Video | My book A Creative Year by iHanna – arrives

My self published book A Creative Year arrived in the mail and all my fears subsided, because it’s beautiful! I love my book so much.

A Creative Year with iHanna

Yes, yes yes!

Have a look, give it a thumbs up and then go buy a copy of your own. This self published book is awesome.

A quick video of what happened when the Lulu package with my first ever published book arrived!

I’m having so much fun making videos now, this is the second one I’ve finished – and I’m working on another one. This one has silent movie music (called Look Busy, it’s royalty-free) which inspired the “style” of this video. So much fun! It makes me giddy looking at it (as well as the book)! I hope it’s contagious?

I really like to put together things like this, moving picture and sound. More about my movie making career in the project section of my homepage that I updated last week.

I love this quote, it’s just so darn true:

Most artists have one medium that their creativity flows through, like a main river: working in different mediums is like digging tributaries to irrigate different parts of the brain. *
Jim Munroe

Have a creative week! And then a Creative Year too!

Update: Seven people have rated this book five stars on Lulu, and that means a lot to me. Here are their reviews in case they disapear from Lulu which has been a bit buggy. I want to save these for old age.

Reviews of iHanna’s self published book

7 People Reviewed This Product, here are the five I found:

By Sam Farman – Nov 15, 2013: “This book is wonderful!”

Hanna’s warm and engaging personality shines through on every page, the photos are delightful… I finished reading it a while ago, but I keep it by my bedside and find myself dipping into it often for creative inspiration or just for the pleasure of reading her thoughtful words and finding the joy of living a creative life. I’m so happy I bought the book – I am a regular reader of her lovely blog too, but it’s nice to have the printed book to enjoy :-) I have a feeling there are more books in her yet. I hope so!

By kathleen codyrachel – Jun 23, 2010:

Sorry I took so long to write this Hanna – I love this book – after the first wonderful read – awe-inspiring, I’ve kept this by my bed and randomly choose a month (chapter) to read – so many ideas — thank you for such a creative and delightful book!!!

By charlotte.nordenfors – Jan 17, 2009: “Charming and beautiful book”

I really, really, really love this book. It’s so beautiful and the right size to carry just about everywhere. The book is fun to read and the pictures are cute, lovely, fun, colourful, warm and interesting (actually I think this goes for the words as well). It has it all. Craft, art, life, love, cats, books and everything that makes life worth living. Life without this book is not as fun and beautiful as it could be. Treat yourself to a copy now. You will never regret it.

By hchwazik – Jan 16, 2009 “I love this book!”

I just spent the most delightful afternoon curled up with this book – what a treasure. And I’ve still got pages and pages left to enjoy so more treats are coming. I’ve been reading Hanna’s blog for ages but to have her book on my night table gives me warm fuzzies. My only problem is that my sixteen year old daughter keeps ‘borrowing’ it so that I have to go look for it. Beautiful pictures, inspiring projects, and oodles of good reading make for a wonderful book. Thank you, Hanna!

By diane gileland – Nov 19, 2008 “Delightful Reading, Lovely Photography”

I enjoyed this book so much! I read so many craft blogs, including Hanna’s, but I found the experience of reading her work in book form to be a whole new thing. I loved being able to savor each page — away from my computer! There are so many different crafts in this book, and so many resources for inspiration, and all these intriguing glimpses into Hanna’s life in Sweden. She writes with great charm and honesty about the joys and challenges of living creatively. Hanna also carries a camera everywhere, so the book is filled with beautiful photos of the people, places, and things that surround her. If you make things, or want to be more creative, this book is a treasure.

20 Responses

  1. Hurray for you! How very fun that day must have been. Your book look lovely ~ congratulations to you for your new little bundle of joy!! ♥

  2. Hahahahaaaa I felt like giving you an applause when the music stopped. I love it!! I’m working on my own book over at Blurb. Is your book for sale at Lulu?

  3. It looks fantastic! I was just over looking at Blurb thinking about my own book… I’ll need to check out Lulu.

  4. Hanna! This is so great (book, and video!) The best bits of the video are your very dynamic cat!

    Sorry for the exclamations….but not really!!! You have been inspiring me for about a year now, and I am very happy you have this book :)

  5. How cool! I have missed a lot of posts here and had no idea you were working on your own book. It looks great! Now, I have to catch up on what else I’ve missed.

  6. This is wonderful, Hanna! I really enjoyed your video. How exciting to have your own book!
    Best wishes,
    Ellen in Canada

  7. Congratulations! That has to feel wonderful and the video was really fun. I have to learn how to do the video thing – love them.

  8. Weeeeeeeeeee!!! What a beautiful treasure! I am sure you were shaking with excitement! I am lol I have got to learn how to make videos! I am so technology challenged lol…More importantly I have a book idea I want to do…I think it’s time…don’t you! Your such an inspiration Hanna! Thanks!

  9. That was SO cool!
    The first question that I get is ” Do you know Ihannah?” when I say that I live in Sweden!. LOL!!”!
    The book is fantastic and I MUST do one! Jag vill!

  10. How fun to share the arrival of your printed book with us this way! I really enjoyed it. A Creative Year looks fabulous. Congratulations on getting this done. I have no doubt that editing it and laying it out was a labour of love. Wishing you much success with it!

  11. Congratulations on your book. Thanks for the e-mail too. The video was a lot of fun too. I like seeing your cat playing with the yarn.
    My two cats usually ignore the yarn when I’m crocheting. They do like to sit on the keyboard when I’m typing though.

  12. Oh Hanna! Congratulations! That is so so so so awesome! I’m SO happy for you! I’m gonna go to and buy me one!!! Yay!!!!

    PS…VERY cute video!

  13. Men vad imponerad jag blir – b?de av bok och video! Och allt annat du g?r :)