365 Collages | Week 38 | Not for Reading

These collages are not for reading, even though they have a lot of text on them.

I wanted to try playing with typography in a graphic sense again, and it was lots of fun cutting up text. Some are kept legible, other parts are half covered or cut apart. I love the way they look, and of course you can try deciphering them even though they are not made for reading… It’s up to you.

Incomprehensible - Collage no 260 by iHanna
Incomprehensible, a collage by iHanna.

And if you do understand the texts on these collages (even though that is not the point), maybe you’re a genius (or maybe you just know Swedish)? Aesthetically they’re very different from what I usually make.

Is it a mistake to think you can make art out of typography? Let me know in the comments.

The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake – you can’t learn anything from being perfect. Adam Osborne

Collages not for reading

I Feel So Indecipherable - Collage no 261 by iHanna
I Feel So Indecipherable, a collage by iHanna.

Hey Pussycat - Collage no 262 by iHanna
Hey Pussycat, a collage by iHanna.

Transparent - Collage no 263 by iHanna
Transparent, a collage by iHanna.

Confusion - Collage no 264 by iHanna
Confusion, a collage by iHanna.

Sad to know - Collage no 265 by iHanna
Sad to know, a collage by iHanna.

Turning a Blind Eye - Collage no 336 by iHanna
Turning a Blind Eye, a collage by iHanna.

Edit: Turning a Blind Eye was numbered 335, but that is the number of the previous collage, Sad to know, too. Because it was wrongly titled no 265 but should’ve been 266 I’m renaming it at the end of the year to 336 (although it still belongs in this week of course). But since I did name a collage the next week 266 and there is no “empty gap” (so then not to re-arrange all year) this will from now on be collage number 336!

When there is text in front of you, can you not read it?

If you like the collages of week 38 feel free to pin this image to pinterest:
iHanna's 365 Collages 2018 Week 38

I would love to know if any of these compositions speak especially to you, and why. Leave me a comment below to let me know which one is your favorite of these, or if you don’t like them why that is. Thanks.

365 Collages Continues

This project is part of my 365 Somethings 2018 and I call it 365 Collages by iHanna.

Follow me on Facebook and then check out Pinterest. You can also check out / follow the hashtag #365somethings2018 on Instagram (where I’m @ihannas) to see what’s happening there. Want news on workshops, sales and swaps I host? Sign up for my Newsletter.

Bonus collages: Feel free to take a look at the 2013 week 38 of collages, when I did a 365 project. And leave me a comment there too, I read them all and feel very grateful if you take the time. :-)

Previously: Week 37 | Next: Week 39

4 Responses

  1. Congrats on Week 38! I like the feel of balance, the pink, and love the don’t on the bottom right hand side of Incomprehensible. Definitely a fun idea to play with typography!

  2. I love typography and using text and your collages are truly awesome! The text is in a foreign language for me (exept the “pussycat”) and that’s good ’cause I always READ when there’s text… I myself try to write ‘unreadable’ sometimes or transfer the text (mirroring it) to avoid people from reading. As Arielle says, your collages are so well balanced! Enjoy your Sunday Hanna!

    • I love using my own language but still trying to make it not legible (or at least not understandable in this new context) but also using other languages, and mixing languages is also fun. :-) Thanks. It was a good Sunday over here.

  3. I love them! Typography has always fascinated me and I see it as an art. Plus I love all things Swedish!! My Grandparents came from Sweden and have been there once. I totally embrace this heritage. Maybe it came from all those Christmas Eve Swedish Smorgasbords at Grandma’s as a child (which I still continue today)
    Thanks for these wonderful collages of things I love.
    A Swede from Wahoo, Nebraska!!

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