Sommerfuglen yarn shop

Noro yarn at Sommerfuglen yarn shop in Denmark (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson

Sommerfuglen is Danish for butterfly. I found this yarn shop in Copenhagen when I was visiting a few weeks ago. It’s a beautiful little shop with walls covered in inspiration and materials. Bulging with yarn. Exploding with colours. And the button section, oh my oh my, just have a look inside with me…

Sommerfuglen yarn shop in Denmark (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson
Inside Sommerfuglen yarn shop in Denmark (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson
Inside Sommerfuglen yarn shop in Denmark (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson

So much beautiful yarn!

Many buttons to buy at Sommerfuglen yarn shop in Denmark (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson

So many different buttons!

Many many more buttons to buy at Sommerfuglen yarn shop in Denmark (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson
Many brown buttons to buy at Sommerfuglen yarn shop in Denmark (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson

16 Responses

  1. Wow what an inspiring shop!!! Those colours and all those buttons! Oh my gosh I know that I wouldnt be able to save my bank balance in there! haha

  2. Gosh what a gorgous shop! And all those scrummy buttons – YUM!

  3. What an absolutely spectacular place. Just your look see is enough to inspire someone to create. Thanks for sharing. xox Corrine

  4. THIS kind of yummy goodness is why I wish I knitted or crocheted! One day, I will…

  5. Wow how fun is that! What an adorable and cool store. LOVE THE BUTTONS! I would have a hard time focusing though! I would probably want them all!
    I look so forward to checking your blog everyday! So inspiring!

  6. My feet would be glued to the floor for hours, as I made eye contact with each and every button – so, thanks for saving me the trouble and taking photos. I think that will be my bedtime reading tonight. Awesome shop!

  7. oh my Hanna – beautiful pictures but how did you leave there without leaving all your money? ;) What a fun day you must of had!!!
    I know life is good for you with dreams of all those yarns and all those colours

  8. Thank you for all your kind comments! Kathleen, I managed to leave with my money because there was just too much. I wanted it all and decided not to buy anything – this time. I will some day though, the noro yarn is creating a lot of cravings inside… :-)

  9. what an amazing store. i am biased of course since we are a little buttonmad ourselves ;-) super photos and blog. cheers