Spotted Photo Theme: Floors

Nationalmuseum wood tiles

Would you like to dig through your photos and find your own photo themes? Today, I’m posting my first spotted photo theme and invite you to join me. Today’s theme is more artistic than documentary (I’ve been looking for pattern and inspiration more than anything else), but a theme can be any subject you come back to over and over again!

I love spotting themes in my creative life. Sometimes I pick a theme to work with, sometimes it seems like they pick me. That’s when they are not consciously chosen, often only revealed later when I look back. Unconscious themes often occur in my photographs. When I look back through my photos from past months I notice a photo here and another one there with similar subject. When I find a third, a fourth or more photos I notice them as a theme! In photo folders from 2012 I spot several themes, one is floors. I have taken photos of the ground, my feet, carpets, floors and many other looking-down-pictures. Put together they create something else, something new, actually they form a photo theme.

Carpet admiration

Does this happen to you too?
Create a post and show me your own Spotted Photo Themes! I bet you have several if you look through your photos! A photo theme can be a very obvious one (like your kids, pet, autumn trees or daily documenting) or it could be something you have to dig a little to reveal (random photos of the ground and floors, taken during the past months for example). Pick one theme, collect a few photos and post them together, writing a little about your chosen theme. And let me know, thanks!

Spotted Photo Theme #1: Floors

Here are a few of my floor photos.
Nationalmuseum floor
Phone photos: outdoor flooring
Patterned red carpet at Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, Sweden
Phone photos: outdoor flooring

Several photos are from Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, a few snapped with my phone camera, from my walkabouts. I would love to know what themes you are drawn to right now? Perhaps you want to share one of them?

I’m not sure where all these invitations are coming from, but I’d really like you to join me in this too (as well as the postcard swap and doing the list prompts)! Maybe I’m feeling a need to reach out more, to make all of us think about creativity in a conscious way and also to simply connect with you.

I will do a new Spotted Photo Theme of my own in a few weeks, so if you want to join me that would be fun! The more the merrier.

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