Yellow | Rainbow Glue Book Video 3

Yellow is the brightest and lightest of all colors, and this brilliance is its most noticeable characteristic, which accounts for the way it is used practically and thought of symbolically.
Michael Freeman

Continuing from my blog post How to start a Rainbow Glue Book I’m finally sharing a  second glue book video today, we’ve now arrived at the yellow pages (which is fun to say for anyone that remember a time when we had phone books with yellow pages). Yellow is such a beautiful and bright color, and I’m pleased as punch to share them even if it’s a bit late…

Start of yellow pages in iHannas Rainwbow glue book

As the red pages were documented and done (last year!), I continued to yellow images and filmed the process of finishing these pages too. Yay!

Rainbow Glue book yellow images cut out by ihanna

Video Rainbow Glue book

I am trying to finish my Rainbow Glue book before I totally tire of working on it with color collage and move on to other things. In today’s video I am finishing the last bit of Yellow. Sharing now to soon finish up this series, so we can all move on (read: so I can move on!).

Here’s the video of me working on the yellow pages, enjoy!

Yellow pages in Rainbow Glue Book – video link

Who loves yellow? Me! I think it is the happiest of color, and wish for more clothes in this color although I found a yellow shirt when thrifting, with orange polka dots, and it when I wore it out I attracted a lot of those tiny, black bugs that gather on yellow I don’t know what they’re called, but it wasn’t all that fun to wear it outside on a hot day.

Back to the Rainbow Glue book at hand. If you want to start your own I suggest you check out the first blog post and video I did on it, explaining what it is, and then there’s me finishing red pages here. And now, yellow!

Washi tape edges by Studio iHanna, Sweden #gluebookRainbow Glue book orange images cut out by iHanna

Happy in the moment

Just watching this video myself I feel like I want to cut and paste all the time again, like we did in the beginning of last year. Now I have been doing more textile things for a while. My loves are the same, but my level of commitment to each one varies as it must be. If I tried to do all the things all the time I’d probably go mad. Just as mad as I would go if I could only do one of the many things I love and had to do it all the time. I am a jack of many trades, and I love that SO very much. I love that I have learned to allow the ebb and flow of my creativity to move around me, so that I can immerse myself at times and dip my feet at new things at other times. I have stopped reading or believing those that say we must concentrate on one thing, blog or write about one topic, find our style within one medium. I don’t care too much about that anymore. The thing I care most about is: being happy in the moment, and I feel most at ease when I get to do what is in my heart at the moment.

This time it was yellow scraps of magazine images. Next up, who knows.

Start of yellow pages in iHannas Rainwbow glue book

Blog Posts on Yellow

Like I’ve already mentioned, I like yellow a lot. Here’s a few blog posts that come up when you search my blog for the color yellow:

In the world of safe hues, like black, red and white, yellow shouts: ‘Look at me. I’m happy!’ Joy Sewing

Glue book playlist

I made a glue book playlist, in case you want to see them all here:

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for sharing an update on your colorful glue book!
    And thank you for always encouraging us that art/crafting doesn’t have to look the same for each individual person. I am a dabbler, as well, and have been so grateful to get encouragement from you, Sister Diane, and Pam at Gingerbreadsnowflakes. We dabblers do exist, so I think it’s extra important that we encourage each other sometimes. Especially when most of us tend to be surrounded by the one-medium artists. I enjoy too many different crafts and mediums to commit to only one! :) Keep up there great work, Hanna, and keep dabbling/creating with many different mediums that make you happy!

    • Thank you! I read a book a long time ago, called Leonardo’s Traits, and it really helped me come to terms with this idea of being a dabbler. And I also think that most people ARE into many, many things, but some choose to just show one aspect of themselves (maybe their main interest) on social media… something to ponder, right?

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