Swedish Embroidery Magazine | Note from the Editorial Staff

This is the summer issue of the Swedish Embroidery Magazine. It is the second issue that I’m involved in making and it shows a bit of iHanna style this time. Just look at that cover!

Broderiakademin's  Swedish Embroidery Magazine cover photo by Hanna Andersson, June 2010

I love the theme, which is The Creative Process, a theme that I feel very close to. I wrote an article about what is involved in our creative process. I did a lot of research and tried to say something profound, but felt that writing about this huge subject was difficult. I wanted to say so much, and it made me I feel I knew nothing about the creative process. I was very happy when I finally finished that piece. I managed to put something together, but I will have to return to the subject again.


I also took the cover photo. I illustrated the theme with items of creativity in this photo and I think it turned out quite cool.

Table Studio

I staged the photo on the table, and in it you can see quite a few of the ingredients I think are important to the creative process. Even music (my pink head phones) and nature (the vase of flowers) are represented in the photo, all important to inspiration and creating.


I also put together a page with books about creativity that might inspire to research the subject further, mentioning (among many others) Danny Gregory’s books and Julia Caprara’s Exploring colour that I wrote a whole article about:


To collect colour, an article about one of my favorite inspiration books. After reading it I continue to explore colours and think about them in different ways. Recently I’ve even made a new tag for this blog called Exploring Colour. Categories help you find topic’s you’re interested in and me to feel more organized, and tags are helpful when you’re looking around too.

Here are a few more pages from Broderiakademin’s magazine (not written by me):

From the Swedish Embroidery Magazine



Elisabeth has been to London this year and wrote both about The Hub and The Textile Study Group. It was a really good issue this time like someone wrote and told us. It is always so nice to hear from the readers and get feedback like that.


There are no Embroidery magazines in Swedish except this one, and it is not available in stores – only to members of Broderiakademin. So we also had a lengthy review of quite a few English Embroidery (and textile) magazines that also might interest the Swedish embroiderers. I wish I could get my hands of a few issues of all of this. Magazines are expensive when they are imported you know.

Mag backside
On the backside of this issue you can see some stitches and learn how you can vary and play with this simple stitch. It’s my favorite, and I use it all the time. Which is your favorite stitch?

7 Responses

  1. …och hur f?r jag tag i den? Efter att ha sett bilderna och rubrikerna s? inser jag att det ?r n?got jag skulle gilla att l?sa. :o)

  2. wow, this looks beautiful, and informative. congrats on such a wonderful product!

    btw, i linked your bookmarks in my last post. hope that’s ok.

  3. Hanna, what Beautiful and Inspiring pictures you took for this magazine!! Wow!! You know a lot about creativity and it shows. Like you I think there is SO SO MUCH in the subject of creativity. It would be fun to read, just a little about what it takes to inspire you, or how you view a single aspect of creativity (color, texture, composition).

  4. Thanks for commenting!

    Anna, vad kul att du gillar tidningen! Du kan k?pa vissa l?snummer p? hemsidan Broderiakademin.nu, och om du blir medlem f?r du den i brevl?dan i forts?ttningen. V?lkommen!

    Eden, thank you! I am always thinking about creativity. I will try to write more about it as a subject of thought later this autumn. :-)

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