List Prompt #8: Music and Movies

My list post is late because I was out in the forest yesterday, soaking up nature. But now let’s once again take a peek into the List journal shall we?

It’s been great fun discovering lists all over the internet. Lay Hoon and Michelle Reuss are two of those joining us in the List Journal Project. If you too have made lists let me know in the comments below, thanks! My curious nature wants to see.

Here’s the List Journal out on my table today:

My List Journal open on my desk
Last week Things I know to the left and to the right I’ve written two lists on the same page. They kind of fitted together. They are of current favorite songs and movies I’ve seen this year.

So the prompt is about music and movies, fun lists to keep!

Oh forgot: Want the story behind the List Journal and the fun collaboration that Tammy and I are doing? Check out the intro post and then follow along with our Saturday List Journal prompts. Thanks!

Here is a close up on my lists this weekend:

List prompt: music & movies

List prompt #8: Music & Movies

Tammy’s movies and music-lists are all time favorites. Mine are “right now”-lists, saying something of my year so far perhaps.

I love a whole bunch of songs but don’t idolize artists these days. Hence I don’t know their names or song titles by heart – and had to look through my Spotify play lists to find five song names. But these are good ones, worth a listen. Also, I enjoyed these four (!) movies a lot this year, but would love to see more of this kind. Suggestions of what new movies I should check out, based on this list perhaps, are most welcome in the comments. Thanks!

The List Journal Project button for your website, right click and saveUse this button if you want to play along with us and link to me or Tammy. Next Saturday we’ll post the next list prompt! Here’s what you do: Just create your list and pop back to this post and add your link in the comments. You can link to a blog post or to your uploaded photo at Flickr. You can add the list any time this week or later, I read all incoming comments and will come visit even if you post your list next month!

4 Responses

  1. Hanna, I like the way you use your journal to take a written “snapshot” of a point in time in your life. My lists were more “all time” favorites but I would like to do more of this, more “a moment in time” sort of journaling. How fun that a very simple prompt yields such different results.

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