A child from Ecuador

I’ve been e-mailing with a very commited person at Plan Sverige for the last few days. And now, I got an e-mail explaining:

Då ordnar vi ett barn I Ecuador! Det kommer inom ett par veckor.

We are going to have a child, in a couple of weeks! Wow!

I am so excited, and even though I hope they will not actually send this child, but just the information about name, city, age, sex and adress, I feel it is a great responsibility and a way of showing that you want to help people with less luck than we’ve had in this world.

I asked to help in Cambodia, since I’ve personaly met so many poor and unfortunate children there, but they needed us better in Ecuador right now. And P is happy, hoping we will go there someday, and maybe he can practise his spanish now?

In swedish it is called to have a fadderbarn, and we will become faddrar, but “goodfather” is the only good translation I can find. You are then a person who helps a child with money for school, clothes and food until they are 18 years old. Hopefully we will also be able to send presents and letters, and feel obliged to read a lot about this village and country.

Please, visit Plan world wide and check out how you can help!

2 Responses

  1. Hello Hannah!
    What a coincidence! I just got a picture of my fadderbarn from Benin! It’s an adorable girl of 4, and I’m so excited! I can’t understand what took me so long, I’ve been thinking about it for years!

    I think you will be very happy with your decision, I know I am.