One year older, no wiser

Hurray for me, it was my birthday yesterday.

Smilla is a Sun catcher waiting for real spring (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)
Smilla is a Sun catcher waiting for real spring…

I am now one year older but no wiser than before.

I had plans for posting about my birthday preparations (finally I’ve sewn bunting flags!), to find the time to do a long birthday diary writing session and then edit lots of photos to upload, prep blog posts, going on a long walk and checking things of my growing to-do-list… but that just didn’t happen. I am late with just about everything right now and my inbox zero has zero proof of me ever answering any emails at all – again. How does it just flock up like this?

I have several projects to blog about, awesome wreath made from all recycled materials (!) and my embroidered ATC:s among other things, then the blog’s birthday is coming up and Easter too! I am a bad blogger when it comes to holiday projects as you know. I haven’t made any Easter crafts or projects to inspire you! I’m just not that kind of person. I can’t even keep up with the weekly Art Journal check ins that assigned myself this year. I am just going to skip them if you don’t mind. They didn’t inspire me. A regular schedule can be helpful sometimes but a weekly feature for this blog does not work for me. I felt I had to create something in my art journal just to blog about it, and then there is the taking photos, editing, writing and uploading in a timely manner… I can do it but it takes away the spontaneity of posting what ever is on my mind. And planning sometimes kills the joy of doing as you please. I will just go to Julie to get my Friday Art Journal check-ins from now on (was at

So the to-do-list is even bigger this week but the weekend was lovely. I looked a bit like my suncatching cat in the photo above. Spring is here and I just want to sit outside and indulge in the sun all the time. The snow (you see on the photo) has now totally melted and little tiny flowers are everywhere! Happy days.

On my birthday I had an artist date that went on to a local “Open Studios” event with art exhibitions at different galleries where you can look at other artists work places and artwork. I love that kind of thing, becoming inspired by others!

More about everything soon, with photos I hope. Wishing you a great week!

33 Responses

  1. A big, belated, Happy Birthday!!!
    I love your blog just the way it is, regular features nor not. I think that as long as you have fun doing the blogposts, it will show and seep through to your readers!
    Enjoy the sun and the flowers,


  2. Marjanne, thank you! I agree with you: fun is key when you blog about your passions. This blog is my passion and I really enjoy it. So glad you like it!

  3. Happy birthday! And congratulations on the snow melting. Ours took a long time to go away this year (I’m near Philadelphia in the US), and while not nearly as long as yours, I understand how exciting it is to finally have it go away! :-) I’m glad you took some time for yourself this weekend to enjoy your birthday. I noticed that when I contemplated having particular “features” for different days of the week, it made the days speed up and left little room for any other topics, so I can totally understand and respect your decision to keep things spontaneous. I always look forward to your posts!

  4. Happy Birthday. I’m like u if something doesn’t inspire
    Me, I drop it. You inspire us with your art and here’s to another year :). Enjoy your Birthday week!!

  5. I very Happy Birthday to you!
    What a wonderful way to spend “your day” :]
    Enjoy reading your posts, your blog/site is very inviting… always gets me inspired to create something “artsy”
    Happy Monday!!

  6. Happy Birthday :)
    and keep up the good work :) Love your blog. And a cat pictures, I would love to have an orange one again. Used to have two.

  7. Happy Birthday (a little late) !!!! I hope you continue to celebrate throughout the week. Your blog is such an inspiration and don’t worry about us, we will be here.:) I have my 3rd orange cat and after years of cats of all colors, I think orange cats have the best personalities. Kind of unique, quirky even, and so loveable.

  8. happy, happy birthday, my beautiful friend! you bring so much joy, inspiration, and color into my and so many others’ lives. thank you for being you!

    i agree with you about the weekly posting – i’d so much rather be spontaneous and post about something i’m really passionate about in that moment! when something begins to feel like it must be done, the spark of love is lost and i’m sure that the readers can see that. good for you for being honest with yourself and your readers and sticking to what makes your heart do somersaults.

    kisses to your sweet smilla! have a beautiful day and a lovely week~

  9. Happy birthday, Hanna! Your blog is wonderful, what you’re choosing to do or not do is absolutely working!

  10. Yay! Happy (late) birthday! I knew your birthday was this month, but I didn’t know what day. Please enjoy your next trip around the sun!

  11. Your birthday artist date sounds like it was fun and inspiring. You’re not a “schedule/feature” type blogger. You’re a freestyle blogger and I think that’s what your readers like. I know I do.
    Love the photo of Smilla.

  12. grattis i efterskott. h?ller med om att det inte f?r bli f?r m?nga m?sten
    det d?dar fl?det.

  13. Happy (belated) birthday! I like your blog and get inspired no matter whether you have regular features or not, so don’t fret about it. I can’t say the same for my own blog, I just can’t seem to blog regularly! But then I’m not as inspiring as you.
    ~ Sara (PS: Glad p?sk i f?rskott)

  14. Belated birthday wishes! And you know, there are lessons to be learned from our animal friends and days when we are just to soak up the sunshine and simply enjoy the moment without tying it down to anything else. I too have felt that pull to create something and then think “oh, I should be documenting this!” Talk about killing spontaneity!

    Meanwhile, goodness flows in through my mailbox … thank you again for organizing the amazing swap. It has been a life saver as I not-so-patiently await Spring!

    xo Lis

  15. happy birthday! it is a busy life, isn’t it. i, too, have trouble keeping up on all the wonderful things to do.

  16. A very belated happy birthday to you, Hanna. I’ve been having trouble posting comments to your blog, finally got through today on other posts so am trying here again!

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