December Decorating

Advent Candle Holder for 4 candles

Some links to get you in December mood today. I need it, because it is raining outside and no snow in sight right now…

December decorating inspiration

December sparkle
Previous years I’ve said I’m not the Christmas kind of crafty girl, but this year I have been looking around a bit more. I think there are some christmasy projects I would like to try, if or when I get the time. For now, I’ve put up the stars, bought a advent candelstick with green lights, read some tutorials on Christmas crafts and thought about it. That’s it, right now I’m to tired to start anything special.

What are your plans for December decorating?

9 Responses

  1. Wow, the Martha btton wreath is so beautiful and simple!! I’m so jealous of Xmas – I’m going to make me one! :)

  2. yeah the button wreath looks pretty good, I haven’t really started decorating yet, thinking about doing the tree on the weekend,

  3. I like Martha’s button wreath too! Too bad I don’t have enough buttons to make one. I’m trying to post a picture a day of how I’m decorating this year. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get 24-25 but I’ll try to come up with something.

  4. Dend?r Martha hon kan hon. Du ocks? f?r det ?r s? roligt att l?sa h?r f?r det ?r alltid s? himla inspirerande, vad du ?n skriver om! Tacktack!

  5. Well, I did have big plans but they just haven’t happened this year….again! I don’t know, christmas comes up so quickly and BAM, I’m all out of time. I do have the tree up, and lights out, and candy canes in a vase on the table though, so it’s a little festive around here. I love christmas so much but this year I’m leaving the organising up to everybody else!

  6. oh, I love the matchbox ornament link, this one uses the inside so nicely unlike other one’s I’ve seen! I usually don’t get too crafty for christmas either but this year I’ve made a few simple ornaments. I told one of my friends the other day and she remarked, “you just have TOO much time on your hands…” tsk tsk. Anyhoo, I did re-vamp a glass vase I had pinecones in for fall harvest time. I put those away for next year, cleaned up the glass, and put vintage ornaments, bells on the bottom that were leftover from last year, and a white bow and voila, a ‘cottage-vintage style’ decoration. I love taking things I have and reworking them. It’s so much fun to see the change a bit of ribbon or such can do! Hope you have a wonderful holiday and thanks for sharing all the links and ideas! ~Lia

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