Spotted Photo Theme: My Favorite Color

It’s time a September’s post with a spotted photo theme! Something that occur in all our photographs are colors (if you’re not shooting black-and-white). We all adore colors, am I right? But maybe you have a favorite color that you often spot in your photos?
Go look through some of your recent photos and see if you can spot one color that sticks out among your photos and group them together. The color can be an accent in the whole, or maybe you’ll pick the most monochromatic photos you can find. I did a bit of both.
Wanna join me? New to my prompt “Spotted Photo Theme”? Then read my Introduction to the Spotted Photo Theme Idea, and feel free to post the link to your Spotted Photo Theme of the month below in the comments. Use my theme, or tweak it to fit what you have photographed. Link back to me by text or using the spotted theme-button, thank you for helping me spread the word.

Jacob Dahlgren’s “Constructing a New World” in Umeå. My favorite sculpture ever.
My favorite color is pink…
Surprise! I love pink as many of you already know, so I spot this color in many of the photos I’ve taken through the years. This summer I’ve even had a pink mission, so I tried not to share more pink flowers in this post. Also I have shared a lot of pink on this blog, from the magnolia tree, to geraniums, dying, knitted sweaters, a kanzashi, notebooks, fabric beads, dymo labels and lots of other pink crafts, items and things. So today I’m not sharing my creations and home, but pink stuff spotted (mostly) outside, when I’ve been out and about. I hope you approve…
Now. Let’s see. Presenting few of the photos featuring something pink, that I’ve found and photographed through the years… Enjoy!

I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.
Audrey Hepburn
I’ve also found some tourist photos of awesome buildings in pink:

And a closeup photo of my dream car:

♥ And yes, lots of pink at home of course in my dear Art Journal. This page is very Monochromatic Pink.
I’d love to see your Spotted Photo Theme of Color, it could be a favorite color or another one that you just photograph a lot anyway. You do not need to have a blog for it either, share them on flickr (it’s free to register) and make a folder for your theme there, then come back and share the link here! You can share your post when ever it’s ready, even if it’s weeks after this was originally posted. I will come look. Or join me next month…

The theme of October is an easy one, it’s: Photos of Nature! Nature ? what elements or views of nature are you photographing most often? Do you return to the ocean, to flowers, to the forest, to looking up at the sky ? or something else? Try finding a nature theme for October!
Let’s see what kind of nature scenes you will share in the beginning of October (my post going up Sunday 5th of October). Until then, stay creative and keep snapping with your camera!
Spotted participants so far: Tammy! Last month the theme was animal love, and you can still join that one too.
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Lovely shades of pink! Not sure what my color will be…
Thanks Marsha! I bet you’ll find something when you start looking. I could probably do a few other colors too, like blue, gray, green, orange… Mmm!
Orange is my color. You can read it here:
Hanna, We are geeking out on COLOR this month! The biggest challenge was deciding which color to pick and use for my treasure hunt. I especially adore the photograph of the wet leaves on the sculpture and of YOU in your pretty pink dress.
I love your pinks! Pink is my all-time favorite color, but my current other favorite is turquoise. Here is my link to my blog post on this challenge.
I’m a big fan of pink as well….tho maybe lavender/periwinkle are my favorite colors. Love the phone booth. I think that Europe uses color in ordinary places that you don’t see in the US, and that is so awesome.
I had fun with your “spotted: animals” and know I’ll love doing the color one as well. I love the way you find pink EVERYwhere! I’m really struck by the fall leaves on the sculpture….it’s fabulous. I can’t wait to go home and look for my color…. thanks for the inspiration.
I love the pink pictures you’ve posted, I really like the pink buildings. I think all buildings should be painted. The world would be happier, imo, if there was more colour on the outisde :D
Mine is here
I’m all about RED! I don’t know how to put a hyperlink in here like Mo did, so here’s my link – guess you have to copy and paste.
Oh love your photos, yummy!
And actually I did the linking above, hihi, because it makes it easier to visit the links. Plus they’re held in line anyway because of the link pasted in – so I have to approve them. ;-) Now you know all my secrets.
What a great challenge. I love your pink photos. Pink is a great color. I had so much fun going through my photos. I chose blue
well,well, well…I certainly learned a lot about my past photography in relation to this challenge….very boring stuff in my stash. Time to get with my muse when taking photos! And…fairly sure I don’t have a favorite color. Maybe this will be my 2015 challenge as I certainly have enough of those this year.
I love your pink photos (even though I don’t really like pink)! They look so bright and happy.
My favourite colour is green and here is my post on it:
I’m really looking forward to next month as I take more nature photos than anything else.