Spotted Photo Theme: Bicycle Love

The Spotted Photo Theme for this post is vehicles. For my post, I’m picking the bicycle, because it has always been a favorite of mine. It is environmental friendly and easy to use, as well as being beneficial to your health, and obviously I have taken quite a few photos of it in the past. What is your preferred form of transportation?

Spotted Photo Theme August 2015

The Spotted Photo Theme should reflect any vehicle that you photograph a lot. It could be your car, roller skates, the train or anything else that makes you move forward in the word – and that you’ve photographed a few times over the years. Maybe it’s air balloons, passing above high up in the air? Or air-plains? Or… If you want to join this meme you are most welcome!

What themes do you spot in your photographs? Join the fun: Spotted Photo Theme - inspired by iHanna at If you would like to join me, or if you’re new to my prompt “Spotted Photo Theme”, then read my Introduction to the idea behind the Spotted Photo Theme first. Always feel free to paste a link to your post about the Spotted Photo Theme in the comments below. Use my theme, or tweak it to fit what you have photographed – the theme is loose and open to personal interpretations. Link back to me by text or using the spotted theme-button. Thank you for taking the time to look through your photos and sharing them, isn’t it fun to look for a theme like this?

As I made this post I noticed that most of my bike photos are “older”, that is about 7-8 years old, from the time when I lived higher up in Sweden, in Umeå. It’s an university city, so I guess I noticed bikes a lot back then. But this one is my most recent one, from a trip to Dalarna this summer:

Swedish Dala Bike photo by iHanna
A rather modern looking bike, probably inspired by the kurbits painting style of Dalarna, Sweden.

And obviously I’ve always noticed pink bikes…

Pink Bike
Pink mini bike, also in my book Week in the life 2012.

Rosa cykel
Pink bike spotted in Umeå.

Cresent femto
My pink bike, that replaced this one three years ago:

Ringklocka photo by iHanna
My trusty old bike
My trusted, red old bike that is now retired. We’ve been through a lot together, as you can imagine… I got it when I turned 11 years old and that is a long long time ago.

Bike parking photo by iHanna
Visby bike parking at the old wall.

Turtle on bike photo by iHanna
Turtle bike bell spotted in Heiderberg, Germany.

Typiskt Umeå

Typiskt umeå

Hanging bike in the hallway
Hanging repair in the kitchen? Once this sight met me when I came home.

Ride my bicycle!
Umeå city. Typical Umeå view, and most of my bike photos are from when I lived up in Umeå. There are a lot of bikes in student cities, right?

Autumn at the university of Umeå photo by iHanna
At the university, and lastly some winter bikes:

Snow bike photo by iHanna
Bikes photo by iHanna
Umeå winter parking.


Biker love photo by iHanna
Well, also had to include this one. Might be the coolest bike of them all, a HD that I photographed on my biker friends wedding day.

Last time we did Spotted Photo Theme we did trees – who can resist photographing them? Check them out, and in the comments of that post there are some awesome participants to check out too. If you’re sharing vehicles photos, feel free to share the link below.

Thanks for being here.

7 Responses

  1. Hanna, I love your Spotted Photo Theme series, and I enjoyed taking part in it last year. “Bicycles” is an especially fun theme! Do you have any ideas for future photo themes?

    • I was thinking about it as I was out walking today, and the idea of “portals” came to mind. What do you think about it? Maybe for the end of October as September is almost over already…

      • Yes, “portals” sounds good; the word “portal” itself sounds very enticing, and I think it could be interpreted in many ways. Also, what about “reflections” (I was thinking photos taken into mirrors, reflections in windows, reflected light, etc.)?

  2. Many years ago I was assigned to a decrepit LSM (Landing Ship Medium) that was being transferred to the Philippine navy, while at Subic Bay on Luzon. We were two of us and were tied up at the farthest point on the base away from the gate to town, Olongapo.The base bus didn’t even come out to our pier that was really back of beyond. But we had a bicycle, rusted and held together mostly with all manner of tape, with no brakes and a seat cushioned by an old bath towel. But it got us to the gate and anywhere else on the base we needed to be. The Marine guards at the gate would laugh when we chained it the the fence before going into town. They’d say the lock and chain were the best parts of the bike. That old bike served us well though. One night my shipmate almost ran over a huge snake, thought it was a python, slithering across the rutted path we used. They were kind of common around there. But that old bike was our ride to freedom and no matter what condition we were in coming back late at night it seemed to know the way.

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