Welcome 2014 | Time for Creativity

You do not know what will come out on the page, until you sit down and put your tools to work… iHanna

Hello let us have a Creative Year, image by iHanna of www.ihanna.nu

Is your pencils sharpened? Your notebooks ready and your journal open for business? You do not need to use willpower to be creative. All you need is to listen to your heart, and be open to the possibility of play. To experiment with materials. What will happen if you combine this (a crayon? a piece of fabric?) with that (brown paper? modge podge? yarn?). Combine commute time with doodling, knitting or embroidery and put the creative glow back into your day!

So, will you have time for creative play this year?

I think the correct question is: Will you give creativity time? Will you take time to play? Will you look through your planner and mark out 15 minutes, or more, for doing something creative every day? At the end of the day will you be able to circle the word creativity in those printed calendar pages each day?

So please. I urge you to take the time to give creativity time, if not every day so at least a bit here and there. You will thank me later.

Because I truly believe there is time for creativity, if you want to. And I’ll be here if you need encouragement, inspiration or a creative friend on the web.



8 Responses

  1. I am SO IN for creating everyday! My word for 2014 is “Intentional” & at the top of my list is being intentional about my creative process – I WILL make time for art everyday (I must! It’s vital for me!). I have never been so excited about this as now! Happy New Year, Hanna!

  2. Hanna, the year just past was my most creative yet. And it was my most personal in my creativity. I did more and more for ME and from my heart. I did fewer swaps that had someone else’s theme or guidelines on them, and worried much less about what other people were making, or saying was important to make. SO! to answer your question, YES! This year I will be continuing to make time for creativity or even stealing time for it!

    I just printed out your calendar and it’s going to be part of my regular flow!

    Happy New Year!

  3. thanks for being there! I have my calendars, first off, that entices me to sit down and write something in one block a day. That’s the best way, I’ve found, to start off. Then, I’m in my craft room, why not open my watercolor box, or take the modge podge off the shelf! Happy New Years! {:-Deb

  4. Oh yes, you are so right! Eventually it is all about showing up, start and be open…I lost myself in dreaming too much about creativity, rather than being creative in 2013. My word for 2014 is DO, but I will certainly will have to be reminded many times…please feel free to kick my behind at times! ;-)
    Have a wonderfull and creative 2014 – Irma

  5. Hi Hanna,

    You are always such an inspiration to me. Even if I haven’t been very active in the blogosphere last year, I’ve been present, reading your posts and always being inspired and awed.
    I’m bringing my blog back from the dead and with that, my creativity. It feels good. It feels empowering. Freeing.

    Happy new year, Hanna!

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