Garden inspiration and outdoor rooms to bloom in

Today was the first day of Nordiska tr?dg?rdars Garden Fair in Älvsjö. If you don’t have anything special planned for the weekend I think you should go there. I

Garden inspiration

I’m not a gardener at all and I don’t even have a garden, but I love walking around at the Garden Fair. It’s inspiring to look at all the flower arrangements, the colors and the beautiful outdoor rooms that artists and other creative people set up there.

Garden inspiration

Garden inspirationGarden inspirationGarden inspiration

This year I was most impressed with a Thai woman who made these orchids with her handmade clay:

Garden inspiration

What an amazing artist! Each flower pot has about fifty flowers and looks incredible realistic! And though she didn’t reveal the recipe she told me what’s inside her special clay. Believe it or not, but it’s made out of bread crumbs, body lotion and white glue!!! And then she paints it with oil paint. Very cheap art material but such craftsmanship I was just amazed!

I want a flower bed like this one:

Garden inspiration

More photos at my set Garden inspiration!

Garden inspiration
Roses in abundance. I’m happy!

Garden inspiration
Self portrait. I’m wearing a skirt today, see?

4 Responses

  1. I was admiring some of these photos on your Flickr page earlier. Unfortunately I live the other end of Europe so I definitely shan’t be visiting the Garden but thank you for sharing these lovely photos.

  2. Who needs a garden if you have a beach-chair like this. I’m sure it comes with buzzing bees and cocktail drinks too:-)

  3. Jag har en precis likadan gungstol fast om?lad…nu tror jag att jag ska ut och k?pa lite vit f?rg ;)

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