Do Redo – a Swedish book book about recycling

Do Redo – the art of butchering a sweater. A book in Swedish:

Do Redo book cover

I’ve found a new Swedish book about knitting and recycling material (thank you Jorun for telling me about this book – or I might not have found it). And it is sooo cool, it’s called Do Redo in Swedish, written by Katarina Brieditis & Katarina Evans.

Update, it’s been translated and in English it’s called Second-Time Cool: The Art of Chopping Up a Sweater. Check it out, it’s a great book.

I got it this week and wrote a book review yesterday at Bokkanalen (all in Swedish), it’s my online project where you will find book reviews, interviews with authors, book guides, articles and discussion forums for anyone interested in books.

The book is a great source for inspiration about using old wool sweaters for new projects including hats, bags, felt slippers, leg-warmers and more! This book express similar thoughts that I wrote about another book, called Viva Vintage last month.

Recycling is just great!

Let’s go shop all the wool sweaters at Myrorna right now – and then get the scissors out! Hehe.

* More book reviews – by me.

1 Response

  1. what a coincidence!! i was in town today doing a little window shopping for the first time in ages and in 2 stores i happened upon this very book for the first time. LOVE! ive been admiring these girls for a while – did you catch them on that sewing show on tv4+ (cant remember the name right now but with isabelle soemthing and andreas something or other). then i come here to check in on you and there it is again.
    i found it a little expensive so couldnt buy it, but its on my list!