Spring Challenge: Fill a Tiny Journal with Hanna and Tammy

Do you like art journaling and tiny journals? Then I’ve got an invitation for you to play along with us in!

Fill a tiny journal with Hanna and Tammy #fillatinyjournal

We’ve put together a list of journaling prompts with which we will work to fill a tiny journal, and each Friday for the next nine weeks we will be sharing a finished spread (or page) on our blog and/or instagram from that list!

The reason I am sharing about this project today is simply to invite you to journal and play along with us!

Let’s fill a tiny journal together!

Who are “we”, you ask? It’s me, Hanna, and my friend Tammy, blogger and creator of ICAD among other awesome things. As friends we come up with all kinds of art projects and this time we’ve done a journal swap. But since the journals are (mostly) blank, we wanted to work in them together although apart… Hence prompts, dates, and this your invitation to join us!

Tiny Journals Photo Copyright Hanna Andersson

I hope you’ll want to share your pages, either on your own blog or on Instagram using the official hashtag #fillatinyjournal

You don’t have to work in a handmade journal, you can grab any little notebook you’ve got laying around to work in. But for me,?I can’t wait to work in the tiny journal that Tammy made!

But first, let’s take a look at what we made for each other.

TG for Tammy Garcia of DaisyYellow Art blog

Video 1: Flip-through of our Tiny Journals

I made a video showing the journal that I made for Tammy before sending it off, here it is:

Video flip-through of three Tiny Journals, click to watch and give this video a like if you can.

Journaling Prompts

We will be sharing one page or spread finished in our tiny journals the upcoming nine Fridays. Get your own journal ready and let’s start filling them with words/poetry/quotes and yummy colors!

The PROMPTS - Fill a tiny journal with Hanna and Tammy #fillatinyjournal

Here’s the list in a sweet graphic that Tammy made for the project, one you can save to have handy yourself. I will share it on Instagram too tomorrow.

Video 2: What is a Tiny Journal?

I also filmed “a quick” introductory video about the project, talking a bit about what a “tiny journal” can be, and how and when we’re planning to fill ours. Here’s that video:

Video with introduction to the project “Fill a tiny Journal“, click to watch it and join the fun.

Our previous Creative Projects

Tammy of Daisy Yellow Art has been a friend of mine for a long time now. Together we’ve made several big projects, like A daily something in 2013 and then again with 365 sometings in 2018!? ?But even before that, we did a similar journaling challenge too, called the List Journal, with lists prompts to fill a journal page with. So many good memories of these projects!

Let me know if you have any questions about the “Fill a Tiny Journal” project below, or if you will be joining us! Do you enjoy working small too?

Join the Fill a Tiny Journal project

iHanna Love!

Follow Tammy on YouTube, Instagram and visit her awesome blog DaisyYelllow. Read Tammy’s introduction to the Fill a tiny journal project here.

Follow me, iHanna on YouTube, Instagram and here on the blog, where you can subscribe to blog posts via e-mail (just note that it is not the same as the Studio iHanna Newsletter).

If you have the time, also check out my shop where you might find a tiny, handmade journal if you’re lucky.

5 Responses

  1. I just received your newsletter and ‘scanned’ your post (which means I didn’t read it properly and didn’t watch the video) but I feel tempted to play along… it’s been ages since I made a ‘tiny journal’ (and my ‘tiny journals’ are real small, like 3 cm or so…) I do have a lot on my plate lately but I might jump in with you girls… we’ll see… it’s on my mind now.

    • I would be thrilled to have you join in Marit, let me know if you do! I want to see your tiny journal for sure. xo

  2. Can’t wait to join in. My tiny journal is 4” x 3.75 made from a grocery box with various odd bits of papers bound with wax thread. Working on challenge #1 and will post on Instagram.

  3. Hey!! So excited to start joining y’all with your prompts a week!! I haven’t put together a “tiny notebook” …Do you have a link on how you did yours?

    • Hi there, thanks for joining us. I hope you’ll have fun filling any tiny journal you have or make. I have no tutorial of how mine is made right now, maybe in the future. But there are a ton of tutorials on YouTube for ALL kinds of book binding, just do a search there.

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