Pink is my favorite colour

My postcard in the Millenia Mail Art Project has returned to me:

Millenia Mail Art Project with My Postcard featuring My Favorite Color

Pink is my favorite colour, that’s why this postcard is so very pink. It sits right above my computer, right now. It has six squares of pink, created by me and five other mixed media artsy girls in a project called the Millennia Mail Art Project, arranged by Tammy.

Millenia Postcard Mail Art Project

The concept of the Millenia Mail art Project was thought out by San Francisco artist Tofu St. John, who describes it like this:

The idea is that each artist will contribute a layer of art to a card. As different artists add to the cards, the layers will build up. After they have completed their layer, artists are asked to send the card on to another artist. The end result will be a series of collaborative mail art pieces. Each one will be created by at least five different artists.

Our postcards traveled to Texas, Sweden, New Zealand, Massachusetts, California and Florida as they were filled with color and texture and pattern. Each artist contributed with their own flair to each postcard, and we all got to pick a theme for our postcards. I picked my favorite color. Tammy’s theme was Happiness, Natasha’s theme: Ocean, Michelle’s theme: Wonderland, Karen’s theme: Orange and Roben-Marie’s theme: Circles + Doodles.

I blogged about how I added a third layer to all of the postcards earlier. And now it’s finished. I thought you should see it, because it’s pretty.

But you can read more about the project in Tammy’s post over at DaisyYellow: Millennia Mail Art Project Wrap-Up.


What is your favorite colour?

8 Responses

  1. I love blue. I like how this postcard looks. It very bright and eye candy for me. This month I am attractive to pink and lavender in my painting.

  2. I love seeing this finished and in your hands! It looks so delicious. :) I will have to grab a photo of my one!! I love mine as well.

  3. That is meant to say:

    I will have to grab a photo of mine! I love it as well. :)

  4. Right now, I love olives, mostly the lighter shades. But pink is right up there. I didn’t know about Tammy’s project… But I’ve been doing her 21 Secrets class and it’s so great. Are you going to teach at 21 Secrets again? I would love to take one of your classes.

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