Having Bold Intentions – June Ideas

iHanna's June Ideas to Explore

I love Elise Blaha’s blog, and I admire the way each month she sets new Bold Intentions for the month. The first time I read about it I thought “That’s something I should do too”. But then I hesitated, not wanting to set goals because I might fail, them and myself. I don’t want to disappoint myself. But still, I love goals when they work well. So today I’m ignoring the fear of failure. Yes I might fail, but at least in June I’m giving it a try with some June Ideas… Just some simple ones for the first lovely summer month.

My June Ideas:

  1. Do yoga at home once a week
  2. Go outside each day
  3. Explore one New Place
  4. Finish a photo book (if it rains)
  5. Draw and paint in my Art Journal
  6. Stop pinning, and not visit pinterest at all during summer
  7. Do something creative every day
Pinterest summer break 2013

I find myself wanting to write a huge list of things I want to do, things to finish and shoulds, but let’s not do that Hanna. Maybe you fail your goals because you want too much at the same time? It’s just a five week period and you still have to keep up with the collage creating!

Do you set monthly goals, like Elise does? What are your goals, bold or not, for June?

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8 Responses

  1. I love the idea of having monthly goals, but I seldom think about them.
    But yesterday I found a summer project I love about reaching goals and daily do-good that inspired me to be more mindful about them and have fun, too.
    It’s called “super summer challenge” (it’s similar to a game) and you can find it here! It’s in a fitness blog, but I think you can use the idea for any kinds of goals, as I want to do :)

  2. What a great idea Hanna. I always have a huge to do list – this is much more intentional. Thanks for the links – including the healthy summer one.

  3. Hello Hanna! :]
    ** such an inspiring list **

    My “to do list” for June is… packing, I am moving out of state… tons to do! (sigh)

  4. What a great picture, here! I love it when we see you in context with your environment. Yes, I have lots of intentions, and some of them are overly bold–because I sometimes am unreasonable about what I can get done. It can be frustrating, especially when we have jobs that take up much of our waking time! I like yours because they are do-able.

    Happy summer to you!

  5. I really like this monthly intention idea. Now to hush my inner perfectionist who says I can’t do June intentions because the month already started. I’m going to make a list!

  6. I only recently joined Pinterest, and I can appreciate your intention to give it a break for the summer. It’s fun, but such a ready excuse to not actually DO anything! Thank you for this idea of Monthly Intentions. I am going to explore it for myself.

  7. I love your June List….so simple!! And yet…there’s no way I could give up pinterest for a summer…but that’s just me and I pin mostly inspirational quotes and Color!! I may do a JULY list…thanks for the idea Hanna :D