
Embroidered Luminaries by iHanna's mom
Embroidered Luminaries by iHanna’s mom, inspired by the book Stitched Blooms.

Mom’s latest embroidery are these beautiful candle holders, inspired by Carina’s book Stitched Blooms. I think she has already finished at least ten of these!

Luminaries candle holders

I got one of the luminiaries as a gift this weekend, and I love it. And perfect right now, as the autumn is here and the evenings gets darker every day.

I’ve finally picked a winner for the book tour giveaway of Stitched Blooms, and it goes to Josefine. Congratulations and I hope you enjoy the book and the embroidery floss.

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15 Responses

  1. Your mom’s luminaries turned out so sweet and pretty! Thanks for sharing your lovely photo with us!

  2. Wow, these are so pretty! I love the designs on them. I’ve never seen anything quite like these!

  3. These are beautiful. I had seen them in the book but these are the first I have seen that someone has made.