Collages in a drawer

2011-03-07 hidden and revealed
Hidden and revealed, collage by iHanna 2011. For sale on Etsy.

I’m looking through the drawer where I keep collages. I found a few made during last year that I forgot to scan and show. I’ve compared them to what’s in the category of collage, and I don’t think you’ve seen these colorful lovelies yet? At least I hope not, because I like to show “new” stuff even when it’s old business. ;-)

Collage Hold on and kiss
Collage Hold on and kiss by iHanna. Available on Etsy.

Last year I wrote a few posts where my square collages are shown (2 here, 3 here, 2 here and the gwacka one), but obviously not enough, even though I didn’t do nearly as many collages as I wanted to (or thought I would in the beginning of the year).

2011-03-06 yay girl
Yay girl, collage by iHanna. For sale on Etsy

Today I took the day going through that drawer; scanning, editing and listing 2011 collages on Etsy. I am amazed on how much quicker it is to copy and re-list stuff there now! And while listing these lovely collages on Etsy I also made a new banner/header for the iHanna Etsy Shop! Check it out, and let me know what you think? Isn’t it rather pretty?

2011-03-03 rosy scale
Collage Rosy Scale by iHanna. Available on Etsy

Collage, which is something I love to do, was not in focus during 2011. Not sure what was, except working. But the ones I did create I really really like. And most of the ones that I featured and listed were sold for which I am very grateful and happy. Thanks everyone who bought something artsy from my shop! I send you lots of metta!

I was trying to set a focus on the continuum of making collages for 2011 in my goal list last year, but I guess I put in way too much of everything! This year I haven’t even made a list of goals yet, and it’s already February (gasp!). I know a few things I’m pondering – and I will continue with the TAST challenge because I’m enjoying learning a new stitch each week. I hope I can focus a bit on goal making next week. What are your main goal(s) with this year?

8 Responses

  1. Wonderful collages Hanna! I love your art because it’s always so bright and cheery! I always leave here happy!

  2. Love these collages – why have you kept them hidden for so long (LoL)
    We seem to have a few of the same papers!

  3. The collages are gorgeous as ever Hanna! I haven’t made my goals yet either. January always sneaks off so fast, gone before you hardly catch your breath. My husband and I always schedule a little road trip (with just the two of us – no kids invited!) just for the purpose of time to talk and set goals. We do it in February because we learned a long time ago that we never get around to it in January!

  4. This post sent me over to your Etsy store to do a little shopping! I love your art, and decided that it’s time I had an iHanna original (or two!) in my collection!

  5. This year I have chosen to set no goals for myself. I think that sometimes we do need to set goals for ourselves and reach out to our dreams, while other times we simply need to let things be, and live each day in the moment. Your collages are great, by the way! My favourite is “Yay Girl”; it makes me smile!

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