Finished Slow Cloth Art Piece

I was out walking with the camera this morning, thinking that I am so privileged to be surrounded with process. And the time to consider it.
Jude Hill*

Långsamhetens lov art quilt

The finished art quilt has a slight vintage look, even though the embroidery style is more contemporary. In my mind the blue hues works well together with that vintage feel. When I think vintage blue is the colour that comes to mind. I like washed out blues, and patterned kitchen fabrics like towels and checked table cloths. I think its interesting how similar this quilt is to a previous art quilt I made (the grandma quilt). They resemble each other in feel and colour even though the starting point was very different.

White on white

I am fascinated with making new surfaces to start on these days. To weave a cloth base for embroidery is similar to making a painted base for collage. When you paint with acrylics or dye a fabric you “make it your own” in a way that I am embracing more and more. Tweaking the process trying to mix different techniques.

Rows of cloth

You start by creating a unique surface to start adding your own ideas to. When you start with an “altered beginning” you have a base that nobody else has. No one else will have the same starting point.

Little stitches

I think of this work as “slow cloth” because it is slowing me down on many levels. Elaine Lipson has defined Slow Cloth in a great way at the Hand eye magazine. Here are the first three of her definitions;

1. Slow Cloth has the possibility of joy in the process. If efficiency and sameness are the primary goals, it’s not Slow Cloth.

2. Slow Cloth can be contemplative. Not every moment of making is a serene mystical precious experience. But the totality of your work opens space for you. Like the old saw, you may not be able to define it but you know it when you see it or feel it.

3. Slow Cloth honors skill and has the possibility of mastery. Rather than choosing easy or instant-gratification methods, you’re aiming for an ever-expanding level of fluency and grace in the techniques you work with.

Read the rest of the “slow cloth” list at handeyemagazine.

Blue edge

11 Responses

  1. This is so beautiful! I love the detail and all of the delicate little bits to look at. There is so much to see:)

  2. I found your site from Pumpkin Delight. I love it. I?m going to poke around a little bit, but don?t worry I?ll put everything back where I found it!!

  3. Hanna, as always, you bring me such inspiration!
    I have been thinking about weaving cloth to embroider on for a little while now and this post, right here, is definitely going to be my diving board. I will be starting this weekend (after a trip to the thrift store in hopes of finding vintage sheets or curtains to cut up and use!)

    This piece is so peaceful. So beautiful.


  4. Hanna, it’s beautiful. Mouth dropping beautiful. Your work always inspires.

  5. Hanna these are both stunning! I love the Grandma quilt, it seems to me very, very vintage. This blue one reminds me of the 40’s and 50’s and kitchen towels and curtains… Wonderful! Makes me want to learn to sew!!! More please!!!

  6. Hanna!
    I really enjoy looking at your embroidered pieces. You have such feeling for putting the fabric, stitches and colours together. Yes I agree with the previous. More please!!

  7. This is totally amazing, Hanna. You have such skill with fabrics and stitches. The complexity of the layers of texture, the subtle colors – just a gorgeous piece.

  8. First – I love how your “Slow Cloth” project turned out.

    Although a bit more structured, only because I have an end result in mind, I am currently in the middle of a project in which I am also weaving my base and then embroidering on the surface – if it ever, ever gets off the loom that is!

    Are you familiar with Saori weaving, Hanna? If you like I will send a couple links – let me know. I think it would be a perfect fit for you.

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