Happy Easter chickens

I bought this plastic bag out of a flea market for 5 SEK. It was full of yellow and pink feathers, and I thought they’d be great for decorating a Easter trea or to create an Easter collage…
And they will (someday) be used in some way, but the funny thing is I found these fellows hiding in the big feathers:

Easter yellow chickens – all cramped together and looking like they’d seen better days. I think they are soooo funny – they make me laugh in all their pity.

Here is a second one with a great haircut!
Happy Easter to you!
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They are so cute! What a nice surprise to find them among the other stuff!
I found your blog while reading shoes and ships blog. I had so much fun looking around at all your crafts and knitting and more. You are very creative and i’m excited to come back and see the great things you will post.
Glad p?sk p? dig ocks?, du har bloggat mycket l?ngre ?n mig, underbar blog du har och vad vackert ditt lappt?cke med filtade tr?jor blir!
Please knit a rooster to me!
Ojd?! Tack f?r upplysningen, jag m?ste genast kolla upp det n?r jag kommer hem till min egen dator! Nu sitter jag tyv?rr p? ett segt modem hos mor och far. Fast lite konstigt ?r det, f?r det har funkat fr?n andra datorer tidigare. Jag kan inte heller se dem sj?lv h?r…
Hi Hanna I just wanted to tell you that I’ve made my own blog and that you can see my project in freeform there. I’m so exited about this and will I manage?
Have a nice day.