The benefits of keeping a blog

You Rock Girl! (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

You rock, did you know that? If I rock, you rock – and in that case we all rock big time! Why? Because we are awesome girls and woman who empower each other. The benefits of having a blog to me, has been that I’ve found support, wisdom, inspiration, encouragement and people who will give me virtual hugs when I need them.

Top Hat Pick (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

This week I got the best package ever in the mail. I had to share the photos with you of all the little gifts sent by my Art Journal Guru Teacher Friend and Crusade Leader Michelle Ward. The reason I want to share is not to make you envious (even though that might happen anyway) but to show you how generous Michelle is! Thoughtful, generous and a person to look up to and take after! I was the Top Hat Pick in the Street Team for February (crusade #28). As it turns out, I won again in April (#30) as Michelle decided to stop sending out these goodies and let everyone be Top Picks. We are all Crusade 30 Winners now!

This is what I unpacked at a cafė in town this week, smiling big and getting curious looks from people around me:

Winner Gift Bag
You Rock is what it says on the gift bag… A bag full of goodies is a mixed media girl’s wet dream.

Winner Stuff (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Cool stuff wrapped beautifully! This is the best package I’ve ever received!

H is for How Cool is That! (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Beautiful envelope decoration made by Michelle Ward. This H will need to be re-used somewhere. I’m thinking an Art Journal not yet made.

Top Hat Pick 2009 (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Top Hat Pick – it was me. I feel blessed.

Stuff from Michelle Ward (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
What a girl wants… I will send everyone I know to go take a class in making great gifts from Michelle Ward!?

I need me a smacker guy now! (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
LipSmackers here I come. Be ready, be prepared, it’s going to be a smacker summer! This is good stuff!

Pop Rocks Strawberry (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Pop Rocks! Strawberry candy (two bags so I can share with my teen bro!?) that pops inside your mouth. Will listen to HIM and do some dancing this weekend.

Hole punch etc (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Pink stuff too!

Thank you Michelle, YOU rock! And thanks for all team members who played along too. YOU rock. And if you didn’t play you still ROCK, because you’re here. XOXO

Oh, and another giftie this week:
Collage papers from AnLiNa (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Papers from my online friend Amy of AnLiNa Designs, who already gave me this beautiful Chinese journal! Mucho pretty papers!

Marbled Papers from AnLiNa (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Close up on some of the yummy marbled papers! Thank you Amy!

10 Responses

  1. wow lucky you
    i’ll be envious
    why not?
    so much
    cool stuff
    lucky you
    lucky you
    lucky you

    blogs rock
    blogger rock

    inspiration soars


  2. Oh! What glorious gifts! I’m loving the pretty paper with feathers. *happy jig* And the giant gold H is magnificent… my name is Hannah, too… except I get an extra H at the end of my name. ;)

  3. you cute thing. thanks for sharing your enthusiasm for the humble little gift. i agree with you, finding friends through blogs has been very enriching. to think that we might never have met if it wasn’t for our URLs. YOU ROCK hanna. xo
    p.s. gee…..can you tell i like red? *wink*

  4. lynn: yes, some envy won’t kill ya, right? hehe. It’s a good one this bag.

    ainelivia: Maybe that is the prerequisite for a great gift: it turns us into kids that are running wild inside a candy shop?

    Friday: Thanks for commenting! Aw, lucky you to have two H in your name! Luckely I have invented an I in mine, coz I am iHanna! ;-)

    Michelle Ward: Red is the color of passion, it goes with everyone who is great. *wink wink*

  5. Those are some awesome gifts! My blog does not yet give me those sorts of benefits, but you never know.

    Actually, it’d be fun to find some craftbloggers I admire and send them a package of stuff like that. Giving gifts is so much fun, and it’s time to spring clean my stash anyway. Hmmm…

  6. Corvus,
    thanks for your comment! It’s not the blog that offers the benefits, but the person behind the words. You reaching out participating in things (prompts, swaps, crusades, giveaways etc) and maybe offering other people inspiration, which is why I’ve received such goodness I think?! I hope! :-)

  7. Hello. I am busy browsing today, looking for others like myself who love creating art and crafts–whatever form it takes–and I found ‘you guys.’ And, iHanna, your brilliant 100 Ideas to Spark You Into Creative Action was just what I needed. As I read it I thought I might not make it to the end before I’d leap up, rush upstairs to my overcrowded art-craft room(s) and create something fun. My art/craft is not so much a hobby as it is an addiction. I would hate to do without the satisfaction I get when creating. As I read the comments from your follower-fan-friends I thought (and don’t misunderstand this), “These folks are as nutty as fruitcakes. How delightful–they are just like me!” All that’s left to say is: Thanks! Nutty is Nice!!! Hugs.

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