Index Cards | Cut and paste and smash bang

I got to take a creative summer class last week, which was just lovely. There I got to experiment with clay and then painting for a bit, out of my comfort zone surrounded by people and with new materials. It was nice, but it made me so tired I didn’t manage to post any updates to the blog about ICAD… But today I’ve finally photographed the index card of week two in June, and I’m excited to share them.

ICAD day 10 - Monday at Home (but I did get out of bed etcetera)
ICAD June 10 – Monday at Home (but I did get out of bed so it’s a win, right?).

I’ve made a few very colorful collages, that are overflowing with cute images. Tape, stickers, prints, postal stamps, and happy patterned papers are some of the ingredients. I love these so much!

ICAD day 11 - Smash bang and I'm back to school index card by iHanna #icad2019
ICAD June 11 – Smash bang – index card by iHanna.

Then I grabbed a magazine that I was gifted last summer, and cut out some colorful background images and made a “stripe collage” as well as a word-collage, of words that caught my eye.

ICAD July 12 2019: Magazine stripes
ICAD July 12 2019: Magazine stripes in a grid, in orange, pink and red.

Themed collages are always fun to create, and these themes could be varied to infinity and beyond, if you wanted to. There are so many good words to collected, if you get the right kind of magazines. I love typography, the way the words look, but also the meaning behind each word.

Word magic.

ICAD July 13 2019: Magazine words
ICAD July 13 2019: Collected magazine words in no particular order.

Here’s me and my boyfriend, taking the summer class together:

ICAD July 14 2019: You and me baby
ICAD July 14 2019: You and me baby.

And last Saturday, mom and I went to our favorite big flea market, and this collage felt like a appropriate way to document the day, and of course my love of vintage and retro anything!

ICAD July 15 2019: At the flea market
ICAD July 15 2019: At the flea market

And on Sunday I totally collapsed into a heap of black darkness, so here’s the last index card of the week:

ICAD July 16 2019: Dangerous black bear
ICAD July 16 2019: Dangerous black bear coming to eat you!

The image of the bear is from an altered book page that I tore out, but saved. I like the illustration a lot. The Dangerous bear image is a poster from the Smokey Mountain National Park, warning tourists that bears can be very dangerous…

I “liked”/ wanted to keep the scary image on the back too, so I taped the one side and left it dangling, as a flip up:

ICAD July 16 2019 WIP flip up image
ICAD July 16 2019 WIP flip up image showing the sad backside of the book page image. The end for that bear.

In other news: summer is passing way too fast, I have yet to visit a beach, and I got such a bad sun burn at the flea market that my skin is now pealing of. Ouch!

Use sunscreen my friends, use it liberally.

1 Response

  1. Your collages turned out so pretty and interesting, Hanna! You’re like a Collage Queen! Thank you for sharing your artwork, thoughts, feelings, and gorgeous photography with us! You definitely made my day! Hope your sunburn heals quickly!

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