I know what’s in my heart

I know what's in my heart collage detail by iHanna

I am bad at getting things done in time for birthdays and holidays, things like hand-made gifts and greeting cards that is.

I always feel, like the paper and craft person I have become, that I should make something special. Then when I don’t I feel bad about it. But this weekend I sat down in Crafty Corner and actually finished my Valentine cards – in time to send them out today.

Alla hjärtansdagskort

I’m happy about how the collages turned out!
Valentines Day Card for grandmother / till farmor from iHanna

Valentines Day Card for grandmother / Kort till mormor from iHanna

Kort till familjen   Kort till Felix & Co

Happy Valentine to you!

9 Responses

  1. Happy day it is that I have found your site, by you finding me! Now that is a valentine! I will come here often and I hope you do the same! Paths cross for a reason and valentine paths crossing are always full of blessings

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