Its been snowing here

Collage 24: On a darkish day
Collage 24: On a darkish day.

During the week it has been chilly mornings but rainy days under a grayish sky – creating slush on the ground that makes my mood sink. On such days I always wish I could be a bear that would now be sleeping in winter lair, but no such luck, yet. Today though, was another kind of weather.

Collage 25: Snow day at home
Collage 24: Snow day at home.

Today it was blue sky and sunshine as the snow was tumbling down from heaven, or rather; from everywhere. Twirling around sideways mostly, but still, the sun was out and smiling. When I walked to town this morning the twirling snowflakes was glistening in the sun, creating prisms like a disco ball at a loud party. It has been such a beautiful day, and I feel uplifted by it all, mostly little things but still harmonious and nice.

I love when winter is like a postcard holding our inner most beautiful Christmas expectations. I feel grateful to be living in such a magic world, and there is a lot of things to be feel thankful for.

3 things

♥ New hand knitted mittens with a lacy pattern, bought at the Christmas fair today.
♥ Time to write in my diary this morning.
♥ Having expectations of the future (next week, crafting, writing, finishing the embroidery mag, Christmas, new year – all of it), a feeling that has come back to me today.

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10 Responses

  1. It’s snowing here in the norht of Italy (where I live), too. I can’t believe it, it’s a strange thing for us!
    Hanna, today you came into my mind when I saw google’s homepage (dedicated to Pippi Longstocking’s 65th birthday)! :)

  2. Silvia, snow in Italy must be strange, maybe as strange as seeing my favorite character Pippi at the Google headquarters online. Thanks for letting me know, I hadn’t seen her there yet! I started an Astrid Lindgren group at flickr once. :-)

    Effy, thank you, that was what I was feeling too when I created them… :-)

  3. just wanted to say that i really enjoy visiting your space here. thank you for sharing your amazing creativity.
    wishing you a happy weekend
    ginny x

  4. It’s snowing here too, but sadly nestled at the base of the Rockies it’s not a strange thing for us. I should really live at the equator.

    Great collage!

  5. Winter is definitely not my favorite season. I think I am part bear as well. But there is beauty to find solace in everyday, even in the cold and dreary grey.
    Love your attitude of gratitude, Hanna !
    Warm winter hugs to you !

  6. Wow, these are fantastic. I love the seals on the ice, the white paper with holes in it and the flower, they run seamlessly together. Excellent!

  7. Very pretty. Love the silvery flower.
    It’s true that there is so much to fill up gratefulness that it’s sometimes overwhelming! I’m glad you had such a sweet day as this.

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