Just you and me kitty

me and Smilla watching TV

We are home alone, Smilla and me. My spousey has left the building and will not return for two months. I can’t believe I let him go. He will be climbing with a friend in the states. Maybe you’ll see him hanging from a cliff somewhere, I don’t know if I have any readers from Utah?

Anyway, me and Smilla are not so lonely (yet). Today I’ve spent some time traveling the world through reader e-mails (sorting the inbox) and enjoying all the nice nice nice things that some of you have written to me. I guess I needed it today. I will share some of the recent once I had in my inbox, just because I want to. I write this blog for me, I love to document what I think and do, but I love that it helps and inspires some of you too.

So mostly this post is for me me me, stop reading now it if you dislike cyber appreciation for other people than yourself.

For example, Suzie Q from the UK, wrote this to me:

Hallo Hanna! I love photography, too, and am amazed by the beautiful quality of your photo's. I love the calendar that your Dad made, and the scenery around you is so beautiful... I still have some catching up to do before I can say I've seen all of your work, but you sound like a lovely, very talented lady. I will bookmark your blog and try to get up-to-date! Stay happy - it's catching! :)
My very best wishes to you

StetchingI don’t know the women that have sent me so much appriciation, but I do try to keep these words in my heart. Specially for times when I feel I’m lazy, not doing anything, to sad or will never have time for all the things I want to make.

A woman called Lynne Miller was in the tip-in swap with me and wrote this amazing thank you after she received my tip-in page:

In the lightDear Hanna,
You are a wonderful artist! The tipin is absolutely beautiful and has inspired me in so many ways.

When I received an envelope from Sweden... I almost fell over! I did not realize we had artists joining from all over the world. What fun! Then, when I opened your tipin the awe of such a beautiful piece of work took my breath away. What a nice day that was!

I hope that we will exchange artwork in the future. Looking at yours' gives me peace and an uplifting feeling. Thank you for being there.

Judy Cotner wrote me for no special reason:

I love love love your website. You are extremely talented. Not a day goes by that I don't covet one of your handcrafted items. When will they be for sale? Thank you.

I hope Judy (and the rest of ya!) have noticed that a lot of the things I made now is for sale! I just saw one of my cats over in Norway! So fun.

And fun Joan Craft sent me a email:

Hi Hanna,
you are one talented young lady... you inspire me and I have to have a blog at your blog very often. I think I will let you have my surname CRAFT, as it definitely fits you!! LOL

Smilla in the sofaJean e-mailed me this:

Your generous, fresh and free flowing offerings are greatly appreciated and truly lift my spirit to keep trying new and wonderful things as well as just enjoying the works of others.

I have just discovered your blog and I am SO looking forward to explore it to the fullest! I just looooooved your collages!

A woman called Mary wrote:

Thank you for the great work you are doing. I love your stuff.

Keep creating!

Kerstin wrote in Swedish:

jag vill bara tacka dig för att du bjuder på ditt mycket vackra uttryckssätt här i cyber-rymden. Du är en inspirationskälla.

Med Ljus

That is just so sweet. I sometimes read things like this in my inbox and I don’t even get that it’s about me and my writing. It’s so overwhelming.

A Gina wrote to me:

Hi! You inspire me! I am cooped up within and need to create. I would love to do this for a living. I am excited to read more of your website. I learned about you on Lisa Vollrath's website. I live in US and desire to help girls and battered women to feel and be empowered - maybe through my art. Keep up the fun!

Gina seems to be going the right way.

Artist Michelle Geller is always generous with her lovely comments:

Hi Hanna...This is SO wonderful. I need to tell you, I just LOVE your blog! I pop in now and again and just love how you are all over the yard with the variety of things you create and participate in.
Reminds me of ... me! :-) Take care!!!

Rosa Murillo wrote to me:

Hanna, I absolutely love your site, I love the things you make, your view of the world, the pictures you take, your creativity (and your mom's!) thank you oh great internet for letting me peek inside your world, I'm so glad I found your site, so much inspiration... I have added you to my bloglines and oh yes, I will be back! :)
best wishes

Cher wrote from Korea (wow, that is far away from here!):

I am a university student in Korea. I came to visit your blog while I was surfing on the internet for scrapping. I was really impressed by what you've done. It's incredible, and you are really talented. You are genius =D
I loved to read your writings too. Recently, I got interested in scrapping. First of all I want to scrap newspaper for my study. [...] Again, your blog is full of surprising works and art. I want to visit to inspire myself and get ideas for scrapping and stuffs.

Janet wrote:

I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your blog! I love your photos, your little guys you make, and all your art work! Just wanted to let you know.

And Pat wrote:

Love love your blog. Such wonderful energy. Great and inspiring color. Keep up the fantastic work!

I will print this post and glue it in my journal, and read on days when I feel gray and down.

Thank YOU from my heart! YOU ALL make me a better and more creative person.

5 Responses

  1. Hi Hanna
    well so happy to hear from you and glad that there are others too that love your work and appreciate you as much as I do and enjoy your art and just your good soul!!! Hope you and Smilla will have lots of art time!!! and love to see how our pets all love to be with us as we create!! my little wiener dog loves to be up here in her little bed watching me!!! (unless of course hubby is home and has food downstairs!!!!) so hope your hubby has a great time and you have some great art days!!! will stop back to see what you have been creating!!!
    big hugs Love Linda

  2. Hanna, It was so nice to read so many nice comments that others haven sent you, you really deserve all the praise, I really enjoy participating in your art while reading your blog, I am sure you will have a great time with Smilla and your creativity these two months, good luck with everything!

  3. Dear Hanna, people simply love you. You give us daily a magic touch to keep in heart. The *magic* that help us to face up days. Maybe you have more lurker than you think, surely.

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