Angelina Fibers – melted shimmer for fabric artists

Angelina fibers – what it is, how to use it and some experimenting with this very cool looking metallic shimmer.

A little sample bag of Angelina Fibers (copyright Hanna Andersson)

Have you ever heard about a fiber called “angelina”? I hadn’t until I got this little bag to try out. It’s a very cool material that melts into a fabric-like surface when you iron it.

Angelina fiber experimenting (copyright Hanna Andersson)

Here is a description of the material Angelina fibers

The properties of these fibres result in an ability to provide luminescent-iridescent highlights, colour-shifts and sparkles. The “Heat Bondable” forms allows coloured fibres to be heat bonded to each other creating a web of fibres, which further change in form and colour when the layers melt together. Penetrating light is reflected and refracted and partially absorbed producing an incredibly luminous effect.

“To use is simplicity itself – just lay strands of the heat bondable fibre on a sheet of paper or baking parchment, combining the colours as desired. Sandwich the non-bondable Angelina, and any other fibres, leaves, feathers, threads etc. between the bondable types and cover with another sheet of paper, and iron. The bondable fibres only stick to each other, not to the background or other materials.”

Green shimmery Angelina Fibers (photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

I made the angelina sandwich from fibers, colored fleece (wool), some nylon tulle and sewing threads that glitters. Then I ironed everything together and got this lush kind of brittle fabric that is just beautiful. From a fluffy pile of material into this;

Melted Angelina Fibers (photo copyright Hanna Andersson)
Melted angelina fibers and goold threads creates a new, shiny fabric that you can stitch into in any way you like.

If you are into any kind of fabric c
raft that has a touch of art experimenting in it I think you’ll love Angelina fibers! I absolutely recommend you to go buy some fibers and play with it. I was amazed at the luminosity and shimmer that came out from under the parchment-paper.

Don’t you just love things that will make your art sparkle? And the possibilities… On this not-really-fabric but surface you could sew, embroider, glue, add embellishments and beads.

Spreading some fibers out on tulle;

Pink Angelina Fibers (photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

This is what it looks like after melting;

Angelina fiber experimenting (copyright Hanna Andersson)

Mixed yellow with pink and some gold colored threads. This is the edge of one of my favorite experiment pieces!

Angelina fiber experimenting (copyright Hanna Andersson)

A bag flash pic but you can see the structure of the “fabric”.

Angelina fiber experimenting (copyright Hanna Andersson)

That very small bag went a long way I think. I haven’t decided where to use these, but I have an idea that they will become Art Quilts in some way. Also read about the Angelina book I got.

24 Responses

  1. Oh my! What a lot of possibilities that just created in my brain! Sandwiching things together to make material that can be sliced, re-stitched, manipulated. How wonderful! Thanks for sharing.

  2. That is some really cool stuff! I can imagine using it to make some fantastic faerie wings!

  3. Du har ju lyckats riktigt bra med din Angelina! Jag har fått för mig att inte jag inte gillar detta materialet, men det är nog bara för att jag misslyckats med mitt. Jag hade för varmt strykjärn så det blev en död brungrå färg, jag får väl testa igen innan jag ger upp!

  4. Sweet! It’s funny to me that so many things I passed up at scrapbooking/stamp shoes during my initial “art phase” are now seeming like they might be valuable tools…able to be added to projects here and there. Can’t wait to see what you make with these..make a quilt. Mama loves looking at art quilts.

  5. Thanks girls! I think these could be fun to play with in the sewing machine. I’m going with black thread…

    Tracey – wow, now that you say it – I can too. That would be awesome. Mind if I steal that idea? Love it!

  6. Julie!
    thanks for commenting, and yes mama, an art quilt it is! or – will be, soon. :-) Take care!

  7. Tack Gunnel, jag hade en bok av Lena Blommg?rd som jag ska skriva om senare som talade om exakt hur l?nge jag skulle stryka och vilken v?rme, s? det kanske hj?lpte? Det skimrar galet mycket om mina sm? kreationer. Trevlig semester! Var ska du ?ka p? Kreta?

  8. Thanks for all the great photos! I heard about Angelina fiber when one of my readers told me how she made some Angelina-like fibers with plastic easter grass (I don’t know if they have it outside of the USA). I went back and modified my post to link to this blog entry of yours because of how detailed it is on Angelina fibers! Thanks

    p.s. here’s the post where I added it.

  9. Jag har hört talas om det där Angelina i något sammanhang alldeles nyligen, men nu minns jag inte i vilket.

    Ja, visst var det en grisbjörn på min sida, eller grishund?

  10. I never heard of Angelina before, what great fiber to play around with. For sure I am going to have to try it out! Thanks for the great post!

  11. Heather, thanks for linking and letting me know!

    Maria, tack för besöket! Visst är grisbjörn ett så himla bra ord!

    Lydia, thanks. I think there is so much fun materials out there. Wish I could test all of them for your and not be ruined… hehe. This is worth the money though!

  12. I have used this is some of my art quilts and it does give a nice added sparkle. Have fun with it.

  13. Nice to see that you`ve had fun with Angelina. It is a really amazing fibre.
    I`m looking forward to see what you`ll use it for. You`ll probably come up with something very exciting…

  14. This is amazing Hanna. Endless possibilites. Those iridescent, shimmering colours are practically edible.

  15. I have been wanting to try these for a long time. As you know, I’m working on my journaling this year, but when I get into fabrics and textiles, I’m def. going to do this! Your information makes it seem even more real and do-able!

  16. Hi have heard of this a while ago, we call it ‘angel hair’ in the uk. Have also used it by mixing the colours I want, ironing it and when its cooled stamping an image on it using a permanent ink and then cutting the image out.
    PS – read your blog all the time! I seem to be cardmaking less and journaling more!

  17. hello, i am fasinated with this material.but i dont have any idea to get it. does some one know how can i get it? i am residing in sweden.

  18. I’ve just started using angelina, however I’ve been using it in card making! Use clear rubber stamps coated in ink, then iron angelina over the top (using baking parchment of course!) and you have a beautiful little piece to stick on a card or make a brooch out of! Possibilities are endless, but try this to get a picture, motif or pattern on your angelina! Really works well, especially with the fusable film aswell!!

    • Looks like beatiful effects for a card or even a mixed medis piece on canvas. What did you use to get it to adhere to the card?

  19. There is so much awesome info on your blog! Thanks so much, it’s helped me loads with my textiles project!

  20. So glad my Angelina experimenting could be of use to you as you use it yourself. It’s a cool material. I need to still use mine; I think I’m saving it for that “special project” because it is so darn pretty… :-)
