Junk Journal with Embroidered Cover

Embroidery detail of Summer Junk Journal 01 for sale made by Studio iHanna

Today I am sharing the finished Summer Junk Journal (no 1) in all it’s glory. I love how it feels in my hands, and how it looks with the decorated and embroidered cover.

Fron cover of Summer Junk Journal 01 for sale made by Studio iHanna

I like how the soft fabric art piece changes when you make it into a hard cover for a journal like this, it’s the same but still totally different, if you know what I mean.

I like how the plan with the L (for love?) ending up at the spine worked.

I love how the lace piece works well with the fabrics that are peaking out behind it.

I love that it looks like a patchwork, just like my paper patchwork journal covers do.

Summer Junk Journal 01 for sale made by Studio iHanna

This art piece that is available in the shop right now, but it is also a usable item: a journal with an eclectic mix of papers inside to fill with ephemera, photos, words or colors!

I love how many pages there are!

Open Summer Junk Journal 01 for sale made by Studio iHanna

I showed more of the embroidery pieces in my previous blog post Embroidered Junk Journal Covers where I talked about materials and techniques a bit.

Today I just wanted to share these yummy images of the journal, and a video showing of the inside pages of course, because I love things like that.

From top Summer Junk Journal 01 for sale made by Studio iHanna

Video: Look at Summer Junk Journals

Junk Journals with Embroidered covers flip-through video here. Please comment and leave a thumbs up if you can, I really appreciate that SO much!
Detail of back and label of Summer Junk Journal 01 for sale made by Studio iHanna

Details about this journal

A one of a kind, beautiful handmade junk journal with a lacy embroidered cover and fabric embellished pages – a heirloom to cherish for many years to come. Worldwide shipping.

Book size (inches)7 x 24.2 inches book cover, and the spine is 1.5″.
Book size (metric)18 x 24,2 cm cover with a 4 cm thick spine
Pages92 leafs of paper makes 184 pages!
ExtrasI always tuck in a few little bits of collage material inside each journal I sell, so in the back envelope you will find some extras to play with (including a Designer Guild decorated journaling card).

Thank you for leaving me a comment below, I appreciate you and wish you a creative week ahead!

2 Responses

  1. This was my first time to swap postcards in your yearly swap and I loved getting my 10 postcards from all over the world!! I will definitely do this again…so many wonderful artists out there.

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