Green journal
I’ve contributed to the first traveling journal to ever come my way. It’s Lisa Vollrath’s Green journal!
This is the spread I added before sending this journal on to Canada:
It was fun, and I love that I can take photos of the things I make and send away, so that I remember them and keep a small piece of them as a memory. That makes swaping, giving and selling much easier I think.
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Hi Hanna…This is SO wonderful. All those shades of green just come together like a rainbow! Great work! And I need to tell you, I just LOVE your blog! I pop in now and again and just love how you are all over the yard with the variety of things you create and participate in. Reminds me of … me! :-) Take care!!!
And PS…BEST of luck on your “I Shop With Mom” adventure!!! Marvelous stuff you have….I NEED to get me one of your sweet little baby kitty kats! :-)
what a great idea, looks like heaps of fun. the pages you added are really lush, feels very forest-y
Oh gosh, what a wonderful page to the journal – you are so talented and I just love your collages!
i love green & this is so lovely!