanna!!! I rarely go to Twitter… BUT, I am already following @sweden so this is super exciting because I can follow along easily. Have a lovely Christmas!

  9753. Merry Christmas Hanna. Thank you for the gift you give us all year long by sharing your wonderful imagination and creations. You inspire me.


  9754. These photos are beautiful, Hanna! I wish we would’ve had a white Christmas here in Germany but it was quite the opposite: rainy and 15C! I’m going to Sweden for New Year’s, though, and am hoping there will be some snow left for me. ;-) (I am somewhat obsessed with your wonderful country. And with snow.) Your tweets as @sweden have been great, by the way! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  9755. This has been a fascinating look at Christmas food traditions from Sweden.

  9756. Beautiful! We have been sadly lacking in snow around here for the past couple of years, but I am still holding out hope for the first couple of months of 2013!

  9757. i’ve been intruiged by Swedish culture for a long time, especially Christmas traditions, so this post was so fun for me to read! thanks for sharing.

  9758. What a lovely set of pictures. It looks like a yummy time was had by all. :-)

    Congratulations for being chosen to tweet for @sweden, that’s amazing!

    Happy New Year!

  9759. Beautiful. Feels so weird to see these when we spent Christmas day in hot sun and the swimming pool! Glad I can connect with you across the world. Merry Merry and all the best for a creative 2013.

  9760. We had ham this year, cooked in cola which is not as disgusting as it sounds. However last year we cooked it in cherry cola which was much better.

    See we don’t deep fry everything in Scotland. That is just a myth!

  9761. So much to be inspired by here, as always !
    Looks like you have a sweet Christmas time with family. Lovely !
    Wishing you a New Years celebration of all things good !

  9762. Recite This is such a cool site! I will definitely be using that one. I enjoyed looking back at some of your “new years” posts of the past, too. The procrastinating writer site will be helpful too; I have it bookmarked (you know, to read later…ha!).

  9763. I’m reading this 5 years after you posted it, but what the heck!
    Here’s a link to the cover of my latest journal
    Love your blog and all the interesting info I’m finding here.
    May 2013 be full of art and love!

  9764. I’m up for this idea (although it wouldn’t be collage for me.) I was already thinking about some kind of similiar project…something long-term and something that would last the year. I’ll get back to you soon (especially since the new year is right around the corner) about what I’ll focus on. Reading your post helped solidify this concept in my own head…Thanks for the push!

    • Michelle,
      so glad this is something you are up for. Yay! Can’t wait to see your drawn characters. I know they will be soooo cool. Button coming up soon!

  9765. This is a good idea! I’ve been thinking of doing some sort of challenge though, not being an artistic person in that way, I think I like your thought about writing a paragraph a day. Very accomplishable (and then some). Thank you for the inspiration! :)

    • Gwen, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog and joining the year long challenge. I think a paragraph/day is something you CAN do and will look forward to hearing about your progress! Thanks & Happy new Year!

    • Hi Gwen, so glad the year long creativity idea speaks to you, and that you are joining in. Will look forward to hearing from you about your progress! Thank you & Happy New Year!

  9766. I too have been contemplating how to manage my art for next year. I have too many ideas and really need to narrow my focus….I need to spend some time thinking about your key word “realistic” and decide what I think I can accomplish so I don’t get frustrated by over committing myself. Your blog continues to be an inspiration and I enjoy seeing what you’re up to….. I’m really looking forward to watching us all grow and encourage each other next year.

    • Hi Terrie!
      Thanks for leaving such sweet comment on my blog, I’m get so happy every time someone tells me they find my blog inspirational. I hope you come up with a challenge bit enough for yourself and join me in trying to squeeze in as much artful activity into this year as possible! :-)

  9767. I love collage and use it in my workshops, Family Stories Through Art. There is something about collage that forces you to simplify your thoughts, get to the essence. And collage is an accessible art form no matter what level of art experience. If you don’t like the first shape, cut another. Don’t glue until you get it just the way you want. Such freedom! sign me up. I will join your challenge. 365 in 2013

  9768. Hello, new follower here! So much inspiration, thank you.
    I have a lot of unfinished creative projects, so my intention is 365 days of creativity in 2013: knit, embroider, draw, make jewelry, write, cook. As long as I make the space in each day to do something creative, I will be happy. The challenge will be to photograph and post my projects each day.
    Happy New Year!

    • Joanna, a little every day is what will take us far, I feel certain about that! If you’re on instagram that is a good way to document your creativity. Add me there, I’m ihannas. And let me know how it goes!

  9769. What a great, fun, creative and hard challenge you have got ahead. I dont think i’ll manage the whole year, but i might join a week here, a week there… Have a great new years eve and a happy creative year to come.

    • Madde, one of the best things about the 2012 year has been meeting you and getting to know you! So grateful, and I think you did so well in the 50 card challenge. I think you could easily do a 365. One way to do it is to commit to making something daily for January and see how it goes. If it was fun, then you do Feb and so on. Then it isn’t that daunting. I wish you’d join… anyway, happy new creative year!

      • Ill think about it… :)
        (great getting to know you to dear Hanna, see you in a couple of weeks)

  9770. I’m a bit like Terrie. Sometimes I have so many ideas, I almost feel overwhelmed.
    I’ve just discovered this blog and it’s really full of inspiration! I’m not sure I’ll find time to do all these things (in 2013 I have to complete my PhD, whoops! ;-) ) but I’m certainly going to follow the updates and read what I’ve missed so far! :-D
    Gott nytt r!

    • Sara, PhD is work and very cool, at night when you relax a creative project will help you rest from all the thinking! A challenge can be really good when you have too many things on your mind. Wishing you a happy new year, and thanks for commenting!

  9771. Marvelous goal for 2013 that I am sure you will accomplish as you set your mind and off you go. Love your collage piece and that is a wonderful voice for you. Looking forward to the journey with you in 2013. Happy New Year. xox

    • Corrine, thanks for all the beautiful comments you leave when you come visit. I appreciate every one of them so much! Happy New Creative Year to you too!

    • Gott kreativit r till dig med Gun! Pmin mig grna nr det r brodericaf, jag har varit alldeles fr dlig p att hlla koll nr jag ska ta med mig broderiet in till stan! :-)

  9772. Thank you for these beautiful photos and all the ideas that you share. Allways an inspiration. Happy new year.

    • Thanks Doris for leaving a comment and watching the slide show. I’ve watched it myself several times now, and now I feel inspired to take even more photos. :-) Happy New Creative Year!

  9773. your collages are such a treat for the eyes and imagination so i am looking forward to seeing what you create in 2013. i am a dabbler like you but understand how a focus might help me really explore one medium and my abilities with it. i will be here, supporting you each collaged step along the way, in your goal of 365 pieces!

    • Thanks sweet Laurie! When you say it like that 365 pieces, it really DO sound too much. We’ll see how I do with this goal, but I’m pretty sure it will help me make many more collages than I finished in 2012! And that is a good thing even if I don’t do them all.

    • Thank you Kim, and the same to you! You know your magic shines all the way to Sweden because it is very intense!

  9774. I’m in!
    Reading your part about collage – I so relate. I’ve been drawing, painting, sewing, quilting and collaging for many years now – but this year I finally found my flow in collage as well. (Just sold my first 4 on etsy, too!)

    I may do a 52 collage goal for 2013, but I can definitely commit to 365 creative endeavors in 2013.
    Love that.

    • Yay! So glad that you’re joining Liberty, that is awesome and so much fun. Thanks and let me know how it goes! oh, and also congrats on the first sale, that is BIG!

  9775. You’re a great inspiration! I think I’ll join you in your 365/2013. It probably will be collage but small in scale. I’m thinking ATC’s or twinchies (2 inch square collages). That way I won’t be under pressure and have a lot of unfinished pieces ;-) I’m the kind of person that needs a little nudge to keep me moving–thanks for the nudge.

    • Thanks Marge for your kind words. Will be honored if you join and do this challenge along with me. My collages will be rather small too, but square. ATC’s are a great idea, I have made many many ATC’s in my days!

  9776. hi hanna,
    happy new year!
    will do my best to keep up……..i have started a new “altered book”……. thanks to you for the inspiration for this artform, i didn’t know what it was until i discovered your blog!
    i too want to do it all, but it gets too much & becomes too confusing when i can’t decide which project to concentrate on.
    having said that ….i want to experiment more with collage as well, i think i can combine the two, & still stick to what we do on our blog…..”simple stitches, recycling & art”.

    • Raylee, happy new year right back at ya! How glorious that you are joining the challenge! Working in an altered book, a little every day, is a great way to celebrate creativity during the year. Will look forward to seeing your progress!

  9777. Love this idea! I have found myself not wanting to do two calendar journal kind of things. I am committed to doing Project 365 in photos and doing an art journal with the same concept (journaling each day) doesn’t work for me. This sounds grand! I love the idea of committing to doing something every day. I might not make 365 but anything would be more than what I am accomplishing now.
    Aloha, Kate

    • Thank you Kate, it would be great if you join me with a photo project. I look forward to hear about your progress!

  9778. An ambitious goal, Hanna! I love your collages, so I am very excited to watch your project unfold. I have two of your collages hanging on my art wall, you know! :-)

    • Maybe too ambitious, or just simply crazy? :-) I wish you would join, than I’d feel less crazy today… But I know it will be hard, and I don’t even have kids like you do. Let’s make 2013 as creative as possible, huh?

  9779. Love your bluebird of happiness, saw one in my oak tree this morning. I love seeing them in winter…and your 2013 positively pops out of that green, love, adore. xox

  9780. This is very tempting. I’ve been wanting to really go deep with collage, and seven a week seems pretty reasonable for the way I work. And it will be fun to play along with others. I think you’ve hooked me!

  9781. As far as 365/2013 goes, I think it is critical NOT to get caught up in the number…maybe we’ll complete 365, maybe 231, maybe only 50 or even 10…but as long as we focus on the joy of creating whatever it is we have chosen as our focus, we will reap everything we could dream from such a challenge. That’s why I haven’t set a specific number to complete each week; I don’t want to create just for the sake of hitting some target number. (I’ll naturally do more some weeks and less in others.) The number is just there to define what kind of challenge we are attempting and that’s to focus on one particular medium and carry passion for that focus throughout the year. Anyway, I am thrilled to be participating and eager to see what blossoms.

  9782. Vad kul! Jag har precis bestmt mig fr att gra en rslng utmaning fr mig sjlv, genom att teckna 365 ansikten. Precis som du har jag insett att det r bra att ge sig sjlv friheten att gra mer de dagar man har mer tid, annars skulle jag aldrig klara det. Jag har aldrig lyckats hlla ut ett helt r tidigare, men ngon gng ska vl vara den frsta. Jag hller tummarna fr oss alla :) Det ska bli kul att se vad du gr.

  9783. Thanks for this. I like the thought that it doesn’t have to be one everyday, but can be 7 in a week – I seem to struggle with trying to do something daily, but can see myself doing so many a week. Mine may not be just collages, I think I’ll stick with the anything creative idea! I have digital scrapbooking to catch up on, painting to experiment with the kids & other creative pursuits I look forward to getting around to!!

  9784. hi hanna,
    thanks for the email……i have posted my first two pages…….one for yesterday & one for today!………one for tomorrow is already under way.

  9785. I would like to try it with you. I al ready did a journal daily in december. So why not for a hole year ? It’s already 2 th of januari, but I can make one more today…
    Liefs, Melanie

  9786. I’m not one for making resolutions and I have long “to do” list. Sometimes having something to focus on helps settle that feeling of being overwhelmed. I do have a piece I plan on making today so this may be a good start to an artwork every other day. I know my routine too well to commit to 365!

  9787. Back again to say I’m joining the craziness – when I actually made a list of the things I hope to accomplish this year, it seems a bit daunting. But this idea of making something every day with FOCUS on a theme suits me. After much thought I’m actually joining you in making collages – it’s a medium I enjoy and want to explore much more fully….some will be quick and simple and some will develop over time – I’m looking forward to them all! Hopefully one every day, but if not, the goal will be 365 by the end of the year! Thanks for the inspiration……

  9788. okay, I think I’m in, even though I’m already a day late… lol!! I’m a bit scared about committing to doing *anything* artsy daily, although I don’t know why- there are plenty of things I do every day without a second thought, like getting up, feeding the dogs, etc. I think it’s the *art* factor that intimidates me, for some reason. So, this is a good way to get over it and loosen up my preconceived notions (or expectations) about daily art-making!! I’m looking forward to it!

  9789. I’ve been doing daily photos for over a year, and plan to continue in 2013. Not sure I want to commit to anything more time consuming than that, but I look foward to seeing your collages!

  9790. Awesome idea! I’ve loved your blog for a long time, and I’m in for the 365 project! YAY!

    Thanks for the ideas, the inspiration, the beauty you create and share, and now for the “socializing together” 365 project!

    Hugs and Happy 2013

  9791. I love this idea! I’m an avid collager myself, and I might even try this challenge! Keep up the wonderful art! :)

  9792. Okay, I love that you have NOT made this a daily thing, because that’s where I’d fail. That’s not how I roll either. And do you know what, I’m tempted to try this… with ATCs. I find them so challenging, but I do think they stretch you. Let me go have a think. I’ll be back!

  9793. Oh, I love that you are thinking of it as 7 collages a week, instead of a must be daily kind of thing. I always love the 365 idea… but I know it’s just not feasible with my schedule… but perhaps I can twist the rules a bit. I think preparing the materials ahead of time really helps too. Thanks for sharing and inspiring!

  9794. I do create something daily, so worked it into a postcard format, which I think fits my requirements, but squares do sound intriquing……

  9795. Hi Hanna,

    I remember doing the daily art cards at the same time as you and it was quite a challenge but fun nonetheless. I have always loved your collages and you’re inspiring me to start collaging again. Though that is not my challenge for 2013. Actually, my challenge is simply to be creative daily. In 2012, my creative mojo left me for a long time and I missed it a whole lot. Now that I’m forcing my self to be creative every day, I’m certain it will be a better year. Also, I’m back in the blogosphere so more posts and more comments to be written. :-)

    Happy new year dear friend!
    Sophie (and Diesel and Pearl, the purring babies!)

  9796. I added your button and have been collaging away (I chose that avenue as well though sometimes they’re a bit mixed media). I also took your advice and started a separate flickr folder so it’s easy to see the progress, all in one place. You’re an inspiration and thanks so much for this nudge….

  9797. I love your approach to 365 days of collage – doesn’t have to be daily, as long as 7 are done each week. That is doable.
    I am going the route of creating every day – I am on track so far – collage/vision board/painting/ATCs.
    Will use your button – love it! Thanks

  9798. Oh your pinks are so tempting me and I too love squares but I have committed to so many things already – we’ll see what shows up……I am yearning to join……yikes! xox

  9799. Thank you for the posting. I also went to your other link and am loving the idea. I plan on doing 365 of something but am not sure what that will be, yet.

  9800. Hi
    Im on the coallage idea 365 days — or what come from my heart
    My focus this year is LOVE — in any ways
    Another challenge this year is to write in english on my blog – anyway its not correct. I just hope it will be understand….
    Thanks for your inspiration … as allways

  9801. Great idea and very helpful! Not only the look but also the content. You should also convert this a real iHanna one,- a smart phone app;)

  9802. I decided to start with the creativity every day habit, following up on some intentions and success from last year. So far (only a few days in!) I’ve been very happy being mindful of this challenge and community as I worked on improving my photography with photo safaris, and made some collages (so much fun!). Once I get home from visiting relatives, I’ll have access to all my stuff, including years worth of magazines to be harvested for images, yum yum!

  9803. I love that the 365 challenge is not about finishing something every single day. I’m gonna do it! For me it will be 365 Handmade Books in 2013. Looking forward to seeing your progress as the year goes by :)

  9804. So I’ve decided to make 365 somethings with you, but I don’t know if it will be the same “something” each month. I will start with 31 stitched collages in January and go from there. Here’s my first post!

  9805. This is so inspiring that I’m going to give it a go….maybe not all collages but definitely 7 pieces of art a week.

    Thank you.

  9806. LOOOVE this idea.. I think I could be ‘in’!
    tell me.. what size is your watercolor paper square base?

  9807. Wow, Hanna, reading this in 2013, and look how far you’ve come! Your art journaling is so inspiring to me, and although I haven’t the time or courage to try it myself yet, I hope to start this summer! I have a book all ready, and am slightly terrified… :)

  9808. I started a 365-days-project on the first of January :-) It’s called “Faces”…I love collage, drawing, mixed media, taking pictures and much more, so it can be anything as long as it has something to do with faces!! After day 1 I almost gave up, but thankfully a friend persuaded me to try a little bit longer and I’m happy I did, it’s wonderful to create something every day!!

  9809. Hi Hanna,

    Thanks for being such an amazing inspiration! It was only in December when I’ve discovered this blog, but it was such an awesome Christmas present (that’s why I say Santa Claus does exist – only he’s not fat, old fashioned and he’s not putting shopping-centre-presents under the tree :) )

    Following your great example, I’m challenging myself to write a post everyday on my photography blog ‘Photolicioux’ ( Although I love photography (and I’ve always thought I love writting too, as a matter of fact), it seems it will be a lot of work and a long voyage – but I really do hope I’ll be a better writer and I’ll know heaps on photography at the end of this year :)

    (A second challenge would be to redesign my other blog and to finish all the drafts in there, hehe)

    Happy New Year!

  9810. I’m joining in too. Ive linked to your post about the project at my blog.
    I’m planning on making 365 art cards – postcard size.

  9811. I have made my first 8 collage finish them today. You can find them on my blog.

    This time it is colourcollage! but made on homemade paperlinnen … maibe its not real collage but then its ‘somethings’

    Its exciting to follow your project and Im look foreward to read more about the book you want to publish ,,, I have the same idea in a way but not decide how

    Thanks for a inspiring blog

  9812. Looks like a very cool book! Yes, I have piles and piles of scraps, sometimes the ‘scrap’ look in a quilt, I think, looks better than the ‘perfect geometric shape’ look ~ guess that it just depends on what you’re going for. I love the idea that there are no mistakes!

  9813. Thx for your Stockholm-inside-facts. Really nice.

    Ralf (Hamburg, Germany)

  9814. for those of us that aren’t good about precise measuring i think this form of quilting would be fun. a great way to use fabric scraps. i might have to check out the book.

  9815. Hanna, this is something I really want to do. I feel as if I am not getting anywhere lately. Thanks for the inspiration!

    I went to the hashtag in instagram but I was wondering if there’s a way I can save that hashtag in instagram somewhere? instead of putting it in every time? thanks.

  9816. I am hereby offering you my support and my intention of going along with you on this! I think mine will be 365 patterns. I have been loving making my abstracts, and I think there are always more patterns to make, whether they be grids, mandalas, or repetitive shapes… it’s all something that makes me happy. I will try my best!

  9817. I hadn’t got as far in my thinking as to consider what to do with all my projects at the end of the year. When I did a 365 photo project a couple years ago I created a photo book with all the pictures to commemorate that year of work. That’s a likely possibility, but I have to be sure to photo or scan everything I make in a high enough resolution for publication – especially if I give some away during the year. Just one more detail to figure out…. glad you raised the issue while there’s still time to plan.

  9818. I have this book. It’s a favorite of mine and I credit a lot of my free form quilting to this book and a few others that I really have gleaned from. Congratulations on opening the door for more freedom and fluidity throughout all your mediums!

  9819. This book is my next purchase on amazon! No matter what I do, I can’t cut straight, even when I buy striped fabrics. I’ve never quilted for that reason. This looks like my kind of book for my kind of quilting.

  9820. Hi Hanna…I’m getting the quilting bug again….thinking of getting out my embroideried quilt. I want to check out this book, it looks like a good one!!! I admire you for committing to do a collage a day, or, at least 7 per week….sounds like a great idea.

  9821. 365 somethings…what a great idea! I, especially, love the fact that you are making it achievable in that you are not making yourself produce something each and every day! Life gets so busy and then the guilt-trip descends when one doesn’t achieve the goals.
    You have inspired me to try and start on doing something creative on a regular basis :) Although, I am already nine days late this year…LOL!

  9822. “Watching from a distance”, I would call it “why is this owl hovering?”. Like this the least.

    “In his shade” is lovely. I like the light and dark contrast, and I like texts, and it has a beautiful composition.

  9823. totally agree that part of the exercise is accepting and moving on. I know I’m not going to love all 365 of mine, but I know I’m going to vastly improve my skills over the course of the year, and come out with some clear favorites. I think my overall favorite from this week is the pink owl on the green background. But I absolutely love the empty silhouette next to the head of the man, and now I want to play around with that idea.

  9824. I have two favorites. I’m really drawn by the color green and especially leaves, etc. so I like the last one with the toad/frog. I also really like the black and white one. Like the grid feel of it and the text and juxtaposition of the flower.

  9825. hi hanna,
    i like “in his shade” the best…….the composition leads the eye around the picture, like the black & white with a bit of colour & the different patterns work!

  9826. this was really difficult! i finally had to think, “which one would i buy to put up in a special place in my house?” and i chose “lead me”. but, like i said, i really love looking at all of them for different reasons.

  9827. Couldn’t you say in your blog posts that each collage is for sale, and (if it makes sense) have an ongoing set price for each collage, then your readers can know they can buy from you (ie and pay via paypal).

  9828. Hanna, I’ve decided to go with collages, also. I have to admit, at first I was going to make doodles and patterns. But I think my hesitance to experiment with collages would really be helped by making little collages all year. I need practice with collages! What better way to get it, than with this simple daily practice. When the year started, I never thought I’d be jumping wholeheartedly into this. Thanks.

  9829. I like the black and white the most. But they are all close behind it. I think I like the men’s faces the least. The feeling I get from the black and white is balance. I love the way the elements are arranged. And the quote is really meaningful. I never require words on a collage to appreciate it, but these seemed to go with the directness and order of the black and white. I find, since I’m also a bookkeeper, that order is sometimes appealing to me. Which is odd, since I love to work on abstract art.
    Thanks for sharing your week, Hanna.

  9830. Oh…I really like the green one with the toad…Well, I must say, I always love your work and the challenge you have set yourself is very inspiring! Keep on going! – Irma

  9831. I love “in his shade” for its delicate palette and subject, and I adore the pink owl of “watching form a distance”.
    I cheer you on in your awesome art challenge, Hanna ! You go, Girl !

  9832. My favourite is “lead me”, because it’s “evocative” (my brain finds different meanings) and I like that it seems to have two horizontal limits (up and down) that make the composition well structured and quiet. I also love the colors and all that floating pink drops (it seems magic powder)!

  9833. Absolutely LOVE the man stepping back from himself- that is AWESOME and could represent all sort of of ideas! LOVE all of them but that is my fave! Well done, YOU!

  9834. Very cool ring! I recently bought a pack of colorful Sharpies and have them sitting in a cup at my workstation with paper, so whenever I need to color I can!

  9835. Wow, that’s a lot of collages. I try to doodle every day. but i don’t always complete one each day . By the end of the project you should be considered a “master collages”. Good luck

  9836. Hanna,

    Love the post on watercolours which demonstrates what a wonderful medium they are to use. I converted to the pencils some years back and predominantly use them in all my work now. Some samples at my blog.

    Keep up the great work, Stephan.

  9837. I’m going to challenge myself too. But to at least one/week. I made one today and will post it soon.
    Regarding your collages, I love the different kinds of text in the black and white one. I love the intense colors of the pinkish/orange one with the flower in the center (the name thing didn’t seem to be working for me). I found the men a little creepy and severe.

  9838. This came out so pretty!! Love it. I always think decorative tapes are the road to instant gratification…a quick and simple and satisfying way to embellish!

  9839. I planned doing a 52 things project for 2013 in addition to my own {be creative everyday} project. It looks as though {be creative everyday} is turning into it’s own 365 somethings: possibly an ATC book. This is a great challenge to add to my plans! Thank you!

  9840. This sounds like a fun project Hanna – a real challenge. At least it would be for me :-)
    What an awesome journal they could be turned into.

  9841. What’s with all the Andrea’s (Andria’s) in this post? A little late, I have joined your collage challenge. Although I’m committing to at least 1/week not every day for now. I also joined the flicker group. Thanks for the inspiration.

  9842. I love reading your blog–it’s given me lots of inspiration. I love owls, so the one with the owl is my favorite. I also like the black and white one.

  9843. A boy called A feels most Hanna to me (like your “usual”, if there is such a thing, style), but I love lead me and in his shadow.

    • Oh and now my mum has gone back to Malmo, I’ll be working furiously to “catch up”!

  9844. Hi Hanna,

    I am so glad I came across with your beautiful spot here.Great idea about 365. And what’s more it is about collage.
    I personally feel that this area is well underdeveloped and poorly represented in my art. I will join you for this project. Will see how far I can go. First set is ready to be published now.
    Thanks again for it. Lovely button will definitely grab it!


  9845. I love love love watercolors! I think they are a must have too! What kind of pen did you use to write over them with??? Gorgeous shades of GREEN!

    • Hey there! The pen that I used for writing on (the dried) watercolurs is just my normal writing/taking notes pen, it’s a Pilot (V ball grip 05). Love how smooth it is to write with those!

  9846. I adore watercolours. They have always been my favourite medium. Yet at the moment I seem to be mostly using watersoluble crayons, which are fun too. Love the idea of an evidence page!

  9847. So cool Hanna. I love how you brought them all together. I am waiting for my latest order!

  9848. Wow Hanna- that page is gorgeous! One of the many things on my ‘to-do’ list this year is use more green! I never use green in my art but I’ve come to realize that green is a pretty amazing colour- especially watercolour greens (as you have demonstrated well in this post). I love reading about your creative adventures ^_^

    • Thanks Rhiannon for leaving a comment! Green is one of my favorite colours as you can see in recent collages too. I hope you enjoy using green more this year. Try it with pink, it’s a killer combo!

  9849. “Lead me” is my favorite, maybe because of its mysterious quality or that red around the image on the right.
    I’m debating joining the challenge, but think mine would be more around the lines of the “365 somethings” you mentioned elsewhere!

  9850. I’m late – But Jumping In!
    I have been wanting to do collage work! This will be great fun and it will keep me focused! I have added your link button to the right side of my blog! So glad I found this opportunity!


  9851. Tnkt att jag fortfarande inte har ftt ngot collage i present! ;) Som jag vntar p det, att f rama in och hnga p vggen.

    Birch and Beyond gillar jag vldigt mycket!

  9852. I’m so glad you put it out there that this is your goal and encouraged others to join. I’m happily making a stack of collages/mixed media pieces too and just loving knowing that I have all year to explore all sorts of themes – and yet I’m committed to having 365 at the end of the year. I like all of this week’s offerings but my fave might be Kitty Bitty because it looks like it’s layers of an old, crumbling wall with bits of layers of old wallpaper coming through. I really like the excavated look of it. I’m playing along whole heartedly!

  9853. Kitty Bitty is my favourite, but they are all very nice!
    I’m joining in your 365 collages in 2013-challenge. I love the idea.
    I’ve finished only 5 collages, so it is time for a small “catch-up” real soon. In fact, I will start right now ;)

  9854. Glad to see you updating us here :) I have two favs this week – the second one with a lady, and then the pale one with butterfly. Should you be interested – pop over to have a look at mine :) I was playing with numbers this week :) Thanks!

  9855. I love lady on time and birch and beyond. I agree the Kitty bitty reminds me of all the yumminess found behind peeling wallpaper. Good description!

  9856. These all turned out nicely. Love your determination to try and get one done every day.
    Aloha, Kate

  9857. I really can’t pick a favorite as there is some little element in each that I love dearly! I sort of wish I hadn’t chosen something so strange for my 365 project but it’s too late now I think to change course. I am totally inspired by all the 365 work I’ve seen here, at Tammy’s and the Flickr group!

  9858. Again I have 2 favorites: Lady on time–I love the way she’s partially hidden behind some of the collage and I really like the turquoise dots repeated and the large text.
    Birch and beyond–Again I am so partial to green but I do like the variety and the placement of the collage pieces and the birds/trees theme. Such colorful exciting work!

    I’m attempting 365 also but not all the same thing. I did 7 twinchies (2″ squares) collage and posted those. Then I got a little side-tracked. I painted 6 backgrounds on 5 x 7 canvases with the intention of faces but decided to go a different direction but which direction I don’t know yet. In the meantime I’ve been working on this little accordion tunnel book from an article in Cloth Paper Scissors, collaging a garden. I am working in my art journal just about daily also so if you add it all up I am working 7 times a week. Right now I am not focused on one direction but its all good and I’m enjoying this journey

  9859. I like the first 3 best. I like the use of the faces. Already, there is a maturing in your art after just starting this project! It’ll be fun to see how this all develops. Good work!

  9860. How do you do it!!!
    7 collages so beautyful that I cant choose which one to love most…
    They are all amacing..

    I love to do this project — its makes me relax and come into a flow even the product are not so perfect the process is so heling nd I love it-

  9861. Happy Butterfly to you might be my fave with it’s muted colors and wonderful variety of textures. And I like the composition of it with the empty spaces in it. but I’m also quite taken with Lady on Time. I was working steadily on my own project, but then got sick and did nothing for four days. Today schools are closed because of snow and I finally feel better, so I expect a flurry of collage activity!

  9862. “FANTASTIC!!”
    These are all my favorite, seriously. :]
    I really like your method of collaging… beautiful, Hanna.

  9863. Hi Hanna,

    I love your work! I found your site by chance while browsing through art journal pages… We moved to Sweden this past Summer (temporarily for a few years – then back to the U.S.) I still haven’t found a place where I could just walk in and buy art supplies here. Do you have a recommendation? (we live 45′ S of Stockholm) Or do you order online mostly?
    Tack så mycket! :)
    Have a colorful day!

    • Hi Jana,
      I once wrote a Stockholm guide and even though it’s rather outdated I still recommend Panduro and Kreativa, the two big craft and art shops in Stockholm, within walking distance from the Central Station! I hope you like them!

  9864. Oh, wow.
    I am learning so much, Hanna! I hope you are having a great new year.
    I shared my first collages on my blog. I look forward to a big weekend of small relaxation!

  9865. I really like “Lady on time” because of the colors and polka dots. I also really like the colors in “Birch and beyond.” Blues and greens are my favorite colors, so if left to my own devices everything would end up that color! I am a little behind in my own 365 challenge… Only 6 books completed so far, but several in progress.

  9866. I like Lady on Time, but they are both great. I tend to like the blues and greens more.

  9867. The Chromium is the exact color I think spring smells like – when I say it smells green, that is the shade of green I have in mind. You do such lovely work! I’m kind of jealous that I’m not an artist;)

  9868. Yeah, loving the Kitty Bitty collage. Normally I prefer really colourful collages but this time I prefer that one. Not sure why, maybe it has something to do with my love for all things cat related. :)

  9869. Hello Hanna….I am a big fan of collage….your collages are so wonderful…love the compositions that you have created!!!

  9870. That is so great Hanna – I went and ordered it. cant wait to read your article.
    Looks like Michelle Rydell is in there too. Cool

  9871. These are all just great Hanna! I’m yet another fan of Birch and Beyond. I love the colours and balance of textures. I’ve been playing along too and am having a blast. You got me out of my November-December slump…thank you!

  9872. I’ve decided to work with collages as well. I have boxes of images and words that I cut out of…everything. It’s time to incorporate them (and whatever other art materials are handy) into some some actual pieces on a regular basis. Thanks so much for the challenge!!

  9873. WOW! Congratulations!!! That is a real mile stone! Also wanted to say thank you for you lovely comment on my blog, I am sooo honoured! I am a big, big fan of your…
    Have a great start in the new week – Irma

  9874. So pretty! I love the green as well. I’ve been in a green mood. Thanks for commenting on my blog, I’m so glad you did. I had you booked marked and read you all the time but about a year ago my computer died and I lost all my book marks. I’m slowly finding everyone one again and your comment led me back to your beautiful and inspiring blog. I think I WILL go paint something!

  9875. The little birdie is sooo pretty…Thank you for the inspiration in words and picture. Yes, one should take the time to do so.

  9876. I love it, good job. I’m currently practicing drawing clothed female figures from postorder catalogues and bridal magazines. It’s a lot of fun as long as I can put my own spin on it.

  9877. I often do this, as practice, just take the form and make it my own, i love how your bird turned out

  9878. Hanna, I have been wanting to get this magazine for a long time! And it sounds so yummy. And now I want this issue even more. So I’ll ask my accountant for an allowance!
    Yes, I’m in the 365 project, and I haven’t taken photos. I’m considering not blogging any more, but I can post them on your Flickr group, I believe. And wouldn’t it be amazing to get all those collages AND all those ATCs done this year? I think I may try it. And next year, for myself, I may challenge me to a 365 paintings challenge. Because I have so much learning to do. Every time we learn something, we find more to learn.

    I know. I’m a weirdo.

    Love your birdies.

  9879. I am a GREAT fan of Anne Lamott, the source of today’s quotation. I went to a book reading she gave at an area church just last month, and that was the second time I had heard her there. She is amazing!

    I, too, would love to fill my sketchbooks with drawings from life. But I draw best (when I draw at all) from other people’s drawings! I know, though, that I could do better if I would put in the practice time. I’m not sure it’s where my heart really is! Your bird is lovely.

  9880. I’ve been hearing about this magazine all over, and it looks wonderful. Congratulations on being a part of it!

  9881. I think your drawing is perfect as is! It is definitely good practice to draw by looking at an image. I need to do that too.

  9882. I love your bird!
    Me too – I wish sketching came easier to me. But practicing is always so peaceful – I need that more often.

  9883. Another fan of Anne Lamott here and am happy to say I had the pleasure of hearing her speak once upon a time. I love your frame-worthy, little bird!

  9884. this is gorgeous! it looks like you did it in watercolor something i wish i had the patience for because the result is so lovely! it captures the lightness of the birdie perfectly.

  9885. These are all lovely 9even the purple one). My favorite is “In a Black and White Bubble.”
    Aloha, Kate

  9886. Amazig how you follow through with tis challenge. Which one I like most? The second and the last two ones. ;-)
    Have a great day – Irma

  9887. Love that pattern in the first one (spring bouquet). Love the purple one, and how the petals echo the bird wing. It’s hard to pick this week. They all look great!

  9888. I like them each for different reasons but my two faves are spring bouquet & black and white bubble. I’m also working on 365 collages – joined in right away when you first mentioned it since I’d been realizing I wanted to find a focus for this year. Your idea gave me the impetus I needed to make a decision. I love seeing your weekly efforts…. I’ve been sick the last couple weeks so falling a little behind, but my fingers are itching to get glue on them again so I feel sure new collages are in my near future! :) Thanks for inspiring me to move forward. I love following Karen’s collages as well.

  9889. That’s quite a list, Hanna! I think it is so fun and valuable to take time to look back over what we’ve accomplished, even as we settle into new projects.

  9890. I’m going to share photos of our dog Kimba! I love looking back and seeing seemingly unrelated photos come together for a theme.

    • Tammy, so glad you’re game! Your Kimba post is my favorite! Don’t forget to post a link in the comments on the January/critter post. :-)

  9891. Oh, I’m in! I love the idea, and god knows I take so many photos, this is a great chance to look for themes. This first theme is especially interesting for me, because I rarely take pics of animals. But that’s my challenge, to look for them in my photos! I know I have some :)

  9892. Hanna, yesterday I was looking at some photos I took in the past and never published and I started to think about how to use them in my blog this year.
    And now… you offered me the answer :)))
    I’ll join you in this project.
    But I have a question: can I post only one photo for each theme if I haven’t 5 or 1o?
    I’m not sure I have 100% undestood you about the numbers…

    • Silvia, to answer your question: to me a theme is a series of photos on (loosely) the same subject. So one photo is not a theme to me, but if you can’t spot photos on the theme I choose you are more than welcome to look for another, more “you” theme for that month! :-)

      Thanks for playing!

  9893. I’m in! My blog is mainly about textiles so there will be some texile critters next week. I’ll look around the house to see what I can find.

  9894. This is a very cool idea. I’m not much of a photographer. I can play in Jan. because I have pictures of Ellie and Scooter, the dogs of my life.

    I do find that I have themes that reappear in my art work. I recently it’s birds. Sometimes it’s clocks.

  9895. This afternoon I blogged about oranges as kind of a theme. Then I discovered your post here.
    Well, oranges are not really pets ;-),
    but nevertheless, maybe you want to have a look. If I should link this theme to your blog is up to you, cause it’s so off.
    Unfortunatly I’ve writte in German, so somekind of translater would be helpfull.

    • New themes often find you when you travel, don’t you think? You see so many new things and want to capture it all… Your Moroccan travel photos are very cool Tally, magic! What a far far away country it seems to be.

  9896. beautiful. now days we are never without a camera handy. love my phone for that reason. but the quote is right, some shots you have to be so quick to get. i tried the other morning to get the frost on some of the ornamental grasses in my back yard but just couldn’t capture what i was seeing.

  9897. I can’t choose just one! I like Mind the Step, In a Black and White Bubble and Encoded Message

  9898. Truly beautiful. You are so right – you have to capture that moment or else it is gone. And also to see beyond the buildings and the street of cars…. it is there if you look, just as you have shown here.

  9899. Oh wow!! Those are such gorgeous photos! My friend is in Germany at the moment and has some similar snow-filled images. Just gorgeous! And refreshing considering I am mind summer here in NZ.

  9900. Thanks for sharing these photos. Truly exquisite. I think I can actually smell the snow and the cold crisp air! :)

  9901. Hi Hanna, this is the best blog post about Dala horses I’ve had the chance to read so far !
    My fascination for these little hand carved horses have pushed me to design one tribute poster
    I hope you’ll like it :)

  9902. Stunningly beautiful. So appropriate to look at today–Tu B’shvat–the Jewish holiday celebrating the “birthday of the trees.” Thank you.

  9903. She is such a beautiful cat! Would you please give her a scratch behind the ears for me next time you see her?

  9904. Smilla is gorgeous! She reminds me of my 1st cat Honey.

    I have 5 pets & so many photos, but I don’t have a blog to post the pics. Maybe I could make a special set on my Flickr, then make a mosaic. I love the idea of looking back at a set of photos on a specific topic.

    • Thanks Sherry! And please post a link to the mosaic if you make one! I’d love to see a compilation of your favorites!

  9905. Aww… pretty Smilla… :-)

    I will definitely post photos of Diesel and Pearl this week and will come back to let you know.


    • Aww, Sophie! Thanks, I look forward to that special post! Are they getting a long together? I’ve heard a second cat can be hard on the older one…

  9906. hi, i love your planner very inspired i am making one this week

    • Thanks Silvia for joining, and so quick! Love your animal compilation, especially the turtles! Now I wish I’d gone with a critter post too, I have many many photos of other friends; cats, dogs, fish, birds… Maybe I will do another post later on with more on this theme… :-)

  9907. Hanna. You know what I’m going to say.

    Come on!!!! I can’t stand it.

    I am going to the video now.


    • Chris thanks for your comments! Now I reeeeally want a special Scout post! I think you can do it!!! ;-) To get a hover-over-image-text you write, in the link tag, alt=”TITLE here”, if you know html that is… :-)

  9908. Nice video to watch while having my breakfast!
    Well, I just don’t think I can do one more join-in right now, but this is a fun ongoing project and I’m loving photography more lately. I hope lots of people will do this!

  9909. you are so right, Hanna! I think the very act of looking can make life better. Driving down the street, looking at something beautiful to you, and not resisting to pull over and get out and take some time with it, even if you don’t have a camera. I love that quote by Cartier-Bresson, and have loved doing more photography lately.

    These are amazing photos!

  9910. Hanna, I learn so much from you. This is the 365th time I’ve said that.

    Now: how do I post things and make the title come up when I hover?

    also: I love that black and white one, just as I loved the first BW one. But today, I think I’m in love with the one called Being Myself. I think it’s because the collages I’m doing right now are all pink, red, black and white, and it’s a real difference from what I usually do, as I almost never use red in my work. So now, I’m starting to make friends with it.

    If I forget: Happy Valentine’s Month!

  9911. This is truly amazing, Hanna. I once did a list for Michelle Ward’s site, and I think I got 12 items. yay!!

    It’s cool that you have a job you like. I’m lucky, too. But I certainly don’t find time to do as much outside work as you do! You’re a wonder!

    Looking forward to your 2013 postcard swap…

  9912. This is a beautiful sketch Hanna. I also draw mostly from images, not from life. But I do it very infrequently. I just got a postcard from someone who had drawn and painted a face, and then reproduced it for her cards. So beautiful! I’ll be blogging about it soon and all the other great pieces I’m being gifted. Isn’t life wonderful?

    Another thing I want to tell you that I keep forgetting: I REALLY appreciate that you don’t use CAPTCHA codes on your comments. It is so tiresome and really unnecessary. I wish everyone would take them off.

  9913. I love seeing your collages Hanna. They’re always inspiring and jolly good fun. My fave this week is A Grand Year It Is. I love purple…but it’s so much more than that. I love the shades, the balancing browns, esp. those pussy willows. I’m still playing along and having a blast. This has been a wonderful challenge. Thank you again!!

  9914. Thanks for the recommendation on the app!! Very cool. Interesting about the ebook. I would love to hear your review of it.

    I dabble in crafts but am not sure that I could make a living off a business. (I rubber stamp cards and would like to scrapbook.)

    Thank you!

    • Thanks for commenting Lisa!

      I only mention the e-book because I recommend it, and think it’s useful. You will get something out of it if you have a passion and are considering selling a craft or a service of any kind, in some big or small way… The exercises will help you “think” and see where you can take those ideas. The first pages are free, so totally worth checking out if you are curious!

  9915. This is so much fun. I posted a few photos of my dog. Now I need to get some pictures of our two new kittens.

  9916. She is so lovely and adorable cat. Blessing and Happiness to you both. Thank you, with my love, nia

  9917. Hanna, My daughters and I loved your photos of Smilla! They are happy to know a cat named Smilla in Sweden. Here are my Spotted Photos of Kimba. It’s definitely a fun trip to go through years of photographs looking to SPOT a theme. Thank you for the inspiration.

  9918. Wow Hanna, it looks so pretty and fresh! I love that you are surrounded by polka dots too (my favourites as well).

    I can’t wait till it gets a bit warmer and drier so I can start painting and prettifying my studio space. I’m desperate to get back out there.

  9919. I love it! So fresh and cheerful. I couldn’t find an oilcloth pattern I liked (I was in a hurry) so I laid down fabric (that I cut from a painter’s dropcloth) and then covered it with clear vinyl. Love the easy clean-up and smooth work surface.

  9920. So very cool and practical! The color and pattern really looks cheerful and inviting. Stapling it in place is genius! My craft mat is always “walking” away on me ;-)

  9921. Gorgeous! I’m still looking for oilcloth that has color and pattern for my studio table. I love dots too, and pink is my favorite color. One day while thrift shopping, I found a really upscale sturdy desk chair, and it was 1/2 price… $7! Love it when that happens. :)

    Yours in Dottiness,
    Sheila in Oregon

  9922. Hej Hanna! Such a sweet cat :) …makes me miss our cat. She stayed in the U.S. when we moved. We didn’t want her to be stressed – she didn’t like being in her crate at all, so we thought making the move would be just terrible for her :(
    But we found her a very nice home and now she even gets along with a dog!!! Never thought that would happen :)

  9923. I only started this project this week, but it is really enjoyable just to work on small pieces of collage. They are so cute and could be used in so many different ways. Thanks for the inspiration. I am sharing on my blog and so excited about pushing myself in a direction that I have kind of dreaded – Fearing I would not be good enough at it. Surprisingly enough it is great fun! Isn’t that what it’s all about anyway? Ha! Ha!


  9924. I’ve been looking at getting some of her books second hand too, but have not yet committed, because even second hand they’re as (if not more) expensive as new ones by other people. Glad to hear a good review.

  9925. Wishing you luck! :)
    We’re (my husband and I) trying to capture as much as possible – in different ways (pictures, homepage, blog, spiral notepad… bits and b(i)ytes. I was just ‘proof-reading’ his newest pages for our homepage. This is mainly for friends and family and for ourselves, our kids. It’s growing since 2002… (if you like, take a peek :) )
    I plan to print it somehow, someday, to be able to hold a book in my hands.
    Anyway – just wanted to say that, as I was doing the same thing you wrote about just now… ha! another conicidence ;)
    Trevlig kvll!

  9926. I have been following Ali Edwards blog for at least 5 or 6 years. I love her take on Project Life and simple scrapbooking layouts. She is really good about getting down the stories so you have something to look back on later. Sorry her books are so expensive in your country.
    Aloha, Kate

  9927. Loved your ripple afghan with border. Can you forward me the pattern including the border.


  9928. Hallo! Jeg har skt p nett i flere timer n, endelig fant jeg det jeg s etter! Fantastisk blogg :) Vet du hvor jeg kan f tak i den transperange dymo tapen? Desperat! Hadde vert perfekt p bryllupsinvitasjonene mine :)

    • Hi Kristine fra Norge,
      I bought mine at a shop here in Stockholm, and they do have an online store but I don’t see any pink dymo there right now, sorry! Maybe write them and ask? :-)

      Good luck! And I’m wishing you a beautiful wedding!

      • Thanks :) and thank you for responding! I’ll write to them!

  9929. I finished yesterday my 2012 photobook (made on blurb). I’m ordering it today.
    It has been a difficult (te me) and time-consuming project, but I loved the process. Saving my photos and my sweet memories on paper is a thing I want to do more often :)
    Thank you for this review. The book looks great!

  9930. I haven’t done much in my studio, but I did paint a bench in my entry way a beautiful shade of turquoise last weekend. I found a cute rug with turquoise, grey, cream and yellow to go with it. Just a little spruce up that felt good, especially in the cold, dreary winter time !
    Enjoy you polka dot world !

  9931. What lovely pictures of a lovely cat! I always have trouble taking good pictures of mine.
    Even asleep they will move at the exact moment I push the button…

    I love the idea of looking for themes in old photo’s, I am just cleaning out my albums on the computer. ( I never delete on my camera, everything ends up on my computer.)
    Here is mine.

  9932. Another stellar group of collages – although they’re each good in their own way, my fave is probably Strawberry Fields…something about the grid, squared lines. I’ve fallen a little behind but hope to find my muse and some time this weekend…..

  9933. I really like these – besides the last two, they seem like part of a set, maybe because of the bright pink? I could see 3 or 4 of them displayed together. Good for you for finishing all seven!

  9934. You are wonderful to be so disciplined ! But then you are right, having a system and a deadline can definitely help you stay on track !
    My favorite this week is Lesson in being Genuis. Those characters popping of the background really make me look deeper.
    Keep on collaging, Amazing Hanna !

  9935. Lots of fun new collages. My faves are Lessons in Being a Genius, and Pink Thoughts 2.

  9936. Hi Hanna…my space needs work…ha! Maybe someday I’ll get it like I want it. I love the oil cloth idea…one thing about it, the cloth won’t be sliding all around. Love the polka dots!!! Enjoy your space!!!

  9937. I’m going to see Lincoln tonight with my family. I wonder if some of the political stuff didn’t make sense since you live in Sweden? Who knows, maybe it will be over my head too (I’ve lived in the US my whole life; I would LOVE to visit Sweden).

    Hearts, pink, snow and sunshine are inspiring me right now!

    • Some of the political stuff was over my head–they spoke so quickly! But I did really enjoy it. I learned a lot!

  9938. I love the addition of the pencil lines on Pink thoughts I, and I could gaze upon Lessons in being a genius all night. I find that allowing myself to work in batches is keeping me on track with my goal, but I am so far behind in blogging about them!

  9939. Wonderful pics you have shared :) and thanks for inspiring me, I will sure check out those links! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  9940. Finally I took time to read trough your Stockholm guide. It looks like lots of trips ahead in the near future!!! ;)
    Thanks Hanna.

  9941. Beyond beautiful Hanna, and your mums too! I’ve never tried it but it looks fun. One day I’ll try. Keep making your beautiful arty stuff, always so inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

  9942. My daughters Schae and Tate are cross country skiers and we live in Mora MN, USA. My oldest daughter Schae has won 3 Dala Horses that have been imported from your country. She has won 2 of them in the Vasaloppet and 1 in the Moraloppet. To our family, the Dala Horse is the biggest award a skier can earn. Thank You for the prize of prizes!!

  9943. I have been stitching a lot on hand dyed wool in recent months and I am with you – it is a buttery joy to stitch in. Your pieces are heavenly ! So bright and cheers, and Hanna-ish !
    Happy Stitching amazing One !

  9944. I love the last collage because it is so calming and reminds a bit of the barren feel of winter. I’m still going with my particular version of the 365/2013 challenge (creating 365 painted, drawn, sewn or scuplted characters). I’m not sure that people really get it but I’m having a lot of fun and that’s what matters.

  9945. My favourite this week is the one with dictionary pages.
    My project is doing fine. I must admit, however, that my plan to make one everyday is not really working. but I am working on it. Anyway, thanks for this magic push, I am really enjoying the process so far :)

  9946. Hi Hanna,
    Seeing your daily cards help keep me inspired, I always love your bright colors.

  9947. I’ve been working on a monochromatic piece all day, so I’m really drawn to that final one. But I’m also loving the combination of colors and patterns in the first – the polka dot tissue is a lovely touch.

  9948. I really like “Elk Jungle”, it just jumps out at you and makes you smile!

  9949. I LOVE the title of the first collage but the second collage is my fave. Is it the Dutch words I discover there? (so you have a Swedish(?) – Dutch dictionary?!) or maybe the colours, that look like Spring is just around the corner. I might start a collage serie again too (did my ‘letters from the wasteland’ last year but that was a slightly different project) – it’s very tempting!

  9950. Lovely inspiration! I just finished priming the pages of a recycled book, so I’ll try to spend your gift of time getting started with the colours and doodles this weekend. :-)

  9951. Gorgeous collages. I’m impressed at how you’re keeping up with this. It will be so cool to have 365 collages at the end of the year!

  9952. oo, these are lovely and unexpected! the last three (and especially ‘woodland’) are super cool but so different from your normal style… love it! <3

  9953. What a lovely glimpse into your heART full journal. I like all your bright colours, and especially the word filled hearts. I’ll have to try some in my journal this week.

  9954. I love these pages Hanna! They’re so inspiring! I adore all of your hearts; I’ve realized that I’ve been doing something extremely similar in my journals as of late, and have actually created a new blog series just to explore the heart symbolism. :P Thus, I find your pages very interesting. I especially enjoy the loose watercolor hearts. They’re awesome. :)

  9955. Yes! Valentine’s Day colors are truly the colors of Hanna. Such fun, love- and color-filled pages. Thanks for the art journal peek!

  9956. Your latest collages are all amazing!! I love them, the composition is fantastic, some are super colorful, and the one with the Moose… Well you are inspiring!

    I am doing some kind of 365 challenge by myself. I decided that I would do an everyday project every month. January was my “draw my cup of coffee everyday” challenge. I kept up with it, except maybe 3-4 days when I really couldn’t draw. I decided for february that it would be a selfportrait everyday, but I think I gave myself a challenge too difficult, because I drew myself on the first of feb, and then stopped. I think I might change the challenge to “selfportrait everyday”, but in any medium.

    I post my pictures on instagram, and feedback is always welcome :) Have a nice day, Hanna!

  9957. I am feeling itchy fingers to paint today ! I will take the time, and tell everything else Hanna told me to! ;-)
    Happy Creating Love !

  9958. My favourite collage is the last for its muted colours and rough-torn edges. The image of the waves also reminds me of a wonderful trip to the sea last fall. I love seeing your weekly collages, Hanna! They are always an inspiration.

  9959. Hi, Lady! I am managing to make at least five valentines in addition to the collaged valentine postcards for Shannon’s swap. I LOVE COLLAGE! I think this may be my favorite year resolution. I’m a little behind in terms of days, but in terms of the whole year it’s going to work great. I’m making a journal for my Hawaii trip, and it’s going to be filled with hearts. not a typical Hawaii icon, but it’s going to be this time. Thanks to your inspiration! Your journal looks fabulous! I sometimes wish I could do something to pay you back for all your gifts. And your bloggy friendship.

    I haven’t been to the pattern site today. It’s so yummy. I may zip over while I’m waiting for something to dry.

    Happy Valentines.

  9960. Hanna, These are magical! I am in love with every one of them. I’m so happy you are having fun seeing these postcards come to life. Yay!!!

  9961. I’m so happy I found this project today, thank you so much!! I love the idea of the “make something every day” projects but I have mental health issues that tend to get in the way. This is a great project for me because I can easily make up for days missed on good days without feeling any guilt for missing 4 days in a row. I have a bit of catching up to do but I don’t think I’ll have a problem with it.

  9962. Oh, Hanna, I’ve just finished playing catch up with some of your recent posts, and everything is just wonderful! The mini quilts you have in your shop for Valentines Day are gorgeous and your heart doodles, too… And omigosh, your collages just continue to inspire! So I just thought I’d pop in to say, “You are amazing and have some yummy talent!”
    xox :)

  9963. hi hanna,
    so romantic!
    i am catching up after about a month of computer problems, but i am creating every day & now posting all my previous pages.

  9964. That’s so nice of your Dad to send those beautiful flowers! My sister and I were on the phone this morning, remembering how our father used to surprise us with heart-shaped boxes of chocolate candy each Valentine’s day and a big box of chocolate truffle’s for our mother. He was such a sweetie! Thanks for sharing your treats, Hanna!

  9965. Hey. One thing I’ve learned from 27 years of partnership is that there are some years that you just don’t have lots of hearts and flowers!

    But happiness and creativity is always ready. We choose happiness and creativity!


  9966. These are so pretty. I was totally in the Valentine’s collage mood this year and made a bunch. Most have been on my blog, and I am going to make more because every day is heart day. I love that you are so disciplined in documenting this project. I’m loving it, too. Collage is a revelation to me, after all these years of arting!

    Love all the whites in these collages, too, Hanna!

  9967. I am married, but getting divorced, we still live together, because of money problems, I want to get away asap, and even though valentines day is just another day, I feel so alone,I am such a romantic person, alll thoughts of love and fairy tails are gone, love your parents, they are wonderful so were mine,you can depend on them, they will love you unconditionally, they both died 6 and 7 yrs ago, and I have missed them everyday since.
    thanks for letting me vent, sharon mallory

  9968. Your organic heart doodle is so pretty, free and wonderful! Please would you tell me what size page your heart doodle is on? I’m going to investigate “#365 in 2013” and see if I can be brave enough & free enough to put something on paper. I do believe there is ART in everyone, even me…I just have a really hard time allowing it to come out of me. I’ve been making a few Zentangles lately. I mostly knit…I actually knit every day, but it’s not the same as freely putting colors onto paper!

    I’m in the US in central Pennsylvania. I like rubber stamps and intend to make cards and just make my own pictures with them, but mostly I have a collection of rubber stamps, many of which are still in the mailing boxes or envelopes they came in, although I have looked at them & held them with love and hope in my heart for art with them. I don’t have a blog or anything on-line. Thanks for sharing your talents!

    m carolyn willisford

  9969. I ADORE those scissors! Glad you’re journaling again. I haven’t done any journaling for about a month, but I have been busy doing other stuff.

  9970. Hi Hanna — I so love your blog! Quick question: I am having trouble locating those artist water color blocks (Winsor & Newton) you used on a previous entry.You talked about oxide of chromium and green olive, etc. I can’t even find them on Google! Any info you can give me would sure be appreciated. Your art is inspiring me to get back into making art.

    • Hi Lynn, thanks for your kind words. Windsor and Newton has a large colour chart of watercolours and a list of nearest retailers on their site. I think you could ask for Artist Water Colour Half pans in any artist shop! I hope that helps!

  9971. Oh, these pages are sweet & delightful… simply adore a “peek” into your journals. :]
    The scissors are awesome too!!

  9972. These are all wonderful hearts! My favorites are the first one – the blue with pink heart on the blue tag, and the last one – the pink wool heart with sequins that hangs on your wall. I hope the hearts bring good thoughts to you!


  9973. I read you all the time but rarely comment (it’s all so time consuming, isn’t it?), but I felt compelled to tell you how truly adorable these are! I love the randomness of making a big piece and then cutting it up – without looking/planning no less! Really a bright, fun, energetic project idea to start my monday morning! Thanks for all the inspiration.

    I did work on my 365 collages this weekend and am pleased with some of the ones that showed up….. (thanks for that inspiration push too!)

  9974. I love these so much Hanna! Honestly, they’re just so cool. I think the randomness is what most draws me in. So unplanned; so imperfect. That makes them amazing. Thanks for sharing! :)

  9975. very happy bright & colourful……..brightens a grey day! lots of rain here.
    i like the random idea too, the unexpected can be pleasing to the eye.

  9976. I love the surprises that come from cutting up a larger piece. I do the same thing – measure and cut from the back so that I don’t overthink it and never quite know what I’ll get. Your cards are wonderful!

  9977. I bought this book a few months ago and avidly read it cover to cover. I too found lots of good information and enjoyed the ideas in the prompts. Then, put it aside and totally forgot it! Thanks for the reminder.

  9978. I recently got this book, too, Hanna, and just love every bit of it myself. I toss my collage bits and scraps into a big deep drawer, and just sift through it prior to a project, taking out what strikes me and deciding how to use the pieces once I have them all together. I LOVE the process!

  9979. I’ve done postcards this way…turning the paper over and cutting the postcards from the back. What fun serendipity! I love your ATCs…gorgeous colors, fun designs, wonderful overall effect!

  9980. This is one of my favorite books! I have a big box of “stuff” too I throw interesting bits of daily flotsam into and that I shift through when I begin a new collage :-)

  9981. All of your collages are lovely! The colors are so soft and peaceful. It’s hard to pick a favorite but I really enjoy the beautiful energy of “Starstruck.” The layering and composition make it feel as if a waterfall of stars flows from the work to fall into my hands. It’s really quite magical :-)

  9982. I love “table of me” – I like the smeared paint circles you added. I love that the word content can mean both the table of contents pictured, but also mean happy and satisfied. plus I just love orange as an accent.

  9983. Letter from the Stars is my favorite, I think probably because of the contrast that creates interest, but they’re all wonderful!

  9984. I really like ‘A Gathering’, I love the juxtaposition of the simple drawn circle with the intricate fabric. Gorgeous work.

  9985. Thanks for the tip, this seems an interesting book.
    And it’s funny, I immediately recognized the woman on the collage at page 40: I also used her in one of my own collages, but there she’s still holding her hand next to her mouth (shouting). We fish in the same picture pond apparently.

  9986. They are calming to look at! Great job. Letter from the Stars is my favorite, and Pale in Comparison a close second; guess that i like them for their simplicity and also the hole paper they have in the center.

  9987. Oooh, this makes me crave to empty my scrap boxes (although they may be BIG scraps in there)…. and then I’ll think of a collage to make with them!

  9988. “All collage artist are avid collector of the things that nobody else wants. Others paper garbage is what makes a collage artist smile and reach out to snap it up ”

    ^I love that statement :) I don’t do collage too often, but I like to make notebooks out of recycled things… People look at me funny when I ask them for their old cereal boxes or junk mail envelopes- but I love making pretty things out of what most people would consider rubbish :)

  9989. I think it looks fabulous! I would glue it down like that but no spaces. Hmm wondering if I have enough scraps to try. I tend to be ruthless and toss.

  9990. What a great accent piece, might even look neat framed on a wall. But as much as I love book art, I can never bring myself to cut up books!

  9991. I love your scraps!
    I am going to make a post for the Dani Peuss Design Team Mixed Media Monday (OMG, what a word!) on collage and would like to know if you allow me to link up to your blog…thanks for sending me a short OK by mail.
    Have a great and creative start in the weekend! – Irma

  9992. I collect tiny bits of fabric like you do with your bits of paper, eh eh! :)
    I like what I see in the first photo, expecially the penguin, your portrait and the little pink heart.

  9993. Agree! How could you shred all those precious treasures? I know I can’t! But I still struggle with collages :(

  9994. This is a great post for me to read because sometimes I wonder why I collect all this stuff, why I love it so much, and why it’s not better organized!

  9995. looks that I’m a collage artist too ; ) actually I started sort of collage book last year, so I collected large pile of newspapers, illustrated books, leaflets etc. during the holidays I “organized” all my paper stuff in 3 smaller piles and put them in big cardboard envelopes. they are waiting for “better” times now.

  9996. Somehow your blogpost made it ‘click’ in my head… I know what I will do this weekend: Sorting for inspiration!!! Thank you Hanna… the piles and boxes filled with ‘stuff’ suddenly are not annoying anymore but full of potential! I’m looking forward to my weekend now, and hope you have a great weekend too.

  9997. Love the cream. They are all so lovely! My fav is the gathering because of the circles and it seems to be pulling me to the surface and back under in a very nice way

  9998. I think this is my favourite week of collages yet! I am definitely a fan of the more muted colours, such as cream – they have such a simple, understated look about them that I really like. I think that by using more muted colours, you draw attention to things like texture and pattern instead. I think my favourites would have to be “Letter from the Stars” and “Starstruck”, because I love the gold stars and the postmarks in “Letter”. But I also really like “Pale in Comparison” for the contrast of the graph paper and the circles, and “In Silence I Sing” for the unexpected pop of green colour. I really do love all of these collages!

  9999. I want to come !!!!
    And I want your mom’s amazing t-shirt !

    How wonderful to share creative time with your Mom, Hanna ! Such a treat !

  10000. Hanna, I love your article. Fifteen years ago, when I had to move across the USA, we had too many magazines to pay movers to move so I started cutting out interesting things from the magazines before throwing them in the recycle bin. My husband wanted to send a birthday card to his granddaughter with ransom note lettering which of course, I was able to furnish right away. And it just kept going! I went through three big file boxes full of magazines in about a month and then looked forward to mail delivery so I could cut stuff out of junkmail. I started making collages by color families and sorted my finds in clear plastic paper protectors. Today I still love collecting “collagerie” and have about ten big office sized file boxes full of my collections organized by color. I actually have flat shallow drawers with compartments for each letter of the alphabet so I can make cards easily. Words I have organized also by color in inexpensive photo albums with sticky backing and clear covers on each page. I am never bored and look forward to each day with all the possibilities I now have for being creative and eco conscious as well. It’s a win win situation. I am amazed by the beauty of my collections even just lying on the table in piles. Don’t know what my heirs will do with all this but I don’t worry….I’m happy and I think they are happy for me. I’m not a needy mom or grandmother.

  10001. This is so inspiring to hear of your incredibly rich time spent with your Mom!!!! I would love to come!!! My Mom passed almost 5 years ago and miss her dearly. Continue to enjoy your Crafternoons with all their richnesses. Pass the Semla please :o)

  10002. Wonderful collages. “A gathering”and “a table of me” are my favorites for the use of colors and “minimal”composition.

  10003. I love A Gathering! Those stark white and black circles are perfection. The creams in all of these are fantastic though. I’m so excited to be fully caught up today for the first time. Your scrap pieces post inspired five of my collages this week! Thanks so much for the inspiration!! xx

  10004. Thanks for sharing this.
    It makes me really happy to see that there are other human beings ticking like me. Because sometimes I think I am a bit mad collecting all these tiny little scraps of paper which others just trow in the bin. And then I look at them and think: they are mine and they are all so nice. (mad – as I suggest!)
    Love to read about your “madness”.
    Have a creativ day!

  10005. Hi, Hanna. I enjoy reading your posts with the lovely photography. And you manage to make all those bits of paper into something magical, yet ephemeral. However, I’ll let you play with the paper, and instead, I’ll consider my sack of fabric scraps. Lots of possibilities there!
    best, nadia

  10006. Only just found this post Hanna, but love the idea. Especially the notion of doing 7 a week. I have done Project 365 – taking photos – for three years now. I sometimes really struggle on busy days especially when the light is dull and there are no photo opportunities that inspire me. Taking 7 a week rather than one a day is a brilliant idea! I may also think about other creative challenges, like your colleges. Thank you for the inspiration!

  10007. What dimensions are the squares and what kind of paper are you using?? You inspire me SO MUCH!!!

    • Thanks Lynn, so glad I inspire you! :-)

      My collages are about 12 x 12 cm, which is 4.7″ x 4.7″. Sometimes I use watercolour paper as canvas, but right now I’m using cut up cardstock, recycled from printed posters that I didn’t want to keep. Anything that is sturdy enough goes.

    • Mary, I got the box in a shop in Stockholm called Granit. The box is about 12×20 centimeter I guess. Perfect for my collage size this year! :-)

  10008. love the heart photos – I am always on the lookout for hearts . . . and usually post them during February. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10009. Your storage looks so pretty – mine on the other hand is just a random box, undecorated at this point because I don’t know if it’s going to be big enough to hold all 365. I can see the advantage of using only one size is that the storage is easy and the whole stack is attractive. My random sizes and shapes offer lots of variety, but aren’t nearly as pretty to look at. Plus, I occasionally send out a collage as mail art so I’ve started adding a slip of paper to remind me of that. I’m so glad you came up with this idea – I’m having a blast!

  10010. I have to say they are all lovely but I love “A gathering”. I find that I really gravitate to artwork that has a lot of white space.

  10011. That is a perfect box. Just looking at it is inspiring me to pick up my scissors and miscellaneous paper goodies. I love little peeks into other people’s worlds. Thanks for sharing.

    • Eva-Britt, tack!
      Fr det mesta tillverkar jag fickor och hrn sjlv, men just det dr r nog kpt p typ Svanstrms skulle jag tro. De har tidigare haft en del olika varianter av visitkortsfickor etc. Prova dr. :-)

  10012. Love the yarn. It turned out well, it looks very soft and warm. I am currently knitting my father a hat in the round, though still at the early stages when I wonder if I will ever finish it!

  10013. nice knitted cap. i’ve been trying to crochet a hat, but forgot more then i can remember about crochet so had to buy a easy beginner book to refresh my mind.

  10014. How lovely ist that? Yes, I love that hat! The pattern is probably in swedish, isn’t it?
    Have a great start in the weekend! – irma

    • Irma, thank you for your comment! Yes, the pattern is in Swedish, sorry. But do a search on – there are a gazillion cap and hat patterns out there for similar berets! :-)

  10015. I’m always thinking about the format of my journals, and as opposed to you, I really don’t like spiral notebooks, because I can never flip the pages properly! I normally use my own stitched notebooks, or store bought ones, or altered books. I’m always thinking about loose pages, because I, too, read about people using them all the time, but somehow I think I still need the “notebook” framework, can’t really say why. Maybe sometime…:-)

    • Hagit, thanks for the input. I didn’t push to try loose pages, it just “came to me” as inspiration and then I really liked it. You shouldn’t do things just because others do it – but to push yourself out of your comfort zone out of curiosity is good. To try new things is really really good for creativity. :-)

  10016. You forgot to mention how easy it is to machine-stitch on loose pages – I am always at war with my book + sewing machine. My first ‘chronicles’ was made on loose pages and I want to go back to that some day, problem is, I just LOVE to bind books and to have a ‘book’ to work in.

    • Marit, yes you’vet got a good point there. Machine stitching on paper is super fun! When I made a travel journal I did a lot of that on the pages pre-binding and finishing the pages, so when you make your own books you can always stitch on the pages before binding them – or stitch bits of this and that that you then glue into the journal, right? :-)

  10017. I also just began a loose paper journal. But I put the papers in a binder (A5) because I missed the idea of having a real journal. I like to browse it!
    For me it’s also a good way to work in the past if I want.
    The thing I stil have to find out is : will I leave my papers in a two hole binder or will I bind them with my O-wire (but I think they are to small), maybe I have to buy a zutter. Ideas are welcome!

    • Sophie, if you’re happy with storing them in a binder I think you could keep it like that because it’s so easy and quick (and art journaling shouldn’t be complicated). But you could also sew them together in all kinds of way and add a hardcover later when you have enough pages for a book. Fun that you’re experimenting!

  10018. Your pages are fun and beautiful! I love this idea, but I know I will work both sides of the page and bind them later…maybe leave a slight margin at the edge…thinking, thinking, thinking…

    • Thanks for your kind comment Barbara! I love working on both sides and always plan for where the margin will go (no writing near that edge), but also enjoy that I can fill the whole page with collage and know the spiral binding will go on top of that. No blank page showing (and I love that!). :-)

      Idea: keep a whole punched page separate and use it as a guide when filling the pages, in that way you know where the margins will go and how much space it will use up.

  10019. It’s also easier to gelli print on loose pages! Personally I feel more confident using loose pages, a bound book still intimidates me.

    • Kaz, I use a lot of papers in my journals. In the bound books I glue background pages in, so that could work for gelli prints to, right?

      Do you bind your loose pages later or keep them “on the loose”?

  10020. Wow, vilken lista! Jag nskar jag hade s dr mnga inspirerande saker p min mars-lista, men tyvrr str det bara renovering p den… Men sen nr mitt hobbyrum ntligen r klart, sen vill jag verkligen g igng med ett collage eller nt liknande!

    Du gr s inspirerande saker!

    • Tack Ninette, jag tror inte jag hinner igenom ens hlften av listan – men man fr ju drmma, eller hur? Och ett renoverat hobbyrum lter som en lovande och ljus framtid som du ocks kan fylla av drmlistor med kreativa experiement. :-)

  10021. This is lovely to see. I’ve just ordered a half-price Moleskine diary because I like sticking old receipts in it. It’s a retrospective journal rather than a forward-planning diary.

  10022. Your list for March is very inspiring! Yes, I’m a big list maker, too! One thing on my list for March is to make a purse-sized, pamphlet stitched notebook to carry with me always for list making, note taking, and doodling.

  10023. Om jag har! Konstaterade idag att det var lnge sedan, fr det r s kul! Speciellt om man kompletterar med frger och lite handbroderat.

  10024. We discovered the Semlor – and love them! I need to learn how to make them, so we don’t miss them too much once we move back…

  10025. I love free motion stitching!!
    You can see some of the projects I’ve done here and here!

    And this summer, when I was in England, I bought a beautiful small painting, with free motion stitched on it. I love it, and I love the idea of combining stitching on paper! You work here really reminded me of this piece I bought, although yours is on fabric. I can’t find any work by Tracey, the artist I bought it from, online, so I’ll have to take a pic and send it to you, I know you’ll like it :-)

  10026. I love how it looks, but I am terrible at it. Though I suspect my sewing machine may be possessed! Love your flowers. I have little control, so mostly do circles and squiggles.

  10027. Awesome flowers and doodles! I have tried some free motion patterns on a quilt I made, and I found if I lowered the feed dog thingys (the metal teeth that feed the fabric through under the sewing foot) I didn’t break needles and the fabric moved a lot easier!

  10028. I just discover how it works and I love it. Not free motion quilting – there I feel like a complete beginner but sewing works better. The first needle broke I think thats normal. I love your flowers and the colors.

  10029. Hanna. HANNA!!!!!

    sorry to holler, but Hanna, this is exactly what I went through this weekend. I am making a journal in Mary Ann Moss’s workshop, and also doing my 365 in 2013 project. And I had no idea 1) how many scraps and papers I have, and, 2) how to sort them out!! I now have three boxes filled with scraps and they aren’t in the original order I had intended to give them!!

    But, you are right… I love them all. SO fabulous! I love this collaging year. It is teaching me how much I really love scraps.

  10030. If only I could come visit. I would bring all my scraps. And my paints. Well, I might have to mail my paints first, because they won’t let me bring them on the plane without checking them. Then you and I and your mom and Smilla would all sit and craft and have some goodies I will bring from Trader Joe’s, and some Swedish goodies. And just think of how much wall art we will have!

  10031. I didn’t do my Scout themed found photos! What kind of found photo person am I?!

    These hearts are lovely. I like your self portrait.

  10032. My list for March is to create the journal for my upcoming vacation, and I’m using Mary Ann Moss’s workshop for doing it. The new things I will work on for this are:

    going back to look through all the papers I forgot I had (it’s been fun/frustrating!)
    sorting them with a thought to how I want the journal to look inside
    making pockets, which I’m very unfamiliar with doing!
    learning to do the binding she teaches in the workshop
    covering my journal by collaging on the front and back hard covers
    learning to make a habit of writing down events and feelings during my vacation days
    getting used to picking out ephemera to add to the journal or put in the pockets while I am on my vacation
    and most of all:

    learning to relax and not trying to be perfect! my travel journal will be a living thing, I hope, not something that doesn’t grow and change as time moves forward!

  10033. Hanna, I am so sorry I’m so late seeing what you’ve been up to!
    YES! I am working on loose pages since last fall! I am doing it with Bonnie of somepinkflowers, and you are so right! I pick out whatever I want to do it on, I change it up, some are not finished, some are big some are small. It is very freeing, and it’s also a great source of mystery as to what it will finally look like when I decide what order to put the pages in! Or, no order at all!

  10034. I just started doing that this year because I got tired of not finding the right book. I story my pages in a very artsy binder that I found but I may bind them later into a book, when the year is finished. I likle the freedom it gives me, but if I am completely honest, it doesn’t feel like a journal, it feels more like an art book. I hope to get used to it soon.

  10035. Love what you have done,Hanna!!! Ihave tried freehand machinequilting years ago but its very difficult

  10036. I love lists, Hanna…I thrive on them! Though sometimes I spend so much time making lists that I fail to apply myself to what is on them! I am a master of Lists as a Means of Procrastination. I love your ideas here; my “creative cravings” list would look quite similar.

  10037. Hanna, I just found your site via pinterest and see that we both have a love of notebooks. I just purchased my first moleskine sketchbook and just love love it.
    I looked at your boards and it seems we have much in common. I did pin some of your work.

  10038. Hanna, I love all of them but mostly “A Gathering” I love circles. I have Randle Plowman’s book and it is my collage bible.

  10039. I tried it for the first time last weekend and it absolutely sucked (there’s no better way to say it, haha). The underthread got all tangled, even though it looked fine on the right side of the fabric. I don’t know if I need more practice or if I’m doing something wrong. Anyway I decided to stick to a regular foot for the journal cover I was working on to save myself from throwing my machine out the window and plan a special session for figuring this free motion stuff out. Maybe check youtube and such to see where my mistake lies. I am determined to figure it all out somehow. ;-)

  10040. I would really like to participate again this year, but unfortunately I dont have the time. I have a art show coming up and I have to use all my spare time to prepare for that. Next year maybe :)

    • Too bad because I looove the postcard by you that is still hanging on my wall here by my side. Good luck with the exhibition painting!

  10041. I signed up today – woohoo! But, just to give you a heads up, our Paypal acct is in my husband’s name: purkeydan. If you can remember, send the follow up/sign up email to me, and I’ll alert Dan to watch his emails too. Looking forward to it.

  10042. Hmmm, I want to participate….but you’re not giving us much time to make cards!

    • Zoe, sorry you feel that! But from right now you have 4 weekends (or over 4 weeks depending on how you want to count) to make the cards… I’d think that is plenty of time to create a bunch of mail art… Start now – and sign up next week if you then have the feeling that you can make the deadline.

      Would love to have you!

      • Great minds think alike :) I’ve indeed already started and figured if I felt confident I could get them finished in time, I’ll sign up. I don’t want to be late or disappoint anybody!

  10043. yahoo, Ive signed up. Thanks Hanna, so looking forward to another swap. :) :) :)

  10044. Okay, anyone who doesn’t sign up for this is just silly.
    I get great art from your swaps.


    p.s. I’m making an extra one to send to Smilla. Please see that she lays down on it.

  10045. I’ve done it every year and I’m not stopping now! Thanks Hanna for maintaining a fun annual tradition of mail art… xx tj

  10046. I LOVE your post card swaps, have signed up and made the first one!
    So exciting! My 5 year old granddaughter gets almost as excited as me when the cards start to arrive. She would love to swap with another 5 – 7 year old somewhere in the world. If you know one, please get in touch with me via my blog. Thank you.

  10047. I like “Growing outwards” the most. But I do love all of the others as well, especially the first one, cause it has a collage element I think I sent you some time ago. I really do feel honored that you’ve used it :D

    I am waaay behind on the 365in2013 challenge, but am now working on my collage nr 20 and hope to be posting my recent collages for this challenge on my blog later today.

    Gotta get back to my glue-stick ;)


  10048. this sounds like fun, i might have to sign up! however, i have to say that it’s a shame that children are not allowed to participate. i was reading through and was thinking how much fun it would be to make postcards with my daughter (she’s 7), and how excited she would be to receive postcards in the mail in return, she absolutely loves getting mail.

    anyway, just wanted to say that i’m disappointed about children are not allowed. it still won’t deter me from signing up, as soon as i decide if i can spare the time and couple of dollars that is. :)

    • I think some participants was disappointed to get children’s drawings instead of “artsy cards” in previous year. I doubt it matters to most of us, but to some it did, sorry if you’re disappointed.

      I think there are plenty of swaps for kids that you could find, and it would me more “fair” to them too if they are swapping with their own age and on equal terms. But that’s my opinion. ;-) And just maybe, it could also be really exciting to see what your mom or dad gets in the mail if you’re a kid?

  10049. In a blue cupboard is my favorite. Partly just because I love the combination of brown and blue, but I also really like the layers of black doodles, and the fade to white at the top, and the repeating element of the circles. Another lovely bunch, all the way around.

  10050. I like High in Life and A Blue Bed Quilt best of this set. In High in Life I like the softness of the colors and the varied textures and the peek of the butterfly. In A Blue Bed Quilt I like the look and feel of the varied blues and the bold little mandalas as well as the analytical numbers. A good week and a good amount of progress. Thank you for inspiring us all, Hanna!

  10051. Hi Hanna ! Sorry about your computer catastrophe ! It is so hard when we are used to our tools and they fail us !
    Your collage project is awesome. You are always so committed and dedicated to your projects. I admire that a lot !
    My fav from this batch is In the Blue Cupboard. It reminds me of the winter I have been locked in until recently. The cupboard doors are now opening and spring is springing !
    Sending love and spring time hugs to you !

  10052. I am still struggling to get the “feel” of free motion stitching. But this post has renewed my enthusiasm to continue trying! What appeals to me so much here is that nothing has to be perfect or follow a prescribed design! This collection of designs is beautiful, flirty, joyful, heartfelt and sooooo inspiring! I can not wait to get back to practicing! Only this time i will be creatively playing while learning the rhythm and feel.

    YOU are awesome!

  10053. So sorry to hear about your laptop. I would be lost without “my baby”. Another great week of collages. In the Blue Cupboard is my favourite though. I love the colours, the composition…the whole darn thing!!

  10054. can one link photos from say facebook? since i don’t have a blog or other on-line sites…

  10055. Love your journal cover, Hanna! The texture is absolutely gorgeous, and that big sun on the back would cheer me up every time I looked at it. Very inspiring…

  10056. I love Old Love Never Rusts. The title itself is just fab, and I love the rosy cheeks you added onto the man’s face. :)

  10057. I paid the Paypal $6, but have not been directed to a sign in page!
    I have done a swap before, but am worried you will not have my address still?

    • Helly, the sign-up-page is in the end of this post too. But don’t worry you’re all signed up because your paypal told me your address! :-)

      Thanks for signing up!

  10058. spring kiss appeals to me ……..a romantic promise of things to come.
    i like that the lips are the focal point……..& since beginning this challenge i am taking more notice of green, using it more often , & feeling less afraid of it.
    you seem to get the right balance of colour when you use it.

  10059. Hi Hanna,
    I have just signed up for your DIY postcard swap – can’t wait to get going – and as I only have until 30 March to finish my postcards – I had better get cracking! I have mentioned you on my blog with a link, but would love to copy your button over – having a little trouble doing this – any instructions? Thanks Hanna

    • VonnieMay, to save this or any image on the internet you right click on the image and choose “save as…” and save it to your own computer. I usually save it temporary to my desktop. Then you can upload it to your own blog and link it to the sign up post when it’s in place there.

      Thanks for asking!

      Let me know if you need any additional help! :-)

      • Hi Hanna, Thanks for this, but I tried that and it only gives me the link to the page. I actually need the code that sits behind the button image. That’s just how it seems to work when you use blogger and how I have done it with the other buttons on my site. Don’t worry if you are unable to send it, I will try some other way.

        On another note, I notice you are from Sweden? My husband is over there at the moment having a ball! I love Sweden and have been there a number of times, you are lucky to live in such a beautiful country. Enjoy the snow! Cheers

  10060. I don’t speak very well English (I try)

    For me the better is “shards of the universe” I love the selection of colors, and this
    collage gives to me the dream…

  10061. Hi Hanna,
    I made my PayPal fee but did not get redirected to the sign up. Help!

    • The link “continue to merchant” (or something like that) at the bottom takes you to the sign up page.

  10062. I had so much fun creating my cards – can’t wait to send them out and to receive some in return. I used old christmas cards for mine – keeping with the sustainability theme! My blog shows a bit of the process I used – but not the finished cards…..that’s a surprise for those receiving them. Thanks for the fun Hanna!

  10063. your collages always make me so happy! so full of color and life. (I hope you bring a few of them to Glue it Tuesday :))

  10064. Hanna I am doing collaged postcards today! I’m going to watch this video now but I wanted to tell you I love your list. And wasn’t the TED talk amazing? Should be required viewing!
    Have a lovely day. Aloha!

  10065. This is beautiful and inspirational! Thank you! Now I’m gathering ideas for my own planner ;)

  10066. I so love seeing your collages on Flickr…collage is my first love. You color are GORGEOUS…really fun too.
    I also noticed that you must have similar weather to us, here in Minnesota, where we have gotten cold again just as we had a brief glimpse of spring.

  10067. I’m so glad that I now know someone who feels the very same way I do about UHU glue. I can go without a lot of things but not a glue stick. Such beautiful work here…glad you posted them!

  10068. Such a wonderful idea! Not sure I have time to participate this year but will spread/tweet the word! I’ll make a blog post about it in a couple of days.

    • Charlotta, thanks for both the tweet and the post you wrote about the swap. I really really appreciate that! Hope you can join too.

  10069. My favorites are ‘Iced Cake’, because of the pinks, the lace and the vintage text, ‘Aunt Flora Visiting’, because of the pinks, the lace, and the paper bag look, and ‘Notice This’ because of the flowers, the vintage text and the striped tape. I love your collages! <3

  10070. I absolutely adore “Notice This!” It has a lovely vintage feel but with a modern look. The tapes you used in this piece are divine! Keep up the fabulous work! You rock!

  10071. I knew you’d rock Glue it Tuesday… because you do it every single day! You have such a fabulous way with collage!

  10072. I think my favorite is the “paper walls”. I like the movement and color. It’s very soothing too. Usually, I use some story on my journal pages. Will need to find out more about your postcard swap! {:-Deb

  10073. Aww I wish the deadline was further away. I will be on vacation until March 31st – maybe next time!

  10074. I like the 1st one because of the brightly colored text pieces and I like #5, Notice This, because of the grid pattern. The 4 main sections just seem to be balanced so nicely. And I love Uhu glue also but our local craft store has stopped selling it and I can’t find it anywhere else. Guess I better start checking online.

  10075. I love the one at the top! The red, orange and pink together are so fun. I’m a Uhu fan too. I love the big fat gluestick. I’m so impressed by your commitment to this project!

  10076. I love the first one! The bright, vibrant colors made me smile the moment I saw it!

  10077. Mmm, they’re all lovely. But “iced cake” is my fave – all that dotty wonderfulness and those colors. Delicious.

    I totally get your glue stick “security issue”. I once found a 24-pack of UHU at a super sale at my office supply store. I was in heaven and felt so abundant. LOL.

  10078. All your collages are always so beautiful & so exactly ‘right’ , as they should be. They make me feel happy & inspired. My faves? The bright ones, definitely, like Starting over and Pattern at Play. Thks for sharing :)

  10079. I love all of them but most of all “aunt flora”. I love faces and numbers and roses and yarns and the colours… Thank you so much for your inspiritation. You are brightening up my life.
    Big hug from switzerland, regula (taking part in your postcard swap, can’t wait for it…)

  10080. They love these Hanna! I often use this technique when I make backgrounds for ATCs and it is so fun because you never quite know what you are going to get. I think I will add more to them now so they can stand on their own.

  10081. hi im trying to figure out where you found or can get a role of dots i see in the 3 photo theres a roll of dots looks metal where can i get some of that im an aerosol artist and im in need of that

  10082. Love the colors in your first collage! UHU is my absolute favorite glue stick, and it is getting harder and harder to find. I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t use it; they should sell it everywhere!

  10083. “Send” is my favorite! I have tried this technique, too, but I was much more tentative in my color choice. I think I will have to spice it up! Thanks for the additional inspiration!

  10084. When I saw Aimee was starting Glue it Tuesday, I thought of you and how perfect it would be! I’ve really been enjoying your collages all along. I think this week my favorite is the second from the top. That darker purple in the center is one of my favorite colors, so that plus the dots below, and I’m in heaven!

  10085. Oh this is such a great idea!! I have so many magazines with mainly words (I have cut out and used all the good images already haha). I can’t bring myself to throw them away, and now I don’t have to! I think my favourite one is the last one, I love the mix of pink+red. As always, thank you for the inspiration :) xx

  10086. Oh man Tammy’s urban layer cake looks awesome. Think I will be doing one of those this week :)

    Not sure if you are into list making but I discovered Mooreaseal is doing a neat project called 52 lists . I will be playing catch up next week. I love me a good list :)

    • Rhiannon, glad you enjoyed the links! And thanks for the 52-link! I love list making and have posted a lot about how wonderful it is to keep lists. I am doing the 52 lists already, and just mentioned it in weekly inspirations last week!


  10087. Okay I wasn’t going to sign up for your postcard swap this time around but you sucked me in with this technique! I signed up and spent a fun afternoon creating many more than 10 postcards! Now I just have to figure out who to mail them all to! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  10088. I’m going to try typography AND black and white because you are always inspiring me to push the envelope creatively (but I still love color, especially pink, and have to admit that “Typography Travels” is my favorite!)

  10089. Love the typography edition!! I’ve been working in black and white this week too but had to include a bit of colour here and there. We’re just not people who can live without colour… Fabulous job on all of them!

  10090. I love your typography collages, Hanna! I think my favourite is “It’s a Typo”, which blends typography with bits of graph paper, since graph paper is also one of my favourite things to use in collages and journal pages. I like how the typography collages blend words together and make new words and phrases appear.

  10091. Loving your collages. I love the first one, the colours are very joy-filled. And I love the composition and use of handpainted paper.

  10092. oh your collages are just amazing! You are right about the gluesticks….of course I don’t do that and ended up having to mix a little glue and water then apply with a brush…works well but messy! GREAT work.
    I like your Aunt Flora collage best, but they are all so good!

  10093. I love your postcards! I was too nervous to sign up for the swap but maybe I will post a few of my postcards in the linky. :)

    • Susan, oh too bad that you didn’t sign up!
      Your postcards are great and would have been perfect for this kind of swap. Maybe next time? :-)

  10094. I wish I travelled more to have an excuse to send postcards home to modify. With this, I could send postcards to my husband while he’s travelling just to say “hi”

  10095. I signed up for the first time! I have already started making my cards and I can’t wait to get my list of names. I am looking forward to seeing what everyone else is doing and to receiving cards in the mail as well. Cheers to seeing great art and making new friends!

  10096. They are lovely –
    Do we have to send them in an envelope?


    • Sophie, so glad you signed up again and like my cards. Thanks! You don’t need to put your cards in an envelope if you don’t want to. I won’t. I’m taking my chances with the post handling. :-)

      Take care!

  10097. RUNOLIST! where did you get that? : DDDD

    i like your scrap book. and the names you gave to your works.

  10098. I love it.
    I like the idea – it’s not a new one but one to be reminded at again and again.
    And I just love the small collages you made out of your scraps.

  10099. I love that you show your process, it makes your collage even more special. Awesome collages!

    Happy Glue-it Tuesday to you as well : )

  10100. I love this idea! I have such a collection of little bits that I can’t bear to toss great idea!
    And I really love seeing what you’ve come up each day, really brightens my day! Hugs from the States!

  10101. What a wonderful idea. Collage has always been my favourite media and this idea appeals to me a lot. Thanks

    I am supposed to doing my embroidery course work so why am I messing in my sketchbook. I have collaged some pins to the page though and made them into flowers heehee…

  10102. These are so lovely, Hanna! As usual, your art is full of yummy color and lots of playfulness. Thank you for sharing and for hosting the swap again!

    • Thanks for your kind comment!
      Your mail art is so bright and pretty too, loved the empowering cards you made.

  10103. You should definitely be proud of these – they’re all gorgeous. I love the painted bases – sometimes you can’t tell where the paint stops and the collaging begins. Fabulous springy cards!

  10104. I love this idea too – you’ve taken your simplicity or inspiration notebook (which I still use that idea all the time – I’m on my second notebook) and made it even simpler yet just as striking. Simple is definitely gorgeous…..I’m ready to try it on a few of my 365 collages….

  10105. Definitely a great idea to use a scrap notebook to get the juices flowing…and to have a place to admire favorite scraps! Thanks for sharing your pages for Glue It Tuesday.

  10106. I have a box of left-over scraps too. I’m so glad we have Glue it Tuesday, where I can use them all. Pretty yellow round – reminds me of a paper Japanese drink umbrella! {:-Deb

  10107. Love this idea, thanks once again for the inspiration! I hope it’s ok, I am going to mention this post on my next blog post.

  10108. They are beautiful! Thanks for hosting the swap. It is fun to get mail that others have created!

  10109. Hi Hanna….collage is my favorite medium….I love paper and glue! I love all your little collages…simple but very effective! Maybe next week I won’t forget about “Glue It Tuesday.” I couldn’t participate in the postcard swap this time…maybe next time.
    Happy gluing!

  10110. I have a friend who really wants to join the postcard swap but I suppose it is too late. If you have any other “late comers” please let me know. Thank you!!!!!!!!!

  10111. Love your collages and love the idea of a scrap notebook. I tend to keep some postcard-size stock on hand and when I’m finished working on a larger collage I paste all the leftover bits on. It’s fun to see what turns up.

  10112. So sad I didn’t find you earlier! Fantastic idea. Would love to partner with you and promote, participate next time on our site were we love postcards (and any creative letter writing experience).

  10113. I LOVE your minimalistic collages – gorgeous! Happy ‘gluing on tuesday’ – although it’s already Wednesday ;)

  10114. Perfect! I love working in small journals, you can tuck them into your bag, in the glove box of the car and even in your pocket. :)

  10115. I love this! I, too, have a spiral bound scrap book but instead of making little mini collages, I cover the entire page in my extra scraps. I like your idea much better and will give it a try! Thank you as always for the inspiration!

  10116. Hanna, Your pages always make me smile and show the joy and simplicity of cutting + pasting. I find your minimalistic collages quite intriguing!

  10117. i am enjoying seeing your collage project develop. they are all so fun and would make adorable fabric, don’t you think? i am always inspired, but alas…i just don’t have the time right now

  10118. Love the idea of amini collage notebook and the minimalist approach. I tend to fill the page.
    Such lovely collages all of them!

  10119. I so enjoy looking at all your collages. I keep reminding myself that I could be doing this also! No lack of supplies just the time and willingness. Thanks for sharing yours. My favorite this week is “Sustainable.”
    Aloha, Kate

  10120. I love all the collages Hanna but the Big Bang really blew me away! Stunning!!! My all time favorite! happy Easter dear!

  10121. I just came to add my link and saw you added my one from last week. Thank you!! :) This has been so much fun, I am looking forward to looking through and seeing what everyone did.

  10122. I have been thinking of ways to “use” the scraps of papers, wrapping things, etc. Thanks for sharing this! Definitely going to give it a try :D

  10123. I love these! Very minimal and yet, all the breathing room allows the individual papers speak volumes. I should keep a book like that on my work table as well. I’m constantly picking up those tiny bits and bobs and can never bring myself to throw anything away. All those paper go into a drawer that is specific for tiny scraps. I could probably fill tons of books this way.
    Thanks for the inspiration.

  10124. Love the idea of mini simple collages. No pressure just exploring and warming up. Sounds perfect for little snippets of time as well!! :) I have a little notebook that has not been started yet… :)

  10125. I mailed my cards to international recipients today, and will mail the U.S. recipients tomorrow. The cards are from my Material Whirl project, which was supposed to be a one-per-day project, but now is just a “whenever” project. On my blog, start here, and move ahead through the next 9 entries, and you will see all 10 cards that I have sent out. I hope you will also take time to look at others, and feel free to leave comments!

  10126. The idea of turning the larger sheet over and cutting it into smaller pieces without looking is fascinating — I love it! What a clever way to make your smaller collages!

  10127. I have been living in Australia for the past 20 years. Growing up in Denmark, wee used to decorate Easter trees as well and I ad completely forgotten about that lovely tradition. Thank you so much for brining back that memory – your trees are beautiful.

  10128. Hanna, I finished sewing my postcards this week, and I posted them on my blog at 2013 diy postcard swap. I love this type of project where I can do a few at a time and it adds up to a big stack of happiness. Thank you for facilitating this swap, a fun one!

    I adore your postcards, Hanna! And the rounded edges are so elegant. You have a magical sense of color and composition!!!

  10129. This is lovely. I do the same thing with pussy willows. This year I hung Mardi Gras beads.

  10130. I love how you deal with things you don’t like and turn them into those you do like. It’s wonderful. These colors are so bright and happy for Spring, too!

  10131. These postcards are going to make the recipients very happy! I love your collage technique because it *looks* effortless and I know it’s not. I can see the postal service all along the way smiling when they look at these!

  10132. Ohhhh, rounded corners! Excellent idea–and just beautiful close-ups, too, so we can get a good look at the details. Thanks, iHanna for this wonderful swap.

  10133. After reading about your collage technique, I experimented. I made a tinted background by covering the page randomly with a couple colors of water soluble pastels and smeared the colors around with gesso on a tissue. The simplicity of the collage looked well against the colored page.

  10134. I love the little chickens you put at the bottom of the vase! How did you make them?

  10135. I’m not much of a tree ‘decorator’ but I might put some branches in a vase too – can’t wait to see it blossom and finally see Spring come in… it takes (too) long this year! Happy Easter to you Hanna!

  10136. Absolutely! Yes! There are Easter trees in my house!!! Three of them! But I keep forgetting about feathers!!!

    Love this post so much. Thank you for sharing your Easter trees Hanna. You brought me smiles!

  10137. Thank you for organizing this swap iHanna, it’s always a pleasure to participate and to see what others have done!

  10138. Hanna!
    I didn’t have the candy-filled Easter I’m accustomed to, but these photos are amazing eye-candy, and sweet to boot!

    My collage stack is getting to look almost this big, but I keep sending out a collage here and there!

  10139. oh, wow. We have some old doilies. They are tatted, but they would be great as texture around something festive. Another great idea!

  10140. Oh, I love that third one! the green. And I love the Stockholm one!

    I’ll take all of them, actually.

  10141. I like the idea of using multiple images for your desktop. I tend to blow up one big inspiring image, but I think I may give your way a try!

  10142. Hello Hanna
    What a treat to see… such a delightful collection of collage work, painted book-pages, and Easter treasures.
    Thank you for sharing. Always inspiring!! :]

  10143. I like Iced Cake – feels spring like in a brown and gray world where I am . I also like Paper walls it reminds me of my house somehow- which is 191 years old. Realistically it is hard to say what i like because they are all very lovely. Glue on and have an Arty day!

  10144. This swap is a fantastic project that I have really enjoyed. This was my first time doing it! I’m curious to know if anyone else has swaps going on. I just really got into art journaling and I am just fascinated by all the inspiration and the ability to just go with it.

  10145. I came back here from Aimee’s glue-it Tuesday and now I love Funny Bunny the best. HA!

    Time to go to colourlovers and visit. I still don’t know how to make a pattern. The functions just confuse me…

  10146. I found your photo on an image search for spine bookmarks, and love this idea. I’d like to include it on a post I’m doing on spine bookmarks with your permission. You can check out my blogs and let me know. It will be on Tutorials and Patterns, with a photo and brief description, and then a link back to your blog post. I’m looking forward to hearing back from you.

    • Hi Marti, I appreciate you asking but prefer that my photos stay on my own blog. You’re welcome to link to the post and/or my blog and describe the project. Thanks!

  10147. beautiful, beautiful photos! i love the vibrancy of the colors, especially the greens, yellows, and pinks. thank you for sharing!

  10148. I enjoyed watching this video so much and I hope to see more in the near future. I would especially enjoy videos of you working on a collage an just watching you generally play in your art journal. Please post more soon!

  10149. Loved participating for the first time. Have shared a few pics on Instagram @rikkevisse. :) Rikke

  10150. I really like “Let’s Roll the Ball”! I’ve been looking through “The Collage Workbook” by Randel Plowman and it reminds me of some of his work while still being very much Hanna! Thanks for the recommendation on the book by the way, I’m loving it!

  10151. Oh, they’re all great. Favourites: April 1st, Follow the Air Stream, Lets roll the ball.

    Great work!

  10152. Vilken hrlig hrna verst med en massa skapande samlat. nskar att jag hann gra mer sdant ocks. Har iaf brjat frbereda en gammal bok fr art journaling. Fr se nr jag kommer igng. ..

  10153. Thank you for organizing and hosting the swap Hanna! It was a fun and creative challenge.

  10154. thanks so much for all your hard work organizing this swap Hanna – I have had so much fun!! Sent off my postcards (a day or two late – oops – sorry) and today I recieved my first couple of cards!!

  10155. my journal has Hawaii in it, but besides that, I just got lots of new decorative tape! I love it a lot. It was on sale and it’s just as beautiful as when it’s not on sale!

  10156. I could watch videos like that all the time, really relaxing. You are so talented.
    Think I might get my paint box out.

  10157. Love your colors. So springy. And I never thought about using tape as my background. It looks fantastic. Great idea.

  10158. What a fabulous idea! So often these little scraps are quite the gems! Great inspiration!

    • Ha, yes indeed tape from Tiger! Copenhagen have so many cute shops – and I looove how cheap everything is there!

  10159. Love all the bright, happy colors in your photographs, Hanna! That’s one of the things that first attracted me to your site – your photos and color palate always make me smile! Can’t wait to see what you create with your paper and new tapes! What fun!

  10160. Thank you for visiting btw:)

    Your atc is so pretty – love the colours and stitching.

    Hope you get some gorgeous Spring weather soon!

    Karen x

  10161. Hanna, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for collaborating on so many projects and ideas over the years. You are definitely one blogger who believes in sharing link love and you share constantly and generously every day. And thank you for joining in the MISSION to share the love.

  10162. lovely idea! I am one that fills the page to the brim and then….maybe a little more if I possibly can. my journal does not close all the way. But I to, love others that have a leave the white space, those that let your mind wander in between the images. I also…have a.l.o.t. of little scraps (can we say hoarder of paper?) this is perfect! thanks hanna!!! I am so glad I was sent over here from Daisy yellow…your work is great!!!

  10163. These are so inspiring! I love the one with the heart illustration. Actually I love all of them.

  10164. I have been drawn to more journaling and bits of color and ephemera over “pretty” pages as well lately. More a documentation of life happenings, quotes etc in my journal. The stuff of everyday.

  10165. Thanks for the review Hanna. I’ve wishlisted this book :)

  10166. It’s always hard to pick a favorite of these. But I love the re-cycle everything. We recycle a lot and my kids are always digging thru the recycle bin for their projects.

  10167. My faves? Small Gifts and Letters from Sweden – I like their composition and use of color. I like the simplicity of solid colors used in Small Gifts but then anchored by images – very cool idea. Then Letters has all that great pink and orange and I like how the images move my eye through the piece. Thanks so much for the inspiration for this project – I’m loving working on my collages too and find new ways to combine color and paper and other ingredients each week. Brilliant!

  10168. I need to invent new adjectives to describe your collages! Stunning, beautiful, fantastic — those words aren’t nearly good enough!

  10169. My favorite, though I love them all, is Transformation. I’m drawn to the color and subject matter as well as the difference between large and small pattern. Just overall gorgeous!

  10170. My favourite this week is definitely “Re-cycle it ALL” – love that big happy rainbow circle. I also like “Prioritaire”, probably because of the flowers and the slightly more muted colours.

  10171. I love your collages Hanna – they are your ‘thing’ for sure!

    I am happy to have one of them up on my wall :)

    Karen x

  10172. ‘Transformation’ has some beautiful (painted) details but I like ‘reCYCLE it ALL’ the most… I think it is because of the cycle/circles… I’m still into circles/dots – for a few months already… (but my collage is all about squares/grid today, ha!)

  10173. I like the Picasso because I like the colors and the pic in it. Love your collage!!!!

  10174. I like a few for different reasons… But there is one theme I see in what I like… Not straight lines or hard edges…(learned something new about myself :) I like the one named Do Your Thing… Just love the smushiness of it all and the colors. I like ” Letters From Sweden” because of how it all flows together… No straight sharp lines to stop your eyes from wandering across its beauty and richness. I love “Recycle It All” for the colors and the circles and I love that it mostly looks drawn/colored and organic and them there is this pop of the flower image, which is organic but not because it is a photo and not drawn and soft like the rest. Sorry for this long post but your work has got me inspired to write!

  10175. tough…between Transformation and Re-Cycle it All….love the colors of the later and texture of the former :)

  10176. I like all of them but especially like the words scratched into the paint on the first one. Love the paint and line additions on the cards.

  10177. I like them all, Hanna, but I especially like Transformation because of the soft quality, the shades of pinks, the sweetness of the cupcakes, and the markings. I also really like Manly Evolution which is also kind of a pun- almost transformative with the ages of the men. I like them both.

  10178. I like “Transformation” the best but I may be being swayed by those fancy cupcakes in your collage that are making me hungry right now! :-)

  10179. My two favorites are Do Your Thing and Recycle it All, and I believe it’s because of the strong use of paint. I like so much how it pulls the paper elements together. I really like ALL of them! xo

  10180. Roll the Ball, and the other black and white one, the one with Jackie, who I did not recognize, btw!! Stunning work.


  10181. What a handsome boy! I used to cat sit a lot. It’s sometimes hard not to take them home! This guy looks as if he snores! ;-)

  10182. Love these pictures! I have a Russian Blue (part) big boy who is a wonderful model as well. I keep asking myself “How many pictures do you need of him?” Obviously, never enough!

  10183. What a gorgeous cat! I LOVE the first picture of him sleeping! I cracked up laughing. I have got to show this pic to my husband. He’ll laugh, too.

  10184. He is gorgeous! I am known amongst my friends as ‘the crazy cat lady’. We have four cats and I love them as if they were actual children (see? The nickname fits me haha). All their different personalities are so fun to discover as they grow up :)

  10185. Hanna, I once again had a blast making my postcards.
    I love receiving postcards and want to thank you all for the great ones I have received so far and will receive soon.

  10186. I never get tired of looking at our cats sleeping. Cats rock :)

    And yes, this one is cute! And orange! And just look at him!

  10187. These photos are so good of the handsome man cat!! My human has a thing for orange kitties–and she melted looking at these!


    PS. I bet you are a great sitter!!

  10188. ”Purrfect” cat shots! the pink line in the lilac background one really adds something to it. The first one where he’s sleeping makes me laugh.

  10189. I think my cat has an identical twin-except this boy has a couple more spots on his nose. Yes, absolutely adorable.

  10190. I am a cat lover to. We have a orange boy, his name is Rommel and he’s best friends with our jongest boy. The photo’s you made are so beautiful.
    Liefs, Melanie & Rommel

  10191. Hanna, that’s not strange! I haven’t checked out all the links, but your links are like new windows, so I’ll be doing that after I comment. I am loving doing loose page journaling, and I’m doing a collaborative with another artist. It’s so great to have the freedom of the loose page, but afterward, I just want to put them together. Even if they don’t make sense together. She says she will be binding them afterward. As for all my postcards, I am definitely going to do what you’ve done, and put them together with big rings. I love looking through them, and through my collage workbook. Even when we make the pages ourselves, it’s funny how you can see even more in them when you look again.
    Have a good weekend.

  10192. No, not strange at all! I love going through my art journals too, especially the ones I haven’t looked in for a while. They give me all kinds of ideas or remind me of the moments I was making them. I love your journalpages and these smart journals of yours are very cool!

  10193. I can see that you have put much of your SELF in these pages and they are quite marvelous. Nice to have them bound and kept in volumes…Like you I like to work pretty loose on pages – maybe because I am a lefty and find it hard to work in something hard bound. I always choose a spiral journal or make a loose stitched one that will lay flat. Love your “pussy” spread – that says it all !!! xox

  10194. Oh, I love thes very personel pages. It’s nice to have them bound in a book. I tend to work on lose pages. But this is far nicer. And… What a stunning cat!

  10195. Hi Hanna…You always amaze me, you have so much going on! I love coming here and finding out what you are doing next. I’ve been considering starting at the halfway point of the year and doing a collage a day…I will call it “never too late to start” collages for the rest of the year…haha! Not a bad idea. I like your loose pages that you bind later…makes me rethink my dislike of spiral bound journals :)

  10196. My best is “lettre de Sude” all are very successful. I’m lost in admiration before your work. You are fantastic whith mixing colors.

  10197. Plz let me know how to get Danny Gregory’s books I live in Pakistan and no such books available can you guide me how can i get it?

  10198. i love these! you have such a cohesive voice through all your art i’m not sure if i bound loose pages they’d look so good together. well done! what kind of spiral-binder do you use? i’d love to get one, but they all seem so expensive!

    • Pages from and old book have something special: patina, texture, soul? it’s a great way to start or to add to a project! I try to look for the ones that have a fringe, as if each page was delicately torn by hand. :-)

  10199. I totally agree! If a book is destined for the landfill, then it is kinder to the book AND to the earth AND to the viewing public to create art with it.

  10200. I’ve never worked on loose pages and then bound them together into an art journal. It is something to keep in mind, though. Makes me wonder how the process of art journaling will feel different…if at all.

  10201. This is a great post. I always wonder what people will think when I tell them I cut something out of a book, but I think it’s great to get as much use out of a book as you can, so I totally agree with you!

  10202. Do you really get that remark? Indeed, it’s not stranger to reconstruct an old book than to do it with an old coat or sweater. You make a wonderful use of old books.

  10203. I totally agree! I buy old, falling apart books at the library book sales and cut them up for art all the time. Our local bookstore has a “free” box with books no one wants to buy and I use some of those for art projects too. Re-purpose, re-cycle!

  10204. Here here my lovely. So eloquently put, I salute you sweetie. I am a total book freak to be honest but I have no problem whatsoever in using old book pages in my art and I love to repurpose old books too – I would even go as far as saying I prefer to journal in a repurposed book for the same reasons you have already mentioned.
    Thank-you for such an inspired post Hannah.
    Huge hugs x

  10205. You’ve convinced me (and somewhere in my distant past I studied to become a librarian)! Off the op-shop this week :)

  10206. Thanks for talking about this important art topic. I love this sentence you wrote: “Because to cut up and reuse book pages and words is all about loving books, make no mistake about that.” So true!

  10207. I’m a librarian and I agree with you (but I’m still a little bit shocked when you start cutting books).

  10208. lol it IS kind of funny the way people react to cutting up or recycling books..
    i tend to use books that are either
    -really bad (awful weight loss books or “political commentary”) because it’s fun to make something positive out of them!
    -books I LOVE.. I literally loved my favourite book to pieces! It completely fell apart but I kept it & recycle the pages because I love it so :)

  10209. I use old books in lots of ways — I make Kindle cases out of old kids’ hardbacks (like Nancy Drew) — and my husband makes book safes out of textbooks. Being a great reader and book lover, I understand the hesitation. But I’d like to think I’m honoring the books by giving them a second or third life.

    Here’s what I do with the insides!

  10210. In The Nest and Drop of Colour are my favorites this week! I tend to shy away from work with people in it, I’ve found. I guess I find it hard to look at the overall work and end up only looking at the people, I don’t know why! But I definitely love the bird in In the Nest!

  10211. I love them all because you integrate figure and ground so well…but if pressed, Family gathering is a favorite. Great color and subject. Look at you go!

  10212. These are really nice! Each has it’s own feeling, and enjoying the layering and different color/vibes. It’s funny how you mention how sometimes people will love things you don’t or vice versa. I’ve had that happen, and it’s always so interesting when that happens with certain projects or blog posts, definitely fascinating – keeps things fun and inspiring

  10213. Always interesting to see your artpieces. I think I like Sugar Tail the most because there is a kind of secretness in it.
    Happy Birthday Hanna, I hope you’ll have a lovely day!

  10214. A previous post revealed a Birthday! Happiest of Birthdays to you and thank you for brightening my day with your bright and happy collages. :)

  10215. I’m always amazed at how artists can cover an entire page with paper bits. I would have called hippo mail, crab mail! Fun titles! {:-Deb

  10216. YAY!! Yay for birthdays!!!
    And I want you to thank your mom for me. I celebrate her fabulous choices today!

    Have a wonderful time.

  10217. A very happy birthday to you, Hanna. I hope you had a lovely day.

  10218. Here is a question, It seems for me at least that come March I am only just finding the wish I had seen and joined this at the start of the year. Is there anyone else who ends up in this basket and should I just go for it and do it for the next 365 days regardless?

  10219. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Hanna! I hope the day was magical and lovely, as you richly deserve. XOXOX

  10220. happy, happy (belated) birthday, sweet hanna! you are such an inspiration to me and so many. thanks for being so wonderful! <3

  10221. I just finished my first altered journal but I used a kids hard cover book, so the journal only ended up with 9 pages. I love that you used a thicker book and cut out half the pages. Thanks for the inspiration!

  10222. I find it hard to pick a favourite this week, Hanna, because I love them all! Maybe “Hippo Mail” because of the stamps and the animals, but I also like the earthy colours and the butterfly in “Sugar Tail”, and the blue tones with the little tree in the middle of “Stand Corrected”. The bright happy sun and colours in “Drop of Colour” are also lovely. They’re all good!

  10223. Grattis Hanna!
    (If I would’ve known your address I would’ve dropped something in your mailbox – I was in town yesterday :))
    I hope you had a special day.

  10224. I know I’m a late, but I still want to wish you very happy birthday. I hope you have had a nice day with your loved ones.
    Liefs, Melanie

  10225. Such pretty journals, and so fun to both put together and to fill up! I just love the color and images you choose.

  10226. I am way into loose-page, evolving journals right now. I have learned a new binding technique in one of Ms. Moss’s classes and feel confident that I can get those loose pages together either with one of your techniques or one of hers or one that I taught myself. It used to be scary to think of putting loose pages together, even though I enjoyed the loose page way of working.

    I’m blabbing on here, but I hope your birthday was luxurious and fun. And I love your smart journal. I love that green page! and the touches of Scandinavia, always.

  10227. I am really loving small journals at the moment. It is easier for me to finish one that is say 6 pages than one that has 200, To be honest I am finding the a5 Moleskine cahirs too big at the moment and I think they are only about 32 pages, last year they were my favorite.

  10228. jag anvnder gamla bcker till ny konst hela tiden, jag har en hel hg mnade t just det. gamla bcker (dom ldsta r frn 1800-talet), nya bcker, bcker p olika sprk, bcker med bilder och bcker utan bilder… jag har ftt hra nn gng att det r hdelse att klippa snder dom, srsk dom ldre, men som du sger – hellre att dom blir till nnting (nnting nytt! nnting fint! nnting som nn tycker om!), n att dom hamnar p soptippen. fr det r ju det dom annars gr.
    frresten. har ocks den dr ordboken. men den klipper jag inte i, jag tycker att det kan vara praktiskt att ha ett engelskt-svenskt lexikon till hands, gamla bcker r ofta finare n nya, och roligare att blddra i n internet. ibland iaf. :)

  10229. I’ve been printing out the 52 lists but as yet have not done anything with them. I like your little journal book with color and black pen. Thank you. I just got a box of Inktense W/C pencils today that I want to try. I read in an old magazine article that I can use them dry, wet them, and let the color dry. When I put another layer of Inktense pencil and use water, it will not change the first color. More will be revealed.

  10230. Oh my gosh! Thank you for the kind words and sharing. I got one of the woven beauties as well. Such magical sparkle. I have loved this so much and with 2 more due in my letterbox is still feeling happy mail love. It makes collecting the mail so much more exciting.

    Thank you for organising it all, so much work involved in bringing global happy mail joy to us all. I appreciate it. :)

  10231. Cheers to you for your continuing progress and fresh collages for your 365 project. Each of your collages is unique and intriguing. My favorites of this set: Drop of Colour {fun color palette, lovely juxtaposition of shapes and colors} and In the Nest {love the mix of patterns and color}.

  10232. I love the softer tones of your Grandma series. My favorite is Summer again – simple yet lovely.

    (This is my first time commenting but I’ve been following your blog for a long while now so hello!)

  10233. Oh, I love your collages – and yes, especially the first one. Love the vintage look!!!

    I came over from Aimee’s place; I just had to see what Glue It Tuesday is all about. I’m so glad I did!


  10234. I love your title “Grandma Edition”. My postcards for the swap were very “Grandma Edition”. I love the first one, reminds me of a comforting cup of tea in my aunt’s house.

  10235. Happy Birthday! Although I rarely post I love to read and look at your blog every day. So much inspiration! Thank you for being here and have many ,many more years doing what you love!

  10236. That IS something to celebrate! Happy Blogiversary, Hanna! Yours was one of the first blogs I started reading, way back in 2005. It’s been fun (and beautiful) following your journey, and I still have my treasured copy of your book. Here’s to many more years of blogging to come! XO

  10237. Congratulations! you must have been one of the first of the creative blogs and inspired others. Thanks for so much inspiration, and here’s to many more!

  10238. Happy Blog-iversary!! I have recently found you via Daisy Yellow & am so glad I did! You are one of my daily morning reads & so very inspiring! Have a wonderful, art-ful day!

  10239. Congratulations Hanna! Definitely something to be very proud of! You are an inspiration to so many every day! Life just wouldn’t be the same without iHanna!


  10240. Hanna…congratulations on 9 great creative years!!! Love your blog!!! I am inspired every time I visit! May it continue on for many more years!!!

  10241. Having a blog for any amount of time is an accomplishment, but 9 years is amazing! Yours is one of the first mixed media blogs I started following. I love how positive, and colorful your posts are. Thanks again for all your hard work, and I look forward to many happy years of following your blog. Congratulations!


  10242. I’m coming up on my 7th blog-versary this May and every day I wonder how I am going to keep it up! You’ve been creating fantastic content nonstop and I am deeply appreciative of all the work you do and am inspired to continue my own blog. Thank you!

  10243. Congrats, nine years IS a long long time – bravo for still loving it and still inspiring all of us to keep going too! xox

  10244. congrats on the 9 years. That is amazing!. I am just celebrating my 2 year blogiversary on my blog with a giveaway. I’d love to have you check it out and enter to win.

  10245. Congrats – 9 years is a very long time for a blog to be going strong! Keep writing, I love seeing your pictures and projects :)

  10246. Congratulations and THANK YOU for having one of the nicest blogs out there! It’s got such lovely photos that are like “eye candy”for the creative mind and very inspirational!

  10247. Congratulations, dear Hanna! You have made the blogging world a better place, and you’ve taught me so much. Thank you, thank you.

    I love your book. I have read it twice and looked through it a dozen times!

  10248. That’s worth celebrating! Congratulations for the inspiration, dedication and downright hard work it takes to reach that accomplishment!

  10249. I’m extremely glad you’ve kept at it! Your blog is a great source of inspiration for so many people. You deserve to be loved.

  10250. Congratulations. Yes, you should feel proud! Awesome corner of the web here :)

  10251. I’ve been hearing the phrase “granny chic” a lot lately, and I think that’s what you’ve captured here! :-)

  10252. Congrats on 9 years of blogging! Very impressive. You must have had one of the very first blogs going!
    Aloha, Kate

  10253. Dear Hanna,
    You are a true inspiration to me. Both for keeping on blogging and for being “creative” every day. I hope i will be able to read you in the coming years for a long time…Happy blogoversary:)

  10254. Thank you for this review. I have seen this book and would think I would buy it then wouldn’t…thanks!! I love your book reviews…keep them coming:)

  10255. This looks like a wonderful book! I love her down-to-earth, “this is what excites me” drawings and thoughts. It’s wonderful and I think I may have to own it. Thanks for the review!

  10256. I love this book! Her work is so fabulously imperfect and alive, very take it or leave it in my opinion. Well I’ll take it, thank you. I also like how she makes stories from her everyday life into beautiful illustrations and paintings. She has a wonderful imagination and sense of humor.

  10257. The quote you show which on your dairy is really nice, the quote which is written by Buddha is very motivational quote and this quotes is the best quote i ever seen. I also save this quote in my note book. Because this quote is really inspire me.

  10258. Hanna, as usual, I love your collages. The unicorn is spectacular :) have a great weekend!

  10259. love it love it!!!! Always so colorful!
    (there is a little paperscrap with your name I wrote, in your collage!!!!)
    Already miss the Ihanna SWAP

  10260. I’ve done many journals & collages but somehow never thought of the idea of making the pages then binding them. Love it! I just took apart a small journal. I’m going to work on it as “loose pages” then put it back together.

  10261. Congratulations! I read your blog since many years and it keeps being one of my all-time-favorites. I am looking forward to read for the next 9 years, i love the creativity and beauty of it very much!

  10262. Love this journal!! You inspired me to purchase a book binding machine….I’m going to figure it out today, I hope :)

  10263. This might be my favourite week of collages so far – absolutely love all of these! Especially the sweet little birds that appear in the first three collages, and the earthy colours and floral patterns.

  10264. Oooo! 9 years. A big hug to you Hanna. You always have such fresh content and great ideas and inspiration. I’ve been blogging only half that time and know how hard you work. We all thank you for being here on the interwebs ;)

  10265. congrats on 9 years… that is just huge… and love your blog so I am sure I will be happily contributing to the next 17000 comments filled with love and admiration…xx

  10266. I am gonna buy this from adlibris. Seem s so inspiring!


  10267. I’m really glad to hear that Happier at Home is just as good as her first book. I love the Happiness Project – it’s a great one to refer back to when things don’t seem so great. All of those sprouting bulbs are gorgeous! Are they outside your place? How wonderful :)

    • Thanks for leaving a comment!

      The second book is not as profound but I do love the way Mrs Rubin writes! No, the bulb collection is from outside a flower shop not from outside my house. But right now there are lots of blooming daffodils outside here. Love those!

  10268. This is worth a big Bravo! I wish you another fantastic 9 years (and more) in the blogosphere!

  10269. I am a big fan of both of Gretchen’s books, and of the concept of a Happiness Project as well. Her work has been very inspiring to me! I love seeing your photos of what makes you ‘happier at home’!

  10270. I have looked through this book a number of times, but never purchased it. Thank you for your review; I was interested to read what you learned from it, in terms of loosening up and drawing the way you naturally draw rather than struggling for a steadier hand. It’s a lesson I could stand to learn myself!

  10271. I do follow Gretchen’s blog . . . but for some reason have not went ahead and bought her books – something I am going to have to do soon. I am one of those people who is very content to stay at home also . . . love your snapshots.

  10272. wow, nine years of blogging. you are my hero. i feel like an infant with almost a year under my belt. congratulations and nine more to you!

  10273. I, too, am an introvert and much prefer to be at home especially since my day job requires me to be around tons of people. I need the comfort, peace and quiet of my home to refuel and nourish me……….. so I can continue what I love doing the most. I will put these books on my wish list. They look great.

  10274. I really like to read your posts lately. So much to look at, to read, to think about … very, very inspiring.
    Thank you for your work!

  10275. these are all great hanna. i like the second one, happy birthday, best. it is bright and colorful and just jumps at you. it has lots of color and pattern but the eye is not lost focusing on small items. have a great day.

  10276. I really like Count on Me. I could say it was the vertical strips or numbers or colours, but really it is all if that plus that gut feeling of “I love that” when I first saw it. :) Not a very helpful answer I know.

  10277. I like best Count on Me and Flower Peek. I like colour combinations and compositions. I love them all but these two somehow touch me.

  10278. happy anniversary!!! wow, so many bloggers seem to fade out in time, keep up the good work. also, thanks for hosting another fun postcard swap. i finally got my last card.

  10279. An inspiring book. I loved the way she explains the process. She inspired me to be more loose and flexible in my first ideas and sketches. Not to think ahead but just play and explore. I always think too much about the outcome….

    It’s one of my favorites.
    Even if you don’t like her style I would still recommend reading her book.

  10280. I am also doing a Happiness Project with a group here in North Carolina, USA. It is truly a small world. BTW -I always find your blog very inspiring.

  10281. YIPPEE! :]
    Love this mosaic… very inspiring, indeed!
    Love my visits here… I always leave with a smile… THANK YOU!! ~xx

  10282. Gorgeous journal Hannah, I love the way you have done the cover, one of my fave materials too. I don’t blame you for leaving the letters blank, they are beautiful as they are. May I ask what glue you use to collage with? I have tried so many different ones but so far the only ones that don’t wrinkle are multi-medium and glue sticks, the former is very expensive and the latter can sometimes not be very reliable!! Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
    Hugs x

  10283. Hi Dawn, thanks for your kind comment! For thin papers, like tissue paper I use mat medium, but otherwise the only thing I use is a glue stick. I recommend Uhu! glue stick, it sticks great to any papers, and stays stuck. :-)

  10284. Hi Hanna! I have a hard time throwing paper away, so these kinds of projects always inspire me. I make covers for my art journals using scrapbook paper bought at yard sales. I’m working on painting some art journal covers, but some projects take a longer than expected!

  10285. Love the cover! Yes, muted can great, especially when you know that the inside is bursting with colour :)

  10286. That’s a very cool journal. Sometimes I’ve used paper bag paper inside my journal but never thought of using on the outside. One of my favorite methods of making a journal cover is to use cereal box cardboard. I flatten the box and use gesso with a brayer on the printed side–kinda thick and I try to make only one pass instead of going back and forth. That leaves lots of nice ridges and texture. When its dry I mess around with some watercolor on the surface, let it dry and then buff it. Just buffing lightly will take the paint off the ridges . It’s fun to play with. Thanks for all the inspiring things you post on your blog–you always give me great ideas!

  10287. How many times have I said that you rock? I’m not saying it again, Hanna! That’s it. This is the last time.

    Well, maybe next time.

    I am loving collaging year. LOVE. Journaling year was nice, but now I am finding out why people love the act of collage and I’m looking more at classic collage masters. It’s a great practice, isn’t it?

    May I say that my favorites here are: Count On Me and Flower Peek ? Yes. Not the last one is nice.

    I’m going to make one entitled Scout. Let’s see if she will step on my pigment ink pad for me…

  10288. ok now im curious, how did you get the paper in the spines? it is gorgeous. i have so much brown packing paper rolled up. i wish i could twinkle my nose and send it to you! i don’t cover my journals…what type do you buy that you cover? you have me all intrigued now. And the inside – you are right….it is booming with color! I think you are mega creative with this. Lovies, samara

  10289. I have just added ‘Just Kids’ to my Goodreads bist…I don’t know how I used to keep track of books before Goodreads!

    The Alisa Burke post was a good one, I am going to go check out your other links. :)

  10290. There is something special about Not the Last One. The spirals on the bottom left gives the page much depth. I love them all.

  10291. anvnd en lite hrdare penna (jag anvnder alltid 4H, men det r jag det), s suddas den ut mindre, och med ett kndgummi ist fr ett vanligt sudd, s blir det inget suddskrp. :) jag lskar att mla ansikten, det r nstan det enda jag gr, och jag skulle hemskt grna vilja g fler kurser, inte fr att lra mig hur, utan fr att bredda mig, stilmssigt och teknikmssigt. fr det r ju nr man har grunderna som det roliga brjar, det r d man kan brja bryta mot reglerna, och det r det bsta :D

  10292. I love Patti Smith, and thought “Just Kids” was a fabulous book! Thanks for sharing these cool links.

  10293. Thanks for the links! I adore Patti Smith, she is such a wise woman. Looking around I find inspiration all over your blog!

    I think you are a great inspiration. After reading your blog I leave with the feeling: – Yeah Im gonna continue to do what I love! Because she does, and it is obviously working!

  10294. I love all of them but really like the depth of “everyone is creative”. I love the look of the pencil markings…it really adds a lot to this buch of collages.

  10295. all that pink and then a cute little owl winking at me! awe I feel special. Great bunch of collage offerings today.

  10296. Ooh, hard to pick a favorite, but I guess I’ll choose Rose Garden II. I like the slightly hidden aspect of the writing. A bit of mystery there amidst the roses.

  10297. My best is “rose garden 1” mixing colors is perfect. Pink is also my favorite color

    and I’m no fan of your pencil marking, it’s only my opinion. I like very much your

    work, it’s very inspiring. Thank you for sharing.


  10298. It looks like a child’s been having fun with your collages and a pencil! And I mean that in a good way. Lovely!

  10299. I love them all but if I had to pick one this week it would be “Looking At You” because I love owls and it’s fun and playful! Great work!

  10300. I love blue. I like how this postcard looks. It very bright and eye candy for me. This month I am attractive to pink and lavender in my painting.

  10301. I love seeing this finished and in your hands! It looks so delicious. :) I will have to grab a photo of my one!! I love mine as well.

  10302. That is meant to say:

    I will have to grab a photo of mine! I love it as well. :)

  10303. i like “looking at you” the best. why, i guess because i love blue and that owl is the cutest little guy. tfs

  10304. Hi, Hanna. I know what you mean about collaging with favorite colors making you feel better. I think I may be becoming a collage fanatic. I cannot wait to finish this collage journal and go to the next so I can add to them or not, and fill the shelves with things that make me reflect and enjoy.

    I love the wall paper on Rose Garden I. I think that’s my favorite one here, because of that and the pop of flower. I also love the winking owl and the big owl eyes in Looking At You and All Eyes. I put fish eyes on one of this week’s collages and just love how that looks. I am loving my origami paper collection, too.

  10305. Oh, this reminds me that I LOVE that IG photo of you and your mom.
    I’ve not put embellishments in my collages yet (that I remember), but your experiments are paying off, woman! My favorite I think is that embossed white paper with your sketch to the left side of it. What a great layout.

    • Thanks Chris, using your own doodles and sketches as collage fodder is something I should do more huh? Need to sketch more on loose papers, it’s so fun to cut out and use, but you could also do b/w copies of older doodles to use in collage…

  10306. Right now, I love olives, mostly the lighter shades. But pink is right up there. I didn’t know about Tammy’s project… But I’ve been doing her 21 Secrets class and it’s so great. Are you going to teach at 21 Secrets again? I would love to take one of your classes.

  10307. I like the lace doily/strawberries/butterfly in the first one and the pink colors in the second. And I’m not a “pink” person, so that says a lot! Glad you enjoyed your collaging time! {:-Deb

    • Thanks for your sweet comments about my collages! It’s been such a great collage year so far, and I can’t wait to do the next “batch” of collages and dig through another one of my scrap boxes. Fun!

  10308. Every time I see these wonderful collages and collections you make in your art journal I say I’m going to pick up the scissors soon, but I keep doing the same things like mail art and knitting. I need to set a day aside for art journaling. Thursdays? Thursdays!

    • Mary, having a special art journaling day is a great start, but also to open a journal one day and go visit the open book the next day and add some marks or glue some bits of paper down… I hope you try it out!

  10309. I use photos of my family, friends and sometimes my own. I don’t care if it qualifies it as a scrapbook. It’s my own book and I do as I please. But I really doubt that scrapbookers write all over the pictures. I love your book!

  10310. I use a lot of my own photos in my art journal. But my printer is crappy and broken, so I’m having to be fairly creative how I use them till I can get myself a new one. I usually just print them out in grayscale on normal printer paper now and make it work. Love your book.

  10311. This is such a good idea. It can be real work to clean a space and look for art supplies. But giving the project some room is a wonderful idea! And I love your journal page, too.


    • I have collected images for many years, but most of them I found as cheap as possible, from old books, second hand magazines that others have finished, prints from the internet… I hardly ever buy any images. Will post some collage kits in my etsy shop next week, there might be something you will like.

  10312. I know! The book was wonderful. Loved it. The next book is already out, it is called Twelve. Now I will go finish reading the rest of the post. :)

    • Natasha, I know it’s out, just not to be found in my local book store. I need to order it ASAP, crazy to know how this story will develop! :-)

      • Den senaste jag fastnade ordentligt fr var Fredrik Backmans “En man som heter Ove”. Den brjade lite lngsamt men tog sig ju mer man lste och stannar kvar lnge. Jag lyssnade p den (lskar Storytel) men den fungerar lika bra som bok. Ngra som definitivt vinner p lyssnandet r dock Marianne Cedervalls fyra bcker om Miriam och Hervor. De r inlsta med gotlndsk och norrbottnisk (tror jag) dialekt. En njutning att lyssna p.

  10313. I’m in a situation of knowing nothing to do in my college life and I encounter your blog which inspires me to explore more creative blogs like yours. How awesome it will be to live a creative life with everyday starting with new and amazing habits and activities. I just feel really lucky for me or everyone who discover your blog and are inspired to lead a unique life. Thank you

  10314. hi hanna,
    i read this book last year & couldn’t put it down.
    now watching “the walking dead”, it is gorey but just have to keep watching.

  10315. I like them all, it does look like you were having fun. I think my favorite is Rose Garden II. I like the soft colors and hidden writing.

  10316. I wanted to read The Passage! I’ve got it on my long list of books to get!

    I’m reading The Diviners. I’m a slow reader. I’ve had to check it out from the library twice. Guess I’ll get my own copy when it comes out in paperback!

  10317. WHAT a great idea. Of course.
    I’m doing this tonight.

    First, I guess, I’ll have to make a space on the cluttered table. HA!

  10318. Jag tankar ocks nring fr sjlen i bcker. Men inte i den genren :-D Har just bestllt en stor hg pockets infr sommaren, d jag alltid hinner lsa mera.

  10319. Jag kan rekommendera en bok som heter Innan floden tar oss skriven av Helena Thorfinn. Vldigt angelgen bok! Om Bangladesh och livet p en svensk ambassad och om textilarbetarnas liv i samma stad. Riktigt bra!

  10320. What incredible views. I don’t know what “gottgluggen” is but it makes me think of ancient gods lifting a few glasses of cheer–and I want to visit!

    • Thanks for leaving a comment! Gottgluggen is a great name for the kiosk booth actually. Gott is “yummy” for candy, and “gluggen” is small opening or porthole, like it was something peeking through the wall… I just thought it was very cool with the modern look and the ancient behind it…

  10321. Oh my goodness… an island? And it looks like this? If I visited I probably never leave again… it looks like ‘home’ to me!

  10322. Hanna – I visited Gotland many years ago – it is a beautiful place – I have lots of wonderful memories from there. Thank you for bringing them back for me.

  10323. I cannot believe that I missed to comment your post, because it is so lovely. I do like your linework. It makes it so special!

  10324. I especially love “Female Thoughts” and “This Bird Has Wings.” I love the bright greens and the pinks in both.

  10325. My favorite is Spellbound…love it!
    I must admit that a have warm feelings toward my glue stick as well…but as Teesha Moore once said, never put you glue stick and your lip stick in the same pocket and go for a walk on a hot day…truer words : )

  10326. Mrkligt… jag blev frtjust i exakt samma tv collage som Kim hr ovan! Det var definitivt frgerna som avgjorde det. Det liksom pirrar av gldje att se p dem.

  10327. As I looked through these photo I realized I would have taken the same ones – I love architecture and come home from my trips with tons of windows, doors, ceilings, railings, etc. Currently they sit on my computer – what a waste!! I’ve been thinking of creating a mini-gallery in the house using standard size basic frames and then rotating photos through after each trip… you I really need a way to get them out where I can see them and enjoy the memories more often!

  10328. Variable is my fave this week. The 365 challenge is a really great opportunity to watch how your work develops. I like that you name all your collages, but I can see how that can become a chore.

  10329. I do not want to spot out a favourite, they are all great – but if I must, I would say variables. And I like your linework!!

  10330. great collages hanna. my favorite would have to be rose garden. just looks so springy to me. since spring is being so fickle here it just cheered me up to see this. tfs

  10331. I love No Vex Today. I like the different colors and patterns and how they interact. I have been trying to make collages myself lately and better appreciate how lovely yours always are!

  10332. I especially like “Female Thoughts” because your eye is drawn around the composition in a really great way! ” This Bird Has Wings” is also speaking to me because of the great use of bright pink and green (two of my favorites!) Both are inspiring to me in my own collage endeavors this week!

  10333. Thank you for your wonderful collages. It really makes my day :)
    I love the “Rose Garden III”. The black and pink scribbles look so effortless and unplanned, but they tie the whole composition together. I think that achieving simplicity is the mark of true genius — and this collage really expresses that for me.

  10334. Hanna….great links!!! Loved the Patti Smith video and will look for her book! Alisa is always very inspiring! I hope you are having a creative week :)

  10335. I love the abstract collages, Hanna. And I think it makes the titles and searching for them even more interesting. I think my favorite to look at is “Rose Garden III” but my favorite titled piece is “Annoying Frog”. It made me laugh !Especially since I kind of hate frogs. ;-)
    Happy Creating, Amazing One !

    • Thanks for your lovely comments!

      Kim, I love frogs and just added “annoying” because I heard it somewhere on the radio as I was naming these… Frogs are cute! But glad it was the right title for you then. ;-)

  10336. these would make glorious collage sheets (if you’re not already doing them!)… your collages are just so beautiful, harmonious, and happy to look at!

  10337. beautifully said!! i love embroidered hearts, and my favorite is one that someone sewed for me as a going away gift.

  10338. Ooh! These are even more beautiful than last week. I like Rose Garden III but Variables is probably my favorite since I can’t get enough of pink!

  10339. HAH! You know me, I spy a German stamp and paper – of course that one’s my fave. Beautiful work as always Hanna. Keep it up!!

  10340. “with fury” you say….well, when something is fun and inspirational, I get excited, and I work fast (always has). It’s easy to focus for me :-) I’d have a workshop with you anyday Hanna.

  10341. Yes, I take photographs when I travel. That is one of the joys of traveling, the treasure hunt for beauty, interesting architectural details, quirky charm. I agree that you pay more attention when you carry a camera. And you have captured all of it in your travel photos! As for “what to do” with all of those photos, I’d love to make a Blurb book “one day” but who knows when that will be. I also like to print random shots on my little pogo printer and use those on my art journal pages.

  10342. Yes! I love that we think alike! I love to have something open and in process on the table, supplies ready to go, and then later that day or the next day I can just jump right into the artsy action.

  10343. Go Hanna! I adore this little journal. It is simple and elegant, and I love the idea of selecting only your favorite papers. And to answer your question, yes I print photos to use in my art journal – only in the last 2 years – on the little pogo printer. The photos are imperfect and slightly desaturated which I love. I like having a photo as a focal point.

  10344. definitely sweet but such indulgences are good once in awhile ! Especially in pink Hanna world !
    Have a great weekend, Lovely One !

  10345. I like your journals a lot — but I flee cuteness. However, nice to know you like it — I will have to keep an eye out for things to send to you. I love your hand-writing.

  10346. Hanna…great journal pages!!! I love the cuteness factor! Can’t have too many cute dogs or cats :)

  10347. Thank you for the comment on my blog!
    I love these pages, I’m definitely a fan of cuteness and pink!
    I’m also currently working in a square journal as well and I really like it.

  10348. your journals are beautiful! Cuteness is necessary if it’s a part of you, as honest journaling is what matters! I do cuteness when I add my pup, Ellie, in! She’s my best little friend. Your kitten pic is soooooo sweet!!!

  10349. What beautiful flowers Hannah, your photography truly does them justice. Thank-you for sharing sweetie.
    Hugs x

  10350. I love “Variables” the best. I feel like I am in a beauty parlor and am getting my toenails and fingernails polished, my lipstick applied and some soft pink rouge to perk up my complexion!

  10351. Awe what a fab post Hannah, thank-you sweetie. My 5yr old daughter is a huge fan of journaling and collage, I swear she has about 10 books on the go at the moment tee hee. I sit back and let her get on with it and am so very proud of her – she constructs her pages intuitively and her composition is so very clever with her child’s eye and unthinking, free approach to what she does. Lol she is constantly raiding my stash and I love seeing what she can come up with. Ha ha we are planning a collaborative journal for the summer holiday and I promised her I would blog it too, I can’t wait!!
    Huge hugs x

  10352. I love to see my niece (6 years old) when she is crafting. She is always making collages of magazine cut-outs and adds her own drawings. When I am art-journaling or working on a mixed-media piece while she is collaging we take a look at each others work and I am amazed by here original ideas, while she is asking me how I create some of my pieces. Later I see her using the same techniques in her own way. She is a real artist (she says), but I think she really is!

  10353. I used to flee from cute, but lately I have been embracing it. Helped along by my daughter who has a keen love for cute! I love the idea of a journal of cute.

    Just finished reading Just Kids. I found it fascinating, thanks for recommending it.

  10354. Ooh they are all fab Hannah but In Rouge draws my eye the most,I love the oriental text and colours.
    Hugs x

  10355. hanna, these are all wonderful. i love the little happy birds, but i would say my favorite one is the first one. i like steampunk and this has that “flavor” along with the bright, cheery colors. great job, tfs

  10356. I would love to do an international ephemera swap … but I don’t know how! I have a large collection of American paper ephemera but I so love the papers & bits you use Hanna!

  10357. Ok. So, I just found your blog as I was searching for more info about taking thrifted books and turning them into art journals. I’m planning on doing this with my kids this summer. And I just have to say….your blog rocks! I adore your artwork. Thanks for sharing all of this! :)

  10358. happy, happy, happy color! I have a tablecloth with a swatch of the yellow floral pattern in the top collage!

  10359. It’s wonderful when you get in that creative flow and the magic just happens. My fave this week is Hand Over the Scissors – the right touch of whimsy and color to make me smile.

  10360. I have done that, mostly because I run out of space when I’m writing. It’s a matter of space! or sometimes because I like the two sides of a card or something.

  10361. These are all so lovely. I can tell you were in the Zone! I really like the style of all of them, but if I had to pick a fav, it would be In Rouge – or Flip side – or Citrus! (Love them all)

  10362. My favorite is “Hand Over The Scissors.” I love the focal image of the scissors in a woman’s hand. The background colors are nice too and go together. Thank you for posting these. You inspire me!
    Aloha, Kate

  10363. I like Matters of the Heart best, Hanna, because I love trees, I love your use of red and it’s not cutesy. :)

  10364. I love visiting your blog – especially today. The color, texture, composition all so beautiful. You have such a great eye.

  10365. think my favorite is Flip Side. I like the dated paper with the stencils on top. And that one long dark rectangle that pops out against the bright colors. I also love the Japanese paper (?) in your In Rouge collage – reminds me of some paper my sister gave me. {:-Deb

  10366. I know these kind of ‘collage flows’ you’re talking about Hanna… I do have that sometimes working on index card series… I have problems choosing the one I like best, there are three. “Hand over the Scissors” – because of the bright colors and boldness of the total image, “Flip side” – for the photo strip and subtle crayon (?) scribbles, and “In Rouge” for the vintage feeling, beautiful color and chinese (?Japanese?) characters… we were thinking the same way last week.

  10367. Loving “Hand Over the Scissors”! I like the way the hand is coming out of the beautiful flowers and the colors are so cheerful and compliment each other so nicely. Great work once again!

  10368. I love your pages and how free you are to just glue and paste and add your own bits to each one.
    I have kind of left journals behind right now. I am okay with that as long as I do some creating each day. I miss it though…Maybe the summer will bring me back to it ? We shall see.
    For now, I get to watch great journalers in action thanks to blogland !

  10369. I just love your journal pages! I love the colors, the bits and pieces, the cohesiveness of each page, and love that you share them! Thank you! I’m using a mixed media spiral book at the moment with 90 lb paper. It’s fine, but I’m not thrilled with most of my pages (funny how that happens sometimes)… I have several journals going (read: unfinished), but add to each of them whenever I see them/think about it. I love your blog! Thanks Hanna!

    Sheila in Oregon, US

  10370. Hi Hanna…I’m loving all the collaged pages you’ve been making! My favorite is the second one from the top….the little drawing add a lot to the page!

  10371. your bird is just lovely :-)
    I’m on internet very irregular for the last month due to my move.
    Tonite I saw your bird and it made me so happy. Water in my eyes.
    Greetings to Sweden.


  10372. I love your art journal pages, all the combinations of different papers and the little pockets and things tucked into them. I can imagine in future years it will be really fun to look back through this kind of book. I haven’t tried anything this advernturous yet but yours is very inspiring.

  10373. oh my gosh… I know exactly what you mean! I love the feeling of crocheting t-shirt material with a huge hook and watching the rug grow! Like you, I don’t love the cutting part so much. You must be in heaven with those enormous ready-made ‘yarn’ balls!

  10374. It’s a fun book, isn’t it? I thought Jenny did a super job on it! Thanks for the shout out, too! :)

  10375. I’ve recently seen in a shop near my work place (school) some balls of pre-made t-shirt yarn in super cute colors, but not purchased them, because I have some t-shirt yarn (made by me and my aunt) to use before buying other materials!
    I really like your white yarn with polka dots… love it!!!

  10376. Thank you SO very much for posting these pix! Pink is MY favorite color too. It’s the color of our heart center. I think lots of artists are very sensitive and are full of love. Maybe that’s why so many of us love pink so much! Your pictures really made me smile. Thank you again for sharing these beautiful photos! <3

    • Raine, glad you liked the photos! Thanks for leaving a comment to let me know you liked them, it means a lot to me. I have loved pink since I was a kid, I like that it can be both gentle and bold in different hues.

  10377. These pictures made me smile…what wonderful color…and to find it in a city…beautiful!

    • Christie, thanks! I think all cities should get more colour, in one way or another. There is just so much gray (streets, houses, peoples coats, cars) that we need these kinds of colour infusions! Thanks for taking the time to leave me a comment!

  10378. I did not know that this exists. Since some weeks I cut and cut and cut old t-shirts. That no fun. But the crocheting must be wonderful, so quick and easy. Love your colors.

  10379. I really like ‘Smile with me’. I think it is the lines, and sense of energy, but something made me go back to that one.

  10380. You have inspired me in the last couple of weeks to sit down & collage…and I LOVE the process! One f these days I’ll get brave enough to link to Glue It Tuesday ;)

    “Unseen” really speaks to me…I think it’s the red, such a beautiful true red, and the white together. And I adore the red circles on the white background! Beautiful work all around! :)

  10381. they are all great. i love that you are keeping to your collage a day quest. much more displined than i am. tfs

  10382. Hanna: I now look forward to your collages every week. They have inspired me so much. I like the simplicity of Nordic Light because I tend to like simple designs. I like the layering stripes of Signs of Curiosity and love the colors in Bird on a Wire. Thanks again for sharing your collages.

  10383. I enjoy seeing your weekly gathering. This time I’m particularly drawn to the two Nordic ones. Both the colorways and the textures are lovely. Love that pebble paper!

  10384. You are very prolific, Hanna! Overall, I think I like “Unseen” the best…there is an orderliness that appeals to me. I like the pink circles on “When in Need…” and the line of cupcakes in “Bird on a Wire.” Your use of spray inks is nice, too! :-)

  10385. I am always admiring in front of your collages , I say one day give us a lot of bigs ideas!
    My best to day is “unseen” but it’s difficult for me to say what, I think it gives me dreams. And the second is “Bird on a wire” for the same reason. Thank you for sharing
    and sorry for my English.!!!

  10386. Beautiful! …I haven’t been to that place in Stockholm yet. There’s so much to explore!
    Cheers, Jana.

  10387. My studio is also the guestroom. So when guests arrive, I have to clean the table (which becomes the guest’s computer desk) and take everything off the futon, which becomes the bed. But lucky for me, it is now summer, and no one in their right mind comes to visit Phoenix in the summer–it will be 41 C this weekend, just in time for the beginning of June!

  10388. Seriously impressed with that stack of washi tapes! For the past few years my arting has taken place at the breakfast bar in the kitchen, so it needs to be cleaned up between uses. I can’t wait till I can move back out to the studio again. I do like a clean space though.

  10389. LOVE this photo… it makes me “HAPPY!” :]

    ** seeing the pile of washi tape and the look on that cat’s face… ” cracks me up!”

  10390. That makes me chuckle, beautiful photo. I could have written this. Only guests can clear my desk. But I stopped worrying about that. It is as it is…

  10391. I’m exactly the same. I can’t think properly when my desk is filled with paper, supplies, cat hairs and the sand they bring in on their feet on rainy days, but I can imagine a million other things that need to be done to avoid doing it. I also clutter up our 4 m dining table, the coffee table has notepads and books all over, ahem… A sign we don’t entertain enough guests I suppose. Apart from company, the thing that makes me clean up is simply when my head feels so cluttered too that I’m stressed out by it and don’t get anything done. OR, if I want to do a project that needs a large surface….

    I just cleared them all in fact, well, nearly, or I’d top your photo making it look like the most minimalistic table you’ve ever seen.

  10392. My desk often looks like that too if I’m in the middle of a project / just finishing a project. I try to put everything away to ‘start fresh and clean’ each time, but unfortunately, with my wondering mind and tendency to have a million projects on the go, my desk isn’t ‘clean’ often hehe. :)

  10393. Great links! and I completely agree about truncating feeds. I was interested in hearing your thoughts about the new flickr. I don’t use it enough to bother me but I know you do. Oh, and love the cow in the first row.

  10394. OMG!! This is so beautiful.
    Love this, going to make one for my fur baby Martin and for my nans fur baby, she lives in Russia so I’ll bring it to her in December as we’re going there (“;

    This bed is absolutely gorgeous. You’re a genius. Thankyou for sharing, this really inspired inspired me to make a bed for Martin. Much love, Paulina :3

  10395. Hi Hanna…I love that cow in the first row too…I’d like to see a larger photo of it. I enjoyed all the links…thanks!

  10396. seems to be a familiar dilemma among artists…we’re really good at making the messes but it’s so much easier on the brain to create in a tidy setting!

  10397. Excellent links,Hanna! Each one made me stop & think in different ways & that is always a good thing! Looking forward to the ICAD challenge! Can’t wit to see what we all create! Thanks for visiting me last week! And yes, I have been noticing a lot more “orange” in the world ;)

  10398. I love the idea of having monthly goals, but I seldom think about them.
    But yesterday I found a summer project I love about reaching goals and daily do-good that inspired me to be more mindful about them and have fun, too.
    It’s called “super summer challenge” (it’s similar to a game) and you can find it here! It’s in a fitness blog, but I think you can use the idea for any kinds of goals, as I want to do :)

  10399. Good review. :) I was not sure if I wanted it, but your review has made me realise I do!

    My writing style changes depending on where I am writing and what the purpose is.

  10400. My art desk is so busy holding stuff that I actually work at the dining room table. I love how it looks tidied up though.

    I tidy it when guests come, or when I am procrastinating about something else. Then again sometimes it gets so bad I attack it with gusto and have a big clear out.

  10401. A list of links to explore perfect for a rainy winter’s day. I love the Neil Gaiman speech. One of my favourites.

  10402. What a great idea Hanna. I always have a huge to do list – this is much more intentional. Thanks for the links – including the healthy summer one.

  10403. Hello Hanna! :]
    ** such an inspiring list **

    My “to do list” for June is… packing, I am moving out of state… tons to do! (sigh)

  10404. Just beautiful! I agree about stitching being meditative and when I see something like your pillow I wish I did more of it.

  10405. I love this Hanna! I agree with Christie that stitching is very meditative – I love to sit and stitch all my cares away. Thank you for posting this beautiful piece.

  10406. Love your cushion Hanna! The fabric combination is wonderful and the simple stitching just fabulous. Thanks for a lovely post.

  10407. Your pillow turned out absolutely gorgeous! Love the fabrics you chose and the stitching is so pretty! Your photos are so happy and make me smile every time I look at them! Thanks for sharing!

  10408. What kind of thread do you use? It looks thicker than sewing thread…love the pillow!

  10409. Hanna, this is a beautiful pillow. You know I really love the colors, but it also has soft textures to it, and I like that. Many of my textures are rough, and this gives me an idea to change that up. I love geometrics, too, which makes this appealing. I had no idea about this stitch being Kantha.

  10410. What a great picture, here! I love it when we see you in context with your environment. Yes, I have lots of intentions, and some of them are overly bold–because I sometimes am unreasonable about what I can get done. It can be frustrating, especially when we have jobs that take up much of our waking time! I like yours because they are do-able.

    Happy summer to you!

  10411. Yes, I had some issues with the new Flickr, but it was mostly in navigating, and not in the look of it. I’m not good with changes, which I find funny, since I’ve always fancied myself a bit of a radical bohemian. HA! But I’m sure Yahoo is trying to spice up their sites and I’m staying with Flickr for now. Plus.. I like seeing what you’re up to!

    Thank you for the link list! I saw Amanda Palmer’s TED link here, and now I get to go visit the Neil Gaiman link!

    I will be here through the summer to make my verbose comments.

  10412. I really like this monthly intention idea. Now to hush my inner perfectionist who says I can’t do June intentions because the month already started. I’m going to make a list!

  10413. Hi Hanna…totally upbeat post about journaling! I love your cute little all teeth guy…the colors all make beautiful music together on this spread! :)

  10414. Hello Hanna,

    I am very happy to have found your blog. it is very inspiring. My spring color might be pink.

    All the best from France

  10415. turquoise! i heart turquoise and i especially love the way you always use it with pink
    your posts keep my day cheerful iHanna <3 to you up there in Sweden

  10416. “Loved from Afar” is simply perfect! I can’t stop looking at it!
    I also like “Beach 2013” for those delicate touches of color that give life to blakc&white!
    Great job, Hanna!!!

    • Awww, thank you Silvia! I guess I thought they were all black and white and then some pink polka dots just slipped in! How strange! :-)

  10417. I only recently joined Pinterest, and I can appreciate your intention to give it a break for the summer. It’s fun, but such a ready excuse to not actually DO anything! Thank you for this idea of Monthly Intentions. I am going to explore it for myself.

  10418. I love these. And I love that the colors are different from the other collages. Our art, just like our lives, can’t be colorful and bright every day!

  10419. There’s something so special about B&W…these are all beautiful & I love how they each have their own personality! I am drawn to “Gated World”… I think because of the many patterns & textures. As always, your work is inspiring!

  10420. I love the black & white theme! …first one = awesome (bc I just love handwriting – that piece to the left is great!)
    Beach 2013 – Yes! I am… the turtle makes the cut for me ;)
    The last collage is speaking to me too.
    Cheers! …and thanks for stopping by :)

  10421. I always look forward to seeing your collages. I love that you selected the B&W theme. It’s hard to pick a favorite. I guess “Loved from Afar” would be my favorite but I also like What are we waiting for and High above everything. Thanks for sharing. I often work in colors, so this inspires me to try B&W soon!

  10422. My best is “wave to Louisiana”, for me it’s just perfect. The composition, the choice of papers, and what it emerge for that, my English vocabulary is too poor to explain very well, sorry!

  10423. There is something soft and cosy about the monotone hues of grey. I like the tiny bit of faded color in some of them too.

  10424. You are right – black and white is special and wonderful! It draws the attention to shape and form, and these sparingly used colours are delicate! Hanna I they are all wonderful, but I fell in love with the elephant!

  10425. I bought this tape, too! I LOVE it! It’s just so cute. Also, blue birds are my reminders of my mother. There is the cutest little blue bird on the tape, so every time I use it, I remember Mama! <3

  10426. I, a really enjoyed this website, can you help me and tell me if you know
    where and when we ll have more loppis here in sweden!
    Im interested in big loppis, organized by the kommun ! Can you send me if you know
    an email with the dates and locals?

    Thanks and best regards

    Sofia Caetano

  10427. what a wonderful collection of collages for GIT!. I love the beach and am SO ready for it so of course I’m partial to that collage :)

  10428. Wow! Super art! I love your captions for each picture,too.
    P.S. I have a question: The picture of “altering a book” tutorial- shows a pink book with a white spine. What material did you use as the white spine?
    Thank you

    • Hi Nancy Lee, thanks for leaving a comment! In my tutorial on how to alter a book I have covered the cloth with white paint, and then made a collage on the front that has a lot of pink in it. So the answer is: just paint to cover the original book title! The texture of the spine is simply the original fabric that shows through the paint. I hope that helps? :-) You can also buy cloth tape (intended for book binding) in white.

  10429. What a fun change to work in black and white. I’m particularly fond of elephants and hands so those two collages are my fave, but they’re all great. And you’ve inspired me to play in B&W a bit, so thank you for that.

  10430. talk about texture! Your first piece is alive with texture. I love turtles, so your Beach has to be a close second fav! {:-Deb

  10431. Hi, Hanna!
    I hope you are doing well. I’ve been away too long.

    I know what you mean about B&W ! I was taking only BW photographs near the end of my college work in photography because I just loved the graphic and textural qualities.

    My favorites were hard to pick, but the first one, Love From Afar, is stunning! I love that one and the Elephant In the Window the most.

  10432. Hanna, what beautiful colors and textures in these collages…
    The three layers of the first one work so well together!
    “Whats important is to get your hands moving and let the images come.” I got to remember that! :-)

  10433. Great series – Black and White is nice to work with as opposite to all the choices we have in color, I might follow you and create some b & w’s myself this week… My fave is High Above Everything”

  10434. Yellow is my favorite color year round, but it seems all the more appropriate during the summer! I love the tape that Artsyville put out. So cute!

  10435. So good to see you creating :)
    …and soon the prompts should be available in German as well ;)

  10436. oh man, i LOVE these pages! the colors are so vibrant, and the wonderful chaos of that left page is absolutely delicious. you inspire me, year after year after year thank you!

  10437. Great video – thank you for the inspiration! I would never have thought to doodle and paint over the collage and tape, but I’m going to try it now!

  10438. I am so happy that you are back on blogging. Reading your pages is my everyday creative bliss. Thank you!

  10439. I just saw this on Pinterest and was curious if your template is available for download yet? Its wonderful!

  10440. Hanna, I’ve so enjoyed the icad project, glue it tuesday, and my collages, that I haven’t done any journal work, and LOOK at how cool yours is! I also love things that grow and develope over time. I’m definitely planning some additions to the icads I’ve made, with doodles or adding to pages.

    Your pages are rich, colorful, life-affirming. I love them.

  10441. This is really interesting to watch, Hanna. I love my Koi watercolors, and I haven’t used the brush itself yet. I don’t paint in the field, so I have just been using another brush and a glass of water. But I see what great results you are getting with the simple little tank brush! Anyway, thank you for posting this video. It’s nice to see you in action when you are so far away. I saw your icad video at Daisy Yellow. How fun!

  10442. I’ve run out of superlative adjectives for your journals — I need to invent better ones! I LOVE your journal pages!

  10443. Hanna, I love these pretty colors. The tones of pinks and reds together are so rich looking and gorgeous! Thanks for sharing :) Gwyn

  10444. Hi Hanna,
    My favourites are Pink City and Anonymous As A Wallpaper. Love your colours, keep on collaging!

  10445. Love all the flowers and birds. Very inspiring. Every time I see you post I think to myself, I could do that, but then never do.
    Aloha, Kate

  10446. I love your June List….so simple!! And yet…there’s no way I could give up pinterest for a summer…but that’s just me and I pin mostly inspirational quotes and Color!! I may do a JULY list…thanks for the idea Hanna :D

  10447. They are all so beautiful, soft & delicate, but if I had to pick a fave (or 2) it would be: Artist Season & Have a Cup With me. As always, beautifully done!!

  10448. beautiful summery collages! i love the pencil scrawls over some of the pieces. keep saving that spot for me at the bar — i’m on my way!

  10449. Pretty in pink, Hanna! I like Have a Cup with Me and Pink City I and II the best, though they are all lovely.

  10450. Oooh! I love your little bluebird!! I also love your page…reminds me of a city street that the bluebird has come to visit! So colorful! Thanks also for stopping by my blog! :)

  10451. I love the graphite lines on the bottom one and the abstracty photo glimpse.

    I am really enjoying seeing the collages. Also I will be gatecrashing your’s and Aimee’s wine meet up this week!

  10452. Oh my freaking gosh. Love the paint mark making first of all. Love the colours and freedom of marks. But the bird. Total adorableness. The eye!! Gorgeous. Isn’t that message the truth!?

  10453. Pink is my favorite color so I was in love with this page right off. The bird is fantastic and looks like he is seeing something surprising. Think you did a fabulous job.

  10454. How awesome! They’re looking delicious, Hanna :)
    especially the Pink City’s, the one with birds and butterflies and the cup full of roses…hmmm
    Cheers! Have a wonderful midsommar :)

  10455. Your pages are beautiful! But I want to specifically thank you for posting your blue bird. Blue birds are my personal symbol for my mother, who passed away 4 years ago. When I see one, it’s to remind me of her. So, thank you for the reminder. As if I’d ever forget! ;) But she likes to pop in every now and then!

  10456. I love how colorful your journal is and I love the bluebird and what you wrote, bluebirds have been popping up in different ways for me lately.

  10457. Oh my gosh! This is gorgeous! I love all of your things, but this spread is one of my all time favorites! Thank you for your inspiration everyday!

    Sheila in Oregon

  10458. Who in the world would NOT like these gorgeous creations?? I love them all. Pink is a yummy color. Great work!

  10459. Love the bluebird little bit of grunge with your own sweet style !
    You are an art journal Queen, Miss Hanna !~
    Happy Creating !

  10460. Should have done it much sooner, but I have just uploaded to the Flickr group photos of the beautiful postcards I received. Thanks to all of you, and I had a lot of fun doing this!

  10461. Well, since you ask…I particularly like “Pearls of Summer” for its colors, but also for the floral design that could be for needlework–lovely. This is quite an ambition project!
    best, nadia

  10462. I love “Chicken scratch” & “waffle day”- love the neutral tones in each & I also love the pencil scratches in “chicken scratch”…it is always hard to pick a favorite as all of your collages are so well done & their unique personality shines through! :) Happy Mid-summer!

  10463. Yay for catching up. I love the graphite and coloured lines you add. Love.

    I love anemone at dusk. I celebrated Winter solstice by planting garlic and hibernating in front of the fire!

  10464. Oh, what a funny and interesting video!!! Love it!
    I’m very interested in this swedish tradition. We haven’t similar celebrations of summer here in Italy. Hope you enoyed your midsummer day!!!

  10465. Love the chicks…made me smie!!!
    And the pearls of summer..just so pretty. Essence of summer!
    Thanks for the inspirations! J

  10466. Oj, oj s fina collage! det riktigt kliar i mina collagefingrar! (som fr vara sysslolsa nda till hsten pga solsken och sommar :) ) Min favorit r Arti-Choke – gillar graffitin och kronrtskockan och det gamla mixade med det nya p det sttet. Gamla frgtoner plus lite modernare grnt och snt.
    …vid nrmare eftertanke tror jag det fr bli nt collageaktigt nsta gng det regnar! knner mej verkligen inspirerad, och borde fixa en hg med kort (brukar alltid ha p lager s man har nr nn fyller r etc), och jag lskar att gra collage, och gillar verkligen alla dina collageinlgg! (plus allt du skriver om dr jag lr mej nya tekniker och snt)

  10467. What a Glorious Haul!!! I am so Jealous! I have been trying to refrain from ‘gathering’ til I used up my hoard…and you’ve ruined it!:) Off to the Thrift shop I go! Loved looking at everything!!!!

  10468. Hi Hanna,
    It took a while to convince myself to buy one but I have to say that I’m so glad I did. The chief advantage to a gel printing plate (whether homemade or commercial) is that there is a bit of give (bounce) in the surface which yields better, clearer prints. I’ve printed on tile (and glass and plastic) as well and the prints just aren’t as crisp as with a gel plate. The plate cleans up easy with a squirt of water and a paper towel. It does have to be stored flat without anything on top of it as you don’t want anything making a lasting mark on the surface of the plate. Tammy at Daisy Yellow uses homemade gelatin plates and gets incredible results but I just knew I wouldn’t want to make one myself. Oh, and if you do break down and buy a plate, it seems most people recommend the 8×10-inch plate rather than the 6×6. Hope this helps!

  10469. I’ve used a homemade gelatin plate lots of times with really pleasing results. I do prefer it to a solid plate for detail.

  10470. Michelle has it just right–geli plates are thick and can take some pressure, and you can make more than one crisp print from the paint you put on it. You can also add embellishments and inclusions.

    They aren’t cheap, and I wasn’t sure I was going to use it often enough to make it worth while to create a space for it in my studio (it’s often not the price, it’s finding the space). My substitute was to use an overhead projector sheet over felt. That works, too, but in a different way.

    I love your tile printing plate. I like the scribed line look. A lot.

  10471. Hi: I love my Gelli Plate, but it was expensive. I am a fan of the Frugal Crafter. She developed a technique for making a gelatin plate that seems easy to make and is apparently more permanent than other homemade gellatin plates. You might consider giving this a try. She (Lindsey, the Frugal Crafter), posted a video on You Tube with directions.

  10472. I’ve made my own gelatin plates, but it’s so much easier with the gelli plate. You might make one first and see if you like it. I have a tutorial on my blog for both making the gelatin and also using the gelli plate. Right now I’m guest blogging and have posted a new gelli printing tut.

    As Michele said, if you buy one, buy the 8 x 10. They have a larger one now but it’s a bit pricey.

  10473. I love my Gelli plate and have so much fun with it. I have followed some ideas from their Gelli Plate Blog and that is great. I am now painting lightly, letting it dry, more pattern with paint and letting each layer dry. Remove it with packing tape or contact paper or other ideas shared on their blog. I recommend it strongly.

  10474. Hanna, your mono prints surely are yummy! I love the colors you used. You & I seem to be in the same place re: diving in & buying a gel plate. I will be interested in reading the responses here! (Michelle’s response was very helpful!). Keep us posted on your decision! :)

  10475. A gelli plate is awesome, but you can make one yourself. I went by the frugal crafters recipe to make a permanent one at 11×14 size. It is working so far after 3 weeks. You might want to try it first by making it. See if you will like it enough for the money.

  10476. Hanna, I have just started experimenting with mono printing too. I have used a plastic drawer liner – it is a bit thicker than a plastic sleeve, and has a bit of bounce, but not as much as a gelli plate. I like the idea of making a gelli plate from gelatine, there are a couple of instructions on youtube. I just might give it a go! It seems like the flavour of the month!

  10477. I love Chicken Scratch and Artichoke most, but everything below those are fabulous. I love the mark-making over the images.

  10478. Yesterday, my sister-in-law and I played all day with a homemade gelatin plate! It is so addictive :-) It’s very easy to make one ourself and the advantage is that you can make it as big as you want it!

  10479. one very good point about gelliplate printing is that you need very little paint: the thinner the layer of paint the neater are your prints and this way you keep the transparency which is fun to develop! layers and layers of thin printing still keep the papaer smooth and thin; a lovely touch to it. playing with gel plate homemade is fun too as the plate starts to crack up which adds to serendipity. once you used a gel plate you don’t want anything else……having said this: your first tile print is beautiful.

  10480. I love mono-printing and do it on just about any slick surface I can find. Each surface gives different results and meets a different need. I’ve been printing on a homemade gelatin plate for several years (not the same plate, mind you, I make them with unflavored gelatin as the spirit moves) and I absolutely love it for the sharp detail you can get with the prints. Nothing else compares. I bought I gelli plate and like it quite a lot (though not quite as much as homemade). For me the real advantage of the purchased plate is being able to pull it out at a moment’s notice. Since I knew I already loved that type of mono-printing it was a good investment. Like many before me, I encourage people to try making their own before dropping their money.

  10481. I was going to suggest homemade gelatin plate but I see I’m late to that party :-) so I’ll share this tip: I use the foam container from a take-away meal and take a ball point pen or end of a paintbrush to doodle an impression. Brayer on some paint and you can use them over and over. :-)

  10482. Sorry I didn’t get to visit sooner. I love every pink collage here!! So beautiful, refreshing and colorful!

  10483. I just broke down and bought the Gelli plate today. Even though the DIY versions sound easy enough, I just knew I’d never actually do that. After reading about it for months and months and waiting and hemming and hawing, I finally just stopped by the art store and bought one. That’s the advantage over ordering it through the mail – no shipping charges. I came home and tried it out immediately. Fun, easy, immediately successful and instant gratification – what else can you ask for? I can’t wait to really delve in and make more and varied papers. I can’t compare performance since I never tried to make one, but the commercial one is sure slick!

  10484. What a wonderful term “crafternoon”! Love your foxy cards, and forest fox is my fave. How can you not love that fox & squirrel illustration – it makes me laugh in delight.

  10485. I really love the first one – feels as if you are peeking out a window. The pinks/purples paired with green in “Linger” are fabulous, too. That’s a color combo I don’t think I’ve tried before. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Happy Tuesday, Hanna :)

  10486. My favorite is “Hidden in the Forest” because it appears to be 3-D which is amazing!

  10487. Love these!! My absolute fave is “Moving In or Out”…I just love the way you layered those two foxes on the top to look as though they are squeezing themselves right out of that collage! Very nice effect! Ahhh…what a nice “crafternoon” you must have had!

  10488. i love the first one best; it reminds me of lilacs, which are one of my most favorite flowers. their scent is just intoxicating! but, as always, your art is gorgeous and inspirational. i’m so impressed that you’re keeping up with this – you’re halfway done!

  10489. Hidden in the forest is my favorite. I love the stripes of color that seem to hide bits and pieces underneath. The brilliant green draws me in.

  10490. I need a crafty afternoon with my friend. I need to make me another gelatine plate (had to throw away the last one I made as it got all moldy and slimy). I DO actually collage though…. I love yours. I prefer the top one… the greens and pieces of monotype just ‘do it for me’, fabulous!

  10491. I love “Hidden in the Forest”! At first I thought it was a photo taken of a window with some interesting curtains! I just love the whole composition and most especially the special touch of the little dots that go with the dotted paper and the circles on the monoprint paper! Great job as usual!

  10492. oooh, foxes!!! Love this theme!
    I like “Forest fox”, because the retro look of the fox illustration in the center is very cute and well balanced with the other elements of the composition!

  10493. I love the one ‘Hidden in the forest’…yes I love GREEN! and FOXES! I wonder how u managed to keep at this collage project for so long…don’t u get artist’s block every now and then?

  10494. your project is actually in movement (evolution?) more figurative. I am in admiring of
    your work. I prefer “Hidden in the forest” because the dream is present and it’s what
    I prefer in your work. I like so” linger” but I regret that the flowers are not enough cut up
    in the details. Sorry it’s a little critical. I hope you understand my barbaric language.

  10495. I like “moving in or out”! With the foxes not in one place but kinda scattered on the page. It’s fun to see the sheets all together and slowly watch the foxes take over. I guess the panda scared them all away… {:-Deb

  10496. Kp gelatin p Ica och gr en egen frst och knn efter. Jag har anvnt bda och en Gelliplate rcker lnge lnge men en hemgjort kan du bestmma storlek p och de vackraste mnstren fr du nr gelatinklumpen brjar ge med sig.
    Lycka till

  10497. i like hidden in a forrest. it seems that you are getting different glimpses of outdoors all at once.

  10498. Hi Hanna! I love rolling paint onto the 12 x 12 specialty tiles that you can get at the Hardware/Home store…then I just lay the paper on top. I am getting ‘curious-er and curious-er’ about Gelli Printing. Loved your prints!

  10499. Hanna, this is such a wonderful post! Not only your beautiful journal pages, but your wise words as well. Experimenting leads to ideas, which lead to other ideas that just might spark something even bigger…maybe now, maybe a year from now…but it is all there on our journal pages & tucked away in our subconscious. Awesome, creative post, my friend! :)

    • Aw, thank you sweet Patricia for those kind words. I so agree with you, even if the doodles are not ideas right now they might become something in another project a couple of months from now. Ideas are mysterious like that. :-)

  10500. Hanna, I love your pages. It always inspires me to see what you are up to. Thanks for sharing :)

    • Thanks Jane, I’m glad you find my blog inspiring, it keeps me going and wanting to create even more. I hope you do too! Have a great day!

    • Thank you Sue for leaving a comment on my journal pages. These might not be the most thought through pages but I kind of really like that about them. The spontaneous mark making is sometimes the best, right? :-)

  10501. Creating in the intuitive flow is the best ! That is when you know that whatever emerges is come from your true Artist Spirit. I love what you and your birds have to say !
    Happy Creating, Amazing Hanna !

    • Thanks Kim! The blue birds are on almost every page right not, what is that about? And do you know what I did this week? I went out on a walk, brought two stones with me home and made a pattern/doodle on them. I will blog about them once I re-release them into the “wild”. You inspired that idea of course! :-)

  10502. Dear hanna, would you ever imagine, that your blogs are being read 5 years after writing? They are still so “up-to-date” and don’t loose their actuality. It is a treat always to come back to your pages and find new inspiration . Thank you, love, regula

  10503. what does your home look like???? i have so many projects that i have started but not finished….. great ideas but no completion. any thoughts.
    i am moving and printed out you labels. thank you , they’re great.

  10504. I love these pages, your journals inspire me to just have fun and put whatever I feel like at the moment into them. Your bird drawings are great with so much character.
    I will have to go play in my journal for awhile now, I am so inspired…

    • Nimol, this post is from 2007 and this cotton yarn bought in Sweden… Even if I tell you the label I doubt it would help you, but I don’t even remember it. Sorry, I hope you will find something similar where you live. :-)

  10505. I am so inspired I love your pages and how to description , I am obsessed with all kinds of inspiration books, I have done this since I was a child too :)

  10506. Looking at your pages mostly means to me: a lot of work afterward, because you are giving me so much of inspiration! Thank you Hanna, love your notebooks!
    Gabriele 8

  10507. I love this idea. I too need a place to store the images that I love but cannot find a place for. I usually make handmade postcards, which allow me to be more free in my choices of topic and images, and I also keep an index card box where I like to improvise with different ideas. To me it’s very important to have a place where I can just glue what I like without worrying about everything else! Great post.

  10508. Wonderful insight to inspire and excite many to walk an unexplored path; one never knows where it will lead and sometimes where the path leads can be amazing.

  10509. I’ve never thought of my glue books as inspiration books. I just cut out random things that I like for whatever reason – it’s pretty, it’s funny, it’s just nifty – and glue them into a notebook. It’s fun to page through them later, and I’ve even made some for other people. I also gluebook my travels but that’s a more recent development. There’s something very soothing about cutting up pieces of paper and gluing them to other pieces of paper.

  10510. I love this idea so much. I am always tearing things out of magazines, but I’ve never thought to glue them into an inspiration notebook. How fun to look through!

  10511. your glue book reminds me of Pinterest! It’s a great idea. I get magazines from friends and cut out things I like. They end up in boxes and files and everywhere! Having a glue book would keep everything organized…! {:-Deb

  10512. I have all sorts of ‘systems’ going on to collect my images and letters/phrases… and it never seems to work. I do like the gluebook though (but it’s not for me, as I want loose images to choose from to glue in my art journals – that wouldn’t work if they were glued down already…) Happy “Glue it Tuesday” on Wednesday ;)

  10513. Love your books! And thank you for letting us take a peek! I just started an inspiration journal too…colors, textures, designs. I try to glue like images down on a page…I have a page full of interesting doorways & one just for staircases :) I find the images percolate in my brain & somehow end up in my art. Definitely a good practice!
    Have a wonderful, creative week! :)

  10514. This idea just grabbed me. It’s time! I must start an Idea Journal. Oh- and great idea for storage of Magazine collage pieces in the clear page holders! I’m definitely going to try that!

  10515. I love the first one, Jelly friend. It feels different from the others, and the paint splatter on the brown paper is really special. And I know how you feel, some days I don’t want to get near my scissors and I think “this is the beggining of the end”. But of course that same night I’m up until 4 am with my hands covered in glue LOL.

  10516. I love “another shy friend”, it reminds me on something long forgotten and the colours of “not for reel”, they taste like vanilla and strawberry icecream.

  10517. I love Golden Rider! Something about it, I think it’s that little shiny knight in the middle that just drew me in! I applaud you for keeping up with your 365 collages!! That is inspiring, I think I will do it next year! Through ICAD I have learned that I love making collages! Your work is always fun to look at! :)

  10518. number two & the last one are my favourites……..i like the colours, patterns & textures.
    the more collage i do the more ideas i get for more, it is quite addictive, but sometimes i have to have a change & do some sewing, crochet or painting in between.
    the time has passed really quickly for me.

  10519. My favorite is Stag’s Head. It is bold, and I always like brown and dark blue together. And that jellyfish is magic.

  10520. Hanna, is there a way to donate to your site? I can’t really spend as much as I’d like to order from your etsy, but I would like to support you for all the things you provide, like this tutorial! and just think you’re groovy. Let me know.

    I will put making an inspiration book on my list. I have 10 things on it for this weekend. HA!

  10521. You amaze me. I’ve been drawing more, too. But my ability to organize it all into journals has always escaped me!
    Love the birdies. Birdies are my favorite! and the blue hair!

    have a nice weekend. It’s a long one for us Americans, so I may just lock myself in my studio!

  10522. Brown is one of my favourite colours, so I really like this week’s edition of collages! My favourites are “Butterfly Flock”, because I love butterflies and because I like the look of the scribbled lines and torn paper edges, and “Another Shy Friend”, because of the bird that only appears after you look at it for a while, and the nice contrast of the blue colours.

  10523. You have some wonderful papers in shades of brown. Jelly Friend is my fave but I also really love that button paper on Golden Rider. Yea, we’re half way there (or maybe not quite for those of us still a few collages behind…). Thank you again for this challenge Hanna, I love it! Thanks for visiting my ICADs last week!

  10524. Hanna,
    Thank you for the tips and suggestions of where to go. I followed your advice and went to the rose garden in the djurgarden area. What a delightful experience!! The whole djurgarden was marvellous. Loved it loved it loved it. I also check emmaus per your suggestion, and got a remnant of josef frank textile from svensk tenn for 80 kroner. What luck!! Too short a visit. I hope to visit stockholm again!


  10525. Ps:
    I also went to nordiska museet, following your advice. Fell helplessly in love with the folk art room and textile room.

  10526. Every week is a new surprise ! My better is “separated from the Flock”, you have the
    talent for choosing title. I like the colors and layout. I like so “Jelly Friend”for the same
    reasons. I would like to try so this sort of challenge but I think I am not so
    disciplined to do that every day.

  10527. I love the first ~ Jelly Friend! So graphic.
    Your dedication to this project is inspiring. I’m trying to establish new work habits and it’s not easy!

  10528. …you really make me want to start ‘collage-ing’ more
    Really awesome pieces…

    have a nice weekend! :)

  10529. And what a beautiful pattern it is. There’s something about blue & white that sings to my soul and it reminds me of my grandmother too. She collected Wedgewood tea sets when she was alive and I was passed down several sets which are still gorgeous and a joy to look at. Thank you for reminding me of her in another way.

  10530. What a gorgeous pattern!! And I love the slight variations of blue in yours! So, so beautiful! What is it about blue & white? One of my favorite color combos for sure! I have been experimenting a lot with patterns lately too…it is so therapeutic to doodle them! I did an ICAD in pink & white based on a pattern I saw on a dress in a magazine. FUN!!

  10531. amazing project and i’m getting more into collage myself… although it’s a huge challenge for me! it’s like a puzzle, so much time just looking and moving things around… fun fun! I really like the Planning for Winter for some reason… the colors in the top right corner drew me in!

  10532. Hi Hanna….love the blue flower pattern! I am also making patterns for the “Sewn” class :)

  10533. Those stones look really ancient. They even have fossil imprints. So now I have to reveal how much of a nature geek I am. Were they left by a glacier pushing through? And they are so white, but really hard–because you can still see the fossils, so are they granite? Maybe limestone? Just interested. And thanks for posting those photos. They are lovely.

    • Quinn, you’re guess is as good as mine about these stones, probably better because I don’t know much about stones. Found this info online:

      Gotland is a Swedish island in the Baltic sea. It is a paradise for fossil collectors. The island consists of slightly dipping limestone and marl layers from the Silurian period. There are several books about the fossils and geology of Gotland. Literature suggestion: Sunstones and Catskulls, Guide to the fossils and Geology of Gotland van Sara Eliason. ISBN 91-88036-38-3...

      And some more about the geology of Gotland, if you’re interested. :-)

    • Thank you Arielle, glad you liked the photos. I love going through photos from a few months back and remember the good times…

  10534. Thanks, Hannah. It’s limestone, but far more ancient than I imagined. Your blogs are always so interesting! Thanks for the links, too. Lots of good information!

  10535. Nice! What is a good time to visit Gotland if you don’t want to mingle too much with the tourists but also don’t want to go in winter? I much prefer this type of destination to hot sunny places.

    • Pia, you must visit Gotland! I was there in the beginning of May, and it was just perfect! Not much tourists at all but a lot of spring flowers and we were lucky, days of sun when we could sit outside for lunch and coffee!

  10536. Gorgeous pattern Hannah, beautifully recreated too my lovely. I love your blog and am guilty of not always commenting when I’ve popped in for a peek, my apologies but sadly life and my two gorgeous children mean I only get a limited time on the web. Thank-you so much for your sweet visit, much appreciated.
    Hugs x

  10537. I’ve been collecting pictures but did not have a purpose for them until I saw this. You cannot believe how inspired I am feeling even though I should be climbing in bed. I see paper, glue and fun in my future. Ahh… :-)

  10538. Oh these stones sure did make me smile!! LOVE this! And what made me smile even more was that you set them back in their environment! Oh the lucky person who finds one!! :)

  10539. So funny – I just did the same with some white ink on pebbles I brought home from our trip to Southern Sweden… though I didn’t release any (yet)

    I’ll haven’t been around town much recently, but if I am, I sure will look out – perhaps I’ll find one :)
    Sweet idea! (…have you heard about letterboxing?!…)

  10540. You always find so very very nice pieces… I love you inspiration journal – cool stuff!
    Enjoy the sunshine :)

    Cheers, Jana

  10541. Your glue books are fun and full of inspiring and interesting images. Great resource for those muddled days when you can’t find your way.
    Have a great Tuesday!

  10542. Love, love your inspiration journal, you have inspired me to do the same, I have stascks and stascks of old House and garden magazines, I cant resist them when I see them in thrift shops for sale for only 10 cents.

  10543. Scrapbooks like your gluebook are fabulous starting points for inspiration, all that pattern and colour! Thanks for sharing.

  10544. Play The Art of Visual Journals, is this publication still being printed? If so where do you find the magazine? Thank you.

  10545. Wonderful patterns here! Your journal is very inspiring. I have a sketchbook but I use Pinterest for pretty photo collecting.

  10546. I just adore this idea!!! We have so many many stream rounded stones here and what a brilliant way to add a bit of unexpected art and whimsy to the garden in summer or nooks and crannies in winter!

  10547. I’m lucky, that I don’t have to buy magazines like House Beautiful – my girlfriend gives me hers. I did start a gluebook, and it was partly because of you (and a workshop that I was participating in). I do need to get to work and continue with my gluing! {:-Deb

  10548. Hanna, I love all of them. My two favourites are Morning C and pathways. Your work always inspires me. Thanks for showing us!

  10549. I follow your collages day by day and I am so inspired by them. I did a couple of collages on cards as mail art….collage is a way of relaxing but it demands a different tensity nevertheless.
    my favourites are “best quality” so different and “going home for the unusal colouring together., But really I like these all :)

  10550. Hi Hanna…I think you do collage and mixed media equally well. I really like the boyfriend collage and morning C! I say keep doing what you are doing :)

  10551. I really like the colors in ‘Morning C’ and the design of “follow a path.” I guess if “Follow a Path” had been made in pinks, it would be my fave ;) ….’in bed all day’ is a great title, reminds me of the Cranberries lyric, “hit the town on Friday night, stay in bed til Sunday.” really great collages!

  10552. I like everything you do! But most of all I like “Going home alone”. There is a direction and movement in the picture and it tells me a story.

    • Elisabet, tack fr din kommentar p 365-projektet! Jag visste inte att du gillade mina collage s jag blev jtteglad. Tack!

  10553. This week I love all your collages, I appreciate the new way of “New Pathways Ahead”
    you mixed collage and paint. Thank you to inspire us and me particulary , I am not abble to do like you but I try.

  10554. I really love all of them, as usual! But “Going Home Alone” particularly caught my eye right away. I love all the green, the perspective on the building and the little bird. But they are all gorgeous! I love the colors you work in, they are my favorites too. Your work is so inspirational to me!

  10555. Good morning Hannah!
    Your collages are lovely. I really like the bright colours that you have used, especially in Deep Swing In and Follow a Path. Your work is delightful and inspiring.

  10556. Jttefina bda tv! Jag har sdant sug efter att sy lapptcken men skjuter ocks p det fr jag har s mycket annat att gra. Men en kudde kanske jag kan hinna :)

    • Elin, tack! Prydnadskuddar r kul att gra eftersom de syns s tydligt, r ltta att fixa och nd gr ganska stor skillnad i rummet. Men du ska ju mla mla mla, s det fr vl bli p kvllstid kanske?! ;-)

  10557. I like Deep Swing In because of the complementary colour contrast between the focal point and the green background.

    • Molly, thank you so much for your comment on these pillows. Bright and happy was the feeling I was looking for when I made them. :-)

  10558. OMG!!! this dangerous! I can see hours of time drifting by – the possibilities are ENDLESS and magic!! Thank you so much Hanna – I think!
    I used to (about 10 years ago) make mandalas of pictures by doing masses of photocopies and cutting them up and sticking together and photocopying them – thinking all th etime there must be a computer programme that could do this – and here it is!!!!!! Wow!

    • Sandra, OMG! The photocopying sound sooo cool to me – very hands on and interesting. Do you have any of them still and if so, can I see them? What a fun idea that is too. :-)

    • Pia, thank you so much! Making pillows is easy and fun, and one of those crafts that gives me quick gratification – one that I do love to get. :-)

  10559. I 1ove a11 of them, but I think my favorite is the New Pathways. I 1ove the 1ayers, the co1or and the penci1! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10560. Ah I see you have a ‘chain of hearts’ pot plant – I love that plant and have some cuttings growing from a friend’s parent plant.

  10561. This is stunning!! I love this. Thank you for sharing. I am also completely jealous of your fabric collection. :)

    • Thanks Nat! My fabric collection, as seen here, is very minimalistic but I agree, those two pieces of vintage fabric is beautiful leftovers from someone’s sewing project. You can actually see the sewing lines where I opened the seem to try to salvage the tulip row. Love it.

    • Hi Mary, thank you sweet one! And no it’s not complicated to do but the patterns you can get is rather complicated and very fascinating. Let me know if you try it out! I’d love to see what you make.

  10562. “Follow a Path”. I love material on paper.I love lace,too on paper.
    But on this one; each piece of material is reaching across the paper to each other.

    • Christy, thank you! I love looking through my photos and I am thrilled any time someone else takes the time to do it too. Thank you.

  10563. Oh, I love the pictures. And Iam thinking of starting a gluebook. I have a sort of diary in which I put lovely pictures from magzines etc. But never thought of a book just to glue al those nice illustrations in! Thank you for the nice idea.

  10564. Such a beautiful pillow, Hanna! I love what you can do with a handful of scraps. I LOVE the look of patchwork.

  10565. Hanna, I love ‘In bed all day’ and ‘Morning C’ – I like the warm colors too. I recently tried my hands at collage and it’s so difficult! I’m always inspired by yours.

  10566. you sure are a fashionista! Must be fun going thru the mags and then having these wonderful pages to look thru.

  10567. Wow– I love the fashion! I actually worked on a fashion spread this week. Only finished one page, the next page to come. My daughter brought me some old mags so it has been a treat to look for goodies. I’m having fun, glad you are too!

  10568. beautiful clothes and color combos! I love the multiple hair and cloth braids that woman has, coming out of her bun. I wear one braid – I’ll have to try that and see how it looks. Great images! {:-Deb

  10569. I think my favorite is In His Window. The colors blend so wonderfully. I have a hard time placing one image on top of another without it being very “unjointed”… {:-Deb

  10570. WOW, I love them all. I guess In His Window is my favorite. I like all the layers around the yellow blooms. And the green window frame is just so striking against the yellow.

  10571. I like sunshine season the best, and I’m not sure why. I think I love the contrast between abstract and photograph. I also love sunshine flowers because of the contrast between the vintage image of the woman (old), and the fresh look of the new yellow flower (modern). I think maybe contrast is important to me. These are all great, though. I like the graphic quality of your collages.

  10572. since starting my 365 collages, I’ve noticed that I cut out more clothes and accessories like jewelry than I do anything else!

  10573. Oh, I could set up one of these books, but I just know that after I had everything glued in here, I’d be doodling all over it!! OR, I’d want the pictures for a different collage and it would already be stuck! I guess I could scan the page and use it that way… Okay, I may have to do this. I have so many clippings I don’t know what to do with them all!

  10574. This is one of my favorite ways to decorate with flowers! I keep several pots of daisies on our back deck just for cuttings. I have a collection of old small Coke bottles into which I pop on little daisy. They look so sweet that way, don’t they?

  10575. They are all fabulous, but I especially love the way “In His Window” invites the viewer in through the window. I keep going back to that one so it must be my favourite!

  10576. What a lovely giveaway, I’d love to learn new techniques with acrylic painst! :) My fave tool to apply paint with is old plastic cards (loyalty cards or such).

  10577. att utvidga min akrylrepertoar r precis vad jag behver! mitt bsta tips, r isopropylalkohol, droppat p vt/vattnig frg. livsndvndigt nr jag frsker stadkomma vatten! :)

  10578. What a fantastic giveaway! I haven’t done much with acrylics on canvas but love using acrylics on the gelli plate.

  10579. I’d love to win a copy! I have enjoyed using the gelli plate with acrylic paints lately.

  10580. I’m just starting out with any kind of painting (just gutted an painted an old shed to make a spot where I can leave things in progress as necessary) but so far my favorite for making backgrounds is spray painting — acrylics hold the bright colors so much better than water colours — at least for the way I mix thing up!

  10581. How ironic!! I JUST bought Acrylic Revolution and love it!! I am really getting into painting and can’t wait to try all these techniques out!! This book looks fabulous as well…especially the examples!!

  10582. I have both these books, and I find them different. Revolution is about all the things you can do with acrylics, whereas Solutions is more focused on actually putting different techniques together to create a painting. They’re both wonderful.

  10583. One of my favorite techniques is to cut a brown paper grocery sack into thirds, discarding the seam & bottom. Wet the pieces & wad up, then flatten out for a crinkled surface. Repeat. Lay on newsprint, randomly squirt several dabs of 2 colors onto wet paper. Don’t use too much…can add more later. Brayer to moderately blend colors. Don’t overmix. You don’t want one smooth color, but gradations. Pick up tiny amounts of Pearl-Ex powder on a brush, & tap to release powder over the wet paint. Leave some as sprinkles, & brush some to spread in streaks. Set aside to dry. Use a metallic stamp pad, or metallic acrylic paint on a sponge to lightly brush over the top of the dry paper, just highlighting the tops of the crinkles. Allow this step to dry. Cover ironing board with craft paper & place the painted side of painted paper face down. Spritz the unpainted side of the paper with water. Cover the dampened paper with a second sheet of craft paper. Iron with no steam on cotton setting. You just want it to lay flat, not to remove the crinkles. This paper is gorgeous, very flexible and makes wonderful book covers or wrapping paper for small packages.

  10584. Looks like a wonderful book. I’ve heard its praises being sung on other sites as well. Though I am a huge fan of using baby wipes with acrylics, I also love spraying layers with water and wiping the spots away–you never know what look you will get. Thanks for the give away!!

  10585. What a generous giveaway Hannah. The book looks fab and will more than likely end up on my Amazon wishlist lol! Your open and honest review is incredibly helpful, thank-you sweetie.
    Hugs x

  10586. Ha ha ha, to add to the above, my favourite application techniques have to old credit cards and the humble fingers, soooooooo much fun, I love the unpredictable!!!!!!!!
    Hugs x

  10587. What a fun-looking book! One of my favorite ways of painting is just with my fingers – I love dragging my fingers through paint, and I loved the varied, uneven surface it creates.

  10588. I love using a credit card with two or three colors and spreading them around. Quick background and you never know if something will just ‘show up’.

  10589. My fav tools have been my selection of palette knives and my gelli plate!! I would love to learn more!!!

  10590. About the only thing I know to do with acrylic paints is with the gelli plate and I just love that. Would love to win this book and learn more uses for it.

  10591. I’ve been eyeing this one!! I’ve heard great stuff… Now I got to hear it from you and I love your stuff! Hoping I might be the one! Thanks again for the great review!

  10592. I love my Gelli plate, sequin waste , a credit card that I have cut with a shaped pair of scissors and a brayer. I am so new to painting it would be great to have some help and inspiration Hanna. Thank you for this very generous giveaway.

  10593. One technique that I enjoy is just to smudge acrylic paints around with my fingers. I use a thin layer of paint and it gives a soft misty look that I love. And it’s fun too!

  10594. This book looks amazing, my favourite technique is using stencils and spray paint

  10595. This books sounds fabulous! My favorite tool is an old tape roll that has double circles! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  10596. Oh, my. I have been a fan of Chris’ work since I started doing mixed media stuff. Her colors and lines are to die for. I want to know how to do it and would love to win this book with her work in it. I’m having fun using my fingers lately as my favorite tool. Thanks again for the chance to win!

  10597. Oh my gosh, this is just what I need! I’m dying to do an “actual” painting on canvas! My favorite technique with acrylic right now is using stencils for backgrounds on journaling pages. What a great giveaway! Thank you Hanna!

  10598. i LOVE this giveaway! A simple technique I love is putting paint down and then while it is still fresh, putting a stencil down and rubbing the fresh paint away from underneath the stencil. basic but the results are always really neat! :) thanks for offering this giveaway! super excited for whoever wins this!!!! :)

  10599. Oh thanks for doing the giveaway! Honestly I’m not even sure If I have used acrylic before, I just used whatever art supplies I have in the house. My fav tool is sakura micron pen with pencil colour or water color. :D

  10600. Hanna, thanks so much for this reviewing our book! You did a great job and we know the lucky winner will be excited to receive it one day soon. We are thrilled to be able to reach more people with our teaching through the book. We’ll hope some of your readers join us in the “Land of Lost Luggage” for more good stuff!

  10601. This looks like an amazing book-I love Golden products and I know Chris works or worked for them. Love that it’s spiral bound too! My favorite toll I must say is my fingers-esp. if I have nothing else at hand to use, and my fave technique is just fun and messy mixed media with lots of color!

  10602. I’m loving your glue book idea for collecting inspirational magazine clippings and also for using mosaic prints of things too!

  10603. Love your pages. I often work by color or similar shape. I especially like your Frida one as she’s such a fave of mine. Today I came across a small stash of postage stamps with her image, so I feel a little tribute collage coming on.

  10604. Thank you for this giveaway!!!
    The book looks amazing :)
    my favourite tecnique… uhm, I love to use watercolor pencils/pastels and oil paint. I haven’t tested acrylic colors yet :)

  10605. Your glue book pages are to me the perfect catalog of personal dreams, nice dreams, every time you want to feel good, you can look at them.
    Thanks for visiting me and leaving a kind comment!
    Gabriele 5

  10606. I love sprays and stencils. Then draw with black and white jelly roll pens. Paula

  10607. Looks like a great book! I would love to get started with mixed media and I’m not sure how. But I do have a lot of experience working with acrylics…has always been my favorite. Thanks for the opportunity to win a book!

  10608. What a lovely book…..I love to paint with acrylic and then spray with a little water then wait a minute and wipe. Makes a nice background ! Thank you for a chance to win this beautiful book !

  10609. Love, Love this Hanna! Thanks for the inspiration! I’ve pasted pages like this in my
    “regular” art journals, but the ideas get lost in the volumes. I’m going to do a glue book like yours, specifically with this format. Thank you!


  10610. L.O.V.E your pages, but the Frida page? OH MY, I LOVE me some Frida Kahlo! :)
    As always, beautiful & inspiring work, Hanna!

  10611. I love your glue books… ALWAYS an inspiration. Can’t wait to start collecting those magazines to add pieces to my glue journal. Thanks for visiting my blog and your encouraging comments.

  10612. Thanks for the great chance at luck! I love the technique of spraying bleach through a stencil!

  10613. Great giveaway Hanna!

    I’d love to win …. my favourite technique is a really simple one. I just love to splodge some paint on the page and scrape it with an old credit card. It gets rid of the ‘blank page’ really well!

    Karen x

  10614. Awesome giveaway! My favorite technique is painting on layers of gesso and erase it again with some water. It leaves some paint here and there and makes beautiful backgrounds!

  10615. ‘if you can take it is my favourite and ‘tasting like salmiak’ because i like salmiak very much! for me these two are best balanced….should try it too, just black and white…not easy.

  10616. This book sounds great and would love to add it to my collection! It’s not often I hear about a good acrylic book :)
    My favourite technique would be adding layers of pattern using bubble wrap, cellophane, burlap, credit cards, whatever I have around me at the time.

  10617. This seems like a great book for me as I am a beginner and would enjoy learning about paints and techniques. My current favorite tool for painting is an old credit card or gift card. Thank you for the chance to enter to win.

  10618. My favorite is Days to Colour. I like the texture in it. You are an inspiration, Hanna.

  10619. Fantastic giveaway – thanks for the chance to win! My favourite technique has to be stamping with rubbish – all the stuff that most people throw away like bottle tops, old foam washers, lids from coffee creamer, packaging….. the list is endless :)

  10620. my favorite tool is using a 1″ flat watercolor brush for acrylic abstracts

  10621. My favorite is “Tasting Like Salmiak”. Just love it and now that I looked up what salmiak is, the title is awesome too!

  10622. Hello, my best is “if you can take it”. It seemed very well-ballanced(good word?)
    Black and white is seemingly difficult! I like your work, perhaps I try that next week you are so inspiring !

  10623. My favorite technique is watercolour washes with salt, although they are hard to write on afterwards, but if you use Sharpies, like I often do, you can wash over your writing then salt it for a very textured look once it dries. And have patience when doing it, sometimes it looks like a mess, but once the salt re-crsyalizes, it looks amazing.

  10624. Great review thanks – and thanks also for the opportunity to be part of a lucky giveaway! Great to have found your blog too (from Daisy Yellow)

  10625. Looks like an awesome book! One of my favorite techniques is to place blobs of color (same color family) onto a canvas and use a squeegee too smooth and move the paint around. So the color isn’t completely mixed, and you get a good variation in background color.

  10626. Right now I am in Nova Scotia, Canada where lupins are the local flower, so famous that they feature of postcards as well as everywhere in gardens and not.

  10627. I love to get my hands all messy with paint and glue,….. One of my favorite techniques
    is to slather acrylic paint on a sheet of heavy paper or cardboard, and
    then “smush” a piece of plastic wrap into it! Let dry and the result is a
    wonderful mix of textures, shadow, & color.
    I would love a copy of this book!! Love your blog ihanna!!
    Janice k

  10628. This book looks awesome! Love your blog, Hanna, and everything you share!

  10629. Oh, that looks like a great book for me! Thanks for the chance on winning that. My favorite technique is watering down acrylic paint and taking a japanese style paintbrush and splashing small drops on my artwork, by tapping the brush on a pair of scissors. Yummy look!

  10630. I like using molding past to add texture. I like the effect of adding acrylic paint then pushing it through a stencil. The older version of this book is on my Amazon wish list as I am new to art journaling & it was recommended by another artist. Thank you for the offer and doing the book review.

  10631. I love using my Inktense pencils and Caran D’ache watercolor crayons with my water brush to paint. What a great giveaway. I’d love to win this book. It looks like it’s filled with amazing ideas. Thanks for all the inspiration on your blog!

  10632. I love using stencils. They can add such dimension and texture to an art journaling spread. I like using them with sprays and acrylic paints. Thanks for the chance to win. :)

  10633. Great review of a very intriguing book!
    It was really interesting to read through everyone’s favorite techniques here in the comments too :)
    Currently I prefer watercolors and fine liners and ink (applied with drawing nib) for my artsy adventures.
    If working with acrylics, I love to apply blobs of paint to a silicone baking sheet, mix the colors a bit with some cardboard or credit card, then lay my paper on top, rub and take it off (well, basically making a print). Then I tend to grab some bubble wrap to add some texture… and sometimes I like to splatter thinned, wet acrylic paint onto backgrounds too :)
    Cheers! …and thanks for the opportunity. Kram!

  10634. Jttefin! Men nu blir ju jag ocks sugen p att gra ngot liknande…. och jag har inte tid! Fast jag klagar egentligen inte. Det r underbart att det finns s mycket inspiration och s mycket jag vill gra :) Tack fr det!

    • Tack Elin! Det tar en liten stund att klippa och nla ihop ett par byxor till en kjol, men sedan att dekorera med stygn gr man ju framfr tv:n. Min tog halva vintern att gra, men det gr ju inget. Kanske en id att spara till vintern/hsten. :-)

    • Mary, thank you! The stitching by hand was the fun part, and wearing it. I love wearing it. :-)

  10635. Thanks for educating me about World Embroidery Day, Hanna…I had no idea! I love what you did with your jeans, and I would love to do the same with one of my old pairs. A great look!

    • Thanks Andria, for your sweet comments. It was really fun to make my own skirt and there is SO much jeans inspiration on pinterest, just take a look on my DIY clothes board there. Yum!

  10636. Oh, I love your glue book, Hanna! What a pleasure to sit down and page through. I keep lots of different little books like this, and since I take my pictures from magazines, I always feel like I’ve created my own “perfect” magazine for myself, because it has everything in it that I like best from all the different publications I’ve looked at. Such fun!

  10637. I love the simplicity of the flowers…and those ribbons are just gorgeous! My sister and mom are visiting India in October. I’m thinking I should ask them to keep their eyes open for beautiful ribbon to bring home to me!

  10638. Hi!!

    I spent 5 hours online last night looking for the perfect planner… 25 to start with then you’ve got to make it personal… Can’t afford that… Then I stumbled upon you and you fantastic tutorial!! WOW! I am going to utilize my day off tomorrow and make a planner… I’m soooooooooooooooo excited!!

    Erm… If I use a regular cardboard ringbinder, will it be fairly easy to cut up? xx

    • Hi Lace, no bought planner will ever be as cool as the one you make yourself, or as useful to you! Cut into any ringbinder, it’s worth a try right? I hope yours turn out just the way you want it too!

  10639. Superlckert, verkligen! Och detsamma kan man ju sga om den dr lckra bakelsen … har du kanske nt recept att dela med dig av? ;)

    • Tack fr besket Ulrika, trevligt att f lite svenska kommentarer ocks. Men ngot recept har jag inte att bjuda p tyvrr. Det r en kpebit det dr, och inte ens min. Jag r mer kanelbulle-typen. :-)

  10640. There’s a fine line between crazy and creative! These are definitely creative in material, but your style still shines through. I love that you were able to make a week’s worth of collages from them and yet they all look original and different from each other! More great work.

  10641. I love this idea because I do the same thing, write bits and pieces of my days on scraps of this and that. When I don’t need them anymore I always feel bad about just throwing them away… now I don’t have to! You didn’t ask for favorites this week, but I like #4 and #7 the best!

  10642. These are the coolest so far. I love how you keep exploring the same idea (square collages) in different ways. You must have quite a collection by now!

  10643. what a fun and successful experiment. Each one is visually interesting, with great composition and I love the idea of taking something commonplace and mundane and making it meaningful and beautiful.

  10644. I love this idea! I think these collages look awesome, so much so that I can’t even pick a favourite from among them. I also generate a lot of to-do lists and rough notes like this, and this is a great way to use them up. I never would have thought to use things like this in art, but now I think I’ll have to give it a try!

  10645. I love, love the additions of notes and doodles into your collages! Not crazy…but crazy good :)

  10646. How does one pick?! They are yummy with letters. They are pastel lovely. I think my favorite is Taking Notes 4, but that’s only because of Mr. Froggy.

  10647. Always a pleasure to visit here… love your journal!! :]
    ** such a delightful pattern ** Seriously makes me “happy” :]

  10648. hanna – those red leather books with the gold patterns on the spine are gorgeous. how fun it would be to go to a flea market in sweden!!! thanks for sharing it.
    also…your pillowcase patterns on the post below this one are magnificent. those vintage cases are the best!

    • Mary Ann, thanks! I wish I could buy every pretty vintage book there is and make it into altered art journal, but I already have a whole pile waiting… :-) When you come to Sweden I’ll take you thrift shopping for sure.

  10649. Me too – LOVE loppis’s!!! I envy you for the fabric you found… the one with all the jars is right down my isle ;)
    Oh, and the blue and white patterns of the pitcher and the sugar bowl – hmmmmm – very very nice.
    I have tons of pictures of patterns on fine china (and other pieces) that I took in the Rijksmuseum. I’m wondering about a way to collect them all together – sketching and keeping them in a journal is my favorite idea. Seems overwhelming, but if I don’t start, then it will always be overwhelming…
    (Do you have a favorite loppis, or do you just go and see without planning?)
    Have a good one :)

    • Thanks Jana, I have a few favorites, but the best ones are the temporary ones where it’s just one day and everyone has the same chance of finding the “perfect find”! Like the summer bakluckeloppis… Love those. :-)

  10650. hi hanna,
    my favourite is “roam around”…….just like the colours with the black & white & the flow of the text.

  10651. Wow it’s really hard to choose a favorite. I like the top three because I’m always drawn to color, but I think the one that most grabs me is “roam around” (black, white, and pink right?) I find the pink circles interesting, but what I like most is that there are no distinct images so I can look at the entire piece just in as elements of color, form, shape, flow, etc without trying to pick out images.

  10652. Ah Hanna, your collages are always interesting and special! Here’s what I love about “The Possy” (in addition to those wonderful cats) – the black and white rectangle in the field of pink/orange, with the pink rectangle below it – because it suggests a hole or window, with the cutaway piece below – but not exactly, so it really draws me in for a closer look.

    and I love the repeating pink/orange elements in “Face Up”

    and yes indeed, I agree that “Roam Around” is quite extra special.

    It’s always inspiring to see what you’ve been up to!

  10653. i love all your work! i was looking through your flickr account yesterday, marveling at the rainbow of collages you’ve been making; it’d be incredible to line them all up at the end of the year to see the spectrum of color you’ve created. of this batch i like ‘roam around’ the best.. just like everyone else, it seems! i think it’s the simplicity of the thirds, the off-centered-ness of it, and the variety of texture. the balance is really lovely.

    keep your chin up, darling, the week is almost over! jag tycka om dej! :)

  10654. Hanna I love your work! And I smiled at the thought of you in a tiny corner of your desk gluing away. I recognize that space. My fave this round is “Faces Up” – love the vibrancy and the idea of those flowers turning their faces to the sun. Sometimes I feel like I need to do that as well. Wishing you a happy week!

  10655. my favorite is Agreeable. Your collages are great and you’ve inspired me to make a glue book!

  10656. Hanna, These are all wonderful! But my very favorite is “the possy”… As soon as I saw it those little kitty cats made me smile! And for some bizarre reason, it made me think of Rome, Italy!?! Maybe due to all he cats roamingaround the Colseum? In any case, I love your collages!

  10657. Most of all I am happy that you are back with your creative work. I already missed my daily treats… It is one of the precious moments of the day when I find your new posts. You are my inspiration. Be happy, wonderful artist.

  10658. The cats in “The Possy” made me immediately smile – and I’m usually very much a dog person. Loved your bright, happy flowers in “Face Up.” And I have to agree with the majority here, my favorite overall is “Roam Around” – the entire composition is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for continuing to share your projects with us!
    Sending happy, creative thoughts and big hugs your way!

  10659. I like them all! They all have something interesting.
    The Posse: obviously, I love the image of the cats but I also love the contrast of the black and white rectangle on bright colours;
    Face Up: the juxtaposition of hard lines and softly painted flowers;
    Like a Kiss: the colours and brush storkes;
    Roam Around: the pop of pink with black and white as well as the architectural line vs script and circles (I think this one is my favourite);
    Agreeable: the scribbles and circles;
    Both typography: they feel very architectural to me and I like their simplicity.

    You inspire me to get back to collage.

  10660. I like them all–such an explosion of color and shape.
    I especially like “the Possy” and the two text ones, but my all out favorite is “Roam Around.” Love the colors, the shapes and especially all the lines–such a strong piece!

  10661. These are all very good but my fave is the simplicity in Roam Around – the sharp edge of black and the torn edge of black make such an interesting division and then the splashes of pink are just right. I also love the type ones – I’m always drawn to typography and how to make it dramatic. You definitely succeeded! I’ve fallen a bit behind in my collages but will catch up this week. I’m so glad I started this 365 journey with you….I’m learning a lot and you’re a constant inspiration!

  10662. Loving “Face Up” this week, so colorful and pretty. I really love them all especially this week! You’re an inspiration, as usual!

  10663. They are all so beautiful, but the first one made me laugh, the possy. I was all ‘ oh my, the pussy posse’ and still can’t stop smiling. :-)

  10664. As always, beautiful collages. My favorite is Roam Around. I like the strong black against the white with pink circles and the carefree black handwriting.

  10665. What a pleasure whith these collages ! The three first are so colorful they give me smile!
    My best is “roam around” for the mix pink and black and white I think that this collage is more “mysterious”…

  10666. Hi Hanna, I am so enjoying your descriptions of summertime days. It sounds wonderful, and I think this batch of collage conveys that.

    I was drawn immediately to “The Possy”, first from the swath of yellow and pink across the top and then of course, from the cute kitties, who look like they are having a fun time in the sunshine. I love the juxtaposition of old black & white print images with bright color. I like how you broke up the color at top with the black & white slab, which reflects the b&w of the kitty image.

    I really like the upper left corner of “Face Up”. I would like to hear how you did the overlays of the flowers on the type.

    “Roam Around” is just outstanding. The darks on the left balance so well with the pink dots on the right and allows my mind to imagine all sorts of things. The dark side might be a piano with music rising on the right, or more likely a cluttered desk with creativity wafting through the open window.

    You go, Girl!

  10667. Yum– “Roam Around” strikes my fancy today. Love gray and pink together. I also enjoy how you give each piece a name. Your project inspired me to collage more.

  10668. happy cards! love ‘possy’ …”si rigolo” and another happy thing must be that a good part of your desk is now tidy…just joking…hope next week you’ll have a better week starting from now with all the enthousiastic comments of everybody so happy to see your cards…..’face up’….looking forward to the following seven. always inspiring….i have joined the bandwagon.

  10669. I enjoyed many of your links, even pinned some for later viewing. I enjoy how you write. thank you for sharing.

    • Thanks Diane, glad you like my topics and found inspiration in this post! I am just exploring your link list too – lots of interesting finds. Thanks for sharing it!

  10670. I kept choosing a favourite but would then scroll down and find another one. This is a great collection Hanna! I love the b/w on the painted paper in The Possey, the luscious colours on Face Up, the pink with b/w on Roam Around and Agreeable. Told you I couldn’t pick! I can’t believe we’re 31 weeks in!!

  10671. Oh man! Such beauty. <3 And those raspberries look delicious!!
    I recently posted some blown up photos of flowers on a bridge in the city, to act as a portal to beauty. Images of colorful flowers are such an escape.

    • Thanks Mary, I appreciate you stoping by and leaving a comment. Right now I’m feeling rather sad that the autmn is coming, but I hope I can use some of the photos to remember that summer will be back sooner than we think… Are you on instagram? I posted a photo there of my closest bridge recently, decorated with pink flowers! :-)

  10672. I want to thank you for this post and how to start a gluebook. I stumbled upon Glue it Tuesday via Pinterest. I did my first few pages by simply cutting out things I liked from magazines. Mistakenly, I looked at how others were creating and thought my way was too simple. I tried something else last week and it just wasn’t me. So I appreciate your post as it encourages me to keep
    with what works for me.

  10673. my favorite are the ones chock-full of color — you have such a way with collage! how fabulous it would be to see a house wallpapered in your collages!

  10674. Wowza! I’m so happy for you! It is so true, a person that works in an art journal most days or sews quilts or watercolors… can add their very own original “twist” to drawings and doodles. Your little designs are irresistible.

  10675. Right on! How exciting to be asked and then find the courage to accept the invitation. Reading through your post, I’m now interested in picking up the book. I love to doodle and have been creating some “worksheets” one can download from my site that serve as journal prompts of sorts that are designed with my doodle style. What I love about doodling is that it is really accessible to everyone. What I love most about your story is how this opportunity came up for you out-of-the blue. Life is full of delightful surprises.

  10676. I think this is one of my favourite weeks yet! I love the cats in the first collage, and the bold black and pink of “Roam Around”, and the neutral colours with unexpected purple highlights in “Agreeable” and the dots and stripes in “Like a Kiss” and the flowers in “Face Up”… and then the typography ones are awesome as well…

  10677. Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous garden photos with us! Wow! Love your photography! The berries and pea photos made my mouth water. Thanks for making me smile!

  10678. Hey hanna, i am so happy for you. Congratulations. I will get the book asap. Bravo!

  10679. Congratulations, Hanna! That is wonderful! Your artwork, whatever the format, is always fun to look at and inspiring!

  10680. On my Wish List for when it is released! This looks great, might as well send one to my arty friend in the US for Christmas while I’m at it!

    • Peter, thanks for noticing. It started with a couple of copies of a random vintage photo, then it turned into a series of collages called My Imaginary Boyfriend that I really enjoyed creating. Now it’s just a favorite image that still floats around in my stash of papers. I won’t make any more copies, but I want to use the copies I have, most of them painted and doodled on already.

      Is it strange?

  10681. I was immediatley drawn to “Come Home Safe”…something about the large flower juxtaposed with the inside of the envelope, also the black calligraphy (?) lines…it just spoke to me! They are all lovely, though!! I feel like you all should throw a big party when you are at your last week of collages or “365 somethings”!! :)

  10682. Hello! My best is “safe haven” I love the flower which seem burst out of the page.

    I hope it’s the good word for I want to say. M Potter is so one of my best.

  10683. So lovely to see. What a fun project to be a part of!… Will go and check it out, to get some inspiration!

  10684. ooooohhhh my goodness, they are adorable!! you’ve captured them so well, both their thoroughly-sleepy-ness and their super high energy. love the one tugging on your skirt! this post reminds me of this youtube video that makes me laugh every time. thank you so much for sharing! (and you look beautiful, too!)

    • It was a good think my skirt was already frayed, because that puppy was not the only one biting into it…

      And thanks for the link Ingrid! I’ve got some iphone movie clips on my phone from the puppies too, if I find the energy I will compile something and upload it to my youtube channel too. They are adorable IRL!

  10685. They are so cute–and 12 of them! Mom must be exhausted from feeding and nurturing them. I did notice that for a very young puppy, the one you are holding is mighty big. That is a handsome breed of dog.

    • Thanks Quinn, the photos are from all three visits to the puppies, so the puppy I’m holding is much older than two weeks. They will be ready to move out (all of them were already sold before they were even born) next week… I think it’s sad but I’m sure their mom (dog mom and human mom) will enjoy the rest.

  10686. I found your blog via Crafty Pod and am so happy I did. I love the 365collageproject you have going. I’ll be back :)

    • Thanks Tricia, so glad you came to visit. Hope to see you around soon. Link love is such a nice thing, right?

  10687. So cute for such a large breed. I love dogs! Especially the one pulling at your embroidered skirt! You did good on the puppy pics. So glad to learn about a “new” breed recovered from extinction. Any dog lovers here may want to check out Robert Clark’s gallery on National Geographic site.

  10688. Here from GIT.LOVE!!! your collages-everyone of them. My fave tho is the first one-love that happy combo of vibrant colors-and the positive “yes”!

  10689. Wow, I love the first one… mostly because of all of the magenta and red! :) I find myself completely obsessed with collage lately, too. I’ve never tried anything as ambitious as a daily commitment (as soon as I commit, I seem to lose interest in something)… but I am making them several times a week.

  10690. Another fabulous week of collages! I’m not getting tired of making them either. I’m rather surprised and so pleased. I think Improvisations is this week’s fave. I love the strong colours, the abstract images, the clear layers adding that extra dimension. Or maybe Transitions is my fave…for basically the same reasons….it’s just too hard to choose!

  10691. Cuteness overload!!! One day I’ll have a puppy again too…. I always love big dogs. My motto is “if they can’t knock you over and lick your face when you get home, they’re not a real dog!”. Congrats on actually being able to photograph them in full, puppy-speed motion!

  10692. These pages are adorable. My number one tip: get yourself a waterbrush! Maybe you already know about them, but just in case you don’t. They are synthetic brushes with a built in watercontainer. Some brands are rubbish, but I have some by Pentel and some by Koi and they are good. You need to learn to work with them a little (to get the right waterflow), but once you do they are amazing. You can just clean them by rubbing them off on a piece of tissue or cloth (or another page). They make it possible to do watercolour without a seperate container of water you have to put down somewhere. In my backpack I always carry a tin a of watercolour, a sketchbook and a few waterbrushes. It makes it possible to work anywhere. They were a revelation to me when I first heard of them. ;-)

  10693. I find watching your process to be very inspiring and strengthening – I am only just starting to do a tiny bit of collage work and every week you give me a booster shot of Vitamin “C”!

  10694. I like them all but “Will I love again” is my favorite. I like combination of magazine pics with painted paper. I also like the idea of drawing over magazine pics. I haven’t done that but want to.

  10695. “Schyy” is my favorite this week! Such a cute focal picture and I love the color combination. Keep up the great work!

  10696. This sounds wonderful. A full week of pure happiness. I was in berlin for 9 days. It was hot but a great inspiration. The hamburger bahnhof museum is (till october) hosting an exhibition with paintings of the swedish artist hilma af klint. It was a revelation to me. You might like her very much, too. You came into my mind when i stood in front of her art, my mouth and eyes and heart wide open.

  10697. What a beautiful space to have Summer Crush! We are waiting for summer to be over so we can go outside again. Right now, it is just too hot. Your artwork is always so lovely and airy–a real joy to see.

  10698. Wow, that looks magical!! I would *love* uninterrupted time outdoors to create (i have a 3 yr old). My crushes this summer have been the early morning hours in solitude I spend outside (or inside) writing my morning pages. And working with collage has been a big shift that I love. I’m a big fan of gluing random stuff together. :)

  10699. Sounds like heaven, Hanna. You must not have a lot of big, nasty mosquitos where you are. Were it not for that I surely would spend more time outside doing art. I’ll have to wait for more cooler weather. Thanks for all your sharing.

  10700. such a sweet, fun and whimsical spread! Love how you water colored around the writing! That kitty looks so content and is very sweet too .
    Thanks for visiting my blog :)

  10701. these are gorgeous, and I also have a table I painted turquoise, the colour combination is beautiful!

  10702. Hi, Hanna. How are you?
    I think that mandala is one of the best things I’ve seen these days! What a great idea, and a perfect way of meditating. Making something repetitive, a pattern sort of, in all the hues of a favorite color.

    I’ve been enjoying your mom’s IG lately. Even though I can’t really understand what she’s saying! HA.

  10703. Wow. What I love about visiting here is that you take a single work of art and you share your atmosphere, development, thoughts behind it, and you allow us to live there with you! It’s a great thing to create outdoors. When I have an upper veranda that’s the best times for me. I can look out on so much of nature, over trees or water, and at the same time be away from the activities so that my inner monologue continues through the piece I’m working on.

    Thanks for sharing!

  10704. The first one.
    I think it’s because the Y makes me think Why?, and questions are always the most interestings things for me. Love the arrangements of the papers, with colors moving about under each other. Really pretty

  10705. So good, Hanna! I loved the link to your balcony post, and how long I’ve been reading your blog. And how long Smilla’s been smiling!

  10706. I don’t know that any one particular one stands out as “better”. They are all fascinating and each have juxtapositions of interest.

  10707. Hi Hanna

    Try using a piece of thick glass.
    We are busy with mono printing in our visual arts class.
    Also try using objects like foil, forks, bubble wrap…
    They provide nice textures and patterns.

  10708. The tiny apartment is now hugely popular in New York City and Brooklyn. And I can understand why. For those of us who are older, have a lot of books (please don’t make me say “old-fashioned paper-printed books”) and an art habit, I wonder where the storage for these tiny places is. And I smile as I remember how hard it was for me to downsize when we moved to Phoenix.

  10709. Awesome! Tip for when pulling out pages: Find the other half of the page you ripped out ( on the other side). The page is already half out and loose.

  10710. det tog mig ett bra tag att hitta p filmerna, det finns en hel del p youtube, men inte i min smak. och det tog ett tag innan jag kom p att det borde finnas inredningsfilmer p youtube, ibland ser man inte lngre n nsan rcker… :) nu har jag gtt ett tag och funderat p om jag inte skulle filma min lgenhet ocks, fotografier r nd inte samma sak… :)

    • Ja att gra film r kul, vore roligt att vara tv och gra sm reportage dr man kan visa vad man gjort sjlv och gillar med sin lgenhet! Tack ven fr tipset om tv-serien Wonderfalls – nu har jag nog snart sett alla avsnitten. Sjukt gullig och trevlig serie – gillar dina fynd!

  10711. I like them all, I like the mix of papers and colors. And I know what you mean with just one more. Well, sometimes, I need to stop too, nothing comes anymore.

  10712. “Silent through the night” gets my vote :) That fun little mouse is such a great focal point! I liked you use of the fiber papers that look soft and fuzzy when torn.

    I also enjoyed “Decorative” – how you went from a mostly monochromatic composition for most of the collage, and then brightly colored flowers along the bottom. Very nice!

  10713. I like the first one very much and the one with the berries. I love the markings on them like they were found in children’s books from long ago.

  10714. Love them all! Time to play is so colourful and playful, Mylady and Mr is so romantic and has such a sweet Touch, These tw
    o are my favourites!

  10715. “Listening to Nature”- I like the added music sheet.
    Do you pre-cut and sort the pictures before hand?

  10716. I also like “Listening to Nature”. The composition has a very calm effect and the music tape sets the tone. Actually – I like them all. Thanks for sharing your work.

  10717. Always enjoy seeing your week’s collection. My fave is Silent Through the Night -that mouse looks likes he’s headed on a great adventure through those luscious fields of paper.

  10718. I like Silent Through the Night the most, probably because I’m not fond of pencil scribbles on collages.

  10719. Hanna,
    as always your collages are wonderful….i like the black and white one best!

  10720. Hi Hanna! Each of these are wonderful! If I had to choose one to tuck under my arm and take home, I would pick “Time for Play”. The peek-a-boo squares drew me in closer right away to see what was behind and to read the text. Seeing through things always feels like discovery…a great fun feeling! Time to Play is a fun little sentence but as you go down the line there is some good advice there too. Balance! Crumbly kanji stamp is scrumptious and I love the bit reminiscent of a cross stitch pattern. This is my fave. It’s the one that I had instant rapport with. Thanks! I am always inspired when I visit here.

  10721. Love all those cheery colors! Your post was a beautiful stay for my morning!

  10722. my favorite is Time to Play. Love the colors and the figures you stamped (?) and the papers’ patterns. The mouse is a cutie too, though I don’t like to see them scurrying around the kitchen floor! {:-Deb

  10723. for the pages with multiple images/scraps did you sew everything or glue some things? If you did use glue – is there a specific kind you find best for this craft?

  10724. This project of yours is so inspiring to me! I hope you continue to describe your techniques, even if you keep using similar ones – thanks to you I have had the courage to start on some of my own projects and it is so puzzling to me to see what directions they go in, what I choose, what I reject, and overall, the asking myself the question “what do you want to do with this” or “that” is somehow healing. Many, many thanks!!

  10725. What a wonderful find. I’ve ssaved to savour when my girl goes back to school, because I’m sure there are loads of great ideas there. Thanks for sharing!

  10726. Hi,
    Love the color scheme! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures. You brought a smile on a face, and that’s cool!
    xoxo from Bordeaux, France

  10727. wonderful… nature sure has lots of love for us

    I would have commented on almost all of your last posts, but I need to set time limits on my ‘play time’. So, please, consider yourself showered with comments of agreement and awe :)

    • Thanks Jana, I appreciate you going back and looking through the posts and letting me know you did. I love photography so much. Hope you got some good ones from your holiday!

  10728. What is the weather like now for you?
    I am in Jacksonville, Florida USA
    It was 100 degrees, with humitity making it 105 degrees.
    Your view sounds wonderful! Love the lily pads!

    • Wow, that is hot Nancy Lee, we almost never get that kind of temperature in Sweden. Today the sun is out again, and it’s 18 Degrees Celsius here, that is about 64 farenheit. Kind of late summer feeling that autumn is closing in… :-) Thanks for your comment about the photo!

  10729. What a wonderful project! I would love to do this–maybe I’ll have time to try it. (I have a Nikon 5100, which I love, so I hope you enjoy your new camera!)

  10730. Oooh! Yes!! I have done a Day in the Life with Ali Edwards last year & loved it! I will join you in this next week too! Can’t wait to peek at your week! :)

  10731. Hi, Hanna! Ok, I will join you! (Which is SO very unlike me)! … kinda scary! Which is why I’m making myself say yes!


  10732. love them all, these colourful cards and the way you keep your word and really going to get these 365 collages! I’m not so disciplined but because of you making cards is always on my mind even with some results ;)
    It’s tuesday evening, tomorrow there’s no school; i’ve got to make a patchwork card too. thank you for your creative vibes!!!!

  10733. Summer Ending and Patch Me Together– a tie!
    But all your work is worthy of praise!

  10734. I love them all, but my fave is “patch me together.” I love tge colors, and also the variety! Ephemera, painterly pieces & text. Love, love!

    Sheila in Oregon

  10735. great way to use up the leftover bits of papers. I especially am drawn to the first one though they are all lovely!

  10736. Love them all..but I think my favorite is “Princess Patchwork”. Cute name!

  10737. I followed a couple of your boards – like you I’m always looking for good pinners to follow but rarely do I follow all of anyone’s boards – it’s too much and I’m not usually interested in everything they are. I love the black hole that is Pinterest and find I’ll spend hours browsing then skip it for a few days then spend a chunk of time then ignore it for a few days. You can check out my boards at

  10738. Hello! I love your blog and read through it when I get my emails. I do have a question. I have changed email addresses and would like to continue to receive your email updates. How can I do that? My email is melaniedotlucas1976atgmaildotcom.

  10739. I am always delighted by your visually beautiful posts here so find it surprising that I have neglected to check out your Pinterest boards! That’s now on my list for this evening…thanks for the links, as well.

  10740. Paradise in Sweden… surely I could find a place like this in NC

  10741. What an adorable, precious boy!!! Thanks for sharing the pics. They are great!!!!!!

  10742. YAY! I LOVE my aqua Ikea cart! I think it may be one of the handiest things I’ve ever purchased! I can wheel it between my studio and the living room so that I can keep my husband company when he’s watching tv.

  10743. Hi Hanna, I keep my experiments in a experimental box after I have dated them. Then I take them out and look at them a few months later to see if there is something else that I want to do to them or use them in parts and pieces for other projects. You could make a 3-dimentional bird house out of these or use them for other things like the backs of journals or inside covers.

    Hugs from Alaska, Sherry

  10744. What a wonderful way to recycle those old binders. A friend gave me an old binder filled with old workbasked patterns that I just love, but the binder is looking pretty battered! What a wonderful way to recycle it in colors and patterns that I love and still be able to store the magazines in the correct sized binder. (I don’t think they even make binders of that size any longer) Thank you Hanna for the inspiration! I’m going to do that to one of my grandmother’s old cookbooks, where she saved favorite recipes too!!!

  10745. Great doodles. I LOVE your animals-they are so much fun and show me you really love animals-they’re so happy. Glad you shared this page with us.

  10746. Congrats on the new camera! I just bought one yesterday, a Nikon Coolpix L820. I couldn’t afford a DSLR, but I’m hoping to be very happy with this one. I’ve always gotten Canons before. Unfortunately, my camera won’t be here for a couple weeks, so I need to make do with my old one. Anyway, I look forward to seeing your pics in the WITL Flickr group!

  10747. I enjoyed this video, Hanna. I thought it was significant that she used such varied styles of music throughout…really gave the sense (along with her different art materials) that we can take our art journals in really countless different directions. I liked watching her ideas develop, and how she moved back and forth to keep adding to her pages.

  10748. Argh! I don’t need more excuses to spend time on Pinterest with all these great links! It really has become a wonderful way to while away the evening hours.

  10749. Oh, this is just what I needed! I am not een newbee. But I didn’t journal the whole summer. And I mist it. And now I have difficuties to start. Thanks for the inspiration. I loved the video you found.

  10750. This does fascinate me, and I actually love the steampunk sensibilities. Architecture fascinates me, and NASA rocketry. Lines and geometric shapes figure in lots of my work, especially lately. But what you’ve shown here, with the amazing photography I love when I come here, is really appealing! Love all the colors, too.

    • Thanks Chris, for stopping by & leaving comments. I really do love photography SO much, and appreciate that I can share it here with you and others who also enjoy it! Have a great week!

  10751. I could watch people art journal all day. I love doing it, too. Once you let go of all your preconceptions and rules and expectations, something that was so hard for me to do, you have so much fun!

  10752. HA! I love spinning my color wheel!
    Hanna it’s cool to watch the evolution of your work, all the way from your first podcast with Diane, and your first book and the journals you have made, your collages — and this fun journal spread is no exception.

  10753. I like Back to the Castle the best. I think it’s the simplicity of seeing pink in different varieties with almost no embellishment. I may be in a simplicity mode right now.

  10754. Loved this video so much that I went searching for the artist. She has lots of inspiring videos to see. I’m new to art journaling and I agree with you that it can be easy, we’ve just got to start.

  10755. So colorful and so fun! You asked what is inside your head on your page and your head must be packed full of things because so are your journal pages. You must be a fun and very active person!

  10756. Very cool, Hanna. I’d like to bottle your energy so I can add to some of mine after a long work day.

  10757. Whoa – this is going to be a favorite to return to for inspiration again and again.

    Your own painted papers are so inspiring also, that I wanted to ask if you have already posted on how you prepare them. I have recently set up a work table and might, just might, try some painting or other “wet” decorating… right now I only glue… still, for me that is progress!

  10758. I love these! the color, the texture, the lines–the birds! they are all so soothing and calming. The one with the purple is my favorite of this group, something about the lines just catches my eye. The final one is very intriguing.

  10759. Awwwwww – birds… I love what you came up with for your current collages. I always check on them – even if I don’t comment every time… :)
    I’m kinda jealous of those old book pages, Hanna ;)
    Cheers! Enjoy this awesome weather, if you can.

  10760. Your collages are charming! I love the first bird collage because of the polka dots and pink strips. They add zing to a cute bird illustration. I also love how you name your collages. Thank you for visiting my blog and commenting on my studio photos. As you saw there, I also like to make bird collages :)

  10761. These are all fun but my favorite is “Patch on a Park Bench” because of the flowers and that pink chevron piece in the corner :) Subjective, I know! I like to sew paper patchworks together so there is a bit of added texture to the paper. I’ve not visited your blog before but I’ll be back – there’s so many fun things to see here!

  10762. This might be my fave edition so far – I love the hide and seek of the layers and the addition of the birds is a great touch. Hard pressed to choose a fave but it might be the first one……love the sheer layers and simplified style. Really a stellar group!

  10763. I love them all! The first one is my favourite…. I love the colours and the layers and of course the sweet (sparrow?) bird.


  10764. I like “Freedom”…the illustrated bird, the graphing squares and the scribbles…I guess I enjoyed the juxtaposition of the structured lines and the freedom to “scribble” and then the scribbles appear to lead to the flight and happiness of freedom bird. I enjoy your joyful playing with collage.

  10765. I love all the ones with birds. Love having a focal image and the birds are great! Thanks for the inspiration.
    Aloha, Kate

  10766. the first one…….i’m having a pink week, i like the bird & the composition…….august was a very busy month, but have been checking your posts!

  10767. Hello, I love all these so much! I think the first and last one are my favorite, if I HAD to choose. So awesome that you can come up with so many ways to collage each week. I also like that you name them, do the names come quickly for you or do you wait till a name feels right for you??

    I also love book paper, could decorate my whole house in it, ha! Thanks so much for inspiring and sharing with us.

    Was hoping you’d be sharing your WITL pictures here each day, are you waiting till the end?

    • Hi Dawn, thanks for your kind comments! I love naming my artwork, sometimes it’s hard, sometimes it comes easily to me. I often name them when I’m scanning them and signing the back, from a word that comes into my head when I look at them or from words in the text used in the actual collage. :-)

      Glad you like the WITL photos, I am posting another pile of photos today!

  10768. I think these are my favorite yet !! It’s so hard to pick just a favorite, I did like the summer ending one and patchwork on a park bench, not sure why but kept going back to those two. I just love how you make these and name them, HAPPY!!!

  10769. This is a fabulous collection Hanna! I love the layers of neutral, transparent papers. A favourite? If I must…Simplified. I’ve been out synch with my collages the last couple of weeks but am looking forward to getting back into it. I know the moment will come, esp with inspiration like these!

  10770. As every week I love all your collages! My best this week is “simplified”, because I like pink, “dans la presse” is perhaps more mysterious for me as “Tita Apart”.

  10771. such beautiful soft colours. love the ones with the birds. they remind me of my collection of beautiful birds pictures that i don’t want to use, afraid of losing them. and what a funny card ‘noise in the basement’
    365 cards are a lot, i’m far from it but i’m trying too now.

  10772. your collages are all beautiful compositions but I’m especially drawn to the ones with the birds that use a variety of papers with graph-like patterns, scribbles and dots.

  10773. I absolutely adore “simplified”. Whenever you decide that to want to sell it… here I am!

    • Thank you Terrie! At first I was disappointed about all the gray, but then the sun came out anyway and it turned out THE BEST photo day in a long time. :-)

  10774. Your photos are gorgeous! The fog adds just enough moisture to create wonderful images. Your new camera appears to be a successful purchase!

  10775. love your collages this week. i like the first one the best because that pink makes that birdie just pop off the page. i also like the last one because it is very vintage looking. tfs

  10776. Wow! These photos are gorgeous! I love how you captured these special moments – the dew, that spiderweb!! Pure magic! Cannot wait to see more of your photos!

  10777. You have some beautiful camera images here and I scrolled down and see that you are also a wonderful collage artist. Thank you for leaving a comment at my blog post about my health issues and artist block.. I am finally getting back to blogging and leaving comments.

  10778. Such gorgeous shots! Many people think I’m crazy, but I love the frog and the way it reveals pieces of the world just a bit at a time. Your photos capture it beautifully.

  10779. I’d love to participate in one of these postcard swaps! Please notify me on the next one??

  10780. Yes, I love to see a different part of the world and everyday life there ….it would be fun to do this from here…never thought about it…but love it!! What a beautiful fountain!!! We have a drought and so the water is appealing to see…ha…would be nice in my yard…! More please!

  10781. I would totally love to see all the days of your week. Beautiful…awesome pix!!

    • Thank you, it’s lovely to share the photos with people who like me enjoy photography and documenting life! :-)

  10782. its interesting to see life from someone else’s eyes…and in another country. the building behind the fountain is beautiful too.

  10783. LOVE this post, Hanna!! That Dandelion fountain is definitely something special!! I bet, given the right light, you can catch a rainbow from the fountain too :)
    Great manicure, by the way ;)

  10784. Neat fountain, Hanna! My 4-year-old has a “thing” for fountains, and would really love seeing that one. (Love your hair, by the way!)

    • Thanks Andria, fountains are often magical to me too, so I can understand your kiddo, and this one is special. I’ll guide you there when you come visit Stockholm! :-)

  10785. I love the flowers on your window sill. And what a gorgeous photo of the spider’s web. AND the two flowers after that….beautiful!!

  10786. I love your office pictures and WOW, those colorful tables and chairs are awesome. I feel the same way about my big camera, I’ve barely used my cell phone this week. Thanks for sharing!

  10787. So glad your sharing the week with us, love seeing what your day looks like. That fountain is soooo COOL!!!

  10788. Hanna, every day I read your posts. So beautifull, inspiring, special, colourfull! Thank you so much for sharing all your work en specially the look you give us in your every day live!!

    • Thank YOU for stopping by and leaving nice comments, it makes me really want to inspire, share and post more often. :-)

  10789. Thanks for sharing your day, I love seeing the area, daily life and places where you work and live. We tend to overlook the daily routine when we blog.

  10790. I love this collection of collages. I really can’t pick a favorite. I do like the layers of Simplified and the simple shapes in Vast emptiness. My life has been too busy lately, but you inspire me to get back to creating some fun, simple collages. Thanks!

  10791. Hanna, The photos are gorgeous! You are adept at finding interesting subjects! The first photo is my favorite of this set; I love seeing your play with light and shape. The barely visible edges of your flower pots are just wonderful. {And the spider webs, wow!!!!}

  10792. A beautiful set, lovely play with typography and shape in your collages. I am so happy that you are still working on your 365 Somethings! I am too!

  10793. The train station in the mist is just gorgeous! I’m so happy you have a new camera to explore your world!

    • Mary, no I didn’t make the candle holders – nor did I pick them. I don’t even like purple, hehe, but they are in my office at work. They look nice when the sun comes in and they reflect the light up around the white walls. :-)

  10794. How wonderful to see bits of your daily life, Hanna. Feels like a visit across the sea to your homey home. What I notice is the glorious color that you always seem to have around you, right down to your fingernails ! A true artist life.
    Sending love and light and you wander through your sweet life days.

  10795. Congratulations on your new camera, Hanna!!!
    Awesome pictures… I find it magical too, what light can do – especially that from the low standing sun.
    I’ll be back to see your week in pictures :)

  10796. love this post and i feel with you the joy of looking around and trying to see all as if it were the very first time you saw it. that’s what happens when i walk the dogs, camera close but when i travel to and from school i often regret that i don’t have that camera with me….it’s such a shame i can’t (for reasons of privacy) the many wonderful moments of my days teaching the children of my english classes…..

  10797. I love this post!! That first photo is my favorite, like how you are kinda hiding in it, fun angle I think. So right about the cords, have thought of that many times myself. I am thankful for my days even when it’s the same old routine and this project really shows me that way. I took a picture of the sunrise each morning, even when some days had more clouds then sun I still feel the energy and happiness in the day about to start. Great photos from your day, so glad your sharing them with us.
    I just picked up my pictures yesterday and going to start on my album today, can’t wait to fill it up and relive the week again.

  10798. LOVE LOVE each of these photos!!! So glad you got a day at home and going around town, looks like you had great weather too!! I love doing this project, so fun and inspiring taking pictures all day and really slowing down to focus on what’s around us.

  10799. you actually have hit the nail on the head…if you look at your world as something to be tolerated because you don’t have the ability to be somewhere else, your world is not such a great place but if you look for the beauty around you (because it is everywhere) and in everything then you will find beautiful things to draw and take pictures of. your new camera is great and crisp and clear. love the pictures and the glimpse of your life. thanks!

  10800. Aahhh Hanna… you’re still going strong with the collages. Wowzah – awesome work girl! After being ‘mia’ for a long time, I hope to slowly come back and collage some myself this week. You are definitely an inspiration!

    • Thanks Marit, the more I do the more inspired I feel, so I hope you can find your way back to the habit of filling your art journal volumes and finding time for other creative work!

  10801. So wonderful how you’ve expressed these feelings. And I’m with you on the bathroom window. I’m always drawn to texture like that.

  10802. Too hard to choose! As I scroll through I think “that’s my favorite! Oh, maybe that one”

    Each one has something special that calls to me. I think I can narrow it down to “raw stare” and “giggle time”

  10803. I absolutely love your collage work, but I didn’t realize it was digital…

    It is very inspiring and I love your weekly posts about collage.

    Cindy in USA

    • Thank you Cindy for leaving a comment and letting me know you enjoy my collages. The photo shows my blog on the computer, as I check in on my own posting (love reading your comments here), NOT a digital collage. Work is my day job, witch unfortunately is not doing collages all day. My collages are ALL handmade with old fashioned cut and paste, made on my free time – I promise! :-)

  10804. You are so right about perspective. One of the reasons I am loving instagram is that I am able to see, with my own pictures, just how nice my daily life really is. It’s easy to overlook the colors and comfort of our daily lives. We are lucky. And no matter how many times you see that bathroom window structure, it is still a good source of pattern inspiration!!

  10805. Colors!!

    When walking, I can’t imagine not having my podcasts to listen to or my doggie to play with. I love walking anyway, but now I’m a multitasker and somehow, it’s just as relaxing!

    Nice shoulder.

  10806. Ooh, so hard to choose, they are all so lovely, but the colors, the sphere & the arrow on Happy Kitty really pulled me in!

  10807. it’s so fun seeing what your everday life is like, your lunch looks delicious. You also have the best nail colors :)

  10808. Hi Hanna! I discovered your site via a pinterest friend and I couldn’t be happier to have found it! Your blog is so inspiring and there is so much to explore. I really love the concept of the 365 Collage Challenge and I figured I’d finally let you know how much I appreciate your work. I think my favorite this week is Happy Kitty; the color combinations are really unique and the images are very eye-catching. Thanks so much for sharing!

  10809. I think “Raw Stare” and “Happy Kitty” are my favorites this week because I am also a sucker for color and can’t ever resist owls and cats! They also just seem really fun and playful. Great work again this week!

  10810. I love the bright colors, the grid and paint splatters in Happy kitty.
    Nice work.

  10811. i love the peek into your thursday thru your lovely photos! it all looks so wonderfully bright and happy.

    i especially agree with you about the “cords” in our lives. i seem to always be fighting with them.

  10812. i am glad tricia steered me here….she mentioned your collages because she knows i love collages even tho i have yet to attempt one. these are all so wonderful!

  10813. WOW!! I see you get a love of color from your mom, BLUE is my favorite color and I LOVE her room! What a fun party and how cool to decorate hats for it. Glad you had a nice time out, perfect way to start the weekend too!

    The cover of your journal looks YUMMY, can’t wait till you share the inside.

  10814. These are all wonderful!! I keep going back to the first one, think it’s the pops of red in it!

    Way to go on keeping this going, love seeing them!

  10815. I love all the collages with birds, “Raw Stare” and “Uncut.” I don’t think it is just the birds that attract me.
    Aloha, Kate

  10816. I’m loving these colours, especially the hot pink/green combination!
    I have a question about your camera – I have been needing to get a DSLR for ages but just can’t make the decision – I would like to take portrait photos with a very short focal length (F stop, say 1.2) so that I can really blur the background. Can you do that with your Nikon D50? Hope you don’t mind me asking!
    Best wishes Sandra

  10817. wow, vilka frger! Hittade precis i frrgr ett par tomma album hr hemma som jag tnkte att kanske jag borde brja min egen art journal eller nt, blir s inspirerad av dina inlgg alltid! kanske det nu ntligen skulle vara dags – bara liksom stta igng och gra det i stllet fr att planera att nn gng sen nr jag har allt p plats s d. Anyways, hrliga frger, hrliga mnster!

  10818. ooooo lively and happy spots in your journal….don’t you love mindless painting patterns?! It is addicting and fun. Love the color combinations! Also, thanks for visiting my blog! I love your blog with the daily events too…would have loved to go to the flea market!! I have a local junk store I like to go to….maybe I should blog about it!!

  10819. no overthinking ….no inhibitions… matter how and just paint……wish i could stop thinking so much before i set paint to paper…. love this inspiring blog!

  10820. I remember having neon color sharpies somewhere in the studio… might dig them out this weekend! Love the pattern and colours! Enjoy your weekend Hanna!

    • Eva, glad you like the photos. Not sure when I do “all this” – but my weekends often include some kind of creative action, one or more project I’m always working on. Sundays are a good day for creativity, right?

  10821. LOVE love love this project – I think I would like to join in next year!
    And now I’m starting to think about your Autumn Post Card Swap, which I also love with a passion! When???

  10822. It looks like a Sunday well spent and I love those flowers and that ring what a great find.
    Thanks for sharing it all with us.

  10823. ooohhh your Sunday felt so peaceful and perfect to me. I LOVE all the pictures and your beautiful art all day too. That owl page is the cutest!!

    I’m still working on my album, loving it and taking my time but need to move it along so to start other projects.

    When and how will you be putting this week together, CAN”T WAIT TO SEE IT!!

    My photos pretty much go into my Project Life which I’ve been doing for 4 years now. I do some scrapbooking but not as much now that I have PL.

    I enjoyed your week of photos, art, color so much this week. Thanks for sharing!!

  10824. How nice to spend the day with your mom, bet she loves when you visit. Such a lovely day you both had. Funny to see what the kids did, very creative !

    LOVE those mandalas!!!

  10825. Hello iHanna, I have been reading your blog from the start, and it is always so fresh and full of life. I love these pages with their vibrant colours and patterns – simple is often best, don’t you think, but sometimes very difficult to achieve or make interesting.

    Hope you have a lovely day.

  10826. Beautiful. I wish I hadn’t gotten rid of my stash of tissue paper when we moved here… since then I haven’t accumulated very much at all and I’m feeling the urge (thanks to you) to play with some.

    • Thanks Denise, I can’t say I feel too bad to inspire you to play some, I hope you do! Creative play keeps the doctor away. :-)

  10827. I like using tissue paper. I had a surprise with the last batch I got at the art store, the color runs when wet. Which turned out ok but totally different then I expected.

  10828. I’ve made only three collages in my entire life, but… I’ve already tried tissue paper in one of them :)
    I love the transparence and the effects you can play with.
    I really like the colours of the second collage (red+brown+yellow)… so perfect for fall!

  10829. I don’t really care for flowers, but the other stripy, scrappy ones are terrific. I especially like 4, 6 and 7–love the trails from the little planes!

  10830. To me, they lack either a story or some colour. They don’t really grab my attention. I like the airplane “exhausts”, the old photo with the horse and I was reminded that I have some Swedish bills from before they had a magnetic strip, so probably I can’t buy anything with them, might as well cut them apart and play since I’m making postcards at the moment! So not all bad after all I guess. ;-)

  10831. art makes the soul visible……
    i love the first one….but then again i have my table coverd in scraps and these romantic stickers and i was going to make cards with these….i love all your cards even if they don’t immediately evoke the greatest of joys…’s life in the 365 cards in the year :) your darker cards are fascinating and their titles leave place for imagination!

  10832. I think the mood is definitely “darker” than your usual collages but still Hanna. I love the plane and its doodled path. You are awesome and so dedicated, Miss Hanna!

  10833. I like them – they are more somber in their color palette than your usual but they feel very “fall-like” to me! I especially like “Hidden From View”, “Unpresented Evidence” and “Going Away”. The stormy blue strips in “Going Away” are so interestingly arranged. They don’t immediately grab your attention and scream “Here I Am!” but they have a quieter, more introspective quality. Just like the difference between summer and fall. Very inspirational work again this week!

  10834. These collages seem a bit busy and frantic. Very nice but not the usual calming, serene collages you’ve created. I love your dedication. WoW!

  10835. Very helpful!
    I made a blurb book last year (same format of yours, I love squared books!) but I had some problems using BookSmart. Don’t ask me why, it was confusing me, so gave up and I went on my way.
    But I want to try again with a book about 2013, probably this post will help me! Thank you!

    uh, the cover (last photo) is so lovely!!! Love the flowers and that little bird!!!

    • So glad you thought it helpful Silvia! I forgot to write about the cover, but I really like it too. Let me know if you’ve got any questions when you start making your next book. Oh, and the banner and bird I used as a cover title is found at Picmonkey and added to my photo of the cherry tree. :-)

  10836. Thank you for sharing this Hanna! I’m not sure what I will do with my witl photos, but I know I also want something tangible to come from it.

  10837. Wow! This came out so beautiful!! Thanks for sharing the process, Hanna! I absolutely LOVE the fabric page! The photos are fantastic!!

  10838. I love this book, love that you made it so big and filled it with lots of yummy colors and stories!! Thanks so much for sharing this! Looking forward to seeing what you do with this years.

    Mine still in process and wishing it was a bit bigger.

  10839. I like the first one and going away ones best! I can see why you think this, some are more darker and not bright and COLORFUL as usual. Even still they are awesome to me though, love seeing them.

    Have just made my first one yesterday!! Not sure how often this will happen but really want to this too.

    Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring!

  10840. I hope to finish my baby’s quilt before Christmas. However, I have 4 other projects in line before I can resume the quilt.

  10841. I like your collages! But sometimes we aren’t happy with what we are doing, it’s life! And it happens to me too!

  10842. The book seems beautiful! I plan to finish a wool sweater that I started knitting an embaresing long time ago :)

  10843. That seems to be a really nice happy making book. I’m exploring (free form) embroidery, beadwork and art quilting right now to further personalize my handmade journals. I’m currently working on a very colorful book for which I still have to do the covers and a lot of embellishment on the signatures. The insides will be a mixture of fabric and paper. It’s a bit of an adventure, but I hope to finish it within the next few months. Also I hope to be making my own christmas cards again this year and those definitely have to be done before christmas, haha.

  10844. Such a pretty book! :)

    I hope to finnish the pair of woollen socks I have on my needles, and the mittens I will knit for my sister as a x-mas present! :)

  10845. Oh Yeah! I usually have a stitchery project going on all the time….. I often make little gifties for folks…right now I have a pincushion almost stitched for a friend….Christmas ornaments are a great little project in my future too! :)

  10846. Oh, I just love the book! I hope to finish the top of my Christmasquilt, which is Scandinavian Christmas of Lynnete Anderson. Anny.

  10847. This book is awesome and I can’t wait to get a copy. I’m determined to finish an online course with Megan Suarez which involves drawing and painting dolls in acrylics. There’s a lot of work involved and I also want to make some gifts from this book for Christmas!!

  10848. I like Sailing Through the Storm, with its watery effects and imagery.
    Dark art doesn’t bother me, and sometimes I’m drawn to it. I definitely have a limit to that, though. I don’t think these are particularly dark. Isn’t perspective a great thing to study? Everyone has a slightly different take.

  10849. I have to admit, I haven’t worked with tissue paper much. I love the effects, though. I tend to use one ply of paper toweling and build it up together to make collages. It’s not as transparent, though. I’m collaging this weekend, and I think I’ll be using some tissue paper to really see how I like it. That blue one is awesome!!!

  10850. I have so many projects I need to finish, but hopefully I can finish the blanket I’m crocheting for my daughter!

  10851. What a lovely book! My project is to create a book cover that I can use over and over again for looseleaf pages–so your art journal can become a showcase while you take out the pages that are too personal. I’ve worked on this for a long time, so there is no “one” answer, and right now, I am experimenting with canvas–both painted and embroidered. Would love to win!

  10852. I’m hoping to complete a few Christmas themed embroidery projects — a couple of samplers and baby bibs. Hopefully this year it will happen! Thanks for the opportunity to win such an inspiring prize!

  10853. Hello iHanna! I learned to embroider because of you so it would be extra special for me to win this book from your blog giveaway. Before Christmas I plan on making some his/her pillow cases for my husband and I and also finishing a Zoidberg picture I started making in the springtime before I fell ill with some things and let it go to the back burner. Good luck to everyone entering. :)

  10854. This book looks great. I love all Scandinavian designs. I’m working on a funny painting about glgg to be done before Christmas.

  10855. I hope to finish all the workshops in 21 Secrets by Christmas…I am about 75% done!
    This is such a lovely book!

  10856. Thank you so much for this giveaway!
    I’m a fan of Carina’s embroidery patterns, so I hope to win, eh eh :)

    I have tons of projects in my mind to finish before Christmas. My priority is probably to decide how to make with all the granny squares I crocheted last august.
    And I have to patterns to sew some winter clothes for me if I’ll find the time!

  10857. Right now I’m working on Christmas cards. I use patchwork of cotton fabric in all kinds of red hues, gold floss, lace, pearls, hand knitted and crocheted things like “Christmas trees” and “poinsettias”, red and gold silk ribbons etc. There are also plans to finish large tablecloth, cross-stitched in blue. I’m working on it for some years now : /

  10858. I plan to cover and decorate fast food drink carriers and fill them with baked goods, savories, and small gifts.

  10859. Oooh I have quite a few handmade projects I’m working on and hoping to give as gifts this Christmas… some clay magnets, a baby quilt (my first ever attempt at patchwork!), a rag rug and a hand stitched journal. Then of course there’s all the cards I’ll make but never get round to sending out!

  10860. I am working on a Doctor Who cross-stitch for my husband for Christmas. And I can’t wait to bake Christmas cookies for all our neighbors!
    Thanks for this wonderful book review and giveaway, Hanna!

  10861. I have a quilt I am making for my niece for the holidays! I need to get serious about finishing it! thank you for the book review and giveaway!

  10862. What a great looking book!

    The creative project I’d like to finish is our cross-stitched Christmas stockings. I have a feeling I’ll have to stitch around the clock for the next three months to make it happen!

  10863. Me and my girl are crafting shopping bags for the fam. She finger knitted the straps, I sewed the bag. To add a little embroidered sweetness to the lot would top them all off. Thanks for the chance.

  10864. A Dala Horse! I need this! My husband’s side of the family is Swedish, this would be great for gifts!

  10865. Great review, made me really want to get the book. My daughter would love lovely embroidered designs on her clothes.

  10866. I am working on an embroidered calendar for my Dad. I would love to win this book for some extra ideas! Thank you for the giveaway.

  10867. Love your art and blog! I am planning on completing a small wallhanging – made of vintage fabrics with a lot of embroidery and trinkets before Christmas. I’d love a chance to win this book – thank you for the opportunity!

  10868. I am working on Halloween ornaments for my tree. Just finished a snowman a month stitchery. Now I have to make them into mini quilts? Also made some Christmas ornaments. Need to make some more to try to stay ahead Santa!

  10869. This looks a fabulous book!
    I plan on finishing a baby quilt before Christmas!

  10870. Love the looks of the book. I am so interested in finally finishing my Christmas tree skirt. I want to add some embroidery and some beads to really make it look fancy. Hopefully winning the book will further encourage me.
    I am also interested in joining the post card swap.. I have never done a swap.

  10871. Among others, I’m working on clutches for my sister and future sister in law, and probably my mom, aunt, and future mother in law too, so some embroidery would really make them special

  10872. I’m doing my first mail art and my first ATC for swaps over at Swapbot!

  10873. I expect to finish many things before the holidays, first up a wedding gift for a couple getting married THIS WEEKEND. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely book and floss

  10874. I am trying to finish a quilt for my wonderful son-in-law. I have made one for everyone in the family except him and now it’s time. His birthday is on Christmas so he will be very surprised to find a birthday gift under the tree this year (hopefully). Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful book.

  10875. I would like to organise a Christmas Tree Decoration Swap on my blog, I am making a stitched postcard and trying peg weaving for the first time. It would be lovely to get that finished. Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely looking book. I saw the beautiful Dala horse in this months Molly Makes. It looks so lovely and what an interesting history it has.

  10876. This is such a great post – I love how your book turned out :)

    …same here BTW – I have to get better at deleting pictures!!! (still so many to decide on from our last trips…)

  10877. Oh what a sweet book! Thanks for the opportunity, Hanna!

    So many projects on my list… but I’d like to finish a soft little rabbit girl friend for the soft rabbit I once sew for my son (the one checking the Easter eggs here).

  10878. I hope to finish a set of hand embroidered Jesse tree ornaments before Christmas.

  10879. Oh I have slowly started working on Christmas stuff! I have gotten a few things done which is early for me! Which feels good! I started a pretty big cross stitch and a bit overwhelmed because it’s on a type of linen that I have never worked on! So maybe I will maybe I won’t! lol

  10880. I hope to finish a tunic top, I just need to get out my sewing machine!

  10881. i hope to finish unpacking our new house so i can start (and finish) some dresses for my baby girl!!!!

  10882. I am an introvert who thought I was wierd until I read a really wonderful book on introversion called “party of one”. I forgot the author but it is on amazon. The author covers every aspect of introversion you can imagine. You will put this book down feeling like there is nothing unusual about being an introvert and that there are a lot of us out there. I read it once a year, it’s that good.

  10883. I am the same way, love some quiet time to myself, never bored either!! Love these pictures, looks like a great way to spend a Sunday or any day.

    Happily started some collaging this week. Have a couple questions about yours please.

    1. what size is your collages?
    2. do you organize your scraps for these or just grab what’s inspiring at the moment?
    3. what adhesive do you use? I’ve been using a glue stick and hoping it’s strong enough to last.
    Thanks so much for sharing your collages and inspiring me to start them. Thinking I will share them on my blog once a month or more depending on how I do. Love seeing yours here, makes me smile!!
    Happy Sunday!

    • Hi Dawn,
      thanks for all your lovely comments and sharing your enthusiasm with me. It’s contagious! I plan to write a post about some details of this project, but thought I’d answer your questions quickly first. They are:

      1. 12,5×12,5 centimeters (4.92×4.92 inches)

      2. I move my materials around a lot on my desk, and most of the time I just sit down and grab what is nearest. That scrap will inform me of what I need next. Sometimes the next bit is close by, other times I dig through some box or folder to find the right thing. :-)

      3. I love my glue stick! I use different brands all the time, buying what is available and cheap – and they’ve all held together good through the years for me. I can’t live without glue sticks!

      Let me know if you have more questions. Good luck with your project too!

  10884. Oh my, just the title of your post…why a whole day of silence is bliss…probably for me because a whole day of silence is an unattainable dream! :-) Looks lovely.

  10885. I love this, Hanna….they make such pretty background papers. I am going to have to give tissue paper play a try, for sure!

  10886. Silence is oh so absolutely perfect – the best weekends are when the three boys (husband included) decide to go away motorbike riding and I have the house to myself for two whole blissful days.

  10887. oh, yes, I need to stay alone to recharge my batteries. I’ve alwys known I’m an introvert. Society urges you to be less introvert, to see people, stay in company, etc etc. And although these things are good (even for me), sometimes all we need to do is following our nature and stay alone!

  10888. I get really fidgety and annoyed when my husband has a 3 week vacation. I need an empty house to concentrate and get some real work done, even when it’s “only” my hobbies. I never have the radio on. Today I even turned off all the phones, just in case! Feels great.

    I haven’t read the book you link to, but I also recommend “Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking” by Susan Cain (she also has a TED talk)

  10889. I’m working on a special family tablecloth that incorporates our family tree. Would love to win this book to embellish it with designs. :-)

  10890. Beautiful book, I feel I really need it! Love all things embroidered, though I mostly indulge in paper crafting or crocheting. Before Christmas I plan to finish two projects, a crocheted scarf to use at work (I work mostly outdoors) and a pair of colourful wrist warmers decorated with crocodile stitches. And a bunch of Christmas cards of course ;-)

  10891. Thanks for giveaway beautiful patterns I love embroidery Before Christmas I plan to finish table clothe and hankies …….. please count me

  10892. I’ll finish my Swedish fika-set for my niece; a full size princess cake with accompanying cakes & cookies!

  10893. i’ll make an advent calender like every year & i HOPE to finish my “a week in the life” album:)

  10894. Hi Hanna,

    This book looks gorgeous!

    I am hoping to finish a bunch of knitted hats that I give away through a local soup kitchen and food bank, as well as a knitted scarf (for me!) and curtains for my daughter’s room.

  10895. I hope to get some of my collages printed as postcards and to add some stitches to a few originals.
    Your blog is full of surprises, i love strolling through your archive.

  10896. Here from Glue it Tuesday! Lovely, vibrant work! I would definitely wear “Water for Everyone”, “Environmentally Friendly”, or “Hide and Seek” on my walls! Something in them calls to me, I could stare at them longer, for sure.

  10897. I LOVE blue, so “Water for everyone” would adorn my walls! Also, that beautiful pink /orange combo underneath it (I didn’t see a name for that one). I have been using that color combo almost exclusively in my work lately. As always, inspiring & lovely work, Hanna!

  10898. I love the second one, Hannah………. water for……… I love the soft and calmness of the blue. I’d wear it on my walls. Heck. I’d wear it period.

  10899. Again, I enjoy each one but my very fave is the first one- I LOVE a pink/green combo and the green grass and title really grab me!

  10900. I really enjoyed “Water For Everyone” and “Happy Pancakes!” Both made me smile. And I liked that you found a fun use for the lovely painted paper you made!

  10901. I love the combinations, especially looking at the blues as I have some fabulous older fabric of a soft aqua blue that needs some other blues and contrast to make it interesting! Love that green with the bird too!! Very nice indeed!!

  10902. I love circles on the page and yours are very enjoyable. But which one is a favorite? The shades of blue in Water for Everyone go great with the black. And I love the colors in Hide and Seek – I’ve been reaching for those colors myself! {:-Deb

  10903. I could not pick a favorite here, I would frame them all and alternate according to my mood. Love the blues and the pink/orange and the circles and…

  10904. Especially loving “Water For Everyone”, “Happy Pancakes” and “Hide and Seek” but they are all vibrant, happy and I’d gladly adorn my walls with them! Also great that you managed to use all your own painted papers, way to go!

  10905. I love grass growing. I think it would be fab on a white wall as a vibrant splash of inspiration to be happy.
    Happy October, Amazing Hanna !

  10906. I love the one with the buttons, which doesn’t have a name. So I will be taking on the challenge of naming it, and I am going with “Does anyone have change for a button?” . I hope you like it, because that is what it is now officially called.

  10907. I hope to get some cloth gift bags made by Christmas. Adding stitchery would be a nice touch. I am a big fan of Scandinavia! The Dala horses are super cute!

  10908. I hope to get my studio up and running. I had to pack it all up for a move. Major deprivation!

  10909. Wow Hanna, jag lser just nu, Introvert,den tysta revolutionen av Linus Jonkman. Pltsligt frstr jag varfr jag som lskar mnniskor och att kommunicera mer och mer vill vara fr mig sjlv. Helst en stund varje dag med mig sjlv, d fixar jag det mesta.
    Datorn har blivit som ett staket runt mig som jag fller upp och sjunker in i bloggar mm. Tror att bloggande och fotograferande r ett utmrkt stt att vara fr en introvert.
    Tack fr tips om boken.

    • Ingrid, jag sg boken i bokhandeln och hoppas den r bra?! Det behvs ju verkligen en bok om det hr mnet ven p svenska. P engelska finns det MASSVIS med bcker om hur det r att vara introvert och/eller extrovert, frsts. Det var flera r sedan jag lrde mig om det hr, och det har hjlpt mig mycket.

      Hller med om att datorn r ett bra staket, liksom det egna skapandet nr man helt gr in i sitt projekt och glmmer tid och rum. :-)


  10910. I hope to finish the projects in the Daily Paper Prompts and the 21 Secrets classes I’ve started – so much fun and learning happening in my – yet to be sorted and tidied room! What a generous giveaway – someone will be SOOOO lucky.

  10911. What a great idea for using hand made papers – they are all so effective – I will have to do some myself! (one day – but will file the idea away for later)

  10912. My favorite is the pink and yellow (no name). Love that color combo. Thanks for sharing.

  10913. Ok, I give it a try! I began an embroidery on a tea towel, I will completely recover it, it’s going to take a big time (I posted a photo on my blog recently). I’m not sure that it will be finished before Christmas, but I try my best to progress!

  10914. I plan to make socks (knit) for my friends for Christmas this year.

  10915. I am going to finish “hooping” my embroidery ‘art’ by the end of they year. I love Carina’s work; it is beautiful.

  10916. I really love the stitching inspiration in this book!!! So cool! Did you get a chance to sew any of them? Before Christmas, I plan to stitch some cute ornies for my kids…they may not think much of them now, they are young. But down the road the might. Thanks for the chance to win!

  10917. OH WOW!! These are so happy and colorful, love them all!! If I had to pick it would be the first one and especially the second one since blue is my favorite color. So nice that you used your own painted papers for this. Will give this a try on my next set. For now I’m loving the browns. Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring me to start this too!!

  10918. Love your collages Hanna – so inspiring. These are really cool.
    I admire your goal about the 365 days of collaging. Have been following for a long time
    but not commented. Catching up after a crazy summer in my life.
    Enjoying following over here

  10919. It looks fabulous, I love how you played with the formats instead of sticking to a fixed layout and image size.

  10920. Very cool ! It is great to document pieces of your life like this. I think of my blog like this. Photos of where I am, what I see, what I feel, what I create all in one document. I love the idea of holding that in your hands.
    You are amazing, Hanna, and so inspiring.
    Light and love to you !

  10921. What beauties.

    I know this is going to sound odd, but one thing I have thought of before and remembered now, when you mentioned coffee, is wouldn’t it be cool, when I finally do get to travel to scandinavia, I walk along the street with my sketchbook and pens, and I see you sitting at a table outside, and I come by and introduce myself. And then we just sit there for an hour or two or three, sketching quietly and drinking our favorite coffees. Switching books and drawing in each other’s!

    • Thanks Chris! I do doubt you’d find me in this big city, but if you let me know before you come to Sweden we’ll set up an Art Journal Date and I’ll let you doodle in mine for sure! I know you’ll create something awesome. :-)

  10922. The book turned out beautifully, Hanna! Thanks so much for letting us take a peak inside at all your gorgeous photos and fun formatting! What a great keepsake!

  10923. hi Hanna…I love the greens and blues in the collages. You are nearing the end of the year. Will you be doing this again next year…or do you have something else planned? You always have something fresh going on all the time. Off to check out the embroidery giveaway (if I’m not too late)…Cheers!

  10924. I hope to finish the quilt blocks I started way back when…only now, I’m thinking it won’t be a quilt when I finish them. Thanks for offering this giveaway!!!

  10925. Absolutely beautiful! You certainly have an eye for beautiful details, both large & small! Being from NYC, I really love your train photos, complete with graffiti! ;) I’m taking part in Daisy Yellow’s moments challenge & I am much more aware of the beauty around me while doing this! Easy to be grateful when you actually stop to notice! Thanks for sharing your lovely book, Hanna!

  10926. I really want to do my first pillow with wool embrodery. A BIG pillow. A pattern book would really inspire.

  10927. What a beautiful book! I love the pink theme running through it and that you’ve captured tiny snippets of your day such as what’s on your shelves and your lunch and coffee. You take wonderful photos.

  10928. Hi Hanna – I love your blog and find it so inspirational. Thank You! I have a question about one of the photos below the one with the yellow birds and the ring. Do you make collages and then put them on a jump ring to look at later? Just wondering about it based on that picture.

    Thank you for all the wonderful, happy things you create.
    Pam from Mpls.

    • Hi Pamela,
      the “inspiration mosaic” is a collection of photos by others, that I’ve marked as favorites on the photo site They are things that inspire me, in different ways and I usually post one each month. So, no the ring binder has nothing to do with my project of 365 in 2013 collages. I plan to write about my project soon, but I wanted to let you know that so far I’m storing them in a wooden box, just as they are. :-)

    • I loved Susan’s TED talk too – it’s SO good to be able to say – look, I just need some time to myself and know you’re not being selfish; it’s what I need to recharge!

  10929. Your mom’s luminaries turned out so sweet and pretty! Thanks for sharing your lovely photo with us!

  10930. I love the black and white with the touches of craft paper! It is one of my favorite palettes. The tree branches really drew me in.

  10931. I do love them – I really do. I think it’s all the gritty texture. Simple at a glance but so much more as you really look at them.

  10932. I am a fan of white and black and white and beige, so I love these. It is like I am looking through a foggy window and when I wipe it off, I see something else that was hidden before. Stunning. Thank you for sharing and inspiring.

  10933. Although I tend to love your brightly colored artwork the most, I really liked this week’s “Stellar Sky.” The branches are gorgeous and the overall piece makes me smile and feel happy and content inside. Thanks for continuing to share your beautiful artwork with us!

  10934. These are all so very beautiful! I am particularly fond of monochromatic collages & you have done a fabulous job with white! I really love “Sweet Harbor Home” & “Soft & Sacral”.

  10935. ooohhh really love this color scheme, they all look GREAT!! If I had to pick a favorite it would be the 1st or 3rd one but love them all!!! I like the tree branches that is what makes me smile.
    Thanks for the inspiration !

  10936. I m always surprised about how do you find the titles for your great collages. They always match the look so very well … and I know from my own artwork that it is kinda hard to name the piece in a way everybody gets an idea and an access to my artistic intension and the message. … even if it’s made for looking good only and has no message. :D Sooo well done!
    I love most “Sweet Harbor Home”. I really can smell the sea breeze and hear the cries of seagulls.

  10937. Love “Soft and Sacral”, “Stellar Sky” and “In Vain” the most this week but they are all beautiful. I love the use of circles in “In Vain” – the small black circles and then the way the lines on the notebook paper circle draw your eye around the piece. The texture on “Soft and Sacral” is amazing, you could look at it for hours!

  10938. I like your collages a lot, especially Water for Everyone and Grass Growing. I would like to buy them. Are they for sale?

  10939. These are beautiful!! I love paper too but don’t always like to cut it up. Some of my favorite ones are in frames so I can enjoy them.

    Have fun with your new stash!

  10940. This is quite a departure from your usual color, pinky self :) and I love them. Simple yet so full of depth and interest…..somehow stronger without the distraction of lots of color. My collages are usually pretty colorful too, but these make a strong case for trying a subdued series. Fabulous job!

  10941. I completely understand . . . from brown paper bags to expensive Japanese papers and everything in between . . . lot’s of happiness in paper.

  10942. I love that thought – being places that say ” here lives/works an artist” makes me wonder what people think when they come to my house?

  10943. These are beautiful. I had seen them in the book but these are the first I have seen that someone has made.

  10944. I love opening your blog. I always know that I am going to enjoy myself and be much happier than I was when I started. It is like a breath of fresh air. Thank you so very much.

  10945. Great Post with an important message! As a new blogger, I’m very interested in how more veteran bloggers with who are approached by sponsors handle the ethics of the situation. It looks like you have found a win-win with Terry’s! How exciting. I love the fabric (I would not have been able to resist the camper fabric either!) I’m looking forward to seeing the projects!

  10946. We seldom have a “whole” day of silence in our busy lives, that when it does happen, we are just carried away. I can get so much done, lots of time to think, read and as you said, “just be blissful” and thankful.

  10947. Those fabrics are to die for, omg. I love the one with the VW vans on it, omg omg omg. /dead Too bad I am fairly new to sewing and wouldn’t want to ruin such beautiful swatches on a newbie mistake or even unfortunately, a newbie project. (If anyone reading this would like to help me in my adventures of being a new sewer, please contact me through my website- I would love to hear from you!)

    • My best advice: start experimenting with cheap fabric that you don’t adore too much, then it will just for fun. Sewing a tote, for example, is easy and super fun. AND you get something useful out of the experiments. There are thousands of tutorials out there, both video and written. Don’t be afraid to play!

  10948. I can’t wait to see the projects you and your mom create with these wonderful fabrics! Enjoy the free stuff you choose, and as your readers, we’ll enjoy the beautiful things you create and we’ll continue to be inspired to create our own things, too! Thanks for staying honest as a blogger!

  10949. Really enjoyed this post and thanks for the link to CraftyPod. Can’t wait to see what you come up with – those pink campers are just fabulous! Have fun. Anna

  10950. Thanks for this post and for being honest. ENJOY ENJOY the material and can’t wait to see what you do with it. The one with the leaves is my favorite!!

  10951. Sjlv gillar jag bst den sista – den tilltalar mej p nt vis. Jag har surfat runt bland dina collage idag, hller p med ett collage nu ntligen och tnkte att jag skulle f inspiration av dej, hittade redan ett par nya tekniker som jag vill testa. Men nu har jag fastnat knner jag! kommer liksom inte vidare. Har du ngra knep fr det?

    • Ninette, s kul att du brjat experimentera med collage! r det inte fantastiskt roligt? Fast inte om man fastnar frsts. Bsta sttet fr mig att bli inspirerad r att blddra igenom ngon av mina mappar med papper till collage. Mlade papper, tidningsklipp, mnstrade papper osv. Alltid hittar jag ngot som jag vill anvnda, ofta tv olika som jag tycker passar ihop och som jag kan kombinera tillsammans. Kanske funkar ven fr dig? :-)

  10952. IV & VI are my favorites, but I think I, III, & VI or I, IV, & VI would make a nice triptych, maybe on a lovely dark pink or aqua blue background. Happy day to you, Hanna!

    • Marcia, thank you, so glad that you came by my blog, I missed you! Do you still do collage and create fun stuff even though you don’t blog? I hope so.


  10953. What a fabulous series ! I love how each one has its own mood, though the theme of being “unseen” carries through.
    Very cool, Hanna !

  10954. I like these so much as a series, it’s hard to pick favorites!!! As you said, it’s “variations on a theme” and yet each one works on its own, too. I guess if I HAD to pick, I’d say first, II, and VII — the last one because it has some serious impact for conversation on identity and perception. Very neat!

  10955. wonderful series and a great way to keep creating! I’m partial to the second one. Thanks for sharing at GIT.

  10956. Hi

    Feeling Invisible II is my favorite. There’s something very intriguing with her being 1/2 covered up. I’ve been a silent follower for soooooo long, too long! I’m going to start commenting. I’ve loved visiting your blog for such a long time. You are so inspirational I just wanted to thank you for being here. Jan in USA

    • Hi Jan in USA, thanks for leaving a first comment – I’m always thrilled when one of the many silent visitors decides to make a comment. First one can be a bit scary, but it’s SO appreciated. :-)

  10957. WOW!! These are awesome and so fun!! I keep coming back to IV not sure why but I like the stripes I guess??!!

    We have done this in scrapbooking before, taking the same picture/s and making different layouts with them. I love doing this and the variety and different stories you can tell.

    Thanks again for sharing and inspiring!

  10958. Hello, I love always your work, it’s so inspiring. I prefer for this week invisible VII because it’s more mysterious…

  10959. Hi – I only just happened across these and just wanted to say how much I enjoy them. I love the theme, the variations on theme/image, color pallete, graphic impact, simplicity! I haven’t made ATC or small collage series in years but did do quite a bunch. These remind me a bit of some I did – WOW! – just realized it was 10 years ago.

    I’ll be back to look at your other 340+ soon!


    • Hi Melissa, wow, it’s been a while since I saw you around (and your blog, I remember it!). Thanks for taking the time to leave me such nice comment – made my day! Take care!

  10960. Great fall pictures! I feel the same way about my phone and/or camera since I do carry both around a lot. The cell is so nice though for my IG, love this way of showing my pictures.
    Fall is my favorite and I just took tons of pictures in my yard yesterday showing the bits of fall finally coming, YAY!! I saw lots of RED and loving the browns of the pretty colorful things that were growing too.
    I like your squares!

  10961. Autumn is my favorite time of year . . . I believe mostly because of the colors. They are beautiful. I used to be in the habit of just taking photo walks . . . your photos has inspired me to maybe get back into that habit.

    • Clare, if I inspire you to take a photo walk that makes me happy. Isn’t photo walks SO much more fun than regular walks (for exercise)? I like when you can combine great things into one sweet activity. :-)

  10962. Hey Hanna! Love these pics too! Beautiful! This is my favorite time of year!
    Quick question….are you hosting/organizing a postcard swap anytime soon? I loved doing these in the past….thanks!

    • Tack Karin, jag ska sga till mamma att det finns ett intresse fr detta mnster, men det lr nog ta lite tid innan ngot finns att publicera i s fall.

      Sk p Etsy eller google, efter ett “bowling bag pattern” s kanske du hittar ngot liknande… :-)

  10963. I love these bags! What an awesome idea. The shape is fantastic as is the fabric. You ladies make a great team :)

    • Caatje, I agree with you, that is another possibility that would work! But I like the campervans too much to hide them. The only worry is that it’s too white and might get smudged with much use, but I think it will hold up well in the washing machine so we’ll see in a few months how it looks then…. :-)

  10964. You said, “Dont you just love when you can tell that here lives/works an artist? I love going into the creative space of another artist and drawing inspiration from them!

  10965. Love your photos- looks a lot like that where I am. I saw a tree tonight – a maple with every hue of yellow, orange, red need to go back and get a photo!!! There is so much change every day from the overnight it is amazing.

  10966. Very nice. Like the contrasting handle and piping on your bag. You and your Mom did amazing jobs on the bags. I love all the little pockets, so things can be organized and not all fall to the bottom. I envy your ability to sew so well. I am all thumbs!

    • Thanks Ellen, all handbags must have many inner pockets, right? I don’t like digging around to find my keys when I get home for example. :-)

    • Lynn, thank you! I’m letting my mom know about all nice comments our bags are getting! If my mom makes a pattern we could sell that, but to sell a bag that takes about an entire day to make would probably make it more expensive than people would want to pay for a fabric bag… That’s my guess. :-)

    • Vicky, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I would love to sell more things in my Etsy Shop, for sure, but not sure handmade bowling bags are the right thing… How much would you say a hand made bag like this is worth for you to consider buying it?

  10967. WOW, these are soooo CUTE!! I love the fabric and the special touches to each of yours. The inside looks just as good as the outside. How nice that you could do this with your mom, makes these even sweeter. My mom is quite the sewer too, I resisted it all my life and know in my 40’s it’s one thing I want most.
    Thanks so much for sharing and enjoy your new bag!!

  10968. I “dunno,” Hanna. I like them all. They make a nice series. I especially liked the surprise on v11 because it “pops.” They all can tell a story.

  10969. Hurray!!!!!!
    I’ve already made some in anticipation – exciting!!!
    Thank once again Hanna for organising such a wonderful sharing of creativity!

  10970. Would love to play this time but November is the worst month for me. With taking 2 classes and writing a novel for Nanowrimo I am swamped already. I join in next time.


    • Kate, there is a whole weekend left of October to create postcards on, come back later if you feel you can join anyway. I’d love to have you. And I’d love to do NanoWriMo too again, I would really love that, but can’t see where I would fit that in this year… :-/ You can’t do it all.

  10971. I just love that peek at your doodles:they are so fun and fresh.
    besides we like the same animals! even the mushroom!!
    I picked up quite a few the first year I arrived in this region of Spain,very close to the French border.

  10972. Loved it last time and looking forward to it again! I was one of the lucky people who got one of your mom’s very creative cards! Thank you for doing this again!! Susan

  10973. These bags are really awesome, Hanna!!! I bet they make for a lot of “Where did you find this?!” questions ;)

  10974. Wanted to join this swap for sooo long now is the time! Thank you for hosting.

  10975. Sadly, I’ll have to sit this one out – timing’s just not good – but, next time, I’m back in! Loved participating the last time!

  10976. Hi Hanna, so excited to see this!! Hoping I can join you for the first time, YAY!!!

    Love that your mom and friends do this with you!!

  10977. WOW, realllly loving this ones!! I think the free falling one is my favorite and all the others tie for second place. The neon pink is a great color for these collages too!!
    Thanks so much for sharing these, so inspiring and fun each time.

    I did notice your postcard swap on the home page right away, YAY!!! Hoping to join in this year for my first time.

  10978. Loving “Before My Time” and “Scream Over the Roof Tops” the best this week because they really seem to draw my eye around the piece and I could look at them for hours — but they are all wonderful! I especially like the naming of them this week, it kind of tells a little story in itself.

  10979. I absolutely love these, Hanna! So many layers create such mystery, yet they are light in color which adds a nice contradiction! My faves are Free Falling & Rock Bottom…so hard to pick a favorite!

  10980. These made me GASP. (loooooved them.) “I am looking for You” is my favorite – the bit in the middle put me in mind of a calendar, of the days ticking by, of the patience and dedication necessary for waiting. But I also really love how wistful “Free-falling” is – to be honest, I can’t picture them in neon pink because I love them so much in blush. I’m trying though haha!

  10981. I love Free Falling and I Fall Down. Great color scheme this week, I’m in love. I would love to see the neon pink you refer to but honestly, I love how they look with the soft baby pink that is showing up. Quite lovely.

  10982. Would just like to know what size paper you are using. I did the ICAD this summer, but these are obviously larger, with a little more room to play. I like!!

  10983. I paid and then I filled out the join form and I clicked submit and it wouldn’t submit.

    So, I will email the paypal transaction code to you, and we will be all set! I’m very happy to be doing another of your postcard swaps!

    • Thank you Chris for signing up and alerting me to the problem with the sign-up form, I think I’ve fixed it now but I’m adding you so you don’t have to do anything else except starting your art making magic! Yay!

  10984. Fabulous! I can imagine the neon and how awesome it looks with the black and white !

    • Hi Judy,
      glad you want to join. Paypal accepts MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Maestro & Discover! What kind of credit card do you have? I didn’t know there were others beyond those… :-) Maybe a friend of yours that have Paypal can help you by paying for you if you don’t want to sign up for a free Paypal account… Let me know, and I’ll try to help.

  10985. Yes, there has been a real change here in New Hampshire this week too. The nip has arrived and so have sweaters, socks and cozy blankets. I find it hard to lose the daylight so early but candles and cozy stuff help.
    Thanks for sharing sweet bits of your world with us today !
    Light and love.

  10986. I’m particularly drawn to Rock Bottom and Looking For You this week. They all share an extra layer of obscurity…..did you use a bit of paint/gesso or is it maybe a layer of tissue paper? Whatever you did, I like the feeling – like you’re looking through a lacy curtain.

  10987. I love the quote from your calendar (and the photograph) — makes me feel so cozy & warm. And the clouds in your other photograph make me think of angel wings!

  10988. These are all so pretty! I love that Rosary Vine! It’s getting very chilly here too! I love it! Great latte weather! Oh! And in answer to your question re: my mini collages…sometimes I choose the words based on a particular mood/feeling from the previous week, other times the words just strike a chord with me & it all somehow comes together! :) Thanks for stopping by & looking forward to the postcard swap!

    • Yay, you’re most welcome Betty! Enjoy creating your postcards and let me know if you have any questions. :-)

  10989. Thank you so much for the email! I have been disconnected from the blogging world lately…can’t commit to your project but hope to get back to fun stuff like this soon!

  10990. Thanks for the invite! I have a full calendar over the next few weeks and just can’t make it happen this time. I hope it is a smashing success! Cheers, RM :)

  10991. Thanks for hosting this. I am looking forward to join the creative souls out there :) My first venture……

  10992. beautiful collages! i am a textile artist in the uk and you got me with the textures and that muted colour palette! great to find you! just about to start an alternating creative saturday linky myself…one week sketchbooks, the next pictures diaries of out workspace! would be fabulous if you brought some of this lovely work over to play! next week is kick-off and it starts on a sketchbook week! xxx

  10993. I have to tell you I’ve just discovered your blog and I am lovin’ it! I’m only 15 years old so you’re a big inspiration for me. Thank you and please keep doing this good work :)

  10994. Beautiful Photos
    They look like Beech leaves? Last Sunday I was out and took a ton of photos of our Beech leaves in the citrus green hue that they were, every day it changes- the beauty of nature. Shadows are longer and earlier every day right now.
    Re: ‘to much I want to do?’ . . . I make a list and take a walk.

  10995. My first time with the group and I’ve already started on my cards because I’m so looking forward exchanging & meeting new folks. Thanks for organizing this swap iHanna!

  10996. Your photos are absolutely gorgeous, Hanna! We’ve been living on a beautiful sub-tropical island for the past 5 years, and while I love the beauty of ocean life, I miss my autumn colors (and snow!) Thanks for sharing your lovely fall photos!

    I’m knee-deep in Christmas crafting and presents at the moment and will be facing that panicky time of needing to get the gifts in the mail in the next couple of weeks (we live half the globe away from our families, so the packages have to be mailed extra early.) Despite being slightly overwhelmed with life, the times when I’m the busiest seem to be the times when I come up with the “perfect” ideas I want to create. Since I don’t have the time to tackle them at the moment, I add them to my crafty to-do list and turn up the Christmas music as I tackle what needs to be done now. That’s what I’m doing right now, when I want to do too much. :)

    Thanks again for sharing your beautiful photos!
    Big hugs!

  10997. Thanks everyone for all the comments! Hanna your the best to take photos and sewing and to be my daughter. Love you!

  10998. What beautiful photos! I love seeing fall through your eyes. Even when I travel, I make sure to stop by your site. Wish I could do the postcard swap this year, but my work and travel schedule in November is horrendous. But will be thinking fondly of those great postcards!

  10999. Love this!!! I was outside today picking up stuff but never thought about making a mandela. Great idea and love, love, love this.

  11000. Wow this is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, so seasonal and lovely. I think I will do this Thursday afternoon when I don’t have to be at work. Did you just arrange your pieces or did you actually glue them down? I really can’t get over how pretty this is. Great work, Hanna!

    • Thank you Erica!

      I quite enjoyed creating my autumn mandala. I imagine all kinds of ways you could create mandalas now… food, items, flowers… so many possibilities. I simply arranged my berries and leafs here, no glue used. A few hours later all the leafs were crumbled anyway. Just a temporary artwork, just like a real mandala!

  11001. Thanks for the invite, Hanna but
    I had some problems with the sign-up form, this weekend so now I’m not sure, if it went alright.

    • Tanja, didn’t you get the paypal email/receipt? I got one, so sure thing, you’re signed up! Enjoy creating your postcards! :)

  11002. “Believing” and “A View of Eternity” are my favorites this week! They both soothe & delight my eyes, I love how peaceful & pretty they are. I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts on your creative process now, too!!

  11003. LOVE em all Ihanna, i especially adore the paper with VW van on it. I have a thing for vintage VW vans. And thanks for your sweet words on my GIT this week. xox

  11004. I like “A View of Eternity.” The wallpaper roses (with the pencil marks!) brings back memories. I must have had those roses on a wall somewhere! And of course I like dots! I just subscribed to your email blog receiver; I’d love to join you in postcards, but must be try to myself and wait till your next swap. Enjoy {:-Deb

  11005. Hanna, I’m sooo EXCITECD to se see this!! I also make them and have them on my blog. I stumbled upon a blog where the hostess makes them and shares each Monday, I started making them soon after and for days would keep making them. Now I have calmed down and make a couple a week and love the peacefulness and beauty in making them.
    You can check out her blog at Girlunwinding and my blog has one up right now too at Everyday memories

    Would be so awesome if you would share with us on Monday’s when you can. She would love to see this too.

    This is stunning and GORGEOUS and so FALL!! I love it, what a great job you did on it for your first one. Lucky you could find so many pretty things to use too.
    Thanks so much for sharing and please come see mine if you get a chance, THANKS!

  11006. I love the Eternity one and Believing, beautiful colors and designs for them. The last one leftover is pretty cool too! So fun seeing these pretty springtime colors again, makes me feel happy even though I’m a fall girl.

    So glad you will continue doing these next year, I need motivation to keep going on mine. Can’t wait to see/read more about your process, maybe even show one being done start to finish. Thanks so much for all you do and share with us!!

  11007. Beautiful collages, Hanna! My favorites this week were “Believing” and “A View of Eternity.” I loved the colors in those two collages and they both made me smile and think happy thoughts.
    Hope you have a wonderful week!

  11008. …so pretty! Mandalas it seems have been making themselves known to me over the past year, and especially these natural-object mandalas have been calling out to me. It’s a new moon this weekend; I feel my first such creation calling me… *sigh!*

  11009. Can’t wait! Thank you so much for hosting this swap Hanna! The sign-up cost is well deserved (and cheap) for what you do to faciliate these swaps. My postcards are almost ready to go!

  11010. Love these so much that I MUST play with this idea! As a group they are just outstanding in idea and execution… so don’t ask me to pick one. Great job and great inspiration to my rather stale-of-late mind.

  11011. I think mine are going to be different than I’ve ever done. I won’t start them until the weekend, but they ideas and supplies are ready!

    Those stamps rock.

  11012. Beautiful!
    I’ve never made a physical one. I’ve drawn quite a few!
    I’ll look around me this weekend. Yours is groovy.

  11013. Hej Hanna! Har betalat via paypal och ftt kvitto. Har ocks registrerat mig p din sajt men r osker p om jag ftt nn bekrftelse. Har inte sett nn via mail iaf. Vill ju inte missa swappen ;-)

    • Hej Jenny,
      har du ftt ditt paypal-kvitto s har jag ocks ftt en bekrftelse p din betalning frn paypal. Det betyder att allt r i sin ordning. Yay!

      Jag dubbelkollar alla betalningar och ser till att de som betalat r med i min lista ver vykortsbytare! Jag tror till och med att jag skrev det p info-sidan, dvs. att ingen bekrftelse utver kvitto skickas ut. De 10 adresserna skickar jag ngon gng i mitten/slutet av nsta vecka. Lycka till med vykortspysslandet! :-)

  11014. Hanna: I love all these. The pink romantic colors did get your creative juices flowing. Special Deliverance is my favorite because my eye is drawn to the pink roses and then the smaller repetitive patterns on the side. I enjoy your collages so much, thanks for sharing.

  11015. I love your sewn postcards from 2011! They are really special! I was working all morning on my postcards…such fun!! I seem to have drifted into 2 different series of 5 each…almost done! Your stamps are fabulous too! Having a blast doing this , so glad I signed up!

  11016. can i pay twice and participate twice ? Would love to bind the cards into a thick book ? X, from Dubai

    • Hi Sophie,
      how fun that you want to join this year too! If you are sure you can manage to make 20 handmade cards and send them out on time, you can sure sign up twice! Go ahead. It’s a good thing that you told me though, so I can make sure you don’t have to swap with yourself! ;-)

    • Hmmm… vad menar du? Stta in dem i en prm som jag? Ska visa min nr vi ses, lskar den! Hoppas du har det sknt p semestern! Kram!!

  11017. If you ever come across pages that are left full,you can cut them into strips and use them for fun weaving projects!

  11018. Tnkte gra dem som en sn dr man kan stlla p bordet och blddra i som en liten “tanke/bild fr dagen” typ :-).

    Den hr resan var precis vad jag behvde! Och nu ska jag ka och titta och handla i den lokala pysselaffren! Och imorgon blir det havet och leta snckor p stranden!


  11019. I loved reading about your creative process for this big project. It must be really satisfying to look at that box full of creativity for the year, it can be a tough thing to tackle a project that big. Congratulations! :)

  11020. Oh my goodness! What a wonderful way this was to wake up this morning! (And then it took me all day to come back and comment, haha.) I’m flattered to inspire *anyone* in their creativity, let alone someone like yourself who is an inspiration to *me*. Thank you so much for everything you do: blogging, running your postcard swap, spreading the creativity, creating inspiring pieces daily – you’re an inspiration to lots of people!

    I can’t wait to see what you came up with for your postcards this year. I’m loving the image of all the paper scraps – looks like you had fun creating!

  11021. Just wanted to let you know I enjoyed reading this post very much. The box full of all these collages looks scrumptious!

    Cheers, Jana

    • Thanks Jana, that means a lot to me! I love when I take the time to write a lot about a subject. It’s always a nice feeling, and then when someone actually takes the time to read it. Yay for that!

    • Maria, ja det r en ganska cool knsla. Men inte ett om dagen, utan sju per vecka. Ibland ett eller tv, ibland alla sju p lrdagen nr jag r ledig. Passar mig, min energi, mitt schema och min kreativitet perfekt. :-)

  11022. I really enjoyed reading about your creative process. I am always energized after I read your blog. I liked the partial display of some of your collages. It was like looking at a lovely quilt. I could imagine hanging it on a wall or snuggling under it with my Kindle for a read and a nap. Thank you again for sharing snippets of yourself.

  11023. Thank you for sharing this on Google+. I am getting a little more used to that platform and it’s good to have more practice.

    That box truly looks amazing. I love it the same way I love seeing a filled journal bursting at the seams.

  11024. Quite possibly one of my favorite posts by you. Thank you for sharing a little insight into your creative process with your collages. I think when I’m finished with dinner in a little bit I’m going to go into my studio and make a collage- my first collage since I was in middle school and gluing down pictures of the Hanson brothers.

    ^.^ Looking forward to see what I come up with.

  11025. Loved reading this post and seeing some of your amazing creations Hanna … And the overflowing box! You explained so well the way that the meaning I’d found sometimes days later! I find that too!

  11026. Next year come hell or high water I will be joining in your postcard swap. :) I’ve never sewn paper before and I have a question (stemming from a comment I left you earlier today about making a collage for the first time since middle school)- what kind of needle do you use in your sewing machine when sewing paper? I recently broke a needle sewing denim with the improper size and I can’t afford new needles anytime soon so I would hate to break another. Any advice would be muchly appreciated!

    • Yay Erica!
      I’m looking forward to seeing your postcards once you join! Sewing in denim you need a special needle, I think it’s simply called a jeans needle. For sewing paper you can use a any normal sized needle (mine says 80 on the package), but you should change it when you go back to sewing fabric because it will get dull faster. I hope that helps?! Go for it!

  11027. Thank you for sharing your “creative process”, it’s a great lesson and an encouragement
    for our creativity. I like the idea that for you it’s like your secret diary.
    My question why have you choose squares of 12,5 centimeters ?

    • Thanks for leaving a comment! Why they are square is because that is a format I’ve come to love, after experimenting with different sizes for a few years. Right now I have no idea why I picked this particular size for my collage cards… Hmm… I guess I had some papers in the beginning of the year that I cut in half and got that size. Yes, that might be why. :-)

  11028. It’s always great to read how others work, how they process an art idea through their head and onto paper (or whatever). When I read that you were starting this project I jumped on the bandwagon immediately. Like you, I have loved every step, every collage (even when I didn’t particularly love the finished collage). My box of finished pieces isn’t as pretty and tidy as your since my sizes were all random, but it’s still a pretty impressive sight to see all 280+ collages in one place!

    A couple years ago I committed to the photo-a-day challenge. While I learned a lot and mostly enjoyed the process, this idea of completing a year’s worth of collage, but on a less regimented schedule, works so much better. I have to thank you for sharing your idea in the first place and then the weekly inspiration all year.

  11029. How about an exhibition @Luna?! These should be displayed all together, once you’re done with 365… this must look SOOOO impressive :)
    Have a nice weekend, Hanna

  11030. Hi Hanna! Thanks for sharing with us. It’s amazing to see them in that box and the mosaic you made. You must feel pretty accomplished. It makes me want to start a project like that as well. Do you think you’ll do it again next year or try something different?

    • Thanks for asking Jane! I won’t do another 365 in 2014, I need at least a year of “other creative projects” before I feel inspired to do something similar. But I will compile a list of ideas that I want to work on through next year. More about this in my next post.

  11031. Omigoodness – I just LOVE these! What a sumptuous shade of yellow.

  11032. Thank you for sharing your process with us. I’ve been thinking about taking on a big project like yours next year but wasn’t sure I had time to create and post everyday. Reading about how you sometimes make more than one in a day or do marathons just to get your 7-a-week done reassures me that its possible to do this while living a life too :) I really like your collage project with all its variations. Congratulations and thanks for the inspiration.

  11033. What a beautiful collection! Thanks for sharing your process, materials, and storage ideas!

  11034. These are great! I’m going to print some out tonight and use to make some collage postcards to send out to my friends (inspired by the one and only YOU;). I hope you eventually make a version of these without the swap part on it too, but if not it’s all good I can always touch up the backside with a bit of acrylic paint! Thank you for always being such a huge source of inspiration for me. xox

  11035. I just did an “on my desk” post yesterday, a new binder and kraft moleskines that I painted the cover of. Its a fun way to show a little bit of everyday creativity. I love your little bears :)

  11036. Hi Hannah, just signed up, OMG my first mail art!! Nervous and excited!!
    Thanks so much for doing this, I love happy mail!!

    So we mail them out ourselves, which means you don’t get to see them in person, right? We should use envelopes to make sure they aren’t destroyed or damaged by weather too.
    Can’t wait!

  11037. aaawwww how sweet they are. my desk isn’t used much due to the piles on it. my kitchen table is where I create and it’s full of PL, art for my class, AEDM, collages, papers everywhere, haha! It’s so messy right now, sigh.

    Just signed up for your swap, left you a comment there!
    How is it that I don’t visit for a few days and WHAM you have all these great posts. Other weeks I visit everyday and nothing new. HA, so glad to catch up on this rainy day, love reading your blog.

  11038. Thanks so much for this fun post, I enjoyed reading it! So awesome that you’ve made it thru most of the year, you should be VERY PROUD!! I like the collage of all them here, looks so happy and colorful.
    So glad you share these with us, each time inspires me to keep going on all forms of art. Hoping to stick with this collage making thru the new year.
    Happy Collaging!!
    p.s. I agree about the posting on blog, that’s what helps me stay on top of my PL each week. It’s the only thing I’ve stayed committed to for 4 years now.

  11039. Are those Faber-Castell artist pens? I recently got a free set of the shades of gray series and I haven’t had a chance to try them out yet. I hope they write over my heavily layered art journal pages. I will be doing a post like this in the very near future.

    I love that little panda guy. :)

  11040. Hanna,

    I grew up in Mexico and live in South Texas (USA) where we still celebrate Dia de los Muertos November 2. I would love to hear more about how people honor their faithful departed.

    I love your page. I wish I could share my Dia de los muertos journal page with you.

  11041. Hanna, look at all those yummy collages. So cool! I think I lasted about a week with my ATC project, but I did learn something from it…I need to have a personal connection with my 365 projects, I can’t just do it to get used to a new medium or whatever, so if I do something like this next year (will you have another 365 challenge next year?), it really has to mean something to me.

  11042. Colours charts always fascinate me! I used parts of them in one of my collages, too!
    But my favourite collage of this week is “memory collecting”. Love the colors and the vintage loook!

  11043. How fun these are, love the different look and colors. My favorite was the “in the studio” love the colors of this one. The bluebell one would be my next favorite. Really enjoyed them all though. Love seeing these each week.

  11044. So pretty, the little berries are especially darling. Great color pallet you had to work with as well. Happy Mandala Making!

  11045. Another cool week and interesting theme. My fave is Bluebells Calling – I like the simpler composition and palette. A couple of the others are a bit too busy for me. In fact I’ve made some of those strong, busy, full collages myself and it took me a while to figure out they’re not my ‘thing’. Interesting colors for you this week….

  11046. I like “Do You Hear the Bluebell Calling?” the best this week. It’s very soothing and peaceful and I feel in need of some of that this week! But they are all interesting and so creative, as usual. I love the themes that you come up with and that you’re able to keep up with it for such a long stretch of time now. Very inspiring!

  11047. Beautiful collages, Hanna! I love the colors and layers of “Do You Hear the Bluebells Calling?”

  11048. Wonderful way to use those vintage color charts! I absolutely LOVE “In the studio”…the composition is really nice, I love the colors & something about the hands working with the pottery(?) really drew me in! Always inspiring, Hanna!

  11049. How did I miss this fabulous post!?! I am always fascinated by the creative process, so I really appreciate this post! You articulated your process so well, especially the way in which your collages are like secret diaries…that is exactly how I feel about my little playing ard collages…amazing how one little peace of art can hold so much! What a treasure this project is for you! A great accomplishment! A definite cause for celebration on collage #365!

  11050. Each weeks your creations are differents. I like Bluebell calling because it’s very
    beautiful and soothing , but ” when nobody’s calling ” is more mysterious and disturbing
    I want to know why this white telephone does not call, who is the little person who seems
    to late on the left and perhaps you expect a call this week ?

  11051. so wonderful hanna! the title page is something new to me – will have to explore that some more with the editing option. lovely photos artfully arranged.

    • Thanks Mary Ann, of course your next book needs a intro page, makes it more like “a real book” to me. :-)

  11052. I’m so looking forward to sending out my cards and chewing my knuckles while waiting for exciting work of art to arrive in my mail-box. I deeply appreciate the efforts of you Hanna to make this happen. You’ve made creativity flow all over the world. A fabulous achievement! Thank you to Hanna and all participants in this swap!!!
    Hugs, Outi x

  11053. They’re all lovely. I especially like ‘In the studio’ and ‘One of the crowd’, great colors and imagery! Keep up the good work :)

  11054. Hello!
    I was not signing up this time but I Started to prepair for the next one by collecting even more papers to try collaging teknique. Doing christmas cards now instead. :-)

  11055. I’m so excited to be joining you for the first time!! Just blogged yesterday about it, YAY!! Thanks for all the hours you put in for this, such a great thing your doing. I love sending happy mail!
    Haven’t gotten my email yet but will keep checking!

    • Hi Dawn, the email was sent out on Wednesday this week, did you check your spam folders? I’ve resent it to you know, please let me know if you’ve got them! Thanks!

  11056. Thank you for this event!
    Grazie Hanna, sono molto felice di partecipare allo swap di postcard, spero che le mie card girino tutto il mondo e portino un po’ della mia creativit oltre oceano. By by!

  11057. just wanted to say I love your stamps, your blog, you make art seem easy and we both know sometimes its not. Thanks for going to all the work of doing the postcard exchange, I got my addresses in my email thanks, and mailed them all yesterday.

  11058. What a beautiful blog! I love seeing your journal pages – and that wooden box full of collages! SO beautiful :) Thank you for your visit (so sorry it took me days to respond – I’ve just returned from out of town) and kind comment, xo

  11059. Fabulous idea and I loved how it turned out. Personally I couldn’t bring myself to punch holes in whatever I was storing in there so I’d probably buy plastic sleeves, especially if it was for mailed postcards.

    Still an awesome bit of up cycling though!

  11060. I haven’t written about my process because I’m only halfway through it!
    So I will finish all my cards and then post about them when they’ve been sent out.

    I didn’t think to check my paypal account for my addresses! However, I haven’t gotten anything to my gmail account yet.

    Take care!

  11061. I love your inspiration board, I’m going to need to find somewhere to put one. I have had some in the past and love the process of putting it together.

  11062. Love, love, love your inspiration board. It is very…well, inspiring! Also, was it you that embroidered the colander (magazine clipping at the top)? That has made me curious now!

    • Hi Carin, thanks! Glad what inspires me can inspire you too! Had to look up “colander” but no, it’s not me that did those, it’s one of the older ladies in my embroidery group that is just oozing creativity and energy. I will try to find a picture for you another day. Time for bed now.

  11063. Sent mine out this past Friday!! Looking for the postman everyday now! :)
    Thanks for all of your hard work on this, Hanna!

  11064. I like the botanical flower prints. And these collages caught my eye, especially the phlox and the Lost Love Letter. Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  11065. I love “For Kerstin” and “To the kitchen”. So beautiful and well-composed!
    About latin… I’m a latin teacher (it’s one of my jobs) and I know this language very well… I really appreciated your note about latin’s elegance (people usually say me that latin is boring).

  11066. This is one of my fave series of yours – I like how you’re still playing with obscuring parts of the under collage. I like how each collage works with the colors of the flowers without being a slave to matching – very nicely done!!

  11067. OMG Hanna, you make it hard to just like one or even two. I LOVE THEM ALL!! It’s so cool to see what you will play with each week and the themes. The last one is my favorite then it’s a tie between the kitchen and the matchmaking one. What a gift you have for collages. So happy you share them with us.
    I just mailed out my postcards this morning, YAY!! So excited and happy I joined in.

  11068. Oooh! I agree with Dawn! So hard to choose a favorite! I am particularly drawn to Phlox for the magenta colors. My favorite color is green so I really love “Astrid”. “Lost Love Letter” is just so romantic, so I have to choose that one too! Keep up the wonderful work! Beautiful, as always, Hanna!

  11069. The floral images are great! I really like ‘Matchmaking Idea of Mine’ and ‘Astrid’ for their color and composition. And ‘Spotted dream’ reminds me of snow :)

  11070. these make for such a beautiful collective series! They’re all wonderful and I love flowers-but my fave is the “For Kerstin” one because I’ve been enamored with painting trees lately-inspired by the gorgeous rich colors of autumn.

  11071. Oh! Spotted Dream and For Kerstin are just LOVELY! Of course they all are, but those were the 2 that made me smile and recognize a favorite.

  11072. Loving “Matchmaking Idea” and “To the Kitchen”. “Matchmaking” because I love the blues and the story behind it! “To the Kitchen” because I like the way the middle is blurred (is that vellum?) Anyway love that effect and I think I might have to try that idea out in my own work this week. Great job as usual!

    • Thanks! And yes that is vellum with a coffee stain, not glued down but taped to the sides, I think that’s why it looks blurred in the image. I always glue everything very carefully down, in a neat way, because I don’t like loose ends in my collage work. But here, I just felt that it needed air, so for me it’s an unusual piece of art. Glad you like it!

  11073. the mystery of “lost love letter” is appealing, but “spotted dream” is my favourite this week.
    i like the layers……the use of different torn papers, text & paint & although there are a lot of vertical lines it is very soothing.

  11074. For Kersten and lost love letter. I love the ways the colors all work so perfectly together, compliment each other in such a good way they flow, pulls it all together.
    So much fun seeing what you come up with each week and then the titles make them all the more interesting. Do you name them at the end or at the beginning?
    Thanks so much for your collage inspiration!

    • Hi Pam, thanks for leaving such a nice comment. To answer your question I always name my collages when they’re finished, or have been finished for a few days. Then I take a quick look at them, and often a name comes to me, in one way or other. I couldn’t name them beforehand because I never know what they will mean when I start. :-) Great question!

  11075. Phlox paniculata, Lost Love Letter and Spotted Dream are my favorites, but it was really hard to choose. I love botanical prints, the transparency of the white paint and old letters, so hence my choice. They are all wonderful and give me so many things to think about to try. Thank you for sharing and inspiring.

  11076. I love these collages! Are you going to be organizing the challenge again next year?…it was you who spearheaded it this year, right? I love a good challenge, and I might be up for this in 2014.

    • Connie Rose, thanks! It was my idea to do a year long challenge, and then to invite others to join in. I’m not sure what I want to focus on next year yet, but I am absolutely going to make a lot more collages next year too. We will see. I hope you can get inspiration in my series about doing a 365 project here on my blog. I’ve written about my creative process so far, more posts to come.

  11077. oh the first one is my favorite, it flow so gracefully, and the color, I love the flower

  11078. Hello, this week my best is “spotted dream”, because it makes me dream.
    I like the way of your inspiration, that change every week, I have no the goods English words.

  11079. I love your collages Hanna – its a wonderful idea with the flower scraps. Love the challenge about the 365 days too – I might try it next year – if I have the courage

  11080. Hi, Hanna! I can’t thank you enough for organizing. This is my first year participating and it was just so much fun… Just what I needed to galvanize my creativity (I’ve been having a slump). I sent my cards off today and now I’m looking forward to receiving treasures in the mail!

  11081. Hanna, just as when we sit down and create collages, and sometimes can’t verbalize why we make the choices we make, I often don’t know why I like a certain collage. All of these have something for me. But I think my favorites are To the Kitchen, with the mysterious vellum, and Matchmaking Idea of Mine, with the texture of the blue fabric. But they all are lovely!

  11082. Your art journal turned out beautifully! I love how bright and happy the cover fabric and the inside pages are! Makes me smile! Thanks for sharing your creation and have fun playing with your new journal!
    Big hugs!

  11083. Oh I sooo love your projects!! This fabric is beautiful!! As we have moved last year and downsized…I am still going through many boxes from the past …..and with all your projects….like the 365 collages and the older index card project, I have gleaned lots of paper that I can’t throw away….I will be glad to someday get organized in my smaller art room to do …maybe the 365 day collage for myself!! I love how you did the week challenge, instead of daily…. with less pressure…etc….love how you describe your own process which helps us to think it through and see what works for us….but with your ideas it is inspiring to start SOMETHING! ANYTHING!!! Love your blog!!….and I am a Mom to a wonderful daughter like you and love hearing that you collaborate with your Mother….wish my daughter lived closer!!

  11084. Wow! This turned out so beautifully!! I am always inspired by your many creative projects! They always make me smile!

  11085. Underbar bok! nskar att jag hade hela dagarna att spendera i pysselrummet. Skulle experimentera mycket mer d. Vill verkligen prova p det dr med att gra bcker.
    Kram, Outi

  11086. LOVE LOVE LOVE…. this is so gorgeous, Hanna.
    Making a journal/book is somewhere on my very long list of things I’d love to do. I hope that one day I’m actually doing it ;)
    Trevlig helg!

  11087. I love your idea of taking random doodles scraps and adding them to your pages!

  11088. Hi Hanna! I’ve had a wonderful time finishing my postcards for this swap, I enjoyed it so much! I too want to thank you for taking the time and having the energy for organising this! I’ve already received three cards (Thank you Hanna, Tina and Greta for your Beautiful art!), and I hope my recepients will be as excited as I am!

  11089. How do you organize your clippings? I have a plastic container that has everything in it and it is a pain in the neck to look through to find what I want.

  11090. Very nice to see this. I certainly keep a diary next to my art journal. In my diary I also put in clippings from junk mail like nice clocks, beautiful bedcovers, animals, people, home decorating stuff, handbags etc.. This way I don’t have to buy those things (also have no money for that), but they are really nice to look at!

  11091. Ooh, I love these pages from your diary! This is how I keep my art journal most of the time…pretty pictures with room left for writing, lettering, and stamping (or I often just write straight over the top of them).

  11092. there’s something about repeating patterns that are so meditative. i love the kitty! and i love how the paint in the first photo matches your nails so exactly.

  11093. This has been so much fun! I loved making my cards, & love meeting the wonderful artists who have sent to me & those who have received mine!

  11094. really like the lost love letter. There’s something about finding writing in script. It’s interesting that you have gotten into naming all your collages. {:-Deb

  11095. wonderful, it’s great when you can be in the creative flow and it leads you from one thing to the next and you lose all track of time. Yours is always so colorful, I love it!

  11096. Wow this is super cute an crazy easy to do, too. What a lovely simple way to bring some green inside for the winter.

  11097. This post came at a good time when I am currently working on my very first inspiration board. I’m going to follow the link to your how to tutorial and see if it can help me in my creative endeavors. :)

  11098. I call them hens and chicks. I had them in my garden in Alabama and Virginia and they are so cute. They will spread very quickly and are very hardy. Your miniature glass garden is very sweet.

  11099. How cute! What a lovely container and such beautiful rocks! I had no idea they could grow so far North, even in a protected climate. I have pots full of them in my garden, but they need to be protected from our fierce sun in the summer.

  11100. Love succulents! This is such a beautiful way to display them. Thanks for sharing.

  11101. My favorites this week are “Imagine the Impossible” and “Sea Salt” but they’re all so pretty! Thanks for sharing your creations with us, Hanna!

  11102. I LOVE “sea salt”! Great colors & composition & I love that little bit in the middle that got wet maybe? Have you tried working with “bleeding” art tissue paper? When it is wet the colors bleed into each other & the results are divine!!
    These are all really very pretty!

  11103. I love tissue paper, so I love, love and love these collages. I just finished a postcard using tissue paper. Sur la mer, Mein Liebling and Sea Salt are awesome, but they are all so sweet. Thanks for sharing and being such an inspiration always.

  11104. Love, love, love the tissue paper collage. I just am a collage addict in general but these are just lovely! Thank you for such wonderful inspiration!

  11105. I was at a wedding this summer and these little “hens and chicks” were a standout part of the theme. They were GORGEOUS! Totally makes me want to plant my own little succulent garden once the weather warms up!

  11106. This week yours collages gives happiness ! The colors have a good effect on our mood !
    I love your work on transparence. I have the idea for next year to try your challenge 365 collages, but you are so talented that it’seemed impossible (sorry for English).

  11107. Your postcard swaps somehow bring my work in completely new and surprising direction. Its funny, I’ve taken many classes but I seem to get a much better creative “boost” from your wonderful swaps, both my making the cards, receiving them and enjoying the Flickr images. Thanks so much!!!

  11108. I posted a link when I put my own cards on my blog. Now I’ve added a second link to highlight the wonderful cards I’ve gotten in return. This project has been much more fun and engaging than I ever imagined. Thank you, HANNA!

  11109. I’m totally on board with this for 2014! I think it’s a great idea! I love having something to show for each day, which is why I thoroughly enjoyed the Daisy Yellow ICAD challenge. I often look back at my stack of cards and am so proud that I accomplished all of them!

  11110. Excellent post, Hanna, thanks. I’m thinking seriously about it for 2014, and will likely do collages, too.
    I did a year-long art quilt challenge for myself in 2009 – if you’re interested in seeing them, here’s the link to my blog posts!

  11111. This is sooooo awesome!! I always wanted to have a scrapbook but I’m an introvert too and don’t get my picture taken that often. So this is kind of a way to have a scrapbook of what’s in your mind at any given time in your life.


  11112. This is such an inspiring and encouraging post! You are making me consider taking on my own project similar to this.

  11113. Bring on 2014. It will be so much fun to challenge myself 365 times! Thank you for the postcard swap. I have 10 fabulous cards. Thank you to all my partners.

  11114. Dear Hanna,
    How ironic that you wrote about this very topic today. I officially decided just today to do Gina Rossi Armfield’s No More Excuses Art Journaling for 2014. It too takes a commitment, planning and of course preperation. So to read your post today was encouraging and uplifting AND just what I needed!! Thank you so much…I even printed your email so I can hang it on my board to help with motivation…LOL!! Also, I wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed you collages and your commitment this year. You should be soooo proud. SO, are you doing any kind of 365 days for 2014??
    Sincerely, Geri P.

  11115. Thanks for this awesome post. I really need this and the part about organizing yourself to make it happen is where I always seem to fail. I have the exact problem you speak of with having to dig through things to find what I need then the momentum is lost. Looking forward to your organizational tips. Collage is what seems to interest me the most and I have so much fodder that is out of control!!! I love your website and artwork so much and find you inspiring and helpful! Thanks again!

  11116. Ok, I think I need this for 2014! Time to practise my techniques and what better way than an art journal – you’ve inspired me, hopefully I can keep at it!

  11117. Thanks so much! Very helpful! Your collages have been an inspiration to me all year. I’m going (starting tomorrow) to do a rest of the year collage project. 40 days. Kind of trial for a 365 commitment. First thing: Get organized!

  11118. Loved your post. I have enjoyed the collages you created this year. Congratulations!
    I took part in the Daisy Yellow collages this year – and then went an extra month. I loved the index sized cards. I also love collage.
    So I am thinking I will follow your lead – a daily collage, but using index cards. I have so much paper to use up.

  11119. Thanks so much for this helpful and inspiring post!! I love seeing all your pretty collages here like this too, YAY!!
    I am going to jump in with a fresh start in 2014 and do a 365 day project too, leaning towards collage since yours are so awesome and I have tons of magazines and scrap paper that needs to be used up.
    I like the way you wrote this and it all makes sense to me. I’ve been cleaning up my workspace this week and getting it ready for a new year of new projects.

  11120. I love these, so colorful and happy! The Sea Salt one is my favorite but enjoyed them all just like always!
    Planning on using tissue paper for sure in my collages next year!

  11121. Loving “Mein Leibling” especially this week! I just love the way the angles draw your eye in to the center and then there’s the cute little bird in the corner! I’m always a sucker for a cute little bird and happy colors!

  11122. Hanna, this is such a helpful & inspiring post! It has been fun seeing your beautiful creations week to week. I am very close to committing to a 365 day project next year, so I very much appreciate your tips & advice. And that quote at the end of your post? Brilliant!!

  11123. This is just awesome, Hanna. Thank you Thank you for such a great post.
    I really admire your collages – what a sight!
    I’m always curious to see what’s next on your blog :)

  11124. love to see all your collages all together! Great way of using your scraps. I’m going to made calendars again, to put in my art journal. I’ve done this before and see how rewarding they are. I’m going to see if others will enjoy it too. {:-D

  11125. I cannot thank you enough for your 365 in 2013 project Hanna. Creating 365 collages has been such a wonderful experience. I love having something to return to each week, even when I’m not particularly inspired–the regular habit makes it possible. I love seeing how my work has changed and grown over the year. And I’ve loved seeing the work of the others playing along. And I love the flexibility when life gets in the way. Thank you, thank you! I recommend this practice to anyone!

  11126. wonderful post! you have given me the encouragement to try this for 2014. perfect timing as now i will be ready to go!!

  11127. Such a great post Hanna :) And perfect timing, I need to try something new today and this looks like a fab idea. I love your spring one the most :)

  11128. I am like you, Hanna. I when I see the scraps of paper or thread on my desk, I often think how pretty they are and have a hard time throwing them away. Using then in impromptu pieces like mini collages is brilliant ! So is letting go of preconceived notions about what you are going to create !
    Love this post !

  11129. I love all of these especially the fuchsia flower! I have all kinds of paper scraps that I save and I am definitely going to try this idea, so much fun!

  11130. I love your Clover Five. So many different ways to use black and white! And I like how you cut your blue flower and placed it on top to other flower. Great! {:-Deb

  11131. I have a hard time throwing away any bit of paper, no matter what shape they are in. Unless I’m at my day job. I have leftover boxes (and more boxes) in my workshop that I keep paper in. Some are so tiny, I sort them by color. I love to sort! I’m actually a sorting nut! {:-Deb

  11132. Clover 5 brought an immediate smile; my eyes happily skip & jump on, over, around the with the words & letters…and grin at the scribble of color. Well done!

  11133. Yeah, Clover Five was my favorite as well. Something about the polka dots, and being in black and white. really liked that one!

  11134. Clover Five is my favorite as well, because I love the usage of book texts and B&W theme. I also like Cooling down afterwards because of the blossoming blooming feel to it.

    Blog Hug Nina Joy

  11135. I like “All Fired Up” because of the yummy warm colors on such a cold day and also the interplay of the angles again. I also like “Double Moon” for the texture and I always like to play around with circles and maps in my own work so I guess that’s way it’s appealing! Loving the variety this week!

  11136. Don’t mistake this as a complaint, but what happens if we don’t get all our posts? I only received 7 so far. (11-27) I still can’t wait till next time. I so appreciated all your hard work hanna!

    • Hey Jill,
      I’ve done several of these swaps and I’ve never received all 10 cards. I think everyone has good intentions, but life can get in the way. I, for instance, have never sent mine out on time, but I do send them!

    • Jill, thanks for not complaining. I appreciate that a lot, because I can not do anything when people sign up but don’t send. Maybe I should write it in the sign up-post that I hope with all my heart that you will get 10 postcards back, but I can not make any promises. Some people forget that they’ve signed up or don’t check their e-mail spam folder for my messages. Others send theirs 2-4 weeks late with no excuses, which is just bad manners if you ask me…

      I think 8 is good, like Adrianne says too, but feel free to email me the names of those who DID sent you postcards and I will check what happened to the other 2 senders…

  11137. I really like cooling down afterwards and peripheria – I like the way the lines work.
    The blue lines leading from the blue flower and the lines of the flower above it.
    I like the lines through the blades of grass and the pencil lines above it with the dots of
    color complimenting the colors in the grass. I liked the way they made my eyes move
    when I looked at them. As always I always like your titles – a little bit of poetry thrown
    in which help me look at each collage in a new way.
    Thanks so much as always!!

  11138. Clover 5 and Double Moon struck me immediately, but always, all of the collages are wonderful. I really like the use of black and white and I liked the speckled look of the blue moons along with the pale green rice paper (?). What will you do with all your collages when this challenge ends?

  11139. Clover Five is my fav. I love the black and white/ numbers/polka dots with a hint of pink. Great job.

  11140. I like cooling down…like the focal point. AND clover five because I love black/white and polka dots. They are all lovely!

  11141. I love your work. The first 2 are my favorites.
    Please tell me, what is the first stein doing journals like this?

    • Not sure what you mean, NancyLee…. journals like this? These are square collages. Do you mean making collages in a journal? Get a notebook and start gluing! :-)

  11142. Each image makes me feel something different:

    All Fired Up = hopeful
    Cooling Down = peaceful
    Clover 5 = agitated
    Focus = warm
    Peripheria = earthy, grounded
    Double Moon = curious
    Try Again, Doc = frustrated

  11143. Today I discover your blog and I feel exciting!!!! It’s so beatifull and creative, and it inspires me a lot!!! I really love the collages and art journals!!! I’m thinking about a 365 collages for the next year…


  11144. I LOVE these!! That Clover 5 is awesome and my favorite and the cooling down one next then all the rest. These were all extra awesome this time. The titles for each one made me love them more. Love seeing your collages!!

  11145. What a very creative, awesome and impressive idea! I love making collages and working with paper, but the idea of making 365 mini ones never occurred to me. The way you went about it…not feeling you HAD to make one every day, but were flexible when you made your weekly amount…would work for me, I think, because I have trouble following through with long-term projects.

    Thanks for sharing and being so inspiring!!

    • Thanks for lovely comment, I wish you good luck on doing a 365-project of your own, next year or another time. Why not start with a 30 days long project, and see where it leads you…

  11146. I’m always stunned by how beautiful stitched postcards are (but apparently not enough to take on my fear of a sewing machine)!

  11147. Hi Hanna…If I had to pick a favorite, I would pick Clover 5…I like them all…it’s a great group!!!

  11148. When I have bits of scrap paper (like you I am a hoarder of paper) I generally take my hole punches to them, most recently I took some gel plate prints and punched Christmas trees out of them to stick in holiday cards. Though next time I go through my paper hoard I may have to give your idea a shot. Thanks for another incredible post.

  11149. The one on top of the first picture, the main one is the one I got from you. I was thrilled. Thanks for providing the platform for such fun. Looking forward to doing it again.
    Cheers from Australia :)

  11150. Great post Hanna! I usually save those scraps too and use them. Sometimes they become a part of something bigger (an art journal page, collage, painting), sometimes they’re cut down (ATCs, bookmarks), and sometimes I just test new materials, ideas or doodles on them. They’re so handy.

  11151. I love your postcards, so bright and happy. Thank you for the swap. I so enjoyed making and receiving the postcards.

  11152. The cards you made are gorgeous! I’ve signed up for your newsletter and hope I can participate in your next event. My mum uses to send and receive postcards to and from strangers all over the world. I am thinking of signing up myself too. I also like to just wander about town and deliver my ‘homemade’ postcards to strangers myself :)
    Keep on the good work and blog hug Nina Joy

  11153. Thank you, thank you, thank you! See that little ostrich peeping out there? I received that one! Thank you again Hanna, I wanted so badly to receive one from you! I’m happy happy!
    Thank you also for hosting this wonderful swap. Can’t wait until next year. :)

  11154. Hej
    Vilka fina kollage. Jag gillar allihop :)
    I ett tidigare inlgg skrev du om vad du gr med dina pappersklipp. Det var verkligen inspirerande. Jag brukar samla alla i en gammal pltburk och s fr min son skapa fritt med dem + en massa bandstumpar.

  11155. Hanna, I LOVE this post & agree with you 1000% on copying work, etc.! Great post, my friend!!

    And these beauties here! Love them, but my 2 favorites are “It’s an adventure” as I love the numbers & lines at the top & that little flourish of pink on the side. My other fave is “The Anonymous Diary Writer”… The patterns of the brown & yellow & patterned paper combined with the vintage text is so pretty to look at! Lots of visual interest there!

  11156. My fave is It’s a Poetical World. It’s the orange globe and the black polka dots that do it for me. And re: posting your work elsewhere, I would never do it ~ I do not use or even visit Pinterest.

  11157. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous work with us. I totally agree with you about the reposting of your photos, tumbler drives me crazy, I have spent so much time trying to find the artist not the reposter so I can restore the link. That is how I found you and I am so glad I did! xx Michelle

  11158. I totally agree with you about the use of your art, it’s pitiful !
    I admire that your inspiration is always so original and I like all the advices you give us.
    This week I think that “A year of cut and paste” is totally balanced (I don’t know the good word) .”the anonymus diary writer” I like the touch of colors. “a dangerous world”
    not only because some words are in French but because it’s only beautiful and disturbing.
    Bravo, you always find the good title.

  11159. I love “Topiary” because of the little topiary made out of washi tape and the Pfo Pfo text piece. Also “A Dangerous World” because of the giant world in the center and the overlapping cluster of numbers at the top. This week is so visually interesting and inspiring to me! Thanks for sharing your work with us and I agree about the reposting of your work. Pinterest is so frustrating to me because it’s so hard to find the original source!

  11160. Hi Hanna! I so love to look at your creations!! I really love Topiary because of the very interesting pink scribble and the pink polka dot tape. I have a thing for dots & pink. Thanks for asking!! :-)

  11161. I like your composition in “The Anonymous Diary Writer” best. Thank you for sharing! :)

  11162. I think I’m most drawn to the top image, “A Year of Cut and Paste.” I like the way the numbers jump out at me. And I hear ya on the copying work. That’s what kept me from posting any of my photography to Pinterest. Original creator gets lost so easily. I’m sorry this has been happening to you.

  11163. These packets of paper look fun, but I do not see them in your shop. Am I looking too soon?

  11164. A Poetical World is my favorite. I love any collage with vintage text but because this one has something handwritten too makes it extra nice. The Orange world combines greatly with the rest of the black & white theme. I’ve pinned it onto Pinterest so people will find your site when they see it. I always try to link directly to the creator’s site when possible and try not to repin when the picture does not link to the creator.
    Blog Hug Nina Joy

  11165. Hi ihanna, I am wondering what your thoughts are on pinterest? Your post mentioned tumblr and I have had the same frustration. I have seen something pinned on pinterest and that took me to tumblr. On tumblr there is no way to find the original source. So if I see that I never repin or like or anything. But on pinterest it is set up to trace back to the original source and it seems to work. I’m just wondering your thoughts. I can certainly see the concern. Noone should benefit from another person’s work. And I agree with you completely.

  11166. I bring some colored gel pens and an art journal to the monthly, all-day, education meetings. Most of the day has nothing to do with the Library I work in, so art & doodles keep me from fidgeting in that annoying way I can have…

  11167. I always doodle when I am in meetings . . . and my desk calendar fill up every month with what I doodle when I am on the phone and most messages I take even get a few swirls and dots. Love the quote.

  11168. I thought about buying the last one but the bay creeps me out, haha. Will you be adding more? :) My husband gets paid on Friday hopefully there will be more in your shop then (without creepy babies).

    xox iHanna thanks for being a source of inspiration, always.

  11169. I am guilty of adding your artwork to my WeHeartIt account which automatically links to the post it came from- other people can “heart” the image but it always stays linked to your post. I am sorry if this has offended you, please please get in touch with me and let me know if I have made a horrible blunder.

  11170. Ooh these are so beautiful! I have a question though (since I still haven’t sewed in my journals or handmade postcards)- what was the purpose of sewing the cutouts onto a thin piece of paper before sewing all three layers onto cardstock? Was there a reason you didn’t sew the cutouts directly on to the cardstock?

  11171. I’m just now catching up on my emails from the holiday and wanted to buy some papers. I know that they are all gone now. Hopefully you will add some to your shop later. I’m interested in anything interesting (paper wise) from Sweden since you can’t fine anything like that in California .

  11172. Konstigt nog gr jag inte det… Jag lyssnar bttre nr jag inte ritar, har svrt att koncentrera mig p ngot annat d. Fast framfr teven kan jag klottra lite. D behver jag inte vara s fokuserad :)

  11173. I definitely love Topiary collage!!!! I like too much black and pink combination!!! Your collage and your blog ar encouraging me to begin 365 collages this next year!!

  11174. Your postcards are great as always, Hanna, but I have to say how much I love the backside!! So fun and pretty in its own right!

  11175. Hi, i like your 365 collages very much. Wouldn’t know which to pick! I admire artists who do collages- I don’t like to have so much stuff arround, so I am very happy with my iPad drawings. Gerda

  11176. I wrote “Doodles are your creativity drooling.” as a comment on a wonderful doodlers post this week. I think it is kind of true !
    When I don’t quite have the time to devote to a full artistic project, doodles give me just the fix I need ! ;)
    Happy Doodling, Amazing One !

  11177. Wow…this brings back memories for me! Lynne’s book was my first art journaling book, and it blew my mind. I’m going to go back and look at it again right now.

  11178. Love the orange circles in A Poetical World and A Dangerous World! And thank you for what you said about copyright. A friend was once happy to tell me that she had seen one of my paintings on Pintrest. Apparently I was supposed to be flattered? I was rather creeped out to know my art was being used by someone I didn’t know, in ways I had no control over. Interesting times we live in…

  11179. I love, love, love all your paper sewing! It’s one of my fav techniques too!

  11180. Hi Hanna…I think my pick would be “A Dangerous World.” I’m sorry you have had problems with someone people using your images…it is frustrating that you do not get the deserved credit for your work. I totally understand! Have a good week and keep doing what you do.

  11181. Beautiful creations, how I wish I was the recipient of the hello kitty and so magic postcards…..great ideas and very nicely executed……exuberance, excitement, happy overtone with subtle colors and artforms,,,,,

  11182. paper loves threads. threads love paper. iHanna loves paper. paper loves iHanna. threads love iHanna. iHanna loves threads. marit loves paper. paper loves marit. marit loves threads. threads love marit. marit loves iHanna ;)

    • Hi Hanna,
      Do you glue the papers in place and then sew?

      • Hi Lori, thanks for visiting my blog. :-) Nope, I didn’t glue anything down. I just held two pieces of paper on top of the substrate paper, and sewed them in place, picked up another one and so on. :-)

  11183. Hi Hanna,

    I love love love this post..and your whole site. Do you know where I can download the Swedish language calendar pages? I have been looking everywhere for an A5 planner page to print in Swedish language.


  11184. Love these postcards! Love your whole website actually! I have a question about your awesome paper scraps. I don’t have any paper that looks like this–what papers are you using? Is it scrapbook papers? magazines? some specialty paper? Love the look–the bright happy colors and interesting images! Thanks for your inspiration!

    • Thanks Ann, that’s so sweet of you. As a collage artist I collect every kind of paper there is, but most of these are not bought scrapbook papers. There are magazine images, saved postal stamps, decorated note paper, chewing gum paper, papers I’ve painted myself, and quite a lot of printed patterns found on the internet. Just start collecting, and check out my shop for updates on collage packs! Good luck.

  11185. How FUN!! These look great on your window! I never saw a tool for making these either…I can just imagine the laughs you had trying to figure it out! They turned out beautiful!

  11186. I love ‘Firm Grip’ the most, I love the colors, the stripy images and that labelpart, gorgeous! Other favorites: ‘Welcome To My World’, ‘The Art of Messy Play’ (messy and colorfull :) ) and ‘Ready To Make a Jump’ for the brightness of color, the frog, the Japanese marks and the title, actually I just like the whole thing :)

  11187. This is great, Hanna. I’m glad you said it. In fact, saying it many times may be the only way people get it.

    Wishing you a lovely holiday season!

  11188. For some reason, It’s An Adventure just struck me. But I also love An Unhappy Martyr. Love all these textual things!

  11189. I love “Welcome to My World” because the little girl and the dog look like they are having fun playing hide and seek in the collage! Also “The Art of Messy Play” just because the colors are so bright and fun and the scribbling just gives it an overall playful look.

  11190. “Messy Play” is my favorite. It makes me feel happy when I look at it. Second favorite is “Welcome to My World” because of the pink circles. The rest of them are a bit to dark (color wise) for me. Love your work. Thank you for sharing.

    • Thanks for leaving such a nice comment Rita, it makes me happy to know that my collages can evoke happy feelings in others too. What an awesome thing art can be.

  11191. Your inspiration is always so varied. I’m very admiring by the success of your work!
    My best this week is “Find me in the BohoLounge” I like the coulors and the eyes so
    mysterious. I like so “Welcome to my world” it’s pleasant to meet the “human” in your work (and I like pink). Bravo for the originality of the titles.

  11192. The Art of Messy Play is my favorite I think. I love the looseness of it and those green circles kind grab me. I also love/hate Ready to make a Jump. I have a love/hate relationship with frogs. I think they are pretty to look at but they are unpredictable and have been known to jump into your face when not being well held by a cruel little sister who knows you fear them ! ;) Love the greens too !
    Happy Creating, You talented Lady !

    • Thanks Kim! And sorry that you fear frogs, to me they entice feeling of “hope”, and when ever I see one I want to hold it and pet it… :-) I am still looking for the right one to kiss, that will turn into a prince.

  11193. so pretty. Is she blessing something/someone? I would add something about that, if looking for a word. Your glitter looks like tiny round hole punches… {:-D

    • Thanks! I knew what I wanted to write yesterday, but now I have forgotten again… I should’ve made a note, oh how typical.

  11194. Love it! I was just debating on whether or not to bring out the glitter to embellish some tags that I’m making. After seeing your sparkly shrine…I’m leaning toward it!

  11195. hihihi… now I’ve read it :)
    They look sweet – and what counts is the good time you two had :)
    Cheers & Kram!

    • Jana, you will not believe this – but I want to make another paper star… I even cut strips. Can you scan the instructions and send me? I might be able to figure it out by looking at the pictures… Or maybe not, but I feel like trying. :-)

  11196. h jag kommer ihg vad trevligt vi hade! Glitter r underbart! Den jag gjorde blir nu del av ett julkort som hamnar nnstans norr om Stockholm! Ser fram emot att komma till dig och pyssla mer!!!! Kram

  11197. Well, hard to choose this week – this is a stellar grouping and I like the variety of color and subject in each of them. I think this is one of your strongest groups and I really like them! My fave might be Boho lounge or High End Thoughts…. And I’m always amazed at your titles – I think that’s harder than the collage sometimes!

    • Thanks Terrie! I looove coming up with titles, I guess it’s because I am a writer too, and adore (and collect) words as much as I do images, colors and patterns.

  11198. So great ! The horses turned out beautifully ! Love how each one is unique and special, just like their artist makers !

  11199. How in the world did I miss this!!! You have now inspired me to add Dala to my carving wish along with a Santa Gnome. I can’t carve yet of course, but I do want to learn simple carving.

    So much love and joy and inspiration in these images. What a delight to see them. On St. Lucy morning!!! xxoxoxoxo

  11200. My favorites are Tea Time, Hello Hi Kitty and Reindeer (though it took me a moment to figure out why it was called Reindeer postcard).

  11201. so cool, I need to keep more glitter in my crafting corner. probably I’d write something in latin like “todos tuus”

  11202. Oh what a fun day! I sure wish I could have been there. Beautiful!!!

  11203. Hi Hannah I love the fabric. Do you know who makes it and where I could buy it? :)

    • Jeannie, I love the fabric too, but just as it says in the post it was a gift and sent to me years ago, so it is probably not available in any shops. Sorry.

  11204. Just found your blog this a.m. and immediately made an inspiration frame! Thank you for your sharing!

  11205. Hi Hanna,
    I’ve been so busy and taking time away from the computer, so glad to see your collages again. LOVE THEM!!

    The messy play one is my favorite and then the first one. That frog one and title is cute too!

    Going to start doing these in 2014, thankful for the inspiration you give me !

  11206. The first one with all the stray marks with a felt tip pen looks like the leftover paper from when you were testing the ink in your markers to see which ones still work. I always through those papers out and now I wish I never did.

  11207. “All good thingss are wild and free”: this is one of my favourite quote (by Ralph Waldo Emerson). And your “wild collages” are good, too! :)
    I expecially like “Birth and death” and “Waiting for snow”. Love wild animals!

    • Yum, that sure is a nice quote that I like a lot too. Thanks for leaving a comment! Happy Advent times to you!

  11208. You know how I feel about you and your collages … I love each and everyone of them! I love your sense of color, composition, playfulness and cool factor! Merry Christmas :)

  11209. My two favorites are “Birth and Death” and “Time to Take a Walk”.
    I love the expression on the lion’s face and his tail swinging into the upper corner. He is having a very good time!

  11210. My favorites this time are waiting for snow, friendship is magic and becoming beautiful all in good time. And all the others. :-)

  11211. another nice collection of collagesd- my fave- Dear Summer- because I want to finish that with “when will you get here again”???? It ‘s so cold and snowing yet again here and me no likey one bit. Happy GIT!

  11212. I love Birth and Death and Waiting for Snow. Very beautiful colors, and I love the center focus on the animals.

  11213. These are REALLY fun – I love the use of the animals. They fit the color schemes perfectly. I started out on track with you and kept up most of the year. Then the holidays hit and I fell behind…..I haven’t made time for a collage since before Thanksgiving! Yikes!! I will finish the project, it just might creep into 2014 a tiny bit. I plan to continue next year (I love the focus it gives me) and I don’t want to start off the year behind! :) Thanks for such a great idea and the constant inspiration. Your blog is such a delight to follow.

  11214. I LOVE “Future & Past”…something about that B&W sun just draws me right in & the patterns (love those painted spots!) & colors all work so well together! All are beautiful & congrats on your year of beautiful collages!! So impressive!

  11215. I love all your collages. They always inspire me to grab the glue stick and GO!

  11216. I have just finished a cardigan in that exact grey from Marks and Kattens. It’s my new favourite. And I’ve been trying to hunt down cheesecloth in Gothenburg and you’ve helped me out. Thanks!

  11217. Time to take a Walk is my favourite: colours, fish, mountains, paint dots.

  11218. They are lovely! Dear Summer and Waiting for Snow are my favourites. Well done on your year long collage project.

  11219. “waiting for snow”……because it has so many different papers, patterns, textures & the colours work to make a pleasing picture.

    i would like to say “well done” to every one participating in this challenge.

    it has been an enjoyable learning process. one i will continue in some way.
    making time to create something every day has become a priority.
    thanks for the inspiration hanna.

  11220. looks like you had some animal magazines of something! When you speak about blocks of collages, it makes me think of what I’ll be starting to do: blocks of fabric for quilts. I guess you can cut these babies up for piecing, just like a quilt. Or place them together… you’d need a large wall! {:-Deb

  11221. This is a beautiful bed but the tutorial is incredibly vague, unless maybe someone is an expert in sewing I guess. I have literally no idea what happened in a lot of the steps.

  11222. This post inspired me to rethink my commitment to a 365 project. I’d really hate to lose time for embroidery and other general crafting. Plus it kills me to think of having to take at least 3 hours a week to work on something when honestly there are some weeks I’d just rather be working on something else- or nothing at all!

    Maybe instead of a 365 project I should focus more on putting some time aside each week for arts and crafts. I’m generally off work on Sundays so maybe I should make it a goal to work on my studio every Sunday for a couple hours on one thing or another.

    • Oh no Erica, it was not my intention to scare you with this post! :-/ I should maybe have written a bit about the fact that I think of my collages as artwork – not as a practice or simple doodle this year. I did what I called Daily Art Cards a previous year, and then it was just anything on a card. They were quicker and “just for fun”, like doing the index card challenge. It doesn’t need to be as elaborate!

  11223. Hanna,

    I’ve been following your blog and you 365 project. I really value your blog. It is uplifting and inspiring. Thank you! As you’ve worked on you 365 collages, your work has developed in a truly remarkable way. I hope that you are able to take the time to go back through these images and see the progress and evolution of your design. It will be interesting to see what filters through to your embroidery! Thank you so much for sharing your work and your process!


  11224. Great post Hanna! I was wondering if you are planning any projects for the coming year ? Something that the blog followers can do alongside and then share online….

  11225. Love your candles! I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for sharing!

  11226. I’m glad you are sharing some of these helpful hints. I’m going to be doing a 365 project this year and all of these posts are very informative. I like your idea of setting a time limit for each days artwork too. That is a good way to keep it all contained somehow and not let it get out of control.

  11227. Great tips for planning, organizing, and executing projects, Hanna! I know for certain that I could never do a 365 project, but it might be fun to do a 52 project. Once weekly is discipline enough for this creative soul! Your collection of collages is so impressive and YUMMY! You have much to show for your dedication.

  11228. That looks like fun! I especially love the striped rainbow horse you show here, as well as the one with yellow and orange flowers. Your students were truly inspired to design!

  11229. Ooh, I love this! Where did you get that beautiful image! I agree that a word of blessing at the bottom would be perfect, but I’m not sure Dymo would be the right “look.”

  11230. I’m glad you were able to enjoy your year of collages! My calendars seem to be a bit similar to them. I try to work on them daily and they are even quicker than an “index card” but I collage, paint and draw in little boxes. You have probably seen some before. I was interested in how you organize your paper; I do a similar thing but have multiple boxes and sizes and folders for different colors and sizes. Hope to get even more organized in the months to come. Enjoyed following you. {:-Deb

  11231. I love “Future and Past” because the growing stuff at the bottom just intrigues me with the overall composition. And of course, “Friendship is Magic” because of the return of the imaginary boyfriend! Love him!

  11232. I really love this edition, with all the animals and other natural images and colours. “Time to Take a Walk”, “Dear Summer”, and “Becoming Beautiful All in Good Time” especially stand out for me. I love the map that you used in “Dear Summer” and the leaves in “Becoming Beautiful.”

  11233. i’m going to give it a try for next year. I have started gathering things here and there to be organized but I really appreciate the suggestions you mentioned here!

    thanks so much.happy holidays and wishing you a creative 2014!!!

    • Ha, no idea… Find a bigger apartment perhaps.

      What would you do with 365 pieces of art? Any suggestions? :-)

  11234. The tissue paper collages are so lovely! What do you use to put the tissue paper down so it doesn’t get distorted? Matte medium, mod podge?

    Thanks so much~!

    p.s. really enjoying #diypostcardswap

    • Hi Cindy, I’m answering your question in the blog comments, but a bit late, sorry. For the tissue paper collages I used matte medium, it’s easier to apply than a glue stick that might tear up the paper. Fun times!

  11235. Hi There Hanna,
    I love those succulents plants I’d love to get my hands on some myself.
    Sadly we are covered with snow here and I have not seen them in years pretty much since my mom was alive she used to grow them.
    Thank you so much for sharing them with us.

    Happy growing

  11236. Hanna I love the white on white but being from a place of long winters like you are (I’m from Minneapolis in Minnesota in USA)
    I am gathering up ALL the color I can before everyday feels like one of your white editions :-)
    I will attempt a few white on whites once the snow really starts coming down!

    Thanks as always for your inspiration,

  11237. I haven’t read everyone’s comments, so perhaps someone else has suggested this? I bought a ream (500 sheets) of the heaviest cardstock available at an office supply stor’e in town…then took it to Kinko’s (a printing store) and had them cut the entire ream in the 4×4 size I wanted. That left the remnants and I had those bound (with a rubber cement) into pads. That gave me perfectly uniform collage sheets and wonderfully sturdy note pads!

  11238. Your FIRST one? It looks professional! I’d love to make one, but I don’t sew. Or cook. But I can draw a pretty one in my art journal!

  11239. such nice cards! And so many are sewn. Love Outi’s sewn border! Hopefully I will be able to participate in a swap one of these days! {:-Deb

  11240. I missed this post originally but I’m glad I found it here under tutorials. :) Have you heard of commonplace books/journals? I hadn’t until three years ago but I have been keeping one since I was a kid – I just had no idea what it was called and that other people had been keeping ones since the Renaissance if not before. I think an inspiration book is a kind of sub category of commonplace books. I don’t know if you have read it but Quinn from Quinn Creative looked into their history and posted on it. (You can find a link into my blog post on my commonplace books in the comments.) The more I get to know about them, the more interesting they become. What ever form they take, commonplace books seem to be a cornucopia of creativity and thinking mixed with knowledge and information in a very inspirational way! :D

  11241. Hello sweet overseas friend, I love your posts! Keep us in “blog land” up to date with you.
    -North Florida; USA

  11242. hi hanna, i am “making the time” to leave you a comment ;D these collages are stunning! i have only been following you for a short time, and i love what i have seen thus far. i am attempting to finish some journals before the year ends, as well as get some started before the new year begins. burning the candle at both ends so to speak. lol. i really appreciate the tutorials you have posted. i love collage, and writing, anything that i can put in a journal. how did that yellow pacman moleskine work out for you as a writing journal? i am thinking of getting the daily moleskine for 2014. i have always wanted to start-and finish a daily writing journal, (diary) since i was a young girl. and i finally accomplished that this year. some days, somedays, i just jotted a few words or doodled, and other days, i had so much to say that i began what i called a “p.s.” journal, for the writings that didn’t fit in the daily journal! thank you for your inspiration hanna. a new and excited follower of yours :) jenny

    • oh yes, let me add my congrats to you as well hanna. the starting and completion of this project, it has to feel good! not to mention…having all those pieces of art. that’s a win/win! :)

  11243. Congratulations on a journey well documented. The collages for Week 51 are so lovely and remind me of different flavors of sherbet. I wish you much happiness in the new year and once again, thank you for the inspiration you share with us.

  11244. Congratulations on sticking with this project all year. You have inspired me to try and do some collages in 2014. Nothing as ambitious as what you did but something. I have enjoyed looking at them all.
    Aloha, Kate

  11245. I’ve always kept an inspiration notebook/glue book, but I love the visual inspiration & ideas you’ve provided. . . . for those who are interested, there is a survey site called “Reward Surveys” where you take short surveys and get compensated with magazine subscriptions for free. I’ve gotten about a 10 free mags this way, which is great for the glue book!

  11246. I love making my own, unique, crazy, happy bags also. . . and this mixed media bag is just my kind of thing! It’s gorgeous!!

  11247. Well done! I’ve followed you all year and you’ve inspired me collage more often. Thanks! :)

  11248. What an accomplishment! I love looking at your collages and thinking about how the elements relate to each other. Color, shape, meaning–it’s all so very interesting to watch you work.

  11249. Du har gjort s mycket fina collage, ett fr varje dag, det r helt otroligt. Grattis till dig som lyckats med detta stora projekt. Vad ska du nu hitta p? Kram frn mom

  11250. Congratulations Hanna! 51 weeks….sounds so impressive. Thank you again for this challenge. I’ve had such a wonderful time with it. I’m making a mad dash for the finish line but know I can make it and may just have to keep going… Love “C is for Creativity”!!

  11251. Hi Hanna, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year AND congratulations on such a big creative achievement! I love the collages, but the very first one, “C stands for Creativity” makes my eyes dance! Beautiful shapes juxtaposition end nicely with the scissors!

  11252. I love all the bright colors of this set of collages. My favorite is the “c for creativity” with its drops of inspiration flying about. The colors of window view and the soft image of the woman are also beautiful. Wonderful project – thank you for sharing both the collages and your process for creating them with us.

  11253. Inspired by you, I have started making fabric collages every day. i am really loving it and am in the twenties now. Thanks for the inspiration

  11254. Hello Hannah,

    I love your collages, always inspiring and fun to see. The first one is my favorite, would want that one in a small frame.

    Congrats on your 52 collages, that is impressive and awesome and I can’t wait to do this too. Thank you for sharing and inspiring us, can’t wait to see more next year.

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas and wishing you a Happy Creative Colorful New Year!

  11255. Snyggt och smart att samla alla tutorials p en sida. Jag vet inte hur det sg ut innan, men vldigt lockande att klicka in sig p varenda en nu :)

    Jag blir lite inspirerad att organisera om lite p min egen sida. Det behvs ibland – men tar s mycket tid.

  11256. Pretty bow! I use an awl instead of a drill, and only put a string on the back cover. Then I sew a button through the front cover & wind the string around the button. And of course, you can add beads or other embellishments on the end of the string.

    • oooohhhhh a pretty button on the cover – great idea! I also have a “hand” drill (not electric) for paper that would work if you don’t have an awl.

  11257. I love all of these but if I had to pick a favorite it would be “ButterScissFly” because of the way the scissors are used as the body and again I’m so intrigued by the black and white nature photo off to the left. You’ve done such a great job following through on this challenge and it has inspired me to attempt my own “365” challenge in 2014! Have a great new year!

  11258. I like the new tutorial page, and I love the quote for the new year!
    Try Amazon for “pink drill”. I got quite a few hits on U.S.Amazon page. (I don’t know what I’d do without my drill.)

  11259. like I say in my “G is for Glue it Tuesday” this coming week (where you are one of the featured artists) That’s A LOT of Glue! Congrats. for your year of collages. I see you used a Tarot card in one of your collages, and I could never do that! Then I got the idea of photocopying it – I think like you did! How dense have I been, after all these years of wanting to! Like all the lined paper in Bon! Good idea to name them all. Nice that everything is accounted for! {:-Deb

  11260. I bound a journal for my ‘Top 2000 blog party entries’ (The party is in full swing right now) and with only a few pages to go the journal already does not close neatly… I think about finishing it with a leather strip and a magnet to close it neatly… I don’t have much with ‘ribbons and bows’ but it’s my second idea ‘to go to’ if my idea with the magnet does not work well… we’ll see. I, too, like my books to close!
    Have a great start of 2014 and a marvelous new year Hanna!

  11261. What I am wildly in love with is that your rings can fit in a smaller space. Our ring binders fit our 8.5″ x 11″ pages–the spine is so long! Now if I could figure out how to by one (or more) of those clever ring binders, I would be on my way! You did a great job, and the tutorials are to drool over!

    • Thanks Quinn!

      And I see. Yes, those ugly US-big ring binders (with a lot of rings) would cause a problem… Hmm, maybe I need to sell loose 4-ring binder mechanisms for DIY-ers around the world, in my etsy? Though then you will also need the right hole perforator!

      But there are probably ways to get around the problem if you really want to. If you could get something like this; Small 6 Ring Binder 3 x 5 inches that might work, the binder function is a great size! My customized binder is 6.69 inches high though.

      You could also use loose rings or even get a filofax mechanism in a smaller size, I know you can buy their style hole punch for extras! :-)

  11262. Jag vill kpa den svenska versionen av dig Hanna. Hr av dig hur jag ska g tillvga, PayPal?
    MVH &
    Gott nytt r!

  11263. Hi Hanna…I’ve been considering a project much like your collage project. I think I will join the 4×4 project that Jane Davies is doing. Her goal is to make 400, 4×4 inch, tiny pieces of art. I’m planning to try for 100 first and see how that goes and extend if all goes well. I do love collage so much that I may do part of my 4×4 as collage. Look for a post about this on my blog really soon. Have a great new year!!!

    • Thanks Mary, I wish you a happy new year too! I yhink a goal of quantity is great, but a time limit will help to achieve it quicker I guess. Let me know how it goes!

  11264. This journal is so heart breakingly beautiful it makes me swoon. I love the look of your new tutorial page (got to read some tuts I never stumbled on before, as well). I’m looking forward to reading the posts you will be writing in 2014 “ideas for a creative happy life”.

  11265. Hi Hanna,
    I would like to take a moment to wish you a Happy New Year. Also, to say that I have soooo enjoyed your collages this past year. How wonderful to share them with us, each one holds it’s own unique beauty. My own collages have been made better by following yours. I have different “how to”collage books, etc., but following your collages has really helped take my own to a whole new level, I truly mean that…thank you for that.
    A while back you asked what we would like to see in 2014 from you. So I was wondering do you have any plans in the future (not necessarily in 2014) to do any on-line teaching courses. I just think you would be awesome and have so much to offer. So one suggestion would be to do a collage course. Yours are unique and have a quality people would love to know how and why you put yours together the way you do. Just an idea. I have taken Randel Plowman’s online collage class this past autumn. It was awesome, however I would still take one from you in a heart beat if you did one. Yours are of a quality only a woman could create. Be blessed Hanna!!

  11266. I’ve made a planner this year out of a cheapo sketchbook, and I’ve been looking for the perfect weekly inserts so a big THANK YOU for these, and Happy New Year!! x

  11267. my word for the year: NEW about covers it. I do the same thing, year after year, and this is the year that I’ll be: living by myself, starting to create with a sewing machine, trying new things (see my blog post for 1/1/2014) {:-Deb

  11268. Happy New Year to you Hanna! May it bring ‘willpower’ and everyting else you wish for! I ‘found’ my word real late too… it came to me last week and it is ‘adventure’… I am looking forward to start my new bound Chronicles journal this week with that word (I always start my “year-long weekly art journaling book called the Chronicles’ with my word and reflect on it)

  11269. I absolutely adore the look of your journals Hanna – so pretty
    I dont normally choose a word for the year, but this year I have.
    I want to journal more, to paint more, to make more stuff for my shop, to follow my favorite bloggers more, to keep up with stuff more – so my word for 2014 is ‘Focus’
    Happy New year to you and Im looking forward to follow along in this new year

  11270. I am SO IN for creating everyday! My word for 2014 is “Intentional” & at the top of my list is being intentional about my creative process – I WILL make time for art everyday (I must! It’s vital for me!). I have never been so excited about this as now! Happy New Year, Hanna!

  11271. Hanna, the year just past was my most creative yet. And it was my most personal in my creativity. I did more and more for ME and from my heart. I did fewer swaps that had someone else’s theme or guidelines on them, and worried much less about what other people were making, or saying was important to make. SO! to answer your question, YES! This year I will be continuing to make time for creativity or even stealing time for it!

    I just printed out your calendar and it’s going to be part of my regular flow!

    Happy New Year!

  11272. Isn’t it funny/nice/a little frustrating that the more we get done, the more we want to do! We make achievements through the year and want to reach out and stretch more, thus finding that we are divided one way and the next. It’s like, when you fill up your house and go looking for a bigger home… then you fill that one up too. Or, you make more money one year than the next year, but you still seem to spend what you make!

    I think your word, willpower, is a great word in this regard. We not only need to fly, but the compliment to that is to rein ourselves in when we need to. A friend of mine told me a quote he read somewhere: for he who lives a hundred lives, a hundred times must die.

    Here’s to reaching for heaven!

    Oh, and also…. your journal stacks are completely AWESOME.

  11273. thanks for being there! I have my calendars, first off, that entices me to sit down and write something in one block a day. That’s the best way, I’ve found, to start off. Then, I’m in my craft room, why not open my watercolor box, or take the modge podge off the shelf! Happy New Years! {:-Deb

  11274. Oh yes, you are so right! Eventually it is all about showing up, start and be open…I lost myself in dreaming too much about creativity, rather than being creative in 2013. My word for 2014 is DO, but I will certainly will have to be reminded many times…please feel free to kick my behind at times! ;-)
    Have a wonderfull and creative 2014 – Irma

  11275. I love this entire group using old printed pages and brown papers. I always save any wrapping papers that come in boxes of purchases made online. My husband recently purchased a pair of warm slippers for himself, and they were wrapped and stuffed with lots of coffee colored tissue. He put the box out ready for the trash pickup next day, but I caught it in time! He laughed and said I’m a “pack-rat” but aren’t we all?
    Our local art center is having their yearly “Yard Sale” this month so I can’t wait to see what kind of “treasure” I can find there.

  11276. I love this group. Especially “The Vanishing Point”. I can imagine that one on a much larger scale worked with torn pieces of canvas fabric and paint. Stunning!

  11277. Hi Hanna,

    You are always such an inspiration to me. Even if I haven’t been very active in the blogosphere last year, I’ve been present, reading your posts and always being inspired and awed.
    I’m bringing my blog back from the dead and with that, my creativity. It feels good. It feels empowering. Freeing.

    Happy new year, Hanna!

  11278. Hi Hanna,
    How lovely to meet you at Paper Saturdays. Thank you for adding your link. Your collages are gorgeous and I have to say that I really admire what you have done here. It sounds like a huge task. I am going to have a little look at what you have been upto this year and I hope you will join us again at Paper Saturdays this week :)

  11279. Number One is definitely the cutest owl I have seen all year :D Can’t wait to see what his siblings will look like!

  11280. Your owl is adorable, Hanna! The problem with those lists of projects I want to do is that they keep growing by the day! So many wonderful ideas out there… I just keep pecking away at it. Wise words from Goethe, by the way.

  11281. Oh, it really is…and I know all about those lists! I immediately jotted down the Gouthe quote in my journal.
    Have a good ans inspiring weekend – Irma

  11282. He’s too cute. A true inspiration as this year I intend to begin my own family of soft and fluffy creatures.

  11283. Det ser hrligt ut! Vill minnas du redan gjort en trja in den frgstllningen, minns jag fel?

    • Meh! Du har bttre minne n vad jag har, men det var i alla fall ingen trja, utan min randiga mssa! Kpte det hr garnet och nr jag kom hem blev jag nstan sur fr att det var s likt denna! :-)

      Nsta gng ska jag leta efter chockrosa och orange, men d blir det ju inte drops billiga garner frsts.

  11284. Hanna…looks like you are all ready for a creative year! I loved your welcome journal page you made a few posts back…cute little character who came out to say “hello.”

  11285. Wow! I love your DIY-inspiration mosaic. Very very inspiring! Thanks for sharing this. And your planning calendar. Simply great!

  11286. everyday beauty – bra att fundera p snt ibland! jag mrker a tt jag sjlv blir hemmablind fr allt fint som finns hr ibland, kanske borde ta mej en svng med kameran bara fr att dokumentera allt som r fint? d kanske man blir p bttre humr och s r det ju fint att minnas p det sttet ocks. Pink + green – en av mina favoritfrgkombinationer!

  11287. These are wonderful, CONGRATULATIONS on finishing this big project, you are very inspiring and I love the quote at the end of the post, its so powerful.

  11288. Well, you are just amazing…congratulations on this huge achievement (I could never do something as disciplined as this!) May the coming year bring you tremendous joy and creativity! XX Nat

  11289. Thank you for sharing. They are beautiful & inspiring. All the best in 2014!

  11290. This is such a huge achievement–something positive you kept doing for a year! And in sharing with us, you inspire us to do our work as well!
    Thank you!

  11291. I love “Dropping Out” and “Ending On A Positive Note” and you certainly did! Congratulations on this incredibly successful challenge and I’m looking forward to seeing all you create in 2014! You’re a great inspiration!

  11292. Wow!! Congratulations!!! You did it! And I look forward to seeing more of your creative work! It always makes me smile & inspires me as well. I really love “Ending on a Positive Note”…that splotch of pink & orange over the text juxtaposed with the blue & purple flowers…lovely!! Plus, I just love what that one represents! :)

  11293. What a project! I’m so happy you saw it through :) And I must say, you do love your pink, don’t you? ;) There is no way pick could ever be sad, miserable or depressed. I dare you to prove me wrong though I’m guessing not many people would want to prove otherwise.

  11294. You should make a book of all of your collages. They are all wonderful and I love your work!!! Looking forward to the postcard exchange this year!
    cindy in Arizona

  11295. Super, Hanna, I like them all! Especially you use colour, I like very much! Thank you for all the beautiful art work you make and share with us. Its a joy to follow you on your blog on a daily basis. I find it very special you share your life with so many people around the globe. I like the way you look at life, yourself, work and art. Very inspiring!
    I wish you a happy, healthy , creative and joyful 2014!
    Judith (Holland)

  11296. Congratulations, iHanna! It’s such an inspiration to see you bring this ambitious project to completion. I think one way to achieve artistic breakthrough is to follow through with a project like this. Well, hope that you find time for other projects in 2014.

  11297. Have you ever tried to make your own stamps? I’m learning and it’s a ton of fun. You might like it. I got Julie Balzer’s book and haven’t been able to stop. I wrote about it on my blog today!

    I haven’t tried coloring my stamps in, though. I’ll definitely try that.

    • Thanks Claudia, and yes I have carved a few stamps myself, and it IS fun, but like I say in the post, stamping doesn’t come naturally to me so I don’t use my stamps very often. Yours are very cool!

  11298. I hoard stamps like a fiend! I have rubber stamps, kid’s stamps, recycled stamps, homemade stamps…. I just love them and use them whenever I can!

  11299. How awesome, Hanna ! You are so good at keeping this commitment to your art! What a wonderful document it must be to have all of your collages together.
    Congrats on your accomplishment and I wish you a happy New Year full of new creative adventures !

  11300. I do like your stamps, and you have pretty colours too! I bought some tiny letter stamps today so I can try some art journalling. However, despite having stamps I am similar in that I don’t really use them at all. I keep looking at them and thinking “I could draw that myself!” Maybe its time, as another comment suggested, that I try to make some of my own this year…….

  11301. Congratulations! You reached your goal and beautifully too! I particularly enjoy reading your titles for each collage. I’d find it hard to come up with so many intriguing ones! My favorite image this week is your “Because its all about giving” collage.

  11302. This is brilliant, Hanna ! No bragging involved ! Just celebrating the wonderful things we are capable of accomplishing. Celebrating this way is so good for the soul ! Love this !
    Off to make my list…
    Love your stitched heart too,by the way !

  11303. I always love your year-end summaries, Hanna. I swear, I could look at these links for half the day, I bet! Year after year (I’ve been blogging along with you for almost that long, and reading you) I aspire to be as organized as you are. I’ve gotten better. With the help of your calendar, maybe this year I’ll make much better strides!
    You’ve done so much, and it gives me the idea of making my own list of last year’s achievements. We could all surprised ourselves with how much we can get done!

  11304. Hey! I just mentioned wanting to make my list, and here you’ve given me more impetus!

    Positivity is all over this.

  11305. Wow!! You’ve had such a busy year!!! I might have to take a leaf out of your book and come up with a list of my own… it won’t be anywhere near as amazing as yours though!!

    • Thanks, when I read other people’s lists of achievements I always think that I wish my life was as amazing as theirs. Haha, that’s life. I think it is easy with a list like this to be too impressed.

      I’d love to see your list if you write one!

  11306. I love your summary. 2013 was a big year for me in many ways—retired, moved 2400 miles across country, found a new part time job, new grand daughter….

  11307. Hi Hanna…willpower is an interesting word…good pick! We do have power over our will(or mind). We can will ourselves to be creative, or not. As Austin Kleon says…”we choose.” I didn’t choose a word but if I did I would pick the word “new.” I’m about trying new things this year (hopefully). I love your collage pieces two posts back…love the pinks on that one especially.

  11308. Just this morning I found some great TED talks about the psychology behind willpower. If you like that sort of thing, it might give you some new tips and tools to empower your word for this year. Good luck!

  11309. The fact that you stuck to your commitment to create 365 collages last year tells me you already have quite a bit of willpower.

    • Claudia, I think everyone has willpower, the only difference is how you and when you have to use it. It doesn’t take much willpower for me to do collage and fun stuff, it’s the things I “should” or “would like to have done” that I need the willpower for! :-)

    • I doubt that it is in my creative life I need more willpower the most… It’s the “other parts” of life that I struggle with! ;-)

  11310. This is great, Hanna. I won’t date myself (lol) but back in the 1970’s my girlfriend and I did this with blue jeans but they were long skirts. Taking the seams out of the legs and filling in the segments with other material, sewn by hand, so they were very brightly” patchworked” in a way. The skirt was very full and flared out by the time all the material was added. They were fun to wear with boots and turtleneck and a belt. I just might have to try and recreate one of them again. Thanks for that memory.

  11311. I did a project 365 of photo’s back in 2009. There were days it was difficult but I was very happy that I finished the project. In 2013 I have been very ill off and on so it’s been impossible to create. I would love to tackle another year long project to help me heal. I think I will do a journal page a week and follow your collages (I have NO talent for collage, wish I did). Thanks for the encouragement and the advice. I will start posting them on my poor neglected blog.

  11312. What a fantastic creative year Hanna! You always put me to shame, but inspire me like crazy! I’m posting mine on Monday (19.00 svensk tid), it’s already been scheduled.

    • Also did you see that Moorea is taking another stab at the list project this year since she couldn’t complete it last year?

  11313. that sounds great! I hope you have fun with your workshop. I also picked a workshop for the year, called 2014: the year of the fairy tale. So I guess my word, or phrase, for the year is fairy tale! {:-Deb

  11314. I read your blog alot, and don’t comment that often, but I love your blog, always so upbeat, and full of great color and your sharing of information and yourself is amazing, so even though I don’t comment that often, thanks for all you do

  11315. I went back to this post, Hanna and reread all you accomplished in a year, after I looked at your inspiring photo slide show. I think if I thought about it I’d come up with more than I originally thought. You are inspiring and I’d like to bottle your energy, but I am amazed at how much art I HAVE created this last year. Your post is a good reminder- sort of a wake up reminder of how much actually did get done and it’s good to see that.

  11316. I am not surprised that you did it! But it sure is amazing! Thank you for all that you share and inspire in us. I like your “I can be a pack rat.” :)

  11317. Congratulations on finishing your collages Hanna! And thanks one last time for carrying the rest of us along with you! This is a wonderful collection. You certainly finished on a high note! “I can be a pack rat” and “dropping out” are my faves. On to more great things in 2014!

  11318. Congratulations on your remarkable collage journey. It was such a pleasure to share in it by reading your blog. I just started my own 365 collage project. I’m using 3 x 5 cards, giving myself 5 minutes for each & work on several at one time. Participating in your postcard challenges for the past 2 years has also given me some faith that I can do this. So far its part therapy/sketchbook/creativity challenge. And fun!

  11319. Of course I’m following you :D I recently joined IG and have fallen in love with it! I like how it kind of keeps me on task and makes sharing behind-the-scenes and work-in-progress shots easy. Having to fuss with my regular camera, proper lighting, editing and uploading and all that kind of takes the steam out of sharing. I love that there is such a vibrant and active creative community on IG!

    I’m @bobephanie there, if you want to check me out.

    • It’s easy to fall in love with instagram, right? I was looking for you on there when I got your postcard, but couldn’t find you last year… So glad you found your way there too. I think it’s a cool way to share stuff, and there are a lot of advice about it online too if you want to read up. :-)

    • This is not a product review, but if I know where something can be bought I will linke there. So these are not new, and bought in Sweden… I don’t think they are even sold anymore. Sorry.

  11320. Your words are very inspiring. I often hurry through a project and then just start the next one without stopping to be celebrate completion. Luckily blogging allows me to recap happy moments and look back fondly at my year through months of pictures. I like your idea of planning for the future by looking at what was accomplished over a year’s time. Also I love your photo of the fabric heart and yummy embroidery supplies!

  11321. Will you post it when more scrap pkgs are available on Etsy? Or is there another way we can buy them (without Etsy?)

  11322. Hanna, I am THRILLED that you finished you 365 Somethings project. I finished all of my 365 cards but am still posting and it’s already late January. I want to go back through your posts and savor all of your collages. They are beautiful, unique and elegant.

  11323. Hej, det var ett fint ATC kort. Jag har testat det dr och det var kul. Det blir som det blir.

  11324. Jtte fint! :) It really looks like we need to swap – what do you think?! …I have one in progress – handmade paper + watercolor + stitching… (It’s pink, BTW ;))

  11325. Hi Hanna…you are so creative! Love the planner you are making. I’m not a planner user person but I think it’s great for those who do and can use them. That is a sweet little bird on the cover :)

    • Thanks Mary, I would’ve never thought I’d be a planner person either until I started to make my own version and have found “my own” way into using it, like tracking daily habits I want to implement, making creative to do-lists weekly and so on. I’m having fun inside mine, just like my art journals and notebooks.

  11326. Happy New Year, Hanna! As always – I feel inspired after visiting your site. I followed the link in this post and immediately got a strong desire to make a planner myself, so thank you for the excellent tutorial for the planner/calendar! I just wonder: what do you do with the pages when the year comes to an end? If I understand you right, you reuse the binder a few years, so what happens to all the wonderful pages filled with notes, thoughts, lists and ideas when you start a new year? Maybe you have been posting about this before; if so please link to that post. The lack of good ideas for how to store previous years calendar content has made me stick to planners with fixed pages and hard cover – because I want to be able to go back and find old notes, sketches, recipes etc… Long comment from me – but have you any thoughts on this? Or do you simply throw away the old pages?

    Have a happy, creative day :-)

  11327. Oh I am obsessed with my calender in my hot pink Filofax too…ove to see what others do with their planners!
    Have a great start in your weekend – Irma

  11328. It’s *so* ok if you want to keep talking planners… I’m obsessed too! (In fact, I just drafted another post about my new planner…)

  11329. Love this. I linked to this in my latest post. Super fun stuff here. Love your site! So much to be inspired by! I always think of Precious Moment dolls when I think of cross stitch but I love doing it. So rare to find a new way of thinking of it. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Thanks Amy! I had to google the dolls, I’m not sure I have seen them before or understand why they make you think of embroidery, but they are very cute! Love the name of your site too, great book.

  11330. Oh what fun! I’ve always wondered if the stitches are cross because they’re always made to line up so perfectly. It’s good to see them liberated from the tyranny. ;-)

    • Haha, Deborah, thanks for the smile! I all for liberating all of us (and stitches) from the tyranny of straight lines (or any lines!). Have a great day!

  11331. you are obsessive about calendars like me. I completely understand. Good idea to have that space on the back for notes. I love to make lists, and I am always taking notes for everything! {:-D

  11332. It’s always such a delight to peek into your journals. And I have to say I vacillate in my own journals between covering every square inch and leaving white space – both feel perfect. So you won’t get my vote as to which of your pages I like more. But I will say that’s a very handsome elk. ;-)

  11333. I love both pages so much! Love the elk but also really love the other page as well as that is kind of my style of gluebooking [the patchwork method with the papers – I love it!] : )

    Thank you so much for sharing with us and for all of the tutorials that you put up, I know you bless me and I’m sure that you bless many others with them as well [along with giving us an incredible amount of inspiration!!]


    • Thank you so much Debi,
      for your lovely comment! It means a lot to me to know that my blog inspires you and that the tutorials are helpful. Thanks for letting me know!

      Wishing you all the best!

  11334. I love the whole spread. It balances itself across the gutter and it works. The moose, gazing out of the book, also makes me want to turn the page to the next spread. Moose have those fat antlers, and elk never have that wattle under their jaw. Your work is so interesting to watch develop!

    • Hear, hear! The moose makes you want to see what wait on the next spread.

      I had to go and check that moose-elk -thing, cause that animal often gets called/translated elk on Finnish travel sites etc. So, according to my Oxford dictionary they call that animal in the picture ‘elk’ in UK but moose in North America where elk is a wapiti (not related to moose but to European red deer). So a moose is an elk and an elk is a deer in UK. Confusing? I agree. :D

      • Yes, you’re so right it’s both an elk and a moose, depending on where you’re from.

        I’m going with British English here, since we call them älg in Swedish and that is probably coming from the word elk. Thanks for adding to the confusion Kaisa! ;-)

  11335. Love the pages. But as an FYI, the animal is a moose, not an elk. And the one over it is a bison (often called, incorrectly, a buffalo). I’m from moose/elk/bison country.

    • Thanks Judy, I’m pretty sure I called the bison a bison, and that the moose is an elk depending on where you live (see comments above this one)! We’ve got a lot of the later here in Sweden too.

  11336. My thoughts, or similar thoughts, were published on my blog…happiness, peace, quiet – still thoughts and memories are wonderful. Bless you!

  11337. This is very lovely! I like the left page, because it has the little cat on it! I was wondering where you get all of your supplies that you art journal with. From the store, Etsy, thrift shops?

    • Thanks Shaynie, I’m with you on the cat adoration, I love those cat stickers!

      I have collected ephemera, papers and supplies for several years and most of them are cheap or free, like magazine images, painted papers, and so on. I also save gift wrapping paper from birthdays, and such, and get stickers on sale in the book/paper store. And vintage finds in thrift shops is a favorite, but those finds are not as usual here in Sweden as they are elsewhere (not sure why the paper shelf is almost always empty here).

      Good luck with your collages!

  11338. How wonderfull that you had a friend to share the sparkle with, that is so precious! I enjoyed a wonderful creative multi-tasking-day in my room yesterday…Have a great start in the new week – Irma

  11339. I don’t mind at all if you share more posts about your planner/calendar :)
    So, where did you buy the cream colored paper?! (especially the 120g)
    Tack & cheers!

  11340. Love this! It is really nice to have a written calendar whether or not you have a complimentary digital calendar. (By the way–I’ve also found smallish plastic sleeves for binders at Staples once, though I can’t be sure they still sell them!)

  11341. I LOVE notes from the universe! And I love that you put one that really spoke to you right in the front of your planner…great idea.

  11342. I love the look of your calendar, I am using a moleskine weekly planner and I use found words in magazines , I will write words, I will doodle drawings, I will make a small collage , I love to make it my own. I don’t comment very often, but I happen to love your blog, it’s so well organized, and the color, and the content is amazing.

  11343. Wonderful calendar amazing created and so feminin, really beautiful. Thanks for visiting my blog and your kind comment.
    Wish you a nice day,
    hugs Anja

  11344. That is such a great quote that I copied it into my calendar right away! Thank you for sharing it! Here’s one in return:

    “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” Winston Churchill.

    Uncle Winston actually has lots of great quotes, though some of them are a bit of an acquired taste. Another I like is “All the great things are simple and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, hope.” I’m not sure if things fitting that description are necessarily simple, but they often are expressed in one word: love, passion, compassion, integrity.

  11345. I love your style so much and your binder seems like such a joy to work in, and I love the rose pattern, it’s all great :)

  11346. Your planner looks so appealing! I am a paper planner all the way. Even though I have an iPhone, I never use any of its calendar functions. Just this year for the first time, I decided to “dress up” my planner with decorative tapes and stickers. It makes it even more appealing to consult my To Do list through the day. I have a whole Pinterest board for daily/weekly planners, and have really enjoyed collecting images of the beautiful planners out there. It’s amazing and wonderful how many people are paying attention to beautifying their planners!

  11347. Congrats on contributing to such an adorable book! I really love the flower frame doodles. I think I’ll have to try to get my library to purchase a copy!

  11348. When I saw this book review this evening my reaction was I think that’s a copy of the book I have. So I went and dug mine out to be sure. Ya it was and same edition. Thought maybe this was a Book 2. I love this book. I don’t draw real well but on the doodles where you follow step by step I can do it. I love this book and use it often. I agree with Hanni if you don’t have the book you should save up and add it to your collection. It’s is really a go to book. P.S. I didn’t realize at first Hanna that it was you. Glad to know that!

  11349. Congratulations!! The book looks awesome and I can only imagine what it’d be like to be in a publication such as this [I’ll have to only imagine though ‘cuz I am not artistically inclined as much as I’d like to be! lol]

  11350. These are wonderful to do together as a family! Really brings out the creativity in everyone. And don’t you just LOVE Carla Sonheim? She’s truly spectacularly creative!

  11351. Jttefint, verkligen en kul id, jag mste nog lna den. Och allt i rosa, still going strong Hanna.

  11352. hi hanna, i’m kind of new to following your blog…but i have looked at a LOT and i loveLOVElove everything i see!!! YOU are such an inspiration, and i really like how you share extra posts at the end of every recent post. i happen to have a copy of the Craft-a-doodle book from my library, i hadn’t even looked at it yet, but after seeing your post about it, and with a snow storm bearing down on us here in Colorado-i think tomorrow will be a perfect day to explore and doodle with it :) i just wanted to say hello and how much i appreciate your inspiration/blog, etc. (i even ordered some of those darling little sticker books from Dover after seeing them in one of your posts. i also started a “less clutter” collage journal that you shared about. i could go on and on….i am now a huge fan of ihanna!

  11353. You should check out Ed Emberley! So many great thumb and finger print drawings in his books.. My brother and I used to practice the drawings over and over when we were little… I bought later editions for my daughter and she loves them too. I think my mom bought his book for us back in the 70’s… So great!

  11354. I borrowed this book from the library and it has loads of fun ideas in it – yours included! Doodling is very relaxing and its fun to see how other artists play on the page. I will have to doodle some flowers to show you :) Congratulations on being published!

  11355. hmmm, on my list to try next? i think the notecard system. thanks for sharing that hanna-i’m always jotting bits and pieces onto scraps of paper and in journals, but to have them all in one place using index cards sounds brilliant. really enjoyed that post.

  11356. Very cute. I’ve been wanting to create an owl. Now I really want to make one!

  11357. What great ideas! I love the index card idea because I’ve been using it for years and he gave me some really great ideas–but your boxes are so cute! I can see them done up for Valentine’s Day!

  11358. I think I need to declare self love Sundays too. I think I have a social media hangover and its only about 4:00. Time to walk away from the computer!

  11359. Hej mitt hjrtegull, det var ett mycket fint hjrta du har gjort. Ser fram emot ett nytt imorgon. Kram

    • Hej mom, egentligen fr du inte titta p nsta inlgg fr d fr du ju se det Alla hjrtansdags-kort jag tnker skicka till dig, men annars fr du helt enkelt ltsas vara veraskad nr du fr det. Puss!

  11360. What fun! Those hearts will make fine Valentines. My mom used to draw funny marks on blank sheets of paper – an “L” shape, a half moon, two squares and a rectangle, then give them to me to “complete the picture”. I loved inventing pictures from her doodles as a kid and I still love doodling today. Thank you for sharing your daughter and your doodles here :)

    • Thanks Sharon, I’m childless but enjoy borrowing kids from friends and family to get me some kid time! Or maybe you commented to my mom’s comment, above? :-) She is crazy creative too!

  11361. I love the idea of creative Sundays, sounds great, such a good idea. I can’t wait to see more of your creative projects :)

  11362. I like valentine’s day because it is fun to make hearts and give them to people. It’s always been about the crafting and giving and sharing for me. I love the red and pink and sparkles and lace.

  11363. Thanks for a fun and inspiring post. Really enjoyed the Notecard post as I feel like I lose ideas all the time! Also thought the collage cubies were great but was unable to download the template. Tried both sizes but they didn’t work. I did make a notecard with that idea though!! Ha! Have a great day!

  11364. Hi Hanna – So sorry about your work. It will get better…step by step as you head to the spring your luck will change…I can just feel it :-)
    I LOVE your little book and colors and faces. Wonderfully happy and cheerful, so unlike the words you started your post with. I think you cheered yourself up!
    The characters are so full of expression, I would like to know more about their personalities – maybe a book is in store for you??
    xoxo pam

  11365. I am sorry about your job. I hope that as this door closed, when you turn around an even brighter door will open for you. As Pam said, you cheered yourself up as you wrote your blog entry. I love the little journal and the bright colors used. Some of the characters were smiling and some were puzzled, but none were sad. It is a time of questioning what direction you want to follow. I know that it will be wonderful, because you are such a positive person. I am pulling for you, as I know a lot of other folks are also.

  11366. Your mini art journal is so cute! I love the bright, happy colors you chose! And I agree that it is very good to express your feelings through art! We’re all rooting for you, Hanna, and believing that good things are in store for you in the future! Sending big hugs and creative happy thoughts your way!

  11367. I’m thinking to make this miniature book as an project for year 2014.
    Thanks for inspiring post.

    *You will get your dream job soon..who’s know.*

  11368. Somehow I found this post and I’m so glad I tripped over it! I can’t wait to try my own little brown bag journal. You always make everything look like so much fun! Love your style, your colors and the way you present your projects on line. Thanks so much for always being so inspiring :-)

  11369. Oh…. I SOOO love your people drawings!!! Me Me Me….I get THAT!!! I too seem to draw them as they are me, younger, older (I am 67) whatever…. ALL of your work is beautiful and not ordinary which is why I love it….so inspired!

  11370. This is adorable. I always love your use of colour. I do make little books, often with collage in them, as gifts for others mostly. It’s an enjoyable process.

    I also get what your saying about what you want to do and what you actually do. This is a big frustration with me as it’s not always about lack of time. However this year I have decided to try the opposite direction of you and instead of ‘willpower’ I have chosen the word ‘open’ and to just let myself be a bit more and not demand so much of me. It’s not easy. I’m such a controlfreak and I’m really running against that now, but I think it will be good for me to be more relaxed about my artsy endeavours.

    Sorry you lost your job. Keeping my fingers crossed you’ll find another one soon. I’m sure you will.

  11371. I love your little book! I also imagine it would be so much more practical carting a teensy book around with you instead of trying to take a huge art journal everywhere! Your quirky little faces are so happy and vibrant, I just love looking at them!

  11372. I love these adorable little faces!

    Hope your job situation works itself out…in the meantime, enjoy the time to create.

  11373. Love this post, Hanna. I admire how open you are with your art, creativity and peeks into your life! Bummer about the day job…I’m sure an even better one is around the corner! You put some much good out here, I know it will come back to you.

    I have a lot of waiting around this year (busy kids) and am thinking these mini books are exactly what I need! Hmmm…now off to figure out a portable art kit I can use even in my car!

  11374. I love your little book! The colors and drawings make me happy too :)
    I’m sorry to hear about your job.. I’m sure something better will come along for you! Just keep doing what you love!

  11375. I’ve been working on some and I have to say, I am LOVING the heart shape! I seem to have missed the appreciation of hearts for most of my life, and now, it’s just filled with delights!

    Your work is beautiful and cheerful.

  11376. I like those little cute characters much. I can see in evry little face a gentle soul. I really feel sorry for the lost of your job ( post before). I am in the same situation since february the first. Beeing creative is helping me going through this hard time. But honestly sometimes its nice to have more time for my creative projects ;) . It willl become better soon for you , I m very sure :) . Its just another crossroad in our life to find the right way for us and our real purpose.
    Thanks for this many inspiring ideas you share.

  11377. I just love your quirky people Hanna – they warm my heart! I mentioned your project on my blog yesterday and on Facebook since I love your mini art journal book so much!

    Thanks for sharing.
    Love, Violette

  11378. great minds think alike, tydligen! idag kom jag p att jag behvde en pytteliten art journal, s jag slngde ihop en (s praktiskt att kunna gra det sjlv, att inte vara beroende av vad man kan kpa!). det kommer inte att bli en varje mnad, den hr kommer frmodligen att rcka ett litet tag, men frhoppningsvis en ny art journal lite d och d. min frsta var en moleskine, det var lite av ett misstag, vilket jag inte visste frrn efter ett bra tag. alldeles fr mnga sidor! det tog en evighet att fylla den! s nu blir det fler och tunnare bcker, passar bra fr mig, som gillar instant gratification. :)

  11379. Like like like this a lot! How would it looks with coulor my brain keeps thinking of :-)

  11380. I love doodles and your patterns are great. Thanks for the ideas for my doodle pages.

  11381. Exactly what I was thinking — just like a grown-up coloring book! I love this, especially the bold lines. Just awesome!

  11382. Very fun doodles!!! I had to come by and see what new art projects you have going on. I love your little mini journal from the previous post :)

  11383. Oh Hanna … this is soooo awesome!!! I honestly thought it was a real coloring page. lol

    I kept scrolling down to see what you did to “alter” it, or how you colored it in with zentangle or something till I got to the end and realized that YOU drew it all. Keep in mind that, at the time … I was scrolling down through the pictures and not reading what you wrote at that time [alot of times I’ll scroll down through the pics first and then go back and read through the text.]

    You are so incredibly talented!


  11384. jttefint litet block, I love it. Alla figurerna r helt underbara. Beautiful. Jobba vidare med dina projekt, det mr du bra av. Tids nog fr du ett jobb och d hinner du inte vara s kreativ, som du r nu. Kramiz mom

  11385. Definitely looks like an adult coloring book! Love the black and white. Will you color it in at some point? Lovely work.
    Aloha, Kate

  11386. Wow, it really is a gorgeous journal! I love the feeling that comes with getting a brand new notebook and imagining what you’re going to use it for and what it’s going to look like someday.

  11387. so sweet! I love all iHannas :)))))
    although… the piggy-tailed girls are my favorites (I think ;))
    Cheers! …hope to see you soon.

  11388. Hanna these are sweet sweet sweet. There’s something so yummy about stitching. I didn’t stitch any of mine this year. But now I feel like continuing them so I can stitch!

    Off to check out your previous posts…
    (I’m not blogging right now. May not go back. Kind of sad.)

  11389. This is so sweet. And I like finding out about a new (to me) blog. You are so right about wanting to own little books. I stopped buying them evetually because I was running out of room! (and money!)

  11390. This is great, and I have lately been thinking I would make a doodle book for myself just to color! A coloring book of doodles. This looks like a great coloring opportunity. It’s interesting that you say it doesn’t look like yours. Isn’t it odd and exciting when that happens?

  11391. Lovely. Thanks for all the great ideas. I think we should make it a heart year. I’m doing 28 days of cards with hearts as part of my 365 Days of Making Art. 1 card behind at the moment.

  11392. Love these! The stitching looks really nice. :) I only recently realized my sewing machine does more than one stitch, so maybe I’ll have to try this!

  11393. Despite the fact that I am not much into scrapbooking, journaling or playing with paper, I love visiting your space – filled with color and joy! Thank you for all the hours of thought and work and effort you put in to sharing what you love with all of us! HappyValentine’s Day!

  11394. You’re probably gonna laugh but though I’m always heard of Kawaii – I honestly had NO idea what the heck it was. lol So happy to see a picture and read your blog entry so now I have an idea of what it is. : )

    I so love your blog and everything you share and as a matter of fact, I have a folder in my email named iHanna and that way I can keep your emails telling me of new blog postings and can then go back to them whenever I want and find what it is that I’m looking for!

  11395. Agreed so much with you..I love the beautiful decorated journal book and pages , it’s uplift my momentum to put / paste/ draw something that make me happy for the day.

  11396. I love that cover fabric, Hanna! Totally bright and “cute,” and makes you want to open it right up. I like your lettering on the title page, too!

  11397. I love your stitched heart ATC, great colors! Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!

  11398. Love your Creative Snapshots! A nice peek into the creative life of iHanna. :) In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I wanted to say how much I appreciate you and your blog! Thank you for creating a piece of the internet that is colored in such bright, happy, creative colors and makes me smile. I may not always comment as much as I should, but please know I eagerly await each post as it arrives in my Feeds! Thanks for continuing to brighten our days!

  11399. Wow, such a wonderful journal. I love the bright cheerful colours. Much need to brighten the dull, wet days we are having here. Thank you.

  11400. I will certainly dive into a few articles later on this week. The video was very inspiring already and oh so true! Thank you for sharing! – Irma

  11401. I don’t usually comment just to say a simple “thanks” or “what a fantastic post” its usually a comment making a contribution to the discusson. But in this case . . . Thanks, what a fantastic post!

  11402. I love the moon too! Adorable! I just finished a page with your flower border from Craft-a-Doodle and I think the owl will be my next page. This book is awesome!

  11403. Awesome post, Hanna. I watched Brene Brown’s video not once but twice. Also bookmarked several other articles. Thanks for sharing this.

  11404. Adorable…I have the book but have yet to really crack it and play. Maybe later today while it snows. Love owls and orange too. xox

  11405. As always, my friend … it’s absolutely fabulous!! Oh and yes, it totally says “Happiness” to me. : )

  11406. Hanna – I stumbled upon this blog and I’m hooked on this post (as well as the one on being an entrepreneurial wannabe)! Your blog inspires the creative in me and it looks like I’m going to have to put some of these things on my 2014 bucket list. I may be linking back to your post when I’ve done some of this stuff!

  11407. Congratulations on completing your class! I started it and took the tests but we were traveling for a few weeks during that time and I never did any of the assignments. Your collage is wonderful–love the juxtaposition of the B&W figure against the super colored flowers and she is positioned just right. I see your little doggie too :-)

    Wish it were “forever summer” here. We’ve been buried here in Ohio under way too much snow!

  11408. For sure your collage says “happiness”. Also your explaining words! They made me happy.
    While looking at your collage I was wondering by which artist you got inspired and I was thinking of Max Ernst. Last summer I visited an exibition and got reminded by your surreal flowers. Although his pictures and collages are not so happy and light.
    Happy greetings to Sweden!

  11409. I took the same class, Hanna. Wasn’t it fun? I loved watching the instructor at work — she used her hands so carefully and intentionally. I want to live in your land of Forever Summer — especially during these dark wet days of winter. Your artist statement helps me understand not just this piece but your larger body of work. But I still can’t find that little dog!!!

  11410. I love your happy doodle, Hanna! Love the bright, cheerful colors, and the happy Hanna flowers! Someday, I’d love to purchase a happy-Hanna-doodle like this to proudly display in my craft room!

  11411. S fiiint!!!! Jag blir alldeles lycklig och super glad att ha hittat din sida!!!!! Jag brjar p min frsta art journal gjord p gammal bok idag och du bara verser med fantastisk inspiration, Tack fr att du delar med dig av alla fina tips och tricks!!!!!

  11412. Oh, I know my IC too well! Infact she is sitting right next to me keeping me at the laptop, showing me how good others are and that I will never be able to do what they do. It is so much easier to accept that than just start and see where my cheerleaders take me…
    Thank you so much for sharing this book! – Irma

  11413. This sounds like a fun book, My IC is always whispering over my shoulder, sometimes I feel paralyzed by it, I would love to find ways to silence it and would love to meet my Inner Helpers.

    I also follow you on Twitter and just signed up for your newsletter.

  11414. Love your website and your artwork!! Already a fan and have been a facebook, newsletter, and postcard swap supporter/participant. My inner critic is hypercritical!! EEKKK. So much so…I have to talk over her (haha). Anyways, this sounds like a great book for these issues! I mainly try to talk positively to myself to escape the evil!

  11415. My inner critic likes to play the comparison game- taking my dislikes and likes and making them somehow seem invalid because someone else has a different style. I am learning to quiet this voice and just go with what I like, but it is hard.

    Thanks for the giveaway !

  11416. I know that inner voice well, she has been with me all my life, causing me to doubt and procrastinate. I’m beginning to learn to ignore her but it is a constant struggle. Sounds like a go to book for those struggling times. Thanks for sharing it.

  11417. My inner critic is HUGE but she actually usually leaves me alone about my art, except for bugging me that I shouldn’t be wasting my time doing it in the first place.
    Then I hear her then is when I’m trying to draw something realistic and it’s coming out wrong!
    Thanks for this, I also get your newsletter and like you on FB!
    And I love Quinn :)

  11418. Yes, I have an inner critic, and she is such a drag. I get rough with her (I also play roller derby), and when she starts carrying on, I tell her to shut up or I’m gonna punch her in the face! LOL!

  11419. Fun! I’d love to see the advice for an art journal…I haven’t found a “system” yet and have things all over the place. ;) I swear at my IC quite a bit and ignore her…something I have gotten quite good at in the past year or so. Liberating!

    I don’t “do” Facebook, and I’m already a newsletter subscriber. I’ll tweet the giveaway too. :-)

  11420. Oh, the dreaded inner critic! I definitely have one, who often tells me that I’m not doing enough, or I’m doing too much, or why am I doing any of this stuff at all. I give myself LOTS of pep talks, and engage in lots and lots of repression! It might be a better idea to work through it with this idea of an Inner Hero…I love that! I enjoyed Quinn’s Raw Art Journaling, and I like the looks of the sewn pages you show here (I’m a sucker for stitched paper!) Thank you so much for the chance to win this book! I have “liked” you on FB, and am already signed up for your newsletter!

  11421. I have a very domineering Inner Critic who is often loud and obnoxious. Currently I am reading Brene Brown’s book, The Gift of Imperfection, to help me in this area. I’d love a chance to win Quinn’s new book as I need all the tools I can get! I took a workshop with her at few years ago (at Zinnia in South Pasadena, CA) and loved being in her presence. I “liked” you on FB and love your newsletter, blog and art. Thanks for this opportunity/giveaway!

  11422. I find that I don’t have much of an inner critic, at least not when it comes to art journaling. I make pages that I hate, and pages that I love (and everything in between), ad I’m ok with that. When I try to force a certain result, that’s when creating time and the final outcome become frustrating. But in general, I enjoy the process, I enjoy learning what to do more of, what to do less of… Even if I hate the page I make… it’s just a page in my journal!… and look at everything I’ve learned at the end, how much I’ve gained just by practicing.

    I would love to look over the book anyway, try out prompts and new techniques. But mainly, I would like this book for a dear friend, whose inner critic screams so loud, the people around her can all hear it. And she’s so talented, she just needs to ignore that mean old IC of hers and run free.

    Have been a subscriber to you newsletter for a few years now! Thanks for introducing us to the book, and for you always honest reviews.

  11423. I love Quinn McDonald! I can’t wait to read her new book. I have lots of inner critics, and I really need to learn how to quiet them down so I can get something done. This might sound weird, but I have an inner critic that tells me I am not right brained enough to be a creative. That I am too analytical and left brained to be any good at anything creative. Which, in my heart, I know is false and wrong, but it still stops me from doing things I want to do sometimes.

    I have liked your facebook page, and I was already subscribed to your newsletter, too.

  11424. Ohhh the IC aka the ego…nasty beast, really.

    The best thing I can do to battle the IC is just to ask myself, “What’s the worst thing that can happen if I try x or y?” and then I let the dust settle on IC’s judgement. It’s about having fun and trying, not about perfection. Getting messy and playing is fun. Trying is safe : no one will die or be hurt and I won’t be karmically in trouble either.

    Let’s stop being so serious and just let ourselves discover who we are and what we love to do!

  11425. Yes, I have a very large inner critic. The best thing I can do is to work in a hurry so I don’t think so much, and be willing to just throw things out. thanks for the giveaway!

  11426. Hello Hanna,

    I have an inner critic or two. The main one is a perfectionist and it often stops me before I even start. I have to move quickly so that it doesn’t have time to talk me out of being creative!

    I have another one who is very insecure and doesn’t want me to share my art ever! I have found that a regular project keeps me creative and sharing my work. I’m doing one 3 days a week as 7 days a week turned out to be too much for me – but I was very inspired by your project last year.

    I subscribed to your newsletter. This looks like a great book. Thanks for the opportunity.

  11427. Kia ora Hanna. Yes I get the newsletter and I ‘like’ your Facebook page and what’s more I have Quinn’s marvellous new book (and the first one). I’m really impressed with it because it’s taking me down pathways of self-exploration that have huge cobwebs in them and the cleaning out is so worthwhile.

    So why would I love to win another? If I do, I’d like you to take it straight down to your local library and donate it to them on behalf of a woman who lives in far off New Zealand. That way, who knows how many others would benefit from it?

  11428. I have a very harsh IC who never thinks anything is good enough!
    Creating with friends helps keep her at bay!

  11429. My IC causes me to give up a lot of times. I hear, you can’t do it properly, there is others better than you. I know that the process is the important but my IC tells me too often not to bother. I do follow you on FB and have your newsletter.

  11430. My Inner Critic is always telling me this looks bad, you suck, you will never make anything anyone else would want to look at. But I know that is not true. It really helps to join some groups where other people look at the artwork you post and tell you good things about it. Helps a lot to silence that critic. WE are our own worst enemy.
    Aloha, Kate
    P.S. Liked your Facebook page and signed up for your newsletter. Already follow your blog.

  11431. My IC won’t SHUT UP! Or she takes away my Inner Energy that I KNOW is there. I desperately need that book to shut her up!

  11432. This book looks great! My inner critic and I have a love/hate relationship sometimes she inspires me to push myself harder, and sometimes she threatens to stamp on all my creativity… I think I’ve already signed up for your newsletter and like you Facebook page :)

  11433. I can keep my inner critic locked away most of the time, but she does rear her ugly head once in awhile. And then I just want to either smack her, or make her listen to really bad music until she shuts up. ;) Thanks for the chance to win the book. I’ve liked your FB page as well.

  11434. My inner critic is pure evil. It tells me that I am not and will never be a ‘real artist’. That I don’t measure up to other peoples art. That I might as well give up because what I do is awful in comparison. Because I can’t draw representationally and prefer abstracts and doodles and my art journaling is more collagey that painty I am not doing it ‘right’ so I might as well quit. That even though I’ve been digital scrapbooking and digital art jouraling for years and love it that I should just quit because I don’t do it the way others do. That my uniqueness is something to be ashamed of instead of something to revel in. “Bah!! Back, you blathering beast!! I say!!” And I continue to create.
    But it definitely gets to me. “Am I doing this right?” The little scared voice inside of me says. “Is my stuff horrible and everyone is just being nice?” Since my art is for me, and since I enjoy the process and creating it makes my soul sing — I will continue to try to bash my inner critic down.
    But it’s soooo hard sometimes. I definitely need to find my inner hero and free her. This book sounds amazing!! Thanks for the chance. I am already a fan of yours on facebook and I already get your newsletter. I love your blog as well. You are amazing!! Take that, ICKY!! :D

  11435. I would love to check out this book. Right now I’m kind of at a lull with artmaking, but I hate when the voice inside my head paralyzes me from trying new things and taking risks when I’m in the middle of a project.

  11436. This book sounds wonderful. I recently had surgery and all creative, artistic, thoughts left my body. I am now trying to do a craft a doodle each day reminding myself it is just a piece of paper. This is helping. I really have in the past enjoyed art journaling and hope to continue soon.

  11437. I’d love a copy of this book. My inner critic is strong but is always utterly squashed when I am complemented on my artwork by myself or others.

  11438. I really love Quinn’s book ‘raw art journaling’ and I do grab it from time to time, just to get inspired again… I find my inner critic is roaring its ugly head lately… after my burn-out (still recovering from that) I feel vulnerable and the critic dived right on to that… I could do with some ‘fighting tools’ and Quinn might give me just what I need… Have a great weekend Hanna!

  11439. Oh, and Hanna, I just subscribed to your newsletter (didn’t know you had one!) and of course I like your FB-page… we are friends already on FB but I never looked any further to find your page – shame on me! Well, that’s solved now ;)

  11440. Well, my inner critic kept me from creating something for years, because it always told me Id never do something great anyway. After learning about art journaling last year helped me to mute the IC, at least for most of the time. ;)

    I also liked your Facebook-page and wondered why I havent done this before, because I love your ideas! :)

  11441. My inner critic is always present. Sometimes that is a good thing, because it keeps me at my most creative. Sometime it stops me in my tracks.

    It’s hard to balance my inner critic – I’m always trying to.

  11442. I must admit that the inner critic’s voice often try to scare me, but at the same time, it forces me to constantly improve myself and my creative abilities. So I try to listen to what can be helpful and don’t bother with the rest ;)

    Thanks for this giveaway.

  11443. A mug of steaming chai tea, a plate of cookies, a soft wool blanket, and one or more of my 3 cats. Also, my sketchbook and colored pencils.

  11444. I’ve had a very ‘just because’ day today – a bubble bath, kitty cuddles and hours of cutting pictures out of magazines!

  11445. My IC is a killer… it says: it’s no use, there’s no point… and makes me feel I’m sinking below ground level… and sometimes I answer, well, in that case I can do whatever I like and start spraying colour all over large sheets of paper, or making a sticky mess of acrylics on other sheets of paper…

    Just some minutes ago I visited your Facebook-page for the first time, won’t be the last though, and I already subscribe to your newsletter for which I’m very happy. It always boosts the artistic me.

    Thanks for you being you, doing what you do!

  11446. Thanks for doing the review! And thanks even more for passing along the book–it’s exciting to see people responding to the giveaway!

  11447. My inner critic has been telling me I’m not artist since I was a little girl and I’ve never got rid of her. I’d love this book if it will help me – Raw Journaling was good.

    Of course I’ve liked your Facebook page and I subscribe to your newsletter.

  11448. Love this idea of not needing a reason if our brain tries to make us think we do… there probably is a reason for everything, but do we need to analyze it all the time :) Haha… happy colors indeed!

  11449. I actually have a few reasons today as it’s my best friend AND 3/4 of my cats’ birthday today but she’s 5 states away and they are enjoying their birthday toys and catnip so I’M gonna play with paint.

  11450. According to my IC I am not an artist–never have been and never will be. I read both your blog and Quinn’s. You have both inspired me to try to enjoy the process, not worry about the product.

  11451. My inner critic shuts me down before I even start! I’ve got to learn to just play, and not worry about “results”!

  11452. My inner critic is a nag who keeps whispering in my ear that my art isn’t as good as “so and so’s. It also tells me that I should be more prolific in the art I create and that I am a slug because I don’t go into my art studio every day and work on my art journal or other outstanding projects that I have had for quite some time. I battle the inner critic by turning my attention to thinking about all the art I have created and current projects that I am working on and learning to enjoy that process. Quinn’s book looks so interesting because of all that it offers. I’d love to win it. Thanks for the chance! I have liked your Facebook page and am already subscribed to your newsletter!

  11453. Everyone has an inner critic, but I am not really bothered by it. When I get into the flow of an idea, or a page I want to make, his voice gets too silent to hear.

  11454. My inner critic is kind of a bitch. She likes artwork in similar styles as my own but never likes MY artwork. She likes whimsical and comical artwork of others but when I make whimsical fun art she gets pissy because it’s not “realistic”. She doesn’t care that all I want to do is make art that children would enjoy. She’s so pretentious and she always tells me that I’m not good enough. I hate my inner critic.

    I think I would really enjoy this book. I need to find a way to shut up that judgemental voice inside my head.

    I already receive your newsletter and I thought I had already liked your FB page (I didn’t, but I do now!)

  11455. Thank you for the bright colors! I love “just because” art projects, because we get to see what our imagination is toying with while we’re fretting over chores. I am currently making a stuffed lion toy, just because I want to see how it turns out! Enjoy your week!

  11456. Today I needed sunshine (a rare treat at the end of a dreary winter) and played in the dirt for a while. Your colors were the perfect thing to make me smile after coming inside to relax a bit.

  11457. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win, I get your newsletter and have just liked your facebook page… Which I shall now have a look at….. Thanks :)

  11458. Yay! Love giveaways!

    My inner critic is pretty soft when I’m learning something new because I have an excuse. But if I waste time and talent it can be harsh!

  11459. I feel what you’re feeling when it comes to hoarding and chaos and the need for Ikea storage and good ideas to tidy the studio and still I know exactly where everything is….well nearly. I admit I get some surprises when I do tidy and instantly I fall in love again with the new found loss and the mess is getting upon me even worse…..”sigh”!

    • I think a lot of people go from the one extreme of wanting to get rid of it all to simply accepting that the stash is always bigger than what you can use in a year… But I agree with you, tidying up is an activity full of inspiration! :-)

  11460. I have been wanting this book since I first heard of it!

    As I grow older, my inner critic is getting quieter. I find that the more I make art, the quieter it gets!

    Thank you so much for the great giveaway..

  11461. Man, we share the same IC! So often I think, now why do I have all this stuff? What use is it? I never use it, don’t use it the right way, not good enough … well, you know the drill. I love repurposing things (example bubble wrap for stamping, etc). I get such a thrill from it. But opening up the drawers where I stash stuff can really do a number on my attitude. But when I do use something or force myself to just reach in and use whatever comes out? I love it!

    • The IC is harsh on the stash, huh? I hate that. Leave my stash alone, I neeeeed that stuff, that’s what I want to tell her! :-)

  11462. Such an amazing book!
    My inner critic is pretty harsh, but I know her well by now – and use the critic to try harder and be better. Other times I just try to ignore her ;-)

    I liked your facebook :-) /Christine –

  11463. So awhile ago I wrote this poem about my inner critic–I hope you don’t mind if I share it here.
    The Belly of the Bogeyman

    The bogeyman lurks ’round my canvas
    Shaking his head–disapproving.
    Lays across my paint tubes.
    Guards against “using up” my papers–keeps them under lock and key.
    Stingy, stingy guy!
    Likes the plain white–Keep it neat–be hesitant.
    Above all–Do not mess it up!
    “Not good, Not good–waste of time,” he chants.
    The Hulking Beast!
    I’ll defeat him! Ignore him. Trick him.
    I’ll act confident, Paint boldly, Use up my “best stuff”.
    And when he begins to shrink away, I’ll thrust my longest brush loaded with the colors of MY PALETTE,
    into “the belly of the bogeyman”
    ….and paint him invisible!

    Thanks for listening, Margie

  11464. I liked your facebook and I’m already subscribed to your newsletter.
    My inner critic just plays on my natural laziness and reminds me how much “better” everyone else’s art is than mine.
    Like you, I put the “pro” in procrastination.
    I try to shut my IC up by reminding myself that I PLAY and there’s nothing wrong with playing.

  11465. My inner critic is the worst ever…I get good critiques from friends and family, but I always see improvement to be made!

  11466. Hanna, I adore your compass mandala! So very happy that you created a compass of your very own. I wish you sweet travels.

  11467. My inner critic is very harsh, always telling me what my parents communicated, that art is not important. To silence my inner critic I read artistic blogs and get inspired by them.
    I liked your facebook pg. and joined your newsletter, thanks!

  11468. hi hanna, i can SO relate. just last night, after moving everything in my art space downstairs-to another space in the house, i looked around at all the chaos i had created and said “why don’t you pack all your art supplies up and just use 1 notebook and a pen?” it’s overwhelming a lot of the time. i currently am “working in” over 2 dozen journals, which might be part of my problem. lol. now i need to re-organize my space-sift thru lots of “stuff” and find my way back to the fun of art. your ic resonates with mine and it helps to know i’m not alone in all of this. thank you for sharing this post-i am in need of a compass! here’s to taking a deep breath and knowing we will come out on the other side of ‘not giving up-clearing clutter-and kicking our IC to the curb!”

    • Jenny, moving everything is boring but hopefully you’ll find something you’d forgotten about and be all: wow, glad I saved this! :-)

  11469. oh yes-i have an inner critic. i try to ignore it. some days, it works, and other times i say “pull up a chair and tell me what you really think” yikes :/ i have many pages in many journals where i have scribbled “why are you even doing this? you call this art? what a joke” sigh… would love a copy of this book. i’ve signed up for your newsletter-liked you on facebook which btw-i didn’t even know you were on fb! (yay) also signed up to follow Quinn’s blog. even if i don’t win-thanks for sharing about her book, am happy to have discovered her thru ihanna :)

  11470. I like how the tiny round pieces of glitter echo the texture of the coral. Strangely, the coral pieces on the outside remind me of hands. The one on the left is doing a peace sign and the one on the right is pointing upward with the index finger.

    • Thanks Claudia! The glitter looks purple, but it’s just the prisms in the light. And I didn’t see hands but imagine if I added googley eyes… Then they’d be snails, I think. :-)

  11471. I think the joy of art journaling is that you are just doing it for your own enjoyment, not for display. How can your inner critic criticize play?
    BTW, I am joining your newsletter.

  11472. What a great book this looks like. Yes, my inner critic is alive and doing well, thanks. I’ve quieted her recently by telling her it’s ok to rest for a day and get nothing done. Today I have to start fresh and try telling her again. :) I’m becoming more accepting of myself and others, which is a start.

    Hanna, I can’t believe I had not “liked” your facebook page before now. Just did.

  11473. My inner critic (drawn in an altered book with his unkind words) is in jail (plastic vegetable bag cut to fit page) in the front of said altered book ;) Best thing i ever did to that blabbermouth!

    Have previously liked your fb page and just signed up for the newsletter. Thanks!

  11474. oh this IS gorgeous hanna! i can kind of see a face on the right side-in the orange-ish color. thanks for sharing. also, i can’t believe i never saw the facebook link at the bottom on the right! i would have “liked” it a long time ago. i love getting your blog updates in email and now your facebook posts! double the fun and inspiration :)

    • Thank you Jenny, so glad you’re enjoying new (and old) blog posts and sharing your enthusiasm with me – it just makes my heart sing with you. Thank you for doubling my fun too! :-)

  11475. what a darling little jar of creativity! i have a jar i am filling with “confetti” from when i use my 3 hole punch. and the quote is perfect. i wonder if these bits and pieces from your spiral notebooks have become something else? a most inspiring post hanna-for me-always a glue stick-ephemera-and various markers/colored pencils.

  11476. i think i am going to be making a tin can assemblage of my own very soon! what kind of paint did you use for the can? it’s adorable.

    • Hi Jenny, how great that this inspired you!

      Search my blog for assemblage to see previous ones I made if you need more inspiration. I used regular acrylic paint, the kind that I use all the time paintings and in my art journals. I’d love to see what you come up with!

  11477. Paint and dye rags, especially if they are paper towel or wet wipes, are great for collaging and making paper-cloth (see Stitch Alchemy by Kelli Perkins).

    • Thanks Michele, I don’t own that book but I sure know about recycling things. I hearts; that! This paint rag is already in my stash of collage papers! Yay, for pretty papers, right? :-)

      • I love pretty papers. I think you’d like the book. I’ve made some of the paper-fabric using kitchen towel that I’d mopped up procion dyes with, and then glued it to muslin with a 50/50 mix of PVA glue and water. There are pictures on my Pinterest boards. Drop by and have a look.

  11478. Hej. Man kan se ngot vackert i allt om man bara rtt glasgon p sig. Du har den kunskapen och dom rtta glasgonen, var stolt fr det.

  11479. Oh, pretty! I have used old clean up rags in my journal. Recently used one to make my most favorite spread … at least for now, lol.

    • Thanks Melanie, that sounds interesting with the rag inside the journal… I will be sure to use this paper cloth inside my journal (or in a collage) too. Love all those colors!

  11480. yes, beautiful! You could wrap that around stretcher blocks or an old canvas and have a new piece of modern art.

    Spring is coming……..

    • Thanks Marcia, I love it when you come visit my blog, though I miss your posts as you know. Feels like you and me are old timers in this world. :-) Take care!

  11481. How do I deal with my inner critic? I don’t think I do, to be truthful. I get an idea, but I have a hard time putting it on paper because my inner critic tells me that I’ll never get it the way I see it in my mind and I’m just wasting art supplies that should be used by “real” artists who have talent.Utterly ridiculous as I write this, but it is what happens in the back of my mind.

    PS I liked your facebook page under a different name with an icon of a gray plaid shirt and I signed up for your newsletter.

  11482. Thanks for sharing your pretty photo collages with us! Love your snowy photos! I’m unpacking boxes of my crafty stuff this afternoon and starting to set up my craft room in our new place. Getting things ready to participate in your upcoming postcard swap! So excited!

  11483. OMGosh I’m so flattered you shared a picture of page 36! Gave me a total smile…

  11484. I “liked” your Facebook page. I can’t believe I had not done that already!! I hope all is well and wishing you a beautiful spring.

  11485. I am a member of both your newsletter and your Facebook page. I always look forward to your inspiration!

    As to my inner critic – she is bigger than life. We are always battling. She keeps telling me that I should quit trying because none of it measures up. But a little voice says that she is just a big mouth and does not know what she is talking about. If what I am doing makes me happy, then that is all that matters. Just put it out there and do not look back.

  11486. My inner critic is slowly getting suffocated.. Hoping to get in to art academy this summer, and my hero speaks so nicely of me :)

    Signing up for newsletter and liking the fb-page. Truly inspiring book!!!

  11487. I used to be plagued by my inner critic, with fears of being not good enough, I would hide the fact that I journal because of what people might say or they might ask to see it. But now, I approach art journaling as playtime-my fun time- because I enjoy it (purpose or not) and I deserve me-time. These days my critic remains sleeping.

    Michele Morrill

  11488. I linked you in Bloglovin, dont have Fb. And I follow you in Pinterest. You are soooo inspirative artist, thank you for sharing♥ I cant tell you how much it means to me.

  11489. Mycket fina bilder jag blir glad av glada frger och all kreativitet som bara sprudlar ur dig hela tiden.

  11490. I think everyone has a inner critic and I have mine, of course.
    I imagine my inner critic as a tall and very thin woman, a bit old style. She tells me that I eat too much food, that I’m not clean and tidy, that I waste time in not important things (like drawing or surfing the web looking for creative inspirations), etc etc … she is so boring!
    I try to ignore her noisy talking, also telling to myself that I’m a funnier and happier girl than that boring woman in my head!

  11491. If there’s anyone who doesn’t have an inner critic, I’d like to know their secret. My inner critic is a Virgo without a face or name, but I know they’re a Virgo because I have a lot of Virgos in my family and they practically invented criticism. They can’t help it- Google “Virgo traits” and the word “critical” is sure to pop up. I deal with my inner critic by repeating my mantra, which is “Do it anyway.”

    I liked your Facebook page, and I already subscribe to your newsletter.

  11492. I have an inner critic I call Henry. I’ve been working on him to try to get him to be more positive in his comments. Sometimes though, he’s just plain stubborn and does not want to leave the negative thoughts behind. Henry’s young, kinda thin but not skinny, though he does have knobby knees. He has tangled curly red hair, freckles and wears glasses…….black plastic ones with square lenses. He usually wears a pair of khaki shorts and a tee shirt and tennis shoes (though sometimes he wears flip-flops). He has blue eyes.

    As you can tell, we’ve spent a lot of time together, lol. He’s not a bad kid, he just needs to lighten up and learn how to critique without being horrible and to look on the bright side of things and see the good in stuff.

    I liked your FB page and signed up for your newsletter. :)

    Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy of Quinn’s book. :)

  11493. I keep my inner critic in its place by committing to make art every day. Looks like a great book!

    • Aw, thanks Shaynie! I love making these square art journals a lot and especially to decide on a color and going with that as a theme – super fun! :-)

  11494. Personally, I love brown with many colors. It’s great with turquoise, pink, lime green, olive green, golden yellow, and lavendar.

    I have a stash of brown paper to paint on. I have a big stack of brown cardboard from office supply boxes. When you push paint around on these, you don’t need brown paint. The brown board makes its own music with the colors.

    I love your patchwork covers, and so glad I came here from Flickr to see the full range of your pages.

    • Hi Chris, thanks for the visit! And painting on brown paper – what a bliss, right? I should do that more often, it’s so much fun!

    • Thank you sweet one. Sometimes the simplest things are the best, right? In times like this I love my camera and that I can document the transient things in the world – and on my studio desk!

    • Oh yes, I think I am discovering black and gray (in combination with pink) right now too. SO expressive and strong, love it!

    • Ja, visst r det tur att vi r olika. Tror inte jag r en brun person heller, men tydligen gillar jag brun fr nr jag tnker efter r det en frg som terkommer i mitt liv. :-)

      I alla fall, smart journal r min term p small art journals, och jag fyller dem med allt mjligt som gr mig glad, hr r ett inlgg som visar ngra av sidorna i en av mina sm fyrkantiga bcker!

  11495. Thank you for this! I was so inspired that I tried it myself today and had a lot of fun.

  11496. thanks for the starter ideas. I like the idea of doing something on paper outside your journal. When I try to get outside my journal, I start sewing on my quilt blocks. But that’s not helping my creativity on paper! My inner critic has eased up in the past months – don’t know what did it. Maybe I’m not as strict with myself. {:-Deb

  11497. My Inner Critic doesn’t have a problem with my writing…of which I do a lot. But of my art, it is extremely critical. All your suggestions have merit! Thanks!

  11498. Hanna, your flowers turned out wonderful and so did your pages … love ’em all!

    You’ve inspired me enough to actually buy a real art journal [the only thing I’ve ever used is the composition notebooks. lol] I’m not so artistic and mostly like to do glue art [though I am starting to doodle a bit!]

    Plan on ordering the art journal tonight or tomorrow [it’s in my shopping cart at Amazon as I write this.] Wanna make sure I don’t think of anything else I want or need before I actually order it. lol

    Have a nice day!


    • Oh, how wonderful! I hope you’ll enjoy working in your new art journal (what brand did you pick?) and let me know how it feels working on some nice papers! I love aquarelle paper in mine, but also enjoy thin envelope papers that I also include in the ones I make! :-)

    • Thanks Robyn, it was a lot of fun. Next time I’m going to try painting this kind of flowers on a more colorful background, but here I thought they did just fine on the gray wallpaper.

  11499. Hanna, How delicious! I’m so happy you played with the flowers technique in your journal. Love from Texas!

    • Thanks for visiting Tammy and taking a peek around here too!
      I adore your videos and the music makes me even happier if possible. You rock!

  11500. Love all of these, Hanna, you have a way with combining text and neutrals with such intriguing results.

  11501. I just love these! They are adorable. Pink & green are my favorite colors too. Thank you for showing us all of your projects, ideas, inspiration & thoughts! Keeping up with a blog is hard work! All of what you share is so appreciated.

    Very best to you,
    Sheila in Oregon

  11502. The pompoms make me smile! I have tons of fabric scraps lying around — maybe I’ll try to make myself a scrappy pouch, too.

  11503. These are some cute little bags….makes me want to get out my sewing machine and try it. I need to finish a quilt first. I’m loving all the cute trims and embellishments you put on them. I also noticed that you have been making books…I really like the color brown too! Happy creating!!!

  11504. So funny–I’ve been sewing pouches quite a bit lately as well. They are so satisfying to make. I like your use of scraps and trims. Very nice. And your zipper looks pretty good to me!

  11505. So sorry to hear about your phone mishap and website issues. Hopefully both will be resolved quickly. (And personally, I think the captcha you found is adorable!) Wishing you a wonderful upcoming week and sending lots of creative happy thoughts your way!

  11506. This is the best of those crazy security things I’ve seen, this one looks like it might be fun!

  11507. I can totally understand you with the abstinence. While being abroad this christmas I did not have any Internet for one week. It was terrible. I missed talking to my friends on Whatsapp and Instagram AND PINTEREST. :o)

    I hope your phone will be back soon! And in good shape!

  11508. I hope you can get your phone back fast. I depend on my phone but that’s just because it’s the only one that I have to use [I gave up my landline almost a year ago.]


    P.S. It is a cute CAPTCHA! : )

  11509. oh hanna, a double whammy! so sorry to hear about your phone and the spam issue. truth be told-i HAD to leave a comment just so i could use the captcha! “drag the cigar to the piggy” lol. i’ve never seen this before. i have a feeling you will make the best of not having your phone for a few weeks. so many times i’ve reached for my phone to “capture the moment” and realized i actually “missed the moment” because of trying to get a good shot. i hope your serenaded by birds on your walks. i think it’s human nature to take for granted those things we love, need, depend on, and use, until they’re gone. i’ve been guilty of it countless times. you’ve already gained much by having this positive attitude. i hope this time out brings you new observations, time to reflect, and lots of creative juice :D

  11510. love-love-LOVE this hanna! i am off to do some doodling of my own and will try the bold lines/skinny lines. thank you for sharing -you are such an inspiration :)

  11511. Dear hanna, i visit your blog every day and i get so much out of it. I should leave a comment more often. Thank you so much for yor never ending generosity. You are wonderful.

  11512. Hello there!
    I, who almost never ever comments on anything online, I have to try the drag the juice to the glass.

    Lots of love,

  11513. I hate that I have to use word (or nowadays number) verification on my blog to let people comment, but the spam monsters make me do it. As far as I know there’s no choices as to a different type of verification on Blogger, so I’m stuck with the numbers or whatever else they make up in thet future. Yours is so much cuter!

  11514. Always so much fun to start a new {art} project! Love this little journal & am looking forward to seeing some of your “tiny treasures”!

    • Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment Traci! Random (cheap!) finds are great little joyful moments in life, don’t you think? :-)

  11515. Sounds very intriguing…I’ll check back soon to see if you have some tiny treasures posted. Love that new journal!

    • Thanks, I do hope you will enjoy the series of tiny treasure drawings that I will post as I go along with this project, the first one is up today, and it’s a cup with super cute illustrations on. Love that cup!

    • Thanks Sharon, don’t you think the ceramic cat’s face could be inspiration for a softie cat or two? A smiling softie cat! I love the softie collection you’ve got going right now. :-)

  11516. Beautifully rendered, Hanna! I love the composition as well as the shadow underneath the mug. I just adore this idea of documenting your tiny treasures!

    • Thanks Patricia, I really enjoyed drawing that mug and writing a bit about it. You or anyone else are most welcome to do a similar project and call it Tiny Treasures, I’d love to see what your treasures look like! :-)

  11517. Thank you so much for including my planner in your post Hanna! I have been getting so much done since working in mine, I had to take a couple of weeks off to regroup! But now I’m back to it. Who knew staying organized could be so much fun!

  11518. How fun Hanna, I just started my own sketch journal. and it’s so much fun doing it. I love your mug, containing all the beautiful colored pencils or brushes. As a newbie to sketching in black pen only (no pencil and eraser) I try to sketch at least one a day, hoping to improve my skills. Good luck to you and your project.

  11519. I love this! Great work Hanna finding a creative way to document the everyday surroundings and things in our lives. Can’t wait to see how you fill it up. Your old pal, tj

  11520. Thanks for sharing your “Drawing Tiny Treasures” with us! Your work is fun and beautiful and makes me smile! And I love that you’ll have an entire book filled with your favorite tiny treasures! So much fun!

  11521. Hi Hanna! I just started a new journal for sketching and experimenting too! I’m calling mine, “A Dabbler’s Journal.” Like you I started with illustrating a cute little salt & pepper shaker that I recently picked up. I don’t think of myself as an illustrator but I’m drawing to them when I see them in other people’s journals. My neighbor’s son saw this illustration and recognized the cute little couple. He looked at me and said, “I didn’t know you could draw.” I replied, “I didn’t either.” I look forward to following your journal posts. Have fun capturing those little things that bring you joy. {soul hugs} Kathryn

  11522. I love to see drawings of everyday objects added in with writing so I am really excited to see the process of this journal, such a fun idea

  11523. i love the idea of having themed journals, but i’m too scatterbrained to keep that organized, so i throw everything (drawings, sketches, collage, painting, etc.) into the same one. but i love the simplicity and size of yours! are you going to stick with watercolors for the whole book?

  11524. what a marvelous idea hanna! your drawing/illustration is darling :) i am going to designate a journal for tiny treasures!!! i’m making a journal “about” my journals and wanted to add a picture of the covers and then write a little about each one-kind of like an inventory/catalog of the journals i’ve made, and be able to add to it as i finish other ones. perhaps….i will draw the covers instead ;) another journal i have is for books i’ve read. i draw the covers of the book, and write my own little book review. it helps me remember if i read that book when i’m at the library as well. so many journals and ideas for journals. thanks for yet another very inspiring post :D

  11525. Great project, Hanna…I really like the frames around your pages. It should really open your eyes to some treasures all around you!

    • Girl, we think in the same way… :-) Though I didn’t think about it until I posted the photos, but will draw this one for sure (before it dies on me)! Thanks.

  11526. Oh soo precious!!! And the colors are beautiful!! A few California bloggers have been posting all their beautiful succulents and NOW I WANT SOME!! Didn’t think of bringing them indoors and in a precious cup! Your choices are all art!!

    • Wow Sherry,
      “your choices are all art” – that is the best compliment ever. Thank you! I hope you can find a small succulent for your window sill, they’re nice little companions.

  11527. Oh how sweet is this! I have a little jade tree on the window sill of my office and it makes me happy every day.

    • Thanks for the comments!
      Plants are great for the indoor environment and the air – and as green happiness boosts! :-)

  11528. Happy Happiness Day, Hanna! : ) I wanted to say that I may not always comment on every post you write but I do read and enjoy them all. Thank you for sharing your happiness with us!

    • Aww Debi,
      I appreciate you taking the time to let me know that you read my blog and are inspired by what I share here. Thanks so much!

  11529. Hanna, what size are your hexagons? Just wondering. I have a hexagon template that I cut paper shapes from but to make a quilt like this would be awesome!

  11530. I also love the bus, but those pink doors grabbed me. They are two faces and they are flirting with each other!! It must really be Spring!

  11531. I didn’t know it was Happiness Day, but I did recently learn about PERMA. Making things with my hands ticks off all my PERMA boxes — working with soft fabrics or bright colors is Pleasurable, it almost always keeps me Engaged, I enjoy being creative with fRiends, I try to connect what I do with what’s inside me and gives Meaning, and I almost always feel a sparkle of Accomplishment when I finish something.

    Hope you had a happy day, Hanna!

  11532. …I meant to say at the time, but these are gorgeous! They are so pretty. I am inspired to make one too. I wanted to ask: did you use a specific pattern or pull it out of your head? I’ve been looking, but wondered if you had a favourite pattern that I could peek at. Thank you so much :)

    • Thank you so much!
      Sorry I can’t give you a pattern because I just made them up as I went along. The size of the pink pouch is about 19 x 15,5 centimeters, and it’s just two equal pieces that I first decorated and then sewed together.

      I hope you do make one, though. Let me know if you do!

      • I thought you had done, but just in case… Thank you so much for letting me know anyways and I certainly will let you know when I have made said pouch.

        In the ‘tween time of posting my Q, I pulled out my fabric scraps and spare zipper so I am ready to roll once I pick a tutorial to reference (I like to have one just in case)… I’m looking forward to some stitching time again :)

  11533. I hardly ever do any journaling in my art journals… but now that I think of it, I have quite a lot of pages with empty journaling blocks on… maybe I should start filling them up!

    • Daire, it’s not necessary to fill every page totally either… And my pages tend to be overfilled and busy. Sometimes I wish I could leave them alone a bit and let there be “empty spaces” too, some breathing room… And for that sweet balance we keep looking for… :-)

      • Sometimes you just make me do a double-take…I’ve been obsessed with that ship quote for a few weeks…to the point where I tracked down who said it, originally (John A Shedd, in 1928…there are several attributions on the internet) and have been toying with the idea of making a poster or embroidery with it…and then it pops up here! Maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but sometimes I think we’re on the same wavelength… ;)
        xx Nat

    • Daire, well you’re in luck! It’s one that I made through the site Colour Lovers! I think it’s a found pattern that I picked the colors for and saved. You’ll find a link to it in my blog post here, where you can print your own copy! :-)

  11534. I love watercolors too, but by that I mean I love looking at other people’s watercolor creations. I’m not big on using them myself. As much as I want to get into watercolors, I never love the process! So, I’ll keep admiring yours and others watercolor paintings. :]

  11535. What a cute surprise! And now I’m looking forward to receiving your next newsletter. My curiosity was awakened…
    All the best, Outi ;-)

  11536. hi hanna, your watercolor here and the other’s i have seen are gorgeous!! i want to start using watercolors myself, have only dabbled a little with them. i love watercolor pencils and crayons. any tips or suggestions for “how to” go about getting started-besides-starting :) i like how subtle the color can be. also-i spy washi tape from artsyville! got some of that yummy tape myself-love it! thanks for sharing your inspiring posts hanna.

  11537. what a cute little tushy! reminds me of cabbage patch kids. that was a nice little surprise for you hanna. looking forward to the newsletter.

  11538. This is like fate. The other day I ordered 300 blank postcards as I want to make some for my (soon to be launched) online shop – this is perfect, perfect, perfect!!

  11539. Ive just signed up and a friend too just to confirm does it have to be spring theme??

    or just 10 postcards in any style theme ?

  11540. hanna this sounds delightful!!! i’ve never participated in any kind of swap before but will definitely be signing up! :)))) i’ve made mail art postcards to send to friends/family before, the idea of getting 10 sent back to me does indeed sound like magic!!! thanks for doing this.

  11541. ps….i will be shouting from the rooftops to tell everyone about this!!! thanks for supplying so many links and info to look at.

  11542. Great page! Watercolours are my first love when it comes to painting. Haven’t used my watercolours much but I’ve now fallen back in love with it. :)

  11543. I just signed up and I am so excited about this swap. Loved the previous one and will go mad with happiness about this one. ;-) So looking forward to get started.
    All the best, Outi

    • Lisa, are you kidding me? I am so grateful that you’d link to the swap from your site and wanted to join. I hope you enjoy making your postcards! :-)

      Take care!

  11544. Oh I cleaned up and re-organised last week. Do you think one can see that I have done it??? It is already back to the mess it is as always. And I haven’t done so much…strange!
    Have a great sunday – Irma

  11545. I work just like you, amidst piles of stuff that inspires me… until it doesn’t! That’s when I do a clean up. I also clean up when I finish a big project in order to make room for new ideas. Thank you for sharing your mess – we all have them! Happy Sunday!

  11546. I thought having several workspaces would help keep things under control, but the mess just expands to fill them, like water. Only the surfaces in my sewing room stay clean when I’m not working there, thanks to my cat. If I leave out any fabric, he sees it as in invitation to pee.

  11547. That’s exactly my favorite color combination too! Thanks for sharing. Now I know why I haven’t send your mail yet – and know exactly what to put in as extras…… :)
    I have that color combo everywhere. On my blog’s header, in my studio, at my favorite scarf and in the garden… Lately I have fallen in love with the combo turquoise and pink as well – but green is still my favorite :) :) :)
    Lots of love from mitkrearum in Denmark

  11548. Oh yes! I think purple and green is my fave combo, also so evocative of spring/summer. And of course, you can never miss with tulips!

  11549. Before this last year I don’t think I would have chosen pink & green as a favorite combination, but ever since I started drawing & painting, it keeps coming up in my work! I love it because it’s found in nature and the colors seem to work together so well. I love the yarn & can’t wait to see the cardigan you make.

  11550. Pink and green is definitely up there… but I have two colour combos tied for the top spot right now: pink, red and turquoise and then indigo, orange and pink. Can’t decide which I love more! Neither are palettes you’ll find naturally, but you’ll find them in most of my recent art work!!

  11551. I have about four empty Whiskas boxes under my sink… the cardboard is so wonderfully sturdy that I just can’t bring myself to throw them away!

  11552. I recycle every scrap of everything I possibly can. We have a big county-wide recycling program where I live. So if I can’t recycle something by using it otherwise, I know it won’t go into the landfill with the garbage.

  11553. well done!
    love your patchwork boxes! :)
    I like to recycle little glass bottles and covered them by crochet. I made three last year and I use them as vases for little flowers!

  11554. I wish I could think of a way to re-use the small round cans that the food actually comes in. In our 3-cat household, we go through several cans a week. There must be something that they’re good for!

    RIght now, I’m stockpiling coffee bags — they’re very durable and usually have attractive designs. Not sure what they’ll evolve into. I have enough to make a large tent!

  11555. I feel your pain and your lamentations, Hanna. I try and tidy after a big project, but oh, look.. theres something I missed and Im off on a creating tangent.again. I call it organized chaos while Im working. Thank goodness I have to totally clean it up every Monday evening so the housekeeper can dust and run the sweeper. Otherwise, the ephemera would be to the ceiling!


  11556. You always find such amazing gadgets! Love the monogram maker.
    Have done one each for my daughter and daughters-in-law.
    How did add the backgrounds though – inspired!
    And inspiring as usual!!!

  11557. I love maps of all shapes and colors…and now you’ve got me wanting to embroider some tiny maps of my own! Thank you for sharing your beautiful ATC with us! (And your Star Trek quote definitely made me smile!)

  11558. I’d love to know a bit more about your process — how you turn an idea into a series of collages. How do you know which idea is the “right” one? I’m starting to think about the cards I’ll make for the swap and not sure what direction to go in.

    • Thanks for asking Claudia!
      I’ll see if I can write together a collage post soon about how I work, though it’s mostly intuitive and non-thinking choices. For series it starts with one collage that I really enjoy with a theme or concept that I want to continue to think about and work with – and that becomes a series… Does that make sense? Check out my review of Collage workbook for more about the process. :-)

      • How funny — I actually bought the book a year or so back but I forgot I had it. I’ll take a look before I dive into creating cards for the postcard swap. Thanks, Hanna!

  11559. What a great way to start a new day. Thank you so much for your ideas, your advice, your never ending inspiration and your generousiry! Love r

  11560. How wonderful to take a break, and then the lovely process of re-discovery. Looking at everything with fresh eyes. Beautiful work, Hanna.

  11561. I love the collage with the bird. It sings “spring” with all the lush greens. And the bird looks like she’s posing just for you.

  11562. These are so happy and pretty! I completely understand where you’re coming from with the need to take a break and let ideas simmer … but I’m glad you’re back to collaging since I draw so much inspiration from your style in this medium!

  11563. i am so happy you’re back to collage because all of your collages are inspiring. since i started following your blog i can’t stop collaging myself.
    i was even asked to write a tutoriel for the french group, and lots of my articles on my blog are of collages. thank you so much for sharing.

  11564. I am excited to participate for the third time! I’d love to send you a card, iHanna – do you share your address for thank you cards?

    Do you need people to send extra cards to people who didn’t get all 10? I can do that if you need help.

    • Thanks Anne, but it’s more than enough that you’re in the swap and sharing your joy about it here, no need to send me an extra card. And I so hope everyone gets their 10 postcards, but if not, I’ll keep your offer in mind.

      Happy creating!

    • Thanks Chris, it’s a very blue/dark page, isn’t it? But not all things can be bright pink, even though I sneaked in neon pink dots in the end… Hihi.

  11565. Those pages just make me smile. You know what I love about your art? It’s always so happy–filled with joy & it always makes me want to make more art :-) Thank You!!!

    • It makes me very happy to know that my art portrais the happiness it gives me. Thanks for letting me know Marge! And keep creating!

    • Tulips are almost unreal, but still beautiful in their almost plastic majesty. I don’t think there is an “other folder” for a page on FB, so yes, I read it and then totally forgot about it! Thanks for the reminder, the answer is yes!

  11566. I ADORE your colorful collages! lots of texture & color…wonderful choices of images! thanks for stopping by to comment on my blog too! ♥

    • Thanks for your comment Susan Carol, owls always have a lot on their mind, don’t they? At least in my mind they do… ;-)

  11567. Wonderful idea, Hanna, and beautiful video! Thanks for sharing with us! I especially enjoy the times I’m able to craft with my daddy, too! Can’t wait to see what postcards appear in my mailbox a few weeks from now to add to my postcard swap collection! (And I loved your use of the Star Wars cantina song! So much fun to whistle along with your video!)

    • Thanks Arielle, I really love working with the video format and will try to do more this spring and summer. And what, the song is from Star Wars? I had no idea, but I am with you on whistling along, that’s what I did the whole day when I made the video. :-)

  11568. Makes sense to me. I’m a bit too busy to participate right now, but I hope you make it a regular thing!

  11569. Love this swap!
    One thing I’ve learnt from a marketing point of view in business is that if there is no charge, people put no value on it.

  11570. Hello. I get your newsletter via my email. I love your blog and have actually participated in a couple of your swaps. I love them and never gave it much thought about the sign up fee. Never bothered me at all. I know you put some the me and effort into coordinating that I don’t mind paying at all. Your artwork is really cool. I would love be to participate in his swap but I don’t have the money to do so right now. B t I will be in the next one!! Aretill doing one in the fall? Keep up the good work and don’t let anyone get you down. Your postcard swaps are really great!!

  11571. Of course you need to charge a fee – this is a wonderful, brilliant, fun event to participate in and it takes time and effort, commitment, love and work fem you to put it together!!
    Anyone who questions it does not understand what it takes.
    You and your funky nail varnish ROCK!!!!!!

  11572. great post hanna-i agree with all of it :) this being my first year as well as my first swap, i didn’t think twice about the nominal fee. i will be making my postcards next week, knowing i paid to participate is a great motivation-not that i need one ;) but it does make a difference. i want to have them ready to go when you send the addresses. thank you for doing this-i’m so excited =)

  11573. i LOVE these doodles hanna! i grabbed a piece of paper to try out the swirls right away….it’s not as easy as i thought it would be. mine didn’t turn out half as amazing looking as yours :/ this is being added to my practice list for sure! ps-still lovin these captchas :)

  11574. VERY cool! 2 thumbs up for the idea-your dad’s help-AND your nail color :)

    • Thanks Jenny!
      One of my best ways to cheer myself up is to paint my nails in happy colors, turquoise is a favorite. :-)

  11575. Best money I’ve ever spent!!! Seriously, you do a fantastic job and should charge more, exactly for the reasons you list.

  11576. I totally agree you should be compensated for the many hours you put into organizing this event, and I also think the fee helps create a group of people who are really invested in the swap. I’ve tried some free swaps, but they often seem to have a high percentage of people who don’t follow through with participation. Nothing worse than putting your energy into making things and sending them out, only to get nothing back.

    …And for the value I’ve consistently gotten from participating in your swap, the fee you charge is a bargain!

  11577. Oh, it is just a lovely book. I bought it a few years ago and thakns to your blog I think I will read it again one of these days because I can use a little bit of inspiration!

  11578. This book is headed straight for my Amazon wish list. And you’re right what makes a book like this special — you have to try whatever skill/technique it teaches right away.

    A while back I got a cutter to make my own envelopes. It’s not that expensive, and helps you create the right size envelope for any size card. It’s especially good for non-detail-oriented people like me. I wrote about it here.

  11579. Works for me! I signed up, not thinking twice about the fee.
    THAT was a no brainer…

  11580. This is so clever! I don’t have these tools, but they look like they might be worth the investment. There is so much I could do with ring binders like these!

  11581. I am a huge fan of this book! It’s fun to pull out from time to time just to enjoy the photos, or to get a fresh injection of mail art inspiration.

  11582. I really enjoyed your video. Love the music and really was so springy. I’m so glad it’s finally here and what a way to celebrate than to make a video. Thanks.

  11583. Loved your video! Daffodils are always so nice to see, whether they be painted or the real thing. Great card you made too – thanks for showing it off.

  11584. Fun little snippets into your day… I LOVE it!!! I liked the last video too… I even have some binders waiting to be use…. I’ve had them a bit but I never knew how to attach them… now I do!!! I just need to find out where to get that rivet tool.
    Thanks for sharing!!!!

  11585. Vilken hrlig kreativ film. S fint med allt gult, gult kanske inte r s fult iallafall, haha. Jag blev glad av filmen, gr mer snt Hanna!

  11586. I love daffodils too. This encourages me to try more videos. So far, our 2 new mini schnauzers at the dog park. It’s amazing what technology lets all of us do now. And no gatekeepers, just post it.

  11587. I asked if you and the Hanna of the clothing co were the same so thanks for clearing that up. You could have founded the company and then sold it and gone back to Sweden! Anyway, I love the Hanna Andersson clothing co and I love your blog. I am participating in the postcard exchange as of yesterday so I have 10 days in which to make 10 postcards! My mind is spinning!

  11588. Lovely & Cheerful! I liked seeing your daffodil come to life. Hope you make more movies. Happy Easter to you, Hanna!

  11589. That was a wonderful little art meditation! Please do more! Love it!

  11590. Happy, Happy!
    I think the video came out fabulous. I like the movement between flowers and artwork! You make it sound so easy, using a phone camera. I’ll just have to try it, one of these days! {:-D

  11591. You’ve made such a enjoyable video. I like the music to. It reminded me of just kinda tumblin’ along an old road on a sunny day. I love watching other people paint and make art almost as much as I love painting…well, maybe not THAT much. But I do enjoy it an awful lot. :)

  11592. Thank you, Hanna! I do feel exactly the same way. What a treat to visit your blog, once a day. Sweet dreams…

  11593. I write everyday since i only able to think clearly while writing. Sadly even i find myself difficult to read my own writing.

  11594. 1st…. hApPy BiRtHdAy H@NN@!!!! sounds like you had a wonderful celebration. i enjoyed the video SO much. daffodils are one of my fav flowers and you did them proud with the painting and filming. i liked the dryer going at the start ;) the music was lovely. please do MORE! you have the Iphone 5c? i am thinking of getting that one myself but canNOT decide on the color for the phone or case. they are so yummy, and so many color combinations can be made. which color did you go with might i ask? i love the quote about pursuing dreams/growing old as well-it’s very true i think. thanks for sharing-very inspiring =)

  11595. this post rings very true for me as well hanna. i’ve never heard the quote before-it says a lot. i will add it to my quote journal. “If I could, I would live on Pink Paint Scribbles, and sugar it up with strokes of yellow.” would make a wonderful sentiment in a greeting card with this journal page as the cover!

  11596. I love use of bright happy colors! What medium did you use in this journal? Crayons, gelatos? Really like your combinations of colors.

    • Thank you! I glued down some collage elements, but other than that there is mostly acrylic paint on this page, applied in different ways. :)

  11597. I am celebrating Spring finally to have come to my neck of the woods. The trees are starting to bloom, and today was the first rain of the season. I love your pages, your photographs just jump off the page, and engage you in the story.

  11598. 10 years is such an achievement! i can’t think of another blog that has been around as long. Thanks for all the creative inspiration you share here :)

  11599. Happy 10th blogoversary, Hanna! That’s quite the accomplishment! Thank you for continuing to share what makes you happy with us, and for creating a beautiful place on the internet where we can come and bask in your bright, happy colors! Congratulations and here’s to many more years! Big hugs!

  11600. Congratulations! Well done!!! What a remarkable achievement!!! Your blog posts are always a highlight of my day with all the color and creativity you present. I don’t leave many comments but please know that you are appreciated and enjoyed. I am looking forward to the postcard swap once again. Thanks for doing all the work to coordinate that fun event. And Happy Belated Birthday!

  11601. Wow! 10 years! That’s quite an achievement! Happy blogoversary Hanna! I’ve loved being part of your creative journey the last few years, and hope we’re still here blogging away in another 10.

  11602. Congrats on that 10 year mark, very impressive! I’m most glad to hear that it simply makes you happy, then and now.

  11603. Happy Blogoversary, Hanna!! : ) You said in your post … “thanks for being here” but what I want to say is … thank YOU for being here because you are truly an inspiration to me and I so appreciate your posts and pictures and all you share.

    • Debi, thanks a bunch for leaving me such a sweet comment on the blog for the Blogoversary. I appreciate it a lot!

  11604. Dear Hanna,
    congratulations on your blogoversary. I discovered your blog 18 months or so ago. At that time I was really desperate to find something fullfilling and some way to express myself. Your blog became a lighthouse for my journey, guidance and comfort. And I read it all over the months. Today I am still searching and not quite happy with what I have achieved but I think I am on my way und your experiences and experiments will be a wonderful help for a long time to come.
    I sincerely wish you all the best in the world and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  11605. Congratulations!!! Good work!!!
    You just inspired me to do more with my blog and feel less crapp about even trying to blog. That inner critic you know.
    You have such a great way of spreading and inspiring happiness in the little things in life!

  11606. 10 years doing anthing consistently is remarkable; congrats on your stick-with-it-ness! So enjoy following you; your blog has been a model for me, reaffirming my belief that I didn’t need to stick to just one thing (because I can’t!).

    Shine on!

  11607. Wow! Congratulations on your blogging achievement! Clearly this medium suits you as a visual and project diary where you share your lifestyle with us – and we love it! You are an inspiration. Cheers to the next evolution of your style :)

  11608. As usual, your post is insightful and deep. Thanks for sharing what has kept you blogging these 10 years. I’m very glad that you’re still passionate about it and plan to continue (another 10 years, maybe?)

    I wish I’d followed your lead when I named my own blog. I chose a specific name (“Creative Upcycling”) to keep myself focused and to attract readers. But now I find it’s too narrow for the widening creative path I find myself on. I wish I could change it to “iClaudia” (just kiddingkind of).

    Stay happy and keep blogging!

  11609. Happy blogoversary to you, Hanna! I am so happy you are here, and that you have stuck with blogging for such a long time. You are a wonderful source of creative inspiration. I have stuck with blogging much longer than I ever expected to, and continue to enjoy the encouragement it gives me to keep creating.

  11610. I would like a better look at that fun outfit you are wearing! Happy birthday, by the way! Mine is on April 6, and I remember how excited and proud I felt when it fell on Easter once when I was a young girl. Your town looks so very festive for the holiday!

  11611. Congratulations Hanna! 10 years is a remarkable time – I didn’t even realise blogging goes back so far!

  11612. Oh Hanna, happy 10 years! I am more than happy you’ve stayed with us for so long. Although I very rarely comment, I do pop in quite often and am always so inspired by your creativity and bright outlook. Thanks for sharing this great post fellow veteran. I’ll be at nine years in October.

  11613. Hanna, congrats on your 10 happy years! I hope you continue blogging…You are always trying something new and are so creative. Your blog is great inspiration to me…thank you!

  11614. Dear Hanna,

    You’ve been an inspiration for a long time and I am so happy to have found you when I did (7 or so years ago?)
    I’ve been neglecting my blog for almost 2 years now and I have to admit that I miss it. I miss my readers and their feedback. I miss that daily routine of creating, photographing and blogging. I am considering this post of yours as a swift kick in the pants to get back to it.

    Happy 10 year blogoversary. Quite an achievement! You should be proud of yourself!

  11615. hi hanna-looks like your blog post from the air was a success! congratulations on 10 years of blogging!!!!! so happy i’ve found you and thank you for all the work and inspiration you share. i think your blog is one of THE best blogs i’ve ever seen. colorful-fun-creative-inspiring-always a joy to see your posts :))) i have my postcards all ready to go, it’s been so much fun, i wasn’t sure what direction i wanted to go but once i started playin…it all came together like magic! can’t wait to get them in the mail and start finding postcards in my mailbox =)

    • Hi Susan, I won’t recommend any special brand, because the one I was using here is Swedish, and I haven’t found one that I can’t use. My recommendation would be to buy a small bottle of what ever and see if you like it! I usually work with a glue stick, but for tiny words and tissue paper I like gel medium. :-)

  11616. Congratulations Hanna, and thank you for the many years of pleasure reading your blog!

  11617. Yea!! 10 years!! I love all those reasons and each could stand alone!! All Good!!
    Sometimes I forget how to do something or where I found something…..and I just look back on my blog!! What a wonderful keepsake you have here? I’m thinking you made some of your blog into a book? Am I mistaken??

  11618. Just finished scanning my cards for my first time in this swap. I can’t wait to get my list and send them out.

  11619. ooooooh drool !! these are AWESOMNESS !! now firstly I have to say thank you too as This is first time Ive joined a postcard swap and now Im obsessed ..I cant even remember how I found you but glad I did !! secondly yessss please tell what Gel Medium do you use ?!

    and back to your beautiful postcards wow im so in love with them .beautiful pops of colours.

    mine are on my blog.

    hugs xo

  11620. I am looking forward to sending my postcards out. Can’t wait to see what I receive! I have had fun making the postcards. I love reading your blog. Great job with 10 years of blogging! x

  11621. Hannah, I just got your email with the names of the people who will receive my post cards. I am thrilled, and have been looking forward to this event for weeks!
    You mentioned 2400 post cards were sent last year – how may for this year?

    I can’t wait to receive mine. I will send them with tomorrow’s mail.

    Thank you Hannah! What a fun event. Keep my name and I’ll do it again next year!

    • Thank you! I am so glad you wanted to join the swap this year and you’re most welcome to join the autumn swap too!

      We didn’t quite get to the record 2400 postcards but almost, over 200 participants this year again. Lots of e-mails sent out today, but I have such a great feeling inside my heart once I am finished. :-)

  11622. Ooh, these look gorgeous!! I’ve just finished addressing my 10 postcards and will take them to the post office tomorrow and send them on their way. I loved making my cards, and am eagerly looking forward to receiving cards. Thank you so much for hosting the swap, Hanna!

  11623. Okay, sweetie, I just printed out my labels, glued on my backs, and am ready to fine tune my postcards and send them out. And LOOK at what you’ve done! Your tissue festooned postcards look wonderful! I have to admit, I don’t have much patterned tissue paper and what I do have has been given to me. So I really want to go out and look for patterns now! It’s so delicious looking, isn’t it?

    Off to read about your 10 year blogversary! I remember when I first heard about you from Diane’s podcast, and then bought your first book… you’ve been a delight ever since.


  11624. Oh, yes, you certainly HAVE been inspiring! Whenever I think about visiting your blog it makes me happy. Your site has always lifted me up and given me the urge to create, even though sometimes I am not able to stop my day job and go create. You’ve always helped me when I feel stuck, and I can’t thank you enough. So I celebrate the past ten years with you, and I think about how much I look forward to the next ten years!

  11625. Okay, these photos are great, but I particularly LOVE that photo of your snipped words, all gathered in a little clear cup! Did you see my photo on IG this week, where I had gathered all my little snippings? It is so fun, isn’t it? gathering words and moving them together to make little word families and then decorate them. Too good.

    Sorry I missed your exact birthday, but I am sending you a BIG BIRTHDAY HUG. I have always admired your ability to keep sharing and open, when you are a self-confessed introvert like myself. It’s such a challenge, and I find inspiration in your ability to keep doing it.

  11626. Polka dots just make me happy – it’s a fact of life. Your cards are marvelous. And I love that you give yourself a little surprise/treat by cutting and then turning the paper over to see what’s appeared. How fun!

    Many thanks to you for organizing this delightful project.

  11627. This has been so fun can’t wait for the next one! I love sending mail and have a ton extra! We are headed out of town today and will bring my extras and make some more for my friends and family!!!
    Can’t wait til I get mine in the mail!!!

    • Thanks Meghan for joining and sharing your enthusiasm. Comments like this is what makes me want to do this swap all over again right away, but I think we’ll wait until after the summer, huh? ;-)

    • Thanks Sophie! A few years back there were just plain tissue paper in the stores here, but now, OMG: so many awesome papers to chose from. I love when I find a new one with polka dots, and I can’t pass it. It’s addictive.

  11628. You are too much! “Too Much” is a compliment, it’s African American slang from the ’40’s and ’50’s. As an old commercial photographer, I want to see some GOOD photos of your houseboat. I’m still skeptical that you are anchored on a crocadile tributary off Darwin harbor. The music for your video is perfect. What glue do you like? I’m using Elmer’s All Purpose Glue Stick, applied heavily and pressed down by putting the card under a book cover and standing on it.

    • Thanks Michael, for sending me pictures of your postcards and leaving such a nice comment on my video post.
      But I do think you’ve got me mixed up with Natalie of The Smallest Forest Blog (one of my favorite bloggers who linked to my swap recently). She lives on a House boat near the Australian coast line! I, Hanna, the person who hosts this postcard swap, live in Sweden in a much less adventures place, a small apartment close to Stockholm.

  11629. Thanks for the video inspiration! I want to join in one of these days, but I’m a little intimidated. I’m more of a knitting, sewing, beading type. But I like the idea of this, and scrapbooking, too — just don’t know how to get started!

    • Glad you liked the video!

      Once there were knitted postcards in this swap, and there are lots of ways to make sewn postcards too. My mom had done fabric and lace postcards, and once combined paper and fabric for her postcards. Lots of options to play!

      Stephanie, be brave the next time and join in the postcard swap!

    • Thanks Ann! Oh how fun to host a huge postcard painting party… I’d love that! I wish I could invite you and everyone and set the table with tissue paper, glitter and paint. It really is fun to create together with friends.

  11630. Wonderful video! Very inspiring. Love the colours and the cards. Thanks so much for hosting the swap!

  11631. I loved the video and the music. Your resulting postcards were so pretty. Do you live on a houseboat? How wonderful! That sounds like so much fun. My swap postcards went out yesterday and I cannot wait to get mine. Happy Weekend!

  11632. Ooh! This was delightful! Love all of that tissue paper goodness! I am hoping to be a lucky recipient! 😉 Great music too! Love this swap!!

  11633. Absolutely fabulous!!! Such inspiration! And, yet, my cards went out today! I’ll just have to start making more for the next time!

  11634. They are like a breath of fresh air, so bright and cheerful. I love these swaps Hanna. Thanks so much for hosting them.

  11635. This looks so cool. I very much want to get involved next time. I’ll keep an eye out for the announcement but I think I’ll start making some now. I think I read on your blog to use the standard size postcard dimensions so that will give me some guide line as to size. Thanks for the video.

  11636. looking forward to the 3rd installment ;) these are gorgeous hanna! colorful and fun!! i love that dotted tissue paper. i mailed my postcards may 1st and can’t wait till i start finding postcards in MY mailbox. this was so much fun hanna, thank you for doing it-i am hooked! is your next swap in the fall?

  11637. That green smiling mug is so cute, and the face appears to be scheming something…full of mischief! It’s a perfect way to start a day. Some of my favorite things are MY favorite mug, which has a pear on it, my elephant book-ends, and a giant stuffed zebra. ;]

  11638. I surround myself with pens. Love my colored pens and markers and pencils! A rainbow of colors! Pens and paper. And my inspiration board with all the wonderful art I receive from others. Color I surround myself with color!

    Love your mug.

  11639. Way to go girl! I was very happy I stumbled upon your blog. Makes me excited and alive when I read your posts. Life is about change, isn’t it? So many things have changed and happened — how many ten years does one have? It is an accomplishment! Who would think that ten years ago I didn’t even know about blogging, mixed media, art journaling etc. But I have learned. I have changed. For good. Congrats Hanna! Keep blogging, and keep happy. From across the ocean…Carrie

  11640. Very cute and very artistic. So nice to teach this assemblage to my nieces as there past time for this summer.

    • Thanks Lala for leaving me a comment. I think tin can assemblage and art making in them would be great with kids or teens. Have fun creating!

  11641. I love the idea of making your own postcards. I belong to Postcrossing and postcards are hard to find in my area. But how do you do the back so you can use them as an actual postcard?

    • Thanks for your lovely comments. Darlene, you actually don’t need to do anything special to the backs, all you need is to divide the space for a greeting and an address area, add stamps and send. It’s easy. Although I mostly make some pretty design to print, one of them is a free download (Printable Postcard Backside) on my blog.

      Give it a try!

  11642. Love your colorful cards!! I’ve started receiving some of the DIY Swap Cards – so much fun and anticipation!

  11643. I think I love the 439 glasses of lemonade poem (and the pink polka dots!) the best! But they are all awesome… great job!

  11644. Happy, and blessed birthday to you! May this year be one of wonders and blessings and plentiful art!

  11645. Dear Hanna, I would love to receive one of your cards! I sent out my postcards and I already received five postcards. So much fun! Thank you for hosting the swap!

  11646. I like “I see the way” and ” we laughed and danced with joy “. They are all amazing. So full of your creative goodness.
    Hoping to join again the fall when I settle into my new home.
    Happy Spring creating, Beautiful Hanna !

    • Thanks Patty, I love that you think they’re “zen”. I try to find balance, but I tend to add a lot… :-)

  11647. Your postcards turn out lovely! Cutting words from old book pages was a total duh moment for me, great idea. Thanks so much for putting together the postcard swap. It was more fun than I ever imagined. My kids are so excited to get the mail and check for postcards. Can’t thank you enough!

  11648. Wow, these are so bright and cheery! Your recipients will love them. I love that you made up messages from cutting up fairy tales! My favorite is the last – the thought of drinking 439 glasses of lemonade made me giggle.

  11649. “that evening in the moonlight….” is my favorite of your poems. I like to use old children’s books for collage text also. The neon is fabulous! Do you find that your handmade cards travel well? I’ve had problems in the past with them arriving in less than spectacular condition!

  11650. Hanna, I cannot believe this. I mean, I can, but basically, I used words on my cards. And I haven’t posted them to flicker, yet! What is my problem?!?

    Okay, I better get to it.

    These are groovy.

  11651. I love how bright and happy your cards are! My favorite poem involves 439 glasses of lemonade…it made me laugh, it seemed. :)

  11652. Oh yes, give me a box of beads or buttons and I’m a happy girl, just looking, sorting and imagining all I can do with them!

  11653. I’ve never seen one of my books in someone else’s photo, before…it took me a few seconds to actually realise what I was looking at, and that I hadn’t taken the photo. LOL Thanks for the tiny little squee-moment that your post gave me! Such a warm, fuzzy feeling to see it sitting on your desk, surrounded by your own trademark creative mess, and obviously being used and loved. <3

  11654. Ooh!!! I love this!! I am a BIG fan of all thinks sparkly! And these beads? ADORE!! I used to collect them as a kid & make all kinds of jewelry. I still love them! Treasures indeed!!

  11655. Love your photos, Hanna! I love sorting through beads, sequins, buttons, and happy colored fabrics! So much fun!

  11656. I have a SHAMEFUL collection of beads – I just keep buying them! I have them arranged into colour coded compartments which makes me super happy!

  11657. Oh, your images don’t show up in my feeder since I changed from google reader to feedly, and I can’t understand why. Such a shame, I miss the colour on my screen…

  11658. Just read the book — it’s wonderful! I’m especially inspired by the idea of making my own fun stamps based on an imaginary place. THanks for the tip, Hanna.

  11659. Now that I’ve downsized from a large purse to a smaller one, I bought myself a small 3.5″x5 watercolor sketch book. I have a travel watercolor kit from Sakura that fits right inside so I’ve been happily coloring and sketching away.

    My drawings are far from perfect and further away from ‘good’. I’ll never improve if I never start, right?

  11660. I love your tiny little sketchbook and your cute drawing. I really like to draw from real life, you are right about how it helps you to slow down and I think it helps you appreciate the things around you. I’ve been meaning to check out the free strathmore class so thanks for the reminder :) I hope we get to see more of your sketches :)

  11661. “the object that your drawing becomes more integrated into your world” << This is exactly the way that I feel about writing; when I sit to journal about an area of my life, it becomes so much more fleshed out and clearer to me, and I understand things that I hadn't before.

  11662. Hanna, your mini sketches are very inspiring. I think I’ll try this. It’s less overwhelming than the masterpiece that’s in my head!

  11663. Hanna! I love these bright and beautiful creations! I was so happy to receive on of them in the mail! Thanks for once again arranging your signature swap. I look forward to it every time! XO

  11664. Oh I love this, yes art journaling is definitely magical, thanks for sharing your whimsical pages and your wonderful words :)

  11665. Your journal is lovely! I started my art journal few months ago, and it’s magical, it’s transforming the way I react to my surrounds. I was brave enough to be part of the DIY postcard swap, I’m receiving so beautiful and artistic postcards. Thanks for let me be part of this creative event.

  11666. I like them all, but the last one “She flew away to play” is my favorite. The color, the design and the sentiment all speak to me.

  11667. They’re all delightful, but I too like the “she flew away to play” the best. I like the color combinations, the flower shape and the use of both circles and color blocks. Well done!

  11668. The summer sky and silver stars one is especially beautiful in my opinion! So vibrant and full of personality–they all are!

  11669. I like drawing in pencil first then pen too! Right now I’m drawing birds and birdcages in my sketchbook. Pretty soon I’ll switch to flowers as they start blooming in the garden :) I like your sketch of your animal pouch – the pouch looks well loved.

  11670. I like “never seen except in dreams” because I like polka dots and the pink/orange combo. All of them are beauties.

  11671. Beautiful page and stories get along with the day ..
    I carried the journal with me everyday to work, sometimes, the correct words or quote just jumped in front of me that I couldn’t resist but jot down in one of page.

  11672. I like the first poem — “never seen except in dreams.” For color and design, I like the big black O amidst the pink — I think because there’s a focal point that draws my eye.

  11673. i have said this already but i lovelovelove this series! i love the simplicity, the patterns, the color palette… basically, everything.

    • Aww, thanks everyone!

      Ingrid, you should join the swap next time, I bet you’d make seriously beautiful postcards too!

  11674. They are lovely, and I can’t choose my favorite. It’s like when you go to the eye doctor and you’re trying to figure out which lens you can see better out of- A or B? I’m no good at that either. I do love the sentiment “she flew away to play.”
    Now I have a little story for you. I got my last postcard today, which made me sad. I have a legitimate reason to be sad lately. My husband, who is 60, had a stroke on April 30th and died May 1st. No previous health issues, he just had a blood vessel burst in his brain and that was that. His stroke occurred in his brain stem, which the neurosurgeon told me was the worst area of the brain to have a stroke in, because that area controls all of your body systems, like heart, lungs, and temperature control. It was devastating to me and my family to lose someone we loved, having it happen in such an abrupt way only made it worse.
    Why am I telling you this? This is the part where you come in. In April, I couldn’t decide whether to sign up for the postcard swap or not. My life was too busy. In the end, I decided to go for it. I didn’t start my postcards until the latter part of April, and they weren’t done when he died. I had painted the backgrounds, but I still needed to rubber stamp and embellish them. I had a million things to do, none of which I wanted to, except for finishing my postcards. I planned my husband’s funeral, wrote his eulogy, got through the most horrible week of my life, and the thing that saved me was that I had postcards to finish. I woke up early a few mornings and got out my postcards and finished nine of them. I needed to do one more, so I ended up making nine more, because of the size of the watercolor paper I started with. I was so late in mailing them out, and I thought about telling the people who I sent them to why they were so late, but in the end, I didn’t. I didn’t want them to associate feeling sad with the postcard I sent them, because they brought me such joy while I was making them. They provided me with an escape from a horrible time in my life, and taught me a huge lesson: Art Saves. Art is going to be my salvation and my respite and I thank God that I chose to participate in your postcards swap when I did. If I can, I think I will participate in ALL of your postcard swaps from now on. I know I’m going to keep making art. Thank you for the nudge in the right direction.
    P.S. I can’t wait until the next swap! Next time, I’ll be ready ahead of time.

    • Thanks for sharing your story with me Kim, it means a lot to me. I am so sorry to hear that your husband died and so suddenly you didn’t have time to say good bye. It makes me sad and I am sending lots of good thoughts your way, hoping that you will keep creating and letting what you make take you through this difficult time. I too, know the healing effect art can have if you let it be part of your life even when you’re low on energy and inspiration.

      Take care and thanks for e-mailing me too! I read all comments on the blog, but was too busy this weekend (away from the computer) to answer straight away.

      Take care!

  11675. I like blogs too, because I want to connect with the creative people behind the art. That’s what I find inspiring.

    • Well, boo hoo right back at ya and thanks for your sweet comment about my link love post! It’s working from here, maybe the site was down when you checked or something? :-)

  11676. Thanks for sharing these fun links, Hanna! I love finding good tutorials online that encourage me to learn new skills or look at projects in a different way!

    • Thanks Arielle, me too! I get lots of inspiration from these tutorials and ideas, and I love to share them and pass them on. Take care!

  11677. I had so much fun in the swap that I can’t wait for the next one!
    I would love to send you one if you would like email me!

    • Thanks Meghan, I don’t need extras through.
      I’m having a hard time sending out thank yous for the ones I’ve already gotten (in a timely fashion)! But I’ll let you know if someone else got too few postcards, if that’s okay? Unfortunately, sometimes a card gets lost, or maybe never sent…

  11678. I am guilty of buying supplies and tucking them away. In fact, I have a wonderful set of Neocolor watercolor crayons that I have not ever used. Crazy. I think for me that sometimes I see a video or attend a class and get excited about the product. Then I get it and forget it. I like your idea of an Evidence Page/Notebook. Perhaps adding what caused me to buy the particular supply and adding the website or YouTube address, would help to get me to use those supplies. Thanks for the great idea.

    • Well I know the feeling, that’s why I wrote this post. But I love water-soluble neocolor crayons, I think you should go get them out right now and start using them! They’re way to awesome not to be used…

      Good luck and enjoy!

  11679. I always test out my purchases right away too. I love your idea of documenting them as well with a bit of writing along with the “testing out”. – will be doing that with future purchases! Great post, Hanna!

    • Thanks Patricia, glad you liked this blog post and could get something out of it. I think making notes about what you use and how is super helpful not just with new materials, but with experimenting and learning new things too.

  11680. I am often guilty of this, too. I used to take photographs of my recent purchases, but have fallen out of that practice in the past year. Thanks for the inspiration to start photographing our great finds again…and I love your evidence pages idea! Some of the supplies I buy are for specific upcoming projects – and for those, I can put them in a special project supply box so when I start that project, I have all the special supplies at my finger tips. But when my purchases aren’t for a specific project, I think I’ll start trying your evidence pages idea to help get me over the hurdle of braving the unknown and alleviating the “what happens if I mess it up” feeling. Thanks for this great post!

  11681. Some materials I buy stay unused for a while, but I don’t mind. They are usually fabrics or pretty paper or embellishments just waiting for the right moment. For instance just this week I started a journal cover with some fabric that I had not used yet. I like having choices at hand and sooner or later it does all get used. That’s just how I work.

    But then there’s the mark makers. Paints, pens, markers and such. Those need to be used as soon as possible. Trying out the lines they make in a sketchbook by doodling, making colour charts to see what they look like. With a tin of pan watercolours I will often include a colour chart so I know what they look like used. It helps to break them in and stop them from being so pristine and new. Making charts and test pages is also very relaxing to do.

  11682. I just added The Right-Brain Business Plan to my library hold list. Can’t wait to check it out! It sounds right up my alley and sorely needed in my life right now. Thanks for the tip!

    • Oh if they had books like this in my library – but they don’t buy many american books so I have to order them myself just to have a look… I hope you like Jennifer Lee’s book too!

  11683. Hi Hanna,
    I recently found your site while searching for craft shops in Stockholm. (I live in San Francisco, but I am traveling to Scandinavia this summer). I adore your site! I’ve been returning daily.
    Have you seen “The Creative Entrepreneur” by Lisa Sonora Beam? It is superb. She helps isolate strengths & weaknesses in all areas of a creative business person’s right brain. And the book helps yield a gorgeous business plan!
    all best,

    • Hi Cortney, thanks for leaving me a comment, your blog is awesome too!

      I’ve got Lisa’s book too, but ahem, haven’t worked through it (yet) either. I think I am procrastinating way to much sometimes… :-) Well, let me know if you have time to meet up for journaling and coffee with me when you’re in Stockholm, I’m always up for art adventures.

  11684. I liked it, thank you for your tutorial, it helped me, is meditative. That I was looking for.

  11685. Thanks for sharing your ideas and art journal. I love it. It is so playful. I like to play with no expectations of a “finished” piece. Especially when I’m blocked. It is very freeing and leads me down new paths.

    • Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog Kerry! I love that the best habit for an artist is to play and explore without the finished piece in mind, like you say – it’s how we evolve, right?

  11686. Thank you for sharing your pages and your ideas! It’s nice to sometimes wander creatively. :)

    • To wander creatively – that is well put, thanks Kathryn. I haven’t thought of it like that but it’s true, it’s a stroll with no end place/result in mind. Let’s wander!

  11687. What a pretty and exuberant collection of pages! I love how colorful your journal is and I think your giraffe winked at me :) I have several journals and I use them as a place to visually think and relax. Sometimes I just want to play in them with pretty colors, no “finished” art required. Thank you for sharing your pages with us.

  11688. As usual your post is really fascinating, principally now for me because I am angry with
    inspiration. Thank you to help me with your art!

    • Zouzou, what’s up with you being angry at inspiration? That’s crazy girl, are you not finding inspiration in your life? :-( I hope you two will work it out and become friends again soon.

  11689. Silvia had the same idea I had for filling the notebook. How about a record of fears that you’ve already conquered?

    I love IKEA too, and also find it overwhelming. Whenever my husband and I go (it’s about a 30 minute drive), we plan on taking a break midway through and having lunch at the cafeteria. Do you know about the IKEA Hacks blog, where people describe all the unusual things they’ve made from IKEA parts?

  11690. Make me the third with the same idea. And in addition, since the combination of pink and scary creature is kinda funny, perhaps a book of whimsical creatures, cute monsters and scary ones all in one?

  11691. I LOVE IKEA! The closest to me is a little over an hour drive up into Michigan from Ohio. Just went there last month with girlfriends on a road trip. I always come home with some gadgets or linens of some sort but if ours carried the papers and tapes I would go crazy!! Maybe the American IKEA’s will start carrying paper goods if it goes well in Sweden. That’s a rather scarey looking bat on the cover–maybe you can make him more friendly with a few creative additions–crazy hat, polka dots on his chest, something funny under his feet?? Have fun with your new treasures :-)

  11692. Oh my gosh, awesome. Tge pink is to die for even though it has a bat on it! Ditto on hoping the US stores start carrying these goods!!
    I love your blog, by the way!

  11693. What a cool notebook set! I love the pink too. I recently went to our Colorado IKEA and bought Elderflower Syrup because they had Elderflower cupcakes in the cafeteria and they were yummy! I also bought a book on outdoor living and a yard of black and white fabric. So fun, and exhausting as you mentioned, because the store is enormous. Thank you for sharing your fun purchase.

  11694. Hi Hanna, I just love the answer you gave to ‘how does my work differ from others of its genre’ and totally agree. No-one can do exactly what you do and many don’t make the attempt! I love that you do a bit of everything (me too) and that you can get totally immersed in whatever has taken you on a flight of creativity.

    And I need to add that the blog hop came to me via Natasha White (another New Zealander).

  11695. It is great reading different creatives’ responses to the same questions. Thanks for asking me along!

  11696. Great answers Hanna! I must say, following your blog does inspire me to explore my own creativity. I learn as much from things I make that I don’t like as from things I make that I do like! Creativity comes in so many contexts. It’s nice to wander among them.

  11697. It is always fun to read how and why others create. I especially like your answers because you create in so many mediums and you share your knowledge when you can. Every time we create something new and share it online, it opens the door for someone sitting on the sidelines wishing they could too. Thanks for sharing the blog hop links :)

  11698. I love mine! I have the lined version (in the same color) and I use it just as diary. I love how the pages are fountain pen ink friendly. My Lamy just glides over the pages and the ink dries quickly.

  11699. I just blogged about them! I’m using mine as their “some lines a day” journal as a mini doodle journal. I love it.

    (I use one of their dotted page journals as a project journal.)

  11700. Ooh! I love it! I’m addicted to notebooks too and don’t like ruled or Moleskine. Have added a few of these to my Amazon basket to try out. I always used to go for WH Smith’s plain notebooks, but they changed their styles and their paper every year so it was pot luck if it was good or bad. Good to know there’s an alternative!

  11701. Hey, that was my writing journal last year, that exact same book! Well, obviouslly not the EXACT samen book, cause that would mean mine is now missing a lot of writing and has travelled up north. ;-)

    Anyway, I really liked it. Enjoy!

  11702. I always enjoy your writing and your art — but I guess I never leave a comment to tell you so! Sorry about that.

  11703. Many times I go back and look at what I have created and wonder where it came from. Sometimes people ask how I made something and I feel odd not being able to give step by step instructions, but, truly, I can’t remember. It just happens.

  11704. This handsomely colorful little monster seems to be leaving more than he’s taking…
    Looks like a page from a beautiful children’s book!
    Thanks for sharing; sweet dreams~

  11705. I always find that my Monsters are transformed when I create images of them. How about you?

  11706. Thanks for the link! I remember how I wanted to be an artist/anthropologist when I was a kid. I know why I lost both passions (anthro when I was in college and really looked at the job market, eek!) but there’s no reason why I can’t be a hobbyist version of both, right?

  11707. Dear Hanna,
    how nice that you treated yourself to a Leuchtturm notebook! To me they are the best notebooks out there. Did you notice that there are also ones with dotted pages? The dots are so sublime that the pages could be seen as blank but the dots lend themselves to be played with and for grids and tables. Since you like watercolor do try some watercolor on the pages. The pages will curl a bit but when dry they have such a nice feel to them and they make a wonderful crispy sound when turned. Enjoy your time with the new book!

  11708. Hanna, you should come visit! Our winters here in Vancouver are quite mild (different from most of the rest of Canada); I’m sure we don’t see a fraction of the snow and cold you have in Sweden, though it does rain a whole lot. Now we’re entering the drier time of year a whole week at a time of sunshine and warm weather (that’s not *too* warm). Thank you for your kind words. You should know that one of the things I’d like to accomplish with the ICAD challenge is to play around a lot with collage, inspired by your posts from your art journal. It’s something I’ve barely tried, and I’m intimidated, but I’m going to just start to play.

    (And for real, come visit.)

    • Thank you Kim, I think it’s awesome that you’re finding your paper-craft-artist with your new love for doodles, notebooks and index cards! Yay you, and thanks for the generous invitation to Canada. Look out, one day I might pack a bag and come over (I wish)! And thanks for playing along in the blog hop too.

  11709. I’m writing in a Leuchtturm for some years now. I agree: delicious colors!
    Best for me: Not only blank, not only lined, not only squared, but
    Just tiny little light dots are giving just the amount of structure I like.

    I’m glad that you found your diary online. In case you ever have trouble getting one give me an email. You know I live in Leuchtturm-country.

    (just after typing a read the comment above. Instead of erasing mine I decided double is also okay)

    • Thanks right back Zom, you had some great answers to offer – and it’s true, your art is amazing and magic. Thank you for sharing it online!

  11710. I opened my email and there was a quote from me! That was a surprise!

    It is so nice to see the blog posts from like-minded people all over the world and I’m amazed how thinking about the questions has had a lingering effect on me . . . I’m wondering if it has played any part in my decision to resign from my day-job, or any full-time day-job for that matter.

    Thanks for the introduction to Kim Werker’s website I have long been a visitor to Zom Osborne’s blog), I lover her post on taking back her emails.

    By the way, I got 10 out of 10 postcards! I’m not sure if mine all arrived though.

    • Thanks Wendy for your nice comment, and the quote – I think it sums up everything in a very neat way: it’s how I feel too. Glad you got your postcards, I just went through my pile of DIY Cards today and they’re sooo happy and beautiful. Next swap will be sometime this autumn!

  11711. oh I adore your monster! And when you said, “leave, in silence. They take something with them, but Im not sure what it is.” I felt a pang in my chest…I think I know what you mean.
    You have inspired me yet again. Thanks for sharing your light with us.

  11712. I <3 the self-inking stamp I got on clearance that says "I <3 ___"! You've just inspired me to put it to use. :D

    • Wow, that sounds like a very nice stamp to use, over and over again! Reading your comment I’m thinking I should carve myself a I ♥ stamp for further list making…. Hmmm…

  11713. I love olives, swimming pools with long slides, sunflowers, cat paw pads, and singing silly songs. Among many other things. Since you asked.

  11714. i love blogs….have been discovering so many great ones lately! i love podcasts too for the same reason; they are so oftentimes ordinary people getting their voices heard without a filter! also love sunny days, biking, toast, reading, coffee.

    • Thanks Meghan for sharing your lovely lists, I’m so into blogs & podcasts as you already know. I’m considering writing a list of my favorite podcasts soon, we’ll see if I get to it now that summer is in full bloom. I ♥ sunny days too!

  11715. What a lovely list you’ve made! I heart polka dots, peonies, purring cats, new books, sunshine through green leaves, eating strawberries, friends who tell funny stories and many more big and small pleasures. Here’s wishing you many more “hearts” this summer.

  11716. Sustainable Success for the Creative Entrepreneur; what a fantastic idea. There are not enough books out there that cater to this demographic. A business book that I read recently that helped to get the creative juices flowing was, One Dot, Two Dots, Get Some New Dots by innovation expert David Silverstein. Using metaphors and real life examples from today’s leading companies the author introduces us to “dot collecting”. A strategy involving the use of your powers of observation in order to stimulate your creativity and get you ahead in the world of business. By using these easy to read examples and outlining a 12 step program anyone can become an expert “dot collector” and jump ahead in their professional life. You may have heard of big companies “connecting the dots”, the author explains a better way of doing this in terms that anyone can understand, and enjoy. I hope you will check it out. Thanks again for this great book recommendation

  11717. Love your photographs. I agree that you don’t have to travel far to enjoy new experiences. Looking forward to seeing more of your pictures.

  11718. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos with us, Hanna! I especially liked the two of the water and the self portrait! Such fun! Look forward to seeing more of your trip!

  11719. Your “How does my work differ” answer made me laugh… I can so relate! But we just keep on creating, whatever the genre, whatever our differences, because that’s what we love to do, right?

    So nice to “meet” you!

  11720. I love this so much because I totally feel like your life is something you design, not live. And it’s marvelous to make it as artful and crazy as you possibly can to get the most out of it and make the biggest impact on other people’s lives. :)

  11721. I’ve thought so much about this over the last year as I wrote my book. There’s a lot of talk about slaying creative demons, and that idea was central to what I wanted to write about, but I became more and more uncomfortable with it the more I wrote and thought. Because our creative demons never disappear entirely, no matter how hard we fight. Right? There’s always another complication ahead. Or another fear. Or struggle. And that’s not a bad thing, it’s just a human thing. Figuring out how to convey that in a book that I want to be a positive experience for people was hard! But I think I may have done it. Or at least I’ve done it a little. If I hadn’t been able to, I don’t think id be able to be proud of what I did. Anyway, obviously I agree with you entirely! We may wish it were all simple, but I find it easier and more enjoyable to just accept that it’s complicated.

  11722. I pity the poor souls who don’t have creativity in their lives as I spent too many years in that space. I will take the distractions of one creative pursuit calling to me while in the middle of another. Life is messy I’ve come to accept. As long as it includes yarn & crochet needles, endless journals to be filled, lots of color, paints, pens etc and talented artists like you who share their experiences. ..I’ll take it.

    PS I received my last post card today! Woo hoo! I look forward to the fall #DIYPostcardSwap.

  11723. I think about this a lot, too. Whatever new idea pops into my head is usually the “BEST IDEA EVER!” and it gets exhausting chasing after this stuff all the time, while still trying to complete the last best idea ever, and so on…It finally dawned on me a few years ago that I will simply never be able to get around to creating all the decent ideas I come up with. There are simply too many of them! It was, frankly, kind of a depressing revelation. However, this has taught me to be much pickier with the ideas I do give my time to, and I hope it will lead to better, stronger creative work. Silver lining?

  11724. Your photos remind me that my idea of Sweden as a land of snow and frost is not correct, at least most of the time.

  11725. And if some day you dont feel like it: reduce the scope and keep the schedule. A sentence will do. And if even then, it doesnt work. Well, keep on going the next day.
    June will be a “developing” month for me, working on giving depth and width to my May ideas.

    • Thanks for the encouragement! The writing every day as I thought I would, is not working out very well. But I have noticed: I am thinking about writing more, so I guess that is the microstep? :-)

  11726. the creative life must be complicated because it must be a challenge….if things are easy, there is no tension in the end result and no interesting point of view for the onlooker…..but away from the result….i sometimes wish i could focus quietly on one nice and slow project at a time and let everything else drop around me….well that’s impossible, so on we go! My only solution is now to keep my stuff neat and tidy and my arranging (my word this year) is a whole psychological process….i think that if everything is organised around me, i’ll be able to handle several projects at the same time (but won’t i be getting in a mess ever so soon?)

  11727. I think guest posting is a natural extension of the community that blogging can build. Being a guest blogger can draw new traffic to the site where you are blogging, as well as back to your own blog, so it seems like a win-win! It’s a fun way to learn about new people when you stumble on someone who strikes a chord with you through their guest post on one of the blogs you read regularly. Now, I’m off to check out your post…

    • Thanks for chiming in Andria, your comments always make me happy, you have such a positive attitude! A good guest post is great, I agree. I try to link to other’s awesome content in my link posts, I guess it’s kind of curating too that will lead you to new discoveries I hope. :-)

  11728. I love list-making, too! And I love this spread in your journal with its bold lettering and pretty pink and blank contrast. I love that I’m taking time to look at blogs again…I’ve missed seeing everyone’s creative lives in action! I love that a new season is soon upon us. I love new beginnings. I love new ideas and new action!

  11729. Hanna, your postcard swap is always so much fun! The colours and creativity really are inspiring. Thank you for hosting it! :)

  11730. Hanna, I pity people that have no creative urges. I think there is a part of life that is empty for them. Whatever the disadvantages are for someone like you, I think the opposite would be infinitely worse.

  11731. This was my second time doing this swap and it was so much fun. Thank you for hosting the swap and for having the Flickr site on which to share our outgoing and incoming cards (for those of us who don’t do FB).

  11732. Those post cards ars are so yummy. Great for art journals and mixed media art… What cool things you will create with all of those lovelies!!! Waiting to see.

  11733. I still have the postcards decorating my apartment from when I participated about a year ago. Hope to have time to participate again!~

    • Thanks for leaving a comment! Maybe you can join the swap after summer. I think autumn is easier for some if us! :)

  11734. I think guest posts are fun, but I always wish they could be more about connecting and less about marketing.

  11735. I draw a lot of flowers in my diary, too!
    Sometimes they are part of a landscape with flowers, bees, and butterflies (and other animals, too), sometimes I draw floral borders like you do (I also like to add some fruits here and there).
    My intentions are to draw something else, but after some experiemtents (geometrical decorations, objects, faux postage stamps) I alwas come back to my flowers :)
    I love the tiny stripes on the petals of yours!!! :)

  11736. Aaaw, what a sweet mom you have! Love your banner, she did a perfect job on it. : )

  11737. Thanks for this review. I often wondered about these pens. I think the smell would bother me as well. Now, off to read your book reviews! :)

    • Thanks for leaving a comment Kathryn! I hope you found a book of two that might inspire you. :-)

  11738. I’m sensitive to odors as well and definitely dislike markers that bleed. I’ve never heard of these markers, and I appreciate your review.

  11739. The Copic brand doesn’t smell and has a lovely brush tip one end and chisel tip on the other. Alcohol markers definitely need special paper such as “X-Press It blending Journal” by X-Press Graph-X Supplies. There’s no feathering and the colors blend beautifully but you will always get bleed through with alcohol markers. I know some artists who use them in their art journals and gesso over the bleed through. They definitely have a place in mixed media art and are great for shading over collage. Teesha Moore uses her Copics for adding shading and depth in her collages. Hope this helps!!

    • Thanks for the advice Kaz, it was helpful!
      But my main issue is that they smell and I am very sensitive to smells. I think they can be great, just not for me.

  11740. The regular Promarkers are not my cup of tea either but I have a set of water-soluble ones that kinda fun and they don’t smell too bad and they have tons of pigment to spare. I also have a smaller set of metallic colours (gold, silver, copper, metallic green, red, blue and violet) and they a by far the best metallic markers I have come across. They don’t bleed except on very thin paper and they are perfectly opaque and stand out on almost any surface. Needles to say I very pleased with them :) Otherwise, I have tried different kinds of alcohol based markers (Promarkers, Magic Markers’ Studio Markers, Copic) and I haven’t liked any of them too much mostly because of the bleeding. The metallic ones I can recommend. They don’t even smell almost at all! :D

    • Thanks for the tips Kaisa!

      I think bleeding is my biggest issue, I love drawing in my notebooks and they all have thin paper. I only use heavy paper for wet media. I haven’t seen any metallic Promarkers here yet, but I will check if I see them.

  11741. Um…as for the person who says Copics don’t smell, they sure do! I found them awfully smelly, so much so that after trying one from a friend I never wanted another, because the paper kept smelling of them for days and weeks on end. I do have Spectrum Noirs and they are… okay, still rather smelly,but better than copics (in the smell department). I love how alcohol markers work when colouring in a drawing (as in blending and such), but you have to use them in a special way and always be aware of their ‘agressive’ nature (bleed through, smelly). I usually use them on seperate paper and then paste the image in my journal. And they are handy on top of acrylics and such.

    I love love love the Pitt pens/markers, espcially the big brush, but they are of a completely different nature than alcohol markers and I wish they would make more colours.

    Now, since we’re talking markers, what I would really really like is if Tombow made an alternative to their dual brush markers and filled them with the india ink that is in the pitt markers, so they would be light fast and have those two wonderful tips. Because I love the brush tip on the dual brush markers.

    I also wish that Pitt would make a drawing pen with the round tip of the Stabilo 68 felt tip pen. I love drawing and doodling with the Stabilo, but it is not waterproof, so you can’t use watercolour with it.

    Oh well, a girl can dream… ;-)

    • I think some people (like us) are just not made for smelly pens…

      And if any pen designers come by here, both me and Caatje can give you some hints on what we want to see in the stores next, am I right? :-)

  11742. Hi,
    I love polka dots too lately. I thought of you today when I bought polka dot cupcake bake cups. Foil on the inside/mauve with white dots on the outside. They are from a company called Crave in Napa, California but there is no web address on lable. Hmmm

  11743. Grey has started to appeal to me too, more and more. It’s like a polite friend who always lets the other colors get all the attention and makes them look even better. I love that there’s both a warm grey and a cool one.

  11744. Love your grey polka dots. I really love color pink. Never thought about grey polka dots before..

  11745. Jag lser Stoner av John Williams. Den knns vlskriven och hittills intressant!

  11746. The Gates of the Alamo by Stephen Harrigan – follows sympathetic characters on opposing sides, including several strong women, through the confusion of 1835-36 that eventually led to Texas independence.

  11747. I think you really should have informed youself before wanting/getting those markers. It is normal that you don’t like them because you are using them completely WRONG. It’s as if you were using watercolours to paint on glass and you were upset because they do not dry well and they go away when you wash the glass. Have a look at youtube channels and blogs of crafters who are using promarkers, they do great stuff colouring images. Promarkers are also fantastic to colour things to later add to creations such as lace or findings. Of course they smell like alcohol because it’s what they are made of, the alcohol you use to clean wounds also smells and it’s a similar liquid. And it is normal that they bleed, that is why you have you use special paper that does not bleed. Then you don’t have that problem. Try using watercolour paints in normal paper that is not watercolouring paper, you will get a fantastic mess :-) Seriously, don’t give up on them! These markers are great, maybe not so much as copics because they are cheaper but they are great for the price you pay and I have seen such beautiful crafting projects with them. I am very new at scrapbooking and crafts and after much reading about the different type of alcohol markers decided to get these, I am learning by watching youtube videos and already love them. You just have to learn to use them and it’s not that difficult. The drawing you did, promarkers are not intended to be used that way, you have to use several to blend the colours together and create dimension. Look, this is one of the first things I made with promarkers and you can see how they are suppossed to blend together. As I said, I am learning, have a look at youtube and blogs to see how truly beautiful images people who know how to use them can make. You will need at least two colours of each colour to blend, which ones did you get? Maybe I can help you to choose colours that can complement the ones that you allready have so that you dont have to spend much to really try them. Hope all this is useful to you and you stop feeling sad for having received them.

    • Haha, I’m using them all wrong when I draw with them? Thanks for the tips, I will check out youtube but I won’t be buying any more of these pens for any reason, even fun blending, because I can not stand the smell. ;-)

  11748. I do most of my reading by listening to audio books. The “Signature of All Things” was a terrific book. I always enjoy books where I’m not only entertained with a good story but also ones where I learn something. I just finished Neil Gaiman’s Ocean at the End of the Lane which was unusual but good. I’m currently listening to “Someone” by Alice McDermott. A little bit hard to follow as an audio book because the story jumps around in time, but I’m enjoying the story.

    • I do a bit of both, reading real paper books but also quite a lot of listening to audio books. Fun fact: I’m also listening to Neil Gaiman’s book right now – but I’m not that impressed…. It feels like a strange dream scenario/children’s book and I’m not really too interested in knowing the end, so I guess it’s not my kind of read.

  11749. Happy Summer Solstice to you too Hanna! I just started “The Circle” by Dave Eggers last night. 500 pages….it’s for a book group, which is a good way for me to motivate myself to plough through books that I might not otherwise read. Looks interesting, but I’m only 25 pages in so hard to say what it’s really about.

    • Hi Meghan, I miss having a book group! I used to be in one many years ago and it was so great. I tried one of Egger’s books but even though it was written in a cool, very talkative tone with lots of humour – I couldn’t finish it, I just kept putting it down. So then I just gave it away. I hope you like yours better.

  11750. I long to feel the freedom you do while art journaling. It’s simp!y not there for me. I love the mixing of paint, paper scrapes and doodling. Thank you for being so inspiring.

    • Aww, thanks Diane!
      I’m sure you’ll get there some day too. I think the most important thing is to enjoy the process and to not have a pre-constructed image of what you want your page to look like. Just pick and choose, and glue it down. :-)

  11751. I totally agree with you, Hanna, that it is a great novel. Alma’s life, her father’s story, all side characters, the historic context… I’m looking at mosses with a different eye nowadays.

  11752. Oh Hanna! I’m so happy used this fun assortment of ephemera. Yet when you put it all together it is very much YOU! Hugs from Texas!

    • Oh thanks Tammy, I like that it’s a mix of what you made/sent me and how I put it together. Almost like another of our collaborations. Hugs from Sweden!

  11753. Beautiful, I love the little flap/extra page. I think I’m going to make one the same in my journal today :)
    Long time reader, finally getting brave to comment. I appreciate all the content you share with us! xx

    • Thank you Gracie, I call the flap sub-page, I think that is kind of cute… I appreciate you taking the time, and being brave, to leave a comment. Thanks, I hope I can continue to inspire you.

  11754. I’m drifting too and can’t seem to get anything accomplished. But I’m not stressing about it….the mood will change shortly.

    • Well you have a lovely garden to take care of too, right? If I had one I wouldn’t be indoors at all during summer I think…

  11755. I started tidying my creative space after feeling lacklustre and uninspired. As Judy above noted, the mood starts to shift. Your work is lovely, joyful, and inspiring. Even though I am one of those readers who rarely comment, I am a dedicated follower. We are out here!

    • Thank you Shelly for letting me know you read and are inspired by what I post, it means a lot to me.

      I did spent the entire day yesterday cleaning, and now I feel like there is so much SPACE and air here, makes it easier to breath even… :)

  11756. I wish I could get more creative time in but we have too many guests coming and going this week and next. Today I will make something from fabric no matter what! Your pretty papers look very inspiring. Enjoy your week!

    • Sharon, guests are fun too, maybe you could engage them in some creative activity? That’s what I do all the time these days. Also wondering about the kittens, if you have a pattern I would like to test sew one… I so like the ones you did. Just a thought…

    • Paula, ahem… do you mean writing interesting blog posts or gaming online? The first I’d consider creative play at least! ;-) And you will probably be the only one missing the captcha images, I was already tired of them.

  11757. My house is the same…a little of this, a little of that, here and there….but having projects out makes it easier to work a little on each, keeping them all moving forward. The Virgin Mary, Bless Ya is great!

    • I agree with you! What shall I work on now when every embroidery and piece of fabric is neatly put away in plastic boxes? So I watched a movie tonight, and put my feet up on the cleared table. Yay for table tops you can see! :-)

  11758. What a cool find!
    I’ll be going to thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets during summer so if there’s something in particular you would like to see (and trade for), let me know.


  11759. Hi Hanna,
    these cards are great! you could stitch a whole series of them together and make an accordian book…or some kind of book…
    also perfect for collages. I would machine sew and/or embroider right on them. you can do gel medium image transfers too. The possibilites go on and on.
    also, you could collage and quilt them together to make a large montage.
    Keep us posted!

  11760. Love those squared circles, Hanna. Your aim was true when you found them!
    I can see a collection of dots in matching square frames hanging on a pink wall.

  11761. You could send them to your fans!!! Ha ha. Seriously, these are very cool. Enough of a design to be interesting, but not so busy that they’d overwhelm other images. The big targets will make a great background.

  11762. Hi Hanna Love the Kawaii journal and the butterfly pages, so pretty! Great quote, too.

    • Thanks a bunch for leaving me a comment! I love collecting awesome quotes, and to share them on my blog!

  11763. i agree hanna-not every page needs to get muddy! less is more is something i am trying to incorporate into my art these days and i would not have messed with this one either-except of course for the touch of pink! i love how you folded it over the page so it didn’t need to be cut-very clever. and that fabric you covered your little “cute” journal in is so adorable. i would print copies of it onto paper so i could use it even more. thanks for sharing another great post AND peek into your Kawaii Journal. OH-do i detect a new header on your blog???? (boohoo-miss the fun captcha)

  11764. These are a super cool find! I know about not finding things at flea markets- where I live its hard to find paper items too. But when you do…you walk away grinning from ear to ear. I bet you are still grinning about these.

  11765. I love them all, pink is a favorite of mine too, but the purple roses on ‘Believing’ are absolutely gorgeous.

  11766. I really like the energy of this piece. The red paint and lead scribbles kind of tickle my eyes. And I enjoy the irony of “This End Up” ending up upside-down.

    • Claudia, love it when you come by to leave me nice comments. Thank you for your lovey description too, it tickles my heart!

  11767. I do have the MS paints and really like them mainly for the soft, pretty colors. I use them on my gelli plate so I am often layering them. The transparency works for that I suppose. I also use them with other acrylics like Golden and cheap craft paints. She has a pearl sheen set too, but the pearlescent look is rather subtle. I probably won’t buy those again.

  11768. Hello, I am only 14 years old and i have started to develope my own inspiration notebook…. Basically like your beautiful pages. I am inspired by you completely and do you know where I can find some materials so that I can make some pages? I don’t have a target in my area because I live in England.

  11769. Hannah, as always – your pages are AMAZING! I wish I were even a fraction as creative as you are. : ) I’ll have to look for these paints but do know that they don’t carry them at Walmart or at least not at the one I go to.

    I can’t even begin to tell you how inspiring you are. Not only are your pages amazing but so are YOU!. (Hugs)


  11770. Oh crap – I can not believe that I spelled your name wrong … I am so, so sorry!

  11771. This is so funny because I just recently bought 3 bottles of Martha Stewart paint as well! 3 different colors, but yes, the bottles are drool-worthy, and that was exactly why I was tempted. The only reason I caved to the temptations is that the colors I picked up were on clearance. When painting-painting I too like to mix my own colors so I figured for fun I could try them out on my gelli-plate as well, like Christine mentioned above. As for opacity, I too noticed that they were thin, but compared to other small, cheap, pre-mixed colors of “craft” paint they weren’t the worst, but once again, like you, I probably won’t be buying any more either. Next time we go out and blow some money on the same craft paints lets consult each other first ;)

  11772. I love the colors you chose. And while transparent watercolors are wonderful, I like my acrylics to be a bit more full-bodied. What I love most of all is the “test pages.” Just loverly!

  11773. I TOTALLY agree! I love this post! I thought it was only me! Looks like we have a lot of kindred company too! Thank you for your ideas for organizing our beautiful clippings! Some people (most) don’t want my mags after I’ve clipped them, but I’m with you! I wouldn’t care at all if I were the receiver! I wish postage were more reasonably priced. I’m getting ready to move across the country, & I have ZILLIONS of art mags to go through & clip & they’re not cheap, so I hate to throw them away when someone else would SO enjoy them. :( Thanks again for the great post!
    Sheila in Oregon

  11774. I use Pinterest as inspiration. It’s my addiction. I’m also interested to know how others actually use their pins. :-)

  11775. I appreciate you sharing your honest appraisal and demonstration here. I still have a adequate supply of FolkArt acrylic paints and since they have been doing the job I need done nicely, I haven’t explored further. However I was quite curious about the new MS paints and am pleased to read your input here. Like one of your other fans above – I really prefer opacity and in one or two coats!

  11776. I love it! Never would have thought of painting a plain white planter, so thank you for showing these off. And of course, the pink looks great against the green of your plants.

    • Thanks Aimee, pink + green is just the best color combination ever, isn’t it? I guess that is why I love pink flowers so much too, and this summer they’re everywhere. Yay! :-)

  11777. Love it, Hanna … I so can see me doing the same thing because I am known for painting things to get them the way that “I” like them. : )

    • I hope you do paint some of your flower pots Debi, it’s fun.

      I find white flower pots at the second hand store for almost no money, so it’s fun to alter even if you don’t know if you’ll like the results! Try it out!

  11778. I LOVE this Hanna. And I love neon pink! I am just about needing to get my 3rd Neon Pink prismacolor colored pencil I use it so often. Gives a great punch of color to just about everything so I use it a LOT. The flower pot was darling “as is” but now…. It’s spectacular. Thanks for sharing :)

  11779. Luv your DIY planters! That touch of neon is not overwhelming, but enhancing! I’ve never seen cute little porcelain hanging planters such as these…too adorable. Will you send me one so I can enhance it for my window!?? ;)

    • I know – these hangers are adorable, right? But if you don’t have tiny hangers you know you can use any container (a bowl, cup, glass) and make a net to put it in and make it a hanger – I’ve seen several tutoraials on how to do that on pinterest… :-)

  11780. Love reading all the comments about magazine clippings! I have always done this and rip as I read through the magazine itself and then when I have finished the magazine I have my ripped out pile at the end waiting for me. Still haven’t managed to figure out storage solutions – some I have in a series of 3 boxes just dumped in and when I work I shuffle through for inspiration. Some I have in boxes labeled with things like flowers, body parts – eyes, legs, arms, sky, backgrounds. I haven’t found I system yet that totally works for me and so I have loved reading the above ideas. Curious about the sticky backing photo albums – do they really release these papers when you want to pull them off or do they rip? Would love to hear more from iHanna’s readers about how they sort and organize their magazines cuttings!

  11781. I don’t like flickr’s new design either. I rarely visit for inspiration. I mostly use pinterest. I need to find some old magazines to rip up too. Love everything in your swipe file :)

  11782. Hi Hanna, what a great find! I thought you’d enjoy this blog – she’s a great collage artist, and has a whole series of works with these papers! She also had many, and sent them out to many artists to see what they would come up with!

  11783. Great Betty White quote. And, I love your pages. I’m starting Sketchbook Skool this week so I’m not sure what will be flying into my journal – lots of sketching, I suppose.

  11784. I love your color combo background and that white bird just pops off the page. Awesome job.

  11785. I love your wings! I wish I has wings. My journal is grounded this week due to crowds of company. I get to check beautiful blogs though under the guide of urgent business. :)

  11786. I’ve never seen that Betty White quote before…love that you posted that! Ha! Your pink “spread your wings” pages are wonderful. Have you used your Proart Markers(that may not be the correct name) lately? I had to laugh at the lady who made the really long comment back insisting that you hadn’t given them a fair try :) Happy creating and trying new things…that’s what it’s all about…Mary

    • Mary, haha, thanks for commenting and making me smile too. I have given the promarkers another try, still don’t like the smell but got quite a nice result anyway. Never say never, right?

  11787. Thanks so much Hanna, your kind words made my day. And isn’t Xanthe B. the best? Had a chance to meet her a few years ago and she is every bit as lovely as you would imagine :) Happy memory keeping! xoxo

    • Thanks right back at ya Suzanne, for leaving me a comment to let me know you visited – that is so great. And to think you’ve met Xanthe? What a small world it is, huh? :-)

    • Thank you! I’m glad that my blog post found you in your darkness. I hope you will keep creating, one stitch at a time, one color at a time. Creativity is a good medicine, it will not fix everything – but I think creativity helps us and is a light that should keep shining. :-)

    • Ja visst r det ett bra citat… Tnkte frst att det kanske var fr expressivt, hehe, men sen kom jag p att jag inte ska bry mig ifall det str ngon (amr), fr jag tycker det r alldeles underbart! :-)

      Och tack fr kommentaren om mina art journal-mlning, betyder mycket nr det kommer frn dig!

  11788. This looks like a really fun day in the sunshine with lovely results at the end! Yes, ironing is boring! I add a little lavender essence to a spray bottle of water and spritz it on my laundry so it smell divine as I iron. Thank you for sharing your pretty sun stenciled fabric.

  11789. I have a whole set of sun dyes I bought a year or so ago. We tried it once, where I had cut out all sorts of stencils and unfortunately on the first sample I realized the black paper I used on the stencil was bleeding onto the fabric and staining the fabric. But now reading your post I am inspired to give it a new shot. Hopefully the dyes haven’t gone bad over time.

  11790. I love the pattern made by the floor tile. My cats also like to “help” with projects. They feel all art is enhanced by well-placed fur.

  11791. Perfect timing as I am just about to try this. I ordered pre-treated fabric and paper. But with you inspiration I will try finding the paint itself.

  11792. Wonderful results. Love that piece of floor thing. Such a fun thing to do

  11793. Oh so many beauties…but that floor piece stencil is spectacular.

  11794. Oh my gosh, Hanna … this is awesome!! I’ve never done this type of thing and really no place to do something like it where I’m living at but sure do love seeing all of your pictures. You did a perfect job and it looks like so much fun too! : )

    • Sandwiches for lunch is yummy, not with a smoothie but with iced coffee. I drink it all the time, even in winter sometimes. Milk, coffee + ice, shake it together = delicious drink.

    • Christy, of course you like the sweet photos most – and who doesn’t love Hello Kitty journals? And it’s a PINK Hello Kitty journal… Mmm! :-)

  11795. I really enjoyed Signature of all Things. My favorite E. Gilbert thus far! I loved all the botanical references, and the nautical parts made me think of Ahab’s Wife by Sena Jeter Naslund. And I like moss.
    I just started reading the new Joyce Carol Oates: The Accursed. It’s proving to be a slightly weird page-turner…will let you know!
    Best, cortney

  11796. I love that little yellow birdie.
    And that quote.
    And the idea of tearing out pages and stitching. Hope to have time for that soon. pretty pretty.

  11797. h s mnga vackra rosa blommor det finns och du har fngat dem alla p bild. Jag skulle vilja ha dessa som skrivbordsbakgrund, kan du fixa en sn?

  11798. These are lovely – thanks for showing them off! Don’t laugh, but I’d like to document the squirrels who frequent our yard. I feed them year-round from our deck and they’re fun to watch. We have both black and gray squirrels where I live, and there’s variations in fur color even within each type. Animals are harder to photograph than flowers though, because they move around and flowers don’t!

  11799. The flowers of Kalmia bush are so lovely! I’d like to have this plant in my house, too!
    Your photographic project is a great idea. My favourite photo is probably the last one of this post, so clean and full of life..e the white background is perfect to emphatize the flowers!
    One of my photographic missions is about butterflies: I’ve collected some snaps of italian butterflies, but sometime it’s a bit difficult! :)

  11800. What a great idea! There are some unique and intriguing flowers in your collection. The artist in me noticed all the detail in that Kalmia blossom.

  11801. I’ve been chasing butterflies with my camera for several years, but never thought of making a collage like yours of all my photos. Perhaps I should try that… hm…
    Keep up the good work!
    Outi x

  11802. Jag vill sy allt efter att ha sett bde lapptcken och kjolinspiration. Just nu har jag en hg klippta lappar som bara vntar p att bli ihopsydda, och en kjol har jag tnkt gra i evigheter. Tack fr bra tips p bde syprojekt och nya (fr mig) bloggar!

  11803. I am in a bag making rut right now!! So much beautiful fabric and so little money and time!!! I love the colors and combinations!!!

  11804. At some point in my life I would like to try quilting. I know that now is not the season of life for it, but it qualifies as a kind of “bucket list” goal!

  11805. Ah, Hanna, you may have just handed me my first quilting project! I love the little fabric postcards on the Mary & Patch site, and it definitely looks like something I could handle! Thanks for the link.

  11806. I love the Snail Mail Magazine link, Hanna! I don’t care how many times I make envelopes, I can still get excited about new ideas!!

  11807. I got this book earlier in the year and have just started putting together the Shoe Boxes Quilt. I love her ideas and there are so many combinations that can be utilised in different ways.

  11808. I’ve never made a quilt though I always wanted to. Can’t seem to get past the threading of the sewing machine. Ugh!

    By the way, I totally love your pink quilt. It’d be my favorite too! : )

  11809. Hanna! Thank you kindly for this review! I am blessed with a generational heritage of handmade quilts and yet my freestyle mindset collided with the details of piecing together a quilt. My grandmother introduced me to “crazy quilting” basically collage with fabric and we started a quilt with fabrics from our varying stashes. It remains unfinished and she has since passed, but this inspires me to revisit my desire to carry on a family tradition.

  11810. I loved seeing your process. I like the way you left some white space. I always think I have to fill every inch. You’ve inspired me!

    • Hi Zura, so glad this inspired you. I too have a hard time leaving space/ white in my collages, but here I wanted it to show that the substrate is the index card. :)

  11811. I really enjoyed your video. Speeding up areas that need no explanation is a good thing. I did not know you had youtube channel….I just subscribed. I am doing the ICAD challenge for the first time and find it very exciting to try new things on a small, inexpensive canvas. Thanks

  11812. Thank you for the review. I just orderd the book…. and can’t wait till it will be in my studio. About ten years ago I used to make contemporary quilts. Now I like to have a new start. Your new quilt look lovely with all the fabrics from the fabric swap.

  11813. You are an inspiration! I want to get my sewing machine out and make something!

  11814. Fantastiska tyger, bde de du skickade och de du fick! Jag gillar hur perfekt gingham-tygerna passar tillsammans, ser fram mot det frdiga projektet! :-)

  11815. Hanna, your bag is totally awesome! I wish I knew how to sew but can never get past threading the darned machine. lol

    More than anything, I want to be able to have a sewing machine, if for nothing else – for sewing papers but again, if I can’t thread it, it won’t do me any good, right? lol

    Have a blessed Sunday!

  11816. This is really pretty Hanna, i like how you use the selvedge edges. just a word of caution though, I made something similar for my laptop without lining and found I was constantly having to clean tiny bits of wadding fluff from my laptop screen. I suppose it would depend on what type of wadding you have used.

  11817. Hallo my dear dott.

    Det var en otroligt fin datavska du gjort. Hrliga frger, den passar dig perfekt. Nu har jag gjort min vska klar, s vi kan ta en promenad med vra hrliga vskorl
    I love everything you do.
    pok mom

  11818. Your computer bag is so cute! I love that you wove so many different fabrics into a cohesive whole. The selvedges make me want to look at it closely to see if I spy even more of them. I’m going to check out that quilt-as-you-go link! Thank you for joining my swap :)

  11819. Hi, Hanna,

    Your laptop bag looks great. The fabrics all look bright and happy together (love the scrap with the cat!).

    Some sort of laptop bag has been on my to-do list for a while and your project has reminded me of it… might have to start planning one.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  11820. I love photo challenges! I like the idea of a general concept for each month rather than each DAY. I tried to do one like that recently and it became a little overwhelming. What about a theme of “balance” for November or December? [I tend to have a difficult time finding balance in those holiday heavy months, so it could be a fun concept to explore.]

    • Traci, I would love for you to join me, but it’s not really a photo challenge – it’s about looking through photos you’ve already taken and sharing the theme you see. Next one is “animals”, and it’s quite literal and should be easy to spot.

      Not sure I could spot “balance” in my photos even though I strive for it it in my everyday. :-)

      • Love that even more! Sorry I misunderstood–I first read this as spotting themes from past months, AND guiding future photos. I’ve never thought of what you were talking about. I’ll be curious to see what you find. :]

  11821. I love it! Getting out my calendar and making it down. For November, what about ‘gratitude/thankful for’? Here in the states, November is our holiday of Thanksgiving. And for December – ‘glittery/shiny/sparkly’ – all those Christmas/holiday decorations.

    • Judy, I will be thrilled if you join and look for photo themes among your own photos. I think December will definitely be Christmassy!

      I think I’m going to just chose Christmas and let each participants decide on a smaller branch of spotted photo themes within that theme. Does that make sense? It could be all your photos of sparkly lights or something else that you usually document in December. Imagine a post of all your Christmas trees during the past 10 years? Wow.


  11822. loved the video! it’s not too long nor too short; it’s perfect! as it is for the choice of colours including the nail polish! what i admire most is your no worrying composition of papers and colours (well you make it seem like that but you must have given it a lot more thinking and practising beforehand) in a way it’s not perfect (not all the pices are straight or cut, you left some torn edges, and not all the space its covered) but it is perfect!

  11823. h s mnga fina broderier, man blir sugen p att gra ngot nytt hela tiden.
    Happy Embroidery day.

  11824. I’m inspired but just no energy or time right now to give it a whirl. lol

    I had no idea that there was a Embroidery Day but then too, I didn’t realize either that there was a National Cheesecake Day either until yesterday [which is when it was!] Had to participate in that one though ‘cuz I can’t pass up cheesecake. lol

    As for sewing, I so wish I had a small sewing machine and could thread it ‘cuz I’m itching like crazy to try sewing on my ICAD’s and altered rolodex cards. I just love the look of the stitching on the cards!

    • Thanks Debi, Cheescake Day sounds like something to celebrate indeed.

      Maybe you could try handstitching on one of those index cards as a first try, then consider getting a small sewing machine, if you can? Stitching paper is super fun, I promise you!

  11825. I’ve gotten away from stitching because of focusing more on drawing and painting. But after seeing all your beautiful work and being inspired, I’m going to have to start at least a little project.

    • Christie, I’ve got several small projects of hand embroidery going right now. They’re very satisfying, and I love how easy it is to pack and take with me outside – Sweden is super hot right now and I need water, shade and needle + thread most of the time. :-)

    • Thank you Carol Ann, when I saw that quote I knew I needed to stitch it, even though it is rather sad it is sooo beautiful.

  11826. If I were to look through all of my photos in the last few years, the big theme that would emerge is “drinks.” Coffee cups, tea cups, mason jars full of ice water… I just seem to love photographing drinks for some odd reason. I’m thinking of doing a month where I take cup pictures on purpose. “A Month of Mugs” :-)

    • Lisa, that is a great theme idea and I do that too, a lot. Especially when it comes to coffee shop pretty coffee – yum! First a photo, then I can enjoy it properly.

      I’ll keep that theme in mind if I continue into next year, thanks.

    • Glad to hear that you feel inspired Stephanie, thanks and let me know if you make any mixed media embroidery projects – those are my favorites!

  11827. Do you not LOVE inchies?! Those pink inchies instantly cheered me. Going through a rough period and knew just what site to check out to feel better. Maybe I’ll be able to get my sewing machine out this weekend. YUM.

    • Thanks Chris, I hope you’re exercising your sewing machine, maybe on paper for some new art journal or index card sewing? I hope you feel better!

  11828. I like your little pouches. I think I would like to try to make some pouches for eye glasses. Thanks for the ideas of decorating them!

  11829. Wonderful, thank you very much, dear hanna. How good to be reassured that we dont’t have to be leonardo da vincis but ourselves.

    • Regula, haha, no you don’t need to be Leonardo Da Vinci, but I feel pretty sure he was creative everyday, or how would he else had time to create all he did? :-)

  11830. *bigsmile* You just confirmed what I am doing in my filofax planner at the moment. Just tiny little tidbits, but it is bringing me back…Thank you for sharing! – Irma

    • Irma, yes I do hope that those creative things you’re putting into your planner will bring you toward more creativity. All the best!

    • Marsha, glad to hear that you like the Spotted Photo Theme Idea! Let me know when your post on animals is up!

  11831. Ooh – pretty colors. Love your diamond stitch experiment. Mary Ann Moss is a wonder, isn’t she? On her blog she shows so many creative ways to have fun.

  11832. Hallo My love. You are so beutiful and nice, I love everything you do. You inspireing me. Now i must start With doodeling today, that was a good idea. Bye & Hugs fr.o.m. Mom

    • Hi mom, roligt att du lser gamla inlgg men jag undrar: varfr kommenterar du p ett inlgg frn 2007, som inte alls handlar om doodles heller? Men det gr inget. POK!

      PS ndrat Buy Hags (kp en tant) till Bye, Hugs (adj, kramar), tror det var det du menade?!

  11833. Your diamond stitched journal turned out beautifully, Hanna! Love the colors you chose! Like you, I put off trying the diamond stitch for quite some time, but decided to take the gamble and used it on an Italy travel journal I made my friend. And like you, I fell in love with it! Thanks again for connecting me to Mary Ann Moss’s classes – I’m currently in the middle of creating signatures for two “Remains of the Day” Ireland travel journals. Can’t get enough of making journals for my friends and for myself! Looking forward to seeing more of your journal creations in the future!

  11834. ooh i love this and all the pretty pages peeking out, this inspires me to try this stitch for my next journal. I’m in mam’s sketchbookery class and she has a chevron stitch that was a lot of fun to do.

  11835. I love that diamond stitch, Hanna…that looks beautiful. I tend to think all bookbinding techniques are tough, and put them off, and then when I start in, I remember why I love doing it! Those colors seem PERFECT for you! :-)

  11836. Amazing work! Embroidery is an art form I’ve not yet tried, and didn’t have any interest in until I’ve spent time over the years seeing your work. Lovely!

  11837. There’s nothing I like more than animals! I want to hug them all. I posted my animals today. YeeHaw!

  11838. This is a GREAT stitch. It keeps the journal sturdy yet the spine is flexible. Love your colors as usual, and the texture.

  11839. Hanna, your photographs are just stunning.

    I missed doing one for Scout last year, and I am going to try it out with my new outdoor cat and Scout. I’ll put them on Flickr, since I am not blogging right now. Not sure if I know how to make a folder there. hmmm…

    Also: SMILLA!!

  11840. Dear Hanna; Don’t you find that we spend so much time thinking about how we haven’t done things, that we don’t have time to do them? I mean, I will put off cleaning the bathroom and it will hang over my head and seem like it is going to take forever and then the guilt will set in and blah blah blah. And then, when I do it, it takes a few minutes. Or even a few hours. But not nearly as much time as it took THINKING about doing it!

    Creativity is kind of like that. Those of us who don’t have it pouring out of our fingertips do all this thinking, planning, worrying, regretting, comparing, blah blah blah, when actually, all we have to do is pick up a ball point pen and a piece of post it note stickie and draw a house on it. voila! And the dark clouds are lifted!

    Thank you for stating the practice in a simple way, because that is exactly what it is.


  11841. The flowers are beautiful, Hanna and I love the background, it’ll surely bring some sense of summer to me during our long cold winters here. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  11842. Your pink flower collection made me smile, what a lovely way to start my day! The sky is grey outside but the sun might peek through any moment now and I definitely will go outside to ‘smell the roses’ today! Hope your day is bright, happy and colourful! Hug from Holland! p.s. I’ll be back to look at your take on the ‘starburst-tangent’…

  11843. This is indeed an amazing project. Altered books is so much fun yet a good way to use old books so that they don’t end up in dust-bins.

  11844. Beautiful version of the starburst prompt! I had so much fun with this I made two! I like your colours and liked seeing how you journaled in different colours of pen.

  11845. this is utterly beautiful but the best part is how much you enjoyed the process, and how excited you are! and you are SO RIGHT that the way to learn is to do!!! ♥

  11846. your startburst looks amazing – love how you added in so much writing – something I struggled with. Beautiful work!!

  11847. Hanna, every Sunday I post a few “plims”-links to things that have piqued my interest (a couple of which I’ve been introduced via your link round-up). Of course, we always need some new diversions, don’t we?!

    Shine on!

    • Thanks for leaving me a comment Kelley!
      I’m so glad you find inspiration and linkable / likable things in these link ups! Of course we need new articles to read, things to be inspired by and blogs to visit, it’s a given. Will come visit yours too. Because I am insatiable when it comes to inspiration! ;-)

  11848. Oh my gosh! I’ve been stamping too! I don’t know why I never think to stamp on fabric. Great post:)

  11849. That reminds me of a method we used as children to stamp fabric. We made stamps out of potatoes. Cut them in half and carve whatever form you want, or even simpler, use those cookie cutters to cut out stars, trees, hearts, flowers, whatever you have! Just press the cookie cutter into the potato and remove the parts of the potato outside the cookie cutter. I can’t remember what paint we used, but we applied it with a brush and them stamped patterns on fabric.
    I had forgotten about that, thanks to your post the memory came back! I have to try that again :)

  11850. I have a feeling that an old hose could be useful for thousands of artistic projects! I like the imperfect circle print you’ve created.

  11851. Love that quote! One of my recurring doodle patterns is spiral circles, and abstract stripe designs. I have never not doodled. Love seeing yours!

  11852. Lovely! I hardly ever have fresh flowers around but what a happy pop of color those are. I should make it a monthly or weekly resolution. :]

  11853. Hanna, I’m amazed at the difference in the colors in these examples! I always scan my collages for uploading, mainly because I’m a terrible photographer — I don’t have a steady hand, and my camera is very low end — but I’ve never experienced this problem with the colors being so different. I wonder if the cause might be the =type= of paper being used rather than just the color? My collages are all made from recycled paper, mostly magazine paper, so it’s never really flourescent even when bright, but I’ve still never seen the color totally change like in yours from yellow to pink.

  11854. YES! I am not alone in this after all. I am dealing with this right now myself. I have (what I consider) a nice scanner and yet when I scan my artwork I feel like it just does not pick up the detail. It’s almost like the light on the scanner is SO BRIGHT that it blows the details out. The details that I speak of are the subtle things like paper texture. For a typical person scanning, they may not want to deal with paper texture but as an artist we want every minute detail. I just created a piece in watercolor for a stationery design and when I scan it, it just looks so flat but I want to see all the surface texture. I often end up photographing pieces as well because I can get so much more detail. I always wondered if that was proper or not. I have heard before that the local University here and a local framing business will shoot professional digital pictures of artist’s work for them for portfolios (CDs or slides), so I’m assuming that since they do that rather than scan it, that it might be more standard than what we think?

    • and when I say that it blows out the details, that is even after I bump up the resolution to like 1200 so that I should have crazy amounts of detail

  11855. Love the collage! yeah, I take a lot of photos for my etsy shop and for some reason certain fabrics will not ‘come through’ in the photo; the colors look very distorted. For other fabrics, the colors come through just fine. Haven’t figured that one out yet!

  11856. very inspiring! I probably could use more of this in my creative life; it seems whenever I do something creative (usually painting or sewing) I find myself painstakingly fine-tuning the details; it can be an exhaustive process.

  11857. Love your pink “Wing It Baby” page, and am crushing on your happy colored pattern page, as well! Thanks for sharing more of your journal pages with us!

  11858. Love your pages! Some of the best pages in an art journal for me are also from “winging it” and doing it without a set plan! Thanks for your inspiration!

  11859. So true! I have my greatest success, it seems, and certainly my greatest satisfaction from “winging it,” and not getting too caught up in the details. And that runs totally contrary to my nature, so managing it is a success in itself!

  11860. I love all your pics and too, I love the quote you’ve used here.

    Have an awesome day, Hanna! : )

    • Thanks so much Debi, I love finding good quotes to match my thoughts and/or the content of the blog post! Have a great week!

    • Tack Karin!
      Ja, visst r det underbart med fina firmrken, speciellt ett stort kuvert med flera stycken som detta som jag fick i brevldan frra veckan.

  11861. What a wonderful collage, full of wonderful colors in the photographed edition. I usually photograph my collages because scanning sometimes creates unwanted shadows from the raised edges of pieces glued on. I agree that photography means more work due to the need for natural lighting, but I love it so :)

  11862. Beautiful clouds! I love clouds, and I try to take a cloud picture every day!
    And I have a similar orchid (flowers look exactly like yours). Seems it never gets tired to please me with new flowers! One flower “twig” (no idea how they are called) withers right now, but two new are growing with big buds! It even survived moving to a new place. It’s an amazing flower!

  11863. I love to doodle in black, too. Often I will finish a page and wonder, “should I add color to it?” but I don’t. Sometimes I scan them and then color them, but I really just like them in all their graphic and simplistic glory.

  11864. I have avoided my art this past month and this post encourages me to just go in and doodle and write. I can do that. Thanks for the push to work on my creativity .

  11865. My most consistent creative habit is photography and writing. I make at least one postcard every week to send to my grandfather – most of the time I make it from a photo I took that week and include a story about the photo. Otherwise, I’m definitely a dabbler, and an inconsistent one at that. :)

    I love your flower doodles, Hanna! They make me smile! And they remind me of a pillow I saw online (I think it was a discontinued Anthropologie pillow that made its rounds through the online crafting community and sparked several different tutorials) that uses that same type of rounded flower doodle and scraps of brightly colored fabrics as the petals. Maybe someday I’ll create my own flower doodle pillow out of my scrap stash. Until then, I’ll enjoy gazing at your gorgeous flower doodles!

  11866. Doodling is a wonderful and relaxing way to express yourself…
    your pages are super!!!
    Thank you for your visit and nice comment at my Magpie’s Nest.
    Gesso is an art supply I could not live without ;-)

  11867. hi Hanna! Love your doodles! I’ve been eyeing the Leuchtturm Notebook for a while now. I’m a bit of a Moleskine fan you see, but I’ve noticed from your pics there is no bleedthrough at all and that’s impressive! The Moleskine plain notebooks have very thin pages and (I find) are limited to pencil and biro. Leuchtrurm also have a sketchbook out now which takes some wet media.

  11868. 99% of my art is photographed rather than scanned. I feel like I have more control over photographs. I’ve learned to use the early morning or late afternoon light to be able to capture the varied textures. But I agree – shiny paints and neons are hard to capture.

  11869. Your photo theme project sounds like fun! I’ll look back through my photos and see if I can spot some color themes. I usually like to capture the season in color but I do have my favorites!

  11870. August went FAST! “Do great work” is quite an inspiring slogan. Great quotation at the head of your post. Don’t mind if I do!

  11871. I’ve done a list of WIP before, with the goal of finally checking them off. It’s pretty effective! There were a few things that made the last list that ended up not being worth the time…I was actually willing to abandon them and move on to something new. Finally deciding to finish or abandon them really left mental (and physical) space for new endeavors.

    • h tack Karin! Quilt-katten r gjord p frihand, men det r inte min id utan jag har sett den p internet. Superkul att sy, och roligt att brodera dit ansiktet. Nu gller det bara att anvnda den ngonstans och quilta den ocks. Kanske en kudde tnker jag…

  11872. Thank you for the doodles. You always keep me inspired everyday, Be well and happy.

  11873. Thanks for sharing, especially the Meditation Timer and Noisli. I’m a Mindfulness teacher and work with other classroom teachers so love learning about resources. If you haven’t seen it yet, try GoNoodle. They have free brain breaks for kids (and adults) and have added a mindfulness section called Flow. Useful and playful! Happy mindfulness. :)

    • Oh thanks Suzanne, I’ll check out GoNoodle for sure, it sounds interesting. And how great to bee mindfulness teacher – that’s is awesome!

  11874. I love all of your doodles! Your email is the first one I look for everyday, because it always makes me smile. Thank you!

  11875. Thanks for recommendign Print Friendly! I didn’t know about that. I have “installed” it and used it already, it’s really useful!

    • Thanks Sabrina for leaving me a comment and letting me know you liked my internet findings. I’ll share more in upcoming weeks. I love useful, fun (cheap) tools!

  11876. As the others before me have said….I love your doodles. Sometimes I steal them!! Keep on truckin’.

    • Aw, thanks everyone for commenting on my doodles, you guys are so nice! I will keep sharing them for sure.

      But hey, don’t steal mine… Do your own, that is much more satisfying I promise.

  11877. Bra tips! Kanske ngot jag ska prova… Jag gick p yoga och meditation en termin fr ett tag sedan och jag har aldrig mtt bttre. Vet inte om det bara berodde p det, men det spelade skert in.

    • Yoga + meditation r den bsta kombon. nskar att jag fick till min yoga ocks, men meditationen r ju alltid en brjan… :-)

  11878. Thanks for being so open in sharing how you meditate. In months when it is not unbearably hot, I do walking meditation. Takes about an hour and doesn’t require a timer. On inside days, I just set my iPhone timer. But I do like the idea of keeping track. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks!

    • Walking is a nice kind of meditation too, though I could never go as as deep as I can sitting (when it happens). But I’ve tried walking meditation too, when I was at a meditation center, and it’s lovely, esp. when you get into the flow of it.

  11879. I am a Zen Buddhist, so I practice meditation 5 days a week with my sangha (and the other 2 days at home). We have scheduled sitting and walking meditation times at the sangha hall twice daily for 5 days a week (early morning and late afternoon). At our center, you don’t have to be a church member or Buddhist to meditate, most zen centers are the same. If you want to practice with others, you might want to see if there is a zen group near you. I have used several meditation timers including the Insight Timer but find I prefer to ring my own bell.

    • Hi Kate, thanks for chiming in about mediation, you are one of the rock stars of meditation to me. I understand you don’t need external help if you are “living in it” daily, that is so awesome. And I think it sounds lovely with a sangha, but my practice right now needs to be at home, short and sweet – so that I actually do it at all…

      Now a bell of my own is on my wish list, it’s such a lovely calming sound!

  11880. Way to go making meditation a priority. I have been an off-and-on again meditator for 25 years. I just did the math. Holy moly! But, I must confess I’ve been off more than on in recent years. I was thinking an app might be a good tool to keep me on track and I love stats being an engineer’s daughter. I’ll definitely take you up on your suggestion and give it a go. Meditation feels great. I guess it is up there with taking supplements. I’m not consistent. Here’s to hitting the reset button today. Many thanks! k

  11881. I love, love, love the hot pink and orange color scheme. I’ve been thinking about creating some collages and/or journal pages in this color scheme after rereading the book, True Colors. Seeing your collage has be excited to experiment with it. Time to pull out the paints!

    • Thanks Kathryn! I have that book too, but didn’t really love it when I read it a few years back. Maybe I should take it out and see if I find new inspiration this time… :-)

  11882. This was a very interesting comparison! I too have trouble with this. Sometimes scanning turns out beautifully, but sometimes it’s terrible. I’m still working on figuring how to to photograph my work well. Thanks for sharing!

  11883. Hanna, We are geeking out on COLOR this month! The biggest challenge was deciding which color to pick and use for my treasure hunt. I especially adore the photograph of the wet leaves on the sculpture and of YOU in your pretty pink dress.

  11884. Where do we post photos if we want to play in this challenge. I do have a blog of sorts…not very active and I don’t know how to link it.

    • Hi Pam,
      glad you want to join. For example if you want to do the latest challenge, on color, just create a new blog post on your blog with the photos you want to show of the color you picked. Also create a link back to this post and publish it.
      Then come back to my blog again, visit the post called my favorite color and paste in the link to your post in the comments there.

      It’s easy, and fun! But if you need more help just let me know.

  11885. I’m a big fan of pink as well….tho maybe lavender/periwinkle are my favorite colors. Love the phone booth. I think that Europe uses color in ordinary places that you don’t see in the US, and that is so awesome.

  11886. I’ve just found this Spotted Photo Theme via Tammy of Daisy Yellow and think it’s a great idea. I’m off to have a look at my pics to see if I too, have any themes. My favourite colour is green, so lets see shall we ;)

  11887. I had fun with your “spotted: animals” and know I’ll love doing the color one as well. I love the way you find pink EVERYwhere! I’m really struck by the fall leaves on the sculpture….it’s fabulous. I can’t wait to go home and look for my color…. thanks for the inspiration.

  11888. I love the pink pictures you’ve posted, I really like the pink buildings. I think all buildings should be painted. The world would be happier, imo, if there was more colour on the outisde :D

    Mine is here

    • Oh love your photos, yummy!

      And actually I did the linking above, hihi, because it makes it easier to visit the links. Plus they’re held in line anyway because of the link pasted in – so I have to approve them. ;-) Now you know all my secrets.

  11889. I started meditating about a year ago. Now I meditate (almost) every day. Sometimes I can only fit 5 minutes (for example when I am travelling), but I learned that 5 minutes are better than not meditating at all. Usually I meditate for 20 minutes. I feel better when I do it every day (my mind is calmer and quieter), and it helps me to sleep better!
    I use the Headspace app (I guess that’s what you tried first) and although the subscription is not cheap it helps me to continually grow with my meditation experience. You can chose different topics for the meditations and learn different techniques. (You can use a simple timer, too, but it would be crazy to buy a subscription just to use a timer that is available for free!) I like that every day there is another spoken intro to the meditation, which gives me the feeling of having a personal teacher! That helps me a lot to keep on. I guess I am the sort of person who needs some external motivation to build a habit!
    I tried the free “21 day Meditation Experience” by Deepak Chopra, too. A little bit different as you use mantras while meditating!

    • Yes, thanks, Headspace was the first one I tried. And it was funny because I got two of my friends to try it out and they are now paying subscribers well into their first year. But it wasn’t for me I guess, not too found of that Australian guy as my guide. But what ever it takes, it’s good!

      Glad you’re finding it useful, and maybe paying for the subscription also helps keep you accountable?! Mediation is just nice!

  11890. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful, fun goodies with us, Hanna! Your post definitely made my day! Jenny put together an amazing “Hanna” package and your photography of everything was so wonderful. Your happiness definitely came through in your words and photos! Thank you so much for sharing this with us!

  11891. What a fun fun package, how sweet of her to personalize it so much, thank you for sharing it with us.

  11892. That is a package full of LOVE Hanna, and you totally deserve it! Creative people on the web ar such caring and loving beings, I feel blessed myself to know this bunch of (mostly) ladies (but there are a lot of caring male creatives around too!) Getting mail like this makes the world look better and life a bit sweeter, isn’t it? Enjoy all the sweetness (both what was in the envelop as well as the sweetness around you, ’cause it is everywhere if you look with ‘loving eyes’ yourself) … ooohhh, I’m getting filosophicol this early in the morning but hey, the sun is shining and it’s going to be a beautiful day. Hope your day starts/is as well. Hug from Holland!

    • Yes, sweet gifts from friends, fans or strangers kind of gives me hope back a bit. And kind comments, those are invaluable to any blogger. Thanks my dear!

    • Yes so sweet, I like the citrus one best. And Italy, helloooooo! Have you been to Venice Silvia? I’m going soon, in October. So excited! Any tips or advice?

      • Oh, I’m happy to know you’re coming to Italy soon! :)
        I’ve visited Venice some years ago, but I don’t know this city very well. I think that for people like you and me, interested in arts&crafts, a visit to Murano Islans would be interesting: it’s a place where people work glass in a very artistic way. You can visit the laboratories, too.
        I know you are not very interested in food, but Venice is famous for wine and some dishes like polenta and fish and onions. But, please, don’t eat in places too close to turistic attractions, because prices are very high (and quality, uhm, not).
        Venice offers a lot to see. I liked the mix of differents cultures of the past you can clearly see walking through the most ancient streets.
        Let me know if you have some specific curiosities and I’ll try to answer you!

  11893. Your binder turned out incredibly cute, Hanna! I love that you can find things at a thrift store and see such amazing potential in them. That’s quite the talent! I hope to one day hone my thrifting abilities so I, too, can see potential treasures instead of just walking past piles of “junk.” Love how happy your binder turned out! Thanks for sharing with us!

    • Thanks sweet one. I too think it can be hard to imagine what something will look like once transformed, but I try… You should know how often I buy stuff that has potential, take them home and then – they sit there with nothing happening to them at all for years. Sometimes the thinking is more fun than the doing!

  11894. Wow, that really freshened it right up! Working with sticky paper like that is super-tricky…looks like you kept it from folding in on itself endlessly! :-) (Ask me why I speak with such admiration…ha!)

    • Andria, yes I know! It’s crazy how sticky it is, that sticky paper! :-) You’ve got to be veeeery calm when working with it. Breath in, breath out. Repeat.

  11895. Kul! Jag vet inte hur stor den r, men min frsta tanke nr jag sg den var en grytlapp – jag hller nmligen p och letar ider till en grytlapp som jag vill gra till min mor i julklapp! Du rkar inte ha en lnk till din ursprungliga inspiration? Vet inte om jag vgar mig p att skapa helt eget mnster nnu… :-)

  11896. The binder turned out really beautiful! I love the fresh green (although I am more into autumn colors)!

    • Thanks for your comment Sabrina!
      I’m always a fan of spring green, but orange-red-yellow is a good combination too. It will come here (to Sweden) soon enough though, I’m sure. :-)

  11897. well,well, well…I certainly learned a lot about my past photography in relation to this challenge….very boring stuff in my stash. Time to get with my muse when taking photos! And…fairly sure I don’t have a favorite color. Maybe this will be my 2015 challenge as I certainly have enough of those this year.

  11898. Right now, my creative habit is keeping a weekly journal where I try to collect those things that stand out in my week in positive ways. Doodling is one that I want to get back into.

    • Thanks Patricia, I hope you find something useful. I love reading about this kind of stuff, but also I SO wish it would be easier to be productive and not procrastinate things… :-)

  11899. I love the embroidery your mom made you Hanna! how special and so colorful :) this post reminded me to ask if your going to do planner pages/calendar for 2015?

  11900. Endpapers….i like that! i clicked back to your link about the diamond stitched journal-it’s gorgeous Hanna! the very first picture in this post which shows the side view of all the pages in your journal is scrumptious looking! frogs eh? i did not know that-lol and yes! that wallpaper is magnificent. i like adding pockets too. i enjoyed this post of you enjoying the process of endpapers and frogs-even tho i am not a fan of “hopping things” except kangaroos =) thanks for sharing <3

    • Thanks Jenny! The diamond stitched journal is a favorite for me too. And I was so into frogs when I was younger, not so much now… But still, I think they are graceful and magical, unlike anything else in nature. I mean… jumping amphibians – what’s not to love! ;-)

  11901. Your journal looks so happy and cute! Thanks for sharing your progress with us! I haven’t tried playing with end papers yet, but I absolutely love the look! Next “Ticket to Venice” type journal I make, I’m definitely putting end papers in. Thank you so much for the great tip!

    • Thanks Arielle! The diamond stitch journal is a TTV-journal for sure, and my next one must be too, I love that binding so much! Oh also I’m going there soon. Hurray!

      • You’re headed to Venice?! I’m so excited for you! Hope you have a positively wonderful trip! Are you going to create a journal to capture your adventure?

  11902. Your collage reveals how you feel — lots of torn edges, more brown and beige than your trademark pink. Sending you a little sunshine from Seattle.

  11903. And some golden shining autumn leafes from switzerland. Wirh a comforting hug, regula

  11904. It is good to know I am not alone. Selfish, I know, but it is what it is. Sending a smile for you and I love your tiny step collage. Be well and maybe happier tomorrow.

    • Thanks for the smile and the love Ellen. I wish I could share more days like this, but I fear the blog would turn gloomy and sad rather easy if I did. But yes, happier now. Thanks!

  11905. And a fine step forward it is! Sometimes I don’t manage as substantial a step as a completed collage. Sending hugs!

    • Thanks Andria, I do wish I could take steps each day, tiny or big. But a step every now and then is better than non, right? Though sitting still is nice too, when the gloom lifts. :-)


  11906. Wishing you a little sunshine and pink feathers to zoom through that gloom. Rainy days are hard after all the color of summer. Good for you for making a collage anyway! Wrap yourself in pink – better days are ahead.

    • Aw, thanks Sharon! Though it’s not just the rain and autumn that is gloomy right now.But sunshine is what I crave, IRL or via kind comments like yours. Thank you.

  11907. Hi Hanna,

    Yes, it can be hard listening to what every one else has to say.
    But the most important thing you can do is listen to your heart.

    • Hi Sophie, are you still out there? Yay! You need to e-mail me about your status on FB, I was so curious and smiling for you. Hugs!

  11908. Beautiful collage (beautiful things can come from sadness can’t they?).
    I don’t think we always have to move forward. I think life comes in waves, highs and lows. Sometimes it’s perfectly okay to just stay put and wait until the rain passes. Only an idiot would leave her shelter to go out into the rain when the wind will take care of it all on its own. No need to force things. Let is pass and after it does you will be energized to step out again and go in any direction you please.
    Hope you feel better soon.

    • Thank you Caatje, for your kind words. The rain is a metaphor but still, I agree with you, it will pass soon… Thanks!

    • Thanks for leaving comments!

      Tina, I love orange cats, since my Smilla is kind of orange… The cat sticker is from a old sticker sheet of patterns and figures on round circles. Sorry to say, it’s not available anymore.

  11909. I so get that feeling. No advice, just empathy. I’m feeling my way forward right now, too.

  11910. Kra Hanna!
    Jag blev s rrd av din korta text. Jag tnker ofta p dig och uppskattar din blogg.

    Stor kram till dig

  11911. Hanna, your creations always put a smile on my face. Hoping the NYC {virtual} sunshine I am sending you cheers you up in some small way!! Hugs, my friend!

    • Hi Patricia, thanks for sending warmth my way, I need it. Today the sun is out here too, hope it will find its way into my core in some way, because there is lots of darkness around. Hugs!

  11912. oh, hanna. i love this portrait it shows your vulnerability and your openness and your fragility. so beautiful. sending you love and light, and as you know i am always, always here if you need a hand to hold or an ear to ramble to.

  11913. I love wool skirts!
    Some years ago they was very popular here in Italy. And I can remember that I had a dress all knitted by mum when I was a child (I’m a 1977 girl!).
    They are warm and comfy, but they need to be worn with a petticoat, if you don’t want your skirt “glued” to pantyhoses.

    Sorry, I don’t want to disappoint you, but I can’t understand the title… probably it’s because italian is so different from english, german, swedish and other languages of the north :)

    • Oh, thanks for the encouragement. Maybe it will turn out to be a favorite. Who knows… And I translated the phrase right under the German of course: Knitting can be addictive. ;-)

  11914. i wish i knew how to knit! i’ve attempted many times-have had people show me how, even tried something called a niffty knitter (plastic hoops with little pegs all around) i just can’t get the hang of it. i love your inspiration mosaics hanna. always such a great collection. thanks for sharing, and can’t wait to see the knitted skirt!

  11915. thank you for sharing with us hanna. the text you wrote in between the photos would be a wonderful addition to the pages….. just beautiful, lots of emotion <3 jenny

  11916. I am knitting a shawl right now with very similar colours but I need to do the striping myself (Madeline Tosh in Vintage Sari and in Oxblood). I do love multicolour yarn though. I’ve often admired Zauerball, but never bought any (yet).

  11917. Hanna- I love the vulnerability here today…I appreciate your faith in that the sun is behind the clouds…somedays that’s all we can hang on to! You are brave and courageous to share your self-portraits…mine tend to be more abstract or symbol driven.

  11918. Oh yes oh yes oh yes! Isn’t all our art self portraiture? I love the words you share here and your journal… yummilicious. All that pink!

    Here’s to the world being infected with more of that unapologetic atmosphere you live within. How inspiring you are!!

  11919. I couldn’t post a comment on your latest post because it said I was logged in as you and I tried to log out but then it wanted me to log in as you.
    It was very odd.
    However, I would love to hear what you think of the Divergent series when you’re done!

  11920. As for this post, LOVE your latest aspect of self. And the way you characterize the silence in your head. really cool

  11921. Oh, Hanna, I haven’t gotten back far enough to read what’s been going on with you, but I do love catching up. You light many ways forward.

  11922. Gorgeous collage. A whole wall of this.
    Hope things are much better. But life would not have joy without sadness too. Be good to YOURSELF.

  11923. Something about that bright green and pink in close-up, just awesome! And the starbursts! Thanks for sharing, love all the colors.

  11924. i love this and the way you showed your favorite details, i think the whole spread is colorful and free looking, i don’t think it looks overworked, it just looks fun :)

  11925. Details are often the best part of life. Your detail shots are perfect. And I love the last two pages!

  11926. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photography with us, Hanna! At the moment, I’m especially loving the wood block pattern photo and the garden doily! So pretty and interesting!

  11927. So happy to have a friend continents away. I love our technological, more aware, more creative, lifestyles now.

  11928. Love the peony heart and the striped grass. Love the closeups of your pages and I disagree about the lady in the flower heart – it is wonderful. I do the same thing a lot. Sometimes I just need to put some space between it and me and then go back or not!! Thank you for the inspiration. Be well, happy and enjoy your weekend.

  11929. Now I shall go figure out what is going on! I don’t know how many pages I’ve done, or days that have been improved by the song Unwritten. I simply adore it.

  11930. Sweet one, I think it is a very good sign that you turned to art when the sky started to fall down. I had a horrible, very bad day on Thursday and so I get it. Here’s a {virtual} hug and a bouquet of {pink} flowers for you.

  11931. Wonderful colors and patterns. I think the striped grass is my favorite, with the peony as a close second.

  11932. “Little things make big things happen.” I love that quotations…it is TRUTH! Thank you for sharing the pretty details.

  11933. I love when urban meets nature, too! This is why I’ve loved living in beautiful cities like Chicago, Denver, and now Cleveland. Yes, Cleveland–I am continuously surprised at the tree-lined streets of this city, especially the outskirts.

  11934. Beautiful pictures, Hanna! I could almost picture myself taking a walk there myself as I looked down through the pics. : )

  11935. Wonderful photos. Thank you for sharing. I love the canal shots. Looks so peaceful.

  11936. I love your winter photographs the very best! Perhaps because your winters are so different from our winters. Thank you for sharing.

  11937. Hi, I just started in art journaling and I loved your basic approach. Alot of the site use expensive mediums right at the start and it will take me some time to accumulate all that. I just want to get started! What glue do you use? When I tried to right in gel pens over my glued pics it would not show up? Can you point me to some basic techniques that got you started? Thanks so much!

  11938. Isn’t Jenny SO awesome? I’m lucky because I get a package from her at least every year. She always puts SO much time and lots of love into everything she does. I’m so happy to see others benefiting from her fun and thoughtful goodie packages :-) XO!

  11939. Um, I’ve never done art journaling but I have many creative hobbies, and I think that I half-way agree with your final statement. I think that it is necessary to be open and to let things flow with art, kind of letting yourself be guided with creativity. For example, several times over the past 10 years I’ve felt compelled to paint and then after a few months have totally lost interest. And I agree that oftentimes a pattern will emerge, in my case for example I’ve consistently created patchwork with bright fabrics. However, I think that it’s also important to have constraints when working in art; Biz Stone wrote a lot about this in his book ‘Things a Little Bird Told Me” and he explains it in the context of Twitter; people become more creative when they are constrained to use only 152 characters. Anyway, my thoughts ~

  11940. This post made me think of a book about art and creativity called “Free Play: Improvisation in Life and Art” by Stephen Nachmanovitch. He devotes a whole chapter to the value of limits and constraints in creativity. He says:
    “Artists often find themselves working with tricky tools and intractable materials, with their inherent quirks, resistances, inertias, irritations. Sometimes we damn the limits, but without them art is not possible. They provide us with something to work with and against. In practicing our craft, we surrender to letting the materials dictate the design.”
    He also has a chapter on surrender.

  11941. As Mo mentioned above. I found out about Spotted Photo Theme via Tammy too! I love taking photos and most of which have been from my iphone. I’m jumping right in! Exciting!!!

  11942. Hanna, I love your patterns! Anytime I try to do patterns in my art journal [my first one, I might add. *Smile*] … I can only ever think of a few of them to do. Think I’m still at the stage that a blank page kinda is scary. lol

    Have a nice day!


  11943. Hi Hanna! Lovely work. I like them all, but #1 is my slight preference. I love giraffes.
    Have a great weekend. I enjoy your blog posts.

  11944. Hi Hanna…I love the blue collages…love the security envelopes. Those have different patterns than some I’ve seen. Do you use a glue stick? Your collage pieces lay so nice and flat :)

  11945. Wow! You are blowing me away. I love, love, love blue! Come Fly With Me is my favorite. Your use of the security envelope patterns inspires me. I’d heard of artists using them but never really found the idea appealing. You integrate them so well.
    Keep on with the gorgeous blue work. Tina

  11946. Love it all, Hanna – and LOVE all shades of blue. I have always been strongly and strangely drawn to turquoise, which to me is a shade of blue – that color probably makes me as happy as reds do you. It’s so fresh and dreamy, reminds me of exotic oceans and fresh breezes. Soothing. Dragonfy II is my favorite, but they are all great :) Thanks for the inspiration.

  11947. I think I like #3 the best. I like the combination of blue and brown touches and the arrangements of the papers. I was doing 12″x 12″ collages last winter–random ones. I think I’ll start again but make them smaller and pick a theme. Thanks for the inspiration!

  11948. All three are terrific, but I like #1 the best because of the handwriting and your use of black and blue security papers.

  11949. Dragonflies are a lovely motif. And I love the giraffe stamp and the airmail label on the first collage. Along with handwritten text and business envelope liner, it has some of my favorite things!

  11950. Like it? I love this post Hanna! It’s ABCDeelicious!! I am bookmarking it because there is SO much information and inspiration with all the links to so many of your previous posts! (I’ve clicked on a handful of them just now, and feel inspired/motivated all over again-even from one’s I’ve read before! Your creative sharing NEVER expires Hanna! It is timeless) This had to have taken a lot of time and thought-and it is MUCH appreciated :) I just pulled out my little quotes journal and wrote down your quote from the first of the year-it’s going in my art journal as soon as i send this comment! “You do not know what will come out on the page, until you sit down and put your tools to work” iHanna (how did i miss that in January!-lol) hugs, jenny ps-will you be selling a planner or pages for a planner for 2015???

  11951. i really really liked it a lot.when i first read the idea for fabric beads,i thought it would be pretty hard,but I was ready to take a big step.but when i looked at the procedure,it was very easy and fun.i really like my beads when they are combined with the thread.I JUST LOVE IT

  11952. Spnnande lista, jag vntar p fortsttningen. Ska nog prova att gra en egen lista. Tack fr tipset. Hugs from mom

  11953. Great idea!!!
    I want to write a list like this.
    Last year I make an abecedarium by drawing (letters + imagese) on my moleskine, but I haven’t shared it yet. Probably it cuold be interesting for someone :)

  11954. Hanna, this is so YOU! Thank you for sharing. I’m only sorry I have to wait for the rest of the list. I think I will try to do one of these, if only for myself.

    PS regarding the letter “G”, I’ve been recently inspired by The Life of Elizabeth I by Alison Weir. Talk about girl power!

    • Love the power of Elizabeth I! I read a book about her too many years ago, a novel by someone else (can’t remember who right now), and I agree with you – that’s historic girl power indeed!

  11955. What an amazing list! And, I learned a new word…..didn’t know there was a word for alphabetic lists – love that. You’re always an inspiration and this post is no different. I found myself nodding in agreement and loving how articulately you explained your position/thoughts. Can’t wait for the next installment!

  11956. I have followed you for years and have save many, many of your posts. But I’ve never left a comment until now – I must have gotten a sense of “time’s a-wasting!” I love this idea and your responses and illustrations for each letter. And, as with your other fans, I am inspired. Thanks so much – looking forward to the rest. -Sandy in North Carolina

    • Thanks for leaving me a comment! When “a lurker” comes out of the shadows my heart sings. It’s always so nice to say hi to my dear readers, so Hello there from me to you! I’m very pleased to inspire you! :-)

  11957. Thank you for always cheering me up! :) Many days, I browse through your blog for hours! And I still find new posts to make me feel better ♥

  11958. This is my new favorite that you’ve done! Love the contrast of colors, patterns, and that adorable owl.

  11959. There is something about the grid that is very intriguing. I like it a lot!

  11960. I agree with you. Seeing is just more than light waves being registered by the brain. Even blind people can ‘see’ and understand the joy and wonder in life. You really have to stop and look and notice details which get passed by in our rush through every day.

  11961. I’ve been waiting to either have some extra money to decorate this apartment I’ve been in forever, or until we can afford to move and decorate a new place, but I’ve finally realized that I can MAKE some happy art fot my walls. I practically live in my bedroom, so I’ve been using my pretty washi tape to add some art above my little art desk. The last canvas I did, I KEPT it for me! Ha, I never keep them for myself, but I love it! It says “be brave”, and I needed it. ;) Thanks for always inspiring me!
    Trish ♥

  11962. There’s a (short) poem in Dutch that goes like this: “Als je goed om je heen kijkt zie je dat alles gekleurd is.” (K. Schippers) Your a and my language look/read a bit similar so maybe you can figure it out, but roughly translated it says: “If you look around real close you’ll see that everything is coloured.” That looks/reads so simple, but if you think about it, it really is a miracle… your post made me think of that poem. Forget the science, enjoyu the colours Hanna!

  11963. I LOVE these! I wish I knew how to knit…do you know of any good online sites or books that I might learn from? If I knew how to knit, I could make myself socks that didn’t constrict my ankles….anyway, your lovely socks really tickle my fancy!

  11964. Pretty … Yes, you are right! : ) Like you, I love all of those yummy colors too!

  11965. I think the questions “Is what I create art?” and “Can I call myself an artist?” occur to most of us at some stage. Recently someone has called what I do “your crafts” and another as “you art” and I guess they’re both right. When I was buying some art supplies at a big stationery shop I was asked if I was an artist and I said I was just to try the label out for size and for me, I don’t think it fits yet. If someone else considers my work art, fine and I’ll happily accept it but really, what I do is just muck around with art supplies (and other bits and pieces) because I can’t not create.

    I think I’ll post this on my website. :)

  11966. “True art is characterized by an irresistible urge in the creative artist”….Albert Einstein. Sounds like you must be an artist!!

  11967. That sunny fruit salad looks really yummy! I love yellow, too. Not the gold or ochre, but the bright lemon of the lemons that are ripening on the tree in our backyard!

  11968. Yum! Cantaloupe makes a nice bright addition too. For a change, I drizzle the fruit with honey, mix in some yogurt & sprinkle with poppy seeds. As for yellow, lately I am in love with bright yellow flowers blooming now – wild goldenrod, goldenweed, and in the garden lemon yellow chrysanthemums.

  11969. Oops…forgot about this meme for October. Will do the November one with motorcycles I think!
    Great series of photos…I love seeing the seasons as they change.

  11970. They’re all so cute! I think the one with the flower is my favorite too, because the colors are so cheerful against the gray – I like the contrast. Favorited on Etsy!

  11971. Venice is one of my favorite places. I was there one year ago at my tenth marriage day (with my husband of course!!!). Love it so much! So let’s get us an Aperol Spritz… Cheers!

  11972. Lovely. Thank you for sharing. I have never been, so this was magic.

  11973. I loved Venice as well . . . just wandering aimlessly and seeing what was around the corner. I must admit, we found it hard to return to places we had previously found in our meanderings.

    And I can’t believe I missed the Postcard Swap!! I really enjoyed the last one. I received 10 out 10!

  11974. I’m happy that you went, and I’m happy that you enjoyed the trip! I didn’t know what to expect when we visited Venice, but I was really surprised too. Wabi-sabi is a great way to describe the glorious jumble of color and texture and history. I look forward to seeing your photographs.

  11975. I’m so glad to read that you had such a great time, Hanna. Can’t wait to see your pink moleskin ;)

  11976. I love how this post encompasses so many specific aspects of your life and blog. It’s so fun! Thanks for sharing this!

  11977. I love this idea, makes me think that I should do my own abecedarium. Which, by the way, I’d never heard this word before…thanks for sharing, so much thoughtful insight and inspiration here. :)

  11978. I haven’t been north of Tuscany, but my favorite city is Rome — it’s crazy, chaotic, confusing and the center of Western Civilization. Che bella!

  11979. i love it all and i am the same about iced coffee, i’m just too addicted, they’re so yummy.
    Can’t wait to see more you take such great photos

    • Aw, thanks so much Jenni! I so love sharing the photos I take. Right now these posts are my favorite. Glad you enjoy too. :-)

  11980. Signed up, blogged it, shared it with my friends on Facebook, started with some spray and stencil play. Looking forward to seeing what I end up sending and what I get :-)

    • Glad to have you Lynette! Thanks for sharing and blogging about it too, that means a lot to me. :-)

  11981. Oh Hanna…I had the biggest smile on my face as I read your love letter. I too LOVE my Rskog cart. It was THE only gift I wanted for Christmas last year & it has been my constant art studio friend ever since. I want another one for the bathroom…and maybe a third one for my sewing supplies…it can move wherever I need it. Thanks for your love letter…and for making my day brighter.

    • So happy you share my big love for this “kitchen” cart Debbie! I would wish for a cart number two and tree too, if only I had a bigger apartment… :)

  11982. It’s easy to see why you would love that cart. It brings you closer to your art! I’m in love with Ikea’s Trofast–a wall storage with bins, meant for children’s rooms. Mine is in my studio holding my paints, papers, equipment–all within reach, and nice and tidy when I’m not using it. I feel the love!

    • It’s not because I am Swedish that I am a fan of IKEA, hehe, but because of (affordable!) designs like that wall hanging. Trofast means “to be loyal” by the way, a dog’s name too in the old days actually.

  11983. I have four Andy rolling cabinets. They are made of a sort of metal netting and have three drawers each. I don’t think they sell them anymore (at least not here in the Netherlands), but they have pretty much saved my life. I have two on each side of me so they form a little cubicle together with my worktable. They make it possible for me to have just about everything at hand. They were dirt cheap too, about 20 euro’s a piece. I love them, but I’m sure that if the Raskog had existed when I bought the Andy’s I would have bought several of those instead, because that cart is seriously cute!

    • I agree with you Caatje, any cart is a good storage idea. Or anything with wheels. Or any storage for art materials and office supplies, right? This one just had the color going for it already… Cute is a very good description, thanks.

  11984. Ooh, that cutting and pasting looks like so much fun! It has been a while since I’ve done that. Inspired now!

  11985. Turkosa Rskog – jag r ocks mer eller mindre kr i min Rskog, s hrlig och perfekt frg! Behver fler av dom bara knner jag, fr n s lnge har vi bara en i kket (fylld med kokbcker och pysselsaker). Jag fick lite pengar till fdelsedagen och dom fick bli till en Rskog, hoppas p en likadan deal nsta r! :)

    • Ja egentligen borde man kpa minst en Rskog till – pronto, fr tnk om den tar slut… Frskte kpa det turkosa pltskpet frra ret, men d hade de tagit det ur sortimentet fr det var inte skert fr barn. Typiskt trist fr mig, jag som hade s svrt att bestmma mig och sedan nr jag vl gjort det var det borttaget.

  11986. I would love to go through your book, look at every page, read and dream and smile. It’s just wonderful, your glue book.
    Thank you for mentioning my Wstenprinzessin a couple of days ago😊

  11987. I have a Raskog too. I soon as I saw it I knew it would be an art cart. I could have had it in grey but I chose the turquoise one since it is my favourite colour. I totally agree about all the qualities you find in it. On of the things I love most about it is how you can roll it so easily and its sturdiness. I have had rolling carts mad of plastic whose wheels always ended stucking or twisting. I’m thinking of havind a second one.

  11988. The fly on the wall… ooh what a lovely drawing that is!!!

    Other then you, I have different art jounals going on – yes, I’m one of those art journalers who work in themes but besides my theme-based journals, I always have one or two (different sizes) ‘miscellaneous’ journal to go to when I don’t feel like working with a theme or don’t have a clue about the page yet, and yes, it turns out that some ‘theme’ pages end up in the ‘miscellaneous’ journals that way… There was a time that these pages in a ‘wrong’ journal bothered me, but I learned to let loose and just enjoy every journal I have.

    I’m not into Christmas at all… instead, I look forward to my top 2000 musical blog party, starting for the 6th year on the day after X-mas… I make a special book for that! (You’re welcome to join the party Hanna… I post the info in november but if you are curious already you can take a peek at last year’s info or select ‘top 2000’ as a category on my blog to see all the blogposts and artists/art from last years

    Enjoy your weekend my friend! Hope you’re not too cold up there in the North…

  11989. I found your blog through Balzer Designs and I’m so glad I clicked on your link. I love your “glue pages” and your fly on the wall. Your style is charming and really speaks to me.

  11990. LOVE these spreads. I suddenly want to do a lot more collaging. I like the label in the middle that connects the two pages, and my absolute favorite part is your little drawing in the bottom right corner of the last image. Great stuff. Very playful.

  11991. I love that you wrote a love letter to your beloved piece of furnuture. When I cycled the Swedish and Finnish islands many years ago (maybe you remember) due to a lack of humans around me I talked to my beloved bicycle and said her Good Night every evening.
    As soon as I moved into my new apartment last year I got raskog to move into my new home. Only for the color!!! I love turquoise. Sea foam – what a lovely name for it too.

    Hannah, enjoy your raskog love ongoing and some more human love as you already have too.
    Greetings from Hamburg to Sweden!

  11992. That looks much sturdier than the metal (and plastic) rolling cart I put together. Love the color too!

    {:-Deb, the storybeader

  11993. OH boy! This will be my 2nd (in a row) ihanna postcard swap :) i intended to sign up the 1st day you posted this hanna, but was a little hesitant, thinking i might not have enough time to make the cards with the other things i have going on atm. then i got hung up about how i would make my cards-what will i use-so many ideas-what should i choose? lol …. tooooo much thinking! i know once i’m committed and set aside a few days next week-it all comes together-yes-like magic! thanks for doing this winter pc swap hanna-heading over to sign up now ❤❤❤ jenny :)

  11994. DONE! now i’m even more excited!!! i had SO much fun with the first swap, and made so many new friends all around the world-in fact a few of us continue to surprise each other with a postcard from time to time. i ❤ snail mail and art + snail mail in postcard form is the best of both worlds. thanks again hanna for all the work and thought you put into this fun and creative project xo jenny ~ c u in the mail ;)

  11995. Just found your blog through a comment on Elise’s.

    I love this cart and how you’ve filled it with art supplies. I used to be really into art, like in high school and college, and my husband and I now talk about picking up our old hobbies like painting and drawing. It’d be such an inspiration to have a cart like this staring at us to make art. And it’d also be so fun for little kiddos too. One day. :)

  11996. I just learned that you have this series going on (I come from Tammy’s blog) – it’s wonderful! I don’t photograph much outside because I like to take my walks without my big camera (I don’t have a camera in my cellphoto or a small one…) but I might be able to find theme-photos in my stash or maybe I SHOULD go for a walk taking my camera… you look at things much different then, isn’t it?! I LOVE the peeled of poster photo (the first in this post) very much!

  11997. I don’t know what it is about pom poms but I always get this irresistable urge to swing them and someone with them! It happens every time, and if no-one is around I hit myself. Now you’ll think I’ve very strange I suppose.

    • Thanks a lot for your kind words about my photos, it means a lot to me that you took the time to look and leave a comment – and also share your photos within this theme.

      Yay nature, how awesome and rich it is for photographers like us.

  11998. I like the idea of the image being left and woud probably paint over it and then wipe the paint away so the image looks as though it’s in a mist, more like a memory . . . and there must be quotes you could write on them that would fit. And while you can always yellow the backs with tea, coffee or diluted ink if they’re absorbent, the deckled edge looks great. Hmmm, dare I take to edges with my pinking shears . . . up to now they’ve been strictly for fabric!

  11999. I love this idea Hanna and I really like your cards. I do the same thing. I have been gelli printing this week and some of the sheets were “sort of, I don’t know, too thick with paint”. They are drying and I will either tear them up and use the pieces or store in my scrap box and see if I like them better another day! Thanx for the awesome idea.

  12000. Love pompoms! And tassels, too. I use them to attach to keys and zippers when the zippers are small and my hands are cold. Or just for fun. I once made earrings out of pompoms. Just because I could.

  12001. Seeing all of your pretty colors in your work, always inspires me. I love the way you left part of the image on the postcard, it looks awesome!

  12002. I Love this idea! The texture of paper bags is so very different from any other paper, I’m putting some in my next journal for sure! (p.s. I also love cutting down the pile of scrap paper I manage to accumulate, and arting it up!)

  12003. Love this, especially that flower bag! My last sketchbook was made of all brown paper bag pages with a corrugated cardboard cover.

  12004. This is what art journaling is all about! The day to day stuff that makes you smile, think, wonder, or giggle about your life! That’s why I do it!

    • Hi Sandra,
      thanks for asking and by that reminding me that we might need one of those link-ups for the winter 2014 swap too. It’s late to post it, but I hope you and others will share some DIY postcard process here! Thanks!

  12005. oh hanna-this is stunning! i love it! the neon stars, the brown bag pages, 3 signatures to fill with creative goodness, and the diamond stitching! YUM!! i do enjoy making journals as well, although mine are either punched holes and use of a small 3 ring binder (which i eventually use binder rings once i’m finished, and re-use the binder for the next journal, and/or i have done pamphlet stitching in my journals. i’ve wanted to try coptic stitch so i could have more than one signature…but it seems a little intense for me atm ;) maybe someday. thanks for sharing yours – i luvit <3 OH! my postcards are all done and ready to go for when you send us the names/address around the 30th! i had some other projects that made me xtra motivated to get my cards done ahead of time. c u in the mail :)

  12006. Love it! I just love your blog, whenever I need some cheering up, or inspiration, your blog is my first stop! I’m going through all of the categories now, lol. I’m addicted!

  12007. Looking through your very generous free resources I am wondering if it is possible to edit your postcard backs as I usually make standard 6 x 4 inch postcard

    Love being part of your wonderful swaps.
    Cheers from Oz

    • Hi Pam,
      so glad you found these in the archive! But I’m not even sure how big these print right now (not an inch person). But if you test print them and then see if you want to increase the size when you print next time and maybe print at 110 % or bigger? Let me know if that works. :-)

  12008. I’m so impressed that you found pink book binding thread!! I also like the neon stars. I wonder if they glow in the dark?

  12009. I was headed back to bed, at 1pm, depressed, when I decided to return to my devouring of all your posts. Love the flower sculpture, and your flower page too, of course! I love hearing of older artists, it makes me feel better, and not like I’m too old to reach my dreams (and I know it’s not true, I’d tell anyone else that is silly, but when I get in a mood…..) anyways, thank you! I may still take a nap, but right now I’m cuddled in bed with the kitties and my tablet. ;)

  12010. I love the binding as well Hanna, although I’ve never tried it (note to self). I really like the effect of the punched holes . . . I poke the holes through from the outside which is fairly tidy but this is a much neater way! What sort of a punch are you using?

  12011. I’ve never tried binding my own and am pretty sure they wouldn’t turn out as lovely as your has. So awesome!! : )

  12012. This is a beautiful binding, Hanna. Your book is so beautifully put together; I can imagine the fun you will have playing in it! I am looking forward to checking out your post on using paper bags for book pages.

  12013. Loved making the cards this year. And because mine are super color-saturated, I thought I’d leave a link here. (It will post in 45 minutes, or at midnight Arizona time)
    Those long dreary days would absolutely drown me in gray. I wish you could come for a visit–this is the time of year to enjoy our mild winters!

  12014. Postcards mailed! That’s some yummy looking goodies you have there Hanna ;) <3 thanks for doing the swap xo

  12015. hi hanna, if we don’t have a blog, twitter, instagram, flicker, can we just add pictures here?

    • Hi Jenny,
      no you can not add images into this link up, but is free to join, and then you just upload your photos to that site, name them and share the link here. It’s kind of nice to share something you make online – and I also have a special group for this swap that you can join there. Loads of inspiration and images.

      I hope that helps, but sharing is optional as mentioned in the mail. :-)

  12016. Hi there! Great great ideas here, and thank you so much. I am hoping to make some of these and then print my artwork on them. Do they take well to computer/printer ink? Have you ever experimented with any of that?

    Thanks :)

    • Glad you like the idea Rebecca, but to print on such an uneven and glossy surface would not be too smart I think. I doubt it would look any good… But try it, it might work if you do it a bit differently than I did here… :-)

  12017. Hanna, I totally LOVE the cards and I think you did an awesome job with the lettering and in fact, for the first time [that I can remember anyways!], I’m inspired to want to learn to do calligraphy!

    I’ve been wanting a pen and ink to use for drawing purposes but never was interested much in trying to learn to use them for lettering. Well done, friend!

  12018. It’s a cold, grey, misty morning and before I get on my bike to go to be present at my second ‘Open Atelier’ day I surf around a bit trying to get in the mood – and hell, you do the job!!! Your cards make me smile and feel all happy and grateful that there are such amazingly creative people in the world and that I can call me a member of this ‘community’…!!! I’m off to get dressed now and hope that smile stays on my face all day. Wish you a happy, ‘pink’ and creative Sunday too Hanna!

  12019. Hanna,
    This is my Flickr website where I have included some photos of my postcards from this winter swap, but I couldn’t find the place to upload them to your Flickr DIY postcard swap like I have in the past. Do you still have that?

  12020. It’s gorgeous! I love the neon stars on the cover and the different papers on the inside. Have a great time filling it up!

  12021. Thanks for sharing these links! #5 really gives a better perspective on what happens when we often set ourselves up for failure. Just in time for New Years resolutions!

  12022. OMG! Pink, dots, and kittens…all in one place! It’s almost too much to take in at one time. I could explode from happiness. Really sweet!

  12023. I love how we can look back on our work and see the progression. We can see how much we have grown as an artist (and in my case, as a writer as well) and how our style has evolved. I do like your birds, and I love how they have evolved.
    Blessings, Johoanna

  12024. Oh, WHAT a wonderful blogpost. I love hearing your perspective over the years – and how funny that you ended up loving the original. I find them all adorable – and I love how they look together. A fab trilogy ;) xo

  12025. I love this blog post! I need to consider my art as life long learning, instead of freezing up because something might not be right or perfect. Thank you.

  12026. An interesting experiment. I love bird #2. But still your thoughts on the subject kind of prove to me why I never go back. I mean, I look at my older stuff and I like to see what I made back then and what I like or don’t like about it. But I don’t go back to old stuff to try and redo it, edit it or pimp it up. That’s done with and I’ve moved on. It’s not who I am anymore. I also never tear out stuff I don’t like or cover it up. It’s all part of the process. I still make stuff I love and I still make stuff that turns out….um…subpar? ;-)
    For me art is a practice. It’s simply what I do because I love it, because I want to handle the materials and because I like making stuff. It keeps me sane and occupied too. I like to get better at my craft and practice is the way to do it. That being said…my first ever art journal (made in 2003) is still my favorite ever. What a discovery it was to work in a book and just do whatever I liked with it. That freedom was so new to me then that I can still sometimes long for that first time. ;-)

  12027. I think you do a great job of holding onto “Beginner’s mind” while writing about your work on this blog. And it’s a hard balance. I know what you mean about how thinking about how others will see your work can compromise it – that happens to me, too.

    I think it’s interesting that your 2005 bird had a magazine cutout eye, just like your recent work.

  12028. Thank you, dear Hanna, you are so astoningly frank. Your thoughts about your work are exactly the same as I am turning around in my head about my person and my life. t
    Does this mean art is life and we as persons are art? May be…

  12029. I don’t know how to do this. I do have a Flickr account but I don’t remember what to do so I’ll just let you know that my cards have been sent out today. A little late but I have been very sick so I’m happy. As always heaps fun. Thanks till next time Pam

  12030. I love reading your blog posts….

    It reminds me that its all about making the art and letting go of the end result -something I struggle with – but I’m working on!

    Your posts always make me think :)


  12031. The first bird reminds me of the collage art Henri Matisse made in the later years of his life, do you know that? It’s free and fun but most people find is ‘childish’… I, however, like it very much, same as I like your bird! Yes, we keep on learning and sometimes we think we (try to) learn one thing when in fact we learn another (unexpected) thing… sounds cryptical but you know what I mean. Anyway, learning or not, enjoy your weekend!!

  12032. Your trees really contribute to the holiday spirit! I am getting excited to have some snow around here. That Norwegian tree photo is lovely!

  12033. Trees are a great holiday post – and I can see why that last image is a fave – it’s a gorgeous tree and well photographed. I’ll be going through my Christmas pics tonight, looking for a theme……

  12034. Your earlier post inspired me to collect my Christmas papers and think about a December journal of my own! More on that on my own blog later. Thanks for your gorgeous eye candy photos as you inspire us along the way!! I love the sound of pink and glittery! And that stitched Valentine is beautiful.

  12035. hi hanna! ohhh the little santa/elf playing card :) i must add one to my december/holiday journal. i spent the better part of today playing in mine, sipped cocoa, and played xmas music. the gingerbread baking sounds yummy. i’ve never done one before, and discovered i had quite the stash of papers, etc. so i decided to go for it-ho ho ho! looking forward to seeing more of your-as always, i love seeing what your up to, and always find such creative inspiration from you. hugs and enjoy your festive journal making <3 jenny

  12036. Oh, there you got me inspired! Seems you’ve got something very good started. I have to go through my stashes to see what I can come up with.

  12037. fa la la la la and ho ho ho! thanks for sharing some of your pages hanna-what a delightful and festive journal this is going to be. i love the vintage ephemera, and i agree that the modern “versions” of santa, angels, etc are not as charming as the vintage ones. i like how you have so much variety, it’s like a holiday party is going to pop right off the pages! 15 years since beauty and the beast? oh my goodness-hooray that you are using your stickers! such a fun post, it did make me feel happy :) <3 jenny

  12038. Wonderful post Hanna… it made me feel very Christmassy :)

    Beauty and the Beast is a favourite film of mine too….

    Karen x

  12039. My first time commenting here and i should say I am sorry it has taken me so long! ALL of your blog posts are inspiring and creative and….well, just awesome. I’m not feeling the Christmas thing either this year but seeing this way to gather and play will certainly brighten these dark gloomy days. I enjoy reading about your process. Not just how you do something but why. It’s giving me some great ideas.
    Thank-you for sharing your creativity with us all!

  12040. How I would love to bake and eat these! I looked at the recipe and it sounds delicious! I would worry about the baking heat–480F for 7 minutes sounds awfully hot to me, but I haven’t baked “normal” food in a long time. The yellow color is so cheerful at this time of year!

  12041. Tack fr inspiration! Jag var fr sen att delta i r men har brjat “skapa” lite smtt infr nsta r.Det r fantastiskt roligt och nu frstr jag varfr jag sparat alla julkort genom ren och vad jag ska ha dem till. r s lnge mest collage men om jag tnker att det bara r p skoj och fr mig sjlv gr det lttare precis som du skrev.

  12042. The one with the kitty clinging to the building and the pink dots in the sky, I want that one! I have absolutely zero chance of getting it, since I don’t participate in the swap, but I still want it. Sigh… ;-)

  12043. These are the times you wish they would invent monitors with scent function. I’d move in real close and take a good sniff. Or…how about 3D printers that would just print out the stuff you baked in someone elses home! Oh yum, that would be even better! ;-)

  12044. your saffron buns look beautiful! One of my sisters was an exchange student in Solna for a year and brought back a recipe for these. She used to make them for St. Lucia’s Day and they were delicious!

  12045. I totally love the 2nd card – the one with the house and kitty on it with happy, joy, joy!!

  12046. I’m usually not very fond of glitter, but this tape makes even me smile! LOVE IT!!! Stay warm dear friend, and keep on rockin’

  12047. No ‘december daily’ for me (I’m all into my Top 2000 musical party, that’s about to start next week…) but I do love your book! The bright and shiny pages and all the wonderful pics and yummieness on the cover makes me smile! Enjoy the holiday season Hanna!

  12048. What a fabulous idea! I have been considering the purchase of a binder, so I am glad to see you mention this, Hanna! Seasons Greetings and all the best in 2015! ♥

  12049. I love the images and covers and so happy to read the tip about the washi tape in between images … great idea!!

    Merry Christmas, Friend.


  12050. I love this SO much! Such Christmas sweetness :)

    Really interested to see your binder. I wonder if I could bind my ‘Life Book’ with one. I think perhaps it would be too thick?

    Karen x

  12051. Here is the second set of postcards I have made. They are somewhat different from the first set, which was collage. These are printed and then painted.

    Some people received their cards intact. Just the one postcard came with only the backsidebut one person received a postcard held together with a rubber band! (by some kind and gentle postal worker I assume!), and I have not heard from the rest, so I am just assuming the worst, and sending them another cardin an envelope!

    Thanks for hosting this swap! So far I have received 8 cards and am looking forward to receiving the other 2.


  12052. Hi Hanna,

    I tried making the Lussekatter following your recipe and it came really well . This is the first time I made saffron buns and really liked the result. Thanks much!

  12053. I love these articles. I am working on closing out my year and starting a new one. One handed I must say, which is not what I had planned when I broke my wrist 2 weeks ago!

  12054. hi hanna. OH! that little tree and ornaments are adorable!!! merry christmas and love from colorado. enjoy your celebrations with family. <3 jenny

  12055. Merry Christmas to you, Hanna…from northeast Ohio…where I’m so happy that so far it looks like a green Christmas for us. I’m so not a fan of snow!

    I adore your little tree. We don’t have a tree this year because we have 3 kittens we rescued about a year ago that climb the curtains…so I know the tree would be destroyed. Oh well…maybe next year.

    Merry & Happy…enjoy!

  12056. Dear Hanna, Merry Christmas to you from Holland! I wish you a happy New Year, with lots of love, firends, family, health and many memorable moments!
    Thank you for sharing all your creative idees and personal thoughts.

  12057. Merry Christmas from Williamsburg, Virginia, Hanna. The little tree is so sweet. Be well, happy and enjoy your holiday celebrations into 2015.

  12058. dear Hanna with love from France and to wish you a happy celebration of Christmas with the warmth of family around, hoping you have time to continue dreaming up your lovely crations that inspire me and many others so much, anja

  12059. Merry Christmas, Vesele Vianoce, and God Jul from Michigan, USA, Hanna! Have a wonderful holiday season and thank you so much for your wonderful blog! Your creativity is an inspiration to me.

  12060. Dear Hanna, Happy Christmas from deep in the heart of Texas. Thank you for your continual joy & inspiration and may your New Year be warm with love & bright with creativity.

  12061. Christmas is or has been wonderful here in NZ with wonderful sunny days on the beach and children sleeping outside in the garden in a tent . . . something memories are made of.

    And your tree! I have one too! I bought it on the island of Murano just out from Venice . . . I’ll put a photo on Facebook so you can compare, but I think the ornaments are identical!

  12062. Great links! I love this time of year for planning ahead and thinking about making the most of my time and opportunities.

  12063. Merry Christmas from NYC, Hanna! I love that sweet little tree! Reminds me of the little glass animals I used to collect as a kid. Hope you had a beautiful Christmas!

  12064. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from California . . . love your little glass tree and optimistic spirit. Your creativity inspires me always . . .
    I have been alone and lonesome and I have felt lonesome surrounded by people. I think I find myself feeling a little lonesome every Christmas . . . not sure why
    Your post reminded me of this quote . . .
    “If you make friends with yourself you will never be alone.”
    – Maxwell Maltz
    Have a wonderful day!

    • Thanks for being here and for all your lovely well wishes from all over the world my dear readers.

      You are the best.

  12065. Hanna, I love your pages you’ve shared! I especially love the ones that have the foreign writing on them [of course, it’s only foreign to me, not to you. ha! ha!] Can’t read the words but love looking at the foreign words. : )

    • Haha thanks Debi, Swedish is not foreign at all! ;-) But I agree, text you can’t read can be really beautiful to look at. I use what I have on my desk, so sometimes I cut mostly from English magazines and sometimes I only use Swedish words, it depends on what it’s about and what I have at hand.

  12066. Just ran across this sit and I LOVE LOVE this idea. Will you be doing it in 2015? I will jump right in if you are 😊.


  12067. I’ve considered going back and trying to utilize one of my older ideas again, but have not tried to recreate a certain older page. I like the fact that you tried, that it didn’t turn out as you had expected, and you shared it anyhow.

  12068. Fantastic! But I do love your purple bird. “I got to show myself that good art never is made to show off!” That’s something to chew on.

  12069. And a Happy New Year to you Hanna. Thanks for your blog – your creativity – your sense of colour – your generosity of sharing. I wish you a creatively joyful 2015

  12070. Happy New Year, Hanna! Great slide show with lovely photos and luscious arty bits. You always bring such beautiful colors onto my computer screen. As always, I cannot wait to see what new ideas and projects you bring in the new year…you are a fountain of inspiration!

    • Thank you, it makes me happy to know my blog and the photos I share inspires you Andria, because your visits here always makes me happy! Thanks for all you share too, and for the comment energy you spread.

  12071. From my love list:
    Diving into hanna’s blog, again and again.
    Happy new year to you!

  12072. Thank-you! For all that you share with us! You throw so much creative awesomeness out into the world. I love getting your blog updates. You have really inspired me this year and I cannot wait to see what 2015 holds for you (and me!)

  12073. It’s all so beautiful! Happy New Year to you! I keep reading that blogging is dead, but there are so many blogs that are alive and well and bringing joy to my life & yours is one of the main ones.

    • Thanks Kelly, I appreciate that. I too hope that blogs will be around 4 ever and keep inspiring us in all they ways they did before and still do today. Here’s to more happy blogging in 2015!

  12074. hi hanna :) wishing you all the best in this new year-i love all the pictures you share (you even make a bowl of cereal look like art!) your rice krispie mug is darling-how do you like your lami pen? the collage that made it’s way into your diary is my fav ♥☺ YOU …. are awesome. hugs and happy 2015 xo jenny ❋❊❉☃

    • Thanks Jenny!
      I really love that pen a lot, I fill it with black ink and doodle with it often. I wrote a post about my lamy safari pen when I got it, but it’s still going strong though a pink one is on my wish list, hehe.

  12075. It’s always such a delight to peek into your journals and your life, and a dose of your fabulous connection to color always cheers me up. Wishing you a most wonderful New Year filled with creativity and joy and all manner of magic!

  12076. Hi Hanna!
    I love all your photos and love the fact that there is pink in every single one of them! Every time I see that colour, I think of you.
    I love your doodled page. Even if you copied other people’s illustrations, they still have your personality showing through.
    Happy new year!

  12077. Ooh, I love things like this! I see much of myself in your words (but not all!). Here are the ones that stuck out for me: seeker, artist, tired, thinker, polka dots. I’d like to add colorful.

  12078. :) All in once you are awesome!
    I smiled at beer, of course i had to smile about as a German.
    Well, for myself i’d like to add chrocheter, watcher, savourer and meditation and music.
    Happy New Year!

  12079. I added iced tea, wife, mom, cat hair, bird feathers, chocolate, pasta and airplanes. Be well, happy and hope you are enjoying 2015. I loved this post.

  12080. What a fun collection of words. You should add “collector”.
    I am a lot of the same things as you are.
    I’ll make my list soon.

  12081. Wonderful word list, Hanna, and I love the photo! I have to say that I’ve kind of had a hard time getting a handle on what you look like…lol…so it’s fun to see you so clearly. I would love to hear more about the wall you are standing in front of, too!

  12082. What a fascinating group of words… that all culminate in unique ‘you’.
    I wish you a new year of wonder as you consider to discover more and more about yourself.

  12083. Wow, Hanna. Isn’t it wonderful how much you can do in a year?! And with each bit, you grow just that much more…

  12084. Hi! I like your suggestions, especially the one on doodling. You should check out Bren Brown and her TEDtalk on the power of vulnerability. I listen to it on and on again. Love from Holland, Poppie

  12085. So pretty! We put up a string of stars between the two windows in our living room three years ago, and I won’t let anyone take them down. Sadly, they stopped working this past year, so I need to replace them. I love the magical light they bring into the room! Your pink star is lovely!

  12086. Here is a series of YouTube vids mostly about art and the creative process… Search for Chris Staley…. He’s an art professor. Here’s a link…. Hoping it works…

    Also – Do a search for Rules of engagement: Kate Bingaman Burt at TEDxPortland. I could only find it on YouTube.

  12087. I can see why you don’t want to take it down – it’s gorgeous! I also love the three paper circles visible in the first photo – did you make those? If so, did you once do a post on how they were made?

  12088. Thanks for the list of TED talks. Love your blog, and love your art! Thank you for sharing.

  12089. Great talks. I found Dan Ariely most interesting today, but liked the others too. Unfortunately I forget to keep a record of the TED talks I watch, so the only ones I remember offhand is Susan Cain about the power of introverts and Elizabeth Gilbert.

  12090. Pink stars… you live in a fairytale-house dear! Never mind the ‘rules’ and leave the star hanging there, it’s fabulous!

  12091. Does it make you happy? leave it up!
    Does it brighten the dark days? leave it up!
    Does it make you (and us smile?)

    Yep! You gotta leave it up!

  12092. They look like delicious chocolates all wrapped up! I agree that a color swatch is a very good idea. I look forward to seeing what you create with your new colors.

  12093. YUM!! these look scrumptious hanna-i am new to using watercolors…i got a small travel set of windsor newton recently and am enjoying just playing with them. very different from smearing acrylics around with a card! looking forward to seeing what you create with them :) thanks for sharing. jenny

  12094. Great gift….. gorgeous colours

    I got money for my birthday from my mum and dad and I’m going to be spending it on art supplies too :)

    Karen x

  12095. I love White Nights watercolors, they are popular and very cheap here in Poland and I can buy them separately. Really nice juicy colors! In fact I use them often than Schmincke or WN. I’m glad iHanna, you like them too :)

  12096. Hello Hanna. I live in Turkey and my mom has been taking watercolor courses since 3 years. Her art teacher told her to buy White Nights from the very beginning. She said they are artist quality paints and they will not fade and stand the test of time.So for the paintings they intend to sell, they use this brand. Here it was 150 TL last year (55 Euros roughly) The pigments are lovely, they give such saturated colors with very little paint. So they are not consumed easily. I hope you will enjoy them for a long time. Happy painting :)

  12097. What a great present — i love to get art supplies as gifts too. And they do look like wrapped up little (eye) candy as someone commented. Have fun creating!

  12098. Wow, great art supplies! I really like the swatch idea–I might need to do that with the set I just got. :)

  12099. I’ve been wondering about these. The reviews are so mixed that I decided against buying them, but I look forward to seeing what you think of them and do with them in the future. I might get them after all. They look yummy, except for the no pink part, what are they thinking? Pink is essential! ;-)

  12100. I love all your pages, but most of all I love reading your posts! It’s hard for me to focus and READ blog posts, but with yours, I never have that problem. Thank you, and here’s to learning new things every day! 🐦

  12101. Love your lettering, and especially your choice of quote! Any sci-fi quote is always going to be a winner in my book! :) Thanks for sharing with us!

  12102. I like your lettering, it’s pretty cool! I, too, love to handwrite and use all kinds of lettering on my pages. I draw fonts/letters as a child already so I have quite some experience and fonts in my repertoire now that I’m ‘old’ *ha* – I remember that I had a notebook as a child, in which I wrote/copied the fonts I liked and I drew them over and over to ‘get the hang of it’… nowadays, there’s the internet and lots of tutorials and examples so have fun playing with texts!!!

  12103. The quote makes me smile. Your full of colour pages are just the way I like them. I remember a while back I put one of my colour doodle pages up in de Every Day Matters Facebook Group. It’s one of those pages that I fill to the brim with coloured in doodles. And one commenter said half jokingly “well, you certainly made use of the entire page”. It made me laugh. I’ll never be a minimalist and I don’t think you will be either. ;-)

  12104. I like the wise Yoda quotes too . . . he stated the obvious that we often forget. I particularly like In a dark place we find ourselves, and a little more knowledge lights our way.

    As for you watercolours . . . luscious.

  12105. i am sooo glad someone shares my love of yoda’s great wisdom! he is adorable!! great page, too :)

  12106. I’m so inspired by this list, Hanna. Lately, I’ve been limiting myself to too few words. I am more than that, including happy, love, birds, winter, primal, autistic, tender, and landscapes.

  12107. oh i love this card hanna! i am sure the message will come across to whoever received it. love the neon pink. it is important to speak love….. hugs <3 jenny

  12108. Middle of January and I’m still waiting for 4 cards from your winter swap. I know one of mine just made it to Australia a couple weeks ago. Do I just assume people didn’t send or that the mail demon ate them? I’m very pleased with what I have received so far. Thanks for the swap.

    • Hi Lois, glad you have enjoyed being in this swap and the cards you received. Sorry that you haven’t gotten all your postcards yet. How to deal with that is stated in the FAQ page, ie. contact me with names and country of the ones you did get and I’ll check what happened with the others. But of course, I can not guarantee 10 postcards no matter how much I wish I could.

      Happy January wishes!

  12109. I love how the colour makes it look both soft and mysterious. I can definitely see Night Circus inspiration in there. I think it would make a nice series too.

  12110. This is a beautiful and super unique mandala! I really hope you explore a series in this style…it also looks like an excellent way to practice your brush skills…anyway, wonderful as usual!

  12111. This watercolor painting is so pretty. I am doing some painting prompts using Alena Hennesey’s Painting Workshop book, and this type of painting is a beautiful response to the “monochromatic” prompt!

  12112. Don’t worry, it happens to all of us. Rest, play, restore. If nothing else, try a new tea or cocoa! You’ll soon find an unexplored branch of creativity to climb upon. BTW, I love your pink shoes.

  12113. Give yourself some time to take a break. You have been doing so much that perhaps your mojo just needs some time to germinate and soon a new seed of creativity will sprout. In the meantime I’ll be sending good thoughts your way.

  12114. You’ve been blogging for so long… it’s only normal to get some downtime whether you asked for it or not. Perhaps the Universe is telling you to take a short break.

  12115. Hi Hanna – I enjoy your blog so much, it always gives me inspiration and things to ponder in the world of art…but it is January and cold and grey where you are…it is cold and grey where I am and I know how draining and tiring winter can be. Give yourself a time out and tell yourself and your fans that you can’t write again until you see a flower in bloom outside or see a baby bird or on April 1st…give yourself a big enough break that you are DYING to write again and then you will find it difficult not to write with all the wonderful things you saved up once you were rested and recharged. We will all understand. Maybe you should host a few guests on your blog to inspire you! xoxo Pam

  12116. As the others have said, we totally do understand but that’s not to say that we won’t miss you [‘cuz we will!] Love you, friend!


  12117. Love your pink boots! You have the January blahs! Who wouldn’t, with gray skies day after day and so on and so on… Just resend us some old favorite posts from the archives. I love rereading your blog posts. They might just kick start all of us to keep on keeping on!! Be well and happy. Hugs!!

  12118. “clean out a corner of your mind and creativity will instantly fill it” but having bought pink shoes might help…..i should buy pink shoes too ;)

  12119. This year I am spending more time on doing art just for me including my first ever art journal. I’ve been reading about them for awhile and decided it was time for me to make my own.

  12120. I’m kind of floundering at the moment, and haven’t felt much like creating. It’s a horrible feeling! The one thing that makes everything seem a little better, seems to have left me. Ugh, but that sounded so negative! I came here cause your posts always cheer me up. I’m headed to archives now!

    ♥ thanks for all the cheering up you do !

  12121. hi hanna. my word for this year is less. less=more is the inspiration. one thing i am doing right now-is working on closing out several journals that i started a few years ago. at the time, i was having more fun making journals, and setting journals up for specific themes, supplies, etc. fast forward to now….and i am not happy to have over a dozen journals that set neglected on the shelf. lol. so-i’ve made a schedule to work in 13 various journals and am excited to 1-be working in them again and 2-close them out in a few months and decide how i want to proceed. thanks for the giveaway! fingers crossed <3 jenny

  12122. For Christmas this year I gave many friends the gift of creativity and inspiration by promising them a handmade postcard each month and challenging them to send one back. This has been great fun and I am thinking about each month all the time. It has proved a great inspiration to me! I am also concentrating on doing one thing a day in my art journals, even if it is sticking a piece of washi tape down. I find this gets me to my journals and usually gets me working longer than I thought I would. Fingers crossed a zine comes my way to inspire me even more Hanna! xo Pam (Mpls)

  12123. Hannah, your blog is always so encouraging, and even when you’re struggling with something you’re still positive. Love that! I’m hoping to concentrate more on art and journaling this year – the zine would be great timing! Thank you for all you do for the art community. (o:

    Pam that is a great idea for the postcards!

  12124. I struggle with my creative works – too many self doubts, too many not knowing where to begin, too much insecurity! I need to push on and past it – I know this. I am new to your blog but love your Pink story and hope to find more inspiration!

  12125. Just recently I’ve been getting back into counted cross stitch and have completed several smalI designs. I’m making a yo-yo quilt – if I ever make enough yo-yo’s for it! I have a lot of sewing projects, a lot of paper projects, and I’d like to do something with all the flannel fabric my late mother left behind!

  12126. I’ve finally started blogging, inspired in HUGE part by you! My latest creative practice is to get in the studio whenever I can, even if it’s “just” 5 or 10 minutes at a time. With an 8-month-old baby, naptimes are all too short and there’s just not gonna be big blocks of time for a while, so I’m trying my best to utilize every tiny chunk of time I can. And it’s working! I’m binding 8 journals right now, one step at a time.

  12127. I am continuing with the Documented Life Project journal again this year. I decided January will be the only month with the planner section. I want to give myself a two-page spread for each week for art journaling. I already keep a written journal and do Project Life (photo a day/daily journal card) so writing down my life for a 3rd time seemed really redundant. Trying to make time to do some kind of a challenge every week. May be DLP or some other prompt. Thanks for a chance to win Tammy’s zine.
    Aloha, Kate

  12128. I’m working on the Documented Life Project for the 2nd year. This is the first time I’ve worked in a large two page spread format in a long time and I’m finding it challenging! I’m also trying to keep an “art journalish” planner and just today found The Art Journaler’s Card Club and I’m inspired to try to do something along those lines as well. I’d love to win a copy of Tammy’s zine so thanks for the opportunity!

  12129. In 2015… more collage, more journalling, more watercolour sketching, more journal and notebook making, more artist paper making…… and more time for zine inspiration if I should win!

  12130. Hanna, I am sorry you are in a bit of a funk. :( Sometimes we needs to drift quietly until the wind picks up our sails again. Hopefully your creative juices will start to flow soon. Take care.
    PS: And yes! Those pink shoes are fabulous!

  12131. I’m looking forward to reading your article! Last year I had a lot of difficulty focusing on art. Everything I created (or more realistically, just started) looked messy and frenetic, likely reflecting my state of mind. It led me to become frozen and the thought of doing anything became overwhelming. This year, I have worked harder at calming my thoughts. My word for the year is START. As in JUST START. But in a more controlled manner. I got a fresh journal in which I can only make disciplined art – not that I can’t play, but that the goal is to think about what I am going to do next. I keep another messy journal that I use to tame my mind before I work on my “grown up” journal. Have a good year ahead Hanna.

  12132. My word of the year is begin, because I never knew where to start. Now I do start, don’t search for the perfect way or perfect piece. But I make a big mess and I have so much fun. I did lots of Journal pages in January and it makes me HAPPY!

  12133. Congratulations on having your article published. Would love to read it (and possibly win it!).
    Ive started working on the Documented Life Project and look forward to improving my journalling skills. I also hope to work through several of the art books I have and i mprove my collage and watercolour skills this year.

  12134. This year (well, January anyway) I’m pushing myself in textiles . . . it’s going back to where I began but there’s a huge difference in the work I’m doing . . . much more hand stitching for a start! I’m looking much more at the process as well from sketching to sampling and then through to the final project.

    As you know I am forever messing around with a whole lot of widely diffent projects so this year I’m really looking at boundaries and trying to focus on projects that build on one another rather than flitting around like a butterfly and never developing or growing. Perhaps that’s the way to go with writing . . . really work on one thing, all the time pushing yourself to the limit, and then pushing some more. What would happen if you wre to write about your love affair with pink again? How would it be different? What would remain the same?

  12135. Recently I’ve decided to concentrate myself more on the things that really speak about me instead to waste time and energy on a lot of things without big results.
    I’m following my creative instinct for flowers, rustic style, animals, recycling, pale colours and quitness. These will be the themes of my arts&crafts (sewing, embroidery and drawing).

  12136. i am sewing… alot! having fun turning vintage fabrics into useful things :). hope your issues are resolved soon.

  12137. I really enjoy your blogs and art work. I love to draw & color ever since I was a child. Now at age 66 I use colored pencil & ink instead of crayons. Focus is my word of the year, I am so easily distracted, oh look a dandelion. I’m having a bit of a struggle yet. Looking forward to your next blog. Thank you.

  12138. This year I’m trying to get myself into the habit of creating daily. I also really want to start filming some art journal vids for my blog, but I might have to practice being less afraid of the camera first!!

  12139. I don’t have a creative practice AT ALL at the moment. Last time I worked in my journal was May! I keep hoarding papers and tidbits and my desk looks like a diaster area. But I can’t seem to DO anything. I know I have a lot to get out of my head … I even bought a cheap composition book to write and start arting in … and nothing. Not sure what is going on but I would love to have one of DY’s zines. I follow her blog and love her prompts. Thanks for a chance to win!

  12140. I’m getting ready to share my art by teaching classes to co-workers after work. They’ve seen my art and want to play too! I’m nervous, but excited!

  12141. I’m moving in to the livingroom after a breakup, and i already know where I am going to put my new easel that I haven’t bought yet. Can’t afford my studio spot 2015, so home is the place this year.
    Right now the app SKTCHY gets all my attention.

  12142. I feel that I’m coming out of a deep dark hole and I expect my journalling to reflect this!
    Fingers crossed!

  12143. I am exploring animal forms in my soft toy making and find that having bright fabrics around me (vintage sheets, pink gingham, happy colors) inspires ideas. Sometimes word pairings inspire stories for me: coffee shop, signs of spring, urban life, sun glow, slow living. Congratulations on getting your article in the zine!

  12144. Thanks for all of your inspiration! I’m trying to keep a journal on a more regular basis, and I have plans to make more collages. My word for the year is “hope,” based on the Anne Lamott quote:

    Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: you don’t give up.


  12145. this year i want to paint more but ever so often people need a card to cheer them up so that’s what i’m doing most: trying to cheer up people with my cards and cheer myself up at the same time. i first chose ‘cheer up’ as my 2015 word but instead i decided on ‘become…’

  12146. this year I’ve been trying to do something creative every day but it’s been a month of back to back deadlines and I’m finding my creative juice is submerged under everything else. I have high hopes for getting back on track in February!

  12147. Hi Hanna! I’ve been trying to dedicate myself to filling a page each day in my Moleskine planner. Writing, drawing, receipts, you name it. Whatever goes. Just something to boost my creativity and help me keep a record of my days :)

  12148. Hi Hanna – the best thing about my year so far has been committing to Life Book and Documented Life projects – they help to get me to “show up” at my art desk – and that leads to creative joy once I start, often with a simple step of my first background layer and no idea of where it will lead me.

  12149. This year I’m just focusing on trying to journal more, I keep telling myself I’m going to go for it, but then don’t do it. I too am having difficulties getting the artsy energy back into my life. But seeing your posts helps a lot! x

  12150. For January I got out an old booklet I made years ago, and packed it in my Florida vacation bag. I would write on each of its 30 pages. Part of the deal is to write larger, opening e’s and o’s, for example. The booklet sat unused for almost two weeks. Finally I got inspired, started writing, and now I’ve got just 2 pages left. I’ve heard it takes 28 days to start a habit. I hope to keep going in another notebook when I get home Saturday.

  12151. I am making things in layers more – adding bits while on the phone or while watching a movie, takes the pressure off any one layer being perfect! Keep doing what you do and good luck x

  12152. Hanna, for the past year and a half I got involved in mix-media arts! Love it! I have a passion for art journals and have made several! But then, they are a reminder each day to move forward – I do struggle here. I also love to organize my notes, copies of Gelli prints, greeting cards project, all of my found objects, my ephermeras, and you name it. I know I have spent a half year organizing and loving it all! I was involved in a FIRST zine swap this past winter. Although, I am inclined to study more about zines and have found that they are all ZINES, ZINES, ZINES and etc. I enjoy your blog and learn from it. I purposed to stay focused in 2015!

  12153. What a wonderful giveaway! This year I am deepening my painting practice and have the intention to truly listen within… To connect even more with my unique voice and how it expresses itself in my heart…. I find that this is where the magic lies for me.

  12154. Hi Hanna! What book is that in the picture above? I love the quote we can see on the back “magic is secret and secrets are magic”. I love the book pages you painted as well. Such a great idea!

  12155. I’ve been drawing more lately which is something pretty new to me. I also love doing collaged 4 x 6 cards and have a notebook that I doodle and draw in and also write quotes down or pieces of text I think of or read that I think would go good on one of my ICAD cards. So much I want to do and yet so little time. *Sigh* : )

  12156. What great photos. And Giza is beautiful. :) I like looking at pictures of birds at this time of year. It reminds me that spring will come again.

  12157. This year I intend to get better at knitting and crocheting. I have a few big yarn projects planned!

  12158. Hello Hanna,
    This year for me has three things: nr 1 is continuing art journaling, nr 2 is my quite new hobby snail mail and nr 3 is using up more of my stash in my art journaling and snail mail. I am trying to make more room and I have soooo much…

  12159. This is year I am trying to make more time for creativity. Time is always an issue with me . . . so trying to create something every day . . . even if it is only something small.

  12160. I really enjoy the color combinations. I mostly have been focusing on smaller art journals with comments about daily life.

  12161. I started the year off with tons of creative energy, though 4 weeks in, I already feel it starting to dwindle. It’s funny how life seems to get in the way of our best intentions sometimes. At least we know others face this as well? I’ll be taking 21 Secrets starting in April for the first time, so I’m looking forward to that. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

    • Thanks dear Andria, I think so too! I’m pretty happy about my class and will post more about the process later on, and share pictures along the way. :)

  12162. Ah well, I missed your giveaway, BUT…very cool idea for a zine article. You make me love pink too! I’m not sure if you were saying at the beginning that choosing “writing” as your yearly focus is actually hindering your writing, but if so, I am definitely going through that over here. I was going to put a real focus on drawing faces, and invested money in online classes, and I have kept myself busy with just about every creative pursuit EXCEPT drawing faces! Too much pressure!

  12163. “to remain faithful to the beauty” …oh so true! Thank you for the reminder! I love your stitched heart!

    • Thanks Christie, it’s a good quote right?! I love combining words, my own and others, on this blog. All to inspire us!

  12164. This is sweet and pretty and so YOU. I am going over to your class. I’m astounded that I haven’t gone over there yet.

    Happy Sunday!

  12165. Ah! I read all about it. It looks so fun and really what a great price! Lots of goodness.

    • Aww, thanks Chris! It makes me happy that you think so. I hope those who take the class will enjoy it and feel inspired to explore stitching further. It’s so calming and fun.

  12166. Well, jeg can’t see all the images because my stupid laptop! However, I’m going to go see about the ezine, since I’m only a week late!

    we don’t have blue tits. I love birds. I hope these images load when I refresh.

  12167. I know the feeling.
    It looks like things went forward from when you wrote this, but it’s a hilly road sometimes!

    I love this quote and thanks for this inspiration. Alice In Wonderland is in my top five favorites. Usually number one.

  12168. This is a beautiful mandala, Hanna, and a great launch for a series. I recently created a series of drawings, and I loved doing it, but I was a little anxious when I found that I didn’t want to work on them in order. Several other bits in between them, and then back to do another one. I think just telling myself I wanted to do a series did a funny thing to my head. When I wasn’t thinking about it any more, I was free to do it! Kind of like what the quote by Nussbaum says. Not quite, but sort of.

    Looking forward to all your work, even the non-series ones!

  12169. refreshed and saw your pictures. WHAT a cute bird! and I love the stamp from your talented friend.

    I think dreamy things about sweden in winter.

  12170. Wonderful pages Hanna. I’m not a heart person, but I like the idea of painting some on a page and decorating them. Happy Valentine’s Day to you. <3 :)

  12171. There is no snow where I live so I enjoyed walking with you via your pictures!

  12172. I loved seeing your pictures. Ive learned to get around a little more then a year ago. Senior & no knowledge of computers?? Sweden is an interest of mine as Im 1/3 Swede, Norweigen, & Irish. Love you Winter and waiting for Spring / Summer Pics

    Susan M Jensen (Flikeid – is maiden name) marrieda Dane thru & thru xoxox

    • Thanks Susan for visiting my blog and taking the time to leave a comment, that’s just awesome! Hope you come back another time, swedes and descendants of swedes are extra welcome here! ;)

  12173. So nice to see your pink compositions :) I still need more practice with those brush pens too…

  12174. I love hearts. My birthday was yesterday and since it’s so close to Valentine’s Day there are always hearts around. I love your heart page. Thanks for sharing you ideas.

  12175. I have not been a heart fan…BUT…..seeing this makes me want to play catch-up!
    I look forward to your posts every day. Your colors always make me smile.

  12176. Having wonderful bloggers like you who generously share their ideas, knowledge and inspiration! Thank you and have a very Happy Valentine’s Day! Can’t wait for the class to start!!

    • Christie, so happy to hear you signed up for the class! I hope there will be much fun and especially that you will like my little part of STITCH! :)

  12177. Oh goodness. Let’s see. well. I love that I created an iHANNA inspired journal page today. very spontaneously, which for me is hard. (I over think everything!)
    Being inside and warm. (when outside is extraordinarily cold and snowy)
    Yes-having lots of creative ideas in my notebook to work on.
    And of course…..watching my In-box for iHANNA!

    • Hi Angie, I feel very flattered to have inspired your art journaling, thanks for letting me know, it means a lot to me! Thanks for subscribing to my blog posts!

  12178. What do I love? Apart from loving postcard swaps? Summer, friends, family, having time to indulge myself just messing around with art supplies, the beach 200 metres away, great food and wine (shared), bird song in the morning . . . it seems the list goes on forever!

    • Wendy, you have a lovely love-list! Living close to a beach sounds divine, thanks for sharing your joy! :)

  12179. LOL! I have a mug that says ‘Tea is the answer. Who cares what the question is.” I’m sticking with that. (Although chocolate is pretty essential too. The darker the better.)

  12180. I have my “Sunday Morning” ritual….coffee and then I make sure I am caught up on the blogs I read. I have a pad and pen at hand to jot notes and find myself creating at least 1 blog posting for myself from what I have gleaned. I also make sure my calendar is caught up for the coming week.

  12181. your blog fuels my creativity and it is because of you that i love making collaged cards!!!! missing your entries!

  12182. Hi Hanna! I hope you are feeling well again very soon! Take care.

  12183. Please feel better soon. I had the same thing for 12 days and finally dragged myself to the doctor. He noticed that the flu was gone, but now I had a sinus infection, and ear infection and bronchitis. He gave me big pills and after four days, I feel like going to the studio again. It was the first time, ever, I haven’t wanted to be in the studio. Please rest, we miss you, but we want you healthy!

  12184. Awww! Poor you! So many people around me are sick, too. Miserable! Feel better soon! You’ve been missed!

  12185. I read lots of people who were stuck to their beds with the flu… luckely, it passed me by (fingers crossed….!) Don’t ‘run’ too soon after a week of illness… take all the rest you need and hopefully you feel energetic soon!

  12186. Hope you feel better soon. Been going through the same thing and was a bit relieved that I had just preplanned a bunch of posts on my blog so I wouldn’t go missing there, haha.
    Take the time to get better. I’m back at work, but only working half days. I just don’t have the energy yet, even though I feel much better. Good luck.

  12187. Hugs from Texas, Hanna! I thought your Bitstrip was a cute way to communicate your situation. Feel better soon, creative one.

  12188. I’m glad you reached out even when you felt horrible!!
    Are you feeling better?
    I don’t know if I follow you on FB. I’m not on there much, and I have an alias there so my past doesn’t find me. But I’ll have to go see what you posted!

    You are an intrepid blogger and a creative inspiration! I hope you are doing great.

  12189. Aw, poor Hanna…I’m so sorry you’ve been down with the flu. So many people have been struck by so much sickness this season. Spring HAS to get here soon, and warmer temperatures have to clear all these germs away. Sending hugs and warm wishes!

  12190. jag spenderade mycket av mina fdelsedagspengar p mlargrejer, dribland den minsta ldan med white nights akvarellfrger – p senaste tiden har jag verkligen velat lra mig mla akvarell. men nu nr jag ser din frglda, s pminns jag om att jag helt glmt bort mina akvarellfrger… allts dags att plocka fram dom, och lra knna dom!

  12191. I have SO been wanting to learn about these gouache paints, and have fun and explore! This post makes me even more eager.

    I may have to leave work with a headache or something…

  12192. Hi Hanna…I hope you are doing much better now. You will bounce back. Can’t keep a good artist down for long :) I have been out of the loop myself but hope to get back at my blog.
    Take care of you!

  12193. Dear hanna, i am looking out for you every night. “She’s a bitch” is your last post, still. I hope that everything is ok. Sending you a lot of love, regula

    • Thanks to all of you who asked about me, you are so darling all of you! I’m fine – and finally posted a new blog post – yay! See ya around sweet ones!

  12194. now that you are not blogging so much i go to your older work; i love this year’s post and the sketchbookproject that you have done! it is still so wonderful, something to go back to!

    • Oh I do love to get comments on older blog posts, as it reminds me of them and get me reading them too. Thanks Anja! :-)

  12195. this is indeed a great book and i recently followed her online class that goes with it.

  12196. Thank you so much, hanna. How wonderful to get back to your precious line of thoughts. It’s just a treat. You are such an inspiration…

  12197. Dear Hanna, i was really worried about you. I know this sounds strange. I have been following your blog since a long time, though i do not comment much here. We have not met, i did not join any postcards swaps or anything. Yet, this lovely community of blogging brings us together. I love seeing your creativity and being inspired. I can understand something is wrong when you do not post regularly. Of course, writing a blog should never be a burden, it is always up to you to post whatever and however you like. Sometimes giving a break is a much needed thing, too. And coming back , like you said, should be naturally, without a fuss. Diving back in. I just wanted to say i am sorry for your loss. I hope all will get better and the coming spring will bring good news to you.

  12198. May your darling Grandma rest in peace Hanna. Death is part of life but as you say it is so damned final. Take care of yourself and thanks for writing such a lovely post. Your grandma will be smiling.Hugs xx

  12199. Hi Hanna – so sorry you have been going through a sad time. So cool that you have so many wonderful memories and now things of hers to use and create new pieces that will be a mix of her and you. It is lovely to have you back – I understand the joy of having the blog to get things out of your head and captured. It’s a bonus if others are inspired. Only keep doing it for you – and I hope April is Light out of Darkness for you.

  12200. sometimes it a love hate relationship with a blog. I know that is the kind of relationship I have with mine. I am sorry to hear about your grandmothers passing. Don’t push yourself to post when you don’t have the heart for it, get back slowly, ease into it. It would be great to see your grandfathers collection of owls, wow sounds so interesting.

  12201. I’m sorry to hear about your grandma. I’ve lost all of my grandparents and I still REALLY miss my one grandma I was really close with, 21 years after she passed away. Hugs to you and your family.

  12202. What a lovely post Hanna. Losing those we love, even when it’s time, can leave the heart so tender. So sending love. But your post is such a beautiful tribute to your beautiful grandmother, and so I celebrate that and look forward to future stories. And this post is also a beautiful tribute to you and your honoring of yourself and this journey. And I celebrate that as well. Welcome back. You were missed.

  12203. dear Hanna
    people above said such empathic words; I join them all. I am happy to know you’re coping and finding a place in your heart to stock all the golden memories and that you have attempted to share with us what really can’t be said in words…sometimes silence says it better….still, sometimes it helps to unburden, be it in words or in pictures…….you have many friends (never seen or met but still…) and don’t worry for long absences anymore: I have found so much treasure in earlier blog posts that I will continue to explore!

  12204. Oh, Hanna I am so sorry for your loss. Your grandmother must have been a very special person for you to miss her so much. Please share your stories about her and your grandfather. They have helped contribute to the wonderful person you are today. I have missed your posts, and will be happy to read your new ones whenever you feel ready to write again. Take care.

  12205. Dear Hanna,

    It was so nice to find an email in my box showing that you had updated your blog. I loved the pictures that you shared [What a beautiful summer bouquet!] And also such lovely photos of your grandma as well.

    I’m so sorry for your loss, my friend. (Big Hugs)


  12206. What a thoughtful post Hanna, death is a part of life but so hard to deal with. Sending you love and hugs at this time x

  12207. Thanks for the inspiration!
    I have bought my set ages ago, but for some reason never got to try them. But after reading your post and looking at the pictures I guess tonight I’ll be experimenting with gouaches! :D

  12208. I am so sorry for your loss. I know that grieving takes its own time, and each person recovers in her own way.

    Sending much sympathy, with the hope that color and sunshine, and your fond memories of your grandma, will help heal your heart.

  12209. I’m sorry for the loss of your beloved grandmother. For those of us who crave the sunny side of life, death is a great big club that can drive us underground. Good for you for sharing your pain and getting on with writing if it helps you. Give yourself some time and flowers and you’ll find your way forward. Oh, and don’t forget to add in some pink!

  12210. Dear Hanna,
    I am so sorry for your loss. Honoring your grandmother through your creativity is such a beautiful tribute to her memory. I am so happy to see you back to your blog…I always become inspired after reading your posts & seeing your beautiful creations. Sending you some big, pink hugs from NYC! 💗

  12211. Hanna! It’s nice to hear from you again. I am so very sorry to hear about your grandmother, she sounds like a lovely woman. I am sure her spirit will be with you forever. <3 As spring arrives (still no sign of it in my part of Canada!) those greens and pinks will bring peace and harmony to your soul. Sometimes we need to let go and drift in order to see the shoreline. :)

  12212. I’m so sorry to hear about your grandma – although she was in peace with her own death, it still is hard for the ones left behind. Death and life is difficult, difficult to think about and even more difficult to write about, let alone in another language. You read my last blogpost about that, and I know you have the same: writing in English takes so much time and effort that it can keep us from blogging, especially when you want to blog about something important, so thank you for sitting down and writing it down on your blog. It’s good to share. Starting a project with things you inherited from your grandma sounds like the best thing… I’m sure you will make something beautiful and yes, please share if you feel like it. Big hug from Holland!

  12213. Count me as someone who was worried about you too. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know that feeling of being stuck, having something huge weighing on your mind & heart but not feeling comfortable talking about it, yet also not feeling comfortable NOT talking about it. I hope this is a clearing of the air for you, and that you’re able to move forward with lighter steps now. Also, I recently sent out a package of goodies for you, so I hope that cheers you up. The post office said it would take a couple more weeks to get out to Sweden. In the meantime, take care. <3

  12214. I am sorry for the loss of your grandmother. Losing the people we love is never easy . . . and I think the bond we have with our grandparents is very special. I miss my grandma so much . . . yet every time I pick up a crochet hook or a needle – I know that she is there with me. I truly believe they live within us . . .
    I also understand that feeling where your brain is so full that you don’t know where to begin. I have a bad habit of not beginning when I get like that. Thanks to people like you and the inspiration you give through this blog . . . it helps me begin and do something. Thank you for that . . .
    Nice to have you back.

  12215. What a gorgeous map, Hanna! I am a big fan of maps, too! I am loving all your landscape details and your names of places. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  12216. Dear Hanna,
    my deepest sympathy on the loss of your grandmother. I was touched to tears by the photographs documenting the last day in her life: The empty hospital corridor and that overwhelmingly beautiful sky. Your beloved grandma will live on in your own beautiful and wise soul. Thanks for sharing your sorrows and your thoughts.

  12217. Hvor er det en smuk, fin, inspirerende mde at gribe det an p. At have et kort ved hnden, nr vi skal ud i det ukendte kan vre en stor hjlp ! At have et kort ved hnden, nr vi er faret vild og ikke ved hvordan vi skal finde hjem, det er godt.
    Ej hvor er det bare flot :)

  12218. Wow! That is a wonderful map! Love your drawings and names. And somehow, I do find myself in quite a similar world. We might meet in the Spider Web or the Procrastination Mountains once in a while. I’m there quite too often. ;)
    Thanks for sharing this awesome piece of art!

  12219. This map is absolutely delightful, Hanna. I could sit and look at it for hours, and get so much from it. I love the idea of using a map to explore inner worlds. (I, too, enjoy maps as part of my art-making, and how meaningful to create one’s own!) When I was a teacher, and writing was part of my curriculum, I would often have my students create “Life Maps” to help them see all of the topics for writing they already possess, simply from the lives they have already lived. It is a very effective pre-writing exercise!

  12220. What a beautiful map of your inner writing landscape! I can see that you have hidden depths and fun corners to write in. So clever and beautifully painted. I also like what Adriana said above, about making a “life map” to unearth topics we already possess within us. Thank you for sharing this.

  12221. I love this! I would like to try this same thing some time in the future and will add a ‘life map’ or ‘personal map’ to my list of art journal prompts that I draw from when I have no other inspiration. Your map is so beautifully drawn & painted & ‘place named’!

  12222. Your map and comments are spot on and meaningful to me and probably many others who struggle to overcome doubts about talent and value and acceptance. You’re the best and I honor you! Keep going….please.

  12223. This is wonderful. I love the names you came up with for the different parts of your world. They made me laugh, ponder, sympathize and understand. Be well and happy.

  12224. What synchronistic timing! I’ve just received my copy of a mixed media journaling book called Personal Geographies – I owned it once before but at that time it just didn’t resonate, and I sold it. In the last several weeks, though, all of my thoughts and journaling (& reading!) has been drawn to everything ‘map’ … yours, shared here, is brilliant. I have started a list of potential ‘map topics’ and have found that most of them center on interior journeys – emotional, spiritual. I’m going to go see the blog you link to – it feels like all this was gifted to me today.

  12225. What a wonderful mapmaker you are! I’m sure that all who have experienced the creative doldrums can appreciate it no matter what has taken the wind out of their sails. Your map is inspiring! And you are too! Thanks!

  12226. dear Hanna, the words spoken here by so many are in my heart for you also. And your writing is such a lovely treat you know? For many of us it is a wonderful window onto the world we share, and yet a different window. And your insights and thoughts are deep and expressive. Do we really ever “understand” life & death? Maybe not. But we do, most certainly “experience” them and that is a gift isn’t it?
    Much love Hanna.

  12227. how did you know that this is what my landscape looks like but I’ve never in the world given it a moment’s thought to invent these brilliantly found names sprung from your dimensions. This is wonderfully done!!! well, you’re back then! I think you are ready to cross a border into a new country with names like ‘the road to success’ and ‘the path of glory’

  12228. Dear Hanna,

    I often read your blog but have never commented before, but like others have been worried about what you might have been feeling to not want to post on your beautiful blog, which is such an inspiration and expresses such joy and creativity. So sad to hear of the passing of your grandmother, like another person who commented above, my grandmother has been dead for twenty years and I still miss her and remember our special relationship. So while this time is very difficult it will, over time, get easier for you, and hopefully writing and creating with her in your heart will help you to deal with your loss.

    with love from Australia,

  12229. What a gorgeous map Hanna! I LOVE seeing the names other people come up with in these kinds of ‘personal maps’. I once draw a map like this (it’s in this photoalbum). I remember I just bought the book “personal geographies” (Jill K. Berry) and was inspired by it. Do you know that book? Maybe I should draw me a personal map again… it’s fun!

  12230. I love it! Thank you for sharing and thank you for your return to your blog. I’m glad that you are okay!

  12231. I love the colors of it. Pretty, pretty and as Sylvia commented, it’s so you! : )

    Happy Easter, Friend!


  12232. I love that combination of colors! Just gorgeous! Happy Easter, to you, too!

  12233. I love this post Hanna! What a beautifully illustrative map – both figuratively and literally. I think most creative people can relate to all those regions. :)

  12234. Okay, my friend Melinda would faint from this scarf! And I almost did, although I’m sitting down. HA! Love it. So whimsical and fun and I know it’s fun to just wear it, and let other people see it.

  12235. Hanna, I hear and see everything you are saying and showing, here. Besides the fact the map is a delight for the eye and mind, it also echoes so much of what’s inside me. I used to write fiction and poetry and even confessional articles for decades, and then all of a sudden…

    Cheers to your journey, my friend !

  12236. Hanna, I am sorry to be so late visiting here, but this isn’t about me. You are a shining light in the art and blogging world, and there is no way anyone is going to fault you for taking a break from social media or self-exposure, no matter what the reason!
    Thanks for sharing more of yourself with us. I love experiencing you doing what you love to do, and I celebrate your grandmother for helping to bring you to the world!

  12237. Hi, iHanna and thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

    I love this “crazy” scarf and don’t really think it’s crazy at all. Joyful. That’s what I’d call it.

    Glad you’re seeing signs of spring, too. I’m so ready for spring to be here. You make me wish I had planted some crocus last fall so I could maybe have some flowers blooming.

    Have a great rest of your week!

  12238. I’ve been doing a lot of free hand stitching and beading lately, and seeing both your textile art cards and the textile beads made me happy. (I’m already signed up for Stitched 2015, and your project there is on my to-do list…)

  12239. Your work is lovely- full of texture and color! I’m off to visit your channel. I’m taking STITCHED and will be doing your project soon I hope.

  12240. I’m glad you liked your Easter postcard, Hanna, and I see that you’ve had LOTS of fun snail mail lately…that’s quite a haul of paper, sticker, and pen goodies! Enjoy!

  12241. Super goodies! Why do us ladies like cute things so much?
    Humm… i have a few guesses…

  12242. hi hanna :) so happy you liked the goodies! i love seeing all the other treasures you’ve received as well. lots of fun stuff!! also-since Andria’s name was “click-able” … i clicked! (hi andria-gorgeous postcard btw. i wanted you to know i am now following your blog/pintrest too!! and your blog, led me to a few more creative sites!) what did we do before cyberspace? lol jenny ;)

  12243. Yay! I’m so glad everything got there and that it made you happy. Thanks for linking to my fledgling blog. I can’t wait to see those papers used in your future creative projects. Xo

  12244. Hi Hanna. A wonderful tutorial. Thanks so much for sharing. I too have been altering old books to use as art journals for some time. I take pages out too, to allow for extra thickness after adding paint/collage etc. You mentioned at the end of the tutorial that you sometimes sew new paper into the spine. I would like to sew some new paper signatures into the spine eg. watercolour paper, but am unsure how to go about doing this. If possible could you please explain, or do a tutorial on how you sew new paper into the spine/how to sew in extra pages to an altered book… so some existing pages and adding/sewing in some new extra pages. This would be greatly appreciated. Hope you can help she’d some light on how to do this. Thanks so much. Lisette.

  12245. Thanks for the links Hanna. I am more of a reader, but I might give it a try this week while Im in my atelier, to listen to one of these podcast instead of the radio

  12246. These are almost all new to me, thank you for the tips! I spend a lot of time in the car and love listening to podcasts. One of my favorites is The Good Life Project.

  12247. Hanna, you make my arty life better! Thanks so much for these recommendations. I’m starting at the top and listening right now!

  12248. Happy Birthday, Hanna. Your blog is such a joy to read and I appreciate your taking the time to inspire me with your posts!

  12249. Happy Birthday! I’ve eyed those watercolor palettes before I had an iphone, then last summer I went to a babyshower where my college watercolor painting teacher was also in attendance and she had one on her phone! I loved that.

  12250. Happy (belated) Birthday! A day to celebrate YOU! Cake and flowers and lovely photos. Such a feast for the eyes! (makes me want to go and bake myself a cake right now-and my birthday is not until November )

  12251. Frsenat grattis p fdelsedagen! Har ibland funderat jag ocks p varfr man firar just fdelsedagar, speciellt d nr jag trffar nn sn som inte alls firar fdelsedagar (t ex frn annan kultur) och det r ju egentligen inte nt sjlvklart ens att man firar det, men nog nd kul med en egen dag per r! man borde kanske kalla det fr nt annat i stllet fr fdelsedag, typ “din egen dag” eller nt snt?! s blir det inte s mycket fokus p sjlva ldern.

    fantastisk iphonecase du fick!

  12252. yay! I have been waiting and waiting and now I AM IN!! can’t wait to swap with some amazing Creatives.

  12253. I was hoping you’d do this soon! It’s been a few years since I did this & I’m so looking forward to it. I’ve already got some cards made, and I think there may be some extras this year. hooray!

  12254. Snail mail is still my favorite form of “analog” behavior. I’m never going to stop sending mail. Thanks for sharing what’s in your mailbox! I really love that light bulb notebook. ;)

    Uncustomary Art.

  12255. I haven’t done your swap in awhile either, but you twisted my arm and I’m
    IN! :-) I’ll register soon.

  12256. Your carnations and your birthday china are gorgeous, and your sprinkles and iPhone case are FUN birthday celebrations. Birthday celebrations are a chance to pause and be thankful for LIFE, and are an opportunity to do a few special things out of the ordinary…I wouldn’t want to miss one!

  12257. I did just what you suggest when I was trying to come up with ideas for your upcoming swap! I played and had fun with the backgrounds. And then everything just sort of fell into place. Thanks for your continued encouragement and inspiration!

  12258. Such a good idea! I keep thinking I need a list of “slow art” projects, or “low creativity” projects, or whatever you want to call them, that I can work on when I’m in that funk. Background papers definitely goes on the list, and in a similar vein, paste papers, along with my bit-by-bit rag rug.

  12259. Good tip Hanna! Sometimes I know with me, it’s something like background papers that get me back in the zone again.

  12260. Yep, I do that too. Another thing I do is cut images from magazines or make what I call collage elements. That is for instance stamping on pretty paper and then cutting the images out so I can use them in collage or just cutting circles or starts or whatever kind of shape from pretty paper (made by myself or storebought), also to use in collage. Or I just prep things with gesso. Anything to just do at least something that I can later use at more creative times.

  12261. you are back ans this means so much to me. you are my creative soul-sisters. well, it feels like. i had a skiing accident in february and broke my left arm. my nervus radialis is still paralized, i cannot use my left hand. this had a shattering effect on my creativity and on humor. i could not do a thing and felt dull and empty. some day i decided to start with a cut-and-paste-therapy and create at least one page a day in my art journal. i had to let go of all expectations and give myself the freedom to create ugly and imperfect. how wonderful to feel so free. this lifted my spirits, immensely. since then i cannot stop cutting and painting and glueing with one hand. creativity is pure energy of life “lebensenergie”.

    • Yay!

      Sure Chris, use the image as you please to spread the word! I haven’t posted to instagram, or even my newsletter yet, I’m just happy to have the swap up on the blog right now. :-)

  12262. Totally agree Hanna. When we exercise we have to warm up and I do think it’s just the same with art time.

    Karen x

  12263. Today I have admired this wonderfull and inspiring book. Is this book for sale?
    I would be very happy to posess one. Please tell me if it is possible to buy the book.
    Thank you very much.
    Greatings Helen Berlijn from the Netherlands.

  12264. Hanna, this is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!!! You did an amazing job with it. I love pink and love this pattern as well. : )

  12265. oh what gorgeous cards! i’ve been debating if i could find the time to do the swap this year. a few days ago i decided “MAKE the time!” and so i have ;) this will be my 3rd (in a row) swap. thanks for doing it hanna-it’s too much fun to miss out on!!

  12266. Love your blue theme this year! Love your documentation, too. I’m doing all alcohol ink abstracts of the desert this year. Finished my 10, but doing a few extras just in case. Now I have to start putting postcard backs on them.

  12267. Jag har aldrig varit srskilt intresserad av att zen doodles och mandalas i svartvitt, men jag brjar fundera p om jag ska ge det en chans nd. Jag lskar svarta tuschpennor mot krispigt vitt papper (ljudet!). Jag mste nog ta och investera i ngra nya pennor tror jag…

  12268. Hi Hanna,
    I did some doodling/tangling a couple of years ago and you have reminded me that I need to do some more! I found a lady from New Zealand on YouTube and she has good tutorials (Miraculous Mosquito – there will be lots of videos!) . I like them because you can stop and start the videos to keep up with her drawing. I drew little 3.5 inch blocks in a notebook to use for my tangles and I could keep better perspective at that size.

    I so enjoy your blog posts, dear lady.

    Sandy in North Carolina

  12269. I received my first swap postcard today – but I haven’t received any addresses to send mine to. Searched through my emails (junk and trash and all) and didn’t find anything.
    Thanks, tonya

  12270. I have my addresses, the cards are finished, and once I bring those two things together, I’m ready to hit the post office!

  12271. Very nice! I like her blue/bird theme. When I first signed up for this swap, years ago now, I had never made art in a series–a whole group of pieces that were tied together by color or theme. It was a great artistic exercise, and started me on a wonderful journey! I am happy to be participating again this spring.

    • Thanks Wendy. And Tokyo you say? I wouldnt know, but I can imagin going there some day! :) but for now, good ol’ Sweden will do!

  12272. Lovely!
    My favorite season is Fall, because of the trees.
    I’ve been down here in the desert for the past 3 autumns and it’s pretty sad.
    The sunsets are nice tho…

  12273. Looks so beautiful, Hanna! It would be awesome to join you there next year. :) My sister was a foreign exchange student in Solna many years ago and still remembers it fondly. We so enjoyed learning more about your country through her.

    My favorite season is summer, because winters are long, cold and very snowy where I live. I grow what I can in my vegetable garden and we have a great farmer’s market to buy what I don’t have room to grow. And I like going outside without having to put multiple layers of clothing!

  12274. Your pix are wonderful, Hanna…you can almost smell the cherry blossoms. I figure they must have a scent being so pretty…but I’ve never been to see the ones in Washington DC. I’d have to say summer is my favorite season as I really hate winter…I’m housebound then because of severe asthma…but in the spring & summer I can get outside & enjoy. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous pink blossoms with us!

  12275. hi hanna! your pages make me swoon! they really do!! so cheerful. and the bird saying “art art-what about dinner girl?” made me laughoutloud! i love the brown bag paper mixed with watercolor paper. and those bird stamps are delightful, they do look different painted with different colors. watercolor doodles-sounds like an adventure i must plan on taking myself :) thanks for sharing a wonderful helping of eye candy <3

  12276. Your birds are so colorful and fun! I love that you made them in different colors and gave them talking bubbles so they could comment on your journal page. Watercolor doodling sounds perfect for a summer activity.

  12277. The postcard looks fantastic and the neon thread is the perfect finish! Loving all of the incoming postcards that have filled my mailbox from your DIY swap!!

  12278. I picked up on the ICAD challenge, but just for a month . . . I’m travelling the second month and will have enough to do just sketching and recording the trip. So far I’ve enjoyed it and sometimes I share what I do via the Facebook page . . . but mostly I don’t because I’ve written something very personal on them, they’re just not that interesting or perhaps not up to my personal standard for sharing. Postcards on the other hand are a wonderful way to send a little art off into the world for everyone to enjoy! I got some in the mail on Friday and I swear the postie checked them out as he put them in the letterbox . . . and did he pause a tad longer on the delightful one that you sent me? Perhaps. Thank you Hanna . . . it’s a lovely collage!

  12279. HI Hanna!

    I love the painted figures and the idea of clearing the table to ready it for another mess!

    The question about how I organize inspiration is wonderful too. I think lots of times I put it on Pinterest, Instagram, or on my blog, and also then in my journal. Kind of swirls all around these. Great thought provoking question.

    Thank you!!


  12280. Just love your journal. Your cut and paste is so unique. Do you happen to have a topic describing how you made the journal? The pages are fantastic. Thanks for sharing.

  12281. LOVE that last spread! So good to see your art journal again..

    I organized all my collage stuff in a filing cabinet — but still find it more creatively inspiring to pull everything out and see it all at once.

  12282. Earlier this week, I organized two overflowing baskets of scraps – one held scraps of “paper” leftover from projects – scrapbook papers, vintage ledger paper, origami paper, etc. The other basket had similar bits, only the scraps had been parts of papers altered by me with the additions of rubber stamping, paints, etc.

    It was handy to have the scraps in their own baskets, but all piled together, I had a hard time finding just what I needed. So I put my bits into two other baskets that have dividers, sorting by colors as I did so. Now, when I want to add a touch of color to a project, it’s easier to find the color I want to use!

  12283. I believe that even thought/when I don’t know why I feel compelled to create, something is going to come of it. It’s leading somewhere, and I might not know where, but my job is to show up & do the work. (Did you ever post a quote to that effect? I feel like it’s an inspirational quote of some kind.)

    I wish I could visit your studio! Those lucky little ladies!

  12284. What fun and the totes look great! I loved seeing some of your fabric stash as well. Hey, maybe you could organize a fabric swap sometime! :)

  12285. Enjoying winter sunshine every time it’s available.
    Planning for my trip to the USA.
    Wondering why I bother washing the salt off my windows when two days later they look as though I’d never done it at all!

  12286. I’ve been dealing with all the things that slowed down/broke down during Mercury Retrograde! So far that includes our camera battery, laptop, air conditioner, and my piccolo. And also we’re moving house (in the same town), so there’s work to be done in the new house and boxes to pack and then boxes to unpack, and furniture to buy. Ack! I could use someone who’s better at inspiration boards than me to help with decorating ;-)

  12287. I’m determined to enjoy this summer. As a children’s librarian, this like retail Christmas, very busy. But I’m trying every day to take time for myself, a walk, some free writing. Be well, and thanks for sharing your world and work with us.

  12288. Enjoying – reading what’s up with you
    Celebrating – my birthday week (to be honest I stretch it to birthday month as much as I can!)
    Creating – fun times with paper and stitch
    Planning – a beach walk on a less wet and windy day
    Envious – that you are in summer…I guess ours will roll around again soon enough
    Hoping – you are having a happy week x o

  12289. We’ve been having a very cool spring/summer on the island so far. We’ve had exactly two really warm days and I couldn’t be happier. It’s perfect weather for walking. I don’t like heat or even moderate warmth, so these temps between 14 and 18 Celsius with pleasant winds are perfect for me. Add some sunshine and lots of fluffy white clouds and I’m in paradise right now. Some people around me are dying for it to get warmer, but I keep secretly wishing for it to stay this way all summer. ;-)

    It also means I can still actually work in my studio (which is under a slanted roof facing south and turns into a sauna when it’s really warm outside). I’ve been doing my morning paintings faithfully every morning, mostly gouache. I’m doodling patterns and colourful shapes in my sketchbooks. Just got a beautiful beautiful beautiful (yes had to see that thrice) set of polychromos pencils and am having a blast testing them out.

    I plan to make some mail art this weekend for my snail mail listers, decorate a calendar in my midori TN (yes I have one and totally get your infatuation) and continue prepping my next journal since my current one is starting to enter its final stages. Still a few weeks to go, but better safe than sorry. ;-)

    No vacation plans this summer, but I am thinking of taking another city trip for a long weekend or something. We’ll see…not to far away, will probably stay in the Netherlands.

    Reading ‘The golem and the jinni’ and loving it so far. Also very slowly leaving through Dawn Sokol’s ‘A world of artist journal pages’ and feeling honoured to be among such talent.

    Just printed tons of photographs that still need to be cut out and can then be used in my picture book, my journal and my mail art.

    Having lunch break right now, and then just two more hours before I head home early for a nice long weekend. So, you caught me at a good time, haha.

  12290. i just moved across town and am settling into my new, tiny apartment. dreaming about how to decorate while most of my stuff is in boxes. i’m waiting to score cheap furniture… then i am going to set up all my art supplies and never put them away again. i’ve missed being able to do this!

    also want a brand new blog look. and, well, internet. have to get it set up at home still.

  12291. Hanna, I too have thought about and obsessed over getting a Midori but then I started looking at the Filofaxes … now I am not sure what it is I want. lol

    After looking at the Midori for awhile, I decided that I’m afraid that the size of it [being longer than wider] would probably get on my nerves so kind of ruled that out [though I hear many people love them!]

    And as for the Filofax – well, the size I would want would be an A5 ‘cuz I think it’d be the perfect size for me, however – the ring size for them is only 1 inch and I’m afraid it wouldn’t hold enough papers like I’d want it to so now I’m just stuck as to what I really do want to get. Will keep looking though – eventually I’ll figure something out. lol

    Have a nice day and enjoy your summer. : )

  12292. oh Hanna, I love your blog anyway, but I love this post so much. I think it is the honesty and vulnerability. I am used to trying to balance my energy levels against everything I want to do, so I really understand. Currently, I’m…
    Enjoying a bit of a boost in my ideas and vision for my creativity and business, and also embracing that blogs and social networking feed into that so much and so it’s okay to spend time reading them.
    Planning where I want my business to begin, and how to balance creativity for business with creativity for sheer joy.
    Obsessing over planners in general, I have a hobonichi techo, a Filofax and a brand new get to work book. I am trying not to think about the midori travellers!
    Thinking about friendship, new ones, those that are deepening, and sadly, some that are fading.
    Doodling zentangles. I resisted them for a long time because I was worried they would affect my art too much, but I’ve been enjoying them lately.
    Longing to create a gathering for art journallers to gather and make art together in person.

  12293. Two curious things:
    – I wrote a June list in my diary, too. It’s about things I want to do and it is helping me in staying motivated and productive
    – summer in Sweden came to its half point, but here in Sicily (Italy) has just started! we are waiting for another long and hot summer (usually we have summer weather till the end of september).

  12294. In New Zealand our best summer weather and worst winter weather comes after the solstice (best time to visit is February for the summer and July August for winter) and this year I’m off to enjoy a northern summer and will come back to our spring . . . now that I now longer ski, winter is not my favourite time of year. Enjoy your summer and thin of it as just begun!

  12295. love love your photos. where i go to uni there is a shop where they resell donated craft items. my first time going there was amazing. i also took several photos. i have been visiting your blog daily (i first found it though googling diy planner) you’re blog is very inspirational! thank you.

  12296. Definitely more than a couple of must have buttons there! One in particular would have been perfect for the handwoven shirt I’m sewing just now.

  12297. I love your photo of the landscape beneath the airplane wing. I think I would love a vacation to a land where there are only two hours of nighttime…as a night-owl myself, I can imagine feeling like I suddenly had more hours in my day. The pages in your journal are beautiful, Hanna…the list/doodles and the watercolors…really beautiful!

  12298. I know just how you felt! I happened upon a shop in York that sold buttons. Buttons and buttons!! My heart did a flip too as I reached for my camera, such wonderful rainbow colours and textures, I smiled when I saw your ‘rather expensive’ range as I managed to but some identical to this at a craft jumble for silly money! Lucky me :) Thanks for sharing this and reminding me of York .

  12299. When I first started reading, I had no idea what a Haberdashery Shop even was [so glad you told us for those like me who had no clue. lol]

    I’d LOVE to go to a store like that … tons of good stuff!! : )

  12300. I have been looking for ideas on how to display the many handmade postcards I’ve received and really like this idea! It combines my love of vintage books and postcards. Now to figure out the 3-ring binder attachment. I wonder if a strong glue, like E-6000, would do the trick. I don’t know yet how a binder attachment looks so if they do not have a flat bottomed surface, the glue probably won’t work. Thank you for all the great ideas I’ve been reading about here lately. Awesome work!!

  12301. sounds look lots of fun! A friend of mine does beautiful postcards… They’re so colorful, that the artist, Linda Clarke, adds people to her list of mail art!

  12302. I didn’t know such apps existed iHanna. I will have to find out more, thank you for the idea. I love layers too and especially your doodles with your photo. Very clever !

  12303. I have just found your blog and thoroughly enjoyed the variety on it. I do a lot of mixed media and acrylic painting, and try to remain open to creative inspiration. Looking forward to future posts.

    • Hi Barbara, so glad you found my blog and enjoyed it, it means a lot to me that I can inspired others. Also, thanks for taking the time to leave me such a nice comment. I’ll see you around, I hope!

  12304. Thanks for the lovely inspiration. Great combining backgrounds, and quotes. And I love the flower mandala’s.

  12305. hi hanna :) thank YOU for having this blog. i for one will never grow tired of your doodled flowers! your pages are just plain yummy. i agree that sometimes, my so called background pages are left “as is” because i like them that much ;) your flowers made me think of sugar cookies with lots of pink and white icing! thanks for sharing-i’m always inspired by what you share <3 jenny

  12306. These pinks are so bright<3! Definitely going to need to pick up some eye-searing paints and markers to use in my journal. I too find that sometimes I love a "background" so much that I leave it be. Sometimes I'm inspired months later while flipping through to add to it, sometimes not. If I'm on the fence I'll scan it first so that I always have it "the way it was".

    • Ja, visst r de? Lite din stil tycker jag, men doppade i rosa neon skulle de passa bra hos mig… Gr du s mlar jag! ;-)

    • Thanks for the comment Kaishon! Let me know if you try it out, I’d love to know if it’s as easy as it looked on the video… :-)

  12307. I love bunting and happened to buy some pretty vintage linens recently at the thrift store. Sounds like the makings of a lovely project! Thanks for the idea and your nail polish shines with summertime fun.

  12308. Busy time in the atelier overhere and blue skies and the beach + waves lure me outside every free moment… ohmy, I don’t have time to dive into another project. The links are tempting enough but I won’t click them… I spend too much time at the computer already today but I just had to come over to say hi to you – it has been too long… hope you have a great Sunday/Summer Hanna! And yes please, do marble with nail polish (and show the results) I let you experiment with it and watch the results then… you never know, I might have time in the fall to try it myself then.

    • Thanks Marit, thanks for leaving me a comment and checking in. I’m reading your summer series too, but don’t think I’ve left any comments for a while. But yeah, the nail polish marbeling thing is on my to-try-list on a day when it rains…

  12309. Hanna, I love the tour and the pics are awesome. Can’t wait to see more! : )

    • Thanks Debi, so glad you liked them because I had so much fun today looking back on this tour and writing about it. More to come!

  12310. There is an archipelago in Long Island Sound, which runs between the coast of Connecticut and Long Island, New York. They’re called the Thimble Islands — a name which automatically endeared them to me. Some are tiny and uninhabited (by humans), but several have a few houses and inns on them. We used to have a summer house on the Connecticut shore, and sometimes took our (very little) motor boat out to the Thimbles for the afternoon.

    • I agree with you, Timble Islands do sound extremely appealing and cute, the island we went to does not have such cute name but non the less it’s lovely to be out on the water. :)

  12311. What a beautiful country you live in. I would want to spend at least a week on that island. Are you following Mary Ann Moss and her Sweden travels?
    between the two of you I am really enjoying my “visit to Sweden”

    • Thanks Angie, every country has its own charm I think, but it’s quite easy to become a bit nationalistic here in summer – everything is beautiful, from park and gardens to nature all around. And yes, I read miss Moss’ blog, love it! Thanks for your visit to my blog!

  12312. The sentiment is powerful and easy. Like you, I find myself wondering why it is so hard to remember some days. This is not one of those days, however, for you have given me a great reminder wrapped in a beautiful visual package. I’m really fond of your color scheme and the fact that you added snippets from elsewhere. That’s a great idea and way to use those little bits that aren’t flourishing where they are. Thanks for that idea as well.

  12313. These journal pages are really creative. The quote is great and I like all the different treatments you gave the pages.
    Barb J.

  12314. I love your page and all you’ve added from the color to the little snippets. So pretty!!

  12315. I love this kind of post, where you show all sorts of things that you are working on. The blue & pink combination on the first page is pure Hanna-magic!

  12316. I had completely forgotten, in the midst of all those storms, that I had meant to practice my video skills.

    Maybe I should get to it this week since I’m not allowed to sweat due to having allergy test patches put on today!

    • Hi Pia! Yes, summer is perfect for capturing little snippets of life in time capsules – to watch in winter when you need to be reminded that it will not always be that cold! :-) I hope you’ll give it a try, because it is so much fun to play with.

  12317. Sprained my ankle in early June, which squashed a lot of plans for housepainting, both inside and out. Vegetable garden suffered too because I was hobbling around in a brace. But now I’m on the mend and am going to plant fall crops in my garden today. Just came back from vacation, where I happily scored a huge collection of vintage postcards for very little money!

    Hope you have a great month of August!

    • Oh no Aimee, I hope you’re feeling better and that the sprained ankle is healed by now, and that you’re having fun with re-purposing those postcards into something new and fun.

      Wishing you the best right back at ya!

  12318. You have such a good talent , But I see the dates are from 2010 and now its 2015 please make more post for this craft, I love your work.

  12319. I love reading your posts Hanna, although I don’t always comment.

    Before I get up everyday – I lie in bed and I think of three things I’m grateful for….. it helps get the day off to a positive and happy start.

    Karen x

    • Thanks Karen, that is so sweet of you to say. I haven’t been blogging as much as I usually do, but I think I’m kind of longing to get back into it now, so we’ll see if I post more often soon. Also, I agree, gratefulness is an awesome practice.

  12320. I stumbled on your blog and love the variety on it. I’ve worked with a variety of mediums in my art over the years. I enjoy seeing what other people are doing creatively.

    • Thanks for coming by my blog Barbara, and leaving me a comment – I appreciate it. I too love to take part of other people’s creativity: from the process to work area, ideas, and finished process – and of course, the thoughts that go into all creative work. Isn’t it just awesome how we can share it online these days? :-)

  12321. Can’t wait for Summer – the days are starting to be sunshiney after crisp frosty mornings – hints of spring in the air here. I find this time of year is my down-time for blogging/creative projects so maybe we will both be more productive as the year changes seasons for both of us :-)

  12322. As you probably know, I’m documenting my weeks all year long in my “Chronicles” art journal for the sixth year now… but not so much with photos (although I do add photos in my Chronicles from time to time.) I stick to my own method but am curious to see what your week is going to look like! Have fun prepping, taking pics and creating it!

  12323. I love how your attitude changed from “July sucked” to “here are 10 things that were really pretty great about it”! Every time I find my way back to reading novels, it brings me a lot of pleasure. Read on! :-)

  12324. A happy thought and a happy spread. “Act as if…and magic will happen” is an amazing mantra! (I love your little nighttime label under your owl!)

  12325. You find the most wonderful quotations! I really love that Peter Marshall quote. Beautiful photos of a beautiful summer day.

    • Thank you Meg! Making my own doodle cards was fun, just looking at these photos I feel new ideas coming up. :-)

  12326. These cards came out great. I love how you turned some doodles into something that can be shared.
    As for timely card making/sending — When I write birthdays in my new calendar at the start of the year, I usually make a notation 2 weeks prior to send a card out. That gives me enough time to make something personalized and get it in the mail on time.

    • Oh I love that idea Tammy, thanks for sharing. I totally need to add that both as a list in my current calendar and as a reminder in my digital calendar! And then, start making cards!

  12327. These are awesome cards, Hanna! I haven’t done this as of yet with doodles – the only cards I’ve made are digital ones but one day I plan on it! [Note: Planning does not necessarily mean doing but I’d sure like to!!] : )

    • Haha, I totally know how a plan does not necessarily make something done! I have made many plans about making cards for everyone – but at least, this is a start. Hope you get started too Debi.

      Good luck!

  12328. I should do it much, much more… go on artist dates I mean. There are a lot of small galleries in the town I live now and I never explored them properly (only one, as my mum had to read her poems there.) There’s also a museum that I haven’t visited. Your post inspires me to go on an artist date very, very soon! (I might even schedule it for this week!) Thanks Hanna!

    • Oh, that makes me SO happy Marit! I don’t go enough either, but when I do I’m energized, happy and inspired – so it’s worth taking the time to go explore in your own town! Let me know how it goes.

  12329. Oh Hanna, thank you for sharing this beautiful inspiration! I had never heard of Lisa Rinnevuo but now I’m in love with her art!

    Sweden is definitely at the top of my list for traveling. I wish it could be sooner rather than later but for now, I’ll just keep dreaming and learning about everything swedish!

    • Hi Sophie,
      I too long for when you can come to Sweden and let me show you around a bit… You know you’ve got to schedule a fika (coffee or dinner) with me when you come, right? That is a must!

    • Hi Gina, glad you came by to say hi, thanks! Your class is gonna rock, so glad I get to learn along with our students.

  12330. hi hanna, i like ~ LIKE ~ like your page. it’s whimsical and peaceful. i agree, art means having fun-no rules. well said!! xo

  12331. You make a very valid point~ expectations to make the Perfect page are self-defeating! However, I do think that some of us need more guidance than others. Sometimes ‘no rules’ can really scare people and they don’t know where to start.

    The world needs teachers like you who are helping us experiment and try ideas, rather than ‘cookie-cutter, make-it-look-just-like-mine’ art! wonderfully bright and beautiful pages you’ve shared…love me some polka-dots!

  12332. Amen, Hanna! My workshops are like yours… no ‘rules’, no ‘step-to-step’… inspiration and fun. You said it so well: a stepping stone. I just KNEW you are like that too… have a great weekend dear one and hug from Holland. P.S. Love your journal page b.t.w.

  12333. Inspirerende innlegg. Liker fargebruken i alle dine kunstverk. Du virker s fri i mten du lager kunst p og det er noe jeg nsker bli flinkere til.
    Fortsett inspirere og lyse opp dagene til alle som finner bloggen din.
    Hper det var greit at jeg skrev p norsk :)

  12334. This sounds like great fun! I have thought about documenting just ONE of my days, but a whole week sounds neat, too and you would def. see more in someones life that way… plus, what a treasure to look back on!


  12335. WHAT a wonderful ambassador. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to Stockholm, but your photos and tours help me to dream in color!

  12336. Pretty cards! I know mail art lifts everyone’s spirits. I am woefully bad at creating cards for people. Usually my most productive period for that is after I see these things on your site. Hee! Lovely.

  12337. I love this spread. You make me feel very inspired and confident. I really think I am going to give painting a try!

  12338. I “LOVE” the idea of a notebook blog post series and hope you do them!

    • Thanks Debi, I need to write that idea down in one of my many notebooks so that I can remember it. It would be SO much fun to write it though. Thanks.

  12339. oh yes! i second loving the idea of a notebook blog post!!! i have so many journals going at the same time it makes my head spin! lol. do you prefer a hand sharpener to an electric one? hmmm, what am i fired up about? collage and glue booking in a new little journal-watercolors-planners-and doodles!! thanks for sharing hanna <3 jenny

    • Thanks Jenny, you are too cute. I can’t remember having access to an electric pencil sharpener, but I must have tried one in school I think. I don’t mind doing the sharpening by hand much, it’s calming and doesn’t eat the pen too quickly.

      Send me a pic of one of your journal pages, I would love to see. Or are you on instagram?

  12340. I’m sharpening my pencil too Hanna… just one that is. Graphit. I decided that September is going to be my ‘sketch month’ and I plan to go outside a few times a week to sketch the scenery (either in the city or the countryside/beach.) I asked my beloved to join me and we’ll have to see if he will be in to it too… I hope he does, it would be fun to sketch together. Have a great Autumn month dear!

    • Wow, that sounds like such a fun project to have a sketch month! I hope you get good weather for it. I will cheer you on Marit. I wanted to do something daily too, but now it’s already day 3 soon and I missed it for September. Will blog more though, and write more, and… ;-)

  12341. ohhhhh my goodness hannah! inspiration en masse indeed! i am bookmarking this post-so many treats and goodies! thanks and yes-more please :) following you now on spotify too ;) (great tunes btw) many thanks!!! hugs, jenny

    • Thank you Jenny, so gladyou enjoyed my link love list & “my” music! Then I’ll try to make another list in September for sure! :)

  12342. Yes! I want to see your Turkey photos!!! I need to post my trip photos from earlier this summer too!!! It seems like an overwhelming task:)

  12343. Oooh yes! Very much enjoyed the links! Always great to see what everyone else has found interesting in our little blogworld :-)

    • Thanks, so glad you enjoyed the link post Bekah! It makes me happy, I will come check yours out too since I see you make link lists too! Yay!

  12344. Love your pages and the Paulo Coelho quote is good. Yes, darkness and light belong to one another, but your yellow bird does not look dark or worrying. Have a great weekend, and thanks for visiting my blog, Valerie

    • Thanks Valerie for leaving me a comment! I love good quotes, and though I did not intend to make a bird, I see the likeness. It’s a monster with duck feet, haha, and crocodile teeth… maybe. ;-)

  12345. Doodles always catch my eye and your flower page has lots of them. I think you captured the idea of Dark Nightmares vs. Summer Light.
    PS – love the quote at the top. So true!!

    • Hi Janet, thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I think I will try to do more sketches on dark vs. light in the future – it’s fun to play with the contrast.

  12346. Love the beautiful flowers and also your art as well [along with the quote]. And yes, this moment is enough. : )

    Sending (Hugs) to you, my friend!

  12347. Very inspirational post full of whimsical fun art! I love it! At least your dark is cute…I like to think my dark is cut also! That’s just how I like to live!! Wonderful colour… thanks for sharing!!

    Hugs Giggles

  12348. Love this post! Starting with the quote by Joseph Campbell that knocked my socks off and going from there, I feel inspired. I love your collaged pages. Frankly I like this better than the traditional sketchbook. That’s funny because I usually gesso a page and add layer and layer of paint, but seldom paste much down. I mean to…really I do. Looking at the collages of others I feel a longing, yet I go back to my paints and stencils and found objects for mark making.

    Still, trying something different has its merits. Can’t wait to see what you decide.

    • Thank you so much Lynda, Campbell had a lot of smart things to say. I doubt I will be making a traditional “sketchbook” you know, with fancy city outlines because I don’t enjoy that kind of sketching.
      I was more thinking of more paints and drawings jumbled together, but we’ll see.

      I hope you can get more collage into your journal too, it’s super fun – it’s my favorite and I will keep doing that too for sure.

  12349. I like the mix. It stops you getting blocked and stops your work becoming tired and stale. It mixes it up!

    • Hi Ali, long time no see! You’re right, mixing it up helps moving it forward. I hope all is good with you!?

      • Very good! Have a fab new job I love but it removes a lot of my art time but still watching and being inspired :-)

  12350. I totally love your mixed pages, Hanna and seeing your journal pages always inspires me. I’ve tried to keep mine separate but it hasn’t worked too good ‘cuz when I do that, I kind of lose interest in it for some reason. Your pages here totally rock!

  12351. Lovely pages, Hanna. -as always!!
    I keep several Journals (3) right now. One has more writing in it. The other two are a mix of painting, collage, stamping, drawing, etc? I like the feeling of freedom they give me, but I recognize your thought of having one journal for one purpose. I tried that in the past, but always end up with the same mix (or should i say mess?). :)

  12352. Thank you for filling this moment with so much beauty and wisdom!
    Raindrops and dewdrops always stop me in my tracks as do shadows and so many sweet moments with nature.
    Beautiful photos and words!

    • I know! I’m not the only one who gets jealous of the kid’s clothes department in shops, am I? There is always such FUN and BRIGHT patterns there!

  12353. I like your mixed – up pages! I do both I suppose. I have a main art journal that is any and everything mixed up – they tend to be more finished pages. I have several others for different purposes. A couple just for watercolor sketches, one for collage and quotes, one for testing colors, handwriting and cleaning off stencils and stamps and such. Not really rules – it just seems that is how they all ended up.

    • Hi Ginger, thanks for chiming in on the value of both keeping some things separate and some where it’s okay to mix it all up how ever your creative heart tells you to. I do best with the mix-journal too, but I might try one for collage and one for drawing and painting next to see how it goes… :-)

  12354. Your art journal is fabulous. I long for a book that just has ONE theme – ONE main thing, instead of a place where I am still trying out new things and it all looks mixed up – So I can see how you would want a book where it was just Your Own art and not other’s stuff that inspires you. (although I like THAT idea too. Love a junk journal!) I think you should totally go for it. I recently tried to start a new journal that had one main theme, but i already messed it up by trying out some new techniques that didn’t quite go well. I am glad that I can always buy or make new books. Maybe next time!

    • Thank you Lynette, I was quite thrilled with finding this quote too because it is what I believe too. Just do it, as they say. Wishing you a happy week too!

  12355. It’s adorable. I’ve never heard of EPP before, now I have yet another thing to surf the interweb over and maybe try out. Like I didn’t have enough possibilities already, sigh! ;-)

  12356. Beautiful shades of pink. My favorite color! You came to my Blogger Blog. I left my regular site. Thank you for your comment on the sunsets! It was our vacation in Colorado, in the U.S. Your blog is wonderful. I am enjoying perusing it.

  12357. I love your art journal page – you have an awesome way with pretty colors! Hmmm … I have paints and paint brushes and something to paint in but just haven’t been doing it. Hopefully soon I’ll get a few extra minutes and get them out and play.

  12358. Thanks for sharing! My boy kitty is taking his beauty rest right now. I love to watch him sleeping!

  12359. Aaah, Smilla is just too cute! Happy Birthday a bit early, little lady. : )

    I love, love … love cats and in fact, have one who’s 5 years old and her name is Kyla. She’s a bit spoiled … she has her own stroller and rides in it when we take walks. lol

  12360. Happy early Birthday to Smilla – thanks for showing off those pictures of her. She’s delightful!

    My “little girl”, a calico named Beauty, is 12 1/2. She is so spoiled – gee, I wonder how that happened? :)

  12361. Just catching up on a bunch of my favorite blogs that I’ve fallen behind on over the summer, and what a fun surprise to find your giveaway! Congratulations on your class, Hanna! So excited for you!

  12362. Smilla is lovely! I have a big soft spot for fluffy orange and white cats. Many years ago I had two (they were boys, but looked a lot like Smilla). These are great photos of her!

  12363. I love classes that are tailored to my schedule-I can never seem to fit in to anyone else’s!

  12364. What a great idea would love to win and thanks you for the chance to enter.

  12365. I love all your mixed up journals, and I loved making them. I love plain sketchbooks too, though I haven’t made any for a long time. They serve different needs for me. Mixed media journals for me are about playing with colour, shapes and catching ideas/ thoughts/ feelings. Sketchbooks for me are about capturing memories, noticing the beauty and the details in the everyday. There is a place for both.

  12366. I love these kinds of posts; I always find new and interesting things that inspire me! I post link love every Sunday, if you’d like to take a look!

    Shine on!

  12367. iHanna:

    What a fabulous list! Thank you so much for all the inspiration. I love the imperfect journal. I’m on about that right now too! Thanks as well for including me!


  12368. What a great list of resources. Thank you so much for including me. :) You’ve introduced me to new (to-me) artists to follow!

  12369. Hanna, Thank you for the shout-out! I love link-loves and I look forward to exploring. Perhaps I should do one too:)

  12370. Great links! I’m just starting to get into pretty planners and hand-lettering. I did calligraphy years ago, but I love all these new lettering techniques that are coming out! :)

  12371. Hanna, I love your Spotted Photo Theme series, and I enjoyed taking part in it last year. “Bicycles” is an especially fun theme! Do you have any ideas for future photo themes?

    • I was thinking about it as I was out walking today, and the idea of “portals” came to mind. What do you think about it? Maybe for the end of October as September is almost over already…

      • Yes, “portals” sounds good; the word “portal” itself sounds very enticing, and I think it could be interpreted in many ways. Also, what about “reflections” (I was thinking photos taken into mirrors, reflections in windows, reflected light, etc.)?

  12372. What a fun idea, Hanna! Love the different iterations of your cute bird page!

    And thank you so much for the giveaway!!! I am so incredibly excited!!! I can’t wait to create and learn in the classes and am especially looking forward to your class! Again, thank you so much!!!

    • Thanks Arielle, and again congratulations on winning the giveaway. I look forward to see what you create! I am just as excited as the students to learn from the other teachers, I hope I can start this weekend. :-)

  12373. It has been a rough few months and the rain for the last few days, has had me waterlogged in more ways than one. Thank you for this post. It is what I needed today to try and clear my head. I liked how you mentioned that having too many questions in your head can make you even more anxious. I definitely need to get them out of my head and onto the paper. I may not get an answer to all of the questions, but at least my head will have fewer questions banging around inside of it.

    • I have used this method for a long time, though I sometimes forget how beneficial it is to journal and need to remind myself too. Writing it out helps me a lot, privately and on this blog. So glad this post was helpful to you Ellen, though of course the only answers you can get is those that has to come from you. If you’re asking who the next president will be you won’t get as much clarity.

  12374. hi iHannah

    This is great advice about learning to “talk” and listen better to ourselves more honestly.

    I will pass it on!



  12375. thanks to your link to the very talented and interesting Ms Cendolife, I made a lovely journal page for the documented life project as you can see on my blog.

  12376. Such good advice and such a simple thing to do – good to be reminded. I have gotten a lot of help from doing “morning pages” from the Artist’s Way. It sorts out my head like a filing system, allows me to throw away or recycle or reorganize what is going on in there. Thank you for the reminder Hannah and the beautiful way you have shared what is going on with you- I hope you manage to follow your own advice and that you find the answers or the questions that you are looking for!

    • Pam: I too love morning pages! I do them periodically to help me clear out. Sometimes I find I need nighttime pages to clear myself out for sleep too.


  12377. hooray! i’m all signed up and already working on my postcards :) this is my 4th year in a row because i enjoy it so much. making the cards to send AND receiving the cards from others. what’s not to love about that? thanks for doing this swap hanna-you really do a great job orchestrating everything <3 see you in the mail ;) jenny

    • Thanks Jenny, so glad you wanted to sign up again! I get excited about postcards this time of year, so it is a great fit. I hope you enjoy creating yours, let me know how it goes!

  12378. What gems Hanna . . . and that one on top of the stack with the frog on it is at my house!

    And you a rusty blogger? Not at all! Me on the other hand, I’ve just blogged for the first time in 4 months . . . now that is rusty!

  12379. yum-yum. love the sewn edges hanna! i used your printable backside this year-i had it copied onto the cardstock i chose to use for my postcards. i plan on finishing them up by the end of the week! excited to get them in the mail and start receiving them too ;) hugs, jenny

  12380. Wonderful postcards Hanna! I love the bright colours and images. My postcards are ready for swapping! :)

  12381. These are gorgeous! I can see why you keep looking at them: They are instant smiles. I’m so excited to participate in the swap – but I need to get cracking. Great inspiration!

  12382. i mailed my postcards today! i don’t have a blog link to share, but i did add a few pictures to the postcard flicker group. i love making the cards and i LOVE finding cards in my mailbox! i should get my “first one” in a day or so because i always mail one of my cards to myself. i add it to my Hanna’s Postcard Swap binder along with the cards i receive from other’s in the swap. happy snail mail to all ;) and thank YOU Hanna for continuing to do this swap! <3 hugs, jenny

    • Thanks for letting me know Jenny. I like the idea of sending one to yourself. I always create one extra to save too, but haven’t thought to send it to myself. :-) Thanks for joining again and being so lovely.

  12383. These are the best kind of postcards, Hanna, and totally you! I am taking 21 Secrets this fall and so enjoyed your “lesson”! It is so lovely to watch you do what comes so naturally to you, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who aspires to make collages like yours. I’ll tag you when I post my “art journal” collage a la iHanna! XO And thanks for hosting another swap.

  12384. Hi Hannah! Lots of great links! I especially enjoyed the post about the dad who draws on his child’s lunch bags. Thank you for your dedication to sharing creativity…your blog is wonderful!

    • Hi Michele, thanks for leaving me a comment – it means a lot to me, especially since I’m in a bit of a blog funk and it feels hard to share all the inspiration that I want to. But I appreciate your visit and time, thanks.

  12385. wowza! this post is like opening a treasure box filled with inspiration and eye candy. i’ve been clicking and clicking and bookmarking things i want to go back to. thanks for putting all of this together hanna and i hope you feel better sOOn! (rest and lots of fluids ok) and be watching the mail for a little surprise hugs xoxo jenny

    • Yes Jenny, that is how I want the Inspiration en masse should feel like: a treasure box filled with inspiration and eye candy – yay! So glad you had time to open it and go through the content. You’re on my list of postcard swappers so you’ll be getting a card from me this year (schyy don’t tell anyone but I haven’t sent mine yet – just finished them!). :-)

  12386. Hey Hanna!
    Thanks so much for mentioning my post, I really appreciate it and I’m glad you found it valuable. Really great post – some really awesome links in here!!

    Emily | Emily Banks Creative

    • Hi Emily, thanks for writing the post – and for visiting me back and leaving me a comment – I appreciate that a lot. I love promoting good quality content, but it’s rare to get a thank you for it. :-)

  12387. The first postcard arrived today, and I’m happy about it. You can see it on my blog. Thank you very much, Hanna, for organizing the swap! I really enjoy it.
    Kind regards

  12388. Thank you Hanna! I went through just about all the links and enjoyed myself thoroughly! Tons of inspiration and truth! I really loved the Ishtar video, and will show it to my son who is an avid skateboarder and surfer. Emily’s post was awesome, so I’ll be following her now, too! Thanks again for your time and effort to keep us all inspired!

  12389. P.S. I even linked to some of the origins of your montage images and ended up watching Jane Davies play with crayons and pastels, and generally just have fun creating! Now I’m gonna go play with some crayons!

    • Thank you Sarah, how fun to know that what I find inspiring is also inspiring you. And yes, I agree that Jane Davies is amazing. I watch all her art making videos as soon as she posts them. Always inspirational!

  12390. Fin liten film. Plockade fram mitt svenska exemplar av boken, dr finns ingen CD! Mnga fina mnster p din Pinterest.

    • Tack fr besket Elisabet! Min r ocks p svenska och saknar CD:n, men det hade varit kul att f testa att leka med innehllet tycker jag.

  12391. Thanks for the great tips! Thank for organizing your swaps. I was happy to be able to participate in this latest one after missing a few.

  12392. Great post Hanna. Gosh I could almost have written this myself… not so much about lapsing, but having so many ideas in my head that I end up overwhelmed and not sure what to write about. Because also like you, I also am passionate about so many things. I am currently doing a 30 day Blogging Challenge which is really exhausting, in the amount of hours I spend each day, but tomorrow is day 28 and I have not missed yet! Rather than run out of ideas more just keep coming and coming! I started the challenge because I wanted to become more knowledgeable and to find ways of being more efficient. It has been an amazing challenge, run by Sarah Arrow and I recommend it. It is free by the way! I started it because a friend and I noticed that less people are commenting on our posts, and like you I have noticed some people are posting less often or not at all. It’s good to have a brief pause to catch your breath sometimes and reflect. I plan to do that when this 30 day challenge is over. I have a list of things I want to practice and perfect as my blog is lover overdue a tidy and update.
    I look forward to seeing more posts and it’s reassuring that everyone flounders now and then. It’s a sign of being human!

    • Thank you Sandie, and a big congratulations for blogging for 30 days straight! That is just an awesome achievement. And such a challenge I would be afraid to take on, because anything “must do daily” that is that big is difficult for me. But maybe I should try it sometime next year – Just to see if I could pull it off… :-) Not making any promises!

  12393. Hi Hanna, Your blog is one that I get through RSS feed and the updated posts show up on my “dashboard.” Every evening I look forward to the new posts on the various blogs and have read many of them for years. It never occurred to me until just recently that it is important for the people who write the blogs to receive comments from the people who read them! Please bear with me, as this is one of the few comments I’ve written but it is kind of long!

    I have noticed that new posts are less frequent than in years past, and some blogs aren’t updated anymore at all. I agree that all the social media platforms make it overwhelming for both for the readers and the writers, but I think that people who are really interested in something will stick with it.

    I used to be a Creative Memories consultant (a scrapbooking company) back in 1997, before digital photography and cell phones became so popular. Only a few years after I started, scrapbooking supplies became available everywhere and Creative Memories lost it’s novelty and eventually went out of business. But in spite of all the changes in society, those who were interested in traditional scrapbooking (not digital) stuck with it and Creative Memories is back in business again. So all that to say….in my opinion everything goes through “seasons” or “cycles” and I think those who choose to continue write blogs will find their way through the ups and downs and changes and those who choose to read them will also continue to do so. So if you write it, I’ll read it and try to comment now and then, too. :-) Best wishes to you! Your creativity is inspiring!

  12394. Great post….. Thanks for sharing so much of yourself. I also follow you in a reader so I don’t miss any posts. As with everything, I think blogging is going through some changes. I’m not sure about the tips from Fran of the Freeborboleta blog…. Seems to me that putting stress on ones’ self to always write a “quality” post would be overwhelming. As a blog reader, I prefer to see the real person behind the content… not perfection. Do what feels right for you… be true to yourself… that’s when your post SHINE the most.

  12395. We love you Hanna and always love your posts. I too know what you mean about ending up overwhelmed because I suffer from paralysis when doing things [not blogging but other things] because I have too many ideas and no idea where to start and so, I don’t [except for gathering even more ideas!] It can be frustrating, for sure.

    My dilemma right now is trying to get a new planner system started [bullet journal] and how to set it up, what layouts do I want in it and on and on and on. I’m glad you wrote this post ‘cuz it makes me feel like I’m not the only one who gets this way. ((Hugs))

  12396. i’m not a blogger so i will encourage a blogger i love—YOU dear hanna :) i’ve been following yours for several years and i always look forward to your posts. your writing, pictures, ideas, etc continue to be fresh and motivating! i also love how you share a few previous posts at the end (related posts) many times, i click on those and find something i missed or forgot about. your blog is easy to read and navigate-filled with eye candy, and so much inspiration. be gentle on yourself…. quality not quantity might be the new way of blogs. whatever is best for you will be whatever is best for your blog ;)

  12397. Well, yes, hmm, I recognise a lot of similar thoughts in your post Hanna. I had a 4 month haitus, that I was travelling for a major part of it is not really a particularly good reason. The fact is, I simply decided not to blog for a while. I find when I place demands around frequency of posts (or doing anything else to a schedule) I get this little rebellion going on inside me and I’m more likely to resist because it feels like being back at work where my time was scheduled and regulated by bells, and it’s not the kind of work I want to do so I tend to post when I feel like it. If it’s not a pleasure I won’t do it. If I don’t have something current to say or show I don’t do it. I have little interest in how many visitors I have although comments and ‘likes’ are most welcome and, like you, I always respond . . . in fact rarely leave a response on a blog where there is never a response.

    I guess the need to blog regularly hinges on why you do it and what you hope to get out of it. If I can encourage one person to follow their creative urges, to learn to play again after years of having to please and work for others, be a little selfish if you will, then I’ve succeeded.

  12398. Wow, it’s incredible to read how much we are alike…the amount of ideas we have for blogging and we don’t blog about, the hobbies we enjoy, the lack of time and our love for blogging, is just incredible and refreshing at the same time to know that I’m not the only one out there with this dilemma. Thank you for the encouragement and tips, you definitely will see (read) :-) more of my invincible blogger self coming out to chat with all of you :-) thank you so much again :-)

  12399. What say me? Uhm … I say that I must say a quick hello and then go shopping now for cute planner supplies. LOL Love this blog entry, Hanna …. like you, I love cute things and especially the cute things you’ve shared here!!

  12400. What’s not to love about stationary? But I love even more when it is hand made and given as a gift. Love those paper clips, a nice idea to post inside a card or letter.

  12401. i can relate to all of this dear Hanna. I love your blog and open it daily in the hope to find a new post. I loved the time when you showed your mail art daily ; I just love your collages. What I look for in the blogs I like is that kind of eye candy and some explanations about how they created it…it may be a give away but not every technique has to be taught in an online course. The way I blog is like that: I want to explain why and how I made things. I just blog when I have news things to show and that it often enough. I blog like I write in a journal; in fact I don’t write in my journals as much as I used to because now I blog. It helps me to keep grip on the world around me.
    sometimes it’s enough to just show one picture, a photo or a small collage so that your readers know you are there and concocting bigger things.
    What struck me most in your blog is how you said you just can’t focus on one thing at a time….it is so me as well! And if it feels sometimes like your brain is broken, then well just have a peek at my blog where i tell how, with belief in yourself and interest in many things and a sense of humour, the brain heals!

  12402. I love this post Hanna. I love everything related to office and supplies. I have been putting ribbons/washi tape on my paperclips for years now and use them everywhere. I absolutely hate “unboxing videos”. If I know that’s what kind of video it is, I won’t even open it up. I think these people are, in a way, showing off. It’s like, “Look what I have and you don’t”. Anyway, I could go on but I won’t.
    Thanks for all your great ideas and photos.

  12403. Great post Hanna! And yes, some of the things are ridiculously expensive to ship to Europe!. I’ve found a few Etsy shops that have instant downloads, so you can print them on your own label or printer paper, which is so handy. I ordered the Happy Planner by MAMBI a few weeks ago. Waiting on it to come from the States, but as much as I love decorating my planners, I don’t think I’ll do quite as much as some people do. also found a UK supplier of the Hobinichi this morning, but will carry on in my DIY one.

  12404. Love these ideas! I often advice my clients to recycle and to re-purpose old packaging, than throwing out and overfilling the garbage containers around. Recycling Whiskas boxes this way is os good idea and I’m definitely recommending this to my friends. Thanks for the inspiration, Rebecca

  12405. De cerise-orange hngena r frkapslar p krsbrsbenved, Euonymus planipes. Visst r de lckra! Har sett dem i flera r p ett stlle hr i nrheten och letat efter ett namn p vxten. Men fr ett par veckor sedan upptckte jag en bild p en hemsida och fick tag p fotografen som visste vad det var.

    • h tack snlla Elisabet, det r alltid sknt att f veta namnet p saker man gillar tycker jag. Och vilket vackert namn sen! Tur att internet finns!

  12406. hi hanna :) “pallets in a pile make beautiful patterns” = a tongue twister! thanks for sharing your walk with us. glad your feeling better. i love orange and pink together and graffiti. looking forward to seeing more photos of that. <3

  12407. I didn’t think about it as a toungue twister, hehe, thanks for that. Thanks for letting me know you like graffiti too, then I will try to upload all those photos, I took way too many as usual.

  12408. I do like them! They’re so pretty, and as a collection they’re coherent & yet I can see growth.

    My biggest problem is that I was raised by very practical people whose voices are still in my head asking, “What are you going to DO with that?” And so I end up in an existential crisis instead of making art. What *am* I going to do with hundreds of little art pieces. I make some into greeting cards/postcards, but I don’t send that much mail, so I guess…repurpose in other art? Maybe even just get rid of it (nooooo! It’s good paper!!!) and call it a learning exercise? Thoughts? What do you do with your little art? How do you store/repurpose them?

    • Put them in a shoe box and visit them from time to time to brighten your day!

      Use frames from the dollar store to frame a few favorites; you can change them every week or month or whenever. You can do seasonal themes with your framed art: winter; Valentines; holidays; birthdays of family members and more.
      Cut up some to use for collage.
      SO many ideas!

  12409. Of course I love this idea…exploring without expectations to discover any potential voice or style that lurks inside of you!

    Also, I love love love the colors you chose, and my favorite image is the one with the thin black lines and the word “art.”

  12410. I love fall and I enjoyed your beautiful photos. Yesterday we had a strong wind here in Oregon, USA and trees that were lush with beautiful leaves the day before became close to being bare. This season always comes and goes much too fast. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos. It’s a good way to remember the brilliant colors.

  12411. Been in a place of finding it hard to create. Mind clutter is influencing what I do and even, if I do it. Have to push myself. Anyway, thank you for appearing in my inbox from time to time and bringing me back to earth with your colorful pieces of art. In this case, “tiny art”. I think I can handle that. Be well and many thanks!

  12412. I love your ideal day – that sounds fun to me too. Its easy to get overwhelmed by all the social media platforms that we’re supposed to be contributing to in addition to blogging. There’s only so much time in a day so I just pick three to focus on and let the rest go. Otherwise I don’t have time for creating and then I have nothing to post about. I also feel its OK to take a break now and then to recharge or try something new. Maybe you could combine your favorite blogging topics into something new like collaging photographs or sewing hand-painted canvas into little bags. Good luck restarting your blogging mojo.

  12413. Very inspiring Hanna! As usual, I love your colors! Lots of fun pattern, lines and marks. I can even see a little Jane Davies influence in a few :) Thanks for sharing and for the inspiration!

  12414. Love these! I particularly love the very first photo in this post. I can see it scaled up to poster size. Those are just the colours that make my heart sing. <3
    I have recently been away for a two week holiday in Japan! EeeeeK! I know! how lucky am I! I have come back brim full of inspiration and can't wait to share my journey on my blog – (once I get over the exhaustion I am feeling right now). I was on a textile tour and it was BRILLIANT but we had a gruelling schedule with a lot of time spent on coaches, trains and planes. During this travelling time I did little bits of art in a small square sketchbook. I gave them to anyone who showed an interest in what I was doing, or as a thank you, and once I heard it was our coach driver's mother's birthday, so I made one into a card for her: it felt good! Random acts of Art. I always took a photo of the piece before letting it go – now I wish I had taken a photo of the person I gave it too as well.
    I love the idea of a 365 project but it feels too difficult to commit to. I have been wondering about a once a month design project (design is my passion!) ……… with perhaps a shape or item to include or inspire each month's designs …….. what do you think?

  12415. Hanna, I have really been enjoying your most recent posts. These “little” art pieces are so bright and cheerful, and no two alike! A wonderful example of diving into art a step at a time. My favorite is the one that looks like pink or red ribbons filled with yellows and greens. I can see these framed to create a whole wall of color.

    My own “art practice” at the moment is DIY stuff around the house, getting ready for winter. I try to do a small step every day even if it’s only for five or ten minutes and it’s amazing, things really do get done!

  12416. your little art every day was lovely and i just love your collages!!! This one is so completely you! so inspiring without too much overthinking as i tend to do.

  12417. Thanks for posting! I really look forward to your blog. You are an inspiration!

  12418. Beautiful collage – and the perfect scissors :-) So glad you have renewed enthusiasm for blogging – I find that feeling like I need to do another post always motivates me to create and once I get started the joy of creation makes me not want to stop! Looking forward to seeing what you have for us next.

  12419. Ooh! So many cute things – I especially love your sticky notes <3 You take some pretty great photos! :)

  12420. Hanna! Oh my gosh, I feel like my brain just exploded. I feel the EXACT SAME WAY! I have so many ideas, all over the place, and constantly feel tugged between what I want to write about, what I think people expect me to write about (it’s usually in the same theme), making the plans to write, shifting ideas around, not writing enough, burning out from writing days on end and still not publishing. OHMYGOODNESS, and I constantly feel like I’m not publishing enough and other times when I convince that voice in my head to quiet down so I can focus and write and get stuff out there. I’m pretty sure I have enough ideas for content for years so I think that it’ll be okay. I think the most important thing is that we still love it, even when we don’t. One of the greatest quotes ever on writing is, “If you say you love writing, you’re not doing it right” because we DO love writing, and sometimes we don’t and that’s okay. It’s all about finding that awesome middle ground and balance and sometimes there isn’t any balance. Sometimes the best thing is simply going at it and getting words written, photographs taken, and ideas share. The how isn’t so much something to get caught up with as the picture is. Whatever each of our bigger pictures may be. Sorry if I’m rambling, I just had no idea you had a blog and am now smitten with it and love the way you write and this article completely spoke to me. <3 Thank you so much for sharing :)

  12421. This is a great post with many links for me to check out… I LOVE post like this!!! There is a series of videos on YouTube you may want to check… they are short burst of inspiration…. search YouTube for the Chris Staley Laureate Series… the link was too long to paste.

  12422. Oh, these links look fun and a great way to spend the dark evenings of winter! I’m just now reading Big Magic and love how its one long permission slip to let your creativity flow. Thank you for including a link to my “making softies” page. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  12423. This is a delightful list of goodies! Thank you, as always, for your effort to share this with us!

  12424. This is such a lovely idea! I have a bunch of old porcelain tea cups from different sets that are really useless and would look great as a mosaic on some pot. My girls will be very interested of this recycling project and we will definitely have a great time together. Thank you for sharing the inspiration!

  12425. This sounds like so much fun and your postcards are so charming. I would like to try this for some of my Christmas cards. Thank you for the inspiration! :)


  12426. what a cute story hanna! adorable christmas chair and lovely photos. thank you for sharing your special moments and memories. :) xo

  12427. I really enjoy your blog. Your Christmas celebration reminds me of the Scandinavian Christmas Eve celebrations my family enjoy with Tomten. God Jul!

  12428. Memories of celebrations can keep you warm all year! The first time my son stood up alone was Christmas morning in the middle of a sea of gift wrapping. I wish I’d had a camera!
    And personally, I don’t want a white Christmas! A day that’s hot and sunny, a day for a walk on the beach as the sun goes down . . . that’s my idea of holiday bliss!

  12429. I sure miss a cat sometimes – mine died years ago and my beloved ‘is against’ getting a new one… I love your chair too! My Christmas mood? Listening to the radio, getting ready for my ‘Top 2000 blogparty’ (prepairing newsletters and all…) and waiting for the Top 2000 to start on the radio (on X-mas day)

  12430. You asked us if we wanted to see your embroidery…put me in as a heart-felt “yes!” I love seeing all the things that you are interested in and creating! It’s fun to see many different types of art, and also interesting to see only what type of art is making you happy at that moment. No pressure either way. I love everything you do!

  12431. I would love to see your embroidery! I always enjoy seeing how you incorporate stitching into your work. This style of giveaway is much better than reposting, especially since you only ask us to tag one person. While I follow many on Instagram, I am not comfortable tagging people that I don’t know in person, and only 2 of my personal friends on Instagram are artists. I also like how Lindsey of @thepostmansknock does her giveaways; she poses various questions about the creative process or supplies and asks everyone to answer as their entry. Always fun and interesting to see everyone’s answers.

  12432. Your embroidered hearts are gorgeous. So cute, and a great idea for ATC’s! I’m not on Instagram (yet!) so I can’t enter this giveaway, but the Zine looks very interesting!

  12433. Your hearts are so cute, Hanna! I used to do embroidery and cross-stitching but haven’t for quite awhile.

    Just read one of your older blog posts that I was behind in reading and from it, I followed you @ Instagram and guess what? I was follower 1,400!! : )

  12434. Maybe you already know this, but in Facebook you can choose a setting to show your feed in real time called ‘most recent’. Then you simply get to see all the latest updates from the people/pages/groups you follow without facebook editing what you see. The only annoying thing is that you can no longer set facebook to show you this by default (this was possible in the past, but now it always jumps back to the standard fabebook setting when you start up facebook), still, it’s better than nothing.
    The ATC hearts are adorable!

  12435. I LOVE your red chair Hanna. It is amazing and just screams joy and delight! Happy Holidays!

  12436. Oh, Hanna, I love your wonderfully sweet felt tree! The green, the pinks, and all the adorable and fabulous details you added make it the perfect iHanna tree!!! It made me grin ear-to-ear! And the star topper is the perfect addition! Thank you so much for sharing your photos with us and making me smile!

  12437. What a great way to use those special beads and sequins one always saves for a special project! I love all the trees because they are unique. I made a simple one years ago but I think I need to make a new one, maybe an over-decorated one too!

    PS No snow in Montreal either which is so weird this time of year…

  12438. Love these journal pages! But, of course, I am also predisposed to loving all shades of pink–especially the bright, deep and fluorescent ones! :-)

  12439. Love your happy pages iHanna! I have a question for you. How did you do the green pages with the beautiful neon pink circles? How did you put the color on – was the whole page green and you added the pink circles? Did you put the pink circles on first and then paint on the green? I have been staring deep into the page wondering. Please help me clear my mind from thinking about it with the true tale of what you did :-)
    Thank you for sharing your lovely work. Happy Holidays to you!

  12440. Love the pink color but even more soon – I so love your journal pages. Awesome!!! This is the type of page that I would “love” to do and yet mine never EVER turn out even a fraction as awesome as yours do. [Very true!]

  12441. I’m not much of a ‘pink’ person but I do agree that your pages look fabulous! My ‘go to’ is orange/reddish – brown at the moment, oh, and ‘old pink’ (a bit like skin-color) so some ‘pink’ after all, ha! Hope you have a wonderful weekend Hanna!

  12442. OH MY GOD I NEED TO MAKE THESE. I have the next few days off work, so I’m all over this – fabulous idea!!

  12443. Wow, such beautiful trees you have made, Christmas is here and you have shared a wonderful idea to make it special. These cute little trees can be decorated anywhere around the house. Loved them.

  12444. Hi Hanna..
    Your trees are so sweet and perfectly embellished! One of my favorites is the dark one with the snowflakes. It’s so pretty! Your photos are lovely too. Thank you for your visit and thoughtful comment on my family gathering and little tree post :) Christmas JOY to you. Tamara <3

  12445. These are wonderful Hanna. I don’t think she looks lonely and sad, maybe contemplative and longing for the simplicity of Christmas. God jul Hanna! :)

  12446. I believe you are an artist in your heart too :)
    and so am I…and a craft addict. I eve dream about my next project ha ha.

  12447. De r s uttrycksfulla! Kanske inte vad” marknaden” eller “normen” efterfrgar men den talar direkt till mig som ox r singel med en katt som familj… Vldigt fin som sagt!

  12448. I love so many of these things. 2016 is the year to work more on my art and my I Want List has really grown. Thanks for all these super suggestions.

  12449. Keep on dreaming… a wonderful feeling I got from your ultimate gift guide. I love looking forward to buying some new creative material. I’m thinking “one day…” and it feels great. Thank you for feeding my dreams today. Merry Christmas!
    Love, Outi

  12450. Merry Christmas to you and thank you for all your wonderful posts this year. Peace to you and yours in the new year.

  12451. what a lovely season greeting post. wishing you the same as you gather with family. merry christmas hanna and all the best in the new year <3

  12452. So pretty, Hanna! I always love the pinks you put in too. : ) Hope your Christmas was a nice one, friend.

  12453. Great post Hanna – I’m a list maker and like to celebrate my personal successes, however small. Also love having a word of the year that I’m currently working on, and have you also seen Susannah Conway’s Unravelling the year ahead?

    Hope the new year is good to you and you can keep finding creative nourishment.

  12454. Thanks for the Crayon suggestion. I have a couple of coloring books, but I have not liked either the pencils or the pens for it. One’s too light and one’s too dark. Still looking for “Just Right.”

  12455. Whew! That’s a lot of great links and resources, Hanna! I love this time of year for making plans for the new year, but I’m starting to notice that I get less done that I plan for, and more done that I didn’t plan for (if that makes sense!). I love making lists and plans, but then they usually go by the wayside, and I just forge ahead. I like to think that the list- and plan-making influences my thinking as I forge ahead, though…that I am more productive than if I hadn’t done any advance thinking to begin with. I’ll have to check out some of the good advice you provide here!

  12456. 3 hours after I found this I downloaded tons of planner ideas and the one pictured Do What You Love. I am a little late getting started but it’s still the first week of January so I’m not all that late. Now that I am armed I will be ready for December! My goal for January is to find a planner system that works and stick to it! Thank you so much for this post. Beyond helpful!

  12457. I can’t imagine the time it takes to put these “Inspiration en masse” posts together. You find such a wide range of articles and videos from all sorts of sources! And all of it is definitely inspirational. Thank you so much for your effort and creativity! Happy New Year!

  12458. Aww…. look at Smilla. She’s really adorable. An I love the cat basket and your blog

  12459. I can see how polka dot-making could become quite soothing and addictive! It is a fun way to explore color combinations, too. I enjoyed finding out more about the art journal workshop, and checking out some of the teacher’s web sites. How exciting that you are contributing! Looks like a very worthwhile program.

    • Aww, thanks Andria! Maybe the best part of teaching in bigger workshops like this one is getting to “meet” the other teachers online and learn new things from them. That is just so much fun to me.

    • Thanks Anny, “be kind to yourself” – yes, that’s a perfect and a bit shorter definition of the word, thanks! Happy New Year to you too!

  12460. Tak for et meget inspirerende indlg. Dine overvejelser om det at stte sig et ml, er meget spndende. Godt nytr :) !

  12461. Great word – I hope it helps you along your path this year. Mine is Transform – a biggie for me, but just had a message from Ali in the One Little Word group reminding us that choosing the word is only step one, and as we ‘practice’ we still fall, and that should be expected. So give yourself Grace and kindness as you start this wonderful new journey.

    • Thanks Lynette, and Transformation is something we all need too – what a great word. I took Ali’s OLW class in 2014 and loved it!

  12462. Grace is a wonderful word for the year and to live with grace a wonderful goal. Interesting that you think the word could feel too religious . . . that has never occured to me. My word is Advance. To advance in many directions, to push boundaries, to move further toward my long term goals.

    All the best for 2016 Hanna.

    • Good luck with the advancing Wendy, I’ll cheer you on!
      Thanks for leaving me a comment, I guess I thought of Christianity because English is not my first language, and that’s why I sometimes get things mixed up – and also because of the expression “saying grace” at the dinner table for example…

  12463. My words for the year are “Health” and “Simplicity”. I love the word Grace and think that we all need to show ourselves a little more grace.

    Happy New Year, Hanna!


    • Thanks for sharing your words Debi, they are two words to carry close to heart too I think. So glad I use the practice of picking a word – it feels good to have it with me. :-)

  12464. Thanks for the inspiration! Using a pencil eraser to paint dots is even more fun!

    Happy New Year,
    with Hugs from Alaska

  12465. I love ‘grace’… it sort of suits you (or is that an odd thing to say, as I know you only from blogging…. ) I picked some ‘wrong’ words in the past that slapped me right in the face, so I’m always a bit afraid when the New Year approaches and I start thinking about a word. NOT having a word is not an option, as I like the ‘focus’ a word gives during the year… for 2016 I choose ‘MOVE” for several reasons: move my body more, get moved and move others with my art and, last but not least, I hope to find a new house and move out of this shitty neigborhood I live in now.

  12466. Hello, Hanna, how are you?

    I’ve been following your blog since 2013. I was in search of inspiration for a planner who wanted to create (I love create everything with my face, my style!) and just discovering this corner so amazing. Well, I remember when you put, year before last, its word of the year. We have a habit of thinking that we didn’t go far enough in our journeys and saddened with the way not been. However, I can tell you that you are no longer the same in 2015 and even less to 2014 or 2013. And if its word of the year is Grace is because this is the right moment for it in her life. Grace for everything that’s good in you, first, and that is wonderful around you.

    My word for 2016 is Change! Don’t chose it, to be honest with you. It came to me in the form of a message from an unknown. And summed up, absolutely, this my new year.
    Then, we continue with our words-guides and it inspire us in every moment, in every thought, in every act that we do.

    A Happy new year to you, Hanna!

    It is a great pleasure to meet you!

    A hug from Brazil for you!

    • Sorry for the late reply, but I don’t have a pattern in English! Though now I have added two links to the post that might help if you want to crochet something similar. Or just google granny square scarf and you might find help elsewhere. :-)

  12467. Oh Hanna, thank you so much for including me here! And also for all the time and effort you take to keep us all inspired! XOXOXO

  12468. Aw thanks for the shout out, Hanna! :)
    I truly hope your 2016 will be full of happiness, love and lots of pink and polkadots (and a few birds here and there ;))

  12469. Hi Hanna! Thanks so much for including #patternjanuary. I’m looking forward to browsing through all the other links you shared too!

  12470. i love minibooks with serendipity papers. I have made several and used them for different purposes: one was a photo album with only passport photos of all my beloved friends and famil; one was a book to write in quotes; one was with found sentences from old books, sentence that were so lovely i wanted them collected and one I want to make with faces and in the very past i made one for my daughter living away from home as an adventscalendar….and there are more…so many possibilities!

    • I agree with you, minibooks have so many uses – and I also love that you don’t (and can’t) work in them forever to fill them. They’re just quick and fun little projects that can be art within themselves. Thanks for sharing your ideas Anja!

  12471. For a (free) course look up Cat Hand on YouTube. She is teaching us background techniques. We are using mini composition books. So much fun and learning new methods. Course is called. Mixed mini morsels. Sorry for bad punctuation. Kindle is being stubborn!

    • Thanks Sandy, for sharing that class, and taking the time to leave me a comment even when you were on the Kindle, that is awesome!

  12472. I just love your spirals, Hanna! I am assembling my supplies to do Catherine’s class next and you have inspired me even more to just dive in. Love all your colors, too, of course!

    • Thanks Sarah,
      it was truly a surprise how nice the spirals came out. I made New Years-cards from some of them, and I’m sure I’ll make more next time I paint papers. What a fun concept.

      Hope you have fun with the class!

  12473. Wow, that is pretty cold! We get plenty of snow where I live, so I’m happy on the days I don’t have to shovel.

    Love the pretty pinks in the last photo!

    • Thanks Aimee, yes rather cold but that was a couple of days ago. Now it’s starting to melt again – and I actually think I’ll miss the snow. I hope we’ll have some more soon.

  12474. I was so excited finding your collage work. That is my next project and you have such beautiful collage cards. I was torn on how I wanted to start and with your help, now I know.
    I am really going to enjoy each and every day of your collage work. They are really special.

  12475. Thanks for this post, Hanna! It’s exactly what I needed to hear! As a dabbler myself, I often find that although intellectually I know that I have the skills to sew, paper craft, cross stitch, etc, if I’ve been away from any of them very long, I get stuck worrying that I suddenly won’t be able to do that particular craft “correctly” anymore. I know it sounds crazy, and I know intellectually that art doesn’t have a “correct” way to be done, but this feeling can become a giant stumbling block that freezes me in place and chases me away from my craft table. I fully agree with you – you must start doing something, even if it seems like it’s just something small, to start forward motion again. Thank you for your encouragement to go back to the beginning and start moving forward again!

  12476. In the past few years, I’ve been so caught up in making pretty pages in my journal that I forgot, in the process, to just play in my art journal. Which is what I want to do this year. Collages, mark making, testing pens and paints… like you say, back to basics. You’re inspiring me to get back to collage (maybe that’ll be my daily art for February…)

  12477. Creative people tend to be creative in a lot of different areas, focusing on one art form for a while and then another for a time, just like using different muscles when you exercise. There is no rule that says we have to be at expert level in every art form we touch. Sometimes my best work comes from letting go and being playful, even in an area I have a lot of knowledge about, in order to get somewhere new with it. Thank you for sharing your re-starting techniques.

  12478. This is exactly what I have been looking for to get a jump start on collage. I found all that you had done and saved the week numbers in a separate folder for study.
    I am so glad you are doing this and I, for one, am excited to see more of your techniques.

  12479. What a timely post! This is where I’m at today/this year. I need to streamline my interests a bit and enjoy the process!

  12480. Love your latest collage, Hanna – it sure didn’t look like something that was made by someone who felt like a beginner! I also loved the link you had at the end about using a tiny notebook for mini collages! I just made some small journals, so this would be a fun use for them. Thanks for the idea!

  12481. Love your collages and also the link for the mini ones. Now I’ve just got to get smaller notebook and get busy! : ) Thank you for all your ideas and your posts because they are always so interesting and help to get me motivated!

  12482. I really love grids…these are great! I see all the pinks shining through…I’m loving pinks more and more!

  12483. I have been in a bit of an art rut lately…I’m taking Daisy Yellow’s Novel Approach class and it has been inspiring me to try some new things…having fun, not worrying about the outcome.

  12484. gorgeous grids!!!! love this inspiring post! the colour combinations are awesome! I must dig up my square punch!

  12485. Yes, please continue the grid series. I had a coupon and I went out and purchased a square punch, so I can play along. It is, indeed inspiring me to crawl out of my winter slump with your colorful squares. Love your blog postings.

  12486. They look great, Hanna! I’d never even thought of getting a square punch, but now I’m thinking I should buy one!

    And thanks to your link about mini collages, I made one today and look forward to doing more. Super fun! Thanks for the nudge.

  12487. I love your grid squares. Keep going and sharing with us. Thanks for the idea as well.

  12488. These are beautiful grids. I have done this also using a circle punch. There is something very soothing about the repetition of the shapes and the different designs in a smaller scale. Lovely! I like all of these, but green is the best for me (the one you shared yesterday) as I love greens and blues!

  12489. I love this post, every link has been inspiring. I especially liked learning to draw my own banners and am in love with the tpk website!
    In the coming year, I also want to spend more time relaxing and crafting and blogging about it all. Thanks for your wonderful site, I always enjoy your posts.

  12490. So gorgeous! What do you use to punch out the squares? I’d like to do a daily or weekly art cards project again, but it takes so long to measure and cut out all those pieces of watercolor paper!

  12491. Can you use Creative Inspirations Acrylic Medium Polymer Medium Matte as a glue? Its worded differently than what you described above……. Its just that I found it at a very reasonable price, I havent bought it yet because I was unsure. I am trying to find something to use as a glue as well as a sealer……….

    • Hi Erinne,
      I don’t know about specific brands, but to my knowledge any acrylic “matte medium” can be used as a glue, for transfers and as a sealer. It’s not the best glue in my opinion, but for thin papers like tissue paper and napkins it’s the best. I suggest you buy it and try it out.

      Good luck!

  12492. LOVE your grids hanna!! and yes, each little square IS it’s own little piece of art. you have inspired me to do this technique with lots of bits and pieces from my stash. OH! these would make fabulous postcards!!! tfs and inspiring <3

  12493. love those spirals and mini books! i’m grabbing an old magazine to do some paint smooching myself! i’ve made a few mini journals using my underpapers and love how each page is so different. it might be fun to grab a marker or black gelly roll pen and trace around some of the shapes from the smooches of paint-you might “see” flowers, stars, etc, or just abstract shapes. doodling around the shapes :)

  12494. Wow, I’m blown away by all the information you’ve posted here, Hanna – both the “self love” and the “fun” categories! It must take a lot of your time to gather up all those links, and I do appreciate all that you do for, and show off on, your blog.

  12495. What a great [and important!] post this was. Too many times as women, we don’t take time for that “self love” as we should. Thanks so much for finding and sharing all of these great links, Hanna. Happy February, friend! : )

  12496. Thank you Hanna! I am right there with you on this! It’s so great to know I can come here and access this wonderful and thoughtfully curated wealth of inspiration! XO

  12497. Hello, this looks very interesting. I’m trying to set up a project for my clients to do to express their creative process as a group for Sexual Assault awareness month called the Clothes Line Project. Would I be able to do this on a large bed sheet and glue collage process (fabric paper) directly to the sheet? And could I also use paint and other mixed media: lace, other material..paper..glitter etc)? I do not want to sew or stitch any of the process to the sheet..just glue. Thanks ..this process looks like fun.

    • Hi there Janet,
      you could absolutely do this in a larger scale, and as it says in the tutorial: adding paint, glitter etc is possible and a great idea! But just remember, the thinner the material the easier it is to get it to stick down. Tissue paper is ideal.

      I hope your group enjoys this activity, let me know how it goes!

  12498. Hanna, I love your tags a lot! They are just gorgeous! I’m sure the friends you’ll send them to will just be happy to receive them, no matter the date. Well, at least, I would.
    Thanking you for all the beautiful crafts and thoughts you share on your blog.

  12499. Your tags turned out beautifully! Thank you for including in-process photos! I really enjoyed seeing your artwork unfold! I love all the bright, happy colors you chose! Thank you for the reminder that we need to show ourselves more grace!

  12500. Your right, Hanna. Love is love, not as deemed on a certain (Valentines) day. Friends will love receiving a gift, a tag, your art and a happy greeting no matter what day it is. Always give yourself loving self-talk too.

  12501. Your posts are always worth reading, Hanna, so just post whenever you feel like it! I loved the hand-decorated gift tags you made – what a sight for my sore eyes on a cloudy, wintry day. And thanks for the reminder about perpetuating love for others and for one’s self too.

  12502. I don’t like your tags…..I LOVE THEM!! Thanks for sharing your process and photos.

  12503. I’m still digesting all the inspiration from your last post…which is so intense and full that I have not noticed your lack of other posts! Please give yourself a ton of credit and love for sharing all of THAT with us and try not think about what you aren’t doing :) These “lovely” little tags and your words are further inspiration to all of us! I think receiving gifts or greetings “out of season” is a most delightful surprise! Love to you Hanna! XOXOXO

  12504. I like your post, Hanna, and like your tags. How fun! And things made with love always make people feel loved and cared for. I also got my Valentines cards out late this year. I mailed them the day prior, so obviously they did not get there in time. But, guess what? I made some calls on Valentines Day. And, no one has complained about the lateness, either. So, go for it! Just keep spreading the love!

  12505. What a wonderful blog you have. I’m so glad that you stopped by mine and allowed me to find you. I’m a pink girl as well :-)

  12506. Hey Hanna, love the tags! And I totally understand the after-valentine’s day post, even I have struggled a bit with my poat schedule and thus had to let go of some ideas. I do plan to use them in another form though, hopefully. Wishing you luck. :)

  12507. I was so happy to open my mail today and find there was to be another iHanna post card trade! I applaud you for hosting these postcard swaps, it must be terrible time consuming.
    I missed the Fall swap by just a couple of days do to illness and was very disappointed .
    Hospitals are so weird…not allowing patients to do art work from their beds 😃
    Thanks again for all your work.

  12508. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you for the delightful post. Maybe you should tell yourself that Valentines Day was the inspiration to make lovely gift tags for your friends and family throughout the year you wouldn’t be so hard on yourself. Sometimes we all take our friends, family and ourselves for granted. Whenever or whatever inspires us to do something special is the right time! I love your idea of a month of self-love. It’s something I, like you, have trouble. If February is the only appropriate time to tell ourselves or others we love them, then I’m really in trouble! Thanks for the inspiration and give yourself a big hug!

  12509. Lovely – I always enjoy seeing your collages! I especially love the image on the right side of the three girls wearing bonnets – so sweet!

  12510. I haven’t been creative myself much over the past weeks (teaching others and ‘private stuff’ kept me out of my atelier) and this weekend is my first free time… I feel a bit rusty and uncomfortably getting back but your post gave me inspiration: making collages to get back in the groove might be just the thing I need. Thanks for the inspiration Hanna! Have a lovely weekend!

  12511. Alltså Åh, den är superfin och tänk att du nu kan bära med dig din farmor överallt, i alla fall på vintern. Det är lustigt att det känns så speciellt att få ärva garn från sin egen farmor med tanke på att massor av det garn som finns att köpa på loppis eller second hand med stor sannolikhet kommer från någon annans farmor.

  12512. I think I’m already a subscriber. I say give yourself a break and just blog or send a newsletter when you have something to share. Don’t let the rest of those things (or lack thereof) stop you. If I waited until my house was clean to do any of those things, I may as well give away my computer. lol

    • Thanks, it is more about my own procrastination than actually wanting to do the cleaning before sending out my newsletter… You come up with the craziest ideas (like cleaning!) when you procrastinate, right? ;-)

  12513. What a great round-up of inspiration, ideas & links Hanna! Thank you for doing this, I know how much work is involved! And thank you for the shout-out:)

    • Tack Alexandra! Ja jag blev rtt njd med dem, de r vldigt mycket jag – men ocks mer t det grafiska hllet och jag tror jag lutar ditt mer och mer just nu. :-)

  12514. They’re both wonderful, but I guess I like the one with more pink the best. Thanks for showing them off!

  12515. Oh, wow!
    We could be polka-dot partners! I’ve been in love with polka dots since forever. I seek them out in clothing and they often appear in my artwork and journals … just so fun and mood lifting.
    Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pencil cases. You’re so clever!

  12516. ”decorate your life with polka dots”’ I can’t think of anything more wonderful than that!! I might copy you :) I love these little pouches, they’re so happy and fresh….

    • I love your creations Karen, so if you do copy anything (I don’t think I’ve got the copyright on polka dots though unfortunately), please let me know and I’ll come admire your work as usual! :-)

  12517. I love fun simple projects like this . . . and those pom poms! I have been wanting to make some scarves – but always think the same thing – they are so cheap and available everywhere. But there is something about saying you made it yourself and getting to choose whatever fabric you want. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Thanks. And yes, it is isn’t it? And also, the scarfs in the shops are made in millions. If you make one that is just for yourself you truly get something unique. I think that has tremendous value!

  12518. I’ve started to wear scarves this year! No need to wear them here in Sicily (winter is warm), but they are lovely around the neck :)
    So I’m planning to sew a scarf or two with some lightweight fabric I have, for spring.
    I’ve also seen a beautiful necklace made of fabric and some metallic hardware and beads: it was both a scarf and a necklace (I can’t find a link for you). It was beautiful! I’d like to copy it in some ways.
    And of course I’ve started my spring/summer projects for clothes :)

    • I love fabric beads and necklaces a lot, thanks for the link Silvia!

      I’m still wearing my wintery big woolly scarf around my neck here in Sweden, but I think I saw a hint of spring today so maybe it will come here too soon. Yay!

  12519. I only ever clean when I’m procrastinating!

    My favourite newsletters are from the blogs Shiny Happy World (Wendy Gratz) and While She Naps (Abby Glassenberg). They both have a round up of blog posts – just a brief summary and links, some links to interesting projects and articles they found and a smidge of what real life is up to for them.

    Oh, In Color Order is also a keeper, but that’s mostly because of George the bunny. So cute!

    I’ve been putting off starting a blog for years now. I look at hosting options and my brain melts.

  12520. These are great! I have piles of fabric that I bought a few months ago for a similar idea, I just haven’t gotten around to working on them like I planned… if I don’t do it soon summer will be here and it will be too hot to wear even the lightest scarf!
    Love the pom pom trim and your very neat edges (I am not so precise with my sewing at all, I envy your patience.)

    • Yay, send me pictures or a link when you finish yours Tammy doll, I’d love to see. And the great thing about the internet is that you can’t lean in and take a closer look at all the seams – some are actually rather wonky, but don’t tell anyone!

  12521. Hi Hanna

    I think you should write about what is making you happy and share what is going on with you… rather than what you think we want to read/hear. What reason do you have to actually want to send out a newsletter and include that! I love seeing a post from you… I love the colour and the variety and uniqueness of what you do… good luck!

    Karen x

  12522. Love all your bright, happy colors! Thanks for the peek, Hanna! Definitely made me smile!

  12523. And you’re the best! Love what you’ve showed off, very cool artwork. Love those dashes on the right hand page.

  12524. I subscribe to a few newsletters from bloggers. I notice that a lot of the time, it’s not a newsletter, per se, but just a reiteration of their most recent blog post….which is totally fine with me, because I sometimes go through the newsletter in my inbox versus just straight there….especially if it’s something beautiful, like this! Eye candy gets me every time! I do check your blog directly. But I have been looking for your newsletter, too! In particular, regarding the Spring DIY Postcard Swap ;) I wouldn’t sweat it…whether you’re blogging or sending a newsletter…I’m all there!

  12525. Love the bright colours and those dashes look like love, and peace, going out to the universe. Gorgeous!

  12526. What a delight to visit your site. I am daughter of a Swedish mom and have had a couple Dalas for years. They are treasures to me. My grandfather and grandmother both came to the US long ago. My mom died last year at 100yrs old and told me so many stories about life. I was privileged to care for her in the last 10plus years of her life! I miss her intensely. I am trying to get enough Dalas for my 12 grandchildren. I think l should go over to Sweden and hand pick them. If any one would like to connect to me I would love to . My heart is so cheered by this discovery. XOX Arlene Names were Grahn and Swenson

  12527. Very cute and inspiring – I recently completed a butterfly cross stitch which I’m not happy with now I’m done so I need to think about how to repurpose too. Happy Easter :-)

  12528. You are so creative … I love it! : ) Isn’t it great when we can figure a way to re-purpose things?!

    Happy Easter, Friend!


  12529. happy Easter! love the way you gave a face lift to an old embroidery and the coasters are very pretty!

    • Sorry that’s not possible.

      WordPress does not have a reblog button, and I wouldn’t want one because I want to keep my images + words on my blog, I know you’ll understand Sandra. Please feel free to save the button to your own blog and link it here!

  12530. Hi iHanna – I am very happy I’m finally able to join one of your swaps for the first time and have aready started making my postcards. I would like to send you a postcard as well as a thank for putting on the swap. How would I go about doing this?
    I can’t wait for this start!! Happy creating!

  12531. What a great way to upcycle someone else’s craftiness, while putting your own unique creative spin on it! I love that you’re turning it into something you will enjoy for years to come! Well done, Hanna!

  12532. I do a monthly newsletter. I work on it in advance so I’m at least a month ahead in case something comes (life happens) up I’ll at least have a little something to share. It is a general letter, not about me but about arting as a whole & junk.
    I hope it inspires people to believe in them selves and that in turn blooms into inspiring others.
    I seldom get feed back so I’m going on the idea that as long as it makes me happy I’ll do it. If one day I stop then I will.

  12533. Love it! The miniature notebook you show off here is adorable, so please show off others you’ve made. I like the mix of patterned papers you used.

    If you wish, you can see some miniature notebooks I made here: recycled mini journals

    My pages aren’t as colorful as yours, since I planned on using these for jotting down notes and such while I’m out and about.

  12534. I’m in yet again Hanna . . . this is perhaps the 6th time! I really enjoy the range of cards I receive from people who sometimes write that it’s their first attempt at making art through to accomplished artists . . . I love the variety.

  12535. I really enjoyed getting a peek inside the mini book you made and would love for you to share more of them here. Thanks for sharing and I will look forward to seeing more of them!

  12536. I would love for you to show more of your books. I think it would be great if you showed us how you made your mini journals as well. Thanks.

  12537. So cute and what a thoughtful gift! This inspires me to make some myself! Or include this project in the Girls ARTisan Camp I am hosting this summer. XO

  12538. Yup, I love miniature books! OK, books of all sizes. I’d love to see one filled up because I’d like to make some out of all that scrapbook paper in the closet but I’m just not sure what I’d do with them. Blank paper, yes, I get that. But patterned paper? That puzzles me more……Thanks for this!

  12539. These little books are fabulous. How nice to have one tucked in your bag for random happy thoughts.

  12540. Thank you for sharing your lovely paintings and words! Sending big hugs and creative happy thoughts to you!

  12541. Thanks for the open and honest post . . . and your art work. I think those days of feeling tender are sometimes necessary . . . especially for someone who is creative. Bless you!

  12542. I LOVE both pages of your art journal. The colors of your mandala are beautiful. I like your selfie too. For some reason, the eyes make me think of “Thomas the Tank Engine” eyes! But I’m goofy that way.

  12543. I love your pages and your honestly Hanna! The colors are lovely, the big eyed girl thought provoking and your words open and wise. Keep filling those beautiful and
    surprising pages and thank you for sharing.

  12544. oh hanna this little book is darling! please share more :) excited to do your postcard swap again!! thanks for sharing.

  12545. Just came across your site. I am about to start on my first glue book and have been doing lots of cutting and organizing. Your post cards are beautiful and I can’t wait to see more of your glue book. Thanks for sharing yourself with others through your art. barbara.

  12546. I agree – clear storage is the way forward.

    My experience with sewing vinyl is that it is quite tricky. I recommend using some tissue paper on top of it to stop it slipping. It rips off easily afterwards. The proper way is to use a Teflon foot if you have one.

  12547. Hi Hanna! I’ve missed your delightful pink polka dots! I agree that just the pen I need always seems to find its way to the bottom of the bag…some sort of Murphy’s Law, I guess! I’ve actually never used see-through bags for my pens, but they make total sense for visible access.

  12548. Many years ago I was assigned to a decrepit LSM (Landing Ship Medium) that was being transferred to the Philippine navy, while at Subic Bay on Luzon. We were two of us and were tied up at the farthest point on the base away from the gate to town, Olongapo.The base bus didn’t even come out to our pier that was really back of beyond. But we had a bicycle, rusted and held together mostly with all manner of tape, with no brakes and a seat cushioned by an old bath towel. But it got us to the gate and anywhere else on the base we needed to be. The Marine guards at the gate would laugh when we chained it the the fence before going into town. They’d say the lock and chain were the best parts of the bike. That old bike served us well though. One night my shipmate almost ran over a huge snake, thought it was a python, slithering across the rutted path we used. They were kind of common around there. But that old bike was our ride to freedom and no matter what condition we were in coming back late at night it seemed to know the way.

  12549. I LOVE the how to be an artist page. It is so bright and rich, and those eyes peer right into my soul! How to be an artist is something I think about every day. I believe that the most important requirement is to embrace a certain way of looking at the world, as if everything is special, and nothing is too small to notice or think about it.

  12550. love your page; my eyes jump from left to the right; the eyes captivate and the collage on the right is so rich in pattern and colour, like your postcards. love it!
    how to be an artist for me is to create from the inside, trying to get my feelings expressed in colour and image….following my inspiration……and I’m always inspired …. your blog helps:)

  12551. How to be an artist? Oh Hanna… such a difficult question! I think showing up is a big part of it. Doing the work. Practise. Every day and again and again. I also think it has to do with entering your deepest unconscious mind and face the feelings, moods and fears that live there… and get them out on paper. Honesty. But that’s the hardest part: to descend into the caves and caverns of your soul and it maybe isn’t really necessary to be an artist. ‘Showing up in the atelier’ is the most important requirement. I do hope Spring will come to Sweden soon (it’s cold overhere too, rain and even snow!)

  12552. Hanna, love it. Especially your paint jar. I would love to be an artist but not that talents, so I focus on journaling and poetry.

  12553. Thanks for your insightful review Hanna! I may be one of the few people who got annoyed by this book, and your post made me realize that yes, she did make some good points that I didn’t appreciate when I read it. I get much more from reading your blog and participating in the postcard exchanges than I did from reading this book. I felt the book was more of a “one size fits all” approach where I’ve found in life there are so many different ways to get to the same place.

    • Yes, there are a lot of general ideas and talking to artists as a homogeneous group in this book, which can be comforting but also hard to take in. Glad you liked my review, it means a lot to me.

  12554. I read the book earlier this year when I had an important decision to make and it helped a lot. Each page had, for me, a buried truth, something I already knew but needed brought to the surface and Big Magic did that My hope is that older people read the book, not just younger people fearful of setting out on a creative life. There are many of us who have squeezed our creativity in to small, perhaps stolen, moments, have not had the income to do anything but create practical items and need just the kind of encouragement in Big Magic provides.

    • Oh wow, you’re so right Wendy! I too know that a lot of too grown up grown ups needs to be “freed” to be creative without judging themselves, that is true. That’s part of what I wrote about in my post of 40 lessons for creatives. :-) Thanks for the reminder that old, as well as young, need a guide, maybe even more at times.

  12555. Dear Hannah, we know each other “for ages” so I take the plunge and write a comment. You will never know in which special kind of moment.
    But I just have to put a comment.
    Yes, life is short. Creativity is very special. It’s heart tickling.
    Not only creativity. There are other things too, climbing, adventure.
    Tallymother will never ever comment to my blog. Neither will here partner talk about it.
    Yes. Life is short. Live it, my dear.
    Thanks for this post.

    • Yes, we’re old blog friends, so I’m glad you took the plunge to write a comment about how short life can be… There are many adventures to be made, both within creativity and within nature, life and love. It’s a precious time, this life. Take care of yourself, Tally.

  12556. Like you, I was long anticipating this book and finally read it recently. I was underwhelmed. I think it was perhaps because I have read so much about creativity lately that this seemed like pretty standard fare. I was expecting so much and so I was disappointed. It might be time to stop reading about it and spend the time just doing it!!

    • Haha, underwhelmed,what a great word Susan. I too love reading about creativity a lot, but in between I need to DO stuff, so I agree with you, that is the most important thing. Keep creating! :-) And if a book gets a lot of hype, maybe wait a while to read it…

  12557. I’m not a huge Gilbert fan, but I am a fan of creativity. I think Sir Ken Robinson summed it up nicely: “Being creative, which is partly about having original ideas, requires actual skills in the fields in which you’re working, an openness of mind, a willingness to explore, a confidence in your imagination, a willingness to try new things out, make mistakes, and try again.” Whenever I’m in a creative funk, I know I can always come to your blog, Hannah, for inspiration. Thanks for that!

    • Oh Sarah, you’re too kind to me. So glad my blog can cure your creative funks, even though I doubt you’re in those very often! ;-)

  12558. Hanna, thank you for this post … I’ve read through it once but am going to take my time to go over it again [there were many things in it that spoke to me!]

    Have a nice day, my friend! (Hugs)


  12559. Thank you so much for taking the time to share that with us. Wonderful advice and words of encouragement! I hope you know that you are an inspiration to many people.

    • Aw, thanks Michele, I feel very grateful to be able to inspire through my words here. It’s a good feeling when you can do that.

  12560. Find your tribe. Find those around you to connect to who reflect your passion(s) back to you. Find those who understand the need for fabric, paints, books, whatever excites you. A few minutes in their company, exchanging ideas and excitement, leads to hours of creativity on your own.

    Be yourself. If you want to sit in the coffee shop and drag out all your pens and paper and write/draw/doodle…do it. Who cares what others think! They probably are wishing they had the guts to do what your are doing.

    • Oh two more very good ideas added, Judy, thank you. Creating in public might be a way to find your tribe, if you combine the two. :-)

  12561. It looks like you had so much fun! Your photography is so lovely! Your shoes are fun and adorable! And I love that you celebrated Star Wars Day, too! Thank you for sharing your adventures with us!

  12562. I am going to Gotland for the first time in 2 weeks! So excited, can’t wait! I already looked at all your Gotland posts here and I am already in love with this place.

  12563. Hanna, I was distracted when this came in my inbox, so I just got around to reading it in its entirety, and I just wanted to thank you so much for taking the time to do this!

    Several years ago you’d made up a list of crafts/creative projects to try and I loved that list! I printed it out for future reference and it’s still one of my favorite lists ever. Now I’ll have to print this current list out as well.

    I always enjoy your blog even when I don’t comment. Your creativity is appreciated more than you’ll ever know!

    I guess my best creative lesson thus far is to don’t be afraid to improvise! Use what you have and make your own masterpiece. I find I really enjoy making something from thrift store or garage sale finds.

  12564. I am just now getting to read this, having been preoccupied with “my creative life” lately, including a wonderful DIY Postcard Swap, a 6th grade “Class Creation” art project for my son’s class, and trying to achieve my goal of doing a little something (anything!) creative every day! Thank you, again, Hanna, for sharing your wisdom with us…you are very wise for your 40 years…take it from your 51 year-old friend! I’m not going to add 11 more bullets to your list, though! The only one that pops up for me is: 41. Never be ashamed of hoarding art supplies…you will eventually use all of them!

  12565. Looks like fun, Hanna! I have a crazy kind of candalabra-thing that is white, and I am trying to repaint it gold for a dinner party I am having in my home Friday night. It would be much smarter for me to spray paint it rather than use a brush as I am doing. But I’ve never used spray paint before! What a fun way to give everything a new look.

  12566. I’ve never used spray paint before, but have wanted to try. It looks like you had a lot of fun! Can’t wait to see what projects you make from your painting session!

  12567. Although I’m not the ‘neon-type’, I do love your warm and sunny post and all the happy colors in this blogpost! I used to spray ink outdoors when I had a garden (former house) but now – living in an apartment – I don’t have the possibility to work outdoors. I however planned to take a sketchbook with me when going for a walk and draw outside… I just haven’t done that yet…. you remind me I should! Have a great weekend dear one!

  12568. Awesome post; thank you! Can’t wait to try drawing on graph paper! I appreciate the time you take to share all these things with us. :-)

  12569. Wonderful post! I especially appreciate that you shared that Matisse video, I adore his work and had not seen this yet.

  12570. I really love your blog but, you ruined this one with the Silverman crap. Sorry.

    • That’s fine Rita, I believe in Freedom of Speach and in voting as a priviliage and a obligation – if you can’t or won’t belive in those things, that’s to bad but such is life. :-p

  12571. Wow, you aren’t kidding…inspiration en masse! Thank you for all the links; it will surely take me all month to soak in all they have to offer. I did ICAD for a few years, and then took a break…might be time to join in again. You and Tammy are two VERY inspiring artists. Oh, and congratulations on winning a place at the Schoolism event; let us know what you learn!! :-)

  12572. Stockholm! Lucky you! And thanks for all the inspiration. I’m in the mood to try something new.

  12573. Idea #37 is absolutely true! It was such a surprise – to learn that creativity and ideas expand the more you work. Great list!!!

  12574. Love your cards Hanna! It looks like you were having a whole lot of fun making them! It totally shows through in them! Crazy good!

  12575. Ooooooooo I like this. Hmmm think I may be a later starter but will try and get hold of some IC’s later on.
    What a beautiful mug from your Aussie friend. And I’m loving the summer feel photos all sunny and floral. Great work… will be back x

  12576. I am joining icad for the third year now. I guess i will not follow the prompts this year. Nor i don’t know if i will be able to join everyday. But at least i will try. Like you said, it is great for socializing in the art world :) And i love the international character of icad. Like i am from Turkey :) Have a great summer Hanna…

  12577. You attitude make me happy. Will be doing it also and agree with the cards being so flimsy. I will probably go to the dollar store and get the manila folders and cut them down to size.
    Thanks for sharing.

  12578. Thanks to your recent reminder, I am doing ICAD this year! I don’t bother with the prompts, I just root around in my supplies and do what I feel like doing. Thus far my two index cards have been collages.

    And yes, the index cards I bought for doing the challenge are flimsy too; flimsier than they used to be. I’ll have to be on the lookout at estate sales and thrift stores for older, better quality stock.

  12579. Thank you for so many cool links all on one page! I can’t wait to watch some of them.

  12580. Love your cards! This is a clever idea….I keep meaning to start this practice….so simple and fun! You’ve got me inspired!!! Cheers!!

  12581. Greets iHanna! I enjoyed reading your review of my book and your experiences with trying a couple of the projects. I’m all smiles that you discovered how fun it can be to design within a grid. I really enjoy drawing freehand within the grid as measuring lines with a ruler is a bit tedious for me. Each person is welcome to find their own way. I packed this book to give one hours upon hours of creative enjoyment. I can’t wait to see where these ideas take you. I know you’ll add your own style and spin to them.

  12582. Beautiful – I loved how your mandala turned out. Thanks so much for showing off the process and for including the You Tube link. I’ll have to check that out!

  12583. I love your mandala and your two-colored-pencils… awesome! I visited Park Gell when I was in Art school in the eighties… and was stunned by it. I hope you get the change to go there one day (oh, and when you do: don’t forget Sagrada Familia and the Miro museum – if it’s still there…) I have a mandala coloring-book and one with patterns… I love to color in those when I’m feeling down and out – it doesn’t require drawing and thinking about patterns, just picking colors. To me, it works great to keep the ‘creativity flowing’ until I am ready to create from inside myself again.

  12584. Beautiful! Thanks for showing us your in process photos! Looks like a lot of fun!

  12585. I love mandala’s and I draw them a lot. Mostly freehand though, so they are always a little wonky, which to me is part of their charm. I also do tiny mandalas in a small sketchbook. They measure about 8×8 cm, are quick to do and a lot of fun. Mandalas to me are just a specific kind of doodle and like all my doodles I draw them so I can colour them in. It’s sort of like making your own colouring book pages. ;-)

  12586. Hi Hanna, I appreciate your discovering mindfulness and beginners mind. Beginners Mind is something, besides you have an open like to beautiful visions and ideas. I comprehend to extract new words too. Also the word Shoshin is something to remind when ambitions and arrogance threatens to persuade away the funniness in doing something.

  12587. I’ve really enjoyed seeing your happy art cards! Thank you for sharing with us and thank you for pushing through your struggles and doubts and continuing to share your beautiful creativity with all of us!

  12588. Thank you so much for this post. I appreciate your honesty about the creative process. I’m sending you a link for an art class I subscribe to. I think you would enjoy this month’s topic – Making Friends with Your Inner Critic. It’s fantastic. My inner critic can (and often does) rage at me. The interviews, exercises, music, and articles have been super helpful in learning to recognize and learn from what the IC has to say. Thanks for putting your bright, energetic and bold artwork out into the world, Hanna! It’s a better place for it.

  12589. Thanks for showing off what you’ve done! I love seeing the bright, free-form style of your painted index cards!

    I’m doing ICAD too. Have felt lazy about it in a way since it seems like I’ve mostly been doing collages on my index card. I like how they’re turning out, but keep thinking I should have more variety!

  12590. Thank you for sharing, Hanna! Your cards always make me smile. I love the thought of “practice for bigger ideas that need to boil further”! Your work is always beautiful, definitely not a fraud – tell that inner critic to zip her lip and buzz off :D

  12591. Always a joy to see you in my inbox. I love your cards and your thoughts. Please continue to share your inner musings and your art. This art critic on your shoulder is well traveled and I need to know that I am not the only one who is visited frequently by this “negative” force. Your encouragement helps send it on its way! Be well and hope you will have many more “artful” moments!

  12592. Hanna, I really like your cards – they feel very happy and modern. The bright colours you use with a pop of black, a word – very cool. Thanks for stopping by my blog and your kind words – I can’t get my head around using the prompts – I’m really trying to reconnect with collage, which is my preferred medium and I feel like I haven’t been doing enough of it lately.

  12593. Love it! ‘Living through you’ from my tiny apartment. Also great to see what the iphone 5 can do! High quality video.

    • Thanks Meg, isn’t it amazing what a little phone can do? I had fun “editing” it together on the phone too, even though it doesn’t have all the tools it makes it so easy to do it on the go! :-)

  12594. oh, Hanna, visiting Sweden is in my list of things to do, I really want to!
    And now, after this video, I’d like to be there tomorrow!!!
    The dala horses painting tecnique is amazing!

    • I know, I think it’s time you come visit soon! Then I can start planning the extended Italy trip that I dream of…

  12595. One time I gave away some unfinished projects to the Salvation Army. It was a great relief! If the momentum to finish something leaves me, I know I’m not going to go back and finish it and it just weighs on me. With some things, like knitting, I have to do small projects only.

  12596. Very enjoyable – I, too, would love to visit Sweden someday and see such famous things as Dala horses and Carl Larrson’s house. You are lucky to have seen both!

      • Thanks for the reply! Funny you mentioned fika – I’ve read about it and it sounds lovely, so recently I got a cookbook from our public library about it. Made a very nice rhubarb cordial from the cookbook, and copied several other recipes to try.

  12597. It’s great to see your cards, I especially like the one with swirling brush strokes and white writing over the top. I’m the opposite to you, I’m making my cards daily, but struggling with uploading them, doing them in weekly batches to flickr. At the moment I’m stuck on gouache, but would love to do a whole month of acrylic sometime… so lovely to hear how you’re feeling about the process. best best wishes :)

  12598. Thank you for sharing this with us, Hanna! My brother-in-law is traveling to Sweden on vacation later this summer and we can’t wait to see his photos and hear his stories! A trip to Sweden is definitely on my wonderful hubby and my list of things to do in the next couple years! And I definitely agree with you, the dala horse painting was mesmerizing!

    • Oh how fun that his brother is visiting here, I hope he has a great time! It’s both wonderful and a bit sad to travel through other’s photos – you are happy for them but sometimes a bit too… jealous. :-)

      I wish I could invite all my blog readers here for a big party!

  12599. Beautiful pics Hanna, I’d love to be able to visit this a shop as charming as this one (Thanks for sharing it with us!)

  12600. This truly is a “box of joy”! It makes me happy and I’m just seeing your lovely photos! I am wondering where you got the empty (black) box?

  12601. Have become addicted to card art since doing the postcard exchange…as an artist who has been stuck forever, this art form has released me…they are small, fun and easy to finish. Thanks for the inspiration!

  12602. Jag ser var du har varit! Gick liknande kurs frra ret. Vill du ha mitt vax som jag har kvar? Kommer inte att anvnde det.

    • Med AnnMargret? Gillade du kursen? Jag r helpeppad p vax just nu, ven om jag har gjort en massa papper p kursen s att jag har ett tag… Men vill grna ha ditt om du inte behver det. Sg till om vi kan ses och ta en fika i stan. Ska leta efter platta ocks, kanske man har tur och hittar p loppis ngon gng.

  12603. I enjoyed this post. I love to travel and go all over the world — BUT — I am always just like you while preparing to leave. I always want to stay home but when I get on that plane the fun begins and I then I never want to return home.

  12604. Lovely post! I have really been enjoying seeing all your cards on Facebook, Hanna! The happy, colorful, artful cards are inspirational, beautiful, fun to look at, and you’d never know there was any struggle behind the scenes by looking at them. They look like pure joy to me!

  12605. No Hanna, you’re not alone… I get all stressed when I have to pack! I don’t go away often either, but you’re right when you say sometimes it’s good for us creative people to just do it. I’m curious to see what (new) art you will come up with using all the new tools and inspiration from the workshop.

    • Thanks for that Marit, glad I’m not alone. Am I alone in being all pumped up after a workshop, then sliding in to routine and forgetting about all the new tools and inspiration I collected at the workshop? Gah! It’s frustrating to be your own obstacle, right? I hope I will get to work on that soon.

  12606. Gorgeous photographs, and gorgeous flowers, Hanna! I especially love the little guy in the first picture. I truly wish I had an even remotely green thumb, but anything that grows for me is definitely growing IN SPITE OF my efforts rather than because of them! Thank you for sharing your view of the world today.

  12607. I like those little flowers with white petals. I don’t know their name, they look like little daisies or chamomile. Lovely! Never seen them here in Italy, I think.

  12608. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos, Hanna! Thanks for sharing your walk through the garden with us!

  12609. That watercolor set is definitely kawaii! I haven’t bought art supplies in quite some time. Trying to use what I have, which is a LOT, before buying new stuff.

    • Hi Sophie, so glad when I know you’ve been visiting & reading my blog, thanks. I know the struggle of using what you have vs. buying cute new stuff – I think there is a balance, because sometimes you do need new things to inspire other/new stuff too. :) Love your ICAD-series!

  12610. I love seeing your flower photos and this summer, I’m trying to take more myself, inspired by yours. Like you, I don’t have a garden of my own but I have a few potted plants on my balcony and, amazingly enough, they are doing well. I even have a few that keep blooming, which has never happened to me in the past.
    Every time I see pink flowers, I think of you…

  12611. Fun video! Sweden is definitely at the top of my travel list but not for a few years still. I love seeing the Dala horse painting technique! I think I’d want to buy a horse in every color, they’re so beautiful!

    • Thanks Sharon, we’ve got a similar taste when it comes to cute and pink, floral and patterns. :-) We should do a wee washi tape swap you and I, a little sampler of some of our favorite tapes perhaps?! :-)

  12612. I try hard to think what was the last ‘new’thing I bought (besides the things I buy to replace the empty tubes of paint, gesso, pens etcetera… I don’t count ‘replacements’ you know…) Oh, wait: not exactly ‘bought’ but I received a stack of Jessica Sporn’s templates and stamps because I became her design team member… awesome and inspiring tools to play with!!! Does that count? Enjoy your new stuf!

  12613. Fantastic! I love it! Thank you for sharing your process, before to after. How big is the book?

    I’m curious… is that a stamp that says “Altered Book BY… ” in the second-to-last photo that shows the inside front page with your name?

    Many smiles!

    • Hi KathyAnne, thanks for your kind comment. The book is about A4 in size, so that’s 21 x 29.7 centimetres (8.2 x 11.6 inches)!

      …oh yes, and the “stamp” is indeed a stamp, though I printed it from somewhere on the internet and don’t know from where (read more about it in this new post).

      Wishing you a great day!

  12614. Oooh … I totally LOVE the watercolors [and the box too, of course!] They’re awesome!

    I haven’t really bought anything new craft-wise for quite awhile but speaking of Little Art Things that inspire me and that I love – lately it’s been drawing on index cards and adding lots of color and doodles and then once done, going back to it to see how I can cut it into pieces and use it in my art somehow. They all turn out different and it’s fun to see once I cut them into maybe 2 inch squares [or smaller], what designs, colors and patterns I end up with. :)

  12615. Such a happy cover Hanna, it really fits you! I have a few altered books going on but I mostly make/bind my own books and yes, they ALL have a pimped/self created cover… it just finishes the personal feel to it.

  12616. Lovely set! I do like seeing a complete series all together like that. I’ve attempted ICAD summer 3 times now (including this year where I did ONE WEEK before I wandered off) – finished all 61 cards only once. So I applaud those who do, loudly!

    XOXO Michelle

  12617. Congratulations! They really do look great all together on a wall. I always love you colour combinations.
    I did not join in the index card challenge but in answer to your question I have been creating lots of Beach Clean Art, I’m kinda obsessed with it at the moment, both photographing what I find and creating mixed media pieces, it has gripped me so much I had to start a separate blog. A fun summer project – helping the environment too.

  12618. I love seeing all your index cards and I really, really love the last cards… awesome!!! I didn’t join ICAD this year – I did join in 2013 (a few cards) and 2015 (43 cards last year)… there was a time I created on index cards a lot (‘box of longing’ – you can see those in a gallery on my website) but I haven’t worked on that for quite some time… maybe I should pick that up again. I had a weird Summer, no regular working on art – just some bits and pieces in my journals over the last months. Hope to get back to creating on a more regular base soon. Enjoy these last Summer months Hanna!

  12619. Yes, please, from me in regard to the “Altered book by…” printable! In the photo here I can read a bit more of it, and it’s wonderful! So here’s my vote! ;-)

    And I love all your polka dots, here and all elsewhere!

    Thanks for sharing!

  12620. I have always loved that stamp you use “altered book by” YES PLEASE share a printable of it…Thanks so much and I’m loving watching you fill that book!
    Thanks Hanna

  12621. I don’t tend to use greens or yellows much, but I really like the way these colors look on your cards. And the pink index cards look like the perfect find for you!!

  12622. These are all wonderful – thanks for showing them off! I participated in ICAD this summer too and found myself doing mostly collage works on my index cards. It was fun!

  12623. I agree with everything you said about watercolors!! I love how vibrant they can get and I adore how they move on the paper. They can be soft and subtle or bold and bright. My mom bought me a set big set of watercolor markers that can be used for stamping, and I’ve been playing with those lately. I’ll stamp an image in permanent ink, then outline the image with various marker colors, then spray the image with a mini water spritzer and watch the colors reach out in all directions like little tendrils. Lastly I’ll use my water dropper to add color drops everywhere 💚

  12624. Beautiful! I love this post for its simplicity. It makes me want to get my watercolours out and paint again. I love the effects you can get from just a few colours and what you can do with those circles afterwards. Thank you so much for sharing with us

  12625. After a long time away from them, my threads and I are getting reacquainted. My latest exploration is in embroidery and stitching, “sew” much fun!

    Shine on!

  12626. It was so great to see your daily cards up on Facebook, Hanna! And this post is just the icing on the cake…your art is inspiring, fun to look at, and always makes me happy.

  12627. I just love your cards, Hanna! They say “playfulness” “freedom” and
    “fun”, to me! I see a little Jane Davies influence here and there ;) And I think of one of her recent videos, a promotional video, where she talks about making art, and that she likes art that looks like the artist didn’t really know what he/she was doing, but went there anyway. I am trying to make art this way, lately. It’s tough because I’m a planner, but it’s a learning experience….learning to play!

  12628. I’ve actually been exploring watercolors recently as well! I haven’t used them in forever (think elementary school) so it’s fun to see what I can do with them as an artist.

    Love the pictures!

  12629. You know, I think you’ve captured the essence of watercolor in this post. You have to let go, let it flow and breath for it work. I’ve dabbled in watercolor for years, but never felt truly comfortable with it. I swear that it is because I’m such a controlled person and my fascination with watercolor is because it is the opposite of me and requires different skills. In my case, the benefit truly comes from the process and not the product.

    • Hi Annie, thanks for leaving me a comment. I’m an avid reader too, but with the millions of books being published, bought and discarded to the paper trash every day I feel no shame when I “rescue” a few vintage ones to new life. ;-)

      • And I think I may have phrased my comment poorly. I’m glad you stretched my perspective to see a book as a potential artistic resource. :)

  12630. You are so clever! I know you had fun transforming a page from a book that might have ended up in the incinerator into an interesting piece of art!

    • Thanks Sandy, that’s how I think of altered books too, like a kind of transformation. We waste way too much paper in the world ever day, but as an artist at least I try to use as much old paper as I can and make it beautiful, or simply useful in my own life.

  12631. I say the spread looks awesome to me! Roughness and memories. I like to see pyramids in the triangles too as I don’t like X-mas trees much. And then: it’s a warm day (28 Celcius) and X-mas is not on my mind at all. Hope you have a great day too up North!

  12632. Hanna – I “loved” this post … your pictures of paintings and collaging really inspire me to get some art things out and to create something [anything really!] Thanks so much for sharing with us. I’d love to see more posts like this!

    • Thank you Debi, glad you liked it. I always take photos of my work/work desk, so sharing things like this freeform update makes me happy. :-)

  12633. I second Debi! I loved this post, from the quote from Rumi to your artwork to the wonderful photo of Stockholm. Today, I am vacationing on a little island off the coast of Washington State, looking a similar clouds and sea. Your photo is a nice reminder of how small our world really is, in a good way.

  12634. I do have a dymo label maker but I don’t use it very much… I LOVE the transparant tape, now that would make me use it immediately! My tape is the boring black/blue/red… I will be on the look out for transparent tape!

    • Thanks Judy, I want to go through my clipping too when looking at these photos, hehe. Glad you got some inspiration from it all! :-)

  12635. I love these! Do you know when your fall postcard swap is going to be yet? I know it’s still early but I wanted to plan ahead. Thanks.

  12636. I really enjoy your work. It is a treat getting an email from you.

  12637. Thanks for yet another happy reminder about how fun and happy and personal an art journal can be Hanna!

  12638. Thanks, Hanna! The pages that you’ve shared are a terrific and inspirational reminder!

  12639. I art journal for fun and color play. More emotion shows up in my writing journal. But I have a hard time leaving raw emotions where others can see or read those feelings.

  12640. Oh that workshop sounds divine! Can’t wait to see more of what you did Hanna. I’m dreaming of attending one of her workshops myself now! <3

  12641. Orly’s journal has quite literally been on the journey with her, hasn’t it? What a wonderful opportunity you had to attend this getaway workshop! I’m so sorry you felt poorly at the beginning, but I’m glad you pulled through to make it there for most of it. Her “style” definitely strikes me as quite different from yours, and I love that she encouraged you to maintain your own even as you explored some new things along the way.

  12642. I have a newer style Dymo, but yours looks just like my mom’s did when I was growing up. My mom and I are labeling fools! :-)

  12643. Great video! I loved how you started it by shoving aside your scissors and things, it was so you!!! And I loved hearing your voice, this is the first time I’ve heard your voice in many years of following you. I want to get this book!! I also liked how it was collage carnival and you had a song about a carnival playing at the end. Cheers!

  12644. Thank you very much for the video review, Hanna. It is very nice to put a voice to a face. The book does look exciting! Many happy collaging hours to you!

  12645. Great video, Hanna!! I would love more videoreviews from you and I’ve got a big need for that book, too! Happy friday from Norway:D

  12646. Hi Hanna, I enjoyed the video! It’s so strange to hear your voice after all these years. As Suzi already said, the beginning where you pushed everything aside to make room for the book was so You! I watch a lot of YouTube “how to” videos, mostly about how too fix stuff in my house, and I would love to see you mix it up and do videos on some of the interesting projects you are always working on. My attention span is often too short – I like videos that are five minutes or less. I look forward to “hearing” from you in the future!

  12647. After reading the Girl Quilts blog about the Scrappy Blocks Tutorial, I mistakenly posted a comment mentioning you, iHanna. I said the tutorial was a good idea for making postcards, but that I wouldn’t be surprised if you (iHanna) had already done just that. :-) (I didn’t realize at first the blog belonged to QuiltyGirl.) Well, here I am, back on your blog and, surprise! Here you have these gorgeous fabric patchwork postcards! They are beautiful, and I can’t wait to try making some…just as soon as I find a place to set up my sewing machine in our new apartment. Thank you for the great links you sent in your latest email. The Scrappy Blocks tutorial was my favorite.

  12648. I just found your review of this book…better late than never! :-) I hope my library has it as I plan on reading it. I too love making lists, any kind imaginable. I have lists in so many places that I forget where they are and what was written on them…lists outlining who I need to call, items I need to buy, projects to be completed, things I want to accomplish in my home and in my life. Also, I was happy to read you had over 3000 emails in your inbox dating to years past. I have the same dilemma and even though the thought of so many emails drives me crazy, I don’t do anything about it. I definitely need this book! Thank you for the well-written review.

  12649. Lots of great links here; great way to start my Sunday!

    Shine on!

    • Glad you liked it Sandra, I enjoy looking for things that inspires me so I’m just obliged to share some of it, ain’t I? :-)

  12650. Hi Hanna! Hooray for your postcard swap! The best postcard swap in the world!! I’ve had a few conversations recently with some gals i met via your previous swaps, and we’ve been saying how much all of us are looking forward to hearing your announcement for the 2nd swap of 2016, and here it is :) Xcited!

    I have really been into coloring/coloring books lately. Not long ago, I did a page from one of my coloring books, which i cut out-framed-and gave to someone as a birthday gift. I had copies of it made in a smaller size (the original page was 8×8 inches) I think I will use those for my postcards and add some doodles/paint/stamping. I’ll be signing up in the next few days. Thank you so much for doing this-it’s always so much fun!!!!

      • Aw, thank you Jenny, so glad you think it’s so great. I am biased but I kind of agree! ;-) There already a lot of people signed up, so I’m keeping busy. Can’t wait to see your postcards.

  12651. This book looks like some serious eye candy, and I can see why you wouldn’t want to cut into it right away. Loved the video review! Might have been a little shorter, but I did want to keep looking at the book…guess I’ll buy it! :) And I love that we are experiencing more of YOU, your personality, voice, hands, creative environment in video…it makes me feel more connected to you than just reading your blog….which I also love! XO

  12652. Sooo good to hear your voice! Now I can bring back lively memories whenever I want to :)
    I especially liked it when you said: “…this makes me want to cut out EVERYthing…” Ja! That’s my Hanna :)
    Great review – yes, do more.

  12653. Hanna, how is the pallette holding up? Does the pink scratch off? I want to paint my water color palettes too! Lovely idea!

    • Hi Wendy, I’m glad to report that it holds up well and the neon pink is still doing its job on my box, though I haven’t been know to carry it around everyday, during this summer I’ve had it with me in a bag together with the Moleskine sketchbook at times, and it still looks good.

      Let me know how it goes, I’d love to see a pic.

  12654. I love this post, Hanna! I do see your Instagram every time you post, but this was a good, saturated, view! Things do get a bit diluted when you are scrolling through a feed with so many different things…sometimes. I even have to search my own kids’ Instagram accounts to see what they are posting because there is so much in my feed! I’m tempted to unfollow some things, but then afraid of missing some really cool stuff! The Instagram dilemma!
    I copied the Rumi quote into a little notebook of quotes that I keep to use in my Bullet Journal pages (I go back and if a daily page has a big blank space, I fill it with a meaning ful quote).

  12655. You know what I do, inspired by your post, I just started a journal for random collage on the papers that come with instructions for use in mdicine boxes; I’ve got to many of them and turn this into my way of Healing!

  12656. I can totally relate to your blog post and reflections. My favorite tool is my Ta-dah list I usually make each Sunday – lining up all the wonderful (creative) things I have done since my last Ta-dah list, all the amazing and inspiring people I have met and all the lovely things I have experienced to nuture my creative soul… We are indeed creative enough <3 <3

    • Your Ta-dah list must be amazing Susanne, because you seem to be living in a creative dream landscape every day!

      I write such lists too, but monthly and in the past I have also made that kind of list for the whole year on the blog, and then called it List of Creative Achievements.

      Happy Lists like that are really empowering tools!

  12657. I am really very excited about this swap, but also a little nervous, which is why I haven’t signed up yet. For some reason I am just afraid that if I impose a deadline on myself I won’t be able to create anything! Does anyone else ever feel that way?

    Hopefully I will be able to talk myself into it and will sign up soon. :)

    • I hope you get over your nervousness, do not fear this! But if you’re worried you won’t find the time to finish all 10 postcards on time, I encourage you to make them before you sign up. There is plenty of time before I close the gates for this round, so create freely and sign up in a week or two perhaps? Good luck!

  12658. If anyone is creative, YOU ARE my dear! But I know the doubtfulness we all experience from time to time (or often…) I love how Susanne makes a ‘Ta-dah’ list, great idea!

    • Thanks Marit, for cheering me on. We should have a support group for the days when creativity and joy seams to dissipate and we need some encouraging friends around… :-)

  12659. Yes, Hanna, You are creative anough and more than enough, so much more that it pours over and splatters onto other people. :-)

    • Silvia, I’m sure you’d enjoy all these books since you’re a Scandinavia fan! You should come over and check it out! :)

  12660. Hi Hanna – I signed up for the postcard swap a few weeks ago and unfortunately will not be able to participate. Thank you for your understanding and I look forward to participating in your next swap.

    • Thanks for letting me know Kristen. I hope you can join next time. Take care of yourself and your family.


  12661. Hi Juniebird, I just wanted to encourage you and tell you how much fun I have had doing Hanna’s postcard swap. This one will be my 6th swap in a row. Sometimes, I already have an idea I want to use for my postcards, other times, I just start smearing paint, gluing bits/pieces down, stamping, doodles, etc, etc. Sometimes, I have waited till the last minute to start my cards, and other times (like this swap) I am almost finished with my cards. Don’t let the deadline scare you away :) I think you will enjoy making your cards, and then, once the postcards from other’s start arriving….That’s another part of the fun! I always make extra postcards, to send to family/friends, a few go to people from previous swaps! and I always send one to myself :) I bet you will really enjoy Hanna’s postcard swap-she does a great job organizing it and inspiring us along the way.

  12662. hi hanna, i would say this is a fun little postcard tutorial! i like how you had the scissors dancing/moving around on the table at the beginning :) i found it to be very inspiring, i enjoyed watching you fussy cut the faucet image. the finished postcard is darling-and so is your voice!! i give this 2 thumbs up and 5 stars. very, very good. i like voice over videos, because they seem to not go on and on and on while the person is looking for something they want to show in their video. lol. being able to edit the video is a good thing, i think. i look forward to part 2 ;) thank you for sharing your gifts, and your inspiration <3

    • Haha, making your scissors dance is one of my magic tricks. It’s not easy to do, but once you get your flow going it can happen… :-)

  12663. I havenever done collage on my post cards but I am inspired to try. Question….Do you put anything over the top od the finished card or do you find the glue stick is sufficient?

    • I don’t do anything on top of the collage, because with the method I use I feel confident that the papers will stick. What I do is I put glue everywhere on the backside of each paper, as you can see in the video, and kind of soak it in with the glue stick before adhering it, especially important to really glue all edges down so that the papers won’t tear away. That’s my other magic trick, but it also depends on what kind of glue stick you have. Get a good one!

      Let me know how it goes!

  12664. Hi. I am really intrigued by your postcard swap but am nervous about my creations not being very good. I am fairly new to “arting” though I love it! I mess around in my journals having some pages that turn out well and some not so much. I wonder how the cards are mailed. If they have texture and bumpy things would they be sent in an envelope or do they go “as is”? I am going to consider this project during the next few days and hope to convince myself to participate.
    Thank you

    • Hi Pat, I’m glad you found your way to the swap information, and glad you’re considering it. I don’t think you need to be nervous about your art being good enough, all art is awesome in my eyes!

      Some of us have been doing art many years, others are new to experimenting with it, but all are welcome and my hope with hosting this swap is that everyone should feel welcomed and encouraged!

      So feel welcome, this time or next time, in spring, when I’ll host this swap again. :-)

  12665. Hanna! I have been feeling very much the same….wanting to do so many things, making goals to do them, even breaking the goals down in to mini-goals and tasks, and I’m still only accomplishing a small bit of what I set out to do. I have journaled about this in my private journal. The latest thought I had about it all was this: Maybe I set the bar too high for myself. But just by setting the bar, and then setting it high, I am (a) establishing something to aspire to, and (b) even if I only get part way there, it’s still progress. So, I’m with you on being gracious with myself! Thanks for pointing out the Art challenge…I just signed up! Looking forward to seeing what you create!

  12666. I have my cards all made! Got your email this morning.
    I was looking forward to this, Love your posts – please keep up the good work.

    • Glad we got it sorted out so you could join even without paypal Judy! Thanks for your generous comment, so glad you enjoy my blog and keep coming back.

    • Thanks Sharon, this was a few days ago… Now it’s already covered in snow, but I doubt it will last very long… :-) One thing’s for sure: the weather is for ever changing…

  12667. I realize that you posted this a few days ago without any thought to our election in the U.S., but I didn’t get to read it until today. So, thank you for reminding me of the beauty in the world. I really needed this.

  12668. Congratulations Hanna for being the new editor-in-chief!!

    I wish that I knew how to sew because I’ve always wanted to make a quilt but unfortunately I can’t see to get past threading the needle on the machine. lol

    Love all the fabric … I’m thinking maybe it’s a good thing I don’t sew after all because I have a hard time resisting new colors of yarn, I can only imagine how I’d be with all of the colors and patterns of new material. LOL

    Have a nice day, friend!


  12669. I love my blue thread. Thank you Hanna.
    I also love you.
    You can come to my new sewingroom and start your quilt there.

  12670. I didn’t know there was an official blog post a day month challenge but I’ve been doing it every October for three years. And I come away feeling glorious. It’s certainly a way to stop saying I don’t have time. I also made art everyday in September. And that was also very empowering. My inner child now trusts me to make time for her to play. I wrote some good posts on how I felt after these. I am in need of getting my newsletter on so you are inspiring me for that. Thanks!

  12671. I love your pages Hanna and love the bright colors too.

    My problem is that when I use paints, they always dry dull looking. The only paints I have are the small cheap bottles of acrylic paints … Maybe if I invested in better quality of paints, they’d look brighter when they dry? What do you think?


  12672. Hello :) What a lovely breathe of fresh air your blog is, I have just discovered it :) Lots of colour, which I like! Love your journal work, very inspiring :)

  12673. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photography and love of washi tape! I totally agree – washi tape makes me happy! In fact, I just purchased a small cubby-shelf-display to repurpose so I can see and enjoy my washi stash. I just can’t put them in a drawer! I want to see all those smile-making patterns and colors! Love your idea of making evidence pages. I’m going to have to start doing that! Thanks for sharing this, Hanna!

  12674. Such fun tapes, Hanna! I have SO many rolls of tape, but I’m pretty good about using them. The colors and patterns you show here are so “you”! I get a brief little “high” from new goodies, like art supplies or a good thrift store find, I must admit.

  12675. Beautiful doodle pages, Hanna! It’s funny: once you mentioned Pam Garrison, I could see the influence of her style on your pages…just a bit!

  12676. Oh my gosh. I keep buying washi tape and I don’t even know what to do with it. Once in a while I’ll use a piece on an envelope, or to cover up something on my calendar, but that’s it. Otherwise it just sits in the rolls… and I still buy more. Why is this stuff so appealing?!?!

    I like your idea of an Evidence Page, I will have to make one this weekend.

    Most of the time, buying stuff doesn’t make me happy – but when I have things (bought or found or made) that is colorful and cute, looking at it makes me happy – so I guess that’s where the washi tape appeal comes in. The stuff is so pretty!

  12677. This is one of the most inspirational posts on creativity I’ve read in a long time. The one about creating with kids really hit home for me. Some of my best projects have been with my kiddos. I love creating with them, they self-published their first book at age 5, and they help spark creativity in me. Thanks for this list…and the inspiration!

  12678. Your cards came out very cute and festive! Glad you had fun creating them! Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos (it feels like we were crafting right alongside you!) and thank you for sharing your creativity and inspiration with us! Hope you had a happy Christmas and New Years!

  12679. While in Venice a couple of years ago, my best friend bought me the same tree only on clear glass. It broke into several pieces this year & I was heartbroken.
    I searched for it online & came across your blog.
    Thank you for loving this miniature tree as much as I did♡
    I was looking for the name of the store where it was bought so I can replace it.
    Thank you for highlighting my Christmas tree♡♡♡♡

  12680. That’s a deal, I will reading your blog like the last years.

    I don’t like big goals in january – but I started a yearlong practice: Painting/Collageing/Drawing etc. every day in a miniformat: 6x6cm. One little book for every month, here you can see my first week. Nothing great, but the goal is “doing something on one page every day” and I win. Until now, I won every day since the first January.

  12681. “If blogging is going away the best part of the Internet will be lost! So lets keep writing.”
    Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!!!!! I totally agree with this and i hope you will keep blogging, you are a great blogger and i like how honestly you talk. The social medias can be interesting places to share stuff, but my feeling is that we find our true voice through what we write and not only through pictures. So, i wish you a beautiful and creative year and i encourage you to keep on blogging.

  12682. That’s a deal, my friend. Hearts & sunshine & quinacridone magenta love to you dear Hanna. Your work and your words ALWAYS brighten my day. That sounded really sentimental, and when I comes to blogging, I really am. I think it is important and I will continue too.

  12683. I can’t imagine giving up blogging since it’s so much part of me. I blog to inspire but I also blog to keep a record for myself and also keep pushing myself to be better. I may blog less, but I doubt it. Great post. Thanks and keep up the blogging!

  12684. I’m still a reader, and still a (casual) blogger myself, and I don’t plan to stop doing either any time soon. Some of these other electronic platforms just aren’t conducive to the kinds of thoughtful, meaningful exchanges one can have on a blog. I understand why some bloggers are making the move, but they shouldn’t assume that everyone will make the move with them. Do what your heart AND head tell you to do, and above all make yourself happy.

  12685. Please don’t stop blogging. You are a true ray of sunshine in the blogosphere.

    • I agree. Please don’t stop blogging. I love your blog and find it to be inspiring and refreshing.

  12686. I’ll still be here reading your words and being inspired by all your photos, stories, and projects! Thank you for creating a bright, happy place, full of creativity and happy colors where we can come visit on the internet! Hoping you feel better soon! Congratulations on your yoga practice – I know how hard, but important that can be. Go, Hanna, go! (That’s me cheering from my corner of the internet.) I haven’t made any big goals for this year yet, but I’m hoping to start some in March. Thank you for sharing your blog with us! Looking forward to whatever you create here this year!

  12687. I’m not a big fan of change, and these days it seems like everything is changing so fast. I like old fashioned things, and now blogging seems to fall in that category. For you to have to consider giving something up that you like to do, because it is no longer in style makes me sad. I hate the way people in society tend to jump on one bandwagon and then off, only to jump on the next one that comes along ( media platforms). I appreciate how long you’ve been dedicated to your blog, and all the effort that goes into it. I hope that you stick with it awhile longer. I don’t always comment, but I am a faithful reader.

    • Thanks for reading Michele.
      I would never consider stopping blogging because it is a trend to do so, but consider that blog reading, commenting and sharing is also going down, and because blogging takes up SO much time, one sometimes feels a bit lonely filling this blog with words, ideas and images…
      But no, I won’t stop blogging just yet, since I have faithful readers like you who chime in at times. Thank you!

  12688. So glad you’re going to continue blogging. I love visiting artists’ blogs. I don’t have a Facebook account and so blogs are the chosen internet connection for me. The format is friendly and well, I just love blogs. Happy blogging in 2017!

  12689. A thoughtful post, and I do hope you’ll keep blogging. I’ve been reading your posts for so long I’d feel like I lost a friend if you stopped. Remember when we were just learning about gesso? I am hoping to write more also this year, mostly to collect some of the genealogical research I’ve been doing for many years, and posting on my own blog, to remind myself of interesting things I see or think about. Perhaps I should add commenting more often on your posts to the list.

    • Marcia,
      I so understand what you mean. I miss many many of my old blogging friends. Many are “for ever gone” since they don’t blog any more and I don’t know what happens in their lives. Glad you are still around my dear, thank you!

  12690. Just discovered your blog yesterday- I really like your message :-) While so many have moved away from the whole “New Year’s Resolutions” thing, I have set some goals for myself as I do at the start of every year. I have already made good progress by working to make art/create something every day- even if it’s just doodling while waiting in the school carpool line. I will continue to follow your blog- I find it inspiring and am looking forward to what comes next :-)

  12691. I did notice, because I am not on any social media, so I just kept checking the blog every other day. Your blog is too full of colour and positive vibes to give it up. So way to go into 2017!

  12692. I love your blog! Most days (especially this time of year) I find myself pressed for time and only quickly browse social media. But on days when I have time to enjoy a cup of tea or cocoa and sit and read for a bit I love to come catch up on your blog and a few others. I have been thinking about cutting back on the blogs that I follow – I tend to follow a lot when I find a new interest – and now it’s time to narrow it down to those that I truly enjoy and look forward to each time. Your’s is definitely one I always look forward to. That said, if you ever did decide to stop I would understand. Everyone has to do what is right for them, and if something is no longer fitting with your life, time to change it :)

    • Thank you Laura, you’re too kind. I still enjoy blogging so I’ll keep at it, but I agree with you, there is just SO many fun things in the world of internet. How can we keep up with it all? It comes down to picking a few good ones and enjoying life, our own life, as best we can.

      Thanks for reading!

  12693. Hi Hanna – I missed not seeing you here so much. Even though I don’t comment every time, I regularly visit and enjoy seeing what you are up to. Gretchen Rubin’s book is a goody – I have just got it out of our library again to tweak up some habits. See you again soon :-)

    • Thank you Lynette! I’ll never ask people to comment on everything or all the time, but when you do chime in it is great to hear from you.

      I loved reading Gretchen’s book even though I always hope someone will give me the magic solution to creating good habits, and even though it wasn’t in this book either, I learned a lot about myself and habit making.

  12694. To all my readers: I just wanted to say a big and warm Thank You for leaving me your kind comment on this very blog post. Having readers that read what you write, that share your ideas and find inspiration in your thoughts, is exhilarating and beautiful.

    I will not quite blogging, and your cheering and love is the reason.

    Thank you! I’m wishing you all the best in the New Year!

  12695. LOL . . . I have been spending a lot lo time this winter watching GoT also. Good thing to do in the winter. Wonderful journal pages!

    • Thanks Clare, but yeah, isn’t it getting a bit too bloody? I might need a break from the war I think, I’ve been watching non-stop evenings for 2 weeks now. :-)

  12696. Thanks for giving us a peek into your art journal! Very fun!

  12697. Beautiful pages. Now I really want to buy some magazines.

    • Thanks Cody. I very rarely buy magazines myself. Instead I make sure everyone else around me knows I’m a cut and paste artist that needs their leftovers!

      • I wish I had people around me like that. Sadly, no such luck. Good thing the library sells old ones.

  12698. I LOVE your journal pages! The images are beautiful and writing over them produces a very lively effect. I will have to give a try at this.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and letting a very nice comment. Be well dear .

  12699. I feel a bit sad that those blogging-community seems to fall apart… there used to be a lot of readers on the blogs and nowadays hardly anyone comments on my blog – instead, I get lots of comments on Facebook… grrrr… but I am like you: I will keep on blogging (and reading blogs, although my time is more limited than before) because I agree: my blogposts are the foundation of everything I do in the social media world.

    Have a fabulous 2017 Hanna!

  12700. I do so agree with you that blogging should continue!!! instagram is fun to quickly look at a few nice pictures but what is the background story, how was it made? blogging is so much richer but I am frustrated too that fewer and fewer people want to find inspiration on my blog while I do explain at length how I make things. People must be scotched before facebook and not creating anymore?
    Like you I will doggedly continue blogging…back to creating and forming content for my blog at the same time!

  12701. As always your posts are so full of inspiration. Thank you Hanna for being such a generous spirit, you put so much work in for our benefit. You mention setting goals and a few of us are setting our targets in the 17 for 2017 challenge and supporting one another along the way. It is not too late to join in and you and/or your readers would be very welcome here.

    good luck with your goals! <3

  12702. Hi Hanna … I enjoyed your entire post – with the exception of the 10 actions in 100 days and to me, with that women’s march here in the US, I found it to be filled with hate and based on lies and also language that should never have been said around all the children that were there. All they are trying to do is to tear our country apart.

  12703. I am praying for your wounds to heal quickly. There is nothing worse than a broken heart! I do think that art will be the salve that heals you. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and soon you will run again and feel full of life. Blessings to you!

  12704. Every evening when I settle down to watch TV with my daughter, I pick up my art journal and a fine black permanent marker and I outline things in my journal. It has become a habit now. I outline stencil work, lettering, eyes, Gelli plate shapes, it makes things pop out of the page and relaxes my tired brain before bedtime.

  12705. I love this! I haven’t been doing art lately but I’m also a bit scared of picking it up, mostly because of “we expect our makings to be grand at once” :D They never been anything special but for some reason I always put pressure on me whenever I pick up something art related. When it’s cross stitch it’s easier because I always follow a pattern.

  12706. Your warm-up collage is definitely a “spark”! It fires up the energy and imagination and it’s just what we need during these last days of winter. (Well, in this hemisphere!)

    Thank you for your endless encouragement and beautiful art,
    Sandy Ward
    North Carolina / USA

  12707. I really enjoy your site. So much creativity and color. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  12708. This is a great idea, Hanna, and I love seeing your color play. Just like stretching before exercising, doing a mini project with small expectations is a good way to get your brain warmed up for bigger activities. If you want a few more ideas on how to jumpstart your art projects I’ve posted a few starting ritual ideas on my blog.

  12709. I love this; thank you for showing it off! This month I’ve been playing with the idea of what I call a “scrappy (ie scrapbook) journal”, in which I affix various ephemera pertaining to the events of a day on a page, and then write a bit about those events. My journal isn’t very big, so it doesn’t take long to fill up a page. This project was fun to do on a recent out-of-town trip, where I glued in ticket stubs and pictures from brochures. It was a bit more of a challenge when we returned home and it seemed like I had had an ordinary day – what could I journal/affix to that page that day? But that “challenge” is part of the fun! It forces me to look at such days’ events in a more open and creative way.

  12710. Oh my goodness, thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous photography with us!! Loved all the bright, happy colors – and all the wonderful, wonderful fabrics! There are days I think I could happily live inside a fabric store. Fabric just makes me so happy – happy colors and fun patterns, and all that potential just waiting to be discovered! Thanks for all the inspiration!

  12711. Oh my gosh, I would have LOVED to have gone to this but think if I had, I would not have a lot of self control. lol I was eyeing the yarn [something I use every day!] and also I loved all the fabrics but don’t collect them.

    I too have a very small apartment [it’s an efficiency one, meaning that I don’t even have a bedroom!] so I don’t have a lot of room to collect things. Maybe it’s a good thing that I don’t sew, huh? lol Not saying that I wouldn’t love to sew but for some reason, I’ve never been able to get past threading the needle on the machine. Ha! ha!

  12712. P.S. I forgot to mention that you did a fabulous job with documenting your day here! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. (Hugs)

  12713. Wow–so much eye candy! The ribbons are especially grand. Thanks for sharing.

  12714. I’ve been thinking about making a journal filled with things I find beautifulimages, pictures, words… I’m not sure yet how to start. Your pages here are gorgeous and colorful and provide me with so much inspiration! Thank you!

  12715. Love this post, Hanna! You are such an inspiration to myself and to many others as well. Thank you! : )

  12716. When I am more creative, it fuels more creativity. It is also a check for me to know when or if I am ‘slipping’ into a bit of depression.

  12717. I have a few colouring books but I honestly prefer children’s colouring books! The adult ones are just too finely detailed and intricate for my poor eyes to cope with!!

    • Good point Rachel, some of the adult coloring books are crazy detailed and makes me a bit dizzy too. I’m a fan of the mandala books though, they’re beautiful.

  12718. I have quite a few things to say about coloring books :). I was a preschool teacher and director for a number of years and am now an elementary school art teacher.(and and a newly minted mixed media artist) For children I find that coloring books are creativity killers. I know there are big debates out there about the merits of coloring books but, I also give workshops to preschool teachers who don’t have a clue about kids creativity in art and they give them these copycat art projects to do which includes coloring pages, because they dont know how to help them be creative. (sorry for the rambling this is a real pet peeve of mine)

    For adults I think the coloring is a different thing. Coloring with creamy crayons, markers and other utensils and filling in all the spaces fits into the same therapeutic effects as all other hand work. Its relaxing and therapeutic.

    However, coloring is NOT creative. Creativity is creating something new and thats not what coloring is.(Unless you create your own coloring pages)

    So though coloring may have its market (also for adults who would love to use art materials but, just don’t know what to do with them) let’s not confuse it with creativity.

  12719. I think you really summed up the advantages of coloring books for adults very nicely. I will also add that I think coloring gives me a place to experiment with new supplies and get a feel for how to use them without the fear of “messing up” a project of my own. Also, I find that my mind seems to loosen up as I color and I find creative thoughts popping up more readily.

    I don’t have a favorite coloring book (yet! ;) ), but I will say that I think I prefer ones with more open space as opposed to too much really fine detail.

  12720. I love coloring and do have an adult coloring book [which I’ve had for nearly a year and still haven’t used it … but I will someday! lol]

    Also I bought some small cards about the size of 3 x 4″ and they’re to be colored and I have been using them [I like to enclose them in cards I send sometimes.]

    And, last but not least – I just bought a journaling bible last week and it is filled with images to color in and I love it! Now if I just had more time … there never seems enough time to do it all, ya know?

    Have a nice day, Hanna!

  12721. Faigie, I have to disagree with you about coloring books not being creative. No, they are not original drawings, but for someone who hasn’t picked up a colored pencils or crayon since childhood, it’s a first step. It enables a person to try out watercolor and crayons and pens in ways they may have never considered. Their new found creativity may enable them to experiment with color and shading progress to other mediums. To say it’s not creative to color in an adult coloring book tells me you have never done it. For some it’s a first step, and that is something we need to encourage and nurture, not slam them with “its not creative so it’s not really art.” Everyone has to begin somewhere, most of us weren’t born with a paint brush in our hands, and I hope you are less critical with your students.

    • I agree, Peggy. I think coloring books do allow us to be creative. The decision as to what media and the colors we use are creative choices. You might just as well say that crocheting something isn’t creative if we don’t make up our own pattern.

    • I’m sorry this came across as critical , but it happens to be a pet peeve of mine as its all you see in many preschool and kindergarten classrooms. It can be fun and soothing(and you’re right I do love to color , but do it in my journal not in coloring books) and if you take it a step further then maybe it can lead to creativity but if you look up the definition of creativity it doesn’t seem to fit.

      • I get where you all are coming from here, and think it’s lovely that my blog post on coloring pages got you thinking and talking about the definition of creativity….

        I agree with you Faigie, that it does not seam that kids could learn anything about creativity from a coloring pages – they’re so free and creative in themselves. It’s indeed the grown ups who “need” the coloring to get started. Kids migh have fun with a coloring book, to play in and learn to stay inside the lines I guess, but not for learning about creativity.

        I myself do not define coloring as the most creative thing you could do with your time, as I wrote in this post. Instead I think of it as a gateway drug to heavier creativity! ;-) Although I think there is always a danger in defining what’s creative and what’s not, for others.

        Everything that we create does not need to be innovative – just innovations themselves!

        To be creative on a coloring page is what I describe above; where there was “nothing” (as in black outlines that you can color within), now there is blending, colors, mistakes and trials, and a play with how it all will create this new picture that wasn’t there before.

        To say like Faigie that “coloring is NOT creative” can be true, but also very false. It all depends on your definition of creativity and how you approach it – and what you will define as creating something “new”.

  12722. Hi Hanna! I keep a little notebook where I collect quotes…from everywhere…and then I try to brushletter (or other form of handlettering) them into the blank spaces in my Bullet Journal. I totally relate to the benefits of their wisdom! I am thrilled that I will be able to easily cut and paste some really good ones curated by YOU! Thank you for this! I’m already signed up for your newsletter, so I look forward to receiving your PDF in my inbox! XO

  12723. I think I’m already subscribed to your newsletter, so I’m hoping to get this PDF sent to me. Thank so much for compiling this list and offering it to your subscribers!

  12724. Hi, Hanna – I already receive your newsletter and I’d like very much to receive your PDF of quotes in my inbox. Thank you so much for doing this!! I’ve always admired the great quotes on your blog/newsletter. I don’t think I’ve ever commented before – I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing your wonderfully creative art. I bought Craft-a-Doodle because you are in it- it’s a great book! Love your Happy Flower Garland Frame and your Flock of Birds. Great fun! Thanks to you and Daisy Yellow for your encouragement to do art every day!!!

    • Aww, thank you so much for leaving your first comment and letting me know you’re reading. That means so much to me! I hope you got the PDF link in the Newsletter I just sent out, otherwise just write me and I’ll re-send it to you.

  12725. Hello Hanna. I follow your blog and newsletter continously (also instagram :). How can i receive the quotes pdf? I love your happy art and pages and the inspiration. I miss your collages, too. (daily challenges and all)
    Have a great weekend.

    • Thank you Ozge, I just sent out a Newsletter (first of the year) and in there you’ll find the PDF. Please tag me on instagram if you post your notebook with quotes, I’d love to see them.

      I miss the daily collages too, thinking of doing a 100 day project in April… maybe. We’ll see.

    • Thanks Sandra, making things to share is my favorite thing to do, so it makes me happy too. I hope you can find a use for them.

  12726. I love art journals, they are little works of art. I’ve never started an art journal, because I spend the most of my freetime playing with dolls. I know it may seem strange, but there is a world of adults that play and collects dolls. There are dolls for every taste and every budget, so I love to create items, expecially dresses, for my dolls. But I’ve also played a lot with pencils, paint and paper in the past. Now I have a good purpose for this spring, I want to start journaling with my dolls. Your blog is so inspiring that simply I can’t resist, I have to try. So thank you!! 😃

  12727. I have been coloring for 9 or 10 months and have quite a collection of coloring books. It is the most soothing, relaxing activity I’ve found in a long time. I like both the detailed, intricate subjects and those with lots of open space. I enjoy figuring out elaborate color schemes …or paying little attention to color choice. There is even a practical use for all of those colored pages. I make postcards and envelopes out of them. And, as someone mentioned, it is a great way to try out new techniques and art supplies.

  12728. I love love quotes- have them everywhere – thank you for these!

  12729. I like “Romance Her Today” because the background is so beautiful.

  12730. I came across this post via pinterest and I love it!!! I’d love to see more of your journal pages on your blog that I follow, but I haven’t followed so many years back as this was from 2009. It was the year I only started my own blog and discovered mixed media. I have noticed there are other pins to take so I will place them on my pinterest board dear diary. Thank you for sharing so generously!

  12731. So excited! I’ve been looking forward to this since last spring! Thank you for organizing and hosting this again, Hanna! Happy creating!

    • So excited to have you Arielle! I feel so organized as I’ve already started making mine and it’s a month until they have to be finished. Yay!

  12732. I love your koala bear postcard, it’s so cute! The purple flowers are wonderfully springy!

  12733. This card is cute, kitschy and cheerful! Perfect for spring. I love the cut out flowers, especially. And I recognize one of my scraps of gel print paper! 😃😃😃😃😊😘

    • Hi Sarah, I adore all the little scraps you sent me! Did you see the little notebook I made (posted on instagram recently), I think all of the scraps were from you. They’re so precious I wanted to keep them on the cover so I see them often when I flip through my Travler’s Notebook! :-)

  12734. Your flowery koala is adorable! Thank you for sharing! I’ve been slowly working on my postcards the past couple weeks. This year I won’t have time to spend an entire weekend creating all in one go, so I’ve been sneaking in 15 minutes here and 30 minutes there, slowly building happy postcards I’m eager to send on their journies to make people smile! Thank you for sharing your gorgeous in-process photos! It’s almost like creating side by side!

  12735. I love this card. I take bits and pieces from old magazines and use in my cards. I especially love the catchy sayings in the advertisements. I haven’t joined in a few years, but I did this year!! Can’t wait to see what makes its way to my mailbox.

    • Hey girl, so glad you decided to join in again. I’m sure this will be a super duper round of postcards. I so hope everyone will get their 10 postcards too.

  12736. I too would love a tutorial. I recently read the book “Slow Stitch” which ignited a return for me to the slower, “old-fashioned”, way of sewing. I love it because as you said, it is indeed meditative, relaxing, and with a small project, can be carried in a purse and done anywhere. Thank you for beautiful inspiration. You do gorgeous hand work!

  12737. I too was a ‘bulk-letter-writer’ having lots of pen pals all over the world in my teens. I remember pen pals from Turkey, China, Malaysia, USA, Canada, UK, Germany… I still have pictures of those pals and made a scrap book page about them years ago… Oh, and I kept a daily diary… I received a stash of “National Geographics” a few weeks ago and I replaced them for my old stash (just threw the ‘old ones’ – that I had cut into a lot already – away) but yes, having lots of magazines takes space and yes, saving them (how much?) or get rid of them is a topic for artists like us…. I hope you have a lovely and creative weekend Hanna and yes, you may count me to be a penpal-friend! Love from Holland

  12738. I always think I’ll send something back to those people who send me things in the swap who include their return address, and thus start a new penpal exchange, but it doesn’t usually happen. There is one person I’ve exchanged correspondence with a handful of times, though. The exchange is so fun! Online correspondence is fun, but I love real mail, and the swap is the only time I get any!

    I doubt I will ever be a minimalist either.

  12739. Awesome post, Hanna. I am so impressed and inspired and I will dive right into this topic. Thank you for sharing your love for this type of journal.
    Greetings from Germany!

  12740. Ohmy…. I have seen ‘Midori’ mentioned on several blogs/posts on Facebook but never ‘explored’ it… I bind my own journals/notebooks with hard cover (like you say YOU did too) but now you got me so curious to see this Midori and how it ‘works’ that I am afraid I will spend the rest of the morning watching the video’s you recommend… I better go make coffee first, ha! If I get hooked after looking to the videos (and probably making my own ‘Midori’ if I like what I see) I’ll let you know :) Have a great day Hanna!

  12741. Oh, this is a really cute idea. I do love a good swap. :) I hope you get a lot of participants!

    • Thank you, it sure is fun to make postcards and swap them. There are already over 100 participants from all over the world in this swap so I’m sure it will be a success!

  12742. dear hanna; so inspired by your lovely cards I had to have a go myself. I just ‘threw’ some pictures on the blog but I will come back to it and talk about them and give you crdits!
    Thank you so much for sharing… i return to making more before easter!

  12743. Cute idea!! I always liked making collages from magazines when I was younger, so this is kind of like a grown up version of that!


  12744. Thank you for all the fun inspiration, Hanna! I can’t wait to watch all the videos!

  12745. I 💜 discovering new blogs…and yours is a new favorite. I used to journal, but have gotten “too busy”. Not any more! You have inspired me. I will start a new book with my first page being “I 💙 …” I love the idea of doodling as well as words, maybe that’s what excites me so much. I have journals of words (just words), but no favorite quotes or drawings. Thanks for the inspiration!

  12746. Your journaling is awesome. I have always condemned my handwriting…sure, it’s neat (I’m a preschool teacher so it has to be readable by four year olds) but it lacks flair. I think I’ll experiment with colors and new fonts. Thanks for the inspirational ideas.

  12747. That was quite the fun crazy hat party! Loved the video! Thanks for sharing with us!

  12748. I am really enjoying your blog, especially about notebooks etc.
    Being an old time thrifter, I really like that you repurpose and make as much as you can. I too love the Midori system and have made a couple and bought one. Also like you, I can never find commercial planners or Midori in a size that works for me. I bought the regular size Midori but found that awkward too and the leather too stiff. The inserts were very nice though. I’ll be looking forward to your posts on this topic.

  12749. That pink gave you “happy feet!” Thanks for sharing your in-process pics and story! I love the reminder that we sometimes need to give ourselves the grace to just expirament and “do” something creative – it doesn’t always have to be perfect to be fun and a great learning experience! Thanks, Hanna!

  12750. Yes! Pre – marriage and children, and when I was a “young thing” (and a poor student) going to school and teacher’s college balls, I had one white pair of shoes that I painted to match whatever dress I’d made for that ball. There were shoes paints available in Australia then, but I haven’t looked for them for a long time. I will put that research on my list for the next time I’m in a big shopping centre.
    I aim to be patient enough to practice calligraphy! One day.
    I love your posts Hanna and always think of you whenever I see someone wearing pink!

    • Love your story about the shoes Sue, it makes me think of Cinderella and her blue/pink gown that you changed the color of your shoes to match the dress. LOL. :-)

  12751. So cute. I once painted a leather belt silver, I didn’t think the paint would stick but surprisingly it did, I couldn’t even scrape it off! I must’ve just fluked the paint and surface combo. Love the colour on your blog x

    • Thanks Jules! I know painting on some stuff should work, so maybe I’ll try again some time…

  12752. That’s a genius idea! Everybody needs a pair of pink shoes :)

    Stopping by from Tea and a Sewing Machine

  12753. Cool shoes, just a pity they didn’t stand up for much. Also, happy belated birthday Hanna. I hope you had a wonderful day.

    • Aw, thanks for your kind comment.

      And thanks for the congratulations. It was a very good birthday this year too. :-)

  12754. Happy belated birthday, Hanna! Hope you had a fun day! Your video was super cute. And I was so happy to recognize the background paper you used for your adorable baby card! Glad you were able to have fun creating with it! Thanks for sharing more of your postcards with us!

    • Thanks Arielle, it was a great birthday this year. So happy you liked the little stop motion video. I’m sure I’ll give it a try another time because even though it’s a lot of work, I think it’s fascinating to see “stuff” like this come to life. :-)

  12755. That was a good tutorial, cute postcard,and you got right on it you were prepared and not looking all around for your supplies like a lot videos.

    I joined the postcard swap you host and can hardly wait for my addresses!

  12756. This is great! A few seconds for a lot of work, I imagine! I truly appreciate it! The end result is worth it!

  12757. What a work of art! It’s beautiful – I love it! I hope you’re proud of yourself every time you use this journal; you should be. What great colors you used, and the embroidered detailing is great. Thanks for showing it off!

    • Thanks for your kind feedback Aimee, it means a lot. It’s not a perfect book because it is a bit wobbly in the spine, but yes, I’m proud. Love using my own bound books for art.

  12758. I loved the flip through video and all the wonderful photography of your gorgeous new art journal! So much fun! Thank you for sharing with us! And thank you for making me smile this morning!

  12759. Gorgeous book, Hanna! I love the painted covers, and the diamond binding is awesome! You will have so much fun working in something like this, that you have created for yourself.

  12760. Great links! I’ve only gotten through Mary Beth’s video so far, and it makes me want to do some fabric postcards! I am moving to a new house soon, and as soon as I get settled, I want to dig into my fabric stash.

  12761. I’m just now reading some older blog posts from the beginning of the year. I hope you’ll keep blogging. I for one love to read artsy blogs. I am a casual blogger, but I’d like to improve my blog. I feel like I’ve met so many people thru blogging and I’m like you, if they quit blogging I feel like I’ve lost touch with old friends. It’s sad that blogging is going away, but perhaps, as social media changes course so quickly, blogging will continue on. I remember years ago when scrapbooking hit the scene, I heard over and over “it’s the latest fad. it’ll never last”. and look where the scrapbooking industry is now.
    Keep up the great work. I’ll be a faithful reader (and commenter)

  12762. Dear Hanna, i usually read your blog posts through my e-mail newletter. But i wanted to leave a comment and say i am still happily sticking around here. Your table looks fresh with the baby blue polka dots. But i loved it with the pink polka dots, too. This redo is just the right spring project don’t you think? Happy creating on your brand new table. Have a great weekend.

  12763. Loved your video! So glad you like the new tablecloth! It’s very cute and happy! One of the things I love about you is you are colorful and messy – thank you for being who you are! Sometimes all those pristinely white craft rooms tempt me too, but I like better your style of surrounding yourself in things and patterns that make you smile every time you see them! Thanks for sharing with us!

  12764. Hi Hanna! This is such a neat and simple solution, and I think I am going to try it on my dining/art table. It has curves instead of corners, but the fabric should stretch over them okay, don’t you think? Hooray for you for giving your table new life and a new color! (I am partial to blue.)

    • Hi Marcia,
      yes, I think that you could cover rounded corners if you go slow and fold it like you would sewing down fabric in a rounded way, by folding it a few times and stapling a few extra times under the table. Good luck.


    • Glad you like them Judee, but as you can see above you handle your subscription to the Newsletter yourself by filling in your information. After you do that, in your first newsletter, you will get a link to download the printable pdf. Easy, huh? If you no longer want to be on the list, you also un-subscribe yourself. :-)

  12766. Oh, I just love polkadots and have pink and white dots on oilcloth on my studiotable and just 2 weeks ago one of my bedroomwalls is covered in black big dots. So I wo’nt have to tell you I love the table

    • Thanks Anny, you’re a girl with good taste I can tell. :-) I can’t read your blog, but I adore your bedroom walls! When I get a house, I’ll find a wallpaper like that for sure!

    • I love it too, polka dots goes on everything – don’t you agree? I bought it a store here in Sweden a while back, but I’m sure you can find something similar where you are if you keep a look out… :-)

  12767. Beautiful job Hanna. I, too, love this color combo. I need a runner for my kitchen table…you have inspired me. Thanks…~~rita

    • Aww, thanks Rita! Send me a pic when you’ve finished your table runner, I’d love to see it. I wish I could sew all day, but so much to do… :-)

  12768. What a lovely post. I recently have gotten a US penpal (I’m from the UK) and can’t wait to start writing and sending pretty happy mail. I also save magazines for collage, I have been inspired by the Artstronauts group (Teesha Moores art). Ps: Thank you for commenting on my blog xx

  12769. Hanna, I think you’re a quilter, now! And I love your new color combination. The blue of your coffee table sets off your runner perfectly. I actually have some hot pink and orange flowers in just those colors that will be blooming soon. I’m still a wannabe quilter. I love looking at quilt blogs, but I am not sure I would have the patience to finish an entire quilt. I even got a new sewing machine a few months ago and somehow I have not had the time to work on it. :-( [Maybe after my spring garden projects are done…..]

  12770. I love how your table runner turned out; great piecing and the color combination is great! Thanks for showing it off.

    As far as what I like to sew, I guess it’s stuffed toys for me. A couple of years ago, I was surrounded by neighbors having babies, so each newborn got a handmade stuffed toy from me. Parents and babies alike were pleased by my gifts, or so I was told, anyway.

    And as for quilting, I’ve made a couple of simple patchwork-style quilts, and am currently working on a yo-yo quilt. Great way to use up fabric scraps!

  12771. Thanks for this post. Love the step by step approach and also the part about using up materials you might all ready have. I’ve included this tutorial in our craft inspiration roundup this week. Our readers will love it :) Emily

  12772. Wonderful list, Hanna!! There are a lot of things I think would be awesome to try on here [just finding the time to do them is my problem ‘cuz I’m one of those people who wants to do it all and yet gets bogged down with the details. lol]

    Thanks for this post and for the link back to the 1st 100!

  12773. I have two of those stamps one for book and one for cards. I am worried your liuness does not look very comfortable :)

  12774. I didn’t have acces to a computer last couple of days and I wanted to visit your blog after you visited mne last week – today is atelier day and my computer is here working too so here I am! Wowzah, a hundred creative ideas.. I am not going to explore those now ’cause I have some deadlines coming up and I’m sure if I click your links I want to explore and create with that instead of things I MUST do – I will come back after that to dive into your ideas! Have a great day, hug from HOlland!

  12775. Thanks so much for this wonderful list, Hanna! I still have your previous list and have enjoyed referring to it from time to time. Needless to say, I’ve printed out this one to refer to as well. The time and effort you put into this is much appreciated!

  12776. Hanna – I love your abstract ICAD cards from last year, they’re so colorful and playful. I found out about the ICAD challenge a few years ago on your blog and decided to to join in the fun this year! I posted my first card yesterday and had a lot of fun. Today is a new day so #2 will be done later on today 😊 It’s all in an effort to incorporate art into my life every day and I plan on continuing after the ICAD challenge is done.

  12777. hi hanna! i just found you and im so happy that i did! this post caught my eye especially because i’m seeing what i think are die cuts in the above pictures? you are in sweden so maybe they are easy to come by there? i have a collection of vintage die cuts (c. 1950-1960) that were made in germany. i use them sparingly :) thank you for a wonderful blog!

    • Thanks! I used to collect scrap die cuts (new ones) when I was a child, but these days I just adore the imagery of some of them. In these postcard collages I used some real ones and some prints of them, but I don’t think any of them were vintage for real. But they are beautiful, aren’t they? I still have my collection, so some day they’ll all be vintage.

  12778. Oh what darling goodies Hanna! I would love to see more “haul” videos from you, You did a great job with this one and I love hearing your voice :) Thanks for sharing. The unicorn tape…. luv that! I liked seeing your journal and how you add bits and pieces along with the seller’s card.

  12779. I’d love to see more as well. : ) Loved hearing your voice too on the video and hope you’ll do more of them!



  12780. Wow, what an awesome table runner! Great blend of fabrics & it’s so well suited for that table.

    I’ve sewn tons of quilts over the years, and incorporate patchwork into other things, too, such as purses and pillow covers. Although it’s been awhile since I’ve done anything, and I have a ton of scraps that’ve built up from other sewing projects. One of these days I’ll find the time….

    thanks for the inspiration ;)

  12781. I love how you made such a thoughtful post out of even a haul video!
    But I did also go straight to look at that Etsy shop afterwards and favorited loads of things too ; )
    The unicorn tape is seriously tempting!
    I have an unfortunate ‘maximalist’ impulse for stationary and papery things for arting. I can browse etsy for ephemera for hours!

    You blog is SO awesome Hanna (and your instagram is instant happy / super inspiring)
    I’m so glad you decided to keep blogging this year!

  12782. Thank you. This post resonated with me and encourages me to continue to put my heart in my art journal pages.

  12783. Oh Hanna! Thank you for another inspiring post. I’m sure that you lifted your friend’s spirits tremendously and that she will treasure this for many years to come. What a lovely ‘welcome home’!

    • Aw, thank you Lauren. So happy that you find my blog and writing inspiring. That means a lot to me. Happy rest of the summer to you!

    • Thank you Silvia, quick and easy sewing is my favorite kind indeed. I get bored if I try to do something that is too elaborate. This kind of project I can finish and move on from, love that. Take care!

  12784. Awesome! I’m so glad you joined the ICAD challenge. I love Tammy (from Daisy Yellow). I hope you’re having a great summer!

  12785. Thank you for sharing about Camp Reset! I hope you have a wonderful month “at camp!” We’re heading on a trip to the U.K. and I didn’t have time to make a Remains of the Day or Venice-type travel journal, but then I remembered your posts and excitement regarding Travelers Journals. I bought a cheap one to try out on this trip and see what I think of the size, layout, etc. Thank you for the suggestion!

  12786. I love your cards, Hanna! They are cheerful…no surprise there…and I really love the thematic quality. I have not been able to do ICAD this year, but I’ve been getting in a little art time here and there. Happy Summer to you! XO

  12787. Thanks for sharing, dear Hanna. I’m in love with this pink and orange yummyness -and the backside -wow!! Happy summer ☀️

  12788. Summers are great. Inspiration everywhere, slow living and – short sleeves! :-)

  12789. Hanna, I totally LOVE “all” of your pics … thanks so much for sharing them with us!

    You have an absolutely beautiful cat. I have one too and she rules the house [she’s the baby! lol]

    Can you tell me what berries those are in the 4th picture down? To me they remind me of currents [when I was growing up, we had a current bush in our yard and it the berries remind me so much of our currents when they were growing!]

    I’ve got to tell you – I’ve seen MANY pics from places outside the US that were far off as you are but do believe this is the first one of just a sky that I’ve seen. Now I can officially say that I’ve seen the sky in Sweden. : )

    Have a good day, friend!

  12790. Hi Hanna,

    I haven’t commented in a long time but here I am!
    I always love reading your blog. To this day, it is in my top 5 of favourite blogs!
    I love summer too. But this year, we’re getting a lot of rainy days with a few hot sunny days in between. At least it’s good for the gardens!
    I love seeing Smilla exploring outside. My cats go out on the balcony once in a while but otherwise, they’re indoor cats only.
    Your parents have beautiful flowers. You capture their essence so well.
    I hope the rest of your summer will bring more relaxing, cloud watching and nature exploring!

    • Aww, it makes me so happy to see you’re still around reading and leaving me sweet little comments. Tell your cats hi from me and Smilla.

  12791. Really enjoyed your post and all the photos and video on your recently finished journal! Thank you for all the encouragement and creative ideas! Loved your use of the photo matting as a journal cover – what a clever upcycle!! The video flip through was wonderful, as well!! Thanks for sharing with us!

    • Ah thanks Arielle, glad you took the time to watch the video. It’s super fun to compile these little things, and they fuel me creativily. Also thanks for the word “photo matting”, we call them by the French word passepartout in Sweden, so I had no idea when filming on what to call it in English… :-)

  12792. Wow, this is great! What a great way to keep a record of what sparks your creativity too. I usually just start and cover up my start point in layers. This idea is really cool

  12793. I have been thinking of doing something like this with fabric, so thank you very much for helping me to visualize what this can look like! Your little collages are so fresh and interesting, and it was wonderful to hear your voice describing them!

    • Aw thank so much Judy, love that you got ideas of your own. Please let me know when the fabric book is underway so I can come over and take a look.

      Also, big congrats on the 100 day project being finished. Something to be celebrating for sure. Yay you!

  12794. I bought “Draw Every Day, Draw Every Way” recently and was majorly disappointed in it. Not that the book doesnʻt have good ideas of things to draw and methods to do your drawing with. What was disappointing to me was that 3/4 of the book is almost empty pages for you to draw on, with up to 5 words for a prompt of what to draw (195 pages of this versus 46 pages with either her art or actual instruction on them). Really? I have sketchbooks for that and it seemed like a way to fluff the book up to many pages rather than giving more information. If I had thumbed through it in a bookstore I would not have bought it. The paper is OK for ink but really nothing else. So donʻt waste your money on it.

    • Thanks Kate, I don’t like that kind of book too much either. I’d rather keep a beautiful book as inspiration in the library, and my sketches and art experiments separate. I think Jennifer’s art deserves a book of their own though! I hope she can print a portfolio book of her work, and include some of her advice for keeping the practice fresh. :-)

  12795. Thanks for sharing these books, Hanna … I’m gonna be checking them out. I love the cat one especially but love the one with the birds as well. : )

  12796. As an empathetic reader, might I humbly suggest Interlibrary loans? My library has found art books, art dvds, and magazines for me. (I try to be polite about how many I request but my library doesn’t have a limit.) there’s a bit of a wait, although I found college ILL to be much faster than public if you can go that route.

    As for the books, I found art every day skippable, and I loved looking through the gallery in Freehand but found instructions minimal. It’s like having a paperback version of the Doodler’s Anonymous website. another resource might be online libraries. :-)

    • Thanks Jill, for your suggestion and advice.
      I agree that libraries are wonderful places, but since I live in Sweden I’m pretty sure non of these books are available here. I can’t even pop in to a Barns & Noble to browse through them. So that’s why I have to rely on Amazon previews, the internet and recommendations… and keep craving to have a look inside all of these! :-)

  12797. You don’t need a spare. You just need a stone to sharpen what you already have. And you don’t even need a stone. Have you seen the trick of sharpening dull blades with a coffee mug?

    • Hmm, what? With a coffee mug, that sounds crazy! But you’re right, some knives can be sharpened instead of recycled… :-)

  12798. Thanks for this post and THANKS to the people above who left comments… I was drawn to the ‘Freehand’ book but now that I’ve read Jill’s comment, I won’t buy it. My budget is limited and I bought some disappointments in the past so I’m always interested in (good, honest) reviews. I have a bundh of ‘classic’ art books (you know, books about artists from Dali to Schiele to Magritte and books about art-styles like surrealism, abstract, art nouveau etcetera…) There’s a lot of inspiration in those books too and it’s been a while since I flipped through one of those… I might take one or two out this afternoon. Well, that’s an idea, thanks to your blogpost leading me to this! Have a great weekend Hanna!

    • The covers are so beautiful and alluring, and we who got to rely on just browsing these on the internet before buying, have a hard time making up our minds, right? I don’t think books that are just for looking is necessarily a bad thing, I love the gallery kind of sketchbook books when I know what I’m getting.

      Hope you find inspiration with Dali and the boys, Marit. Take care and keep chronicling!

  12799. Your page turned out beautifully, Hanna! I love doing cutting and pasting too, it’s one of my favorite things to do. Many times no rhyme or reason to what I paste where [in my books], as long as it’s something I like! : )

    • Yes, collage is the best! But don’t you find that sometimes that even if there’s not rhyme or reason when you glue stuff down, when you look at it later it means something? It tells some kind of story… At least that happens to me quite often. :-)

  12800. Hanna, just wondering if you have or do any swaps at swap-bot? I’ve swapped there for quite awhile though not as much as I’d like to … mine are mostly letter swaps but they also have craft swaps and such. If you’ve never been there, I urge you to check it out, it’s an awesome place to swap at and you can create groups there as well.

    • Yes, I know of swap bot and have recommended in past blog posts more than once. I haven’t been over for a few years, but I think it’s great that it’s available and so easy to join and use. I think I am gravitating more towards blog hosted swaps though, since I’m a blogger and love supporting the blogging community and connecting with others. :-)

      • Would you share some of those blog-hosted swaps with us? I have such an excess of postcards that i would love to share!


      • Gloria, I didn’t mean to imply I’ve got a list of bloggers that host swaps, I mean sometimes you come across them and that’s great. I don’t know anyone other than me that hosts a reoccurring Postcard Swap, but hope you’re joining us this fall.

        Oh, but maybe you should check out the FB-group Mail Me Some Art, hosted by Karen Isaacson. I think that there might be something for you there?

  12801. I belong to a secret group on FB where we exchange postcards, ATCs, Rolodex cards and other things using art prompts. You sign up for whatever swaps you want. One of my favorite exchanges had you create a “Reptiles/Amphibians” postcard. I was not going to sign up, but then came upon a great image, and created one of my favorite pieces to date.

    • Yeah, isn’t it wonderful when things like that happen? I love when I’ve got something in the back of my mind and a perfect piece of paper or image just “jumps” at me to use. :-)

    • Thanks Ami, I’m not sure either of those take guest post in that sense, I think it’s invitation only, but since I’m a fan and I’ll check it out. :-)

  12802. It looks like you’re gonna be a busy gal this fall, Hanna! I need to just stop for awhile and regroup and do a list like this but one for my “life”.

    What do I think about your Instagram challenge? I say GO FOR IT! : )

    Have a good day!


    • Yeah, I think I’ll try to write a LIFE list of at 18 (or less) things to get going on too, before the year ends. Writing the list can’t hurt, can it? Hehe.

      • I want to write a list like this about my artistic goals. I fall in love with so many mediums (and I buy them!), but I never seem to have enough time to play around with them. I need to figure out how to bring more ART into my life and find time for all of the mediums I love and want to work with. <3

  12803. I’ve been swapping on Mail Me Some Art for 3 years and it’s been such an enjoyable experience.

  12804. I love this idea! I really should do something similar. I recently changed my blog theme, but I’m unhappy with it. It lacks the cozy feel of my old one. So, at the very least, I want to force myself to sit down and hack my theme so that it looks the way I want it to!

    • Yes, I know the feeling. Changing the blog theme & look is so hard, because you’re used to where everything is and when it changes, so much needs to be “fixed”. I hope you can make it cozy again, good luck with that and the list writing!

  12805. Wow, thanks for collecting all these posts and ideas in one place ! I’m going to need more coffee to get through them all. Then to start printing and planning!

  12806. Loved your video, Hanna!! It was so much fun to get a peek into your journal and creativeness! You made it both inspiring and amazing, and yet somehow still like it should be easy and fun to try to make my own travelers notebook. (I’ve watched a number of videos on YouTube that make me think, “Wow, that was awesome, but there’s no way I could ever hope to do that.” Thanks for inspiring and encouraging us!! Loved all the bright, happy colors and washi tape! So much fun!! Can’t wait to see the remaining notebook section!

  12807. Hi Hanna, Happy September to you! What a cute little pincushion! I am finally making my first quilt. Probably I’ll post on my blog when it’s finished, but I still have to bind the edges. I’m planning another bigger quilt, and I’m starting to cut fabric, but I promised myself I would finish the first quilt before I start sewing pieces together.

  12808. This is an epic list of exciting things!
    I’m probably weird on this one but I like the number of categories you have – its inspiring to see all those cool subject areas and it means its easy to find something specific quickly. but all of your content is awesome so I tend to just read all of it anyway!!
    hugs xx

  12809. Hi Hanna, Thanks for your wonderful blog on notebooks. I binged on youtube on the Travel notebooks and made a pocket size travel notebook. I laminated from my favorite scrapbook paper. I was looking for the different measurements of travel notebooks and found you blog. I loved your article and found it very informative. Thanks for all the wonderful information.

  12810. these are quite a few things, Hanna! Doing only half of it untill the end of the your would be a lot still. I like your idea with the insta challenge. Will you do it?

  12811. Thanks for sharing your experiments with us, Hanna! It’s always so interesting to see what you’re up to and get a glimpse into your art journals. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about your art, as well!

  12812. Not only do I love seeing the creativity of the postcards sent to me, but I also love seeing where they come from (all over the world), and I also like seeing where the people who get my postcards are from. It’s a fun way to get geography lessons!

  12813. I really love the joy that the postcards bring to my mailbox mixed in with junk mail, bills and the usual humdrum stuff in the mail. It makes my mail carrier happy, it makes me happy and it makes my friends who I share the mail art with happy. Such a simple thing full of so much joy! Thank you for doing this every year Hanna!

  12814. I joined in with the last postcard swap (my first time). It was exciting to see the postcards arrive – from all over the world. I do ATC swaps often, but it was different to have the challenge of posting my precious creations off without the protection of an envie!

  12815. I’ve been waiting to see this post! I’m in!
    And, I’m also awaiting new art supplies in the mail…tee hee!

  12816. Oh Hanna! Thank you so much for brightening MY day with your newsletter/invitation regarding your Fall Swap! It amazes me how your inspiration always finds me when it’s most needed! XOXOXO

  12817. I was just wondering last week when the postcard exchange would come around again. I am so excited! I not only love making the postcards, but recieving them brings me so much joy. I received three from foreign countries and seven from USA last year. One of them was a beautiful card from France written in French and it had a precious handpainted button sewn on it. I could not believe the button made it half way around the world still attached and without getting broken. Hanna, I wanted to send you a postcard too, but did not have your mailing address. Could I possibly somehow get your address, please?

    • Aw, thanks for sharing your postcard button story with us, I love things like that. You don’t need to send me a postcard, but I can send you my address if you really want to.

      I love getting postcards. :)

  12818. dearest hanna…. happy first day of fall! I waould like so much to be a part of your post card swap. It sounds so happy:) I have never done a swap but I do create happy art every day…. I definitely will need your input. I look forward to all your ihanna posts. I love to see what you’ve been up to. Keep up the creative work! I hope this little note pulls you out of the”slumps”. You inspire many with your art! Xoxo d.

  12819. Hi Hanna!
    Sounds like it’s time to get busier!
    Thanks for putting on this swap <3

  12820. I am so excited! I have been following this swap for the past 3 years and I never joined for lack of time. I am totally in for this one!! And very excited! Who doesn’t love receiving postcards. I think you had a great idea.

  12821. Hooray! I love this swap! I’ve been so looking forward to it, that I’ve already started my postcards! :) Thanks for all the work you do on this, it’s such a treat to be a part of!

  12822. Hi Hanna!

    Can’t wait to get started! Thank you for keeping us inspired!!!

  12823. This is my first time joining this swap. But I am not new to swaps (original member of swap-bot). Hanna, I really like your style and am a new subscriber. Can’t wait to send and receive my postcards!

    • Thank you for joining the swap and for your kind words, I’m so glad you found me online! I hope my future posts inspire you as well.

  12824. I had so much fun in the spring! I’m super excited to get started for the fall swap!
    Thanks Hanna!

  12825. Oh sweetie… it is indeed getting colder and darker outside but I ‘fight’ the darkness with lots of candles, pots of lovely tea (and in the evening a glass of wine) and bright paint… Oh, and watching Swedish and Danish crime series – I have a crush on those at the moment (Wallander, the Bridge, Modus) I do hope you find bits of happiness in your days and art too and that lots of artsy people will join your swap. (I don’t have time myself as my weeks are filled with projects/workshops of my own.) Keep on smiling dear one, big hug from the Netherlands!

  12826. Yay! so exciting. I really found the spring swap last year made a big difference to my creativity and actually trying out something new was one of the things I was most proud of last year.
    Thank you for filling the internet with colour and enthusiasm and inspiration.

  12827. Happy Fall!

    I’m so excited to join in this year. I’ve only participated once, but it was great fun!

    I’ve been using Pinterest more lately, and every so often, I see one glorious piece of art pop up and think “Hmm, that reminds me of iHanna!” and sure enough, it’s a pin from you! <3

  12828. The combination of finding a postcard from a past swap and working on some new ones last weekend had me thinking about this swap and then -oh happy day it was in my mailbox. Happy Fall 2017 Its a lovely sunrise here today.

  12829. I am so excited! I’ve been following you for a while, and participated in the swap once before.

    I joined a Scandinavian Heritage Society recently, and have been learning about all kinds of new things. My great grandparents were from Sweden, so I’m eager to learn more. I’ve always participated in a St. Lucia Fest since I was a child. I love singing and playing the songs on the violin. But, I’m eager to learn more! Do you have any suggestions for good Swedish or Scandinavian music to learn?

    • Music to learn… hmm… Not sure what you mean, lyrics or to play on an instrument, or to listen to? There are a lot of great Swedish music, and playlists to check out on Spotify for example. Hope you find something that you like.

  12830. I missed the spring swap so Im definitely am in this time around! Pulling out the glitter and glue soon!

  12831. I read every single blog and email from you. I wish I could cheer you up as much as you cheer me! This will be my 5th (I think) swap. I love making the cards as much as I love receiving them.

  12832. Hi Hanna! I think this swap is just what I needed, as I have been feeling decidedly UNcreative lately. I had to check my old boxes of clippings to see if there was any magic left in them, and suddenly I see the beginnings of half a dozen postcards. Thank you for hosting the swap again, and here’s hoping autumn is a little brighter for you and all of us.

  12833. Oooohhh!! I knew you embroidered but I did not know you were having an exhibition! So exciting! I am also thrilled about the postcard swap = I have participated in three or four and I love making the cards but mostly I love getting them from all over the world!
    Thank you Hanna for putting this together!

  12834. Tried paper weaving today in art class. It was a lot of fun. Can’t wait to try it again and be more creative with other subjects. Instructor has beautiful samples.

  12835. Love your website and all that it has to offer. So many ways to be creative, so many ways to learn something new that I’d never think of doing and in trying open up a whole new world of ideas. Thanks so much for offering these opportunities. Did the postcard swap last Spring and oh, so much fun receiving these surprises in the mail! I’ve got to get on the ball and spend more time surveying your website. Thanks for everything.

  12836. Dear Hanna, I missed the spring swap because we were moving. Now that I’m settled in our new home (with a *studio* space) this is a good kick in the butt for me to make some art. I’m excited about doing another postcard swap!

  12837. I’m so glad that you are hosting this “event” once again. Yes, for me it is an event; an artistic endeavour for others. I normally just work in my sketchbook so it is good for me to switch things up and make some mail art. I too love walking out to my mailbox and retrieving some awesome art created from around the world.

    Cheers and thanks ever so much Hanna


    • Best endorsement ever Brenda, thank you right back! It’s a big thing for me too, this swap thing I created, and indeed an event I look forward to.

      Thanks for joining once again, and for your sweet words.

  12838. I think the idea of poking holes in my beautiful cards is horrible!! I use the plastic pockets! The book is a great idea!

  12839. Those photos are incredibly beautiful, Hanna!
    I’m revisiting your blogposts from september (sometimes I read all your septemberposts, from every year!!). “Feeling like a stalker”. I’ll get better at commenting, though… ;)

  12840. I’m getting so excited about this! I love gessoing my base and slapping down random paint to see where it all takes me!

    • Thanks Coriander, so glad you joined the swap for the fist time this year! I hope you’re having fun creating your postcards.

  12841. Hey! I used placemats when I made my first “midori-like” notebooks. (Brilliant idea, yeah?) I’m probably on my third or fourth structure as I keep learning how I want to put things in.

    I also made mine a trifold because a regular TN cover wouldn’t last a day in my backpack with all the stuff that would slide in and wreck the pages.

    Since we’ve just had the beginning of school, I get composition books, dissemble them and make my inserts with a card stock cover, a long stapler and some washi tape to hide the staples. Then trim and go. Quick and cheap. I don’t need my bookies to last forever and if one is dedicated to a project, I might not fill all the pages.

    Thanks for this!! PS You’re wonderful. Don’t get the blues — stay “in the pink.”

  12842. Hanna – I am so very happy it is PostCard Swap time again. I cannot count the number of times I have participated – perhaps back to 2013 and both Spring & Fall. THANK YOU so very much for organizing this world-wide creative energy exchange! I love it!!! Hope you are getting a bit brighter with each postcard creation. I enjoy Fall here in California because our days are crisp and clear – but winter and the gray skies and rain get me down. May our loving creative acts bringing some sunshine to each day.

    • Thanks for your sweet comment! All these comments warms my heart (although not my cold hands, I hope they turn on the heater soon). I love the postcard swap craze every time I start the swap up!

  12843. I love the color combo in that last photo! So gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your process and other creative prompts to get out postcard-creating-juices flowing! Can’t wait to see the additions/changes to your cards in your next post, though I think just the first round of acrylic was beautiful, too!

  12844. Yay! I am not behind! I finished my backgrounds on the weekend.

    I didn’t think of gesso. Instead I collaged various sizes of paper using gel medium. I am using large index cards for my base.


  12845. I always enjoy seeing how your mixed media progresses. I think my next quilt is going to have green & turquoise, but probably no pink. :-) I have eight cards done. The last two are hiding somewhere in my box of clippings.
    Do you have a photo of the knitted postcard? How was the stamp put on?

  12846. I was envying you for having a cool chain like Flying Tiger to go to, as it sounds like a place I’d love. Then you mentioned wanting to shop at Michaels, Hobby Lobby and JoAnn Fabrics, lol! My town of 32,000 has all three stores. But I prefer to buy my fabrics at a locally-owned shop, and since there’s a wealth of thrift stores in my town, I can usually find arts and crafts supplies there. I only go to Michaels, Hobby Lobby and JoAnn Fabrics when I can’t find what I want elsewhere. :)

  12847. I know exactly what you mean about getting new notebooks and I must say – your new ones look fabulous [My favorite is the blue one as well!] I’ve never heard of Flying Tiger but know I would love it as I’m also into all notebooks and stationary stuff as you are. I can go to a JoAnn Fabrics but don’t get to very often and to a Michael’s which is even less often [maybe once every 4-5 years?] Have a great weekend, Hanna!

  12848. I love how you integrate the bright florescent colors into your work. It truly inspires me. And seeing how the different textures bring things to life in different ways is exciting. I can’t wait to get my paints out later!

  12849. Fabulous- I need to make my own crown. This post was just what I needed to see. Thank you.

  12850. I’m on the finishing touches of my postcards today. Have to wait for the rain to clear up before finishing off with spray acrylic to make sure everything stays adhered to my postcard backing. So much fun! Thanks for hosting the swaps.

  12851. My car was totaled Tuesday by a reckless person and I’ve got a concussion and the only thing getting me through this doctor ordered “rest ” period is making post cards for your swap!! I’m so excited . Thank u for sharing your gifts and bringing us together through creative light!!

    • Oh Heather, I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you heal soon and get lots of rest in between making your cards!

  12852. Your postcards look great! I’m almost finished with mine!

    I’d gladly fill out a survey related to the swap. I have never received ten cards. I’ve gotten 7-9, and have participated in I think four swaps now.

  12853. Beautiful journal pages, so pretty and the cover is awesome too. Would love to win :)

  12854. The giveaway and flip through are so fun, thank you! I loved those red and white daily collages you made several years ago. Id love to see a series on how to do that!

  12855. The journal is lovely! And it is always fun to win something – good luck everyone!

  12856. would be grateful for the artzy journal = it is a beauty <3 …. Blessings to all. i am having a heckofa time though, clicking on the right things & making the ck marks on the right hand side. my old age ???

  12857. Love your Post Cards. I too have rarely received all 10 cards back unfortunately. I am using a Post Card back that I downloaded in 2011. I have joined both swaps ever since then. Thanks for continuing with the swap.
    I wish there was a Face Book page for sharing our post cards.

  12858. I will gladly fill out your survey! I did your postcard swap in 2016 and believe I received all 10 cards back! I had lovely interactions with the ladies who received my postcards! Love your swap! Thank you for your work on this, it’s so fun and creative!

  12859. What a beautiful journal….. I love postcards. I participate in several fabric postcard swaps.

  12860. I would love to win this beautiful piece. Thank you so much for your generosity and sharing of your talent.

  12861. I LOVE how your postcards turned out Hanna! I’m having a lot of fun with mine this time…still putting on the finishing touches. I enjoy your swaps so much. Thanks again for putting it on!

  12862. Not only will I happily complete a survey, but I am so excited about your postcard swap tracker…brilliant!!! I have always kept my “send to” list, and marked all the cards I receive when I respond to the creator BUT these records are scattered everywhere! Thanks for this great organization tool.

  12863. I’ve not started journaling yet. But I was admiring ALL your luscious painted pages in your journal & I’ve LOVE to start journaling in YOUR beautiful handmade journal!! I’d also LOVE winning anything by a “famous” artist!

  12864. hello from Australia !!! I’ve just entered your comp and am keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll be sending your lovely journal my way ;) xx

  12865. Oh ! iHanna! Such a lovely journal, I would so love to win, and have a piece of your handmade artwork!!! Postcard swap is soooo Fun!

  12866. I would definately fill out a survey if it was emailed to me. This will only be my second time participating. I think I got all my postcards, or at least 9 of them for sure…I think I got the tenth but it was super later than the others.

  12867. I loved watching this video. Thank you for sharing! :) I’ve been reading your blog off and on for years now and I’m not sure if I’ve ever heard your voice.

  12868. These are all so cute! If I HAD to pick a favorite, it would probably be the “Spread Kindness” girl. My postcards are all done too. I need to take a picture and share on Instagram!

  12869. In my years of participating in this swap, I’ve never received one of your postcards. These are absolutely lovely with their wonderful colors and adorable paintings! I hope the computer gods are with me this year and I receive one from you! :-)

  12870. I like “spread kindness” the best too! I love the colors you used for this postcard, and the message is great too (but of course, all the messages are great!). I love the girl figure too – so cute!

  12871. They are all wonderful! I think that my favorite is the girl with the red hair (Kindness), but it is really hard to choose!

    Thank you for sharing them with us!

  12872. Thanks so much for the tracker! This will be a great tool to use with the swap. I would gladly fill out a survey. I’ve never gotten 10 postcards back, and on the flip side, I’ve never heard back from everyone that I sent cards to. It always makes me worried that the postcards got lost in the mail.

    Also, thanks for sharing your process with us…it’s been fun to watch! :)

  12873. All the postcards are quite lovely. It is really hard to choose. But if I had to choose only one, I would pick the “Give Love” girl.

  12874. Thank you so much for your advice. I especially appreciated your remarks about the base of the postcard. Even though I participated in (and loved) the swap last year, I was very unsure as to what I should use for the base. I used cardstock, but I can now see that if you put much paint on cardstock, it will warp some. Anyway, I just now signed up and can’t wait to get started!

  12875. I would be more than happy to complete a survey. Hopefully, it would have a place for suggestions. You never know what wonderful idea someone else might contribute, although the swap seems perfect to me at this point. Love this postcard swap. I received 9 cards last year, but they trickled in at a snail’s pace (which was fine with me).

  12876. Your postcards are awesome, Hanna! I really enjoyed seing how you made them (step-by-stem), and I love your videos too!
    Unfortunately I couldn’t join your swap this time, but I hope to get a chance later -love swapping postcard; and I try to join your swap whenever I can :)

  12877. What a stunning journal! I love making them and using them. This one would inspire me in ways my own do not, just because you made it. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  12878. I like the first one, in her “Be You” top. I think she has the cutest face with its rosy glow.

  12879. Such a beautiful journal, Hanna! It would be fun to have your pages as starters and to see where they would take me. Enter me, sweetie:)

  12880. hello, hanna. You made some realy beautiful cards. I don’t like pink very much, but combined with yellow and orange and blue pink becomes mellov and more likable (to me).
    I have a question, because I remember I read something about this on your blog – there are ATC and another sort of cards of bigger format, but I forgot their name. Can you help me? Thank you.

    • Hmm… not sure if I can help you if you don’t like PINK! Hehe. Do you mean ACEO (Art Card Originals and Editions) maybe? I haven’t done those so not sure that’s what you mean. I made art journal cards once for a trade, are those what you refer to? Let me know if you figure out what they’re called, I wanna know too. :-)

  12881. The swap is so much fun.I make postcards in my spare time. Alot of fun and easy

  12882. So cute and Colorful! Making my postcards today!
    I cant wait to share them, and bring joy to someones
    post box.
    Thanks iHanna!

    • Yay Mandy, that is good news indeed!

      I love hearing about people going to the post office and handing over their beautiful mail art for the swap!

  12883. Mina vykort ligger nu p brevldan och jag ser redan fram imot nsta swap.
    Denna gng gjorde jag de i A5, nsta gng fr de bli lite strre d jag knappt rymde frimrkena denna gng :)
    Stort tack fr denna gng!

    • Kul att du var med Maria, alltid lite extra kul nr ngon svensk hittar mig och min swap och r med. Tack fr kommentaren ocks!

  12884. I will be happy to fill in your survey. This is my first time doing the swap and I have printed the tracker. My cards will be in the post tomorrow!

  12885. I received a Lovely postcard today with a signature but no email address. Is there any way I can get in touch with the sender to thank her?

    • Hi Sandra, I do not give out e-mail addresses because I supose the sender made the choice not to include their address on the postcard. I explain more about this reasoning in the Swap FAQ, where this and many other question are answered.

      Happy mail day to you!

  12886. OOOh, such lovely photos!! We’ve set our time here in Norway, too. And this morning we were met with snow and it is still snowing in Trondheim. Wishing you a great day!

  12887. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous autumn and new yummy paper stash photos! So much fun! Im counting down the days until Christmas, my favorite time of year! We have Daylight Savings Time in America, too, but we wont change our clocks until next weekend. (When we lived in Okinawa, there was no DST, so we never had to remember to change our clocks. We didnt miss it, but that was our opinion.) Wishing you a truly happy winter season!!

  12888. Hanna, these are gorgeous! You had a bumper crop of awesome collages from that project.

  12889. These are so inspiring, Hanna! Perfect little square artworks! I really love them and i want them now too!

  12890. Hanna your packaging is definitely “the icing on the cake”! I love my journal and all the extras you sent!

    • Oh and I love the things you sent ME in return. I did not expect that at all, but love it all. Thank you!

  12891. Thanks Hanna for your blog it does give me inspiration I know its hard work I gave mine up sometime ago I didnt think it was up to scratch anyway and the time involved to do this was too much

    • Thanks Jean, it is very time and labour intensive to keep a blog, but I don’t seam to be able to give it up. So glad people like you are out there reading, and leaving me feedback, it means a lot.

      Happy New Creative Year to you!

  12892. Really so beautiful and cool. Very inspiring.
    I would love to read more about art and crafty business ideas/tips.

    • Thank you for taking the time to comment – it means a lot that you left a comment and find what I share inspiring. I will keep at it for sure, into the new year.

  12893. Oh My God! its so beautiful.your information is so useful.Thankyou so much.

  12894. I LOVE the polka dot cellophane… such a great look! I too like to pack things in colourful and fun paper and/or decorate the envelopes, it is such fun to imagine the smiles on the side of the receiver. Have a great weekend Hanna!

  12895. Thank you for sharing your beautiful photography, Hanna! It looks like a very fun embroidery exhibition! I have not been to an embroidery exhibition before, but I really enjoyed admiring all the handicrafts submitted for judging at our county fair when I was growing up. There are so many creative people out there, I wish I could meet more in person. Thanks for the lovely post! Cant wait to see some of your embroidery, too!

    • Thank you Arielle, it’s so great to get to see and experience other’s arts and crafts when you have the chance to go to an exhibition that is really inspiring. And to be in one, it sure is a great feeling. :-)

  12896. S hrliga broderier! Jag skulle grna gra en utflykt fr att beska en sn utstllning. Pgr den fortfarande?

    • Tack Outi! Tyvrr r den nedplockad fr denna gng, jag postade om den p instagram nr den brjade, men inte p bloggen, sorry! Nsta gng lovar jag att vara ute i lite bttre tid. :-)

  12897. Thanks for sharing some wonderful photos of your randomosity journals! So much fun packed into a little space – and thats easy to take with you places! Id love to take a workshop by you! Id love to learn more about making the notebooks and making the notebook storage container. (Did I miss the photo of you polka dot cereal container you mentioned in the post?) Id also enjoy doing some work in the notebooks side by side so journaling/menorykeeping doesnt always feel like such a solitary event. Sometimes its fun to create alongside the teacher and class, to experience new inspiration and motivation. Look forward to hearing more about your workshop! So excited!!

    • Thanks my dear, I mentioned the notebook storage thingie here but forgot that it’s in a later video, but now I’ve also posted a blog post about it, with more photos. It’s great to recycle materials in this way.

  12898. This looks like so much fun! I would love to learn more about how to make these notebooks.

    • Thank you Susan, so glad you liked my Randomosity Notebook. I will definitely post more about them next year, and get going with a workshop. You’ve encouraged me, so big thanks for that!

  12899. I love the concept of Randomosity! I’ve always enjoyed a book/journal that I can put anything and everything in. I think this would be a fun workshop!

    • Thanks Linda, so glad you like this concept of adding in Random stuff. It’s not “everything” to me, it has some rules, but I’m happy to sometimes break my own rules for the sake of the creative process. I think we all need to do that a bit more, right?

  12900. I just love your website. You work is fantastic and you always share with us. You are the best.
    Barb J

  12901. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your love letter to your Raskog rolling cart. I could just “feel” the love. :-) I too have a Roskog cart but in beige. Boring beige. I really wanted a turquoise cart but my art “studio” is the breakfast nook in our kitchen and it’s open for all to see the conglomeration of colors and mess. I didn’t want to add more visual clutter in an already full apartment. I adore my cart though and would absolutely love several more.

  12902. Love this DIY storage you made Hanna! It would also be a great way to store blank inserts that are waiting to be used!! Love the polka dot paper too :) tfs

    • Yes, I agree, perfect for blank books too. I’m sure I will make several more next year. Did you watch my new video on YouTube with the Christmas Journaling? I’m sure you will spot a few things I got from you a few years ago finally finding their home in there… So loving it!

      • I did see that and YES! i spotted a few bits and pieces i had sent to you :) it made me smile, i’m so happy they found their way into your journal Hanna xo thank YOU for the recent download of vintage looking Santas, deer, and other holiday ephemera. they are adorable!! i have been adding them to my little TN Christmas journal, you really did inspire me after watching you work in your’s and share it with us. good to hear from you xo

  12903. I love your patchwork! Your papers are colorful and happy. Many appear to be vintage-style. I am wondering where you buy most of your paper. In particular, I’m interested in the small to medium-size floral/fruit designs. Thanks so much for being such an inspiration!

  12904. What a fun and useful upcycling project! I did something similar to create cute storage out of a Kleenex box for my embossing folders. Love this idea of doing this to organize and store notebooks! Thanks for sharing the idea and all your beautiful photography!

  12905. Thank you for sharing this wonderful video!! It was the perfect excuse to relax for a bit and bask in creativity! I really enjoyed seeing how much fun you had filling this journal. Love the idea of a randomousity notebook! I usually get so tripped up and paralyzed by a need for perfection and chronology, but a notebook specifically created for randomousity sounds like a great idea and lots of fun! And like you mentioned, a perfect place to use/display all the little bits of life and emphemera that I want to keep, but havent found a home for in any of my other creating. Thank you for this encouragement and inspiration!!

  12906. I added Finish: Give yourself the gift of done and Release Your Creativity to my own wish list. Relasease Your Creativity was available at the library so I just ordered. Looking forward to painting with it over Christmas break. Thanks for this awesome list!

  12907. Hanna – I “LOVE” your Randomosity Notebook and yes, would love to see your second one as well! : )

    • Thank you Debi, I have already filmed a flip-through of the second one, but I won’t have time to edit and post it until next year, but in the meantime I posted a few Christmas Journaling videos, hope you like those too.

      Merry Christmas!

    • Haha, yes I know, lists like this expands your Wish List, right? Sorry but books are at least good for the soul!

  12908. Really enjoyed your video letting us explore and admire your new creations! Loved all the happy papers! Thanks for brightening my day!

  12909. Thank you for being open about this, Hanna! I think your idea of starting a art project to get you into the holiday spirit is also applicable year round. I find if Im not excited about a certain time of year, certain event, or certain project (especially when I have been in the past), its that step of starting that is most difficult. Once Ive started, I rarely want to stop. This is true for me when I think about decorating for Christmas, as well. It seems like such a lot of work before I start and I can come up with all sorts of excuses why this year, perhaps I shouldnt bother. But once I start, and especially when Im done decorating, its so worth it and I feel so happy! Next time I am not feeling as excited about an event as I expected (often due to my anxiety), I will try your suggestion of creating an art project relating to that event. Thank you for your honesty and suggestion of what worked in your experience! I hope you have a truly merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year!

    • Thanks Arielle, I so agree with you and it should be my mantra for next year: Just start and see if that “starting” doesn’t inspire you to keep going? It’s when we sit and think to much that overwhelmed takes over and keeps us lethargic and too tired to start.

      Thanks and Merry Christmas to you and your family too!

  12910. I just read this about an hour ago — I love it, and even though I need to “tend to my knitting” (literally!) I stopped for a bit and started planning and snipping for a few pages. My car’s laid up and we got a bunch of snow I have to shovel, and someone’s mittens may show up for New Year’s, but your reminder and idea have pulled me more into something sweeter and warmer again. I decided on an accordion sort of book, because I can keep adding pages (or stop) and it will feel finished without blank pages nagging at me. Because I am already nagging at me too much!

    • Oh thank you Lorinda, I’m so glad my writing could inspire you into action and finding stillness within for a while. I too have lots of inner nagging, but my journals are my safe place, no Inner Critic present when I work in them. Also, knitting is awesome too, for relaxing, I hope you get back to it too.

      Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and yours.

    • I have many favorite words, but yes, YUMMY is one of my them, I think it’s because it’s such a yummy word! ;-) Makes me hungry, but in a good way.

  12911. I’ve been doing this kind of thing off and on for a couple years, always intending it to be something else more specific like a daily journal with bits and bobs, but it always turns into a random type of thing. Then I feel sort of like a failure for not keeping with the original intent so this post was a breath of fresh air. I love the idea and am going to stop putting limitations on my process!

    • Daily journaling can sound like the Holy Grail for non-journalers, but the most important thing when you journal, is to keep coming back and adding in the random things of life. I don’t think the “every day” is the most important part, but the “coming back” and “enjoying the process”.

      I will keep cheering you on Mel, so let’s all stop putting limitations to our creativity! :-)

  12912. I used to NOT celebrate Christmas at all and I found that time of year annoying (not depressing, just annoying…) but then, in 1999, an event on the radio appeared and it’s been there every year eversince… it’s the broadcast of the Top 2000. 2000 songs, the choice of the listeners, are played all week day and night starting on Christmas day until New Year’s eve. In 2009 I decided to create something with a song from the list every day and a lot of my blogreaders joined in. Since then, Christmas is all about creating to the music and hosting my ‘blogparty’, this year it will be the 9th year I do that and Christmas has never been more ‘celebrating’ and fun, I never had those ‘christmas blues’ again

    • Thanks for sharing that you too have had No Christmas Feelings in the past. I’m not a music person myself, but I have noticed I have some songs that really change my mood. My Spotify list “Happy Mood” just has songs that makes me wanna dance (or create), so it’s perfect for the studio. Or right now, Christmas music, it’s so cheerful and happy, and perfect for gluing down rain deers and pink Santas…

  12913. The Christmas season has always been tough for me . . . I am not sure why. Christmas music helps . . . watching “It’s a Wonderful Life” . . . and sitting alone at night with the tree lit and just enjoying the quiet. I always find a way through the holidays, but some years are a struggle. I am blessed this year to have my mother visiting for the holidays. This is only the third time I have spent Christmas with her in 36 years . . . she has inspired me to pull out some of her old cookie recipes . . . something I don’t always take time to do anymore.
    Making things always helps . . . this year I got the last minute idea to decorate our tree with pom poms, God’s eyes, and paper cranes. It was easy, fun, kid friendly (since I have small grandchildren) . . . and something that makes me happy this holiday season.
    I like the idea of a Christmas journal . . .
    Merry Christmas!

    • I think a lot more people struggle with Christmas than we realize, but that is fine too, and like you write, we find a way through the holidays, in our own way. You seam to have great ways to find calm and quite in the midst of it all, and having a mother that’s visiting is truly a blessing. I wish you a happy holiday season, with your pom-pom making and all!

  12914. I too struggle with this time of year solely from the stress of my teaching job. I find I don’t care about putting up a tree or decorations and I struggle to get my Christmas cards in the mail. I recently purchased a travelers notebook (thanks to you) and think I will try my hand at making a Christmas insert for it and joining you with a cup of coffee, glue stick and Christmas imagery.
    Thank you for this much needed post. I needed to hear that I’m not the only one struggling with holiday cheer.

    • Diane, you’re definitely not the only one struggling. We all have struggles of our own. I think everyone has them, even the youtubers I watch for vlogmas that are showing their big houses decorated to the teeth, but maybe they’d rather keep the struggles more hidden. Both is okay and fine, and we will find a way through it all. I hope you enjoy working in your Traveler’s Notebook. Maybe you’ll find more inspiration in my latest YouTube video where I show a little bit more of my Christmas Journal…


  12915. great idea! love to hear see learn more on your unique way you are saving stuff and thoughts. Love hearing and seeing others too! Springboards to our own and twists on for ourselves.

    • Thank you Katherine, so glad you like the idea of a workshop about this concept of the Randomosity Notebook. I will try to get working on filming and planning in the new year for sure, and keep the blog and Newsletter subscriber notified of course.

      Take care!

  12916. Oh!! I really like this idea. I reserve the option to refine my goal a bit, but I’d like to join this challenge. My project will center on “Doing the Things in 2018.” I have a room full of projects (books, yarn, art supplies, journals, ideas) that I’ve picked up, but I end up leaving aside because I am a perfectionist and I freeze up. The goals will be to (a) overcome my procrastination and perfectionism, (b) discover new creative outlets, and (c) enjoy what I already own. I can record my process on my long-neglected blog, Curious Mind Garden.

    Now, I’m excited about 2018!

    • I was excited to read your reply as I saw myself in your words. I have so many projects in various stages of completion, they overwhelm me. Like you, a combination of perfectionism, procrastination, and becoming overwhelmed by everything made me freeze up and get nothing done as I had planned for 2017. And I became so disenchanted with how my blog was going that it suffered. I think we have found the perfect place to get ourselves back on track.

    • Annie and Diane’s sentiments reflect much of what I see myself doing. I have major projects, mostly house DIYs, that need to be done, but I put them off because they seem so scary and impossible to accomplish. Yet I neglect the smaller creative projects, like collage or art journaling, that are manageable and once brought me so many small joys. It’s true that “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, but so many times it can be hard to keep putting one foot in front of the other. This 365 project seems like the first step and I’d be glad to exchange encouragement with others as I work on some of those big projects, learn new skills, continue historical research, re-discover collage, and update my progress on my blog, which I’ve neglected so much I can hardly recall what I call it these days.

  12917. I’m going to join you! I’ve felt like I’ve needed to get back into the creative side of my business for a while now, so I’m going to stitch 365 inchies – 365 1×1 inch cross stitch squares – using the extra bits from my other stitching projects. I’ll be posting them over on Instagram at @stitchybox. Thanks for the inspiration – I’ve had a project like this on my mind for several years now, but have never taken the plunge :)

  12918. The holidays stress me out. My chronic fatigue syndrome prevents me from shopping for gifts. I didn’t finish shopping until December 19th this year! But some years I just cannot buy gifts for everyone. On the plus side, I get to see my aunt, uncle, and cousins.

  12919. Thank you for this much needed post! I need this to get and keep myself organized, to give my mind a rest from continuously having to remember things. My 365 day project for 2018 is to write in my planner and art journal. I have a blog but became disenchanted with how it was going and quit in October. I hope to reignite my passion for blogging by sharing my progress with this challenge. I look forward to spending 2018 with you and all the others who commit to this challenge!

  12920. I love to see the videos in which you share the way you work and your techniques. Very helpful and inspiring. Just a few days ago I watched a video of you making a collaged postcard to find some inspiration myself for making christmascards. Love your blog and your work, especially your collages.
    So thank you for sharing!
    I wish you a very creative and beautiful 2018 💖

  12921. I too want to join you in a commitment to a 365 creations 2018 shall we call it? Like you, I have lots of projects I want to do that are bigger. However, for 2018 I want to commit to 365 pages of Art Journaling. Years ago I was a regular journaled but never crossed my art with my writing. The idea of expanding my creative realm (in addition to all of the blank journals I have collected over the years) excites me and seems to give me the most leeway in my particular creative journey.

    So, the hashtag for me will be: #365creations2018

  12922. This project looks fantastic. What kind of paper, do you suggest, to use? I like working with heavy paper and I was hoping you could tell me what I could buy to get started.
    This is a fantastic idea.

  12923. I’ll join in! I am a long-time collagist, but late in 2017 I got interested in hand embroidery. But not (I told everyone) counted cross stitch. And yet, I turned around and bought a digital download of a very colorful, Scandinavian-flavored counted cross stitch pattern. I will strive to learn the required skills and display this project next Christmas, if I’m spared, as I am told my Scots grandmother used to say.

  12924. A great project ! Sure I will visit at least every week to check how you are doing ! I have started building a daily creative habit last year and will try to continue in 2018, but I’m not sure I am ready to commit the way you do for the whole year yet. Thanks for the inspiration ! Will you be posting on Instagram about this project as well sometimes?

  12925. Wow! Very exciting project and something I’ve wanted to try for YEARS! I’m intimidated to join in and try to make my own 365, yet some little creative voice is saying JUMP in!!
    I’m going to try the every day creative habit in the next week or so – while I’m off work for holidays – and see how that goes.
    I LOVE your work and your enthusiasm – it is very inspiring and simply beautiful to look at.
    Thanks for sharing both!!

  12926. I will continue to create every day, no matter how small each daily piece is, I feel rusty if I dont do something daily. Id be creating faces in your large black circles, haha! I love to doodle faves! ❤️

  12927. I’d like to join in! Last year I did 2 months straight of something I called a “Scrappy Journal” – kind of like mini collages, but I wrote on the pages as well, so it was a diary of sorts. After I filled that journal, I started another one, which I now take along on trips to use as a travel journal.

    So for 2018 I’d like to do an everyday “scrappy journal” again. Thanks for the boost, Hanna. I appreciate your creativity and your blog/newsletter more than you’ll ever know!

  12928. You sowed a seed in a recent blog that made me consider creating 7 postcards in a week.I thought it might be textile postcards with maybe vintage lace. I have joined in ATC and postcards swaps this year for the first time and enjoyed taking part. This feels like the next step.
    365 days is too much to commit to straight off, 28 cards in January feels quite likely, then will likely choose to continue month by month.
    I have some vintage paper I bought from a place in the Orkneys and it feels delicious to consider making 28 cards with that as substrate plus vintage lace on top…also planning to get some gold and copper foil to add to the mix. I wonder how we will all fare with out creative project in 2018?

  12929. I have enjoyed your college work in the past, and look forward to following your journey. Self-discipline is a weakness for me. I start these projects then dont follow through, usually after only a few days. I am in the process off sorting and organizing digital photos and could incorporate that into a 365 project, but will think about joining you and in what way.

  12930. I’m excited 💃💃💃💃
    Yes please , count me in, I need the accountability! I’m going to do 365 index cards , mixed media , with the theme FREE – which is my #onelittleword for 2018. I screen shot a lot of art work I find online , so I’m going to use these to inspire me! Also when I have done index cards before , as soon as I finish it I scribble down a couple of lines on the back of a moment , thought , quote, anything that I want to capture ! So I’m doing a no pressure form of journaling as well. I also love the idea of completing 7 cards a week rather than one every day – 💞💞💞💞 I will be posting mine on my Instagram account

  12931. I bought an old Rolodex (the round style, not the tray style) at a thrift shop. I was thinking I could manage to do a small piece of art each day in 2018, the size of a Rolodex card. Your blog will give me some encouragement, but Ill have to set up Instagram and post just a week left til we begin!

  12932. I’d like to give it a go. I think it will push me to work with the art supplies I purchased to use “someday”. I will be posting to my Blog. All the best to everyone here for a Happy Holiday Season and a Peaceful 2018!

  12933. I’m going to join you, Hanna! Thank you for the inspiration…and fostering a sense of community and support around this! I want to continue art journaling and altering the many books I’ve purchased for this purpose. I have made a good start on one, but would love to see it completely altered with art journal spreads, and it may not even take me the whole year…so I’ll have time to start at least one more book. I think I will not be too ambitious…so not a spread a day, but some work in my art journal every day with the hope of completing spread a week is my goal. Looking forward to seeing what everyone creates! XO Sarah

  12934. I, too, would like to join you! Still pondering the subject and medium, as I really dont like to be tied to any one thing, although I am leaning towards digital art. At any rate, Ill come up with some kind of catchy Instagram tag, and Ill be posting there @kelleyfewer. Heres to 2018!

  12935. This sounds like fun! And encouragement to keep me focused, Im like a squirrel when it comes to arts and crafts! Jumping from one project to the next. Sometimes my work gets in the way, and I miss several days or a week with out creating, and this is really not
    good for me. Creativity is such a stress release. So with this 365 Project- I can commit to doing either Embroidery or my Art Journal, with all sorts of mixed media. I will post my daily 365 Project on my Instagram @Bluebird_Legacy Im looking forward to all the joy that creativity brings!
    iHanna, your blog and your artwork is very beautiful! I love to go to your YouTube channel and see what you have made, as the colors are so Happy to look at! Thank you for taking this challenge and encouraging us.

  12936. Go girl! You can do it! I am a huge fan of your previous 365 collages challenge. They are awesome and I’ve gone back and looked at them quite a few times. Once a week sounds more reasonable to me than daily – totally support your idea on that. Also wanted to comment ion the square format – interesting to work with. May your creative juices flow freely!

  12937. Very excited for you, Hanna. I’ve been thinking of “somethings” myself as well and your approach of doing 7 per week, rather than committing to 1 per day, makes so much sense to me! I know I can’t commit to every day either! Best wishes! I may be joining you! I hope you had a wonderful holiday!

  12938. I can’t wait to see what you’ll create!!! I so love your square collages… but you know that already. You don’t believe how long I am thinking about a 365 project! …I’m simply too scared to commit – still ;)
    Well, perhaps I should just go for it. If so, I am thinking square as well. What measurements will your squares have?

  12939. I would love to join you! Since I am rather eclectic in most areas of my life, I can see myself doing different things in order to complete all 365 somethings: index cards, doodles in a notebook, journaling, etc.
    Thank you very much for the inspiration! I really appreciate you sharing your creativity with us!

  12940. I love this! I’ll definitely follow your journey! Can’t wait! Been big fan of yours for years :) I won’t join you in a project 365 but I’m counting on creating more this year!

  12941. WOW sounds great, would love to do it with you all. Not sure if I can commit to the 365 days but will give it a good go !

  12942. Thank you Hanna. I want to join you. 7 a week is good for me. I will do anything creative: writing in my journal, creative writing ( small story, haiku, poem etc), photo, collage, mix media, drawing etc.
    I will create a new blog for this but in french which is my langage

  12943. Yesssss !
    That’s a great idea and a huge challenge for me…I’ve never been able to follow a long challenge : the longest I’ve made was an “Advent challenge” last year with 25 ways to say “merry Christmas”…
    So I will do my best to join your group…
    I will post on Instagram and maybe on Facebook.

    See you very soon!

  12944. I LOVE your journal with me videos! Everything you do on your blog is wonderful, inspirational and fascinating. Im so grateful that you share all your awesomeness with the world. It always cheers me up and inspires me when I read/watch your posts.
    (Also your pink nail polish is to die for! Where is it from?)

  12945. This is so exciting, I’m joining in!

    My goal is to work with combining art and prayer on a daily basis in 2018–
    you can find me on Instagram @robinjeree and my hashtag will be #artprayers365project

    Thanks iHanna and happy New Year to you all!

  12946. Im in Hanna – Im going to make my challenge 365 hearts. A friend of mine did this a few years ago and seem to use hearts in my work fairly often. I figure it will see me through ICAD as well. I will usually use paint and collage but reserve the right to cut out a heart and write a word on it when things get really busy! Thanks for the challenge, and happy New Year!

  12947. I’m joining in, Hanna! I am grateful for your inspiration and your suggestion that a 365-project could be accomplished as a weekly goal! My 365-project goal: 365 entries (collage, color, ink or handwritten) in my annual journal-planner.

  12948. I will be working on the art journal which I just made over the holiday break. I do collage (using papers, fabric, stitches), painting, doodling. I will post on IG (@designbyflair). Thanks for the idea. This will be my first year-long challenge!

  12949. What a wonderful idea! I have made a commitment to myself to get back to my art in 2018! I’ve been away for awhile, so this will be a great motivator to stay with it for 2018! I’m not sure what I’ll do yet …so many ideas! But, I’m in! Thanks for the opportunity to join in. I’ll be sharing on IG! Happy Creating and Happy New Year!

  12950. It’s a wonderful challenge! For some years now I have been wondering about mid-December whether I will do a 365 project by posting a small piece of art every day on my blog. Anyway, I’ve just posted number 1 but I’m not sure about every day .. :)

  12951. Count me in. This is exciting. I think my creative process will be in ATCs.

    How do we connect? Through Instagram?

  12952. Definitely joining you! Just made my first post to say I’m in! Looking forward to joining along with everyone.

  12953. I am IN! It was Tammy Garcias letting us know she is doing this that made me come and. Check it out! Mine will be patterns. Made in all ways & and different sizes. #365patternaday2018 and I will post on Instagram and my blogs Facebook page: denysewhelanblogs.
    I have a private IG account: @denysewhelan so need to have anyone wanting to follow me to make a request!
    Thanks so much! Happy New Year from Australia where it is the afternoon of 2 January!

  12954. I was inspired by my friend Cindy and her daily hearts. Originally, I considered also doing hearts, which I’m sure will creep into my daily art, anyway. But after seeing your collages, I want to try making them, too. It will definitely reduce the amount of collage fodder I seem to have collected over the years and I’ll be able to make art in the process. Thanks for doing this and not making us show art daily.

  12955. Brilliant idea! Count me in! On New Year’s Eve I finally sat down to begin work on a scrapbook of my trip to Switzerland in May. I have over 300 photos plus a bag full of ticket stubs, maps, postcards, leaflets and other paper goodies from my trip. My goal is to put together at least 2-3 scrapbook pages a day until it’s finished. After that, who knows? I’m super excited about being creative again – 2017 was not a good year for arts and crafts for me.

  12956. Yay for Yoga With Adriene! I just started True today too. I’ll be focusing this year on my art journals and Right Brain Planner. Thanks for your ongoing inspiration and support. <3

  12957. I’m trying to do “True” yoga this January too, thanks so much for sending me in the direction of Adriene! I would also like to try the 365 Days of Creativity that you are doing! Thanks for your inspirational ideas as we head into 2018!

  12958. One of my goals this year is to do something creative every week. It truly makes me happy to work on my projects but I haven’t given it enough priority in the last few years. Now that I understand that is important to me and my happiness I will.

    I’m so looking forward to read your year! You’ve always been such an inspiration to me!

  12959. Hanna,
    I am very excited about your 365 day project! I have followed you for many years and love all that you do. I have my Sister following you and she will join me in make wonderful art this year! Our intention is We will create in 2018 Two Sisters Create!

  12960. I’m going to borrow Apple’s old slogan and “think different”. Trying a new pen, a different color of paint, or ways to make art was something that really excited me when I started making ATC’s all those years ago. I was happy even when things didn’t turn out as expected. Now I’m hoping to deliberately shake up my collage routine & see what happens.

    Happy New Year! Can’t wait to see what you’ll be doing in 2018.

  12961. Thank you for sharing the yoga, I am starting it tomorrow morning! I know myself well enough to know I cant take on a 365 day project so I have committed to a 52 week, My Year in B&W photography. Looking forward to seeing all your projects throughout this year.

  12962. I am planning my 365 things out in weekly themes. Most of what I’ll be doing will be drawing and painting, but I figure with a weekly chunk, I can change up my media if I want to. I’m excited to jump in and see how far I go.

  12963. I was intrigued, but totally intimidated, until I finally caught on that it’s not necessarily a DAILY challenge. Even so, 365 is a lot of somethings! I make cards, and I mail most of them (including around 100 Christmas cards). I counted the ones I made last year (I keep photos); I made 259. 365 seems like a good stretch, but not impossible, so I’ll be joining, using mostly my blog, and possibly my Instagram account @kathedmi Thanks for the idea/inspiration/encouragement!

  12964. I love this idea! I’m thinking of creating art on teabags, as I started collecting and using them in my art last year. On Instagram I am @craftytrog, and my blog is Thanks for the idea and inspiration Hanna, I came here from Daisy Yellow.

  12965. I have scampered over here after reading the post by Tammy over at Daisy Yellow.
    Like many of the others who have so far commented this epic challenge is the sort of thing I need to get going creatively again….although my commitment to challenges does not have a very good track record.I did manage to do an enitire 60 days of index cards about two years ago which I enjoyed very much and am quite proud of.
    I have been stuck in a creative rut for about 6 months and before Christmas was even thinking about get rid of all my “stuff”…I am not a very confident creative person being definitely the type to listen to self criticism and get easily deflated. I am also not the ideal person to think of a plan and stick to it…I am an expert in the field of procrastination!
    I DO KNOW that I want to be creative, that I need something to get me started again and that I like the idea of not necessarily having to do something every day but in batches.
    I used to have a blog but that no longer exists so I might be tempted to stat another purely for this challenge as an incentive to keep going in my darker moments but otherwise, once I have something to post, anyone who might be interested and care to have a look can find me on Instagram #catherinelwells61.

  12966. I think that this is intimidating AND promising. I only found out about it from an Instagram post by Tammy (@Gypsy999), and I am certainly interested.
    I look forward to ICAD each year but this past year I allowed my feelings to be hurt by a rejected piece and I dropped out. Well, it’s a new year, a new day, and I am not who I was even just those few months ago.
    I am looking to do mixed-media index cards and paste them 2 per page in a composition book. I would like to do cards inspired by songs that I really enjoy and/or are moved by. We’ll see how that progresses!
    I’ll post on Instagram @aloquin777 and on my poor, neglected

    Off to buy a composition book! Feeling fresh and invigorated :D

  12967. I just found out about your challenge today, and feel like I might be too late to join. I’m not sure what my something will be, and tomorrow is Jan 7, so I need to have 7 of them already. I like making postcards, so that could be my something, but I’ve been struggling with artist’s block lately, so making 365 is a daunting challenge. But it also might help me get my creative side working again.

  12968. I will be posting…not sure yet what ..weekly at first on Instagram….@cherylphillips5. FIRST POST will be kind of random…a silly Christmas tree me and grandson did last week. Thanks for your encouragement

  12969. I’m so in. It only took me a few minutes to decide what I could do 365 of and make it work. I have other projects going on too, just like most everyone, so I knew it had to be small. I am going to gather my studio scraps each week and sew them into 7 tiny (2X2) journal cards. Even the cards will be made from scraps. I am off now to start the first 7!

  12970. Hello Hanna,
    I’d love to join in.
    I will be creating 7 index cards each week that form up a gratitude book, on the back of the cards i will be writing down each day for what I am grateful. I will be posting the 7 cards each Sunday on my blog

  12971. Gosh, I love the excitement this challenge has created!!

    Does some smart person out there have a way for us to create a list each week of places to check for people’s contributions? It looks like people are using blogs, Instagram, Twitter, and I’m not sure what else. What a trove of creativity to explore!!

  12972. I’ll join you. I have to wrap my head around this. I came across your blog 5 minutes ago so I have lots to read here. I’ll post on my blog at first.

    Thank you for your leadership.
    Ella Veres

  12973. I just love this project. But with a 100 year old mother and a new puppy in three weeks time I don’t think its very wise!

  12974. But I want to tell you that I try to make a collage each week in my journal. You gave me the inspiration to do so.

  12975. Hi,

    I just signed up for your newsletter a few days ago, I have not yet received my 3 pages of quotes?
    I would really like to begin to use them now, if you can send them that would be great!

    • You should’ve gotten an automatic welcome to the Newsletter e-mail, and in that mail there’s a link to those pages where you download the pdf’s you want yourself. Did you not get an e-mail from me?

  12976. I understand about the nervousness. I have wondered how I can create 365 pieces, but just a week into this project I feel some artistic sense coming back to life. The best thing is it is more about Playing than creating “Art”. I think I see some play in your collages too. My favorite is “Feeling Antsy” and also “Fire and Stars”. It’s a subtle & beautiful color palette and those two compositions make my eyes travel all over the card to look at the details. They remind me of some of your early ATC’s.

  12977. Gorgeous collages, Hanna. My favourite is the yellow rose one! It’s subtle, yet bright; it’s modern, yet vintage. It’s geometrical, yet has curves. I love it.

  12978. Love them all, but my favorites are Feeling Antsy and Trip to mom’s place.

    Was surprised to hear you don’t see ephemera much for sale in Sweden, and I wondered why that was the case.

  12979. Hanna, these collages are all lovely! I hesitated until the last minute to join in but already Im very glad to be on board. I found this weekend I just wanted to create (which I did). Back to work for the week I keep daydreaming of what my daily heart will look like and what I can accomplish next weekend. Thanks again for kick-starting the creative year with this great project!

  12980. glad to see how week one went. I joined in and created 11 postcards the first week. I had thought I would do one a day, but so far it has been 2 or 3 at once then missing a day..not sure what I think about that.
    Love all of yours- if I had to choose one it would be the mum and daughter..because it is evocative of my childhood.
    Good luck with the rest of the 365

  12981. Your collages are inspiring. I would like to jump in and already have in a small way by doing Drawriotdaily each day for the past 11 days. But, I do not know if that will be my project for 365-more-somethings-2018. Could it be to simply create each day … whether it is with paper & paint/pen, etc or knitting? Or is part of the purpose to have 365 pages.

  12982. Oh yes! I will sure follow your further art journal explorations. I really like the vivid and colorful pages you make…Love – Irma

  12983. I work in several at once… I always have an A4 Dylusions on the go, also a Dina Wakley journal with different paper and burlap pages so it’s more experimental. I have 2 altered books, a large/huge Egypt book and a smaller Alice in Wonderland. In 2017 I completed the Dyary by Dyan Reaveley which is A5 and great for keeping you going. This year I am going to do the new A4 version when it is out next week. I’ve also signed up for Life Book so have a separate journal for that. I love seeing into people’s journals more than anything. Hanna, have you tried the Dina Wakley journal? You would love the 4 different papers/burlap, it mixes things up and forces you to do something different. Great Post, as inspiring as always. Much love from England ❤️

  12984. I just adore your colages and if I must pick one I’d pick no.5 because I seem to be drawn to that sweet image. I think I only realize now what a huge challenge I’ve taken up for this year, wow, exciting!!!

  12985. Definitely will be back to visit and read your Art Journaling posts! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment!I’ve been faithfully journaling in my Little Hobonichi (love its paper) have gotten away from my other painting journals. Here’s to lots of creative success in 2018!

  12986. My fave is #3 feeling antsy…..I like the subtle colors and a dash of pink, the organic nature, various shapes, sizes, and text !!!

  12987. I’ve been pondering and in fact even tried it for a week. I’ve decided I’m in and ready to commit. I’ll create on index cards, tags, playing cards or recycled materials. My plan is to use what I have and try techniques using mixed media, collage, markings, gel prints and more. It’s time for me to stop pinning and get busy. Now to figure out how to use Instagram. I’ll post on instagram under debcreating.

  12988. I’m also doing collages, Hanna, but mine are a far cry from yours. I am in awe of your art, and absolutely LOVE everything you created this week. Although I thought I had a lot of fodder, I see mine pales to what you have. You have a real gift for putting art together that I probably would never think went together. You do collage very, very well.

    I understand your concern, and I wonder if I have bitten off more than I can chew, since I post every day.

    I have made it through my second week, and have shown my collages on my blog. Unfortunately, I’m not on any social media site, except blogger, so I can’t share my art with anyone who doesn’t visit my blog. Thanks for stopping by yesterday. BTW, I post my collages every Monday that I have created the previous week. Thank you for hosting this event.

  12989. Beautiful start. My favorite it “Open Up and See Shells.” I’m always drawn to anything that relates to the ocean. I too was very nervous about committing to this at first as well but as I said in my initial post, I really loved how you phrased it that it doesn’t have to be daily and it doesn’t have to be all the same thing. That clicked for me and I know I can do it. Lord knows, if I can’t get into my studio for any mixed media or jewelry work one week, I almost always find a couple hours to get to the shelter for my volunteer time photographing shelter dogs. Photography is a creative process as well! Especially when you are trying to get dogs to focus on you and smile! :-)

  12990. Hey hanna.. How can i download your pdf? I’m already subscribe at ihannas newsletter…

    • In the first e-mail from the list you get a link to download the PDF. Check your spam folder if you haven’t gotten the confirmation e-mail, or re-subscribe. Let me know if you don’t find it and I will resend it.

  12991. I’ve been thinking about this for too long already. I don’t think I’m too far from being able to catch up, but I feel like the medium I want to tackle doesn’t lend itself well to that many of an individual thing. I’d like to start with a weekly goal of learning and practicing at least one new embroidery stitch a week. Hopefully to the point that I wouldn’t have to go back and check the directions each time I wanted to use it. Also, I want to work on lettering and fonts in embroidery. Hmmmm…so as I’m writing this, I realized maybe I could stitch a word, or if they are larger a letter, a day. That would help me practice both different stitches (not the fancy rose type ones, but maybe I could use those to embellish) later, AND work on my hand lettering and following fonts in embroidery. Letters are hard man! ok…back to the drawing board for a minute. Hopefully I can figure this out by tonight! (so I can try and do SOMETHING and work on revamping my long-dead blog)

  12992. this is a great idea! I’ve been drawing in my little (approx.) 4″x6″ journal nearly every day, and plan to continue that in 2018. You made me smile when you said you know yourself, and that you may not create every single day…I can so relate! I have lots of ‘catch-up’ days too! but I’d also like to get back to working in other journals too, and doing more collages as well… I will post on Instagram as dbcarey_2000 and on my blog

  12993. Sooo lovely your December diary…I still cry about mine that was stolen at acraft fair two weeks ago :-(((
    Hugs – Irma

    • So sorry that you lost your journal Irma, that’s horrible! I hope you can create a new journal, even though it’s not a December one. Keep writing & creating, even if it’s not as easy now.

  12994. Your journal turned out so cute!! Thank you so much for sharing the finished product with us! Its been fun to see it from start to midway to complete!

    • Thanks Arielle, glad you took the time to watch it, so I could share it with you. Journaling is a bit lonely, but these videos makes it feel at least a little bit more like you’re there with me.

  12995. I love to read your art journaling posts! They’re so inspiring! I used to do some art journaling but I don’t anymore, I just have so much I want to do! Since I started to create when I had all the free time in the world I haven’t quite mastered the skill of juggling my multiple interests and grown up life (I’ve left college almost 6 years ago but still not there ;D)

    I hope you continue to share peeks of your art journals!

  12996. Hi,
    I like this challenge and have been doing it along with a One Tag Challenge as a way to get started in the morning. At this point I am working with collages on small (3 X 2.5) cards. I do post the pictures in my blog but will also post on Pinterest. Thanks for the challenge.

  12997. No. 12 reminds me of a record album cover and that makes me smile this morning. I love music! So glad you made time to create and experiment with these fun colors. Its neat studying your variations on a theme. Thanks for sharing with us!

  12998. My favorite is #13, maybe because the yellow is so bright, and I like the the turquoise and orange accents. I like 10 & 11 too, but the color bar wants too much attention & distracts a bit. I like the papers you’ve painted and the black dots. Very Pop! Miro would approve, I think.

  12999. Loving your collages Hanna! Thanks again for this fun project. I like the use of the black dots too – they make the other colours sing! Xx

  13000. As soon as I get a bit of free time [of which I’ve had none this month yet!] … I think doodling is on the top of my list of things I want to do. Relaxing, for sure! : )

  13001. One of my followers just pointed out this project to me and so I’m checking it out… you and Tammy together, that for one is amazing! The idea of joining is lingering in my mind, I can think of several things I may want to do – I want to draw more so maybe that would be good to make a commitment to… Unfortunately, I cannot join on instagram ’cause I don’t have a smart phone to upload the photos there, and Instagram doesn’t really work when you want to upload photo’s via the computer… but that won’t keep me from joining. I’ll give it a thought and will let you know if I join. Now I’m off to check your other posts and see how you’re doing.

  13002. I like #2 and #4 the most, I guess it has to do with the text and the bright painted piece of paper working together so well. I love the CMYK-idea!

  13003. Beautiful, Hanna! Thanks for sharing these with us! A nice reminder that Spring is coming!

  13004. Thanks for sharing your flip through! I love your style of combining writing and collage and doodling in one notebook. So many times I think each type of expression must be kept in its own specific notebook. But why?! I like your freedom to mix and match and do whatever is important to you that day, all in the same binding! Thank you for showing us that art doesnt have to be rigid! Thank you for encouraging us to play and create and just enjoy art!

  13005. For me I prefer as flip through video (because I feel like it would take someone a lot of effort to pause and read my walls of text and really who has time for that?) is much less personal than taking a picture and posting it online. I really admire people who can openly share their journals but mine contain work things and stuff about my family which isn’t really mine to put out there.

    All that being said when I see someone post a page I don’t think I have ever actually read every word, that would make me so uncomfortable! I mostly get the vibe of it, usually admire the person’s handwriting and then move on.

    Thanks for sharing your journal with us! It’s always fun to see what other people are working on!

  13006. I started writing a diary when I was 10 years old and kept on writing off and on until around 2009, when I started art journaling. I don’t write as many and as ‘private’ in for example my ‘Chronicles’ art journal as I used to in my notebooks, but I do edit all the photo’s I take of my art journal pages before sharing them on the internet and I often blur parts of it. Mirna says she doesn’t actually read every word but I have shared pages in the past that I thought noone would read (a lot of small written text) but they did! I received comments that made me realize they read the page and it made me feel uncomfortable so now I am extra careful to not show it all. I sometimes miss the daily ‘writing diary’and hope to pick it up again some day, but I would never ever show those pages… it’s the most private text and like you say in your post, I would indeed feel violated if someone would read it.

  13007. Jag kommer definitivt att ladda ner din bakgrund till min dator! Tack fr bra inspiration😊

  13008. So sorry you got the flu, Hanna! Hope youre feeling much better now! I love all the bright, happy colors and hearts in your collage!! Instantly made me smile! Thank you for sharing it with us! I may have to try a heart collage this month, too! Thanks for the inspiration!

  13009. Happy February to you, Hanna!

    I love your Heart Collage – thanks for sharing!


  13010. I’m reading this in the depths of winter in Alberta, Canada, with about two feet of snow on the ground but I had to say that I love those little mushrooms you posted! They’re magical!

  13011. Love this! My finished notebooks get tossed in a bin I purchased at Ikea a while ago. I think for a while I just wanted them out of the way since I didn’t plan on reading them ever again. But now that I am more comfortable with my practice, and have added a few art journals to the mix I might have to rethink the box tucked in the back of the closet.

  13012. Sending you healthy, healing vibes from the Pacific Northwet. The flu is just awful this year. Glad you are feeling better.


  13013. I love any series you share! Thanks for the info on doodleaddicts. Thats new to me. Oh and even though I am working on my 365s Ive not posted on it yet so you arent the only one! LOL

    • Hi Trish, thanks for reading and leaving me a comment. I am still coughing from having the flu, so I feel a bit worried about my 365 somethings – but I’m glad to hear you’re working on yours. Keep it up!

  13014. I think your photo diary is actually one of my favorite things about your blog. I like seeing the ways you surround yourself with creativity. What happy walls you have! By the way, welcome back to the land of the living. Having the flu is no fun. You take care of YOU first, and worry about #365 later.

    • Wow, thanks Marcia! I love my photo diary too, and photography in general, even though sorting, deleting, tagging and uploading takes a lot of time, I love looking at photos from my life – now and then. Yay for the digital age we’re in!

  13015. Thank you for sharing your happy photos and descriptions! So fun and cute! All your TN photos you post keep making me more and more excited about your potential class! :) Please take care of yourself and hope youre feeling better soon!

    • Thanks for all your sweet comments lately, I so appreciate them.

      I just launched my first workshop here, and it’s a bit scary but also exciting. I hope I can start filming the TN one soon. I’ll keep you posted.

  13016. What about scanning it to capture it flat? What about putting double-sided tape on each corner while taking the photo? It is lovely, and would have been very Design Sponge without the phrase in the center. Thank you for sharing!

  13017. Hi. Do U remember what yarn it was? My little brother wants neon colors socks (😲) and now I try to find yarn for those. Greetings from Finland. And hey, socks looks good!

    • Hi Suanna, I used a lovely thick yarn by Schachenmayr Regia in the color Fluormania (lots of neon in the same skein) but it is discontinued as of now, sorry. But I do think that Regia has sock yarn that is neon color, or there’s one from viking to check out. Good luck!

  13018. Firstly, I love the two quotes you included. I have copied them both into my journal.
    Second, tell me more about this watercolor class?
    Third, I totally feel you about writing for the sake of writing. I don’t know how many things I have written in my notebook just to feel pen on paper! I’ve even started taking classes online for the sake of writing notes!

  13019. So excited youre offering this workshop! I signed up last night! Cant wait to get stitching!

  13020. I loved the way you carefully blurred yet still shared. Like you, I could never share such personal things; heck, I cant even share the non-personal stuff yet! I hope one day to find the confidence to do so. I appreciate you sharing though, and that you are willing to say you dont share it all (and like me, are even a bit envious of those who can- even though you could never write/ journal/ keep a diary in the same way if you *did* share it all… and part of the point is to do it for yourself, right?).

  13021. I so appreciate you sharing this. I really struggle with being enough when it comes to my business. In life I have grown a lot and don’t worry about what others think, but every time I get ready to launch a product or finish something I drag my heels so hard. Suddenly I see all the flaws and worry that others expect a perfect product. I try to remind myself that one key diffence between manufactured and handmade is that there will be human touches and flaws. Damn I needed to remind myself of that today.

    I love embroidery and textile art and hope you will share more on the blog. Enjoy the class as I am sure your students will love it.

  13022. I am so glad you shared your workshop with us!! I loved it and had a lot of fun learning about ATCs and some new stitches! Id highly recommend it!!

  13023. Your kawaii hearts turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing them with us! And thank you for mentioning that although you enjoyed the experience, making clay beads isnt necessarily a craft you want to do again. Sometimes its easy for me to forget that Im allowed to try a craft or new medium or supply and enjoy the experience, but I dont always have to become perfect at it or even do it again. The experience of trying something new can even inspire us when we go back to our usual crafts/medium. I love that it gives me a new perspective! But that doesnt mean I have to love every type of craft I try. Thank you so much for this reminder!

  13024. these are adorable!! I haven’t worked with polymer clay in a long time, it’s probably about time I did

  13025. Thanks for the fun tutorial!! And the reminder that we can make the seemingly ordinary into extraordinary without having to be elaborate and time-consuming. Now I want to go decorate all of my notebooks! :)
    As far as note pad vs paper pad: I cant find anything definitive. And maybe it varies from place to place (like an accent or phrase thats specific to a certain region)? (English is hard!) For me, I tend to use note pad when referring to a pad of paper that is bound at the top (and is generally a smaller size.). I tend to say note book when talking about a pad of paper that is spiral bound on the side that I will take notes in or write journaling in (for me, this is usually lined paper). And I usually say paper pad when discussing a pad used primarily for art (whether it be watercolor or sketching thickness, and regardless of binding type). But that might just be me! What do other iHanna readers think?

    • What? You don’t decorate your notebooks already? Hehe, no you don’t have to but it’s really fun especially if you use images that mean something to you or that are your own, then it becomes more personal. :-)

      Thanks for the info about pad vs. book, language is a jungle sometimes.

  13026. I’m entranced by the sense of depth in Secret Recipe. The blurred quality of the picture of the stacked bowls puts it well behind the picture plane of the other items. The colors aren’t ones I would be likely to use, but they’re masterfully employed.

  13027. My favorite is the Ant-lers collage. Love the colors, patterns and the way you assembled it.

  13028. I really like Secret Recipe, as well! Baking makes me happy, so I already like the bowls, plus the bright pink and blue collage elements and neat postage stamp are icing on the proverbial art cake to me! Thanks for sharing these with us! Go, Hanna, go! Please be sure to continue to enjoy the process!

  13029. Cool substrates, great collages and love Nils! Read it out loud to my sons in Russian!

    • Thanks for your comment Iryna. How cool that you have Nils Holgersson in Russian. I got it read to me too, when I was a kid.

  13030. Wonderful collages. I like them all but “Write Me a Letter Darling” is my favorite. Mainly because of the subject matter, the old handwriting on the envelope flap, and the pink polka dots!

  13031. My favorite is/are the “twins.” It’s not easy to combine a vintage image with modern graphics, but you did it beautifully in this collage. The red swatches are especially appealing t o me. Hope you’re feeling better now.

  13032. Hang in there! Don’t focus on where you “ought” to be. Focus on the lovely work you’ve done. (I got waylaid by illness – my son’s pneumonia- so I understand how you feel.) It’s not about meeting a goal perfectly. It’s about the process. :)

    I looked at these collages over and over, and my eyes kept going back to Secret Recipe. Something about that coupon kept drawing me in and made me what to figure out a story behind it.

  13033. I love all of them Hanna! I really love the humour in Pet your man, but the colours and composition in Alluring ant-lers (which is pretty funny too) and Travelling both speak to me as well. Im sorry youve been sick! Glad youre feeling better though – thats the main thing. I think you could take some different approaches to catching up. You could remove your sick days from your target and just allow yourself that time off. You could double up two or three days a week until you catch up over the course of several months. You could adjust your somethings to include whatever you want to make on your terrific target paper (instead of collage you could do a mark making series and knock out a dozen or more in a day or two). Just some ideas. I am still having fun with my hearts! Xx

  13034. This is a fine batch to start catching up. “Pet Your Man” is hilarious and probably my favorite. Vintage personalities, old tickets, different kinds of text – what’s not to like? I like the black-throated diver too, with the multiple stamps and pink and green elements. I hope you can have fun and not put too much pressure on yourself. If you were to do just one extra collage per day you would still catch up by summer.

  13035. What a fun time with your mom! I dont go very often, but when I do, I also go with my mom! I usually look for books, action figures (generally Star Wars or Star Trek) or craft supplies. But this last time, I was so mesmerized by dozens of glass and crystal punch bowls. I didnt bring any home, but I love the idea of entertaining friends with fancy dishes and cookies and punch. Ah, the good old days, right?!

    • Wow, do you collect action figures Arielle? It’s always more fun to go out “hunting” if you have a goal to look for something special.

      • Yup, huge sci-fi fan and action figure, as well as other memoibilia, collector! I enjoy coming up with classy ways to display our collection in our house without it feeling like a toy store exploded. Theres a fine line there. :)

  13036. I love this post! Thrifting is really fun, and it’s especially fun to see how your thrift shops compare to ours in the US!

  13037. Your thrift shops look more like our collectible and antique shops/flea markets in the US. Really very nice. I like the typewriter – hope you’ll unbox yours and show it to us!

    • Thanks Sandy, I’ll try to give my typewriter some love and snap some photos, when I have the time. It’s not just fancy glasses, but those are more fun to photograph. There are old clothes, shoes and lots of plastics too here. ;-)

  13038. Thrifting has become a big hobby for me! I love looking for vintage odds and ends to use in collages and greeting cards, fabrics, patterns, crafting books, etc. I also look for housewares and home decor items as needed, clothing too.

    I happen to live in a town that has loads of thrift stores, really a lot for a city of its size. I think that’s one reason I’ve gotten the thrifting bug, but it’s also about the thrill of the hunt!

    I like that yellow Schenker mug, the pillow with the needlework front and the four-hole punch!

    • I agree, the thrill of the hunt is sometimes more fun than bringing something home from the thrift shop, but it’s fun to find a good deal too. I wish I could find more stuff for my collages in thrift shops here, but I think most vintage papers are thrown away in the sorting and never reach the shop shelves in Sweden. :-/

  13039. These are just beautiful. I really like “Stringing him along”…those dogs are just adorable. Thanks for a great blog. take care ~~rita

  13040. I so love your style of collage cards! and you always find an appropriate title often humourous or witty too!

  13041. Your talent is varied. I enjoy your work very much. Thanks for sharing you unique talents.

  13042. Hi Hanna,
    i’m still going strong, to my own surprise.
    last week’s icads suddenly had a birdstheme with me, funny how things go.
    keep up, you’ll get there.
    Greetings from Belgium, vicky

    • Thanks for the visit Vicky! So happy you’re going strong along with me and so many more.

      I see posts daily on FB, Instagram and Pinterest with people that has joined the #365somethings2018 with me and Tammy. It’s so awesome. It makes me happy.

    • Thanks Vicky for picking out your favorites, I always love looking at the mentioned collages again and trying to “see them” as you did. :-)

  13043. You must go back for that mini calendar with the brown leather cover! It would make a great altered book. I don’t go thrifting very often, but occasionally I’ll go in search of items to use in my art, usually paper-based ephemera, game pieces, etc. Recently I found a box of square flashcards, math (division), that aren’t too old but are a great size for arting. I paid 88 cents for the box; people are selling them for $15 plus shipping on Ebay.

    • It was waay to small for me to have patience to alter it, I’d have kept it for my dolls. Plus no worries, I have a PILE of book to alter already. :-)

  13044. I love your Butterfly Mystique collage. I liked it because it looks like pure and mad with different colors this does not have so much design but it looks simply amazing too me. I also love to make it.

  13045. Loved your notebook review! The covers turned out so vibrant and beautiful! And Im always so happy to see your smiling face in your videos! Makes it feel like youre right there with me at my craft table!
    I hope you had fun making the video! It was definitely fun to watch!

    • Oh right, you’ve taken some of my workshops so you’ve seen my face before. Yay!

      I’m glad you watched it, because yes, I had fun making it although not as fun watching it back again… ;-)

  13046. I almost feel I finally met you in person, Hanna! So nice to have the voice and face together. You’re so pretty when you smile! I think those notebook covers are so much nicer than most of the ones I see in stores. The pen test is the most important part though; I like how you prettied up the page while testing the different kinds of pens & paints. I look forward to your next onscreen video. I’m sure you will soon be more comfortable in front of the camera.

    • Glad you have liked it me Marcia. So… When can I see a video of YOU then, because I wanna met you too! Hihi. xo

  13047. You should think about selling some journals with iHanna sass! (I LOVE that phrase, heehee! Perfect!) I would totally buy one! Maybe you could collect pre-orders to see if you could get 25!

  13048. These are beautiful, Hanna! Yellow is my favorite color, so I may be partial to this set. I love the elements of nature that you have included. The ric rac label reminds me of my childhood, watching my mom sew, and going through her boxes of secret treasures.

  13049. I like this series! The kraft envelope goes nicely with the floral papers. My two favorites are Rick-Rack & Triplets. Cardinals are nesting in a rosebush outside my window, so maybe I will see real baby birds soon. Hope your weather is warming up!

  13050. S roligt! Jag var just in p hemsidan igr fr att se om jag hade missat rets swap! Jag var med frra vren och var sugen p att vara med igen!

  13051. I would love to participate, but I am moving 2400 miles in May and have to get the house ready for the move. I’ll definitely keep my eyes open for the fall swap!

    • I totally understand that moving is a lot of work. I wish you good luck with that and I’ll be here with a new swap opportunity in the fall. Take care of you and yours Judy!

  13052. Lovely series! I especially love the vintage illustrations of the birds and deer. That warm yellow you used is delightful and so are all your designs.

    • Of course you can Pallavi!

      This is an international swap, so everyone is welcome as long as you can send 10 handmade postcards abroad on time. Looking forward to see what you make.

  13053. I’m loving the Spring colors, especially the yellows! :)

    I loved this theme of learning, and also seeing the blend of Swedish and English.

  13054. I really like the titles you chose for this series! Clever and thought-provoking! Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork with us!

  13055. I have participated twice and will again. I am curious to hear what people do with all of the ones they receive. I have used a lot of them in books I’m reading as bookmarks.

  13056. I’m really digging your stamps on text! I’ve had a lot of trouble figuring out how to use all of my stamps honestly, so I’m curious to hear from others!

  13057. Loved this idea and your video! Cant wait to pull out some stamps and start making a stash of my own emphemera! Thanks for this great tutorial!

  13058. What a cool idea! I love getting real mail, just like how I love reading books on paper. I am in between addresses (moving) but I am going to keep this in mind. Good idea!

    • I will host another swap this fall, so if you’re sorted out with the moving you can join in then. We’d love to have you. :-)

  13059. Once again…so excited for another iHanna International DIY Postcard Swap!!! Thanks for hosting Hanna! XO Sarah

  13060. Cool idea, it would also be neat to share with penpals, just like you’ve said!

  13061. Hi Hanna, imo, i think your mission was a success! each collage has a similar feel, but they each have their own look. i like how each one has a rose, that really pulls them together if you wanted to display/group them on the wall or in a frame. my favorite is “Roses for the family”, i love the black/white illustration and how you placed 3 pieces with pink in them, one on the left, a tiny pink scrap on the right, and the gorgeous pink rose in the center, it makes it feel balanced, if that makes sense :-) i struggle SO much when i try to use less/create a minimal look. i applaud your effort and achievements with this technique!!! thank you for sharing xoxo

    • Thank you Jenny, for your collage feedback. I have been practicing minimalism when it comes to collage, and I guess being in a hurry will help a bit too, for not overworking things or complicating things too much. :-)

      Thanks for the beautiful postcard you sent me (next time, let me know and I will give you my new address), and being such a wonderful supporter!

  13062. Hanna, I just love looking at your combination of papers for your collages. Mine always look like crap. Keep on inspiring us out here who don’t have a clue. :=) take care ~~rita

    • What? No, I really doubt yours looks like crap!? Take a step back, wait a bit, and you’ll see how awesome they are. But thanks, I will do my best to keep inspiring you. :-)

  13063. hei! Very interesting!

    I like most the first collage of the little pictures! There is a lot of movement; interesting.

  13064. In Feb I participated in a 28 day daily write a letter challenge. Loads of people signed up and we picked addresses at random. 4 people wrote to me, which was a delight, then I found out someone else got 65 letters and I confess to a moment of envy. I have replied to those 4, and also replied to the replies from the people who wrote back to me after they got my letter. Some people have written about their enjoyment of fountain pens, and one lady even gifted me with a pen after I told her I would be looking for one for myself. I have now treated myself to some handmade Italian stationery and would love an Italian writing desk and a friend suggested I get an Italian villa to go with it. Love the look of the books you have written about here…want them all of course

  13065. Thanks for the book list! I purchased Good Mail Day at your recommendation a couple years ago, and will add Care Packages to my birthday or Christmas wish list this year. I do so love happy mail! My grandmother and I write letters to each other each week, my friend and I exchange handmade cards in the mail for each major holiday, and another friend and I exchange small I found this and thought of you packages a couple times a year. Looking forward to finding happy mail in my mailbox from your Postcard Swap in just a few weeks!!

  13066. Hanna —

    Would you be willing to include your address at the bottom of the list of people with whom we are to send postcards? That way, you might get an extra postcard or two or three…just for fun. You wouldn’t have to send one back! It would just give us a chance to fill your mailbox!

  13067. hi hanna, sounds like you got my interactive/coloring postcard :-) the photo of the postcard backside is another jenny, (not my postcard) who knew there was 2 of us out here-lol your PC swaps have created long distance friendships over the years, several previous swappers and i continue to snail mail after meeting in your swap.

  13068. I found a cute placemat and did this today! So cute thanks for the great idea!

  13069. I didn’t plan at all – I just started making them! No theme, nothing connecting them… just having fun in the process (and hoping that the recipients will not find them too weird :-)

  13070. I have them all made, some with old clippings, some on watercolor, all collage:). I am so excited to be a part of this! Thank you so much for your inspiration! And they have gone out in the mail too:)

  13071. A friend gave me a bunch of vintage post cards so I altered them. I had fun with that process and hopefully created some interesting pieces that will be enjoyed by all. It’s also fun to have two names of people I know on my list. This is a great swap! Thanks.

  13072. 10 postcards completed april 6, 2018.
    10 addresses received may 2, 2018.
    10 postcards mailed may 3, 2018.
    10 happy recipients soon!

  13073. My postcards are posted.. As of today.. Originally I planned my postcards and wasn’t happy with them so I started again with no plan and happy with results. X

  13074. Oh, I loved doing my postcards, hope you’ll like getting them.
    It’s my first time doing “MAIL-ART”.
    3. May and all 10 cards are on their way.
    Looking forward to get yours.

  13075. Hallo from Germany,
    my 10 postcards went to the postbox today!
    I hope, they will arrive in good condition in New Zealand, Australia and the USA.
    Ive posted pictures of them on my Flickr-Account MKP-0508.
    Im looking forward receiving your great art postcards soon.
    Enjoy and take care!


    • I’ve received one of your lovely cards! Thanks so much.
      (Sue in Australia)

  13076. I made my postcards while on a backpacking trip to Havasupai Falls (part of the Grand Canyon) in Arizona. I used dust from the canyon walls to create a color and used water for the falls to paint my postcards. They are all in the mail!

    Thanks for organizing the swap!

  13077. Mine are ready to go. Canada, Europe and the US are my destinations. Always a fun project.

    • OMG!!! I have just realised that I didn’t include a greeting or my email address. So sorry. It is so part of the fun to learn if your post cards arrived safely. Alas a Senior moment.

  13078. Hello fellow artists!
    Posted my cards today! I enjoyed making them and using new to me mediums.

  13079. My 10 cards are in the mailbox waiting to be picked up and sent on their way. This is always so much fun. I use different media: watercolor, acrylic, watercolor pencils, stamps, collage. Often I gather up a bunch of unrelated images and tie them together in some artistically coherent way–it may be jellyfish on a croissant, an interesting color palette, or sometimes just whimsy, like when I find some feathers, ribbon or some other scrap that inspires the whole piece. The postcard format is so satisfying because it can be playful or serious, and failure means tossing and moving on to the next one. Rarely is there true failure though–I call them “happy accidents” and often incorporate the “mistakes” into the finished product.

  13080. 10x proudly South African postcards made with eShoeshoe fabric (or shweshwe), a printed dyed cotton fabric widely used for traditional South African clothing. In South Africa, shweshwe is referred to as the denim of South Africa. It was such fun making them! They are off today to the US, England and Slovenia.

  13081. Postcards all done and taken to Post Office today (Friday). Always a lot of fun to make these once get started. Kept adding a few more doodles with glittery Gelly Roll pens and had to stop and get them in the mail!

  13082. Whoo hoo this was my first time participating in the DIYpostcardswap and it was a blast. I make handmade fabric and paper postcards all the time so I was able to cull from my ready made stash and of course made new ones too. No plan or theme. I posted them on Instagram

    • oh yeah I forgot to mention…I put them in a New York City mailbox today!

  13083. My 10 postcards have been sent out yesterday! I didn’t really plan my postcards. I had acouple if ideas that I wanyed to carry out, and used them. For some reason working in vulk didnt really wirk for me, so there are 2-3 similar postcards, and some that stand alone.

  13084. I sent all my postcards yesterday! So excited! One of my good friends was on my list. Also someone from St Petersburg-where I go often…maybe a new friend? I was so excited to participate. 8 of my cards stayed in the US, one went to Canada and one to Slovenia.

  13085. Yeah! Its done! My postcards are on their way to the US and Australia. I did kind of underwater setting postcards, made with acrylic paint and a white pen. If you want to take a look.
    I wish everyone a wonderful time with the swap!

    • Hallo Anke,
      die sind ja traumschn, deine Karten! Sehr schade, dass ich nicht auf deiner Liste stehe… ;o)
      Such wonderful cards… Im so sorry, not to be on your list…;o)

  13086. This was my very 1st postcard swap. I have trouble sitting so doing THAT in itself was fun. I completely finished all of my postcards yesterday, May 4th, and I’ve just now come back from dropping them all off at the post

  13087. Postcards are posted today!
    I used watercolors to paint pictures of plants, then added their symbolic meanings.
    I’m looking forward to receiving the incoming ones.

  13088. Sent! Had a lot of fun improving upon cards that have been waiting for embellisment. I hope their readers enjoy them!

  13089. I dropped my postcards off at the post office this morning. I REALLY loved them this time, so it was hard to let them go. :) This swap is so much fun, I can’t wait to see what everyone else has made!

  13090. Thank you for mentioning the mail art book “Good Mail Day.” I knew both the dedicated artists and am in the book (page 72). It includes stickers in the back and shows a wonderful range of examples. Thank you for supporting these enthusiastic women.

  13091. Hi Hanna! I’ve participated in this swap at least 4-5 times in the past, and I love it! I made 10 mixed media cards, based on flash cards that I gessoed, collaged, stamped and drew on. I loved every minute of it, and am looking forward to receive mine, too! I wrote a little about my process here.

    Thanks for doing this swap year and year again!

    • Hi Hagit,
      I love your wonderful postcards very much, most of them the “queen-one”.
      Yes, its so much fun participating here and so exciting waiting for the artful postcards coming in.
      Take care!

  13092. Hi Hanna, Do you know of the Postsecret project? I have a feeling you would, because you’ve been blogging so many years. In any case, I love it because it merges text and visual art, and it’s so personal and amazing. It’s been going on for so many years! I have the first book that came out, and I love it. I’ve had it for years, and I still use it for inspiration and when teaching.

  13093. My series of “stylin gals” has sprouted wings and are off to their new homes. PLEASE let me know when you receive. AND I received my first one today from Sharon S! How lovely. :)

  13094. I mailed my postcards today. I always have so many ideas about what to create, but then I just sit down and go with the flow!

  13095. Hi i’m catherine from france, sorry for my bad english ! my plan wasn’t realy a plan, just after I subscribe to the Swap, I rediscuver an old box with a lot of pictures and postcard from china, I traveled in Shanghai in 2013. like Hanna there are a lot of things in my studio and I totaly forgot this box. My post card were made in few days because I was very exciting by the project. I used postcards, scrap papers, fabrics, I glued and sewed them. There were ready 10 days before the 1st of May. I sent all my postcard the may 3 to USA, Danemark and Canada. I enjoy ! can we send you some cards’ photos (I scan them) ? thank you for your colorfull creativity… Catherine

  13096. So excited to participate in the Swap again! I made 21 postcards this year. My 10 official swap postcards will be in the mail today. (The remaining 11go to friends and family, many who also participate in your fun swap!)
    My mom and grandma mailed their swap postcards on Friday. Were all looking forward to happy mail! Thanks again for all the hard work you put into organizing this swap! We look forward to it all year!

    • Ive received one of your lovely postcards in perfect condition, despite the miles travelled from the US to Australia. Thanks so much.

      • Me too, Ive got one of these great postcards!
        Thanks to you, Arielle!

  13097. Another fun swap and I’m eagerly awaiting my mail everyday! I sent my cards off last week, so some should be arriving to their destinations as I write this. I sent to USA, OZ, New Zealand and Germany! I always enjoy making the postcard for this swap, and this time was no exception.

    I posted on my blog and added all the postcards I made to my flickr account if you would like to see them.

    Thanks for another fun swap, Hanna!

    • Im one of the lucky ones, who got one of your wonderful postcards!
      Thanks so much for this colourful arty present.
      Take care
      And grazie mille to Hanna for this great Swap!

      • Im so sorry for writing arty! I thought it means “artful”!!!
        Thats what I wanted to say!
        Take care

  13098. I sent my cards out yesterday morning, Monday, and received two in the afternoon mail! Such fun.

  13099. I mailed my post cards yesterday…May 7th to the US, Canada and France. I received my first two post cards today!….from Mary in Florida and Nancy in California…. and they are beautiful!

  13100. YAY! Postcards all mailed out and I have so much FUN doing this swap. Thank you Hanna for organizing this for us twice a year. This world of ours needs this energy and love that we create – the more the better! Much love – Christine

    • Hi, Christine,
      you were on my list and I`ve send to you my postcard the 3. of may.
      I hope, it arrived in good condition.
      Most of my addressees in the USA had already got their cards.
      So, I hope, you did, too.
      Greetings from Germany


  13101. Postcards for the swap sent today! Apologies a little late but better late than never! I didnt plan mine this year. My schedule is pretty hectic looking after my 4 year old and part time job. So I took advantage of some paintings I made earlier. Very simply gesso base on catalogue pages and played around with poster paints. Finished off with washi tape and of course, a quote! Thanks for organising again 😀 X

  13102. How did I miss this posting Hanna!? I am so happy to see one of my cards in there and the to see I was quoted was quite a thrill! It’s so true…I wait for it and look forward to your swaps! This has been another fun one…look for a little package from me in your mailbox soon!

  13103. Mine are out!!!! I’ve gotten such wonderful post cards already. Mine are ink sketches with stickers. :)

  13104. I made my postcards using a Gelliarts plate and bright acrylic paints; then I found bits of printed type that represented things I wanted to say and then I added in prints from scanned in antique photos. I just mailed them Friday, May 11th. Sorry I was tardy but as the above person said, better late than never!!! Just way too much going on to get them completed timely!!! I’ve received several in the mail so far!

  13105. Hello Ive just completed all my postcards and ready to go out. I had done tehe paintings weeks ago and then once I got the addresses, I went blank. I panicked, having no idea what was going to go onto of the paint. The pressure was building. As each day went by. And today, while having had a busy week behind me and another one in front of me, I stopped, I got out my supplies and just started. No plan, no direction, I just felt I needed colour and love. So that is the main theme for the cards, positive messages and colour. I hope they find my 10 exchangers well. Thanks for the challenge Hanna

  13106. I always send birthday cards to my friends and family, so this is right up my alley! I just requested Good Mail Day from the library. :)

  13107. Very cool Hanna! I did mine with hearts so I could include them in my 365 Somethings project. I made them from a kids jigsaw puzzle. They are on my blog here. They were mailed about two days after I got the addresses. Ive received 4 cards already. One from France! Thanks for hosting again.

  13108. I’ve been doing some linocuts and experimenting, so I had an idea of what I was going to do. I started a vacation on May 1, and of course, forgot to bring my cards. Oh well, they will be mailed out tomorrow! I agree that I could have a dozen craft tables and there still would be no space. I’ve been using the cardboard tops of file boxes so I can stack up my projects. Love Art!

  13109. WOW, the view from your balcony is gorgeous indeed! I, too, moved (two month ago) and love my balcony. I don’t have a blossom-tree outside though (another ‘brand’ but I’m not sure what it is yet – a chesnut tree maybe? And around the corner of my balcony stands a big beech… and a tall tower :) ) We are still decorating the house so the balcony only holds the few plants I brought with me from the former appartment… it will won’t be until next Spring that I will start decorating the balcony. But it’s a nice place to hang out and enjoy ‘the outside’ isn’t it? Congrats on your boyfriend’s birthday – I wish my beloved could bake and/or cook…. it looks delicious!

  13110. Love all your photos and the glimpse inside whats been going on for you! What a great fabric find!! And what majestic trees and beautiful flowers you have on your balcony! Love the amazing Yoda cake your BF made! Wow! We had fun celebrating Star Wars Day here, too (and Free Comic Book Day was on that Saturday – truly a fun, geeky weekend!) (Happy belated birthday to both of you!)

  13111. Hi Hanna, how fun to see my postcard and that you colored it! i love Pitt Brush Pens. The hanging pots are perfect for a balcony, the don’t take up space on a table and i bet if you over water, it simply drips out of the bottom-very nice-they look very Spring-y. I hope you get to spend some time on a blanket under that gorgeous tree before all the blooms are gone. Happy birthday to both you and your boyfriend :-) the cake looks yummy!

  13112. Late, per usual in responding.
    My postcards all went out 5 May. So far Ive received seven, (I think thats a pretty good return). Its been such a treat to check the mail for more than adverts and bills.

  13113. Great post – I will have to check some of these out! I have Good Mail Day, but have not heard of the others. On my list – Mail Me Art (Darren Di Leito); Urgent Second Class (Nick Bantock); the Post Secret project (as mentioned above); The Englishman who Posted Himself and Other Curious Objects (John Tingey). There is another one in my collection but it must be in a box somewhere and I cant find it online. I thought it was called Postcards from the Dead, but I cant find it under that title and there is another book with that title. At any rate, the author mailed all these postcards to deceased people, and the ones that never came back he assumed were delivered in the afterlife (not seriously of course). Anyway it was a different concept and had some good art in it too. Thanks again for the swap – I think Ive got most if not all of my cards already!

  13114. Oh my, those vintage pictures are so sweet! Love all of these Hanna. Im still having fun with the project – thanks again for the great idea! Xx

  13115. Love these, Hanna! Thanks for hosting the swap in the middle of your 365 Things Project! I really appreciate you interrupting your collages to do that. XOXOX

  13116. Its wonderful to see the work of someone who prints the way I do. I love to be spontaneous and working on acetate with acrylic is, for me, the way to go. I used to worry that it wasnt legit printing, now I do not care

  13117. I made my 10 postcards by collaging various papers onto recycled cards. Each postcard had a butterfly, a vintage postage stamp and a small ATC size picture.
    Such a fun way to destash – and share my vintage postage stamps.
    I’ve now received 8 gorgeous cards – 7 from the US and one closer to home, from New Zealand.
    Thanks for such an international mail exchange project Hanna.

  13118. Your postcards turned out beautifully!! Its so much fun to see how your artwork looks in an art journal, and on a postcard! So neat!

  13119. Your artistic work makes my day. You have a unique talent. Thanks for sharing with your followers.

  13120. Hi Hanna,

    Your collages are lovely as always.

    I was wondering if you add the paint and doodles afterwards or are they already on the pieces of paper you use?

    And do you decide the theme of the collages and collect the paper scraps before you start collaging or is it a surprise for you as well how they turn out?

    For a course I have to make five little collages which have a common link with each other, but I am a little struggling how to approach this. Normally when I make a collage it develops organically, just using a scrap of paper to begin with and see what follows next. I am curious how you approach making more collages at the same time.

    I hope you don’t mind asking so many questions, but I am really struggling with this new way of creating and always like your style. People often say I just work intuitively, but I guess there is a certain systematic way of working behind that as well.
    I hope you can help me out a little bit here.


    • Thanks Alice, I’m glad you like my collages and are giving collage a try yourself. I’m sorry to say “it depends” as an answer, but sometimes I use papers with paint and doodles already on them and sometimes I add them later, “it depends”… :-)

      But as for starting, I often choose one paper or image, and work from that piece. In these it was the blue paper wrapping paper with gold on, that inspired the color scheme, and made me look for images and other papers that would match or fit together with that one. So starting with a paper you really like, that might be a good start. How to pick the rest of the elements, is like you say going on “intuition”, but the more years I have created the more I’m learning to watch my own process and learn from it, too.

      It’s intuition, but also experience, preference, and after a while, I might see a theme emerge. I never have one set up before I start!

      I hope that helps a bit? Also see my blog post about an excercise by Jane Davis collage studies in a series and try it out, it’s a great & easy to do exercise! Let me know if you have more questions.

      • Hanna thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. It definitely helps me. Having, choosing a starting point and let the process evolve from there. Having trust that it will.

        I also read the blogpost you gave me the link to. That’s exactly what I was looking for. After reading I actually ordered a copy of Jane’s book myself. I really like collaging and I guess the book can help me explore this more and try different techniques outside my comfortzone.

        So thanks again Hanna, your creative process and especially your collages played a big role in me starting collaging too.

        I wish you a good and creative weekend…

  13121. These collages were all great. I don’t LOVE everything that I have created, but see it as a stepping stool to something that I will.

    • I agree, and with a 365 Project like this, where you must keep going no matter what, there is no way you could love everything equally. Some collages are stepping stones to another, brighter week. :-)

  13122. I especially love the one with the birdcage. I really like your repurposed target paper. I have some big sheets somewhere – who knows where?! Thanks again for this project Hanna – hard to believe were alsmost 1/2 way through already.

    • Thank you! I’m using Target-papers? Is it the blue ones? We don’t have Target in Sweden, so it’s probably the blue wrapping paper with gold specks (?) because I know what kind reader sent me that piece of paper. :-)

      Collage is a collaboration between the artist and the whole world, right?

  13123. Thank you for these videos, Hanna; it is so interesting to watch your process! I am enjoying you on Instagram and here also.A Happy June to you! Leslie

  13124. Great start to the ICAD challenge! Your collages always come together so nicely and are very cohesive too 💜


  13125. hmmm, picking just 1 favorite is tough, i really like all of them, but if i had to choose one, i would say “Told to smile for the camera” for me, when i look at collage art, it always varies what in particular draws me in more than another piece, is it the colors, arrangement, focal point….? something usually stands out, something usually speaks to me and i like “it” the most. when i look at all of these pieces together, the little girl smiling makes me smile, so that is my favorite today! i also like the use of the bingo card and the word “sweet” lined up next to her….it fits perfectly!

  13126. Your coasters/sun catchers turned out so happy! You could always get suction cups with thin metal hooks so you could enjoy hanging them in you window, as well as grab one when you need a coaster. Clever, pretty storage for a dual purpose project? :) I played with perler beads a couple times when I was growing up. Havent tried again yet in many, many years. Looks like you had fun! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos and story with us!

  13127. Im digging the pretty pinks, blues, and greens in Do Not Pick Her Up this week. But theyre all so interesting! Thanks for sharing with us! Keep up the great work!

  13128. Thanks for sharing your process video with us! I might have to try the ICAD challenge sometime. Definitely a good way to try out different methods and experiment with collage!

  13129. Ah..365 collages is a great idea! I’m so happy you stopped by my blog, and let me know about your project. I’ve added your blog to my reading list, so I can follow along.

    Doing art 365 days is a struggle, so don’t beat yourself up too much for falling behind. I’m sure you’ll catch up soon.

  13130. I love “Garden patchwork #1” the best for the symmatrical stripes I guess, and the green beens… but they all are lovely! Hope your mood/days are as colourful as these collages!

  13131. Congratulations on making 100 collages this year!! Wow, thats an awesome milestone!! Way to go, Hanna!!
    This week my favorite is Graffiti Wall. Im not sure why, but thats the one that is speaking to me most at the moment. Thanks for sharing your collage photos with us and bringing us along on your artsy adventures!

  13132. You’re very productive Hanna. I like your ‘China’ theme for this series of collages.
    The name giving is a creative practice in itself!
    Thank you for continuously sharing and inspiring us…

  13133. Oh, I truly love all of these and your story of how the inside does not always match the outside. And that is the essence of kindness, I think, to remember that we all have an inside place that may be hurting even though the outside place is smiling, and how it important it is to encourage one another! Sometimes the judgement of others can be so disheartening! Thank you for sharing your art vulnerably!

  13134. I really like the blue and white tape on the sampler on the far right, the one right above the butterfly tape. Would you happen to remember what company makes it?

  13135. I would be happy to take part in a washi tape sampler. I live in Canada.

  13136. Great idea! I am going to suggest it in my groups. I am open to a Washi tape sampler swap.

    ps: The video is way too long for such a simple concept.

  13137. Hi Hanna – I really like your washi tape storage method on the medal ring, that way you can see all the different patterns.

    I’m definitely interested in a washi tape sampler swap, it would be fun!


  13138. Oh wow Hanna… you just gave me the per.fect.idea to have my fave tapes laying on the table… a ring! (They sell it here as ‘bookbinding rings’) I had a special altered ‘box’ to keep my washi tape stored (see this post from 2012) but it didn’t work for me at all ’cause when I would want to use the ‘tape in the middle’ it required taking off the former tapes and it often became a mess on my table… so after the move to our new appartment (in April) I just put all my washi tapes in a shoe-box… but it’s not the best solution either. The ring (or maybe rings, it would be fun to have a lot hanging somewhere in my studio) seems like a wonderful idea to me! Thanks for visiting my blog just now, my blogging (and blogvisits) slowed down with me moving houses and decorating and now – as you saw – I’m busy sewing a jacket for my son. Yep, he’s a grown young man (it’s his 26 b’day) and I am that old ;) I hope the sun is shining at your place – it’s a Summer (and warm) day overhere… enjoy your day!

  13139. Fun video, Hanna! Thanks for sharing your tip with us! Now, Im off to go make a washi tape sampler of my own!

  13140. My name is Jenny and I am a Paper Squirrel!!! i love this post Hanna, it’s 100% true about “squirreling away” all the bits and pieces i think i will use ‘someday’ – i recently finished a major sort/organization of my art supplies, and decided i needed to be a tad more selective with what i collect and keep, it just got to a point where i had more than i would ever use, as well as finding stuff i really wasn’t crazy about anymore. i have a few small containers set aside to use in journals, gluebooks, and for collage and am attempting to use that before more squirreling! hahaa. (certain things that cross my path are impossible to resist so i keep a small container for those. Queen of the Trees is my favorite because of the adorable little squirrel image. i love the vintage look on all of them. tfs xo

  13141. I like them all! Just wish I could read Swedish. (l0l) I think “She Agreed Willingly” is my favorite of the bunch.

    • Haha, here maybe it’s lucky you can’t read swedish because the word poetry is a bit on the cheeky / quirky side. Heh!

  13142. I, too, am a paper squirrel!! Thanks for giving us such an adorable name! But now I need to start using my paper pieces instead of just collecting them!
    Thanks for sharing your collage photos with us!!

    • I’m with you on that Arielle…..the collecting is so much fun but i need-need-need to use all of the bits and pieces, or maybe since we are paper squirrels i should call them acorns and peanuts! lol lol

  13143. I think Awkward Romance is my favorite, though I liked them all! Really enjoying seeing your creations, Hanna! Thanks for sharing with us!

    • Thanks, Arielle! She does look like she is in a rather awkward position, right? And maybe situation too, who knows…

  13144. Hi Hannah – I love this series – 3 little friends being my favorite the Queen of the trees and Forest Hideaway. I am wondering how you store your papers? Like all of the other comments I have a lot of goodies myself and simply cant resist when I find more old books, papers etc in rummage sales, hanging on poles in the street, in the street or in magazines and newspapers. Do you have any sort of system so you can find what you are looking for? Looking forward to hearing about your storage systems for papers!

  13145. Love the names youve given your collages this year! Thanks for continuing to share your journey with us!

  13146. I love “People Watching” and “Rainy Day At Home”, in part because I love the small colored illustrations you used in those two collages. What is the source of those illustrations? Is it a vintage book? Those images are so sweet!

    But really, all the collages are great.

    • Yes, they’re from a vintage school book for reading in Swedish I think. I got it for the cute illustrations, and the ones I don’t use I include in collage kits on Etsy. No waste here! :)

  13147. Congrats on finishing Week 20!! This week Im feeling drawn to By the Ocean- loving the pinks, teal, and green combination with happy polka dots! Thanks for sharing your progress with us! Go, Hanna, go! You can do it!!

  13148. I love your collages Hanna. They give me so much inspiration. Thank you ~~rita

  13149. week 20/+140 pieces of art!!!! wow Hanna!!! your a machine! :-) well done! i think this week i am drawn to Parrot not in a cage just cuz i like the parrot image so much. naming all of these must be daunting….how about using ice cream flavors, flowers, artist names….. even if they don’t “match” the collage, plus, thers always good ole numbers and the alphabet. thank you for sharing, always inspiring!!

    • Nah, no collage machine here – the struggle is real, but so arethe joy & the wins, right?

      Thanks for the title suggestions. I might try the alphabet one. 7 collages on A perhaps?

  13150. I love your work. Original and colorful. Thanks for sharing.

  13151. Such a wonderful ‘summer series’ Hanna, MY summer feels like ‘Sweet pea’ but the sunset collage speaks to me as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, have a great day! Love from sunny Holland

    • Thank you my dear, so happy you found two favorites among this lot. I hope summer continues for many weeks yet!

  13152. The ones with the birds are especially lovely! The sweet pea – also. Very bright and cheerful!

    • Thanks Iryna, birds are always a hit & great focal points in collage. I might do a bird theme soon, or what do you think… you can never have too many birds, right?

  13153. I love your collages Hanna. Especially the one called Always Beneath the Surface, those muted colours are just gorgeous!

    • Thanks Nanci, I always go back and look closely when you guys mention a favorite. It’s like seeing it again. Thank YOU!

  13154. I love the index card with the jar and heart on it with polka dots in the background. Who doesn’t like jars, hearts and polka dots, right?

  13155. Thanks for sharing your creations with us, Hanna! My favorite is Jun 14 (which happens to be my birthday), for the same reasons Rita mentioned – jars, hearts, polka dots, and happy colors! My second favorite is #12 (rainy day owl) – the black, white, and teal colors are so pretty together!

  13156. I like the 2nd card best, and also nr 14. Because of flowers, hearts, pink, happy colors, I feel happy just looking at them :) en frga p svenska ocks, vart kan man hitta indexcards i Sverige? Jag skulle viljat vara med p ICAD lnge, men har aldrig sett sna kort nnstans s har liksom inte “grunden” till det. Vet du om det finns att kpa i Sverige, kanske nn webb butik?

    • Hej Anneli, indexkort kan finnas p Akademibokhandeln och Staples, dr har jag hittat mina. Det svra verkar vara att dpa dem s folk hittar dem, fr mig heter de index kort… P Staples fr man ska efter ledkort fr att hitta ngot, konstigt nog! :-)

      Lycka till och hoppas du skapar ett par ICADs innan sommaren r slut.

      • tack Hanna, med din hjlp har jag nu hittat p akademibokhandeln och kpte nr jag var p stan fr nn dag sen. Nu kan jag ntligen testa detta som s mnga hller p med och som jag varit nyfiken p lnge! Roligt, tack fr hjlpen! Ja det r ju krngligt just med namnet, det r nog drfr jag aldrig hittat dem sjlv.

  13157. Another batch of favorites for me, Hanna! I guess I’m partial to graph paper and security envelopes!!! You make it so pretty, light-hearted, and fun-looking. Lovely work!

  13158. What a fun idea! I was much more consistent with my letter writing, and even kept a travel blog for a while, when we lived in Japan. Those things have fallen by the wayside a bit in the past couple years, but I do so enjoy when I make the time to write to a friend or family!
    Thanks for introducing us to The Scarlett Letterbox!

  13159. This is a lovely idea! Before the days of email, texting etc I used to write a lot of letters, as I’d moved far away from family and friends. I took part in an internationally-based letter-writing project in February and really enjoyed it. I admit it was time-consuming though.

    But what I really wanted to say, Hanna, is that your English is fine! Truthfully, I am always amazed by how well you write and understand it! I am ashamed by how poorly educated in general we Americans are when it comes to foreign languages. I know some Spanish and that’s it.

    I can understand your comparing your writing to someone whose writing is in her native language, but that is not fair to yourself. Be proud of how well you write in English. I’m sure that took years of study and practice, so you have a right to be proud of your fluency!

    Okay, enough of the “lecture”; I hope you didn’t mind it. :) As always, love your blog.

  13160. Oh my gosh, I haven’t been doing much internet reading lately (I have to write letters! I’m late! ha ha ha) so I had no idea you’d posted this! Hanna, thank you for the kind words and the precious time you spent on a post about the letter subscription. I love seeing the letters in other people’s photos, the different surroundings, the familiar objects in someone else’s hand, it’s sort of magical (like, Hey! That was HERE and now it’s THERE! Magic!)

    And hey, I agree with Aimee in that you are unfairly harsh on yourself! Your blog is entertaining and interesting and your English has never seemed to me as anything other than perfectly competent. I even forget that it is your second language, you seem so comfortable with it.
    To clear things up, I not only spoke English as a first language at home, I STUDIED it. I’m an English major. I did Literature and Creative Writing for 4 years. So I use it the way a craftsman uses a complicated tool. If my writing seems good, well, it is to be expected (considering what my parents paid for my education!) I didn’t “pick up” the language from my family, nor from talking to friends, nor from the ordinary things people say in everyday situations. I read a thousand books during high school and uni, paying particular attention to the way the language was put together. It’s what writers do, yeah? (Except that I never did do much with my education, until now. These letters are really pushing me…the challenge to tell a story that others can “see”, but still fits the 950 words limit of my letter paper, has been the big one. It’s easy to tell a story in 3,000…but then to cut that down to one-third without losing its essence…writing takes the longest time of these letters.)
    Thank you so much, I hope you will continue to enjoy my letters (we’ve a way to go, yet) and the experimentation/innovation that I have been planning for each one. I love knowing that you’re at the receiving end, and should you ever wish to comment, one on one, on anything I’ve written you, well, you have my e-mail address ;)
    Much love and xx, Nat

  13161. Thanks for sharing your next batch with us! I think Seasons of Crafts is my favorite right now, but I enjoyed them all! Youre doing great on your 365 project! Wow!!

    Weve been traveling a lot this summer (for work, a wedding, and an early celebration of our 10th anniversary), so I havent been crafting as much as I usually do. Ive been making an occasional card for upcoming birthdays and weddings, did 33 Project Life pages of our anniversary trip (its been 6 years since Ive done Project Life…and now that Ive done it again, I remember how much I enjoy it!), and I completed my cross stitch I take traveling, so Ill start a new travel cross stitch next week. Hope your summer is going well!!

  13162. Hello is your artwork available for business cards to the public? Or do we have to come up with our own ideas I love your cards do you sell them to customers? Sincerely Chmeri

    • Thanks Cheri,
      I am glad you like my version of making business cards!

      If you’re interested in buying my cards contact me privately, they would make great little art bricks on a wall for sure.

      Not selling the images to use for prints though, but thanks for asking.

  13163. Hi Hanna!

    Those collages are so fun! Love love love the Swedish headers! I don’t have a favourite because they all have something interesting.

    I’m way behind on my 365 Somethings but I plan on getting back to it after ICAD is over. I even blogged about it today, after a break of almost 6 months!

    As always, you are such an inspiration!

  13164. I definitely think each collage is different enough to be in a series and on their own! Im especially enjoying the bright, happy colors (and the awesome pink flower paper you started with)! Thanks for continuing to share your artwork with us! Go, Hanna, go!

  13165. “Groot” is so cute! I am thinking about bringing plants INTO the home instead of outside on the balcony alone… ever since I moved I feel like ‘decorating’ all the time… however, it’s way to hot here to do anything – do you have high/tropical temperatures too? I read Karl Ove Knausgard (first three books of the “min kamp” series) but now that it is Summer I pospone reading the rest for cooler days, those are not books to read in hot weather… I enjoyed the photos Hanna! Enjoy your days!

  13166. Your Groot planter is so adorable!! Love his new hairdo!! And the ramen looks delicious! We love Japanese ramen, but now Ill have to look for and try the Chinese variant, as well!
    Thanks for the glimpse into your summertime!

  13167. This week Im enjoying Elvis lives! What a fun series of collages you made! Thanks for sharing these with us!

  13168. A Blend of Garden Flowers is my favorite. I love them all but you asked for my favorite. It’s because of the colors and the flowers. I love how that little bit of pink plaid sneaks in there now and then. take care ~~rita

  13169. Huge congrats on the impressive milestone!! Six months of collages for every day!! Way to go, Hanna!! Thanks for inviting us to tag along in your journey!

  13170. The bird is my favorite – love the colors and the mix of nature objects and pattern :) Thank you for sharing!

  13171. Happy Week 27!! This week Im drawn to Try your very best. Loving the blue and white flowery round cut out – soooo cute!
    Thanks for sharing your pretty creations with us, Hanna!

  13172. So excited for you that youve almost finished this book! Im glad youve continued to make the time to create art, your happiness builder! I know we can all become so busy that it seems like we just dont have time for creating, but as youve mentioned throughout the last many years, crating is so important for us!

    I look forward to the flip through when its complete! And looking forward to your Randomousity class (no pressure on timing, just wanted to let you know its something Im still looking forward to!). Thanks for continuing to bring the joy of creating into our lives!

  13173. Loving all the pretty hearts! So excited youre almost done filling this super cute book! So glad youve made the time to create! Cant wait to see your flip through once this is officially finished! Thanks for the inspiration to make time to sit down and create.

  13174. Im blown away by your dedication to the creating 365 project, Hanna! You are truly an inspiration to us!

  13175. Well done for gritting your teeth and going onwards!! I am really enjoying what you make each week and I love the top 2 this week. The flowered strips/stripes has intrigued me and I plan to play around with that idea and I really like all the bits and pieces together of the 2nd piece. Hang in there and also relax – you will catch up and get another burst of energy when you do! GOOD AND LOVELY JOB!!

  13176. I started with this project too at the beginning of the year but we got a new appartement to move to in the Spring and I decided to drop the whole thing as I could foresee never catching up again after the move and all the work that brought.. I’m glad I stopped ’cause it would have been impossible to catch up all those weeks (14 days may be managable but 6 weeks??? Nope!) I’m cheering you from the side for still doing this Hanna, you are MARVELOUS!!!!

  13177. Loving Remember This! Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations with us, Hanna!

  13178. Oh Hanna! I particularly like this series! I collect vintage cameras and these collages speak to me. And I love the titles. They are simply perfect. Congratulations on reaching 200 and more! I haven’t reached my 100 yet but soon and then I’ll keep going and going until I reach the goal line of 365!

  13179. Congratulations on reaching #200! That’s quite an accomplishment. This set is particularly appealing to me because of the vintage cameras, and “Preserve Everything” is my favorite of the bunch. It’s a well-balanced collage and I like how the wood grain of the old door/building works with the black and white pattern on the right. Keep it up!

  13180. This series is amazing Hanna! I love seeing (parts of) old black and white photos, torn and glued, showing fragments of what was… you inspire me so to bring out my old ‘history-photo-news-books’ (from the sixties and seventies) and create a collage with the photos… (and isn’t it funny that I get inspired to create right after I promised my beloved that I would help him clean out the last boxes of the ‘move’ and then finish the laminate-floor in the hallway by sawing & putting the last ‘frame-finish-borders’ on. Grrr… have to postpone creative time for later this weekend…)

  13181. Really like the feel of Passing the Ravine. I spent a lot of my growing up summers in the nearby ravine with my cousins. We loved playing in the woods all day and only coming out when it was time for dinner. Thanks for bringing back happy memories!

  13182. I especially love the inclusion of the cross stitch bits, with the colors!

  13183. Love all your photography, Hanna! The bright happy colors, the fun angles – definitely made me smile! Ive been cross stitching and making cards this summer whenever I get a spare moment. Also collecting things I want to use in a Randomousity Journal! Hope youre having a happy summer!

  13184. I love the one with the rabbit and flowers, it is so pretty and fresh vibrant colours. They are also lovely together, as a group.

  13185. I remember how I loved to string beads as a kid… or in wintertime, peanuts for the birds :) it is relaxing indeed! I created an ATC and I’ve been again working in my journals after doing almost nothing for weeks because of the heatwave. I plan to pick up the Japanese embroidery (Sashiko) again to alter my jean jacket (I ‘did’ a jacket for my son in June and fell in love with the technique, the photos are on my blog in case you are interested). Embroidery brought me in that ‘Zen mood’ that we all need every now and then. Enjoy your weekend

  13186. Hi, these are beautiful! How did you get that effect on the book at the top? I’d love to try that. Thanks.

  13187. So sorry you were sick, Hanna! Hope youre back to 100% now! This week Im liking Jazz me up Scotty – the picture and the title made me laugh out loud! Thanks for sharing these with us!

  13188. My favorite is o bite me sucker. I think the image and the title work well together. Tight composition and good color contrast

  13189. Thanks for sharing your pretty collages with us, Hanna! Congrats on completing Week 33! Whoohoo!! Go, Hanna, go!!

  13190. Hanna, I enjoy the torn, jagged edges very much. It is much more interesting to look at.
    take care ~~rita

  13191. You cannot keep everything… I think I like that one the best Hanna but I do love them all, the colors and ‘wonky cuts’ add extra interest and I love those little pieces that have text on it… have a great weekend! Love from Holland.

    • Thank you so much for visiting my blog and commenting on my ongoing 365 collage project, it means a lot to me!

  13192. Yay for more pretty collages! And I cant wait to see your blog! So exciting!

  13193. love watching your collage collection grow. I am a bit behind with my postcards too, but am certain I will have 365 completed by 31/12/18

    • So happy to hear you’re still working on your 365 project, and are still determined to finish it. I am too, even though I sometimes wish I could just give it up and do something else… :-)

  13194. This post is everything. Your idea makes me want to treat my hardcover sketchbooks the same way. It looks like I am late to the party, but I wanted you to know what a perfect idea this is. Thank you for sharing.

  13195. Great vlog, you seemed so delighted and at home all at the same time. Thank you for introducing me to Yayoi Kusama.

    • Thanks Caroline for visiting my blog and watching the very first vlog, it was fun to make it for sure. I hope I can put together a new one very soon.

  13196. I always take pictures when I go somewhere, but you have inspired me to start taking video when it is an immersive experience. I really loved that black room with the brightly colored polka dot lights.

    Your pictures also made me wonder where one “stores” these pieces of art that one creates…like the big display with pumpkins. I guess when I make something, I am always thinking about where it is going to go and be displayed, stored, etc in my home. I can’t imagine making something so big just because. Something to really think about when you are an artists…limiting yourself spacially.

    Great job on your first vlog. It was delightful!

    • Thanks for your thoughts Carolyn.

      When one is as “big” as Kusama, I think storing is not a problem any more. She has a whole museum that is named after her in Japan, and probably several storage houses full of exhibition material and art, when it’s not out and touring the world. :-) But I agree, it would be hard as a beginner to make pieces this big and then be able to keep them somewhere. Lucky a few are inflatable, hehe.

  13197. Great job Hanna! Den hr utstllningen mste jag nog se! Kram

    • Vad glad jag blir att du fljer mig fortfarande. :-) Ja det borde du gjort, fast den var inte i r s det blir svrt att se just denna. Hoppas som sagt hon kommer tillbaka till Sverige snart.

  13198. Loved your Vlog, Hanna! It was so much fun seeing you so happy!! And what an interesting artist you have introduced us to! I really enjoyed hearing your thoughts on her and her art. Im also looking forward to more about your Randomousity journaling!

    • Thanks Arielle!

      I am surprised myself at how happy I was over her art, but now I’m glad I have the video so I can go back and feel it again and again.

  13199. vilken fin film du gjort av en mycket bra konstnr. Vilka underbara konstverk och vilken hrlig upplevelse. Gr fler bloggar.

  13200. I have always loved color-based collages where one color dominates. Thank you for sharing these inspirational pieces!

  13201. I save each and every one of your collages. They are just amazing. I have a question. Where to you find all the pics and etc. of parts of the collage that you did not design or create yourself?
    I appreciate the artistic work that you do and thank you for sharing with those of us that follow you.

    • Thanks Barb, so happy you like my collages. As a paper hoarder I have no problem finding sources, some of these papers are wrapping papers (new or used), scrap book paper, magazine clippings, prints, tissue paper, book images and text that I cut out and save, as well as stamps, envelopes and more. A good place to start is always your paper recycle bin, or a thrift shop or even better: flea market. I hope that helps?

  13202. I love your collages, Hanna. My favorite is Back at the Old Colony, the yellow one. The colors are just amazing and make me very happy. Thanks for sharing all your work with us, it is an inspiration.

    • Thanks for picking a favorite, I love that. I always go back and look at those again with new eyes. And yellow is lovely, isn’t it?!

  13203. These were all so pretty and interesting! At The Blue Lagoon is speaking to me most at the moment. Thanks for sharing these with us! I may have to try a page of color exploration.

    • Thanks for always cheering me on, and for picking a favorite this colorful week. Ilike the lagoon too. Did you see the movie? Ah… waaay back when.

      • I havent seen the movie yet, although in an interesting coincidence, it was recommended to me earlier this week by soneone else. Im surprised I missed it in the 80s…I guess I was too focused on sci-fi back then. :) Ill have to see if I can dig up a copy.

  13204. Oh Hanna, such an inspiration: working with one colour, I might just ‘steal’ this idea and make a few collages myself today. I love the “Kiss of Death” red one – I’m drawn to red these days… I hope you have as beautiful late-Summer weather as we have here in the Netherlands, enjoy the days!

    • Thanks Marit, yes late summer is still here, and it’s sooo nice because I don’t long for darker days at all. But when they come, we’ll make even brighter pages and collages, right?! :-)

  13205. I enjoyed these collages and found them very motivational. I am working, on and off, on a series of what I call my little rainbow books. They are monochromatic journals that I made and am in the process of filling, mostly collage style. I frequently come across paper bits that I set aside for the books. I haven’t updated it in ages, but I put the Flickr album as my website below, so you can get an idea. I now have, in addition to the red and yellow books, an orange one and a blue one. Hopefully, this inspiring blog article of yours will get me back to working on them.

    I remember the monochromatic journal pages well. I participated in a colors altered book round robin inspired by the book True Colors: A Palette of Collaborative Art Journals by Kathryn Bold. It was so fun to get each successive journal and work within the color pallette. Now I need to go find my copy of True Colors and spend some time with it. 😍

    • Thanks Dawn, the books are beautiful and very cool. I did a whole note book filled with just pink, it’s in my archives somewhere too. :-) And I have the True Colors book too, lots of inspiration there too.

  13206. What fun collages! Its very hard to choose a favorite this series, but if I have to choose, I think my favorite is Pink Chested Well-Wisher. Congrats on a very fun, happy Week 36!

  13207. Loved it Hana! Now I want to see that exhibit and of course you were perfectly dresses for the show!

  13208. Hanna
    These collages really touched me. They are my all time favourites. Keep creating and bringing some brightness to our days.

    • Thanks Bea! I think my style is constantly evolving. What I’m mostly seeing is that the more collages I make the easier they come together. It’s like the flow carries me forward. :)

  13209. Oh my Hanna, the first collage “Oceans Near, Never Far Away” had me confused… I thought I was looking at a photo of your window with the ‘plant’ behind it in the garden and ‘pieces of paper’ glued on the actual window… realising it was all collage made my mind spin… a strange feeling it was – that’s what art can do! Enjoy your Sunday!

  13210. Oceans Near, Never Far Away is my favorite this week. It made me feel like I was looking through the trees to find my favorite, peaceful swimming hole. Thanks for sharing your beautiful creations with us!

  13211. Congrats on Week 38! I like the feel of balance, the pink, and love the don’t on the bottom right hand side of Incomprehensible. Definitely a fun idea to play with typography!

  13212. I love typography and using text and your collages are truly awesome! The text is in a foreign language for me (exept the “pussycat”) and that’s good ’cause I always READ when there’s text… I myself try to write ‘unreadable’ sometimes or transfer the text (mirroring it) to avoid people from reading. As Arielle says, your collages are so well balanced! Enjoy your Sunday Hanna!

    • I love using my own language but still trying to make it not legible (or at least not understandable in this new context) but also using other languages, and mixing languages is also fun. :-) Thanks. It was a good Sunday over here.

  13213. This week Im drawn to Love at the Farm. Thanks for sharing your pretty collages with us! Hard to believe were in the final stretch of the year already! Less than 90 days until Christmas! Keep up the great work!

    • Thank you so much. Sometimes it feels like not many people care about this little blog anymore, but then I get a comment like yours and it all feels great again. Thanks.

  13214. High five Hanna!!! Congratulations on hitting week FORTY!! that is amazing!! good for you :-) I just started doing Inktober (first time) keeping it very simple, made a little journal to use, and decided to use stamps and Stazon black ink pad, pens/markers, and some fountain pens to add doodles, borders, sometimes a quote to each stamped image. I am inspired by you and your 365 Collages!!

    I pick #277 “Send some Happy Mail” as my favorite in this bunch. That little bird is adorable …… I think you should look at that as a ‘secret message’…… wink/wink

    Not only have you made a collage every day, but you also have shared them! double points for that!! tfs ;-)

  13215. ps, Sorry to hear you had not just one, but 2 nasty colds! that’s no fun. glad your feeling better. and yes! neon and polka dots=2 thumbs up ;-)

  13216. Your work is amazing. Creative and so beautiful. Congratulation!!!!!!!

  13217. that butterfly is so pretty..and another looks like a box of chocs..glad to read you have caught up with yourself…x

  13218. Congrats on catching up!! I know how discouraging it can be to fall behind on a project. But you didnt give up, you just kept moving forward! Thank you for being such an inspiration and making a 365 project seem doable! Hard to believe theres only 12 weeks left to 2018. Look forward to seeing the rest of your 365 collages, and cant wait to learn more about your Randomousity Journals! Thank you for creating such a beautiful corner of the internet for us to come visit!

    • Oh no, don’t say it’s only 12 weeks left, let’s not count those… that made me a little stressed, haha. Thanks for cheering me on. Hope you got my e-mail too?

  13219. I love them! Typography has always fascinated me and I see it as an art. Plus I love all things Swedish!! My Grandparents came from Sweden and have been there once. I totally embrace this heritage. Maybe it came from all those Christmas Eve Swedish Smorgasbords at Grandma’s as a child (which I still continue today)
    Thanks for these wonderful collages of things I love.
    A Swede from Wahoo, Nebraska!!

  13220. So excited, Hanna for another fun swap! I’m pondering ideas and getting inspired! Thanks for hosting it!! XOXOXO . P.S. LOVING all your wonderful 365 collages!

  13221. Congrats on catching up and being up to date… I have that in my Chronicles (week) journal sometimes and I get a bit stressed when I am not ‘in the right week’… I do love the ’10 times bigger’ collage the best for it’s bold colors. Another sunny and rather warm day here in the Netherlands, I hope you have a beautiful Autumn weekend too!

  13222. Looking forward to another fun swap. I’ve made friends through this swap. Thanks so much for having it!

    • Yay, so happy to have you join again along with a lot of other “oldies” in the swap. It’s like a re-union this time of year. Too bad I can’t invite everyone for snacks and art making at my studio! :-)

  13223. I love the last on – Outside the Grid – I think those black boxes with the red of the roses is really beautiful. Really good!

  13224. Love your birdies! “I might be wrong”, but “I might be wrong” really stands out.
    Happy day, Hanna!

  13225. Sorry I’ve been missing your evolution in collages. Guess I’m an overachiver when it comes to solitude! I really like “Honest to God”. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. . . Partly it’s the old mechanical illustration, and especially it’s the colors, the orange & aqua bands of color across the top balanced with cream & green, and the repeated florals opposite the mechanical diagram.

  13226. Im really liking For Your Protection – fun colors! Thanks for sharing these with us!

  13227. Happy Week 42! 42, the answer to life, the universe, and everything! :) This week my favorite is a toss up between My Name Is Abbott (loving the map and blues) and Outside The Grid!

  13228. There are few things I enjoy more than reading a good book! I tend to read a lot of sci-fi or fantasy books. A couple other genres can slip into my reading list occasionally, too. I used to read a lot of medieval books. And I enjoy reading fanfiction, when Im willing to read on s screen instead of a bound book. Someday, I want a house with a library room, so I can neatly organize and have all of my favorite books at my fingertips! For now, I keep a small stack of books next to my bed and have another open in my Kindle. I enjoy reading (and re-reading) multiple books at a time, depending on how Im feeling. :)

    • You’re a lot like me then, liking a lot of different kinds of books. I’ve been reading quite a few fantasy books this year (most from Scandinavian authors), and finally managed to read (although audio book) the book “1984” by Orwell. I was surprised on how much I liked it!

  13229. I really enjoyed “84, Charing Cross Road” too! I still prefer reading real books over e-books. I read a lot of non-fiction, but right now for Halloween I’m reading Stephen King’s “It”.
    One of my favorite Emily Dickinson poems is about reading:

    He ate and drank the precious Words
    His Spirit grew robust
    He knew no more that he was poor,
    Nor that his frame was Dust

    He danced along the dingy Days
    And this Bequest of Wings
    Was but a Book What Liberty
    A loosened spirit brings

    • Thanks for the poem, it’s lovely. And Stephen King sounds like the perfect author for the week. Did you read his Sleeping Beauties yet? It was creepy but interesting, I think.

  13230. And off course I joined the swap again…! Loads of fun and super excited to see what the mail man will deliver this time around. I waited soooo long for my cards to arrive (South African postal service is super slow), but all 10 cards eventually arrived and they have a special place on my inspiration board. Thanks Hanna for this awesome project. You rock!

  13231. Congrats on hitting 300!! Wow!! Thats awesome!! Today I am liking Monsters in the. Closet. (What fun spooky names this week!). And it was so much fun seeing your painted papers in this group! Thanks for sharing your projects with us!

    • Yes, because it is Halloween after all… even though I’m not celebrating I’ve been influenced by some spooky vibes on Instagram lately! :)

  13232. Congratulations on reaching 300! You deserve to be excited!
    Seeing your painted papers makes me want to do some, too. (Maybe a winter project?) I’m really attracted to the black-on-red leopard spots mixed with the pink polka dots. “All Hallows Eve” and “Chaos without Theory” are my favorites. I like the colors in “monsters in the closet” & “abandoned building”, especially the green spots on black with the neon yellow strips. “Stargazing” is just plain Happy.

    • Thanks Marica, I think painting papers it one of my favorite activities…. But then you’ve gotta use them so you can paint some more, right? This seamed like a good place to start using mine more.

  13233. Wooohooo, 300 collages! And such beautiful ones too! In this series, I like
    “All Hallows Eve” for the ‘dark-ish’ feel, the old yellowish paper with the black, and I love “Chaos without Theory” ’cause I see fingerprints in it and it makes me think of old crime-series…

    • Thanks Marit, I believe the fingerprints are part of a map or something, but I agree with you that they look like a cut out from a forensic rapport… And it should be a bit darker themes right now I think… muuuh-hah-ha-ha-haaaa!

  13234. Enjoyed the fall colors in your collages! If I had to choose a favorite, Falling Towards the End is speaking to me most. Congrats on finishing Week 44!

  13235. your so right Hanna….life IS tough sometimes…… I’m so glad I could send some things and add a little pinky goodness to your corner of the world Hanna. You give SO much, I am grateful and appreciate your creative inspiration! Have fun and remember how special you are to soooo many! ♥

  13236. I’m so sorry you’re having to go through these tough times. It’s sad that people have to do stuff that hurts people who are just trying to get through life. Yay for Jenny’s package of goodies arriving in the nick of time. If we lived closer together I would bake some pumpkin bread and bring it over. Here’s hoping everything turns out okay.

  13237. How dreadful that people would steal your treasured and useful possessions, Hannah, not only hurting you and making you feel angry and vulnerable, but also adding considerable inconvenience to your life. I know people often say its only things… but that doesnt diminish the feeling of having been violated and powerless. I am so sorry. Then for your lovely friend to send you such a beautiful pink package of goodies to brighten your life again, just at the right moment! Gods timing is perfect. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I am glad you like my creative space! I just wish I had more time and energy to spend up there!


  13238. I am so sorry! But I am so glad you are surrounded by friends, family, and internet friends who could take this opportunity to help you out! Doesnt make the hurt go away, but hopefully it helps make you smile and remind you how much you are truly appreciated and loved! And even with all this difficulty going on, you still brighten your corner of the internet and make us all smile. Thank you, both for sharing your challenges with us, and for continuing to create such cute, pretty content. You certainly have a gift, Hanna! You took a bad situation and created a beautiful, happy video (and pretty photographs) for all of your internet friends to enjoy. Thank you!

  13239. Congratulations! You are almost finished….

    It’s hard for me to pick a favourite – I like them all. I especially like the one where part of the target is showing. Provides a break from all the bright colour.

  13240. Hard to believe weve come to Week 45 already! Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork with us! Love all the bright, happy colors!

  13241. Thank you so much for doing the postcards swap Dash we appreciate all the time and effort you put into it. Its so much fun to receive handmaid postcards from around the world!

  13242. Oh Hanna, I love all of them! If I had to pick, I might say Good Times because, well, Bingo! :) My cards are all addressed and will be in the mail by Monday November 19. However, Canada Post is in rotating strikes at the moment so there might be some delays getting to their destination – hopefully they will settle the new contract soon! Thanks again for hosting! Xx

  13243. I love bothengeneering and nog in stone. I cant make a choise.
    I think because there a dots in them makethem the best ones for me.

  13244. Loving all the bright, happy colors! If I had to choose my favorite , I guess I would choose Garden Cress, although theyre all very pretty! I like the strawberries and how the blue pops against all the shades of pink. Congrats on Week 46!! Hope the embroidery workshop was fun! Im still hoping youll decide to do a video workshop/class on your Randomousity Journaling! :)

  13245. So glad you enjoyed your embroidering on paper workshop! Its so much fun to learn new things and expand upon things we already know!
    I truly enjoyed taking your Stitched With Love online class! It was fun, it made me look at my craft stash in new ways, and it stretched me to try a new art form. If anyone is on the fence about trying it, go ahead and take the plunge! You wont regret it!

  13246. Oh how lovely Hanna! I’m all into ‘Sashiko stitching’ since I made my son an (altered) jacket last summer… yes please, I’d love to see your sampler book! Have a BRIGHT day dear friend!

  13247. Hi Hanna – I LOVE this group of collages and I think it is mostly because your titles are so wonderful! Looking at them was like reading a novel and each title was the next chapter :-). My favorite is in vain. I love the bit of flowery pink in all that black and I love the bit of handwriting. I also really like the first one with all the lines, I could look at it a long time I think following those lines. The black and white paper is wonderful and I would be hoarding that it is so inspiring – where did you get it? Thanks so much for a bunch of inspiration this week, really enjoyed them all!

    • Aw, thank you so much for your kind comment about my titles. I love coming up with fun names for them when they’re done. :-)

      As for your question, some of the black and white papers in these collages is from a vintage art magazine, so it’s probably someone else’s abstract art that I’m using. I like them too, and have been saving bits of that article a long time. :-)

  13248. Again a most beautiful series Hanna! My favourite is “A Colossal Ambition” for the black and white with that little bit of colour, especially the look/texture of the crayon at the bottom. I also love the ‘sign’ in the corner, a nice tough to put it there and sign your name.

  13249. This week Im visiting my parents at the beach to celebrate Thanksgiving, so the fish in Dont Count On Me really hooked me! :) Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations with us!

  13250. I am so sorry for the challenges. I hope things are going better now! Thank goodness that the happy mail helped to lighten your load a bit.

    • Thanks for your kind words. Yes, sometimes “things” can really brighten the mood, especially art materials that you can use in many different ways. All of these things makes me happy and eager to be more creative. :-)

  13251. I always forget I can use a stamper to put the date down on pages. Good reminder!

  13252. Always so much fun to see what you put inside your Randomousity Journal, Hanna! Thank you so much for the lovely video! I especially liked how you used a hole punch to include a tag! So much fun!

  13253. This week Im torn between Put A Bird on It and Layered Without Meaning. Thank you for sharing your beautiful artwork with us! I hope youre doing well and getting to enjoy this holiday season. Are you working on a Daily December or Christmas-y Randomousity Journal this year?

  13254. I really like your abstract collages; “Going to Portland” is my favorite. It’s a grey, rainy, stormy Sunday in the Netherlands, perfect to be lazy and/or create a little bit. Hope you ha en trevlig sndag too (my beloved and I binge-watched Scandinavian crime series for over a year, and we know quite a few Swedish/Nordisk words by now… I love the language!)

  13255. Loved the video, Hanna! Im a huge fan of anything journal and Christmas!! Thank you for sharing some of your process with us. And thank you for the reminder that no matter how busy, we can have the freedom to create and journal – even if we only do a couple pages this year, we can always add more later. Sometimes its very hard to remember there arent rules to being creative. We dont have to devote large amounts of time to it, or only start projects when we know well be able to finish them right away. Really appreciate your encouragement, reminder, and inspiration! Thank you, Hanna!

  13256. I enjoyed watching you embellish your December journal. I started to make one a couple of years ago, and then abandoned it… it is so ready to be brought back out into the light!! I love the yummy photos of your bursting book at the end of the post.

    • I made a few too, that I abandoned before December was ending before last year, when I committed to make one spread about each day and had so much fun with it. I hope you get into it, or any other kind of journaling, this season.

      Merry December!

  13257. Loved watching your videos as you worked on your Christmas Journal, Hanna! Thank you for all the inspiration! I enjoyed working on some crafts while watching your videos. Made it feel like we were crafting alongside each other. Very fun! Hope all is well with you!

  13258. interesting idea…and I like the titles you have given them.
    I too have kept up with the 365 challenge that I came across through your 365 challenge.
    I am in the process of sticking them up in my hall and discovered duplicates eg two x 174.
    I have a growing pile of duplicates which takes me to more than 365 postcards in total.
    Will you continue with collage postcards x 365 in 2019?

  13259. For many, many years “Santa” put a snowglobe in each of the children’s stockings at Christmas (or sometimes next to the stocking if it was too large to fit inside) – we have six grown kids and many, many snowglobes now. Some have broken, some were taken to the kids’ new adult homes, but most are still here.

    My oldest grandson helped with the Christmas decorating last weekend (we’re way behind schedule) and discovered all of the snowglobes. He’s in love and he NEEEEEEDS one.

    I thought to myself, no problem – I can get a really inexpensive one at Walgreens or CVS and that can be his first one. If he still loves them next year, we’ll get him one that’s more elaborate and special… but there are no snowglobes at either CVS or Walgreens near me. The ones at the grocery store are very adult and completely NOT right for a six year old boy.

    Who would have guessed we would have so much trouble finding a simple snowglobe after all of those years of buying six different ones each year?

    I just ordered one on Amazon… well two because I am pretty sure his 1 1/2 year old brother is going to need one, too. :-)

  13260. I don’t decorate the house much but I have white branches with little twinkle-lights in a vase together with some Eucalyptus branches… and of course a candle on the table but that is there whole year ’round. I always loved snow-balls too but don’t own any. I’m sort of a ‘less is more’ minimalist too (and my beloved definitely is! He doesn’t like decorations AT ALL, which makes me the perfect person for him to live with, ha!)

  13261. Christmas is my favorite time of year. I look forward to it all year long. I love Christmas decorations! From the Christmas dishes my grandmother gave my mom, and my mom gave me a few years ago, to both indoor and outdoor Christmas lights – I love it all! Even my Star Wars action figures on display become festive this time of year with mini Santa hats, sleds, and lights.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful snow globes with us!! We have rain and not snow where we are, too. But, like you said, its always a winter wonderland in a snow globe!

  13262. I have really enjoyed the 365 somethings this year. I have crocheted at least one square a day, and also made mini nine patch collages. I have always journaled in stages of 100 days, but the challenge of 365 really suited me in 2018. I ow have one large blanket almost finished, and several others that interloped Along the way.

    Thanks for the inspiration

    • And thank YOU for joining and sharing your creations online. I love crocheting too, but it’s been way too long since I made anything special… maybe I should dive into a project soon?! Although I think it might be knitting, and then crochet later this year. xox

  13263. Hanna, really enjoyed the flip through of one of your December journals! Beautiful colors and imagery! Thanks for sharing the video with us! I always enjoy hearing what you choose to comment on, be it where you found the pieces, why you chose them, or how you incorporated them into your journal (I dont remember seeing a full-size card being washi taped onto a page sideways while leaving room for journaling behind it – very clever!)
    Hope you had a merry Christmas and wishing you a very Happy New Year!

  13264. Congrats on a beautiful Week 49! Thanks for sharing your artwork with us! I dont know if Ill ever do a 365 Project myself, but Im glad weve been able to cheer you along in your challenge!

  13265. Congrats on Week 50!! I love the colors in Life Map and the composition in Hidden In Plain Sight (especially that one line of white torn edge among the pinks and tan!). Go, Hanna, go! Cant believe were almost to the end!

  13266. I absolutely adore your collages. They are so unique and inspiring, thank you.

    • Thanks for leaving me a comment!

      Michele, I find ephemera and collage papers everywhere and save everything I come across that I like. In these collages you’ll find magazine images, wrinkled brown paper, tape, things I’ve printed from the internet (or photo copied at the office), scrapbook papers, painted papers I make myself etc. etc. Just start looking and you’ll see lots of little bits to save, all around you!

  13267. I am wondering what size paper you used for your base in making the collages? And what do you do with them, when you are done? Do you bind them into a book or make cards with them?

    • Hi Kate, thanks for asking. These art pieces will probably be offered for sale some time, but not right now. They are 13 x 13 centimeter (5.1 x 5.1 inches) made on vintage target practice papers that was already square when I found them! :-)

      This project is part of my 365 Somethings 2018 and I call it 365 Collages by iHanna.

  13268. Congrats on Week 51! Compared to Nothing is my favorite this week. I like the way the stamp is outlined and additionally highlighted by the yellow lines. Thank you for sharing your wonderful creations with us!

  13269. You and your work are fantastic. Thanks for all you do.

  13270. What a beautiful notebook, Hanna! You continue to inspire me and I am grateful for that.

  13271. Oh Hanna! These are so lovely! It has been a pleasure to follow you on your 365things project! You inspire me…I don’t know if I could do it…I’m considering it though! I just love looking at each of your collages and you are right to honor each with its own title. They are all works of art. I can see them in a book!! Congratulations to you on a very cool accomplishment and thank you for sharing it with all of us! XOXOXO

  13272. Thank you so much for all of your posts. Your work and your dedication to your art is inspiring. Happy New Year!

  13273. Thank you for sharing your 365 project this year! My favorite of this week is the second one :) I cannot imagine the amount of work you had to complete this so I can imagine you need a breather but it’s amazing that you were able to do this for 365 days :D

  13274. Congrats on finishing your 365 Project!! You did it!! Ive enjoyed seeing what youve created in 2018 and look forward to 2019s creations! Thank you for continuing to make your corner of the internet a beautiful, inspiring, and cozy place to visit!

  13275. I love seeing your finished journal and hearing you talk (that’s something I need to work on: talk on video… I so hate my own voice that I always try to avoid and add written text in a video but it seems so much easier to just tell while showing… my word for 2019 is ‘guts’ and I think I’ll need those to start filming and talking) Happy New Year Hanna, hug from Holland!

  13276. Great post hanna! just watched your youtube…love all of it! that fish swimming by is so fun! my december daily is finished, however, i had so many bits and pieces that wouldn’t fit, but i wanted to use them up (and not have to put them away-lol) so i made myself a “leftovers” december daily journal and am having fun finishing that up, watching your video has inspired me to do some work in it tonight! i loved seeing how you added the charms! they look great in your journal. thanks for making this series….really enjoyed it and have been inspired. xo

  13277. Congratulations on completing your collages! I find your blog to be very inspiring. I think it’s awesome to set a creative goal and to work hard continually to complete it. Thank you for sharing your art with us!

  13278. I love your art journal, the colourful pages and the wild-ness. After (over) ten years of art journaling, I couldn’t do without art journaling (or art) anymore… and yes, I started my first ‘Chronicles’ page on a day in March 2009 and it’s still going strong… as you say, any day is good to start!

  13279. Well done Hanna! I can appreciate how difficult it must be to do a year long project, a massive commitment to yourself. I admire your tenacity and find it very inspiring. I am thinking I will start a 365 day Collage Project in a few months time, when I have completed a very difficult task that is currently ongoing. In the meantime, I will ponder the advice you have provided on getting organized for this kind of project, and continue to enjoy gathering collage materials, a gentle way to prepare. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and your work with us. My favourites of the current collages you have posted are; Cultural Exchange Across Borders (#359) because I love the zingy lime green and the oriental gentleman on the postage stamp, (and the title is oh so timely!), and Story Telling Before Bed (#365) because I love your use of paint, the vivid pink of the background paper, and that very adorable lion who is so sassy! I look forward to hearing what you have in store for yourself in 2019.

  13280. Really enjoyed watching your journal flip through videos and seeing all the interesting ways you incorporated your favorite bits and pieces! I hope to make a December Journal this year! Thank you for all the wonderful inspiration!

  13281. This year has started out very rough for my family (we lost a close family friend and my grandmother this past week), but Im hoping that means the rest of 2019 will be much better! Thank you so much for keeping a bright corner of the interwebs for us to come and enjoy your beautiful artwork! Youre absolutely right that we shouldnt wait to start to create, we should start now! Thanks for the encouragement, Hanna!

    • Sorry to hear it’s been rough Arielle, I hope it calmed down by now. I had a rough start too, personally, but January is not my favorite month. I hope for more light and joy now that spring is a little little bit closer… :-)

  13282. i’ve kept a journal for 60 years! they started as small spiral notebooks just filled with writing. now they have morphed into mixed media craziness interspersed with thoughts and are made from both homemade and altered books. One is always with me wherever I go; it’s my security blanket and joy. Could not be without one at the ready!

    • That is wonderful to hear Wendy! I keep a written journal as well as my more artsy notebooks, so I’m all about that too. Keep it up!

  13283. Hi Hanna! I truly need to get back to making collages and art journaling! I’d taken a hiatus due to having so many crochet projects (for my Etsy store and for holiday gifts). I really do love crocheting, but I also need to make time and energy for art-making, too. Thank you for sharing your art with us! You are so very awesome.

    • It’s hard to love too many different things, because you will never have enough time for them all. I hope you find a balance in the new year.

  13284. Love the colours on your pages Hanna. Hope you have a wonderful creative 2019. So impressed by your 365 collages! I have just started a new altered book for my art journaling this year – always exciting to start a book never knowing where you’ll end up :-)

  13285. Loved seeing your previous planners and congrats on this new one! I use my day planner to make lists, lists, and more list, with the occasional note taking; and I use an online calendar for my appointments so hubby and I can see each others schedules. I havent decorated the inside of my day planners before, but I love how happy yours looks! A true snapshot of your life at that moment.

    I just started a travelers journal thats inspired by your freeing suggestion of a Randomousity Journal and some TJ photo spreads Ive been watching on YouTube of late. Just started on the first two pages. Hoping I can get myself to continue throughout the book. I tend to dabble in different arts and crafts, so well see if I can stick with a TJ this time. Thanks for all the inspiration and encouragement!

  13286. What an encouraging post – yummy journal explorations – your art always makes me smile – so colorful and playful Hanna!

  13287. It looks like youre going to have lots of fun in your new notebook! Thanks for sharing your photos and video! Are you going to make something out of the fun wrapping/packaging, too? The drawn envelope packaging is so cute!

    • Thanks. Definitely saved the Kikki K tissue paper in my tissue paper box, for use in the future! Isn’t it magic when the packaging is as cute as the stuff you bought?! :-)

  13288. Im new to making new my own postcards and Im loving all the inspiration here! Im having trouble keeping my painted and Collaged Postcards flat. 😕 They always end up curled around. I start out with cereal boxes. Ive tried lightly spraying the back a d putting them face down on some parchment paper with a heavy book on top. They flatten out but they dont dry. Once they do dry, they curl up again.

  13289. I once saw a “term” that described the “addiction” of cutting out newspaper articles/magazine pictures…I suffer from it, and although it IS a form of enjoyable therapy, I have many boxes/folders of collected articles. Can you tell me the word that describes this?

  13290. Really enjoyed your time lapse videos and voice over narration! It was so fun to see your creative process! Glad youre enjoying your new notebook! Thanks for the reminder that we can start a project like this, but it doesnt have to be for 365 days, and that there are no rules for creating.

  13291. I LOVE your creative videos. Thank you so much for sharing your bright and wonderful work!

  13292. How do you soften the cloth up to use it in sewing garments?

    • I don’t think it’s supposed to be used as a fabric for clothes, but as a stiffened cloth for mixed media. I doubt any clothes made in this way would drape well, or function as clothing if it wasn’t for an art project. :-)

  13293. The video was great! An explosion of pink art, lovely. Can’t wait to see the next month again.

  13294. Beautiful! We can do so much with this tutorial. Thank you for passing the knowledge.

  13295. Thanks for sharing the story of your pretty wrist warmers! And wow, the pink and orange color combo! Its supposed to snow here again in the Baltimore, MD area tomorrow. Not much, but just some pretty white flakes falling from the sky. Its definitely cold, though. Stay warm where you are!

  13296. Really like this post! Im getting back to journaling everyday, almost. Thank you. I also love pink!

  13297. Yesterday we had snow too! In the evening it was a bit white but this morning it was gone. Your knitted warmers look nice. Next up: knitting a nose warmer, ha ha. Love from Holland

  13298. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photography with us, Hanna! It was a dreary and depressing winter here, too. Beautiful when it snowed, but cold and gray and icky when it didnt. Im ready for summer!

  13299. Lovely photos Hanna. Winter is grey and beige here too, brighter when snow is on the ground. We do have gorgeous blue skies some days which relieve the monotony. The days are finally getting longer but I can’t wait to see a bit of green in the landscape. Here’s to the coming spring!

  13300. Thanks for showing off your lovely photos! First half of our winter was mild, then it got very cold and very snowy. Weather was so bad that local schools were closed an entire week in late January. My city has a very popular downtown, with lots of fun shops and restaurants, and most of them were closed that week as well. I was lucky, though: my birthday fell on the very worst day, weather-wise, of that entire week, but the only business open at dinnertime that day was the restaurant I wanted to go to for my birthday dinner. (we live close enough to walk to our downtown; I wouldn’t have wanted to drive in on icy roads).

    But now I think we’ve turned the corner and spring is on its way! We’re likely to still get some snow (we’ve had 70 inches thus far), but the worst is definitely behind us.

  13301. Loved all your gorgeous hearts, Hanna! And I really enjoyed both this post and your video! To answer your question, I think I, too, would choose hearts. And then, I might choose outer space objects (planets, moons, stars) or trees or ocean things (waves, coral, jellyfish, etc). But Im definitely a heart-enthusiast! Its fun to see all the variations of hearts you created! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  13302. I have plans for a ‘simple’ one-item-object-journal’ and already bought canvas/cloth for the cover… I’m just over thinking what subject or theme I will pick. I love your hearts but I’m not a ‘heart-shape’ girl so it has to be something else… it will come to me I’m sure.

  13303. Im trying to finish a journal with a range of techniques – Im playing again! Perhaps one word at a time like JOY or something to see how many ways to make it work?

  13304. I really am drawn to the red and black boy. Not sure why, but hes my favorite! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful artwork with us, Hanna! Its so much fun to read about and watch the video! Cant wait to see what you decide to do for April! Have fun creating!

  13305. Wow! I love all of them, Hanna. Thanks for making great videos:)
    Happy Easter

  13306. Dear ihanna,
    I have a confession to make. I am guilty of being part of this silent mass of readers who never reflect back the warmth, time, effort, care and creativity that you very visibly put into your articles and art. I have never before today left a message on any of the many blogs I read. Today your post moved me to write down a few words of support and encouragement to – very selfishly – ask you to not stop your blog. I really enjoy your colorful posts, they very often cheer me up and always encourage me to be more creative in my life. Thank you for taking the time to create content and to share it. If you find the strength time courage and willingness I hope you will be blogging for a very long time.

  13307. Jag gillar fortfarande bloggar…. det knns som om folk lagt lite mer sjl i en bloggpost n i mycket annat.
    Och jag finns fortfarande hr och lser i alla fall d och d, ven om jag r superdlig p att kommentera.

    • Hi Hanna, happy blog anniversary! And congratulations for both getting in to blogging so early and keeping for an impressively long time! Its a great achievement!
      I hope you keep blogging too. As a reader my time online had become filled with reading and responding on social media in the last couple of years. But it feels like the worst kind of snacking and often left a nasty taste in my mouth. I have met some wonderful people and connected with inspiring creative practices via social media but recently Ive decided to drop it as much as possible and return to reading longer form, truly individual content (no algorithms!) by focusing on blogs again. And started up my ancient blog too. Id love to keep seeing your blog pop up in my Feedly.
      Happy birthday, happy creativity and happy writing!

  13308. Hi Hanna. I have been blogging for 11 years. Like you said, it has changed a lot. Though I may not have as many readers as I use to. I still enjoy it. It is part of my creative life. For now, I will continue . I am wishing you a happy blogoversary. 15 years is a great accomplishment.

  13309. Wow, 15 years! I celebrated my 100th blog last month after just over two years of blogging. It is certainly more work than people realize. Thanks for consistently putting out positive and creative blog posts.

  13310. Happy Anniversary, Hanna and may you have at least another 15 years of blogging (if not more!) xoxoxo

  13311. I love reading your blog, and following your posts on FB, and participating in the postcard swap. You help make my world a brighter and more creative place. Congratulations on 15 years!

  13312. Hi iHanna. Happy Birthday and congratulations on your 15th Blogoversary!
    I am not a blogger myself and do not keep an internet presence (no instagram, twitter or facebook) but I do like to make art. I found your blog quite some time ago and have enjoyed your postings ever since. I imagine keeping a blog must sometimes be like sending radio signals into space – “is anybody out there listening?”. Well, there are probably more like me who check in to see what you have posted without giving you the courtesy of saying hello. Kind of like coming and peeking in your window without ringing the doorbell. I hope you will continue to post and inspire with your art and creative opportunities like your postcard swap. I hope there will still be a future one I can participate in. I especially love your December dailies. Moving forward, I will return some of those radio signals from space (aka Vancouver, BC Canada). Cheers!

  13313. Hi Hanna. Happy 15th anniversary. 15 years is a long time to have been blogging and I hope you continue with your blog and the lovely photos. In the rushed life that most of us live today, more visual platforms like Instagram have become popular, but I still enjoy reading a thoughtful blog post with the interesting photos that accompany it. I have been a blogger since 2011 and I do run out of inspiration from time to time. Also as another blogger once said, a blog is like a hungry beast that needs constant feeding to keep it alive. I hope you find much to inspire your creativity and plenty of material to continue feeding your blog. Thanks for all the posts you have shared.

  13314. Happy Anniversary Hanna, your is one of the first blogs I started to follow. You have shared so many wonderful tips over the years. Thank you.
    I loved joining in with the Post Card Swaps – everything ebbs and flows doesn’t it.
    You got me thinking about why I love writing my blog so much:
    I keep it as a record of what I make
    I keep it so that I can remember how I made what I made.
    I get to communicate with like-minds, something that does not happen much outside Blogland.
    I have formed many friendships across the globe and it is such a joy to meet fellow bloggers.
    My favourite thing is creative collaboration and that has happened through my blog, but would love it to happen more.
    I like that it links to my Etsy pages, but that is a tiny part of it’s function as I am lucky enough to be retired and don’t NEED to make money from creativity but it is wonderful when it provides the means to buy more supplies!
    I write my blog for my own enjoyment, am thrilled when others enjoy what I have written and absolutely love sharing this creative life in this global way – it really does enhance my creative life and provides me with a way to share what I enjoy.
    The buzz I get if something I share inspires others is immense.
    Creativity promotes peace and will save the world!!! We are all part of a the solution to so many of humanities problems.
    Keep going if it serves you – I hope you do.
    Much love.

  13315. Congratulations on 15 years, Hanna!! What a truly impressive accomplishment! Thank you for continuing to create such a wonderful, colorful, creative corner of the internet where we can come connect, recharge, and be inspired. Looking forward to cheering you on with whatever projects you do next! We truly appreciate all the time and effort that you put into your blog – that care and energy can be felt all the way across the globe! Thank you, Hanna!

  13316. Hej Hanna!
    Jag r jtteglad att du envisas och att din blogg finns kvar. Sjlv har jag ju inte lyckats ta mig ut p internet trots mnga kreativa intressen och trots att jag jobbar med it. Med ta mig ut menar jag visa upp mig. Jag tittar p bilder och lser dagligen men bidrar jag. Nej.

    Tack fr att du delar med dig av bde tankar och knslor och vackra bilder. Du gr livet s mycket bttre.

    For English speaking friends out there:
    I’m very happy that you are hanging in there. I, myself, haven’t gotten around to sharing despite a lot of creative interests and it knowledge. Not good.

    Thank you for sharing thouhts, feeling and beautiful pictures. You make life so much better.

  13317. I adore your blog. Reading blog posts from artists I admire is one of my favorite pastimes. Sadly, as you mentioned, so many have abandoned their blogs. Please don’t give it up. There are many who are inspired by your passion and creativity.

  13318. Happy blogaversary! and happy birthday as well!

  13319. Congratulations Hanna!!!! your blog is one of the very first ones i subscribed to many years ago. 15 years! WOW!! that is amazing, i appreciate you sticking with it, i love your passion, your creativity and ideas and i am always inspired and excited to see a new post (it’s also fun to go back and read older posts-sometimes i type a specific word in the search box to find blogs that pertain to whatever i am interested in at the moment.
    and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! that cake looks delicious-AND you shared the recipe!! thanks. i hope you know your blog, youtube channel, your presence in the cyber community is a gift, and i just want to say thank you!!! 💖

  13320. Loved watching this video. It inspires me to try whimsical faces. I have been trying watercolors of realistic magazine models. I live the freedom of your quick portraits. Thank you for sharing your creativity!

  13321. Happy Bloggiversary! I’m so happy you continue to blog. I always enjoy reading it on my Feedly Reader. I’m sorry I don’t leave comments too often..I’ll try to do better!

  13322. A bit late(r) than you posted this post but YES, I still am reading your blog… and I also try to read the ones that are still there ’cause yes, there’s not many people/artists/crafters that I knew ‘in the old days’ that still have a blog (or, when the blog is there, they don’t post anymore…) Me? I am as stubborn and crazy as you are for posting every week still… for over 10 years now! I can relate to everything you say about keeping a blog: we are ‘born bloggers’ I guess. Happy blogoversary dear Hanna… keep on going so I won’t feel so alone in blogland ;) Big hug from Holland!

  13323. It’s amazing and awesome that you have kept a record of the bookd you have read. I am also a reader and keeping track would have been a remarkable lifetime keepsakee.

  13324. Your notebook cover turned out so cute!! Thank you for sharing your post and video with us! Like you, I love to read – I always have multiple books going so I can always have an escape no matter what kind of mood Im in. Books and reading are a huge part of my life. For as much as I like making to-do lists, Im surprised Ive not made a booklist before. I may have to try keeping a booklist notebook like yours now. Thank you for that fun idea! Enjoy your book!

  13325. Oh Hanna, thank you for this great blog post. I am newly in love with the TNs and its so great to find so many resources in this one article. I have followed your art journey for a few years now- and always find your posts and your work inspirational.

  13326. Happy blogoversary Hanna!

    I too miss the good old days of blogging. Once in a while, I post something on my own blog but as you said, the lack of response is a bit depressing.

    I hope you get out of your art slump soon, dear friend. I miss your colourful creations!


    • Thank you so much.
      You don’t know how much that means to me, especially today when I got a very strange e-mail from a person who signed up writing: “I don’t know how this work, can someone call me?” OMG, this corporation is closed for people who doesn’t read the rules or what they’re signing up to! ;-) Will deal tomorrow.

  13327. Hi there! Thanks for the post :) Im interested in making prayer flags that have meaningful pictures on them for my family. Do you think this could be done with a single printed paper and maybe weatherproofed with some outdoor clear coat or scotch guard type product?

    • If I were to make prayer flags for outdoor hanging year round, I would use cloth, and do embroidery or image transfer on them. Fabric will hold up the best, and looks lovely waving in the wind. For paper, it’s always difficult even if you would try to cover it in plastic, but you could try of course, it’s up to you.

      Good luck with your project. :)

  13328. Hello…I am one of those that read but not comment! And since I have my own blog, I do know how it feels when there are no comments! I spend less time reading lots of blogs compared to 5 years ago, when I really needed the input – even my own hasn’t been touched for a few years!
    Congrats on keeping yours current and exciting – I pop in sporadically for inspiration and to see what you have created! Thanks for continuing xx

  13329. Loved the video. I love collage and would love for you to do more!!;))🧡

  13330. New notebooks are great! Especially when the covers are arted!

    I just found way too many journals and notebooks and sketchbooks in my storage room. No new purchases for a while. But no shortage of new notebooks…

  13331. Thanks for sharing your fun video with us! I also agree it is often more fun to create something new than continue to work on a previous project. The energy that comes from starting – just think of all those possibilities – is often much more fun than what sometimes feels like dragging through the middle of a project. Im definitely in favor of reinvigorating ourselves!! And for me, sometimes that extra burst of excitement causes me to be excited about working on an old project as well. Either way, I think creating art should be fun! We have many other things in life that we must do, but I want creating to be my fun outlet. Well go back to the older projects, or we can pass them along to someone else or upcycle them, but I dont think we should feel guilty or bad about working on something new that were excited about and makes us happy! Thank you for giving us that reminder!

  13332. I know the feeling of having too many projects going on. Every day I keep up in my TN for my everyday life. Recently I came up with a “system” to work on several projects: Monday = cardmaking day (birthday/Christmas cards), Tuesday = ephemera making day, Wednesday = working on a fabric journal cover ala Teesha Moore (old abandoned project that I restarted after 5 years?), Thursday = junk journal day, Friday = swap-bot day (to work on projects I have to make). Weekend = freeplay!
    I am doing this for several weeks and I love it! Monday I am eager to continue on my Christmas cards (already? yes!) and Wednesday I love to pick up my fabric crafting again. It works great for me…..

  13333. Hi Hanna, I just subscribed to your blog and i really love your content. I am hoping to receive your pdf. I already confirmed my email but i couldn’t find the link to download them.

    • Hi Ray, thanks for signing up.

      After you’ve confirmed your e-mail you get a second automatic e-mail, in which I present myself and what I do, and at the bottom of that there is an image link to the inspirational quotes. It might take a few minutes before you get it, but if you can’t find it, let me know. :-)

  13334. I love looking at all of your ideas!Your brain seems to be raceing all of the time!

  13335. Love the bright, happy colors you chose for your first couple of cards! What fun! Thanks for sharing your pretty photography and happy words with us! Cant wait to see more of your ICAD designs!

  13336. I like what you’ve shown off thus far! Yes, I’m doing ICAD this year; had done it two previous years as well. Thus far I’ve done mostly collages, but I did a card with rubber-stamped images one day, and another day I used a writing prompt kit to write the beginnings of a short story on that day’s index card.

    Have fun with ICAD!

  13337. Hi! Ive decided to start my ICAD…soon!
    Love the idea & live your cards! What paints do you use
    for all that lovely, yummy brightness!!??
    Im thinking I definitely need to buy some fluorescent!
    Thx for always sharing your creativity and Moxie!!
    ~ Terry York🌸💕

  13338. Your index cards have all turned out so pretty, Hanna! Thank you for sharing them with us! Glad youre enjoying the challenge! Thanks for mentioning that while youre creating these, it makes you want to create other things! I am the same way! While working on one project, Ill get so excited about the opportunity to start a different project. Interesting how that works!

  13339. Hi Hanna!
    My favourite is June 3 – painted polka dots closely followed by June 8 my religion is creativity. But I really love the intro card as well. So I guess I have three favourites.


  13340. I love blogs. I don’t do Twitter and barely do Instagram. I often feel scattered and stressed and blogs are longer, moreS interesting and I enjoy the writer’s authentic voice coming through more.

    • Just came across your blog today through Pinterest’s pic of ‘ Strip Ease” and love your blog so am now following.

      • Wow, how wonderful that you found my old blog post on Strip Ease and came to visit, that is just lovely. Thanks and hope you find my blog interesting!

  13341. Hi Hanna,
    I am really enjoying seeing you post about this challenge. I would also love to see more about your Strawberry Shortcake dolls as I always find posts about vintage toys interesting.
    – Ash :)

  13342. Your collages turned out so pretty and interesting, Hanna! Youre like a Collage Queen! Thank you for sharing your artwork, thoughts, feelings, and gorgeous photography with us! You definitely made my day! Hope your sunburn heals quickly!

  13343. If I were to glue pages together in each signature, should I start in the center of each signature and glue the two center pages together and then go to the left of the two that I just glued and glue the next 2 together and so forth? And then do the same with the right side of the two glued center pages? I hope I’m making sense!

  13344. your cards are so whimsical. love all the work you put into them. I was in the postcard swap this year.

    thank you

  13345. Hanna, as always – I love “all” of your cards you’ve done! Thanks so much for sharing them with us and giving inspiration (which I really need sometimes!) (Hugs)


  13346. Love all your pretty, happy colored cards! (And fun to play I spy with certain ephemera and washi!) Makes me want to start a collage or two of my own! Especially enjoyed your moveable piece – might have to try that in a future travel journal. Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork and continuing to encourage and inspire us!

  13347. Thanks for sharing your thoughts -and struggles- with us! I hope youre enjoying the challenge of one journal this month! I keep a weekly planner system that has slowly evolved over the past 15 years or so. My appointments are kept on a digital calendar I share with my hubby, and my to-do lists are kept in my planner (and marked off accordingly.). Still not a perfect system, but I continue to tweak it to work for me.

    Good luck on your challenge! Go, Hanna, go!

  13348. Hi Hanna, I just subscribed to your blog and i really love your content. It is very helpful and inspirational. I am hoping to receive a copy of the inspirational quotes pdf. I already confirmed my email but i couldnt find the link to download them.

  13349. Your cards are so interesting, I would love to know more about your process. Do you find one picture that speaks to you and then look through your stash to find coordinating pieces?

  13350. I am a new follower from Aotearoa New Zealand. I am really enjoying seeing these gorgeous index cards and happy I found a stash of them when I began to tidy up my craftroom.
    Love your blog.

  13351. Really enjoyed all your collages this week, Hanna! Loving the happy colors and balanced look of them all. Thanks for continuing to share your artwork with us and your fun descriptions! I always like reading about what you were thinking or what inspired you to create something. I think I may need to mark iCAD on the calendar for next year so I can give it a try.

  13352. Thanks for sharing the neat tip and fun video! I have cut shapes out of Kleenex boxes with pretty patterns on them in the past. My problem is I tend to keep too many stacks of things to cut out…and then I get overwhelmed and want to just recycle it all. Its sometimes difficult for me to find a good balance. But I continue to try.
    Have fun creating with your newpretty ephemera!

  13353. Your index cards are turning out so cute! And your upcycled flower embellishment fit right in! Thanks for sharing your wonderful creativity with us!
    Ive been squeezing in creative time as much as I can. This summer has been so crazy. But even if it takes me a couple days to finish a handmade card, or I can get a little further on my current cross-stitch while waiting for my car to be serviced, it all counts towards being creative!

  13354. Hanna, I love all of your cards!! I didn’t get to do ICAD this year, however I am planning on doing one of my own sometime this winter (it’ll be something to keep me occupied during the long cold winter!) Also I’m gonna see if my friend Amy who lives a couple of doors down the hall from me would like to do it as well. We’ve decided we need to mix some things up this winter so it won’t seem as long as it really is. lol

    Thanks so much for sharing – I know for sure I’ll come back and re-read your posts and see your creations and use them for inspiration as I start my ICAD’s.

  13355. I really love how your bullet journal pages look! I have never been driven start one myself – I stick to my ‘regular’ notebook on my desk and the Chronicles journal spreads that come from that – but I love how your pages look!

  13356. Your index cards turned out so incredibly cute and fun! Thank you for sharing your artwork with us! Its always so fun to study each piece and wonder where it came from and how you chose it, and then admire how you made it fit with the rest of the collage. Hope youre having a happy summer!

  13357. Glad youre enjoying your bullet journal! Its challenging to let go of perfection in creating (and life in general), but when were brave enough to, sometimes we find the creative process is even better than when we were so focused on making it perfect. Thank you for that reminder and the encouragement! Happy bullet journalling!

  13358. Oh how I love this serie Hanna! It makes me smile thinking of you happely creating these… and yes, Summer is for reading! ( I just finished Karl Ove Knausgrd’s series of six novels “Min Kamp”. I read three of the books last Summer and the other three this Summer, it’s too ‘heavy stuff’ to read all in one row… but he is a marvelous writer! Do you know his books?) Seeing your index card collages make me wanna dive into collaging again.

  13359. Glad youre still having fun with your ICAD cards! Thanks for sharing them with us! I desperately need to clean off my craft table (Im still unpacking from our move, so everything piled on the craft table needs sorted, not just put away…very time consuming and not very fun.). But I know once I get things unpacked, sorted, and find homes for everything, Ill feel much better about creating artwork again. I agree with you and Miss Moss, theres just something wonderful and calming about a clean area to create in.

  13360. Nice Nice…I have a collection of wooden horses…about 300 horses and 15 Dala. Love them…my treasure and my passion.

  13361. Congrats on finishing the ICAD 2019 challenge, Hanna! Well done! Thank you for sharing your journey and artwork along the way. It was really fun to see what you were creating! Hope you had fun!

  13362. Your binder turned out so happy! Love the idea of keeping paper copies of projects I want to try or things that spark my interest! I used to do that in high school in an old self-adhesive photo album (clearly its been a while), and I kept a pocket folder of projects when I was living in Okinawa, but perhaps Ill have to make another one in the near future. Maybe one that has all sorts of Christmas ideas in it. :) Thanks for the inspiration!

  13363. I enjoy all of your index cards. Thanks so much for sharing your work and talent to those of us that follow you,
    North Carolina

  13364. Love this series Hanna, my fave from this post is the ‘fishy in a human pond’ one. I love the funky colours, the seventies-feel of the faces and the fish – just awesome! on to new creative adventures now, have fun!

  13365. I enjoyed this video! Thank you! I love the thrift store haul videos. It would also be neat if you did a video showing where you keep all of your completed journals and collages, etc.

  13366. Hello! I cannot tell you how very much I enjoyed your video of thrift sale finds. Who knew I would love looking at your stash as much as hunting for my own. It has absolutely made my day :-). I loved the things you came home with and you have inspired me to start taking photos of my own thrifting finds as I am sure looking at the photos bring back the amazement that you feel when you find such treasures. I am going to suggest/beg that if you dont want all the images in your red covered animal book that we do a trade – I am as obsessed with old color animals pictures from childrens books as you are with Hello Kitty and pink! I would happily send you images of frogs for what sounds like an upcoming project and any other images you tell me you like. As far as the stickers of bugs in the other book send them my way as well. My beloved niece who lives in England loves bugs and I send her handmade cards and books all the time about bugs so I can tell you she would LOVE them. Hoping I am not sounding greedy but I am just another paper lover who shares your delight in happy finds. It would be fun to do some trades of materials to keep us both inspired. Always good to get a stuffed envelope in the post.I love your blog and your cheerful work and you always brighten my days to see what you are up to and what you are creating. You are an inspiration to stick things down!Please send me an email if you would like to do some treasure trades. Xo

  13367. What a fun thrift haul! Thanks for sharing your video and photos! Loved hearing what you think you might use things for! And oh my, your photo of the cornflower field is gorgeous!! Hope you have fun creating with some of your finds!

  13368. Yes!! I am still rrading blogs and I really enjoy yours! I am in need of inspiration and to figure out how to use all these wonderful art products I own. Thank you.

    • Thanks Theresa, glad you liked this post. Paint markers are really fun, I hope you use yours too.

  13369. I love this! I have so many Posca paint pens and acrylic pages. I cant wait to see what you do with them!

    • Thank you. I’m going to at least scan them and use as collage fodder first. I imagine that would be quite a fun look, don’t you think?

    • Thanks for letting me know Anny! I’m reading blogs too, and I’ll keep writing mine. :-) It’s too bad that some pens are so expensive to get, it’s a splurge for sure to get Poscas here too.

  13370. I love reading your blog, Hanna! Thank you for continuing to share your creative a adventures with us! Your collage doodles turned out so pretty! Ive been doing some journaling and making some greeting cards lately, but Im anxious to be creating more. Need to finish unpacking our moving boxes. And then I can start on Christmas crafting! Yay!

    • Thanks dear, but are you starting on Christmas crafting already? Haha, that stresses me out. It’s not even October yet…

      • Christmas time is my absolute favorite time of year! I start looking forward to it the day after Christmas. :) Im anxious to do some Christmas-related crafting this year, not just creating Christmas gifts. I would really like to do some sort of Daily December again…Ive been saving Christmas ephemera for several years now. Hehehe. Id like to put it to good use finally! Are you planning to do a Daily December type journal again this year?

  13371. Hi Hanna, I still read blogs and still enjoy yours! I’ve been playing with quilting and finally getting the hang of it. I seem to think about fabric a lot, and I think your latest creations would look wonderful in a quilt. Maybe you could turn them into fabric?

    • Thanks dear, glad you’re still enjoying my ramblings. Quilting is time consuming (to me) but SO fun! I agree, doodles would look great as fabric. Hm…

  13372. Thank you for sharing your neat video with us! I enjoy both reading your blog and watching your videos! Im also a fellow Hello Kitty fan! The sped up part of your video was fun to watch. As long as you have time to describe and say whatever you like, I think its good! But if you feel too rushed, You could always slow it down- its up to you. I think it looks good either way! I do really enjoy hearing your thought process on why you chose certain pieces! Thanks for encouraging us with your beautiful creative endeavors!

    • Thanks for the feedback on the video Arielle! I think I’ll do both versions at different times, I like both too. The really quick Hyperlapse filming that the cell phone does is hilarious to look at, since I know how slow I am when I’m creating… LOL.

  13373. I read your blog every time Hanna, and am often inspired by your words and art, but dont comment often. Whenever I use pink I think of you! And postcards … have loved doing them. Collage or cut and paste is my very favourite thing to do too.
    Thank you for all you do for your followers.

    • Thanks Sue, I really appreciate that! I hope you enjoyed the Scandinavian trip too, next time we’ll have coffee! Thanks for visiting the blog.

  13374. I enjoyed watching your video, Hanna! I loved the colors you used in this spread, and you make collage design look so easy. But that’s your skill at work!

  13375. Superbra och trevlig video. Nu blir man ju sugen p att klippa och klistra igen.
    Kram mom

  13376. What a fun collage, Hanna! Thanks for sharing your process video with us! Loved your upcycle/reuse of the pretty gold washi tape!

  13377. Congrats on making yourself tackle that project youve been wanting to! I read your blog mostly from my phone nowadays, and the new layout looks great! Thank you for continuing to provide us with a pretty, fun, inspiring corner of the internet!

  13378. Hi Hanna, I love your blog! Even when I feel grumpy if I read your cheerful words I smile :)
    I just wanted to say (and no I am not an advertiser) that the TRUE washi paper tape made in Japan- like MT brand- is amazing and my personal favorite with tons of amazing beautiful designs- yes that can be dangerous for shopping! but MT will never become sticky and make annoying adhesive marks all over itself and my fingers. I definitely have found that the cheaper brands, as well as those which call themselves washi but really are not, will get unusable after awhile, so I also learned the hard way!! Ive had some of my MT paper washi tape for at least 10 years if not more. I can peel (& unpeel) freely with no problems. Thank you to my Japanese friends for introducing me to MT, love it.
    Regards from NYC!

  13379. YES!! I am fairly new to your blog and have been guilty of not commenting. Your work is very inspiring so please keep blogging!

  13380. Hi Hanna! The update looks and works great. It works great on my Mac, no problems. Enjoy all your inspiration and I agree that sometimes you just need to shake things up to get motivated. For me that usually means it’s time to rearrange the furniture or go through stored supplies. Congratulations on the blog update!

  13381. Really enjoyed seeing the inside of your junk journal/art journal! I havent pulled out my journal-making supplies in a couple years now, but perhaps I should after the new year! I find journal making addictive. Once I start on one, I find I want to make a bunch. But I also find it very difficult to actually use/fill the journals I make. I enjoy the process of creating and binding them, but I havent found a love of filling them yet. Is that strange? Oh well. Thanks for sharing your video with us! Look forward to seeing some of your finished pages, when you get the opportunity!

  13382. Yay Hanna! Happy you found a design that worked for your photo process! I know it was a heck of a lot of work to make the upgrade and it turned out just great!!!

  13383. I love your nails! How do you do that? Have just been introduced to bullet journaling. Thank you for your nice explanatory video.

    • Thanks for leaving me a comment!

      My nails in black and white are decorated with nail stickers cut to fit each nail. So fun to try out.

  13384. Hanna, I love your journal and thank you so much for sharing it with us! I’ve never made a journal as of yet but have bought a couple of them and love filling them. Would love to make one as well but will have to wait and see if I ever do or not, lol I totally LOVE the sewing you do in yours … I don’t have a sewing machine (I could never get past threading the needle on a machine, how sad is that? Ha!) Have a great day!


  13385. Very Beautiful journal, I love it.
    Don’t cut your hair. Its also Beautiful.

  13386. Sorry I wont be able to do the Fall Swap, but I am already looking forward to the Spring Swap! Hope you have a lot of fun and good participation in this swap! For those whove not participated before, Id highly recommend signing up for the swap! Its so much fun!!

    • Thank you, I will miss having you but I was a little late setting the fall swap up so I totally understand that not everyone will be able to join this time.

  13387. ha ha, I love that you defined “kick in the butt”.
    Your new theme looks great. There’s so much on the back-end of blogging, outside of simply writing. And things change so rapidly that a cutting-edge blog from five years ago looks outdated today, it seems. That’s a little intimidating.
    But I think that the essence of a blog is its content, and you’ve always delivered here, Hanna!
    Thanks for your happy posts, I enjoy reading about what you’re up to.

  13388. Hanna, if I haven’t already – I wanted to tell you how much I love your blog makeover. It’s a great new look and after quite a few years, it’s making me want to blog again (whether that will happen or not, I’ve no idea but still … lol)

    Have a great day! Also good luck on the postcard swap. I’d someday love to join in but as of now, I can’t commit to the time that it takes to make all of the cards.


    • Aw, thanks Debi! Visiting the blog’s home and clicking around on older posts I too feel more inspired than I’ve felt in a while, so the make-over was good for me.

      I will be hosting the swap again in the spring, and it’s always 10 postcards, so you could make two postcards a month and be finished with all of them when it’s time to join next time… Just a thought.

      Take care!

  13389. Hi Hanna,
    Hoping to join postcard swap. Just tell me what weight or kind of paper you use. Would like to use watercolour paper but feel it might be a little thin. Advice would be appreciated.

    • Hi Sally,
      I would be delighted if you join the swap!

      I am not sure what weight I use, because it depends on what medium I’m working in. But if you think that your watercolour paper is a bit flimsy, get a thicker one or simply glue it to a stronger backing, like a piece from a pizza box lid for example? I’d sew around the border with a sewing machine or make sure it’s a really strong glue that you’re using though.

      Let me know how it goes!

  13390. I think I signed up. I paid, but somehow it doesn’t feel like my name was ‘submitted’. Could you check and let me know, please? Lots of my friends have signed up and I don’t want to be left out!

    I love this swap and have met many wonderful people because of it!


    • Dear Lynne,
      you have paid for sure, but the form submission didn’t “take”. I think there is a problem with using it on a phone or tablet, so maybe you could try it again from a computer and then e-mail me so I can check? Also, when it does submit you should get a confirmation e-mail via the google form, so then you know for sure too.

      We’ll work it out, we always do around here! And thanks for your kind words about the swap, it warms my heart.

  13391. Really enjoyed your process video and gorgeous photos! Its fascinating to watch your process and see what you decide to keep and discard from a spread. Loved that you got to use one of your homemade ephemera pieces! What fun!

  13392. LOVE these. They didn’t print in 4″x6″ dimensions, but I am making them work anyway! One difference, though, is that I printed them on matte sticker paper. Makes using them easy-peasy! Thanks so much for sharing!

  13393. Glad you had fun with the creating process! Thanks for the helpful advice! Im already thinking of possible designs for the spring swap. Look forward to seeing the final results of your fall postcard creating!

  13394. I too love Jane Davies’ work. I had the pleasure of taking a few of her classes at Art & Soul when we lived in Oregon, as well as participating in an online class. It is such a pleasure to learn from her. She is an amazing artist.

  13395. I’ll be working in a haphazard, non-linear way this time, too. We’ll see what comes of it!

  13396. Hi Hanna, I have signed up and was wondering when we get our addresses?

    • Not just yet, but later this week.

      Oh, and I’d thought you who has been joining the swap for sooo many years would know where to find this information if you didn’t write it down when you signed up? ;)

  13397. I am in the swap, but haven’t received any addresses? Wasn’t sure how to connect with you


  13398. I am starting to get postcards coming in. Please ask people to write their name and where they are from legibly. Some just put their email and you can’t tell where it is from.

    • So glad you’re getting happy mail Marilyn. I always point out that people please state their name and contact info as clearly as possible, and still a few chose not to. I can’t really do anything about it now since I think it must be up to each person as the swap is for grown ups. Sorry.

      And if you want to know where it’s from, like country, the stamp should indicate that at least, right? Hope they inspire you still.


  13399. Youre postcards turned out beautifully! Loving all the bright, happy colors! Glad to hear the Swap went well! Looking forward to participating again in the Spring!
    Sending happy, creative thoughts your way as you deal with great skies!

  13400. Thanks for sharing your video and written review of your new notebook! I hadnt heard of Tomoe River Paper before. Amazed that such thin paper can withstand watercolor and pens with little or no bleed through! Bleed through of pens is always a problem for me when Im looking for new notebooks. Thanks again for sharing this neat notebook!

  13401. As I get older I find the current season blends with memories of past seasons. Its bittersweet for me, since relationships change, and people who were at the heart of my childhood Christmas have died.

    This year I am planning an altered book memoir. You have inspired me to put things aside for the Christmas part this month! Thank you.

  13402. I loved watching this and got some ideas about what to use in my own journals. Thanks for sharing!

  13403. I always enjoy reading about what books youre interested in, Hanna! Thank you for sharing your list with us! One of the things youve taught me over the past years has been about choosing a word for the new year. Im not settled on the exact word yet, but I think its going to be about community and/or relationships. Im feeling a need to build more relationships, and I definitely want to include crafty artistic relationships! So, I signed up for Stacy Julians 20/20 class, Im already looking forward to your spring Postcard Swap, Ive offered to be a friends pen pal while she travels, and Ive finally found a local card-making class to try out (sometimes its the in-person classes that take the most courage for me to locate and attend.). Thank you for always encouraging us in our crafty pursuits – whether its through inspiration, or helping us learn how to deal with feelings of failure, imperfection, and stuckness. Weve got an awesome crafting/artistic community out there all over the world, we just have to be willing to search and then invest the time to build relationships. Thank you for all you do, Hanna!

    • I think it sounds like you’re heading for a wonderful and creative 2020. I too need to cultivate a creative community of line, but I’m not sure how yet.

  13404. Ooo, thanks for this ‘list’ Hanna, they almost all go on my wishlist – I love books and especially December is the month to get them/read them (although I don’t really have the time for it.) I hope your month will be warm, loving and a bit of white (I am long for some snow, we only have storm and rain and I cannot remember the last ‘white christmas’.. must be decades ago!)

    • I still have hopes for a white Christmas, as we are traveling north, but who knows?These days the weather is all but reliable. Glad you liked the list, I only wish I could afford all of these (and more), since they won’t be availible through my library here. :-)

  13405. Oh, Hanna, I am so sorry about the freelance job. It sounds like they treated you very badly.
    I hope you will have the happiest possible season and that something wonderful awaits in 2020.

  13406. Hallo Hanna
    What a wonderful video.
    Im so sorry that you lost your job.
    Next year gonna be a better year, I hope, I hope.
    Love you

  13407. Thanks for the great video, Hanna! I could almost taste the lovely saffron buns! Glad you got to bake and craft with your mom.

    Sorry for the hurtful situation. Well all be hoping for wonderful new opportunities for you in 2020! We sure do love all you do, and know there are others out there that will recognize your talents and strengths as well! Best of luck to you in your search!

  13408. Sorry to hear you lost you freelance job. Hoping the universe will take care of you because when one window closes, a door will open. Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a very good 2020 from the Netherlands.

  13409. Hi Hanna
    So sorry about your freelance job, but I feel sure something much better will arrive for you in 2020. Sounds like it was time to cut ties anyway, but its not nice when it happens to you and they are so unfair.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to you, from down under New Zealand.

  13410. Der Hanna,

    Merry Christmas and may your 2020 be way better than the end of your 2019.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs. Try not to worry, something will come up work-wise for you.

    P.S. The buns look really good! I normally never ever eat in the mornings but after seeing those, it’s gonna be hard not to ‘cuz now I’m thinking I’m hungry. Ha! Ha!

    • In my comment above, it was supposed to say DEAR Hanna but somehow the A got left out … My laptop is getting kind of old and I do have problems with that but normally it’s my n and m that half the time don’t come up when I type them.

      Oh well, I thought I’d better clarify what it was supposed to say as I think you guys also speak another language in your country as well as you speaking English? And I’m just praying that the word Der isn’t something bad in whatever language that is spoken there. lol

  13411. Good to hear that your on the mend. I enjoyed todays post. I go back over work that you have done way in the past. It is so much fun trying projects that make us happy.
    Take Care,

  13412. Just stopping by to say Hi and to wish you a Happy New Year. By the way, I love your word for the year, how cool is that?!

    I hope to do some art in 2020 and am sure at some point but just have so much other things I have to do that there never seems to be enough time (and I don’t even have a real job that I have to go to or anything and still … never seems enough time for anything!)

    You gave me an idea – I am going to find a word for 2020 (the one I really need is moderation since I have no sense of moderation in any aspect of my life – never have really.) : (

    Anyways, once I find the word, I am going to try to find another language to translate it to and then I’ll choose which language by which I like the best for my word of the year! LOL Hey – it’s something fun (hmm, yeah – maybe if I didn’t do things like this because I know me and I’ll end up spending hours trying to find just the perfect word and then more hours trying to find the perfection language for the word. No wonder I never have any time. Ha!)



    • Quick update – I found my word and changed it from moderation to intentional and in the Latvian language it translates to tisi (I am not sure how to get the things over the letters that should go there like a line and so on) but anyways, I heard the translation and it sounds as TEE-SHE.

      This is fun (hey, I have a boring life. Ha!) but thanks so much for the idea! : )

  13413. The last few years have been hard ones for my family, so my year for 2020 is “build.” It’s time to build new habits and a new way of life. And to bring back the joy and benefits of creativity, which has been sorely lacking in my life recently.

    I don’t comment often, but I love your blog and your work. Looking forward to your new shop. Wishing all the best for you in the new year!

  13414. Hanna, the same thing happened to me last May. I lost a client, a man in his 50s, with no explanation. This behavior has nothing to do with “older ladies”. In the heat of anger we might say things that we later regret. I can assure you that people of any age and gender can be unprofessional. Best to you in 2020.

  13415. I can’t wait to see your journal for 2020, I’ve been following for years and it’s always nice how you’re committed to your creative self. I’m not art Journaling these days mostly because I’m giving priority to knitting but I still love to follow and I know that one day I will art journal again.
    I love the word you chose! I never pick a word but I always consider to pick one every year. Mine might be focus as I love to dive into new projects but need to focus on the ones that I already have.
    Regarding the shop, etsy is really pushing people away, if you do need help setting up the shop let me know, I’ll be happy to help (totally serious, it’s my way to contribute to the amazing content you put out every year)

  13416. Hi Hanna, it’s not a new century, it’s a new decade! Love your post, it’s really made me think :-)
    Ali aka @bedsitdiary

    • I knooow my dear, and I changed it now. It’s the English language that confused me. 😝

  13417. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and video with us! I used to keep a diary faithfully, but now only write in one every once in a while. Sometimes I miss the practice of writing in it daily, but currently it has given way to other creative practices like card making and meditation. But my diary still sits on my craft desk, ready for me to pick it up and jot down a thought at any time.
    Congrats on filling your previous diary! What a good feeling it is to finish one and get to work in a new book. Bittersweet, sure, as youre leaving one to start another, but still a little exciting.
    Looking forward to hearing and seeing more of your creative projects this year! I love that we have enough time to do whatever we truly want to accomplish, we just have to decide what to focus on. Step by step we can accomplish what we set out to do. Thanks for the reminder!

  13418. Love the idea of the postcard swap. Your video was inspiring. I’m looking forward to joining the spring swap.

  13419. Thank you Hanna for being so inspiring! Last year was that first year in a very long time that I was really able to put my creative thinking to work and create art. One of the things I did to help me accomplish this was to narrow down the size and format of what I wanted to create. I used to create only a few pieces of art a year (these were large wall sized pieces) but then decided that in order for me to be more creative/productive and to have less UFO’s, I needed to be more focused. I started writing/journaling on an index card a week and for each week I had pre-written a “prompt” word or sentence to journal about. This year I want to be even more focused with my art and be more creative so I purchased the spiral bound 4×6 index cards and plan on filling out an index-card-a-day with creative ideas and plans for making smaller pieces of art. My goal for this year is to create at least one piece of art per week (52 pieces!). I LOVE creating and making art and want to stay focused on one or two projects at a time until they are completed (no more UFOs). Another one of my goals is to be part of a mail art exchange, with at least one or two exchanges of art per month! Thank you again, Hanna, for keeping Art moving forward into the future and for sharing your thoughts and helpful hints!! Keep Making Art and having fun!

  13420. Thanks so much for sharing this, Hanna … it looks like it was a lovely day and what an awesome bridge too! (Yes, I like bridges as well … except being stuck on them when I’m in a vehicle and then i don’t like it so much. Ha! Ha!)

    Have an awesome day, my friend!


    • Thank you Debi. I don’t like bridges when I’m in a hurry and they’re open which happens in my town a lot when boats are passing. So annoying to wait, right? :-)

  13421. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos of Swedish winter! So pretty! Thanks for the reminder to find the good in every situation and focus on those happy thoughts despite our current circumstances. Loved the happy pic of you in the bridge!

  13422. Hi Hanna
    I like your rules for shopping especially where you’ll store it, how long you will keep it and making do with something you already own.

    For me what to do with the old thing is big question too. We’ve just moved continents and down-sized. Selling on takes a lot of time and effort and is not always possible. And putting it in the bin simply adds to the ever-growing piles of rubbish that accumulate around our cities. Unfortunately recycling deals with only a small portion of what we ‘throw out’.

    I enjoyed reading your thoughtful ideas on becoming more aware of what we buy and what happens to it. Great post!

    • Thanks, I’m glad that my blog post resonated with you. I feel like I am constantly down-sizing, probably because I can’t help but always looking for new art material in thrift shops. It’s a lot of work to sort through and store “the stuff”, right?

  13423. This is a great post, one I needed to read. I’ve seen the dozens and dozens of toys and plastics in my grandsons rooms that went into the trash after just a few months of having them. I cringe at that. Then there’s me: I don’t buy a lot of unnecessary stuff because money is already tight. But when I do, I feel guilty. Did I REALLY need that book, even if it was only $3.50 on ebay? Did I really need that bag of books and magazines from the library book store, even though they were only $5.00 for all? As you can see, there’s a trend here: books, magazines. They are my downfall. I want to try the idea of a no-buy month but, probably not this month. There’s a book sale coming up at the library next week: $5.00 for a full bag of books. (I don’t think I’ve learned ANYthing!) :-( I really appreciate the honesty, openness of your blog article though. It needs to be heard by the world, starting with me.

    • Thanks for your comment Terry, I hope you can help your grankids grow up to be part of the new conscious youth that will inherit the planet after us. I don’t want to make anyone feel worse about buying what they need, and taking care of books on sale or the ones sorted out from the library does sound like a good thing to me (because I’m the same). You know you’ll read or use them, right?


  13424. So much happy journaling inspiration! It reminds me to focus a bit more on the writing/journaling aspect and the fun of having things to journal “around” because it makes it more approachable. Cheers to a good year of art + writing, Hanna!

  13425. Very good blogpost, Hanna. I am still decluttering my home but on the other side, I keep on buying new things. Especially when it comes to my most favorite category: art journaling stuff. This year I want to do a no spend for this category (again, like 2 years ago). First I should take a dive into my drawers for my treasures that are tucked away and play with them.

    Oh, and I disagree on the candles. I do keep buying candles, but the small waxine candles.

    About the fact you say it is not necessary items we often buy. I had to think of a Japanse bookkeeping style: Kakebo. It is a very easy way to keep track of your spending in 4 categories: 1 necessities (food, pets), 2 non necessities (shopping), 3 leisure, fun, 4 repairs, vacation.

  13426. Thanks for the reminder! I love doing this and always have. And I am really overwhelmed by my lack of space right now. I need some magazine cutting therapy! I love the idea of doing collages on file folders! Pretty and functional! :) I love your blog, by the way!

    • Thank you so much!

      I always feel like I’m “doing lots” when I’m cleaning out the magazine pile – working through them, although most of the time I’m probably making a bigger mess on my table (but don’t tell anyone that!). :-)

  13427. Thanks Cindy! My bank has these categories (and a few more) so I can see instantly where my money ends up, at least in hindsight haha.

  13428. I think it was Diana Trout that once said: do not fall into the YouTube trap. When you are watching other people working in their art journals for hours. But if you would have taken the time for yourself, you could have made an art journal page in your own art journal. Yep! Guilty….

    • So true, although I tend to watch people that really inspire me to get going on my own things or to craft along with them, as I watch – so I think that it can work at times! :-)

  13429. Youre beaded heart turned out gorgeous! I really enjoyed taking your Stitched With Love workshop! Would highly recommend it!

  13430. This beaded heart is gorgeous!

    I bought your Stitched with Love workshop a while ago, but haven’t done it yet. I have started a list of all the resources that I have but haven’t used yet, like your workshop, so that I will use what I have before purchasing any more.

    • Thank you. I think such a list sounds like an awesome idea, and I hope it will help you focus on going through the workshop – and learn something new and create some Lovely Hearts!

      Let me know how it goes!

  13431. I LOVE the beaded heart Hanna, awesome!!! I ‘shashiko-ed’ a jacket and jeans two years ago, it’s such a ‘Zen-thing’ to do isn’t it? I plan on embroidering my jeans-jacket this Spring too, if I can find the time for it (I need a good lamp so I can do it in the evenings…) Have a great weekend lovely one!

  13432. Oh Hanna, your beaded heart is truly gorgeous and though I’ve never worked with beads before – now I’m thinking, oh my gosh – that sounds like so much FUN! I can’t take your workshop due to finances but I just wanted to let you know once again, how very inspirational you are (and you ARE, ya know?!!)

    I really know nothing about beads and beading but I am going to for sure keep this article and also keep in the back of my mind that I want to check into beading because I just know that it would be something I love doing! (HUGS)

    Thanks for sharing this!

  13433. Wendys ATCs turned out so cute! I especially am digging the last one done on what looks like denim! Fun! Thanks for sharing them with us!

  13434. Gorgeous heart Hannah! And good job on completing one of those unfinished projects. Thats such a great feeling!

  13435. I started to write letters at 11, and I’ve never stopped. I write letters (or postcards) if not every day, at least every week, to pen pals and friends. It’s difficult to think me otherwise.

    • Hi Eva, thanks for stopping by. I think it sounds like a lovely and very creative habit to have and keep at. Good for you!

  13436. During WWII my mother in London stated corresponding with a lady in Canada. Later they both married and had daughters who started writing letters and so my friendship with my penfriend began. Our early letters were more like lists “For Christmas I got ….”
    We continued writing letters throughout our teenage years into adulthood when emails took over. We have corresponded for over 60 years until a few weeks ago my special friend passed away. It was like losing a sister.
    I think it is rather sad that people are often too busy in their own lives to develop friendships through writing.

    • Thank you Beverly for sharing your beautiful pen friend story. So sorry for your loss, but I agree with you, having a pen friend that is an actual friend is simply so beautiful and something to cherish!

      Take care.

  13437. I would love to have a pen pal! I have several lovely books on artistic correspondence but in the last several years, no one to send things to…I miss the days of going to the mail to find a personal note from someone far away.

    • Hmm… really? Maybe I could give the pen palling a try if it was you… I am sure your letters would be SO beautiful and artistic. Wanna give it a try? Let me know if you feel up to it, no pressure on answering “on time” or anything…

    • Elizabeth, and Hannah, I would also love to have a pen pal. I travel quite a bit and love the art of journaling and writing. It would be fun to write to someone new, to get to know someone new. Enjoy! Debbie

  13438. Oh my gosh these are amazing!
    I can feel the happy heart in each of these Moxy creations! Beautiful, Wendy!!

    • Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a comment as well.

      Happy Valentine to you.

  13439. Like you, I had several pen pals in middle school and high school. And when I went to college, I actually acquired many more, despite the fact that we now had email easily accessible. I love to write! When I got married and moved overseas, I found a love for adorable Japanese stationery – why is it so hard to find cute stationery other places?!
    Im sorry your like-minded friend had to move away! Its very hard to find like-minded friends, and its sad to miss friends when they (or you) have to move. But I am thankful for email, text messaging, Skype, and letter writing to help keep us closer.
    Thanks for sharing photos of your beautiful stationery you made! So happy! And I hope you have good luck in your in-person like-minded friend search. They are out there, they just seem hard to find sometimes. Keep looking, keep trying! It takes a lot of effort, but its worth it!

    • Arielle, thank you dear – and I already know you send beautiful things in the mail. :-)

      I got your card the other day and wanted to say a big huge THANK YOU – love all the little sticker/paper things, esp. Mount Fuji. So cute!

  13440. What fun thrift store goodies you found! Thanks for sharing your video with us! Look forward to seeing how you help your thrifty finds have a second life! (I, too, need to get excited about using what I already have! Its funny how it seems easier to get excited about finding new-to-me things than actually using whats already in my stash. I need to push past my perfectionist ways and focus on the joy of creating- and then create a bunch with my current stash.)

  13441. Hanna I love those vintage plant drawings. They are so beautiful. Thanks for your gorgeous site, I get wonderful ideas here, like a visual artist’s date (as Julia Cameron calls it). I’m going to watch your thrift find clip now. Love from Australia 💗

    • That is such a beautiful compliment, thank you Simone. I want my blog to be inspiring so if it’s like an artist date then I’m SO happy! :-)

  13442. Oh how wonderful Hanna, that letter you wrote! Yes, I was a letter writer too – I must have had 6 or 7 abroad penpals when I was in my teens (I remember from people in Canada, USA, UK, Turkey, Japan…) and we rambled-on-paper about our lives and our ‘fave songs’ and all.. one penpal (a girl with japanese roots in the USA) came to study in Europe and she came over to stay a few days with me and my parents, we still write postcards (and a few emails every now and then, but we seem to rather coninue that teenage-letter-writing-thing because that is what we used to do) Reading your newsletter and blogpost makes me think I could/should write her a letter this weekend as it’s been a while… I am glad to hear there are still letter-writers around and you are one of them! Big hug from Holland!

  13443. Hi Hanna – Sharing your love of dolls made me smile and I am glad you did a post about them. When I was young I loved troll dolls, I used to make them skirts out of felt and love fixing their wildly colored hair. What makes me happy is thinking about the play dates I would have with friends as they pulled out their perfect Barbies and. I would pull out my wacky trolls. They would clump into the Barbie world and none of my friends had any problem with. Them being there. So funny as they were so different than Barbies. I loved them. I dont play with trolls anymore but always love bumping into one in thrift stores. I now collect Beatrice Potter figurines – I love the characters from her stories and love that they are dressed in human clothing. I find them very inspirational for collages that I make :-). I will look out for Barbies for you. Should I just look for the ones you listed on your wish list? Xo

    • Hi Pam, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog!

      I had trolls too as a kid, and I agree with you that they’re fun to see in thrift shops. I would love to have a friend in the US that could find dolls for me since they’re hard to get here (a lot of them anyway, and very pricy). Any at the moment I think, but yes, the ones on my wish list are the ones I most crave at the moment. It would be lovely!

      Have you seen the move about Peter Rabbit? I just watched it on Netflix the other week and LOVED it – part real life, part cartoon, and a modern day Beatrix Potter too. It was just darling cute!

  13444. I always love your choice of colors. They are cool and refreshing. Sounds like an ad, doesn’t it. :-) I agree with you 100% about taking a pen and an actual notebook and writing things down. I find it more rewarding than choosing to print off a computer. It forces me to slow down a bit. Thanks again for sharing your wonderful ideas. You are an inspiration!

  13445. Hanna, I absolutely LOVE this post so much!!! I had thought over the years that I would like to collect Barbie dolls too but I never did. I’d love to make clothes for them but darn it, I don’t sew … the best I could do would be to crochet it a little blanket. Ha! Ha!

    But – maybe I could learn to sew the clothes by hand since I don’t have a machine (I guess I’d probably have to get a doll first though, huh? lol) Still, I’m thinking that surely with everything that there is online, there would have to be directions on how to hand sew Barbie clothes, right? And they aren’t big so how hard could it be? (Never mind, don’t answer that ‘cuz I might end up getting discouraged! (Smile)

    Thank you for this post … I don’t have room for a lot of things but still there is room if I end up being selective and also I have things there that I really don’t want, nor do I need anymore so I could get rid of those things to make room.

    I’m definitely keeping the e-mail from your blog post so I don’t let this idea fade away — your post just made me want to get some and have fun with them, and love the idea of painting them as well. How fun and yes, I think it’s absolutely fine to have dolls at ANY age! : )



    • My mom who had never sewn or bought herself a doll, suddenly picked up both when she was in her sixties. She sewed a whole wardrobe by hand for the Barbie she bought herself at the thrift store. So it can definitely be done.

      • Yes, it can absolutely be done – at any age level! Thanks Dawn for adding that darling comment!

    • Thanks Debi, I’m so glad my blog post about dolls resonated with you as well. I could send you a whole heap of videos on YouTube of people making Barbie clothes, and of course most of them you could sew by hand too. Just search for “DIY Barbie doll clothes” and you’ll see.

      And send me a picture when you have your first doll, and we’ll see if you can stop with just the one, hehe. :-) I’ll be awaiting the photo!

      (hugs back!)

  13446. Thanks for this fun post! My hubby and I collect sci-fi action figures and memorabilia (think Star Trek, Star Wars, but not just limited to those). Our house is, I like to think, tastefully decorated with the characters and places we love. Makes us smile any room we happen to be in.

    Im glad youre having fun embracing your love of dolls! And making clothes for them! The hunt at second-hand stores is often half the fun…so satisfying when you find something youve been looking for or are delightfully surprised to find! Happy hunting!

    • Thanks Arielle,
      we’re fans of sci-fi here too, and just might have a few figures around but not that many, and of course now my dolls are taking over the place! It’s crazy, but don’t tell anyone…

      Did you watch Mandalorian yet? I loved it SO much. Can’t wait for s02 now.

      • We loved The Mandalorian, too!! Weve been big fans of stormtroopers, clone troopers, and Mandalorians for quite some time. (My hubby makes an awesome 6 6 stormtrooper!). Have you read Karen Traviss Republic Commando series? We highly recommend it!

  13447. Love it Hanna! So bright and happy and I can see how much you enjoyed working in it. Yes to a video flip through and thank you for sharing!!

  13448. I would love to see you flip through this book! Thank you for sharing!

  13449. Congrats on finishing another book! Wow! I especially like your Hello washi tape page – it turned out so cute! I would definitely enjoy seeing more pages, whether you film a flip through or photograph some of your favorites from the journal! Whatever is more fun for you!
    I have been working on card-making, and memory-keeping (scrapbooking and creating photo displays) right now. I am really loving any time I can carve out of my day to spend at my craft table.
    Thanks for sharing this with us!

  13450. I started collecting again in May 2016 while on maternity leave with my baby girl. I started with Monster High and Ever After High and it sort of moved back to Barbie. I even collect Ball-jointed-dolls now. I love the crafting and art aspect of collecting dolls, because I get to make miniature dioramas. BJD faceups are also easy to do and I love doing those. My daughter turned 4 recently and we go crazy about any dolls – she even got her first Our Generation doll. In South Africa we also dont get all the dolls and cute accessories…Mattel however has woken up and we are getting more of the new things than previously. Still waiting for LOL OMG dolls and Hairdorable – Hairmazing dolls.

    • Thank you Helandri for taking the time to visit and leaving me a comment, it made me so happy that you did. I am pretty sure I could get into BJD if they weren’t so expensive, Monster High is kind of the budget option huh? :-)

      Oh and: It’s just so adorable that you now get to share your passion with your little daughter, I love that!

      Happy collecting to you!


  13451. We are kindred spirits, Hanna! Besides art journaling, I have been a collector of Barbie dolls since the early 90s. I had to stop buying dolls as I have so many now, both thrifted and new collectibles. I have been to 3 Barbie Conventions here in the US. They are so much fun-all of us adults “playing” with Barbie. I have also been big into dollhouses and miniatures. I stopped creating when my little kids and the cats would topple everything I set up in my dioramas. So I have bins and bins of miniatures and miniature-making supplies I may get back to one day, even though the kids are young adults, but I still have cats, just different ones. LOL! I would love hearing more about your Barbie, dollhouse/mi niatures and art journal adventures on your blog.

    • Aw, kindred spirits huh?! I think you need to get a few glass cabinets if you have room, so you can set up the dioramas without the cats meddling, right? ;-)

      I hope to create a collecting video for YouTube or at least do a blog post about the doll clothes I’ve made so far later this year.

      Thanks for your visit, do come back!

  13452. Yes Id definitely like to see a flip through. I love cutting and sticking I have a number of books on the go 😁

    • Thank you for leaving me a comment, voting for the flip-through. I’ll get on that soon-ish… hehe.

      Cut and stick – thrill of a simple life, right? ;-)

  13453. Such a beautiful book! I’m inspired to start one of these. I have many coffee table books to choose from in my stash of books. :-) I love the “Altered Book” stamp you used. May I ask, please, where you got it? Thank you!

    • Thank you Terry!
      I love BIG books and I can not lie about it, hehe. I don’t own the stamp myself, sorry, but I really like the image too.

      • Thanks for your response! I appreciate it. Happy gluing. :-)

  13454. Oh yes, I would definitely like to see a flip through of that book. But I also enjoy your process videos a lot as well (hint)….

    • Thanks Cindy, then I’m sure you’ll enjoy today’s blog post with TWO process videos in them.

      But yes, I’ll get to the flip-through of this big baby soon (I hope)!

  13455. Nice post, and so fun to be a collector. And all your little tours into the toy corner with me tagging along got me into getting a couple of Evi dolls, from Simba. I don’t buy everyone I see, but definitely have a lookout for them now. So thanks to you I am a doll collector too and I love them. They are all named after old female relatives of mine, like Albertina, Karin, Ebba, Ellen, Anna, Alma, Hilma. So dear to me!

  13456. It certainly made me happy: lovely springtime colors – we need it on these grey days!

  13457. Hanna,

    You did an AWESOME job, especially for your first try. Have fun with it!

  13458. Wow, Hanna! Those turned out great!! The night sky and outer space are two things Ive been fascinated with since I was a child. Ive looked at a couple tutorials on painting outer space (stars, nebulas, etc), but havent had the courage to try. Thank you for sharing your artwork with us! So pretty!

    Enjoy Skillshare! Sounds like a great learning platform!

  13459. That is a great way to get past the fear of New Book First Page!

  13460. Hi Hanna I love this book, dedicated to you and look forward to seeing as it unfolds with art and quotes and whatever you dream up for it. Love the pink, and that you leave the book cover as it is. So nice!

  13461. What a fun find! Love the cover, and some of the illustrations are so neat! Who knew a book like this existed. Look forward to see what you create with it! Enjoy your new Book For You!

  13462. What a great find! The illustrations are marvelous and the cover…well, the cover is perfect, both of them. I would have scooped this book up too. :-)

  13463. I love the page with the glasses. I can “see” a page where you cut out the lens portion so you have a peek at the next page.

  13464. I can see why you chose it even if it means you have to work with less than ideal page paper. It’s perfect for you.

  13465. Waving at you from a very safe social distance — west coast of Canada!
    Yes, let’s all keep creating.

    • Also waving from the west coast of Canada, but at least 2 metres away from Mary! Thanks, Hanna, for sharing with us.

  13466. I have started writing a bunch of blog posts and keep going in circles as you are describing. I feel like I should say everything and nothing all at once. I will return to the Safari writing tab that is calling to me and get it done! Hugs from across the ocean!

    • Just as long as you are creating _something_ I know you’ll be okay, we’ll all be okay. Right now I feel grateful I get to see your desk filled with paint and paper on instagram. It’s enough, for now. We do what we can, when we can.

      Lots of hugs back to you and your family my dear friend!

  13467. Thanking for writing this Hanna, you hit the spot. I feel worried for too many hours of the day, am trying to art, but finding it hard to do it and relax at all as news is coming in from TV, social media, emails about cancellations, family ringing more often than used to. In the UK they finally closed schools today (relief) but we are struggling to find food as the shops are stripped bare. This post has helped me a lot. It’s essential reading and I will read it again and again. So thank you for taking time to express how you feel. I hope you find a way through, I hope we all do. We must keep making art and keeping each other going. Take care Ali aka @bedsitdiary

    • Thanks for visiting Ali, I always appreciate you letting me know you were reading…. Take care of you and yours!

  13468. Thank you for a post filled with great information and advice! Stay safe!

  13469. Hej Hanna!
    Tack fr att du skriver och lnkar och r allmnt kreativ, snll och go. Det knns bra att lsa och titta p vackra bilder.
    Kramar frn Ume.

    Thank you for being there and being you.
    Love and hugs.

  13470. As always, thank you for posting this, Hanna! You have been such an inspiration to me over the years. We’re under a “stay home, stay safe” order from our governor (Michigan, USA), which means we’re really only suppose to leave our homes for necessities like grocery shopping (most businesses have shifted to working from home Can still go for walks and such outside, but have to keep social distancing there as well). I’m thankful I have so many creative outlets to choose from – really helps take my mind off what’s going on.

    • Imagine being at home without all the creative outlets – that would be hell, right? Take care, and yes, stay safe! Maybe go out some… postal stamps and join the swap? tii-hi

  13471. Hanna, I can’t tell you how inspirational this post was to me … I totally adored it! I still haven’t dug around to find a notebook but am sure I have one here somewhere that I picked up from Walmart last fall.

    No idea exactly WHAT I’m going to put in it but hey – I’ll figure that out once I get started on it, right? lol

    It certainly won’t be anything that would win any type of an award or anything but I am going to somehow title it about something to do while we’re stuck in due to the corona virus.

    Maybe I’ll journal in it a bit, copy some song lyrics in there somewhere, look online and see if I can’t find a few poems that I really like. Maybe some quotes and of course, paper … OH THE PAPER I HAVE!! I have been doing some doodling lately on index cards and chances are I’ll cut those up and staple or glue them in the book, plus I’ve also tangled on a few cards so will cut those up and use some in it. The possibilities are endless and now? I think I’m heading to the bedroom to find that elusive notebook.

    Thanks so much for your wonderful articles that are such an inspiration!


    P.S. Stay safe!!

  13472. Art journaling is my life-saver while I’m in home isolation also… my journals have become my dear friends that got me through difficult periods many times before. I hope you are healthy my friend, stay safe! Big, virtual, hug from the Netherlands!

    • Notebooks, journals, creativity – soooo good right now Marit dear, am I right? And maybe… postcards? I hope you’ll want to join this year, it’s kinda special…


  13473. It is strange. I should have enough time to craft, but hardly do it. Read the news online several times a day (it changes so fast). Maybe I need a restful mind & heart to be able to craft. But how do you get that? I think, maybe, just by starting. I really enjoy lately doing creative planning. Making my to do lists look nice in a journal. Adding stickers, stamps and washitape. My knitting is finished and I am out of wool. Still plenty of books on the bookshelf (why is our library closed?). Next Monday is my birthday. No celebrating but I do get nice cards in the mail every day already.

    • Hi Cindy, corona-anxiety is as real and as bad as the virus itself (at least before you catch that one) and I have it too. I don’t think we “should” be creating more than usual right now, instead try to focus on “can” and “want to”…

      I am often catching myself just watching the time fly by, wondering how another day just went down the drain.

      Take care! Also, I hope the library opens soon and that your birthday was good.

      • I love making these Lunar Lapin I have just pre ordered book 3 out in July I can’t wait to start making

  13474. Thanks for this post, Hanna! Hope you are doing well and staying safe and healthy! Thanks for the link to the free journaling cards. Things are strange right now, but Im trying to carve out some time every day to get into my craft room, even if its just for 15 minutes to work on a card. I feel like things in my familys life have gotten even busier now that were in quarantine. Very strange times. Sending lots of big hugs your way!

  13475. I love your Randomousity Journal, Hanna! Truly, truly love it! Love all the bright, happy colors! Love that you have somewhere to put memorabilia from life and a seemingly stress-less place to document things you love, things you do, and things you want to create with. I think I put a lot of pressure and constraints on my projects and worry that Ill do something wrong or should have waited to use that memorabilia for some other grand idea I might have in the future. I want to learn to let perfection go (I acknowledge it will probably always be a daily struggle) and just enjoy documenting and playing. I dont have to have a perfect Project Life book for every year, I dont have to have a perfect art journal. I can create a Randomousity Journal where I am free to create what I want to, when I want to, free to add photos if I like, free to journal, and free to have fun. And I will end up with documentation of my life, which is what I want. Truly thank you for the inspiration!

    • Thank you for your kind words.

      PS: I don’t believe anything is or can be or should be perfect, so let’s just ditch that word entirely… haha.

  13476. Thank you for this wonderful review! Im hoping to purchase both Luna books later today, as I think theyll make the perfect gift ideas for our new niece. Shes only turning one this year, so Ive got some time to create until shes old enough to enjoy these dolls. So incredibly cute and I love that they have patterns for friends and accessories! Should make for good handmade gifts for a number of celebrations in years to come! Thanks for the recommendation, Hanna! Cant wait to see how yours and your moms turned out!

  13477. Thanks for this fun post, Hanna! Great timing, too, as my hubby and I have finally made some time to hang things on our walls the past few days. We decorate with a lot of Star Wars, Star Trek, and Lord of the Rings, with a healthy dose of other sci-fi shows we enjoy, photos of places weve visited, and photos of friends. (Love your Groot planter and Toothless!!) We love having things on our walls that make us smile every time we walk by them! Its amazing the difference it makes! Thanks for the inspiration!

    • I was thinking of you as I decided to share some of the nerd stuff we have up, haha. I will have to go around and find our Star Wars items too (not many but they’re there), soon… ;-)

  13478. Hi iHanna,
    I join for the first time and I`m very exciting. Thanks and love Antje

  13479. Congratulations on the 10th year anniversary of your DIY Postcard Swap!! I have been in quite a few of your swaps now and wouldn’t miss it. Thank you for all the work you do to keep this event alive and well.

  13480. I am SO HAPPY that the swap is still on this spring! Thank you for this bright spot in a crazy time.

  13481. Congrats on 10 years, Hanna! Wow, what an awesome accomplishment! Thank you for creating this swap, for hosting each year, and for encouraging us to give it a try no matter what our skill level! I’ve been participating for at least 7 years now (I was too nervous to join the first few years because I didn’t feel like a “true artist” – thank you for encouraging me to join anyway!) Now it’s an event that my mom, grandmother, mother-in-law, best friend, and I look forward to all year. We talk about ideas and sometimes are able to get together to help each other create! And we always make additional cards to swap with each other, even if we’re not on each other’s official 10 Address List. Thank you for all your hard work and for creating such a fun event that can be enjoyed by three generations, family, and friends alike!

  13482. I can’t believe it’s been 10 years already! I’m definitely participating! It’ll be a great way to get back to collage which I haven’t done in a few months!

    Congratulations on this special anniversary!

  13483. Thanks for hosting this swap once again Hanna! I was crossing my fingers that you would because we really need normalcy right now. I have some ideas percolating in my brain and look forward to seeing what I make from those ideas!

  13484. Congratulations, Hanna! And thank you for hosting once again! As you know, I look forward to this swap so much, and I’m so glad you’re hosting it now, when it’s needed more than ever! I hope you and your family are well and that we all get through this trying time soon!

  13485. Cool links. Stay safe and I hope you continue to feel motivated to create. It is saving me over here in NZ with all the challenges at the moment. Warmly, Lynette

  13486. Happy 10th!! I’m joining for the first time and am excited!

  13487. I meant to join the swap last fall and didn’t have the time. This is my first time and having fun creating postcards!

  13488. Happy 10th year anniversary Ihanna. This is my third year starting in the fall of 2018. It brings me such joy to be able to send my creative vision to other creative artists. It brings me even more joy to receive the postcards. I’m like a kid on christmas day, running to the mailbox to see what I have received. You are all talented and blessed. Thank you!

  13489. First time participating! Just what I need to get me back into my art studio!! Thank you!!!

  13490. Thank you for sharing your creativity. I will try making them with silks and othr glittery fabs, and add metallic paint between rolling the fabric, we’ll see what happens and will post the results.
    Keep safe, stay well.

    • It sounds fab! Making beads is fun, thanks for the reminder as I wrote this blog post 10 years ago. I should make more beads as well.. Hmm…

  13491. I’m thrilled to participate for your 10th Anniversary. Over the years, I’ve thought about joining, but for one reason or another I didn’t. This year with the COVID 19 pandemic and also talk about the dire times for the United States Postal Service, it seems the perfect time to mail art postcards I’ve followed you since my 1st time doing Tammy’s ICAD in 2012. (I 1st read about your swaps on Daisy Yellow’s blog.)

  13492. Yes! I’ve done this twice before but it’s been awhile – thanks for offering this activity yet again!

  13493. Really excited to join again this year! My 5th year running! Has been lovely to see my progression in art from the first swap through til now! Was a bit sceptical whether to join this year, worried if Ill get it done. But if Im looking after my 6 year old I shall just get him to make postcards with me!

  13494. Hanna! My goodness, how honored I am to be featured here! I have been following this blog since I first started art journaling, longer than any other art blog. In fact, there aren’t many from that early time that I continue to follow. You continue to inspire me, and I LOVE your swaps. I, too have ALL of the postcards I have received over the years…so many that they have their own drawer in my art cart! Thank you, Hanna! XOXOXOXOXOX

  13495. Thank you for the encouragement, Hanna! I definitely agree, you can do it! One of the things I always look forward to with the swap is reading the back of the postcard- especially if people explain what inspired them to create this particular postcard design, or some of the details of how they created it!

  13496. Thanks for sharing Sarahs process! Its always so much fun to see what styles and ideas other people are exploring!

    One of the things I really enjoy about your swap is the sheer variety of ideas and processes people use to make postcards for your swap! So much fun!

  13497. So happy to sign up for yet another iHanna DIY postcard swap! I enjoy making and receiving these little bursts of joy. Thank you, Hannah, for taking this on again. Happy 10 Years!! xo

  13498. Just joined for my third swap! Looking forward to create and to get new cards from others!

  13499. Fun to watch you create, Hanna! I’ve been sharing about the Swap and hopefully some people will head over here to sign up soon! XOXOXO

  13500. I always love the color + chaos of your work, Hanna! Thank you for sharing your uniquely YOU approach to art-making!

  13501. Thank you Hanna!
    That was so much fun to watch, I’m inspired to sit down and play, even though my creative time is over for the day. I’m here in Washington State, staying in and creating as well as zooming and texting with my art friends. There are a group of us doing the postcard swap. We will probably work together as we join each other every thursday morning on Zoom. Thanks again for the videos.

  13502. This is my first time doing your swap. After watching your videos I’m so inspired to start making mine! Thanks for making these videos and doing the swap. You bring so much love into the world through sharing your creativity.

  13503. Hi Hanna! I love your videos! I found about your DIY postcard swap from Sarah Gardner and joined in. It’s so fun! I love hearts and vintagey scraps. xo

  13504. I have joined this postcard many times now and LOVE it so much. I love the range of cards, the range of styles but more important than that is the fun, no pressure way you can create your postcards. There is no pressure to be a professional or super talented artist – you are just you, sharing your joyful fun creations with the world.
    I am in again.

  13505. I am excited to finally have time to commit to this swap!

  13506. This is my first time participating in your swap and I was thrilled to find it. Congrats on 10 years! I used to make mail art back in 2003. Juliana Cole got me hooked on it after taking one of her workshops. I’ve done a bit thru the years but not anything recently until I saw the #100day project and decided I was going to do that while on “stay at home” time. HA! I got to #7 and realized my cards are too involved to make 1 a day. Then in my quest to find more like minded folk, and if anyone actually still made them, I found you! My mail art is created on thick cardboard/mattboard/corregated. I love to paint and collage. My new thing is to cut shapes from vintage books then paint what they are supposed to be. I don’t like to use others images, I have to paint or draw it myself. I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone creates. And I LOVE your PINK abstract cards. Pink is my favorite color too. And hearts…. xo

  13507. Really enjoying your video series, Hanna! Thanks for sharing your creative process with us!

  13508. Hi Hanna
    Thanks for the new design for the postcard swap backs!

    • Hi Diane,
      thanks for joining the swap again, so glad to have you! The last day to join is the 10th of May, as I’m sure you noted when you signed up – so no, they have not yet been sent out. Expect them the 11th or the 12th of May, and let me know later next week if you can’t find your list in your e-mail (after checking the spam folder of course).

      Take care!

  13509. I’m so excited to participate in the postcard swap this year!! Thank you for hosting :)

  13510. So excited to be joining for the first time! I’ve been lurking since the beginning and really wanted to celebrate the 10th birthday of this swap by participating

  13511. Hannah, thank you so much for running the postcard swap again. Congratulations on the tenth year – what a brilliant achievement. I have been along for the journey for several years and love the encouragement it brings! Happy postcarding everyone 💕

  13512. This is my third time doing the swap. I invited a friend and my daughter to join this time. We are all so excited to get our addresses and your lovely postcards. Happy Mail will be in its way soon!

  13513. Just signed up for the first time! In these days of staying home, getting mail is a lovely bright spot each day. Im excited to get some beautiful art mail and to brighten up someone elses day as well!

  13514. I’ve just signed up! I did your swap a couple of years ago and had so much fun. Thank you for hosting again, and congratulations on 10 years!

  13515. I always love your videos, Hanna. You are so encouraging and inspire me to be more creative!

  13516. I am very late joining, but I couldn’t miss your 10th Anniversary! Congratulations! It’s been a while since I made postcards so I had to make sure I had enough ideas to make ten. Yaay, they’re done & I’m so looking forward to sending them out. Thanks for hosting Hanna!

  13517. This year I used watercolor paper as the base. I painted it and then used my handpainted papers to assemble flowers. I can’t wait to see all the beautiful cards start to arrive!

  13518. thank you iHanna, I love how bright and cheery your postcards are…this is such a wonderful way to connect with other creative artists! I’m ready to send all my postcards off from the UK to the USA!

  13519. I was just pondering how I wanted the back of the postcards to look when I decided to look around here and see if you had any ideas — and you did!! Thank you so much. I am thrilled to bits to be participating in my 2nd postcard swap.

  13520. Hanna,
    youre so inspiring…I watched your videos and next day I made my own cards…:)
    This is going to be my first swap and I am really looking forward to it. Love this whole idea of spreading some kind of art all over the world and connecting with other likeminded people, thanks for this oportunity…:)

  13521. You make great postcards, Hanna! I love them.
    I’ve been making postcards too (for my favourite swap). Yours <3
    Haven't been joining for some time, and I am so happy I joined this time.
    Thanks for hosting this, Hanna! And thank you for making great blog post and showing the world so many fun, creative projects.
    Warm greetings from Norway.

  13522. Its always so much fun to watch you create! Thanks for sharing your process videos with us! I havent done abstract before, so this was an interesting peek into the process! Thanks!

  13523. I hadnt heard of World Collage Day, either. I rarely collage, but it might be fun to specifically do one once a year to celebrate!

    • Oh collage is so much fun, you need to do it more often than once a year…. I do collage in my art journal of random pieces of magazine images I like. It’s just for fun and sooo good for the soul.

  13524. Congrats to 10 years. Hanna! Im participating again this year, Im not sure if I have been in this swap for 2 or 3 times before. But I just love it and am so happy you are doing it again. Especially now in these challenging times, I think its extra special, and needed, now to focus on happy positive creativity, to send our postcards out in the world, And to have some beauties waiting in the mail soon!
    I sent my postcards yesterday and it feels great. For the first time I sent my cards before the last date for sending! :)
    I hope all our cards will get to their destinations. Maybe its higher risk for mail to be lost now, but it sure is worth the risk, thats how I feel anyway. Its sad when things get lost, but now I try to see it as a victory if it gets to the intended recipient. Lets hope for the best.
    I really love this swap, creating and sending out happy mail in the world, and knowing that the recipients will appreciate a handmade card. And I love that its available for everyone nomatter if you feel like a cretive beginner or if its nothing new about it.
    Thanks for hosting this Hanna!

  13525. Hi Hanna,
    Love the new postcard swap backs.
    Thanks for all your wonderful creativity!!

  13526. Hanna, thank you so much for sharing the pics with us …. I love them and your dads tree is absolutely breath-takingly BEAUTIFUL!! I’m doing good here, just getting reading for ICAD (how about you?!)

    I’m totally loving the weather we’ve had the past two days … it’s been warm and very springlike and was the first time I’ve worn shorts out this year. Before yesterday it’s been too cold and windy out. (We even had snow on my birthday this year … May 8th!) Snow is usually always gone by the middle of April but not this year. I think it’s gone now (hopefully not to be seen again until December but honestly that’s wishful thinking as we usually get it sometimes as early as October but if not then, for sure in November.)

    Have an awesome day!


    Stay safe!!

  13527. Thank you for the beautiful nature photos, Hanna! I have been doing a May Everyday album (part of Stacy Julians 20in20 class) this year. Ive been taking lots of pics of our container garden, cards Im making, Skype calls with my family or friends, dinner Ive cooked, and the inside of our freezer. Its definitely not full of adventures like a travel journal, but I think it will be an interesting peek into our everyday life during these strange times. I print 2 4×6 photo (including a journaling card) collages each night. I am limited to about six or seven sentences of writing to encapsulate the day (so that helps keep it quick and manageable, too). For this particular project, I was finally able to let go of my perfectionism that paralyzed me for the first three days, and now I look forward to putting the collages together quickly after I get into bed at night and think back on the happy things that happened throughout the day. (I do include the challenges, too, but try to focus on the positives.) Will the end product be perfect? Oh goodness no! In 10 years will I care that it doesnt look perfect or trendy? I dont think so. I think Ill just be so happy I captured our stories. Fingers crossed.

    Id highly encourage (and cheer you on!) a week in the life, a month long project, or even a Covid-19 journal/album when you feel up to it! Its definitely helped me process some of my emotions during this strange time, and I think it will be really interesting to look back on years from now.

    Your dads magnolia tree is fantastic!! So many gorgeous blooms! So glad your family is getting/got to enjoy that!

    Truly appreciate your nature post! No matter what crafty or cleaning projects you do or do not tackle this coming week, please take good care of yourself! We definitely need to give ourselves (and others) extra grace right now as we navigate these strange times. I am trying to look for as many positive things that are coming out of these times. There are many – there are good people out there who do care for others- they are just sometimes hard to find amongst all the negative click bait.

    Hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend and an amazing week! A postcard is winging its way across the ocean From my craft table to your mailbox. Happy mail – something else to look forward to!

  13528. Hanna,
    Thank you for another beautiful post! I’d love to see a “week in the life” pictures or video if you ever feel up for it!!
    Stay safe, healthy, and keep creating your charming, cheering art!!

  13529. I am part of your postcard swap and loving it! It was such a thrill to mail the cards out, letting the art go off into the world. Now the anticipation of what might show up in my mailbox. I have received 2 so far, and I want to mail a card back to these artists. Is that something that others feel too? Do we mail back to the artists that sent us cards?

    I am so glad i joined and I look forward to the next swap in the fall. Thank you for holding this swap!

  13530. I loved to see all the photos, and I LOVE Magnolia… one of my fave songs (from a local artist who lives nearby) mentions Magnolia as ‘home’ and that’s exactly the feel I get when I see it blossom!

    I’m doing ok ‘in lockdown’ – the Netherlands are opening up a bit more (we were allowed to go outside for a walk anyway during the so-called ‘intelligent lockdown’) but I don’t like all those people on the streets and in the towncentre, so I still stay at home as much as possible. I love being in my atelier all day (although I hope to be able to start my job again soon – restoring old/midievel documents at ‘Zeeland Archives’ is a bit the same as playing in my own atelier: paper, glue, knives and old books, I love it!) Hope you have a wonderful Spring Hanna, stay healthy and safe!

  13531. Hello. Very few people know I collect dolls. It is a point of embarrassment for me because I didn’t start collecting until I was in my thirties. This article is like reading about my life. I’m trying to be more open about my collection because it brings me such joy. I started law school a year ago, which has been awesome but a setback for my “comfortable with collecting” idea I’ve been trying on. This is actually the first time I’ve contacted anyone in the doll collecting community. I found your article inspirational and cathartic. Thank you.

  13532. How fun! Your mini art journal turned out so cute! Thank you for sharing it with us! Definitely made me smile! I do so enjoy seeing your creations!

  13533. I love this! That green music page with the pink polka dots just takes my breath away. And Ive never seen that closure method before, thats so clever. I think Ill put together a little art journal this weekend. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13534. Love it, love it … LOVE IT!! : ) Hanna, do you know what size in inches that your little book is? I can not begin to tell you how much you inspire me with nearly everything that you share with s. Thank you so much for that and … for being your wonderful, special YOU! Hugs for you, my friend.

  13535. In the last comment, it was supposed to say share with US, not share with s. lol Sorry about that!

  13536. It was so fun to watch you add to your junk journal! Thank you for sharing your fun write up and video! Its been a very long time since I saw Charlottes Web, but I remember enjoying it as a kid on VHS. Thanks for bringing back happy memories!

  13537. I think your journals are lovely. Do you use them? or are they just to look at?

  13538. I would love to see any spread. It does not matter to me if I see someone working in a planner, or make a page in an altered book, and later a junk journal or crisp new notebook. Who cares? I just love to see how others work and love your random pages.

  13539. Very thoughtful post, Hanna, and one I agree with. I appreciate the suggestions of things we can do to help. Thank you for posting. It’s despicable we in the U.S. have such a racist leader who foments so much hatred of skin color and national origin.

    • Thank you Marcia!

      I wish I could challenge all big time bloggers to post something similar. There is power in the masses and us coming together in piece.

  13540. Thank you so much for speaking out about this Hanna! The collective weight of our many voices is powerful!

  13541. I love you Hannah for writing such a brilliant post! Thanks a million for expressing you so bravely . All anti-racist people need to stand up and tell what they have to tell to and do what they have to do to help and protect our black sisters and brothers, we are all one!Bless you my dear girl!

  13542. Great to read your post Hanna! As a white woman who lives in a colonised country where the First Nations people suffer the highest rate of imprisonment in the world, where more than 400 have died or been killed in custody since 1991 anti-racism is the most important work here. It underlies the work we need to do for the climate crisis as well. Here in Australia, racism extends to our mistreatment of immigrants and refugees too. I would also like to share the problem of systemic racism which is imbedded in the global systems of fast fashion, cheap food & the mining & petrochemical industries. I try to start by uncovering & trying to stop all the ways I am racist. Resmaa Menakem says anti racism work is like muscle: it gets stronger with practise. Reading your post has been a help to my practice. Thank you.

    • Knowing about your work makes this a tiny drop / blog post in the vast ocean of the internet in comparison, but I felt it important to say as the US news makes my heart so so very heavy.

      I appreciate you coming to visit and all you do! xo

  13543. Thanks for sharing your fun video and wonderful post with us, Hanna! Your page turned out so cute! Love your use of Strawberry Shortcake and Hello Kitty! And youre so right, we shouldnt just saved the good stuff, we should use it and enjoy it! Why is it so difficult for us to use it? (I struggle with this a lot!) As for series, please share whatever youre excited about. Im a craft dabbler, so I enjoy seeing whatever kinds of creative projects youre working on. Doesnt even always have to be journals! When youre excited about a project, it makes it so much more fun for us! Thanks for continuing to make a bright, happy, safe corner of the internet where we can come to get inspired and relax!

    • I think it’s the fear of using up those wonderful stickers or papers in the “wrong” place and wanting to use them later and then not having them available anymore… But for me, I can not say I have ever encountered that problem of being sad when something has been used already, so it’s a silly misconception really.

      I keep finding SO so many things that have been floating around for YEARS in my stash, and I think to myself: WOW Hanna, you haven’t used this yet? Why oh why my dear? ;-)

  13544. I love this idea!! I like it even more than just using it as a calendar! I used to journal faithfully in high school, but have only ever gotten back into it every once in a while. Ill start for a couple weeks, but then life gets busy and it falls by the wayside again. And I feel guilty. Maybe I should look at it as a craft I do sometimes when it feels fun (or when I desperately need to get my thoughts down on paper), instead of feeling guilty that I dont journal every day anymore. Try to let go of the guilt and enjoy the process when I want to. Probably much easier said than done. But I truly love how youre breathing new life into your new journal! Incredibly clever and so very pretty!! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  13545. It looks lovely, and happy, and I do like purple as it happens! So maybe I like it even more.

  13546. Yes yes yes!!! I love this (and purple is my fave colour)! I have done this with an old planner in the past and like you I just chose magazine pics that I loved and started gluing! It’s always a shame to throw away books with blank pages because there is just so much potential there…even in books with printed pages!
    Thanks for stopping by on my blog – it was lovely to see you!!

  13547. Oh, I love this so much! Thank you for sharing this–and for sharing all that you do!

  13548. What a brilliant idea and a gorgeous result. I’m itching to have a go now! 😊

    No magazines though, I’ll have to have a think of alternative, hmm

  13549. Funny because I have some mainly unused calendar books with random weeks days filled in (ADHD) & i always look through them wishing there was a way to keep the pages of memories written. Now I can! I will just create around the memories written, maybe expand & reflect on those & then I can keep the book, use it, & not just rip pages to forget about them anyways! Thank you sooooo much for this idea!

  13550. Hanna, I have just seen this post. Thank you for speaking up and posting so many resources. Like you, I was brought up to be anti-racist, but I know I still have many things to learn from people who live with the effects of racism every day.

  13551. OMGSH! I saw these when I finally went to visit like and subscribe and save a BUNCH of your videos from your YouTube channel! Im starting these with my 11 year old today & were going to gather a bunch of friends addresses & send out positive sayings on them. We will be enveloping ours cuz of COVID germs & travel germs smidges etc. I need to get her working on art again & over summer learning some kindness & laying-it-forward actions! She has an LD & weve always focused on catching up in school but, this is a great summer to focus more on caring, love, kindness & how to spread it. If I can get her to do some rocks I might do that too. Thank you for these videos so many new fresh ideas!

  13552. I love these pages so much! To be honest, I am horrible at collages, so I think starting tiny like this, might be helpful! Thanks for the inspiration yet again!

    • Thank you for leaving me a comment. I hope you DO create some tiny collages, it is super fun and not hard at all. Good luck!

  13553. This was a great idea using a pencil. It looks fantastic and the finished art is so realistic and varied. Thanks for sharing with us.

  13554. Very interesting to see how it developed. I can just imagine doing something like this for an embroidery.

  13555. I love this! Your paper cloth is gorgeous and so colorful and has inspired me to try it!
    Thank you so much for showing us this technique. I wish I could post a photo of what I made, but dont know how.

  13556. I loved Maas’ two series. Just finished her newest one – Crescent City. LOVED it!
    Also read Storm and Fury by Armentrout. Another good fantasy

    • Thanks for the tips, I will have to check those out too, when I’m done with my current reading-pile. :-) Glad you’re a fellow fantasy fan!

  13557. I enjoyed watching this festival. Thanks for the reminder.

  13558. I love a really good book…or seven! :) Ive been re-reading Anne Bishops The Others series. Ive lost track of how many times Ive read it. I love her world-building and amazing characterizations. She makes you feel like youre right there and friends with these people and shifters. So I say, read on, Hanna! Enjoy your reading time!

  13559. Thank you for sharing your wonderful videos with us! Looks like you had a fun trip! All those beautiful quilts and oh my, all that gorgeous fabric and little things! Wow!
    Im looking forward to sewing a Luna Lupin in the future, but right now Im enjoying making greeting cards whenever I have a free moment.

  13560. I had never heard of these before. We had vintage-looking paper dolls when I was growing up, but nothing collectible/trade-able like these that I remember (other than my small Star Trek and Star Wars card collections, but those werent for artistic purposes). I enjoyed learning about its German origins and about its popularity in Scandinavia! So much fun to learn about things that are unique to different locations! I look forward to seeing what you create with some of these! Thanks for sharing this with us!

    • I was super surprised when I realized these weren’t a thing in every imaginable country, because they’re so common here I think everyone knows about them!

  13561. We call these ‘poezieplaatjes’. I don’t know if children still do this, but when I was young we all had a ‘poeziealbum’, a blank book where your friends and family would write a little poem for you and then decorate it with these types of images that are especially sold for that reason.

    • I know my grandmother and mom had that kind of album to write little poems for friends, but me and my classmates never did so I guess it went out fashion here? Although I had a notebook with fill-in-the-blank spaces for friends. But, I hope you still have yours!?

  13562. Hanna, thank you so much … your posts are ALWAYS so inspiring. So much awesomeness here on your blog and I really appreciate it AND you! (Hugs)

  13563. The Dutch poziealbum like we had as small girls in the Netherlands, is related to the Album Amicorum (album for friends) used by the students long ago. In that time students used to study a different universities. To remember fellow students or teachers they collected pages with a poem, a favorite tekst or perhaps a painting in a book called Album Amicorum. There is a collection of albums kept in our Koninklijke Bibliotheek in The Hague. There surely must be a collection in Sweden too….students travelled all over Europe.

    • Thanks for sharing! I am sure we’ve had similar things, although I never did personally.

  13564. I can’t believe you did not publish my comment about the Spanish “cromos”… I thought you’d be happy about the feedback. Very disappointing.

    • Ahem, what? There is no comment from you here or on YouTube, nor in my spam so it probably didn’t get posted at all. This one though, is so very un-necessary in my mind.

  13565. I really enjoyed watching your creative process! So happy you got the courage to use some of your favorite scraps! I know how hard it can be to actually use, not just collect special papers. So proud of you!

    Im glad you are feeling like editing right now! Thats exciting! I dont mind when the video was taken. I enjoy watching! Please dont be too hard on yourself. Like youve said in the past, lets celebrate the accomplishments, not focus on what could have been different. We dont need perfection. Im so excited to see whatever youre excited about, whenever youre excited to share it with us!

  13566. Your videos are timeless, Hanna. It doesn’t matter when you post them–I am always inspired or learn something new. This time, you’ve got me thinking of all the favourite papers and ephemera I don’t use but should. Thank you for sharing your time and talents!

  13567. Ooooh… this post reminds me that I have some of these in a folder… and I just started working on a new Chronicles art journal spread. I only painted the background (it lays to dry right now) and I will get out my folder and probably use some of the ‘poezieplaatjes’ (in Dutch) on my page – thanks for the reminder Hanna! Enjoy your weekend!

  13568. Happy belated birthday, Hanna! Thanks for sharing this fun video with us! Ive never used metallic watercolors, but your gold looks like it will be very fun to create with! Thanks again for sharing your video, post, and pretty photos with us!

  13569. Thank you for sharing your pretty photography and video process of your journaling! Youre absolutely right, we dont always have to create things about happy times only. We can document and explore everything in our creating. I really liked your use of flip outs on this spread. Good way to offer lots of information without overwhelming the pages. Thanks for sharing this with us!

    • I’m glad you don’t think it’s too overwhelming, I kind of thought it was a liiiittle bit over-crowded, but hey, it is what it is. I’m going with it. :-)

      Thanks for your encouragement!

      • I think the nature of the pandemic is that we feel overwhelmed.
        Reflecting that in your art journal is perfect.
        I love it!

  13570. What a fun idea! I know I enjoyed your list of creative ideas to get us out of a creative rut And just play… that was quite a while ago. I look forward to seeing what goodies you find on the Internet! Thanks for thinking of us!

  13571. Awe, these are so cute, Hanna! I love one of your themes in this post and the one big one that I took away was to … LEARN SOMETHING NEW! I don’t have the time to do that right at this time, but do hope to over this coming winter when I’ll have more time, for sure.

    Have an awesome day! 😀 😀

    • Thank you! I think we should always keep learning, be it about doodling, creativity or about other cultures and habits than our own – emerge yourself! :-)

  13572. Thanks for this fun suggestion! Your Kawaii monsters turned out so Kawaii! I was finally able to sit down and try this today. Doodling is definitely not my strong suit. I would have to practice a lot more to feel comfortable and have fun doodling. As a dabbler, I havent tried much doodling. Maybe Ill have to give it more of a chance in 2021. Perhaps as an iCAD or 100-Days project.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  13573. Thank you for bringing us along on your journey to finish your gorgeously yummy art journal! Cant believe its finished now! Congrats!

  13574. This is awesome, Hanna … thanks so much for sharing it with us! I always look forward to seeing what you’re gonna post. You’re a true inspiration!

  13575. It all looks so colourful and happy! Have fun with the rest of this month for this challenge.

  13576. Love all the bright, happy colors! Thanks for sharing your photos with us! Hope you continue to enjoy the challenge! Have fun!

  13577. The hand bag turned out so cute! Love the colors, flower, and just enough sequins to make it shine! And the lyrics on the back are perfect! Also love the junk journal! I keep collecting things for making junk journals, but it has been too long since I actually sat down and made one. Thanks for sharing your inspiration with us! So much fun!

  13578. Makes me want to start creating something! I love the colors and hand stitches 😍.

  13579. Wow – your handbag is so cute! There’s no doubt, your friend is going to love it. Have an awesome day!


  13580. It is just s very cute – love the poem, the colors of the felt and the sweet embroidery. Such a wonderful gift with the journal added…
    Great gift,fun to make – a real win-win situation!

  13581. All signed up and eager for the new swap! It’s always a joy to find postcards from around the world in my mailbox! Thank you, Hanna xox

    • Well, thank YOU for joining and taking the time to leave me a comment. I appreciate that SO much. 💕

  13582. It was so nice getting to watch the flip through of your beautiful watercolor journal! Thank you for sharing your art with us! So fun to see what youve been working on!

    • It was so much fun filming this video, and looking back through the pages of this art journal. So happy you liked it.

  13583. I signed up for your blog when I went to confirm my email it didnt work can you you send me another subscription that I can confirm my email

    • Hi Dianna, thanks for signing up (or trying to). I’m not sure what you mean “it didn’t work”, but I’ve added your e-mail again, so hopefully you’ve got the confirmation e-mail now. If you can’t find it, please check your spam folder, it could’ve been directed there if we’re unlucky. Let me know if you need further help. :-)

  13584. Im signed up and super excited! I love being artistic, sending, and receiving postcards!

    • Thank you so much Laura for your enthusiasm and for joining the Anniversary DIY Postcard Swap! I’m excited too. :-)

  13585. Oh how fun! And what a lovely book! Thanks again for hosting the swap!

  13586. I am really excited about the postcard swap! My first time was Spring 2020 when we all felt a bit lost. It really helped to connect with others all over the world. I am looking forward to more beautiful art this Fall. I am also excited about the giveaway. I love embroidery and have never done free style.
    Thank you for hosting the swap and also for the give away.

  13587. Would love to participate in this swap. Please contact me and let me know the details, as I have never done this before. – Gail Anderson

    • Hi Gail,
      I’m not sure if you clicked the link in this post that say “Read more about the swap and sign up here” before entering your question? That is the information page of the swap, with rules and clear instructions on who can join, when postcards should be finished, even how to enter your own address, and how to sign up? There is also a whole section on that page called FAQ, with frequently asked questions about postcard size, material and such. Could you read those pages please, and then e-mail me back with a more specific question of what you want to know more about – if you still have questions then? I’d be happy to help and hope you’ll want to join the swap! :-)

  13588. I love embroidery! It was the first craft I learned as a kid, and even though I adore all sorts of crafts, embroidery is my first true love. I am trying to find more time for it these days.

  13589. Mom and I are excited to be signed up for another of your postcard swaps! Looking forward to spreading smiles through artwork again! Thanks for hosting!

  13590. I always look forward to your Swaps, Hanna! Happy Anniversary! What a year it has been! Thank goodness for happy mail like your DIY Postcards! And congrats on your book! So exciting!

  13591. Signed, Sealed, Delivered….I’m Yours!
    Got myself signed up for the swap and looking forward to seeing your book!
    I better start cleaning my work area so I can start creating! This is a big part of what the swap does for me…get’s me back on track.

  13592. Hi, I came across your site while looking to see if anyone else does this! I have always been fascinated by the food and scenery pics in magazines! I have been cutting them out recently and have decided to use them to decorate/ frame for our newly furnished kitchen! I’m hoping seeing the healthy foods staring at me will help my desire to eat healthier and lose weight! great to know I’m not alone!

  13593. Wow! So many beautiful postcards! I also love the Swedish postal stamps. Yummy!

  13594. I have started embroidery again after many years! This book looks exciting! Thank you for the chance to win !

  13595. I didnt see the sign up date and am a few days late but hope I am still in? Already have my cards made!

    • Hi Leada, thanks for joining the swap again. As long as the sign-up period is still open (as it is for another week) that choice is available. When it’s closed, I remove that link from the info page ASAP. :-)

      Also, not sure you read the blog post above, but in almost the very first sentence, it says, and I quote:

      You are invited to sign up and make ten handmade postcards that should be ready to send out 26 of October (last day to sign up will be 24th of October).


  13596. I am all signed up. This is my second one. I am excited to trying new media formats for creating my postcards. Everyone does such an excellent job. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. :)

    • Well, thank YOU for joining again and sharing your wonderful creativity with all of us! I very much appreciate that.

  13597. Loved looking through these wonderful mini artworks. I will enjoy following up on several of the process videos. The Swedish art stamps are great. Keep up the fantastic work everyone!

  13598. The postcard made by Elisabeth M, Alaska, US has a white band on the side. It’s a sticker that the USPS sometimes applies for its barcode. You can remove it, it peels easily.

    • I did, after I photographed it. I’m working with authenticity here, and I like that these have all been through the mailing system and has some proof of that.

  13599. Thank you Hanna, for featuring my postcard! Wow! I can’t imagine receiving 100 of these beautiful cards! Really looking forward to another iHanna Swap! XO

  13600. Thanks for sharing the inspiration! Its always so fun to see what other people created for the Swap! Had so much fun with the Spring Swap again this year; looking forward to the Fall Swap in a couple weeks! Thanks again for hosting!

  13601. So glad you enjoyed the shaker card! Static electricity, glitter, and plastic page protectors made for an…interesting…challenge to sew. But it was fun to try and learn new things! Glad all the cards made you smile! Happy mail is a wonderful thing! Cant wait to read and enjoy your upcoming book!

  13602. Thanks for sharing your process video with us! It was fun to snuggle up on the couch with a fuzzy blanket and relax for a couple minutes while watching you create! Ive always been worried about messing up coloring books, but this might be an interesting way to interact with one. Hard to let go of striving for perfection, but your results make it look well-worth the struggle!

  13603. So much fun to see all the different postcards you received! Everyone wanted you to have an extra special 10th anniversary this year! Were so grateful for you, Hanna!

  13604. I love when people write a little bit about their process or inspiration of their postcard on the back! Gives me new ways to look at and enjoy the artwork. But thats just my opinion. :)

    • I agree! And that’s why we used to have blogs for… I’m kind of sad that so few of the participants have blogs these days, but happy when I find one and someone takes the time to writes about their postcard process too. :-)

  13605. Hi Hanna,
    I signed up on the 21st and my postcards are all set.
    Just waiting on the addresses and am super excited
    Thanks for hosting this again and happy 10th anniversary!

    • Hi Cathy,
      I’ve e-mailed you twice and I can not do anything more unless you contact me from another e-mail address since you’re not getting my e-mails to your yahoo address at this time (not sure if you check your spam folder but do that just in case)! This issue happens from time to time due to my e-mails being marked as spam by the server (probably), and it’s described in the FAQ etc, so please send me an e-mail from another address and I will get your list to you again ASAP! :-)

  13606. I can definitely relate to the messy craft desk! Mine is usually messy (but isnt it wonderful to be surrounded by stuff you really like?!), but Ive found theres a tipping point between messy that allows me to be creative and messy that makes me turn around and walk away. I have to find that happy balance, which means every couple months I try to clear everything off my desk. Its daunting for me when its totally cleared off, but once I start filling it with stuff I love again, I really enjoy creating. I guess its like most everything in life, we seek balance.

    Thanks for sharing pics of your desk! Fun to see what your interests/inspiration/current happy things are!

  13607. I agree! I still love reading blogs, and seeing youtube videos and blogs that tell stories or show a creative process.

  13608. Oh Hanna, you are saying so many things that I agree with. Keep doing YOU! You are an inspiration!

  13609. Thank you for keeping your corner of the Internet a colorful, happy, inspiring, sane, chronological place where we can come, relax, and be inspired to sit down and create!

  13610. I agree so much with what you’ve written. I hate the fact that the algorithms of social media platform try to guess what I want to see instead of presenting things in alphabetical order.

    Please keep blogging. I like seeing your stuff come up in my feed reader.

  13611. I’m so happy that you and a few others keep on blogging! I love the slower pace of blogs. I follow them with Feedly and check it once or twice a week. I agree with everything you said about social media here! There were even some points you made that I hadn’t realized yet! Social media is exhausting to me too.

  13612. Dear Hanna!
    Thank you so much for this post. I couldn’t agree more.

    And thank you for keeping this blog. I love to read what you write, especially when you write a bit longer texts. You are doing all this so very, very well. The writing, the photography and all the arts and crafts you are sharing with us all.

    I don’t think that you are overthinking. It is extremely annoying when somebody else (and a very anonymous somebody) are trying to force you (me, us) to think and react in a certain way. Chopping up our very existence.

    Love and hugs,

    Mnga kramar Hanna och tusen tack fr ditt fantastiska arbete med den hr bloggen.

  13613. I always look forward to your swaps and have participated so many times I’ve lost count. :-) Your personal art, with its beautiful bright colors and mark making, fills me with happiness every time I see your work. Watching you paint is a pleasure. I would be happy to fill out a survey.

  13614. I agree with you on all the things you write here – I do miss the ‘old blogs’, most people don’t keep their blogs anymore. I visit my old posts sometimes (12 years of blogging leaves a lot of posts like a personal diary, but you know that don’t you?!) and when I click the names of the ones who commented back then, their blogs are gone or not uptdated for years. Keep on blogging dear friend, I am still here to read your posts!

  13615. I really agree with you Hanna. Personally I think people are impressed by all the social media posts and followers. Oh, the followers. But young people do not realise that only happy, interesting, sometimes fake posts are being posted. (Instagrammers rent a fake airplane to fake say they are going on a holiday!) Who wants to know that you fed the cat today again? Or like you say, you had your oatmeal breakfast again. Or when you have a blah day. I love it when people DO share that.
    I am not on Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Tiktok, Pinterest etc. Only on Youtube, because I can learn visually from others. That is enough for me.

  13616. Like the others who have commented, I totally agree with what you are saying as well and am SO HAPPY that you are going to continue blogging (Yay!)

    Your posts ALWAYS inspire me and I look forward to getting my emails with a new blog post to read.

    I think that I too am going to start cutting down online time as well or maybe I’ll wait and make it a goal of sorts for the coming year. 😀

    Thank you for being YOU and for being such an inspiration to all of us. (Hugs)

    • Wow, I’m so glad this blog post resonated with so many of you!

      Setting it as a goal for the new year to scroll less and create more – and be in the moment more is such a great idea. We should all do that.

  13617. These books look wonderful, Hanna! Thanks for showing them off. I just drooled and drooled over Vintage Life; I just loved it! Hmm…I have a birthday coming up in January; maybe I should mention this book as a gift possibility?

    • Yes, if not on your Christmas wish list then def on your birthday wish list. It’s a delightful book.

      • Just an update – based on your post, I requested Vintage Life for my birthday. This event happened over the weekend and my husband honored my request! Looking forward to reading it; it does look like a lot of fun!

      • Happy belated birthday Aimee! I hope you’ll really enjoy that book and that I didn’t “oversell” it. :-)

  13618. I buy these. And the Uppercase magazine. I Love them! So awesome and inspirational.

  13619. I agree, Hanna! BRING BACK the BLOG!! Maybe we can start thinking about ways that we can support each other in our efforts to blog more. I enjoy the art community I have on social media, but you are right, it’s alarming to think about how much the algorithm dictates and shapes our experience there. I found this post by checking your FB page LOL! XOXOXO

  13620. I’ve been playing a lot of Animal Crossing myself. I have the version you play – I’ve had it since it was released years ago. Right now I am enjoying New Horizons. They are very similar so don’t feel bad that you don’t have the newer version.

    Enjoy the one you have.

  13621. A workshop for this would be great! Id be especially interested in how you store/curate the bits and pieces you keep to put in the notebooks. Mine pile up very fast and clutter the house, lol! Love your content :)

    • Thank you! I have plastic folders filled to the brim with papers and in no order at all, but for my Randomosity notebook journal fodder I do try to keep that separate so I can find it. Others purge, but I save everything. One day I’ll buy a big house to store it all in… ;-)


  13622. Nice suggestions! Some would also be great christmas gifts for the paper crafter. On the website you can also find paper pads/packs in the shop. All in her lovely watercolor style.

    • Thanks, I’ve seen that magazine in stores here, years ago, but never bought it myself. Maybe I should try it out…

  13623. Hi! I’m Swedish now living in London and I’m trying to find an online uk shop that sells the kind of materials we use in this book. I really appreciate if you can help, thanks!

    • Hej Simone!
      In London you have the beautiful shop (that I will someday visit, only seen it online so far) called Loop, I can’t find wool felt there but they do have a Haberdashery section and maybe if you write and ask, they might be able to help further?

      With a google search I also found Wool Felt Company that seam to be located in the UK.

      Good luck with your embroidery project!

  13624. So many lovely postcards! I’m curious as to how you store (or display?) your postcards. You must have thousands by now! :-)

  13625. You are so creative and I think your table runner is cute!! 😀

    Merry Christmas, Hanna and Happy New year!


  13626. It turned out very cute! And I love that it has such happy memories attached to it – happy memories sparked by the fabrics (gingerbread making with your grandma, saffron bun making with your mom, etc) and happy memories of making this piece with your mom! I think that makes it even more special!

  13627. I love that table cloth Hanna, with the odd Christmas-days ahead (we’re in lock down again in the Netherlands) it’s good to make it comfortable at home.

  13628. S fin, glad och julig duk Hanna.
    Den kan nog bli din andra favorit.

    Stor kram
    God Jul
    Gott Nytt r
    till Dig.


  13629. Your article was my morning coffee this morning as it really gave me the mood boost l needed. My adult doll collection began in 2004 with collecting the Holiday Barbies until 2008. However, it started again while home on quarantine when l discovered a community full of adult doll collectors. I discovered a whole world of doll everything. Since March l have collected too many. As l promised to take a break in 2021, l found myself reflecting on the big WHY and very similar feelings you share in your article about being an adult collector. In my search to find an article about collectors guilt or purpose, l found this article. It was just what l needed to read for my sense of pride and purpose of being an adult doll collector to return. I really enjoyed it and am trying to enjoy the craft,hobby and art unapologetically and confidently!

  13630. Today, I start my second “Some lines a day”, the first is full, every day of it, I didn’t skip a day. I love to see what I did on that day one, two, three, four, five years ago. It doesn’t take long time to write some lines, so it is totally doable! I love it.
    Happy new year, Frau Frosch

    • Yay Jorin, I’m very excited about it and since I’ve had a diary all my life, I’m sure I can do it, but it’s lovely to hear others experiences with this way of documenting life too! Thanks and Happy New Year!

  13631. I’ve followed you for years! I love there is still a blogger blogging as many have gone. I have had a burn out from social media and moved to digital minimalism (cal Newport great book and blog). I love all your bright works and they inspire me to keep creating!

    I do think that as people age, they may realise how less of a great thing sm is, especially as Insta has become this crazy instant machine of information.

    Could you use mailer lite or mail chimp for newsletter? Again that’s another thing people seem to send way to often and I’ve unsubscribed from so many and don’t send often though it’s a great tool, mostly everyone has email!

  13632. Im sorry youve been dealing with Depression, Hanna. Thank you so much for your honesty with us, and thank you for continuing to share your life, crafty adventures, and general thoughts with us on your blog! My friends and family all know you by name – between your Postcard Swap and the courage and encouragement youve given me over the years to try new types of crafts/art, youre practically famous at my house! :) Please know your are spreading happiness all the way on the other side of the world, just by being you!

    I havent tried a 5-year journal before, but look forward to hearing how you like working in it!

    Happy New Year, Hanna! Wishing you a happy, healthy year filled with laughter and art/craft projects you enjoy!

  13633. Ive kept a perpetual diary/journal for several years and it is a great way to surprise yourself with past happenings. Nothing earth shattering, just every day events, as most of us experience. Recently, I texted my daughter to remind her of a marathon she ran. She was shocked that I had written about that, and that it was 20 years ago!

  13634. I love this idea! I just finished binding a book with copy paper for this purpose.

  13635. I really like the look of your journal, it is so you, PINK. I have not done it for a while but a very nice way to change a boring cover. I also love the grungy spread, I am surprised you made that.

  13636. Your journal cover turned out so cute! Thanks for sharing the photos and process video with us! I totally agree that if I want to encourage myself to reach for something often (be it a journal or a day planner or to-do list), Im much more likely to do it if its cute and makes me smile when I see it! I love that you changed your cover so it makes you smile!

  13637. I remember as a young girl, loving the diaries I got for Christmas, and not being able to wait until the 1st of January to start writing in them. How I wish I would still have some of them to go back and read through now 50+ years later!

    It’s been many years since I’ve had a diary to write in every day. I love the idea of the 5 year journal for sure and though I won’t buy a pre-made one, I did have the thought of possibly making one from an old Happy Planner and expired pages (I could cut everything – cover and pages down to the size I want!)

    I want to echo just what Arielle said in her comment just like she said – you ARE most definitely spreading happiness all the way to the other side of the world with Hanna, just being Hanna. Love ya girl!

  13638. Your art journal is gorgeous! I just bought a huge box of paints but I haven’t used them in my books yet. I generally collage but I really want to get into mixxed media! Thanks for the inspiration today xoxo

  13639. Thanks for sharing your beautiful photography and fun video! I love all the bright, happy colors! Im glad youve found something crafty that relaxes you. Thanks for being open with us!

  13640. I’m just like you- I adore my gluebooks! I think I’ll start a rainbow one now :)

  13641. I love these suggestions! I own the Paper Pattern Play book and some of the Flow Paper Lovers books. They are so fun!

  13642. I love your colors and the different kinds of marks that you put together. They clash and go together all at the same time and make me want to keep looking.
    I love art journaling. It is my favorite artistic expression. In winter I do not have a place to work. Been feeling like I need to create a tiny space, folding table and a small kit of paints and glues. I become squirrelly when I dont have my paints for too long.

  13643. I have participated in her Brown Paper Bag swaps, and they are wonderful, so fun. She puts a whole bunch of beautiful paper bits like the ones she sent you in a brown paper bag, and she sends it to the first person on the list. That person takes 12 items and replaces them with 12 items, then mails to the second person on the list. And so it goes until it gets back to Lawendula.

    We had one in 2020, and due to postal delays and post office closures, it took many months to be completed, but it was amazing. I encourage everybody to participate!

  13644. Your Rainbow Glue Book is turning out so pretty! Like you, Ive been fascinated with the idea of putting rainbow washi on the edges of a notebook for years now! But youve actually done it now! Im so proud of you! I hope to washi the edges of a notebook someday. Maybe when I make a book review travelers notebook. Well see.

    Thanks for sharing this with us!

  13645. Loved seeing your happy mail! I am always impressed by your photography and blogging – I felt like I was right with you as you opened and explored all the wonderful pieces from your happy mail! Thank you so much for including us in your opening! So much fun!

  13646. Your pages turned out cute! Im glad youre enjoying dabbling in other colors/types of art. Sometimes its fun to learn/grow/stretch ourselves creatively. Of course, after learning of creating with something new, I always enjoy going back to my favorite colors or types of art. So glad we dont have to only choose one thing!

  13647. Oh yes, I definitely love the vintage look! I happen to live in a town with a huge number of thrift stores for its size, so I have no trouble sourcing books, sheet music, cookbooks, etc. that are vintage in age and appearance. But my favorite vintage material is a 120-year-old ledger book I got very cheap from an antiques dealer’s garage sale. The original owner was a music teacher, so the pages are filled with names of various students in lovely old-fashioned handwriting. Every time I use some of this ledger paper in my projects, I think how surprised this long-ago teacher would be if he could only see how his ledger book is being used in the 21st century!

  13648. I do love vintage but truthfully for in journals, for myself, I much prefer a lot of pretty colors. Still, I do love looking at others pages and love the pics you posted here but guess they’re just not for me doing it in my journal. Have an awesome day!! 😀

  13649. I do love the vintage look. In place of coffee or tea, I’ve used watered down brown acrylic paint with great results.

    • I agree, paint works too, although I love the smell of coffee that sticks to your papers a while if you use that… mmm! 😄

  13650. As you know, I create in a ‘me journal’ all the time (My weekly “Chronicles” spreads that I keep for over 10 years now….) and yes, you are so right: it IS important to love yourself the most – all love comes after that. I love your spreads Hanna, I love how you celebrate yourself in colour and texts.

    • Thank you Marit, I love your Chronicles (as you know) and I think it is fun that all the pages together celebrate who we are as individuals, childishness, quirks, flaws and all. :-)

  13651. I totally agree, you have to take care of yourself before you can ever hope to take care of anyone else! Just like on an airplane, you have to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help anyone else with theirs. I love that you are able to share the art you do for self love with us, and it helps us! Thank you for continuing to share your beautiful artwork and gorgeous photographs!

  13652. Love all the happy colors and the pinks that make me think of you! Thanks for sharing these! So pretty!

  13653. I love all the bright colors. Art journaling is a great way to practice a bit of mindfulness in a world that is…a challenge! I love seeing you share your work

  13654. These are gorgeous! I love the bits and pieces pocket too! A fairytale themed journal – that would be cool.

  13655. Hanna, I absolutely LOVE your book (and would love to find one like it to do for an art journal but am pretty sure it’s be next to impossible to find one!)

    I love everything that you did in it – it is so YOU and it gives me joy just looking at the pages in it that you’ve shared. Thank you for sharing everything you do with us. (Hugs)


  13656. So pretty, Hanna! Thanks for sharing these! Its obvious a lot of time, effort, and thought went into each beautiful notebook. And then with the opportunity to add our own things to the notebook feels a bit like a mail art swap! If we cant create together side-by-side, at least we can feel like were creating together this way! So much fun!

  13657. Hanna, I love these pics here and especially the ones with the round punchies glued onto the page. Love them and love the colors.

    Also, the other ladies who commented were right – we have to take care of ourselves first. I believe if we don’t take time for ourselves and fill ourselves with what we need then we won’t have anything to give to others. (Hugs)

  13658. I love the pencil fabric with its happy colours. It looks lovely on your desk and your journal cover too!

  13659. Youre absolutely right, Hanna, those pens and pencils on the fabric are so adorable – and very you! So glad you were able to create some fun and useful items with the fabric and with your mom! So many times I am afraid to use the adorable fabric because, what if I mess up or create the wrong thing with it? But I think I need to be braver and make something with my adorable fabric so I can actually see and enjoy it instead of hiding it in the closet. Thanks for the reminder!

  13660. Oh Hanna, I “LOVE” them all! The fabric is so awesome and too, love your Journal cover and your pencil case from that fabric but then also I loved the sewing themed fabric just as much as your pen and pencil material. How I wish that I could sew … it’s been SO many years since I have (I was in high school so that was 50+ years ago!)

    Over the years I’ve bought a few different sewing machines but couldn’t find anyone to show me how to sew and I am NOT a person who learns by reading a book or directions. I’m more like – show me how and then let me do it while you’re there until I can get it and then I’ll be okay! The #1 problem is that I couldn’t get the machine threaded.

    I live in a new place now and know for certain there are people who sew here so maybe I can get another machine one day and try it again. I’d so love to learn how!

  13661. It’s always a treat to see a new blog post from iHanna pop up in my Feedly. Lovely insight into your creative process and an extra treat with the visit to Dalarna to see the painted horses. Also I love the close up of the studio cup with a little bit of paint on it!
    Do you read Austin Kleon’s blog? He wrote recently about searching outside the algorithm, which I was reminded of when I read the quote you started your blog with. Absolutely agree!!

    • Thanks Ruth, you know I love my studio mug SO much and use it every time we’re there. Thank you again for sending it to me!

      I don’t always read Austin’s blogs but check in at times and did check out this specific one. Thanks for the encouragement! xo

  13662. Vldigt roligt att se all din kreativitet! Hrligt! Och jag ska komma hit igen och titta mer ingende och lsa.

  13663. That is so awesome that you still have your childhood diaries and journals, Hanna! I remember numerous Christmas’s when I was young and was so exited when I got a new diary to start on January 1st (having to wait was “the worst! lol”

    Mostly lately I’ve been working in my “Ranomosity Journal” (until I just read your one post about random journals, I didn’t know exactly what to call it so just called it a junque journal. lol)

    Have an awesome day!

    • Thanks. It makes me so happy to hear that you’ve got a Randomosity Journal too!

      I never use journals with pre-printed dates, but blank notebooks so that I can start (stop or take a break) when ever I want to. It makes it easier to “catch up” because all you have to do is “just start” from the here and now. :-)

  13664. I feel exactly the same. I have my first little journal from age 18 and I am now 79, with many many iterations since. They very visual rather than just writing. I sometimes wonder what will happen to them when I am gone. Landfill? Maybe I shouldnt care. But for now, they give me great comfort knowing they are there.

    • So happy to hear you’re a journaler too, writing and visual alike makes me happy. I think there should be a place we could all donate our journals too be kept indefinitely after we’re gone, like the Brooklyn Sketchbook Library or similar. But I guess it would fill up in a jiffy, just my personal shelf space would need to be huge! LOL.

  13665. Vad fina dagbcker! Skrev dagbok under mnga rs tid i mitt liv, men sen hnde det en grej som fick mig att elda upp de dr dagbckerna i vr kamin och sedan dess skrivs det inte ngon dagbok. Numera skriver jag dikter istllet :)

    M gott!

  13666. Thanks so much for making and sharing this video with us, Hanna. Lots of great tips here!

    • Yay! I think the hardest part of altering a book is picking which one to commit to and use, but once that is done, it’s so much fun to work within the already started pages. :-)

  13667. Is it really necessary to ruin your post with disgusting profanity? I wont be following you anymore…

    • Dear Debe, I do not know you and I do not understand you, so I will not cry to see you go. I don’t think you’ve ever commented here before, so that this is the first thing you say to me makes me think you are sitting on high horses and need learn to move on, without leaving any comments at all in the future. It is never necessary to disagree with people you don’t know or call what they write or chose to quote “disgusting”. That is rude I think.

      Also. The profanity as you call it is inside a quote, ie not said by me, and it is not directed to any one human or sentient being, but towards “the algorithm” that too many people put a lot of energy into beating or understanding, and I find that sad and unnecessary. It takes up a lot of brain power to try to post at the “right time” on instagram for example, and instead I think a lot more of us should just follow or hearts, just like the quote say. My blog is all about what is important to me and it is ALL inside my heart, so that you chose to leave because one word that you don’t like says more about you than me. Bye!

  13668. I so enjoyed these video clips! It was so cool to see you work on your various projects, even for just one second at the time. You are surrounded by all those colorful arts and crafts supplies, and obviously you are very busy using them. Thanks for sharing.

    • For the 1 sec video I just need to “stay busy” for a few seconds, but I agree, it’s fun to see all those activities compiled together into a snippet of your (creative) life. :)

  13669. I love this idea. I wrote about this just the other day. As we are still in strict lockdown and have a radius restriction moving around it’s challenging to find inspiration in the daily walks in the neighborhood. I did however challenge myself to take a daily picture to find inspiration in the simple mundane surroundings. ♡♡

    • Thanks Vev, glad you are finding joy in photographing everyday life – it is after all what we have the most of! :-)

      Did you also read my blog post on 1 second a day? I think daily walks lend themselves to that kind of little documentation in video form, in case you want to give it a try.

  13670. I learned about the app from Elise also. I fell off the bandwagon after the first year though. Thanks for reminding me about it!

    • Don’t think of it as “falling off the bandwagon” but instead, a longer break from a fun project, a break that you can get back from when you feel inspired. :-)

  13671. Loved seeing this! I have been using the app since Jan 2019. I have a toddler son and it has been so fun to see him grow! Watching the years video has become a favorite New Years Eve tradition for our family. I had never thought of using it for documenting creativity though – very cool!

    One of my tricks is to always take pics using the Live Photo feature of my iPhone. That way, any of my photos can be used as a video clip of a few seconds – I dont have to specially record video every day. Just a tip in case others didnt know this!

    • I don’t have an iPhone anymore, so I don’t even know what a live photo is, but it sounds interesting. And yay you for documenting life with a toddler, that is SO so very awesome!

  13672. I’m so excited! I think about the swaps and what I might create for a couple months before they are announced. I look forward to it every time!

  13673. signed up and ready to create! participating in the twice yearly diy postcard swap is a highlight of my creative year.

  13674. I purchased the ebook with the sign up. How do I receive the book?

    • Thanks for joining the swap and buying the book, I’m thrilled that you wanted to join in!

      And just as it say on the page, it takes me a few days to go through, check and sort all swappers, and then send it out manually. But as of now I think you should’ve gotten the digital book via e-mail?

      Let me know if you have any additional questions or requests. :-)

  13675. I love Spring and making postcards! Thank you for your continued commitment to making this happen!

  13676. I just received your newsletter and ‘scanned’ your post (which means I didn’t read it properly and didn’t watch the video) but I feel tempted to play along… it’s been ages since I made a ‘tiny journal’ (and my ‘tiny journals’ are real small, like 3 cm or so…) I do have a lot on my plate lately but I might jump in with you girls… we’ll see… it’s on my mind now.

    • I would be thrilled to have you join in Marit, let me know if you do! I want to see your tiny journal for sure. xo

  13677. Just joined the postcard swap & got the ebook too, now off to look for inspiration and create 10 or maybe more small works of art!!

  13678. I joined the postcard swap in early days when I had little experience or confidence as an artist. It was a great experience to work in a series! I’m now a “full fledged” collage artist and really recommend joining for anyone who’d like a fun challenge … and lovely postcards!

  13679. I’m so excited for this swap!
    I joined your instagram live today with Tammy and it was so inspiring.
    Thank you!

  13680. Cant wait to join in. My tiny journal is 4 x 3.75 made from a grocery box with various odd bits of papers bound with wax thread. Working on challenge #1 and will post on Instagram.

  13681. Youre absolutely right to say dont wait for the perfect moment or supply to document the memory or moment. I need to do this more often! Thanks for the gentle nudge and encouragement!
    My mom, grandmother, mother-in-law, and I are all excited about participating in your swap again this year! I even convinced my friend to join in for her first time! Were all enjoying creating our postcards and are looking forward to receiving happy mail from around the world. While things might not look much different yet this year compared to last, I have noticed mail seems to be running much more smoothly, so hopefully that will help with the swap. Either way, definitely looking forward to it! Thanks for hosting!

  13682. Your spread turned out so cute! (And your Gonzo mug made me smile!) Your painting and gems made me think about a solar system (which is also a connection) – with the painted circles the orbits, and the gems representing planets and moons. I may also love outer space, so I see it everywhere. :) Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos, words, and inspiration with us!

  13683. Very nice spread! But I have to admit, I laughed at the sheet music bit, since it’s from a rather simplistic 1970’s disco song! (don’t know if you knew that or not). That made me laugh. Also am glad to see I’m not the only one who uses ledger-type sheets in the making of journals!

  13684. Do you have any recommendations of small stickers/images/ephemera for smaller projects? I LOVE all your recs here, but I have a small project in mind.

  13685. Love what you created to bring together retro disco-era sheet music (yup, I’ve got the entire song here) and accounting ledger paper. Quite a feat! Looking super groovy! So fun to do this project together, thank you again!!!

  13686. Thanks for sharing your fun video and pretty photography and words with us! Its always so fun to see what you create! Love the idea of stamping on tissue paper. I dont do much collage, but maybe Ill have to try some so I can play with stamped tissue paper. :)

  13687. I discovered your blog and the swap five years ago and it was so much fun (I still keep the postcards I received for creative inspiration). But then life happened. So I was so happy to find you on Instagram (via Tammy!) just in time for this years swap. Looking forward to digging into your book too! :)

  13688. Thank you so much for sharing the videos Hanna! I’m a huge fan of your art :) I just went to your blog to fetch the link to the tiny journal challenge and found this post! I’ll be sharing the tiny journal with my e-mail subscribers. It seems such a fun project available to everyone!
    The jumping in makes a lot of sense! Perhaps I’m too harsh on myself when I’m just switching mediums, lately I have been doing more cross stitch and before I was knitting a lot :)

  13689. I loved watching this and the many ways you made the coloring book images your own. Very inspirational!

  13690. Oh yesss… I’m “a little” late to the party. Last day to sign up and here I am. I finished my cards and didn’t wanted to sign up befor finishing them (like i didn’t want to get stressed)
    So…. Looking forward to send my cards out.
    Thanks for making this possible Hanna!!!

    • I so love that you made your cards before signing up, that is just brilliant! Thanks for making it stress-free for yourself and still making the deadline!

      Thank you.

  13691. Hey!! So excited to start joining yall with your prompts a week!! I havent put together a tiny notebook …Do you have a link on how you did yours?

    • Hi there, thanks for joining us. I hope you’ll have fun filling any tiny journal you have or make. I have no tutorial of how mine is made right now, maybe in the future. But there are a ton of tutorials on YouTube for ALL kinds of book binding, just do a search there.

  13692. I agree that Dream is a bit of a tricky prompt. But I think you did very well. I love the use of yellow and blue. Also the grid pattern a ms the dots contrast nicely.

  13693. I’m so sorry, Hanna and Tammy, that I didn’t manage to play along making tiny journals. I really planned to but life (and health) got in the way… hope you both are allright and enjoying the journals! Love from the Netherlands!

    • No worries, I do this all the time. When ever I see a challenge on instagram I think “I could / should do this one!” and then I never remember or get to it – and notice months afterwards… :-/

  13694. Really enjoying your write ups and photos about your tiny journal! Loved the happy colors you chose for Spring, and the two flowers on the grid paper with the greenery next to it turned out so cute! Hope youre enjoying filling your tiny journal as much as were enjoying reading about it!

  13695. I love these pages! They are so vibrant and fun and cheerful. I feel happier just from looking at them!

  13696. Love the colors you chose and that you hand stitched the flower! So fun! Im a list-lover, too! Thanks for the fun inspiration!

    • Thank you. I can’t understand those who say they aren’t list-writers? There are so many wonderful ways to write a list, right?!

  13697. Yay for bright, happy colors! Your pages turned out so cute! And I love how you used the sewn owl outline to watercolor your own own – so clever!!
    Thanks for sharing this art adventure with with! Cant believe were almost to the end!

  13698. Your washi tape pages turned out so adorable! Thanks for sharing your photos and thoughts about this project! Its turning out so cute!

  13699. Your polka dot pages turned out so happy and cute! Thanks for making me smile this morning! So glad youve enjoyed this project with your friend! Its been fun following your progress! Thanks for sharing your art adventure with us!

  13700. Hi Hanah.
    I was so happy to read your blog about doll collecting,
    we may be twin soules, I collect many of the same things, dolls, small cute plast figures, art…you name it.
    I live in Denmark, near by Sweden 😄

  13701. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous photography and lovely descriptive words with us, Hanna! Its like we were able to go on a walk with you, taking delight in each flower we found along the way!

  13702. I always love seeing what youre up to, Hanna! As a fellow crafty dabbler, I always have multiple types of projects going or waiting for me. As far as textiles, my friend recently had a baby, so Im working on a baby ball (using your tutorial from many years ago) to send her. I have made so many of your beautiful paper-pieces baby balls over the years. Thanks again for sharing it with us!
    And thanks for sharing encouragement to mend our things! I just fixed a shirt for my friend, and now Im re-doing bag straps her cat chewed through. Not difficult projects, but fun to give the items new life again.

    Your quilt is gorgeous!

  13703. Your Wee Art Books turned out so cute! Especially enjoying the tiny beads you added!

    I am eagerly awaiting winter to start working on my December Journal I bought from you this past Christmastime! Ive not been a glue-book or collage girl very much before, so this will be a newer experience for me. I am so excited to work on the pages you started and capture some of my love of all things Christmas inside its covers!

    • Thanks Arielle. Hopefully next Christmas we will get to celebrate a little bit more “normal” than last year in the year of the pandemic.

  13704. What a fantastic piece of art. The colors are so rich and creative.
    Thanks for sharing

  13705. I love this post – thank you so much for all those words about artists and making and creating! It is easy to come up with titles but most important is to find a way to do the making! Thank you so much for the reminder Hanna!
    I really love everything about your art piece! I hope you find it soon!

    • Glad you like it Pamela! I’ll keep digging for it, and keep creating – as we all should! :-)

  13706. Hi
    Ive come to this blog entry via Pinterest and many years after the original post. Only took a short while to read the 40 creative support ideas and well worth the read. As a selfie phobic person I was most struck by the idea of leaving pictures for your children. My mum was a great story teller and I know my past that way. I havent done this for my boys and Im always behind the camera!! Feel inspired by your writing to be in the picture more often and leave them more stories to pass on to their own families. Thank you.

  13707. You are SO right… my beloved and I – with a little help from my dad with his drilling machine ;) – just hang art on the wall the other day and there’s some spaces reserved for MY art! Now to make a choice… I LOVE your piece!

  13708. Your blanket is turning out so pretty! So glad youre making time to do something you love and that makes you feel happy! Thanks for sharing your progress with us!

  13709. Your embroidery patchwork pieces are turning out so pretty! I just finished up one of your patchwork baby balls for a friend. Must have been a needle-and-thread type of month. :) Thanks for sharing your beautiful projects with us! Its always so fun to see what youve been up to!

  13710. Such a beautiful journal! You reminded me too that I have been wanting to make my own fabrics from stitching my scraps together and I do love to hand sew (although Boro sounds much fancier I agree :). Cannot wait to see what you create inside the journal this summer.

  13711. Hi! I love your post. I am also an adult doll collector. The type of dolls that I collect are called American Girl dolls. I always wanted one as a child but never got one so as an adult I decided to buy one for myself. Since buying my first AG doll back in 2010 I’ve gone on to buy a few more dolls as well as various “vintage” (I feel so old lol!) pieces and accessories that I remember wanting as a child.

  13712. Love your HK spread! Kitty-chan has been a favorite of mine since I was a child, too. She always makes me smile!
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos with us! Hope youre having a lovely summer!

  13713. This piece looks amazing! I have never done this before but seeing you making this beautiful piece makes me want to try it too. I really like the rose, you said that it looked wonky but honestly I was mesmerized looking at it, it’s so pretty and I love how you don’t get bother down by details, it’s so refreshing!

  13714. Loved your videos, Hanna! I especially enjoyed the use of Cinderella (as a brunette! My favorite Cinderella, though I may be a bit biased.) and Hello Kitty! Thanks for continuing to inspire us to create pretty things!
    (By the way, did you know commenting is turned off on your recent videos? Its okay if you chose that, but wanted to make sure it was an intentional decision.)

    Hope youre having a happy summer! Enjoy that sunshine!

  13715. I love the word “doodle” as well. In fact, the book “Craft-a-Doodle” was one of the first books I bought when I was getting back into art and doodling a few years ago. It inspired me so much!

  13716. I love the word doodle too and I really enjoyed browsing yours! Colourful and fun!


  13717. Thanks for sharing this wonderful book review! Its always so much fun to see what book has caught your attention!

    • I own all of Kaffe’s books and wasn’t sure I was going to purchase this one. Finally a good sale price and free shipping caught me in a weak moment and now I own it. I thought it was a good fill in to his other book “Dreaming in Color” expanding on some of the subjects in it and in videos on the internet. I wasn’t interested in the projects but am always interested to see how he uses some of the more unusual fabrics in the collective. I’m glad I own it because I will go back and read a chapter now and then.

      • Some books are good to own, because they feel like treasures that you want to keep for ever. Others you can let go, and don’t miss as much.

        Glad you liked this Kaffe Fassett book too!

  13718. Your art journal is turning out so pretty, Hanna! Its so much fun to get to see some of the pages youve been working on! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  13719. What different paper and fabric can you use? my daughter is doing this at school and has to look up what paper and fabric she could use and we can’t find anything on the internet to help her.
    Yours looks lovely.
    Thank you

  13720. I would love to read Remarkabel Dairies!
    Ive bought Fragmentation and Repair and Textiles Transformed. Both books sent me to my stash of old family fabricscraps and now I combining them with a lot of slow stitching. Very relaxing. Both books gave me a new way of looking at my stash. Old damask tablecloths with lots of wear and tear are used as a starting point for new ideas. Very inspiring!

    • Yes, agreed. It is so much fun to re-purpose old textiles and make new things, it is one of my favorite things to do too! Your remnants looks lovely (took a quick peek now). xo

  13721. This turned out so pretty! Thanks for the fun video of you creating, and the beautiful photography on your blog! Crazy to be saying goodbye to summer already – it feels like it just started. Time goes by so quickly!

    • Waaay too quickly sometimes. But autumn this past week has been so beautiful so I am not complaining (yet)…

  13722. Love the reviews. I already had some of these on my own list so will investigate others you’ve highlighted :-)
    Happy Autumn. Waving from NZ and Spring here xo

    • Thank you Lynette. I love books so much and there are always too many left to check out, right?

      Waving from a autumny Sweden!

  13723. I love this journal, can’t wait to see the video! I just signed up for the postcard swap. I’m actually ahead of the game this time :)

    • Thanks Patty, edited the flip-through and it is coming up later this week. So glad you wanted to join again. It feels like old friends gathering when people I “know” join the swap! :-)

  13724. Expressive Sketchbooks by Helen Wells is a must! It’s a dip into type of book, not one where you have to go from A -Z.

      • Helen Wells is on Instagram with a link to her website. I bought the book from her website.

  13725. I know you posted this a long time ago, but I happened across your blog and have to tell you how much I LOVE YOUR COLLAGES! They are so wonderful! I also do collage and enjoy seeing other’s works. Wow…I love the papers you used and everything about them. Collage is such a wonderfully relaxing art form…I collect tons of papers and then have so much fun cutting, pasting and arranging. Thank you for sharing and you also have such a nice blog.
    Take care…Janet

    • Thank you Janet for taking the time to comment! Since this series I have done another 365 collages in 2018 that are all up on the blog as well, and I am thinking maybe it is time to do another year of collages next year? I kind of miss it now that I have had a break from doing so many in a year.

      Keep cutting & Pasting!

  13726. I really enjoyed watching this! So creative and calming. Thank you!

    • Thank you Cindy, I agree. It is the book I want most on this list, and one I would want to keep I’m sure. :-)

  13727. Every one is an inspirationthank you for letting us see them.

  13728. Your video turned out so well. Hanna! And so many interesting and fun postcard ideas! It was fun recognizing several of the postcards, too! Thanks for all the hard work you put into this video (and into the postcard swaps)!

  13729. This was wonderful and very inspiring! I had too much on my plate for the fall swap, but this is giving me the a head full of ideas to jump in and start prepping for the Spring 2022 swap! Thanks for sharing so much creativity from you and others!

  13730. Your journals turned out so cute, Hanna! I was very impressed by the quality and fun addition pieces you included in the Christmas journal I purchased from you last year! I am so excited to start using it in just a few days now – my anticipation had been building all year! :) Thanks for offering these beautiful and fun pieces!

  13731. Thanks for sharing your great videos and beautiful photography of your Christmas journal! Its so fun to see you create your journal and work through some of the pages!
    When Im not quite in the Christmas mood yet, I try to turn up the Christmas music and either drink something that smells Christmasy or light a candle that reminds me of Christmas. If that doesnt work, I watch a Christmas movie (if I have time.) My favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas, with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. Baking Christmas cookies for neighbors also helps sometimes!
    Hope you find your Christmas spirit!

  13732. Thank you for posting these! Haven’t watched the latest video yet, but I wanted to reply to let you know you inspired me to do my own Christmas-themed journal. We’re traveling as I write this, so I even packed a kit of supplies to do my pages while on the road. I use the Smash line of journals for this. Don’t know if they’re still being made; I’ve picked up three now from secondhand sources. I like looking back on my previous years too.

  13733. I do something creative every day, but Id love to join this to motivate me to finish up art journals. It would be nice to use up stash too!

    • Thank you, I think any creative project that both feels good and uses what we have is perfect. Keep journaling my friend, I love seeing what your pages look like!

  13734. Congratulations on starting another 365 of Something! Hope you have lots of fun! Ill be cheering for you from over here! :)

  13735. Hanna, this stitchery journal sounds like an ambitious, but most rewarding project! Id like to see if I can adapt the idea and maybe make a smaller version for my own. I am fascinated by both fabrics and embroidery, so Ill look forward to more of your Textile Love and stitchery posts. You definitely have a fan here!
    Missouri, USA

    • Thank you so much Lynn, I am glad you found my blog and are a fellow textile fan. It really is rewarding to do a bit of stitching every now and then, isn’t it?

  13736. I love your crochet and knitting posts! Would love to see more of them. Love these colors!

  13737. I look forward to seeing your project come together! And so exciting that you and your mom are both working creating together! I really enjoyed your class – it gave me several new ways to try embroidery! Id highly recommend your class! Good luck on your Journal of Stitchery!

  13738. Thanks for sharing an update on your colorful glue book!
    And thank you for always encouraging us that art/crafting doesnt have to look the same for each individual person. I am a dabbler, as well, and have been so grateful to get encouragement from you, Sister Diane, and Pam at Gingerbreadsnowflakes. We dabblers do exist, so I think its extra important that we encourage each other sometimes. Especially when most of us tend to be surrounded by the one-medium artists. I enjoy too many different crafts and mediums to commit to only one! :) Keep up there great work, Hanna, and keep dabbling/creating with many different mediums that make you happy!

    • Thank you! I read a book a long time ago, called Leonardo’s Traits, and it really helped me come to terms with this idea of being a dabbler. And I also think that most people ARE into many, many things, but some choose to just show one aspect of themselves (maybe their main interest) on social media… something to ponder, right?

  13739. This is so gorgeous! I have a fabric book that I created using canvas. I use iron-on interfacing to put my old embroidery pieces in it or little scraps fabric etc. I’ll have to share it on my blog sometime. It’s a lazy way to get a fabric book together! Ha! Yours on the other hand, is a work of art!

    • Thank you Laura, just as long as it gets you the result you want I approve of all things creative. For me, the slow stitching is my favorite part, not the end-result.


  13740. These turned out so pretty, Hanna! Thanks for sharing your process with us – its fun to see/watch you have fun! As always, thanks for the beautiful photography of your creations on your website!

  13741. I have really enjoyed your blog and you have inspired me to start my own glue book which has been so much fun! I can see myself having all sorts of glue books with various themes :)

    • Yes, I think that finding different themes is a great way to inspire yourself and find new ways to do both art journaling and glue booking!

      Good luck with yours, let me know how it goes.

  13742. Whoohoo! So glad you had fun with your favorite color!! Whenever I see pink things, I always think of you! :) Thanks for sharing your rainbow glue book with us!

    • Pink rocks and I’m so happy that it is “my” color, it is such a joy to have a signature color for sure. :-)


  13743. Congrats on finishing your Rainbow Glue Book, Hanna! Thats so exciting! And it turned out so well! Thanks for bringing us along on your creative journey. Its been fun watching the book progress!
    Loved the inclusion of the Color Run pic on your rainbow page! Wonderful hubby and I ran in a Color Run a couple years back and had a blast! Wed definitely recommend!
    Congrats again on seeing your project to the end!

    • Thanks Arielle! Love the IDEA of a color run but since I’m not a runner I doubt I will ever experience it, but glad you did!

  13744. I love your rainbow book but I’m more drawn to black and white lately, I think it’s a marvelous idea to create/have both books and I might start one later this year, beginning with b/w… thanks for all the inspiration Hanna!

    • Just one page of black and white images is beautiful, it doesn’t have to be a whole book on that theme I think. Take care Marit.

  13745. This is a beautiful journal! I love all the colors. :-)

  13746. I have an A5 sized pre dated planner, with one page for every day. This way I have a full page for every day and I write the weather, what happened every day in it. I really like to embellish it with magazine clippings, washi tape and stickers (sometimes doodles). I call it my creative daily journal.

  13747. this is such a lovely idea -quite often I like to do embroidery with no specific project in mind, this would be a great idea for saving the pieces rather than leaving them in my stash!

  13748. I am also a houseplant lover and I really take great pleasure in my plant collection (a very, very modest one especially compared to the videos you shared :). I agree with you though, my greatest joy is starting with a small plant that I care for and get to know. When I see that the plant isn’t happy in one location so I move it around. When I see one doing so well that I can take cuttings and make a new one. It’s such a joy and I find caring for them so peaceful. I laughed because I too would need some serious house cleaning before I did any home tours LOL

  13749. Just signed up for your 2022 Postcard swap! So excited to be a part of it!
    Thank you for all you do!

    • Hej Sarah,
      det r en lt ur YouTubes eget Audio Library. Denna heter “Modern Situations” av Unicorn Heads. :-)

  13750. Hi Hanna!
    I used the link that you sent and filled out my information (on my computer as suggested!) Hoping all works this time! So excited to be part of this project again!


    • Yes thank you Karen, it all worked out great. I am so happy to have you join the DIY Postcard swap for the first time! Let me know if you have any questions.

    • I noticed, thank you Gloria, so glad to have you back in the DIY Postcard Swap this year. Happy creating!

  13751. Hi Hanna!
    I am so happy to be participating in the swap once again. I have received many art postcards in the past- looking forward to creating, sending, and receiving!


    • Yay Johanna, so glad you found the swap and me! Thanks for leaving me a comment and joining us. This will be so much fun I’m sure!

  13752. Hello. I signed up for your current swap almost 2 weeks ago I keep checking my email for my list of names. Just curious if you have sent them out yet? Thanks!!!

    • Hi Aashley, I already sent you a link to download the book you bought, hope you got that? But of course the swap is not yet closed as I am sure you read the deadline dates, rules and information before you signed up? The last day to sign up is May 2, so the lists will not be compiled until after that day. :-)

  13753. I’ve signed up! My first year after almost so many times. Will get started on postcards tomorrow as I need to badly light my creative fire with doing and accountability!

    • Yay, so happy you found me and the swap! I will look forward to seeing what you make Taran!

  13754. I am so excited to be swapping again! It is such fun to receive snail mail from distant lands and connect with someone new. Thank you for all your hard work in putting together this great event.

    • Aw, thank you Nancy! I’m so glad I get repeat participants like you in the swap, you make it all worth it.

  13755. Thanks for the opportunity to participate! I did last fall for the first time and it was a lot of fun. My sister participates from North Carolina and I do from Vorarlberg, Austria. We both love the idea, the fun of creating the cards and then getting cards back in the mail!

    • Thanks for joining, so happy to have you both in the swap this spring! I hope you’re getting lots of lovely handmade mail art right now. If you want to not have each-other on the list, just contact me and I can fix that for next time – I just need to know who is friends or related before the deadline – and it’s fixable. :-)

  13756. Hi iHanna!
    Love your idea of doing the grids with the hearts. I’ve enjoyed your blog for many years. I’m getting ready to do a rainbow journal after being inspired by you. Have a great day!

  13757. Thank you for this article! I adore urban houseplant jungles, and have started my own (now that I travel/move so much less). In fact, this week, I am staining a whole new set of IKEA shelving to increase my houseplant capacity near my glass patio doors. I have approximately 25 pots full, with a handful of plants that are almost as big as I am!! I greatly look forward to (at least) doubling this amount by filling up my new shelves and adding more hanging plants.

    Here’s my very favourite houseplant account: House Plant Journal
    I LOVE Darryl’s technical advice the most, but there is also plenty of houseplant eye candy to drool over too.

  13758. Happy birthday to your blog Hanna! I love this blogpost ’cause, just like you (and Robyn) I love postcards/letters on BOTH sides! I don’t have the time but if I did, I would definitely step in and join the swap. I hope all is well with you and wish you a beautiful Spring up there in the North. Love from the Netherlands!

  13759. Hi Hanna! Im excited about my 2nd annual postcard swapping (how can it simultaneously feel as if 10 years have passed and just a week has passed since last springs swap?! Covid-time is bizarre!)! The eclectic mix of cards I got last year were fun, truly amazing and inspirational. Looking forward to seeing what everyone cooks up this year! Thanks so much for doing this!

    • Thanks for joining the swap – I think you’re amazing for taking the time to share your beautiful art with the world!


  13760. I signed up for another great swap! Cant wait to get these mailed out and start getting art mail.

    • Yay, thanks for joining again Leada! I’ve already seen some of your postcards being received over on instagram. :-)

  13761. Hi, IHanna! I watched this video with my morning coffee, and it inspired me to hunt up a composition notebook and make a colorful cut-and-paste page of my own. I had a delightful time! This was so freeing, without any pressure to paint a realistic picture of something. While I didnt start with a theme or message, the page seemed to develop one as I went along. And most of this was just scraps and junk mail from our recycling! I would love to send you a photo of my page, if there is a way I can do that.
    Thank you for your inspiring videos. This one made my day. Im going to check out the playlist of the other Collage Time videos in this series that you have done.
    Lynn in Missouri, USA

    • Thanks Lynn, it makes me really happy to hear this video inspired a little collage session at your house! I’d love to see a photo, feel free to tag me on instagram or share via email if that’s more comfortable for you.

      I hope you’re enjoying the rest of the series too. :-)

  13762. I really enjoyed watching both of these video. I also love collage and this was very inspiring to watch. I would love to see more! I would also love to hear any tips you have for storing your collage materials as sometimes it can feel like I am spending more time pulling it all together rather than doing collage.

    • Thank you Michele, I would love to make a video on how I organize my collage materials but be warned, it will probably not be very organized at all… I really enjoy the random finds of pulling out a folder that I have no idea what it contains… LOL

      • LOL I am the same to be honest. Perhaps I should have said “how do you store your collage materials” I think that’s more my speed :)

  13763. Your pages turned out so fun, Hanna! Thanks for sharing your process with us! Its been fun to watch!

  13764. Glad to see youre still enjoying creating in your En mass Glue Book project! Thanks for the update on it!

  13765. Hiya Hanna
    I to love op shopping, as we call it. I really enjoyed your photos, would absolutely love to op shop in Sweden but as that is not going to happen, I will settle for your pictures and words. xxx

  13766. This is a post after my own heart for sure! I happen to live in a town with a huge number of thrift stores for its size. Yesterday I went to a couple to look for some accessories for my new air fryer and also a particular style of curtain.
    Found what I needed, and the air fryer items were part of a 1/2 off kitchenware sale too. Also got some craft supplies – I save a lot by buying what supplies I can at thrift stores.

    And as you pointed out, by shopping at thrift stores, we’re engaging in a form of recycling; thus, less items in the landfills. I did donate a box of items I no longer needed at one of the thrift stores I visited.

  13767. I love thrifting! You have found some beautiful things, Hanna, especially the adorable animals. The book section of your thrift store is amazing! I would thoroughly enjoy browsing there. I hope that anyone who usually throws their used goods into the trash will read your blog and donate to charity instead. Great advice!

  13768. I love thrifting. And curbside shopping, where you take something people have put out for the trash. (I have a lamp that I rescued from someones trasha good scrub and a new lampshade was all it needed). And passing on treasures is important, too. I just donated 6 mismatched wooden chairs. I hope someone finds them and does something with them and uses them for a long time. We are so wasteful in the US.

  13769. Before the pandemic, I used to love thrift shopping. I would score some great deals! Unfortunately, the thrift store I used to shop in has shut down. What a bummer!

  13770. Such a fun post, Hanna! As a fellow collage artist I really enjoyed this post and will check out some of your links. I’ve been doing a 365 collage challenge this year, using a simple floral shape that I trace and cut out of various substrates, then collage away. It’s been fun!

    • Your project sounds soo fun, thanks for sharing. My 365 something/collage! project is really not doing well, but I’m doing other stuff instead so that’s okay too. :-)

  13771. I love color too in my quilts, and have made 5 that really worked well mixing all colors. I’m now working on a quilt I may have made a mistake by going way to busy with designs and I need contrasting colors, light next to dark to make it work. I’m using all Kaffe fassett fabrics and most have at least one matching color to the other fabrics. I haven’t bought this book, but I think I might. I can use some advice on color contrasting. I hope this quilt doesn’t end up in the ugly quilt hall of fame

    • I have yet to meet an ugly quilt, but I really love busy and overflowing with colors as you can tell by my art journaling practice, so I am probably not the right person to ask for advice. :-) Wishing you good luck, I’m sure you’ll figure it out to your liking.

  13772. Your art journal turned out so pretty! So glad you made the time to make it this year! I hope youre having fun filling the pages! Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos with us!

    • Thank you Arielle, it’s bigger than usual when it comes to art journals I bind myself, but I think I like it (although not for traveling). The cover makes me happy, and the pages are coming along. :-)

  13773. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this book! I like the idea of always having/creating something to look forward to/learn to keep us moving forward. My hubby and I often joke that our to-do lists of projects we want to learn and do are so long well never get to finish everything were interested in in this lifetime. But thats also exciting, as we can pick and choose a project from a long list of things were already interested in and excited about! And were constantly adding to our lists!

    Thanks for sharing your insights and lessons learned from this book!

  13774. Im really glad you reviewed this book! I love her first one, and I think I borrowed this one from my library and didnt get to reading it I shall find it again now!

    • That almost happened to me this week; I had to return a book I was only half way through and I spent the evening and into the night reading it so I could finish on time! LOL

  13775. I had no idea Magic Tape was photo safe and great for art journals! I always buy this tape, but I’d never thought to use it in my crafting. Thank you for enlightening me!

  13776. I had forgotten about being able to easily write on Magic Tape, and had no idea it was safe with photos! I used to love Magic Tape as a kid and now youve made me fall in love with it all over again! Im going to have to give it a try with some tip-ins inside my Christmas journal this year! Thanks for the lovely write up and photography, as well as the cute video!

  13777. Ever since I work in a restoration atelier handling old documents, where I sometimes have to remove tape from old documents, I stopped using that sort of tape in my own journals/papers… I do come across magic tape in my job and it is indeed the less damaging kind but still… it does degrate the paper over time. If you want your art to survive for a long time, I would not recomment using any tape.

    • Yes, I agree that if you’re making fine art tape is never a good idea. But in my diary and other journals the papers are found and nothing is acid free, long lasting or archival so I’m happy to play with tape that will last my lifetime and longer probably. :-)

    • Thanks for asking, yes it will. It’s late because of me, but it will be up soon thanks to me too, LOL. :-)

  13778. I’ve had this book for some time now and it is wonderful. Love your review. And yes I’d encourage anyone who is interested in Make Do and Mend to read it. all the best

    • Thanks for leaving me a comment Carol, so glad you’d already found this book and like it. Who knew a book about mending could be so “readable”? :-)

  13779. I had never heard of an Abecedarium!! You have inspired me to fill a notebook with one 😊
    Also want to say I love your work – I’m a colour addict and your work’s so bright and colourful, I love it!

    • Oh yay, so glad you found it and some inspiration here on my blog. I think it’s a great idea to do this in a notebook! You could even make each letter a single page and make a list of all the words that fit on that page!

  13780. I’m so excited that you reviewed this book. I enjoyed her first one, have read it several times, but had not realized she wrote another book! I will be looking forward to reading this one too.

    • I am so happy that the review will help you find another good read! I didn’t like this one as much as the first one, but it’s definitely worth your time as well. :-)

  13781. my diy postcards are ready to mail! the swap is a highlight of my year.

  13782. Ohmy… those glue-pages are gorgeous!! And so inspiring… I want to start a glue-book right away (but my ‘to do this week’ list is too long to squeeze this in… too bad, but it will have to wait. However, I do have a ‘to-do-later-if-there-is-time’ list, it’s going to be on that one! Thanks for the inspiration Hanna!

  13783. This is great! In the 8th grade, my sister made an eyeball shape out of eyeball pictures from magazine clippings. I thought that that was creative!

  13784. Just signed up for my first postcard swap! Thank you Hanna for hosting!

    • Thank YOU Kathy for playing along and making the commitment to get handmade postcards out into the world! You’re awesome!

  13785. Ive just signed up for the third time and cant wait to send out the postcards Ive made – and to get ten pieces of art back! :-)

    • Tack Eva, jag r s glad att du ville vara med nnu en gng – det r fint betyg till swappen!

  13786. Signed up! I’ve been working on my postcards… I always enjoy this swap so much! My first time was Fall 2016 and I’ve participated in almost every one – Fall and Spring – since then. It’s so much fun! Thanks for hosting, Hanna!

    • Thanks for leaving a comment Lisa, I’m amazed and very humbled for returning enthusiasts like you. You make the swap what it is today!

  13787. Ive signed up, YAY! This is my 9th time Im participating, and its so fun, every time! Im really looking forward to get some happy mail postcards in a few weeks. its so exciting to see what other people have created and sent. Its like having my own little art gallery with unique precious pieces of art!

    • Tack s mycket Annelie, I love your DIY Postcard posts on Instagram and feel very happy that you could join this year again! Take care of yourself and keep being creative!

  13788. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous art journal with us! So neat to see how you filled it! Thanks for taking the time to write about your process, photograph it, and even video it!

    • Oh it was my pleasure, it is super fun to finish and share the result in video form, it gives a whole other dimension than photos, doesn’t it?

  13789. It’s too bad you haven’t been able to take a live class with Jane Davies. She is fabulous! I took two of her classes at Art and Soul when I lived in Oregon. I have wished many times I could take another of her classes. I love her art too. You did a fantastic job on your journal! It’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing it. Happy holidays to you!

  13790. Your journal cover and first pages turned out so cute! What a fun find of adorable papers on your trip! And thanks for the gentle reminder/permission to use the cute supplies that we might otherwise just keep in our drawer or closest for the perfect timing. Use it so we can actually enjoy it! Hope youre having a warm and cozy winter!

  13791. As another grown up Dutch girl, I’m delighted to find more information on these.

    I moved to the UK over 30 years ago and they don’t do their autograph albums in the same way as the Dutch poeziealbum.

    Only yesterday did I finally discover by pure chance what “poezieplaatjes” were called here. And they really are not a big thing over here like in my Hollands’ childhood.

    A lovely connection to the past and country of my birth.

    • This PDF is sent out automatically when you join my Newsletter, and from there you can download it to your computer, print copies and enjoy the quotes.

      Have fun!

  13792. I love hearing from you here and on Instagram. Writing blog posts are really time consuming, as well as all the other social media(s), so if you aren’t getting feedback it can be a bit discouraging. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your creations and writing!

    • Thank you so much Patty!

      I appreciate your blog as well, but haven’t watched your latest video yet. It’s in my to-watch-soon list! :-)

  13793. I got an email with this post!! I notice below that theres also a box to subscribe to new posts by email?

    Blogging can get hard when it feels like screaming into the void, but I cant bring myself to give it up! I always appreciate seeing your posts pop up.

    • Thanks Rachel, I forgot about that thing! Not many are subscribed to it (yet) and I am not sure how to use it when I can’t promote it, but it’s good to know that it works! Thanks for the reminder and for cheering me on!

  13794. It was so happy to see your new post! And Im looking forward to reading about any future art adventures, thoughts, and walks! Youve created such a lovely corner of the internet for us to enjoy, we truly appreciate you!

  13795. Right now, Im really liking your dinosaur page – although Ive liked dinosaurs since I was a child, so that page may have a slightly unfair advantage. :) Thank you so much for sharing your gorgeous photography, art, writing, and videography with us, Hanna! Truly appreciate the inspiration!

  13796. So many lovely images in magazines. I am needing to significantly downsize my collection, but no longer subscribe to any so am finding it hard to let them go! This is a good use for some of them.

    • Think of it like you are curating your own magazine of images from different magazines, and only saving your favourites! I also cut out words, articles and snippets of articles to save as inspiration!

      It’s all fun!

  13797. Comme je te comprends, j’ai une amie qui a le mme souci, elle envisage mme d’abandonner son blog, et c’est vraiment dommage ! Le tien est trs joli en tous cas, continue comme a.
    Belle journe Hanna

  13798. I was so excited to get my Newsletter yesterday announcing this Spring’s swap! I have already signed up and copied one of your iHanna’s Post Card Swap images to share on social media!

  13799. Ive just now signed up for the spring postcard swap. Yay!! I forget how many times Ive participated now. Its a lot of fun and I ALWAYS look forward to receiving the email that says its time to join another one of ihannas postcard swaps! ❤️❤️

    • Thank you Mary, I recognize your name from many swaps through the years. So glad to see you back again this spring!

  13800. Thank you for this, the invitation came right on time for me, so I immediately signed up!

    • So excited to have you sign up, thank you for joining and also leaving ma comment. That’s very sweet of you.

  13801. Hope this new application came though successfully. THANK YOU for your prompt success to me previous email!

    • Thanks for joining Ginny! You should’ve gotten the form confirmation and that’s the proof that your address and email info is in the swap list for spring. Glad you wanted to join again this time.

  13802. Got signed up, but had to use my phone this time. Work Internet won’t let me get here anymore :(

    Hopefully it all worked!

    • What, that’s a stupid work internet – but I am glad you got through anyway to sign up and join the swap. You’re in the spring swap list and I am happy to see your name again in there. Yay!

  13803. So excited for the Spring Swap!!im constantly saving little bits if collage fodder!I love that Ive been a part if your swap since 2009!!I look forward to all the unique pieces of Art from all over the world 🌎!!Thank You for keeping it up!!

    • Aw Janice, thank you so much! I love that I recognize your name from year to year and that you want to come back so often. I think that is a great testament to the creativity and fun we have in this swap!

    • Yay, I love that.

      The swap is indeed an excellent kick-starter for me too! I feel like it’s a great start of a new season and a way to renew my creativity juices. :-)

  13804. Of course I signed up right away! I am busy making a double set (at least) because I have made many friends via this Swap and I don’t always get them on my list!!! Thank you, Hanna, for putting it on once again!!

  13805. I’m looking forward to the swap! Thanks for all you do to make it happen.

  13806. I love your tutorials, step by step helps me to feel inspired to create!!!!!thank you leslie

  13807. Looking forward to this Spring swap. I like to do mixed-media collages.
    Karen “MissKitty” Miller

  13808. Looking forward to the spring swap. I can’t remember how many I party in now but they always make me smile when I receive my mail.
    Working on some fun watercolour and ink pieces this time.

  13809. S r jag med igen! Andra gngen sen frsta gngen d jag var med, vilket var april 2011. S kul att jag hittade tillbaka hit och att du fortfarande gr det hr vykortsbytet.

  13810. Wow! Congratulations on starting your 20th year of blogging! You are an inspiration to me! It really is an accomplishment to be proud of, and I hope you keep blogging about your beautiful crafting adventures.

  13811. Hi dear blog-mum,
    I’m so glad for your beautiful baby who have grown up a strong and creative presence in our interuniverse.

    And of course I own “A Creative Year”, a really yummy book. I can never resist a book like that.

  13812. I`m signed in, for the third time! Looking foreward both to make mine, and recieve the cards from all around the world. Hope to get all ten yhis year! Last year i missed the tenth card..

  13813. Oh Dear Hanna!! What a wonderful post to read! You made my day, friend! Thank you for being part of my book and for this lovely post! And thank you for your friendship! XOXOXO Sarah

  13814. I think this book looks so inspiring and colorful. So l have preordered mine! 😍👍When it arrives in September l probably have forgotten that l ordered it. 🤪That is also happy mail! ❤️

  13815. Just signed up; excited to do this again. It’s been about a decade since I last participated ;).

  13816. All signed up, and this makes two spring swaps in a row, yay! Ive been doing lots of online workshops lately, so Im going to have a mix of techniques to send offgetting in some practice AND using what I got!

    (And aiming for the fall swap too, this year, fingers crossed!)

  13817. I hope I’m not too late…it’s still 7.5.23 on the other side of the world. I made sure to sign up for your newsletter so I get swap info earlier next time. Yay! I love sharing art ❤️

  13818. I love house plants too but I cant be relied upon to remember to water them regularly and keep them alive, so I make all of mine out of paper, felt, or crochet! :-)

  13819. Congratulations Hanna! I guess you and me are one of the last bloggers left (my 15th blog-anniversary is in november..) and although I blog and write a lot less then before (and I wonder if someone ever reads it still…?) I keep on going like you. ‘Cause it’s “our thing” isn’t it? Enjoy your day, hug from Holland!

  13820. Your junk journal cover details look so lovely! Thank you for sharing all the up close photos! I loved your Stitch With Love mini workshop and would highly recommend it to anyone, at any skill level. You make it fun and engaging – and I still look back at the ATCs I created in that workshop (my first ATCs ever) and smile.

  13821. This was my first time to swap postcards in your yearly swap and I loved getting my 10 postcards from all over the world!! I will definitely do this again…so many wonderful artists out there.

  13822. I love inspiration posts, so thank you for these links! I’ll enjoy checking them out.
    I have never understood Twitter, and it doesn’t seem like much fun, so I applaud you for letting it go!

    • Thanks Michelle! Twitter used to have more of a community feel, where one could share stuff & be checking in with blog aquentenses, but nowadays it’s just not.

  13823. Politics or no politics, the guy is apparently too pig-ignorant to run a website at all, so he’s ruining it for everyone else, I guess.

    I never did like it – I miss blogs!

    If you need another place for posting random thoughts, is a bit like tumblr, except without all the… tumblr.

  13824. It turned out so cute! Glad youre having fun making journals again! Is always fun to see what a fellow dabbler is interested in at the moment. Hope youre having a good summer!

  13825. Your watercolor journal is so beautiful. The way you collaged the pieces together and stitched various stitching throughout is gorgeous. I hope you have kids to pass this on to because it is truly a work of art and heart.

  13826. Glad to see youre still enjoying magazine harvesting (now we have a term for it)! Recently I have harvested some images from junk mail advertisements and old calendars to make some greeting cards. Its fun finding new life for the images that speak to us! Thanks for sharing your insights with us, Hanna!

  13827. I should do this, but I always worry I will leave something behind! But it would be helpful, I think, to make me start actually USING my pile of collage-bound magazines, rather than it all feeling too hard to flick through and find what I am after!

    • Yes, maybe you should… Or not. W’re all different on how we approach things in our art & craft projects. Maybe you need to keep your pile?

      Personally I love the feeling of taking all the things I want right now and getting rid of the rest, there will always be more magazines coming my way I’m sure of it. :-)

    • Yes, so happy that you’ve enjoyed the swap enough to join again Kelly – and so kind to help your friend out as well. Yay you!


  13828. Hello Hanna! I have joined your postcard swap for the first time! It will be fun to make them and to get postcards from all over the world Thanks for organizing this and all your inspiring blog and youtube channel!

    • Tack fr din kommentar. S kul att du ville vara med Kristin, varmt vlkommen. Hoppas du har mysiga kreativa stunder nr du gr dina vykort och vill vara med fler gnger. :-)

  13829. Hi ihanna, I signed up again. I think I have been doing this since 2014??
    I missed a couple times when I moved. LOVE IT!!!

    • Nancy, thank you so much for leaving me a comment and joining the swap this fall. I am so grateful for returning swappers, you guys are the best!

  13830. Happy to be taking part again look forward to it each autumn and spring

    • Thanks for visiting my blog, I so hope you come back another time or watch a few of these videos. I find all of them very inspirational. :-)

  13831. This is my first time. I am looking forward to doing this! I do postcrossing which I know isnt mallard but its sending out postcards and getting postcards.

  13832. Hanna, thank you so much for this very nice presentation of my little “thank you” gift to you! It did take a long time to get to you. There is a saying “third time is the charm” – this was actually the 3rd time I tried mailing the Christmas card to you. So happy it was finally delivered to you!! I am very impressed with all that you do.

    Coming from a very French background, here in New Orleans, we learned very young the meaning of lagniappe – as a source of giving back in a small way. It is similar to a RAK (random act of kindness).

    Thank you! And, looking forward to future swaps.

    Karen Miller
    New Orleans, Louisiana

    • Wow, three times. That postcard has traveled a lot more than we have in the last couple of years, right? LOL. In any case, thanks again for the thought and the effort put into sending it again and again. And yes, RAK, I so love that idea / expression as well and I have even written about it many years ago on the blog: Random Act of Kindness – thanks for the reminder. :-)

  13833. Oh what a lovely story and thoughtful mail art. And I have heard the word lagniappe but didn’t know the meaning!

  13834. Very nice blog indoor plants are very nice and very peaceful in home, fresh oxygen for us, and making a garden also very nice – we have to save the plants.

  13835. Im glad you came back to blogging,
    Hanna! This is all great advice for when life throws us a curve ball. I hope youll be feeling better and better. I love the idea of a daily dose of collage – medicinal collage!

  13836. For years I have not been journaling anymore, because others feel there is no point in it. So I am stuck. Lately I did make Christmas cards and I started cutting images from magazines. Now, all I have to do is pick up a paint brush again. It is soooo true that it is nourishing for my soul, no matter what others think about it.

    • Oh Cindy, I am sorry to hear that. You are important and therefor what you feel and want to create is important. I hope you will find your way back to your own journaling and art practice really soon! xo

  13837. This seems to be a good idea to collect all those memorable Christmas notices into your own journal. Already Christmas itself is a bundle of joy. This scrapbook project adds all those bundles into one creative booklet which is just awesome.

  13838. It is a tough question for sure! I know there is no way I can make a living selling one of a kind journals simply because of the time it takes to design and construct one, but I enjoy making them and tea staining paper and coming up with something someone will enjoy. What the journal making is worth to me is what matters to me. So the way I go about pricing is by figuring up the cost of all materials plus the 20% fee and cost of my selling venue plus 30% for my time. I get back enough to continue making plus a little extra, and they sell.

  13839. Hi, IHanna! I think its marvelous that you created Winter! I dont think there is anything about it you should apologize for. This is a new medium for you, just as much as any kind of art supplies or a new, gorgeous kind of yarn, or a fabric that just calls out to be used in something. I believe that most of us like to do more than one thing. In my own creative making, sometimes I get a vision in my mind (and more often, not). You have had one here, for this video. It would be sad to let the vision wither away and be forgotten. Go for it and see what you can bring new into the world! I have been reading your blog for years, and I am SO PROUD of you, Hanna, for jumping in, learning how and doing the work it took, and making this movie with Winter itself as the starring role. Youre now a cinematographer!! 👩‍🎨

  13840. Great to see you back! I got a funny blog title from your blog on my feed reader recently but couldnt click through and was worried your blog had been disappeared.
    My website and blog is much younger than yours but I have already run into the problem of a no-longer supported theme and the replacement I chose just isnt right so I guess I have to mess around in my sandbox again too.
    Congratulations on 20 years!

    • Thank you Ruth! Haha, I wrote the blog title “Why is everything so hard” and accidentally published it when trying out stuff. It was empty though, so I deleted it quickly, so that’s the explanation to that error! I really wish I had an interest in learning how to write my own theme, because I know exactly what I want and how everything should work, but programming is just not for me even though I have worked as a programmer once in my younger days.

      I didn’t know you had a blog, I will add it to my Feedly now for sure. Cheers!

  13841. Oh gosh, reading your post took me straight back to this time last year, when I too managed to break my blog epically and I wondered if it was the end and disappearance of fifteen years of blogging. I had been contemplating stopping the blog; like you, I feel like there’s not a lot of folks out there actually reading beyond the few who pop over for a tutorial from Pinterest.

    I love your new theme, and always enjoy seeing your posts pop up in Feedly.

    • Thanks Rachel, I’m glad we are a few who are sticking out our necks and keeping on keeping on. I do think I’d miss it if I stopped, but never planned on blogging for ever either, so we’ll see what happens, right? :-)

  13842. This video gives me a new appreciation for Winter ❤️!! Beautifully done!!

  13843. Hi, iHanna! Thank you for sharing this; it feels like you have been so frustrated by all of the changes. Im sorry this has been so hard and discouraging for you. Im still out here, still painting and stitching and doing my various other things, and I still read and enjoy your blog! I would read you if you had to write on paper plates (the style and format dont matter that much to me). Have you been making anything lately? Any new books you have been enjoying? I am working on a fairly large stitchery piece featuring an octopus and friends. Sending hugs your way. Cheers from Lynn in Hallsville, Missouri USA

    • Thank you Lynn, for reading it all. :-) My own creativity has been at a stand-still for a while, but little things here and there are always happening. Today I’m working on videos of me making DIY Postcards for the swap, so that’s something coming soon.

  13844. I always look forward to your Spring Swap, Hanna! Thanks so much for hosting it again! It’s always so much fun!

  13845. Hiya Hanna!
    I am super excited to join your Spring postcard swap-it is my very first postcard swap!

    • Hi Ann Marie, thank you for signing up for the very first time. I hope you have fun creating ten handmade originals to send out into the world!

  13846. Yay! This swap is always so fun. I think this is my 5th swap with you. Getting a homemade postcard from somewhere in the world is something so simple, yet so inspiring, reassuring and fun. Ok, Im off to start thinking about my postcard makes!!

    • Yes, that is true, thanks Peggy. The simplicity and the wonderfulness of a handmade postcard is one of my favorite things too.

  13847. Just signed upthis will be my third in a row, and sixth (or seventh?) time. I already have some WIP percolating to finish up next weekendexcited for happy mail!

  13848. Not sure who was more excited when the postcards started arriving this past winter – me or my husband. Ha! It was my first swap, looking forward to my second go around. Thanks again for all the work you do to make this a great experience.

  13849. my diy postcards for spring 2024 are ready to mail tomorrow, having received addresses today!

    strategies to create postcards and ready to mail as soon as addresses arrive in the inbox:
    *create 10 diy postcards prior to registering to participate.
    *when between projects or having a creative lull, creative 10 diy postcards. they will be ready for the next diy postcard swap.
    *a project might have leftover paint or scraps. use the leftovers to create as many diy postcards as materials allow.

  13850. Dear Hannah, You asked for people to let you know when we send out our cards and a little about our process. Mine is pretty simple. Because I had hip replacement scheduled for April 23, I wanted to have all my cards done in advance, so I made them in March and April. (Recovery from surgery was easier than I expected, but it was still nice to have them ready.) When you send out the list, I copy and paste the addresses in a label file I keep from the previous year, print out the labels, and put them on cards. Then I write a brief note to each recipient, stamp them and mail them. (I keep a supply of US “forever” postcard stamps and international stamps on hand.) I put the international cards in clear sleeves to protect them. I received the list yesterday and all my cards have been mailed. I’ve been doing your swap since 2014, and I really enjoy it.

  13851. Hi Hanna,
    Thank you so much for this postcard swap. This is my first time participating–I’ve truly enjoyed it! I am only beginning to try to release my inner artist (and I’m at the beginning also of trying not to listen so much to my inner critic!) and I’m just experimenting and learning about different art materials. My process was slow and also rewarding. I learned a bit about art and I learned about myself.
    I mailed out all of my postcards today.
    Thanks again.

  13852. Just sent all my cards out. I got my first one from Carrie today! Yay! This was so fun!

  13853. Hello! You asked folks to comment when we send our postcards & my 10 went out in the mail yesterday on 6/6. I had a great time making mine with all sorts of supplies & ephemera I have been wanting to play with. This is such a fun swap! Thanks for organizing it.

  13854. Hello Hanna! In your email with addresses for the swap you asked to know about process and materials used to make postcards. I used watercolor paper and painted a loose background with lots of color. Then, I used a stencil to take away some color and add a pattern. Added additional textures with a rubberstamp and acrylic paint. Lastly added an index label with “inspire”. Such fun and can’t wait for happy mail to arrive. Thanks for hosting!

  13855. Hej Hanna!
    Like you, I haven’t used Flickr properly for years but I’m still paying for it because I didn’t want to risk breaking all the blog posts. I have spent the past year (on and off) going through all my blog posts so the photos are hosted on my domain instead of Flickr.
    I want to control which of my photos are deleted on Flickr and which stay. I want to make good use of the 1000 photo allowance! :-)
    Moving the photos has been so boring and time consuming. Almost done, thankfully! :-D
    As a bonus I have also fixed all the internal blog links that broke when I moved from Blogger to WP. And I have set a featured image for each post too.
    I have started deleting photos on Flickr and it feels a bit like burning a diary. :-/
    Obviously, I have backed up everything but it was so nice to have everything there. But it’s silly to pay for it these days. So I guess my Flickr era is over…

    • Thanks for your wonderful comment , it made me feel less alone and crazy. With at least one person out there doing the same “crazy things” to preserve their blog, I feel a lot better! Let’s keep our passion alive!


      • It sometimes feels like I am the only one still blogging (although it’s been less frequent this year). It’s nice to know there is someone else out there from the ‘old times’. 😁

  13856. Hej Hanna! I mailed my postcards on June 10 and as of today Ive received 4, yay! This year I used a big sheet of watercolor paper for 9 of themmade a master board of acrylic paint and markmaking, then divided it up and finished with some metallic gold ink and some creativity quotes from a maker on Etsy. Card #10 was a collage WIP that I finished.

  13857. As I’m reading this article, I’m inspired to paint :) … And I haven’t been in a very long time. Thank you for writing it and the emotions it has helped inspire!!

  13858. Those are such pretty journals!
    Best of luck with Junk Journal July. I’ve always been curious about junk journaling, but I’ve never tried it myself. Maybe I’ll have to give it a go!

  13859. I love thrift stores too! And yes we would say tankard (as in a tankard of ale). Often the ceramic ones that you were looking at are referred to as Steins.

  13860. I received 10 amazing cards, what a talented group! I sent out my 10 and have heard back from 5 of the recipients.
    Materials I used were: stencils, colored pencils, washi tape, stickers, bingo markers, sheet music, spirograph, curved ruler, stamps, and collage pieces. This was so much fun, thank you Hanna! I’ll definitely sign up again next time.

  13861. Love this idea….I made my first gluebook using an old half used agenda. If you google when can I reuse this calendar, it will give you sites and years that you can use the agenda with the right year even if it is old. Thanks for reminding me to go to my craft room and dig up an old agenda/calendar book. Even though I am only 4 years late to see your site, I am loving it!!!c

  13862. Your flowers look so lovely, iHanna! How nice to have your very own sanctuary to enjoy. I don’t know if I have a Summer Crush, but the heat is really hard for me. I feel very inspired by what you’ve done to add a space for joy in summer!

  13863. Det er godt at se at der findes andre kreative mennesker, der er kreative med lidt af hvert, og sjov at læse dit opslag om at sy gardiner. Underligt er dog, at de svenske bogstaver å, ä og ö bliver til ? på din blog – er det mon en fejl hos mig?

    • Hej Charlotte, jag skriver bara på engelska här numera – jag vet inte hur du lyckades ramla in på ett inlägg från 2004? Det var länge sen jag sydde några gardiner också, men jag bloggar fortfarande. Uppdatering av databasen har förstört mina å, ä och ö men nu har jag fixat dem i detta inlägg i alla fall. :-) Tack för påhälsningen!

  13864. Hello Hannah. I am living in Tucson Arizona and would like to participate in your next postcard trade. Thank you

    • Hi MaryDiane,
      you are more than welcome to join the DIY Postcard Swap fall edition when it rolls around again, in a month or so. Best way to stay informed is to join the newsletter and make sure you see them in your inbox. Cheers /HANNA

  13865. I’ve done this recently! It’s cool seeing the out come of the things I’m gluing into place.

  13866. I recently got my first Stalogy notebook too, and I really like it! The paper feels so nice! I ended up getting the A5 and have put it in an A5 Hobonichi cover and it fits really nicely.

  13867. I’m happy for all of the friendships forged 😘 in that era. You are not imagining — it was a different time. I miss the feeling of camaraderie and interaction like it felt more connected? I’m so glad you’re still blogging!!!

    • Me too. Thanks Tammy, you’ve been on a blog high lately – so many good posts! I hope it rubs of on me. xo

  13868. I miss those days of blogging too!! It was a good time to be on the internet, I miss that community that existed in the bloggy world. Your art journal spread looks fabulous!

    • Definitely not my idea, but yes, it’s a great resource for finding images for any number of art and craft projects. Do you dabble in collage as well?

  13869. I started blogging 20 years ago too and blogged in much the same way you did. I quit in 2012 though after over 600 posts. It seemed like the community dried up about then. Now I post to Instagram and Flicker and also in Ravelry groups. Only the latter seem to have much in the way of realy conversations.

  13870. love the idea and hope to use it on my next junk journal. or maybe a memory book. who knows.

    • The first quote is you right?Otherwise I’ll change it in the blog post. The later short sentence was from a quote, thanks for correcting my mistake.

      /Hanna in Sweden (love my bike but don’t read bike blogs, sorry)

    • Oh yes, so glad you found all that via me. I think it is great all that you do as an activist – and glad to link you to these awesome resources.

    • Thanks for the visit Emma! You read a crazy amount of books but I’m happy to see on is by a Swedish author! :-) Hope you like it. I think link love is important to keep blogs connected and for all of us to find “new” inspiration to keep going. :-)

  13871. You know I’m always excited and ready to sign up for these swaps you host! I haven’t missed one since October of 2015.

  13872. It does feel like the blog is becoming extinct, but then I see people talking about it a lot on Threads and maybe it’s making a come back? It’s defiantly not what it once was, and my substack gets way more traction thanks to the built in network, but I won’t let go of my blog in a hurry; the personal journal aspect is the main point of it these days as I continue to scream into the void!

  13873. Love this swap! Creating and receiving these postcards are such a treat and inspiration especially as we move into the colder darker part of the year here.

  13874. Signed up! I’ve got some ideas for my postcards kicking around in my head but nothing definite yet. Can’t wait to get started!

  13875. It feels like forever since I`ve joined -it is about time to be participating again. Can`t wait to start creating postcards:D
    Not sure if I`ve received any email to confirm that I`ve joined/paid.

    • Thanks for leaving me a comment and for joining the swap. I hope you are enjoying creating your DIY postcards!?

  13876. I just signed up! I did the spring one this year and I’m even more excited to do this one, yay! Big fun.

  13877. Somehow I’ve missed your posts/newsletters lately, so I really was so happy to an email from you earlier today! Your balcony looks so enjoyable! I have a house with a deck, so I spend as much time on the deck as I can during the warm weather months. But your balcony reminds me of my daughter’s new apartment – her unit is on the 3rd floor, and there are a lot of old trees in her complex, so when I sit out on her balcony I can look down on the magnificent oak tree right outside her building, pines nearby, etc. It’s beautiful! She didn’t set up any planters yet, but I’m going to encourage her to grow herbs out there, as you have done.

  13878. These are such beautiful and creative postcards! I always wish I was a bit more artistic when I see the kind of things other people create.

  13879. I just signed up. I’ve had a lot of fun with the swap since spring 2020. I highly recommend it.

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