About the color pink

Have you heard of fanlisting? It’s a kind of opinion-ring that you link into if you like what they like. Maybe I should join the fanlisting of pink that I recently found while surfing the web, like you do. It’s my color of choice, anyway. Always will be, I think.

Pink things found for sale at the Festival of Quilts (Photo copyright Hanna Andersson)
Pink things found for sale at the Festival of Quilts in Birmingham when I was there.
Pink flower - a photo by iHanna copyright 2005

Do you like pink too? Here are some links for ya:

If you would like to know a lot of facts about pink you should search the web.

Is pink the color of girls? Maybe. Find out about gender and color!
If you can, read Nina Björk’s book Under det rosa täcket. A feminist bible.
Pink can also be the color of a peace organization, and maybe a pink ribbon someday will be our way to cure cancer? I know I like her music.

But remember, not everyone looks as pretty in pink as Molly Ringwald (love this movie)!

And speaking of this color, who would not love this pink kitchen? I know I would! Or at least to have pink hair. I also imagine having coffee from this.