Embroidery Evenings together

Textile ATC:s using angelina fibers, stitches and some beads Copyright Studio iHanna

Me and my friend C had a creative get-together last year. We made accordion books out of folded paper. Then we added in tape, collage and words. We had wine and food too, and it was very inspiring to create together. This time I suggested embroidery, and although she was a bit hesitant, because it’s not something she have done since school, she said yes.

She picked black fabric and started to sew without hesitation. The first ATC she made was a pink cross, rooted in the ground. Isn’t it cool? I got to keep that one, and while I still was sewing on my tree (on pink fabric above) she finished her second one, a picture of the universe:

Textile ATC The Creation, Angelina fibers, stitches and some beads for the glimpse of light in the middle
“The Creation”. Angelina fibers, stitches and some beads for the glimpse of light in the middle

Awesome free form embroidery start if you ask me!

Creating together with others is super nice! I love watching my not-always-creative-friend getting into the flow and just sewing until her thumb cramped up, digging something she might not have thought she would like. It’s very good to try, at least once. If you haven’t tried, you just don’t know. :-)

Last month I visited a knitting café (and cast on for striped socks), last week the embroidery café (stitching on my TAST-sampler) and this week my embroidery group got together. Strawberry cake, lots of talk and planning for fun things happening during summer and this autumn… It was the last meeting before summer, and we exchanged “summer kits” for making our own ATC during the summer. It’s the third year we do this, so now it’s a tradition and I enjoy it a lot!

Melted shimmer used in the ATCs
Melted shimmer used in the ATCs – from previous angelina experiments.

8 Responses

  1. The third atc – the one with the universe – reminds me of pictures from a paleontology museum.
    You have knitting and embroidery cafes up there?! I’m awfully jealous (?!). When I knit or embroider in public, people usualy avoid me … well, except drunk men … but that’s another story. My so called “group” just called it quit for entire summer and better part of autumn. I’m probably only person there without tremendously large vineyard to take care of (and a 9 to 5 job).

  2. This looks like it really was a fun time, and to do an ATC kit every summer – love that! The pink one is my favorite, I just love trees!

  3. I love your embroidered tree! I must admit that I’ve never done embroidery, not even in school. But your free-form embroidery is so much different from what I always thought embroidery was like, I’m actually starting to think about giving it a try.