Magazines, social bookmarking and videos
Any good interior design magazine (or any magazine about creativity, art or craft for that matter) should check out the online blog scene, don’t you think so? The blog word, also called indie community, is huge and full of inspiration. Last week I got my favorite mag in the mail, it’s IKEA Family Live Magazine! 29 crowns well spent if you’re not a member, and if you are a member you get it for free in the mail box! I found Constan?a Cabral’s blog Sa?dos da Concha after looking at her home in the magazine!
On her blog I found this quote that is my favorite right now;
There’s been much talking about guilty feelings in relation to owning too much fabric and also about the need to declutter… I feel nothing of the kind. To me each piece of fabric is a trophy that promises an exciting, future use.
Isn’t that an attitude we all need to cultivate? I love it! Here are some more links from this week;
Check this out this, girls!
* How to Overcome Fitness Laziness – do you need to find some motivation help too? I do, badly.
* FIMO Fabric Stamps – make your own stamps with clay… yay, this looks like so much fun!
* Beeswax Collage Video by Jane DesRosier at Gritty Arts Studio. When visiting Jane’s youtube page I also watched her video Woman ~ Speed Painting and marveled over how many layer her paintings are. I mean, I don’t know nothing about layers compared to her! Her paintings are magnificent! I find it very difficult to layer a beautiful collage and then totally cover it with paint… I want to see those patterned papers too… Our styles are very different but it’s interesting watching another artist work, don’t you think? I love artists who use video to share so much!
Anyway, I need to get a little quilting iron, maybe an electric skillet and some 100% pure beeswax. Now. But where? Please give me a hint on where to find that quilting iron (they need to be online and ship to Europe).
Making swirls. I use up way way way to much thread because I make small motions and can’t stop.
I bought another of my favorite magazines last week, it’s Marie Claire Idees in French. I can’t read a word but I don’t care. The images and inspiration I find in this magazine is great! In their latest issue they have lots of owls, spring and lots of yummy craft inspiration. Just look at these spreads;
I get a feeling of spring, spread in Marie Claire Idees.
Am I the only one who thinks that children’s clothes, crafts and stuff are more fun, creative, colorful and desirable than grown-up-stuff? This spread makes my inner child jump up and down!
More news from the iHanna Universe:
1. I write morning pages again (3 pages about anything in my journal just after breakfast)
2. I want to order DVD’s from Creative Catalyst Productions but can’t make up my mind on which one I most need and want…
3. I’ve started three mini paintings and I like painting with acrylics.
4. I want to create my first vision board collage!
5. I’m so happy that my heArt Quilt Take of your hat for love is hanging in TJ’s home, and that she was kind enough to send me a photo of where it is hanging in Germany right now! If you’ve bought one of my art pieces through my Etsy Shop, please send a photo of where it is or of you holding it, I’d love to make a gallery of those photos soon!
6. I think anything creative is a spiritual practice, and I found this article that I need to send to my friend Ellinor who is writing about photography; Photography as Spiritual Practice written by Rachelle of Magpie girl blog! Read it. Found via my twitter!
7. As seen on on photos in this very post, I’m pushing it and making swirls on the sewing machine. This is called “machine quilting” I think. You can move the fabric around and make swirls and even write stuff, but it’s difficult and I need to practice. This is so much fun, until the needle becomes dull or the thread entangles inside the machine! That’s the reason nothing is finished or worth showing yet! :-)
8. All my articles collected and saved to the online bookmark collection tool are gone!
Geeky rant: My bookmark collection is gone! lost all bookmarks in a computer crash and couldn’t recover them. This is quite sad, don’t you think? I of course, had not backed up these online bookmarks. I mean… eh… they are online?! Now they are lost and I guess that should teach me a lesson. I bookmarked articles on Magnolia; text and things to read on subjects that interests me (like creativity, change, growth, psychology, meditation, life long learning, productivity etc). I miss the ability to, via the browser bar, click to mark and tag an interesting article!
Marking what you find online is called “social bookmarking”, meaning you share what you find online with your friends online. You save links to what you find interesting in a way so that others can benefit, plus you can search them and create an archive of what you’ve read and found interesting. I love this but haven’t read about on any crafty blogs… Do you use this services?
I’m thinking might be something to check out, but I know there are several bookmarking sites out there…. I just can’t figure out if they have what I want… research is difficult when you don’t know where to look! I want a bookmarking site that uses tags, is easy to search and that can be used to publish your links on your blog or homepage! With magnolia I marked a part of the article and could publish that content, the header and the link at my site! Now that page of my blog is empty! :-/
I’ve collected links on two places on the web, tutorials, downloads, free stuff, inspiration on craft and so on, are still intact at I like how easy it is to save stuff to that site, but to find out where the “publishing your link list” part of that site is crazy! It’s like digging through mud. If you’re wondering you have to go to SETTINGS (in the right corner next to HELP) then scroll down to the bottom where it says Blogging than chose Link rolls and try it from there. They have a field for “tags” but it doesn’t work! You can also publish a “tag cloud” but I’m not interested in that feature at all. I want to be able to publish a list of links that I’ve tagged “inspiration” or “articles” or “tutorials”! How hard can it be? If I found a place like that, I could actually keep all my bookmarks at one place! Help?
Sorry for the rant, thought that maybe someone of you could help here? Please let me know where you are and what you do online. Thanks for your help!
And Happy March everyone!
Hi Hanna, just saw this before I go to work. I like Google Reader to keep up with my blogs. I have just been reading about Event Box for the Mac; it is supposed to let you combine updates from Flickr, Twitter, Google Reader, Facebook and other networks into one easy location. From what I’ve read, it sometimes crashes at first, but I think there is support to help fix it. I plan to try it when I have time. In the mean time, I use Tweet Deck for Twitter – it allows you to make groups for your contacts, to search, and to translate all within a desktop client. I can put people who tweet too much in a separate column and not have to scroll through all their posts.
Hope this helps; have a great week.
Well well, what a wonderful surprise! Hello Hanna! :)
I’m so glad you enjoyed reading about my home and crafts and that you’ve discovered my blog! I hope you’ll visit me again soon.
Best wishes from Portugal,
I use google bookmarks and back them up to to the computer.
If you use Firefox there’s an addon called GMarks which allows you to have your bookmarks right there in your brower, which makes them drag-and-dropable from GMarks into Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, even Safari.
This means all or selected bookmarks are available from home, work and on my iPhone. And, the more things you bookmark, the more similar things google will find for you when you’re searching.
ooh! Just read about the bit where you want to publish a list of articles. You can do that with Evernote. You can add article links to it using the webclipper, then put them into a folder and mark it as public.
I have one here for recipes if you want to see it in action
Again, cross platform (PC, Mac, iPhone, Windows Mobile) and also available on the web for all browsers. And the best bit is being able to search for text within a photo. Very easy to organise too and it keeps the original links.
I’m glad you tried out Delicious! Yes, we have some work to do making the Linkrolls feature a little easier to find. And actually, the “tags” field looks like it doesn’t work, but that’s a bug in the preview function (we’re working on fixing it). If you copy-and-paste the code into your blog templates, your linkrolls should filter by tag as expected.
Hi Marcia!
thanks for your comment and willingness to help! I guess it’s because you were in a hurry that you misunderstood my question. I’m not looking for a RSS-reader but a place to store bookmarks for articles and specific blog posts! :-) Though now that Britta came to rescue with her comment I think I’m saved anyway! Though I think TweetDeck sound interesting… I love that you put away people who “tweet to much!”, haha, that awesome. I don’t even like twitter that much, hehe. Take care!
Thanks for your comment(s) here. I like the Evernote-thing, it looks really cool for the receipt collection you’ve got going there (you could really use this to store craft ideas, patterns, art journal prompts with images) but does it publish as a link list to your web page within the page ? I just did this with delicious as you can see on my read these articles list and that’s what I wanted. Thanks for your info though, I think geeky stuff like this is interesting! Also visited your blog today, love the journal pages you’ve done recently!
Britta! I like Delicious and will keep it now that it can do what I wanted it to do all a long… :-) How did you find this post? Anyway, I think it would be very helpful if you added a little text at the linkroll page saying what you just told me, that it’s the preview that doesn’t work… VERY helpful, because I’ve been wanting this for months! :-)
Anyway, big Thanks for your visit and your help!
Hi there, I stumbled upon your site through Green Pepper Press.
I see you’re looking for a small iron. JoAnn Fabrics has an online store and has a great assortment.
Here’s the link:
Hi Cathy! JoAnn has all kinds of lovelys I can tell, but not for me. I just read this: Q: Do you ship internationally?
A: No, at this time only ships within the United States, its territories and possessions.
To bad for me, but there must be somewhere else so I’ll keep looking!
Goodness Hanna! I didn’t realize you were going to post that photo…! I feel famous. We really love the quilt. Speaking of quilting irons, I am having the same problem. I can’t find a mini crock pot/ slow cooker here for beeswax either. If I find a place to get them in Germany, I will let you know. happy creations…xoxo tj
Hanna, Thanks for the link to Daisy Yellow! You are definitely on a creative roll and it’s so much fun to watch and enjoy. I love delicious; the link roll feature works great although to your point it’s not intuitive. Have a great week!
Hi Hanna, I’m just catching up now, so I hope this isn’t too late. I use Google reader, and it’s fantastic. So in it, there are two good options for marking interesting stuff one is the “star” – you just mark everything you want with a star, and it’s kept aside so you can go back to it. You can also tag it and add notes, so it’s easier to find. But my very favorite things is the “share” option. It builds you a web page, and whenevr you decide to “share” (press of a button” any blog post or flickr pic, it logs it like a post. So as I read my blogs, I press “share” whenever there’s a tutorial I like, just inspirational pictures, or great posts. Well, it’s not exactly bookmarking, but it’s almost, and I fnd it to be very useful. You can see my shared items page here:
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.