Happy Mail & Endorsements I got
Sarah, who does the most adorable abstract postcards, wrote to me a while back:
Your swap is the highlight of my life twice a year!
I don’t think I could get a better endorsement for the DIY Postcard Swap than that, right?
Today I want to share the postcards I received in the DIY Postcard Swap last fall. I shared them as they came in on my Facebook Page Studio iHanna, and I think I contacted most of these people via e-mail to say thank you for the lovely postcards, but I rarely take the time to share the postcards I receive here on the blog, so today I thought I’d do that.
Postcards are fun to make, because what ever favorite art method you have, you can use it on a postcard. As you can see, there is not just one style or way to make a postcard, there are thousands. And each one is unique, beautiful and made me happy to get it.
Swap Endorsment
I love getting little handmade postcards like these so much! I especially love if they include a message of some sort to me. And sometimes the backsides are the most heart warming. This one is from Jenny in Colorado, who is not participating this year, but already sent me a beautiful postcard this spring (if a coloring page so it’s interactive, just like the web).
And lastly, another wonderful endorsement. I have been collecting them in a folder on the computer, just because they make me so happy. Cyndee wrote this on her blog at the autumn swap last year;
iHanna offers a swap twice a year now and they are always fun. Not only to create the postcards but mostly receiving them. Watching the mail box each day to see where the next one might come from.
Cyndee, She who doodles
Swap resources for those that have joined already
– Download the SWAP TRACKER – download, print and fill out your personal postcard swap tracker, so that you will be more organized and keep track of your process. And then you will also be able to more accurately fill out the survey I will send you later this year
– Check the Frequently Asked Questions – if you have a question about postcards that you’re sending or recieving in the swap. A lot of questions have already been answered there.
– Follow me on Pinterest – I share inspiration to my boards almost daily – right now a lot to the DIY Postcard Board on Pinterest if you want to see some wonderful mail art inspiration, etc.
– Subscribe to YouTube – I’m getting into video right now, and just shared my postcard process there and a journal flip through (yay!), and there’s more to come – so please subsribe!
As always I will share the postcards I get on my Facebook page Studio iHanna as they come in. Note that I’ve moved since last swap, so don’t use my old address. Those that I’m swapping with will get the new address in their lists.
Join the swap now.
Which of these postcards do you like the best, and why? I love them all, because they’re in my collection of mail art. Yay!
Hanna —
Would you be willing to include your address at the bottom of the list of people with whom we are to send postcards? That way, you might get an extra postcard or two or three…just for fun. You wouldn’t have to send one back! It would just give us a chance to fill your mailbox!
hi hanna, sounds like you got my interactive/coloring postcard :-) the photo of the postcard backside is another jenny, (not my postcard) who knew there was 2 of us out here-lol your PC swaps have created long distance friendships over the years, several previous swappers and i continue to snail mail after meeting in your swap.
I just joined, my 2nd swap ! This is such a lovely idea Hanna !
How did I miss this posting Hanna!? I am so happy to see one of my cards in there and the to see I was quoted was quite a thrill! It’s so true…I wait for it and look forward to your swaps! This has been another fun one…look for a little package from me in your mailbox soon!