Let’s haggle baby!

Today I hired a table at one of the indoor flea markets around here. It was so fun, and freeing to sell of some old clothes, books and other things that we don’t need.

Rose table cloth It was nice that my fianc? could stay and help. He had planed to do something else, but it was raining and he stayed with me, we had coffee and looked at stuff and people and commerce. I just enjoyed doing something like this with him! And he had fun too, wich was quite unexpected!

We both loved the haggle and the incoming money. He also did some thrifting himself, like this cool long board, wich I find very beautiful:

Thrifted long board

The best part was that what was still not sold when the flea market closed, we could leave there and somebody was going to come and take care of it! And that I did some really lovely buying, just exactly what I wanted and nothing else:

K?pt p? loppis I bought two bags of pink 100 % wool yarn (100 sek), a lot of pink ribbons (20 sek) and two childrens books by Sven Nordqvist about Findus and his gubbe Pettson. The illustrations in these books are wonderfull.

Plus a blue table cloth with pink and yellow roses on, too cute to pass!

If you haven’t tryed to sell at a flea market I can really recommend you to try this. I will write more about the subject another time if you are interested.

Can you tell I love flea markets – from both sides of the table?

4 Responses

  1. Jeg elsker bare Peddersen og Findus, skrev faktisk en hyldest til deres “simple-living” livsstil (p? min blog i g?r….nu vil jeg se om jeg kan finde et godt svensk link jeg kan tilf?je…)

  2. Jeg ogs? elsker Pettersen og findus-b?kene, eller “Gubben og Katten”!
    Det h?rtes ut som en fin dag p? loppemarkedet, jeg er glad i ? g? p? loppemarkeder, men har aldri pr?vd ? selge noe selv.

  3. Right now, this time of year, it is flea market season around here. There are fairs every other weekend, garage sales every weekend all over the place, and the weather is nice. Book a flight and come over!
    Of course, I would love to wander through some Swedish flea markets, its almost more fun than going to regular stores :)

  4. I love flea markets! Both selling and ofcourse buying are fun for me and I love to find glass bottles and sewing supplies or different coloured bowls. Unfortunately we don?t have so many around here, maybe one a month nearby…I wonder when the next one is??

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