Book review: Keep it Moving – lessons for the rest of your life by Twyla Tharp Hanna’s review of the book Keep it Moving : lessons for the rest of your life by Twyla Tharp. Dancer and… Categories Book Inspiration/Creative habits
As seen on Instagram Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray. Rumi… Categories Creative habits/Creativity & Life
Like a used paint rag… Do you ever feel like a old dried up paint rag, laying on the floor – waiting to be thrown away?… Categories Creativity & Life
Creative Snapshots | Everday Beauty My last post in a series of Snapshots of a Creative Life posts that I call Creative Snapshots, was posted way… Categories Home Comforts
Week in the Life | Thursday Photos An ordinary Thursday in the Life of office girl iHanna, as she is documenting the entire week 37 of 2013. It… Categories Photography
A Jar of Creativity We know what we are, but know not what we may be… William Shakespeare In a recent comment someone asked about… Categories Creativity & Life
Ordinary Sparkling Moments to Snap I’m making tabs for my diary. Some photos from everyday life. The Diptych Project has inspired me to take more photos,… Categories Photography
A pink cat, frog, etc Embroidery. A pink cat on linen that I made up. Categories Creativity & Life/Photography
In my lap When I feel that I can’t find any inspiration I take up my knitting and watch TV. My wool sweater has… Categories Crafts/Notebooks
Mini Moopy softie I’ve been sewing a lot these last two weeks. And I haven’t put the sewing machine away yet. I have so… Categories Fabric & Sewing