Peek into the doodle diary

Doodle Diary + Heart

No, sorry. It’s not really a doodle diary, but it could be. On some pages there is just not much room for anything else. But on most of them, I leave a little room for later writing:

Red ink heart

The diary pages are a mix of this and that, but mostly it’s writing. This week some hearts have been growing on the pages, probably because of Valentine’s day.

I hope your Valentine was/is great. Mine was without romance, roses or cards but I’m still content with the day. Yesterday I sent out homemade postcards with lots of reds and hearts, and today I got a sushi ATC in my inbox, swapped with and made by my favorite embroiderer Natalie. Awesome ATC!

Peek into iHanna's Diary
The heart doodle grew organically from one corner and out on the page.

Here it’s been snowing all day, and I’ve hung a row of 4 hearts above the television. One made by me last year (knitted fabric and pink sequins), one from mom (for Christmas), one last week from my friend Margot (black with white lace) and one from a conference booth where they showed textiles that change colours with heat. If you have warm hands it changes colour when you touch it.

I hope you’ve had a lovely Valentine’s Day!

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6 Responses

  1. My day was wonderful, and I’m glad you had a good one. Your doodles never fail to be a delight. My postcards are almost finished and ready to send out.
    Take care!

  2. love your doodles…. especially the cat.

    glad you had a happy day….. i watched the film Valentines Day for the first time and I loved it! It made me smile :)


  3. Your organic heart doodle is so pretty, free and wonderful! Please would you tell me what size page your heart doodle is on? I’m going to investigate “#365 in 2013” and see if I can be brave enough & free enough to put something on paper. I do believe there is ART in everyone, even me…I just have a really hard time allowing it to come out of me. I’ve been making a few Zentangles lately. I mostly knit…I actually knit every day, but it’s not the same as freely putting colors onto paper!

    I’m in the US in central Pennsylvania. I like rubber stamps and intend to make cards and just make my own pictures with them, but mostly I have a collection of rubber stamps, many of which are still in the mailing boxes or envelopes they came in, although I have looked at them & held them with love and hope in my heart for art with them. I don’t have a blog or anything on-line. Thanks for sharing your talents!

    m carolyn willisford

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