I love mom’s Craft Totes
Whew, what a long day!
I started early this morning with painting and collaging bookmarks and journal pages – while on the bed.
Then after a brisk walk through the hood I came home to sit by the computer. Took lots of photos of gray weather and beautiful houses while I was out – I’m downloading them from the camera right now.

Since then I’ve updated my mother’s and my shop I Shop With Mom with all of her recent works that is for sale! There is just so much cute and wonderful stuff there!
My personal favorites are the two craft totes that she finished yesterday:

Aren’t they pretty? Kind of 1970 and the lining is a pear fabric that I thrifted and shared with her, so off course I love them! I used one of the pears on a artist trading card once.
Mom’s favorite color is blue, and even though I’m not very found of this color I adore the craftsmanship of her two new carrier bags. Check them out. Here is a detail:

I’ve also added a fabric book cover with an elephant (!), some triangular and very cool wristlets (one with Piglet!) and a very girly Beige Necessaire with beads!
Among the pot-holders these propeller ones and these bright red ones are my favorites I think!

I’ve sent out our newsletter (I hope you got it – if not, please subscribe so I can keep in touch) where I included a link to Kelly Kilmer’s blog where she writes so many nice things about my book A Creative Year with iHanna that I just can’t get over it! Wow, I’m so… exited! surprised! glad!
In the mail today came my second Moleskine Notebook that I ordered from Ebay because I was such a good girl during NanoWriMo. I didn’t finish but I did my best and I’m glad I tried it out. I just might do it again, but with a better plan next time and more experience! The Moleskine is just beeeautiful, and next I want to amazon wish list which is huuuuge and maybe order a book or two… or ten? Hmmm… If you want to help, please buy a wallpaper pack or something else from me because I need money (and if you don’t like what I make but still like me, why not donate? hehmm….)! Just kidding. ;-)

Love ya all, over and out from I, (me) Hanna.
PS. to copy-cat my cousin who in her blog posts makes me smile with her “song of the day”, here is Plain White T’s “Hey There Delilah” – song of the day in my head. :-)
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Beautiful things in your shop. Maybe when I’m richer I’ll be able to buy something but not just yet.
Your little collage is beautiful. I love the colours.
About Nanowrimo. You did great! Was this your first time? Just the fact that you tried and made it THAT far is a feat in itself. Good for you to treat yourself to a new Moleskine (I still haven’t tried them… I’m resisting…)
Hi Hanna,
I love that song! I’m a sucker for old fashioned, simple romance.
Oh and those gloves you made are beautiful. What a great idea to use an old felted sweater.
Take care, and have a good night!
Ohh, the stuff you make is so beautiful!
And I love your mother’s craft totes! They’re fabulous!
Beautiful work!
What is your favorite kind of Moleskine? I work in a shop with every kind…I can grab you some. A Christmas present, perhaps? ;)