Video | Happiness during winter

iHanna’s Happiness Project, because: why not!?

Art Journal detail (Copyright Hanna Andersson)
Art Journal detail from these pages

To be able to get more happiness in your life you need to think about what really makes you happy! Thinking about it more consciously is important because when you do that you will not only attract happiness but also (hopefully) find more ways to become a happy person. If you are happy your family feels it too. Maybe you will be able to exchange some of the things that makes you unhappy or even eliminate them? So try to get more of that nice feeling into your life. I know I need it, I think we all do in our everyday life.

The first step is to make a happiness list.

Look around you; what makes you happy right now?

Happiness Project: Winter happiness video

Happiness during winter – a video in my Happiness Project. Click here to watch on YouTube.

This is my first video list about things that make me happy. Please post the video in your own blog, spread the word, or make your own list of what makes you happy in moving images, photos, illustration, journaling or a blog post!

Next video in this series will come soon to a theater near you!

Be Merry and bright!

13 Responses

  1. Vilken kul id?!
    f?r se om jag f?r till det sm?ningom. f?r ta maken till hj?lp om jag ska l?gga det p? youtube. Men det ?r kul att l?ra nytt…

    V?ldigt fin gl?djefilm :-)


  2. Oh, I just love it Hanna! I never noticed before that we are both Anderson’s/Andersson’s!! :-)

  3. That’s very inspiring! Lots of those things make me happy, too, especially cats, snow (no sign of it outside, *sigh*) and glogg! *^v^*

  4. Very cute idea for a list – I got the book 14,000 things to be happy about and am making my own version this year :o)

  5. Lovely. I’d add: yoga, coffee, cold sunny days, handknit afghans, candles, hot baths, pasta, homemade cake, watching DVDs all snuggled up on the couch, pyjama days, magazines.

  6. This is great! Our winters here in northern California are nowhere near as cold and dark as yours, but they are gloomy and chilly. I like your video a lot.

  7. Oh nice! You look really happy with your family and as always, Smilla is soo cute!

  8. Oh, Hanna I just loved this!!! What a wonderful project. I like the cat best I think.

  9. The video is a realy good idea. I have to learn how to do that.

    Here are some things that make me happy and which I have posted on my blog:

    Music by mood – Cheering up music

    A list of pleasures

    I also had a pack of old business cards and on each of the blank sides I wrote a “pleasure point” and I coverd the printed front with a picture or sketch related to the topic. When I don’t know what to do next I get those cards out.