I go out and feel alright

I’ve got sunshine on my mind
I go out and feel alright
The rainy clouds are gone away
And this is why I feel this way

Strawberry bowl on strawberry patterned table cloth  (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)
Strawberry World Cup

Strawberries in a bowl, fresh from the garden patch.

Garden shadow by iHanna (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

Flowers growing so high I have to look up at them.

Summer reading by the water with B (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

Enjoying novels and lazy days by the sea.

Car view of Sweden rolling by, photo by iHanna (copyright Hanna Andersson)

Being in the right spot, enjoying the view from where I am – on most days.

Stretching Cat by iHanna (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

Being taught a new yoga pose: stretching cat. Feels good.

Cactus in bloom by iHanna (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Wondering in amazement: is this blooming in Sweden? Is this heat possible?

Sunshine lace made by ornamented table  (Copyright Hanna Andersson)

Noticing patterns on the ground, like this sunshine lace.

Sunset view over water in Sweden by iHanna (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Sunset from the island Elba.

Like I said, being in the right spot, enjoying the view.

Kärleksstigen on Elba love path sign by iHanna (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Following the path forward.

I am going out again now and it feels alright.

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17 Responses

  1. Hej Anna, tack f?r din kommentar! Visst ?r sommaren h?rlig, fast just idag sp?regnar det och jag sitter inne. Hoppas p? sol snart igen! :-)

  2. Great post, I love the sunshine lace! I have been reading your blog for awhile but haven’t commented before, so thought Id say hi!

  3. Love the strawberries’ shot. And the stretching cat is purrfect! You seem to be having a lovely time.

  4. Hannah, this is a lovely, lovely post. And it makes ME feel alright!

    OMG love the table cloth! LOVE it!

    And your shot of the flower is so cool – reminiscent of winter trees. I had to take a second look!

    Didn’t know cacti grew in Sweden! That image is a huge surprise. After having photographed hundreds of cactus flowers in the sunlight with many, many failed attempts, I have to say you did a beautiful job of capturing the transparency in those petals.

    And the lace shadows – loved that one too. Loved them all actually!

    Thank you so much for the reminder to wander outside – away from my computer – and smell the flowers and soak up the beauty around me. I am headed right out to the garden!

  5. I am glad you take advantage of the lovely weather you’re having! I wish I got a little of it here in the neighbouring country, too though. I guess we’ll have to take what we have and do art journaling and crafts when it’s raining or cold! :-)

  6. I’m so pleased for you! It’s not bad in Scotland.

  7. So cute and clever! You’re post definitely made me smile! Loved your new yoga pose!

  8. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE “sunshine lace”! It’s the perfect description of a beautiful sight. It reminds me of the patterns in fallen snow that form around the little pagoda-things in Japanese gardens…or the powdered-sugar designs stenciled onto chocolate cakes. I think both of those things should have named as wonderful as “sunshine lace”.

  9. Thank you for your lovely comments!

    Pam, Cactus does not grow wild in Sweden for sure, but my dad had these inside before and when he planted them outside in the garden they have actually survived several winters and this summer showed us these very short blossoming flowers. I took the photo and they next day the flowers were wittering away. :-)

  10. Thank you for commenting!
    Chris, it was a sunset viewed from an island that I captured.

    Cindy: Thank you, I was quite happy when the name “sunshine lace” came into my brain, I love combining words like that. So glad you noticed and thought of other places where it can be viewed! :-) Take care!