Handmade Postcards | DIY Postcard Swap 2012

DIY Postcard Swap 2012 with iHanna

Wanna swap handmade postcards? If you want to swap handmade postcards with me and hundreds of others around the world, please add your address to my newsletter and you will be informed when the next one starts. Thanks everyone who participated and shared this year. You all rock!

It’s time for the annual and very popular DIY postcard swap! I hope you will join us (again or for the first time) and create ten awesome handmade postcards to send out world wide! This is an international swap so everyone is welcome.

To participate this year

This year I’m asking participants to pay a small fee of 6.00$ (6 US dollars is about 40 Swedish crowns). This is of course because it takes a lot of time to arrange this. And I need to do things that are sustainable to my life. If you think it’s too much I will understand. You pay via paypal (use your paypal account or pay with your debit or credit card as a PayPal guest), and once you’ve sent the money to my account you will be directed to a sign up-page where I will need your full name, your full postal address including country (!) and of course a working e-mailaddress (if it doesn’t work I can not send you the 10 addresses where you should send your postcards)!

[paypal button removed]

Sign up for the swap closes March 9th 2012 – after that you will receive your swap partner’s addresses. You can join the swap until March 9th 2012 (prolonged with 2 days because my site has been down and not accessible – sorry about this!).

Deadline for sending your handmade postcards is during week 11 (12-18 of March – send your cards out any time during that week)! You will not get your addresses until after the Sunday 11th! Thanks.

The DIY Postcard Swap Rules

The rules are simple, but please read these rules and follow through on your part if you sign up. You will disappoint a real person if you don’t send your handmade postcards on time.

1. Join the swap by paying the 6 dollar fee via paypal and then filling in your information on the sign in page! Do this before the 10th of March 2011. In the sign up field please state in this order:

  • full name,
  • postal address,
    including country (!),

2. Make 10 handmade postcards any style, any size but be creative.

And have fun!

Bought postcards are beautiful – but those are not welcome in this swap. Instead try to be artistic with your cards! DIY actually means “Do It Yourself”, and you can experiment with what you’ve got at home. Try collage, mixed media, print your own photos, print digital collages, create flat fabric art, alter an existing postcard from your paper stash (!), paint with watercolors or acrylics, draw a mandala, make a scrapbook style card, embellish, sew, paint, embroider, etc! I’ve got plenty of inspiration under the tag postcards on my blog

3. Document and share what you make! This one is optional, but rather fun too.

Feel free to scan or take photos and write about your process on your own blog or share it in the postcard flickr pool! You don’t need to have a blog to sign up, nor do you need to share but it would be nice if you took the time to be supportive in our creative community (commenting, making extra cards for those who don’t get all of theirs etc). Swapping is about being a part this awesome group of people who loves to swap too! Thanks for visiting other participants, spreading your creativity and leaving encouraging comments etc. Include your email if you want to be contacted/thanked by the receiver (connect with each other!).

DIY Postcard Swap 2012 with iHanna DIY Postcard Swap 2012 with iHanna DIY Postcard Swap 2012

Share the love

Tell your friends! I always get my cousin, mom and a few friends to sign up, why don’t you invite yours too? Spread the word; you’re welcome to link here, share this post on FB, creative groups and forums, via twitter (I’m @ihanna) or write about the swap in your next blog post or newsletter or even add one of the swap buttons I’ve designed to your sidebar (above), linking to this very post! Thanks for helping out and spreading the word!

Also I would love it if you joined my newsletter – in that way I can share upcoming iHanna events with you.

Ready to sign up? Here is the button again:

[paypal button removed]

What? You don’t have a paypal.com account? Why on earth not? It’s easy, free and handles payments secure and pain free. Just set one up. Once you have it you can join the swap, and maybe check out my Etsy Shop too? You can also click the button and then choose to pay with your debit or credit card (VISA etc) as a PayPal guest! Easy peasy!

Now, go make some postcards!

PS: In year one we made about 1500 postcards and year two, which was last year, we made 2800 postcards! Maybe a few less will join this year because of the fee, but I know I will be making a whole bunch of new, ready to send handmade postcards very very soon. I love swapping and receiving mail! You?

I will only share your information with the 10 people that will send you postcards. You are not signed up if you don’t include your postal address AND an email address that works. Do not comment with a message saying; “I want to join”. If you don’t hear back from me within two weeks after last sign up date, check your spam folder or contact me again. Thanks.

The Handmade Postcard Resources:

Free printable postcard backsides.
DIY Postcard Flickr Pool – share your photos!
Postcard Inspiration Pinterest Board – what inspires me iHanna

68 Responses

  1. Hi Hanna! I am not sure yet if I will participate in the swap this year, but only because of some crazy time consuming things going on — but I just wanted to tell you (and anyone else who is considering the swap!) that the swap you organize is AWESOME and it is SO much fun! I recommend it to everyone! I am happy to see you charging just a teeny bit — you provide so much inspiration and artistic beauty that I am in FULL support of a teeny tiny payment in order to help you maintain all the lovely goodness on iHanna. Just saying. :)

    • Aww, thank you Denice, you’re too sweet!

      I’m hoping that people with a lot on their plate will make 10 postcards and then come back here to sign up before March 10th! There is plenty of time to make a few cards here and there, several weekends full of time… ;-) I’m hoping you will join Denice, and that what ever is on your plate is creative and enjoyable.

  2. What a great idea! As a huge postcard fan, I can’t resist. I belong to Postcrossings, but very few people there want a handmade card. This is so much more fun. I’m signing up now because it will take a while for me to make the cards.

  3. Hanna, I’m in! Your swap is one of the very few swaps I do each year. You have done a great job organizing the swap the past two years and inspiring us with your postcard artwork, but I know it’s a lot of work! Thank you!

  4. I loved this last year and made some lovely new blog friends too. I’m a bit stuck for time this year, so will have to give it some thought, but will try and see what I can reschedule/forget about/ignore to make the time and then sign up if I can!

    It’s a lot of work for you and I know I really appreciated your hosting last year xx

  5. I haven’t taken part before, but am definitely considering doing it this year. Just need to make sure I feel a bit better before I commit to it.

  6. Yippee! I had been thinking about last year’s swap and was wondering if you would be hosting another one and voila! Here you are! It was so much fun to receive mail from all around the world … and once I settled into a rhythm, 10 cards wasn’t too much to do. Off to sign up!
    xo Lis

  7. Inspiring!! I pushed all aside today to start on some collage postcards and had a blissful few hours, jouned later by me 4 year old grandaughter who loved all the cutting and sticking.
    If i get 10 done by the beginning of March I’m in – and i fully support the charge you are asking for. Thank you for this fabulous project!!!!

  8. I missed last year and really missed it when I saw all the wonderfulness out there. Sooooo I had to sign up for this one. Really looking forward to it. xox Corrine

  9. I’ve signed up! Have followed your blog for a few years, love your work! Wasn’t brave enough to join in last year but ready now! Thank you Hanna for doing it again this year. I’m so excited, already made a start on my cards :)

  10. This sounds very cool! I sent payment via paypal and put my contact info in the instructions to seller box. Is there somewhere else I should be sending to? Want to be sure I’m signed up! Thanks!

  11. Hallo lovely Hanna! I just wanted to check with you – I paid on Paypal but wasn’t sure if there is supposed to be a sign-up page afterwards? If so I completely missed it. Sorry! Do I need to do anything or are the address details on the paypal thingiemabob ok? Thanks x

    • Melanie, you’re fine! There is a sign-up page after the paypal payment is set but not everyone is re-directed, not sure why. But I’ve got your information through paypal, postal address and e-mail, so I use that and everything is okay! Just make sure to check the email address that you’re using through paypal because that’s the one I will send your 10 addresses to!

      To everyone else: make sure you have the correct addresses at your paypal account before signing up! Or add it in the message field there. Thank you!

  12. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited to be doing this again. I LOVED the cards I got in return and my mixed media cards I did last year kicked off a year of really exploring paper, paint, glue, etc. for me. Thanks for doing it again!

  13. I am a “newbie”, discovering myself artistically each day. I stumbled upon your website tonight
    while searching for art journaling ideas, and saw the info about this postcard swap. I decided I want to just go
    for it, and just Do It!! So, whoever ends up with mine will have to realize these will be a beginners attempt!
    My question is, do I make the back like a regular postcard, or an art piece? I assume that we mail the postcards in another
    envelope. Sorry for the long message!

    • Hello Janice,
      because everyone is welcome there is a huge variety of people in the swap. Some are quilters, others artists but most of us happy amateurs that dabble in a little of this and a little of that. The outcome of the postcard can be anything that you like, as long as its from the heart it will be welcomed!

      To your question, should it be a regular postcard or an art piece? Why not both? I have done a collage on one side, and then a “regular postcard backside” with the address and a message to the receiver. If your card is fragile you could put it in a envelope, but you don’t have to!

      For the first year of this swap, I made free printable postcard backsides, you can find them here on the blog. Let me know if you have further questions.

    • Rachel, no problem – I got it through paypal, you’ve signed up with the same address there that you used when commenting on the blog. Take care!

  14. I think I might do this. Have to decide if I want to commit the 6$ since postage went up and mine always have to go hand canceled!

  15. Hej Hanna
    Hoppas du sett att jag kör i år. Undrar om du har en swap-tag (heter kanske inte det,men du förstår nog vad jag menar). Vill gärna ha det på min blogg sida.

    • Ingrid, ja kul att du vill vara med i vykortsbytet!
      Jag är inte helt säker på vad du menar med tag, det betyder etikett och det har jag inte hittat på någon, men om du menar en knapp/bild att länka till swappen med så finns det tre stycken olika i inlägget ovan… Funkar de?

  16. Hi Hannah!
    I signed up and paid through paypal, but I’m not sure if I registered on the sign in page. I thought I better check, just in case I missed it. I’m excited to participate in this swap this year! Thanks so much for doing it. I’m eager to find out how many are in this year and sooooo looking forward to seeing what wonderful mail will be arriving!
    I’m off to work on my cards!

    • Ginger,
      hosting a big swap is fun but very time consuming, not sure you realize how big my swaps has been, taking my hours and hours to organize all the e-mail and questions. It’s too bad you feel this way, but I’m sure you can find lots of free swaps elsewhere. I am grateful there are so many who are willing to support a fellow blogger and artist, by paying for the services provided… I’m also hoping that by taking a small fee people will not sign up and forget about their undertaking here. Last year a few swappers didn’t get all their cards and I think that is so sad. :-/

      • I’m really happy to pay, especially such a small amount – it must take you hours – and we artists give a lot for free already i reckon!!! your blog is inspiring and has set me off on all sorts of other projects – thank you!!!!!!

    • Hi Moni, of course you can post them on your blog, I love seeing “in process” and “the finished thing” too! You ccan also add them to the flickr pool if you want to! I would love to see them. :-)

      I will send out the 10 addresses sometimes after the swap closes!

      • thanks for the answer
        I’m doing 20 cards, because even my 10 year old daughter wants to do.
        send two postcards to every address you’ll give me.
        We’re having a lot to create together
        I add images on flickr

  17. Hi Hanna,

    I just joined and I am SO excited!!!!
    Just a small note: The payback account is in my husband’s name. So it would be great if you just change the first name on my address when send it out.

    Thanks :-)

    • Bhupali, I will make sure your husband doesn’t have to send out your postcards! ;-) Thanks for signing up. Have fun creating your cards!

  18. Hello Hanna,
    I would like to ask you a question,
    I have to pay to participate in the swap or is not required?
    thanks a lot!

    • Hi Ambra, yes it’s true just as the first point states: 1. Join the swap by paying the 6 dollar fee via paypal and then filling in your information on the sign in page! Do this before the 10th of March 2011.

  19. I find this a great idea and a wonderful way to know other people and other people’s work. This will be my first time. Hope to do it ok.

  20. I have joined this swap and am sketching out my postcards. I want to add Hanna’s button to my “NEW” blog (not published yet) but I can’t figure it out. Can anyone help me please.

    • Candace, so glad you joined and will start blogging! How to add the blog button to your blog kind of depends on what platform you are blogging on, but you can start by reading the tutorial How To Put A Button In Your Sidebar, and if you need further help get back to me. :-) Share the link to this post on facebook if you can’t figure out how to on a blog, that’s awesome too. Thank you!

      • Thank you for the help. I was talking to a friend and decided I should just use my old blog but I want my button, LOL

    • No Lisa, you haven’t missed anything, you were just a little eager. The swap has to be closed before I can distribute the addresses. I hope you have them now and have posted your cards.

      Take care!

  21. My postcards are ready to go. I will be out of the country until March 20th starting tomorrow. With you change n dates, unfortunately, I won’t be able to send them until then. I hope that doesn’t disappoint anyone. I wouldn’t have signed up if I had known I couldn’t get them out before I left. so sorry

    • Debbie, I have not moved the date of sending out the addresses, they will arrive before the 12th as promised in my first post. But if you can’t get them out before the 20th that is no problem, I’m sure, since mail will arrive on different days in upcoming weeks – depending on where they are going in the world.

      Have a nice trip and don’t worry about sending them out a little later than everyone else. :-)

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