Finished Slow Cloth Art Piece I was out walking with the camera this morning, thinking that I am so privileged to be surrounded with process. And… Categories Textile Art
Valentine’s day around the corner Sitting here with a cup of coffee. I’m overwhelmed with the response to the postcard swap, and wow, thanks for all… Categories Inspiration
Angelina fibers – inspiration book in Swedish After my post on how cool the angelina fiber is I also want to tell you about a Swedish inspiration book… Categories Read a book
Art Quilting | Not your grandmothers craft but still awesome More fabric art today, but not your grandmothers craft. My grandmother was born in 1918. That’s a long time ago. She… Categories Textile Art
Art Quilt | Summer Playtime I’ve been experimenting some with fabric and paint and sewing this summer. Just playing a bit, having fun and not expecting… Categories Fabric & Sewing/Mixed Media Experiments/Textile Art