Invitation to join the DIY Postcard Swap Autumn 2024

Hi friend, follower, reader and strangers, this is your invitation to join the DIY Postcard Swap fall 2024.

The Postcard Swap is open right now and everyone that wants to take part in it is welcome to sign up. All you need to do is pay the fee and add your address to the mix and you’re done! Well except to also, of course, commit to creating the ten little art pieces (I call them DIY Postcards) that you will send out into the world!

It’s that easy, and it is rewarding and fun to do wether it is your tenth or first time joining!

I hope you’ll consider it!

iHannas DIY Postcard Swap is OPEN NOW - join us to create postcards this fall by clicking to sign up!

The swap is late this year because all of September felt like summer, so warm and green that autumn did not even feel close. This week has had gray skies at last and it’s been raining away. It is a change in the air, even though the tree outside my window is still green and lush, not a yellow leaf in sight (from where I sit). I know many other leaves have already yellowed and fallen, so I guess I have to accept that autumn is here. And in any case, the autumn version of DIY Postcard Swap is open and you are welcome to sign up today or later this month (maybe when you have a pile of postcards already finished).

You can read more on the information page where you also sign up:

You can sign up until 10th of November, and then within a week we will ready ourselves to go to the local Post Office or its equivalent, and send out the ten postcards we have created (or 20 if you want to send out double the usual amount). I think it’s going to be a blast!

iHannas DIY Postcard Swap autumn 2024 join today

So, if you want to create postcards and get some happy mail in your mail box, this swap is for you! I’d love to have you join the swap. If you have any questions about it, check out my extensive FAQ page about the swap, or leave me a comment below and I’ll get back to you.

I already sent out a newsletter yesterday, about overwhelm and focus, but in it I mentioned that I’d start the swap this weekend (today!) but I’ll probably send out another one before the month ends, to make sure everyone who’s awaiting the news are notified!

If you’d like to help me make this swap round even more awesome, share one of these swap graphics (or the one above) on your blog, facebook page or to instagram:

Upload it to your instagram account and tag it @ihannas as well as #ihannaspostcardswap (the official hashstag) so that your own followers will join as well.

How to share a graphic

Click on the graphic above that you like the most, save the big image to your computer/smart phone/tablet and then upload it to where you want to share it, for example to instagram or your blog. If it’s on instagram tag me @ihannas and let your followers know that they can sign up now on my blog (the swap is also linked in my instagram profile so it will be easy to find).

If you share information about the swap or your participation on on a blog or in your newsletter, please link the graphic to the information page (

iHanna Love!

That you are sharing the swap with your friends, family and followers helps me a lot, and I appreciate it immensely. Thank you!

I closed the Flickr group earlier this year, because there were only a very limited numbers of people sharing their postcards to that group. Back in the day it was livelier, but for now I took the executive decision to shut it down. Sorry but there is no point of having it if nobody visits (comments, likes, admires and reads) all the glorious DIY Postcards that was (and has been) shared there. So that as an option is now gone. Instead we have the poorly working Instagram app to share our postcards to. If you always use the hashtag #ihannaspostcardswap at least there is a decimal chance others (that are not following you) will find it and like it. You can even bookmark the hashtag in your browser, to visit it outside of the app if that helps.

In any case, I can’t wait to see your first DIY Postcard very soon, so tag me! I want to see all 10 before the end of the month if possible. I’m excited to see what you make this fall.

Click this button if you want to join the Swap this Autumn:

Please tell me what kind of postcard art you will be creating this time in the comments below! Or if you’re busy with other projects, tell me about those. Curious minds wants to know!

Wishing you all the best, xo. /iHanna

PS: Blog Housekeeping update

I “fixed” / reactivated the possibility to subscribe to blog posts via email! Yay! Sign up if you like the idea of getting my little blog posts in your inbox – as soon as I hit publish – in the future.

If you’re subscribed via Feedly (or any other RSS reader) to read this blog, make sure you are subscribed directly to the blog’s own RSS via and not the service I used years ago ( because it might stop working soon. It is no longer supported and as far as I know it will be removed (although it has not yet). In any case, check what url you’re subscribed to to keep receiving updates, please. xo. Non of these are the Newsletter, that’ is something else and goes out via Substack.

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26 Responses

  1. You know I’m always excited and ready to sign up for these swaps you host! I haven’t missed one since October of 2015.

  2. Love this swap! Creating and receiving these postcards are such a treat and inspiration especially as we move into the colder darker part of the year here.

  3. Signed up! I’ve got some ideas for my postcards kicking around in my head but nothing definite yet. Can’t wait to get started!

  4. It feels like forever since I`ve joined -it is about time to be participating again. Can`t wait to start creating postcards:D
    Not sure if I`ve received any email to confirm that I`ve joined/paid.

  5. I just signed up! I did the spring one this year and I’m even more excited to do this one, yay! Big fun.

    • Thanks Robin, your enthusiasm is a joy to me too over here. I’d love to see what you create, tag me so I don’t miss it.

  6. I just signed up. I’ve had a lot of fun with the swap since spring 2020. I highly recommend it.

    • Antje, I feel honoured that you join every year. It’s such a wonderful creative habit, to make art that you then share with others, right?

    • So happy to see you back in the DIY postcard swap Carol! I hope you will share your postcard pile when you’re done.

  7. I haven’t done your swap in a while, so I’m aiming for 20 finished cards this time. The swap is so great for sparking creativity and I love seeing what kinds of things other people create!

    • Thanks for singing up, I look forward to seeing what you create for the DIY postcard swap this fall! Tag me when you share them online. xo

  8. I’ve just been brave enough to sign up to your swap for the first time ever after watching from the sidelines for a few years now! I’m looking forward to creating and receiving my postcards :)

    • I’m glad that you gathered your bravery and jumped in! I hope it will be a fun experience of making art to send out for you. Search my blog for DIY postcard inspiration if you need it, downlad postcard backs and let me know if you have any questions!

  9. Well, I love the sound of this but I’m not sure anyone would want to receive a DIY postcard from me… my “artwork” consist of things like stick figures and smiley faces. I am intrigued though.
    Welcome to NaBloPoMo!!!

    • Thanks Jenny, I get that. But I am sure what ever you created would be loads of you and wonderful though. My own postcards are mixed media collage most of the time so I just throw what ever at the surface and call it done. No drawing skills required. ;) Then there’s also stamping, stencils, using fabrics, altering exciting postcards, doodling, zentangles… just sayin. Loads of creative options to explore.

  10. 10 postcards made and 6 of them were sent this evening. All to USA and Canada.
    I really enjoyed my time making the postcards. I’ve used various materials this time. Painted/sprayed bookpages and receipts (real junk), some cut out images from magazines and some die cuts. My cards ended up kind of varied and a bit eclectic. Will be posting photos shortly, but unfortunately missed a few because I was too quick sealing the envelope.
    Thank you so so much for arranging this, Hanna! I’m so glad I decided to join!

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