Checkered Wrist Warmers
Truth be told I knit these with yarn from my stash, but the colour combination could’ve been inspired by this book I’m reading. It’s called Hello Kitty Must Die by Angela S. Choi. It’s a quick, funny read about a young Asian American woman who will go far to bury the Hello Kitty stereotype forever…
The knitting was as fun and unexpected as the book. Because wow, I’m knitting a grid! A black and pink checkered grid that when it grows under my fingers dazzles me. Combining this deep pink, fuchsia tone with black for the first time. Love the colour combination a lot. It’s kinda hot.
Maybe now I need to knit more wrist warmers so that I can always wear ones that match my current read!? Right now I’m reading one of those orange penguin books, hmm…
I’m using a pattern with lifted stitches for the grid, from a Swedish knitting book that I recently bought, and making the length and width of the wrist warmers up as I go.
What are you knitting/reading? Would love some good book tips!
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I´m knitting! (and that´s so strange, because I don´t, usually I don´t, never) But me and my neighbours are going to make some knit grafitti in our village (everyone will know for sure who did it) and that´s something I don´t want to miss :)
Love your wristwarmers.
You’re knitting, wow! And yay! Isn’t it fun though? I’ve got knitted graffiti ideas in a box, to chicken to hang it up (yet)…
i think everyone should have wrist warmers to match their book. what fun colors.
Sweet, You match so well with your tshirt too. Love the pink plant stand. xox
I haven’t knitted in years but I might make me some wristwarmers like these when days get cold(er) – and reading? Last summer I read ‘The art of Fielding’ – Chad Harbach and ‘A visit from the goon squad’ – Jennifer Egan. Both books were good reads, but I don’t know your preferences of course…
Good idea. I’ll make a pair of wrist warmers matching my next book.
Elisabet, what are you reading now? Did you finish the book about Metta Fock?
Knitting wrist warmers to match your current read…now there’s an idea! :0)
I am reading The Night Circus by erin morgenstern. It’s magical. I am also reading the children’s book, Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfeild (true spelling!). It’s a classic. I just started it, but it is supposed to be delightful. I could use some delightful after being so busy for so long!
Pretty wrist warmers!
i love hellokitty, but for some reason i want that book and i love those wrist warmers fashionably adorable