Ordinary Sparkling Moments to Snap

Dear diary tab on top of journaling (Photo Copyright Hanna Andersson)

I’m making tabs for my diary.

Some photos from everyday life. The Diptych Project has inspired me to take more photos, and I’m finding I really enjoy the simple and just-as-it-is right now quality of life.

Animal Illustrations for my brother
My framed art on the wall.

I drew these illustrations of animals 16 years ago when my brother was born, to hang on the wall by the crib… I can’t believe these are still hanging on the wall!

Carved owl stamp by iHanna (Photo Copyright Hanna Andersson)

I carved another stamp, a guggla owl. It looks like he has lots to say to me already.

Märkbok by Elsie Svennås (Photo Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Mom’s vintage embroidery book. Märkbok, Sampler pattern book.

Old newspapers because dad was here - Photo Copyright Hanna Andersson

Old news, still hanging around.

Momcraft mom-socks (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Gray mom-knitted socks

The first socks my mom knitted for herself. Mine are pink and not photographed (yet).

Hello kitty, Hello Smilla (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Hello kitty, Hello Smilla

Hello there kitty sleepy head…

Wearable items in a pile  (Photo Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Just clothes, but sometimes they sparkle too…

Plaster disaster accident of a tree that fell down and broke  (Photo Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Plaster disaster.

Drops of color (Photo Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Drops of almost no color. Subtle, my favorite photo color right now.

Winter love (Photo Hanna Andersson)
Heart drawn in the snow, now melting.

Winter love.

Zen cat (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Zen cat.

I won this book on Elsa Mora’s blog last month:

Reading Ordinary Sparkling Moments book open (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

It’s called Ordinary Sparkling Moments: Reflections on Success and Contentment by Christina Mason Miller. It’s a self published book with artsy background and handwritten text. I love the title and the thoughts, but right now it didn’t really speak to me. Maybe I’ll re-read it later this year. The title inspired the title of this post, because just like everyday luxury “ordinary moments that sparkle” is something I truly live by and believe in.

Wishing you many Ordinary Sparkling Moments ahead. xoxox

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7 Responses

  1. Your wonderful pictures show how beautiful the ordinary moments of life really are.

  2. Thanks for sharing your sparkles with us ! There are so many moments that truly shine…we just have to remember to acknowledge them. You always do such a good job at that, Hanna !
    Cheers !

    PS – I want some home made knit socks ! beautiful and cozy!

  3. Wonderful photos – I love to find beauty and something special in the everyday things around us. I love your mom’s socks – I need to get confident enough to make a pair myself.

  4. Vardagsbilder, va kul! Tänk att vardagen kan se så vacker och spännande ut på några få bilder. :) Tycker tavlorna som du målade när du var yngre är så otroligt snyggt upphängda, älskar både motiven och färgerna på ramar och väggen.


  5. Wonderful post, very inspiring. My life is quite difficult at the moment, and it gaves me the oportunity to think at everyday’s little pleasures.
    Thanks a lot, Hanna !