Fill a tiny Journal: Friendship

Today’s prompt for our challenge Fill a tiny journal is “friendship”. The challenge is going strong over on instagram which is great – but Tammy and I are first of all bloggers so we’re stubbornly sharing on our blogs because that’s our home base of course.

Fill a tiny journal prompt 3: Friendship with iHanna

I think today’s experience tells me that it doesn’t matter how much I think about a prompt beforehand, the best way to tackle it is to sit down at my desk and “just start”. Colors will just come, and so will any words that needs to come out.

I guess planning my artistic endeavors is not my thing! So if I ask for help in the future, just tell me to stop overthinking things. Tell me: “Jump in Hanna, just do it!”

Here’s the “before” of this spread in the tiny journal that Tammy made for me:

The Before in my tiny journal - time to start working on the prompt now

I think it’s a fashion spread from a Japanese magazine? I didn’t notice how cool the English phrases next to the models were until I started working in the journal today. They say things like “open the heart” and “nature impact – pure beaut in the wild” as well as my favorite: “metamorphosis”. Isn’t that what our friendship is in right now?

In any case, I decided to cover most of the page and just keep some of the text peeking through my layers of acrylic paint and dots.

Fill a tiny journal by iHanna : prompt friendship #fillatinyjournal

I found an image of a big ship and glued it to the middle of the tiny spread, then painted all around it with turquoise, sienna and white. I tried writing my words directly to the page but it just looked lost and messy, so I covered it up with paint and started over on separate strips of paper that I glued down.

Fill a tiny journal : prompt friendship #fillatinyjournal

Set sail my friend, I’ll be here waiting for you til you come to me!

Fill a tiny journal by iHanna : prompt friendship #fillatinyjournal

Join us and Fill a tiny journal

bullet list heart Follow Tammy on YouTube, Instagram and visit her awesome blog DaisyYellow and make sure to read her blog post on?friendship as well.
bullet list heart Follow me, iHanna on YouTube, Instagram and here on the blog, where you can subscribe to blog posts via e-mail (just note that it is not the same as the Newsletter). You can also sign up for the DIY Postcard Swap that I host to get in on the happy mail happening around the world!
bullet list heart Find all the prompts here and share your page each Friday (or later down the road) with the hashtag #fillatinyjournal – and when you do, don’t forget to click around, admire other’s pages and give them a like and a comment. Let’s build that feeling of friendship online.

Wanna sail away with me on my beautiful friend-ship? It will be a round-the-world cruise so it’ll take a while but oh, the fun we’ll have. For example, I’ll be singing the song “I am a Rainbow” to Tammy and everyone who cares to listen – along with Dolly because I think it’s CUTE!

I am a rainbow, I am a rainbow
I know that you are a rainbow too
You are special, there’s no doubt
You’re what rainbows are all about!

Previous prompt in this series: Connection.

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