The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron – How to Become More Creative

Reminding one another of the dream that each of us aspires to may be enough for us to set each other free.

Antoine De Saint-Exupery
The Artists way by Julia Cameron and my diary for writing notes (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)

I’m reading Julia Cameron’s book about the The Artist’s Way right now. I got it in a thrift store and started reading immediately and I’ve been following the exercises each day since. I’m now on week four, which means I’ve written a lot in my journal each morning for three weeks.

Journaling is the most important thing
when you are becoming an artist (any sort of artist). It is always important to write, according to Julia Cameron. She calls it the morning pages, and with no exception you should write three pages each morning. I’ve always written a lot, but now I’m getting addicted to the morning writing too. And I think it’s a good thing! Julia writes:

Whatever your situation, look for a window. Peer out the window in search of your dream. Open the window a crack to let in fresh air, new ideas, inspiration, and energy. Take one step to meet your dream and watch for your dream to come to you. It will happen. Believe!
[From the Artist’s Way site]

I don’t think it’s possible for me be more creative right now, or my head will blow to pieces… Still, there is always lots left to do and explore. Not to procrastinate – that is my biggest goal right now. What is yours? Maybe you need to change one thing in your habits?

I’ve recently printed Nita Leland’s list of Self-Discipline for Artists, and pasted into the inside of the cover of my diary, where I write my Morning pages. First rule: just do it! It’s what Keri Smith writes in her Words of advice for those pursuing their creative goals [via the site another girl at play]:

Begin Now. Dream big. Keep moving forward. Research. Acknowledge successes. Connect with others on the path. Work at loving yourself. Trust. Cry (it’s o.k.) Connect again with others. Trust. Let go. Take time to fill yourself up again (down time). Reinvent when necessary. Trust.

Keri Smith

Links on Creativity

Here are some links on creativity… If you have more links and tips on creativity, please tell me. I love reading about this big subject.

  • Keri Smith does beautiful and magical morning collages! What a great way to start each day.
  • Nita also writes about creative mythes, which is interesting to me. I’ve never felt talented when I try do draw reality. It was when I started to do collages that I for the first time felt like an artist! And it’s developing from there. Therefor I believe Nita when she explains that creativity is not a gift possessed by a chosen few, since I found it myself, and just recently! And it can and will keep on developing, I assure you!
  • Tera’s Wish is for us all to be more creative! Read her article courage to create – we all need courage to get access to that canvas! And why not try to be more wild? [ is no longer online]
  • What Kind of Reality Are You Creating for Yourself? Learn how our thoughts and words actually create our reality! Words do have great power! [ is no longer online]
  • The power of the written word is discovered when writing, for example the morning pages! Try it out, and read Julia Cameron’s book!
  • And did you know about I just found it through a mailing list giving tips about Getting Started with Altered Books and Related Art! But it has lots and lots of articles on how to Be Creative. Like this article: It’s Not What You Create, It’s That You Create!

So… Why not start today, huh?

10 Responses

  1. oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I must say thank you! I’ve been a little dry lately and these two posts are just inspiring me like mad. I’ve had the Artist Way on my shelf for years… I think I’m going to read it.
    You basically rock, I love coming and peeking in your window.

  2. Hanna, I don’t know how you have time to search out all these websites, but so many of them are real gems. I just had to order a copy of “Tub Legs” when I saw it, so am waiting anxiously for it. Thank you for posting these links and I hope school is great for you!

    Someone gave me a copy of “The Artist’s Way” a few years back & I just couldn’t make it work. I know half a dozen people who have told me the same thing. The first few chapters were worthwhile but overall I think I am put off by Cameron’s language. While it gets a lesser rating on, the book that I’ve always considered to be “my muse” is Natalie Goldberg’s Writing Down the Bones. It’s a slim volume that speaks volumes!

  3. En av de l?rare jag hade n?r jag l?ste svenska pratade om att skriva p? morgonen, han var helt fr?lst p? det. Hade d? kanske h?llit p? i en tre m?nader eller s?. Han tyckte det var s? nyttigt, sp?nnande och n?stan lite som typ meditation eller hur jag ska s?ga. Yoga kanske. Iaf som jag tolkade honom n?r han ber?ttade om detta.

  4. What an empowering article. Morning is an important time. I have been writting to. But not three pages :)
    I think I will have to check out her book. Thank you for your increadble site.

  5. What a great entry! However, I’d have to argue (lately anyways) that the most important thing for an artist is not writing but having ones children sleep in until those morning pages are done being written :)

  6. Hurra Hurra Hurra! Heja kreativa ide?r.
    One of my faves:
    – Danny Gregory. Here is a neat list.
    I agree – Keri has put a lot out there to inspire.

  7. hi hanna,
    thanks so much for visiting my site! i’m so glad you left a couple of comments so i could find your little corner of the world over here. i have been a couple of times but i don’t think i’ve left a comment. i think i started to once and then my computer froze. : P

    your blog is absolutely wonderful! i love all of the links and pictures! this entry about sparking one’s creativity is great. i have tried to find keri’s book at the library but no luck. :( i guess i’ll just have to break down and buy it. (you are soooo lucky you found that cool book at the thrift shop!)

  8. I love your blog! I am reading back and finding so much that is interesting! Thank you for sharing.