Black and white

Studio Friday subject this week: Black and white!

I just love black and white photos. When I was younger I used to buy a b/w film every once in while and take special pictures of trees and people. Portraits is still my favourit photo today. To save the familiar faces of friends and family is a great way to preserve the past and save for the future. I think I would love to be a photografer full time, if I could choose only to take pictures of puppys, cats and children. They always make great photos!

Last weekend I put together a mini Photo Studio with black (and also white) fabric as background. There I took about 250 (!) pictures of Flixen (P’s sisters son). Some I photoshoped into black and white, like this one:

Felix in the studio

I loved taking photos with a black velvet background, it kind of makes the baby float. So cool.

Here is another one I took this week:
Ludde the puppy
This puppy is the office dog, he makes my morning by waiving his tail and biting me shoe laces with lots of enthusiasm. His name is Ludde.

Still lots of snow:

Picture from outside Elin’s house. No kids around, the playground is abandoned for a couple of months still.

Hand b/w
Close up of baby hand. Guess what? This one was precided with about 20 photos of moving waving blurry hands. I like this one though.

Camera look b/w light

Peek a boo b/w

Felix busunge b/w

20 Responses

  1. hanna!
    i am melting here! each of these photos is so sweeeeeeeeeet!
    thanks for sharing them today!

  2. I especially love the “peek-aboo” baby. Black and white is such a marvelous medium for pulling out the subject in the photo. I just love your work. Thanks for sharing!

  3. yeah yeah yeah the kid is cute…but the puppy! adorable. Is that a Jack Russell Terrier? He looks like my JRT, Louie.

  4. These are just gorgeous. I haven’t taken any black & white for ages and it makes me want to go out snapping!

  5. What fantastic photos!! the hand is wonderful!! I have a nine month old and I know how hard it is to get them to stop, even for a moment.

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