Mixed media girls
If you like browsing other peoples art and journals (ie art journals), here is your chance at some great journaling art! Links for everybody! Cheers!

* I just love the work of Melanie Komisarski and her mother! Look at their gallery and into Melanie’s blog navylane studio – she does all the things I’ve comed to love this past year: atc’s, art journaling, collage, mixed media etc etc. Fun! One of my favourit from their gallery is Art quilt Regal woman – wow! Exactly what is going on inside my head right now and what I want to try to do – in my own style of course.
* Do you like glue – and vintage images? Then you’ll love this site! Beautiful pictures!
* Also check out Shelly Couvrette’s Glue book gallery with lots of text to read and pictures to enjoy! And you can get lots of tips by reading her thoughts on Composition Books too.
All pictures in this post is from a find of 5 SEK that I got two weeks ago. It’s called Svensk naturlyrik, is a poetry book in Swedish with thick pages and some b/w illustrations that are be-a-u-tiful! I think it will be my next art journal or something like that.
* My new favourit mixed media girl, Tracy Bonkers, uses altered books as her art journals. I think it will be exciting to try! I’m going to follow Lisa’s advice on prepearing a book to be altered as well as I can. She is my greatest resource.
* I also like what finish Emma of Crayon does in her scrapbook and Joleen’s journal pages which has lots and lots of text. I’m gonna try to write more in my next art journal. Right now I have a diary too, maybe I can compress it? Or maybe I need it separate, I don’t know.
* I also really enjoy the artists adding their layouts to writtendown.com! There you’ll find tons and tons of inspiration and beautiful art journal spreads. I love them all, but can’t stay too long since it gets to me and I feel I know nothing and can’t ever do something beautiful and smart like these girls. A quick stop for colour, and then surf away! hehe.
* Also check out Natalie Robert’s Pastel journal and the crazy good and amazing art journals of Celine Navarro!
And stop drooling all over!

Gesso away! What will make in this book? Dunno yet..
Wish me luck, today is first day of new school. Exiting
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Another interesting post on your blog, Hanna!
I have made a link to you blog on my site.
Kind regards,
Can’t wait to find some time to check out those links!
Hanna, I’ve loved reading your blog and looking at all of your creative pieces! From knitting to journaling….gotta love it!
j?ttekul att du vill vara med i min craft challenge! Jag hittade inte din mejladress, men om du skickar mig din (post)adress s? skickar jag ett materialpaket :-)
astrud242004 (at) yahoo.se
Fantastic linkage, Hanna! PS I tagged you for “5 idiosyncrasies” (see my site)– have you had this one yet?
Great links! Thank you for sharing. I love this kind of stuff. I alter books too but find them diffficult to photograph because of the glass I use (like a frame) but picture this: I cut into the center of these books, like a box cut out and I then use these cut outs to make little books, I have some pictures of these at my journal (typepad). The rest of the book I use as a box for assemblage. I’ll have to figure out how-to photograph these.
Great links! Thanks!
And good good good luck for the new schoolyear!!
Ooooh thank you so much for this awesome list. (I love lists) This one has so many great links, yummy inspiration for mixed media! You are fantastic. :) And I’ve definitely linked you.
girl, can we talk about this? how did you find all this stuff? my google skills must be lacking.
What awesome links you’ve compiled! I had fun checking each of them out. I feel honored that you linked me as well! :) Thank you.